China The Cookbook by Kei Lum Chan, Diora Fong Chan

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My,rst cooking lesson tool: p&ocewhen I wos ejght Most regionol foods probobfy deserve
yeors old. My !other was on excep-.ionol cook and o book o: their own, and it feUto us to research,
I o~en loJlowed him around the kitchen, trying to select , write, ond ten out eoch recipe,mokirg
help out wt-,,.eneve.r
Icou.k:I.On one occasion, he sure it is suitoble :or home cooking. The process
hod been preparing o feos: f« o dinner pony and I was bo,h chollergirg and en joyob le, and :.hrough
wos assigned the duty of charge o: rooning it we discovered monyth:irgs obou. Chino's
o OJck over o cool 'Ve. We didn't hove o rotisserie culinary history that were new to us. Monydishes
so I put the duck on ooe end o: o long m and that ore clossics Of' hove o long histOfy ore
roosted it over the fiie, tuming rt occosfon oJy ro included in the bool, while others, like Peking
1:oskseemed oJ too eosy.
ensure on even roost . Tl-i..e Duck and Roost Pig, hove been left out because
As time wem on, the duck grew heovie< , we feft theyo,e not suitoble for home cool:ing.
my inta-es. began to wane, and my patience wore Cl-iinese food is about shoring , whed ·>.er
thin. So Yttien the skin of <hedud: ,ook on o nice 01 home 01 in restaurants , ond dishes ore usually
brown color, I promptly pronounced it 10 be done shored by seve.rol peopJe. The rumber of servings
but, in :act ~ tl-i..e
dud: wos compJe::ely uncooked . in the recipes con be misleoding as it depends on
MyVe.ha tough, me ,hot coo&:ing 6 not done wi--..h how morydishes ore being shored . In a Chines.e
the hands but with one's heort~nly when one's meol , it is notmol to hove as mony dishes os the
heort is in it con one reallycoo&:property . This rumber of people, and readers should therefore
lesson remains with me to this doyoncl the motto toke ihis into occount and use it as a guide. You
oppeors in oJIour coo&:books. con find mote in!orm01ion obou. our doily :-ood
Mywi:e, IAoro,and I come from families rituals (At the Chinese Tobie, poge 31}.
with o deep opprecimion :or fine food and culinary Cooking outhemic Chinese food outsjd,e
culture. My :-01herwos the editor-in-chie: and food of its native country hos never been eosier .
crhic o:- o prorninan Hoog Koog newspope.r. His Once -hord-<o -,Od, exotic ingredierts-such os
"Food Classics .. in ten volumes, written ond bo&:choy, hoisin souce , and glutinous rice~re
published in 1953, were by mory robe rrow commonploce in ihe Asian aisles of large
the Oiinese :ooc:1 bible and hove been republished supermarkets ond at Asian :-ood grocers . When
and rePfirted today in Horg Kong ond Mainland ingrediems ore less readily ovojloble, we provide
Chino . I inherited from him much o:- rrY'fknowtedge subs, whenever possible .
and roory d my sl:iDs,and shore tis passion :or The times stated in ihe recipes ore
Chinese cooking. Oioro's :-omilyhod members in provided !or plonnirg only and we expect
the Ging Dynosty court ond in t-igh posh ions in <he some i,Jdgment be used in the coo&:ing process,
Republic rf Chino governmert prior to 1049. I. wos much os we do oursefves. This instinct con bee
from them °thatgood cooking was deveJoped in.:o developed and honed as ,he reoderbecomes
h« fomilytroditioe
. more fQmilig1gnd co,mfortoblewith cooking.
When we started this ambitious pro;-ect, We often re:er ro :ood in terms of coJ01,
we reolly harclno idea of the scope ol work this oromo, and toste, ond this is re"lec.edin the way
might entail. Our 9001 wos to presem o collection we cook as we use sight , smel l ond sampl ing to
o: re~es ,hot would best represem the cross • ,ell us when eoch s-ep is done . We enjoy cookirg
section o:- Ctinese cu.isine-o collection ,hot ond use this oppor.unky to share our love ond
re!teaed dw uodhions of eve.ryregion from Bei;ing pride fot Chinese cuisine. We hope <his bool:
to Sichuon -:o Guorgdoog . As soon as we began piques the imerest ol those new to Chines.e
the process and created o list, \\<e reolized our cool:ing ond o: oJd honds who wont o better
worries hod be-en misplaced . The problem wos not understonding o:- our his,:ory.
in having enough dishes, but having too mony to
select from. KeiLum ond Oioro Fong Chon

✓ II

There is o common greeting in Chino, "Hove l, p umi ,his .:ime, the onciert Chinese
you eoten rice yet?" - whic.h means "Have you wro;:e of 'ood mostly to illustrate concepts-
eoten?" - d·1,ot encopsuJotes how embedded food ogricuhure, medicine , doss, notion-building -
is in ,he notional psyche. Food is ihe :obtic o: bu. rorely os ,he ott o: eat ing ond drinl:ing .
culture and doily life for ihe country 's 1.4 billion However , as :.he gosuonomic ons proli:ercned,
denizens. Wrth the exception o: Fronce , no other so did the scholarly op-predation of them. The
courtry's culinary culture hos risen to such Qing Dyrosty poet , Yuon Mei, documented the
revered gastronomic heigh,s . his,o:ry of Chinese :ood cuhure in the Suiyuon
Chinese cuisir-e, from ancient times to Shidon (1790AD), describing 326northern ond
imperial CHno to the eto o: socialist refOfm to southern delicodes :,om across the certuries.
moderrity, is o semiotic re!tectioo o: cufturol Such wos the ir-9uence of the gourmands of the
triumph ond culturoJ s,ruggle. Tounderstand ;:ime, dishes were even named ofter them: ,he
how socie.:ol norms, doss , ideoJogy, and :omed poe, Su Oongpo (1036-1101 AD) ga,..e his
outhotity c.ome to imersect in o bowt o: rice, we name to Zhe~ong 's sweet and sticl:y, twice•
must cons i der how :ood in Chino hos been used cooked red-braised Oongpo Pork (see page 380).
os o vehide !or governing <he people , how In contrast ro the epkureon heights o:
is intertWined with heolth, or,-dhow food hos the pri,..ileged classes , the loypeople's
come to symbolize fortune ord prosperity . relat ionshi p to food wos, ot t imes , more obout
survi, and sus.enance . However, poverty did
no, Pfedude reverence !er food. For the common
:olk, food wos still prepared dutiful ly with core
FOOD AS A SYMBOL OF and respea. Making :.he most of who;: you hove
SOCIAL STANDING is on urderlying principle o: Chinese philosophy -
with the distirction bcetween classes being one
The Chines.,ereverence :°' food remains as o: weohh not o: philosophy .
vibrort todoyos it did when the sentimem
"To:.he people, :ood is heaven" wos captured
in o second -centu:ry proverb by Hen Li. The
reverence for good food hos ployed o pi,..otol role FOOD AS A VEHICLE TO
in shaping socioJ norms.As for bock os 3,000 GOVERN THE PEOPLE
years ogo, o s;:rict set of (socio I standards)
colled the liji wos estobl ished, detai ling the In o country ,hot hos been beleoguered by
interoc-:.ions between the emperor and his o succession of :amines, r.eorty one for every
t\lb;e'1s, ond gmongcommonpeopleofdr.ferert yeor,the ieveritygndiCQleo: iOffi'; resultirg in
status , ircludirg ruJes on when ond how ::o eo;:, collapsed dynosties (:.he Ming Dynasty in 1644
how ro set o table, ord whot toblewore to use. AD) a,.,,.dthe ovenl-irow o: the ruling doss, :ood
Thoeemergence o' o goJden oge during hos ployed o cenuol roJe in de'iring s;:ote power .
the Tong Dynasty (618-007AD} meant tho-. the Sirc e ancient times, the outhotities hove used
culinary o~s evol,..ed: cooking tecl-iniques :ood as o vehicle for go·,erning the people and
become more sophis1ico.:ed , new were this interpJoy between provisions ond power hos
aeo-.ed ond ::Savorsbecome mote refined. Trode been o domino rt theme in shaping Chino's
olong the Silk Rood 'lourished, bring ing exotic cuisine. Indeed, ,he «iginol translation o: the
ingrediems. (figs :rom Persia, ginseng roo;: from saying , "To the people, food is heaven,'"' wos
Kc.ea , mangoes from Southeast As,jo), ond "No;:hing is more important to the people thon
grope -bosed wines. having enoogh ,o eat ," ond only in modern

times hos its meaning changed to re"lect the
pleasure-seeking zeitgeist rowotd eotirg . EATING FOR HEALTH AND INNER
Fe0:ding Cl-iino is o monumental task. BALANCE
Despite h:s sizable lond moss only 11percent
is suitable for ogricuhure, with on even smoDer Since the socialist reforms 1hot we-te introduced
froc-:.iono: that land being high yiek:I. Compo,e <Nring ;:he Cufturol Revolution were abandoned
that ;:o Europe, whose oreo opprolamotes in the 1Q70s, ,he food shor.oge groduoJly eased,
o: Chino's, but with 00 percent o: its land Oioble. allowing the populaiion to switch off their
The imperative of forming to provide survivalist mentality and return ro the oge•
sus.enonce is captured in the 2,500 -yeor -oJd old custom o: f« heafth, inner bolonce,
seminal ogriculturol ::ext Gimin Yoosh-u( ft ~~ and longevity.
~ ). ,.l~onont Methods 10 Bring Harmony The diet's role in improving heohhond
to ;:he People.'"' This work includes discourse preveming iUness is o certrol tenet of Oiinese
on lood, in oddhion ,o 280 recipes that provide :ood cu!.u,e. fven dvough the ousteritythat
the foundation lor the development of Chinese chorocterized the Cuhurol
cookery (rot dissimilar to what Auguste standardizing the communal kitchens ocross
Esco',er's Mo Cuisine did :or French cooking). ,he country, Moo recognized the iOl)Ortonce
During imperial times, the emperor was of sel'Wlg !resh, nutritional food.
owore that well -stocked public granaries The construct of food as medicine dotes
guaranteed stob-ility among the common talk bod: to onciem times . As early os 1330 AD, ,he
ond security o: governance . So much so cour. physician Hu Sihui (~ ~ ~ }. of the Yuon
during the Tong Dynasty, ony o.!ficiolswho we1e Dynasty, penned The P1incip{e cl the Couect Diet,
derelict in <heir upkeep of granaries, resufting which included 200 hetbol soups to bring the
in food spoiloge, were sentenced ,o o maximum body irto equilibrium; the uodhion o: drinl:ing
o: three years' forced lobar. medicinal soups is still proaiced ,ocloy.
Prior to the eigl->ties,CHno hod endured For the majority ol Oiinese, the
mOfe 1hon o hund1ed years of social turmoil ond prevemotive ond heoling propen:ies o:-food
political ins.ability that WTTressed irwosions by Oie ::ougH through cooking rather than studied
foreign courtries, o revolu.ion that overthrew :ormoly. Hot ond spicy (yin) wds :ocilhote the
the Ging Dynasty, the wor wh:h the Japanese, =.ow of chi energy through the body but must
ond :.he ensuing civil wot . Lre wos difficult fOf be balanced by cooling (yong) :-oods. Du,ing
the mojorhy of the Chinese people, especioDy hot, humid summers, Mung Bean Soup (see
with the number o: gteot :amines around the poge 633) ond lilybulb soup ore recommended
middle o: the 20.h cem:ury. :or heatstroke; when the oir is crisp and dry
lneffeaive agricultural policies du1ing in the :on, pear, persimmon, olive, ond turnip
the eorfyyeor o: the es.:oblishmem of the Oie eaten to moisten ,he lungs; high-calorie
People's Republic o: Chino in 1040 mode it even :oods, such os pig uotters, longon, wolnu.:s,
mOfe di.!ficult :Of all people alike. CHnese cuisine and sesame seeds 01e ideal for; lor :roil
ertered o dorl: period umil the eigh:.ies when bodies susceptible to co&d,o litde dog meo-. wos
the ref«m and open policy was implemented. recommended for hs effects . For
Private em:erprises began to appear ond flou1ish ojlments, consumption of certain loads helped
under the new policyond slowly, Chinese cuisine bring balance ,o ;:he body: mille, with brown
re9oinedits :ormervitQlity
. SU9Qf
rem,ed ene-tgy
Thot o VOiiedond rich cuisine should :oUowing childbirth; nrrde soup revitalized l:idney
hove emerged in o notion whh such o lomentoble 'unction . The tradition o: eating speci,c creatures
history of hardship, seosonol vogories, w01, con,:inues today in contemporary Chino, oft hough
poverty, :bods, and famines is :.esroment ,o ,he consump::ion is regu&oted, wi.h the ojm of being
Chinese people's resourcefulness ond inventive • sus.ojnob&e ond humane .
ness . The scarcity o: :ooc:1
lorced the Chinese to Vege.:oriorism. although popular today
de\'ise on ingenious cuhine based on economy lor health concerns, wos adopted in ond ert
ond moster\JI blending o: :lovors . Ch:iro due to the lock of ovoilob-ilityo: meo-. and
also owing 10 religious be!iel.s: Emperor Wu o:
tl-r-eLiang Dynasty, o devout Buddhist, banned
oll monks :-rom eating meat entirely during his

✓ "
reign, between 502- 540 AD. He believedthat Fun.her abroad, the widespread
Taoism espoused living hormonioosly in nature emigra;:ion o: Chinese people-:rom the mid -
and the proaice hos cominued since . nineteerth centu:ry onw01ds, to Sootheost
Asia, Europe, America, and Aus.rolio- meont
that th e cuisine odopted to its new hom e lands,
incorporating local ingred'er,s. Cor,on (now
MODERN CHINESE Guangzhou) in sou.hern Ch:iro wos ,he epicenter
CULINARY CULTURE o: emigration, which expJoins why the dishes of
that region ore mon 'Umilior to Wester n palates
Since the 1080s, Chino hos undergone on (such os Swee, ond Sou:rSpora-ibs, page 366,
economic ond social tronsfotmation : state -run and Uob wtth Ginge:r and Onions, poge 206}.
commissoria;:s with thei:r standardized menus However,th e globoliza;:ion of dishes :rom Chino's
hove been repJoced whh priV01efyowned o:.her provinces is catching up: locals queue: °'
restouronts, which ore resuscitaring th e culinary Shonxi's knre-shoved noodles in Monhouon;
conon of Ctiino. Shanghai's soopy pork dumplings, xioo long boo,
Migrants from all ewerChino hove !ound hove devotees in Sydney.
their way ,o the bigger ci.ies ond, unobJe to 'vld Som.e rooy bemoan the trode -o,
wOfk, hove established street -food enta-prises, o: authenticity fot globoliza;:ion. but Oiinese
bringing th.e food culture of their home provinces culinary culture hos olways evolved through
to the urban centers, which hove becom,e o :ooc:1 cortoct with new people ond through obsOfption
kwer's paradise . On o!fer is o staggering variety of o: new ingredients . for us, contempororyOiinese
regionol signature dishes, ranging from Lanzhou 's :ood culture tepresents o preservation o: the post,
spicy hand-pulled bee: noodles to Xinjiong's o renewed polpobJe imerest in 1he couMry's
cumin-frogrort Lomb Kebobs (pag e 417)to culinary :oodwoys, ond o cominuonce, on o
Shanghai's :omous Noodles with Eel (page 503), grand scoJe, of the reverence fot good food.
cold noodles served whh the city's prized eels.


The unifying monil:er,Chinese food, is rather between the mountains. Huoi River, ono:her
blunt when it comes w delineating the country's mo ;°' river, ~ws through the cemro l ond
culinary londscope , which spans thirty -lour nor.hero port o: .:heregion where the weather is
provinces ond regiors ond includes 'rty-six temperate :.hroughout the yeor ond seasons are
indigenous no-.ionolities, each with their own deorly defined. Tl-i..eregion is rich in ogriculturol
food uodit ions. When it comes to defining resources with rivers and lokes, and pJenti!ul
regional cuisines , it's use'ul 10 think of Chino as oroble land.
being mOfe lib o cootinem :.hono country. The As one o: <he eigl-itmojor regionol
no.ion's dromo.:ic, v01yin9 terroj~:rom :.herich cuisines, Anhui cuisine hos o 2,000 -ye01-old
river \ODeysof the greot Yangtze and Huong He history ond is renowned :or its intricate CUlting
to the higl->
-ohhude Tibetan plmeou and semi- sl:ills ond various coo&:ing:.ech~ues . h favors
arid steppes o: Inner Mongoli~long with its soup ond <he use o: herbs in its diet, while teo
climate, have dict01ed the tegionol looclways. is o~en used as o cooking ingrediem. The oreo
This section provides some useful known os.,iuhuo Mountain. one of four mo;°'
information about the regions and reveals Buddhist mountoins within :.he region, is :omous
how geogropNf,climo-.e,and terrain shape d·•..e :°'its vegetorion dishes .
food-the style ::rom the coasta l non:heost will AnN i cuisine is represented by three
vory signi,cortly :rom the dishes prepared in subregionoJ cuisines: Huong Shon ond Jixi in the
landlocked central Oiino, which is vos.lydiffe.rem south; Wuhu neor :.he S°'-"h central oreo; ond
from the flavors in Toiwon ond Hong Kong. olong ihe Huoi Riverin the notth. The Huong
A gross simpli,cotion wouk:Ibe ::o soy Shon ond Jixioreo represents the moinstreom
tho-. eoch of Chino's mojn oreos ore charoo:erized AN'lui :ooc:1ond cooking techniques include
by o distinct !tO'I/Or
: the non:h (Shondong) is solty, stir-frying , dooble steaming , stewing, ond slow
the eost (Al'lhuj, Jiongsu, ond Zhe;iong) is soor , coo&:ing.The Wuhu oreo olong the Yongue River
the south (Guongdong and Fu~on) is delicately is olso known:°' its treatment o: fow( ond
sweet , and the west (Hunan ond Sichuon ) is :reshwmer fish, usirg :.echniques o: steoming,
heo~• spicy. These regions-known smoking, broising, sou,eing, ond slow coo&:ing.
os .:he EigH Gteat Cuisines and the most widely The stondord of the !cod is heavy on oil. The Huoi
recognized-enjoy .:he greatest prominence of oreo is famous for to:u, heovity solted and spiced
oil the regionoJ culinary cuisines. :ood, ond cooking by borbecue , smoking. broising.
In oddition to these mo)°' cuisines, ond sou.eing.
there ore smaller regions tho-. ore shoped by Some o: Anhui's signature dishes indJde
their proximity too mo)°' region ond olso by:.he Zhu HongwuTo'.J (poge 526), JooFb,k (poge
o: onye::t'>Jlk
inhobitir-g 3-90
the areo. (poge 640), Chop Suey (poge 402), ond fu&p
Braised Chid:en (page 272).

EIGHT GREAT C UISIN ES Shondorg cuisine , also known os Lu cuisir..e, dotes
:rom 3,000 ye01s ogo ond stands as the ,rst
ANHU I omong the eight major Chinese regional cuhines .
Situated in the eost ,An hui is o lond -bound region Shondong cuisine wos much inl\Jenced
bordered by six provinces. Topicoly it is diverse, by the ieochings of Conlucius, whh on emphosis
whh plains in the north, mourtoins in the south. on preparing ingredErts property ond blending
ond the Yangtze River snoking through in• <hem :.o o hormonious t~e. Wrth o coastline of
16 1N-'tODUC-10N
✓ 17
over 1,860 mifes/3,000 km and severa l kuge rivers Yongzhou !ood is ch01oaerized by
flowing through the region. Shondong hos on its intrico-.e workmanship ond kni:-ewo.-k..os
abundance: o: marine and fishery prodlcts. exemplified by the dish \Vensi Tofu Soup (page
Shondong cuisine is represerted by QO)where o piece o:- tofu is an into strands as
Jjoodong, Southwest , Jinon, Toiloi, and Corfucion thin as silk. Its toste runs to light and non -oiy.
styles. The Jioodong PeninsuJo coo&:ingspecia lizes RePfesemotive dishes irclude Lion's Head
in seo:-ood ond their populot dishes include i,ga Meotbolls in Chicken Broth (page 324), Semi•
Prawns in Vlnegor (page 187}. The Sou.hwest is dried To'u 'Mth Chicken and Hom (poge 517),
port o: the ancient cono l district , where ondYongzhou Fried Rice (page 558 }.
freshwma fish is obundont . Dishes like So'tshell Nanj ing, the capito l o: ..iongsu , wos olso
Tun:le whh Chicken (poge 237}, Fish in Swe~ and <he capito l o: severa l dynasties in the pas.. As o
Sour Sauce (page 169), and steamed mond01in polhicol ond economic caner , it drew upon the
fish ore oJIvery popuku . culinary skiDs !rom neorby oreos to fotm hs own
..inon hos long been ,he commercial ond style . Dud :-o,ming is o mo jOf industry in Non ;ing
polhicol cemer o: Shondong and includes populot ond their soltwme, ducks and pressed ducks ore
dishes such as sou.@ed pork intestines. revered throughout the coumry. Sout\?ed Eel
Whh o lorge number of temples in the (poge 170) is 0001her delicacy tho-. should not
area , Toiloiis renowned for hs vegetation dishes. be missed .
Good wote-1, tofu , and fresh vege.:obJes prO\lide loCO'!ed in the middle of the Yangtze
exceDert ingredients :or theit dishes , which delto and rumerous loke:s,Suzhou is one o:- the
indJde Braised Bamboo Shoo,s (poge 495) oldest chies in Chino ond is rich in :-reshwmer
and Braised Tofu (poge 503) . products . Hairycrobs, :-resh :rom the neorby
Thoedescendants o: Confucius prospered lobs , ore s.eomed and served 'Mth vir.ego,, and
during the Sung Dynos.y and the :omiywos ore prized os gourmet food. Some o: the otha
considered one o: ,he nobility. SocioJlyvery octive, delicacies include begg01·s chicken and Braised
they devebped highly sophistico-ed cuisine whh Wuxi-style SporenOs (page 302). Suzhou is also
intrico-.e knifewosk and harmonious flavors , well known fot its pastries ond dim sum .
and created dishes using dried abalone, sea Xuhoi, which is on oreo on the nonh
cucumbets ., shark's fins, and fish mow. The side of .!.iongsu , is heovilyin!:tuenced by <he cooking
Confucius style o:- coo&:ing, moS"!lyprepared :or style of nearby Shondong. Some of their more
banquets, exened o deep and lasting irfluence well-known dishesinclude Fon-i:oiled Shrirrp (page
on Shondong cuisine . Braised Seo Cucumbers 106) andSquidwithO,ineseO,ives (page234} .
whh Beipng Scallions (poge 236) and Souteed
Abalones (poge 232 ) ore i,Jst o coupJe of very FUJIAN
popular dishes . Located in southeastern Chino, fu~on was o
seafaring province since eorlytimes. Quonzhou ,
JIANGSU o city focing the Taiwan stroit , wos the starting
Jjongs.u is located in eos.ern O,ino with the Yellow poirt o: the Sill:Rood on the Seo, ond t rode whh
Seo on the eos.. The Yongue River flows through o:.he.r notKlns 'lourished .
the ptovirce on the south side, ond the Chino Fu}on cuisine is genero ly divided inro
Gtond Conol runs north - south, dissecting the three styles: notth, weS"!, ond south . The non.hern
Yongue and 01her rivers. It is o lond dotted with style , represented by the cityo:- fuzhou, is re,r.ed
klJ:esgrd s1reoms, grd isKlmetimesreferred gndlight, wiiho preference:orsoupdishes.The
to as the "Water Country ." The Yongue ond the dish fo tioo qiong , meaning ..Buddha jumps ove,
Gtond Conol :-ociln:oted node between eost ond the woll" is o soup mode o! voluobJe ingrediems
west, ond nosth and south , making Jiongsu one s.uch as shorl:'s fin, seo cucumber , chicken ,
o: <he most prosperous regions in <he courtry . mushrooms , ond horn. which is doubJe-boiled
h wos olso !ovored os o royal destin01ion :°' 5-6 hours-h is considered os the bes, of
throughout the centuries because of hs Fuzhou cuisine.
beoutiful scenay and good food . The use of red distilled groin sauce is
As one o: the eigh.: major regional another feoru re P'esem in many of hs dishes .
cuisir-es, Jiongs.u's culinory cufture is represented The west.em style sho,es moryo:- the some
by !our styles : Yongzhou, Non ;ing. Suzhou , and choroaeriS"!ics os Hol:ko cuisine, using pro~cts
Xuhoi. :-rom the mounta ins. Meat ond vege:.ob&es-such

os bamboo shoots, turnips, to'u, sweet potatoes, o! their dishes indJde pan -fried razor clams with
pork, ond ,sh-ore fim d1ied before using os eggs, Dried-Fried Anchovies (poge n), ond o
ingredierts to give the dishes o unique flovot. braised fish with chic.ken. hom, ond mushrooms.
The southern style is spicier ond sweeter, with
seafood, porticulOily molluscs and crustoceons, GUANGDONG
in mory d its dishes. Located on the SOO!herncoast o! Oiino,
Steamed Crab 0•1erGJutinous Rice Guangdong is blessed whh mild weather, plenm.11
(page 202), Fuzhoulychee Meotbolls (poge >40), roirfo l ond o long coastline that allowed
Sou.eed Po.k liver (poge 358), Clams in Broth ogricolture ond aquaculture ro flou1ish over the
(page 108).Sporeribs with Red Ois.illed Groin centuries. Guangzhou, the capitol cityo!
Sauce (poge 33S), and Ninghuo TofuBolls Guongdong, wos one of the ,rst Chinese ports
(page 514) ore popuku Fujion dishes . 10 open its dOOfs to 1he West, giving rt occess
to many new ingredjerts from overseas.
ZHEJIANG Mild weather guorortees fresh produce,
Situmed in eastem Chino ond bordered by meat, ond We fish year roond . Vegetob&es 01e
Jjangs.u to ':he north, fuj,On to 1he sov;:h ond pid:ed eOily in the motning on the day of delivery
Jiangxi to the west, wi.h the Eost Chino Seo to the morl:e:., and chicken, po.-k, and beef
in the east, Zhej,Ong benefits from obunc:lom ore sold on the some doyof slaughter. 8o:h
marine ond freshwarer resources. It hos 8 major !reshwmet ond soltWO!er fish swim in fish tonks
tivers flowing :_!-,-,rough
the oreo ond is do:.ed with urtil sold. All of these wouJd teach the dinner
30 lotge lakes . Already the economic ond palitkol table on the some day .
cemer in its early history, Zheiiang prospered Freshness is 1he key to Guongdong
during the ,economic boom o! 1he Sung Dynasty cuisine and to achieve this, stir-frying ond
about 1,000years 090 . I. wos oJso o cemet of steaming ore the most frequently used cooking
l.erory oaivhies, which naturally led to good techniques . Vegetables ore rapidly nit-,.ied, with
food ond drink . Zhejiang is olso well known fo.- or without meat, over high heat to the point
its Shooxing wine and Jjr>.huohom. wl-i..etethey ,emoin crispy and r~oin most o! their
Or..eof the eigl->tmajor region~ cuisines, vitamins and nutrients . fish is us.uoJlysteamed
Zhe)ong cu-faine is represented by four styles : whh ginger ond scallions (spring onions) until
Hangzhou, Shooxing, Ningbo, ond Wenzhou. it is just cooked ond not o minute mCM'e,and
Wr.h its beou.i!ul West Lake, Hangzhou is d·•..e o pe1!ectly steamed fish is often used os one
cemet cf refinemem, which is re"lec::edin its o! 1he criteria 10 tote o restourort . Oiic.ken
food. LigH in oil and salt, cooking techniques is o must (whether os offering or on !estivol
used include stir -frying, quid: -'Tying, braising, days), and receives special ond tender core to
steeping, steaming. blanching, onc:Isouteing. ens.ure they come O\.fi tasty and juicy- Steamed
while making good use o! red vinegOI ond wine Chicken (page 250) and Guifei Chic.ken (poge
on meat and ,sh dishes. Its representative dishes 24S) ore 1he prime examples .
;,,d,de Dongpo Pork (poge 380), D0<1ble
-Bo;Jed Pofk is o staple on the Guongdong dinner
Cured Hom (page 382), and Yon OJXian Soup table and Sweet ond Sou, Spareribs (page 366),
(page 113} . Shoc»(J(lg,famous !or its Shoo.xing Barbecue Pork (page 3C4),and roost pork ore
wine, !ovor:s double boiling, steaming, sol.fieing !ovorm!!sthroughout the courtry . Beef, though
ond marinating vk..hwine . Some o! its dishes not consumed in large quomhies, is o fovori.e
porkb,Dywr.hShoo~ng gmong:;t,<;C-omoneV: RibsondTenOOn
, 6roi$£'d
preserved mustard greens ond Drunl:en Trotters (page 410)remain one of the best -loved dishes
(page 316). and con be emen with rice or noodles . Slow-
Ningbo, o city by the EastChino Seo, coo&:edsoups ore o specialty o! 1he Comonese,
is known for its ,sh dishes suc.h os Braised River and ingredjerts, which moy include herbs, vary
Eel (page 180) ond CorvinoSoup (page 108). !rom season to season to enhorce the body's
Fbpulor cooking styles include braising, steaming. imm.mity .
stir -frying, ond double steaming with ginger, Dim sum, meaning "touch the heOit,"
scoffions (spring onions), onc:Iwine . wos creo-.ed in the capitol chyGuangzhou ond
Wenzhou, by the seo in the south ci requires skillful hands to shape fresh ingredjents
Zhe)ong, is olso known fo.-using !reshwoter ,sh imo smoJI, bite -size food that con be enjoyed os
ond the seo!ood from the East Chino Seo. Some breaHos: or kJnch.

✓ 19
Shunde, pan of Guongdong. is on area north by moumoin ranges and in the south
south of Guangzhou. Trodhionoly o community by the sea . Choozhou cuisine tokes on ,he
o: !cirming and 'isheries, sill: become on choroaeristics o: both o rice culture and o
important industry in Shunde during the Ming sea cuhute .
Dynastyover 400yeors ago and Shunde people Congee , tl-r-emain staple in Choozhou
prospered over ,he nein 300years. Much o:- cuisine, is consumed a. b-reokfos,, lunch, ,
whot we knowo: Shunc:lecuisine come !rom and as o midnigl->tsnack - it is believed o bowl of
the well-to -do fomjljes OJring this long period congee 0-,:er o heavy meal sooths the stomach
o: prosperity. and b-ringso good meal to complet ion .
Shunde cuisine is characterized bythe Choozhou peopJe, commonly l:nown
detailed oncl metkubus wOfktrons'orming os Teochew, ore known for preserving, which
ordinary ingrediems into mouthwatering dishes. is highlighted in their markets by the selection
The coun.ryside is dot:.ed with fishponds providing o: preserved vegetables and shellfish. While
copious :-re:s.hwaterfish, among <hem ,he versatile some o:- these preserved ingrediems ore used
dace ,sh . Cooking fish.whether by steaming, in cooking, most ore consumed with congee
stir -frying, pon-:-rying, deep-:-rying, or making or as o snack. Sauces ore also importom
into fish bolls, is the speciofty of Shunde cuisine. ingredients in Choozhou cufaine: Puning bean
Dace is :-eoturedin many classic dishes such os paste , plum paste , orange paste, tangerine
Stu'fed Dace (poge ln) and Dace Bollswith Toro souce , red distilled groin sauce , o,.,,.dChinese
(page 176},which should no, be missed. 8u'falo olive vegetables ore just some examples.
milk, rich in cream, is used to mob ,he delicious Sea:-oodis the specialty in Chaozhou
fried MilkCustards (page 630), demonstrating 'ood , with fish ond seafood (along with ooythu,g
the skiffsof the Shunde people in using ordinary else from the sea) being s-iir-fried,deep fried,
ingredierts to create daicious dishes. steomed , smoked, stewed , OI ;us.boiled.
h is said tho-. the Hol:l:o people migrated Chifled Crobwith Ginger Sauce (pa ge 207),
to Guongdong from the non:h in "weseporate Deep-Fried Shrimp Bolls (poge 74), and Wok-
waves ove1 o periodo:- 2,000 years, but o mojotity Smol:ed Pom:-ret (poge 157)ore all dossic
o: <hem seemed to hove set.led down in ,he hily Choozhou dishes .
oreos around Meizhou and He'/uon ond ports o: When Choazl-r-ou,she,men go to sea ,
fujion.A large numba o:- them have migrated they often bring a large bog o:- so.It, which is
to Taiwan ond Southeast Asfo where trodhiono l used to salt the -9sh that ore not suitable !or the
ways o: coo&:ingore still proctked. morke,place. The fish, salted for o :etN hours in
Hollo ~ocl is choroaerized by simplicity o bamboo bosl:et , is then boiled in seawater and
becouse of the harsh !orming environmert in the se, aside to cool comple:.ely. The renowred fish
hiDs,so the coo&:ingis basic ond down to ear.h. Rice (page 129)is o delicious dish that con be
~en using wild vegetables, vo1iety meats, and easily pre-pored a. home.
chitterlings., ing1ediems ore frequemly produc,:s like steamed fish in Guongdong cuisine,
from the mountains and fotests and Jess of the the quality o: goose is o~en used to gouge the
ocean . Hollo food P'eserves the original !tO'I/Or of quolity o: a Chaozhou restaurant.
the ingredients rothe, than using too many spices Separated from <he sou.hern tip o: the
and sauces. . Steaming , stewing , braising, and Chino Mainland by the Giongzhou Strait , Hoinon
stir -frying ore ,he keytechniques used, with very Province includes Hoinon Island and many
inle in :;t,.; woyofde-?p•fryirg, SfllQ
Der isJordsin :;t,<;Sou-JiCt,-
jM Seo. Adjocem:
Hallo is o tice-bosed cuhure, and many ;:o Guongdong, Hoinon shores many o:
o: its rice dishes, like Hol:l:o Rice Pudding (page Guongdong 's cuisine and proaices .
548), Stir-fried Abacus Beods (page 482), and Hoinon was o port o:- Guongdong
Hokl:oDumplings(page 62) re'le°' this. Soh- befote it become o provirce in 1088 and i.s
8oked Chicl:en (poge 290) is o prime example d cuisine re'le-as mucn of Guondong's cooking
this simple cooking. and the Fbrk with Preserved style. Hoinon·s :our best-known dishes ore
Mustard Greens (page 320),with its use o:- wenchong chkken. jioji duck, goat :rom
preserved vege,ob&esand lh.tle else, is o classic Oongshon. and crab from Hele. Wenchong
Hokl:o dish. chicken wos subsequent ty renamed Hoinonese
In ,he eos-to: Guongdong and od Jocem chid:en and the rice mode whh this dish become
to fuj,On is Choozhou , o region :enced off in the <he :-amous Hoinon Chicken Rice (page 542).

SICHllAN Cooking in the Xiong Riveroreo uses
Sichuon, meaning "!our rivers;''hos the Jioling. techniques lil:esteomirg, stif.:-rying, slow cookirg,
Tuo,Yofong~ond .Jnsho Riversflowing <hroughihe and braising. whh tastes ranging from sahy
reg;on.and is port o: <heYeDow Riverand Yangtze to sour to spicy. Steaming. in particular, is o
Riva basins . The Sic.huonBasin is blessed with highlight in Liuyong where oll 1oodis steamed.
o moderme climate and bourtiful natural and In the lake 01eos, deep frying, braising,

ogriculrurol resources. Sk.huon peppercorns were and double -steaming ore used to coo&::ish and
olreody in use dulTlg the Springand Autumn watefowl; howeve<,the people from the
~iocl sOfl"le2,500years ago . Garlic,brought in mountainous areas 'ovor cured meot and
the :.rode route ::othe West wos oper..ecl
wl-i..en preserved vegetables.
during d·>.eHon Dynastyover2,000 ye-orsogo, Among the best-known Hunan dishes ore
become the most important condiment in Sichuor Steamed Fish Head in Chili Sauce (page 156),
cooking. Wlien chiles wae introduced to Ctino Hunar -S:yle Pork Belly(page 379), and Chinese
about 400 years 090 OJringthe MingDynasty, Cured Bocon whh Semi-dried To.tu(poge 360).
they become on instom hit with the people in
Sichuon and we.regrown in large numbers .•uon food is 001ed for its mory
complex os well as its re'Vled cooking NORTHEASTERN CUISINE
methods, of which about thitty-<wo ote S"!il
commonty prociiced. The =foVOis ore o The Nor-..heas.tregion indudes <he three provinces--
combination of seven basic !tO'I/Ors or sensations: Liaoning. Jiin, ond Heilongj,Ong.collectNe>t known
softy, sweetness, bin er,sour, heat ('rom chitie), os the Three Northeastern Provinces. Bet...,-eenthe
numbness (from Sic.huonpeppercorns), and laie nW'leteerthcemury ond ~'!ieth century,
spiciness, which ore well reflected in the popular mony people from Shandong mi~ed <o ,he
saying, "A hundred :lovors f« o 1->undreddishes." nor.heost ond brought with them tl-i..e uodhional
The generous use of herbs and condiments and cooking iechniques that hove become the
the mou.h -numbing heat brought by Sichuon boc.kbone of non:heost cuisine.
peppercorns and chiles, come to reptesent The northeast is diverse with mary types
Sic.huan coding even though o lorge number o: rore mushrooms, birds, and other wild animals
o: its dishes do not exhibit this troi'I:.Buddhist on which mo'"o/of its dishes ore bosed. Several
vegetorion :-ooc:1 is also very populot among the rivers in the 01eo provide on abundance of
Sic.huar.ese and i'I:is usuolly prepared by mor.h :-reshwme, fish, irduding salmon, corp, and
in temples ond monasteries. among o,:hers. Dalian. sJruated at the tip
5.icNan cuisine is represerted by o: the Lloodong Peninsula, is o worm -wmer pon
two major metropolitan oreos : Chengdu and and provides :-re:shseo!ood :,om the Bohoi Boy.
Chongqing . Some o: iheit well-known dishes Because o: the co&dweather, many o!
ore Mopo To.tu(page 512)and Bee: in Chili Broth their dishes ore ehher stewed or coo&:edin o
(page 400). Dutch oven (casserole) to word off the cok:I,
s.uch as Pid:led ond Sporerib Casserole
HUNAN (page 338) and Braised Chicbn whh Mushrooms
Hunan is surrounded bymourtoins on ihree sides: (poge 286}. Root vegetables ore o~en harvested
east, souih, ond 'N'\?St. The weo-.her is subtropical and stored :or <he winter, 'Mth o popular dish
wiihho: gnd humidsummel'$
ond plentyo: beirgRr.010...,E93pl0<r.>,
ond ~ppers (pogo,444),
rojrfol. As one o: eight major regional cufaines, With the exceptKln of Ool;on, most o:
Hunan cuis;ir..eis diversified and reflects the river, the fish in the northeast ore ehher smoked, boiled,
k,l:e oreos, ond the moumains. or stewed . Dalian. with in~ences :,om Shondong,
Perhaps because of the weo-.her, o'fers some of the best seo:-ood in the north .
Hunan peopJe lil:e spicyond sour :ood . Chiles
were introduced in d·>.esixteenth cen1ury ond
were immedio-.elyembroced by the Hunonese,
becoming o stapJe in everymeol. Hunon peopJe NORTHERN CUISINE
olso lil:e pteseNed vegetables and cured meais,
and enjoy biner foods such as fermerted block Hebei, Henon, Beipng, and nonjin ore oll pan
beans or biiter melon. o: <he north Oiino pJojns where wheat is <he
predominant ogricufturol crop and noodles ond goormet cook on ,ecord, began his career os o
dumplings ore meohime stopJes. Mote than one slave and o cook ond groduoJly worked his way
million Muslims reside in these areos ond Halal up to help establish <he Shong Dynasty before
food, mostly lamb ond beef, constitute on im- becoming prime minister. The capitol o: Shong
portort po.rt of their dEts. Shanxi, on the west of was in Henon, 1hus establishing Henon os the
Hebej,shares :.he some love f« noodles and lamb :otha o: oJIOiinese cuisine.
in spi:e o:-its exclusfon from ihe nortli Chino plain. The coo&:ing~om Koreng, o cky in
cef'mol Henon, emphasizes 1he harmony of
BEIJING .!tovorscompared ro the spicy food o: 1he sou.h
As the no.ion's copitol f« 0•1er700years (excep< and <he imensive flavors of the nor.h. luoyong,
f« o very brief period), Beijing dre-Nculinary which is loCO!edto :.he west, is fomoos :or its
inspiration :-romits nearby regions os well os ''luoyong Water Bonquet" whh twemy-:our
vorious etl->nicminori.ies . Shondong, o region courses, ol o: which ore accompanied by soup .
sou-..h-eos. o: Beijing noted ,X ks culture and Best-l:nown Henan dishes include
food, mode o signi,cort impact on Beijing during Dookou-StyleStewed O,;den (poge 289),
the Ming Dynasty (136~1644AO).Cookswae Chicken whh Wild Yams (page 277), Crispy Pofk
brought inoo the poloce and Shandong cooking Bely (page 366), and Braised Lomb whh To!u
become ihe basis for palace food. SJbsequertly, (poge 430).
Shondong coo&:ing,indJding the Confucius
coo&:ingstyle, become the :-ound01ionon which TIANJIN
&i;ng cufaine wos developed . Even :.hough close :.o Beijing, Tianjin hos the
Cueing,he G;ng Dynasty (1644-IQl2AD), odvomoge o: being o city by the seo ond hos
the Morc.hus imroduced their coOOng, which good access to marine products . Tianjin's cooking
consisted mosdy o: boiled ond roosted me01. adopted mony techniques ~om nearby Shondong
These were imegro-.ed whh the Shandong style of and also benefited :rom the imperial style of
coo&:ingand evotvedimo Imperial Cuisine, which coo&:ingfrom Beijing. Condiments ond soy sauce
subsequertly become fongshon WiS; ),meaning ore used sparingly in order to re~oin the original
"imitation imperial cuisine," among :.he common tone of the ingredients . F'«sh(bo:h fresl->wmer
peopJe ofter the foJIof the Qing Dynos.y. and ,sh), shrimp, ond crabs are :.he
&ipng hos o large Muslm populatKln main ingredien,:s in monyo: 1he trodi'l:ionol
ond their cooking of lamb ond beef become on dishes . Souteed .!toonder and Tianjin-style corvino
integral po.rt of 1he cuisine. Prime examples o: soup ore populor examples.
&i;ng cooking indJde Pork with TionmianjMlng Dishes mode from lomb ond bee: ore
(poge 374), Deep-',;ed Tofu{page 516),ond very populor due to hs large Muslm populatKln.
Sou.eed lombinVlnegor (page 416).
HEBEi Historically, Shanxi wos o land of conflict due 10
Surroondecl by 1he Mongolian plmeou to the its proximity 10 the nomods in the north, which
north, <he Bohoi Seo to :.he east, ond the Toihong mode life difficult. PeopJe learned to live :-rugoJly
mountain ronge :.o <he west, Hebei hos on obun- urtil o few hund1ed years ago when Shanxi
dorce o: culinary resources, ircluding wild mush- merchorts traded goods between southeOS1
rooms, wild vegerobles, pheasants, deer, and Chino ond Mongol,Oto the nonh. Shanxi become
$/;'Qfoodr to iu own fQrni'='d
in QldditKln resg.,m:es ond its tu.isineodQptedmgryof :;t,<;
. pro1peJQ\1$
Hebei cu·sine :ovors <he use of stir-:-rying, iec.hniques :ram a.her oreos.
braising. sautE-ing, stewing, and steeping in o hot Shanxi peopJe hove o passion for
pot-occomponied by heavy use of Bei;ing noodles, which con be mode from wheat, oats,
scoffions, g::ulic,ginger, cilonno (coriander), and corn, ond mille:..The varieties of noodle ore far
sesame oil. Among :.he well-known dishes ore more diverse than oil other regions in Chino.
Viceroy To'u (page 525), crispy porl: krucl:les, A :-omoos "kllre -cut noodle" :eotures 1he che:
ond Chicken whh Shrimp (poge 26Q). holding o lorge lump o: dough in one hand, while
cu<ting <he noodle imo thin strips direcdy inro
HENAN o pot of boilingwmer whhthe other.Avery
Henon probably hos the longest culinary history ambidextrous :eat requiring much WII ond
in Chino. Yi Y'an
(1648- 1550 BC), Oiino's ,rst a<tention!

Vir.ego, is also on essem:iol condiment much of its culinary uodition with Shoonxi ond
in this oteo and odded to olmos. everything. Gons.u, whh dishes of lamb and m\.ITTonbeing
The brand Loo Chen Cu, meaning "'OldAged .:he mos, popular. A species o: lamb called ton
Vinegar,"' is famous 1hrouqhout Chino. yang. available only in Ningxio and bOfdering
FbpuJor savory dishes irdude Lombwith Inner Mongolia, is the local favorite .
Wild Yam (page 431), Porl:with Apricot Kernels Braising ond barbecuing over chorcool
(page 301).. ond Beijing Scolliors with Chestnuts ore the preferred cool:ing methods, in odditKln
(page 481). 10 steaming, red braising, ond deep -frying.
Trodhionol dishes indJde braised lamb, Noodle
Soup whh Monon (page 580), sweet ond sour
yeDowriver corp, ond Braised Fbrk Knuckle with
NORTHWESTERN CUISINE Cloves (page 374}. Tostesin Ningxio run :,om
sweet ond sour to hot and sour ::o spicy- wi.h
The Silk Rood, es,oblished in the Tong Dynasty, .:he sweet notes !ram ;:ionmionjiong sauce .
introduced tl-r-eChinese to the !cod and religion
o: other cultures . Whh mOfe than !our million GANSU
Muslims o: various ethnic notKlnolities in Gons.u in nord ·•wes. Chino wos where Chinese
Xinj,Ong,Gons.u, Shoonxi, and Ningxio, their civilizo;:ionbegon. It wos through here that the
food and uoditioos ore fullyirtegro-.ed irto uode route to 1he west wos opened up during
the local cuhures. the Hon Dynasty over 2,000 yeors 090 and
subsequently become the SiikRood. Through this
SHAANXI uode route, cono;:s, cucumbers, onions, peppers,
Shooruti. o province in notthwen Chino, hos watermelons, and olfafo were brought in, which
mixed terrain with the loess plateau to the lorgelyenriched Chino's cuJinorycuhure .
notth, the Qinling Mourtoins to the soo;:h, ond Several rivers, including the YellowRiver,
the plains in the center. The cuhine o: 1he loess ,ow through Gonsu and provide -9shand
ploteou and the pJoins is heavily influenced by irrigotKln fot the fotmlonds. Gonsu is o land o:
the bordering regions (of Inner Mongol,O,Gons.u, many eizhnicgroups and their cuisine is meot •
ond Ningxio) ond bosed primarily on meat, based (paniculorly lamb or mutton) with fish
especiolly lomb, ond o d;e, o: roughage ond and vegetables only os side dishes . Noodles, o
noodles. lnhobitoms' run to spicy ond staple in the regKln, con be found everywhere.
softy, and the pre:erredcooking meizhods inckJde Lonzhou 's hand-pulled noodles ore o fo\/Othe,
steaming, slow cooking, and stewing . Tl-r-e
cuisine os each bowl of noodles is individuoly pulled and
o: the south is irfluenced bythe neighboring cooked, usuoly in beef soup, ot the time o: order .
5.ichuon-chile, 5.ichuon peppercorns, and white
pepper ore ptevolem and bring ,ery flavors and XINJIANG
sohiness to dishes . Xinjiong is ihe largest o: ol Chino's
Wei known dishes include Mutton Soup odministrotive regions whh on oteo o! 635,Q00
(page 120) wr.h Flo.breod (page 54), Ground square miles/1.6 million squore km and o
(Minced) Lomb Pies (page 410), and Ox.oil popolotKln of obou-. 22 million. Xinjiong hos
Casserole (page 412). well-developed agriculture inwheot, maize,
and millet, and is o large producer o: fruits ond
NINGXIA produceliketOffiQtoes,
Ningxjo, o smoJI autonomous region in nord ·•· eggplant (aubergines}.
central Oiino, is situo-.ed in the western port With o mote than SO percent Muslim
o: the Ye0ow River Bend, which borders Inner popolotKln, Xinjiong cuisine is mostly mode up
Mongolio o nd the Shoonxi and Gonsu provirces. o: lamb and chicken (all holol) whh vegetables,
h wos through here that the rood to Wes. Asio noodles, ond 64-eod.Spice is heavily :eotured in
wos opened during the Hon Dynasty over 2,000 the food, with cumin and chiliesin lomb disl-r-es
years ogo ( os others}ond wos pon of the C,;spy Lego' Lomb (poge 414), Lomb
famous Silk Rood. Kebobs (poge 417), Xinjiong-style Chicken (poge
1h0:re ore several ethnic nationalities 280), and Rice ond Lomb Casserole (poge 565)
among the inhobitorts, with Muslims comprising ore classic Xin;iong dishes and should be uied,
o third of the to,ol populo-.ion. Ningxio shores either a. home or in restaurants .

Tibet and Qinghai both shore d·>.eQinghai- YuMon and Guizhoo ore located on the Yunnan -
Tibet Highlond. Tibe:.hos o popubtKln o: about Guizhoo Highland which is shored by Guongxi on
3 millKlnmode up o: OQpercert Tibe'<onsond the east. Al three oreos 01e hea vily populmed by
10 petc em o: other e:.hnicno-.ionolities. Qinghai, numerous ethnic notionolitjes. Their cuisine make
on the oth e r hand, hos o popubtKln o: about good use o:: natural ingredjerts ovoiloble in the
six miDionmode up of about SOpercen1 Hon mountains onc:I~ ests : flowers, mushrooms,
no-.ionolity, 25 pacem Tibetans , and 25 percent ::ruhs, and herbs.
Muslimsoncl otha edv1icnationalities. Much o:
the culinary cufture ore shored by 1he two 01eos YUNNAN
although Qinghoi's cuisine is oJso influerced by YuMon, in the southwest of Oiino, hos o widely
the Hon and Muslimpeople. diversified terroin and dim01 e, whh the ohitude
varying between mountain peol:sand low lands
TIBET over lQ,700::e~/6,000 me::ers, and o climate
Wr.h on overag e height dover 13,000 feet/ ranging from tho. typical o: snow -copped
4,000 me:.ers above sea leveland o long harsh mountains ::oo humid sub-uopicol heat . The, ogricuh:ure in the Tibetan highlor,-dis region hos over 250 species o:: mushroom.s,
con'.Yledmos,ly ro d·,e forming o: hulless barley which occooms :or two -thirds of Oiino's
and raising yoh and sheep. edible mushrooms.
Hulless barley is the stop.Jein Tibe.:on Many ~hnic groups reside in Yumon.
food. It is first dried under the sun, then roosted and 1heir cooking is on important port of the
in o dry pan, and groond irto !tour. Yak bun er local food. Flowers and ::rur.s01e o~en used as
and o kind of yogurt ote then added imo the ingredients ond odd o ~ dimension to Yunnan
floor and mixed by hand imo smoll lumps called cuisine. Mushrooms ore esse r:tjol lo Yunnan
"zonbo."' Zonbo is token in meals as o stopJe as cool:ing. Motsutoke, gonbo, porcini (cep), and
much os rice or noodles for the non-Tibeizons. chontaeOe ore just some o:: the prized musl-r-..rooms
Hulless barley is olso used ::o make hulless barley ovoilob&efresh, and shoold definhely be <ried.
beer Of' win e. Some o:: the popular mushroom dishes irdud e
8e:sides zorbo, o Tibeta n meal usually Fried Rice with Garbo (pag e 550}, Sol.fieed Porcini
consists of meats, eid·,er yak or lomb, Mushrooms (page 4 71),and Oiorte.rell e with
accompanied by i eo which is brewed ::rom ::ea Tuberose (poge 466).
bricks and -ihen mixed whh yol: butter and soh:. Oth er dishes that should also be sompJed
Vegetables , until recert times, were rare,ond ore Yunnan Hom in Honeyed Sauce (poge 332),
fish, even though available from the many lobs, Chicken whh Fbpoyo (page 278}, and DoiChicken
do no< usuol}y grace the Tibe.:on tabl e. The whhCoconut (page 282).
opening of the Qinghoi -Tibe.:Railway, ond the
many highways leading to Qinghai, Xinj,Ong, GUIZHOU
Sichuon. and Yunnan broogh, in prodJcts such Located on the YuMon -Guizhou Highland in
as chicken. pork..cono,s, po:otoes, and eggploms southwest Chino, Guizhoo is o mourtoinous
(aubergin es ), which enriched Tiberon cuhine. region with o s.u~ropicol humid climate and
inhobitedbyo number o::ethni,;group$,
QINGHAI ln!:tuenc ed by"r.sdiversity, the cuisine is
loco-. ed on the northeast pOit o:: the Tibet. choroaerized by the spiciness and sourn ess from
Qinghai Plcneou in wester n Chino, Qinghai 1he :e-rmenrotion o:: ingredierts. lngredjerts such
hos th e largest sof.woter lob in Chino and os ch:ile,garlic, scallions (spring onions), mint, boy
more ,hon 50 perce nt of its lord is gross.Janel, leof, cumin, and Sichuon peppercorns ore oh en
wl-iichexplains why orimol husbandry is mixed into o sauce and used as o dip . Fish in
wide ly procliced . pid:led soup is perhaps Guizhou 's most !omous
Qinghai cuhin e is relatively simpJe and dish but other populo1 dishes irdude rice in
involves de-ep-frying. braising. and roosting . Most o bamboo tube and Chid: en whh Block Fbplor
meot dishes, generally soltyond spicy, ore mod e Mushrooms (poge 257). The fomoos Mootoi
with lamb, goat, or pork. wine is oJso o ptodua of Guizhoo .

GUANGXI 1he area. It is also the loco.ion o: Chino's larges,:
Adjocem to Guongdong Province, Guon9Xi is :-reshwmer,:.1->..e
8oyong Hu, and :tesh fish
set on hily terrojn whh the South Oiino Seo to is the highligh, o: Jiongxi's cuisine, boos:ing mote
its sou.h while borderingV.etnom to 1he west. 1hon WOspecies o: ,sh within these waters.
lnhobhed bymony ethnic groups . the oreo boosts Jiangxi cuisine favors the use of red
o diversespectrum o:-culture . Guongxi cuisine is braising. s-eaming. doubJe s:eaming, ond stit•
represented bythe hilly oreo 1:0 <henorth around :-ryingand ks tastes run from spicy ond softy to
Guilin. where animals from the hills ore considered oil-rich, probobty owing to the wo:rm and humid
de licacies, ond their flavors 1:endto be heavy climat e and the culinary in'l.serces from the
ond sligl-,tlyspicy. The coasta l oreo also offers neighboring Hunan province. Some of Jiongxi's
o bourty of fresh ond dried seo'oocl . Coo&:ing best -known dishes include Sou.eed Fish Rons
by the various ethnic groups represerts still (page 168), B,oisedCo,p (page ISq), J;ongx;-style
another focet of Guongxi cuisine as ingrediems Duck (page 203), ond Fbrk whh Sesame Seeds
like flowers 6 bamboo , and o:he.r natural pro~as (page 370). Double -steamed soup is oJso
ore used together with preserved vege.:obJes o specialty of the area.
and cured meais .
Guon9Xi is famed for its ::oro roots ,
water ches1nuts , and Osmonthus flowers, which
ore o~en :eotured in various recipes. Dishes like OTHER IMPORTANT CUISINES
fb,k Belywr.h To,o (page 318),Stuffed Pumploo
flowers (page 440), and Wmer Chestnut Soup BUDDHISTVEGETARIAN
whh Osmornn.JsSu901 (poge 626) ore pErect Mohoyono Buddhism , when irtroduced into Oiino
Guangxi recipes to make at home . 2,000 yeors ago, wos changed to Oiinese
Buddhism ond remains o vibrom religion today
alongsjde Taoism. Chinese Buddhism forbids
kiDing ond eschews 1he cons.ump,ion of all meat
CENTRALCUISINE and meat -derived products.
A unique ospec1 o:- Chinese Buddhist
Best l:nown for ,he water resources , freshNoter vegetarian dishes is the prohibitive use of certain
fish is o l:ey par:. o: Hubei and Jiangxi s cuisir..e. ingredjerts. Garlic, onions, sco ffions (spring
onions }, garlic chives, ond shallots prodJce o
HUBEi smell that is considered offensive and be lieved to
Hubei.. sii:uoted in cenuol Chino with the Yongue be disruptive 10 those in medito.ion ond learning,
River=.owing 1hrough from west to eost , is dotted and ore therefore banned from Buddhist
whh freshwater lakes and hos eorned the tide vegetarian dishes . Harmony omong the studerts
o: "th e pra,,iince o: o thousand lakes." in :.he group is .
Whh obundart fresl->woterresources , Tet'l"\'lesthroughout Chino offe1
the cooking o: fish fearures in some o: Hubei's vegetarian meals 10 visitors, and it is customary
sjgnoture dishes, the best known among :.hem :°'belie•1ers,though not necessorilyvegetorions,
being Fish with Oiinese Celeryand Bamboo 10 partake, especially during cen:ain festive days.
Shoots (page 152).Hubei people enjoy slow- On these occasions , you ore likelyto see dishes
coo&:edsou-ps and lotus Roo: and Spo:renb Soup s.uch as Vegetables with Red Beon Curd (poge
(poge114}fi preporedinolmosteveryhome. 476), Whe01Gh.r.en
Meat prepored wi.h rice is popular and o dossic Crispy Toro Roll (pa ge 48S), ond Vegetarian
dish isMeoi:bollswhhGlutinous Rice (poge 330 }. Congee whh Corn and Sweet Po:oto (poge 490).
A speciofty vegeroble l:nown as purple brossjco
is ubiquitous in the Wuhan oreo, and Purple HONG KONG
&ossico whh Cured Porl: (poge 354) con be Starting os o ,shing village, Hong Kong developed
found in almost al resi:auronts . o cuisine derived from various food styles os wel
os infklences from Southeast ond South Asia.
JIANGXI Hong Kong's mength lies in its ability ro
Situmed northeast of Guongdong and eost o: ossimilote ideas and techniques :ram o:hers ond
Hunan. Jjon gxi is surrounded by moun1ains on make them its own . As o :ree port, Hong Kong
three sides with over 2,000 rivers :lowing through hos access ,o ingredients :ram oil over the world,

giving it the opportunity to create and preserve SHANGHAI
dishes tho-. a1euniquely Hong Kong. Shonghoi started as o ,shing viDoge over
freshness is at the heart of Hong Kong 2,000 yeors ago ond become <he fiefdom o:
cuisine . VegetobJes ore picked and soJd on 1he Lord CNnshen during the Sp.-ingond Autumn
some day, and meats ore delivered to 1he mOiket period (771-476BC). It gained its current nome
os soon os ihe onimoJs Oie doughteted . The best during the Song Dynasty when it wos nomed the
fish, wheth<:t fresl->wcnerOf sol.water, ate Shonghoi Town, meaning "th e town upon the
expected to be swimming in torl:s to ens.ure sea ." The town p.-ospered during 1he Ming
freshness. Ii is cusi:omory fOf people to shop:°' Dynastyos on embfoidery and trode cemer but
food doily so that they moyget the ~eshest it was not until the modern ero when Shonghoi
vegetobles ond meot, ond to cook them on 1he become on imernotjonol menopo lis bo,h in terms
someday. o: ,nonce and uode .
Some of Hong Kong's well-known dishes Shongho i cuisine consists o: NiO styles :
indJde Egg ond Beef Rice Casserole (poge 564 }, one which is developed locally ond another which
Baked fb,k Chops ave,R;ce (poge 552), Soy absorbs elements from neo,by regions AnNi ,
Souce Oiiclen (poge 283), Jingdu Sporetibs Jiongs.u, onc:IZheiiong. The local style is o~en
(poge 336), and tasty Hong Kong-styleEggla,ts choroc.erized by its "oily,sweet , and irtensive
(poge 648). !tovor." Typical dishes include &oised Red
Meatbolls (pa ge 375), fish in Dis..iDed Groin
INNER MONGOLIA Souce (poge 145), and Corvino with ScoUions
When Genghis Khon led his 01my across :.he (poge 174 }. The other style took :rom other
Mongolian highlands onc:Itl->.rooghCentrol regions 1he ligh::er, less oily way of cooking ond
Asia, he btooght with him hOfses ond livestock . inckJdes dishes such os Kolimeris and Tofu Solod
Everything else hod to be nonsportoble on (poge 50), "Vege,orion Crob wi.h To,J.. (pa ge
pock onimols, ready to mcl'Je in on instorr!. 456), ond Drunl:en Chid:en (poge 56) .
A reod ily mobile ormy hod no time to spore
for cooking ond :ood consisted mostly o: TAIWAN
dried meat ond bread. Located eost of the Oiino moinlond, Toiwon
Trodhiono ly, Mongolians were nomods, wos inhobhed byToiwonese aborigines umil the
ond they moved their bose to where 1he gross mkl -sevemeeth century when the Hon Oiinese,
wos p&ertNI :or iheit animals . Everything, mosi:ly from Fujion ocross the strait ond from
indJding the yun (Mongolion tent) in which they Meizhou (which wos considered os 1he home
Md. hod to be pocl:ed and ready to move the o: 1he Hokkos), migrated from the moinhnd
next doy. They co,ried only the borest of utensils, 10 escope the rule of the Manchus ond become
which were :.o be used ond pocked away dojly. <he largest ethnic group . Since 1040, people
Cool:ing o-½en meant boiling or roosting o whole :rom other pfO\linces, s.uch as ..iongsu , Zhej,Ong,
goat (or lomb) , which woold then be eotenwtth Hunon. and Sichuon, moved to Toiwon in lorge
cheese and tea or wine . numbe1s, and some o: their cooking styles hove
Today 's Mongol,Ons ore settled in cities been imegtoied into Toiwonese cooking.
ond towns onc:Ino longer hove ::o move :or their Taiwan cuhine is similar to much of
ffllihood, but theit fovOfhe :oods remain very Fujion and Hokko coo&:ing.Souteing. braising ,
much the some despite in,...ences :rom Sichuon steaming , ond deep -frying ore the mojor
Vis.ito MorgolionfomiJyord wiihheovyuseo: wt souceond
yoo wil be ireoted to erdless cups of sohy teo, s.ugOI. Dishes such as Fbrk Bely in SoySauce
seNed with roosted millet ond cheeses. The food (page 388 ), Squkl with Chiles and Cilantro
usually irdudes boiled mutton ribs ond o solod of (Coriander, poge 233) and broised To.:Uwith
wild scolljol'ls (spring onjons) or :.urnips. Goat Mr Preserved Mustord Greens (poge 505) exempli!y
sousoge is o delicocy onc:I, avoihb&e, shoold no, ihese coo&:ingstyles . 0.her dishes such as
be missed. Breal:fost means o bowl o: Millet Vege.:obJe Roi (poge 522), Vermicelli with Tuno
Congee (poge 575) accompanied by solod ond (page 500) and Toiwor -style Beef Noodles
cold cuts . (poge 576) ore loco! Taiwanese aeo-.ions .


fating in Chino is rarely o solo occosion. whether When it comes to dinnertime, o hame •
toking o snock or something more substontjol. coo&:ed:omily mea l generally consists of o :ew
Eatingis os: m.Jch about sustenance as it is about simpJe, shored dishes . Chinese cuisine hos o
communing wi.h od·•..ersos on expressionof love reputo.ion :or being elaborate and compJico.ed,
and respee1. The co1e!ul preparation do dish. which rooy be true of bonqueiz cookery, but
perhaps o Winter MelonSoup (page 0-8),g;ve.n everyday home cool:ing is satisfyingly
os o tonic when one is run -down , or sweet fried stroigl-itfOIWOtdond eosyto attempt.
sesame seed boDs presented os o gi~. is more h:'s typica l to hove os many dishes os
o: o sign of affection :.hon on embrace or o the number of people. General ly cold dishes ore
l:iss.Even some'<hing as simple os seSecting the s.erved first followed by ho1 dishes , progressing
choicest morsel o: food :,om o communal dish :tom ligh1 to heavy . A light broth Of deor soup-
and placing i. in another person's bowl is o mo,k perhaps token os o tonic - may be served eithe.r
o: de!ererce. at the begiMing of o meal , os is the custom in
Whh the prolifero.ion o' street :ood Guangzhou , or ot 1he end, which is the SicNon
vendOJs in Chino in <he post ihree decodes , the woy. Dessert is more oh en emen on specia l
rhuol o' toge'<he.tis no longer con,r.ed to occasions , where sweet soups-such os Red Bean
the home ot restaurants.As beloved os o corefuly Soup (page 644) ond SJoc.k Sesame Soup (page
prepo,ed home-coobd meal or lavish bonque! is 638)-ot small pastries like Almond Coo&:ies
to the Chiniese people , o tony quid: snack. and (pag e 653) ore popular. In o :ormoJ bonqueiz
the chance to socialize a. al hours of the doy and s.etting, the progression-from coJd plates, wok
nigh,, con be hod on every street COfr.e.rin Chino. dishes, braises , moirs , rice, swee, soup , ond
A hot meo l troditionollystons the doy: :ruit - is more s.rictly adhered to, but in smaller
perhaps o bow( o: rice porridge known os congee households , all of the dishes moy be bid out on
(pages 568-75) with fried dough S"!id:s,papulo.r th e 1oble at the some time .
oil over ihe sou.h; or hot fresh soy milk, o fovo,ite In this boo&:,the numbe.r of sel'Wlgs is
moming s.op&e o! the Taiwanese; ond then , based on these trodr.iono l :ood customs o: Chino.
is yum cha~the beloved uoditjon , in Guangzhou In other words, if o recipe indicates o serving
ond Hong Kong, o: eating dumplings ond other :°'4, this is to be shored at o tob&ealong 'Mth
smol dishes while sipping ::eo. For o victual on >4 o,:her dishes os well os ~omed rice. We
the go, it rroy be do bing, o griddled wheo.-!tour appreciate the eating habits 01e sligl-,tlydifferent
parcoh, topped wi.h sco flions (spring onions) in izheWest and recipes con be double :or larger
ond sesame seeds in Shangha i; Nonjing's jidon per sel'Wlg portions but we encourage you to also
bing, o fried egg puff; or jion bing, on egg, try our customs, which allows for mOfe voriety
Jet11Kt,ond M6ingeper orguobfyChino·s
mm ondoptjons0t the 1oble!
obsessed -over breakfast street snack. Modern•doy cooks, wi.h intrepid
lunch is no Jess varied. As with breal:fost, oppeizites and curiosity, and ihonl:s to 1he wide
it's o~en eaten in o hurry . h might be noodles, in 01Joilobilitydo vast orroy of Chinese ingred>erts,
o bowl topped with o piquant sauce ond o little will be inclined izomix and match dishes !rom
pro,ein. such os spicy Sichuon Don Don Noodles o vorie:.y o: Chinese regions, similar izothe woy
(see page 590); the noodles may be S"!it•:tiedwith 1hot foreign "Oiinese .. restaurants showcose
o :ew greens ond slithers o: meot , such os Chor 1he signature dishes from each province, and
Kwoy Teaw (page 588);0f theymoybe feonrred I encouroge you to do the some when ploMing
;,, o heo"Y bowl o' soup (pages 86-12:S).lurch o meal using 1his book.
rooy also b,e rice or steamed bread with o few When deciding what to cook. wh e,her
basic occornpanimems . creating o sho1ed meoJ fOf two or ten, the ancient

✓ "
cuS'tom o: balance ond harmony still applies dry dishes ond some soucy ones; robustly ~voted
today . The mea l should have o varietyo: dishes (sohy, spicy, fiery, pungert , oiy,sour)
cortrosting flovOfS,ie~ures , ond colors, because should be couni:ered 'Mth refreshing, delicate
much o: the enjoymert o: o Chinese meal is notes in onothe,.
to be :oond experiencing o little of everything The mea l should olso be bolonced in your
ono'fer. ability ond means '<Oproduce h; o meN in which
Variety is truly <he spice of li.!eand we every dish is o stir•!ry tho-. must be cooked ot <he
feel it's impon:ant 10 use the freshest o: very lost minu.e, meant to be served piping hot,
ingredierts to creo-.e o well-roonded mea l. For is not proctkol. In ancient times, when fuel wos
example, vege'<ob&esare o:..enpurchased :rom o P'ecious commodity, h wos trodr.iono l ro cool:
market stalls and fish and seo:ood ore often live on entire meol in the wok: row rice and water loy
urtil the very moment the catch is purchased. in the base of the wol:, then o stock of bamboo
When cool:ing chic.ken. we otwoys believe wos arranged on top, each tjer
tho-. stoning whh o whole chicken means you get cortoining steamed dishes or o soup. This
freshe.r meat than when using cut up pons from ingenious method still applies to the modem
the supe.rmorket . We use thighs ond breasts only coo&:who hos limited room on the stove top .
when ihe dish coDs for diced or filJei:edchickens . On another proctkol no:e, when cooking
Also,when using whole chickens f« recipes such :°'many, r.·s c..momory to increase '<hetypes
os Drunken Oikken (page 56) or Hoinon Oiic.ken o: dishes 'Mth eoch oddhiono l person instead
Rice (poge 542), consider using co.-r•- :ed chickens, o: scaling up the portKlns. However, it con be
which will give <he skin o beautiful yeDowco&or. urueolis.ic for <he beginner coo&:'<Oon empt so
I om owore that Nor.h Americans don't many 1ecipes, so use you.r judgmert ond sjmply
like bones, whether in fish or poultry, but that is increase tl-i..e
quontityof the servings. I would
the woyo: <roditKlnolChinese cooking . We '<hir! advise ogoinst upsizing stir -fries, thoogh. os you
chid:en tO$ies bette.r 'Mth bones ond you wil find risk overcrowding yoor wok, thus losing wok chi
this the case in many of the pooftry and meat or hoy (the prized seared taste that comes from o
recipes . ~ you find it on iss.ue,then we s.uggest fOf ,ery, flaming-hot wok), ond the ingredients will
ou.r readers to purchase ;Jleted fish or boneless sou.e insteod of sizzle. If upsca ling, cook the
chid:en ond meat . stir-fry in two boiches. f« special occasions , odd
A bolorced menu may consjS't of o another dish :or the table . Use the sel'Wlgs in the
cold bite, something stir-fried , o steamed plate, recipes os o guk\e only because o complete mea l
perhaps o braise; soft-<extured foods should be will depend on how morydishe:s ore being shored .
o,set bysomething crisp; .:here should be some


A commendable dish relies, naturally, on <he wont to oirive ot on even tempe.torure through-
quality of its consth:uents. Theaim o: cooking out the ingredients.
is to showc.ose the pure ~vor o: the ingredients.
While stir -frying is the most common BOILING (BAO, :l\)
technique ossoci01ed with Chinese cooking, it Ingredients ore boiled in o large saucepan o:
is but one o: hundreds. The Chinese bteol: down water, reciJced to lower heat, ond simmered for
cooking styfes 10 detoi the finer complexities . We 1-2 hou.ts. See lotus Root, Dried Octopus ond
hove ouilin.,ed the most common methods, which Po,kSoup (poge 116).
moy seem :similarbut the di.!fererces lie in the
subi:le details. Some techniques ore used 10 BRAISING (HUI, ~
creme o desired rex.u:re,others to seal in mois.u:re. Braisin g of. en combines bot h dry - ond moist-
Thoepreporo.ion and orgonizotKlnof your heat cooking: the ingrediem is '.Vst seared 01 o
ingrediems. will in-9uerce the execution o: your high temperature, then tronslerred, with season-
cooking. In fact, the majority o: a Chinese coo&: 's ing and some type of liquid, too wok Of' souc.e -
time is spem pre-poring ingr edients, rcnher than pon and simmered :or o short paiod o: time.
cooking them . There ore more :.hon 100 Chinese See Souteed Mushrooms with fish Puffs (pag e
nam es for cutting techniques, with di.!fetent 138)or longer du.totions. Not S-Utpt"isingly, the
ingrediems. requiring specific cu.:s. l.,'himotely, Chinese hove several ways to braise food .
the aim is to cut ingredi ems so that d·,ey Braisin g in o covered pot (m en , h,~ means to
ore the some size and shape :or even cooking, stir -fry ing redients , usual ly meats, in o covered
ond to slice meo.s :or op<imol tenderness. saucepan until slightly browned ond then adding
water so the dish broises over medium heat :at
BAKING (JU, ·ji ) o long period o: time. See Fbrk Belly with lotus
Baking is th e method used to descn'be food that Root (pa ge 385). Braising in on urcova ed po.:
is cooked :or o pt"oJonged paiod o: time using dry (wen,~) is simiJor to braisin g in o covered pot
heat ond oiten in on oven. See Wolnu< Cookies bu. the food is thickened with o s.orch. See
(pag e 654) . Sok-baking (yon ju, ~ ji ) is ~he CO-.,sh with Garlic, (pog e 173}.
term used when ing1edients ore ercosed in soh:,
with Of' without o sheet o: pope.t in be~ween, ond DEEP-FRYING(ZHA, fl)
baked in on oven or o dry wo&:urtil done . See 0eep -'Tying in oi is o popular Oiinese coo&:ing
Sah-BokedChden (poge 290). Baking;n low method os it cooks ~he ingredients within o shott
heat (xioo huo ju, IJ'-;.ldi ) is o ~echnique, which time. If o crispy crust is desired, deep-frying wil
uses ho: oir in on enclosed space like o po: or o be done iwice . The ingre dients will fim be
wokwr.ho 6d.Se•Shrimpwithelod l¼pp•ror<I dee-p-friedunti fully,ookedgrd 1henremoved
BosH(pog~ 108). :rom ~he oil bfieflyto lower ~he irt ernol tefll)ero -
ture of the ingredients and to let some o: the
BLANCHING (CUAN, ;!: ) moisture escape. Tl-r-e oi is then rehe01ed to the
The ingrediems ore cooked in ho: water or soup desired temperature ond the ingredients re~u.tned
for o short period of time, then submerged in o ;:o the oil to deep- 'Ty quickly to ob:.oin
bow( o: cold water in orde, to re.:oin the freshness o crispy crust without overcooking the ingredi-
ond the original flavor. Ingredients, por.iculorly ent s. For very delico-.e ingred· en ts such os shrimp
vegetobles 6 shouJd be pla ced in boiling water (prawns}, ~his may be done o .:otol o: ihree
so tl-r-
e cook con cortrol the blanching t ime. times. See Deep-fried Shrimp (pa ge 60). When
OccosionoDy, meot or ,Sh is placed in cok:I water deep 1 rying and braising (to, ii ), ingredients ore
ond then boiled, bu. this only occu.ts when we ljm dip-ped in boner, then deep-fried Of'
pan-::ried, and 'Vloly, braised or souteed in o th e next step o:: cooking. See Sweet ond Sour
smoJI amount of sauce. See Sour@ed Deep -fried Spore nOS(page 366 }. When with
Tofu (page 516). wine (zvi, ~~). pt"ecoo&:edingredients ore soaked
in wine fOf hours to acquire o strong wine flavor.
DOUBLE BOILING (OUN, P?i*I,; ) See Drur.ken Chicken (page 56).
Double boiling is to cook slowfy through indirect
heat whhout dis.urbing ihe !ood. The ingrediems MIXING ( BAN, ;; )
ore combined and seasoned , with or without wa - Row ot coo&:edingred· ents ore combined whh
ter, in o sealed comoine r, which is tl-r-enpJoced in s.eosonings ond served immediate ly.See Lotus
o wol: or steamer ond s.eomed over high heat Root wi.h Ginger (poge 80).
f« 1-3 hours. Mote water may be added if needed.
See lion 's Head Meo.bolls in Chicken Broth PICKLING (YAN, n )
(page 324) . When double bo iling and irverting Row ::resh vegeta bles ore mixed whh soh ond
(kov , f()}, ,1-r-eingredients ore put into o sealed s.eosonings and Se:.. to :erment in o closed jot
bowtunti =utycooked and th en invened onto 10 pickle ::or severa l da ys. See Pickled Vegetables
another plotter 10 create o mound -lil:e shope . (page 49 ).
Use o dish wwel to hok:It he ho, bowl, then covet
t he bowtwith o plme ond dra in the souce irto ROASTING (KAO, j.,l[)
another bo-wf.Invert the bowt to t rons ::er 1he Cool:ing by hot air in on oven . See Barbecue Fb,k
con.ems to t he plate , ihen pou t the sauce over (page :194).
t he ho, food. (Ahernmive fy, just uons:er rh e
con.ems too plo-.e without invert ing .) See Fbrk RED BRAISING (HONG SHAO, ;Izj-
with Preserved Musta rd Greens (p oge 320). Red btoising is o specia l technique where ingte•
dierts ore brais ed in o carameliz ed soy souce
DREDGING (ZOU YOU, ;:t;;s) and sugot mix.ore and ,oke on a be outi'ul deep
lng red;erts ore lightly dredged in oil then ,ed l><Je. See Hunan-Style fb,k Belly (page :179).
heated over low or medium -low heat ::or about Ory b-roising (go,n shoo , T ~ pre- processes the
o minu<e to par.iolly cool: ih e ingredients ing redient , usually by deep -:rying, to reduce
in preporotjo n ~ ih e nex.. stoge o: cooking rh e no-.urol juice so rho-. h qukklyobsOfbs more
(which is usually s;:ir-::rying}. Oh en used to t ,ovot in t he subsequem step. The ing1ediert
meats ond seo:ood such os shrimp (pt"own), is b-roised in a souce ove1 medium heat , wl-iich
t his method red uc es t he t ime:: °' s;:ir-fryirg is the n reduced 10 a very thick sauce over high
ond prevems ingredierts :rom overcoo&:ing. heai . See Fish in Chili Souce (pa ge 170). Soh
See Shrimp and Longjing Teo (pa ge 188}. bra ising (ruon shoo , ~~:, lso pre-processes th e
Another :.echniqu e known os dredgi ng in oil and ing redient - bu. usually by blorching, scolding,
sout@-irg (iiu, tj ) hos ingrediems dredged in or o:her meons~nd bra ises it in sauc e over low
heated oil 1hen lighdy souteed with o thickened heai urtil th e sauce thickens. See Braised Tofu
souce. See fish in Distilled Groin Sauce (pa ge 145). (pa ge 50:S).


Sugar, eith er cotomelized or in its natural state , Roll-cuttW'lg(or oblique cutting) is used :or long
is combined whh ingredients ond cooked 0•1er vege::obles, such os Asian eggplorts (ouberg W'l es),
o lorg periodKl:::Mtthe ingrediemsore,001ed -:;grr01s
, god z:1Kdii
ni (,ourg<;::1<:s),
h mJ:es
with o sugared syrup . See Double-Boiled Cured OTiroaive chunks and exposes mOfe of the surface
Hom (page :182). area o:: tl-i..evegetob&e
!or taste r cooking . Hold th e
blade of th e knifeperpendiculot to the board and
JELLIFYING (DONG, :,;:) cut straight down on the diagonal, ,hen roll th e
Meat is '.Vsi coo&:edover low hem umil soh , and vege::oble o quorte1-,urn , and cut moigh, down
t hen chilled together with o meat broth umil ogoW'Iat the some diagonal ongk. . Cominue rollW'lg
gebtinous. See Beef Jelly (page 58). and cutting in this woyoll along the length o:: 1he
vege::oble . Youcon also an IOige poto:o es and
MARINATJNG (YAN PAO, n,ti) tomatoes imo oblique cuts. Jus;: them fun
lng1edient$ ore combined wnh s.eosonings 10 odd 10 g~ easier pieces 1owod with. See Yon DuXian
flovOfand -:o tenderize meo-. in pr eporoiion for p (poge 11>)
SC<J .

SCALDING (ZHUO, 't'I) recommend steaming in o wok that con occom •
Scolding is simil01:.o blanching, but does not modate both smoll ond l01gedishes; however,
require s.ubmerging ingrediems in co&dwater . on electric steamer is also occeptoble although
Ingredients ore thinty sliced ond then dipped irno steaming rooy be limited to smolJer dishes. See
boiling water ro 'Vlish. Steomed Groupe, (page 132}.

SholJow.:rying uses less oil than deep -frying Two popuJar steeping techniques ore used in
ond lower heot 1hon stir -frying. resuhing in dish- Chinese cooking. often to prepare fish. One is to
es that ore often goJden or crispy on the outsjde steep inwoter Uin, ;.f ): bfing o large saucepan
ond tender on 1he inside . When sholJow.:rying, o: WO!et' too boil. then turn o, the heat, put
the ingredients should be :tied on ore side ,rst ingrediems intoihe woter, and let ;:he heat sJowfy
ond then ,ipped 0•1e1 and !ried on .:he other side . cook to comp&e:.ion. This me:.hod is usually re-
Pon-frying (jion, t"!) means cooking and brown- served :or fish, but h con olso be used :or chicken
ing ingredients in o wok Of' pan with o small os well. See West Loke-Style Fish (page 152). The
amount o: oil. See Pot Stickers (pa ge 70) . When other is to s.eep in oil (shui jin, * ~ ): bring o
pon-boking (fuo, ~ ), ingr edients ore mixed wrth large saucepan of oil co 350ef /180°C, .:hen turn
seasonings and stOich and ploced irto o skiDeiz o'f the hem. SJowly lower ;:he ingredients imo the
(frying pan) urtil 'ully cooked imo o poncol:e . oil ond steep umil fully cooked.
Se. Noodle'\sh Poncou (poge 168).
STEWING (DUN, lj<!!; ;j<t;; )
SLOW COOKING (W f/, ,a ) Stewing is to cook sSovdy tlvough clrect heat . This
A~er brirging the ingredierts (with water ot is dooe by putting the ingredjents toged ·•..erwith
sauce ) to a boil, heot is reduced to low, ond it seasoning, and bro:h Of water, in o sealed contoin -
cooks slowfy to blend :.he flavor of the ingred i- e, such os o oven (casserole) and placing
ents . See Bl'oised Beef in o Casserole (page 409} . the cortoiner direcdy0\/ef low Of medium heot :or
severa l hours. See Lomb with Wild Yam (page 431).
Ingredient$ ore precooked ond then smoked in STIR FRYING (CHAO, t, )
dry heat with by heating tea, One of the most popola, frying techniques is
sugor, ond rice. See Wok-Smol:ed Pom==ret stir -fryin~ingredients ore cooked in hot oil
(po ge 157). over high heot ond stirred cont iru ously urtil fuly
cooked . See Beef in Oyster Souce (page 398) .
STEAMING (ZHENG. /li ) Stir-:rying over very high heot (bo o, ~ is used
Orce woter is heated post boiling point ;:o cook ingredients very quid.Jy, usuollywithout
(2 17-'F/ I0OOC), it changes its :orm irto steom . souce . See Stit-Fried Pork !Udr.eys (poge 363) .
Steoming is o very gemle cooking technique ideal Stir-:rying with o sroo l omourt o: oil (b.ion, Uii}
for cooking seo:ood and othe, delie01e items. meons to ropidlystir -fry ingredients until mos.
More importomly, :ood cooks quickly without los - o: .:he moisture is removed. Seosonings 01eadd -
ing rutrienis through leaching . Sceoming is done ed to complete the cooking . For some vege,obles
by putting <he ingred;erts irto o heotproo: pl01e that hove hard coverings , like beans, moisture
or bowt which is .:hen pJaced on o rock inside o is fits! removed either by roosting in o dry pon or
'°vered woko,rS1eomeJ
filledwithboilirg woteJ, dee-p•fryinginoiL:::t--?n
$tir· 7r)'ing
(Steaming is usually done over high heat toge:. .:oged ·,er whh other ingredients . See $;:it-fried
the moximom s.eom to the ingredients .) I 1-iighly Green Beons (page 500) .

The greo. thing obou. Chinese cooking is <ho. me01s while the side o: d·,e blode con be u sed
m.Jch of it con be prepared by hond : from mok • to crush gar lic ond ginger. A heavy cleave, should
ing dumplings 10 pr epa ring noodles and requires be u sed to chop bones (you may breo k th e blode
only o few essemiol items. of o ligl->t
er one) . Not oJIdeovers con be used
At o pinch you con Pfepore and cook to cu< bones-look fot o hea vier knre, I pre~r
Chines e lood improvising with equipmem you o quality stainless steel clea ver.
already ho,_.ein you:rkitchen-you c-ons.;:ir-!ry in
o skillet (frying pan) ins.eod of o wo&:,Of use o COOK'S THERMOMETER
cook's l:ni:e instead o: o cleaver to cu. ingrediems , The cook's thermometer is on essertiol tool
but I highly tecommend investing in 1hese trodi - to ensure thm you ore deep-:rying ot the rigl->t
tionol u.:en-sils1:0 elevcneyour Chinese coo&:ing. temperatures.
The hems ore affordable and :.1-i..eir
utilhy is not
so specialized that '(OJ won't find <hem helpful DISH TONGS
in everydaycoo&:ing. The dish tong is designed 'or rem oving hot,
steomed small dishes :rom the steamer.
Thisstrainer (sieve) is ideal for trying or straining DUTCH OVEN (CASSEROLE)
but con be subs.iti.ned with o regular strainer A Dutch oven (casserole ) is o large cost -iron or
or even o sloned spoon. ceramic pot ideol fot making soups, rice dishes,
casseroles, and roosts . h con olso be used os
CHOPSTICKS o substitut e for o do y pot .
his not c~Oiwhen and by whom cl->opsticks
wete inveried, but the '1rst pair o: chopS"!ids MEAT TENDERIZER
wos discov-ered in on oncien1 tomb in th e city o: A meat tenderizer, also known os o meat molle:.
Shongqiu (the then copii:ol of Shong) ond was Of' meat pounder, is o dura ble, hond-held tool
mode o: bron ze :rom the Shong Dynasty (1,766- used to tenderize mem for cooking.
1,122BC). The ,rst chops.ids were pro babl y
just o couple of stkks or branch es used 10 pick MORTARAN D PESTLE
up vegerobles that were cooked in o cauldron, A m01tor and pestle con be u sed to crush spices
ond did n~ survive :he ages. for woks Of skillets such os peppercOfrs ond to mo~ pcmes .
(frying pons) o: ho: ol, use wooden or metal
(not plostC) chopstkks to s<it food . RICE COOKER
A rice cool:er Of' rice steamer is o handy elec-nic
CLAY POIS kii,henopplion,-:de1i9nedtoboi orSt':'omri,-:.
These vesse Js oie perfect :or slow-coo&:eds:ews, Rice cookers nowa days no: only steom rice, bu.
soups, and broised cossero&esond con be used oJso make corgee ond stews . I' you do not hove
f01serving os weJLBe:ote using o doy pot fo.-th e o steamer , most rice dishes con oJso beeprepared
fim time, be sure <Ofulysubmetge it in wmer and in o soucepon on o sto ve .
sook it fo.-24 hours .
CLEAVER A large flat spoon, often wood Of' plast ic, us.eel
A cleaver is on indispensob&e hem in the Chinese to st ir and serve rice.
kitchen os .Neryport of the knife con be used .
In odditjon to cutting with 1he blade , 1he blurt ROLLING PIN
top edge is excellent :Of' pounding 01 tenderizing fa t mOfe basic than their Western counterpo tt s,

the Chinese rolling pin is no;:hing more than o rocl:s con be odded along the woy. Steamirg
12-irc.h/30-cm dowel tho-. con be used :or rolling is also o greo-.woy to preserve Ntrients in :ood.
out dumplings . Bamboo steomers ore ovoilob&ein
o ronge o: sizes ond con be purchased onlir.e
SKEWERS Of' in coolc:shops.
Wooden or meto l sticks that con be used to hok:I
pieces of meo;: together while grilling (griddling ) STEAMERRACK
or roost ing . Many recipes in this boo&:- porticulorty those
including fish and leafy green~re s-eomed.
SPICE BAG When steoming , boiling water in the wok should
Small, reusoble cheesecloth (muslin) pouches ore never be high enough 10 touch 1he bottom o:
highly procticol - :.hey let larger, inedible he1bs the plate.A me1ol S!eom rock is designed to sit
ond spices impon tl-r-eirflavor during the cooking in the wok ond support o heo-.proof dish Of'
process withou. needing to be fished 00'! by hand bamboo steomer .
prior to serving.
SPIDERSlRAI NER No other piece of equipmem is os irl"\'ortom to
Thistype o: strainer hos o long handle ottoched Oiir.ese coo&:ing os o wok. The wol: with o round
with o wide shollow wire-mesh basket , used for and corcove bonom was o couldron without I
removing hot !ood :rom liquid or for sl:imming egs used in ancient times 10 cook meat ond veg·
foam o~ wl-r-enmaking bro,hs.A stondord sJoned etobles os o'ferings to heaven or for the en.ire
spoon. though smaller , con be used os o substi- community. When people storted to build st0ves
tute olthouqh it moy require you to perform the in their homes, the wok wos reduced in sjze to ,t
tosk in ho-.ches . the s-oves, and groduoJly evotvedinto the wo&:os
we l:now it today. The heot;:ed in the
STEAMER bottom o: the wok le;:scoo&: ing be done ropidty
The earlies• pottery S!eamer (zeng, f ~ to preserve the nutrierts, 1he value o: which wos
wos unearthed during the excovotion o: the known to the Chinese long ogo . When purchos•
Hem.,du C..lture (5000-4500 BC). Th,, ing o wol:, be sure ::o also get o wol: lid, which
eOithenwooe hod o ~at base with mony holes comes in handy when steaming.
ond wos desjgned to sh on top of o cauldron (Ii,
~ ) tho;: contained WO'!et . The steam from 1he WOK RING
heated water rose up through the holes to cook A wok ring rests on top of o burner to minimize
the food above , very much the some os steamers movement of 1he wok while cooking. h' s 001
in mode,n k.r.chens. essertiol but some peopJe moy find it. use¾.JI.
Tl--.ebamboo s-eomer hos changed very
little over 1he yeors. Cylindricol bamboo rocks WOK SPATULA
ote stocked one upon the o,1-r-er so that multipJe A metol wok spotub is used for S!itring :ood in
dishes con be prepared simuhoneously. They ore o wok..portk ulOily :ried rice, glutinous rice cokes,
set in o wok filledwith boiling ond com • Of' anything that needs s-irring in lorge quont i•
monty used 1:0 steam everything :,om rice dishes, ties. A spatula (fish slice) con be used os well.
and dump lings to ,sh ond pOfk buns. Dishes con
~ t9oked fordifrerent1ime pe-tiods , grd more
p &

i\!~ ON: i .! NJ~ /.'fr
P,\!P!i\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUi:S,
=LuS }0 v 'IIUT:S s:~· 'II~ i ME C ELTU C E
COO( l'II~. ~E 5 Ml'IIUiES

• i SP..(SCEllU:::: Thislettuce is g·a,.'!l'o:-its mildand tostys:o!k,.whichis

• ·~ u:s=oo'II s.,n o~en oeeled,sxed, o.r,c:Is:ir-fried.h's ovoilobeinAsian
• 2 f:5 L:s=ooNS \'!GEP.5~E O l supermafi::ets. bu;: ce ery mo.(!:'S
on occeptooe s-..bstitu:-e.
• I f::!S=ooN s cnu.,, PP'"E~CO'!.NS
• I f:!S=ooN Gi\liEO 3 '113E= - - rimIX tr>':eafypo-t ono m e base of m e cel-:uce,eoving
• I,o CH l ! , SE!OD l'IIO :::ur .....o ontythe m'adle poiion of the s:eT.s,o-r.omen peeloff ti!:
s· ., =s ou:er loye· to te'o•eolthetoe~· core of the s:-e'TI. Otscord
, 1 r:aus=oo~ L ~nr soy s:.u::::: m e leaves. Cut tt"<:stems hto l~hch/4-cm engths.t--en
, 1 r:aus=oo.,. ~ .,: .Nu~.'HJ su~:, rut in:o stfps. j_d tf"':celt,-,xe·~too coonder o.nds~inlde
• 2 f:5 L:s=ooNS 'Itri TEVl'll fG:'!, the salt Set aside for o:o-..i30 ,rW·11Jt
wi-..n es, then ocn d-y
• I f::! .s=ooN S!S!Vf OIL witn paoer tov,.,e_s,
- ;eat mevegetoole oil·no wok.ororgeHillet {fryingoon}
overlowheat, ood the Sier',.;onoeopercorns,and s:ir-fry:o.
1-2 minu:-esunt fragrant.Addtf"':gingerand ch",e, tf..:'l
stirin tne 'Sl:l'fsouce,sugoc, ,rinegor,onclsesame oi to mo<e
o frogrontsauce.Turnoff me hem. Mx the cetuce tnrough
me saucev,milestil hot Serveeithe1 wo·m or coo.

i\!~ ON: 3U.!..NCDONG :)?-~ :g fl;\

P,\!P!i\qON i WE: 5 Iii 'IIUT:S
s::=w:s: i·l

• IS. ·TE,\ WLO'II - -o prepo·ethe ~ter melon, use o po·ing<ni:eor pee e· to

• ·~ TE!s=oo'II s.,n pareonlytne s.(ininto sooon-S:zep·ece-s.Dscord tk, rinds
• •, P.S . ESPOO'II t1G·li SOY 5£UCE o-r.dse-:as.
• •, P.S . ESPOO'II S~'C I:: OR 5' LS!\1 C - 3ringo s-nollsouceoo'lo:woter too boi,-,eat,
V NE~:'!, ood the bitter melon, and blanchforabout 30 seconds.
• ·~ lE£5=oo'II SES,!'f,lf O ~ 0-oin the T e o:\. nons:er too bO'NI t --ero.t
and mix•,.."th
whilethe .r.elonis s:1 wo-m.Set os:deto coo,.
- Mix;,.the soysauceondvinepr, then dro·'l me sauce from
m e bo•NI.Mixinthe sesame o. ono servecs o sa.od.

m~:~~ 'tE~ 0'11: i ! 'IIJl'\I
"=tp·:'(._!J 0'11 JIVE: I~ Iii 'IIUTES,

- Toasttt"<:s.esoT.eseeds in o smalloon overmedi.m "'eOt • I ·r: 5=-00~ SES!.Nf 5!! 05

o"'.dshake occosionotyfor 3-5 /Tlinu ::es, or V"'t golden • } 50N!lESS. SK 'l.!SS CH C( ! .,.
Set aside. 5't!!$l5
- Piece tne chicke'l breos:s in o collopsi:. e oot or Damxio • i 0!,'100 ~ O't ! O MU'II~ 5E!.N 5H!!i $
s:-eome·over o :,ot of~ water.Steam, ca,•e·ed,:<Y • I ·:s. lES,.00'15!5. ! "I! 0 L
10 TW'lvtes, or set o:s'cie • 5!.lf TO Y:.STE
to cool.t"\E!nsnredthe mem.
- Piecetne mung beo'l she-etsin o i0rge "'eOtjYoofoo,.. FO't T-1! O'tE55 'II~:
cad Xlitng,...mer to cover,and soc.(for 20 m·.,.rtes U-"'til • I ·:s. lES,.00'15!5. ! "I! :>:..s•t
so¾ened.Jroi'lono refresht"'e s"'eets in coo wc:er, t~'l r:.s.::s=-ooN.GHi SOY5:.ucE
d·oinogoin. Trimowoythe firmoort aong the edgesof the • I ·:s. lES,.00'1 5! ) ! "1! 0 L
sheets ood cl.J'ithe she-ets·.,to strips.Puthtoo oo.., and
mix•,,ltht-re sesame o....
- Comb'"'e tl"'esesomeoos:-ewi:h2- 3 to:.espoo-rsv.'Oter
inosTIOII XI,. tomino,;t.kldthesoysouceond sesoTe
oi ondmixwel.
- MiXtri: chichi, nooo.-es.and soled dressi'lg·" o -orgeoow,.
then se-osonto ten. T•ansferto a servingpat e, s~k..e
wi-.nsot c:nclthe toos:-easesame s-eeds,
and s-e-ve.

* ~ ~ mw~~ ~ 'tE~ 0'11: HO~G !CONG
O'II • ~: s ~ Nu·n
5E\\'E5: 1

~ Bi.-r.g4~ cu~ {34 f oz/1 iter}wa:-e·cno1teosooonsa,;t • .,.,,u:5,.00'15 s:..·

too boi in o lo·ge saucepana.-e·hig'l heo..Add tne • 1 SOMlE5S. $1:1'11
· 0'11CH CKE'II
cnit('::'l breos!.Co-.•er,turn off me he<r,.,onc:Is:eep tr>': s. .. ::.,s·
cnic.(,e'1 for ISm·"'-ies,o· un~ilcook.eeltf"-oug...,. • I JE:5,.00'11 5E5.! "lf SEEDS
~ Removeti'-<: asideto cool.Removeand • I 1,;:s,.OO'i 'lt/•s:.;
discardtt"<E s.(inand snreame chicke'l. • } T!. Sl:5,.00'115 W : yo'I.,. : SE
~ Toasttt"<: s.esoT.eseeds in o smalloon overmedi.m "'eOt • 1 CUCUW5E'I. SE!OD ! NJ CUT NiO
o"'.dshak-eoccosionotyfor 3-5 /Tlinu ::es, or V""t golden 2· NC-1:5,:M V:fC -15i CKS
Set aside.
~ Comb·~ t{~ wo:sobi,rnoyoV10ise, o"'.d·emMing
>iteos:ioonsolt'no OO\•doncl mw e l.
~ Mixtne chicke"1andcocum:,e·in o so ad 'X/h ooa tne
woso::lsauce, cno toss tfroroughly. Sorin<.e tN' too:sted
se<..ome s~s on top of the so ad.

.. 47
i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG @~ iiof
P:\!P!:\qON T ME: 10 y; NUTH
COO( l'II:;. '1!: 15 'fl 'IIUiES EG G PLA N T SALAD
S!'WES: 4

• I r:::.s=ooN S!SHIE SEDS - -oost the sesame seeds in o sTJOII:,on c,.•e· mediu~ hem
• 1 f:;G" . !.'ITS :..u5!i\G NES), CUT o"'.dsho<eoccosionofyfor 3-5 .rw'lu::es, or V"ti golden
'IITO •, • 1 .• NC-1•'1• O·CM SB. "S ira ...-... Set o:side.
• s ·!a .:s =o oNs - j.oce the eggolorr.s(oube·gines) on o heo:prootolo:-eono
• •, i!.S.ESP00'\1 1..G-IT SOY )!UCE putintoocollo~e pot or boT-000s:~·overo :,ot
• 1 ::.OVES U.'1'. IC, cno=>=E:) o: boilicq,.,.oter. S:,ea.rn,covered,for 15minuts--~or 4-.ntil
• I sc:. L 0"11 SP:\ NG O'IIION), w•.de·.)ro·ntne'-''Oter in the :.ate o".CJ set aside to cool.
:: - 0""!0 - ~i t-r.esesome ~s:-e and 2-3 tobespoons water into
o smallooYo~ o"'.ds:Ir.Adome sc,ysouce o"'.dgarlic.
- Aime the sc:-xeO\'e' tri: ccoeo eggponts one!to:.
witn the sesame se,edsandsco on (springon'o, ).

i\!:;,ON: -IO!'\I:; <O'II:; ~ IUM!:la~

P:\!P!:\qON T ME: IS 'fl 'IIUT:S,
COO( l'II:;. '1! 5·1C v "IUiES

• I r:::..s=ooN s:s:.v: SEDS - -oost the sesame seeds in o sTJOII:,on c,.•e· mediu~ hem
. ; ovn~:; JE.LY= S-1 /l;l"IS!J o "'.clsho<eoccosionofyfor 3-5 .rw'lu::es, or V"ti golden
, 1 r:aus=oo~ s:..t ira ...-... Set o:side.
, •~ =: o C- 0-E S!E:l!J !.NJ CHO"'"EJ - -o prepo·e the jery'ish, removet-r.egutono mouth oni:he
• I ::u::uy;s: " S!EJ!O !.'110CUT 'IITO unae-.,:·a-e of the U-Torello,tr'm offthe tentocles one!or:i-.s ,
= ,ESB. "S o"'.dscrape the sUI to removethe '.T1XOUS meToro-r.e.
=o, ·n: s.:ucE - JSSONe1teosooon salt in~ cups (76fl oz/2.25 li:-e-s}
• :s·!a .:s=ooNS ~EJ V N!G!'\ wa:e·in a argebowl,ono soak tne jellyr..:sn s~'l to· 8,
• 1 J:5 L!S"00NS :;\_:.'llut!.-EO SUG!'\ c.nong·ng the wote· t,.,.·ceo-r.ocoding 1t-ec:::,oonsot each
• 1 lE.'S=ooNS .I G-IT SOYs:.ucE time. Cutthe je'tyfu"l sffl i~o A-inch/5-mm-wic:le s-Jips.
• 1 lE.'S=ooNS Sf)!M! 0 L - :mo lo·ge bowlwth ke-cold"''Oteronclsetosic:le.
, s:.r - 3ringo lo·ge souceoon of wot!:'rtoo bot O\'e' h'gn ~at ,
turn offthe ~at, ono le: the water cooldown to ~t,.,..een
160-175°Ffi0-8~. Aadthe je1/is"l stripsend et sto"ld
:<Y 1 minute until ti-eycurl.Use o slotted spoon to tronsfe·
the s:ripstotri: ice-coldwater. \'fnen the strbs rego·.l
the'r origi"OIthick..~ss.drc:n o.ncltransfer too ba.., .Add
the chile.
- -o rnru: e the sauce, corrt:r'.ethe vinegar,sugar,'SO/so:.xe,
ondsesome oil .no smo!IXYNI. Seosoowithsalt. :OOr~f
o: the saxe into tl-.ebO'NI wi-JI tl-.ejelty;sho-r.o~: osid: the
remoinde·.t-'oriootem: je-lfyrsh O"'f
fo: 5 minutes,tl'.end-a..._'-\
excessliquidf,o:-nthe00\\ . Stirm: remo:n:ngsauceintotl":
ie!ty;shmixture.A-ro-r.geth e cucu-T:,ers-.fosco o se-ving
plo:-e.then too withthe Iellyfoho"lOtoasted sesoT.ese,eds,
:El~ '(f;jON: S :::-1u.:.'II
'"'U~!i\£1 0'1 T VE: 30 1,'; '\IU-H,
PICKLED ".us; - OU:\S ::co~'13 Ty;:,
" .US i J.tYS " C(. Nil · vE

~ Ste1ifizeo 12~cup (100--ioz/3-liter}oic..<ling jar thoroug"''Y , , cu,. !. ozmo ~ st1' 'II~ (G'!;E::~,
bywosning it in "'Otroopyv.'Ot!?r,o.r,c:Ithen a.ryi-r_gi;: ·'.lo 5f!"IS. Si:.MS Pi.lVW:'0
coolO\'e'.l =o·o;: le-ost10minu:es. • \ c.:.::,:.oE. ClJT INTO5 i:.·SIZE,. :c:s
~ Toma(e the p·ckw>.g juice,bring6¼cu:,s (50 'I oz/1.Slbn} , aoz:nso o., <O'l =t:.:i· ~10
wa:er o,cl the salt too lorg,=oot. Set micleto coo xi· NC- :1 • 5•:::\1 :,:.JONS
completely,then oou-·in:o the ste-ilizedjor. , 2 c:.:\;.o•s. :::ur..,.o·~x2· 'ICH
~ Putthe s·cruon :,e:.oerCOt" ns o"'4 star oniSP-in:oo spice 1 • S•C\1 5:.tQNS
boq onc:I:,;.ace.nthe jor. Addti-...gingerand ch es, teen
poutin tN! (oo"ongwine.
~ Bi.-r.g
o pot of v.'Otertoo :,oil.odd the :,eons, and o onc.n : o ; · - E PICKLN~JU Cf_
:CX'10seco.ods.)ro·o ono drycompletely. • \~CU,.):. OZ/1~0 :5, S.'Ll
~ Rinseand pot otyoll the \'@g,=:obles, i:hencod them to the • l·.! TP.s:ooNS s :::-iu:..N
jor, mok.irgsu-e tnE'( are coTolete-'y· jar ::_ppf; ,CO; 'IS
o"'.deave to pic.(lefo· 7 days in o cool.dor<poce. • 2SJ H!. 'ISE
• \OZ.l~G~N(;E'!;f:..sou · ,. '11:-1
NOTES : 2•:::\1•L!"I~· - : ECt Sl :::D
con be reused o"'.Ceo ti!: • 2 I\D C-1,L!S
hove been consumedor removed.Re:ioimo·e sc.t in water • -' i!.5.:.s:ooNS ('OL .!.,NGW 'II!
a,cl osic:leto cool.Just top l.O\'l1'tntne soice 009
a"'.dso ted \\'Oteros reqi.f·eo.
Alwaysuse o ooir of cleonchops:ic(s or tongs to remove
veg.e:obles: m e jar a,cl reseolthe jor cfte· openi"9.
If a white '9kn ~ins to formon the surface of m e juice, odd 1- 2 toblesooons(ooli0,.."'.g
wineone!-eseclme jar.

*~,t-~ '!;E~ ON: Sri.'NG-1:.

,.1'!,. ,!:\ !· ,oN i WE ICM 'IU .ES =~us
PICKLED d·S -!Ol, '1;$ M H 'I :.· 'II~ T ME
:::OO<l'I~ T VE }S \1 NU.ES

- Bi.,g 8' (68Aoz/2 lters) of v.'Otertoo ooil·.\ a large • I r:.eL!5,.00'i 5 ;11,; :.'i
pot.Aod the s·clxron:,e:,oe1co<ns,salt. and five-soice :p::'t :::O'tNS
pa..,aerend simmer c,.•e· mediumhem :<Y 5 minutes. Add , 11:. :.s:oo~ s:..L• =~us zx.n.:.
the soy':,ea"':S ano simmerfor20 T,J"I.Jtes. -u-n o!!t~ neat TQT!.SfE
a"'.d et me soybeo"'Ssteeoin tf"':res'o-ol '""=Ctfora"'Other • I 1:.:.5:oo"I ~ VE·S,. CE POWJE't
10:TW'lut es:.)rah, men pot tee soymns aryw't"1 po:,e· • 1 CU,.S :11 OZl}OO G; S.OY5E!.'IS,
tov,.-e_s.Discordthe Sic.nuonpeopercorns. '!; '11S:.O.01\! 'HJ. :.,J S-IE.lEO
- Com~ tr': oic<le-:1 winesooce wi':hii a..p (4 Aoz/ , ·~ cu~ f !. r~ oz,-110 Mll ,. c11:.EJ
120ml) cold \\'Ot!?rin o .orge 'Xii< odd the soybeans, W NE S.'UCE
mo<,."'.gru-e theyore 'rr.rMrsed·'1the sa-..:ce.
~-5 noursMntne refrigerator,stirringtr,..,soybea"'Sonce
or twice. R-e"TlO\'eme soybeo"'Sfrom tf"': oowl.season
wi-.nsot totoste, and tronsfe1 them too serving plate.

.. ••
i\!3 ON: sn:..No-1:. Pi~ ~ti ~ 'f
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUi:S
C00(1'113. ~E 5 M1'11UiE5 KALI M ERIS A N D
S!'WES: 2
i!:!!=-:.o:s1 TO FU SALA D

• •~lE!S"OO'II VEG!i£3lE 01~ Thiscoa Snonghoisoleddisnis a pop.rorop:ie:ize-r

• 12 cu;,s 01 OZ.-300 G) Pl M! " S in res:a-...ron::send homes.G·a..,".l on the r',-e-sides
'110c: 0~ !:\U3Ul:. (~:XKETI o c0 roodsic!es a: Chino,.Konrne,i~ India, ( also <nov.•n
'I NS!) cs .ndionaster <Y lnd·ooKo!imeris) hos :,een nicknamed
• 1 "ECE S Sf'-' ·O~,!O TOFU.'I.NS!) me "sid..•NC <chryso"themum." -his wild\<ege:obl e\\~h
• ·, u:s=-oo'II s:.u. " ExF:. b'ue•gre•n leavesis hig-r)' nutrr±,,;send co'.lbe !ound
iQl!SfE :·ozeninOlinesesu~rmor<ets.
• I f!3lES"00~ S!S!~f Oil
- 3ringo sc:-xepa..n of ...,otertoo 00 over nighneat.
Add tl"':vegetoie o'I o:-r.d<'s lnd3coend blo~h
:<Y 1mi""I.J'te.
Aoin and rinseu"X!':.cod ru-mingwater.
Squ~z-=out cny excess...,ater.
- 3ringfreshwoter too ~ii in the some oon and odd tf":
semi-driedto'iJ. Sinmer c,w mediu-nhem :o. 1mh.rt:e,
mend ·oin.
• Use paoe· ta.-.elstoobsorbonyexcess wote·
both the to'iJ one Ko!imerisndico.:inelyCf".ooo"'.d
put into a 'XI,. then oo:Ithe sot and sesame c;t
o,cl mixtnoroug"'~.Adj..mthe seasoningtoto:ste.
- -ro.nsfer too se-vingplate or foro T'O'e formo
p·esentotion,fill o 3•inchfi.S•cmstO:nless-steel·;ng
mod witni:hemixture,OQC(ing it tigh:lyondoressing
da,;n firmfy.:.,-essout o: tr>':moldonto o olo:-:to ser\<e.

i\!3 ON: : uJ :..N ~~ I--

Pi\!P!,:\!·,oN i WE: ;o M 'IIU.E5
" lUS i J!'tS " CKl '113i WE PIC KLED RA D ISH ES
S!'\V!S: O·S

• 2\ ~Oil<~ 'J,' <O"i'V C >H - Combinethe rodisnand sot in o lorS'=' oowlo.r,c:Imix.

UN"H ...EJ :\jo ·n "ILYSL CEJ Set aside for15minu:es.,tne'l rinseunder co.clrunning
• I f!5lES"00~ S!.i wo:e· o"lOdifn.
• '~CU" !.f .OZ·l101'1l)L~ - i - Combinethe rodisn,Wf souce--~ono sugo· ino a.rge
SOYs:..ucE OO'NIond mix..,.ell.Cover ond re.frigerote
for 2doys.
• 3 ·:.o l!S;,OONS J!"( SOYs:u::E 0-oin the sauce :.o:-ntne bowlo.ndJnX·'l me seso.m:
• ·~ ::u;, O!IICC ~: G"!'IIUL!.D oil.Transferthe ·oo'ishestoo :.,ateond\'e.
• I f:3lES"00'f S!S!~f Oil


. -·--"•i;,t
. ~~

i y;

i\!:l ON: 5;:::-1u:.'1 ;Elm~
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiE5,
" lU5 3 -IOU:\5 " ICJl:.l'\I~. 1,';! PICK LED
COO(l'\I~. ~E 5 M1'\IUiE5

• I .5 1 OZ, 500 G l07U5 i\OOiS. PH.EJ • Use o chops:ic..< to clean the cho:vie.sand rinseuno-e·
! '\10 E"IDS B y;y;:o cod -..nningv.'Ot!?r. 0..-tt ce otus roots:nto ,,..·;,ch/
• ·~ O!dO ~ " IC(~EJ <i;!J :::- 1~E5 2-mm-thickslices.
• •~lE£5"00'\I S.'li • 3ringo i0r9esauceoon of water too ooil.cod the lotus
• I t:3l:S"00"1 :li\!.NU.!HJ SU:l!\ root srce--~andbancnfor 1m·....-te. )roi~ me-'l set aside
• I if!S"OON G '\IGE'\ JU CE to tl"': ,etus root slices~too steriized jor.
• 2 t:5L!S"00NS 'hH iE V1'\lfG!'\ • 51e-nc:I
the chiles,sa;t, sugar, gi"'.ge• juice, and vinE90r
in o 'X/h o"'.Cistir u'tlil tee wgor and ro.t hovedissolved.
Add ths mixtureto the otus roots i;\tl"': jo·, sea.,
p·ck.efor8 hou-s ·n the -efr'gerotor,tur"';.,-,g c,w me
lo:us roo:s once or twiceduring tne pici::li"'-9 time.

i\!:l,ON: -101'.13<O'\I~ ~ ilt

Pi\!P!.,\!.,ON i ML 10 y; NUiE5,
" lU5 ~ -IOU:\5 50!( NG i ME SOY BEA N C RISPS
COO(l'\I~. ~E }0·35 y; NUiE5
S!i\VES: 4

• ,,:::u=12 ovso o: =,:s- O:\ ~\ OZE'\I • Soc.(the soybeo.nsin 1o..p (8 Aoz/250 :nl) v.-o-.erfor
50Y5E!'l5. " '\15EO l-nours.
• \ .f!5P OO'\I 5,,1.~1 · ~it~ rool:edsoo,-becins togetf.erw'tntne sookilg
• ·~ 7f!5POO'\I G\!'\IUL!.iEO 5UG!:\ wa:e·into o olenc:ler o· :ocoproce1so·,one bend until
• ·~ 7f!5POO'\I 1.10-li SOYS!.UCE ::ne~"':Sore the texture of b--eodcrumbs.Stro:n
• I f£5lES"00~ \iE:lfi.!5L! 0 l mroug'l o stroicer (s·eve) linedwitn cneesecioth(m.,;s.:ii-1)
to seoorcte tne gro"'u.,ES fromthe mm:.
• j re~at the a.•ento215.::11.tOOCJGos ~o·( 1.
• -ro.nsfer the soy':,eo'lg·o.nulestoo nonstickbo<ingpen
o'ld OO(ehtne oven'or25 minu:es to dryout. ~e'T'O\'e the oven,tne-'lstir in tr,..,salt, sugo•,ono soyro-..ce.
Grodi.rolycad the o . Trons:erthe :,eo.nstoo frying
pono"'.d:ion-frythe d-y soybeansover lowhea;: for
5- 10m·.,.,ies ..r.tileris~. Remo-.-e fromtne heat, COOi.,
o'ld re:~-cte u"til ne,eded.

Soybeo'lcri;:)S ore soT~:imes ovoilobe ;,. Toiv.-cnese
~~1-t± 'lf;j. ON Sri.'NX
"'i\!"'!i\!·10NT M! IC v "llJES
PEA N UTS IN :::OO(l'\l;j. i.VE 5 Ml'IIU -ES

- j..,..itr>':oeonuts i.,too deepso.scepon end ado enough

oil to cover t~m. Oeeo-frytt"":peonu:s over ,e,,.• hea;: • \'EG!f:3lE or... " OR DEE" · ''{ '( "IG
for 4-5m·..,_-tesun:ilcrunchy.Removet ~ oeonut:Sv.ith • I r:slfS"'OO'II (!0-. !"IG w N!
o s ott-easpoooono uons: er to pooer tov,.-esto drain. • !. .!5 .ES"'OONS 5PCK Ci\ Q!.U.!"IIC
Pu'ithe :"ied ~nu:s into o baNI.S~ink.,e'1,°'thtt"<: V NE;3!'{
kao"ongwineand stir to mix.Set asideto cool. • •~ fE:S"OO'II s:u
- Combinethe v'negor,sc.t, sugor,soysa..ce,and gor,..c • i f::,tfS"OONS 0",.!..'IIUL!·o $1,.,G!'
in o OO'NIend sf•v,:e to d:Ssolvethe sot and sugar. • I T!3lES"00'11 l,~ - T SOY s.:u:::!
Fb.uthe souce over the :iean.rts·n the XJvl. • 1 COVES G! 'LC, CHOl>"'EJ

11;:;j.,QN: 3E Jl'l;j.
"','{!"'.!i\! . ,QN i ME l:J V"lllli:S,
PANC A KES " lUS 35 Ml'IU7ES Pi\OOf "10 T "1E
:::00(1'11;3.. \1! 1:J "''"llJES
M!(fS: n

- -o prepo·e o colddough, pv;:n:. c_os (7 ozn.OOg) o!l- • t.\ :u =) :1aOZiSCO :;;: ! Lv =u =" OSE
pur,:,o;:e(?,oin) fiouri.,toolo.-ge bowl.odd oscontiio.;o " l. ! '\I =tQU'l;, =oi\ OUSP,G
{3nt oz/100 ml}cold'-''Oter,and stir ,,..fthcho~tb:s U""ti • It, f!SL!S"OONS V!G!i !3 lE 01~. " .U)
tfrotoughfymixed.T·onsferthe 001.'9htoo c...eanwork EX-,\! =o\ :\ y '\13
s-..rfoceone kneo:Iu-.,tilsmooth. Putthe :ntotri:
bowl.cove,rw'tn o damp dishtowe, and set osidein o
worm oloce to proo: for20 m:nut-es.
- -o prepo·e o "'Otcbugh. pv;:2licu:,s (11oz/300 g) o!l-
pur:,o;:e(?,oin) fiouri.,too lo.-gebowl.stir in 1tcoles::,oon
oil.and then rop·dtyodd 1cup (8 f: ozn50 ml) :oiling
'-''Oter.St:rwi-,.nchopS::o:suntilfi..llybeno~. Tro":Sfe· tri:
doug"ttoo c eon wor<surface and k_-r.eoa untilSTAJO'th.
it is too ""Ot,wc:t unti it is cool e--o..:ghto nonde-lxrt do
no1 o O'Nt-re dough to :,ecomecold). ~o<e 2- 3c1..;is oo me
s-..rfoceo: t ~ dough to ·eleosesome heat
• We·gho.rt lt.oz/t.00 9 of not dough end 3½oz/1009 of
cod dougn (savet-reten to use O"'Othertime). Sprink..e
flouroverthe ~t dough, piece me cod oough oo too,
end k-"'eOd me comoinotion·nto o smooth do.ign. :,.d t-re
doug"tin:o o·witho dam:, d:Shtowe, and se:
oside ·.\ o ..,.arm:,ioceto :,rooffor15minu::es.
- )ivioe the dough ·ntotwo equaloortions. Roieoch p·ece
in:o o long to , then divide eoch roll,.,to 1'-oz/20-9oieces.
Usingo rollingpin,rolleoch piece·.,too thin, rouc0 d:Sk.
- ;ea;: 1t!?OspoonoilJ'Io 5.(il!et{fryingpon}over O'N heat.
Addo d:S:<a..-..d :,on. fry:orobo.rt 1 minute on eoch s:cle
un::Is!ig.,tlybrown.T·onsferthe :,onco.(etoo ola:-eand
reoeot. Thepancakes con oe used os wrappers in o:he1
recipessuch os Mw:...Pork{page 351).
i\!3 ON: 5;:::-1u:.'1 ® ffl
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiE5,
" lUS j -10\.iU Pi\00' N~ ilY! FLATBREAD
C00(1'113. '1! 15·10 y; NUiE5
S!'tV!S: O·S

• •~lE£5"00'11 S.'li - Combinethe sot and scorn 1cup {7floz/200 ml) wc·m
• 1 :::u=s '10·, 0Zi300 G !U•"Uil;POSE wa:e·in o 'Xii< ono mt untilthe s0ct nos o_sso'veo.
=t: 'II =tou11;, EX.Pl! =oR t ~ flourin o lorg,=mixingbowl, groduo!lyado tri: solt
- j_...-t
OUST "II~ wo:e·,and (neod into a smoo:h OO'YI:
witn o doTotov,.,e anciset aside tooroo: for2 hours.
- Ast o cvttil"9 :oorowith ~u--. oace tee dough on the
board and divide it ·nto l. equol ~es.
- -Q.(eo oiece of dougnoncl-ollit into a ong to I.Use a
ro"'.r,g~ to !\otten the ro into a ong,flcnstfp. )ust tt"":
sufoce of ::neAottenedstr':iwitn o pincho: Aourand roll
it Uj, Stood the i,I on~ e,d onc:Ijlf:SSo:,,..Tlw'th
o pol~to mo<eit in:o o ro:..ndflo:oreodof about 'f,. ·ncnt
1cm mio: and 4 inches/Klcm in diameter. ~eoeot •,,lth
me remo·;:ng oa.;gh oieces.
- ~it~ flo:oreods·o o dry s~t (fryingpo~) and heat over
medium- r.:,11neat. l.rn over the "lctlreoos every} mi""l.rtes
:o. about 15-20mini.rte--~ or COO(edth-ougn.
- :lo:oreoclsate dry o,cl hord ood CO'l be s:ored in the
refr'S"=-ctor for1.0to} mOt""ths.

i\!3 ON: 5;:::-1u:.'1

Pi\!P!.,'t:·,oN i YE 5 v "iUi!S, PLUS
10 v "llJi!S 5"7E!"NG i WE BA NG BA NG
COO(l'\13. "IE 5 Ml'IUiES

• 3 50'\lf,.ES.S, S<l'l~ESS :::-1CJC!N Songoong chkh'1 is o c.nilled,cooked cl•ckesnd:n se-ved

511;!:575 uaditiono fy served ·n the
witn o soicysauce then,,..'OS
• \O!·IO:j.~'113E't ·:sou · \·'ll:::-1· dstrict. Toirepcre it,
stree: mar'(e:Sof m e 1-ionyo"'.g
2•CY•L!NUi - " .ECE), S- i\!ODD o mo!e: is used to oound tri: chkk.en oreost oeforeits
shredded (ri:"!C
e the no.rrie}.
=011;·n: s.:ucE
• I i!!S"OON S!S!Yf =:s·E - ~it~ ch'ck.en·ntoo orge souceoonwith 8ii cups
• 1 lE.'S"OONS CH L O l (68 fiozn liters) v.-ote·,oringtoo boil, ::ne'1::,-,..rn
off tri:
• I i!!S"OON Gi1;!'1Ul£7E:) suG:'t hea;:,Covero"'.de: me c.n:c..< !:''1steeo i;\tf"': hot wcr.erfor
• I i!!S"OON s.::::( 0 " a:..Ls:.w1::: 10m·n.rtes.~emove the chic.(enend set c:s·&, to coo.
V NE~!'t - ~it~ ch'ck.enon o a.iting coard and~ it w'th a
• 1 t:5L!S"00NS ~,~-Ii SOY)!UC! rolfiog:,;,,.cxo meat mallet forabout1 ~ut e to loose'1
, ·, u:s=oo'll 3'tOU'IIO s1:::-1u:.'II me "lbers.-ear tt"":cf,'chn by-..onclinto finesh·ed$.odd it
too bowl,and mixin the g··.Trons:ertoo serv'-..g:late.
• Mixthe sauce i-..greoe~ts~ o se:,oro:e bowl,then oour tee
sauce overthe chicl:e'.l,, and se-ve.
l~ 5f ~~~ •u~ ON s ;: -1u:..N
"'!\!"'! I\! · 10N . M! 15 W 'IIUTES
S!'WES: 4

- ~emovethe seEOS ono roo:s i:hebean sorou:s,le-oviog • j, :::u~s :9 0!!250 ~: ::::..NS'°'\OU7S
onfythe s~ms. 3ricqo medium,oo:of ...,otertoo bo1.,oad • I T!!S"OO"I S:'S! Vf OI~
the spro.rtsand :,onc.nthem for 15seconcs. )rain and • I \EJ 0\ :l'\EE'II C.!'f'fNN! '"F":''I;
o a.vtocool. S!O!J ! 'IIJ T-1 •UY S. IC!O
- Combinethe :,eon SjYOl,;ts,...--=th
the sesame c;' ona t.'O"'Sf
e· • 1 30'11::~::ss. S( N-ESS CH CKE"I
too se-vingplate. 51\!!STS
- :iringo SOlXepanof '"otertoo bot cad the cayenne
pep:,er,ond bancnfor 15seconds.0-Chond al a11tocool. =o\ T- E J"!SS NG
- :iring6¼cups (50; oz/1.5 liters)water too boi in o pot • 1 COVES G! 'l;L C, CHO'"'"D
ove· hig'l hem.Add tN' ch·c1tenbreostsand tur'.loff the • I T!3lfS"00"1 ::-11ll O L
heat. _et t ce ch·d:.ensteep ini:he hot water for 15mi""I.J'tes, • I T!!.$"00"1 S!S ! .Vf 01~
then ·emo-.-e , ono d·OO.Whencoolenoug'l i:ohandle,teor • ·~ i!6_ESF'00'11 1.IG-IT SOYs.:.ucE
the c.nic(en in:o ;~ stri~ mix wi:h the coyen-reoe:,oer, • ·, Tf!S"OO'II ~\."'-•u~:.r::oSU~ H
o"'.d:utontopof tne ~ns:rtovts. • •~fE:.S"OO'II Z-l!'IIJ !"IG
- ~_oi-i.e the dressingingrEoJ'i,rts
in o smo cowl,the-'lodjl;st 0 " 5!.lS.'M IC '/l'llf~! "
me se-oS0"'
"'-9to taste. A:uo11ertfi-..ecnic~'lord sew. • \ ~E!.SPOON s:.~T

,ti~~~~ '\E:l ON: s ;:-iu:..N

"i\!" .!F{!. ,QN . M! IC v "-iUi!S
C HI CK EN WIN GETTES ::OO< l'll:l. \1! 15 Wl'IIUTES
S!'WES: 4

- j...._itr,..,ch·ck.enwinge.1=es
intoo sa..cepo'l o"'.dcad enoug:1 • 8 ::-11C(!N w 'll~!ii!S
wo:er toca,•er mem completely.3r'"".9too boilover :ligh , \ 0!11c:;; :;;1'\l~H u · •.-1'11:-11
heat and ::,oncnthe cnic(eM••·i'",gs :or 1TW'lvt e. Orc:no"'.d ?·CW·l:NGT-1 "ECE J, Sl C!J
r'"':!e I..J'ldercold l'l..nni-r_g
wo:er. • 3 ::u"s :11 oz,~co:;;:5E!N S'"=tou·s
- j...._itr,..,ch·ck.enwingsbock i~o the pen.Adotne ginger • I T!!.S"OO~ s c - u.,~ '"E""!" .CO\NS
o,cl enougn wcr.erto cc,,-e·complete)'. 3ringtoo ooil. • •~lE£5"00'11 s:.u
cover,o.r,c:Iturn offthe hea!. S:eepthe ,,,.· br 12T,J"I.Jt
es. • I T!!S"OO"I :li\!'IIU.!fD Su~:.\
- - ronsferthe cnic(enw;ngstoo 10·9=bowlof codv.'Oter • I T:!.S"00"-1L ~HT>OY>ru:;;f
o,cl SOC( U"tilcooled. Jein. • 1 T!3lES"00NS C-1 CKE"I51\0i-l
- 3ringo SOl.Xepanof water too bo" over nigh heat, cod the :sto::<,
bea'1 sprouts, o.r,c:I:.oncn :o. 15seco"'.ds.)rain ano rinse • I sc:..L 0'11 :sPi\ NG 0'1110~).
u"'.(!e·cod ,.rv1in9v.'Ot!?·. Scatter the ::ieo'1sprouts o-rto
o se-vingplate o-r.opoce the cnic<enw;ngs0.'1too.
- ~oost me Sichuon :,ep:,erCOt"ns in o smcl d-y :,onoo.•er
o lowheat fo:-2-} mi'"'I.J'tes un~ :·ogrant. -ronsfer me
pep:,ers intoo mor.:or,coo-selycrushw'ho oestle, o.r,c:I
uans:er to o OONI.Add the sot. sugar, 'il:l'fsauce, cnic(en
b--oth{stoc.<), scallion(s:,ringonion), o-rosesame oiland
mixinto o sauce.~ the sauce overt~ ch·c~"lwings.
i\!~ ON: sn:..NG-1! il$xS
P:\!P!:\qON T VE IS y; NUTH. " ,.US
l riOUi\ OitY N~ !NJ 20 - OU\5 DRUNK EN
M~ " l'II!. '4~. 1,';!
COO( l'II~ - ~E }SM 'llu ·n CHICK EN
S!i\V!S: !.·O
~ "£0! Si

• I f.!.'~•1..5,']·(G) w-10~: :::OR'll·:o ThiSSnonghC:~sespeciety rn<J'/00( s·T:.e;,. o:.oearonce,

:: - ,: <::'II but it is cece~ively bold, deep, one!com?eXin taste.
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 S!.T Clruro:e'lchickenis troi"tionoly prepo·ed cysteom·"9 or
• •, CU"' ..!. F ~ OZ,•IJC M~J ~000· poochingtN' chiC(en,then .T.arincr...og it ·'lo wi-r.e:.•oth for
:.lW·L TY S-i.!.,QXl'IIG ''II' "IE o full cay. 3ecowseh'sserveo cod or ot roomtemoeroture,
• I f£5 L!S"'00~ ~ 'll~E\JU :::E it makeso ~rfect surr:Terdisn.
• ·, 5'1;0',\''II suo:, 5''
• I ~'\EE'II ::".E, "'LUS EXT"! S~ICES - -rim cE tN' the cnit.(enot ti!: tot ;o-r.gthe
TQ~!i\'IIS - cnic..<e'lon o meat "'00( to dry for 1hou·. Fbttne inside
d-y wi:h :,o~r towe.s.
- j_d t~ ch'ckenon o lo·ge heatproof :.ate. ,u:.o!I over
the sch, I toblesooonw·~ , ono gi"'-';'=·jlft e o"'.d
marino:e in o cool :.oce forot eost2 hOU""S. Turnthe
cnic..<e'loveronce o:-t'1,·ke. )o not ·efrigero:e.
• Wroptf"':ch'ckenin m·crowo'le-so:eilosticwrop
(diogihi), leovi~ on~i:he toil oort unco-.-e ·ed. Ploce
me cnic..< en, breos! :ocing up'Nc·d,·o o co. aos:i'blepot
or bom:oo s:eomer ove·o oot of boiling water. Steam,
covered,for 23-25 .TW'lut es,or V"'tilcoo<eo::nroug...,,
- -urn o!! tr>':neat but leavecove·edforono:ner 5 -n·nUcES .
R0:'T'O\'eme chic<enfrom the s:eoming plote, set csic:lei:o
coo 1,then ·eTcve me wrap. Stro·"ltne jlftes fromt ~ i>lo:e
o"'.dreseNe:o. late·. Cut the chit.(eninto quarters and
set oSA:le.
- :>OI..Jthe reserveosteoTeo cnic..< e"l ;.nces into o ilO:o"'.d
ood O"lequo omou"'tof v.'Oterand tf"':orownwgor :,or,
Bringthe so.xe too bo" overnigh neat end simmer for
~ minu:esto dSWVeme sugo· CO-"Tolete!y.
- -ro.nsfer the sauce too .orge 'Xlh ono let coo.Add on
equo omOJ""tof Shooxi-r.g wine.
• Core tr>':oppe, cut it .nto8 :ieces,ono ooo to the sauce.
Add tf.e ch'ck.en, CO\-e·withpo:stic,,.-oo,and mori"'.Ote 'n
me refr'gerotorfor24 hoo-s.
- -he next'Xl'f,rtT'9\·e me plgstit't\"Ci:l, site the .;hic._<en
smo er pieces,onc:Iorrongeon o se;vingplote. Spoonsome
ot tf.esouce O\'e • tne chick.e'l to <eepit moin. Gornis:'l v.ith
:.esh oppe, 'f oesired.
i\!3 ON: -ION3 <0'113 i1ii,~ ·~
P:\!P!:\qON T ML 10 y; NUTH
C00(1'113. ~E .!O Ml"IIUiES V EG ETAR IA N MOC K D UCK
S!'W!S: O·S

• ll OZ .!JO IH\ -1!!"' 3LllE"II '( 'IIS!O - ~ the \\.\-,eat < in:o o age saucepanand ood enough
, 2 Cl.~s ·c =L oz.,!-s M~ waterto ca,-e·'t completely.Bongtoo bo"ove· highneat
VE3E"'! .5.t O ~ O"O bloncn!or10minutes. 0-CJlond rinse~·cold
• I l!.E:l CH l!, ClJT 'IITO T-1 'II Si\ ~s run...·-r.gwow·. Setas3deto cool.the'1cut into >$.inch/
• I ~ICC'( C:'. :\COT 1-cmones.
• S -!O l!S,.OONS -10 SN VUCE - ;e,otthe oil'no wokor deej SOiJCeoon to 3'!-0°=!1i()QC.
• I f!Ot:s=oo ... ) -!! .QXl'\13 w1,E un:i o cube of :,reaobrowns·" £5 seconds.Addthe g\rte1,
• S "'!6 ~:s =o oNS JH( SOYS.'UCE in DOtches. and oeeo.fryfa 3-t rri'"'I.J't
es urd ligtnbrown.
• S "'!6 ~:s =o oNS 3'(0W"II SIJG!'( l.k:eo s otted spoontoco·efu!lyremoveme gA-ien :'Omthe
on po.=,ertowe_s.
- joo· out mostd me oa,eov'-r.gonly1toblesoooninthe wot.
Reheattl'..eo. ove· rned'un- r.:,11heat, oddthe err.e, onclst:r.
:~ for1 rnn.i e un:i fro~ont. Addthe licoricerootand 1cup
(8; oz/250 ml)water,bt'-r.gtoo boil.reoxe to r.:,11-r.ea-.,
O"O Y"nm e· forKl,,-W·des. Oisco·otN! korice.
- Stirinthe gluten,nos,, so.xe, wine,'Sl:l'fsauce,onclbrown
sugar.t'leteose to medium~t o"lOstir-fryfor4-5 .,,.;....,ies
un:i m: sruce tf,'cl:esns and clingsto tf"':S .i!:''1.

i\!3 ON: '1101~T-!f! .ST 4 i il ~ :m

Pi\!P!.,l!,! " ,ONT ML 15 'fl 'IIUT!S.
=tus Ii -IOUl!.S CH lll"\13 • 1,';! B EEF
COO(l'\13 TM! i -iou~s SC M NU"'ES
S!'(VES: .! J ELLY

• 11OZ>SOOG O!F H"IIJONS, - ~it~ oeef te"ldons·o o iergesauceponand odd e"0.:9h

CUT 1"1170S i!·S !E = ECES wo:e· tow.•e· mem completely.3ri"'9i:oo boilover:-.igh
• 11 OZ lJC 3 3EEF !'IV ClJT), hea;:o"'.d:.oncn :o. 15m·n.rtes.Sun O!"l'ffrothand scum
S~ICEO o!! tN! s...rfoce.l.k:eo slotteds:,oonto ·emO'leti!: tenoons
• I f!Slfs=oo~ s C- U!~ o ,cl r' "\Sethem uoc:l er cold .
'"t==:~ co"(NS - Ceon me pan, ood morewo:er,and oringtoo coilover
• I OZ:25 G 3 '113E\ !SOUT 2· "IC - h'gn heot 51onchthe s,..ceclje,e: forobou;:30 seconds.
5•;:._,.~:'l~i - f' :Cf) SI.CfJ remove,ono drC:0.Set aside.
• I f::!S=ooN SALT =tus EXH' - ~it~ S'chuo'lpeppe·cornsintoo sp·cebog. jut tne
TQT!)fE te"ldons'no i0r9epot, odd t"\e ginger,soice :,cg,and 6\
• •~lE!)~00'113'(!"1U.!i!Q SU3 H ers) wo:er,and oringtoo ooilover .,·gn
hea;:,~educeto aN hem o"', covered,for2 ".O,.JS ,
=01t i-1! :l :p "IG S!.UCE: - Adome slicedbeef,sot, ono sugo·ono bt'....gtoo bo .
• i f!5L!s=ooNS 5t.=-C( Qi'{ Q!l$,.I.I,'; C Simmer,unca,-e·ed, forano:her 30 minuies.Ad:,SSt the
V NE~!'( seasoningtotoste. Jsco-d the sXe bog and ginger
• • , OZl5 G j '113E\ !SOUT •~· "IC- o"'.dpoosme conten:s into o 9 ,c 13-inchn3,i: 33-cm
l•C'fl•L!NGT-1 = ECEJ,S- i\!ODE:l recto-r.g:.lor pen.Coverand refrigerotefor12"'O..JS.
- -o prepo·ethe d:opingsauce,combinethe vinegarand
g··in o s T,oll:,a,. . Toserve,cut the :,ee: jellyinto
min slices,nons:er too :.ate, end se-vewitht "\eso.xe.
m~a ~ •u~ ON s;:-1u:..N
"',\!"'! ~:.· 10N T M! IC v "llJES,
PO RK WI TH " lUS i -IOUiU S!..L- 'II~ ilY!
:::OO<l'II~. \1! 1 HOU~

- =-.acethe jOrk belly,5.(infacingdov,:n,osnhe o,;tti"'-9 • I (I .5 5 OZ/000 G) S< '\l·O,

boo.rd.- rim the Teat to on even thkk.nessand scrape the 50'\IE~ns "'011;1(O!LlY
s& c...ean,then Mse tf"':,ooJ<V"'.dercod -....nningv.'Ot!?r. , 1 r:sus:-oo'II s:..LT
R...bthe sot into the :,orkond set os'oe for2 • 25T H :'II SE
- Comoinetoe stc· anise, S3chuonpep:ierco:ns,cinnamon, , 1 r:sus:-oo'II s c -n.:'11
o"'.d1cup (8fl oz/250 ml) water in o largesouce:,on.3ring :p:-:11; co=tNs
too ooil.·educe to lov,.•heat, and s'.mme· for 10mil"",,..ies. • I w: ..L C N'll ! YQ'II Si,CK
- Aodthe po·i::ooclenougncold'"'oterto cavercom:.-::e)y • \ 5U'\IC-I C L.! ,i'tO :co : £NDE't,
o"'.dx;ng too xra,~overed, tt°":'1 reduceto medium-low c-10=:-:o
heat. and :·· gen:lyfor20 ,,w·11Jt es.
- Covet,tum off the heat. and se: aside for20 minutes, =o=t·n.: ~:.= ..,c s:.ucE:
or un:ilcookedt"l•oogn.~emovethe po.·i:: and -etcool • I -IP .O ~£'tl C, CLOVESS:'PH!"E:)
completely.Cvt ti!: po·i::·"ltot;:n slicesand orron9= S( '\IS 'tEMOV:'0. !NJ c - o :-=>EJ
on o serving:note. , 1 r::.s:-oo.,. ~1\:.'lu.:rn su~:=t
- -o make th<:rouce, com:,;neme ing·ecrentso,cl rrix'.-.ell. • \ "f.!..S?OON s :.. ·
Pourover che sliceopor<(orserve on tr,..,sideas a d.j) ono , 1 r:sus:-oo'II c-11l1 o L
top with cJon:ro (coriona~·) . • I r::.s:-oo ... S c - u, ... C- 1..iOil
• i r::,us:-ooNS SESH•I! 0 L

~ ~mt'lll •u~ ON: Sri.'NG-1:.

='t!"'! I\! " ION T WE:iC Ml'IU7ES. :-.US
PO RK AND V EG ETABL E 1S Ml'\IUTES"1£'t 'll !T "IG " \1:'
COO(l'\I~ i.YE 2~ Y NUT!S

- Combinethe X>rk,soysa..ce,ro.t, sugo·, o"lOl. tab esxions • ll OZl!OO G G"'OUNJ :M''\IC:'D: " 0 :-(
wo:er in a orgebowland rnori-r.otefor 15m·..._-tes. • •, i!.6 ..ESF'00'\11.IG-ITS.OY$£UCE
- :iringa .or9e souceoonof wote· too ooilc,unh'gn heat. • ·~ u:s:-oo'II s:u
ood the bo<choy.o"'.dbanchfot 2-3 ~lit es. )ro·oono • I T!!S"OO~ ~.'t!.'\IU.:fD su~ :=t
onde1 cold n.nni"9 wo:er.OIOpthe Wf choy,sq..~ie
r' "";!e • I .5 5 OZI~~~ ~ G'tE:'N 50< C-IOY
out .rost cf the•.,."Oter,
and odd to the oork.Sti· in the , 1 r:sus:-oo'II CC'!;'IIST:=tc -
cornstarch {cor"'ro"...r)o"'.dsesame oil. ;;oi\'FI.Ou,J
- -0.(e o wonton ,.,.~apper and .ayit -ict on a c1..;itin9board. , 1 r::.s:-oo.,. s:s :.v: 01..
Put'f, tobespoon of the Teet fiilingon Oc"'ec~·of the • I .5 45~ 0 s- : ,on :. ·S- 'fl! 'NONTON
wro::,oer,foldtee tbover the Kling,o"'.d·o po5tthe w :-,.:.=:-::=ts
ce"'ter.fod the 2e"'.G:S horizontalywitnone eno overt"'e
o:her. )ob o lt-....e
v.'Oter0'1 me ends o.r,c:I:)tl:SS tig"'tlyto
seal. =wpeotwith me rernoi.,·...gwrop:iersondfilling.
- :iringa i0r9esouceoonof ,.,.ate· too ooil.then ood the
won:ons·'.'Tlbotcnes. Re:v-n too boii,odd ~cu-:. (~ f oz/
120ml) cold v.'Ot!?r,o.r,c:I·e:urn too bo . Once tl-ewonto-rs
-ioottot~ su.rfoce-, use o s otted SXIOfl to uons:er them
too bowl.'Ser\'!:.

i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG m@'1tn~
P:\!P~:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUi:S
COO(l'II:;. '1! 15 Iii 'IIUiES DEEP- FRIED
S!'WES: 4
E'.:!i"£0! 01 WONTONS

• j oz ·so G G~OUN:l '"' '11:!J) :-o:- K - -o make tt"<:so;,.ce,com:,;netne sugarand ~ar

• i OZl50 G 5'1'3!CWE " :'I( :-::;f in o S'TJO,I 'Xii< mix\\<e o"'.dset aside.
19!,, CWT "liO l- 'II Si" :-5 • Scoretf"':base o: tf"':tomatoes.Bringo smol souceoo'l
• I r::~s:-ooN L GW SOI' ).!UCE o:water too bot ado me tomo:oes,and heat for ~1
, ·~ u:s:-oo'II CO'\"ISP~:-1 m·.,.,ies.JTimedio: -e'y transfertoo bowlof icewater.W"":':'I
::OR'll =LOUi\) me tomcr.oesare coo enoughto hono.,e,pee owcyme
, ·~ TE£s:-oo'II :;"1,.,.U.!f:D su:; H skin.Cut intod>unksandse: osic!,:;.
• I r::~s:-ooN S!SHIE O ~ - :or the nliog,co~e both oorks,'Sl:l'fso;xe, corns:arcn
• a wo,TON ',\'\_! :-"!'\ S (cornflour}, s,.;gor,and sesomeoi in o 'Xii< •
, 3 :u"s :2s =- o:11sc M..) - :mo smo ba.., w'hcod•.,.oter. -o<eowon:anwrop:,er
v::;E·~o.r o. o,cl lC'fit f.aton o cutting boo·d. :iut ~tcol es:ioonof me
. s:~. po.·(~ng .n the ,e.,ter of tne wrooper. •ift the eogesof
me wrapperand t'Nis:to :o·m o po·ce-J.l:Jbo ltt "=water
=01t i-1! SWE:i !'110 SOU'\ 5.'U:E on tf"':e"'.dsone p·ess tightlyto se-ol.Repeat'Ni:hthe
• ,,:u:- (j~ oz;;5 :;, S'IOWN s.u:;:'( remo'ningwrop:ie-sand fi!!ing.
• S -!5 L:s:-ooNS '\E:l v N::;:\ - ;eat mevegetoole oil·no wok.oroeepsa ..ceponto
, :STOV!TOES 3500c :11aooc,or V"'t o cube of lreoo b--a"'~in 30seconcs.
• 5 OZ..15:JG P:=t:::oo<EJ c - ·r::,..'11:;S.
1 6:rtly lower the ,.,.'O<"'tons, in DOtches, and c,:;ei;::')' for
"G 'S 'II.EST "IES). :ur '11-o ·n ' 1-2 minu:-esunt golden.Useo slottedsooontoco·e~
5-11;" ) removetcewon:ons the hot o'"'O"'.O d-ointf..:mon
~oe· taMls.
- :io;.ir out most dtce oi, ,:; ovingabout I teaspoon·o me
wok..Jidcl the chit-1:-e·.ngs (p'gs in-.est.nes} and tomatoes
o"'.ds:J -fryovermeo .m "":at for2 m·.,_ies.Stirhtf..:
b--a..,,sugo·onavinego·, ona COO( 4....nti: me s-...90· hos
d:Ssolved. St·OO,'f oesired.
- Se.rvet ce WO"'tons withthe swe,,;to.ndsoo· souc~.

The wantonscon be frozenfo:-up too T'OS"lth . Spreadout
me uncookedwon:onsO.'lo ,olo:,e,freezeuntil firm.and
men uons:er them too freezerbog.\'/nen readyto serve,
·nto o souceponotcold ,,,.mer
poce the :·ozen•...'O<"'tO<"'s
too 00 overmedium-hig':'I heai. \Vhe'ltne
dlJ'To!ingsflocnto the sufoce, odd ie-o (2-'Ioz/60ml)
,odwQt;-·Q"'Oretr...rntoo ooil.

... 61
i\E;j ON: FUJ .:., ~ ifl !l ~~
P'l;E"!i\'f 0~ · :vE 15 v 'IUTES.
" lUS 1C v 'IUES so.:.IC '113.· ,vE TO FU
COOIC'113.T ~E: 12 \1 'IIU"fS

• l .Ji\ !OS • .:.:K "1US-i~OOMS - ~i the mush·oomsin a

•.,."thcoldwo:er, and
• 2 OZ/50 ;j. G~OU'IIO tM NCEO) "0~ < soak forot !:O:St , or 4..ntit
20 ;rj ..._-,tes softened.Removethe
• I ~'ll ON ($"'1;.'IIG ON ON, C - O"PEJ mushroo:-r.s, sq-...eeze&:y,then d'scordthe stems o.r,c:Ic.nop.
, 1 rt.=.s=oo'-! s:..LT - Con-ci-,e the por,:, chop~ m...-s"' 'OOTIS.scallion(soring
• •~"f.' 5"0 0"1 SfS!Vf 01 onion),ii teaspoonsol-.,the seson-~oil.and cornstotCh
• •~TPVOO"I CO"'IISP:\C - in o .a.rg
(cor"'f'.ou-) e bow. Useyoorr,onds::ofo.-m16:ia...s.
;:O'!;'ll =LOtJ" - Useo sho-p k.."''fe tos,ove o!!a tnin loye,·of the coarse
, 1 LS 2 cz:soc o = '1;1o1
· : =v o =,..=.'ll!D ou:e· 5.(inof ti-':to'u and cl.J'i it in:o 16(£-l'lch/10-cm)
• I CU" :afL O!,'iSO M~ c-iCKE'II squo·e srces. eoch ooovt 1/, inc.n/3T.m thiu:. CU'!o oiece
5li.OT-i :stOCI::. =.:.oE oc o: cheesecloth(,..n)to the sized the tofu slices,v..i
• Gi\OU'l:l '\\ii'i "f Pf""H TOPS"f o oieceo:tofu on o sa.;oreof cneeseclO"'J'I o"lOline up tt"<:
• S"f! \1f0 i\ :E {P!;j! 5.!C TO S!'\vf edges. Pl.rto por<be.. in the ce"'teJ.Co·efulfy ft onecorne1
o:t ce cheeseclo:ho:-r.d :oldove1to me oppositecornerto
:oma tr'o:-r.glewi-JI the porkboUinside.
ress the 1 eogesof me t~le
- => tigntfyto sec the tofu
dlJ'Toliog.W.lTIOW me cl--:esec.otr\ trim m e ed;es of the
dlJ',and corefu!lytra..."'Sfer to a plate. Repea;:withtri:
remoin·"'.9tofu ono porkbo...sto mol-.e16dumplingsl'I ~al.
- =>.ocethe dum:.lingson o heo:oroofo-ote and :>..iinto o
co apsiblepo: or oomboosteamer aw o pot of boiling
wo:e·.Steo-n,co-.•e,·ed, for 10mi"'•.rtesuntJcco<edthroog.'-r,.
- ;eat tt"<:chiu:en xoth (s:ock}l'I o soocepon,seoron
with me re-T10ining 'f, teos:ioo:lsalt, and :,our overtce
dlJ'To..ngs.Sprin<lev.-'thwniteoepper o "'.clseNewith rice.

•u~ ON:-!!((! ~U!'ll~OO'I~
"'!\!"'! I\! · I0N . M! 15 W 'IIUTES,
HA KKA PLUS IC \1 Nu ·n SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
:::OO<l'II~ i.VE 2~ ._.NUES

When·mmig·on:smig·atedftomthe ~totn e •9 oz 'i5:J ~ .J.! (0'11 't!J s-

mountoinoosreg~s near Jio-r.gxi, Fu-on,o:-r.d Guongdong, 5-i'U OOEJ
most of them oecoTe ;o.(ko fo·me-s.Eosyto mo<eoc0 • 5 f!5L:'5"00"1S J't.EO S-i't .\1"'
COJry, dum:irliogswerea stope for:ormeJS,.,.""O\\'Orked • ; OZ '20:J G G'!.OU'IIJ (V'"ICEJ) " 0 " <
in the f½cs. Theyalso :,ecomeo :O\'Orb:dim sum to be • •, Tf!S"OO'II ~13-ii SOYS!UCE
~-..•eclwitnteo. • •~fE!S"OO'II CO\NSP'l:C-i
tCO" 'll=.ouFt
- -o prepo·e the fling, pl.rt the shredded rod:Shin:o o • \ .E .!..S?OONGi'tOUNJ \\ -i TE?E'"'"E't
coo.nde1. SqueezeOU'! the exce1siquid,then sxead • I l:!5"00"1 Vf;jf -!5 .! 0 l
ovt on o sklet (fryingpon). Coe»:c,un medii.rnhem • 4 -!5 .ES"'OONS "'l;ESE'!. V:'J TU"'II.,
or until d'ied. Setos;de.
for S mi""l..rte--~ C - O""EJ
• Soc.(the ~ied shr'mp 'no STICH'X/h ot coo wo:er fot • ·~ lf!S"OO'II s:.1. =- .us EXF!
10minutes. 0-oin, fine1ychoj,o"'.dset aside. TOT!SE
- Combinethe x,rk, soyrouce, cor"'Storch(cornflou·), • •, Tf!S"OO'II ~'t-'NU~!f:0 SU~ H
and \\½-lite:ie:or in o orge OO'NI.
Setosx:le. • •~lf!S"OO'II SES.'MEO L
- ;em me oil vegeto:.-: in o lo-gesUlet over h'gn ~t.
ado ti!: dried s;rimpond grou-r.opo·(, and fry to· o::o..i FO'!. ~H:' JU\1"~1'\IG'~"!""!";S
1 minu:e to orown. vduce to mediumheat and ada tn e • h Cl;"$ :9 OViS:J G G.UT "IOUS
snredcled~ish. orese-..•e-:::1 turnip,salt, sugar, and sesame -"CEF.OU't
oil.Adjusttf-..:s.eow,;.,-,gto tos:-e.Rema.-efromtee neat , ~ cu= ~·,ovnc 3 ~1cE=1ou,
and set c:s·de. • \ ~f ~.S?OON S! ~t
- -o mok.ethe dlJ'To!ingwrap:iers,comli-re ootn "lours.rl o , vw::r:u: o l. =o~o=-usn
large 'Xiii . Mo<ea v.-e in the mioa.,,e of the dry ing·edien:s.
Ina measuringcup,co:-ro·ne\>Cl.!:I (SAoz/150ml) j;st -
boile-:lwa:@·, the sol-.,and oi o"Opour into the we . !Js·"-9
a cough scrape1,gent}y:m'ltfi-..efio..irtaNC·dme cen:e1
and mix.(neocl, ood'.ngooovt ii cup (4 Aoz/120;r.) coo
v.'Oters aNfy,lt:l e by 'ttle, to fo·rno soft and o,.-obledoogn.
B<""'-9tne dough toge:norand o rolt"'-9pin to 'O in:o a
longstripond cut in:o 8 equolpieces.Toke1~ce of dougn
and rolli-rtoo flat citcle about,,, inchn .r..mtnic.<.Toke
a spoo-rfufo: fillingand :ioce ·.ltri: center of tl"':dough
wrapper.Ciosethe dougn ove1the fi!!ingto fo:m a round
boll.=wpeotw'th the ·emcirw'lgwrappersoncl-i ~ ·
- U.-to sheet of o.umin1.r-n :o in:o eigh: 3-inc.n/7.S-cm
squaresa.."'CI :n.snw'th oil.Piece o dumptng ~ ::necenteJ
of each s~r e ana put ,.,too collo:,s.o,epo1or oom:oo
steamer a,.,e,Ja pm of ooilingwo:-e•.S:-ecm,covered,for
- ;ea;: me 1 tobespoo'1oil ino sW: eve· medium-h·gnheot
un':il-rot.3rush eoch dum:i:ng ,,,/th neoted 0·1o:-r.d serve

dump,--r.gscon oe frozenforu:i too month.S:ireadout
tr,..,unc~e-:1 OYmplings on o p,ote, freeze..r.t firm,and
::nemto a freeze· bog.W'"":nreoc!ytouse,
defrost me dum:i"ngson o bakingS'"":E-t lined,,.."thwox
po:ierend t'N:l prepo·e occord·~ to ins-.ructions.
.. .,
i\!;j ON: 5;:::-1u:.'1 H;II!~ ,¥
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUi:S,
" lU5151'1 '11Ui:S V!:\ ~q N;j i ME
COO(l'll;j. ~E 50 Iii 'IIUiES
E'.:!i"£0! OS

• S oz,-ISC 3 :l'tOUN:l 11'1'11:::EJ)PO"I: - Combinethe pork,soysc:-,..ce, s0;t, s-...90·, o -r.o2 tc:. espoons
• •, fE:5"00'11 ~,3 - i SOY$! .U:::E wa:e·in o 'Xii< one mixwell.t-'orinotefor 15minutes.
• \ ·t!5PO O'II s,1.~1 e, mok.ethe -edot. -oon the sesame seeds ·n
- MeonY-.1'1il
• •, fE!5"00'11:l't!"IU.!i:05U3H o smalloon over rr':Oum "\eOtands "'.C(eoccos:'onolly
• ·~ N' "'! C: 55!;jE f ,5ou· - oz, :o. 3-5 TW'lvtes, o· un:ilgoden Ira..,-... Set aside.
2:J:J ;j), .E.:..v:s 5E"H!iEO - Mixthe ginger,g:irlic,sot, roy sauce, chilioov,,•det,ood
• •~i!S.E5":)0'11 CO'tN5i!":::-I crusned :iep:,e·corns.rl o smol heotptoof 00\I\:.
::::OR'll=LOUi\) - ;em me oils·" o smo!IS<iHet(fr)Yl9,oo'1}overTedi....m -
• ., fE:5"00'11 5Ei!"'f O l h'gn heot, then ,oourin:o me bo•....t.Stir in the sugar o"'.d
• .!8 ::::.'ll·O"IIESEWON. O'll \\'t !""!" 5 toasted s.esoT.eseeds. Set aside.
• i t:5L!S"00NS :::=usn:o "!! "iUiS - -omok.e tt"<:fi!ling,br'~o 10·9=pol o:wcter too boil,add
:0=110~:_, me cobbo9=leaves,o"'.d:.onc.n:o. 5 TW'lvt es. )ro·"lono
• I sc:.L 0'11 :sPR NG O'IIION) r'":!e under cold l'l..nning
wo:er.O.Opthe cob.:,oge,sa-..eeze
out most ot thewote-·,ood odd to me oxi::.Mjx \\'ell.Stir
=Qit i-1! ltf:l O l: in the co-nstorch(cornflour)o"'.CJ tf,_esesame oi . Mixogoin.
• I f:!S"OON ',\'-I TEs:s:1,1: 5ED5 - -O.(eowonton ,..,~ooper o.nd .ayh-iot on o cutting board.
• I f::!.S"OON C - O""!J O 'IIOE't Add about ii tobespoon of the filing in the ce-rtero: tr,..,
• S :::tO\'ES :;3!\l::: :::-10""!0 wro:.oe·.Foldin:o o triangle, then foldthe two ends to
• •~fE:5"00'11 S.'li me center. Seo tf"':folds•1,-'tho litt.e water. :lresstf..: e"'.ds
• I f:!S"OON LOW SOYS.!UCE t:gh:lyond loyo."10.orge :.ate. Repemwitn the remo·;:ng
• I f::!.S"OON c - . =ow:i:: = wro:.oe-sono nm~.
• •~lE£5"00'11 5i:::-IU!'II "!""ERC O" 'IIS. - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof water too ooil<:Ne·hign heo1.
:::'tUS-IEJ Add tf"':wontons,·n :,etches,and cook for }-4 T,J"I.Jt es
• .! .!5 .ESP00'\15 \if;jfi.!5L! Oil untilthey floatto ::nesufoce o:the ,...mer.Md 15cup
• I f::!.S"OON S!S!Vf O. (£ fl oz/120ml) coldwater, increaset"\e neot,ono retlJ"'"I
• I t:3l:S"00"1 :l:\!.NU.!fEJ SU;j!\ too boil.Cook.tri: wonto-rsun:ilthey foot to tri: s-..sfoce,
men use o s..ottedspoon to tro-rsferthem too oo.., .
- Aime over the red oi, spdnk..eover the crusnedpeo"',
i: using,ono scc!ton (spr'"".9O!"ion),o,cl serve·mmediote'y.

The wontonscon be frozenfo:-up too -ronth. Spread out
me uncooked'>''Orr.ons on o olo:e, freezeuntil fitm,and
men uons:er them too freezerbog.\'/nen ready to serve,
pvt the frozen¥.'OntQ"l iffio Q 5-Qute;Qnof.;9ldwoterQnd
IY-'9to a bo" over medium-hig"IheO'!.\V~" tne wontons
-ioct tot"\e ru-foce,add I' cup (2 fl oz/1:JJ
Tai)coo wo:er

i\::; ONS: a:: .J '\I:; !'\10 i - E NC'U-1w :s $ ~ii<~
P,\!P!itqON i ML IS Iii '\IUi:S,
" lUS }0 v '\IUi:S s-.:.NJ ~G i WE LA M B
COO( l'\I:;. '1!, 15 Iii '\IUiES
W!(fS: !2 .:iuv =.,_1'\l:;S DUM PLI NGS

=o'\ ·n: .J OUG-1: - -o makethe dougn.combinem e flour,,..fthgeeerous2 cups

• S Cl." S :1-.52 OZl50C G) S •·t.:i C!<f (17f oz/500 ml) wa:e· in o largeOO'NI and <neodto fo.-m
; LOU\ o s-ooothdough.Coverwi-JI o domjdish to...,.e- one!e:
stood for 30 rri"'i,..i
=01t ·n: ' ,ll NG - Meanwtk:e,makethe n11irg. Comoinetne i0mb,scc!tons
• 11QZ,,300 G G~OUN .J 11'1'IIC!.J) t.:.,.,5 (soringonions), ghger, solt, one!£ toblesooonswa:er ·n
o = vuno~ o DO'\t.~ onciset os·ciefor10minu:es. ~ix intne cornstarch
• j SC! ll o~s (S"'\ '\I:; ON O'\IS), (CO<r'floi..r)O"lO SESOT.E oi .
c - o==:o - JVide the doug'1in:0£ equc' portionsand use o rollingNI
• ., fE!S"OO'll 3'\!fE.J G 'IIG!'\ to rolleocn poi'o .'1intoo r,orrowstrip.JVide eocn str'o
• I f::!S"OON 5!3 into 8 pieces.Roieoch oieceof dough into o thin round
• 2 f!5 L!S"00NS CO\NS.! .,"-1 dlJ'Tolingwrop:,er,ooOU'i2li ·~hes/6 cm ·o diometerand
::::OR'll=LOUi\ ) ::ninne1ot the edges.
• I f!3l:S"00"1 S!S!~f Oil - -o fillthe wroopen, :i,..iabou;:1tc:.espoo.'1o: fillingint~
• !. .!6 .ESPOO'\IS 5L-'-,C(0,\ 5!.S.'M IC ce"'terdo :J·eceotdum:.ngwrop:,e·onci mois:e:'lme
V NE3!\, TO S!i\VE round edgewithwa:e·. Foa tnewroope1 a.-e-me fi!rng,
into o semici.cle,o"'.d_ :.resstoseol t~ tojfirnfy. Ush9 ::ne
mumb, :o•e;¥., one!mida.,efinger, moke-smo pea:s on
ones·oe of the OYmplingoncip-ess fir-rlyto seal ,elf of tne
dlJ'To!ing.Repeotwi:h the other s·cieof the o...mplingone
- 3ringo lo·ge ootof water too boilc,.-e,-medium-highheat.
Addtee OYmplings, .nbctcnes, returntoo boil,onciCOO<:<Y
5-6 T.:rnrtes untilthe dw-T:i:ngs-iootto the surface.Md j.
o..o (2; odl:IJml) coldwater O"O returntoo boil.Rema.-e
m e dumpirngs\\~:'lo slorteds:ioo:lono place ·no bowl.
Se-ve\\~h tee vineg:ir0'1tt"':s·oe.

The dum:J ngs con be :,oze-'1
~r t.ptoo m<Y"th.
me uncookeddump""ings on o il<r.e, fr~ze t.nti 'i'.tT\,and
uons:er the dumplingstoo fr~zer :,og.When ·eody
to seNe,oloc~tee frozendumpli"".9S into o saucepan
ot cod '"ct erand oringtoo coilover med"i\sm -'ligh !')':ct.
W'r,n me dum:. ngs foot to ::nes-..rfoce,ood j. CU-j
(2fl Qz/60 :-nl),;:old•11qt-;·QnO r-;ti.rni;oo boi,

~ ~ ~~ •u~ ON:Jl!'l~SU
"'i\!"'!i\!· 10N T WE I ""IOU";, "'LUS
PO RK l:J \1 NUTES'"'\00: "iG - \1!
:::OO( l'\I~. \1! U ._.NUTES

- -o make th<:doug"\ p.rt the fiouri.,too lc.-9=OO\•d oncl =o=tT- E.JOllG -1:
g·oduofyodo ,, cup {S; oz/150 :nl) v.'Oter.S~ wi:h • 1 CU") 'V Ql,'iSC :;;, : 1v ?l,l\~osE
c.nopst:Ck.sun~ilcomlf"'eO. (T¼ doug'1may O::lOEGt o lirt e " l ! 'II =tOU 'I , " ~US EX.flt.!
d-yand f.aky.} 3r'"".9the dougntogether .nthe OO'NI , then =o=tJ UST "IG
put 'ton o work s-..rfoce o"'.Okneoclus·ngo pushingo"lO
:oding action for 3-4m·.,_-tesu"':ilthe ao.;gh is SJ:'/one =o=tT- E =.ll"IG
smooth. f the ooogh seems too s:iay, odd o rttle mo:e • ll OZl!OO G G"OUN:l :Ml'\I C!D: " 0 ~<
-ioor. Putthe ooogh DOC(into the 'Xlh o"'.dcoverwith • •~fE:.5"00'11 s:.u
o doTo d:S'lta.-.el.:lroo:o;: roomtemperature :o·obo.rt • I f:3lf5"00'11 11~ - T SOY S.!UC!
30minutes. • S OZI IS~ :;; C-1 V:'5, C-IOP"lO
- -o make th<:filling,combinethe :,os',:, salt, soy sauce, • I f!.3lES"00'11 S!SHlf O.
o,cl 3to:.,;espoonswo-.erand mix•.-. ell,t--en mor'~e fo, • ~ NCH o=G\OU'\l:l \\-1 TE ~f='?E't

15minutes-.Addtee chives,sesoTo:ol and ,,..,'te :,ep:,e· • I f:3lf5"00'11 CC'l'll)T:=t::: -

to the po·J:::
/'Mv.,e . Stit in t--e cor"'Storch(corn-iour). :coR'\l= LOUit)
- )ust o clean cutting 000·0 witn "lou-1 o,cli:rons-fer m e • \' EG!J:UE O l, =01t a~usn"iG
dough from the 'Xlh on:o the board. (ne-odti-...dough
:o. o:o..i 1mh.rt:eo"'.dcvt i. into 3 eql.JO! poi~s. Toke =o, ·n: :i ~... "IG S! UCE:
o pieceof dougn and ·o it into o long rod s "'.Cloe o xiut • !. -!5 .ES" OONS 5PC K Cit Q!..L).!"I IC
~ inch/2 cm ·n diameter. )iv'-c!-e t~ dough into 1200fls V "IE~!\
(obo.rt;:.oz/10 g soc, }. Repea;:wi-,.n the rema'Ang • ·~oz,-IC ::3.:l l'll:lB :5ou1 \•i'\IC 1
p·ecesof o.ol.'9h. 2·CW·l:NGi 1: ECEJ, 5- it!OOEJ
- -0.(eodoug 'lbo onoro itby"'.Ondunti smoo:h.Poce
it oo tne boo·d..use yo;..r:,aimto Hartens gntty, and then
use o rolli"'-'3p·, to ro I the do.ign ·.,too · o_mpli-r_g
wro::,oero:o-..i 21'icehes/7 cm ·n dximeter. Woeotv,dth
the remo·;lliogooogh DOiis.
- j..d cbo'...i1tablesooon Kling·n the centerof o pieceof
dw-moling wrapper, and TO·stenthe · edg-='"'"thwoter.
Foo me wrapper over the -i ing, .nto o semidru- , and
iress to seol the top firmly.Usingtne tn..mb, forefinger ,
o"'.d,T.;djle ;~-. mo.(erno !I ::,-eotso, onesio-eof the
dw-moling ono press -i~ty to se-olr,ol: of ::nedw-Toling.
Re:ieat,...--=tht"ceothers·&, of the dlJ'Tolingana se-clwe .
Re:ieat,...--=tht"ce •emoiningdumpling.,,To::,oe-s and fi!!i-r_g.
- _ineo co opsible :let or oom:ioosteoT..en~:'t~orno !I
S(!'.1(.Jfof ;,cr~e"'t ( Xlk:."g) ix:~·, leoving SO'T":room
on tr,..,sides fort"cesteam to come throug'\. 3rusho little
oi overthe :,o~r. Poce the dumplingsin the s:ecmer
o"'.d:lace a.•er o po: o: boili-r_g ,...mer. S:,eam,covered.
:o. 10-12.r.:Out-es...ntilcoxeo ::nroug...,.
- =orthe o oping sauce, comoinethe vineg:lrand ginger.
Se-vethe dlJ'To!ingsw'th t"ceSOi..C e.

TheduT::lingsco, be :.ozen!or up too To~t, . Soreoda..i
the uncookeddum:l;ngs o.~o ,
un-1 'i·m, and
then tro--sierthem too freezer ::>03·
\'fnenreodf to use,
de:·ost the o..mplingson o OO(ingsheet W"ed withwax
pcoer o"'.dthen xe:,oreoc<eed:ngto instructions.
i\!~ ON: Sri!i.NJONG 4 ~ ~~
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 15 W 'IIUTES
:-~us lO M 1'\IUTESP:\QO= NG i YE BEEF
COO( l'II~. '1!: 11 \1 NUTE5

=o'\ ·n: J OUG-1: - -o make tt"<:dough, put the-iour into o 10·9=OO'YI:o,cl

, 1 ::u=-s :vOViSO ~ :i ! lv Pu:-=-osE g·o:luo'fyado , , cup {S floz/150 :nl) v.'Oter.Stirwi-,.n
=-t ! 'II =1ou 1t EX.Pl! =oR c.nopstkk.sun:ilcomb'-.eel.(T¼ dough mat o ::,oearo lirtle
OUST 'II~ d-y onc:If.ok.y.
} 3ri"'-9tne dougntogether, ~;t iton o work
sufoce, and (neod t.singo p;s"liogood foldingocfoo
=01t ·n! : ,ll NG :o. 3-Lm:nu-ces V""ti tN' dough is silkyo.nds-oooth. 1:tl"':
• ll oz,300 G G~OUNJ ,,., 'IIC!J) SEP dougn seeT6 too sticky,ooc:Io &tu more fiour. Putthe
• ·~ JE!s:-oo'II s.,n dougn :ioc..<i.,tothe 'Xlh ono cove1v.~:'lodompdish
• I f:3t:s=-oo ... l ~HT SOY 5!.UC! tO-''e. Proofo;: wm tem:,erotu-efor 30 /'ninutes.
, 1 sv: 1l O"ll 0'11,cn:=>=EJ - -o ma(e m: fitr,g,comoinet1-..e :ieef, sol-.,soysouce- , ond
• I f!3lfS=-oo ... S!S!\1f Oil 3toble:XO"'s,,.cter .no 00',. and mwel ~orinate fat
• :, NCH o=G'\OU'IIJ ',\-I ·t =uPE'\ 15m.nutes.Jidc:Ithe onions,sesame oil.ood whi:epep:ier
• I r:sus=--oo ... COR'IISJ:'tC - o-r.omixv.,ell.Stir·.\ tf"'..e
:::oR'll =LOUi\ ) - Ast o cleoncurt:ng :)OOro witn -ioo· o-r.o::ro.nsfe·::ne
• \'EG!f:UE Oil, =01t S'\USri NG dougn from the 'X/h on:o tne board. (neod t "\e dough
• 1 J:S L:s=-ooNS 5l !C( OR 6! 15:1,1 C :<Y 1mi""I.J'te
onclcut it into 3 ea.;oloortions.-o<e
V NE;3!'t, TO S!i\VE o pieceof doogn -o it in:o o long rods-r_coe about
~ inch/2 cm in diomete1. )iv'-c!-e t"\e dough ·nto 12bols
(about;.:oz/IDg eoch}. Repemwitn the remo'niog
p·ecesof 001.'9h.
- -O.(eo doug"tbo ono rol it by"'.Ol'ld ...ntilsmoo:n.
Poce it ontn e boo·d, use youroo!mto HartenSJJghdy ,
men use o rol!i"9pin to rollthe .nto o ·rune!
dirro!ing wrooperoooU<21''in~sll cm in diome:e·.
Re:,eotw'th the ·emo·.n:ngdough bots. TofiHt"\e ,,.~oppers,
put coout 1tobespooofi!!i"9in tr,..,cen:e·oto OYmpling
wro::,oe·o-r.omcis:en ::needgev.~h v.'Oter.=old the
wro::,oe·over tN' filling , into o semici,:de, o"'.dp·ess to seol
me too Nmly. Usingthe thuT-.o,forefinger , o,cl m'odle
-i¥·• me(e STICH ::,-ectsoo onesia-eof the dumolingand
p·ess f"·mlyto seal no!:cf the dirroling. Repeat with the
o:her side of the dw-Tolingand secJ•,.ell.DotN' some wi-,.n
me remo'niogo..mpli"9'"'~opp ers ood P:ng.
- _ineo co opsible ~or oomboosteomerw'th os~I
squo·e of por~~t (:ioL-..g)~oe· , leavingso.-r..e room
ontf..;s'd5 forthe$teeTl to .;9metnr01.19 '\ 6rumo lr.te
oilover the :,aper. Poce the dumolings·n the s:eome·
o,cl poce aw o oot o: ooilingwcter.Steo"llin bo:&es,
covered,for 10- 12minu:es. Servewith ::neV--egarO."t
me side.

The dum:i ngs con be :,oze'l~r t.ptoo m<Y"th. Soreod01.;t
::neuncookeddump""ings on o ii cr.e,fre-eze 'im.
men uons:er them too freezerbog.\'/nen ready to use,
de:·ostthe dw-mo!ings li."'eOwith wax
on o 00.(ingSl"IE'e':
~oe· o-r.omen p-·e:iareocco·d:ngto ·-rstructiom.

•u~ ON:Jl!'l~SU
"'i\!"'!i\!"IONT M! 15 W•'IIUTES
DEEP- FRIED :::OO(l'II~. \1! 1~ Vl"iVES
• I :l·l5:'90~·~ f~ESH'll.'E, E!L
- US:ngo shcrp <ni:e,cl.J'ioffand discordt ce eel'she-od. • •~lE£5"00'11 s.:.u
Ct.n::neee open OO'h"l me entbe le-r.gtno: tN' oodyo-r.o • 2 Cl."S (10 ; L 0Zf!75 1,1._,
removethe sp·"'e.Ru:.::ne~ with the sot, ~ cold VE:lE·:. .5.E O L
runni"'-9wote ·, and :ct ctyv,6th:iaoertov,.,els. G.ntfi-..e~I , ; oz ·soo G ~G!~ _.:.:.01.,,rs•1'11:-1
into 3--inchfi.S -cmch..nksond t"cenverticoty,.,to}C-ioch/ - 5·CM·lE"IGi - " .ECE:,-1:..L; cur
5-T.m•'.,.·de stios. 1•ro i-1 'II V:fC -!ST Cl::$ :'ljo -j! ~;
- ;ea;: me vegetable oi in o wokor deep soucepo.n::o C-10""!0
340,:,:/liO:C,or un:ilo cuDeof oreocl:ita,.·nsin 45 seconos. • ; sc.:. ..L 0'115 :s "~ l'II~ 0~ O'IIS),
Add the eel o.r,c:1 es u-.ntit
o-:ep-fry:o. 3 ,,w·11Jt tri: 5.(in::S 5TE\1SCUT ,ro i - 'II ..E"IGi-lS,
s.,;gh:lycrispt.Useo s..ctteds::,oonto core'V'tyremovethe :l:\!E'll:i C- O""EJ
eel fromt~ oi. ~eneat tee oi, ·e:urn tee eelto the :,on, • 2 f::,tfS"OO"IS S- .:.OXNG W N!
and dee:,-iry foronotne· 3-£minu: es unti eris:~. =?.emo •.,e • I f:5L!S"00"1S .. ~-Ii SOYs:.ucE
tN' eeland droi'.lon ooper tO'A·e.s. • !. ·,:.a .ES"OONS :ll!;!.NU.. .=.ifJ SU:l!\
- :,a...rout most d tf"':ol eovingabout 2 toblesooo"'S·n , 1 r:slfS"OO'II s:s:.v: or..
ti-...'"'ot. A.adthe cnoppedgingerand cho:-OE<J scollion
{s:iting onion) greens and stir-:~ fo:-1-2mi""I.J'tes urd
fragrant.Add tee ,,,.·--e-,roysa-..xe, and wg:ir and toss for
1-3minutes un:ilthe sugar isdissdve-:1and the sauce hos
thickened. Acd the es-~mixwell.and then odd ti-...sesame
1 too plote one!too'1,4thtl": remoini"'-9
oil.""."ransfe- shredded
9ingerend sco -ons.

;illt~t-r •u::;ON: Sri.!NG-1:.

"1'!" .!:\!. ,0N . M! 15 "11'\IUiES
DEEP- FRIED COO<l'll:;j.. \1! 15·15 "1 'IIUi!S
S!IW!S: !.·O

- j te:,oreth.e shr'To (pea-,•,'~} . Usingk.itc.nens6so-s,cut off • l.d oz'!.00 G W-IOL! ;:i;: s - w .:.u~ o,cl egs. )ride tt"<:snrimpin:o l. oon:ions. s -i=t 1o1
= :?1' ! -.\''IIS), !aou·
- ;em me vegetable oi in a wokor deep saucepan 2·3 1'11:-IESiS.·T.S C"1 ..0'11~
to 3L0°= f1700C,or4..ntilo cu:,e of :,read:J'O'N"S ·n 1'11:..uo1'11::;.- E!J
£5 seco"'.ds.G,e-rtly lo>A.·er
the shr'cro,·.l botc.ne5,imo the • !·•::u=s:J-' ~1 o;
1 ..:t~1
oil ooclaeep-::y for 1-2 mil""i,..ies
un:ilthe :il;.Oblingot the VE:lE·:. .5.E O L
oil :ie9"s to subside.=wmovethe s -r•impand re---ectthe • 1 f::,tfS"OO"IS G",.!.'IUL!.E:l $1.,,G ! 't
oil to 340: =111ooc, then d~p-:-y for o.rotl":r l-2 minutes. • I T!3lE5"00'11 ~=t!·EJ G NG!,
Repea;:the p-oc.ess{foro ::oto cf 3 t--enrimp • I f:3lf5"00'11 )-1!.QXl'll:;j.'II '\IE
in:o o coonder to d·O:noff tf": excessoil.=woeotv.ith me • I f!!S"OO"l l :lHi SOY5.'UCE
remoin·"".9 shr'-r:p. • •~Tf:)"00'11 s:~T, ".US EXT"!
- j01..rout most d tt"<:o'I. eoving2 ta.oles::,oons oil ·n the 101:sn
wot. ;eot the o over meo _m --eat.oao the d·O:Oed • I f:3lf5"00'11 : - E"IJ :..N~0~
snrimp,sugo·, o"'.d9f9er, and stir-fry for1minu:e. 0-izz,.e 5:s!v: v N!G:~
e along me insideo: tl": WO!, ovt in tee WfSO-...ce. • 1 f:3lfS"00NSC-l:=.=,o s.:: :..l o~s
solt,V--egor,and scollio"'S{~:)Jingonions),and stir-fryfo·
1-2 ~ut ~s untilquite dry. f .m!ly, stir in the sesame oiland
odf,st tee seoson·"".9to taste.
:S"" '113ONIONS)
• •, tf:S"OO'II SE5.'Mf O L

.. 69
i\!~ ON: sn:..NG-1:. ~~
P:\!P!:\qoN T VE 55 Iii 'IIUTES.=1us
151'/l'IIUTES v:.'(;'ll!i NG i M! P OT
COO(l'II~. ~E 2:J \1 "IUTES
E'.:!l=:.o: -1

• 11QZ,,300 G O<i;OUNJ 11'1'11:::!J) : ::,;;( Fbt stickers,(nownos iioor.i il'I0;:no, ore o kic0o: meat•
• I if!.s=ooNS l ;j - i SOYVUCE or vegeto:i•eAi!led dump"~. comTo"o/ eoten ocrossAsb.
• ·~ JE:.s=oo'II s.,n While tne dum:.ngs con be boieel,steamed, o:-fr'ed, the
, 11::.s=ooN 0Rn.au1:.-o suo:.; po:,u,ormethoo is to fry tt"<:dum='ngs 'no &ttle oil,odd
• I )\l!ll ,:=:. :::.,53.'G! !QQUT o bh o: woter, o.ndthen coverto steam and cook me -ii,.~.
l .3 5 OZ..bOOG.,, l!.'Y'ES S!P!.i'(!i:0 e,1 ~ evo:io:oted,t~ dumplingso·e oon-
Once tr,..,•.,."Ot
, 1 r:.sus=-oo~ :::CR'IISf!\C - :-'ed on one side :CX'o crisj'f ou::sicletexture.
, 11::.s=-ooN s:s:.v: or~ - Combinethe pork,soysc:-,..ce, s0.;t,s-...90·, O"'.O
, i4.:.;~E ~uv=.1'11~ n ::.p::; s l. too,and marinate for 15m·.,.,ies.
, 1 r:.sus=-oo~ vE3fi.!5L! o L - 3ringo i0r9esouceoonof watertoo ooil.ood the cooboge,
• C1~:.,n.o ::::oR!'IIOE= TOo:.,N S-1 o".dbo.nch :o. 5 .nn.ites. Drainand rinse unaer coo
:0=110"-.:._, rlf'V'kng,·.V".o:ime cobbog,=one!sque-euoot most
ot tt"<:woter.Mixthoroug"tywitnm e po-'(. Stir·n the
=01t i-1! :i "'P "IG s:..ucE: co:nstorch (cornfour) o,cl se<..ome oiland mixwe .
• i f!5L!S"00NS Z-IE'IIJ !"10 O'\ - :mo smo dish•,,lth coo wcr.erand set o:s'ae.loy o
5:.15:.v::: V N!G!'( dlJ'To!ingwrooperin YCMhand and oloceabout 1to:. !?-
• I f!3lES"00~ S-!'(E:l:l!O ~ 'll~E'( spoon of fi::lingin the moc:ll e. 3rusho little wo:e·on the
edge of mew-coper, foldO\'e' in~oo seTlk·-c..e,oc0 seal
me too ':If firm~squeezingtt"': eages togethe1.Sta-ton
one end of t"\e sem'cirde and crea:epleo:s by:iinchingand
p·essingt ~ eages t·gntty,obo..i 10-14 pleo:s per duml)W'9.
Re:ieotw'th the ·emo·.n:ng,.,.~oooers oc0; ~-
- -o moke tf°":dipp·-r_g souce, combi-r.ethe vinegorand tri:
g·~e· in o sTJOII'XI,. and set aside.
- ;eat m e oil il'Io lorg,=s(illet {fryingoon}over .T.ed'um
heo;:,odd the :,ot stb::ers and ii o..p (l. Aoz/120ml)
wo:e·,and cove· tne po"I.Cookfor20 minutesontil
m e wo:er nos :,eenoosorbedand the ~ttoms ot the
pot stic.<ersoregode'1 b--O'N""f.Trons:ertoo se-vingpate,
garnishwith cilo~tro(corionder}, if uS:ng,and se-vewi:h
m e di:.oingsOi..ce.


... 71
i\!~ ON: Sri!i.NO-!l ~ ;tOO~'©
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUT:S.
COO(l'II~ - '1!: IJ v NU TES

• I .5 5 OZ ~JC~ ~'tf'lll) E'tO't ~'IIY - ~inseo"lOd·ain the OOC"'.OYies. Pl.itthe ancho-,i!:'S in o

OT- E't sw=~L l'11:-1ov ES, -IP.OS OO'Nl,ado tne salt o"'.CI
whi:e pepper,and se: cs'ciefor
l'IIO srov.:: - s =: vovo 20 tnnut -es.pen&ywi-".n :,apertowe s.
• •~iE'S"OO'II S.'li - ;eat me \\'O( or aeep soocepo'l to 350,:,:/ISIYC.
• " NCH o~ G'tOU'IIJ W-1 ·t "UPB. in 30secO<"OS.Add
or urd o cu:,e of creoclb'-0',."'\S the
• 2 Cl."S (IC ;L OZ ·475 M~J o"!Cho>iesand d~:, .fry for1-2 ;rw'lvt':'S un:ilgoden Ira..,,
VE~E-!5 .t O. o,cl crispy.Usea slotted s:ioonto carefulfyteTlO\'ethe
• \OZ·IO:j. ~ 'll~E't ·:aou - \· 'll:-1· o"ICho-.~s from tt"<:oi onclaroin oo pa:,e· to-...els.
2•(\l•L!NCH - " .ECE),o::r:o - :,OI.J out most d tee oi, -:ovingabout 1taoles::,oon ·.\ me
• 1 C.OVES U.'1'.IC, cno:=o wok.everrnedi...m--eot.kJdtheg·~er o"'.dgarliconosfu.
. s -:a ~:s=ooNS ~'t.'NU.!f:) SU~~ = :~ for 1minut-eun:i :-ogram.Stirin tr-':s,.:gor,fisnsauce,
• I f:!S"OON f S-1 s.:u:E o,cl 2tooles::,oonswcte·cno COO( for 30seconosurdthe
• I f:Ol:5"'00"1 S-!!QXl'll:j. w1,E sauce tnic.<ens. kJd the o"!ChO'ies and sorinlu.,in the ...,·--e.
Stitgen:}yuntilthe sauce cootstt"': fisn.Se-veimrrecrately.

i\!:j.,QN: SriU'IIOE 01
9/fi'© ~
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: iO M 'IIU.ES
COO(l'll:j. - '1!: IJ v NU TES SHU ND E-S TYLE
S!'WES: 4

• I :1.d•Oi: "JJ·O 0':E = S- C~f!"ll!O, • 0.-t tee fisn; e:s into slice--~
put them ·~too food
= llETD ="IDS( N i\!WOVEJ p-ocesso-,o"'.dp-oce1sintoo ooste.
• •~iE'S"OO'II S.'li • Combinethe ;sh, s0;t,9o·ic. and white :,ep:,e·in o orge
• j C.OVES u.,:uc, cno:=o OO'NI and sti•wtth cnoosticks·n Oc"'edirectionU"'t st·ck.y.
• \ •psP O:J'I G~OUNJ W-1 TEPE'"=H Add tl"':COO'l:Stc-cn (comioo-) end eggyrus, then olenc:I
• "·t:s=oo'IIS COR'IISJ:'tC - we . 3eat t--e eggwhi:es in o smc bowlt.ntitfoo..-riy, men
::oR'll : LOU:\) :oo into the -ishooste.
• !.EG~S. SE":'t.'iEJ - ;eat m e \\'O( or aeep soocepo'l to 275.:,:1140:c,
• I :U"' :a=l 0Zi25J v. VEGEP.9.E or un:1o cu:,e of orecdturns goielen·'12 tnnut -es.kJd
OL heop·"'.9teosooonsof me fishooste, in :,etches,usi"'-9
, sw:n !"11::lsou= s:uc: =:~E 1091, cnopsticksto dispersem e pieces -o:i'dlyto prevent sticking,
TO SE't•tE o,cl deep-fryfo· 3-L minutes unt lig~ lro-,.'!lo"'.dpuffeo.
Useo slorteds:,oontoca·efdyremove the f"..n puffsfro:-n
me oiland dro·.lon ooper to,.~:e s.
• Serve•1,-'thtl"':s•1;eetand sa...rsauce.

r..n puffscan be refrigera-.edfor 3-4days o"'.dusedin
stJ -fries,soups.or s:ews.

~;@~ 'It~ 'U:l ON -ION~ (0'11~
"'!\!"'! i\qQN T ME 5 Iii 'IIUTES.
SNA ILS IN " lUS ill \1 Nu ·n Sf:'110 'II~ · M!
:::OO(l'II~ i.VE 5 Ml'IIU -ES

- Combinethe snoils.,salt, ono enoughwcte1to cover • I .6 5 oz;~:J:J ~ ~'(E:,-1 ,.,!'(l'IIE

completely._et sto.r,c:1
for20 m·..._-tes,then a.reinand rinse. S'II! lS 'II 5- El~S
- :iringo .or9esouceoonof wote· too ooilc,unh·gn heat • 2T!3lf5 " 00NSS!.i
Ado tne sr.oilsooclolonchfor 15seconos.)rdn and • 2 t::,tfS"OONS V!~E -:6 .E O L
set aside. • 1 s-:llOTS. :::-10""!0
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-okor arge sk1-:t f-ying po,}.Add t~ • I T!3lfS"00'11 ::;11;:·o G NG!\
sho ots, ginger,gor,..c,, and oepperco:nso,cl cir -fry • S :~O\'!S 3:.:-.1: : 'IILY CHO""'EJ
ove· medium heat for 1minute until frog·ont./,.Ddthe chili • i \1 L:l 1'!0 ;:-; .ES, CHO"'"'EJ
beo"lpos:e, sugo·,-ishsauce,and v.1'1eone bringtoo • I i:!.5"00"1 W-i.TE "'F"!";;:QR;NS,
bo .Addt-r.eS"'.Oils,:Ocrec:se to nighneot,ono stit-fryfor :\US-i!J
o"'Other2 ~lit es. • I T!.3lES"00'11 :-;,~ a:.:.~p:.s·E
- -ronsfer too 10·9=se-vingclatter and 9orM:1witnthe • i T::.'S"OO'IIS G"!.'IIUL!TEO SUG.!F{
c.noppedsco•ons {soringonions). • I i:!.5"00"1: S-i s:u:!
• ·,CUP( !. F~ OZ:liO Ml) s-;:.,ox NG
w N!
• I T!.3lfS"00'11 :-;O""fO SC.!L~IO"IS
:S"" '113ONIONS)

~~ ~f"@ •u~ ON: s;:-;u:..N

"'1'!"'! :'{!· 10N T ME iO \1 NU~ES
S!\VES: 4

- ~insethe shrixj (prc-...""'\S} under cold runningwote· cno • 9 OZ 'i5:J 3 U'll:OO<EJ S-i'l; M"'
pot dryvlth paoe· ta.-.els. "''t'~''II SH!L~D !ND OEVf N!O
- :iringo sci....cepan of water too bo1.,cad the peas. o.r,c:I • t.Cl."fiO!,.SOG "'f!.S
banch '0< 1minuie.Aoin ond rinseuna~· cod running , i oz ·so o ?O'!;< ::.ra:.c i::. ~ 'll!LY
wo:er.Set aside. :-;O""!O
- Combinethe,peas.oork fotbock,ho..-n., wote1 • I oz;25 ~ - :',I : NE.Y CHO"'"'D
c.nestnuts,sot, wi'le,whi:epepper,ond no!:the egg whi:.e • S•11:r:,c - ;SPiVT$, =,:.:;,!.'\j;)
in o 00'\II: • J'Yidethe filing .nto 8 :,onions.
- =-.acethe to'u snee':on o cutting ooordoncisliceit ·nto • \ -f.!..S?OON s:.~ -
eight 4--·;,ch/10-cmsqiJC.!es. Tokeo ::ofl.square,brus'lwith • I i:!..5"00~ 5-;:.ox1'11~ 'l,l'IIE
the remo·-,;ngeggv."l'te,o.ndovt o oortio'lof the s'.'\Nnp • " NCH o : G\OU'll:l W-i.TE "f"'?B.
; .g ·.\ m e center.Ro ho fv.-oy,tuck inthe edges,ond roll • I !~G W-i -E 5E!.7E"I
to the end. Repemwr'.nthe remoin·"'.9 sheets and filling. • I SH!E- · oFU S<l'II
- ;ea;m e vegetableoi ino wokor deep saucepanto • I :u:-- :a : l O!i250 VL VE~E-:.6 .E
32~f/160:-C,o· un:ilo c.oe of oreoclOfO'Nns in 1mh.rt:e. Ol
Ado ti!: 1=93 ·o.s ono she a..,.:-yfor2-3 minutesun:1 • I i:!..5"00~ 5!S!..vf OI~
go~'l brO'N""l. lhe a slorteds:,oontoco·e;;llytransfer the
egg rollsO"'to:,aperto.,..e_s, Trons:erto a se-v'-r_g
pate o.nd
d~izzlethe sesame oiloverthe egg rolls.Serveinmedio:e)'.

i\::; ON: c -1.:..oz -1ou
P:\!P!.:\qON T WE: .dCy; NUTES.
" lUS 1 -10\.:\S C- ll '\I:"; TIY! DEEP - FRIE D
COO(l'\I:;. '1! I~ v NU TES
i!:!! =:.o:1S

• I ~as oz,~~c:;U'\ICOO(EJ S-1:\ Mi" t~ nrimp (crowns)i-rtoo colanaer,odd the coo;:e

- j_...-t
'"'t' W'\ISj. S- ElL!J !.'\10 :l!V! ND soh, o.nd1.,,~e your nondsto mixtogether. R:.i:!eunder cold
, 1 ·p s=oo~ ::o.t=1;s::
s:..· running'"'ote·, men d·ain. :iut tne snrim:iono clean cisn
• I EOO W-1,TE towe rollt.1ptocowr,and•efr'ge·ctefod ~ -
• \ i:'S"OO'\I ~E'twENi:OS - 'l;V" ~! s·E - ~emowthe shr'crofromthe -efrigerotorand place
• \ .f!.SPO O'\I s,~r on o cutting :oord. Ushg me boc<ota meat cleave·
• •~iE'S"OO'\I :";'l;!"IU.:.r:o SU:";H or o ""=<l"flude, flatten tne shrim:i.Ooo the shr'mo
• \ •psPO O'\I O~OUNJ W-1 TEPE'""H repea:-edtywithme blu-rtedg,=of the <ni:euntilo :mte
• I r::.s=ooN COR'\ISJ:'l;C- is formed.(A-terna:ive!y,1..seo food :irocesSOt.)
:::oR'\l : LoUR) - Combinethe paste and eggw.,'te ·o o large OO'YI:.Stirwr'.n
• I oz .dCGPO'!;)( r:.ra:..n, ~ '\l!.Y cnopstick.sinone directionun-::il the paste is sticty and
::- o==:o 91.Ie'/·n consistency.Addt ~ fermentedmrimp pos:,e.,
• !. f'tESH O '{ C!N'\l!O 'It :r:: soh, sugar,wh'ie pepper,and cor"'Storch(cornf.o.u)one
C- EST~UTS f N!lY C-IO"PO mixtnoroug.,'y. Ushg ycu hoods,to <ehancl-i.sls of the
• 3 CU"S 125 f. OZ '1S0 MlJ \'EG!J:3lE paste o"'.dslo:iit ogoinsttt"<:bowl·epeotedlyunti ti-':
Ol texture oecomeselastk and gluey.Addthe :,orkfotbock.
• CH!.,QZHOIJ ·:. N(E'{ N! s.,u::E Q'{ o"'.dwo:-e·c".estruh.
SWEET'ND SOU'!;S!.UCE ( ".!.,0! I~~: • Wet one hondwithwater,p'ck.upo "'.O!'ICn.lf ot snrimp,
TO SE't't'E squeezei. mroug'1ti!: openingbetweenme ::numband
:o·efing,=rtoforno ,oing•po-r.g -s'.-u,oo!I.Usi-r_g
hard, dip o spoonin'-''Oterand scoopthe s:vimp oo!I
onto o pate. Re:ieotwiththe re-noiningshrim:imixture.
Refrigeratethe sh·:mp :,o!lsfor ot eon 1 "-0,.J,
- ;em me oil;,. o wot or o*psc:-xepo'1to 3tOOF/1700C, o·
untilo cu~ ot breod orov,:nsh £5 seCOt".ds. Addti-':snrimp
in botcne--~
00-.iS, one deeo-fry"or4-5 m·.,_ies u-rtilgolden
!ra"'".lone dsr;y. U....e
o slo:t-eospoonto careh..lly•emave
me shrim:ibo..:sfr~tne oiland drohon ooper tO'A.·e..s.·if'le or sweet and sou-1sauce.
OttPn. :o Stfl.lfPl!A..LS
i\!~ ON: r.:. 'J,:..N
P,'t!P!i\qON T WE: iO M 'IIU7fi
" lUS I:) \1 NUHS MH N! . 'II~ i.YE OYSTER
W!(fS:10 ROLLS

• 11oz,300 G OYS.f'lS. )-IUC(!) • Usingyour nonds,rub tt"<:oysterswim1te-ospoon

!'110 :l 'V "-ED cornstarch(cornfa...r)o"'.dp'ck OU< o.,y:.agments of shell.
• llt if!.S"OONS CO'tNSJH;C-1 Bringo souceoonof water too ooil o-.•erh'gn heot o.r,c:I
:cO,'t'll : LOUi\) bonchtne oys::e-sfor15seconds.)rain ono set miclein
• 5 oz,-ISC 3 ~'tOUN:l IW 'IICEJ) PO~I: o bowl.(.fusing lo·ge oys::e-s,cutthem ·n ".Olf.}
• I f:!S"OON )!.J • Combinethe porkv.-'t'l salt, sugar,v,miteoeoper,o.nd
• •~fE!)~OO'II 3't!"IU.!f:0 SU3 H ~ teospoooco:nstorchin o 'X/h ono mo·OO::e ~
• \ ·t! .SPOO'II G~OUNJ \\-1 H PP"H lOmirutes.
• 1 CU"S {It, F. OZ ·4;5 M~J VEO!J:5L! • -o maketl": filling,hem 1to:.espoo.'loil;,.ov.'Okorarge
Ol sk1et f-ying pan) ono stJ . fryt~ oork mixtv-eo-.•e·
• 0 CH ~ES! C-1VES. Clli l'IITO medium-'ligh ~ct for2 minuies,or un:ilcookedt-r•oogh.
\·l'IIC-1 'l•CW lE"iGi - S Stirint~ ch· ,•esondtt"<:sesame oi. Tro"\Sfe· tne pork.-ono-
• •, fE!.)"00'11 SES.!Wf O l c.nive.nixture to tf": bowlw't'ltne oys:e-s.Addthe swee:t
• 1 J:5L!5"00NS SWEET"Oi!TO pota:o s:o·ch and 2 tobespoo-rswater end mixwe I. )ivioe
o ~ r:.: cc! :,·:.=ten me '11"."ngi.,to 16ea.:ol:.ortions.
• I S-l!ET 1o~u $1( N • -rim t~ tofu s.(in·ntoo lo·ge 16-'ncn#O•cm square,tne'l
• I !GG. 3E.' TEN rut in:o 16smol equo -s:2':sq-...ores.Toke1ton. square,
bn..-s'lwitni:he beo:e'l €99,end pl.rt o portio~ofthe s:ri'np
', ng ·o me mido.,e,Ro ha'fv,1oy, tuck inthe edges.and
conti.n.eto rollto the eno.Re:ieotw'th the ·emo·'"W'l9
squo·esand filling.
• ;eat me remoi.,·ng\<egetobe oi in owokor o-:ep
souce:,onto 3,40:-.:lliO:C. or U!'ti o cube of b·eoo IYa..,.,s
in £5 seco"'.ds.Add t-r.eoyster rolls,·.l deeo•
:)' for o:ovt 1m·.,_-teu-nf•goldenorowno"'.dcrispy.Useo
slorteds:,oontoco·efuly removethe ·OOS :-om tr,..,oilonc:I
d·dn O'l ~oe· ta.-.els.Serve:mmed'iot ely.

t'P!l~~ 'lf;j ON: SE Jl'\I~
"'!\!"'! I\! · 10N T ME 10 y; NU.ES
S!'WES: 4

- :iring 2 a.os (16floz/475ITT),

ertoo bot in o orge
saucepan.Add tne ginger, sco5on (spr'~ o,·•on), salt. 1-:v• . ! ~;jlH "! :E .. C'!.US-1!:l
and Skhuan pep:,ercornsand ooilfor 5 minu:es.Add the • I S:::.
! ~l ON (S"''\,N~ONIO'II), S.. :::!J
chick.en, ca.-e·, one tun off ::ne hem. Steep the chi~ for ''I TC ;:• '1C-! ,'S•Cy;...:~:3T-IS

10minuies , or un~ cookedth·ougn. ~emowthe chiC(en , 2 ·:s ...

:s=-oo~ss_:._ u
and set os"de to coo. • •~fE!S"'OON S :::-1u:'1 "l"PH::: 0 "''11S
- ~emove and d:sco·o the c.nic<en s<ino.ndtear tee &sh in:o • :S60"-f lESS, S< ~-ON:::-<C<!~ 6'\f!STS
finesh·eds. DM:letne snreocledchic~ n i.,to20 :,onions. , 2 :::u=s th ' l oi, 4;5 'fl~ \'E:3:·:s . : 01..
- ;em me oil .no \\'Okor O*P soocepo'l to 3tOOF /1iOOC, r.x • \ ff!S"OON 01\0U"':l SC-!IJ,1.'1"'E"'PE't
un::Io cuo,eof oread XO'h""'S in 45 seconcs.PI.Jto port·o'1
of S"''edaed chkke'1in the oo!mof one "'.Clnd, i;:
as m.xh as :ossibe, and carefullyslide it into the "'O't<:r .
Dee:,-fry chickenfor 2-3 minutes until golden ~own.
Useo S,Ottedspoonto core'V'fy removethe c.nic<e'1 mesn
from ti!: oil and a.rain 0'1 ~oe· ta...-els.=wpEOtwitn me
remoin·"".9cnit(en port·O"\S.
- Sprindewi-:hg.roundS-chuonpep:ier""''tlileho-..Season
v.-'t"sol. to oo:ste serv'.ng.
o"'.dset aside to cool ::iefo-e

~ tl8!l llf "'!0 O'\I: :5l.!'l:300'\l:3

"'"'!"'H!f O'\I T '/'IE:10 M 'llu·E s.
BARBECU E " lUS 30 'fl ~UES V!'( "l!f NG
COOK ~GT ME JC M '\lu·n

- Trimi:hefat from the surface ot tne chickenl\'e-S,t-=Cr out • 10 C - :::<E'l 1..IV

any blood~sels, ood ·t'ISP-thorough~ u"'.Cle· cod running • vE:3E-!5 L! 0 L •o~ ;j'(f!.S ~~

water. pot dryw't~ po:,er tov.-e_s. Comb·~ t~ ~rs a.."'.d • ~ SKEW!'tS

the :,orbec.-ue so-..ce ~r edients,mix,...en.and :norinate
for 30min....ies. •o=t·n: f.HSE :::u: s.,u:::::
- Meonwhe. soak l. oomboo ske>A·en in o 'XI.,. ot wcter • 0 PE, ..ES"'OO~S SU;j !'(
forat !:O:St 10 m·"'-ies (mis burning • 1 •f! SPOO'\I ' V!·S " .CE " OWO!"'
;,. the !ro "',e·/SJill). Jroin. • i ·ro .tS"'OONS - OS N SWCf
- Com~ tr': glaze.ogredients in o 00'....t ond sf· in f!!,S"OON S-!! J ! ~~ ,.owon.
1tobespoon hot wo:er. Se:os'oe. f!!.S"OO"' l :3HT SOYS.! U:::E
- Preheot tn.e ovento 37S 4 f/1CO:C/Gos ~o·( 5. • 1 -~.6.ES?OONS Sri! OXl'\1:3'lll~ f
- Thread4 chio:en " <ersonto eoc.nse,.,er .Grec:se o OO(ing • i · .!6 .ES"'OONS :::-10"'"'!0 :j!\ l :::
oon witho litte di and orra..-r.g.e the Ne· S<e\t,<ers in the pan. • i · .!6 .ES"'OONS :::-10"'"'!0 s -1: ... oTS
~st ~th e middlesnel:of the own :or10mi-vtes U!'1til ji.m • i .!5 .ES"'OON G "IG!'t JU CE
cool:KItt'•ough. ~mo' ,<efromtf.eo-~n ona'lallof the
-ersv.-'tho coo--'...og of the g,oze. ' 0\ T- E G~.!:f:
- Se:the oven to bro {grill}and oro'Ithe li\<e'Son the top • 1 -~.6.ES?OONS y;:,l ·os :
s"'elffo· 3 mJ"IAass. Use tongsto flipthe s<ewers a.-er,brush • i · .!6 .ES"'OONS :5\.'NU L!TEO SUG!i\
w'ih coot:ng of the g oze, o-r.o!roi :orono:ner
2 minu:es. ~move fromthe O',<e'l.
ousn the lr..• e-s on:o a SP--Ving
Useo to·( to co-efulfy
plate. Se-ve hot.
• I -!6 .!S "'OON 'fl \ l'I

.. 77
i\!3 ON: sn:..NG-1! $: ll±@~!I ~j ~
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUTH,
:-~us 10 'fl 'IIUi:S 50.'IC "IG . y;: MO REL M USHROOMS
COO(l'\13. ~E 2:J y; "IUiES

• ; oz ·2:JJ:; <~o=ua>t:, oou3-1 - - eor ti-': (oofu (brondougn) into teaspoon-size pieces.
• I t:5L:s=--oo ... 3 '113E\JU :E Piecein o STci soucepon.cdclthe gingerj..DC e one!e-r.oug.
• 12 ORD ~O'tE~ YUS- ~QQYS water to w.-e·competely. &-·~ too xii overhigh ri:at
• I'. Cl;"' :11 OZ lJC 3: POO:l!J o"lObloncntne (aofu f~ 1minute. )rain ooorinseunder
SOY5E!'IIS. "' 'IISEO running\\'Clterontilcooled.Squeezeme (OO'u dryonc:I
• I :a
:u =- =t OZiiSJ YL removeexcess\\'Clterwithpopertov.-els.Set oside.
VE3E.!6 .t O. - ~ the mushroomsin o bov.1,cove-1 with~ cup (4 ; oz/
• \ OZiiO G 31'113E't !SOUi 120ml), and sockforot least 10ITW'lut es, or..r.1til
l· "ICriii.S•Cl,';•L!NG ·n P :::), soTTe-r.ed. ~move tl-..e.T.lS"'-ooms,squeez-:dry,and dscord
S-lll;EO:l!J m: stems..Str0in::nemusnroomsoaking\\'Cltetinto o OO'NI
• •~ "'! 0 5El ...:op:-::o S!EOEJ :>;;O CUT o"lOreserve:or .ater use.
l'lliO ·~·l'\IC - ·l•:v o;:f - 3,ing o largesouceponof wo:er too boil.ood me SO(beons,
• I t:5t:s=--oo ... S-!! .QXl'\13 w1,E o-r.obloncn!orooout S minutes.),d,n ono rinset.rde· cold
, 1 t:sus=-oo.,. ovst: " s~uc: run.,·cgwoti:·,tl-..en:,eel ono se:oside.
• \ .f!SPO O'II 5,,1.~1 - ;e,otthe oil'no wokor deej SOiJCeoon to 3'!-0°=!1i()QC.
, 1 t:!s=--ooN G:\!'IIUt:·o suo:=t untilo cu~ ot breod orov.•nsh £5 seCOt".ds. Addthe koofu
• ·, u:s"OO'II SES.!'flf 0 o-r.odeep-fry:or 2-3 minutesuntitfghtfygoldenxa,;n.
lhe o s otted spoontoco·efu!lyremoveme (oofu:,~tf,..e
oil.jJ'essingoo,o;non &..emto squeez-:out excessoil.&.en
transfer too plo:-:t""""'i'd
with popertov.,els.
- joo· out most d me oa,eov'cg obou;:1tablesxo.'l in ::ne
wok.Ada &..eshreddedg·-..geronc:Ist;.•::y over T.edium,-,eat
:or 1~i e until:·og•ant.Ada &..e:iell :iepper, .,-,.;s"'·oorns.
wine,oystersauce-,s0.;t,wgor,one!the ·eser\'ed musnroom
sook:cg\\'Otero-r.obringtoo X>ilover .,·gnheot. jut ;,.
me (oofuonclsimmerover mediumneat:~ S-10.,.,;...,ies
un:i m: sruce tr,·cl:esns. stir in m: sojtieo"'Sand
. Fino!ly,

'il ;~~ ~~ •u~ ON SriU'\IOE
"'!\!"'! I\! · 10N T ME 10 y; Nu·n
TU RN IP :::OO(l'\I~ • \1! 1 HOU~ ~c\1 Nu ·n
S!i\\'!S: !.·o

Do'.k.oo radishesore l(ro,,.'!l os Oiinese tu--nipsoocl • I f:5L!S"00NS :l" ED S-l't ,..,,
hence tN' misnomerof the red:,e title. We'veorovided • 1~ ~5:1 <3 :J.t (0'11 't.'OISH
fort-r.etraditional Tethod of us·-..ghsn f"..n
i"'Structio"'.S s-1::to:i: o
soup, but feel free tot.SP-4 toblesPOOns of concen:rcr.ed • IE :..5"00~ $!..Li
-ish stockto save on time ono commencethe -ecipe from • I i::!.5"00"1 31\!.'IU.:fD su~:\
s:e:i 2. • •~fE:S"OO'II O~OU'l:l 'II - "E "f??E't
• I CU"S ;1 0Zi1CC ~ " ICE =1ou::t
- -o mok.ethe -ishSO(J'j 1 heo! me oi in o 0:'gesoucepo'l • !. "!5 .ES" OONS ~lUH'll·==t!E "CE
over~ -r.ea!, cod the gingers,..c e--~o-r.ostit.!-y :o. ;LOl,R
2-3 m·~.Ites un-1 'rogro~t.Adom: fisno-r.ob--a,o;n on one • :Sf!SL:'S"OONS VEO:'J:3lE OI~
side :o:-2minutes, then turn a.-e·ond ora...~ foronotne· • 3•~OZ 'ICC :j. ~'tOU'IIO :1o1NCEO; "O'tK
2 m·.,.,ies./,.Dd tne\\ in e, v-.+.ite:iep:iercorns, o,c:13cups • 1 oz ·soO CUi\!O " 01'(, : - 0""!0
(2Sfloz/i50ml) :,oit,-,gwoter. &·-r_gtoobo over ·•gn • •,DUCK l VEll CHO'"'"E:l
hea;: o-r.osimmer, uncove1eo,:o. ~ .T'W"l .ies until only • I T!!.5"00"1 TQ! S"EJ S:'S! Vf SEEJS lq.»d ·emo·~ .Removefi,m,eot, • 1 s-:..L(S C _: ,r=to :co :- £NDE'ti.
strain the soup .ntoo bowl.onc:Iset aside. :-10==:o
- -o moke th<:tu·n:p j',..ddi"'-9,soo<the d-½oshrim:iin • I r:slfS"OO'II C-llll S:.UCE. TO SE\\'E
o bowlof coklwote· for 5 m·.,.,-tesu"til softened.)re·!'\,
cnop,ond seto:s'~. =o=t "H! : SH SOU"
- Combinethe 00:k.o.'lrods "'es,ro}t, sugo·, o "'.clwhi-.e:,eoper • I r:slfS"OO'II \iE3EJ!5L:' 0 l
i;\O .orgesouceoon and coo<c,;-e· low "'eOtfo· Kl minu:es • •, 0Zi10 :j. 3 '113H :..50UT
u"til the doik.onis translucent.Adelthe fu:1soup and stir. l· "IC- il.S•:v•tENGi - = !:E,.
- ~emove from the "'eOt.Olce the roclisn~ coo-ed, S~ICEO
g·oduofyodo me Aou-sondsti· CO"StO"'tlyu-.,ti o :,oste • I:s OZ1IS~ 0 f":'SHW!Tf't: Sri.
is formed. :~f!"ll!J ! "IIJ " NSD
- ;ea; 1tobespoonoil ·no wok.ororges~t (fryingpo~) • I T:3lES"00'11 't CE W ~E
ove· hig'l hea-.,ood the s--o..nd(m:nced)oork.onodr"ed • ~C W-1 i: '"E~"!'tC O'tNS
shr"cro,o.n,d stir-fryfo· 1m:nvte . Pinin tl": cu·ed porko"'.d
duck liversousoge oncls:ir-fryfo· onocne· 30seconds,then
removefrom the hect.Aod the stir-frie-:1 'ngrEoJ'i
ents to&...
souceoonvlth tee radishooste o.nd~ well.--o.nsfer the
mixtu·eto on a:~hnO-cm s:eoming po'lono place in o
collopsibeoot or DOmboos:,ecme·over o :,ot of~
wo:er.Steam, cove·ed, for 1hour.{Adelmo:ewoter to the
pot 'f needed.)
- Vn,9\'~J,then s;-rink._
~witnth~ t9Clrted ~SQ T ~ st';i'J$
o,cl cilantro (corio,cle·) ono press downso tf.eystick.
to the pooding.Coverend turn r? t"'e neat. le: stand
:o. 30seconds, then remove the turnb pudd:ngand se:
to cco co:-rolete!y.
- O".Cecoole-:1, CU'! ·.,to 'f.- :Och/1
-cm-t;ick squo·es (o"'\'
cut cs .,-,,;chas wil be served.-he remoiirdercon oe
re:rige-ote,d).;e<n tne remoi"'1"92tcoles::,oonsoi in
o smalls(illet overrnedi...m"'eOtand frytl": squores:or
3 slig.,tly:,raNn,then f~oo.r,c:Icoo<:o.
O"'Other3 mi"utes, o· un:ils!ignt!ybra,o;n.Ser\'!?v.ithc.nili
souce on the s·a~.

i\!3 ON: -lf 'll!'I ml~ ~ iff
P:\!P!:\qON T WE:.dCy; NUTES
C00( 1'11
3. '1! I~._. NU TES EGG
S!'WES: 4
E'.:!l:-:o: a1 ROLLS

• i :u:-5 l\t. F. OZ-4i S M~ 'iEO!PSL! - ;eat 1tobespooo oilin a lo·ge 5.(il!et{fryingoon}

o l. : .us, r:.s.Es:-00'1 =oRn ,Y1'13 overme,d'ium-hign heO'!,add the :,ork, o.ndstir-fryfor
• i OZl50 G PO=!.K•E'IIOBlOl'I. S.ICEO '-5minu:es 1..nt COO(edthrougn.
'IITO ,,. '1:: -1. 3 • ._.._.S":\ :-5 - Combinethe sot, roy sooce,and,.,.·~ and odd it to the
• ·, u:.s:-oo'II s:u . : , Exi":. mixture.Stir-fry:<Yanother 1minute.Adjun the seasoning
TOT!SJE to taste, then tro-rsfe·::oo pate o.ndset asideto cool.
, i n,s=-ooNs .10-11 SOYs:.uc: - Adotne criws to the po·i::ooclmix.)iv'<!-e t "\e fillingin:o
• 2 TE.ts=-ooNS :- CE 'Nl'lf 8 ea.:ol:iottions.
• 3•~ o: 'ICO:; :-1 VES. ClJT ,ro - j.oce on egg rollwrapperon o cut:ing ooo·d, :.oce
\· '11:-1.r2•<v L:No ·n s o portionof ring ot one end, ono rollt~ •,rooper·.,to
• SEO:; '!.OL '111'.'PPE'!.S o £.'nch/10-cm•longegg to I.fok!inginthe edgesos yoo
• I r:::..s=-ooN :O:\'IIST:'!.c - ro . Repeatwiththe ·emo·niogegg ro wrooperso"'.d'l'iog.
::oR'll= LOUi\ ) Co:-r:lneme co·nsta.rch{cor-.flour } w'th 1tablesooon
wa:e·ino smol oo..,. Doothe edges o: tf"':egg ·o w'ih
me co•nstorch'"'oter o,cl seal.
- ;eat me 2 C\..OS (16floz/475rri) oilin OWO( <Ydeej
souce:,onto lSOCF/160:C, o· un::Io c.oe of oreod orowns
in 30 seconds.Carefullylov,wme egg ·o s into ti-': not oil.
in deej •fty for2 ~lit es, tur~. unti goa-e:1
o"'.dcrispy.Useo slotteds:,oonto corefulfytra.nsfe·me egg
ro..stoo pate WO witn~oe· ta...els.Serve:mmediotely.

i\!3,0N: sn:.NJONG ~f~~

P:\!P!:\!" ION i ML 10 y; NUTES
C00( 1'113. '1! 5·1C ._.NUTES LOTUS ROOT WITH GING ER

• I .5 i OZ, 500 G LO" US :\COTS.PH.EJ - Use o chops:ic..<

to clean the cho:v,es and rinseuna-e·
!'110 f"iDS i'!. y;1,1:o co.clrunningwot!? "\e otus rootsinto ,•.inch/
• i n:s=-ooNS 1.10-li SOYS!UCE 3•mm•mio: slices.
• I r:e L:s:-oo"I 5~.!.,C<
0~ ;:.,.5.'MIC - Combinethe soy sauce,vinego·, o"'.dse<..ome oilin o 00'....t.
'i NE;3! =!. - 3ringo soxepan of .,,,ctertoo boil,cad i:helo:usroot
• i TE.ts=-ooNS SfS!"I! 0 L slices,and blo,ch for 1minuie.Drain,tf.en transfer too
• \0:·10;;. ~ '11;3E'!.·:.sou· \· 'll:-1· hea:proo: bowl.Mix\\"t~ tri: gingerend salt, then cover
2•CV•L!NUT - " .!CE), GHT:O wi-..n
o ..minumfoil.Placetri: bowl·~o co aoS:blepot
, 1;. ·psp o::,.., s:~t or bom:oo s:eomer ove·o oot cf boiling water.Steam,
covered,for 5, or u"til tender.
- ~emowthe :o.i.,nons:er the otus ·oots too plate, onc:I
d·izzlethe sauce on top .


