Thomas Ackermann, Ph.D. - Selected Publications

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Books and contributions to books

1. Ackermann, T. [Editor]: “Wind Power in Power Systems“,

2nd Edition, 1120 pages, published in April 2012, John Wiley &
Sons, UK. The book includes the following seven chapters
completely or partly written by Ackermann, Thomas,
ISBN 0-470-974168:
• 1. Chapter: Introduction (Ackermann, Thomas)

• 3. Chapter: Historical Development and Current Status of

Wind Power (Ackermann, Thomas)

• 4. Chapter: Wind Power in Power Systems: An

Introduction (Ackermann, Thomas; Söder, Lennart)
• 11. Chapter: Technical Regulations for the Inter-
connection of Wind Farms to the Power System
(Matevosyan, Julija; Ackermann, Thomas; Bolik, Sigrid M.)
• 14. Chapter: Transmission Systems for Offshore Wind
Power Plants and the European Supergrid Operation
Strategy (Ackermann, Thomas; Orths, Antje; Rudion,

• 22. Chapter: Economic Aspects of Wind Power in Power

Systems (Ackermann, Thomas; Morthorst, Poul Erik)

• 42. Chapter: Wind Power and Smart Grids (Ackermann,

Thomas; Slootweg, J. G.)
2. Ackermann, T. (ed.): “Wind Power in Power Systems“,
Japanese Edition, November 2013, Ohmsha Ltd., Japan.
ISBN-10: 4274214761.

3. Ackermann, T. [Editor]: “Wind Power in Power Systems“,

1st Edition, 742 pages, published in January 2005, John Wiley &
Sons, UK. The book includes the following seven chapters
completely or partly written by Ackermann, Thomas, ISBN 0-
• 1. Chapter: Introduction (Ackermann, Thomas)

• 2. Chapter: Historical Development and Current Status of

Wind Power, pp. 7-24 (Ackermann, Thomas) 1

Books and • 3. Chapter: Wind Power in Power Systems: An Intro-

contribution duction, pp.25-52 (Söder, Lennart; Ackermann, Thomas)
to books
• 7. Chapter: Technical Regulations for the Interconnection
continued of Wind Farms to the Power System, pp. 115-142
(Matevosyan, Julija; Ackermann, Thomas; Bolik, Sigrid M.)

• 13. Chapter: Wind Power on the Swedish Island of Gotland,

pp. 283-298 (Liljegren, Christer; Ackermann, Thomas)
• 18. Chapter: Economic Aspects of Wind Power in Power
Systems, pp. 383-410 (Morthorst, Poul Erik; Ackermann,

• 22. Chapter: Transmission Systems for Offshore Wind

Farms, pp. 479-504 (Ackermann, Thomas)
4. Ackermann, T.; Kuwahata, R.: “Global Wind Power
Installations”. In Robert A. Meyers (ed.) Encyclopedia of
Sustainability Science and Technology, 2012, Springer Verlag.
Volume 7, pp. 4474- 4492. ISBN 978-0-387-89469-0.
5. Ackermann, T.; Kuwahata, R.: “Global Wind Power Installations”.
In Martin Kaltschmitt, Nickolas J. Themelis, Lucien Y. Bronicki, Lennart
Soeder and Luis A. Vega (eds.) Renewable Energy Systems, 2013,
Springer, New York. pp. 1020-1038. ISBN 978-1-4614-5862-3.
6. Ackermann, T.: Chapter 6: “Windfarm Power Connection”.
In Gaetano Gaudiosi and John Twidell (eds.): Offshore Wind
Power, 2009, Multi Science, UK. ISBN 978-0906522-639.
Ackermann, T.; Yasuda, Y. (translation): Chapter 6: “Windfarm
Power Connection”. In Gaetano Gaudiosi and John Twidell (eds.)
Offshore Wind Power (Japanese Edition). Translation by Japan
Wind Energy Association, Kajima Publishing Co., Tokyo,
November 2011. ISBN 4306024350.


1. Ackermann, T. (Editor) IET Renewable Power Generation,

Vol. 9., Issue 1, January 2015
2. Ackermann, T. (Co-editor): Wind Energy Journal (since
November 2004), Wiley & Sons.

1. Ackermann, Thomas: “Distributed Resources in a Re-regulated

Market”, Ph.D. thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Department of
Electrical Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2004. 2

Theses 2. Ackermann, Thomas: “Development and Analysis of a

Computer Simulation Tool to Integrate Large Wind Farms into
the New Zealand Hydroelectric Grid System”, MSc (Physics)
thesis, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, May 1997.
3. Ackermann, Thomas: “Means to Reduce CO2-Emissions in
the Chinese Electricity System by Using Renewable Energy”,
MSc (Mechanical Engineering) thesis, Technical University Berlin,
Germany, February 1995.
4. Ackermann, Thomas: “Privatisation of Government-Owned
Businesses in Russia”, MBA thesis, Technical University Berlin,
Germany, June 1994.


1. Ackermann, T., Fernández, F., Schierhorn, P.-P., Montoya, F.:

“Red Costa Rica Study - Analysis of Options for Managing a
Greater Incorporation of Renewable Variable Energies”, Inter-
American Development Bank, 2017.
2. IRENA, (Authors: Ackermann, T., Martensen, N., Brown, T.,
Schierhorn, P.-P., Boshell, F. G., & Ayuso, M.): “Scaling up
variable renewable power: The role of grid codes”, 2016.
3. Ackermann, T.; Martensen, N.; Untsch, S.; Brown, T.; et al:
“Entwicklung und Durchführung einer Impactanalyse für den
Klimaschutzplan Nordrhein-Westfalen”, Berlin, September 2014.
4. Ackermann, T.; Brown, T.; Martensen, N.; Langanke, S.;
Narasimhan, B.; Geidel, S.; Becker-Birck, C.; Ferrey, S.; Chessin,
E.; Crowe, J.; Rickerson, W.: “Consultancy Services for The
Assessment of Grid Absorption Capacity, Grid Code, Feed-In
Tariffs and Model Power Purchase Agreements for Renewable
Energy Systems”, Darmstadt/Boston, August 2014.
5. Teske, S.; Brown, T.; Tröster, E.; Schierhorn, P.-P.; Acker-
mann, T.: “powE[R] 2030 – A European Grid for 3/4 Renewable
Electricity by 2030“, Greenpeace Germany, March 2014.
6. Tröster, E.; Untsch, S.; Brown, T.; Geidel, S.; Narasimhan, B.;
Schierhorn, P.-P.; Ackermann, T.: “Kurzgutachten zur Eigen-
stromerzeugung in Rheinland-Pfalz“, Darmstadt, March 2014.
7. Ackermann, T.; Martensen, N.; Brown, T.; Untsch, S.;
Troester, E.; Geidel, S.; et al: “Distribution System Study
Rhineland-Palatinate“(English Summary), Darmstadt, Freiburg,
Munich, January 2014. 3

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