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Nanoscience & Technology (3170509), 7THSEM

Chapter Name: Introduction

• Nano science and technology is a broad and interdisciplinary area growing explosively worldwide
in the past few years.
• Nanomaterials are cornerstones of nanoscience and nanotechnology. Now a days in research &
development the major sectors are energy, environment, water technology, pharmaceuticals etc.
• The usage of nanomaterials are enormous as energy storage devices such as fuel cells, detection of
threats in defense, navy, drug delivery and water purification. Industrial revolution has made life
easy and pleasant.
• Today’s high speed personal computers and mobile communications would not have certainly been
possible without the use of nano science and nano technology.
• Nanotechnology literally means any technology on a nanoscale that has applications in the real
world. Nanotechnology encompasses the production and application of physical, chemical, and
biological systems at scales ranging from individual atoms or molecules to submicron dimensions,
as well as the integration of the resulting nanostructures into larger systems.
• Nanotechnology is likely to have a profound impact on our economy and society in the early 21st
century, comparable to that of semiconductor technology, information technology, or cellular and
molecular biology.
• Science and technology research in nanotechnology promises breakthroughs in areas such as
materials and manufacturing, nanoelectronics, medicine and healthcare, energy, biotechnology,
information technology, and national security. It is widely felt that nanotechnology will be the next
Industrial Revolution
• Ex: Carbon atom – 0.15 in diameter, water molecule – 0.3nm Red blood cell – 7,000nm, Human
hair-80,000nm wide White blood cell-10,000nm, Virus – 100nm, Hydrogen atom - 0.1nm Bacteria
range – 1,000 to 10,000nm, proteins – 5 to 50nm DNA – 2nm Width, Quantum dots – 8nm Nano
particles – 1 to 100nm, Fullerenes – 1nm

▪ Definition :
 American Heritage Dictionary “The science and technology of building electronic circuits and
devices from single atoms and molecules.”
 • Wordnet “the branch of engineering that deals with things smaller than 100 nanometers
(especially with the manipulation of individual molecules)”
 M. Rocco, NSF “the ability to work at the molecular level, atom by atom, to create large structures
with fundamentally new properties and functions”
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Nanoscience & Technology (3170509), 7THSEM
Chapter Name: Introduction
 NASA “the creation of functional materials, devices and systems through control of matter on the
nanometer length scale (1- 100 nanometers), and exploitation of novel phenomena and properties
(physical, chemical, biological) at that length scale”

▪ Ancient History of Nanotech

✓ ~400BC, Atoms [Democritus of Abdera]
✓ ~500AD, glazes [artisan in Mesopotamia]
✓ 1661, elements [Boyle]
✓ 1803, atomic theory [Dalton]
✓ 1869, periodic table [Mendeleyev]
✓ 1915, Bohr Model [Bohr]
✓ 1920, carbon black

▪ Modern history of nanotech

✓ 1959, Feynman’s talk “There is plenty of room at the bottom”
✓ 1965, Moore’s original paper
✓ 1981, Drexler began popularizing
✓ 1984, invention of STM [Binning]
✓ 1985, discovery of fullerens [smalley]
✓ 1990, IBM written in Xenon

• Nano science and nanotechnology - The science and technology which deals with the particles
in size between 1 to 100nm is known as nano science and nano technology.
➢ Classification of nanomaterials on the basis of dimensions