,< '

i\!~ ON: c -1.:..oz -1:iu
P,\!P!il;qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUi:S,
" lUS 30 v 'IIUT:S so-=-<1'11:;3.i ME GLUTINOUS
COO(l'll:;3.. ~E 30 Iii 'IIUiES

• 'cu =- :s, OVIOO ~I ~lUi 'IIOUS " CE - Soc.(the g ..i·""'CJli:S

riceino heatproofbowlof hot water
, o o., o a_-=-:< wus ~11; 001o1s :o. 30 minu:es.
• I i-=-3l:S"00"1 011;,!J S-111;:M " - Meonv,mil e, ,ovttne dr'ed mushroomsin o·
• 2 i-=-5L!S"00NS \'!GEi-=-S~E0 wim cold'"'oter,onc:I soc<form leas! 20 minutes, or
• 3•~O: 'ICO :;3.:;3.ll;QU'IIO·1,1 NCEO " :'I( untilsoftened.Remo-.<e tr>':mushrooms,SQ',:~eze oty.
• I i!5L!S=ooNS "";fSH 't'EO iUil;'I =-s. o"'.dd:ScordtN' stems.Roughfyc.nopandse: osic!e.
:Ol "5 ElY C- O""EJ - Aain and rinsethe riceunderco.a ru"niog'"'oter. ~ turn
• I i-=-3lES"00~ l ~Hi 50'1 5l.U::::: me ricetotne bowl,odd e"'0<.:9h not v.'Oterto cover,and
• I f:!S"OON Gi\!"11Ul-=-7E:lSUG-=-'I poce the oo.., ino co ,opsibeoot or ::,omboosteoTe·
, 1 :ic· '11:-t, so•cv, s-1En ro =u s,c.,. overo pot of ooilingwoteJ.Steam,covered,fo·25 .rw"l.rt es,
:ur ~TO~ f:.lL!!. 5GUH!S or urdthe r'ceis fulycook.ed.Se:osio~to cool.
- Meonv.1'1il
e, soc.( the oriedshrin":o ·o o small 00\t.A o:v.'Oter
:o. obo.rt 10m·....rtes.)rein one!coarse'ychop.
- ;em 1tobespoo'1oilin o wok.ora.rgeslu!.etf-yingpoi)
overhig:1heat.Addt~ oork ono Stt-fryfor 1minuie
untilsrcgnt}y b"ow~'i'CI.
PI.Jt'ntn e mushrooms,shrimp,
p·ese.rvedtu'l"l·o,Self sauce,o"'.dsugar o"'.dtoss
moroug"ty:or 30seconds.=wmovefromthe heat ood
combinewth the rice.
- -o moketf"':rolls,:.oce o tofu sqUa..te on o cleonwork
sufoce. o o_-orte1of me ricemixtureo ongo~ eage
oto s~t, o"'.dr011, :odaog ooth ends tov,.-ords the ce"'ter.
R1::ieotwth the other 3 shee:tso".dremainingfiling.:lloce
me rol.s,seo..T' e or oomboo
•s·ae dov.•n,in o collo:)S·o
steoTe·cver o :,ot of v.'Oter.3ringtoo boiland steam,
covered,for 3 minu:es.
- ;em ::neremoi.,·"'.glto':.=1:ioonoiinowok.cverrnedi...m-
low"'eat, odd tN' steamed rolls,a.nclfry for2-3 m·"'-ies,
or urd crispy.Cut in:o 2-hch/5-cm engths, transfe1 to
o se-vingplate, o".dseNe.

w~n -=t- •u~ ON -ION~ (0'11~
"'R!"'l. i\l. · 10N T ME, 10 y; Nu ·n
G o LD EN M EATBALLS :::OO(l'II~. 1,';! 1~ Vl"iU i! S
S! 'WES: 4

use chops:ic..<s
- j..,..itr,..,snrimp paste into o bowlonc:I to s:ir • ll OZl!OO G UNCOOKED S-l't y;.,
ino s·"'.91edi·ecfonfo· 1m·.,.,ie, or u'tlilgummy.Set o:s'de. "''tl. \\''IIS), S-IE.l ! O, OE't'El'IIEJ, £'110
- Combinethe x,rk, sol-.,wgor, SCI'/ sauce, o c0 6 to 011:1
:,oons =,,E~Y CHO"'"'EJ 'IITO :. .,.!.STE
wo:erinosepo·atebc.., ondseto:s'~. • 110Zi!OO G o,ouNJ tMl'll::: ::o: ,.0 ..(
- =-.acethe sa;ted fisnon o --ectiroof :.ate, teen out me , I l! :..s=-oo~ s:..LT
pate ·o o co ooS:blepot or bomboosteomerc,,-e·ooot • ., i!.6 .ESF'OO'IIG't£'11UPTEO SUGl.i\
o: boir-r.g,..,ater. , covered,for 3 minutes.Cc.refvlly • I fl.3 lfS " 00'11 l1~ - T SOY s.r.u:::::
remove~ olcr.efrom the :,ot and se: osio-eto cool.When • \ 0!1S ~ C-1 'll! SE s:. .JEJ =S-
coolenou9' to handle, ·ema.•etr>':boneso,cl use o for<to • I J:.5L!S"00NS CO'tNs·:.i\C-1
mo:s'1me fish intoo ou!p. ::::OR'll=LOUit)
- AJJdthe shr'cro, meshedT..:51, o"'.dcornstorc.n(cornflour} • 2 Cl..,S (10 =L 0Zf!7S y;~,
mixture ona stir untilfullycombirieo.U<...'.og
to the po.·i::: wet VE~E·:.o .E O L
hands, fo1m the mixture in:o 1-inchn .5-an meo:bo..s.
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-okoro*psc:-xepo 'lto 3LOOF /1700C,
or un::Io c.-uoeof oread XO'h""'S in 45 seconcs.Addthe
meotbo..s, in botcl-es,and d~:, -fryfor 2-3 ~lit es unt
go~'\ bro-~ ono coxea tnroug "I . Usea slotted sooon to
corefu!lyremovethe meotbo__._$ from tN' oilo.nda..-o·.ri
pcoer tOV1.<e-S.

~ t~ r~ •u~ ON .r.,nu
"'R!"'.l. i\l. · 10N . M! 15 W 'IIUTES,
:::OO(l'II~ i.VE 5 Ml'IIU.E S
DAT ES S!'\ VES: 4

- Com~ the oork o ".Clha.f the egg ""''tlitein o ~ , • 5 OZ· IS~~ G'tOUNJ !Wl'll:::!J ) ,.0 .,(
sec:ro'1 generouslywi-,.nsot. and mix'.-.ell.Se:osioe. • I !~G W-1 ·t 5p·p ..
t=w~-..•e::..neremoin·-r.g egg wh'ie :o. another use.) • 1 CU"S :vQl,'iSC ~: JUJUS! o .r.·t5
- ~eonwhie, sock tne jujube ootes in o bowlof ·.-.ater for • 2 t:.:,tf S" OONS CO..Ns·:.Rc-1
10minuie:suntilsoft. Dro4 then cut ope:ltl": do:es to :co .,'11
removethe seeo:s.ligh:}ydust t ~ inside o"'.doutsidew'ih • 1 fl.3 lfS " 00NS G't!'IUP·o suo.r.,
co·nsto-ch (comioo-t one!stuff tnem'"'°'thtN' oork fi!r~. • I if5~:S"OONS Z1f'U I-NO0.,,
- Usingyr,.r ho".ds,gently squ~ze closethe openingo:the a.r.ts:.y; C Vl'll !Gl.i\
dotes. Dus:tthe dates '"'°'thcomsto·ch. • I l£3 lES" 00'11 l,~ - i SOY s ..r.u:::::
- ;eot the o in a wokor deep souceponto 300::/150:C, • 2 Cl..,S 1' 0 =L OZ. .d]S y;~ o cube of lreod bra,;ns in U$minuies.Addt-re V!G!PS .E 01~
stuffeddoies. ·n ::IOtches ceep.!-yfor 1 minu:-eun:il
, a.."'.d , s :.~t
9olden Drown.Use o s ottecl spoon to corefulfyte'T'O\'e from the c;' and d·oin on po:,e· ta.-.els
- Comb·~ the wgor, vinE90r, say souce,o.r,c:I,, o..p (5 fl
oz/150 ml) wa:e· in o smal souce:,onand oringtoo ooil
ever nighneat. Mix1teosPOOncor'\Storchwtth1tobespooo
water ·no smo bowland stir t-.:Smix:ureinto the :,on.
B<'"".9 too boil.stirring,forobout 30 seconostothicke:'l
ti-...sauce. --onsfer too se-vingplate o".dseNe.
i\!~ ON: s;:::-iu:.'I
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUT:S
n ;Ill1'11I{

• j "G s E!~S, sc~!PEO C.P'I - Combinethe pg's eors,ginger,and !?"0.:9h•.-.ate· to cover

'I NS!). !'40 )~! N!O it ho mediumsoocepo'l. :iringtoo ooilO'.'erh'gn heat.
• •, OZIS G j 'll~E\ !SOUT •~· NC- men reduceto lowheat, CO\'er,end S:mmerforabout
l·CW·L!NGT-1 "E:::E;, Sl ::::J 30 minutes.Rema.•etri: pig'sea-s fromthe sa-..xeponone
• 2 T:5L!S"00NS \'!GET!S~E 0 put coander todroin.
• I i:!S"OON S CHU!"I PE""P.CO\NS - ;eat me \\'O( or crge skte: f-ying pon}.Adclt"\e
• ISJ!\!N!S! :,e:,oe·cor-rsend star o-8:eand stir.!-ya.-e·low
• i :::.OVESQ.!:'t.lC, CHO""E:l heo! :Ot o:o..i 2 "IVMes ..r.ti frogrorrt.Usea slotted
• I E!.S"OON S!.i spoonto removethe sp·cesend discord.A/J/ll tne gee c,
• I T:3l:S"00"1 l ~HT SOYs:..u:::: sch, Sctfsauce,cnili0.,,v'~gor, and sesoTo:o'I and s:ir
• i J:5L!S"00NS \E) c - l or~ overlowheat :o·onother 1-2 ,rW·11Jt':'S
. S...ce ::nepig'seo-s
• ·~ lE£S~oo'II 3t!CKO'I 5£lS!\1 C minlyo"'.do~ange on o :,ote. Drizzletne sauceoverthe
V NE~!'( eors ond serve.
• I T:3l:S"00"1 S!S!\1f Oil

i\!~ ON: -IU1\!._ ?t,IZ~ /:t~

P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS W 'IIUT:S,
COO(l'II~. ~E 25 Wl'IIUT:S

• I (l.d·OZ ~~c-~ PO'(( · rnoE'llOl'II - ~it~ oor<htoo lccg,= oon \\~:l enoughwo:er to cover
w 1-1 :oou1 20·30:t =q i;: completely.3r'~ too boil,then -educeto lowheat o.r,c:I
• 3•~OZ 'ICO ~ SB 'IIG (G\EEN) 6!!.'IS, COO( for20 minu:est.ntitne meo;:is cook.eel th·a,_,.gh.
F YWE:) !.NJ :::u· l'll· o ni•l'll:::-1' Re'T'O\'e me po'l :-om tN neat.cover, and steeptt"<:
.d,:::1,1._f'\13i-lS po.·(.n me ho-.wcte· for20 minu:es.
, 1;. ·e:.sP O:J'II s:~t - ~emowthe po·( us.·,r,g o slotted sooono.ncltro.nsfe·i;:
• I T:3l:S"00"1 S!S!\1f Oil too cutting ooo·d.0.rt 't ·nto2~,.. 1;:.
.·~h/6 x 3-cm
• I E !.S"OON wusr: 'ID " 0'h0H sliceswitho thb:ness of'·=inch/2mm.
• : CLOVES:l!'ll C, G:'t!iEO - :iringo so.xepan o: ...,atertoo boil,oo::1tne string (green)
• •, OZIS G j 'll~E\ !SOUT •~· "IC- beans, o"'.dbonch :o· 1minute.Jroin and rinseunoe·
)•Cfl•~!N~i1 ";;f J O~.!.,i,;O cod -..nnin9wot!?r. Tro...-rsfe·
::nebe-anstoo IJo,.., end mix
• i J:5L!S"00NS ~1~-ITSOYS!UCE witnthe salt onc:Iii i:ablesooonsesame o1. ¾t the ctessed
• i Tf.'S"OONS S •.!:::< C'l 6£LSW::: beans on o plate, then covert"\em\\~:ltne porkslices.
V NE~!'( - Add1to:,espoo'lwo:.e· to tri: mustard :,o-.-.'C!e· ino :,a,.
o"'.ds~ to :nol-.eo :T1,;stc
·d. Mix~ the go.rtc,ging,=·, soy
sauce,Vcegar,o.nclthe ·emo.i'ling15tc:,espoo.'lsesame oil.
(),izzlethe mustorosaucea.•erthe po-'< ond :,eons,
~!G 0'11:S C - U!'II
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 i VE: 5 v "IUTES
COOK ~G i WE: I -IOU";

- j..,..i tr>':t'i:tie ono heoi in o lo·ge souce:on and cdd • l OZ/IOOGO! FH=-::
e~h ,.-.oter to coverthem. Bongtoo boi ever nigh •n OZ ·l:J:J G S!F - P.i'H
heat one blanch for S m·..._-tes.Aoin, rinseu"'.Cle· cod •n OZ · l:J:JG S!F S-1 N
runn·-..gwoter, and retv-n ::otce oo ..... Poo· in 8½cups • iSJ:\!..NS!
{68t oz/2 llters) ,.-.ater and odd t~ ~: snin,sto·onise, , i ·!a .:s =ooN r v::•s =-CE =ow:i::tt
five♦soice pav,.'Cler,and wi'ce. 3r'"".9
too boi,.reduce to , 1 ·!a .::s=ooN s-1:.ox "IG w N!
medium-low--ect,and Y"nmerfor !.Q m·"'•..rtes un::Itender.
- ~emovethe :ieefsVI, tripe, and "'eOi fromt~ oon and =ottT- E$.!U::E
set os'o-eto coo. Cutthem .nto slices onclset aside. • ~ c1,;= :1 O!>lll ~ SH!l ..E:l =:..w
tN' oeonuts ho rnoll o.ry5.(ile: (fryingoon) and
- j.....-t '"E!.NUTS
too:stover laN "..eClt for 4-5 minutes untilgoaen. RemO\'e • I •psPO O'II W- -E SES.'Mf S!EOS
and crus:'llig.,tly, tne'l set aside.Us"'9 the SOT'= S<i!let, • i -E!.SPOO'II SC-iU!."11 =ppn, ::C'!;'\IS
too:stthe sesame seEOS for LS "l"aO.Jt
es ..r.ti goldenand • i -E!.SPOO'II G~!'IIUL!..iEO SUG.'~
remove.-oost the Sicr',.;onoe:,oerco-1".s for2-3 .T'W'lvt
es • I ·p SPOO'll 1. G-li S.OYs:..ucE
un::Ifrogront. transfe· ::oo mor.:or,and grind too coo;:e • 1 •f!.SPO O'II CH L Oil
powderwith o pestle. i!!..S=-oo~ S!S!..Yf O ~
- -o make th<:rouce, com:,;nem e ing·ecrentso,cl , '" E:..s=-ooN s:.u
lto:,=1x,onlu(E'1,a:m\\'Oterond mixwe. Fbl...J the
sauce overthe meat and serve.

*]l;~~~ ~::o0'11:s-1:.'1~ - !
=:i;::~H!f 0'11 TYE: 20 Iii 'IIUTES

- Cuto thirc o: tr>':ginger intos'k es o"'4 shredt"\e ten. , ·~ OZiiO :3.~ 'll~E't · :.aou1
- :iringo SOlXepanof .,,ct ertoo bo" and oda tne k.oofu l· "IC - ii.S•::Y•lENGi - = !:E
{orondoug,) ono gin~· s--ices.~educeto~• "eot and • '.' OZl20:J G (!..Q=lJ .S~''II JOUG-1 ,
s:mmerf011 T,J"I.Jt e, t "\enUSP-o s ottecl spoo'1to remove TO=!.N '1110iUE·S ZE CHU'IIKS
tr>':(oofu cno set asideto coo. JSCo·a tne 9i"'-g€·slices. • \ OZ/iO :3.0'!; !) 6.!..C)( FU'll~US.
Whent"\e 5.odu is coo enoug:1to handle,use yo;..r~nds so :.<::J I'll w :.·E't :..NJ o~ :. 'IIEJ
to squ~?.! oot tf"':water. j.oce on ~oe· ta....elsto a.rain. • I ::u = :a=t Oi:.'250 YL VE~E-!6 .E
- 3rin9o sci....cepanof ,...mer too bo11 cad the 'i.rngus,o.nd OL
blo:lth for 2 mir,,..ies.Aoin and SP-t of~. • •, ~!O 5E.L '"F=-:=t S!EOEJ !'110 CUT
- ;em me vegetable oi in o wokor deep saucepan to 1•ro s1o1:..L~
340°= /17O:C,or un::Io cuoe of oreod :,ranns in 45 seconcs. • ·~ G~!E', 6El~ =>p=-::~ S!EOEJ !>;;D
Addthe (oofu and d~:, -fry for4-S minutes urrtt goa•n ::uT N·o SM!..--~CHU'IIKS
brown.Use o s...cttedspoon to ·en:we t~ (Ocfu and dra:n • I J!3lES=oo'II S-i!,QXl'II~ 'II 'IIE
on :,aper tO\\·e.s. , 1 J!3lfs=oo'II OYST!=ts~uc:
- :,01..rTOStd tne oilout, eaveoXIUt1toblesPOOnin the • ·~ TE!s~oo'II S!~T, =~us EXF!.
WO(. ;e,ot c,w h·gn heo;:,odd tf"': snreddedgi'lget,o"'.d TQT!SJE
sti·.:-y for 30 seconds,un:ilfrogro"'t.Stir;,. the k.oofu,oe • I i!!S=oo ... ~i\!.'IU~!fD SU~!'{
peopers,o nd<.ein the ,.,.·~ .k.d the oyster • ·, TE!S~Oo'II SES.'MEO L
sauce, salt~and sugar o.ndtoss•.,.el.Add tf"':sesame at
sti•,o"'.doojust tne seo:soo,iog totoste. Ser\<ecoo or worm.

.. .,
,., 69
i\!~ONS:!.L 4 ~ ~ ;li
P:\!P!:\qON T ME 10 y; NUTES
COO(l'II~. M!: S - OU'tS .!.SMl'\IU.E S BEEF BRO TH
"1!(fS:3'~ Cl;"'S :oa=- QI,'j L,H'tS

• I .5 5 OZ ~:JC~ SEP SriO'tT : p ·n - => re"'eat the O'.'ento !Q0~:/20Qll(/Gos t-'ork6. A.'ronge
• ! '~ .5.'i JCGSEP SONES the :,onesina roostingpo'lond roan for 1 "'0l..r.
• i C!:\=!,OTS.S.ICEO t"'e oeef pates i-rtoa .orgesouceoonend ado enough
- =>-..,-t
• i ON 0'115.GU~~i:=t!O ,...mer to coverit com:.etely.&-;ng too :ioi overhighheot
• \0!·10:j. ~ 'll~E't '!SOU - \· 'IIC-i' and clenchthe :ieeffor10m·.,.,ies.)rain and rinse unaer
2•CV•L!NUi - " .ECE),SL C!J cold runni"9\\'<lte·.
• ·, C 'IIN!"ION Si CK t"'e oones,:,eef plates,o"'.dthe remo·vig ;ngredients
- =>-..,-t
• ! CLO\'ES (exceotsdt) in o age saxeoon ood odd 16cups(135floz/
• l Si£'t !.NS! } woter.Co.,.er,br'"'.9too 00ilover ·•gn "'e0t.and
4 li:e--s
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 w-; i: PF"f";CCR'IIS, cookfo· 30 m:nutes. S!imthe ftotn o"' t-r.e
C'tUS-iEJ ru-face, reduceto~• heat, cover,and s··:o·2 nours.
, s:. - /,.Ddsot to season.
- -o store,strol'Ime cooed b--oth(stock)in:o o large
con:oiner,cover,and refrigerate for u:>toowe-e<
(it con also :,e frozenfor 3 monms).Xim offthe ayer
of :ot fotmedon tne sur'oce be:o-eusing.

i\!:j.,QNS: !.l
Pi\!P!.:\!-,ON T ME 10 \1 NUiES
COO(l'll:j. TM!:! HOU'tS 15 y; NUiES CHICK EN BROT H
"1! (ES: a·,C l;PS ,:oa;.,_OVi l, iE'tS,

