Chocolate Cakes

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30e (12.,n), 2:km (91n). j Scm (6In) <Inc!

Ikm pm) [lltJ11d ,hocolam mkes (sec p<lgt;5. I 38- I J~,

9b (~2m) TIan f,lm), I Scm (611"1) and Bun rJ~n 1 n:lbIfId Cill<'e ooarm

Ikg.( Ib~) g.>nache·(sec!f.lilge5 t 12.-1"15) HSI (61b) marop,m

1.5kg (Sib BOl) white mICe (~ paiJe5 14 147)

Gold ribboo roc boil rd edge

] pufln(;~.l!.~rh of r.a-;pberr1es:. f"Od.rui'nints iJ.f1!! bIac:IcI:II!Jnc


Mattie b ol'TIil:t.11 s\li"fao::

I;ql.lip~ lD.Iare(ing; ~ jlfl'Ile~.I!n8 ~ ~ 1a..1.1}

f!Duncl ~t1!mpJatES Qr3()qn ( hl), Dcm(9rm iIIId IScm l6ir.)


This type or cake is very otten served as the dessert at CJ wedding rec,eption fr sits well with Q !.(Qriety of,accompaniments, including fresh summer berry (ruits, a (auf/s. Ice creom, fresh pouring cream, whipped cream with Clmarertg and. o(mur5e.. warm choccfale souce, Always use the best quality soft {ruffs...

Summer fruits

1 For best !'"eru[~. rn:ake the fU';'" W>ileral hours b.efore

are n:!qufred. A quaM ooF 450g_

(lib) of I;howta:le produces aoout 50' crgarette CUtis. Milke the d'!ocolilte turn In batches. using pprcoamatel'l' -t50g (lib} unt!!!'mpered mebed chocc1one ,on; a rne. Spr"rUd mil' cnocolate lhll1l~ on a a rnom1emperab.n" m<1r~e slab u~ng metal (wairpaper) scraper. Ma!;;t.age the d'rocolil1e wit:.n a forward arn:I b,al:1oMiarti mOllen'leJ'1 cf the so-aper until 11:. becomes firm.

1. UsIng the metal scraper at <I .,S d~ <Ingle. pt.t5~ bhe chocol~,tl" awa~ rrnm you to rorm a dgaretle wrl afLhe desu<ecl S12~ (the h~ight of your cakes).

Ml7SW,F ~ d1I'XItI-'me b~ ami (0IW0rds,

ir.m;tldiIiE It QHt jirrru liD.

u ~ m f£I1lIli! 1D push dlocolElU! rlM1f

frmn )'tiU. (l!/oWlnll ff I1i 'Lt(/.

3-Ocm (I lin). Hem (9in) ilndl I Son (6m) !"QUI"Id (Meolal1.' cakes (:oee 13&- I 19)

I ·'1118 (JIb)\e 3!km (12~), Ht1'T1 ("i,n) and IScm {lim) ro~l1d ~ OOil~,!;

'15cm 1181n) l'Oul1d ~. board fOi Oll!' bilJll Z.4kg (Sib] wrnle n'lilrzrp;lJl

SSg (.loz; clear illcohql (rudl M gin or vodk<!l 2.Skg, (Sib 8o(J wnJOO chO(olilU! ~ (~ ~es HB-I'l9)

:HOg mOi) Iik!rt (\lQol;clilw ~.a5g { I CO'l:) d.!rk U1oc:olal!l p"* (~page:! 1-18 149)

4O:ls ( 1 "I1ll) mll~ cha:Qlale p.ute (~~~ 148-1-,gJ Grt'1I~r(waxl paper pll"lng ~ (eon~) Rjbbri!\ ror boan:llldit= !II rurge rosr.; (I I ~Gljs). 9 SITJ.1!Ii!!r 1'00!5 (1 ~'l1b) nd 9 :!&WiTled bu!:1s (Z or of~) ard ZS r~ l'~ pa&~ 3it-37),

~qu prnenr fw 1~lennx;.I:(M!I'1J18 lind IN(~rhj:lR (sei1' pa&l!'5 18 21)

8 QIw."el rJ:>W.

NkliTltlu 2 ~liiln IU~ tup) Numb:!.- I plai!ll~ (Irp)

A three-tier cake in the American 'srocked" style, decorated with chaco/are roses al"ld G beaudfiJ( marbled chocofGre. drop'e' made from dark. mifk Qnd white chocorate pastes. Thl:s spectacular cake', with its. comoinadol'l of chocolate texwres. is ideal fOr any celebration.

Rose drape

1 Cut·~ eake ~!'Ito ll'il'te sllces lUKi 'aver (see poIges ~ 6-19). Place the akes on Uleir boards. RQU 01)1: 1.25kg (lJllb) ohhe matLlpCIn Ith~ will be 1ilimCiefll to CO'Ir'er the 3Ckm (l2in} cake (oop, 5idesandtak.e 'board Induded) ti'l cne i)1~e. ~r lhe Clke 'MYIth Ilia marzipao (see p.:lge 2C), Repeat rortne remaming 1\YO ~ u,il'ilg 680g (1/.lb) and 450g {lib:) of rn.lJ.'ZIp;m, re~Nel)'; l£o;.;e'l (~p<I.~ 2.i) and allO'W tnt t;'!~ tQ fJ1'Tfi ~ighL

.2: Brush tthe fume maTZlpiln"CO\'Bed cakes WIttI dear <lJcQholu'l on:!er la crate a 5uri;u:.e rer !Ilt:: ehQ(olil.le ~Q to i!dh~ to, Fl.cU oWt 1i-251q (2"/llb) of wh~te thocolate pome

(~ aO Iit~e (l',J~ with IJ UJirJ ma!2!~ ro~ making swe rhtil me rrflISll.s smoo .... and (lac

Pip~ III w/lr!e c:hix.Dlclle 1iII dim the bedds nestle Ill!!) ~ joins bt:i\Oli~f(I I~ rakes

and iil'lPIy to the GlKe' 1111 the same way as ror the marnpan, U:;IJ1g a cake sm001l1er In order

10 C;~1t! <I ~at, ~ ~urfa.ce. Repeat for the remaining lW'O ttIkes. u$ln,g 6SOg (I '/Jb1) and 450g r lib) of ,hocolate paste. respectively, AlIl;MI the cakef; 00 dry ovemighl..

J Irt~ dowel rods Il'I1tO the base .. nd nundla hers (see page 26). Stack the three Q!b~ to&ether. ensunrra tha they are cen~11' ~~d on top or each other:

4 Mell ha~r the quan' of whlte clhlXoJate and !.Uffl It imo piping chocolate by addu',! iI couple of drops of WO(Inr aM strMl'Ig Yliell Be careflJl nat u) add' too mug,1fflI1;er as it would over·ttllcken the chocolate and omde:r It tClmJly u~~ Place a number 2 P~1i'i lUbe { p} Into iI grna5I!Pf'Oof (W'ilX) paper "ipTI'Ig bag {cone). RII half ~ b~g WIth piplng Ic:hoc.o~ne and pr'OceeCi to p pe small bLiJb!! .m:iund he base: of each Clike. M~ It'Ie next GI.r.lf1'liI.y of pllplng cnOcolate a£ required fit to best to ml1( the piping chocolate In 9't'i<I1I b.m:hes as It has quite a shol"L wcr~n& life berore It becomes too' 5bff to pipe with]

5 Melt the' da.rk d'lQOJIlate ilnd thicken it sllghtl}' 10 Ii piping d'iocolalie con.~Jstenl:'f b)I ilcchng a couple a drops orwat,er. flare tl'Ie melle:!' dri: maco! le In~o a greaseproof paper bal !!quIpped 1ih1~ bl11t!! wrth a numbu I pam w~ Pipe a delicate decorabw des!&fl around the base or ~Ch ~er. fwl free to use the design in the pi'lotogrllph shovm or, stili, you can

Combine !he thocolaa! posies. .bwI to J Ihl'm ql./IIIlW G long o~~n~ ~

DrUpe ~ rrof:I~cI paste r;tm:fUtIy over Iht< fCl fO !IlGl .1 ~es ~

. __ - - ----~

• _ )'tU OM\. II )'OIl 3I1l!TII ~ ~ cake Cor i woedd rrg.)'C~ could even idd ,iI 'Pe~1

'I) i'our deslj1l b1 p dq oIJt some beautl ill emuro defy detaJI:i from ;c: ....ed(t'[)i! ~ I"I'nn"" •• "",,·_ tIlI!m 0tI tfie c:ak.e

(1 1i crl"al~ ~ dl';UH! rajllngftMr 215 Sol) ~h or 1M dark, mIT and ,;"tllt!! rltocotlit!!!:

J:;nea,g..,m ~q ree ~ ol.['e s&gntr, OJI through the roll and S1>md ~ ~ by sm . ..vith ttR:! CIJi. tndr. upp.:.rrnan FLUlen bolt! With the he£! ,oor hand USiing i ule K n& (tonTKl,l()nIlr's) wg,P' 100 dun N U\ tOll OUI Ih~ lWO 'I'" ~

te 11'11.0 orr OIjong ~ thai I~..oem :K I.xm ~ 6m 15m) In Ifl1gth am appmx!m~II!Iy ~)ll'1tn~

ge the c.hocditi~ Ihpe nto jloPt.on 5!.1r\1ng t the lop of me ~. Fold nd Iudo; patte v.QI' cUI!;, OONnWiI!'Us 1.0 ~~ me look or A ra~ th<lr I1.M beeI'1 'iOftIy (oIded In e StaJ~ the drape ~ posmoo .....,Ih It II e wale(

S aU cr 1M- fla.ote"s and the camJully onto !.he cake s.eruring lhem ~IO place

f!ilOOr IItt e rnelt~ rf'loccldle SoiWC£ or 5OI1le: tempered (fiOCoLnl!. Sa rt witn tJ'\e ~et ~ ~r,a 'f1~ tM;,UIl(" one!. anltJl'KJ Il'lem ror- the most n.lturnllpok TQ CQITlFJie'(1!! apply a m.1tdlng nOOon to tTl!!! base bmn:I

Yoo 0lI' ~e 1f'le ~11 orI IJ1e

chocoIott rcti:S by COl' With

U1R'1nCd r~Iyv."M a tt' clel

'I' fl'P1ly to. g 'Ie ~ t I


em Oo.n)
n:II.nJ w boal'dl
:z.~l.& (5 1 ",dIllQ1!!:
I 6l!.s C 3 MI}
II: dIoeoI.ile
p.IjteS H 49) EQI..IIPMENT

Hils cake is bloomIng WIth chocolate paste roses The m J chocolate

pow 15 ir11 their dark chocolale leaves bring !.he c.oke [0 lIfe. but are. fn fact. mum sImpler to make than they seem. You can vary me sizes of the roses, If you like, and use dlfferem-t:.%uted paste - *' C~le a natureJ feet.