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Nanoscience & Technology (3170509), 7THSEM
Chapter Name: Introduction
On the basis of reduction in size of materials in different dimensions, nanomaterials are
classified into three groups.
✓ 3-dimensions < 100 nm: Nanoparticles, quantum dots
✓ 2-dimensions < 100 nm: Nanotubes, nanowires, nanofibers
✓ 3. 1-dimension < 100 nm :Thin films, coatings
Classification based on pore dimensions:
A useful way to classify nanoporous materials is by the diameter size of their pores, since most of
the properties, which are interesting for the applications of adsorption and diffusion are dependent
on this parameter.
The prefix nano- means a typical dimension between 1 and 100 nm. In this range material
properties change drastically, when materials interact with other molecules.
In fact, pore diameter establishes the size of molecules that could diffuse inside and comparison
between the pore size and the dimension of guest molecule gives an idea about diffusion and
interaction properties.
If the two dimensions are same, we can expect that the molecule-wall interaction will be prevalent
along with the molecule-molecule interaction. By the other way, if guest molecules are smaller
than the pore size, there will be less molecule wall interaction than the molecule-molecule
interaction during the diffusion process.
According to IUPAC definition, nanoporous materials are classified in three main groups
depending on their pore dimension:
▪ Microporous materials (d<2 nm): These materials have very narrow pores. They can host
only small molecules, such as gases or linear molecules, and generally show slow diffusion
kinetics and high interaction properties. They are generally used in gas purification
systems, membrane filters or gas-storage materials. Example: Na-Y and naturally occurring
clay materials
▪ Mesoporous materials (2<d<50 nm): These materials have pores with diameter size
enough to host some big molecules, for example aromatic systems or large polymeric
monomers. Diffusion kinetics of the adsorbed molecules is often due to capillarity, with an
initial interaction with the pore wall followed by pore filling. These systems can be used as
nano-reactors for the polymerization or adsorbing systems for liquids or vapours. Example:
MCM-41, MCM48, SBA15 and carbon mesoporous materials etc.
▪ Macroporous materials (d>50 nm): Pores of these materials could host very large
molecules, such as poly-aromatic systems or small biological molecules, and interactions
with pore walls are often secondary respect to the interactions with other molecules, overall
in the case of very small guest molecules. These materials are principally used as matrices
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Nanoscience & Technology (3170509), 7THSEM
Chapter Name: Introduction
to store functional molecules, as scaffolds to graft functional groups, such as catalytic
centres, and as sensing materials, thanks to the quick diffusion of chemical species in the
pore system.
Example: Carbon micro tubes, Porous gels and porous glasses

Synthetic approaches for nanomaterials

(i) Bottom-up approach: The building of nanostructures starting with small components such
as atoms or molecules is called bottom-up approach.
Ex: Chemical vapour deposition, Sol-Gel Process, Chemical Reduction methods, etc.

(ii) Top-down approach: The process of making nanostructures starting with larger structures
and breaking away to nano size is called top-down approach.
Ex: Lithography, Ball milling, Epitaxy, etc. e) Porosity – It is the ratio of pore volume to
its total volume. Here, pore volume is the difference between the total volume and solid

Porosity – It is the ratio of pore volume to its total volume. Here, pore volume is the difference
between the total volume and solid volume.
Pore diameter - The average or effective diameter of the openings in a membrane, screen, or other
porous material is known as pore diameter. Based on the pore diameter range, porous materials are
classified into three types.
(i) Microporous materials: They are materials having the average pore diameter less than
2nm Ex: Zeolites, organic frame works and surgical tape.
(ii) Mesoporous materials: They are materials having the average pore diameter in the range
of 2nm to 50 nm Ex: Mobile Crystalline Materials (MCM-41), Mesoporous Molecular
Sieves, Xerogels, Silica, Alumina, titanium Oxide and Niobium oxide materials.
(iii) Macroporous materials: They are materials having the average pore diameter greater than
50nm. Ex: Porous glasses and Aerogels.

Wafer - A wafer is a thin slice of semiconductor or substrate material.

Sol - It is a colloidal suspension of very small solid particles in liquid medium. Ex: Ink and Blood.
Gel - It is a colloidal suspension of very small liquid particles in solid medium Ex: agar, gelatin, jelly
and tooth paste.

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Chapter Name: Introduction
Aerogel - It is a synthetic porous ultra light material derived from a gel, in which the liquid component
of the gel has been replaced with a gas. Ex: Silica aerogel, Alumina aerogel and carbon aerogel. Silica
aerogel is a best insulator as well as lowest density solid. It porosity is 99%, surface area is 1000 m2
/gm, Its average pore size is 2-50nm.
Xerogel - A solid formed from a gel by drying with unhindered shrinkage is called a xerogel. l) Surface
area - The accessible or detectable area of solid surface per unit mass of material is called the surface


1. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy Surface

topography (up to 10nm) and composition
2. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) Surface morphology (up to 0.2nm)
3. Atomic Force Microscopy Identification of individual surface atoms
4. Particle Size Analyzer Particle Size distribution
5. FT-Raman Spectra Distinguish single walled carbon nanotubes and multi walled carbon nanotubes
6. Photoluminescence Spectra CNT chirality or Asymmetry determination
7. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy Electronic state of the element

Chiral - A chiral molecule is a type of molecule that has non-superimposable mirror images (i.e.
enantiomers). Example: A carbon having four different substituents.
Helicity - It is a form of axial chirality or with respect to axis non-superimposable mirror images.
Example: Protein folding.