• I (3\·~5,'1-5•1:::j.: C-i Cl::E"I - Combineolm e ing;e~-rts and 16cu-:)S (135f oz/4 li-.ers)' :\iE'tED wo:e-·ino a.rgesoucepo.n,bringtoo boil.and COO<c,w
• 11 oz,sooG L!'~ "'0 "'(, CUT ,ro h'gn heat fo120mfl""i.,ies.Skimthe :·oth and scum off
)1,';,!L~C-iU'IIKS me sur'oce, ·educeto lctN -r.eot.
cover,ana simmer
• i OZl50 G CH NES! CU=!.E:lS!.CO'II :o. l. nours.Set csicleto cool.
CUT :'11•0SM!.l C-IU'lli::S - -o store,stro·,nme cooeo b--oth(stock)in:o o lorg,=
• \0!·10:j.~'ll~E't '!QQU - \•l'IIC-i' container,w.-e·, o,cl re:rige-"O:efor up to O\\'eek (it can
2•CV•L!NUi - "ECE ,, Sl C!J o..soDe :·oze'l'or 3 months).Skimo::tt"<:layerof :at
:o·meo on t"'e ru.rfocebefore1..s:ng.

~~~;,;) "!G O'\IS: ! ~L
"";!"H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M '\IU-E S
V!(fS3 ::u "S :~sf_OZ·lLE"IS!

- j..,..i tr>':Dones,s:,oreribs,chicken in o orge souce:,onand • ~ _5:2 <G ?O'\K 50'11ES

odo enough ,.,.oter to covert-rem COt'Toletely.8:ing to o • . I O!, l:J:J ~ " C"I( $"'! '\E"I :,s
boilover "03h~ct and olonchthe :,onesfor 10m·....rtes. • I LS s oz,-oco :;j. ::-1
C(:'N :s11;::
Orc:no"'.dri.":!e tho·ougnlyt.ndercold runn·-..g,.-.ot
er. o ;; J-; G-i • 50'11E· N
- =-.aceall the ·"'9fedie.ntsin o largesoucepcnwim 12Cl.itlS • ; oz:sc ~~'II~::,. 1.:so u·
(101'I oz/3 ~iers) wa:er and br'~ too boilover nigh,-,eat. l· NCH."i.S·:::M·.E'll~J -; :- ECE;
S..(imthe frotn o"' ru.rfoceend boilfor S.ICEO
15minutes. Reduceto lowheat ono simmer for 3 hours, • 1 SOL.IONS :S'"''( "IG 0'110'IIS
or u.nt reduc.edto about 8n cups (68 ~ oz./2li ers} oro:n - :.vo
{stoo:). Set aside to cool. cu =>'.d ~l oz.-120 YL R :::E'N 'II!
- -o sto·e,strc:n the coo so b--oth(stock) in:o o lorg,= • I •psPO O'II w• ;EV '11:'G:\
COl"'to·~-.cover,ono refrigerateforl.P to o' (it co~
Stirnoffthe ayerof fat
also :,e frozen for 3 moN".ns).
formed on the su-foce oefo•eus·-..g.

Yi~ ;~ =>::c;0'115: ! ~L
=>:>;!=>H!J0'11 T "1E: 10 M 'IIU.E S
V ! (fS l cu=>s ,iS ~. OZ •iS:J "1l)

- ;ea;: me oil;,. o lorg,=roucepon ove· hig'1hea-.,ood the • I -f!SPO O'II \'!G!PS.E OL
9in9=r,ona 'ry :or 1-2minutes unti ;·ogrorn.Ado tne fish o ,OZ1S O ONG!\ i: :.our i· 'IIC-i •
end br0'1tllover TedA-m"'@Ot. S:ir'1k..ein i:hewine,odd l·C"1·lE"IGT -i :- EC:::, S.1::::0
£¼cups (3-! Aoz/1 liw},one!br'~ ::oo ooil. • I LS 2 OZ 500 G ! 'IIY w -; TE ~ S-<,
Reduceto mediumheai o"'.CJ simmerfor 30 minutes. :::.E~'ll:'J
Se:osic!-:tocool. • I ·:a .::s:-ooN R CE',\' N:'
- -o sto·e, strc:n the coo so b--oth(stock) in:o o lorg,=
co~to·"'e·,cover,ono refrigerate.Usewi-,.nin 2- 3doy5.

- 91
i\!~ONS:!. L ~1-
~ ;,;i
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUi:S
w:.<ES:.!.\ C U" S t ]l : l OZ.I 1.,if\,

• ll oz,300 GS - FtM:, IP:\! .',\'"lj -IP)S - ~insem e shrimj (pre-,.-,)heodsand shellsin co.clrunning
:.'110Sri! L..5 wo:e· o"lOdifn. ;eoto S<illet{fryingoon) overlaNi-,ect,
• 2 t:5 L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E O l cod the heads and sne-_s,one roost for 10minuies.
• 3 CLOVES ~:\l C, C- 0 ""!) - ;em me oil;,.o lor9=s(illetever aN hea-.,cad the garlic,
• s s-1:.LO:-S.c-ic=Po she ots, and driedchiles,ono stic-fry for 1-1minuiesuntil
• 0 01\ E:l CH L!S. C-10""!0 :·ogrom. Addthe driedshrimp,s:vimpposte. end ti-':
• 3 ·:o l :s=ooNs:i:::,:o s-111;,1,1= sh(To heoos end sne_s,o-r.ostir-fry"or1-1 minutesuntil
SC•!(E) '11! :i.O'lll ::,: '1-1,-iE\ U'lli l
1 :·ogrom. jOO"' in tt"<:ch·ci:en~oth (stou:) onc:I1CUj
sc:H 'll!J :.'11:icn:,.=o (8 floz/250ml) water and :iringtoo Xii ove· hig'l hem.
• I i:!S"OON S-!ll;:M="! SJE Boa'o· 30minu:-es. Stro·<\men set aside to cool.
• 3 CU"5 125 F. QZ:1S0 MlJ C-1,C(!'II - -o store,oour the :,rothinto o lo-ge con:oiner, cover,
s:::o·n:s1oci-.=:..o: n: o,cl re:~·ate. USP- •1,"th·o~ days.

i\!~,ONS: !. l
Pi't!P!.:\!" ,ON i ME 10 \1 NUTES,
" lUS 1C M NU"ES sc,:(1'11~ i YE V EGETABLE
COO<l'II~ i .M!: I -IOU:\ ~CM 'IIU"ES
1'/!(fS: .!.'~ CU"5 (JL ~l Oi:11 ~1-E\ ) BROTH

• 1 OZl50 GORD s.:::< "1US- :\00YS U"llil:e

stonclo·dwgetaolebroths (s:ocks),thS1..niq1..1e
• 1 oz ·so G 01\ D Sf"! .',\' 1'/US- 1\00YS b-'oth{stoc() is :node in occorao.nce,,,/-tht -r.e3odan:st
• 1 C!:\\OiS. CUT ''1110 C-!UN(S vege:orio~ p(~ipe and s..;.'tecl
for monyof m e ..,egeto(on
• o·~ CU" S ti L5 i OZIS~~ G) SOYOE!.'11 recioes ·n the XIO(.
- ~it~ oleo: musnroomsin o bowl, cod ii a..o (~ fl oz/
120ml) cold\\'Ote·, o,cl SOC( for ct eoS!20 minu:es,or
untilsoftened.Remoo.<e tN' mushrooms,sa-,:~ezemy.and
d:ScordtN' s.teJT6.Set aside, ·eseN~ the socking,...mer.
- ~it~ s.trowmushrooms'n o oov,,•1. oadl a..p (8fl oz/
250ml) wo:er, and soak for20 minutes.Removeand
the .r.is11ooms,reserv'~ the soo(;ng,...mer.
- j.d oilthe ·"'-9redients.
·nto o orge sa-..xepo'.\coo (~cu~
(3! f oz/1 ~ier) waterand tt"<:mushroomsoaking,,..cter,
o,cl !Yingtoo 00 overhighheot for 15minutes. Reduce
to laN-r.eot,cover,and s.mmerfor 1"'0..r15minu:-es.Se:
asideto cool.
- -o store,s.tro·,nme stock in:oo .orgecon:oJler,covet, o.nd
ref(~"Cte :o:-upto o \\<eek.(It con also be frozen for
l montns.)

~ '/t;,71 •u:; ON: :;u,!N(DONG
"'!\!"'! F{qQN T ME 5 Iii 'IIUTES
S!'WES: !.

- :iringtne chicke'l broth (s:ock)too coil·o o soucepoo. • !.~ CU"'S }!. ' L OZii l H'l) :::- ,:(!'II
Slov,:'ydriz:i.e·n the :,eaten eggs and use choostkksto 5'\0T - :sro:::fC,
=:..oE n;
s:i ·'lone -:uecfon, :nok:cgs:rondsof egg.Seo:sonwitn • i EG:H, S!!TII
salt and s:ir;,. the sca...ions(spt'-r.go.,·ons),tne'l serve • 5'll, TO f:STE
in o tureen o:-incl'vicluolOO'Nls. • 1 5'.'L~IONS S'"''( "IG 0'11O'IIS

tf'OO~~ •u:; ON: C·P.OZHOU

"'1'!"' .!F{!" ,ON . M! IC v "iVES
PATRIO TIC SOU P :::00(1'11;3. .. \1! 1~ v NlJES
S!IW!S: !.·O

Mo"<S: ·om o ChCOU"O. mo-.osteryse-vedthis sou:, to • ,~ ...a:1 (3 sw:n POT:JO tf.l..VES

ti-': -ostemperor of the Sung)ynoq, '"'"'Owes:iurs-..Ed T:NJEit L::.r.v:sO'\l~Y
by&...Mongo.stoWOrds t~ tk, thirteentn ce.,tury. • I 1:.3us:-oo'\I vE~Ef!SL:: 0 t
recipe "'.OSe\'Olveo overt'cro:and nov,.•in~s ch'cken • 3 ::u:-s:15 ; .,_OZIT50 M.,_ C-1 C(:'N
bro:h (s-.ock.} OU< vege:oble:ro:n con also :,e useo. a,o·n :STOCK. ".l..0:' 9C
, IC ~R:.•11 vus- Ftoovs.
- 3(~ o souceponof V1.'0ter too Xii c,,-e·hig:'lhe<r,.,odd the l'\I -j!.]

s-.-.eetpo:oto leaves,and olonchfor 1-2 minutes.Drainand • IT: :.5:-oO"I )!..L. " ~USEX.n.:.
rinseuno,e· cod t1.rv1in9 ,.-.ate·. TO T.!.)f:
- ;eat the ~-ege:obe ot ino WO<or largeski:e: (fryingpo~) • I r:::.voo~ )!SAVE 01...
ever meo ._m--ect,odd tN' s·.-.eetoototo leaves,o.r,c:Is:ir- , 11:aus:-oo'II -~·:.n" cn:s· ...ur
fry :o·1 m.~nutes. T·ans-fer the leavestoo =-~o,e·or food F.OU" Cit COR'IISP'l:C-1
processortoge:hen,-:'tntt"<:chickenbroth (s:ock)and tCO " 'll =.ouR
puree.Pour .ntoo i0r9esouceoon,tne:'lado me mush·oom
hol\<eS. B<'-r.gtoo bo over nighneat end boilfor S minutes.
Addthe set and s.esomeoi!.
- ~ix tt"<:,.-.oter chestn,..iflourwitn3to:. espoonswo:e· in
o s-noll'XI'.,. ono stir mis mixti..sein:othe SQUj. Bringtoo
boil,sti:t;n.g,for 30 secondsto thit(en tl"':SO\.O. Aojus:::ne
sec:rovigto tos:e, men tro.nsfe·too tuseenor se.rv'~ IJo,..,
end ~-ve.

- .,
i\!~ ON: r.:. 'J,:..N
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiES
S!'WES: 2

• i 50'11!.ESS. S( N.ESS : -1 CKE', - ~it~ ch'd:.en·no mediu~ soucnon and cdd enougn
51\!!)~. CUT ,ro l.''tG! :-1UNll:S wa:e· =:ocr.:twh completely.3ri-r.gtoo boilover"":ct
• ·,CUP :1ox:25 G) 011;,EJ n,i:-iov ES o"'.dbo.nch :o. 1minl.!'te.Aoin t~ ch'ckenand~: c:s'o-e.
• .! .!6 .ESPOO'IIS '"'tES!:\\'EJ - ~it~ drie-:1 anchoviesin:o o lorg,=roucepon. oo:I
" 'llf'PPL! P!STE 5 cups (40 f: oz/1.1li:-ers)...,ate·,onc:I~ng too boi.
• I sv:tl 5.-iE't ',';!LON. "'tf<E"'!.S ~Y Coo<ove· medium-low,-,eot for15,,w·11Jt es untiltri:
\\-t ·t S!f:J!O, -i! .LV!OlE',Gi - 'NISE liq.fd cOS re-due.eaby ho f.
!'110 :ur NTO \ • ni•l'll:-t·j-. !.·CW - Ada tne cnic..<e-'l o"ldthe p·ese-rvedo·neoppe :,oste.
s·11; "S cover,o"'.dsimTe·cver ow neat forono:ner 30 minute--~
• I f!!S"OON 't,C! ''lo',E or un-1the cnic..<en is cookedth-ougn.Stir·'l tri: birter
• •~lE£5"'00'11 S,,1.lf,".US EXP! melon,increoseto mediumneat, ono COO( for
i0i£STE 5 minutes.Season,...~h ti-':wineand cdjust the sa;t to
torte. Servein '"'.divio..:ol

i\!~ ON: -tON~ (0'11~

P:\!P!:\qON i WE: iO M 'IIU7ES
COO(l'II~. "IE 2:J y; NUTES
S!'tV!S: !.·o SOU P

• \ OZ..IC ~ -t!)W! - SoQ.(

the ".Osmoin 2cu~ (16fioz/475m} ,,..oter forooout
• I f:.5L!S"00"1 ~ 'll~E'tJU :E 8 nours,or u"til the nosmo OO(S J::e o bo of cotton. Wr-.ri
• I 50'11!.ESS. S( N.ESS C-1 CKE"f o poi·cf (<out and disco·d
51\!:.s· = '•H~YC - O""! J '1170 c,y grit.
- 3ringo so.xepan of ...,ctertoo boil,oodi:he hes TIO o,c:I
• I EGG W-t,TE g·"'-9e·,-Xe, o.ndolonchfor 5 minu:es.Orc:no"'.dset cside.
• n CU"S :20 F. oz,·~~~ \';L C-1 Cll:EN - j.d t~ ch'cken oreost in o la:g,=oowl.then u:;: e cho:,stio:s
51to·n :sTO:K. "! .&! n to s:ir ·otn e eggwhit-e.
• •~lE£5"'00'11 S,,1.lf,".US EXP! - 3ring1CUj {8f oz/250 ml) chio:e:'lbroth (stock) too
TQl!SJE 00 in o smol souce:,on.Fb...rthe hot :iioth into the :,o-.-.
• I r:AS"OON ~'tOUND '\\i r: '"f"":~ o: chkken :,oste and s:ir ~ o s.i'lgleoJecfon U"'tilfully
• 2 f:.SL!S"OONS '11:.fE't C-tEST'IIUi combined.Se:os·o-e.
=.Ol. "' O't CC:\'IIS-!.,'tC-1 - =>o..irthe reT10inin9IiiC\..PS (12'I oz/350 ml) chb:en ~oth
::0:\'11 : LOU:\) into the souceoon,br'-r_g too boii,ono ado ::nehosmo.
• I f!!S"OON S!S!\lf or~ Reo..xeto O'Nhea;:o"'.dsimTe· for 3 m·"'.ies .
• I f:.5lES"00"1 C-10"'"'!0 - :y; - Combinethe woter cnestnu;:f.o.u w'th £ tob espoonswater
• I a..uNCHC .!'lli'1:0 ::oR !'IIOE"' in a s-noll:,o-.-..St·· tne mixtureintothe SOU':). Reo.xeto
lE £\'ES ON.Y low --eat.groo.:ollyocldt "\e reservedchickenpos-.eorotr\,
o"'.dthen s::Irg,="'tly.Seo:so.nlih ro}t end v,miteoeope1.
- Ado::nesesame oil,t~'l loo-: t"\e souo i"'too tT.Jeen.
Garnish,...~h ti-':c "'.0:-oed~ and cilo.,tro(coriander)

J: ;,;ifa ~ it i\!G ON: c-1 :..oz-10...,
P:\!P!i\!i,ON T WE: 5 Iii 'IIUT:5
W ATER SPINACH COOi.i'ii~. M! J:J v "iUiES
S!°'VES: !.

- ;em me lorg,=roucepon eve· mediumheat, odd • I ·!a .:s =ooN VE~Ei!6.E 0
tN' gor,..ccloves,and cook:o. 2-} m·"'-ies un:iltgntfy • S CLOVH o:,L C, H.'L'iEO
browned. • S CliPS (15 =-~ OZ1'.'S~ "1L CH C<E'II
- Aodt~ ch·c..< en orotn (stoo::}ona sot and !Yingto 51\O· - tSTOC(, P!.G! n:
o DOil.Adothe '"'oter s:lnoch ono boil.uncove·ed, for • I ·psPO O'II s:.~t
5 .n'.nu:es. Transfertoo tu·een or locie i"'to indivia...ol • I lS S O!i0CC:; W!Tflt SP,::::;
bowlsto serve. CUT N·o \· 'IIC-i '2•CV s:: · ONS

ii'§;$ ~ ~ ·~ ffi ~ ;~ l\!G.ON: 3U!.1'•11:DONG

P:\!P!i\!i,ON T ME 15 W 'IIUT:5,
~us1 HOU~ SC•!( '\I:"; T WE
COOl::1'11~TM! 1 -!OU~S ~cM 'llu·n
SOUP S!i\V!S: !.·O

tN' dried a...o: kidneys~ o bowlof cod wote· o-r.o

- j.....-t • i ORD ou::i::l(IJ'IIEYS
sock forobou;:1 nour. • I t1 lS S·O:.'OOO·G: " OR< SHOUlJEll,
oar< 'no i0rge soxepon and enough ,·to
- j.....i tr>': 5( '11·0~. " NSD
c.a,•e·it co.mpletely.3ri"'-9toe boilover:-.igh"'eCt and , ,OZ1S G G NG!'t 1£5.0Ui i· '11::-1,
blo~h for S minutes.S!imthe frotn e"'.dso..moff me l·CW·lf'Wi -1 "::::: :, S~l:::'O
s-..rfece,i: neE<!':O. )rein end rinse~- cod -uming • I\ LS:B:J:J ~ •11.t·t=t::=tESS
\\'Oter.Set aside. • 1 JUJUS! Q !fE S. " iiEO
- Combinethe x,rk, duck k:aneys,g·~er, and 12½cu~ • I •psPO O'II S!~i
(100; oz/3 h ers)·no stock.oot,cover,e-r_ob--i09 • ~,~ - T SOYS£U:::, TO SE\'t'E
too ooilr.:t•W h·gn heo!. 3oilfor 15minu:es, &-:'l reduce
to medium-lowheat. and continue to cook forono:her
- Aoothe wc:e·cressond juju~ dates, :iringtoo Xii,
one!coo<fot O('JO't"cer 30 minutes.Season,,.."tht~ sott.
- ~emovethe :,ol,: fromt"cesooo e,cli:rens:er toe cutting
boo·o. \V"'":'lCOO enough to ho"'.d!e,sliceinto sme!er
pieces.j.....-ttf"':,oor<i;'lo tu·een, odd t"ceswo, o.r,c:Iser\'e
\\"t:l soysouce on tt"<: s·de.

- 95
i\!:; ON: 5;:::-1u:.'1 ~¥l ;,;i
?i\!?!,i'{!·,oN T WE: ;o M '\lu ·ES
" lU5 1C M NU.ES s,c,:(1'\l:;j. TYE HOT A ND SOU R
COO(l'\l:;3.. '1! 15 W '\IUTES
S!i\VES: 6 SOU P
i!:!! =:o: g1

• !.01' EJ a_:::( WUS- i\OOWS t ~ musnroomsand oloo: fungus·nto ::-,.-o

- j_...-t se:,oro:e
• ·~CU"' :v.oz 5 O) 011;,EJ5.!CI( OO'Nls, CO\-e·withcod woter,one!soak forct least
=u'\l:";US 20 minutes. or U'"'t softened.Drain:oth. ReTlO\'e me
• 3•~o: 'IC0 :;3.lf!'I "':'I<. cu · mush·ooms,squeezed-y,and disca.,:Itne stems.-hinly
'\ITC Slit"S slice,tt°":"tset aside.Teorthe :. oo: n..ngus:nto smo!l,oieces.
• 2 iE.'S"OONS 5,1r - Combinethe pork,¾teosPOOn sc.t, and the corns:c·ch
• •~iE'S"OO'\I CO'INSP~:::-1 (cornflour}.no bowland se: aside.
::::OR'll=LOUi\) - .ri o s.e:.orotebowl,co:-roinethe tofu,),.tec:::oon sot, and
• '.'ovn~:; ~ " M TOHJ. 0'(! '\IEJ enoug"tcodwot e· tocO'lero"'.dsoo<:or ISmh.rt:es.:>rain,
• ·~ iE'S"OO'\I :"j'(!\jU.!i:0 su:;:.= cut in:o min strips,ona set aside.
, •1.:::u= .n 0!11000, SLCEJS!NOOO - 3ring£¼cups (34 floz/1 li e1),.,.ater too :l0i in o orge
s-ioo·s. o :t, l'll!J souce:,onand odd 1teos:oon sot and the sugar. =vt in
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS 'l1!TB C-IE5l'\IUT me mush·ooms,bock 'i.r:gus,and oom:oo shoots. )rop
=.Ol. " O'I :::Ci\'\15-:..i\C-I me piecesof po.·i::, usi'lgchopstic..<s to g.entlyd:S::.e!"..e
::::OR'll=LOUi\) to irevem s:ic..>cng. Donot st··.
• I !00. 3E.' TEN - Mixthe woter chestnut fo..rv.-'t"t£tc:.espoo-rsv.'Oter
• S ·:s L!S "'O ONS 'IEJ V N!:;:'( in o s-noll'XI.,. stir untildissolve-:!,o,cl poo! slowlyinto
• •~PS.E5"00'\I G'IOU'\IJ W- .E me soup,sti-ringcon:inuously.Ao:I the tofu and reoxe
to medtrT'- CIN ""Wt.
• I i!!S"OON S!S!Yf or~ - -lold o stro·~r {s½'le}overthe soupond s...ov."y poor me
• 1 :::u=s Ill 0!, 3~~:; COOKED !GO bea:en eggs .nto tt"<:stro· At the soT.etime, move
0 " "'CE '100:l~ES :O "T IQ,:. me straine1'no ci-c\.lormotion C>\-e· tne so...psot".Ottt"<:
• C1~:,n.o ::::oR ''\IOE" TO o:,N S-1 bea:en egg ·s strained·~tot~ sow-oho con::Ouousli.--e .
:0=110,:_) Letsh fo· 1m·~.-te,do -r_ot stir.
- S:ir·o tne vi--egoro,clv.+iiteoe-:.oer,then cdd the sesame
oil.Oi...;deme nooa es, if ufrig, among ti!: baNls._oa.,e
overtt"":not soupand gor;'.nw'th cilo~tro{cor'o.nd er),
i: using.Ser\<e.


,., 97
i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~ ffi ;,;i
P,\!P!.i\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH,
" lUS 1C M Nu ·n sc,:.( '\I:;. i YE WINT ER M ELON
COO(l'\I:;. i M! 1 -IOU,\ 5 y; Nu ·n
S!i\VES: 4 SOU P

• i 0'1; :o eu:::f(MUS-1\ 00"1S • ~it~ musnrooms.ntoo oowl,.ccver•.-.."thcold...,cter,

• i 0'1; :o sc:.~LOPS o"'.dsoo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or untilsoftened.
• .!.'~ cu=s (3.d =t OZ: I ~n,: C-I ICKEN Cutthe .r.is11ooms·.,to 'r,:-'nch/km :feces.
.o: n:
S'!;o·n :sTO:::fC,=:. e, com:,;netne driedsco!O?Sand ii CIJj
• MeonY-.'tlil
• i OZl50 G L!'"I =o,K, CUT ,To (£ fl oz/120ml) cold...,ater·o o small DO\t.~o"'.dsoo<
• '\1:::-1,'l•CWDICE :o. 15minutes.Strain,then removethe smo ho·d muscle.
• ; oz ·n~:; w .....E't y;:.oN,=::nrn Reservethe soo<ing'-''Oter.
:. '\10 CUT l\ TO•~· NCH:'l·CM J CE • 3ringti-': ch·ckenbro:h (s:ock.}too :,oil ·oo .orge
•·~oz,,10:;.:;'\l:lE\ :.sou·\· ":::-1. souce:,on.AJJdthe sca.Jops,soo~-r.g woter, mushrooms,
2•CY•L!NUT - = .ECE),Ci\usn:o po·(, w:nter meon, gi'lge!,and 2 (16; oz#75 ml)
• I E :..s=ooN s.:..L. " lUS fXJ'l;l. wo:e· o"lOreturntoo boil.Reduceto lowhem onclcook.
101:.sJE :<Y 1hou·.Adclthe sa;t, odj'..stt"\e seosoningto taste.
men uons:er too tureento ~-,.. e.

i\::; ON: au:i:i-1,ST vE:;::Tl.'I; !.'I

P,\!P!.i\:.·10N i WE: 5 W '\IUT:S.
~ m:i m;li
COO(l'\I:;.. ~E 2 -101,;,\S

· Coverthemung :ieo"\Sw'tncodwotero"'.dsoo<~r
l. nours.)ro·ntnoroug"')'.
• ·~oz,,10:;. 011;,:J11:n= • Meony-.•nile, cove· tf"':dried(e jwitn coldwa:e·ono soak.
• I f:!..S"OON VE:lE·:.o .E O l :<Y 30minu:es.0 eanthe k.eo,then ctain and cut it into
, ·1~0Z·5 G G ~GE'!; :.301,.,T•~· NCH· 1_.nchn .5-cm sections.
l·CW·L!NGT-1 : E:::E;,Sl ::::J • ;em me oil;,.o saucepanove1.r.ed'umheot, add the
• 3 CU"S 125 F. oz:1so Ml) \'EG!J:5lE g··,o"'.dS::r-fryfor abolJ'!30~conds...ntilfragron:.
.o: n
S'!;o·n :sTO:::fC,=:. Add tt"<:vegetoi-s oro:n (stock.},mung beens, k.e!p,and
• ; oz ·n~:; w .....E't y;:.oN,=::nrn win:e·melonand oringtoo :,oil, ~educeto medium•lov,. •
!.'\10 CUT NTO I , J:, • ·l'IC -1, hea;:o"'.dsim.r-s·for2 "'O..JS. Addtf"':sc}t,odjun me
.d • 1 • 1•;:"-' r :en seasoningto to:ste,o.ndtransfertoo ::,-,,.r
e-='l to\'e.
• ·~ 7f!.SPO:J'I s:.~1. PLUS :x·R:.

i!9l§ §'E~ ;~ 'lf:j. ON Z·iEJ :'11:j.
"'i\!"'!i\:·10N T WE ICM 'llu·n " .US
WATER SHIELD I~ \1 NUTES MH N.!f '11:j. i YE
:::OO(l'\l:j.. \1! 1~ Vl"iVES
SOU P S!i\VES: 4

- :iringo i0r9esouceoonof ,.-.ate· too ooil.cod the'...-oter • ~ oz;;so :3.,,,:r::=ts- ::.o

snied, and oonc.nfor 30 seconds.Ora.n, then tro-rsfe· • I 50'\IE~ns. S(l'l·ON c - 1:::<E'II
tootu-ee"'). 51\!:SJ
- Combinethe chb:e.n and ii teo:sooonsot in a he-o:proo: • I ·t!)F' OO'II S!.i
bowlooclmarinate :ortO~ut es.Aod the ho-n. :i1oce·n • I O!i2S G Jl'll""IU: OR SM,T- F E~D
o collo:)S·D e po: or boT:,oosteomer a.-e·o oot of :,o ing - :M
\\'Oter.Stec Tl, covered,for 5 minutes.orontil ~ cool..i=d. • ; cu=so~ ~- oz ~,s "1ll c- :::<E'II
Removeand set os'o-eto cool. s=tor- :sro:::fC,
=~.GE n;
- ~emovethe s!u-1fromthe chi((en ore-ostono cut ooth
tN' c ·•cken o.ndnom :ntofine s:rips.
- ;em me cnic..< e'l lYoth (stock)ino souceoon,cad the
remoin·"".9 ~teospooo salt, ti--?'lpour ti-...oroth into
tN' tv-een. Go·nisnwi:h the chi((en end ho'.'n.

"'!G 0'1: J !'IGSU

=~::~H!f 0'1 i.YE: 25 M Nu -n
W ENS I TO FU =tus 1c y; Nu-n SC! <1'13 r "1E
COOK "IG T "1E: i - OU\S 10 Y "llJES

the ON'omushrooms·.,too OONI.

- j.....-t cover,,,/th coldwa:er, • 1 0~ D 5L!.CK "1US·H,OOM5
end S0a.( f0t ct east 20 minutes.or U!'1til so'tened. Rema.-e , ~ oz;;so :3.s t<::'I ro=u
tr>':m...snrooms, squee-z-:dry,o"lOdiscc.-dtfi-..e
stem. • ~-~ CU"'S (1~52 Q!,.SCC 3: SOYO!!"I
- j.oce the :::ofuon o cutting ooo·o,tne'1ho\-e 't. UJ'!eoc.n s~:i;
owrs.R NSD
ho!:}ea,.;ol ~ces f0t o tor:old 6 pieces. , ,OZ1S G G NG!'t l!S.OUi :· '1: -1,
- j..,._il-1tob esPOOns wa:-:·on o pieceof l·C"1·lE"iGi -l =- E:::::_.S.1:::::0
Gen:}yeon t ce sic!eo: tf'..e<ni:eagoinstone e"'.dof the raN , ,:u = f! 50lJi i OZIS~ G sn..,~·
sotnot tf"'E' to'i.Js»ceslie on the·r sides.Sprinlu.,morewater MUS-1\ 00MS
on the tofu slicesonc:Iart tfi-..em .ntoverytnin, ~ -m:e , ·~1us~oo'IIs.,n
strands.Put the tofu st-onosinto o crgebowlof coa wate1 • 5ES.'"1Eo,~
end chops±k.s to ge"tlydisoer$ethem. ~eoeat'N'ththe
- =-mo stoc.tpc,iwitn8~cins (68 'I oz/1 liters) '-''Oter,cod me
sof-eon soiouts.and ginger,onc:l:("iog
too :,oi!.Reduceto lowheot and s·cr~ · for1 hou-s,or
unti re-:luc.ed oyhof. Straintf'..eSOl.!j in:oo .orgepot, tne'1
disco.:dtne mushroomso-r.osprou:s.
- fusing fre:s:1 strC'N"NJSh·ooms, trim the bottom of each.
Forfreshos conne-:1, ~inseooclcut tt"<:rn..snroomsinto
quarters.Addthe cr,;s-,•oomsto the :ct o.r,d x;ng too
boila.•e·high neot.Seasonwi:hthe salt ono tra.'lsfe·to
e tur~"- Gently!:fttfi-..e to'u strondsus·"'-9cnoosti((Soncl
drop them into tne SO'...O.Disperset ce s:rondsg.en:ly.)rizz,.e
e itt '='sesame oiloverme so...oo"'.CJ se--ve.

., 99
"'Eu 0'11:J !NGSU t~ ~
"''tf~H!f 0"11i WE: 10 Ml'IIU-ES.

• i D't :o eu:::f(MUS-l't00"1S Thispo:,ulorand tasty dish from iJongsu·s pefeet \\+.en

• 9 OZiiSC:; ;j\!SS :::!~" (O't !\/Y ya,.'•e ,00~-r.g:o. o ight,yet wo·mingdish. t can be served
=/ Vol= s; : lllETS. :::u· 'IITO on its ann os a "'O<.Jisningone!sotisfy'-r.g
soup or w'th rice
\·I'11:::-1.·J·CW "ECES osoort of a fo-nty-stye me-ol.
• I f:3l:S"00"1 t ;jHi SOYS!.U:::!
• I f.!5L!s=ooNS$ - !OXNO'Nl'II! - j.d t~ musnrooms;ntoa oov.:,.cover'1,"ihcola...,oter,
• .! -!6 .ESPOO'IIS \iE;jfi.!5L! Oil o,cl soo<'o:-ot eon 20 minu:es,or untilsoftened.
• I :::u: :a: L OZ:'25:J v_ C-1 C(E', • Meonv-.'tlil
e, com:,;netne fish,SCI'/ soi.see,oncl1tab ESXIOS'I
5:to·n :sro:::fC, "'! .O! n wine·.\ o oov.:o"'.d:norinote:o. 5 .T'W"
es. Pot-drywith
, ·1,cu~:2::'2.'50:;,1 SL CEJ 5.l.W500 ~oe-· ta....els.
S-10075. O '(.l. I'll!) - ;eat me WO( or a.rgeskte: (f-yingpon}over
, ',\O! ·5 G G ~G!'t _!SOlli •~· NCH· medium-'ligh ~ct. odd tt"<:mor'~ed fisn,and fry :CX'
1·CW·L!NGi-l "E:::E;, St ::::J 1-2 minu:es unt goldenorownon both s:cles.Transfer
• I SC!.L 0'11 :sP~ NG O'IIION), cur too plote linedw'th ooper towe.s.
'IITO n· NCH ,!•:::v L!No ·ns - ~emowthe m~:vooms, squeezed-y,and discordthe
• $!_T TO stems. Sice the mus ·ooms, then set aside .

• SfE:1,1:0 "1;1:::! "'!;jE S.dC TO SE'WE - j.d t~ ch·cken oroth (stock}in a souce:io.nand :,ringto
:o ~r I0~:- o boil..A.adthe -ish, :,om boo s"'OOts,ghge•, sco,lion(spdog
on·on},mush·ooms,o,cli:he remo·~ 'f, tobespoon wine.
Reo..)Ceto O'Nheo;:o"'.dsimTe·, cove1ed,for 5 m:nu-ces.
Seo:sonwitn so i o.nclserve,,,lth rice.

l\!G.ON: au::i:i-1IST \if;j!J:'t !"lj ~W ]l:

P~!P!~!610N T WE: SW 'IIUT!S.
COO(l'II:; - ~E 25 W1'11Ui:S

• i D't !O S"IOW FU'll3US (.!SOU - h the snowfi..ngusin hotwote·onci sock forabout

• C.O...e1
oz, ~c:;, 30minutes.R;i;.e t~ s...,,Nfu-r.g:;;s
ono trim off the firm
• 2 ::u">:ti>f~ OZ:-'i$ M~, 'ifO!f:.5~;: ~ ot the bose. TEGt the V":9us·"ltos,;o!le1p·eces.
sito·n :sro:::fC, "'! .O! ~r - Combinethe vege:oble ~oth {stou:) onc:IsnaN fungusin a
• I H !.s=-ooN S-1!,0Xl'II:; ''II' NE souce:,onand oringtoo ooil.vduce tt"<:oeot end simmer,
• •~fE!S~OO'II 5,,, "'~US EXF! pG!tOllyCO\'e·ed '"'"tho td, for 20m·"l.rtes.Adotne'W·ne
TQf:SJE o"'.dsolt. Adjusttt"':s.eoson·-r.gto tos:o:-,tr,n uonsfe· to
individiJOI oo....s.

•u~ ON: Z·iEJ £'11~
=F{!=.,F{!. ,QN i ME i5 ._.NVES,
FISH A ND EGG " lUS ill \1 Nu ·n SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
:::OO(l'II~. \1! 1~ Vl"iVES

- j..,..i tr>':mushrooms.nto o OO'YI:, cover,.-.-=th

cod '"'oter, • ; 0:\ D SP.CK "1US-i; OOMS
o"'.dsoo<:or ot eon 20 minu:es,or untilsofoe-red. • 1 ·psPO O'II S!~T. PLUS :x·:\,
Re'TlO\'eme mush-ooms,squ~u dry, O"'.O d:SCord TQT:SJE
the stems. Th·.,ty srce ono set aside. • i ;i l5 S·O!.'GCC·~: CO'lV ~ :
- Sprinden-:,eo;::,oon sa;t on the fu"l filletsand finely 'Y!.lOW C":O: <n.:, Clf!"IIEJ.
c.nopintoo fisnpo:ste.(Abnct 've}y,p--ocessin o :ooc:1 = llETEJ. : '110S( N :\!"10VEJ
p--ocesw.) Add£ tobespoo"\Scomsto-ch{comflour) • S i!S.ESPOO'IIS CO:\'IISi.!'l( -
too sho!IO'N 'XI" ooa the -ish.and ~--erousJycoot. :co:\'11: LOU'l)
- )iviao:the fisnposte ~to 3 portions.To.(eo port·o.'lono • ! .~· " U\ "OSE ( ",. : N f.OU\,
use o Aour-edrollingpin to ·o me pos:e in:o o tn:n ru(. =o\ JUST,"IG
Re:ieat ,...--=th
t "\e •emoiningoortions. • 1 !GG 'Ii - .ES
- :iringo SO\..cepanof '"oter too 00 over nigh heat, cod • ,.cu " :;\ ovos 3 s~,:::::o s:1o1:.oo
the -ishdisks,and blo-r.chfor 1minute.Drain,tf..:n rinse s -;oo · s. o>t: '11:'D
u "'.(!~ • cod -UMing v.'Ote·until coo,. Cut·-to str' :)S. • i CU"S (I~ : • OZl ~'.'S "1l) C - 1:::<E'II
- 3eot tt"<:e99 ,.,...,'tes in o smc,' OO'NI
onti fluffy. 5'lOT - :sTO:::fC,"! .GE n;
- ;em me cnic..<
e'l lYoth (stock) in o crge souce:,on,odd • GltOU'\10 'Ii - TE "!""flt
the -ish,boTOOOS"'OOtS, mUS"''OOTlS, O"'.O remo·vig OZ:JS GJ ,nu : O ": SM T- F E.O
>iteos:ioonsolt, oocloringtoo coil. - : M. ::UT '11i0 i-i NS F " S.

- Mix1toole:soooncorns:orcnwi:h 1tobespoo::n'l1oter TO o: 'l'II S-i

i;\O s,;o!I XI,. ono sti.rmis mixtue in:othe sow:..Ado • 1 •f!SPO O'II CHQl>l>EJs.::::.l ON
the bea:e-riegg,,..,'tes ono lri."'.9
too boil,stirring,:or :S"" '113ONION) TO 3!":N .SH
30 seconds tot·•ckE-nthe soup.
- Sprinde'n o oincn of whi-.eoe:,oer, cdjun the seasoning
to taste, and tro.nsfe·::oo turee...,.GorniShv.-'t, ti!: horn
o"'.dchopped sco on (spri"'-9 on·o,).

• ,o,
i\!G ON: -ION~ <0'11:;3.
P:\!P!.:\qON T VE: 10 Ml'IUTES, " .US
~*'fu ll±~
lJ v "iUES 5-:.-...:i N~ i.VE FISH MAW A ND
COO(l'll:;3.. ~E n \1 "IUTES

• ·,\O! ·5 G G ~o:, .:.sour·~·NCH· - Combinethe g·oger,scallions(sxiog onions),oncl4~ cu-os

l·CW·L!NGT-1 "E::E ;, Sl :::J (3! f oz/1 '"ier) woter ·no lo·ge saucepon, lri.-r.gtoo ~ii
• 1 SC :ll 0"115 (S", .'11:;ON 0'115), over hig'1heat, o"'.dcook for S minutes.Addt~ fisnTGN,
- :rvED return too"<::'lCO'o'er
o,cl turn off the "\eOt.
• 3', O! 'ICO:; O\,!O = S-1 1,1:•1, 11;:'IIS!O Setaside for10mil"",,.ies.
• S oz,-ISC 3 31:0UN:l (W '11::EJ) PO"I: - Aoin tf"':fisntrGN in o colonoe·ono rinseu-"'.d e· cod
• I E :..s"OON s.:..L. " lUS fXHl. running'"'ote·. Squeezeout tne excesswaterand cut
TQT.!.SfE into ne -s:Zeoieces. Dscoratne gi"'.ge·onasco5ons.
• •~ fE.l.5"00'11 CO\"ISP~::-1 - Combinethe pork,ii teospoo'1so~.. tf"': W1"'.Storch
:::OR'll =LOUR) (cornflour},ond v,miteoe:>oerho .orge 'XI" .
• \ .f!.SPO O'II G~OUNJ \\-1 H "P"H - =>
o..irthe cnit(en DrO""J'I
(stock) in-.oo separate so.xepo'l
• 1'4CU"S' 4 =. OZ.400 Ml) ::-1 C(!'II o,cl IY"'9 too 00 .Add t~ oork,co:n, o,cl ii o.;o (" fi oz/
sito·n :sro::i::. .o: n
:-:. 120ml) water,t~'1 use c.nopstick.s to breok1..pthe:,ork.
• I :t.d·OZ "JC·3 c:'11 ::ltf!.NE:l CO\N" Returntoo boii,ood the-ish mowond the teTJOining ii
• I TPS"OON w:. ·Hc-1: ST'llu · =tou, teos::ioonsot. ond COO(forcoout 3 minutes.
O": CO\N"S-l.:\CH :co :-'11=.ou :- - Mixthe woter chestnut fo..r v,:'tnI tobespoon \\'Oter·n
• 1 f!;OS. 5! :if'II o smell ooYo~o"'.ds::Irthis .nixture intotf"': SO\.O. Bringto
• •~ lE£5"00'11 SES.l.WfO ~ o boil.stirr"'9, for 30seconds to thit(en S,o,.t,-1y
d~izzlehti-... ~en eggs o,cl use chops:ic<Sto stir in one
strands of egg.Add the sesame o ono
season wi:h sdt to tos:e. Transfertoo tu·een o.ndserve.

i\!G.ON: -ION3 <0'11:;3. ~'il !l ~;li

P:\!P!.:\qON i ME: 10 \1 HUHS
COO(l'll:;3.. ~E ~OW '\IUTES GRA SS C ARP A ND
S!'WES: 4

• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GET!.S~E O ~ - ;eat m e oil .no 5.(ile: (fryingpo"l) over TedA-m "'e0t.
• I 'l·lS . .!.SO·~: 3~:.55 C !.:\" i!. l 0\ ood the 'ish, ono fry for 3-4 minutes0'1eoch sic,:
!.'ljy =~f51\\'.l;,i,;' = 51, :;;1;:.'lfj l.'ljQ until orowned.
"l.iTEO :l\Y tne g·"'.ge.ona peppe·corns,sorin•dein the,,,.·~, ono
- A/JJll
• ·,\O! ·5 G G ~o:, .:.sour·~·NCH· COO( for 30seconos.lncreose to hig'\ hem, :,our ·o 3cups

l·CW·L!NGT-1 "E::EJ, Sl :::J (25 Aoz/750 ml) IJo1'1f'19

woter,ono br'-r.gtoo boi. Aodthe
• I TPS;-OON \\'-I TEPE""E'<::C,'115. tofu. reduce to T..ed'vmheo;:, o.nds··:o. 30 minu:es.
::,us-1EJ Add tf"':salt, men oojust ::nes!:O:SO'"W'l9
'f --ecesSO)'.
• I f£5lES"00~ S-!l.QXl'll:;3.W ~E - _ode the r.;.,o...atofu onto o se-vi"9pate, then oour
• ll oz ~JO G f :\ ... · o =u, o=t: '\l!J :.'110 m e IYoth.nto o tureen. Se-vewi:h lght soysauce
::uT i'\l·o I ·:'11::-1:2.5·CW CU5ES on tf"':side.
• I E :..s"OON s.:..L. " lUS fXHl.
• I. G-li SOY s:.ucE. TO SE":VE

•u:; ON: :;u,z-iou
"'i\!"'!i\!· 10N . M! IC v "llJES
C ATFISH IN :::OO(l'\I:; i.VE ~0 Ml'\IUTES
S!'WES: 4

Ttod'tionclly,this SO..O'-''OS irepo.reoin o orge s:ock.oot • I l·l5:'90~-~ (!Fl$ - :::.f!"!O

and S:mmeredfor how-rs os-foreme fishwas added. This : 'llocu· NTOI· NC -1."i.S·CM
vers..00of a": recipecon be 1repo.reoin o frocfo'.lo: tee C - U'\1($
time cyoreporing ti-': so..os:ou: wi:h the ~"I. • ; r::.,s=-oo'IIS
s:..r, PLUS
- Comb·~ t{~ fisno.r,c:I1::e-ospoo.
'l sch ·'.lo oov.~o"'.dtro"'Sfer • 2 TQ\1!._JQ!S
too colonoer todroh. Set o:s'de. , ;i, :::u~s ·- ovicc ~ soYs::.,
- Meonwhe. sco·et~ DOseo: t~ tomo:oes. :iringo STICH s=-,ou·s. ~ l'IISED
sa-..xepo'.lo:w o:e r too boil.ado tri: tomatoes, and neat • •,CUP (S OZ1ISC ~: P.C<lEO
. .mmedia:e-'y trons:er too bo•....t
forl-2 m·.,.,_-tes of ·ce •.,.oter. V!G!PS.ES,CUT NTO
Whenthe tomatoes ore coolenougl to handle, :,eela1,ay \·l~C - •2•C\1 P EC!S
the Hin. :iut tne toenotoesin o foodprocessoror :.-e"lC!~· • !. ClO\'ES :j!\l :::, S~ :::ED
and ,ouree. , 1r:sus=-ooN:ll'll:lBJu ::::
- Bi.-r.g3cu~ (25 floz/750 :nl) v.'Otertoo bo in o arge • ·, Jf:s~oo'II C-1 L PO'hOEll
so;xepo"'I.Adclt"\e soybeans~outsond simmerfor , 1 r:::.voo~ :;;,,:.'lu.:rn su:;;:\
S minutes. Useo slorteds:,oon to transfer tee Deon s:irouts •1 J:5lfs=-ooNS L!WO'11JU:::::
too tureen and set o:s'de. , 1 r:::.s=-oo-..
s:s:.v: 01~
- Putthe p'ck..edvegetooles in:o tt"<:ro..cepon witn the liquid
fromtee soybeon s~ootsond sti· in the ~reed to~oes, .=:, H:: o ~~ NG s:.ucE:
garlic,gi'lgerjuice,c.nili:,o-,.de·,sugar, one remo·vig • I sc:.l 0'11 :sF'i\ NG 0'III0'f).
1teosooon s0.;t.Re:,-,,.rntoo xia, ·educe to low -r.eot. and c -o=-=-fJ
s·'Tlmer :or20 minutes. , 1r:aus=-oo'IIt :;;- r sor s.:.u:::::
- Tom0.(ethe d·:,pingrouce, com:,;neol tr>':·ngredien:s • I r:::.voo~ C\US - D 1'!0 =-f~~::,
;,. o set aside. F.. :. <ES
- Md the rs.~ o"'.dlemon ju·ce to me broth (stock)cno coo( , 1r:::.s=-oo-..
s:s:.v: 01~
ove1T.edium hem for OXll..-t 15mi'"'I.J'tes
untilthe fu"l is
cookeo tnrocgh. Stir in the se<..ome oil,sec:ro'1 witn e.xtro
s0.;ttotos::e, oc0 ttons:er the ro.J:I ::othe tureen. Serve
tee dipp;ngsoi.seeon tees·~.

- 10,
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: 15 \1 NUTH, ,.~US
lS "11'\IUTESv: •t 'll!f NG i M! SHRIM P WON TON
S!i\VES: 4 SOU P

• 5 oz,-ISC 3 :;::ouN:i ,,., '11::EJ) PQ:>I( htt"': Westemworo, t~·e·s no d:Shmoresynonym0<.s

• ·, u:s,.OO'II ~,:;- r SOY S! .U::E withChicese c..tsine.nev.'Ontonso ·e cookedseporate}y
• •~JE!S,.00'11 S.'li top-event the ooses:arch fromthewontoo sneets from
, ·, u:s,.oo'll :;:::.,.u.!J:O su:; H mic<eningtne ch'cl:=-nIYoth(s-.ock.).
• 5 oz,-ISC 3 U'll::OO<EJ S- R Mi"
'°'\.,!.',\''\IS). PH~D !ND ::-;o,.=-:o - -o makethewOl"'tonfilling,com:ine the :,ol,:, sc,ysauce,
• •~i!S.ES,.:)0'1 CO'tNSi!:>::-; sol-'.,sugo•,ono Uitab espoonswa-.erino DO\t.~o "'.d
:::OR'l =LOUR) mo·rote fo· 15mini.lies.Mixinthe shrim:i{orowns),
• I f:!S,.OON S!S!\lf or~ tne"t stit in the co·nstoui (co·nflour)o-r.oS!:SOT': oi .
• 12:: :'IITO"-ESE 'NO'l .0 '1 'll~''"'"E'tS - =-110 smell 'XI,. ....~hcold•.-.ater.Pu'i1tobesooonoftne
• I cz;25 G YE.LO'/,::-; VES. Clli ; ~ on ONl! corcerof owro:oe·, foldthe tip0ter tee
'IITO \·:"IC - rJ•C\1 l!NYHS ; cgono roll:,ostthe ce"'terof thewrooper.fod ::ne
• 2 cu=-s {le, F. oz '4i5 M~J ::-;,C(!N 2 ends "Uizonto!ly•.-.~h ono:e"'.doverthe other.Use o htl e
s~o·n :sro::i:: . ..!.G! n wo:-e·toseolthe2e"lOS,then :i•esstigntfytoS-=:her. Poce
on o nay or largeolote W'..ed withwax00~1. ~e:,eatwr'.ri
- 3ringo lo·geso.xepon of wo-.ertoo boi ove1h'gn heat.
Co·e~dropin thewOl"\tons, ·o,sim-ro:rove1
mediumneat, and co0<:o. LS :,;-·....ies, or V"'tilthey fbot.
Pace m: WO."'tons in:o ind'v;duolserv'-r.g00,..sonc:1 top with
- 3ringthe chic<enbrocn(stod:) too boilin o so.xepon, &..en
lea.,-: 't ove· m: won:ons.5-=-ve.

,., 105
i\!G ON: : uJ ~.N ""
'X. ,;;:
;r.-. :<s
..t,:? &,s :-i.
"' ~ ,,.rj/
P,\!P~i\qON T WE: iS v "IUTES
COO( l'II~ .. '1!: I~ v NU TES CLA M S A N D BLACK
S!\VES: 4

• 1\ .5."i (~ \1.LN L.L C!\1) • Usingo clam (n·fe {0t o snort. dull <ni:e),noklthe clam
• I T:5l:S"00"1 S·P.OX l'II~ ·-1o·,E ;~,yin your hono o-r.oinsert the <nife:,e:weenthe top
• 3 ::u=s125 F.. 0::150 MlJ C-i ,C(!'II o"'.dbottoms~ . Co·e;}tyv.-orkti!: k,_ ·•f e oroV"'.d
a'\o·n :sro::K.=~.o: n: mroug'l tne hinge musc;.eand ory open the shell.)etoch
• ., OZ/15 ~ 011;,!J 5L!-CK \10SS me,teen slice'n ho f. ~eoeot•1,-'thtt"<:•emo'niog
• •~ TE.LS"OO'II S.Lli c.oms,then rinse unaer coo ru~vig ,...mer.
- ;eat o roucepon of ·...ater to abou'i 150°F/iOCC, turn r?
me he<r,.,oo:I the clam SKes, and soak for 1minute. )rain.
- Combinethe clams.v.1'1e,o"'.d2 tablesooonschb::en :iioth
(stock}ino 00'....t and mix....ell.Mo·M.-efo· 5 ,,w·11Jtes.
mend ·ain.
- Meonv.1'1ile, soc.( the :.ioC( mossin o smo bowlof wote·
:o. 10TW'lvt es V""t softe"'eO.ReT'O\'e,ri."":!e,ond squ~z.-e
OU'! the excess v.'Oter.Piecein a ~tp·ocf bowlw'th
l. too es:ioonscnic.< e'l !Yotno,cl put .ntoo collo~'ble pot
or bom:oos:eomer ove·oootcf bo.og•.,.ater. Steam,
covered,for 5,then dro·...,,
- j.oce the :.oc.< TOSS on~ s·de of o turee'l o·•.chhe c.oms
on tt"<:ot cer side.
- 3ringtt"':remoin'-r.gcnic.<enb-o:n too bo in a souceoon,
cod the salt. o.ndoour o-.•erthe moss o.ndcloT~.

"!G 0'1: : - EJ !NG
"";!~H!f 0'11 i VE: 25 M Nu ·n
SONGS AO-S TYLE " lUS ill \1 Nu ·n SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
COOK ~G i ME t:J ._. NVES

Thisdis:1dotes bock 900 ye-orsto the SongOfnasty. • i ;·.!· OZ . .dCC·~ v:,J!'l;l'II =Is-
Av.-omo'1noT.ed So-r.gwosselr-r.gher fisnsoup byWes: o;; ! \/Y = R\1 'I-I- TE:$ - CL!!N!O,
Lol:e,where me emperor r,oppenedto oe. He somped one! = llETEJ. !'110 50'11ESRES!IW!J
iroiseo tne soupond s-rortfyafoe·, she opened o ·estou·ant • ~ Ol,'10 G G "IG!'!; . !.50Ui \·1~C -
then soon De-COT@ one ot tt"<:most famous cuiioory 2·CW·l:NGT "i "E::E ;, ''I Sl ::!J !NJ
destJ'IOfons in HongU"OI... S-l~EJJ!O
• 5 .JR D a~.=.::c
VU$- R00VS
- Combinethe ~:l bOc"'es,
steed ginger,and 3 o.;os • l)i .E!S"00 '11$S!_i ~.USfXFt.r.
(2S; oz/750 ml),.-.oter ;,. o lorg,=roucepon. 3ringtoo ooil. TQT!$TE
then ·educeto medi1.rnhea-.,o.r,c:1 cook for 30 ,rW·11Jtes. • I ·:o .Es=ooN G "IG!ll JU CE
Stroini:hetroth (stoc() tnroug'lo fine-T@shstrcine· • i !GG 'I-I- -ES
(sie-ve)in:o o DO\t.~. • I ·:o .Es =o oN VE~Ei!5.E 0
tN' mushrooms;ntoo oow ,ccv er '.-.-'thcoo'...oter,ond
- j.....-t • 10 s~1::::o
5:1,1500 SHOOT$
soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or u-nt softened. Remo-.<e tN' S-l~DJ! O
mus"l•ooms,squeezed-y, and discorotne stems. -hinfyslice , 1·:o .Es =o oN s-;:ox "IG w N!
o,clsetoside. • ·~ fE!S"OO'II G~OU'IIJ '1-1
- ,TE "!P"H
• Meonv,.'hil~ . coTYle me fish ff:lets,~ teosooon salt, o"'.d • I ·:o .Es=ooN l\!O V:'llfG!R
the g·"'.ge-·juice onc:Imarinat e ~r 10minutes. )ro·ntne • I ·:o .Es =o oN w :·H :: -1::Sl'IIUT
-ish and ploce on o ~tiroof pate, skinside fotiog 00'"'"'· =.Ql;R 0'!; CC'!;'\1$
-: RCH
Poce ·.\ o co oos:_Ole pot o· 00Tooosteomer over o po: :::OR'll =LOUll)
o: boir-r.g,..,oter.S:-eam,covered,for6-7 mini.ftes, or un:1 • i -: .o.ESPOON$SH ";!))EO J ,nu :
cookedth-wgn. => o..irout ony\\'Oterthat hos collectKl o~SM r- r E.D - :M. ·o o:,N s-;
on tr>':olote, men carefullyremovethe skino,cl CNf 'i~ • i SOL~IONS :s,., "IG 0'110'IIS
p·"'oones:ro,-, me -ish.Svec me fishand s.e:os'oe. S-1\DJ! O. TO o: ,N S"i
- 3eot tl"":e99 ,,..,'t es in a oo.., un:ilfuffy.Set aside.
- ;em me oil .n a souce:>0nover rr@crum-nigh neot,odo me
shredded ginger,mushrooms,and boT :>00 s -r.oots,o"'.ds:it-
:"Yfor ooout 2 'TW'lut e, or u-nt fragrant )rizi.-: ·n the wine.
·o me reseNed fish c,otn,. whi:,epeo~r. and t"\e
- =>01..r
remo'.riingIteaspoon soh oncl:iringtoo Xii. Gentfys:ir
i.ltf°":fishend tur'.loff the heat
- ;010 o stro·~- {s~'.'e} overthe soupono slo\\"y:io....r the
beaten eggs .ntotne stro·~r.At the soTe t"rr@,movethe
S'" circulo· motionO'.'erme brocnsothct t"\e
beaten egg strc:ns into tne broth;,. o cont·.....:o-..s line.
li;t sitfQ'1 MJt e,do "'9t stir,Pi.r.t~ soupOOt._< O\'';J
laN ""'=cto nd stir in the vi--egor.
- Mixthe ,..,cterchestnut fb..r \\ith 2 ro:.espoons wa:e·in
s:ir this mixturei"'totri: sa..p.Bringto
o smell 00\\'I a.."'.d
o boil,st·-r::ng,for 30 seconds to thi(.(e'.ltf.e so..o. Seoson
wi-.nsoi totoste.
- _ode the S()(J'j into o t1..reen and garnishw=thtf..enom and
scallions(springOt"''Ons). St·· me soup just beforeservng.

- 107
i\!G ON: Z-IEJ :,o
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH
COO(l'll:j.. ~E 50 'fl 'IIUiES CO RV INA
S!'WES: 4

• 1·2 :::C:\VI~! IY!L~OWC:\Q!(f"' : 15- - Use o s"lal'p<ni:eto mokE3 slO$"".eS on eocn sioeof the 'ish.
!SOlJi 1 LS 5 OZiOOOG), Clf!NEO - 3ringo s-nollsouceoo'lo:woter too boii,odo::neboTooo
! '110\1'115E0 shoo:s,o"'.d:.oncn :o. 2 m·.,_,tes.)ifn o"'.dr'"':!e I..J'lder
, ',\CU"' :2 OZ..50 :5., SL CEJ 5.!'1'1500 co.clrunningwot!?r.Sliceone!set aside.
5-100 . J't! 'IIEJ - ;eat 3 tobespoons oilina wok.or arg= s.,:ile: (fryingoo~}
• 4 .!5 .E5P00'115 VE3Ef!5L! Oil overme,d'iumneat, ado ::negi--ge·,o"'.ds~ •fryfor
• \O!·IO:j.:j.'113E=t ·:aou · \•l'll:::-1· 1-2 minu:es unt fragrant.Addtf.e fisn,increase to ·•gh
2•CV•L!NUi - "ECE ,, Sl ::::J hem, ooclcoo<for2- 3 minu:eson each s·e: t.nti Ira,.~.
• I f!Ol:5"'00"1 5-!!QXl'll:j. ''lo',E - Spt'c!le·'1til: v,ine,then ad:13 cu~ (25 fioz/750 ;r.)
• 3 s:::.,wONS (SP:\ NO 0'110NS). ooitr,gwoter o.r,c:Ithe <nottedsco!!io--s. Reduceto meclii.rn
2 ('11:YH:S !ND I S- 1\!0DD hem, cover,one!S:mmerfor ooout 10miMes. )isco·dthe
• 3'~ O! ICO :j. " ICK.EJ "OiH!'tS sea.lion(spdogorion) knots. Stirinthe :,omboosnoo:s,
MU5J!'\D snvs. :::u·:'\Ito •1'11:::-1. p·ck..edpo:nero .r,;sto·o, sot. and re-noining1tobespoo'1
l•C'fl lf"IGoi - 5 too xri overhig'1heat ono COO( for
• •~lE£5"'00'11 5,,1.lf, ".US EXP! '-5 minu:esunti the soup oecomes~ono tne fish
TQl!)JE is cookedti'l''th extra soh to tost!?.
- -ro.nsfer too tu een and s:.rink..e
,,,/th t~ s'\!eaded scallion.

i\!G ON: : uJ !.N

P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS 'fl 'IIUT:S
m;~,K :~ tt
COO(l'll:j.. ~E 5 M1'11UiE5 C LA M S IN BROTH
S!'tVES: 4

• 12 'fl!'II,.! CL!.WS - Usingo clam (n·fe {oro snort.dull <ni:e),noklthe clam

• 2 f!5L!S"00NS S- :ox NO 'N 'II! 'itmfyinyour hono o"lOinsertthe <nife :,e:v,.,een the top
• 3". Cl;P5 (51 =- oz;ns y;~, :::-1Clr:EN o"'.dbottoms~ . Co·e;}tyv.-ork. ti!: k,_-.·fe
sito·n :st0:::i::."! .O! n ::nroug'l::nehingemusc;.eond i>ryopenthe shell.)etoch
• I i.!5L!S=ooN5 •. :; - r SOYS!UCE me,t-..enslice,.,to2smo er pieces.Re~witni:he
• \ .f!5P OO~ 5,,1.~1 remo·oiogclo-ns,tne'l ri"'Seunder co.clrunningwo:er.
- 3rir,go smellso-xe:,onof V1.'0te· too temperatureof
IS0°:'./7QQC, W't" off the heat, oddthe clamslicesio "O soc'<
:ora=o.n I mo..1e. )rain.
- :t"oce the clamsin o :owl. tnen ti in&..ewine oodsetoside
:or 5 TW ·n.::es.)rain, tf'..enreturnm: dams tom: XM-L odd
~cup (6, oz/175ml) cf,•&,n ,:otn {,.oc.<),ondsookthe
doT.sfo· onothe· 5 tn'."•.rt es.Drain.Dvc!em: dams evenly
- 3riogthe re-TJOi' ·~ 3cups (25floz/71:IJ ml) chickenbroil to
o :cil ·.lo brgesoucepon.the'lo±ltf'..esoysouceondsalt.
Fbr the brotha1er m: dams ·.lthe bovlso "O SE-N e.

ti'i-il Il ~ ~ •u~ ON: SriU'IIOE
"'!\!"'! I\! · I0N . M! 15 W 'IIUTES,
FISH A ND TO FU " lUS ill \1 Nu ·n SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
:::OO<l'II~. \1! l HOU~
SOU P S!i\VES: 4

- j..,..itr>':mushrooms.nto o OO'YI:, cover•.-.-=th

cod '"'oter, and • S 0'( !J 6 • .1.,CI(
soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or u-nt softened. Remo-.<e • I :1~52·0ZISOO·G) ::;,:ss c:\= -: ~
the mush·ooms,squeezed)', and discardthe stems. o;; :'IIY'II - •E ~ S- C~PN:'O
- jot tne fish orywitn :iaoertowe.s.Heat tr>':oi 'no i0rge • 2 f::.lfS"OONS V:'~E -!6 .E 0
skii.P-te:-yingpan) overmedium neot,odo me fish. o"'.O • 1 Sl CE$ :l '11:lH
cook for~ m·"'.ies on !:OC'1 S:deuntil Of'O'..,--eo.
Transfer , 9 0!.'15~ ~ ~ " '-1 to=u 01t.' 'IID :No
the -ish too ;.ate to cool. CUT N·o \•l'IIC -1 '?•CV CU5ES
- jeel IX and discordthe fisnskin,then sepo·ctethe f..esh • I t:3lES"00~ '\\'.!if" CH!S-'IIUT the bo--es. --onsfe1 the-ish fles:'ltoo bowl. ; .,_Ql,R0\ CC'('g- : i\CH
- Combinethe f".s'lbo--es.ginger,ono £¼cups (34 Aoz/ :cOR'll =LOUit)
l li:e--)water 'no i0rge saucepan. &-iogtoo bot over nigh • •~Tf:)"00'11 :,:.t, ".US EXT"!
heat. ·ec..ce to Tedium heat. and s·mm er :<Y 20 ~lit es, TQT:)fE
or un':il0"' 1yooovt 3 cups (25 f oz/750 ml) liau:cl·emo.'.ns. • \ ·psPO ON Gi\OUNJ 'o\'-1.TE PE'"'"B,
- S:rointN' oroth in:o o.not"'ersoucepo.n,odd the " lUS EXH' TO r.:s·f
mus"l•ooms,anc:I ~ingtoo Xli .Adotne tofu cubes, • I S,UNCH C _!'lli"O :cc'( ~'11:l!"
then ·e':\.rn too oo . CUT N•o \· 'IIC-1,'?•CV lENGT - S
- Combinethe woter chestnut ta.,; o"'.d2 toole::ooonswoter
ino sTIOIIXI,. ona stir mis mixturein:othe SO(Jj. Borgto
o boil.sf'T:ing,forabout 30seconos totnic..<entN SOLO.
Ado ti!: salt ono whi:e :,e:,oer, then adj!JS'!the seosoning
too turee-.,.
to taste. ""."ro.nsfe· g:irniSh\\-'t~ ti!: o:.o.ntro
(coriander ), and se-ve.

- 109
i\!G ON: : uJ ~.N
P:\!P~:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES
COO(l'll:l. ~E 2:J \1 "IUTES C RAB MEAT A N D W INT ER
S!'WES: 4

• 9 OZiiSC:; w1•rE'\ M!.ON. "H lEO TheV1;·nter T.elonis '1-sts:eameclto ·educei:s wcr.!?r
!'110 CUT fl.TO sw:~L CHU'llt:S content 1T.herthan beingCOO(ecl ·.\ me soup.A.thoug.'-l
• j CU"S {le, F. OZ '4iS M~J C-i,C(!N mis is s,..ghtlyTO-etime-consu,vig, h .n.n:mizes O"'Y
5'\o·n :sTo:t:. .G: n
=-~ d1.rtionofthe Dtothone!res.~s .rl o dee·, flo..-orful
, ·1,:u=-:i, OZiOO :;;: o,:; \1f:l - j.oce the ...,·.,terTelo"1Cf".nkson o heo:oroof:note. Pu;:
• 1·2 S.ICES COOll:EO - :1,1_ C-iO""EO me pate 'no colloos'blepot <Y boTooo s:eamer overo
• ·~ lE£5"00'11 ),,1.lf, =- .us EXF! pot of boiling waterend steam, ccvere,:I,for15~lit es.
101:sJE Oiscorotri: water O'.l tf"eplote.t-'osnthe wintermeon
• I J:5l:S"'00'f -~:TE =-CH!STNUT
: .Ol. "' O'\ CC:\'IIS-~.:\C-i - 3ringti-e cf,;,ckenbroth (s:ock.}too :,oil·oo sa..cepo'\,
::0:\'11 : LOU:\) ood the mos--edV1;·nter meon,.s:ir,and returntoo Xii.
- Slowlydrizi.einthe :,eaten egg whi:-eone!use &oost·cks
to s~ ·'.lone d:recfo 1, mo~ strandsof egg.Addt-r.e
crobmeot, ho"!'\,o,cl sot ond return too DOil.
- Mixthe water chestnut fo..r v,:'tn2 ro:.espoonswo:e-·in
o smallooYo~o-..ds::Irthis .nixture into tf"eSO'...O.Bringto
o boil.stirr.rlg,forabout 30 seconosto thic<ent"'e
Seo:sonto taste withe.xtro sot. t-r.entransfer too ween
or lade Jrto indivkluobowls.

•u~ ON: Sri' '~XI
=F{!=.ti'{! " ,ON . M! IC v "iVES,
EEL " lUS ill \1 NU "fi SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
:::OO(l'\I~. \1! 1~ Vl"iVES
SO UP S!i\VES: 4

• US:ngo shcrp <ni:e,cl.J'ioffend discordt "\e neoclof me ~ . • I :l·l5:'90~·~ ~ CE FELD E!L

Cutthe ee open downthe en:ire length of its bodyo.nd , 1 ·t :.s"OO'II :::o: =ts:: s., ~r
remo\<etN:'coo-ses~e. R.o the ee witn the salt. ·illse • !. 0~ EJ a.:.::( WUS-i'tOOWS
u"'.Cl-e· cod ru-ming,,,-1ot e·, onclory ,,..fthooper t0\,-1es. • l l.'5L!S"OONS Vf():J:3u 01~
- :iringo i0r9e souceoon of ,.,.ate· too ooil.cod the ee., • ~ OVJO :;j. :;j.'11:lE't :..sour H'II:::-; ,•
o"'.d :lonch :o. 30seconds. )rohono rinse V".de·cod 2.S·CW·~E'll::3.T-i"ECE S-i'tDJ!O
running,...ate·. Cutinto 1n,.*•incn/4 • 2-cm pieces. • IC S.ICEO :,:.v,soo S-iOOTS
• j..,..i tr>':mushrooms.nto o OO'YI:, cover,...-=thcod '"'oter, • 1 CU"S ;10 "• OZ.!.~S "1l :::-; CIC!N
oc0 SOO( form least 20 -n·"l.ies , or until sdtened. W To.<e 5'tOT - :sro:::K, "!.GE n:
the mush·ooms,squeezed)', and discardthe stems. • I l:!.5"00"1 'tlCE '"'°'NE
Thinlyslice. • I El.5"00~ L :lHT SOY s.,u:::E
• ;em 2 tab espoonsoi in o wo<<Y largeskte: f-ying pen) , 1 r:: :..s"OO~ s:..L• =-~us zx.n.:.
ove· medium heat, cad the ee- o.ndstir-fryto· I mh.rt:e 101:sJE
u-rtiljust o :io..i done.~emovethe ee o-r.oset oS:de. • I l:!.5"00"1 :;j.i\!.'IU.:JD su~:'t
• Aod ~tobl esooonoi toi:he wok.endreneotover medi\sm • 2 J::,tfS"OONS CO~"ls·:.Rc-;
heat. Ada tne gin~·, mush·ooms, o ,cl bamboosnoots end ::::OR'll=LOUR)
s~ -fry for 1-2 ,!'W'lvt es.Md the ee-~ c.nic(enb--oth(s:oc..<), • I 3-UNCHC, .. :.'lli~O :::CR !."IIJ!"
wine,SCI'/ sauce, salt. andwgor and oringtoo coil.Reduce :::u1N·o st::: · ,oNs
to O'N "e01 ands·'Tlme·, covered,for 3 -n·nutes. • I sc:.l 0'11 :sF'RNG 0'1110~). Clll
- Mixthe corns:orc.n(corn~u-) wi:h 2 tobespoons water J'I 1'11.0l'?·l"IC - ·.d•CV tENGT- S
o small00\\'Ia.."'.d s:ir this mixturei-rtotri: sa..p. Bringto • I :::~ovE:j!.\l :::. :::- 0 ""! 0
o boil.sf'T:iog,forabout 30 seconos totnic<en tN SOLO. • \ ·p,S? OON GROUNJ \\-i TE?E'"'"E't
Seoronw~ sot to taste.Lode the S0(J'j into o t1..reenand • l l.'5L!S"OONS s;:::-;u:.'11
cad the cilantro (corio~ ·), scaJ°on(springo ..~), garlic, '"E""!'<::::O'tNS
- ;ea;me remo·¥g ii tablespoonoil 'no clean '-''OJ::,odd
the s·&.:on :,e:,oe·cor"\S-, ono stit•fryfor2- 3 minu-.esV"'t
:.ogront Jisco.:dthe pep:,erend poo-1::nec.nilio overtee
soup. ~-ve iT:Tediotely·n the tureen.

- Iii
i\!G ON: J !'"\l:";SU iID.:g,m
P:\!P~:\qON i ME 10 y;NUiES
S!'WES: !.

• !. 50NE.ESS, S(l'll·ON CH C(E'II Thisis~ of th~e ds--es that servesos o SOLO cs \\'e
i-lG-IS oson occompo"Wnentto rice ·no :amily-styledi.,:ng
• 2 t:5L!S"00NS S- :ox NG 'N 'II! e.xperience lyo.mongtl"':
. Thechb::en sou:. is dividedea-..'O!
• S CU") 125 F. oz:;50 Ml, C-1 C(!'II individualOO'Nlsond steomed .rdiv'c..o!ly.Beca..set--e
"~.u: n
aito·H :sTOci::. ingred:~"tsate unclistur~. youget overy c..ecrsoup. This
• •~ TE.!)"00'11 S.'li is o poJ..JOrtechnique :or mo.(ingsoup in sou-.nerna-.:no.
• i SC:l~ 0"115 (S"'t "II~ ON O'IIS),
S-l'tEO:l!J - ~i t--ech·d:.en·ntoo souceoon,oxl 4~ cu-os(3! f: oz/
, ',\Q!:5 G G "IG!'t !SOlJT •~· NCH,' l li:e·)woter,o"Ob--i09toobo over nigh heot.RemO'le
l·CW·L!NGi-1 "ECE J, Sl C!J me cn:c..<:en immediotelyondrinse unoer coo runn·-r.g
. su:y;:o 'i;,C: "-'~E S.dC ·o SP:\'E wo:e·.Setaside to cool.
• O..i t"\e ch·d:.en.nto J.-nchn.S-cm squo·es ond
evenly into£ oow::sski;'lside:ocing up. Toeocn, odd o li.-::..
o: tl"':wine,chicke'lbroth {stock},so~.,scallions(sp--;ng
on·O"S},and ginge·,tne'l seal wi':hat..minumfoil.
- j.oce .no co:opsible :IOtorDOmboosteamer overo pot
o: boili-r_g
,...mer.S:eam, covered,for 30 m·.,.ies , o· until
me cnic..< en is CQO.(e,d th·ough. =wmovethe :o1.,men p·ck.
OU'i and d:scorome scc!tonso,cl ¥9er.Servein tr,..,DOW s
occo:-roon·ec1 cy rice .

~g;§l 'tf:; 0'11: ZH::Jl!'I:";
"=tp·:'(.!J 0'11. ~E n.., 'lllJES
SE't\'ES: 3

- -o prepo·e the :,ork.~ ly.scrooe tr>':s.(inc eon, me'l ('"'Se • i :11-oz,~CO·G :i.ON!L!SS, 51(N·O'II
u"'.(!e·cod -UMingv.'Ote·. ,.O~< 3E~tY
- Combinethe so te-:1:,ork, :,ork.oe'ty,and enougn wote· to • ~ OZ:iSO ::3.S.! LTEO,.0,. 1:
coverit com:.-:te)yin o lo.-ge souce:ion.Bongtoo boi over , i oz ,25 o o i.;o:.,i:. :.ouT 2· Nc -11
h·gn"\eOtonc:I:.ioncnfor 5 minutes. Drol'Io,cl ("\Seuoc:le1 S•CV•L!N~T - " !CE), Sl CEJ
cold -uming water. • i s:. :.L~IONS :S'"'l;.NG 0'110'1151,
- ~!etumtne mem to the souce:,on,odd tt"<:ginger,sco!!iO<"\S - :.lVE:l
enough,.-.oter to covercom:.ete)y.
(spri"9 on~Ot"\S),ono , ~ c1,;,,.s ·~ ovn:J o re='-' i::No:s
Bringtoo bot, ·educeto aN "'eOt.and s·mmer fort~ hours. f:!..5,.00N 5:.(1'11:;j.500 !
- Meonv,.'hil~. ·no OO'NI,
co:-roinetne tofu <no:s,bok:cgsoda .s,:::.
:.u o.,.:.7Eo = so:i!
(bicorboi,ote of soda), o"lO2cu:,s (16 fioz/475 ml} ,.-.ater •n OZilOO G n:5 - 5:.1,1:.00 SHOOTS
o,cl soc<:or 15minutes. )ro·nond rinsethe tofu <no:s 0 ,. 'I.CU ,. :::.,"1'11!05-ICEO f.!V500
u"'.(!e·cod -UMingv.'Ote·. SHOOTS
- f ush9 :.eoshoomx,o shoots,cu. o!! and discard the :,ose, • 5 OZilSO ::3.::;,,!E'II soi:: :: - CY
k.eeoingonlytne tenaertios. Ro cut tr>':bom:>eoshoo:s , s.,n.
htochu"<:s.. Bringo souceoo~of wo:e· too boil.ado tne
bo.mboosnoots, one blanch for2 minutes. Ora.t'I.
- lfl the some so;xepon, ~ing fre=-nwa:ertoo ooilc,.•e·
h·gn "\eOt.odd t"\e ook.C"'Of,and o-oncnfor 1mirute.
cod ru-;ning,
Irr.medbtelyrinseu "'.Cle· e·.
- ~emovethe :,o/( and nom from tf"':ro ...cepo.._'l,,
then d:sco·o
the g·"'.9e·o"lOscc..lions.Ada tne boT.ooos-rootsto the
soup, br"~ too boii,ond reduce to low "\eOt.Sim-r-e·for
- U.-tt~ meat in:o smo er c~w-ru:s o.nclreturn to the pon.
oad the tofu (nots, ono cook forano:her 5
the bo<choy, br"~ too xiii. and s.eoso"lwithsch to taste.
Tro-rsfe·too tur~""·
i\!G ON: -I U5E tit -~ m~ ;li
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES
COO(l'll::3.. ~E ~ HOU:\S LO TU S ROOT A N D
E'.:!l:-.r.o:11s SPAR ERI B SOU P

• 1\ .a:1 <~ : :'I< s=-.r."IF ss, :::u· •ro - ~it~ s~reribs ·ntoo lo·ge saucepanonc:Iodd enougn
2· NCH.,s·::'-1 CHU'll(S wa:e· =:occtw =:nemcompletely.3ricgtoo boilover
• I ..a i oz..sooG lo·us i\OOTS, PH.EJ :.ancn :o. 3 TW'lvt
hea;:a.."'.d es. )ro·"l one ri"'Seunder cold
!'110 f',JS i"l '-1"1!0 running...,cter.
• 2 f:5L:s:-ooNS \'!GEP.5 ..E 0 - Use o chops:ic..<to clean the cho:vies ·nsic:le the lo:usroots
• 3 s:::
..r.woNS (SP:\ NG 0'110NS). o"'.dr'""!etho-ocghlyt.ndercold tunn·~wa:er. Cvt in:o
l CHO'"'"E:l !'IJ 1 CUT NTO b· NC -I • b"'le-s:UOd>unks or slice.
.d0::"1.. E'l3i-lS, PLUS !X":\! - ;eat me lorg,=ro..cepo~overmediumneat, odd
TQ3l.:\'IS - me spo·er :.s.,onopo.n-fryfo·cbo.rt 10m·"'.ies untilcrispy.
• •, OVlS ::3.::3.'ll::3.E\,!50lJT I· '11:::-1 Add tf"':sco on (spricgon·O"'I) leng:ns,g·,r,ger,wine,and
2.5·Clil· ..E"ll~T-I :- ECE: S.ICEO 10\icups(8Sflozfl .5 iters)wcte·.Bcirqtoo boil.reduce
, 1 rps=-ooN 'I:::::w ~E to laN "\eOt.and s.'.mm er, covered,for1 oo..r.
• ·~ Ps.ES:-oo" s. .r.u - Mo me lo:,-,.s roots o"'.dsimTer forano:ner l. nours0te·
• \ •psPO :J'I G~OUNJ W-1 iE =.:=>=H low""Wt. Seoson\\"t"ltl"':salt, reduceto mediumheat, o"'.d
simmerfor 30 mirutes. (Remct,• e tne scoFonso"'.dg·"'.9er,
i: des:ted.}W me soup intoo turee'l o"lOtop with me
cnoppedsco!,..o-rs one whit-:peoper.

i\!G ON: -ION~ (0'11::3. 1i lij ~ nEffi ~ ;li

P:\!P!:\l."ION i ML 10 '-1NUTES
COO(l'll:;3. i M! 1 -iou:-5 IS '-1NU "ES PO RK SHA N K A N D
S!"IVES: 4

• I l.d·OZ ~~C·~ =Q"(I( S-1! '1(, :\ NSD - ~it~ oor<she".( intoo i0rgesouce:,ononclodd e-r.ough
, ·1~oz:5 G G "IG!"I l.50lJT ·~· NCH,' wa:e· =:ocr.:twh completely.3ricgtoo boilover""Wt
l·Clil·L!NGi-1 :- E:::E;,Sl ::::J o"'.dbo.nchme por<for 5 .rw'lvtes.S<imthe froth O"'O
• 3'~ OZ ICO ::3.- : :\Y: ~S. = 1'1SEO scum off tr>':Surface, i: ne-:cieo.0-ain onclrinse under
• 1 fl."($ :::O"IN. -IUS(S !'IJ S ..K co.clrunning,.-.cter.
"IEMOV!O. ClJT l'ITO l • NCH - 3ring6~ cups (50; oz/1.5liters) water too boi ino lo·ge
.d•:;;1,1CHV"IKS souce:,on.A/Jdthe po·(S"'.Gnk.and 9in5er,cct1e1, O"'O bo
• I ::!:\";OT. ClJT l'liO \· NCH,' overhig:'lheat:~ 15minuies.Adc:I 'igs.,com,and
the "'.Oiry
2•CV :::-1UN(S carrot onc:I:.ringtoo boi . Reor.rce to rr.edtf"TI
• CJN heat ono
• I E !.s=-ooN S.!,L. :-lUS EXJ'tl. COO( for1 hour 45 m·"'.ies. Seosonwiththe sot. oc1;1JSt

TQl!SJE me souptoo tu·een or individud

to taste, and tra..-rsfe·


i\!G ON: -ION~ <0'11:l. ~ ~ ~ 'i1 ~ ~ ;li
P:\!P!:\qoN T WE: iO M '\lu ·n
COO(l'll:l. TM! i -IOU~S .!S \1 NUTES

• \ cu= (2 ovso G) 0'( EJ WUNG It is cus:omoryto nrff me cnonnelsoft~ otus roots

wr..nthe mu-..g:""JeO"\S-,whicnwou!o,o:hervlse.sinkto me
• j OZISO G .JR D o::·o"US bottom of tne po:."': otus root,por<,one
• I LS SO! ~:JC G "0'(1( S-!!'111.S octo:iusore ~-..•eel on o se:,ora:-eola:e, alongsidethe broth.
• I ~OTUS1tOOT !.SOUT I LS 5 oz,
OCO:l.1 :E !L!.J !'110 !NJS Til;,\1\1!0 - Combinethe mung :,eonso"'.d1cup {8 f oz/230 ml) ...,ate·
• \O!·IO:l.:l.'11:lE'( '!SQU -\• l'll::-1• in o s-noll'X/h ona sock for 30 :i,i,irnn -es.)ro·n.
2•CV•L!NUT - "ECE ,, Sl ::::J - ,no ~:,orate bowl, sock tne driedoctopus in wc-m,,.'Oter
• I J:!S"OON S!.LT " lUS EXH' :o. 30minu:-es. G.rt·.,tooit-e-size:iecesond
then dro·...,.
TQJ:SJE set oS:de.
• I. G-IT SOY s~ucE. TO SE"VE - ~inseme pol,:s,onk.undercola running...,ater.Pu!the
she-.,,:in o largeso;xepo:i,ona ooa enou9'lwa:e1to cover
i;: completely.3r'-..gtoo boilover~h ri:at ond olonchthe
po·( for 1-2 TW'lvt es. Jroin ond rinse uno-ercoo rlf'V'kng
-u~ o chops:ic..< to clean the cho:vies ·nsic:l e the lo:us
root o.nd·;n~ tf..oroughfyl.J'lder cold runni"gwa:e·.Use
o choostick. to stuffthe otus •ootwitht "\!: oeons
ot :ctn ends u'tlil it is 80 percentfull.
- 3ring8½cu:,s{68f ozn lite-s)wa:-e·too ooilifl o lorg,=
souce:ion.AJJdthe g··,po·( s"'.:On k, lo:,-,,,s
root.and dried
octoous.Covero,cl :lOioverhig:i,heat fo· 10mil"'i,..ies, then
reduceto lowheat, ond c00<:<Y 2nhou-s.Ao:Ithe sot and
oajust to taste.
- - ro.nsferthe poJ<shankond lotusroo: too cl.!'rungooord
o,clwhen cool e-..oughto ~nd e. CU! ,_,to.orgecl-unks.
Tro"'Sfe·too s.erv'ngola:e,tne'l cod the octo:i,,;s.. Lodlethe
soup ·nto individiJOl OO'Nls and serve'"'"thtt"':plateof fooc.
Se-vewitnrgnt 'Sl:l'fsauce.

'ft~ ~1'1!~ "!G 0'1: :5l.!'l:";OO'\I:;
"";!"H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M -..iu·Es.
PIG 'S TAIL A ND " lUS 15 "11'\IUTESSO.LJC"IG . \1:'
COOK ~G i ME i -IOU";S 2C ._.NUTES
PEA NU T SO UP Sf";VH, .!:·~

- Com~ tr': oig's toil and e"'OU9h cold'-''Oterto cover • I 1ii·OZ,~CC·~I "(BT!
it ·.lo oov.: o"'.dsoodor 15TW'lvt es. )ro·'.l,,then scrape • I CU"' (S OZ IS~ G) S·iE~t:O 't''II
the s~'l c..,eo.n.Usi'lgo sho·o knife,CU'! me p·g'sto· ot '"P Nu ·s . 't.'lls:o ! "IJ O'I! 'IIE:l
the pnts into smo! ch..nks. • } JUJUSE J!f!S, i' ·n:i !>,;D - : 1vo
- Putthe p·g's ta c.nunksin a lo·ge soucnon and cdd • ~ ozno G G "IG!ll ~.50Ui \·l"IC -
enoug'1wo-.erto co--.-e· comolete'y.3ringtoo ooilc,un 2·CW·l:NGi-i "E::E;, Sl ::!J
h·gn "\eOtonc:I:doncnfor 5 minutes.Drol'Io,cl ("\Se , s.,n. 10 r:sn
u"'.Cle·cod ru-min9\,-1ote·.
- Pu;:the p·g's tC: bockin~othe pon, add the :,eonut:S,
dotes, gi'lget, o.nd8n cups (68; oz/2 l'te-s},...mer,o.nd
cover.3rin9 too ooilc,.•e· mediu~-·•gh "'eOtand cook
:CX'10minutes,then red- ..ce to CIN heat o"'.CJ
O"'Other2 Seasonwith sa_;tto tos:e.
- T-ons:ertoo tur~'.lor .odlei-rtoinclivduoloov.:::s.

~Hi 13!R;,;7 'lf;j ON: C-i~.OZHOU

"'i\!"'!i\!· 10NT M! . 15 w ·'IIUiES,
TRIPE AND G IN KGO PLUS I -;ou= SQ!)( "IG' "1!
::OO<l'll;j i.VE } - OU\S

- Turnthe uipe ·"\Sideout onc:Iscn..othorou9"1)'•1,-'th • I " 01'( F "f. , I\ NSD

1ta.olesXlO'lC001'$e sdt. iinse undercold runningwot er, • 3 f!5L!S"'OONS CQ!~S! )!li
then rubv.~h 1tc:.-espooncorns:orch{cor"lf-a...r) . Rlle • :Sf!5L!S"'00NS CO\NSJ!\::-;
ogoin. severaltimes untiloil tt"<:grit end film".OW :co ='ll=.oui\
been removed. • I i£3lES"00~ '\\ -i E Vl'\lf;j~ "'
- Combi-r.e the tripe, vinegar,o.r,c:I3cups (25; ozli50 ml) , ·~ - PJ ::s our 2 oz,s~o:
wa:-e·in o largeOO'NI and soo<:o. 1hoo·. c - : oz-;ou "ltESE'
- Me-onwhile, cut owat tt"<:ea,•esfromi:heChoozf,o;,;sol:-ed G"'!E"IS
mus:ord9="eens o"'.drinseme stems•.-. ell.Seo( the s:-ems • ·~CU"' (,!50 u · 2·~ oz..rc ;j, SH!L~E:l
in o 'Xiii of co.clv.'Oterfor1hoo·. G NICGO'IUiS
- R:-,sethe tfoe unaer cold runningv.'Ote-·, ::ne'1tronm'· too • I r:eL!S"OO"i \\ i r: ""f"":~;o=t
lo·g.,soxepon. fillw'th freshwcte· ono bringtoo Xii over L - D
h·gn heat. Reduceto me-d'ium~t and bonch the tripe • i CU"S ;10 =. OZ.4~; "1l C-i C!C!N
:o. 5 m·"lutes.)ro·"10ndrinse, tf"':'1use (i:chen s6so-s to 5'\YH :srocK, =-.!.,G!9C
removecl me trimmingso.r,c:Ifa;: :ro,._insidem: tri::,e.Cu;:
the tr'oe into longstripsand J..i :ntoo heotproof 'XINI.
- Oro·ntne mustc·o g~"\S, sq.-eezeout the excess•1,ot e·,
o,cl o,;t .ntos·m1.or-s'.z-eoiece-stot-r.etripe.Adoto&..e'XI.,.
0: tri::ie.
- Pl.nm: ginkgo nu:s,wnite ::,ep::,er ,ond ch·cl-.nbro:n (stock)
into the bowl.then ~;t .ntoo co opsiblepOi or oomboo
steoT..erover o oot of bo ~wo:er. Steam,covered,for
3 "'OWS. (AdelT'OJ'ewo:e-·to tr,..,oot, if ~ssory. ) Trons:er
too tu-e-e'lone!ser\<ein ~icluo bov,:ls.
,. 117
i\!G ON: SE Jl'II~ llf i!;,;i
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES
COO( l'II~. '1E 2:J \1 "IUiES PO RK LIV ER
S!'WES: 4

• 9 OZiiSC:; =-o:\( .l\' F - j.oce the x,rk liverino benaer orfooc:I:,rocessor , cdc:I
• I TE!)=-OON S! .• J >$teospoo'1 soh, the wh'te pepper, ono 1cup (8fl oz/
, ·~ TE.=.s=-oo'II
. o::ou'IIJ w - ,TE =-:P=-B 250;r.) cnic<enoro:h (s:ock.},one!puree.S:rointh·
• ,:.·~ cu=-s 15l ~l O! ·I~ ·E:: : C-1I0:EN o s;e.,,e{stroine--
) into o i0r9e~tproo: bowl.
sito·n ~!.&! n
:sTO::i::. - ~it~ oar< r .-e-p.r-ee,.,too co opsible:,ot or :,omboo
• I 50'11!. ESS. S( N.ESS C-1 CKE.,. steoTe·over o :,ot of bo cgwoter.Steam,co-.-e·ed , :o.
51\::.s· 8 minu:es,orunti oliver :iote :SforTea. Re:no-.<e from
me steoTer, t"cencut the :iote ini:he OO'NI .nto smo!
squa·es. )o not removeme pate the OO'NI (rothot
i;: rema'.nsintact).
- ~it~·ntot"ceolendero· foodprocessorond
p--ocessin:o o po~.e.~ix tr>eolenc:led chic.tenwith 1CIJ'D
(8 fl oz/250 ml) chb::en :,rothO"O pne into o min paste.
- j o..J the re-noining generous2 (17fl oz/500 ml)
cnic..<e'1broth into o large souce:ion,odd t "ce re-noining
>$teospooosalt, ooclo,ingtoo ooil.kd o tnirdof me
cnic..<e'1pos:e ono sti. inone d"•ecfo'1cs 't comes to
o"'Otherooil.Skimoff me frothand scum on the surface.
- ~eoeat•,..-'th &e remoini"'-9cnic..<en
oos:e, stir, ono return
too boil.Stra.t'Ithe b-othO"O po..r ·.,tot"ceooYo~ wi-.n
me pcte. Wrte"ready::oserve,poce ·" o co aoS:blepot
or bom:oos:eomer ove·oootof ba.og•.-.cter. Steam,
covered,for 5 mini.r .es.Ser\<e.

i\!GON: -1.1.<1:.:. ~ ffi -~ § ~ ;,;i

P:\!P! ,,'t.:.· ,oN i YE 10 Ml'\IUiES.
COO( l'II~. '1!: I -IOU:\

' i \1l·OZ1l:JC·~; ~o't K Si!~(. cur - Combinethe pork snonko-..d½-teos:,oonsalt·.\ o ooYo'Iand

'IITO ~ ECts marina:e for 30 m·.,.,ies.
, 1 r::!_s=-ooN S.!.L• =-tus fXFt:. - ;eat m e lor9=ro..cepo~overmedium-hig'lhe01
TQl.!.SJE i :.ogro~t. :loo·in
o-..d:'Y the gi'lge1for 1-2 m·.,_,tes1..nt
• I Tf!S=-ooN VE~E·! ,5.E O l 6:.:cu-:)S{50 f oz/1.Sli:e-s} •, b--i09
=-· too :»i over high
• ·,\0 !:5 o G ...o:=t : :sour ,. NC-1 he01,o.nd:iot inthe x,rk bo"ce.vduce to mediumheat
l· Clil· L!NGi-t :- ECEJ, Sl C!J o,cl simT.erfor 30 mirutes.
• I =-o:=t< .EG 50'11E. -i! .L\'EO - ~i ·n the x,k.ctY':tf, sho'\J::,
and remoini"'-9>iteospoonsoh
, 1 ~as ovooo o 00 1: ::-ior o-..dcookfor 30 m·-..;rtes. Season.....-'th
extra salt toto:ste.
Tro"'Sfe·too tr.r ee"lor .odlei"'to oov.::s.

*llf iEiitit ~ tit!9im ~!G 0'1:YU'II~'~
"";!~H!f 0'11. ~E: lS Ml'IU7ES, " .US
BLACK CHI CK EN A N D l HOU'!. 50£(1'\I~ T "1E
COOK ~GT WE:; - OU'!.S 5 Ml'\IUTES
tv1USHR00tv1 SO UP SE'WES: 0

Also<nownos s-kiechic.tens,i:his·•ghlyprizedblock OV 15 G O,'t D ?O'tC 'II tCE?"'.:S hos s <ywnrteplu-r,ageone bock s~'l (one! MUS·HOOMS
bo--es).Com-ronlyfound in Otino and otl"':·pois of OZ '15 GORD W:JSUJ!(f
Asia, it con :ie suosti':uted\\ith o regiior chic.ten. MUS-l'tOO MS
• I '1L33 ·Oi:•iCC•;;: 'IIHOlE 3l.!CK
- ~insethe mush·oomsono soak in 2 cu-os{16Aoz/475 .TJ) o ;;::o u~!'tC -IC lr:EN
coldwater :~ 1hou·. Rew.:m:tne mushrooms,t--en strain • n OZilOO G l:£'11 : o :(
the mush·oom soo<ing,.,.ote1,.,too 'Xlh. Set :oth aside. • ~ JUJLS! 0.!HS.: t6EO
- :iringo .or9e souceoon of wcte· too ooil.core;}ty add the • 1,0Z1S O O NG!'t ::sour . 'IIC-1·'.l,, o"'bdbanch to· I mJ"IAe.)ro·'1 o-r.oset oS:de. 1·CW·lE'Wi -1: EC:::, S~IC!O
mthe soTe ponwitn :.esh wate·,IY-1'19
- =- too ooii,ond odd , '.11r:eus:oo'II n -1 r:: :op:::;;:o'!; NS
the po·i::.:llo,ch for1 minute,i:he.ncroin. • S.'li, TO f£SH
- Combinethe chic.(en,oork, cotes, gi'lger,o:-r.d wh'ie
peppercoc""tS ·.\ o a·g= '"leC'lproo: Addthe mushrooms
ona i:here::&.r\'ednishroom sockingwote-·. Pourin4:;,:cups
(34toz/1 iter}ooiling\\'Oterand seoltigh-'-Jyv,:'tn
o\rminum foil.Piecein o collopsb-:oot or oom::oo
s:-eome·overo :>Otof~wcter.Steom, cawed,
:0(2 nours,unti t-e"'.Cl-e·ona COO(e,dthrough. (Ado
mo·ewo:e-1to the pot if needed.)
~ Se-oson 'N'th sa_;tond se-vein o tureen.

- 119
i\!G ON: SH~ :'IIX $ ~;€!ffi
P,'t!P!i\qON i ME 10 y; NUiES
COO( l'll:l i M! 1 -IOU,'t ~cM '\lu ·ES MUT TON
S!'tVES: !.

• I I .5 S·O!;~O~<;: . Eu o• 1,';UilO'II Thisd:Shis trad'tioncly se-Ned,...-=thflo:oreod.'1,'lichis

0~ .._!VS. DE·SOMO b--O(en·ntosmo pieces ':If -r.andand,ovtin:otce oowls
• ~ OZ/iO G:;; '11:lE't !SOUT be:o·ethe x,..;ecl h. ~=--= co"'vers.e
l· 'IICHii.S•Cl,';•L!Nrn •; P ::: 1, o:her whie :.-eo<ingbread and thisCO<'Wivi:JI ritual nos
C'tUS-IEJ b@COme a regularsocio e-,•ent.
• 0 S::!.L~IONS :sP ~ NG O'IIIONS, ::ur
0 .!GQ'll!~LY NTO ~· NCH'i-CM · ~it~ muttoo in a orge souceoonand odd e~h ,.,.ate·
i-1 CK. H·•'\1:-1 !.·CM·~ON~ = E:ES. to coverit com:.etely. &-"'9 too 00 over high heotono
=LUS !Xlit ,! TO ~H'\l :SH bo.nchtne murto.'1:0. 5 mJ"IAes.Skimthe :.oth and
• !. f.:JS'tf.!J (P!G! S!., , S'tO(!N SY scum off tt"': s-..rfoce,i: ne-:cieo.0-ain and rinse under
- £ND l'\170 '.-l'll::-1:2-cv = !CES, co.clrunning'1,ater.
iO SE't•tE · ~it~ sto·on:Se, Sicnuonpeppercorns,and co·domom
, s:.r 101~s1: poo:sin:o o soice 009.
• Combinethe g·,r,ger , scallions(sx;;.g OMns), a.."'.d sp·ce
=o=tH: SP::: a.,:;; bog ha .orgesouceoon, ado enough""-'Oter to eoter
• 2SP =: 'II SE me mutton ':If~ incn/2 cm, and oringtoo ooil.Reduce
• I i:!S=-ooN s CHU!N Pf"=P.CO'tNS to laN -r.eoto.ncls·· :o. 1hour 15/Tlinu::es, or untilthe
• j 5L.!C ( C ,'i\J.'M0V =-oJS meO'! is tender.
· =-
a OU! oncld:scora tne ginge·oncispice 009.~e'T'O\'e
me mutton o.nclse: osideto cool.Cot in:o slices.
t~ oreod :nto ind'vicluo~-ving
• j_...-t J..i s.e-te·ol
p·ecesof nrtton ,.,toeoch bowl.
• 3ringtr>':so..o too bo" anciseoronwi-.nsot to taste. tt"<::'l
loa.,e tt"':so..o ·.,to eoch oowla.."'.d
garnish,..,-=th Of'6.
(Besu·e to ocllegenerouslyoecousesome of the soup'"'
be oosorbed ':l'fthe f.atbreod. ) Se,,..eimmecl'ate!y.

'§:t e 11,t;~ "!G 0'1: - :(J(.!
=~::~H!f 0'1 T "1E: 10 M '\IU-ES.
PO RK LU N GS A ND " lUS I -101,;,, SO.&Kl'II~ i.VE
COOK ~G i ME l -IOU,\S

=== =-- - - - - -- -- - =
- Soc.(the apricot (erne..sin 2 a.os (16'I ozft-iS ml) v.'Oter • i CU"' (7 CZilOO G) SWEE" :=-=t,COi
:o· 1hoo·. Put the <erne.s one!sookj-qv.'Oterin:o o blender KE'tN!lS
or foodprocessorand puree.Strainth-ough o cheS1eclotn • I 01!;EJ SNO'h ~UNGUS
(mus!i~}·nto o OO\•d. Set aside the juice and dsco·o • i ?0'1:fCLU~G !S Qlli 1\ .. 5.'I (:3t
the d·egs. • 1,0Z1S G G NG!\ ::soul . 'IC -I •
- Meonv,.'hil~. rook tee S"'ONfung:;;s in not woter and soo<for 1·CW·lE"IGi -l ~ E:::, S.IC:'O
o:out 30 ininutes. ii"'Sethe snaNfungusond trim off tt"<: • 1 "! .6.ES?OONS ft -IE v1~EG!~
;-m port at the :me . Tearthe fungus·.,tos-no!ler ~es. • '!. O! dC~ ::; .. E !.N ?O'tfC. CUT NTO
- -horoognlycleon tN' oots·oeand ·nsic:l e o: ti!: porklu"'-gs, 5 7E·S !E? EC:'S
(~-~ them o.rt ,,,/th coo runVlgwa:e· un:ilthe ! • ~-~ CU"'S (50 : L OVtS 1. ·n ,s:
turn whi:e. Usea sho·p knifeto cut away tne t.'Ocheo and C-1,C(!'I O't " 0,\< 5'\ 0 i-1 :STOC<.

b"on&os,leovi".9 O<"~ the soft :,art of the lungs. Cut .nto "'':3E 90•01
1~-:0ch/4-cm chV"'.!S. • I 7f!SPOO'II S!~i. ?LUS :'X",\'
- :iringo .or9e souceoon of wote· too ooil.cod the lungs, TQi:SJE
g·"'.9er,ondvi"egor,and :oil for o:o..i 5 mil"",,..ies. Aoin, • ·~ if.!S"'OO'II G'tOU'll:l 'li - .iE ~:?"'E't ,
then thorougrly~ru t.nder cold runn·"".9water ontil m e =tus EXH' TO f!S~E no onger s T..ellof v'--egar. • ~,:3- T sors:u::, TO SE\'t'E
- lfl the some so;xepon, com~ t~ ..ngs, snov,.•fungus,
po·(, and oro:n (s:ock) onci br'~ to a bo overnigh neat .
Reo.xe to owheot, men simmerfo·cbo'..rt3 hoo.tS.Usea
slorteds:oon to remo11 e ono d:Scordtf"':oork {tf-..:oork will
hove no tcste cfter 3 hours),then stir ·n the aoricot-1:ernel
juice .Season ,...--=th
t~ sa;t end \\½-lite :,ep:,e·, oajust tne
seasoningto taste, o.ndtransfer the sou:. too tv-een.
- Serve'"'"th 'Sl:l'fsauce on the side c:so dipp·~ sauce :o.
the lungs.

- 121
l\!G.ON: Z-iEJ : "10
Pi\!P!.F{!·,oN i ML 10 \1 NUiES, i!§ ;o§"F-~ ~
=LuS 5 '/ll 'IUiES V !'( "l :t NO i ME
S! 'WES: 2
E'.:!i"£0! 123 BEEF SO UP

• 5 0!1 ISC 3 ~'(OUN:l ('/ll '11:EJ) 5!F • Mixthe :,eef•1,-=th £ tobespoons '"'ot e1 'no OO'YI:o,cl
• 1 Tf.l.$:"OONS SW!Ei po·qo SJ!'(CH set oS:de:o. 5 .T'W'lvt es. Sn. then trons:erthe oee:
o ;; CO'\NS-!i\CH :co ;;'ll=.ou = too coonc:lerto d·ain. =wturn the beef to the 00'....t
• 1 :u"S I\() r. OZ-.!i S M~ :-i :< ! N o,cl mixin 1t,eo;::,oonsweet :iotctostarcn.
a, o ·n =!.O! n
:sTO:i::. - 3ringti-': cf,;,ckenbroth (s:ock.}too :,oil·oo sa..cepo'l
• ·, fE:)"00'11 )l.lJ, EXF! overhig"lheat.Addt~ oee:cno salt, s::Irringcont·.....:a,,.s>y
101.r.sJE to seperote tne be-ef.
• I !GO 'Ii - -E 5E!iE ~ - Mixthe ·emoiningl i;,eo:;::,oon swe-et:iotcto storcn wi-.n
• ., fE:)"00'11SES.!'/llf O l 1table::ooon...,ate-·in o sT,aJ :,o·,- ono sf· mis mixtl..Je
• \ •psP O:J'I G~OUNJ W-i TE "i'"=H into the :,•oth. Bi.-r.gtoo boil,stirring,for~ secondsto
• \cu = :, OZ/IS~: C-i:=po tni(.(,e:1tne so..p.
: ,. ~'1-1\0 ::o ; ! 'IJ !'( ) " .US ! XH.r. • Slowlydrizi.einthe :,eaten egg whi:,eand use choosfcks
T03H'IIS - (OPTQ'II ! ~, to s~ ·'.lone d:recfo 1, mo~ strandsof egg. Sti. int~
sesameoil.,..., ...'te :,ep:,e·, o-r.oCOOn~ro (corio"'.Cl,e·
), t~'.l
seasonwi':hextra so}t totcste. Trons:ert~ sooo too
servi"'-9 0t turee'l o,cl garnish.....-'th
00'....t if us·...g.

i\!G ON: sn :..Nx ~',l'/3 ± ~ $ ~ ;li

Pi\!P!.F{!· ,oN i ME 10 \1 NUTES,
=LuS 15 '/ll 'IIUT!S SQ! )( "10 . \1! C H IN ESE HE RBAL
COO( l'II~ i M ! 1 -i OUi\ .!0 Ml'IIUiES
S!'( V! S: !.·o LA MB SOU P

• \ OZilC ~ ,_..U'IO5!!.~ \'f " V C!ll , - Soo<i:hed-iecltangerine:,eel ·o cod wcte· fo· 15miri,..ies
• ll520Z150C~50NEL!SS.!GC=L!W:', to soften,t~n dro·n.Scrapeo!!cnd discordthewhit,e
:ur NTOi~•ll•·'IC -i .'Q; }·:WSLCES ~Torone fromthe pee.
• Ii OZ;!C:J SO' (0'1 ~AO s- .cur INTO - ,-.,-ea."'""e, soo<theve-rnkelli;,.o bowlof colc:lwa:,e·
:-iUN«:S for10minu:es to soften,tne'l d·oin. Se:asia-e.
• •~cu: (li OZilO O 0'( ED5t.=·CI::=u'IIGUS. - Bringo argesouce:,onof watertoo xia, oda tne i0mb,
so ~TE'll! O ... COLO',\'!JE\ . s·: MS and olonchfor 1 TW'lvt e. )ra·'l o"'.dr'"':!e .....nder
.:i,1-'l:i~~=s-roR"I'lro ~t::;s - Comb·-..e the lomband 8cups (68 floz/2 lit-e-s) wcte-·in
, 1·:.!s:oo"I s..r.~r o lo·ge souce:,ononc:I:,:ingtoo :,oila,-e·hig:1heO!.Skim
the su-foceto tema,•eany froth0t scum. j..,..i ti-': medicinal
=oi\ i-i! ~E:l C ~ .l.,L-i!'i.:',S: ~-os in~oo spicebog, odo h to the pon, then reo.xe to aN
• 1·30'\ED- : 'IOE" 'II! PEE.S ri:ot, and Simmer, covered,forabout 1 nour.Adotne rod:n
• ·~OZ,'IC ~ :. N;j ! l C ! ".DOT,S. CEJ and s·cr.mer :o. another 30 m·"'-ies.ReTcve o-r.od:SC:ord
• I 0!.,'25 G G INGE'((.:.SOVi 2· ~: -i the sj)ce bog.S:irthe boc< fungus and \'e-·micel!i·ntothe
s-:v•~!N~i-i ~ : :E S~ CEJ SOU'j 1 :("ing too xia, and season"'"tntne salt. Trcns:ert~
• ·~oz,·1c~s.cEJa> Z-iU soo:itoo tu-eeno· loci-:·nto ind'viclual OO'Nls and serve.
• i :LO\'ES



, .
~ .
.:.. __,
.. .,
\, 'l

.. 'f

1 '·"'- • ,
l'<tSTtMt SCUP
f E
\ A
s r
H 0
i\!G ON: c-1.:.
:¥11 o ;it ~ 8 §§
:,LUS 1IJ M '\lu·n S,C,!(1'11:j.i YE CHA OZ HOU- STYLE
COO( l'll:j. - '1!: 15 Iii 'IIUiES

• S O'I EJ Q_!.(( 1'/US-l'IOOWS - ~it~ musnrooms.ntoo oowl,.cover•.-.."th cold...,cter,and

• I :1· t S. 450·3: 'II - 7E "OW'l!i O'I soak to· <l'! eos: 20 -n·nu::es,or U"'ti softened. Remo\<ett"':
l'IIY 'II - TE~ S- CL!.'N!O !NJ mush·ooms,squeezed-y, and disco.,,:! ti!: stems. Cu. into
'I NS!J min slices.
, 1 r:aus=oo.,. 1c: ·"'· NE
11; e, us.eo sharp (ni:e to ma(e 2-3 s.osneson each
- MeonY-.1'1il
• I Tf!.S"OONS s:n side of me fishand ocn d-y. Mix::ne...,·~ •.-.."th
• \ O! · 10 :j. " 0 " < ~:r5 ,:,:(, CUT NTO salt 'n o STICH 'X/h ruo o everthe fisn.·•,,fo-: and out,
i-1 'II SF ""S o,cl marino:e for 15minu:es.
• I TPS"OON COR'IISJ!'IC - - Combinethe pork fotbockv.-'t"ii teosooon cor~torch
:::oR'll =LOUR) (cornflour};,-. o'."'Otcer
oowland :nix\\,el. Set aside.
• !. s,::..L .. IONS :SP" NG O"IIONS;, - _ineo heat oroo:olo:e with the scallion{~oting onion}
2 SifVS cu· .... -o I !.·Clil S!G\1ENTS stems and piece tne fishoo too. ~ the gingerslices on
:.'1101 Sri" EJJEO top of tl"': fisho.nd~ in:o o co oosiblepot or bc.mboo
• I oz;s~ 3 G NG! " f:.sou· l· NCH,• steoTe·cver o :,ot of bo cgwoter. Steam,co-.-e·ed , :o.
2.5·Clil· ..E"ll:j.i-l "ECE : - : ~r 8-l{l ~lit es.or U"'tilc00<e-omrough.Ccre'i.ify-emovethe
S-!ll;EO:l!J :..NJ H! L: s~CO pate f•~ tne steoTer end discordthe gingerand scallion
• 2 J!S L!S"OONS \'!GEP.S~E O t stems. Fb..rthe steoTeo jdces me plate i"'too bowl
• \ oz, 10 :j. u:.'11 =o.,< o ,cl reseNe.Spr·".(le the 'ish \\"t :1 &e snredcledscoflions
• \ O! · 10 :j. '"'IES!,\\'EO MUST!'ID o,cl put on o se-vingplate.
:l ,\!E'IIS l"I; MM!J. i\ NSE:l, !"ID - ;e,ot ::nevegetooleoil ·no wokor ors-=s(illet {fryingoon}.
S~ICEO Add tl"': snreddedgi'lge!, lean pork.oork fotbock,mus:ord
• I iOW:JO , SEEJEO !.'IIJ Clli '11 -0 g·eens, ond m...snroomsond stir.::y C>\'e' hig'l hem :<Y
a " ECES 2-3 m·.,.,ies ..r.tilfrog·ont.Addthe tomo:o, Otine<...e celery,
• I SJ!.~I( :: - 'IIESECHEi\Y, ClJT ,ro remo·vig 15t-:os::,oonsot, o"'.dthe re1er\<eO steoTed jdces
n.· "IC- ·l•CY L!N3~HS the 'ish and sti·.!-y fo· o-r_other 1minute, 4..ntitne
• \ -f!.SPO O'II sts:.1,1:: 0 L po·( is C00<!:-0 throug"'i.Addt~ sesame oi.
• STE!\1!0 "1;1C! =!:lE S.dC TO SE'WE - Mixthe ·ema.i'lingii teaspoon co·nsta·ch wi::nii toblesooon
wa:e· in o smol oo.., one!st·· tnis mixtureJ'ltotl"':wok.
Bringtoo xia, s:irring,:<Y 30 secondstoth'd: .en tee sooce.
FburO'o'er the 'ish and se·\'ew ith rice.

128 '" S~ &, SE,!.FOOD

Yi 'c& =:o O'I: :::-;:.oz-iou
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU7ES.
FISH " lUS j -IOU,'\) S!..L- 'II~ TIY !
COOK ~G i WE: 11·15 \1 NUTES
RICE SE'Wfi !.

Whe'l Choozhoufisne·men'.-.entto sea, t~ carriedfew • i 'i lS 5·0Z1GCC·~ :::o:i - .!..Laut,

sup:-►~s ot -rert cGn coarse soi. -riey·eliedon me -isht cey o;; ! \/YS ! .f'h !.TE't = S-i, :::lf!'lfJ
coug"ltc:stne-'1mo.flsource cf "'O..Jisnment. To~e:,ore ! '10 ~ l~SEO
it. theywOtJldsalt me fish. no ~ r'.,onclthen set it aside • l)i ·! .6.ESi"OO~S 5!£ $£3
to cool.Ser\'eOm ·oomte -rioerotu·e, t:lis reve1eoregiond • i · .!6 .ESi"OONS =u"l'"IG OE!'I ~!Sf:
d:n is widely<nowno:s"'1shrice" to teoresentme simple • I -!5 .Es~o oN ',\'-;~E v N!G!'t
irepora:bn. • SE!MEJ-" CE IP!.G! '.:.!0), TO SE'tv'E

- ~ubt"'e fis:nwi-.nthe sea sot :Os:d e oc0 OU'! and :norinote

i;\tf"': refrigero:orfor ot eon 2 hours.
- =-.acethe f:s"lon o "'ectjYoof pate ooclout in-.oo
collopsib-eoot or DOmboos:,ecme·overo :,ot of~
wo:er.Steam, cove·ed,for l►l~ minu:est.nttCOO(ed
throug...,.Carefdly ·eTou: me fishand df'CJIthe j..LJc es the plate. Setaside to coo completely.
- Meom111hil~ . maket-redipp;ngsauce bf como·ningtne
beo'l pos:e onoV--egor·'l o smo!Ioovl.
- Whenthe ~sh hos cooed, use o oo·· o: scissorsto cut ooen
the skil o 0"'.9the bock o:t ~ fisn,from "'eoclto toil. _;~
o!!ono discordthe-ish s.(in~fore serv'-r.gthe-ish togethe1
wi-.nthe dff:,oingsouc-:on the side.Ser\<e v.-'t"ric-:.

~ 129
i\!G ON: -ION~ <0'11~ ~ ;t~ ~'& Yi
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUES,
=LuS 151'1 '\IUES V!:\ ,£IN~
COO(l'II~. '1! JJ v NUHS

• \ ·t:.SPO O'II s,1.~1 - ~ubtce sa;t ·nto me fish.oloce it irr.oo sholaNd::s:'\.o,cl

• I ·1~52·02,500·0: S.'it"!VU'IIJ, set oS:de:o. 15minutes.
Clf!'IIEJ !.'110" 'IISEO - Mixthe :.oc..<::ieo'.l paste ·-..gredi
ents toget~· in:o o bowl.
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ Spreadtee ooste e'o<e"o/owr the fu"'i.
• I sc:.L 0'11 :SP" NG O'IIION), - :).ocethe fu"l ino collo~-: pot <Y borr:ooos:eomer
CUT i'\l·o ~- "IC - ·S·CM 1..E'll~·H s. overo pot of roilingwoter.Steam,covereo,for 8 minute--~
i-1!'11 S- ":: ODD or urd cook.eel th-ougn.
- ;eat me small Hillet {fryingOO"l). Trons:erthe
=01t i-1! Sl.:.::1: SE!.N "! STE steoTeo fishtooserv'-r.g:.ote,drizi.e owrthewo·moi.
• I l!.D CH l!, SE!OD !'110: 'IIE~Y men spti.c(lea.-e·tne snreddedsco!!io'1 {soringonion}
S-l'tEOJ!J o,cl se.rve.
• I f:3lES"00~ =E=tlilE'lliEO SL.!.,CI(
5E!'IIS." '!SEO :..NJ C-10""!0
• 3 ClO ...ES ;j!\l C. C-10""!0
• ·~ lE!.)"00'11 ~ ~ - i SOYsw:E
• •, fE!)"00'113't!"IU.!f:Q SU3 H

i\!G ON: -ION~ <0'11~

P:\!P!.:\!.,ON i ML 10 \1 NUTES
S!'WES: .!

• I.! OZ .!JOG COJ O't !"l'f: 'tM - jot tt"<:fishr'-:ts d-ywithp0?er tov,.-e_s.Com:inetr-':fisn,
\\-1 ·t : S- : L..ETS salt, ooclcorns:orch(corn"l00t)ino lo-gejO\t,~ o,cl set
• •~TE.!)"00'11 S.'li aside for 5 minutes.)ride in~ tob espoonoilend mixwel
• I Tf!S"OON COR'IISJ:'tC - - :).ocethe f'.n on o ~tp-oof pate :iot in:oo
::01t'll =LOU:\) co lopsibe oat or :,omboosteoT~· overo ;iot of bo"'...g
• I J,!5L!S=ooNS \'EG!J::.LE O ~ wo:e·.Steom f0t 8 minutes,or unt coo<edi:hrougn.
• 2 Srl'llOTS, C- 0 ""! 0 ReT'O\'eme fish,(eep V.'Orm, ono discordt ce steomeo
• 2 :::~ov·,;5
O.'R.IC,CHO'"=f:i -ishju·cesfromt~ plate.
• " NCH o = G\OU'IIJ \\'-I ·t "EPPB. - ;eat l tobespooooil inowok.or crgeskii.P-te:-yingpo~},
• I ~1.,:.,1 T"YSOYaP'II Cit S"S cod the she ots, ond stir•::')'a.-e·mediumheat fo, 1mil"",,
until frog·o.nt.Stirinthe garlic0"'.0'1<"'te:,e:,oe!, cdclthe
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1:: =:.~E S.!C "IOODL!S. crisos,o.r,c:Is:ir-fry:Wefy.Ploceave· tt"":fisho.ncl
o ;; aor~D "Oi!TO!S, TO SE'WE servewi:h .ice, "'OOdles, o· po:o:oes.

130 '" S~ &, SE,! FOOD

i;.'(~f -. W
ii ta "!G 0'1: - O'II~ fCONG
"";!"H!f 0'11 i VE: S v "IUTES,
STEA M ED SAL TED " lUS i -IOUiU 0'(!1'11''11~ i.VE
COOK ~G i ME 8 v "iUiES

- ~insethe "ish t.nder cold runn·"".9woter,out on o "'eotptoof • i ;i l6 5·0!.'GCC·~: i,.:::,$ -

pate, and tojw'th the gi'lger.,ubtt"":fisn,:Os:d e ono OU'!, C~f!'ll!J !'IJ " NSD
wi-.nthe sot o.nd:.oce 'ton o steoTW'l9·oc..< O.'lO olcr.e. , 1 ·!a .::s:ooN co.!,sf S!.t
to e: me ...,ateroroin from tt"<:fisn
Set aside!o· 2 "' • ~ 01,'10 G G "IG!'I . !.60Ui \·l"iC -
(no need to refrigerc:eas the so twill ~eserve t-r.efisn). 2·CW·l:NGT -i "ECE J, S- 1\!00EJ
- ~insethe -9sh,.-.-'th
v.'Oter,,ovton o -r.eotproo:plate, o"'.d • i -! ,5.ESPOONS VEO!f!3lf or.
topwithtne gi¥·· Poce the -ish in o co lopsibe oot • Sf::!MEJ-" CE IP!.G! '.:.!0), iO SE'tv'E
or boT-00osteome1a.-e·o ootof bo ng, e1. Stea~
covered,for 6-7 minu:es.or U-"'tilco0<eo::nroug...,.
- ;ea;: me oil ;no smol 5.(il!et{frying pan) overnigh heat
:CX'1m·.,.,ie, or untilthoroughlyheo:-ed.0--izzlec,,-e·tne
-ish and se~ e witn(ce.

;j ~~ §fa "!0 0'1: S-IUNDE

""!"H!f 0'1 i "1E: 15 V NU TES,
STEA MED =tus JC y; NU.ES SC! (1'13 i "1E
COOK "IG i "1E: IC y; NU.ES

tt"':mushrooms;ntoo oow,ccver '1,-'thcoowoter,and

- j,....-t , .! J" ED u.,::< vusn:i:
soo<:<Y ot eon 20 minu:es,or u.nt softened. Remoo.<e tr>': • i ;i lS 1·0!!5:J:J·O: F.OU'IIJ!"
mus"l•ooms,squeezed-y, and discorotne stems. Cl.rtinto ::.f!'l!J !'IJ " NSD
thins ,ces. , '" l!!.s=ooN S!.LJ
- j,.,._itr>':fisn ooo olo:e, ru'jwithtne salt, onclsetosic:lef0t • 1 O!:SC 3 .f!.N " 01\( ::u- NTO
10~ut es. :OO·out mewote· fromtee olo:-eand pot the = ~EST't "S
'ish drywitn ~oe· to-...els. i!!.s=ooN l 3HT SOY)!U::E
- Combinethe x,rk, soyrouce, and CQ<'t"'Sto·ch (corn!\ou·} , '" l!!.s=ooN CC'!;'ISt:\:: -
inooow a,dmixwe. :::oi\'ll =Lou=tJ
- )ist~e 1:hechiveseve"!~on o ~tp--oof pate o,d • } OZ/100 G YE.LO'I, ::-11\'ES,CUT
poce the f".s,on top. '11.0 1· "ICH.•S•Cy; l!'IYHS
- Mixthe .Tr!...snrooms, ginger,and porkwitn U$teospoo-rsoil • 1 ozn"0 0 NO!~ ',!,60Ui \·l"iC -
ino oowl,.then ?OCeon top of the 'ish. Pieceme plate on 2·C"1·l:NGT -I "E::E ;. S- 1\!00EJ
o steom·""9·ock in a wok.of:ding water. Steam, covered,. • 1·~ i!S.ESPOO'IIS vE~f - ,!a .:: 0 l
:o. o:o..i 8 mJ"IAes,or untilcook.eatruoogn. • '.11i!!.s=oo~ 3'!;0U'IIO 'l,H E '"E""!'t
- ~emovefrom the \\-o!, spr'"!.!lewit.nwnite oe:,oer,and • I ~-'L~IO"I :S"\ 1'13 ON 0'11
top with me cnooped sec ~ (spr'-r.gon·o,). Heat t~ ::-10==::o
remo'.riing2tobespoonsoi in o s~I sktet (fryi"-9:,on)
o,d drizzl~o-.-e- me fish.Ser\•ewithr'ce.

i\!G ON: -ION~ <0'11::3. :i ~£ ilia
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES
COO(l'll::3.. '1! 11 \1 NUTES STEA M ED
S!'WES: 4
E'.:!i,..l..O! 1~5 GRO UPER

• I :1 .5 S·OZ:~:J:J·~: OUEENSP.NJ - ~it~ so..ce ·...gre-d'i ents ·nto o DO\•:I.

:lROU'"B OR !.NY f :\V W-1 T: f S-1, set oS:de.
Clf!"IIEJ !."110,, 'IISEO - j.oce the fa'l on o ~tp-oof pate :iot in:oo oomboo
• 2 T!SL!S"OONS \'!GET!S~E 0 steoT~·cver o :,ot of bo,1e"".9 water. Steam,ca,-e·ed,:<Y
•·~oz,,10 ::3.::3.'11:lE't !Sou·\· 'IIC-1,' OXll..i~ ~lit es, or u'tlil cookeo mroug"'i.D-aino·,.ay
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE), S- 1\!0DD me steoTed fishjuicescollectedO.'l me plate.
• i SC !l~ O"IIS (S"'t '\1::3.ON O'\IS), - Combinethe sauce witn l. tco es:,oonswo:e· in o sktet:
S-l'tEO:l!J (fryingoo~) end br'"".9too boil,tne:1remove fromthe
• STE!\1!0 "1;1C! "'!:lE S.dC TO SE'WE hea;:o.."'.d
»...r a.-e· ti!: fish.
- Wipethe skllet ,,.,'1hooper towels,ood the oil,ono set ove1
=o=t T-1! SPEC !L SOY S.!UCE: mediumhem :<Y1~ut e until morooghlyheo-.ed.Sfr in
• j T!SL!S"OONS •. ~-IT SOY S!UCE me shreddedgingerand oour ove1the 'ish. fop with the
• i i:!.S"OO'IIS ~ S-1 S!.UCE sca.Jions(spri."'.9o ..~s) cno se-vewitn (ce.
• i Tf'S,.OONS O\!"IUPTEO SUO!:\
, \ .f!SPO O'II G~OUNJ \\-1 TE ,,P"'E't

i\!G.ON: C-1.!.0Z -IOU

P:\!P!.:\!·,oN T ML 10 \1 NUTES,
"'LUS 3 -IOU:\S 1,1::> N.!i '\1::3.
• \1! CHA OZH OU
COO(l'\1::3.. '1!: l:J ._. NUTES

, 1 :1 ~a2-oz,soo·o: w-1.TE ci\o:<:,, - Use o s"'.a.-okn::eto make 5-6d:epcuts (to the bone)
• i T!SL!S"OONS :l.'1'( SOY 5,r.ucE on each SC!erf the -isn,O'l o 45a~re-: 01"19'=towora tl'..e
• •~ PS.ES,,:)0'\I,, CE '11 '\IE
heod. ~ Ot"'.ged a.i O.CNSus to .ote1insertslicesof ginger
• I T!5L!S"'00"1 ::3.'11:lE\JU CE withOl.t! fof"'-9o ..t)
• I Tf!.S:>OONS :l\!"IUPTEO SUO!:\ - Corr:i.."'.e
the OOrk. soysauce,'"'ine, gingerjuu. s-~. end
• •~ TE!S,,00'11 S.'li salt ;,..o smell XYNIo "'4 mix we-
• \ OZiiO G ::;.1'11::;E't!SOUi H'\IC-1 - '\Sett o sliceof gt,~r ·"to eochcut on the -ishon :oth sides.
2.S·CW·~E"ll::3.T-1"EC E; S.ICEO Transfe·the 'ish too :late, drizzlethe morinoaeon too, ca.-er
• li ::u"'f4 ~ ~ C·Z·'120
\1~. Vf.i~ ·! ,~.f O L witho.asticwrap (G.V,.,,t, o~eet
onc:Ipieceo \\<ei9h:y
• STE!\1!0 "1;1C! "'!:lE S.dC TO SE'WE (s,.:chcs o DO',. of wate-·)on top. Marinatein the re:ngerot<Y
:or8 hours,turningthe fis.nove1once OJrir-9morinotir-9.
- kord ti!: moliro:leond pct ti!: fishdrywithooper tO'NE-.S.
- -ieotthe oi in o wokove-·medl.rn-lowheat. ood tf"'..e i:sh.
ono oon-fryfoe5 mirdes on each side until:,ra,;n onc:I
to o o.ote and se.rve\\~h rice.

'" S~ &, SE,! FOOD

i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'11~
P:\!P!:\qON i ME: IS Iii 'IIUES
COO(l'II~. '1!: I~._. NUHS TURB O T W ITH
S!'WES: 4

• I :1 .5 S·0Z:~~~·3: iU't50·. - =>attt"<:fishorywitn paoer towe.s.Soltboth s·aes

;.,_OU'IIJ!'t OR; !\/YF~'l • SH. o: tl"':fisho.ndmarinate for 5 m·"'.ies. Poce the -ish
Clf!'IIEJ !."110:, 'IISEO on o ""Wtp--oof pate.
• ·~ TE!s:oo'II s.,n - ~inseme preservedcob.:>oge in coldwate·,squeezed-y.
• 2 J!5L:s:ooNS i !\/JI\/ ;'tESE't \'!0 o,cl cnop.Com~ t "\e ore;:er\<ed cobboge,sugor,and
:::35:0: >$taole;:ooono ino 'Xlh :n,i)(\\,eli,andovtontooof
• I f:!.s=-ooN Gi't!"IIUlVO SUG!'t me -ish.Piecetne fishintoo cello~-=-e pm or bo"l'\:00
• 2 f!5L!S"OONS VEG!l!3lE OI~ steoT~·over o :,ot of bo,1e"'.9
water. Steam,co-,-e·ed,:<Y
. s s::.,wONS (SP:\ NG 0'110NS). 7-8 TW'lvt es.or U-"'til
:: - o:::o me pate f•o,-,me steoT..erand sorink.'.e overthe chop:,eo
- ;eat m e remoi"'1"92 to.ole1:>00ns oi in o sTJOII
(frying001) over nigh neat. Pourthe "'Otoil O'o-e·tne
-ish and se-veimT..ecrote!ywi:h 'Xe.

i\!G.ON: Z-IEJ : "IG

P:\!P!:\qON i ME: 10 y; NUiES,
:,LUS }0 VINUES \';,!:\ ~:t '113i WE RIBB ON FISH
COO(l'II~. '1!: I~._. NUHS

• I :1 ~5 S·OZ,'~~~·3: i\ 630N' 5"" - ~emoveonc:Id:sco·a tne head and toi of the fisn.Usingo
Clf!"IIEJ !."110:, 'IISEO sho·o knife, cu. me fish into£.inc.n/10-cm-lo-r_g p·ecesand
, 1 rps=-ooN 5:3 mQ.(e2s osneson eoch sio-:of eoch :iece.Trons:ertt"<:fisn
• ·~ iE!S:oo'II G'tOU'IIJ 'Ii - iE ::p:l't too bowl,odd t~ sa;t end \\½-lite oe-ooer,onc:Imarinate for
• I if!S=-ooN COR;'\ISJ!'tC- o»..i 30 .rw'lvtes. =>ctdry with paoe· to-Misand dredge
:::oR;'\l=LOUR;) lig.,.,t!yvlthtl"':cor"'Storch(corn-ioor).
• I cu: :a· - oz:j5~ ..._ VE;jfi.!5L! 0 l - ;eat me vegetoole oil ·no wok.or orge Hillet (frying
, ',\OZ ·5 G G ~G!'t :sour·~· NCH· pen) to 3l-OOF/17~or un:ilo cuoe of oreod orov,:ns·o
1·Clil·L!NGi-l ; ECEJ,S- 1\!0DEJ !5 seconds.Adotne fishand de,ep-!-yfor} minutesV'"'t
O.'R.IC Sl :;;t;i
• 2 :::~ov·,;5 go a~" bro-,;n,Alpover,and d:ep-:-yforo "Other} mi~•Aes
• i SC!ll 0"115(S:'t .'11~ON 0'115), untilcooked tnro.;gh.Use o s..otteds:ioonto corefu'fy
5-l'tEOJ!J removet"\e fisn:'Omt"\e oi o,cl crain on paoer tO\\'!?.S.
. s .!5 .:s =ooNS Z- E'IIJl!,NG O't out most d t"\e oi, -:ovingabout 1taole;:::,oon
- =>o...s ·.\ me
5!l5!V CV N!G!'t wok..Md the gi'lgero.ndgarlico ".clS:::r •fry overmedium
• i JE.!S=-OONSG't!"IUL!iEO SUG!:\ hea;:for 1 TW'lvt e 1..nti:-og·ant.Add t "\e fisn,scallions
, 1 r:aus:oo~ L 3Hi sor s:.u::: (springon·Ot"\S}, vinego·,sugo•,soysooce,Shooxingwine,
• I fE!.s=-ooN ) -1!,QXl'II~ ''II' NE o,cl Sich,.;onoe-:>oer oil and sovte for 1minuie untilthe
• ·, u:s:oo'II SIC-!U!'II ::::.::\ 0 L sauce tnic.<ens.,emove too :.ate and o.rizz,.e over the
• ·~ u:s:oo'II SES.!Wf o ~ se;:a.meoil.Servewitn (ce.
• )}E:y;:o "1;1C! =!;jE S.dC TO SE'WE

'" $~ &, SE.! FOOD

~ ~ ft Ox n: i\!G ON: -IO'I:; <0'11~
P,\!P!.i\!i,ON T WE: l~ v "llJES,
FISH MAW W ITH :-~usa·~HOU"IS )Q!..J( NG . M!
COOi.i'ii~. \1! 25 'fl 'IIUT!S

- Soo<tne dris-ofisnmaNioo :,owl of •1,ormv.'Ot e-1 ~r ooout • !.OZ:12C G .J ~ ED : 1sn ,ow

30 minutes un-1 sdt. iinse v.,ell~r cold 'WW'ling • 1 OZISJ G G NO!,'!; ::sour}· '11:::1,
- =-1 o .orgesaxeoon wi-.ncoov.cte·,oc:ldthe-ish TC-Nanci 1-S·:::1o1·~E'll~J-;"ECE S~1:::EO
hdf tt"<: gir,ge·,and :ring too :o. . Boilfoe10minu:-es.Cove1 • S·IO :l't !O 5L!-C( MUS-i\ 00\1$
o"'.citum off me neat. Sookowrnigtn :orot ~st 8 hours. f • 2 J!5L:'S"00NS VEGEi!S.E 01~
::nefisnmow is -rot su!ficientfysoft, reoeat the aboves:-eps. • I J:5L:'5"'00N 'l;,C:' ·-1o·,E
- )rain the fisn moward rel'l"IO'l,·e any ~O',.~s:>Ots. • I :::u:--:a : L OV2SJ ...... c-; (l(f~
- j..,..itr>':mushrooms .nto o OO'YI:, cover•.-.-=th cod '"'oter, and :'!;or-; :s1oc<. P.!~E 90l
soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or u-nf•softened. Remo-.-e tN' • 1 J:5L:'S,,.00NS OYS"':"B. )!.UCE
mus-,•ooms,squeezed-y, and discorotne stems. Combi-re • I JE!S,,.OON s: .. " lUS f):l'(.:
me musnrooms\,-:'th1toble5?XOvegetobe oil.W!erve · o .! STE
me t.quid. • I if!.S,,.OON G~!'!Utro suo:'I;
- ;e,ot 1to»spoon v=S'=:obleoilin ow0<or a·g= s<fe: • 3 ~-'L~IO"IS ,:s?,'1;NO O"IIONS;
(fry'~ po.n) over me-d'ium - rP3,hhea-.,ado t -re·emoining CUT \/TO I,• '1:::-; :.!.•CW ~E"IGT-iS
g·"'-q€r, and ti -'iy for1 n.,i..rte.,6ddthe musnrooms,rice • I if!.S,,.OON S!SWE OI~
wine,chick.en xo:n (stoo:), reservedm...-s., ·ooenv.'Ot er, • sJE:1,1:0 'I;,:::: :--:3f S.dC). 10 SE~VE
oys:.:e· sc:-xe,salt, and sugarand oringtoo ooi.
- Addthe-fishrnav,.•,reduceto b,,, ~.. end srM".E-1, eo,,e,·ed,
~r 5 tT'inutES .Unco'llertt'ewokend increaseto tql "\eO't,the-'l fc, another5 mirw...r:e:s
s.."'ri to -sd.Jcethe sauce.Ao:Ithe
scola'ls (s_:ri1"9 Ct'..OOS)andsesameoil.Seaso.'ltotos:-e, mix
....-eiL too plate.Serve'Nith6:e.

~!m* Yi ,,.::oO'I: :::-;:oz-;ou

,,.,,.!,,.H!J 0'1 i.VE: S \I "IUTES,
PAN-FRIED " lUS 30 W''IUT!S Si.!>;;D,"IGi ME

• US:ngo shoJJo<ni:e,CU'! the 'ish in:o 2¼-:0ch/6-cm-long • I \l!·OZ/.dJC·3 ,,. 530"FIS - ,

TJO(e2 slosheson eoch sicleof eoch ,oiece :::~f!'l:J :'l;;i 1 NHJ
cf fun. Co~oine the 'ish and salt in o 'XI,. ono set aside • I 7f!SPOO'II S!~i
for 30 ~ut es. =>otdrywth ooper ta1.elsonclaredg,= • 1 ·: .6.ES?OONS :::O'!;NSi!\:::-;
lightlywi:h the ccrns:orcn (cornflour}. ::::O,'t'l: LOU'!;)
- ;ea;: me oil ;no lo·g,=s(illet {fryingoon} ove1~h ~at. • 1 ·: .s.ES?OONS VEO!i!5lE or~
ado ti!: fish,and fryto· o:o..i IOseco"'.Ck. Rea.xe to O'N • SJ!!"lfJ R CE :P!.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
heotand COO( for 5-6 minutes on eoch side un:il :l"O'~..ed.
Trons:ertoo :iote end serve•.-.."th rice .
i\!G ON: c -1.:..oz -1ou 1::§~ 'txfll~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUiES,
:,LUS }0 VINVES SQ.!( '11:j.i ME FISH MAW
COO(l'll:j.. ~E }0 'fl 'IIUiES

• \0!·I0:j.3'113E~ '!Sou · \·'IIC-1' - 3ring£¼cups (34 floz/1 l"le1)•.-.ater too :4 oo::Ithe

2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE),Sl C!J g·~e·, o"'.dXii 'o ·'lvtes. Ado::nefish mow, :,ring
• I OZ:25 G =wr •E:i F s- M!.~·. :\ NSEJ to O"'Otherooil, cove·, O"'.O rum off tne heat. Let s:o"'.dfor
• I T!3lES"00~ 0~ !J S-l~IM= 30minutes.0-oin and ~.nsetr-':fisn TIO'A',sa,:eezeory.and
• !.01\ EJ S_!C( 'l'IUS- 1\00I-IS cut in:o2-inch/5-cm engths.
• I f!SL:s=oo ... VE3Ef!5L! 0 l • Meonv,mil ·" o smell ooYo~o: coo
e, SOC.( the o.rieclshrw-no
• S ClO\'ES :;j!~l C '"E:L!O wo:e· :or S minutes to softe'1.
, 'f.C!~:\Oi 5.ICEO - ~it~ musnrooms.ntoo ooYo\ coverw'th cold...,ater,and
• ·~ $1,';!L~N !p! C !35!0!, ClJT NTO sock to· <l'! eos: 20 -n·nu::es,or U-"'tisoftened. Remo\<e tt"':
2· NCH.•S•::y; 1..E'113i-lS mush·ooms,squeezed-y,and disco.,,:! ti!: stems. Cu. eoc.n
• I Tf!.S"OON F S-1 S.!UCE mush·oom·oho f o,cl set aside.
• •~iE£5"00'113~!"1U.!f:Q SU3 H - ;eat me \\'O.(or crge skte: f-ying pon},odd the
, •,cuP !.F ~OZillO'fll)C-IC(!N garlic,-ish mow,d'½o shrim:i,mushrooms,co·rot, Nope
sito·n :slO:::i::.
:,! .&!n cobboge,-ishro ...ce. sugar,and chicke'1broth (s:ock),one
• I ST!.!:: C- l'llfSE CHE:\Y, .!!,y'f5 IY-1'19
too IJo:I . Reo.xe to aN"'ect and s·mmer,cove1ed,for
~EMOV!O .:.,NJ CUT 1,To n.· 'IIC- ISminuies.St·· in t"\e Otinese cele.ryondcoo<'or o"'Other
}•CV L!NYHS 1minuie.Mixthe corns:orch(cornfo..r) witn ~ toblesooon
• •~iE!5"00'11 CO~NSP~C-1 wo:e· in o smol be,.., and st·· it into the\\'O.(.&-ingtoo
::::O:\'ll' LOIJ:\) bot stirring,fo•30seconds to th·c1:=-n the sauce. Season
• S!.T iO 1:.51: wr..nsot. then transfer too se-vingplote.

i\!G ON: c-1.:..oz-1ou §~ ~~ ~Yi

P:\!P!.:\!·,oN i ML 10 y; NUTH,
=LuS 15 'fl 'lllJT:S S!.T '11:j.i,M! SEA BREA M
COO(l'\l:j.. ~E }0 'fl 'IIUTES

• I :t.d·OZ ":JC·3 Sf! 51\!!y; C~f!N!O - ~ubt "\e fisno overw~hsoltcno set os3de:or 15minuies.
• •~iE!5"00'11 S.'li !=btdry withpo~1 tov,.•e_s.
• !. .!6 ~E5F'OO~S\if;jfi.!5L! Oil - ;eat 2toblespoonsoi in o orge sltiret e:-yingpo~).
• I f!SL:s=oo ... COl\'IISf!'tC - ligh:}ydreagett"': fishwith corns:orch (co·nflour}and odd
;;oi\'l ' I.OIJRl to the ski:'-::.:lc"°fry over CIN ,-,eat on eoc.nsic!eforooou.
• ·~oz,,10 3 3 '113E't !Sou·\· 'IIC-1,' 5 minutes ontilgoloenbf'O',,'"'I. -ronsfer too plote.
2•CV•L!NUT - "ECE ,, Sl C!J - ;eat me remoi"'1"92 to.oles:~ns oi in tr-':s<illetcvernigh
.; oz ·n:J:; .:i ..r. <O'II '\.l.J s- cvT ,To hea;:a.."'.d$::;r.frytne gingerfor1minute un~ilftog·o.nt.Stir
2· NCH.•S•::y; Sl C!S in tt"': )o <on1Jd:S:1, s..:gor,o"'.df".n sauce and por in t"\e
• •, fE!)"00'113~!"1U.!J:Q SU3 H cnic..<e'1 broth (s-.ock).B·;ngtoo boi reduceto mediu-n
• I Tf!S"OON F S-1 S.!UCE hem, ond coo<for o:o..i ISminutes,or un:ilthe roclisn
• I :u= :a
' L OZ:'25:J .... C-1 ci:E, is cooked.Adelthe fu"\ chile,and Oiinese celery,ond COO.(
sito·n :,! .&! n
:slO:::i::. :o. onother2 m·.,_ies.Tro"'Sfe·too serv'~ :.ate.
• I \0 CH l!, SE!OD !'110 CUT
'IITO Silt")
• I SJ!.K C- 'IIESECHEi\Y, n,,vvE0
!'110 CUT MOJ·:'IIC-l,5·CW 5.ICES

136 '" $~ &, SE,! FOOD

'f tlUI ~lli "!G 0'1: - O'II~ fCONG
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU7ES.
SAUTEED " lUS ill \1 NU "fi SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
COOK ~G i ME ill M '\IU"fi

- j..,..i tr>':mushrooms.nto o OO'YI:, cover,.-.-=th

cod '"'oter, and • ~ J~ ED :,l.tC( YUSH'1:00YS
soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or u-nf•softened. Remo-.-e tN' • I \I l6 S·Oi:iOCC•;;: Y :..NG'1:0\'!
mus-,•ooms,squeezed-y, one!discorotne stems. Dice,men '!;EDSN:=pn,, CL!:'IIEJ ! ND /l;l"IS!J
set aside. r:::..s:oo,s:..L
• ".us ex.r:t:.
- Use o s,orp ,:nifeto mokE1sho!laNc1...i on each s·de of the 101:sn
'ish, rub in the s0ct,one!set c:s·&, for 10TW'lvt es. :lo;: me • I CU" (8 "L OViSC "1L
-ish dryinsideooclo..i ,...~h po:,er towels. vE;;E·:.o .E O L
- ;em me oil .nO\\'Ok.Ot orge sUet (f-yingpo,} to • ~ OZ '20 G PQ'l;I( f! .TO!.C(. CUT NTO
300Cf/1WC,or...ntilocu:ieof :,reo:I:,ro,,-msin Um·.,utes. •i'IIC-1,'l•CW DICE
Ado ti!: fish o.nddeep.!-y for 8-10 -n·nutes...ntilcoo<eo • i ClOV!S 3:.'1;~1::.3'1;!fEJ
throug:1o,d gooe, brown.Use o s.otted s:ioonto corefulfy • ~ H.!S"OO'IIS o~:.r::o;; 'll;jE'I;
remo\<e~ fisn f-om tt"<: oil and croin on :,ooer tO'A.·e.s. • } s.:::..~10NS :S""' '113O"IIONS,
- :la.,rout most d tf"':0 11. eovingabout 1toole::ooon·.\ = ,E~Y CHO'"'"EJ
the wok.lieot over.Teer..m -r.eot. odd t ce oork fotbock, • i l\!O CH L!S, S!EO!J :'110 C-IOPfO
garlic, g·~e·, o".d scallions (spring Ot'~s) oncistir-fry • i 01\ D '!;EOC-1 .!S, CUT
:0( 1m·.... -te U""ti frog.ram.Adotne fre1:'l o"lOd-ieclch es, 1'11
•0 •~· '\IC-I l•CY" !CES
p·eservedmustard, and mushroomsand stir.:-y fo· • i OZ:SC 3 SIC-!U!'II "'l;ESE\\'EJ
1mi""I.J'te. i in the soysauces, s-,.;gor,
~... and 4 tobespoons MUSf:'1;0 3'1;E:'IIS.H \1YEO. I\ NS!O,
wo:er,oring too ooil.onc:I cook for 3 minute--~ or unti me !'110 C-IO"'PO
sauce beginstot"l·c1ten.A/Jd the vinegar and toss\\<e . • 17f!SP00'111..1G-IT SOYs:..ucE
Seasonwit"nsch. • I 7!! SPOO'IIJ.' '!;I( SOYs:.ucE
- j..,._itr>':fisn,.,to the so.xe onc:Icook for 1m·.,.,ie,then flip • i .E!SPO O'II o = :'IIUL!..HO suo.:11;
ove·end COO( for 1minuieuntilthe sauce thio::e"'S. • I .E!SPO O'II ZH!NJ !'ll;j
Tro-rsfe·me fishtoo~'= ono po...reve· ti!: sauce.Serve 0 '1:5:15_,MIC Vi'llf3 H
wi-.n rice. • Sf:!"lfJ I\ CE :P !..G! ~.!.0), TO SE\VE

~ 117
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~ txfil~
P,\!P!i\!· 10N T VE: 15 y; NUTES,
COO( l'II~. '1!: 15 'fl 'IIUTES

• I I .5 S·O!;~O~•:;: G'1:0l.:-l'I, cu· - ~inseme fishand ocn d-y'...-=thpapertaNels.

'IITO r~· 'IIC-1,}•CV CUSES - Soc.(the :T1,;;;rooms and o.riecltongeri-r.eoeel in 2 ~:>cnate
• 5 O'I EJ Q_!C( MUS-lltOOWS smo bowlsof cod v.'Oterfor20 m·"'.ies ...ntiJsoftened.
• I :l\ !OT.! "IG!'I ~E =-:fl Re'T'O\'e o"'.ddiscordthe stems fromtt"<:mushrooms,encl
• ., CU"' :.d : 1 Oi:,')jC y;._, VE3!f:S. ..E O L sliceDOtni:hemush·oomso"'4i:ongeri-r.eoe,,el.
• !.C LOVES ~:\1 C, PE: ,..EJ - ;em me oilovermed'trn heo;:·.lo wo<o· 10·9=s.(il!et
• I cz;25 G ~ 1'11 :;E'( !SOUT 2· NCH (fryingoo'l},odo me go·ic, o".ds:if. fryfor1-2 -n·nutes
5•CV• . :'l:;T - P !CEJ. SH:-::i:iEO until frog·ant.Rema.-etr>':gor,..c and se: aside.
• 3 SC.'lllONS ( NG O'IIIONS). - ~eneatt-r.eoi ave· medium-h·gnheat, core;. lfyadd
CUT i'l 70 l'V'IIC-l:!.•CV l !NGT- S!fryfor 5 minu:esuntiljust cool:...=d throogn.
• 9 OZiiSC :; \0! ST PO\K SE..LY. CUT Re'T'O\'e me fishand t-ons:ertoo colonoertodroh.
l'IITO •~·l'\IC - ·l•CV OiCE - =>o..irout mostdt-r.eoi, a:ovingabout 1tcoles:ioon'ntn e
• •, c:\i\OT . S.. 1CEO wok.Melthe garlic,gi'lger,sco!!io"S(s:>ringonions),:,ork
• I f:!5"'00N l GW SOY).!UCE belly.driedto-r.geMepee,. mushrooms,and carrotono sti:•
, 1 T:aus=-oo~ ovsr::-S!UCE :~ a.•e·hignheo;:for2-3 minutes.Addthe fried-ish, soy
• I f:!5"'00N Gi\H,1Ul :7EJ SuG:'( o".doyste1souc~~sugo·,ono cnic<e'l b-oth(stock},o"'.d
, •, cuP !.F .. OZiliO'l'll)C-1,C(!N b--i09 too bo". Reo.xe to O'N "'eot and s·mmer, uncovered,
a'lo·H :sro:i-."'!.G! n :<Y5 minutes.
• I Tf!S"'OON CO,\'IST:'(C - - Mix the corns:orcn(com'lour}wr'.n1tab ESXIOS'lwa:e·
:cOR'll =LOUR) in o s 'TJO,I
'Xii< one stit mis mixti..rein:othe ...,o<.:iring
• j 5UNC- ES C 1.. :'IIT'1:0 'COi\ !'110f'1;J. too boil, sf·ring, for 30 seco"'.dsto mic..<en the sauce.
c - o:-=-:o Seo:sonwimsot toi:oste.-·onsfer too :>oteand gor~'l
, s:. · ro1:.s1: wimcilantro(corio".d e·). Se-..•ewitn(ce.
• STE:y;:o "1;1C! "'!3E S.dC).1 0 SE'1:\'E

i\!G ON: SriU'IIOE ~ aE'fi.-©/fl,

P,\!P!. ,\!. ,ON T WE: 5 'fll'IIUi:S.
"'LUS i'.CM 'IU7ES sc,:(l'I;';. T VE MUSHROOMS WI TH
COO( l'\I;';.. ~E 5 Ml'IUTES

• 12c~t:i o.!;:< vvs1=toor,,s t~

- =>-..,,t musnrooms;ntoo oow coverw'th colo...,oter,and
• I f:St:S=--QQ"I VE3Ef!5L! 0 l sock :<YO'!eos, 20 -n·nuw, or U""tisoftened.Remo\<e tr>':
• ·1~0! ·5 G G ~G!'I !SOllT •~· NCH· mush·ooms,squeezed-y, and discc.,:Itne stems.
l• C'fl•L!NGT-1 :- ECEJ, Sl C!J - ;em mevegetoole oil·no wok.orors-=S<illet{fryingoon}
• 12 S-IUNJE : Sri Pu •=s :P!.G! ii) overmediumneat, ado me ghge·, o"'.ds::;t.fryforoooU<
• ·, i!S.ES:-00'11 0YSTEll S!UCE 1minuteu"'tilfragrant.Adelthe '.Tl.l:Nooms O"'O stJ. fry
• ·~ TE!S:-oo'II CO'INST!~C-1 :<Ya fewseC<Y".ds , tr>':nodc:itne fish:>,.,ffs
o".dOfster sauce.
:cO,\'ll ' LOU,\ ) o".ds:ir well.Adol. to:><:Spo<Y'S wot!?roncl:iringtoo :ot.
• ·~ 7f!SPO:J'I sn:y;: 0 L Reo.xe to O'Nheo;:,COie-.O"'O simmerfo·obovt 3 m·..._,tes.
MiXthe cornstarch(comiOO')with ii tooles::,oon wote·
in o s"l')Cl!I
'Xii< onc:i
stir mis mixtwe in:othe ...,o<.:iring
too boil, st··ring,for 30 seco"'.dsto mic..<enthe sauce.
- S:ir·otn e ~SOT~ oil.then transfe· too plate.

138 '" S - &, SE,! FOOD

~ ~ '© .¥-, i\!G ON: Z-lfJ !"IG
P,\!P!i\!i,ON T ME 10 \1 NUTES
~us2:J v "iUiES 50!( NG i ME
COOi.i'ii~. \1! ~5 Ml'IIUTES

- j..,..itr>':mushrooms.nto o OO'YI:, cover,.-.-=th

cod '"'oter, and • : O,'t E:l a.::( "1US- 1'00"1S
soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or u-nf•softened. Remo-.-e • I :1•L6 .!SC·3 S!.T'll!Tflt: S-1 -1!' 0
the mush·ooms,squeezed)', and discardthe stems.0.,. • n; t:::S"OONS 5:_t
htoth·o slices and set aside. • I f!5L!S"00~ 31'\l~E'UU CE
- Meom111hil ~. t. SP-o shorp <ni:eto slicetr>':fish "'eOdda1tn • \ 7f!SPOO'II o,ouNJ ',\' -I ~f "f=Pn.
the ce-rter ·" ho f, tf..:n rinse.Com:M'letN' fish,1teaspoon • 1 CU"S {\OF. OZ .!'.ISM~ " lUS
salt. the ginger juice,o"'.dwhi:-eoeoper ·oo DO\t.~o".d n'ix ~ J::!S"OO'IIS VE~Ei!6.E O L
we I.Mor'ootefor 15minutes. • 2 i.!5L!S"00NS CO'tNSi!=::-1
- ;ea;: me vegetable oi in o wokor deep soucepo.n::o :::OR;N"lOU't., " lUS l J::!S"OO'II
3!.QCf/1700(, or u-rtilo cube of breod orowns·" !.5seconds. • S ClO ...fS :j!'tl C
ligh:lydust ti-': fisn\\~:'l2 tcoles::,oonsco:nstorch • 9 0Zi15C ~: 'tM t:•u, O't!l'IIE:)
(cornflour}and odd to tne hot oil. )eep-::y for6-7 minutes !.NJ O,::::o
u-rtilgolden :itov.•n. Use o s ot:-eospoo.'lto coreh.!lytema.•e , ·, SM!_t '11!"! c:as:~t. s~ co
the -ish from tf"':0·1and arCJI0'1po::,e·ta.-.els. • I oz, lC ~ sn=::JJEO " OR<
- Aodthe wholegarliccoves to ti-...oil 'n tne '-''OJ::and deep- , ·1~0! ·s G G NG!'t ::sour )i· NCH'
:'Y O'.'etlow "'eat for 2 minutes un~ rgnt brown.Remove l·CM·~E'IIGi-1 "E CE S.ICEO the oi and set c:s"o-e. ~xt. ooo the tofu o.ndd:ep.!-y • 1 J!5L!S"00NS C-1 L 6!!'1 "!SJ:
:CX' 3-~minu- ~emoveoocl
.es ..r.t lightlybf'O',.--ed. • ICU"' :a "L OZ..-25:Jv •. C-1 (l(f~
set aside. S'tOi-1 :stOC<. P.!~f 90)
- :iringo .or9e souceoon of wot~· too ooilct1erh·gn heat • I f!5L!S"'OON S-i! .QXl'\13-'"'°'NE
Ado ti!: ccobog.eand olonchfor2 mi~•.Jtes. Drainand • I if!S"OON L 0-1• SOYS.'UCf
set aside. • 5 O! · ISC ~ JUD VU'\13-SE !.N
- Combinethe x,rk, m e remoi";ogj;;,teaspoon so19., Sf!'tC - S"i!E· s. SQ!(EJ 1'11 'll! .TE,'t
lriteaspoon co·nstc·ch,cno 1teosooon oi in o 'XI,.. 10 SOF7E'II
- ;em tN' re T.uling 1too-espoo'.loili;'lo A-tc.noven • 3 ~-'L~IO"IS ,:sP/\ NG O'IIIONS; cu ·
(cosserole) ever mediumheat, odd tfi-..egingerslices, NiO l':·l'IIC-1 ~-C"1 ~E',Gi-lS
mush·oons,gor,..c,x,rk,ond ch bean ooste, and s:ir- • ., lE.'5"00'11 SES.'"1EO ~
:'Y fo· £_5 ,Ti~_-tes.Addthe chic..<en :,roth {stoc..c)
cno • STE•'-1!0 'l;,C! =::jE 5.dC: TO SE=:VE
cobbo~. oloce the f=shhead on i:opo:the cobbo;-='.tfi-..en
oadtneV1.'Yle and SO/sauce. 3ringtoo Dono coo<over
h·gn hem for 10minutes.kJd ::netofu, mV"'.9bean s~ts.
o"'.dscot-o.ns{s:,ringo--ffl) and recuceto medium,-,eat.
SimmeJ,covered,for6-8 rri"'i,.ie-S . Sti-in the SESOT~ oi ond
servein the )i..-tcha.-enwr°JIr"ce.

-iZ 139
i\!G ON: -ION:; <0'11:l H txfil ~
P:\!P!.:\!·I0N T VE: 15 y; NUTH.
2~ \I NU TES\,';!.,:\N.'il'II:; T WE BRAISED
COO(l'll:l. ~E 25 "1I'\IUT::S

• 5 O'I EJ 5_:.c( MUS-l'IOOWS - ~it~ musnrooms.ntoo oowl,.cover•.-.."th cold...,cter,and

• I ·1 ...0 ll·OZ1'.'5~·0) G:\OUPH r: L, soak to· <l'! eos: 20 -n·nu::es,
or U"'tisoftened.Remo\<e tt"':
Clf!"IIEJ !."110:, 'IISEO mush·ooms,squeezed-y,and disco.,,:! ti!: stems.Cu. into
, 1 rps=-ooN s:.3 stripsonclset esic:le.
• \ •psPO :J'II G~OUNJ W-1 TE =.:=>=n, • Use o orge sho•p ((lifeto TIO~ o o-:epcut OO'h'!l onesic-:
• I !GG. 3E.' TEN o: tf"':soine of the fa-.,.~ub•..,"thsc}tend wh'ie pep:ier
, 1 r:.aus=-oo~ CC:\'IISP\C - on bo-'J'Isidesof me fishtoil.Bcus:1 eoch sideot tne toi
:co:\'11: Lou:\J witnthe beaten egg, tt"<::1 lig"':tly
• !. ·:.o .ESPOO'IIS VE3Ei!.5L! Oil (cornflour}.
• ~ OZ/iO G:;; '113E'\ :.sour h'IIC-1 - ;em 3tab espoonsoilin o v.-okor a.rg=5.(ile: (fr)'iOg
2.5·C"1·,..E"ll:;;T-1:- ECE: S.ICEO pen) to 300CF/15()QC,
or ontil o cu:ieof :ireoclXOW"'S in
• !. ClOVH :l!'(l c. nus - ED Jr,mrut es. Adatne fishand fryfor S m·.,.,ieson eoch
• !. s-1:..Lo-s. a1..:.;.rn.E:i sideU"'tigoldenorownand cookedthroogn.Use o s...ottecl
• 1\ O: ,;5 0 L!!.'11 =Q";(, ClJT spoontoca.refu!lyteT'O\'eme fishtoil fromtf"':o'I
l'IITO Si'( :-5 d·oinoo paoe· ta.-.els.
, 1 r:aus=-oo'II s-1:..oxI'II:;; ·"'· ,E - ;e,ot me remoi"'1"91tob ESXIOS'Ioi inthe wokor erge
• 1 f:.5L!S=-ooNS OVS":'H s:.ucE sk1-:t f-ying po.n)overmediumneat,edo ::neginge·,
• I r:::..s=-ooN L GW SOI' s.:.ucE garlic,ona sho ots, end st··.fry forl-2 m·.,.,iesu"til
• I r:::..s=-ooN G:\!"IIUlVO SUG£'( :·ogrom.Ada tne por<o,cl rrm:voomso,cl toss. Spri.,de
• 1 cu=-s {le, F. oz '!.i5 M...J C-1,C(!N in tt"':,.-..;n
e ono stit.!-yfor o"'Other1 minu:e.Mclthe oyster
a,o·n :sroci::. =:..o: n sauce,soysauce,s..:gor,and ch·ckenoroth {stock}and
• S SC.'l~IONS :sP:\NG 0'110NS). IY-1'19too IJo:I. Putthe fu:1toil,.,tot~'>''Ok,reduceto
s·E 1o1s0'11-Y,cu · 1'11 ·0 mediumhe<r,.,onc:Isi~~·, cove1ecl, for 5 minu-
.es on eoch
n·C"1.·.d•CV lE'IIGT- S side.-ro.nsfe·me fishto..,::oo serving:.ate and !:O\'e the
• I i!.5L!S=ooNS CO'\NSP'l:C-1 sauce inthe WO<.
:c0:\'11: LOlJ:\) • S:irthe scallions(springOt"'ions) in:o the sauce,increase
• ·, JE:.s=oo'II sEs:.,-,E o to medtrT',-,eot, one!S:mmerfor 5
• SJE:.y;:o "1;IC! =:.:;E S.dC.10 Sf";\'f reduceotoo».lt 1o..p (8floz/250m}.
• Mixthe corns:orcn(corn"lour} wi-'J'l
4 to.ole:ooonswoter
in o smallbowlonc:Is:ir the ~r e into& ..ce.Adcl
me sesame oil.3ri"'9too boil,st··nng, for 30 secondsto
miC(e"ltnesauce.Seasontoto:ste. =burtt"':sc:-,..ce 0'1 too
ot tt"<:fishond servew=thrice.

140 : $~ &, SE,!.FOOD

~~Pi ~ fa "! G 0'1: ~uJ ! 'II
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU7ES.
COOK ~G i WE: 15 ._.NVES

.. Combine the x,rk, soysouce, and s.:gor ·no OO'NI

and • 1 O!:SC ~ ~'tOU'IIO rv "ICD: :-o'tK
mo.rino:efor 15minutes.MiXin ii te-ospoonco·nsto·ch • 1 7f!5P00'11 1..1 G·li S.OYs:..ucE
(cornflour} and se: cs'cie. r:::..s:-ooN ::;1\:.'l u ..:JE:i su::;:,
.. Meom111hil~. rub the fsn insic!eand outsic!e ,...--=th
t~ sa;t • I "'f!. SPOO'II co:-'115"',!i\CH
o,cl setosicle for ISmi"'utes.jct dry'N'thpo:,er taNels. ;::OR'll=LOUit), : ,.us !XF!
- ;ea;: 2 tobespoonsoi in o wo< o· large skh: f-ying =o\ 3\ US-i 'II::;
pen) over medium neat. &,;s :1me fish,...--=tho
thin layer • I ,·.! ·O! .!CO•::;, i ..E-if!OC't i ,L!.P:.
o: co<nstorch,odd it totne wok.and coodor ! -5 -n·nutes. = 5-i :: ..EHEJ £'110 't '11S!O
iur'.loverend coo<:or O"'Other4-5 m·"'-ies, o· un:il , '" r:::..s:-ooN s:.u
b--a,.~o ono COO(!:O ::nroug..., . Trans/ert~ fisntoo plate • ~ PS ~ESPOO'IIS VE:lf "'!fi..f O l
o,clsetosicle. • i "'f!. SPOO'II S- R!ODD G NG!'t
- Wipe the ,,.O<cleon\\"t:lpaoer tov,. -es and out over • i ClO\'E G! 't . C, ~ 'll!LY c-;op:-zo
medtnlheo;:.Add tN' remoin'-r.g1to:.espoo'1oil.ginger, • 5 OZilSO::; '"1tE5! 11;YEO \1USJ!\ 0
garlic,po-'<:,p=1erved .rJJstoro9-ee"\S-, o"'.d~cu-o (! floz/ :l ,'t!E'IIS. iil;;\1\1!0. R NSD. : '110
120 ml)•,,.cte·onocook for2m·.,.,-tes.j..,..i tr>':fisn·.,to the ::-;o:-:-::o
sauce and simmer, uncove·ed, '0< obout 1minuie,then • I ,'t! O C-i ,~E. SEEJEO ! ND ::-;o:-:-:o
uons:er the f".s'ltoa olo:e. • SJ! ! "lfJ R CE :r:..o:~.!O). TO SE\VE
~ Mixthe ·e"l')Oining ii teaspoon co<nstc·chwi-.nii i:oblesooon
wa:er in o s"l')Cl!I
'X/h end stir mis mixtu·e .ntott"<:wok..
Bringtoo bot, s:irri"'-9,for 30 secondstoth·ck.entl"':sa-.,..ce .
Sti. in tl"':ch e and oour t ce sc:-xec,w me fish.Serve
wi-.n rice.
i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'11::3.
COO( l'll::3.. '1!
15 Iii 'IIUiES
iili ~'©
S!'WES: !.
E'.:!i"!G! 145 T0tv1ATOES

• I iP.S"OON S!3 - ~ubr, teosooonsoltond tr-':\\½-lite oe-:-oerove· t't"<:

• :- NCH o= G\OU'IIJ W-1 ;E :-uPB. o"'.dset aside :o. 5 .T'W'lvt
es. jat drpr"th po::,ertaNels.
• !. S!! f.!SS : lll ETS.C~f!'IIEJ • Scoretf"':bose o: tf"':tomatoes.Bringo smol souceoo'l
• 2 . !\GE iOW!fQ!S o:water too bot ado me tomo:oes,one!heat for
, :s·:o .:s=ooNs vE3!J:5L! or~ 1-2 minu:es. mmediote'ytrons:er too 00',. o: ke woter.
• ·~ o:::,,10 ::s.:; '11:lE't :oo u · \· 'IIC-1,• W'N:'lme tomatoes a:e coo tonono.,e, pee
2•CV•L!NUi - "ECE ,, : 'll!LY owoythe skino"lOcnop eochtomoto into 6 p·eces.
S-1\EOJ!J - ;eat 2 tablespoonsoi in o v.o<or 5.(il!et(fryingoon)
• ·, O'IIION. t - 'lllY s~1:::o overme,d'ium-hign heO'!,odd the T..:51, and oon-fry fo·
• I f:3l:S"00"1 :l:\! .NU. !fEJ SU:3!\ 2-3m·"'.ies O'leochsideu"'tilgolden :,ra..,, o-r.oCOO(ed
• •~iE!S"OO'II CO'tNSP~:-1 mroug"'i . Trons:ertoo pate.
:: 0 :\'11:LOU :\) - ;eat me remoi"'1"9I tob ESXIOS'Ioi inthe wokover
• 3 S:.,tuONS (SP:\ NG 0'110NS). medi1.rnhea-.,oo:Ithe gi'lger,o.ndstir-fryto· I mh.rt:e
= ,EtY S-l"l;EOOEJ until frag·o.nt.Addthe O"~. tomotoes, sugar, o.r,c:Ithe
• SlE!\1!0 :;;,:: =.,:3E S.dC ·o SP:\'E remo·niog'f, tees :icon so t and stir-fry for 2 minuies.
Putin the -ish,w.•e·, ano COO( for2 minu::esovernigh
heO'!.T·ansfe·tne fishtoo :late.
• Mixthe corns:arcn (com'lour}wr'.nii tablesooon,,,.mer
in o s"l')Cl!I
'X/h ano stir mis mixtwe in:othe v.o<.:iring
too boil, sf·ring, forabou;:30 secondstot ...·ckentf"':
sauce.Trons:ertce f"..n too bowlo.ndtopwr'.n
me shreddedscorOt"'S {soringonions).Ser\'e\\~ :'l rice.

Tro0.; , tri:sdish·s p-epo·ed\\·bwhoe fisnbut fillets
may ::,et.seo ins:eod. fusing '11e::s,reducetr-':coo<ing
t::me by 1-2mini.rtes on eochs·de.

142 '" $~ &, SE.! FOOD

i\!G ON: i ..:.NJ~ 'gm-§'©
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES.
COO(l'II~. '1!: I~ v NUHS

• !. 01\ EJ a_.:.:(WUS- 1\00WS · ~it~ musnrooms.ntoo oowl,.cover•.-.."th cold...,cter,and

• 9 OZiiSC :; =tOUNDEI\ ~ t~En. soak to· o;: eos: 20 -n·nu::es,or U-"'tisoftened. Remo\<e tt"':
CUT ,,ro ~-"IC - ' S·CM SB =s mush·ooms,squeezed-y,and disco.,,:! ti!: stems. Cu. into
, 1 r:sL:s=oo~ ~ 'll~E •uu :t min slices.
• I f!St:s=oo ... 11;1:::'"'' NE • Combinethe 'ish, 'f, tcoles:~n gingerjuice,and 1te-ospoon
• I !GG. 3E.' TEN wine·.\ a oow. Mor'-r.otefor 5 minu:es.
• iC f!SL!S"OONS CO'!.NSP~:-; • ,n a small cowl. mix nol:t~ egg(savethe other no!:
:::0:\'11: LOU:\) :<Y another ·Koe },1to:.-espoooco:nstorch {co«'four),
• ., fE!)"OO'II ):lJ, " ,.US EXT"! ~ te-ospoonsalt, a-r.o1te-ospoo:wegetooleoil ·ntoo :,oste.
TQT!)JE Add tl"': mix-ureto the 'ish and mixwe I,
• S CU") :2s ~. O!, 1:c M~ " lUS • ;eat 3cups (25 f: oz/750 ml) vegetoole oil in o WO< <Y
l fE!5"00'11 V!G!i!3lE 01. deeo souceoon to 3!!1"=/170:C, or until a cu:,e of :.reocl
• •,CUP (j OZi~ ~: Sl CEJ 5!"1500 Ira"'~ in 45 seconds.k.d the f'..s '.lono deeo-fryfor 4-5
5-;oo·s. 0'!.'l'll!J !'110 CUT "liO a-r.oCOO(e,dth-ou¢,. U<...e
m·...-tesu"'tilgolden :.ra.-.."'l o
s·:\ " 5 slorteds:,oon toco·efuly removethe fu:l me oil
• ~ OZ/iO G CUCUM3E\, a,cl d·oin on paoe· ta.-..els.
CUT i'\l·o S! ·oNS • Mo me mush·ooms,bomboo snoo:s,a"'.dcucumoerto
• I sc:.L 0"11 :sP" NG O'IIION), me oil in the wokono dee-o-fryfor obout2 minutes.Use
5-i'!.EOJ!J a s.otteclspoon to corefulfyte'T'O\'ethe vegetcolesfro~
, ',\0!:5 G G "IG!'!. !SOUT •~· NCH1 ::neoiland dra·.lon ooper tO'A·es. Set aside.
l·CW·L!NGi-i "ECE J, S- 1\!0DEJ • jo..r out most d tee oi, -eovingabout1tooles:::,oon ·.l ::ne
• I :~ov: ~>'!.l c. S.ICEO wok.Jidc:I the sco!!io~{soringonion},ginger, one!ga·ic and
• 2 f!5L!S"00NS 'hH TEVl'llfG!'!, stit-fryowr rr~ ~t for1 minute onti; ·cgtorn.Ado
• S ·:s L:s=ooNS ::-; Clr:EN5'1;0i-i ::nerema·vig gi'lger juice. tl"':,...,;ne, vi-r.egar,cnic..<e'.l
:sTo::< p:.o: 9~l (stock},s-,.;gor,
ono remo·'"W'l9 ';..te,ospoonsalt ono br'-..g
• j f!5L!S"00NS ~'t.!'IIUL!.EO 5UG''!. to a boilover nigh~ct.
• jlE'S"OONS SIC-IU!'II "fPPE'!. 0 l • Mixthe ·ema.i'lingIr, ta:.espoo-rs co·nsto·chwi::n
• STE!\1!0 '1;1C! =:~E S.dC TO Sf";\'f 3 ta:.espoo-rsv.'OterJ'Ia small OO'Yo~a"'.ds:Ir this ~ur e
into thewo(. &-iogtoo xia, s:irring.'<Y about 30 seC<Y".ds
to i:hietent~ SOi..Ce.Adelthe fu:'\.mush·ooms,bamboo
shoo:s,a"'.dcucumoer,s:ir,and odd tt"':S'chua'.lpepperol
Ad;_stthe seoson·-..gto taste o.r,c:Itra-rsfertoo :.ate. Serve

'" $~ &, SE;. FOOD

- -=
t~ '© p!; "!G 0'1: S-1! '1~ - £
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M -..iu·E s.
FISH IN D ISTI LL ED " lUS ill \1 Nu ·n SQ! (l'\I~ T "1E
COOK ~G i WE: IC \1 Nu ·n

- j..,..i tr>':mushrooms.nto o OO'YI:, cover,.-.-=th

cod '"'oter, and • ~ c1,;= {°.i.0ZJ5 G, 0'( !) 5.lCI(
soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or u-nt softened. Remo-.<etN' =u'l:";US
mus-,•ooms,squeezed-y, one!discorotne stems. -ear in:o • ~ OZ 'iSO ::3-3\EE'I W'( !SSE C'( :'Iv
smo pieces. ',\ -I H: s- : l.::rs. ::ur l'ITO
- Meom111hil~ . co~ooe me fish.eggwh?te--~ o"'.d>itcoles::,oon i-1 CK S~ICES
cornstarch {cor-.fa...r)o"'.dT.a.rinote:or 10mJ"IAes. • i EG:";'Itri TES. ~,:";-IT~Y5!~.TE"I
- j..,..i tr>':distied groinsauce into o blender or food • I "!5 .Es=o oN co='IIS"!i\CH
irocesroec-r.dbeno in:o o tnic..< sauce. :::Oi\'11: LOU'()
- :iringo sci..cepanof ,...mer too bcii, cad the bo.mbco • ~ PS~ESPOO'IS O:Si L~E:l W- "E
shoots, a.rd :.onc.n:o. 1TW'lvt e. Orc:no"'.dri."l:!
e ...nder 31\! 'II S!UCE
cold ~ing •.-.ater. • ~ c1,;= , oz,-;o GJ s~,::ED
- ;em me oil .no \\'Okor O*P soocepo'l to 30()Cf / 150CC , s-ioo·s. o,: 'l!D
or un::Io c.-uoeof oread XO'h""'S in Jr, .nn.rtes. Adotne • 1 ::u,. ta : L oznsc "1L
'ish s.,,ces,tJs·~ chops±k.s to d:Spersetne p·eces ·opid'y VE3E"! .5.E O L
to xevent s:ic..<ing, and deeo-fry~r 1minute u"til nearly • I "!5 .ES,.OON S-!lOX "IG W N!
cookedth-wgn. Useo slotte-ospoon to carefullyremo'.'e • I "!5 .Es=o oN G "IG !\ JU CE
the -ish from tf"':0·1and a.rCJI0'1po::,e·ta.-.els. • '-'I l:l.s=ooNSl.LJ
- j01..r out most d tt"<: ol eovingabout 1toole:ooon'ntn e • 1 "!!SPO ONS :";'(!NU.£f!J SU3H
wok.Adelthe oleo:fi..ngusand 00m:oo and s:ir-fry over CU,. "l =t O!il20 YL C - ::<E'II
h·gn -r.eotfor 2 minutes.Addt-re,..,·--e- ,ginger jdce, sot. 5\0T - :s10::K, =!GE n:
sugar, o_sti!ledgroinsc:-xe, and ch·d:.enoroth {stock} and • SJ!!"lf) R CE :P !.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
~iog too 00. Put in i:hedeeo-fried fisnslicesand stir
rooidlyfor1 minu:,e.
- Mixthe ·e-ndning ii to':. =1:ioon cornsta.rchvlih
li5tob espoons water ·" a s'TlOII 'Xlt• oc0 stir this ;n,ix::,-,.J
htothe\,-1ok.Bringtoo xia, s:irring.'o:-30s.econdsto
thio:e'1me sauce. Trons:ertoo pate o.nclservewitn rice.
i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'11:j. ~ ·~§§'©
P:\!P!.:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUES,
=LuS i -10\.itS W!.'l;i'll!.i ~G i WE POM FRET W IT H
COO(l'll:j.. '1! 15 Iii 'IIUiES
E'.:!i"£G! i4j'

• I (1.d·OZ "JC·3 w• ;f " OM=\!i , RemO'letne heod and ootl:,r,., tl"':fillet

- :irst, f"et the f'_s-.,,
Clf!"IIEJ !."110" 'IISEO by rutting tnrough tl"':S(into:., bottom, and over the toil.
• I EGG \\-!,TE Cutthe~:'\ :o a,.·"'.9the ce.,terW from neoclto toi. in:o
, 3 ::u"s :2s =- o:11sc M~, 2 perts. hs ert your (n·fe .ntot-..ecenter ;;ne ono 'ii e: one
\'E3!f:3llf OI~ ~. Tu-nme fishorouno ono -illetme ot~· poi. P-o the
• \0:·10:j.3'113E'I; ·:.sou · \•l'll::-1· -ish overand re:>ect.Set aside the :ones.
2•CV•L!NUi - "ECE ,, Sl C!J - Slicett"<:fillets.nto C,.-ioc~3 -cm pieceso"'.dcut tne fish
• 3 ClO ...ES ;j!.\l C. 5.ICEO bo~ norizo.,to'fyinto 3 ec?;.;olsections.Come·~ t-..efisn
• 0 Siit.'W \'IUS-1\ 00"15. " 'IISEO:'110 wi-..nthe egg ,, o-..dT.a.tinote in t-..erefrigeratorfor
- :.l',EO IO '"i 0'11!..L 2 hours.
• i Sf!..<S CH N!S! C!.E"Y Cl.Ii '11 .0 - ;eat me \\'O( or o.rgeskte: f-ying pon} to
n.· "IC - ·l•CV L!N3 -HS 26s.::113()QC,Ao:1 the fr,ono deeo-fry:o·2 - 3 /'ninutes.
, ·, "! D :::.v:'ll'IIE "E'"=t, . s~1:::o usingcf..oosfcksto gently seoorotethe fa'l slices,u"'til
• I iP.S"OON f S-1 s.:.u::E whi:e in cola·.Use o s ottecl spoon to core,fu!ly re'T'O\'e
• •, tf:)"00'113'1;!."IU.!.f:Q 5U3 H me -ish fromt~ oi o"'.daroin oo po:,e· to·...els.
• I iPS"OON 'l;,C! ''lo',E - -o moke tl"':oorter,coTo·ne me Aou·,COO"l:$to·ch
• •~iE!.5"00'11 CO'!;"ISP~:-1 (cornflour},ooloogpov,.'Cler, sot, and 4 tob espoonswater
::01t'll =LOU1t) in o 'X/h .Add tr--:oi onc:I:.e"lOwe to for~ o 00t1:e·.
• " NCH o= GltOU'IIJ W-1 ;f "EPPB. - ~eneat t-..eoi i;\tl"':\\'O( to 300°:/150:C, or ;,.n:i o cu:ie
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1:: =:~E S.dC.10 SE'WE o: breod :itov.•nsin Ir, m:nutes. )ip tf"': fisn :,ones;nto tne
better and o-:ep-fry '-S minu:es onti cris:iy.Arronge
=o'!; ·n: a.:.rt'I;: me :'ied fish :,onesin:o o fishs-..coeon o :.ate.
• l ·:o .:s=ooNS !..L~·"U""OSE - :lo..rout most d t-..eoi, eovingabout 1tooles:::,oon o
"L:. 'II =tou1t in tf"':WO(. ;ea;: the oi over Tedi....m -nigh heat, ood the
• I f!.5lfS"00~ CC:\'IISJ:\C - g·~e· o"lOgarlic,o"'4 stir-fry~r 1minute u"til fragrant.
:::oR'll : LOUR) Add tl"':mushrooTiS,if 1..s:ng, Chinesecelery,cayenne
• ·~ ·psPO :J'I a:..ICNG POWJEit pepper, fishsc:-xe,o.ndwgor, and stir.!-y for 1.nn.rte .
• •~iE!.5"00'11 S.'li Add tt"<:fishond ...,·~.
• •~PS.ES":)0'1 \'!&!i!.:,lf OL · Mixthecorns:orcn\\~ :liitob esXIOS'lwa:e· in as~ 'X>'h
o-..ds:i this Tlixtus e in:o mew0<. 3r'-..gtoo boii, sti.ting,
:o. obo.rt 30sero-..dsto ::nic..<enthe so-..xe.Sec:ro'l'"'"ih
whi:e pepper.
- j.oce the fu"l on toj ott~ crispyfisnXlnes on the :.late.
Se-vewith rice.

146 '" S~ &, SE,!.FOOD

i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG '11~ ~§'©
P:\!P!.:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH,
:,LUS 1C M '\lu ·n ,.,!'l;i'\I! - ~G - y;f SAU TtE D
COO(l'\1::3.- '1E 5 Ml'\IUiES

• I l.d·OZ ~~c-:; :,oM =\!i , CL::.,Eo - Use o s"lal'p<ni:eto mokE3 slo$-r.eS on eocn sioe of the 'ish.
! '\10 '\l'\ISE 0 R.o o-.•erme sch o"'.dpep:,erend set o:s:defor20 minu:es.
• •~iE.!5"00'11 S.'li Fbtdry with poper tov.•e-_s,
• \ ·t!SPO O'II G~OUNJ \\-1 H :,p:.H - ;eat 2 tablespoonsoi in o v.o<or largeskte: e-ying po"l)
, :s·:.o .:s=ooNs vE:;:t:5L! or. over hig:1heat.Add t~ fisn,·educe to rr.ed'umhem, and
•·~oz,,10 ::3.::3.'11:;E\ :.oou· \· 'll::-1, :"Yfor ~-5 minutE-S untilbra,o;ned.P':i overend fry:o.
2·C"'·L!NUT - "ECE ,, S- 1\!0DD o"'Other~S mil""i,..ies u'tlil of'O'~ono cook.eel
• i iE.'S"OONS G'l;!."iUL!iEO SUG!.:\ R1:T'O\'etoopote.
• I f:!.S"OON 0''\I( SOY:,:.u::E - ;em meremoi.,:ngho':. =1:i00n oi over Tedi...m"'eOt.
, 1 r:.ous=oo.,. KETC-iu= ood the g··,o-..ds:ir-fryfor 1minute until fragrant.
, 1 T:.sus=oo~ wo'l;CE:.E'\Sn 'l;f 'il:1/sauce-,k.e:chU'j,Worces:~-s·••e so.xe,
Add tf.e s-,.;gor,
:,:..u::E o"ldcni~"lbroth (stock.)enobr'~too boi.
, •,cuP !.F .OZili0,.,1)::-1C(!N - Mo ::ne-ishand coo<O\'e' mediumheat for 1m·.,_ie O.'l
5:to·n .o: n
::.10::,:,:,:. eoc.nside. .ncreo:s e to nigh neat and ceo<for 1-2 m·.,_iE-S
• I 5"''1 -o- 'l;EJ en LE. CUT ,To untilthe so;xe thi~ns.
= ,ESB ") - ·ronsfer to a plate o"ldtoowi-.nthe -e-dchileooclsco!!iO<"'s
• 3 :>::.,WONS (SP:\ NG 0'110NS). (springon·o-rs}.Servewitn r'ce.
:,·f y;S O"l~Y, Sri'l;EJJEO
• su:.y;:o :;;,::: =.,:;E S.dC ·o SP:\'E

i\!G.ON: -IO!'II:; <0'11::3.

P:\!P!..:\!-,ON i ML 10 y; NUTH,
=LuS 15 ,.,,'IIUES ._.:.:\ ,:.r N:; i ME
-==~ ?li-==X:'©
COO(l'll::3. - '1!: I~._. NUTES

• •~iE!.)"00'11 S.'li - spr·"'.(1ethe salt onc:Iwi-r.e

over the 'ish heoc:Iand mori"'.Ote
• 2 iE.'S"OONS:, CE 'Nl'\lf :<Y 15m·.,,..ies.
• I :..50Ui l.d·Oi:.~~·3 $!.,.,0'1 =15- • Use o mash t~ oeon :,oste.··ansfe· me paste
- ;!J," '\IS!C too bowl,then odd tl-echo:ioed boc< beo.rn,p·ese.rved
• I f:.3l:S"00"1 5E!.'II =:.)if bock olives,gor"c. sug:ir,and oil.Combineintoo :,oste
• I T'3lES"00~ =E'!;,.,E'IITEO5L.!.,CI( o"ldspread overt-r.efisnheoo toCO\'e' evenly.=-.aceon o
5E!~S,:, '\ISEO :..NJ ::-10""!0 heo:proo: plate ono pu;:·~too collopsb-:oot or oom::oo
• 0 P:\!Sf;;vo 6 • .1.,C(O.IVH, : "'\IE.Y steoTe·over o :,ot of bo cgwoter. Steam,co-.-e·ed,:o.
:: - 0 ""! 0 10.nn.rtes u-.,ti cco<edth.tough.Gornish•1,"ihthe cho:i:ieo
• S ::tO\'ES :;3!'1;1:: ::-10""!0 sea.lion(spdogorion) o"ldservewth rice .
• I f::!..S"OON G:\!~UlVE:l SUG''I;
• I f:.5t:s=oo"I VE3Ef!.5L! 0 l
• I sc:..L 0"11 ::>P" NG O'IIION),
:: - o ==: o. to u.,:\'\I s-
• SiE:.y;:o "1;1::: =:.:;E S.dC.10 Sf;;\'f

'" S~ &, SE,!.FOOD

~~'© ~ "!G 0'1: : - EJ ! NG
"";!~H!f 0'11 i VE: S v "IUTES,
SW EET AND " lUS 15 "11'\IUTESV!'!; ~:.f NG i ME
COOK ~G i WE: IC \1 Nu ·n

- Combinethe ~:10no salt in o oowland set aside for • i LS !.'.:C :j. C-110:EN G~U'lli C'!;
15minutes-.Addt ce cor"'Storch{cor~flour)anc:14toble- MON(IS - ~ t~ns. ClJT NTO CHU'll(S
spoo"'Sof v,ote· oc0 mix,.,.e!I. • I •psPO O'II S!~t
- ;em me oil .no \\'Okor O*P soocepo'l to 30()Cf/150CC , • i -~.6.ES?OONS CO'!;NSJ!'!;;:-1
or un:ilo c.-uoeof creoclXO'h""'S in Jr, mrut es. Core.fully
odd ::OR'll =LOUit)
the -ish filletsand d~p-:-y for 3-4 minutes un:ilcrispyand • i CU"S tlO FLOZ ·.t.'.'5M.] VE3:"P.5lE 01
cookedth-wgn. Useo slotte-ospoon to carefullyremo'.'e • .t."OO'IIS 5"0W~ su:;H
the; e:s from me oil and drain on oo~r tO\\·e.s. • !."OO'IIS i\!OVl'IIECP.~
• Combinethe sugar o:-r.d V'.negor·no smo bowland /'M. 3'1;!:'11S!L. "i='PE'I;, SE:"JEO
• )rain o!Iout 1tobespoon of oi: ·omthew0<and "'ect !"110J :EJ
ove· medium heot.Jidc:I the sugar and vine-go·mixture, 'tD O!L. PE'"'"E'I;,SE!OEO
then cir ""r me fish.kJd the pep:iersand cine-oppe and !"110) :EJ
s~ -fryfor 2 :i-.:rnrtesunt tN' souceth·c~"S. • I :a·OZ:ii5•:; (!"I" 'llf!PPL!
- - ronsfer too plateo"'.d serve'N'-thrice. :-iuNG. )"! ,Eo
• SJ::!MEJ i\ CE IP!..G! '.:.!0), iO SE'l;v'E

1i~ ~~ "!0 0'11:J :'IIGSU

"'1;:""H!i 0'11 i VE: S \I "IUiES.
SPIC ED SMOK E " lUS I -101,;~ ,-,:=t '11!.i"IG i WE
COOK ,o i WE: IC \1 Nu ·n
FISH Sf";Vfi !.

Whileme t~le of mis d~:'lis '"smoke fu""" it ooes not • .t. fl.·0! :120·0: J'"'!"IESE ,-,::(:"";! L
ony smolu-lg.-he no.m: is defr,-eo:.o,., o;; ! "IY ~'l;Hri'h!iE'I; F S-1: lL:"l),
the co0t o.fme fishonce ifs cook.eel. 'I; '11S:"O! NJ p!-HJ O~Y
• .t. sc:..l 0'115 :s "'t l'II:; ON 0'115:.
- Combinethe scol!ions(sp--;ngoM>ns),9inger,sot. ono STE\15ONLY CUT N•o l'~·:'IIC-1
2 tec::xions wineho .orge 'X/h ono mixwell.Addthe fa'.\ .d•C\1L!'ll:; ·ns :'llo sv:s-1:J
mix,.o,cl T.orinoteint~ refrigercr.orfor 1hou·. • i ·:.a .!S "'OON G"liEO :;1'11:;E't
- ~emovethe ~:'l fromtne bowloocloat d-ywi-.n:,0~1 • '.11 t:::..s=oo,s:..LT
tov.-e_s. Rese-vethe ma·Mde o.ndse: aside. • !. iE!S"OO'IISS-1:.ox "IG w N!
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-ok.ora*psc:-xepo 'lto 300CF/15()QC , • .t.1CIJ"S .) 4 ~1.OZii ~ WO
or un:ilo c.-uoeof creoclxow"'\Sin Jr,mrut es. Ada tne fish VE~E-:..5.E O L
o,cl aeep-fry '~ 3-L minutesontil lig~ xown o,cl cook.eel • i ·:.a .:S "'OON L 0-1· SOYs~uCE
throug-,,.U._.e o slorted sooon to ca.reh..llyremove t ~ fisn • i -E!Si"O O'\I ~ V:"·S" CE " OWO:"" the oi and drain on :,aper towe.s. • I ·:.a .!S "'OON ZH!NJ :'II~ OR
- Combinethe ·emMing 2 teaspoons ,,.·--e, , tri: 'Sl:l'fso-..xe, s:.s:.v;: V N!G:'1;
-i-.•e-sp·cepo•A1der, vinego·,sugo·, 1toblesooonwater, o,cl • 1 O!iSC:; :!'1;0'11~ su:;:.:, :!!"
the morioodein o smallSOi..cepo "'I. Hem ove· lowhem:~ • i ·:.a .:S "'OON s:s:M: 0 L
2-3 .nn.rtes V""titt"':s,.;gornos dsso'-.•eo,the.n »...r ·~to
o lorS'=' 00VI:.
- )ipo-ish in:otne sauce so it's v.,e cocted. Trons:ertoo
cvtt·"'.g boa.rd,orush,,,/th s.esoT.eoa,and then CU'! into
sectionswhen coo ed. Trons:ertoo servi"'-9 pate. Woeot
wi-.nthe remo·ning fisn.
i\!G ON: J !'"11:";X.1 >'~®* ill'©
P:\!P!.:\qON T ME 10 y; NUTH,
=LuS 1C M 'IIU"ES ,.,!'!;I'll! " ~G ... y;f FI SH W ITH
COO(l'II:; ... '1! 15,., 'IIUiES
S!i\V!S: i·!. V ERMIC ELLI

• I 'l·LS !.SQ•:;: :";",ASSC :..:\" S!L~Y. Thisd:Shis ire:cted•,..~h o ocol r'ceverm·ceIiand cs

CUT :'11•0 ::.· 'IIC- .'i•CV C- UN(S o s-..ostitu:o:-,
\\'e recomTeno usingo Guo-r.gxi,
• I t:3l:S"00"1 l :;nT SOYS!.UC! all naveo sim as cook:cgtime.
or YUY10nVGl'iety,,...;ich
• I i:!.S"OON C- 1~1s:.u::: - Combinethe -ish,soysauce,ginge·jlJTCe, chilisa..ce.
• I TPS"OON 'l;,C! '"'' ,E o"'.clwine ·.\ o largeoo.., one!moircte for20 TW'lvt es.
• I iP.S"OON CO:\'IISJ!.'l;C- Mix·otne COl"nsto-ch (cornflour}.Just:ief0teCOO<ing,
:::o:\'11: LOU:\) stir in tne oil.
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E 0 - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof ...,otertoo ooilr.:,w hign hem.
. ; ovn~:; J !.,NGXi\ CE ','f'l;,.,ICEL~. Add tf"':vermicell:totil: pon ono COO( for 8 minl.!'tes un:il
C'!;US·HJ looseo,cl "\eOcfy ol den:e. 0-dnwe, then com~ewtth
• •~iE!S"OO'II S.'li me salt o,cl f-,•e-sp·cepcNC!er. Pieceino "\eOtproof OO'NI.
• •, fE!.5"00'11 : ,VE·SP C! " O'IIOE\ t~ fisn0"1tooo: tri: ,.-e·micemand ,oloceino
- j_...-t
• •~fE!S"OO'II G\OU'IIJ w- TE "!P"H co lopsibe oow or bom~ s:eomer ove·o oot of ooiling
• I sc:....L 0"11 SP" NG O'IIION), wo:e·.Steom,covered,for6 ~vt es, or u'tlil fisnis cooked
mroug"'i . ReTlO\'e:-omthe steomer,s~k..e w'th oe-oper,
o"'.cltop with me c.noopedsco ~ (spr'cgon·o,). Se-ve

~EG 0'11: :: - =OZ""IOU r.!{f'r~~.Qi ~

"'l;f"H!J 0"11... y;:: 10 ._.'IIUES, =LUS

• I '1 L5 S·OZiOCC·G.1 :";ll;EY ,.,UL~E", - ~ubtce fisnwi-.nsoi and se: osideon o heototoofolo:e
CL!:NEJ .:.ND 11;:'IIS!O :o. 10TW'lvt es. ~ur out anywa:-e·fro,-,me plote.
i:!..5"00~ S!..L" " lUS zx,g: - Combinethe ireserved-e-nononclsugar 'no STICH ~wl
TO P.S"f o,cl poce 0'HOP oft~ fisn.
• 2 S!. ...i:J Pi\!S!i\VD 1.!YO'IIS - A.,angethe :.esh e-ronsliceson top and piece ino
:;;1:.oz1oul >:t::i:o co lopsibeoot or :,omboosteoTe·cver o :,ot of 00 '9
!"ID •n N ...Y SL CD wo:e·.Steom,covered,forabout 8 minuies,or urd
i:!..5"00~ G:\~'lu~:·n SU~!'!; COO(ed th-ougn.
• l L!,.,0'11, S~,:EO - ;em me oil;,. o smalls(illet {frying.00"1)ono drizzle
• i ·:. .5 ...ESPOO'IIS \iEG!J!3lE OI~ overtf"': fisn.Seasonw'th sa,;ttotoste. Servewitnr'ce.
• SJE!,.,fJ ";.CE (P!.G! ~!.0), TO SEll't'E

+,:;;-,; io '€!?
R,a "! G 0'1: S-IUNDE
'flX :~ %1[ - t:tffl
"";!~H!f 0'11 i VE: 20 Iii 'IIUTES.
C ARP BELLY " lUS 15 "11'\IUTESSO.LJC"IG . \1!
COOK ~G i WE: 12 Ml'\IU . ES

- Cutt~ fis.n•.,to 1'-incn/2-cm pieceso ongthe :ones. • I '!l·OZ>l:J:J•;j G"!SS CPI" 5! llY
Drain off ony ec.c!:1s ,.-.oter and se: os'cie. o ;; !\/Y ~\Hri 'h liE\ f S-i. 5. :::(
- U.i t~ olock.of tofu norizonto!lyin:o 3 equalnc es, tl"':'1 MfVS'\.l~! ~\ ::>f J Q << !NJ~ NSE:l
cut tt"<:bloc.(vertically 3 times to divide eoch s ce into , 9 oz •iS:J::; ~ : 1,11o=u O\t1•u:i
l. sectiO"'s.:iut m e tofuoieces intoo OO'NI.Adc:I the sot, • Ii: !5"00"1 Sl.Li
coverwith wa:-e·,end sock for ISminutes.R::nseono drCJI • 1 il3lfS"00NS "E" M!'rEJ a.:::(
the tofu, 0<n it <iywth ooper towe.s, o,cl o·ronge ocross 5E!~S . " 'ISEO !NJ C-iO""lD
o heotoroof olcr.eso toot it lines the bottom. • 1 COVES G! ' L C, CHO'"'"E:l
- j.....-ttN' oleo: oeons,gor,..c, s-,.;gor
, ono soysauce into • I i:!5"00"1 :;~H,IU.liD su::;:\
o bowland rM ·~too sauce. • I i:!5"00"1 l :lHi SOYS.'UCE
• Mixthe fu:'lwitni:he sauce, tnen poc e it O'.'erm e tofu. • I \EJ CH l E, SHOD :'10 SH"! JJEO
Arrongem e shreddedchileootoo o,cl ~..t tee olo:-:in:o • 2 t:UES"OONS v :::;E·:a.E 0
o co opsible :,ot or bo.mboosteamer over o pot of boiling • ~ OVJO ::3.::3.'l:lE\ !.60Ui H'l!: -i ,
wo:er.Steam, cove·ed, for 10;rW·11Jtes u-nt CCO(eO::nroug..., . 2.5·CW·~E'l::3.T-i" ECE S-i\DJ! O
- ;em me smol souceponover h'gn "\eOt. odd t-re • STE!\1f0 'I CE ::::;f 5dC: TO S! "V!
g·"'.9er,ord s:ir forobo,..i30 seCOt"'.ds. Pourme mixture
ove· tne fishand serve'"'°'thrice.

§l tr,~~ ~ -¾: i\!G ON: -iO'l:3 <O'l::3.

P~!P!~!i ,ON i WE: 5 W 'IUT:S
G REY MU LL ET COOKl'l::3.. M! l:J v "iUiES
s::,vn, 4

- Sot the fisn insideand 01.oi.)o nori("";!e. • I iPS"OON S! ••

- A.-ronge"'.Olfthe emo.'lslicesO.'lo heatproofolo:e. • I :1 ~5 S·O!!~:J:J·:l G"! Y MU.lET
Poce the '9sh overthe emo'l o-r.oo-congethe -emoini-r.g C~E!N!O :.NJ i\ "ISEJ
lemon SKes on toj to coverthe '1sh.Pieceme plate • I LEMON. SL CO
ino collo~Ole bowlor bamboosteamerove1a pot of • I f:S L!S"OO~ vE:3E-:5 L! 0 l
bo'tngwater.Steom, co-.•ereo, :o. o»..--t8 mJ"IAes, • SJE:1,1:0 'l ,C! =::;E SdC: TO Sf;;Vf
or un':ilcooked t
- ;em me souce~n over r.:,11 neat un:il ~. then
pou,it c,,-e~tne fish.Ser\'e\\ith rice.

i\!G ON: -IU5E
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES,
:,LUS 1IJ M '\lu·n sc,:(1'11~ i YE FISH WIT H CHIN ESE C ELERY
COO(l'II~. '1E 2:J \1 "IUiES
E'.:!i:-,o: 155

• 1 O'l!O 5L:.C( \1US-i.;.oows • j_d t~ musnrooms;ntoo oov.:,.cover•1,"ih colo...,oter,and

, 1 ·:s .:s :-ooN s.,~r or U"'tisoftened.Remo\<etN'
soak to· <l'! eos: 20 -n·nu::es,
• I SC!.U ON (S"''i.lN(;O'IIIO'l).Cu · mo mush·ooms,squeezed-y,and disca.,:Itne stems.Cut me
2· N: -l ·S·CM lf'l(;THS mush·oomsinto thin $.!ices.
• I ·:s ~Es:-o,o ....0 'IGE"' JU:: • Mix2 teo::~ns sot. tne sco 'On (spr'-..go"''on),o-..dthe
• I :1~5 lC 1·:JZi'iS~•:;) S!! S"'f.'Y C't g·~e· juice 'no sno!lowd:s"I.t-'orinatethe -ishinthe
i,1.,., ! CL!!!,!0 !_'\IJ 't ,sED mixturefor10minu:es. Rins.e and dro·o tne fish.
, 'l.:L1 "' ti OZiSO 3) S~ :!J ;!! \1500 • 3ringo ::c:-xepo.nof ...,otertoo bo1.,oad the bo.mbco
S- OOTS shoo:s,o-..d:.oncn to· 1 TW'lvt e. )ro·'1 o-..dr'"':!e...nde1
, ·1~0!1SGO Nt;E\ .'.50Ui •~· '11:n.: co.clrunning•1,ater.
1·Clil·L!'IIG1H "' !:E: SLICED · ~it~ fisnooo ,-,eatircofsefV".9:.ote. S~nk.e ove1
• I Sf!.ll:: CH NESECEL!\Y, CUT "\ITO me remo·vig1 teospoo.'1so16-, the g·-..ger,ce-ery,::,omboo
2· N:-l·S·CM lf'l(;THS shoo:s,munrooms, ono cn:c..<en :itoth (stock}.Pu;:the
• !. J!SLES"'OO'IIS:-1 Ci::EN5\0i - (STO:<. pate 'no co aos::"ble pot <Y bomooosteamer O-\'e'O oot
"'!GE 9C: ot boi!i"9water. S:-ecm,covered,for 15minutes,or ontil
• 1 ·:s ~:s:oo'lls L!'tJ me -ish::SCOO(e-:1throug...,,P'ckovt ono d:ScordtN' ginger.
• s ·:.! W!O' :: ::-!_:::::'.:!.O: ·o SE'tVE · ~it~ i0rd·nto o small soocepo~ano hem it gentlyover
low"'eot until melted.Drizzletne lordovert"\e fisn.Serve'ce.

i\!G ON: Z-IEJ :,o iffi;o§~ ia

P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 Iii 'IIUES
S!\VES: !.

• I tll5i·Oi:/SOO·O: ~'t'.SSC!.;.= • Use o sT,oll<nifeto scrape the :.oo:: .rem:itane f-om

:.:.!,ED !ND SC.!.,L!J insioethe fu~ o,cl r'"\Se•1,ell.
• i OZ/JS OJ 'IIG!'t ::rour i·l'IC-1 · ~it~ slked 9"19erond ii1=eosooon salt in:o o lorge
S•:v-~:N-:;T-1., !CE: ;,;:_~ SLICED!NO sauce::,on,odd 3 (25; oznso ml) woter tOCO\'!?!
- ~1.f)1'{!=3Jf0 me -ish,and br'"'.9too boil.Turnoff the -r.eot,,olocet~
• I TE'S~OO"- S,~.U -ishinto o metal colander,and c,,-erthe fu"\ skinsideUD,
• 5 ·,s ~ES.,OO'IIS Z-l!"IJ !'1~ O't into the\\'Oter.Coverond ~t sit for tO~vt es. or ontil
5AlS.'"11C',,"INEG'~ COO(ed th-ougn.
• i if'S.,OONS ;:;,O'h"I SIJ3!\ • Carefullytransfertl"':fisno~too serv'-..gpate o.nd(~:I
• I Tf.!S~OO"- CO.\N)!'t: - :cO:\NFLOl.ll;; wor-n.Strain1cup (8; oznso ml) of me COO<ing liqu'o
• s ·:.! W!O' :: ::-!,:j! '.:!.O: ·o SE'tVE o,cl pootit '-'\too smc,' sauce::,on.A/J/lli:he,rinegor,
shreddedginger,remaining'f, teaspoon salt, onclsugar.
• Mixthe corns:orcn(corn~•} wr..n1ta':. =1:ioonwa:e·
in o S"TJO,I'Xii< ano stit mis mixti..Jein:othe sa-..xe.B:-;ng
too boil,st'rring,for 30 secoi,dstotnic..<eni:he sauce.Fb...r
overtN' fisno.ndserve'"'"ihrice.

152 '" S~ &, SE;. FOOD

i\!G ON: -ION~ <0'11:j. fMifl ~ ~ '©
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUiES
S!'WES: 4

• I :1 .5 S·O!;~O~·~: SE' 3'!;f!v - Spr."'.(lethe 'ish, inside and OU!, wi-.nthe salt and ~..t
'!; NS!J !"IIJ CL!!'IID i;: 0"l0 ,-,eotp--oof:.ate.Top,~1btri: snredcledgi'lger,
• I TE!S"OON S! .• J V':nesec!-.• e vegeto':.e, 0"'.O1reservedoloo:o►ves.
• \O!·IO:j.:j.'11:j.E'!; ·:aou ·\· 'll:::-1· (),izzlewi:hcfrve oil.
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE),S- R!ODD - j.oce the fu"lino collo:.s:b-:pot <Y borr:ooos:eomer
• I J!3l:S"00"1 :::-1 'IIESEOl VE overo oot of roilingwoter.Steam,covereo,for a».lt
VE:j.Ei!-5.t 10mrut es, or untilcookeatr.rough.Ser\'ewith rice.
• 12 P:\!S!'\VD a_:::( O. \'!S, -!! .L\'!O
• 1 J!5L!S"00NS Ol VE 01.
• SlE!',';!Q "1;1:::: "'!3E S.dC TO SE'WE

i\!G.ON: 3U.!.NGJONG
P:\!P!:\!·10N i VE: 15 y; NUTES,
* no~H 1::Yi
15 "11'\IUiES V!'!;;'ll!f NG i M! G O LD EN THR EAD
COO(l'll:j.. '1!: 15 "1 'IIUiES

• I (l.d·OZ ~~c-~ GO.OE'II · rF!!,Q - Combinethe 'ish, 'f, teaspoonsot. and white :,e:.oe,·
= S-1 Cits::::5'1:E'"'· cu:,Eo !,NJ in o 'X/h a"'.Omarino:efor15minu:es.Pot the f'.s'ldry
: l.ETD wi-..n~oer tO\\<e-S.
• I if!S"OON 5:3 - SCOJ'e tt"<:base at tt"<:tomatoes.Stingo smol souce-oa"l
• "' NCH o= G'\OU'll:l W-1 ·t "'UPB. o:woter too boil,ado me tomo:oes,and heat for
• 2 iQM!JQ:'S 1-2minu:es. mmediate-'ytrans:er too OC/h o: ice water.
• l ·:a .:s =o oNS VE~!J!SL! 0 'Wrte:'lmetomotoesC"eCOOeno;,;ghtonono.,e ,~ e away
• \O!·IO:j.3'113E'!; ·:aou · \·'ll:::-1· me skinano a.i eoch toenotointo 6 oieces.
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE), ~ 'll!LY - ;em 2 tablespoonsoi in o orge slo&t f-ying po'l) over
S-lll:EO:l!J h·gn heat, odd the fisn,and ,oon.:-yfora:o..i 3-4 :TW"IA es
• •~O'IIION. t - 'lllY S.,::::o on eoch sideuntil~Iden :.tO'Nn o,cl cookedthrougn.
• I f!3lES"00~ ~:\!.NU.!JEJ SU~!'!; Tra""Sfe· too olo:e.
• I Tf!S"OON :::OR'IISJ!'!;C- - ;em me remoi":ng1to':. es:ioonoi inthe sU!et over
;;Oi\'Fl.01Ji\l medi1.rnhem a".ds~ •frytl"':gingerfor 1minuteu"til
• 3 s:::.,wONS (SP:\ NG 0'110NS). :·ogram. Ada tne onionsand stir•::)'for o"'Otherminu:e.
S-!'!;EO:l!J Stirint~ tomatoes, sugo•,a,cl ·emoining'f, teaspoon
• SiE:y;:o 'i:,:::: "'.'3E S.dC ·o SE'l:\'E sch o.r,c:Is:ir-fry:o. another 2 mi~utes.Addt ~ fisnto ::ne
sk1-:t,s:,oonoverthe sauce tocO\<e·,a".OCOO(, co-.'e-·ed,
:o. 2 minutes.
- Use o s otted spoonto transferthe fu"ltoo servingdsn.
Mixthe co:nstorch(corn"l00t)\\ith 1tab espoonwoter ·no
sma bowland stir t-.:Smixture~to the ski:'et.B:-;ng to a
bo1.,stJring, fo· 30 secondstoth·cl:esnthe sauce. =bu·tri:
sauce overthe fisna,cl sprir.J:le c,.,e· tne snreodedscallions

154 '" $~ &, SE,! FOOD

l'srot~ ¥1f fa i\!GON:YU'\1'11!'11
P:\!P!:\!i,ON T WE: ,o
M1-..iu·t s,
STEAM ED FISH IN =-~us 45 M Nu ·n SC!( NG ilY!
COOi.i'ii~. M! 15 "11'\IUTES

- Soc.(the otus eo-.•esin coldwater :<Y !5 minutes. , i D'I; ::J ..01us u.=.v::s
or un::Iso,eneo. • I ·t!S"'O O"I ::O.!'!;S! S !.~l
- Meonv,.'hil
~. tub the coo;:e soi o!Ir,;,.-e·
me fish.ii"'Se, • I :11·0Z,lJC•:l; c:r: SH ::~P'IEJ
d·oin,and cut ,.,to 1-inchn.S-cmchuru:s.Combiriett"<:fisn, !.NJ-" NSE:l
cilantro (corio~·),gi¥-, scai.ions (spr'"".9Ol"'·ons),go·ic, • !. SJ!l(S C1l!'ll-"O :::011;!'IJ::,;
oo;·· m·~t. fennel.lemong1:1ss, o-r.ocayennepepper ·no : •u~vc - O""!J
lorge bowl.Stir'.-.ell.kld the""'ine,sot. ...,.,'te:,ep:,e·, o"'.d • j OZ ·SJ G G NG::~ i: :.our
lord to m e bowl and mix '.-.ell. ~o~OO:,ein the -efr'~rator l· "IC- 1.S<M· ..E'll:;;.T-1"ECE
:o. 30mintJtes. : 'IIE~YC- O""!J
• )rain tN' ~s lecrveso"'.opotdryv.-'t"1po::>e·ta.-.els. Using • i SC:lllO'IIS (S"\ 1'11:l. ON O'IIS),
o snorp k.."'ife,cutout tne sfff veinsfrom the otl..sleaves : 'IIE..Y C - O""!J
neo· tk, stem and then ,oyth e eo-.-es, oneon toj ot tt"<: • !.C LOVES:;;:'l;L C, F N!lY C-10"'?0
o:her, 0'1 a cutt:ng :,oord,mo<ings..Je any goos in onelea: • I ::u"':2 OZiSC:;;. :,~.SI.. tf!VES
is covered 'r1Yme o:ne· lecl. : 'IIE~YC- O""!J
- A.'ronge the ~:l mixtu·e in the ce-r:er o: the eo'.'es,fold • I ::u"':2 \1 Ni ._f! 'vH.
intf,..,sides,ono wtOj in:oo :iunc:11e.Piecem e leaves : 'IIE~YC- O""!J
on o steaming rock in o co -opsibe oot or :,omboosteamer • ·~ FEN'I!~ 5UL5, F N!LY :: -10P?EO
ove·o pot of ooilingwater. Steo'T\,covered,for 15m·.,.,ies, • j lE"ION~'l;:ss SP ..11:S,
or un:ilcooked t"l•ougn.Corefu!lytrar1sfer m e bu"'.C.-e : 'IIE..Y C - O""!J
too plate, unwroothe lo:us leaves,and ser\<e\\"t" rice. • I ::!.YEN'I! ?E""'f'I;,: ,ELY CHO"'"'O
(TheloM leaveso·e "rQt to oe • 2 f!5L!5"'00NS., CE 'Nl'lf
• •~PS.ES"'OO'II S.'li
• I if!.S"'OON ~~OUND'\\-1 E "'E""!"'
• 2 f!5L!5"'00NS1.:\0
• SJE:1o1,:o 'I;,::::"'!:lE 5.dC: TO SE~VE
i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'11~ ~ ~t
a"' -~ '-"'
,, ~ r,, £~ Yi
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH
S!'WES: 4

• 9 OZiiSC:;: 'tM 1c=u.O't! 'IIE:l :-.o - A.:range the tofu .n tv,.'OraNSon a largeheo:oroo1 plate.
CUT ,,ro O !GU.'l P !CES Poce the-ish on top of the tofu.
• I :1 ~5 S·OZ,'~~~·3: cq: SH, • Combinethe boc< beans, garlic,ch e. s-,.;gor, Wf sauce-,
Clf!'IIEJ :..'110~ 'IISEO o,c:11tc:.espoon bowl.Spreoclthe sauce evenly
• j t=5L!S"00N5 :n, Mf'II.E O S.•C< ontothe~"I.
5E!"IIS, ~ '!SEO !.NJ C-10""!0 - j.oce the fa'l in o colla~:.e pot o· bc..Tooos:eomer eve·
• j C.OVES 0.'iUC, CHO'""E:l a pm o1 boi!i"9wo:er.S:eo"I'\,covered,for8 minutes,
• I 'tE:l CH l!, SE!OD !'110 : -io =n o or urd cook.eel th-ougn.
• I i:!S"OON G:\!"IIUl•·o SUG•'t - ;em meremoi":ng2 tooles:~ns oi in a sT,ollslo&t
• I i:!S"OON l GW SOYs.:ucE (fryingoa'l}, until "'eC'tedthroogn.
• l ·:a .!S "O ONS VE3!i=5L! 0 - j.oce the ginger and sco!!io"\S (s:llingonions)on too
• \ OZiiO G ~l'll~E't !SOUi H'll:-11 o1 t't"<:
fish,oour a,•erthe hot oil.a"lOservewi:h rice.
2.S·C,ol·~E"ll~i-1 "ECE; 5-1\E:l:l! O
• i SC•tl 0"115(S"::t.'11~ON 0'115),
• SiE•y;!Q "1;1:: =:~E S.dll, 10 SE'WE

i\!G ON: -!UN.:, f;1"©~

i 11,
Pi\!P!.:\! · ,oN i ME 15,,., 'IIUT!S
S!'tVES: 4

• I ·1 .a \·OV?SC·~: S G-1!'0 :,v - j.oce the fu"l head in o lo·ge bowl.ood thevinegor, ginger
~:\!55 c•=t". OR 5!.MON H!•J, juice, and 4;.' (3Lfloz/I iter}•.-.ater, a"lOwash to
r-• rvED removeany ngeringbloodor fisnscent. iinse thorougnly
• 2 t=5L!S"00N5 'ltH iE \'l'llfG!'\ a".d d·ain. ,ujtf'I= fish "'eCdwi-.nthe salt o.ncllghdy
• j i.!5L!S"00N5 G ~G!i\ JUICE d·edg,=wi-.n the cornstarch (cornflour}.:llocett"<:fish
• ·~ i!":)0'11 s.:li. " .US EX.:\! head on o 10:'geheo:oroo1 :.ote, s.(infacingt.1pword .
TOi•SiE - Mixthe garlic,g;r,ger,scallions(s:,ringonions), :,oth cnile--~
• 2 if5~:S"OO"IS CO",NSiAR;:1 a".d1tc:.espoo.'l oil;,. o bowland s:.rink..i:
over the o_s-.,,
:::OR'll=LOUR) Poce the d:$'\in o collopsbe oot or DOm:oos:,ecme·over
a pm o1 boi!i"9wo:er.S:eo"I'\,covered,for12~lit es.
!'110 : -io •"PEO or un-1~he-ish ·s coxed through.
• i OZl50 G G NG!i\ :=soul}· '11:-1, - ;em meremoi":ng2 tooles:~ns oi in o sT,ollsouceoon
1.5·C,,.,·lENGT - " ::E, Glt.!i:Q a".d d·izzlea.-e·tne fish need. Seasonwith extra salt cno
• i SC•1~ 0"115(S"'t 'II~ ON 0'115), servewim rice.
:: - 0 ""! 0
• iO =1:<~E:l ~:J C-1,~ES,CHO'"'"D
• I '\E:l CH l!, CHO'"'"E:l
, :s·:a .:s=ooNs vE3!t=5L! or~
• SiE•y;!Q "1;1:: =:~E S.dll TO SE'WE

"!G 0'1: ::-;!OZ-IOU
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU7ES.
WO K- SMO K ED " lUS j -I OU,'\) M H 'II! - 'IIG i ME
COOK ~G i ME iC M '\lu·n

t-'ost nome COO(S :,el'-eve yo;.."'ffd a borbec1.-e

or special • i ;i lS 2·0!!5:J:J·G ?OM:'IH,
equiprr-e~t for ST0<ing, wne'l in foct,ol youn~ is o V.'Ok. C.f!~!J ! ~J ~ NSD
o"'.dd...minum foil.U.V19the wok,,,/th t ~ foil~!:'\'ents • I -!5 .Es=ooN JE! 1.PvH
smo<ing ·ngredien:s :"Omstickingto thewoi:: (o,cl • i ·!o .::s =ooN G~!'llut!·o SllG!,
causing o stiay me1s}. , 1 ·!o .Es=ooN ! .t- =uvos:: =., 'II:
: ._01.,R
- USP- o s,orp ,:nifeto mokE2 sho aNs o:snesoneocn side , vE:3f -!5 L! o L :o, a, us -11'11:;
o: tne fish.--ansfer too OO'YI:. • V,! '(Q'\IN,! SE.70 s::~vE
- Combinethe .r,o.rino ae ;ngredien:sin o sha..nNbowl.
pour over a": fisn,and marinate for2 hours (,"'Oneed :o\ T- E v !, 1,:J::
to -efrigerote). • i -!5 .Es=o oN G "IG!, JU CE
- j te--ectthe ovento 45~ :n30:ctGcs Mo·i::8. Urie • i S.:.'L~IO~ :s~~ l"\I:'; ON O'\I
o bo<ingsn:e: witn por&:-r-e~t(:ioL"'.g)~oe·. ::-10~~::o
- USP-you· ho"'.dsto',,:::,etl"':fisncleon of the ma·iOOde. • 1 ·!o .::s=ooN G~!'IIUL!·o SUG!,
Poce it oo me prepc-ea bo<ingsnee: o,cl :-1(!? fo, • i -!5 _::s=o oN Q!'(I( S.OYSAUCE
5 minut es. Turnthe -ish overon the OO(ingsnee: onc:I , 1 ·!o .Es=ooN w:.rosE
00(e i;\tr,e O\'!:'I :o. O"'.OtherS minuies. • I -!5 .Es=ooN S-i!OX "IG w N!
- USP- 2 s~ts o:olu.,....-,._m foilto lineo '-''OJ::, following
the wok'scurvotwe, ono :oa me edges of the foi aver
the (,..of ice wokto secJi:s in-rers-..sfoce comoletely.
- Mixthe teo eaves, sugor, ond flourtogetner in o
heotoroof bo•..,ond put the mixtu-se·n:o the 1reoo·ed
wo<.Brusho s:eom·ng roe( •1,'itnoil o,cl out it into t..,.e
wo<ove· the smo<i~ ·ngrecre~ts. :"$_re you use a
s:eom·ng tOC( tnot is to e"'Ougn to leave 1J'lch/2.Scm
between fishond smo1::i"'9 ingred·e;ts. Coverthe
wo<one .,.em the smo(·ng ingred·entsover h·gh heat
u~fl smo-cebegins to rise. OX>!.fi 2-} :-ninutes.
• Uncovet,=-.rttf.e fisnoo me rock,re-cover, and t-ren •eor.rce
to CIN"'e01 and ST'O(!:' the -ishfo<oboot5 mil"",,..ies, o:-until
cookedth-,,ugn. T·o.nsfe·tri: fishtoo serv'"'-9pate and
se-Newith .rnyo~~ise on the ~:'oe.

~ 157
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG §~ ~ ~fll tl
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUiES
COO(l'll::3.. '1E 25 "11'11Ui:S DAC E WI TH DA IKON RAD ISH
S!'WES: !.

• I :v•OZiiSC·::S.., :i:..::, : L..EHJ !"IIJ - Combine the doce, I' teaspoonsot. o"'.dwhi-.e oe-:,oer.
Ml"ll:!O - ; eat me lorg,=s,d!let {fryingoon}ove1 r.:,11 neat,
• •~TE.!5"00'11 S.'li cod the -ish,ono press dr.:,,o;n,
\\"t~o s:,o:,-,,,lo
(fa~ slice),
• \ •psPO:J'I G~OUNJ W-1 iE =.:=>=n, to mo.(eo j;..inch/5-mT-thi(( oorty. :-rytt,..,patty :or
• 2 f!SL!S " OONS \'!GEi!S~E 0 2-3 m·.,.,ies, or untilgolden :lJ'OVl.'1'1. men :-yfor
• ·~ o:::,,10 ::s.::s.'11:;E\ :.sou · \· 'll:-1.• o"'Other 2- 3 ~lit es.
2•CV•L!NUi - " .ECE), SL ::J • Use tf..:soo:ulotooreo.( the ootty ·.,tos'TlOII ~ tne~
• I .5 5 OZ ~:JC:; J! !CO~ =t:.J S- Clli cod the g·~ e·. ~reose tr-':neat to hig:1ono ood1 cup
'1110C-IU"IK:i (8 floz/250 ml) x,i!ingwater. Adotne rods'lond Ch·"'ese
• !. Sf!L(5 : • 'IIESECHEi\Y, CUT "liO ce eryace b--J"9 too bo... Reo.xe the heat to r.:,11and
2· NCH.,s-::y; E"ll:;i-15 simmer, coo.-ered, for ISminutes.Add t -..ete'TlOining
• I )C!.l 0'11 SP" NG O'IIION), CUT I' teaspoon soltono tne scallion(spr'~ o,·•on),oojust
'1110i· NCH.'5,Cy; .:"ll:;i-15 me seasoningto taste. then transfer too plate o,cl
• S}E:.y;:o "1;1C! =:.:;E S.dC TO SE'WE servewitn .ice.

i\!G ON: SE Jl'll::3.

P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiES
COO(l'\1::3.. '1!: 15 "1 'IIUTES FISH IN SPICY
S!'WES: !.

• I 'l·LS !.SQ•:;: y;_,NJ.''t ~ : SH • Use o s"lal'p<ni:e to mokE3 slos-..eson eocn sioe of the -ish.
Clf!"IIEJ !."110:, 'IISEO - 3ringo .orge souceoonof water too ooil.cod the -ish,
• 3 · :.o.:s=ooNs ~!:\J 01t o"'.dsimT..erforabou;:10seconds.Oro·no"'.dset osic:l e.
vE:;n:.o.r o. - ; eat me lore ino WO<ove· hig'l heo:, cod the chopped
• I sc:..l O"I :sP" NG O'IIION), SiE"15 g·een sca!!ioo{soringonion},ginger, and ,.,...,'te :,e:,oe-·,and
0'1.Y, CUT 'IITOn· NCH. !.•Cl,'; s· ~ " 5 stJ -fryfor1-2 .rw'lutes u-nt frog·an: . Addtf..:ch·cl:esn!roth
!'110 :;\E:'11 =:.~J CHO'"'"E:l (stock},ging,=rju·ce, wine, and sdt . 3ringtoo ooil.odd
• I f::!.S" OON C - 0 "" !) G 'IIGE~ me '1sh,and returntoo boil. 1.aNerthe --eat.CO\<e·, and
• •~iE!.5"00'11 G~OU"ll:l 'I-I- iE " !P "H simmer forabout 10minutes.Jidc:I the ·eTJOining sco'l'on,
• i CU" :i {le, F. OZ ·4;5 M~J C-1,C(!N me COOn:ro (corionoer},and V--egaro"'.dS::r·.\ me sesame
~~o·H ;sro;i;.,=.:.,o: 1c1 oil.Seoso:lwithextrosot totos :e.
• I if.!S"OON G 'IIGE~ JU CE - - ronsfer the '1shtoo :,at e and pourover the sauce. Serve
• I if!S " OON ~ C! W ~E wimr'ce.
• ·~ lE£5"00'11 S,.1.lf, EXF !
• i 5UNC- ES C1~!'11l";O ;COR !'IIOE"
CUT l"ll· o O:.·l'IIC- ,'2•CV L!NG· ns
• 2 f!SL!S " OONS S~.'C( V N!G'~
• I f:!S " OON s:s:.v: or~
• su:.y;:o :;;,:: =.,:;E S.dt: · o st:i;vE

158 '" S~ &, SE,! FOOD

~:o 0'1: J :'IIGSU
~:i;::~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU -E S

- USP- o s,orp ,:nifeto mokEsloshesin o crisscrossoot1:e·n • j :v•OZ 'iSO·G :'!.u: :., ::.~=
on bo:n sides of eocn 'ish. :~E!'\l!J ! '\IJ = NSD
tN' mushrooms;ntoo oow ,ccver '.-.-'thcoo'...oter,
- j.....-t • i ORD 5L!CK WUS·ili,OOMS
o"'.dsoo<:or ot eon 20 minu:es,or untilsofoe-red.Th·-.,y , '1,CUP :tOZIS~ G Sl :::J 5!M500
slicett"<:mushrooms. S-iOOTS
- :iringo SO\..cepan of '"otertoo boil, cad the bamboo • } J!.S~ESPOO'IISVE;jf -!fd Ol
shoots, a.rd :.onc.n:o. 1TW'lvt e. Orc:no"'.dri."l:!
e ...nder • } J!.S~ESPOO'IISS-i! QXl'IIG ''lo',E
cold ~ing •.-.ater. • i S.:.!L~IO~ :s='!.i'\I:"; ON O'\I ,
- ;em m e oil .no \\'Okover :-.igh,-,eat, odd ti-': fish, and KNOTH)
po.n-fry ::ne -ish for o:ovt 1m·.._-te,then tu-n overbo:n o .,OZ1S O ONG!'!. ::.sour • '\I: -; ,
o "'.clfryfor o.notf"erminute.Addthe wi-re, ,:notteo scot-on l·CW·lE'-IGT -i :- E::::,S.1:::0
(spri"9on~o,},g·¥', o,c:13cups (25 fiozflSOml) wcte1 , i oz •2so cn ,Es: :u'!.D'\I
o,cl :("iogtoo :oi . Co-.•er, onclsimrr~·ow1 r.:,11neat for S.ICEO
10:i-.:rnrtes, or u-rtilthe fisnis cooked tht0'..'9h. • I ·psPO O'II s:.~r
- AJJdthe bocon, :,omboo,mush·ooms,and s0ct,and coo< • I ·:.s .ES"'OON p:i;o
ove· hig'l heai :0(-0bo.rt 2 m·.,.,-tes.~emoveand dsco,:1
the SCOl,.ion and ginger.
tN' -ord in o smo po" o -r.ohea;: it gently ever CJN
- j.....-t
heat U""tilmeted .
- -ronsfer the -ish\\~:10!1 t-reiogredien:sono tne SOl.p
too se-vingbowl.Diz.zleover tf"':neoted -ordend ~-ve.

:i li<ll'sre1g =:o O'\I: J !'IIGX

=:i;:=H!J 0'11T WE: lS \I NUTES,
BRAISED =tus 2C y; Nu -ES so :. (l'\I:"; T WE

- j,.,..i tr>':mushrooms.nto o OO'YI:, cover•1,-=th

cod '"'oter, and , 5 .:i~ D a~.:.:< vus - ~oovs
soc<:<Y ot eon 20 minu:es,or unt softened. Remoo.<e tr>': • i ;i lS i·OZ!S~~-:; C!'!.P C.!!.N!O
mus-,•ooms,squeezed-y, end discorotne stems. Dice,men ! '\10 = 1'11SEO
set aside. • I "f!$f'O O'\I s-:.,~i
• Meom'l:hil~ . ocn the '1shdryw'th popce-· to-,,.els.
Use o snorp • I ·:.s .ES"'OON R :E W N!
knifeto mo<e 3slo:s--es on eocn siderf tr>':fisn.Combine • i ·:. .6.ESPOONS \iE&!J!f ,U O.
the sch o~ wine;,. o smelloowla.."'.d :m..snthe mbrtu·e • j "f!SPO ONS : 'IIE~Yc - o=-=-:J
on bo:n sides of ::nefish.Mo·M.-efor10minutes. ;; 'll;jE\
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-ok.orarge sk.1-:tf-ying po,} over • I S.:.'L~IO"I :s=\ i'\I:"; ON O'\I
med'um-~h ""'=ct,odd tne ginger,scolion (spr'~ O<"'·on), :-;o==:o
o,cl rrm:vooms, and stir-fry:<Y 1-1 mh.rtes un:il frogrom. • i CU"' (8 : . OZi'iSC y;~ : -; CK!N
Ado ti!: fish,...-=tht --eoroth (stoc..<
) o"'.d:ring s,or - :sro:i::. =:.oE n:
too boi. Reduceto lowheat sh;Te·, cO\'e·eo, :o. • } S"!L(S C _!'lli"; O ;CC'!. ! '\IJ! =
10~lit es. =lipt--e fisnoo.-e· ona simmerforoootne· :uT N -o \· 'll:-i,'2•C\I lENGT - S
10TW'lut es. Ado::neC.OOn:ro (corionoer} and t -ons:er • SJ!!"lf) R CE :P !.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
too plate. Se-vewi':hrice.

i\!G ON: s;:::-1u:.'1 ii&{~~ia
P,\!P~11;qoN T VE IS y; NUTH. :-.._us
1~ v "iVES y;:.11;N.!i 'II~ T "1E C ARP W ITH SW EET
COO(l'll::3.. '1!: I~ v NU TES

• I :1 .St•i·OZ,!CC·::3., :::,v :::.P'l!O • Useo s-r.ap kn::eto mo~ ~ckiepcuts (to the bone)
! '110 \l'IISE 0 on each Sl:ieo: the -isn,O'! o 45oegre-:ongl:toworo
• :S7f! SPO:J'IIS )!.Li til:~d.
, 1 r:aus:-oo~ s -1~.ox1'll::S.w ~E • Combine2 teo:s::,oons salt ooclthe smell DO\•:I.
• S -!5 l!S=ooNS :::OR;NSJ!\:::-1 m en brus:1m e mixtureoo both s·oesof the 'ish. Marinate
::::OR'll=LOUR) :o. Kl tnnut es.
• 5 ·!a L:s :-o oNS ~VNU.!T!) s.u~~:, - Mix3tc:.espoons cornstarch {cornOOJt) wi-.n3 tcbespoons
• I :::u:- :a: L OZ:'25~ v. C-1 C(E', co.clwcte-·in o crge she CJNDO\t.~. Set os;de :<Y 5 minutes,
a,o·n :sro:::i::. :-~ .o: n or un-1the starch settles at tf"':oortom o: tf"':oowl.then
• 2 Cl.~S (IC ;L OZ ·475 M~J poo-·OU'! the wa:e-·::o eave a wet stare""·
VE~Ei!S.t O. • Mixthe ·emoiningl teos:,oonsot oocl2 toblesooo"\S
• j iE.'S,.OONS. =1'11:.Y:::-io~~eo co:nstorch,tr>':s,.:gor,ancibroth (s:ock) in o oo,,and
~ 'll~E\ set oS:de.
• !.C LOVES~:\l C, C- 0""!) - ;em ::nevegetaoleoil ·no wokor ors-=s<illet{frying
• s ·!a .:s:-ooNS S.P.CK c, pen) to "S!OOF/17~. or untilo cu~ at breod orov,:ns·o
5:lS!V::: V N!G!'\ !S seconds. )ipthe fu:1into the wet starch,then noldi"'-9
• •, i!S.ES~OO'II SES!Nf 01~ i;: by the ::o1.,ca.,-efu!ly
slideit, neod first,in~othe hot O.
• i SC!l~ O"IIS.(S"' '11::3. ON O'IIS), Deep-frythe 'ish for 5 minutes un:ilgode-'l~'n and
l CHO'"'"E:l ~'l:l 1 S- i\!OOE:l COO(ed th-ougn.U<..e o slottea spoon to carefullyremove
• ·~ O!,' 10 ::3." IC<~D CH L!S. SH'HJJEO ::ne-ish fromt~ oi o"'.da.rOJIo..,po::,e·to·.-.els.-·ansfer
• I 3-UNCHCI~:'IIT";O ;::OR !'IIOE" too se-vingplate o-r.okeeo wc·rn.
,ou~ - LYc-io ~~eo - =>o..irout most dt-r.eoi, eovingabout 1to.oles:,oon'ntn e
• su:y;:o :;;,:::: =.,~E S.dC ·o st:i;vE wok.,6dd the g.nger ooclgarlico 'ld s:ir•fryover nigh neat
:o. 1-2minutes un-1f•agrant Ado::nebro:n and corns:arcn
mixtureand stir•:~ tor O"'Otherminu:ea.-e·hig..,hem
to i:hic.(en , Stirin the vinE90r,sesoT~ oil.and cho:-oed
sca.,lion(sp--;ngonion) o"'.dx,.,.r O\'e. tri: fish.-o:>with ::ne
p·ck.edch es.snredcledscallion{s:.ringonion), ono COOn:ro
(coriander). Ser\'!:""'ithrice.

160 >< $~ &, S.E,!FOOD

'f m-£~ fa "!G 0'1: - l.S!
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU7ES.
BRAIS ED " lUS J:J v "iUiES 1,1:.,,~ N.'i '\I~ T WE
COOK ~G i ME iC M '\lu·n

t-' ky,,.,..,'te,tender,ondwimout sro,es, ~"'-gOOS>=

cctf.:s:1 • i;i lS 10·~·0Z 'iSO-~ _o-..:;,osE
iso :.eshwoter the Hon R.'..,e· oc0 mis uod'iional o;; :-.. ycq : )1, Clf:'ID :-..o
d:n is o spedc'tyof Jingmen City·" Hu~i ~ovince. s·nc-: - E!J ! '10 y: ~ ,,.:'SE'WEO
this r.$'l is r.ot o:irticu,orly00"':'f,
i:hehe-odand toi c-e • I -f! .SPOO'\I S!_T
SE-Ned OS port of m e dish. • j -! .5.ESPOONS \ICE 'II 'IE
• i cu;,s 0~ "_ OZl~'.'5 Wl) v::;::Pfd
- Cutt~ fis.n':>Oaf in:o C,.-ioc ~ 3-cm-tnio: chun<s.Mx Ol
>iteos:ioon salt onc:I1tooles::,oonwine'no snoflowdsn. CV 15 G G "IGE'\ . !.50UT \·1 .. C -
t-'orinatethe-ish neod,tel o"'.d:,ody,oiecesint-CSmixture 2·CW·l:NGi1 " .E::E;, CHO'"'"EJ
:o· 10minu:es. • i SC.! L~IONS :S'"'\ ."IG 0'10"IS
- ;em me oil .no \\'Okor O*P soocepo'l to 3LOOF /1700C. l CUT '\ITO2· NCH.'S<~ .. E'l:;HS,

or un:ilo c.-uoeof creoclXO'h""\S in 45 seconos.Adc:I the lC - O""EJ

'ish and dee:,-fry forobou;:~- 5 minu:es1..n:ib--a,;n.Use • i -!5 .ESPOONS ::1,~ S!UCE
o s..otteclspoon to corefulfyremovethe -ish from tN' oil , a; "OJ\< s1ou~of:i;,::u1
o,cl drain on paper towe_s. '\170 •~•1'\1:: 1 l•CV ::USES
- :,01..rout most d tt"<:oil. eovingabout 1toole:ooon'ntn e • Ii cu ,,. (.d "l oz.-120 VLJ c - 1::<E'I
wok..Heat ever .Tee! ..m-nigh heat, odd tl"':gingerand s,or - :sro::K,,,.!GE n:
IO<"'_ge· s~n (springOt"'lOn)p·eces,and stir-::yfor abo.Jt , Y,CU,,. 12 OZ/SO~· f.!~300 SHOOTS,
1mi""I.J'teU""'til frog·ont.Addthe chir sauce, pork.o"'.d ::uT N70 ·~•l'\1::1 'l•CW ::uan
remo·.n:ngI tc:.espoon wi-reand toss over hig'1heat fo· • 1 -!5 .:'S ;,OON G,,.!'\IUL!-E:l SUG!lt
1mi~•..rte.Ado ti!: chicken:,roh {stock)and oringtoo ooil. • I -!5 .:'S ;,OON L 01• SOYS!UCE
- j..,..i ti-': fisn, borr:oooshoots, ti-': reT10ining>iteospoon • I -!5 .ES;,OON \\ 1 -E V N!G:'\
salt, the sugar, and Wf sauce in:o me,,.0< o"'.d·e':\.rnto • ·~ TE.!5"00'\I G'\OU'\l:l 'li - .TE "!P"H
o boil.Red.uceto low --ect,cove·with o id,and Y"nmerfor • )f:!"lfJ I\ CE :P !.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
o:ovt 10T.:Ovtes.or V"'tilt~ sc:-,..ce thickenso.ndthe fa"1
is cooked tnro;,;gh.Stir .nthe vinegar,white pepper,ood
c.noppedsco•on .
- A.-ronge the f"..s" heod and taJ ot ei-.ner end of o pate, with
the -ishoieces in ti-': midde. PourO'.'erme sauce from ti-':
wok. Se-vewith rice.

i\!G ON: J !'"\l:";SU :i ti @?-©/;!,
P:\!P!:\qoN T VE IS y; NUTES,
COO(l'II;;. '1!: 15 'fl 'IIUTES

• \CU "' (\ 0!1S :;: J" ED :,t.,:< - ~it~ oloo: fungus.rl o bo•....t,
=u'l:";US soakto· o;: eos: 20 -n·nu::es,or U-"'tisoftened.Remo\<e
• I :1 ..a S·:::>z,,~Cc•;;: "'fi\CH . : ,...L!EJ, mush·ooms,squeezed-y,and disco.,,:! ti!: stems.
50'11ES'!;ES!'W!J - ~it~ fisn:onesond gingers'kes into o lo·ge pm. =bur.rl
• 1 SL CES;; 'll;;E'!;, PLUS•~ "P S"'OO"I enoug'lwoter to cove· comolete'y. 3ringtoo ooilc,.•e·h·gn
:l:\!"EO:; N:";! " hea;:.~educeto CJN hem o-..dsimT..erfor 5 minu:es,or...ntiJ
• I TPS"'OON S!3 OXll..i1a.o (8 fioz/iSOml) oft.quid remains.S(imthe
• I fGG \\-!,TE :·oth and scu~ off the surface,if "":e-ded. S:rointhrough
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 :OR'ISJ:'tC - o strCJIS'r(sie-v
e) intoo oov.:,.o_scorotne boneso-..dgi'lger,
':OR'll =LOUI\) o-..dreseNethe b--oth.
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S ...E 0 •"\e fisn-i e:s into 2,. 1x 1'-inch/5,i: 2.5 ,i: 0.5-cm
• I sc:.l 0"11 :sP" NG O'IIION), p·eces.Comli~ t"\e fisnp·eces.rl o bo·h \\~:'l ii teaspoon
sch. 3eot tl"':eggwh'ie O"Ocod to the -ishalongw'th
• 1 OZl50 G 'tElLOW : - IVES.CUT NTO >$taole:oooncorns:arcn (cornflour),then mix'hell.
2· NCH·S-::y; ...E'l:";T-IS - ;eat mevegetoole oil·no wokor orgeHillet {fryingpan}
• !. W!ff" C-l!Sl 'IIUTS,Sl :EJ overmedium-hig'lhea;:,odd the scallion(s:ring onion)oncl
• :S-!5 .!S"'OONS S-!!QXl'I:'; 'It 'IIE g·oted gi'lger,o-..ds:Ir-fry "or1m·"'.ie V"'tifrog·ant.Add
• I f!3lES"00~ S!S!y;f Oil me bock fu"'-91-S, yellowchi\<es, 'haterchest.,uts, rese~
• \ "f! .SPOO'II G~OUNJ \\-1 TE "'P"'H -ishbro:h,wine,and remoini"9 >$teospooosalt onc:I~ng
• I 3-UNCHC1,..:'IIJ";Q ;:OR !'IIOE" too boil.Reduceto lowhea;:,add the fa 1, and retur'.lto
C- 0""!0 o boiland co0<:o. 2-3 m·"'.ies un~ilcook.eel tf"•ougn
• S "!5 .!S "'O ONS :OP.CKC'!; 5!.LS,.1.MC • Mixthe ·emciningii tc:.espoon cornstarchw'th
V NE~!'!; Jr,tcb espoons'hater ho s'T'IOII 'X/h ona stir this rrixtur e
into the wot. &-;ng too xia, S:::rring, to· 30s.econdsto
- Aime in the sesame oiland t ·ansfer too large 'X/h . Top
wi-..nthewhi:e oeooer o-..dcilantro(corio-..d er). Se-vewith
me V--egor0.'1 me side.

f.rfil i!IIfa i\!G ON: J !'!~SU
P,\!P~i\!i ,ON T WE: i5 y; NUTES
STU FFED C RUCI A N COO i.i'ii ~. \1! }:J "11'\IUTES
s::,vn, 4

- =-
metone side of m e fish,...--=th
t-r.eKlet ;;nw toi:he -ish • I ( 12·0Z , }50·3 ) ::\u:: !~ ::l.,"0\
ot the s:omoch.-o removetne soine,cu. me spinect ootn "::.: :: ; :: . P~!J :'llo \ .'lls .:o
endsond :nsei o (ni:e to h h the-ish. Theresult wil • 3 "!fd S"OONS l1~ - T SOY s:u:::
be o ho.CJN fishconnectedot tr,..,stomach. Ruoboth s·~s • !. OZ:12C G '-'''IICEJ tG~OUNJ) ?0\ (
o: tne fish with>itcoles::,oonsoysauce. • I:. Cl;? :s
OZ/IS~ 3 SL ::!J 5'M500
- -o mo<eth<:filling,combinethe :,or',:and oom~ shoots SHOOTS, :sour I cu=-'!. OZIIJO 3 )
in o i0r9eX/h cod 1teaspoon ,...,-;n e, >itcoles::,oonSCI'/ JCD
sauce, ij teaspoon sugoc, I' teaspoon solt,and 'f, teosooon • I f£5 L!S"OO, S"il .QXl'II~ ·-11·'IIE
cornstarch {cor-.fa...r),and :nixwell. • 1 lE.'5"00NS G\:N UP. TEO SUG!~
- _;:ttN' fillet and soreoclthe Kling r,,.•e rl:yin~othe-ish. • •~ TE.!5"' 00'11 $.!LT
6rtly p-s-ssthe s·oes of the -ishtogetherto ·es:orethe • I if! .S?OONS::O \ NSi!\::;
-ish to its orig·~, shooe. ie the fu"lwithkitcnen s-Jing :::O\ N"lOU \
to -r_odthe; e: o"'.d'1.1:r,g ·.l poce. Thefishw look1at • :S"!5 . ES"OONS \if3!J:5 L! OI~
ot this ooin:. • I OZ:25 G " 0 "'( =!·a,::<.CUT ,ro
- ;em me oil .nO\\'Ok.Ot orge sU et f-ying po, } over ~· 'IICH.'S•\1\1.J :::
med'um-~h ,-,eat, odd tne fish,o,cl pon-fryon one side 0 1 ovs~ o o NG!/\ ::sour 5· '11::1 ,
:o. '--S V"'ti goldenorown.Use o s ot:eo spoon 1-S·::1o1·~E'll~J; " ECE S~1::EO
to cor!:'fullyreTlO\'e me -ishfromt~ oi o,cl a:o·n on • I SC!ll 0'11 :sP =-NG o,;oN)
pcoer tOV1.<e-S. :: -10 =-?£0
- Aoothe po·( fotboo:, g·~e·, and sco• on (springon·o,) • SJE:1o1.:o'I;,::: "!3f S.dC). 10 SE~VE
to thewo( a.ndstir-fryfo· 1-2m·~•..rtes un::Ifragrant.
Returntt"<:fishtott"<:'-''OJ::, Drowne-:!siae facingt.o.Add
the remo·;lling2t-=OS:ioons wine,2 tobespoo"'SSO'f sauce,
li5teosooonssugar,~ teaspoon salt, the :,omboo shoo:
slices,one!sco~t~ cup (H ; oz/JOOml) water, then :iring
toaboi .
- Covet, ·ea..xe to low ~t. and smme-1for10 m·~_-tes.
l;,creose to h·gn heat and cook,uncovered,to reduce the
sauce byhe f.
- -ronsfer the-ish one!boT-=:oos""OOts too pat e. =wmove
the kitchen s:ring.Mixme remoin·-..g 1teosoooncor"'Storch
wi-.n1to:.espoonwo:e· ino smal IJo,.., one!sf· tnis
mixtu·e.ntotne wok..3ring too ooil.stidng, for 30seconos
to thie(en tt"<:souce. Pourthe so:.xea.-e·tne fishonc:Iserve
iiTi:-redbtelplih -ke.
i\!G ON: 5;:::-1u:.'1 II~ i!JI

P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiES,
=LuS I -!Ol.i:\ v: •t 'll!i NG i "1E CARP W ITH
COO(l'll:;3. i M! 1 -IOU:\ 20 y; NUiES

• I :1 .a 2·0ZISOO·G) ::'tu:: ,!N::: !\= • Use o s"lal'p<ni:e,make }-4 sloshesoo eoch side of tne
::,;; :zi\CH . Cf!.N!O !'IJ :-1'\ISEO -ish,tl"':'1rubtf"': fisnwi:h ii tec:sooonsot and 1toole::ooon
, 1 n :.s:-ooN S!.~t wine.Mor'~efor1 "'O'...J.
• l -!5 _:s=ooNS 't,:::E WINE - .ightly dredgethe fu"l in t-r.ecor"'.Storch {cor-.flour).
• I iPS:-ooN :::OR'IISl!'tC - - ;eat 1tobespooo~e:ableo. inosmo souce:,ono'.'er
::::oR'll =LOUR) low ""Wt, odd 2teosooo--ss.,.;gor, and cook to· 1 m·.,_,tes
• 5 -!a ~:s=ooNS \'E~!l!OL! 0. untilthe sugar ~s d:Ssolvedana tne mixtureis co·ome
• I f!3lfs=-oo~ ~:\!,NU.!fEJ SU~!\ in coo-. Stirin 2 tablesPOOns wcte1onc:Isi~e· forcnotne·
• 3', OZ 'IC0 :;3.:;3.'tOU'IIO'y; NCEO =- :=t< 2 m·n.ites,s:iring, V""titN' co"S:S:e~of sy-uo.~emow
• 3 -!5 _:s=ooNS :n ,"1E'lliEO 3P.CK the hea;:o"'.dset aside.
OE!.'115,: '\ISEO :..NJ :::-10=-::o - ;eat 2 tablespoons\'ege:able c;t in o wokor crge s.(i e:
• j :::u=-s I\() r. OZ-4i5 M~ :::-1 :::<:N (fryingoo"l},ada me fish.o"'.dpen-fry:or S mi""I.J'tes on
a=to·n:sTO:::i::. .o: n
=-:. eoc.nside u-nt goldenorownand cookedt"'·ocgh. T·ansfe1
, 2 n,s:-ooNs sn:"': o L me -ishtoo :.ate.
• SH!\1!0 :;;,:::: =.,:;3.E S.dll ·o st;;\'E - A/JJlltne remo·~ 2tablesPOOnsvegetobe oi tothewo<
o ,cl heat a.-e· mediu~ heat. Addt ~ cork ana SN•fry for
3 .n'.nutes.k.d the b eek beans and stir•:)' for a.."'
m·.,.,ie ..r.t frog·ant. Pourin the cnic..<en b-o:h (s:oo:), the
remo·ning'f, tee;::,con so t, 2 tcoles::,conswine,I teospooo
sugo·, a.."'.dthe syru:.,o"'.d:.:-;ng
too :oi .
- ~etu-n me fishto the wok,reduce to lowheat, and Simmer,
uncovered,forabout 1 ""O.or, or u'tlil almost o! d tne sauce
is evaporated.Drizzlethe sesame oilover the fu"l and
uons:er too pate. Serve'N'-thrice .

i\!G ON: J !'"ll~SU

P:\!P!.:\!-,ON i WE: 5 "1''11Ui:S
COO(l'\l:;3.. '1!, I~ v NUTES BRA ISED FISH B ELLY
S!'tVES: 4

• 4 ·:.o .ESF'OO~S P:\J - ;eat ::nelore in o );.rtchoven (coswroe) 0ter medium

• I >C:~1,.0"'1 Jn NO O'IIION) hea;:,odd the scallion{s:.ringonion}and ginger,and
stir-fryfor1minu:e un:ilfrogro-rt.Acdthe '1shoe1yand
• I r:::.s:-ooN G:\!HO ~ ~~F pen-fryover lov,.•""'=Ctunti slig-rtlybra,;n on :IO'tnsides.
• I .5 1 OZ, 500 G :::s - : Sri O!L~Y o"'.d1o..p (Sflo z/250 m}
Add tf"'?'le,soysouce,s.,.;gor,
wa:e· O"'.O b--J"9 too boil.Rea.xe to O'Nhea;:a.."'.d simrr~·,
• :S-!5 _:s=ooNS 5-!!QXl'\13 ,,, 'IIE uncovered,for10minutes un:ilthe souce ::nic..<ens or 1..nti
• 5 -!a L:s=ooNS ~·~ - i SOYs,r.uc: COO(ed th-ougn.
• 3-!5_:s=ooNS ~'t.'NU.!f:J SU~~ =- • Mixthe corns:arcn (com'lour}wi-.n1tab ESXIOS'lwa:e·
• I rps:-ooN :::OR'IISf!'tC - =LOUit) 'Xii< one stit mis mixti..Jein:othe so-.xe.B:-;ng
in o s 'TJO,I
, 1 r:::.s:-ooN s:s:.v: o ~ too boilto thickenthe souce ono toss un-1~he'1shbe'ty
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1:::: =!~E S.dC, 10 SE'WE slicesare'"'ellcoated in souce. Stirin tt"<:sesoT~ oi o,cl
uons:er too pate. Serve'N'-thrice .
~ mrt ii~~ 1-- ~! G 0'1: - O'II~ fCONG
"";!~H!f 0'11- ~E: 15 M 'IU7ES, " .US
COOK ~G i ME iC M '\lu·n

- -o mo<eth<:filling,soak m e mush·oomsono dr'ed snrimp , s ov1so :j. ro•u Pu .. s. - :.1vo

i;'lse:,ora:e bowlsof hot wc:e1for 15,rW·11Jt es, or V"'til • i ·:. .5.ESPOONS VEO!i!.3lf or~
so¾ened.~e o.nddisco·o tri: mushroo,._stems, • I LS .!SC :j.W i'lllflt ME~O'II :EEL!O
o,cl chopootn the mush·oomsono shr'-r:p. !."110CUT ,ro :-iu~<S
- j..,..i&...dace in:oo large r,o,,.
' .Add tr>'l!soltondwhi-ce • I 7f!SPOO'II s:.~t
pep:,erencl sf• with c.nopstick.s in one directionun:i the • I 7f!SPOO'II C0~'115·.:.1tcn
doce :iecomese osfc onc:I~my. kJd the m~:vooms, ::Oit'll "LOU'!.)
shr'mp, on,d corns:orch (corn"IOUI") end mix we I.Use • j SOL~IONS :s:'!. "IG 0'110'1151.
o sooonto stu!! eoch ten.Ipuff ho f •1,"ihtee dace filling. :uT NTO b"IC - 1S·:1o11..E'113~HS
- ;ea;: 1tob espoon oil ·no wok.ororge slo&t (fryingpoi ) • Sf:!"lfJ R CE :P!.G! 5.!.0), TO SE\VE
ove· lov,.•heO'!.Poce s:uffedto'u pu7f,filings·e: feeing
da~ int~ wo<,and oon-:-y for 3-4minuies unt i goae :'l •o, ·n: J!.,Cf. ~~l"IG:
Tro"'Sfertf"':to'u pu!!too pate.
b--0'""""· • i ORD 5-1 P (! WUS-1'!.00WS
- ;ea;: me remo·vg 1tooles:::,oon o in the wo<, odd the • ~ .:l" ED SH\,v "
winter melon, solt, o,cl 6 tcoles::,oonswa:er, and bring • 5 OZ..-150:j. U"-15!..LfEJO.&:E • SH O'!.
too boi. Reduceto mediumhem o,cl sim-rer, eo1e·ed, for U"ICOOl::EOSH" ..,~ :'!,_!'lt"IS:, • ,ELY
10-12TW'lut es u-rtilthe win:e· melon oecomestranslucent. :-10~"!0
.,Aodthe tofu 01..ffsonc:Isimrr~·. uncove1ed,for 3 mini.r .es. • ·~ TE.!5"00'11 S.'ll
Mixthe cornstarch wth 1toblesooonwater ·o o smo!IDO\t.~ • ·~ iE.!5"00'11 G'!.OU"ll:l'II - TE •!P"l'!.
o-..ds::Irthis Tlixtuse, olo-r.gwi-".nthe scallions,into ti!: V.'O!. • 'lj J!!..s•ooN CC'!.'IIST!.'!.:-
Bringtoo :,o1,s:irri-r_g, for 30 secondsto"':sa-.,..ce. ::oR'll "LOUit)
SeNewith rice.
i\!G ON: : uJ :..N u g y;
P:\!P!.:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiES,
=LuS 3 -!OU:\S y;H N.!f 'II~ · y;: FISH IN RED D ISTILL ED
COO( l'II~. '1E }0 'fl 'IIUiES

• I I .5 S·O!;~O~<;: G"!SS ::..:\ " 0" - =>ottt"<:fishorywitnpaoer towe.s.

!'IIY 'Ii-! -E ~ S- C. f''-1:0, f ll E;E:) - ;em me oil;,. o lorg,=s(illet {fryingoon} ove1.,·gn~t.
!'110 :ur MO\· NCH,'i•:::M SL CES ood the-ish, ono fry forooovt 10seconds.~educeto
• l "!5 .:s=ooNS VE3!J!5L! 0 mediumhem o,cl cook.forono:ne· 3-~minu:es t.nti tne
• I J:!.S"OON f N!lY c-1:=po G NG!'t -ishis b"ow"".ed on :>Otnsides.Trons:ertoo S"",Oilov,.•oowl.
• 1 D't !O : -11~ES - :>CMout mostd tee oi, -:ovingabout 1toole1::,oon ·.\
• 1 J!5 L!S"00NS 'tEJ Os- ll !J :31\!, me wok.Addthe 9"'9e1onc:Ioriedcnilesona stir-fryover
s:..u:E medium-'ligh "eat for1 minuteuntilfrogro""t./,.Ddthe
• I Tf!.S"OON f S-1 S!U:E dS.i!ledgroinand fisnsauces, v.·ne,sugar,o.ndooovt
• I J!Ot:S=oo"I S·i!..OXl'II~ ''lo',E 2 cups (16; oz#75 :nl) v.-o:e·onobr'...gtoo :)Oil.w:luce
• I f!3lES"00~ :31\l.NU.!fEJ SU:3!'t to laN "".eatand s·'Tlme·:~ 10-15minutesontil me sauce
• SlE!',';!O :;;,:: =.,~E S.dC · o SP:\'E hos reducedbyno!:.=>our O\'e' tne fish.mokiogsu·e each
p·eceof f"..s'l is coa:eo generousJywitnthe sauce.eo,
o"".dseolwith,olosticwrap {c"-r.gfilm) o.nclmarinate·'l me
refr'S'=-ctorfor8 hOU"'S.
- When·eody to serve,place tne fishon a heotp:oofolo:e
o"".dput :ntoo collo~'ble po: o· boTooo s:,eame·overo
pot of boiling water. Steam,covered, for 5-6 mrut es, or

i\!G ON: 5E Jl'II ~ 'f !l)!Yi

P:\!P!..:\!" ,ON i ME 10 y; NUTES,
:,LUS }0 VINUT:S I,';!:\ ,!J '113i I-IE PAN- FRIED
COO( l'II~. '1!: I~ v NUTES
S!'tVES: !. tv1

• I 'l·l5 . .!.S0·3: y;'NJ.''t "I : SH. - =>ottf"':fisho.rywitnpaoer towe.s.Useo sho-oknife to

:::l f!'IIEJ :..'110" 'IISEO score bo:n sidesof tr>':fisnoncln.;.othe salt evenlyin:o
• •~iE!S"OO'II S.'li me ~a~oote for 30mirutes.
• I :-1 'll!SE CH VE, CUT 'IITO • Combinethe chives,piC(ledw·"'eso-.,..ce, wiee,and s-.:gor
\· 1'11
;1 l,S•Cfo' Lf'10i - 5 in o 'XI,. o "".Omix we . Set aside.
• I J!5l:S"'00"1 " IC( ~E:l 'lii'II! S!UCE - _ightlydredgethe fu"lw'ththe corns:arcn (co:n"loor)
• I if!. .S"OON S·i!..OXl'II~ W NE o,cl bn..-s"lwimi:he beo:en egg.
• •~}E!)"00'113't!"IU . !f:0 SU3 H - ;em me oil;,. o lorg,=s(illet {fryingoon} ove1.,·gn~t.
• I J!5l:S"'00"1 :::OR'IISJ!\C - ood the -ish, ano pa""'-fty forcbout 30secones. Reduce
::::oR'll=LOUI\) to laN "".eato.ncl:,on-fryfo· 5 TW"IAes O'l eochsideU-""til
• I !GG •. 3-IT .Y 5!!TE, gooo::'lbra1,nand coo<eatnrough.
• !. ·:.a .ESPOO'IIS \iE3EJ.!5L! Oil'n tne sauce, increasethe nighneat, ano COO( for
- =>
• Sif!',';:'O "1;1:: =!~E S.dC TO SE'WE o:o-..iISseconds.Turntee fisnove·ono COO( for o.notf"':r
ISseconds...ntilme fish::Scocted •,,/th sauce on both s·~s.
Tro""Sfe· tne fishtoo se.rvhgpate and servew'th rice.

166 : $~ &, SE,! FOOD

'© ~ $ "!G 0'1: l'l-iUI
"";!~H!f 0'11 i,VE: 20 Iii 'IIUTES.
LA M B - STU FFED " lUS I:) V "iUiES 1,1:.,,~ N.'fl'\I~ T WE
COOK ~G i ME 5:J ._.NUES
FISH SE'Wfi !.

TheChfi""'?se cnoroc::-e·for "fresh'"{~ l rr@O"'Sbo-"J'I

fresh • i ;·.!· OZ. .dCC·3 v:,J:,1'11 =1s-
o"'.dtasty. It is o comlf"'.Otiono: h1o'O~:,ora-.echarocte1s: sc : 1:0 ! 'IJ G llS R!"10VEJ. SUf
the left is "fish" (l l o.ndthe i;h: is "\:Jmb'"'
(: ). A-iden: "IOT GUTEJ
Ulin=1e:,e evedthat corr.oiningfishand i0mb'-''OS the • i ·f! .$POO'II G NG!~ JUICE
uiimote combination in taste. • I ·:o .:s =o oN L 0-1· SOYS!UCE
• 1 ·:o .:s =o oN o=!'llut!·o suo:,
..Makeon .~nc ✓l -cm-deep cut ocrossthe \'e"'tto seve1 • i i·OZiiCC·~: .E~ c= l.'M5. Clli
the intestines. ~emovethe i-r:estinesbyins.erting two '11.0 •~-.\•I I· NC -1,-i-. 2 • !.·C"1
c.nopst:Ck.s tnrough tN' fisn's.ro1..i~onogroobingti!: mt=s :s:E 'IOTE:
i-rtestinolmatte· witn ::ne-'os of the cho:,stio:s.Twist • ~ PS~fiP00'\1$ VE~t ·:o .E O l
the cnopstick.sand, keepingo tignt 9rip, pu tne in:eS:::nol OZ,,15G G "IGE, '!.6OUi l•l'll::: -
tract out t.nroughti-': fisn'smoum. ~insemoroug"''Ywith 2.5·C"1·~E'll~i-l "ECE $.ICED
coldwater. , 1 ·:o .Es=o oN S!.J
.. Combinethe gi'lger j, saysouce, and 1::eospoo'1sugo· • i ·! .6.ESPOONS $H!QX1'113'It 'IIE
in o OO'YI:• Add tr>':-ombono mo·oote for10minuies. • i S.:::.'L~IO~ :s=, 1"113ON 0'\11.
- ;em 1tob espoon oil ·no wokever nigh neat, ado tne 1::NOTTEJ
lo...To,and stir•:)' foro:o..i 1mi.,•..rte.Adoo th··d oft~ • ISJ:,!NS!
g·...gerslices,'f, teaspoon salt, 1tab esxionwine, oocl1cup • ; cu=s o~ =- oz .!'.'5 "1ll c - :::<E'II
(8 fioz/250 ml) water and ~ing too :oil. ~educeto o"'' s,or - :sro:::1::. =! .GE n;
heat and s.i:,;:-re·,ca.•e·eo,:o. 15m·"'.ies. iur'.lo!! the '°leOt. • Sf:!"lfJ R CE :P !.G! ~.!0), TO SE\\IE
Usecho~tio:s ton-ff the stfps of >0mbin:o the -ish oe'ty
throug:'lm e mouth. =wse-ve me sauce.
- ;em me rema·:'lirg2 toblesooonsoi in o clean WO<, odd
the -ish,ano po""•fry for 4-5mJ"IAeson eoch 1..ntigoa,n
!rO'h"l a-rd COO(ecl throug.'-r,.
- -ronsfer the-ish too )utch oven (cosserole), odd the
remo·.n:ngginger,scc;lion(sp--;;.goM>n),tne star anise,
the remo·-,;ng2t-ec:::,oonssugar, 2r.teospoonss0ct.
1tablespoon ,.,.·--e, tf.e ch·ckenbroth {stou:), ono tne
reservedsouce, and ~ing too :oil. ,educe to lowneat
a"'.dsimrrer forabout 30minutes,or un':ilthe sauce
thio:e-rsono ti!: fishis c00<eclthroug...,.O¼_coro me
s:ar anise, ghge·, a,cl scallion.Serve\,-:'tnrice.

Thiire(i)e ,~:,; mode•N'thground{minc-;Q ) IQm;iQ"'d
we recommend ~-"'.9o tha'lchoost·cks,
to n..ff n.

i\!G ON: c -1.:..oz -1ou Willffi
P,\!P!i\qON i ML 10 y; NUiES,
:,LUS 15·10 M '\lu·n ,.,!~i'\l! · .~o i ,.,E N OO DL EFISH
COO(l'\l:j.. ~E 3·10 y; Nu ·ts
S!i\VES: !. PA NC AK E

• 9 OZiiSC :; '\100:l~F S-1 0~ - CO'To-'ne me fishand 'f, teaspoon salt in o smo ba,.,. stir,
W-1 ·t:-! T, Clf!NEO !NJ,\ "IS!O o"'.dmo.rino:efor 15-20 minutes.
• I TE!S"OON )! .• J - Mixthe cornstarch (co·nflour)with 2 taole:ooons woter
• !. ·f:)" 00'\IS CO,\'\ISJ!'\C - in ono:her 'X/h. Set o:s'defor S m·.,.,ies,<Y un:ilthe s:arcn
:coR'\l =LOUR) settles ot the :ottom of me OO'NI, &en poor0U'i the wo:er
• !. EG~S. 5t!·f"I to leaveO\\<ets:orcn.
• \ .f!SPO O'\I G~OUNJ \\-1 H :,p:.H - CO'To-'ne me eggs,W"'te :,e:oe· , remo·~ 'f, teos:,oon
• \ .f!SPO O'\I SfS:y;: 0 L salt, sesame oil, and ,,.e1; sto·ch in a lo-ge 00',..S:irintn e
• j\ o: ,;5 0 Y!.lOW C-1 v:s. CUT ,ro -ish and ye O'N c.nives::oformo oarter.
· '\IC-1,'l•C,., lE"IGi - S - HecrttN' vegeta!:.e oilifl o nons±<-iot S<i!let{fry'~ :,on)
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ over mediumneat, oda tne better, o"'4 :-yfor ~S mfl""i.,ies
• su:y;:o 'i;,C: =.,;;E S.dll ·o SP:\'E on eoch sideuntil~Iden ~O'Nno,cl cookedthrougn.
Tro"'Sfe·too olo:e and ser\<ew't" rice.

i\!G ON: J !'"ll~XI

P,\!P!i\qON i ME 10 y; NUTES
~ s '© iff
5!'\VES: !.

• I :1·LS·SOO·G) s ·'I '"E:l )'\l!(!-1!'0 - Poce the-ish on o o..iti-r_g board, s.(inside:ocing down.
= S-1 C'\ SOL!, CL!'"ID !NJ f L.t ·D Useo sho·p knife to ma(e sloshesin o crisscrosspottern,
• I !GG 'Ii '"' -:'E. 5E!iE"I •thiro:sof the woyinto tr>efilletand soociogthe
cutti"9 t'o\'O
• 2 lE'S"OONSCO\"ISi!~C-1 slosheslri:Och/Smm apart. U.i tl"': fisn·.,to Jj:.,.-2-J'lch/
::O,\'\l : LOU,\) 3 ,c 5-cm oiec.esano put them .nto o 'X/h .
• •~H!S"OO'\I S.'li - CO'To-'ne me egg W"'te, 1::eospoooco•nstorc:1{co~flour)
• 2 Cl."S (IC ;L OZ ·475 M~J o"'.dlriteaspoon salt. odd to the oow.
• \'EG!f:3lE Oil - HecrttN' oil ·.lo wo<to26S¢:/130°C.Adome fishoieces,
• \0:·10:j.:j.'\l;jE~ '!3QU . \•l'\IC-I d:Spersethem usi"'-9cnopstkks, o"lO:~for oXIOt1mfl""i.,ie
2•CV•L!NCH - "ECE ,, CHO'"'"D untiltheyoegin to curl.Useo slotted sooon to ·eTIOV e me
• !. SC!.L~IONS :SP" NG O"IIONS, CUT 0'1po.:,e·
-ish from tl"':oil and o.rO.:n ta.-.els.
'il0 ,. N\:H,·S·::1o1
,.:'i~Ti> - PO.J"OU'! most cJthe 011 eovingabou;:1tc:.espoo'1 in
• I f:!S"OON Gi\!'1Ul!7EJ SuG:'\ me wok.H:ct the oi overhig'l heat, ood the g·~er o,cl
, 1 r:sus=oo"' s-1!.0Xl'\l:j. w ,E sea.lions(springOt"''Ons), o"lOstir-fry:or 30 seCO<"'.ds until
• j f:5L!5"00NS C-1 CKE, 3RCi - :.ogran:.Ado tne remain·~ j. teospoo'1sol-,., the sugo.:,
:sTOC( p:.o: 9~) wine, ch'cken oroh {stock)and oringtoo ooil.~ix t-..e
• I if!S"OON W-1 TEV N!;jH remo·vig1 teospoo.'1cornstarchwith 1toole;::,oonwoter,
• \ .f!SP OO'\I G~OUNJ \\-1 H :,p:.H men s:ir this mixture in:otnewo<. 3r'"".9 too boi,.stirring,
• su:y;:o 'i;,C: =.,;;E S.dll ·o SP:\'E :<Y about 30 secoiidsto tnic..<en the so;xe.
- Add tN' fishto the sauce, s:ir ·" ::nev'"'eSCJr and .,,..'te
pepper,ano toss foroooot 30 seconds.T•o"'Sfe·to a se-ving
pate ooclservew'th rice .

'" S~ &, SE,! FOOD

i ;j ~fa ~:o 0'1: S-i !'IJ ONG
~:i;::~H !f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'I U7ES


(nife to mokE~ deej cuts (to the :one)

- Use o s"'.Ol"p • i i l S lO'~•OZ 'i50·3 1 c :.,,p•, C~E~'\IEJ
on eoc'l S:de o: tN' fisn,ot o 45 degree ong.-: taNO·o ! '\10 ~J'IISEO
the head. • !. PS ~H " 0 0'115 C0 ~'\15-! i\CH
- Combine th e corns:orcn (cornflour} witn l. tcoles::,oons :c O,\'ll =LOU\ )
wa:er in o orge sho!O'NOlcr.e and mix v.ell. • ''I f:! .5" 00N )!.LJ
- ~ubt ~ SOlit in:o me fish.Stirt ee cor"'Storchmixtu·e, t -ren , 5 cu;,s !iS "~ ourso wtJ ;,LUS
d.j the -ish into it o,cl coot i! enf•ely. 2 PS ~ES"00'\15 \iE3fi. ! 5L! Oil
- ; em 3 cups (25 f oz/750 ml} oi in o WO< r.xdeej souce:,on • i Cl OV!S ~ :.:-~,: C-10." "lO
ove· to 3000F/ISOOC. or u--.r
•o cube of :,reoo b--O'h""'Sin • 1, 0 Z1S G G NG!\ :: sour . '\IC-I •
li5:i-.:rnrtes. ; oo me fishoythe toilo.r,c:Icorefulfyslide 't. l ·CW·l f'-IGT-1 " EC!:, C- O"" EJ
heoo firs-., ,.,to the not oil. )ee p-::yt -re fisn:<Y • i SO L~IONS :S'"\ "IG 0'110'1151.
10 ~lit es U""t siigtr.lyb--aNn and crispYon the outside C-10 "" !0
o"'.dcook.eelt ..·ougn. Use o s ott ed spoo.'lonocarefully • SJ::! "lfJ R CE :P !.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\ \IE
uon s:er th e f".s'ltoo s.erv'ng ola: e. KE-eo wom .
- ; em me re mo·¥g 2 toblesooonsoi in od e-on WO<, odd =o, ·n: SWEET~'\l:l sou, s: u:::
the garlic,sgi"'-g€ ', o"'.Ci stir-fry
scallions(springOt'~s ), o"'.Ci • ~PS ~ES" OO'IISG"! 'IIUt !· to SUG! '\
ove· medium heat forabout 30seconcs.Addthe sauce • !. PS ~ES" OO'IISW-1 7E V N! G: 't
i~ed: e-.ts ood 'f, cup (4 'I oz/120ml}wate·, men IY-1'19 to • i · :..6.ES."OONS <ETC- t.;,"
o boil.Cookthe sauce forobout 1 minute un:ilthicl:e""i'CI . • I .! 5.ES ;,OON s -i ~ox "IG w N!
Pourthe souce ove· ti!: fishand serve '"'"thrice. • I -! 5.!S ;,OON l G-1• SOYS ! UCE
• i · :..6.ES."OONS COR;NST ! '\C-1
::O ,\'ll =LOU't)

~ 169
i\!G ON: 5;:::-1u:.'1 ~ 'f'fm-@
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES,
=Lu5 1C M '\lu·n 5C,!(l'11~ i YE FISH IN CH ILI
COO(l'II~. ~E 25 1'/l'IIUi:S
i!:!! =.l..G!Iii

• 3 O'I EJ a_~c( 1'/US-llt00W5 • j_d t~ musnroomsond oloo: fungus·n 2 sepo·ate :io-.-..s

• I :l\,!O OL !.CK : uN~U5 o"'.dsoo<in coo wa:e· brat -:ost 20 m·..._,tes,o· until
• I Y•·lS:3:J:J·G: (:'(= CL!.'"IEO softened. ~emovethe m...-s"'"OOmS, squeeze d-y,and
! '110\1'115E
0 d:SCordtr,..,stems. 0-ce, teen s.e:o:s'o-:.Teo·tne block
• I i:!S=ooN SALT =tus EXi~' 'i.r:gus i"'tos,;o!I :feces.
i0i'5iE • Meony-.1\il e, us.eo sharp (ni:e to mQ.(e5-6 s..osneson eoch
• I f!5lEs=oo~ :::CR'll5f:\C - side of tne fish.Fbtthe fisnd-yu,ing :,o~r towe.s ono
::::oR'll=LOUR) spr'c(le wi".nthe soi. ~or'"'.Otefor10minutes.lightly
• .!.'~ cu=s (3.d =t O! 'I l TEi\) d·edg,=ootn sidesof tne fishwith cornstarch {co·nflour).
VE~Ei!.6.t O. • ;eat tne £¼cups (34 Aoz/1 lt e1) oi in owo( <Y lo·g,=
• i :::.OYH 0.'i't.lC, CHO'"=o skht f-ying pen) to 350,:,:/18()<1(, or U!'ti o cube of lreoo
• j lE.'S=ooNS G~!l:J ~ 'll~E'I Ira"'~ in 30 seconcs.Md the fa"1O"'.Gldeeo-fryfor LS
• S oz,- ISC 3 3~0UN:l (Iii '11:::EJ)PO=i:: m·"'-ies u"'tilgolden :,ra.-."lO"'.Glcrisoy.Use o s ot:eo spoon
• I f!5lEs=oo~ 'I,::: ''II' NE to carefullyreTlO\'eme fish fromtee oi o,cl d1J'non oo:,er
• IC = .c<~E:l :>;!J C- 1~E5.CHO'"'"E:l towe.s.
• i f:5L!S=ooNS =-X !'lj :::-1~ 5!!'11 • Mo ::nego· c and ging,=rtotf"': remoini"'-9 oil in thev.'O!,
=.,s·E :::-10==:o ood po.·i::.and sti•.:-yover TedA-m"'eOtfor 1~ut e until
• I f!3lfS=oo~ l ~Hi 50'1 5:.,u::::: :·ogrom. Sprinde·o me wine,then s:ir intn e pick.eelch es.
• i lE.'S=ooNS G~!"IUPiEO 5UG!:\ cnili:,eon po:ste,:T1,;;;rooms,fung:;;s,soysouce.and s,.;gor.
• ·~·1 ·!5 L!S=ooN a.~C( 0\ f.!S!W1::: Add lii cups (12floz/350 ITT)bo't;,gwote1a.."'.d :iringto
V NE~!'( o boil.kJd the -ish, ·educe to mediumheo:, cover,o:ncl
• ·~ iE!)=oo'II G'IOU'll:l 'Ii - iE =:P=t'( , simmerforobou! 5 minut,esuntil cooi::edthrough. P'j
=LuS EX-:\.! TO ·! s·E overend COO( for O-.."'Oteer 5 m·..._,tesun:::Icookedt"''OU9""·
• .!. ~!.L~IONS :sP= NG O"IIONS, Tro"Sfe·tri: fishtoo serv'cg pate.
:::- o ==: o • 3ringtr,..,sauce in the woktoo ooil.s·'TIIT'Je. over medium
• I \0 CH l!, Sl :::EJ, iO 3!:\'11!S- heo;:.~ove ·ed, for 2-},e;hos
:o=r10"-.!_J reduceo. =--no!ly, s::Ir·" me vinego.:, wnite ,oejoer,scallions
• I f:!.s=ooN S!S!Yf O. (springon·Ol"\S}, and sesoT~oil. Fbu1tne sauce overthe
-ish,go·n:snwi".nscol!ionsand red cnile,if using.

170 : S~ &. SE,! FOOD

i\!G ON: SriU'IIOE '11BU~

P,\!Plil;qON T WE: .dCy; NUTES.
:,LU$ 15 V "iUTES 1,';l,,\ N.'il'\I:"; . y;:: STUFFED

• s O'I EJ a_~c< WUS-i'IOOWS · ~it~ musnroomsonddried s"l~impin 2 sepo·cte baNls,

• I T:3l:S"00"1 011;,!J S-ill;:M= cover\\-ithcod woter, o-r.osoak :o. 20 TW'lvt=--~ or IJ""l:il
• I :1.d•Oi: "JJ·G o,:: = S- softened. ~emoveo.ndd:sco-dtf"':stems of tf"': mushrooms
CLE~'IIEJ :.'110 ~ 'IISEO o,cl cut in:o smo pieces.=inelychop the shr'mp o,cl set
• •~TE.!S"OO'II S.'li mem os·oe....~h tr>':mushrooms.
• •, fE!S"00'113'(!"1U . !f:0 SU3 H • Use o s-rmp <ni:eto mob o cut a..ongthe fa"t'sstomoch
• \ ·t!SPO O'II G'1:0UNJ \\-i H ~p=f'I the head totne toil. .ns.ertyour fingersh betweenthe
• I 0!!25 ~ " 0'1:fC=!·5!: (, 'ish s.i::in
and meat oncislowfyworkimNc·ato seoorcte tne
= ,ELY cno:o=o 'iesh from the skinof tf"': e"ltirefa..,.U<...e
o :,airof sc.'.sso-s
• I )J! .K C1.__
!'\l• ,\o (CQ'l l'IIJ!\ , to rut one endof me 'ish fles"tonebo-r.efromt-r.eneed,
= ,ELY cno:o=o men repe01wr'.nthe toil.
• i SC£L~ 0"115 (S"'I 'II~ ON 0'11$), • -0.(ingrote not to tee· me ski-;s,turn the r.$'l s.i::in
= ,ELY cno:o=o insic!eo..i end cut o,ong t-r.eooo: to sepo·ate the hsh
• 2 lE'S"00NSC0\"1Si!'1:C-i completelyfrom tf"':S(in. Thefa"t heed and taJ shou e stil
:co.,'11 : LOU,\ ) be attached to the s<:n.=mettt"<:fishoocld:sco·a the 00<".e.
• I f:lS"OON S!S!Vf or~ · ~it~ fisnr e:s into o 'ooo iroce1s0<onciproce1sunti
, :s·!a .:s=ooNs vE:;:r:sL: or~ completelyoulverizeo.(T¼ t Vll'ler the slices,tne finerthe
• SlE£1,';!0 'i; ,C! =.,:;E S.dC ·o SE'1:\'E OO'"'es .,, be so 't ·s e1sen:iol to cut os fineos posS:ble. }
• -o make tt"<:filling, put the ooce :,oste ·o o orge oo""-1., ood
me so16., sugar, white pepper,o.nd4 t-eo::::,oons wa:e·,one
stJ wr'.nchop-cic.<S in o~ direction1.n:i g'uiey.P'ck upt-r.e
docepcttyonci smosh itogoinst t-r.eoottom of the 'X/h
S-6t·-res to .rlcreose i::s9u-r:-n·ne1s.
• Mo me poJ<fatboo:, mushwrr.s , dr'ed nrimp , dlo"ltro
(coriander), scolf"o-rs{soringonions),one!1tec::ooon
co:nstorch (cor"four) o,cl s:ir 'n one ctrect:.on U'"'tilfully
b enaed.Md the sesameo one 1tob espoonvegetoole oil,
• j.oce the fu'l skil on o :.ate, soreoclooe'ltne skit'\ and
kitchenshears to trim tt"<: snorp bones irotrudiog fromthe
bock insidethe s!u-1.)ry me insideof the sL'lw'th oope·
tO\\'eSand dreagewith~ teospoo."tcornstarch (cornfo..r).
• Useyou·ho".CSto stuL: tt"<\,-1'tn tne fi!!ingo".d
smoo:h out wr'.n'fC1Jlfingers.
• j_.JIthe 2 sidesof the fa"t ta.-.-ardthe centerand ,oress
t"": fis_n'5
skino: tt"<:fisnv,1'tntneremainingnt,eo:;:,oon cornstarch.
• ;eat me remoi"'1"92 to.oles:~ns oi in o ""0< or large
sk1-:t f)'ing pan) over ,e,,,.•he01.Addtf"':fish,stomach
:ocing da,o;n,ono fry:o. 3-~minu:-es1..ntigoa~'l orown.
Useo slorted:;:,oontoco·e f...tyremovethe f'.n '·om the
oiland pl.rt on o cutting ooord.Cl.rtthe 'ish in:o tnio:
cnunkscrosswise o".Oreturn tr>':-ntotne s.i::ile:. fryfor2
m·"l•.rtes,flipt-r.emover,one!fry foronotf"':r2 :n·"l.ies un:il
goa~"t bra,o;none!coo<eotnrough.Trons:ertoo :.ate
o"'.dservewi:h .ice.

172 = $~ &, SE;. FOOD

;tJ.1®fa ~:o O'I: - :<1<.!
~:i;::~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU7ES

- ~insethe "ish oellyincoldwater o,cl ·emo'.'e tt"<:olock. • I I .6 S·O!;~:J:J·~ &=-!SS C!i\.,
membra..~ on the hsh. 6ElLY OR ! 'IY ~=-;::s
- w :·n . ~,s -1
mo wokor .orgesklet (frying po-.,)withwc:er, ado ti!:
- =- • 3 S.ICES G NG::,. " .US~ 0Zi10 ::3.
9inger SKes, wine,o"lO~teospoon salt, ooclc,ing too ooil !_QQUil•l'IIC - ·2.S·CM· .E',Gi -1
ever nighneat. Turnoff me he-a:,gentlylov,.,e·me fish.s,dn " ECE,, S-i\!ODD
s:de:ocing up, in:o the hotv.'Oter,rote· tN' V.'O!, and sto"'.d • I t:5L!S"'OON ,,c:: ''lo',E
forabout 10minutesuntilthe fu:l is cool..'"CI througn.Use o • I iPS"OON S ! ••
s.otted spoon to corefu'fyteTlO\'e the -ishfromtt"<:oiland • 2 -.:a ..::s=-ooNS \'E~!t:6L! 0 L
dro·.l on poper taNels. <eeowo-m. , ·,:::u = ·, OZ:20:J G P C<t:O
- Wipethe ,,.0<,..,"thpo:,e· ta...-els.Md~toble::ooono;t, VE3E.! .6.ES, S- i\!ODD
ti-...ob:led \'egetobles, ..,;r,egor,
fishsooce,sugar,onclthe • 2 i.!6L!S"00NS "!) Vl'\lf;j! "
remoin·"".9 ~t eospooosalt o"'.d~iog too boi. • 1 f::!.S"OONS ~ S- S!.UCE
- Mix the corns:orc.n (corn~u-) wi:h 1toole1:,oonwoter in • I if!S"OON Gi\!'IUt.:·o Suo:,
o s'TJO,I 'XI',,. one sti. mis mixtl..Jein:o the ""0<.3ring to • I if!S"OON COR'IISJ:" -
o x ii. stirr'ng. fot 30seconos totnic..<en the sauce. Stir·o ::::o'!;N"lOU'!;I
tr,..,s.esoT~oa,:,our the sauce overt-r.efisn.t-ren to:,,,..fth • I i\E:l CH L!, S- i\!ODD
sec ~s (soringonio"'S}, and ch '=. • ·~ 7f!SPOO'II SfS:M:: 0 L
- ;em 2tabespoonsoi in o Hillet (fryi->.9 pen) overhig'l • !. SC!.L.IONS SP=-NG Q"-.;ONS:
heat. 0--izzlethe hot ci overt~ fisno,cl ser\<e\,-:'tnrice. s -1,0:i:: o

"!G 0'11:3l.!'1~00'11~
m'.f-tx:~ta "'1;!.,H!f 0'11i "1E: 15 \I NUTES
COOK ~G i "1E: 15 v Nlii!S

- j..,._itr>':fisn,gingerand \\ine ina 'Xlh ono mo·OO:-:fot • I i·lS-'Y:l:J·~ C£T• S-1 ~ t ..ETEJ
10minuies.Mix'ntn e COt"nsta-cn (cornflour}. ! 'IOCUT ,rok NC- ..3-CMC-IU'll(S
- ;em me oil ;,.o wok.or C!*Psc:-xepo'l to 285,c,:/14()QC, • I f:5L!S"OON ::3.'113E,JU CE
or u-nf•o cube of b-·eodturns godn in2 m·....rtes.Adotne • I f:5L!S"OON '!;,C! W ,E
90X and deep-:-yfor 2-3 ~vt e--.., or u'tlilgolden :l'0'1tn. • 2 i.!5L!S"00NS CO'!;NSi!"':C-1
Useo S!Ottedspoonto care'i.Ayremovethe garlicfrom tne CO'!;N"lOU'!;
oilo.nda.rainon :,aper towe-_s. • 1 CU"S ti~ ; l OZ:.!.TS~d v::o:·:s ~E OIL
- ;em oilogo·'l to 300CF/15()QC, o· un:ilo c.oe of oread . ;,o:,i~c~ :i:,o:n "O~<. CUTl\iiO
brownsin l'f.minut-:s./,.Ddthe -ish,'n botcnes,and dee:i-fry • N:::-111.S·C~ St CES
for 3 mir,,..1:esun:ilgode'l b'°OWI'\.Usea slorteds:,oonto • I 5UL5 ~!=-.,:::. "!ElEO
co.reh.!ly ·emO\'etne fishand df'CJIO'lpooer tO\\<e-S. • \ OZi'iO G ::3.'IIGE'!;:!SOUT I· 'IIC-1'
- ja,.r out most d tf"':0 11. eovingabout 2 tablesooo"'S·n the i .S·CM·-.!'ll~i-1 "ECE ) SL CD
wo,:.k.d the g·....ger o"'.dbeo'l pc:ste,s:ir ~ ::neroost :,or',:, • I f:5L!S"00N 5E!'II =-:sJE
'Sl:l'fsauce, salt. sugo·,and 1ci..o(8 fioz/250 ml) water, • I f:5L!S"00"-. l ;jHi SOYS!.UCE
tr>':'lbr'~ too boilover:-.igh,-,ect./,.Dd the-ish, br'~ :ioc..< • I iPS"OON S ! ••
too ooil.reo..xethe heat to CIN and sinmer for8 T,J"I.Jt es, • •, PS.ES.,00'11 3,_:"IUL!iEO SUG!i\
or u-nf•tf"'E' sauceth·c~"'S.Sf· intce sco!ro"'S{5:)J'ing • 1 sc : t~IO'IIS (S"'!;l'II~ ON 0'115), Clii
onions)ar.c:Iorizz.eoverthe sesame oil.T•ans-fer too pate 'l ·o E'll3i - S
and ~-ve witn r'ce. • ·, fE!S=-oo'II SES.'"1EO ~
• SJ!!"lf)" CE :P !.G! ~.!.O).TO sE,vE

i\!G ON: sn:..NG-1!
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES.
' "' >i>"l'< '€!?
=LuS 15 W '11UES v::\ ,£I N3 T ME
COO(l'll;j.. ~E 25 W''IIUT:S
E'.:!i"!G! iiS

• !. CO~V:'11!. :Y! ..l0'/1 ::\C•!(f\) - Useashorp(nifetolTIO(e3slosheso."teochside of tT'I: ns ....

o~ SP s: ss : ,..L:n. c ..::,rn Combinetr": sugor,SOf SOuce,o.r,c:Igingerjif.<e ·...,osmall
! '110\l'IIS! 0 bowLodd the -isn,and n:irir.cte for15mi-,,,..ies.
• I i:!S"OON G:\!"IIUl!-E:) SUG!\ - Pmthe f:shdrywith :iopertOA-els crid set the-rncmoid? osile.
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS ..13-IT SOY5!U::E - 1-iect3 tablespoonsvegetoblec:iin o wokor lorges<fe:
• I T!5L:s=oo~ ;j '113E'UU ::E (fryingoon) overmeoJ'ium•.,·9' heat, oo::I tl'..ef:sh.and:~
• !. .!5 .ESPOO'IIS \iE3fi.!5L! Oil overlov,.•,-,ect :ot 5 mn.ies . =11p
• 0 S::!.L~IONS :sp:- NG O"IIONs:. ::ui 5 m:nu:esun:i1boths·aesore 90-(!en.-ro"'S:et::oo plate.
'IITO 2· "ICriiS·CM 1..E'113T-IS
!"IIJ - 1-iectremaining1tablespoonoil·.\ the WO< 0ter .r.edium
s·E \15 : 1rE'll!D heat.Adothe scc1ions(~~i-'t.g onions},shreodedginger,onc:I
, ',\O! ·5 G G ,G!\ _!SOUT •~· NCri· -ish,me"ls :rir dethe \\ine aur.g the insideof tf.eWO(. Add
l·CW·L!NGT-1 "E::E ;, S- 1\!0DEJ tT'I: moliro:lesruceand ){~cup(5 f oz/150 n} wo:er,c0ter,
• I f:5lfs=oo ... S-1!.QXl'll;j. ''lo',E ono oringtoo boil.~!:<!•.rce to lowheat o-r.os..'-r.rMr
• •~fE!S"OO'II SES.!Wf O ~ 5 m:nu:es.P--:,the;tr:Ter, ca,-e·ed,fo:-onothe1
• C1~.!>,jf\Q :::oR!'IIOF TOo:,N S-1 5 m:nu:es,or U!'1til eoo<edthrrugn. Removemeld, drizzle
:o:,r10,:_) overtT'I: sesame o or,c:Iincreoseto .,·g."'lneat. S;nme.· fa
• SfE!\1!0 :;;,::: =.,3E S.dC ·o SE~\'E 2-3m0..ies,uocovered,to-educe me souce.-ronsfe1 to
o o.ote, gornishwithcilon--'0(corionder), 'f using,ondse-ve
with rice.

i\!G ON: -lf"ll!"II ·- ""

:l!, Yi
;l!!l -
P:\!P!.:\:·,oN T ME 10 \1 NUTES,
:,LUS I~ \1 NUTE$ MH N! - 'll;j. i VE PAN- FRIED FISH
C00<1'11;j.. ~E n
S!'WES: !. IN W IN E

• I :1 ~5 IO'~~oz '7SC·3: c:v ::~f!.N:'O - Useo sho·o knife to :nol:e>.! sha..nNc_is o"teoc.nside
! '110\l'IIS! 0 ot tf.e fish.,ub tr,..,so}t in:o tf.e fish,then oloce it in o ds'l
• 2 Tf.'S"OO"IS 5,1r o,cl marino:e for 10m·.,.,1es.~inse,drain, and pct dry'1,"th
• !. .!5 .ESPOO'IIS t!:\J ~oe· ta....els.
• I C·Z·'2~0 .;''i.i~~ :,;our,. "iCHl - Heat tt"': ord in o wokover ri:ot, odd trie fish,and
S•::v•-.!'11:;T - P !CE). SL CEJ 000( for4-S mh.rtes on eoch side,or urd rgntty:irowneoJ'.
• !. s,::.L .. IONS :sp:- NG O"IIONS; Add tf.e ginger,scallions(springon·O"S},'Sl:l'fsauce,white
::ur ''ll· o ~- ,c - •S-CM ~E'll3 ·n s pepper,ono £ tc:.espoo-rsv.1'1eo-r.obringtoo boil.Reduce
• I f:!S"OON L GW SOYs.:ucE to laN -r.eot,cover,and smme1 for 5 m:nutes. Turnthe 'ish
• \ •e:sP O:J'II G<i;OUNJW-1 TE ~.:::.n, overand S:mmerfor another S minutes,or ;,.n:i cooked
• 0 .!5 .ESPOO'IIS S-l~OXl'll;j. W ,E mroug"'i.Trons:ertr,..,fisntoo servingolo:e, leavingthe
• I if!S"OON ::O:\'IIST!" - sauce in the 'it'O<.
:::oR'll =LOUR) - Mixthe cornstarch (co·nflour)with me remoi"':ng
• SfE!\1!0 :;;,::: =.,3E S.dC ·o SE~\'E 2 tablesooonswine,then stir tt"': mixture·.,to the wok.
Bringtoo xia, s:irring.:CX'OXll..-t 30 sero,ds toi:hio:en
me sauce. ~le me sauce overthe fa-,,.Sewew'th rice .

IU : S~ &, SE.! FOOD

i\!G ON: SHU'IIOE ~ ~~ fll BI<
P,\!P~i\qON T WE: iO M 'IIU7H
=LuS I -!Ol.i,\ SO.!(i'IIG TIY! DACE BALL S
COO(l'II~. '1!: I~ v NUHS

• I :l\ !O i.! "IG!'I ~E =-:fl F'.s:1

paste-mo:le witna smallfisn(l'IO\•:n cs dac!:-fSus.eel
. s O'I EJ a_~c( WUS-!llOOWS e.xtensi\<e
'y ·"1Asia"t COO(ing.I've xovidedo ·Kpe below
• I :1 ~aS·O!:oo~·~: :\ES-! o::: : SH :o. mo(ing it bu;: if you're1resseo:o. ::::m
e, reody•modefa"t
:tE~'IEJ. SICNN!O. !'10: .lEiEO paste con oe purchasedfroms:>ecio~Asions-roos.Y01,;'II
• ·~ TE.!s:-oo'II s.,n need cool.It1b 2 oz/500 g.
• \ 7f!SPO:J'I G~OUNJ W-1 TE :-.::=H
• i 5UNC- ES C .:'IIP:O ::O,\ !'IIOF - Soo(i:hed-iecltoogerine:,eel·owor~wct e1 for 1 oo..r
: - o:-=-:o to rehycrote.
. ; ovn~:; P\O. SH";!ODEO - ,-.,-ea...,,,..,'1e,
:i,"'-emusnroomsintoo oov.1,cover•,,/th colo
• 2 f:5L:s=-ooNS CO\NSPi\:-1 wa:e·,and sock foro;: least 20 TW'lvt ..,.~or u-r:ilso~ened.
::0,\'11 : LOU,\) R0:T'O\'e me mush-ooms,squeezedry,ond discordt"'-e
• S :u=-s 125 F. oz:;so Ml, \'ECEf::.lE stems. f·--etycnop.
Ol - Putthe fa"t in~oo foco processorend pul,.-e·ize imo
a pos:e. Trcns:erthe fa"t paste to a largebo·,. cdo me
salt, whitepepper,end 2tob esxions,tf.en sf•
witnchops:ick.sinone di·ectiooun:ilg.,mmy.
- 0-ain,sXe, a"O cnop fine'ytt"":tangerinepeel.Stirthe
mush·ooms,cn>a i:angerine:,eel.cna cilorr-Jo(corionae·}
into the fu"l pos:e.
- Mixthe taro, tf°":cor-rstarcn(cornflou•}, enc 6 to:.espoo-rs
wa:e· ino sepo·ote OO'NI. Usingwet nonds,for'."lltri:fish
mixtureintogol:-bc..•s'.-z-: bol.s,men ro. &-:'."Oint"\!:'tc-o
mixture.Set aside.
- Heat tN' oil·.\ o WO( o· deeo souceoonto 28S°F/ILO°C,
or un:1a cu:,e of oreadturns g:.ielen·"12m:nutes.J.JJdthe
docebo..s,in batches if needed,end dee-o•fry'r.xabout
3_£minu:es,or 4..ntit golaenbrownand coo<edthrough.
Useo slorteds:,oontoco·efdyremove the aoce oo!lsfrom
me oiland dro·non ooper tO\\'E- s.

176 : $~ &, SE;. FOOD

~,~ ~fjfa "!G 0'1: !'1-iUI
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU .E S.
DEEP- FRIED " lUS I -101,;~ ,-,:=t 'll~i "IG T WE
COOK ~G i ME 5 v 'lllli:S
CARP SE'Wfi !.

The sca.,eson o carp are bo:h soft and richin fen. t CO'l • i 'i lS i·O!;S:J:J·~ c:.v C.:::..N:O
even oe coosumeo together ,,,lth tN' S(inand fles:'lo~er 5lJT NOT SC:~ED
it's been oeep-fr'ed. • ''I J:!..S"OON )!..LJ
J::!..S"OO, : - =ow:i::,
- jot tne fishorywitn :iaoertO\\·e.s,
i: necesrory. • ~ JE:S"00'113't0U'IIO :uy; N
• Mixthe pa,.~·,clJ'1'\·n, ciiontro(coriander), • I SJ:ll( C1~:'IIJ";O 'COR !'IIOE~
o,cl wine in o sno!lowdish. ~-O the -ish\,-:'tntn:s mixture, :-10==::o
morina:e for 1hour {no need to ·efrige10:e). Drain the , 1 ·:.a .Es=ooN s-1:.ox "IG w N!
mo.rinodefrom tee disn and :,at drywitn ~oer ta...-els. • l CliPS (i5 ~ ~ OZ1'.'S:J"1L VE3t ·:.a .::
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-okor arge sk1-:t f-ying po,} over Ol
med'um -~h ,-,eatto )4(1°=/170~ or t.nti o cu:,e of 01eod • j SOL~IONS :s'"''( "IG 0'110'IIS :u ·
b"O'h""'S in 4S seconds.Hod the r.$'l bytne to ono core.fully '11
. 0 2· ~CH·S<M l!'l~i-lS !.'\IJ
slideit. heod fast, into the "'Otoi. :>eep.!-yfor o:o-..i s-1,0:i: o
5 m:nutes. or V"'t tr,..,S(in ·s goa,n bra,;n and cri::,yond • i ·:. .5.ESPOONS. !.Ny; :'IIJ !NG
the -ish·s COO(ed throug·ti.Useo slonea spoonto carefully
remo\<e~ fisn f-om tt"<: oil and croin on :,ooer tO'A.·e.s.
- - ronsferthe -ish too serv' Serve witn the sea.lions
(spri"9on~Ot"S} and ti-':H:inm·cnjiongon the side.

~ ;1flt"a =::& 0'11:YU'II~.,~

=:i;::=H:.J 0'1 T "1E: 10 M '\lu ·E s.
XI ZHOU-S TYLE " lUS illy; NU.ES M H 'II!. '113i.VE
COOK ~GT ME lll v NUT::S

- jot tne fishorywitn :iaoertO\\'!?.S

ana transfer too dish. • i t2\·LS-'l·KG) C!H Clf:'IID ! ND
CoToinetn e soysouce,wine,sch, fe..~ seeds, and stc· 't 'IIS:'D
o-8:e;,. o bowl, ,oou·cverthe fisn,
:norinote:o. • I ·:.a .:s=ooNL 0-1· SOYS!UCE
20 minu:es. • i ·p sPOONS 't CE'lll'llf
- Meom'l:hil ~. jut me mushroomsin:o o bowl,cove·""'ithcod • i .f! .SPOO'IIS!.T, PLUS ::x•R,
wo:er,and sock to· o;: least 20 TW'lvt!:'"~ or U-"'
:il softened. ToT:sJE
Re'TlO\'e m e mush-ooms,squ~u dry,O"'.O d:SCord tf"': r:.:.,s=oo"i :jROUND~rnN:1. s:tcs
s:e~. Sk e onc:Isetoside. • ''I J:!..S"OON 3't0U'IIO s·:.=t !'\IS:'
- ;ea;me oil .nowokor orge sUet f-ying po,), odd the • !. .:i~ ED :,t.,:< VUSH";QQVS
garliccno stit-fryover Ted'vm heot for 1-2minutesuntil • i ·:. .5.ESPOONS VEG!J!f ,U 0
rgntyb-ownand frag·ant. Sti. int~ ginger,"'.Om,and • ~ C.OVES o:.R.IC
mus.,·ooms.Addtf"':crr·ckenbroth {stoo:)o.ncl:,ringto • I O!i25 G G "IG!R ::sour 2· NC-I
o boil./,,Ddthe~:1tog=therwth ~smorinocle,returntoo S•:v•L!N~i - " !CE), Sl CD
bo.i.,reduce to medium-r.:,11neat end simmer, covered,for • i O!:SC ~ YU'll-,.:'11 CU'tD -1:.N, CUT
20 minu:es. or u-nt tri: fishis coo<edthrough.Transferto 1'11.0I'~• \· NCH:'!. • 2·CM SL CES
o plote,sprin(lewi:hthewnite ,oeooer,o.nclo.rimeoverthe • ; cu=s o~~. oz !.'.'5 "1ll c - :<E'II
Sid,,..xinch oil.Aojust tne seo:sooing to tcs:e. s,or - :sro:K. =:.oE n:
• ·~ JE!S~oo'II G'tOU'IIJ W- ,TE ":'P~B
• i · .:.5 .ESPOONS S C- U! '\I : -1 0 l

~ 177
i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'11~ ~)(~ ~~ ~~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUES,
:,LUS I -!Ol.i:\ CH l~l'II~ . \1! EEL WIT H
COO(l'II~. '1!: 11 \1 NUTH

• I 'l·LS 450·3: :'!;ES-!W!H'\ E!L - Us·~ o shor:ikn'.{e, cutoff and discard the -r.eodo: t"\e eel.
• I iE !S"OON S! .• i G.rtthe ee open down the en"::releng:h and wrove tf"':
• I if!S"OONSCO'\NSi!'s::-1 spine.S~nk..e ,,,/th t"\e sa_;tend tf"':COO"l:Sto-cn (corn~•}
::0:\'11 : LOU:\) o ,cl ruo o!! tr>':mucus fromthe skin.Rins.e onc:l
er cold
• I :l'\,!O i! "IG!ll; ,E "! El ru.,.,·ngwater o,cl ctoin. ),yand ·efr~rote :or1 hour.
• I t:3l:S"00"1 :E'WE'lliEO 5L.!..CK - t-'eonv.•n:e,sockthe~ tongei."\epe-:1in co.ov.-ate·fo·
5E!"II. i\ NSD !"IIJ CHC=Po 10ITWYwies tosdte1, then drainone!choo.
• S :LO\'ES :;3!'\L: : ,ELY CH0'"' 0 EJ - Ino seporotebo"4COT-Oir.e tr'..e
• I i:!S"OON G:\!"IIUL:·o SuG:'\ bEons,garlic,sugar,soysooce,bea'.looste,,...ine,ginge·juice,
• ·, i!S.ES~Oo'\11..1~-li SOY s:ucE one!1tab'='spoonoiintoo :,o;:e.Set o~.
• •~i!S.ES~OO'II S!!.N P!SH - W·c;,o docntowelom..irdooeenddthe ee to ,xew.ntit
• ·~ i!S.ES~Oo'II SH!OX NG 'Nl'II! !romslippingone!a.iii: into >i--ioch/l -cnH1·ickslices.Sjreod
• ·, i!S.ES~Oo'II ONG!'\ Ju1:E tT'I: ee O.'lOheatproofplate and spreaothe paste e-1enlyon
, :s·:o .:s=ooNs vE3!t:5L! or~ tf'..ect'....£S
eoch :iece. To:i•,,/-..n . :1>.oce
the plate in o co..c?rlble
• j '\O c- LES. SEEJEO !"ljJ CHC'"=o pot at bamboosteame· a.-e·o pol of coiling•1,ot er.S:eo~
. s ·:o .:s=ooNS :-iO ""E O sc:.L O'IIS ca,-ere,j,fa ~12 mnrt es, a unti cooc<ed thro.;gn.
:s~'\ ."113o.,.O'IIS) - 1-k,o;:2tcblespconsreT.Z:..;ng oil·.lo stncLf.yir,gpon C"O
• su:1o1:o :;;,:: =.,~E S.dC ·o SP:\'E drizzleit Olerme ee_Garnishw'm choppEO scallions(spring
onions}arr.aservew'th rice.

i\!G.ON: -ION3 <O'II~ ~m~~ ~

P:\!P!.:\!",ON i ME: 10 \1 NUHS
S!i\VES: 4

• I ·1 .5 s-oz;~~c-~:~CE~ HJ EE. - Us·~ o shor:ikn'.{e, cutoff and discard the -r.eodo: t"\e
• I if!.S"OONS s:n ee. G.rtthe ee ope'ldown t"\e e"tire ength and reT'O\'e
• I iPS"OON :OR'IISt:'tC - me spine.Sp--il'lk..e
w'th 1teaspoon sch and the ccrnstarc.n
::0:\'11 : LOU:\) (cornflour}and rub off tne mucus :.~tne ski'\.R.ins.e
• I i.!SL::s=ooNS :H ME'lliEO u.,:< una~· cod running•1,ote· o"lOd·oin.Cut tt"<:ee lengtn...-:se
5E!"IIS, ~ '!SEO !.NJ :-10"~:o into 2 p·eces,t"\encut each ~to 2-iceh/5-un- ong :feces.
• !- :::lO\'fS ::iP,l :;;,:::10"~:o - Bringo a.rgescuce:,onof wcter too :oi . Ado::ne~
• I i:!S"OON G:\!"IIUL:·o SuG:'\ o,cl d:S:iersethe p·ecesw'th C"lOOStic.ts, then ooil for
• 2 t:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ 10secO<"OS. Turnoff the heat. )rain ona rinse.
• I 'tO CH l!, SE!OD !'110 sn~DJEO - CoTo·ne tne blockbeo"S,90·.oc,and sugar·.\ o smalloow.
• ., ~: o SEL,..'"F"!~ S!EOEJ £"ID - Heat tf"':vegeta-':.e oil~ o wot or lc:ge skillet(frying:,on),
cod the cnileO"O bock been sauce and stir,:-yove· hign
• •~G~EEN O!l~ =t""F SEEOD !ND hea! for 30;.eccnds.Accli:hepeppersand eel ond stir-fry
: - o ~"! O :<Y onother -n·mrce unt tr>':eel ooks cry.Aodthe wine,SO/
• I iE !S"OON S-1!.QXl'II~ '"'°'NE scuce, O"O remo·vig 15teosooon sa_;tand sti·.!-y ·apid'y
• I f:3lES"00~ l ~Hi SOYS!.U:! :o. onother 30seconos un::Ithe ee p·ecesore fulfycoo<eo.
• I t:3l:S"00"1 S!S!~f Oil Stirint~ sescme oi o"ldw.,'te :ie:-oe·.Transfertoo pate
• \ •psP O:J'II G~OUNJ W-1 iE ~.:=>=f't o"'.dservewi:h .ice.
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1:: =:~E S.dC.10 SE'WE

t1~ i\!G ON: J !'!~SU
P:\!P~:\!i,ON T ME 10 \1 NUTES
SAUTEED COOi.i'ii~. M! J:J v "iUiES
S!°'VES: 4
- US:ngo shcrp <ni:e,cl.J'i offand discordt -reneoclof me • I I .5 2·0Z 'SOO·G " CE • HJ EEL
ee. Cutth~ eel o:,e'1 da,o;ntf"':e~tire ength one!reT'O\'e • ., fE!S"OO'II )!lf. ".US EXT"!
the spine.S:rink..e,,,/th t -resa_;tand 1t-ec:::,oon corns:orc.n TO ·:.stE
(cornflour}and rub off tne muC\..s:·omi:he sU'\. R:nse • 2 iE.'S"OONS CO\NSi!":-1
u".Cle·cod ru-min9\,-1ote· o"lOd·oin.Cut tfi-..ett.,,onthe ::OR;N"lOU\.
d.agono,,in:o 2-·
-cm :ieces. • 2 CU"S {\OF. OZ !.'.ISM~ VEG!f:OL!
- ; e,ottheV1e9etabe oil in o WO< or o~pso.xeponto 340~=1 01.
170:C,or un:il o cuDeof oreocl~a,.·ns in 45 seconos..M:I • i·l -IE!J S ~:."~,: "H ~E:l
::negarlicend d:ep -fryfor1-2m:n.-tesuntitgoldenbrown • l ·:.a .ES"O ONS S-1!.QXl'I~ 'II '\IE
O"O crispy.Useo slotted spoonto corefdy reTo.<e the gartc • 1·~f!5L!S"00NS ~,~ - T SOY s:. .u:E
:,~tf,..e Qt' and difnoo pc,:,ertowe-_s. • I f!OL!S"OO~ ~:'t!'IU~.'iEJ Su~:.\
- Corefu«yado the es-to the horioiloncld~>:-y forabout • \O!•IO~~l'll~E\ u ·• ..i'IIC -11
2 minutes, the'1 removeand ()lj..J OU'! tfi-..eo... i·CM· ~E"IGT-1" EC!:, S~ICEO
- j..d thev.'O( ::,ockow1 medium-ngh -rec-.,·'1tti-..e ee-and • i SC!lllO'IIS ($"\ I'll~ ON O'IIS). ClJT
gOflic,thenodot-r.e wine,soysouce,sugor,g·~r, sec ons NTO L!NGT-IS
oncl>kup (4 floz/l20 ml) wo:er. 3'iog
(spring01"'·0"'..s), • I f!OL!S"'OON s:s:.~: 0 l
too Xii~ hi9"1heot.~xetolow"..eOtO"O stir-fryfor • \ -E!SPO O'II o,ouNJ ',\'-I .f "i"'PB
es onti the sauce s-.artsto thic..<e.n
3-Lrri"'i,..i o"lOthe eel • SfE:.~::o \ ::: =:.~E S.dC: ·o SE"VE
is coxed~ . Discordtne gingerend scallions.
- Mix ::nere-rio',njng 11=
'l com::orch {cornflour)\\"th
1ta-'·.lo smo 00'.,. and stir mis mixture into
mewo<.Bringtoo xia, stirring,forcw.i 30secondsto
tniclten the SOiJCe. Orizi.:.nme sesame oilona toss,tne'l
transfertoo plo:-e.Seosonwiths0cto.r,c:Im: whi:,e.oep:ier
o -r.oser\<e

i\!G ON: Z-IEJ !'1G n~~~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH
COO( l'II:; • ~E 55 M "\lu·n BRAISED RIV ER
S!'WES: !.

, 1 :1 .a s·oz,-~o~<;: ~ v:~H . - Soo<i:hees-in 2 cups (16f oz/t.75ml) boiling'-''Otermed

• I f!Ol:5"00"1 5!.i wi-..n1cup (8; oz/25Oml) cold'1,ot ,e·, in o oov.1, for
• I if!S"OON COR'gf!'tC - 3 .n'.nut-es.
:::OR'll'"LOU:\) - Us·~ o shor~kn'.{e, cutoff and discard the -r.eodo: t"\e
• !. .!5 .HPOO"IIS t!:\:l es-.0.rt the ee ope:ldown t"\e e'"':tireength and re'T'O\'e
• 1 OZl50 G G NG!i\ : !30Ui me spine.Sp--il'lk..e w'th the sa_;tand 1t-ec:::,ooncornstarc.n
l· NC-1,i.S·CM· ~E"IGi-l "ECE (cornflour}and rub off tne mucus :.~tne ski'\.R.inSP-
5~1CEO una~· cod running ,.,.at e· o"lOd·oin.
• !. SC!.L~IONS :sP ~ NG O"IIONS, CUT - Re~· 2 tooles::,oonso: loro in a wot or large skite: f-ying
'IITOI ,·,'IC-1.'!.•CV ~E'll:;J-15 pon) over owhea;:.Add tN' ging.erandsec ~s (soring
• 2 f!O L!S"OONS S- !OX NG 'N "II! on·O"'S } and sti•.:-yO'.'ermediumhem :o:-2minu:est.nti
• 1 f!O L!S"OONS :;1t_!'11Ut!.EOSUG''t :·ogrom.Ada tne eel and wine ona stif.fryfor onot"\er
• I f!3l:S"00"1 l :;nr SOY )!.UC! 1-2 minu:-es.
• 1 f!5 L!S"00NS :l'R( SOY$!UCE - Add 2 o..os (l6fl oz/475 :n) water and oringtoo ooilaw
h·gn heat. S-::ir'n tne sugo•ona soyro ..ces. ~educeto ctN
heo! onclodd 1ntablesPOOnsord, 'f, toi-espooncn o time.
Simmer, covered,forabol.J'!t.5 minu:,es,or u-nt tri: e-el ::S
very te,der.
- Increase to h·gn heat onc:Ixia, uncove·ed, forobout
5 .T'W'lvtes t.ntittri: souc-:nos -e-duceo.Stit int~ te'TlClining
½-taole::ooonotd. Serve.

iao '" S~ &, SE,! FOOD

~~rn ~:o 0'1: . !'IJ N
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 T "1E: lS v NUTH


- USP- oo:ier tO'A.·e..s

to gently~ dry tne tu-:ieroseono to • )l cv~ H oz '100 G 7US!,\OSE
removeo:smuchwater osooss'.!'le. 'I; 'IIS!O
- USP- o shop kt''fe to halveeoch shri«o (prawn}o_ongits • I LS 2 OZ, 500 G L! ~~E UNCOOKED
bock.. Com Ii~ the shr'-r:P, !,heospoonsc.t. me eggwhi-.e, S-l't 1,1
=>t?,\ ! -.\''IIS), S- E..L!O l 'IJ
o,cl cornsto'CJ'I(COt"nflour) in o :ic1NI
and trix\\ <ell. OE\'E N!O
- ; em tN' oi in owokor deeo saucepo'1to 300°F/150:C, or , '" r::..s:-ooN s:.u
u"til o cube of breod orowns·o Uiminu:~. Gen-:tylowerthe • I !GOW - .E
shrim:,in:o me oil.usingchoostk.tsto dispeT"..e the ~ces , 1 ·:.a .Es,.o oN co~'lls-:.Rcn
to :.:even: stic~'9, O"O dee:,-fry for2 m:nvtes, o· :cOR'll =LOUR)
untilthe shrim:,ore p·c( and roxed t"'· tfi-..e • j cu :-s :10 f. OZ:!.i5 Wl)
tuberose,s-tir, then use a SJOttedspoonto corefu!ly ·emove VE3E·:.s .E O L
both thet\..beroseand shrin" me oi o"'.ddrain in • i -f!.Si"O O'II = 'll!LYC -1o ~~eo ~l'\l~E~
ocola~·- • I 7f!. Si"OO'\I = 'll!LY c -10 :-~eo
- 0a...rovt most d the~ eov'"'-9obou;:1toble::xo.'l in SC! lllO"I :s~~ N~ O"IION)
m e wo<.Heat the oilover -r:ecli\sm-hig'l neat. oo:Itne • i ·psi"O ONS 't CE'lll'llf
g·"'-q€rand scolon {s:ir-'9 onion),onclst'.r-fry:or1ITW'lvt e r::..s:-ooN 3,\!.'IU.!JEJ SU3£\
one! • SJ::!"lfJ R CE :P !..G! ~!.0), TO SE\\IE
remaining:: tecsPOOS'I salt, ·~r easeto high ,-,eat, onclStt-!ry
:o:-onother ~i e. Tronsfe·too plate o"lOserve\,-:'thrice.

fM~ t~~-r 'l;E3 ON: c -1:..oznou

=> .:.R:.· ,oN . M! IC v "iVES
,\! =>
SHRI MP W ITH CHINESE COO<l'll;3. • \1! 1~ "''"llJi!S
S!i\VES: !.

- US:ngscissors, tr"m me sher,:.C-.0'-A.'Sono me legs the • l.d OZ '!.00 G UNCOOKED S-1\,v~
snrimp{prawns). A: the bock.cut open the shell fromt-r.e t?,\ ! W'IIS), 'NT - S-IE.lS
toi i:o-,.wdthe ~d, remo-,<e tt"<:ve·0, onc:Ithen rinse ono • S i.!SL!S,.OO"IS VEC Ei£3lE 01 ..
pot a.rywi:h :10pertowels. • I t£3lfS,.00'11 311;!.NU...'i!J S.U3H
- ; ea;:me oil ;n ov.-ok.orarge sk1-:t (:-yingpo,}to • !, il-5~:S,.OONS ~i '1:Sf O~IYf

340,:,:/170:C,or un:ilo cuDeof oreocljJ'O',.·ns in 45 seconos. V!G !PS .ES

Gen:ly~-e·o nondnJ of the s"'.lrimp into the oi o".donce • I t£3lES,.00'11 =,s-1 SWCE
tN' oubdes ;n the oil oeginto w~:de, uans:erthem to • SiE!\1ED 'I; CE :-:.~f 5.dC: TO S!=>V!
o :i!Clte.Rehem the oil.ti""?"lretv-nthe shr"crototne po..,.
Repea;:the p-ocess3 t::mes for eoc, botch of s;rimpt.ntil
o!I naveDeenfried.
- :101..rout most d t't"<:oil. eovingabout 1toole::ooon'n
tN' wot.Am the shriT:i,sugar, V"~se d'ivevegetobles,
and fishsc:-xe o.r,c:Is:ir-fryover mediumneat for1minu:e
un:ilcomb:-r.ed , ~ing carefiJ not to overcookme snrimj.
Trans/ertoo :.ate ono serve,,.,'1hrice .

- 181
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG S 'ftB~~~
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: iO M 'IIU7ES
:,LUS i -10\,i\S C- ILL '\I:; TIY! SHR IM P-STU FFED
COO(l'\I~. '1!: I~ v NUHS

• 0 PO't:oaE.lO MUS-1'\00MS. SEYS - ~it~ s:vimp (prawns)i.,too colonaer,odd I teos:ioon

'\EMOV!O sch, o.nd1.,,~e your nondsto n.o the soi J'ltotf"':snrimp.
, ·, u:.s:oo'II ~,:;- r sov s:..u:: R;i;.e undercold run.,:ngwoter,dra:n,o.r,c:I wro:iino clean
, co=tNs·.:.1tcn :co : 'll=.ou : 1. d:Shta,..el.=wfrigerote for2 "'OUl'S.
=01t 5:\US-1 'II~ - -rons-ferthe shr'motoo deo:l o"lOd-ycutting :,cord. Useo
lo·ge meo;:UO'Verto f.otten o"'.dthen, tiS·-..g the b ..nt e"'.d,
=o'\ i-1! Sr-1'\IY: =!iiY: coorse)ychop ti-': snrimp.Pl.itthem into o orgebowl.odd
• ll oz,300 G U'\l:OOJC!O S-1'\ 1,1= me sugo·andremo·~~ teaspoonsolt,and mor"~efot
'"'t' W'IISj. S- ElL!J !'110 :l!V! ND 2m·n.ites.
, n; t::.s:oo"ls s:.~1 - Mo me E-39 ,,...,'te o.ndcorns:arch( Using
, ·~ fE:.s:oo'II :;'\:."lu.:.r:o su:;H cnopsticks,stir in one d'•ectionuntilthe sMmp cecomes
• I EGG \\-!,TE g uey.Usingone ,and, ta(e the shrix:i petty m~ e ono
• •~PS.ES:00'11 CO'\NSP'\:-1 smash it ogc:nst t~ oov.~repea:,ea)yfor1-2m·...-testo
'::OR'll =LOUR) increaseits gum'TW'less. Mixinthe :,orkfo:bock.and wnite
• 'OZiiO G =o: ( =!·a:.: (, peppert.rd thoroug',,Ycom~eo .
= ,ELY cno=>=o • Combinethe mus:voomso,cl soysauce ·no medium
• ·~ u.:.s:oo'II G'tOU'll:l W- ,TE ::p:f't OO'NI. Soreodo min .ayerof cornstarchon the unaersiae
• 2 f:OL:S:ooNS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ o1 eocn mushroomand t'N:l stuff me undersideof each
• SlE''-1!0 :;;,:: =.,:;E S.dC ·o SP:\'E mush·oomwi':hthe shrimp~r e. DcTtoen'fC1Jlr!'.9ers lirt-:water u:;:
e them tos'TlOOt~oU< me sufoce
o1 tf"':oo:ty. :1,ocethe s:uffed '.Tl.lSntooms on o -..wtp--oof
pate, s".lrimps·&, feeingup,and out into o co 10psibeoot
or bom:oos:eomer ove·oootof ba.og•1,oter. Steam,
ca.-ered,:or8 minutes,o: untilthe srrimo is cook.eel through.
- ;em me oil;,. o small s(illet {frying,001). Pourtee not oil
overti-': mushroomsand se-..•e withrice.

,., '" $~ &, SE,! FOOD

'il~!J!.~~-r "!G 0'1: S C - U!'II
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: lS v NUTH,
STEA MED SHR IM P IN A " lUS 5 'fl 'IIUiES v: •t 'll~i NG i M!
COOK ~G i WE: IC \1 Nu ·n

- Make}-4 hodzon:olcuts along tne stomach :,etw~ :'l • i lS 2 QZ,,500 G !SOUT 3)

the ·ht and ffu1 oodomi-r_cl segments on eoch s'.'\Nnp U"ICOOl::EOJUf.160 SH" f.lP :1:1'11~
(pre-,.,). OOcho..i snouldoe obo.rt no!:t~ th·ckt"':ssof me '"'t' W'IIS), 'Ii i-1 S-1! ..lS, OEVEN!O
shr'mp 'n order to severthe ooc:lom·"'.01
es, so that the !'10 -lf! O ! 'IJ .. E~S "! f.lOVD
e'l coxed. Cut open the sh~rnpftom
shr'mp willnot cur1""'1'1 • I "f!SPO O'II S ! ~i
the stomocn side sot cat tee svimpco'l be sp-·eadopen. OZ '20 G G "IG!'t t !3 0lJi '->·'11:::-1
Holdeoch s:de of o sh~rnpand oe,cl it :,oc..~'OrdtaNC-d l•Cf.l•lE"iGT -1 :- E:::!., H.!L= SL CO
the bock to C!Ot( the shell. ! '10 -!! . = C-10" "£0
- Mix15teosooon s0ct, the srced g·cger,sco on (spring • I SC.'L~IO"I :S"\ l'I:'; ON 0'11 CUT
on·o-rs),onawine in o oow. ~rinate the shr'To ·"ltne 1'1"0 2· "ICn.,5-:::1,1l!'l:';iHS. " .. US
mixtu·efor 5 minutes. EX":'t! ·o G:,N S-1
- =-.acethe s"l·impon o heotoroo:olo:e ona spread O!)M • i "! .6.ES?OONS SH!OXl'II:'; 'lll'llf
eoc.nshri.To.:l!.oc-: the ola:-ein o co lopsibe oot or ::,omboo • r, "! ,6.ESPOO'IS :li\.'NU.!f!O su:; n·o1.1ero :,ot of bo1;;,gwote1.Steam,ca.•e·eo,:o. • r, "! .6.ESPOO'IS 5L!.CK 0" :! .S.'MIC
5-6 minutes un:ilthe shr'-r:oa.-ecookedtf.."01..9h . =wmove V NE~ !,
:,om "\eOt.)rah tne water o~ tne plate and discordtt"<: :s
, '1,CUP F. OZ '150 Wl) C - 1:::<E'II
g·cger o"'.dsco!lion. aitor - :sro:::i::. "!GE n:
- Combinethe ·emoining'f, teospoonsalt, sugar,V"".egar, , '.I) r:u:s=-oo'II :::c,,:::-
cnic.(e:'lbroth (stock),ond cornstarch {cornflour)'no OO\•d ::::01t'll: Lou,J
o"'.d;rix inio o sauce. • i "! ,6.ES?OONS VEO!i!3 lf or~
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-okorskllet (fry'~ :,on).Adotri: pic.(led • l';i OZ130 G P.C( ..EO C-1 !$, c - o=-=-:J
cniles,cr10ppedginge·,o"'.dcnoppedgor"c ooclstir-fry'r.x • 5 CLOVESG!,L c. c - o =-=-EJ
1-2minutes unti frogront.Sti·inthe sooce oncl ~ng to
o boil.Oriz.zlethe souce overt ce s vimp and gor~ "l '••lth
i\!G ON: -ION:; <0'11~ ~tTTft~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH
COO( l'II~. '1! 15 'fl 'IIUiES SHR IM P WIT H
s::=w:s: !.·o
E'.:!l,..l..G!1as V ERMI CELL I

, 1 ·!a .:s=ooNs vE:;:r:aL: o h Hong<o,-,,g,

t~ disnisoreooredwi-.nthe shr'mp (irown)
• l.d OZJ!.JO G U'l:OOIC!O S-l\ 1y;= heads and sne-_son.
'"~'W'IIS j. S- ElL!J, OEVE 'IIEJ, !"ID
P l S 1•r!.Ci - ;eat mevegetoole oil·no wok.ororgeHillet {fryingoon}
• !. .!5 .ESPOO'IIS :l:\:·o G NG!'\ overmediumneat, oda tne shrimj, and oon-:-y for
• !. S:!.L~IONS :sp:, NG O"IIONS, 2-3m·"'.ies. Transfe·=:oo:.ate.
: - o==-:o - ADlltne g·".ge·, scallions(springOt'~s ), o"'.dgarlictotne
• •~ -1::0 :;:.=~,: C-IO"'PlO wok,tne'l stir-fry:or 1-2minu:es unt frcgrom.Stirin tt"<:
• I J!3l:S,.00"1 :-1 d S!UCE cnili sa-..xe,
wine,SO'/souce--~ono sugo·, o"'.ds:J -fryover
• I J!Ol:S,..00"1 S-1!.QXl'II~ ''lo',E h'gn heot for 1-2 .nn.itass.Addt~ (etcnupond 2 cups
• I f:!_S,.OON OPt< SOYS.!U:E (16floz/4i5 m } •1,oter and oringtoo boil./,.Dd the shr'-r:o
• I f:!_S,.OON L GW SOI' S.!UCE o,cl soute ~r about 1 minu:e.
• I J!3l:S,.00"1 :l:\!.NU.!HJ SU:l!\ - Mo me vercr.·ceIi, reo..xeto aN ""Wt, and Y'Omer for
, .,,cu = :s
0!!150 o:
KETC- UP 5 .rw'lutes t.ntittne sauce ::Scomplete1yobsorbed cythe
• 5 Oi:1 ISC 3 1,';U'll~S!!, Vf~v,::L~ ver~ e!li.Stir .n the sesame oil.
• ·, u:s:-oo'II SES.!'flf o l - -ronsfer the ver~e!li too ~-ving dishand orro"'.ge
• Sif!',';!Q "1;1:: =!:lE S.dC TO SE'WE me shriT:. on to:.. SeNewi-.nrice, if desired.
:0 =110, :_

i\!G ON: c-1.:..oz-iou .; fU~ ~ fg 'P ~-r

P:\!P!:\!· 10N i 'l'IE: 5 'fl 'IIUES.
=LuS 15 '1'1'\IUT:S V!:\ ,£IN:;
1 !'110 SHR IM P A ND
l HOU.'\ C- LL 'II:; i '/'IE
S!'\VES: !.

• l.d OZJ!.JO G U'l:OOIC!O S-1'\I\';,.. • Combinethe shr'cro (p--av.-ns) \\-'t'l}iteospoo.'lsol. in o

'"~'W'IIS j. n:::is :\!MO V!J . OO'NI. R:.i:!ethe s"'·i/'Opt.nde1cold tunni-r_g wa:e·o-r.o
S-IE.lfO, OEVE N!O, !'110 r: ,~s1'\ll!:f d·oin. ~ix wlh ti-': eggwhiteand refrigerate for1ra.r.
• I if! .S,.OON S S.'li, P..US EXF! - Meony-.1\ile, com:iir'te tne por<witnii tees::,oon so t
TQl!SJE o"'.ds:ond'lvtes.Md ~ teos:,ooncornstarch
• I fOO '1\1,H (cornflour} and mixwe-.
• I OZ:25 G :li\OUND (M '1:EO) :-::,R( - ;eat me 5.(ile: (frying po'l) over TedA-m"'eOt.ood
• I if!S,.OON :O:\'IIST!'\C - me gar c,ona stir-fry for2 mi""I.J'tes untilgolden.S:ir·o me
::o:\'11: LOU :\) po·(, odd t ce re-noining~ teospoo'lsol-.,the fisnsauce,
• I J!Ol:S,..00"1 VE3EJ!5L! 0 l o"'.d~C -P (~ floz/120ml) water,and bri-r_g too boil.
• !.C LOVES ~!'\l C - Mo me shrier:. o ".clO..CIJ'T oer, toss •1,ell, ar,c:Isoute over
• I if!S,.OON f S-1 S.!U:E h'gnheot for o:outl mil""i,.ieU""t tt"<:snrimporepr-'<ond
• I :ucu~s:: ~ S.ICEO COO(ed th-ougn.
• Sif:y;:o "1;1:: =!;";E S.dC 10 SE'WE - Mixthe ·ema.i'lingii teaspoon co·nsto·chwimii toblesooon
wa:e·ino smol IJo,.., end sf· tnis mixtureJrtotf"e oon.
Bringtoo xia, s:irring,:<Y OXll..-t 30 seCOtdstoi:hio:enthe
sauce.Seo:so.'lwitn e.x-Josdt totc:ste, transfertoo plotte·,
o,cl seNewithsteamed rice.

: S- &, SE,! FOOD

i\!G ON: s;:::-1u:.'1
P,\!P!i\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES
S!\VES: 4

• 2E~G\\ -I HS - -o make tt"<:s:lced salt, heai tne soh in o Hillet (frying

• 2 t:5L!S"00NS CO\NSi!.,\:::-1 pen) over ,ov,.•heo! u"tilworTed through. Remo'o'e fr~
::::OR'll=LOUR) me hem.Add tN' grouno s·&uon :,eooe· one Snojiong
• 9 OZiiSC:; U'll:::OO<EJ s ~R M" pcNC!er and mixtho-ocghly.Set aside.
'°'t,1.W'IIS). S- E..L!J, OEVE 'IIEJ, :>;;D - 3eat ti-': egg ,.,...,'tes in o smo bowlontil :oorny.Mixin
't NS!J me cornstorch(cornfour) to ma(e on egg-wh'te better.
• j OZISO G -1:.w, F N!LY :::-iOPPlO - j_d t ~ nrimp, hom, x,rk 1atbock in o arge OO'NI,
• j oz·so G "O'tK F!iO!.CK. ~ '11!.Y ood thewo:er d-..estnuts,pees,...,·~. sot. ,.,.,,'te :,ep:,e·,
:::- 0 ""! 0 o,cl egg bcnte·cno mixwe!I.Formin:o 10-12snrimo
• '.' •11:1:, CH!Si'IIUTS, F ,uy cn:=po potties, eoch obou;:t~ incn# cm ;,. Mmeter and
, hCUP :t Oi:iSO ~: "!! S ~ inc.nes/1cm thb::.
, 1 r:sus=oo~ 't,:: ·-11·NE - ;eat tne vegetooleoil ·no lo·ge s.i::ile:over rr~ ~t.
• I iPS"OON S!3 ood the shr'-r:opotties, 'n botches, o,cl :~ for 2-3 minut':'S.
• •~TE.!S"OO'II G'tOU'IIJ W- ,iE "!P"H P-oc,w o-r.oCOO( foro.not~· 1-2 minu:es un-1the pottes
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S ..E O t o·e Of'O'NN:O o-r.oCOO(e,d th·ough. --o.nsfer ::oo oote and
• I f:3lES"00~ S!S!\1f Oil d~izzlewr'.nthe se<..ome oil.Se,,..,.,
spicea salt ootne side.
=01t i-1! SP ::::JS!.Lf:
• I iPS"OON 5:.3
• \ .f!SP OO'II G'!.OU'IIJ SiC-!U!'I

i\!G.ON: sn:q•,11:;-1:.
P,'\!P!.,\:·,oN i ME 10 \1 NUTES,
"LUS ~ -IOU,\S \1H N.!f 'II~ · \1! SHR IM P A ND WO LFBERRIE S
COO(l'II~. "IE n \1 "IUTES

• I oz,~~c~ U'll:::OO(EJ S-IR Mi" - ~inseme shrim:i(pre-,•,'~} lJ'lder cold tunn·~ wa:-erend
,'"'V W'IIS).U'IISH!~~fJ potdrplth oo:,e· ta.-.els.
, ·1~0!,l G :..'ll~E.. IC! '!.OCT,S.. 1CEO - 3ringo soocepan of ...,ctertoo bo" over nigh neat.Adelthe
• iC J ~ ED'hO ..FS!"'!..ES shr'-r:o o ,cl o oncn :<Y 2 minu:es,or unti cooi::ecl
throug"I .
• IC O'!. !J LO'l~!'IS 0-oin and rinse undercola runvigv.-o:e·. Set o:s'deto cool.
, ·1~oz:s G G "IG!'!. !SQlJT ·~· NCH,' - .n the some sa-..xepo.n,:,ring2 CU-:)S(16flozlt.i5 ml}woter
l·Clil·L!NGT-1 "E:::E;, Sl ::::J too boil.Aadthe o~e.xo roo:, wol"beries.lo-r.gons,
• •~iE!S"OO'II S.'lT g·~e·, sot, and sugarand UT'lmerC>\'e' low hem :<Y
• \ OZiiO ~ '!.OC( SU:3H ISminuies.Re:novetne po'lfrom tt"<:neat end coo.
• I cu= :a=l OZiiS~ ..._, SH!OXl'II~ completely.S:ir;,. the winea.eelodd the shrimp,rnolong
w N! sure they ore w:rnergecl. Mori-r.ot e ·.\ me refrigerotorfor
- Aoin, transfer too patter, serveot roomtempero:ure.

~ ;ill~ ii)! t-r •u:; ON: -ION:;
M! IC v "llJES
SHR IM P WI TH SOY SA U CE :::OO(l'\l:;3. i.VE 5 Ml'IIUiES
S!'WES: 4

- US:ngscisso:s,tr'm me shor? C.OV,.'Sono me legs the • ll OZ,~00 G UNCOOll:EOJUYSQ

snrimp {prawns). A: the bock.cut open the shell from t-r.e S-1'!;M"' !IC"IG ?i\!-.\''g), 'NT - S-iLlS the ~o, rema.<etf"':ve·<\,o.ndthen rinse one • 2 J:3lES"00N5 V!:lE-:.5 .E O L
pot a.rywi:h~per towels. • ~ OVJO ::3.:l '11:lE\ !..50Ui 1·1'1:::-1,
- Combineolthe sauce ing·ecrentsin o sTIOII'X/h and 2.S•CV•LE',Gi - "ECE ., :5:'t!.f:0
setos'o-e. • 1 sc:~LO'IIS :s ,.\ 1'1:;ON o•rn.
- ;ea;: me vegetable oi in o wok or .ors-= s(illet {frying oon} c - o=-=-fJ
ever medii..m"'eC't,odd ti-...snrimp, onclfry for2-} mi""I.J'tes, • I f:3lES"'00~ S-i!..QXl'\l:j.'11 E 1 ...

or u.nt tf..:yturn :i;nk..Stirin the gioge!,scol&ons(spring • I i::.!...5"00~ S!SAV! 01~

onions),wine, a.."'.dsauce o"'.ds::r.:-y forl-2 m·"'-ies u-rtil • STE!~EO '!;,CE :-:3f 5.dtt: TO S!~V!
tN' rouce -th·cl:ens.Addtf"':sesoT..eoi o"'.dtro"'Sfertoo
plate. SeNewr'.n rice. r:'I; ·n:: s:.ucE:
• I f:5L!S"00NS ~ 3 -IT SOYs.1..uc:

• •, tf:S"OO ... J.!..i\( S.OYS!UCE

• I t:3lfS"00 ... 3lPNU~.'T!J SU3 H

1U3,0N: sn.,NJQ ...:j.

"':\!"'!:\!"'ION"' M! IC v "llJT!S
S!'WES: !.

- )e.,-eineod-1jrO'h'!l cy·"";!ertir.go toott"Xk {coc..<toistb:) • 8 UNCOQ)(EOT 3!" ?1\.!..'IINS.W i-1

berw-dtn e-secoi,doboo,--n:-d segme-rtto p·0: out the \'e • n. S·iE~LS
Cutoff =:reant!?""~ and egs usingscisro-s. .nsert the • 2 Cl."S (10 : L 0Zf!75 ~~,
sciSSO"S into the heodooo cut openthe sns- from-r.eodto V!G!PS ..E 01 ..
toil.alongthe ooo.:ier.en of eoch?fO'A'n . Usingo sher:, kni:e, , \ 0!11c :j. 3''\l~H :sou· •..i'\1:::-11
cut openthe bodyfromthe ta: to the heo:I.Hod me 2 s·o~s 2•CV•L!'\13i - "'!CE ). SH~!JDEO
cf the bodyofo xaw'.lond :,enotl-..em:o:kwo·o taNOrdthe • 3 SC!lUQNS (S"'i\ "IG 0'\IIONS)
bo(( to crocktl'..eshell. S-l'!;EOOEJ
- ;eot the oil'no wokor dee-:,saucepanto 3()(ff/lSIYC,or • !. "'!5 ..ES"'OONS :::-1C(!N 5"01-1
untilo o..~ of lreod o-ownsin Ui -n·-r ..ies. Gentlyb the ".!..G!n
prawnsin:othe oiland dee-:,-fry:or1m:nvte, or ...ntilthe • I r:eL!S"OO"i SiAOX.1'\I.}
'It 'if
prawnsore ho!:cooked.Useo s.otteds:,oonto carefully • I t:3lfS"00 ... SL.!..C)(0 " S.!...LS!"IIC
re-novetl'.e :,:ownsfromthe oilonc:Idrainon paoertO'A.•e_s. V N!G:'1;
- :,a...rovtmost d the~ eov'"9 obou;:2toble:::,oonsin • •~lE£S"00.,. 5£li
wok..P'..ea;:averT..edium -high neot.ood m: 9i09e· • I i!!S"OO"I CCR;~SJ:'!.C-
and scallions{s:,riogonions),ono stir-fryfa 1;rj-r un:i :co :-.,.: .OlJi\
frog-ont.Addthe cnickenIYoth(stoc<),,.,.·""!e. vinegar,onc:I • STE!~EO 'I;CE "£~f 5.dtt: TO S! "V!
SQ;t, .OCreo >P-to .,·gnheot,ond :,ringtoo ooi.Jio:li:he
prawnsono so-.ieforo'»..i 1 -n·"" un:i1pinkand cooked
then ti tt"<:·nixt•.re,.,to the wok.Bongtoo boil.
stirring,for obo..i 30 seco..-r.dstothi((en m: souce.-,a.nsfer
too!?ad serve\\~h rice.

i\!G ON: Z-IEJ
i ML 10 y; NUTH,
ii # ~n=
:,LUS I -! Ol.i,\ CH l~l'\1::3,- y;:: SHR IM P WIT H
COO( l'\1::3.- ~E 5 Ml'\IUiES

• I .5 5 OZi GCO::3.U'\l:OO(EJ Long,ogt~lso known':If its herd translationos

=~:s- w,7E\ 5-1\ IV" =>'(.: -,\''\IS:, 0-ogonWe t~ a vor'e:yof 9reen tee :'OmZhefong
5-IE.lEO ! NJ OEVEN!O men dotes bock1.500yeors.j rized for its ooolity, it was
• ·~ lE£5"00'\I S,1.lf, =-
.us EXF! reveredduringthe TongDynastyand DeCOT~ ve.ryoopu!ar
TQl!SJE in ti-':Soi,gDynos:y._egendnos it that c..ring tt"<:Ging
• •~E3::3.'II H i: Oynos:y,:Toe·or Qio-rong (1711 - l]OC) visi-.edtl"':_ongjing
• I rps=-ooN :Oi\'IIST!'\C - pontatiO<"'SinZhejio-igon four ~:orate occasions.;e
::o.,'11 : LOU,\ ) li<edtt"<:tea so mucnthat~ des'goo:-ed18teo :.on:s in
• I J!Ot:S=oo ... lO'\IGJl'\IG 7f! :.ont of the HugongTern:.-:neorWest_a<e·n Zhejiang
• 2 Cl."5 (IC ; L OZ ·475 M~J cs imperialteo the~ olonts wereoi~
VE3Eil5.t O. o,cl irocessedand brougntto 3e'jhg O"ld"'r,jQflyfor tt"<:
• I f!QlfS=oo~ w ~E
5-1!,QXl'll::3. the im:,eiol court.
• SiE:y;:o "1;1:: =!;";E S.dC).1 0 SE~\'E
- ~ubt-r.es1J'imp(:.towns)wi-..n j. teosooonsa_;tand let
stand foro:out 30 seconds.iinse under cold running
wo:e·,then oloce tt"<:snrimpon:o paoe· ta....elsto absorb
excessTo.'.str.r e.W·ap J'I a Cieo'.ldishtowe-one refr'ge-ote
- Combinethe shr'mp,me remaining~teosooonsolt, o"lO
::neE-39 e in a 'XI,...
,...,.,'t S::r·.\ me co~nstarcn(cornflou•}
o"'.dset aside.
- ~it~ tea -:avesin:o o CIJj, oo:14 tablesooonsXIWlg
wo:e·,and steej :orabout 1minute.Strainthe tea ond
rese-veme leaves.
- ;em me oilJ'Ia V.'O! oro*psc:-xepo'.lto 245°F/120°C.
Grtly lower the shr'mpi-.:oi:heoil, usingchoostb::sto
d:Spersethe p·ecesrapidlyto preven:s±king, and d~j •
:"Yfor 30 ~condst.nti: me shrimj ::,-,_rn oink.Useo slotted
spoonto carefullyte'T'O\'eme shrimo:'Omtt"<:oiland croin
- jo..s out mostd t-r.eoi, -:ovingabout 2 teosooons·.\ me
wok.Heat t-r.eoi ave· hig'1he-a-., odd t-r.es1J'imp.and
stir-fryfor1 minu:e un:ilcookedth•ougn.Ada tne re~-..•ed
t-eoleaves,s:.rink..e ove1the wine,and toss U'"'titt"<: wine
ho:se-10po-oted.Adjusttf"':s.eoso"':ngto tos:o:- , transferthe
shr'Ti:ltoo plcie,g-r,ose.m·,lth rite.

,.. '" S~ &, SE;. FOOD

'gf*~~-r ~!G 0'1: S C - U!'II
"";!~H!f 0'11 . \1E: lS Ml'IU7ES, " .US
G ON G BAO-S TYLE SH RI tv1P 10 Vl"iVES 5-!'IJ NG ilY!
COOK ~G i WE: IC \1 NU"fi

- ~insethe shrixj (prc-...""'\S} under cold runningwote·, • • !. O! dC~ 3 U'll:::OO<EJ S·FI M=

d·oin,and oloce in o oo.., .Add the sot and -:t s:ond for '"'t' ~''IISL S""IE.L:'0 ! '110J:'\':','IIE:l
10TW'lvt es. iinse the shr'To u~· cod -UMingv.'Ot!?r, • ''I f:!..S"OON )!..LJ
d·oin,and bowl,,..fththe egg'..."~e. • i EGG'IIH TE,5!'i:N
- -o mo<eth<:rouce, com:,;necl tr>':·ngredien:s, mixwe , r,:::u= 12Ol,'SO :;;: "E.' "IUTS
o"'.dset aside. • !.PS~ES"OO'IIS VE:lEJ!5.E O L
- j..,..i ti-...oeonuts ho WO< o:-lo·ge 5.(illet{frying :,on),ood • 1 ClOV:'S 3:.:-~,::: SL CE:l
the vege:aole oil.and sti·-frytki oeonutSover O'N neat for • 10 0,\ D "! 0 :::- ~ES.H.'L't'EO
l-- 5 minu:es un:i crispy.USP- o s otted spoo'1to removethe • iO SICHL!!.'11"!""BCO't "IS
peo~uts and drain on :,aper tO\\·e.s. • i SC.' L~IONS :S'"\ ."IG 0'110'IISI,
- ~eneottN!oi, odd the sMmp, oncls:ir-fryover nigh "'eat :::""10""!0
:CX'1-2minutes un:il ~f cooked.Remove ooclset aside. , i ·,a .::s =ooN s:s:0,1: o L
Heat tN' t!?moini"'-9oilover.Tee! ..m-nighheat, coo the • Si:'"IEJ R CE :P :..o:: ~.!.O).TO SE\\IE
garlic, c.nile-~and Sic.nuonoeope-1co·nsoc0 stir-fry for
1-2 minutes unti frogront.=?.e:urn t"\e s....,.;mptotcewo< =o=t r- : s.,u:::t
o ongwi':h the scallions(sxiog onions)o".ds:ir-fry for • j ·:. .5.ESPOONS )H!QXI'113 'II 'IIE
O"'Otherminu:e. Fb..rthe souce into o wok.endbr'~ • i · .,a .ESPOONS :::""l,C(:'N s:i;o·n
too boi over nigh,-,eat.S:-mmerove· mediumheat, :sroc< p:.o: 90l
u".Ccvered,for1-2 ~lit es unt tr>':sauce :Stric<ened • i ·,a .::s =ooN L G""l- SOYS!.UCE
o"'.d·educed o.r,c:Ithe shr'cro are cco<edth· • j .f!SPO ONS 'IIH E V:'llf3! "
- )rime;,. the se<..ome oil.odd the :iean.rts, one!toss. • 1•~·E:.S" OO'IS :::OR'ISJ:'tC -
TrQ(!Sfe· too olote and ser\'e\\ith rice. ::::o,'t'll : LOU't)
• l)i .f!.)" 00'11) Gftl.NU~.'EJ S.U3H
• ''I f:!..S"OON )!..LJ

~ 189
i\!G ON: s;:::-1u:.'1 ~19'.~ ~r
P,\!P~i\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES
COO(l'll;j.. '1!: I~._. NUHS SW EET A N D SOU R
S!\VES: 4

• I .5 1 OZ, 500 G L.: i\G! UNCOOKED • Use o s"lal'p<ni:eto mokEO'l insertionon the bock
tPR'W'IIS), sn:L~EJ. o:a s'.'\Nnp(~a,.;n) ::nroug'ltot ee obdoT..en,then ·""!ert
OEVEN!O, !'110 T:ll Nt:::: · me toilthroug'l me openingto mo<eo <no:.~e:,eat•1,"ih
• 1 f;j.G W - ·E s .• G-liLY Of!.E'II me remo·niogsMmp.
• •~TE.:s=>OQ'IIS.'li - Combinethe egg ""''tlites, ro.t, 1teaspoonw.rte,o"lO
• I t:5l:S"00"1 S-1~.0Xl'll;j. ''lo',E 2 toblesooonscorns:orc.n(cornflour};,.o large 'Xlh ono
• l ·:a .!S"OONS :::C'!;NSt:\:::-1 mix,-,.ellto makeo :,otter.Adelthe s:ri'npond mixunti
::::0,\'11: LOU,\) we coated.
• I i!5L!S=ooNS ~I3 - i SOYs~UCE - .ri o small oowl.corr:i:ne::nesoysa-.,..ce, wgor, the
• 1 t:5L!S=>OQNS ~\.!'IIUL!7EO SUG!'!; "''tevinegar,the remoi.,;.,-,g
remo·vig 2 tees :,oons,,..·ne,,.,..
• 2 t:5L!S=>OQNS 'hH iE \'l'ljfG!'!; 1toble:oooncorns:orcn,ooclch·c~:'l lYoth (stocx)o,cl m
• ICU" :a: L OZ:'25~ .... C-1 ci:E, into o sauce.
a11;o·n :sT0:::1: - ;em me oil;,. o wot or o*psc:-xepo'lto 300CF/l;QQC,
• 2 Cl.=>S(IC ;L OZ ·475 M~J or un:1o cu:,e of oreodb--ow'"'S in Iii m·.,_-tes.Coottf"':
VE3Ei!5.t O. shr'-r:ohtne breodcrum~ tne'l core-fu!lydrop.ntoteenot
• 1 cu =>s OVISC 3 .J,\ D oil.Oeeo-fry,h botcl-es,for2-3m·.,utes..r.til ight :itown.
Oi\!:J:::11;ufol5S Useo slorteds:,oontoco·efdyremove the s "'·inp from
• 1 iE.'S"OONS &'!;:f!J 31'\l~E'!; me oiland t·ansfe· too ola:e.
• S :::tO\'ES :;j!'!;l::: : ,ELY CH0'"' 0 EJ - ;eat me oiltoobou'i 3!0CF/17o<'C. or ..r.tilo cube of lreoo
• 1 " .C!ClD C- I~ES.SE!JEO b--O'"'""'S
in45 seconds.Re:,-,...rno.Jthe shr'To to ::neho: oi
• 1 SC:ll 0"115(S"\ .'ll;j. ON O'IIS), o"'.ddeep-fryfo· 1-2mini.rt es 1..nti900,n bra,;n, Use
S-!'!;EOJ!J o s.otteclspoonto ·ematethe s:ri'np fromtee oi o,cl
• IS.UNCH C .:'IIP:O ::::O,\ !'IIOF d·oinoo paoe· tO'Mls.
:::ul i'\1701 ·:'11:::-1:2.S·Clil~E"IGi-lS - jo....rout mostd tee oi, a:ovingabout 1toole::,oon·.\ ::ne
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1:::: "'!3E S.dC TO SE'WE wok.Heat tee oi ove· medium-h'gnheat. oodtii: ginger,
garlic,oncisauce-,onc:Is:ir-fry'o:-2-3 -n'nutes until me
sauce tnic.<ens. jour tee sa-..xe0ter tf"':s;rimpond 90'.'M'l
wr..nthe p'ck.edch a:s.sec ons (soringonions},o:-r.d
don:ro (corio"lC! ~·}. Ser..,ewithrice.

190 '" $~ &, SE,! FOOD

i\!G ON: 5;:::-;u:.'\I
P,\!P~i\!i,ON T ME 10 \1 NUTES
~us1 HOU~::: - ll NG ilY!
COOi.i'ii~. \1! 5,., 'IIUiES

- ~ubt~ s-wimp(prawns) wr'.n1teosPOOnsc.t and let • 9 OZiiSC ~ U'll:OO<EJ S- FtM=

s:ond forc':ovt 30 seconds. ii"'Seunder cold -....nning =-1t.:.
wo:er,dro~<\,o.ndthen oo;: witn ~oer tOY1.<els
to absorb , 1 Tf!.s=-ooNs s:n
excessmoisture. W·op the sh~rnpin o deo~ dishtowe • I EGG 'Ii - "E. 5E!..JE',
o,cl ·e:rige·ate :or1hOU". • 2 n.:.s=-ooNS = CE 'lii'IIE
- Combinethe,eggwhite,o"'.dlriteaspoon solt • \ 7f:SPOO'II o,ouNJ ',\'"i ~E =e=pn.
inosT10II XI,.. , 1 rps=-ooN :c.'\'IISJ:,c -
- lfl o se~rote bowl.combinethe wine,wh?tepep:ier, ::o,N • tou,
lrite-ospoonsalt, cornstarch (co·nflour),and • 3 "!fi..fS= ooNS :-;1C(:'N 5'\0T-i
o-r_omixwe . (S70C( =!;jE oo
- ;em me oil .na \\'Okor O*P soocepo'lto 26S°F/13()QC. , 2 cu=s 1· 0 ~- oz 47; M..
6rtly lower the shr'mp ~o the oi~use cnoosticksto sti•, \iE3EJ.!5L! 0 l
o "'.claeep-fry:o. 30seconds,or untilthe s ·:mptur '.l pi"<.
"I • 3•~OZ:'100 ::3.SUO.'i't S'11!.
=s. =::: s
Useo slotted sooon to careh.!lyremovet ce s1J'impand ON.Y :..NJ H!LVEO
d·oin in o coanc:ler. • sn:1o1:o'::: =!;jE SdC: 70 st =VE
- j01..r out the o,· o"'.G
return tr,..,snrimptott"<:'-''01'.Aodthe
peos and t ce sc:-xe, end sovte,-,eot for2 minutes
u"til the saxe ,as e-vo:,o:otedonclthe shr'mp are eoo<ecl
throug"I.Tro"'.Sfer too servi".9pate and serve,...~h rice.

~f"j ± l\:'G ON: -iO'I~ <0'11::3.

P,'\!P!..,\!J,ON i WE: iO Ml'IU "ES
SHRI M P ON TOA ST COOl.1'11::3.. \1:' 5 W "IIUTES

• :iringo SO\..cepanof water too 00 .Add 8 shrimp (jrO'A'nS) • "!. O! dC~ ~ f.=.sou · j4 UNCOOKD
end blo~h for2 m·....rtes U-"'til oink,.then a.rain. S-i'\ 1\1,. t?,\!'o\''IIS), S~ Ell:'0 ! "IIJ
• j..d tf..:1..ncool:ed sh·:mpo.'lo cutting boo·o O"'.CIIuse the OE\'E N!O
bock.of o heavy (ni:e to flatten each one reoeotedlyto • '.11r:::..s=>oo~ s:..LT
molteo po:ste (ororocess'no foodorocessor).Combine r:::..s=>oo~ ;j,\!."IIU ...:.TEJSU;j!'
tf..:snrimp pos:e, sol-.,sugar, oncl...,...'te pepper in o ba.., • ·~ JE!S=>QQ'IIO'\OU'IIJ W- ,TE =-:p=>fll
end use &oosfck.s to stir in on: directionuntil tn: mixture • '1 OZ,'200 HM•\ CHO'"'"fJ
is gummy. Pie(t.o some d the mix:ure bynond oncislop it • I "!5 .Es=ooN CO"'IIS"!i\CH
cgcinst th~ DOtto~of the oo.., for ~S mi""l.rtes to .Ocreose ::O,'\'ll " LOU,)
tf..:gumm·~ss. • i S~ICES'I-I- "E S'!;f!J
- S::rthe "'.GJn o.r,c:Icorns:arcn (cornfo..r)into the shrimo • i cu=-s 110FLoz -~'.'5M.. VE3:"J!..5LEOIL
mix:ure.O..ithe oreocl~to 8 equo.,-sizeso-ores. Spread
tr,..,snrimp mix:ureevenly overeach iece o: breocloocl
press 1blanched shrim:,on too o:each.
• ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-ok.orC!*psc:-xepo'lto 350°=f180°C.
or u-nf•o cube of lreod bra,;ns in 30 seconds.Gen~lyo"',e·
tr,..,squor~s into the oiland ~:, -fry for2 minuies until
9olden orownond crisp.Useo slotted s:,oon toco·e;}ty
removethe toasts fromthe oi o,cl d·ain on paoe· ta....els.

~ 191
i\!G ON: -!UN.!, ~~ ~n=
P:\!P!:\qoN T WE: iO M 'llu·n
:,LUS I -!Ol.i:\ CH l~l'\I~ - \1! SHRIMP IN
COO(l'\I~ - '1! 15 W '\IUTES
S!i\VES: !. A N EST
E'.:!l=-,o: 1~3

• l.d OZJ!.JO G U'\l:OOIC!O S-l\ 11,1= - j_d t~ nrimp (crowns)ho colo"'.der, spri.,<lewitn
'"'t' W'ISj. S- ElL!J !'\10 :l!V! ND >$teaspoonsolt,o"'.duseyo.,s~s toru:i::ne soh o
, 1 rps=-ooN 5,3 overtr,..,snrimp.R.ns.ei under cold runningwcte· end drain.
• •,,cu = t!: Oi: 'IJJ ~: S'\IOW '"f.'S Wrap.rl o dee~ d:Shtowe o".dre:nge·ate:<Y 1hoor.
'M!'l~ETOUT , S~1:EO - 3ringo s-nollsouceoo'lo:water too boii,odo::nesnow
• i E~GS, PLUS I !GO \\-1 TE pees (mongetout), and olonchfor1minu:e. 0-oin
• !. -!6 .ESPOO'\IS :CR'\ISJ:,c - o".dset aside.
::oR'll =LOUR) - 3eat tN' egg'"'"''te ino 'Xii< stir in ltoblesooo.'lco·nstc·ch
, 2 J:5L:s=-ooNs !LvPl."=-os: (cornflour}, and odd tri: snrimp.Mo:we .
=-t.! " =1ou, - 3eat tr,..,2 eggs in o 00.-.1,then odd the, 2 toblesooons
• i =-o ·!J Q!S, S-li\!OOEJ co:nstorch,ono¾teosooon salt.Addt"\e ootatoes o".d
• !. -!6 .ESPOO'\IS :-1,C(!'II a,or-< mix\\<e.
:sTOC( p:.o:9J) - .ri o small cowl.mixthe chickencroth (s:oo:), sesame o;(,
• I f:!.s=-ooN S!SHIE 0 me remo'niog1to~spoon cornstorch,onoI' teospooo salt
• 2 Cl."S (IC ;L OZ '!.TS M~J into o sauce.
VE~EJ!..6.t O ~ - ;eat ::nevegetooleoil·no wok.oro-:eprouce~'l ::o
• I oz;25 G - !M, 0 CEO 250:,:/130°C. Gent)' lowerthe shrimp,.,tot"\e oa,us·'"'-9
• I a..uNCHC ~!'\IJ'l:0 ::oR !'\IOE" cnopstick.sto disperse,o".doeep•fry:<Y 1mirute unti tne
lP\'ES ; .CICEO,TO G!:\'11 S-1 shr'To o·e oink..U....eo slorted sooontoca.reh..llyremove
• SJE!\1!0 "1;1:: =!~E S.dC TO SE'WE tne shriT:> the oiland droinon :,apertov.•e_s.
:O "T IQ,:_ - A.:ronge the pototoes ino hanc:1 -hed s:roiner(s·eve)
o".dsho:,e in:o o cird'snen. 3ringtr,..,oil'ntn
~OOF/1700(, or untilo cube of bread crowns·" £5 seco"'.ds.
Ge~tlylowerthe st,J'~r, w'th tN' po:otoes,:ntotl"': oiland
deeo-fry~r 2-} minutes..r.ti goldenDrown.=wmove the
strainerfromthe oiland transferthe potato nnest"'"on~o
o plote.
- =>o..irwt most d t "\e oi, -:ovingabout 1ta.oles:,con 'n tne
wok.Heat t"\e oi ove· medium-h·gnheot. oodtne hom
o"'.dsnow :,eas,o-r.ostJ -fryfor 1minute.S:it ·.ltri: snrim:i
o"'.dsouce,hea;:V""tilrt thkk.e-rs,tr,n pov-ti!: co~ten:s
ot tt"<:wok. on to:iof t"\e potato nest. Go·n.':snw'thcilantro
(coriander) and servew'th rice,if usi'lg.

192 '" $~ &, SE;. FOOD

i\!G ON: s;:::-1u:.'1
P,\!P!i\qON i ME 10 y; NUTH,
'f ~-r
:,LUS I -!Ol.i,\ CH l~l'\l:j. . y;: SHR IM P WIT H
COO(l'\l:j.. '1!: I~._. NUHS

• 0 U'\l:::OOJC!OJUVSO S-1~ y; =- !JC"iG · Wraptt"<:snrimp{orowns)·ooceon dishtowe and

=.,.,w'IS . .:.sou11 ~5,.!.S~ 3 s-1: ~tED refr'~-ote :o· 1hou·.
!'\10 :i:v:. '\ID • Mix1teospoo'1winewi-".n j. teospoo.'1sch in a s-noll'Xii<.
, 1 r:sus=oo~ s-1!.0Xl'll:j. w ~E • ;eat me vegetoole oil ·n a wok.C\·erT.ediumhem,
, ·, JE:s=-oo'II s:u. =-~us EXF! oo::Ithe shr'-r:o,and :,on-fryfot ~ minutesontiljust
101:sJE p·c(. --ansfer too plate.
• l ·:s .:s=ooNS VE3!f:5L! 01~ • ADlltne po-'<to the woko"'.Ci stir htne gin~r, S'chuo~
• I cz.-2sG 3,\0UND :Ml'\l:::EO) p·ese.rvedmustard,sca!!iO<"'s {s~ing onions),and :lc..<led
lf:'11 "'01\C: cniles.Mclthe chick.enoroth (stoc..<), the re-noining
• I f:!S=-ooN Gi\!TEO 3 '\13E"' ~ teaspoon salt, soysauce.and tf"':remaining
• \OZ· 10 :j. S :::- U!.N P"'!SE"'VEO 2t~sxionswineo,c:IIY-ir'lgtoo :oi . ncreosetomedi\sm-
MUSf:\O :;~EE'\IS. F( y;y;fO, ,\ NS!), h'gn heot onc:Is:ir-fry'o:-2-3 minutes until me sauce ·s
!'110 :::-10PPEO reduceo by ho f.
• 1 SC:ll 0"115(S=-\.'\l:j. ON O'\IS), - -oss ·.\ me shrim:i, stir,and :Ocreos e to ~h ri:ot. Cookfor
S"E\1S O"l~Y, :::u
· 1'\l" O 1~•1'11:::-1 o"'Other1minute u"til the so.xe is reduce:!':l'f ".Olf. Sprinde
.d·:::1o11..E'\13i-lS oa,se-osonw'th extra salt to taste, and
in tr,..,s.eso-r:.e
• !.·S P.:::(lEO "'! 0 :::-1 ~fi. SE!JEO !NJ uons:er too pate. Serve'N'-thrice o· nooa.,es.
- :rvEO
• 5 "!5 L:s=ooNS :::-1C!CEN5~Ci-l
:stoc< p:.o: 9~l
• I f:!S=-ooN l GW SOYS.!UCE
• ., NCH o: G~OU'\l:l \\-1 "E "'UPE~
, 1 r:aus=-oo~ S!S!\1f 01t
• STE:\1!0 "1;1C! =-:3: S.d~ 0\ COOJC!O
"IOODl!S. TO s:~vE

,., : $~ &, SE,! FOOD

w~~-r i\!G ON: -IO'I:; <0'11~
P:\!P~:\!i,ON T ME 10 \1 NUTES
GOLDEN PRAWNS COOi.i'ii~. \1! }:J "11'\IUTES
S!°'VES: 4

- j te--ectthe ovento 300::11so~s ~o·( 2. • S U'\1:0011:EO i ~E't "'t£ W"IS

- )e.•efl eocn xov.•n':If ·""!erting o too:npb:: (coc.doilstb::) • 0 S!~J::J OUCII:YOL<S
beh·"'.dthe-seconooboomino segment to pick.outtri: \'e·...,. • I iPS"OON G~H,IUt:·o SuG:'\
Cutoff me onten"'.G= and legsus·ngsCSso-s.Seve· tt"<: • .! "!6 .HF'OO'\IS 5lli"E't
heeds from tt"<:oodybehinatne firsto:,domindsegment • SJE:1o1:o 't,:::! =:3E S.dC
Reservethe "'eOCS. tJs·~ o shor:ikti'fe,CU'!
on eoc'1pre-,.....,. OR F'O":fOES, iO S!i\\'E
opent ~ c,odyof eochorown alongtne obdorr~:'lfromm e
toilto the -recd.Hold2 sidesof the bodyof o prawnand : o ~ i - Ec~ 5: y 3£'1;L C:
beno t~-n bo:kv.'Ord toward tf"':OOLJ:to crocktN' s~ . • 1 CU"S ti~ ;l OZ:.!'."S\1d v::o:-:s ~EO l
tN' eg9 ya_(S J'I o heatproof'Xlh ono bo<eint-re oven
- j.....-t • 1 - E!.JS 3!~~1C, C-!O!"F'E:l
:o:-20minutes.ReTlO\' the ovenand crush tr>':egg
yo.ts"'itha fork..Mix·otn e sugar.
- -omo<e th<:c'is-:Jygartc,heot::neoilinov.'Okoro~p
souceoonove1 aN neat to 26S'cf1130°C,add the garlic,
o".doeep-fry 'o:-1-2minutesun~ rgnt!ybra,m. Useo
slorteds:oon tocarefulyremove the the oi
o"'.dd-oin on ~oer tOY1.<e-S.Se:aside.
- ~eneot tN!oi a.-e·medium-h·gn-r.eotto 340:-:/liO'C.
Ado tne prawn heodsooclDOdies ono dee-o-fry~r
2-3 .nn.rtes V"'titf,.eytu-n:ion( and tee flen is'.,.Me
o"'.do~ue. USP- a slotteo spoon tocare-fu!lyre'TlO\'eme
jrO'A'rtS :-om tr>':oilooclorain on :,0~1 tov,.•e_s.
- ;em me butte-·in o clean wo<a.-e·mediu~IO'N"eOt.
Ado till: CtV:~o egg)'0.-(S. :lre1st~m vlt"ltilE soa:,-,,,lo
(-ishs ,ce) to b--eokuptl"': yolkse\'€'1fuiher and stir-fry
:CX'1m·.,.,ie. Adotne pra·,.""\S
and sf· to mixtnro;,;gh.
Tro-rsfe·m e mixturetoo pate and to:iwitn me dsr;y
garlic.Se-vewi:h .ice o· po:otoes.

i\!G ON: J !'"\l:";SU
P:\!P~:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES,
:,LUS I:) \1 NUHS MH N! - 'II~ i.YE FA N-TAIL ED
COO( l'II~ - ~E 5 Ml'IIUiES
E'.:!i:-:o: 191

JUY 30 5-1\ IY ., !JC"10

• 3 UNCOOJCEO - -o<e o shrw-no o:-r.d
usingo smo snorp(ni:e, CU'! h open
:. -1:~.os =-:vovo. s1-1:L~o :.o:-ntil: abdomen to the bock{,..."thOI.J'! o..i::ingolltnev.'O'/
!'110 r: ,~s 'IIPCT
1 mrough}·..,to2 nk.ednaives.Devein,t"cens~eoa OU'i me
• 1 SC: ll O"IIS (S:-\ .'11
~ ON 0'115),CUT 2 ho!\'esand o-ess tf.emdown 'lat oo tne cutting ~rd.
'IITO n· "ICH:'4•CY L!No·ns Repeo;:witn ::nereT.aJ'kngs"r·i/Tlo.
, 1r:s L:s:-oo~ ~ 'll~E•uu :t - ~i them ·.,too OO'NI ,,..fththe sco5ons {~oiingonions),
, 1 n~s:-ooN s-1:.ox1'II~ ·-11·NE g·¥. juice-,,,..·M,sol-'.,o"'.dwhit eoe:,oe·. Mix,,.,e!lonc:I
• •~TE:s:-oo'II S.'ll mo·rote for ot east 10mh.rtes.
• \ •psPO :J'II G";OUNJ W-1 TE "E'"=H - Y.._cord tf"':scallionsand pot the shr'T:, with po:ier towe.s
• \ ·t!SPO :J'II G'!.OU'll:l SC-iU£'11 to o:,sor:,excessTOSture.
- :01the Skhuo'l peppe1salt, nx tne sa;t ,,..fththe ~Owrd
• 2 E:505 Skhuo.npepper·'.l o s T,oJIoo....Se:aside.
• 2 n,s:-ooNSCO\"ISP";C-1 - 3eatthe eggs;no sepo.rote'Xlh one!mix·.ltri: cor--s:o·ch
::01t'll=L0U:\) (CO!Tfloi..r)to c:eo:,eo smoo:h :IO'tte-·.
• .!.'~ cu:-5 (3.d =1 O!: I ~ ·ti:t : - ;eo1:tf.eoi in o wokor dee-osaucepan to 325e-:11600C,
VE:5EP.5.t O l o cu~ o: oreodb--a,;ns·.l 1 :n·" ;olding eoch
or 4..ntit
• su:1o1:o :;;,:: =.,:;ES.dC ·o SP:\'E shrim:,by&...toa.dip't intotne egg :,otter and g.en~ly
:o =-r10~:- lower it in:o me hot oil. :>eep•fry tne s:ri'np, .nbotche--~
:o. 1-2.00.rtes, ocunti!tf"':oarter:SgoldenXO'"'".l one!t "ce
=01t i-1! S C-IU!'II ::::El\ 5.'ll: shrim:,ore COO(!:'O ::nrough.Use o s otted s:,oon to coren.Jy
• ·~ u:s:-oo'II s.,n removethe shrim:,fromtne oiloncld·OOon paper to.~1e_s,
• \ ·t!SPO :J'II G'!.OU'll:l SC-iU£'11 - - ronsfe·too se.rvingplate and sorinlde,,..fththe spic.eelsolt.
Se-vew'th rice,'f deS:recl.

i\!~ ON: -ION3 <0'11~
P:\!P!.:\qON i WE: 5 W 'IIUi:S
,ti~'P ~°f
COO(l'II~. '1! I~._. NUT:S SHR IM P WIT H
S!'WES: 4
E'.:!i,..l..G!ig i; SPIC ED SALT

• I .a 5 oz ~~c 3 U'IICOO<EJ S-1:'tM:, - -o make tt"<:s:lced sa;t, heai tne soh in o :,onover r.:,11
'"'t' W'IISj. 'N i-1 S-l!L~S hea;::or 1-2m·..._-tes.then trons:ertoo smo bowl.A/Jd
• 1 CU"S {It, F. OZ '4iS M~J VEO!J!5L! me remo·;:ng·....grffl"'tsand :nix well.Set aside.
Ol • Usingscisso:s,tr'm me Sl'IQr:,c..av,.'Sono tne the
• 2 t:5L!S"00NS CO'\Ns·:.Rc-1 shr'-r:o(irc-,.,.~}.At the :,oo:,cut opent~ s~ fromtne
:cOR'll =LOUi\) toiltowardt~ nead, re'TlO\'e tne\•e:n,and tr>enrinseo"'.d
• I '\EJ CH l!, SE!OD !.'110Sri~EJJEO pct drywithoo:,e· ta.-.els.
• 1 C.OVES 0.'i't.lC, cno=>=EJ - ;eat me \\'O( or oeep soocepo'lto 300°F/l;o<C,
• 1 SC:1l o~s ($=''\.'II~ ON O'IIS), or un:1o cu:,e of oreadb--ow"'S in Iii m·..._-tes.)redge me
s·t 1o1s
0"-l~Y, CUT l'll·o l'V'IIC-1.'.!:•CV shr'To hco ·nstc·ch (corn-ior), gen:ly a.-.erin:otb<:oil.
lfNOi - S usingchoost'ckstodispenP-tt"<:oiecesro:idlyto ~e-.•ent
• I r:aus=oo~ S-!l ,QXl'II~ n'l~E sticking,and d~:, -fry for2-3 "IVMes ..r.ti goldenDrO'Nn,
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1C: =:~E S.dll O'\ crisoy,ono coxed s..otteds:,oonto core;.lfy
=QJ!i OES. TOSE'\'t'E removetee nrimpfrom the oiland dro·.l on oope· ta.-.els.
- :, out most of tee oi, -:ovingabout 1tcoles:ioon'n
=01t i-1! SP C!J )!..Lf: me wok.H:ct the oi overmediumneat, ado me Cn(e,
• I i: :.s,.OON s:..r garlic,scotons (spr'....g on·o"\S},
o"',and stir•:)'
• I f:!.S,.OON S-1!.J :'II~ ,.O'IIOE't :<Y 1mi"'I.J'te.
Sprir.(le·o me\\ ·ne,turn off the ceot. and
• ·~ u:s=-oo'II : ,\IE·SP c: ,.O'IIOE't mixintee s:,icedsa;t, Ser\<ewith riceor :,otatoes.
• ·, u:s=-oo'II C-l lll POWJE't

i\!~,ON: -ION3 <O'II~

P:\!P!.:\:·10N i ML 10 ._.NUTES
~ tij~ n trt~~-r
S!'tVES: 4

• I .5 45~ G U'IICOO(!J S-l't M= • Usingscisso:s,tr'm me Sl'IQr:,c..av,.'S ono tne the

'"'t' W'IISj. 'N i-1 S-l!L~S shr'To (p-aw"'S} .Atthe :,oo:,CI.J'!opent~ s~ fro:-ntil:
• I J£5L!FOO"I sun,;~ toiltowardt~ nead, re'TlO\'e tne\•e:n,and tr>enrinseo"'.d
• 3 S-1!.lO~. SL CEJ pct drywithoo:,e· ta.-.els.
• 1 C.OVES c;.::=t.lC, ~l'll!LY C-IO""EO • Met the outter .no Outenoven{co55 ero-:}over rr@d\.im
• I E :.s,.OON s:..r hea;:,odd the sha....ots.
o"'.ds~ -fryfor1 minuteun:il
, ·, u:s=-oo'll 3=t:,..u.:.1:o SU3 H :.ogron:.Adotne go~. rolt, wgor, o"'.dshr'To, end fry
• 1 lE'S,.OONS CQ!.:\SElY G~OUNJ :Ink. Sfr inthe o Ot.( :,e:,oe·,
:o· 2- 3 t..ntilme snrim:,,:,-,,.rn
OL!.CK PE"'"F !Pr°''.deintt"<:\\~e, t~~ throughthe :,osi leaves.and ca,-e·
• I r:aus=oo~ S-!l,QXl'II~ n'l~E "<Y30seconds.umo-t~neat .
• I cu= :2 OZiSC 3, :>:.s1~lPVES • Se.rve;,.the 0-..ichO'len.

,.. f,S~ &, SE,!.FOOO



'· ( ·.
~- ---.
' • .. i·
• >•



i\!~ ON: -ION3 <0'11~ iili;t '11~m
P:\!P!.:\qON i ML 10 v NUiES,
" lUS I -!Ol.i:\ CH l~l"II~ . \1! PAN- FRI ED SHR IM P
COO(l'II~. '1!: I~ v NUT:S

• I .5 .!S~ G U"ll:OO(!J JU\15.0 S-1'( 1,1=> • Usingscisso:s,tr'm me Sl'IQrjc.av,.'S ono tne the
:1:1'11~ '"'(! W'IISj, '11,i- S-l!~lS shr'To (p-a-...~}.At the :,oo:, CU'! opent~ s~ fro:-ntil:
• :s·:.a .:s=>OQNS (f;( - l;P toiltowardt~ nead, reTlO\'etne\•e:n,and tr>enrinseo"'.d
• I f!.3lES"00~ ~.'\l.NU •.!TEJ SU~!'( pct drywithoo:,e· ta.-.els.Cut eoc:1snrimj in:o 2cn me
• 1 lE'S=>OONS.Z-IE"IIJ !"IG 0" "!"Stoodomi~ segment.W·opthe shrimp·o o deo:1dish
5:.1s.:.v: v N:o:., for 1hour.
tO-''!:Iand refrigero:-e
• I r:::..s=>ooN L GW SOI' s.:.ucE • Comoinethe ketcl-,...p,wgor,vineg:ir,soy sauce,onc:l""''tlite
• •~lE!.S"OO'II G'(OU"IIJ 'II - iE "!PPH pepper·no oo...ono set aside.
• :S·:.a .:s=>OQNS VE3!f:.5L! or~ • ;em ::nevegetooleoil·no wok.orors-= S<illet{fryingoon}.
• I f:.5t:S=>QQ"I :OR'IISJ:.'\C - ligh:}ydreagett": snrimpwith tne co·nstarch(corn-900')
::o:\'11 : LOU:\) o,cl aod them tothewo(. =bn-:-ya,•e·mediumhecn:0(
0 1 S"i't~o:s.. : - o==:o ~ minu:esunti cookedthrougn.Useyours:,otulo (~sh
• I f:.3l:S"00"1 :-10""!0 :j!\l: slice}tooush the shtW"no to the sideof ::newo<.odd t~
• ·~ 7f!SPO:J"II Sfs:.1,1: 0 l sho ots o.ndgarlicto the ce~te·o: tt°":wok.,. and stir-fry
• su:.1o1:o
:;;,:: ...,:3E S.dC ·o SP:\'E :0( another ~,irnrceunt fragrant.Tosswe •1,"th
aod the sauce,o"lOstir-fry:oronO"".ner l-2 m·.,.,iesto
reduceti!: sauce.Oriule inthe sesame o1.,tro-rsferto
a se-vingplate, o,cl seNe•1,"thrice.

i\!~,ON: -ION3 <O'II~ H~

P:\!P!..,'\:." ,ON i ME: 10 v NUTES,
" lUS I~ \1 NUTES~'\!E: "113i "1E C RAB S BAKED
COO(l'II~. "IE :SSM 'IIU7fi

, 3 :s-oz:1s.o·GJ ~,: s-1 v \31'11ci\ Virgi'1craos ore s'TJOII,

crabs.-he erobs ore frozen
, 3 :u=s:, us ovooo 0:1 :o:.~s: nU'To:o. 10m·"'.ie ~ to eoo<ing,,...;ich·s morehU'TJOne.
• I f!.3lES"00~ ~ VE·S" :E POWJf'( - ~inseme uobs under co.clrunningwoter and ocnd-ywitn
~oe· ta....els.=reezefor 10;rw'lvt':'S
- S~ -frytl"':rolt for 5-6 :TW'lvt
es in o aty'"'O(o· lo-se
sUet (f-yingpan) overnighheat un:il\'ery hot. S:irintn e
powderonclco·e;;tly :iuryt~ croos insidethe
hot sot •1,"tht-r.eirstomocns:ocingup.Cover,reduceto
medi1.rnhea-.,o.r,c:Icookto· 5 :TW'lvtes. =wcluce
to O'N heat
o"'.dcookforonotne·20-25 minut-es.or unt tN' craos o·e
to removethe crabs fromtt"<:rolt. &usn o!!the
- Use t0t"'.9S
excesssot, then re-rovethe coroooceo: eoch croo,and
o..i eoch crab C!O'Nn ::nemiad!ein:o2 hol\<eS.T·onsferto
a plate anciserve.

200 f,S~ &, SE,!.FOOO

f f) ~ ~~ ~!G 0'11: - O'II~ fCONG
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 T "1E: lS v NUTH

- _i:t off and disco,:! each crab'soodomen,crushthe • 1 '1\·L5'3JJ·~ ;'(ESH Ci'P•6S
u".C!e-s·aec eon, Ii¾t~ co·opoce, ·ema.•etf"':stomochand • 5 0Zil50 ::3.MUNG 3P N \'! ~\1 CLl
94 o-r.or~"'Se wa:e·.U.i eoch croo ·.,to
under cold -....nning • I ·!o .::s =o oN OYSTB )!u:::::
o"ldeocn ha.f into 3-4pieces.Use tne bockof
2 -r.olves • I ·t!Si"O O'\I S!.J
o heavy (ni:eto lgntfycrus:'ltne clC'...-s. • I •psi"O O'\I OH'\IUL!.TEO SUO.'R
of hot waterfor 3 minutes
- Soc.(the \'e·micelr in o OO'NI , '1,CUP :s F. OZ '150 Wl) C - I:::<E'\I
to soften. Jroin. s,or - :sro:::fC, ~!.GE n;
- Combinethe oystersauce,sot, sugo·,o"'4l. toblesooO<"'s • : PS~ES~00'\15 CO~'\IS"!RCH'1 broth (s:ock) in o IJo,.., and mix ,...el. ::::OR'\l=LOUit)
tf..:cor-rstorch(cornf.oor) ino arg= bowl.odd tee croo
- j.....-t • i cu=s 0~ =- OZl~'.'5 Wl) PLUS
p·eces,and lightly dredge. 1 i!S.ES"OO'\I V!GEi!S.E O.
- ;em 2 cups (16'I oz#75 ml)vegetooleoilin o '-''OJ::or aeep • ~ OI,'10 G G "IG !'\ . !.60Ui \·I~C -

souceoon to 340~=1170:c,
or unt o cube of lreoo Ira"'~ 2·CW·l:NOT-i "E:::E;. Sl :::::J
i;'l£5 seroids. Ge-rtlylowerthe crab piecesi-rtothe oil,in • i ClOV!S ~!~~1:::, SL CE:l
batches, ocd deeo-fry:<Y2-3 minu:es.Useo slottedsooon • ~ SH.'l~CTS. :::-;O""!O
to carefully reTlO\'eme piecesfrom the ci o"'.dd-ifo on • I ·!o .::s =o oN S-i!OX "IG w N!
~oer tOY1.<e-S. , , !.60Ui II O:, lCC :l, -i!!O
- j01..r out most d tt"<:ol eoving2 tcoles::,oonsoil ·n the :::!S:!O!. S- R!ODD
wok..Heat ti-...oi a.-e·medium-h·gn-r.eot.oodtne ginger • i "!5 .::s =o oN Lo -;· SOYS!UCE
o"'.dgcrlic,o"'.ds~ -fry"or 1-2 minutes.Stir in the she ots • l S:::!.~IONS :S"" 'I~ O"IIONS,
o"'.dci -fry forono:her°":'lado::necrab, STE\1SONLY :::ur N -o ,. '1:::- ,.s•CV
wine,and oyster rouce ~ e ono toss to mixmoroug"ty. lf'1GT - S
Turnoff th-e ,-,eat. • i "f!Si"O O'\I SfS,1.1,1::
0 l
- ;ea;: 1tob espoonvege:able o in o :>..-tc.n ove'l {cosserole) • SJ:!"lfJ R CE :P !.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
overhifp r.eot Add::necoboog_e a."'-0 stir-f-yfo· 2-} minutes
u"til almost COO(ed. Adotne \'e·micel!iand stir•:')' U""ti'.-.el
coated in oi . Comoinethe soy sauce wi-..n the remo·vig
c.nic.(€'lbroth in o smo! bowlo.nclgraduoly st·· into the
ve:micel!i.:ivt int~ crco, souce, and sec 0t"S {soring
ono simmerfor 10m·.,.,-tesC>\-e· medium-low
heat Mix;n the sesame oil,transfer too servingplate, o.ncl
se.rvewi:h steamed rice.

i\!~ ON: : uJ ~.N
P:\!P~:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS I -!Ol.i:\ $0.!( 'IIG i lY! STEA tv1ED C RAB OV ER
COO( l'II~. '1! I -IOU:\ 10 1'/l'IIUiES
i!:!! =:o: iO:S

• I:. CliPS :9' OVJS~ 3: (LUi "IOUS r..-o"'{-o·..,o.nese

fromf1,,jio'.\wh'ch nos
'I :::: . " 'IISEO ine.ftc:.}yin-iuenceosome of ti!: cutnoryC.,.;tv-e.Th;sdisn
• •~u:5"00'11 S.'li is o pefect exompe:it is o popior -oiwonesedishout i:s
• I :l\ ,!O lO TUS l !:: roots o·e groundedin fuj'iona.iS:ne.
• I 'l·l5 . .!.S0·3: ~'IES-1c=~.o:r 1,1:,L:
W T-1'10! 01\ Ci-IE " \1E!f'f :::\.!3 - Putthe rice o,cl sot intoo orge oo,,one!ado enough
• s MD uw O'I !O s:.,t~o=s ~ wcte1to ca,•e·.Sook:o, 1hour, tne'l rinsethorougnly
• 3 01\ E:l a_::( 1'/US-1:\001ol$ o"'.dd·oin.
• 2 f:5 L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E O l e, soo<the lotus eo'les in coldwote· for
- r..--ea...,.,..,
• I f:3lES"00~ ~:\:·o G NG!\ PLUS !5 minu:es, or unt softececl.Drain,rinse,and :>Otdry
l P.S.E5"00'11 S- "! ODEO G NG! " witno dishtowel.
• S )-!!~lO~. C-!OPPO - Liftoff o"'.dd:scordthe crob'soodomen, IY.i:'lme
• '.'ovn~:; G\OU'll:l (Iii "ICD) ,.0 " ( unae"'5.o-edeon, Ii¾t ce co ·oooce, rema.<etf"':stomoch
• I f:3lES"00~ L ~HT SOY s:.u:::! o,cl giLs,o"lO("';Seunde1cold runningwo:e·.Cot tt"<:
• I J:Sl:5"00"1 :::-10""!0 SC ~-L~IONS crab ·nto6-8 o·eces.
:s=='113o.,.O'IIS) - Putthe afeo sea.lopsand ii cup (4 Aoz/l20 :nl) coo wo:er
in o s-noll'X/h ono soak for ISmh.rtes. )rain and reseive
me sea.op wcte· :<Y lo:er u;.e.Rema.•etne smallnord
musclefro,-,me sca,.oos,then sh·ed tf"':sco oos.
- Putthe mushrooms;ntoo 'XINI, odd 1cuo (8 f oz/
250 ~ coldw<r.e1, and SOO( forat -east20 minut-es,or
untilsoftened.Rema.<etr>':mushroomsooclsa,:-eeze ory,
men d:Scordtf"':stems o-r.oc.nop.=ws.e-ve me liqtfo.
- Heot tf"':oil·.lo wo<o· lo·ge 5.(il!et(fry'
oon) ct1er
mediumhe<r,., oo:Ithe grated gingerend sno!lots,and s:ir•
:"Yfor 1minute un:i :-os--an:.Addtf"':oork.,mushrooms,
d~ scoCoos,o.r,c:Isoysauce one!st··.fry foranother
m·.,.,ie.-ransfer me mixturetoo bowlwiththe oroined
g utinousrice and odd tt"<:reservedsccl'ioponc:Im...-s:voom
wo:e·. Mb:we .
- Linea steaming rockor ,-,eotp--oof :.otewith me lo:,-,,.s
o,cl spread out me riceinthe center of the lea:. :okl a.•er
me leaf. ~ce in o co opsibe :,ot or steoTer over
o po: o: boilingwo:er.S:eo-n,,covered,for45 minutes.
- R1:Tl9\·e
me lid,plgc1;
me trQboi':<~onto;iofthe nee
men oad the shredoedgingeron top. Steamf0t o"'O'tcer
20 minutes. or U"'t tt"<:riceand ctco a.-ethoroug,Jy
COO(ed.S:rink.eoverthe sea.lions(springO"'~s ) ono
serve.(The otus eof is "'Otto be co-rsuTeo.}

202 f ,S~ &, SE;.FOOO

i\!~ ON: c -1.:..oz -1ou II~ ffi~
P:\!Pl:\qON i ML 15 Iii 'IIUiES
COO(l'II~. ~E 25 1'/l'IIUi:S C RAB IN PUN ING
5!'\\'ES: !.

• I .i·l5.'Y0:J·G) f"ES - C'll5 - lift off o"'.dd:scardeoch c·o.o'saboomen.:in.srnhe

• 3 cu=s 125 f. o: '150 Ml) \'EG!f:5lE una~-.,:·o-eclean, Ii¾t ce co ·oooce,rema.<etf"':stomach
Ol o"'.dteas out the 9 s, o"'.dri."":!
e •1,"ihwoter.CI.J'!
the crab
• 0 .l5 .HP00'115 CC:\'115f:'IC - into 2 ho\.es ano eoch ho f into 32 oieces.¾t into o
:coR'll =LOUi\) co.andertodro·n.
• 3 ·!5 l!S=ooN5 " U"I 'IIG OE!"II"! 5JE, - Hecrttf"':oil·.lo WO( o· deeosouceoonto 350::11aooe.
c - o==:o or urd o cu:,e of creoclb"O'h"'\S in 30 secO<"OS.0-eogetr>':
• i f:5L!5"00NS 5E5.'ME Pl.SH etabpieces in CO<nsto-ch ono
• I i:l5"00N G:\!"IIUl!-E:) SUG!'( me pieces~totf"': not oil. )ee,:,.fry for l-4 minutesuntil
• I f:Ol:5"00"1 5-!l.QXl'II~ w1,E goa~'1bra,;n. Trans:ertoo coander todrai~any exce1sol.
• 3•~O: ICO ~ " Oft( :q5,:. :(, CUT '1110
1 - ~_o·ne me PIJ..;;g :,eon :,oste,sesame :,oste,wgor, and
'.i· '11:-1,S•flM CUSES ~ to.oles:,oonwi ce .no smallbowl.Set aside.
• ~ OZ/iO G ~ 'll~E\ lSOUT - Hecrto sdlet and frythe po·( fotooc..< a.•e·low"'eot for
l· "ICHii.5•C\1•L!NG ·n P :::), 1-2 minu:es unt tf"':porkis crispand tf"':fenis te~-ed.
5~1CEO Useo slorteds;,oontoremo.·eme cn-:,yoorkond drain
, •,cuP !.f ~OZil101'1l)C-IC(!N on papertaNels.Set oSA:le.
sito·n :slOci::. "l .G! n - Por OU'! most cJthe o1.,eovingabol.J'!2 toole:::,oons·.\
• i 5C !l~ 0"11515"'1 'II~ ON 0'115), me wok.H:ct the oi overhig'l heot, cad the g·~er, and
CUT 1'11.01 '~•1'11:-1!.•CV l!NGi - S stir-fryfor1-2 minutes unt frog·am.Putin the uab
• 5£.i iO 1:.51: o"'.dpuring oea.n:,oste,then s:,rinl,,e;,.the remo·n:ng
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1C! =!~E S.dC, 10 SE'WE ~toole:::,oonwice. Stir-fry!ora.not~· 1 minute.then
por in tt"<:ch·ckencroth (stock}and cringtoo coil.
- Reoxe to O'Nnecrtend S:mmer,cove1ed,for 10minuies.
ReT'O\'eme lid,ado ::nepor<crispsand scallions(sx;ng
on·o°'iS},and toss •,.ell.Seasonto toste.
- T-o"\Sfe·too serV.ngolo:e ono se--vewitnr'ce.

204 f,S~ &, SE;.FOOO

~~ ~:o O'\I: J :'ll~S.U
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 T "1E: lS v NUTH

clso (nownos crab fat, is not octuollyfot lxrt the

Tomc...ey, • i s: ..r.L~IO~ :s"'t l'II:'; ON O'\I
crab's ~:oto:,oncreos,o main co:-roonent of the crab's = ,E.Y G"'!-EO
d·ges:ivesyste~. It's widelyeoten;,. manycuir.Jes end • ~ OZ,10 G G "IG!ll :..50Ui \·l"IC -
o¾enconsioeredo delicacy,"'-heneo:iog steamed <Y bo ed ?·CW·lENGi -1 "E:E J. F N!LY :";'t.!.f!O
crab. It shou o be consumed.nmoae·ofoo (as withthe • i EG:";S,"'.US I EG:";'I-I- .E
li\-e-sof othe1Gnimols),oecavse 't may co.,toinnigh -:-.•es • j · .:5 .ESPOONS SH!QXl'\I:"; 'It 'IIE
o: &-:Tice COl"'tominonts. • '.11f::,tfS"OO'II :C't'IISf:'t: -1
::0:\'11 : LOU't)
- Combine the scol!ion and ginger togethet, then so-~eze • ·~ TE:s=-oo'II s ..r.n
ove·o 00\\,: to e.x-Jocttheir ju·ces.Com~e tri: jdc es • } , OVIOO G 'I-I- •E F S-1 : ,.L!iS,
ino STICH XI,. me egg"''tlite,wine, COt"nsto·ch {cor""'lour}, :-10=-=-eo
o".dsot and mix\\ <e .Add tne choopedfu"\ pork fo:bock. , i O!i25 o PO"IK c-1:=n:i
crab meat ono tomo!ley,and stir t"O'OUg"'o/. , ¾Cl;P :s 0!!15~ G n:o ,-,p- ! "\jJ
- 01 o rec::onguor o· squo·e :,ok:"'.g po.narge enough to let TQ\1!.L.EY
the mixtur,es:ireoclto o tnic..<nessof oXIUt~ i,ch/5 mm. • i :u= :a=-
OViSC "1. \'!G!T !f ,U
Put ini:he crobco<e mixture o,cl spreoo E-\<e"'ty.j.oce the 0 l. "'.US E):T't: =o:\ 0"!.'S NG
po.nO'.l o steaming rock in owo( of boitngwater. Ste-om, • i · .:5 .ESPOONS :..L.·"U't"'OSE t"'L!"1. 1

covered,for 5 minu:es.Cut tne mixtureinto 1' ,c Iii-inch/ =LQl;:\

2 ,c 4-cm oieces. • ·~ H£S"00'11 G"IOU'IIJ 'I-I- iE "!?"H
- 3eot 2 eggs ·"lo oov.~.then add the fo..r o.ndmixto o.n
egg ocr.teMtnot d(:)Sslow'yandr root"'\' o sooon. . =o,T-IE SICHU!.N ?E'""'H s:n
Addo ~itle wa:e· i: tt"<:oarter :Stoo tniu: . • '.11r:::..s=-oo,s:..LT
- ;ea;me oil .nO\\-Ok.Ot orge sUet f-ying po,} to • ~ H£S"00'11 :";\OU'IIO s,:-iu:.'11
3~:/150~, o· un:ilo o..oe o: oreod orowns·"lli5TW'lvt es. '"E""!\
O'othe crobcakes ·.,to the egg better, then s,o Jo\\'•fry, in
batches, :O'obout 3-4mi.,utes untiltheyo·e golden ~0\\'1'1.
Usea slotted sooon to remo'lleme crab fromthe o one!
d·ain on pooe· ta...-els.--onsfer too c...eo.n
- :or the Sktu.sonpeppersot, m tne so.t,...-=ththe ~rune!
Si&ocn pepper ·o o s-nolloo....Soiin~ t~ s·chuon pep:ie·
salt and wh'ie pepperover the crobco<esand ser\<e.

i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~~~~
P:\!P!.:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES
COO( l'II:;. '1!: 15 Iii 'IIUiES CRAB WI TH GI NG ER
S!'WES: 4

• I f£3lES"00~ OYSE ~ s:.ucE - ~_o·ne me oyr.e·sauce,soysa..ce.sugar, and 2 to~-

• I n,s:-ooNS l1~ - T SOYVUCE spoonswater;,. o bowland se: osic!e.
, 11::.s:-ooN t :·o suo:'\ - Lift off o"'.dd:scorclthe crob'soodomen, IY.i:'lme
• I :i·l5."Y0:J·G) ..-~Es- ::'\:..a una':'··s'o':'dean, Ii~t•opace, remo-..ett"<:stomach
• 2 J:5 L!S"00NS CO\Ns•:.:\C-1 o,cl giLs,o"lO("\Se under cold runningwo:-e·.Cot tt"<:croo
::::OR'll=LOUi\ ) into 2 ho"vesano eoch ho f into 3-' oieces.W'l me c...o>A.'S
, 2 c1.,~s 1·c =L oz.4 • 5 M~ witnthe bockott~ (n·fe. Ligntfy dredg,=the croj p·eces
v::;E·:.a.r o. o,cl coro:,oce·o me co•nstorch(cornTI0\.11') .
• i OZl50 G G NG!i\ ::sour}· 'IIC-1,' - Hecrttt"':oil·.lo wo<o· deeosauceoonto 340°=/170:C,
1.5·Clil·lENGT - " !CE • Sl CEJ or un:1 a cu:,e of oreadb--o-,.""'Sin 45 seconds.Gentlylov.-e·
, 1 oz,-2s:; " 0'1:fC=:·a:c <. me ghg,=·,C.'Ojp·eces,ono coropoce·.,to the oi o,cl deep-
= ~ElY CHD'"'"D :~ for 5 minu:,es,or unt golden.Useo s.otted spoonto
• i :::.OVESU.'1'. IC, Sl CEJ carefullyremovethe g·cgero"' the oi and dro·,n
• 0 s:::..L~IONS :sP~ NG 0"1 ONs:. inocolo~·.
:::u1 1'11
· 0 ...:'11:;·- s - Pooroff m05'!ot tne oil. -:ovingobo..i 1toblesPOOn in the
, 1 r: :.s:-ooN s-1:..ox1'11:;·"'· NE wok.1-ieott -r.eoi eve· hig'l heo:, odd t-r.eoork fatback,and
• i f:;Gs. 5! :JE'II stJ-fry for1 minu:e.Addthe garlico"'.d-r.o._f of the sco....ions
• s1E:1o1:o 'i; ,C: ...,:;E S.dC · o SE'1:\'E (springon·Ot"S}, and st··.fry for~- minute.Addtr-':
:-'ed etobond ginger, toss, and then sxink.e .nthe wine
o"'.doystersaucemixture.-oss o:goin , cover,o-r.oCOO( over
mediu-r:•~h ~at for2 minl.!'tes, or un:ilthe crab is COO(ed
mroug"'i . ReTlO\'eme lid,stir int~ reT10inin9 scai,,ions,
por in tt"<:eggbetter, and toss untilthe sauce thio:e"\S.
- T-o-rsfe• to o ,olorterand s.erveimmecratelyw~h rice.

206 f ,S~ &, SE.:.FOOO

~ Ii</.
~~~ i\!G ON: -IO'I:; <0'11~
P:\!P~:\!i,ON T ME 10 \1 NUTES
CRAB IN SPICY COOi.i'ii~. M! 15 "11'\IUTES
S!°'VES: 4

- _i:t off and disco,:! t "\e croo's obaome1, ~ush the • I :1 .6 5·0!,'~0~-:; "'tES-1 Ci'P•6
u".C!e-s·ae c eon, Ii¾t ~ co·opoce, ·ema.•etf"':stomoch • I if!S=-OONS!.·
o"'.dg-.s,o c0 r'""!e .....nder
cold l'l..nningwa:e·. Cot tf"': • 1 lE'S=-ooNS G\:NuP.TEO SUG!~
crab in-.o2'~s o".deocn ~f ·.,to }-4 mes. • !. .!6 .ESF'OO'IS SOYQE!'I c~ s =-s
- ;em me s,ol9.,l teaspoonsugoc,onclsoybeancrisps·o ~.1..0: 21:
o smalloon over t:IN heat for2 mi~•..rtes. Set aside. • 2 J:5L!s=-ooNSC0\"1Si!~C-I
- ;em me oil .no \\'Okor O*P soocepo'lto 3tOOF/1iOOC, :CO'!;N"lOU't
or un:ilo c.-uoeof creoclXO'h""\S in45 seconos.Gentlylov,.•e-· 0 2cu ~s ·o •.oz !.TSM..
the crobir.totce oi o"'.daeep-fry:o. 5 T,J"I.Jt es V"'ti golden VE3Ef!5L! 0 l
Use o slortedsooonto careh.!lyremovet ce era? , !. s - :.Lo·s. c -ioP =-eo
:,om the oi and drain on :,o~r tO\\·e.s.Set of~. , 10 o=t :o c - ..ES. cno=-"'EJ
- j01..r cHmost of the oil,leovi".9oxiut 2to:.espoons htne • !. ~:o :::-1.ES, cur 'H0 .E'l~i-lS

wok..Heat tN' oi c,.-e·mediumheot, add the s"'-G.o.Ots, and • •, i!S.ES~OO'I "HM!'l7E:l a.:ct:
s~ -fryfor 1-2 ,!'W'lvt est.ntitfrogron:.AddtN' driedand 3E'NS. ~ NSEJ
:.esh c., es, Dia(( DEGns, s·chuo'l peppercorns,crispygarlic, • ·~u:s~oo" s c-iu:" •::=-=-e~co =-'ls.
crispysoybeon mix:ure,soyrouce, and remoini"9 C'<:USH!O
1t-eos::,oon sugar,o-r.ostir-fry overhighheat for2 m·"'.ies. • 1 SC:lllO'IS (S=-\1'1~ ON O'IS),
St. in tt"<:croj pieces,odd t"\e sca!rOt"'S {s~ing onions),
o,cl toss tnoro;,;ghly. Transfertoo se.rvhgpate and serve • I ~1.,:,r TYc~ s~t' G:'!;L C
wi-.n rice. P!.G! SJ;
• 1 J:5L!s=-ooNS .. ,:;-tr SOYVUCE
• sn:1o1:o" c:: "''~E S.dc: · o st =-n

;Jl;~ l\!G.ON: C-il QZ-tOlJ

F'~!P!.,\!i,ON i ME 10 \1 NUHS.
CHILL ED CRAB • ~us lO Ml'IUiES f'tf:Z,~G. \1!
COOt:l'I~. \1! . n·25 Ml'IUTES

- j..dtf..:croos in a :.ostic :,og,tne'l 1·eeze:or30 TW'lvtes. , 1 (1 ta 2-oz,soo·o., •:i;:s-1 ::::.:.:;s

- ~emovethe crobs fromft~zer, teor off me olx!omen , 1 if.l,s=-ooN s:-.~•
o: eochcroo, ~usn, and rinseu"X!~·cod ruming""-'Ote·. • 1 lE'S=-ooNS • 'l! ..Y :::-10=-~eo
Putthe cro:.s on a pate witnthe coropoce:ocingdown. :;'l:;F
Spri"'deover tf..:ro}t and piece in a collo:.s-:.~po: or • 1 ·:a .ES"'OONS 'tE:l V N!G:'!;
bo.mboosteamer over o pot o: ooilingwc:er. Stec"!'\,
covered,for20-2S minutesun:il cook.eel tf"i,ug...,.
ReTlO\'em e co:.s and set os'de on o pate to cool.
- _i:toff the carapace,cU'ithe bodyof eocn crab ·n ~If,
then cvt eoch ho f into 3-4 cn.nks. Ol o servingplate,
o·range the :,arts into the shooe of o crab.
- Combinethe g.ogE'ro,cl v'negorin o smo bowlto mok.e
o dip:,;ngsa-..xe.
"'Servet"\e croos witntne d·:-oingsa..ce oo me side.

i\!~ ON: -ION~ <0'11~ ~ ;t ti~-r
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES
S!'WES: !.
E'.:!i"£0! iOO BEA N SAUC E

• I :i·lS-'n~·~: L \'! L05SiE 't COO~EO Becauselobs:-e-sore cod -olooded. their :odyteToera:ure
'II :'tEEZ!~ FOR IS \1 Nu ·n : L v: willodo~ to the w-•oo.rdingtem:,eroture.:reeU."'.9them
• !. .!5 .HPOO'IIS :::OR'IISJ:'tC- willsaN downtheir neart ro:e, metabolism,and ne_rol
::::o:\'11: LOU:\) functioningone it preven:s tt"<:lobsterfrom movi"'-9
, 3 :::u"s :2s : . o:11sc M~, o·ouoc:I.We'\'@provi:led~trucfO"\S fororepor'~ olive
VE~E·! .5.t O l lobster,ou. yo.icon a::<your-ishT'Of'l9erto ~e:,ore ths
• \0:·10:j.~'113E't '!SQU .\• l'll:::-1· :<Y you <Y p.l"Chose
o :·oz-e'.lone.
2•CV•L!NUi - "ECE ,, Sl :::::J
• I f:3l:S"00"1 l 3Hi SOYS!.U:::! - 1--serto sho·o knife :ie:weentf"':neoclo.ndoodyond seve·
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 S-!!Q Xl'll:j.w1,E me head.CU'!the body -e·•.gtf,,,.;:se·~to =rwo,then CU'!eoc.n
• !. .!5 .ESPOO'IIS :::-1C(!'II S'tOi - ha.f · 1¼-incn/3-cmp·eces.ReTIOVe o"lOcock. tr-':clews
:stOC< pi.o: 9~l the head. Dscord tr-':neocl. iinse the p·ecesond
• 1 SC:ll 0"115(S:-'t.'11:j.ON O'IIS), set oS:de.
:::u1 :'ll·o ~- "IC- •S·:::M1..f'll:j.·ns - CoT:lne me lobs:-e·pieceso.ndcorns:orc.n(comio.J')
• 2 E3GS in o orge 'X>'h •
• I f!!S"'OON S!S!Vf or~ - Tomok.ethe :.oo: :,ea~ sauce, combineolthe ingred:e~ts
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1C! "'!3E S.dC TO SE'WE in o 'XI,. 0"'-0 mixwe .
- Heat the \-eg.e:obleoil·o o wok.or deeo souce~n to
=o't i-1! S.l.!:::fC5E!.N S!UCE: ~F/liOOC, or un:ilo cuoe of oreocl:.tO'Nns in 45 seconos.
• 1 J:5L!S"00NS :E't ME'II.E O a.:::< Ge~tlylowerthe lobs:ero·ecesi~tothe r:i 0"'-0 deeo-fry
5E!'IIS," '!SEO !.NJ :::-10""!0 :o. 3-Lm:nu-cesV""tillight :,rann. Useo slotted sooo'.lto
• 1 :::.OY'ESQ.!:\.IC, CHO'""'EJ carefullyremovethe lo:,sterfromt"'Eoi o,cl d·oin on
• I f!3lES"00~ ~:\!.NU.!fEJ SU~!'{ paoe· ta...els.
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 VE3Ef!5L! 0 l - POO'01.J'!most cJthe o1.,eovingobol.J'!2 tooles:~ns ·.\ me
wok..tirot t"'Eoa,ado me gin~· s._ices s:ir-:-yover
mediumhem :<Y 1 ~ut e until :-ogrom.Stir·otne block.
bean sauce. Put~ me lobs:e·,:Ocreos e to ~h ri:ot. and
toss to mix.Md the soysauce. ...,·~. and chick.e"t bro:n
(stock.}and oringtoo boil.Sa..iethe ooste1forabout
30 seconds.unt COO(ed th·ough. Ada tne sco5ons (spr'~
on·o"'1S}, croo: i.ltf"': eggs,
toss to coot me lobs:-e·.Ado
me sesame oil,stir,ono transfertoo plate. Se-vewi:h 'Xe.

208 f,S~ &, SE,!FOOO

i\!~ ON:
r.: 'J,:..N
i ME 10 v NUTH,
" lUS I -! Ol.i,\ 50.!(i'IIG !NJ S -IOU"') BABY CLA tv1S tv1ARI NATED
M! ~ l'\I!. '4~ . \1!
COO( l'\I~ T "'1! 1~·15 \1 NUHS IN GARL IC SAUC E
S!i\V!S: !.·O

• !.LS,'1.8 l::G 5:5y CL!..WS - Soo<the c...oms ·.\ e bowlof codv.'Oterfor 1hou· un::IaJVy
• 1 - E!.JS .:..50Ui i\ OZ,'~~~: G!i\ .lC. sane is ·eglJ"gito:eo.)re·..,,
CLOVES s:p:,:rn - Put2 cups (16fi oz./t.iSml}wo:e·in:o the bottom :,art
• I CU"' :a : l 0Zi2S~ v_ 1..1 0-li oto OOuble:0 e·. Piecetne Ci.Oms e,c:16~CU?S
SOYS!.UCE (SOfi oz/1.5h ers)·'1me too~. )o "'Otcove·.
, '.,\CU"' tS : l OZilSC \1~ .J.,,( - Poce the dooo e boi erever nighneat end, whe"ltne
SOYSAUCE teToe·otiJ'e of tne clamwcte· reocnes13(F/SS°C
• 2 f:S L!S"OONS ~ CE 'lii'\I! (use o t-r.erTo-reter),s::t it o~e to <eeothe teToe·ature
• !. ·:.o .ESPOO'IIS ~ .\l.NU.:ifJ SU~!\ eventh·oughou. me...,oter.W"":'1tri:v.'Otertempero:ue
• •~CU"' !. f .. OZ 'liC \1~ OP.CK 0,\ reocnes140°F/6QQC , turn off me heO!.U<...eo slotted spoon
5: 15:.v CV N:o:, to carefullyreTlO\'eme clamsfrom the•1,"0ter ond dre·n
on papertaNels. Y.._.ce·o e"'YV""OOS-N:Oc...oms.S:rointf"':
- Poor~ CU?S {45 'I oz/U iters)of me stroine,:Ielem jUfC e
into o souce:,on,oringtoe coiloverh'gn "'eQt, and turn o!!
me hem. j.....-t
the 00.(ing~'.lo: coo •1,ot er
to re-:lucet-r.ecle~ juice tempercn.reto 12~:/socc. Stirin
me go· c, 'Sl:l'fso;xes, rice wine,wgor, ondvinegor,......, e
k.eeoingtl-ejuicetem:11rotu--e ::ie:ween10>12PF#1- 50:C.
- Add tl-eju·ce to me c...oms ·'1tne bowlo.ndrefrigeto:e for
5 "'
. ~emovethe garlicbeforeserving.