Roses and leaves

J LA)'I;f ~ ~ fill and COd with 9'00& (lib) of the gJl1Jthe. tJi1en Co-' i.Il nlW'Zlpan and level ( piJ~ 18-11) Allow 1l'i 1'1')a~ to dry 0I0'eI'TI ght. 'Ulen '" ~ W!es. .... :arm th!!

mng g:uo.xI;c plr to the ca IJiIIlg a palette lenl e to crute a lin;sh..

~ Cut IOto 5mm (/.In) sit

La these in a p

bag. pi Oflf: umb bel1,1ld a slIce and. ' the other. press out the

paste on re 5ide.. ~ a cone, !hen 1dY@~ WltI'1 peals (see below).! ilW'S (


) and appl-,' to the

ddr diotolau! pasre !.D Jmm (~) Cue 01 50 lea. B'Id




5an Th ut I!pfDDf lW ) p1PeI' P'DI!1I b;a tctll'le5)

Th d, ana} taste combtnDtJon 0 choro(at ClOd coffee IS ceJebrrned In

thiS deJIClou.i cake of con emporary desIgn The chocolate r(JUice po em prOllides a delicate allure to e dIsplay and plaCln !he dodIes an glas5 cake plares aeares a erv modem, almos (nuns c e~

a If cup


n ..

the I:iI,l15!de of·ltIe Cike. ReDeal: for LI1e ~1I'mg t1M:I OI~ Coal eaDI dome '1lh rNfllpc p.a~ 10) and leave to firm 1J'MT1!&ht.

J IJslng i!I p~k':u- Io;nIre 5pI'Ud CD It or &<]1'1 ~~ ~ !he ~ domes, W Lhc !::rid of the p.1lene b1,flr. ~te it- SWlrf pattern .n thl!! Cl'eMfl ~i Lliis all ~r cd'! a 1! Lu.IC to fl'l'TTl avernfghL T mnsfer each cake ~ntg ,il.11.:m: on::lc. (tilt! best way 10 00 !:ht5 ri; m OR! two king blille5. te !>1.Ipf'Crt the ~

4 p~ tc create !he cun'llS by ~m dr;l'lMr1g' " dr'C e Stm (1m) ~ &Ian ~ Cl_~ OIl ttl£: tlW! oj ~ U'!'<e bo~ Cl.I1 or." tMse cirde-:i. gMllg ~ C<I~ bcot::e5 NItti hole!> oj 35an

( I <I [,.) 1&11'1 ( ~ lin) 100 :!Oc::m (an) Blaw u~ b.l Moons to 11 snug!~ 0:10 tIWSr! i1oIcs, ~r<ng

IVIIl'1 tMe tLlIIoon tles, Th~ lJes ,..;u !.ncr :o!I!lo,.... ou to deil~te the b;d~ eiI~~1

j RaU out tne Q1o(;oLli JlilSleto.i duJes) cl .abou:l. )wrn [ ) CUI 1m- paste ilIa three S1r'1~ • m I !I'I) ~ These rMp$ to go 11)ur;d the bcrtcm ~s elr e en ckx I!. a.r'Kl

hQU1d be I 17cm (-'l6on). 09cm (43 ~OO 66cm Urn jang. Taloe In.: .scm (21l'1) I'DU1Id o.m~

and cut OUt "'~If ..c'ln::~ >110ng cne ed~ on ~ach ~!.np to ;j. d!:4>th !;)f 1..')0'1l crown or·.Ka!ig~4 effect. Rol j.i~ th~ ~nps ream rat' aDPlrlng 10 In!!. l:1oches.

lO rom, i

6' Temper ~ dark mc.eol,m: (see ~ I r,..., 17), lherl pl.lte 5Om!' or this cia chocolate! Inlo ~PfOO( (wax] p.<l~ PiJlirtg. bol,& ( on!") ill'ld rut " vnruJ M~~ In Iht' et'k1 P~pe t:hoI:~~te 'Cf one or I e b~Iloan!l u5Jn&;1 CJfCular Il"IOtJOn 11\ OrQer to cmlte !Nef"laPfM~ ~~tr (nes..

(rom lire toP of U1!l b.J IQoO.I1 ~d d dawn It 4s IO'1pOnar11 to eruure th<rt I~ re

no age illY> WI Lne d1ocolilte la'tiJa:. oae", a; the!.c coo reul rl .. weal- SJlQI 11.'1, n!llll dN:xol;m! l!. 1ft'I~ wrote the d'>ocoLlt~ k alii wet. apply ti".e crown strip lI"OlJnd ti1(! biM ~"!: r.f the d«11~. ~ t an pI~{! f<rml)' PLace the cbdte 11\ th!: ret'rgernmr fOl"

~ Imiltely 10 f1lIOI,4eS iIQ lhat II GrItS (QITlPletely Rt!pe.l1Ihls process tg create o~

cJod1. USIni the r . 10 ;,g balloons,

'j ~ ~ ~ ~t:d billIoom from t~ ~rn~"!'a\or With e>«rem~ Cl!.re ilS !he

~ ~ a4llliJltl!: rra.gJIC.. ~ ea~ the b.!IlkxHi ~ ~Iflg Un: ba.'loon:i as .ill means of

d~.:ng !hi:- ill!" very ~1YW...t,.. A~ Ion;;: .as me <hoccbll.e IS weD ~ there ?!aUld be

no ~s .... hen cleJL1U'1g e batloorts.. \Nhen aq the h'lf bIefo.n ~ It!. d'locDLl\1i

NOI'k aroufld !he cIac~ r;amfufly to ~ then Gerlti)' h the doc:hes md pLxe Uum pVef 1;0000SpOM.fI1g cms hI ~ ,lJ~ SJ'tl,lnf co !he r glass orde$ The ef11Jre structure !houId be !.t.1bfe-, but )I'OlI can ~ 1m! d«hos 1.0 tM ,glass if ~ 1It1"1 J few clots !!IT(Ier ~ thocoL'lte.

nt UI! ~... bI;ni~ ~ tM~ at I!lI!:

boIi7orl ~ U'II!' "'~ ~ is tbII Wi!L

~ ciildtes O'o~ U~ (1li11:',~~ OJ~

~II'II' 10\'1[.11 merced d'«t:I/oI:e r neassar~

• fer an ~~ m~!oNe effect. set the ulr.e!i onttl thn::c" ~ IX gI;I~ tuI:Ie$ at Ti'~ '~~I!.

!!l You UltIldl create three I:nru1g1e

I mcl!'-p~~i ~~ 10 rNm nat"'!lided llfI'UTlod--li~ .. Ioche$ b!I f(1 aver tIw ~


'!Oem P :lin) , 1lcm ('ilin] and I Scm (!jjn) rou~ dmmJiI\2 ~ ('me piI~ I J8-Il9)

"'Oem (I 6lni. :i2o:m (13rnl and Bcrn (Win) I"CI!Indcru.e boan:Is

1_8kg 1~lb) ~ (~OO ~es 1112 145') lAkg (Sib) wM.ite m.1l"lIpiIl'l 'l\:.i 1'11\;1} wlir\t! ~clil:\.e BOg (Jail icln!l (ccnfeaionen) wgor GOld ribbon far board ulaef

EQUIPMENT Eq~[PO'IfIlt rer l~rtI1g i111d .ovtrIrlg (ee P'l,1!eJ; 18-20)

MJ.clliJe slab (!mllll enou'M1 to fIt In fl"tM'W') 8an. (3m-JI ~ melal (ilr.!Jrp.l~15l:l'aper


These srunn1ng whrte chocah:ne cakes would Jook. equally good in pJa[fU or milk (howl'ate. Shown here in pristille bndo/ whfte. they are (J superb combination of :!he U{Jditional and dle ,unconventional. The wafer-thin

ru[f1es of white chom/me w;ill meJt (JI"I your tengue.

White carnation

i loIrer the !Ake5.fill and WltR g;li1~M, then WWf Wlth mar.lipru1 (sea pages 18-20'), plar.Tng the c.ake§ ern theiT" boiIrd5.l~a\te for24 hours and rrmre I:IU! ma.rb!e slab ove.m~ht..

2 Melt ~e \iVhile c:hoI:oliI.te. plate one 'Of the cakes. 011 ,a, tumtabre a~d use a 'pa~ett:e Knife to (flal ths eake with a thin lajl'lii" or u.ocolate

J VVi"ten usmg a frozen marble slab. speed liS or 'the ess~c:e', as there ~i a limited amount of worliCmSllme before the. ~liIb needs to' be returned tothe r~er.lQ<l.!;) a metal (w<lll~perl

Coo~ e.tldl ~ti'! oo~ ""Ilil !J IJiIn !<lye!'!:If ~he ml!l'ted w1lite d'l«QIcate. USII'!II '" IXlleue tniff'

SfNWd !he m~t!!d wi1'l~e dl:lc'o!U(& 0f:1!£1 d1e wI! d'tId ItCrl: WIt,!; " me~ {wI:!Il:poper) .saoper;

Wtiflrjl'lB qulCl!}y. ploce Me wI'Il te dlOCDlate rtf/ps cltdund rJ1e 5ide ~r frJtl' ,til«!.

SmlPfW wilh me.'red white chOQalato!' ilInd spte<ld tI1lnly 01'110' the slab (The frozen ~b !aloIe5 'ihe heat out or the chocolate. QLJ$ing iho start to set: immediaml]c) While '!he chocolale is 0"" !:he slab. cut out a lo~ 5irlp- or t1roeolate. usIng a krtire. Rru~ tite stMp from the slab b)' slIding

the rnetill ~~r under the preee of o;;-hoco1i!w andl pIckIng It up -til your fingers. The c:hOll:'olate \NlU still be maHeable.

4- Using the aboVe metl1o!:l, ~rOOl.J,e enougl11 dlocola\e s!nps to postbon aroL1lKl the sides of ~e largOSl calm, 'SliLriilng dose 'to t~C lOp edge of the caR', place the stnJMo In ~rtion as you rrtate them CM!r1appmg 'each other to crmte a 'pedmg' eJrect.

