TO Information and Computer Technology: Prepared by
TO Information and Computer Technology: Prepared by
TO Information and Computer Technology: Prepared by
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
Prepared by:
Germina Carmae Ambulo
Lovelyn R. Ribon
Jhon Loyd Manalon
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
ICT include the range of hardware and software devices and programmes such as
personal computers, assistive technology, scanners, digital cameras, multimedia pragrammes,
images, editing software, database and spreadsheet programmes. It also includes the
communications equipment through which people seek and access information including the
internet, email, and video conferencing.
The Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Schools was launched in
December, 2004 and revised in 2010 to provide opportunities to secondary stage students to
mainly build their capacity on ICT skills and make them learn through computer aided learning
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
The term “computer” comes from the Latin “computus” and “computare”. Both Latin
words mean to determine by mathematical means or by numerical methods. The English
verd “compute” has the same meaning.
Basically, a computer is a programmable electronic device that performs mathematical
calculations, and logical operations, especially one that can process, store and retrieve large
amount of information very quickly. Personal computers are also employed for manipulating
text or graphics, accessing the internet, or playing games or media.
It is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices,
infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of
electronic data.
THE COMPUTER CASE. It holds all of the internal components to make up the computer itself. It
is usually designed in such a manner to make fitting a motherboard, writing, and drives as easy
as possible. Some are designed so well that it is easy.
MOTHERBOARD. It is the main board that is screwed directly inside the computer case. All
other cards and everything else plug directly into the motherboard, hence its name. Its function
is to integrate all the components so they can communicate and operate together.
CPU: Central Processing Unit. It is basically the brain of the computer. It process all the
information on a computational level. It takes information from the RAM and processes it to
perform the tasks required from the computer.
RAM: Random Access Memory. It is a data storage device that can provide fast read and write
access. It is also volatile, which means that it loses all the stored data when power is lost. The
RAM keeps data ready for CPU to process. The speed of RAM is a big contributor to the overall
speed of a computer.
GRAPHIC CARD. It processes the data from the motherboard and sends the appropriate
information to the monitor for it to be displayed. It can do so using an HDMI, DisplayPort, DVI,
or VGA connector.
GRAPHIC CARD. A graphics card also be referred to as a video card or a display card. It takes the
burden of all the video processing from the main CPU. This gives a computer a big boost in
SOUND CARD. The sound chip built into the motherboard is use for audio output. A sound
processing chip on the card does all of the audio processing and is usually not a very powerful
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
HARD DRIVE. It is found in the most computer. It’s usually a mechanical drive that stores all the
SSD: Solid State Drive. It is a type of hard drive, but it doesn’t have any moving parts. It consists
of a bank of flash memory that can hold a reasonable amount of data.
PSU: Power Supply Unit. A power supply mounts inside the computer case. This converts the
AC mains supply from the wall and socket and supplies the correct DC voltages to all the
components inside the computer.
MONITOR. It is use to visualize the graphics data sent from the computers graphic card.
Monitors also have a fast response time to keep up with the high demands required to
eliminate delays with user input for gaming.
KEYBOARD. It is one of the ways to communicate with a computer. Typing a key from the
keyboard sends a small portion of data to tell the computer which key was pressed.
MOUSE. It allows the user to move a pointer displayed on the monitor and experience a more
intuitive interaction with the computer. It can be wired or wireless. It has three (3) main
buttons that allows the user to select, grab, scroll and access menus and options.
It helps to create information in various formats, such as documents, graphs, worksheets and
Here are several types of productivity software:
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
It refers to programs used to create slideshows made up of audio, text, phots and
It refers to the advertising of a company's product or services using digital means.
Companies use digital marketing to promote their brand and ultimately help them grow. The
variety of digital marketing tools allows companies to use their preferred method of targeting
their ideal audience and costumer.
Email marketing Digital advertising
Content management system Website analytics
Search engine optimization Digital media
Content marketing Social media marketing
It involves creation, design and building of computer software and applications to perform a
wide variety of task.
• Java
• Operating system
• Python
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
It is the process of creating visual content through typography, illustration and
photography to convey a particular message.
• Illustration software
• Photoshop
• Design software
• Desktop publishing
• Video creation software
Its important for cos to have continuous communication and collaboration with one
Computer communication skills you can list on your resume include:
• Instant messaging
• Video conferencing
• Email management applicant
It is an electronic connection of date that is assessed on a computer. Databases store a
variety of information, such as payroll accounts.
To successfully manage data, you'll need a variety of skills, such as:
• Spreedshet
• Data analysis
It includes understanding how various accounting software works. Rather that simply
listing your accounting software skills, detail which you specifically used and how you used it to
help you excel at your job.
It refers to the advertising of a company's product or services using digital means.
Companies use digital marketing to promote their brand and ultimately help them grow. The
variety of digital marketing tools allows companies to use their preferred method of targeting
their ideal audience and costumer.
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
Email marketing Digital advertising
Content management system Website analytics
Search engine optimization Digital media
Content marketing Social media marketing
Switch on your computer and wait until a whole lot of picture symbols appear with a
Start button on the bottom left of the screen. Use the left button on the mouse to click on the
Start button. Then click on programmes and then double-click on the MSWORD programme.