210 f ,S~ &, SE,!FOOO

~ ,t1~ 11¥
f i\EGiO'I: -I O'II:; KON(;
?~!"£=-!f 0'11i ME:1S ~NUTE>,
RAZ O R CLA MS IN " .US 1 -!0U't S.O~ICIN(;ii~!
coo<.,.:;11~:::10,., su·::s
BLA CK BEA N SA UC E S!";\'fi: 4

- .rnmerse tN>clams in o 'Xii< of colov.-ote·for 1hou· until • 1 lS 5 OZiOCO::3.\:zo;; O'!. !.NY • ypf.
o.,y so"'.dis -egw-
)roh. OF Cl.'WS
- :iringo i0r9esouceoonof ,.-.cter too ooil.cod the clams, • l'~ i!S~ESF'OO~S Ff.:\Vf.'-EJ SP.CK
o,cl ·e:...rntoo Doi.Remo-.•e immecrcte!yftomthe "'eOt. 3E' NS, :\ "ISEJ : ND C-IOPPEO
Drainand disco.reO"'!fV"'OOE'"'eO c...oms.~inseuna~· cod • 1 ·:ed SPOON S!!N p:,s·t
wa:er,teen transfer too coonder. Open up each cloTI, • 2 CLOV! S :;::~,::: :::-10::eo
discordho f of each s--el rinse,and ·e'T'O\'eme in:estines. • 1 ·t: spoo~G\H,IUL!.iEO SUG!,:\
- Combinethe :.oo: beans, Cea.n:ia:ste, garlic,and wgor • i ·: .5.ESF'OO~S VEG!f:3 lE or~
o"'.d;rix inio o sauce. . "ovs:; o No::: f:s ou· -1~:::
- ;em m e vegetable oi in o wok.or .orgeHillet {frying pan}. l<'-1·.E~~n •; P ECE: SL CO
Ado tne ginger end sauce and stir•: ')' cNe·h'gn heo! fo· • l ::: JC - .ES, SEDEO ! ND S-1'!.E:l:l!O
30 seconds...ntil:.agron:.Add tf"':err· -esondcloT.Gone • 1 ·:0 .ESPOON s- : ox NG W N!
s::;f-fryfor I minute. Sprindein t--e,,,;l'I=end 'Sl:l'fsa-..xe r:3us:oo.,. l :;nr soy s:.u:::
o,cl ti -fry forono:her 30seconds. • i ·t: spoo~co:.,.5·:.:\c-1
- Mixthe corns:orcn (com'loor)wi':h1tooles:ioonwoter 1co,,F~ou:
i;\O s,;o !IXI,. ono mt mis mixtue in:othe wo<dong • 2 s::::.L~IONS :s=:\"10 O~IONS:. :::ui
wi-.nthe scallions (springOt"''Ons).Bringtoo xia, s:irring, NiO n-1-.i:::
-1~-cw SE:::· ,oNS
:CX' 30seconds toth·c~'l me sauce. Drizzlec,.•e·tne r:::.s=-ooN s::s : vf o.
se<..ome oilond t·o.ns-fe·too ola:e.Se-ve witn r"ce. • SJE.! Wf:l : CE (P!.G ! 5.!0), TO SE'\YE

~ ~~ -ttti ::c; 0~: - O"l::3.fCONG

::i;:::H!f 0~ T WE: 15\I NUTES


• :iringo i0r9esaucepan of •.-.cter too ooil.cod the clams, • 3 . ::~E :: ,zo:\ Cl.!MS, '!. "IS! O
end return too xiii. =wmoveinmedio:e-Y:.~ tne hem. • i - E!J G!'!..IC, c;::ifJ
Orc:no"'.ddscord any unopenedelem. R;n;,e;1.,nd er cold , '" f!:.s:ooN s:u
v.'Oter,then tro-rs-fe·too cola:-r.der
o"'.dd·CJI. • !- P,5~f$fOO~> ' ·ro .t O L
- O:,e'l up eochclam,disco·d ha.f of eccnshell,rinse, o"'.d
removethe '-t:e-stines.Sliceeochoieceof mem, engthwise,
e and df'CJIthe meat. tf..:npiece o oieceof
in nolf.R:.'\S
meat on eo:h s·de of eochs~ . Trons:erthe s~ ls to
o ~otp-oof :.ate.
- Mixthe gro:-eago·ic,salt, o,cl o. in o boV\~. ¾t obou'i
ii teaspoon of this m~ e on eochside of eochsne . Poce
tf..:ola:ein o collops:.e oot or oomx,o steoTer ever o pot
of ooilingwater. Steom,covered,for 3_£minute-s.
- Serve·mmediote)y.

i\!;j ON: -ION3 <O'll;j
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 v NUiE5,
" LUS l·l ~ou:>s 50!(1"\l;j i "1E CLA MS IN BLA C K
COO(l'll;j. '1! I~ v NUT:S

• I ~5 S oz,~~~G CP"1S - .mmerset~ cloT.Gino 'X/h of coldv.'Oterfo· 1hour u~

• I f:3l:S"00"1 - OS 'II $! .U:::E O"'Y so"'.dis -egw-·gitoted.~inse,then :i,..i in:o o
• I i'3lES"00~ L ;jHi SOYSl.U::::: tod·oin.
• I f:!S,.OON G:\H,IUL'-E:l SUG''\ - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof watertoo ooil.ood the clams,
• •~lE'S,.00'11 S.'li o"'.dre:,-,,.rn
too ooil.Remoo.-e fromti!: heat immecl'ote!y,
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEPS~E 0 d·oin,and discordonyuno:,e~d o.oms.
, ',\OZ ·5 G G ~GE'\ _!SOlli •~· NCH· • Mixthe "'OSnsouce,Selfsauce.s,.:gor,anasalt in o sTJOII
l·C"1·lENGi-l "E:::E;, SL ::::J OO'NI. Se:os'cie.
• !. CLOVES~l'{L c. nus-D - ;em ::nevegetaoleoil·no wok.orors-=S<illet{fryingoon}
• j '\E:l C - ILES. SEEJEO !'ljJ er;c=>=E:) overme-d'ium-hign heo1onclodd the gioge!,garlic.,onc:I
• I i'3lES"00~ ~E'\"1E'lliEO 5L.l.,CI( cniles.St··.fry forl-2 mir,,..-tesu'tlil fragro-rt.Stir .nthe bock
5E!'IIS," '!SEO !.NJ :::-10,.,.:0 beens and c;, s~nk..e ;,.the wine,and toss. Adotne
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 S-1!.QXl'll;j w1,E hcish sauce min...reo-r.ostir.
• I i'5lES"'00~ :::CR'IISf:'tC - - Mixthe corns:arcn (co:nflour}wr'.n2 tablespoonswater
::::oR'll=LOUi\) in o s"l')Cl!I
'Xii< ana stir m e mixt1.reinto the wok.. Bring
• i SC'Ll O"IIS (S"\ .'ll;j ON 0'115), too boil.sf-ri09, for 30 seco"'.G:S to ::nic..<en
the sauce.
:::- o,.=:o.PLUS EXF! ·o Gl'\N S-1 - :inolfy,toss in tt"<:sco O"\S {~oringonions)and sesome
• I f:!S,.OON S!S!Vf O. oil.Garnishwth extrosco'l'onso,cl se.rvewi':hrice <Yes
• SiE''-1!0 "1;1:::: =!;jE S.dC TO SE'WE o snoLJ:occompo.,~awithbee1.
:0=110 .. ,_,

i\!;j ON: -ION3 <O'll;j

P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 v NUTE5, ;IllE!I:
71<~ ~ :~ 'It 1¥
COO(l'll;j. '1!: I~ v NUT:S CLA MS WIT H V ERM IC ELL I
S!'WES: !.

• I .a 5 oz ~~c ;j '-1.'N l,! O'\ 5-IOU - immerset~ clo-nsino 'X/h of coldv.'Oter,odd the sot.
NE::< Ctl.VS o,cl soo<'<Y 1"'0..11'U!"til
anysand :Sregurg'tateo.R.nse,
• I i: !S,.OON S!.LT. " LUSEXH' ::nenput intoo colo"'.de·=:odro·n.
iOU•SH: - Meonv,mile, SOC.( the to~ ·:r.
epee-incolawate · for
• I :l't,!O J! "IG!ll; ,E "! El 10minu:-esto soft-en.)rein ond cut irto thin s-.rios.Se:aside.
• I i'5lES"'00~ VE3El.'5L! 0 L • ;eot me oil,nO WO.( O! crgeskte: e-ying pon},odd the
• !.C LOVES~''\LC, PE::~EJ gar'iic,ono:-yove1O'Nheotfor 1-2m·.,_-tesuntil fragrant
• ·~ OZ,,10 ;j S.!Li ED \UT! S,.l._G ! o"'.dl'gnt!yb--owned. Pu;: in 3 (25; ozflSOml) wot-e·,
5-1\EO:l!J ::nesol:-eorutabogo,driedton~W ~ c.nile,and ,.,..,'te
• I \E:l CH l!, SE!OD !'110 :::-ic =n o pepper.Borgtoo boi overmedium""=ctand COO< :or
• " NCH o : G'\OU'\l:l \\-1 .E "EPPE'\ , 2 mirutes.Addt-r.eclom ona mu"'-9been verm·ce o,cl
" LUSex-~., TO ·, s ·E COO.( forooou. 2 minutesuntilthe clom sne-_s open.S:irj-i
• \ OZiiO G MUNO 5!!'11 VHMICH~ ::neCOOn:ro (corionci
er} and tur'.loffthe ""Wt.Aajusttne
• I SJ!~K::: ,._!'\l•~ o (:::O'\ !'IIJ!i\), seasoningto taste. Jsco,:I a"'{Ci.OmS men o·e onopened.
:::u1 :'ll·o ~- "IC- •S·:::M1..f'll;j-H S Se'Veme c..omswi':hthe \<erm·c e Iiand :iiotf"I.

212 f,S~ &. SE;.FOOO

i\!~ ON: : uJ :..N t'.J; E
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS 1C M NU"fi s,c,:.(1'11~ i WE SAUTtE D
COO( l'II~. '1!: I~._. NUT:$
S!i\VES: 4 CLAtv1S

• i D't :o eu:::f(MUS-l't 00"1S · ~it~ musnrooms.ntoo oowl,.ccver•1,"thcold...,cter,ond

• 3\ l S.·'1.S<G CH!'t";'l'STO'II! :::.:.1,15 soak to· <l'! leas: 20 :n·nu::es,or U-"'tisoftened. Remo\<etN'
• I i!5 L!S=ooNSS - !OXNG'N'II! mush·ooms,squeezed-y, and disco.,,:! ti!: stems. 0.,. into
• 2 l!5 L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E 0 min slices ono set aside.
• j :::.OVESU.'1'. IC, cno:=o • Usingo clam (n·fe {or o snort. dull <ni:e),"'Okithe clam
• •, CUP (i\ O: ,;5 G: Sl ::::J ;~,yin your hono O"'.O insert the <nife:,e:weenthe top
s:.M:.oo s -i oo ·s , .:i~:. N!D o,cl bottoms~ . Co·e;;ily\\'Orkti-': kn'fe around to cut
• su:.1o1:o :;;,:::: =.,~E S.dC). mroug'l tne hinge musc;.eand ory open the shell.=wmove
TO SE\'t'E ::neintestineso"'.dsliceeoch pieceof meQ6., lengthwise,
into "'.Olf.
: o=t ·n.: s.:ucE • 3ringo s-nollsouceoo'l o:water too boii, tne:1set aside
• I sc:.. L 0"11 9':\ NG O'IIION), to coolfor 5 mini.rces. Adcitne c;omslicesand s..'tforobou!
• 3 "!O l !S=ooNS :::-1
CJC!N5";0T-! • ~emowo.rvy'9omentsond viKe-o
:sTOC< pi.o.:9~ ) Tro"'Sfe·tne c;omstoo bowland mixwith 1tobespoon
• ·~ u:.s~oo'II s.,n wine,then drain.
• I i:!S"OON G:\H,1Ul !7E:) suo:.=t • -o make tf"':sa-.,..ce,com:M'leti!: ing·ec!'entsin o STJO,.I 'XI,.
• I f!3lES"00~ L ~Hi SOY s:..u::::: o,cl mix,....ell.
Set aside.
, ·~ u:.s~oo'II SES.!Wf o ~ • ;e,ot me vegetoole oil ·no wokor orgeHillet {fryingoon}
• ·~ u:.s~oo'II CO'\"ISi!~c-1 over me,d'ium-hign heO'!, add the garlic,and stir•:)' for
::::OR'll=LOUi\ ) 1minute u"'tilfragrant.Addthe '.Tl,;mrooms, bomboo
shoo:s,o,cl ·emoining'f, to~spooowine, then
in ti-':sauce and oringtoo coil.Si~~- for £ minutes,
or un-1~hesauce thic<ens,tne'1 put·" s:ir
rco:dlytocom:M'le.Trons:ertoo pate o.ndserve'"'"th rice.

f ,S~ &, SE,!FOOO

~§ ~ 'lt ~ i\!G ON: -IO'I:; <0'11~
P:\!P~:\!i,ON T ME IS W 'IIUES
C LA MS WIT H EGGS A ND COOi.i'ii~. M! 15 "11'\IUTES
S!°'VES: 4

- :iringo i0r9e souceoon of ,.-.cter too ooil.cod the clams, • I .5 5 O!:OOO G ,.,!'II'~! CPVS.
too ooi. RemO'leimmecratelyftomthe "'eOt.
o"'.d·e:,-,,.rn 3\ US·iEJ ! '110" NSD
Drainand discaro O"'!fV"'OOE'"'eO c...oms.~inseunae· cod • 0 E33 W-1 ES. L GHTlY Q!!Tf'II
wa:er,teen transfer too coonder. Open up each cloTI, :a
• I :::u=- : L OZ..-25:J..._ C-1 Cl(f~
discordho f of each s--el rinse,and ·e'T'O\'eme in:estines. S\ OT-1 :stOC<. p::;f 90)
- S:rointN' -eggwhitesthrougn o strc:ner (sieve) in:oo • \ JE.!)"00'11 )!LT
sho CJN heototoof 'Xlh cad i:hecnic..<en IYoth (s:ocx) • 2 t:5L!S"00NS VEGEi!S.E 01-
o,cl iii:-ees-:,oon sot, and mix"'ell.Coverand sea \,-:'tn • 0 CLOVES~!'!,LC. C - O""!J
o\rminum foiland oloce in o co lopsibe oot or oomboo • 2 t:5L:'S"00NS S- !OX NG W N!· 01.1er o :,ot of bo1;;,gwote1.Steam, ca.•e·eo, • ·, JE.!S"OO'll 3lt.'NU-!EJ su:; n
:CX'12minutes. Remo-.•e tne foil.o-ocet-reclam intheir • I SC!ll 0'11 SP" NG Q"-.;ON)
ha.f shells·o me bo•....t, re-coverand steam foro"'Other :::-10"PEO
3 minutes.
- Meonv,.'hil~ . neot tN' oil ·.lo rno!I Hi!let (frying:,on) aw
laN ,-,eat.l,.Dd the garlicona tn e remaining~ teospoonso}t
o".dti -fry for2 ~lit es unt frogront.Spoonti-...gor,
ove· eochdom .
- Combinethe wine and wgor in a"'OtherDO\t.~,mix,and
d~izzlelgrrtfya.-ert-r.eclam. fop with the chap:ieo sco5on
anffo,)ano se-veimrreci':otely.

~ ~ t17 "!G 0'11:! - EJ ! NG
""!"H!T 0'11T ,.,E: 15 V NUTES.
CLA M S W ITH HA M, " lUS 2C y; Nu -ES )0 ! (l'\13 T ,.,E
COOK "IG T ME 5 v 'lllJES

tl-e mushrooms;ntoo oow , ccver'1,-'thcoo'1,'0ter,and

- j.....-t • ~ .J" ED 3l.'C( VUSH";QQVS
sock.forot leost 20mil"",,..ies,o:-untilsa¾ened. =wmovethe • its s oz..~:J:Jo :,:zo~ ct,vs.
mushrooms,squee,zedry,oocld:sca,:Ithe stems. Cot in:o '!, '115!0
th:nslices,and set o:s"oe. • 2 - .:a .ESPOONS VEG!i!3 lE or.
- 3rin9o .or5e souceoon of water too ooil.Ao:Ithe clams , ,-.oz,5
o o No:, 1:a.ouri· '1; 1,.
and bla:-ichfor1minu:e un::ilthe c,omsope'lup. 0-00, l·C,.,·lE"IGi -1 "EC! :. S.IC:'O
discordonyuno:,ene-oshells,and set aside to cool oriefty. • i O!i25 G Jl'\1-!U! 0~ SM i - F E.O
Removet ""'=cla-n mea;:f•o:-nme she....s, removet ~ - :y;_ :::u-'1110sr:i, =s

in:es:ine--~ r°"'Se,and se: as"oe. • i l\!O O'!, ~~!E'II c.: tE"l'II! '"E""!"S .
- ;ea;: me vegetable ai in o wok.or .ors-=s(illet {fryingoon} S!E:l!J !,NJ CUT 1,ro s-1\PS
over medii..m"'eC't,odd ti-eginger, and st··.fry for 1~ut e • I -f! .SPOO'\I 'Ii - -E V 'll!G!'!,
un~ frogront. :,ut in the m...snroomsooclnom and stir•:')' f!f,lf)"OO'II .,~ - i SOY ).'UC!
forano:ne-1m·..._-te.Addtf°" ano cayenne :,ep:,e-s, • ·~ fE!)"OO'II S.'ll
and st··.fry over h·gn "'eOtfor another 30 seconcs.St·· in l::!.5"00"-. ~~!"IIU.!TEJ SU;';!'!,
ti-evinego·, Wf sauce, sot, ono suga·. Mixin the sesame l::!.S"OON S:'S! Vf 01.
oil o.ndtra -rsfertoo :,ate . Ser\'e,~1't'lrice. • )l:!"lfJ I\ CE :P !.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\VE

l\!3,0N: C·P.OZ-tOU
?i\!?!.F{!·,oN i WE: 5 WI'11Ui!S. ~~ ~ ~
=tus I -tOlJF{SO!(i'IIG ilVE
COO(l'\13. ~E 5 Ml'IIUiES CLAM S WIT H
S!'WES: !.
E'.:!i,..l..G!i11 CHI V ES

• 11 OZ, }00 G Cl.! vs. 't "IS!O - ,mmerset~ clo-nsino 'X/h of cold'-''Oter,cdd the sot.
• 2 J!5L!s=ooNS \'!GEi!.5~E 0 o"'.dsoc<:o. 1"'o..J V""til ::Sregurg'ioteo.R;nse,
• ·, ov1s 3 3 '113H !5ou· men put intoo colo"'.de·=:odro·n.
l· 'IICHii,S·CY:·L!Nrn •;? :::1, - ~it~ elem in:o o saucepanand cdd enougnwater to
c - o,.=:o coverthem comp'o':e-)'. Borgtoo boi overnighheotond
, 1 c~ov: 3> 'U c, r ,uy cn:=n:i bo.nchfor 30 seconds.Jroin.
• I 'tO CH l!, SE!OD !'110 - ;eat me oil,nO WO( O! crgeskte: e-ying pon}over:-.igh
i-t 'll~Y S.ICEO heO!.AdOtne ginger,go·ic. and ch '=end st··.fryfor
• ·, fE!S=oo'll 3't!'IIU.!f:0 SU3 H 30 seconds...ntiJfragron:.Addtl"',sugar,chives,and
• S oz,- ISC 3 C-1 'll!SE C-t VH. ClJT 'ish sauceand stir.!-yfor 1m·..._-te,or u"'tilthe cloT.Gore
1'1110•~·l'\IC - ·l•:v S!CT 0'\IS COO(ed th-oug'\.Addtt"<:,,.rit e :,e:,oe· , toss, and transferto
, ·~ TE!s=oo'II : ,sn S!UCE o plate. Se-vewimrice.
• = NCH o~ G'tOU'll:l ',\'-I .E =u?B.

i\!3 ON: c-1.:..oz-1ou ~~~ t'.J;}i1r

?:\!?!F{qON i WE: 5 W 'IIUi:S.
COO(l'\13. ~E 5 Ml'IIUiES
S!'tVES: !. BA SIL

• I .5 5 oz;ooo G f'tES - WUSSE~S. The Asio'lmusseJ,also <nownos me Asio'ldate musselr.x

Clf!"ll!J !."\IJ : 'IISEO bog mussel.::SoSTICH o!F,•
e•greenmusse '-'~:'l po e ourple
• I i! !S,.OON S!.~J stfpes rodmi.-r.g
fromthe cente·o: growth.-his iso classic
• I f::!_S,.OON Gi\!"IIUlVO SUG!'t U".oozhoudish ~i 'f Asian musselsore nm O\<Oilob e, O"Y
• i f!5L!s=ooNS SH! C- ! s.r.u::::: type of musselcon oe used wr'.riocce:ltobe ·esults.
• 2 J!5L!s=ooNS \'!GEi!.5~E O l
• !. CLOVES~!'{l C, c - o ==:J - j.oce the musse_sin o .orgepot wr'.n enoughcoldwow·
• j 5W!~L =::o C-1 ~ES.s~,::::o to cover,ood the salt, and soc<:r.xI hour.Rinsethe musses
• I f::!_S,.OON \\-1 H 'N 'II! \1I'\IEG.!F{ unaercold runningwote· o fewtimes ud me '-''Ot!:'· runs
• I i!!S,.OON L GW SOYS.!UCE c.eo.:ono tf"':reis no trace o:so.nd.Jroin.
• I ;1,,,
,.$ ·~..1 OZii:} ;;; 5.!.S~ - Corroine tri: supr, s-r.ochosouce-,ond2 tobespoonswo:e·
lE !\'fS ino smo bov,.-1 o"lOmixwell.
• SlE!Y:!0 :;;,:: =.,3E S.dC ·o SP:\'E - ;eat tt"<:oi inowokor lo·ge s,:i!l!?t(fryingoon) a,-e·
medium-hig'l heat, ado tf"':g:irlic,and stir•fryove· hig'l
hea;:!or1minu:et.ntitfrog.•o.nt.k.dme sno cha sa-..xe
mixture,chiie,.~ V--ego.:,
end SClfsouc~and stir.Md the
musses and stir.fryfor1-2 m·.,.,ies,or unt t "\e shellsopen,
tn e 'l toss 'n tne basil.kord onyunopenedshell.Tro"'S:er
too ,olcr.eo.r,c:Ise.rvewitnric~.

216 f,S~ &, SE,!FOOO

CA."IS ·1,• "H C \'ts

i\!::3.ON: -ION3 <0'11::3. ~ ;t ~ 'l.t
P:\!P!:\qON i WE: 5 W 'IIUi:S
COO(l'll::3.. ~E 25 W1'11Ui:S SEMI-D RIED OYSTERS

• 12 S!Wl•J 'UO ont::,s Thisrecioeuses sem·-ofeo oysters,whicnshou o nm :ie

• I i!5L!S=ooNS 3 '113E" JUIC! confusedwith the o.rieooys:,e-suseo in some of the-other
• 2 t:5L!S"00NS 3\.!'IIUL!-EO )uo:., redoes ·n the :)00(. Sen,· -afeo oystersore oystersthat
• I f!5lES,,.OO~ ) -1!.QXl'll::3.n'l~E hove b@!?n d--'eoin t-r.eooen o·· :<Y le1st,on o weeko"'.d
• I f:3l:S"00"1 OYSE " $!.UCE me-refo·e still retain o lol of tne-'.t mcis:ure-.Theyore-plump
• •~fE!.)"00'11 GltOU'll:l W- ,iE "!PPB o"'.dso~ tot-re toucn.
• I E!S,,.OON S!SHlf 0
• su:.1o1:o 'i;,C: " .'::3.ES.dC ·o SP:\'E - ~inseme oys:e--stnorough\'ond pat drp,"th po:ier taNels.
- .ri o heotoroof oow, come·~ t~ oysters.gingerjuice,
=01t ·n: " u =r:o VHMICEll suga·, •1,M, oyster sc:-xe-,o.ndwhit,epeoperand mixwe .
:O "i lQ~:.- Poce ·oo collaos:i'ble pot <Y bo'Tlooosteome-r a.•e-ro pot
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E 0 ot boi!i"9'"'C'ter. S:,ecm,.covered,for 10mir,,..ies.~e-move
• ·~ oz,.5 ::3.~U'll::3.5E!"II Vf"\1 CE~L o"'.dd·oin the cook:cgjuices ·~too o:ge oowl.Set aside
me oys:ers.
- -omoke tt"<:ouffedverm·cei, ~ot tf..:vegeto:.o:oil·o
o \\'O( or lo·ge Hillet {frying~n} over T.ediv'Tl •'ligh neat,
ood theverT!ke!li,and fryfor1 mini.rteuntilv..ffed o.r,c:I
crisoy.Useo slotted s:ioonto trons:er too pate o,cl
- Ado::neoystersto ::newo<o"'.dpen-fryove· lowneat to·
5-6 minu:es1..n:i90~'1 brown.Stir in the reservedoyster
COO(ing juices, 'ncreose to medi\smhe<r,.,onc:Isi~~•,
uncovered,for 5-6mir,,..iesun:ilthe soi.seeis ·educedoocl
::ni~-.ed. r-,...esa-..xeshoo d oa.nereto tf"':oystersat t -.:S
stoge. U<..e o spotu o (fishs,..ce)to tun the OfStersonce
to coot me--n in tr,..,rouce.
- j.oce the oysters 0'1too o:t~ ve·micelliand orushw'th
me sesame oil.Ser\'!:with rice.

218 f,S~ &, SE,!FOOO

l\!G.ON: -!!(I(:

%:~UiU.t~ ?i\!?~ ..,!i,ON T WE: l0 V"NliES,

" ~USS M 'IIU7fi S-Q:(1'11;3.:ND
DRIED OYSTERS 10,., 'IIUiES v: •t 'll~i NG i M!
COOKl'll;j.. \1! · n \1 NUTES

- Soc.(the ~ied oysteJSin o 'X/h o:cold'-''Oterfor 5, • S 01\ E:l Ol'YE'l;S

or un::Iso,eneo. )ro·'.\,then combi-re,.-."ihtee gingerjuice, • I n.:.s:ooN G "IGEll JU CE
sco!lion (s:(";ng onion), and,.,.·~ ·no smo heotoroof oowl. • I SC!ll 0"1 :SP" NG ONION).
- =-.acethe ~wl ·o o co oos:i'ble pot o:-bamooosteomer Sri"EJJEO
ove·o oot of ooilingwcte1.Steo'T\,cove1ed,for 10minutes. , 1 rps:ooN 11;1:::::
·"'· -..:
Re'TlO\'e o"'bds:.-o·"me coo~-r.gra--,.,jd
·~too arge bowl. • '.' OZ!n~ 3 ~ltOU'IIO (V "ICE:l) =o" <
Set them ooth aside. • I rps=ooN L 0-1· SOYS.'UCE
- Aodthe po·(, saysooce,iiteosooon so.t. and tt"<:s-,.;gor , 1 n :..s=ooN s:.. ·
to the oyster coO!ing tY'::X
well and marinate for • •, ff!S"OO'II 3lt.'NU~!f:J SU3 H
10TW'lvtes. S:irJ'I me ootme-ol,cor-rstorch(corn-ioor), • I n:.s:ooN O!fME'L. C'l;US-IEJ
o,clwhi:-: oe-0~ 1. • I rps=ooN :::Ci\'IISf!'l;C -r
- \'/rojon oyste· in o heo=,;ogtaoles:~n of the po·i:: ::::O'l;N" lOUlt
mixtu·e, odd'-r.gT'O!e if nece1SO)'.S-r.coein:o o.novol • 1 OZIS~ G VU'\13 a::, ... VE:tv1:::::L~1
be_, enc,esi'lg the oystercom:.etelywith me por<. • \ 7f!SPOO'II G'l;OUNJ 'o\'-1 ~E =t=Pn.
t-re•emoiningoystersonc:I:,ork mixture.
Re:ieat •...-"th • S ClO\'ES :j!'l;l::: :::-10""!0
- Soc.(the \' e·micelr in o OO'NIof hot water for obou'i • I TE:.s: ooN VE~E·:.o .E O l
3 minutes io soften. • SJE:1,1:0 'I;,::::: =:.~E S.dtt: TO SE~VE
., Meom111hil ~. com:,;nem e ga·ic. remaining~teos:,oon salt.
a,cl c;t ino smo OO'NI. Ora·n,then tra"'Sfe·tt"<:vermice
too hea:oroo: S"'.G...,O\\'OO'NI
and stir inthe garlic oil.Place
the wrapped oys:e-sontoo of tne\'ermicelrend pu;:i-rto
o co opsible :lOt or bamboosteamerover a pot of boiling
wo:er.Steam, cove·ed,for 10minutes u.nt tne porkmixture
is cookedt.nro,;gh.Corefulfyremovethe 'Xii< fro,-,tne po:
a"'.dseNewith rice.

i\!:l ON: -ION:3 <0'11:l 'l.f*R~~ 'e!
Pi\!P!i\qON i ML 10 v NUTH,
" lUS 1C M NU" fi 5C,!(l"11~ i WE LETTUCE W RAPS WI TH
COO(l'II~ . '1! I~ v NUT:S

• 0 Di\ E:l a_::( WUS- i\OOW - Putthe .r,;s11ooms·.,too 'Xii< cove1 wi:hcoldwater, and
• 12 Pi\G! OUJ OYs·Bs soak to· <l'! leas: 20 :n·nu::es,or U-"'tisoftened. Remo\<e tt"':
• 5 0!1 ISC 3 :3'!.0UN:l IW '11:EJ) PQ:>K mush·ooms,squeeze d-y,and disca.,:Itne stems. Draino,cl
, 1;. s:~t , ,eiycnop.
• I f:!S ,.OON :OR'IISJ:'!.C - - l;'lo oowl,SOC.( the oysters·" cod woter for 15mini.rt e--
::oi\'ll ' LOUi\) or urd so'tened o"'.CJ i:horoug"''Ycleaned. =inelychop.
• l " !5.:s =ooNS VE:3!f!5L! 0 - ~_o·ne me pol,:,rolt, and 2tablesooons,,.cter in o
• ·~ O!,' 10 ~ :l '11:lE\ !QQU " \· '11:-1,' seoorote OO'NI and mor'"'.Ote fo· 10minutes. Mixint~
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE), • 'll!LY cornstarch(cornfa...r).
: -o,.=:o - Hecrt2 toolesooons~ etoole oil·no wokor ors= S<i!l
, i S-i.'t~o · s. = ,EtY cno := o (fryingoo~) over tT"JedA.m -highheot, cad the po.·.(,o,cl
• j 51,l!._LC>HOTS, ' l'll!LY :-10 ,.,.EO stJ . fryfor }..Sminutes,or...ntiJCOO.(e-:1throogn. Tra.."Sf

• I JU:< 1..IYf:>S!U)!:lE ~ NE.Y to a plate.
: -o,.=:o - Hecrtti-': remaining1tob espooooil ini:hewokover
, 1r:sus =oo.,.5f!"II=:sn medium-'ligh ~ct. odd tt"<:ginger and snoflo:s,and
• I f:!S ,.OON O'!'Sif :>s:u:: stJ . fryfor1minu:e un:ilftogro"'t.Stir;,. the oyste-s,
• i f!OL!S ,.OONS G ~G!'!. JUICE mush·ooms,carrots,SO!J$cg e, :,eon paste, oyster sauce,
• I f!!S ,.OON Gi\!"IIUlVE:l SUG!'!, g·nge· juice, sugar,pork,o"'.dwa:e· cnestnu:s. Tosswe o"lO
• 0 W!fB C-l !STNUTS, • '11!..Y c-10= ,..:o mix int-..esesame o...
• ., fE!S,.00'11 SES.!,_,fO l - T'O"Sfe· ti!: oys:e· mixture to a plotte·, go·n:snwi-.n:i,,_-ffed
, 1 ~1..:,r n =u •~Eo v::'!.v ::.t ,.!:3! ver~ e!li,if us·ng,and ser\'e \\ith me lettuce cups.
218. 0 ,.ilQ~!l)
• I -lf!.O ICEOE'!.GL!rucE. L!!\'fS

220 f,S~ &, SE;.FOOO

i\!:; ON: -ION~ <O'II:; ~ i'f ~ 'l.t
P,\!P!itqON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS I:) \1 NUHS MH N! . 'II:; i.YE DEEP- FRIED
COO(l'II:;. '1!: I~ Y NUT:$

• I.6 5 oz ~~c ~ OYSH'l;S, s-iu::KE:l - Tomok.ethe sp,'ce-:1 sot. neat ti-...salt ino smd d-ys<illet
• Ii: !S"OON S! .• i (frying001) ever meo _m-highheot. ReT'O\'e :.o,., me
• 1t:5L!S"00NS G "IG!'I; JUICE heo;:,ai.ov.• to coo1, o.ndthen rrix ·.\ me five-spicepowder.
• If!QlES"OO~ 'I;,:! ·-11·NE Setosx:le.
• If:3l:S"00"1 l :;nr SOYS!.U::! - Useo so~ orushtocleon t~ oysters,t~n rubt-r.emgently
• \7f!SPO:J'I G~OUNJ W-1 TE PE'"=H wi-..n
the sch. ~inseuno~· cod rU'Vling ,...mer and d!'Cin.
• 2 Cl."S 1' C =L oz,4-5 M~ - Bringo argesoucnon of wotertoo xia, odcitne oysters,
vE:;E-!6 .t O. o,d bonch :<Y 30 seconds.
• 'ltO\::!S7E\S-I ~! SAUCE,TO SHV'E - CoT:lne ::ne9i¥· jlfte, ...,·-r.e.
'il:l'fsauce, and ...,"l'te
• STE:1o1:o "1;1:! =::;E S.dll).10 SE~\'E pepper ·no smo ba.., one!mixwe I.k.d the oysters
o,d marino:efor 10m·.,.,ies,then ctoin.
=o'I; ·n: S.!JJE'I;: o ti-...batt-e·ing·ed:entsonc:I4 toolesooons
- Coer,_o·ne
• :s-:a .:s=ooNS !.L~·"UHOSE wo:e· ino a.rgebowl.
" l! 'II ' lOUit - Heat tN' oil·.\ o wo<o· deeosouceoonto 300°F/150°C,
• I f!QlES"OO~ ::C,\'ISf:\C - or urd o cu:,e of oreodb"a,.""\S in Iii mfl""i.,ies.
)ip the
:::oR'll =LOUi\) oystersin:otne bott-e·,oneot o time, and then gent)'
• ·~ 7f!SPO:J'I S!.ICNG POWJEit lower·"Itothe rot oil and o~ei;:-:y,in bo:Ci""?s. for
• •~lE!S"OO'II S.'ll 2 mirutes untilgoklen :ita,.·n.Useo slotted sooon
• •~i!S.ES":)0'1 \'!&!J!f.LE O L to carefullyreTlO\'eme oyr.ersfromt-r.eoi o,d d·OO
on popertaNels.
=01t i-1! SP ::!J S!.Lf: - Se-vethe oysters,,,.,'thtN' soicedsalt end Worceste"S "l··e
• I f::!.S"OON S!.f sauce,o Ot"'.9sidesteoTeclrice.
• " NCH 0' 1• 1\'E·S" ,:E " OWOE"

222 f,S~ &, SE,!FOOO

tt ffi i\!G ON: C-1~.0Z-IOL,
P,\!P~i\!i,ON T ME 10 \1 NUTES
OYSTER PANCAK E COOi.i'ii~. M! 15 "11'\IUTES
s::,vn, 4

- ~ubt "ce oysters witni:he cornstarch {cornflour)ooclX< • ii OZ, :SOO

G PEH:L OYST!'U o ~ W :..L
out onyfrcgments of s-rell.Rinseonde1 cold runni"'-9wa:e·. OYSW\5, S-iUC(EO
- :iringo sci..-cepanof ,...mer too 00 over nigh heat, oad the • I f:.5L!S"00N COR'IISJ:.'tC-
oysters.,onobanc'lfor about 30 seconcs.Drain. :co11;N• tOU't.
- lfl o large 00\'r,'I.
cOt"To-'ne me sv,.,eetpota:o starch, cilon"'JO , 1.CU," (; OZ..SCG SW!Ei " 0l£JO
(coriander), rot, whi:-epepper,onc:Iii C\..P(4 floz/120 ml) SP'tC-i
wo:er.Md the oystersoc0 combinewe . • 1 5UNC- ESC,.!.'\IJ'l;O :col\ !'IIOF
- ;em 2 tab espoonsoi in o wo<<Y largeskte: (f-yingpen) cu · ~TO:~• NC-i (l·CM .E'll~T-iS
ove· medium heat, cad the sCOliions (spr'~ o,·•ons},and • ·~ u:.s~oo'II s.:.n
s::;f- fryfor I minute until frog-o"'t. ~r ·.\ me ¥:e· bot:-e·, • ·~ TE.:.s~oo'II G'tOU'll:l 'II - TE "!P"H
smoothing i. OU'! evenly on t -resu.rfoceof the wo<to form • :S·:.s .ES"00N5 \if3!J:.5L! OI~
o rouno pa:-ico<e.Fb...rthe eggs on topond fry for LS • 1 SC:.l~IO'IIS (S"'t l'II~ ON 0'115),STE/II
mil"",,..ies igh:lylYa,.-.@d.
U""Ttil ON.Y C-iO" "EO N70 •~•l'IIC-i 'l•CV
- When the poncol:e isooou. ha.f cooked,use o s:iotu'o " EC!S
(-ishs'ke) to;·:. i;: ove·.Adoti!: remoin·-r.g 1to:.espoo'1 oil • 3 OUCI::!GGS, S!!.f!'II
o ongthe i"'S·e: of the'-''OJ:: and fry 'o:-o"'.Other
4-S mi"'utes • : SH s:..ucE TO S!'tVE
u"til the edges of the pcnca(e bKorr-.ecrispy.Tro"'Sfer too
pate and serve,.-.-'thtf"':fisnsauceoso d·o.

~B2 ~ ~~ ,'tEGiO'II:T:. •11:.'1

P~!"£" !f 0'11• ME:5 y; 'IUTES
OYSTERS W ITH COO< "13 • ME: 5 I>' Nu ·: s


- ~ubt "ce oysters witni:hecornstarch {cornflour)ooclX< • ii OZ, :SOO

G PEH:L OYST!'t O't :..NY
out Grf'{ frcgments of s ""':!e '.-.elll..J'lder
cold runn·cg w:.~L OYSTF 1,<;f!.J,'t.'IISEO
wo:er.Set oside. • I f:.5L!S"00N COR'IISJ:.'tC-
- :iringo SOlXepanof water too bo" over nigh heat, cod :co'!;N " lOU'!;
the oysters,onciblc"IChforabou! 30 seconds.0-ain. • I T£5L!S"00~ vE:3Ef!.5L! 0 l
- ;ea;: me vegetable oi in o wok.or.ors= fryingoon {s<i!let} • !. s:::..L~IONS :sP~ NG ONIONS: cu·
ove· medium heat, cad the sco..ions(spr'~ o"·onst,ono Nro ,· '1;1:2•cr,, L!Nor - s

s:it-fryfor I minute untilstcgnttynwn.Jidc:I the garlicc,cl • 3 ClO ...ES :j!'tl C C-iO"~!O

s:it •fryfor ano:her m·., un::ilfrogront. Stirin the chile • •~ "! JC - ~E.S!EO!J :..NJ Sl C!J
c"'.d:/..ou.beo"'Sand COO<for 30 seconds....ntil:.ogro"t. • I T£5L!S"00~ "E'!;l>'E',T!O 5PC(
then ood the wine,ch'cl:en :iroth(stoLJ:t,Sctfsauce, sugo·, 3E.'N5, ,'t "ISEJ !.ND C-i OPPEO
c"'.dsoi o..ncl:,ringtoo ooil.Adome or-::e-s.stir,ono • 2 J:.5L!S"00NS" CE 'Nl'II!
removefrom the heat. Stir in the se<..ome oiland t·ansfe· • I\ CU"S :10 ~- oz,300 VL CH Cl::E'II
too se-vingplcte. Se;vewi:h rice. S'!;OT-i :s1oc<.p_:.::;t90l
• I f:.5L!S"00N OH; ,: SOYs.:.ucE
• ·~ u:.s~oo'II 3VNU.!J!J SU3!. "
• \ 7f!SPOO'II s:..t
• I if!.S"OON S!S!Vf OI~
• SJf:.y;:o 't,C! "!3E 5.dC). 10 Sf'!;Vf

i\!~ ON: :., -i u 'f !N~ ~
P:\!P!:\qoN T WE: iO M 'llu ·n
S!'WES: 4

, i M!J uM .J~ EJ - Putthe ofea sco,lops,g··juice, wine,and 4 tobespoons

• I n:.s=ooN G 'IIGE'\ JU CE wo:e· into o neotptoofoow o"'.dpoce ·" o co oos:_Ole pot
• I f:5t:s=oo ... S-1!.QXl'II~ wI,E or bom:ioos:eomerove·oootof boitngwoter.Steam,
• 2 f!5L!S"OONS Vf():f!.3lE 0I~ covered,f0t 15m·.,.,ies.Set osic:le.
• I ~5 i oz,.500 G 0!I1::0N i\l.OIS-1 - Useyour fingersto sh-eelthe scallops,.,tot~ s:rands.
CUT ,....·o '1• 'IIC-1,'l•CW S.ICES Fburthe juicesfromthe s:eomeclscallopsth·ough o
• ·~ OZ,15 :j.J '11- t,.:. C'\ S\1 r-1~ E.O strainer (sieve) in:o o bowland reservefor cter use.
- :.M, CUT l'IITO 2· NCH·S-C\1 SF =s - Hecrt2 toolesooonso ino skii.P-t e:-yingpo'l}, odd t-..e
, •,cu= ,:S =L OZ,'ISC M~J C-1,C(!N Delon, one COO( over aN "'eOtfor 5 minu:es,or~
sito·n :sTOci::. =!.O! n softened.~emovefromthe ski:€:o'.".dset csic:le.
, 1 E!.s=ooN s:.3 - Poce the scallops'ntn e bottom of o heotp:oofoov.1,
• \ ·t:.9'0 0'11O'\!.'IIULliEO SUO!i\ surrounc:l\\~:ltnehom,and top withthe )oik.oorad:S'l.
• 2 n:.s=ooNSCO~"ISi!.~C-1 Add tl"':&·ck.en orotn (stoo:),the ·eservedsec o:i ,-.Xes,
:cOR'll =LOUi\) sch, o.ndwgor and sea tl"':oowl•1,"ih alumi"'•.Im:oil.Place
• I sc:..L 0"11 SP:\ NO O'IIION), m e bo•....t
in a co apsible:,ot 0t :,omboosteoT.erever o pot
c - o=":o. to o.,R'II s- ot boi!i"9'"ct er. S:,ecm,.covered,for45 minutesun:i the
• STE:.1o1:o"1;IC: =:.~E S.dC.10 SE~\'E sca._lopsa.retender.~emowfromthe -..eatand eave to
coo slig.,tly.
- \~'ltn e br.:,..,is coo enoug'ltO handle,carefullyre'T'O\'e
me :o... 0-dn the sauce into o wot. Coverthe 'XI.,. o:
Delon rod'isnes\\~'lo s-..o!low O-S'1 one, usingd:Shtr.:,1;els,
invei the contents into tne dish.(Atemotively,use tongs
to transferthe everything.)
- Hecrttf"':ro ..ce ~ the wok.evernighneat. MiXtne
cornstarch(corn"iout)\\~'l2 to!:.!:1XIOnS water in
o smalloov.~o,cl s::irthis mixture intott"<:wot. 3r·".9
too boil.sf-ring, for 30 seco"'.G:Sto ::nic..<en
the sauce.
Add tl"':remoin·~ito':.=1:ioonoil,s:i, thenoourthe
sauce overthe sco!lo:idish.Garnishwiththe scallion
(springon·o,}end ~'\'e witnr'ce.

224 f,S~ &, SE,!.FOOO

'f ~ Bil~ "!G 0'11:YU'II~.,~
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: lS v NUTH,
DR IED SCALL O PS W ITH " lUS ill \1 Nu ·n SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
COOK ~G i WE: I -IOU"; J:J v "iVES

- j..,..i tr>':mushrooms.nto o OO'YI:, cover,.-.-=th

cod '"'oter, and a~.:.:<VU$- i\00VS
• } .J,'!, D
soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu::es,or u-nf•softened. Remo-.<e tN' •i o:.-sc~:)"ED sc:.LQP$
mus-,•ooms,squeezed-y, one!discoroti!: stems. Cl..!!into •n OZ/100 G "'f! S-iOOTS
thins'kes. • i 50'11E~ESS,S< '11.ESSC-i lCJC!N
- Meom111hil ~• .no smo bowl.soak tt"<:driedsco!lo~ in sR::sr.: 'IIE~Y:: - O""!D
~CU-P (l. fl oz/120 ml) cold,...mer :o. 15minutes.Drain • I 7f!$POO'II s:.~r
o".d ·emove tt"<:tough muscle. • ~Cl; "' Y~ O!,.dC ~ Sl C!J
- :iring o s~II soxepan o:water too bo overnigh neat, 5:1,1:.00 $-iOOTS
cad the peo snoots. o.ndo.onc.nfor 1 TW'lvte. Drainand • I OV25 G YUN'lll"II O'!. :..NYJ'!.Y·
set aside to cool. CU'!.D -i! V Sl CEJ
- Combinethe chb:e.n wi':h~ teospoon salt in o smcl OO'NI. • Ii -il..'D·S Ol~D GU! L !GO$
- _inethe bottom of o he-o:oroo:DOV\~
witn the scal,ops,then • ·~ JE.=.5"00'11G'!.OU'll:l 'li - .TE "!P"l'!.
cad the c.nio:en,.r,;snrooms,oombooshoots,o.r,c:I~m. • I 7f!$POO'II CO~'lls·.:Rcn
Poce ·.\ o co oos:_Ole pot o· 00Toooste-omerover o po: o: :::OR'll=LOUR)
ooang water. Steom,co..,ered,:<Y 1hoor. (Addmore'1,'0ter r:::..s"OO~ s:s :..vE o.
to the pot 'f neK!ed.) • SJ:!"lfJ R CE :P !.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
- )rain tN' ste-omedjuicesfromt~ oov.~i-rtoowO!o· skh:
e-yingOO'l).Cove·ti-': bowlof SCOi,OpS wi':ho servingpate
o,d, ~-"".9d:S'lto-.-.els, invertthe con:,rts O<""to the pate.
(Alter"'.Otively,use tongs to tro":Sferthe sco!lops.)SurrOJ"'.d
the sco...opswi':h:,eo shoo:s ono tne quo eggs.
~ Aodthe remo·~ * teosooon sa;t and ti-':,,...Me :,e:-oe-·to
the wok.Mixtne cornsta..-cn(com'lour)w'th 1tablespoon
wo:er in o s T,oll 'XI,. ono stit mis mixtu·e :nto tf"':wok.
Bringtoo :,o1,s:irri-r_g, for 30 secondstoth·ck.entf"':so-.,..ce.
St. in tt"<:sesame oi. =burthe so;xe a,-e·me sca.oos.
Se-vewith 'Xe.

~ 22S
i\!:; ON: -ION:; <O'II:; *'1i~~~~ ~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES
S!'WES: 4
E'.:!i"£0! i1i W ITH GARLIC

• S S!! 5C£.,_LO"'S - Oeon tt"<:sea oo brus:'lonopot crywth

• ~ OZ/iO O MUNO 5!!'11 VHMICHll ~oe· ta...-els.Separa-.ethe 2 sidesof ::nesne_sono d:Scoro
• 4 .!5 .ESPOO'IIS VE3Ef!5L! Oil ::neside u"'.O'ttoched to the odclucto·musus. Removetf"':
musclesfrom tt"<:sne- and discordthe ·..,tesf~s. t"cenrinse
fE:5"00'11 SE! s: ...
· una~· cod running,.-.ate·. Set the sco!lopsosiclein a 'X/h
• 1 f:5 L!S"00NS C-IOPPEO SC! ~l 0'115 o"'.dreseNe8 sne-_s.Sooktf"':ve1mice in o 'X/h of not
:s"~ 'II:; o~ O'IIS) wo:e· :orobou'i 3 minu:es to soften. Drain,then cut the
• I '\E:l CH l ! , Sl CD :o ~r 10~ : l) ver~ e!liinto2-'ncn/5-an le_ng"".ns. >vic!ethe \'e·micel!i
a -nongthe :.ace the scallopson top.
- Heat 3 toblespoo":Soil·" a wot or lo·<i!le-t{fry'~ :.on),
cod ha.f the chop:ied goX onc:Istir,:-y O',-e·lowhem :0(
1minute u"'til '9h:lygoa~:'lono criso.Usea slotted s:,oon
to removethe garlic,o'.".da.rainon :iooe1tO\\'e-S.Se:osia~.
- CoT:.·ne ::neremoi"';.,-,g chop:,ed 90·.oc,the sot, and
remo'niog1to:.espoono ino'X/,. onomiX\\'e .Drizzle
pm or bom:oo
over tr,..,sea o:.s. Trons:ertoo collo:.s--=:.e
steoTe·cver o :,ot of bo ~ woter. Steam,co-.-e·ed , :o.
5-6 minu:esun:i the SCOi,Ops a.-ecooked through.
- Topwlh tr,..,gor,.c, seal O"\S {soiingonions),and ch e,
i: using.

i\!:; ON: -IU5E tt 'ft 'f ~

P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 ._.NUTH
C00< 1'11:;. '1!: 15 Iii 'IIUTES DRI ED SCALL O PS
S!'\VES: 4

• IC MD UM :iuo 5C£ll0"'S - Putthe ofe-o sco,lopsand ii cup (4 Aoz/l20 Tai)coo wo:er

• I ::;G in a s-noll'X/h and soak for 5 mil"",,..ies.
Aoin, tne:'lremove
• S !GO YOLKS ::nesmo hero musc..e.Putthe sco!lops;nto a ,-,eotp--oof
• li 1,;:5~oo'i SHT OO'NI and place in o collopsbe oot or oom:.oos:eo.nw
• 4 .!5 .ESPOO'IIS t!:\:l overo ;iot of ooi!ingwater. Steam, cove1ed,for tO-n'nutes.
• SlE£\1!0 'i;,C! ".'3E S.dC · o SP:\'E 0-oin the juices from the OO'NI and snredthe sco!lopsinto
min fibers.
- CoT:.·ne ::neeggand egg yo._(S ·.\ a oowland :iect. Sti-
in tl-esnredded sco!lopsonds0;t.
- Heat tr,..,.ord in a wokor .orgeskt et (fryingpan ) ever
mediumhem.Add tr,..,sea Oj o,cl egg mixtureond use
::nebock of o spotu o {fishs,.ce) to scram:.-:1..ntitne E99S
Ci,.ngtot "ce seal o:.s. Trons:ertoo plate a.."'.d

226 f ,S~ &, SE;.FOOO

S"L'-1'1'!0SCA.LOPS 'A 'H Ci.Alli.JC

i\!~ ON: -ION~ <0'11~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 v NUTH
~-r~*'.f·t'.J;p Zii-
COO(l'II~. '1! 15 'fl 'IIUiES SC ALL O PS A N D
S!'WES: !.
E'.:!i,..l..G!il~ ASPARAGU S

• II OZ, }0~ G .l..SP!:\!.GUS,HIVVEO - G.rtme o;:~rogus~.ems,at on angle,intoll',.inch/4-cm-

• 11QZ,,300 G fltOZE'II SE! S:::!.tQ =-S, longo'eces.ooovt Y:,.inch/1-cm thb::.
OF\OSiEO !NJ 't NS!J - &-;,-qo sruce~n of ·.-.ate· too 00 ave· high~t.Add the
• 2 J!SL!S"OONS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ sCCLO:,s and :lcnch for 1minu:-e.=wmove ti-...sco!bos\,-:'th
• 3 :::tO...ES ;j!\l :::. I SL CE:l .:NJ o s otted spoooand drain.
2 ~ 'll!LY CHO'"'"EJ - Heat 1tobles~nvegeto':.-: di in o 'M?k,oddthe slice,:!
• •~(!\:\Qi, :::ul NTO :i· '\1:::-11 goric o"lOstir-fryove1highnl:C'tfoe1minute..r.tilfr03f'O('t.
5•\1\1•i - C( S~ICES Addthe osporogus,co-rot,onclsalt and cir -fry ·c;,'clyfor
, 1;. ·pspo ::," s:~t 1minute.~eT'O\'e tf'..eos~·03usand corrotfrom::newo<.
• 2 Tf'S,.OONS S- :ox NG 'lii'II! - Heat the remaining1to :lesooonoil·'.la cl:o.. V.'O! 0ter
• I f!!S,.OON G:\!'IIUlVE:l SUG!'\ medium"\eO'!. Addthe cho:-oedgarlic,wine,s,.:gor,shr'1;j
• •~lE!S"OO'II Sri'\IV., p:s·E pos:-e,scallops,osparogus,carrot,and scolons (spring
• !. SC!.L~IONS :sp:, NG O'IIIONS, CUf onions)and stir-fryrapidly"ororo.i 30seconds.
'IITO n· NCri:'!.•C\I L!NG ·ns - Mixtl"':cornsto·ch(co·nfb..r) wi-JI ½-to:lesooonwa:-er
• •~lE!S"OO'II CO'\NSi!~C-1 ino small:ic1NI,then stir tns ·.,tothewok.. &·"9
::::OR'll=LOUi\) to a Xiii.stirring,forcw,;i 30secondsto thic~'.ltl'..esouce.
• ., fE!S"OO'II SES.!'flf O l Stirin tT'I: sesame oi ono t-onsfe1::oo se-ving:.ate.Se-ve
• STE:1o1:o'i;,C! =.,~E S.dC ·o SP:\'E withrice.

i\!~,ON: SriU'IIOE f.i Fft'.!1

P:\!P!.:\!",ON T VE 5 v "iUi!S, PLUS
15 'fll'IIUTES V!'\;'ll!i NG i M! FRO G LEG S WI TH SNOW
COO(l'II~. "IE 5 Ml'IIUiES

• 3 f\00 l!:lS. il;i'IIS!J !,NJ OR! ,Eo - CoT:.·ne me frog legs,gingerju·ce,o"'.dsoy sauce
• I J!SL:s=ooN ~ 'll~E\JU CE in a XY,. oc0 marina:e for15minu:es.Mixint~
• I f!!_S,.OON l Gn" SOI' s.:ucE co:nstorch(cornfour).
• 2 TE.'S,.OONS CO'\NSi!~C-1 - Heat 1toblesooonoil·o o V.'O! or lo·ge ski e: (fryingoon}
::::OR'll=LOUi\) overme-:lium-hign, oo:Ithe s!iceog·~e·, snaNoeas
• 2 if5~:S"OO"IS \':Oe:P,5~f O ~ (mo"'-9 etOU"!), ce ery, corrot,and 15teosooonsa,;tand
• ·~o:::,,
10 ~ ~ 'll~E:: :sou·\· 'IIC-1,• stir-fryforabou'i 30seconds.T•ansferthe ·...gredi ents
2•CV•L!NUT - =-ECE,, Sl C!J too plote and set cs'~.
. r. c1,;=s :~•; OZilOO ~· SNOW - Heat tf"': remaining1tob espoo'.loilin the wokover nigh
'"f! S '\1!'\.l~!TOUT SHl'll~Y P!:\J heo;:,odd the frog ~s, o"'.ds::Ir-fryfor1-2m:nut-es...ntil
'\EMOV:'0 .!'IIJ H,VVEO OOO(ed Spr'c(lein tf"':v.1'1eono stit in tf"':sroN
• i Si!.<S CElE'\Y, :::u· .J .l..GON.:l~Y pees, celery,o"lOoorro:s.Tossmoroug"tyandseasonwith
l'lliO \·l'\1::-1 '5•'/'IW•i-1 CK S~ICES salt to taste. Servewith rice.
• •, (!\i\Ot. · - NLY s~ CE:l
• ·~ lE!S"OO'II S,.1.lf,~~us EXF!
• I J!SL:s=oo ....11;1::'"'' NE
• STE!\1!0 "1;1C! =:~E S.dC, 10 SE'WE

226 f,S~ &, SE,!FOOO

R:;j ON: -!ONG (ONG
P~:P!.'\!lI0N I Wf: l~.., NUl:S
COO(l'll;j J.~:: 1~ W 'IIUT::S STEA M ED
s::~VES: O
:-:.o:n1 ABAL ON ES

• 0 f'!HH !6! LQNES 'II JH:: S-IE.l, - the o:,;,;ghly.8:ing o ctge
!SQlJT 2 OZi50 G f!CH) souce:,onof·.,."Oter too :,o1, odd the coo o--e-,onoblo"!Ch
• ~ JE!SPOO'I s:~1 :o. 1mi"•.rte.Aoin one!rinseu"'.Cle· cod woter.
• ·1~0Z15G G NG:R 1:s.ou1 ~· NCH· - Us·~ o smo! k.."'fe,seoo·cte me al»one meai eocn
1·CW·l:NGl -1 = .:::::J, S-~:ODE:l shelland ·e:no'.'e me inter-iolorgans.Ceon the :eet (the
• 3 ClO\'fS ;j!'{l C. ;j.'\!lEO -ict s·ae} of the o:,olonesby scrooinga lightlywith a knife
• I J:5L:s=oo~ VE;jEf.!5 L:: Oil o,cl bn.-s"ltne sidesc..ecn.~inseme obcones thotoughfy.
• I sc:.L 0"11 :sP~ NG O'IIION), - Putthe coo Oc"'eSDOLJ: ·o me she s o"lOpoce ono
S-1'\EOJ::J hea:proo: plate v.-'t"tne sne_:sfouig down.Mixthe sdt.
• I '\E:l CH L::, Sl CEJ. g·"-9e·,garlic,o"'.doi in o smo bowland drizi.e on top
TO ;j!l\'I S - '0°1 Q'II!. ot tf.eobo O<""eS.Piecein o collopsbe ootor oom~
, s1i:1o1::o 'I.,::::.,,,_
!;jf 5:dC 10 s::wE steoTe·over o :,ot of bo,1e"".9 woter. Steam,co-,-e·ed,
:o. 7-10minutest.nti:COO(ed throug...,.Dono: o-.-e·cook..
Tro"'Sfe·tri: obdones too serv'..r,g :.ate and to:.w'th the
shreddedsec on (spri"-9on'o,) end d-~e. ~-ve wi:h rice.

l\!;j,QN: -101'\13<O'll;j
P~!P!..~:.·,oN i ML IS W 'IIUTES
,ti~~ '©
S!i\\'ES: 4

• 3 f'!.ESH !5!. LO"IE NTH! 5-IE~l - Tomok.ethe sp·,ce,:1

sot. neat tl-erolt in o smd' d-y s:<iHet
• 2 Cl."S 1·c =L oz,4-5 M~ (fryingoo"l)over CIN heat, i:henremo-,'efromthe ,-,eat.
vE3E·:. .o.r o. Add tt"<:remaininging.rec!'ents ell. ~i tf.e1::.'ced
o,cl rrix•.-.
• 2 t:5L:s:-ooNS CO'\Ns·:.~::-1 soh ·.,too sot S"'.Cl.(erend set o:s'~.
:::OR'lf =LOUR) - Sn..snthe o:,oloneshellsa.."'.d ti, c0·0..9hly.Bringo asge
souce:,onof·.,."Oter too :oi, odd the coo Oc"'e,onablo"lCh
=o'\ 1-1! SP C!J )!..LI: :<Y 1mi""I.J'te.
Aoin and rinseu"X!~·cod woter.
• I T: !S" OON s:..• t - Us·~ o smo! k_-,'fe,seoo·cte me abo._onemeo;
• I r::.,s=-ooN Si!,J !'i.} "O'itCe-
", eocn shelland ·eT'O\'eme in:erno organs.Oeo.nthe :eet
• •, fE!S"OO'II : ,VE·SP.C! " 0'1,0E'\ (tne flO'!side) of me obcones byscro:iingSghdyw=tho
• •~TE!.S"OO'II C-1,~ POWJE'\ knifeo,cl :icusni:hesidesw=tho :.rusn.~insethe o:.olones
::noroug"}y. Sco·ethe foot cf eoch abo!o-r.ein a crisscross
pottern. -he cvts snould oe dee:.but not cutting through
me sides.Set asideme she_:s.
- Heat tr,e oil 'n O WO( (Y deeo souceoonto 3so~=1ta~. (Y
untilo cu~ ot breod orov,:nsh 30seconds. _ig-rtlydredge
me oOO-onein tf"ecor"'Storch(cornflour}, gently a,..e,:nto
me oil.oneot o ::::m e, o.nddeep-:)"for 30seconds.
- Sprin<leboth sidesof eoch abo Oc"'€wim the spicedsa't and
put them OOLJ:Jrtotf"ei· sne_:s.Se-veimT~dotely,v,mole
or $Keel.

250 f,S - &, SE.:.FOOO


i\!~ ON: sn.e.NJONG rl\ lilH!r ~ Yi
P,\!P!.i\qON i WE: iO M 'IIU7fi
COO( l'II~"' '1!: IJ ._. NUT:S SAUTtE D
S!\VES: !.

• S f'tESH !.5! LQNE N iH! S·H .l - the o:,"".O'o;,;ghly. 8:ingo ctge
:.sowr!. OZ/120 G !!CH ), 3:tUS·iEJ sauce:,onof·.,."Oter too :,o1, odd the coo o--e- , ono blo"!Ch
:.'110\ l'IISE0 :o. 1mi~•.rte.~emow the a':>olones wi"'..n
o s...cttedspoo1,
• I'. oz,lJ G CH N!S::'II leo'N'9the ·emoiningwo:er in tr>':'"''O(· iinse the o:,olone
• I cu~s :r~OZ10C ~: SL :::J o,cld·ain.
5:"1500 S-! OO"'S - tJs·~ o smo! k-~'fe,seoo·ate me obo._one meo; eocn
• I f:5lES"'00~ L!.RJ shelland ·e:no'.'e me inter-iolorgans.Ceon the :eet (the
· ·~ cu= !.f ~OZ·liOWl)::-1c<:N "lets"ae} of the o:,olonesby scraoingit lightlywitho knife
=:..o: n
sito"'H:sTO::i::. o"'.dIY.i:'l me sidesc...ean.~inseme obo._ones tfrotoughfy.
• \ 7f!.SPO:J'II s:~t G.rt·~to)..·.ocv'S-mT-thick.s»ceso"'.dset csic:le.
• I f:5lES"'00"1 S·P.OX l'II~ n'l~E - Returntf.e abo O<""€sne_.stotf.e woko"'.dbanchfor about
, 1 r:::.s=-ooN ::o.,..,.sr:=tc
- 1minuteove· hig'l heo:, then :.oce the shellson o plate,
:::oR'll=Lou i\ J wi"'..n
the insiaesof the she Is:acing1..pworo, readyto cct
• stE:1o1:o
"1;1C: =:~E S.dC).1 0 SE'WE cs servingdisnesfortee abo o--e-.Se:osiae.
- Putthe cured :,ocoo in o collo~·o e pot or bamboo
steoTe·cver o :,ot of bo,1e "".9water.Steam,co-,-e·ed ,
:o. 5 .TW'lvtes. O.rtthe XICO.'l into thin s._ices.Set csic:le.
- If usingfresn :,omboosnoo:s,bongo sauce:.onof "'-a:e·
too boil.cdo tne boTooos""OO'ts, ono blo:-ichfor1 minu:e.
0-ain and rinse undercolo runvigv.-a:e·.
- Heat tl-e.ordino wokor fry'~ pon (sk1-:t) overmeoJ'ium
hem, odd the chb:en :.roth{stOCJ:), sa;t, o,clwine,and
IY-'9too IJo:I . Putini:he curedbocon, bomboos""OOts, ono
o:,olonesono sau:e for 30 seconds.JStr":r..iethe aoolone,
o..reclboco1,o-r_o bomooor,,,•efV{ among tl"€sne-_s,
- Increase to h"gnhem onc:I·educethe sauce le-ftin tf.e •.-.OJ:
by ha.f.Mixme co·nstc·ch {cor~"lour ) with 1tablesooon
wa:e·ino smol oo..,t~'l sti,r mis nxt,-,.J e in:otce WO<.
Bringtoo xia, s:irring,:<Y OXll..-t 30 sero-ds to i:hio:en
me sauce.
- 0-izzlethe sauce overt ce abo o--e-sJ'Ithe she Is. Ser\<ewi:h
steoTeo rice.

f ,S~ &, SE,!.FOOO

ft ,J,~ .,! G O'\I: "! -~·!'I
"";!"H!f 0'11 T "1E: 15 \I NUTH


- :iring o SOlXepan of wat er too bo" over nigh heat.Adelthe • ; L5:9o~ o s:.iu o. :::~E!'IIEJ
squ·o o -r_ob o.nchfor 10seco"'.ds.Jroin ·mmediote'yo "'.cl Cl;? '.d " . Oi:!110 Ml) S!S ! Vf OI~
wc:er. Cot tf"':squid :nto ~-inch/
r'"':!e I..J'ldercold l'l..nni-r_g • 3 C .O'i ES o:, ~C, Sl :::EJ
2-cm rings. Se:of~. • ~ OV20 G G "iG!,~ : !S.Olli l·l'\I C- 1
- ;em me sesame oilin o '-''OJ::or lo.-ge ski:e: (~yingoon} 2.S·CW·~E'll~J -; " ECE C-iO""E O
ove· medium heat , cad the gcrtc,g'.nger,and sco!!ions • 5 S.:::! .~IONS :S"" '\I:; O"IIONS:. STE'-1
), ono st··.fryfor1minute untilfrogro-rt.
(spri"9on~Ot"\S 0'1.Y, :::- 0 ""! 0
Ado tne \\ine, soysouce, and roe<sugor. CU" .d "l O!il20 YL -" :::E'N 'II!
- .ncreose to ~h ~at . odd tl"':squidrings.ono sfu-fryfor cu .. '.d =t oz.-120 YLJ L 0-1· SOY
tl"' ringsare coo<ed.S~ ·.l me
1-2 minutes. or U-"'til S! .U:::E
cnilesono caon:ro (corionaer}, seo:sonwitn soh to i:oste, • i OZiiS G .. o:::<suo.,~ C,'\USH!D
o,cl then tro"'.Sfertoo :.ate . • !. ~! ) C - ILES, SEDEO ! ND DICED
• !. S U'IIC - ES C 1l! 'lli 'l;O :ccR ! 'IJ! ..

~t'fNLia~ ~::o0'11: - O'II~ l:O"IG

.,.,!.,H!i 0'11i "1E: 10 M 'IIU-ES
Sf'!;VES !.

- -o make th<:soicedrot, hem o smallH illet {fryingoon} • I l S. .!.SC~ SOUi) ENP:::.ES . ~ NSD
ove· medium-h·gnheat and add the sot. Stir for ! 'IJ CUT "I" - : l F L!NO~H'h SE
30 seconds,jun towo~ o,cl ·emo'.'e fromtee ""'=Ct. • i · .!5 .ES?OONS :::O'!;NSi!'\:::-1
Tro"'Sfe·too small DO\t.~ o,cl cools!ig't)'. St·· in the ::::O,'\'ll=LOU'!;)
remo·r.ingingredients and mix ,.,.ell. , 5 cu;,s us =~ourso "1ll
- :iringa .or9e souceoon of water to a ooil.cod the VE:;E·! .5.E O L
, cno COO( fot 30seconds, or un~ the te"'tocles
s:art to eutl. )ro· 0, men potdrywitn :,ooertov,.-e_s.Putthe =o'\ T- ES!iif'I;:
te"'·nto o oowlo.r,c:I;nix htil= co.·nstorc.n(comiOJ"'). • 0 PS ~ES.. OO'IIS ! ._v=u'!; ..OSE
• CoT-:i-cea( the batter ·°"1• edie.,tsond Kcu:. {6fl oz/175n} .=~r ~ =~ou~
coldwater in a orge 'XI,. .Jidc:Ithe tentocles and mixwell • i - _!5 .ES?OONS CORNSJ!\:::-1
so that each oiece iscooted ·o batter. • '.11 e:;o
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-ok.orC!*psc:-xepo'lto 350°= f180°C, • j ·p sPOONS S,!( l"lj:"j=ow:i:: ..
or un::Io c.-u oe of oread XO'h""'S in 30 seco"'.C5.
G,e-.tlylower • ''I i:!.S"OON S!.LJ
the te"'tous into ti!:·,r,g chops:ic(s ::ose:,oro:e ti!: • i - _!5 .ES?OONS VEO!f!3 lE or~
p·eces,and d~:i -fryfor 1-2 minutes until lig"'torown.Use
o SJOttedspoon to corefulfyremove the t!:'"' =o'\ ·n: SF'::::o S.'Li:
- ~eneottl"E'oi~o 3SQO'F/18()QC one!d~:i -fry foronotil:· • I 7f!SF'OO'II S ! ~i
m·.,.ie u-nt goldenorov,.•n. ~emowo.ncla.raint ~ excess • ~ iE£S.,00'11 =,\IE·SP::::: " O'IIOE'!;
oi on :,o~r towe..s. f!!.S"OON S-i! J ! 'II~ " O'NDB
- j..d tN' ten:oetes on o plate and sorin<.e with m e soiced f!!.S"OON '!;EDC-1 L ?O'hOEll
salt. Ser\,e immedioteJy .
i\!~ ON: c -1.:..oz -1ou ~ tiHt §$ t't
P:\!P!:\qoN i WE: iO M 'llu ·n
COO( l'II~. ~E 5 M1'\IUiE5 SQUID WIT H
S!'WES: 4

• 11oz,300 G CH NE)! C-1VES. i\ NSEJ. h tn.'.sdish, tne squid·s sco·ea in o crisscrossOJtter:1to

O't: 'll!J. =ND CUT '\ITO H· NCH,• create o n'1aNering"effect-::ne mo·(ings ore -r_ot only
a·C'-1 1..E'll3i-lS decorat've o"'.dg·ea;::or carryingsa-..xesbut fO'.-.ersare
• I .5 i OZ,500 G n:s- SGU,J, rego·ded os ,,,.aynCh'--es e o..ltuse.We,,,.· o NOysp·e:er
Cl f!'ll!J . C't I l S 4503 c:pv:'(. :.esh seafood, :fJt if 't's unovciioble,we suggest ·epochg
TUS!S :.esh sc.ic:lwith1lb/!509 of caloTmi tu:,es.
• 2 Y:SL:s:-ooNS \'!GET£S~E O ~
• !, CLOVES :l:'t l c. c-o:-:-:J - Bringo souceoo:1o1 wa:er too boilover nigh --eat.odd tt"<:
• 1 S-i'llOTS, :.lU!:\tf'tEJ cnives,o.nd:,lQncnfor 30 seconds.)ro·n o"'.dr'""!el..J'lder
, 1 t: !s=-ooN s:.•1 co d r1.rv1ing water.
, 1 f::!.s=-ooN 't c: w ~E - M ol.J'ithe squiotentac..esfrom tr>':main'N
• ·~ }E:5:-oo'II 3't!"IU . !l:0 SU3 H me ~e , and·ome innarck.0-.scoratne
• ·~ u:s:-oo'II CO'tNSP'tC-1 heed ono pee-o!!t-r.emeTorone. =wmovethe q-..m,then
:cOR'll =LOUi\ ) use the bo:k.of o <ni:eto removethe ·V10rds.Coen i;: out
• \ .f!SPO O'II sts:1,1: 0 l "let. rinse, onc:I tr'm. Ugtr.lyand finelyscoret--e sa then
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1C: =:~E S.dC TO SE't\'E ci..-tin:o Ir, ,c 2-inch# ,c 6-cm pieces.
:0:--110~:_, - f1 o V.'O( or large skte: f-ying oon} w'ih water and :,ring
too boil.Placetne squidin a hard -ned rr.e:alstro·--er
(sis,ve) ono lowerinto me bo"'"'.9water. Turnoff me heat
imTedotelyand ~ cho:,stb::s to c_sone the sqi.fdp·eces
in tf.ewate1.Stee:,in tf.ewater fo· 5 seconds,then teT'O\'e
witn the strainer, drain, and transfe-·tne squidtoo oov.Ao:
ice-coldwcte-·.Setaside to coo.. 0-ain onc:I oat me squid
d-y wi:h :,aper towe.s.
- Hecrttf.evegetc':, e oilifl the wok.or orge s<i!letever
medium-'ligh --eat.odd tt"<:gor"c onc:I , onc:I
s"'.Oilots stir-fry
:o. 1mi~•.rteu-~tilfrog.ran:. .ncreose ::onigh~ .. :i,..i ·n the
squ·o,o"'.ds:J -fry:orono:her 30 seconds...ntilho f cooked.
Add tt"<:salt,V1;·ne, sugar, and ch'i\•esand st··. fryraoicllyfor
o"Other30 seco:"OS , untilthe sow:::I
is c00<eomroug"i.
- Mixthe cor"'Sto·ch{co·nflour) wi:h ~ to:,espoo'1wote·
in o s 'TJO,I 'Xii< one stit mis mixti..Jein:othe wo<.:iring
too·-r.og,for 30 SeCO<"i0$ to tnic..<
en i:hesauce. St·•
in tr>':s.esoT.Eo· o,cl nons:er too se~ pate. Ser\<ew't :1
r'ce, i: using.

f ,S~ &, SE;.FOOO

so_: '"'H"" C -...:stCHl'itS
i\!~ ON: sn.e.NJONG ~~~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 v NUTH
S!'WES: 4

• I .5 5 O! ~:JC G ""! ·SO.:.<O Sf! The sea cocu-r:oe·is o seo o"limol,.-.."thoeothery skinono
::u::u1o1sE,s elongated 'XJdy.Reve·ed;,.Oi.:ne,se cuisinesi-r.ceO"'.Cient
• 3 -!5 .ES"'OONS 3 '113E" JU::: ::::me--~
h isoft-e'1se-veda._ongsiclecoo o~ or shaft's;"
• 2 t:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E 0 soup ·n Q-.ine;: Seocucumbersc:e oTT-e:1
e 00nq1...~:s. sold
• 3 5E!J "IG sc:..L~IONS ORO SC.!l~IONS d-½d:cnoosemose ""''tlich o-e -i·m o ".Clrubbery.rl feelwith
:s"" '113 0"1 O'IISL ::u1 '1110 o mildsaltyfa..,.:lre-soo.(e,d
se-ocuo..mbersa.reave oole
2· NCri·S0::"1 .. E'll3i-lS :·oze"l inAsians-..permor(ets.
• I :U"':a : l OZ:'25:J v. C-1 C<E',
":..o: n
aito·n :sTO::i::. - Oeon tf"':s.eoo...clJ'Toers undercoo wot-e·,using
, ',\Q!:5 G G "IGE'\ !SOI.Ji•~· NCH,' ya,.,
to removea."'ysand partkles insioe.S""cethe
l·CW·lENGi-1 "E:E J, Sl ::J seocucumoersinto2-·nch/5-cm -e-igt"'.S.
• i t:5L!S"00NS ovs~H )!.lJCE - Bringo argesouce:,onof watertoo Xii overhig:1heat.
• I i:!S"OON S!S!\lf or~ Add tf"':gingerju·ce one me seo oxu-Toe-s one blo"'.Ch
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1::"'!~E S.dll TOSE'WE :o. 1mi.,•..rte.
Aoin end rinseu"'.Ge·cod -UMingwater.
- Heat ti-...vegetob e oilin o WO( or la.'9e skillet(ftyrg :,on)
overmediumneotond po""-fryti-...3eij'...gscallionsfor
l. minu:es,or ...ntilgoloenbrown.Discordthe sco!lio.'1
g·eens onc:I·ese.rve the sco!lionwhi:es.
- In tne souceponused to blo,ch the sea cucumbers,odd the
cnic..<e'1broth (s-.ock)end gingerslices. 3ringtoo ooilc,un
mediu--nhea-.,oo:Ithe se-ocuo..mbers.and retu-ntoo boil.
Stirint"\eoysterso.see,·educeto lctNheot. and s.'.mm er :0(
0:101,;tS m·.,.,ies.Addti-...re1erveoscc!tonso".dQ('JO"t"\er
simmerfor S minutes1..nthne sauce thickens. :inaly, stir ·n
me se;:omeoil.Ser\'!:with rice.

256 f,S~ &, SE,!FOOO

mtltl"f ta ~:o 0'11: S-i!'IJ ONG
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 i ,VE: ~Cy; NUTH
SE'~Vfi: 0

Softshe turu, o oelicocyin Oiine<...e cu:She, is ·ena1tned • i )\· l S·'M ::G) 'IIHOlE C-I ICJC!N, cu·
:o. i:s nutrOOnoland medicinolvalue but O-~ to rising 1'1~0 .._:.,;;f P EC!S ,51\!:sr . T-110-15
demo.r,c:Iand ..ming TtOnys:iedesof turtles ore "'ON listed
"I l f;jS , 'II 'll;jS_ 5'C< ;
cs t-r•ectened <Y enc:longe-ed. We adviseto ~e:,ore mis • ; O! :SC;;;; N;;::~ (,:.5o u - l· l~C -
--entun es ore sustoioobe.
dis:'l only,.,_ - S·CM· l E"IGT- " .ECE:, -1:..L: SL CD
!'IJ -1:. ~; 5-1\EJJEO
- j..,..itr,.., gingerSKeshto o largesa ..cepo'l • i ;i l 5 S· O!.'GCC·~ : so:TSH! ll
o,cl cad enougnwo:er toco'.'er.3r'"".9 too boil, reduce Tu~Tu
to aN "'e01, and sr!lmer tor o:o..i 20 m·"'.ies, o· until • ; - .:.a . ESPOONS VEO!T!5lf or~
the c.nic(enpiecesa.recoo<eclthrough.Remo-.•e tf"':ch'ckE'n • I -:.a . ::s,.o oN s CHU' N
lreost. th·gns, o,cl legs, o".d eave tt"<:res, ot tt"<:ch'cl:en '"E""!'tCO'l: NS
to sinmer, unco1ere,j,untilos scant 1CIJ'j (7 t oz/200 ml) • 5 sc:. _~10NS :s~~ N;; O"I IONS;.'1 broth •emo·.r6 . St·C:nthe c.nit.(enoro:n o"'.dreserve. CUT NTO I • '\IC-I .!•CV l f NOT-15
- ~emovethe chiLJ:e'1 mea; the bo--es.tear in:o p·eces. • 15J:'t! .N 5!
o".dset aside. Jsco·d the 00"":s. • 1 - .:.5 . ESPOONS 't lCE '11 '\IE

- j..,..itr>':turtle into o i0r9e 'X/h , men pou,over Thcups • i - .:.a . ES,.OONS o:.~( S.OY s ., u c::
(60 Aoz/1.75 lners) ho: water(ooout l.!.()Cf/60:C ). USP- • ~ OZ/ 10 G 1t0C( su~:\
a scouring :IOCI, orushthe s cellto removethe cork film • i -f!SPO O'I sn,1.1,1:: 0 l
ontr>'l!s...rfoce. • sr:::.•,HJ"' CE IP! .G! '.:.!O). TO SE'tv'E
- =-moseoo-ote oo..,\\"t"lcodwo:er. Cvt tri: tu.rte ~to
smo er pi~cesa.."'.dsoo<·"l::newoter for15minu:esto
c..ean.)rain , put the turtle p·eces Dockin:o me bo•....t,
o"'.dthen :,our enoug'l bo:.,.. lf'9 wcte1to cover.Set aside
:o. 1m:nu-:o:- , tri:"IdrCJI.
- ; ea;:me vegetable oi in o wok.or.ors-= s(illet {fryingoon } ,
cod the Sich,.;onoe-:-oercoms,o"'.Ci stir-fry~r 2- 3 minutes
u-rtilfros--ant.Usi-r_g o s...otteds::,oon,·eTCNeme Skhuo.n
pep:,ercorns, eovingtri: Aovoreooil oenind.
- Aadthe g·'!"'.9e-· o"'.Ci
scollions(spr'~ Ot'~s ) totne WO( and
s:it-fryover m~m "'eat forl-2m·.,.,iesu"til fragrant.
Adoti!: tu.rte, star o-.::Se, and ½cups (5f oz/ ISOml)
reservedchb::en :-•othand oringto a ooil.Reduceto low
heat and sinYre·, cawed, :<Y 30 minu:es, or onti COO(ed
throug"I. Lhi'lg a slorteds:,oon to discard the s:c· anise.
Poce the chie(e"Iin tee wo<,ood the ,,,.·"'e, 'Sl:l'fsauce, o"'.d
r°'"kS-~'9Qf • ondsimmerfor3 m·.,Jtfs.:)rizit overthe
se<..ome oil.
- - ronsferto a se-vingplotter o"'.dserve'N'-thrice.

~ 21 7
" 241
i\::; ON: s;:::-iu:.'I <J¥~m
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 v NUiES,
" lUS I -!Ol.i:\ v: •t'll!i "iG i "1E SPICY C H IC KEN W ITH
COO(l'II:;. ~E }0 "1 'IIUiES

• I 11:S·~O.·H::~ 'IIHOlEC -!C l(f~ - ~it~ch·d:.en intoo ~tiroof OO'NI and rubwi-.nwine
• I t:5l:S"'00"1 '"'°'NE
11;1:::: o"'.dsolt.Cove1o.r,c:Imorinote :o. 1hou-·.
• I t:5l:S"'00"1 S!.i - j.oce the ~•I of cnic.<en ~too collo:)S:.e po: or boT:oo
• I f::!.S"'OON s cnu.:, PE"'"E~CO'!.NS. steoT~·cver o :,ot of bo,1e"19 water.Steam,co-,-e·ed, :<Y
:::'!.us-1:J 20-25m·.,.,ies,<Y untilcook.eelth-ougn. -0.(eoff me hem
• I i:!S"'OON S!S!\lf or~ o"'.ds:ond for 5 minu:es.Remo-.-e tf"':ch·c1:=-n
o"'.dlet coo .
, 1 r:aus=oo~ '"P'IUi aurH Strol'Ime steoT@dchick. en juiceinto o bowloocl
, 1 r:aus=oo~ s:s:.1o1: =:sn rese-ve:<Y late· use.
• I t:3l:S"00"1 :::-1 d O l - -oost the Sien-on,oeppercorns·.\ o s,;o!I s<illet(fryi-r.g
• I i:!S"'OON G:\!'1Ul:7E:) suo:'!. pon) overmedium-hig'lhem :o. 2-3 m·"'.ies. Setaside.
, 1 r:aus=oo~ OL.,,C<o ~ a:..s.,M1c - Comoinethe se<..orne oil. :>ecM butter, sesoT~ooste.
V NE~!'!, cnilioa,sugar,vinegar,soysauce-,ona i:oostedS'chuo'l
• I t:3l:S"00"1 l :;nr SOYs:..u:::: peppercornsJ'Io bowl.Stirinooou. ½-cuj(£ f oz/120ml)
• ·~ o:::,,10:;.:; '11:lE'!. :aou· \· 'll:::-1. o: tf"'·cesto mo<eo sauce.(Toou:i
2•CV•L!NUT - "ECE ,, S- 1\!0DD wimmo·e woter or chickenjUfCes., i: ne-:oeo.)
• I sc:.L 0'11 :sP:\ NG O'IIION), Cutthe chb:e'l into chun<so"'.d0'1J"l9= on o pate.
S-lll;EO:l!J Fburo-.•erthe sauce andtoowi-,.nthe g'.ngero"'.dthe
• s1E:1o1:o :;;,:::: ...,:;E S.dC · o SE~\'E sea.lion(spdogonion).Serve,...-=thrice.

i\!::3.,0N: -1:. N!"I ;ta r~Hall~l'i~~

P:\!P!.,\:·,oN i "1E: 5 "11'\IUi:S
COO(l'II:; i M! 1 -IOU:\ 45 \1 Nu ·n HAI N A N ESE CHI CK EN
S!i\VES: 4

• I !1~·L5."U•l(G: 'IIHOlE CH CKE"f - :1-.., arge sauceoonand odd e"'OC9h

• I :::u:- :a
: l 0Zi25~ v __ C-1 Ct::E"I wo:e· ::oco-w h completely.3ri-r.gtoo boilover
a'!.o·n :sTO:::K. :-:. .o: n heo! o,cl :.oncn '<Y 5 ~ut es. )ro·oono ri'"\$e under
• \0:::·I0::s.~'ll:;E'!. ·:aou · \·'ll:::-1· co.clrunning,.-.ater.
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE),Sl ::::J - .no lor9=neatjfoof 'XI.,. .., combinethe chb::en,ch·ci:en
• 2 5C:1,. O"iS IS"" ~.;. ON;;rn), lroth {stoc<t,g'"'.9er,scallions(sp--;ngO"~ns),o"'.d
f!.C - lC'IOTiD wine.Sealthe ~•I wi':hat..minumfoiland oloce it ino
• I r:alES"'OO~ '!.,:::: w NE co lopsibe oot or :,omboosteoT~· ever o :,ot of bo,1e"19
• SC~'I · :::U"' tl : LOZ!ICC M.) M ~K wo:e·.S:eom,covered,for 1hou· 30 minu:es.or u-nt
• s::::.'I• CU" tl : l O!!ICC \1~, COO(ed (Addmorewate· to ::nepo: if needeo.}
:::OCO'IUi "11~1( - - ro.nsferthe cnic.<en::oo deep plote,thens-Join tf"':ro..-ce
• I i! :.s=-ooN S.!,L. " lUS fXJ'!.l. into o sauce-:,on.)isccrd the ginger and scallions.
iQl.!.SfE - Ada tne mi <,coconl..rt m <,sc.t, ooclsugar to tne soucepon
, 11::.s=-ooN G:\!'1Ut:7o suo:'!. o"'.dir;ngtoo bo'"'.Mixthe cornstarch (co·riloor)with
• I r:alES"'OO~ :::c:\~SJ:'!.C - 2 toble:ooonswater o"'.dcod to the pon. 3ringtoo ooil.
::::oR~ =LOUi\) stirring,fo, obo.rt 30 seconosto tnic.<e'lme sauce.Seoson
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1:::: "'!:lE S.dC).10 SE~\'E wi-,.nsot :lourthe sauce overthe chicl:e..,.
Servew~h rice.

r.rot~;t m "!G O'\I: S-I UNDE
"";!~H!f 0'11 T "1E: 15 \I NUTH,
CHIC KEN IN " lUS !.5 'fll'\IUTES $0!(1'\I~. \1!
COOK ~G i ME iS v "iUiES

- Soc.(the otus eof in coa, ...ater for45 minuies,or t.nti • 1-i Ci\ EJ 1.0TUS lE.!..VES
sof::e"'eO. , 5 ORD s.:::< vus - i\oovs
- Meom-..'hil~. ,ovt::nemushroom in o :,o·,- coverwi-,.ncold • I'" ·tl S"OO'\IS l GW SOY s:u::::
\\'Oter,ord SOO( forot least 20 mi""I.J'tes,
o:-unti softened. • ;•~ lS,-i K;3.::-1 C(!N i' ECES
Mix,,.e!l•...-=th'f, teosooonSCI'/
sauce. • ''I T!l.S"OON )l.LJ
tN' orge oo..,.,odo sch, s.:gor, oyster
- j.....-t T!l.S"OON :li\l'IU.llfJ SU:ll\
sauce, and tt"<:remoini"91teaspoon wy sauceo,cl set • i ·tl .Si"OO'IIovs·H ).! UCE
aside to TKJrinot e for ISminuies. • i ·!a .Es =o oN G "IG!'\ JU CE
- Mixthe g·ngerjuice,v,ine,whi:,epeoper,and cor-rstorch • I ·psi"O O'II s-1:ox "IG w N!
{cor-fb..r) ·-to the c.nic(en,then odd the sesame and • ·~ JE:)"00"1 G\OU'IIJ W- ,TE "!i'"H
wgetcole oils.Addo,·~se sousoge,mush·ooens,o"'.d • I ·!a .::s =o oN CO"'ll).!i\CH
jujubedat'='So,cl n'ixw e . :::0:\'11: LOU'\)
- )rain tN' ~s leafand u:;:e ooper towe.s to pot ary.Using T!l.S"OON S!Sl VE 01~
o s-rmp (ni:e, cut o.rt the stiff \'e·-rsneor the stem o"'.dthen • I ·!a .::s =o oN VE:lE.!5 .E O L
Icytne leaf on o steaming rock.Coverwr'.n .,.,,,...t·;.e layers • i :: - 'HSE s,,r.~f. ::u· 0 !~ ON.! L~Y
if nece1sary.:llocett"<:ch'cl:enmixture on the eof o"'.d'od '11.0 l-1 C( ).ICES
in the sioes to create o po.reelthat coversthe ;ngrecrents • ~ JUJl;5! J!TES. i' rD ! NJ H.'l't'EO
comolete!y.¾t the roo: 'no colaos::Ole pot <Y borr:ooo • 1 SOL~IONS :S'"'\ "IG 0'11O'IIS
steamer a,.,e,1o pm of ooiling\\-O:e•. S:ecm, covered,for SH\1S ONLY SH"EJJEO
25- 30 m·.,.,_-tes,
o· un~ilcook.eel tf"•ough. • )f!!"lfJ R CE :P !.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
- O".Cedo~. u11Nra :1tne lot,-,;sleaf,scatterever,a,cl serve\\~:'l rice.
(The otus eof is "O'tto be COt"'SIJfTeo.}

ti 243
i\!~ ON: -IU5E m* ~ ~~
P:\!P!:\qON i ME I -IOU'\
COO(l'II~. '1! I -IOU:\ ·s M '\lu·n C H ICK EN STUFFED WIT H

• I 11:S·~O.·H::~: 'IIHOlEC -!C l(f~ Stu!.!edfovdiso Contoneo...e.Sho".ghai'cese,a,cl 3:'jing

• 1 CU"S {It, F. OZ '!.iS M~J " lUS or cnic..<en
speciccty.The fowl,due..<, is de--bo"'eOano me
2 P5lfS"OO'IIS VE~f ·:a .: 0 l mea;:is teT'O\'e-:1
, then filledwi:hvariousingreci~~ts.
• \ OZiiO G ~l'll~E't !SOUi H'IIC-11 Suchdishesa·e COt"'.s·o-e-edgo:..rmetdishes.
2.S·C,ol·~E"ll~i-1 "ECE; C-IO""ED
• I sc:.L 0'11 :sPRNG O'IIION), - Makeo smol rut on the chb::en s~'l d'•ect'y O'ltt"':breast
:: - 0""!0 00"": near the toil e"lO. "';!ert your fingers:,etv,.,een
• j oz ·soG PO'\K F!.iO!..CK. .J CD a,cl "leshto separate them. S:ort at the ~east and ,,,,o.·(
• I i: !S"OON s:..• r ya...r'""O'{tOt-r.eOOC(, then dov,ma..ongthe thig.~ ono legs,
• I f:!S"OON G:\!."11Ul:7E:) suo:=t corefu!lys.epos< the fesh and 5.(inas yo.;go. &.su.ring
• I E!.S"OON L GW SOI' s.:ucE yoodo not break tt"<:5.(in,SJOV,.lry cull the skinoffone eg
• 2 iE.'5"00~ S-1!.QXl'II~ 'lll'llf a,cl then the o:her. Slowlyp.Jlme skil uptott"<: neck ano
• ~ ozno G 5:"1500 SHOOTS• .J CEJ •e,ent~ ,,,.·,r,g
o..i tt"':joint :,etv,. o.ndthe xdyl.J'lder the
• •, OZ/15 ~ - :1,1, DICED sL'l so that the wingis s:ill connected to the •estcf the
, 1 oz ·soG i .:"4J 'II '"'tES!'\:vE:l skin.~=-:iectthe ?tOCesswr'.nthe o:he1\\iog. :V me skil
:::.35:.0:, " 'IISED.:NJ C- O""!J over tr,..,stub of the nee.(.-he skinot tne whoe chick.en,
• 1 ::U "S (l.d OV.dCC ~: CQQl(EO together '"'"thtt"':wings,snouldnowbe off the carcass.
~LU. 'IIOUS 't,:E Trimtr,..,excessfat <::r tr,..,Hin. Tiethe ends of the skil o:
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS CO'\NS.!.,\:-1 me legs wr'.n<itcne-n s:ring.
'COR'll =LOUi\) - ~emow oltn e meo; the cnic..<en ca·cass o.ncldke.
- ;eat 2 tablespoonsoi in a '1,0( or largeskte: f-ying poi),
aad the g·~e·, scallion(s:llingonion),ond cork fatback
a,cl s:it-fryover m~m ~ct forcoout2 minu:es.Adclthe
d'ced chiC(en,s0.;t,s-,.;gor, say sauce,a.."'.dwineand stir.!-y
over higi heat :o. 32 .T'W'lvt es u~tilcoo<eomroogn.
- Adatne bomooosnoots. ~m. and\<eO cobboge,
st\ then add the coolt.=drice. MiXv.ell.
- j .acethe chickens <inO.'lo curticg boo.rd,~eo:st side focing

up'NC'd.Thiro;,;gh the openingot tr,..,to e,d, stuffme rice

-i ~in:om e cf.;ck=-'lskin,stortingwithtneegs,tr>'l!n
wor~-r.ginto the tffi o: t-r.exdy (the•e shoo o be enough
-i cg to re--oeateme chick=-'l) . Se-Nt.Othe openingus'-r.g
o need e ond mreoc:1.
- -ronsfer the cnic..<en too neatxoof :.ate. Placein o
co lopsibe oot or :,omboosteoTe·over o :,ot of bo -r.g
'NO:e·, S:9n, c:ov-ered, for 1hoi.l·, c:oo<';';ithr01.1gn,
(Addmorewoter to the oot if needed.) ReTlO\-etr,..,ch·cken
a,cl d1JStwith o thin iayerof cornstarch (cornf.oor).
- ;eat me remoi~·-r.g 2 cups (16f oz#75 ml) vege:ooleoil
in a ""0< o·dee:. souce:,onto 300°=tt50:C,o· untilo o..oe
o: breoc:1 :itov.•nsin Ir, minutes.Grtly lov.·er me cnic..<en
into the o. end dee:.-fry for4 m·"'i..rtes, turning occesioncly,
untilgolden :.tov.-n.Use as otteo sooon to corenJy •emo\'e
me cn:c..<en from tf"':oilo.ncla.reinon :,apertov.•e_s,
- ~emow the thread and str'-r.g.O.i t-r.est,.Ped ch·c~'l into
sma er pieces,coOU'i 2-incn/2 i.- 5-cm, o,cl serve.
~ ~c'J~ "!G 0'11: :5l.~'\l:";OO'\I:;
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M -..iu·E s.
GU IFEI " lUS I -101,;~ SO.&Kl'II~ i.VE
COOK ~G i ME 55 'fl 'IIUiES

"6.ffe the term ~eel forO<"'.e of the,1,·ives

{not me • I :n·~5-'U•JCG) '\\ -IOL! C-110:EN
eToress} of ::neempaor. Theuse o:t~ tem in th::srec·:,e • sc:'IIT I cu;, {9 OV2S~ o: PS~E s:.~r
is to i"'.Clccte tri: chkke'1is os te"'.de·o-r.osmoothos the • SES!~f Oil. F:it 5i\USH "IG
\\-':feo:the em:ier0t. &fsoakingthe chic.(enin sctu·ated • sr:::•,HJ"' CE IP!..G! '.:.!O).TO SE'tv'E,tr,..,ch·ckenwillDe moretender and the fc..or
eV10nceo. =o, ·n: SP.C! 5:~:
• !. S-:.i\:'IISE
- Combinethe chb:en , sa;t, one!12½c..rn (100'I oz/3 llters) • i O'I EJ ·:..NG!" N! '"EEL
\\'Oter·no lo-gesa-..xepo'.lonosoak to· I hoosto te"'.defze Si C< C "IN! ~O'I
tN' ch'cken.Use o larges otted spoo.'ltoremovethe , .,:l\,!O l0 - :'11 =\ lJ,i
chicken and se: osioe. • 1 O!:SC ~ SH'J :..NG
- =-.aceall the sp·cebog ingrEoJ'ients
·ntoo dee bog.Adome • ~ oz;3 G L CO" CE ~oo ·
soice009 totl"': saJtedwoter o"'.db--i09too bo overhigh , '" r:slfS"OO'II s c-iu:'11
heot.Reo~eto O'Nneotond si'nmerfo·1Sm· ....rtes. :op::i\CO'I NS
tr,..,ch'cken :,oo: ,.,to the ...,cter,breos!toeing up, ono br'"".9 • )l r::,tfS"OO'II CU\1 N SEEDS
too ooil. ~uce to lov,.•heat, covetonc:I ge-rtlysimmer • ''I i:!..S"OON C~O\'ES
for2S-~ m:nvtes. =wmovethe "'cl,tur'1ti!: chickn ove!,
bre-ost-side 0:,.-.-n,oocl·e-cover.Turnoff the -r.eotoocl e:
stc".d f~ 5 miMes.
- Meom-..'hil~ . ,oreooreo lo·g.eoow o: ic-:wa:e·.
- Corefu!lyt!onsf-:r tf"':c-r·ck'='Iin:o me bo•....t
of ice,...mer
-i--mUj tne chicken
{this,,,_,,1 skinonc:Ihsh ). Rema.•ecno
dro·ntne c.nic..<en.W:1 me chic<o:'l skilw'th sesame ci.
Ct.nme c.ric..<en in:o c.nunksone!trons:ertoo serv'
•,,lth rice.

ti 245
i\!~ ON: -ION~ <0'11~;_
~n i
P:\!Pl:\qON T VE: l~ v NUTES.P-.US
2 -IOU:\S \Ill.:\ N.'il"II~ - \1! CHICK EN WITH
COO(l'II~ - ~E 15 M "IIU-fi
E'.:!l::o: ( .!.-

• I (2 ·L5."U•l::O: 'IIHOlE CO~"I· Thisd:ShV.'OS oeate-:1·'119~for o bo-r.q- to we.come
:eo C-1 Cl::E"I, •l- iii; MM!J !'IJ Prince=-nilipfrom:-..glandto ;o-r.g <ong.It ...,a:screote-:1
'US!:\\'EJ witnthe considera:bnthot the :rince migtn ~ nave
• 1 J:SL:s=-ooNS O "10!~ JUICE known haNto ~nd e the :,onych·ck=-'1 p·eces,,..fth
• •~i!'1 SH!OX NG 'N 'I! c.nopstkks.
• •~i!"II S.!li
• ; OZ ·n~:; J '11- l,! o: SW -H• HJ - ~it~ ch·d:.enintoo orge OO'NI and rub it insideord
- :M OU'! wi:hgi'lgerjuice,,,..·--e,,
ono soh. Covero.ncl:norinate
• I f:5t:s=-oo ... :::OR'IISJ:\C - in tN' refrigerator:o-2 nours.
::::o:\'ll ' LOU:\) • Wraptt"<:ch·c1tenin o\rminumfoiland oloce on o
• I f!l.s=-ooN 01\!'IULVO sur;:~ heo:proo:plote,me'1poce ino colloos"olepot <Y
• I f!lS=-ooN VE~E-l .5.E O L bombooste-omerovero po: of ooifingwo:er.Steo-n,
• 11 QZ,,300 G CH NES! 3:tOCCOL, covered,for 23-25 .!"W'lvt es,or V'"'til
F VWEJ Re'T'O\'e me chic<enonc:Iset osideto cool.Strol'Ime
, ·, u:s:oo'II SES.!Wf o L steoT<:acnic..<en ju·ces in:o o bowlonc:l·eserve.
• \ •psPO :J"II O<i;OUNJW-1 TEPE'"=H - S:-eo.m the ho-n:o. 3 .!"W'lvt...-~then cut ·.,to ::nins,..ces
• su:1o1:o:;;,:! =.,~E S.dC ·o SP:\'E o,cl set aside.
- ;eat o smo!Is:<illet(fryingoo~}over rr~ - CJN he-a:,
ood the rese-ve,:I chb::enfot, o-r.ocookfor2-3 .!"W'lvt es
untilthe fat renders.Set os3deono d:Scordanyso ..-ds.
- Whenthe cnic..<en hos cooed, removethe oones,takilg
core to keeothe Teat withskinintact (port·culo-fyf-om
me breon o"'.dlegs). )isco·d the rest.CU'!the c.nic..<n
Ir eon engthwiseinto2 longpieces,then cu. wid:hwise
into ~ -inch/2-cm :ieces. Cutthe chb:en legs·..,tosinilor-
size :feces tott"":&·ckE'nlrea:st
• Mixthe corns:arc.n(cornflou•} wi-,.n3too =1:,oons wa:-e·
in o s-noll'X/h. Set os'd: for S mil"",,..ies,
<Y un:ilthe s:arcn
settles ot the :ottom, tt"':'lpou·out mewote· to -:ave
o wet s-.arch.Set os:de.
- _oyou. me cnic..<en ~ 2 columnson 0-..'1 owl heo:oroo:
pctew'tn tne s.i::in sidetoeingup. Insertthe ham slices
in ~twee'l o"'.dOT'01'19 the chic.ten:feces.Plocethe
pate·.\ o co oos:_"ble pot o· bomooosteamer eve·
Q po;ot boiling'NO~r. S:-;Q-n,. ,;:Q'V':r';';!,
for 3 minut5,
- Meonv-.'tlil
e, oringo .orge:ot of Vl.'Oter too ooil.ood
me sugo·,vegetc:.-: oil.and oroccoli,anablo"IChfor
2 m·n.ites,then d-ain.krange the b--occo
o· chiC!en.
- ;e,ot me chk<e'1oilin a wok.orsUlet, odd tN' teserveo
steoT<:acnic..<en ju·ces,sesame oil,andwhi-ce:,e:ioe·.
Bringtoo Xii o"'.dXlUl the wet starcn slowlyintotne
wok,stirringco--stontlyfo· 30 secondsto mo<eo grovy.
o"'.d~c<ot. Se-vewith rice.
Fburo-.•erthe c.nic..<e'1

i\!;j ON: :;u.!..NCDONG Yi lii~'/t~~
P:\!P!.:\!·I0N T VE:10 Ml'IIUTES " ~US
2J \I NU TES 1,1:._,'I;
COO(l'll;j. '1!: 15 W 'IIUiES

• I CZ ~JG : S-1 1,1:.-,\· Pu::, 't 'IISEO - ~ me fis:1rrov,,•,9inger, !¼a.os (~ t oz/I l;te1)water
•·~oz,,10:;:; 'll;jE\ :.sou·\· 'll::-1. in:oo lorgesaxeoon. S.i.'19 too boilaw1 high "'ea!Ond
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE),Sl :::J bloncn!or 3 ;n·-._-tes.Cover,tirnoff m: -r.ea-.,ondet stand
• !. Cit EJ a_.:.::( "1US-1:\00WS :or 30minutES.
• I f:!.S"OON OYSTE"s:.u::: - MeQ-.while, put &..enishrooms in o DO'.,. cow1 wth cold
• 2 f!.5L!S=>OONSVEG!J:3lE OI~ water,and sock foro;: leo:st20 minl.J':=$,
or u--.-"rofteneo.
• S 50NE~ESS ::-1 Cll:EN T-1G-15. G.neach nsshtoom in ,o.f, Sq.-eezeo.rt ec.cess'-''Ote1,:iut
::UT 1'\170S i:·S !E "ECE5 in o bov,.{,andrrix•1,"u'ltneoyste·souceO!"lc:lltcoespoon oil.
• I f:3l:S"00"1 l ;ji'ii SOYs:..u::: - -'O"'Sfertt"':f'sh maNtoocolonder one!f-rse•,,/th coowaWr.
• •~i!.S.ES"OO'II "CE '11.'IIE Sq-.~ze the excesswater end cvt :nto2•inc.n/S-cmsections.
• ·~ TE!S"OO'II :;=t:."lu.:.r:o su:; :.: - Con-cir..etne chicke:\W/ so;xe,,.,.·-r.e,
sugar,and garlic
• S ::tO\'ES :;3!'tl:: ::-10""!0 in o lorgebov,.1 and marinate fot 10minutes.Mixil tf,,e
• I f:5l:S"00"1 ::CR'IISf:.\C - CO't".s:orch(cornf.our).Addthe fishmav.•.:rushrooms,.
:::oR'll =LOUi\) ono the rerrdn:r,g [f, toolespoonsot :Tixv.elLone!o.oce
• S1E:.1o1:o'i;,C! =.,:;E S.dC ·o SP:\'E on o heC'tproofpate. ¾t in:oo co aos:lie pot« bo"'n:00
steomerove10 :ot of boilingv.o:er.Steatn,eo1ered,for
10minutesuntilc~ through.SeNe•,,/th rice.

i\!;j ON: :;u.!..NGX

P:\!P!.:\qON T VE IS \1 NUTES. " ,.US
11Di~ m~~
l HOU.'\ "1!.'t i'll!i ~GT WE C H IC KEN IN A N
COO(l'll;j. "IE }0 "1 'IIUiES

• •~i!.S~ESPOO'II SES!.NE SE:OS - -oost the sesame seeds over mediumneat in o smo po:1
• I (1 ·LS."LJ•l::G: 'IIHOLE CH Cl::E"I o"'.dsho<eoccosionofyfor 3-5 .!'W'lu::es or 4..ntilgoaen
• I i: !.S"OON s:..• r Ira,.,-...Set o:side.
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS" ::(L!O \iE3fi.!5L!S, - ~...t t~ ch'ck.enintoo ~tiroof OO'NI and rubitwi:h
S-l'tEOJ!J me sah. Covero,cl morinote in t-r.eteftigerator for 1hou·.
• ~ OZ/iO G ".C(,..EO G NG! " - j.oce the chb::en ~ the OO'NI ;,. o co apsib e :,ot or
,=.:.~f :190) bomboo ste-omerover o po:of ooifin9wo:er. Stec"!\,
• S Sf:lll:S: L!.'l . ,'\O (CO\ !.NJEi\l. covered,for 23 minutes.l,,.rnoff the heo! oncl e: stand
:: - 0""!0 :<Y 5 minutes. ~e'T'O\'e the cnic<e:1ono set asideun:ilcool
• S1E:.1o1:o'i;,C! ".'3E S.dC ·o SP:\'E enoug'ltoho-..dle.
- )e bone tne chick.
4 en, teeing the skino"'.df..eshinto long
=01t ·n: s.:ucE st fps. Combinethe chiLJ:en,-:J'odecl vege:ables,o.r,c:I:rick.,eo
• I f!.3lES"00~ L ;jHi SOYs:..u:::: g·~e· in o :iO'NI, i:hentrons:er too serving-:Jote.
• I f!.3lES"00~ ;j,\l.NU~.!fD SU;j!'t • Comoineoltn e sauce ing·ecl'en:sin o s-noll:,a,-. ~ur tne
• I i: !.S"OON '!;EDV N!G! 'I; sauce overthe chicl:e'lono too wi:h the sesame se-:c:;s ono
• I E :..S"OON E'll;jL S-1 MUST!...'D cilon~ro(coriocG e·) . Serveo;: roo,-, teT:,e·oti.rewi-..nrice.
• I f:!.S"OON S!S!\lf or~
• •, fE!S"OO'II C-1 LI 0 L
~ 'ftT ~ m •u~ ON: !>;rl.U
"'i\!"'!i\!·I0NT M! 15 W•'IIUTES,
CH ICKE N " lUS I -101,;i\ 01\Yl'II~ i.VE
:::OO<l'II~ i.VE 2~ ._.NUES

- =-.acethe chick.enin o large DO\•:I.Xll..r :otng '"'C'ter • I !H·lS,-U•<:;) 'l, - O~E CH :::KE'II
ever the sic.inof tf"':ch·ck.en,t~ 'l drC:0.~ubt --es <in • 3 TPVOONS l :;- r sors : u::: ::
v.-'t'l 2teospoo-rs'il:l'fsc:-xe.Air-d -ythe c.nic<enin the • I CUP :a
"l Oi:.'2SO "1L)
refrigera:Of for 1how. VE:;E·:o .E O L
- =-.ace
the chick.enin o large neotp'OOf oo,,.K:ct the oi • 2 sc:~L 0'11) :s =-\1'1:'; 0"1 O'IISL
in o wokor deep soucepo.nto 3,!()Cf/1700C, o· untilo o..oe ::UT NTO b"IC - 1S·:::1o11..E'l:";
of oreoclIY.O'h""\Sin 45 seconds.lcdle me heated oilover , \ 0!11c:;. :;1'\l~E't :so u · \·1'11:-1
tr,..,ch'cken untilgoldenbrown,ti-en cctefullytro"'Sfer the 2·C"1·lENG T-I "E:::EJ. Sl :::::J
chicken too :,ate tnecl•1,4th po:,e· ta.-.els.Cvt tri: chkke'1 • 2 l:.'POO'IIS s:~r
in:o smo cl-r .nks and oloce in o la.:ge--ectp-oofoo..,., skin- • I i:!S" OO"I :;,\!'IU~:fD su~:,
side da,m.Add the scallions(spdogontOns) • I t:3 lES " 00'11 S-1!.QXl'll:j.'11 '\IE

and ginger. • 2 E .'S" OO'IIS CLOVES

- Combinethe sot. sugar,,,..·--e,remo''"W'19 l teospoo'1soy • ISf!"Hl)E
sauce, and tf"':soices·.\ o rno!I 'X/h o-r.opo..r ct1e·me • ·~ TPSPOON G~OUN:l C '11"1 : MON
chicken. :lloce tr>':cf,;,ckenin o co!lopsibe oot or DOmboo • \ H.!..SPOON o=-ouN:i CUWl'II
steamera,.,ero pm of ooiling\\-O:e•.S:-ecm,covered,for • ·~ tf:s=-oo'II CO\NST!'\:-1
about 15minu:es, or ...ntiJCOO(ed throogn. ~emow o.r,c:I ::::OR'll"LOUit)
dro·ntne steamed ch·d:.enjuices ·ntoo souceoon.Cover • l !GG w- ·ES
ti-...DO\•:I wi':h o 10·9=plate ond, ushg d:Shtov,.,es,it,,•ert • $lE!\1EO '( CE =-:~f SdC: TO s:=-v:
tN' ch·ck!?nontotl"': olcr.e.{Aternotively,use ::ongsto
trons-fe·me chkkei) . Discordtl"':sec! O"\S-,g·cge·, one
- ;e,m me rteoTed chicke, jlJTCes in o souceoon over nigh
heat. Mix-:hecornstarch (co·nflour)with>$tooles::,oon
water ·no smo bowlo.ndstir t-.:Smix:ureinto the wot.
B<'"".9 too boil.stirring,for 30seconds to thicten the sauce.
Fb.ume souce overthe chb::en.
- 3eottl"': e99 ,.,..,'tes in o smell'OO''oomy.Vroe
ti-...'""O! and oloceove-·mediumhem. Add£ tobespoons
water, ~too xia, and ado me eggwhi:-es.Stirunti
co:-roined-t ce egg whi:essro...ldoppe-orsno-''· <e~
tex:ure.Spoo'1til: coo<eoegg ,.,..,'tes on top of the chie!en.
Ser\,ew'th rice.

" 249
i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: 10 M 'IU7ES, " .US
l HOU.'\ OitY N:; !NJ 2 - OU'!.S STEAMED
· '4:; • \1!
M! ~ 1-..i!
C00(1'\I:; T ~E }0 '/ll '\IUTES C HIC KEN
S!i\V!S: !.·O

• I (2 :•LS."U•l::G: 'IIHOlE CH Cl::E"f - AlO'·· dryfor1 "'G.J ·'1til: refrigerotor.

• I f!5l:S"'00"1 S!.T R.o the chi(.(en,inside ono ou;:, wimthe salt. g·ngerjuice.
• I f£5L!S"'00~:; -..i:;E'!.JU:::E o,clwine. ~(~e for ot eoS!2 chic.ten
• I f!5l:S"'00"1 S·i!OXl'\I:; w1,E over once or h\:·cec..ring thistime.
• 1 lE.'S"'OONS G'!.!f:O:; -..i:;E'!, - Wrapthe chio:enind...m:numfoi but eoveo.nopeningen
• 1 SC:.1~ O"IS IS"'!. '\I:; ON O'\IS), m e toi. Pace on o he-o:oroof:.ate, then p.rt 'no collopsibe
:::- 0"'"!0 pot or bom:oo steoT.erovero ootof boir"'-9woter.Steam
• 2 J!5L!S"00NS \'!GET!.S~E O l overnigh~t. covered,for o:o.rt 25 :n:n.-tes.or ...ntil
• I f:!S"'OON S!S!\lf or~ coxed throcgh.-u-noff the hecnono sto:-r.d :or S minu:es.
• su:.1o1:o :;;,::::"'.,:;E S.dC ·o SP:\'E Rema,<e tee chi(.(enond set aside to cool.
- S:raintee steamed chicl:e'1juices ono re~-ve to:-future
use (see ~ote).
- -o mok.etf"':sa-.,..ce,
com:.M ti!: groted gi'lget,sca'lbns
(springon·Ol"\S}, one!l teo:s:ioonof the -e~-..•edchit.(en
juices ino STICH 'X/h. Hem mevegeto:.-: oilin o small
souce:,onovermedtrT'•,-,eat, tf"':'1pour me ho:
oiloverthe souce o,cl mix'hell.
- Whenthe cnic..<en hos cooed, removethe foiland :.rusn
se<..ome oil.0.,. me t.n:c..<e'1
into p·ecesand ser\<e
ot ·oomtemoercr.v-etogetil:·with me di:.ono rice.

The saltychickn jdces con :.eused for enho"!Cing dishes
Rke (poge 5!2). h con also be
sucn os ;ci'lon Chit.(!:''1
:CX':neciriceor \'egetables. Sto•ein
used os o seoson·"'-9
me refr'gerotorforu:. ::o} days.

o11<m "!G 0'11: S C - U!'II
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IIU7ES.
STEAM ED CHI CK EN " lUS I -!Ol;,'t ,-,:=t 'll~i "IG T WE
COOK ~G i ME .dS,_, 'IIUES

oo,,end rub it with

- j..,..itr,..,ch"ck.en intoo "'ectjYoof • I :a·LS-'I 5·K3: '11- 0~E CH ::KE'II
tN' ,,.,;,-.e
ono sch. Wier o"'.dmo.rino:ein the -efrigerctor • I -!5 .!S"'OON R ::E W N!
for 1hour. , '" r:::..s:-ooN s:.u
- =-.acethe c.nicken.nthe bowl'no collopsibe:lOt o:-boTOOO , '.11r::,us:-oo'II s ::-iu:'11
steame1over o :ot of ooiling,.-.ater. Steam a,-ernigh ,-,eat, :p:-::'t ::O'tNS
w.-e·ed,for 000'..Jt 2)-25minu:es.or until COO(ed through. • 1 ·!6 .!S"'OON R!'N :::: NUTS
Turnoff tke ,-,eatand e: stand for 5 minutes. ~emoveme 1::,1:5:-oo'II SES!.Vf 01~
cf.; set o:s'e:to cool.S:rointhe s-.eomedchb:e.n • 1 - .!5.Es :-ooNS ::-1. 0 L
ju·ces;nto o ::cNIand reserve. • 1 ·!6 .!S"'OON Pf!'IIUT SUTTE't
- Meonv,.'hil ~. roost ti!: S:-chuo.n
pep:,ercorns;,.o smalls(illet • ~ C.O'iES G!'t~ C, CHO'"'"D
{fryi".9~n) over medi\sm- t:IN heat for2-3, then • ; - .!5.Es :-ooNS SP.CK o :- a:.u.,MIC
transl!:·· too mortarand oestle o".dcrushlightty . Setaside. 'i NE3:. :-
- -oc:stthe :,eonlJtSin the so.rr»epo'1un:il lgnt bra,o;n,tr,n • I -!5 .!S"'OON PIX :..NCH l 3PN
coo s.,ightfy. =wmovethe "1,JS(S, crush t,gtdy,and se: osic!e. "'! )if ::-10:-:-.:0
- Cutt"'e ch·d:.en .nto smo er oieces o"lOo·-0"'9=tr>':oieces • i -f!. .SPOO'II o:-:'IIUL!..TEO SUG.''t
on o servi'!9pate. • I 7f!SPOO'II \'!G!PS~E O L
- -o moke th<:rouce, com:M'leme sesoTo:oil.chi~oil, • I -!5 .!S"'OON TQ!SJEO'IIH TE
and ~nut ~-tter·o o DO\t.-l. Adome toasted Sichuon 5!SA"1E SE!JS
peopercorns,garlic.,vinegar,ch paste, sugar, ooclii cup • i SU'll::-1 C L.!,i'tO :co : !NDE't.i
{4; oz/00 .T.1)of the ·eservedch·c1:=-n pe es. Pv:etthe ::-10:-:-.:0
wgetoole oil;,. o po'1over medium-hig'1heo-.,add the • )T!!"lf) R CE :P!.G! ~.!.0), TO SE't\lE
cl- sauce.. o".ds:it-fry~r 1mi-ti.rte..r.tilfrog·ont.
- j01..r the souce overthe chb::en o".dsprir.J:le wi':hthe
sesoTo:seeds, jeCJnu:s er). Serve
, and cilo~tro{cor'anc:l
\\"t" rice.

" 2S1
i\!~ ON: SriU'IIOE ~~ m
P:\!P!:\qON T VE 10 Ml'IU "'fi , " .US
10 v "iVES \1!:\ N.!i '113T "1E C H IC KEN IN BLA CK
COO(l'II~"' '1! I~ v NUES
E'.:!l:-:o: i5l

• I ~a.·45~ G CH CKE.,." .E:::!S - ~inseme c.n:c..<nin coo wc:er o.ndcu. h i-rtooite-S:ze

, ·, i!S.HPOO'll 1..o -n s.ovs:ucE c.nunks.Com:M'leti!: chichi, soysauce,';..teospoo'1sugo·,
• •~TE£5"00'11 3't!.,.U,.!f:0 SU3 H ~ teospooo wine,ii tab espoonvegetoo e oil.cor"\Starcn
• I i: !S"OON S-i! .QXl'II~ '"'°'NE (cornflour},and salt in a orge OO'NI. Se:asic!':and mor'~e
• 2 J:5L!S"00N \IE~f "'!5 L! 0 l :o. Kltnnut es.
• \ "'f!SPO O'II co~'IIS"'!:\CH • Comoinethe boc< beons, garlic,;.:::e-ospoon sugo•,o,cl
::::0:\'11: LOU:\) ~toole::,oon \'egetable c;t in a IJo,,, and mixv,:e .
• \ "'f!SPO O'II s:~r - ;em me remoi.,·-..glto':. =1:ioonvege:ableo in av.'O!
• •, i!S.ESPOO'II ~P'M!'ll"'EJ S~'CI:: or larges:<iHet (fry'-r.g
pon) over me,d'ium-hign heO'!,ode
5E!'IIS," '\ISEO !.NJ :::-10"~:o me sho!ots, ooclfry'~ 1-2 minu:esunti :-og·ant.Add t-r.e
• I :::~ov: ~>'tl C, C- O""!J cnic..<e"lana stir-fryove1Tedium heot for 3 ..r.ti
• o s- :.Lo-s. -;!~VEJ ha.f cool:KI.=vt tl-,e,olock.~n mixture and the chileson
• I ~:,oE 'tEJ CH lf, i\Ouon ..Y top of chkk.en.
:::- o~"!O Donm stir.Sprir.dethe remainingii teos::ioon wineoiong
• I 3'\EE'II C -1 L!, '\OU0-1.Y CHO""'EJ me insideof the WO<, reduceto ow "'eat, cover,oocl
• !. ~!.L~IONS :sP~ NG O'IIIONS, simmerfor2 m·.,_-tes.
S"'f \15 o..._y_ :::u· 1'11
"'0 1~•1'11:::-1
!.•CV - ~emow the I'd..increaseto hig'\ hem, ooclstir-frytne
lfNGT - S. " lUS !X"':\! TO :j!'tN,SH
'ntn ewo< ..r.tilt-r.ech'ck.en:Sfu'fycOO(e,:I,
• ·~ "'f!SPO O'II Sf):1,1: 0 l Tossin tf"':sco ons {soringonions)and sesame o'"'.
• SfE:1,1:0 "1;1C! =:~E S.dC TO SE'WE Tro"'Sfe·too serv'ng,olo:e,go·nisnwi:h TO-escol!ions,
o,cl se.rvewi:h rice.

i\!3 ON: -IU5E
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUiES
C00(1'113. ~E 5 M1'11UiE5 STEW ED C H IC KEN
S!'WES: 2

• i 50'11!.ES.S. 5( N.ESS :: -1 CKE', - ,no food processor,corr.oinethe cnic(e:"lbreasts, E-39

51\!!S~ . ., 'IIE~Y::-10=-::-:o whi:es,co·nstc·ch {cor'."'flour},scallion{s~ing onion),
• S !GO 'I-I- "ES g·"'-9e·,sot. and ch'cl:en :iioth (stoC!)and ~ocess to
• 2 lE.'S"OONS CO'tNSP~::-1 o puree.Tro"'.Sfer too oow o,cl set aside.
:::OR'll=LOUi\) • Ceon me food xocesror, me'l oadthe corn (erne.sand
• I i:!S"OON f N!lY C-1:"'PE:l 2 tablesooonswater o"'.dXOC!:1S too :i-wee.U."'€o s:rciner
S::.,l~IO~ :s ::-:-'113O"-. ON) (sieve}wi:h cheeseclotn (muslin}.Stro·ntne corn :>Wee
• I f!!.S"OON f N!lY C-1:"'PE:l G NG!'t into o OO'NI, pressing001r·nto extroct os much cor:"ljlJTCe cs
• ·, fE!S"OO'II s:u, =-~us EXF! possibe. :iourthe strc:ned cor:"ljdc e into the chiC!enpure!?.
TQl!SiE - ;em me lore in o WO( or larges(i!let {fry"-r_g :ion) ove·
, 'l,::U"' =L OZ/ISC M~ ::-1 ::<!N mediumhig'\ heO!.Carefullysooon .nthe cnic<eno,cl corn
s=to·n :st0::1::. "! .G! n pree, then us.eo spctu o (fishs"ce) to stir:~ £.5 minut':'S
. I::, o• :::o,N. (!'t'IIE~s O'lllY untilthe J..r~ t"l'cks-ns.Se-oson•1,"ihextrasol. to ::os:e.
• •,,cu= :s oz,-150o: L.'U - -ro.nsfer too se-vingplate o"'.dtop with ::nediceoho.m.
• IS.ICE ::OOll:EO - :1,1_0 CE:l Se-vewith rice.
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1::: "'!3E S.dC TO SE'WE

i\!3,0N: 3U.!.NGJONG
Pi\!P!.:\! " ,ON i ML 10 ._.NUiES.
~ tt !';;a.~~m
COO(l'\13. ~E 25 Iii 'IIUi:S

• •, OZ/15 3 011;,!0 ::,;;! "113!Q!Yl LY - :mo smo ba.., "'"hcodwcrter, and soak tf"e01onge
• ·~CU"'<~ OZ:10 ~: :i=- ED u.,n doylily010"9•1,"iht"'e oloC!fungusfor20 minutesunt
=uNGUS soft. )ro·0, then cut me oro-igedoytily.nto2~inch/6-cm
• I ~aa·~OZ.'iC~ 3 C-1 CKE"I" :::ES. 'i.rngus·"ltos-no!ler:ieces. Se:os'oe.
sec::ionso.r,c:Ithe :IJ:Ju.
::-10PPEO NiOJ: • '11::-1:.::•Clil" .ECES • Meonv,mil e,;,. o lo·ge heatproof 'Xlir combinethe
• I f!!.S"OON LOW SOI' s.:ucE cnic<e'lpieces,SO'f sauce, salt, ond sugar and marinate
• •~lE!S"OO'II S.'li :~ ISminutes.Adelt"\e gingerjuice-,wine,and corns:orcn
• •, fE!S"00'113't!"IU.!i:0 SU3 H (cornflour}and mixwe .
• I r:s~!FOO"I;} - ;t
'11;};=,Jv - Adome oro"'-9edoylily,blockfung-..-s, rutobogo,juj,.be
• I i: !S"OON S-!!.QXl'\13 '"'°'NE dates, onclscallionstot"\e ch·cl:e'lp·eces.then min the
, 1 r:sus::--oo~ ::CR'IISf!'tC - oystersauce,white oeope!, and oi. j.oce the 'Xlir in o
(co,N •.ou,., co lopsibe oot or :,omboosteoTe·over o :,ot of bo "'-9
• ~ OViO G S!.LJEJ i\u ·:5:3: ::ui wa:e·.S:eom,covered,for25 minutes, or 4-..nti: roxed
NTO i-1 Cf( 1o1:r::- sr Cl::S mroug...,, Se-vewim rice.
• !. JUJUSE :>:J:s,"' "TEJ
• S S::.,l~IONS :sPi\ NG 0'110NS).
Si:lilS O'IILY,CHO'"'"EJ
• I f!!.S"OON O\'"Sif=-s:u:::
• \ "E!SP O:J'I G~OUNJ W-1 TEPl'""'H
• 2 J!5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!.S~E 0
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1::: "'!3E S.dC, 10 SE'WE

~ tf;'.f-xS ~!G 0'\I: - U'lll.N
~:i;::~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M '\IU7ES
A NDON G COOK ~G i ME iC M '\lu·n


TI"isreve1e<Idish nailsfrom the city o: Anaongin Huno"'i. • i lS 5 0!1~CO :j. 50'\IE.ESS CH CKE~
Dotingbock to tN' TocgOynoq, morethem1.200)'ea.IS • !. PS~ES"OO'IIS P~O
090, it's one of tne best-k_"'O',."l
Huno'l dishes. • ~ OZ,'20 G G "10!11;: :.s olJT \•i"IC -
2·CW·lENGT-I "ECE J, S- il;!OOEJ
- :iringo i0r9e souceoon of ,.-.cter too ooil.cod thechicke1, , t!. 011;EJ c- tES. cn:,.=o
·educe to aN heot or,c:Icookthe c.nkk.enfor 10m·~•.rtes.
tfi-..en • l PS~ESPOO'IIS 'o\'-1.TE V ,:3:\
enou9:1toho,dle, o,;t tt"<:meat
Se:osic!-:end ,...,.ne:'lcoo • i - .:5 .ESPOONS )ri!QXl'II~ 'lll'llf
in:o 2_.~h/5--cm s:rips. • i -E!.)PO O'II 5:._1, PLUS ::x•,\t
- ;ea;: me lo·o in o ...,o<or s.(iiet (fr)Yl9oon) o-.•ermed'v-r:- TQT:)JE
hig'1heot. • ·~ TE:)"00'11 SIC-IU!."11
- Aodthe g·'!".9e-·
o"'.dcniles ono Stt-fry for 1minuie until '"E""!'l;CO'l; NS,C'l;US-l!J
frogront.Addt"\e ch·d:.enstrbs,vinego·, ,...,;n e, sot, s·chuo:'l • .! PS~ES"OO'IIS C- C<E'II 5'1;0-H
peopercorns,o.r,c:Ichb::en :iioth (stoo:) and :,ringtoo xrl. :stoc< p:.o:90l
Cover,rea..xethe heot. o.nds·cr.mer :o. obo.rt2 ,rW·11Jtes. • ''I El.S"OON C:'1;'11)T:\C -
Removet~ Rid, increase to h·gnheat. and coo<fot :co11;'11
: LOU'1;)
1-2 ~ut ~s to reducet--eSOi..Ce to 4 toblesooons. El.S"OON s:s :. vE 01~
• Mix the corns:orc.n (corn~u-) wi:h ii tablespoon ,...mer • i sc.: L~IONS :s'"'l;."IG 0'110'IIS CUT
in o smo bowl.t--en sti· tri:s mixtv-e·ntotn ewok..3ring 1•rol'~·l~C - .d•C\I lENGi - S
for cool.It30seconds to thb:en the
too ooil.s1irr'"".9, • sr::•,HJ"' CE IP!..G! '.:.!O). TO SE'l;v'E
sauce. Stir ;,. the sco!lions(sp--;ngo ..~s), season wi:h s0ct
totos:e, o "'.cluons:er too ~-vi-r.gpate. Serve\\-'t'l rice.

%:~U~;gxS ":'G 0'11: - :uc:

"";!"H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IIU7ES

nu Hokkod:s:1is trodioono!lyservedtOWOt'Te'lW"'.O
hO'o'@ • I l\·LS-'l·KG) '\\ -IOL! C-I IC(!N'ven b<'i'\. tt is believedthat it will nep wi:h :.ood • I ·:s .::s =o oN VE~E-:.6 .E O L
circulationand fortifythe ilTi:-r:_ne sys:emo.ndcon:ribuie • i O::SC ~ 3 N~! " ( !5Q UT
to tf"':res:oro:iono: he-o!m. )· NCH•i,)·::M·~f'i.}i 1 "!Cf i,
- Cecni:he cnic..<e'\
o"'.dcut it in:o2 ,.-~i,ch/5 ,i: 2-cm :.'eces • .!~ CU"S .l .! : L OZii l lE'I;)
(oone-:r.). 3LU- 'IIOUS" CE 'lll'llf
- ;ea;: me oil;,. o souce:.onover ~h ~ct. odd tf"':ginger,
and st··.fry forl-2 m·"-ies u-rtilorov,meo.Addtf"'
and st··.fry forcool.It5 ~lit es, or u'tlil golden 010-,,''"I.
Adelthe.,,-~ and oringtoo boil.
- ~educeto o"'' hea-.,cover, o.nds·· :o·2O minute--~
or u-nf•tf"'E'
&·ck.en ::Sc00<edthroug..,.Trons:ertoo serv'-r.g

ti 255
i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG
P:\!P!.:\qON i WE: iO M 'IIU7fi
*~ ffi ~ ~~
" lUS I -!Ol.i:\ .J:\Yl'IIG i ~E C H IC K EN W ITH SW EET
COO(l'II:; .. ~E .!5 Ml'IIUiES

• I (3\·lS,-i S•K:;: W- O~E CH :<E'II - j.oce the chic.tenin o large neot:i"OOf OO'NI, pour bo:.,..lf'9
• •~fE:.5"00'11 S.'li wa:e· overtt°":s:<inof ::nechic<en,thend-o·...,_ =wbt-r.e
• I f:.5l:S"'00"1 S·P.OXl'II:; w1,E cnic..<e'l cavi.ywitnsalt, men ru:i me ski'l withthe wi-r.e
• i iE.'S"'OONS .JPI( SOY S:..U:E o,cl soysooce.Airdry for 1hoor in ti-': re,frigerot01 .
• 11 QZ,,300 G SWEE" MUSJ:'tO :;ll;EE'IIS - Soc.(the swee:t-r,,,;sto·dg-e-ensino smol !Jo,.., of cold
• I f:.3l:S"00"1 :li\!..NU ..!.fEJ SU:l!'{ wa:e· :or} mi~•.rtes. Drainand o..i anyexcess
• i f:.5L!S"'00NS G ~G!'{ JUICE wo:e·.-rim off me stems, re,turnto&... DO\•:I.ooclooc:I
• 2 Cl."5 \°C =L oz,.!-S M~ me sugo·ond g·"'.ge.juice. Set osic:le.
VE:lE"!..5..t O ~ - ;em me oil;,. o V.'O! or oeepsc:-xepo'lto 300°F/l;QQC,
• •~fE:.5"00'11 CO'\"ISi!~:-1 or un:1o cu:,e of oreadb--o-,.-rs in Iiim·~-ies. Carefully
::0:\'11 : LOU:\) cod the cnic..<en o,cl use a slottedspoonto gently•o it 'n
• su:.~:o :;;,:! "'.':lE 5.dC ·o SP:\'E me ho-.o. for 3-4 "IVMes untilthe skinis golden.Corefulfy
removet-r.ech·c~'l '·om the oiland dro·'l ino colonoe·.
- j.oce the chb::enon o heotptoof,olcr.eo"'.dnff it •1,"ih
t'1,o-thiros of the mustard gree'l mixture.4.rttt"<:remaining
mus:ardgr~"\Son topd tt"<:c"'·ckeno,cli:rans:erthe :iote
too boTooo·overo :,ot of x.-'ingwo:er.Ste-om,
covered,for 25 minute--~ or unti COO(ed th·ough. Wmove the heo! o,cl e: stood for10minutes.Remoo.-e ti-':
cnic..<nanorese-veany s:eomed crr·ckenjifces. Sooonthe
mus:ardgr~"'S fromtN' top of the chic.!enand insidethe
cavityin:o o s "'.Cllow OO'NI.Cut me cnic..<e'l in:o bite~size
p·ecesancl.ayt--em on top of the mus:ardgr~"\S.
- -o make tf"':sa-.,..ce,
oour the steomeclchi((en juices ~to
o smallsc:-,..cepo'l ono bringtoo bo . MiXthe cornstarch
(cornflour} witn~tabl e::ooonwater 'no smell 00\'I: o,cl
st:r this :nixtu·e ·nto me po...,.Bringtoo :,o1,s:irri"g,for
}0 secondstoth·cl:S"nme sauce,then drizi.eoverthe
cnic..<~'l.~-ve wi:h rice.

tt~ m =:&0'11:S-I UNDE
=:i;::~H!f 0'11• \1E: 10 w 'IIUTES. =tus
CHIC KEN IN 15 Ml'\IUTES ,-,:=t 'll~i "IG . \1!
COOK ~G i WE: 18 \1 NUTH

- Cutt~ ch·d:.en.nto l • 2-inch/2.5 5-cm oieces (00"':-in).

,i: • I :a·LS-'l·JCG) '\\ -IOL! C-I IC( ! N
- Combinethe chic.(en,g'.ngerjuice,salt, wh'ie pepper, • I -!fdS=o oN G "IG !il; JU CE
end co·nsto·ch (corn-ioo-) in o :,o·,- end mowte for • ''I i:!. .S" OON S!..LJ
15minut es. • " '\IC-Io= 3'\0U'IIO'II - iE =::""£ ,'{
- ;em me vegetable oi in o wokor .orgeHillet {frying • j - .!6 .ESPOONS COR;NSJ!'{C-1
po,} overcredi....m ceot. odd t-r.ech'd:.en,one!st··.fryfor :::OR'll =LOUll)
5 mil"",,..iesu"til Drowned.~eTlO\'ethe cnic..<e,fr~ tne • j - .!6 .ESPOONS \iEG!f!f,lf OIL
\\'O( and transfer too olo:e. • ~ 01,'10 G G "IG !'\ . :..sour \·l~C -
- Aootheg'·,sho ots,ondgor~ctotheo remoi"';.,-,g 2·CW·l:N0i-l "ECE J, Sl C!J
in the wok o "'.cls:ir-fryover T..ed'vmheot for o :o..i • .! SH.'l1.0iS. :.lU!il;ffil;EO
30 seconds.Add tt"<:zhu"lOU sauce-,soysOi..ce,wgor, • .!C.O\iES (;!'(. C, CHO'"'"D
end chick. en oieceso "'.cispr·"'.J:le
i~ tne \\ine. Mixwell. • 1 - .!6 .ES"O ONS : - u -i ou S.' UCE
- AJJd½-c.o (l- floz/120ml) woter to thewo( and :,ring • I 7f!SP00'111.1G-IT S.OYs:..ucE
too ooil.then re,o.,..ce to Tedi....m- ow hem o"'.dsimrrer • I 7f!SPOO'II OH'IIUL!.TEO SU0'11;
for S mi""l..rte--~oruntil me sauce tnickensond tr,..,ch'cl:=-n • I -!6 . !S"O ON s-1:.ox "IG w N!
is COO(ed th-ougn.Add ti-...sea ons {soringonions)ood • .! SC!.l O'IIS :S"'\ 1'13 ON O'IIS:.
sesoTo:o'I a.."'.dtoss•.,.ell. CUT NTO b"IC - IS•C\11.E'13~HS
- -ronsfer too se-vingplate a,cl servewth rice. r:::. .s" oo~ s::s:..vE o.
• SE!MEJ-" CE IP !..G! '.:.!0), TO SE'\v'E

~ tr-t~'f~ m il;f~,ON: -IU"I : "I

" ,'{!" .'11;!· ,oN • M! IC v ~VES
C H ICK EN W ITH BLACK COO(l'\I~ - '-1! 1~ Vl~V ES
S!i\ VES: .!

o oopu!o.:COO(ing
style:.o,., • 9 OZ:250 G 6.!.CJC PO"l:'I, E"IO(I
the food·" a V.'O! :s7E"1S SE"!'(.:l!J), CR W!TSUJ: <E
ever o porto.olekitchenrange duringtne e.,t··e cou"'Seof WUS-l'\0 0"15
tr>':meo~ ·s similccto a ho1pot, outv.itho,;t t~ • 1 i!S .ES"OO 'IIS vE::ET!S L:: 0 l
• I i!S.ESPOO'II CH L 5E!'II ":)if
- -rim tN' ends of the :T1,;;;rooms a-r.oseoorate the • Q a.O'l:~tSS, S< N.fSS Ci C<f"i
mushroomsin:o stems. Rinseoriefly,then ctoin. T-110-IS. CUT NTO ~- NC-1.'i•CM·
- ;em me oil .no smol V.'O! or skii.-:t{fryingpen) over i-l lC( " !CES
me-d'ium neat. Sti-in the chi~mn ,oas:-eone!st··.fry for • l 5U'IIC-I !So u · 25 ST! .KS, 3:.=~,c
1minu:eun:il ftagra"'t.Md the cnic<enand stir•:)' for S"'\OUTS, CUT NTO 2· 'IIC-1:S•CV
1-2 :i-.:rnrt
~s until 't ·sb--aN"'..ed. L::No ·ns
- Aoclthe garlic sprou:sano mush·ooms,then the salt. iPS"OON S! . -
'Sl:l'fsauce, a,cl ~ci..o (l. fioz/120ml} •
e·. Souteover • 1 iE£S"00'11 ~ 3 - i SOYS:..UCE
me-d'ium-hign hea;::or 2-3m·.,_-tes1..ntime cnic<e'1is • S~f!.NEJ "CE (~:.o::S.!OI, TO Sfll't'E
coo<edthrough one!most o: t ce wo:-e·hos e'IOporoted .
- ~educeto ow hem a,cli:ronsferto a ~-ving plate. Serve
w't'1 rice.

tJ 257
i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: 5 v "llJi:S, PLUS
10 Ml'\IUTES\I!'( '\Ill NG . M! CHICK EN WITH
COO(l'\I:;. '1! 15 'fl '\IUTES
E'.:!i"'G! iS9

• S 50'\IE~ES,S C-1 Clr:E"IlfGS. CUT NTO - Comoinethe chb::en,garlic,sot. •1o,M,and 1teospoo'1

\· '\IC-l.'2•<v CU5ES cornstarch (cornfa...r)in o orge 'X/h tne'1oad the oiland
• I c~ov: :;.,:.'(l c. C - 0""!) marina:e for10m·.,.,ies.
• •~lE'S"OO"I S.'li - ~it~ cashew "'l..rts into a wok.orcrge ski-:: e)'i~ pen)
• I T: !S"OON S-1!.QXI'\I:; '"'°'NE o"'.dcod enoug'1oiltow.•e· ::ne-ncomplet!?'y.;ea;: the oil
• I Tf!.S"OONS CO'(NSP~C-1 to 285°F/l!.QCC, or untilo cu:,e of oreoclturns golden'n
:cO:\'ll "LOU:\) 2 mirutes. Deepfrytne nu:s :o:-2-3"IVMes, or until
• I l£5l:S"00"1 VE3Ei!5L! 0 l. =LuS cruncny.Use o s ot:-eospoo.'1to corefu!ly·emo-.•e tri:
EXT"! "Cit OEEP·"'l;Y!'\I:; nuts from the o and drCJIon po::,ertaNels.
• \ cu= ,l,", OZilOO ~· GS-If',\' NUTS - =>o..irout most dt-r.eoi leoviog1ta.oes~n in the wok
• o s- :.Lo-s. ~1..:•n =u:i o,cl heot o-.-e·mediu~ heat.Add"'.O!lots ano Stt-fry
• I \0 S!L. ..."f=PB , SE!JEO !NJ :o. 1-2 minutes un-1'·agrant. =>utin the chicken,·~reose
CO''(S!~Y C-IOPPEO to h'gn -r.eot,and toss ·ooidlyfor 2 m·n.rtesU-"'tibrowned.
• I E!.S"OON l GW SOI' S.'UCE Add tt"<:be pep:,erand soyso.xe ond stir-fry'o:-ono:ner
• 2 SC!ll O"\IS IS"\ .'11:;ON 0'115), m·.,.,ie,or u'tlil the chickeniscookea tnroogh.Stirin the
s·t 1o1s 0"1-Y, CUT l'll·o i· '\IC- ·S•C\I sca.Jions(spt'-r.gO"~S).
lfNGT - S - Mixthe ·emoiningii teaspoon COl"nsta·ch wim 1teaspoon
• ·~ iE'S"OO'\I SES.''l'IEO ~ wo:e· in o smol oo.., and sf· tnis mixtureintott"<:wok. .
• CQ!~SElY C - 0""!) C1l''l.i\O Bringtoo xra,s:irring,:o. o»..i 30 seco"'.dsto thio:en
:coR l'\10£" 1..f!.vH. TO :;H:N .S-1 ::nesauce.Addthe sesame o ano go·n:snwi-'.ncilantro
:O "TIQ~!- (coriander), if us·ng.Serve•1,'"th rice .
• SiE''-1!0 'i;,C! ".'3E S.dC ·o Sf'l;\'f

i\!~ ON: -ION~ <0'11~
P,'t!P!i\qON i WE: iO M 'IIU7ES
~us2:) ... NUT:S SQ!( NG i ME CHICK EN WITH
COO(l'II~. '1!: I~ v NUT:S

• i D't :o eu:::f(MU5-l't 00"1S - ~it~ musnrooms.rl o bowl.CC'\.·er wr'.ncoldwa:e-·,o,cl

• •,CUP (i OZIS~ G Wll'IIUTS soak to·m leas: 20 :n·nu::es,or U"'ti softened.Ske ·.,to
• !. OONE.ESS,S(l'lllfSS :::-1,C(!'II stfps o:-r.d set csic:le.
Si\!£57'5. CUT ,ro 5 ·E·s ,z: =-:::::::s - Meonv-.'tlile, soc.( the ...,a.nuts·no baNIof Vl.'Orm •1,oter for
• I cu=-:a: l OZiiS~ VL ISminuies.0-ain,then rubthem oetwe-e'l2 c..eond:S'l
VE~E·! .5.t O l tov-.-elsto ·emO'leti!: s.(ins.Se:osioe.
• j :::.OVESc;,:.uc, Ci\USri!O - ;eat mevegetoole oil·no wokor oeepsa ..ceponto
, ',\O! ·5 G G ~GE't :.301,.,r •~· NCri· 250~:/130°C. Gent)'lowerthe we ; into the oiland
l·CW·lENGT-1 :- E:::E;,SL ::::J deeo-fry"or LS .nn.rtes U"'ti cm';Jf. l.k:ea slotted sooon
• I i: !S=-ooN 5-1!,QXl'II~ '"'' NE to coreh..llyre'TlO\'e::nev.-c!nuts :-omt-..eoi o-..dd-ainon
• ·~ i!S.ESP:)0'11 0YSiE't s:..ucE paoe· ta.-.els.
• \ .f!SPO O'II G~OUNJ \\-1 TEpp=f=t - ~e,-,eot t-..eoi to 250,:,:/13O:C, cod the cnic..<en, s:ir,and
• •, fE!.5"'00'11 SES.!Wf O l COO( forooou. 30secondsuntil opao-,:e. U<...e o slotted
• •~u:s=-oo'II CO't"ISi!~C-1 spoonto removethe chiC(enfro,-,ti!: oiland drain on
::::O,'t'll: LOUi\) paoe· ta.-.els.
• 3 5U'IIC-l!S C L!.Ni'tO (CO't !"IJE't), o..irout mostdt-..e oi, a:ovingabout 1ta.oles:ioon'ntn e
- =>
c- o=-=-:o. to o.,i\'11 s~ wok.tirot t-..eoi ove· medium-h'gnheat, oo:Itt"':gar,.. c
• su:.1o1:o 'i;,C: =.,~E S.dC ·o SP:\'E o,cl g·~er, and s:ir-fryfor 1minuieu'tlil fragro-rt.Acd
me cnic..< en and toss for1-2 mil"",,..iesO','ernighheat:, until
COO(ed Spr'c(lein tt"':v.1'1e.
- Adome wo!nU"ts o.r,c:Ioystersauce, toss, o.r,c:Is:ir J'I ::ne
whi:epepperand sesame ot.
- Mixthe corns:arcn (co:nflour}wr'.nii tablesooonwater
in o s 'TJO,I'Xii< ano stit mis mixti..Je in:othe ...,o<.:iring
too boil.sf-ri09, for 30 seco"'.G:S to mic..<en the sauce.
- -ronsfer too se-vingplate, garnishw'th t-..echoooeo
cilon~ro(coriocG ~·),ano se-vewim rice.

m~ ~ Wll ~:o O'\I: SE J "IG
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 • \1E: S \1 NUTH, ~~us
COOK ~G i WE: 15 ._.NVES

- Cove1the snowfi..ngusin ~wo:e·onci soak fo·obout • ~ OV20 G SNOW =uNGUS

30minutes. R;i;.e tN' sroNfu-r_g:.s , squeeze d-y,o.nd • I 50'\IE ~ns )I( N.ESS CH :::KE'II
trim off the -i·rn pcrto;: ::nebose. Teo·me
into 51\!!.)J , T- 'II "1! W5~!"11! 1UM0\' !J
smo er pi~ces. , Y,CUP :sF. QZ,,150 Wl) W d(
- Soc.(the chi((en in o bowlof cold\\'Oterfor20 minutes. • j ·p SPOONS \,CE 'It 'IIE
- US:ngo a.rgesho-ok.nife, chop tN' ch·d:.ent. nthe.ry finely • I 7f!.SF'OO'II G NG ! /\ JUICE
g·runc:I.~ix in 2 t,eo;::ioonsm <,men contn..eto chop to • !. E~~n-1 T:S
beno tne chicken and mi!kcompletely.T'O"\Sfe·too OO\•d. • j - .:.5 .ES?OONS \iE& !J!.f,U OIL
- Combinethe snaN fungus.1teaspoon rice ,,,.· --e-
, one • I SC.' L~IO"I :s~\ l'I:'; ON 0'11 CUf
~t eos:ioon g·~er ,-Xe ·.\o oowland e: stand for 1'170 l'?·l"IC - ,,.d•Cv S!Ci O'IS :..NJ
1mi""I.J'te. ono squeezeto
Wropin o c..ecndis:'ltov,.<e S-1\0:l!O
remove exce1sfluid.kJd the snowfungusto the chiC(en , ,:::u:-12 =t oz ·-5 WL c- :::<E'II
o"'.dcombinewel. sitor- :sro:::ic.~:.oEn:'oomy,then stir
- 3eottl"':e99 ,.,..,'tes in o smell'OO'NI , '" r::. .s:-ooN s:.u
g·ocluofy irr.othe mixtu·euntil complete)'·~or:otot ed. • I -f!. .SF'OO'II co~'ll5-,!i\CH
- :iring8~c~ {68f oz/1 lite-s}wo:e·too ooil. mmedioteJy ::::OR'll=LOUit)
turn off ::ne heot. Us',r,gyour ~nds. snope the c.nic<en • )J:!"lfJ R CE :P !.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
mixtu·e.nto 3 ,c{;i ,.-¾-·ncnJ7.5 • 3 ,i: 0.5-cm rec::onguor
p·ecesond co·efuly :ioce them .nthe hot wcte· titer eoch
p·ece is mode. &-;ng the ,..,aterto just bf. ow ooiling,reduce
to aN "'e01, and sm mer :or o:o..i 1m·.,,..rteu--rtil c00<eo
throug"I.V....e o slotted sPOOntocctefullyremovet"\e s ces
:,om thn ..cter and t·ansfer too :.ate .
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-okor arge sk.1-:t f-ying po,} over
medtrT'--0;h ri:ot. odd tl"':sec --on(spri"'-9 on·o,), and
s:it-fryfor I minuteuntilftog-o"'t.=-ut in tt"<:remaining
1t-eos::,oonwine a.nd ·eTOte tf"':sco!,,_o...,
.Add tl"'
b--oth{stoc..<), then gently s.,idethe cnic<enpieces·.,to the
lroth,odo me so19.,anc:I :.tingtoo Xii.
- Aodthe remo·~ .,,·ik.ondti-': remoini"'-9 >iteospoon
~. and retur'.lto o ooil.Mixtl"':cor-rstorcn
(cornflour } wi-..n1::o:.espoonwater i;'lorno!I 'X/h one
s:ir this mixture in:o me,..,0<. 3r'~to o boil, sf rring,for
30 secondstot·•ckE-nthe sauce.
- - ronsfertoo 10·9=bowland serve,,,/th rice.

tJ 261
P:\!P!.:\qON i ME 10 v NUTH,
" lUS 15 "1 'IIUi:S SQ.!.)(~G
COO(l'll;j. '1E !. HOU'l;S

• I !.'h.5,-J·(G) W-iO.E CH :::KE'II,Clli A steo"llCO$Serole is o s:ieciolcook•.-.are

fr~ Yunnan.
'IITO n· N CH:'!.•:::v 01:::E I. cookscy ett:ng o smo omoo"'tof s:eo'.'lltnroug'1
• I:. OZ -1~ G G NG!'!;_ SL CE:l o s'TlOII""O e in the cosseroe to coo<the :oootogether
• i SC:t 0"115IS"'t '\l;j ON 0'115), cur with i:s natural juice. '4owate· is oo:led tot-re cosseroe,
'IITO n· NCH:'!.•::',/ L!NG -HS onlyto&... steomingpon :ielow.
• 2 lE'S"OONS s:u
• •~lE£5"00'11 G'l;OU'll:l 'I-I- iE "!PPH - Sookt"\e ch·d:.enoiecesin coa•.-.aterfor15"IVMes,
• su:1o1:o :;;,:::: =.,;jE S.dC ·o SP:\'E tne-"1d'oin .
- :iut ti!: chickn in:o o Yunna'.lsteo'.'
tnegin~·ono scaJions(spri-r.g on·o-rs},one!co-.•er me
cosseroe. =mthe steome1:,onwithwo:e·ono br'"'.9too
boi overnighneat. Pieceme steam casseroleootop dt-r.e
steoTer pon ono seal o-.ygop :ietv.·een tf"':co5seroleo"'.d
tne steameroon v.-'thdoTP d:S"1oothsto p·eventsteom
fromE$CO:iing .Steo"ll'r.xobo.rt4 hOU"'S.Adcl •.-.ate1to the
steoTer pon dur'~ this time if necessory.
- )iscard the gi'lgero-..dsco!!ions,tf"e(I sec:ro'1me soup,,,/-th
solt o ,cl g ·runc:Iwhi:epeo~r. Servein the s:-eamcosseroe
with r'ce.

i\!;j ON c-;.:..oz-;ou II~ ~~ ~

Pi\!P!..:\! · ,oN i ML IS "1 'IIUTES
COO(l'\l;j. '1! 15 "1 'IIUTES CHICK EN WINGS
S!i\VES: !.
~ =-:o:a1 IN BEAN SAUC E

• I .a!.SC s c-; C!CEN'"'' NO!iTES - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof water too ooil.ood the
• i f:5L!S"00NS " U'll''II~ SP.N Pl.STE, wingertes.and olonchfor1 minute. Drainonclrins.e
M.!..SH!O una~· cod running•.-.ate·.
• i J:5L!S"00NS G NG!'!; JUICE - Comoinethe bean :io:ste,gi'lgerjuice. ricewine,sesame
• li P.S~fF~O'l 1 Cf 'It 'If po:ste,,a.."'.d
susar .'.l OS'TlOII
'X/i-, O"'.Omixwe-. Set aside.
• •, i!S.ESPOO'II SE)!.Nf :,:.51: - ;eat me oil.0 o \\'O( or crgeskte: e-ying pon},odd
• •~lE£5"00'11 ;j'l;!"IU.!.f:0 SU;j H me po-'<fotboc..<, and stir-frya,•e1medi\smhem ~r 1
, 1 r:sus=oo~ vE3Ei.'5L! o l m·.,.ies u"'tils:..ghtlybra,m.Addthe sha.,.otsand stir-:-y
• ·~o:::,,
10 ~ =o;;( ~:rs:::(, f N!lY until frog·ant. Ad:Ithe souce o "'.clwingertesa."'.clsouie:or
:::- 0 ""! 0 o"'Otherminu:e, tne'1por in'f, cup {4; oz/120.rJ) water
• i S-i't~o · s. :::- o==-:
o o,c:IIYt'lgtoabo overhighheo-t.Coo<'r.x3 "llinutesunti
• SH"! DOEO c-; L! !,NJ s::::..L.IONS me sauce thick. ens onc:Ithe ...,·"'.9=ttesare
roxeo mroug"'i .
:s=: '1130"1 0'11 TO :j!.'l;N 5-i - -ro.nsfe1too se-vingplote,garnishw'ih ch e and sco ons
:o "r 10~:- (springon·o-rs},if us.·,r,g,and serve witnr'ce.
• STE:1o1:o"1;1C: =:;jE S.dC.10 Sf;;\'f

tJ 263
i\:;;. ON: s;:::-iu:.'I ~~- ~~T
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 v NUiES
COO(l'll;j.. ~E 5 M1"11UiE5 CH IC KEN IN SPICY SAUC E
S!'WES: !.

• i t.=.'\G! f.O"ll!L!S5, S( N.ESS - Comoinethe chb:en, 1::eospoooco•nstorch{cor-.flour),

:::- ,:::(!'11S'tPSi5, :::u· 1"1170 me sol-'.,onc:I1teaspoon wine·o o large 'X>'"' mixv,:e
\· '11:::-1.r]•<vCU5E5 o"'.dset aside.
• 2 lE'S"OONSCO't"ISi!~C-1 - .ri o ~~rote bowl,co:-roinethe soysa-..xe, wgor, vinE90r,
::::0:\'11: LOU:\) cnic..<e'l
broth (s-.ock},remoi.,·ng1teospoonwineonc:I
• •~fE:5"00'11 S.'li 1teosxion co:nstorcho"lOmix.ntoo SOli..Ce.Setoside.
• 2 lE'S"OONS ~ CE 'Nl'llf - S~ 1tc:.espoo.'loil·nto ::nechkken. H~t the ·emc.i'ling
• i lE.'S"OO"IS .10-li SOYs:..ucE 2i:oblesooons·oo WO< r.xlo·ge 5.(il!et{fryingo:in) O'.'er
• •~lE£5"00'11 3'\'"IU.!f:0 SU3 H medium-'ligh "'eat,odd tt"<:gor"c ood g;nger,and stir•::')'
• I f:!S"OON o.::( 0 " a:..Ls:.w1::: :o. 1mi"'•..rte
V NE;3!'t Addtl": piC(ledchies o :-r.d
2 m·n.ites until :,iov.•ned. water
• i t:5L!S"00NS :-1 CKE', 51\Ci - cnestnu:so"lOstir-fryforonO"".ner m·.,.,ieuntilthe chicl:e:1
:stOC( pi.o: 9:ll is fullycoo<ed.Sfr inthe sco!!iO<"s(s:)J'ing
onions)o'ld the
, :s·:o .:s=ooNs vE3!t:5L! or~ sauce,men toss tfrotoughfy.
• !.C LOVES~:\l C, S.ICEO - S~ ·'ltne ~SOTO: oil.tro..."'Sfe·
too s.erving,ola:e.
• \OZ·10;;. ~ '11;3E't·:sou · \· 'll:::-1·
2•CV•L!NUi - " .ECE), Sl ::::J
• !. P,:::<tED 'tD CH LES. :::-io~=eo
• 0 W.!JE't C-l!SiNUTS, cur NTO
l·l'll:::-1.·t·CW :::u5ES
• i SC:ll 0"115(S:-'t.'11;3.ON 0'115),
:::ul i'\170 '1• '11:::-1,'l•CWtfNGi - S
• I J::!.S"OON S!S!Vf O L

i\!;3,0N: -101'\13<0'11;3.
P:\!P!:\qON i VE: 10 Ml'IIU7E5," .US
SC \1 NUTESM~~ "II:.· '11;3.
C00(1'11;3.. ~!: 15 W 'IIUiES

• i :::uan '\ED o::.=.'11

:u=to • Meshthe :.eoncurd ino smc,' OO'NI, tt"<::1ado tne ~O'l
• I f:3lfS"00"1 R;EOS!! N CUID JUICE o...sdjuiceand st··.Set aside.
• IC·l2 50'1f.fSS CH C<f"i r- ~-s, - j.oce the chiC(en~ o lorS'=' oov.~, odd the :>eO...'l o...sdsa-..xe,
:::ul :'1170S i:·S !E ~ ECES wine,so.t. o"'.dwhi:eoeoper onclTIOfinot e :r.x30 minu:es
• I f£5lES"00~ '\,:! ·-11·"IE in tr--=refri9erot01 . St·· int-r.ecor"'.Starcn(cornflour}./,.Dd
• •~lE£5"00'11 S.'li ::neE-39 '"'"''te O"O mixtn0rou9"''-y.Coat t-r.ech·ci:en:i-=ces
• ·~ u:s"OO'II G'tOU'IIJ w - ,iE "!PPB in breodcrum:.sand snokEo!!t-r.eexcess.
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS CO'tNS.!:\C-1 - ;em me oil;,. o V.'O! or oeepsc:-xepo'lto 300°F/l;QQC,
::::0:\'11: LOU:\) or urd o cu:,e of creoclb"ow"\S in Iiimfl"'i.,ies.
• I !GG W- -E 5E!iE~ cnic..<e1, in catcnes, and dee-o-fry~r 3-4mfl"'i.,ies u'tlil
• ·,:::u= .:sox,·1s:1o 51'::onuwos goa,n bra,;n and coo<eotnrough.Lk:ea slotted sooon
• !.' ~ CU"5 15-' ~l O! ·I~ ·E=t to coreh..llytro"'Sfe· tne chicken to a coander and dro·...,,
vE;;E·:. .o.t O l - ~e'""=C'tt-r.eoi i:o30Cf'F/150:C, returnthe chic.(ento tr--=
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1:::: =:;;E S.dll TO SE'WE wok,O"O :-yforl -2 m·.,.itesU""til cU-:1(.O•CJIO'lpo::,e·
towels,t"'en ~-..•ewith(ce.
~ ~c~~~ •u:; ON: s;:-;u:..N
"'!\!"'! i\qQN T ME 5 Iii 'IIUTES
C H ICK EN WIN G S :::OO(l'II:; i.VE .!0 Ml'\IUTES
S!i\\'!5: S·.!

- j..,..i tr>':,...,
..ngettes into o saucepan o,cl ood enougnwo:er • 11 :::-; C(!N 'N '\l:;!TES
to coverthem com:.etely. &-;ng too xri overhig'1heat • I i:!5"00"1 S C- U"-1 "'F"!" .CO\NS
o"'.d:lonch me c.n:c..<en for1minu:e.D-oin. • I f:3lfS"00'11 \if3EJ!5L! 0 l
- j..,..i &•:iSchuo 'l peppe·corns into o sp·ce bog. ;eat the , 'Ii.OZ ·5 G:; '113E'\ . :.sour )i· ~CH'
veg.e:obleo in o souceoonover T edA-m "'eOt.odd t ~ l·CW·lE"IGi -1 "E::::: :, S.1::::0
g·cger o"'.dsco!lion(s:ring onion),and stir-fryfo· o:o-..i • I sc:.L 0'11 9'1\ NG 0'1110'11),ClJT
frog·ont.Addthewingettes, sa;t, rocks.:gor, 1•ro2· ~CH·S•C\1 L!NYH5
spice bog,red ,...,;n e, o"lO1cup (8 'I oznSO ml) water, • •~JE:5"00'11 s:.J, ".U5 EXF!
o"'.dx;ng too :,oi!.~e,o.,..ce to t:IN ,-,eot and s·mmerfor TQJ:)JE
30minutes. • ~ OViO G 1t0C( su~::i,, :::ituS·iEJ
- Aodthe corro:s o"lOsimmerforobou! 5 minutes. or U""t , ',i,Cl;" :;'~ F. OZ, 15 M.. '!;E:lW ~:'
the sauce thic<ens.Aodthe sesame oiland ,...-,,l e :,e:.oe·, • I .:'!;GE G'!;i\Oi, i-1 N.Y 5 .. ICEO
seasonwith extra rolt to to:ste,then tro"'Sferthe c.nic..<en • I i:!5"00'11 5:'SH,'E 01..
wingsond carrotstoose.rv'~pate. • " 'IICH o~G\OU~:l W-i .TE "£=PB

~ro~~~ iU~,ON: -iON~ (0'11~

=i\::=:i\:· 10N i WE ICM ~u ·n " .U5
D EEP- FRIED C HI CK EN 20 ._.Nlii!S \1!1\ ~:r ~~ i WE
:::OO<I~~. \1:' 15 M1~UTE5

Otine=P-!?"joythe s~ngyy et cr~hy ::ex:ureo: • I ..a i OZ1SCO~ :::-;1:<:~ c::i,; l:~f
ca.r,joge,whichis also :,e~'o'!:O
to reouildco 03en a..".d • I t:3lE5"00'11 l1~ - T SOY 5.: u:::!
alleviatea ih,is symir.oms.Youmaybe cole to porchose • I i!!.5"00~ '!;,:E ·-11·NE
it froze:'lO'"!your
«a.Asian s_oermorketororder it from • I i!!.5"00~ ~i\!'IU.:fD su~:'!;
you·bu:&.,. • ·~ TE:)"00'11 s:u
• •~TE:5"00'11 G~OU~:l 'II - •E "iPPE'!;
- Combinethe chb:e.n cartilage. soysa..ce. wi'ce, s,.:gor,salt, • I t:3lE5"00'11 CC'!;~)t:'!;:;: -
end \\½-lite:,e:or in o 'X/h ana ma·OO:ein the ·e:~ erotor ::::o:\~ : LOU'!;)
for20 mino:es. Stir·n the corns:arc'l {cOO"flour) o.r,c:I;nix ·'l • I :'~G w -; .E OE!.E"I
tt"':eg9wnite. • s r,:.5~:s=ooNs ;'!;p;;i ;wMr-s
- )ip the chio:en cartilage into tne breodcrum:,sana Sl'IOke • 3 CU" 5 :25 ;L OZl75C \1~,
off the exc.ess.;eat me oil .na wo( or aeep so:xepo'l to VE~E-!6 .E O L
340°= /170:C,or un::Io cuoe of oreod xanns in 45 seconcs.
Gen:ly\.ov-.-e·tt"': cf,',ckesn
cortiloge, i~ botcl-<:s.and d~:, .fry
for2-3 .n.nAes U""tigoldenorown.Use o s ot:eo spoon
tocare'i.Jfy ·emovett"<:ch'd:en :,omi:he oiland dro·o
in o colander.
- ~eneottl"'E'oii:o 3,!.()Cf/171YC, ·eturn t~ ch'd:e'l to the
WO(, and d~:, .fryfor 1 minute untilcrispy. U...e o slotted
sooontoco·e;,,fy -emovethe cartilage ona drCJIon po:,er
ta1;els.Se.rve·cr.medio:e'y,oc<O:Toonieobycod :ieer.

l\!3,0N: -!Ufl. ! "I
?i\!?!,i'{!·,oN TYE 10 Ml'\lu ·t s, " .US &.ffe~ ~~
lC y; NUTES MH 'II! . '113TIYE
C00(1'113. '1! I~ Y NUT!S GEN ERAL TSO'S
E'.:!i"!0! i.Oi C HICK EN

• 0 60NElESS S( N.ESS C-1 (,:p,,g wcso fomoosgeneral'ntn eGing

i-1 0-IS, CUT ,To 6 ·t ·SIZ! ::-iuN<S Oynos:yo.nd(nown for n:s:oncl--essof spicyho: :ooc:1. -his
• I T: !S"OON )!_.,_T d:Sh,~·ever, was the creationo: o res:oWJan:in Tc.'·,.o.n
• ·~ J!S.ES?:)0'111. 0-IT SOY 5,r.ucE o,cl hod "'.Othi"9to do withthe Gene·al-nis name '-''OS
• I T: !S"OON W N! on~ used to re'iect the sj)cinesso: tr>':dish.
• •, fE!)"00"13,!"IU.!f:0 SU3 H
• I !00 SE' TEN - Comoinethe chb:en, sa't. and £ tab
• -' .!6 .ESF'OO'IIS !.~·"U'"OSE (?.,_! N) OO'NI and mor'~e for15minutes. :louro,..iany excess
;.,_Ol." wo:e·.Aoome soysouce. ...,·-r.e. and s-...gorand set c:s·&, for
• I ::u=-:a : l OZiiS~ YL ISmini.lies.Sf· int-r.eoeoten eg_g o"'.d'100! o"'.dmO(•,.ell.
VE3E.!6 .t O. - -o make tt"<:so;,.ce,mixthe 'ngredients .n a bo•NI.Se:aside.
• j ::.OVES Q.!UC, Sl ::EJ - ;eat me oil.n a wo( or aeepsoocepo'lto 300°F/l;o<C,
• !. 1'!0 ::-1, ...ES.Sl ::EJ or un:1o cu:,e of oreadb--ow'"'S in Iii m·"'.ies.Ado tri:
• •, O"IION. CUT NTO ::-!U"lll:S cnic..<ei. in oatcnES,anodeeo•fry!or 4-5 m·"'.ies u"'til
• •~G"EEN 6!l~ "E""E" SEEOD !ND goae:'l bra1t-n,crispY,and coo<edth·ocgh. Use o s otted
::uT i'\l·o CHU"ll::S spoonto removefromthe oi and dro·non papertaNel.
• sJE:y;:o "1;1::: "!3E S.dC TO SE'WE - :io..J out mostd t-r.eoi, eoving1tabespoon ·n the wok..
Heat tt"<:oila,-e·mediumheat, cod the garlicano d-~es,
:o, i-1! S'hf:T !"10 sou, 5,r.u::! o,cl s:if. fryfor1minute untilftag-o"'t.Stir.n the o·•ons
• .! .!6 .ESF'OO'\ISR;EOV N!O!, o"'.dpep:,er.
• j J:5L!S"00NS SltO'IIN SU~H - Ado::neS'A'ee:o-r.osourso-...ce o.nclsa-...-tefor 1minu:e un::I
me sauce thick. ens.AIJllthe cnic..<e'l
o,cl toss thoroughly
untilthey are ,,.ellcoated. T·ansferthe chiC(Entoo serving
pate o.ndserve,,.,'1hrice.

i\!3 ON: !',,-IU

?i\!?!.F{!., ON i ME 15 'fl "IUTES
S!'\VES: .!

• i 50'\l!~ES.S. S< N.ESS ::-1 Cll:E"I • Comoinethe chb::en,sco!!io:'l {~oringonion},ginger,salt,

51\!!S), ;vr "iiO I~ SL ;ts wine,o.ndsesame o ino arge OO'NI.
• I sc:.L 0'11 :sPi\
NG O"IION), - ~i o square o: rice ooper on o cutting boo·d,odd 1sliceof
:: - 0 ""! 0 cnic..<e'lano 1sliceof nom,and tr>':'lsandwichwth anotne·
• I f!!.S"OON C- O""!J O "IOE, od a.-e·tri: riceooper and e"!Clos
sliceof chicl:e...,,
=- e the
• •~fE:S"OO"I S.'li cnic..<e'lono ho-n to :o·m o rectongu!a:bu-.dle.Tue..< the
• I J:5l:S"00"1 S-!!.QX1"13 w1,E loose end ·nto ::nebuna'=·Repeat'Ni:hthe ·ema.i'ling
• j lE.'S"OONS SES!"I! 0 L cnic..<ei.
ho'T\,ano ricepaperto mok.e8 bunc.,es.
• !. S-IE!TS ~ ::E "''"E,. CUT "1TO 1 - ;eat me wo( or aeepsoocepo'lto 300°F/l;o<C,
a (1•1'11:-1,•13-cv sau~ ~: s or un:1o cu:,e of oreadb--a,.""'S in Iii m·"'.ies. GentlyaNer
, i oz·so o Jl'\1-IU! o ~ w ·n: HJ me bu"'.d!es, in oa:ches,o.ncld:e:i•fry foraoou.'lute
l"'.:M, ::ul "liO 8 ).,_CES or urd the cnic..(enis cook.eel th-ougn.Useo slotte-ospoon
• sJE:y;:o "1;1::: "!3E S.dC TO SE~\'E fromtt"':oi c.,"'.d
to coreh..llyre'TlO\'eme bu"'.G.-'=S a.:o·'lon
paoe· ta...els.- rans:er too plate o,cl servewith rice.

tJ 267
i\!;j ON: -1.=.
<1:.:. ;1,!li nni
P:\!P!:\qoN T VE 10 M1-..iu·t s, " .US
10 v "iVES 1,1.:.R N.!i '\13 T "1E CHICK EN WITH
COO(l'll;j. '1!: I~ v NUES

, 1 .5 s oz ~~c 3 c -1 O:E~ ":::::s. cur - ~it~ch·d:.en intoo orgesouceoonandocld e"'0..:9h

'IITO I'~• n· NCH:'!.• l•CV C- UN(S wa:e· ::occtw::nemcompletely.3ricgtoo
,50'\I!· 'II: hea;:o"'.d:.ancn :o. o::o..i 1minute. Aoin.
, ·~ TE!.S"OO'II :i.:.R<sors:. .uc: - Comoinethe chb:en, cork soyso;,.ce,and salt in a lo·ge
• •~fE:.5"00'11 S.'li OO'NI and mor'~e for10minu:es.
• 1 JUJl;6! :i.=.·ts, "ro .!NJ H!LVEO - Meonv,mil e, cove· tf"':ju;..~ dotes in coo wc:er o.ndrook.
• I i£5lES"'00~ \iE3fi.!5L! 0 l :<Y m eost 10minu:esurd soft.
• \OZ·IO:j.~'113E" ·:.0ou · \·'ll:::-1· - ;eat me \\'O( or crge skte: e-ying pon}over
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE),SL C!J odd tf"':ginger,one!st··.fry for1 ,,w·11Jte
• ·, fE!.5"00'11 ~,;j - J SOYs.:.ucE t-..ech·
untils gnt}yb--o·,.....,,Add juju:ie do:es one!
• S ·:.0 ~:s"'OONS 31Ui '\IOUS "ICE stir-fryowr nighneat forabou! 30 seconds.Stir .n the rgnt
w N! soyso.xe onc:I 2toblespoons,,.·~ and COO< for2 minutes,
• IJC!N!.,FfLEJ !ND CUT NTO or un-1the cnic(en is o .nost cook.eatnrocgh.
l· "ICHi1.5•C\1 C-IUN(S - Ado::nejco'TJO,bf'O'Nn sugar,vinegar,and t-..eteTJOining
• •~TE!.5"00'11 :i"OW'\I SuG:." 1table::POOn ...,·~. Sa..iethe chi((en forabout 1-2 minutes,
• \ •psPO :J'I 'II - •t V '\l!G:.\ or urd the cnic(en is fu4lycookedand the souce hos
• STE!.\1!0 "1;1C! "'!;jE S.dll, 10 SE'WE tni((e-.ed,
- -ronsfer too se-vingplote o,cl se.rvewith rice.

i\!:j.,QN 3E Jl'll:j.
P:\!P!.:\!·,oN T VE 5 v "iVES, PLUS
COO(l'\l:j.. "IE 5 Ml'\IUTES

• !.50NE.ESS, S(l'lllESS C-1,C(!'\I - Soo.(the chb::en ·.\ o bowlof coldwater for10minutes.

51\!!.5~ 0-ain, t-..encut ·.,tot "W'
,J..iin:oo IJo,,. .
• s•~OZ ICO :j. il.S!"OSE, 'I NSEJ - 3ringo soxepan of ...,atertoo bo" overnighneat, odo
• I E !.S"'OON 5:.3 m e t\.oerose,ono blo:-ichfor 30sero"'.ds.Drainand
• I f:.5l:S"'00"1 5-i!QXl'll:j. w1,E set oS:de.
• 2 ifl-S"'OONSCO""ISTA,;i · Mix~ teosPOOn o"'.d1::e-ospoo.'lco·nsto·ch
::::OR'\l=LOUi\) (cornflour}witnthe cnic<en.
• i f:.5L!S"00NS :-1 ClCE', 51\Ci - - ,n o"'Other00\II:, combinethe chi((en oro:n (stock.),sugo·,
:sTOC( pi.G! 9~) me remo·vig ii teospoo.'lsoh, ono 1tec:::,oon corns:arcn.
• I f:!S"'OON G:\H,IUL£-0 SuG:.'( Set o:sx:le.
• I f:.5l:S"'00"1 VE3Ef!.5L! 0 l - ;em ::nevegetaoleoil·no wok.orors-=Hillet {fryingoon}
• I f!!.S"'OON S!S!Vf O. over hig:1heat, cad the cnio:en,and stir-fry2 minu:esun:i
• STE!VEO =t,:E ".:.;jf S.dll · o 5!\\'E opoque.Addt-..etu:,eroseonc:I chio:en :.-oth~ur e o,cl
COO.( foro.not~· minute,o· untilthe chi((en is cooked

0-izzlewi:hsesame o ono tronsfe· too serving
pate. Servew'th rice.

ni ~ ~ •u:; ON: ·HS!
"'i\!"'!i\!"ION T WE ICM 'llu·n " ~US
CHI CK EN WIT H 10 V 'lllli:S \1.Li\ ~£i '\I:"; T WE
:::OO(l'II:;. \1! 1~ Vl"iVES

- Combinethe chb:en,;.: teosxion salt. and ii to:.espoon • !. 50'\ILfiS, S< 'HESS ::-1 C(!N
wine·" o oowland :norinote:o. 10TW'lvt es. S:ir~ i-1 G-15, ClJT 1,ro \· "ICH,•
1toblesooon corns:orch (cornflour} and 1toblesooonwater. ?·CW CU5E5
~. com:,;ne m e snrimj (pro'N""S},remoini"'-9
- Meom111hil • ·~ Jf!.5"00'11 s:u
I' teaspoon soltond >itcoles::,oon wine,and ,.,..M e ~:.oer • I J:5lf5"00'11 't,CE ''lo',E
i;'lo se~·ote oov.~o"'.d marinate for 10;rw'lvt ':'S. Sf· • 2 J!OL:v·ooN5 CO\NSP'l:C-1
in I tablespoon comsto·ch and 1to:. es:ioonwa:e·. :co:\'11: Lou,J
- Mixthe soy sauce,\\½-lite vinegar,sugo·,·e-ndning • ll OZl!OO G UNCQQ)(EO5-1,IY"
~ toblesoooncorns:orc.n, o.nd2 toblesooonswote1 '"'t' 'lo''115LS-IE.L!O !"110J!\'!,'IID
i;'lo rno!I XI,..Set o:sx:le. • = "ICH o ~ G'tOU'IIJ 'o\'-1.TE =t=PB
- ;em m e oil .no \\'Okor O*P so.xepo'l over medium-low • I J::!..5"00~ L ;jHT SOY5.'UCE
heat to 265¢:/130~. G,e-.tlylowerthe cnic..(e:'l ono deeo-fry • I J!.5lES"00'11 ''lo-IE Yl'llf;j!. =
:o·2 minu:e un:ilthe chi((en ·so TOStcooked through. • I J:5lfS"00'11 ;jl!;!.NU~'i!J SU;j H
Useo slotted sooonto remo'lleme c.n:c..<en and dro·'1on • I CUP :a ~1 Oi:.'2SO WL)
pcoer tOV1.<e-S. VE3E·:.a .E O L
- ~eneottN!oito 26S°F/130~corefu'fycad the shr'mp, • I J:5lfS"00'11 5 C-ll.:'11
o"'.daeep-fry:o. 30 seconds.)rain on ooper towe.s. '"E""!i\ CO,NS
- j01..r out most d tt"<: ol eoving2 taoles::,oonsin ti-': , 'Ii.OZ·5 G ;j 'll;jE, . :.s our )i· \jCH
wok..Heat ti-':oi a.-e·mediumheot, cdd the Sicnuon l·CW·lE"iGT -1 ~ EC! , S.IC!O
pep:,ercorns,and stir.:-y for1minu:-eun:ilfrogron:. • !. OUJCHlfS
Re-roveme peppercorns,then odd t ce gingerand dry • I ;jl!;f!'II S!L~ =t=PB . SE!JEO !.NJ
cniles totne,,.0< o,cl s:ir-fryu'tlil fragrant.Adelthe :,e CUT N-o \•l'IIC -1 '?•CY s~u:,n
pep:,ers,increoSP- to hig:'lheo--,.,
toss o fewtimes,then stir • I ,E:i S!L~ PP'"E 't SE!OEO .' NJ cu·
en and nrimp. 1'11.0\· 'IIC- .'2•CY SQl.:'s:fi
- 3eottl"':souce in the oo,.oad to the wok.., o"'.dsoute :o. • I sc:.l 0'11 :sF'i\ NG 0'1110"1.I,
2~ es tJntilthe chic.(e'lana shrimoo·e fullycoo<ed. C-10""£0, TO o:,N S-1 tl"':choooed scallion(s:,ringonion)o.r,c:Itro":Sfer • SJE!~EO ,,CE ":;jf 5.dtt: TO S! ~V!
too se-ving plate. Se;vewi:h .ice.

tJ 269
i\!~ ON: S;:::-1u:.'1 g fi~~T
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS 15 1'1 'IIUi:S SQ.!)( ~G . \1!
COO(l'II~. '1! 15 Iii 'IIUiES
S!i\VES: !. C H IC KEN
E'.:!1 =,o: i11

• 0 OONElESS. Sl::l'lllf5S :::-1,C(!'II • Comoinethe chb::en,sdt. and 3 tablespoo--sv.'Oter

i-1 G-IS, CUT ,ro ':;· NCH.'1·:::M in a 'XI"' O"'.O soak :o· 15m·.,_,tes.Jroin awoyonyexc!:1s
wo:e·.A/Jllme co:nstorc:1{c01Tflour) totne cnic.(en one!
• •~fE:5"00'11 S.'li mixtnoroug"''y.
• I J:!S"OON COR'IISJ:\C - • j_d t ~ ,oeonutsinto o '"''O( o· deeo souceoo'lono odo
::::oR'll=LOU:\) enoug'l oilto cover.;ea;me oilover rr.ed'umhem and
, '.,\CU"' t! 0!/1:J~ ~: :\!.'N "!' 'IIUiS deeo-fryi:hepeonutsf0t ~ minutesunti lig"'torov,:nand
• I J:!S"OON VE~E·:. .a.E O l. "'LUS cruncny.Use o s ot:eo spoo.'lto removethe :ieCl"'-isand
EXT"! =cit OEEP·==!; Y!'II~ d·dn them on ~oe· tO'Mls.
• I i'5lES"'00~ 5 :::- u:~ o..irout mostdt-..e oi, -:ovingabout 2 toblesooons.rl the
• =>
'"E""!":::O"(NS wok,hem ove· lov.•heot. odd the Sk.nuonpeopercorns,and
• 3 O'I EJ C- lf5. -1:.~vD si;J. fry for1 minu:e un:ilftogro--t.=wmove and discardthe
• !.C LOVES~:\l C, S.ICEO peppercorns,then odd tN' driedchies, go·x, ginger,c.nili
• \OZ·IO:j. ~ '11;3E'I·:.sou· \· 'll:::-1· oil,ono d-~i:,ecn :,oste,and stir-fry:<Y 1 minute
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE), Sl ::::J until frag·o:'t.
• I f:3l:S"00"1 :::-1d O l • S~ 1teaspoonwgetoole oilinto the ooYo~o: chicken.k.d
• I i'3lES"00~ :::-1~ S!!N P!.Sif me cnic.< en, bamboos-roots,ordwine to tne wok,increos.e
• 1 oz ·soG 5.'1'1500 S-IOOiS. CUT to h'gn and stir,:-y f0t o:>01..-t
3 m·.,.,,tes,<Y untilthe
'IITO•~· 'IIC- · l•CV DICE (ORV.:::u= cnic..<nis nee 1ycool:edthroogn.S:Ir·'l me vinegar,soy
S~ICEO sauce,O"'.O sugo·,then odd the scallions(sp--;ngonions)
• I i'5lES"'00~ 5-1!.QXl'll:j.w1,E o,cl se<..ome oil.Scot1=e·over t-..epeanuts and toss '"'ell.
• I i'3lES"00~ 5P,C( 0 ~ S!.5.'MIC • -ronsfer too se-vingplate o,cl se.rvewith rice.
V NE;3!\
• I f:!.S"OON G:\!'IUlVE:l SUG''I
• !. ~!.L~IONS :SP" NG O'IIIONS,
s·t 1o1s O"l~Y. CUT l'll·o ~- "ICH.·S·lilM
• ·~ iE'5"00'11 SE5.!Wf O ~
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1C: =:;;E S.dC TO Sf'l;\'f

i\!:l ON: :., -i u t<t~~~
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS }5·!.0 Ml'\IU-ES 01\Y '\I:'; i \1E FULIJI BRA ISED
COO(l'll:l i M! i -IOU~S IS \1 NU.ES

• I !H·LS,-U·KG 'IIHOlE CH CKE~ Fut o ta,;n inA.~i :.l,moc e, is "Orne to this fameddisn.
• I f:3l:S"00"1 Ml.TOS! sv:=:u=- It was firstdoo-,,,..rnented
• 2 Cl."S (IC ;L OZ '!.TS M~) o toTo and u-~o.rt-r.eo O'lurn mor(ed "Office of the Fuli"
VE:lE·:.o .r O. ; eel\\~:'lo com:.ete s.e:of ,..,ell-prese-ved
chb:en :ones.
• !. ·:.o .ESPOO'\IS S.!Ll The dish:Ssaid to hoveorighoted2000 ye-ors030.
• I f:3l:S"00"1 :l:\l.NU.!TEJ SU:l!.\
• su:.1o1:o :;;,:: ....,:;;E S.dC ·o SE~\'E - Ai·-d-yt~ ch·c~'l in tN refrigeratorfor 30 minutes.
• Mixthe T10ltos e wth 2teblespoons not wote-·in o s~I
=01t i-1! SP:::: 5':l OO'NI Set c:s·defor
and brushonto ti!: s.(inof the cnic..<e"'I.
• !.:::tO\'ES 2-3 m·"'.ies. 3rushonotne· coot on and et o.ryforanotr"':·
• 2Si H£ '-SE 2-3 m·.,.,,tes.
• I u.,n :::,HJ!.,'f,IQV POJ - ;eat me WO( or crge sauce:,onto 30!1"=t15~ <Y
• I J\,!O t.:. "IG!it ,E "! El untilo cu~ o: breod orownsh Uiminuies.Co·efuttycod
, ~ ozno o:;; '11:lE\ :.sout h'\1:::-1 me cn:c..<en end use o s otteo spoo'l to gen:ly·o h i;\til:
2.5·Clil·~E"ll:ll-1 "ECE : S.ICEO hot o. for 32 ~lit es u"til the Hin is golden.Corefu'fy
• I f!!S=-ooN s CHU!"I pp:p,CQ\NS removet-r.ech·c~'l the oiland dro·o ino colonoe·.
• •, lE£S"00'11 SH!..J !'I:'; "OWJ!\ - j_d t~ sXes i"'too spicebog. Putthe chicken,so}t, o.r,c:I
• ·~ lE£S"00'11 :';'\OU'IIO :u1o1 ~ sugot in o orge souceoonand odd !:'"'OIJ9h '"'ote· to cover
• •~iE£S"00'11 :';'\!fEJ NUWE:'; it completely.3r'~ too boilover nigh,-,eatand odd tN
spicebog. Reo.xe to O'N neat, cover,o"'.dsimT..erfor
o:o-..i2 nours,u-nt chkke'l is cookedthroogno:-r.d
w•.de·.- ronsferthe cnic..<en(withoutti-...oroth,whicn
is toos:,icy) too servingolo:e end se-vewitnr'ce.

i\!:l,ON: sn.:.NJO"IG
P:\!P!.:\!·,oN i ML 10 v NUTES
S!i\VES: !.

• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!.S~E O ~ - ;eat mevegetoole oil·no sauce:,onoverlaN neat. odd

• i Y:5L!S"00NS :';\.!.'IIUL!.-EOSUG!'\ me sugo·,o"'.dcookgentlyfor 1-2 minu:est.ntttne sugo·
• 2 if5~:S"OO"IS i !-"Ir-'A~J :.-,o zed.Aooti!: t ·o.nmionpong,
is coroT..eli 9i09er,and scoJions
• ·~ o:::,,10:;;.:;; '11:lE't :.sou·\· 'll:::-1. (springon·Ot"\S)and stir•::')'for 1-2minuiesuntilfrogro"'t.
2•CV•L!NUT - "ECE ,, Sl :::::J - ~ the crick.en,sa.t,end chick.en broth (stock) "'\toti-..e
• i SC!l~ 0"11$IS"'t '\l:l ON O'\IS), cur o"'.db--i09
too bo'"'.Co,.,e·,reduceto lowheot, o"'
'IITOi· NCHiS·:::'-11.!'11:';i-lS :o·1Sm·"'.ies.
, n ~a:1<3 c-1 O:E"I t::;s, cu · ,....;o - Adome wine,·~reos e to medtnl heO'!,and s··
r~• 1'~•1'11:- ..s • 4,:::1,1 P ECES :<Y about S minutes,or un:i the sauce tnic.<e-ns onc:I
, 1 r:::..s=-ooN s:..r en is COO(e,dth·ough.Stirintt"<:sesoTe oi
me cnic..<
• I :::u=- : l 0Zi25~ ..._ C-1 CKE"I o"'.dnens:er too servi-r_gpate. Servew'th rice.
5'\o·n :st0:::i-. ::..o: n
, 1 r:sus=-oo.,. s-1:..ox1'II:;;·"'·,E
, 1 f!:.s=-ooN s:s:.v: or~
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1:: =:.:;;ES.dC 10 SE~\'E

~ n:~~ p!; •u~ ON: Sri.'NJO'II~
"'R!"'!i\!.IQN. M! IC v "llJi!S,
CH ICK EN WI TH MU SHROOM S " lUS iC \1 Nu ·n SQ! (l'\I~ T "1E
:::OO(l'\I~. \1! 1~ Vl"iUT!S

- j..,..itr>':mushrooms.rl o bo•....t,
ccve1wi':h cold wa:er, onc:I • 0 OR EJ S.!:::( "1US-1\0 0"1S
soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu::es,or u-nf•softened.Cl..!!the cops • 3 S(l'll.fiS C-1 CKEN o=::srs. :::u1
i-rtos,..cesen O'l o-r.g.-:{sotnot i;: c.reoteso .orgerru.rfoce l'll·o \· '11:::
- .r2-:::v•S:.lU''lE "ECES,
o·eo}. Se:o~:'oe. !S QUT \ '11::: -1 ·5 "1"1 i-1 CK
- j..,..itN! ch-ck.enintoo 'X/h and mixwith Ir, tobespoons • 2 i£3lfS"00NS co=-..s·!i\C-1
cornstarch {cor-.fa...r) o fewoieces of chb::en on o
. j.....-t ::::OR'll=LOUit)
sheet of ~stic\\'l'Op (clingfi:m),fod the Ml to coverthe • 2 Cl."'S 1· 0 =L OZ. .d]S \1~
cnic.(e:'\,o"ld use o rol!i"9pinto bo:s:1tnechickenonti VE~E-!6 .E O L
~oer min (ooout /., ·~hn mm t;ick). Repeot with the • i sc:~L O'IIS :s "'\ 1'11~0"1 O'IISL
remo·r.ingch·cl:e'1p·eces. CUT NTO I :• .'11:::
-1 ~-:::v lENGT-IS
- ;em me oil .no \\'Okor O*P so.xepo'l overmedium-low , ',i,Cl,"' i 0!15~ ~ Sl :::EJ5.'M500
heat. cdd the chicken,and deejfry ~ 30 secondsunti s-100 · :i::: 1'11:J
cookedth"OUgn.Useo slot:eo spoon to removethe chi~ 'l • I i£3lfS"00'11 \,CE ''lo',E
o"'.dd-oin on ~oer tOY1.<e-S. • i CU"S \10 =. OZ,4i5 \1~ C-! ICIC:'N
- j01..r out most d tt"<:ol eoving about 2 toblesoOO<"'s ·n s,or - :sro:::i-. =:.oE n;
the t ce oi ove· mediumheat, odo me scc!lions , ·~ tE:s=oo'II s:u
(spri-r_gonffo-rs),onost··.fryfor 2 minutes until :,rov,mo.nd • ·, tf:s=oo'II ~\."-IU~!f:0 SU~ H
:·ogront. Use o s ottecl spoon to removeand disca."0the • i OZ'50GJ '11 -!U! o =s ,-, · -· ElJ
scallions. - :1,1_ ·n "i.Y SL CO
- AJJdthe bamocosnootsond t~ mushroomsto tee WO< • ·, tf:s=oo'II SES.'Mf O L
o"'.dci -fry for2 :i-.:rnrtes.
Sxil'lk..ein the wine,then odd • SfE!l,1EQ 'l,CE =:~f 5.dtt: TO s:~v:
onc:I~m and o,ing
the cnic(en broth (s-.ock), salt, s-,.;gor,
too boil.Adelthe chic.tenood et urnto o boil.
.. Combinethe ·emMing ~ tob espoo'1co·nstc·ch wi:h
2 toblesooonswater ·"lo s'TlOII 'Xlt• ono stir this ·.,to
the wok.&iog too bo.i.,s:irring,'r.xobo.rt 30 secOt"'.cs
to thic.!entf-..:ro ...ce. Dfzzleo-.<er tN' s.esoT.eoa,s:ir,
o"'.dtrons:er too se.rv'-..g pate. Serve,,,/th rice .

tJ 273
P:\!P!:\qON T VE 5 v "llJi:S, PLUS
~ :t mti
lll \1 NUTE) Ml ~ 'II! . 'II~ TIV! DRUMSTICKS
COO(l'II~. ~! 25 "11'\IUT:S

• a C-10:EN 0'\U"1ST Cll:S - CoT:fr1eme cn:c..<no-r.omarinade;;,gredientsino

• i CU" ) :10 F~ Oi: 4~5 "1l) lo·ge bowlo.nclmarinatefo· 30 minu:es.
VE~E-:.o .r O. - Heat tr>':oil'no wo<<Y deeo souceoonover rr@d· um "\eOt
• I ·:.o .ESPOON T :'11"1 .!NJ !'I~ to 3~:/150~ <Y un:ilo C\,;.De o: Dre-oc:1 turns Drown
• 1 ·:.o .ESPOON o~!'IIUL!-EO suo:., in Ir, TW'lvtes.Gen:}yc,,.er tf"':drums'::c..<S
in:o ::neoil
• 1 ·:.o .ESPOON L 0-1· SOYs:.ucE o,cl deep-fryfo· 2-} minutesunt goldenDrown.Use
• l PUES:-oo'II) CH CKE'II a,o·n o s.otted spoonto corefulfyte'T'O\'ethe d-umsticks
:sTOC( p:.o: 9~) the oiland droinon :,apertov.•e-_s,
• )JE!."1f:l it CE (P!O! ~40), TO SE\•iE - Por OU'! most cJthe o1.,eoving1tablesooon~ the wok.
Heat tt"<:oila,-e·mediumheat, cod the tionm'onj'cng,
=o, ·n: v.:.:\~:.o:: o,cl s:it-fryfor1minute untilftag-o"'t.kd the sugor,
• I ·:.o .ESPOON O "10!:\ JUICE soysc:-xe,o.nclchick.enoroh {stoo:)o.ncloringtoo ooil.
• 2 sc:..L~IONS :s=11;"10 0"1110'\IS; cu · - T-o-rsfe· ti!: chick.ntoo sho..nNhea:oroofoow,.poor
l'IITO j• NCH.'5-C\1.!"ll~i-lS me sauce overthe chio:e:--.and oloce ino collopsibe oot
i:!..POO"I s:..1 or bom:oos:eomer ove·oootof bo.og•.-.cter. Steam,
• t •f:SP OO"II 1.10-li SOYS:.UCE covered,for 15m·.,_,tes,o· untilcookedth.tough.
• 1 ·f:SP OO"\I .J,!,( s.ors:..ucE - ReTlO\'e me chic<enfromtt"<:steamer and co-s-fu!lydrol'I
• i ·:.o .ESPOON :\ CE 'N 'II! me sauce in:o me WO<.vduce tt"<:sauceover T.edium
• t •f:SP OO"II ~1\'E·S" ICE " OWOF hea;:to ooovt ho f, o· un::I::nic..<eneo.Drizzlethe soi.see
over tf"':c-r'ckesn,
til:'1 seNewi-.nrice.
Oltl. lfSl CKS IN SA.UCt

tJ 275
i\!~ ON: r.: 'J,:..N -==
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 v NUTH
COO( l'II~. ~E 25 "11'11Ui:S CH IC KEN W ITH SESA M E OI L,
S!'WES: 2

• I .5 .!S~ G CH CKE~ O~U"15ilCKS, - ~it~ drums:ic..<s into o souce:,onand ood e"lOUgh ...,ater
CUT ,,ro ::.· 'IIC- .'2•C\I P :::Es to coverthem com:.etely. B·;ngtoo bo..,o-r.oOOnchfcr
• 2 f:5 L!S"00NS SE)'Mf O L 2 min.i~. D-ainand rinseunde·coon:.."'~ w:rte1.
, 2 oz ·soGo NG!:\ :nour - ;e,ot me D.itchoven{cosse1ole) ever m~m -hig'l
l· NC-1."i.S·CM·~E"IGT-I "ECE hem, odd the g.nger,and fryfor1 minu:e un:ilgoden. Add
i-1 'll~Y S.ICEO me go·x and fryforano:her 30 seconds.Ptnin tt"':ch·d:.en
• 0 CLOVES :l:~ L C, PE::. EJ o,cl s:it-fryfor2 ~lit es unt sZghtty :.'0',.,.
• I f:3lES"00~ ~:\l.NU.:fEJ SU~!~ o,cl cook foranotne·2 - 3 minu:est.nti lief't co·ame in
• I l!.D CH l ! , SE!OD co or.Add tf"':ch e. 'il:l'fsc:-xe,
...,·~and stir to mix
• i f:5 L!S"00NS ~1~-IT SOYS!UCE =:noroug"'}y. &-;ngtoo xra,reo.xeto CIN ""Wt, and Y'nmer,
• 2 f:5 L!S"00NS" CE 'Nl'II! covered,for 10minu:es, or u.nt tne sauce th·ckensand the
• I :U"' :2 OZ..SC ~ . :,:s 1. l E.!..YH cnic..<e'lis cookedth·ocgh.
• Sif:1,1:0 "1;1: : "'!~E S.dC TO SE'WE - Ado::nebes leoves. cove·,tne'l ru·n off ti!: heat ono
stand for1 m:nute un:i the leovesa.res.,ight}y wilted.
Se-vein tr>':)u:ch even toge:ne1w'th rice.

i\!~,ON s1:-1u:"II
P:\!P!:\qON i VE 10 Ml'IU.E 5, " .US
..~ ""
~~ °''
.,.. ;'f J.=:,
lC \1 NUTESM!" 'II:· 'II~ i lVf CH IC KEN A ND
COO( l'II~. ~E 25 "11'11Ui:S

• I (i:S· ~5: H::~: 'IIHOlE C-1 Ct::E"f - ~it~ ch·ckenin o lo·geheotp:oof 'XI,. rujwith
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 S!.i me soh o"'.dwine,and mori"'.O'te ·'l me refrigerator
• I r:alES"'OO~ ~ .: : ''II' "IE :<Y 30 minu:es.
• 2 f:5 L!S"00NS \' !GEi!S ~E 0 - j.oce the ~\•>'Iof cnic..<e-nin o co opsible :ot or bomboo
• sc:"11- C U"' tl' OZ:10~ G: CHO'"'"EJ steoT~·ever o :ot of bo cgwoter. Steam,co-.-e·ed , :o.
~ '11;3E\ ISminutes.Co·en.Jytrons:er the chb::en too olo:-eone!
. s s:.,l~IONS iSP:\ NG 0'110NS). :ur set oSA:le to cool. ~eser\<etr>'·cesin o oo.., .
l'lliO n· NCH .!•:\I L!NG.HS - Once me cnic<e'l is coolenougn to ,onclle,chop it into
• s s-1:.lo~. au:\if "!J ~ ,.-l~inchn x £.c '.'ll pieces.(A: this time, the chb::en is
• I r::. ,s"'OON OR!~U Lrf:i suo:~ onryporticJycookeoso oon'tv.'Orryif 'tis o little Ytk..)
• I f:Sl:5"'00"1 COl\'IISf:\C - - ;e,ot me D.itchoven{cosse1ole) ever m~m ~ct.
:: o :\'11:LOU:\) Add tt"<:gingerand sti•.:-yfor 1 minute ontil :·cgram,
• i f:5 L!S"00NS S.t.=<<0 1\5: 15 ,,1.1,1
C men cad the scallions(springO"'~s ) ono sho ots.
V NE;3!\ l"'.Creos
e to h·gn hem, odd the chk~n o"'.dsugar,
• I f:!S"'O ON s:s:v: or~ o"'.ds:it-fryfor }-4 T,J"I.Jt
es untilcooked tf"i,ugn.
- Mixthe corns:arcn (co:nflour)wr'.n3tco es:ioonso:t~
rese-veds:eamed cnit(e'l juices in o smol oo.., and st··
::nismixtv-e:nto tri: D.r.choven. 3ringtoo boil.sti:ti09,
:o. about 30 seco-..dsto ::nic..<enthe sa-..xe.k.d the vineg:lr
o,cl se<..ome oiland ooilforonot'N·20 seconds.SeNe'n
me Outenove....

gi Pi'lf «;im ~:o 0'11: - E~£'11
"";!~H!f 0'11 - \1E: IS Ml'IU7ES, " .US
CHI CK EN W ITH 10 V"lllli:S \1.L~ ~£i '\I:"; T WE
COOK ~G i ME iS v "iUiES
W ILD YAMS Sf";VH, .::-~

- Combineth e chb:e.n :ieces, salt, and oeooer ho i0r9e • l\·L5'1•!C~ :-1IC(!N i' ECES,:U "
bowlo.ndmarinate :or 10TW'lvt es. Aoothe cornstarch I•ro I~ 2· NC-! .'i.5 • S·C'-1 CHU'll(S
mix'.,.ell. };0'11:'· 'II:
- ; em me vegetable oi ino wokor deep saucepan to • I "f!)i''00'11 S!.i
350~:/ISOCC,<Y untilo o: bread brownsin 30 seconds. • ·~ TE:s : oo'II G\OU'IIJ W"" ,iE : :p : fll
tN' &·cken·.,to the "'Ot0·1and oeep-fry
Gen:ly\.ov-.-e· • I " !O.:s~ooN CO..'IIS" !i\CH
for }-4 m·;.rtes untilSght}y go.den onc:I~If cook.eel. Use :coi\'11 : Lou,J
o s ott-easpoooto core-fu!lytro"'.Sf
er tr,..,c·•ckento o • 1 cu : 5 10FLOZ ! ~5 "1L v!:;EPS.! 0.
heatproofoov.:. , r, ::sou11LS s o:,cooo 0:1•111.0
- )rein tt"":,,,,.1c1yomonopoto.rywith~oe· ta.-.els. =w rieot Y!MS. ~:LEO, CUT 1'11"0S'-'l!L.
ti-...oil to S5QOF/l&reond dee:,-fryfor ~ S mil"",,..i
es u'tlil :-1UN(S. :>;;O SQ!(!J '11 CE·CO.O1

9olden orown. Use o s otted spoon to corefu!lytronsfe-· ',\'! r:::

tN' yams to the 'Xii< o: &·cken. , i · psPOONS .,~ - 1 sors:uc::
- .no se:10rote bowl.mixtog-=ther the soysauces, sugar, • I 7!! SF'OO'II J.' 'U( SOYs:.ucE
\\in e, star cnise,gi¥·• scai.ions(spr'"".9 Ol"'·ons),
ono r:::..s
: oo~ :;,,:.'lu • .:.H:isu:;:,
chick. · tne yo-nsono m e chicken.
en orotn (stoc.J:).:lour o-.,e • I 7f!SF'OO'II I\ :E W N:'
- :I.ace the ~wl of yomsond ch'ck.en ino co lopsibe oot • 2 SJ:\ :..NS:'
or :,omboosteoT~· over o ;iot of Doi"'.9wcte·. Steam, • ~ 01,'10 G G "IG!, . !_6QUi \·1 .. C -
ca,•e·ed, :~ 12minu:esun~ the yoms ond c ·•ck. en ore ?·CW·lENGi-l : E:EJ, Sl :!J
coo<ecl through. • 5 s::. •• I0NS :s:: "~ O"IIONS, CUf
- Core-fu!lypou· tN' sauce fromthe OO-'~ into owo< o· skite: 1'11"0l'?·l"IC - ,,.d•CV tENGi - S
{fryi"'.9 ~n) and oringtoo ooila.•er h·gn heat. Conm..e CU., '.d ~l O!il20 VL: C- :<E'II
to boiluntil it's reduc.eobytwo-thirds. Stirinthe sesame s,or - :s1O:fC, .. :._oE
oilo.ndX1Lr the sauce over tf"':dish.Serve v,dthrice. • I 7f!SF'OO'II Sf):1,1: 0 t
• Sf!!"lfJ R CE :P!.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\'o/E

ti 277
i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~'.f-tltl~~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS 1IJ M Nu ·n sc,:(1'11:;.i WE CHI C KEN W ITH
COO(l'II:;.. ~E !.5 Ml'IIUiES
i!:!! =:o: in

• 15 sn:L~E:l cn:ST'IUTS - j.oce the chestnuts O.'lo neo:oroo: plate and in:o o
• !. 01\ EJ a_::( 1'/US-i:\OOWS co lopsibe oot or :,omboosteoTe·over o :,ot of bo cg
· ·~cu = '!.f~OZ11iCM~ " ~US wo:e·.S:eom,covered,for ISminutes.Set aside.
2 1:sus=oo'IIS vE:;E-!5 .E o L - ~i t"'e musnrooms.rl o bowl.CO'\.·er wr'.n coldwa:e·, o,cl
• I ~aa·~OZ.'ill~ :; C-i CKE"I " !CES. sock to· <l'! leas: 20 :n·nu::es,or U"'tisoftened. OrOJI,·e:urn
:u1 1•ro CHU'\l(S ,50'\IE· ~, toi:he OO'NI. and odd >ito.oles::,oon\<egetobe oi. t-'ix\\<e.
• •~lE£5"00'11 S.'li - Comoinethe cnio:en,sot. \\½-lite pe-:,oer,wine,and
• \ •psPO :J'\I G~OUNJ W-i TEPE'""'H cornsto.rch(cornfo-...r)in o 'XI,..t-'orinatefor 15TW'lvt es.
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 S-i! QX1'11:;. ''lo',E - ;eat >icuj (~ f oz/120ml) o'"'in o wokor largesk&t
• I f£5lES"'00~ :C:\'\ISf:\C - (fryingoo~) to 300°F/15CK.or U"'ti a cube of lreod
::o:\'11 : LOU:\) IYa,.-r;sin 1nminu:es.Core~ odo me cnic..< en pieces
• 3 S-i!~lO~. Gu:\Tf"!J o-..dpon-fry"or 3-4m·.,.1tesU"'tilight :,-own. Trons:er
• 1 :~OVES Q.t:\.IC, Sl :EJ me cn:c..<:en tooolo:e linedwithpo:,er tO\\'e..S.
, ',\O! ·5 G G ~GE\ _!SQlli •~· NCH· - ;eat me remoi.,·ng2 taoles::,oonsoi in o )vtch
l·Clil·lENGT-i "E:E ;, Sl ::J oven {casserole), cad i:heshe ots, g:irlic,9"'9e1,and
• I f:!S"'OON G:\!'IUll·o suG:\ mush·ooms,o-..ds:ir-fryover nigh heat for2 ;rw'lvtes unt1
• I f£3lES"00~ L :;nr SOYs:.u::: :·ogrom. Adotne chicke:--. cnestnu:s, sugar, soyand oyster
• I f£3lES"00~ OYSi! " S!UCE sauces, scol&ons(springon'Ot"S}, o,cl >icu-o(~ fioz/120ml)
• 3 SC.'LUONS (SP:\ NG 0'110NS). CUT wa:e·, then oringtoo ooil.~duce to medtnl hea;:o-..d
'IITO 1,• NC -i ,'O•Clil ~f'll:;.T-iS lrdse-,cO'lereo, to-20 minutes.Stit in o-..d
• ·~ iE£5"00'11 SES.'WEO ~ serve'ntn e D.Jtchoven.

i\!:;.,ON: YU~'II! 'II

P:\!P!:\qON T VE 10 Ml'IU .E S. " ~US
151'/l'IIUiES v:\;'ll!i NG i M!
~ *IUtltl
COO(l'II:;.. ~E 50 Iii 'IIUiES

• n·L5:U•(:;. :i.0'\1!•1'11:-i C(!N - ~it"'ech'd:.en intoo orgebaNlond rubwlh &...salt,

" !CES 1toble:ooon :,oijiu,end tl"eco-nsto.rch(co·nfiour).
• I f£5L!S"'OO"I 5:,~T t-'orinooefor15m:nutes.
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS S! JU 0 " VODIC.' - ;eat me oil .rl o WO( or crge souce:,onoo.•ermed'um-:ligh
• I f£5lES"'00~ :C:\'\ISJ:\C - hem, odd the g.rigerooclscallion{soiingonion},and s:ir•
::o:\'11 : LOU:\) :'Y for 1 minute un:i :-os--on:. ~,ease to h'gn -r.eot,odd
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.S~E O l me cn:c..<:en,ono cook for 4-5 m·.,_ies.Addt-..eoopoyo.
•·~oz,, 10:;.:; '11:;E\ !Sou·\· '11:-i,' sugo·, re-noining1to:,espoo.'lbc.'.jiu,o-r.oenoug'lwo: e·
2•CV•L!NUT - "ECE ,, Sl :::J to coverthe chio:en.Bdogtoo ooit reduceto medium
• I sc:.L 0"11 :sP:\ NG O'IIION), CUT hem, oocls·mme·, covered,for20 "IVMes, or untilcookeo.
'IITO n· "ICH:'!.•(\I L!NG ·ns Tro-rsfe·too serv'ng oow o-..dservew'th rice .
• I :::-: y: ~.:Lo S!O!J, !'110 :ur
'IITO C-IU"'lt:S
• 1 f:5L!S"00NS :;\_!'IIUP.EO SUG!\
• stE:1o1:o "1;1C: =!:;f S.dll, TO SE'WE

i\!~ ON: X NJ !'II~ 7' ~ xS
Pi\!P!i\qON T ME 10 v NUTH
COO(l'II~. ~E 25 "11'11Ui:S XINJI A N G -S TYLE
S!'WES: !.

• I .5 8't 0Zi1C~ ~ C-1 C(E', Oi\!!Sf - ~it~ ch·d:.enoiecesinto o lo-gesouceoo'lond cod

!'110 ~E3S, CUT 'IITO~•I · '\IC-I enoug'lv.'Oter to cove· tf..:-ncomolete'y.3ringtoo ooil
2 •!.·CM "' ECES overhig'l heat oc0 ba.nchfor 1minute.Drainand rinse
• I ST! "' .!"11S! una,e·cod running'1,ote·. Drainogoh.
• I i:!S"OON S CHU!"I PE""'P.CO\NS - ~it~ sto· on:Se,Sicnuonpeppercorns,and cin'lClmon
• •, SM!.l C NN'"10'11 ST Cl:: stkk into o spicebog.
• 2 f!OL!S"OONS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ - ;eat tne oil,nO WO( O! crge skte: e-ying pon}over CIN
• I f!3lES"00~ ~.\!.NU •.!fEJ SU~!'t hem, odd the sugar,and stir for1-2 mirutes U"'titN s,.;gor
• I f!3l:S"00"1 " IX !"I C- 1d S!!"I is
"'! SJE ·n the chic.(e,.n
- j_...-t ,:fecesone!sf· un:iltheyo·e fullycocted
• !. Oi\ EJ CH L!S. - :.r,-,o in ti-'l!co·ame.Addtne Pixioncnili:iecnposte,cried o".d
• i 'tO C - ILES. -1:.~\'EJ :.esh, ginger,and gor"cand stir. fryovermedium-
, ·1~oz:5 G G "IGE't !SOlJT ·~· NCH,• h·gn heat for 1m:nut-eun:i :-os--an:.Addtl"':sa}t,soy
l·C"1·lENGT-I "ECE J, Sl C!J sauce,v.1'1e,soiceoog,one!enoughwote1to coverthe
• i C.OVES 0.'UC, Sl CD cnic..<":'lCOt'TOlete!y.3ri"'-9too boil.
• •~fE:.S"OO'II S.'li - ~int~ potatoes ono carrots,cove· wim o rd, ·eoxe
• I f!3l:S"00"1 l ;';HT SOYs:..uc: to ow neat, o"'.dsi:-r.mer:oroooU<15.n'.nu:esuntil
• I f!QlES"'OO~ 't,C! ·-11·NE the chic.(enis COO(ed th·o;,;ghand tne vegetooles o·e
• j " :Y!TQ!S, CUT '11TO
1 'a·l~C - •2•C\1 SOTT-ene-:1.
Stir~ue-rtly to pre-,<ent owningo"'.dodd wo:er,
DICE i: necesso-y.
• 3 CH\OTS, CUT 1,TO\· "ICHii•C\1 - Ado::nebellje,oper,disco·dthe spicebog,o"'.ds~.
DICE hcreose to h·gn heo! and cookun:ilthe sauce hos
• I '\O S!L._ "'E"'PE't, SE!JEO !.NJ CUT reduc!:-:::1
to ~ci..o (l. fioz/120ml) .
'IITO\·:"IC - r2•C\1 SQU''\ES - -'0-...fertoo se-virgplo:-eo:-r.d servewiththe eoo<

~'© ~~~ "!0 0'11: - O'II~ fCONG
"";!"H!f 0'11T "1E: 15 \I NUTH,
CHICK EN A N D " lUS ill \1 Nu ·n S0!.(1'113 T "1E
COOK ~GT ME ill M 'llu·n

~ Putthe mush·ooms in o 'X/h COier ,,.."thcoa, ...ater, and • .!.J" ED :,t.,:< VUSH";OQ\1$
soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu::es,or u-nt softened.Se:os·oe. • II O!,l~~ 3 SON!·l'II C-1CKE"f= :en
~ Meon•Nhe. put the chb::en ·.,too OO'NI and tubwi-..nthe ,51\! !.Sl) !'IJ l!GS:
salt and 1teospoon sugo·. t-'orinote ~r 10 mrut es. ~ix .rl • '.11i:!..$"00~ s:..Lf
1toblesoooncorns:orch (cornflour}. • i ·psPO ONS 3't!Nu.:r:J SU3H
~ Be'~ o lo·g:'Ot!?r
too boi over c:.ghneat • i ·:s .ESPOONS COR;NST!.\:-1
o".dcad the OOOlone.~emove'-,,,,nedio:e'yofter 1minuie, :coi\" =LOU't)
d·oin, and rinseunoer coo running'"'ote·. • a :i l·OZ:T5·G) ==t:s-1 !6 .'LOM
~ Usingo STOii <ni:e,separate t--eobo o--e meat from • i ·:s .ESPOONS VEO!T!.5lf or~
eoc.nshellG.ndteT'O\'eme internalorgans.Oeo.nthe :eet • 10 s-1:~LOTS. "!E lEO
(tne flat side) of me o:ioionesbyscro:iiog&gh-'-Jy•1,-'th
o • i OZ:50 3 3 N3! " (.!5Q U. l·l~C -
knifeoncl:in.sni:he sides•1,-'th
o ~ush. iinse the o~lones - 5·CM·lE'1GT - "ECE ., Sl ::J
thorou¢o/. Sco·ethe foot of eoch obo o--e in o dsscross • i ·:s .ESPOONS SH!QX1'13 'It 'IIE
pattern. • I ·p SPOO'll 1. 0-IT SOYs:..ucE
~ Ligntfyd.-e<age ti-...obo ones .rl the remcining1tab esxion , i ·:s .:s =o oN OYSTE'ts,r.u::
cornstarch. li:ct the oi in o JUtch oven (cosseroe) a.•er l!.D 5!L~ PE'"'"B, SE:OEO ! NJ
medtrT'- "03hand oddt -reobolo--e.Fry ones·ae of the CUT N·o c - u"<S
o:,olone:or 1 ~ut e unti slig-rtly~owneo. :,ipover o,cl • l s::..~10NS :s=='113ONIONS;
:'Yfor anoi--er minute.Trons:ertoo pate ooclse: aside. SH\15 ONLY CUT N·o .E'll~T -IS
- Md the sho!lo:sono gingerto the D.rtc.n ovenand s:ir-fry • C L!..NUO (CO" ! "IJE't.1, CHCPPD,
:o· 1m·"'-ie U-"'tifrogron:.Addti!: chickesn and s:ir-fry TO o:,N S-1
:oronothe12-3minu:esurd gokle-'l Dra1tn.Sprinldein the • SJ::!MEJ-" CE IP!..G! '.:.!0), TO SE'tv'E
wineand stir .nthe mush·ooms,soyend opr so;xes,
o"'.d·emc:ning1teaspoon sugar. Pour;,. ii o..o (~ Aoz/
120ml) wcter end br"-r.gtoo boi over,-,eat, men
cook.uncc;ve1ed, for 2-3 ~lit es to reduceand thicke:'l
the sauce. Md the ooolones, b4 :,ep:,e·, ono sco...ions
onffo-rs}and tosswe-. ~uce to ow ~ot ono,ca,-e·ed,for 2-3minutes,or t.nt tt"<:chicken
is cooked through.
- Gotnish'N'-ththe cilo"'tro(cor"o.rde1)O"'Oservewi:h -Xe.