5 ~rcdlJte more d1oco!~te strips. of dimension!> approximating 70n (l.~j.ll1) lo: ]Qcm (I:tln) ror lJile 'Cllm"tiOI1 top. RemoVe tl:1em rrcm the slab ,md., using beth hilnds. eeneeruna the I!:l'1ecolawe, cre.;;~ng fal1-lilce fo~d:s., plocnlng one edge together 10 produce· a farc! .511a~. Placn th~ on lOP· of the ,aJ;.e otraiJnd the ed~ umil )'Ou have completed a full rlrete,

{; ~fleat tJi'Jis pttx:!5S to create· the c:.lrTQtlon effect by btJ i~dlng Inwards and lJpw'i!in.ts.. 51ackil'lg tI'1e rl;l~d'i.A1i· you bvi'd It l~, /l~~~~ to add 'pildcJng to tl'!Ol (entre orill'le (like (In the form

of folded cl10wla1e) in order to create the raised dome shape. Repeat the process for Ltie remam log \Vr'O cakes.

Thtc' cho!:.oJDie J!{J~ 1m !he s.1{Ieo ",{lite cake aeGll: an cw.r«m-e: LIflUSUal peefFllS effKt

Glncllfllfl!l tile (I1(1OJl1rrre tU'IP" O1li!JlII'Ig .m.1rkfo /i:lkls to be· placed QI1 tllP a(ri1e ~b

whlte camanon J t;;

1 leave the IilllYled taJ.:es to set for about lh I1:e hours. then d~Sl IJih~y WIth IClllg (conrectJonef:o) ru~ Just catching the edges or the roltk tel create a frosted eff~ A~1>Kh the ribbon ID the board edges using a glue stick.

Va ria t;ollS

~trt!! r pI !.IV (IJl.ellrIB flr1 or S I'l!r I of If, c CDJIIJ\(IIl('

8 Displ~.y lhl'l G'I~5 0"" iIfII. eff·seL mnd Cas ~~ en page I I :J),.,.,!hen: each cak£ GlIl be SM'n 10 It!i besi ~dvanla&e.

[II You OI.J~d pr rtlJ the. ~ Qf h urn !10Il Wl,h d~>cCl "!/I~eL. P.lln11fflt.h

OJ' \I~ le Of' I ghljy du~ With OOCOJ paMl!!

DalIc OlI1C~IIOO r~ !VIii l,KD.rl\;eqUllIJy wen on D (jarl.: ~IiIm r.lII:a!.

ill r bealll fIJI blr)!. mini! 100 pU5h.

(hQcO', It reses {Jee pages; 36-)7) It'll

lord!; gf mo;X.ota~e nil t~ top 11le ClllTlMI

Li ~ :l COr'\1 rn 1 ~O{" eoreo tho aiM" fi I

ro "So SO II, 1 u,.~i land e;. t Iffm Iii ,hQCQ 1U! lOrds

• A1n~rnolGN'C~. rreY! 1;J':il'.'.:tICme; QlI1

00 pL.Q.hed I 10 1M fold or I 1XOb~ 1)11 ~ 1.3 , t wit!1 M'l,tc chcx:ol tc <A me Vl~rlIIll red or I 10.: I MJll

OOf'l1 ru b."·dulJru~l~

ftwlim!he ~1dS. !lI1 Ipp of the wke IS O"e(ltl! 0 <C(lfnotion ·effea.

FirlQlfit ~gb"" 111m each t<::lke \IIIl'1Il Sl{r1MJ Jerri, (00Il~s)~~

CAKIE' AND C:fOO!\A;~:ON fOul" 40crn ( 16~J x 30an (I lin) chocolilta ~ Isee ~&es 13E!-1,]9)

oj5~ (11110) r01,l1'l1l cake bwi'd

1,8kg ('lib) g;!I1i!rne b e Pilge5 142-145) 1.'1\1 (3lu) wblt.e 'TIlIrnpari llr& (<1lb 6oz) dnrl< rnoco te

IEQUIPMENT Pll3SIk bag§ (~ per cal.; )

EqUlPmem fOI nng

Me mvenl"l& (see pilge 18-20)

Two 3Ot:rn m n biJrribcb keb.'lb stirn

~bfU5.h Small, soft piIlntbl'l4h M;rble,rall ($I'II'1ol~ ~~ to nl ~Il rre~ r1ctal (wa1Ip.aper) 5O"IIpe'

This extravagan creation makes (J fabulous centrepiece (orony celebration The multitude tjf brittle chocolate (olds and the sumptuous soft. sponge creale (I gorgeous texture combination on the congue. YOlJrgue.5[S wifJ be bowled over by this tree o(pure choco/ate',

Dark ru .........


] P!aa': the chocolil1;e C<lke5, l!'ltc pjartii; b1tg5> and refrigerate ove"1'1ighl 1,0 allow them 0 finn. em OLLl I! (artIbaard crrcle:s, starting with 30an (12m) diameter alld deaea,sllig II'lCl'iem!!rltally by 2.Scrn (I rn) at iI tune to 'end I.Ip WIth a 25tm (lin) dliLmeter.IPIace the ordes onto I ' e ake:$ care[ully to mlOlmlre wgstage ar}dl cut out 12 Cirtles of Qke.

1 ~I" the ~ togelheJ:: sandwiching Witt! z,aoache (see ~ges ~8-19).Start WIth the largest (;lrr:le on the cake bow, men add cakl!:S or (ii.ecrei!SjIig §Ile. fin~§IiiJng WIth the smallest

ilt the lOp. (Too much g~che can c;a.~ the cake to 51uje when str'i!Jgkt~ed\50 be sparrng.)

CuI I)IJ ~ dtde:s- of chaaJJa!e coke. u~ 0 sOOrp ~lfe and (1 slfmty ~

Gecue rli!: aim! shupe IIy st.fJOIl off ~ Sle of

C< 10 ICOI'l: rI !iI1I!lCXI1 •

I J S c:a:ke.s and tentrepieces

.3 Place tJw; cake:. on its ;appropriate board, onto a tumtable and rnsen the bamboo I<.ebab 5!J&.s to cit! secure the cake wh. e rt IS being shaped" USIng a sharp SiIW knife" run in the Itlp 'Of 'lil-le f;h(,)t;o~e WUCWl1! and 1I:nm olT e cake '~eps' In OfdCf to ob.taJJI a cone 5hape.. Rotate the tLrrmable ro en:~\Jre that you sculpt an even shape. then remove tne !.:ebiLb 5t1d3. Brus., 'illMl¥ the cake crLJmbs, using a pamy brush. lMrl aPlllv II thin eoat of ganacne to the outSld

or tile aikle. Work upwards ff'Qf'II the b.Ise !':If the cone., lJslnll mert strokes of the palette knife and small amoum:. of chocolate ganache ead! tim

4 RoU out !.he marzipan 1010 an oblOflg shape approxlma ely lScm (14m) I( 4Sc:m (I Bin

lem ('I krI) lh ck using IClOg (confectJonersJ sugar-to p~t mddng..Drape he mnlptln armmd the cone-cake. II may help to flft tine marzipan around ~ rolhng pln rrrst Butt the jtJlnli. aliplYTne a rltdf;il wate.r with a 50rt pillntbrush 1-0 ensure good adhesion. (uu a'INa}' any E:loIcess m<ll"2ip<! n and .mooth YiI'Ith a C<lIke !:I'r'IOOmer U!le loog stll'O.lEs up and clown the (Or11l. pushing the'soft calre and maf'2Ipan into 5ha~AlIO'N the marzipan c.O'.tenng, to dry ;and Iil"l'Tl al mom temperatUI"e overnight-

) Warm the remalnillg gandr::he very ~Igntly. so hat it l5 sbll fairly cool am:I qUite d: - ihis 'NlU be 1lI1e glue that stick1 lh chocolate Nmes to the cone S rtrng in tim rip or trn! cone, CJ:I<lt ilbOU[ one Oil~ Of lM W'u~urr'C WIID garuche.

ea,urum Ule chcmhlll! GUlddy. Plmilrng 01 _ !I1d ro aoo~ (an-iike ~

Fp: rht: (en sha~ to rhe con;; Ci:l~ CJih 't'a.'!Ilj no 6~i'1 tJnm.m!d

0; When USing ill rozen marnle s1ab. speed IS or the essence, as lticre is a very Ilm.n:d amount. .H worldng lime .wallable before me slab needs to be m\umed to the f~mr. Me'lt the dark d'IOc:c~ale.load metal (wallpaper) m-aper and s-pread the chocolate 1.t111'i~~ emo 1h~ ~

(1M reren ~ab \il.kes the !'Ieat out nf -rnocola e. a\J~n& u to stan ~el;ul'1g

ImmedIately). 'vVhi1e the chocolate is on the slab. rut strips of dll'i'1ellS10f\S approxImating Bern (3lnl x lCkm (I lin). uSln:ij a shlj.rp knrfe+ Release the choc:o~lIte 5ln ps rrom the '5~ab by sliding e lrel.a1 scraper under the ndimu I pieees and pickll'iS 'them up with )lCKJr nng~ The chocolate. ... JllI wI! be quite malleab~,

l Uilng both hands, concel'1Jrn the chocolate, creatlng, fun-hke rolds and pin,r,in& at one end ,n Orderl0 create a ran shape.. Place the fMls erne the cone. starling at the top of the cake and world"g your M around and down. Ali, you JUdl the er'Id of the 'silled' area apply some mon:: gaMdu~, [0 create another secnen to be worked on. (Working in .ecPQI'l'5 Will &IW 1he ruffles ume to set and become secure on the ~e.J

8 VV'hen lh'e thlxolate rumes cover the cene compje~ ceat Li'te cake boMtI around th ake WIth the ret'f')ainll1g gan.ache. USlng a !!~ue std. tnmi!ie beard edge with a matdljng nbbon. Sift IClng (con e~oner'5) 5IJgw ~ the er'IUJre stnJcture 111 order 0 achT~\16 fabulous Frosting appearance.

5,pI;ankJe dill r~ tiCIke "~Ih /or1g (1liII1fI>tlijIMHlr'~j w:g(If fa emulate" 5I'1OW


dark ruflles 11 Q

nil ng , 1 I' illte I II tJ Ing [I] (I

GAKEAN D· DECO RA 1101'>1 ~kg_ 1'71b mIHuhocc!.1;e-

';.W!;; {I rh~(l>"1 ITIoml~ mtiU!C:e ~101' 5JGmI ~n 02} (re;;h WhlJlP"l~g' .. earn 7.5~m f I fJll1) ~ ~ (I "-1n~ rl1~J;J;te OI~ ~ ria!$> 13S-I19)

iltxig (11h l1Ml~e-1:~lo4.lred wh<lfJ ~hOj;oIi>~ ~ (~"" pg-ges 14!f-1'I9)


Som- ~in-j. ~I~ ,,,,,,,a!r: lTlO\ilds 5fff1 (2iI"lJPla[fI ""wild Qlm!r flil'>'t!ly~ lcrn ('hill) pl\lln ~tub:e (np)

This spectnw/or wwe-ring renl1'6piece (Dr Y0ur celebration is ",ertamly

a snIDlNS1tJpper Hming been stunned by the spJ.en(Jfd overall effect. y.aur guests can pl~k ,their own ,Jr:tdividua/ mooth-w,(Itering chflCfJ/ate and Q"mnge mousses from thE free - simpliCity [TIietr."