➢ Size dependent properties of nanomaterials

• The various properties, which get tremendously altered due to the size reduction in at least one
dimension are:
a) Chemical properties: Reactivity; Catalysis.
b) Thermal property: Melting point temperature.
c) Electronic properties: Electrical conduction.
d) Optical properties: Absorption and scattering of light.
e) Magnetic properties: Magnetization.

Chemical Properties
• Based on the surface area to volume effect, nanoscale materials have:

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Nanoscience & Technology (3170509), 7THSEM
Chapter Name: Introduction
a) Increased total surface area.
b) Increased number of atoms accessible on the surface.
c) Increased catalytic activity of those large number surface atoms.
d) Different/tunable surface catalytic properties by the change in shape, size and composition.

• Hence, nanoscale catalysts can increase the rate, selectivity and efficiency of various chemical

Thermal Properties
• The melting point of a material directly correlates with the bond strength. In bulk materials, the
surface to volume ratio is small and hence the surface effects can be neglected. However, in
nanomaterials the melting temperature is size dependent and it decreases with the decrease particle
size diameters.
• The reason is that in nanoscale materials, surface atoms are not bonded in direction normal to
the surface plane and hence the surface atoms will have more freedom to move.

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Nanoscience & Technology (3170509), 7THSEM
Chapter Name: Introduction

Electronic Properties

• In bulk materials, conduction of electrons is delocalized, that is, electrons can move freely
in all directions.

• When the scale is reduced to nanoscale, the quantum effect dominates. For zero dimensional
nanomaterials, all the dimensions are at the nanoscale and hence the electrons are confined in
3-D space. Therefore no electron delocalization (freedom to move) occurs.

• For one dimensional nanomaterials, electrons confinement occurs in 2-D space and hence
electron delocalization takes place along the axis of nanotubes/nanorods/nanowires.

• Due to electron confinement, the energy bands are replaced by discrete energy states which
make the conducting materials to behave like either semiconductors or insulators.

Optical Properties
• Because of the quantum confinement in nanomaterials, the emission of visible light
can be tuned by varying the nanoscale dimensions.
• It is observed that the size reduction in nanomaterials shifts the emission of peak
towards the shorter wavelength (blue shift).

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Nanoscience & Technology (3170509), 7THSEM
Chapter Name: Introduction

Magnetic Properties
The size of magnetic nanoparticles also influences the value magnetization. The figure 5.4
illustrates the effect of particle size on the saturation magnetization of zinc ferrite. The
magnetization increases significantly below a grain size of 20nm. Hence, by decreasing the
particle size of a granular magnetic material it is possible to improve the quality of magnets
fabricated from it.

(i) As the particle size decreases, surface area increases. This enhances the catalytic
activity of the nanoparticles.
(ii) Reduction of particle size from micron to nanometer scale influences their optical

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Nanoscience & Technology (3170509), 7THSEM
Chapter Name: Introduction
For Example: CdS in micron size appear as red, 6nm size appear orange in colour,
4nm size is yellow coloured and 2nm size appear as white.
(iii) Reduction of particle size from micron to nanometer scale influences the thermal
properties like melting point and thermal conductivity.

a) Silver nanoparticles have good antibacterial properties, and are used in surgical
instruments, refrigerators, air-conditioners, water purifiers etc.
b) Gold nanoparticles are used in catalytic synthesis of silicon nano wires, sensors carrying
the drugs and in the detection of tumors.
c) ZnO nanoparticles are used in electronics, ultraviolet (UV) light emitters, piezoelectric
devices and chemical sensors.
d) TiO2 nanoparticles are used as photocatalyst and sunscreen cosmetics (UV blocking
e) Antimony-Tin-Oxide (ATO), Indium-Tin-Oxide (ITO) nanoparticles are used in car
windows, liquid crystal displays and in solar cell preparations.