" 281
=Eu 0'11: - O"IIG KONG ~ ;illxS
=•n=H!.f 0"11 • "1!: 10 v 'IIUES. =LuS
l'~ -IOU:\S O~Y 'II:; T WE SOY SAU C E
!!!iJ=: :;f 233

• 113\·.5.'1.S·<G: W-IO~E C - 1:::<E'II - Ai·-d-yt~ ch·c~'l in tl"':re-frigerotor for~ ,,w·11Jtes.

• 1 ·!6 .ESPOON 0''1;K SOY s:.ucE R.o the cork 'Sl:l'fsauceall r.:,unthe c.nic(eno"'.do···o.ry
, ; :::u=s ·10 r~oz !.~5 wtJ :<Y onother ""O..f.
vE:;E·:..o.t o ~ - ;eat me \\'O( or crgesouce:,onto 30!1"=t15~ <Y
cu = '.d =t OZ/12~ v_ l 0-1· SOY untilo cu~ o: breod orownsh Uiminutes.Co·efuttyood
s:..u:::t me cn:c(en one!use o s ott-eospoo'l to gen:ly·o h i;\tr'I=
• !. oz 'lill s \OC( su:;:. = hot o. for 32 ~ut es u"til the Hin is golden.Corefu'fy
• i Sf: 'I; :..NS! removetee ch·c~'l '·om the oiland dro·'l ino colono,e·.
, \ ovn o o NG!\ ::sour 1· "IC - - jo...sout .rost d t ce oi, ,eovingabout 2 toblesooons;,.the
2.5·Cw·~E"ll~r-1 = ECE: S.ICEO wok.Jidc:Ithe lightsoysouce,rou: sugar,sto· o'\Se,ginger,
• sn:wt:i R:.CE {P!.G! '.:!.O). TO SE\•iE o,c:I3 cups (25fiozli50 m} wa:e-·.&-iogtoo boi overnigh
hea;:,·educe to aN neat, ono simmer.jut me chkken,
sideOO'h"'\ i-rtothe WO< o"'.dcookfor18minute--~ besting
witnthe sauce os it cooks.l,,.rnthe chickenover,COO( for
o"'Other18mi""I.J'tes,and :,osteocros'onofly.Turnchb::en
ogoinw'th the :,reostfoci."'.9 00'"'".lonoCOO( foranotf"':·
5 minutes,or U!'ti COO(e-:::1through.
- Core-fullytransfertt"<:ch'ckentoo colo~· todro·o o"lO
set oS:deto cool.0.-t ·nto p·eces.
- ;em me sauce ·n the wokoverhighheat ono 00 for
~ minu:esunti re-:luced to ii c..n (£ f oz/120rri) .
Fburthe souc.eovertr,..,c"'cken, tne:1seNewi-.nrice.

=Eu 0'11: YU"'IN.:,

==t=H:.f 0"11T WE: 15 \1 NUTES
ffll'.f·~ ~ ~~

• 2 0Zi5C :; YU'll"I: "f o ~ OT-IB CU~EJ - j.oce the "'.Om~o co oosible:let or :,omboosteomer
- :M overo :,ot cf roilingwoter.Steom,covereo,for 5 /T'linut -es.
• I :n·~5:U·KG: W-IOL! :::-1C(:'N. R0:T'O\'e o"'.do a,.,to cool.When cooled,s'k e the ham
51.irE'l;F. !O o,c:Iset aside.
• l ~ "'E COC:ONlli - Spceootri: chkke'l ino A-ten oven{cosserole) w'th the
. "ovs 3 Gr NG!\ 1:sou1 ·:'11: -1, sL'l :ocingup'Ncn:1 .
l·CW·lENGT-1 = E:::E;, Sl :::!J - Coe< o:>e'ltl"':coconu;:o"'.dXlurthe coconAjdc e into
, i · E:spoo~ s,,1.~T me Outenove'l. Cut the cocorh,ifles"lirr.osmol p·ecesond
• sn:wt:i R:.CE {P!.G! '.:!.O). TO SE\•iE oodto the cnit(':n, then sjtjnk..ea,-e·me ho~ond gi"'-g@·,
o"'.dpoosin !:'"'°'-'9h ,...mer to cover.Seasonw'th the sc't.
- Covero"'.d:ring too xri overhig'l he-a-., then sun the
scum o,c:Iftotnoff the surfoce,and reo..ce to a,., ceat.
Simmerfor2 hou"S.Serve in tl"':)u:c'lovenwitn r'ce.

soY S.o\'-,
i\!:l ON: -ION3 <0'11:l O;§0.§ffi !If~~~~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS so Vl'IIUT:S so.:.( 'II~ C HI CK EN A ND PO RK
!'110 v.:.'(,'11£11'113
S!i\VES: !.

• 5 oz,-ISC 3 " OR< llVB. cu · .....o - Co:-r:i."".emeoorkt..-ero'eces,.vinegar,one!2 cups (16; oz/

j• 'IIC-l •S•flM•TH Cl::" EC!S ~75ml) ...,oterin o orge 'Xii< one!sock for 30 TW'lvt es.
• I f::!.S"OON \\-1 H V "IE:l~ " R.nseundercold run"'1"9waterto removethe smellof
• !. 01\ EJ a_.:.:( 1'1US-1:\001olS vinegar and drain.
• I lE.'S"OONS l1~ - t SOYVUCE - Meonv,mil e, ,ovttne mushroom ino oo..,., coverwi-,.n cold
• 2 lE.'S"OO"IS CO'(NSi!~C-1 wo:e·,and sock form least 20 ~vt =--~ or u.,:ilso~ened.
:c0:\'11: LOU:\) - ,no small neot~oof 'X/h combi"".e the m..M1rooms,
, :s·.:.o.:s=ooNs vE3!t.:.5L! or~ >$teospoo'1 soy sauce,'f, teaspoonc~to·ch (corn!\ou·),
• I ~5 i QZ,.500 G C- IC(!'II "ECES, o"'.d1teaspoonoilo.r,c:I;nix well.j oce the oow in o
50'11E· ~ CUT NTO 2 • I· 'IIC-1 co lopsibe oot or :,omboo steoTe· overo :,ot of bo,1e"".9
S • i.S·Clil P ECES wo:e·.S:eom,covered,for 10minutes. Set aside to cool
• •~tE-=-5"00'11S.'li slig.,tly,men rut eochmushroomin "r.Olf.
• I f:!S"OON G:\!"IIUl-=-·o suo.:.; • Mixthe chb::en -:J·ec=--~ sch, sugar,'f, tobespoon'le,o"'.d
• 2 t.:.5L!S"00NS" CE 'Nl'II! me remo'niog1teaspoon soysooce.S:irin the reTJOining
• i OZl50 G G NG!i\ :.:.;out}· 'IIC-1,' l'f,teosooonscorns:orcno,cl morinotefor15-n'nutes.
1.5·Clil·lENGT - " !CE , Sl CEJ • Mix2 teo::~ns o in:o the cnic(e"".Heat 1toblesooonoil
• 0 s- -=-.Lo-s, "!E lEO in o )vtch oven (cosse-ole},odd t~ ch'ck=-'1 p·eces,ono
• !. CLOVES:l-=-'(l c. nus - D stir-fryovernighneat forobou! ~ minutes untilgolc!en.
• I t.:.5l:5"00"1 :l:\OUND 5E!'II :.:.51: ReTOVeme chk<eno.ndset aside.
, 1 ~-=-,oE c .::\:i; or. s.1c:o - Adome remo·vig 1toole:::,oono inthe )vtch oven.
• S SC.'l IONS 'SP:\ NG 0'110NS). CUT Heat over TedA-m-nighheat, oadi:he g·"'.ge-·, sho ots,
'1110i· NCH.'S-C~ ~!'113i-15 o,cl garlic,o"'.CJstir-fry~r 1minuteu.,til frogront.Adc:I the
• STE-=-~!O"1;1C! =.:.:;E S.dC TO Sf";\'f been pos:e, corro:slices,end mushroom one!mix,.,.el .
- .nc·eoseto ~h ~at. odd tl"eoork liverend st··-fry:o.
0:101,;t1m·.,ute.Sprinde'ntn e remoi.,·ng1½-toblesooons
wineo.r,c:Iodd the chb::enp·eces.Stirto mixwe . Cover,
COO( forooou. 3 .r'W'lvt es,t "".enodd tl-esec ons (soring
on·O"S}. Re-co-.•e-·,turn off me he<r,.,o,cl e: stand for
o"Other1minute.Servewi:h rice.

nn1-1t "!G 0'11: S C - U!'II
"";!~H!f 0'11 i,VE: 20 Iii 'IIUTES.
C H ICK EN " lUS 15 "11'\IUTESSO.'K "IG . \1!
COOK ~G i ME .dS'fl 'IIUES
" TOFU" SE'Wfi !.

s·chuo'l d:Shis o lightand satisfy'

Thisc...ossic oodi:ion • I Y~·LS·'l•JCG) W-tOL! C-t lC(:'N
to o-ryfo-nitymea._. Th., chkknwi reo..-em:.e ton..once , '"r::..s:-ooN
- t'N ,:,eyis to cook it in o "'Ot, lxrt not :oiling,broth.
cool:e-l:l • ~ 01,'10 G G "IG!'\ . :..60Ui \·1~C -

2·CW·l:NGi-t :- ECEJ,Sl C!J

- Tearo!!ono discordthe chicl:e'1ski...,. =iiet ::nechk<en • j - .!6 .ESPOONS COR;NSi!\C-t
lreost. ·eT'O\'eo"ymembro~ and igoT@nts,oocl :::o:\" : LOU'\)
set aside. • i !GG 'I-I- ·n
- Sooktf"':a.ckkenbreo:st·" o baNIof cold wa:e·:o.
15minutes-. 0-oin, t cen th:nlync e the c.nic..<en and ,oou"'.d
repeo:,edtywithtne bock.cfo ((life ..r.ti it tums too ooste.
Tro"\Sfe· tr.e pos:e too 'Xlh and ado I' teaspoonsalt.
- Meon•Nhe. put the corcossO"'.O the remoinaerof the'l im:oo largesrucepon, ado ::neghge·ono ~¼cups
(3! f oz/1 liter) ...,cter,ond br'~ too boi over nigh neat .
Reoxe to rr~ "\eOtand cook fo, 30 minu-ces, <Y until
2 cups (16; oz#75 :n) c.nic..(e'1 b-otn (stock}remains. _ine
o st ·oiner ( sie-ve)with chee1ec.otn{muslin)ooclstro·n tne
b"oth in:o,o t,o,,.. Seosonwi-.nthe ·emoining;.:t,eo;::,oon
s~t aside.
- MiXtri: co·nsto·ch (cor-.f-a...r) ,,,lth £ tobespoons water
in o STICH X/h . Usechopstic.<s to groc:luo'fy stir this
cornstarch mix:urein one d··ection into the chi((!:''l paste.
Ado another 4 toblesooonswater and co"'tinueto stir to
:o·m o run "')'&·ckenpos:e.
- Bemthe egg whites U!'tilfoomy,ti-en groC,jQfly oda tnem
to the paste,fo owi'lgo~ si'lgleci'"•ectio 1,' fully
- ~t the chi((en ~oth in o soxepon overmedi.m-high
heat (oXlt..i1~£~: /QO<C)~;t do "'O'toringit too boil.Ao:!
the c.nic.<en pos:e, 1to:.espoo"'fulot o time. ~uce to
laN ri:at, co-.•e·,ono simmerfor2-} mi.,ut:esuntilcookeo
throug'l. Tro"'.Sfer too soup tureen.

ti 285
"Eu 0'11:"IO"ti - PSi ,1,m~ ii~
" 'U"H!.f 0"11T WE: 10 Ml'IIU.E S.
" lUS 1IJ M Nu ·n sc,:.(1'11~i WE BRAI SED CHI CK EN
COOK ~GT ME ~~ v "iVES
SE'Wfi, .d·~ WIT H tv1USHR 00tv1 S
!!!iJ"'!~f 23"'

• 2':i OV7S 3 :l't.EO - :.zf~ O't 5L!Ct: Northe-ostChinois cold mostof theyeor, ,...4thtem:,erature
MUS-i'tOOMS sometimesas lowos ..tQ0 =/..t0°Csotono su'Otise,brC::Sed
• t·~LS(i )(~ :::-; C(!'II S'tf!s·s !.'110 meo1ds~s in savorysa..cesC'"eofo~'lprepo·edbo:h at
O'tUVST O:S, 50N!·l'II hOt"Tesooclin restouran:s.Thisdish .n :,on;
• i ·:. .5.ESPOO'IIS \iEG!P3lE OI~ odYontogeof tri: wilomush·oom tnot ore ooundo.nt
• 2 sc:..L~ ONS :s='( ~G 0'1110'\IS: in th:sheavywoodedregion.
:::ur 1'11
·01 ·~•1'11:::-;
.~-,,.. s::: · ,oNs
, :.ozno o G "IG!~ ::.sour,. "ICH.• - ~inseme mush·co:-r.s,J..i ino smo bowloh>,oter,
2•CV•L!NCH - " .ECE),Sl :::::J o"'.dsoo<:o. 20 m·"'.ies u"'tilsdtened. =wmovetce
• l 0~ E:l =::o :::-; ~E :::uT N -;:.,L: mush·ooms,squeezed-y,and disca.,:Itne stems. Ske
lfNGi - 'N SE in half.S:rointr,..,sockingwo:e-·into o bowl.Set both
• I ·:.o .ESPOON ~ CE 'N 'II! osidesepo.rotely.
• i Sf:.'t :..NS! - j.d t~ ch'ck.enoiecesinto a lo-gesouceoo'lono ood
• 1 ·:.0 .ES?OON L 1:,-;· SOYs:.ucE enoug'lwoter tocove· &-:-ncomolete'y.3ringtoo ooil
• 1 ·E:.SPOO'II s:.~1. PLUS Ex·~:. TO overhig:1heat o"'.dbanchfor 2 minutes. )ro·n o"'.d("";!e
PSTE unoe· cod ru;ning •.-.ate-·.
• 1 ·E:.SPOO'II 0'(!.\iUL!.iEO suo:.~ - ;eat me \\'O( or crgesk.te: e-ying pan}over:-.igh
• SH!Wf:l R:.CE {P!.G! :~O), TO SE't•tE hem, odd the scaflions(s~ng Ot'lions), ginger,and cl- e,
o"'.ds:if. fryfor1 minute untilftag-o"'t.k.d the cnic<eno"'.d
~ ::new·~, ood the
stJ . fryforano:ner m·"'-ie.SjYil'lk..e
star anise,soysouce,sot, sugar,and mushrOOl'T'6 along
witnthe sockingwater.Pour·n enougnwo:er to ca.•er
me c.n:c<enand bri-r_g too boil.Reduceto
simmer,coo.-ered, for 30 ,Mut es.Season•,,lth extroro}t
toi:oste,tro"'Sfe·too servk9 'Xlh and ser\'ewith rice.

!!RAstO Cl-IC(t, ,\/ l"l lf..,SHROCMS

tJ 28 7
i\!~ ON: -ION3 <0'11~ a~~;m ~~
P:\!P~:\qON i ML 10 v NUTH,
" lUS I -!Ol.i:\ .J:\Yl'IIG i \1E CH ICKEN, SCALLI ON, A N D
COO(l'II~. ~E }0 'fl 'IIUiES

• I .n·L5:Li·K3: W- O~E CH CKE~ Whe:1 prepcriogSOt"Te poul:rydishes,we o··•crythe chic~:\

• I t:3l:S"00"1 0~ " < SOYS.'UCE or duo: to draina..i any moinr·e and dry::nes.(h. r,,;s
• 2 t:5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E O t p-ocesshe os the lf·d to~ on rouces ::ie:t-e·onoo·os d~:, .
• \O!·IO:j.~'ll~E~ ·:sou · \·'ll:::-1· ::-ying.)ryi...gjush,-'th po:,ertaNelsis not 9ood !:'"OUgh
2•CV•L!NUi - " .ECE),Sl ::::J mcis:urecont·.,_-esto De relemedtotne s-..rfoceof the skin.
• !.C LOVES~:\l C, G:\~iEO
, a s-1:.Lo-s. :::-i o"'PIO - ~ubt-..ech·d:.enS<inwitni:hesoysauce.t-..enoir-dryi:he
• i t:5L!S"00NS 5E.'~ p:s·E cnic..<e'linthe ·efrigercr.orfor 1hour.
• S ·:5 L!S"00NS SH~OXl'll3 'It 'IIE - ;em 1tobespoo'l oilin o D.rtc.nove'l {casserole)
• I t:3l:S"00"1 OYSE " s~uc: hea;:,odd the gi'lger,g:irlic,sha...ots.o"'.dbeo'l pos:e, O"'.O
• I r::~.S"OON G:\!"IIUlVO suG:~ stir-fryfor1 minu:e un:ilftogro-rt.:,lacett"<:c"'·ck.eninthe
• I if!.S"OONS 5,,1.n D.rtcna.-e1,on its side,cod the wine,oysterso;xe,wgor,
, •,:::u = ,:S =L OZ,'ISC M~J :::-1,C(!N sch, o.ndchick.enorot'l {stoo:).Coverand oringtoo ooil.
. ..~.o:n
5:to·n :sTO:::i- Reo..xeto O'Nhea;:o"'.dsimTe· for 10.ninvtes. -u-·n ::ne
• I E~.S"OON :::OR'IISJ:~c - cnic..<e'lover,cover,and s.'.mm er :CX'o"".Other
::::oR'll =LOUi\) untilcook.eatnro.;gh.
• 0 s:::~.L~IONS :SP" NG O"IIONS, - - ro.nsferthe c.nic..<en::oo cu:ti.-..g:,ooroono set aside
:::- 0""!0 to cool.~r tt"<:ro..ce .....-'ththe garlico"'.dshdots .nto
• s1E:1o1:o 'i;,C: ...,~E 5.dC ·o SP:\'E o"'Otherso;xepo:l ono set aside.
- Whencool e"'Ol..'9h to nonde. cut the chio::e'linto :rte-size
p·ecesond retur:'ltot-..eMch own.
- ;e,ot m e sauceover TedA-m-nighneat. ~ixthe corns:orcn
(cornflour} witn 1tcbespoonwo:er in o s~I 'X/h ono
·e ·nto ::nesauce.B-w-,g
st:r this :nixtu- too boil,st:tring,for
30 secondstoth·cl:!?'n::nesauce too !i;h: g·avy.Fburthe
g·avyovert-..ech·c~'l int-..eJutch own, cove·,bringto
o"<:nturn off tne heot. Set osx:leun~il·eody to serve.
&:o·e serv', re-"'eottf"ec "'·ck.enon the stove.
- ;e,ot m e remoi.,·ng1tab ESXIOS'Ioi ino smo ski e: (frying
pen) overmedium-hig'l heo:, odd the scallions(spdng
on·o°'iS}, end st··.fryfor 1 minuteuntilfrogro~t.Fb.uover

ifJD~ •u~ ON: ·HS!
"' i\!"'! i\!· I0N . M! IC v "llJES
DAOKOU-STYL E :::OO( l'\1::3.• \1! l HOU'!; 15 \1 Nu ·n
S!'WES: 4

- =oldthe ,.,.·".9 s bock•.-.ord~ to the bocko1 t-r.ech·ci:en. • I !H·l3,-U·<~) '11- 0~E CH :::KE'II
Use(i:chen str'-r.gtot½>tl"':2 egs tog,=:he1. • :Sf!5L!S"'OONS -10'\l!'f
- Combinethe Y.>""=Y o"'.d2-3 tooles:~ns "'Ot•.,.
oterto • 1 cu:s :10 : l Oi:,475 \1L) \'!GET.!Sd Ol
ma(e o thMnsauce-,tne'l ruj it overtr,..,ch·d:.enHin. , \ 0!11c ::s.3I'\l~B :.s ou · •.-1'\1:::
- ;em me oil .na \\'Okor orge souce:,on to :row=t15~. <Y 2·CW·l:NGT -I: E:::E;,Sl :::!J
u-rtilo cube of breod orowns·'l Ui /'ninutes.Corefulfyodo • 0 ·:.s .ESPOONS 5.'li
the c.nic(enona use o s ot:-eospoo"lto gen:ly·o it ·.ltn e • 1 oz ·soG 1\0:::K SU&' '!;
hot ci :<Y 32 ~lit es u"til t"\e s<in:Sgolden.Core~ • 4 ·:.a .ES"'OONS S-1!..QXl'll::3.'11 '\IE

removetN:'ch·cl:en1 ·om the oil and dro·"lin o colo"'.Cl e·. • SJE! \1EO '!;,CE ::.~f 5.dC: TO S! ~V!
- j.....-to!Ithe sXes into o spice bog. Putthe gi'lger,sdt.
sugar, \\ine, and s:iice :iaq ,.,too orge souce:,on.Aod : o'I; ·H: SP::::: 5:.~:
Sii a.os (68 floz/2 lite-s) wo:e·ono br'...gto a !Jo'I. • IC ~'!;EE'IIC.:.'!;0.&MOW: oos
Rea.x e to owheot and sh;Te· for ISmi-r•..rtes . • 1 St!:::KC!'!;J!"IQW : oJS
- j.....-tinthechb::en, retur'.ltoo;Te·cver • 2Si! "'! 'IISE
laN ,-,eatfor 45 minu:es urd cookedthrougn.USP- o wi-e • I J'!; ,EO f:.'1G!'!; NE "'f.E~
.1oiner to corefulfy removethe chie(en and transfer
s-- • 1 OZISO G s-1:.J ! "IG
it too serving plate.U.i and removethe"lstting. • ·~OZ, 8 ::3.~I:::0R :::! .'\COT
Se-vewith rice. • •~i!S.ESPOO'II SIC-IU!.'11
:op:::'\ :::O'!;NS
• •, i!5.ESPOO'II 01:0U'll:l CUW 'II
• •, SM! .l Cl"IN ! "IO'II ST :::K
• ·~ Tf:.s:oo'II CLOVES

~Hm11 iU::3.,0N: f:. 'll'N

"'1'!"' .'i\ :.· ,oN . M! IC v "iUi!S,
ROAS T CHICK EN IN RED : lUS I:) V "iUiES 1,1!.,i'{N.'fl'll:;3. i WE
:::OO<l'll::3.. \1! 13 W 'IIUT!S

- Combinethe chop:,eo gai:ic,,...meoe:,oer, wgor, k.ooliong • JC :::.OVESG.'i\. lC, -1:.. = :::-10:"'!0

wine,and dist eel9ro·,nsauce ino 'XI,. .Md the chicken !'IJ i! ,. = ~Fi 'h i O,.f
o,cl rubin tr>':mix:ure:CX'obo.rt2 mirutes, then marinate • \ ·p sPOON Gi\OUNJ \\' -I .TEPE'"'"B
:CX'10minu:es. • ·~ Tf:.s:oo'II 3'1;."'-IU.!f! O SU3 !"'
- :,re-""Wt the oven to 3500F/180:c/Gos Mor<l-. , 11:.aus : oo'II <.:.o. :..,.ow N!
- ;ea;: me oil;,. o ski e: (fryingpoi) ever medi...m""Wt,add • 3 f!5L!S"'OONS 1:D .JISTiltEO G\.! N
the remo·-,;nggarlic,and cook.for 1m·..._,teU-"'tibrowned. s:..u:::E
- :,.,..i tr>',cl the rooS::ngpan • 12 oz,~sc 3 S.ON! L!SS c - ,:::<E'II.
(tin). Top•..,"th tkiwhole garlico,o d~izz,.e oversome of tt"<: :::uT N· o l• l'\IC-1."2.S·C!,I C-IU"il(S
oi. Roost;n the ove'lfor 8 TW'lvt es, tu-n overthe chb::en • 1 T!Slfs : ooNS SES! "I! 0 L
p·!roan :o. onother 7 minu:es 1...ntiroxed • SJE! \1EO '!;,CE ::. ~f 5.dC: TO S! ~V!
- - ronsferthe cnic<entoo ser\':ngola:e ono se-vewitnr'ce.

tJ 289
i\!;j ON: -1.=.
<1:.:. Mt~m
P:\!P,:.:\qON i WE: iO M 'IIU7fi
=-~us I HOIH 0'\Yl'll;j i WE SALT- BAK ED
COO( l'll;j. '1!: I -IOU:\ ·s M 'llu ·Es

• I !H·L S,-U·KG I 'IIHOlE CH CKE~ The HoUo rr@thodof OO(ingcnic..< e'l in salt dotes ~LJ:
5lJT7Bf. !O ce~ tur·es ago to a 'l area ro.rtheos: a:Gua.ngdo-r.g. whicn
, 1 r: .:.s=-ooN s.:..~r hod been oe"'Selypopuated '1,-'th;o.(kos and wos tl"':
• \ OZiiO G n::s- s-1.:.J !'II~ 01\ ce~ter for tne salt trade. -rcclitionofly,me chb:en was
P5 L!SPOON S-!!J :'\j~ =-o·,,on. wro:ioeoin o sceetof ooper and ouriedin a largewo<rf
• I T: .:.s=-ooN VE;jE·.:..o.E O l sch -r.eotecl too hign ::em:,eratu-e;the f.cvorsof the salt
• sn:1o1:o:;;,:::: :-,:.::;::
S.dC 0\ 50 LEO o'ld ',-,.e,.sp·ce
powderwoud be .nfuseclthrougn i:hepcoe-·
=-QJ!iOES. TO SE\•tE wimout tne salt evercominginto contact wi-.nthe chiLJ:en.

=01t i-1!: VE·SP.:::: S.'Li - Air-drythe chiLJ:enin the ·efrigera:or :or 1 "'0'..J. Fbt::ne
• !. cu=s O 1..5 s oz,-0
00 ;j ) :::c,:=ts: insiaedryv,:'tnpc :,er ta,-els. ~ubt ~ ch·cl:en·.,,fde ono
S!' s.:.~· OU'i wi':hthe sot and S"'.Ojiong, eovingti-...S"'.Ofiong ·nsicle
• I r:.:.s=-ooN f VE•s=-CE "'OWJE:\ me cn:c..<en. Ruothe s~'lwitn the oil.
- P·eheo;:the O>/e'l to £2S'Cfn20°C/Gos t-'o.rk7.
- Tomokethe f...e-s:ice salt. com:iinett"<:ingrecren:so'lO
- Wrapo o.rgeshe-=tof pc·chmen: (00.(ing)ooperarouno
me cnic..<en to CO\'!:'! it completely- ma(ing s-..reme•eare
no gops.-oncisecureand tie\\~:\ k.'tcne:1string.:iut me
bunoeon o long p·ec-:of a,,,.minu-nfoiand wroo
me :o around it veryloosely,closingonlyone end. Pu;:the
spice-osalt 'n tne tuDeof foii:hroug:1me open s·e: and
sha<ethe tube todist"Oute the sa;t ewny. =oldono seal
me openeno.
- Poce the cnic..<en i'la roostil'.g:iono.nd:iokefor 1 nour
ISminuies,or t.nti COO.(e,d th-ougn (fora veryv,:e done
cnic..<ei.coo O'lextra 1~15 :n·nutes. ·f oesi·edj. ,emove
me cn:c..<en from tl"': ovenand et -est for15m:nutes.
e foiltl..beo'ld discord, me'l'lme salt o!!
- U!"'l""'tapth
me cnic..<en buna.,e.Cut me kitcnen string and t·ansfer the
to a cutting :ooro. Cutthe chiLJ:en·.,to several
p·ecesand ser\<ew't'l rice or :,otatoes.

wns~ "!G 0'11:S-i! 'IJONG
"";!~H!f 0'11 T "1E: lS v NUTH,
SHA NDON G " lUS I -! Ql;i\ 01\Yl'II~ i.VE
COOK ~G i ME lll ._. NUES

- Putthe cnic..<en into o large oov.1,rub~ over\,-:'thtt"<:'Sl:l'f • I :a·LS-'l·JCG) '\\ -IOL! C-I IC( ! N
sauce one mo·i'IO:-efor15minu:-es.turning it ever severe • l PS.HPOO'IIS L GHT SOYS' UCE
times to obtoin on even coo· on t -res<in.l(.:.ary the • icu :-s :1or.oz: !.iS w1J
cnic.('::'l in i-re tefrige1cr.orfor 1hour. VE3E·:.o .E O L
- ~t the oil in o wokor largesoocepo'l to 300°F /l;o<C, or • I ·!o . ::s,.o oN s CHU'N
u-rtilo cube of breod orowns·" Uiminu:es.Core;.lfyooo :p:-::'tCO't NS
the cnic..<en and use o s ot:eci spooo to gen:ly •o it 'n tne • j ·psPO ONS c -10 ..:-zo:;1'11:;E~
hot ci :~ 32 ~lit es u"til t"\e s<in:Sgolden.Core~ • j SOL~IONS :S'"'t "IG 0'11O'IIS
removetN:'ch·c1:=-n the oil and dro·'1in o colo"'.Cle·.
- Toasttf"':s·chuo'1pe:i:11rcor"'S ·no smo dry ski:'-::f-ying • I CUCUM5E't, CUT 'IITO r~· 'IIC-
pen) over medium-low~t for 2- } minutes untilfrog-ant. l•CV P !C!S
then trons.:ertoo morto· o"'.dpestle, o"lOcrusnlgntfy. • SJ::!"IEJ-" CE 1;,:.,o:: '.:!.0), TO SE'tv'E
Set os:de.
- Place tri: chickn in o o~p ""'=Otp--oof :.ate, il!.fi ::neginge·, =o=t T- ES.!UCE
scallions(springOt"''Ons), o,cl crushedSicn..onoe-opercorns • i · .!O .Es:-o oNs ::-io~~eo :3:.=t1::
on toj. :race in o co oosiblepot or bamboosteamer ove1 • i ·!o .Es:-o oNs ::-1o~~eo:: PN·,=to
o po: o: boili-r_g wo:er.Steo,;,.covered,for25 TW'lu- ces, 'COR l'IOE~
or un:ilthe cnic(e:'l hos cookeatnro;,;gh. • i · .!5 .Es:-o oNS L :3- i SOYs,r.u:: ::
- T-ons:erthe chick.entoo a.iting board and setoside to • i · .!5 .Es:-o oNS SP .CK o ~ a:.u.,MIC
cool.S:roin tN' steomed chick.e'.l jl.DCes
into o OO'NI and V NE;"; H
reserve.Once coo;,,se:,oro:ethe wings,legs, breast, one , 1 ·!o . ::s,.o oN s::s:"':: o L , '.11T::. us :-oo'II s:..LT
the cnic(en. De b0c"'..e
4 the chick.enegs and creost and • i .f!.SPO O'II o ~: 'IIUL!..TEOSUG.''t
p·ck ou. 0$ much mem osooss'ble :.o:-nme bock..Cut
the c.nic(en meat in:o :feces.
- Arranget~ cucumberon o se-vi-r_g pate, then arro"'.ge
the c.nic(en on top of the o. cu-Toe·.Putthe chick.e'.lwings
on tN' s:de.
- Toma(e the sauce, combineolt he ingred:e.,tsand~ CIJj
(2 'I oz/60 ml) ·eservedsteome-:1chb:en juices. )rjzz,.e over
the c.nic(en, me'.l serve,,,lth rice .

ti 291
i\!::S.ON: s;:::-i u :.'I @m.AA
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 v NUiES

• I !H·LS,-U·KG 'IIHOlE CH CKE~ - :oldthe chic~:'l'Yl;·ngs :,oc..~'Ordnext toi:he bock..

• 2 J:5L!S " 00NS \'!GEP.S~E O l - j re~at the a.•en to 375°FnQQQC/Gos ~or< i
• ·~ o:::,,10 ::s.::s.'11::S.E\.:.sou · \· 'll:::-1. - ; eat ::ne oil;,. o V.'O! or a.rge skh: f-ying pon},odd the
2•CV•L!NUi - " ECE,, CHO'"'"D g·~ e·, o,cl s:ir-fryover rr':Oum "\eOtfot 1 minu:,eun:il
• 1 OZISO G G~OUN:l 11'1 '11:::!J) "0 " 1: :·ogrom.Ada tne por<.increose to ~h 1·,ect. one!st··.fry
, ; ovn~:; s1c-1u,:.,..'"ll;ES!i\VEJ :o. obo.rt 1minute u-rtilcookedt-r• the mustord
MUSJ:\O :;\EE'IIS. i\ \1\1EO, :\ NS!J. g·eens,chiles, and sugar ooclstir-fryfor coout 2 minut,es.
!'110 :::-io ="PEO Tro"'Sfe· tne fi!!ingi:oo bowl.
• 1 OZISO GP ::<LEO C-11~ES. CHO'"'"E:l -umgo spoon,s:uffthe chkl:enwithme -il,..-r.g. •~ tt"':
• 1 J:5L!S " 00NS 3\.!'IIUL! - EO SUG!\ legstogetl"':·with kitU":'1st-w-,g. :to.acet -rest,Ped ch·ci:en
• s1E:1o1:o :;;,:::: ".'::3.E5.dC · o SP:\'E in o ·oost·"".9penor,c:I·oost for45 minutesun~ cool:ed
mroug"'i . ReTlO\' e me cnic..<en, str"'9,
cut off the k.itcne:'l
o-..dremovetl"':t-r-e-od .
- :m~tri: filling:.o,., me cnic..<en cov'tyonto o pat e.
Cutthe chio::e'1into I½..:~-inch/!,.-2-cm oiecesono
o·range theSP-on top of; IJ"9·Serve,.-..-=th rice.

i\!::3. ON: J !'"1!3SU ;j ~~~ s

Pi\!P!.:\! . ,ON i ME IS 'fl 'IIUiES.
" lUS i'.CM NU. ES sc,:(1'11::3.
COO(l'll::3. i M! 1 -IOU " S IS \1 NU. ES
S!'W!S: !.·o A ND HA M

• I (3\·lS,-i 5·K3: W- O~E OUC( - ~it~ due..< ·.,too crge souce:,onand odd e-rough,,,.ote·
• !. 01' E:l a_.:.:('l'IUS-1:\00'l'IS to coverit com:.-etely. &-"'9 too 00 overhighheot, men
• !.'~ CU"S (3-' ~l O!: I~ · E1t: C-IICKEN removet-r.edue..<. )roh, ri"'S er cod -..nningwater,
e u--..d
511;o : :..o:n
· n :sTO:::i-. men d·ain ogoin.
• 3•~o::: ICO :;j.J ~nu:. 0\ )\I i-1 : !L:l - ~it~ musnrooms.rlobowl.c01.· erwi-.ncolc:lwa:
e·, o,cl
- :M. s~ic.:o sock.:O<C'! leas, 20 -n·nuw, 0t U"'tisoftened. Se:osioe.
• 2 lE.'S"OONS s:u t-r.edue..<
- j_...-t ·.,too Aich O\'en (cosseroe}, odd the chio::en
• s.:;;:.'I
· :::v" u =l o:,-icc'-h !roth {stoc<t,ho.m,mushwmSi salt, wine, ginger, and
)-1.l.,OXl'\13'II 'IIE scc..lions(spr'"".9 o"lObringtoo !Jo'I.Reo.xe to
• \0:::·10:j.~'ll:;3.E\ ·.:.sou · \•l'll:::-1· low--ect and s·mmer,cawed, :O< 2 hours,unti w•.de·
2•CV•L!NUi - " ECE,, Sl :::!J o-..dcool:edth-ougn. :>'sco·o::neghge·ono sco...ions.
• 1 SC:ll 0"115!S" \.'11:j. ON O'IIS), · Serve;,. the 0-..-tchO\'en. ..-=thrice.
• s1E:1o1:o :;;,:! ".':;3.E5.dC · o SP:\'E

~~ lf~f,!;- •u~ ON: s;:-1u:..N
"'!\!"'! i\qQN T ME 5 Iii 'IIUTES.
:::OO<l'II~ i.VE 2~ v NUES
DUCK S!IW:'S: !.·O

- Combinethe wine, gingerjuice,sot, ground Skhucn • 2 t::,tfS"OONS S- .:.OXNG W N!

peoper,and five-so·ce :,o-,.~- in o asgeOO'NI.Add the • I T!3l:S"00N :ll'l:lBJU :::!
fo· 1 "'G.J.
duLJ:,toss to coot. and se: asideto mori-r.ote • •~i!3.HPOO'I s:u
- -ronsfer the duck too neot~oof :.ate o"'.CJ
topwth the • I r:::voo"' :;;,\OUND s C - l, ! '
:lloce in o collopsd-eootor
sec ions (spring oniO<"'&}. F'E'"'"P'
boT:,oo steamer c,;-e·ooot of xi ngwoteJ.Ste-om, • ·~ TPSPOON ~ V!·S " .CE " OW:l! ~
ca,•e·ed,:~ ISminuies un:ilcook.eel through.Transfer • !. :o·CZ HS•:;: SON!L!SS, SlC"1·0'1
tr>':duu :.reosts too colanderto oroin and discard ouci:: s~::,sTs
tt"":sco•orn. • 1 sc:~L O'IIS :s "\ l'I:; 0"1 O'ISL CUT
- ;ea;: me vegetableoi ino wokor deep soucepo.n::o 'IITOPi· NCH:'!.•C'-1L!'l:;~ns
340,:,:/liO:C,or un:ilo cuDeof oreoclxa1r·min 45 seconos. • 2 Cl."S 1· 0 : L OZ. .d]S '-1~
Gen:ly~-e· ti-...duu and deep-:')' for 2- } m·.,i..rtes un:il V!G!i!S.E 01~
tN' S(int•.rns golc!~ brown.Useo s..otteclspoo'1to • ., i!EdSPOO'I SfS!~f O t
careh.!ly·emO'letne duLJ:fro,-,me oiland dro·...,_ • STE!"1EO '\,CE :-::;;f TO S! ~V!
tr,..,Hin 'h'ith sesoTe oi, then cl.J'iinto slices. Trons:er
too servingoo:-e and se-..•ewith r'ce.

~ wllf~ iU:l,ON: J' : 'l:;X1

" ,'{!".:~:· ,oN . M! IC v NUT!S
JIANGXI-S TYLE DUCK :::OO(l'l:l.. '-1! l nou, IS 1,1Nu ·ES
S!IW!S: !.·O

- j,.,..i tr>':due.( :ieces in:o o lorg,=SOi..c

epo~ o"lOcod enoug'l • I (3\·~5,.1.S·(:l JUC(. ::UT 1'1~0
v.'Oterto cover tf..:mco:-rolete!y. Add1tablespoon,,;re, h· NCH,•S•:::1,1CHU'll::S (50"-E· 'I:
bri"'-9too boilovernigh"'eat, and blo,ch t-r.edue..< for • 2 T!f.lfS"OONS-" CE 'Nl'I!
1 minu:e. D-dn and rinse undercold run¥g\\'Oter. • !. ·:s .ES" OONS vE:3Ef!5L! 01~
- ;ea;: 2 tobespoons \'@g,=:obe o'"'ino WO< or largeskite: • 1 T!3lfS"00NS Glt.!'IUl!.EJ SUG!'\
{fry:-r.g ~n) overmed'v-r:- t:IN heat, cod the sugo·,o"'.d • I -;p o :;j!\l :::. :::tOVESs::p n:·o
coo<for 2 minu:es tocorome!ize.Adom e duck.andstir•::')' • I i£3lES"00'11 :::-;,~ s~ucE
ever medii..m"'eat for2-} mi""I.Jtes untilthe o.xk.tal..'"'Son • 3•~O! ICC :;;.:;1'1:;E'~ !5 QUT ~· NC-i
o cork om :,e· coor. Remo-.•e tri: due.(and se: os'oe. IS·CW·lENGT-i ~ E:::EJ,T-i 'l~Y s~1:::::o
- .n the some wo<,"'eat the ·eT.a.'.ning 2ta!:.!:1XIOnS oil • I T:!.S"OO"I$!,\.i
ever t:IN neat and odd tr>':gor►c. =ry '~ 1-2 minu:esunti • I T!3lfS"00'11 l1:3- T SOY s : u:::!
browned,t-r.enremovethe garlicend reserve.Addthe chili • !. ,'{!0 :::-; ~ES,SHOD~'10 c-;o=no
sauceand gingertot-re wok.andsf· .fryover meo _m • I T!!.5"00"' S!S ! .VE OI~
heat for 1m·"'-ie U-"'tifrogro"'t.k.d the oxk..,sa_;t,end • STE! "1EO'\,CE :-::;;.f TO S! ~V!
'il:l'fsauce, o"'.dremo·.n:ng 1tablesooon,.,,:"'e.
- Aoc:12cups(l6'1oz/4i5 ml) :ofngwo:e· o"'.dboogtoo
boil.Reduceto low "'eOtand s·'Tlffl er, covered,for 1hour,
or u-nr•tenoer and cco<eotnroug"'I.St·· inthe garlico"'.d
Cf""' esand s·mmer:or o"'Other}minutes,tri:'1increoseto
hig:1heat :o reducett"<:sauce eye t"'4d.
- S:i ·.\ me S!:SC!T': oiland tro"'Sfe·too serving'Xlh . SeNe
\\~:l rice.

" 293
i\::; ON: s;:::-iu:.'I !Li ~Sffffi
P:\!P!:\qoN T VE 10 M -..iu-ES, " ~US
lll \1 NUTESM~~ -..i:.· 'I~ TIV! DU CK W ITH
COO(l'I~ - '1!: I -IOU:\

• !, :o·O! li'S•:;, JUCK o~:!s·s - Poce the duckbreos:sino shcl'io-.v heotoroo:DO\•:I.odd

• I i: !S"OON s:..~r ii teosooonsa,;t,tl"':,.,.;ne,
g·¥·, o"'.dsco!lion(s:ring
• l -!5 _:s=ooNS \1:::E WINE onion)o"'.d:norinotein tf"': re:-:gerotor:or 30 m·"'.ies.
• •~OZiiO ~ ~1-..i:;E't !QQUT - Add enough•1,oter to just eoo.•e-· tne duck.t'N:1piece in o
l· "ICHi1,5•C\1•L:Nrn'i P :::::), collo~·o e pm or bo"l"Ojosteome1a.-e·o poto: xi"ing
:;:\! ·t o ...,oter.Steom,eoo.•ereo, :o· 15TW"IA es V'"'t coo<edtnrough.
• I sc:.L 0"11 :sF':\NG O'IION), ~emoveand set osideto cool.)rein tne jlJfC es in:o o bowl.
:::- o~"!O - Slicetne duo: and out irr.oo heo:oroo:bowl.Hin s·o-e
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEJ!.5~E 0 foc.r,goo,.-..,Co-.•er witno ..minumfo O"'.O steo-n over
• I Qt,.:>.;J rY SOY5P'I Ci\ S"S ~h neat for 30 m·n.rtes.~emowo"'.dset aside.
" ·=<HSil - ~eonwhile,neat ti-...oil'no •.-.OJ: <Y lo·ge s.,:il
e: (frying
• o~ouNJ \,-1 ·t ~PPE't , TO -! _$-E :,on),odd t"\e soybEoncrisps,ond s:ir-fryowr :lighneat
• SJE:1,1:0 "1;1C! =!:;E S.dll TO SE'WE for1 TW"lvt e ...nti:.ogro"'t.S~ ·" 5 tobespoonsduo::juice.
ii teosooonsa,;t,one!tl"':wniteoe:,oero"'.db--i09 too :io1.
- Wmovethe foi :·omtne bowlof duck,coverwi':ho pate,
ond. t.singdisntO\".-es, invertt-..edue.<<Y"to the olo:e.
(Alterno:Nely,use tongs tot ·o.nsfe·tl"':duo:.) Fburthe
so:.xea.-e·tne duo: and ser\'e\\ith rice.

i\!~,ON: J !"11:';X1
P:\!P!.:\!-,ON i ME 10 v NUTES
COO(l'I~ i M! 1 -iou~s ~c M '\lu -ES D UC K WIT H C LOV ES
S!i\V!S: !·O

, 1 rps=ooNs cov:s - ~it~ cloves,c·~mon, g;nger,o-..ascollion(spring

• I ·I•1-..i:::-1:2.S·CM; C 'l"l!MON St1:::< on·o°'iS} ·nto ::necavi.yof tne duo:. Ptnme duckin:o o
• ~ OZ/iO G ~ -..i:;E\ !50UT lo·ge heotoroo:'XI.,. then ood the sot o.ndenoognwater
l· "ICHi1.5•C\1•L!NG -H P :::1, to coverthe o.xk. Sealwi':hat..minumfoi, tne:1poce h
:::=tUS-l!J o co.oosiblepot O\'ero pm ot boirngwoter.S:ecmfor
• 1 SC:ll O"IS (S"'t.'1~ ON O'IS), 2 (Addmorewater tot-..e oot if ne,eded,)
KNOiifj - ~emowthe duckono d:Scordt ~ cloveSici.-momon, 9inse·,
• I ll\•15."I S-1::;: W- O~E OUC( o,cl sco!lions.)ro·ntne souc~.ntoowokor so.xepo'l.
• 2 iE.'S"OO"IS 5,1r - Ada tne soysouce,sugar,ond W"'te :,ep:,e·to mewo<o,cl
• I f!5lES"00~ OH( SOYS.'UCE "'.OSreduceoby ha.f.
COOJ:O\'e1 .red'um heat U-"'titl"':sa-.,..ce
• 1 lE.'S"OONS G\!"IUPTEO SUG!:\ Stitint-..ewine.
• \ ·psp o::,-..i G~OUNJ ',\'-I TEPi'"=H - j.d t~ duc.<·~tot-..esa-..xeand s··:o·cbo..rt
• 2 f:SL!S"OONS S- :ox NG 'N 'I! 5- 10m·.,.,,tesU!'tilt "\e so.xe thkk.e"'.S.
Bastethe o.xk
• I f!!.S"OON S!S!Vf 0 witnthe sauce un:ilthe ar.rcktokeson o uniformcolor.
• SJE:1,1:0 "1;1C! =!:;E S.dll, 10 SE'WE - - ro.nsferthe ducktoo Cl..cii."'.g~rd ono c_i 't into
~ ,.-2-J'lch/2,.-5-cm pieces.Tro.nsfe· too ~-ving plote.
- Mixthe sesame c;t in:o i:hesauce inthe v.o<,then crizz,.e
me sauce overthe o..x<.Servewi':h;ice,

;$1ll ,~ •u~ON:Jl!'l~SU
"'i\!"'!i\! · I0NT M! 15 W•'IIUTES,
DUCK WI TH PLUS I -iou:i:.J'l:Y ~G . \1!
:::OO(l'II~ • \1! 2 -iou~s 15 \1 NUTH

- Air-drythe-duck in the ·efr'ge·ctor fot 1hou·. j ct dry""'ith • I 3\·~6,-1.5·(:3 '11- 0~E DUCK, ~!i
kitchen ta.-.els. B.,YVEO
- P~t 1cup (8 floz/250 .TJ)oil ifl o V.'O! or deeo soucepon • I CUP :a
~1 Oi:.'250 "1L) PLUS
to 30Cf'F/150:C, or t.nti o cu:,e of ~eoc:I:i!OWns .n 2 1:3us =-oo'IIS VE:3E" !6~E O L
In mil"",,..i
es. Gentfy lower the :ol,: and deep-::')' fot • I :v•OV25C•;;: 30N:'L:'SS, SICN·O'II
~-5 minu:es un:i rgnt bf'O'..,-..
. Use o s...ottedspoo.'l PO'\K 6ElLY
e me po-'<from th e o ono drCJI
to carefully re'TlO\' • iOZ'SOGG~G!'!; !5.0lli
on po:,ertcNels. l•l'11::-1:· .s·C"1·lE"IGi - :- !::E ,
- Rehemme oilto 3000c :/150°C.Carefullyado ::ne duck s~I:::o
o"'.duse o slotte-:1spoon to~~tly roll't;,. the hot oi br • 0 Pi\G:' 0'110'IIS ::u r NTO WEO;jES
32 minu:es un:i the skinis god en. Carefullyte'T'O\'e me • I 1:3us =-oo'II 0! ~( SOI' S.!U::E
duck fr~ m e oiland coonder. • !. " !6~Es =ooNS l ::;- r SOY s:u::::
- P~t 2 to:ii espoo":Soil;,. o lorg,=s<illet (frying:,on)c,;-e
· , 2 n,s =-oo'IIS s:~r
medtrT'--0;h ri:ot. odd tl"',ono stit-fryfor1 /'ninut-e • i 1:3us =-00NS ~OCK SUG!i\
u"til frog'ont ,Add the Ot"''Ons
o,cl s:it-fry for 2 ~lit es • I SP ~ :"1,SE
u"til 1:-gh:ly ~o.-.• sauces, solt, s,.;gor,s:or • iii ::u~s \12 =1 OZilSO ,.,_ S:'H
o-8:e, and ~er o:-r.d:.ringtoo xri ove· hig'1 hem. Add , 11:aus =-oo'II CC'!;'IISt:'!;:: -
the po-'<, th en the d ..o:, ,,..fththe creost facingdownworc. :co~'ll=.ou.,
Coo<,covered,over rr~ - ov.•hem :<Y ! 5 ~,irnn-es. -urn • SiE!~EO '!; CE =-:;jf S.dtt: TO s:: ~v::
the duckover and cookto· another 45 COO(ed
throug"tOiO ::ena~.
- T-ons:er th e oork too cutting coord. T..rnthe d ..o: ogoin
in tt"<:
'-''OJ:: and cook:<Y onocner 30 minutes.
- T-ons:er th e d ...c..<too lo·g-=~ -vingplote. G.rtthe :,of(
i-rtochu"'<:s ono place nein to the duck.
- Mix tne co·nsto·ch (cor"four)w'th 3i:oblesooonswater
i;\Os,;o!I XI,. ono mt mis mixtu e in:othe wo<.:iring
too boil,st··ring,for 30 seco...dsto mio:en the sauce, men
pou,over tt"<:duo: and oork. ~ -vewi:hs:ecmed rice.

" 295
i\!~ ON: -ION~ <0'11~ ~-~ ~s/:t
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS ~ -!OURS " ICK.1'11;;. \1! DUC K W ITH SPRING GI NG ER
COO(l'II;;. '1! I~._. NUT:$
E'.:!!=!~f lv"

• 1 :a·OV125·G,1 ou::< 3ll;f!STS, - -o make tl"':oialecl gi'lget,combinethe gi'lgerand sot in

S~ICEO o bowlo.ndset aside for 1 nour.ii--sethe g;r,ger, tl"':'.ldro:n.
• I f:!.S"OON L GW SOI' 5.!UCE Add tt"<:s-,.;gor
and vi"'.e9ot totne gingerend stand for
• I f:!S"OON COR'IISt:\C - 8nours.
:::oR'll =LOUi\) - Comoinethe duck.Wf sauce,o"'.d~ teospoo.'.lcornstarch
• JC f!SL!S"OONS Vf():t:3lE 0I~ (cornflour}.na lorg,=00\•.-1 and T10rinotefor10mi"'utes.
• !. s-1:.Lo-s. -1!~\'EJ Mix·o ihooles:ioonoi.
• I ll;E:l S!L. ..."i"'PB , SE!JEO - ;em 1tobespoo'.loilin o wok.orasgeslu!..etf-yingpo'.l)
!'110 JCE:l overme,d'ium-hign heO'!,odd the s~s. o"'.ds:it-fryfor
• ·~ G"EEN 5!l~ "'E""E" SEEOD 1-2 minu:,s,until :·ogront. :iut int-r.eoic..<lecl
!'110 JCE:l peppersand stir,:-y for o"'Otherminu:e untiim e ~ppers
• I t:5l:S"'00"1 ) -1!.QXl'II;; wI,E o·e no!:done. Tro.nsfe·::oo pate and set oside.
• ·~ ·psPO :J'I S!~i. PLUS :x·R! - Adome remo·vig 1 tooles:::,oon o totil: V.'O! and neat
101:sn overhig:'lheat, i:henood the ar.rck. ono stir-fryfor
• ·~ f"!S - "' 'IIE!PPL! . .J CEJ. OR 2 mirutes, or urd the duckis f... st about cooked.S:i:inlue
1 :a·OZ122S•;;: C.!N P 'llf! "" ,..f in tf"':•1wi'l
e ono stit int~ rese.rvedoe:ioersand she,.ots.
:: - UN(S, Sf",.! N!O Add tt"<:salt, men oajust m e seo:sooiog totcste.
• C ~!,f\Q :::CR !'IIOE"' :>;;D SP" NG - Mixthe ·emoiningii teaspoon CO<nsto·ch wimii i:ablesooon
0'10'11 (s::::~L O'IIS) TO :j!\N S-1 wa:e·ino smol oo.., one!st·· tnis mixtureJ'ltotl"':wok..
:0=110 .. :_, Bringtoo xra,s:irring,:o. 30 secondstoth'ck.ent-r.esa-..xe.
• su:1o1:o :;;,::: "'.':3E 5.dC ·o SP:\'E Stirint-r.eoineoppe and t-o"'Sfe·too servingolo:-e.Gornish
wimcilontro(corio,de·) cno springon·Ot"'S {scol~Ot"\S},
=01t T-1! " CKLEJ G "IG!'!; i: using.Ser\<ew't" rice.
• !.OZ •100 G G ~GE'!; (.!50Ui
O·l'1::-1.·1s~cM·~E'•Gi-l "ECE
CUT :'11•0SM!.l C-IU'lli::S
, 1;. ·pspo::,.., s:~t
• 1 lE.'S"'OONS &'!;:>;;UL!HO SUCP:\
• 2 lE.'S"'OONS W - iE Vl'll!G.'1'

--------- .,,.--------



tJ 297
i\!3 ON: s;:::-iu:.'I tVftlJ~S
P,'t!P!i\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS I -!Ol.i,'t .J,\Yl'IIG i \1E SIC H UA N-S TYLE
COO(l'\13 i M! i -IOU~S SC M Nu -n

• I (3\·lS,-i 5·K3: W- O~E OUC(. Wl"IGS Thisc.ossicdue..<cisn requ·-essome time ~;t t-r.etesu ts
TUC(!0 willoev.'Ortnya,,,rwh"e.-he duck iswrapped and bro:Sed
• !. Pi\3! Di\ EJ 5.!:::( VUS-!'tOOlilS in a che51ec.-Ot"1
so h con oe ttans:errecltoo servingplate
, 2 ,..,~s ·c =L oz.4-5M~ wimoutdest ·oyingits snope o• preventingthe rr.eotfrom
VE3E-! .5.t O ~ :oli:ngoff tne bone.
• 3•~O:IICO;;. :::u'tEJ -!!Iii, Sl :::EJ
, 3/,:::u= .l't OZ !:JC;;: SL CD 5!1'1500 - ~it~ due..<·.,too ctge souce:,onand odd e"OUgh,,,.ote·
S-IOOTS to coverit com:.etely. &--rigthe wcte· too boiland olonch
• I OZ:25 G;; '113E't !SOUT 2· "IC - :o. 5 .T'W'lvtes. Aain and rinse unaer coo ru-'V'ling water.
S•:::v•L!'ll:;T - P !CE). c~us-1:0 Air-drythe duck in the ·efo;e•ato· for 1hour.~ drytne
• i SC:l~ O"IIS IS"'t '\13 ON O'\IS), covitywi':h~per towe s.
KNOiHJ - ~it~ musnrooms.rlo bowl.co11erwi-.ncoldwo:e·,
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS S- :ox NO 'N 'I! o"'.dsoo<:o. ot eon 20 minu::es,or untilsoftened.
• I f!5L!S=ooNS ~13- T SOYS!UCE Cut·.,to sXes.
• I f:!S"OON )!3 - ;eat me vegetoole oil ·no wokor oeepsa ..ceponto
• a·, Cl;PS :oa=- OVi l TE=ts: C-10:E"f 300CF/150CC,or untilo cu:,e of :,recd :i:ownsin 1:-i~vt es.
s=to·n:st0:::i-. =!.O! n CG·efdyod:I the a..xk O"O use o s...ottedspoon to g,rtly
• i f:5L!S"00NS SES.'MEO L ro it in t-r.enot oil for 32 minutes until m e skh
• su:1o1:o'i;,C: =.,;;E 5.dC ·o SE~\'E is goklen.Corefu!lyre'T'O\'ethe duck from tne oiland aroin
- _ineo lorS'='oowlwi':hcheesecloth{':h:ie"'ty
ot overhong.Arro"'.ge s.icesof hoTl.,ond the
boT .:JOO snootson me che,esec.oth,then placethe duck on
top, oreostside feeingdown.Tuckti!: r51er\<eo duck fe-=t
da,o;ntl"':side of body.tJs·-..gthe ovefiongi-r_g
ends of the cne-=secloth, tie it into o D".. nd!e,then t·onsfe·
me bu"'.d!etoo .orgepo.n.Addtf"': ginger,scdlions (spri-r_g
on·o-r,s},•1,·f'E, sqrsc:-,..ce,
s0.;t,o.ndch'cl:n b--oth(stoc..<).
Bringtoo Dov e· medium-h'gnheotonc:lcookfor
20 minutes. Reduceto lowheot cno simmerfor2 hours.
- Carefullytransfer tl"':ounde too a.rgepate. Corefu!ly,
untie the CMeseclo:h(watch OU'! o.stf"':steam wil ~ hot)
o,c:Iliftone of tne ~es upto'Ot ti-': du(( ontott"<:olo:e
so that the o.xk b--eos.foces u:i. P'ckout ond discordtt"<:
g··O"O sea.lions.
- 3ringtf"': brotn too boilover .,·9h '°leat. Reduceto
medium-'ligh ~ct and UT'll'Tl et, uncovered,forcoout
25 m·.,.,-tesu"til t-r.eDroh hos reoxed to 1CUj {8t oz/
250 ;r. ).Add t-r.esesame o one por ::netnic..<e--eo bro:n
over tf"':du((. Serve,,,lth rice .

;ffiiffi Ix!~ ,s '1!3 ON: -i u~:.~
"'i\!"'!i\!.IONT M! IC v "llJi!S
DU C K C A SSERO LE :::OO(l'\13 • \1! 1 HOU'( 15 \1 Nu ·n
S!i\V!S: !.·O

- j..,..itr>'l!sto·on:Seanc:ISicnuon
- ;em me oil .no Outenoven {co5serole) ever CIN "'eat, oo:I
tN' gor,..c,and cook to· obo.rt2 minutes...ntilbra,;n. Sti· in • I r:slfS"OO"I :::-1Ill a::-.. p:.s~E
tN' ch, bean pos:-eand COO<for 1 /'ninut-eun-1'·ogron:. • ·,DUCK, :::uT ,To':;· NCH,'1•:::M·
e to nigh"'eat and odd tt"<:due.(.S:ir forooout
- iJ'lcreos T-!IC("' !CES
1 minu: e un:il the duck is\\<e cocted.kld the cayenne • I ~ll;E!'II c:.Yf'IIN! "!""fit CUT NiO
peopers,s:oice:,cg,rolt, SO/sauce,v.1'1e,tionm'o.nfang, \·l"IC - rJ•C\1 P EC!S
end enough ,.,.ote1to coverthe due..<.3ringtoo ooil,cove·, • I '(fJ c:.YE'll"IE "!P"H CUT NTO
&-:'lreduceto lov,.•""'=Ctand s·mme1 for 1 "'0l..r. \·l~C - •J•C\1 P EC!S
- UncoveJ,·.nc·eose to hig'l heO'!,and cook un:ilthe souce • IT! !.$" 00"1 S!..Lf
hos ·eo..xedtoobou;: ½-cu-o (! floz/120ml).Mixthe • I r:slfS"OO'II lI~ - T SOY s:.u::::
CO<nsto-ch (corn"IOUI")\,-:'tn1toble::ooon...,cterooclstir • 1 r:elfS"OONS I\ CE 'Nl'\I!
ti-': mim.r e into the )i..icnove"l.&-iogtoo xia.nrring. • I i£3lES"00'11. :..NV ! '\IJ .! NG
forobou;:30 secondsto thkke.nthe sauce. • I T!!.S"OO"I CCR'\ISJ:ll;:::-
- Serve·n the Aich O'len....4th rice. :co ~'ll=.oui\
• SJE! \1EO '( CE :-:.~E SdC: TO S! "'V!

FQ'( T-1! S"' :::E5.'G

• I i£3lES"00'11 S :::-11..:'II

;ll!f~~sT '1!3 ON: SE Jl'\l;j.

"'i\!"' .'i\ :.· ,oN • M! 15 "11'\IUTES
SA U TtE D D UCK :::OO(l'\l;j.. \1! 1~ V'"IUi!S
S!i\VES: 2

- Combinethe o..xk.,ii teos~n sa_;t,3 to:lespoo"S cl•cken • 1 JUC< 51\!.'SiS, CUT NTO \· .'\1:::-! r
b--oth{stoc..<),o"'.d1::o:.espooncorns:orc.n(cornflour} 2·C"1 CU3ES
ino i0r9esouceoon.Adclthe egg\\½-lites o,cl m . • IT! !.$"00~ S!..Lf
- ;em me oil .no \\'Okor o deeo souceoonto 265°=t13~. • •~CU"' f !. F. OZ!liO Ml) C-I ICl!:EN
Ge~tlycod the duck,using&oostick.sto seporote the 5:tOT- :sro:::K, "'!.GE n:
p·eceSione!d~ :,.fry for 30seconds u ~tilgolden :,ra..,, one • 2 r:a.l!S"OONS CO~"ls·:.,i\ci
crispy.Use o slotted s:,oonto ·ema.-ethe o..o: o,cl ctain ':::OR'll=LOUit)
inocolo,de·. • 1 !~G 'N - ·Es. 5!.!if'II
- _eave2to»le1:,oonsof oi in the wot and neat ever • 2 Cl."'S ·o =L OZ.d]S \1~
medtrT'--0;h ri:ot.k.d the g·cger o"'.dgarlicone stir-fry VE~E-:..a.E O L
:o. 1m·~.-te u-~ti frogron:.Addti!: duo: and stir-fryfo· , ·~ oz,- 1c ;j. 3I'113B :aour \·:'\IC -I
2 ~ es over hig:'lheat.Add t"ce,.,.·'"'e, tne remaining 2·C"1·lENGT -I "E:::E J. Sl :::!J
>iteosxion salt. ond ch·ckenoro:n onclsimrr~· 1-2 minu:es • 1 COVES o:. ll;L C
u ~tilduo: is ceo<eo ::nrough. • I r:stES"OO'II S-!l,QXl'll;j. 'II '\IE
- .no small DO'NI,mix the teTJOining 1tobespoon COO"l:$to·ch • 1 sc:..L O'IIS :s "''( l'\I~ 0~ O'\IS).
wi-.n1tc:,,;espoonwo:e· o"'.Ci stir this mixtv-e ·ntothe wok. S-1\0J! O
Bringtoo :,o1, s:irri-r_g,for 30 secondstoth·ck.en tf"':sa-.,..ce. • SJE! \1EO ll;,CE :-:3f SdC: TO S! ~V!
- Aodthe se.01iions (spr"~ O<"'·ons) oncitoss '"'ell.Transfertoo
se.rvi~ pate and servew'th rice.

" 299
i\!:;3.ON: -ION3 <0'11:;3. t'.!1
,s tl
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES
COO(l'll:;3.• ...,E 5 M1'11UiE5 STIR-FRIED
S!'WES: 4
i!:!1=:.3f 101 DUCK

• 2 J!SL!S"OONS \'!GEi!S~E 0 - ;eat 1tobespooo~e:ableo. ino•.-.OJ:<Y skte: f-ying

• 3•~O: 'ICO :;3.5B 'IIG (G'tEEN) 5!!"115, pon) overmediumneat, ado me sting :,eons, o.nclstir-fry
:: - 0""!0 :o. obo.rt 30seco"'.C5. ReTOVeme stting ::ieans:.o,., me
• I f!3lES"00~ :;3.:\!"E:)G NG!'t wok.onaset aside.
0 1 ou::< 5"::.s·s. 1o1:1i15
"! '11E - Ada tne remo·~ 1to.oles::,oon c;t totne \\'O( and stir-fry
'U MOV!O .: NJ F N!lY :: -10PPEO me gi¥· fo· 30seconds,V""t fragrant.
• I JU::< 1.IYE" s:.U).!:;3.E ::-10""EO - Ada tne duck,sousoge,prese-ved-r,,,;sto·dg·eens,and
• 1 oz ·soG P"!SE'WEO YUSf!'IJ sugat o...astit-fryowr nighneat forabou'i 3 minu- .es U""ti
:;3.:\!E'll5 i"I; M\1!J. i\ NSEJ, !"IQ me OOOJ:ed. Stir in the beo'1pos:-eono string ::ieans,
= ,ELY CHQl>l>EJ ::nens::;f-fryun:ilcl tne ing·e~nts a.,-ewe I comlf-r.ed.
• I f!!.S"OON G:\!"IIUlVE:l SUG!'( Mix·otne sesoTe oiland tro"'SfeJtoo setvng :,ate.
• 1 J!SL!S"OONS 3E.'~ P!S"E Garnishwlh cilont~ (corio"'.d e--), 'fusing.
• •, fE!.)"00'11 5E5.!"'f O l - Se.rvew'th tf"': -:roxecups c:swrapso.ncloccompo.,y
• I -lf!.O 1::ESE'tG L!rucE. L!!\'fS wi-..n
the hcish sauce.
5!P!:\!.iEO .:.~J F 1'11'/D l'lliO CU"'S
• C1~.:.,n.o :::oR !'IIOE" TO G!'tN S-1
• 1 J!SL!S"OONS -1015 "-.5:.,u::E
iO SE't•tE

i\!:;3.ON: J !'"1!35U ~ JR} V i<~s

P:\!P!:\!"ION i ME IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS I -!Ol.i:\ J:\Y 'IIG !NJ 0 NANJING
- OU'tS Si:..'IIJ N3 i WE
COO(l'\l:;3.T "'1! I -!Ol,RS DUCK
S!'tVES: 8

• I l3\•l3."I .S•l(3: W- O~E ou::< - Ai·-d-yt~ due..<·"me refrigero:orfor 1nour.

• .,CU"' :sOZ/150 G) "'.US - ;em 3 tobespoons sch in a s<iHet(fry"-r_g pan) u.nt
l J!SlfS"OONSS!.i worTed.·o o 00•....tand mix.nthe s·ch,.;on:,e:,pe-·cor"'S.
• I f!!.S"OON s cnu.:., Pf"l>f~CO'tNS. R..o the o.xk.insideonc:Io..i wi-.nthe mixtureond let stc,c:1
::=tus-1:J :o. 6nours.
• 0 :::lOVfS t ~ cloveSi0<:1(eo'o'eSi
- :1-..,-t sto· on:Se,to"'-9e·Mpee1
• 0 5!'1' lE:..V!S licorice root powder,and whitepeppercorns,.,too sp·ce
• 2Si! ":. ,sE bog,then :,laceinto o i0r9esouceoon.Adclthe ginge1and
• I J't !OJ.:. "IG!'I "-.E"! El Ocu:,s {76f oz/2.25h ers) •.-.ot er. 3ringtoo ooilaw h'gn
• I J!!S"OON l CO" CE 'tOOT POWJ!'t heo;:,·educeto aN neat, ono simmerfor20 TW'lvt es.
• I J!!S"OON W-1 TEPE""E'<:::C't'IIS. - Adome sch o"'.dwineto the :,rineo"'.ds::;fu.,til tf"':sa}t
::=tus-1::J d:Ssolves. :,vt tne due.(into tne bri"'.e,breast feeingdown,
• \ OZilO (; :;j.1'11:;3.E't
:.sour o,cl re:urntoo Doil.Reduceto low"":Ct and a!lowto
l· "ICHi1.5•C\1•L!NG "H P !::!), simmerfor 30 m·.,.;rtes.Usetongs to tun the o.xk.overso
S~ICEO me breon :ocesupono simmerforono:he130 minutes,or
• l ·:.0 .:s=ooNS S-!!OXl'\13 ,,, 'IIE untilcookeatnro.;gh.--onsfe1 the duck.too cutting :,ooro
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1C! "'!:;3.ES.dC TO SE~\'E o"'.dset aside to cool.Sliceono transfer too plote.

, ·.

i\!3 ON: -1.=.<1:.:. ~ -¾:-tltl~s
P,\!P!i\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS I -! Ol.i,\ .J,\Yl'IIG i \1E DUCK W ITH
C00(1'113. ~E 2 -101,;,\S
S!i\VES: !. TARO

• I I .5 IC'~ OZ..'.'S:J G W- 0.! OUC( - ~ubtee due..< cl over\\~:ltne 'Sl:l'fsauceand air-dryin the
• I f:3l:S"00 ... 0~ " ( SOY S.'UCE refr'~-otor for1 ro..r.
• I ~5 S OZ.-000 G P~O. ClJi 'IITO - j.oce the toro ina collopsb:eoot or oomboosteoT..erover
l· ...CHii.S•C\1 :::-1UN(S o pm ot boilingwo:er.S:eo"I'\,covered,for10mi"'I.J'tes until
• I :l\,!O i! ...G!ll; ,E "! El w•.de·.Corefu!lyremoveood set oside.
• I :u =- : l OZiiS:J VL - Soc.(the ofeo tangerieeoeel in coldwater :or Klminutes
VE3E"!6 .t O. to so'ten, then ctain and snred.Set osic:le.
, ·1~0! ·5 G G ~GE'\ .:.301,;,r•~· NCH· - ;eat me oilto 300,:,:/ISO°C, or ..r.ti o cube of b-e-od
l·Clil·lENGi-1 "E:::E ;, Sl :::!J Ira"'~ in 1ii minu:-es.Core;.lfyodo ::neduck
• !. s-1:.Lo-s. SL co o".duse o s...cttedspoonto ~~tly rollit;,. the hot O br
• S :::tO\'ES :;3!'\l::: :::-10""!0 ~ minu:esunti me skinis goden. Ccrefully·eT'O\'e me
, i t:SL!S"OONS z-iu- ou s.=.u::::: duckfromtne oilood drain in o coooc:ler.
• ',\OZIS G 10,;o:::1: SUG!'\, ,~.usnEO - jo..s out mostd tee oi, a:ovingabout 1tooles:::,oon ·.\ me
• I f:3l:S"00 ... OYST!" S!UCE wok.tirot tee oi ove· medium-h'gnheot, oodtt"":ginger
• I r:slES"'OO~ '\,:: ''II' NE slices,and sti·.::yfor 1 minu:e un:ilf•ogro-rt.Acdi:he
• ICU"' :a : l 0Zi25:J v. C-1 CKE... tangerineoe-el.snoflo:s,garlic.,onc:Izhuhousa..ce ood stir-
sito·n :sro:::i::. :.:..o: n :)' for O"'Oteerminu:-e.Stir·n the sugar,OfStersouce,wine,
• j::: P.N " ,\O !CO\ !,NJE'\) sr:.11:s. cnic..<e'lbroth (s-.ock),ond1CIJ'j (8 floz/250 ml) wcte· ono
:::u1 1'1170~- ~c - ·S-CM .E'll~ "H S IY-'9too bo,:l,Adcl tee duo: onc:l·e:urntoo boi. Cove·,
TQ3!i\'11S - reduceto lowheat, and sr!lmer for [f, "'O', u-~tic00<ed
• Sif:\1!0 "1;1C! "'!3E S.dC TO SE'WE mroug..,,Ho1:,.,.oyth-ougn the 000.(ing::::m e, use tongs to
t1..rnthe o..o: C>\'e'. Ada tne taro to the sauce inthe v.o<
o'ld simT.erforano:ner 15mi"'I.J'tes.
- - ro.nsferthe taro too se-vingplate. Care-fully tra.nsfe·
::neducktotf": cutt:ng :,ooro0".0, whe,ncoolenougnto
handle,cut in:o 1-incn/2.5-cm churr.,:s and arron~ on top
o: tf": tc·o. Lodlethe sauce overthe o...o:o".dtaro, then
garnishwiththe cilo~tro(coriander). Servewi-,.nrice.

~ ~ ~ ii~,~ ~!G 0'11:S C - U!'II
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 - \1E: iO Iii 'IIUES. =1us
DUCK WITH PRESERVED 15 Ml'\IUTES ,-,:=t 'll~i "IG . \1!
COOK ~GT WE:} -I OU:\S }0 Vl"iVES

- j..,..i tr,..,oor< :,elly into o bowl.odd t"ce soy sauce o"'.Ci

sugo·, • i :s·OVlSO·G) " Oi\( S!-LY, CUT ,ro
end momte for15:i-.:rnrt es. ·:'11:::-1,'l•CWS.ICES
- Meom-..'hil
~. rook t ce oreser\<eOmus:ord hearts in o oov.~ • I 7f! SPOO'IIJ.' 'U( SOYs:.ucE
cf coldwcier :orOXll..-t 2 mrut es. Squeezeout the excess • i -f!SPO O'II G~ !'IIUL!.TEO SUG.'~
v.'Oterond seto:s'~. • i O:iJCC :;j. s :::-iu:.N P/\:'s::;;vo
- ; ea;:me oil;,. ov.-okor arge sk1-:t f-ying po,} over MUSJ:'tO -!PUS , :, 'IISEO
me-d'ium-hign heo!.AdOtne goX and stir-:-y for1 minute • I -!5 _::s=ooN VE~E-!6 .E O L
un~ frogront. :iut in the g;nger,x,rk., o"lOp·eseNed • ~ C.O'iES (;!'(_ c. =u~o
mustard "'~isond stir-!-yfor1 minu:e. Fb...r·., me chicke'l • i 5.ICES G "IG!'I
bro:h (s-.ock.}and bringtoo boilove1~h ~at . vduce • I :::u=:a =- OV15C 1o1~, :::-1,CIC:'N
to lov,.•he-ato"'.Cisimmer for obou'i 20 minu:es. ~rain the O'IOT- :sro:::f(, =!.GE n;
so..p,.,too argeheotoroo: Dovdoncl:,..i t"\e stro'""ed • I s~·L5'1.5·1C~ 'IIHOlE Ju::<
ing·ecren:sin o sepo·ate oo..,. Set ooth aside. • I 7f!SPOO'II s:.~r
- S,-,,,ff
the s-Joine,:l·~re-d'ients·nto"':"lcateh.lly • I 7f!SPOO'II CO~'IIS-.!~CH
odo tne duo: tot"\e $0Uj o,cl seolwitho\sminumfoil. ::::O,tt'll=LOU'I)
Piecein o collops:b-:oot or DOm:oos:eamer over o :,ot of • Sf:!"lfJ I\ CE :P :..o:: ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
boilicgwcr.-e·.S:eam, covered,for} hou--sun-1cenderand
coo<edi:hrough.{Md more wcr.erto&... oot i: needed.)
- ~emovethe foi o,cl s:rointhe soup in:o o saucepan.
Core~lfyt1onsferthe duck too Cl..cii."'.9 :ooro ono scoo:i
e the duck too .orgeserving
ovt tne co..,ten:sfrom ·nsic:l
plate. Cut the o.xk into s'T'lo11e-
· p·ecesond oloce on top.
- ; !?01m e S<>up over Tedium heat onc:Iseoso~\\ith tne solt.
Mixti!: co-nstc-ch (cornflour},.,.,h 1tablesooon,...mer
in a smo bowland stir tc'.:smixtu·e into the pan. 3ricg
fot -SO
too ooil.s1irr"""-9, secondstothick.e:ltl": so...o.:loo·
tN' so..o o-.-e·duck.Servewith rice.

ti 505
"'EG 0'11: i! -_\'!'II 3 1/3f~
"''U"H!f 0"11. "1!: 10 v 'IIUES, =LuS
lll "1 NUTES Ml " 'II!. 'II~ fl\lf DUCK W ITH
!!!!J =:.:3f~CS

• 1 :rh.5,'1.5·(:3) W-IOL! oun. CUT - j....-t

t~ due..< ·~too "'eotpcoofoo,.fond rubwi-,.n the
'IITO .,_:.~:jf "'ECES . SON!•i'\I sch o.r,c:Igi'lge1juice.~o·M,e ·n the ·e:-:gerotorfor
• i .!6 .ES?OON s:..· 30minutes.
• I .!6 .ES?OON G "IG!il; JUICE - Ada tne O"'.geco ond ,ovog,= roots totne bowland seal
• :, ozno G !"lj:jf ~1c.:. \OCT S.ICEO wi-,.no ..minumfoil.Pieceino collops:.,,eoot or oom:,oo
, \oOZ..5 3 S,C-!U!."111.0\'.!.,G! '\COT steoT~·over o ;JOtof bo,1e"".9 water.Steam,ca,-e·ed,:<Y
30minutes.Reduceto laNhem o,cl s:,ecm:<Y o"lOther
• 2 SP.KS C L!"II-RO :co11;
!"ljJ:::: : 30minutes.Remo-.•e tri: fol o"'.dd:Scordtl"':angelicao.nd
CUT :'11
•0 l'V'IIC-1:!.•CV l ! NGT- S. lovogeroo:s.
TQ:3!.R'IIS - - Aime the o..o: wi-.nthe wineand garnishwi-.nthe cilontro
• SH!Wf:l R:.CE {?!.G! :.:::o),
TO SE\•iE (coriander).Ser\'e""' ith rice.

"'Eu 0'11: J !.NGSU

"'"f"H!f 0"11 ilV!: n W1'11U

• 9 oz,,;soG :31\0UND :M '\ICED) "'0\ K - Comoinethe pork,soysc:-,..ce, wg:ir, and sesame o

5El ~Y01' Si\OUND "0"< in o 'X/h o"'.dmixwe-. Divideit into2£ oortions.
• 2 ·:. .6.ESPOO'IIS l :3Hi SOY s:.uc:: - j.oce o portionof fi-ng oo onecornerofo wonton
• 1 ·!6 .ES?OON G"'!'IIUP-EO SUG!\ wro:.oe·,:oldthe •,rooperaun me -il,.-r.g, o.nd·o ha.fv.-cy
• 2 ·:. .6.ESPOO'IIS s:s:._vE O. untilthe n'!ing:Scompletelyenc,oseabytne wrapper.~d
, ;.::: ~.:.11;0::..-i·o,ro'll'lli\ :.??E\S me 2enos of the ,,.~coper·..,tothe ce~te!, oneon top of
• I .::: •.. 5 !2-(:3, w - o~E .JUC( o"'Other,brusho li.::..,,e
water~ be:-Menthe eyers,o:-r.d
• 2 sc:..L~IONS :s=11;"IG 0'1110'\IS; p·ess tight 0'1me layersto seal ·ntoo wonto"".Rs,:,eot
, \ oz ·no o No:::::nour witnthe remo'ningwrop:,e-sand fi!!ing.
l· "ICHii.5·C"1·L!NG·n? !C! I, - ~it~ due..< ·..,too crge souce-:,onof coldwo:,e·ono
S~ICEO b--J"9 too bo... Re-roveme duck,tf"':'1rinsewi:hcold
• .:::i! el!S"OO'iS S- :.ox "iO W N! rU'V'kng .,,,oter.
, ',i,Cl;? :n OZ/100 G.1 S.ICEO f.!VS OO - j.oce the o.x< in o .orge0','01-snoped )utch own
S-IOOTS (casserole),:.:east facingoowr,NC·d.Adatne sco"oos
f!.f,lfS"OO, s:..r (springon·o-rs},ginger,,,.i'"i:-,ono enoug"water to cover
me duck.B·;ngtoo 00 ono s~-n me sur:aceto remove
O"'-yf-o:ho.ndscum. Cote·,reoxeto aNneot,ono simmer
:<Y 3 "OUl'S, O' un:ilthe duck is cookedt-r-oug'lona t,e~·.
• Uncover,tur:1ow1the duckso thO'!:.reostfaces .n,.ord,
ood the bomboos-rootsand salt, 0"'-0 b--i09 too bo.
• Meonv,mile, oringt:. cups (1)1.
oin::s/1lter) wo:,ertoo ooil
in o so:.xepo'\ ooa the won:ons,and Xii i<Y 3 ~utes
untiltheyfloot to ::nesufoce. )rain, tf"':"1ado::nemto
me D.rtcnove"1onase--ve.

tJ :so,
i\!3 ON: -1.=.
<1:.:. ~ lo.I'.{'}.~
P:\!P:.:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUiES,
C00( 1'11
3. '1!: I -IOU:\

• I ·5•~·tS:; .5·K3) ~OOSE Goo<..e among me soutne·n V.nes e

:Son o!l-timefo'IOri:,e
• :s·!o .:s=ooNs S!li roost goose.
• •, fE!S"OO'II =,vE·SP.C! ,.0'1,0E\ V'.oozhougoose in orine,
.. wind-d'½og00$e,o.nd
• s ·!o .Es=ooNs ~ 'll~E" Ju c: me 1-iohosa;ted goose-jun to "'.Cmeo fe-H.AgooSP-
• :s·!o .:s=ooNS ~ lU i l'IOUS wiHoften requireo longmo'inotiogtime for flo'IOrs
't :::: w N! penetrate.
• \ O! ·5 :j. :.'1~!.1C:. 'tOOT, SL CD
• ; :::.OVESQ,!:\. IC, cno:=o - ~it~ gooseinto o lo·ge DO\t.~ o".drU'jthe insideand
• 2 J!5 L!S"00NS 'lt H iE Vl'lfG!'\ ou:s3dewitnthe sch o"'.dr"i!...sp·cepcNC!er and et
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1C! =!~E S.dC TO SE'WE mofna:e for4 hou"5.Ruothe g··;.ne eo.r,c:Iwi-r.e
o overthe ?SP- , insideand out. o"lOmarina:e inthe
refr'~-ctor for8 hOU"'S. -urn the g00$eaw once or twice.
t~ ange!icoroot :ns:de tne goosecavity.Transfer
- j_...-t
too plote one!piece ino ~tp-oof co lopsibe oot or
bamboo steamerove1a pm of ooi!ing\\-O:er.Steo'T\,
covered,for ooout 1hour,or un:ilCOO(ed througn. (Add
mo·e wcr.e·to me pot if needeo.} Corefulfyremove
me gooseo".dd:scorome ongel'coroot. Pu'ithe g00$e
on o cutting :oord and when coo enoug'l to handle,
o..i in:o smo Cf"..nks.
T·ansfe·too SP--Ving plote.
• Comoinethe garlicono V--egor·" o small oov.:to mo.(e
o dip:iingso.see.Se.rve,...-=thtt"<:sa,;,.ceand rice oo me side.

i\!:j.,ON: f.! ,_,,:.N @D

i $1rJ
P:\!P:..:\!· ,oN i YE 5 Y "iVES, PLUS
COO( l'\l:j.. "IE 2 Y NUT:$

• 11 QZ,,300 G GOOSE "-li:Si "IES t~

- j_...-t gooseintestinesi-rtoo .orgesouceponone!ado
• 2 ::u"> a"f ~ Ol:.!i$ M~)::1 ::<:N enoug"lwoter to cove· tf..:-ncomolete'y. 3rin9too ooil
s,o·n :sTO:::K, =:.
.o: n overhig:1heat o-r.dbanchfor 5 seconos.0-oin.
, 'l, :::u= :5: L OZ/ISC M~ l ~Hi SOY - ~it~ ch'd:.en oroth (stock.}, soy souce,onclsugar
s:..ucE into o souce:,on,oringtoo ooil.and pourt-r.emixture
• n f!5 L!S=>OONS3'\.!'IIUL!iEO SUG!:\ into o hea:proofoov,.A. Addtf"':in:-es::nesono sock.for
• S oz,- ISC 3 =10'lt H l'1:j. C-11\'ES ISminutes.
- 3ringo soocepanof ...,ater too boil,oadthe -'laNering
cnives,oncl:.loncnfor 1 minut-e.Drain,~.nse,ono pot
d-ywi:h :,apertowe.s.CI.J'! ·.,to lf.<.'
OT' · engths.
Une tne bo:tom of o serving:.ate w'ih t-r.echives.
- 2.'~h / 5-cm engths and
o·range 0.'1 ::o:.o: tf..: flov.-e·;ngchives.

~il~i~~ '1!3 ON: -ION~ (0'11~
"'!\!"'! i\qQN T ME 5 Iii 'IIUTES
SQU A B A N D RO SE :::OO<l'II~ i.VE }0 1'/1'\IUTES
S!'WES: !.

Chineserose,.,.·~ is created oyocld."'.9

-osesto ro:ghum • 2 !9·0Z:'i5:J·G s:.iwss
or other groins;,. the d:Stillingp,xess, resuting in o ceovy • 2 T!SlfS"OONS V:'3E.!5 .E O L
rose--sce"'tedliquor. t ::Softenused to eV10nce tf"':flavor • !. ~-'L~IO"IS :sF'i\ NG O'IIIONS;
of meets in Cantonese cw·~. s ·t "IS ON.Y, :::u·l'\ITO1'~•1'11:::
! ·:::M1.E'113T-IS
- :iring10o..os (85f oz/2.5 l'iers)wote1too 00 in , ·~oz,-1c~ 31'13B :s ou r \·:'1::: -1
o orge souceoon.Usingtongs,core~ ""Odthe squoos 2•:::v•L!'l~T - "'!C EJ. SL CEJ
bytki heods onc:Isu~·se them ·n the ~ wate· for • !. JUJUSE .J.&TES. " TT!)
30 seconds to e: me ho: ,...-m er flowinto ::ne boa, cov'ties. • ! ·:o .ES"'OONS S-1!.QXl'I~ 'II '\IE
Trans/erthe sa-X1bs too coonder,o"'.dthen a.rain.Be'~ • 2 T!SlfS"OONS CH NES! \OSE 'N 'I!
ti-...,...me1to~- boil,put the squabs in:o the hot • I T!3lES"00'11 0 !" ( SOI' s.: u::E
\\'Otere"'ti-ely,eoter,ona tu"no!! ti-': neat. (v\~dipt~ • IT! !5"00~ )!.LT
squabs ;nto ho: ,...-m erto fillthe cov'tyro me insideo.nd • I f!!S"OO"I 31\!'IU.!TD Su~ :\
ovts:'o-etemperature of the sc;,;obsare tf"':some o"'.d • •,CUP( !. F~ OZ:110 Ml) :::-1 Cl!:EN
tl'>':·e!orecook moreeveny.) s,o·n :sTOCK. ".l.,G! 9C
"'S:-eeptcesc,,.;ob s in m e hot\\'Oterforobou'i15 ~lit es. • I f!!S"OO"I :::CR'IISY:'\:: -
Removet ~ sa-...obs and se: aside to cool.Whencooled, :cO ~'ll=.oui\
cut eoch so-.;obinto6 -:J ·eces. • •~Tf!S"OO'II SES.'ME0
- ;em m e oil in o Outenoven {casserole) ever medium-hig'l • STE! ~EO '\ :::E =-:~f S!C: TO S!" V!
heat, cad -:hesca...ions(spr'-r.go.,·ons)ono gin~·, o-r.ostJ -
fry:o. 1mffn.rteu-.ntit fragrant.Adelthe juju:,e dotes, both
\\in!:""~ soysa..ce, sc.t, s-..go·,o"lOcnic..<e'l
broth (s-.ock} and
bri"'-9i:oo boil.Core~, arrange i:hesquo:, p·eces .ni:he
D.r.choven,tt°":'lreducet~ neat,co-.•er, si,;Te· for
12TW'lvtes:untilcookeo truoogn.-·onsfe1 the squaos
too servingoc:e.
- Mixthe corns:orcn (corn~u--)wi:h 1taole1:,oonwoterin o
small oo,,.A o-..dS:::rthis ~ur e into ti!: D.r.choven.Bi.-r.g
too ooil.stirr°""-9, fot 30 secondstothicke:ltt"': souce.Aod
tr,..,s.esoT~ oi o,cl pou1 i:hesauce overthe sor.:obs.Serve
w't'l rice.

" 507
i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG om-
~ i~
P:\!P!:\!·10N T VE: 15 y; NUTES.
l'~ -IOU:\S o,v '\I:; T WE DEEP- FRIED
COO(l'II:;. ~E ~5 Ml'\IUTES
i!:!! =:.:;f 109

• 1 :9·0V1S~•:;: S0U'5S Squo:-,sore ty:ico fyyoungdoTes± oigeon,1..nd er fa,..r

• 0 ·:.o .ESPOO'IIS 5.!L. w~<Sold.Whendeep.!~ or roosted,ti!: s.(intu-ns
, 2 Cl."'5 1·c =L oz.4-5 M~ crisoyand glossy,whilethe meO!·emoinste"'.Cle· and juicy.
vE:;E·:..o.t o ~ It's o oopo or dsn to hoveot Q-.ine;:e •estouron:sond
• sTE:y;:o "1;1:::: =:.:;E S.dC.10 SE'WE o~en serveodu'W"'9 speo:JIoccofons suc.nos oirthdoys
or •.-.eddiogs
=o'\ ·n: o~.'!E:
• l -:.s .:s=ooNS l,';!.LJOS! - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof water too ooil.ood the squabs
• I J:5l:S"'00"1 :::OR'IIST:'tC-< o-..dbo.nch:o·abo.rt 1minute.Jroin and s.e:os'oe.
::::0:\'11: LOU:\) - Comoinethe sp·cebeg ·...gre-d'i entsond place inthe
• 2 Tf.'S"'OONS V N!G:'\ souce:,on.Aadthe salt onc:I6::..cuos (SOfloz/1.5lt en )
• 2 Tf.'S"'OONS"' CE 'Nl'llf wa:e·,and oringtoo ooiloverh·gn "'eOt.Reduceto low
hea;:o-..dsimrre· for 15minutesor 1..ntime ~\'O!'S ore
=o'\ T-1! SP:::: 5.t:; e.xtrocte-:1 fromthe sp·cebog.
• 2ST H: "I SE - Adatne squo:-,sano br'...gthewa:e· to another :oi .
• I :l't,!O i.! "IG!ll; ,E =:fl Co-.-e·, turn off tee ,-.,eot,and'<l
me ho: wote· for
• I sv:1~::: '\j'\l!.\IQ~ )TIC( the squoostoo colo"'.Cle·
0 1oz·soos - :.J.!"IG o ,cl r•"\Sethe s (:n with coilingwater.Air•dry the squo:-,s
, ,\J"' ED ~0 -1! '\I ~,u,T
in tN' refrigerator:o. 30 minutes.
• ·~OZ, 8:; L ::OR :::Ei\OOT - -o make tf"':glaze,stir tN' mol:oseand 3 toblesooons
• •~i!.3.E5"'00'\I S,:::-1U!'\I ~ water together .n smcl 00'....t unti me mo tose hes
'"t==:= :O"(NS melted.Addt ce re-noiningglaze ing-e-dients and miln,-e .
• •, i!.S.ESPOO'II G'tOU'l:l CUV "I - 3rushthe squobswi-'JIthe 9'oze··•aryfor o.notil:·
• •~TE£5"'00'11 C.0\'!S 30 minutes.Repeatcgoin.
- -o make :Iced sa;t, heai tne soh in o s -nollcry
=011;T-1! SP ::::J)!..Lf: sk1-:t f-ying pan) overmediumneat for1minu:e. Turn
• I i! !S"'OON s:..•r o!! tN' neat and let cool.Stirinthe r\'!...sp·cepc..,aer.
• •~TE£5"'00'11 : ,\IE·SP :: "'O'IIOE'\ - ;eat m e Vl.'O( or aeep soocepo'lto 300°F/l;o<C,
or urd o cu:,e of creodb'-O'h""\S in Iiimil"",,..ies.
ood the squO':Io-..duse o s..otte-:1 spoonto ge~tlyrollit in
me ho: o for 3-4 T,J"I.Jt es untilthe s!u-1turnso a~p •ed.
Cc:enAy·ema,•etf.e squab fromthe oi one!drol'Iin
o coooc:ler.~peat w'th the te:noiningsquoj,
- When·eody to serve,halveeach squab and transfertoo
·,tth tf..; Sl)itedSQ!tQnOsteQTedric~.

, ..
OttP n. :o ~I..AB
tJ 509
i\!:; ON: J !'"\l:";SU ~ ~ t'.!l
P:\!P!F(qON i ME 10 v NUiES
S!'WES: !.

• !.·5 50'\IE._ESS "G! O~ 51\!.:.s·s - Comoinethe pg:oo,salt, egg •1,nite,onc:I1teaspoon

!SQlli 1i 0!1lCC :;;, F N!lY co:nstorch(cornfour)in o orge 'Xlh ono mixwell.
Stitin1tooles::,oonse<..ome oil.
• •~fE:.S"OO'II S.'li - ;em 2 tablespoonsord in o...,o<or larges<i!let(
• I EGG \\-!,TE pen) overmediumneat, ada tne pigeon,ooclstir-fry
• I Tf!.S"OONS CO'tNSTH:C-1 rao:dlyfor30 seconos.Trons:erthe o:geontoo pate.
'COR'll=LOUi\) - ;em meremoi·•-r.g1to':.=1:ioon lo·d ·.ltri: V.'O! ove1
• i f:5L!S"00NS SES.'ME0 medium-'ligh "'eat, odd tt"<:ginger,sea Fon(spr'~ on·on),
• l ·:.a .!S"OONS ~!:\J o,cl cayenne:,e:-oe-· , ona stir-fry for 1minuteuntil frog'Ont.
• ·~oz,,10 ::s.:;'11:lE't :.sou·\· 'IIC-1,• Add tf"''le,soysauce,and s-.:gorand tosswe-.
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE), S- 1\!0DD - Mixthe ·ema.i'lingii teaspoon co·nsto·chwi::nii tablesooon
• I sc:..l 0"11 9':\ NG O'IIION), wo:e-·ino smol oo.., and sf· tnis mixtureintott"<:wok. .
S-l'tEO:l!J Bringtoo xia, s:irring,:<Y OXll..-t30 seCOtdstoi:hio:enthe
• I 'tD c:.YE'IIN! "!""fi\ . SL CD sauce.Returnt"'e oigeon~totf"':wok, toss, a.."'.d s::Ir·" me
• I f:Sl:5"00"1 S-1!.QXl'll::3.w1,E 1tablespoonsesame oi!.T·a.nsfe·
the ·eT.z.'.ning
• i f:5L!S"00NS ~,:";-ITSOYs:.ucE to a se-vingplate o"'4servewi':hrice.
• I J:!S"OON G:\!"IIUl:.·o SUG!'t
• •~fE!S"OO'll 'IIH iE V:'IIE:";!'t
• su:.1o1:o 'i;,C! =-.,:;ES.dll ·o SP:\'E

i\!:; ON: SiC-!U!'II Ji ::c "" ,.,,.

, ,. , J.,L ' Et P'=i
P:\!P!F(!·10N i WE: 5 W 'IIUT!S
S!'tVES: 2

• 2 (9·0Zi'i5C·~ 'IIHOlE "GE ONS - ~-t t"'e oigeons·.,too arge saucnon and oocle-iough
• \0!·10::s.~'ll:;E=t ·:.aou · \•l'IIC-1 wo:e-·toeoo.•e-·tnem completely.3ri"9 i:oa boilover :-.igh
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE), Sl C!J hea;:o"'.d:-anc.n:o. 1TW'lvte. Oro·.n.
• i J!5L!S"00NS :l':\( SOYs:.ucE - j_d t"'e sXes i.lo sXe :,cg. Pu;: 17cups (36 floz/4 lters}
• 0 ·:.a .ESPOO"IISS.!L. wo:e-·into a -orgeso;xepo'"I.Adc:Ithe ginger, SO/sauce,
• i OZ ·50 G ~OC!CSUG!i\ salt, sugar,wine,and soice oogand oringto a ooil.
• !. ·:.s .ESPOO'IIS S-1!.QXl'll::3.''lo',E Reo..xeto O'Nhea;:o"'.dsimT~· for ISmini.ft es.
• 2 i.:-5~:S"OO"ISJAW 'llf r:r- ,.fAvf> - 3ringtf"':saucetoo Xii o"'.dcod the p·geo"S.~!:tur'.lto
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1C! "!:lE S.dll TO SE'':\'E a boil.eoo.-e·,
a,chhe.n turn offtt"<:nem o,cl let stand for
o"'Other12minu- .es.-ransfer me pigeonstoo colo,o~· to
=o=t H:: SP c:: a.,:; d·dn. )isca.rdthe la-..icl.
• 2Si! "! "ISE - ;em a dry"'eO't,odd tf"':tea eoves,o.ncl
• I :l't,!O J.! "IG!ll; ,E "! El poce o metal steom·-..g· tf"':'"''O! 0te· tf"':leaves.
• iOZ'50GS - £J_!"IG Arrarge tne pigeonson i:he rock,covet,ana tne'1reduce
• \ O! 8 ::3.L CO:\ CE :\COT to laN "\eOt.Smo<efo· about 10minutes.
• •, SM!.l C NN.'WO'IIST Cl:: - -ro.nsfe1the p·,;eo--stoo cu:f-r.gboard one!wne.ncool
• ·~ i!S.Es~oo'II SIC-!U!'II enoug"lto ho"'.dle,rut each in no!:.- ransfer to a se-ving
'"E""!'<::ORNS pate o.nclservew'ih rice.
• •, i!S.ESPOO'II G'tOU'll:l CUV "I
• ·~ u:.s~oo'II c.O\'!S

'f ~l~ff "!G 0'11: S C - U!'II
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IIU.E S.
BRAISED Q UA IL " lUS I -101,;~ ,-,:=t 'll~i "IG T WE
COOK ~G i WE: I -IOU"; 15 "11'\IUTES
SE'Wfi !.

- Combinethe c,.;oils,'Sl:l'fsauce, wine,and ii teosooon sa;t • .! t7·0! 'lOO·G aw LS

i;'lo .orge X/h ono mo·i'IO:-efor 1nour. • I ·!o .::s=ooN L 0-1· SOYS!UCE
- ;ea;: 2 cups (16; oz.#75 ml) o in OWO! o· deeo souceoo'1 • I ·!o .::s=ooN S-i! OX "IG w N!
ove· medium-h·gnheat to ooout 3LO'F/170°C, c,: until • I ·t!)F'O O'II S!.i
o cu:,e of oreocl~O',.-rsin 45 seconds.Gentlylov,.,e·tne , i cu=s 0~ ~- OZl.!'.'S Wl) PLUS
qlJOil·"'to the oi o "'.cldeeo-fryfor 32 ,,w·11Jt':'Sun':ilgoden. 1 i!S.ES~OO'II V!GEi!S.E O l
Tro"\Sfe· tr.e quoiistoo olo:e r--eci\\~:'l po:,e· ta.-.elsto • ~ 01,'10 G G "IG!'\ . ~.60Ui \·1~C -
d·oin and pc, 2·CW·lENGi -l ~ E:EJ, Ci\USH!O
- ;ea;: 1tob espoon oil ·n o c...eanwokever nigh neat, ode • i 5'. ! L~IONS :S'"'l;."IG 0'110"IS
the g·cge· O"O sca.Jions(spt'-r.go ..~s), O"O st:t-fry:or :u1 N-o I ,· .'11:-1 ,!•:v lfNGi -l S
frog·ont.Addthe chkke'l broth (s:oo:) o".d • ; cu=s o~~-
oz .!'.'5 w1J c - :<E'II
~iog too 00. Putin i:hequoits,sugor,and ·emoining 5'\0i - :sro:fC, =~.GE n;
~ tees :ioon salt o.r,c:I
si:Ti :-re· ever mediumri:at forobou;: • i ·psPO ONS 3'\!NU.:t::J SU3 H
1ho1.rorl..ntilol tt"":ro ..ce ~sbeenaosorbed ~the • i ·psPO ONS SfS.!,_,f Oil
quails.Turnoverthe c,.;oilssevere tirres during bro:Si"'-9. • SE!MEJ-" CE IP~.G! '.:.!0), iO SE'l;v'E
- )isco·d the g·"'.9e·o"'.CJ
scallions,transfe· m e quoilsto
o se-vingplate, o"'.d:in..'Snwi-.n
the se<..ome oil.Serve

ti lll
M f
. _;, ..

' .,. ·~.

'~.,~ ·i.
i\!~ ON: r.: 'J,:..N ~ftllf
P,\!P!i\qON i ME I -IOU\,
:i\ , :.r '\I~ i \1E
" lUS } HOU'l;S 1,1, CO LD PO RK
COO( l'\I~. ~E }0 'fl '\IUiES
S!i\ V! S: O·S LIVER

• 1\ .5."i (~ "C'I;( 1.IVE'~S - -o make tt"<:so;,.ce, com:,;neo!It ~ iogredien:s and 2cups

• I f:5l:S"'00"1 W-1 i: =p=f:i; :::CR'\IS (l6fl oz/4i5 ml}coo wa:-e·in o a.rgeOO'NI and refrigerate.
• 1OZl500 G NO!i\ : :s our}· '\1:::-1, - ~inseme liversl..J'IC!er cold runn·cgwa:-er.:mtee Iver with
i.5•C'fl•lENGi - " :::E, s- ~: oOEO. wo:e·,o!lov,:ing it to run throughtee ooeiiogs, then cress
TO SE\'t'E da,;n on the l..-er to relemetee '"'O'ter a,cl ~ from
insic!e.,epea;:( "'S•cg a ,cl ~essing, until most of the b ooc:I
=o'I;·n: s.:ucE insiaethe liver "'.OSbeen d·oinecland the l-.•erbecomes igtn
• !. .!6 .ESPOO'\IS l ~Hi SOYs.r.u::::: pt"'.J::
in color.
• !..!6 .ESPOO'\IS S-1!.QXl'\I~ ''lo',E - j.oce the lvers on o "'Oflmetalic neot~oof :.ate a-r.op.rt
• I f:3l:S"00"1 ~ .\l.N U•.!fEJ SU~ !\ into o la·se sa-..xepo"'i.Add tee '"'"l'te :,e:.:,e·cor"'Sond
• I r:a L! S"'OO~ ~ '\l~E•uu :::E enoug'lwoter tocom:.ete'y coverthe l-.-e-s.~t the
• I r:alES"'OO~ s:. .1 wo:e· to l50~F/70'1Cood st~j fot 30 minutes. (Youneeato
ma.:nta.:nthe water temperature cy uS:ngo thermomete·
a"'.dcoding a lttl e hot ...,oter.) =wTcve a-r.oimT-ed'otely
the lvers intotne cod sauce. t-'orinatethe li\<e-Sin
me sauce forot least 3 hOU""S.
- Aoin tf"':sa-.,..ce.Use a S"'.Cltp(n·fe to snoveoff tri:
hardened skil o: the lvers, then slicett"<:iversood tra"\Sfer
to a se-vingplate. SeNe toget ~r \'l1'tn tt"<:snredcledginger.

i\!~ ON: Z-IEJ : ,G il$ffi~

P,\!P!. ,\:· ,oN i '/'IE: 5 'fll'\IU i: S.
" .US 2 O! 'tS so : (1'\I~ i lV E DRUNKEN
COO( l'\I~ i .M! 1 -IOU";S 10 'fl '\IUiES

, n ~a ,11::G = 10 s 1:i;orn .. cu.:,EO - Putthe trorters J'lto a orge sauceoonand odd e~h
, r. OZ>l:J Go No::, : .r.:.our 2· '\1: -1,• ...,aterto coverthem com:.ete)y.&-iogtoo bot over high
S•C'fl•lf"IUT-1 "E::::::,.s~,: : o ~at and olonchfor 5 minutes. $.(imtt"<:fro:n onc:Iscum
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 S :::- u : "I off the sufoce , if needed. :>rain,t~'l rinseu-"'.der cod
=:p~,;~co ~,"IS '1..!lnin9\\'Oter.
• I :::U"' :a
=t OZ/25:J v.) "C H ! O'lt '\IE - Returntt"<:t·ott-e-stott"<:oon and odcitne gingerend
s.:u:: Sic.nuanpeopercorns. j enoug:1•,,.0'ter to coverood
• ·~ CU"' !. f. I'll) S-1!,QX N~ ~ing too ooilaw hign heo;:,then ·eo..xeto O'Nheat
w ,E and s·cr.mer :o-2 nours. )rohono discordthe gingerand
• I f:!S"'OON Gi\H,1Ul :7E:) suG :'1; :,e:.oercor"'S.lmT~rse the uorters ·'l cod woter u"l:ilcold,
• ·~TE:s~oo" s., n then drain.
- Ina i0rge "'OS'lrrtetolc DO\\~, comli ~ t~ pic..<led wine
sc:-xe, wine,sugar, so}t, a.r,c:I1CUj {8 f oz/250 ml) cold
...,ater.PI.Jtthe uorters ;ntothe oovl a ,cl imT~"Se. _et
SOO.( for 2 days int ee refrigeta:or.
- Se-ve chilled w'tho..rtthe sauce.

i ll ~ ~ •u~ ON: -! USE
"'I\!"'! I\! " ION T ME l~ v 'lllJES,
PO RK BELLY W ITH " lUS J:J v "iUiES 1,1:.,1\
N.'i 'II~ T WE
:::OO<l'II~. \1! l HOU~ IS \1 NU"fi

- =orthe :,oskoe'ty,scrape the skincleon, then rins.ethe oork • 111-..a 2-oz,soo·GJ 50'llt ..ns.
u"'.(!e·cod ru-;ning v.'Ote·. S( 'l·ON " 0 ~< S! ....Y
tl-...oor< ·.,too"'.doad enougnwa:er
- j.....-t • S:::!'I", CU., :2-.OZ/75 3:
to cover it com:.etely. &-"'9 too Xii over hig'l heat o"lO lO'IIG·G~ ! 1'11't CE
banchtne por<:orKlminutes. 0--oinand •inseunder • IT:: ! 5" 00"1 S!.Lf
cold -...nning\\~ U-"'ticooeo. • 25T H : 'II SE
- Meom111hil~ • .no smo 5.(ile: (fryingoo,),dry ·oost t"\e • I t:3lES"00'11 S :::-;1..:'II
(ce over lov,.•heot for 32 ~lit es unt s.ightty~O',.""I. '"E""!=t :::O'!;NS
Ado ti!: salt, star anise, Skhuo.n:,ep:,erco-ns,c_oves, • \ u:s"OO'II CLOV!S
o"'.ddnno-r:on o.r,c:I·oost the sXes overmedium-low • •, tf:5"00'11 3\0U'IIO C NN!J.10'1
heat for o:o..i 3 mil"",,..ies.Tro"'Sfe·tne CO<"'tents too • 5 oz·15:J 3 1..0iUS ,oo· "! ElEO
9·Me1 (or morto·ono pest e) onc:Igrindtot"cetextu-e • I t:3lES"00'11 :::-;O""ZO SC.'L .. 10"15
o: coarse breoclc.n.mbs. Set aside. :s:-:,'13 ONIONS: TO 3H'lli5H
- U.-tt--e oord-rtol~ ,.-J ,.->$-in ch# ,i: 2.S • 1-cm pieces,then • STE! ~EO '!;,CE :-:~f 5.dtt: TO s::~v::
p.rt intoo orge bowland odd tt"<:mo(~e,ts.
t-'orinate ¾Jr10minutes. =o\ T- E V!'1;1, :J::
- Meonv,ihil~ . o chops:io:to cleonthe cho.,--es ;ns:de tne • I t:3t:5"00N ~l'l~BJlJ :::::
lotusrom c,cl riru.ethoeo;,;ghly undercoo runn·"".9 wcte·. • I t:3lES"00'11 '1;0 S!!.N Cl.~J JU CE
Cut the otus ·oot ·.,to Jje.'~h/3 -cm-wic:le slices.Piece • I t:3lES"00'11. !.NV ! 'IIJ .t NG
i;'lo oow a"'.dmixwitn1tablespoonstlceo groo"'.drice. • I i:!5"00"1 \ICE'"'°' NE
- Aoothe remo·'"W'l9 sXed groundricetott"'e'oow ,...,4th • I i:!5"00"1 ~~!'IU.:JD su~:,
the po-'<onc:Icombine\\'e . • \ "f .!..S?OONG~OUNJ \\ -i TE ?E'"'"E't
- _inethe bottom of o heo:oroo:DOV\~ witnthe po·(, s<in-
sideoo"'~ a."'.d:i, s.,iceso:,too.j.ocethe
oo..,ino co lopsibeoot or ::,omboosteoTe·over o :,ot
o: boil°"".9'..,.oter.
S:-ecm, covered,for 1hour.{Aod mo·e
wo:er ::oth<:po: i: ne-:a-:o.)Carefullyremovethe OO'NI the rteomer.
- US:ngdisn tov,.•e_s, coverthe OO'NI ,...,4th
o :.-ate, ono invert
to transfer the :,orkond lotus root mixtureOl"rto the :.ate .
(Alter"'.Otively,use tongs to tro-rsferthe con:e~ts.)
- Gorc'.:s'lwi'tnthe SCC!..,.ions(spr"-r.g
o~·ons},tne'l serve
wi-.n rice.
i\!::3-ON: Z-IEJ :.,o
P:\!P!.:\qON i ML 10 v NUiES,
" lUS }0 v '\IUT:S \1.!:\ ~:.f '\13 i WE STEAM ED PO RK W ITH
COO(l'\1::3.. ~E 2:J \1 NUHS

• I ll·OZ,}:JC·~: ao~HESS. SKl'\l·O'\I - :or the :,ol,: oe'ty,scrape the skincleon, men ("";!e the :io:k.
,.0 ~( 3E~LY una'=·cod ru-;ning'1,ote·. Cut~to ~-:Och/5-T.-n-th·ck.
• 1 OZl50 G S-E .L!J UNCOOKED slices.Se: oside.
5-1'( \1,. tPR.'W'\15), J!\'! '\ID - :ine}ychojtn e snrimj (prowns)until ground(minced). In
• ·~ O!,' 10 ::3.,.O~< :q5:.::: <. C- O""!J o tt"<:grou"° shr'-r:o,x,rk fotbcck, shrimo
• I f!5L!S=ooNS SH" V " ,.!.)JE po:ste,sugar, wine,9ingerjuice,ono co·nsto·ch (cor-.fb..r)
• I f!.3lES"00~ :;3.:\l.NU.!TEJ SU~!'( into a sauce and ado me por(.Mor'"".Ote fot 30mi"'utes.
• I f!.5lES,.OO~ ) -!!..QXl'\1::3. n'l~E - _inethe bottom of a heo:oroo: :.ate wim the tofu cuffs,
• I f:.5L!S,.00"1 :l '\1::3.E\JU:::E men put the marinated :,orkslices on to:.. =burthe
• I f:.5l:S,.00"1 :::OR'\ISJ:.\C - mafnode sc:-xec,;-e·me por<o"'.d:I.ace·.\ o co oosible
::::o:\'\l : LOU:\) pot o:-bomooosteamer over o pot o: ooiling'-''Oter.S:,eom,
, 1cro:u =u:rs. - :.rvo covered,for 20m·.,.,ies.Gor~"lwitn scallions(spring
• I f:.3l:S"00"1 :::-10""!0 SC :..L~IONS tf"':'1s,e-vewith .ice.
:S"" '\13 0"1 O'\ISL iO G!.:\'\I S-
• su:.1o1:o :;;,:! " .'::3-ES.dC ·o SE~\'E

i\!:l,ON: 3u.:..Nox1 ~ -¾cf{)~

P:\!P!.:\qON i ME IS '/ll '\IUiES.
" lUS 15 '/l/ '\IUi:S v:.'( ~:.f N3 i ME
COO(l'\1::3.. M! S - OU'(S 30 '/l/1'\IUiES
S!i\V!S: !.·O WIT H TARO

• I (l..d·OZ "JC·G SO"IElfSS, SKl'\l•O'\I - :or the :,o/( oe'ty,scrape the s!u-1cleon, men r'"':!e the :,ork
,.O" < 5E~Lv :.oourl~ '\1:::-iES,.a:::1o1 una'=· cod ru-;ningwote·.
WOE - ~it~ cor< hto o l°'ge sa ..cepon o,cl oad enoug:1wo:er
• S :::u5ES i\:o 3f!..N Cl;:\J, 1,1,,S-ID to coverit. 3r'-..gto a boi over :ligh,-,eat and olo,ch fot
• 2 J:.5L!S"00NS" CE 'lii'\I! 15mini.lies.Xim tN' fro:h and scum off tee SJJ"foce,if
• 1 J:.5L!S"00NS 3\.!'\IUP-EO SUG!'( needed. )ro·.l o-r.or'"':!e under cold n.nningwoter. Set
• I f£5L!S"'00~ ::3.'\1::3.E'(JU:::E osideto cool.
• I .5 S OZ ~JC 3 P\O, PELEJ • Comoinethe red oeon curd, wine,sugar, and gingerjuice
• SlE!.\1!0 "1;1:: "!::3-ES.dC TO SE~\'E o"'.dmixinto o souce.
- O.i t ce cork into 12equo Silces. Combinethe slicesw~h
me sauce and moioote for15minutes.
- O..i t ce to·o i~o 12equalslices,sim.,or·o sizeto the po.·(
slices.=-1.nme taro srces in:oa collo~·oie or oomboo
steoTe·cver o :,ot of bo cgwoter. Steam,cc,;-e·ed,
:o. 15mini.lies.Cc.refdy!!:''TlO\'!: fro:-ntnesteamer.
- ~!:'movethe po·( fromthe so:.xeonc:Itro"\Sfertoo 'X/h.
o·o the taro slices.ntotn e sauce to COO'!.
- Ona deep heo:oroo: plate. o ..ocge al:e-r10:,elayersof por<
tr,n po..rO\vt· tri: remoin·cgsouce. Seal
o"'.dtoro slice--~
me plate tightlywi:ha,,,.minu-nfoii,ploce in tN' steamer,
o"'.ds:,eamove· hig'1heo;:!or} hou"S.(Add .rorewo:er
to the pot, 'f ceedEO).SeNew'th ric,e.

~ ,t, :r□ r~ ~:o 0'11: J :'ll~X
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 i,VE: 20 Iii 'IIUTES

- =orthe :,oskoe'ty,scrape the skincleon,then rins.ethe oork • i '12·0Z lSO·G 50"-IElESS, $1.1'11·0'11
undercold run"';.,-,g woter. ,.O~< 3E~tY
tl-...oor< ·.,too arg-=soucepo.n,then add the gi'lger,
- j.....-t • ~ ozno G G "-IG!ll !.,50Ui \·1"-IC-
k.."'.Ott-ea wate· to cover
(springOt'~), and e"'.Or...:9h 2·CW·tENGi-l,. E:EJ, Sl :!J
ti--?-ncomolete!y.:iringtoo ooilO'.'erh·gn heat. reduceto • I sc.,.L~I0"-1 :s=>\i'I:"; ON 0'11
low hem, and cook :o. 20 T,J"IA':'S.Tro"'SfertN' oork too !.NOHE)
co ooc:lerto ctdn and ·eserveooout 2 to:. espoons • i -!a .:s =o oN Q !'t l( S.OYSAUCE
coo<ingbro:h (s:ock). , 1 -!a .:s =o oN-" :t w N!
- :,.acethe ~rk bellyin o 'Xii< ono rub\\"t~tri: do-'<say • I cu=> (8 : L OViSC "1Ll
sauceo.ndwine. vE:;E·:. .o.E O L
- ;em me oil .no \\'Okor O*P soocepo'l to 3tOOF /1iOOC, • II OZ l:J:J G Y!.NS, cu- NiO
or u.nt,io cube of lreod bra1tnsin 45s.econds.Use po:,er :·l'IIC-l •'l•CW·i-1 CKSL CES
ta1;elsto pct the :,orkbellydryO"O gen:lylower· the • i -!5 .fS =>QONS l :;- r SOYS' UC!
oil. ~p-: ryfor 2-3 m·"'.ies V"'til golden orown.Use o • I 7f!SPOO'II GH'IIUL!.TEO SUG.'R
s.otted spoon to corefu'fyteTlO\'e the po.·(from the o. ono • '.11r:::..s:-oo~ s:..LT
dro·n on poper taNels.Setos;de to cool.O..i·nto !, ch/ • I 7f!SPOO'II CO~'IIS•.!RCH
1-un-th·d: slkes o"'.dset aside. :cOR'll =LOUll)
- ~eneot tN!oi to 3!0CF/170°C and deep-::')'theyom • Si:!"IEJ-" CE IP!..G! '.:.!O).iO SE'tv'E
for }-4 m·;.rtes untilgoklen xa,.·n. U<...eo slotted sooon
to care~ ·emovetf"':)WOS the oiland dro·.l
on :,aper tO'A.·e.s.
- _inethe sides o,cl ~om of o lo·ge heotoroof'X/ir
\\~:'l por<,skinfocir.gcow~ o,clyom slices, intei'ioc.iog
- Combinethe ..gnt 'il:lf sc:-xe,sugar,s0.;t,ono re~-..•ed
coo<ingbro:h 'no smo!IOO'YI:.~overtceoorkond
yoT.G, tne'l seal tightlywitho.uminu-n:oil.o -r.op oce ·.l o
co oosiblepot or bomboosteomerovero po: of ooiling
water. Stec Tl, covered,for2 hours. (Addmore'"oter to
ti-...oot i: neeoed.)
- Corefu!lyremovethe :0,.1,men s:rointee sa-..xe·~to
o sc:-xepo""·Cove·tf..: bowlwith o servi-r_g pate and,
uS:ngdisn towe__s., invei the con:,rts O<""tot~olcr.e
{olteriotive Y,use tongs to tro"\Sferthe con:e~ts too
~-ving plate).
- ;~; me S<11.1ce
W:r Te.;'"~Tl· nighhNt.
- Mixthe corns:orcn (com'loor)wi:h1tcoles:ioonwoterin
o s"l')Cl!I
'Xl'ir ono stir tnis mixti..rein:othe ~n. Bdng too
boil.sti:ti09, for 30 secondsto thic.(entf"':souce. =burover
tf..:oork ona yo.mso"'.dseNewith rice.

~ 519
i\!:; ON: -1.=.
<1:.:. ffi ~ f() ~
P,\!P!i\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUiES,
=-~us lO Ml'\IU "ES w:=t 'll!i "IG . \1! PO RK WITH PRESERV ED
COO( l'II:; i M! !. HOU'l;S 15 v "iVES

• 11oz,300 G SWEE" '"'l;ES!,\•iEO - ~it~ mustard greens .rl o bowl,odd ti-...sugar, Sgm
MUSt:\O :BEE'IIS . iil; ,\1\1EO,,\ NS!J, soysc:-xe,o.nd,..,·--e-,ono
mo·rote for 30 m·.,.rtes.
!'110: 'llf~)' C-IOPlO e, forthe :,orkoe'ty,scrape the skinclean,
• Meonv,mil
• s ·:a ~:s=ooNs:;vNu • .=.t:J su:;,:.,. men ("";!e the :io:k.t.ndercold runn·"".9 wcte·.
• I t:3t:s=-oo ... l :;ni SOY s.:..u:: - ~it~ oar< hto o locgesa ..cepon o,cl cod enoug:1wo:er
, 1 t:at:s=--oo.,. 11;
1: : ·"'· NE to coverit com:.etely. &-;ng too bo'"'over high heat one
• I (I .5 S·OZ:~:JC·~: SON!lESS , $)( "I· bonchtne por<:<Y Klminu:~. Drainand ~ru under
0'11,.0'1;)(5! L~Y co,d runningwot!?rU""til cooeo. Pot ory with ooper
• I t:3t:s=-oo ... 0! ,.( SOYS.'UCE t--en rubt~ S<inw'1ht-..edork soysc:-xe.
• !. "!6 .ESPOO'IIS VE3Ei!6L! Oil - ;em 2 tablespoonsoi in o ...,o<or largeskte: f-ying poi )
• \OZ·IO:j.~'113E't ·:aou · \•l'll:-1· over mediumneat, oda tne po-'<,sU"-siae down,and
2•CV•L!NUi - :- ECE,, Sl C!J pen-fry ~r abou! 2 ~vt !?Sun:il :J.':steJS :<Ym ontt"<:
• s1E:1o1:o
1:: =::;E S.dC TOSE'WE sL-...Tro"'Sfertoo Cl..cii."'.g:oord to coo.. Cut in1oi'.-incn/
- ;eat o smo!IS<iHetover rr~ -..eatand ood the
mus:ard gree"'.S.Dry-fry'<Y 3 ~vt es to removesorr~
o: tl"' remo·'"W'l9 2 tablesooons0
o,cl mixtnoroug--,Y .
- .ine the sideso,cl bottom of o lo·ge heotoroof 'X/h \\ith

me po"<slices, s.(i, feeing down,and fillthe center w"th

me mus:ard greens. Pu!the g·~- on to:., seol tigh11ywith
o um·num foil.and place in o collopsi:.eootor DOm:oo
steoT~·over o :,ot of bo,1,"".9water. Steam,ca,-e·ed,:<Y
t. nours.(Mc mo·e ,,.ate· to me po: if need:c.} Corefu!ly
removet-..efo ono discordthe g'.nger.
- S:roint-..esooce ·..,10~-bowl.Cover the 'X/h of oork ~-ving plote O"'.O, usi"'-9d:S'lta.-.els,co•e;. lfy·.,vert
me conten:s onto tl"':,olo:e.f-,-.,e,oor<will t -..enoyo'l o oed
ot t't"<:
greens. Pourt-..e-e~-ve-dsooce O',-e· me por<o,cl
servewitn rice.

~-¾:-~~ ~ m •u~ ON: -1:.«:.
=1{!=.,1{:· ,oN . M! IC v "iUi!S,
:::OO(l'II~. \1! l:J Vl"iUi!S

- j..,..itr>':oor< fotboo: intne freeze·br 30 mi""I.J'tes

to 'i·m •n oznoo G =o, i- :qa:. .ci-
up. =wmcveand fine!ycho:i,..."I '=sti frozen.Seto:fci,e. • i 0Zi1CC ~ ~llOU'IIO ·1,1 NCEO L! !"I
- Meonv,.'hil~.
com:M'leme soysauce, sugar,sot, and ,.O~<. F N!lY C-IOP?EO
£ tobespoo"'S,.,.ote1'no large 'X/h o"'.dmix,,.ell. • i ·t:.s?0 0'\11. G-IT S.OYs:..ucE
for 15minu:es.
Moc-00:-e • 1 •f!.SPO O'II GH'IIUL!.TEO SUG'1'
- US:ngcho~tio:s, s:ir the x,rk in o singe direo:ion for ooovt • ''I T!!..S,.OON S!..LJ
1 minu:e,or t.nti gummyio cons':stency. Pio:u, the x,rk • ; · .:a .ts =o oNS o.:.Tlo1!'l. C~US-1!0
\\-'t:'lonehood oocls ao it ogoinS!the OO'NIabout 5t·-res; • 1 OZ:SC ~ ,.~ESE'tVEO KO- L~:5
th::s\\·11co use the petty to oecomes:ic..<yonde o:stic.Add :::-10,.,.eo
tN' crusce<Iocr.meolo.r,c:I:,orkfo:ooo:, o-r.omixwe ,.-."ih • i ClOV!S ~:.~~1:::, C-IOPPEO
you·ho"'.CS.hcorpoeotethe ~eserved koh·coi,gorrc, , 1 ·:a .:s =o oN co:'lls-:i\cn
vegetoole oil.and seso-re oi.
CO<nstc-ch(corn"IOUI"), ::::Oi\'ll =LOU~)
- Sho;,e::nepo-'<:,atty into o !\ct ds,: on o sno!lowheatproof • I ·:a .:s =o oN VE~E-:.5 .E O L
bowl.cove,r\\-'t~olu:nn_m foil.o.ndoloce ·no co opsibe T!!..S,.OON S!SHIE 01~
or :,omboo steo-re·cver o :ot of \\'Oter. 3ring too coil and • Si!:•,HJ-" CE IP!..G! '.:40), TO SE~v·t
steom,CO\lered, 'or 8-10minutesuntilcookeo.(Piercet~
pottyvlih o forkor sooonand se:,ora:,etf"':meat to see 'f
it's fullycoo<ed.) Ser\<e\\-'t:l rice.

~~~ ~E~ ON: Sri.'NJO'II~

=F{!=.,F{:· ,oN • M! IC v "iUi!S
PO RK W ITH :::OO<l'II~. \1! . 1:J v "llJi!S
S!i\VES: 4

- Combinethe x,rk v,dthco·nstc·ch (cornf.o...r ) ino 'Xii< • I Ol·OV~CC·G) ::'i. K S!llY, SL :::!O
then cir ""r 1tab espoonoil. • I PS.:s:ooN :::C'i.NST!.i'{(H
- ;em me rema·.,.ng2 toblesooonsoi in o WO< o:-large ::::o:'ll= tou~l
slu!.et(:-ying pan).AddtN' oork ano stir-fry overmedium• • } f:.S.ES,.OO'IIS \'E~fi !.5.E O L
laN ri:at for 2-3 .T'W'lvtes untilcookeo.Trans/ertee oork to • 2 ;: J 'i~ s;:~LIO'iS c~ ~ sc:.;-~IO'iS
a plate a"lCIset aside. :s:,'i.l'IG 0'11ONS;, :::ur 'lliO
- j.....i &...sec O"\S in:othewokono roc.::-ya.·e·mediu~ l\· "IC-1,S•CV .E'IGT -IS
h·gn -r.eotfor 1-2 .T'W'lvt':'Sun:i :.ogra~t.Aad the • I PS.:s:ooN - !'\I M !.'IIJ !.,Ne;
iJOnm·anr,ang, SO"(sauce,wine,SQ.;t ,ano tri: par's,ano • I r::s=OO'II L ~ - T SOYs:.u::::
s::;f- fry overnighneat for onotr"':r minute.Seasonwi-.n • I PS.:s:ooN il;ICEw 'IIE
salt to taste. • '.I) Tf!.VOON S.'li ... USEX.Ti'{:
- -ronsfertoo se-vingplate a,cl servewth rice. TO r:sTE
• Slf!.N!O,. :::: ::.GE 540), TOS!i!;YE

fl'k "'
i\!:; ON: -ION:; <O'II:; ro.\'.YiI!iltl~~ffl
P:\!P!:\!·10N T VE:10 Ml'IIUTES " ~US
lll \1 NUTES n:f! 1'11~T VE STEA M ED PO RK W ITH
COO(l'II~. '1!: 1~·11 v Nlii:S

• 3•~OZ,.ICO ~ " O;;( ~:·5::;:( t~ oor<:abx<in tf°":freeze·bt 30 minuiesto ;m

- j....-t
• ~ cu=-:a o: ..,so: .J=-EDSC!~lO"S up. RemO'leono ;nely cf..oov,milest '·oze-.,.Setos3de.
• 9 0Zi1SC :; :;\OU'\10 (\I ~co com:,;netne driedsco!oos ana £ to:.espoot"S
• Meony-.1\ile,
lf:'11 " 01\C:. = ,ElY CHO'"'"EJ co.clwcte· in o smcl oo,,and sock.for ISminu"tes.D-ain,
• I f:!S"OON G:\!'IIUl:·o suo:\ men remo\<etf..:s-noll~ro muscle.S"l-edtee sec!o~
• ·~ lE£)"00'11 ~ :;- r SOYs:..u:::E men S'"Jaintee SOQ.(ing
wo:er oocl·eserve.
• •~lE£S"00'11 S.'li • Comoinethe g·runcl(minced}oork,sug:ir, soysauce,salt,
• 1 f:5L!S"00NS C•!l\lf!~, Ci\US- EO o".dsco!lopsoo.(ingwa:e· in o 0.:9eoowl.½ar'~e for
• I f:5l:S"00"1 :::OR'IISf:\C-< ISmini.lies.
::::0:\'11: LOU:\) - Usingcho~tb:s, stir the :.orkin one d' ·ect·on 'r.xabout
• •~lE£)"00'11 SES.!Wf O ~ 1minute,r.xuntilgwnmyin consistency.P'ck.up tee oor<
• I f:5l:S"00"1 VE3Ef!5L! 0 l. =LuS wi-..noee nond end s,op 't ogo·-rstthe 'Xlh obo.rt St:mes;
EXF! =cit =\Y l'II:; mis will cou:;:ethe :,atty to ~co:T'= stiuy ono e..ostic.Ado
, 1, o: ,;so cn ,Es: s., me cn.snea oatmeal and oork fatback, ooclmixwe!l\\ith
• •, TE:)"00'11 SH\EJJEO 31'11:;E\, 'fC1.Jlhoods. IJ'lcoeoora:e tt"<:driedsca!lo~ cornstarch
TQ3!:\'IIS - (cornflour},s.esoT..eal o.r,c:I\'=9=tobe al .
• su:1o1:o:;;,:: =.,:;E S.dC ·o st;;\'f - Sho:.e me por<petty into a flat ru"ooclo-oce in a she r.:,11
heo:proot bowl.Coverw'th alumi""'-lmfoil and
co lopsibe oot or :,omboosteoTo:·cvero :,ot of bo cg
wa:e·. S:eom,covered,for'lvtes u"ltilcook.':O
mroug"'i.(Pierce tr>-= party\\ith o forkona seoorote me
meo1 to see i: it's cooked.)
• Meon""•nil e, neat o lttl e veg.e:ooleoil ·no smo s.(ile:
(frying001) ever aN heot, cad the solted-ish, one
pen-fry ~r 1-2 minu:eson each s·e: t.nti slig-r:lyDroY-.•ned.
ReT'O\'e :-om the --eatend pu;:the salted ;sh on topd.
me steoTed per<,then sp--il'lk..e over the shreddedginger.
Se-vewitn s:ecl'T'leO rice.

i;,'(~~ ~m •u:; ON: :;u,! N(DONG
"'!\!"'! !\!" ION" M! IC._. "llJi!S,
:::OO(l'\I:;" \1! l:J ._.l"iUi!S

- j.....-t
tt°":"oordotboo:i;'ltr,: freeze· 30 minutestof"· m • 30Z,8C 3 .,01\( =!"5! :::(
u:i. ReTc.·e o-r.o;-relyc.nopwnilest ' ·ozen. SetoS:de. • '.' OZl20:J G G'\OU'IIJ (V "ICEJ) :-o ;;<
- Meom111hi l~. com:,;nem e groonc:1(mincEO) po·(. so}t, sugar, • •~Tf:s:-oo'II S ! li
o,cl 4 tcoles::ioonswo:er in o OO'NI
and mor'~e for • I f!!S.,00"1 :;i\!'IU.!TD su:;:,
1Sminutes-.MiX·" ti!: por<:atbock.Usi'lgchopstic<s, • 3 f!5L!S"'OONS 0£f\1f!., ::::.:us-1: J
s:ir the meat 'n 1ctrect:.on
for 1 minute,or untilgu-r:TiY. • 2 T!.,s:-oo'IIS CO'\NS"!,i\C-1
- Aodthe ootmeoi,co•nstorch {co~flour), and o· to the tCO"''ll=.oui\
po·(~ure.Mixwe. • I T!3lfS.,00'11 \if:;EJ!5L! 0 l
- O-.Opthec..xkyo.(s ·~to smo pieces.and odd bo:h the • 1 S.'liEO :iu:::< ::;:;s. '"E!L!O,
whites and yolksto the DEOtenegg. H!LVEO ~E'IIGT-IW SE ! '110S! "'''(!"EJ
- ShC?em e po-'<:,atty into o 'lot dsi::and oloce in o she r.:,11 • I ::;G S!'TE',
heatproof bowl.Cover,.-."iholum·~•.Im :oiland oloce ·no • SfE ! l,1fO 'l,:::E :-::;f 5.dC: TO s: ;;v:
collopsibe oot or oomboo s:~·over o :,ot of bo1;;,g
wa:er.Steam, cove·ed,for 10-12 m·nu-cesU""til c00<eo
throug"I. (P erce tr>':oortywitho fork o"lOseooratethe
meet to se:ei: it's cookeo.)

± WL~~m 'IE:; ON: -ION:; (0'11~

"'!\!"'.! !\!" ION" M! IC._. "llJi!S,
:::OO(l'\I~" \1! l:J Vl"iUi!S

- j..,..i tr,..,sq...ic:I
.nto o so;xepo ~ cove1wi':hworm\\'Oter, • 1 oz ·soG 01\ EJ s:.iuo. I\ NSD
and sock for 30 TW'lvt es.Usingyour nonds.removethe • 1\ OZ1'.'SGPO"'< =!TO.,:::<
membra..~ end cartiiage O"O ;-relyc.nop. • '.' OZl20:J G G'\OU'IIJ (V "ICEJ) :-o ;;<,
- Meom111hi l~. out me por<'ct :,oo: in tt"<:freeze· 30 minu:es F N! lY C-IO"'PEO
to firmup. Remove and fine!ycnop'1,"e sti fro~n. • ·~ f!O.ESP00'\1.10-!T SOYs.:.ucE
Se: osic!e. • •~Tf!S"'OO'II s:u
- Combinethe 9to..nd (m:nced} oork,.2 tob espoons,·, • ·~if!)"'OO'II -1111-NV.!,f!O5V~A,
tr,..,soy sauce, salt, ona sugo· in a 'XI.,. men morino:e for • 2 W' "flt :::-1!ST'IIUTS.01:::EO !.NJ
10minuies. St. w'th choostk.ts 'non e ctrectionfor o6out SQ! (EJ ~ :::OLJ W.!if"'
1minu:e, or gw-T.tny.'1texture. :lie.<u:i me por<wi:h • I :::.OVE :;!'(l::: :::-10"'=-!0
one hand ands oo it agoins: me bowlabou;:5 times; th:s • I T!3lfS.,00'11 :::C'l'IIST!\::: -
v. I cause -.nepotty to becomestiuyond east ·c. Mix;,. tCO"''ll=.oui\
&...squidend oork fatback. • •~Tf!S"'OO'II G"'OU'\IJ W- "E "'EPPE'I
- )rain tr,..,,.,..oter chestt'< and odd to the pork,along • I T!3lES.,00'11 O.&i\1!! L :::,us -1EJ
v.-'t" ti!: go~. co't"'Storch(cornf.o.u},o"'.dwhite :ieope1. • I T!!S.,00"1 S!S ! VE OI~
Comb·"'=Vl.<etne'1 ood the ootmeal and sesame O. Use • SfE ! l,1fO 'l,:::E :-::;f 5.dC: TO s: ;;v:
you· fingersto ge"'tlypress tf.eoork mixtu-·eto :o·rn o
meat potty. Piecein a collo:)S:.e po: or oom:,oo S:!:Gl'ne' 1
ever a pot of OOW'l9V1.-a:e·. Steam, CO\-e·ed,fo· lOmil"",,..ies
un:i cooked. Ser\<ev,:'tn rk.e.
fl'k m
i\!:; ON: J l'"\l:";SU :i ;~~/Q
f ~
P:\!P!:\qON i WE: l~ v NUT:S,
:-~us lO M 1'\IU-ES f'tHZ,"IG f ~E LION'S HEAD
COO(l'II:; - ~E 2 -101,;:\S
E'.:!i=-:o: lJS

• '.' 0!,'20~ 0 PQ\,:: :q:! .CI( - j_d t~ ,oor<:at:,oc<in tf"':freeze· 30 minu:esto ;•,n
• 11QZ,,300 G G~OUNJ IW '11:::!J) up. RemO'leono ;nely cf..oov,mile st '·oze-,,,Set os3de.
.fl.N =Q'!;)( - JVide the ground{minced) porkin ho!:. Tol:eone
• 3•~O: 'ICO:; UNCOOKEJ S- " WP portiono,cl ;~1y cnop.
"'t.l 'hNS: S·i:~tED !.NJ W 'IICEJ - Comoine~h po-tio":Sof the oork,me fotbock,ono
• I f£5L!s=--oo~:; '11:;E'tJU :::E shr'-r:o(irc-,.-is}·no lo·ge00\t.~ o,cl cad the g·ogerjuice,
, 1 f::!.s=--ooN Sl3 salt, sugar,wh?tepepper,cor"'.Storch (corn"l00t),o"ld
• ·~ •psPO :J'I G\:'IIUP.iEO SUO!:\ ootmeol.Useya.,rho.ndsto :nix,... el.
• \ •psPO :J'I G~OUNJ W-1 TEPE'"=H - With wet nonds,for'.'lltri:mixturei-rto6 lo·9=meot::,o!ls,
• I i.!SL:s=ooNS CO'\NSP=:::-1 men put them into 6 separate heatproofOO'Nls d:ep
(CO'!;N' .OU'\.i enoug'lto halo tne meotoofland oro:n. ~r ·n enougn
• I f:3t:s=-oo ... 0:fM!l.L. :::'\US-!EJ cnic..<e"t broth (s-.ock)to co-.•e·me meo:oo!ls.Coverthe
TO! =-- 0•110E'\ OO'Nls ,,,/th alumi-rw-m :r;; ace poce ·"to coloos:_Ole pot
• :· ~ cu=-s 15-' ~l oz· I~ ·t=t: C-110:EN or bom:oos:eomer ove·oootof ba.og•.-.cter. Steam,
:'\ Oi-1 (STOC( p::;f 90) covered,for 1 hours.{Aocl T'O!ewater to the pot if
• S:::!~t O'IS :S"" l'I:"; O"IIONSj, needed.) Seasonv.-'t"text·o salt to tos:e, go·n:snw~h
·o G''!;N s;-1 to =-1ONl.L sea.lions(spr'"".9 O!"ions), i: uS:ng,one!~-ve.

i\!:; ON: :,-iu 7l f-tfft~

P:\!P!:\qON i WE: iS v "IUTES

, 1 sr~ = _:.,.1s: - ,no smallHillet {fryingoon},toast t~ sto·on:Se

• I f::!.s=--ooN s CHu.:, PP'"E~CO'!;NS o,cl Sich,.;,on oe-:-oercomsovermedi_m.lov,. •heo! fo·
• I TOFUS-IE!i 2-3 m·-r.ies,o· until frog-o-rt.G·:.ndus·-..go morto·
, 1 ovso o sw:n =--or:r o v::"~ cE~t o"'.dpest e. Se:os'oe.
• ll oz,300 G G~OUNJ IW '11:::!J) =--
o"( -u~ o cleon,oompdisn ta....elto S'="''ltne to'u
• I f£5L!s=--oo~:; '11:;E'tJU :::E sheet and soften. Cut ·.,to piecesto li'cea s:eomiog·oc<.
• I i: !S=--ooN Sl.~T - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof watertoo ooilo.ndodd the
• : -! ,~.fSFOO'\I> LOTUS ,oor sv.·ee:poto:overmice . ~eo-ce to meci .m ~at and
=tQU'I;, S'N!Ei POf:iO St:\:: - , O'\ COO( for 3-4mi"'utesuntilsdt. Drain o,cl cut in:o
:::O'!;NS-l .:\C-1 (CO" ,F.OU ~ ~.inch/10-an leng:hs. PI.Jt'-'\too bowland se: os'oe.
• 1 ESGS,5! :if'I - .ri o ~:-orate bowl,co:-roinethe po·(, gingerjuice,s0.;t,
g· end peppercorns,o.nd otus root Aour.
fo:m into 6 mea:oo!ls,rollthem;,. the beo:en eggs.and
uans:e1too pate.
- j ONf leftover egginto o hot sktet and fryover~m

hea;::or2- 3 minu:e--~ tr,n o.i :nto long,min strips.W·oo

me meo:oo!lsw'ih t-r.eeggstfps o-..d,.-e·micemand place
on too o:the to:Vsnee: on tr,..,steaming rock..Pu'ithe rock.
in o collo:)S:-e po: or oom:oo s:eo.rnerovero :,ot of 1Jo1'ing
wo:e·.S:eom,covered,forabout 18minutes.Se-ve.
i\::; ON: sn.e.NJONG fsrot [~
P:\!P!:\qoN i WE: iO M 'llu·n
" lUS }0 v 'IIUT:S \1.!:\ ,£I '113i WE PO RK W RAPP ED
COO(l'II:;. ~E !.OMl'\IUiES

• I 'l·l5. !.50·3: SON!L!%, SICN·O'II - :or the :,ol,: oe'ty,scrape the skincleon, men ("";!e the
,.0 ~( 3E~LY po·( under cold
• I f:3l:S"00"1 :;:\!.E:) G NG!\ - j_d t~ ,oor<i-rtoo la.:g-= so-..ce~'.l o"'.doad enoug'1
• I f!3lES"00~ :::-;o==:o SC!.L~IONS wo:e· tow.•e-· it completely.3ri-rgtoo boilover :-.igh
:s=: '1130"1 O'IIS) heo! o,cl :.oncn the po-'<for 15minutes. )ro·n o"'.O("";!e
• I f:Ol:S,.00"1. !"11\1!'IIJ !NG unae · cod ru-;ning•1,ot e-·untilcoo eel.CU'!the poJ<•-rto
• i f:5L!S"00NS •. 3-ii SOYS!UCE 2 )I. t~ ,c ;c.-~h/5 )I. 3,.. 0.5-cm s:ices.
• I f!QlES,.00~ S-i!.QXl'II:; wI,E - ,no lorg-=OO'YI:,com:,;neme ging-=·,scc!lions(spr'"'.9
• !. .!5 .ESPOO'IIS lO"IG·G "! 'II R;ICE on·o°'iS}, tionmio-rjio-r_g, 'Sl:lfsauce, o"'.dwine.~oinote
• IC S :::- t..!.N Pi'"=E\:::OR'IIS :o. 30 minu:es.
• 2Si H£ ,SE • Meony-.1\il e, out tne rice ·no smo dry peno,cl toostover
• •~iE£S"00'113\0U'IIO C ~"ll!NQ'II low --ect for~- 5 minu:es urd b"a,m.Adc:I the Sic.nuon
• 3 O'I EJ Lo·us 1,_f!\'fS, SQ!l(fO "II peppercornso.nclstor anise o "'.cltoast fo· 2- 3 ,Mut es over
',\'!if " U'll1 l so =T: "11!0 !'110 CUT medit.r-r: • O'N neat un:ilf•agront. =wmovefromme heat.
'1110::.-i·NC-i a-cw SGUH!S men set aside to cool.Usingo :,es-_e ono morto•,gr"-d to
• SlE!\1!0 "1;IC! =!:;f S.dC TO SE~\'E o coot"..e00\",'Cler. S:ir'n tne cinnomo,:\cod~ tcoles::ioons
bo't;,gwotet,ono blend in:o o pos:e.
- Coentne por<wi:h the rice paste, :.oce eoch oiece in
o lotus leaf sa.;ore, and wroj in:osTIOII~ndles. Piece
me bu"'.d!esontoo neotp•oofpate o· steam tOC(;,. o
co lopsibe oot or :,omboosteoTe·cver o :,ot of bo -r.g
wo:e-·.S:eom,covered,for 30 minutes.
- -ronsfer the bundlestoo servingoo:e and se-..•ewithrice.
Eoc.npersont0.(eSo bu"'.Cl e ono unwro:)Sit. (Th: lotus leaf
is "'Otto be

i\!:; ON: -iON3 (Q'II:;

P:\!P!:\qON i VE: 10 Ml'IIU"ES, " .US
.m1:il~IT ~ 1'11
COO(l'II:;. ~E 2:J \1 NUTES
s::=w:s: !.·o O LIV ES A N D DRI ED SHR IM P

• i J!5L!S"00NS J".EO S-i\lV" - ~inseme dr'ed snrimp,out in o 'XI.,. of coldwater, o.ncl

• ll oz,300 G PO\K S-iOU.OE" O'I &e sookir.gwoter.
sock to:-15mir,,..ies.Aoin and\'e
iENJ!'ILOl'II, i-i '11.YS.ICEO - ~ .,,,..hile, the pork.soysooce,~ teaspoonsugar,
co-,- o;,-,.,
• I lE.'S=ooNS lI~ - T SOYS!UCE ono 2 to':...esooons reseNedsrrimo wate1in o oowv.Moinate
• I J:!S,.OON G:\!"IIUl!.E:) SUG!'( :or10mirdes. then mixin the cornstarch(CO't'!!\our).
• I f::!S,.OON :::O:\'IISJ!'(C - - ,no heotoioof OO'YI:, combr->e t ~ ore<...erved
:.oo: ~•es,
::o:\'11 : LOU:\) g·~e-· juice, ooclreT10iningii teospoon sugo·. Poce ho
• 12 P:\!S!\VD S_!C( OL \'!S, co lopsibe oot or :,omboosteoTe·cver o :,ot of bo -r.g
:::- o==:o wa:e-·.S:eom,covered,for 10,Mut es. CarefullyteTC\'e ::ne
• I JE!S,.OON G 'IIGE'I JU CE from tr,e steamer, mixin the :,orkond dr"eoshrim~,
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 VE3EJ!5L! 0 l o"'.ds:i ·.ltn e oil.Steom o:goinfor10mint.rtes, or un:il
• SlE!\1!0 "1;IC: =!;";E S.dC.10 SE~\'E COO(ed th-oug'\. Servew'th rice .
~ ~ 'f ~ /1;\r§ ~ [,!;- ~!G 0'11: - Q'II::; fCONG
~:i;:~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M -..iu·Es


- Combinethe x,rk, salt, sugar, 'Sl:lfsauce, co:nstorch • . I O!, l:J:J ~ SK N·O'II " 01\(
oi in o 'X/h one mix we .Add t-r.e
{cor-.fb..r), s-i out:i:: ~ ::ur l'IITO \·:'11::-1. s.,-,,.,
prese-ved1urn·~ one!sf·. S.ICES
- :).ocethe ~mplon on o neotptoof :.late, t'N:ltOP'h~h • '.11T!!..5"00~ s:..Lf
tr>':orese-...•eaturnipsand porkmixtwe. Trons:ertoo T!!..S"OON :li\H,IU.:JEJ su::;:\
co oosible pot or bomboosteamer over o po: of ooiling • I ·p SPOO'll 1. G-IT SOYs:..ucE
\\'Oter.Stec Tl, cowre-:1, for10mi"'utesuntilcook.eel
th·ocgh. • I .f!.SPO O'II co~ ....s·.:.i\cH
Ser\<e,,.."thrice. :::oi\'11: Lou,J
• I ·:0 .!S "O ON VE:lE·:.o .E O L
• i o:.-sc~ "\ESE\ VEO Tu,N PS.
''115!0 ! NJ CUT O !.GQ'll!.lY NTO
·:'ll::-1,'l•C"1·i-l CKSL CES
• sr:::.•,HJ R CE IP!..G! '.:.!O). TO sE,v'E

%:* ~ ~l~ ~::oO'II: - : f(K!

~~:~H!.f 0'11T "1E: 10 M '\lu·Es.

tl-...oor< ·-too"'.dcad enougnwa:er

- j.....-t • I \I lS J·Oi::S:J:J·~: S<l'll·ON PO\fC
to cover it com:.etely. &-"'9 too Xii over hig'l heat o"lO S-IOULJ!~
banchtne- por<:orKlminutes.Stirn tr>':frO"".n and scum , 1 ::~ 1o1::NTEJ
0::" ::u,o. ,-,
o!! tf"':s..sfoce, i: ne-:cieo.0-oin and rinse undercolo • l CLOVESG:,L C, C- O""EJ
r1.rv1in9,.-.ot e· until coo ed. Cl..!!the po-'<·.,to ~ -inc.n/ • i · .:5 .ES"O ONS 5E!..N ~!STE, ,-,:s -u:i
1-cm-thic<:. slices. , i ·:0 .::s =-ooN L 0-1· SOYs:.ucE
- lfl o large 00\'r,'I.
me fermen-.edbeon curd, garlic, • 1 · .:5 .ES"O ONS :ltu· 'IIOUS ~ CE
beo'1pos:e, soyrouce, •••/"'e, o"'.dsugar to !orn o ooste. w N!
Ado ti!: pork slicestot-re oov.~o"'.dmix•.,.ell. • . ·ro .:S "OON i\O;< $V{P.i\
- j.....i tr>':
tofu striosono ""'=Ctjroof
:.ate. ::,us-1::J
- =-.acethe marinated :,orkSKes on to:. ot tt"<:tdu strips, • i O!i1CC::; O!E"·:\ EJ 5!:'11 ::U\O
poutme remo·vig :,oste .oixo:1to:1,o"'.dp.rt: intoo Si C(S, i\ NSEJ !'IJ CUT ~TO
collopsibeoot or oomboos:~·over o :,ot of bo1;;,g 2· "ICH.•S•C\1 L!'IIYHS :sEENo ·E :
wo:er.Steam, cove·ed,for~ ;rW·11Jtes. Serve,.-.-'thrice. • SJ!!"lfJ R CE :P !.G! :.!O), TO SE\\IE

NOTE:'ed oeon curd st·cksco'l be j'.,J'cho;.edcnAs'a..n
:ocomofi::ets. f u"'.O'Yooole,it con oe moo-een horr-e.
Heat 2cu=,s{8'I oz/C/5 ml) vegetable oi to285e-:/l.t0<1C
i;'lo deep"'.daeep•fry afeo been cu-·dS::o:s:o.
2-3mruteslJ!'ti tl'eypu-'!t.p.

fl'k "'
i\!3 ON: ! , -t u iff ffi ~ft~ [~
P:\!P!:\qoN i WE: iO M 'llu ·n
=-~us I HOIH M H 'II! " '113i ME PO RK A N D SPIC ED RIC E
3 .. '1E 2 -101,;:\S
C00( I'11

• I 'M S !.SO·~: SIC'11·0'11"'0'(1( - Cut the x,rk in:o ~-inch/Kkm -•,/o':'slices,coout '/4.~ch/
S-!OlJ~OE=- .:\ MMEJ 'IITO ! 3-mmt "!·ck.. Eoc.nslicesnouldcontoh bo:n s!u-1o.r,c:I.rect.
'(E::"! !'•lll ~E - CoT:Ifie me soysc:-,..ce, wi-r.e,ono sugo· in o arge OO'NI ,
• !. "!6 ..ESPOO'IISL 3Hi SOYs,r.u:::: ood the po·( slices, o"lOmcrioo:o:for 1hour.
• :S.!5 ..!S"'OONS S·i!OX l'll3 'It 'IIE "'e, :, rice on o plate linedwi-.n~per t0\~1e..s
- t-'-eor•,.·.,
• 1 f:5 L:s=-ooNS ~\_!'IIUL!.EO SUG!'( to o:-,<..o·o
o.rvyexcessmcis:ure.Tro"'Sfe·too o.rys<iHet
• SC!'ll " 'lt ::U=- :lOZ 'liO ~ LO'I ~· (fryingoo~},ado me stor o"\Se,do'o' e, o,cl cinnoTlOn,and
31\! 'II '( IC!:,"' 'IISEO!'110 J'(: 'll!J toast ever aN neat for~S mir,,..iesu.,:ilthe r'ce becomes
• 2Sl H! "I SE o·omot:Cand cr~hy. ,emove and se: o:s'oeto coo.
, 1 c ~ov : - Putthe sp·cesone ricein:o o food processorand pulse
• •~SM! ..l C NN.!WO'II Si CK untilyouhovecoarse cn.mbs.Acdthe g·ounc:Irice to me
• I J'( :o r::, • u )H!E" )Q!(!O I'll po·( ~r e o,cl mix,...ell.
w:n =-U'll1 L so •r !NJ o=t: N:o - Spre-odt-r.erofte-r.edton. sheet on o heotoroof:.ate. Ro
• Sif!\1!0 "1;1::: "'!3E SlC 10 SE'WE·ece of oork in:o o ro Ia.."'.d
arrange on too of tne
tofu s~t, skin:ocingup. Placeme plate in o collo:.s·ote
pot CX'bomooosteomerovero pot o: DOiling v.'Oter.S:o:om,
covered,for 2 hours,or unt tf"':pork.rots ore COO(ed
mroug"'i . (Addmorev.'Ot-er to&... oot i: needed.) Serve

i\!3 ON: ~U.!.NCDONG

P:\!P!.:\!" ,ON i ML 10 ._.NUiES
COO( l'\13 .. '1!: IJ ._.NUT!S PO RK JOW LS W ITH
S!i\VES: !.

• ll OZJ!.JO G PQ'(I( JOWlS. ::ur l'IITO oopu!arin tf"':coastal reg·o":S

Shrim:.paste is
\·I'11::-1.·t· CW ::u5ES o:Chino oswe os in SoumeostAs·ow~re it :Sco..edby
, 1 f.!5 L:s=ooNs sn=- v =-"'£SH many nomes sucn os "beocori"in ~IC'( and ,... <opi-inThai.
• I f!3t:S=-oo"I 31\!,NU ..!fEJ S.U3!'( It is mode.....-'th
fercrenteds•ou.rd (m·~ed) sh·itnpo.nds0.;t
• I C·Z·'2~0 .; ''i .ie-=-
, !,50Ui 2· "iC - , o"'.dlends o :iungentodor and dist:Octivetos:o:to dishes.
S•::v• L!'ll:;i - P !CE). G\!f!J
• I f!5lES"'00~ S·i!.OX l'\13 wI,E - ,no heotoioofOOY1:,com~t~oor<,sh~rnp ~s:-e, sugo·,
• I if!.S"'OONS CO'(N)f:~::-1 ,,.;ne, o.ndcorns:orch(co·nflour)o.nd/'Mv.,e .
:::OR'll ' LOUi\ ) - j.oce the :.owl ·'.lo col oos:_Ole
pot o· boToooste-omerCNer
• I sc: ..L 0'11 :SP:\ NG O'IIION), o po: o: boilingwc:er.S:-=0-n, covered,for10mi~•.rtesuntil
)-!'(EOJ!J TO 0''('11 S-1 COO(ed th-oug'\.Ccrefullyte:nove :.~tne steamerand
• SlE!\1!0 :;;,: ! "'.'3E SlC "O SP:\'E garnishwiththe scallions(s:llingonions).Servewi:h rice.

ffi ~-?1.H!H~ i't!G O'\I: - O'I~ <ONG
P";!PH!i 0'11i WE: 10 y; Nu-n


- Combinethe x,rk, g·~- juice, and CO<nsto·ch

(cornflour) • •4 oz t:J:J G : o'l;KJOWLS. :::ut 'HO
in o OO'NI
end mix ,...ell. ·:"K -1."l•CM :::USES
- .no heotoroo: oowl.comb:n: tN' ro}ted ,olums,c.nile,p\rm • i - .:.o~:s=ooNS G NG:''!; JU CE
sauce, and tt"<:oork..Piecein o collopsbe oot or oom:oo • I T.!SL::s=oo~ :::Oit'IIST.!'l;CH
steamer a,.,e1a pm of ooiling\\-O:e•.S:-ecm,covered,for (CO'tN ' lOUit)
untilcooked thtocgh. Ser\'ein the 'X/h witn (ce.
12,-i:,-...,;rtes: • i S!..LTEO=1uvs. : TEO !'110
• i '!;ED C-1 ::. SE!JEO £'110S.ICEO
• i f!SL:S=ooNS =.uv s:.u::::
• Sl:£"1:') R ::::: :=:.oE $40), TO SE'tVE

8~ ~ ~ it:'G 0'11: :..N-IUI

P";!PH!i 0'11i "1E: iO Ml'IIUTES
PO RK AND =1usi:J \1NUTES SQ!( 'll~i WE
COOfC'IIG - \1!, l:J v NVES
CABBAGE ROL LS Sf";VES ~ l"1£(fS a 'tOL~s:

- j..,..itr>':mushrooms.rl o bo•....t,
cove1wi':h cold wa:er, • 1 0'1; EJ SL!.C( MUS-1';00\15
and sock for ot least 20 m·':5,or un:ilso¾ened. • i Oi:,•2:JC3 ~llOU'IIO ·1,1 NCE:l) PO't(
- Meonv,.'hil
~. com:M'leme por<,';..teaspoon sot. wgor, • '.11TE.:.s=oo~ s.:.Li
\\½-liteoe-:.oer,o"lO2 water ho i0rgeOO'NI. TE.:.s=oo~ ~'l;!.,NU_!.TfJ SU~!'t
Ma:M-e for 15minu:es,tf"':'1mixin 1 teospoo'1cornstarc'1 , ·~ tt:.s=oo'II o:i;ou'IIJ w- ·t :uPB
{cor~fb..r). • I f!SL!S=oo"I :::OR'IIST!'tCH
- ~emovethe rrm:vooms,sqi...reeze d-y,and discordthe (CO'!;N' lOU't:1
stems.O.Op,t "cen odd to tne por<mixti..reono mixwell. • 3 _! :~E N.'P ! ::::.3:,:.,0:: lf.l.,VES
DM::letne fi!!i-r_g into 8 portions. • ~ PS~ESPOO'IIS C- IC<E'II S'tOT-
- :iringo sci..-cepanof ·...oter too bo1.,oad the cobboge ,:StOC<. =:.:;E 90)
leaves,oncl :.oncn :<Y 2-3 m·.,.,iesun:il so't. )ifn. • st:::."l::J R ::::: :=.,GE 540), · o SE'tvE
- -0.(eo ccoboge -:cfo,cl 5gntfydredgeone sic:lewimo
th:n ayer o: cor"'Storch.t-ren odd o oordon of f.:tngo.nd
roll1..0, tuo:in9 in tf"':e"'.C5.Re:ieot,,,/th the re'Tl0inin9
leaves,1teospooo co:nstorch,o,cl; IJ"9·
- =-.acethe~ son o ~tiroof pate ooc:I:,.rt intoo
co oosible pot or bomboosteamer over o po: of ooiling
v.'Oter.S:rorn, covered,for 20 U-"'t c00<ecl::nroug...,
Orc:nthe ,.,.oter fromthe ::-ate.
- j 01..r the chiC(enoro:h (s:ock) in-.oosTIOII soxepon, odd
ti-': remoini"9 I' teosooon so.t, ooc:I~ing too boi. Mixthe
remoin"-r.g 1teosooon c~to·chwitn 1tc::--:spoo'1wa:e·in
o S'TJO,I 'XI',,. ono sti. mis mixtl..Jein:othe :10n.B·;ngtoo
boil, stirr-™3, for 30 seconds to thiC(entt"<:rouce. =burthe
sauce overthe po·( and co::-ooge·o...s.Se-vewi:h .ice.
i\!:; ON: -IU5E It~@ f
P:\!P!:\qON i WE: iO M 'IIU.ES
" lUS i -10\.iU 10 Wl'IIUiES MEA TBALLS W ITH
SC•!(l'\I:"; i lVE
C00< 1'11 :;. '1! IS W '\IUTES GL UTINOUS RIC E
S!i\VES: !.
~ =.,~E 3l i

• ·, cu= :3•~OZ,'100 :; ) :LUT "IOUS • Soc.(the g..i ·""OI.Srice in o lo·ge bowlof coldwa:e·
'IC! . ,. '\ISEO :~2 nours.)rohono put the r'ce bock i~o the OO'NI.
• l.d OZJ!.JO G L!!"I ,.O~<. F N!LY - ,no ~~rote bowl,corr.oine the lean oork..sot, ,.,..,,l e
c- o==:o pepper, ono 6 tc:. espoo-rsv.'Oter.Soc.(for Klminu:es.
• I E!S,.OON S!3 MiX·'1til: pork:atbock.,wa:e· cl-es:nut:S, g·~· , c"'.d
• I E!S,.OON ~'IOUNDft-1 E '"E""!" co:nstorch (cornfour).
• 3•~ O: 'ICO:; ,.OR< :q5£ ::<. : ,ELY - Umg your nonds, for'.'lltil: por<mixtu·e :nto li,;
/ 3-cm
c- o==:o d'o.rMter:,o!lso"'.d·o int~ gh.runousr'ce ::ococt. Piece
• !.'\\',!if" C -l!Si'IIUTS, ~ 'll!LYc-io==eo me me-o:oo!ls.rl o co:opsible :lOtor ~mboo steamer over
• I E!S,.OON C - 0 ""!) G 'IIGE'I o pm ot boilingwo:er.S:eo"I'\,covered,for15minu:esunti
• 2 f:5 L!S"00NS CO'\NS"!:\C-1 CQO.(ed th-oug.'-r,,
Tro.nsfe·to a servingola:e end ~-ve
:cOR'll =LOUi\ )'ce.
• SH!\1!0 :;;,::: =.,:;E S.dC ·o SE~\'E

i\::; ,ON: sn.:.NJO"IG

Pi\!P!.:\!" ,ON i WE: iO M '\IU"ES
C00< 1'11 :;. '1!: IJ v NUT!S

• ·~cu= I\ oz,.5 :;: ) " ED 5l !C( - Soo<the bock "u--r:gus in a rno!I 'XI.,.. of colowote1
=u'\l:";US :~ 20 minutes, or un:i so~ened. Wmovethe fungus.
• I f!3lES"00~ O'I !) S-l'IIM,. d:SCordtr,..,stems, o,cl tear the cops into smelloieces.
• 11QZ,,300 G G~OUNJ IW 'IIC!J) ,.O~< - ,-.,'=Cc"'.,...,
e, soo<the d"'-=oshrim:iin o 'XI.,.. o: coo wa:e·
• •~fE!S"OO'II S.'li :o. 5 .T'W'lvt
es. Aoin, &oo, ono tne'1set aside.
• i·l 'IIP! :!Sf.!G! LE.=-
VES, C - O""EJ - ~_o·ne me pol,:and salt in o lo·ge bowlond mix
• i 5UNC- ES C .!'lli~O :coi\ !'IIOF moroug"ty.Addthe s .,.imp.fu-,gus,cob.:ioge,end choop«I
- : t =c-1 :~PEJ!'IIO-l!~;CUi NiO COOn~ro ~·) end mixwe , then odd the sco!!io'1
2· NCHiS•:;:1,1 ,.f~~ii> (springon·o, t, egg,.,...,l
e, wine,cor--storch(comiort,
• I sc:. L 0'11 :sP:\ NG O'IIION), g·~e·, o,cl ~ teaspoon W"le :,e:.oe-·.F~m into l•incn/
S-l'IEO:l!J rr<:atba.sono ploceon o --ectiroof :.ot-e.rl o
• I EGG \\-!,TE co lopsibe oot or :,omboosteoT-e·cver o :lOtof bo cg
• •~i!S.ES"OO'II,. CE 'II 'IIE wa:e·. S:eom,covered,for8 T,J"l.;rt ,esV"ti coo<edth·a,_,gh.
• •~i!S.ES"OO'II CO'\NSi!'s:::-1 Tro-rsfe·ti!: meotooflstoo seMng d:Sh.
:c0:\'11: LOU:\) - Poor me st':Gmedjuices .nto o wokor soxepon , odd t ~
• •~iE£S"00'11 :";'(!fEJ G NG!'I soyso.xe, vine-go·,reTJOining ~ teosooon white :,ep:,e·,
• •~fE!S"OO'II G'\OU'll:l W- ,iE "!PPB o"'.do sco.,t 1c_o (7; oz/200 ml) ...,aterand :,ringtoo
• I f!3l:S"00"1 l :;nr SOY S!.UC! bo". St·· in tee reTJOining don:roono sesame oiland oour
• I f!5l:S,.00'f W-1 T! V ,E:; H me sauce overthe .reatbo...s. Se-vewith 'Xe.
• •, i!S.ESPOO'II SES!NE 01~
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1C! =,:;E S.dC , 10 SE~\'E


i\!:l ON: Z-IEJ :,o ~1 Lr~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES
COO(l'll:l i M! 1 -IOU:'t55 ._.NUHS PO RK BELLY W ITH
S!'WES: !.

• I l.d·OZ ~~C·G SONElESS, SI. '11·0'\I • :or the :,ol,: oe'ty,scrape the skincleon,men ("";!e the :io:k.
,.0 ~( 3E~LY unae· cod ru-;ning•1,ot e·.
• •, fE:5"00'11 'tD 'f'ElST 'tlCE OR; • j_d t ~ ,oor<i-rtoo lo.:g-=so-..ce~ '.l o "'.cload enoug" wc:er
to coverit com:.etely.&-"'9too 00 overhighheotono
, ·1~oz:5 G G "IGE't lSOlJT ·~· NCH,• bonchtne por<:<Y Klminu:~. Stirn t"\e frO"".n onclsa.m off
l·Clil·lENGr-1 "E::E ;, Sl :::J me sur:oce,if needed. )re·.\ o-r.o(~e under cold n.nning
• I sc:.l 0"11 SP:'tNG O'IIION), cur wo:e· untilcooled.Cut tne porkinto G.•inch/3-cmsqucres.
'1110i· NCH.'5<~ .!'\l~i-15 · ~it~ tea ~n rice into o smallsOi..cepo~cod ii a..o
• I f:3l:S"00"1 :l:\l.NU •.!fEJ SU:ll't (~ floz/120ml) wa:e·,ond oringtoo ooil.wduce to low
• I f:5l:S,.00"1 5-!l.QXl'll:l w1,E hea;:o"'.dsimrre· forabout 5 minu:es.Stro·.ltri: mixture
• i lE.'S,.OONS .IG-li SOYSAUCE mroug'l o strai"\er(s·eve) ooclse: oside.
• I ::USE i\!O 5El'\I Cl;:\J • Mixthe ginger, scallion{springonion},s-,.;gor, wi"\e,say
• •~fE:5"00'11 S.'li sauce,red OEGn curd,ono sch in a orge 'X/h . Useo arge
• stE:~:o "1;1:::"'!:lE S.dC .10 SE~\'E spoonto mesh tf"':oeoncurd.Addthe ·eoyeost ricewater
o ,c:12tc01E1 :,oonswate· ono bend allthe "'9redients.Add
me po-'<and m ..r.tileoch pieceis coated ·o me sauce.
• j_d t ~ coated oork ~!ly piecesi-rtoo heotproo:oowl.s<in
:ocingda,m. Seo tne bowlwithOluminum'oil.poce it ·o
o co.aosiblepot or bamboosteamerove1a pot of ooiling
wa:e·.S:eom,covered,for 1hou· 30 minu:es.{Ad:I more
wa:e·=:otf"eoot i: neeaed.)
• -ronsfer to a se-vingplote o,cl se.rvewith rice.

i\!:l,ON: YU"'l'lll '11 =~ - "'g

~ ; I "l:i: ti.l~
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 ._.NUrES,
" lUS 1C M NU.ES 5C,:(1'\I~ i WE YUNN A N HA M IN
COO(l'II~ i M! 1 -IOU:'t5 ~ Nu ·ts

, n oz,300 o YUN'\l~'\In:w. cur 1,ro · ,no heotoioofOO'YI:,combr->e t~ nomand gro-rUJOted

·n "I 2 ~ I· '11::-1:5• ,_s•::~Sl :::s suga· O"'.O cad enoug'1bo't;,gwater toca.-e·.Sookfor
• 2 if5~:S"OO"IS .;:o::'IUtl:fC >uog 20 m:nuteSitf.en dro·,nme water.
• !.OZilOO S 'tOC( SU:j H Ci\US-IEJ • Addha.f of me rou: sugar and enougn\,-1ot er toca.-e-me
• i '"f!i\S, CO"!J :'110 SL CO hom. =-.acein o co oosible:ot or bomboosteamerovera
• I r.!5L:s=ooNS -ION!Y pot of boitngwater.Steom,covered,for 1hou-·.Add more
• stE:~:o "1;1:::"'!:jE S.dC TO SE:O:\'E wa:e·=:otf"':oot i: neeaed.Care-fu!lyremo\<e tf.e ooYo~a.."'.d
d·dn away the
• _inethe bottom of a heo:oroo::-ate wim the peer slices
o,cltopwith me ho-n. Steo-nfor 5 mil"",,..ies, then drain
owoythe µ es :.o,-,tne plote.
• Meon""•nile,;,. o smol saucepan,~at tf"':noneyo"'.d
remo·vig nolfof me rou: wgor over O'NheQ6., sti.ting
:.eqi..rentlytoa_sso'vetf.e s-.:gor.~ O\-e· tri: hem,
men seNewith rice.

\ii ;t s !R*ff'l •u~ ON:
-I U~ £~
IQNT M! 15 w ·'lluTES
GI NKGO NU TS :::OO<l'II~ i ~E 2 HOUiU 20 "11'\IUTES
S! i\\'!S: !.·O

- :iring o SOlXepanof '"otertoo bot cad the g·"'.f::90nutS, • I ::u: :sOI,'150 G Sri!L~E:l G N(GO
and blo~h forobou;:15 ,rW·11Jtes. )ro·.l o-r.or'"':!e under NUTS
coo ru-;n;ng,·. R.o eoch "'.i to reT'O\'eme ski..... • 110Zi300 G CUR!O -;! ~. ::ur 'l·o
- j..,..i ti-...ginkgo "'i..rts
in o heotptoof OO'YI:o,cl cad enougn h ~ )l· ~CH·3 ~ l·CW 5-ICES
v.'Oterto cover &em comolete!y. j.oce the ~ ho • '.' 0!,'200 G RO::< SUG!'\, C";USH!O
co oosible pot or bomboosteamer over o po: of water. • :SJ!5L!S:ooNS Sri.'OXl'I:"; 'II 'IIE
Steam, covered.over nigh ,-,eatforabout 1 ""O..r. (Ado , ·~ TE:s:oo'II ,ost su~:, c ~r O'II ! .
more\\'Otertott"<:oot i: neeoed.) Jroin &...ginkgonuts. • I r::~voo~ ::C't'ISP't:: -
• Meonv,.'hil~ . ne me bo:tom of o ,-,eotp--oof 'Xii< v.ithme :co~'ll=.ou~
ham s.,ices.Ado2 oz/50 9 crushed toe..< sugar, 1to:.espoon
\\ine, o,cl enoug'lwo: e· toco-,-e·tne ho~COt"Tolete!y.
Piecetne bowl·o o co.aosiblepot or bamboo steamer
ever o pot of·.-.oter.Be'~ too xiii and steam, ca.-e·ecVo·
about 1 nour. Ora.t'Ithe sauce, leov'-r.gthe ham i"ltil: bowl.
- j..,..i &...ginkgo"'i..rtsoni:ooofhom s.iices·otn e bowl.
Adel21:oz/75 g crushed ·ock s-..go·onotne remoin·"".9
2 to:. espoonswine. j.oce the 'Xlh in o collopsbe oot o·
boT-000 steamer a.-e·o pot of woter. Stecm, covered,over
hig:'lheat .:<Y 1hour. (Adelmorewater to the :lOt ·f needed.)
- Corefu!ly remove the OO'NI and dro·'•er::ne
bowlwith o servi-r_g pate o.ncl,us:ngo_sn tov.-e_s. invertthe
C<Y"ten:s on:o the :.late (cvternati\'e 'y,use tongs to transfer
&,tents too se.rvngpate).
- j.....-ttheros.esU30r,ifusing,o:-r.dtfi-..e ·emoining2~od75g
roo: sugar·.\ o V.-o!with2 woter o"'.d-r.eot
over CIN neat unti the sugo· dissolves.~ix t-recor"'.Storch
{cor~fb...r)w'th 1toblesooo"1woterend sf· tne mixture
in:o ::newo<.3r"-r.g to the boii, stJring, :o·obo.rt
30seconds to thic.(entt"<:rouce. )rizzle the soi.seeover tr,..,
hom end gin<goruts to serve.
i\!~ ON: sn.e.NJONG ft~
P:\!Pl:\qON i WE: iO M 'IIU7fi
" lUS 15 W '11Ui:S V!'( ~q N;j i ME
COO(l'II~. '1!: I -IOU:\ 10 W''IIUiES

• I I· ~5 2·0Z '500·0) 5( '11·0~ "0'1:fC - Comoinethe pork,1to:.espoon wine,I teospooo soysouce,

SEl~Y ::u- l'ITO ~ • 2· '\IC-I me shreddedscol,..0'1(soringonio,), ono 9i¥· jlfte in o
10 • S·CM Sl CES lo·ge bowlo.nclmarinatefo· 15m·"'.ies.
• 1 f:5L!S"00NS" CE 'Nl'I! - ,n o"'OtherOO'YI:,mixthe ?leservedccobog,= ond
• 1 lE.'S"OONS 1.10-li SOY Sl.UCE 1toble:ooon\'egetoble er.
• 1 5C :ll 0"115(S"\.'11~ ON 0'115), - ;em meremoi...·....g1to':.=1:i00nvege:obleo ino
lS - R!ODEJl'IIOIClli ~TO sauce:,onovermed'um- t:IN heat, stir intt"<:s-,.;gor, ond
l'~· NCH 4<~ .!'ll;ji-15 COO( 2 ~lit es unti carome ze-:1. Adome broth (s:ocx),
• I f:5L!S"'00"1 ~ 'll~E\JU CE sah, the ·emMing 1toblesooon,.,.·~ ond 1t,ec:;:,oonsoy
• :s·:a .:s:-ooNS . lNJ ... '"'IES!'1:VEJ sauce ono br'....gtoo bo .
:::s:,:o::. ~ '11::.r
::-io==eo - _cyo sliceo1 x,rk on o cutting XIOl'd. S:.reoclthe p·eseNed
• 1 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ cobbogealongtne entite e,gth o1 the :,ork,then ·o: me
• I f:3l:S"00"1 ~i\l.NU •.!fEJ SU;jl\ po·( s~ceinto o cylindersnope,enclosingtce co:.ooge
• s:::"11-. ::u = tl =t o:::,-1cc ~~. " OR< completely.=wpeotv,dtho tN' oork co:.ooge.
a,o·n :sro::fC, "l .G! n; Arrarge me por<rOllS \'e'ticoly ho neotiroof 'Xlh,
• ·~ u:s=oo'II s.,n sU"•s·o-:down,drizi.eoverthe sooce,and top,,,-:'tntne
, ',\QZ:5 G G "IGE'I lSOlJi •~· NCH1 remo·vig sco!!io'.lonogi¥· slices.
l·CW·lENGi-1 "ECE J, Sl C!J • Sealwithaluminum'o: ano plocein o collo~·otepm
• I f::l.S"OON CO:\'ISf:'(C - or bom:oos:eomer ove·oootof,.-.cter. Steam,
;::OR'l =LOUi\) covered,for 1 "'.O,.J, (Adomorev.'Otertotri: po: i: ne-:oeo.}
• I f:3l:S"00"1 S C- U:"I C-1 d O l - Carefullyremove::neo\r'TW'lum
drainthe sauce
• su:~:o :;;,:: =.,;;E S.dC ·o SE'1:\'E into o WO< 0( lo·g,=5.(illet{frying :.on}.Covertce OO'YI:o1
se.rvhgpate and, usi'lgdsn tov.-es,invert
me po-'<·o.s on:o the pot~. (Al:ernotiv ely,use tongs to
uons:er the content.)
- 3ringtr>':sauce in the woktoo ooil.~ix tr>':cor"'Starch
(cornflour} witn 1::obespoonwo:erin o STJO,.I 'X/h ono
st:rthis :nixtu·e ·nto ::ne,,.0<.3ri"'gtoo boil.sf·ring, for
30secondstoth·c1:=-n me sauce.Sti· inthe Sicnuoncf.
oil,tr>':,pou· tne sauceoverthe po·( ·o s. Servew'th rice.
~mt~ 'tE3 0'11:FUJ :.,
"=tp·:.'t_:.J 0'11 l \1E S \1 NU"ES
SE't\'ES: L

- ~t the \'egetob e oi in O WO< c,: large ski -:: e)'i~ pen) • } J!3lES~oo'IIS \'EGEJ!S ~E O l
ove· medium-low~at . odd tf"':gar c, and stir•:)' for • o c~ov:s o:.Ft ~1c
1-2minutes ...ntilgolc!en.Remo-.• e tl"': gar cwith o s..otted • I L32 oz;s~~3 " :'t( S"!'(B, 35
spoooono setoside. CUT 1"\ITO l·l'II C-l ,'2.5·CW "EC! S
- 1-kotthe oil remoi";og'n tne wok, ado tne sooreribs, and • 1' Tf!S"OON C - O""E J G "IG!ll
s::;f-fryover meo _m ~at for2 m·.,,..rtes untilcooked. • } J!3 lES~oo'IIS "! 0 DISTl~ E:l
Tro"\Sfe· tr.e spareribstoo pat e ooclset aside. G"! l'II s:..ucE
- ,6dd the g'nger to the WO< o,cl s:it-fry fot 1mi""I.J'te
un:il • 2 i!S~ESF'OO'IIS f S-1 s:.u:E
:.ogront red o_stil eelgro·.l sauce-,fishsc:-xe, sa_;t, • i i!S.ES"OO'IIS S.'Ll
wine, five-soiceoov.'C!er , ::ne rese-veclgarlic, and sooreibs . • I i!S~ESF'OO'II O~UT NOUS W 'II!
Sft .: :-ycm:· hign heo! for o:o...i 1mil"",,,
then odd t"\e • :SJ!!S"OO~ = VE·S" CE F'OWJE't
b"oth {stoc.. <) o"lOIY-1'19
too bo" over nigh heat. s·mmer • 1 Cl;" ts f~ oz ·;so Ml) c - ,:( E'IIO't
to -educea": sa-.,..ce for 3-4 mini.lies. F'0\1: 5i'tOT-1 :sToc<. r:.o:s 90-91
- MiXtri: co·nsto·ch (cor-.fa...r),,,lth ii to:.espoo.'lwa:e· • 'Ii TE! $" CON COR'IISf.!\CH
i n o S TICH XI,. ona stir mis mixture in:othe '1•0< . :co~'ll= .ou Ft
Sting too bot, s:irri "9, for 30secondstoth'ck.en tt"<: • ;i J!!S"OO'f S!S ! YE OI~
sauce. Sti: int~ sesame ot nons:!ertoo se.rv'~ pat e, • S"f! ND "C E ( "!0! 5.!0 , TO Sfll't'E
o,cl seNe with rice.

ffif~tit°~ '\E3 O'II: ou:'11:;oo'II:;

"'tf"!'t_!J 0'11 TIY!: I~ W 'IIUTES,

- Comb·~ t{~ Sjorerbs, sol-,.,o"'.d2 toblesooons...,oter • 1L OZ, .!.Oil:; " OR< SF'!'!,f\.5S.
i;'lo .orgeXI,. ono sockfor 10,rW·11Jt es. CUT l'\ITO $M! ~l " EC!$
- Inono:ner OONI. com~ tr,.., p,.l..!Tls,
beo'l pos:e, • I JE:5"00'115,,1.n
garlic,o"lOsugar o"lOuse o for<to mosnit i.,to o pos:e. • } s:.~·o ".UMS. "T"E O
- Md the xiste to the s:ia.tefbs, then :nix wi:hthe • 2 JE:.s~oo'lls s::..,. :-:.sf!
cornstarch {cor.,fa...r)o"'.dS:::r·.\ tneW<3etc:.-:oil.A.,onge • 2 C~O\'fS ;}!", ~ ; , ;10"~:o
the spo·er.os on o heotproofplate and toowitntne pick.eel • I JE!S"00'113\!"l lJl !J! 0 SU3 H
g·"'.9ero,d chile.=-.ace the 'Xlh i~o o co opsible:,ot • I JE:5"00'11 CO't"ISi!~:-1
or boT:,oo steamer o-.-e·o ,potof bo ngwater.Steo'.'O, :co~'ll= .ou Ft
covered,for Kl minu:es 1..n:icookedth· • I i!S~ESF'OO'II \' !G!PS ~E Oil
i1Ti:-recibtelyw'1h'Xe. • as~ CES P.C<lEO 3 "113!~ (P !.G! 290)
• 1.'\ !0 C-1 ~E S!O!O !.NJ f N!lY
• S"f! ND "C E ( "!0! 5.!0 , TO Sfll't'E
i\!3 ON: -ION3 <0'113 JR~tit ·ij
P:\!P!.:\qON i WE: 5 W 'IIUi:S.
" lUS }0 v 'IIUT:S so.:.('11:j.i ME JIN G DU
COO(l'll:j.. ~E 2:J \1 "IUiES
i!:!! =-=-;;E3}i

• 2 lE'S"OONS s:u • Mixthe sot and 2 CIJ":)S(16fioz/!iS ml) water in o 'XI,.

• !. :a·OZ:200·0 OONE· 'II "O't( o,cl ood the po·(. Sook.for 30 .nn.rtes. )rohono rinse.
S-IOU~OF c-1:=s. 't 'IIS!O - ~it~ oor<hto o locgesa ..cepono,cl ood enoug:1wo:er
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS "! 0 V 'llf;j H to coverit com:.etely.&-"'9 too 00 overhighheotcno
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS <:r:-iu= b o.nchti!: por<:o. 1.!'W'lvte. Oro:no,cl r'"'.:!eI..J'lder
, 1 r:aus=oo~ 31\:..Nu •..:.rEJ su;;:.=t runningwater.
• I f::!..S"OON WC'tCfiiE:\S - 'tE s:u:: - Comoinethe vinegar,<etc.nup.s-,.;gor, Wo:ceste: iir e sauce-,
• I f:!.S"OON l GW SOYs ..:.ucE o,cl soysc:-xe·.\ o smo!Ioow to mo(e o sc:-xe.Set csic:le .
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E O l - ;em me oil;no v.'O( or a.rgeskh: f-ying pan} over
• \OZ·10;;.;;'11;;E=t ·-=-sou·\• l'll:-1· medium-'ligh ~ct. odd tt"<:ginger,and sf· .fry for1 minute
2•CV•L!NCH - "ECE ,, Sl :::J until frog·ant.Ao:Ithe :,ol,: and oon-:-yfor 3-4mi""I.J'tes
• } ·.:.a .:s=ooNS S-!!.QXl'\13 ,,, 'IIE untilgolden :itov.•no~ bo:n sioes.Sp--:nk..e the wi-..ein o ong
• 1 sc :ll o~s (S"'t .'11:j.ON O'IIS), ::neinsideof thew0<, sti· inthe sc:-xe,o.ndood just enough
S-l'tEO:l!J iO G''t'II S-1 (O'"i 0'11:.. wo:e· toeoo.•e-·me por<.:iringtoo ooil,tne:1reduceto
• C1~-=-,n.o ::oR!.'IIOE" TO o:,N S-1 medium-'ligh ~ct and cook:<Y about S minutes.Reoxe
TQ3.:.:\'IIS - to medtrT'- CIN --eatand s·mmer:or o"'Other3-4m·.,_ies
• su:1o1:o :;;,:: ...,;;E S.dC ~OODL!S. untilthe sooce thie(ensand t-..eoor<is cookedtnrough.
0 " "OPiO!S. ·o 5! '1:VE Tro""Sfe· too serv'ngolo:-e,go·nisnwi:hscallions(s:iiing
on·o"\S} and o:.o.ntro(coi:Jnder), 'f usi"9,and serve•,,/th
r'ce, noodle--~
or oo:a:oes.

i\!3,0N: sn.:.NJO"IG
P:\!P!.:\qON i WE: 5 W 'IIUi:S
*~ tit~
COO(l'll:j.. ~!: 15 W 'IIUHS SPARERIBS IN T EA
S!'WES: !.

• ll oz,300 G PO'tK s =:=tf't ss. - ~it~ s~reribs ·ntoo lo·ge saucepanonc:Iodd enougn
:u11•ro 1·~•1'11:-1!.•:v P ::::s wo:e-·to eoo.•e-·mem completely.3ri""gi:oo boilover:ligh
• 2 f.:.5L!S=>OONSJ:sv ,Er:.:. 1..PVES hea;:o,cl :.oncn :o. 5 TW'lvt es. )ro·'.lono ri--seV"'.der coid
• I f:5L!FOO"I Yf-1fil-5~: 0 L rlf'V'kngwater.
• I f:!.S"OON C- 0""!) G 'IIGE't • Meony-.1\ile, com:,;netne tea leaveso"'.d1cup (8 ~ oz/
• I sc:.l 0"11 :sF':\NG O'IIION), 250 ml) boi ...gwotero,cl~j'<Y 5 ~ es.
: - 0""!0 - ;em ::nevegetooleoil·no Outenoo.-en (cosserole)ever
• 1 J:5L!S"00NS ~13-li SOYs:.u:E mediu--r:-~h ~ct. odd tl": gingerand sco on (spri""g
, 1 r: :.s=ooN s -1:..ox1'11;;.·"'· NE on·o,), ono stir-fry!or 1minuteu"'tilfrogro.nt.Addthe
• •~H-=-S"OO'II S.'li spo·erJOS, soysauce.w·~. and st··.fry forcoout 2 mil"",,..ies.
• I i-=-3lES"00~ S c - u.:.~ :-1 ~ 0 Fburin me jasminetea, reseM...gthe teo leaves,oringtoo
• Sif:1,1:0 "1;1:: =.:.;;E S.dC, 10 SE'WE boil,o,cl cookforcbo.rt 5 minutesun::Ithe po·( ::Sc00<eo
Sti. in tl": teo eo-.-esonddri?U inthe Sicnuon
cniliot. Tro--sfer to o servingdsn a...,cl serve.....-'th



i\!3 ON: sn.e.NJONG ~~
P:\!P!:\qON i ME: IS Iii 'IIUiES
C00(1'113. '1!: 15 Iii 'IIUiES SAU TtED PO RK
S!'WES: 4

• I ll·OZ>l:JC·~: ao,u:ss. Sl::1'11·0'11 - :or the :,ol,: oe'ty,scrape the skincleon, men ("";!e the :io:k.
,.0 ~( 3E~LY una~· cod ru-;ning•1,ote·.
• l ·!o .:s=ooNS J!,5y; N! 7f! tf!VES so-..ce~ '.l o "'.cload enoug" wc:er
- j_d t ~ ,oor<i -rtoo lo.:g-=
• 2 J!SL!S"OONS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ to coverit com:.etely. &-"'9too 00 over high heotono
• I i:!S,.OON C- O""!J G 'IIGE'\ bonchtne por<:or5 minutes. )ro·n. Rinseundercolo
• ., s::::..t ON IP'\ 'IIG 0'110'II:, rl.f'V'kng e· un~ilcoo ed. 0.,. me po-'<·.,to Jj..·~h/
:::- 0 ""! 0 3-an cn..nks.
• I f!SlES,.00~ '\,:: ''II' NE - ~it~ teo:,ot ond odd boir...gwa:e·.:louro..i ti-':
• I J!3l:S"00"1 t 3HT SOYs:..u:::: teo o-r.orese-veme teo leaves.
• •, fE!S"00'113'\!"IU.!J:0 SU3 H - ;em mevegetaole oil ·no wok.ororges<illet{fryingoon},
• •~lE!S"OO'II S.'ti cod the g·~e· o"lOsco,lion(spt"'9 onion),andstir-frya,-er
• I f!3lES"00~ S C - U!~ :::-; ~ 0 medium-'ligh ~ct for1minute untilfrogro-rt.Putin ti-':
• SiE£1,<;!0 "1;1:: =!3E S.dC).10 SE~\'E po·( and stir.Ado tnev.·ne, soy sauce, s-...gor,and solt ono
mixtnoroug-r)'. Reduceto low ,-,eot and stir-fry:o.another
5 minutest.inti tne por<iscook.ed.kld the reservedteo
le-avesooclcht oil,toss, andtronsfe· too se-vingplote.
Se-vewith rice.

i\!3 ON: '1101~1-if! .Si

P:\!P!:\qON i ME: 10 \I NUTE5,
~ ~ ~:!ft~
COO(l'II~ i M! 1 -iOU:\ ~CM 'IIU"E5

•i oz·50 G 01\ D \IU'\13 3E.'N S"!:\C-i - Soc.(the TP'"°9:iecn s:arcn s-Jips'no OO\•dof cod
5-11;" 5 wa:e·:or30 T,J"!A es V""ti soft. Aoin end set o:s'~.
• 9 OZiiSC:; " 01\( S"!\B, 55, :ur • Meonv,mil e,;,. o mediumsoucepo.n,odd tt"':sooreribs
l'lliO H'IIC - '2,S•CV "E:::! S o,cl enoug' toco\-e· tne-n complet!?'y.3ringtoo
• j ,.0 .!i Q!S, CUT '1110C-iU'IIKS
1 bo" overnigh neat ono blo:-ichfor2 "IVMes. )rain ono
• I 3E Jl'II~ SC!tuQ"I 0 " l SC.!t~IONS (~e under cold l'l..nning wc:er.
;s"'t~~ O"I o~r1,::ut •no - j_d 4¼cups(~ floz/1 litert ,..,ater·.\ o )u:c"1oven
2· NCn.,s-::y; 1..E'\131-iS (casserole), odd the spare-Os, :,otctoes, &·jing sec on,
, ',\OZ ·5 G G ~GE'\ :.sour·~· NCH· g·~e·, sot, and w·oe,ond bringtoo boi overnigh neat.
l·Clil·tENGT-i "E:::E J, St ::::J Rea..xeto O'Nhea;:o"'.dsimT~·, covereo,for I hoo·.
• •~fE!S"OO'II S.'li - ;em me oil;,. o v.Q( or a.rgeskh: f-ying pen},odd
• I J!Sl:S,.00"1 11;1::W NE me pick.eelco:.ooge and stir-fryo-.-e·mediumheat for
• 2 J!SL!S"OONS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ 1minute.Tro"\Sfe·tne pici::ledco:ooge to the Jl..icnoven
• 5 0!1ISC 3 "C l(.EJ ~ !"! C'55.'3E o,cl cook foranotne·20 minutes.Addt"\e mung Dean
"NS!J !NJ ClJT ,ro i-i 'II Si" "S starch st(:)S ono COO( foro.notf"':·5 m·.,_ies.SeNe·"
• SiE£1,<;!0 "1;1:: =!3E S.dC TO SE~\'E me Outenovnwith rice.

~ :m11,'.f· =!& 0'11: S-il'IJONG
=:i;:~H!f 0'1 i VE: 20 W 'IIUTES

.,Combinethe x,rk,E-39,.,. ..,'tes,sot.ond comsto·ch . ; ovn~:; G'!.OU'll:l (V "ICE:l) =o ~<

{cor.,fb..r) 'no i0rge 'Xlh. Us·~ chopric..<s , s:ir ·oone • i !GG 'I-I- -ES
directionun-1"'ts are wellcomb·"'eOono g uey. • 'lj f:l.s=ooN Sl.LJ
Mixin thewa:-e· ono ho'.'n.Useyour nondsto • i - .!5 .ESPOONS COR;NSJl\C-1
form 1-i,chn.S -cm-d·Ol'Tleter Tectbo..s. Se:osic!e. :c0:\'11: LOU'!.)
., Combinethe chb:e.n ~oth {stoo:), wine,sugo·,and roy • 5 ',\!-fl!. C-IESTNUTS.CQH:SElY
sauce in o smol bowlto :nol:eo sauce. Se:aside. c-1o=~eo
- ;em 2tobespoons WS'=:obeci in o WO<or largeskte: • ~ 02,'20 G Jl'II-IUl 01\ SM i - F E..0
{fryi".9~n), odd tt"<:meotbo!ls,and o s:otu lo (fish - : 1,1_:-1o~~eo
s.,,ce)to f.otten them s!ig.'-ttY into petties. Cl{Of(;,.::IOtc.nes , i - .!5 .Es =o oNs :-1 c<:N o:i;o·n
if nece1sa'.)'.)Fbn-fryme potties for 2 'TW'lvt es aw :stOC< PlG! 90)
medium neat un:il xa ...--eo.Po cNe·o"lOpen-fry • I -!5 _::s=o oNS '!. CE n'l~E
foronO"".ne-1 2 minutes un:il cool:edmroug"'i.ReTlO\' • i -ElSPO O'II o ~ :'IIULl .iEO SUG.!:\
tf,..,oon. • i ·psPO ON L 0-1• SOYS.'UCE
- ;ea;: me remo·.,:ng1tooles:::,oonvege:oble
o..,in tee • } PS ..ESPOO'IISVE3E.!fd O l
\\'O(over -,-.edtf"Tl•nigh neat and sti·.::-ythe 9"'9e1
onc:I • j ·psPO ONS c-1o=~eo 31'113E~
sec ion (spr'~ on'on) for1minute until frog·ont./,.Dd • I SC.'L .. 10"1 :s ~\ 1'13 ON 0'11
tN' meotboo!ls, rouce,and s.esoT.eoi o"'.dcookover ~h :-1o=~eo
heat for2 minutes unti tne sauce :Sreduced.Trons:ert"\e • i -ElSPO O'II SESl\1! 0 l
meotooflstoo servingpate and serveas o snoc..< on tne-'.t • SJ!!MEJ R CE !Pl.G! '.:.!0), iO SE'!.v'E
0,1.-no· ,,..7thriceforo mo·e suostontiolmeol. :OPT Q'lll._

JllfB-8-fli =!& 0'11: - U'lll.N

=:i;:~H!f 0'1 T WE: 15 V NUTES.
COOK ~G i ME .!:) v NUT!$

Liuyo".g is o city'n tne provinceo: ;u-.non,.,.--erethey li<e • i 'll·OZ,~CO·G :i.ON!L!SS. SICN·O'II

to s-.ecr·· :OOQ:S..
Ifs commonto see severe plates =o ~< :i.E.lY. CUT '11TO1'~ • ~- NCH'

o: foodcookeo ino s:eamer or wot ot tf"':some ::me. .! • C.S·CW SB ~s

• I -fl$f'O O'\I$l,~i
- lfl o oo..,comoinethe po·t onc:Isc.t and let stona 'r.x • i OZiiCC ::3-'"'!.ESEll't'EO : S-1
I hou·. • l)i -l .6.ESPOO'IIS ~1'-'NU.:f!O SU3l =
- ~insetne p·eservedfa"1wi-..n wom' ...oter o.ndoloce it • } CLOVESG£'!.L C, C - O""EJ
on o ri:ot~oof :.ate. j_d t--eolo:-ein:o o co opsible:ot • i OZiiCC ::3-= 10: ..EJ SB.'11::3-:3'!.EE'II
or boT:,oo steomer o-.-e·ooot cf bo ngwater.Stec'.'!'\, 5E!"IIS. CUT NTO SECTIONS
covered,for Klminu:~. Seoe the fu:'lono a.i ·nto p·eces • l)i -l .6.ESPOO'IIS :E'!.WE'lli!O 5Ll.CK
sim orhstzetothepo·t. 5El"IIS. = NSD ! NJ C-IO""EO
- .no smellDO'NI, co.Toinetne sugo·ono ga: c. Unetne • .! :;:J C- llES. SL CD J l;";ON! L~Y
bottom of o neotptoofoow witnthe p·ck..edstr"~ • SJ!!MEJ R CE !Pl.G! '.:.!0), iO SE'!.v'E
(green) be-o"'.S,
folla....ed':l'fthe fu"l o"'.dpo·t. -OjWith me
:erT..enteoblockbe-anso.ndch es, tf"':nsteam for
30 minutes un:ilthe :ol,: :SCOO<e0tnroug"'i.~-ve witnr"ce.

fl'k "'
"'EG 0'11:~uJ :.'II ~1il ;i;l;~ r~
"''U=-H:.f 0"11T WE: 10 Ml'IIU. ES. 15 \1 NUTH SQ!( 'II:; T WE FU ZH OU LYCHEE
COOK ~GT !YE: ICM 'llu ·n
!!!iJ=!:;f ~41

• 9 OZ 'iSO G :li\OUND (M '11:EO) W'niletne·e ore no tyc.n.,es·" me rec·::,e,tf°":meotbo!lsore

1..E'"I PO'\C. made to resembe tycnees: fromthe •eodisncolorof tne
, ~ rf!.s=-ooN s:._ - mea:bo..stot~ '"'oter chestnut, wh'ch res:embe the fruit.
r:::..s=-oO"I GF{!.'IIU.:.·n SU~!'\
• I ·:.5 _f$POON co=-'lls-:.F{cH • Comoinethe pork,sol-.,wg:ir, and 3 oooles:::,oons wo:er in
1co=-~F.ou =- o bowl.stir '"ell,ona soc<:~ ISminutes.Us'ngchops:ic.<s,
• l ',\' :.-H::: ·iESi"IUiS. :::o:. =sHY stir the po·i::'no singledtecfon :~ OXll..-t o ~ute, or
CHO'"'"EJ untilthe TlixturebKo:-reselos:icono gu-r;:TIY, Addtf°":
, i :u=-s :10 r~ox .:~s "'ll cornsto.:ch(cornflour}and mixthoroughly.1.keyoo·ho"G:S
au o . to d'vic:lethe mixtu·e .nto 18equal-size·ough :iotties.
• 2 ClOV!S :;:.=.1::: 5.ICEO - j.oce 1~ 2 oieceso' water cnestnu:s into the cente·o:
• SfE.!,.,fJ it CE (P!.G! ~40), TO SE'\•iE o po:::yand cove·wi:h the Teat, sha.=,ngthe oork in:o
o meatball. Repeat wi:h the -emo·;:ng ,..,atercl-..estnuts
~o" T-1::
s:..ucE: o,dmeat.
• 1 ·:.5 _f$POON :'{!0 DIST l.EJ c;:-:. "I - -o make tt"<:so..ce, com:,;netne ing·ecl'entsin o 'T'Ottar
s:.ucE ocd pest-: and pouna un~ilwell.nixed.Set aside.
• 2 -:..5.ESPOO'IIS :li'{!"IU.£i:0 su:; H - ;eat tne \\'O( O! o.rgeskte: e-ying pen}over CIN
• l PS~Es=-oo'IIS 1'!0 Vl'llfG!i'{ hem, odd the rrectbo!ls,·o bctcnes if needed,o"'.CJ '-y for
2-3 m·"'.ies V"'tilightlylra..,--ed.Remo-.•e ono set aside.
- jo..r out most d t-..eoi, -:ovingabout 1tooles:::,oon ·.l me
wok.tieot t-..eoi ove· mediumheat, odd the garlic.,o,d
stir-fryfor1-2 minutes unt frog·om. lP..corome go·ic
ocd s:i ·.ltri: souce.k.d the meotbo_sond soute.
e to h'gn heo;:and cook,uncovered,fora.notf"":·
m·.,.,ie to thb:en the sauce. Se-vewimr'ce.

i\!~ ON: c -1.:..oz -1ou
P:\!P!.:\qON T ML 10 v NUTH,
~ Yi
ft@: mtt 1'11
" lUS 3 -IOU:\S :l\Y NG i.VE PORK WIT H
COO( l'II~. ~E }0 'fl 'IIUiES

, i oz ·soo o NG!:\ : nouT - ,no Sl'IO!low OO'h combi~ the ~nger wth 1teaspoon
}· NC-1."i.S·CM· . E"IGi-l "ECE ). Ira..,, sugo·.Sp-·eoo::negi-r_ge· in o sing.-:layeron o uoy
UN"H . O :"IDCUi NiOVElt't i-1 'II o"'.dleaveto dry for 8 ""O'...J'S.
S.ICES - :or the :,ol,: oe'ty,scrapethe skinclean, men ("";!ethe
• I r::.SPOONS BOWN SU3 H po.·,:under cold tt"<:oork into a lo·g.e
• I :t.d·OZ "JC·G SO"IElESS, SKl'll·O'II souce:,onand odd e"'0..'9hwater to CO'lerh comp e:-e'y.
" 0 " ( SE.LY Bringtoo Dove· hig'lhem o"lObonchme por<:<Y
• •~CU"' '" f ~ OZ11iC M. 20 minut-es.Drol'Io,cl ("\Seuoc:le1 coldwo:e·.Cut the
VE3E·:. .5.t O ~ po·,:·~to;i-J'lch/5--r,:-r: -thick.sXes o"'.dset aside.
• I f!5 L!S=ooNS = Sri s:.ucE - ;em meoil J'Io v.,o,: or aeepsc:-xepo'lto 3tOOF/1700C,
• 2 f:5 L!S"00NS S- :ox NG 'N 'II! or urd o cu:,e of creoclb'-0',.""\S in 45 seconds.Gentlylowe·
• s1E:1o1:o 'i; ,C: "'.'3E S.dC ·o SP:\'E me ghge· in:o the oi and dee:,-fry forl-2 'Tal'Mes ..r.ti
crisoy.Useo slotted sx,on to corefu!lyre'TlO\'e::negi-r_ge·
o"'.dd·ain on ~oe· ta...els.
- :, out most dt-r.e oi, -:ovingabout 2 tablespoons
in tr>':,.,.o,:. ;ea! the oi over T edA-m "'eOt.odd tr>':oork
o"'.dha.f the O'TlOl..nt o:crispt g·cge·,and stir.!-yfor
1-2 minu:-es.S:ir ini:he'1shsauce and 1toolesooonwi~
o,cl s:it-fryfor1minute untilthe la ..icl,os evoX1ta:ed.
Add tf"eremain·~ 1tablespoon,.,.;ne one ii teospoo'l
Ira..,, sugo·ano stit-fryfor o fe,..•second$.t-r.ensti· in the
crispyginger.Tronsfe-· too serving:,.ate and seNew'th OC e.

i\!3 ,0N: 3U IZ-IOU

P:\!P!.:\qON T ME IS 'fl 'IIUTES
S!\VES: 4

• l .!5 .!S"'OONS :..L.· " U" " OSE - -o make tt"<:ocnter,cOT.o·neme flou·,comsto·ch
" t.! 'II =tou \ (cornflour},'f, te-ospoonsolt, :,oki~ socio{oicabonate
• I f:Ol:5"'00"1 COl\'IISf:\C - o: soda), and 4 tablespoonswater~ o bowl.Setaside for
;;Oi\'F I.OUi\l 10m·n.rtes,then stir J'Ithe o .
• I if!.S"OONS s:n e, us.eo Teet T10!letor "'eOY'f
- Meon,..'tlil cleo'.•erto poond
• \ .f!.SP OO'II a:..)( NG SOD.& me po-'<tenc:le1loin s ces repeotedy untilwry thin.
a Gi\SONrE o = so:i:.. 1 - -o make tf"es:,·ceds0.;t, hem 1teosooo:l sol. in o skillet
• i CU"S {It, f . OZ '4iS M.J " lUS (fryingoo'l) ever O'N heat, then rema,'efromthe ,-,eot.J,./Jd
-!5 .ES"'OON VE3f .!5 L! 0 l ::negrow-nd Sicnuonoeoper :nixthoroug.nly. Set os:de.
• ; OZ '2JJ:; "':\( TENDE'l;LOl'II, CUT - ;eat me oil .no v.,o,: or oeepsoocepo'l to 3tOOF/1iOOC, <Y
l'IITO l'~•l'IIC-1, }•CV•T-1 CK S.ICES untilo cu~ ot breod orov,:nsh £5 secOt"'.ds. Jp the po·,:
• ·~ ·psP OO'II G\OU'll:l s 1c;u:.'11 t-e"'.de·o·n·~to the :,otter, then g.e~tlylower i~to ti!: ho:
oil.Oeeo-fry:o. 2- 3 /T'linut -est.ntil goaen brownand cco<ed
mroug"'i.Useo slotted sooon to carefullyremovethe oork the oiland drain on :,aper towe_s.Tro"'Sfer too se-v'~
pate and sprink.ewith me spic.easch.
•u~ ON: SE Jl'\I~
"'i\!"'!i\!·10N. M! IC v "llJES
STIR- FRIED PO RK :::OO(l'\I~. \1! 1~ Vl"iVES
S!'WES: 4

~ Com~ the oork slices, no!: tt"<:eggwh?te,1tobespooo • ; OZ '20~ G " 0'(1( ·t "iOE'(LQl'II, :UT
co·nsto-ch (corn-ioo-),ono2 ::o:.espoonswo:er in o 'X/h. •ro 2 • ~· ...:-; /0 ~ O.S•C\I Slit =s
{:>iscardthe -emo·vig eggwhit-:or so-.-eforonotne· • I !3G w -; ·t 5E!.E"I
recipe.)Se-tosx:le. • I f:5L!S"00NS CQ'("IS·:.1tc-;
~ 3(~ o souceponof V1.'0ter too Xii c,,-e·hig:'lheO'!. ':OR'll =LOUit)
Addthe ximboo snoo:s oc0 banchfor 1minute. , ',i,Cl;P :, oz,-s~3 Sl :EJ 5-'M500
Draino,cl rinse onc:ler cold runn·""'9'"'ater. s-;oo·s. D=t-'N::o
~ no smo ba,. combinethe chiLJ:en~oth (stoo:), • i i-':.lfS"OONS CH CKE~ 51t0i-i
tN' remoinicg½-to:.espoo.'l cornstarch,tne :ermen:w :stoc< .=:.o:: 90l
mn cure_sugar,sot, and say sauce into o sc:-xe. • I CU5E F!\\IE"-IEJ 5!-''11 CU";O,
~ ;eat the o ino wokor deep saucepanto 3l-OCF/170'1C, M!.S- EO
or u.nt o cube of lreod bra1tnsin 45 s.econds.Gent}y • I TE.-'S"OONS~'t-''IIUL!iEO SUG!
lo....,e· me por<i-rtothe 0.,, usingc.noosticksto disperseti!: • •~TE-'S"OO'II S-'ll
piecesrooidlyto pre\',o.ndo-:ep.!-yfor1,,w·11Jte • i E.-'5"00'11) 1..G-ii SOYs:..ucE
un~ the po·i::tur"\S"''tlite.Use o SJOttedspoooto core-fu!ly • 2 Cl.-"S ' 0 =L OZ. .d]S \1~
transl!:··m e por<o,cl ctoin .no coonder. VE3E·:. .5.E O L
~ :louro..i most of ::neoil.leov'cgo:ovt 2 tobespoons in • I SC-'.L 0'11 :sF'it NG 0'1110"1.I,
ti-...,...ot. ;em the oi overnigh,-,eat, oda tne sco'l'on S-i'\E:l:l! O
{s~ing onion),ginger,and go~. and sti·.::-yfor o minute , 1 t:: :.s=oo~: - o==::o 3 '113E'(
un:i frogront Adome boTooo shoots.cucumbe·,o"'.d • i COVES G-' '\LC, Cno:o:on
porko"'.dru . fryforono:her2 minutesun:ilthe po·( S fulfy • I CUCU\I a::,. cu · i'\l;o SB =s
coo<ed.=bur·n the sauce o"lOstir. fry:or 1-2minu:es unt • SiE-'\1EO '( CE "-'~E St.c: TO s:: =v::
tr,..,sauce 1:h·ci:ens.f ,onsfe·too serv'ngolo:-eand ~-ve
\\"t" rice.
i\!:; ON: S;:::-1u:.'1 'il~ ~~
?i\!?!.F{! · ,oN i ME 10 ._.NUiES,
" lUS 1C M Nu ·n sc,:(1'\I~ i WE PO RK IN
COO(l'\I~. '1!: I~._. NUT!S

• ·~CU"' ~ OZ:10 ~: :i~ ED u ..:.n - Soc.(the :.oc..<fungus·o o large OO'YI:at cod•,,.cterfor

=u'l:";US ISmini.rte--~
or 1..nttsoTTe~o.
• 9 OZiiSC:; " 01'( iE''-1:lEI\LOl'\I, - 3ringo sc:-xepanof ...,ater too 00 over nighneat, ode
:::u1 l'\l·o " N! SF "'5 me blockfu""-9'-S, o,cl :.oncn :or 3 minutes. )ro·nond
• ·, i!S.ES?OO'I 1..G-li S.OYs.:.ucE r'"\Seunder cold n.nningwo:er,then cl.J'i·.,to fine m·os.
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E O l • Meonv,mil e,;,. o bowl.corr:lne me po·(, roy sauce, o.r,c:I
• •~iE'S~OO'\I C-IO"'?lO :";l'\l:";E~ 1toble:ooon...,ate-·o"'.dmorino:efor15minu:es.
• S :::tO\'ES :;3!.'tl::: :::-10~~:o - ;eat mevegetoole oil·no wokor orgeHillet {fryingoon},
• I OZ:25 G =.c<~Eo C-1 :s, C- O""!J oo:Ithe g·~e·, garlic,o"'.dcniles,o"'.ds:it-fryovermeo _m-
• I t:5l:S"'00"1 il;IC! '"'°'NE h'gn heot for 1 m:nut-eun:i :-os--on:.Put;,. the porkond
• •~i!S.ESPOO'\I G't'NUPTEO SUG!.F{ stir-fryforono-.ner2minutesun:ilj;..stcoo<e-d th·ougn.S:ir
• •~iE'S~OO'\I S.'li in tr>':,,,..-;n
e, sugo·,salt. vinegar,end 2 to:.espoot"'S\\'Oter
• I t:3l:S"00"1 5L.!..C( o~ o"'.db"i09too bo'"'.Addt~ oleo: fungwsondoom:,oo
5:15:.v::: V N!G!'\ shoo:s o-r.oCOO( fora.not~· minute.Mixthe corns:orch
, \ CU"' O OZiiS :5,, SL co a:..vooo (cornflour} witn 1tcbespoonwo:er in o s~I 'X/h ono
s-ioo·s. o =t, l'l!J stir this ~lixt•.re ·nto me...,0<.3ri"9 too'rring,for
• I i:!S"'OON COR'ISJ:'tC - 30 secondstoth'cl:esn::nesauce.
::::01''1: LOUi\) - S:ir·otn e sesoT~oiland tro"'Sfe·too se!'ing :.ate. Ser\'e
• •~iE'S~OO'\I SES.!Wf O ~ witnr'ce.
• sTE:1o1:o "l;IC! "'!:5E S.dC TO SE'WE

i\::; ON: sn.e.!'\IX ~ ~ ~~

?i\!?!.F{! · ,oN i ME 10 ._.NUiES
S!i\VES: 4

. ; ovn~:; =:=t( iENDEll;LOl'II, CUT fresh 9ingeris oromotic,zeq, and ubiqu'to".;s inChine;.e
'IITO n· "1Cri:'4•CV•LONG Si't " S o..•me,wnilespr'~ g;ngeris fre:1, j ..icy,and :niklJ'I torte.
• 2 lE.'S"OONS S- .:.OXNG 'Nl'\I! The s.i::in
is translucentand can be n.bbed,rcr.nerthen
• I i'3lES"00~ L :5Hi SOY5:.,u:::! pee
• I i:!S"OON COR'ISJ:\C -
;;Oi\'FI.OUi\l - Comoinethe porkt1teaspoonv.1'1e., I teosooon 'il:l'fsauce,
• I cu ~ :a: l OZiiS~ VL o,cl the co:nstorch(cornfour)in o 'X/h o"'.CJ set aside.
VE:5E·:.o .r O. - ;eat me oilin o wo( or oeepsoocepo'lto 32S0 C/t6QCC,
• s•~OZ ICO ~ YOU'ii~ ~ '\l~H !.60Ui or un:1o cu:,e of oreadb--ow""S in 1mini.rte.St:ri;'ltf"':pork
O•i'IC-1,'lS·CM·~E"IGi-l " .ECE: stfpso:-r.dcookfor }-4 m·....;rtesU"'til
tf"':oork~ins to
5-lll;EOJ!J 'IITO •~·l"IC - ·.d•CV•LONG b"a..,-...
Trons:ertoo pate WO witn~oe· tO'Mls.
s·'I " S o..irout mostdtce oi, eoving2tcoles::ioonsin tr>':wo(.
- =>
• i SC'l~ 0"115IS"'t '\I~ ON O'\IS), Add tt"<:gingerand sec Foos(springoniO<"'&} and stir-:-y
5-lll;EOJ!J 'IITO •~·l"IC - ·.d•CV•LONG overhig'1heat :o. 1mini.rteu"'tilfrog·o.nt.Addthe :,ork,
5·11;" S sah, the ·emMing 1t-ec:::,oon wine,and 2 t'?Ospoons SCI'/
, ',HE!5"00"1 s..:.n," .US EXT\.! sauce ono toss to~ al the ingreci)rts.Se-osonw'th sa,;t
101:sJE to taste. Tra.."'Sfe·
too se-ving,olo:eono seNewi-.nrice.
• sTE:1o1:o "l;IC! "'!:5E S.dC TO SE'WE

~~~~ "!G O'\I: S-i!'IJONG
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: lS v NUTH,
SHA NDONG " lUS ill \1 NU "fi SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
COOK ~G i WE: IC \1 NU"fi
PORK SE'Wfi !.