Orange tree

1 TEmp13'rthe: mi'k ~1J!;"~lifte (seepages- 16 17) ilna mquld rnto ISO iriqi~rdVdl hE:)ll~ tup§ (~!!:~' PMf 1$) YnW can prodW~E thE!!Ye In ~dlf<iJ'][9 Oller il f~ tf'J)'S:.

2 A:ssiC:llIb1e. the -stand (see- lltlnd IIlt,rrediel1!S). Start with the ;3lkm (- I 511lJ G<i~ ~eand at the bettorn, FJ:.r1he ";lOcm (I lin) Roiy~n .. dUmm~ Clil i"C th1~, ~Sll"\'g lh~ Mot glu(?;,gUn to "!!E.tUI"'e In ~!irtirin. rrn-e t~i:I!!e created 011 l~~bb.ltDrrI wLl~ help t~ support tlie o«lii~ci; around I:h~ ba>e.) NifKI, glue.:the- ·cQUll (l:1ln) board Into p1ace. e.A5.uTiI"l& In:!:!: it i, GenttOllly I'H]SiliOnOO. !Slue: three at-the 5rrraH po~l't.rene- durn rrees Hl a U"h3.11glJ 1,<11- dUster ~l the penire !;II ""\he. boord, On ~p ef

MCn,lltl rl1a '2rn~ di~ii1(nl-f Irilir l:UP,. ~,' ~iI' cups pClllIiJl,g b~ rhe ~~

A'i:remf;IIe: the ~lGPnG I.!SII1g me. ~ b~_ ClJ:1tJ !he ~jJllityrs;e q!e &JJniTI18S,.

STA.ttS IN0RED1EN:iS j!krn (15rM) Jikm fL"Ii~\. £O~rn o,Om), ~1 U hin.), ~Om; (11m), l{H:m (~m) ,.r;ake b~i"IIV>

30cm (I·lip) ~W"l< l'km tlQhl

. liC'Cp ~)">o/I-er,e ~~e·dtlmrn\'

Ho~ gi"e- gun IOight Btm (jill] d1am(.I'N~I··:<-'!kn1~ [Thill J d€:Ep fIDTrl!yri:fW QktOOt"l1Tn1tl1l

I kg Ollo -4 04dark d:iQr:O~C 25cm (T n1 palflibrLl.!;b 5(t ~~ .olr.'"'ru1g~, <FTl,*~um ".nm~111 f·n.:m OJ lil~.nem ~Q!j 16 lJiimroo k~lhlb Sl.Jeik!; E"qa.lll: ~I(t pc\\.ItIeJ CD If'I"~1'

ttrese.pki?~!1lue the 5001'1 (1011'1) ~e. board, G~u<: ilnmh!W" three pol:;:st)'I'l!Cle pieces m iQt! rn lodle. ollhf'! tllilard- 0[1 i:(;lP c;I nhese p I~"S. gi!4e ihe 40cm' ( I-Gin) boa rd; ruel\" glue one pojygl;yre!l"I EO' ptace i n 11:5 ,Lcntre.. Top tr~$ with Ibe)lll~m (l2Iil) btt.m:I wlth ths onF ftlir.r .. in!r1~ durnrny ~11J~d at iJ;Her.tre .. RmJlr ~ILJe if' plil~eilfE> 2Dern t-Hln) boam m rttll"r\'l thB lop.-shelf.

,; TernpE!nhe sowle (he~~e and.l.I$Lr1g a IJlllrrtP"'~, q:l~L lt~e board'; :um pCiI"'I~ 9r the "51:and. Co\~ all tl're wrfures. With a ~o?' of chorolate,lr'ltfooi"ng tlie- ~rrl ~g~, W!.Vi;: fa al·v.

'4 FilT \t1e cMCJmJal.e WIlSINTth t(,l~e filrlng an the d"ll (11 the. WI"..£iding and ~.llF J"!:!frrgerared, PrOle" 1551'111 ({fAil p;!:) oj ,;llid WiI~E:!r 1n]:.c:t<l mQl; tlTe diocofiIID rno.lisse pbWde~ wtlf$kir1g vtim .l hand wMk oll'llil ~mOOlh, Add ~r me: WhlPpe"il ~. W!';isk umll hal] b~endal m, tl1~n add :tte"r~m¥nlnE C!"atri and dl:ffF~hfO'Ja'i- Db net .(!\leF11'HK as spijtbl'lg wlll !XC,Jr.

5< 1J.51nl1. a plain I~~ r:utler. Ct!\ d~ VQm the dwcolong!. cake,-::lle!n sike e.~ch il~ece i~m .,..~ tf1;ri lfi).~rs"Pi.Jt scme d1~ol<Lte mr;'!USS~ ~11!:l?,I >dVoy lJ g Titlsd w.ilh a km (:.l:.H'l1 plain tuo.e.('np~ andp'l~ .LS[i"'lajl b'J 1 tJ In~ &Ie l'Ia!!e' of =h thClWi;Ue wp< Prar;~ tv..v mandarin ~~oo Qri top. ;:i'l'en ~wlt"h <1.MtI:'ler bVll:l~1 dmi.:ol'H~mOlJSSeto with~n 5mm 1'f'Jnl rrom the ed~, Q(il5e. the rup by p[.e>"'5Fng ~ ~I~"e ~f dlom~~spDn£e- ~nla Dosmnr;,TIJll1 lhe I:i.Jp IJpside4:JsWl"l Qnt;1 "'- new R~' ll1~ pl.ate on a tidy to Tllrrl~I~O\~.l)epEaL frir_~ rernau;lng !=-4p.s,.

Coor Ifi~ Ct1[i,ti UG'*1' (~fli;; dnd d.wnf~IW IoI1rn qJgyer oJ_;:j,rlQrJ.: t'frm::olme

+ill !he tI1cfcvluK (UPS With lfiat Ii!IIfE'lF 01 ji',,1'IXIr.> - mo~~S!i', mdlw:!rJrir I ,./lid J"Ilor.? rmw;<;~

S~II)'!lci1. dJornIm~ ~L!P wltl ri'.-di;;c p( .c/wKl!kltc qr/li. ~ElCHI ~~,


d1OColate O,lru! and f"Qrl ((lrita .:t'Slliffig_t:' J 1 -elill Lh~ WI prnt ~ 00 plWi}$. roH ~ (I, I;r-~ a billl. en plate tnree tog~nel" Iii smertEl forma In<lflglewith a fourth pIj3.€ed 01"1 m tlHl.lLl:in '" iInlid $hiIPB. tfypl:l pUtihwl It>gClhef ~)IO" lelll ~hE!l'1"t, thty WIll req..trre-i'l[) ai:kfrtrorlal'glO<i Ir n~rV" Inl' ~rn~$f: lif w;rle, mar be used, F'la~ or1e rl~ctlh.tion on top 01 eatli ~iJlilh! cup, <:ecul1ng In' p1iiCe Wltn 11 sm;!l1 dor of rnl:'jted ebocclate, Repeat fille lImEl!; to preduee I 51:) tlt:coraOCJJ1!>'

7 01'1 ihe d~~ 0 t;he rielEtlr-~ijon ~. ~l1e st;rtd'wmrfrOish oi"ilnge5 and fresh or 'Silk rD~1'I leillliS Plao!1he firsrQffilije or. the lE:dge af the bas:e boerd, ~e"'J1lng ag<Imfll. -me ~slyslyl'eF1e dummy. If'ls~n, a keBab 1;tJ~" wlto one sde afrhe oriffig<! .. rt~ thrallg" IniO'the p(J~~~ ta hQld rt m plaq;!, U~j:: the wirtJ Wlterl (Ql'\I~) lo rut off any l'?r0ttU 111&CSUth. eu:n toe 000 Q[i3nge lntc pDsl ~~_Ji _as-:dm~ ;rs pwslble. to ths f.rshnd ropeat -me. ~kfWi!riFlIl aPort CiJl1tf'l~ ~S>- Work ytJt:Jr way atound the O~. thert move ow. t€I torm a 5900ml art!::! th~rd r.a.~r.

S VVt,el"l 'l,I-'fie "Offinga5 <l~ In po::;-n-ttrn, palnlJJ_ rew of them with edibk: gllld,Yoi.J rnn}-.iliO Wt5.n to pa\nl a, rev.' of lh~ thocQla.le t!crolntiol1S bn 50me of tl'l~ dJps. Us(n(a ~ue gUI\ !i1sten the rem IItaIlllit<Jh:to f.")3ItIOi'l among;;r the m-ang~<; this will soften {h~ overalJ "P!.lf;Wan£;E and add netur .. ! co~ollr 1-0 UrJ;;; -stapp P!a(ctDe tnlCOlpt'2 pOB fn'l;O Pr:?~rriOrt 00 the ~imd

1<J;t/1 pieces or <l!'"'B'£-ro!()JJFOO drOccJm~ p<:lo;M, oo1'll'esrr flI!.lr ~ng-ef1i oopep1E tlrw aruryges.

CT<lnge ~e 1.1 r



LJse' Uie' J.lcOOb stk/.$ Iri """'1Jfe' th" r~ DrDrtgnS w iHe riil"'~w-m( srtlp/l{ng off qJ1Y rIU1'nlSlOOS.

p!= me Im:Mid~aJ d'lOo:CJ,l:rtC tll1d (l&1l;Iiiii ~r.1U onto lire ieOg.§ of dl!!_swrltl.

CAKE AND DECOIl.ATlON 25crn (lOIn) ~I.!l"ld r;.hooolatel:'a.kf'; (>e<!': p;I~ 13:8-139) ., SOg [lIb) d;lrk d1.ocoletfl :l5crn (14111) I;;l~ ~rd J 25ml (411 0%) kD'sch Ilk (3211 oZJ -I\"es_h whrpping [,ream 150& (I lfi) Amanno cheme> {blac.k c.henie> soaked In bl'andy)


EqiJlpme!ltl 'for layenng (see ~, I a~I~) Equlpm.ei'n for tM'Iflenng (!lee pilges 16-17)

CeUeplt'ifle 2an ~I.inl tallilr Lhal1l 1Il12 ~d Gk:e,. nd as long as its drcumfef!:r:ICe

Gre1l5!proof ~l p'¥ler ptplng ba~ (mrlesl LOcn, (Sin) QrdI;lQan:i ~bQ>I

I balloon

I amloon tie

Ab$Oi'bent paper

This luxurious combination rof cherry and chocolate, adorned with i'ts delicate lattice of dark mom/aIe, ;s liberally laced with alcohol to giVe Q distinct sophistteoted appear. A deliciolJsly decadent oessert with Q reol kick this c:ele.brutory cake IS definitely not for the (aint--he.arted.

