2pi Proportional Counter
2pi Proportional Counter
2pi Proportional Counter
Alpha-Particle NIST
Calibrations (2004) Publication
J. M. R. Hutchinson
J. M. R. Hutchinson
January 2004
Abstract................................................................................................................ iv
1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 1
6. Step-by-Step Procedures................................................................................ 18
7. Determination of Uncertainties........................................................................ 24
9. References .....................................................................................................27
10. Appendices
A. Table of counting yields ....................................................................... 29
B. Percentage reduction of yields with source depth................................ 35
C. Figure of counting yields with z and energy......................................... 38
D. Figure of counting yields for layered sources ...................................... 39
E. Certificates
i. small 2πα detector ...................................................................... 41
ii. large-area 2πα detector ............................................................. 43
iii. 0.8πα detector........................................................................... 45
List of Figures
4. Relative count rate as a function of counter voltage for the small 2πα PC
5. Relative count rate as a function of source position for the small 2πα PC
13. Reduction ratio Yav(x0)/Y(0) for uniform layer sources extending to depth x0
below the surface of the backing.
a. For backings with z=4 and 13
b. For backings with z=26 and 78
List of Tables
1. Specifications for calibrations using the 2π proportional counters and the 0.8π
defined solid angle counter
2. Approximate relative scintillation efficiencies of various commercially available
materials at room temperature
3.Listing of count rate correction factors and typical 1σ uncertainties for 2π and
0.8π measurements
4. Counting yield Y(0) of alpha-particle sources at the surface of a backing of
atomic number z, as a function of the source energy E
5. Relation between the counting yield of a plane alpha-particle source at the
surface of a backing, Y(0), and the yield of a uniform layer source extending to a
depth x0 below the surface
1. Introduction
*Numbers in brackets indicate literature references at the end of this document.
Calibrations are checked by simultaneously calibrating a previously-
calibrated standard source.
Table 1. Specifications for calibrations using the proportional counters and the
0.8π defined solid angle counter.
Calibrations 42030C
and 43050C Calibration 43040C
Counting system NIST proportional NIST 0.8 π defined-solid-
counters angle counter
Sources calibrated for Alpha-particle emission Total activity
rate into 2π steradians
Nominal uncertainty 2σ 1.5 percent 1.5 percent
Activity range (0.4 - 104 ) s-1 (40 - 104) s-1
Maximum diameter Small area: 10 cm
1.6 cm
Maximum size Large area: 18 cm by
3. Design Philosophy and Theory *
The proportional counters [2] are used because they record alpha particles with
little interference from emitted beta particles or gamma rays. In proportional
counters, all alpha particles leaving the source into the forward hemisphere
ionize atoms in the counting gas, with the number of ions produced proportional
to the α-particle energy deposited. The electrons released in the ionization are
accelerated in an electric field toward a collecting electrode, multiplying their
number by impact ionization. The resulting electrical pulse is electronically
amplified, and sorted as to pulse height. The fact that the source is "internal"
(inside the counter) allows all emitted particles to be recorded without absorption
by possible counter casings. (For further discussion of proportional counters see
NCRP 58 [3].)
(small 2πα PC)
Fig. 2. Hook-up of electronic components of all three counters
This counter has been in use constantly since that time and is still much
used today. Description of the characteristics and usage of such detectors
Extrapolation to Zero Pulse Height - Regardless of the type of detection
system used, an accurate determination of the total alpha-particle count rate
requires that the alpha-particle pulse-height spectrum be recorded and extrap-
olated to zero pulse height, as shown in Fig. 4. The high-count rate at low
channel numbers is primarily due to system noise. At NIST we generally fit to a
second-order polynomial, although a simple first-order polynomial (straight-line
extrapolation) is often adequate. When the pulse-height spectrum is extrapolated
to zero pulse-height in this way, the total count rate remains almost constant
despite a large change in the system gain, whereas the count rate above a fixed
discrimination level varies significantly with the same change in the system gain.