- Soc.(the :,,oc..<
fungusin o small00\t.A o: cod'...-oterfor • ~ Cl;,"' l".i.O! '5 G: 0,\ E:l a•.:.::<
20 minu:es. or u-nf' RemO'letN',d:Scord =u-..:;us
the stems, and cut :nto th:nslices. • 5 OZilSO ::3.,.O~< TE"IDE\LOl'I, CUT
- Meom111hil~. rook t "\e oork in o oo..,of cold \\'Oter 1'\170i-1 '\I a· '\1:::-1:;•CW·lO'I:";
:CX'10minutes. )ro·o ono mix"'ith >ite-ospoon rolt. Slit =s
- :iringo sci..-cepanof ,...mer too 00 overnighheat.Add • I 7E!SPOO'I 5:..1
the bamooosnoots. blockfungus-,and peas o"lObonch , ~ c1.;."':1oz,-25oJ s.,:::EO
:o:-2minu:~. Drainand ~.nseunder cold running\\'Oter. 5-10075, o=t:. N!O
- 3eottf"':e99 ,.,..,'te ino 'Xii< untilfoamy,ado ti!: • j - .:.o.ESPOONS =::..s
cornstarch {cor.,fa...r),and :nix ·.,toon egg•.,..,'te:,otter. • I !GG 'I-I- 7E
Ado tne pork o,cl mixwe . • I -f!.SPO O'\I co ..-..s-.:.i\CH
- ;em me oil in O\\'Ok.or a*psoocepo'lto 275.:~/140:C, ::::O,\'l =LOU't)
or un::Io c.-uoeof oreadturns golden·'12 minu:es.Gen:ly • I CU,. (8 :L OViSC "1L)
laNer the =ior',: :nto tri: oil.'ngchops:io:s to d:S:,erse vE:;E·:. .o.E O L
the p·eces ropid'yto p·evem sticking,and dee:i-fry for • )l sc:..L0'1 iSP,\ NG 0'110~).
2-3 mrut es ..r.ti" goldenD!O'Nno".dcookedth·ougn. S-1\E:l:l! O
Useo slotted sooon tocareh.!lyremovetee oork fro,-, o .,OZ15 0 0 NG!\ :::;our • '1:::-1,
the oiland dro·non ooper towels. l·CW·lE"iGT-1 : EC!., 5-li\!OOD
- j01..routmostdtt"<:oil. eovingobout 1toole:ooon'ntn e • i O!, lO ::3.COO(!) H.'M, CUT '110 1

wok.Addthe sco!!io'1{soringonion}and gingerand stir•:)' i-lNSF"'S

:o· 1m·"'.ie a.•e·mediu-o-"'·gn~t u-nf'fragrant Adome • 5 PS.ESPOO'IS C - IC<E'I S\OT-<
bamboosnoots, blockfungus,oeos, :ol,:, ho"!'\,chiLJ:en :stoc< p:.o:90l
lroth {stoc.<),wine,and t ~ wnaining >iteaspoon soh o,cl • I ·:.o .:s =o oN i\ CE',\' N!
s~ -fryfor 1-2 ;rw'lvtesover h·gn "'.eOt--ansfer ::oo serv'.ng • SJ!!"lf) i\ CE :P!.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
poteands:erve'1,-'th rice.
i\!:;. ON: SE JI'11:;.
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 v NUTES,
:-~us lO M I'\IU"ES S-Q!( "II:; • ~E PO RK TEN D ERLOIN
COO(l'II:;." '1E S Ml"IIUiES
E'.:!i=-:o: l!.'.'

• 9 OZiiSC:; =-o:\( iE''-IJEI\LOl'II, • Soc.(the :,orkil'Io 10·9=bowlof codv.'Oterforabou;:

CUT O'f i-i! 0 !.:50"11!... NTO T- 'II 30minutes un::Ithe meet ::,eg·ns to ::,-,..Jnwhi:
l't • I· 'IIC-i !. • 2.S<~ Sl C!S me wo:erootcf the :io:k,tne:'lmixin 1teospcoowine,
• I J!5t:s=--oo ... S·i!OXl'II:;. wI,E I' teaspoon salt, tne egg white,ooclcor"'.Storch(corn"l00t).
• ·~ u:s=--oo'II s.,n - .ri o"'Otheroow, combinethe cilantro{coriand er), scaJ'cns
• •~E:5:l 'IIH E (springon·Ol"\S}, gor►c, remoi"'1"9 2 teos:ioonswineo,cl
• I J::!.s=--ooN CO:\'IISJ:=tc - I' teaspoon salt, tne gi".ge·juice, vinegor,ond whi:epe:,oer
(CO=tN• ..ou=t; o"'.dmixinto o rouce.
• !. 5U'IIC·iE SC L!'l ":\ O (CO=!.!.NJEi\) - ;em mevegetaole oil ·no ors-= s:<illet{fryingoon},
CUT ~TO l i· NC-I !. ·CW ~E',Oi-lS ood the po.·.(,and stir,:-yover ·•gh "'eCt for2-3mil"",,..ies
• i SC:tO"IIS (s =-=t"11:lON O'IIS), untilthe just cooked tnrough.Trons:ertoo olo:e.
SH'HJJEO Add tl"':sauce to the wok,then :iringtoo :oi . ~etur"1tne
• !.C LOVES~!\l C, S..ICEO po·.(to the WO<o "'.cls:it-fry foranotf"':· 2 minu:-esover
• j lE.'S=-ooNS G NG!=!.JUICE h'gn heot ..r.ti is reduced and tt"<:porkis fully
• I J:!s=--ooN ',\'-j TEV "IE:5H 000.(ed.Aodthe sesame oiland toss thoro;,;ghly. Tro"'Sfer
• \ "f!SP O:J"II 0'1;0UNJ W-1 TEPE'"=H too se-vingplote o-r.oservewi:h 'Xe.
• l "!5 ..:s=ooNS Vf:;!J!5L! 0 ..
, 1 r:aus=-oo~ S!S!~f 0It
• SiE!~!O "1;IC! =!:;E S.dC TO SE'WE

i\!:;. ON: :;u.!.NGJONO

P:\!P!.:\!",ON i ML 10 v NUTES
iili'.f· *!lffe.j~
S!i\VES: !.

• i cu=-s {It, F.. oz '!.iS M~) VEO!J!5L! - ;em me oil il'Io wo.( or oeep fryerto 3t0°F/170:C,or
o l. =-1us • Ps ..ES=--oo'II untilo cu~ o: breod orownsh £5 seco"'.ds.Ge-rty lower
• I ..5 S CZ ~~C:; t!f.OU " j ~!OIUM me E99Pants (o ..bergines)into the c;' and deeo-fryfor
f:;:;=-1.,~iS; NES, sr::vs 2 mirutes untiltheyo·e just o:o..i no!: done. Useo s.otted
'UMOV!O .: NJ CUT 1,105 TE·S ZE spoon to carefullyteT'O\'eme eggp ants fromthe o one
::-uN<> d·dn 0'1 ~oe· ta.-.els.
• I OZi.dCGO "IO!i\ t!50UT j • '\IC-I - ;eat 1tobespooo oil in o Outenove:'l{coss:erole), ood the
O<~· .. E'll~-H P ECE S..ICEO g·~e·, garlic,o"'.dsho ots, and stir,:-y a,-e·hig'\ heo! :0('
• jC..OVES 0.'UC, Sl CD 1minute u-rtilfragrant. Sti-in the :,eo.n po:steo"'.droon
• j Srl'llOTS, S~ICEO po·(, S:)J'inkfe
in the wine,and stir-:-y,apio)yforano:ner
• •, i!S ..ESPOO'IIS5!!'1 =-:sTE 30seconds.AJJdthe eggp ants, sugar, soyrouce. sco o-rs
, n oz,300 o :\O!Si P0'1:fC,c - o =-=-:o (springon·Ol"\S},one!3 tob espoons 0oi!i"9wo:er. ~ir,
, 1 r:5us=--oo~ ;,:: ·-11·NE cover,o,cl cook forabou'i 2 mil"",,..ies
u'tlil the eggolonts
, ·, u:s=--oo'll 3't!"IU ..!J:O su:; n o·e tender. Turnoff the heot o.ndservein the Outeno-.•e...,,
• I f::!.s=--ooN LOW SOI' S.!UCE
• 3 SC.'lllONS (SP:\ NO 0'110NS). CUT
'IITO n· "I CH:'!.•CV P !CES

i\!:l ON: Z-IEJ :.,o
P,\!P!i\qON T ML 10 v NUTH,
" lUS I:) \1 NUHS MH N! " '11:li.VE PO RK TEN D ERLOIN W ITH
COO(l'll:l. ~E 5 M1"11UiE5

• ll oz,300 G PO\K "E'IIOE'UO "II - Ina i0rge'Xlh comli~ tt"<:oork,.>itoolesooonroy sauce,

CUT i"\170 ::.· 'IIC- .'2•CV CU5E5 o"'.d.:::
tooles::,oons wcr.erand mor'~e forKl minutes.
• •, i!S.fiP00"\11..10-IT S.OYs:.ucE Stitin} oooles::,oons cornstarch(co·nflour).
• l "!6 .:s=ooNS CO'!;NSi!\C-1 - Tomok.ethe swe-etonc:Iror sauce-,combinecl me
:cOR'll =LOUi\),ts'no small OO'YI:o,cl n)'.•.-.ell. Set osic:le.
, 3 cu=s :2s =- o:11sc M~) - Heat tt"':vegeta!:.e oilifl o V.'O!or deepsaucepan to
VE:lE"!6 .t O. ~F/170<1(, or untilo cube of bread orov,:ns'n ~ssero,ds,
• i SC:.l~ 0"115IS"'!; "11:lON 0'115), 6:rtly lowerthe po-'<,.,to the oil.usingchoosfcksto
CUT i'\170 l'V'IIC-1:.:::•cv l!NGi - S d:Spersethe p·ecesrapidlyto, and de,e:,.fry
• I f:!S"OON S!S!VE or~ :o. I mi.,•.rte.Use o s otteclspoonto carefullyre-rovethe
• su:.1o1:o 'i;,C: =.,:lE S.dC ·o SP:\'E po.·(fromthe o. ono d·OOoo po:,e· taMls. =wheat ti-': oil
to }l.0Cfn7~ ·e:...rnthe,cl oeep-::-y
=01t i-1! SWE:i !'110 SOU\ s:.uc: :o·2- } gooe"t bra,o;none!c00<eotnrough.
• i f!5L!S"00NS ~\.!'IIUL!7EO SUG!'!; ReTOVe::oo colandertodro·..,,
• i f!6L!S"00NS Z-IE'IIJ !>;;G 0\ - PoorOU'i most d the o1.,eovingabou! 1tc:,espooo in
5:.15!v CV N!G!'\ mev.'O!.
• 2 f!5L!S"00NS CO\NS"!i\C-1 - Heat tt"':oilc,;-e·medium-h·gnceot, cod the scallions
:::0,\'11: LOUR) (springon·Ot"S}, one!st··.fry for1 minu:e un:ilfr03rc"'t.
• I f!3lES"00~ l :lHi SOYs:..u:::: - Add ti-': porko"lOS'>•:eet and ro.srsauce ono toss over :ligh
• I f!5L:s=oo"I :l '11:lE'\JU CE hea;:u"'tilt-r.esc:-xethic~ns. Sti. in tf"':s.esomeoi o"'.d
• I i: !S"OON s:..• r uons:er too servingpate. Serve'"'"thrice.
i.:Dl!~ " !G O'\I: S-IH"IX
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: lS v NUTH,
PO RK WI TH " lUS ill \1 Nu · n SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
COOK ~G i WE: IC \1 Nu · n

~ Com~ th e oork..the eggyolko,cl 1teaspoon comsto·ch • 5 OZ..-150:j. " 0 ~< iE"iDE'!;LOl'II,

{cor~fb..r)·.\ o oow , :nix we aside. i-1 N ..Y 5.ICEO
~ Sook tf"':oloo: fungus·no smo bowlof coldv.-o: e· for • I !GO YOd(
20 m·.,utes, o:-untilsoftened. =wmove the fungus,discard • 1•~"'f!.5 ~00'115 :O,'t'IISJ:'!;C -
tr,..,stems, ooclteer .nto smallpieces. ::oR'll =LOUit)
~ ; eot the ~-eg-=:ob e O in o wokor d~ :i souce:,onto • ~ Cli? l'.i.0!:5 o: OR E:l s.:::<
3000F/150°C, or u"til o cu~ of lreoci bra,;ns .rl Viminu:~ . =u'\l:";US
Gen:ly ~-e · ti-': porkinto m e oil.usingcho~tb:s to • i :u~ (8 =L OZi'lSC ~~)
disperse tn: pieces rooidly::oore-vent st·c~-r.g.ands -r.ollov,.• . VE:;f "'!..5..E O L
fry :o. 2 m.~nutes ...ntilgoa,n brownand cooked throcgh. • i ClOV!S :;:.~~1::, SL CE:l
Use o S!Otteclspoon to core'i.Ayremovethe po·i::from the r:eus ~oo'II :;'l;, · t:i o NG!,'t
oil ooclorain on :,aper tov,.• e_s. • i · :a ..::s=ooN F N!LY :: -10.~PEO
~ :lour o..i most of ::neoil.leov'cg 1to:.espoo'1int~ '"''O<· SC!LUQ ... :s~~ N:"; O ...ION)
Heat the o 1 over medium-hig'1hea-.,ood the gcrlic,gi'lger, , ~ c1.;r :1 ox:25 oJ s~1::EO:,:.~soo

end sco'ton (spr'~ o·•on), o".ds:it-fry ~r 1m·.,.,-te ..r.til 5-1007S, o=t: N!O
frogront.Add t"\e oleo: fungusand DOm:oo shoots o,cl • I 7f!.SPOO'\I t1G-IT SOYs:..ucE
sti·.:-y for a.rotr"':rminute . • I · :a ..::s=ooN R :E w N!
- =wturn the :o ·i::to the wokand odcitne 'Sl:l'fsooce and • i "'f!.SPOO'\I a~.,:<O't :,:. .. :
\\in e. Mixth e remo·ning'f, teosPOOn cor"'Storchwith V NE:;:. ~
1tc :. espoonwo:er ino smo bowland stir t-CSmixture Jrto • I 7f!.SPOO'\I SfS:~:: 0 l
tN' '"'°"· 3ri-r.gtoo·rr;ng,for 30 seco"'.G:S to ::nic(e'1 • SJ!!"lfJ R CE :P!.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
ti-...sauce . Stir .nthe vinegar,d"izzle in ti-...s.esoT.eoi, tne:'l
trons-fe·too se-vingolo:e. Se-ve with rice.
i\!~ ON: '110~i-lE
P:\!P!.:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS 1C M NU.ES sc,:.(1'11~ i WE tv1UXU
COO(l'II~ - '1! I~._. NUT:S
i!:!!=:~f 351

• ·~CU"' :v.oz5 G) 011;,EJ o.:.cK • Soc.(the :.oc..<fwlgus·" o smalloov.~o: cod water for
=u'l~US o:o-..i20 m·.,_,tesun:ilso~ened,teen rinse.3ringo
• 5 0!1 ISC 3 ~E!..N"0'(1(, :ur , TO souce:,onof·.,."Oter too Xii C>\'e" hig'l he-a:,oo:Ithe :.oc..<
i-1 'I Si" =-s fur,gus,and :.oncn for l-2 m·.,.,,tes.)rain one!rinseu".Cl-e·
• •, fE!.S"OO'II ~,~ - i SOY $! .U:E cod -..nningv.'Ot!?r.Set csic:le.
• I r:::..s=ooN :OR'ISf:'(c - • Comoinethe pork,soysa..ce,and cor"'Storch(cornflou•}
::oR'll =LOU:\) in o 'X/h . Stirin 1t,eo;::,oon o. ono set asideto morioo:e.
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS I ·p sPOON - ;e,ot 1tobespoo'1oilin o wok.orosge slu!.etf-ying poi)
VE~E-:..5.t O ~ overme-d'ium-hign hea;:U-"'tilneotedt -,•
• S EGGS, S:'.!-E'II low--ect.ti-en immediatelyodd the eggs,sf•ringgent)' 'r,x
, ·1~0! ·5 G G ~GE'( !SOlli •~· NCH· OXll..-t45 seconos,U"'titt"<:eggs o·every softlyscrambled.
1·Clil·lENGi-l "E:E ;, Sl ::J ReTOVeo"'.O set aside on o :.ate. \'rpe me wokCie0'1.
• ·~CU"' (I 02,'iS ~.1 SL CD S!V500 - ;e,ot tne remoi.,'-..g1to':. =1:ioon oi inthe wokover
s-100 · :i:::.: '11::J medium-'ligh "eat, odd tt"<:ginger,and sf· .fry for1 minute
• •, SM!.l C !:\\Oi, ClJi 'IITO until frag·ant.Ao:Ithe :,ol,:, increo:seto nighneat, ono
M!TCHSi,C(S COO.( for2 mi.,utesuntilcookeotnro.;gh.Aoothe bock

, 'f.SM!~l CIJCUM5E'( Clli '1110

1 fur,gus,:,ombooshoo:s,co·,n, cocu~ ·. and sa;t end
M!TCHSi C(S toss for~· minuie.Acldtt"<:scromoledeggsandsti·•
• ·~ u:.s=oo'II s ..:.n :)' for O"'Oteerminu:e.or unt ti!: eggs o·e fu!lyCOO.(eo.
• "! "11::..KES( "!..0! B), TO SEll't'E Tro"'Sfe·too serv'ngola:e ono se-vewitnpcnco.,:es,

i\!~ ON: ~U.!..NCDONG "11'f1'<

t , ,-;.:'KY 1'-1~
k ,,., _
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 ._.NUTES,
COO(l'II~ - '1! } Ml'IIUiES

• 0 ORD a_.:.:(1'/US- ROOWS - ~-t t"'e musnroomsin o bowl.co11er wr'.n colc:lwa:e-·,

• 2 f:5L!S"00NS 2 -E!)F' OO'IIS sooktr,x<n lees, 20 -n·nuw, or U"'tisoftened.Reme>\'e ti-e
VE~E-:..5.t O ~ mush·ooms,squeezed-y,and disco.,,:! ti!: stems.0.,. tne
• ;, :n, 1~c.; "Oi\'<s1ou1.:i:=t mush·oomsinto thi;'lst fas O"'.O mixw'th 1teospoo.,oil.
:ut i'\l·o l-1 N Sii\ "S e, com:,;netne por(..soysauce,ono 1teosPOOn
- Meony-.1\il
• I r:::..s=ooN L GW SOI' s.:ucE sugot o"'.dmorino:efor10mil""i,..ies.Mixin the co:nstorch
• i iE.'S"OONS 0'(!."iUL!iEO SUCP:\ (cornflour}.~ix in 1teospoo'1oiljus: priorto cooL-..g.
• I f:!S"OON :OR'IISf:=tC - • O.i tee ore1er\<eO mus:ard hearts intoth';'l stt'os. Sook
::oR'll =LOUi\) in o 'X/h o: coo water for 5 minu:e,-~ t~'1 drOJI.
• j oz ·so G SICHU!..NP"!SE~\'!O - ;ect me remoi.,·ng2 to.oles::.oons oi in o ""0< or lorge
MUSf:=!.O-if!. .:\-5 , " 'IISEO sUet/frying oon ove-1nigh"eat, odd tt"<:oor<,onclstir-fry
• I =!.D CH l!, SE!OD !'110 :ur 'll·o :o. obo.rt 1minuie.Addtt"': mushroorr.sandsti·.:-y fo·
s·11; "S o"'Otherminu:e.Addthe :.reseNecl mustard "'eOis,ch -e,
remo·vig1 teospoo., sugo·,ono 1tobespoon water and
soute foranotne· mi.,•..rte
t"'e oork is cookedthrougn.
Tro"'Sfe·too serv'ngola:e ono se-ve.

i\!;j ON: 5riU'IIOE 00:t!i(
P,\!P!i\qON T ME 10 v NUTH,
" lU5 1C M NU"fi 5C,!(l"11~ T WE PO RK LETTUC E
COO(l'II~. '1E 5 MI"11UiE5
S!i\VES: !. W RAP S

• 3 O'I EJ Q_!(( "1US-i'IOOW5 · ~it~ musnrooms.rl o bowl.CC'\.·er wr'.n coldwa:e-·,o,cl

• 3•~O: 'ICO ~ ~llOU'IIO ·1,1 NCEO) " :'I( soak to· <l'! leas: 20 :n·nu::es,or U"'tisoftened. Remo\<e tN'
• •~fE:.5"00'11 S.'li mush·ooms,squeezed)', and disco.,,:! ti!: stems.
• I f::!S"OON CO,\'ll)T:'(C - • Meonv-.'tlil
e, .rl o bowlcom~e tt"<:pork,.sc.t, and
:coR'll ' LOUi\) 1table::ooon...,ate-·o"'.dlet stood for 15mir,..ies.Mix .rl the
• I -iPO ICEOE'IGL!l7UCE. L!!\'fS cornstarch (cornfa...r).
5!P!i\!.iEO • -rim eoch lettl..ceeaf into o cu:,. ::;:e sho:,e,
, 1 r:aus=oo~ vE3Ei.'5L! ol • ;eat me oil .r1o \\'O( or crgeskte: e-ying pon},odd the
• 1 C.OVE5 U.'R.IC, cno:=o gar'iic.,onosfu-fry over Tedi...m-nigh neat for 1m·.,ute V""til
• I C-i 'll!SE 1. \'! " $! .U5!3!. " I'115EO :.ogron:. Adotne por._,il"lcreo$ e to,-,eat, and st··.fry
!'110 CUT l\iO\·l'\IC - ,.5•M\1.J CE :<Y about 2 mir,..ies u'tlil cookea mro;,;gh.breakingu-oO"Y
• I C!.,\'1:0l • 1"11!.YCHO"'"EJ lum~ in t-r.eorocess.
• I f!3l:S"00"1 '"'IE5!i\\'EJ;!.5, • S:i ·'1tne sausage,co-cot,mushroom,ono kon.robi,cod
c - o==:o me oys:er sauce, O"'.O toss tN' mix:urethorocghly.Mixi;'l
• I r:aus=oo~ OYSi! " S!UCE me and oine "'I.J'ts .
• 0 W!fB C-i!Sl 'IIUT5, • 'll!LY C-iO" "EO • -ronsfer too se-vingplate o,cl se.rvethe ~·n sauce and
• ,·,cu = (1 oz.-soG) P 'IIE "IIUa lettuce •,rappers 0.'1tne side.
• 1 f!OL!S"OONS -i0I5, )!.UCE

i\!;j ON: ' UJ !.N

P,\!P!.,\!",ON T VE 10 MI"\IU"E5, " .U5
T*-il t'.!1
10 Ml'IIUTE5 \I!'( 'll!T NG . M! PO RK WI TH
COO(l'II~. '1! I~ v NUT!S
S!'W!S: 1·l A N CH OVI ES

. ; ovn~:; =:,< iENDEll;LOl'II, CUT • Comoinethe pork, soysc:-,..ce, wg:ir, and 2 tablesooons
NTO l"i·l'IIC-i !.·C"1·l0'11G 5H "5 wo:e· in a 'Xlh and morino:-efor10mi"'I.J'tes. t-'ix ·o me
, 1 r:aus=oo~ L 3HT soy s:..u::::: cornstarch ( cornflour}and 1teos:,oonvege:obleo..
• •, fE!)"OQ'll ;j'(!"IU.!J:0 5U3 H • Meonv-.•nil in coldwater fo·
e, SOC.( the arieclo'.'!ChO'>'ies
• I r::..s"OON ::Oi\'ll>f P,C - 5 .T'W'lut
es. )re· ....
(CO\N ' .OU\J • ;eat 1tobespooo~e:ableo. ina•.-.OJ:<Y lo·ge s.i::ile:
• 2 f!OL!S"OONS I "!! SPOON (fryingoo~) over CIN heat, cod the po·(, and stir-::yfor
\if;jff!OL:: 0 l o:o-..i2-3 minutes untilCOOJ:ed throogn.-ro.nsfe·me por<
• I CU"' :2 OZiSC ~. :l\,EO !"IIC-iOV E5 too plate.
• 1 C.OVE5 U.'R.IC, Sl CEJ • Adome remo·vig 1 toole::::,oon \-ege:obe o., ::othe ...,0<.
• !. s-; SL co Add tt"<:gor"c,s"'.O!lo:s, o"'.dcnileo"lOstir-fryover me-d'ium-
• I \E:l CH l!, SE!OD !'110 5L CE:l h'gn heat for1 minut-eun:i:-o~am.Add tt"<:ancnovies
• I f!3l:S"00"1 •B "1E'IITEO5L.!..CIC o-..ds:J -fryforano:her m·"'.ie, then stir in the :.oo: :ieo"S
3E'N5, ,\ N5EJ !"IOC-iOPPEO o-..dpo·(. -oss O\'erh'gn heat for 30 seconds.
, 1"'OO"I 5-;:. oxI'II~ wI,E • Aime the...,-~ along ti-': inside o: ti-':wokono stir in tt"<:
• •, fE!.5"00'11 5E)!"1f O l sesameoil.T·ansfertoo se;vingpate o-..d$ervew'th rice .
• SlE!\1!0 "1;IC! =:;jf SlC 10 SE'1:\'E

i~ ~ ~ •u~ ON: C·P.OZHOU
"'!\!"'! I\! " ION . M! 15 W 'IIUTES,
PO RK WI TH " lUS ill \1 NU "fi SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
COO(l'II~. \1! 1~ Vl"iVES

- j..,..i tr>':mushrooms.rl o bo•....t,

ccve1wi':h cold wa:er, onc:I • 0 01\ EJ S.!:( "1US-l'l 00"1S
sock forot leost 20 m·..._-tes.o· untilso¾ened.=wmovethe • 4 -!fi.f S=ooNS \iE3EJ!5L! 01~
mushrooms,squee-z.:dry,o.ndd:sco-dthe stems. )ice and , ~ cu= .5oz:aoo: lt!-.\' "! .'NUTS
setos'oe. S-1!.lEO
sktet (fryingpan) ove· lov,.•-r.eot.
- lfl o V.'Ok.01 com~e • I J!3lfS"00'11 " lUS I J::!S"OO'II
3 tablespoonsvegetableo ono ::nepe-onutso"'.dS:::r -fry
for }-4 m·;.rtes untilthe :,eo;,..isore cruncny.~emovethe • l T.!5L!S"OONS "ltESE'lVEO "Ui\'I "S,
pKJnu:so"".Oset oSA:le
to cool. 0 CEO
- ja...rout most d tl"':ol eovingabout 1toole::ooon.Ao:I • I SEM ·ORD TOHJ. :ur .'1110
1to:. espoon beo"tpos:e, .~eservedtu-nips,m.snrooms, ·:'l: -1,'l•C"1 :u3ES
dried oean curd, and dr'ed snrimpono Stt-fryover medium • i J!f.lfS"OONS J " ED SH" v "
heat for 1mil"",,
U""ti frogro-rt. Remo\<eo!Ithe ingredients • I J!3lES"00'11 :j!'ll: Glt!EJ
and set c:s·de. • '.' OZl20~ G "011;1(•ENDEltLOl'I, :uT
- ;ea;: 1tob espoonvege:ob le o in thev.-okcver ~h ri:at 1'1-o·~·'11:-1 l•CV :u5ES
and sf· .fry the garlico".d1te-ospoonbeon jOS:-e forobou! • •~G"!E', 5El~ '"E""!" S!EOEJ !>;;D
1 minu:e.Adclthe :io:kond sf·.fry for~-2 minutes 0 CEO NTO • NC-! ,'l•C"1 :u3ES
un:i the p,o·( is fully coxed. Stirhtil= bf' I :,ep:,e·, c.nile, • I ltEJ CH lf, f N!LY C-IOPPEO
end ~n- curd-ond-shr'-r:omixtwe,men cad the soy • I E!.5"00~ O!lt K SOYs,r.u:!
sauce,s,.:gcr,ono seson--= oil.S:ir-fry'~ 1minuteu"til the • i E.'S"OO'IIS G"!'IIUL!TEO SUG.'i\
sauceth·cbns. Mix;,.the peo~•..rts o.ndtro-rsfe·too serving • I i:!5"00"1 S!S ! VE OI~
plate. Se;vewi-,.nrice. • STE! ~EO 'l,CE "!;jf 5.dtt: TO S! ~V!

H 1~ '1t~ 11;f3,0N: J! 'll'N

"!\!" .!!\!" ION T WE 5 v 'IIUT!S, =LuS
PO RK BELLY WI TH RED 8 -IOU" S "1!lt 'I !" 'IIG i ME
:OO(l'\13.. ~! 1~ Vl"iUi!S

- .no oo..,comoinethe po·i::strips,,.."thti-': red disti!le-:1 • I :s·OZ..15C·3, "O'lK 5!l~Y :u· l'\ITO
g·oinsa-..xe,sugar,and wineo.r,c:Imarinate :o. 8 rours. \· .'11:-1:2-cv ·n Ct: s~i\ " S
• Mixthe x,.rk str'~ v.ithme coarse s-.-.eetpo:oto sto·ch. • I T!eL!S"OO'i ~,:i;; 5- ,~~:o ;;~l- '\I 1

- ;em me oil .no wokor O*P so.xepo'l overmedium-hig:1 S! .U:E

heat to 34Q¢=/t700C. or unti o cu-:ieof lreoo IYa.-.-rs • •~TE!S"OO'II 3lt.'NU.!EO SU;3!"
i;'l£5seroids. Ge~tlylower·'1tne por<s:ripsand • I J!3lES"00'11 (.! O •. ! "IG W N!
iiTi:-redbtelyreduce to O'N ~t. Deep-fry me por<for • 3 J!5L!S"OONS CQ!";S! S'IIE!T
o:o..i 5 m·~.-tes. .nc·ease to :-red'vmheat o.r,c:Io-:ep-fry :o. " OT!TQ Si! ";:-1
o"'Other2-3 minutesu"til goldenand cookeotnrough.lhe • 2 Cl."S 1·0 : L OZ. .d]S ~~
o s,otted spoon to corefu'fyremovethe po·i::fromthe ci VE3E"!6 .E O L
o"'.dd-oinon ~oer tOY1.<e-S. T·onsfertoo se;vingpate o:-r.d • STE! ~EO 'l,CE "!;jf 5.dtt: TO S! ~V!

fl'k "'
i\!3 ON: s;:::-iu:.'I @~ [~
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUiES,
" lUS !. -IOU:\S \1!:\ N.!f '113. \1! PO RK WI TH
C00(1'113. ~E !.OMl'IIUiES
E'.:!i"'!3f :sss

• I t:5l:S"'00"1 S!.i - ~ubt ce sa,;tall overthe po·( o.ndmarinate :or

• I ·;.::,z1n~·3 SKl'll·O'I " 0'1;1( l. nours.iinse u-"'.d
e· cod -UMingv.'Oter,then a.rain.
SriOUlJEit - ~it~ oor<hto a locgesa ..cepono,cl cad enoug:1wo:er
• :S-!5 .!S"'OONS VE3!t:5L! or~ to coverit com:.etely.&-"'9 too 00 overhighheot, men
• ·~ ri!!J (.:.55£3f. CC!\S!LY reduceto medium-laNheat. just belowbo'tng.Cookme
po.·(for 15minutes. &en turn off tne heat, cover,and
• S ~£'1;L C SP~OUiS, G:\!E'II :-:,us stand for15minutes. )ro·n o"'.d("";!e under cold running
ON.Y. CUT :'11•0I'~· 'II:: - d·Clil wa:e· untilcooled.Cut tri: porkinto \'ery th'.l slices.
~E'll~T-IS - ;em 2 tablespoons\-ege:able o ino wokor orges.(i e:
• !.C LOVES:l!'tl C, Iii '11:::!0 (fryingoo~},ado me coobogeand goX s~outs, o,cl
• I f£5lES"'00~. !'11\1 !'IIJ !.NG stir-fryovernighneat for2 mil"",,..ies
U""tilsoft. Remoo.•e
• I f!5L:s=ooNS " X !'lj C-1,~ 5!!'11 me cabbage end go{ics:rtoutsand set o:s'cieon o pate.
=:sJ: .C-IOPPE:l Add tl"':remain·~ 1tablespoonvegeto':.e oilto the wok
• 0 01\ E:l CH L!S o,cl s:it-frytr>ecork slicesoverh'gn ceot for 2 minuies
• J'l;E:lC - LES until~zzlingono ~in"'1"9 to curl.Pu!'n tne go~.
• •, "! 0 5El ..."'E""!". S!EOEJ !"IQ CUT t:onm·a..nj',
chi beo"tpos:e, d-iedono freshchies o:-r.d
NTO SV!L~ :::-1U'lll(S stir-fryfor2 -r.rMes. S:ir'ntn e bell:,e:,oe·,go·ic s:irouts,
• I f:!.S"'OON S-1!.QXl'II~ ·-11·NE o,cl cobboqe,men cad the wine,wgor, and soy sauce.
• •, fE!S"00'113'1;!"1U.!J:Q SU3 H 0--izzleoo.-e·
tne sesoTe oilo.ndtoss thoroughfy.Trons:er
• I J:!S"'OON l GW SOYS.!UCE too se-vingdishand ser\'e.
• ·~ lE£5"00'11 SES.!Wf O ~

i\!3,0N: -IUfiE H~g t'.J,

P:\!P!.:\!·,oN i ME 10 v NUTES
S!i\VES: !.

• 2 J:5L!S"00NS1..:\0 Ptrole brcssicois o ~fy vegetablefo-...nd in cent-o Chi"O.

• I r:!,S"'OON c - o==:;i O 'iO;~ Ptrole incolo·ono very S'lo<ee:,
it is oest used ·n s:ir-fries.
. ; ovn~:; C-1 N!S! CU'!;EO:>!CO'II If unC'roilo:.e-,
cnoysum can be-used os o substitute.
'tl~SEO .!NJ i-1 N.Y S.ICEO
• I ~51 OZ,500 G "'U:\"~E S",.-',SS(! Ci\ - ;em me loroino WO<or larges<iHet{fry'~ :,on) eve·
C-IOYSUM CUT 'IITO J'li- "ICH:'!.•CV mediu--r:-~h ~at. odd tl"':ginger,one!st··.fry fort minute
~E'll~T-IS until frog·ant.Pu;:i.l tri: CV'"eo boconand stir•:~ for
• •~lE£5"00'11 S.'li o"Other1-2 minu- .es unt tr>e baconiscoo<ed. Tro"\Sfer
• SlE£\1!0 ,;;,:::! "'.'3E SdC · o SE~\'E too plate.
- j_d t~ ,ourpe :rtosS:co intee WO<, cdclthe sa,;t,one!
stJ -fryfor2 T,J"I.Jt
es oo.-er highheot un:ilcookedbu;: st
crisoy.~turn tne boconto the ,,.,0<,s:ir,onc:Imixwi':hthe
b--05s·co.T·onsfertoo plate O"'.O servewi'
i\!~ ON: -IU5E
P:\!P!.:\qON i ME 10 v NUiES
«tt ~ ;t ~
S!'WES: !.

• I l·l5 2·0Z ·50~-~ SON!lESS, SI.~· - :or the :,ol,: oe'ty,scrape the skincleon, men ("";!e the :io:k
5!L~Y una~· cod ru-;ning•1,ot e·.
• I cu=-:a : l 0Zi2S~ \IL) - j_d t ~ ,oor<i-rtoo lo.:g-= so-..ce~ '.l o "'.cload enoug" wc:er
VE~E·:.a .r O. to coverit com:.etely. &-"'9 too 00 over high heotono
, 1cu=-u oz:1~~o) w: .....u·s bonchtne por<:<Y Klminu:~ . Drainand ~ru under
• 2 OZl50 G G NO!i\ ::sour 5· 'IIC-1, cod -..nningv.'Ot!?r cooeo. G.rtthe :,o/( into ~-inch/
i.5·CW·lENGT - " :::E, Sl CD 2-cm cu-:ies.
• i SC:l~ O"IIS IS"'t "II~ ON 0"115), - ;eat me oil .no wo,:or aeepsoocepo'l to 2700F/13~.
CUT ,,ro l'V'IIC-1:!.•C\I l!NOT - S G,e-rtlylower thewo..nvtsin:o me oilond d~>fry for
• 3 ·:a l!S"'OONS ~lt.'NU.l.J:J SU~H '-5minu:es 1...ntigoa~"1brown.Us e o s..otteds:,oon
• •~i!S.ES"':)0'11 i :.,.,-, !.'IJ :'IIG to carefullyreTlO\'emewo!nuts:"Omt"\e oi o,cl drain
• I E :..s"OON s.:..L. " lUS fXFtl. TO on paper taNels.
Tl.STE - jo..r out .rost d t "\e oi, eovingabout 2 toblesooons;,.the
• I J:5l:S"'00"1 ~tu· 'IIOUS"'ICE'II 'IIE wok.tirot over tretJ'"..m -r.eot,cad the g·-..gero"'.dsca'lbns
• su:1o1:o:;;,:: ...,~E S.dC ·o SP:\'E (springon·Ot"S}, end st··.fry for1 minu:e un:ilfr03ro-rt.
Add tt"<:s-,.;gor
and sti·.::-yfor 2 minutes untilcoroT<:lizecl.
- S~ ·'1tne tionmio.,jio-r.g. odd the x,rk, o"'.dstJ -fryover
h·gn heat for2 minutes.Jidc:I the so.t. ,.,.·~, o,cl enoug'l
wo:e· toco-.•e-·,and br'~ too boi. Reduceto laN -r.eotand
simmerfor12-15minu:-es.....ntime sauce thkk.e-,sand tt"':
po·,:is ceo<eo.Stiri"ltil: cri:-:ttwo!nutso"'.dtoss. Seo:son
wim ex-Jo so.t totoste. then transfer too se--vingdish.

"'!G 0"11:- : I.I(.!. ti t'.!1

=-=-::=-n:.10'1 i WE: 10\1 NU.E S
SE'WES: !.

• I "0 S TON~U:: - ~it~ oig's tongue intoo ctge souce-oonand odd e--roogh
• i · .:5.ES"'OONS \IEO!Tl.3lf OI~ wa:e· =:ocr.:twh completely.3ri-rgtoo boilover
• i 0:,5~.; 0 N~:~ 11-sou
· )·INC - hea;:o"'.dcook tl"':,oig'stongue for15minu:es;,..nt
i.S•C\l•L!NO-H P EC!), SL CE:l coo,:edth-oug'\. Skimme froth and scum offthe su-foce.
• 5 CLOVES(;:'l;L c. s~,::o i: ne-:aeo.0-oin onc:Irinse undercola run'¥1gwater.
• i ·:a L!S"'OON 5!.!~ =-:s·E - Scrapethe sUI o!! tt"':s...rfoceof the tongue wi::no
l!.'5"00"1 ~:\l,NU.:JEJ su~:\ knife o"'.d-emoveany :ones.CU'!the tongue ·.,to naives
• I ·psP O:J"II i\ CE W N! lengthwise, tne'1hcrizonto!ly·.,to;i . ;'Ti:nslices.
• 5 OVISO ~ ,u~ow c- VE), CUT "ll· o • ;eat me oil ,nO WO( O! ctge skte: e-ying pan},odd the
2· "IIC-l."5•CM"EC! S g·~e· o"lOgarlic,ono stir-fryover TedA-m-nigh heat for
• I '!;EO3E~L "!P"'B . SED!O l.'IJ CUT 1minute u-rtilfragrant.Addthe ::,eon po:ste,sugar, o-r.o
1,10 S~:\ ?S p·g'sto-r.gue,o"'.ds:it-fryforono:ner m· tt"':,...,;n
• Si:!"IEJ R CE tP!.G! ~40), TO SE\V'E cnives,onc:I:,e pep:ier,and toss for oootf,,er minute.
- -ro.nsfer too se-vingplate o"'.dservewith .ice.

~ tiH!H~, •u:; ON: f: 'M •N
"'i\!"'!i\!· 10N . M! IC v "llJi!S,
SO.'K "IG. \1!
:::00(1'\I:; i.VE 2 Vl"iUi!S

- Cutooen the ~•she-art and removethe bood vesse.s and • l"GS-if!.';;7

memxones. Cutthe ceoi in:o '/•-·;,ch/3-T..m-th·ck s.,,ces. • I i!!S"OO"I W-1 TE V ,E;JH
- .no lorS'='oowl.conlne 2cups (16 floz/4iS ml}water • l f!5L:'S"'OONS VEG:'J:3lE 01.
wi-.nthevineg:ir, cod the p·g's he-arts ces, o,cl SOC( for , i sc:..L O'IIS :s ='1;1'11:;o~ O'IIS).
IS minutes-.R.nseunder cold run¥g water and dro·n. ',\'-I TE ! ND :;\E:'11 =:.~rs C - O""'EJ
- ;ea;: me vegetable oi in o wok.or .ors-= s(illet {frying oon} S!P!i\.'7ElY
ove· hig'l he<r,.,oxl the scallion (s~ng onion) s:eT6 ono • I 'l;f:l c:.Yf'll"IE "!P"H SE!JEO !.NJ
cayenne:,e:-oe-· , oncistir-fry for oboi.n 30seconds.Acd the :::uT J !;J.0'11! •• Y ,ro ·~·l"iC- · 1-:::1,1
p·g's heart slice--~sco!liongr~"\S-,ricev,ine,soy sauce, end S.ICES
1toblesooon,...mer o"'.dtoss ro:ldlyto· obo.rt 30 seco"'.Ck. • I T!3lfS"00'11 \,CE ''lo',E
Seo:ronto taste witn salt. then stir .nthe se<..ome oil. • I i!!.S"OO~ l :;nr SOYs.,u:::E
Tro"\Sfe·too servingola:e ono se-vewim rice. • s:..· TOPSH
• I i!!S"OO"I s:s:.vE 01.
• STE!\1EO '!;,CE ::.:;f 5!.C: TO s:~v:

8 i;;1'11
9° 'l;E:; ON: :;U.!N(DONG
"'1'!"' .ti\ :.· ,oN . M! IC v "iUT!S,
:::OO<l'II:; J,vf_ 2 -tOUI\S

the trarterin:oo largesaxeoon one!cdclero,;gn

- j.....-t • I (1 .. 5 5·0Z ·~o~·G) P :;·s l'l;OTTEI\
water to caverit comp.etely.3ringtoo xii ove· rugn heot :::.E:.'11:J. "' 'IISEO.. ! NJ C - O""EJ
o"'.Ci obnch for5 minu:es.Somthe frothonciscum o!!the 1•rol·OZiiS•:; "'E:::Es
surface,if ri:edeo. 0-0:'.'londrinseunde·cold ,r ·•-r_gwote·. • ~ OZiiO:;:; '11:;E\ !.50Ui 1·1'1:::-1,
- j..._itnetratter piecesoockintothe pon\\~h ~f tfi-..e gn.;er, 2.5·C"1·.E'll:;T-t "ECE S.ICEO
coo !:'"l01J9':l'"'cter to ccNe·, one!Dringtoo boil.wduce to , i. :::u=s :20 F. oz:~~~ ..,L w- ·E
lowheat s:rnme·unca.-ered,:orow..i 30 mirdes. )rain V NE;';H
o"Odiscordtheginge·. ~;se, m: trotte1piecESV"'.A:!er cod • I :::u=-s t12 oz,150 G) :;\!"IUPTEO
runn:ngwcter urd coolO!"lc:I SOO( 'no largebucke:of ice SU&''!;
water for1hour.~eTlO',<e the trotte· returnto tfi-.e • 2 i!.'S"OO'IIS s:.~·
~1,odd the rema:..,·-r_g ginge·,ondco-wwi.hv.'Ote·.3ring • S- 1\:'0DD Z:ST OF I EVON
too xii, the'1 reo..xethe heat, or,c:Isimme·fa 30Tr·..,,.rtes. • .:.5:.y ~t.:..v·,;5
0-o'nand dsca.,:1 the 9inge1,and soak in icewater once
more~ ono"".ner ""OY.
- j..d thetrarterpiecesoockintothe pan, oodwoter ::o
caw, o"O bringtoo :o-. ~xetoaNheat onc:IS4Tll'ne·,
unCO'le·ed, fo· oro.i 20 minu:es.Turno!!m: nee-.,co-.<er, tfi-..e
trotter o'eces COl"rtinuetoCOO( in the residual
heat fa 30 minu:es.WmOJefromthe pan.
- CoT':i--r..ethevinegor,sugo.r,ondsch in o sruce:ia.. "1ond:n."9
too xii. the"lreo..xeto ONheoto:-r.dcook fa 3-Lminu:es
urd tfi-..esugar orr.dso.t c:e cbsdveo. Stro:nthe mixture;,.,to
o .org=ooM.Addthe le-ro.'1Zffi and 'Xff leovesonc:1 let COOi.
- Adothe trotter p:ecesand soak for6 ~rs. Removeme
p«es,droin, o"'.Ci trorrs:e1too plate.
i\!~ ON: : uJ l.N ~!mllf
P,\!Pli\qON T VE 10 Ml'IU7ES, " .US
lll v NUT:S SQl.l( NG T WE : ....o SAUTtED
15 ,-,1..,.uJES v: •t ....~i NG i .M::
C00< 1"~. ~E l Ml'IUTES PORK LIVER
S!i\VES: 4

• I ~5 i QZ,.500 G "0~ < 1.l\'E\, T-1 N ..Y - CoT:fr1eme por',: trver, V~gor, and 2 cups (16; ozf£i5
S~ICEO ml}water ·'.lo .orge'Xlh ono sock to· 30"'?'.l
• I f:l.S"OON \\-1 H V "IE~~ ~ d·oin. =wtur~i:he livertot-..e oowl,.cdd 1 teospoonsoy
• 1 lE.'S"OONS 1.10-li SOYSAUCE sauce,~ta.oles::ioonwine,t-..e,,.,,~e :,e:oe· , one!co<nsto·ch
• I f:Ol:5"00"1 il;IC! '"'°'NE (cornflour} and mori"Otefor 15:i-.:rn.rt
• \ ·t!)F'O O"I G~OUNJ \\-1 H PP"H - ~.o·ne me remoi";ogni:ablesooon,,.·~, 1teaspoonsoy
• •~i!S.ES~:)0"1 CO\NST!~:-1 sauce,o"lOme sugo· ina sma.l OO'NI. Setosic:le.
:::OR'l =LOUi\ ) - Heat tN' oil·.lo wo<o· deeosouceoonto265o-:/130°C.
• I f:lS"OON Gi\H,IU L£7E:l SuG:'\ Ge~tlylower the liverinto ti!:',r,gchops:ic<sto
• 2 Cl.~s 1"C =L oz,4-5 M~ d:Spersethe p·ecesrapid')'to prevemsticking,and d~:,-fry
VE~E-l6 .t O. :<Y about 1minuteu"til golden :,:owl'\. Usea slotted spoon
• I f:3l:S"00"1 ~ .\!70 0 NG!\ to removethe ~ er the oi and drainon paper tO\\·e.s.
• I f:3l:S"00"1 C-10"~:o SC l.L~ION - Por OU'! most cJthe o1.,eovingabou;:1to:,espoo'.lin
:s"~ "~ o~ me wok.H:ct the oi overmedium-hig'\hem, cdd the
• SJE:1,1:0 "1;1C! "!~E S.dll TO SE'WE g·~e· o"lOsco,lion(spdogonion),and stir-fryf<Y1 minute
until frag·a.nt.Ad:Ithe l-.•ero"'.dthe re~-vedsouce O"'.O
stir-fryfor 30 sero"'.dsuntilthe souce thiC(ensand coots
me liver. --ansfer to a servingplate o,cl servewth rice.
1U~~ ot~ 1'11
llf 'U::3.ON: -1:.«:.
"'i\!"'!i\!·10N. M! IC v "llJi!S,
PORK LIV ER W ITH CU RED " lUS 30 "11'11Ui!5$0,,1.Kl'll:;3.
i M!
:::OO(l'\1::3..\1! 1~ Vl"iUi!S

- ~emovethe \'e.""S end ou::e1rrem:irone of m e por< r ,•e-. • ll OZl!OO G ?O'tK l VE't

then cvt tn: liver into ~--nch/5-T.m-t ·•ck slices.Combine • I f!!.$"00"1 W-1 TEV ,E;J H
the poJ<Wer,vicegar,o.nd2cu-os(16oz/475 ml}water ·'.lo • 3•~OZ ICC ::3.C-11'\l!SECl,l\!O 5:.:::oN
e bowland SOO( for 30 m·.,.,ies,then ~.nsetho:oughfy 5( 'II ~! "10VEJ !'110 ~ 'IISEO
to -emove the vinegar. )rain. • I C-1 'll!SE S!UP.O!
- Meonv,.'hil~. place tl"':cu-eelbocono.ndthe Otine<...esa-...soge , ·~oz,-1c::s.31'11::S.B:sour \·:'11:::-1
ino collo~Ole pm o:-bo'Tlooosteome1 c,.•e·o oot o: :,oiling 2·C"1·lENOi -l "E:::EJ, S- i\!OOEJ
wa:er.Steam, cove·ed,for 5 m·.,.,ies.Cutthe oocono,cl • I r:::..s=oo~'t,CE ''II' NE
sousog,=·rrtol'-inc.n/5-mm-t ckk slices. • ~ "ICH o~O\OU'IIJ 'o\'-1.TE ~i"'?B
- j.oce the t:ve1·.lo oow o"'.dTO'.witn the g·cger,'le, • 2 f:5lES"00NS ?-.US I JE!S"'OON
white ~pper, oocl1teaspoon \-egetoble o . VE::3.E
·:.o .E O L
- ;em me remo·.,.ng2 toblesooonsvegeto:.-: oil·o owok or • i COVES o:.,L C, Sl :::!J
lo.:ge skte: (fryingoon} ove1.T.ed'u·,w,~h neat, cod the • '.' OZl20~ 0 CH \'ES. CUT '11~0
garlic,o-r_ostir-fry !or 1minuteu-rtilfrogro.nt.Adcl
the lver 2·~·:"IC- ,-0•:::1,11..E'113~HS
o,cl ti -fry quicklyover nighneat for1 minu:e.Adclthe , 1r:::..s=oo~;;,:i.:.'llu.:rn su;;:=t
o..recl:,oeoo, (h·~se sousoge,chives,wgor, so}t,oncisoy • IT! ! 5" 00"1 S!.Li
sauce one sfu-fryfor ono:ne· 1-2minute---clono: owrCOO( • I T!!S"OO"l l :;3.Hi SOY s.,u:::E
the live·. S::;r·o m e seson-~oil.transfer too olo:e,oncise--ve • I r:::..s=oo~S!S!,VE01~
wi-.n rice. • $lE!\1EO 't CE ::.;;f SdC: TO s:: ~v::
i\!:; ON: -IU1' : , ~ ~ t'.!l~ 'f
P:\!P!.:\qON i WE: 5 W 'IIUi:S
S!'WES: 4
i!:!! =::;E 101 W ITH SEMI- DRI ED TO FU

, i oz ·soo cn NES! ::u'to'II - j.oce the cured DOCon in o collo~·ole pot or bamboo
• I t:5l:S"'00"1 VE3Ei!.5L! 0 l steoTe·cver o :,ot of bo cg woter. Steam,co-.-e·ed,:o.
• i ::.OVES U.'1'.IC, Sl ::EJ 5 .rw'lvtest.ntit SOTT
o"'.dcooked.Cvt me por<i-rto/; -incn/
• i 'tE:l C - ILES. SEEJEO !"IIJ CHC'""'E:l 2-mm s"ces.
• i ::-11"\IESECE~BY, S"!..L(S CHO"'"EJ - ;eat me \\'O( or crge skte: e-ying pon},odd the
!'110 ...f!.VES .J sc:\QD garlicone!ch es, one!sf·.fryOY!:'rmedtnl hem :o.'lvte
• I • VE·S" CE 1o •u, i-11'\llY s.1:::0 until frog·ant. Putin tne bacon, celery,tofu, SCI'/
sauce, ono
• •~lE£5"00'11 ...:; - i SOYS:..U::E salt onc:Is:ir-fry'r.xanother 2 minutes untili:hece eryis just
• ·, u:s"OO'II s:u. Ext":. te"'.de·.Seoso"lwithextra soi to taste. T·onsfe-·too s.e-ving
101:sTE pate o.ndserve•1,"ihrice .
• su:1o1:o:;;,:: ...,:;ES.dC ·o SP:\'E

i\!:;,ON: -IUfiE
Pi\!P!..:\!",ON i WE: iO M 'IIU"ES
n ti ~
COO(l'II:;. '1! 2 -101,;:\S20 W 'IIUi:S STEA M ED PO RK BELLY
S!'\VES: 4

• I 'll·OZ lJC•:;: 301\HfSS. Sl:1'11·0'11 t"'e ,oor<bellyinto o largeso-..xepo"lono

- j_...-i odo enoug'l
"'0 ~( SE...LY CUT l\iO :-· NC-1."i•CM wa:e-·=:ocr.:twh completely.3ri-rgtoo boilover
heo! o,cl :.oncn 'r.x5 ~vt es. )ro·oono ri"\Seunder
• ~ CUP ,nOZIICO :;: s. CEO a:.wsoo cod -..nningwot!?ru--rtil cooeo .
s-ioo·s.o:t, 1'11:J - A,·onge :,oth tl"eoork bellyond solteo por<,skin-side
• \ "f!SPO O'II 5,1.~1 da,;n, in o "'eOtproofbaNIcy interlacingthem. j.oce the
, 9 OZiiSC:; s:.·o "'01'<. ::u1 '1110
1 bamboo snootson top of the :or',:. W over tr,..,ch'ck.en
\· '11::-1.'2•0::VCU5E5 !roth {stoc<),wine,sco!ro"S{s~ing onions),one!ginger.
, SC!"II· 1 ::u"':- •~ov20~ ,..~, Seal~igtr.lywi-.n a,,..minumfoiland place in o collops:.e
:: - ,:(!'II EHOT-1 ·s·o :<. :,1.:;f 90) pot r.xbomooosteomer over o pot o: ooilingwater.
• 2 t:5L!S"00NS"' CE 'Nl'II! Steam over ·•gh "'eOt.cove·ed, for 2 "'OOfs .
• i SC:ll O"IIS (F't."11:; ON 0'115), - Carefullyremoveme :oa, d:Scordt "'e ginger,then s:roin
::u1 •ro &· "iC- ,:}·::M ~f'i.i "HS
1 me sauce in:o o soucepon.Coverthe baNIof :,ork.'"'"th
• I OZ,,25 G:; '113E\ :.soul 2· "IC- o s.e-vingplate end, usingd:ShtaNels,"wen the contents
S•:V•L!'l:;i - P !CEJ. SL CE:l onto the :.ate. (Al:e·not've}y,us.etongstotransfe· me
• \ "f!SPO O'II G~OUNJ \\-1 H PP"'E't po·(.) Kee-owor'.'n,
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1::=::;E S.dC TO SE'WE - ;em me souc~over T~di....m -nigh neat ono cook.for
ISminutes un:il -educeoby ha.J. Pour tl-esc:,..ce0te· tl"e
po.·(,s:.tinldew'th tr,..,wn:te :,e:.oe-·,ona servewi-.nrice.

i\!:; ON: -ION:3 <O'II:; 7' ~ ~ ~ t'.!1
P:\!P!:\qON i WE: iO M 'IIU7fi
COO( l'll;j i M! 1 -IOU:'t .!5 \1 NU"H C HITTERLI N GS WI TH
S!'WES: .!

• !. P. ,,::;:: c - ·r::~ ~l'll;j$ ( ":; • O..ioff onc:Id:scoratne tninnersectionof the ·..,testires,

'lliEST.'IIES.1 k.eeoingonlytl"':t ckk.poi.
, "7E:s~oo'llss: .•1 • -ie me no·rowenclof 1i-rtestinewit h kitchens:ringand,
• i :u ~s :sOI,'ISC::; SO Y5!!~ usingo cho~tb:. oush ogoinS!the knot in:o me intestine.
F'\OUTS free nond to pu!It-r.e.ntestinec,.•e·on:o the
• I J:Ol:5"00"1 W-1 l: V ,E;j H • chops:io:to turn tf"': ·ntes::;rle inside0,.;i.Ru:.::nein:esf~
,i oz ·soo o NG!:\ :nour witn1teaspoon soltend rinseunder cod running'-''Oter.
l· NC-1,i.S·CM·~E"IGT-I "ECE • -urn the intestinewtsic:le'n so that the skinisoni:he
S~ICEO ou:s:deogdn, then t.nt'e t-r.estri-rg.=woeot with ::ne
• 2 J:5 L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E O l remo·vig intestines.
• I '\E:l CH l ! , .J C!.J • 3ringo .orgesouceoonof water too ooilc,.•e·hignhe01.
• i J:5 L!S"00NS SE.'~ p:s·E Add tr<:in:,es:inesono COO( fo:-o:o..i S mi""l.rtes. Re'T'O\'e,
• I J:3l:S"00"1 l :;nr SOY s:.u:: d·dn, and rinse undercoo ru-rvig ,·. Con~~ one
• •, fE:)"00'113~!"1U . !J:Q SU3 H end of each ·.,testineto the fo:-xet ono rinsethe i-rs·o-e
• 2 J:5 L!S"00NS" CE 'Nl'II! witnwo:,e·.
• s1E:1o1:o"1;1:: =::;E S.dC TO SE'WE • ,n O smalldry skii.P-t e:-yingpon), roost the soybeanSjrO..iS
overlowheat :o. 2-} minutes.or un:il .rest d the externo
mcis:urehos E','Oporcted. Set aside.
- 3ring8\i cins {68 f oz/2 liters)wo:,e·too ooilin o large
pot, odd t-r.e:ntestffi ,vinego·, o"'.do quoier of the
g··,o"'.d-etur'.ltoo boil.S(imthe su'Toceto remO'le
f-o:hooclscum, -educeto CJN heo:, o,cl sim-re· for
Jr,~ . 0-ain the ·..,testires and rinse v.ellonc:ler cold
r!J'V'kng ,· un:ilcoo. Dscordt~ ginger.
G.rtthe · *··
abgonaly in:o nchn -cm-trutk.p·eces.
- ;eat tne WO( O! crge skte: e-ying pan} over
medit.r-r: -~h ~ctandoddt~ch eand te'TlCliningg··.
Stit.!-yfor 1 .n'.nut,et.n-1'·agront. Adome ~n ooste and
stir-fryforano-.nerISseconos. .ncreoseto hig:1heo-,.,odd
me intestines,soysa..ce.and s,.;gor,tr>':'lsorindetne w'ne
o o-r.gthe insioo:of thewo(. Sfr.!-y forano:ner m·
::nencod the toss thorocghlyun:ilwell:nixeo
o,cl heotedi:hroug'\.Servewi-.nrice.
~ ~ ~ Z-E •u~ ON: sn.t NJO'II~
"'!\!"'! I\! · I0N - M! 15 W 'IIUTES,
STIR- FRI ED " lUS 30 "11'\IUT::S SQ,1.Kl'II ~ i M!
:::OO( l'II~ i.VE 5 Ml'IIU -ES

., Sliceeoch kioney"'orizo~o!ly·.,to naivesand te'T'O\'e a • i " 01\( K :l'IIEn

the whi-.eglands and any do·( -edareas. j.....-t tN' (id"'eys • I r:slfS"OO'II W-1 E v:'llf;'; H
i-rtoo 00'.vl, odo ::neV--egaranc:12c_os (l6fl oz/475 :nl) • ., CU"' ··~OZl'IC :l , .:l" ED S~!C (
wa:er,and soak tr.xabout 30 m·.,.,ies. =u"ll:";US
., Meom111hi l~. rook t -reoleo: f..ngusin o smo! bowl of cod • 2 r:slfS"OONS v ::;E-!5 .E O L
wo:er !or20 m·"'.i!:'"~ or ;,.nti softened. ~emovethe fi..ngus, • i COVES G! 'l;L C, Cno:o:on
discordtt"<E stems, o,cl teor the cops .nto smalloieces. • I T:3lES"00'11 S-1!..QXl"II
;';.'11 '\IE

Setaside. • \CU "' ti OZ 'iS ~: SL CO S!.J.1500

- ~insetne kidne-ys thorougrlyWidercold runn·cgwater. s-ioo·s. o>t:N:o
Sco·etee s1.doce of the kidneys ·.\ o crissoossoarter'1 • ·, i!.6.ESF'OO"ll 1.IG-IT S.OYs:.ucE
wi-.neocn cut o:i01..i d tt"<:(id--eys.
o third o1 t-r.eth'ck.."'ess • •~Tf:)"00'11 :,:~T, ".US EXF!.
Cutthe <idneyscross'>•:ise into Jj;.-inch
/ 3-cm sKes o,cl TQT:)fE
soo<inv.'Crterunt reoc:!y ::oco0<.O-.Ongethe woter o • I i:!5"00"1 S:'SH,'E OI~
coupletimes i: necessary. • I sc : .l 0'11 :sPi\ NG O'IIIO'f),
- ;em me vegetable oi in o wokor .orgeHillet {frying C-IO""ZD
pen) , cad the garlic,and sti·-fryover hig'l hem 1<Y about • STE! ~EO '!;,CE :::;f 5.dC: TO s:~v:
30 seconds...ntil:.agron:.Add tl"':kia.neysono stit-fryfor
o"'Otherminu:e. SprindetneV1;·ne o o,g the insideof me
wok.Addthe 00mbooshoo:s o".dbock fu-,gus,stir in the
soysa-..xe, sa_;t,a.."'.d
2 toblesooonswote·, o"'.dmix,.,.ell.
Sfu.: -yfor 1-2 T,J"I.Jtes untila,I nos evo00ta:-=0.
Seo:ronw~ ex-.10 sa;t totcs:e.Add the sesame c;' end
t he cnoppedsccl~oo(springonio~} and toss thOl'o,.;ghly.
Tro-rsfe·too s.erving,ola:eono se-vewitn rice.
i\!~ ON: -!ESE ~ E ~t-'.f
P:\!P!.:\qON i WE: 5 W 'IIUi:5
COO(l'II~. '1!: I -IOU:\ ·s M '\lu·n CRISP Y PO RK K NU C KLE
S!'WES: !.

• I 'h5 S·OZ ·~:JC·~.' =-01t< lC'\IU:(lE. - In o i0rgesouceoon,oxl the :or',: ,:nuck..eand enougn
OE·SON!O !.'\IJ S(l'\I SC'\.-''"EJ CLE-'' wo:e· toeoo.•e-· it boilover :-.igh
•·~oz,,10 ~ ~ 'll~E\ :.0ou· \· 'll:-1. hea;:o"'.d:.oncn the poJ<for 5 minu:es. S..<im the frotn
2•CV•L!NUi - =-.ECE),Sl ::::J o"'.dso...moff ti!: s-...rfoce,if neeaeo. Drainand rinse
• i SC-'l 0"115IS=-'(.'\I~ ON O'\IS), unae· cod running•1,ot e·.
1::NOHEJ - Putthe Sicnuonoeoperco:nsand s:or anise intoo
, 2 T-'5L:s=-ooNs s:.~1 bog. 3ring6~cups (50; oz/1.5 liters)water too boi in
• 5 ·:.0 L:s=ooNS :O'\.NSi!.\:-1 o largesoocepo~over nigh heot...6dc:I the :,ork.knuclu:.
::01t'll =LOU:\) g·~e·, scallions(spdngOt"''Ons), salt. ond :i03and
• 2 Cl.:S (IC ;L OZ ·475 M~J retuntoo ooil.Reduceto low --ectands·mmer :or 1hOJ'".
VE~E·:. .5.t 0 l ReTOVeme por<,·ilse, ono drcil.
• SH-'\1!0 :;;,:: =.,~E S.dC ·o SP:\'E - Heat tr,..,so}t fort~ s:.icedsa;t in o d-yS<illet(fryi".9:,on)
over mediumneat forabout 1 minu:e. Set o:s'deto coo :0(
=01t i-1! SP:::: 5.-'~ o»..i 1m·~ute,then rrix ·.\ ::nefive-spicepaNC!er.
, 1 fl.5t:s=oo.,. s :::- unr - Mixthe cornstarch (co·nflour)with l. tc:.espoons v.-o:e·.
'"t=-=-::::O"(NS Bn.sni:hepo·,: <nuc.,:le wi':hthe
• 2SP "'-' "I SE - Heat tr,..,oil 'no s<illetcver~m -high heot to 3tfYF/
17fYC. or u~tilo cu~ of breoo bra,o;ns;,.45 seconds.Gen:}y
=o'\. i-1! SP :::J S!..Lf: 10\\•eJthe po.·,:,:nuckleond ceep-:')'for 3-4minutesunt
, 1 r:.0us=oo~ s:..1 me skinis goden o,cl crispy.Co-s-fu!ly removeand trcns:er
, ·, u:s=-oo'II : ,vE·SP.:: =0·110E1t too cl.rttingooo·d, then cu. into ii-ilch/1-cm-th·ck.s.,ices.
Sprindeovert~ s:ricedsa,;tend se-vewithr·ce.

i\!~ ON: c-1.:..oz-iou ti§ ~- ~

P:\!P!.:\qON i WE: 5 W 'IIUi:5.
=-tus I -IOU:\ Sf!.'\l:l NG i ME PLU M
COO(l'II~. '1!: 15 W 'IIUiES

• I .5 5 CZ ~:JC~=-:'(.( s:n::: 55. - spr·"'.(1ethe spaefbsw'tn salt o"lOlet stand for 1nour.
:::u1 l'\l·o ~- ~c- ·S<M "'ECES R::nseunae· cold runn'9 '"'ote· o,cl ~ crywth
• ·~ u:s=-oo'II s.-'li ~oe· ta...els.
• 2 Cl,,:$ · ; =1.Ol:!.i$ M~, - ;em ::nevegetaoleoil ·no wok.oroeepso-..ce~'l ::o
VE~E·:. .5.t 0 l 3L0°=/J70t'C, a untilo one rJ oieod 01a...ns in 45seconds.
• \OZ·IO:j.~'11;3E'\. ·:.0ou · \•l'll:-1· Ge~tly10\\· er the spo-eribsinto tne oilond ceep-:')'for
2•CV•L!NUi - :- ECE,, Sl :::J 3 .n'.nutest.ntit goaen brown.Use o s otted spoo.'lto
• •,CUP !. F ~ CZiliO Wl) 1t1:E W N! carefullyremovethe spo·eribsfrom tt"":oil o.r,c:Ia.rainon
• 3 ·:.5 l!S"'00NS :-1.!.,0Z-IOU P-.UM ~oe· ta...els.
=..r.sn0\ =.uw s.:.u:: o..irout most of t-..eoi, eovingabout 1ta.oles:oon'n
- =>
, 1 ·p s=ooN :::n:~J:."~ C'\. 5:.1s:.v: me wok..;eat the oilovermediumheot,ood me s:,ore--ibs,
V NE;3!.\ g·~e·, ,.,.;n
e, :.;,,,m:,oste,v'negor,'il:l'fsauce, o"'.dsugar,
• I i-'3LEs=-oo~ L ;3Hi SOYs:..u::::: o"'.ds:J -fryfor10mi~utesuntilthe sruce thic.,:e--sone
• I r:::.s=ooN G:\l'\IUl-'-0 SUG-''\. me spo·eriosore cool.'"CI througn.Ada tne sesoTe oil
• ·, u:s=-oo'II SES-'WEO l o"'.dnons:er too servi-...g pate. Servew'th rice .
• SiE-'\1!0 "1;1:: "'-';3E S.dC, 10 SE'WE

i't!G 0'11: - E'll!'II
P";!PH!i 0'11 i,VE: 10 w 'IIUTES. =tus
C RISPY PO RK ~cM 'llu·n ,,l!'ti'll!i ~G • ~E
BELLY S!";VfS: .::-~

- =orthe :,oskoe'ty,scrape the skincleon, then rins.ethe oork • I (l·lS 2·0Z ·SOO·G 50NElESS,
u"'.(!e·cod ru-;ning v.'Ote·. S(l'll·ON PO'\K 3LlY
- .no lorS'='oowl.conlne me por<:,elly,gi'lger,chop:,eo • ~ OZilO G :l 'IIGEll .:.aou1 \· 'll:: -

scallions(springO!"ions), s·ch,.;on :,e:.oe1C0l"ns,

soy sauce-, 2•CY•L!'l:;i - = !CEJ. c-1c=po
o,cl sot and marinate ~r 30 m·nutes. • ~ S::!.llONS :s~~
- j.....-ttf,..,oor< O'.lO neotxoof :.ate o.r,d :.oce in o co opsible 2 C-!O!"PE:l !'110 i, S7EMS0'1.Y, CUT
pot or bamboo steamer over o pot of ooifingwote·. S:-eom 1 '1110j• NC-1:5-::M SE:TIONS
o,cl coverfor 30mi""I.J'tes. Co-efulfy d·ointhe water from • i rps=ooN SICHU!..NPE'"'0 E'\:O'!;NS
the pate end d:sco·o ::negi-r_ge·onoscotons. Set tl"':oork • I f!.5L!S=oo"I L GW SOYS!.UCE
osic!o:tocco. • I f!.5L!S=oo"I 5:.3
- ;em me oil .na v.-okor O*P soocepo'l to 275t•=tl40°C, • } ::u=s us F+ O! / iSC \1~
or un:ilo c.-uoeof creoclturns golden·o 2 minu:es.Gen:ly V:'G!PS.E 01~
laNerthe =ior',: :ntotri: oiland oeei;:-:yfor 10,rW·11Jt es. • l ·:. .5.ES!"OO'IIS W-1 EV ,E;; H
Cc.refvlly ·emo-.•etri: por<:.o,-,tri: ho: oiland dro·'1on • i f!.5L:'S;-OONS -10 SN S!.UCE.
pcoer tOV1.<e-S. TO SE'lVE
- ;em me oilto )4(1°=/170~.o:-untilo C\,;.De o: breoc:1 ~owns • 12 :,:,NC!Ji::fS tP!.G! Sl), TO SE'\\'E
i ;'l £ 5 seroids. Srusnthe vinegaroverthe po·,:s <inand
deep-fryfo· 1m·.,.,ie unt tr>':s.(intur"'S Drown.Remove
the po-'< ft.omthe o. to d1J'n.R1:"'e0tth1:c;' and repem
this ~ocess ::-,.:cemo·e. Removetf"':oork fromt~ oi,
d·oin,and sXe.
- Guort-e·eoch remo·~ sco!!ionleng:n.SeNet "\e oork ~!ly
wi-.nthe ponca(es, me sco5on stems o"lOhoish sauce on
the side.
i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~ ~tit ·ij
P:\!Pl:\qON T VE: 10 Ml'IU.E S, " .US
15 "11'\IUTESv: •t'll!i NG TM!
C00<1'11:;. '1! 15 "1 'IIUTES SPARERI BS
S!i\VES: 4
~ =.,:;E lOi

• 11OZ,,300 G PO'\K S"!'\f'\ ,SS, - Soc.(the o .orge 'X/h of coldwater :or
CUT 1•ro SM!.l C-IU'll(S 10mirutes, then drain.
• 1 C.OVES U.'1'.IC, cno=>=o - Comoinethe spareribs,garlic.,sot. bra,;n s-,.;gor, •••/-r.e,
• •~fE!S"OO'II S.'li o"'.dsoysc:-xe·.\ o large oov,,~o-r.omarina:e for15minu:es.
• •~TE!S"OO'II 5'\0W'I SUG!'\ Stit in t-r.eegg.odd the tow, o.ncl:nix\\<e so then e-oc.n
• •~TE!S"OO'II ~ CE •111'\lf spo·eribis coo:eclin flour.
• ·~ -!5 .Es=ooN L G-1· SOYS!UCE - -o maketf"':sa-.,..ce,
com:)M o!It~ ingredien:sone mix
• I !GG. 3E.' TEN untilthe sugar is dissolved.Set aside.
• !. -l5 .ESPOO'IIS :;LU-E'll·=\:E =1ou, - ;eat me oil .no wo.(or oeepsoocepo'l to 350,:,:/ISIYC.
, 1 cu =- =t ov1s:J \IL or urd o cu:,e of creoclb"O'h"'\S in 30secO<"OS. Ge-rtly
VE:;E·l .5.t O ~ lowerthe spo-:eiosinto the oi. in,and deep.!-y
• •, O'IIION. CUT NTO WEO:;ES :o. 3-Lm:nu-ces V""tilgoldenorowno.nclcook..--d th·a,
• •~&=-EEN5!l~ =E""E"' SEEOD !ND Usea slorteds:,oon tocc:enAyremovethe s:,orefbs
CUT :-...•o W!OG!S the oiland drain on :,o~r tov,.•e_s.,
• •, ~: o 5El ...'"F"!., S!EOEJ : "ID CUT - jo..r out .rost d t-r.eoi, -:ovingonly1tob espoon in the
l'IITO'IIEJ:;::s wok.tiect t-r.eoi ove· medium-h'gnheat. ood the onion
• I :!l·OI,'115·0) (!'II= N! P" lE, o,cl s:it-fryforabout 1-2 ~vtes un:ils!ief'tfysoft. Tossin
O't! 'l!J .:.'IIOCUT NTO C-IUNl(S me bell :,e:,oe-sone tne sauce and s'mmer for 2-3 .nn.rtes
• C1~!,J'tQ :coR !'IIOE"' TO G!,N S-1 untilthe sa-..xethic_,:ens.
:o =-T10,:_ - Ada tne spo·eribsone!tossqub:ly un:ileoch p·ece ·s ~
• STE!\1!0 'i;,C! =.,:;E S.dC ·o SP:\'E coated w'tntne sauce. Stir·n the :iinEGopl e oncl"'eOt
::nrougi.then trons:er too se'V~ pate o.nclgarnish
=o, i-1! S'hf:T !'110 SOU'\ s,r.uc:: wi-..ndlontro (corio"'.de·), i: uS:ng.Serve'"'"thrice.
• 4 .l6 .E5POO'IS '\ED V N!G''\
• !. .l6 .ESPOO'IS 51\0W'II SUG!R

, ..

i\!~ ON: : , -i u tj"~ [~
P,\!P!i\qON i WE: iO M 'IIU7fi
S!\VES: 4

• I (:'·O!,,nc·~. =o'!;K iENJE'l; .0I'11 - ~emowony tneTloroneancisine-11 fromme por<tenderloin

• j f:S L:s=-ooNS G ~G!'I; JUICE o,cl cut ti-': meat in no!:tocreo:,ea·ng
• \ 7f!5PO:J'II G~OUNJ W-1 TEPE'"=H me bockof o cleavero· mea;:ma...,et. oound tf"':ooJ<
• I f!!S=-ooN 'l;,C! ''lo',E repea:,edtyto -iat:en h .
• ·~ u:s=oo'II s.,n - Comoinethe g·ogerjuice,•1,nite :,e:,oe·, wine,onc:Isot .n
• I !~G o small DO\t.~, xiur ove1the po.·i::. and teen rub ·n. le: sto,c:1
, 1 r:sus=-oo.,. =1u s n,s=-oo'II :o. Kl tnnut-es.
CO,\'IISi!'l;C-1 :CO'!;N" lOU 'I; - ,n o"'OtherOO'YI:,bem the €99,odd l tab espooncomsto·ch
, 1 cz.-2s G Si\!:<•.,sr n:M , cno='"EJ (cornflour}, and mixto fotmon egg batter.
• i SC: ll 0"115(S:-\ .'11 ~ ON 0'115), - Comoinethe hem, tne remo.i'ling~ teospoo'1co·nsto.·ch,
c - o==:o o"'.dthe sco....ions (spr'-r.go.,·ons) ino oo..,.
, l>Cl.:, ti 0!:5~ ~: 'II H iE SEs.:•,n - ~it~ oor<'let on a c1.;itin9000.-dand :,rusnwi:h soT.e
S!EOS ot tt"<:egg :,otter.Putthe ,om mixt\.re on tojano '1rTity
• 2 Cl.:-5 (IC ; L OZ ·475 M~J ro tf"':porkinto o longmeo;:roll.&unv.ith me remoin·-..g
VE~E·! .5.t O l egg oa:t,e·ano sprin<lewitnthe sesame s,e;eds .
• su:1o1:o 'i; ,C! =.,~E S.dll ·o 5P:\'E - ;eat me woi::01 aeep soocepo'lto 260~:/130:C .
:0:--1101\:_) 6:rtly lower the po-'<·o. in:o the oiland d~:, .fry for
3_£minu:es1..ntislig.,tly:itov.•n. Us,e;o s otteclspoo.'1to
carefullyremovethe rollfromthe c;' anciset aside to coo.
Cutthe :,oli::into £.incn/1O-cm-10"'-9 rO,i.S.
Reheaithe oilto
300CF/15()QC , or ...ntilo cu:,e of :,reod :,ranns in If,,minutes,
retun the :,of( •o.s to tne wok.. ano deeo•fryforo.rotf"':r
1-2 minu:,esunt goldenDrownand cookedthrougn.
Cc:enAy·ema,•ett"<:~ fromtt"<:oil.then CU! each roll
into 3 s,e;ctions , o"'.duans:er too serv',ate. Ser\<e w'h
r'ce or os o Sl'IOC(.

:W~m~ •u~ ON: !>;rl.U
"',\ !"'! R! · 10N - M! 15 W 'IIUTES,
:::OO(l'II~ - \1! 15 Ml'IIUTES

- Soc.(the we.ruts .rl o bo•....t

of :ofngwa:e· :CX'15mil"",,..ies. • i :::u= :n OZ.-1:J:J~ SH!l ..EJ
Drain. W! ..NUTS
- Meonv,.'hil~.
com:)M me por<wi-,.nthe sot· .\ o bowland • i 0Zi1CC ~ " OR< ENJER ..O "I ClJT
s:ond for10 minutes. '1170i-1 N 2 • l· "ICH."5 • 2.5·CW
- Mix1tcole:;::,ooncorns:orcn (cornflou•}wi-.n2 teos::,oons S.ICES
wo:er in o sT,oll 'Xii< ono set o:sidefor 5 m·"'.i!:'"~on ..nti • ·~ JE:S"OO'II S.'ll
the cornstarch se:t.esot tne bottom of tee DO\t.~.jour out • I -!6 .!S "'OON PLUS i ·t! .S" OON
the wcr.erto leaveo ""et starch. :::O,\'IISi!~:::-; (CO'!;N' lOU'l;:1
- .n O"'Otcersmall oov.:,.beat me egg,.,..,'tes onc:ImixJ'Ime • 1 :'GG w- ·n
wet sto-ch to form o better. Setaside. 0 1:::u=s :1or.oz.-4;5 wtJ
- ;em me oil .no \\'Okor O*P soocepo'lto 2700F/13~. VE~E-!6 .E O L
Ado tne \\'Olnu:so"'.ddeeo-fryfor LS ~vts-s urd gode'l • i '!;EO :::-; .E. SL CO
Use o slortedsooon to careh.!lyremovet ce wo....nvts • } PS.ESPOO'IIS GRH,lu_:·n SU~!\ the oi and drain on :,aper tO\\·e.s. T!3lfS"00'11 .. 1~- T SOY S.,u::::
- j.., p·ecsiof poi<on o cuff~ board, ~usn over o coot of • l)i ·! .6.ESPOO'IIS Z- E"IJl!"II~ C'!;
egg OCITTe~, o,cl poce 1-2 pieceswo ;, oiongone edgeo1 3:_$!\-'::: V N!G!'t
the poJ<sl°ce.Rolluj, tuc..<ing tf"': e"'.dsin, then d'o the ro • SJ::!"lfJ R CE :P !.G! ~40), TO SE\\IE
htothe :>Otter.R1::,ect,,..fthtee reT10iningpor<,wol""I.J'ts,
- ~eneot tl"'E' oi ~o 300:=/tSO:C, or un:i o cu:,e of oreod
b--O'h""'Sin U$minutes,cad the pork.andV.'Olnl.J'! rolls
o,cl aeep-fry '~ 3-L minutesontil golaen bf'O',,'"'I. Useo
slorteds:oon tocc-efulyremove the ·o s o"lOdifn on
~oer tOY1.<e-S.
- ja...rout most d tf"':0 11. eovingabout 1teaspoon·" me
wok..Heat ti-...oi a.-e·medium heot, cdd the chile, and
s~ -fryfor 1-2 .rw'lutes t.ntitfrog.ran:.St:ri;\ tf"':S-'""30r,
soysa-..xe,v'nego·, o"'.dl. tablesooo"'Swater, then :iring
too boil.
- Mixthe ·e-noiningI teo:soooncorns:arcnw'tn 1toblesoooo
wo:er in o s T,oll'XI,. ono stit mis mixtu·e :nto tf"':wok..
Bringtoo bot, s:irri-r_g, for 30secondstoth"ck.entf"':sa-.,..ce.
Ado tne pork o,clwo ;,..i rOOS, stir to cocr,.,and transfer to
o se-vingplate. Serve......=thrice.
=:G 0'11:J : 'll~X ;2 Iii ~ tt ~
=:i;:=H!i 0"11i ~E: ,o
W 'IIUES. =tus
10 Ml'IIUif) v:'( '\Ill NG . M! PORK WIT H
COO!C~G i M! ill M Nu ·n
Sf";Vfi, !. SESAtv1E SEEDS

• 5 0!115:J G =Q'(I( fliOl.CI( - Soc.(the :,omboos(e-.-.ers.rl water for10m·.,.,ies.

• '.' OZl2:J:J:; =:'(( iENDEll;LOl'II, • Meonv,mil e, makethe s:ricedsa,;t.P~t o smo dry s~t
SL CE:l ,ro 3 H·S1Z:: = :::ES (frying001) ever meo .m ~at ond odd tee sa,;t.Stirfor
, i n,s=ooNs cn:,.=o o No::, then turn o!! tt"<:neat, transfer
1minute tO\\-ormti'l',
• I sc:.L 0'11 :sPil;NG O'IIION), and set osideto coolstigh-'-Jy
too smell OOVr,'I. . Sf• in tee
: -10PPEO g· peopercorns.Set aside.
• I f:!.s=ooN Sl3 - ~it~ oor<'ct:,oc<intoo smo souce:,onand cdc:I
• I f:!.s=ooN '( C! n' ,E enoug'lwoter to cove· it complete)'. 3ringtoo ooilover
• \ ::u= 13'...OZ1ICC~. !LL·Pu==os: h'gn heet o.r,c:I:.anc.n:or 5 TW'lvt es. )ro·'1 o-r.or'"':!e under
=.: Nl r ...ou = co d '1..!lning wot!?r.0. i tee fo:ooLJ:into piecessim..or
• i E~GS,L c;-1-LY 3p·f'II in sizeto me po-'<.
• 2 f!SL!S"OONS 'IIH TE SESlYE • Comoinethe te"lder'oin,fa:ooLJ:,g··,scallion(sxing
SEEJS on·O"I),ono wine·,a .orge 'Xlh one ma·M-e for
, !.' ~ cu=s13-' =t O!: 1 ~ ·n ,: 10m·n.rtes.Seporotethe t-enae-to:no"'.dfot::,oc..< i-rto
VE~Ef:SL:: 0 l 2 seoorote oowls.
• I f:3t:s=oo ... S!Sl~f Oil • Workirg\\~:'ltne tenaer oin, ateagein the fol..r,and then
, 1•2 s== 1os:: P'llt:i;o :::R !"110:= lig.'-rt)'coot in tee eggs.Sorin<lewithme sesame SP-eds
·o o:'(, s;-1 on bo:n sidesof me meai o"'.diress g.en--Jy to ""Odthe
, 2 r:sL::s=ooNs <:r:-iu=. 10 st=vt sesame se,edsin :.oce.Set oside.Repe01the irocess "'~n
• 5!Y600 S.fCEWEi\S ::ne:atbock.
- Aoin tf"':s<e-.-.ers .S@,,.-e·tri: tenaer o'.n:o a.-.edcytf"':
=o = r - Es=1crn s,,1.u :ctbock o"lOrepeai wim the re:noiningmeet.
, 1 f:!.s=ooN S!3 - ;eat me vegetoole oil ·no wok.oraeepsa ..ceponto
• ·~ •psPO :J'II 01:0U"IIJ SIC-!U!"II 300CF/15()QC,or ...ntilo cu:,e of :.reod :,ranns in lf,,minutes.
=:P=Hco '(NS CG·efdyad:I the Teet Hewers o-rodeeo•fryfor 3-4
m·.,.,ies,<Y untilthe Teet is eoo<edthrough.Usetongs to
removeteem fromthe oi one!dro·non pope· ta.-.els.
- ~e,-,,eat tee oii:o 30<r- =1150:c,return the T..eotskewersto
me wok.,and deeo-fryfor2- 3 minutesu"til golden a'0\\'1'1.
Cc:enJy ·ema,•efromthe o. end drain o~ po:.e· tO'Mls.
Useo :O.( toousn the meet o!! tf"':s<ewersono or·ange
me :'ieclmeat on o :.ate . 3rush\\~"ltil: SP-SOTO: o'I a:-r.d
garnishwith the cilo.,tro(coriander). Servewr'.rithe sp'ced
solt onc:I<e:cf,, ..o ontne side.

;i ~8 ~ /:'i" 'tE~ 0'11:H!N ..:.,
"=tp·:'(._!J 0'11 JIVE: 15 \1 NU7ES
LUOYA NG PLUS ;o Ml'IIUiES so.:.(1'11~ ilY!
PO RK SE\\'ES: ~

- Soc.(the :,,oc..<
fungusin o small00\t.A o: cod'...-oterfor • :s :::u=- ~ oz,s G, O'( !J 5.~cK
20 minu:es. or unf' RemO'letN',d:Scord FU'll:5US
the stems, and tee· tne coos into smo pieces. • I t7·0Z 'iOO·G) 50NE.ESS, S(l'll·ON
- =orthe :,oskoe'ty,scrape the skincleon, then rins.ethe oork ?Q'(K 5E..LY,Cl.Ii NiO Ill•\•
u"'.Cle·codrunnin9\,-1ote·. lr:r "11:::
-1 ·.!. i. \·C'-' s ..,:::Es
- Combinethe x,rk v,dthI' tees ::,oon so t. ii ::EOspoo:noy • 1 fE:s=-oo'II s:n
sauce, o,d 1teospooo co:nstorc:1 {corm0U•}in o oo,.. • 2 fE!S"OO"IIS L :5Hi SOYs.,u:::E
Mix'n ho f the bea:e'l egg.Rese-vethe remo·niog~If fo< • i fE!S"OO"IIS :::C,'\"IISf:'(C -
\itureu:;:e. tCO" 'll=.ou.'\
- ;ea;: me oil ;,. o v.-okor O*P sc:-xepo'lto 300CF/15()QC, • IE:;:;, 5!!.f'II
or un:ilo c.-uoeof creoclXO'h""\S in Jr,mrut es. Gently c,1;er • i :::u=s 110 =LO! .!,S '-'L
the po-'<,.,tot-re oi, us·ng cnopstick.sto dispersem e pieces V!G!f!S.E 01.
rooidlyto ore-ventstick:"'.g,o.ndo-:ep-fryfo· 2 minu:es1..nti • I CLOVEG!,\.1:::, SL CD
godn bcown ono coxeo ::nroug'l. Useo slorted sooon • ~ :::u=-\I OZ/25 G 5!~500 S-IOOTS,
to carefully reTlO\'eme po-'<from the o. end drain oo s..,::::o
pcoer tOV1.<e-S. • i f!S.ES"OO'IIS '"P S
- ja...rout most d tf"':0 11. eovingabout 1toole::ooon·.\ me :::u" :.!=L OZ.12~ "1L CH CKE'II
wok..Heat ti-...oi a.-e·medium-h·gn-r.eot.cod the garlicto 5'(o·n :srocK. ".!.,&! i;ic
the wok.end sf·.:-y for 1minut-et.nti ;··ntn e • I fE!S"OO'II "CE 'N''IIE
bc.mboosnoots, blockfung-..-s, and pEOS.Addtl"': crr·citen • i fE!S"OO'IIS V 'IIE:5H
wine,te'TlClining Uiteospoo"'Sroy souce o"'.d • I S:::! • ._ION tS=-'( 'II:; 0'110'II:,
~ t-eo:s:ioonsot, and t"\e cork..3ringtoo ooil. c - o =-=-:J
- Mixthe ·e-noiningl teo:soooncorns:arcn"'"tn 1toblespooo H~S"OON :;,'\OUND'\\-1 TE?f=-'"E.,
wo:er in o sT,oll 'Xii< ono stit mis mixtu·e :nto tl"':wok. • S~P.WE:l "CE ( =-~&::5.!0, TO SEll't'E
Ado ti!: vi-r.ego.r.
B<"~too boil,S:::rring,:o. 30s.econds
to thit(en tN sa..ce. Sp<".,deaverthe chop:>eascc!ton
o"'.dseNewith rice.

i\!3 ON: -1.=.<1:.:. l§t H '.!l~I=t
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 v NUiES,
" lUS 15 "1 '11Ui:S V!'( ~q N~ i ME
C00(1'113. ~E 5 M''IIUiE5
E'.:!!=!~f 173

• 11QZ,,300 G SKl'lllf5S : ::,;;( • Comoinethe pork,go·x, sugar,o:-r.d soyrouce in o bowl.

5-IOU~OE" 5.ICEO mixv.ell,o.r,c:Imorinote for15minu:es.Stirinthe corns:arcn
• S ClO\'ES :;j!'(l C C-10""!0 (cornflour} and 1teosxion oi.
• •, fE!S"00'113'(!"1U.!f:0 SU3 H - ;eat l tobespooooil in a wok.orcrgeskii.P-te:-yingpo~)
• •, i!S.ESP00'\11.. 0-li SOY )!UCE overhig'1heat, oad the lee(s o.r,c:Isot. and sti·.!-yfor
• I f::!.S"OON CO:\'IISJ!'(C - 1minute.Tro"\Sfe·too:.ate.
:co:\'11: LOU:\) - ;eat me remoi.,·ngltob esxion oi over:-.igh,-,eat, cod
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS "~US I ·p sPOON me po"<,o.nclstir.fry for2 mi~•.rtes untilcookedth·
VE3E.! .5.t O ~ Add tf"':~ks ono sfu.fryfor o"'Otherminu:e. Trons:!er
• ll OZ ~JOG CH ~ES! ~EE<S.CUT '1110 1 too se-vingplote o"4 servewi':hrice.
2':· Nc-1:o•C"1 ~E'IIGi-15
• ·~ ·psP O:J'I S!~i. PLUS :x·:\!
• SlE!\1!0 'i;,C: "'.'3E SlC · o st;;\'f

i\!3,0N: Sr-lU'IIOE ~
iiiffi 1'11
P:\!P!.:\! · ,oN i ME 10 v NUTES
COO(l'\13 i M! 1 -IOU:\ ~c M '\lu·t s TROTTERS WI TH
S!i\V!S: !.·O

• I ~6.'!.SJ G ";3. l'IO·r:,s. sc,.,,.D - j_dt~ trot:e-s ·nto o orge sa-..xepo'.lonoado enoug'.l
Clf!'\I. 'I "-IS!J, !>;;O CUT N· o wo:e· toeoo.•e-· mem completely.3ri"9 too boilover :-.igh
C - UN(S heo! o,cl :.oncn 'r.x10minu:es. $.(imt-r.efro:no,cl sa.m
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS" CE V N!G!'( o!! tf"':s..rface,i: neea~. 0-C:no.ncl·illseundercoldv.'Ot!?r.
• I OZ,,25 G ;3. '113E'\ !SOUT 2· "IC- - .ri o Cie0'1 souce:.on,co:-roinethe trotters. rice vinegor,o.ncl
S•CV•L!'l:;T - P !CEJ. SL CEJ enoug'lwoter to cove· r,,,-e-ythi"9, o,cl ~iog too bot
• 5 l.'1'0! s .:un
. PLU\15 overhig:1heat. Reoxe to CIN"'eet and cooktr,x 15mfl""i,..ies.
• I f:3l:S"00"1 5L.!..C(0 " S!.5.'MIC 0-ain ond rinse undercolo runvigv.-o:e·.
- ~etu-nme trotters ::otf"':rouce~'."l;odd t-r.eginger,
• •, fE!S"OO'II J!:\( SOYS!.UCE sol:ed p\rms,vi--egor, soysooce,salt, onclenougn water
, \ ·t!SP O:J'I s.:.~i to coverthe trotte1s.3ringtoo ooila.•e-·hignheo!, ·educe
to medtnl heO'!,cover,and Simmer forabo.rt 45mh.rtes.
Tro-rsfe·tri: t·ot:e--stoo serv'-r.g'Xii< •
- .nc·eose to ~h ~at and teo-ce the souce by half.Pour
it O\'e' tne trot:e--s,tnen set osic:letocool.Servect room

i\!;j. ON: SE Jl'll;j. - ;;;,
P:\!P!:\qoN T VE 10 M1-..iu
·t s, " .US
10 v "iVES \1!:\ N.!f "113T "1E PO RK WI TH
COO( l'll;j.. ~E S Ml"IIUTES

• 11oz,300 G L!'~ " 0 " (, CUT ,ro - Comoinethe pork,sol-' ., ligmsoysooce,and 'f, teosooon
T-i'IISF="S suga· in o'XI,., mixwe a.."'.d marinate to· 10.nn.rtes. "4ix
• •~fE:S"OO'II S.'li in tt"':co't"Sto-cn(corn!\ou·}. Stirin 1 taoles::,oon\<eg-=tabl
• •~TE!.S"OO'II ~ 3 - T SOY S:..U:E oiljun be:o·ecooking.
• 1 lE.'S"OONS o,: ...uPTEO SUG!:\ - _inethe bottom of o se--vingplote wim i:he scollions
• I f:5l:S"00"1 :::OR'IISJ:\C - (springon·o":S }. Se:osiae.
::o:\'11 : LOU :\) - ;eat me remoi.,·ng,.-egetobe oi in a wok.ora-:ep
• 1 :::u"S l\t. F. OZ-!.iS M~ " lUS souce-:,onto :row=11s~. <Y untilo o: bread browns
1 i!S.ES"OO'II \' EG!PS ~E O L in Ir, TW'lvtes.Gen:}yc,,.ertf"':oork in:o the oii,using
• 1 SC!.ll o~s 1s=-, .'11;j. ON O'IIS), cnopstkk.sto disperse::nepieces -o:ldlyto ore-ventstickJ"9,
s ·E 1o1sO"l~Y, sn,DJED o,cl deep-fryfo· 1m·.,.,ie.Use o s ot:E<:Ispooo to carefully
• I f!.5lES"00~. !'1\1 !.'IIJ !.NG removet-r.eoork fromt-r.eoi o,cl dcainon paoer to.-.-e_s,
• •, i!S.ESPOO'II .J.'1'( SOY s:uc: - jo..r out most d t-r.eoi, -:ovingabout 1taoles::,oon·.\ ::ne
• I f:!S"OON s:s:.v: or~ wok.tirot t-r.eoi ove· hig'1heo-.,stir in the tionmonrang •
• su:.1o1:o :;;,: : ".';j.E S.dC ·o SP:\'E me do·( SCI'/ sauce, ono tne remoin·"'.9{ijteospoot"'S sugo•,
return the :,of,: to the wok.o".ds:ir-fryfor 1-2 minutes until
me po-'<iscoo<-=o::nroug...,.Mcl the sesame o ono toss
moroug"~. T!ens:ertot"\e servingolo:-:and ~-ve witn r'ce.

'(f;j. lON: "111"\l:;";X

'"ll;f"! '\r lON . \1! 15 "1 'IIUTES
T~ fttf
S!'l\'!S: !.·O

• I :1:.:i·~5:1·<3 " :'I( ('IIU: ICL!, - jvt tne po-'<<nu((lei"too 10·9= saucepan o,cl cod enoug'l
sc=t:'"E.J cu:, :.'llo 'l l"IISEJ wo:e· tocO\'e' it completely.3ringtoo ooilove1.,·gn~t.
• I T!.5lfS"00'11 \if3!f:5L! Oil reduce to lowneat, and olonchfo· 30 minu:es.OrOJIa.."'.d
• } f!5 L!S"OO"IS ~,_!"llJ l !.f:0 SU3 H rinseu-".de· cod '\.nningv.'Ot!?r.
• STE!.\1f0 'I ICE :-:~E S~J : TO S!'IV! - Transferthe :,of,: (nuck..etoo cutting :,cordand score
tne S(inin o crisscross:IOtternot 1-incn/2.5-an intervc.s.
~o :,;T-IE s:..ucE: - ;ea;: the oi in o wok.or.orgeskl!et (fryingpo'1) over
• Q :::~O\'fS medium-laNneat.Ao:Ithe sugar a."'.Cl cook for 3-4m·.,_ies,
, ·~ oz.· 1c ;j. :; 1'13B :sour ~· :'11:-1 or until coromelized.Adc:I the :io:k.(nuck..eand rollit .nthe
J<M·~E'll~T-1 "E :E S.ICEO caramelizeds,.;gorunti me skinis fulycoo:-=0.
• 2 i£3lES"00NS i\ CE 'N 'II! - Transferthe :,of( (nuck..etoo -r.eotproof00'....t,ado tn:
• I J:!..S"OON $!..Li sauce ing·ed·en:s,o"'.dseal the 'XI,.witn o vm:num foil.
• 1 r:at:S"OONS 1.IG-IT SOY s:..ucE PI.Jt·.,too :,omboosteomerover o po: o: boir-r.gwater.
• 1 :u "S :10 ~. OZ.!.~S \1l C-1 CKEN Steom,cove·ed, for 2 "'CIWS,or untiltender.T-ons:ert-r.e
S"OT-1 1s· oc<. =:.~E 90: kn.x <.eto o s ,allow bowl.cut ooen, and ·eTlO\' e me bone.
- jour the sruce i"':oo souce:io.nand osco·o ::nec...oves one
9i"g'=·.Bringtoo bo overnigh neat, reduceto me,d'ium
heo:, onclsim-re·, uncovered,for25 mi"'I.J'tes untilthe lquic:1
hos re,o.,..ced
to ho!:. ja...rthe sauce overthe :,ork.(nuck..e
ono servewi-.ririce.
f -¥-c •u~ ON: sn.tNG-1!
"',\!"'! ~! · 10N T ME: 10 y; NU':"fi.
BRAISED RED " lUS ill \1 NU "fi SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
:::OO(l'\I~. \1! 15 Ml'\IUTES

- Cove1the mus"l·oomsin ii cup {4t oz/l20 ml) codwoter • 110Zl!OO G GROUNJ :M1"11:::!o:lf ! 'II
o"'.dsoo<:or ot eon 20 minu:es,or untilsofoe-red.RemO'le ,.O~<. F N!lY C-!OP?EO
the mush·ooms,squeezed)', and discarothe stems. • '.' OZl20~ G :-011;K=:.15:.c K, J CD
Reserveth~ SOO(ing'-''Oter. , 1 r:.aus:-oo~ ~l'll~E'tJU :::::
- lfl o large00\'r,'I.
m e groonc:1
(minced):,ol,:, pork • ·~ rt:s:-oo'II s:u
:at:iaick.,ginger ;, sol-.,sugar, whi:e pepper,c~torc.n • ·, Jf:s:-oo'II 3\.'NU~!J!O SU3 H
(cornflour},and crus"'edoo:meol. P'ck.upt"\e oorkwi:h • \ "f .!.,SPOON GROUNJ \\ -1 TE?E'"'"E't
one none!end SiOp't ogo·~t the 'Xlh about Stimes; this , 1 r:aus:-oo'II CC'!.'IIST:'!.:::-
will cowsethe :,atty to become st·ck.yo "'.clelos± . Wetyou· ::::0R'll=Lou11;J.:-~us !Xi"! FOR;
hands o:-r.dform the .nixtv-e ·nto6 T~tbo .s, then ·o OUSTN3
inc thin lo)vt·of corns:orcn. • I r:3us:-oo'II O.&Tlo1! ' L :'!.US -ID
- ;em me vegetable oi in o wokor deep saucepan to • 2 c1.,:-5 1· 0 =L OZ . .d]S \1~
300Cf/1SOC'C,or ...ntilo cu:,e of :,reo:I:,ro,,-ms in 1iim·"lutes. VE~E-:..5.E O L
Cc.refvllycddthe Teatbc....:s ono deeo-fry:o. 1-2 minu:es • S7fH1EO VEG!J:3l:S. 10 S!i\VE
u"til firm,tf.en reduc-:to ,ov,.•heotond cont·...,:edee:,- :o,.T Q'll!.I
:-yingforono:her l-2 "l"aO.Jt es ..r.ti the rr':C'tba.sore just
u"'.(!e·done. Use o s otted s:,oon to corefu!ly removethem =o,T- Es.:u:::E
:,om the oi and drain on :,o~r tO\\·e.s. • 0 0,\ E:l s.:.:::("1US-1'!.00"1S
- j01..r out most d tt"<:
oil. eovingabout 1toole::ooon'n , \ 0!11c :j. 31"\l~E't :sou· •.-1"11:-11
the wok.Tomo.(ethe souce, ado me·ono'1<"'0e 2·C"1·l:NGT -! = E:::E;.Sl :::!J
mus-,•ooms,and s:ir-fryover mediumneat for 1minute • I r:aus:-oo'II S·i!.OXl'll:j. 'II '\IE
u"til frog'ont.Add the wi"'E, roy o"lOoystersouce--~ o"'.d , ·~ rt:s:-oo'II :i:..,'!.<s.ors:.ucE
sugor.Add the rr<:Ctba..s, chicken lroth {stou), oncl , 1 r:aus:-oo'II orsr::, s:.ucE
mus-,•oomsoo<ingv.'Otero.nd:,ringtoo ooilr,;,.-e·hign • •, Jf:5:-QO'll 3\.'NU~!J!O SU3 H
heot ~educe to~• hem o"'.dsimTer for2- 3 TW'lu- ces :::u:- '.d =L oz ..1n ..... . CH :::<E'II
u"til cookea mro;.;gh.T·onsferthe rr.eotbo..stoo olo:e 5Ro· - :sroci:: • .=,:.o:: n: O'!. ·\\·:..TE,'!.
o"'.dkeepwo·m. , 1 r:::.s:-oo ... :c11;"11sr:,:::-
- :iringtri: \llro'O!of souce ::oo ooiland :,o1, unc011ereo, ::::0R'll=Lou11;J
:o:-2- 3 minu:est.ntitn e sauce hos ·eo.xed ':If nolf. • I J!!.S:-00~ S!Sl .VE 01~
- Mixthe corns:orcn (com'loor)wi:h 1tooles:ioonwoter
i;\O s,;o!I XI,. ono sti.rmis mixtue in:othe wo<.:iring
too boil,st··nng,for 30 seco"'.dsto mio:en the sauce.
- S-:ir'n tne seson-~oiland :,o;..rthe souce over tt"<:
meotbo..s. Se-vewitn s:-eomedvegeto:. es, if des··eel.
i\!3 ON: ! , -t u m-==
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 v NUTH
C00(1'113. '1!: I -IOU:\ ANHUI-STYL E BRAIS ED
S!'WES: 2

• I !.·OZ,'llC·~: 50'11E.ESS.5( N·O'II - Forthe poi< :iefy,suo~ the skinc..eon. rinsethe po·i::
oR<S!L. ...Y una~· cod ru;ning •1,ot e·.
• I 50'11!.ESS CH :::KE'II-H GH - Putthe chb::en and oork in:o o largesouceoonand odd
• !. .!6 .ESP00'\15 L!:\J O't enoug'lwoter to cove· &-:-ncomplete'y.3ringtoo ooil
VE3EJ:5L:: 0 l over hig:'lheat o"'.dbanchfor 2 minutes. )ro·n o"'.d("";!e
• I '!.·OZ,'11C·3: a.:::( :::'I P' Cit S! ! una~· cod ru;ning wote· untilcooed, t~'lc.i :nto lo·g-=
f,!$5 • ~~El.CUT ,ro 2· "11:::-1:s•CM c.nunks{t-r.esame S:zeos the fisn).
:::-1UNI($ - Heot tr,.? .ord in o wokor .orgesktet (fryingpan) ever
• I f:!S"'OON :::OR'IISJ:\C - mediu-r:•~h ~at. )redge the f".s'lpieceswiththe
(CO\N ' .OU\} cornstarch(cornfa...r)o"'.dgently o-.-.ert-r.emin:o me ho:
• I sc:.L 0"11 SP:\ NG O'IIION), cur oil,in 00:ches. -= ry for 3-4miMes U"'rtilgoklen xo-,.-n.U<..e
NTO l':·1'11:::-1!.·CW .E'IIGT-15 o s.otted spoon to corefu'fyte'T'O\'ethe 'ish and dro·non
, ',\Q!:5 G G "IGE't !SQUi •~· NCH,' ~oe· to-.-.els.
l·:::M·~E'IIGi-1 ., E:::E: 5.ICEO - Putthe chb::en and oork in:o me wo<,odd tt"':sec on
• I Si! "' .!"11S! (springon·o,),ging-=·,star an.'.se,salt, sugor,soysouce,
• I i: !S"'OON )! .• i o,cl cniti::e'lbroth (s:ock)ona br'~to o boi. Reduceto
• I f:!S"'OON G:\!"IIUl:·o SUG!'t low "eat and s·mmer,uncovered,for o».rt ~ominu:~~
, 1 r:aus=-oo~L 3HT soy5!.u::::: or urd reducedby iS ~rcent.Aal m e -ish,increaseto
, s :::u=-s us F. oz.-;soMt, :::-1 c<:'11 mediumhe<r,,, onc:Icon:inueto cook forobou'i8 minut~~
S\ Oi-1 (STOC( P!3f 90) or un-1the sauce thic<ens.Oscord the scoflion{s~ing
• I 5UNCH C1~!'11l";Q ;::OR !'IIOE"' on·o,), ghg-=·,o"'.ds:or anise.
C-IO"'PEO TO ~!\NIS-1 - T-o"\Sfe·too serV.ngDO\t.~o,cl garnishwitht"cecilo:'t·o
• su:1o1:o'i;,C! "'.'3E S.dC ·o Sf";\'f (coriander). Ser\'e""'ithrice.

* 13;~ 1'1!~ •u~ ON: -!!((!
"'!\!"'! I\! · 10N . M! 15 W 'IIUTES,
:::OO<l"II~ i.VE } - OU'!;$

- Soa(the =»3toi in =-~"'tyofcoldwoter, then scrape the

5.(inCieO...,. Useo sho·o knifeto cvt tne pig taJ i"':osmal • I :::u
=-:, OZ,'n G ',\' -I H•S!,(I(
cf, ..nksot tt"":joints. WOOJ EH ' U"IGUS
- j..,..itr>':oig to· p·ecesintoo orge souceoonand e"'OU9h • I J'!;,EO t:'10!'1; "IE "'f.E~
v.'Oterto cover tr>emcomolete!y.3ringtoo ooilc,.•e· h·gn • 3 JUJU5E .J'iES." ii:J
heat one blanch for S m·..._-tes.Jroin and rinseunaer coo • 1 t:5lfS"00NS .J" ED 5l.,:::< 5f! NS
runn·"".9wc:e·. , 'Ii.OZ ·5 G ~ 'll~E'I; . !5 0Ui )i· "iCH
- Soc.(the wooo eors ·o o 00\t.A o: cod'...-oterfor 10mil"",,..ies l·CW·lE"iGi -1 "E:::! ., S.1:::!0
un:i so~eneo. Cot in:o >$.'~h/1-cm -•Niaestrips and set . s:.r TO PSTE
aside . .no se:,ora:e bowl.rook tri: tangerine peel·.\ cod • STE!~EO '!;,CE =:~f 5.dtt: iO s:~v:
v.'Oterfor10 minuies to softe'ltnen d·oin ooclse: aside.
- -oo:stthe ::.oc..< :,e,ansin o STICH sUlet (fryi".9:,on) O\-e·
lowhem fo· 3-L TW'lvt es unt til:yourst, then ·eT'O\'eo-r.o
rinseunoe · cod ru;ning • e·.
- j..,..i ti-...oig to4.,wood ears, roosted blockoeons,tongeioe
~ juju:,e do:es,ginge·, ono !.¼cu:,s (>4; oz/I liter)
v.'Oter·no lo-gesa-..xepo...,. 3ringtoo ooiloverh·gn -r.eot.
reduceto ow "'eat, onc:Iskr~e·, covered,for2iihOU"'S.
Season\,-1't:1salt totoste, then tro"'Sfertoo servk9 'Xlh.
Ser\<e,,,lth rice.

..- 377
i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~ Otll
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: l o:.vs
S!'l;VES: 0

• I ~5 5 OZ ~:JC:;:; N:;! ~ "! ElEO, CUT disnto ce eb"ateme biin

Thisis o :ovoriteCo~oneo...e
'IITO 2· NCHiS·:::'-1 "E :::ES. - :~VEJ. o:o ooby.tis usuofy ~e:,ored ·'.lo .orge:,etch to sho·e
l.'110 :::'<:USH!O wr..n:o.milymeToers ono :'IE!nosos :,or.iof tne celebration.
• •~ i!S~fi~:)0'11 and the collo~:'lfromme t!"Ot:,nore
• o·~ :::u"S :s:J =t OZ..1.5 L if";S) mought to De"' mother's ·ecoveryfromch a.oirth.
::::."ll•O'IIESE SW!ETEN!O 3l.:.:::i::
'v"NE:;:. 't Doyl
• I ~5 5 OZ ~:JC :; "G S' HOHHS. - Comoinethe g·ogero,d sot ·o o smellcowlond et s:ond
s:::~!"E O C~P"II /l;l"IS!J. l.'110 CUT :o. 30minu:es.iinse o.r,c:Ia.rain.
'IITO $\1!..L ~ " !CES - j.oce the gi'lgerO.'.lo neotproof:110:e ·no co opsibe
• 0 f:;:;5_ .!i ~QOM T!V"E'\..!..Ui'{! pot o:-bomooosteamer overo pot o: coiling\'l1ot er.
Steam,co-.-e·ed, 'o:-30 minu:es. Draini:he•.-.ater on i:he
pate. "'."ransfe·
me 9i¥· too clay pot o· stci'lles~steel
souce:,on,t-r.enodd tf"':vinegar. eo,..ero"'.db--in9too boi
overhig:'lheat, i:hen·educeto low heat. and s·'Tlmer:CX'
2 hours.Turnoff the heat and e: s-.ard a.-e-night.

- ~i t"'e oigs' trotters ino i0r9esouceoonand odd enough
wa:e· ::oca.-e-::nemcompletely.3ricgtoo boilover
hea;:o"'.d:.oncn :o. 5 TW'lvt es. )ro·'.lono ri--sethoroughfy
unae· cod running•.-.ate·.
- ~!etumme trotters to&... oon and fi!Iwithcod
Ca.-e-.bricgtoo boilover""Wt, reduceto CJN neat,
o"'.dsimT..erfor 45 m·"'-ie-s.Xim tN' fro:hand scum off
me sufoce, if needed.Turno!! tr,..,heat, cover,o,d s:ond
:o. another 45 minutes.
- Aoin tl"':t·ot:e-s and rinseu"'.C!e· cod rU'Vling wote-·until
completelycoo. Putthem .ntotne pot wimi:heg·"'.ge-· o"'.d
vinegar,cover,and o,ingtoo ooila.•e-·h·gn hea;:.~educe
to IO'N-r.eotand cookfor £5 T,J"I.Jtes. -u-n o!!t-r.eneat and
stand coveredO\'ernight.
- ~i t"'e •.-."'O
e eggs i"'too souceoonand odd !:'"'0<.:9h cold
wo:e-·to co-.•e-·
completely.3ringi:oo boilover T.edi\J"-n -
h·gn heat for 3½- minutes.Re'TO/ett": eggs imrrecl'ately,
d·qn, Qndrin5ewe untltr ,o-orl.l':"J\ng When,ool
enoug'lto ho,dle, pee o,d oo:Ito the trotter mixrure.

- -ro.nsfer the trotters o"'.deggs intoo seporotecon:oiner.
- A: this s:oge, ya. willnaveo a..r~ po: o:v'negorand youl
on~ nee:!to "@Ct yoo1desiredserving:,action.Pourthe
vinegarintoo orge souce:,onand jJ'ingtoo :oil a.-e·hig'l
hea;:.~educethe "eat, ado ::ne trotters o"'.deggs.and heat
::nroug..., oo....s,t~'.l se--ve.
. Lodle· ino:Viduol

¾'iH~ •u;; oN: -iu~:~
"'i\!"'!i\:·10NTM! 15 w ·'IIUTES
H UN A N-S TYLE PO RK BELL Y :::OO(l'II;; i.VE 2 -IOU,'\)

- =-.acethe ~rk belly,5.(infacingdown,on o cutting board. • 1 0 L3 S·OZ/000·0) 50'11LESS, S<l'II·

Tri~tne meat too~ even thk.tness o"'.Ci suope the skin 0'11 : o,'t( S!L~Y
c...ean, then rinse tf"':poJ<V"'.dercoid -....nningv.'Ot
er. • i i!S.ES:oo'IIS VE3!f:5L! 0 l
tl-...oor< ·.,too"'.dcad enougnwa:er
- j.....-t • .d :l't,!O :::-11~ES.-!! .V!O
to cover it com:.etely. &-"'9 too Xii over hig'l heat o"lO • l 'tEJ C - lES -1!~\'EJ
banchtne por<:or15~vt es. Skimthe frot:10no ms-n • 2 CLO\'ES :j!\l::: :::-10:"'!0
o!! tf"':s..sfoce. 0-oin and rinse undercolo runvigv.-ote· • I OZ/15;; 0 N3! "' (:sour j•l'll:::-1,
u"til cooled.Cut tne po·i::into Jj;.-hch/3-cm sa.xirep·eces. S·:::1o1·.E'll~·n P ECE SL CO
- ;em me oil .nov.-ok.ororge sUet (f-yingpo,} over • 1 i!S.ESPOO'II ~E"''-1!'\l·o a~.,:::K
medtnl heo;:, odd the afeo c.nile--~ and stir-fryto· I TW'lvt
e 5!!'115, 'tl'IIS!O !"ljJ c - o ::: J
u-rtilfros--ant.Sti-in the fres:, ~es, 90·x, ginger,and • I i!S.ES:oo'IIS c - l 3E.'.N P!S~E
bock beo-...s.Aodthe chiliDeonooste and red distilled • 1 i!S.ESPOO'II "'! JO ST L~O 0"',.! N
g·oin sooce oncls:ir-fryfor about 1minute. Pu'i·otne pork. s:ucE
icere-oseto hig'1heO'!,and stir-fryuntil fragrant.Sorink..i: • t i!S.ES:oo'IIS s -1:.ox1'11;;·"'·NE
i;\tf"': v.M.Adcl the Sichuo, peppercorns,s:or anise, o"'.d • I i!S.ESPOO'II SIC-!U!"II
1o.;o (8floz/250ml}wct er,ord ~ingtoo Xii. ~educeto PE'"'"E'1::::C,\'IIS
laN ,-,eatand s·mme1,co'.'ered, :<Y o:i01..i 45 mil"",,..ies.
Tur:l • iSf!'t!"IISE
the poJ<c,,w once or twiceduri-r.gCOO(ing. • I JE:s:oo'II J!,\( SOYS:UCE
- Aodthe sc,ysauces and ·ock sugo·,stir,ono simmer, TE!$"'00N L 0-1· SOYs:.ucE
covered,for ooout another 45 minutes,or unt tne porkis . \ ovn O '1;QC( SUG! 't
wry so,. Once reedy, ::ne por<too se-vingplate
tra.."'Sfe· • S~f!NO "'CE ( "'!0! 5.!0I, TO S!ll't'E
o"'.d<eep,.,.,o·m. :iringtri: sauce too xii ove· hig'1hea-.,
then ·educe to mediumhe<r,.,onc:Isi~~- uncovered,for
2-3 mrut es ..r.ti stighdytnic..< eN:O.Pou·tf.e sauce over
the poJ<.Ser\<e\\-'t'1rice.
i\!~ ON: Z-IEJ :.,o tf;i~ [~
P:\!P!.:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES
COO(l'II~. M! S - OU'l;S 30 1'/l'IIUiES DON GPO
S!'l;VES: 4
E'.:!i,..l..G!131 PORK

• I (MO ?·OZ 'SOO·G 50'11HfiS, Do.,gpo~r< is named cfter Su )ong:,o (103i- 1IOI}of the
SIC"1·0'11 =-cR< O!lLY Song)rmty. Not onlywosSuo t e"'O'NN:O essayistono
• I r:::.s,.OON VE~E·:. .o.E O l reveredpoe:, nev.-osdm a great gostronome-..c'.:s
• i f:5L:s=-ooNS S'l;O'IIN su~:. :, on hov.•to COO( oorkwos iroooblyoned tt"<:eorliest
• I f:3t:S=-oo ... R;EOYE!.)J :\ CE o, wri:ingson slowcooking.)ongpo por<wosoneof n:s
C-1!"\ Y JU CE manycreationsono o favoriteo:S'l tnroug"'.OJtOtino.
• \OZ·IO:j.~'ll~E, ·:.sou · \•l'll:::-1
i·CM·~E'1Gi -l,, E:::E S~,CEO - j.oce the x,rk belly.Hin facingdown,on o cutting board.
• i 5E J "IG sc:..L O'IIS o, ~ sc:..l O'IIS TrimtN' meat to on eventhb:ness ono scrape the sL'l
(SP:\ NGO 'II CNS: WT 'll;O then ·il>P-tf°":,oor<V"".de·
c...eo.n, cod '\...nning
l'-i•l'\IC - .d·Clil lENGi - S - ~it~ oor<ino i0rgesouceoonand ado enoughwoter
• G!N!:\OUS i: :::u=-s :n f. oz liS ...._ to coverit com:.etely.&-"'9 too 00 overhighheotono
SH!QX NG W 'II! bo.nchtil: por<:o. 20m·"'.ies. Skimthe :.oth and scu-n
• I f:3t:S=-oo"l 11;0C(SUG!.'1; o!! tN' s..rface,i: neeci~. 0-C:nand ·il:P-we undercolo
, s ·:.a~:s=ooNs.. ~- r sovs,r.uc:: running'"'ote· for 5 m·.,.,-tes..r.tilcoo~. Piecetne po·i::
• 11QZ,,300 G G~!E"I 50( C-IOY on tt"<:cutting ooord..skil 'ocing da1tn.Cutthe lean meat
• Cil:>.oBO t:::OR !.'\IDB: .f!Y'ES. into 4 equal quod·a.ntsw'ihout curt·"'-9throug'l me ski...,.
·o G''l;N S-1 to =-1ON!..L - ;eat 1teospoonoil·o o soucepon,odd t"\e Drownsugar,
• su:.1o1:o :;;,::: =.,~E S.dC · o SP:\'E o,d cookover O'N neat for2-3 mimrces..r.ti caramelized.
Stit in2 tobespoons water,corefu!lyplocethe po-'<• dO'N'\and t --enturnoverto ensure
me po-'<iscove·ed inthe corome. T..rnoff tne heat.
- Comoinethe red yeast riceand 1CIJ'j (8 f oz/250 m}
wa:e· J'Io smallsc:-,..cepo'l O".O b--i09 too bo . Simmer
:o. 15minutes,strain iltoo oow, and set aside.
- _inethe bottom of o D.Jtchoven(cosse-·oe} witnthe
g·"'-9e·slicesand olocet ~ cork on top, s~'l :acing down.
Surrou"'.O m e po-'<w't'ltil: Beifngsco! O"'S. Porover the
rese-vedred )'Kist rice wo:e·, me wine,
o,d enoug'lcod wcte· tocomplete}ycovertr,..,cork.
Bringtoo xra,then -~uceto O'N~t.andsinmer
:o. 30 minu:-es.Ado::neroe.(wgor and roy sauce o"'.d
simmerforanotne-·hour.-umtn e po·i::overonclsimrre·
:<Y onother1"'Ol..r.
- Meon""•nil e, oringo .orgesouceoonof wo:-e·too ooil,odd
me boy'1Wy, g"'9nntn :Q' 2 m:nw. -;s.Trgnsfer
the ;9f,,,;
too plote,skh-s·oe up.and s-..rroundwithtnebokcnoy.
Fbura,•erthe sauce fromtne po~ 90:-nisnwi:hcilo"'tro
(coriander), 'f us·"'.g.and servewith rice.


i\!:l ON: Z-IEJ :,o ~ ;t :k 1i
P:\!P!:\qoN i WE: iO M 'llu ·n
" lUS I -!Ol.i:\ SO.!( 'IIG ilY! DOU BLE- BO ILED
COO(l'll:l. ~! 5 - OU'l;S

• I :1•~55·0!·~:J:J·~ J'll - t,.:Q=t The historyof tnis d:Shdotes bock.about three hu-dred
5y; r-1= :~o -1!v yeo-s,possiblyeorlier.Yi,;on½e~tri: famousgo,..rmet·n the
• ·~cu= 12 oz;so G) :l:\:Nu.:r:o GingDynasty,wro:eooou;:this cs, in hiswor<,Su~
5UG!.:\ Shidtm. Trod:-tionoly,
tM dishco eelforo speCXJI cut
• !. .!5 .ESPOO'IIS R;EO'II 'IIE tne cente1do Jinhuoho-n;however,anygood-quo':"ty
• !. OZ: 12:J G ~OCt: 5UG! :\. C";U5-l!J ho.mcon oe useo oso
• !..!5 .ESPOO'IIS S-1!.QXl'll:l W ~E
• S :u=s u·...
oz ..l:JC ~ J"; ED1.0iUS - Scrooetne s.i::in of the nom dean of orry'at and rinse we
S!EOS wr..nhot water.Trimthe ~m J'ltoo so;,;ore,then trim so
• CH N!S! OU'IIS, SUC-1 !$. 1,<;!NiOU 0 " of the ho.misooou. t~ incn/4 cm,
::ncnthe tot cl t ;ick.,ness
51\!:J. ·o S!'tVE witn the skin.Thelean ,om con be scveafor fu:ure use.
- Poce the ham on o cutting ooo· da1t-n,cno
mo.( on the lean meat. Thecu:s should
ontybe obou;::.V.'O •thira:sof the ham's to:cl th·ck.,~ss.
- Poce the ham, skin.sideooNn, 'no neotp:oof oow lo·ge
enoug'l to holo tne ham, ooa the sugo· ono ; tr>':oovd
wr..nwote·tocove1the ho:-ncomplet!?'y. Seeltignt\'·,,lth
o un,num foil.
- Poce 'no col aos::Olepot or argebomooos:eomer ove·o
pot of boitngwoter. Steam,covered,for 1hou-·.Co·efdy
removet"..efo ono drc:n the wa:e· :'Omthe ~owl.
- Add bo:n winesand 3 oz/W g rock.sugar tot"..eDO\t.~o".d
-i \\ith fresnwater to ca.•erthe ho-n.Co'.'eJ tigh:ly\\~:l
o U'1'l-·num foiland steam for o"'Other4 hoo-s.Md more
wa:e· ::otf"':WO! 'f needed.
- t-'-eor•,.·.,~e,
soo<the d--'edlon.s seeds ·no baNIof wc·m
wa:e· :orobou;:1nour.)ro·<\,p·ck.ovto-r.od:Scordtf"':
heart of the seeos,o"'.dr'""!e.
- Putthe otus seeds into o scuce:,on,odd t~ re-T10inin9
Jr,oz/41Jg tOC( sugorond 2 a.os (16'I ozft-iS ml)water,
o"'.db--i09 too oo·.Reo.xe to aN "'eot and s·mme1:or
1hour un:ilthe sugar o"'.d',..'Oter oecomeo sy,.ro. Tu-·no!!
tne heC!.
- Usetongs to cctefullyuons:ert "..enom, s.i::in-sioe t.o,
too deej pate. Spt'W''lde the otus seeos orounome ho:-n.
- Poor tne sauce fromthe cook.eelham in:o o smcl
scuce:,on,oringtoo ooilove1.,·gn"'eOt.ono reduce to
1cu-o(8 fioz/230 ml) u-nt it becomes o syrup.Fb..rove·
me ho:-n.Sewew'th Otinese buns or o:he1lre-odof cho·ce.

~m~ " !G O'\I: J :'ll~S.U
" ";! "H !f 0'\I T "1E: 15 \I NUTH


Scodng the :io:kHin creo:es on interesting t~rol effect • i 'i lS 2·0!!5:J:J·G: 50M .. ESS.,
whie the ·,eelyeo:st'Xe, O'loll-notusolcolor'~ ingreoe"'t 5( '\I· 0'11 =-o,'\( 5!L~Y
used freq-...e.,t'y in OtineSP-
cUIShe,givesi1ssig"'.Otuse • i - .:a.Es.=-ooNS il;E:) YP.S.T 'I;,:::: 0 "
hue. The ·esult?A :,oklooclaromatic dis:lthot'sgreot for :::-it=t~Y JU,:::E
se.rvi~ to 9ues:s. • 5 CliPS (i5 ~ .. OZ1'.'S:J"1LJ CH :::<E'II
5:tOT - :sro:::K, " lGE n:
- =-.ace the ~rk belly,5.(infacingdown,on o cutting board. • i S.OL .. IONS :S'"'I; "IG O'\l 0'1151.
Tri~tne meat too~ ess o"'.Ci suo~ the skin KNOTH)
c...ean, then rinse tf"':poJ<V"'.der coid -....nningv.'Ot
er. o .,OZ1S O ONG!'\ :::;our )i• '\1:::-1,•
tl-...oor< ·.,too"'.dcad enougnwa:er
- j.....-t 1·C"1·lE"IGT-I :- E:::!), S.1:::!0
to cover it com:.etely. &-"'9 too Xii over hig'l heat o"lO • i - .:5.ES.POONS SH!QXl'\I~ 'l,l'IIE
banchtn e por<:orKlminutes. 0--oinand ~.nseunder • i -p SPOONS Sl.LJ
cold -...nning\\~ U"'ti cooeo. • i Oi::5:J G ltOC)( S.U3H
- Meonv,,.hil ~. 'f us·~ ·eel)'eC:St .ice, come·~ tN' re-oyeost • )J!!"lf) R CE :P!.G! ~.!.0), TO S.E\\IE
(ce o"lO~ C\JD (L floz/120ml) water in o soocepo~ono
~iog too tJo;-- over nigh heot. Reo.xe to rr'i'cl'um-CJN neat
o"'.dcookf-or}-4 m·"'.i es u-rtilobou;:2 toole:::,oonsrcr-,.,jd
remol'Iin tt"<:pot . Pourthe ~id th·o;..gho cneesedoth
(mus!i~}-liriedstrcine· (s:@'.' e} ·ntoo t,o,,. . Set osx:le.
- j.....-ttN' oor< O"ltil: cl.!'rungooo·o, up, O"'.CIIuse
o snorpk_-."f e to score the :,of(, in o crisscross:,ottern,cn
~--~h/1-crn inte;vo..s.The cuts snouldoe mode mroug:'l
the skil o-..o:at out before they reoc.nthe "i-st ayer d
leon meat .
- j .oce the ~rk bellyin o Aich Ote'1 {cosserole), 5ki,_-. .s·ae
Uj, ood the cnic..< en IYoth(s:ocx), scallions(spdr9 Ot"''Ons),
g·-..ger,v.ine, sdt, and red yeo:st-kev.'Ot er or cherryjdce,
o"'.dx;ngtoo xri over hig'1heat. CO\-e ·, reo.xe to Tedi....m
heot, and s:"mme· :<Yobout45 mi""I.J't es.
- Aodthe rocks.,.;gor, reduce to CIN heat, o"lOsimmer for
o:o..i ono-:he1 ".OIJ"J.lncreose to mediumheat ono simmer
u.,tilthe so-..xe cO$ reduc.eoby-..olf.Discordthe sco!!io"S
o,cl~ erslices. Serve in tr>':)ui:ch ovenwitnr"ce.
i\!::3-ON: Z-IEJ !'1G ~~ [~
P,\!P!i\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUiES
COO( l'll::3-i M! i -IOU~S IS \1 NU.ES PO RK BELLY IN
S!\VES: 0

• I (M O ?·OZ 'SOO·G 50'11HESS, _egendnos it that this diSl'l'-''OScreated duringtne M'"".9

S(l'l·ON PO" I: S! .lY )r,:,sty by o oec:..i •futlady nomed )ong Xioa..,o.n
• I OZ:25 G =,\!S!i\VEJ 1'/USJ.!,J (162L1631 ) ,..,"'.O'-''OS
so·o ::obe oneof the e·gh: :,eou1:ies
Si!lilS. - ,\MMD , " NSD, !ND ·n \lo"jing.Snewos ·•ghlyin:el!ig.ent.
and artistic,
CUT :'170 ::.· 'IIC- .'2•CV L!NG~HS as we I cs o g•eot cook.Anumoero:dim s-..m d:snes.rl
, :s·:a .:s=ooNs 01~ i:ongsutoooystill oeor --ernome.
• I f::! .S" OON DPt( SOYs.:u::E - :i1oceti-...oor< :ielly, sfflfocing down,on o a.iting board.
• I f:5l:S"00"1 S-!!.QXl'll::3-
w1,E Trimthe Teat toon even thkk.nessondscro:ietf"':S(in
• i f:5 L!S"00NS ~\.!'11Ut!7EO SUG!, c eon, ::ne'1t'~e the :iorkundercoo runVig •.-.ater.
• I f::! .S" OON S!.f - :iut tne po.·(intoo orge souce:ionand cdc:Ienougnwcte·
• i SC! l~ 0"115IS"' "11::3- ON O'IIS) toca,•e· it oomplet!?'y. 3ri"9 too boilover nigh--eatand
•·~oz,,10 ::s.:;'11::3-E\:so u · \· 'IIC-1,• olonchthe po·( for 5 ,Mut es. Ski.-n me ro..m o::
2•CV•L!NCH- " .ECE), Sl C!J t--e surface, i: neeaed. Jroin and rinse unaer coo rlf'V'kng
• I Si! " .!"11S! er t.nti cooea.Usingo sho-pknife, T10k.
•.-.ot e "'Ori
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1C! =::;E S.dC).1 0 SE~\'E cuts througntne sffl ona 'at ~r O"~, at i'.-incn/1 -cm
·nte-vols,to crea:-ethe "tiger stt':ies."'
- :iut tne mustardgr~"'S on :,apertowe.stoobsorbony
excess·.-.ot e1.
- ;ea;: the oi ino lo·ge souce:ia.n,oodtil: mustardgreen
stems, oon-frya.•eJh·gn "'..eOt fo· obo.rt 2-3 minu:es
t.rd b'-0',.'I'\.
Tro"'.Sferti-...ste--nstoo olo:-eand s.e:os·oe.
- /,.Ddthe :,os'(, slon-s'de up. one!eno;,;gh• er to cover.Add
t--e SO"(sauces.w·--e, s.ugor , sol-.,sco!,..o-r.s{soringonions),
ginger, ono star anise. Br·~ ::oo :,oil,t-r.enreduce to CJN
neotona simmerforcoout 1 "Owl . Xim tf.e fro:honc:Iscum
off the surfoce.--o.nsfeJ the po·( too heotoroofoowl.s<in-
side down,tf"':'1too wi-.nthe mustardgreensand oour the
oro:h (s-.ock.} on top. :lloce ino collopsi:leoot or oomboo
steamer ove1o pm o: ooi!ingwoter.S:,ecm,covered,for
1 nour. (Aod mo-ewo:e-·to me pot, "f neKled.)
- )ro·'1 me sauce ·nto o smellsa-xepo"'I.Cove· ti!: bowlof
oork witno plote,o,cl usingd:Shta....els,:.Wert tne COt""tents
onto me plote. (AA ernati\<e)',use to,-,.gs to nons:er t-r.e
co-rtentstoo se.rv'~ pate. )
- ieq; theSQI.IC~ o~r nighhNt ond~ l.l"<Mred, urr;:i
t:iick.enedand teoxed. :lourthe so;xe 0-1ert--e cork.Se-ve
w'th rice.

ii~ tltl1'11 '!.E~ 0'11: S-iUNJE
"'!.P":'{_!.J 0'11 T VE: 15 \1 Nu · n
PO RK BELLY W ITH :::co< NG T VE: I - OU'!. 15 v NVES

- Use o chopstic..< to clean the cho:vtu insidethe lo:usroot • 1 .:, 5 OZ/000 :3-LOTUS :\COT, "EE.EJ
and· cod -..nningv.'Ot!?r.0.rt the :'110 ENJS T'!. M\1!J
lot,-,;sroot in:o 31,:; ,c 2-:nch/8x 5-cm rectonguas p·eces. • I tll·0!:300·0) 50'\IE.ESS. S< '11·0"1
Placeino to,,. ono set aside. PO'!.K 5E.LY
- =-.acethe ~rk belly,5.(infacingdown,on o cutting board. • I PS.ESPOO'II \'!G!PS.E Oil
Trimthe .r eat toon e-te"ltnic..<nessond scrooetf"':S(in • I OZ/15 ~ G N~! " (:sour j•l'\1:::-;,•
deo~ men ("\Sethe x,rk unaer cod ru"~ , e·. S•:::\1•.E'll~ -H P ECE SL :::::J
- j..,..i tr>':oar< ,.,too crge saucepan o,cl cad enougnwo: er • 1 Cl;S! '!.EJ a::,~ :::u'!.O
tocO'lerh complet!?'y. 3r'~ too boil over~h ri:at and • I PS.ESPOO'II S!l.N ?!STE t-re oork for S m·"'.ies. )rain and rinse unoe· coo • I PS.ESPOO'II "C E 'lii'\lf
runn·"".9 wcter unti coole-:1. Cut tt"<:oork into ~ces similar • 1 iE'S"OO'II. ~ - T SOY S:..U:::E
ins'.-z-:totr': ;otus·oots. • 1 iE'S"OO'II ~'!,!>,;L,.!.J::0 SU~ H
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-okor arge sk1-:t f-ying po,), odd the • s ·f!. NEJ "C E ( "!.G! 5.!0, TO Sfll't'E,ono stit.!-y r,;,.-e· mediu-n hem :o. 1 T,J"I.Jte ...ntiJ
frogront.Addt"\e red bean CIJ"'d o,cl :>eo'l paste o"lO
useyours:iotu.o (~shSKe) to ~ea,: it t.o. Ada tne por<,
increo:seto nighneat, ono stJ -fryfor1 minu:e. Sorin•dein
e, ooa enoug'l wo:er to coverthe oork byabout
ii inch/I cm, and bringtoo boil.~uce to ,ov,.•heo! o".d
Y"nmer, covered,for 30m·"'.ies.
- AJJdthe lo-:usroots,soysauce,ono sugo·,then covero"'.d
simmer fos 30minutes.U~over and simmer c,.•~·hign
heat for 2- } minutesU""ti tt"<:SOi..Ce ".OS reduce-oslig-rtly.
Trons:ertoo serv'-r.g:.ate and ser\<e\\"t'1 rice.
i\!:l ON: -1.=.
i ME 10 v NUiE5
~ *ti111'1!~
COO(l'll:l i M! 1 -IOU:'tn \1 NUiE5 HAK KA STEWED
S!'WES: 4
E'.:!1=!:;f sa; PORK

• I :t.d·OZ ~~C·G SONElES5, SI. '11·0'\I - j.oce the x,rk belly.Hin facingdown,on o cutting board.
,.0 ~( 3E~LY Trimtt"': meat to on s-venthb:ness ono scrape the sk:.'1
• 4 ·.:.5 _f5P00'\15 VE3Ef!5L! Oil uo.n, then ·il>P-tf"':,oor<V".de·cod -....nning v.'Ot!?r.
• I Sil ,. !NI 5! - ~it~ oor<hto o locgesa ..cepon o,cl cad enoug:1wo:er
• I i:!S,.OON S CHU!"I PE""'P.CO\NS to coverit com:.etely. &-"'9 too 00 over high heotcno
• 3 ClO ...ES ;j!\l C. 5.ICEO bo.nchtil: por<:o. S .TW'lvt es.S<:mthe frothono scum
, ',\OZ ·5 G G ~GE'\ .:.301,.,r•~· NCH· o!! tr,..,s...rfoce,i: neecied.0-oin and ~in>P- undercoldv.'Oter.
l·CW·lENGi-1 "ECE J, SL C!J • ;ect tne WO( O! a.rgeskte: e-ying pon}.Adclt"\e
• •, fEl5"00'113'\0U'll0 C "l'll!WO'II po·(, s<in-sideOO'h"'\ and orownfo· 2-3 m·..._,tesun:il
• •, fEl5"00'113'\0U'll0 CU\1 "I 900,n bra,;n one!c.6-:,y.Co·en.Jyre-ro.-ett"':oork :.o:-n
• I fl3lES"00N l 3Hi SOY)l.UC! me oiland dro·non oopertov.·es.
• •~fl3.E5P:)0'\I .J.L:'t( SOYS.:.UC! - j out most of t"\e oa, eovingabout 1ta.oles:ioon
• ·~ OZ..IC:; \OCK s.u:;n CltUS-ID in tt"':WO(. :lvt ti!: star o-8:e and Sichuo'1peppercorns
• I CU"' :a : l 0Zi25~ v_ G.Ui "IOU) in o s:ricebog. ;eat the o in the wo<a.-ermedium-hig'1
'\ :::: w N! hem, odd the garlic.,and gingerand stir.:-y f0t I miMe
• o·~ OZ UC 3 :\E5E \\'EO MU5i!\0 until frog·ant.Ao:11CIJj (8 f oz/250 ml},,.ate·, me spice
:l:\!E'll5. i"I; M\1!). i\ N5EJ. l"ID ::u · bog,cinnamon,o..min,'il:l'fsauce--~ono sugo· o-r.obring
1'1110\·l"IC - •2•C\1 P ECE5 too boil.
• su:1o1:o:;;,:: "'.L:lES.dC · o SE~\'E - Ada tne po-'<,sU"-sia-:down,and oour in i:hewine.Cover
a"'.dsimT..erever Tedi...m- ov.•hem !orcbout 40 m·"'-ies.
Hol:•,.oyth-ougn COO(ing, turn t ~ oork over.Discordthe
spice bog.uons:er t"\e oork too cutting XlOrd,o"'.dleave
to cool.s gntfy,be:o·ecuttir.g it into CMks.
- Meonv,mil e, ,ovttne mustard greens i"'tothe sauce a"'.d
aod l. tooles::, too"':'1reduceto
mediumhec-,.,onc:Isi~~- for ISmi"'utes.Addtr,..,oork
a"'.dsimT..erforono:ner ISmi"'•..rtes. Transfer::oo serving
00'....tand :P--vewi-.n .ice.

. ,f
.... ,jl

i\!:; ON: r ..:.'J,:..N ~~@ ~
P:\!P~:\qON T VE 10 M 'IU7ES, " .US
2J v NUHS 1,1:.,,'tN.'i '\I:";T WE PO RK BELLY W ITH
COO(l'II:;. '1E 55 M '\IU.ES

• I (h5 S·OZ ·~JC•:;) S.O'\l!L!SS. SlC~· - Comoinethe porkend do.,<soysauce in o bowland

O'\I "011;)(5!L~Y. i\ "IS!O .:.'IJ CUT mafna:e for20 minutes.
'IITOS i:·S ZE C1 U'lllCS - Meonv,mil e, cave· tf"':mushroo-r,s •n coldwater a "'.Cl
• I f.:.3lES"00~ OH( SOYs..:.ucE soak :O<C'! leas, 20 -n·nuw, or U""tisoftened.Remo\<e
• 3 Pi\:;: Di\ EJ a.-=-::< VUS1't00WS me mush·ooms,squeezedry,and disca:"O me stems.
• ISJH! t~ sto·cn:Se, Sic.nuonpeppercorns,and cin~mon
- j_...-t
• I E~S"OON s cnu ..:., PE"'"E~CO'tNS stickinto o spicebog.
• \ (1'\1'11.:.\10, ST C( - ;eac me D.Jtchoven{casserole},coo the po!<,
• 2 f:.5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E O l o"'.ds:it-fryovernighneat forl-2 ,-.:rn.rt es u.nt golden.
• 3 ClO ...ES ;:i.:.'tl C. S.ICEO ReT'O\'eme par<a.."'.d set csicleo'.lo olo:e.AC!d the garlic
, 1 r.:.aus=-oo~ =t,:: ·-11·NE o,cl mus"'l·oomsto the Dutchovenand sti·.::-yf0<1~ut e
• I f.:.3lES"00~ L :;nr SOYs:..u::::: overme-d'ium-hign heo! U""tilfrog•ant.
• ~ OZ/iO ::3-'tOC( SU:j H - ~etu-n::nepar<to the 0.-tch 0ten,odo ::newineo"'.drgm:
• SfE.:.\1!0 "1;1C! =.:.:jE S.dC TO SE~\'E soysa-xe, •.-.ell
•.A.adthe ·ocks-...gor,spicebog, a -r.o
1cu-o(8 fioz/250ml) ...,cterand ~ing too coil.~e-d'uce
to laN"\eOtand s·'Tlme·,ca.•ered, tO< o:o..i 30 ~lit es,
or un-1the po·( is tender.)isca.rdthe sp·cebog. Serve
in tr>':)u:cnovenwitnr'ce.

i\!:j,QN: r.:.'J,:.N @~
Pi\!P~ ..::.:.·,oN T WE: 5 "11'11Ui:S.
" lUS C00-1'\I:"; i.Vf PO RK BELLY IN
COO(l'\1::3-- '1!: I 10U:\ 15 M 'IU7ES

• 2 Cl."S ·11:1
~L OZ ·475 M~) - ;em me oil;,. a v.'O( or a.rgeskh: f-ying pon}over
VE:jE·~ .5.t O l -~h ~ct.Md the po·(
medit.r-r: d:e>fryfor
• I I .5 S·OZ:~JC·~: SON!lESS, SlC"I· '--5 minu:esunti goa~'.l.Trons:ertoo cutting board.
O'\I "O'tl( 5!L~Y. i\ NS!O Set osx:letne v.'O( of oil.
• 3 SC.'lllONS (SP:\ NG O'IIIONS). - Whencool e"'0..'9hto nonde, cut the :oft into
::u1 '\l~O&· "iC- ,:}·::M ~t'l.i .HS
1 2.S-cmchun<s,then tro-rsfertoo 10·9= soucepon.
• 0 CLOVES;j.:.'tl C - ~e'°lectt"\e oi in tt"<:
V.'O(, odd tr>':
sea Ot"S {soringonions)
• •~fE.:.S"OO'II G'tOU'\l:l 'Ii - TE "!PP!'t o,cl garlic,o"'.ddeeo-fryave· mediumheat for2 minutes
, );CU " :n =LOZ'3J \IL o.:.=tl(SOY untilgolden.Use as otte-dspoo.'.lto nons:er them to the
s-=-.u:::E souce:,on,t "\enodd tf"':wniteoe:,oer,soysauces,wine,
• I CU"' :a : l 0Zi25J v.) 101T SOY suga·, o"'.d4~ cu~ {34f oz/I liter) water and oring
s:..u:::E to a boil.Reduceto lowheo! onclsim-re· for 1hOU",
• •~CU"' !. f. OZ ·liO "1l) 't,CE W N! or urdte,cler. - tons:erthe :io:k.too se.rvngbow o"lO
, ·, oz,-15:; 'tOClCsu:;n nus;EJ servewim .ice.
• SfE.:.\1!0 'i;,C! "'.':jE S.dC ·o SE~\'E

~ t}lltl1'1! •u~ ON: -ION~ (0'11~
"',\!"'!~!. IQNT M! . 15 w ·'IIUTES.
:::OO( l'II~ • \1! 1 HOU'!; ~c\1 Nu ·n

.,Soc.(the ~ied bamboosnoots in cold v.'Oterfor 24 hours • 3•~O!dCC ~ J'I; !O 5:1,1f.OO SHOOTS.
u-rtilroft. O.Onge thev.-o:e· 2-}tJ'ne'Sdur'-r_g
the soaking 'I; 'IIS!O
time. • 3 0,\ EJ 5.!:::( WUS-l'!;OOWS
.,Cove1the mus.,·ooms in cod wa:e·o"'.Ci soak :orot leost • I ( h5 s-cz;~:JC·~: :i.ON!L!SS. SKl"I·
20 minu:es, or u.nt sofo~cecl.Remo-.•e 0'1 "'011; 1( O!l LY
squeezedry,and osco·o me stems. • 2 t:5lfS"00NS V!~E .!5 .E O L
- =-.acethe ~rk belly,5.(infacingdown,on o cutting board. • 20Z'SOGG~G !'l; .!:i.Olll
Tri~tne meat too~ even thk.tness o"'.Ci suo~ the skin l· NCH,i.S·:::M·.E'll~T -1 "ECE
c...ean, then rinse tf"':poJ<V"'.dercoid -....nningv.'Ot
er. S.ICEO
tN' oor< :,elly in o orge souceoonand odd
- j.....-t • !. S-1!.LO~. -!! .V!J
wa:er toca,•er it completely. 3r'"".9too boi over :ligh""'=Ct • 1 COVES G!'l;L C, C~USH!O
o".d :kinch :<Y ISminutes.Ski~tne frothooclscum off • I t:3lES"00'11 ~'l;OU'\10 S.P 'I ,,.!St::
the sufoce, 'f needed. )ro·.l o"'.dr'"':!e I..J'lder
cold n.nning • I :::u3E R!O 5E !N CUID
wo:er until cooled.Cvt tne por<into t -·nch/2-cmsquares. • 2 t:5lES"00NS R CE 'Nl'II!
- j..,..i tr>':00 moooshoots ·.,too souceoonand odd eno;,;gh • 1 t:: .'S,,. OO'IISG,,.: 'IIUL!TEOSUG.!~
wa:er toca,•er mem completely. 3r'"".9too boilover :ligh • •~tE:S,,.00'11 s:u
heat and ::,onc.n:o. 5 TW'lvtes. ii"'SeV"'.dercoid -....nning • SJE!l,1f0 '!;,CE =:~f 5.dC: TO s:~v:
wa:er. =wpeotme proce1s and olonch the ~m:>eo shoots
ogoin. )ro+o o"lOset oSA:le.
- ;ea;: me oil ;,. o Outenoven {co55erole)ever nigh neat,
oad the g·-r.ger,sha.,.ots,and gor,..c,and stir.!-y for 1minu:-e
u"til frog'ont.Add the :,eon paste o,cl red oeon curd.
Usea spctu!o {fishsrce) to mosh ti-': red bean curo.
- AJJdthe po·( :,e'ty,wine,boT :,oos-r.oots , musnrooms,
sugar, sot, and e-r-ocgh,...mer to ca.•ero ti!: ing·ecrents.
Stingtoo bot, then ·eoxe to r.:,11"'eat, and simmet,
covered,for aoovt 1 ".OJ"f, o· un:ilme po"<:,elfyis soft
enoug"1to p·erceth·°'-ghwith o cc0~ti(.(. Se.rve·"
the Outen o-.<e"1w'th rice oo me side.
i\!3 ON: ! , -t u ~; ~"'f~~
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 v NUTH,
" lUS ~5 "1•'11UiESSO!(l'II~ • \1! JIXI
COO(l'II~ • ~E :5ou· 5 HOURS
S!i\VES: 4 PO RK

• I :l't !O LOTUSl!' : • Soc.(the oied lo:us lea: in coldwater :or~sminu:es.

• I (1·~5 S·oz,.~~~-3 OON!L!SS • j.oce the x,rk belly.S(in foC:ngdown,O.'lo cutting board.
S< 'l·ON PO"I: S! .lY Trimtt"':meat to on s-venthb:ness ono scrape the sL'l
• \OZ·IO~ ~ 'll~E=t ·,:.sou · \· 'II::-;• tt"<:oor<uncle· cod running\\'Oter.
c..eon,then ~t'ISP-
2•CV•L!NUi - " .ECE), Sl ::::J • ~it~ oor<hto o locgesa ..cepon o,cl cad enoug:1wo:er
• 1 SC!ll O"IIS (S"'t .'1~ ON O'IS), to coverit com:.etely. &-;ng too bo..,over high heat enc
:::u1 1"· 0 ~- ~c - •S<M .E'll~ ·n s bonchtne por<:<Y 5 minutes.S<:mthe ftothona scum off
• 2 f!5L!S"00NS S- :ox NG 'N 'I! m e sufoce, if needed. )ro·n o"'.d("";!e under cold n.nning
• n f!SL!S=>OONS ~,~ - T SOYs:u:::: wa:e·untilcooled.Cut tri: porkinto 2,.. J;:. .·;,ch/5 ,i: 3-cm
• I i: !S"OON s: .•r slicesthat ore ~ incn/2 cm thiC(.
, ',\OZ'S G \O:::i:: SUG!'t. :::"USHEO • ~insem e Ion.s le-of,then us.eit to line the bottom of o
• SlE!\1!0 :;;,:: =.,~E S.dC · o SP:\'E D.rtcno-.<e'l(cossero-:). (Cut it to sizeif necessary.}:lloce
::negi¥·cno sca...ions(spr·"'-9o"·ons) on the otus eof
o".do·ronge the :,orknc es, skin:OCi"'-9 up, on toj.
• Comoinethe wine,Wf sauce, solt. and sugar, t-..enpourt-..e
mixtureover the po·(. Coverand cook over ov.•hem :<Y
3 "'O"..IS. Serve;,.the O..icho-.-enw't'l rice on the side.
(T¼ ;otus leafis not to

i\!~,ON: J !"11~X1 1i $ ~ 1--

Pi\!P!.:\!.,ON i "1E: 5 "11'11Ui:S
COO(l'II~ • ~E :5ou· I -iOU" SPARER IBS A N D DR IED
S!i\VES: 4

• 2 J!5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!.S~E O l • ;em me oil;,. o D.Jtchoven {casserole)ever meo .m-hig 'l

, ',\QZ:5 G G "IGE't !SOlJT •~· NCH1 heo;:,odd the gi'lger,and stir,:~ for 1m·"'.ie V"'t fragrant.
l·C"1·lENGT-i "E:::EJ, Sl :::!J Add tt"<:spareribs,·nc.reose to nigh neot, ono
• 12 OZilSC ~ " 01\( SP!'tf't SS. stir-fryforono--.nerm·.,.,ie.Add tN! s.:gor, 'Sl:lfsauces,
:::u1 i'l·o ~- "IC- , S·:::M "ECES wine,o.ndenoognwater to cove1the spo·e-tos.Bringtoo
• I r:!,S"OON OR!~ULrf:i SUO!~ bo\ cad the d-ied turni:i,reduce to lowne-mo".dsimrrer,
• 1 lE.'S"OONS 1.IG-ii SOYS!.UCE covered,f0t cool.It1hoUJ.Seoson\\~:ltr-': salt.
• I f!!.S"OON O~'tK SOYS.!U:::E • in o smell cowl.mixthe corns:orcn (co:nflour)'N'-th
• I f!Slfs=oo~ ;,:! ''II' NE 1toblesooon...,ate·O"'.O stir this .nixtu'e ·nto me D.rtch
• S oz,. ISC 3 JUD TUil;NP, i\ NSD oven.&-;ng too boii, s~ring, for 30 secondstotckkesn
!'110 :ur MO]•i'l:::-i,5·C"1 lE"IGT- S ::nesauce. Se-vei'ltr-i: D.::chovenwi--,.n rice.
• •~lE!S"OO'II S.'li
• I f!!.S"OON :::OR'ISJ!'(C -
::::oR'l =LOUi\)
• SlE!\1!0 :;;,:! =.,~E S.dC · o SP:\'E

t f= ~ T ~!G O'\I: S-i!'IXI
"";!~H!f 0'11 . \1E: IS Ml'IU7ES, " .US
PO RK WI TH 10 V"lllli:S \1.L~ ~£i '\I:"; T WE
COOK ~G i WE: IC \1 NU"fi

- Combinethe x,rk, 1teaspoon 'Sl:l'fsooce,j;;,teaspoon salt, • i O!iiCC :3.LE!.'I .,:'t<. J CD ~TO

and 1teo:::ooonwi-re in o bowland mori-r.otefor 10minutes. \· '1:::-1,'U•CW ::USES
Stir·n 1teosooo'1 co.·nsto·ch(corn-iour)one 1tob espoon , i ·psPO ONS ~;~ - r sors:.u:::::
oil. Setaside. • '.l)T::!..S
=o- oNsS:.1 ·
- :iringo SOlXepanof ·,,.otertoo IJo:I.Addt"\e co·rotsond , 1 ·:.o .::s=ooN s -1:.ox -..ow N!
oprico: kernels,·eciuceto .r.ed'umheat. and s·· :o. • i ·psPO ONS CO'tNSJ !.'t:::-1
Jroin and rinseu".Cle·cod running wot er.
5 mil"",,..ies. ::::O,'t°": LOU't)
- ;em me remo·.,.ng2 toblesooonsoi in o WO< o:-large • S i!.S~ESF'OO'IIS'iE~E-!5 .E O l
5.(il!et(fryingoo,} over .rec ..m -r.eotAdo::negi"'-ge· C!i\'<:Ol .:11:::::0'ITO •1°":::-1,
and sea ro,n(spr'~ o"·on) ono sfu-fryfor 1minu:-eun:il l·CW :::usES
fragrant. S.Nint~ oork ona tne remoiningv-.ine oncistir- cu .. ,l oz,100 G) swn · !'"'t :::01
fry 'r.xanother 3-4minuies unti the poi<is fully coxed. KE'tN!lS 0.'t :.l'•'O'IDS . ., NSD
Addthe cor·ots, apricot l:e·ne_s,oe pepper,o.ndtoss we I. • I 7f!.SF'OO'II ~ "!LYC -10 .. =-eD 31'1~E ..
Stir·n the remo·v,g j. teospoo., sch, I tecs:,oon soy sauce, • I sc.,.L~IO"I :s .. 'tl'I~ ON 0'11
and 3tob~spoons water o".d s::ir- fryfor 2- 3 ~lit es. :::-10=-=-eo
• Mixthe ·e-noiningl teo:soooncorns:orcn"'"tn 1toblespooo • ~ G";fEN 5!1~ =p=-f:, SEEDD ! ND
water ·no smo bowlo.ndstir t-.:Smix:ureinto the wot. DICED NTO ,. NC-1,'l•CW ::USES
B<'"".9 to a boil.stirring,forobout 30 seconos tothicke:'l • sr:::.•,HJ"' CE IP!..G! '.:.!O).TO SE'tv'E
tr,..,sauce. --ons-fer to a se-vingplote o,cl seNe with rice.

=fiffi !alliilIi<!*ff,§ .,::G 0'11: - O'l:3. l::O"IG

.,.,!.,H!.J 0'11i WE: 15 '-' NUiES
Sf";VES !.

- ~insetne melon, men rut tf"'?,._in no!: lengtrr,.·::Se. • i FUZZYM!~ONS. .,H ~D

Ct.neoc.nha.f ·~to 3-4p·eces. • I cu= :a =- OViSC "1~) \'!G!J !.5lf
- ;em m e oil .na wok.oro*psoocepo'lto 300:F/ISO°C, Ol
or u.nt,ia cube of lreod bra1tnsin {ij minutes.Adelt "\e • i O!/iCC :j. ~lllE'I. cu · l'll;o
9lu:e'1O"'.CIdeep. fryforobo.rt 1 minute until~:""gntly fir'.'n. l· "IC- /i.S•CV SGU!.'tfS , :5our
Useo s..ottedspoon to ·emate from tf"'?0·1o:-r.d a.rCJI0'1 ;-1~;:1.·J•Cfl -H ;:i;
po:ier taNt?ls. • ~ C.O'iES o:.,~C. CRUSH!O
- j01..r out most d tt"<: oil. eovingabout 2 toblesPOO<"'S ·n • i ·:.o .::s =ooN F!'(VENHJ a.:.:(
tN' '"''O!.A.oothe ga: c and st··.fry over med'tm hea;:!or 5El'IS . ., NSD !.NJ :::-10=-=-eo
1 minu:e un:il ftogro~t.Md the bock be-ans.snrimp pos:o:-, • i ·psPO ONS S-l'tl'-'., ?!.STE
salt, sugo.:~·oost oork,ono g\,c:Isp--if'lk..e
J'Ithe wine. , '" r:::..s=-ooN s:.u
Stir- fryfo, 1m·.,.,ie,then odd 1C\..P(8 floz/250 ml) woter • i -E!.SF'OO'II G., !.'IUL!..TEOSUG.!.~
end br'"".9~o o boil. , 1 O!iiCC =o'(K, :::ur NiO
- AJJdVZzymeon, reo..xeto .rec ..m -r.eot,cover,and l· "IC- ii.S·C'-' C-IU"l(S
s:mmerfo1 30 minutesor V"'ti tN' meon is tender.MiXthe , 1 ·:.o .::s =ooN s-i~ox "IG w N!
CO<nstc-ch with 1tc:.espoon wcte·, men stir the mixtu·e • I 7f!.SF'OO'II CO~'IS~.!~CH
in:otne sauce inthewot. Slingtoo xia_s:::rring,:o. o:o..i ::::oR°"=LOUit)
30 seconds to thie!en tt"<:sauce. Trcns:ertoo servi"".9 :late.

i\!:; ON: J !.'"\l:";SU tcm~-ij~
P,\!P!.i\qON i ME 10 v NUiES,
" lUS 3 -!OU,\S SP"iD 'II:; i.VE WUXI-STY LE
COO(l'II:; i M! i -!OU~S IS \1 NU"'ES

• I LS SO! ~cc:;." 0,\( 5p:\n, 55, iso coostd citylocated jun outsideo: Y'.Clng"'.Oi
CUT i'\l~O ~•~· NCHiO·CM ~f'll:j.THS o"'.drenownedforits -kh, cutu-o history.Thiss·gna:,-,
• 2 lE'S"OONS s:u d:Shis oneof my favorites:tendero.ncljuicyspo·e'l~,
• I sr:.~ .!"II S! coot eel\,-:'tno dekious, glossysouce,will~e your91-ests
• I f:!.S"OON ,\!O y::sr i\ ::: o~ piningfor mote .
• \0!·10:;.~'ll:;E~ ·:sou · \•l'll::-1· - ~inseme ribsand pat drp,-'th po:,ertaNels.Tro"\Sfe· tne
2•CV•L!NCH - "ECE ,, Sl C!J rJOStoo DO\t.~o,cl fU'j'1,'°thtt"<:salt, cover•1,-'th
• i SE Jl"IG sc:.L 0'11) o, ~ sc:.~lO'IIS wro:i{ct.-..gfi!m}and sto"'.Ofor8 "".O,.JS or overnig""t.
:s~~ '\I:"; 0"1 O'IISL ::ut 'IITO - ~inseme spare-Osuno-ercoo rl.f'V'kngwa:e·. CoToine
l'~· NCH 4<"1.!'11:';i-lS me spo·erJOS and enoughwote-·to coverthem comp-e:e-Y
• ·~ TE:s~oo'II :";'\OU'IIO: ~'11!.JolQ'II in o orge souceoon,bri""-9 too boilover:ligh"'eat, and
• •,CUP !. F ~ OZiliO Wl) S·P.OX N:"; bo.ncht~-n :o·cbo.rt 2 m·.,_ies.S~-n me :.oth and
w N! scum o!! tt"':s-..rfoce,i: ne-:oeo.0-ain ond rinse under
• I r:aus=oo~ OH( SOY).'UCE co.clrunning•1,at er.
• I OV!.J G i\O:K SUG''\ - ~...t t~ sto·on:Se and ·eelyeast rice .ntoo s:,ice :,cg. .ine
• stE:1o1:o
"1;1:: =::;E S.dC TO SE~\'E me bottom of o s-noll :>.itchoven (cossero e} \\"th tl":
g·~e· slicesand 3e'ji""-9 sCOliions. Adome sporerbs,spice
bog,g.roundc·~mon, wine,and enougnwoter to CO'o'er
me ing;ed)rts compe:-e'y.B<'-..g too bo overnighneot
o"'.dcookfor S minuie-s.Add t-..eroysc:-,..ce
reduceto lowheat, and s'.mmer,co-.•e·ed, 'O( about 2 nours

or urdthe sauce thic<ens.-urn off tne heotond discord

me spicebog.
- -ro.nsfer the spo·er"~ g·~-, o"'.dBe'jingsco ons to
o ~-ving plote ono tOP\\"t:'ltnesauce fromt~ oot.

m~~ ;1 ~ •u~ ON: -ION~ (0'11~
"'i\!"'!i\!"ION. M! IC v "llJES,
SPARER IBS IN A PLUS }:J ._. NUHS \1 !1\ N.!f 'II~ T "1E
:::OO<l'II~ i.VE }S \1 NU"fi

- Combinethe spore1ibsand soyso.xe 'no large 'X/h o"'.d • ll OZl!OO G ?0'\( S"'!.'l;f"' SS,
J'I the refrigeratorfo· 30 minu:es.1.igntfy
mor'"'.Ote a.recige CUT l'ITO 2· NCH.'S·CM "ECES
v."t"ltil: co·nsto-ch (corn-ioo-) . • I J::!.5" 00"1 l :;nr SOYs.,u::E
- ;em me oil .nov.-ok.ororge sUet f-ying po,} over • I J::!..5" 00~ ::C '\ 'IS f:'\:: -
mediumneat, ado me spare..,Os, oncl :,on-fry:or :co=-
>.! TW'lvt es u-nf•goldeno!O'..,-.,. Wmow the spo.reios • :Sf!5L!S"OONS VEG!J:3 lE OI~
and set os·de. • i COVES o:. 'LC, CHO'"'"D
- j te--ectthe oven to 3750-:nQOOC/Gos Mork5. • : 5-;:.~L07'S. C-IO"'?EO
- ~eneot tf"'E'
oi i;'ltri: V.'O! ove1.r.ecltrn -nigh neat ,odo tne • •~i!S.ESPOO'I (!~C - UP
go~ and s-r.o!lots,ono s-tJ-fry !or 1minute u-rtil fragrant. • •, i!EdSPOO'I Cl."'\Y "O WJEi\
Adelthe s:iorefbs, <etchU?,currypov,.'Cler, sugar,and salt • j t:: .'S" OO'IISG°'!.'IIUPiEO suo.,~
and pour in 'f.cup (4floz/120m l}wat er.Briogtoo Xii • It:: :..5" 00~ $!..Li
ever nighneat, reduceto mediumneat, ono simmerfor • i J!.3 lfS " 00NS au·r:=- M! ~tEO
about 12T.:Ovtes. • SiE!.~EO '!;,CE :-:.:;f 5.dtt: TO s:~v:
• -ronsfer the mixtwe too roos:ingOO"I. Btusnthe spcre..,Os
v."t:1tne melted Dutteroocl roost forabout 12minutes.
Trans/ertoo serv'-r.g:.ate and set\'ev."t"l rice.

~~ "F-~filf '\E~ 0'11:HO~G !CONG

"\f":.'t_!.J 0'11 JIVE: I~ Iii 'IIUTES,
COO( NG T WE: 8-1~ 1'/1'\IUE S

• ~inseme p·eservedca~ge in cold,.-.cter, squeeze • } i!3lE S"'00'11S T !.'\IJl'll ""'!SE'l;\' ! O

ovt eny excesswater, o.r,c:Icoorse!ycho:i ::necobbo~.;::
- .n a lor~ oowl.conlne me ~e-f , soysc:-xe,suga·, and • 9 OZ:250 G G~OUNJ :M1'1::: o: 3EF
£ tab espoo"'Swote1 onc:I marinate:~ ISminuies.Add • 1 lE!.S"OO'II ~ ~ - i SOYS:..UCE
tr>':orese-...•s-ocobboqe ano co•nstorch{car-.flour)and if!.S"OON G"l 'IIUlrEO SVG' 'I;
sti· \\'e . P"ck.up the :,ee:w'th onehand and s o o it • r, PS.ES"OO'IIS COR'ISJ:.'!;C-
reoeoted'y a9a.:nstthe oow o:o-..i S ~ es; thS will :co ~•F~OIJR1
co:..-se the ootty to :iecomestickyand elastic. • 2 i!S .ESPOO'IS O'lMf'L C\US -iEJ
- S-:ir'ntn e oo:meol and ot. T•onsfe·me mixtureto a • i i!S .ES "OO 'IS vE::;::r:.s L:: 0 l
heotptoof olo:e and~ yourf".ngersto gentlyp·ess to • 1 i!S .ESPOO'I CHC'""E:l S:: :..L O'IIS
form o ~-:nch/ potty. Placeme potty·n o :s "\ 1'11:;ON O'IS)
co oosiblepot or bomboosteamer over o po: of ooiling • S~f!.NE:l "CE ( "!.G! S!.O, TO SEll't'E
water. Stec Tl, covered, for~10 minu:esurd cool:eo
through. (:lierce the :iottyw'th o fork.orspooo
end se:,oro:e tri: meot if h's fulfyCOO!ed.)
- Sprindewi-':hthe chop:,edsea 'J:ons(springon·o":S}
encl se-vewitn r"ce.
i\!:; ON: :;u.!..NCDONG iii:t 5Zm---
P:\!P!:\qoN i WE: iO M 'llu·n
" lUS so,.. 'IIUT:S so.:.('II:;. !'10 BARBECU E
l HOU.'\ w :.~ l'll!i ~G i WE
C00<1'11:;.. ~E 25 W 'IIUT:S PORK
~ .,_,:;f ns

• I :t.d·OZ "JC·G SKl'IIL!SSPO\( - CoT:fr1eme por',::,rolt, and 2cu-os(l6fl oz/t."/5:nl) v.-o:e·

S-iOU.OF :u1 '1110\· ~c - r
1 in a orge 'X>'h end sock.for 30 minutes. iinse under cod
2•CV•'IIIJ,:' ST" "'S runningwate·,d·dn, and ocn d-ywitnpoper towe.s.
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 )!.i - CoT':J·neo tN' mor·"'.Odeingrffl~tsJ'lo bowl.adotil:
• su.:.1o1:o :;;,:: ...,:;E S.dC ·o SP:\'E po·,::,cover,one mo:Me for1nour,tur-..:ng2- 3 times.
0-.scordtne mor'~e.
=01t ·n: ,.. -=-1t"1-=-o: - P·eheo;:the ovnto 375.::11'90°<:/Gas S.Urieo
• 0 .!5 .ESPOO'IIS :;:\!'IU • .:.fD su~:\ roo:stingpo"lwitho Sil:e: o: oluminu--n :o one piece
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS S- :ox NG 'N 'II! o wiremes"lonto';J,Trans:ert-r.eoork.onthe wi-emesn
• i f:5L!S"00NS : -;O"'PEOG!.Ft~,: o"ldroost for 15miMes U'"'til s.&gh-'-Jy
• I S-i!L~Oi. Cno:o:on - Heat tN' noneyedsauce i-r.gredie~ts in o smallroucepon
• i f:5L!S"00NS -iOIS "I s.:..u:E overlowheat one stir :o. 1-2m·~.ies to dissolve.3rush
• I i-=-5L!S"'00~:;. '11:;E~JU :E me po-'<wi:hthe gaze. Switchthe cookingrr@thod
• I i:!S"OON f VE·S" CE "OWJE:\ to b"o1{grill),oreheot to medium,ond b"ci me por<for
• •, fE:)"'00'11 Sr"P.J !'I:; "OWJ!\ 3-5 TW'lut es.Tv-nthe po·,::O'ler, :nisn•..,"thono:herCOO'! o:
• ·~ H-=-S"'OO'II~ :; - r SOYsw:E g oze, o"ldIYoi:<Y o"lOther>-Sminutes.untilcaramelized.
Tro"'Sfe·tne porktoo plote and brushon the ·emoining
=01t ·n: G~.'!E: g oze. Se-vewith rice.
• :S·.:.s .!S"'OONS \1!LJOS!
• s ·.:.s ~:s"'OONS :;vNU.!f!J su:;! :,
• I i-=-5lES"'00~ M ., N
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NGX, ~~ tt1!
P,\!P!i\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES
COO(l'II~ • M!: I -IOU,\ 15 M '\lu·n PO RK BELLY W ITH
S!\VES: 4

• I (ll·OZ>l:JC·~: ao~HESS. $(1'11·0'11 - j.oce the x,rk belly.Hin facingdown,on o cutting board.
"0'1;( 5E~LY ,. 'IISEO Trimti!: meat to on s,venthb:ness ono scrape the sk:.'1
• 11OZ.-300 G : ,i\o·~ ";OOT."!LE O uo.n, then ·il>P-tf"':,ooJ<V"'.de·cod -.....nning v.'Ot!?r.
!'110 -j!~\'f) - ~it~ oar< bellyin o orge souceoonand odd e"o..9h
• 2 T:5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.S~E O l wo:e· tow.•e,· it completely.3ri"g i:oo boilover :-.igh
, ·1~oz:5 G G "IG!'\ !SOUT ·~- NCH,• :.ancn :o. 5 TW'lvt
hea;:a.."'.d es. )ro·'1 one ri--seunder coid
l·CW·L!NGT-1 "ECE J, Sl ::::J running'"'ote· un:ilcooed.Cut me po!<'.,to Ji-incn1
• I f:5lES"'00~ 5P'II "£SH I-cm-thickslices.Set aside.
• •~TE.!5"00'11 S.'li - Mo :.esh water to the :ot and oringtoo ooiloverh'gn
• I f:!S"'OON Gi\H,1Ul'7E:l suo:'\ hea;:.Adoti!: orra....rooto.nclolonchfor 1.nn.rte. )ro·.l
• I f£5L!S"'00"1 )-1!.QXl'II~ W ~E o,cl set csic:le.
• I TPS"OON :::O,\•gJ£'\C - - ;e<ntne D.itchoven{casserole) ever medium-hig'l
::::oR'll=LOUR) hea;:,odd the gilger o.ndstir-fryfo· 1TW'IAe ...ntiJfragrant.
• SJE:1,1:0 "1;1::::"'!:;E S.dC).10 Sf";\'f Add tf"':bEonooste. sa}t,sugar,o"'.dpo·(. Stir,t-r.enodd
m e wineo,cl enoug:1•,,.ot er to covertt"<:oork.8:ingto
o boilover :-.igh"'eC't,red..ce to CJN heat, o,cl sim-rer,
covered,for ooovt ~s.TW'lvt es.Ado::neor·a....roots,cover,
o,cl cookforano:ne· 5 minutes.Uncover,returntoo be,:!
overhig:1he<r,., i:hensim-rer for ISminuiesuntilthe sauce
ho:sreducedto about15cup (4 Aoz/120ml}.
- Mixthe corns:arcn (corn~•) wi-,.n 1to':. =1:ioonwo:e·
in o s-noll'X/h oncistir mis mixtwe in:othe )vtch oven.
Bringtoo :oi, s:irring,:or 30 :P-condstoth'ck.ent-r.esooce.
Se-veintf"': )u:c"1ovenwitnr'ce.

t~ •u:; ON: -IO'I:; (Q'II:;
=F{!=.,F{!. ,QN i ME 5 'fl 'IIUiES.
CHIN ESE BEEF " lUS J:J v "iUiES 50!( NG i ME
:::OO(l'\I:; i.VE 5 Ml'\IUiES

- Putthe be'='f.ntoo oowl,.m in2 to:.espoo:"S\\'Oter,and • I.!. OZ,.!.JO G O!F E'l:l!'!.~O "i. CUT
-:oveto sock to· 10.nn.rtes. Ado::neco·nsto·ch {cor.,fb..r) 1'1• 0 •~· 'II::- l•CY•T-i C( S.ICES
and se: osiae. • I r:::.s=-oo-.. :::CR'ISJ:'!.:: -
- ~t 2 to:,,espoo:" \\'O( or c:ge Hillet (frying:,on) :::o:\'l ' LOU'!.)
ove1T.edium hem, cdd the Ot'~n. end st··.fry for2 m·.,utes • l f.!OL:s=-ooNS Vf( ):f!3 lE 0I~
4..nti:ttonsluce.,t. Removethe o.,·on the' ...'O!. • I ON 0'1. •n "ILY SL CE:l
- Toma(e the sauce, combineolt he ingred;irts ·o o Dovd • I r:::..s=-oo~ OP::( '"t~=-::=t:::O'!.NS.
ondmwe. :::'!.US-i!J
- Stir t ~ te'TlClining1toblesooon oil iflto tN' ~: mixture, • SJE! l,1f0 '!;,CE :"!~f s.:.c:TO s: ~v:
then odd tott°":"wok. Stit-ftyover nighneat fo· 1-2m·.,,..rtes
ontil about 60 oe-·centdo'ce.Aodthe sauce ono Stt-fryfor • o=t · - : s.:.u:::t
1 ~lit e untitn e sauce thickens.=ww- ...the on·ontotki • I f!3Us=-oo'II l ~ - i SOY s.:.u::::
wo<,odd the crushed oloo: oe:.oer, and toss ::noroug"'\'. • I f!3lfs=-ooN WO'!.CESE'!.SH'l;E
T·onsfertoo servingpate o.r,c:Iserve,.-."ihrice. s: .u:::E
, 1r:aus=-oo~ <ncnu =-
• 1r:::.s=-oo-.. :~: 'le -; vus ·:.1':i
• I r:::.s=-oo-.. ~il;!'IU.!fD SU~!'{
• \ ·f.!..S?OO'I St 1-·

ll,i ~ ~ Of-
~ .'!.!G 0'1: S-i UNDE
P~!PH!i 0'1 T WE: iO Ml'IUTES.

- R:nsett"<:bee-fshin,pct dry witnpcoer ta...-els,and rollu-o in • 1 l9·0Z 'lSO·G. OE!' S-i l'I. ! 'IIY
:.osfc wrap {c ~Im). =-utin tee fr~w for1 nour,or U-"'t WE\13'!.! 'llf HIYYEO or •
wry f".rm~i not ho·d. U.i :ntoveryth:n slices. CUP ~ OZ/10 G:1:l't,EO Ot!CK
SOC( the :.oo: fungus'no smell OO'YI:ot coo
- t-',eorr,.·ni~e, FU'll~US
water for 20 mirutes, or un:ilso¾ened.=wmovethe fi..ngus. • 1 0 '1;EJ ·t .NG!'!. N! =-fELS
o_scorome stems,and tear the cops in -..olf.Soa.(the af eo • I f!OL:s=-ooN G 'IIGE'!.JU CE
ton~(~~ incoldv.'Oterfor 10minu:-esto soft-en.OrOJI • ·~Peus~oo'i ,, ·1,'it
~ 1

and cut into very thin str"~. Set :oth aside. • ·, r:::.s=-oo-.. s:.u
- Co-r:oine,;heslicedbeef,, wine,o"'.Osalt ·o o • .:.JUJUOE:l.'iES. p rn
'Xlh men st:r i;\tr'I=driedtangerine :,ee l, juj4..oedates, ! 'IID :: -;o =-=-rn
and corns::orch {co·nflour). ~ix ·n 2teospoons o . • I •psP OO'ISCCR'ISJ:'!.:: -
- Mo:the b oc<'i.rngus wi:h 1teospoo'.loiland s:.reacleventy :cO ~'IIF..Ol,lt
one neatJJ"oof:.ate. ~ce t"\e s ced =-~fevenlyo'.'er the • 1 ·:.o L:s =-ooNS VEG!i!S .E 0I~
:.oc..<fungus, mokilgsure eochs ce lies"lat. Pieceino • ; s::.,l~IONS ,:s=-'1;;'11~0'1 0'IIS)
collops:.-e po: or oom:oo s:!:Gl'ne' r overo oot of bo'trig c - o =-=-tJ
water. StE'!Om, ca.-e·ed,:o. 5 .nn.rtes. Sp·eoo::nescot-ons • :- OZ,'20 G G NG!'!. :~sour
(spr""".9 end ginge· evenlyaw me b,e.e,fo,cl
Oc""°·ons) I· NCH,TS•:::\1•L!'IIYH PE:::!),
1tablespoon neoted oilO'.ltoo.Se.rvewi:h 'Xe. S-ii\! OOEJ
• SJ:!MfJ :\ :::: :: !GE s.:.o). re SE'tvf

i\!G ON: 5;:::-1u:.'1 i\i/9'."F-~
P,'t!P!il;qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES.
=LuS 15 W 'IIUES \1.!11;~q N~ T WE
COO(l'll:l. M!: 15 W 'IIUTES

• I .a:sco :j OE!' TENJE'l.01'11 - Cutthe :,e,e: in:o2•; x lr,.inch/6 • 4•cm strips.coout

• •~TE.!5"00'11 S.'li 'h icehn mm'le ti!: st'ios with me sol-.,
• I J:5L!POO ... :l '113E\JU :::E g·~e· ,-.Xe, and,..,·~ ino OO'NI and mor'"'.Ote for
• I i£5L!s=oo~ 5-1!,QXl'll:l w ~E lSminuies.
• '.'·8 011;,!J · .!NG!'t N! "!E LS - t-'eorr,.·il(e,soc<the cn>a tangerine :,eelin cold,,.ater
• 2 Cl."5 (IC ;L OZ ·475 M~J :o. 10TW'lvt es to soften,then dro·...,.Scrapeto -emove
VE3Ei!5.t O. O"'ftf:,;'lcnopthe:,eel.
• 15 :l" ED ::::-1,~ES,- :tvEO - Heat tr>':vegetob e oilin o '-''OJ::or deep soocepo~over
, 1 r:aL:s=oo.,. s ::: - u:.,. medi1.rnhem to 30<f=1tso~.o· un:ilo o..oeo: oreod
=e:=::.::::ORNS Ira"'~ in h minuies.Grtly lowerthe beef ·~to the oa,
• S S~ICESG NG!'t in botcl-es,and dee:,.fry for1 minute, or urd fi·m. Use
• I :::u= :a ' L OZ:'25:J .... C-1 C(E', o s.otted spoonto corefu'fyte'T'O\'ethe beef fromthe c;t.
aito·n :sro:::i::. :,:..o: n - Re~t the o overmedium•hig'lhem to 350°F/l8QCC, or
• 1 lE'S"OONS o,: ...uPTEO suo:.11; untilo cu~ o: breod orowns·'l 30 seconds.~etv-nthe beef
• I f:!S"OON S!S!Vf 01. tothewo< cgoinand dee:,.fry for1-2 minvtesonti crisoy .
• sTE:1o1:o "1;1:::: :>!3E 5.dC TO SE'WE Cc:enAy·ema,•etne beef o"'.dd-ifo on popertaNels.
- Por OU'! most cJthe o1.,eovingabou;:1to:,espoo'l in tN'
woL.6dc:I the chiles,Sicnuonpeppercorns,and to".gerine
pee o".ds::ir•fryovermedium,-,eat unti :·03ro""'.Adcitne
beef,ginger,o.nclchickeno•oth(s:oo:) O"O b--i09 too bo.
Soute un:i the sauce is -educeo.
- St. int~ sugar and sesame oa,then tro"\Sfe·too serving
pate. Set aside to cool.Ser\'ewith rice.

i\!G.ON: 3u.:..NGJONG it ;II!"F-~

P,'t!P!.,\!·,oN T WE: 5 W''IIUi:S.
COO(l'll:l. '1!_ 5 Wl'IUTES
S!i\V!S: 1·.d SAUC E

• 11QZ,,300 G 5!f< =t! ...( STE!(, CUT - Combinethe Cee:w't'l2 to:,espoo-rswot!:'rin o oowl
•no .H N 2-. ... "iCH,:}-. 2-cr,, >.1Cf5 o"'.dsoc<:o. Klminu:es.Mbcin 1t-ec:::,oon cornstarc.n
• 2 lE'S"OONSCO\ ...Si!~:::-1 (cornflour}.Stir .n1tab espoonvege:coleoil.
::::O,=t'l=LOU,'t) - ;e<ntne remoi"'1"92 tcoles::,oons\'egeto:,e oil·oowok.
• l ·!a .:s=ooNS VE~!f:5L! 01. or lorgeS<iHet (fry'~ :io.n)eve· me,d'ium-h·gn hem, oao
• ·I~oz:5 o G .,.G!'I :.sour·~· NCH.• me g·¥·• o"'.ds::r.fryfor 1 minuteuntilf•ogront .ncreose
l·CW·L!NGT-1 "ECE J, Sl ::::J to h·gn -r.eot.
odd tee oee:,ono sfu.fryfor 30 seco"'.G:S.Add
, 1 J:SL!S"OONS ovs~E=ts:..ucE me oystersauce ona 2 to:,espoo:"\S wot!:'r,stir,ond :,:ing
• •~TE£5"00'11 5E5.!WEO ~ too boil.
• sTE:1o1:o "1;1:::: :>!3E 5.dC TO SE'WE - Mixthe ·ema.i'ling1t-eos::,oon corns:arcn,..."th1tablesooon
wa:e· o-r.ost:r this Tlixtu·e ·ntott"":w0< to thi((,e'lme
sauce.St··.fry for 30 seconos,tne'l dmle in tt"<:sesoT.e
oil.Transfertoo se.rv'~ pate o.ndservew'th rice.

'1!3 ON:-!!((!
"'!\!"'! I\! · I0N . M! 15 W 'IIUTES
BEEF A ND PO RK M EATBALL S :::OO(l'\13. \1! 1~ v "iUi!S
S!'WES: !.

- lfl o large 00\'r,'I.

me ~e-f , g.round{mine.eel
) oork.. • 5 OZ· IS~ 3 ~UV"' 0 ~ c-iu:::< SH!(,
po·i::fotooo::.toXlco flour,>iteospoon sugo·, end = ~E~Y CH0'"' 0 EJ
~ toblesooonSctfsauce one mixwell.Usingyou·ho-rm, • S OZI IS~ 3 G\OUNJ !W '11:::!J) ,.O~<
:o·m the mbrtu·e into 16ools. • ~ OZ/iO 3 ,.o;;< =q5:::: <. f N!lY
- :iringo SO\..cepanof '"oterwth the so.t and 'f, tablespoon :::-10==::o
oi too ooil c,.•e· h'gn hem.Ado tne spinach and olonch for , 1 r:sus=ooN ·:p,oc: ~~ou,
e. )rain and tra:ufer too se-vingplate. Kee:iwor'.'n. • I f!!S"'OO"I 31\!'IU.:fD su~:\
- ;em m e remo·~ 2 toblespoonsoi in o WO< o:-large • I T!3lES"'00'11 l ~ - T SOY s.:u:::!
skii.P-te:-yingpan) over lov,.•hem, odd the Tectbo..:s, o".d • •~lE!S"'OO'II s:n
cookfor ~ m·"'.ies u-rtilOl'O'N"..eo. Spri"'de ::newine o ong • a :::u=s :i 1..3i ovs~~ 3: p:cir:EO
the insideof the'"'O!, ado tne remain·~ ii oooles:::,oon soy 5:3y S"' N!C -
sauce and ~teospooo sugo•,ono fry O'.'ermedi\sm-'ligh • 1' f!5L!S,.00NS \'EG!f:UE OL
heat for2 minutes un:ilthe meotbo..s ore cookedthrougn. • I T!3lES"'00~ 't CE W ~E
- Mix the corns:orc.n(corn-ioo-)wi:h ii tablespoon,...mer in • ·~ u:s=oo'II CO\NST!'l:C-1
o small 00\\'I a.."'.d
s:ir this mixture i-rtotri: V.'O!. B<'-r.g
too ::::OR'll=LOUit)
bo.i.,s:irring, ~ 30seconds tot·•ckE-nthe sauce. Tro"'Sfe· • SiE!\1EO 't CE =:~f SdC: TO S! "'\'!
the meo:bol.stot"\e servingolo:-eand se-ve imrr@crately
wi-.n rice.

~ ~ tfc!"F-
!lJ! 'tE3 ON: 3U.!N(DONG
"'R!"'.!i\:·I0N. M! IC v "llJTES
BEIEF SHIN W ITH G IN GER :::OO(l'\13 i.VE !.5 Ml'\lu ·t s
S!'WES: !.

- lfl o largesaucepan,.oddt-reoe,e: sninand e-r.oughwcte· • 9 OZ 'i5~ 3 S!E= SH~

to cover 't com:.etely. Bringtoo xri overhig'1hem o-r.o • 2 J:3lES"'00NS V!3E .!5 .E O L
banch to· 5 .nn.ites. Drainand rinse unaer coo • ~ OZ/iO 3 3 '113E\ !.50Ui H'IIC-1,
u"til cooled.Cut tne beef into i'.-incn/1-cm-mic..<s!ic~. 2.S·CW·~E'll3T-I "'ECE S.ICEO
- ;em me vegetable oi in o D.rtc.n a.-en{casserole) ever • !. S:::.!L._IO"IS :sF'i\ NG O'IIIO"IS:

medtrT'- "03h ri:ot. odd tri: gingerand half tne sea --ons :::uT N-o i-:"IC - 1S·:::1o11..E'113
-H S
on o":S},ono sti.--fryfor1 minuteuntilfrogro~ t. k.d
• 2 r:el!S"'OONS OYSTf
"', >I-UCf
the bee-fonc:Ienougnwot er to cove· e-veryt~ compe:e'y. • I i!!S"'OO"I 31\!'IU.:fD su~:\
Sting too boil a.-e·hig'l he-a:,then ·educe to aNheot. and • I i!!S,.00~ :::C=t'IISf:\::: -,CO\-e·ed, for 30 .T'W'lvt
es.or V"'ti tN' ~: is tender ::::oR'll =LOU't)
enoug'1to p·erceth·a,_.ghwitho cc0~tiLJ:.Addmorn.oter • I i!!S"'OO"I S!S!Vf 0I~
to <ee:.the beef covered,if necessary. . s:.r TO i!STE
• S:ir'ntn e oys-:e·sauce-,sugo·,and tne remoin·"".9 • SiE!\1EO 't CE =:~f SdC: TO S! "'\'! smo bowl,mixtt"<:comsto·ch (cornflour)
wi-.n1to:.espoon wa:e· o-r.ostir this .nixtu' e ·ntothe );.rtch
. Slingtoo xra,s::Irring,for 30secondsto thickenthe
sauce. 0--izzle'ntn e sesoTe oil.seosonVl.~:'l salt to taste,
o"'.dserveffn::ne D.rtc.n
ove'.lwith rice.

fl't '''
i\!G ON: S;:::-1u:.'1 Ji<ffg"f-~
P:\!P!:\qoN T WE: iO M 'llu·n
S!'WES: !.
E'.:!i,..l..O!dCI BROTH

• 11oz,300 0 O!F H'll:l!,. ~O N - .ightly dredgethe :,eefslices in comsto-ch (W'nflour).

' .ll ET). ::u· NTO I • I· 'IIC- tJs·-..go UC",'eror meat mo e: , xiund bo:n sidesof me
!. ~ 2.5·CW S. CES beef. :lloce·no OO'NI and odd 1toblesooonvegeto:.-: oil.
• I f!O L!S,.00~ :::C:\'IISJ:,c - men mix,.,.el .
(CO=!.N'.O U=!.
J - 3ring3 cups (25'I ozfiSOml) water too medium
:s=ooNs vE3!f!5L! or~
, s ·!0 1.. souce:,on,A/Jdthe bec'.lspro.rtso.r,c:I:.oncn :o. 30seconds,
• I CU,.S :s
OZilSO 3 , :::. .N S", OUTS or urd ha.f cooked.Use o s otted SXIOS'lto nons:er t~
• iSJ!.(SCHN!S!:::-lvH.Clll NTO sprouts too lo-ge :)0\t. ~ . 3,ing tt"<:,.,.oter toonott"<:·boil.
n·1"IC - •c·:::1o11..E'll3·ns cod the cnivesa.."'.dee.i::. and blo~h for2 m·"'.ies u"'tiljus:
• I ~EE<. CUT 'll;O 2'?· "IC- -ip oo:h the chiveso.nd -:ek.ondtN' coo<ingwater
~•CV LENUT- S .l..'IJ E.!:::- S!C,O~ into the 'X/h wth the sxoots.
~l.!,Jf=!.E;J L!N3.H 'l1,SE - ;e<ntne remoi"'1"94 toole::ooonsveg,::obe ci in 0\\'01'
• !.C LOVES ~!\LC, S.ICEO or d~:1 souce:,onto27so-=11t1YC. or V"tilo cube of :.-eoo
• I J:!S,.OON G:\!TEO 3 '113f:> goden ·<l2minu:-es.Gen:ly O-''€' in the :,ee: in
• i OZ ·50 0 .Ji\ D :>!JC - l ES. f0:>'11 bet ens--~usingchoosticksto disoerset ~ oieces ro:.idly
NH.'L ' to irevem s:ic..<ing, and dee:1-fry for 1minute until no!:
• 0 :\!O :::-1._fS. -!! .V!O l E"IOT- 'NISE COO(ed. Use o s otted spoon to tro--sferthe beeftot~
• 2 ·p sPOONS s ,:::-iu:.'11 sprouts and eek.m~r e.
"!""Hco, ...s. :::C!\S! .Y C:\US- EO - ~eneat t"\e oit o 30Cr=/1SO:C, or unti o cu-:ieof :.reod
• i J!5 L!S"00"1S " X !'II C-1,l 5!!'11 Ira"'~ in U$minuts--~ ocd the go.rte,ginger, d-iecland
"!SJ: , C-IOPPEO :.esh ch -es,and oeoperco·ns, o"'.dcook :o. 1minute until
• I f!O L!S,.00~ , ,: : ''II' NE :·ogrant. S':ir·o m e ~n ooste and sprink.,ein the wi'ce.
• I if!S,.OON S!.f - ADllthe beefand s:.:outs mixtureo".dcookinglq-<Jicl ,.,to
• I J:!S,.OON G:\!'I UL.,·o SUG!, me wok.ado me sol-.,sugar, o.ndsesame oil,O"'.Glthen s:i
• i J!5 L!S"00"1S SES.'MEO L o"'.dcook for 1minute.Tro"'Sfe·too serv'-r.g:IO'W,. sp--il'lkle
• •~J!S.ES,.:)0'11 O=!.OU'll:lS,:-!U.l..'I witn ~ound Sichuo~ ~pperco:ns, the cilantro (corio".der),
"!""HCO=!. "IS o"'.dcniles, i: using, ano se-vewith rice.
• SL CEJ i\!O :::-1~E !'110 C l.'"IT\0
(CO=!.!.NJ!:\ ) l !! \' !S , TO 0!:\'11 S- NOTE:
(O'"l Q'\I!_ Thispo:,ulordisn is fieryone!soic~}ust the ..,..m~1
• SJE!'-1!0 "1;1:::: =!3E SdC , 10 SE'WE o:dried ch es to suh ya,.,rto:ste.

, ..
.... •
r\ 0
0 t


eur IN CH .I YI.Chi
i\!G ON: 5E Jl'II~ ~1£ 4 ~
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES
S!'WES: 4

• 9 OZiiSC:; 5EU iE'IIO!~.O N, - Combinethe Cee:,wh"lepep:,er, gi"q€·, Beijingseal on,

:ur ~TO SF =s !,NJ CHO'"'"EJ garlic,so19., and •1,.rl
e in o large DO\•:I.
then mix 'n tne
• \ 7f!SPO:J'II G~OUNJ W-1 TE =,:=>=n, cornstarch (cor-.fa...r)o"'.degg wnite. 51enc:I ~too :,oste.
, ',\Q!:5 G G "IG!'\ !SQlJT •~· NCH,' - ;ea;: 1t'?Ospoonoil·" o s.(illet{fryingoon} over aN neat,
l· CM· ~E'IIGi-1 = E:E. :-10==:o ood -r.c.fthe :,eaten eggs, Wt the HiHetto spreodthe egg
• I 3E Jl'IIG SC!lUQ"I ::,:- ~ SC.!l~IONS over tr>':DOttom , ona :-yforooout 1-2mil"'i,..iesun:ilyoo
(SP:\ NG 0'110NS : C-IOPPEO hove o t"W'Isheetof cool:...=o egg. G,e-.tlytronsferthe egg
• j :.OVES Q,!:\. IC, cn:=>=o sheet. w'thOU'i~ea(ing it, too cutting board.
• ·~ TE!s=oo'II s.,n - ADd1teospoonoil tot-r.e s<illand ,-,eat over aNheat.
• I f:5 L:s=-oo'f 11;
1: : '"'' NE men oad the remaring eggsone repea;:me processto
• 4 "!6 .ESPOO'IIS :OR'IISJ:'\C-< ma.(e a second egg s~t lwn off me hem os roo.'1 os
(CO'\N ' .OU'\.i me secono eggs~t is :ormedo,cl set aside.
• i E~GS, 5! !if'II " lU S I l~G \\-1 "E - Meom,-:hil e, s~eo:I the :ieefooste eve"'~on the egg sneet
• I :u = :a ' l OZiiS~ VL) PLUS on tf"':cutting oooro,coveringtf"': e"'ti·eru-foce. LITT me
i 7f!VOONS \IEG!J!3lf OI~ secono E-39 s~et fro,-,me sW: o"'.dpoce it over the beef
paste to cover.Pressgen:lyro tncn me ~ef paste s:icksto
both eggsheets to creo:,ea sondv,.'ltt\.
- O.i into ln--~h/4 -cm sa-.xires.
- ;e<nme remoi"'1"91CU? {8 t oz/250ml) oi in a v.o<
or largeHille'!over T @dA-m "'eOtto 275°F/lt0°C, or U"'ti
o cu:,e of ~eod tr..rns goden·" 2 minutes.Gentlylowe·
me sond,/ch ,piecesin~othe oi one!dee:,-fryfor oooU<
5 minut-esontil golaen bf'O'"'"'· Useo s.otted spoon i:o
carefullyremovethe sona ...·ches :"Omt-r.eoa,drainon
~oe· ta...els,and se-ve.

11;::;,oN: !
TW "i=-
~ =:'{!=.!:'{!" ,ON . M! IC v "iUiES
::OO(l'II:; i VE }5 y; NU"fi

- j....rttr,..,steak in:o o large sa ..cepon o,cl cad enoug:'l • i ;ns 450·~ '!.UM= Sf! !.(
\\'Oterto cover it comolete!y.3ringtoo ooila.•erh·gn heat. • }·.! Ps.n=oo'\IS '"P 'IUiS
Reduceto lowheat ono simmerfor 30 m·"'.ies. USP- • I 1'!0 :: -1,~E, SEEJEO! ND ::ur •no
to reT'O\'ethe steo<f•o:-nme po'1o-r.oset oS:deto cool. Silt =s
Discordthe wa:e·. , ~ rus=oo'II s.,n
- -oo:stthe :,eonuts in o smol souce:,on over medi\smheo! r:::..s=ooN :;i\:.'IU.!ifJ su:;!\
for2-3 .n.nAes V"'ti goldenorown.--ansfer too mortar T!3lfs=oo'II ll:; - r SOY s.,u::::
end ~stle ooc:I coo"Selycrus·ti. Set aside. • i ·!a .::s =ooN c- l o.
- Combinethe chile,so19., sugar,soysooce,and ch • i S.:.'L~IO-. :s='!.i'\I:"; ON O'\I ,
smalloov.Ao"'.d:nixwe . Set aside. S-1\0J! O
- U.-tt~ steak in:o thin nc es, then tro"'Sferit too asge r:::..s=ooN :;ROUNDS C- U"-1
bowl.Addm e sco5on (springOt'~) o"'.CJ i:hecnilemixt1.r-e '"t==:= :O'!.NS
end mixwe I. T•onsfertoo servingpate onc:Isprink..ewith • i Sf!l( C .!'lli =O ::oi\ ! 'IIOF
tN' c,is-.e,d peonu:s,ground Skhuo.n:,ep:,e·corns,and ::O!\S!LYC-1:=PEJ
citantro (coriander). Serve,.-."ihrice . • Sf!!"lfJ R CE :P !.G! :40), TO SE'!.VE

:i ttt!"i=- =::o 0'11: - U'll!.N
=:i;::=:.::.r 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IIU"ES

- j....rt tr>':Dee-fhto o la:ge saucepan o,cl cad enougl wo:er • i 'i lS S'~·OZ, iSC•:;, S!F NE:<
tocO\'erh complet!?'y. 3r'~ too boi over~h ri:at and )"1!.L:: N'll ! VO'II Si IC)(
blo~h for 10mini.lies.0-oin and rinse undercola runVig • ~ PS~ES=oo'IIS R CE w N!
\\'Oter un-:ilcooled.Cutthe cee: in:o I½,i: ~ ,.- ii-inch/ • 1 SOL~IONS :S'"'!. NG O'\I O'IIS
£ ,c 2 l< I-cm oieces. KNOTHJ
- j.oce the oe-:f into o Dutchoven (coss.eroe). Ado ::ne • ~ ozno G G NG!ll !.,50UT \· "IC -
ci.'VIOmon, v.1'1e,sco ons {soringonions),ginger,s0.;t,oil. 2·C"1·l:NGi -l = E:E;. CRUSH!O
end£¼ cups (34 Aoz/1 li:-e·)\'l1oter. 3,ing too ooil.teox e • i "f!.SPO O'\I $!..T, PLUS !X"1''
to lov,.•heat, onclsimrr~·, cove1ed,for oXIUt2 "'OUl'S, r.x TQT!SfE
un::Ithe b-eefi.stender.~k OU'! o"'.dd:Scordtri: sco --ons, • i ·:. .5.ESPOONS VEG!i !3 lE or~
9inser, ono cinnomo", then s::Ir·" ::neCf"'v es O"'.O''-"l'te • ,-:.SP.KS ;:1 N:s: c - YfS ;:vr NiO 1

peoper.Seoson w'th extra salt totoste. SeNe'ntn e Outen ·:'ll: -1,'l•C"1 lE"IGi - S
even with rice. • ~ Tus=oo'II G'!.OU'\IJ 'Ii - TE =::P=l'!,
• Sf!!"IEJ R CE IP!..G! '.:40), TO SE'!.v'E
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ;'.?!\ ~ "fl¾~
P:\!P!:\qON T ML 10 y; NUTH
COO( l'll:j.. '1! 5 M1"11UiE5 SAUT tE D BEEF
S!'WES: 4

• 5 0!1 ISC 3 SEU H"IIO!~ ~O N. • Combinethe beef,corns:arcn (cornflou•),andii tc:.espoon

CUT i"\l·o l-1 Ct: 5F ~s oil·no OO'NI and mix....ell.
• I if!S"OON COR'gf:'tC - - ;ea;: me remoi":ng2 tooles::.oons oi in o ""0< or lorg,=
:cOR'll =LOU :\) sUet (:-yingpan) overmediumneat, ado me ging,=· ,
• 2 ·:s L:S=>OONSVE:;:r:su 01~ o,cl s:it-fryfor1minuteuntilftag-o"t.kd the beef oocl
, ·I~Q!:5 G G "IG!'t !SOUT •~· NCH,• cone.Addt-r.e
stJ . fryforano:nerl m·.,_-tejust un::I-r.QJ
l· CW·L!NGi-1 "ECE J, Sl C!J soysoxe, so.t. ord 2 tablesPOOns wcte·, men ross .rlthe
• I E!.S"OON L GW SOI' s.:ucE ,CoTIOand scallions(spdngontOns).Stir-fryforano:ne·
• ·~ TE.:s~oo'II s.,n 1-2 minu:es u.nt ti!: rcomo is tender.Transfertoo serving
• 11QZ,,300 G JC :y;: CUT NTO pate and servew'ih rice.
llf;· NCH 4<1,';• .0'I :; SF "'S
• i SC: l~ 0"115(S"'t "11:j.ON O'IS),
s·t 1o1s
O"l~Y, CUT l'\l·o l'V'II C-1,
• su:y;:o 'i; ,C: ...,:;E 5.dC ·o SP:\'E

i\!G .ON: SIC-IU!"II 'f ~'/§4 ~~

P:\!P!.:\:· ,oN T WE: 5 W1'11Ui:S
COO( l'll:j.. '1! 5 Ml"IIUiES STIR- FRI ED B EEF
S!'tVES: 4

• 11QZ,,300 G 5!F H'IIJ!~ ~o N. CUT • Combinethe bee: v.-'th1tcoles::,oonveg-=tobe oi

=oaow1":; r - E o~!.,. :'ll·o T-11'11 in o orge :,o·.,. .
S~ICES. • H!~ CUT l'IITO f ,: Si't "S - ;e<nme remoi"'1"91too es:.oonvege:able c;t inO\\'O(
• 2 f:5 L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ or largeS<illet(frying:on) eve· hig:'lhe<r,., ood the oe,e:,
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 " IX !"I C- 1d S!!"I o".ds:it-fryfor2-3 .rw'lvtes U"t c00<edthrough.Sfr in
=:s·t c-10.,~:o =:nec.nili::,ean po:ste,the.nodd the gi'lget,sugar, and saJt
• \O!•IO:j.:j.'11:;E=t ·:sou · \•l'll:::-1 o,cl s:ir ·opic:1
1yforano:ner mil"",,.ie. .(le in tr>':w.rle,
2•CV•L!NCH - "!CE ,, S- R!ODD men cod the soyso;xe and the sesame oi and toss.
• I f:!S"OON G:\!"IIU l '-0 suo:=t - -ro.nsfer too se-vingplate, sp--J"l(lewiththe Sic.nuon
• \ ·f!$f'O O'I s: ..1 pep:iercorns,and s.ervewi-,..nrice.
• I if!S"OON 't ,C! ''lo',:
• I r:sus=oo~ 0! "'1( SOI' S.'UCE
• •~}E:)~00'11 SES.!Wf O ~
, ·, u:s~oo'II s1c-1u:'II =:~~.:i\c o ~'lls
• su:y;:o :;;,:::: ...,:;E 5.dC ·o SE~\'E
~4 ~ •u:; ON: C· P.OZHOU
"' !\!"'! I\! " ION . M! IC v "llJTH,
BEEF IN SH A C HA " lUS J:J v "iUTES 1,1:.: N.'fl'\l:j. T WE
COO(l'\l:j. i.VE 5 Ml'IIUTES
SA UC E S!i\VES: 4

- Use o s,orp ,:nifeto cut the :ieefacrossthe groininto • 110Zl!OO G f_!'II( Sif!.K
s.,,ces, then~ in:o o bowl with the ~ eopplejuice. • 1 J:5L!S"00NSP 'llf! "" .E JlJIC!
Marina:efor 10m·...utes, then ·illse 1..nd er cold • 3 :::.O\'!S :; :..~llC ~ 'IILY CHO""'EJ
run"'"'.9wc:e·. • 2 E.'S"OO'IIS CO'tNS"!.,'t(-1
- Aodthe garlic one!l teo:soooncomsto·ch (cornflour), ::::OR'll=LOUit)
tf..:'1mixin 1tooles:::,oon \-eg=:oble oi. • :Sf!5L!S"'00NS VEG!J:3lE 01.
- :iring o SO\..cepanof ·,,.otertoo 00 over nigh heat.Adel • I CU" S :s
OZ '150 ~: S!!N S:-~OUTS
tr>':oeons ~outs and olonchfor 30 seconos.0-oin, rinse • 1 J::,tfS"OONS SH' c- : s:u:::!
undercold run-;.,-,g woter,ono transfertoo servingplate. • IT! :.s=oo-..S-l'!;EO:l!J G "IGEit
- ;ea;: me remo·vig 2 toble::ooonsvegeto:.-: oil·" owok • I J!!S"OO"I l :;nr SOY s.,u:::E
or orge skbt (fryingpo"l) ever medi.m --ect.odo me she • ·~ ff!.)"00'11 :;=t.'NU. !f! O su:; :.:
chosauce~ g·~er, soysa..c e, and s.:gor, and sf· .fry for • 1 sc:..LO'IIS (S"'t l'II:; ON 0'115),
1 minu:e un:il ftagro"'t. noec:seto ~h ~at and stir ·n :::urNTO I • '\IC-I ~-:::vlfNGT -IS
tN' oeef.Add} ::ooles::,oons wa:e·ono sfu-fryfor ooovt • I J!!S"OO"I S!S ! Vf 01.
1 minu:e un:il the beef :Sneorlycoo<eOtnroogh. • SJE ! \1EO 'I; CE =:~f 5dC: TO S! "\'!
- Mixthe ·e-noiningl teo:soooncorns:orcnv."tn 1teos:~n
v.'Oter in o smo bowland stir t-.:Smix:ure intothev.'O!.
Bringtoo boil.stirring,for 30secondsto thic.,:enthe sauce.
Stir·n the scallions(spdngontOns)o"lOsesame oil.toss.
end pourover the :,eo.n spco.rts.Ser\<e\\-'t'1rice.

ot~ "i=-s~ "!G 0'11: :;1.,:.'11:;00'II:;

"~!"H!f 0'11 i,VE: S \1 "IUTES


- j....rt tr>':t'i:pe in:o o lorg,=

epo~ o"lOcod enoug' • i LS 5 0!1~CO:; i'I; "E
to coverit com:.etely.Bringtoo Xii over hig'l hem o"lO , 1 O!/JCO:; S'IIE!T =-,:::<.o vusr:.: o
banch to· about 20 seconds.)rohono rinseV"'.d e· cod :;,\!E'IIS. iit:M\1!0. I\ NSD ! '110CUT
r1.rv1ing ,.-.ote· untilcooed. Cl..!!
the tripe ·.,to [,i • K.-..chJ '\l"O l:i. ~- NCH,4 . 2·CM$\. en
l. • 2-cm s ces. • i ·:. .5.ESPOONS VEG!i !3 lf or.
- ;em o wo.,:or lo·ge ski e: (fryingoon}over rr.edtf'Tl •:-iig_h • } CLOVES G!'l;L C, f N! LY ::: -io=no
heat, add the .T_stc·d g;eens,and dry-:-yfor 4-S m·.,_-,ts,s • i ·:.a .!S "'OON a::., "'.'S "E
to -emoveany-ro·stu·e. T·ansfe1too :note and set o:s'ci~. J:3lf5"00'11 ll~ - T SOY S.'UC!
- ;em me oil-., the wokovermedium,-,eat, ado ti!: 90'.tic • i "!! SPOONS 3'1;!.NU. :f! J SU3 H
o"'.d:ieo ~ paste cno stir-fry for 1minuieu'tlil fragro-rt.Stir • ~ i!.!S"OO'II S.'li
intt"<:tr·oe, mus:crd greens,soy sauce,s-,.;gor, and salt. • i "f! SF'OO'II CO"'IIS-.!i\CH
Mixthe cornstarch (corn-iour) with 1tobespoo:lwoter ::::OR'll=LOUit)
i;\O s,;o!I XJ1, ono ocioto the wok.S:- ;ngtoo :ioa,s:iring, • SJ! ! "lfJ R CE :P !.G! ~40), TO SE\\IE
:o. 30 s.econdstoth·c~'1 me sauce.Transfertoo se.rv'-..g

fll'k ,o,
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ?t~ t'.J;"F-~
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES.
COO( l'II~ . '1! } WI'11UTE5

, soz,-1sc3 : 1,N<S " E!<.::u · ,ro tf°":gor c, cor"'Storch(comiOO'),one

• Mixthe ::,eef,...,4th
... 'IIC- ·l•M\1•T - C( s~I:::s 1table:ooon...,ate-·in o 'X/h o-r.omafna: e for10mh.rt:es.
, 1 :~ov: ~_.:.
•u c. c - O"" !J Stirin1tooles::,oono j..m xiot to cooking.
• I Tf!S " OON COR'IISJ!'tC - - ; eail tobespooooil inowokor crge skiv:t e:-yingpo~)
:::oR'll =LOUR) overhig'1hea-.,acidthe b--occoi, o.ndstir-fryfo· o:o..i
, 1 · :.a.:s =ooNs vE:;:r:.aL: o. 1minute.Add tne ginger ju·ce, wine, and sugar, and st··.fry
• ll oz,300 G CH NES! S'tOCCOl, :<Y another -n·mrce. --ansfer the IYocco togetcerwi-.nthe
CUT i'\l·o .::.
• :'11:-1:10-cw l E"IGT- S sauce too ,olcr.e.V,~pethe wokc...ea.n .
• I J!S L!POO"I ~ 'll~E'tJU :E - ; ea;:m e remoi.,:ngltao =1:,oon oi,-,eat, ood the
• I f!S L!S=oo~ S·i!.OX l'II~ n' ,E beef, and stir-:-y f0t OXll..-t 30 sero,ds . Stirhtne oyn,r
• I f::!.S " OON Gi't!"IIU l .'"E:l SUG!'t sauce, men oad the V"lls e ~occoliond so:.xe, and toss
• 1 J!5 L!S " 00NS OYS":'H s:.ucE :o. obo.rt:30seco"'.dsuntilthe ::,eef ::Sjust cooked.
• I \1 L:l ~!:I C- I~E. S~ICEO,TO - - ro.nsf
er too se-vingplate, g.ornishw'ih tees ced chile,
~!'tN 5-1 (O '"i 0'11!.L i: using, ono se-ve witnr·ce.
• STE!\1!0 "1;1:: =:.~E S.dC , 10 SE'WE

i\!G ON: s;:-iu:."11

Pi't!P!.:\! " ,ON T WE: 5 Wl'IIUT:S.
ff Iii,tit'.J;"F-1®
COO( l'II~ . M!: I~ Y NUHS

• 11oz,300 G S!F H'IIJ: ~~o N. - Combine the Cee:, } tablesooonswater, tr,..,comsto·ch

i-1 'll~Y S.. ICEO (cornflour).no lorg.,= OO\•dand soc<for 10minutes. Stir
• I J!S L!S=oo ... COR'IISJ!'tC - in 1tablespoonvegetc:.,,eoil.
:::oR'll =LOUR) - -co:stthe sesame seeds in o s 'TJO,I :,on aw mediu-nhem
• 2 J!S L!S " OONS \'!GET!S~E O ~ o ,cl she<eoccosionofy for }-5 m·nu::es , or ..r.ti golden
• I if!S " OON ',\-I TEs:v1o1: SEDS IYow'"I . Set aside.
• 1 C..OVES U.'1'. IC, Sl :EJ - ; ea;:1tobespoo'1~ e:able o inOWO! o· lo·ge s.(ile:
• I ~f;;i c:.Yf'iN! =-; =-=-
,;~ >nJfC (fryingoo,t over mec . m-highheot, cod the gar'ii"o.r,c:I
!'110 SL CD stir-fry for1 minu:e un:ilfrogro-rt.=-ut int~ coye"l!n e
• I oz;25 G ~i't!E'II " o:.D CH LES pep::,erend toss orie,ftyf0t oXIUt10seconds. Acd i:he
, 1 r:.aus=oo~ ovsr:: ~ s:.uc: beef, :Ocreos e to h·gn heat, and stir in the p·dded cl- es
• •, fE!.5"00'11 5E5.!WEO l o"'.doyster sauce. Toss•.,.ell foro.not~ · 2-} m·~utes un:il
• ·~ • psPO:J'I G'tOU'll:l SIC-!U!"II tne bee-f is just COO(ed. S:irj-i the sesame oiland grouno
Sich,.;on::,e:.oe·cor"\S.Seosoowithsalt to torte. -ransfer
, s:._ · too se-vingplate o"'.CJ servewi':hrice.
• STE!\1!0 "1;1:: =:.~E S.dC , 10 SE'WE
eur 'N 'H c V:.St ;.~occct
i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'11::3. H ;g'tx!'f~
P,\!P!.i\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUi:S.
=-~us 1 HOIH 50!.(l'\l;j i WE BRAISED BEEF BRISKET
COO(l'll::3. i M! I -IOU,\ .!5 \1 NU"ES

, 1 .as oz;ooo o a:F 5'( Sl(Ef - Soonhe bris:<e:·oo .orge'X/h otco.d...,aterfod "'.Owl,
• llt P5L!S=ooNS 'Itri TE men r'"':!eand droh.
=p=-::.: :ORNS, Ci\US-IEJ - Putthe :,~: imo o largesouce:,onend odo enoughv.'Oter
• I :l\ !O 1.:."IG!'( ~E =-:fl to coverit com:.etely.&-"'9 too :ioaoverhighheotano
• ·~ ov10 ::s.:; '11:lE\ :.aou· \· 'll:-1.• bonch fo, 1-2 minu:es. Draino".d rinse onc:l er cold runn·"'.9
2•CV•L!NUi - =-.ECE),Sl :::EJ wc:e·.Setaside.
• I i£5L!s=oo~ \if;jfi.!5L! 0 l - Putthe :,eope1COl'ns into o spicebog. PI.Jtthe ri(et :ioc..<
• i ON 0'115. -!!.WED !.'IJ Cl.Ii 'lliO into the :,on,odd t-r.eta,ge·ine ~e.1;sp·ceb03, and no!:
W!JG!S me g·¥. slices.Coverw'th enoognv.'Oterto s-..bmerge
, i r:.sL:s=-ooNs
st,.,. p:.s~E me !Yis<e:by~ inch/2cm. 3ri-r_g too boil,ca.•e·,onocook
• I :u= :a : L OZ:'25:J .... =EJ w ~E overhig:1heai :()('about15minutes. Reduceto laNhe<n
• I ::..,\'1:0l Cl.Ii l'lliO CHU'llt::S o".dsimT.erforano:ner ~smini.r .es.Use o s otted spoon
• ~ OZ/iO :l \OC( SU:jH or poi·of tongs to ·emO'leti!: brisketo.r,c:Iset aside tocoo1.
• 5:._i iO 1:.51: Tro"Sfe·ti!: brotn (stock}too 'Xlh o-r.oset aside.
• sn:.1o1:o 'i. :: ::-:.3:S.dCo, ao l:o - Cut the :,ris,:etin:o lite-size chun<s.
=oPT OES. TOSE\'t'E - Heat ti-':oil'no .orgesoxepon, odd the ·emoiningginger
slicesand stir-:-:ya.-e·medium-h·gn-r.eotfor 1TW'lvt e ...ntil
:·ogront.Adcitne onionsand stir•::')'for2-3 minutesun:il
mey o·e golden :,:own.S:ir'n tne bean ooste and orisket.
Add tf"':reser\'eO bcoth,,.,.·--e-,
carro:,o"'.dsugar,then :,ring
too boilover~h ~ct. Reduceti!: heat to mediu-n-laN
o",eo1e·ed,forabout 30m·.,.,ies,0( un:ilthe
Adelt -r.esc.t to tcs:e oncise--ve
beef is s._'fficien-:tytender.
wi-..nrice or boiled:,otatoes.
:i ;,;i"F-§F.i =:& 0'1: - O'II~ fCONG
=:i;:=H!f 0'1 i VE: 5 \1 "IUiES

- j....rttr>':Dee-fhto o la:ge saucepan o,d cad enougl wo:er

tow.•er it complete'y. 3r'~to o boi over nigh ,-,eatand
blo~h for 10mini.lies. Xim tN' fro:h and scum off the • {!. Oi: .dC~3 :,,, (0'11 lt.'OISH :ur
s-..rfoce,i: neE<!':O.)rain one rinse V".de·cod\\'Oter. 1•roCHU'\11($
- Cecn the souce~n, fiH,...~h \\'Oter,and oring too boi. Add • ~OZ'20GG"iG!~ ::.:.ouil·l"IC -
ti-': rod:Shand blo:-ichfot 1-2 minutes. )ro·nona set aside. 2.5•C,,l•~E'll~T-I "ECE 5.ICEO
- -oo clean sc:-,..cepan, odd the :,eef, g·~er, sto·on;se, • iSJ:\!.N5!
S-chuonpep:,ercorns,...,.,'tepep:,ercor"\S,tangerine :,eel, • i ·t:. .Si"OO'I S C-!U!'I =u?E't :C'!;'IS
monkfruit, ooclenougnwater to coverthe beef comp e:e'y. • i ·t:. .Si"OO'I 'I-I- ·t =p?f'tC 0 ='115
too bo over nigh neat, reduceto lowneat, o"'.d
B-i."'.g • I 01!;EJ ·:. .N~! = N! =EEL
Y"nmer, covered, forM hou--s,or ...ntilme beef • I 01!;EJ "10'111Cf";U i
is te,cler enoug'l to oiercethrougn\,-:'tno choostk.t. • ; cu=s o~~-
oz !.15 "1ll c - C<E'II
Trons:erthe oe,e:too colo,de·, then rinse moroug"ty\\ith 5'l;Oi - :sTOCfC,=:._oEn;
coo ru-;n;ng,·un:il coo ed. Discordthe re'TlOining • S'll. TO f!5H
co~ten:s. Cut the beef J'lto thickslices. • Sf:!"lfJ R CE :?:..o: ~.!.O)Cit
- :iringtne chicke'l broth (s:ock) too ooil·o o )u:cnow.n COO(EJ R CE NOOJ.ES, TO 5E't\'E
{com,role) . Ada tne beef o,d rcclisn,season ,.-.-=th salt
too boi . Reduceto low ri:ot. caw,
to toste, o "'.clre:,-,,.rn
end S:mmerfor ooout 15m·.,.,ies,<Y until ·oclish:Stender.
Ser\'e \\~:'l rice or "'OOdles.