Kir royal

J Cutthe ~e Illfo I¥rs (see pages 18-19) and (oa.t the b3Se willi a thin layer of tempered dark chQcola~e {see Pi!&~ 1 6- J 7). Vv'hen set, tI1e,c:'i1oco~a-te forms a Rrm base .• Plaee tlus layer (chocolatlH>ide--down) onto Ihe cake board MId brush YIiTth lQl'5-ch to moisten 1he sponge.

.2 W~1iSk, the cream until finn and ~pread 200ml (7" oz) omo the sponge wHih a palmte knife.

,; Put the next sponf,e la)lf!r ~n place. brusn INith kirsch, then spread another l00m1 (7f1 oz) of cream,Ti!ke SOg (3o'Z.! of the Amiilrino chernE'S ami chop. using a. sharp knife. 10 CJ"e41U, a pulp.

Qlptfhe bare loyer"Qrw~ wim ~perefJ dl:lr-k d'lOCQJote, ~pn;'''t.tln8 nght til ihe edge.

Arrer m:;;J~£enlnJf wiIh k,1rSdl. S'jllEoorhe wN;ketJ ctecJm middy CruD !fiE mke.

Lrw tfr., tecQlJd rc'.lyll~ of alr1(l onw tI1i>.<el1:!tmI I!Illd!;!!1l v.1!h kirodi.

Sprea.;!two th~rds of the '-fll:~rry fI~lp onto the I:n!am I"Y~ miX1I1g in 511gn-dy to I;relfl~ a d1erry-pi nk oolCl)r (reserve the oti1er third fer later),

4- PI,II the "i~III7d ~pclflge ~ayer Into po.ition, BriJs.h wrJi kirsch and, a~n. spread wrt;h 200ml

(711 o:t) of cream ~l'ld level ;a the edges. Place the fOlJrth spong" laye; ~rnlo p05~tioo on top Qfthe cream and brush lib-eraUy 'Wi"i.h kirsch.

5 IJ~ 1:h ~ rnmainil1.1e1 O'eam to cesr the top and skies of the rnl~. Ensure <i ~cofu ,even' sunac:e 'l'lith no cake siloWingthrough. Appty the reserved cherry pulp sparingl)', Ui:lng a, palette knife. ~, litJ-ie at ;:i time, aver the entire cake - blertdll'lg 'witJ'i the: cream to erestea mottled eJlect. Place 111 the refrl,gerator while you are P"lPWil1.gtne choeolate for the next ~e.

,6 Lay tne W,IP of ceHQP'hane AI$: on the wm,k ~1Jrfu.ce." Pl~m some lemp~md 0011: cl1o::olate In a gre1lS,eproo( (Wlil() paper pipfng bag ((onc:) and rut fheend to (reone i! small hoie, Pipe crlsscrossed dl a ganal lines over 1Jhe strip, cre;rtJng a latti.:e pattern Ero .. re the chocolate piping spi II~ o\tet on to the WOi"k surface at. be Lh sides of the strjp, Ufi: the cellophane whil!! the ell ocol:~

IS still wetand apply it to the Gt~" pres;ilng me chocolate against the cream. EnsLlI"e ihil!t tnt! sMp I~ level witIl the ~ bose anE! !'lust-. n(mly into pO'5ilian.LEa'Je the l:ellophllrll;. aitild,ed too thAt Ulke and terrig~l'I,tE! for aooLlt ~ 5 mmwtd

The cen<t"rJ1 royer a{ rnl'lm 11000s (0 be sp~od IIbernlly wfth cheiry l'uJp.

The-- r.i:rllrr", p~}p:\w1Illland Wi tit -tlfE owm ""min;g, nE1'I1iI1R Cf maWed eff8d.

7' Cut .. l Sem (Gin) hole ITI the cake box base, Blow up the b.alloon '[0 lit sn~y Into, tills hole. close the 1:!~lloo!1 with a tie 00 enable it to be de9ate:-a e35ilj.: PlaCE some. mern i.empei'"edl dark -thoml<l1€ lnw a. grea.o;EI~W1"l of papet' piping bag. C~ a ~i'nall i"lb~e in the end and pipe in a circular motion over We Inflated balloen, Start at tn~ tap and work }'"om- Wily areund and down, en:.~;wil1g'!!"i21l C~r'il.g~ ilnd leaving no large aFeils\M:thout chocolate (see pages 44-45), It Is, advbiable 10 pipe an e.dg~ "'f~Ul"'ld the balloon, ~f!~ witll the cake oox - this e.IiJOUJr'eS a strong rlmi'O the chocolate bowJ, Refrigerate for 2Q minutes,

8' Remove tl'e box i!ndthe(!-piped balloon from the: r;ffirig~r SloWly d€f1<rte1he' bailOOl"\ errsun flg an even release f~orn tI1~ r;homtati3, When Vie balkKll1 is r;;omplebdy removse, the, r:nocotalte bowl ma.)I TIm be mtached to the ot'a~ box. G~ridy ease the bO'N1 ,away From the I'll).\( by Sltdlf'l,g a. Sharp knife .belweel"J. '!hem - trike ,~at care, as the cnoo:ila~e IS very frcaglle.

9 Dra;n 'ttie remllining amarillO cherries 1)1"'1 absorbent pap<T.lVemove me cal<e fram"the roffigera-tor .;i,i"ld g~f1t1}' peel <Nr.lyttle ~EltophilI'le from around the' c.:meoo, ~e,a;l~ the choool~.let!l"~I!~ r;lew~lol"1:i±;1l1difig pTOl.!dly qround the .cake top Ilfld Sides.

10 PI;K~ the choc~l~t!l! bowl in the centre eftne take t,op, tilting slighUy. Gro!Jpsome of the drail"1oo ,~rrie~, arocnd the base beard and' tI1\1l rernO'l irldo::r ~n1 the chccola te basket on d"1e top,

PIpe lfilR. :cris'S~m~~ed I/Tle'. ot wm/;lered darloi dra;colfl1e Min rel/opt"IGOO.

H0i9lng Ifl;e ceJ,'op/l!JIlG ~~, ~ tile cI'l'l!:Ok'l~61 J~ ormmd 'dJ~ wke,

kit' 1'0)'131 9)

Thiis ~ke I~ 'iJmply ~ wlwrt it j-.;; ~r~ witJl rJ par~crn O(iIJJ'0'AmWIlD memes 0/1 me std~.


-. "

• ,.' IIj I

Mien the d1(l~,oltl~ ~ Iir;; U~ grraa' wre !(l ~ tire-ceJlo,MOJ'le Wi))..

SOtm Illl!1).13ctn (9ifl) Md JSciilI6h.) I'1;ltmll orang~ ~dke (~~:; nEt-I ~9)

~m (161"l Ucm (1J~!'lJ ;!fjO 15;:rn (I e~ rnunrl ~iE IlOilH1.

I.B~ (1I111) ganar:t.e (see ~. ~42-11~J lAkg (S\!ll whlle~~p~ .L~l:g~5Ib) mIlk d~Qlol~ ~ 'fsee .~.~ 148-1 '19)

~mI p.~ o~i dr=' OIil:nhcil !iSDg (,lib IlQi) clark_thOCblatEWffi

. (~ I'ril~ 1<I~jil7)

Q;,1d·edf,w rl~on far·1;la.1ffI .ooeco

~~1;<Jr Qrang~.b1Q5sorll nQWef'5 [la,'611 Ie.;ve;


E~U"lpm"'FIt f .. r ~g aPd' OOV6ri~g (iee ~ 11l-2d)

Pa-;try bMh

G~~j:m:mf twax) paFl~ plPmi!: bag;. (c:'na) f-bt gjtl~ ftiNw., .(",Uel' · ... ·hef;1 Alrbrusb til" vrlillLkrfi. IJiTn~'h

1'he c'hQmlcrre and Of6nge [USEe, combination. is posiilbly Df] e o~ the best mam'ages of ffavGur there is, In mrs redjie.Jhe moi',st Cilrtrnge: GfJK€. is aecQmfJonierJ by mCicztjWn. 'cQot-eiJ in milk Qnd d~flrk tfj'QtBiote,

Use swgGf bif ortifi6al :Orari~.e hlr)JSf1(J!m~ Grid erunges (Olf d~(JJ!rt1Mfl,

Orange domes

1 ~ -Ihe~~ (se.c pages I s~ 19), /">~i:mbl"i'; l<r ]l~"g ~e paSE. ~Iice:qnm AA~ q:[J!litl, ~ddm~ s!)mE ganalJie tn LhE Cerl~a/1a sp.m-alrllnglt :t~s .tHe eogl'l, Le~ il'ieoganildie 'lhltki;;r m [he middle tfl forrm the bilsIs 'af tl'ledome. Pla_~e tl1e" I"l~ slb:l ofspll:lr'lgel>l'l wfl znd 111~ the ilrm:es.'ji W!th '[hs garii3.c_rI!~. bi,Jlldl~ the dOA'lIil4>bape each tfm~ and ttrm.;inl down the edges. Repeat with 1he n.~L ~\$Ir~ ~L ~lej~yflfi-ri& far the ~Inlniip,w CII~~

:a CQver ea.;h dome CI!ke with a thifl ~g of g<; th~ ~O)lt ;,.01:h milJ:z1p<i:il '~ee P"'~ 101, Ai} a. cake SI"I10o'ther to cl"eatell!'1 even *lf~lj;,t;. t..aave w"f"lIlfI ~h1lght.

Wlrh tOO ~dJe 'oOOlIT'midilU"in tIi~ (~M!re, a«Il'f!~ rl&r!l1,)6ngt' t~

:§pre.oo £tie dom~·.s/'1~d ~ '#Irn trmtolt:rl£ gbrnidill, 1I.'iJn& li /Xl!ettB kilr/li

j Roll ,cui 9DQ,fl t2Jtll !ll111< r.:I'ID~Ia:b~parte, Brush tllE! m<trz;flan wFth dear ~kGihGlt then dr.qpe Lh~ paste. QVe~ the IBfjiesr cake; Work from tt;,e. WP oN he "dorne ¢Il'Cuf!id and dowrlj !!rls~rl.,~

that '10 ail"btibbles are trnpptlcL e..sur;e the ,l:Jrf~ i.smooth al'\d'ttim off .any excess paste,

f.l,epe:al for the I'Ial'1'1ainTng,..two cakes.