The effect of using an extrapolation-to-zero pulse height is demonstrated in Fig. 4
in terms of a plot of relative count rate versus counter voltage and in Fig. 5 in
terms of a plot of relative count rate versus point-source position.
Fig.4. Relative counting rate versus counter voltage for the small 2πα PC
(see Fig. 1). An 241Am point source was located in the center of the
chamber. The counting gas was P-10 at atmospheric pressure. The
solid line is the count rate data using an extrapolation to zero pulse
height. The dashed line represents data from count rates above a fixed
discrimination level.
Fig.5. Relative count rate versus position for an 241Am point source in the small
2πα PC (see Fig. 1). The counter voltage was 1400V. The counting gas
was P-10 at atmospheric pressure. The solid line is the count rate
extrapolated to zero pulse height. The dashed line is the count rate
above a fixed discrimination level.
2. It provides a medium in which the free electrons so formed can be
accelerated in the presence of an electric field to produce additional ionization
(that is, electron multiplication and hence amplification or "gas gain").
Methane and P-10 (90 percent argon, 10 percent methane) are the gases
most often used for gas-flow proportional counters. The gas of choice in any
given system or for any given application depends upon a number of factors,
including cost, availability, purity, and background count rate. There are also
other considerations. A much higher electric field ( that is, a much higher anode
voltage) is required in methane than in P-10 for the same average electron
multiplication, and the electron multiplication in methane is less affected by the
presence of small concentrations of electronegative gas impurities, such as O2
and H20 [5]. However, if the pulse-height spectrum is extrapolated to zero pulse
height, the effect of the change in system gain due to the presence of impurities
in the counting gas will be minimal, even with P-10.
3.2 The NIST large area 2π large area α (large 2πα PC) proportional counter.
Figs. 6 and 7 show this counter.
Fig.7. Photograph of the large area counter.
The functioning of the large 2πα PC is virtually identical with that of the small 2πα
PC. All above descriptions apply.
The 0.8πα SC, the so-called Robinson counter [7], after the designer of the
instrument, is a CsI(Tl) scintillation counter, with defined solid angle, and a three
dimensional central baffle (Figs. 8 and 9). Alpha particles striking the scintillator
produce light flashes proportional to the energy imparted. These flashes are
transformed to electrical pulses and amplified for pulse-height analysis. The
baffle is designed such that the detection efficiency is insensitive to positional
changes in the source with respect to the detector. As shown in [7], a 10 mm
vertical or horizontal displacement of the source results in a count rate change on
the order of 0.1 percent. This detector should not be used with sources with
diameters greater than 1.6 cm. However, since the efficiency is approximately 40
percent of that of the 2π counters, maximum source activities can be
correspondingly greater. Unfortunately, the background is significantly higher
than that in the 2π counters and, therefore, the minimum activity sources are
significantly higher - on the order of 40 Bq. A pulse height spectrum is shown in
Fig. 10.
Fig. 9. Photograph of the 0.8πα SC.
Fig. 10. The pulse-height spectrum from a sample of 239Pu in the 0.8πα SC
showing the extrapolation to zero pulse.
Fig. 11. Count rate versus angle of emission for alpha particles emitted by 210Po
that had been deposited on the surfaces of platinum and monel disks.
(0 is perpendicular to the surface of the disk.) See Ref. 8 for complete
details. Also shown are the angles subtended by the detectors in
several defined-geometry counters.
[9,10], but not all [7,11], counters of this type are operated with the chamber
under vacuum and with a solid scintillator as the alpha-particle detector. A
question that always arises is, "What is the intrinsic detection efficiency of the
solid scintillator?" Our results at NIST indicate that the alpha-particle-detection
efficiencies of our commercially prepared inorganic scintillation crystals [cesium
iodide (thallium) and calcium fluoride (europlum)] and organic scintillation
plastics are at least 0.999. The alpha-particle-detection efficiencies of zinc
sulfide (silver) layers are considerably more variable because this material is
available only in the form of microcrystalline powder that must be deposited as a
thin layer (often with a binder) to form a suitable detector. Nonetheless, for
carefully prepared deposits, efficiencies of 0.999 appear to be reproducibly
attainable [9]. There are, however, important differences between the various
solid scintillators, especially in relative light output for alpha particles compared
with beta particles and gamma rays. Table 2 lists a number of commonly used
scintillators, their relative light outputs, and their α/β response ratios.