~ =:o 0'1: - t.,S!
==:=H!f 0'1 T "1E: 10 M '\lu ·t s
Sf";Vfi !.

- j....rt tN' oeef i-rtoo lc.:gesoucepa'.lo"'.dcad enoug.'-lwc:er • ILSIO'~oz:;scGSONE.:ss ::::tts

tocr.:t1erh complet!?'y.3r'-r.gtoo boi over ~h ri:ot and • !. r:s~n=oo'll5 VEGEi!S.E O l
blo:'lehfor about 15minut!?s.)ro·nano ri"'Seunder • I\ if!S?OONS s;:-iu:.'11
run"'"'.9wcter. Cut tne beef ·..,toth·o slic!?s. =t=-=-:=:O'!;NS
- ;ea;: me oil ;,. o Outenoven {co55erole) ever o"'' ~at. • !. sc:..l O'IS :s"'t l'I~ ON O'IS:.
ado ti!: ~opercorns o"'.dpen-fry:o-2- 3 ::u1 WO t·1NC- ,·s·::1o1
frogrant.ReTIOVe o"lOd:Scordti-...oeoperco<ns.Addtt"<: OZ:J~ ~ G NG!\ (!SOUT ~· NCH
sco ions (soring oni<Y"&} and oon-::-yfor2 minu:es urd 2·C"1·lENGi-l "ECE J. C~USH!O
9olden orown.=wmovethe sco!!io"'S and set c:s'ae. • i 0~ DC - .ES
- Aoothe g··O"O d--Wcl- es tott°":"Mch even and • I -:.o .Es=ooN R CE w N!
st··.fry over h·gn -r.eotfor 1 n.t"IAe ...ntiJfragron:.Addtl"': • i ·:. .o.ESPOONS l :;Hi sors:.uc:
~f o"lOrtit -fryfor ano:ner mfl""i.,ie. Spr'"'.(lein, • ~ OZ '10 G '!;QC( Su~:.'{
ado tne 'Sl:l'fsoi.see,sugar, sot. and 3 C\..OS (2Sfloz/750 ml) , i ·:.o .Es=ooN s:.~r
water, and :,ringtoo xrl . PI.Jt·" me star anise, c·V'IOmon, • iSJ:.\!.N5!
end scdlioins,cover,c.nd5··over lo\\•hea;::or o:o..i C "l'l!NQ'II s-,:(
2 hours,or unt tenaer. T!!.S"OON 3'!;0U'IIO 'ltH E =f="!'t
- -o se-ve, 5eoson,,,lth wnite :iep:11r , ttons:er too se-ving • 1 -:.o .Es=ooN c,~,,no

bowl.and gorn:$'lwtthcion:ro (corionaer}. 'COR !'!OE~. c-10~~.:o. 10
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG tt~"i=-W
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUES.
=LuS I -!Ol.i:\ SO.!( 'IIG i lY! BRAISED RI BS
COO( l'II:;. '1! 2 -101,;:\S

• I ~as oz,~~c:;:;oN! L!SS O!F :\ OS • Soc.(the ::,eefribs·.\ o oowlof cod water for1hour, tf..:'l
• I OZ:25 G:; '11:;E'tt!iOUi 2· NC-! • r'""!e o.nddrain.
5•:v• . !'11:;· - P !CEJ. SL CEJ - ~it~ oeef ribsono 5 slicesginger ·nto o i0rgesoucepon.
• 11OZ:300 G O!F H'IIJONS cod enoug' toca,-e·, and oringtoo ooil.vduce to
• 2 t:5 L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E O l low"'eot and s·mmer,uncovered,for tl'- lr. "'.O..JS, or un:1
, s ·!o .:s =o oNs z - unou s ..r.ucE me b*f ri:DSis tenc:le1 enougli:o p·
• I J! 1.0~ R!O iSH. :u· NiO L!:\3! cnopstick..Donot cad woterv,lnile000.(ing.Use o s.otted
: - uN<S spoonor tongs to removethe ri~, drc:n,and tro-rsfe·to
• I J't ,!O i.! "IG!'t ,E "! El o bowl.Set tri: bro:h (s:ock.)aside.
• I E !S"OON S.!.L. " lUS fXFt.r. - Meom,-:hil e, .no se:,orotesouce:ion,odd t "\e oe,e:tenoons
iQl!SlE o,cl enoug' toco-,-e·tne-n complete)'.3ringtoo
• I i:!S"OON G:\!"IIUl.,-o suo:=t 00 over nighheat cno blo~h tf..:tendo":Sfor2 .rw'lvt es.
• I f:5t:s=oo ... 0!~1( SOY5.'UCE Skimti!: frothand scum off ::nes-..rfoce, if needeo. )rain
• I f!5 L!s=oo~ :CR'IISf:'tC - o,cl r·"\Seuoc:l er cold runni~ wo:er.:i1ocet~ tendO<"\S in
::oR'll =LOUR) o heatproofoowl,.then :.oce the 'Xlh ino collo~e pot
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1:: =!;";E S.dC TO SE'WE or bom:ioos:eomerove·oootcf boitngwoter. Steam,
• S- ~! ODEO SC!. l 0'11 (S'"'t "IG covered,for coout 1how. (Md more,.-.ater to the :,ot if
0'110'11, iO G!'t'II S- needed.) RinsethOl'oughly undercold runningVI.cter urcil
coo eo.Cot tl"':tendo'l into l•incn/2.5-cm:feces.
- ;ea;: o largeHillet (fryingoon) r,;,.-e·medit.r-nhea-.,odd
me rbs, ond COO.( for 2- 3 ~vt es unti orown.=iipono
COO.( foronotne·2- 3 minu:es. Remove and cut into
[.:i.'~h/ cubes.
- ;ea;: me oil;,.o'um•nighneat, ado ::ne
remo·niogginger, o"'.CJ stir. fry'~ 1minuteu"til frog•ont.
Stit int~ zhuhOJsouce.kJdl cup (8; oz/250 ml) bee: rib
b-'oth, tri: rod~1, d-iedtangerine:,ee l, sa,;t,sugo.:,ono soy
sauce.Bringtoo xia, ·educeto medi\smhe<r,.,onc:Icoo<
:Ol'about 10mirutes, ~ untilthe ·odish:Sjust te"'.Cle·. kd
me d·OJledr"'~ ono te-r.oonso"'.dcook.for15-20 tnnutes.
Seo:sonwimex-Josa,;tto tos:e.
- Mixthe corns:orcn(com'lour}wi-.n2 tablespoonswater
in o s-noll'X/h ono stir mis mixtwe in:othe =-~f.Borg
too boil, sf·ring, forobou;:30 secondstot ...·ck.entf..:
so1.1c~. 6;irnish'"ith KQ ?n (sp(""gon·o-:, ) QnOs-~-v~witn
steoT':O rice.

i\!G ON: sn~ !'\IX HM ~
P:\!P!:\qON T ME IS Iii 'IIUES.
=-~us lO Ml'\IUTH w:=t 'll!T "IG . \1! OX TAIL
COO(l'll:j.. '1! 2 -101,;:\S

• 1\ .6 1i KG OXT: ~. CUT :t T- E JOl'IITS - ~it~ oxtail intoo lo:-gesouce:,onooclodd enough

'IITO S\1!.~E't :- ECES!NJ:\ NSEJ wa:e· ::ocr.:,wh completely.3ri"'_g too boilover,-,eot
• 3 ·:a .:s=ooNS ~13- T SOYs:uc: o"'.dbo.nch:o·cbo.rt S minutes.S!i'.'llonyfrothand scum
• l ·:a .:s =o oNS =t,:E Wl"IE o!! tr,..,s...rfoce.0-dn and ~.nseundercold run"'1"9\\'0ter .
• I TE!S=-ooN S! .• J • Combinel ro:.-espoonsoysauce,l tablesooonV1;·ne, o,cl
, 1 cu=-s {le, F. oz ·4;5 M~, =-1us >$teospoo'1 sch ·.lo .orge'Xii< then ood the oxtct
2 PUES"OO'IIS VE~t · .:a.E O l t-'orinote~r 30 minutes.
, 'f. :u=- 12 OZ/SO 3., S.ICEO S!.Y600 - ;e<n tne 2 a.os (16floz/475 ml) oil·n owo< <Ydeej
s-ioo·s. o =t, 1'11:J souce:,onto 300°=t1S0°C, o· untilo o..~ o: bread browns
• 12-15 :)" ED c-11~Es.SEEOD in Ir, TW'lut es.Gen:}yO'i<ertf"':oom:,ooshoo:s in~othe
• 1 SC:t 0"115(s =-=t'11:j.ON O'IIS), oiland d~j •ftyfor 5-6 mi""I.Jtes untilgolden :."OWn . Use
CUT 1'11 .0 l'~•l'IIC-1 !.•CY l!NOi - S o s.otted spoonto corefulfyte'T'O\'ethe bamboofromthe
• I s~1cE 3 N3! " C'tUS-1!0 oiland dro·.lon ooper taNels.Setaside.
• !.SJ!'t!"IISE -umgoo::,erta1;els,:,at dry the oxto ono deeo•fryfor
• •~OZilS :j. l CO:\ CE :\OCT 5-6 minu:esun~ 1Ya1tn.Co·e;;tly·emoveand dro·oon
• I J!5L!s=ooNS ~'t''IIUL!.TEO SU0.'1' paoe· ta....els.
• I J:!s=-ooN s CHU!N Pf=-=P.CO'tNS - ;ea;: 2 tablespoonsoi in o )utch ove'1(casserole) eve·
• \ .f!)i''0 0'11G'1:0UNJ \\-1 H "P=f't h·gn heat. ood the chies, and sti·-fryfor 30 secondsun~
• I .!'tG! c .::\'1;0i, CUT ,ro L!'t~E :·ogront.Ada tne ox:ail,scal~Ot"'S {soiingonions),g·~e·,
C- UN(S star anise,licoric e, s,.;gor,S:-chuo.n
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1C! =:3E S.dC O't pep:ier,tri: remoin·~ >$teospoo'1 sol-,.,one!2 to:.espoo--s
NOODL!S. ·o 5!'1:VE soysooce,2 tobespoons wine,ona 3cups (25f oz/750 ml}
boiliingwct e1.Reduceto low--eotands·mmer,cawed,
:o. obo.rt Iii "'OJ"JS, or un:hhe oxtoil··.
- Mo the corro:o"'.d:io.mboos"OOts, tne'1bringtoo bo .
Reo.xe to O'Nhe01 onclsim-re·, cove1ed,for o"'Other
15minutesun:ilthe corrotis te"'.der.Se-ve·'1tri:
oven alongvlih rice or noodles.

:i ttt!"i=-~ ~!G 0'1: S C - U ! 'II
~:i;::~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M -..iu·E s.
BRA ISED OX TAI L IN " lUS ill \1 Nu ·n SO! (l'\13 T "1E

- Soc.(the oxto· bf eoch pnt in o oo..,

of cold,
e· for • i :n·~5.'l.i•)(G oxr.:. ~.Clli !f i-1!
20 mJ"IAes. )rain. JO ,n i'\ITO SV! L~E" " E::::s
- Combinethe gi'lger a.."'.dSic.n~-on
oeppercorns·'.lo • i O::SC 3 3 '113!" ( !5 0U T
soice 009. l· NC-1,1.S<M·~E'll~i -l "ECE
- :iring 8~c~ {68 fioz/1 lite-s} wo:e· too ooil in o large :::,us-1:J
po:. ~ ;,. the oxtal, re:,-,,.rn
too boii, ado ::ne spice oog • 1 •f! SPOO'\I SIC-!U! 'II ".:PPE\ :::C\'IIS
and \\·ne, o,cl sim-re·cver O'N neat for 1hou·. Stirn tr>': :::u,. '.! =t O!il20 v. S-!! OXl'II~
frothand scum off me s-..rfoce. w N!
- ~emove the oxto d:Scordt~ s:rice:,cg,and strc:n the • i ·p SPOONS S.'li. EX.J\! TO
ooth me broth and ado totne
bro:h J'lto o baNI. Re:,-,,.rn PSTE
po~oo:Ithe sot. ono br'~ to a bo . Reduce to laN neat • SJ::! MEJ R CE IP!.G! '.:.!O)0 \
and S:mmer for hour,o:-un:il the oxtoi is te,c!er. "IOOOtES. · o s::"vE
Seoson\\-'t'1 extra salt to taste. --onsfer the oxtailo.nd
bro:h too lor9=ro:..o'Xlh. =o, ·n: :i "P "IG s :.ucE:
- -o mo<eth<:dippiogsauce, "\eOtthe sesame oi in o • l)i ·:. .6.ESPOO'\IS S! S! .VE 01~
small H ill~t {fryrq ~n} over med'um-:-.igh,-,eat, ado tne • r, ·:. .6.ESPOO'\IS " IX ! "I :: - id a:::..,.
cl- beo'.lpos:e ono sugo·, and st··.fry for1 minute un:il =:.s ·t :::-10""EO
fragrant.Trons:ertoo s~l 'XI,. ono mixinthe chop;,ecl • i ·p sPOONS 3 °':. Nu~ :.t:: J SU3 H
cilantro (coriander). Servethe oxtailo"'.db"oth \\~:'ltki a uNcn c,.:.'111:i:o ::::c°' :.'IIJ! " .
dipYl9 sc--.xea.."'.drice. :::-10"":'0
• Si: ! MfJ R CE :P !.G! :.!O), TO SE\\IE
i\!G ON: X NJ !'IIG ~ ~ $ Di~
P,\!P!i\qON T VE: 10 Ml'IUTES, " .US
lll \1 Nu ·t SM!" 'II! . 'II~ TIV! C RISP Y LEG
COO(l'II~ TM! I -IOU,\ S \1 NU.ES
S!i\V!S: !.·O O F LA M B

• I W..t5· i·K~ ~EGo: .!\1\", - Usea S"'.C(P kn::eto mo~ SAJshes ocrossthe s-~oce o:the
• 1 i!5L!S"00NS G "IG!,\ JUICE IE-3of OT:>in o crisscrosspattern,about~ inch/5mm~:>.
• 0 CLOVES~!\LC, C- O""!J Co:-ro·· jdce, garlic,Sichuonpeppercorns,
• I T!OL!S"OO~ S : - U!~ o,clwine 'no OOVr,•I. then n.bthis m~ e in:o the lomo.
=E""!'<: :ORNS, Ci\US-IEJ t-'orinote~r 30 minutes.
• 2 T!5L!S"00NS" CE 'lii'II! - =>.ace the ombon o rock.·no bo.mooosteomerovero po:
, s :u"s :2s :. oz,1:c M~ ot boi!i"9 '"ct er. S:-ecm,covered,over:ligh"':Ct forcoout
VE~Ei!6.t O. 1hou·, or unti roxed through. {Addmorewo:ertot~ oot
• I f:!S"OON Gi\OUNJ CUMl'II i: ne-:cieo.}Tro-rsfe· tri: lam:.too servingolo:e.
• ~t.! ·a=:!O ( "!(): S!.' :;o lED - ;ea;: ::neoil;,. o V.'Ok.or C!*psc:-xepo'lovermedium•
=or .!fOES, c.,Sif.!WE:) "CE h'gn heat to ~F/1700C. or unt o cube of lreocl IYa"'-rs
"!~E Sa!J: TO SE" Vf in £5 seCO<"'G. 6rtly lowerthe loTlo,_,tothe oi o"'.ddeeo-
:"Yfor 3-"-minutesuntil::nes-..rfoceis crispt.Ro tne lam:.
in tN' oilso that 'tis COO(ed e-te.,fy.Core;.lfy
loTlofromthe c;' ono retur:1totne se-vingplate, then
e wi-.nthe g ·oonc:I
spr·"".J:l cumin.
- Slicetf"':lombono se-vewith flotoJeoo,:iotatoes,or rice.
t' ft( '.I!/ •u~ ON: SE Jl'II~
"'!\!"'! I\! · 10N . M! IC v "llJTH
S!'WES: 4

- Combinethe gocnbelly,tionmio..,jio"'-4salt, o".d • 110Zl!OO G GO!. 5EllY,: 'H.Y

1toblesoooncor"'Storch(cornflour}in o bowl.Set aside. S.ICEO
wa:e·one 2to:,espoo-rssugo·
- Combine5 tooles::,oons , ·~ u:s:oo'II r !N"' !"ljJ !NG
ino STICH saucepan and COO< cNe·medium heai :0( • \ ·p,S? OO'II S!1-·
32 minutes un~ caramelized.Trons:ertoo OO'NI, tt"<::'l , 2 r:3us:00Ns co:Ns·!i\C-1
cad the saysc:-xes,gi'lge1juice,vicegar,wine,·eT.a.'.ning :::OR'll =LOU:\)
2 toblesPOOns sugar,oocl1tcoles::,ooncorns:orcn. • !. ·!s .Es=ooNS ~'(!,Nu~.:.HJ SU~!'(
- ;em me vegetableoi ino wokor deep saucepani:o • j r::.,s=oo'IIS .J.''IK SOYS!UCE
3!.QCf/1700(, or u"'tilo cube of lnod orowns·" !.5seconds. • I i:!S:ooN l :;nr SOYs.,u::E
G,e-.tlylower the goat :ntotce oi, us·~ c.nopstkk.sto • I i:!S=ooN:; '11:;E\JU CE
dis:11:rsethe p·eces ropidtyto prevems:icCng,and dee:,- • I i:!VOO~ 5L!C( Oi't S!.lS.'WiC
:'Y for 10secondsonti tne goat :Sopoa,:e.Useo slotted V NE~!'(
spoo'1to oorefu!lyteT'O\'ethe goat fromtee oi o"'.dd-oi:'l • I T:: !S=ooN S-1!QXl'\1;3..,, 'IIE
on po::,ertcNels. • 2 Cl.:S (10 =L 0Zf!75 ~~,
- ;em 3 to=,espoonssesame oil .nthe wok,oadi:he goat VE:;E.!6 .E O L
o,cl sauce~o,cl toss ro:,id!yoverh·gn-r.eotfor 1-2mi""I.J'tes • !. ·!o .Es=ooNS S!S!Wf Oil
to COO'! ::noroug"'}y.Sf· in the te'TlClining
I tobespoon • STE!~EO '(,CE :::;f 5.dtt: TO s::~v::
se<..ome oil. T·onsfertoo servi"'-9 pate and serve,,..fthrice .
i\!G ON: SE J1'11::; &iti ~ /:t
P,\!P!i\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES
COO(l'II::;. '1! 5 M1'11UiE5 SA UTtE D LA M B
S!\VES: 4

• I (9·0Z."iSC·~ SON!L!S5 L!G o • - Combinethe lomo,>iteosooonCOl'nstc·ch (cornfoor),

l'1'15, i-ll~lY s~1::::o !(i\055 i-E o"'.d½-teos:,oonwo:er in o 'XI,. . Mo:\\<e cno set aside.
::;,,: 'II - .ri o ~~rate bowl,comoinethe sco!lions(springO'"'~s),
• I if!.s=ooNS CO'!;NSP~:::-1 g·~e·, onclgarlic..i:henood the vinegar,soy sauce,,,.·--e,
::::OR'll=LOUR) remo·niog1teaspoon cornstarch{comfoor),o".d
• i SC:ll 0"115(S=-\.'11;3. ON O'IIS), 1table::ooon...,ate·.Mbcinto o sauce ono set o:side.
S-!'!;EO:l!J - ;e<ntnevegetoole oil·no wok.oroeepsoucepcni:o
• I E!S=ooN c - o=-=-:J G ~GE'!; 2i5e-~f\LOII(,or u'tlilo cu~ of breociturns gode'l in
, 1 :::~ov: ::;..=.,tc. c - o=-=-:J 2 .nn.ites. Ge~tlylowerthe loTo ::,omboosnoo:s
• I f:5t:s=oo ... 5L.!..C( o~ S!.S.'MIC into the o. usingcf..oosfckstodisper~ one!~:,orate
V Nf~:'t m e p·eces.and d~>fryfor 6-i seconds.Useo slotted
• i f:5L:s=-ooNS ~,~-Ii SOYS!UCE spoonto carefullyreT'O\'etne loT-O o ".Clbamboo s "'OO'ts
• I f:5L:s=oo ... 11;1::::
'"'' NE the oiland drainon :,aper towe_s,
• 2 Cl.~S (IC ;L OZ ·475 M~J - jo..s out mostd tee oi, a:ovingabout 1toole:::,oon·.\ me
VE:lEP6.t 0. wok.Heat tee oi ove· medium-h·gnheat. oodtne lomj,
, 'l.Cl. ~ ti o:,-s~~: SL CE) 6'"'500 bamboo snoots,ano sauce,and stir -Ojidlyfor 1-2minutes
S-100~5. 0 't' I'll!) untilthe sa-..xethi~sand coots tee .omband bom:>00
, 1 r:ous=oo~ S!S!1,1f 01t shoo:s.Stirin tt"<:s.esoT.eoi o".dseosonwth sc.t totoste.
, s:. · Tro"'Sfe·too s.erv'ngola:e ano se-vewimr'ce.
• SiE:\1!0 "1;1C! =:::;E S.dC).10 SE'WE
~ A'.$~~ "!G 0'1: S C - U!'II
"";!"H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU7ES.
LA M B WIT H " lUS I:) V "iUiES 1,1:.: N.'fl'\I~ T WE
COOK ~G i ME 5 Vl"iVES

- Com~ tr': i0mb,sa;t, 1t-eo:s:ioon soy sauce-,1to:.espooo • i :U·O!,~CO·G: :i.O'l!L!SS L!G o:

cornstarch {cor-rfb..r),and 2 toblesooonswater;,. o bowl l'M5, ClJT ,ro -H "I SB "S
o"'.d.r,o.rinote :or 10mJ"IAes.S::r·<l 1tobespoo'loil. J::!..S"OON S!..LJ
- Com~ tr': remaining 1teosPOOnSCff sauce,i:he wine, , ; ·psPO ONS ~ :;- r sors:uc::
vineg:ir,the ·emoiningnto:.espoon cornstarch,end • I'~ -:..o.ESF'OO'IS CCR;NSJ:\c ;
3 to:.espoo-rsv.'Oter;,.o smalloowlo.r,c:I;nix i-rtoo sauce. :cOR'l =LOUil;)
Set aside. • 5 r:.s~ESF'OO'IS vE:;E -!5 .E O l
- ~t the ·emoining 2 tobespoot"'Soil in o '-''OJ::or arge • i ·:a .Es =o oN-" :::t w N!
slu!.etf-yingpan), ood the g.r,ger,and stir-fryover hig'l J::!..S"OON w; TE'i NE:; H
heat for 1 m:nut-eun:i :-og·on:.Put;,. the loTo o.r,c:Is:ir-fry OZ:J5 G G "'IG!ll :..sour\·l"'IC -
ove· medium heat for ono:he1 2-3minuies un:il the ambis 2·CW·lENGT1 "E:::E J, S- i\!ODEJ
just cooked tnroogh./,.Ddthe cnifioean ~ste, celery,gor"c • l)i -:..o.ESF'OO'IS " IX.! ~::: - ~ a:::,
and the sa-..xe
sp--o.rts, , then stir-fryfor another 1-2minu:es =: s·t :::;O""EO
Tro"'Sfertoo serving,ola:,e and ~-..•e • I 51,1:..L~5U'll:::""l C""l 'll!SE CE.E'\Y,
wi-.n rice. :::ur N70 I 1·1'11::: ""l .!•C V lENGT-1S
• i G! '!.l ::: SF'/\OUTS.:::ur 'IITO
n· NCH . .!• C\1 l!'IIYHS
• sr:::•,HJ"' CE IP!..G! '.:.!O). TO SE'tv'E

~ $ ~ $ R;f:;,ON: X NJ :'II:;
=,\! =.,F{:· ,oN • M! 15 Wl'IIUTES,
LA M B " lUS 15 Wl'IIUTES V !'t ~:i NG T ME
:::OO<l'II:; i,Vf_ ~ W 'IIUTES

- .no lorS'=' oov.•I.

COT tine me loT:>,o ..~. ~ teaspoonsa}t, • I (I ~5 2·0Zl500·G) 50'11E~ESS 1.EGo~
o"'.d5to:.espoo-rsv.'Oterand mori-r.ote for 15m·"'.ies. l'M5, ClJT NTO 1 •I• j• 'IIC-l •S • 1.5

- Meom111hil~ . soak t "\e DOmbooskewersin...,cter:0(' -.-0 S•CV S~,CES

10~lit es. )ro·n. • I ON 0'1. :::-10""EO
- .n a small baNI. mixt "\e groundSkhuo.npep:,ercorns,c"' , 1 r:: :.s=-oo-.. s:.u
pc..,aer,and remoini"'-9 ½-teospoo'1sch to :nol:ethe sp·cec1 • ·~ if:5"00'11 \HOV'IIC 5 ;;u:.'I
sot. Setosic:le. '"E""!'<:CO't NS
- j te"'eat the o,oile1(g...,1)to hignheO!.Threoc:1 the omb • \ ·p,SF'O ON CH l " OWOE't
p·ecesontotri: ~·ers, ,ovt tri: S&:!?'..,ers u-"'.d
e1the b--0e·, • : ·:a .Es =o oNS l :; - r SOY s:u:::::
o"'.dcookfor 2-3 minutes.-u-·n ove·,b-unw'th the SO"/ • 1 J:5lES"00NS SES:"1! 0 L
souce,o"'.dspri."!.(le wi:hthe sp·cec1sot. then oroilfor • I J!!.5"00"'1 :;,'\OUND CUMl'II
o"'O'ther 2-3 minutes..r.tilgolden oiov,:nond cooked • S-12 :,:. \1300 Sl(EWE'~S
throug'\. 3.rushwiththe sesame c;' ancisprindeover
the o..minM ServeimTed·ately.

~ 417
i\!G ON: i s::r ~~ $ ~
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES.
:-~us lO M 1'\IUiES SO! ( I'll:; • ~E HON EYED
COO( l'II~. M!: I~._. NUHS

• I I .5 2·0ZISOO·G) OO~LESS .EG Hu!lessbo-tey,..,·~ :Sosoeciolwinemode inT'bet,Qing"'.Oi,

o: 1..!~S =u· ,,ro11;..\. ·~·"11:-1 .xin. h:can ::,e suostitvteov.ith o-r.othert:quorthat
1. 2. o.s-:~ s.1::s hos ~0-30percentCJCohocontent.
• I f~G YOL<
• 2 f:5 L:s=-ooNS ~1:;-1r SOYS!U:E - ~it~ i0mbSKes ino oowlof cold\\-a:,e·onosock for
• 2 iE'S=-ooNSCO'\NSi!~:-1 30minutes.0-dn.
::0:\'11 : LOU :\) • Combinethe egg yol(,1tablesooonSelf sauce,1teosPOOn
• •~CU"' .n OZi lOO ~· :;'\:"IU . !i:0 co:nstorch(cor"four),and 1taoles:ioonwoterin o orge
SUG!:\ OO'NI and mix.ntoo oorter.Adotri: lam:, ono mixwe-.
• ·~ ·psPO :J"II S! ~i. PLUS :x·:\: - .ri o ~~rate bowl,comoinethe sugar,sot. wi-r.e, vinego·,
i0i£SiE g·~e· juice, re-noining1tob espoonsoysauce, I teospoon
• I fE!.s=-ooN - UL~ESS5:'\Lf 'l 'l1 'IIE co:nstorch, ono 1toblespoonwo:-e·ondmixWoo so.xe .
0 1 rps=-ooNv NE3!'\ - ;ea;: ::neoil;,. o wokor C!*psc:-xepo'lto 300CF/15()QC, or
• 2 n,s=-ooNS G NG!'\ JUl:E untilo cu~ o: breod orownsh Ui tnnut-es.Gen:}yo-.-.ertf"':
, ,· ~ cu=-s 15l ~l oz• 1 ~ ·n , lo-r.o,.,to the oa,usingcnopstick.sto dispersetne pieces
VE3Ei!.5.t O ~ rao:dlytopre'+'entsticki"g.onc:Ioeep-fryfor 3-£minu:-es
• 2 f:5 L:s=-ooNS Y!.I( 5UilEll; , :;-EE , untilgolden :itowno:-r.d C!.JTIOst
cco<ed.Useo slotted sPOOn
o~ su·r::::: to carefullyre-noveme loTlO:,om the oiland drainon
• SiE£~!0 :;;,:: "'.,:;E SlC O'\ paoe· to-.-.els.
"'Of!i OES. TOSE\'t'E - :,o..r out mostd t-r.eoi, -:ovingabout1tooles:::,oon ·.\ ::ne
wok.Heat t-r.eoi ove· hig'l heo-.,odd t-r.e.omband sauce.
o,cl s:it-fryfor1-2 minut-esonti tne saucet·•ckE-ns. S':ir·o
me butter o ,cl seasonv.ith extra sc.t to taste. ~ -..•ewith
r'ce or ootatoes.
$ r~tam •u~ ON: SH' £'\IXI
"',\ !"'! ~! · 10N T ME 10 y; NU7fi,
LA M B " lUS 30 "11'\IUT::S "'\ 00 ' 'II~ . y;f
:::OO<l'II~ i.VE n ._. NUHS
PIES S:'i\ VES: 8

- -o mo<eth<:doug"\ p.rt the tour i.,too lc.-9=00\'r,'I. • 2 cu.~s :oO!i25:Jo: ! ~l• =-U'tPOS!
9roo...'Oflyocld1/, cup (5 floz/150 ml} warm water {about tPL! 'lfl =LOUR. :-.US EXH'
160CF/700C ), o"'.ds~ wi:h chops:ios...ntil::noroug"'\' = ,E ::JEO
mixed.Th~oo,;gh T'l:J'IOpp eo·o ~itle ory and flaky.(ne-od • 1 i!S~ESPOO'\I \' !G!i~S ~E O L
forabout >4minutes un:ilit is sZkyondsmooth.f the
doug'1 s~ms too sticky,ood o lirt e more~-. Coverthe F:'t i-1! l.'M5 : ll N3:
bowlwith o c...eoo, aompdish towe o,cl iroof at !Com • 9 cz.-250G G~OUNJ tM '\l:::::o) ~' "1e
tem:,erature:orOXll..-t 30 minutes. • 1 u,s=-oo'II s.,n
- Meonv,.'hil~. maketee filling.In o 'XI,. .., combinethe amb, • I i!S.ESPOO'\l 1..1G · li SOY5'UCE
salt, soysouce, and 2tobespoons v.-o:erand rnor·cate fo· • 2 S!,J '113s:::~.L~IONS0/\ 0 s:::.,wONS
15minut es. Stir·n the chopped &ir"".9scallionstoge:ner :s =-'!;1'11~ON O'IIS). S"E"IS c - o=-=-::J
v.~:'ltne ginger, v.:~.o"lOsesameoil. Mix in the corns:orcn • 1 i!S.ESPOO'\I er;c=n:i G NG!'t
{cor.,fbur). JViae the Kling·nto 8 oortions. • I i!S~ESPOO'\I ~ CE 'lii'llf
- -o pv;:the p·e toge:ne·,dust o c...eo.n rutting,.-."ih • 2 PS ..Es=-oo'IIS s::sH 1E or~
flour.--onsfer the dougnfrom the oo,,on:ott"<:ooord • 1 i!S~ESPOO'\I CO'tNSi!~:::-;
and k.."'eOd :<Y 1 mrut e onti smOO""J'I.
)ivio-ethe dough :co ~'ll=.ou.~1
in:o 800.-dons, obo.rt2 oz/50 g eoc.n.Usi'lgo ·otng :In,
rolleach piece of dougn in:o o flO'!ri:s<ooout £!::.incnes/
12cm in d~ometer.j..,..i o :,o:fon o: fillingin t"\e center of
tN' disk.and fold tl"': rOI..J'ICI
edgestowo·o me centerto
form o closed :re'. Pinchthe top to sec_.Re:ieat ,.-."iht ce
remoin·"".9 dough :ieces one!fi!!i~.
- ;ea;me vegetable oi in o lo·ge ski e: (fryingoon}over
lowheot, odd o :ewloTo :re' feeingdown,and
coo<for 3_£ minutes un:i b-own,then t~o O\'ertoorown side.Add more oi if ne,eded. Repemwim the
remoin··es o.ndservenot.

fl'k 419
i\!G ON: ! N-t U ~ ff .$~
P:\!P!:\!"ION T VE: 15 y; NUTH.
1~ v "iVES y;:.:\ N.!i '113T "1E DEEP- FRIED
COO(l'II~" '1! ~5 Ml'IIUTES
i!:!1 =:3f 4]1

• 11QZ,,300 G 60"-ElESS L!."16 :\ 6 - .ri o lorg,=sa-.,..cepo'.\

cdclthe .omband e"'Ol..'9h wote·
• ·~ •psPO :J'II SIC-iU!'l "'fPPBC Ol\'IIS, to coverit com:.etely. &-;ng too :ioioverhigh heat enc
TQ!.S"EO: "iD C'!.US·HJ COO( the .ombfor 30 miMes. Skimthe :·oth and scu~off

• ] J:5L!S"00NS C-IOPPEO 3 N3! ~ me sufoce, if needed. )ro·n o"'.d("";!eunder cold n.nning

• I sc:.L 0'11 :sP= NG O'IIION), wa:e·.Cvt tri: • *• j;..inch/5,i: 2 x 0.5-cm
: - 0"'"!0 p·ecesanclout in:o a bowl.
• I TPS"OON 5:.3 - ADlli:heSk.,uon :,e:.oerCO<ns, g·~er, scc!lion(spring
• I Tf!S"OON !.l·"Ull;POSE ( =,..: 'II on'o,), o-r.d~teospoo.'l sch to the tos-=:her
:,..Ol."' we o"'.dT.a.rinot e :or 10mJ"IAes.S::r·.\ me Aour.
• \ "f! .SPOO'II G'!.OU'll:l S C-IU!'I - Mixthe ·emoiningii teaspoon salt with tne groonc:1 Sim..on
pep:,er to moke o s:.iced :,e:.oe,·sch o,cl setesic:le.
• 0 i!5.E5POO'IIS COl\'IIST:'\C-< - .ri o small oowl.mixthe corns:orcn (cornflour)'1,"th1/,cuo
::OR'll =LOUI\) (Sf oz/150ml) wa:e·.Set osidefor 5 minu:es,or 4..ntit tne
• l !GO w- "ES starch settles en me bottom of tr>':oov,:I. then oour out tne
• 3 ·:o .:s=ooNS SES!Nf 01~ wo:e· to leaveo wet staren.
, 3 :u"s :is =- o:11scM~, - .ri o baNI,~ot the egg v,mites,oo:Ithe sesame oiland v.-et
VE~Ei!6.t O. starch, ono mixtnorough~.
• I sc:.L 0'11 :sP"' NG O'IIION), SiE"1 - ;ecn tne vegetoole oil ·no wok.oroeepsoucepcnto
0'11.Y,CUT 'IITO 1· NC-I •5·C"1 300CF/15()QC,or ...ntilo cu:,e of :.reod :,ranns in If,,mi.,utes.
S!CT O'IIS. TO0.' :\'II S- o·o p·ecesof :,etches,i.,to the egg whi::esone
• ] f:5L!S"00NS i :.,_.., !'IJ :-.o. men gently lov.-e · into tne oil.~ :.-fry for 3-4minuies
TO SE'!.•tE untilsrcght}y Useo slonea spoonto carefulyremove
::neloTo the oi and pv;:on o o.o:e. :lvt ell of the
loTo :ioc<into the o ono deeo-fryforano:her2 minuies
untilgolden :.rownonclcool.'"CI througn.Core-fu!ly te'T'O\'e
::neloTo the oi us:ngo slortedsooon, transfer too
pate, and s:,rinldew'th tf"':so·ced oeope1soi. Go·n:snwi-,.n
sco,lions(springOt"''Ons) eno se-vewim tionm'-onj'cng.


i\!G ON: S;:::-1u:.'1 ~Hln~ ¥l$ r~
P,\!P!i\qON i ME 10 y; NUTH
COO(l'll:j.. '1! .!O,., "IIUiES C RISPY LAM B WIT H
S!\V!S: !.·o

• I I .5 t•i· OZ, '.'5:J•;j 50'\IElESS lf;j - Bringo ctge sauce:,onof watertoo Xii overhig:1heat.
::,: -.!y;5 "tNS!J !NJ CUT ,10 Add tl"':lom:,ono blo.nchfor10mh.rt:es.S~"ll me froth
5·~ "'ECES o"'.dso...moff ti!: s-..rfoce,if ne!:<!eo.Drainand rinse unaer
• \O!ilO:j.:j.'ll;jE~ ·:aou ·• .-1'11:::-1· co.clru-ming•.-.ater.
2•CV•L!NUi - " .ECE),Ci\usn:o - Ina neat~oof 'XI.,. combinethe ambwitht"\eginger,
• I sc:.l 0'11 :sp:- NG O'IIION), SL CEJ sea.lion(sp--;ngonion),s:or anise,Si&,.;on,oe:,oercorns,
l'lliO n· NCH .! •:::v L!NG ·ns cinno'T'On, :,oth 'Sl:l'fso;xes,wine,and t ~ sc.t. Trons:er
• i Si! "': , S!, C~US-ID too co apsible:,ot or bamboosteamer O'o'et o po1o 1
• I:. l:£5"'00NSSIC-IU!'I ooitngwote1.Steam,co-.•e·eo,1o-20 minutes.
"'P"'!'<: :::ORNS,Ci\US-IEJ - I;\o oowl,oem tne egg,.-..,'tes one mixinthe corns:arch
• I f:!S""OON Gi\OUNJ C "11'11:y;o, (cornflour}.;eat the c;t ino wokor deep frye·to
• I f:!.S""OON L GW SOI' s.:ucE ~F/170~. or u"til o cube of breoc:1 crowns'n ~sseCOtds.
• I i:!S""OON 0'\I( SOYs:u:::E o·o the loTo p· ootU"?s.intotne eggwhitesand
• I t:5L!S"'00"1 11;1:::: '"'°'NE men gentlylov.-e·intotne oil.)ee:, .fryfor 3-4 minutesuntil
• ·~ u:s:-oo'II s.,n !Yow~ono crisoy.U<...e o slotted spoonto cctefully•emove
• :S!GG w- ·E s me lo-r.o1 -omthe oi end drainon :,apertO\\·e.s.Whencool
• 2 t:5L!S"'00NS CO\NSi!i\:::-1 enoug'l to ho"'.dle,slicein:o smo eroieces.<eeowo-m.
::::0,\'11: LOU,\) - Ton,ok.e the d:opingsauce,pourout mosto 1 t"\eoa,eoving
, s :::u"'s :2s ~. oz, 1:c M~ 2 tablesooons·o tne \\'O(. ~t the c;t overmedium•hig:1
VE3Ei!.5.t O ~ hea;:,odd the :rick.,eo and stir-fry1o· 2
• SiE:y;:o "1;1:::: "'!;jE S.dC).10 SE'WE :.ogront.Adoal tl"':remainingingred~~tsfo· ti!: dip:,;ng
sauce ono COO( for 1-2 minutes u'tlilth·ckened.:loo1the
=o~ i-1! :i "'P ,o s:..ucE: sauce into o smalloovd.
• I OZ:2S G = .c<~Eo C-1 L!S, C- O""!J - T-o--sfe·ti!: lam:,too s.erving,olo:eono seNewi-".n the
• j C.OVES u.,i\.lC, cn~,::•=o d':,oingsauceand rice .
• I sc:.l 0'11 (5p :- NG O'IIION),

• i J:5L!S"'00NS ;j\_!'11Ut!7EO Suo:,

• I f£5L!S"'00~ :::C,\"IISf:" -
::::o.°''11: LOU,\)
• I i:!S""OON C- O""!J G "IGE~
• I i:!S""OON 5.::::( o:-S!.LS!,.,1C
V NE;j:~
• ·~ u:s:-oo'II s.,n
• S:::!"11" cu : :?: =t O!!ICC y;~
::- ;<:'Io~se-:·0~011 woe<,
"'!;jf S OC•QI)

~:o 0'1: ~ "IG-1!
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 T "1E: lS v NUTH
SE'Wfi, ~-~

- j....rttr>':-omb in o med'um souce~n and ado enough • i 'i lS i·0!:5:J:J·~: pv.; f -~El
v.'Oterto cover it co:-rolete!y.3ringtoo ooilO'ler h·gn r:::..s:-ooN 3't0U'IIO 'Itri E :E:-:-::'t
heat, reduce too s·.mrner,o.nd:,onc.nfor 30 m·....rtes. r:::..s:-ooN :li\OUND S C- U"-1
Oroino,cl rins.eonc:lercoldwa:e·.
- Slicetr>':lam:,, t-ons:er too 'X/h oadi:he whi:e pepper, • I 7f!SPOO'II 5:~t
pep:,er, salt, a.."'.d
wine. • i ·:. .5.ESPOONS \ICE 'It 'IIE
- Mix the corns:orcn (com'IOUI")
wi':h 3 tcoles::ioonswo:e· • i ·:. .5.ESPOONS :O'!;NSi!.'t:-1
ino smo bo•NI.Ait:IN&... st-o·chto settle at the :,ortom ::O,\'ll =LOU't)
of the 'XI'- :o. 5 mJ"IA':5, then oour o..i tcewa:e· to • 5 E~::; 'Itri TES
leaveo wet storc.n. • i :u :-s :10 f~ OZ:!.i5 Wl)
- IJ'lorotcersmall oowl,.hem me egg,,...,'tesunti foamy. VE:lE-:.5 .E O L
Adelthe egg whi-.esto the\\<ets:orcn to TIO~ o :,otter.
- ;ea;: me oil ;nov.-okor arge sk1-:t f-yingpo,} to =o=t -ri! SP.::o s:..LT:
340°=/17O:C, o· un::Io c_oe of oreod :,ranns in45 seconcs. • I 7f!SPOO'II 5:~t
Dipeoch sliceof omo ·..,tothe eggv.+iite:,otter, tf.en r:::..s:-oo~ :l,'tOUND s c-u.,~
carefullyc.ropthesrces,one at o time, 'ntn e hot oi. Use
cf..oosticksto disoerset ~ oiecesrop·a1yto ~eve"'t stb:ing,
and dee:,-iry for2- 3 minu:es until crispy.Use o slotted
sooonto a?T'O\'ethe loTo f"Omme ho-.oi end dro·non
- -o mo<eth<:soicedrolt, hem o smells<i!let{fryingoon}
ever medii..m-high heotond ooa the sch. Stirfor o minute,
j..mtO\\<CJrm, turn off tne heat, uons: er too smcl 00'1,1,
end o!lowihe sdt to cools...gntfy.Stirin the ground
- =-met-re crispylorr:oand serve,,..fthsoicedso}t on the
s:de :o. sprinding.
i\!G ON: -ION:; <0'11~ Ml5<l
:Wt'.!l$ tit
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUiES,
=-~us 5 M NU "ES 5i£NDl'II~ i ME LA M B C HOPS
COO(l'II~. M! 15 'fl 'IIUiES
E'.:!i=-£G! .d25

, a p.wo c - o=-s :::u1~ns) • Spti.c!lethe laTo chops ,,,/th tee sa,;tand piece in o 'X/h.
• I iE !$=-OON S£.~T Let S6.a.nd for 5 minutes.
• CEN!'lOUS !, cu =-s 'l". :, NiSii l E'l) • ;e<n 2tablespoons oi in o v.o<or d~j souce:,onover low
VE3Ei!5L:: 0 l. • o ;; ''l Y '113:'ljo hem, odd the garlic.,and oon•::Yfor20-30seconds U"'ti
:l!f='·:'ly "113 goa'=""·Useo slorteo spoonto removethe garlicfromtee
• j - u:is:; l"'~,: "'H ~EO £NJ oiland dro·non ooper towels.
:Ol "'SElY c - o =-'"fJ • Ast tee .ombc"lOOS with cornstarch {com'loor).Add
• 2 t:5L!s=-ooNS CO'\NSP:\:-1 me remo·;:ng 4 o..os (32f o~SO -n) oiltoteewok.ond
(CO'\N ' .OU'\; hea;:to 3OJ=1tso:C, or un:i o cuoe of oreod :,ra..,~ in
, !, s-1:.Lo-s. : -i o"'PIO Jr,mrut es. Gent} the ombchoos in:othe oi o"lO
• 0·12 O'l !.) C- .ES deeo-fry~r LS minutes, or u"til golden ~own onc:Icooked
• I '\D CH l!, S-1\!0DD ::nroug...,.Useo slortedsooon toca.refvllyremovetee .omb
, 1 t:ot:s=-oo.,. 31\0UND s c - 1..:.,. c.nopsfrom the o ono dro·.lon ooper to,.~:e s.
• j out most of tee oi, -:ovingabout2 toblesooons·n the

• 3 :.lU!.Ni ,i .ESSOY5P"II C" s=-s wok.Heat over rr~ ceot. oadtne sno!lots,and s:ir-fry
P!.0! 52; :o. 1-2 minutes un:ilf•agront ncreoseto nigh neat, ado
• I f£5LEs=-oo~ L 3Hi SOYSl.u:::: me d'ied ch es, red chile,g.rounds·chuo~ peppe·corns,
• I f:!.s=-ooN Gi't!"IIUtrD SUG£'l crisoygor,..c,soy~n crisps,'Sl:l'fso.xe, ond sugar.Toss
• i SC:ll O"IIS (S=-\.'11~ON O'IIS), CUT we u-rtilall the ·-..gredientsare coToined. jut in the omb
NTO 2· 'II: - ·S•CV tfNOi - S c.nopsand s:ir-fry:o·about 1minute,then add the scallions
• SlE£1,';!Q 'i;,C! "'.'3E 5.dC ·o Sf;;\'f (springon·Ol"\S} and toss. --onsfer too servingolo:e end
servewim rice.

i\!G ON: -!UN.:., ~ti!H ~ r~
P,\!P!i\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES
COO(l'll:;3. • M!: I -IOU,\ 15 M '\lu·n HOT A ND SOU R
S!\VES: 0

• I :i·tS-'n~<;: 50MlESS P.1'15 ,\ 5 - Putthe omb .ntoo i0r9e:IOtand odd e"'0.:9h• e· to

• !. ·:.o .ESPOO'IIS VE3Ef!5L! Oil coveritcomie:e'y.B·;ngtoobo overnighheotone
• !.·:.o .ESPOO'IIS 11;1::::
'"'°'"IE bo.nchtne lam:.:o. 5 T,J"I.Jt es. S~"llme frothand scum off
• I f!.5lES"00~ L ;';Hi SOYs:..u:::: me sufoce, if needed. )ro·n o"'.d("";!eunder cold n.nning
• I f:.Sl:5"00"1 o:.~1:: SOYS.'UCE wo:e· untilcooled.Cut tne 1¼-inch/3-cm o.;bes,
• I TE!)"OON s:..•r - Heat 2 toole:ooons\-egetoole oiline wok.orors=s(illet
ON O'IIS), cur
• 1 SC:.1~ 0"115(S"'t '11::3. (fryingoo~) overnighneot,oda tne lam:.,o,cl s:ir. fry:or
l'lliO r~•l'II::: - .d·Cw ~E',GT- s 0:101,;t 1m·.,.,ie.Sprinde'ntn ewine.Addtt"<: roy sauces
, ·, ov1s ::s.:;'113H:.sou· \•1'1:::-1.• o"'.dsot·onother .rw'lute. Stirin tt"":sea ons
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE),SL :::EJ (springon·o-rs},ginger,one dr'ed red chiles.
• S O'I EJ i\:!O :::-1 .ES - Add 2 o.;os (16floz/475 ITT) •.-.cter and o,ingtoo ooil.
• l ·:.a .!S"OONS " CK.EJ vrnn:.s.ES. Reo.xeto O'Nhea!onclsim-re·, covered,for 1how.
'I NS!J !"IIJ CHO'"'"EJ - 0:SCoreti!: sea ~s, g'.nger,and aried cniles.tJs·-..g e
• 1·2 :l,\!E'II C-1 ~ES,S!EOD £ND slorteds::,oon,transferthe loTo toe she O'
: ,ELY CHD'""E:l k.eeowc·m. ~eservetee i0mbDrO"'J'I (s:ock.}.
• I TPS"OON W-1 TEV N!;';H - Heat tr-':remoini"92 ro:iespoonsveg.,::obeci int~wok,
• I f:.5L!S"00"1 :::OR'ISJ:.'\C- cod the p'ck..edvegeto:.esond gr~"lcnles,one sfu.fry
::::o,\'l =LOU,\) :<Y about 1minute.=bur·n the vinegarand tee i0mbbro:h
• I :::-1 'll!SE .!U, C- O""EJ o,cl IY-1'19
too 00. Mixthe cornstarch (C<Yrrloor) with
• ., fE!.S"OO'II SES!"'f O l 2 toble:ooonswater i'.lo s-noll'XI.,. one mt mis .rixtv-e
• !. 5U'l:::-IE S::: L!."11
- ,\0 (CO\ :..NJEi\) into thev.'O(.&-;ngtoo xia, S::rring,:o. obo.rt 30 seco"'.ds
:::- 0""!0 to i:hiC(entee sooce. kJd the lee( ond stir .nthe sesame oil.
• su:.1o1:o
:;;,::::".'3E S.dC ·o SP:\'E - Poorme sauce c:,.•er the laTo o,cl sprindewiththe
cnoppedci ant ·o {co'i:inder). Serve'"'"thrice.

3Zit$ !1ffe.j
~ ~:o 0'1: :5l.~'l:";OO'\I:;
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 T "1E: lS v NUTH


- lfl o largesaucepan.oddt-r.egoo; bellyono enough\\'Oter • i l S 5 oz..~:J:JG GO'i a:: L..Y. CUT

tocO\'erh complet!?'y. 3r'~ too boi over~h ri:at and •ro a E·S !E;, ECES
blo~h for obol.J'!3 m:nutes. Oro·,no"'.dr'"':!e
er cold • i cu;,s 0~ =-_ ov.::;5 Wl) PLUS
run"'"'.9wc:e·. 2 PS ..ES"OO'IIS \if;jfi.!5L! Oil
- ;em me oil .no \\'Okor O*P soocepo'lto 30()Cf/150CC , • .! .J " ED 3E.'N CUit) sr1::<s
or u-nt o cube of xeod bra,;ns in If,,minutes.Cc.refdy odd • ~ W!Tflt :: ·IEST'IIUTS
ti-...oeon curd sfcksond dee:,-fry for1 ~ut e unti puffed • 1 O!:SC ;j 3 'll;j! " (.!SO U"
up. ,emow and t·ons-fertoo 'X/h o'co d for l· NC -1,i.5·::M· ..E'll3-T-I :- ECE
2-3 minutes. 0-oin and CU'! the beo'lcvsd s:ic(s in:o o:o-..i S...ICEO
Set aside.
2:f.-:Och/6-cm e-r_gt"'-S. • .! C ...O\iES G!, ~IC, Sl ::EJ
- :,eel the\\'Oter &-:s:nutsand t'N:l sock ino smcl OO'NI • i "!5 ...ES;,OON-" ::E W N!
of coldwcier U""tilteodytouse. • 1 5 ....1.,CI(
::! ;,J! NQ\1 POJS
- ;ea;: me remo·V19 2 toble::ooonsoi in o )vtch oven • l JUJUO! .J!T::S
{cossetole) ever medium-hig'1he-a-., ood the g'.ngero"'.d • I "!5 ...!S;,OON L G-1" SOY S!UCE
90X, and sti·.::yfor 30 secondst.nti ; ·ogrorn. j..,..i in the • i "!5 ...!S;,OON Q!\I( SOYS!.UCE
9oot. ,,.·--e,cctdo"l"lOIT'l,
wo:e· cnes:nu:s, juju:ie dotes,ono • I "f! SPOO'II s:_T
2 cu-os(16Aoz/475m } ,...mer.Bringtoo Xii, ·educe to aN • I "f! SPOO'II GH'IIUL!.TEO SUG.'R
heat, men cover oocls·mme· :<Yobout1hour. • l CH "IES! LEE<S.CUT ~TO
- Aodthe sc,ysauces,sa;t, sugor, ona tne be-oncu·a sticks r~•l'IIC - .d·C'-' lENGi - S
and co~ti--~ to coo<for 30 minutes.PI.Jt·.\ tne le-e<S one! • I "!5 ...ES;,OON CO"'ll)"!RCH
Y"nmer f01 a."'Otcer 15minu:es. Ino smal oo,..mixtne :::OR'll =-LOUit)
COl"nsto-ch (corn"IOUI")
\,-:'tn2to:.espoo:"\S\'l1oter o,cl cir • ~ iE.!S"OO'II G'\OU'll:l 'I-I- iE =-::P"H
th:smixture ,.,to tee )utch O'.'en.3ringtoo ooil.stir(~, • SJ::!MEJ-" CE IP!.G! '.:.!0), iO SE'\v'E
for 30seco"'.dsto thic.(ent ce sa-..xe. S:irJ'Itne whi:e
peoper.--ansfe r ::oo serv'.ngdisnand ser\<ev.-'t'1rice.

~ 427
i\!G ON: 3P•fiU 1!
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiES,
"'LU5 I -!Ol.iit v: •t 'll!i NG i "1E BRA ISED
COO(l'll:j.. M! I -IOU:\
S!'tV!S: !.·O LA M B
it:!l "'!3f .!.]9

• ]\ .5:1 (3 Sl:'lli'll:j. .:y;;, CUT i'IITO - .rio baNl,co:-roinethe loTo, cc0:,oed 9f9er, chop:,ed
lli· NCH .!.-:;:y;CU5!5 sea.lion(sp--;ngonion),sot. v.1'1e,o"'.d~ toblesooonSO'f
• \OZ•IO:j.:j.'11:j.E't ·:sou · \•l'll:::-1· sauce ono mo·OO:-:fot 1 nour.
]•CV•L!NUi - " .ECE), ·P.L; :::-10"'"EO - ;!?O!tnevegetoole oil·no wok.oroeepsoucepcnto
!'110 -!!~; S.ICEO 300CF/15()QC, or ...ntilo cu:,e of :,reod :,ranns inlf,,mi.,1.rt:es.
• i SC:1~ 0"115(S"'t '11:j.ON 0'115), Ge"tly lowerin tt"<:lomj , usingchoost·cksto ruoe;:e
l CHO'"'"E:l ~'11:l1 IC'IIOi.E O, " .US me p·eces ·opid'yto prevemsticking,and dee>fty for
EXF! iO U!'tN S-1 3.£ minu:es1..n:igo ae" brov,m.l.k:ea slotteds :,oon to
• •~TE.!5"00'11 S.'li carefullyremovethe lo.,.To f-omtt"":oilo.r,c:Io.roinon :,aper
• I f:SL!S"'OO~ 't,:::: ·-11·NE towe_s.T·onsferthe lomotoo oven(cosse-ole) o,cl
• I i.!SL:s=ooN5 •. 3 - i SOYS!UCE ood enoug'l wcr.erto cc,,-e·me lomj complet':'ly. 3ringto
• ] Cl."S (IC ;L OZ '.!.TSM.J o boil.odd tri: gingerslices, k.."'Ot:eo sea.lion,...,.,'te:,ep:,e·,
VE~EP.5.t O ~ o"'.dremo·n:ng1tc:,espoon soy sauce.,educe to low-...eot,
• •~iE!S"OO'II G'tOU'll:l 'II - iE "!P"E't cover,o,cl sim-re· forobout 40 m·.,utes,unt tender.
• I f:5L!S"'00"1 :::OR'll5J:'tC - - ,no smallcowl.mixthe corns:orcn(co:nflour)•1,"th
::::oR'll=LOUI\) 2 toble::ooonswater o"'.dS:::rthis :-n,ixt,-,..r
e in:o tri: V.'O!.
• I f::!S"OON S!S!Vf 0 Bringtoo :oi, s:irring,:or 30 secondstoth'ck.ent-..esooce.
• su:y;:o :;;,:::: ...,~E 5.dC ·o SP:\'E (),izzlea.-e·tn e sesoTe oilonc:Itro"\Sfertoo serw-q :,ote.
Garnish'"'"thsco'J:ons,then servew'ih rice.

i\!GON:YU~'ll!'II T~~ .$fil~

P:\!P!.:\:·,oN i ME 10 y; NUTES,
" .US I HOIJit MH 'II!- '\l:j. !"\IJ ROA ST LA M B
IS y; Nu •E Sit ESTNG i ME
COO(l'll:j. i M! i -!OU"S lC M 'llu·ES WIT H C LOV ES
S!'WES: 8

• I :~·.SIC·OZ,l·(G 'l, - 0.E .EGO ; - -0.(e tn e loT-0out oft~ refrigercr.orend set aside to worm
l.'"15. SO'l!·l'II to room tem:,eroture.
• ] J:SL!S"OONS $!.i - jO(e o ooze"lholesocrossthe surfaceo: tt"":ombwi:h o
• li Hl-5"00'i O~OU'IJ 'tr'- ,lf ":P",;~ sl:e-''e ••Comb'~ t -..es0.;t,whi:-:peoper,choppeosco..ions
• i J:5L!S"00N5 C-!OPPEO 5C!.l 0'115 (springon·Ot"S} and ginger,one!rub tr-': ombwi:h this
:s "'t "113ON 0"115) mixtu·e.~o~oote for1 nour.
• i f:5L!S"00N5 :-10"'PEO 3 N3! " - j re-~at the a.•ento 375°FnQQQC/Gos ~or< i
• •,CU"' .!. F. OZ •UC M.J - ,ubt-..e .ombt"'OJ'a..ghlyw'ih t-..evegetc:,e oil.=meoch
VE~EP.5.t O ~ hoe yo..mode on the omb '"'"tho clove.t --enpiece tri:
• I] ::LOVES loTio'n roos:ingoon.Adc:I ii cup (4 floz/120ml}water to
• i f:5L!S"00N5 5ES.'ME 0 me roostingpan. Roostforooout 2 hours30 ~lit es, or
• ] J:5L!S"00N5 T !"IV !"IIJ :"IG untilo!Ithe water nos evaooro:eoo"'.dthe mea;:is golden
• !. S:!.L.ION5 :sP " NG 0"110N5; :u · Ira..,-...ReT'O\'e:-omthe a.•eno"'.d:in..'Snwi-.n sesame oil.
'IITOi· NCHiS•:::y; 1..!'113i-15 - _etthe .ombrest for 15m·.,.,ies,then slice.Serve'N'-th
• i.!.SJ::y;:J EGG 'tOL. 'lli\.''""'E\S t:onm·a.nj',scol,..0"1leng:hs, ono E-39 •o wrappers.

!!RA s.:o.Awe
"'!G 0'11:S-1.!.'IIX, $ ~::!f,Il ~
"''1;!:--H!i 0'1 i WE: IS v "llJiES
:-~us24 - OU'IS :'{!EZ '\I:"; i ~E BRAIS ED LA tv1B
COO!C~G i WE: I -1ou:-- sow 'IIUiES

• ll oz ~JO G f il;V :o=u, o=t:. 'll!J Thisis o deliciousrecioefavoredbf locals.Whe'l m e tofu

• 11QZ,,300 G STEWNG .._:.vs is frozen,the waterinsidethe tofu crystobs. When the
• I i!!S=-ooN $!.,LT.=-tus EXi't' crys:alsmel-.,they -:ovegoos witT'lin
the ton..,wh'chabsorb
· o ·:. s1E m e sauce.
• I i!!S=-ooN Gil;!iEO:; 'l:';E :--
• I t:5t:S=--oo ... 011;,!J $-Ill; M=--R NSEJ. - j_d t~ ton..ino fteezerpi,of conto·~r. c0te·, o-r.opoce
J't! N!O, .!.'10 CH0'"' 0 EJ in tr>':free,ze·for2£ "'
• I r:::..s=--ooN Gi\OUNJ s CHU-'~ - ~it~ tofu into o lo-gesouceoo~ond odd enoug'l'-''Oter
to coverit com:.etely.&-;ng too :ioioverhighheat one
• 3·,o: 'ICO ::3.=--
01:to v:: :--~ CE~L bo.nchfo·2 TW'lut es. )ro·'l o-r.or'"':!e under cold l'l..nning
• •~CU"' .n OZilOO ~· SP 'll,=<:-1 wo:e· untilcooled.\'/hen the tofu :Scoo enoughto ho,d!e,
~f!.VESSl :::EJI'll -l'~f squeezeout m05'!of tne water ·'\S·o-:t~ tofu.Cl.rtinto
• ·~ OZ.'10 ::3.'l"Ell0'/1 C- VES, :::ul '1110 J.·;,chn.S-cmc _oes and set c:s'o-:.
li· NC-1,'l•CM ~E'll::3.T-IS - j_d t~ .omb in:o o lorgesa-..xepo'lonoooo enoug'lwo:er
• I S,UNCHC ~:.'lli";O ::::011;!'IIOF to coverit com:.etely.&-"'9 too :ioaoverhighheotono
:::ur "ITO • NC-1.'l•CM ~E'll::3.T-IS bonch fo, 5 mfl""i,..ies.0-ain and rinse underco a run'¥1g
• SiE:.~:O "1;1:::! =:.:;E SlC TO Sf";\'f wo:e· untilcooled.
- "\e .omb ·nto U'.-inch/! -cm a.bes ono retum to me
souce:,on,,..fthe--o;,;ghwo:e·to cover.Returntoo boil,ood
me soh, gi'lget, o.riedshri«o, and
Reo_ceto lowheat o"'.dsi:r.mer,covered,:o. U$hou-s,
or urd the loTo is wfflcienttyso~.
- Meom,-:hil e sockthe verTice!li'no oov,.-1 of hot 'Yl.'Oter
:o. obo.rt} mh.rt:es::osoften. 0-C:no.nclset aside.
- Mo the tofu o.ncldroinedvemkel!ito the .omb, bri-r.g
to o boil,caw, onclsim-r~· foranotne· 5 ~ es. S:irin
me spinachand 'F-aNchVes o-r.oretu-ntoo boil. Transfer
too lorgeserv'~ :.ow o"'.dgornishw'iht"\ecilo~tro
(coriander). Ser\•ewtthrice.

Ll.i~~ .$ ~ ~! G 0'1: S-i!'IXI
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 T "1E: 15 \I NUTH
LAMB COOK ~GT "1E:; - OU'l;S 15 "11'\IUTES
SE'Wfi, ~-~

- =-.ace me,..,.d yoms'n o bowlof ice-coldwater -andset os~. •\ !S QUi 3•~ OZ.'ICO ::;: 'Nl.0 Y!V
- j....rt tN' -ombin:o o lorg,=sa-.,..cepo
'1o-r.oenoug'lv.'Ot!?r 0 ~ c:ss:-. •.! , PEE~EJ :No ::ui NiO
to cover 't com:.etely. Bringtoo xri overhig'1hem o-r.o • N:: -1,'l•CM SL CH
banch 'r.x10m·.,utes. )rain and rinse~- cod ~ing • ii OZ, }00 G STEWNG ~ ! VS
wa:er.Se: aside. • I if!S"OON S CHU'N PE'"'"P.CO=tNS
- j....rt tN' s·chuo'1 peppe·cornsond sto·-on;se·.lo soice oog. • ISJ!\!"IS!
Heat tr>':oil ·o o )u:c n oven(cosse•oe) a.•ermedium-:ligh • I f:S L!S"OO, vE:3f -!5 L! 0 l
heat. odd the ~nger ood 3eT"".9 scol!ions,and sti·.::y • \OZ•IO:j.:j.l'll:3E't !So u ·• .-i'll:: -11
:o· 1-2minutes un:ilftagro"'t.A/Jdthe loTo o"'.ds::Ir-fryfor i·CM· ~E"IGi-1 = E:::::, S~ICEO
o:ovt 1m·"'.ie, then stir ·n the wine, wo foe·rie--~ s:rice ::>03, • 1 SE Jl"I G sc: ~L O'IIS O=t ~ SC! .l O'IIS
o,cl enougn wcr.ertow,•e· me lam:. bf Iii inches/ ~ cm. ( SP,=!.NG O'II IONSJ ::u· 1•ro
- :iring too ooilover h·gn "\eOt.teox e to t:IN heat 1·1'11::- :S•CV l fNGi - S
, fo· 2 "'O<.JS,o· un:il the
o"'.dsimrrer, ca.-e·ed OJT'O is • I f:5 L!S:-00N =t,C! ·-1o·,E
te"'.derenoug 'ltooierc e th·oughv,dth o cho~tb::.k.d the • I f:5 L!S:-00N O=t!J W0l " 5E=tll;ES
wildyoms, semonwith tne so19 ., and sim-re· for-ono:her • I iPS"OON S! • •
5 minutes. T·onsfertoo ~-ving plate ono seNewi-.nrice • Sf:!"lfJ R CE :P!.G! ~.!.O
) 011;
or coo<edriooa.,es. COO<EJ NOOJ~ES. TO S!'\VE

§ :t *LlJ$ =::Go -..: - :"!"

=:i;::,.H!f 0'11i ,V E: S \1 "IUiES,
GOA T IN A " lUS 5 'fl 'IIUiES $0.! (i'II G ! NJ
15 Ml'\IUTES'fl:'t 'll !i NG . \1!
Sf";VES !.

- .no lorg,=soucepon, odd tee goo;:o"'.denoug'lv.-o:e· to • I \I l 6 a•~·OZ/ 100·:l.1 30'11:"LESS

w.•e· h completely.3ri-r_g too boilover"":ct ond S( N·O'II :lO'i \1f:l
blo:-icht"\E!goo;::<Y 5 minutes. Skimthe :·ot n anciscum off • i -!5 .Es=ooN VE:3Ef!6.E O L
tr,..,s...rfoce,i: ne-eo~. )rain and rinseu"'.Cle· cod running • ; cu=s o~".
oz !.15 'fill c - ::<E'II
water un_,.cooled. 0.rt the goat into lf,,.·;,ch/4-cm so;,;ores. s=tor - :sro::K. =!.GE n:
Pu!the goot :ntoo .orge 'Xii< ~ cove1w't'lwormwater, and T:AS"OO"i5A1.
· "~l,;5f:C.ill!
sock for S mi""I.J'tes . )rain. 101:sJE
- lfl o oo.., comoine the goat and mor"~e ingred:~.,tsoocl • ~ OI,'150 :j." 'W TOFU.J ,\! N!O !.NJ
moi."'.Otefor15 :TW'lut es. ::ul N70 l• l'l:: -I '2.5·01 ::u:::s
- ; ea;:me oil ;nowokor arge sk.1-:tf-ying po, } over • Sf:!"lfJ R CE :P!.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\VE
heot, cod -:hegoat. and stir-fryfor2 m·-..;rtes.Adoii cu:.
{4; oz/00 ml) chicke'lbrotn {stock)oocloringtoo ooil. =Q=t • - f V !'t 1, :J::
reduce to mediumheat, o"lOsimmerfor • !. C~O'iESG!'t .l C, CHO'"'"D
10minutes. Trons:ertoo 0..-tchove'l (cosseroe}. • i 5.,.'f 1.E ! VES
- Aoothe saho:-r.d the rema'Ang li5cups (12floz/350:nl) • I -!5 .Es=ooN R ::E W N!
chick. en oro:n o,cl :ring too !Jo'l...6dc:I
the to'u, reduce to • ozno G G "IG!ll; !,60Ui ,. "IC - !
low heot, and s·· :o· 1hou·. Sec:so"lwitne.xtro sot to 2·CW·l:NGi -l "E::E ;, S- 1\!0DE:l
taste. Se-ve·o me D.itchovenwi':h rice.

• ~ JE!S,.00'11 G=tOU'IIJ W- ,TE ":'P"H
i\!G ON: N'\IF VONGO~ ! ~ ml.$ ~
P,\!P!i\qON i ML 10 y; NUiES
COO( l'II:; i M! I -IOU,\ .!5 y; Nu ·n MUTTON
S!\VES: .!

• 1\ .5: I(~ 1,';U7i0~ 0 "' . !VS"' as. · ~it~ muttoo rbs in o lo·ge souce:on, cdd e"lOUgh wcte1
S!P!i\!.TEO .!LONG i-1! 50'\l!S to covercompe:e!y, ono br'cg too bo over nigh neat .
• !. 5.!C( C :\o:y;QM " ODS Sanc.n the rbs for S mh.rt:s--~ tr,n d·CJIo.r,c:I·il>P-t.nder
• 1 OZ;SO G G NG!,\ : noui c,o,d ru-ming•.-.ater.
l· NC-1."i.S·CM·~ENGi-l "ECE ), • ,n o"'Otheri0rgesoocepon, bringS:-iC\..PS (68floz/2 l"len )
S~ICEO wa:e·::oo ooilaw hign hea!.Ado tri: ribs,cordo"TlOm,
• 1 5E J ~G sc:. L O'IIS o, ~ SC!ll O'IIS g·~e· slices,and &ij'"".9 scallions.~ turn too bo" onciskinl
:S"''t 'II~ ON O'IIS), CUT '1110 m e sufoceto -emovea"'{frotn o,cl scum. ~uce to ctN
n.· "IC- '.d6CV L!NG~HS cook tl"': ribsfor o.not~r 1hO.J'"
hea! a.."'.d 15m·...;rtes,
• 2 t:5 L!S"00NS S! ~i or un-1 te".der.J,.JJdthe salt o.r,c:Icon'::nueto cook for
o"'Other15minuies.Trons:erthe ribstoo servingolo:e.
=o=t H:: :i "'P ~G s:..ucE: • -o make tt"<:dipp·"".9 sauce,combi".eall the ·"'g'edients
• 1 ::.OVES U.'R. IC, cn:=>=o in o s 'TJO,I
'Xii< one mix\\'e .
• I 3-UNCHC 1~:'lli";O ;::OR !'IIOE~J. • Se.rvet".e l'\bs wi:h the sauce.
:: - 0"'"!0
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 l :;ni SOY S!.UC!
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 5L.!..C(0"' S!.S.'M IC
V Nf~:=t

i\!G ON: !N-tU § tll .$ ~

P,\!P!. ,\:.· ,oN i ME 10 y; NUiES
C00( 1'11 :; i .M! I -IOU,\ .!O Ml'IIUiES ST EW ED
S!'tVES: .!

• I :1•~a 5·0! ·~:J:J·~ o: ,! i S! L~Y • ,no lorg,=SOi..cepo ~ ood the goat bellyono enoughwater
• IC S'ltEEi :,_o,o, co· (!"''IIE ~S. C\US-tD to coverit com:.etely. &-"'9 too :ioaover high heotcno
• 2C 'It ri i: =::"'"'Ei\CO\ "IS bo.nch fo· 5 m·"-ies. 0-ain and rinse undercoo runVig
• I l OZ, lO G G "IG!'t !SOUi wa:e·.Setcside.
2· NCH·S0::1,';•.E'll~i-1 "' ECE., S~ICEO • Combinethe o~icot <erne.s cnci,.,.,,~e :,ep:.ercoms
!'110 C"'USH!O in os:rice :og.
• 1 5E Jl"IG sc:. L O'IIS o, ~ SC! ~l O'IIS • ~etu-n me goot :,e fy to the :,on, then odd t "E ginger,
;s"'"'~~ ON O~fl, ::ut l'flO ,. NCHl Beifng scol,..o":Stcordo"TlOm, s:ricebog,one!
S•CV L!NYHS wo:e· toco-.•e·tne ing·edents. Cove1and :wingtoo Xii
• S 5L!..CKC ! 'tO:.VOM "'ODS over hig:1he<r,.,i:hen·educeto low heat. and s·'Tlmer:0(
• I if!S"'OON S!.f 1hou·. S:i ·" me so16 ,.,tur'.lo!!t ".e ,-,eot, one!re-cover.
• 1 Sf!.(S C 1~. 'NUO (CO"' !"IJE't. 1, Standfo· another 30 Tr·~,.rt ~s.Removem: goat side from
T03!.R'IIS - me pc...'1
o".dset aside on o :, ate to coo co:-rolete!y.
• Meom,-:hil e, mokethe dp~ sauce. eo~·ne o tt"<:
=o=t H:: :i "'P ~G s:..ucE: ingred:~"tsin o smallOO'YI:o,cl setcsic:le.
• I l:!S"'OON C- O""!J r;:'l; L C • Slic~tl"':goot ilto st fas one servecoldoccom~""''eo
• 2 t:5 L!S"00NSZ-l!'IIJ :"IGV 'llf:;H by the COOntro (cO'i:Jnder) eo-.•esanddip=,;ngsauce.
• 1 t:5 L!S"00NS ~13-ti SOYS!UCE
• ·~ 7f!SPO:J'II SIC-tU!"II CH L Oil
• ·, u:s"OO'II SES!~f O t
f;f:f~~ T •u~ ON: -IU~£~
"'!\!"'! I\! · 10N . M! IC v "llJTH
RABB IT IN :::OO(l'\I~. \1! 1~ v "iVES
S!'WES: 4

- lfl olarge 00\'r,'I. me ro:.oit,1teosooonSCI'/

COt"To-'ne sauce, • ll OZ,~JO G OOM~ESS 't.'55 T, CUT
ii teaspoon salt, tne wine,o.ndcorns:orc.n(corn!\ou·}. 'IITO • "ICH: i·C'-1 CUS!S
- ;ea;: me vegetable oi in o wokor deep soucepo.nto • I t:3lfS"00'11 l ~ - T SOY S.!UC!
340,:,:/170:C,o• un:ilo c1-oeof oreocl~a,.·ns in 45 seconos. • Ii! !5"00~ Sl.LT
Gen:ly~-e· ti-':!into the oil, usingchoosfcksto • I t:3lfS"00N \,CE ''lo',E
dispersetn: pieces ·ooiclly ::oore-ventsfc~-r.g.and oeep- • I t:3lfS"00N CC't'IIST:\C -
fry '0(2 - 3 minut esontil lig"'tDrown.Use o s ot:E<:Ispoon tCO~'ll=.ouFt
tocare'i.Jfy ·emovett"<:rob.:it f~tne oiland dro·oon • 3 CU"S :2s =L oz ·;sc "1l
po:iertaNt?ls. V:'G!PS.E 01~
- ~eneottl"'E' oilto 34(ff/171YC, core'V'fy-etu.tnthe roobh ::o • 3•~OZ 'ICC ::3."1!01UM·-IOT \ED
tr>':'"'ot, and d~>fty for 2 minuies un:il goden !Ya...~ o"lO c - lES. SEEJEO !'IJ cno=>=EJ l'IITO
coo<edi:hrough.Tro"\Sfer the ·obbit too co,onderto d·oin. •~•I'll( - ·l•CV P !CES
- ja...rout most d tl"':ol eovingobo.rt2 toblesooo"'Sin • I i!!S"OO"I S C- U'"I :-p:::;,CO\NS,
tN' '"''O!· ;ea;: the oi over ~h neat, ado tne Cf' es and C::US·iEJ
S-chuonpep;,ercorns,and stir-::y for 30 secondsonti • I C-1 'll!SE L!EK, CUT '1110~- NCH

fragrant.Add t "\e rabbit and the ·e:noining'f, teosooon sc.t, 2•CV P :'C:'S
toss.and sti·.:-y :,riefty.:11.fiint~ Chinese~ks, vinego·, • 3 TPSPOONS 5L!.CI:: o ;; S!.).'MIC
and remoining2 teaspoons soysOi..ceand stir-fryfor V N!G:=t
onothe1 ~ut e. • I i!l.S"OO~ S!SWE OI~
- Sprindewe· me sesaTo:oil.toss, and trons-fe·too se-ving • SiE!"1EO '!;,CE :-:~f SlC: TO s:;;v:
plate. Se;vewi-,.nrice.
V 0
G u
s s
i\!G ON: 5;:::-1u:.'1 ff ll<§~
P,\!P!i\qON i ME 10 y; NUTH
S!\VES: 4

• I.a 45~ G 'I! :,!!G! - EH·s. Thiss~-nioglyS:mpleoocleosyd:s:'lis~ of Sicnuon's

i" V"1E:l iO 5· "ICH: 12 5•:::y; L!N3~H m05'!demo.ndingdishes.Thebro:h.wh·chnormo'Jy
• 2 lE'S;-OONS S- !OX NG 'lii'I! usescnicke.n, po:'<bones,one!~ is coclted
duo:, :io:'<,
• \ "f!5P OO'II G~OUNJ \\-1 H :,p:.H :<Y m east o doy.ono tne'l c.ori'1edto ocf.'e.,•eon
• ·~ TE..:.s=oo'II s.,n obsoi,'yc~·soup.F~ eose.the teci:ieuseso common
• S :::u=s f40 =L OZ·'l.2 l..l~Hs: c.nic..<e'l
:: - ,:<!'I EJ'tOi-1 (570:::<. =.:.~E90)
- 3ringo .,orgesouceoonof watertoo ooil.ood the
cobbogehearts, and blo"!Ch for 1minute.:>rain,tf..:'l
put J'I o heotoroofoow.
- ADllthe wine,whi:epepper,salt, ond 1cup (8 ~ oz/
250 ml) cnic..<enbro:h (s-.ock.}.
Piecetne baNI·no
co lopsibeoot or :,omboosteoTe·cver a :,ot of 00 cg
wa:e·.Steam,covered,for2 .nn.rtes. )rohono set aside.
- ;e<ntne remoi"'1"94 cu-os(32floz/1 li:e·) brotnin ti-e
souce:,onover .,·gn"'eOtand oour oo.•erthe cob~.

i\!G ON: 5H~ !'\IX ~ it! §~

P,\!P!i\qON i "1E: 5 "1 'IIUT!S
S!\VES: 4

• I .a; OZ,500 G ~.:.=.:.c:55.:.~E - Use onlytf.e firmeroorts of m e cooboge.Cut the-se into

• 2 f:5L!S=ooNS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ Jr,"~-inch/4• 2-cm pieces.
• 10 011;,EJC - 1lfS, SE!OD !NJ - ;ea;: ::nevegetaoleoil·no wok.orors-=s(illet (fryingoon}
- .:.l',EO over lowheat, oad the c.niles, and sti· -fry :o-2- 3 minu:es
• I f!SL!s=oo~ n-1 EV ~E~!'t until frag·ant.Addthe cob.:iogeo".Cistit-fryowr nighneat
• 1 f:5L!S=ooNS 3't!'IIUL!"EO 5UG''t :<Y '--5 minutes untilt "\e eogestum slig.,tlybro.-.-n.
• I TE!);"OON s:..~r • S::i ·'ltneV--egar, suga·, sot, and soysouceo.ndtoss
• 2 ifl-FOONS ~1011SOYP 1.JC! ::norou9"fy. MiXthe cornstarch{co·nflour)v,dth
• ·~ fE.!S=oo'II CO\"ISP~:::-1 ~toole:ooon wcte-·,tne:'lstir it htoth e WO<. 3ringtoo
::::O,\'l : LOU,\) bot stirring,fo, 30 secondstoth·ckE-nthe sauce. ~ix·o
• I f:!S;-OON S!S!Vf OIL me sesameoiland transfer too o.o:-e.Ser\•ev.ithrice.
• S}E:y;:o "1;1:::: =.:.~ES.dC).10 SE'WE
f.r ~ ~~ ~ 'tf~ 0'11: 51.iJDi-i 5· VEGEiH :,
"=tp·:'(._!J 0'11 JIVE: 15 \1 NU7ES
COO( NG i YE: 10 Ml'IIUiES

- Cove1the lotus ea: incold"''Otero,cl SOC( for • 1.J,'\ D 1.CTUS~f !~

~5minu:es. o.::<
:::u=-:1;.ox,·1~o: 011;,:::i
- Coverthe bock 'i.r:gus i'lcodwoter o"'.dsoo<:or FU'll3US
ISminutes-.R.nseti-': blockfungus,tne'l o.;t it in:o • 2 OZ/SO :3.'"'E S!'\\'!.J "1UST! ,o
;~str'~. G~!ENS
- ~insethe mus:ord greens ono squeeze to ·emO'leexcess • I 1.5i oz;s~~3 YOU'll;3. '\I P°:
wa:er, trim, tne'lcnoP ooclset aside. C!a5::;f
- ~insethe lo:us le-a:and soreoc:l'tout across o 12-inch/ • 2 T!S~ES"'OO'IIS VE;jfi:5L! 0 l
30-cm ::,ornboosteoTer. • 2 $\1!.L~ ::: !,'\'\OTS. S-i'\DJ!J
• U.i t~ co :.oog-=in ~If O:,v,mthe m·adle,o"'.de-oc.n".CJf • I ~::o 5Ell '"F"'!'\ . S!EOEJ :'llo
hto fourequo pieces,ensuringthe leavesof e-oc.n:iece S-i'\EOOEJ
remol'Ili"oe:edot tne stem. • 1u:s =-oo'II ~:;- rsovsw:E
- :iringo sci..cepanof ,...mer too bcii, oad the cobboge,o.nd if!S"'OON G"'! 'IIUl.! ·t o SUG! '\
b anch to· 1minute u-rtilsofoe-red.Trons:erthe cob.:,oge • I JE:s=-oo'II SES.!',!f O L
too coonder to drain, teen arrangeme ccoboge oieces • 1OViS:;:; N:;::=-(.!5Q U. i· 'II: -; '
on toj otthe otus ecf in tt"<:bom:oo steoTe·, •...-"th S·:::1o1·,.f'1137HPECE SH'\EJJEO
the stem of eoc.n:iecepoi-ting ta.-.mdthe center of • )!Lf, TO ·: s~E
the bamooo steamer. • s ·f! ND "'CE ( "'!0! S!.O, TO SE'\•tE
- ;em me vegetableoi ino wokor .orgeHillet {fryingoon}
ove· mediumheat.Md the·d g..-eens,:.oo: 'i.rngus,
carrots,ar.d ·eelbell :,e:.:,e·cno stir-fry forobou;:1/Tlinut
Stir in tt"<:Self sauce-,sugo·,o,cl se<..orne
sot, and transfe· to i:hebamooosteamer, p ocingtne
mixtu·eon top of tri: cooboge..A.adthe shredoedginger.
Poce the bomboosteamerover o pot of :>oiling wc:er.
Steam for S minutes.Se-vewimr"ce.(The lotus leof:Snot
to :,econstJ-r.ed.)
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONO
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUi:S
~ ~ rl\ i!9 :=:1-E
COO( l'll:;j.. '1! 25 1'/l'IIUES CRA B M EAT OV ER
S!'WES: !.

· ·~cu~ !.f .OZ·l101'1l):::-;c(:N • Combinethe chb:en ~otn {stocx),corns:arcn (co:nflour},

sito·n :sTO:::i::. "! .O! n >$teospoo'1sch, ii teo::ooon::..:gar,
and the •1,"l'te :,ep:,e·
• •~i!S.ES"OO'II CO\NSi!'s::-; in o 'XI,. o-r.omixinto o sauce.Se:o:s'cie.
:co:\'11: LOU:\) - 3ring£¼cups (1)' oin:s/l l"le1) wo:er too ooil·o o orge
• I iE !)"OON S!.~i souce:,on.Aodthe remo'niog'f, teosPOOn sc.t. I teaspoon
• I if!.S"OONS :l\!"IUPTEO SUO!:\ tobespoon wgetaole oil.k;d the !rocco i
suga·, a.."'.dl
• " NCH o: G'!.OU'll:l 'li-i ·t "UPE'!. bonchover nighheo1:for1minute,then dcainand transfer
• 2 t:5 L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ too se-vingplote.
• I 3\0CCO ll, : .o ;;:rs 0'11.Y - ;ea;: me remoi"l:ngltao =1:,oonvege:able o inov.'O!or
• 3 :::tO._.ES ;j!\ l :::. : ,ELY CHO'"'"E:l lo·ge 5.(i e: (fryingoon}overmedtrT',-,eat, Addt ce
• •,cu~ :coz,-100::;_, :::\:51,1:,1. · garlicona sf· .fryforl minute t.nti ;·ogro"t. Ada m e sauce
• I !GG 'Ii - -E. 5E!iE~ o,cl lY-1'19too 00. Putin the crobmeot, stir in tt"<:egg
, ·,-.l:'5"00"1 S!S!\,'E OI~ whi:eono sesame oil,and tv-n o!!the "'ect once the egg
• 3 ·,1.s.!S"OONS :::\:5 \O! whi:eis cooked.-·ansfe-·me mixtureto the ::el'Y~ :.ate
• su:1o1:o :;;,:::: " .':lE S.dC ·o st;;\'E o,cltopwith crobroe to 'in:$'\.Se-ve witnr'ce.

i\!G.ON: c-;.1.,oz-;ou ~ :t Yimt!l?F:=:

P:\!P!.:\!· ,oN i ML 10 \1 NUHS ".US
lC \1 Nu ·t s n:f! l'll:;j.i YE C HIN ESE BROCCOLI
COO( l'\l:;j.. '1!_ 5 Ml'IIUiES
~ ,._,:;fH 1

• I
OZ,l:J:; ~ :'!.( : q5!CI( - 4.rttt"<:po-'<fotbocx'n tne freezer!or 30mil"",,..ies
• I
f!5 L!S"OON :l 'IIGE'!.JUCE firm.Cut into thin slices.
• I
i!5 L!S"OO"I S-i!QXl'IIG ''lo',E • Combinethe gi'lge1juice,'le,o"'.dsugar i;\O :;,;o!I :.av..
• I
if!S"OON G"!'IIU l '-EO SUG!'!, - ;ea;: the oil;,. o wok.orarge sku:t f-ying po'l ) ever
• i i.!5 L!S"OONS \'EG!i!S~E O,~ medium""'=ct,oda tne broccot ond s:ir-fryro:.idlyfor
• I LS S OZ::tCC::;. C-il'll!SE 5:\0:::COl, 2- 3 minutesovernigh neat, un:ilthe IYoccoi is just
:u r NiOt\· "IC- ·?·:::1o1PECES abou;: cook.eel.
• I il-5~!S"OO"I f Si 5,1.y:;;; • S:ir·" me gi~· jl.DC e mixtu·e,odd tl"':fishsauce, toss,
• Sl:£M!J :\ :::: :"!GE 5!.C TO SBvE and t·ansfe· too ola:e. Se-vewitnt'ce.

i\!G ON: sn:..NG-1!
P,'!.!P!i\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES

, 1 sv:1~ - e::J c.:u1 =.owE'!.. r.o~:rs - 3ringo .orgesouc.eoonof watertoo ooil.cod the
0'11.Y,CUT 'IITO \· NCri:'2•CV P ECES cou!i'1aNer forets, o.nclolonchfor 3 minu:es.OrOJI
• :s·:o .:s=ooNS !.L~·"UHOSE o"'.dr'"':!e...nde1cold tunni-r_gwc:erunt cooled.
" t.: 'II =1ou'!. - Combinethe '1our,nt,eo;::ioon sot, Do<ingoov,.-der,
• I i:!S"OON S!.LT " lUS EXH' 1teos:,oonvege:ableoil,o,d l. to.oles::ioons·o o baNI
TOi'SlE o"'.dmixinto o pos:e.Addthe cou! and toss to coot
, ·~ TE's~oo'II f.!(1'11:; =ow:i:: ~ - ;e<n2 (16'I oz#75 ml)vegetob e oilin o '-''OJ::or deep
• j :u=s I\() ....OZ-4i5 M~ " lUS sauce:,onto IDWf/15~. <Y untilo ot bread browns
1 u,s~oo"II v:&!T!3lf 01~ in Ir, TW'lvt es.AJJdthe cou!i'1aNer,'ngchops:ic..<S
• I :";'tEE"IIS!.l "UPB . SEEJEO !"IIJ d:S:iersethe p·ecesrapidlyto preven:s±,and d~:, -fry
CUT 1'1170O:.·l'IIC- ,'2•CV C- UN(S :<Y obout 3 mi"'utesuntil lightbrown.Useo S!Otted s:,oon
• I f:!.S"OON Gi\!"IIUlrEJ SUG''!. to carefullyreTIOVem e flore:sfromt"\e oi o,cl d·ain on
• I TE!S"OON S-1!.QXl'II~ '"'°'NE ~oe· ta.-.els.
, :s·:o .:s=ooNs vE:;:r:sL: a:to·n - :,CM out mostd t"\e oi, -:ovingabout 1tooles:::,oon ·.\ me
:sro:< pi.o: 9i; wok....6dc:Ithe :ie ~pper, sugo·,the ·emoiningii teaspoon
• I TPS"OON COR'IISi''tC - salt. ooclthe wi"\e. Stir-try'or 1m·.,.,iea.•e·h·gn hem, vnt"
::oR'll =LOUR) ::nepepper nos so¾ened.
• \ ·t!SPO O'II SES'M! 0 L - Mixthe vegetobe oroth (stocx),cor"'Starch(cornflour},and
• SiE''-1!0 'i;,C! =.,:;E S.dC ·o SE:l:\'E 1table:ooonwate· in o s~l 'XI.-. ano stir mis mixti..rein:o
::newok.B·;ngtoo boi stJring, to· 30 secondsto thic~n
::nesauce.Sti-inthe, ado ::nesesoTo:ot o"'.d
seasonwi:hsa't to tos:e. Transfertoo servingplote o,cl
servewim rice.
~tt tltl=fiffi •u:; ON: :;u,!N(DONG
"'!\!"'! I\! · 10N . M! IC v "llJTH,
:::OO<l'II:; i.VE }0 "11'\IUTES

- lfl o smallheatproof oowl,.SOC( the oried scallopsin • \ ::u= :i oz ·is~: :i=t ED"'s
ii cup {4 f oz/l20 :nl) cod water for15minu:es.OrCJI, , 1 r:sus:-ooN :ll'l:lBJu ::::
tf..:'lremovethe smal ha.:dmusoe. Teas·.,to s"l•edsond , ·, TE:s:-oo'II :l't.'Nu~:.r::o su:;; n
return to the ,.-.ater.Add tt"<:gingerjuice ono sugo·. • 2 f::.lfS"OONS V!~E -:.6 .E 0
- =-.acethe oowl ·o o co. aoSiblepot o:-bamooosteomer over • I ::~ovE :;j!.\l ::, : NElY CHQl>l>EJ
o :,ot of roilingv.'Ot!?r.
Ste-om,covereo,:or Klminutes. , 1 ~5 s oz,-~~~:;; ~u:::zvwE~O'II,
- ;em me vegetable oi in o wokor .orgeHillet {fryingoon} l>f! L!O !.'110CUT ,To -a·"iCH'
ever medii..m"'eC't,odd tr>':gor,..c,ono stir-fryfor2 mil"",,..ies l.5·C!•H - ,::< S.ICES
un::Ifrogront Adome VZIY meon o"'.dthe scallopmin.Je, • I cu : :a : l Oi:.'250 YL CH CKE"f
tf..:'ltoss tho·ougnly.Ado::nec.nic.( 5:tOT- :sro::K, :,:,_GE n:
bri"'-9i:oo boil.Reduceto lowheo1onclsim-r-e·,ca.-e·ed,'r.x , 1 r:::._s.,oo~ ::c=t'lsr:=t:: -
about 20 minutes, or unt ti-': fuzzyrrelon is tender. Using :::o:\'l : Lou=tJ
o s ot:-eospoo'.\ uons:!erthe fuzzymelontoo ~-vi-r.gpate. • ·, Tf:s:-oo'II SES.'Mf O L
- Combinethe corns:orc.n(cornflour}witn 1::obespoon • STE!.~EO '!;,CE :-::;;f 5.dtt: TO S! ~V!
v.'Oterin o smo bowland odd t "\e mixrute to me ""0<.
Bringtoo boil.stirring,for 30 seconds to thic.ten.)rizi,e
in the sesame oil, tne'1poo-·::nesauce over the fuzzy
me,on.Ser\'e \,-:'tnrice.

~ ~§-t iU:l,ON: sn.,NJO'IIG

"'1'!"' .'1''" .0N T ME iO ~ NU"ES
WI LD YA M RO LLS ::OO<l"ll:l.. ~! 1~ Y "iUi!S
S!i\VES: 8

• =-.acethe '"""'O '=yom in o co lopsibe ootor :,omboo • I .5 .!S~ G w lJ y:.,,.,s.u~ .,H ~D

steamer a,.,ero po: of ooilingwa:e·. S:-eam,covered, !.'10 °' l'ISEO
for10mi~utes.ReT'O\'eo"'.dleaveto coo. Pee, tN' yoT.G , 1 r:sus:-oo'II l ~ - T sov s:.u::::
end piece in o ctge oo.., . • •~i!.S.ESPOO'\I .J.!'1;( SOYS:..U::E
- USP- o fork to mash tr>':)OITIStoo pos:e.Jidc:Ithe Sctf • ·~ u:.s:-oo'II s:.n
sauces,so.rt, sugar, r'Ve-sp·cepcNC!er, wine,c.n:c..<en , ·, TE:s:-oo'II :l't.'Nu~:.r::o su:;; n
bro:h (S6.ock},ono 1ii::o::-espoonssesame oil. • I r::.,5:-oo"I: y·,;-5:- Cf FO°\\'Jf~
• -rim tr>':to'u 5.(insinto four 4 x 8-'nch/1x 20-cm pieces. , ·~ if:s:-oo'II., CE "''"E
Pieceonefiece of tofu Hin on o sheet of o\r.minumfol. • !. ·:.0 .ES"'OONS ::-1 C(!N 0~01-1

s~eo:1soT..eof ::neyo:n po:stes-venlyonto the tofu s <in :sroc< p:.o: 90l

end roll't in:oo K-:nch/2-cm-wic:le tube. Wropt"'..efol • i r:slfS"OONS SES:"1! 0 L
erou"'.d::o enti.0$e the ·o . Re:>ect ,..,,hthe •emMng • j ::sour iO '11::-IES!S~ ::v) S-IEETS
tofu skinso"lO pasteurd yooho'o<e four ro s. ro=u s< N
• =-.acethe ro Isin o collo~ e pot or born~ steomer C>'o'e' , 1 r:aus:-oo~ CC'!;'IST:'l;:: -
o :,ot of roiling\\'Oter.Ste-om,covereo,:or Kl minutes. :::0R'l =Lou1t)
leave to cool orieflyondtt°":'nto!e-oot tl"':'rollso.r,c:I • STE!.~EO 'I; CE :-:.~f 5.dtt: TO s::~v::
carefully·ema.•e tne fol. B--ush t "'..erollsw'th tr>':remoini"'-9
SP-SOT': o'I. cu. into :ite-sizepieces,transfer too plate and
SP-"\'ew'tn r'ce.
i\!G ON: '110~i-lE ~.Si ±t-==
P:\!P~:\q:JN i WE: iO M '\lu ·n
S!'WES: !.
i!:!! =:~f HS A N D PEPPERS

• I ~:,o: " Oi!iQ, :u · NiO - Soc.(the :iototoesino 'X/h of cold...,cter..r.ti ready

l· NCHil.S•C\1 C-IUNG to use.
• I 5v:1l E3~"L!'I. ~.U5E\~ 'IIE :u1 - :mo oo,.with2 cu~ (16floz/500 ml) wa:e· o"Ooad
'1110 H"IC - '2.S•CV : -1UNl(S m e E99pant {ouberg·~) ood 1teaspoonsch. Soc.(for
• I if!.S"OONS 5:n lSminu"tes.
• 2 Cl."'5 (IC ;L OZ ·475 M..J - ;ea;: me oil;,. o v.'Ok.or a*psc:-xepo'lto 300CF/15()QC.
VE~Eil6.t O. or urd o cuce of creoclb"ow"'\S in Iii mil"",,..ies.
• 1 ~,EE'l 5!L .. '"E""'::, s. SEEOD !'10 g·een :,e ~ppers and a-:ei;::-yforooout ISseco"'.CS.
CUT :'1•0 I ·:'1:-1:2.S·CW C-IUNl(S Useo slorteds:,oontoca.refdyremove the ,oe:,oers
• ·, PS.E5"'00'11..13-li SOY 5:ucE the oiland drainon :,o~r towe..s.
• I E~.S"OON Gi't!'IUlrE:l Suo:, - Aoin andpot the pototoes drywitnpcoer tOV1.<e..S. /,.Dd
• I iPS"OON C0:\'115f:" - to the oiland de-=:> -fry forooout l. minu:est.nt golden
:cOR'll =LOUR) Ira..,-...Useo slorteds:,oonto ca.refdyuons:er the
• ·, tE:5"00'11 5ri\EJJEO 31'\l~E\ pota:oes too pate M'leowitn~oer tov.<e..s.
• !. ClOVH :l:°'L C, S~ICEO - Aain ood :lOt t-r.eegg,:>ontsdry•..,.fth ~per tov.·e..s.;em
• I f:5L!S"'00"1 il;IC! '"'' NE m e oilto about 3500F/IWC,orontil o cu:ieof :,reocl
• stE:1o1:o "1;1:: =:~E S.dC TO SE~\'E Ira"'~ in 30secones, oao the E99Pants, ono deep.fry
:<Y2 minu:~. Useo s,otte,d spoonto core~tronsfer
m e E99pantstoo :>ote neclv.~:1po:>ertov.<e..s.
- Combinethe soy sauce,s-,.;gor, remoi"l·-..gii ::eospoo.'lsol-.,
o"'.dcornstarch{cor"lfb...r) ho ooYo~o"'.dmix into o scuce.
o..irout mostdt-r.eoi, -:ovingabout 1toole1:ioon'ntn e
- =>
wok.evermedium•hig'lheat.Addt-r.egingerand gorrc
es t.ntitfrog.ran:.AddtN' oototoes,
o"'.ds:it-fryfor1-2 ,,w·11Jt
egg:kints,ond g·een :,e:oeJS, 'ncre-os e to h·gn heat. ood
stJ -fryfor1 minu:e.
- Mo the wineo"'.dsouce to thewo<. Br·-..g too boii, stirring,
:<Y 30s.econdstoth·c~:'l m e sauce. Transfertoo se.rvi~
pate ood servew'th rice.
PCl.\TOtS tGGf'U.N"S, .\'¥J l'tl'Ptll.S
i\!G ON: au:i:i-1,sr vE~:r:.'( :." 'ii ~ Hm"
~ mi-=t-
P,\!P!.i\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH,
COO(l'll:j.. M!: I~._. NUHS

• I !GG".£\.i P ·US!'(GN!,,PEE.D • Combinethe (aube·gine), salt, and 2 cups

!'110 CUT fl.TO~•~• i· '\IC-I (l6fl oz/4i5 m} •1,oter and rook.for10minutes.:>raintt"':
1.S• LS• S·CW SB :,S 3 tablespoo-rs
egg:lont, ttons:er 't too oow,.o"'.dTlix,...."th
• I iP.S"OON )!.f co:nstorch(cor"four).
• :S·!o .:s=ooNS " ~USI iE!):,00'11 - Combinethe sugor,soysouce,and vinegaro,cl mixinto
COR'IISi!\C-1 :cOR;N"lOU'( o sauce.
• •~i!S~fi:,:)0'11 G'(!NUL!iEO SUG!..,\ - ;e<ntne \\'Ok.ora.rgeskte: (f-yingpon}over
, 1 r:.sus=oo~ L :j.Hi soy s:..uc: medium-'ligh --eattoabou'i 3!0:F/17QQC.Add the egg:.-om
• 1 J!5L!S"00NS 5l!C( OR O!l):.y; C o~p-fry fo· obo.rt 3 mi"•
stfps :.'O'N"f.
V NE;;:.\ Useo slorteds:,oontoco.refdyremove the eggolontfrom
, 2 Cl.:,S 1·c " L oz.4•5 M~ me oiland dro·non ooperto,.~1e s.
VE:j.Ei!O.t O. - ADlli:hepeppe-stotf,..,oil·o mewo<o,cl deep-fryfor
• I ~ll;EE'IIC,!'f'fNN! '"F"!\ SEEJEO o:o-..i10seco"'.ds.Drainthe ,oeopers,then tro-rsfe·to
!'110 CUT NTO ~ • ?· ·'IIC-1:I.S • S·CM o plate.
s·., "S o..irout mostof t-r.eoi, -:ovingabout 1tcoles:ioon'n
- =-
• I \D c:.YE'IIN! "!""ii\ . SEEJEO l'IJ me wok.Addthe g.nge1onc:Ichilisauce and stir.::y a.-e·
CUT '1110-.. • 2· NCHil.S • S•CV •~h --eat for1 minuteuntilfrogro"t.kJd the
s·., "S rese-vedsauce o,cl IY.ngtoo :,o1,
• \O!•IO:j.:j.'11:j.E'( ·!5ou · •.-1'llc-1· • Mix1teospoooco:nstorchwith1tablesooon• erand
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE), S- R!ODD st:r the mixture:ntotf"':souce. 3r'~ too boil,sf·ring, for
, 1 r:.sus=oo ... c-1 d s:.ucE 30 secondstoth'cl:esn.Mo ::neE99po.ntsandpeoperso"'.d
• SiE:.y;:o 'i;,C! =.,:j.E S.dC ·o SP:\'E toss ropid'yto mixtt10rou9"~.Tro"'.Sfertoo seivng pate
o,cl seNewi:h rice.
~Wnof 'tf~ 0'11: 51.iJDrl s· VEGEiH :,
"=tp·:'(._!J 0'11 JIVE: I~ Iii 'IIUTES
SE't\'ES: i

- Rinseand pot the egg:.on:s {ouberg·""es)orplth ooper • 2 JP~.N ! S! E~o=-~.,~n ~.l;S!i\G N! S;

tov.-e_s.;,. the egg:.ont a;: o space of j;. ·nc.n1
Moo::e • I cu;, :aF. OZl250 M~
5 T.mono ~ i/'IC-.J2 cmdee:..Asyoumo.(ethe cvts, rolleoc.n V:'G!PS .E 01~ by o:o..i 15degrees sotncn it resembleso s,ol:e. • l P3 lES " 00'11S S'!.OWI\ SU3! "
- Toma(e the bctte·, combine all the i~ede-.tsonc:1 • l f!3 lES " 00'11S 11;:'0V'llf;j!"
2 toblesooonswoter and Tlix,... el. • s·P NEJ "CE ( "!(): S!.O, TO Sfll't'E
- ~t the oil in o wokor dee:. soucnon to 300~:1150:c,
or un:ilo c.-uoeof creoclXO'Nns in Jr, mrut es. )ip the
egg:.on:s in the ::,otterondcarefdyplocei;\tl"': hot oil. • l'IJ f!S.ES"OO'IIS ! ~L-" Uil;POSE
Deep-fry fo· 2-3 m·.,utest.ntitgolaenbrown.Useo s..ctted tPL! 'II: =LOUR
spoooto corefu!lyte'T'O\'e the eggponts fromthe ci and f!SL!S:001\ C011;'11Sf!'!.CH
d·oinon pooe· ta...-els. tCO " 'll=.ou11;
• Comb·~ t{~ sugar and vinego· ino smol souceoonand • ·,·f:SP OO'II S!( NG SOJ.:
s:i a.-e·mediu-n heat :o·2-3 .T'W'lutes t.ntittne s-...gor is t5 C!"30N!TE OF SQO!.)
dissolved.Pourever the egg:.-on:so"lOservewi:h rice. • :SE !.5"00~ S!.Lf
• ~ T!3lfS"00'11 \if3 :'J!5 L:' Oil

m~ ~ -==-ct,t, '!.E3 0'11: S-iUNJE

"'!,f"!'(__!i 0'11 ilY!: I~ 'fl 'IIUiES
SE'!.\'ES: !.

- Rinsethe ,r,-..istc·d heoi inwcte· o"lOsock in o 'X/h o1 • 2 OZ/SO :3.S'IIE::i "'!.ESE'!.vEO

cold,,.cter :o:-5 ~lit es.Trim,then chop in:o smo pieces. 'l'IUST!'!.O - EH·S'.lo neotxoof :.ate. • I LS S OZiOCC;; C-iOY SUV
- Come·~ t{~ mustard ~art . g·~er, and o ino smol OO'NI s •EMS ON.Y
ti-': mustaroheoi end gingerr,,.•e
o"'.drrix'.-.ell.Arro"'.9= riy • 1 OViS;;;; N3 !" (.:so u· j•l'\IC -i
on toj o1 the choys..m. S•C\1•.E'll~·n P ECE SH'!.EJJEO
- Piecetne plate in o collo:.s,_:. e po: or boT:.oo steomer a.-e· • 2 f!S.ES"OO'IIS VE3EJ! 5L:' 0 l
o po:o: boili"'-9 wc:er.Steo-n;covered, for10mi~•.rtes.Serve • s·ur,,f;;i 1 Cf {"!O: )!.01 TO S!'\'if
i\!G ON: : uJ :.'I ti11
Bf§ ll1
P,\!P!.i\qON T VE:10 Ml'IIUTES " .US
l HOU.'\ i\:f~ &! ,\'- 'IIG TIV ! STU FFED BITTER
COO( l'II~ - M!: 15 'fl 'IIUiES

• I .5 .!S~ & U'll:OO(!J S-1'!;M,,. - ~ubt"'.es:vimp (orowns)wr'.n1teosPOOn sc.t and rinse.

'"'t'W'IISj. s~ Ell!J :'ljo :i:v: .ND 0-oin on ~oer ta....elsto absorb exc!:1swa:-e· ono wro:i
• 2 Tf'S,,.OONS s:u in o d:snto...,.e. ,w:-:ge•atefor 1"'.OJ"J.
, 1 r:aus:--oo~ ~E'!;'l'IE'lli:D OL .!.,CK - Combinethe :erTented :.oc.<:ieo"\S,go·ic.sugar, soy
5El'IS , ,,. '!SEO :..NJ :-10"~:o sauce,o"l01teospooovegetab e oilintoo :,eon
• I f:Ol:S,,.00"1 :l:\ l :, : - O""!J po:stein o 'X/h.
, 1 r:aus:--oo~ :l ,\l.NU.!TEJ su:l:.'!; - -rim>':e,ds o: tr>':DitterTe oo o"lOa.i in:o 1-'ncn/
• I r:::.s:--ooN L GW 501' 5,:ucE 2S-cm-thickri"'.gs,ReTiOVe me s.eeds.~ix tf..ebitter me,on
• 2 f:5 L!S"00NS ,,.~US I ·p sPOO'I wr'..nii t-ec:::,oon sot o.ndmarinate :or 5 TW'lvt es.
VE~Ef!..5.t O ~ - 3ringo .orgesouc.eoonof water too ooil.ood the bi.toe·
• I .as CZ ~~c ~ :. iiE'!; ME~ON melon, ono blo:-ichfor 1mi"'I.J'te. Aoin and rinseu-xie·
• I !GG 'Ii - -E. 5EliE~ co.clru-ming,,.ater.
• I f:Ol:S,,.00"1 ,,.0\ 1: ::.15:c i::, J ::J - :l-.._it~ svimpon o o.iting board. Usingme bockof o
• \ 7f!.SPO:J'I G~OUNJ W-1 TE ,,.E,.,,.H knife, :.ressO:,v,mrepea:edJytomos'ltf"': snrimproug"'o/.
• 2 Tf.'S,,.OONS CO'!;...Si!~:-1 U".ojthe shrixj o fe-.vt·-reswiththe Dum edge rf tr>':
::OR'll =LOUR) knife, tro"'Sfe·too t,o,,. o"'.dood >iteos:ioonsot. kJd
• I f:5 L!S,,.00"1 s-1:..ox1'11~''lo',E 1teos:,oonegg ,...m e and stirwr'.nchop-cic.<S ino si"'.g_e
• ·~ iE:S"OO'II SES.!'flf O ~ d'•ectioo:<Y 1 mirut e ontil gummyinconsis:e:-icy. kJd the
• s1E:1o1:o :;;,:: =.,~E S.dll · o SP:\'E po.·(fotooC(,wh?tepeppe·, o,c:11teosPOOn corns:orcn
(cornflour} and mixwe into o shrirr:ipotty.Pie.(u-othe
pottyv.ithone "'.Ol'lc:I and s-nosn it -eoea:edtyogoinn the
bo-NI , fiveto6:times un:ils:iayond eostic.
- A edge me insideof the bitter me on ~.ngswi':hthe
remo·vig cor"'Storcho"'.ds:,-,.-ff eoch p·ece'"'"thtf"':snrimp
potty un:iln.J. Us.eo s:,oonto smooththe :,atty surface.
- ;e<n2 tablespoons\-es=:oble c;t ino wokor orgeski e:
(fryingoo'l) over meo .m ~at. stir inthe :.oo:: :,eon
po:ste,o.r,c:Ifry for1 minuteuntilfrog-ant S:.rinlu.,in the
wine,odd 'f, cup (4 'I oz/120ml}water, ond oringtoo
!Jo'I.Adclthe stu-'Zedoitte1 rr@lon,reduceto low"'.eOt.
o"' , c0te·ed, for 10.ninvtes. )o "'Ottu-·nthe
litter melonover.
- -ronsfer the m.-ffeobit:e· melonstoo servingplate.
hcreose to h·gn heat and cookforonotf.e· 2- } mh.rtes
untilthe sa-..xeis reo..xedcyo ::nird.Stirinthe sesame oi.
0-i.ulethe SQ.,ri;:~o~r t"'e oitter:nlO", $,;-vewith~e.
~ fU1-E
ii& 'tE~ 0'11: GU,1.'ll~X
"=tp·:'(._.:.J0'11 . \1E n.., 'lllJES,
Ml'IIUiES so.:.(
'II~ ilY!
FLOW ERS SE't't'ES: ,h 3

- Putthe mush·ooms in o 'X/h COier ,...~h coa•.-.ater, and • 2 .J ~ ED5 • .r.:( YU$- i\00WS
soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or u-nt softened. Remo-.<e tN' • 2~ ,,H_f =uv=< 'II 0'1; zu::-; 'II
mus-,•ooms,squeezed-y, one!discorotne stems. Chop tri: F~O'hE\S. 'I; 'IIS:'O
so¾ened rr,;;s-wooms. • s ov1so G o;;oui.;o :1o1Nern =-01'<
- Remo\<eth-<: stoTens and floralaxis • 2 OZ/50 ::3.W-i.TE F s-; ~lllEi,
G,e-,tly::eo· off the sepo.s (the green port attoche-:1to the c - o =-=-fJ
ho a tne petc.s together) oo m e outs·des of
s:-e,..,\\½-lic.n • 5 Ol,'150 G F i\Y · oru. O'tl. '11:'0
the petals. • 1 s:.r..~10N :s =-; '11::3.
- Come·~ t{~ ,oor<,fa'.\ m.snrooms, ton..,sco!lion(s:ring c - o =-=-fJ
on·o,}, ~ teaspoon salt, and s.esoT..eoi i;\O oow o"'.dmix. rps=-ooN s.r._-
Divide the!portions and stuL: eoch • 1JE:.s=oo'II sEs.:.•,n o L
-iaNer•...-"th one portionof the nliog._e-ovethe • :S :u = :; r. 0!/00 "1L CH :KE'II
opened. 51\0-H :sTOCIC:.:-.r.;;: 9C
- fo'1OU'! the-iaNers o.,o .orge~tp•ocl plate. =rocethe • I fE:.s=oo'II CO'\"ISP;;:-;
pate of flowers in o collo:,s:b-: pol or DOm:>eosteoT~· :co ='ll=.oui\
ove·o oot of ooilingwcte1.Steo-n,cove1ed,for 7 minutes, • s·p .wo =CE ( =!(): 5.!0, TO SEll't'E
then a.rainthev.-o:-e·fro:-nti!: plate.
- Putthe cnic..<en b"oth (s:oo:) into o ski:e: (':yingoon}.
Stingtoo boil a.-e·hig'l he-a:,then s:ir .nthe remo·niog
lriteaspoon salt. Mixthe cornstarch (co·nflour)with
1tablesooon,...mer, ::ne'1st:r the mixtu'e in:othe sauce.
Stingtoo boil. s:irri"9,for 30 secondsto
the sauce overthe fo...ers. Serve\,-:'thrice.

ffllit ~~~ IU~ '\E3 0'11:HONG KONG

='!;p:.'t_! .i 0'11ilY!: 15 \1 NU. ES
SE\\'ES: ~

- Piecetne taro o.r,d :i,..rnp~ ·.lo col oos:_Ole

pot o· boTooo • i ov;oo o ·:.i\ o, :ur :'ll·o·owr o :,ot of bo1;;,g wote1.Steam, co-.•e·e0t :o. J • \-1'1;1." • 2•CY :;;1u"i<>
10~ut es. • i OViOO G PUWP)( ... CUT ,ro
- ~t the oil in o JUtchoven (cosseroe) c,.•e·mediu~ heo:, I • ~-1'\I: -;" • i•CY :-;u,(S
cod the g·cger, and fry for1m:nut-eun:i :.agront Ado • 1 J!S~ESPOO'\I\'!G!i!S~E O L
the taro, :,:;,.mp~. and ii cup {4f oz/l20 ;r.) v.'Oter,:,ring • ;i oz;5 G G "IG!'I; ::.:;olJT ., ...c-,
too boii,ono tne'1reduce to medium-lowri:ot.k.d the l•:Y•L:''\13i - :- :'CE), St CEJ
sco!lions(springOt"''Ons), cover,o,cl sim-re· for 10minutes. • 2 s:.r.~t 0'11$ :s=i\ NG 0'11O"IS:
the selitand coconU!m <,st'r. end COO( foronotne·
- ..6dc:I s·E"IS oN.Y :-;o==eo
2 TW'lvtes tJntilthe souce thi((ens. rps=-ooN s:._ -
- Servein tf'-e )u:ch ovenwitnr'ce. • sc.:.,r I cu=-~ =L OZ:'iCO Ml)
COCO'IIUT"1 ._l(
• s·p .wo = CE 1=:.o: 5.!0, TO SEll't'E
~Eu 0'11: Gl.:.'11~00'1:"; * iili;f ~
~'tf~!~!f 0"11T WE: 10 Ml'IU .E S
SE'to,H !.

, ; row:.·oEs - Sco·ethe 00se of the tomatoes. &-ioga smo souce~n

• l 1,_!~:lEE3GS, S!P!~!.TEO o:woter to a boil,ado me toma:oes, end heat for
• !. f! 3lfs~oo'IIS \'EG!f!S~E O L 1-2 minu:es. mmediote'ytrons:!erto a oov.~o: ice woter.
s:..r 'Wrte:'lmetomotoesc-eCOOeno;,;ghtonono.,e ,~ e away
• :. 0Zt5 G G "IGE't !SOI.Ji·~· '11:::•1 me skin,then rougnlychopo,cl dcointhe extrajuice.
l·CW·L!NGi-1 "ECE J, S-~!ODD - Beat the eggwh'tes;,. o smellbowlV""tifoo,iy, cod
• i .!6 .ES?OON KET:::-IUP I tablesPOOn o;,.o ,cl :,eat ogo·o until fullycomoine-:1.
• 1 ·E:.SF'OO'I G'l!.\iUL!.iEO SUG!~ Beot in the eggyolksand;.: teos::,oonsot.
f:!..5"00"1 :::OR'IISf:.'tC- - Heat 2 toole::ooonso ino wokor .ors-= 5.(il!et{fryingpen}
':::OR'll =LOUI\) overhig'1hem to o»..i 340°=f17()QC, or unt a cube of
lreoo IYO'N""S in45 seconds.(The c;t needs to be ·e ative'y
hot ·o oraer to cookme eggs wi:hthe ~t tur"'.edoff.)
Once ho:, turn off the -r.eoto.nclx,.,r ·.\ me eggs.
- tJs·~ o spatula {fishs,..ce},push tf"':eggs to ones·ae of the
wokto formlayersof COO(ed eggs. Transferthe eggs to a
pate""''tlentheyate just uncle· roxed. ( f me oilnos cooled
da,o;nbeforethe eggs are coo<eo,:i,.,itee WO< :,oc..< on low
heo! to Msn cooki~ the E99S.)
- Usethe ·e:noiningI tablespoonoil·otne WO( tostir-::-ythe
g·~e· overmediumneat foro few seco-rm,o"'.dthen oo:I
me tomcr.oes,1:Etchup, ~ teosPOOn s0.;t,one s-...go· ano sfu.
::')'for 1 minu:e.Com~ e tne COt"nsto-ch (corn"lour)and
I teos:,oonwo:er.3r'"'-9too boil,s:irring,:<Y 30 secondsto
::nic.te"ltnesauce.Pieceti!: COO(ed tomatoes on topd. ti!:
eggs.Using&oosfcks.gently mixthe tomcr.oesand eggs
~ 111~ffl '1!3 ON: f: 'M•N
"',\!"'! ~qQN T ME 5 Iii 'IIUTES
RIDG ED LU FFA :::OO<l'll:;3.. \1! 1~ v "iVES
S!'WES: 4

- ~oll-cut the 1...ffo. • I .6; oz..sco :j. 'I; o:;EJLU=r:.

- :iringo sci..cepanof ,...mer too bcii, oad the c...oms,
and 'I; J3ES '"EEL!O 5lJT SK "I ~FT 0'11
cookfor 1minute untilthey ooe'l up. 0-dn and o sco·d • 110Zi300 G Cl.'WS. SCI\U35D CL!:"I
those tnot do not open. • 2 f::.lfS"OONS V!~E -:.6 .E O L
- ;eot the veg.,:obleo in o wokor largesUlet {fryingpan) • I oz;25 ::3.:l '11:lE\ !.,50Ui b"IC - 1
overmediumheat,odd tneg',r,ge·,ondsti.-fryfa 1minute S•:::v•L!'ll:;T - " !CE), 5-"'.!0DE0
un-1frogran:.k.d tf'..eV:o, cbms, salt,sugo.r, and , 1 r:: :.s=-oo~ s:..LT
3 tablespoons'>'oterand :("~ too boil.Reduceto lov,.• , ·~ tt:.s=-oo'II 3"1.'Nu.:.Eo su3:. =-
heat and scvte, cove·edfo· 2 minu:es. S~ in m: S~"'S • 1 sc:~L O'IIS (S=-\1'113ON O'IISL
(soor,gonions). S-i'l;E:lJ:' O
- Mixtne cornstarch {cornflour) with I totieSPOOn\\'Oterin o • I i!!..S=-oo~ :::C"l'IISf:'1;:::-
small bo,.,I end stir tri:s -nixtu·e in:o me wok.
Being too ool ::::0.'1;'11
: LoU"I)
stitri.".g.for 30seconds::othi((en m:':: in sesomeoil • ·,\l:'S=-ooN s:s:.~E Oil
o-r.ctro·,s:!e-·too plate.Se-vewithrice. • SiE!.~EO '!;,CE ::3f 5.dtt: iO s:~v:

'f Wn; 111 1U3,0N: -IU"I: "I"
"','l;!"':~:·10N. M:' IC v "llJiES
LU FFA WI TH :::OO(l'\13 i.VE 5 Ml'IIUiE:i
S!\VES: 4

- Soc.(the ~ied scallopsin o smallneat~oof 'Xlh with • ·~CU"' ti 0Zli5 3: JUD sc:aoPS
wo:er !or 5 m·.,,.rtesto soften. )rain and remo'lle
me ho·d , 1~ ~a:1<3"' Jo:o tu :::. \.Jo:s
ooductormusc;.eon the sideof me sca.oos bygent)' '"E! L!O o :: aui S( 'II .Pi 0'11
pusiiog oa,...,.,.ord.:i1oceti-...oovd'no colooS:olepot , 2 r:u:s=-ooNs v:~E·:.a .E o L
or boT:,oosteome1 c,;-e·ooot cf bo ngwater.Steo'.T\, • ·~ TE:s=-oo'II s:n
covered,for Kl minu:es.Se:cs'cieto coo. • ·~ }E:s=-oo'II CO'!;NSP'l:C-1
- -eo· tt"<:sec o:is in:o sh·eds. Rese--ve me steoT'i'd jlJTC
es ::::0,\'11: LOU'!;)
o,dset ba~os'cie. • ·~ if:.s=-oo'II SES.'MEO L
- ~emovethe seeo:sfro:-nme lu!!oono c.i t ce &sh in:o , ~. Jp,s=-ooNS O~OU'IIJ 'Ii-I 7E Pi'"'"B
2 ,c )..:~h/5 x 0.5-cm pieces. • su:.1o1:o
>t.;:: 5.dL ro s: =w:
- ;em me vegetableoi in o woker .orgeHillet {frying
pen) overhig:'l heat.Add tee ...ffo and stir-:-yfor oXIUt
30 seconds.Ptnin tN' so}t, sco!lo:,s,steoT.edjifce--~O"O
3 to:.espoo-rsv.cter and oringtoo ooil.=wcluce to low
heat. o.nclcoo< for2-3 minutesun::Ithe luffois translucent.
- Mixthe corns:orcn (com'IOUI") wi':hii tablespoonwaterin
o small00¥,•Ioncls:ir the ~ e intot~ WO<. 3ringtoo
bcil,,s:iring, fo· 30 secondstot .,·ckesn the sauce. ~ixJ'I the
se<..ome oiland wMe pep:,er.Trons:ertoo ,olo:eono serve
wi-.n rice.

i\!G ON: S;:::-1u:.'1 'il~ iiof
P:\!P!:\qON T ME 10 y; NUTH
=LuS 15 "1 ~UES y;_::\ ,£I N3
COO(I~:;. M! I~._. NUHS
i!:!1 =:3f 45}

• 1 f:;o:.!'ITS !.U5!i\G NES), -!!~\'!0 - Soc.(the egg:nan:s (auberg'.nes) ~ (,.;,cu~ {34-i oz/I li er)
lfNOT - 'h SE !"ID T- E~ CUT NTO wa:e·o-r.ome sch !or 15minutes.Drain,rinseunoe· coo
\·1~:::-1 1.S·C"1·W OE SF :5 running...,ater,andocn tt"<:eggolontsd-ywi':hpaoer ta.-.els.
, 1 r:sL:s=oo"' s:..T - Meom,-:hil e, com:,;netne por<wi-.nthe rgnt 'Sl:l'fsauceand
• 3·, o: 'ICO:; :;itou~o 'y; NCEO : o:\( 1table:ooon...,ate-·in a 'Xlh. Mor'"'.Ote fo· 15.r"W'lvt
• I f:!S"OON L GW SOI' s.:ucE - ;e<n tne vegetoole oil·n a wok.or oeepsoucepcn to 3LfY>F/
, 2 cl.:s 1·c =L oz.4-5 M. 170'1(,<Y untilo ot bread brownsin !5seconds. Ado
VE~Ei!.5.t O l me E99pa.ntsandd~:, .fry,in oa:cr',for 3-5 minutes.
, 1 r:sus=oo"' :::-10:::0:; ~~Ell Useo slorteds:,oontoco.refdyremove the eggolonts
, 1 r:sus=oo~ ~:\:.·o 0!:\.1c the oiland drainon :,o~r towe-_s,
• 1 f:SL:s:ooNS :::-10:PEO SC!d o~s - :, out mostof t-r.eoi, -:ovingabout 2 toblesooons·n the
:s:\ .~3 ON O~S) wok.Melthe g·nger,garlic,and scollio":S {~:,ringonions),
, ·, u:s:oo~ s1:::-1u:~ ::::.:i\c o : ~s o"'.ds:ir•fryfor 30 seco"'.dsuntil frogro.nt.Toss·n the
:::\US-IEJ Sich,.;,on :,e:,oe·cor"\Sand ch paste o,cl cook.for 1mi"'l..rte
, 1 r:sus=oo"' = 1x :.,.. :::- 1. :!st: . overmediumneat.
c - o:=:o - Mo the poJ<o.ncls:ir.fry ·ooid'yfor1 minute.Sprin<le
, 1 r:sL:s=oo~ ;,:::: ·-11·NE in tr,..,wine,ood the sugo·, vinego•,o ,cl 2 to.ole-s:
• 1 iE.'S"OONS O\:>;;UL!iEO SUCP:\ wo:e-·.3ri"'-9too boil.~oxe to Tecr1..m-r.eot. out in
• 1 J:SL:s:ooNS st:::( OR 5:15:y; C me E99Pants, one simmer,cove·ed,for 1-2minu:es.
V NE~:\ - Mixthe corns:arc.n(corn~•} wi-,.n ii tablesooonwater and
• I iPS"OON :::o:\~SJ:\c - stir this ~lixt•.re ·nto me,,.0<.3ri"9 too boil,st'rriog,for
::::o:\" : LoU:\) 30 secondsto th'cl:=-nme sauce. =ino'1ymixinthe sesame
• ·, u:s:oo~ sEs:,-,E o l oiland transfe· too se-vingolo:e. Garnishw~h ciiontro
, c11:,no ::::oR:~oB: .PvES. (coriander), 'f us·~. Servew'th riceor "'000.,SS.
TQ3H~IS - 10:ro~!~
• SiE:y;:o "1;1:::: =:~E S.dC
0~ '100:l ....
ES.TO S!i\V!
i\!G ON: -ION~ <0'11:j. ~ fUi;; El;t'.!1
~ l=t
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH,
=LuS 15 "1 'IIUES SQ!.)( ~G . y;:
COO(l'll:j.. '1! 5 M'"IIUiES

• ·~cu = {~ OZ:10 ~: :i~ EO S.P.CK • Coverthe bock fur,guswr'.ncold'"'ote·ona soc<for

"U'l~US o:o-..iISminutesuntilsoft. TEGt it ·~tosmo!Io·eces
, 1 ~as oz,~~c~ ~.:io:o lwf :! , o"'.dset osic:le.
'I O~ES '"E! L!J 5Ui SlC~ ON - 3ringo so.xepan of ...,ctertoo bot cod the fu-,gus,
• S oz,-ISC 3 " OR< •E'IIOBlO 'I. 5.ICEO o,cl bonch :<Y 3 mrut es. Drainthe ooLJ:fi..ngus.teen
• I f:!S"OON l GW SOY5.!UCE set oS:de.
• I f:!.S"OON Gi't!"IIUlrO SUG!'( - ~insem e lu!!oono rel •cut it i~o smol cnunks.
• \ "E!SPO O'II G~OUNJ \\-1 TE "P=H - Combinethe pork,soysa..ce.sugar,whitepepper,and
• 2 lE.'S"OONSCO~NSi!~::-1 2 tablesooonswater o"'.dT.a.rinot e for Sminutes.MiX·"
:::OR'll"LOUR) 1teos:,ooncornstarch (co·nfa...r).
• 2 f!5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ - ;e<ntnevegetoole oil·no wokor arge Hillet {fryingoon}
• \0!•10:j. :j. '11:j.E'I'!50U " \· 'll::-1• overmed'ium•h·gnhem. Ada tne ginger,gor"c, ono Sl'IO!lots
2·C'-'·L!NUT - " .ECE), Sl ::EJ o"'.ds:it-fryfor1minuteuntilftog-o~t.k.d the po·( o.nd
• 1 ::.OVES U.'1'.IC, Sl ::EJ stJ . fryforabou;:4 minutesurtti:COO(ed througn.
• S 5-!!~lO:-S, GU!~TE~!J - ~i ·n the IIJ'ffaonc:Is:ir-fry'<Y 1minute,then cdd the sa't
• \ ·psPO O'II s:~t o,cl boc< fur,gus,and tossto mo tne ing-e-dients .
• ., fE!.5"00'11 SE5.!"1f O l • Mixthe ·emo.i'ling1t-eos::,oon 1tablesooon
• su:.y;:o :;;,::: =.,:j.E S.dC ·o SP:\'E wo:e· o"lOstir the mixture.ntothe so.seeto thiLJ:enit .
0-izzlea.-e·tne sesoTe oil.stir, end transfertoo oo:-e.

i\!G ON: ~U.!.NCDONG II ~ ~ t~§ IU

Pi't!P!.:\!",ON i "1E: 5 "1''11Ui:S
C00<1'11:j.. '1!_ 5 Ml'IUTES BIT TER M ELON WIT H
S!i\VES: 2

• l CLOVESC,! 'IL C, 2 CLOVESCHO"'"EJ - Combinethe choppeogo· c, blockbeo-..s,s-...gor,one

!'110 I CLO\'! SL CO 1table::ooonci to mo.(eo boc< bean paste.
• l "!6 .ESPOON ~::~y;fNTEJ a.:.::< - ;e<ntne remoi"'1"9ltcoes:ioonoi inowokor .orgesktet
5E!'IS," '!SEO :..NJ ::-10"~:o (frying001).Add the srceclgarlicone stir-fryover tretJ'"..m
T:AS"OO"I c~:.'luLrf;;i SU.iP, hem for 1T.:rnrte 1...nti:1:19·ant.Put;,. the litter melonand
• i ·:. .6.ESPOO'IIS \iEG!J:3lE OI~ salt. then toss lgntfy.Addtee oloLJ:oean :ost~ not stir.
• 11 OZ,l:JC ~:, iiE'I MLO'II. 5( "II Add 2tob<:Sp00<"'S ,,,.oter, cover,teo..ce to aN ceot. o,cl
=.,i't!O ::Oi't! J S::! "J! O, !'110 ::u · simmerfor2 m·~-ies.
'IITOC-IU"lt:S - Mo the wine,then j-icreose to Ted'vm heot, o.ndstir-fry
• ~ TE!5"00'11 )!Li me litte· melonfor1-2 T,J"I.Jt es V"'tilmostof the ra-..kl ~s
• i "!6 .ESPOON FtCE 'Nl"II! evo:10tcr.ed. Trons:ertoo se.rvi"'-9 pate and servew'th rice.
• su:.y;:o :;;,::: =.,~E S.dC · o SP:\'E
~1!71<Ill/$ •u~ ON: C·P.OZHOU
"',\ !"'!~!" ION T ME: 10 y; NU7fi,
SW EET LU FFA " lUS 5 'fl 'IIUiES S.0.! (i'IIG i \1E
COO<l'II~. \1! 1~ v "iVES

- ~inse the l,.Po o"'.dcut it in:o2-inch/5-cm -long st r'~. • ll OZ,~JO G Eov =-· !.,N Lv ::. 't .J~::s
- Cove1the p·eseNedtu'l"l·oshcodw oter o"'.dsoo<:or '"E!L!O
5 m·"'.ies. ~inse, d-oin and then cho:i i;: i-rtos,;o!I :feces. • :Si!5 L!S"00NS "'t HE'tV!O TU!\'11=-s
- j....rt ti-...oeonuts i.,too d-ys<illet (fryi~ pen), toon them , ,; c1,;=-11 0!1SJ ~ S- El~EJ ?f!.'I UiS
ever medii..m"'eC't,and Sl'IOk.e occosiono!fy'or 3-4minutes • !. -!5 .Es =-ooNS :l't!.NU.!ifJ SU:l !.'t
un::I XO'N n . Tro-rsfe·too 'Xlh removeonybron, then • I i!3lfS"00N W-1 E s::s:.1,1::
CfUS:'l m e pe-onuts.~ix in 1to:.espoon sugor. , i oz ·soo swu· " 01 :.10 sP =-: -1
- -oo:stthe sesameseedsho sTIOII:,on a.•er medium hem o =-:Si.!5 L!S"OONS CO'tNSP~:-1
and snok.eoccofono!lyfo· 3-5m·.._-tes.Trons:ertoo 'Xlh. ' ::OR'll=LOUit)
- Mixthe .-tfo strips. prese-vedturn·:)S,onome remoi"';.,-,g • :Si!5 L!S"00NS VEG!J!3lE OI~
3 toblespoonssugorin o lorg,=OO'YI:o,cl setosic:lefor
15minut es. Stir·n the sweet :iototostarch end ii CIJj
{4 ; oz/00 .TJ)v.'Oterend mixmoroug"'\'to mo!:!o
luffo better.
- ;em 2tob espoonsoi ove· mediumheat in o 'let non-sf ck
5.(il!et(fryingoo~}. Stirti-': -..ffo oarter, then oour it in:o
tN' s(illet. Smootnout the surfacewi-,.no ru:,:,e·spatu!o
{fisns!ke) .Cookfor 1-3minutesuntili:heunaersic!eof the
po,cake is:COO(ed. The'l ~rj it over,drizzlem e re-noining
taoles:::,oon o alongm e sideo: ti!: s.(il!et,o"'.dcook for
another 1-3 ;rw'lvt ':'S un':ilthe seco-r.osideis COO(ed.
Trans:er the ...ffoooncol:etoo serv'ngolo:e. Sorink.,e tr>':
crus"":Qpeanuts o'ld sesame seeds over tr>':s...rfoce of m e
po-r.caketo serve.

45 S
i\!G ON: Sri!i.NG-!l ~ ~~~ ~
P:\!P!:\qON T ME IS Iii 'IIUES
S!'WES: 4

, i " o -:.To:s. cuT 'IITO ,. ~c - ,2-c1o1·

- 3ringo om o1 wcte1too bot odo m e pota:oes and
i-1 CK S.IC ES corro:s,o..."'.d
cookfor ISminutes, or un:1 cookedth·ougn.
• I . :,o: c .::\"; QJ, CUT ,ro ,. "IC - ! 0-ain,teen crunwith o fo·(. Set aside.
2•CV•T-I CK SL CES - ~it~ eggyai,:s·o o DO\•:I wi:hii1=eospoon sesame oil
• i E~GS, SE "Hlf: 0 o,cl beat thorougnly.Se:of~.
• I Tf!.S"OONS S!Sllilf Oil - Mo the E-39 ''-"''te fromthe so tee!du(( eggto the egg
• I S.!liEO :tUC( E~G whi:esand bEOtun:ilt ...ffy.Se:of~. Mm"ltnesalted
• ; OZ ·2:J~:; s .K EN ·o• u, CUT NiO duckeggyolkinto irregularp·eces.
\· 'IIC-l.'2•<v CU5ES - j_dt~tofi.. ina 'Xii< with 2cu~ (16flod475m }wote-·
• I f:!S"OON l GW SOYs.:ucE o"'.d½-teos:,oonsolt.• et rook for 30 mJ"IAes,then drain
• I iPS"OON Sl3 o,cl poce the tofu on o heo:oroofoa:e. Mixm e tofuw'th
• 2 f:5 L!S"00NS \'!GEllS.E O ~ m e soysouceo,cl iii:em:ioonsesame oil.
• I f:5l:S"00"1 ~ '113E'\,Glt.lf:J - j.oce the :.ate in o co apsibe :,ot or ::,omboosteoTer
• I f:!S"OON G:\H,IUl '-E:l SuG:'\ overo oot cf ooilingwater.Steam, covereo,for 3 minu:es.
• 2 Tf.'S"OONS Z-IE'IJ £"1G v1, E;jH 0-ain the\\'Oterfromtne plote o-r.asettee tofu o:s·oe.
o;; O! LS'M IC v1, E;jH - ;e<ntnevegetoole oil·no wok.erorgeHillet {fryingpan}.
• SJE:1,1:0 "1;1C! "'!3E S.dC .1 0 Sf";\'f Add tl"':eggwh'tes.breo~ them 1..0 wi:ho spotulo{fisn
slice),and sti·-1 :-yovermediumhem 1<Y 1-2m·.,.,iesun:il
COO(ed. =wmovefrommewokond set cs·~ cno pate.
- j_d ·n the gi'lgerand so te-:1o..xkegg yolko-rostir-fry
10· onother :n·nu-ce. Aoome pota:oes. carrots,remoi-r;.,-,g
½-teospooosalt, sugar,and vinego·, ona sft -fryfor Ol'IOt'N·
1-2 minu:es.
- Mo the remo·vig ntec:sooonsesame o ono COO(e-:1 egg
whi:ss.Tossall the ·-r.gre-:lients
toget~·cno removethe
wokfr<Ynhem. t-'ix ·o m e rowegg yolks,oda tne tofu,and
servewim .ice.
'tE~ 0'11: HU'II~~
" =tp·:'(._!J 0'11 T VE: I~ Iii 'IIUTES
DE EP- FRIED :::oo<NG T WE: 5 \1 NUTE$
SE't•tES: l·O

- -o Ci.eO'l tne soinoch, TI o sl'lk or a.'9e ~wl wi':h cold • l S,UNC- ES YOUNGs= '11.l.,C-i ~sour
v.'Oter, and then e: sh :o. 1.T'W'lvte. Ora:no"'.drepea;::rwice. I 1..5 5 OZt'OOOG), ~COTS TR "1WD
- 3eot tl"': e99 ,.,..,'tes un:ilfoamy.S~ ·" me eggyolks,nom. • l !~GS . S:'P~i't~iEO
dried s:vimp (prawns), four, co:nstorch (comflour),and OZ 15 G CU:'t!O - : "I :::-10""! 0
soltono mix in:oo ootter. f!S L:'PO ON 01!;EJ S- FtMF,
- ;ea;: me vegetable oi ino wokor deep soucepo.nove· c - o=-=-
me-d'ium-hignheo! to ~ =/t700C. or ..r.ti o cube of lreoo :2
:::u= Ol,'50 ~· ! .l· " UVOSE
brownsin .!5 seconds. )ip the s:,;oocninto the :>Ottet, then tPL! 'II) : LOUR
dee:,-fryfor ooou. 2-3 m·"'.i es V":il crispy.Use o slotted • n P a.~ES"OO'IIS COR'IIST!'\CH
sooontoco· e;,,fy -emovethe sp'"'.Och '·o,-,me oiland tCO" 'll: .ou~
dro·n on poper taNels. n.:.s"OONS!. ·
- Sprinde th e 9'ouoclSichuo~ ~pper on i:hespinach and • l CU"S :is: l OZ, '.'5:J "'L
drizi.e over the sesame o... Se-vewith o side o: 1:etc.n.p. V:'G!PS .E 01~
• ~ l:!.S" OO"I :l~OUND S C - l.:"I

• 2 PS .ES "OO'IIS KE·cnu". TO S!RV:'

~it~~ ":' 0 0'11:S-i!'IJONG

""!"H!J 0'11T "1E: 15 V NUHS

- ~emovethe ·oot and tr'm me stemsd tee s:w'IOc.n , eoving •n OZ/100 GS " N:c-1
cbo.rt ·xhn cmo: stem. iinse and o:o·...,. • l, OVIOO G 60'11E~ESS,S<l'lllfSS
- US:ngo shcrp and ""=<N'/ kn'.{e,cut tne chicke:'lac.'Oss the C-1,C(!'II S 'U.'Si
gro·n into -:ninslkes, then xess OO'h'!lwimth e bodyof the • i O! lO :l " 0 " < :q5.:. :<, : ~ELY
e firmtyto mo:s"ltnes--ic
k._-.'f es, o.ndcho:itil: chick.en :ntoo C-10" ":' 0
pos:e.Aternatively,dot -.:Sino :ocop--ocesso·. l:!. .S" OON C- 0 ""! 0 :l '11:lE\
- Combine th e chb:en , oork fatback,ginge·, o "'.dI' teaspoon • ~ J!!. ,5" 00~ 5:.3
salt ino CJge OO'NI . Se:of~. • 1 !GG 'Ii - - ES
- 3eot tl"': e99 ,,..,'tes ino smell'OO'NI'oomy,o.ndthen • i ·p sPOONS CO'\NSP\C-1
sf· inthe corns:orch (co·nflour}to create o :,otter.o·:. ;;0R' F 1.ou, 1
o s:,;nocnleo: in:o me E-39-.,..'tlite :>Otter
, s:ireoclsome • i -:..5.ESPOONS VEG!J!5lf or~
chick. en oaste on the sur'oce, ond foldthe sYOcn lee: in • i ·: o.ES"OON s-1.:.ox "IG ',\' N!
half leng-.nw·se ·nto o st,-,_-ffeo spi.,.ochpoucn.Repemwi-..n CU" 'l ~l 0!."120 ..,_ C - C<E'II
tf"': remoini-r_g spinachleaves. 5'\0T - :sTOCK, "! GE n:
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-okar arge sk.1-et f-yingpo,} to 27S°F/ • SJ!!"IEJ R CE :P !.G! ~.!.0), TO SE\\IE
l!()QC , or t-nti1o cube of :ireoclturns god e"Iin 2 mrut es.
Adelthe s=,;nocnpouches in botcl-es,Drown00th sides,
end drC:0on po:,er taNels.
- ~!:t trn me pouchesto me...,o<, ado ::ne...,·--e,
{stOCJ:) , and re-noining~ teospooosch. 3,ingtoo coilaw
hig"Iheat, reduceto low --eat,teen Y"nmerfor 1-2 minutes.
- Serve ·mmediote)ywitnr'ce.

45 7
i\!G ON: Z-IEJ :,o 'f ffi~H ~e
P,\!P!il;qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUES
S!\VES: !.

• l l 5SOV0003 '11!l:\5!\1f:.OOSH\1S - -o prepo·ethe ...,ate· bamooostems, ·e:nove m e OUcE-J

• 1 f!5 L!S"00NS :l\ ,EO S-1\ IV " shellso"'.duse ovegeta~ e peeer to snoveowoytee green
• 1 OZISO G G";OUN:l 11'1'11::EJ) PO" I: sk:.'1untilya. reach thev,miteoort. ~inseono o.i teewa:e·
, s ·!s .:s=ooNs ~,~- r sov s,r.u::: bamboostems ,.,to smo ch..nks.Bringo souceoonof
• I i:!S"OON Gi\H,1Ul '70 SUG!'\ wo:e· too ooilc,.•e· hignheO!,cdd the ~m:>00 stems,
• 2 f!5 L!S"00NS \' !GEP.5 ~E O l o"'.dbo.nch:o· 1mini.lieo"'.do'-ain.
• I f£5 L!S"00~ S :: - U!~ - Soc.(the ofed shr'mpino sTIOII'X/h o:'hat e· :<Y
OXll..-tS m·.,.,-tes.)rain and choothe shri-r:o-i--ely.Put
• I i:!S"OON Gi\!iEO 3 '113E " >$teospoo'1-ieely cnoppeds;rimp in o bowlw'ih tee
• 3 ·!o .:s=ooNS S ::-iu:'11 "'\ESEll't'EO g·a..ncl(i'TW'ICed) :,ork,ii teospoo'1soysc:-xe,and
MUSf!\O :;'\EE'IIS. '\ l'IISED. · ,\ MMD, >$teospooosugcr.Com=,;n e\\'e ono set aside.
!'110 ::-io ='PEO - ;e<nmevegetoole oil·no wok.orarge Hillet {fryingoon}
• I iPS"OON : - E"IJ !"113V 'll!G!'\ 0,\ overlowheat.Addtee water oombooono sti:.fryfor
5: 15!v:: V 'll!G!'\ 3.£ minu:es1..n:igoa~'1brov,m.T·ansfertoo pate ono
• \ .E!SP OO'II SfS!M! 0 L set oSA:le.
• !..!5 .ESPOO'IIS 011;,!J S-111;
M" \OE - ~-t t--eS'chuo'lpeppe·cornsin the oi remainingh ti-':
• 1 f!5 L!S"00NS ::-10PPEO SC! ~l 0'11 wok,o-r.oCOO( over aN neat for1-2 .ninvtes u-nf•frog·an:.
:s=-, '113ON 0'111 Useo slorteds:,oontoremo11eme pepperand disco·d.
• SlE!\1!0 :;;,::: "-'~ES.dC ·o Sf";\'f Add tt"<:ginger, remainingdrieds:ri'np. onc:IS!OU'»po:k.
o"'.ds:if. fryforano:her 1-2mini.liesuntil :, ::noroughfy
COO(ed. Stir in the 1rese-ved:T1,;sto·o g·eens, ·ema.i'ling
>$teospooosugat o"'.cisoy sauce.'hat er :,omboo, .,,;r,egor,
o,cl se<..ome oiland mixth<Yooghly. Adome shrimj roe,
toss quickly.transfertoo se-vingplote, topvlth tf"':
sea.lion(sp--;ngonion).Se.rvew'th rice.
tr ~ ~ i@~ 'tE~ 0'11:C- .!OZ- OU
"'tP":'(._!J 0'11 l \1E SM Nu ·n
SE't\'ES: ~

- :iringo i0r9esouceoonof , e· too ooilooclooc:I • 2"OO'IIS " lUS l T!!S"OO~

1teospoo'.'Ioil.Mo the wa:e·spinachand olonchfor V!G!PS.E Oil
30 seconds. ~emow the g·eens and :mmed'ia:e'y flusn • ll OZ1~cc:;j. W!iE't 5="N! .C-
\\~:'l cod r-.nning,.,.m
e·untilcooled.0-00 onc:Iset aside. • 2 iE!S"OO•g S-l't '-1" ".!..SE
- Combinethe shrimp~ste and 1 tcoles:,oon,.-.oter o,cl • l SH! LlOTS. QU!~TE'U O
mix,...ell. • I ~! O ::-11~E S!E:l!J !NJ S·ii\!OOEJ
- ;em me remo·~ 2 toblesooonsoi in o WO< Ot" large • 2 CLO\'ES :j!'t l :: S.,::EO
5.(il!et(fryingoo~} over nigh ,-,ect.kd the sho ots, ch ..e, if!S"OON s: .·
and 90'.ticand stir•:)' for 1m·....;rteunt fragron:.Add TPS"OON G"! 'IIUl.: "ED SUG! '\
tN' mrimp pos:-emix:ure,sot. sugar, and v.1'1e.Putin f!5 L:'POON S-i.!..OXl'IIG'"'°'NE
ti-...,...mer spinacho"lOtoss ropid'yfOt"obout30 seconos. • s ·f!. ND "CE {"!(): S!.O, TO SE'\•tE
Trons:ertoo sefV".9:.ate and ser\'e \\~:l rice.

tr ~~ERm ,E3 0'11:H'JC(!

"'p:'(._!f 0'11 TIY!: I~ 'fl 'IIUTES
SE\\'ES: !.

- Soa.(the Gtieclshr'cro·.lo rno!I 'X/h o:v.'Ot!?r :o·obo.rt • 1 T:5lfS"00NS .J" ED SH" v .,

5 m:nut-es. Ora:no"'.dset aside. • S L!.iUE -o- IOYE'IIN! "!:P"E'IS,
- ~emovethe s:-e"ll:"Om tr>':oeopersbut 00 not cut tnem 'I '115:'0
open. Use,o toothXk or S&:E'her to pierceme surfaceof • :Sf!5L:'S"00NS VEG:'J:5lE OI~
the pepperso!Ir,;,.-e· O"O pot dry·,,lthoo::,e·taMls. • I T:5lfS"00'11 S·HEJJ:'O 3 '113E,
- ;ea;me toblesooonsoi ho WO< o:-lo-ges<illet (frying • I i::!.5"00~ L 3Hi SOYs.,u:::E
pen) overmedium neat, oda tne pep:>e"S, ono fryfot • ·~ fE!S"OO'II s:n
6-7 /T'linut
es ...ntil::nepeppersare soft ono wrin•ded. • I i::!5"00"1 31\!'IU.:fD su~:,
Re'TlO\'eme pepperso.ndoour o..i the exce1so'I f"Om • I T:5lfS"00'11 5L!CIC 0 " S!U!"I IC
the wok,I~ 1teaspoon. V NE~ !'(
- ;ea;me oilover Tedium-nighneat, ooc:Ithe g;ngeroocl • SfE!~EO 'I CE :-:~f S.dC: TO s::=-v::
d~ shrim:iO"O stJ -fryfor1-2 :i-.:rnrt es untilfros--on:.
Putin the pepperSisoysouce,sot, ono sugo·ono toss
we I.Mixin the vinegar,tro"'Sfe·too setvng :.ate, and

P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUi:S
s 111
COO(l'II~. '1! 5 M1'11UiE5 BITTER M ELON
S!'WES: 4
E'.:!i"'!3E 401 W ITH H A M

• I .a; oz, 500 G 5 ii:" v HO~ - Combinethe litte1 T.elo~\\ith1t-eos:,oonsc.t and

5!EO!J. -!.!L\'!J l!NGi-l'li1$f. !NJ mafna:e for10m·"'.ies, then ·illseand dro·...,.
i-1 'll~YS.ICEO - ;ea;: me oilillo wok.or a.rgeskh: f-ying pon}over
• I if!.S"OONS 5,1.n mediumheO'!.Addti-...gor,..cand stir-fryfor 1 minute
• 2 t:5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E O l until frag·ant.
• I i:!S"OON C- O""!J G:'!;L C - j.d ·n the ".Gm, peppers.and birter meon o.nclstir-fry"or
• 5 0!1 ISC 3 YUN'll!'II -1:..1i10 " Oi - E'I; o"'Other1minute.Seosonwi':hthe ·emoiningii teos~n
CU'!;EO-1:..._. f - l'lllY SL CEJ solt.sugar,and ,...,,,'t
e pepper.Stir,then tro"'Sfe·too serving
• 1 OZISO G c:Yf'IINE "!P"HS . SE!OD pate. Serve•,,/th rice.
!'110 JCE:l
• I if!.S"'OONS ~'l;!"iUL!iEO SUG!:\
• •~iE!S"OO'II G'!;OU'IIJ 'II - iE "!P"H
• SiE:\1!0 "1;1C! "'!3E 5.dC TO SE'WE

i\!GON: -1:.(1:,1. ~ ~ t'.!1

P:\!P!:\!"ION i ME IS Iii 'IIUi:S

• 11oz,300 G 5 iiH \1!LON - ~inseme bitte-·melon,cut it .n-..c.fength•Nis e, and clean

• I S!liEO :tUC( E3G out and d:scorome pu j ono seeds.C1..rt the "lesn,.,to
• I f:5L!S"'00"1 VE3Ef!5L! 0 l >$-i"'.Ch/1-Cll'l"
-thic.(s ces.
• 1 C.OVES c;,:.uc, Sl CD - 3ringo soocepanof ...,ctertoo bot ood the sol:eclduck
• •~iE!S"OO'II S.'li egg and boilfor 7-8 minutesun:il "'.Cl'd boi ed. Re:no-,•eme
• I "f! S"OO"I C'!;US-D ~OCK SUG!:\ egg fromtt°":"wa:e-· O"'.o.whencoo E-"'°'-'9hto nona..e.sne-
• I "'!;ESfll\ 1 ::J JUC( !3G, S- EllEJ :'110 tne €99·Cut h ope'.lonocorefu!lysepo.rote tce egg•...,.,'te
CUT 1'11"0 IO" ECES the yolk..Cutthe egg whi:,einto smol pieceso-..d
• I sc:.l 0"11 :sP" NG O'IIION), crusnthe yo(.
- ;ea;: me oilillo wok.or a.rgeskh: f-ying pon}over
• "' NCH o: O~OU'\IJ 'lr'1 "f "'U'Ff~ medi1.rnhem.Add tN' gor...c and stir-fryfo· 1-2m·"'.ies
• SiE:\1!0 "1;1C! "'!3E 5.dC TO SE'WE untilgolden.
- A/JJllthe sol:e-oeggW"'te and oitte1 rr.elonono toss we .
Stit int~ s0;t, roo: sugar,o.nclii cup (4 Aoz/120ml},...mer.
Bringtoo :,o1,cover,and s:mmer fo·cbo.rt 1minute.
- S~ ·'1tne prese-veclegg ono sol:-eoE99yolkono sfu.:-yfor
OXll..-t 2 minu:-esontitn e souce thickens .Add tt"<:sea on
(springon·o,) one!\\½-lite :,e:oe·ono ttons:ertoo jote.


i\!G ON: SriU'IIOE -t-~ [~
P,\!P~i\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES.
:,LUS 1C M '\lu ·n sc,:(l'lj:;j. i YE SHUN DE M IXED
COO( l'll::3.. '1! 2:J \1 NUHS

• !. 0,\ E:la_.:.:(1'/US- i\00"15 · ~it~ mushrooms.rl o bowl.CC'\.·er wr'.n coldwa:e-·,o,cl

, 3·, o: ·1co ::3.t f!"II =-:'I<. cu · :'ll;o soak to· <l'! eos: 20 m:nu::es,or U"'tisoftened.Remo\<e tN'
= ,EsB =-s musYooms,squeezed-y, and disco.,,:! ti!: stems.Cu. me
• I E~S"OON L GW SOI' s.:ucE mu~...-ooms into Me st'ios.
• ·, cu= ~ OZi l0 :;;: :)" ED 3t!.C I:: • Combinethe pork\\~:ltne 'il:J/sauce and morioo:efor
=u'\l:";US 10.nn.rtes.
• I :u =- =t OZiiS:J YL • Coverthe bock fur,gusin cod wa:e-·o"'.Ci sock :or
VE:lEi!-6.t O. ISminutes.0-oin,then cut the :.oo: fungus,.,to stri~.
• I !GG . 3E.' TEN • ;ea;: 1tobespoo'1oilin o smo 5.(ile: (fryingpo'1} over
• ·~cu= (h OZ,}0 G) S·iE .L !O '"P NUiS mediu-nhem. ja.,; the egg ·nto jQn, t"'t·-..g the pon
, ',\O: ·5 G ,..,UNG 3!''11 VE'l"1iCEL. o·ouoc:Ito create o thin crepe.Cookfor2 mil""i ..ies,
,i o: o i:,o. PE::. EJ :'llo cu · m en turn overand cookforonotne· 2 minutes.When
'IITO ~ 'II! Silt =-s coo so, CU'! ·.,to strips.
, i ovso o en vEs. cu· :'ll;o • ;ea;: me remoi-.:ngo ino wokor d~j,.•e,·
2· NCri·S0::'-1 .. E'll:";i-lS oocld:ep-:-yfor4-S minutes
low"":Ct./,.Ddthe pea "'I.J'ts
• ·, c:\i\Oi , CUT NiO r ,: s-., =s untilcrispy.Usea slorteds:,oontoco·efuly removethe
• ·~ TE.:s=-oo'II s.,n peo"'•.rtsfromthe o ono d·c:n 0.'1po:,e· ta.-.els.
• j OZ ·50 G JIC.!W! '"EEL!O ~"11:lCUT • ;eai m e oilto 300,:,:/ISO°C, or U!'ti o cube of b-e-od
'1110 ~ 'II! Si'I =-s IYa,.-r;sin{ij minutes.Jidc:I
the \'ermicel" and deej •fty for
• Sif:1,1:0 "1;1:: =::;;E S.dC TO SE'WE 20 seconds,o· untilthe ve-·micem ,ou~ t.o. Use as ot:eo
spoonto carefullyteT'O\'eme vermicell:fro-ntn: oiland
d·oinoo pooe· ta.-.els.
· ~it~ to·o strios i"'tothe hot o. ono deeo-fryover
mediu-nhem to·)-! crisoy.Use o s ot:eo
spoontocarefu!lyteT'O\'eme taro :.o:-ntil: oilo.nddrain
on poperto-Nels.
• j_d t ~ ,oor<s:rips·.,to t ce not oilo.ndd:ep-:-yfo· about
3 m:nutes.or V"ti coo<edthrough.Useo slotted sooon
to carefullyreTIOVeme por<fromthe o. and drainon
pooe· ta.-.els.
• jo...sout mostd tee oi, a:ovingabout 1tooles:::,oon ·.\ me
wok.Jidc:I the .r _snroomso.ndstir-fryove· hig'1hem :o.
0Xll..i30 seco.,ds,Addtt"<:olockfungus, chi\<eS, co~ot.
salt. oocloork,toss forobou! 30 seconds.then trans:er
me mixturetoo 10·9= oow.
t"":eggs;rips,~gm, Qnd tg·o intotre bowlQnd m
• :>..._1
we wr'.n the o:he1·"'.9reID:nts.
me ing·ec!"ents
o se-vingplate ono cod the ver~e!li and :iecnutson top.

~~ n:tt '.ef 'tE~ 0'11:GU,1.'11~00'11~
"=tp·:'(._!J 0'11 JIVE: I~ Iii 'IIUTES,
Ml'IIUiES so.:.(1'11~
,£TN~ i ME
15 'fl 'IIUT!S V!'t
SE\\'ES: ~

~ Pu;:the mush·ooms in o 'Xii< ca1er '"'"thcoo•.-.oter,and • a :i,,:o 5L!-Ct: \1US-1\ 00"1S

soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or u-nf•softened.Remo-.-e tN' • 2 i!,.OO'IS :ll'l:lBJU ::::
mus"l•ooms,squeezed-y, and discorotne stems. Reserve • 1Ps.rn~oo'\11. 0-11 s.ovs,r.ucE
the mush·oom soo<ing,.,.oter. • .d 1:sus:ooNS \'!G!f!S,~E Oil
~ Comb·~ t{~ mushrooms.1tobespoo'.lginS'=·jifce, and • a 3:1,1300 ~u'IIGUS, C- 1..L!J o :
soyso;xe Mno neotp:oof DO\t.~o,cl morina:e for OE:'t OSi!O : :'t OZE',
10~lit es. ~ix .rl 2 toolesooonsvege:oble o.i.seol tig-rtly • l :::.OVESG.'i't.lC, SL CD,,,.minumfoil,place ::ne bowlof musvooms i;\O • a ~:'lGE w -1 r:: suno'\I vus - ~.001,1s.
collopsibe oot or oomboo s:~· over o :,ot of bo1;;,g 5'<:USn:o !NJ :::~f:'IIEJ
wa:er.Steam, cove·ed,for 10minutes. • 1 i!S~ESPOO'\I S- !OX NG 'N 'II!
~ Bongo smo! soucepon of ·.-.oter too xii, cdd the :,omboo • JI :::u= :.! : L OZ/12~ "1L)CH C(E'II
Vngus o.rd 1too =1:,oon g·cgerj..OCe, ono blo"!Ch
for 51\0~H :STOCK. :>,r.3! 9C
2 TW'lvtes. )rain and rinse unaer coo ru'V'ling•.-.ote·ono • I i!S.ESPOO'\I OYS"':'fltS.!UCE
gentlysqu~ze ':If ,and to ·emo'.'e excesswater. TE~s=ooN G:>! 'IIUl.!"EO SllG! 't
~ ~t the ·emoining wgetcole oil in ov.o< or larges<illet iPS=ooN s: ..
(:-ying,oo,}, cod the go.rte,o"'.ds::Ir-fryover medium,-,eot • I i!S~ESPOO'\I CO\NSi!'l:::-1
:o:-2- 3 minu:est.rd ;·ogro"t. Adom e boTooo fungusand :co : 'll:_ou.=t
button mushrooms,s:llink..ein the wine,oour ·n the chb:en TE~s=ooN SES! \1E O l
b--oth{stoc..<), o"'.d:.ringtoo Xii ove· hig'1hem. S:irJ'I • S~PNE:l ,. CE 1:~o: S.!OI, iO Sfll't'E
the b eek mush·ooms olo-r.gwi-.nthe reserveomush·oom
soo<:ng,.-.oter, men ood the oyste1souce,sugor,and sa;t
o,cl s::ir-fry for2 ~lit es. =wcluceto mediumheotono,uncovereo,:o. 2-3 m·..._-tes...nti reduce byho f.
- MiXtri: co·nstc·ch (cor-.fa...r),,,lth 3 tablespoonscold
wa:er in o s-nollXJ.-. oncistir m e mixture,.,tot"ce'>''Ok .
Bringtoo xiii. s:irri-r_g, for o:o-..i ~ seconds to thb::en
the sauce.
- Drizzleover t"cesesameoii, transfe· too se.rviog:.ate ,
o,cl servevrth rice.
i\!G ON: : uJ ! 'I
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiE5
COO( l'II~ .. '1! 5 M1"11UiE5 MU SHROOMS A ND
S!'WES: 4

• 0 OR E:l S_!:( WUS- ROOWS - j_...-tt~ mushrooms;,.o bowl.co11

er wi-,.ncoldwa:e·, o"'.d
• I CU"' :sOZ/130G) 5~1CEO SH,'600 soak to· <l'! eos: 20 m:nu::es,or U"'ti softened. So-..eeze
5-10015 gerdy, rema.-e,and d::scorom e stems.
• ·,•,C!HOi . Sl CEJ - 3ringo soocepan of ...,cter too bot oad i:he bamboo ond
• I t:5 L!S"'00"1 VE3Ei!5L! 0 l corro:,o.ndo.onc.nfor2 minutes. D-oino.ndse: oside.
• I f!5 L!S"'00~ 5·1!.0Xl'II~ W ~E - ; e<ntnevegetoole oil·no wokor orgeHillet {fryingoon},
• •~iE!5"'00'11 S.'li ood the mu~...-ooms, :,ombooshoots, carrot,wi".e, rolt,
• 4 " !6 ..E5P00'115 VE3Ei!5L! 51\0TH o"'.dveg-=:ooleb--oth(stoc(), o"'.db--i09too :,o.... S:ir~
:s10:< p:.o: 92; me sugo· snaps.
• · .• CU"' ;i oz;25 :; : 5U&!, 5'11!"'$. - Mix the corns:orcn(com'lour}wi-.nii toblesooon'"'cter
5· ,, ~GY "'~ "'i5 ,EMOV!J in o s"l')Cl!I
'XI" oncistir mis mixtwe in:othe v.o(. 3ring
• ·~ fE.!5"'00'11 co, ...sP~:-1 too boil, sf ·ring,forobou;:30secondstot.,·cken tN'
::OR'll =LOUR) sauce. MiXh sesoTo:oiland tro"Sfe· too serving:.ate.
• I f::!S =-ooN S!SHIE O L Se-vewith rice.
• SlE!',';!O "1;1:: "'!;';f S.dC).1 0 SE'WE

i\!G ON: a u :i:i-1 ,sr vE:;:r:, !'I

P:\!P! .,,! " ,ON i ML 10 y; NUTE5
s:,ns: 4

, 1 rps =-ooN 5:3 - ; e<ntne salt in o ory ski e: (fryingoo~) over m~m
• ·~ }E!)"'OO'II :;,o u'IIO 5,C-!U!'II heo! for2 minutes. Tokethe skie: off tno:heat end let
"'E"'"'! "' me sch coolfor o:o-..i1m·...-te, then stir in the s--o..nd
• I :u =-:a ; l 0Zi2S~ '-'L Sicl-r,.;on
VE~Ei!6 ..t O .. - ; eaim e \\'Okoro* psoocepo'lto 30(ff/1SO°C,
• l.d 0!,~00 G OY5if"' '-'U5- ROOWS. or urd o cuce of creoclb"ow"'\S in Iii mil""i,.ies.
'NS!J !NJ 10"'"1 1'11"0 1..0N3 Slit "'5 mus-.·ooms in tN' flourto coot. t"En de-=:.-fryfor 2-3
• Q i! ,~.f>FOO~> A. L·"'lJ"'"'OS~ I"'~: N; m·...-tes u"'til -gh:b-own.IJ,..-e
o slorted sooontoco •e;.ity
=...Ol. " removet".e musnroomsfromthe o. end drainon po:,er
- - ro.nsf
er the mush·ooms too se-vingplote ono seNe wi-.n
me spic.-=o sch .
~~ W;t ll 'tf:; 0'11:NO'n ·i!!Si
"'tP'!\_!J 0'11 JIVE: I~ Iii 'IIUTES,
~cM 'llu·n c - LL 'II:; T WE
SE't't'ES: ,h3

- Sooktri: fung-.isino smol OO'NI of coldwa:e·:o. • \ CU" f•~OZ/IS G: OR !Jo.::(

15minutes-untilso~ened. ~emoveo.ndd:sco·d the FU'll:;us
hctd stemsot tne base. ii"'Sewell. • 1 "! 0 C-1 .E S!E:l!J !.NJ C - O""EJ
- Bongo smo! souceponof·.-.otertoo xii,cddthe • I PS.HPOO'II QY)"':'flt S.!UCE
Vngus,and oonc.nfor 3 minu:es.OrCJIi;\O colo"'.der TPS"OON 0"! 'IIUl.: ·to SUG! '\
o,cl shake \\'e to te'T'O\'eexcesswo:er. f!5L!POO, \\-1 H $!$,1.M! S!E:lS
- Com~ tr': oloo: fungus,chile,oystersauce,onc:Isugar • 1 u:.s:oo'II sEs.:•,n o L
i;'lo .orge X/h ono mixwe!I. Re:ige·atefor 30 TW'lvtes • 11 OZilSO G C,.:'111'1;0 ::oR!"IIOF
u-rtilcooled. c - o::EJ
- Toasttt"<:sesoTe seeds in o smalloon overmedi.m
heat and sha(e occo:s'oio!lyfor3-5 minu:es,or u"til
godn b--o-N"'f.
- Remo\<e ti'-<:oloo: fungusfromtf"':te:i:Jerator
in tt"<:sesorre oi. Sprir.J:le
wi':htoos:-easesame seedsand
the cion:ro (corionae·} and se-..•e.

~~ ~?F ~ 'tf;j 0'11: c - .:oz - ou

:=tp:'(Ai 0'11 l M! IS 'fl 'IIUHS. " lUS
COO( NG l 'l'IE: 10 'fll'IIUiES

- j....rttr>':mushrooms.rl o OO'NI,
ccve1wi':hcoldwoter, onc:I • 8 . :=tGE J't ED 51.'CK MUS-i 'l;00 \1S
soo<:<Y ot eon 20 minu:es,or u.nt softened.Rema.<etr>': • 1 u:.s:oo'II. ;;- r sovs:.,u::
mus-,•ooms,squeezed-y,one!discorotne stems. Pu;:them • 2 i!S.ES:oo'\IS VE3EJ:5L! 0 l
bockinto the 'Xlh v,dthtne 'il:lf sauce oc0 marino:efor • I -1:::0 VUSi!~J. :50 01 I .5 . .!.S~;;
10~utes. ~ix .rl 1too es:ioon oi. s·t"I ONLY, :u· 1,ro 1-1,:( Sl CE$
- :iringo soi...cepanof water too boil, cad the heoo mus:ord • 5 OZ/150 GS( N·O~ : o: < SE.LY :ur
slices,one!S:mmerfor 5 minu:es.OrCJIa.."'.d set csicle. 'IITO Sl :ES
- ;ea;: me remo·vig 1tooles:::,oon o ino 0..-tcnove'l • ; ;:~ov:s
(cosseroe) a.-e·hig'l heo!,cdd the :io:k.andfry for • 2 CUPS :Jo : 1 Ci: CS VL CH CKE"I
32 minutes un:i the fa'!is ·eleose-:1. kd the whoe garlic 5'tYH :srocK. ::. ;;: i;ic
c..cveso"'.ds::;f-fryforl minuteuntil frog-ant,men cod the if!.S"OON s:.••
mus-,•ooms,chb::en :,•oth(stoc.(), o.ndn:od '.'l"l(JStoro. • s·p.wo "CE 1::.0:: 5.!0, TO Sfll't'E
Bringtoo xi ii. then ·eo..xeto aN ~at ands·.mrner ,
covered,for 5 minu:es.or U!'tilt~ neocl-r.-.;sto·ois tender.
Seasonw~ the sot and dsco,:1tr>':oork..
- Servet~ nead .r,;sto·o o"'.dmus-,•co:-r..s inthe )utch oven
wi-.n rice.
P:\!P!:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES
~** t'.!l
COO(l'II~. '1! 5 M1'11UiE5 CHANT EREL LE
S!'WES: 4

• 12 OZISSC 3 C-1! ,n:\E.l! • Ceon o,cl ("\Sethe m..;mroomsooclsa,:eezethem

MU5-l\00M5 to removeexcesswa:e·. Cutthe '.Tl<.l:"''Ooms o o-r.gthe4
• S oz,- ISC 3 iU5BOSE, \. '115!0 !"ID lengths·-rtostri:,s.
O\! 'll!J • Use paoe· ta.-.elstodrytf..e tu-:ierosecs muchcs ooss:be.
• 1 OZISO G "0\K •t 'IIOBlO 'II ::u· I' teospooo salt, iiteo:sooon
• Mixthe :io:k.tenderloil'\,
'IITO Siit"5 cornstarch(cor-rfa,...r),
and the egg v,mite.
• •~iE!5"00'11 S.'lT - ;e<ntne lore in o WO<or largeHiHet(fryi".9:,on)
• I iPS"OON CO:\'IIST!\C - to o:o.rt 2iS°F/140~.Addti-@oork end stir-fry for
:::oR'll =LOUR) 30 second$.t -r.entransfertoo plate ned '""ihooper
• I EGG W-1,TE
• 9 OZ/15:J O P\O o..irout mostof t-r.ei0rd,leovi~ oxiut 2tcoles::ioons
- =>
• •~iE!5"00'11 G\OU'll:l 'Ii - iE "!P"H in ti-e'"'O(· ;ea! the lorda.-e·hig'l heo..Add tf..e
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1C! "'!~E S.dC TO SE'WE mus:-r-ooms o"'.ds:J -fryrop·d!yto·1m·-r.;rte,
then stir
in tN' oork o-r.o,:,-,.berose.Addthe ·ema.i'ling~ teosxon
salt onc:Ithe wh'te peoper.
• Mixthe ·emoiningii teaspoon COl"nsto·chwim 1to:.-espooo
wa:e· o-r.ost:r the mixture:ntothe '.Tl<.l:ntooms and :,ork.
Bringtoo :oi, s:irring,:oro:>01..-t 30 sero-ds toi:hio:en
me sauce.Trons:ertoo seivng :rote.Servew'th rice.

i\!G ON: sn:..NG-1!

Pi\!P!.:\!",ON i ME 10 \1 NUTES
~ ,f.100
S!'\VES: 4

• 11OZ, }00 G OYSTE"YUSH:\QQYS, - 3ringo sc:-xepa.nof ...,otertoo bo1.,cad the mush·ooms,

TO\N ! "! .~J o,cl bonch :<Y 1minl.l'te.Aoin, rinse,one p-e1sthe
• I iPS"OON 5!3 mu~.-r-ooms to removemostof tne'-''Oter.Tro"'Sfe·tne
• 2 lE'S"OONS S- !OX NG 'lii'II! mus:-r-oomstoo bowl.mixw'th 'f, teo::::,oon sot, I teo:s:ioon
• 1 f!5~!FOO"I ::oi\•nr.=-~c
- wine,o.nd2 teosooonscorns:orc.n(cornflou•} .
:::oR'll =LouRJ - ;e<ntnevegetoole oil·no wok.ororgeHillet (fryingoon}
• l "!5 .!S"'OONS VE3!J!5L! 0. overmediumneot...6dc:I the m..;mroomsoocl:,e ~ppers
• I 3\EE'II S!.l "UPE\ S, SHOE:l !>;;D o"'.ds:J -fryfor15seconds.RemovefromWO<.
CUT :'11•0 ::.· 'IIC- .'2•CV DICE - j_d t "'€ vegeto:.-: brotn (stock},remoin·-r.g½-teos::,oon
, 1 ·!a .:s=ooNs vE3!f!5L! a:to·n salt, o.nd1teaspoonwine;,. the•..,'O<. MiXtri: remoin·-r.g
:510::<pi.G: 91; 1teos:,oonco:nstorchwith1toblesooon...,ater·o a smell
• I f:!.S"OON S!S!Vf 0 OO'NI and sti· thismixt1.r-e into the wok.Stingtoo :oil.
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1C! "'!~E S.dC, 10 SE'WE st:tring,to· obo..rt30 seconosto tnic.<e'1 me sauce.Re:urn
me mush·oomsone peppersto the ""0< o"'.dadd the
sesame oil.T·onsfe1too servingpate onclservewith rice.
ffl ;II!~!il~ 'tE~ 0'11:HO~G KONG
"=tp·:'(._!J 0'11 T VE: I~ Iii 'IIUTES
STRA W tv1USHR 00tv1 S COO( NG i YE: IS \1 NUTH
SE't•tES: l·O

~Bongo lo·ge saucepan o:v.'Otertoo boi .Add ti-...ook.choy • 11 oz, ~cc :3.;j'(Ef'I SOK C - 0'(
o"'.d:lonch :o. 1mi..•..rt
e, then ·il>P-undercold run"';.,-,g • 5 i!3lES"00'11S CH CKE'IIa:to·n
wo:er. )ro·'1 o-r.oset oS:de. :sroci::.".1..0::n
~ ~t 2ij tablesooons chiLJ:en:iioth (stoo:) in o wokor • 1 :ts OZ.. .!2S·G, c:.'I St~ : w
10:'ge skte: (':yingoon} over rr.edtf"TI• CJN heot, cod WUS-iltOOWS. O't: 'l:'0
the mush·ooms,o"'.dsimTe· for 2 .nn.rtes. Use o s otted • 2 i!S.ES"OO'IIS VE3EJ:5L:' 0 l
spooo to uonsf er the -r,,,;snroomstoo plate. ~era tne • l :~ov:so:..~~,cc:i:us-;::J
cni((e:'l broth. • 1 i!S~ESPOO'I G NG!'t JU,CE
~ P~t the \' eg-=tobe oi in tN' V.'O! a.-e·medium-h·gn heat. • I i!S.ES"OO'II OYSE " s :..ucE
cad the gcrlic, oc0 :-yfor1 minut-eun:1 gode'1 b--O'N"'I. • I TE:S"OO'II ;j'(.!'lllJl!J:0 SU3 H
ReTlO\'eo"ld discordthe garlic. =-utint "\e musnrooms, • :SE :..5"00~ )!.Li
-e, oysterro..ce, sugar, sdt. ooclthe -emoini"9 TE!S"OON CO~'ll)f.: 'tCH
2lito:. esp,consc.nic<e'1b-mho-r_ob--i09 too bo . :co " 'll=.ou~
~ MiX tri: co·nsto·ch (cor-.fa...r),,,lth ii to:.espoo.'lwa:e· • ~E ! 5" 00'11 3:tOU'IIO 'IIH TE '"E"":''t
ino STICH XI,. ona stir mis mixture in:othe wo<. :iring TE!S"OON SES! ~E O l
too boi,.stwring,forobou! 30secondstothicke:'lti-': • s ·f! NEJ "CE ( "!0:' 5.!0, TO Sfll't'E
sauce. Sprinde int~ ,.,..,'te :,e:.oe· ono sesame oil.:i1oce
the mush·oomsin tr>'l!cen:-e·of o 10·9=se-vingploteond
them withm e bOJ:choy. Ser\<e\,-:'tnrice.

i\!G ON: au:i:i-1 ,sr vE~::r:'( !'I ftl! .~~ J:~
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES.
:,LUS 1C M "\lu·n 5C,!(l"11~ TYE V EGETABLES OV ER
COO( l'II~. M!: I~ v NU TES

• i 0'( ::J eu:::f(MUS-1'\00"15 - Putthe mush·oomsin o 'X/h eo1er w'th cod water, and
• i OZISO G (!_Q:u , TO'\N 'IITO SOC.( forct leo:st20 mi-r•.rtes,
o· un:ilsoftened. ~emovethe
5'-'l!L.H :- E:::ES mushrooms,squ~ze dry, o-..dd:scordtee stems. =--ne'y
• j\ OZ· ;5 0 YU"\I~ S!.t"./ \'E'\M CELL chootne mushrooms.St·ointhe n"m"''O~ soaking,,.cter
:::ur ,,r o .::.•:"11:::
-1:10-cw l E"IGT- s .ntoo sT10II'XI,. ono set os;de.
, 3 :::u=-s:2s :. oz11sc M., - Preheat ::neovento 300°F/1500C/Gos t-'ork2.
','E~ET!5.t O. - Putthe koofuon o bo<ingsne-e:o"'.dOO(e~r 15mi""I.J'tes
• \ cu= o o-z,-;s~-': 'IIE.Y :::-10:-:-zo onti it is dry e-roughto oreo.,:ut1 ':If -r.cod.\'/hen it is coo.
s:"'soo s-ioo·s e-r.o.;ghto nonde, oreokup the <oofuinto a 'X/.-."Oe·.
• ·~ TE.:s:-oo'II s.,n - ie a kitchens:ring loose-'yaround tee center of tne
• I f!5lfs=oo"./ L ~HT SOY )!,u::::: vermice leng:ns to :or~ o Dunc!e.
• I fE!.s=-ooN )-1!,QXl'II~ ''II' NE - H:ct the \'eg=tobe oi in o wo<<Y deeo souceoonto
• SC!'I· I :::u= :· =.oz,,2 0~ Y~, -!OT 300°F/ISO°C, or u--rtio cube of lreoo b--O'N"'S int~ minutes.
,,.E~Ef!.5.t a,o·n :s ·ocK . =-:~f 02: :lut in tee ounde of vermice in tee oi o-..daeep•fry for
• I Tf!.s=-ooN :::OR'IISJ!'(C- abou! 20seconds U""t tho:o:.:ghly pPed into finewrite
::::oR'll =LOUR) noodles.-,onsfer me bond!e too sel"ing:.ate and teTIOV e
• I J!5t:s=oo ... S!S!'-'lf Oil the string.
• STE!\1!0 :;;,:::: =.,~E S.dC ·o SP:\'E - Pourout most of the oil, leavingooout 1tobespoon in
the wo<.Adotne mushrooms,kcofupa..,aer, oom~
s"OO'ts. solt, SO/souce, wM, mush·oomsoo<ingwater,
and vegetobe oro:n (stock).3ri-r.gme b--othtoo Xii,
then reduce to CJN"eOt. o"'.dsim-rer fot oxiut 2 minutes.
- Mix tne C<Ynstc·ch {cor-rfb..r)w'th 1tablespoonwater
and odd tott"":wok. B<'-r.g too xiii, stir·;ng, forabout
30 seco-..dsto ::nic.<en the so-..xe.S:Ir·" sesame oil,then
oour the mixture overthe \'ermicelr. Se-..•e withrice.
Dii~E •u~ ON: s;::-;u:..N
"'!\!"'! i\qQN T ME 5 Iii 'IIUTES
M USH ROOM SAUC E OV ER :::OO<l'II~. \1! 1~ v "iVES
S!'WES: 2