4 C'reat-e an Clrange"pee~ e.fT'ei:;!: eM the ml~k <h~],a,iJ:l p,a5te cO'lerll"lg tliJ domes Wrt"lll. f1;Jc;ld gr;rt;:r; Usin~ the. SIl1-lloo,.t;01~' inter; pl"€iS!l11tmly 0111:0, 'the Ehl;'K",late paste. repeat! Fig all over eall:'h dol'Re and O'li'erll!pprrlg the Imp~IOnF")MJ1tf:rneB',

.5 GenBy heal: th e dar]i;'rnrxo'lam 1IIItJce lJrrt~ it is jL.ISI. ll{tl.lid. PI;oc-e some In a piping bag (~Qne). cuLting- off 1Iheend to I' il: ~1l1 aele, PIPe the 5abJce ento the .dom~ 50 it is wn~ntra1Ed iJl; the top aFthe dome>;IDd driu:les PIJWI1 th¢ sides. ~V~ to drjl overnlglit.

6 Roll out iii leng strtp or mocelat", flilSte. ~~h ihe- expQ~ sunace 0 ~le i"'.'!ke IilIllar(Ji w1U, wat~qlIld apply- ~ ~ o ~er;lJ'im Dff the excesi and, Uji.r~g a srrmll,ah<'l.rp Itliifu. rut lnlll th~ p.m~ at,Smn1 ,(,l,in) irlter\lals iliJ c;rate 11 pattern, Glue r'he: rlbbol'l 10 the Ilioar.d J;!dge,

7 C'rnwn the qliiTlI::' wi th ~gar !)r';:mg~ ~Jm tlOWenr daJ<l<, glE'n; J~$-ill1d SUglIl" Oral'l!1,6, wfred tl)~r ,n OJ spray

J)e;;QmllVt'ly. mQ!K the dlo,Qra(e_ j:lrJSt'e edging Of! li.le CWl~ .bDtrl"rf Wlt'tl !l shmp krii/i!.

CmlJl~ rile flj1Jl'l~ #ftal errm ~I'I Ule-wowlote ~e 1J000ng p '!JflId Wter.

Pipe rlwdtJrk. rfroCllill1ll 5t!Ut'"!! ~rrrn !.IJ~ tllp :iij m-. ttIke, ill/awing Ir 1Jll ~ciw,

8. To ~te the • stand «see 5:tj:ll"d .:il'lgredkI1JS). roll put the OrliJ'\~R SUg-aqmit~ (roll-,;d fal1clat'!t) al"\i:I t:~ ~ 6tkm @4ln) n:tlmEi ¢.e sQard (Br-wlh lM bQm "",rUrl !,-I~~el'" 'In hElp th ~ p~e stkk tl;). it) Il'lm Olf ~nr ~xc~~ past~.

9 pralo~ the cake dlJrrlmtes &nta lne h,oW j3!§siLiQl"lii')g th~ In 5U~11 a 'Nat thalt '!lrey will sr~O\lv off tll~ ~~"" to rn~.- rr,~l adYal"ltage, an 1!1'lb ine sqgarpdSte <!mum:1 the base OR Lne <lum mie-s i3!1d.~pye th~~g<!~~,~1El'5 beneath US1Ji3<l hat,~lue gUrl,S'[JCK 1I1(;': pol~m:: tome 'ooard iii the wt-cil.ll' (:irol~ making lio~re tn1rt "ha ijurr1.rni!'l'5 fft '5f'Iuglt iiltti ilin 10.0110 witl'i IiO e;q:.psetl 0i1Sfl board,

10 j'i;crl a1rt:ihe n;mI!1nll'1g'Ol'<lnge ~!:lgarpa$ 'In ~ttf1~Ps~e1i!~'1mri"!,(;t<i1i).U~iBgla ribbon wtte~ .....neE!'J, rut strIps !!if u..t1e'!9uaJ ~dtns out of the roflecl ~ta ~i"Ll5h the 6tj(e dornrrues WJlh wilt-er,ilrld apPo/ the 'ltri~ O'Ie!'T~l"pLT1g-mem in)! hlll'h<l#lrd way.-Trim oWltny eKl:ess stIgar,pao:;te.

:d, US]r'lg ali airbrush Or ii ~1'll~dlSQft!1~qru5h. s~de the. ba'.ie->boa~ anci,$fllw1TI5 witl~ the dlOCi!llam b~r'1 r~fOli:l OhlDUnr'l~ 'Wer'K1rJg t'mm ttle ed~ inwards to; ali1ie~ ~ OOiIer:age-, Appo/ ribhbn [0 the base beard ~e to m~rci, Ihe calMs, lhe~1:i LtI drr fe>1' 24, nO\JFSo' bffibre v,%!. then iI.:;;~ble '!.lie, ~ on the stand

The" romPS1le!1t:i ~r tile $!ti1Jd - j'ldJYSJ;l'I'5JI" ~}~ dummlClS, wgrIrp<i.~ wi:.e bOOI~hli1d rlMx)fl,

Use d ribbon wtling w.'lOOI !<l/Clrtsmps (If wmge ~OfiCli"Wo((l' m jJrier;£;11 Widths.

orange domes Pi

2:.7'Stg (610) Clran.Ele ~IlB'll'PaMe (11011~d (a~i:lafilj (S'eeli~ 15G)

~!m1 (2~II'i) l'I:xmd ~ab ~oa:rd

l:ian <Pi~) d'M't1':IN:.I mml~ (41n.,) deep. 8tm( 3JnJ dlom~t\'J';'; .2!km. (91n-) deep aM. Bern (3in) diamew l( 3Qtrrr (12in.) dEep pGi)'Sl;rene take dummtes

GHdtolate. brown mud tolo~

l1!:1!:tg IwNrr 1Po~ t%ur/I}} !i1tld~ life bG,selioold (lI'[(l aili(l1~'Wj1h1J Q{lJm ill aJrMusf).

Base cakes

The cnowkne bdse CQkes for Iile crear/ems In this oook shoold ,be Qji 5umpruou5 os you carl make' !hem. There Qr'e some gr&lI chocolote- mke mi,l(e5 oval/able (Tom ,SUPr:!rmcirkers., but i( )Iou are after thar unique home-made ravOlJr. try one or the fi:;llm-0ng recipes, Use the redpes as guides - for €OWl &ie full i1&1pe produoe~ 1 wo 25t.rn (l.Qm) round cakes. Use one, thud ofrhe recipe to pro4uce rWIl 15rm (din) round Ct1l<.es; na/ffPr tWO 2000 (8iM)

round cokes and the fUn reCipe plus one Ihird (0, (Wo 30an (I 2 in) cakes. Simpfy se/lEd rr dlfferem tlh10r ~qu(lre 'C1kes, octagonal cdi(Bs Gnd obfong cokes.

1 hi~ is a Fairly. bas~ fi~ ~1f-1e, uslIIg E~ pQYo/de! rt;)rtne. ~~~lllr: IdeCll r~JI' the ~l'I1il w~dTng_ ~aJ.@s (~ ~ 18-8 I ai'ld e~9).


.125g~~ 01.. I~ "W~ rlJiilrg~lJ1ne. Ill"'" ~ir,l fW-!l~lng

37ag ll30:r or ~"OJp:!\ ~I mlilill Wo", I"'~ EWfi>,b" Ihe ~i ... s

109 (I 0:0) ~l

! '10 III (5(fz) ro,Qa. powder

285ml (! 011 oz) evaporared mOk

28Smi (I Of! m) warm waler

2 Grease ccake lnnl: WItt; vege lable margarine and sprinlde wd:h DOllr:

J Sift together the clry if\grediel1l3 and rub the egetablQ. ma."gatme into them until the mlx:ture resembles Ane bread crumbs.

4 Beil:l the eggs t!1oroughly and stu- them tOgether with tlie. evaperatad m i!k and

5 Combine the egg rni::.;tuh"; arid m'f! dry mJ!<tUn:!. and beat weD.

6 Pour the rnlXlure 11110 me Glke tlinS and bake for abeut. 35 mrnutes 01" uml~ 11"".

7 Leave in the lin .. roi"' a lew minulCS before removlI'lg:to a cOQ!irlg rack

This ts ;;, gloriously rich (aklilih(l is somcwhq.!: Ireavierill;m the previous redpe, This would be a grcm ruse cake 01- he

Dark ruffles cake (~e pages 116-~ 19).


~fID!l ( I 'k!z or J '/, cups) ~-rdi~IMll ~ pIUs extra ror1h9 nns'

17Qgc(IJD1' (.'It 11L, rujE)_bub'

J7~ (l3tlz-ot' £II. !;y(5)',d!lrll~rtbmWrts~ Slflrge~

11:~ inl dill 07.1 "''''110 ~ter 12:fg £eC/zj d3~1t;J(.lti! l!:lr~f!Oz) .. alt

1 preheat~ to 1-8 "t: (l!)O"f). 2. Gr.eas~c:ake till£ wit" ~gel:ahte margarine and sprin~8-wltn nom:

8 Leave in the tins for a fevv minutes

.3 CreiOm logether me butter and wgar until hgh and flufft. Separate -U1C:": eggS ~nd beat the yolks umilligm.

1/. MeJt 1l1e c:hocolate and add with me waier te the Y!JI~ Imi)( um.1 i:ombiroed.

, Add the egg mixture to the sugar batter 1IQd sur 1hol~\Jghly, thep sift tlle--!lry il'1g~i~'lmd (olm them hi'lmugl-11heegg 1Ifld 'S\.Igar mi)(ttJl'e-

li Wilr5k:The. flR ""'1t1 hej; LJn ul tl:ney are at soft peak.~e, fI;lld t<lteMy TITill th~ mOO:liI"e Without -QlJer--worikil'lg;'

7 Pei;ll"" the mDmIrft mto md prepared ca.~ tirr(s) ana- bal<i.e fOJ app-!i\"[""rI')<IT,;;1y-1Q

Moist chocolote coke


V~l:ilblE rfJ"~"E! rar weaslfllg 300g' (I at.oz.) pliliR (i~Jp'...r.~~~l, n~ljr, pJLS~ ranhs li'"lS

l-aIig (6'r.oz) t:OC~ pow",~r 1.5 I.1rgr; qg~

~(I'!:! __ :1D,.;) ~r (5Up"rlJn.,.~ ~g;'lr 7Q.~ (1\Mt) ~d J:ilJ:tli:r

!l!linlJtCT'or uhtJl iirrn

1 Preheat OV"G1"1 to 180·C (3SQ~f). 2_ Grease cake Ilns wrlh ... egel3.ble margaiine anel 5plinkle wrth flollr.

J SiA: together the flour and cocoa !:lowder. 4 Fill a medium-sized. SiLl)Cepan one ttl ,ro ru~1 of w~ IDld bring LO a g<lcr"ltle §irfllner; Combine the eggs af1d 5Ug-1if in a metal mi!!ing bowl and plate this- 6vel" the pan,

'S-ilr l1mil the rruxture is warm to "the touch.

j Lift ;away from the saucepan atld use An

electric m~ on medium speed urrtil the mixture l1l1pres Jr, \lolu:J'fle (abouL 8 ml!1ules). Wh'Oll the whISk 15 J1fted, a thlC'k tJrllI of milctur~ should be left ~hind.