Some computers have a MSWORD symbol that will come up when your computer is on and you
do not have to go to start – simply double click the left button of the mouse on the symbol.
The Microsoft word programme will appear on the screlled Document 1. Everything you type is
called a document. Above the blank screen there are various terms and signs you should know
The first line has a list of titles called commands - File, Edit, View, etc
The second and third lines are called the toolbar and have different blocks that you can
use to give quicker commands to the computer.
The fourth line [if there is one] shows your page margins – it is called the ruler.
The File titles
Click on this and a box with different sections will appear. This is your file organizer and you use
the first section:
To start a new document (click on new) You can use the block with a folder on it on the toolbar
to do this more quickly. Use your mouse to click on it.)
To open an old document (click on open) and then click on the name of the document you want
to open
To close a document. The computer will ask you if you want to save it before you close it and
then you click on Yes or No.
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
If you want to use it again you can add it in later or move it to another section. You use the
Paste command to move the section to a new place. Take your cursor to where you want to
place the section. Click on Edit. Click Paste and the cut section will be pasted or put in this new
place. We call this Cutting and Pasting.
You can also Copy a section of your work and use it again. Highlight the section with your
mouse. Click on edit. Click on Copy. Then take your cursor to the new place you want to put it.
Click on Edit. Click Paste and the section will be repeated.
If you want to do it quickly, you can use the scissors symbol on your toolbar to cut, the two
pages next to it to copy and the clipboard next to that, to paste.
WARNING: Your computer will only keep the last section that you cut or copied. As soon as you
cut or copy another section, the first one will be deleted.
The View title
When you type a document the view on screen is in Normal mode – or as it appears on the
screen. You can look at it in Layout (as it would appear) printed or in other ways. A quick way of
looking at your page layout is to use the toolbar and click on the blank page with a magnifying
glass on it.
You can also change your Toolbar using View. Just click next to the tools you want displayed on
the screen. Do not open too many since the part of your screen that you type on will become
very small. It is best to leave this until you know your computer well, as it is not really
If you have poor eyesight, you can change the size of the letters you see on screen. Use the
Zoom command at the bottom of View and set your view to 100% or more – just click next to
100% if that is big enough or go down to the box at the bottom and type in 110%.
The Insert titles
This is useful for inserting Page Breaks (that is, beginning a new page), page numbers,
footnotes, pictures and so on.
You can also use this box to insert page numbers. Click on Page Numbers and then click on OK.
If you want to copy documents on both sides of a page, it is best to put your page number in
the middle of the page at the bottom. To do this click on the box called Alignment and then
click on Centered.
Play with this box on a practice document to see what you can do with it.
The Format title
This is useful for layout or making your document look attractive. There are various headings.
Font: This is the type of print or shape of print you are using. Your MSWORD programme comes
with a few options like Arial, New Times Roman, Century Gothic and so on. You can set the font
type and the size of letters for a document before you start working. The format also appears in
the second white block on the toolbar below the titles, with an arrow next to it and followed by
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
a block with a number in it and another arrow. You use these to quickly change the font and the
size of the font. So, you can write big or small and in different styles. For normal typing is best
to use a font size of 11 or 12. For headings you can use a bigger size or make the headings in
bold. Just highlight the heading and then click on the B at the top of your screen. Fonts are fun
to play with.
Paragraph: The paragraph section allows you to change the margins of a paragraph. It also
allows you to change your line spacing to single, or bigger. You can also make the gaps between
paragraphs a bit bigger – just click on Paragraph and then on Spacing Before – change the 0 to
Bullets and Numbers: Bullets allow you to mark points in different ways, using dots, or arrows
or blocks and so on. Highlight the section you want to bullet and then click on Format, then on
Bullets and Numbering and then on the type of bullets you like. A new bullet will appear
wherever you pressed enter to make a new paragraph. Numbers allow you to number your
sentences or paragraphs in different styles (a, b, c, 1, 2, 3 and so on.)
The quick way to do this is by clicking on the little blocks with numbers or the little block with
dots (bullets) on your toolbar.
Borders and shading: allow you to put a border around your whole document or to put a box or
border round a paragraph. aHighlight the piece you want to border. Go to Format. Go to
Borders and click on the kind of border you want. You can also put in a background shade. Play
with this until you find the style you like best.
The quick way to place a border around a section is to highlight it and then to click on the
square on the top toolbar near the right end.
Columns: allow you to arrange your whole document into columns. Normally it is in one
column, but you may want to make it look like a newspaper and have different columns. I think
it is easiest to do this before you begin typing, but you can do it afterwards. Decide on how
many columns you want. Go to Format. Click on Columns. Click on the style you like and then
Change case: Sometimes one types in capitals by mistake. Rather than retyping the whole
section you can highlight it. Go to Format. Go to Change case. Click on Sentence case and it will
correct it for you.
The Tools title
This has a helpful button to check the spelling in your whole document.