detectors 1
If one is counting a source that emits only alpha particles, the a/β response
ratio is not of significance. Mechanical and chemical properties would be the
basis on which to select a scintillator. But if the source also emits beta particles
or gamma rays or both, or if these radiations constitute an important part of the
background, then the a/β response ratio may be the most important parameter in
the choice of a scintillator. For example, suppose that one is counting 5.5-MeV
alpha particles in the presence of 500-keV conversion electrons and that both
types of particles deposit their full energies in the scintillator.* If the scintillator is
zinc sulfide (silver), the light output due to the alpha particles will be more than
20 times that due to the conversion electrons. Hence the conversion electrons
may be readily discriminated against on the basis of pulse height. If the
scintillator is an organic plastic, the light outputs due to the two types of particles
will be the same. In this case it will not be possible to discriminate against the
conversion electrons on the basis of pulse height.
4. Description of Systems
4.1. Small and large 2πα PC’s: The 2πα proportional counter systems are
pictured in Figures 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7. The source is centered inside each
counter and sits on the aluminum base plate. Alpha particles emitted into the
sensitive volume ionize counting gas (P-10) atoms, which are attracted and
cascade to the positively charged anode loop where they are collected. The
pulse of charge is presented to a charge sensitive preamplifier after which the
pulse is amplified to overload. The resulting spectrum is collected in a multi-
channel analyzer within a computer system.
4.2. 0.8πα SC: The 0.8πα CsI(Tl) scintillation "Robinson" counter is shown in
Figs. 8 and 9. The source is mounted on the "source mount" and the enclosed
volume between it and the scintillator is flushed with hydrogen gas to permit
the alpha particles to move with minimum loss of energy. The outside baffle
and the Al stop are accurately machined with tolerances on the order of 0.005
cm so that the detection geometry is known to approximately 0.1 percent. Light
pulses are collected in the light pipe and passed into the phototube. The
resulting pulses are amplified to overload as with the 2π systems and the
spectrum is collected in a computer.
* In actual practice, one generally tries to minimize the energy deposition of the
beta particles and gamma rays by using a solid scintillator that is just thick
enough to stop the alpha particles.
Without the inside baffle, the source geometrical factor would be sensitive
to vertical positioning of the source. As explained by Robinson [9], the three
dimensional central baffle is so designed that changes in the geometrical factor
defined by the outside baffle due to changes in source position, are offset by
equal and opposite changes in the screening of the alpha-particle beam by the
central baffle. Hutchinson et al. [7] have shown that for a vertical displacement of
0.4 cm or a horizontal displacement of 1 cm of the source from the central
position, the change in the count rate varies by less than 0.3 percent.
The total efficiency ε0.8π , for this geometry, approximately 0.8π steradians,
of the counter was deduced from measurements on thin sources with the small
2π and 0.8π counters for different values of atomic number, Z, of the backing
material [12].
The 2π count rate, N2π divided by the 0.8π count rate, N 0.8π was
plotted as a function of Z, and extrapolated to Z = 0 where, theoretically, ε0.8π
= N0.8π/2N2π = N0.8π/N0. A schematic diagram of the spectrum and extrapolation
to zero pulse height for the 0.8π counter is shown in Fig. 10. The multi-
channel analyzer is set to integrate counts above a level just above noise. The
number of true counts in the noise region are estimated by means of the
5.1. Small and large 2πα PC’s: After the source has been introduced into the
counter and the sensitive volume flushed until the pulses observed on the pulse-
height analyzer have reached their maximum height, the counting procedure is
initiated. Typically, the counting proceeds in the order: background, standard
reference source, submitted source, background. The counting times are
adjusted so that 106 counts from the source are collected (corresponding, of
course, to 0.1 percent statistical uncertainty). These total counts are collected
usually over five repetitions, or approximately 2 x 105 counts per measurement.