6 Gently fo!dl in he dry ingre~;hent$, then meilihe butter and !Old Illn,

7 Pour the mfJ<ttJn:! into the nke tiriS arid bake fonlJboul 25 mi[l1JtCS or untll firm,

,8 Le<L'Je in the lll'l~ for it few rrururtes

/ I

~ rJirek rail or sugar<ttlrt-ep m!K~hi 5hi;lJld b~'i¢hlni,! tIl'l the WTi,*

Cake flavours

fon.mextra dimensr(m to YOUl' bl?J':;;~ cake. yow con odd CJ him orfIcMJUt. Look at the oU,er ingredients in the coke c!"Cottons to make sure u,.Qt Q flavoured base co, e will be complementary. The following reCJ/ie.S' will pmduce tWO shallow 25cm (lOin) round (Qke~. Haw·f! fl1~ mClpe to m(Jke tWO lOon (8';fi) round :r:ait.fS, or USE one third to mom·twLl 15cm (6r.n) ookes.

1iI11S 15 a great Ide;,; as iJ. b1lSe c hl<.e ror the Cal'Puccrnp domes (scc.pllg~ 42--45),

3401: (nOt Qr I '/ cups) vegetable rnarganne, p1us It tra lor gIl':DSil'ltl

H~ (Il:o;: .ot.3 CIJ~) 5e1f-ral~ng ilqw;; pru~ extra fudf"ie tiff( 51

]'IO~ (~lql oc I'I, ~I~ .~~r t~lJperfrnel suga ~ tiJJ~e .:~.1a~.rotlrn~E~)

109 (I at) or 3 heaped l.&1§poonslm!<l,n! oofTi>l:'

~ Pfclo!e"t~ to I IlO?C tl50"F). 2: Grease ~ 'ilnl; with veget:l!ble mar!PI'ine and sprinlde with ~OUI:

3 Cream the m@rgl'lrll'le afld l>ugaT to a(!'IJev~ a. ~ighl,. nd nufry c:on~i'ltet!q

4' Dlssolve 1l1he coliee, addIng Just ~lJfl'idenl b,nling water to make il I!quid,

5 Beat he eggs tho "Oughly and add to the

sugar mi ure, beating in a liWe at a time. Add me dissolved coffee as you add the last of1h~ ~

6 Sift me ilOlJr lheroughl}' and gti:nNr rold

n: rnto the rrnxture,

7 Paul-the mixture Intolthe pn;;pan;:d cake trns ;;nd brure for approxl('Jtatd)l 30 minutes or LJntll nrm.

before removing to a ooolung rack,

You could use this fruit.y-i1a'lOured cake

<IS 1L cornplementary base £al.:e fur the Or-angt domes {see. pages 94-97) or Orange tree CS€;~ pages 128 131) reopes,

foUcw tile recipe for the ro'fiee take, .blJ1.

substitute eon ckops of c:,,"iln:~ [lui and the gra;(ed nnd and zest of one whole orange for e coffee. Thi .. wil~ give a: delicious. subtle or.mge flavour wh:11 Irtde ilecJ.\(s 0

colcUI: If)lOu prefer anoraoge-coloured Qike, ?.dd ~ fe.w drops"'of food' ~ol uring at

C(})ifl'!e is [lIl IntlYl1511Dl! jfr'li'OlII" mrrQlilln a YitKWf3re. 60Sc C;~


This rim rnomi'ate filling IS' at Its best i( prepared rhe day befrJre use CJnd lett to slcmdovemiW,Jt In tfiil> bOtl~ mrs bQsir: tetipe is used in three diffe~l ways,

Whllm the gan< nas rnaurred for 24 flours, warm it very sli:i)hlly to sp1ten it, Using"n el&:ttjc mixer; beat en a; fast speed Until the g.;n<lm<l IS aerated, soft and has

med a muQl pater l:e1our.Tlie(l. spread an slicesof' dlOGllilte * tt'l1<:J)lijrihOlh'i I:o~iher (:seepages 18--'20).

GtJl%icM is use<i' ss tPe cr~m')I dwr:oime 1illlf)g b~e:en I~rs or cake.

Simply put the glIr]arne mixture if1 a saueepap a~ a low hem .md warm 'il(ghtly -t,",111:;1 ho. ectlw1 35·C (95Qf).Then, pour uJVC.r fue Ci" 1.0 caver (see p~e 10),

Using rnedure that ls 24 hours old pIpe small bu1bs or gunadie onto <I shed 1:11 greaseproof (wax) to lorrn'the creamy centres of .Lhese dehl':l(lu:>. chocolate treats (5ee pages 50-53 .

5j;il'llad over ~lj¢ Wft an(l 5i~ [fa cwJ:e It kE.e;ft$ Ine SjJ&Jgl1'.mINSI. und amreres co frill rn~Iprm..

Unless sjl,"r:.f~ed oUlerwfse, I'hf'gafltiCne used for {he (okes In is book is milk dioooi(lffi gCIrJ(Jche'. bur you can use dark or white dia(oiatfl cs r:J IfGr/atlon You may FlEE'G!' ttl make mil'lQr (i~IIJ.s:menlS to dle. quantity 1')( dlocolate, depending on the type used, As Q rule, mare white chocolate IS re-qujred Clnd r~ dl:JrK dlQOJlme.

Here are three ·:5]mple ganor/ll:! r~es to choose (rom:

Standard ganach.e

Tills is iI' great recipe (or making ~ ~Imple but deliqou~ ganache ideal ror fillIng. mating, pouring and -putting imQtruffl~,


q. (Ilb '1O.<.) .cM':cQ1i<tt: 15K {I'/,ot) UguTd .'Ilur::ase,

8!DmI (li>'0ll) rrush \\<rdpp~n~, eream

]' Meft1necho.m~ate to '10"C {lOS",,),

:2 CQt'i'lbine the l~quldilllJc:ose'alld fresh craam In '<L5il\jlcepan lind J)dl1g Loj'the boll

3, Add lIill licilecil ~rumse and (~iIIT! mixture I:D ~e melted ci"1ocolffie and '>tir thoroughly to cornbine,

-4 Allow tile g..f1<1cht 10 I;:OQ'. tilerl1lT<lflsrer 10 afl"irtlght cQotalm:r lJI1d refrigerate.

For a Jlghter cream, you Gin use tbls standard: ~dpe. and add an ?i<I:r.a. dimen5!on.

This, is' a cgooO optloli for f 1111l.!l and rodting ver:'1 rich and creamy cakes - to tighten them. I ry !twit!; Pipes and scrolls (see pages 66-69}~r Iti.eTexlUred dffiiIDl'~e {see page, 98 101)


B~ (lib 1202] rno.coltlrE ~5g (I'I=_) IlqUErl ~IIKo~e

nOml (7f1 a;;} f~.h" wh!pii!l~g ..-"'\l.m I kg (lib "ltu) bwti~r. CI!!atri

I Mel~ the chD[ol~te to 40"e (I05"F).

2 Combine the liquid glucoSe and ft'e>n

cream ~11 a sa.ucepan and bl'ing to the .bon.

;; Add the .. me to tile melted chocolate an~ stir 'II'iorot.ighljt;

4- Allow to cool MId then 51tir In the burter cream ~Mll combined

j Trnnoftlrtl'ie light giltlactre to an airtight comalner- and reiiigetate.

Thio rec~e uses butler to produce a much Flchlilr and mora 1~·)ruriOU5.g<I!l'1.dH3 tn"t is

alcohol nfyou Ilk, to give this delicious


800g (i Ib '1 1m} !:hoc;o1aoo 45£ ( I .~ ~quii:l €'iJl:Gse

noml (111 0") f~h whlpP'ri!l o-o;"m

Fw fJ >rmplE m/<E (/fr(!). jLJS'/ l'i;Jy$' cmrl <;00< ii!'i(/l gOilacne. Il'll'n 5pnnk!~ mrh OOCDO powt:lcr.

J!i!M 1hi3. M~i!d I)'qu:,'rj ~e 'dnd~m 1'l'lWr.lJ~ m /I;~'T1'1Ejt:EtJ ~me j<j1:ld)2~rl;d;irrE'.

1 Melt the cnocoia"'t£: to 40"C (I D5"F).

1 Combine the li9l!qd glucose, cream and 00 L ter in B. ;~1,IOepa:n and bring to the bo~. making rure that the butter is melted In, 3 Add me. glu(!.ore. r_"e~m and butter rtllxture to !h~ rnehed d1!,colm and 5ilr ih~llu8h lJiioFOughly.

4 Allow the gan;u:he to cool and add alcohQ' r.f u·sing),

5 Transfer the S"Wiss ganache toan airtight coJ1t;l.iner ,0 re~igel""ilte.

A wotlrrg of gtJ(1I)CDE should I;e [rnrly thin (fI'ghi), b!J/ should SIlnl in Yle en~re $POO~

GitnMrw. will keep_ for ~ rnomhs in ilIi si rtikht IlOl'ltlijn~r in the tl'lfngtl!f"-<'rtor.

ganache 145

chocolate sauce

SarJO:::~ ron .be used for pounng Dver cdkes or (or serving with Qf ceke as ,tin extra tos~ ciimenslon to me dIsh, Choose fj'"Om the rollowing recipes:

nil. ·S;ilU(l'l is a kind m~ana(he and IS '@J1 ~osll2J'lt medium tor polDnng ~r -~_~s..

AlthougV! It~:trs, It l'i!ia]n~,elastictt)'.W 1\ wi IJ net crack. J t hal> g!"BiIt Le¥tur:e <l;f1d OEWtilUr.