• Sol-Gel Process: “Formation of an oxide network through polycondensation reactions of a
molecular precursor in a liquid”.
• The solutions in which molecules of nanometer are dispersed appear clear. The colloids in which
molecules of size ranging from 20 nm to 100 nm appear milky. A colloid suspended in a liquid is
called as sol. A suspension that keeps its shape is called gel. Thus sol-gels are suspensions of
colloids in liquid that keep their shape. Sol-gel formation occurs in different stages.
• The sol Gel process can be characterized by a series of distinct steps.

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Nanoscience & Technology (3170509), 7THSEM
Chapter Name: Introduction

• Step1: Formation of different stable solutions of the alkoxide or solvated metal precursor (the sol).
• Step 2: Gelation resulting from the formation of an oxide or alcohol bridged network (the gel) by
a poly condensation or poly esterification reaction. This results in a dramatic increase in the
viscosity of the solution.
• Step 3: Aging of the gel(synthesis), during which the poly condensation reactions continue until
the gel transforms into a solid mass. This is accompanied by contraction of the gel network and
expulsion solvent from gel pores.
• Step 4: Drying of the gel, when water and other volatile liquids are removed from the gel network.
If isolated by thermal evaporation, the resulting is termed a xerosal. If the solvent (such as water)
is extracted under super critical or near super critical conditions, the product is an aerogel.
• Step 5: Dehydration, during which surface bound M-OH groups are removed. This is normally
achieved by calcinations of the monolith at temperature’s up to 800 0 C.
• Step 6: Densification and decomposition of the gels at high temperature (T>800 0 C). The pores
of the gel network are collapsed, and remaining organic species are volatilized.
• The typical steps that are involved in sol gel processing are shown in fig. By different process one
can get either nan film coating or nano powder or dense ceramic with nanograins.

❖ Precursors
• The precursor used in sol-gel process for the synthesis of nanoporous materials are metal alkoxides
M(OR) . They readily react with water to form gels.
•Tetra methoxy silane [Si(O3CH4)]

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Chapter Name: Introduction
• Tetra ethoxy silane [Si(O2C5H4)]
• Tetra butoxy titanate [Ti(O4C9 H4)]

• This process consists of four main steps.

1. Hydrolysis of precursors
2. Condensation followed by polycondensation
3. Gelation

1. Hydrolysis It occurs by the addition of water to any one of the precursor material to form silanol
(SiOH) particles.

2. Condensation The self condensation of silanol groups produces siloxane linkages filled with
by products of water and alcohol.

3. Polycondensation The condensation process continues to form poly condensed silica gel with
Si-O-Si linkages

4. Geletation:
The gelation process mainly involves polymerization of monomers to form a 3D hydrogel, as
well as other reactions including cross-linking and catalysis. Gelation can proceed in both
nonaqueous and aqueous solvents.
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Chapter Name: Introduction
5. Drying
The gels are subjected to super critical drying in an autoclave. The critical pressure and critical
temperature used are 78 bar and 294oC respectively in order to remove liquid from silica gel
to form the network structure of silica aerogel.

Advantages of Sol-gel process

• It produces thin bond-coating to provide excellent adhesion between the metallic substrate
and the top coat.
• It produces thick coating to provide corrosion protection performance.
• It easily shapes materials into complex geometries in a gel state.
• It has low temperature sintering capability, usually 200-600°C.
• It provides a simple, economic and effective method to produce high quality coatings.

• Controlling the growth of the particle is difficult.
• Stopping the newly formed particles from agglomeration is also difficult.

Applications of Sol-gel process

• It can be used in ceramics manufacturing processes as an investment casting material or as a
means of producing very thin films of metal oxides for various purposes.
• Sol-gel derived materials have diverse applications in optics, electronics, energy, space, (bio)
sensors, medicine (e.g. controlled drug release) and separation (e.g. chromatography)
• One of the more important applications of sol-gel processing is to carry out zeolite synthesis.
• Other elements (metals, metal oxides) can be easily incorporated into the final product and
the silicalite sol formed by this method is very stable.
• Other products fabricated with this process include various ceramic membranes for
microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis.

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