Five collection windows are set covering the lower end of the spectrum for
the purpose of obtaining an extrapolation in the case where the total number of
counts into 2π are required. The extrapolation is based on the assumption that
the "true" tail of the spectrum (e.g. as in Fig. 10) can be represented as a flat
horizontal line with a height corresponding to the spectrum minimum.
So-called type B errors are estimated at the lσ level and are added to type
A errors in quadrature. The overall uncertainty quoted in the certificates is two
times the calculated combined uncertainty [13] as shown in Appendices Ei, Eii,
and Eiii.
5.2. 0.8πα SC: Generally the same procedure for data collection and reduction is
employed with the 0.8πα SC as with the 2π counters. Only activity measurements
are made with the 0.8πα SC, therefore all measurements involve extrapolated
values to which a calibration factor of 1/ε0.8π = 5.0638 is applied (see reference
6). A sample certificate is shown in Appendix Eiii. The one significant operational
difference from the 2π counter is that the correct source height must be
determined by varying the vertical position of the source through screwing the
mount in or out as required. The count rates will go through a maximum with
changing vertical adjustment representing the correct vertical setting.
Source positioning is achieved in the horizontal and vertical directions as follows:
Vertical - The optimum vertical position for counting a source will vary with
the thickness of the source mount, and the type of deposit (electroplated,
vacuum evaporation, or dried deposit). This position is determined by
counting the source (or one of a batch of similar sources) at the "0" turns or
stop position, which is the point at which the block is against the bottom of
the counter. Then, count at each 1/4 or 1/2 turn down, to the point where the
count obviously decreases. These measurements can be plotted as count-
rate-vs-breechblock position, and the operating point selected. The position
which is thus determined can then be used for sources of the same
6. Step-by-Procedures
6.1 Preliminary
Procedures for calibrations using three instruments are described: (1) small
2πα PC used for thin alpha-particle sources up to a diameter of 10 cm, (2) large
2πα PC for large area sources up to a rectangular shape of 10 cm by
15 cm, and (3) the 0.8πα SC used for the determination of source activity for thin
sources up to a diameter of 2.5 cm.
6.3 Set-up Procedure for All Counters
To Start
Data Collection
• Feed the pulses from the amplifier into the computer which uses a MAESTRO
program services.
• Initiate job control.
• Use file named: prop1.job.
• Edit file to establish set-up parameters including:
- number of sets of measurements(spectra)
- elapsed live times
- sample description
-file name
-counter description.
• Collect spectral data (hit OPEN).
• Hand record history of measurements.
Data Reduction
When the data collection is complete, bring up file called SPECTINC, which sets
6 regions to be used in an extrapolation procedure which gives the integrated
total count-rate.
Typically the regions would be channel integrals from 0-20, 21-40,41-60,61-
Then, on EDIT file, type number of files to be reduced.
Run program called NLEVCON.EXE, which executes the data reduction into
counts per second for each integral region specified above.
As a check on the results arrived at above, run the data called NLEVEL.EXE
which performs the extrapolation automatically.
To Change Source
To Shut Down
To Start
• Turn on high voltage (1150 volts) at the start of the flushing.
• Reduce flow to approximately 1.5 cubic feet per hour.
• Use the following settings for theTenelec TC 247 Dual Amplifier –coarse gain
of 200 and fine gain of 10.0.
Data Collection
• Feed the pulses by datalink from the amplifier into the computer which uses a
MAESTRO program services.
• Initiate job control.
• Use file named: prop1.job.
• Edit file to establish set-up parameters including:
- number of sets of measurements(spectra)
- elapsed live times
- sample description
-file name
-counter description.
• Collect spectral data (hit OPEN).
• Hand record history of measurements.