~,g (/"o,~) OF I leaf gelati"", i8Om1 (gn !;ll) mil'-

Thu-ba£iti djmpooiln~ llf II di~ciI,rl:l!ltfvalin& -lmI'f~-mrl'k'-JiqalQ' gfu~ llJ'ld mPlfC@

I Oag (3Y>Ol) Uquid'_Jllum~

30rJg (I 0'1.0,;:) rany cQrnbm""on 'of ~ I'rrilk .md ..... tiiti!1 c!loco~~,

j Soak the I ~af ~!irti ne in a sn~an ~ mount. of warm wa;:er; then leave urrtJ1 cotd,

2. BFlIlJjl milk ~nd 119u1d .gl\-J~o .. e 'kdhe bo~, lhen i1a~ the rneled reaf geJatiJrE mOOtJre., .3 Melt tile mocmlate -and cookl rig chocolate, and add to the Ilel<itlne rnedure, Plate ln tm ~!'tIgkt mrtlEllner Cl'.fffnighL

4 When rearly to US~, warm the 91JC.e

to 35"'C (9:]~F) and pOlJr QV~rlhe c<lk~. (Th~ sauce will keep lor sr.; months.}

A fjdf OOrk~Uiill 10c ~1J!j ~!iJWri W'lfill anti I-!GUf~ fNer ~rojileITJ/I:~

Rich servil1g scmee

Tbis IS a beaJJtjlttlly rkh sauce, p<lniQJ~<lrty wf"i(l;{I made wrtI"Id:i!/k cl1ooolate. It makes

the p~l{ect 'iiccorn pan; mant to a truly deCildem cake, 51Jch as 'the CraqlJllmbouche iOWf!' of prof I:er'O~e~ (see p~e. 38--41).

S,lOml (I ~ oZ)fi'e;h wh1jJjllflg ur\'Sim 450g (1Ih) dMk g,- rflilk c.hc,OiIate

~ l:5g (4ez Qr f. .:up) unSlllieo l:;.;.t1;er

1 Put the cream in. a hellV)'-b,,~ed .S<.Ut:epEin 3l1d .b riog to IDl' bell Oller Il gentle he.n_

Add. thp bIJL!er IQ. ~ dlcrntf:lte-llnd mf':IJTI m&turi:; i:indw/Jf::k IiIW! ~m~lh

~~ MId stir unlil mtltet!, tflen \Nhis~ ~Jmil ~ ~ Immeola1iel)'l

~ cr ~ ~l2r {,uperline! 5'l.Ig¥. _ <f!' ~ fflr' spfltl~IIBg

"";. I q:! or 'I. cup) t;mT\f!ow [~)

1 Punile- miljo: m <l ~b"5edsa~p~n _ d boeing to the bci I over a ge1'lile heat

.1 C!ll(l'lblne "the egg~,5lJ,~~r <tnd ~11'ted

= crfk,ur aod ~ Llntil gal~

-" ~r thE bl'llb,,&-_mIlIL~I:owI)' ~ me egg "I',,coolj]~ and wh~ Urltir (':tlmbil'led •

.J Rer.,m.wilie ~~ll.n-and.b'rrng b'1!'jda_ ""'I! boll, -5Llrrlllg~p ilt;hlelJe:~tilire ton'lis,tMo/, 5 Sprii'llde w-rtI1 ~1"<;1J;5!l( rO'lGrwhh. ~~f1¥l*rand a.O'O~ for f5 rnrrmll'!~

6 Rdiid;re: the pa~r: me:Tt-tm dtocal~iIl1g 51Jf" IL [0 Mile-itt ~er!M.e,>aNIIi~

chocolate paste

ChrxillCl!:t pas«! am be u5'Ed as an cJI/_ernoove 10 roo pan for CQverlng cakes Dr QS a (lnlJl coating. YlOu can also ~se it w mal«:! shapes • .iuch as roses, (I WI/I k.eep

. (Dr SIll:' months ,non airogm eonrmnerWfu,out refilgerotlcl1.) Th~ cakes jn !hr:; boo call {or pasteS of fjJf/mnt calotJtt

A ~ry rich p:me, used in Qkes such <I.> R - arape (see pages 32 35J


000& (lib Im,.) dllrl.. d'I«oIatl' 2f.iO:<1. 17m Illqu Q gIUC()~

1 I.Nann trit! l:hIXQla-!e'll~r <lO~C (I 05~Fi

~ WMrI'I th'c gl~ :;Ii • ada 141 the thocoli!.ti! and rn 'Nell !hen o!cld me watcli

j P\ar'e in <l pl.;!sb c O<Jl_.arrd t~.ave-tG sll;fl!l e«':I'rUghl to oet.lJI'f'e semi

4 To use. (I.Jt Imo !lm;lll !'Ietes ~ knead. j Ford ~ry smooth pa5l:e, pass thl'Ollg tl'll~ rorJen; of a past! mamine 1everal Ilmes.

MUr.: paste

A rdtiler mll~er pa~te tflirt I~ lc15ed In cakc5 swch AS Orange domes

{51: 'pa~ 94 9 .


~ (lib ~ lu~ll'J1\ll~ !J=or,il'e jOO,g; { Gil I q Id glucmc

!IOm1 (I '/ n 6<1 ..... '*'I

Follow tile Sleps fOF e darlt cnccolid:e ~a:e, !.i5e m!lk drccolare Inme:ad of

dafl;: chocolate..

I hi.! «ImjXInFfifll ~t Q mfli. ~!1~ pm:te

, t irl1 id giuCO$'Eo and lik dJocolcne (tl'OfE mowl"! tl) mllel - IV mvp form).

Thls u a more SJ:jgary paste .. but comes OIJ't ~ creamy wh e u.edC)f cakes 5tJt::h

a; Rose' drape (see pai1.~ 31-3!l) ilnd 'Sprlnl weddrrig (see p<lges Tl: 73).11"1 which he paste IS tinted w~en.


75Qg (lib Stll.) white dlo4:oiJ1!2

J 70:1. (I Jo.r. Dr 31 QlP,) Ic1l1-1i {coni rjnlm!~'~) 5I.IlW

1 Wrum tOe cnO{.oi8rl.e to ·!O~C (105°f)

1 Make a 5lmple: syrup WI the sugai' and w~r; by rmxlng them tog~lil~ iIfld bmgmg them LO the bait

J Add me Cl'lOtolalc 1.0 l.ffe synJrhlrtd rnFJ; 'Lhprougll1y,'irtu<n ad the I(rr'lg

(c:Oflfi:!tt1cnen) ~F [0 ~ I'f\i re

4 Pl<ite In 01 pliJSIJc bilg illld r€l~ to .>otand cwm1ght to I;m~e solid.

5 Ii:l U'le. cut frllO sma II pl~!t!; and ~llead 6 PrJl' a VCI"i' smomh paste, pass J:l'i.i"cUl!" 111;: rollers of" f.1a51a urnes

chocolate sugarp'aste

5ug.c;Irpasre (rolled fondant) am be used (liJf coveting wkes Gild for prDduang derailed rnQwlme shapes ami If'XWJ'eS. A.rrjIreope M!JlIJSeS rnoco/l1I:e pasre for WIie1Ing rJr decllmidorJ am 00 slJm!iMro With sug(Jrp~ You can I.ill'I)' the colour Oy ClI~ering .Ltie prcpor!!oriS: ,,' k::I(l1 (confectIOner's) sugar and cocoa powderCI oorker ~ fOr eKamp'e. teqtJire.

more coaw powder Qnd lEss IClng sugar. This r"ffIp~ m~ about 7DOg (J Ib 90l'J QrSiJgmP~. 3lJt for larger qlJoobnss. JI1lU 0011 b:uv ir raldy-marh, .s~rfmSle \.',///1 keep lOr thrEe mot'ltM ill 011 tJ!n(~t ron!Qrner - it need nor be re(

O:iIilWed. ~r'lI~lft' W~,~!'I' pwllM UUfjU4f! st.Y.\W;lg ~ "" .,-,m,,$ wrtI "1cnd~


30g (I c;;>;<;, "'i5!l white ~oo'fium .. lbon\en pow!i(1r

225r1 {So.l or _2 CUjl" co::oo powder 60,1; ami J ¢.rld ~w

J Turn the mllCll.Jre om-o J work 5'W"f3tle and ,ade! !he whrte f.n. kneading well L,lf"l1)l 1l1e pme IS smoot" and pliable.

4 You an adj\JiSt the rorrsGterlC)1 iLi requl~, by addmga lilU~ mc)~ ~i~, Icmg rugar or wnru:! vege:rn~e !ill.

5' ~ the ill ~: plM!k bal: ID keep completeJygjrt;tl b!!forc ~r.lng it. 16 When roady 10 use, 51mply W'E of(" ~ pornon of'the sugarpas1.eal1d knead ft !1;,l:r:lily untl! rt Is, pjti!ble..

.,~ (lib ~4 "-F!:ls) 1L<nJ! (cOC\fetOOn~5') afg&; pI~ l'I litt~ ~ IF mqL~lU!

30~ (1041:11"1_, """Ite 'otS&DI<! fm:. plL:l!'l a UlIJe ~ Ir ~ulreci

.1 Add the egg: white to -tile "quid ~u~ and ml:< togethEr tnDmughljl.

.2. Sift.log.ffiner the cocoa powder and long (~O!"lfeaiooer's) ~i!f lwi!:t! ro ~'thilt

hoeolate fudge ieing

IS used fJ5 an al1:ffna1Ne La g:cJ!larn€ ~ and oollting cakes and is usetI r,~ SLlrh (.1:1: Pipes end s(;rolls (see

o6-69).lr wllllt£ep f(lr aoour rhl'Ee S Ii an airllghl container - tt does

...j mg [t~i'!femorw'~JSJ.Ig,v.

- .. o;tr";I; If n;:ql.IlfC'Il


l' SoFt'Cd'1!he fOrtdilrIL wlih !he mler: ~ 'ttl" It is woriGb1e

the bowl. so mal all the Ingredients are rn the centre. before: beatmg Lhoro~~ty lOw a. f\Jrth!1f" 1 rn n~

StJgII~ me cocoa pOVlidei: ~ milk powder snd the vcg,eLable r~t Into an electric rneeer

4 If necl!'>Sil1"'y. rou can adJusl 'lh e Ul' of tDe fudjiji .~rng. by adding iI ,ITt!" more "icing 5Ugar.

.5 Wr~p thli' lOng ~n ~, pk<5U<: bag "til ~ .mmpten=ly al~m befnre storong.

Beift OF! a medium ~etrir1!i ftlftwl:! mrn~. j Meh. tJ!\!! chom!~le;;nd add uto th.;o· other rflWl~(Ji.ent5 Scrape down the WES of

Wi:nter weddin,g snow(1CJ'kes: (tJ'oges 8,6-89}1

P,/)jrrg whilll ~l1re !!NeE lh!!~ mpio(es w,u prOOJ,lCC boo fifiJ',~ cterlll),,(V" m[)(;f;lME s.'lt:i!NP~_

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