Miss-spelt words are underlined in red as you make the error. It is quicker to correct all the
errors at the end, rather than do them one by one. You do this by going to Tools. Click on
Spelling. The spell-check will give you options – click on the correct spelling and the click on
Change. If the word is correctly spelt, but not in their dictionary click on Ignore or Add.
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
You can also highlight a word you are not sure of and the click on the ABC symbol on your
The Table title
Often we want to arrange information in tables. Decide whether you need a table. Decide how
many columns you want. Then go to Table before you type the information you want in the
Insert Table allows you to make a new table. Click on the number of lines and columns you
need. You can change the numbers by clicking on the little black arrows next to the number.
Then click on OK. The computer will put in a table for you. You can change the size of the
columns by using your mouse to drag the downward lines closer or further apart. Then type in
information in the columns you want. If you want lines and borders to appear on the table
when it is printed click on the borders box on the toolbar. A new toolbar will open. Go to the
border box on that toolbar and click on the arrow next to it and then on the box with gridlines
on it.
The Window title
I never use this but it allows you to work on two documents at once.
The Help title.
Play with this. It will tell you how to do things. The contents are arranged alphabetically and you
find out more about what you want your MSWORD to do.
The toolbar
Look at your toolbar. On the top left it will show the font and size in white boxes. You can
change your font and its size by clicking on the arrows next to each and selecting what you
These are a quick way for you to make some words or headings Bold (B), to type some words in
italics (I) or to underline them (U).
Then there are 4 blocks with lines in them. These can align your typing in different ways. Get to
know them by typing a paragraph and highlighting it. Then try what each looks by clicking each
of the 4 blocks. The first one is the normal way your text will be aligned. The second one
centers your typing in the middle of the page. It is most useful to make headings if you want
them in the center of the page. The third one is not used often since it aligns the right side of
page and the left side is uneven. The fourth one is used to align both sides – this makes your
document look nice, but it sometimes stretches out the spaces between words and can make a
line look strange
Then there are the numbers and bullets tools. Highlight the section you want numbered or
bulleted and click on the right tool. If you do not like the type of bullets or numbers you will
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
have to go to format and change the bullet type and then click on Reset [if you want to use this
type for bullets in your whole document] and OK.
The next two tools have stripes and an arrow. They are useful for indenting a paragraph.
Highlight the paragraph and the click on the first one to move it to the left and the second one
to move it to the right.
A square box is the next tool. This can help you arrange your borders quickly. Click the mouse
button on the arrow next to it and it will give you the options. Choose the one you like and click
on it.
If you go to any other tool on the third line with your mouse, it will light up and tell you what it
is for. We covered most of them already. A very useful tool is the curved blue arrow. This is
called the undo button and it reverses an action you have taken that you don’t like. So, if you
deleted something and want to put it back – click undo immediately.
How to set up a filing system on MSWORD
Your MSWORD programme can be a mini – office if you set it up in an organized way from the
beginning. In the same way as you would file paper copies of documents, all your MSWORD
documents should be filed in folders so that they are easy to find.
Imagine that you are setting up a filing system and decide what files you will need. For example,
you will need a file for membership, for staff issues, for funders, for training and so on. Where
possible your computer files should be the same as your office paper files. [see guide on Filing]
Make a list of all the separate files you think you will need and write them on a piece of paper
and then go to your computer.
Switch the computer on and click on the icon [symbol] saying My Computer. Then click on C
drive. Then click on the folder marked My Documents. Go with your mouse to File. Click on
New. Click on Folder. Make the folders you need by typing the name and remember to press
enter each time you have typed in the name of the folders from the list you made in Step ONE.
Now, under the main heading of My Documents you will have separate folders with different
titles. Every time you use MSWORD and click Open these folders will appear and you can open
an old document by clicking on the folder and then on Open. The list of documents in that
folder will then appear. When you click on Save As, the list of folders will also appear. Save your
new documents or letters or anything you type in the correct folder.
You can now file all your old documents into the right folders. Switch on your computer and
click on My Computer. Click on C and then on My Documents. All the folders and all the old
documents should appear on the screen. Simply put your cursor on a document and hold the
left mouse button down. Now drag the file document to the right folder and release the button.
Cajidiocan Campus
Cajidiocan, Romblon
If some of your documents are on the C drive and not on My Documents, you first have to move
them to My Documents. Click the right mouse button on the document and a new box of
commands will open. Then click on Send To and then on My Documents.
How to make back-up copies.
A back-up is a file saved onto a stiffy disk. It is a good idea to store your completed documents
on stiffy disks in case your computer is stolen, or gets a virus and crashes. This means you have
a copy which you can use on another computer. Get into the habit of doing this at least once a
week. Use a different stiffy for each folder. Go to My Computer, then click on My Documents.
Put in a stiffy disk and click the right-hand mouse button on the first folder. Click on Send To
and then on 3½ " Stiffy. If you want to take a document to another computer, you can simply
click Save As and the click on 3½" Stiffy.
A hard copy is a paper copy. You do this by using the printer. Very important documents [ like
financial records and reports] should always be printed out. In this way you also have a readily
available copy which someone may want to look at without using the computer. Store hard
copies in files in a filing cabinet.