Data Reduction
When the data collection is complete, bring up file called SPECTINC, which sets
6 regions to be used in an extrapolation procedure, which gives the integrated
total count-rate.
Typically the regions would be channel integrals from 0-20, 21-40,41-60,61-
Then, on EDIT file, type number of files to be reduced.
Run program called NLEVCON.EXE, which executes the data reduction into
counts per second for each integral region specified above.
As a check on the results arrived at above, run the data called NLEVEL.EXE
which performs the extrapolation automatically.
To Change Source
To Shut Down
To Start
Data Collection
• Feed the pulses by datalink from the amplifier into the computer which uses a
MAESTRO program services.
• Initiate job contro.l
• Use file named: prop1.job.
Edit file to establish set-up parameters including:
- number of sets of measurements(spectra)
- elapsed live times
- sample description
-file name
-counter description.
• Collect spectral data (hit OPEN).
• Hand record history of measurements.
Data Reduction
When the data collection is complete, bring up file called SPECTINC, which sets
6 regions to be used in an extrapolation procedure, which gives the integrated
total count-rate.
Typically the regions would be channel integrals from 0-20, 21-40,41-60,61-
Then, on EDIT file, type number of files to be reduced.
Run program called NLEVCON.EXE, which executes the data reduction into
counts per second for each integral region specified above.
As a check on the results arrived at above, run the data called NLEVEL.EXE
which performs the extrapolation automatically.
To Change Source
To Shut Down
7. Determination of Uncertainties
Table 3. Listing of count rate correction factors and typical 1σ uncertainties for 2π and
0.8π measurements.
2π Counters 0.8π Counter
Although this table lists typical uncertainties, one could, by using these
numbers, derive typical total uncertainties for the various measurements by
combining the relevant uncertainty components in quadrature and multiplying by
an arbitrary factor of 2. The measurements and these "typical" uncertainties in
percent are follows:
In Table 3 typical corrections and uncertainties associated with the deter-
mination of alpha-particle activity are given. A source with a thickness equal to
one fourth of the alpha-particle range., and an activity of 2000s-1 is assumed.
These uncertainties will vary in individual cases depending on such factors as
source size, source uniformity, alpha-particle energy, impurities, interfering
radiations and count rate to background ratio. Appendices E give examples of
uncertainty computation in three specific cases. Uncertainties for other sample
measurements will, in general, be different from these two examples but are
nearly always within 0.5 percent in the quoted overall uncertainty. A number of
the entries in Table 3 have been considered and evaluated but are normally
negligible and are not included in the examples given in Appendices E.
The uncertainty estimates are given at roughly the lσ level. For the most
part the table is self-explanatory. Symbols used in this section are identified
in Table 3.where the symbols are defined in Table 3. Now follow some notes
on the sources of error:
7.1. Counter Geometry: The uncertainty in the detector solid angle Ω(0.8π) is
estimated from possible differences between the calculated values, previously
described, based on alternate extrapolations to Z = 0.
7.2. Extension and Non-Uniformity of Source: If the source is large enough, it will
impinge on the region of point-source position for which the response of the
detector is significantly (>0.1 percent) different from that at the center. These
effects have been previously described in the Design Philosophy and Theory
7.3. Self-Absorption and Scattering from Source and Support: This effect is very
much larger for 2π sources because, as previously pointed out, back and
forward scattered particles involve those alphas which are coming off the source
at grazing angles. For even moderately thick sources, this correction could be
quite significant for 2π sources yet be completely insignificant in 0.8π geometry
because the 0.8π counter measures those forward directed, relatively scatter-
free, particles. As discussed on page 11 under Scattering, the activity of an
alpha-particle-emitting source can be obtained from the 2π extrapolated 2π
counting rate using a theoretical 2π/No counting rate [8].
7.4. Scattering off Counter Wall: This effect does not exist in the 2πα PC's
counter because alpha particles do not reach the wall. The dimensions of the
0.8π counter are such that very rare large-angle scattering would be required to
produce such events.
7.5. Transmission through Collimator Edge: This applies only to the 0.8πα SC
and is negligible based on the range of alpha particles in the collimator material.
7.6. Scattering in/on Detector: This is a conceivable, but entirely negligible effect
for these counters.
7.7. Background: This is not observed as being variable with time and could
supposedly be driven down through collection of massive statistics. Generally,
enough counts are accumulated to reduce the background uncertainty
contribution to less than 0.1 percent.
7.8. Dead-time: The expression for dead-time correction is given in the mea-
surement equations for uncompensated systems. However, the multichannel
analyzer, which is the dominant source of dead-time losses, has a highly precise
dead-time compensator so that for a one percent dead time correction, for
example, the uncertainty due to this effect is entirely negligible.
7.9. Extrapolation to Zero Pulse Height: The shapes of the spectra in the low
energy region have significant curvature. Consequently, an extrapolation based
on the minimum value has significant uncertainty.
7.10 Counting Statistics: The standard deviation of the mean of repeated counts
is taken as the basic measure of statistical uncertainty.
Records maintained are a customer log sheet including customer name,
date received, kind of source, source number and identification including
Radioactive Source (RS) number and test number, date calibrated, date returned
to customer. In addition an alpha calibration record book includes hard copy of
the data, data reduction procedures, calibration results, and copy of the
certificate. Computer records include information contained in the customer log
sheet and the alpha calibration record book.
1. NBS Special Publication 250, "NBS Calibration Services Users Guide 1986-
88," G. A. Uriano, et al., Editors, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau
of Standards, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washinton, D.C. July 1986.
5. Hawkings, R.C., Merritt, W.F., and Craven, J.H. in Recent Developments and
Techniques in the Maintenance of Standards, Her Mayesty's Stationary Office,
London, 1952, p. 35.
6. Berger, M.J. “Counting Yields for Beta and Alpha Particle Sources”, NIST
Internal Report, NISTIR 6464(2000).
8. Walker, D.H. "an Experimental Study of the Backscattering of 5.3-MeV Alpha
Particles from Platinum and Monel Metal", Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 16, 183
10. Jaffey, A.H., Flynn, K.F., Bentley, W.C., and Karttunen, J.O., Phys. Rev. C
9, 1974, p. 1991.
12. Hutchinson, J.M.R., Lucas, L.L., Mullen, P.A. "Study of the Scattering
Correction for Thick Uranium-Oxide and Other a-Particle Sources-II:
Experimental", Int. J. Appl. Radiat. Isotopes, 27, 43 (1976).
14. Taylor, B.N., and Kuyatt, C.E. “Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing
the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results”, NIST Technical Note
Fig. 12. Counting yields, Y(o), as a function of alpha-particle energy, for a plane
source at the surface (depth x=o) of a backing of atomic number Z.
Fig. 13. Redaction ratio Yav (x0)/Y(o) for uniform layer sources extending to
depth x0 below the surface of the backing
a. for backings with Z=4 and 13
b. for backings with Z=26 and 78.
Appendix—D (continued)
Fig. 13b
The total number of alpha particles counted per second
emitted into
a 2π-steradian geometry (including those scattered).
The overall uncertainty is two times the value found from
combining quadratically the standard deviations of the
mean, or approximations thereof, of the following:
(1) The total number of alpha particles counted per second emitted into a 2π-
steradian geometry (including those scattered).
(2) The overall uncertainty is two times the value found from combining
quadratically the standard deviations of the mean, or approximations thereof,
of the following:
For further information, contact Dr. M.P. Unterweger at (301) 975-5536, or Pamela
A. Hodge at (301) 975-5544.
Source BV691
NIST test No. 268749-03
The overall uncertainty is two times the value found from combining quadratically
the standard deviations of the mean, or approximations thereof, for the following:
Defined-solid-angle counter with scintillation detector.
For further information, please contact M.P. Unterweger at (301) 975-5536 or Pamela A.
Hodge at (301) 975-5544.