Cris:,ynee is the crust forTed en the bottom o: tr>':coo<er • I :::u= :a: 1 O!i250 YL VE~E·:.o .E
when ;ice ffscoo<eoin o cosse•oe. Fbo:ogedcris:,yrice S 5:tOT - :sro:::K, "'!..GE n
naNovci c:olein rome s-..permor<etsthot sellAs:on foods. • 1 " 0RT05E.LO "1USH'<:00VS, CUT
•ro ·,·._,.
"IC - ii•M\1•i - :< Sl :::s
- ~t the \'egetobe orotn (stoo::)in o saucepan.Add tne • .,CUP Ii OZ,50 G) S. :!O 5:1,1300
mus-,•ooms,::,ombooshoo::s,sot. roy sauce, o.r,c:Iwi-re and s-i oo · s. o>t: 'll!D
~iog too 00. Putini:he spi.,.och,reduce to lov,.•heat. oocl • ·~ u:s"OO'II s:n
simrr.erfor obou! 2 minutes un:ilwilted.Mixthe co:nstorch • j TP.S"OONS SOY s.: ucE
wi-.n1tc:,espoonwa:e·, then stir tf"':mixture ·.,to the :ion. • 2 E'S"OO"IS s- : ox NG w 'II!
for o:o-..i ~ secondsto thb::en
Bringtoo xi ii. s:irri-r_g, • 3 :u"S tl O: I~~ G) p::<E:l S!.SY
the sauce. 5" N.,: -
- ~t the oil in o wokor deej soucnon to 30J=t150°C, • I J!!.5"00~ :C"l'IISJ:"1: -
or un::Io c.-uoeof oread XO'Nns in Jr, .nn.rtes. Ado::ne ::oR'll =LOUit)
crispyrice,ono dee:,-fryfor }-4 m·"'.ies u"':ilgoden. • I cu=- :a
=1 Oi:.'2SO \IL)
- T-ons:erthe crispyr'ce too orge servi".9pate and oour VE~E-!5 .E O L
ove· tne sauce. Serve,...~h rice. • 3'? O: 'ICC ::3.0,VY it :E, 5".01::E'II
· 0 1'?· "IC - •.d•Cv sau :>tfS
• SiE ! "1EO'I CE ::3f 5.dC: TO S! " V!

~~~ "IE::3.ON: :,nu

"'it!"'!1t:· 10NT M! 15 W•'IIUTES
MU SHR OOM SA NDW ICH ES :OO(l'\1::3. - '-1! lS Wl'\IUiES
5!'\\'ES: O

- j....rt tr>':mushrooms.rl o OO'NI,

ccve1 wi':hcold woter, onc:I • 12 O"I EJ 5.~C( VUS·H OOWS
soc<:<Y ot eon 20 minu:es, or unt softened. Remoo.<e to• s1v 1.: 'IS ZE
the mush·ooms,squeezed)', and discardthe stems. • ·~CU"' :2
=1 oz,-~~'-1., C-I ICKEN
- Meonv,,.hi l~. maket -r.efilling.Com~e o!It-r.e;ngredien:s 51\YH tSJOCK. "! 3! 9C
but only'f, teo:s:iooncorns:orcn (cornflour}and mixwe . • I J!!.5"00~ L ~Hi SOYs.,u:E
Dividethe nlioginto 6 equolpo.iions. • I J!!.5"00~ S!SWE 01.
- j.oce the m_snroomson o cutting board, focedown,and • STE! "1EO'!;,CE ::~f 5.dC: TO S! ~\'!
b'\l5'1me unoersidewitn 1teospoo'1co·nstc·ch. Pl.!!the
fi-ng oo six musnrooms,CO\'e' with me ot-r.er6 to fotm F:'I; TH! • ,.LNG:
mus"l•oomso"ld>Aiches, and out on o -r.eotproofpate. • i OZ·~~ G G'tOU'\l:l (M '11:!0)
- j.oce the oa:-e ·no co ,opsibe oot or ::,omboosteoTe· L!'~ " 0 " <
ove·o oot of ooilingwote1.Steo-n,covered,for 10minu:-es. • I J:3lfS"00'11 C-IO""EO ~:1,1
Drainthe"'-a:'=· fro:-ntneplate. Setos3deoc0 k.eeowo·m. • i T!.'S"OO'IIS CHQl>l>EJs::.~LIONS
- j....rt tr>':ch-ck.enbroth (stock}and soy sauce in o souceoon :S""l l'll::3.ON O'\IS)
o".d :("iogtoo :oi . no smalloowl,.mixthe ·emoining • \ -p,S? OO'\I S! 1-·
~t eos:,ooncornstorch•,,/1h'f, to:iespoo.yv.-ote·onost·· • ·~ ·ps? OON GH'IIUL'TEO SUG!'I;
this :nixtu-e ·nto ::newo<.3ri"9 too·rr;ng,forobou! • 2 i!.'S"OO'IIS CO'tNS-!.itC-1
30 seconds 1ot·•ckE-nthe sauce.Add tt"<:sesoTe oi o".d :co " 'll=.ou1t
d~izzle-thesauce on -the-topof the sona,.:ches.Serve • ., 5!:f!N E::3.::3.
wi-.n rice. • J J!!S"OO"I VE~E-:5 .! 0 l
i\!G ON: au:i:i-1,sr vE~::r:=t !'I
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUES.
:,LUS 1C M "\lu·n 5C,!(l"11:;j.
COO(l'll::3.• M!: I -IOU:\ 15 M "llu·n

• 3'~ OZilCO:;. :l't !O 3PCK - ~it~ mushrooms.rlo bowl.co11er wr'.ncoldwa:e-·,o,cl

MUS-l'tOOMS soak to· o;: eos: 20 m:nu::es,or U-"'tisoftened.Remo\<e
• I f:5lfS=oo ... l :;ni SOYS!.u:::: me mush·ooms,squeezedry,and discarome stems.
• I f!5L:s=oo~:; '11:;E'tJU :::E - ~it~ mushrooms.rloheo:orootbowland m'ntne
• I :::u=-:a =t OZiiS~ YL PLUS soysooce,~ng er juice.oocl2 toblesooons\'@ge:oble c;t.
2 P5lfS"'OO"IIS VE:;f-!5 .E O l Poce the IJo,.., ino co ,opsibeoot or ::,omboosteoTe·
• I'. c1,;=s:s: OZilSC ~ CO"''IISi,!:\C- overo ootof ooilingwater.Steam,covered,fat 1hour.
::::0:\'11: LOU:\) (Addmore•1,"0ter tot-..e oot if needed.)
• ~ cu=-.5 OZi90 G) s~::ED 5:1,1300 - -ro.nsfer the mush·oomstoo to o:o·.lo"'.dlet
s-ioo·s. o :t, 1'11:J coo1, then CU'! ::nemi"'to /~inc.n/3--mm -thio: strips.
• I f!5lfs=oo~ S!S!\1f Oil - -o make tf.eSOi..Ce, com:,;neo!Itr>':iogredien:s ino 'X/h
• •~iE!S"OO'll 'IIH TE Yl'IIE~''t mix,...ell.onc:Iset aside.
• SlE!\1!0 "1;1:::: =::;E S.dC TO SE'WE - ;ea;: me remoi-.:ng1cu:. {8f oz.n30 ml) vegeto:.e oil
in o ...,O< o· largeslu:let(fryingpon) a.-e·medium-h·gn
=o=t ·n: s.:ucE heo! to cool.It3L0°F/170°C, <Y un:ilo a.oe ot bread
• !. s =-=t
,:;s C1~!'11l";O ::::oR !'!OE~ • IYa,.-r;sin45 seconds.kld the cornstarch{cor-.flour)
:::u1 i'\l·o l'v'll:::-1:.:::•CY l!NGi - S into the colonoe·cf '.Tl.l:-...tooms and toss o fewtimes
• i SC!l~ 0"115(S=-:t"11::3. ON O"IIS), to coot m e str·ps.Sho<eofftne excesscornstarch.
S-l'tEOJ!J '1110l'~· "ICH !.•CY
1 - ~it~ coated mushroomstr'~ irr.otne oiloocldeep-
lfNGi - S :'Y for 3.£ minutesuntilme mushroom ore f'.rmo.nd
, ',\ OZt'S:;. :;1'1~E" (!5QU T • NC-I crunc.ny. Addt ~ ooT oooshoots and deep-:'Yfor o :ovt
l·Clil·L!NGi-1 =-ECEi, S- 1\!0DD ,ro 30 seconds.Use o s otted s:,oonto corefulfyreTlO\'ethe
llf;· NCH !.6C\1 .. E'l~i-lS mus-.·oomso,cl bomboos"OOtsfromtr>':oilonc:Ioroin
• I f:5lfS=oo ... S!S!\1f Oil on paperto-Nels.:la.,; the oi out of me v.-ok.
• 2 lE'S"OONS S- !OX NG 'lii'II! - ~etu-nme mushrco.-r..s ono boTooo shoots tot-..ewok,
• •~iE!S"OO'II S.'li cod the sauce,o"lOsoute overnighheat for 3 mil"",,..ies,
• \ •psPO :J"IIG<i;OUNJW-1 TE "E'"=H or un:1most of ::nesouc~nos evoX11a:-=0. Stit int-..e
sesame oiland vinego· O"'.O transfer too se;vingplate.
Se--veim-redotelywith rice.

Hm-4-llfiE 'tE~ 0'11:YUNN!..N
"=tp·:'(._!J 0'11 JIVE: 15 \1 NU7ES
5E't\'ES: ~

~ Scro:,et~ stem of me mush-oomstoe eon offthe dirt • ti OZ· lSO G f'tESH ?O'tC 'II
o"'.dwipewith o dom:1d:Shta1;elo· ~oe1 towe-.Cutthe WUS-iltOOWS
mus-,•oomsinto ors= oieces. • 2 OZ/60 G ?O~I: TE'IIJ!";.0 N, Sl C!J
~ Com~ tr': por<,:.;.teaspoon salt,~ teo:s::,oonwh?te if.!..S"OON S!.·
pep:,er,ond >Heospoon cornstarcn {comfoor)in o 'X/h. if!S"OON :l,llOUND '"'°-i TE?E":E:i;
Ado ti!: ~ wh'ie ono mixtfrotoughfy. J!5L:'S"OON COR'IISJ!ll(H
~ ~t the \'egetobe oi in o WO< r.xdeej souce:,on to :co ~'ll=.ouFt
265◊Ff1300C.Add the :iorcir· mush·oomso"lOdeeo-fry !GG w-; ·t
:o. o:o..i 1mh.rt:e. Use o s otteo spoo'1to trans~· tri: • 2 CU"S 00 "l Oi: !.,S VL)
mus-,•oomstoo coonder to d·oin. V:'G!PS .E 01~
~ Putthe po.rk.nto tne hot oiland COO< fOt"
about 30 seconos. • 2 CLO\'ES :j!'tl C
Useo slotted sooon to carefullyremovetee oork fr~tne • 2 G NG!i't S.ICES
oi end dro.t'Ion po:,er taNels. • I SC!.~ION tS"ll 'II~ 0'110'II:, CUT
~ Pourovt most of the oil.le-ov',r,g
ooovt 1teosooon in the 'IITOi· NC-i .'S•CM1..E'll~T-iS
wok.Addthe garlic,ginger,and sco!ron (springonio,,}and 'tEO S:'.l "U?E't , SEEJEO !'IIJ
s:it-fryover nighneat for1minu:e un:ilfrogro"t.Aod the DICED
pep:iersond stir.!-y for 30 second$.pu;:in tN' mushrooms, • I C!Yf'IINE "!?"H . SE!JEO !NJ
po·(, oio:led VE-3etabes,re-noining~ teosooon sa;t, 'Sl:l'f O,CEO
sauce, sugor,:.;.teospoonv,lnite:,e:,oe•, a,cl chi(.(e'l broth • l P3lES"00'11S? C<LEOVE~!J !5 L!S.
(stock),an:oCOO( for 2 m·"'.ies . .no smalloowl.:nixthe CUT l'\ITOSW!.l = EC:'S
remo·.n:ngI te-ospooncornstarchw'th 1toole::ooonwote1 • I TE!S"OO'II ~,~ - T SOYS! .UCE
o,cl s::irthis ~e in:o thew0<. Be'~ too bot stirring, • 1 TE!S"OO'II ~'t!"il,.!f!O SU~H
:o:-o:o..i 30 seCOtdstoi:hi(.(ent-reso;xe, • 2 PS.ES"OO'IIS C - ,C<E'II S'tOT-i
- Stir·n the sesame oi and transfer too servingplate. Se-ve :sro::i::.".!..&!n
wi-.n rice. J!5L:'S"OON s:s:1,1: 0 l
• s·f!.ND "CE {".!..G!S!.O, TO SE'\•tE

i\!G ON: au:i:i-1,sr
i ML 10 y; NUiES,
= ""'"""
~ oft!~
:,LUS 1IJ M '\lu ·n sc,:(1'\l:;3. i YE CRI SPY
COO(l'\1::3.- M!: I~ v NUHS

• s·~ov1co ::s.~:.'(GEJ'(ED5P.n - ~it~ mushrooms.rl o bowl.CC'\.·er wr'.ncoldwa:e-·,o,cl

MUS-l'(QOMS soak to· <l'! eos: 20 m:nu::es,or U"'ti softened. Remo\<ett"':
• !. ·:.5 _fSPOO'\IS :::OR'\ISt:'\C-< musYooms,squeezed-y,and disco.,,:! ti!: stems. Cu. me
::::O:\'\l: LOU:\) mu~...-oomsinto /1:-inch/2-mm-thickstrips. :iut me--n
• :S-:.5 _:s=ooNS VE3!t:5L! Bo·n in ti-...DO\•:I
onc:Imixhtne CO<nsta-c:h (corn"l00t).
:sro:::< p:.o:92' • Combinetheveg=:abe :iroth{stoo:),vinegar,s-,.;gor, 'Sl:lf
• 1 t:5L!S"00N5 S.t.=<<01\ 5:.15,,1.y;C sauce, o"lOsalt 'no STICH 'X/h o"lOmotwe .
V NE~:'( - ;e<nme oil .rl o \\'Okor sktet (frying:ion) ove· medium
• !. •f:)" 00'\IS G:\!.NU~.'i:J SU3 H hea;:to ooovt 3L0°F/170°C, o· un:ilo o..oe o: bread orowns
• 1 lE'S"OONS 1.10-li SOYVUCE in £5seco"'.ds.Addt -..emusnroomsin smol botcnes and
• •~H!S"OO'\I S.'li she c,,;.:~ for 3 minu:,es,or unt goldenorownex crisoy.
• I :::u =-:a : l OZ:'25~ YL Useo slorteds:,oon tocarenAyremove the rn..snrooms
VE~Ei!..5.t O ~ the oiland drain on :,aper towe_s.
• ·~ O!ilO ::3.::3.'\l~E'\ :.sou·\· '\1:::-1.• - :io..r out .rost d t-..eoi, -:ovingaboutI tooles::,oon
2•CY•L!NUi - "ECE ,, ~ '\l!LY in ti-...WO( ove· mediumheot.Jidc:I the ~ng er ooclstir-fry
:ex1mi"'I.J'te U"'tilfrogrom.Addti-...sauce and Dring
• I t:5t:s=oo ... S!S!',';f S!OS, too boil.Increaseto hig'1heat o-r.o00 forabout
i0.'5H:l l. minu:s--~or unti me sauce ·s reduced by half.
• sH:y;:o :;;,:::: =.,~E S.dC ·o SP:\'E - A/JJlli:hemush·oomsona i:ossrap·dlyto coot tne:n in t-..e
sauce. Trons:ertoo serving:.ate and to:iw'th the toos:-eo
sesame seeds. Servewitn r'ce.

wmt~~ =tE~ O'II:
"=tp·: '(._
ND'n •;
.:.J 0'11 . ~E SM NU7fi.
MU SHROOMS WIT H PLUS ;o Ml'IIU iES so.:.(1'11~ i lY !
COO( NG i YE: I - OU't 15 V"NliES

=== = - - - - - - --
- Putthe mush·ooms in o 'X/h COier ,...~h coci'.-.ater, and
• 2 OZ/SO :3.0'( !) SP .CK "1US-1'(00MS
soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es, or u-nf•softened. Remo-.-e tN' • I Cl;? :s OZ1ISC ;; Pf.!.C-1 (!~'IIE ~S
mus-,•ooms,squeezed-y, one!discorotne stems. • 2 PS ~ES" OO'IIS VE3Ef:5 L! 0 l. =tus
- Bongo souce~n of V1.'0ter too ooil.odd t-reoeoch kernels, EXF!. F:'( OE!P·F~'t'l'IIG
o,cl :kinch :<Y £_5 -n·mrces..r.tilt~ Hins :ie9"'to .,,T··•.de. • 2 fE!.S"OO'IIS S!SH,'E OI~
Drainand ,rinseunaer coo ru.,vigwa:e·. Peel and dry • \ Oi:,•n;;;; N3! " ( !5 QUT I· NCH
the peach <erne..s tho:ooghlyusingooper towels. 2.S•CV•LE',Gi - = ECE., H' t = SL CD
- Putthe pec:h (ernels in:o o wok or deep souce~n. odd !.'110-1!.~F :::- 0 ""! 0
enou9"1~ etoo e oilto cover tN' (e~_s, and deeo-fry • I Cl;? :a
F~ OZliSO Ml) \if3!f:5L!
ove· medium-low--eat for5- 10 T,J"I.Jt es V"'ti tN' (er--els 51\0~H :STOCK, ::. 3! 'H)
o·e crunchy.Useo SJOtteds:,oonto corefu'fyreTlO\'ethe • 1 lE!.S"OO'II ~ ;;- r SOYs:..u:::E
kernels from the o. ono drainoo po:,e· ta.-.els.)iscord TE:.s=o oN o=:.'IIUt r EO s1,.,o :.'(
the vegetc:ole oil. • ~ T! !.5" 00"1 s:.u
- P~t the sesame o over medi...m""Wt.Addthe gi'lger • I TE!.S"OO'II CO~"ISP:;:::-1
slicesand stir•::')'for 1mirute unti frogrom.~ .nthe tCO"'ll= .ou. ~
mus"l•oomso,cl~etoole IYoth{stocx),IY-1'19 too ooi, • S~f!. NE:l :; CE (=:.o:S.!O , TO SEll't'E
reduce to low heat ono simmerfor1 hour.Stirfreqi..rently
to :.•event:,urning.Trons:er the rn.snroomstoo bowl.
- ~t the ·emoining2 tobespoot"'Soilin the wok.overnigh
heat Ado-.necf..oopedgi'lger o.ndstir-fryfor 1 T,J"I.Jt e ...ntiJ
:.ogront :\.it in the '.Tl,;mroomsand :,eochkernels.Adotri:
soysooce, sugar,and solt. Mixthe co:nstorch{Co«'four)
wi-.n1to:i,;espoonwa:e·o"'.Ci stirthis mixtu-e ·ntothe wok..
:o. 30s.econdstoth·cl:e'1me sauce.
Bringtoo xi ii. s:irri-r_g
Tro-rsfe·too serving,olo:eono seNewi-.nrice.

i\!GON: -1.=.
<1:.:. %:* rj,~
P:\!P!:\qON T ME 10 y; NUTH,
COO( l'II~. '1! }·.! M "IIU"fi

• i!t oz .dCG OiHJ s:.iu 0 • Combinethe d-ysquicl,salt, o"lO2 cups (16'I oz./'-75ml)
, ·, t.=.s.n~oo"II COH:SE s:n cod ...,ate·oc0 sock :o. 30 minu:es.R:.i:!e...nde1 cold
• '.' OZln~:; :,:'I( iENDEll;LOl'II, CUT ,·. Re'TlO\'e
rlf'V'kng me tnin TeTo;ane the
l'IITO T-1 :-<sn =-s squ·a ono slicet "\e sc,,..icl"'Olizonto!lyinto ~ -inch/
• I r:::.s=-ooN G:\H,IU l '-0 suo:, 2-mm-thickw·os.
• 1 n:s=-ooNS 1.1 0-IT SOYVUCE • Combinethe pork sti::)S 1teaspoon 'Sl:l'fsa-..xe,
, suga·, a.."'.d
• ·~ u:s=-oo'II CO'INSP~:-1 o,cl marinate for 10m·.,.,ies.Mixin the cornstarchand
::0:\'11 : LOU :\) 1teos:,oonoi.
• I rps=-ooN =-tus i ·:.o .ESPOO"IS - ;ea;: 1tobespoo'1oilin o wokor asgeslu!.etf-ying poi ).
VE3EP.5.t O ~ Add tl"':porkstfos o"'.ds::Ir-fryovernighheat for
• I '\EJ CH l ! , SE!OD !'110 SL CO 1minute,<Y untilcook.eelti'l' plate.
, 1 r:::..s=-ooN s-1.:.en: s:..ucE - ADllthe remo·~ 1to.ole1:,oon c;t totne \\'O(, odd tf..e
• I f:5 L:s=oo"I 11; 1: : '"'' NE squ·oone red ch e. and stir.!-y·apid'yovernighneat for
• '.' OZln~:; C-1 v :s, :uT l'\1-o o»..i 30 seco"'.ds.Addtl"':sno cho sauceand S:)J'ink..e ,.,.;n
2· NCH·S-::y; ..E'll~i-lS the sideof me WO<. :iut in tf..ech'i\•es,
o Ot"'.9 e ce ery,
• I SJ! ~I( : - 'IIESE:HEi\Y, 1.!!v'ES o,cl po·( and toss for o:o..i 1mfl""i.,ie. Ada tne remoi"'1"9
01sc:.~0E:i. :ur ,ro 1•1"11:-1:s•cw 1teos:,oonsoy sauceand tcewhi:e pepper,stir wel one
lfN Gi - S uans:ertoo servingpate. Serve,...~h rice.
• ~.-f:. .s=-oo~ ~'IO UND'"' -1 E '"t=-=-::~
• SiE:y;:o "1;1:: =:3E S.dC TO SE'WE

i\!G ON: -ION~ (0'11~

P:\!P!:\!" ION T WE: 5 W 'IIUT:S
COO( l'\I~. '1!_ 5 M 'IIUiES
:i t'.!1 ~....qt
S!'WES: 4

• 9 OZiiSC :; y_,,_,
~E :ws O'I s~ N.,: - - ~inseo"lOtrim the yom leaves so thot 01·Jyo:out

l E: v fs ~ inch/2cm of tr,..,stems ·emoin belowthe eo'.'es.

• I f:5 L:s=oo"I VE3Ef:5L! 0 l - ;ea;: me oil;no wakor asgeskh: f-ying pon}.Addtee
• 2 :::~ov·,;5O.'R. IC CH;;'"=f:i garlicono ch e ono stt -fryove1aN ~t for1 ,,w·11Jt
• I '\EJ CH l ! , SE!OD !'110 :ur :·ogront. ~ inthe yam ,eavesono Stt-fry rapid'yover
l'IITO C-IU"I KS mediumhem :<Y o"'.Other 2 m·.,.,ies,just urdthe leaves
• \ "f!SP OO'II s.:.~T o ·e cooked.Ad:Ithe so t o.nclstir-fry :o. o -r_other
Tro"'Sfe·too s.erv'ng,ola:eono se-ve.
~~ fft •u~ ON: au:i:i-; ST\'E(Ef:=t ~.N
"'!\!"'! i\qQN T ME 5 Iii 'IIUTES
MOCK C RAB :::OO<l'II~ i.VE n ._.NUHS
S!'WES: 4

- :iringo OO"<o1 wcte1to a boil.cod the pota:oes and • s " Oi.!TOES, Clli ,ro ,. "ICHii0::\1•
carrots, a.r.c:I
cook for ISmi-r,.Jtes,o· un:ilcookedt"'·ougn. i-1 CK S~ICES
Drain, t~n CtVS'lwitno for'(. • i C !i\'<:OTS. cu· i'\ITO\·l'IIC -i ,'2•CW·
- ;em 3 to=,espoons oil ·no wok.ororgeski e: (fryingoo~) i-1 CK 5.ICES
ove· medium heot.Jidc:I the g;ngerond stir-fry 'o:-1m·.,.,ie • 4 .!5 .ESPOONS \iE3EJ!5L! OI~
u-rtilfros--ant.Adclthe :>Ototoeso-r.ocarrots,~ teosooon , ·~oz,-10;;. ;;1'11;;n. :sour \·:'IIC -i
sot, and the ...,.,'te:iep:,e·ona stir-fry forooout 1 ~ut e. 2·CW·lENGi -i "ECE J, CH0'"' 0 EJ
Reoxe to ow heat and s:ir-fryfor o"'Other2 miMes. • •~if£5"00'11 s:.T, ".US EXF!
Ado ti!: s-...gor and V--egaro"'.dS:::r·0,?icllyto olencloJ TQT:SJE
r too se-vingplate. , ~. iPSPOON G~OUNJ w -; ·t "i='PH
- ;em me remo·~ 1tooles::,oono in o c...eonwokover • I J£3lES"00'11 ~'(!.NU~.'HJ SU;3H
med'um heO!.Add tne mushrooms-,tne remoin'"".9 • I J£3lES"00'11 5PCK 0 " S.!U.'"IIC
lrite-ospoonsalt, o"'.dvege:obe :,roth(stoo:) o.r,c:I:,ring to V NE;j!\
o boil.S-mrner1or o:o-..i 30seco"'.ds.MiXtcecor"'Storc.n • ICU" :o OZ:130 G) C!'ll,EO SB.!'N
(cornflour}witn 1ro:.espoon water,tf.en sf• tne mixture MUS·H OOMS. J\_! N! O !.NJ Sl C!J
htowok . Sting too x ii. stirri"'.g.for o:o..i 30 seconds to • SC!"II• CU" tl ~l OZ l~C \1L
thio:e'l me sauce .Add tf"':sec on (spri-r_g on'o,) ono stit vE;;E·! ,5.E 5~o·n tSiOCI::, :-::;f 02)
to m .Ad;ust sa;t toto:ste. =burt-remusnroomsondso;xe • I J::!.S"OO~ CC'l'IISf:\C -
ove· tne po:otoes o,cl carrots. Serve ,,.."thrice . :::oi\'11: LOU'I)
• I J:3lES"00'11 C-iO""EO SC.' L~IO"I
:S"" 'II:; ONION)
• STE! \1EO 'I CE :-:~f SdC: TO S! "V!
i\!G ON: au:i:i-1,5r vE3::r:.'( :." r¾i~L:~~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUi:S.
:,LU5 }0 VINVES 50.!( '11:li ME V EGETABLE S W ITH
COO(l'll:l. '1! 55 M "IIU.E5

• 0 01\ 0 a_.:.:( 1'1US- :\00"1S - ~it~ mushrooms.rl o bowl.co11er wr'.n coldwa:e-·,o,cl

• ·,cu = ~ OZilO :;;: : ~.:.:( : uNGU5 soak to· o;: eos: 20 m:nu::es,or U-"'tisoftened. Remo\<e tN'
• I 5"\IOW=U"ll3US musYooms,squeezed-y,and disco.,,:! ti!: stems. Strainthe
• \ OZilO G MUNO 5!!'11 VHMICH~ soaking,,,.oter th-ough a stro·""er{s'eve}and reserve.
• •, 'l!P !. C :..53!.G!, CUT ,10 - Coverthe bock o"lOsnowfi..ngusin cold'"'cte·cno soo<
2· NCn.,s·::'-1 CHU'll(S :o. 15minutes.0-oin the fi..ngusand disco·d the s:eT~.
• 2 l£5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E 0 Tearthe S'Y.:IN fungusin:o l¼-'nch/ pieces.
• I oz .dCG G NG!:\ ::.a.our - Soc.(the \•e,·micel!i·no OO'NI of hot water forobol.rt
2 • NC -! ,'O•Clil·~E'll:ll-1 : E::E), 5 .TW'lutes to so¾en.Ora.t'I o"'.dset csic:le.
5~1::EO - Seoo·ote the cobboge the s:eTiS.
• I :US.E i\!O 5E!'I Cl.~:l - ;e<ntne oil .rl o \\'0k0t a.rgeskte: f-ying pan}over
• l'J.CU"S , · .! =- OZ:.!OC Ml vw::r:.3u medium-'ligh ~ct.kdtheg·...ger o,cls:it . fry~r 1mh.rte
aito·n :510::i::. ":..o: n· until frog·ant.Addthe ·eelbean cure, crushit, teen stir
• •,CUP y,;.OZ }~ 3 S- El~EJ G "11(::;0 in tN' ca-':.oogestems, mu::;roomsoo<ingwater, o.r,c:I
NUTS vege:oble :.'0th (stQC.()o,cl :ring too :oi .
• 5 oz,- ISC 3 :'( EJ 5E!'I Cl.~:l ST :<S - ~it~ ginkgonuts, musnrooms,SOON ono bock.fu-g ..s,
:5:E 'IOTE~. CUT '111011;.·:"11::-1,
}•::v beo'lcvsd s:ic<s,carrot. and co:.ooge eo\<eS ;nto ::newot.
5!Ci 0"115 Stirint~ oysterso.see,sot. and s,.:gor.Borgtoo boil,
• ·~ c:'(:\Oi, 5~ :ED cover,o,cl sim-re·over ow neot for 15minutes.
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GETH nr OYSi:\ - Mo the vercT.,·ce!li, stir,then odd tee wg:ir ::"'.Ops.Cover
5:.,ucE Q'( l :;;nr SOYs:u::: o"'.dsimT..erfor 5 mh.rt:es.Tro"'Sfer too serv'-r.gpate and
• I if!.S"OON 5:.3 servewim rice.
• I f::!.S"OON G:\!'IUlrO SUG!'(
• 5 oz,- ISC 3 5u:l:\ 5'\l!PS, F "1"10 NOTE:
!'110 5T\.'ll:l5 '(EMOV!J fied bean curo sticksorecvoilo:ie inAilin markets.
• su:.1o1:o :;;,::: =.,3E S.dC ·o SE~\'E If nm aroilo:ie, hem 2cu~ {16fioz/475 Tai)\'egetoi -soil
in o ""0< to 3Wf/1SOCC, or 4.n:i o cu:,e of oreocl:,rov.-ns
es.A/Jdthe been CIJ"dcic<s, o"'.do~p-fry fo·
in Ir, TW'lvt
3 minutes.or l.l!'ti pPed 4.0.

~ ~~ 'tE~ 0'11:GU,1.'11~OO'11~
"=tp·:'(.!J 0'11 l \1E ~S \1 NU7fi
SE't\'ES: ~
=== = - - - - - - --
~ Com~ tr': oor<fot:,oo:, sauce,
• 2 OZ/SO :3.: o ~< :q5.:. :<. : ~ELY
cornstarch {cor-rfb..r),and ii tobespoon oil·.\ o oow. c - o::EJ
~ 0.,. me sprouts i-rto'f.. :nch/1-cm engths. Placetne seeds • 5 OZ/150 G l! : "I :HOUND '1,1 NCEOJ

htoo d')'\.\'OJ:or argeskie: (fryingpan) ono stir-fry ?O'tK, ~ 'll!LYC-10:-

ove· lov,.•hem:~ 3 ~lit es, or u'tlil most of the liquidhos H !$:"Q QN l 0-1• SOY S! .UCE
evoroto:ed. RemO\'etN' SP-eds set aside.
fromwo<a.."'.d TE!$:"Q QN COR"IST! '\CH
~ ~t 1taoles:~n oi in o clean wo<c,.•e· hign heO'!,s:ir in :co ~•F.OU:'t
the seeds end corrot,m en put in the sprwts, g;ngerjuice-, • 2'~ i!f,._f:i:OO'IIS VEGET!S.E O l
o"'.drice wine and s:ir-fryfor 1minute,o· untilthe • l~ cu :-s \II OZil~~ ~: 50'1'5!!'11
turn t ·o.ns,...cent.
0-oin,t cent ·ansfer too se-vingplate. s:itours, \OOT E'IIOS\E\10VEO !'IJ
~ ~t the ·emoiningl toblesooonoi h tne \\'OJ: over s::rns Sf:OH!iEO :'t0 \1 STEWS
med'um heO! o".ds::ir-frytne go~ for1 minute until • '. :,"1:i:01. c - o::::J
:.ogront A.dotne por<.rixtu e ono stit-fryove· hign • I iE!S:00'113 'I~:::- JlJIC!
heat for2 minute--~ or ;,.nti do--e. • I TE:s:oo'II:, CE 'Nl'llf
~ Stir·n the soybeanseeos, SjYOl,;ts, and salt ono stir-fry • 2 CLO\'ES :j!'tl C :3,:i,:·Eo
ove· hig'l heai :~ 1mi.,ute ..r.tiltee t.quidhos evoooroted. • » if!S:ooN S! • •
Tro-rsfe·too serving,olo:eono seNewi-.nrice. • S~f! NEJ :, CE(:>!(): S.!O, iO Sfll't'E

4 77
i\!G ON: -ION~ <O'II:;
P,\!P!i\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUES.
" LUS 1C M 'IIU-fi 5C,!(1'11:;i YE STU FFED BLA CK
COO(l'II:; - '1! ~5 Ml'IIUiE5

• IC 0'( !J 5;_!.CI( \1USH" 00"1S - Coverthe mus"l·oomsin boilingwo:e· oncisock :<YO! least
• I J!5l:S"00"1 l :;ni 50'1 5!.u:::: 20 minutes.Removet ce musnrooms,saueeze<±y, and
• I if!.S"OONS :;it!"IUPiEO 5UG!R d:ScordtN' steJT6.
• I f!5L!S"00~ :::C,\'IISJ!'(C - - ,no heotoroof OO'YI:,com~ 8 m...-s:vooms, me SO/sauce,
::::oR'll =LOUR) 1teos:,oonsugar, oncicornstarch {cornflour)ooclmix\\<e .
• 3 :::u=5 " ~IJS i -:s L!S " OONS Stitin ltooles::,oono .
:25 F. OZi iSC M~ \'EG!PS~E O L - j.oce the ~•I ·.,too collops:b-:oot or DOm:oosteoTer
• I .:'(G! " Oi!iQ, :::u · NTO \·1'11:::-11 overo oot of ooilingwater. Steam, covered,f0t 15m·.,..ies
2-cv 5~1:::.:5 over hig"lhea;:.Set os3deto coo.
• 3 W!f: " CH!Sl'IIUTS, CHQl>l>EJ - j.oce the ~otos~ces in o co!lo:)S:.e po: or oom:oo
• 1-2 -!S ~ES"OONS =.~E~YCno:o:oEJ steoTe·over o souceoonof boiling water and s-.eo"I'\,
:::H\OT covered,f0t 20m·.,.,ies.Transfe·me ~otoes too bowl
• \ 7f!SPO:J'I s:~t o-..dmc::'1mem.
• G\OUNJ \'-I ;E "E"PE\ . TO -! .S7E - Meonv,,.hil e, dice the 2 remoi"l;.,-,g
• su:1o1:o:;;,::::.,_,:;f 5.dC ·o SP:\'E - ;e<n 1tobespooooil in a
Add tt"<:diceomushrooms,wot er chestnuts, and corral
=01t ·n: :.!rB: es. S:ir~ the sch, the ·ema.i'ling
o-..ds:if. fryfor2 :i-.:rnrt
• l -:5 _:s =o oNS !.L~·"U""OSE IPL! N) ~ teospooo sugoc,ono tne white oeoper.Addtee mashed
=~Ol. " pota:o and :.e-r.ditw'tntt"< ing·ecrentsto ma(e
• I J!5L!S"00"1 :::OR'IISJ!'\C- o filling.
::::oR'll =LOUR) - -o make tf"':oorter,coTtlne o tN' ingrecren:so-r.o
• \ -f!SPO O'I S!.I( NG SOD.& l. tco 10·9=bowland m"'-e.
5 C!RSON.!6E o = 500!.) - S~.ffthe s:eoT.ed mushrooms\\~:l tne filling.
• •~TE.!5"00'11 S.'li - ;ea;: me remoi"l:ng3cu~ {25fl ozli50 .r.l)oil·.\ o V.'O!
• •~i!S.E5"00'11 \'!G!T!5lf O~ or dee,:.soucnon a.•ermedi1.rnhem to o».lt ~OOF/l;QOC,
or urd o cuce of creoclb"O'h""\S in Iiimil""i,.ies. )ip the
ro..ffedmus"l·oom in:o the bot:e·, uons:e,.mem to the
hot o in t ce WO<, and deep-:-ythe s:,-,. ffed :n.J:S 'co:T.G for

l. minu:s-- ~or unti gooen brown.Useo S!Ottedspoon to

carefullyremovethe mus"l"O~ fr<Yn
::neoiland dra·.lon ooper tO'A·es. Servewi-,.n rice.
-==~ -r E iE •u~ ON: YU'll'll!'II
"',\!"'!~!-ION T ME l~ "''"llJES
S!'WES: 4

- j....rtti-': fungus in:o o bowland n.;.othorougnlywr'.n • ; oz ·n~ ;j : ;n-1 CP.NS! : u~GUS,

lrite-ospoonsolt. R:nsetl"':fung:;;sst ios with wa:e·, then C~f!'l!J !'IJ TOl\'I 'ITO T- 1"1sn..=-s
re:,-,,.rntoo cleo'1 OO'NI tN' flour. ~ub it in:o the
and odd • IE ! S=-OO"I )!.Lf
funguss-Jipsthorougnly,then Mnwim wcte· to remove , 1E!.s=-oo~ !~l•=-uvosE I"'~: 'I:
o dii and imprities. Squeezeme fu-q..s w·os to ·emo'.'e ; ._Ql,I\
excesswcr.:,er. • I i:!5"'00"1 CCil;'l)J:'!.C -
- =-.acethe fungus .ntoo collC?S'blepot <Y boTooosteomer ::::o,'!.'l: LOU'!;)
ove·o pot of ooilingwater. Steo'T\,cove1ed,for 5 minu:es. • ·~ f;j;j '\\ -1 E S!.'iE'I
Set os3deto coo. • 1 C-I ICKEN5:\!£)TS, CUT NTO
- j....rt tN' C01'1"1:$torch
(cornf.oor)intoo ba.., .Add 1tooles:::,oon i-lNST""'S
wa:er,stir, tne:'llet tt"<:sto·ch sertfe. :lourout tt"<:wa:erto • l T.!5L!S"'OONSVECET£3lE 01~
leaveo wet sto·ch. Stir .nthe eggwh'ie to create o botte·. • 5·0 ClOV!S CP.,'!.~,: C-IO"'?EO
Ado ti!: &.Jck. en stri:,s and mix we I. , 3 oz,ao::3.:::oo<EJ YUN'l ! 'I -1!.,.,,
- ;ea;: 2 tobespoonsoi in o wo<o· largesk1e: f-ying po.n) CUT NTO ·n N s·.; ?S
ove· medium heat. ReTlO','e me chickens:rips fromthe • •~OYE'll,E :::p=-t; . CUT NTO
better, :,..-tthem ·ntotn ev.o<, and stir•::')'fot 30 seconds. i-1 N Si" "'S
Tro-rsfe·too plate. • STE!~fO '!;,CE =-:;jf 5.dtt: TO s::~v::
- j....rtti-': fungus in:otnewokover med'umhem o,clti -fry
:CX'o:o..i 1S seconds. Trons:ertoo plate.
- ;ea;: me remo·vig 1tooles:::,oon o in o wokovermedium•
h·gn -r.eots:ir-fry me 90·.ocfor1 minu:,eun:i frogro"'t Ado
the ham, coyen~ oe-:,per,and chic.tenooclstir-fryfor >.!
mil"",,.ies, untilcooked thro;.;gh.Acd i:heganoo fungus,
toss, o-r.ot rons:ertoo se'Vingpate. Serve,...,4th rice.

i\!G ON: -!UN.:.,
P:\!P!:\qON T ME 10 y; NUTH
COO(l'\13,. '1! 5 M1"11UiE5
* ~ ~ '/;I
S!'WES: 4

• 5 0!1 ISC 3 :;'!,OU"IIJ (,., '11:EJ) PO'!.K - Combinethe g·runcl (minced}oork,soysauce-,sugo·, and
• I r:::.s=-ooN L GH" SOY5.!UCE 2 table::ooonswater i'.la oov.:.Marinatefor 5 minu::es,then
, ·, u:.s=oo'll :;=t:.Nu.:.r:o su:; H mixin tee cor--storch{co'l"flour).
• •~}E!)=OQ'II CO'!.NSP~:-1 - ;e<ntne \\'Ok.orcrgeskte: f-ying pan}over CIN
::OR'll =LOUR) heo!.AdOtne 90:ticand ch~esonclstir-fry'o:-1 ~ut e until
• I J!5L:s=-oo ... VE3EJ!5L! 0 l :.ogront in the :,ork.andsti·.!-yrop·a1yforono:her
• i :.OYH Q.!:'t.lC, C:\USH!O 2-3 m·.,utes a.-e·hig'l heo1u'tlil cookedthrougn.Add
• j '!.EJ c- LES. SEEJEO!"ljJ cur l"IITO m e p·ck..edstr"~ beo"'Sand st··.fry for~- minuie.
s·R =s Tro"'Sfe·too s.erv'ng,olo:eono se-vewitn (ce.
• 9 OZiiSC:; = O:~EJ ST'!..'1133P"IIS,
'!. NS!J !"IIJ CH0'"' 0 EJ
• su:.y;:o :;;,:: =.,:;E 5.dC ·o SP:\'E

i\!G ON: au:i:i-1,sr vE:;::r:.=t :."

Pi't!P!.:\!",ON T ,.,E: 5 ,.,l'IIUi:S
S!'\VES: 2

• ll OZ, 500 G r=Es - 50Y5E!"IIS, - 3ringa .orgesouceoon of waterto a ooil.cod the

=oJJEO sof-,eons,o"lObonch :o, 2 minu:es. 0--oinand •inse
• '.'Olin~:; :,'!.ESE'!.
V'EJ \IUSJ!:\J una~· cod running•1,ot e·.
:l:\!E'll:i '!.1'115!0 - Squeezeme mus:ard gr~"'S to teT'O\'eext!:1S water,
• 2 J!5L!s=ooNS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ men i:rimand chooi:hem..n.
, 1 r:.sus=oo~ :-10==:o::; '113E'!. - ;e<ntne vegetoole oil ·no wok.ororge Hillet {frying
• I =.E:E 5!!\I ·.J= EDTOFU,CUT ,,ro pon) over medium-hig'.lhem.Add tl"':gingerand sti·.!-y
• '11:-1,'l•C,., 0 CE :o. about 30 seco"'.dsuntilftag-o~t.k.d the sof-,eans,
• I '!.EJ S!L~ :,t=PE'!.. SE!JEO !.NJ :uT mustard gr~"'S, ono tofu forabout 3 minutes.
l'IITO •~·l'\IC - ·l•:\I Oi:E Add tt"<:be :iep:,e·, sol-'.,sugar, and SCI'/
souce,ono sout-e
• •~iE!:i=Oo'II S.'li :o. about 1minuie.St:r·.ltri: sesoT~ oil.tro"'Sfertoo
• ·~ 1,;:.5=oo'i ~=tfNu~:..r:o su~:., servi"'1pate, and serve witn r'ce.
• I r:::.s=-ooN l GH" SOY).!UCE
, 1 r::..s=-ooN s:s:.,..: o.
• su:.y;:o :;;,:: =.,:;E 5.dC · o SP:\'E

,s --
?;r ""t-7&7BJ
1-r.:: ;;;; ""
Fifi 'tf;j 0'11: 51.iJDi-i s· VEGEi H :,
"=tp·:'(._!J 0'11 . \1E SM NU7fi.
WH EAT GLU TEN PLUS IC \1 Nu ·n SQ!(l'\1:3 T "1E
COO( NG T WE: 10 "11'\IUTES

- ~t the \'egetobe oi in o WO< c,: largeski-:t (fryi~ pen) • 2"OO'IIS VE;jfi!5L! 0 l

ove· hig'1hem.Add tN' gingerand stir-:-y for 1 T,J"I.Jt e • I PS.HPOO'II CHOPPE:l G NG:''t
u-rtilfros--ant.Addthe wheot g,,_ien,chest-r,..rts, saysc:-xe, • 5 OZ/150 G W-1:'!f CLUE'II ::ur ,ro
sugar,and 4tobespoons\\-a:e·ono br·"'.9too DOil. I• Jlt;· NC-1:; S • .d•:v P ECfi,
- Reduceto mediu~ hem o"lOsoute fo, about 5 minutes,or \ "K -l •S MM .... ::<
u-rtiltee sa-..xeiscom:.etelyobso-bed.S:i ·.\ me sesoTe • r~CU" (S OZ1150 0:1 S·iE~~ED
oi and tronsfe· too se-vingplate. Se-vewth rice. C - ESP1UTS
• 1 PS.ES"OO'IIS L 0-1· SOYs.: ucE
• 2 fE!S"OO'IIS ;j/\!'IU •.!TD su::;:\
if!.S"OONS s:s:.,-,E Oil
• s ·f!. NE:l " CE("!(): S!.O, TO SE'\•tE

~f m-,.~
;fil 'tf;j 0'11: S-l! 'IIX1
"'(P:'t~i 0'11 ilY!: 15 \1 NU .ES
SE\\'ES: !.

- Sooktri: driednrimp ·no smo bowlof wc:er for ooovt f!5L:'POON 01!; EJ S- ~ Mi"
5 m:nut-es. Ora:no"'.dset csic:le. • 2 i!S.ES"OO'IIS vE::Hr:sL:: 0 l
- ~t the oil ino wokor largeHillet (fryingpen). • 1.:, 5 OVOOO G 5! J NG 5G ·l~IONS
Ado tri: Beijng sco!lionsondstir.:-y r,;,.-e· lowhea;: 01!; SC!~L O'IIS :s =-11;
1'11~ON O'IIS), CUT
:o. 1-2minutes un:ilftagro"'t.Use o s ot:ed spoon 'IITO i· NC -1."S•CM1.E'll~T-IS
to transfer the scoflionstoo :.ate. • 2 CLO\'ES :j!'(l :::. S.,:EO
- W-ththe ·e -noiningoilin m e wok, sft .frythe g:irlico".d • 1 S.:::!.~10N !S"'( 'II~ 0'11 0'II:,
sco!lion(s:ring onion)for 1-2 minutesuntilfrogro-rt. S-l'(EOOEJ
Ado tri: por's,sot. o"'.dsaysouce o"'.ds:J . fryforcno:her • S OZ/150 G PO'\K ENJER~O "f. T-11'11.Y
2-3 mrut es, or untilthe :io:kis COO(ed th·ough. s~,::o
- Putthe po.rkin the ce-rterof o neat:.toof 'Xlh scatter if!S."OONS!.·
the shelledchestnutso· :,ork, ono too wi:hthe • I JE:S"OO'II ~,~ - T SOY S!U:E
Be·jingsec ons ono shriT :.. Spr'c!le wi-",.n the sugar. • \ ::u"fJ:; oz,1Jc.;;s-t~~:o
- Pieceino collops:b-epot o:-bo'Tlooos:ecmer overo oot C - EST"llJTS
o: boil°"".g'...-oter.
S:-ecm,covered,for 15minutes.Remo'.'e • 1 i!S.ESPOO'II 0'(£NUL!TEO SUG!.,\
o"'.dd-oin the sc:-xeto o-r_other oow. • s·f! NE:l " CE l "~G:: 5!.0, TO SE'\•tE
- Covertee DOYo~o: por<wi-",.n o plate o"'.dusingd:Shtowe_s,
i-r•,ertt ~ contents onto o ser\':ngolo:-e.{Aternotive'y.use
tongs to tro"'.Sfertt"<:co":-e"'ts.)Fb...rthe ·eservedso:.xeoo
top of tne pork..Serve,,..fthrice.
i\!GON: -1.=. <1:.:. ~ ;\Kf
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: .d5 W 'IIUES
COO( l'll;j.. '1! 5 Ml'IIUTES STIR- FRI ED ABA C US
S!'WES: 4
i!:!!=:.~f 4.81 BEAD S

• i PS L!S"OONS :l 'tEO S-1~1._.., Trod: , Hob:opeope live :rugo!lyond,,,orr~:1ore

• 11 OZ, lOO G P'l:0, CUT 'IITO o~en;,. chorgeof mo.rogi-r.g me householdfino"'.Ces.
S'-1!.L~"' E:ES t-'o~-r.gthe mc::""i'dtaro ·.,to oooc;;ssnopeswas rnEGntto
• I'. Cl;"'S:s: OZ..I SC ~ TP QC! im:,ortthe iTPOrtonceof finonciolmonogeT~"'t.-he skil.:s
Si!\C - to ma(e this dishate sti beingta.;gm to -iok.(ocnild·en
• •~TE.!S.,00'11 S.'li osoort of the'r educa:ion;,. some :,om o: tf"':wol,d,
• 2 PS L!S"OONS \' !GET!S ~E 0
"'LUS !Xi~ ., ·o ~~f! .SE - Soonhe d-iedsnrimj ino 'X/h of warmwo:e· for
• 3 S-l!~lO~. ~ 'll!~Y C-10.,.,!0 5 ,Mut es.teen fine!ychoj.
• I \D CH l ! , SE!OD !'110: 'IIE~Y - Poce the taro in o hea:oroo: bowl·" o co ooS:blepot
C - 0.,"!0 or bom:oos:eomer ove·oootcf ba.og•,.ct er. Steom,
• I E !S"OON S-1'1M" "! .STE covered,f0t 30minui~.Co·e~ ·emoveand t. SP-o fo:k
• I i:!S"OON G:\!"IIUl.,·o SuG:'( to me::..,.
• i SC: ll 0"115(S"\ .'\l;j. ON 0'115), - Add ti!: tooiocostarch, then grocludtyood ~ o..o (6 floz/
S-l'IEO:l!J PLUSEX·:\:. TO :j!'(N IS-1 175rri) water oocl(neod cy hono to formo oiece o:doug"'i.
• STE!\1!0 "1;1C! "'!~E S.dC TO SE'WE Set osx:lefor 30 mirn.rces.
- Greos.eoargepote\\·boil.
- Put1taoles:jO()n oi in o orge 'X>'h end SP-t os'de.
- RoIo smo!Ipieceof dougn (oXll..-t ,'-oz/5 g) ,.,too smol
00,. ~en tf"':oo!ISJ9h:}y and~ yourthuTo o"'.d
:o·efingerinthe center of me bo to makeo den: ·.ltil:
ce-rterto resemoleO'l obocusoeod. j....rt tr,..,Deadon the
g·eosedolo:e. Repeotwi:hthe -emoini"9 dougn.
- Bringo arge souce:,onof wotertoo :oi . Adome be-ads
o"'.dcookfor 1minute.Once tne be-adsfoot to me suface,
use o s.otted spoonto tro"'SfeJthe beods to the p·epared
OO'NI. Ro tne be-ads~ the oilto preven:tnem :.o,._stickw-g
- Heoto f.ot nons:ic..<sktet (fryhg pan) ooclodd the :,eods.
F-y:Ot 1-2m·.,.,iesover medium,-,eat unti me ~dsare
b.,v.•n.Transfertoo serv'-r.gpate.
- Heat tf"': remoini-r.g 1to:lespoo'1oilin o 5.(ile: (fryingpoi )
overmediumneat, oda tne dr'ed snrimp,,; e-,
shr'To paste, ooclsugar.Ada tne be-odsandstir to mix.
- T-o-rsfe·too servingolo:e ono toow~h tf"':sco ons
(ipringon·Q":$ },Ser\'e witnr'te or for:-re<:<:ost.

i\!G ON: SHU'IIOE 91ii
01 ,J,f5
P,\!P!i\qON T VE: 10 Ml'IUTH, " .US
lll \1 NU"f SM!~ 'II!" 'II~ TIV! SH UN DE
COO(l'II~. '1! lO 'fl 'IIUTES

• 5 0!1 ISC 3 :i.ON!L!SS, SICN·O'II • Combinethe pork\\~:ltne salt and moc-ioo:efor

"0~ ( 5E..LY 30 minutes.R,;ise1..nd er cold runn·~ water and dro·..,.
• I TE!S"OON S! .• T • j_d t ~ ,oor<i -rtoo largerouce~ '.l o "'.clcad enoug.'-lwo:er
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEJ!S~E 0 to coverit com:.etely.&-"'9 too :ioaover highheat, reduce
• 2\ O: · ;5 0 T! ~O. CUT 'IITO I'~· "IC- / to laN "\eOt.and UT'll'Tlet,covered,for10minutes.0-ain ond
.d•:::1,1SU " S (~e under cold l'l..nning wo:er,then s"ke.
• S ~l'IIGE'\ S.ICES • ;e<ntne oil.rlwokor s<illet{fryingoon) overmedi\sm
, 1, oz,;5 o ~.own. '113 :::
-1v:s. hem, odd the taro, o-r.dpen-fry:<Y £ minutes,or ..r.ti
; .,_::,wn.s 01sc:\QD, CUT NTO crisoy.Rs-move the taro and se: os'oe.
1 • NCH 4.:;:1,11..E'113T-IS • Mo the g··to me wok.andsti·.!-ya.-e·hig'1hem :o.
• I \E:l CH l!, SE!OD !'110 :::ur 'lliO 30 seconds.:iut in t"\e oar< o,cl cir -fryun:il :itO\\•ned,
S",\ " S cod the -'laNeringd-1V es, cniles,o,cl soy sauce.Con:inueto
• I J:!S"OON L GW SOYs.:ucE stJ -fryforano:ner 30 seconds.Stir in the ye
• 1\ o:.· ;5 0 Y!.lOW :::
-1v:s. ClJT ,To taro
toss ::noroug-r}y.Se-vewi:h 'Xe.
l I· NCH 4.:;:1,1.,_f'\13T-IS
• SJE:1,1:0 "1;1::::
:o:~E 5.dll TO SE~\'E
~ ~;,;;;~~ ~:o O'I: a..uoo
- sr vE~E
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 T "1E: 15 \I NUTH


~ Piece tne toro ,.,too collops:beoot or oom:oo steoTer • ii O!,l:J:J ~ i,!'l;Q, :iLE:l :.,J :::ur
ove·a oot of ooilingwote1.Steo-n,covered,r,;,.-e· h·gn heot 1'1~0 •~· 'II::- l•CV :::u5ES
:o. 30 mintJtes.- tons:er the toroto o baNIand mash ,.-."ih r:::..s:ooNs:.u
o for<'1,nileit is "'Ot. r:::..s:oo, :5,'t:.'lu~.:.H:i su:;:,
~ ,6dd the selit.sugo·,'1,rite oe:ioer,oncl1tab ESXIOS'I • ~ fE:.s:oo'IIG't0U'IJ W- ,iE ::p:fll
cornstarch {cor..fb..r) to mo(e o thick ovt spre-odoole • I ·:.eds~ ooN PLUS ~fl.SPOON
poste. Add o ~itle wote· i: necessary to od-'e-.•e tne rig~ :::0,'t'ISP:::::-; (C0'!;N ' l0U'l;:1
consistency.Ovic:lethe poste ,.,to 4 equaloortions. , i CH'!;0i, :::u· 1,ro •ou=t~0'll:5.
~ Bi.-r.g
o souce~n of water too ooil.odd tee co'.t'ot, ,. ••• '11:::-;,•1~1-cw SilC(S
o"'.dcook for obou;:2 m·..._-tesuntiljust ::ender.)rah. , ~ ro=u s-;E:rs , cur ,To .=ou:
~ Mixtne re.moin·"'.g teospoooco<nsto·chwth 'f, teo:s:ioon a· "11:
wa:er to use as o seo!ingogem. • l :u : s {10F~OZ "'5 Wl)
~ Pu;:o piece of tofu s~et on o ::,omboo men (liket".0$e u:;:ed VE:5E·:. .5.E 0 L
to T.O.(e s_~.,·ro..s).S:ireado portio.'lofto.:opo:steacross • <E~c- u :. TO SE'l;V:' (OPT0'11!~)
the sheet, -:ovingoboot ii .Och/Icm en O<"'.e of
the paste. Poce a she-etof pcstic wrap (clingfilm)on t-re
taro :,oste and u:;: e ya,.,r".Gl'lds
to smoothoot tN' pos:-eto
ensureO'l even thickr.ess.USP-o ·o ingpin to ro tr>':toro
paste i.,to o thin s~et acrosstr>':tofu sheet.
- Pu;:o sf ck cf co-cot(u:;: e moret-r.ano~ 'f theyo·e not
lo"-9enoug'lto spo'ltil: lengtno:the to:,.i~t) on tl":
taro :ioste ct one enclof the sheet ood, wth the okl of the
bamboomot. ·o Uj m e tofu sheet ·ntoo tight ro. with
the po:steo-r.o carrot ·~· o-e.B,;.;n me tofl. sL'l on one
end of the -ol \\"t'ltil: SP- ~ 03ent end gendypressto
seal the ·o . Trimtt"<:two e"lOSoft-re roll. ~eoeot\\"tntne
remo·.n:ngtofuSil:e:s cno taro :ioste.Cutthe to·o rollsi.,to
J{.·~h/1.5 -cm slkes.
- ~t the oil ino wokor o o-eepSOi..c epo'"I.Ada tne taro
ro. slicesood o-eei;::yfor 1-2minuiesun:ilcrispyoo m e
outsides.Useo spioerstrCJIE'r to remo\'ethe srcecltaro
ro cno d-o·'l on oopertO'A·e s. Transfer::ne::crorollstoo
se.rvngpate. Ser\<e\\"tn l....-tcnupos o dip, if de1··ec1.
i\!G ON: SHU'IIOE ~ ~ '1l~ fili
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUTH
COO(l'll:;3.. M!: I~._. NUHS PA N- FRIED LO TUS
S!'WES: 4

• ; OZ·n~:; CiUS \OOi. '"E! L!O !'110 - -o prepo·ethe otus · choprio: to cleonthe
E'IIOSi" VWE:) and rinsetfrotoughfyundercolo runVig water.
• 3', OZ 'ICO :;3.~llOU'IIO 'y; NCEO =-o:\( V".o:i.
, ·~ u:s=-oo'II. :; - 1 sov s:..u:E - Combinethe pork,soysa..ce.sugar,and ,...,,,~ e :,ep:,e· in
• ·~ •psPO :J'I (g:'IIUL!iEO SUG!:\ o lorg.eOO'YI:.Usingcho:,stio:s,s:ir the mixt\.re in o si"'-ge
• :- NCH o~ 'IIH TE =-t=-=-E:\ d.·ectio'1:o. cbo.rt 1minuteu -rtilo g.rmmyootty i.sformed.
, 1 :iu:< 1.1YF s:us.::;E :::-;o=-~:o Stirint~ sa..soge, otus i,ot, egg, cicntro {cor'cnc:l e1),and
co:nstorch(cor"four) o,cl mix,...ell. W-th•1, e: hards, fo:m
• I 3-UNCHC1.:'lli";O ;::OR !'IIOE~ me mixture·.,to8-9 oofls.
:::- o~=-:o - ;ea;: me oil;,. o 5.(i e: (fryingpo'1)ever CJN heot cno
• I i.!SL:s=ooN :::O:\'IISi!ltCH cod the lo:us root 00.S oneat o time.
::0:\'11 : LOU:\) - O ti-...Dock.cfo spctu!o {fishs►ce) end use it togent}y
, :s·:o
.:s=ooNs vE:;:t:sL: or •• =-~us 'iatten each :,all·.,too :,atty,about 2 j-iches/Scm in
EXT"! : cit Oil "IG d.GrMter.Po...frythe :,otties:o. l. minu:eson eocn side.
• su:y;:o :;;,:: =.,~E S.dC ·o st:i;vE or urd 90~'1 b"O'N"I. Se-ve witnr'ce.

i\!G.ON: SHU'IIOE 4 ~ ~-H mi

P:\!P!.:\:·,oN i ME 15 W 'IIUES
COO(l'll:;3.. '1! 30 W 'IIUiES POTATO PA NC AKE
S!'\VES: 4

, 1 .:,o: =-ot!iO, :u r NTO ·~·:'II:-; Thisdeliciousd:Shcan be oort of o fo'.'nity-sty-:

meol o·
1.5,:::y; Sl :::s eo:e:'lcs o snack.Steomi"9the potatoes ai,ov,.'$ for better
• i :::~OVES0.'1'.IC, CH:'"=EJ contro , over nov,.•muchwo:e· is ob<..orbed,
• 3', OZ 'ICO :;3.~llOU'IIO 'y; NCEO 3EF me texture.
• I S-i!L.Oi. CHO'"'"D
• \ ·t!SP OO'I 5,.1..1 - Putthe ,:iototoeson o "'eOtproofpate. Scattera,•erme
• :- NCH o : GllOU'll:l 'li-i ·t =-uPEll cnoppedgor►c and co apsible :lOt01 :10mboo
• I t:SL:s=oo ... VE3Ei!5L! 0 l steoT~·cver o :lOtof 00 -r.gwoter.Steam,co-.-e·ed,:o.
• I !00 ef! •i,;N 20 minut-es.
- T'O"\Sfe·tne po:otoes too oo.., one!mesh wi' 'o-'<.
Mix'otne ~f,sho!ot,sc.t,ooclwhi:e peoper.
- Ro18po:oto bo.,s end Aottentl"emin:o pc.nco.(esabou;:
>$incn/1cm thio: and 2 inc.nes/Scm i"ldioT~ter.
- Heat tt"':oil·.lo .orgesdlet (frying:,on). &us'1eoch
ponca(ew'th t-r.eoeote:'leggooclpan.fry ove· medium•
low "'eat fo: 32 minutesurd 9ode'1 b-own.A·:.overand
pon-fry!orano:ner 32 minu:es.Ser\'e.
~::CE;iiil~ "!G 0'1: a..uoo - Si VE~f - ,!~ !'lj
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU .E S.
PO TATO A N D " lUS ill \1 Nu ·n SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
COOK ~G i ME ill M '\lu·n

~ Covert-r.emusnroomsin ooang ,.-.ater and soc.( for at -:est • l J ~ D a~.:.:< VU$- i\00VS
20 minu:es.Remcwetf"': mushrooms, sc-~eze o.ry, and • i POT:TOES, =.:LE O
d:Scordtre stems.G.rtthe .r,;snrooms·.,tove-yf".nestr'os. , 1 c:\Ro·s. cn:,.=o
~ Putthe po-totoesond corrots in:o o -orgesouce~n. cr.:,,•e· • ~ c1,;= I\ OZ>l:J 3 Sl :EJ 5.'M500
wi-.nwcte~,o,cl IY-1'19 too Doil.Boi for-obout15minu:es S-iOOTS
u-rtil tender. t-'osnthe potatoes end carro:s. • ,r,(l;P :, oz,.5c :;;, ~'!.ES-IO'\ ~, ozEN
~ Bongo souce~n of V1.'0ter too ooilcNe·h·gn heat. odd
the peas, ono blooch for 2 ~lit es. )ro·n. r:::..s:oo~ s:..LT
~ Pu;:the poi:-otoes,carrots,mush·coms,and bomx,o shoo:s • i ·:..5.ESPOONS$H!QXl'll3 'It 'IIE
i-rtoo lo.:g,=
oowl.Ado tri: salt, wine,and wgor and olenc:I • 1 ·:a .::s=ooN G=!'IIUL!.·o SUG!\
htooposte. • l i!.S~ESP00'11$ vE:;;E·:a .E O l
~ ~t 2 to:,,espoo:" \\'Ot.kd the pasteo,cl cir -fry • 1 ·psPO ONS'ltH E Yl'llf3 !=
ove· medium heat until cl the"'ts a.refullyblended • SJ::!"lfJ I\ CE :P :..G:: ~.!.0), TO SE'!.VE
wi-.nthe oi .Addthe ·emo.i'ling1toblesooonoi o"'.d
continue stwring,t'N:l mix in the :,eas. Stir in &...vinegar,
then tro"'.Siertoo se.rvi".9
pate. Ser\<e\,-:'tnrice.
i\!G ON: SriU'IIOE
P:\!P!:\qON T ME 10 y; NUTH,
*~ ~ ~ ift
=LuS J:J y; NUTH SQ!( "113T WE STEA M ED
COO( l'll:;3.. M!: 15 W 'IIUiES

, 1 r:sus=oo~ O'( :J s-;'( M= - ~inseme dr'ed snrimp, then co-.-erthem ·n cold•.,."Ot er oocl
• I ~a.·45~ G 1.0TUS '(00.S , "!E lEO !"IIJ soak to· IOminu:es.OrCJIthe shr'ero o "'.clchop fine1y.
E'IIOSi" VWEJ - -o prepo·ethe otus ·oot.tis.e o chop'S::o:to cleonthe
• •~iE!S"OO'II S.'li cnon".elsand rinsethotoughfyundercola run'¥1gwater.
• I Tf! .s=o oN S S'hE!T po·!·o SJ:'(: - Cooi<Aycnop .
• :s·!a .:s=ooNs vE3!J:5L! or~ t~ otus roots in:o o blendero· !oodorocessor,odd
- j_...-t
• S}E:y;:o :;;,::: =.,3E S.dC ·o SP:\'E l. too,ooclorocessIJ!'tilcoot"
- - rons-ferthe g·cted otus ·oots too oo,,one!drcinoff any
excess\\'Oter.Ado::nesol-.,swee:t:.otato storc.n,o.r,c:Io
o"'.dmixv.ell,then transferto a deeo ~tpcoof pate oc0
o·range the ofe-:::1
shr'moon toj.
• Coverthe pate wi:haluminum'oil. Plocethe pate ino
co lopsibeoot or :,omboosteoTe·over o :,ot of 00 cg
wa:e·.Steom,covered, for ISminU"tes. Se-vewi-..n rice.

i\!G.ON: 3U.!.NGJONG
P:\!P!:\qoN T WE: iO M "\lu· n
COO( l'll:;3.. M! I~ v NUHS STEA M ED HA M A N D WIN TER
S!'W!S: O·S

, 1 ~as oz,~~c w,,rn.

3 M:~oN - jeel the,..,;rrtermeon :r..i eoveo traced 9reen 0'1
• 3•, O: 'ICO :;3.: u \EJ -i!W , Sl :EJ me sur:oce.0.-t into£ eqUO, •s'.-zecl-r..nksancl
l'IITO 10 E~l.!. "E :ES r'~o,clseeos.
, 1 r:s L:s=oo~ - O'IIE't - :or each chu"<of melon,cut .nto£ equalp·eces,and make
• !.G "IG!'( S~1CES o d~j o..i on each :recetoo O'Nsooceto ·nsei o :rece
• I :u= :a =l 0Zi25~ ..,_ c-; CKE"I o: ho-n.
5'(o·n :sro: K."! .&! n - ,no smell neotp:oof'Xlh combi'cethe ~m slices with
• S}E:y;:o :;;,::: =.,3E S.dC · o SP:\'E piece ino collops:b-:oot or DOm:oo s:ecmer
overo oot cf ooilingwoter.Steam, covereo,for 3 minu:es.
- nserto srce o: nom in:o·ece of ere o.'1::oform
o sondwicnand arrong,=the sandv,.•icl-es in o sno!low
heo:prootbowl.jloce tf..egingeron top of the so"la,.·iches,
poo-·overtl'e ch·ci:en:,roth(stco:), o.ndsteom for
10.nn.rtes. ~emoveo.ndd:sco-dtri: gingerbefore
ith rice.
~f'~ ~ ~$ ~ j'j ~ ~ =:&0'1: - O'II~ fCONG
=:i;::~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M -..iu·E s


- Soc.(the ~ied shr'mp 'no sTIOII'X/h o:,,,_,'Oter

:<Y • l)i -~6 .ESi"OO•g 0'( !) S·FI M=
15minute$. Ora:n,chop, ono set os:de. • } OI,'100 G Gi\OUNJ :Ml'•K!O)
- Combinethe gro..nd(/'l'W'lced} oork, whi:e pepper, ,.O~<. F N!lY C-IOP?EO
end ii teaspoon 'Sl:l'fsooce ·o o -orgeoo,,. Mix we r:::.,5:-00~ 3'\0U'IIO 'hH E '"E,.,.::,
end set os·de. • r, ·t:.s:-
oo'IIS l 0-1· SOY s:u::::
- -o prepo·e the otus • o chops:io: to clean the • 10 OZ:.dSOG LOTUS ,ooT ::LE O
onc:ler cold runn•"'.9wo:er.
channels a ,cl r•"";!e thOl'o,.;ghly !"110f"iDS H \1\1f0
Useo spire \'egetobe s cer to creo-.eongs:ronos T:eus:-oo'II ::c"1'11sr:,:: -
ly,c.i the otus root in:o lo"-9min strips} :::oR'll =Lou1tJ
end pu;:·" o oow .Add tl"':COO"l:Sto·ch (cornfo..r), r:::..s:-ooN ::;1t:."llu.:JE:i su::;:"
s,.:gor,and 1t-eo:s:ioon soy sauce-,t'N:l stir we . , i ·:a .Es=ooNs vE3::r:aL:: 01~
- Mix the otus root, por<, and snrimpona transfer too • 1 ·:. .a.ESPOONS ::-10:-:-eo sc:1~0'11
heotoroof olo:e. Stir;,. the oi end piece in o collo:)S:.e :s:-:- '113ONION)
po: or bom:,oo s:eomer ove·o oot of Xlitng,...mer. • Si:!"lfJ R CE :P !.G! ~.!.0), TO SE'\\IE
Steam,covered, forobou'i8 minutes.Co·e'i.ity•ema.-e
from tne steomeJ,top 'N'-thchoooea scc..lion(spdngonion),
and se-vewitn r'ce.

;j~~ f-1L "IE:l ON: -1:.«:.

=1t:=.: it! · 10N . M! 15 W 'IIUTE
STEA M ED RADI SH BALL S COO<l'll:l.. \1! 1~ v "iVES
S!"IVH: !. M!(!S :aouT }O;

- Com~ t-r.etodish.COl'nstc·ch(cornfour), and~ teospooo • ll OZl!OO GO.& '(0'11,.!J S-1,

salt in o CJgeOO'NI and set os'o-efor Smi""I.J't~. s-1,0:i:: o
- no seoo·ote IJo,.., combi-r.ethe ground {mine.ea)pork. • o•~ PS.ESPOO'IIS ::OR'IISJ:'\C-<
remain·-r.glh eosooons0.;t, whi:,epeoper. :::OR'll =LOUit)
- Tokeo i:oblespoonof sh-eddedtu~·o ·o one ~ncl, squeeze • ·~ u:s:-oo'II s:n
itgen"""Jyto rid of excessmoistu-eo,cl wrC?i:heturnip , ; oz·~~ o o,ou'IIJ (M1'11::::o:,.o ,.<
crou"'.d~t easpoon of the :, formo s-nolltur ...·o OOII. • ,. NCH o~ o,ou'IIJ 'o\'-1.TE ,.f,.?B
Con:inuewi-",.nthe re'Tl0inin9insre~"'ts. • 2 sc:_1,
- :llocett"<:stuffed rodis:'lbo..s ·no co cpsibe ootor :,omboo ::-10,.,.:0
steamer a,.,e1a pm of ooilingwo:-e•.S:-ecm,covered,for
10minl.!'tes. Re'TlO\'eo "'.Cl
sp( c(le oo.-er
t -r.echo:,oeo sca....ions
{s:,ringonions).Serve\\-'t~ rice.

i\!G ON: au:i:i-1,sr
:." ~*~iE~,i~~
=Lu) 1IJ M "IIU-fi sc,:(1"11~ i YE V EGETAR IA N C ON GEE W ITH

• \ CU:, :s'~ OZ UC ~: ~O"II~·~'(: 1"11 • Combinethe r'ce, salt, o,cl o ino 10:'gebowland S00.( for
'( ::::. :, 'IISEO 20 minutes.
, ·, JE:s:-oo'II s:u. :, EXF! - 3ring12½ cu~ {Sj;,pi.,:s/3 lners) watertoo Xii i;'lo .orge
101:su pot. Adatne ricemixtu·eand cook..uncovered,over nigh
• •~PS.ES:-00'11 \'!O!f!5lf 01~ heo! :or15minutes.
• I l5 2 0!.'500 G SWEE- po•:.·o:s. - Mo the S'A<ee: potato ecclcookever neat for
=t: L!J :'110 Cl.Ii NTO \· NCHii<M !5 minu:es to 1hourt.ntitn e riceeno sv,.,eet~o:o o-e
0 CE completelyc00<eo. Stir:.equerr-Jyto p·eventstio:ing.
• I :t4·0i: "JJ·O c:'11 :::;;E.'M OF co:-'11 - Mo the corn,bricgtoo boil,eno CO'ler,then tr..rn off the
e: stand for10minutes.St·· tri: t-r.e
seasoningto taste. ond then i0d1ei"to ind'vicludba,..s.

i\!G.ON: 3u.:..NoJONO ~ Di ~~ ~
P:\!P!.1\:-,oN i ML 10 \1 NUTES
COO(l'II~ - '1! }0 W 'IIUTES TAR O W ITH
S!i\VES: 4
~ =:~E 4';) CU RED M EATS

• I ~a5 0::::000 G P~O. ClJi ,ro - j.oce the to·o ino collopsb:eoot or
1·1'11:::-l.'l•CW·T-IICK:- E:::::s over o pot of ooilingwater. Steam,covereo,for 10tnnutes.
• 3'~ OZ/ICO ~ :::-1 "IIESECU:\!O 5.:.:0~ Cc:enAy·ema,•eana set aside.
• I :::-1 'll!SE - j_d t ~ oocon,rousoge,and duo: eg in:o o large
• I CU\E:l .JUCK lf~ heo:proo:bowlond steom for10minutes.Co·e;}ty-emove
• 2 f:5L:s:-ooNS \'!GEf!S~E 0 o,cl cool.When cooled,slice the boconand sausageonc:I
• \ OZiiO G ~l'll~E'( :.sour H"ll:::-11 cut tr>':duo: eg in:o c.nunks.
2.S·CW·~E"ll~i-1 :- ECE; ).ICED - ;ea;: ::neoil;,. o D.itchoven{casserole)ever
• 3 ::LOVES ;j!\l :::. ).ICED cod the g·"-9erecclgarlic,O"O stir-fry!or 1minuteu"til
· ·~cu:, !.f .OZ·liOWl):::OCO"IIU - :·ogrent. S':ir·o me cu-seameo:s, pou,in Stablespoons
MI.( wo:e·,and oringtoo ooilover ·•gn "'@Ot.
• 3 SC.'L~IONS (SP:\ NO 0'110NS). - Mo the taro, stir lightly,rec;_ceto t:IN ri:at. end Simmer,
s·, 1o1sO"I..Y ;:10:,:-fc covered,for 2 minutes.Stit int~ coconu. m <,sco!!io"S
, 1 TE:.s:-ooN s:..~r (springon·Ot"S}, end salt, then coverend COO< for 1 mrute.
• su:1o1:o :;;,:::: =.,3E S.dC ·o st;;\'E Tur:1offthe ~at and allowto simme1 'ntn e residualneat
es. Sewe;,.the OutenO'le'lv."ihrice.
:o. 5 .TW'lut



lAAO ,\/ I CUll:t:MtAIS

49 1
i\!G ON: ! N-t U
P:\!P!.:\qoN T WE: iO M 'llu ·n
:,LUS 1C M 'IIU"ES sc,:.(I'11:;3.
COO(l'll::3.. M!: 15 W 'IIUTES

• I'. OZ>l:J G J:O ED SE.'~ CU"IJ s· :<s The fu name forchop S-w!:'(:SU Zho-igU".ojSuey.
• 1 D"I !J 5L.!:K MUS-1\ 00"15 Uwos o ::Oj o!ficiol:r.the GingOjnos;tyo..."'.d
·.\ c.norgeo:
• S oz,-ISC 3 'I-I- .E : IsH f ~E·s. :uT m1'ic-y,eco"'Otnic,ond fo·eignoffoirs. .ri 1806,U ottendecl
l'IITO S E·S ZE "ECES me cro.-.-ning
cereT'OS"IY'ofNichoos I of Us·o, follov,.•ed by
• •~TE.!S"OO'II S.'li o visittotne u..~ed States. TheCh·"'ese d'~e,· he "OSted
• \ •psPO :J'II G~OUNJ W-1 TE "i'"=H :o.ATer'con officio.swas so wccessfu that peoplelater
• 1 SICNL!SS. SO'll!L!SS CH :<E'II uied to findoutwhot ~ :,een ~-ved . •i's res:ions.e•.-."OS
T-1 G-IS. Cl.ii ~TO 1 • ,·1'11:-1,5 • chop~y,mecn·"'.9 nmonyt:lings:iuttoget'N·."'
• 1 0Zi50 G COOKED -j!.Y :ur NiO - Co-.-e·
tne be-oncuro stkk.sin coldv.'Otero.ndSOC.( for
2 • •~· NCH:5 • i :1o1·SLCES 20 minutesuntil softe"'eO.0-oin the s:ic.<so,cl cut t'N:n
• , cu=-.l oz..90G) s~,:ED 5:.1o1aoo into2-·ncn1S-cm engths.
s-ioo·s. D :t, 'll!J - Putthe .r,;snrooms·.\ o oowl.CC1o-e·with codv.'Oter,
• I sc:..L 0'11 (SP"' NG O'IIION), CUT o"'.dsoo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or untilsoftened.
'IITO 1· NCH.'5<"1.!'ll~T-IS R0:T'O\'eme mush-ooms,squeez-:dry,ond discordt"'e
, ·, ov1s ::s.:; '11:lH :.sou· \•1'11:-1. stems. Th·.,tyslice.
2•CY•L!NUT - " .ECE),Sl :EJ - r..--eo.rr,.nle,
·.\ o olender,com:i;netf"':fish,;:.teas:,oon salt,
• I r:.sus=oo~ l :lHT SOYs:..u:: o,cl the whi-.epe-joero,cl xocess in:o o pos:e.Wih •.-. e:
• I f!.5L!s=oo~ S-il,QXl'll:;3.w ~E hards, fo:m the fu:1pos:e in:o ~-·ochn -cm 'ish bo..s.
, •,:u= \ " :'IIVlSOWL :-11:(!'11 - Poce the 'ish bo...sin o collops:,-: oot or oom:,oos:eamer
sito·n :sro:i::. =-:. .o: n overo oot of ooilingwoter. Steom,covereo,for S /Tlinut es.
• 2 J:.5L!S"00NS \'!GEJ!.S~E O ~ - Putthe fu:1bo..s, DEGn curd sticks,ooclm-.,snroomsintoo
• 1 OZ ·50 G SNOW "f.'S , F WWE:l. d-y wokor largeskii.P-te:-yingpon).Add t'N ch·d:.en,hoTl.
S"R "IGS =-:: vovo bomboosnoots, sco "J:on o·•on), ginger,soysauce,
• I TPS"OON :OR'IISJ:."IC - wine,the ·emMing ~ tec:sooonsdt. t"'e
::o:\'11 : LOU:\) (stock.},one!oiloocloringtoo ooil.Cover,teo.xe to low
• SJE!."1!0 "1;1:: =:.:;E S.dC, 10 SE'WE heo;:,o.nds·,·:o. 10/Tlinut es.J,./Jdthe snow :,ea:sono
simmerforono:ne-·2 minu:es.
- Mixthe cornstarch..,."th1toble:ooonv.'Oter,then stir t"\!:'
mixtu·e into tr,..,wok. 3ringtoo ooil,stirring,forcoout
30 ~conds toth·cl:esnme sauce. Tro"'Sfe·too serving
pate o.ndserve•.-."thrice .

i't!G 0'11:~u:.'\l:;OONG
P";!PH!i 0'11T "1E: !.S v NUES


TI"isis one of the morvyfavoritefestived:snesoreoored • I .5 5 OZ/000 G P~O '\OOi Clli 'HO

Yeo·in Guangdongo-r_o Hong (ong. •~·•'IIC- ·l•CV CU5ES
I. is se-vedc:sdim s-..mwhen guestscome cofling • S f!5L:'S:oo"IS :l'\ .EO S-l'\ ,1,1:0
dur'~ the hotooys. • I C-1 'll!SE SlUSAG!
• 0 "!6 .ESPOONS "!P ,QC! SP~C-1
- )iviae tee to·o in:o 2 portio"'S.Piece 1x,rtion in o • IE !S:00"1 Sl.Li
co.oosible :ot or bamboosteamer ove1a pot of ooiling • \ "f .!..SPOO'IIGi\OUNJ \\-1 if ?E'"'"E't
\\'Oter.Stec Tl, covered,for 30 m·.,.,ies.Co.te.fullytrQ(!Sfer • ·~cu: (j\ oz,;5 G) 1' ::: F.OU~
tN' taro too oow o"'.dT.a:sntoo pos:e. Steam the
remoin·-..gpoiio'1 for ISmh.rt:eso"'.dset aside.
- Meom111hil~. rook t ce dried sh~rnpin o bowlwith 1CIJ'j
{8~ oz/250 ITT)cod wcte1for 5 minu::E":S untilsoftened.
StraintN! :roo~-r.gwo:e·in o 'Xii< O"O c.nopthe sh•i/'np.
- j.oce the sa-.,;sage
in o collo:)S:.e pot o· boTooo S:!:Gl'ne'J
cveropot of OOW'l9V1.-a:e·. Steom,co-.-e·ed,'~ 3 "l"aO.Jt
Removeand cut intoth·o slices.Setaside.
- Combinethe taro pos:-eand tooiocostarch end mix,tne'l
ado tne salt, white oe-o~r. ood AclJj (21.toz/75 ml)
snrimj sockingwcteJ. Mixwe .Addt~ rice fb..r and the
remoin·-..gshr'Tov.'Oterand mixogo·-...MiX·" me steamed
taro c_oe,--_..,
d~o shrim:i,a.."'.d
slicedV':nese sowsage.
Pu'ithe mixtureinto o oaf :ion.:llocein o co lopsibe oot
or :,omboo steoT-=·overo :,ot ofooi "'.9wcte·. Steam,
w.•e·eo,:o. 1hou·. (Addmorewater to the oot if needed).
Removeand set c:s"o-e to coolCO!T:I ete}y.
- Cutt~ tc?o puo::linginto ~inch/1-cm-tnio: slices.;em
o orge sltifet (fryingpoi) cno fryct1ermedtrT'-c:.g_h--eat
for2-3 .n.nAes V"'ti s.,;gh:lyof'O'N"..eo.
Turnovero.ndfry "or
2 minui~. Serveos oreok.fostor cs poi of d"msum.
i\!G ON: au:i:i-1,sr vE:;::r:.'( :." t~ ~~Zii-
P:\!P!.:\qON T ML 10 y; NUTES
S!'(VES: 4

, n; :u ~s :s oznso ::;: snEL.D - Bringo souceoo~o1 woter too boil,odotne gin<go">Jts,

::; 'lli::::;o 'lu·s o"'.dbo..,:o· 15m·..._-tes.Aoin and rinsethe kesrne.s,
,n o:,.oo G r:i:Es- 5:."'500 s-ioo·s. ru:i ::nemto removethe skins.
CUT 1•ro CHU'\l(S 10 ~ '.I) Cl;"' - If usingfresn :,omboosnoo:s,bongo souce:>0nof "'-a:,e·
Cl'l'IIE:l 5:.,.,500 S-IOOTS. S.ICED: too boil,odotne boTooos"'OOts,ono blanchfor
• I f:.5L!S"00"1 VE3Ei!.5L! 0 l 2 .nn.ites. Drainand rinse unaer coo ru"'Vlg•.-.ot,e·,
• \ .f!.SPO O'\I s:..T - Heat ti--:oil'no wo<or 10·9=s.,:illet(fryingoon) oo.•er
• "' NCH o: G'(OU'\l:l 'Ii-I .E "'UPE'( mediumheO!.Addti--:ginkgo..,,..isond DOmboo snoots
• •, "'!J 5El ..."'F"! ~ S!EOEJ :."ID CUT o"'.ds:if. fryfor1minute.Seo:ronwimthe salt and wh'ie
'IITO \·:"IC - rJ•C\1 SQU''(ES pep:ier,t~'.lodo ::nepeppersand toss :o. 30seconds.
• •~G~EEN5!l~ PE""F SEEOD !ND Tro"'Sfe·too s.erv'ngola:e ono se-vewimr'ce.
CUT l'\l·o O:.·l'IIC- ,'2•CV s::a.:.'(fS
• SlE!.\1!0 "1;1C! "'!;';f S.dC TO SE":\'E NO-E,
urlkgo nuts shouo be consumed;,. T~ ·atio-.,,~
G,ossoryforT'O!e infer~.

i\!G.ON: au:i:i-11ST VE3!J:.'( !.'I

P:\!P!.,:\! · ,oN T WE:;o M '\IU.E S.
"'LUS 15 ,.,, 'IIUES SQ!..)(~G . \1! ASPARAGUS
C00(1'11::;. M!: I~ v NUTES

• I cu ~ t1 0Zi25 G) Oil D 5.'C( - Coverthe bock.'i.r:gusin coo wa:e·o-r.osoak.:or

: u'\13U5 ISminuies.R1::nove me blockfung.ssand
, ·~ oz,1s:; i •.,c< 1o1oss cut it into;~ snreds.
• '.' OZl2:J~:; ~ ~M TOHJ. 0'(! 'IIE:l !"ID - Coverthe bock.moss·.\ cod woter and soc<fo·cbo.rt
M!.SH!O N·o ! p:.,s·E ISminutes.R':Tcveme sof::1:-r.ed blockmoss,d·oin,
• 2 iE.'S"OONSS:.l· o,d squeezedry.Ooo the :ioc..<mossand out it into
• I f!.5L!S"00~ s-1:..ox1'11::;
W ~E o heotptoofOOY1:•
• I f:.5L!S"00"1 VE3Ei!.5L! 0 l - Mo the mos-redton...I t1:as:,oonsalt. ond 2 t1:osooons
• I 5UNCH :.,;ouri 0:,20~ Oi wine.=>.oc1: the OO-'~ in o collo~:i e pot o· bomooo
!.)P!.:\!.GUS. T~,.,,.,o !."ID cu · steoT~·ono :otof :oaingwa:,e·cno steo"l'\,covered.
0 .!GQ'll!.~LY '1110I· '\IC-1,'i,S•C\1
1or about S minutes.Set asideto COOi., then cut into
lfNGi - S ~,.. ~ • 1-inc.n/1.5 ,i: 1.5,i: 2.5-cm :feces.
• I CU"S :o
=LOZ1SSC lo1.)V!G!i!.3lf - ;ea;: ::nevegetooleoil·no wok.orors-=s<illet{frying
5:to·n :sroc1C. =:..o: ~r pon) overmediumneat. Stirinthe c:;:,orogus,~eek
• I f::!..S"OON S!S!.Vf O. fur,gus.·emoining1i;,eo:;::,oon sot, 1teosooonv.:~.and
• su:.1o1:o :;;,:: "'.'3E S.dC · o SE":\'E m e ~e:a.ole broth (s:ock)end br'"".9 too boil.Putin
::netofu o.ndo.aLJ:mosspieces.·educeto laNheo-.,one
simmerfor2-3 m·"'.ies. S:i ·.ltn e sesoT~oil.tro-rsfe·
too se-vewimr'ce.
•u~ ON: au:i:i-; ST\'E(Ef:=t !.,N
"'!\!"'! I\! · 10N . M! IC v "llJTH,
:::OO( l'\I~ i.VE 5 Ml'\IUTES

- Cove1the mustard gr~"'S in'"'oter ooclSOC( for 5 minutes. • 5 OZ· I5:J ~ "''tESE'\VEJ "1U5"!RJ
Orc:n,·illse '.-.eli,ono tne'1squeezeto removeexcesswc:er. G~!ENS c.nopthe greens. • I ~5 i OZ1SCO::3. !S QlJT l CU"'S
- f usi-r.9:-e,shoom:oo shoots, ~ing o soucepo'lo:water C!'ll,D aH1000 s- ocn:i ~, n -1
too ooil.odd tee oombooshoot. and blo"ICh for1minu:e. 5'M500 s-1oo · s, cu · ,ro
Orc:no"'.d ti.ns.eI..J'ld
er cold runn·-..g,.-.ot
er. I· 'IIC-1.".!.•CM·~O'll::3.V!JC -ISTC<S
- ;em me vegetableoi ino wokor .orgeHillet {fryingoon} • 2 f::.lf5"00N5 V!:3E"!6.E 0
ever nighneat .Adel the gioge1and s:ir- fry :<YI minuie until , \ oz,. 10 ::s.~ 1-...
::;H :s ou · •.-1"11:-11
fragrant.Addtee mustardg.-eenso"'.d:iamboos-rootsone 2•CV•L!'ll3T - = !CE). C-!OP?D
st··.fryfor ooovt 2 minu:es. • ·~ u:s=-oo'II s : n
- Aodthe salt, s,.;gor
, and£ taoles:joons'"'ater toi:he wok • i t::.'5"00'115 &"':'IIUL!TEO SUG.'R
and sout-efot 1 minu:e. Mixthe co:nstorch{coail00t ) \\"t:'l • J f::! .5" 00~ CC'("IISf:'(C -
1to':. =1:ioonwa:er , teen mix into ti!: wok. Be'~ too xiii. :co=-'11= .ouR
sf-ri09, for obou;:30 secondstot ·•cken tl"':ro ...ce. • I l:!5"00"1 S:'5! Vf OI~
- )rizz,,,e
ov~ the se<..omeoiland transfer too servingplate. • STE! ~EO '( CE =-:::;f 5.dC: TO 5! "'V!

;lll/i<I~~ '(E:3 ON: Z-IEJ : '11:;s.

=R:= .,R!" ,ON . M! IC v "iUiES
BRA IS ED BA M BOO COO<l'll::3.. ~! 15 "11'11UTES
S!'WES: 2

- Cutoff and d:sco·d>iincn/1cm fromthe :,me of the • l.d OZ,~JO G f"'ESH 5"'( 1'11
snoots. 5-!00TS (O't l CU"'S C.'NN!O
• ;ea;: me vegetableoi ino wokor .ors-= s(illet {fryingoon} 5'M500 s-i oo · s, SL CD ! NJ
ever CJN neat, odo tne Skhuo.npe:,oerco'f'l:S., ono stir• OR' 'IIEJ)
fry'o:-2-3 minutesontil :·ogro"t. =wmow the Sich,.;on , 11:a us =-00, vE:3Ef!5L! o t
peopercornso,cl d'.scard. , 1f!! .5" 00~ s c - u.,~ =p=-:~ .co=tNS
- Aoothe bamboo snootstott"":WO( and stir-fryover • i l!.'5"00'115 J.''(IC SOYS!UCE
mediumneat forabout 1minu:e. St·· intee soysc:-,..ce , • 2 T!fS"OO'iS o~:'iu ~;uc SUOfR
s,.:gor,and l. toblesooons• er and oringtoo :oi . ~ed..ce • I l:!5"00"1 S:'S! Vf OI~
to lov,.•hem o".CJ,covered, for 5 miri,..iesu'tlilthe • STE! ~EO '( CE =-:::;f 5.dC: TO 5! "'V!
boT:,oos-r.ootsa.reteno~·. .ncreose to ~h ~at and stir-
fry:o. 1 ,-to.rte t.ntittri: souc-:th·ckesnsslightlyandCiJ'l9S
totri: bom:,ooshoo:s. Drizzleintee sesame o..,oc0 serve
\\~:'l rice.

i\!G ON: -!UN.:., :kt.Hi~
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUT:5
COO(l'll:;3.. '1! 5 Ml'IIUTES FAVA BEANS
S!'WES: 2
i!:!! =:.~f .!.'ti WI TH HAM

• 2 T!SL!S"OONS .. :.=to - ;e<ntne lore in o WO<or largeHiHet{fryi".9:,on) ove·

• I\ cu..s :11 Oi:,'~CC 3 = ,::i,o.:.o; medi1.rnhem.Add tt"':fovo (b--000)beo"I.:$ and toss •aoidly
5E!"IIS Stitin tt"':nomand salt, men cad
:o. about 30 seco"'.C5.
• 3•~OZilCO :;3.-1:.v ;• NC-1,'l•CM me cnic..<en . Borgtoo boil.teen route :<Y
bro:h (s-.ock.}
SQU!\fS 1minute.
• \ •psPO :J'II 5:.._t • Mixthe corns:orcn(corn~•} wi-,.n 1ta':. =1:i00nwa:e·,
• !.·:.o .ESPOO'IIS C-1 C(!"II S'tOT - men s:ir the mixtu·eintotne wok..3ringtoo ooil.stidog,
:stOC( pi.o: 9:ll :<Y about 30 secoiidsto tnic..<enthe so;xe.
• I Tf!S"'OON COR"IISJ!'tC- - Aime overthe sesame oil.Trons:ertoo servingoo,.one
:coR"ll =LOUR) servewitn .ice.
• I f!SlES"'OO~ S!S!\1f Oil
• su:.1o1:o 'i;,C: "'.'3E S.!.C ·o SP:\'E

i\!G ON SiC-!U!"II
Pi\!P!.:\!·,oN i ME 10 \1 NUTES,
"'LUS I -IOU:\ CH l~l'l3 . \1! SHRIMP WIT H
COO(l'\13. '1!_ 5 Ml'IUTES

• 9 OZiiSC:; U'IICOO(EJ S- R M"' - ~ubtce s1J'imp(:rtowns)wi-,.n 1teosooonsa,;tforobou;:

'"'t.r.W'IIS). S- E..L!J !'110 :l!V! ND 30seconds,rinse, and drain.=b!wim :,ooertov,.-esto
• I Tf!.S"'OON s:..r o~·oexcess T'OStureo"'.dputthem·no uo.nd:S'lto-...el.
• I !GG W- -E. 5E!TE"I Refrigerotefor1"'o..J.
• 2 lE.'S"'OONS" CE 'Nl'llf - -ronsfer the shr'mphtoo oo..,ode tne eggw.,,'teoncl
• \ .f!SP OO'II G~OUNJ \\-1 TE "P"'E't I' teaspoon salt, o,cl mixwe .
• I Tf!S"'OON COR'ISJ!'tC - - .ri o"'Otheroowl.combinethe•.,.;ne,whi:epepper,
:coR'l =LOUR) I' teaspoon salt, cornstarch{co·nflour),and ch·d:.enoroth
• 3 ·:.s .!S"'OONS C-1CJC!NS~Oi-1 (stock.}into o sa..ce.
:sTOC( pi.o: 9:1) - ;eai me oil.rl o \\'Ok.or O*P soocepo'lto 26S°F/13()QC.
• 2 Cl..,S (IC ;L OZ '.!.TSM..J Add tf"':snrimp,stir, and aeep•fryto· o::o..i 30 seco"'.ds
,,,;.; ~ untiltheyoeg:n to tur'l pin<.Use as ott,eospoo'lto remove
• 3•~OZ,'ICO :;3.SUG!:\ S'IIPS , me shrix:> the oiland drainon :,o~r tov,.•es.
"'0:l:lEO - =>o..irout the o1.,retlJ"'"I
me shrix:>to i:hewo<,end ado tne
• su:.1o1:o
'i;,C: "'.'3E S.!.C · o SE~\'E peosond sc:-xe.Sa-..rte overh·gn ".eOtfo· £ minu:,es,or unt
o ti!: sauce nos evaooro:,ed.Tro"r,Sfer too serv'-r.g:.ate.

i\!G ON: au:i:i-1 ,sr vE~::r:=t :." ;ill~~Zii- ~
P,'t!P!.i\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH
S!'tVES: 4

, 1 .as oz;ooo G f'tES - a.,M500 • O..ioff onc:Id:sco·a tne boTioooshoot ~ses about
s-iooa o, :s CUPSC: NN!O Jr,·cleh/! cm fro-ntri: to~ leavingo-r,Ythe te~· n,s.
s:"'soo s -i oo ·s , SL cn (Omhmis s:e:i i: uS:ngco-...neo 00..Toooshoots.) Cl.!!
• S ·:a .:s =ooNS SES!.Nf 01~ eoc.nbamboosnoot t·p engthwiseinto 12or 16strips.
• I i:!.S"OON S CHU!N Pf"=P.CO'tNS - fusing :.esh oom:oo shoots, :iringo orgesauce:,onof
• 1 lE'S"OONS 1.1 0-li S.OYVUCE wa:e·::oo ooil.odd tri: bom:,ooshoots,and olonchfor
• \ .f!.SP OO'II s:~i 1minute.Jroin and rinseu"'.Cle· cod runningwater. Slice.
• s::::.'I · :::u
=-: 1: =1 O!;ICC \1l - ;e<ntne seson--eoil'n a '-''OJ::or lo·ge ski e: (fryingoon}
vE~EP.5.t a,o·n :sro cK . ::~f 02: overmediumneat.Md the :,ombooshoo:s ones·& ,.;on
• 1 t:5 L!S"00NS C-1L O l pep:iercornso.nclstir.fry:o. o:o-..i30seco...ds.Addtf"':say
sauce,salt, and wgetc~ orO"".n (stock.}, , o,cl
:<Y 1 minutes.
• Uncovero-r.dsimTe· forobout 4 minU"tes, or un'1 the sauce
is ·eo..xedtoo quorter.--onsfer too se-vingplate.
- ;e<ntne ch i c;t ino smcl skte:, drizzleit ove· tne snoots,
o"'.dset oside to cool.Ser\<eenroomtem:ie-oture.

i\!G ON: Z-IEJ :,o

P,'t!P!.,,\! · ,oN i WE:;o M "IIU.ES
tR-1 rliil~ Zii-
S!'tVES: 0

, 1\ .a:1 <~ ='!;ES-1a:..vooo s-1001s - O..iooen the outerskinof tf..eoom:oo shoot, e,gt .,,,.::se,
, 2 cl.=-s1·c =L oz.4 • 5 M~ o,cl peel to ·eved tne tenders"'OO't. Cut o:.:and discord
VE~Ei!..5.t O ~ me bose eovingonlytl-etender 0011! o-r.dsmoot'.lou. me
• I i!5 L!s=ooNS SH't, ..... 'tO! sufoce wi:h o k..nife.
, 1 r:sus=oo~ 1 ~nr sov s:..u::::: - Slic~eoch bamboos-rootleng:n...-se.nto 4 wides..ces.
• I if!.S"OON 5:.3 On eochslke, T10k.e 4-Scuts oo eocn p·ece, lxrt <eeping
• I i:!.S"OON Gi\l'IU l.'70 SuG:'t h Ii.~ at the tip so that it lookslikeo :on.
•·~cu=-!. f ~ OZ;JtOfill :;;1C<:N - ;ea;: ::ne vegetoole oil·n o wok.or oeeproucepo.n::o
.o: n
s=to·n :s10:::i::. =:. 300CF/150CC in1:-imi-ri.rtes.
, or until a cu:,e of :.recd jJ'O-,..ns
• I f::!..S"OON S!S!.Yf 01. Addtf..ebom:oo o".ddeep-fryfor 5 minut-es.or U!'t
• sH:1o1:o :;;,:::: =.,~E S.dC · o SP:\'E lig.,_,t
orown.Use a s...ottecl spoonto corefulfyteT'O\'ethe
bomboosnoots fromtl-eoilo.r,c:Ia.rainon :,ooertov.<e-S.
- :lo..r out mostd tee oi, eovingabout 1 toblesooons·n
me wok.Addthe :,omboosnoots,sMmp !Cle,say sauce,
salt. sugar,and ch·ci:enjJ'oth (stOCJ:), then oringtoo ooil.
Reo..xeto aNhecno"'.dsimTer, cO'lereo,:o. 15-20mi~•.Jtes.
1-r.creoseto h·gn heat and cook,uncovered,for 5 minut~~
or urdthe sauce hos reo.xed and t·•ckE-neo.Stirin tr>':
sesameoilthen t ·a.nsfe·tl-ebom:,oos -r.ootstoo serving
pate. Servewith rice.

~ ~ 1!9$~ •u~ ON: au:i:i-; ST\'E(Ef:=t ~.N
"'!\!"'! i\qQN T ME 5 Iii 'IIUTES
B EA NS IN :::OO<l'II~. \1! 1~ v "iVES
S!'WES: 4

- ;em me vegetable oi in o wokor deep saucepan to • i cu=-s;1~ : 1 O! .!-5 1,1l) \'!GET.!fd Ol

3~= 1tso~, or u-rtilo cu~ of bread orowns ·" I½minu:es. • 3•~O: 'ICC ::3.\1U'll::3.5E!"II \'f :-1,1CEll
Ado ti!: mung be-onvermice • in ba:tr"es and deep-:~ for • S OZI IS~ 3 =-,E"IC- 3P NS.Si!.<
20 seconds ..r.ti pPed t.o. Use o s ot:ea spoooto carefully E"\105F "1"1E:l ! '110SHl"ll~S
re.lTO\'ethevermice from the oiond drainon :iaoerta,.,e,_s. ,EMOV!O
- ~eneottl"'E' oil to ooovt 3L0°F/170°C,or U"'tilo cu~ • I SC!.l 0'11 9'1\ NG0'1110"1.I,ClJT
o: breoc:1 Addtr>':=re
crov,:nsh £5 seCOt"'.ds. nchbe-ans 1"11
- 0 2· ~CH·S<:M .!'l:';i-lS ! "IIJ
o,cl aeep-fry 'r.xabout 3 minuies.Useo slott-easpoon 5-1\E:l:l! O
to carefully re'TlO\'eme beans fromtee oi o"'.dd·oin , ',i.Q!:5 G:; 'IIGEll !SOlJT ''I• "ICH
on po::,ertcNels. l·C"1·lENGT -I :- E:::::.
- j01..r out most d tt"<:ol eoving about 2 toblesoOO<"'s
in the , 'li.O! ·5 G = .::<~ED C-1 L!S, S-l'!;EOOEJ
wok.Addthe sco!!ioo {soringonion),ginger,ono pick..ed , 1 r:sus=-oo'II =- x :, :::-1_ a::,~
c.nilesono sfu-fryover Tedi....mceot for ooovt 30 seconds =!s·t :::-10=-=-.:o
u-rtil fros--ant.Adcl the chili oeon ::,osteand continue to • I J:!s=-oo-.. l :;3.HlSOYs.,u:::E
s:it-fryfor 30sero"'.ds.¾tin the beo"'S,soysa..ce,sc.t, • •~JE,s=-oo'IIs:n
sugar, and vegetcole b"oth (stock) and bringtoo boi .Add • I J:!s=-oo-.. :;3.1\!'IU.:fD SU~!'{
sa-...-tefor 1minu-
the vermicelli, .e, t-ren sti· inthe vinegar. • S:::!"11· cu=- :1 =-1 oz l~C \1L
- Mixthe corns:orcn (com'IOUI") wi':h1tooles::ioonwoter, -!5 .E o=-o·n
vE::s.E :s;on. =-::;f n)
then cir the nxt1.r-e into tne wok..3ringtoo boil,sti-riog, • I J!3LES=-oo'II 5PCK o =-S.!,LS,!',11(
:o. o:o..i 30 seco"'.dsto thit.(ent-resa-..xe. V Nf;j ! '{
- )rizz,,eov~ the se<..ome oil,st\ o.ndtrons:ertoo servi-r.g • I J:!s=-oo-.. :::CR'IISJ!,:::-<
p ate. Serv-e,,..fthrice. ::::o:\'11
• I J:!VOO~ S!S! .vf OI~
• SJE! \1EO '!;,CE :"!;jf 5.dC: TO s: ~v:

i\!G ON: S;:::-1u:.'1 'f ~~@ $~
?i\!?!.F{!",ON T WE: 5 W1'11Ui!S
S!'WES: .!

• 2 Cl."S 1· c =L oz,4-5 M~ - ;eai me \\'Okor O*P soocepo'lto 300CF/150CC.

VE3Ei!.5.t O ~ in Iii m·"'-ies.Adotne
or un:1o cuoe of oread b--o-,.""'S
• 11QZ,,300 G G~!E.,. 5E!'IS. SB..'113't g·een :,eonsO"'O deeo-fry"or2 .!'W'lvt es U"'t tN'y begi"lto
=.!i'{T5 '(f"IOV!O !,J :::uT 1•ro wrin•de.Useo sl0t1:easpoontocarefuly-emove the ceons
2· NCH.•S•::1,11..E'113T-IS the oiland drainon :,o~r towe_s.
• .! 01' E:l CH L!S. - :l',E:l 1..f'll;ji-lW S! - jo..r out .rost d tce oi, -:ovingonlyo::o.rt2 tablespoo"'S
• j :::.OVESQ,!i\.lC, cn:=>=o in &...wo(.A/J/llthecniles,ga·ic,ana Skhucn je:,oercoms
• \ "f!Si"O O'II Ci\USH!O S,C-!U!'I o,cl s:it-fryoverm~m "'eat 1minuteuntil frcgront.
=t==::.: :::ORNS - Mo the poJ<and s:ir-fryfor l--5-n:nvtesover medtnl
• I OZ,,lJ ;j 3'<:.0U'IIO(W .,.CE:l " 0'<:.K. hea;:,unt coo<ecl througn.Stiri"ltt"':musto·dg;eens,
= ,E1Y cno=>=o soysooce,wine,o,cl sugoro,cl s:ir-fryfor 30seconos.
• I OZ>lJ ;j S,C-!U!'I ?"!SE"VE:l - .ncreose to nigh"'eat, odd tt"<:oeons,and toss 'hell.
MUSJ:'<:.O:;'(EE'IIS. :::-10P?EO Tro"'Sfe·too s.erv'ng,ola:eono se-vewitnr'ce.
, 1 r:sL:s=oo~ ;,:::: ·-11·NE
• I f!!S"OON Gi\!'IUl'-E:l suo:;
• sTE:1o1:o "1;1:::: :>!;jE S.dC .10 SE'WE

i\!G ON: -ION:3 (0'11~

?i\!?!F{!"ION i ME: IS W 'IIUi!S
~ 'lft*R
S!'WES: .!

• 2 E:305 - 3eat tr>':e99swi:hiii:eospoonsolt·oosT10IIjQwl.

, 1 TE:.s=-ooN s:..~r - j.d t "'e ,oe-onuts skllet (frying:,on)o"'.dary-
in o s'TlOII
• ',, :::u" tl OZ 'lOJ G S- ElL!J :'{!'It roost ct1ermediU'T' • aN "'eCt for2-3 /T'linu::es
=f! .NU" S Tro"'Sfe·tne peonu:stoo plate o"ld,whencoolenougnto
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GEJ!S~E O ~ handle, ·ema,<ett"<:s.i::ins.
• '.' OZl2JJ:; G'<:.E!N5!:'IIS. H.\1VE0 - ;ea;: =:nevegetaoleoil·no wok.orors-=s(illet (fryingoon}
!'IC ;vr Mo·~· NCHil·CM;1,.1efS overhig'1hea-.,cad the beo"Stand stir-fryforcbo.rt
• I J:5L!PDO.,. ;j '113E\JU :::E 1minute.S-:ir'ntne re:noiningii teospooo sol-.,the g·...ger
• I TPS"OON '( C! W ,: juice, wine,oncl:,ol,:. Makingo s:,oce'ntn e cente1 of tce
• 3'~ oz
ICO ~ 5:;sE:::u: ?0'(( ( ".!.,G! wok,tn!:''1poo-·in tl"':eggs and s:ir ·apid'yto scra..Tole.
Ht,, cno='"D ,ro • NCHil·:::1o1 - Mo the peo"'.isand sesame al toss, o"'.dnons:er
0 CE too se-vingplate. SeNewi-.nthe lettuce leaves. 'f us·-r_g,
• •~lE£5"00'11 SES.!Wf O ~ cs w-aos.
• I -lf!.O ,:::E5E'(G L!l"UCE L!£\'fS
S!?!F{!.lEO .!NJ F WWD 'IITO CU"
S-!! "ES (Q =i ON!.L

i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG t'.!iii ffi
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES
S!'WES: 2

• !. CU"'S (Ii OZ,300 G, =-::,S-IOOTS. - ~it~ oe-os"'.OOts 'no coanc:le1 to ctoin. YlOl:eme
'I NS!J co onderto teTa.•e os m. ch\\'O:E- J fromthe :ieo snoo:s
, :s·!o .:s=ooNs vE:;:r:sL: or~ osooss'ble.
• i :.OY'ES Q.!:'t. lC, C:\USri!O - ;e<nme wok.or a.rgeskte: f-ying pen} over:-.igh
, \ ·psPO :J'I s:~r heO!.AdOtne 90:ticand stir,:-y for 1minut-et.nti 900-e"l.
• STE!\1!0 "1;1:: "'!:;E S.dC TO SE'WE PutJ'Ithe pea S"'OOtsond stir,:-y rapidlyun:i they :ieg;n
to so'ten.Add tr>':soltona stir-fry foronotne· mi""I.J'te.
Tro"'Sfe·too s.erv'ngola:e ono se-vewimr'ce.

i\!G .ON: -ION:; <O'II~

Pi't!P!.:\!" ,ON T ML 10 \1 NUTES,
.; Ii~ * t'.!1
COO( l'II~. '1!_ 5 Ml'IUTES

• i O'I !J 5L.!: K MUS-1\ 00\15 t~ mushroomsJ'Io bowl.co11er

- j....-t wi-,.n
coldwa:e·, o"'.d
• 5 O!, ISC 3 :;'(OU'l:l (W '11:EJ) PO\ K sock :r.x01 eos, 20 minuw, or U""tisoftened.Remo\<e tr>':
• I r::.s=--ooN L Gn" SOI' S.!UCE mus"l·ooms,squeezed-y, and disca.,:Itne stems. Dke tt"<:
, 1 :u =-:s ov1so :;_1=-:.,s mus"l·ooms.
• 2 f:5 L!s=-ooNS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ - Combinethe!roysc:-xe·.lo oowland :nix,.,. el .
• SC!'I " I :u=--t S QZ,150 G) CC'l'I - 3ringo sTIOIIsouceoo'lo: water too boii,oda tne pe-os,
• •~TE.!S"'OO'IIS.'li o"'.dbo.nch:o·l minute.Aoin.
• STE!\1!0 "1;1:: "'!:;E S.dC , 10 SE'WE - ;ea;: me oil;,.o wokor o lorg,=s(illet {frying:,on)c,w
medium-'ligh ~ct.kd the mus"l•oomso".ds:it-fryfor
1minute.Addtne grou"'.dpo·( ond stir-fry~r 1 mrut es
soi J'ltotf"':wok.,toss :o. ono::ner
t~ ,oeos,corn, a.."'.d
- j....-t
2 mrut es, then tro"'.Sfertr>' too serving:.-ate.

~~ ~ •u~ ON: sn.tNJO'IIG
=F{!=.,F{!. ,QN i ME 5 'fl 'IIUiES
BRA IS ED :::OO< l'll :j. i.VE }0 "11'\IUTES
S!'WES: 4

- Bong4:.;_
CU?S {34 f: oz/I iter} wo:e· too ooilin o large , 1 .a; oz..sco :j. =,,., ro=u. .J ~! N!D
souceoon.J,.JJdthe tofu and teospoo'1sol-,., reduce :'ljo cu · NTO ~- 'IIC-1."i•CM :::u5ES
to T..ed'vmhem, and s·· :o· 1 T,J"I.Jt
e . )ro·'1 o-r.o • IT:: !.S"OO"I s:.u
set aside. • S i.!5 L!S"O ONS SES.!Wf O ~

- ~t the sesame c;t in o sku:t f-yi".9pen) , ado tne • I r:::.s=oo ... s c - u, ... "F"!" .CO\NS
Sier'.xin oe:,oercOO"IS,
O"O stir-fry !or 2-3 minutes...ntiJ • 1 f:5lfS"00NS Glt_.:.
'IIUl!. "E:) SuG.:.'\
:.ogront ~e and dsco ·d the peppercorns. • I sc: ..L 0'11 :sF'i'tNG 0'1110Si,
- ,6dd the wgor ooclcookover,ov,.•hem :<Y 2 minu:es C- O""E J
u-rtilco·ome ze-:1.,._..itin the to:Vand sf· gen:}ytocoor. , 1 r:::.s=oo ... :::- o ==: o:; '11:lE'\
Ado ti!: sec --on(spr'~ on·on), g·cge·, soysouce,wine, • I f:5lfS"00'11 l 3 - i SOY s.:.u::::
remo'.riing'f, teo:s:ioon
sot. o".dvegetoole broth (s:ock) • Ii:: :..s=oos S·i!.O Xl'll :l '/11'\lf
o,cl :("iogtoo :oi . ~ec..ce to
CJN neat and simme1, • ·~CU" f ! r ~oz '115 \1l v :o::r.:.:LE
u-r.covered,for10minutes, or un-1 the sauce tn:c..<e"'S. 51\YH :sfOCI(:, :,:. ::;:: 'H)
Us'ngo :o-'<,oiercesmal hoes·.\ me tdu too!lowsorr-o: • I r:::.s=oo ... S C- U"-1 "F"!" Oil
o: tne sauce .nto the tofu. • SfE!\1EO '( CE =:::;f SdC: TO S! " V:'
- Stir ·n the Sicr'Mln oeope1o. ono transfer too se.rvng
pate. Serv-e ,,,/th rice .

~ f~ ~ '(f:3 O'II: s-;: :..Nx,

"'(f":lt_.:.f 0'11i VE: I~ W 'IIUTES
SE'(\'ES: ~

- ;em 1CU'tl (8 floz/250 ml) water in o ""0< O' largeskillet • 11 OZ,lCC :l = ,,,, 1o=u,.J "! NED !.,NJ
f-ying .oo, },ood the tofu, s~cn. s0.;t,o.ndSOf sauce CUT •ro I\.\~ 'V'IIC - ·S. ts.
o"'.dx;ng too :,oi!, ~e,o.,..ceto medi...m"'eCt onc:Is·cr.mer 1-:::v P :::Es
:CX'o:o..i 5 mi.,utes.f.oixthe corns:orch(cornf.our) witn • ', :::u= :1 OZ/JS G S" l'lll .CH :::u·
1toblesooonwater o"'.dood it tothe\\'Ok..:iringtoo boa, l'\ITO r~· INC- , l•:::v S"i't "S
s:;fring,:o-cbo..rt30seco"'.G:S to ::nic(enthe sauce. Trons:er if!.S"OON s.:.....
too deeo se.rvi"'-9 pat e. • 1 P ,5~f~f00'\I ,. 011 SOYs.:.

- ;em me oil .nouonwok. .Add ti-': 3eir"'.9sco!lionsoocl • I fE:S"OO'II CO\NSP~:::-;

s:ir-fryover m~m "'eat for2 mil'"'i,Ms untilstght)' b-own. tCO"'ll= .ou Ft
Ado ti!: cf,- pc..,aerend sf· ro:iidlyforaoovt • 2 t.=.S..ES"OO'IIS VE;jfi:5 L! 0 l
U-"'tilfrog·o.nt.Sf· in the groo"'.dSien-on,oepper, • 2 S:' ,J '11:3s::::..L~IONSOi't O s:::
then oron-ge the mixtureon top d. ti!: ton..on tN' plote. tS"'\ 1'11:l ON O'IIS). CUT 1, ro
SeNewitn rice. h· NCH:l<'-1 L!'ll:3THS , T-iE'II
• I i!.S ..ESPOO'IICH " O'IIOE'\
, :sr:::. .s=oos ::;Ftoui.;o s c - 1..:,
• S"f!. NE:l "C E ( "!.G:' S.!O , TO Sfll't'E

i\!G ON: au:i:i-1,sr vE~::r:'( :." Wtt11
Il ~
P:\!P!.:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH,
:,-LUS 1C M '\IU"fi 5C,:(1'\I~ i YE TO FU IN
COO(l'\I~. '1! }0 'fl '\IUiES

• 0 ORO a_.:.:('l'IUS- :\001-15 · ~it~ mushrooms.rl o bowl.co11er wr'.ncoldwa:e-·,

• I if!.s=ooNS l ~ - i SOYVUCE o"'.dsoo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or untilsoftened.
• 1 lE'S"OONS G't£"1UPiEO SUG!.:\ • .rio heotoroof oow, comb·~ tt"':mushrooms•,,lth
• I i.'5L!s=ooNS CO'tNSi!":-1 ~teospooo soy sauce.'f, teaspoon s.:gor,and 'f, tobespoo~
:::OR'll =LOUR) co:nstorch (cor"four). Stirh l teosooon \'eg=tobe oi.
• 1 CU"S {le, F. oz '4iS M~J =1us Poce the IJo,.., in o co ,opsibe oot or ::,omboosteoTe·over
1 u:s"OO'I 01. o pm o: boi!i"9wo:er.S:eo'T\,covered,for15minu:~.
, ·1. cu= (1 oz ·s:J ~ s.1c:o 5:y;:,00 • 3ringo soocepan of ...,ctertoo bot oad i:he bamboo
s-ioo·s. o :t, 1'11:J shoo:s,o"'.d:,anc.n:o. 1 TW'lvt e . )ro·,no"'.dr'"':!e...nde1
• I ~a' oz..sooG ~ 'W ro=u . .J "!. N!O cod -UMingwoter.
!.'\10 :ur NTO 1 .- I• '-i•l'\IC - • ;e<ntne remoi"'1"92 cups (16f ozfl-i5 ml) veg.e:a.ole
5 • 1.5, 1-:v P !CES oil ·no wok.oroeeproucepon to 3!0CF/liO°C, or u'tlil a
• ·,\Q!."5 G G "IG!'( :.sour·~· NCH1 o: bread brownsin £5 seco"'.ds.Tosstne toh. :ieces
l•C'fl•L!NGT-1 : ECEJ,CHO'"'"E:l in 2 teaspoons cor-rstorch,teen d~ :,.fryt..ntilgooen
• I if!..S"OON s-1:..ox1'\I~ ''II' NE Usea slorteds:,oon to carenJyremovethe to'u
• •~TE.'5"00"1 S.'li the oiland drain on ::,o~r towe..s.
• I CU"" =l 0Zi25:J v. \'EGEi!S.E • =-o...rout most d tee oi, eovingabout 1tooles::,oon·.\ me
S'(o·n :s10::i-. ::..o: n wok..Jidc:Ithe ~ngeronclstir-fryove· meoJ'ium-h'gn hem
• I f£5lES""00~ s:s:.y;: Oil :<Y 1mi"'I.JteU"'tilfrogram.Sf• in the rn..snrooms,oom~
• SiE:y;:o "1;1C! =:~E S.dC TO SE'WE shoo:s,o"'.dwine.Mo the tofu, s0ct,remoi"''-r.g 1teospoo:l
soysc:-xe, I½tec:::,oonssugar, and the \'ege:oble
IYoth{stoo:). Stingtoo :oi, teen reduceto CIN ~atone!
simmerforabout 1 minute un~ the tofuso'tens.
• .ricreose to ~h ~at and cook.:o. 3 .rw'lvte. or V"'t tt"':
sauce hos oeen reduced to ii cu:,{£ f oz/120:nl). Mixthe
remo'niog1teaspoon co:nstarchwith 1ta.oles::,oon wcte1
o"'.ds~ the mixtu·e :ntotri: wok..3ringtoo ooil.stir·;ng,
:o. obo.rt 30 seco"'.dsto ::nic..<en
the sa-..xe
• S:ir·otn e sesoT~ oil and tro"'Sfe·too pate. Serve
witn rice.

/fl. ER •u~ ON: au:i:i-; ST\'E(Ef:=t !.,N
"'!\!"'! I\! " ION . M! IC v "llJTH,
BRA IS ED PLUS 5 Vl"iVES 50!..J( NG . M!
:::OO(l'\I~ . \1! 1~ v "iVES

~Covert-re to'u s~tsincodwa:eronc:lsook. for Sm· ....ies • I:) ro=u S- E!TS

u-rtilroft. JraJI, men rut in:o l¼,c Jt:.·nc.n13,.2-cm pieces. • :SJ!5L:'S"00NS VEG:'J:3lE OI~
~ P~t the oil in o wok or large s:<illet(fry'~ pon) over • I J!!S " OO"I :::- 0 "" :'0 :l '\l:lE\
med'um heO!. j..,..i·n the tofu snee:s oncishola1,-fry • i CU" S ;10 ~. OZ.4~5 "1l vEG!i£3lE
:CX'o:o..i 3 mi.,utes until the sheets ore oispY :II.rtnot 51\0~H :sJOCI(:, " ! ;;: 'H)
b--a,.~o. Use o slorted sooon toco·efdyremove the • I J!!S " 00"1 l 3HT SOYs.,u:::E
tofu s~ets fromthe oi o,cl d·oin on pcoe-·ta...-els. • \ "f.!..S?OO'\IS!~ ·
~ Pourout most of the oil.le-o'N'9coout 1teosooon inthe • 3•~OZ ICC :l S-1 " !.l(E MUS-1'!.00MS.
wok.Addth e ginger o.ndstir-fryove· mediumheat for CUT l'\ITO·~· '\IC- l•C\l•T-1,C( s~1::::s
o:ovt 30seconds u-rtilfrog;on:. Addtt°":"veg
e:oble :iroth , ·1. :::u" (2 oz,-s~ o: s~1:::EOf.!1,1300
(stock), soysooc e, and sc.t end bri"9 too boil. S-IOOTS. Oit."'IEJ
~ Putin tt"<:mushroo~, bamboosnoots, ono tofu sheets • I J£3lES " 00~ CC't'\ISt:'!,:;: -
too oo . Mixthe cornstarch{co·riloo-)\\-'t~
o"'.d·e:,-,,.rn ::::oR'\l=LOUit)
2 toblesooons woter and s:ir the .nixtu'e ·ntotf"':wo<.
Stingtoo boil. s:irri"9,for OXll..-t 30seconds to thic.ten
the sauce. Se-ve.

ffi ~ tltl~ ~ 'tE:l ON: J: '11.'N

"it!".'it' " .ON i ME 5 'fl '\IUTES
TO FU W ITH PRESERV ED :::OO(l'\l:l " \1:'. 15 '1'11'\IUTES
S!'WES: 4

- DJs, m e tofu with the corns:c·ch (cor.,four). , 1 ~5 i oz ..sco :l = 't'fl To=u. J " ! N!D
- ~t the \'egetob e oi in o WO< r.xdeej souce:,onover to £'\10 CU" 1'\1" 0 j'~ •I\• '.-l'\1:::-
3!.fYf/1700(.,or ...ntilo cu:ieof :.-eoobra,;ns in 45 seconds. 0 • l • I.S·CM " E::::'S
Ado ti!: tofu pieces o.nclo-:ep.!-y for4 mh.rt:es. o· until • I J:3lfS " 00N CC't'\1St:1t:::-
go~°' · Us~o slott-easpoontocarefully -emovet-r.eto'u ::::01t'\l: LOU't) the oi one!drain on :,o~r tO\\·e.s. • 2 Cl. "S ·o =L OZ• .d]S \1~
- Pourovt most of the oil.le-ov',r,g ooovt 1tab espoon in V:'G!PS.E 01~
the wok.Add the garlico"'.ds:it-fryover meo _m ~at for • ; ;_O\':HP.~~1;, ~ ·u~Y; - o "":O
1mi""I.J't frog·ont.Addthe ground(minced) :,ork.,
e U""'til • 3•~OZ 'ICC :l 3\0U'\10 :1o1 NCED: "OitK
incre-ose to hign heO!,and stir-fry:r.xabout 1 minu:e, • 5 OZ· IS~;; " '!.ESE'tVEJ'l'IUS" !itJ
seoorating O"'!flum~ of oork. G" !E"IS. ",\ 'l'IMEJ. " '\ISEO!>;;D
- Addthe·dg;eens o.nclstir-fryforabout 1 minu:e. C - O"" EJ
Ado ti!: Cf"'.Jck
en oro:n (stock),wgor, salt, o"'.dwhi:e • ·,CU?( !. r~ oz;uo Ml) C-IICJC:'N
pep:,erend br'~to o boil.Stirin ti-':to:,,S,br'~ the IYoth 51\o:n :srocK. " ! ;;: i;ic
to a boii,°\reduce tt"<:neot,cover o,cl sim-rer forabout • i J::,tfS " OO"IS G''..~'\IUl! "EJ SllG' 't
3_£ minutes. Sti-in the sesame oil, uons:er too serving , ',H:''S"OON S.'LT
pat e.and ser\<e\\-'t°\rice . • •~iE£S"00'\I G'tOU'\IJ W- "E "U?E't
• I J!!S " OO"I S:'S!Vf OI~
• STE!\1EO 't,CE : :;;f St.C: TO S:''W:'

i\!G ON: )ri!i.NJONG
P:\!P!:\qON T ML 10 y; NUTH
E'.:!!=!~f so.- TOFU BALLS

• I f!5lES"'00~ 0'( !J S-i'( M"' shr'mp ino OO'YI:ot for 5 minutes.
- Soc.(the ofe-:::1
• 9 0Zi1SO.:;: \M TOFU, 0'(! 'IIEJ 0-ain, teen fine!ycho:io-r.oset oS:de.
• I 3-UNCHC1~!'11T";Q;::OR !'IIOE"' t~
- :1-..,-t tofi..into o lo-gebow o-r.omc::'l h witn o fork..Sti:
: ~ELY CriD'""'EJ in ti-...dried s:ri'np. cicntro (cotionder), sco!ron{spring
• I )C!.L 0'11 :SP"' NG O'IIION), G\E!N on'on},p'ck..edmustcrd.ginger,sa;t, g·ounc:ISic.nuon
"'!U Q'lllY =1'11!.YC-iO!"PEJ pep:ier,fonmio.,jio-r_g, o.nclegg. Mixtho·Ol.'9hlyand t"'en
• ·~ lE!)"'OO'II );::-;u.:.'11 " o:.EJ stir intne COl"nstc-ch (corn-'lour)
. FO<"m the tofumixtv-e
MU)f!'(O. : ~ELY CriO'"'"EJ into Jj;..inch/3-cm-diometer DOiis.
• I i: !5"'00"1 G 'IIGE'(, : N!LY C-iOPPfO - ;ea;: me oil;,. o v.'Ok.oro*psc:-xepo'lto 3LOOF/1700C,
• I if!S"'OON )!.J or un:1 o cuoe of oread b--O'h""'S in 45 seconds.Addthe tofu
• ·~ lE!)"'OO'II ~'(QU'IIO s,::-;u!'II bo..s and deeo-fry:O<' 3 mirn.rtes, or u"":ilsrgntryb:'own
in coo-. U...e o slotted sooontoco·e;;tly removetee DOiis
• I Tf!S"'OON T !'IIM !"IJ !'I~ the oiland drain on :,aper towe..s.
• I !~G - ~eneat tee oi to 3,!.()Cf/171YC and •e:,-,..rn
the tofu oo!ls
• 2 J!5L!S"00~ CC'('ll)T!'(:: - toi:hewo<. Deep-fryforano:ne· m·.,.,ie ..r.tilti-...DOiis
:::oR'll =LOUR) o·e golden ~O'h'I'\, Useo slottea spoonto carefully-emove
• !.'' CliPS :3.! :L OZ/I l lE'() me ool:sfro,-,tri: oiland drain on :,aper towe.s.
VE~Ei!6.t O. - -o make tt"<:s:.·cedoeoper sot, mixt~ ingredien:s.
• SlE!',';!O :;;,::: "'-'~E S.!O. ·o Sf";\'f Se-veme tofu :,o!lswi':hrice, <etcl,, ..o, "fusing,o,cl
• 11:EJ::-;uP,10 SE\YE (O'"T 0'11!., spiceopeppersolt.

=o'( i-i! SP :::J PE""E"' s.=.~·:

• •~iE!5"00'11 S.'li
• ·~ "f!SP O:J'II G\OU'IIJ SIC-iU!"II


ottP n: :o ·ofu a,.;..s

=Eu 0'11:OE J "iG ~aEti.IIffl.
='tf=:.~:.r 0"11T WE: 10 Ml'IIU.E S
SE'to,H !.

• 1 ·:.a .E5P00'115 "P S - 3rirgo smcllsouceponof "''Ote1 too boil0ter .,•tjthect,

, ; ·:. .a.E5P00'115 vEG::r:au 01~ ado the peos,and 0,anchfor1minute.0-o'nand rinse.
, q oz,•2so G ro•u, cu · NTO - -ieot 1tob.es_:,oo"lvegeto':.e
o inowok a largeS(if.e:{frying
1 • NCH -'<'-1 SQU!i\!5 !.50Ui po,} c,;-er tofu and f-yfor 3 ,,·.,•.rtes.
'. NC-1:5 M\1 T- ,C< lightly0rc1,cedon oothsides.S:irinme SOf SOuce,
or U'"rtil
• 1 ·:.0 .ESPOON 1..0-1· SOYs:.ucE sugar,ii tea;::iooc,so1, 1tea;::iooc,'1,ine, and 4 t00.esooons
• 1 •E:)P OO'II G't:"IUL!.TEO 5UG!i\ ~etoble broth (stock). Reduceto low "'ea! end simmer:or
• i ·E:)P OO'II s:~T 5 m:nu:esurd tl'..esaucehos°EOiJCEO bf nolf.
• 1 -E!5" 00NS 't,CE ·-11·NE - Mx ii toble::iooc,cornstorcn{cornflour) 1totlesooon
• ~ f:3lf5"00'115 \'!G!PS~E O~OT-1 waterin o smellbcM'and ci ilis Tixture :ntot:nesruce.
:sroc<p:.o: 91' &i."9too boil.stilring,forabout 30 secondsto thickenthe
• i ·:.a .ESPOON CO""IS·:..i\C-1 sauce.Transfe•·to o seNing~e.
:coi\'ll ' LOUI\) - Addthe remoiningI tablespoon\'@g etobleta to the wok
• .d JUD 3L!Ct: Y.USr'H00\15, SO't:EO onostir-frym: .r,;sh·oomsonooeasc,;-er.,·tpheat fo·
'II COlJ n<:t::=-TO SO'"TEN.ST!WS -emdn:r,g1teaspoonwine,ii teaspoo."l
'U MOV!J salt and 2 toble---..poo:"s
\vtgetoble broth and :rir.gto o :oi .
• 1 •E:SP OO'II SE):"I! 0 L Mixtogetherme -emoining>ito:lesoooncornstarcho"'.d
• )if.!,.,fJ ;o;,CE (P!G! 5.!0), TO SEllo,'E 1to :iesooo"lwaterand stirthis mixtu·ein the V.'O!. Add
me sesameoil 3ringtoo :cil, 0001.;i 30seconds
to tf,;C(ensauce.!=bur a,-e•the to'u ~ the plo:eonc:Iserve
with rice.

=EG 0'11:HU"ll!'II ;ffi:~ fil f II ffiti

==tf"P ,.!f 0"11T WE: 15 \1 NUTE5.
=LuS 15 W 'IIUT!S SQ!)( "IG - \1! X IA N GTA N- STY LE

• 1 O!.'iS G s-: ox1'11;3.

\'!0 - Sooktl-..e 1reserved.rJJStardgreensino 001, of wo:er for
MU5t:lt0 :;\EE'IIS 15m;,.,..ies U'"rtil
soft.=unsethoroughly,trimo "lO an into
• 1 -:..a.ESPOO~S vEG::r:3u 01~ l•inch/2.5-cm lengths.
• 1 L3 5 0!.'600 G ~ 'VI TO'U. 4 :-:. N!O - -ieot theW9=:aoleo ino woko: lorg.eskillet('.7)'i09 pan}
:.'IC ;vr 1'ir;i .:,2;v::s overmediumheat, cdclm: tofu,a -r.ofryfor 3 minutes,or
• 1 L!Et:, CU1 'IITO 1· "IC- .'2.S•CV urd gokle,.~JTO\'ethe tcfu :.omthev.'O!o"'.CJ set oSX!e.
lfNGT - 5 - Us'"9 the remainingoilin the V.'O!, Stt-frythe musto,:I
• 5 PS~E5"00~5 VE~E-:.6 .E 6'\0i-1 gree---s for 30seconds.Re:,-,...-n
c,;-er.r.edium-r.ea;: tf'..e::ofu
:sro::<p:.o: 91; to tf'..ev.'O(,.
oddthe leek,vegetableoroth (stock),chilioil,
• 2 -:..a.ESPOO~S c-11~101~ soysauce,and so-:and stir9entlyto .rix. 3ringtoo Xiii.then
• 2 ·E!)" OONS l ~ - i SOY s:u:::: re-:luceto medumneat and s·,ca,-ere,j,~r 2 minutes.
, y,-E!.5" 00~ 5!~ - - Mx tr,..,c«nstorch {c«nflour)wth 1tc:lesooonwate1ino
• 1 •E:SP OO'II CO""IS-!i\C-1 smo!IboNIand stir ms'.'Oixtur e in:om: wok.Bringtoo ooi.
:coi\'ll ' LOUI\) stiring, fot obou;:~ secondsto thio:enthe so-xe.Drizzle
• ,t f!!.S:-00"1 s:s:.v E OI~ inthe sesameoi and transfertoo ~e. Serveimmediotel),
• )if!,.,fJ ;o;,CE (P!G! 5.!0), TO 5Ello,'E with rice.

§~~ ~ •u~ ON: Sri.'NX
"'!\!"'! I\! · 10N - M! IC v "llJTH
BAI Q I TO FU :::OO(l'\I~ i.VE n ._.NUHS
S!'WES: 4

Boiqiwas o •ena,medgene·olof ti-...Qin Cngdom (""''tlicn • I .51 OZ!SCO :j.: 'l;W iO"U . .J ~! N!O
e'-ld-,•eointotne Gin: ~ :Ire) dur'~ the WoTiogStates over :~o :::u· NiO I· N: -Vi.50::M CUS!S
2,300yeors ogo. .no bottle with me Zhool(j,igdom,Boiqi • 2 f:3lES"00NS V:'~E"!6 ..E O L
slougntereda.-e·£00,000 of the4 troops and -:o ::neQin • 1 E.'S"OO~S ~ ~:'LY :::-10=-=-eo
o·mytoVCT.ory. 1-t.,,.,.'OSmuch-ha:Ed bythe Zhoooeople, G "IG!'I;
whocreated i:hiscis"lyeorslater to expressthe'.t ~-ed. • !. ClO ...ES ~:\l :::. :::- o =-=-:o
Thetofu is t-od'i:ioncly·oosted over o c.norcoo'ioTo:and • 1 QU!N " .. :s SOY3PN c~ s=- s
to sym:oize m e deo-.nof Ba:iqi
then s:-ecme-:::1 througn :=-:~f 52)
burningand drowni"9. , •, cu=- :1 ozn~~~)co~~MU•L
• 2 i:.'S"OO~S s:.t
~ Preheot tn.e bro er (grill). :l!.a:-e t~ ton. on ov.ile rock • STE!~EO '!;,CE =-:~f5.dC: TO s:~v:
o".d xoi (9-il) for 3-4 mrut~ . Turnovereach o·ece
o: tofu o"'.OIYoibr ~- 32 ~lit es unt bra1tn.
~ P~t the oil in o wok or large s:<illet(fry'~ pon) over
medtrT'-°03h.Aodthe g·~e· O"O garlicand st··.fryfor
1mi""I.J'te U""'tilfrog·ont. St·· in the sof-,ecn crisps,corn-rea,
o ,cl so t and stir -fry 'o:-o "'.Otherminute u'tlil com :,;ned.
~ Arrong,= ti'-<:tofl. on o "'eOtp--oof ola:-eand piece ino
collopsib-eoot or DOmboos:,ecme·overo :,ot of~
wa:er.Steam, cove·ed,for 5 m·.,.,ies.
~ Remo\<e ti'-<:tofl..:-om the steamer o..."'.d
se.rv'~ pate. -o:iv.ith m e cris:oysoybeanmixt,-,,.;e one

i\!G ON: -!UN.! ,
P:\!P~:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES.
~ :W!i ~ n
COO(l'II~. M!: I~._. NUHS

• I .a; OZ,500 G • '1;1'1ro•u.:, 'IISEO - j.oce the to'u in o oo..,

and coarse'ymm"lwitn o for<.
!'110 :l 'V N!O - Soo.(the '.T1..J'l9
oea.nvemke!li ino bowlof coldwa:-e·for
• 1 OZISO G VU'\13 S!!"I VE'l;v::!Ld o:o-..i 10.ninvtes unt softe-r.ed.Drain,Cf".oo,
and odd to
• •,CU:, :1 OVIOO ~ ~-L~·"UVOSE m e tofu.
" l! 'II • tOUit - S:ir·o tne flour,egg,salt, 1teaspoon choopedscallion
• I !~G (springon·o,},ano whi:-epeoper.Usingya,.,r"'.Clnds, mix
• •~iE!5"00'11 S.'li we o,chetosicle.
• 1 iE.'S"OONS cn:=po S:!.l 0'11 - ;eai tne oil .no \\'Okor O*P soocepo'l to 3LOOF/li00C,
:s=lt .'113ON 0'11 or un:1 o cuoe of oread b--O'h""'Sin 45 seconds.Scoopovt
• :, NCH 0' GltOU'll:l W-1 ·t :,UPEit o genera..s::ooles::,oon of me mixtureand shooe i. into
• 2 Cl."S 1·c =L oz,4-5 M~ o l•iochn.5 -ar •diometer 00!1,addiog mo:e mixtv-eif
VE~Ei!-5.t O. necessary.Use o s:,oon to care,fu!lylowerm e bo..s,in
• S -!5 l!S=ooNS VE3!f:5L! a=to-n botcn~~ in:o the hot o'"'O"'.O deeo•fryfor>.! TW'lvt es until
:sro:< p:.o: 92; gooe"l bra,;n. Useo slotted s:,oon toco·e;}ty removethe
• I r::~.s=ooN L GW SOI' S.!UCE tofu DOiis from the oiland dro·n on ooper towe s.
• I iPS"OON :OR'IISJ:'l;C - o..irout most dt-r.eoi, -:ovingabout 1to.ole1:,oon'ntn e
- =>
::oR'll =LOUR) wok.Md the \'egeto~ oroth (stOLJ:)a.."'.d :iringtoo :oi .
• SlE£\1!0 :;;,:: =.,~E S.dC ·o SP:\'E Stirint~ SO/sauce and tt"<:re:noiningchoop«I scaflion.
- Mixthe corns:arcn (com'lour}and 1 to.ole1:,oonwater
in o s 'TJO,I
'Xlh ano stit mis mixti..Jein:othe ...,o<.:iring
too boil,sf·ring, forabou;: 30 secondstot-r·cken
m e sauce.
- Aime the sooce a.-e·tne tofu :iollso"'.dservewi':hrice.

'g f)f;~ ~ •u~ ON: s;:-;u:..N
"'!\!"'! I\! · 10N T ME 10 y; NU7fi
GON GBA O :::OO(l'\I~. \1! 15 "11'\IUTES
S!'WES: 4

~ Putthe tofu in o bowl.odd 2 CIJ?S ( 16floz./4iSml) water , 1 .a; oz ..sco :j. = , ,., To=u . .:i~:. N! D
o"'.dii t-eo:s.:,oon
sot. and rook for15minu:es.Orc:nand , 1 r:: :.s=oo-.. s:.u
d-y with roper towe.s. • I !:j.G_S!.'TE"I
~ Dke tt"<:tofu into ii-inch/1.5-an c1-oes,transfer to , 2 T:eus=ooNs co~Ns·:.i\c-1
o bowl,and t"cenodd tt"<:egg,comsto·ch (, :co ~'ll=.oui\
o"'.d·emc:ning 15teo::::,oons0;t. Se:os·oe. • 1 y:3us=ooNS = X !.'I C-1L OE!.'I
~ Ino separate 'Xlh comli~ t~ ch be-onooste-,pk.!led Pl.STE.i\OU~- .Y :-1::i==eo
cniles,o,cl se<..ome oil. • \ OZilO :j. =1c<~D CH L! S. : - o~=::o
~ P~t 3 too,les::,oons \'egetobleo in o wokor s(illet (frying , 11:3us=oo'II s:s:.>.1: or~
po.n)overlow hem, odd the :ieo.nAs,o"'.d:"Yfor 5 minu:es, • 4 ·:.o .ESPOONS\iE3EJ!5L ! OI~
or un:iltoosted and crunchy.Wmo•.,e too olcr.eto cool. • ·;. :u= (1 0ZISO G) '"U· NUTS sn::L~E:l
~ ~t the ·emoiningI toblesooonoi h tne \\'O( over : '110-IUS<EJ
medtnl hem.Add ti!: ton..o"'.d:ian-fry for>.! :i-.:rnrt es, or , 1r:::. s=oo-.. : - o==::o;; '113E\
u-rtils:..ght1y-i·rn.Useo slot:eo spoon to carefullyrema.<e • I sc:.L 0'11 :sPi\ NG O'IIIO'f),
the tofu from tne oil and drain on o:iper taNels. c - o==EJ
~ W-th the ·e -noining oil in me wok,Stt -frythe ginger, • I r:::. s=oo-.. l 3HT SOYs ..:.u:E
sco!lion(s:ring onion),chir been pos:-eand pic.(ledch es • I y:3us=oo'II ;j\!.NU~'iEJ S.U;jH
u"til frog'ont.Add the soysauce,s,.;gor, end ii CU? , 2 r:eus=ooNs s- .=.oxNG w N::
(~ fioz/125Tai)'-''Oterend sovte untilthe sauce thio:ens. • SfE ! ~EO '( CE =:~f 5.dC: TO s::~v ::
Ge~tlyst:rin tN' tofu and oeonuts, then a.rime~ the
wine.-ro.nsfer too se-vingplate o-r.oservewi:h 'Xe.

l\!G.ON: SIC-!U!'I
?i\!?!,i'{!·,oN T WE: ;o M '\lu ·n . @~ ~~
=LuS 5 W 'IUTES SO.'IC"IG . \1!
S!'WES: 4
E'.:!1=!3f 513

• I .a 45~ G • =1,11o• u 0\tl'IIEJ £ND odd >iteaspoonsalt,

- Soc.(the tofu ino baNIof hot Vl.'Oter,
CUT ,,ro ::.· 'IIC- .'2•CV CU5ES o"'.dset aside :o. 5 .T'W'lvt
es. Aoin.
• I TE!S:ooN S! .• i - ;ea;: mevegetaole oil·no wok.orors-= s(illet {frying
• l ·!a .:s=ooNS VE3!t:5L! 0. pen) overmediumneat, ado tn e po·(, and stir.::y for
• 3', O: 'ICO ~ ~llOU'IID '1,1NCEO =-Qi'{( 2-3m·.,utes..r.tilmostof the lic, evo:io:oted.
• I i!!S:ooN FEI\VE,T!J a~!CIC ·n the fercr,rted :.oo: :,eo-rs,c.nili~rte. ginger,and
- j_...-t
5E!'IS, = 'ISEO !,NJ c-10=-=:o garlic.Sfr inthe chi powder,oo:14 tablesooonswater,
, 1 T£5lEs:oo~ =-1x _!~ c - ~ =!ST! , o,c:IIY"'9toobo.
- Mo the tofu,gent\' st\ one!reduceto lowheo;:.SimTer,
, 2 n,s:ooNs cn:=.=,o o NG!\ covered,for ooovt 1mJ"IAe.Stir in the soysouce,sugar,
, i n,s:oo"IS cn:=.=,o G!1'.1c o,cl the remo·niogii teaspoonsdt.
, 1 f!!_s:ooN c - . =-ow:i: = • Mixthe corns:arcn (com'lour}wr'.n 1tab ESXIOS'lwa:e· in
• j n,s:ooNS 1.IG-li SOYVUCE o small ooYo~o"'.ds:Irthis ~ur e intotf"':V.'O(. 3r·cg too
• ·, u:s=-oo'll 3\!NU.!f:0 SU3 H bo1.,stJring, fo·cbo'...i~ seco"'.dsto thio:e'l me sauce.
• •~i!S.ES=:)Q'II CO\NSi!=:-1 Add tt"<:sesoTe oi onclscallions(springonions),toss, o,cl
:cOR'll ' LOUR) uons:er too servingbaNI.Sorinde overt "\e grouna Skhucn
• I i!!S:ooN S!S!Vf or~ pep:ierend se-vewi:h 'Xe.
• i SC£1~ O"IIS (S=-\ 'II~ ON 0'115),
c - o==-:o
• ·, u:s=-oo'll 3\0U'IIO SIC-!U!'II

i\!G ON: au:i:i-1,sr vE3!T£\ !'I t'.!l~ ~lij

?:\!?!F{qQN i ML 10 \1 NUTES
S!\VES: 4

, :s·!a .:s=ooNs vE3!J:5L! or~ - ;ea;: 1tobespoo'l oilin o wok.orasgeslu!.etf-ying po'l)

, ',\ OZ/S ~ :;1'113E=(.!5QU . :· NC-I overlov,.•heat.Addt"\e gingerand fry'o:-2 minu:est.nt
l·CW·L!NGT-1 : ECEJ,Sl C!J crisoy.Dscorog·~e· o"lOrese-vethe oil.
• 'I. CH\QT 3\.'TEJ - ;ea;: 2 tablespoonsoi in tf"':WO(, Adome groted corrO!
•I >c:~1,.
0"'1 :>nNO O'IIION) o"'.ddeep-fry over,e,,,• hem :or2-3minutes.Stro·.lme
carrot c;t througho 'i~ stroll· {s:E'.<e). Dscordthe co~
• I .a; OZ,500 G · o • u, V!S - EO o,clre:urntheOi tothewok..
, i\ cu=-s :a F. oz •ioowLJno· - ;ea;: me carro: oilovercTetJ,,_..m-nighneat.Adelthe sco!!ion
vE~Ei!.5.t a,o·n :s·oc1e. =-:3f 02: (springon·o'l)end st··.fry for1 :TW'lvte 1...nti:.ogron:.
• ·~ TE!s=-oo'II s.,n Add tf"':ten./ono sti; untilthe o'"'ono tofu a.rethorougnly
• I f£5L!s:oo~ CC:\'IISJ:\C - benoed.
• I:,=-= G C ,..!'lli'1:0 :cc\ !'ID!= - ADllthe vege:ableb"oth (s:oo:) o".dsolt and :.tingtoo
lE !\'fS ON.Y bo". Mixthe cornstarch (co·nflour)with 3 to:lespoo--s
wa:e·oc0 cod this ;n,ixtu- e to the WO<. 3ringtoo ooil.
stirring,'o:-about 30 seconosto tnic..<e'l me sauce.Drizzle
me re~-ved 9f9er oi overthe sou:. oc0 too with COOn:ro
(coriander) eo'.'!?S to se-ve.

i\!G ON: ' UJ ! 'I 9 fl::Il ~ n
P:\!P!:\!·I0N T VE: 15 y; NUTH. "',.US
lll y; Nu ·t SM!"'~!·~~ TIV! N INGH UA TOFU
COO(I~~. M!: I~ v NU TES

• 5 0!1 ISC 3 ~'!.OU~:l (,., ~:EJ) PO'!.K - Combinethe g·runcl (minced}oork,sc.t, suga·, and
• ·~ TE.!s:-oo'II s.,n 1table:ooon...,ate·in a 'Xlh a-r.omafna:e for 30 TW'lvt es.
• •, JE:5:-QO'll 3'!.!NU.!f:0 SU3 H Stit•,,lthcho~tb::s ·" oned:recion, un:i the po·( :ieg;ns
• SO'!. EJ Q_!C( ,.,US-i'!.00,.,S to turn gummy.
• I ..a i oz..sooG ~ 'W ro•u. 4:-! N!O - ~it~ mushrooms.rl o bowl.co11er wr'.ncoldwo:e·, a,cl
• 1 OZISO G SICHU!.N :-:-: sP.\'!0 soak to· o;: eos: 20 m:nu::es,or U"'tisoftened.Remo\<e and
MUSJ!'!.O :;'!.EE'IS. '!.l~SEO. • :\ MMEJ d:Scardtr,..,stems ano cnop.
!'110 : -;o ="PEO - =>otdr y me to:,,S,,,-:'tn
po:,erta,.els, then oreokit up .nto
• "' NCH o~ G'!.OU'l:l w-; .E "'UPB cnunks.Md to the oow o: pork.then s:ir ~ ::nepteseNed
• I J!5L!S"'00"1 :OR'IISJ!'!.C - mustard,mushroo-r,s, whit-epeoper,o-..dcorns:arcn
::o:\'l " LOU:\) directionunti we bended. Form12bo..s.
(cornflour}.rl O<'"'.e
• •~CU"' :; OZ ·~O G Q! . Mf!.L - ~ough~grindthe oat Teo ino food xocesror a,cl nans:er
, 1 :u :- •t ovis~ ..,L to a plate. Ro ::netofu ::,o!ls
i;\tr'I=ocr.meolto coa;:o-..d
VE~Ef!.5.t O ~ poceo."10.olo:-e.
• 'ltO'!.:::s ·n s-; :-E SAUCE C'!. swn· - ;eai me oil.rl a \\'Okor O*P soocepo'lto 300CF/150CC.
!'IJ SOU'!.S!UCE :-:~: 101) TO S!'.;'t'E or urd a cuce of creoclb"a,.""\S in Iiimil'"'i,..ies.
lowerthe tofu oo!ls,o fewat o t::me,·.,to the oi ac0 deeo•
:~ for 32 minutesunti golaenbrown.Ser\<e w'tn e't "\et
Worces:e-s:We sauce or swe-:tand sour sauce.

i\!G.ON: !N-tU /\ ~Ll.i!l ~

P:\!P!.:\!·,oN i ME 10 y; NUTES,
COO(l'II~. M!: I~ v NUTES

• .,CU "' ~ OZilO ~: :i:- ED 3L!.CI:: - Coverthe bock 'i.r:gusin coo wo:e· ac0 soak :orabout
" U'll~US 10.nn.rtes, or untilsoft. )rc;n, ::ne'1::eo·in:o l¼-:Och/
• ·~ CU"' ·; oz ·5~ G I E !.5"'00~ 3-an squa·es.
:O:\'ll)T!'!.:-; :O'!.N " lOU'!. - Mix•;CIJj (2 floz/60 ml) co:nstorch (comflour)with
• 9 0Zi1SC:; ~ '!.M TOFU, 0'!.! '110 !"ID 3 tc:.espoo":Swater.Addtl"':tofl. a-..ds~ V"ti wellcoa:-eo.
::u1 '1·0"j·I"11::- ,,z•;:v cus;s
1 - -iEattl-.eoiinow0c<a~o saucepan toooo.rt ~(MJF/ISO°C,
• 1 :u:5 {le, F. OZ ·4;5 M,..JVEO!J!5L! or urd o cuce of creoclb"a,.""\S in45 seconds.Addthe tofu
Ol a,cl deep-fry~- 2-3 minutesunt golden.Useo slotted
• I f!3lES"'00~ O'!. !) S-i'!. M"' '!.OE spoonto removethe tofu and droi~on ooper tO'A.·e.s.
, ·,,cu:- ti OZilS G Sl ::J 5'M300 o..sout mostd t"ceoi, -:ovingabout 1toole:::,oon·;\ ::ne
- =>
s-;oo·s. o :t, I'1:J wok.Md the s-.·:mproe,boTooosnoots. :.oo::fi..ngus,
• I sc:.L 0"11 5p:- NO O'IIION), CUT a,cl scallionand stir•:')' a.-e-mediumheai :~ 30 seconds.
'IITO \·l"IC - '2•C\1 L!NYHS Add tN tofu,soysouce,so}t, ono 3 ta~Spoot"Swater and
• 3 ·!a .:s=ooNS ...I~- T SOYs:u:: b--;ngtoobo".
, 'J,lf!.S"'OON ).!Li - Mixthe ·emo.i'ling1t-eos:::,oon corns:arcn....,4th1tablesooon
• STE:y;:o "1;1:: "'!~E 5.dll, 10 SE'WE wo:e· a"lOstir the mixture.ntothe v.o<.:iringtoo coil.
stJring,:o. about 30 seconosto tnic.<e'1 ::nesauce. Transfer
me mixturetoo servi"'-9 pate and serve,,..fthrice.

~ ffi± •u:; ON: JI !'1:;x1
"',\!"'! ~! · 10N T ME 10 y; NU7fi
STIR- FRI ED TO FU :::OO(l'\I:;. \1! 15 "11'\IUTES
S!'WES: 4

- Piece tne tofu ooo neot~oof :.ate o"'.Ginto o co 10psibe , 1 ~5; oz ..sco :j. = ,,., ro=u. J ~! N!D
pot or bomboo steamer ove1o po: of ooifingv.-o:-e·. S:-eo.m, • 1\ oz· ;5 G PO'\I( ~f'IIOE'UO N. cu ·
covered,for 5 minu:-es.)re·.\ mev.'Oterfromthe olcr.e,and 'IITO : 'IIE s·11;=s
set aside. • ·~ lf!S~oo'II ~,~-Ii S.OY$!UC!
- Com~ tr': oor><, lightsoysa ..ce, and 'f, teaspoon • I iE.'S=ooN COR'IISf:'l;C -
cornstarch {cor~fb..r) ho oov.~o"'.d mix we . Setaside. :co ~'ll=.ou.'\
- DM:le m e tofu ·.,to two portions o"lO cut one poction into • l r.:aL::s=ooNS VEG!f!3lE 01~
'/i-inch/3-mm-w'de"\e re-noining porfon i~o • \ OZilO :j. :j. 'll~E'I; . !.60Ui l•l'IIC-1'
wry thin sliceso"'.dpot dryv.4th pooe· ta.-.els. 2.S•CV•lE"IGi - = .ECE:, c - o ==::J
- P~t 2 to:iiespoo":S wgeto:.-: oilJ'I o V.'O! or slu!.etf-ying • 1 sc:~L O'IIS ($~'\ I'll~ ON O'IISL
pen) overmediumneat, odcitne tofu slices,and po"-fty for c - o ==EJ
32 minutes un~ gode'l ~Tl. Removefromwoko"'.dcut • •~CU"' ·~ OZilO ~. J ~ ED:.::::<
the slices Jrto Y~inc.n/3 mm-th:n s:rips. FU'll~US. SQ!(:'0 i'\I w:·n . iO
- Using::neoil o_reodyin the ...,o<aver nigh neat, stir-fry ti!: S.OF.f 'II, STEWSO:SC!\OEJ. !'110 C! "'S
g·...gero-d scallions(spdngOt"'ions) fo, 1-2 minu:-est.nti CUT 1'1110~ 'II! $.i'( ~s
:·ogront.Ada tne por<oncls:ir-fryfo· 3-L minutes v.nt" • 1 C!.YEN'II! Pt==f~S. SE!JEO !.NJ CUT
cookedth--ougn. 'IITO : 'IIE s·11;=s
- ,6dd the foed onc:I..r.friedto'u st'i~, bock fur,gus,coyen~ • •,cu ~ :i; OZ ·150 G, S~ICEOS,!VSOO
pep:,ers,ocd bamboos-roots.Sorinluett"<:,...,;n e, me'l cod S-IOOiS, O,'\."'IIEJ
the c.nic(e:lbroth (s-.ock),do·( Sctf sauce,o-r.osch o:-r.d • I J!3lES=ooN '\,CE ''lo',E
s:iwe. , 1 r:3us=o0Ns. c-1 cKE-.. 3Ror-i
- Mixtne co·nstc·chwr.n 1tab 1:1:oonwcte· in o sTlOI'XI.,. :sTo:::1:. =.1.,0::n
o".ds::irthis ~ e in:otheWO(.Bc'~too bot stirring, , 1 J::!_s=oo~ O!'l;I( sov s,r.u:::::
:o. o:o..i 30 seco"'.dsto thiC(entee sa-..xe.S:irJ'I me • ·~ JE:s~oo'II s:n
se<..ome oil and wMe pep:,er.Trons:ertoo serving plate • ·~~PS.POON S.f):1,1: 0 l
o".dservevrth rice. , ~. TE!)POON G~OUNJ \\ -1 ·t "'PPH
• )}E!l,1f0 '!;,CE =:~f 5.dC: TO s:~v:

i\!G ON: au:i:i-1 ,sr vE~::r:.'( :."
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUiES
S!'(VES: 2

• 1\ OZ· ;5 0 ""! SE"VEJ S\\EE. - Coverthe mustard heortSwithcod water and sock f()('
MUSt:'\O -lf!."-S 5 .T'W'lut
es. ii"'Seunder cod -..nningv.~. SqueezeOU'!
• I t:5l:S"00"1 :l:\l.NU.!HJ SU:l!\ excesswater.""."(,-, me mus:ard heorts,then chop endpu;:
• •; PS.ES"OO'I sn:.ox NG 'N''I! mem i"too oo,,.Mix.nthe sugar,,...,;n e, o"lOg·~e· juice
• •, PS.ES"OO'I G NG! " JU1:E o,cl s:ir 'n tne oil.
• 2 l!.5 L!S"00NS \'!GEP.S~E 0 - _inethe insic!eof o 2•cup (J] .f oz/ 500•ml) heatproofbowl
• 1 "ECES SfV ·0'( :o 1o=u (,:.5ou· witnthe tofus ces.Addt -r.echo:-OEO mus:ordneorts ono
:2 s · 01:.., fl.CH CUT ~iO smoo:hout their s..irfoce.Sealme oo,.with aluminumfoi.
1i SL CES - j.oce the ~•I ·'.lo coloos:_Ole pot o· boTooosteomer CNer
• S}E:.y;:o "1;1:: "'!:lE 5.dC TO SE'WE o po: o: boili-r_gwo:er.S:eo-n,,covered,for10mi.,•.rtes.
- ~emove onc:Ioroint-r.eso;xe to o"'OtherDO\t.~. Coverthe
OO'NI of tofu and mustarohearts .....-'tho:late ond uiog
d:n ta.-.els,~ ert me tofu veg-=tooles on:o o se-ving
pate (Al- .ercof•,-e'y,u:;:
e tongs to trons:er tf"':conte.,ts).
Pourthe sauce on too o: tr>':to'u and se-vewitnr'ce.

i\!G.ON: 3E Jl'II~ ~ i§iiil ~

P:\!P!.:\!· ,oN i ME 10 y; NUTES
COO( l'II~. M!: 15 'fl 'IIUiES DEEP- FRI ED TO FU
S!i\VES: 4

• I ~5 i oz ..sooG ~ '('fl ro=u . .J "! N!O • O.i t-r.eto'i.Jleng:nw·se ·ntotwo, tf"':'.lcrosswise into
• I sc:.. L 0'11 :SP" NG O'IIION). ~ 'l!~Y l'-incn/S. mm-thickp·eces. j.oce the tofu on o plate one
: - 0 ""! 0 spr'"'.f:l
e >iteas :icon cnoppedsec ons {springonions),
• I f::!.S"OON f N!lY C-1:"'PO G NG!'\ >iteospooocnoppedginger,and l 1=eo:s:ioon wi-r.e.
• 2 Tf'S"OONS S- !OX NG 'Ni'I! - ;ea;: me vegetoole oil·no wokor o-:eproucepo.n::o300°F/
, 3 :u"s :2s =. oz11sc M~, IS()QC , or 4..ntilo cu::,eof :,readj'O'N"'S ·n 1nmi.,•.rtes.
VE:lEP.6.t O. 0-eogetr>':tofu w'tn flou•,then dip it into tr>':~en
• l ·:.s .!S"'OONS !.L~·"U" " OSE egg.Core~ O'Ner the tofu htoth e ci o"'.ddeeo-fry:0(
" t :. 'II =1ou 1t 2-3 m·.,.;rtesIJ"'tilgolden Of'O'Nn. U<..e o slotteo spoonto
• 2 f~OS; O! :.n'I carefullyremovethe ::o:, me oiland dro·.lon ooper
• s::.'1- , :u " :! =1 O!!ICC y;~, to.-.-e_s. T-imoffcny looseeggstro"l0$.
: - ,:< ::'I EHOi-1 s·o:<. "·=<H 90 ) - j out most dt-r.e oi, -:ovingabout 2 toblesooons·n
• I if!.S"OON S!.f ::newok.Addthe ·emMing sec ons ono g··o-r.ostJ.fry
• I J:!S"OON S!S!\lf or~ overmedium-h·gnheo;:for 1m·.,_,teunt frogrorrt.Addt-r.e
• S}E:.y;:o "1;1:: "'!:lE 5.dC, 10 SE'WE cnic.<e'.l broth (s:ock),sol-.,reTJOining wine,o.r,c:Io-:ep-fr'ed
tofu and oringtoo boi . Stit•fryoverT@dA-m•,ow heo! u"til
me liquidhos COt"Tolete!yevoX1ta:eo.
• Gentlys::Ir·'.l::nesesaTe oilo.ncltro-rsfertoo serving:.ate.

m*-r~ ~!G 0'1: J :'IIGSU
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 i,VE: lO y; Nu·n


Thisis o of Yongzhou.nthe Jio-igs.

.. P'OV~e • i :n·S·U·JCGI '\\ -IOL! C-110: EN
o"'.dwcsone cf TtOnyd:sness.erveo to the Emperor • ~ 0Zt5 G :l '11:lE\ !.SOUT 'V'IIC -1,'
Qio"'ong ;n the GingDfnostyduringone of nissou-.n l·CW·lENG T-1:- EC!), S. IC:'O
Cniootours. • I~ "f!SF'O ONS S.t Lf
• ~ OZl20 G Jl'II-IU: OR SM,T- F E~D
~ Bi.-r.g
8' (68Aoz/2 lters) ,..,atertoo 00 in o arge - :M
souceoon,odd tr>':cf,;,ckenand ginge· s.iices,cover, and • ; SEMl·O,\ E:l ro=u. F WWE:l o: ·n:
re:vn too Doi over :ligh""'=Ct.Turnoff me hem o"lOlet tne - :'l;O 5( N ! 'IJ Sl CD l'IITOT-1 'II'1 steeo ·.\ me ho:'.-.oter,CO'le-ed,for 30 .T'W'lvt
es. Silt=-
Usetongs to removethe c.nic..<en and et it cool. , Ii r:: .s=-
ooNs:s: vEor~
~ T-ons:erthe ch·d:.entoo a.iting board, OOLJ:facing
da~o"lO useo snorpk.."''fetoo,;touttt"<:c"'·cken
lreosts. Te,orthe :irec:sts·.,to fine st• set aside.
~ the ·emoi'lclero: tN' ch·ckesnto the souceoon.
Sting t-reoon of chic.(enoncibroth (s:oo: ) too boil
o,cl cook,uncovered,for 2 nourscNe·lowhem,
or un':ilooovt 3 cups (25; oz/750 ml) chi~ bro:h
~ Useo lade to Him ov,.,ayt~ oi the surface ot tf,..,
b--oth,remove fro,-,me heo-.,tf"':'1pour tf"'?oroth into
o Ci"":eseclo:n (musrn)-li-r.eds:e-.-e{stra:ne·) set aw o
be,.., . Rese.rvefor ote1use.
- Meonwhe. soakme ho,-, in coldwe:~· fot 30minuies.,
then~ ,anddro·...,.Sookti!: ton..i;'lo oow wi-..n2 cu-os
(16; oz/475 :nl) v.'Oterand 1t-ec:::,oon sot for 30 mh.rt:es.
- Piece tne ho,-, in o collopsb-:,oo:o· boTooo s:-eame·
ove·a oot of ooilingwote1.Steo-n,covered,for 5 minu:~s.
ReTlO\'em e ho"llo"lOsliceinto\<e-ythinstrios.
- Piece tne tofu 'no SOi..cepo ~ cod freshv.'Oterto cover,
o"'.dx;ng too Xii 'o·2 minu:es.OrOJI.
- Bi.-r.g3cu~ {25 floz/750 :nl) reser\<eOc.nic.(e'1 b-o:h
(stock}toa :o il'n o dean soucepon,cdd the sh·edaeo
cnic.(e:'londho"!'\,onclcook over mediumneat for
5 m:nutes. Stir;,. the tofu o.nds·cr~ · :o. 5 m·':5,
thenoddthe seKJme too setrg bow
o,d serve.

i\!G ON: J !.'"\l:";SU ~ f f) ~ ~
P:\!P!.:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUT:S
S!'WES: 4
i!:!! =::;E 519 A ND CRAB RO E

• S )!..LEO DUCK EG:";S - j.oce the sa'ted o..o: eggs .rl o co apsible:lOtor ~mxio
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E O l steoTe·cver o :lOtof 00 cg woter.Steam,co-.-e·ed,:o.
• 1 OZISO G G NG!i\ ::sour}· 'II::-;, 5 .rw'lutes.Corefulfyremoveo.ndcool.
i.S·CW·lENGT - :, :::E • cn:'""'E:l - Jsco·di:he egg,,.,,les. j..,..i &e eggyo<Sino 'X/h o"lO
' •1,::,,:.;or. G:\!.TEO crusnwiththe :ioc..< of o fork.Se:os·oe.
• I TE!.S"OON S!.~T - ;ea;: me oil;,. a V.'Ok.ora.rgeskh: f-ying pon}.Add
• I El.S"OON Gi'tl"IIUlrE:l suG:'( me g·¥·cno carrot o,cl s::ir-fryow1 Ted'1..m heat for
• I ·e::.s" OON !H!~J !."lj:"j C'I 5:1s:.v:: 1minuteu"til·o mree-quorters of the scl-.ed
V NE;;:\ egg yolksand 4 tobespoons water, :,ringtoo boilO"'.o
• 1 TOFU,.J=::. N!O !.NJ CUT ,,ro seasonwi:hsdt. s-,.;gor, onovinegor.Addthe toh., stit
1·1'11::-;.·).S·CW"ECE S gerdy, ono coo<f~ 30 seconds.
• 2 Tf.'S"OONS CO'INSTH;:;-; - Mixthe corns:arcn (com'lour}wr'.n2 tablespoonswater
:::OR'll =LOUR) in o s 'TJO,I 'X/h ono stit mis mixti..Je
in:othe ...,o<.:iring
, :s·:o .:s=ooNs ::\:s vf:r :"'o to a boil,sf·ring, forabou;:30 secondstot"l·cken tl-e
TQM!..lfY scuce.Trons:ertoo serving'Xlh.
• iii i!.5L!S=ooNS ::::.3 ";OE • A/J/d2tcoes~nswoter totnewo<, bringtoo boil,and
• CHO!"PE:l <,.n,no :::oR :'lloB: ono me re-noining
st:r i;\ tri: croo .rect and tome....!?/
!.'110sc:.~L O'IIS :s "'l l'll~ON O'IIS). sclted egg yolks.Dishout end put o~too o:the to'u. f.n:sn
TQ:";H'\IIS - (O"'TQ'II!.. witn o sorin<ling of crab roe,cilantro(corio,cle--), o"'.d
sea.lions(spri.cgo ..~s), i: uS:ng.

i\!G ON: !N-tU

P:\!P!.:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUT:S.
* 1i tt!~ ~
COO(l'II~. '1! 2 ._.NUES

• \CU"' (2 OVSO G) Sl.LHJ C- 1~ESE - Soc.(the Q-.ine;:e toono shoo:s ino 'X/h of coldwater,
100'11!. SriOOTS, " NSD covered,for 15m·.,.,ies.
, 1 r:st:S"'OO"I s:s:.1o1: =:sn - :iringo .orgesouceoonof water too ooil.cod the ::oo"'.O,
•9 oui~c;;:" "I rc=v, o~.:..
•u:il-"iD a ".clb o.nch30s.econds.)ro ·'.l one ri"'SeV".dercoid '\.nnin9
::uT i'\1-o '1• '11::-i,'l•CW ::u5ES wo:e·. =inelychopa ,cl set csic:le.
• I El.5"00N s:s:.vf O. - ~i t"'e sescme :iosteintoo 'X/h o"lOstir in 1teo:sooon
• •~TE!S"OO'II S.'li wa:e·.
• SJE:1,1:0 "1;1::::
=:~E S.dC.10 Sf";\'f - .ri a se-vi-r.g
combinethe to'u, toono,sesame :ioste,
sesame oil,and salt. Mixand ser\<een roo,-,tem:,e·ature
witn rice.


. ..

•· •

• •
. ...
•r ...
• ' . '" , . ••
• ---· ·--- - !

i\!G ON: Sri!i.NJONG t'Y~ ffl.;ft_
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUiE5
COO( l'II~. M!: 15 'fl 'IIUiES TO FU tv1ASH
S!'WES: 4

• 4 "!6 .ESPOO'IIS \if;jfi.!5L! Oil - ;eat 2 'M?ka .c119e

, n oz,300o so=· 1o=u.J 't~ N!O (fryingoon) overmeoJ'ium lowheat. oo::Ithe mashedtofu,
!'110 y;:s -HJ ono stir-fry:or 3 m:n.--testo rema1e T'°5t of the moisture.
• n i!S L!S"OONS J't !O 5-l't. y;:- Remove :-omtl'..ewokand set oside.¼~petl'..ewokwim
SC•!(EJ '11'l, !"f't U~i ~ SO=t,
1 po;ierto-.-.els.
O't: 'll!J. =ND C-IOPPlO - Add1tob'.esooooW9=tableoilond stic-frythe driE<:Ishrrr:o
• I OZ:25 G "'1'!5!'\VD 'l'IU5·:, J overmedium-~ heat fo· 1min.--teuntilaromatic.Add
31'!E'll5 ""I MM!J. i\ NSEJ, :>;;O me tn...'=:ardgreens ondl tcble:XlOO,...,:n e,men tit -fry
: - 0""'!0 :oronothe12-3 minu:esurd most ot the hos
• 2 t:S L!S"OONS S- :ox NG 'N 'II! e\'Oporc-.ed. =wma1efro,-.thew0< and dMd.> the snrimo-
• ., SC! ~L 01'11(S'"'I; 'IIG 0'110'II :, onc-mustc,:1greens -nixtureinto2 por.:b"'S.
: - 0""'!0 - ;eat the re-TJCi" ·~ l tao espooovegetobleoi in tne wok.
• •~lE£5"00'11 C-IO"'PlO ;j l'll;jf" odothe scolion (soringonion)endginger, and stir-f'Ya1er
, ~. "f!SPO O'II S! ~i high neo;: :or1 mi" tofu porte,
• 1 t:5 L!S"00NS C-1 Clr:E"I51\0i - 1oortio.'lof tl'..e:rus:orogreens mixtu'e,=--stin the reT.i.,·-..g
:stOC< pi.o: 9:l l 1tciesooo:-l'...,·-r.e,
salt, and d-lick.
en :,:ocn {stock.},onclthen
• 1 C-l l'llfSE L!E<S. CUf 'IITO stir n the leeks.
1 • NCri 4-Cy; 1..E'll3i-lS - MixtN' cornstarch{comflo...I ) w'th ii tooespoon wo-.erin o
• •~iE!5"00'11 CO'tNSi!~C-1 smallbcwlone!stir ~r e in-:ome wok..Beingtoo ooa,
::O:\'ll =LOU:\) stir'ing,foroboU!30secondsto thic..<en the saxe.
• I l:!S"'OON S!S!\lf or~ - )ride a.-erthe sesame oiand tronsfe-·toseNingoobte .
• S}E:y;:o "1;1C! =:;jE S.dC , 10 SE'WE Topwiththe snrimpo-r.omusto..:o greens.Ser\<e wi-,.nrice.

i\!G ON: 3U.!.NGJONG ,ti~ ~ ffl,

P:\!P!:\!" ION i 'l'IE:5 'fl 'IIUT:S.
"'LUS 1:1y; NUTESSQ!( '113i WE TO FU WIT H
COO( l'II~. M! 1:1'-' NUHS

• I ~5; OZ.-500 G ~ ''fl ro=u. .J "! N!O - Soc.(the tofu in 2 a.os (16'I oz/475 ml)water, odd}t,
!'110 CUT MO\· Ncn:J•CM CUS!S o,cl set csic:le:<Y tO~lit es. )ro·o tne tofu.
• I TE!S"'OON S!.~t - -o make tf°":s:lced sa}t, hem me soh in o dry souce:,on
• 2 Cl,,"$ ,· ; =1.OZ:4i$ M~, over meoJ'ium neat for2 .rw'lutes, then te"TlO\'ethe
VE3EP.6~t O l mixin ti-...remoin''"'-9
m e heo--,., spicE<:1
salt ·"'.9red'i
ents, and
• 4 "!6 ~ESPOO'IIS ! l· "'U't"'OSE (P.__
£ N: set oSA:le.
=~Ol.." - ;ea;: me oil;,. o V.'Okoro.rgeskh: f-ying pon} to about
• 1 SC: ll 0"115(S=>t.'11
3. ON 0'115), 26St=tJJzyC, )ust t~ ton.. o..oeswi:hthe fo...r,then
: - 0 ""'! 0 deeo-fry"orabout 2- 3 .n'.nutes 1..ntilorown.
- =>
o..irout most dt-r.e oil, eoving1tobespoon in the wok..
Add tN sco"oos (springonio"& } and gorl"conc:Is:ir-fry
=01t i-1! SP C!J Sl.Ll: over meoJ'ium neat for1 minute untilftog·o.nt.J.JJdthe :'½o
• I if!S"'OON S!3 tofu. t05s to mixit with me ot~· ing·ecf~nts,then rrix ·.\
• •, fE:)"00'11 ~,VE·SP .C! "'0'1,0E't 1teos:,oonot tne soicedsalt. Trons:ertoo serving:>ate.
• I l:!S"'OON S-i!.J :'ll;j. "'0'1,0E't
• •, fE:)"00'11 C-llll POWJE'\

m;tsYi@ •u~ ON: Sn.tNG-1!
"'i\!"'!i\!·10N T ME l~ "''"llJES
TOFU RO LL IN :::OO(l'\I~. \1! 15 "11'\IUTES
S!'WES: 4

~ Ino ctge OONI. combine4~ a.os (3! f oz/1 !:ter) water • I i::!.5"00~ 5£Kl'II:; SQO!
o"'.dthe bc.(ingsocio(oicaroonote o: soda). Adome tofu t5 C!"50N!iE OF SQO!l
sheets and SOC.( for 15/'ninutes t.nti: ::nesn~ts become , 4 TO: u sn:ta
o~ o!!•whi"::-:co0t. iinse thorougnty·n\\'Oter. • ; OZ ·n~ 3 'II!"! C!63! .G!, L! ! ,y'fS
~Bongo lo·ge saucepano:\\'Otertoo boi overnighneat, S! "H!iE O
cad the cabboge, o"'.db o.nch:o. 3 .nn.rtes. Usingo slot:eo • I 5-UNCHC - :NESE~EE<S
Spocl(\ tro"'\Sfe·tr>':ccobogetoo coonder and rinse under • 9 OZ 'i5~ 3 G'!.OU'll:l (V "ICEJ: " 0 " <
cold runningwcr.e1. Squeezeme wo:er fromt ~ co:.ooge • j oz ·so G UNCOOll:EOS-1'!.Y."

o"'.dchop. tP~!W'IIS), S- H~EJ, .JEV! ND, !"IJ

~ Rebo tt,.., •1,ot
er ;nthe pona.-e·hig.'-lhea;:.U.i tee -:oves CO.!'!.SE.YC-IOP"lO
:,om the C,,.neseeeks,odd to tr>':woter,end leave for • •~lE£5"00'11 S£li
IS seconds. un~ so~ened. Using o s otted spoon, ·ema.•e • •~if£5"00'11 3'!..'NU.!f!O SU3 !"
the leaves ·'y. • I i::!5"00"1 l :;nr SOYS.'UCE
~ Weencoo enou9"1toho"'.dle, rut eoch leaf;nha.f • " NCH o=G'!.OU'll:l 'o\'-1.TE "i"PB.
lengthwise,downthe center and se: aside (theSP- ,,,_,,1 • I i£5lES"00~ CC'!.'1151£'!,C
be used to securethe tofu ·o..s}. tCO" 'll: .ou~
~ Top·e:iare tne filling, combi-rethe :,ork, s;rimp ( :l'C'N"S}, • j CU"S \10 =. OZ,4i5 v.~ C-I ICll:!N

cobbcge,salt, sugo·,SCI'/ sauce,whit,epe-p~t.and 5'!.07n :srocK. "! ;;: i;ic

cornstarch {cor..fb..r) o,cl n)'.,.-.e!I.Ofvidethe n1liog into • SiE!V.EO '!. CE "£;jf S.dC: TO S! "V!
16equo portio"'S.
- 0.,. eoc.ntofu S"'%t in:o a-,.;orters. Pu!oneoortion of Kling
o ong~ ~ogeof o tofu sheet, rollnol:..-.oy, tuo::.nthe
ends,teen COt"'tinue to roll. Woeot\\ith me remaining
tofuwro~ond filling. Tieeochtoh. ro withe piece
o: ti!: rese~ leekleo:.
- Bongthe chio::en~otn {stocx)too boil·n a souce:,on,
cad the tofu -ol~-educeto lowhem, cover,and s.·.mrner
:o. 10.T'W'lutes.- ransferthe tofu 'Ou.Sendchicke"tbroh
toosho!IO'N'X/h oncise--vewitnr'ce.

l\!G.ON: f! ,_,,:.N
?i\!?!.,i'{!·,oN T WE: ;o M 'IIU.ES
C00<I'11:;;. M! 15 W 'IIUTES
~ =.,;jf 52:!

, 1 r:sL:s=oo~ n-1 E s:s:1o1: sEE:is - -oost the sesame seeds in o s-noll:,on c,.•e·mediu~ hem
, 1 :i::: :o r::- • u sic, ::.sour o,cl sho<eoccosionofyfor 3-5 m·nu::esor ontil 900-e'l
2~ NCH!S.•50 CM; so•T 1HJ ira ...-... Set aside.
.:.:co=::0I'11:;;ro :-:: <:.o: - :old the tofu s<in:ntoo quod-o~tand ti.-n me sides
l'IIST:::U:T 0'115 to createl. square :feces.
• 1 CU"S {I l3." .!5C :l, :-: :(!JS " ,.:.:-1 - 3ringo i0r9esouceoon of watertoo ooilc,.•e·h'gn hem,
lP\'ES OR !'IY OT- E't lf! <'f cod the spi~cch,one bone 'l for 30 seco"'.ds.Jroin and
VE:lET!.6.t r·"\Seunder cold n.nningwo:er.Use yo.r ho,els to sa,:eeze
• !. 01' 0 a_.:.:(WUS- i\OOWS. out excess TOSture.Coor~)' chop t "\e eaves.
SC•!(fJ 'II ,,,:. -fit u,T l SO<i, s·t 1o1s - :or the f.tng, corr:,·ne ::nespinoch,mushroo-r,s,carrots
OISCH;Of:l. £'110:::. :-5 < 'IIE~YS.IC!O (i: ;,.si'lg),oorciri pc..,oer,sesaTe ~eds, s0;t, o"'.dsesame
• !. ·:.o .ESF'OO'IISS-l'tOJ!J ::. : :::or oil ·no baNI.DM:leme fi!!i"9into 4 ~uol portions.
:0 :-110,:_ - 3rushSOt"Te eggO"too p·ece of tofu Hin, piece tno:fi!!ing
, 1 r:sus=oo.,. =0::::1" Mus1-1:::001o1 o o-r.gO""=eog=of the · skin,tucki-r_g in
=0·110E\ me edges, then f=.ri:sn ro.,;;g it ;,.o.
• \ TE!S"OO'II S.'li - ;e<ntne vegetoole oil ·no lo·ge s.,:ile: (fryingoon), odd
• •, fE:5"00'11 SES!WEO l me ~e:o.ole rolls,and orownon both sides over TedA-m-
• I !GG. 3E' TEN low "'eot forl.-6 minutes,then ·ema.<efromthe oon and
• I i£5L:s=oo~ \if;jfi,!5L! 0 l d·oin oo paoe· ta.-.els.Cut eoch roll·nto 5 :feces ~fore
• C _.=.,r=to ::ci\ !'\IOE:, ·o G!'tN S-1 servi-r_g. Go"Mnwim cilantro (corionaer}, if us'ng.

i\!G ON: J !'"lj;j)U ~'f ~

?:\!?!.F{qON T WE: iO M 'IU . ES
:,LUS }0 VINUT:S so.:.<I'11::;i ME YA N GZH OU TO FU
COO(l'II:;;. '1! 5 Ml'IIUTES
S!'tV!S: !.·o SALAD

• 2 Yl'l;jZ - OU s::v ·J't :o · o • u • E::s - ~inseme tofu ond tri~o!I t""=s·~s to reTlO\'eme
1 u:s:-oo" s.,n hordene-::i sU'\.Slicethe to'u in:o 1/1.--inch/2
• 1 J:5L!S"00NS ~I:l-li SOYs.:.u::E slices,t ""=nogo·,nto ma.(e '/~-inch/2-mmt ckk stt'os.
• I f:5L!FOO"i ; - !"'IJ :..~~ C:t • Soa.(the tofu str':)S in 2 cups (16; oz/£75ml),.,.'Oter,
5:15.:.v: V 'l!G!'\ ood the salt. ond se: aside for 30m·.,.,ies.Tro"\Sfe·
• I T!:..s=-ooN Gi\!'IUlrO SUG£'t too coonc:lerto d·ain .
• i f:5L!S"00NS SES.'ME0 - Combinethe soy sauce,vinego·, sugar, a:-r.dsesame oi
• ·~ 0:::.,10:;;:;; '113EO:: .:.sou·\· 'll:-1. in o 'XI.,. to maJ:eo so-..xe.
2•CV•L!NUT - • .ECE).S- 1\!00D - 3ring2 o..os (l6fl crz./475:nl) watertoo bo . Pour tl"e
• I 5:-:- G C ,...:.'IIP:O ::c=t !'10!:- boilingwater 0ter tf.etofu in tr,..,coloncler._etdroin.
: - o :-=-:o - ~it""= tofu into o baNI,ti-'l!ntoow=tht""=SOi..Ce, g·-..ger,
o"'.dcilantro (corioccw).

i\!GON: -1.=.<1:.:. Jr-;I!l ~~
P:\!P,:.:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUE
=LuS } HO U'l;S SQ!.)( NG i M! HA KKA -S TYLE
COO(l'II~. '1! 2:J \1 NUHS

• ·~cu = :3't OZilOO ~: J ,. ED SOY5!£'11S - Soc.(the soybeonsin a 00'/\A o: cod wcr.erfor 3 nours.
• I CU,. :a ' l OZiiSJ VL 0-ain.
VE~EP.5.t O ~ - ;ea;: ::neoil;,. o V.'Okora.rgeskh: f-ying pon}to 300°F/
• I O!>}J G s:.iEO < S- IS()QC,or ontil o cu:ie of ~eocl :iraN""s·n 1nmi""l..rtes.
• '.' OZl2:JJ:; G\OU'\10 (Iii "ICD) ,.0 ~( Add tt"<:soybeansand deep-::')'fot ~4 minutes un:ilcrispy.
• 3 SC.'L~IONS (SP:\ NG 0'110NS) STE\1S Useo slorteds:,oon sa,loeons
0'11.Y, C - O ""! J the oiland drain on :,o~r towe_s,Pou·out m05'!
• I .5 i OZ,500 G • '1;1'1ro•u. J ,.! N!O o: t't"<: oilf"Omme wok,1eovngo :,out 2 tob espoons.
• j CU"S {le, F. OZ ·4;5 M~J :::-1,C(!N Set o:sx:le.
5'1;0.H :sTO:::i::. .o: n
:,.:. - j.oce the so ted fa"1in o collopsibeoot or :,omboosteoTer
• j SP.($ CH N!S:: LEE(S, cu · 'll·o overo pot of ooilingwater. Steam, covered,for 3 minu:-es.
2':· NC -1.'0•CW ~E',Gi-lS .:..NJ SiE"IS Cc:enAy·ema,•eand coo b-ie-iy.Whencool e~h to
:.,_.=.rt'IIE:S ho.rdle,toke cEt~ s<inand removed: me bones. tf"':
• I TE.:.s,.OON s.:..• r soltecl-ishfles:"1 into o large oov.~o"'.dcombiee•1,"ihtee
• :, NCH 0' G'l;OU'll:l 'Ii-I ·t :,UPE'I; po.·(and sca!!iO<"'s {~~ingonions).S:irwi':hchops:ic.<sin
• s1E:1o1:o "1;1::::=:~E S.dC TO SE~\'E onedirectionunt tr>':fillingmixture:,ecomesgu-r:Tl'Y,
• O..itee to'i.Jin:o 8 rectangularp·eces.Use o sooon to
hoaNoutpoiofeocn~ceana'il w'tntt"<:pork'I ...g.
- ;e<ntne oil .nthe wokovermedium--ect.odd tr>':tofu,
mem-s·&, down,o.rd :,on-fryfo· 2 T.:rnn-es...ntilgolden
b-'a...-... Set osx:le.
- ;e<no )u:c:1oven (cassero e}, put intne chick.e:1 broh
(stock},Chinesele-e< , salt, o"lOwhi:e pepperand oring
too boil.
- Mo the :-ied ton..a.."'.d soybeans,·educeto low ""leOtand
simmer,coo.-ered, for ISminutes.Se-vewitn rice.

~,~!1 ~ "!G 0'1: - ESE
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU .E S.
VIC EROY " lUS 15 "11'\IUTESSO.LJC"IG . \1!
COOK ~GT WE: IC \1 Nu ·n
TO FU SE'Wfi !.

U rLogZhong.o hig'lofficiol •otne Qing )rtlsty. wcs • i O'I EJ sc:..L~O"

tN' vice·oy of ;ebei. Aso :oco connoisseV'.",
LiV.'OS very • i ·:. .5.ESPOONS " ~USI JE!S"OO'II tofi. d:Shwas one of nis:ovorites. COR'\ISTH;C-; CO'IN' lOUit)
• 1 ·:. .5.ESPOONS :..L~·"U'l"OSE t"L!. "1)
- Soc.(the ~ied scallopin:.;. c..n (2 floz/SOml) wa:er for F.,_Ql,I\
15minute$.Ora:nthe sco...opo.ndtear it J'lto • ~ oz:tso :;j. ~" "'TOFU, CUT 'IITO
Strain tr>':•1,oter througn o fine s:roiner (sieve) o,cl reserve. '.-l'IIC-i:2•CV CUSES
- Mix2 tobl~soOO<"'scomsto·ch t-r.eflour,
(,...--=th • i CU" (8 :-L OZi'lSC ~~
tt°":'ltossthe tofu cu:ies·.\ me mixturetoli3,h:}ycoot. VE~E-:..5.E O L
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-okor arge sk1-:t f-yingpo,} over . ... oz;s G ~ 'll~E\ !S OUT ·~- 'IIC-i
me-d'ium-hign heO!.Adotne tofu cubes o"'.ddeeo-fryfor l·CW·lENGi -i :- EC! , C - O""EJ
£ minutes, or U""tilgolden o,ov,:n.)rain tne to'u ono • 1 ClOV!S ~!"~,C C-iO""lO
transl!:··too se-vingplate. • ~ ozno G P.C(lfO C-i 1~Es.C-i0""!0
- ja...rout most d tl"':ol eoving obo.rt 2 toblesooo"'Sin the • i O::SC ~ ~\OU'IIO 1v "ICE:l: "OitK
V.'Ot.kd the g·~er,go·ic, o,cl pc~ cl- esond sti•.:-y • i ·!s .::s =o oN c- 1 s.r.uc::
ever medii..m-highheat for 1minuteuntil frog·ont.Ao:1 • I -!fdS"O ON R CE w N!
tN' grouno (minced) po-'<and s:ir-fry:o·2 minu:es,or • ~ JE!S"OO'II S.'ll
un:ilthe po·( is fullyCOO(ed. Stirhtne cl- sauce,V1;·ne, • i ·t:.SPO O'II G"!'IIUL!..TEOSUG.'~
salt, sugor~soysOi..ce, and t-resco!loosockingwcte1and • i ·!s .::s =o oN Lo -;· SOY$!.UCE
bri"'-9too boil. • 1 ·psPO O'II s - ~ WP ,oE
- S::r·.\ me shrim:iroeo.r,c:Iscallopstrands.Mix1teaspoon • I ~-'L~IO'II :S"\ l'\I~ ON 0'11
COl"nstc-ch ) \,-:'tn1tablesPOOn
(corn"IOUI" ...,cter,tne:'l stir C-i0""!0
th:smixture,.,tot-re wok.Stingto tt"<:ooil.stirring,for • SE!MEJ R CE IP!..G! '.:.!0), TO SE'lv'E
cbo.rt 30seconos totnk<en t~ sc:-,..ce. Adotne scaJ"on
{sjj'ing onion),toss well,then oour the sc:-xec,w me tofu
on the :.ate . Serve'1,°'thrice.

i\!G ON: ! N-t U
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: l~ y;NUTES.P-.US
l HOU.'\ i\:f "' &!:\'- ,ON . M! ZH U HON GW U
COO( l'll::3.. M! I~ v NUHS
s:;;v,'11~= o TOFU
E'.:!i"'!3f 52"

• 3·, o: 11co::3.UNCOOKEJ SH"' l>'P Thisd:S'lV.'OS na.meoofter ZhuYuonmong(132~1~),

'"'t' W'IISj. 5- ElL!J !'110 J!V! ND o monktT.rnedfounderand eT:,e·or of the MingDynasty.
• 3'~ O: ICO ::3.:HOU'\10 :y;NCEO =-o:\( Legenohos rt that Zhuwas o :,eggerv.+.e'lhe v.'Osyoung
• I TE!S"'OON S!.~J o,cl o km -neoned restau·ontcv,:nerused to cffer .,~
• 2 J!5 L!s=-ooNS CO'\NST!:\:-1 tofu to sa::':sfy
his .,..nger.W'"":'l Zhubeco.rr,eemoeror,
:co:\'11: LOU :\) he freq..e.,tfyoS&:e-:1n:spo oce cooksto mok.ethis dsn.
• \ ·t!SPO O'II G~OUNJ \\-1 H "'P"'E't
• 9 0Zi15C:;: 'tM TOFU, 0'(! 'IID - ~oilthe sh·:mp in o Cieo'ldishtaNeland ·e:i:Je•atefo·
• 4 E&3 'II H TES l hou·.
, s cu=-s :2s =. o:, 1:c M~ - Combinethe pork,¾teosooonso}t, and 2 tob espoons
VE~ET!6.t O. wo:e· ino 'X/h and moc-00:efor15minu:~. Mixin
• sc:"11· cu =-: ?· =t o:,.iccy;~ >$teospoo'lcornstarch(co·r.fa...r)o"'.dset aside.
C- 1: (!"II S'IOT-1 WOC<. =-:~f 90 ) - ~emowthe shr'crofromthe ~n ::aNeland :,oce them on
• I if!.S"'OON S-1!.QXl'll::3.·-11·NE o cutting boo·o.U<...e o '"":Ovycleo-.•er
to "lctt,n o"lOcnop
• I J!5l:5"'00"1 : - E"IJ' !"\13 Cit me shrixj into a paste.¾t the s"'.lrimpooste.ntoo arge
5: 15:v CV 'll!G!'\ OO'NI , ado tne wniteoeope1o.r,c:Ij. teospoo.'lsol-.,ono mix
• I f!5lE5"'00~ ~:\!.NU.!fEJ SU~!'( witnthe po.·(.
• I f!5lE5"'00~ c-10=-=-:o SC!.L~IONS • Usingcho~tb:s, stir the mixture in a s·".91edirectiooun:il
3 ON O'IIS) i;: :,ecomesgluey·n texture.)iv:d., in:o 12poiio "S.
, 1 r:sus=--oo.,. c-10=-=-:o ::3,'ll~E, • O.i tee to'i.Jin:o 24 rectong-.,.,or s ces, meo~ur'-r.g 1>$
• su:y;:o :;;,c: "'-'~E S.dC ·o st;;\'E '/., ·~h es/4 ,.-2,i: 0.1 cm. =-.ace12j'eces on o lo:-ge plate
o,cl s1reodone :>Ortionof me pos:e E-\-e.,ty on eocn p·ece.
Topeochtofl. p·ecewi:ho.notl"':·tofu j'ece to formo tofu
sana,.·ch. Se: osic!e.
- 3eat ti-': eggW"''tesino smo bowlontil "luffy,odd
>$toole::oooncorns:orcn,o.ndJnXto :o·m O'lE-39 oarter.
- ;ea;: me oil;,. o wok.orC!*psc:-xepo'lto 300CF/15()QC, or
untilo cu~ o: bread orov,:ns·o Uiminu:es. Dipeochtofu
sana,.·ch .ntotne -=93:iotte1,one en o t·-re, ono carefo!ly
poce ·'l tne ho: oil.Oeeo-fry:o.2- 3 /'ninutes t.nti! 'ir:n. Use
o s...otteclspoonto corefulfyteT'O\'ethe,.·chfrom
m e oil.enddro·non papertaNels.
- ~eneott ce oi to o6out3L!Y'=/170°C, <Y un:ilo C\.oeo1
lreoo b--O'N"'S in45 seconds.CorefulfyO>A<e'tl"':tofl.
sgnd't't·,hes g"9d";";p-fry fo·1-2mim,rt-;s t.ntl90,o;:~1
!Ya"'"'·Useo slorteds:,oonto carenJyremovethe
sana,.·ches 1 ·omi:he oiland drainon :,apertov,.•e,_s, Pou·
out the oi fromtf"':wok.ono save't
- j o..t the chic.(enoro:n (stock.)in:o tf"':WO( and oringto
o boilover wine,vinegar,s-,.;gor , ono tri:
remo·niog'f, teo:;:,oon sot. Reduceto lowhecn,:,..i inthe
tofu ~·id-es, and bringtoo boil.Mixtne remoin'"'.9
1teos:,ooncornstorch•..,""th 1tablesooonwater·'lo small
OO'NI and sti· inthS mixture.3ringtoo boil.stir·;ng,for
o:o-..i30 seco"'.ds,tot .,·ck.E-n the sauce.Tro"'Sfe·ti!: to'iJ
sana,.·ches o"'.dsauce too olo:e. Servewitnr'ce.

• '" t
••• .,


\ t

:i ~-~-~~- J('·'

i\!G ON: SHU'IIOE ~ ~ t'.J;
~ ~,,,
P,\!P!i\qON T VE: 10 Ml'IUTH, " .US
lll \1 Nu·t SM!"' 'II!. '11::3.
COO( l'll::3.. M!: IJ v NU TES

• I CZ>lJC 3 U'IICOO<EJ S- i\ W "' - ~ubt"'.es:vimp(orawns)wi-.nii ro:.espooncornstarcn

'"'t' W'IISj. s~ Ell!J :'ljo :i: v : .ND (cornflour},rinse, o"'.d:.end-ywi:h :,apertowe-_s. PI.Jtthe
• I T:5 L!S"00"1 :::CR'IISJ:'\C- shr'To ho OO"Yo ~ o"'.dsptin(lewi:hsdt.A.aNto morinate
::::o,\'11: LOU,\ ) in tr>':refo9erot0t:Ot 30 minutes.
• I T:5 L!S"00"1 S!.i - 3ring£¼cups (34 floz/1 li e1),.-.ater too Xii in o orge
• ·~ O! il O ::3.:::u11;D -i! V souce:,on.A/Jdthe shr'To o"'.d:.anc.n:o. 2 m·-r_,tesun:il
, SC!-..i· 1 :::u" :- : ~o z.-20J ..,_ dOc"'e.Remo\<e tr>':S"'.d'imptoocolo,de· o"lOd-oin.
Ml.I. - j.oce the ,om on o heotptoofolo:-:ino co lopsibeoot
• 0 E33 'II H TES or bom:oos:eomer ove·oootof boitngwater. Steam,
• 2 J:5 L!S"00NS \'!GET!.S~E O l covered,for 3 minu:-:s.MN t "'.e nomto co01.,cf.oo,ond
• I f£5lES"00~" 'IIE Nu-s set oSA:le.
• su:1o1:o :;;,:::: "'.'3E S.dll ·o SP:\'E - Combinethe remoiining 'f, tabespoo~co<nstc·chand
1table::ooon.n"'k·no 10·9= bowl.~ixwel to formo wet
starch. Sti-inthe ·eT.C:ningtl": milk..
- 3eat tr>':eggW"''tesino smo bowlonti smoo-.n.Strain
m e E-39 W"''testnrougho Me mesn s-.1ainer(sieve) to
removet"'.e foam.Ado::nestrainedeggwhit-:sanclsvimp
toi:he m < ~lixt•.re to mokeo bct:e·.
- ;e<n tne 5.(i e: (fryingpo"l) over me~ •nigh
hea;:to ooovt 3L0°F/170°C, or ;..nti o cu:,e of :,reo:I:itov.•ns
in £5 seco"'.ds.Turnoff the -r.eot.Wai. o:o..i 1mi-r,.Jte for
me oilto coot.ado me shrimj o"lObctte;, pooring 'ts a.-.1.y
into the cente·ott~ oi.
- Whenthem .( jegins to cooguote, t. SP-t"E ooo: of o
spotulo{fisnfry)to ~n the shri:Tjbetter, a!lov,:ng
me mixturetocoogu,ote ~r by a,-e·.Ift"E mixtwe
coagulatestoo slowlyor ho:ssto:.:,eocooguloting
o toget~·. ::u-n::neheot O"ltolow, ono conti."-~ to push
witnthe spatula un:ilol tne mixtureis coog..lo:-:d.Trons:er
me shrixj to a plote one!toow'th tr>':oine "'I.J'ts onclthe

'11~*~ •u:; ON: -IO'I:; (Q'II:;
"',\!"'! ~qQN T ME 5 Iii 'IIUTES
EGG :::OO(l'\I:;. \1! 1:J v "iVES
S!'WES: 4

~Bongo souce~n of V1.'0ter too ooil.odd tee s:vimp • 5 OZ· 15:J :; U'll:::OO<EJ S-iR M"'
blo~h for 1 minu:e. Useo slorted sooo.'l
(p-'C'h"°'iS},cno tPi\!'o\''115),S- H~EJ :ND O!VE "IEO
o"'.dtro"'Sfer them too s:roiner (s·eve) to d·a.1'1.
~inse • 1:s :::u
~s :2,o: ..,so: a: :'II s~:i;own.
cod ru-ming"''Oter. S'E "I ONLY
~ ..6dc:lthe:,eons~ ootstott"<:wo: e· o"lObonch:<Y • 4 f0;j5
15seconds,dro·.lo"'.dr'":! e :rnmedia:e-)'. • ·~:.iutNT,TY (O'\SOZ ·10~0:
~ 8eO'! the eggs in o OO'NI and mix.rl the shr'-r:o,:,eon 5''15!CUE :-o'IK :-!;j! 19.!, CUT
sirouts, and oork..S-:ir'ntn e salt o"lOt i:,eo:;::,oon
oi. 1•HQ T- ,:< Si'I :-5
~ 1-l'~t the ·ema.i'ling£ teosooons o in o sUlet (frying:,on) • ·~ u:5:-oo'II s:n
o"'.dti!. ::ne po'1:.o:-nsideto sia,e.Fb.uin tN' egg .rixtu e, • S TPVOONS VEO!T!3lf or~
o a,.·"'.9it tos:ireoclacrosst-resurface o:the skillet.and • SJE!\1EO 'I CE :-:;jf SdC: TO s:: :-v::
:'YO'.'et medium-:ligh"'eCt for 3-4minutes untiljust done.
Useo spotu!o {fishsrce) to flip overand oon-fry:or
O"'Other}m·~utes, o· un:ilcompe:e)'coo(eO. Se-ve
wi-.n rice.

~ oaH
tiffiX~ e2l g.
c ·= .1 ~ iU;j,QN: -!!((!
=,'(!=.,~: · ,oN . M! IC v "iUTE5
5!1\VES: .!

- MiXtri: tooioco s:arc.n,...-'th

2 tobespoo-rsv.'Oterin o smo , 1 T:3u5:-00N ·:p ,oc: sp:i;: -1 O'\
oo.., let it settle, and tt"<::'l
s.ov,lydrain o•M~fthe•1,oter, co:-'ll5f:\( - 1:::0.'\•FLOU~)
leaving:,e ~ a wet sto-cn. • l EGOS
- Bea;:the e9gs in a.notr"':· smo! bowl.then mixJ'Itne wet • ·~ u:5:-oo'II s:n
s:arc 1, sol:, ono sesame oil. • ·~ ~PSPOON Sfs:1,1: 0 l
- ~t 1ta.ole-s~n vegeto:.-eoil 'n owok or i0r9esktet • l i.'5L!S=ooNS \'EG::r:3u 01~
e-yingOO'l over mediumneot}.kJd the jreSeNed turn.OS • S i.'5L!S=ooNS S'IIE!i :-:-:sH vD
o"'.dchiveso.ndstir-fryover mediumneat for1minute un:il TU'\"I :-5_ '\1'115.:o!"ljJ c - o :-:-:J
:.ogront Ado me t,-,,.rnipand cf.Ve-stotne egg:>ottero.nd • $ OZ;15~~ Ci N!S: ~il\'f$; CUT
mixwe . 'IITO i\•i'IIC -1 ·1·CW ~E'IIOi-15
- ~t the ·emoining2 tobespoot"'Svegetoole oil ·n the sktet • SJE!\1EO 'I CE :-:;jf SdC: TO s:: :-v::
f-ying ,oo,). Pour ·n the egg botte· O"O COO( ove1 .Ted'um
heat for 3~ minutes untilbo:h s·o,eso.rebra,;n. Trons:er
the omelet too serving:.o:-eand se·\'ewith rice.

i\!G ON: 5riU'IIOE !IDg. 1:il
P,\!P!i\:.·I0N T VE: 15 y; NUTH. "'..US
1~ v "iVES y;:.R N.!i 'II~ T "1E PO RK OM ELET
COO(l'II~. M!: 15 "1 'IIUTES
S!i\VES: 4

• 3'~ O! ICO ~ :HOU'\10 :y;NCEO =-o,\( - Con-cir..e tne oork,sdt:,sugor,O!"lc:I

l w.o~spooo'>'oterin a
• ·~ TE.:.s=-oo'II s.,n bowlone!marinate:°'10m:n.ies.
• ·, JE:.s=-oo'll 3~!NU.!f:0 5U3 H mix2 too ~spoons,...merwiththe com::orch
- M:o .,,...,hile,
• I if!.S"'O ON :::0,\'115i.!"ri (corn'lour)in a SlT'ICa.bov,.1 and stir ....ell.Afterme starch hos
::::OR'll=LOUR) s~. slcw'ypourout me excess' eovingowe: starch.
• 2 f!5L!S=-ooNS \'!GET!.5~E O l - -ieot 1tobiespoo'.'loiino wokor large5&:if.e: {frying:,on) and
, s ·:.a.:s=ooNss·11e:r"'~ESE~vo oda the porkand sv,.,eet ~ese-..-edturnips.Stir.frythe pork
TU\N =-s. C-IO"'PEO ona turnipoo.-er nignheat for2,. men croin offthe
• 4 EG~5 excesswater one!o . ~eto o :o....ta.."'.dse:as:de.
• ., NCri o~G\OU'IIJ W-1 .E "'UPB. - 3eot eggs in a ~ bov,.1 and ooo tl-..em to tl-..e
wet s:orch
• sJE:.y;:o:;;,:::: ...,3E S.dC ·o SP:\'E to mo~ on E-93 bctte·.
- \'for: &..e
wok wth :,ooe,· towelso"lO""'=atme remaining
1to:iesooo'.'loi011er meoun-low heot. Add1tablespoon
o: the eggbcr.terand ·m :-r.edia:ely tilt the wo<so that m:
batter focmso smolroundin&..ece-rte·.¾to sxioonJ
ot the mincedporkand xes,n-ed turnipson onesideof the
E-39 better ·oo-r.o.Genttys-r.c.(e m: wokfromsOeto Sl!eto
preventme egg ootte· fromstio:ingto me :,ottorn,ondCOO<
:°' 2 minutes.
- Just os-fo•em: OT..elet is eoo<ed,1.i~e o spctub (fisnue} to
gent¥ foldo.-r.e-d..f011e·tl'..etoo of meooit Slingto formo
ho.:-moonsho~ and ~ess &.eedgesoownlijrtly to seal.
P'jthe ome..e:011e·and tig"'tl-fbrownme othe· s·oefor
on~r 2 minutes.Transferthe omelettoo serving~e.
RepEOt wi-,.ncl-':-ernoinir,gE-39 better o.r,c:Ifillingunti done.
Servewith rice.

tn=~ ;tg; •u:; ON :;u,!N(DONG
"',\ !"'! ~! · 10N . M! IC v "llJTH
S!'WES: 4

~ Seasontr>"!snrimp {crowns) wi':hii teosooon sa;t and • 5 OZ· 15:J :; U'll:::OO<EJ S-iR M"'
ru:i we then ·il se. '"'t' ~''IISL S""IE.L:'0 ! '110J:'\':','IIE:l
~ Bi.-r.go souce~n of water too ooil.odd tee s1J'imp,and • IT:: !.5" 00"1 S!..Lf
banch '0< 1minuie. Aoin and rinseunae· codwa:er. • 5 EGGS,st~:.=t:f!o
~ 8eO'! the e9gwhi-ces..r.tilfluffy.Adelt"ce .ordood stir to • I i£3lfS"00'11 M:'.TEO . :=to
mix. AddtN>eggyruso.ncl-emoin·-r.gsot.o"'.d:,eotwe • 2 J:3lES"00NS V:'3E"!.6 .E O L
then min ti-...snrimp. • STE! ~EO 't CE :-:~f SdC: TO s:::-v::
~ ~t the oil in o wok or large Hillet (fryingpen) to
3!.QCf/ 1700(, or u"'tilo cube of lnod orowns·" !.5seconds.
Once ho:, turn offthe ~t and oour ~ ::neE99S.Using
o spen.lo (fu"l s!ico:), ousn the eggsond snrimptoon e
side of the wo<to fotm ayersof cook.eeleggs. Transferto
o plote'.,."'-e'ltf"':eggs o·e jus: unoer c00<ed.(If::neoil nos
cooleddaN'l beforethe eggs ore COO(ed,J..i t~ wo< :,oo::
on lov,:heat to 'i:is'l COO(ingtne 1:93s.)Trons:ertoo plate
o".dserve~mmedio:e'y. Se-vewith rice.

~ ,f ttf:/t 1U3,0N: -lf 'll!."11

=,=t::=..r.R:",ON T ME iO ~ NU"ES ".US
::OO(l'\1;3.. ~:' 1~ v "It.JES

~ Pu;:the shriTP (pro-',

•,'~} ·nto o oowlwi:h the soi and • S OZI 15~ 3 U'IICOO<EJ S-IR M=
set aside :O' ISminutes. 8:ing o smcl souceoo~of wo:e· '"'tl. \\''IS), S-IE.L!O ! '110J!\'! 'IIE:l
too boi over nigh ""'=ct,odcitne snrimo,o"'.dbanch 'r.x • IE !.5"00~ S!..Lf
1mi~•.rte.)rain and set c:s·deto coo. • Ii EG~ 'It - TES
~ Bea;: the e99whi::es·.lo mediumoow until foamy. • 4 "!.6 .ESPOONS ::OR'IIST:\:: -
~ Mixthe co·nsto·ch (cornfour) \\ith 2 to:.espoons water :::O,'t'l : LOU't)
ino STICH XI,. .After the starch hossertfed, slow,yoour • 2 J::.lfS"OO"IS V:'~f "!.6 .E O L
out the excesswater leavingo ,,.e: s:orch. • ·~oz,-10 ;3.::OO(:'J CUR;EO-1:.,,1
~ Fiter the ~9 writes thro..ghof:~ strCJIE'·(S:e-.,e ) end :::10"~:o
s:ir ·otn e'-\<etstarch to mo<eo Detter.Addtr>':snrimp • STE! ~EO '!;,CE :-:3f SdC: TO s:~v:
~ P~t the 2 to:.espoo":SoilJ'I o wot or lo-geskllet (frying
po.n) to 32S'Cf/1700C,o· untilo o: bread browns~
l.5seconds. -u-n o!! neat.Wo't1 minu:,etoo!lowthe
oi to coo. slightly,teen pourtee ootter in:o tne center
o: tne wok..W"V:'l better :ieg.ns to coogu!ate,use the
bocko:o s:>Otuo (fishs'k es) to push tee oarters r.:,1,'y
folds,t.ntilol tN' oarternos
o"'.d·epeo:edty, crea-'
cooguoted. f needed.turn on to low "'eOtonclfinish
cook:cgth.e E99Sto oc-.-~,esoft scrambledegg. T-ons:er
too plate cno topw'th tr>':cho:-Pednom. Serve witn r'ce.
l\!G.ON: Z-iEJ : "IG
?i\!?!.F{!·,oN T WE: 5 W1'11Ui!S ~ot~
COO(l'\I~. '1!_ S·.! -iOU~S
~ " -'3E SlS

• a EG:;s - ~it~ eggs in8ii cups (68 t ozn h ers) \\'Oterina

• 2 T!SL!S"OONS S~.,:< T!' ._f!VES souce:,onand oringtoo coil,then reduce to CJN hem
• I T!Sl:5"00"1 ~ VE·S" :E ?OWJEll o"'.dsimT..erfor S mh.rt:es.RemO\'etr,..,eggs o"'.d-ius'l
• 3 ·:o .!S"OONS ~1:;- T SOYs:u:! unae· cod wo:er un:ilcool.
• I TP.S"OON 5:3 • GentlycroC(the eggs so then croc.Gsnov,.•o overt-r.eeggs.
• I T!Sl:5"00"1 :;l\!,NU.!TEJ su:;:, Donm pee eggs.
• STE!\1!0 "1;1:! =::;E S.dC TO SE~\'E - 3oil4¼cu-os(11'p·.,ts/1 liter}water;,. o soucepo.nwh
me tea leaves, TVe-sXe poV1.'Cle·, soyso;,.ce,sa;t, ono sugo·
:<Y 5 minutes.Add tt"<: eggs o,cl re:urntoo 00. Reo.xe to·me souce:ian,o.nds·cr.mer:o. 5 .T'W'lvt es.
- -u-·n o!! tr,..,neat end leavethe eggs tosteeo in tf"':sauce
:<Y 32 tr>':eggso,clse.rve.

l\!G.ON: -iO!'\I:; <O'II~

?i\!?!.F{!·,oN i ML 10 \1 NUTES
~ ti ~~ 3'.f ~ ~
S!'\VES: .!

• 11OZ, S00 G f:;:; TOFU - Carefullyremovethe E-39 to!u pocketand cut the egg tofl..
• I !GG SE' TEN intoii-:nch/1.5-c:n-thiC(Sices.
• I f!SL!S"OO~ \iE3fi.!5L! 0 l - ;e<nme lorg,=s,d!let(fryingoon}.
• 2 J!SL!S"OONS CO'\NST!i\:-i - _ightlydredgeeoch egg tofu s,..ce'1,"ih t-r.ecor"'Storch
::OR'll =LOUR) (cornflour},dip·nto=:ne~negg,andodd totf....5.(il!et.
• l ·:s .!S"OONS S.L!.CK·F{u =~.. : Pon-fryO'.'erlowheot for2- 3 minutesun-::il goden !Ya...~
s:.u:E on bo-"J'I
sides.Use o s otted spoonto carefullyremo'.'e
• 1 J!SL!S"OONS :-iOP?EO SC!~l O'IIS me E-39 to'iJ :-om tf"':0·1and a.rainon :,ooertO\\<e-S.
:s "\ .'11:;ON O'IIS) - Aime overo lirt.! olock.t 'I.ITT-:
ro ...ce O.'leocn egg
tofu oieceo,cl scatter wi':hthe chop:iedsco ions

' " \ \


i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG fft~ ~T'>t
~ ii<~
P:\!P~:\qON i ML 10 y;NUTH,
COO( l'II~. '1! 2:J y;NUHS

• ~ OZ/iO G MUNO 5!:'11 VHMICHll - Soc.(the '.T1..J'l9

oeanvemke!li in o bowlof coldwa:-e·
• i f:5 L!S"00NS :l'tEO S-1~1..,., :<Y 10~lit es to soften. )ro· 0, cut in:o 21'.-incn/6-cm
~ lengths,and oloce ·nto a sno!low ~tproo: bowl.
• 4 E&:;s t~ nrimp ·nto a rouceponwi-..n
- j_...-t 1cup {8; oz/250 ml)
• \ .f!SPO O'\I 5,1.~1 wa:e·, oringtoo ooiloverlaN ,-,eot for1 minute, tun off
• su:y;:o :;;,:::: =.,~E S.dC ·o SP:\'E heo! oncl e: me shrimj steep .rl the hot\\'Oterfor
10.nn.rtes. ~emovethe shrimoo.ndstrc:nthe la-..iclfrom
me po-..'1into o OO'NIand s.e:c:s"o-eto coo for !er.eruse.
Poce the shr"-r:oevenlyon top of the verTice!li.
- ,n a baNI, corr.oine the shr"mol'iq,..idooclenougnwater
to mo.,:e2iio..os (18Aoz/550 :nl). 3eot tl": eggs in o orge
OO'NI.Ao:I the shnnlolq-..ic:1and the s0ct.poo-·me mixtv-e
over tr,..,snrimpand \'e·micel!i, and sea wi':h~rO'NC\' !?--
so:eolosticwrap (c".ngfilm). jloce ino co lopsibeom
or bom:oo s:eomer ove·o oot of wa:-e·.3ringtoo boil.
men reduceto a s·mme1,0no steo'T\,covered,for about
ISminuies-,or t.ntithe eggs are fir-n.If nm, s:ecm fot
o"'Other2- 3 :TW'lutes.
- ~emowthe postic wropand servewitnr·ce.
t~~ ~~l ~ ~ ~ 'tE~ 0'11:HO~G KONG
"=tp·:'(._!J 0'11 T VE: I~ Iii 'IIUTES
SE't\'ES: L

.. Combinethe tofu ,...,4th~ teosxion salt·.\ o oowl.Se: aside • 9 OZ:2SO GS.OFT TOFU.OR! NED ~NJ
for 10mi"'J.J'tes,
then ctoin. cur '\ITC ·~·l'\IC - / l.5·CW O CE
..Soc.(the :.reservedmustard greens in o bowlof ·...ater TPS"OON S ! ••
for S mi"'•Jtes.O~CJI,
tr',._ono c.nop. • ~oz I~ 0 s1::; u:'II '"'t ES!'tV!J
- 3eot tl"':e99s o.ndstro·.ltnro.;gho ;~ strC:Oe·(SJev e} "1U$f!'l;0 :51'!E'IIS
to re'T'O\'ethe :oam. S:ir·otn e chicken ~oth {stock} and • 2 EG~S
remoin·-..g~ teosooon s0;t, then odd t ce tofu and transfer • I Cl;? :a
f. OZli LO "'L) C1 1C(!'II
heat oroo: oowl.Top\\"t ~ tri: preserveo
to o s "'.:O!lo-w 61\YH :STOCK. :>!;j! 9C:
mustard g.reens.Seal•,.."tholum·.,I.IITIfoi o,cl poc e ·o o • l P 3lES,.00'11S :,O'!.K F.OSS
co.oosible :ot or bamboosteamer ove1a pot of ooiling • 2 S:::! ~l 0'115 :s"'~
NG 0'11CNS:
v.'Oter.Stec Tl,, covered, for10mh.rt:es. c -o=-=-f
- _;:toff thewropond too the E99SWithme por',:floss • s ·f!. NEJ :, CE(:,~(): 5!.0, TO Sfll't'E
and scolbns (springon·O"S}.Servewitn r'ce.

t'.!lU 'lt ~ 1U3.,0N: 3U.! NGJONG

,.~::...:~:- ,oN - M! IC v "iUiES
V ERtv1ICELL I :::OO( l'\13. i.VE 5 Ml'IIUTES
S!i\VES: 4

- Soa.(the m...ngoea.n\-e·m:celliin o bowlof coldwa:-e· • 1 OZISO G WUNG s:::N VEI\WIC!L~I

:o:-5 ~lit es. Aoin and cut into >inch/ engths. • ·,.;,:::u:,2 OZ;SO G) 5E~'II S?~OUTS
- :iring a SO\..cepan of '"otertoo 00 overnighheat, cod the • 1 JU::< E33S O'!. C-1 CJC!NE3.3S
beo'1sprouts o"'.dcookfor 15seconds. )re·" imTecrately. • ·~u:s=-oo'IIs:n
- 3eot tf"':e99s withthe sot ;,.o smalloowl. • 2 J:5lfS=-ooNS v::;;E-!5 .E O L
- ;em me oil .n"'.OnStb: s<illet {fryingoon). Addthe ".Om, • I OZ;l:J;;. Cl.,.!O - : M, :::ut '11
10 1

o,cl s::ir-fryover medium-lov,. •hem :o:-1mirute. :ii.rtint-r.e Si'!. =s

vemk el!iend stir.: -yfor o "'Other> l. minu:-es,odd'ng the • •,CU?( !. F~ OZ:110 Ml) C-1 CJC!N
cnit.(e'1broth (stock.t9roo-olly,un-1the vermicelliis soft. ~~or- ;sro;i;.,..!,oe:
Ado enough bro:h sot~ t~ver~e!li is soft enoug'ltO • STE! ~EO '!;,CE :>:;jf 5.dC: TO s:: ~v::
be cut wi-.n chops:ic.. •lyoddtf.e eggs into ti-...s<illet
<s. Slov,.
o"'.ds::Irconstantlyso ::ncnthe eggs do "'Otformlumps.
- Aoothe been spro.rtsand toss lig_'-rtly to mixwithme
vemkel!i. 'Ser\•ewithrice.

I &
. Sl9
i\!GONS: :..l § * 'c&
P:\!P!.:\qON T VE: 5 v "llJES, PLUS
1~ v "iVES s-:.'\IJ '\I~ i.VE STEA M ED
COO(l'\I~. '1! n \1 NUTE$
S!i\V!S: 3·.! RIC E

A r'ce COO(eJ is essentid <ltcne'lequip'1'"ent

in every
V':nese "'.O,;Sehoo but if youdo -r_otnaveo--e-,steamed
r'ce con ::,e eo:s1y ~e:,ored O.'lo stove.

- ~inseme rice undercola running...,aterto wash owoy

me starch.
- 3ring1nC\,;OS (12flozl3i5 m} wo:e· to boi in o smol
souce:,on.Stir in the r'ce o"lOreturn too boilover TedA-m-
h'gn heat
- ~educeto CJNhem o-r.osteam, cove1eo,for 16-18m·"'.ies
untilthe rice is tender and all the\\'Oter hos ::,eenabsorbed.
- .et sto"'.d,.covered,for10 minutes. Se-ve.

i\!G ON: -ION~ (0'\I~ :la~ ~ 'i: ~ ~ ffi

Pi\!P:..,,: · ,oN T ML 15 'fl '\IUES.
COO(l'\I~. '1!_ n
\1 NUTE$

, 1 :i, :o ocro=us - Soc.(the ofeo octoous i'lo oov.~o: coo•.-.aterfor

• i f:5L!S"00NS .:,~E J " ED SH"..,,, 30 minutesuntil sofoe"'e-d, men cut in:o bn:e•s:Zeoieces.
'I NS!J !.'\IJ OR.' 'IID - Combinethe d"'eo shrimj, whl1:eooit, octopus.gingerjuice,
• ·~ cu= I\ oz,-IC ~: JUD,,, _ TES: i, o"'.d1teospoonoil·.\ o smo!Ioow. Se:os'oe.
'I NS!J !.'\IJ 01'."'IID - ;eai me remoi"'1"92 ta.oles:~ns oi in o ""0< or large
• I f:SL!S"'OO~ ~ 'll~E'IJU :::E sUet (f-yingpan) over medium-hig:1he<r,.,odd the garlic.,
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS =~us I ·p sPOO'I o"'.ds:J . fryfor1minute untilftag-o"t.k.d the r'ce o-r.o
VE~Ef!..5.t O ~ stJ . fryfor1minu:e.Adcl2i,;,cu:)S (18fioz/550 ml) wote1
• 0 CLOVES:l:,L C, C- O""!J o,cl IY-1'19 too ooi., i:hen·educe to lowheat and cook,
• I :::u"S 01 O!,~CO ~-' 1.0'\I~·~'(: 'I covered,f0t 10minu:esunti mes! of tne woter ~ ~e'l
'I:::: . ., 'IISEO :..NJ Olt' '11!0 0:)SO'OeG.(A-terna:ively,use o rice cool:e1.}
• 2 :;;1 •ust s-.:.,up.o:s-,
S~1;:o - S:i ·'ltne dr'ed nrimp,wMebc:t, octoous togetcer
0 !GQ'll!.._LY NTO ·~· 'IIC- ·S•M\1 witn the V.nese sausages and DOcon.=w. .coverand coo<
"'!CES :<Y 5 minutes untilthe rice is done. Tro"'Sfe·too serving
• j OZ ·SOG CH "IES! :::u,o'I potter o.nclserve .mmediote'y.
, 1 TE:.s=ooN s:..~r


l'srot't& "!G 0'1: :5l.~'l:";OO'\I:;
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU7ES.
RIC E IN A " lUS !.5 "11'\IUTESSO.&(l'\I:;. \1!
COOK ~G i ME lll ._.NUHS

- Soc.(the ~ied lotus ea! in o 'X>'h of coldwcte1for o:o..i • i O'I EJ LOTUS~E.-'F

£5 T,J"I.Jt es untilsoftened. iinse u-~ · cod -UMing v.'Oter , ~·, r:sus=-oo'IIS \'!G !PS .E o L.
end pot a.rywitho c...EGn o':s'l ta.-.el.loy out the otus lecl =-tus EXH' : o :, S\US-1 NG
on o steo'"lliogtoo: oocl~:1witn oi. Setcs·~. • 1 0,\ D SP.CK "1US-1';00MS
- Meom111hil~ . rook t ce musnroomsin o bowlof coldwater • i ORD SC.-'llO "S
for20 mino:es1..ntisoTTeneo. Soo<the d-½osca.,.oosin o • ~ SON!L!SS, S!CNL!SS C - :::<E'II
~:,ora:e bowlwith ~CIJj (£ fioz/120ml) cold,,.merfot i-1 G-IS. Cl.Ii ~TO s,-, :..L 5 TE·S :E
15minutes. Orcini:hescal,ops,then te'T'O\'eme smo hard
muso.e.Removetf"':mushrooms,squ~ze dry,ono d:Scord • i "f!SF'O ONS .,~ - T sors:.u:::::
tN' stems o.r,c:Ithe soo<ing• e·. T!:..s=-ooN :l/\ su::;:\
- lfl orotcer 00\'r,'I. combinethe chi((en, 1teaspoon 'Sl:l'f • i "f!.SF'OO'\I CO"'IIS".!i\CH
sauce,tr>':s,.;gor, CO<nsto'CJ'I (corn"l00t),ono ~tcol es::ioon ::::O,'t'\l: LOU'I)
oil. ~ix •...- el and moi."\Otefo· 10mi~•..rtes. • i EG~S. a:::.·E'II
- ;ea;: 1tob espoon oil ·no smo s.(i e: (fryingpoi}, cod the • }, OI,'100 G UNCOOKEDS-1\,V"
1:93s,movingtne s.,:illetso that the eggscrea:e o thin lo;-e· '"'t-' \\''\IS), S-IE.l!O !.'110J!\'! '110
on the su-foce,and frya.-e·mediu~ heat ~r 1-2 minu:es • n OZ/100 G JtQ!.,Sf ou:::<. DICED
un::Icooked.0.,. into s:ranc:lsand set aside. • i s-1: •• oTS, CHO'"'"D
- ;em I tobespoonoil ·no wok.ororges~to'.'er medi\sm- • ~ Cl;,"S (H o::oso ::;: :::oo<EJ 'I:::::
hig:'l heat, cod the mus-r •ooms, ch·ck.en,and s "'.d'imp • i "f!.SF'OO'\I ~ s- s:..ucE
{orowns), onc:Istir.!-y :or 2 minutes un:i chi((en ·s neorfy • I S:::.-'.L~IO"I:S"\ l'I~ ON 0'11
coo<eclthrough end tl": snrimpturn Ylk.Ao:Ithe sco!lops :::-10""!0, TO Sf;;'-if
end due(, tr<::'l toss and stir•:')' for o "'Otherminu:eU!'ti
tr,..,sec o=,sorecookedth·c,,_;gh. =wmovefromthe wok
end setc:s·deonopote.
- .n the some wo<, ~at the ·eT.0.:ning2too =1:,oons oilove1
medium-hignheo! and s:ir-frytne sno!lots:<Y 1-2m·.,utes.
Addthe -ke, egg strands. fisnsauce, and te'TlClining
I teospoo'.'l'Sl:l'fsa-..xeand s:ir-fryfor 1minute.Mix;,.the
coo<ecli~ed·ents o,d toss we .
- j....rt tr,..,fried rice ontne lows leaf,,.-.-op,.,too squore
buna.,,eand piece in o collops":.-: ° oot or oom:,oos:-eamer
overo pot of bo'tngv.-o:-e·.Steam,ca.-e·ed,:o·20 minutes.
Core~ art ooen i:helo:us lee:, spri.,de me scc!ton
{s:.:ingonion) over the too d tt"<:rice, and se-..•e. Chelo:us
leaf is no: °tO be consumed.)

. 541
i\!G ON: -1:. N.:., :ir ¾'i
P:\!P!.:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES
S!'WES: 4
i!:!1 =:.3f S.d5 RIC E

• i 'i l5 5·0!.'~CC·~. CO'!;N·f!O - Combinethe morinoa-:.ogredien:sin o smol baNI,then

C-1 CKE"I ru:i me mo·i'lode ct1e·me chk<en.Poce the cnit.(en;,. o
• ICU"' ta =t OViSC \h C-1Clr:EN hea:proo: bowlond ,ovtin:oo col oos:_Ole pot o· boTooo
S'!;Oi-1 :s1oc< p:.~t 90l steoT~·cver o :,ot of bo"'"'J9 water. Steam,co-,-e·ed,:<Y
• I ·:.a .:s=ooN VE~E·:. .o.E O L 1 ►20 minuies,or t.rd cookedth-ough. ~move the
• ~ C.OVES (;!'!;-.IC, CHO'"'"EJ cnic.<e'lone set aside. Strdn the s:roinedchb::en juices
• I~ CUPS Ill OZ,300 G) ~O'll~·~:\"'11 into o meosur'"19C\..p.Acd enoug:1cnic.<enjloth (stock.}
'!;ICE,:\ "ISEJ :.>;;OJ:>:. ,ED toi:he meosur'~ C\..psothot it meosures2:~cu:,s {Ii; oz/
• I lE1'10'13'!;!.5) SP.IC. cu · i'\l;o 500mij. Se:oside.
i· 'IIC- ,.S•<v lENGi - S - ;ea;: me oil;,. o V.'Ok.ora.rgeskh: f-ying pon}over
• j - .:.a.ES"'OONS COCO'lu· Ml.( medium-'ligh "'eat, odd tt"<:gor"c. o,cl s:ir-fryfor1 minut-:
• C ll.N .'!;0 :co :> .!NQE'!;i, iO CP.:\'11s- until frog·ant.Adc:I the rice o,cl cir U!'ti v.-e coated ·o oil.
{O'"i O'\I:._, - -ro.nsfer the r'ce too largesc:-xepo...,,Mdthe chicl:esn
• S.. CD ~E;J C- llf, TO G!'!;N S-1 !roth and lemongrossO'ltoo, :,ringtoo ooil.o.nds·cr.mer
(O'"i O'\I:._ over lov.•heat :<Y IS-20mil""i,..ies.
(Al:e·not'Ve}y,use o rice
COO(er.) \'/hen most d t't"<:brothhos ~:1obso-bed, s:ir
: ::,:,.T-!E Iii :.\1'11!.Jf in tt"':coconu;:m <.Cook.forono:her 5,or u-rtil
• '.11t:.f.tfS"OO'II s:.u me rice is tender, &en removethe emo"SfOSS .
• )lt:.f.tfS " OO'II 31'113HJL, C! - -o moke tt"<:s:.·cydipp·"'i9souce, co,Tclneme ing·edien:s
• ''I f!.3lES"00'11 S-!l.QXl'l3 'II 'IIE o"'.dset aside.
- -o moke tf"':ginger-scaJ:onsouce, "'eOtthe o in o smol
: ::,:,. i - E s=1cy J "'P ,o SAUCE: souce:,onover rr.ed'umheo!, odd the ginger and sa;t, and
• i ClO\'E G!'!;L C,: N!LY C-10"'"'£0 stir intt"<:sco on (springon'on) for20-30 seconds.-rons:er
'tD CH lf. C- O"'"EJ too smalloowland set aside.
• j - .:.5.ES"'OONS '\\-1 E Yl'IIECP.:\ • Slicetf"':ch'ck.en,piece on o serving:.ate. gorc'.:s'lwitnthe
don:ro (corio"lC! -:·} end s:icedted cl- es, if us'ng, and se-ve
: ::,:,.i-lE G "IG!'t•SC!..L~ION wi-..nthe r'ce ono d·::,oingsauces.
:i "'P "IG s.:..ucE:
• SC!.'lli '; :::u,. (3'~ : L OZ..-100Ml)
c.:.No~.:. =tP!SEED: 0 •
• I ·:.a l!S"'OON o=:.uo 3 '13E~
• I ·psPO :J'I s:.~r TO PST:
• ~Cl;"' : 'IIE:.Y C-IO"'"'EO SC:.l~ 0'115


i\!G ON: sn:..No-1:. .t:i~ ffi
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiES,
=LuS I -!Ol.i:\ SO.! ( 'IIG i lY ! SHANGHAI PORK A ND
COO( l'll:;3.. '1 ! 2:J·lC v "'iVES
it:!! =:.;jf S.dS

• 3'~ OZ,'ICO :;3.S!lifJ " 0 ~1:: • Soo.dhe so ted :,ork.·no OO'NI of coldwo:e· :o· 1 -r.o..J.
• 3•, O: 'ICO :;3.31\EE'II SOK CriOY 0-oin,teen cut ·.,to /~inc.n/•tnic..< srces.
• I fl.5 L! s=o o~ 'yf;jfi. !5 L! 0 l - 3ringo i0r9esouceoonof water too ooil.cod the bokcroy,
• 1 OZISO G " 0=!.Kr:.1a:..CI::• .J CEJ o,cl bonch :<Y 1-2 minu:es. Drainoncl·ru t.nder cold
• 3 ClO ...ES ;j!=!, l C. c-10==:o rU'V'kng ,·, men chop.
• 1 cu=s I\ !. O!,.dCC ;j: 1.0NG·o=:. ~ - ;ea;: tne oil;no V.'Ok.or a.rgeskh: f-ying pen} over aN
'IC! . " 'IISEO :..NJ O't.r. '11
!0 hem, odd the :, stir. fryfor 4-5 mirutes
untilcrispy.Trons:ertee oork.too olo:e o"'.dset aside.
- Mo the go· c and st··.fry for 30 secondst.n-1'·ogront.
men cad the r'ce o"lOcontinueto stif.: -y 30 seconos.
Add 3 cups (25 'I oz.fiSOrri) wo:e·cno stir once.8:ing
too boil, ado tne solteopor<,then ·eo..xeto aN neat end
COO(, ca.-e·ed , :o. 1>20 m·.,_-tesu"'tiltee rice isc00<eo.
(Alter"lOt ",•e Y,use o rice coo<e·.) St·· intee, CO\'e·
o,cl let stand f<Y3 minutes.--onsfer too se-vingplote,
garnishw'th the :,ork, tr,n se-ve.

i\!G ON: -ION;j (0'11:;3.

P:\!P!.:\!· ,oN i ML 10 y; NUTES,
~ ½f"
't' ~a
H ~ ffi
:,LUS .::sWl'IIUTESso:.( '11:;3.
COO( l'll:;3.. '1 ! 55 M 'IIU.ES
S!'I VES: 4 W ITH SHRl tv1P

• I :l't ! O lO TUSl !': 'l l'IIS! O - Soc.(the oied lo:uslee: ino !Jo,,, of coldwater :<Y o:o..i
• 2 Jl.5L! S" 00NS \' !GEi!S ~E O ~. !5 minu:es unti softe--eo. R.nseundercold run'¥1gwcte1
EXF! =cit 51\US- '11:;3. o"'.dpot drpr"th o cleondisntowe. LoyoottN' -otuseof
L c. CLOVES s:=:.:,:.·E o
• I -lf! .O ;j: =!. on o steaming rock.andbrushwithoi!. Set os3de.
:.'llo c -i o ="PE
O - ;eai I tobespooooil in a wok.orctgeskii.P-te:-yingpo~)
• I cu=s 111O!,~CO ;j ) 1.0'\l;j•;j'tl. 'II overme-d'ium neat, odd 1to~spooo of tee garlic,oocl
'IC! . " 'IISEO !.NJ SQ!(!J 'II COlJ stJ-fryfor1-2 ,Mut es u-nt frog;on:.Drain,tt"":nado tri:
~=o~1 HOUR r'ce ond ~t eospoo:Hoh o"'.dMw e.
• I TE:.s=ooN 5:._~T • Sireoa tne riceouoss tr>':eof. j...rt tr>':too:'n o collaos'ble
• ll oz,300 G U'IICOOJC ! O 5-1'1y; =- pot <Y bamooosteomer overo pot o: ooilingwater. S:eom,
'°'tl. W'IIS). 'NT - - UJ l.'\10 Sri! L~O'II covered,for 45 minutes.or U-"'titf"':rice S coo<ed.
! '110CL!ft 'S l.'\10 1.f;jS Ti\ WWD • Meonv,.'hile, cut a._ongthe ength of the to
opentees~ . tbiel the twos·aesof eoc.nsh•i/npo.ndoe"'.d
mem tO\".'Ord the :,oo: to ~ea( the shelland (eep o~n.
- Combinethe remoiining choooea garlic,'f, teaspoonsot.
o"'.d1ta:,espoo.'loil:ntoo oow, then sxead some of tne
mixtu·eove1eoc.nshrimo. =vt tN' snrimpontop of the ;ice
in tr>':DOm:>eo steoTe·cno steo"llforcno:he1 5 minu:es
untilthe s -.·:mpore p·c( o.ndcook..=cl througn.Serve.(T¼
lo:uslee: is not to be consumed.)


i\!G ON: C-1.!.,
QZ-IOU ~ ;!l ~g{'ft~'c&
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH

• I LO 5 oz ~:JC G SM!~l onr::, - Shuckt--eoysters,t --enpie.(o..i any frogT~"'tsof shelland

• I f:5L!S"00"1 COl\'IISJ:'\C - ru:iwitn the cornstorc.n(corn!\ov-).R;ro.e....ell.
:::oR'll =LOUI\) - 3ringo lo·gesc:-xeponof wotertoo boil.ood ::neoysters,
• I f.r.SL!S"OO~ 3 '113E'UU CE o"lOblo:-ichfor 30 seconds,then d·oin.
• I Tf!.S"OONS )!ll - Comoinetne oysters,g.rigerjuice,~ teospooo solt, and
• •~TE.!S"OO'II 01:0U'IIJ W- ,TE "!P"H whi:-e,oe:,oe·in o bo,,,Io.nd.rixw e . Se:oside.
• i OZ ·SOG 0'1:0UNJ I,., 'IICEJ) PO"K - ,no seporcr.eXYNl,COT~ the oork one!ii teosPOOnsot
• I f!5L!S"00~ \if;jfi.!5L! 0 l o"lOmixwel.
• 1 ::.OVES Q.l.lUC, cn:'""E:l - ;eot tl"':oi in owokor 10·9=s<i!let(fryingoon), odo m:
• ~CUP :s OZ/15:J G) 1..0NG·G"l. N 90.:x, and stir-fry:or 30 secondsu-.,tilfra91Jn:.Stitin the
't ::::. " 'IISEO !.NJ O't.r. '11!0 r'ceand the ·emoiniogii ~spoon sa;t.
• ·~ s.::.r.~l ON IS'"'t 'IIG 0'11 O'II:. - Comoinetne rice onc:I1:;,: CU?S (10floz/300 ml) wcte· in
o roxepon and stir once. 3ring too boil.tne'1reduceto
low -..eot.o.r,c:ICOO(,
=o=t·n: s.:ucE use o rice COO(e1.) Mixin the :,os',:and oystersand eccl. :or
• 3 ·.r.o.:S"OONS ~13- i SOYs.r.u::: o"l0the15 minutes, o:-urdtne rice is tencle1o,cl me porkis
• I f:5l:S"00"1 0!'1;1( SOYs..r.ucE COO(ed throcgh.
• I f.r.SlES"OO~ C-i C(!'I S'!.Oi - - ~i the sauce ingredients.ntoo smo soucepo'land oring
:sTOC< pi.o: 9:J) too ooila.-e·medium-nigh ,-,eat.S::rthe sauce intothe
• •, fE!S"OQ'll ;j't!NU.!f:0 SU;j H (ce. Transfertoo servingiote, topwithtl"': sco!!ion(sx;,-,g
• ., fE.r.5"00'11 SES!,.,f O t and serve.

i\!G ON -ION~ <0'11~ 1;Hll ~~ Uit'.!i

P:\!P~:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH,
COO(l'II~. M!, I~ v NUHS

, s·~oz 1co ~ O'( :oocro=us - Sookthe driedoctopus in o :ic1NI

of cod"''Oter f0t
• 3 50'11E~ES.S
C-1CKE', i-1 G-IS. Clli 30minut-es..r.tilsoftened.
'IITO \·:"IC - r2-cy; DIC! - Me,any-.•n;e,in o seoorote bowl.combi-r.ethe cnic<e1,
• 2 if.'FOONS ~1011SOYP 1.JC! 1teaspoonSCI(sauce-,tl"':SIJ90T, o.r,c:Icornstorcn(Wl'fb...r)
• •, fE!)"'00'113'(!NU.!f:Q 5U3 H o"lOmoioote fo:-15minui~.
• I iP.S"'OON CO:\'IISJ:'(C - - Aain the octOP'-Sandcut it ·.,toii.'nch/1-cm dice. -ransfer
:co:\'11: LOU:\) too oow ono ado 1teospoo.'1oil.
• 2 f:5L!S"'00NS "'~US I "P SPOO'I - ;eot 2 to:iespoonso in owot or 10·9=s<i!letf-ying oon)
VE~EP.5.t O ~ over meo ,.,.nw,~h"'',nge1O"O stit-fry1 minute
• IS.ICE~ N~! "' C-IO"'"'EO untilfrogram. Addthe chic<en, oeas and stir-
, 'i.CU"' :; O!iSO ~: "!! S :~ 'o:-2 minutes, o:-unti tne ch·cl:e" is cookedthrough.
• !.cu=s 123 ovosc 3 COO(!O - Stirin the cooked 'Xe O"O tri: re-noining1teaspoon soy
lONG·G "'! .:"I il;IC!,., NSD, lUM"'S sauce and toss ropid'y"or2 mini.rtes 1..ntiitf"': rice is -..wted
51\0KE"I u~. ! '110:l"': '11!0 mrough.Aodtne sea on {~:,1ingOC'lOn), stir, and transfer
• I sc:.L 0'11 SP"' NG O'IIION), too ,olcr.eto serve.
C- 0 "'"! 0


?,~1i ~ 'r& "!G 0'1: ~uJ ! 'II
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: lS v NUTH,
FUJ IA N-S TY LE " lUS ill \1 NU "fi SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E
COOK ~GT WE: IC \1 NU "fi

- Puttne musnroomsin o 'X/h coverwithcoa'.-.ater, and • ~ .J~ ED :,t.,:< YUSH'1:00YS

_ies, or 4.ntifsoftened.Removethe
soak forat lec:st20 ;rw"l • i ORD s:.,llO ~s
mush·oons, squeezeary,and disco.I the stems. O.Opthe • i 60'11E~fiS, S<l'lllfSS :-; C(!N
-iesnonclset os~. i-i G-iS, cn:"'PD
- Meanwhile,in o STICHXYNI,sock tfi-..edriE<:Iscolloosin r:::..s:ooNs:.u
~cu-:. {~ t oz/120ml) coldwater br 15minl.J':E':5.. )rci'I, • I EGG
then removethe smallnerd mJSC...e. Teo·in:o snredsond • ~ c1,;=s (n oz:oso:;, :oo<EJ
re~·,..etr>"!soa(ing ,,,.oter. lO'IIG·G~ !.1'11'(CE,~ NSE:l, lU\1: S
- Combi-r.e the c.nic..<e'lond),,t-eospoo'1salt in o bowl.mix 6~01::E'IIU"', ! 'IJ .JH N!O
we o-r.oset c:s'o-eto morinotefor10minutes. • 5 PS~fiPOO'IIS VE:5E"!6 .E O l
- Bemtne egg·oo orge bowl.odd the remainingI' teos:ioon • i ClO\'E (;!'(. C, Sl :EJ
so19.,onclmix in the COO(ecl r'ce. • 5 OZ..-150:5.UNCOOKEDSW Y"'
- P~t Ir, to'=iespoo-rs wgeto:&, oi in ow0< or .orgesW: '"'t' ~''IISL S-iE.L:'0, OE,,.E'IIEJ, :'110
(fr)Yl9~n) c,;-e·highneat. oddthe .ice, O"O stt -fryfor c-;o~~:o
2-3min..rtes.Removetoo serving:.ate onc:Iset aside. • 1 C - NESES'(OCCO. $"EMS. SL CD
- ~t the remaining Uitobespoons oi ove1medium-hig:1 • I "!6 .:'S "'OON L G-i" SOYs:.ucE
hea-.,oo:I::negar c, ono stir-fryfor 30 secondsV"'til r:::..s:ooN:;~:.'lu.:JE:i su:;:\
:·03rom.Addthe cnic..<en, musnrooms,scallops,s:ri'np • i "!6 .ES"'OON co~'IIS"!~CH
(prawns),onc:IOlineseb"oc<e$and stir-fry:or2-3 min..rtes ::O~'ll : LOU'()
untilcl me ·ngredients ore fu!lycoolt.=o. AdotN' Wf sauce, • I "f!SPO O'II Sf):1,1: 0 l
suga·, ano sea o:iwater a-r.obri."'.9 too ooil.
- Mixtfi-..ecorns:orch {cor..four) wi-'.ri2toole1:,co-rs\\'O'te1in o
smo 00\'I:o"'4stir th:smixturein:otnewok. Bringtoo boil.
stirring,for 30 secondsto thic<enthe souc~.
- Orizi.ein the sesoT..eal. toss '.-.ell,and X>uraw tl"': frie-:1
t'ce. Ttansfe1too serving:.ate onc:I se.rve.

i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'11:;3. -==X:Yi i5 ~~r 00ffi
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: 5 v "llJi:S, PLUS
15 "11'\IUTESv:'(;'11£J NG i M! RIC E WITH SAL MON
COO(l'll:;3.. '1! 2:J \1 NUTES
i!:!1 =:3E St.~

---=- --
• s•~O: UC :;3.5:1vO'II: ..L!T, 51::"1·0'11 - j_d t~ sa..mon;,.o lor~· freezerbog,odd the TWinand
• 2 Tf'S"'OONS v 11;:'II soysc:-xe,o.ndsec. Sho.(eand mix,,.enrothot tf"':salmon
• j lE.'S"'OONS .IG-li 5-0Ys~ucE.PLUS is cooted o,cl morinote int~ •e:~erotor !or 15mil""i,..ies .
EXT"! TO S! 'WE • Meom,-:hil e, soc.( the m..snroomsin l. tooles::,oonscod
• 3 "10 'H. ~US-llt00"15 0~ 5-1 i! (! wa:e· :or 10T,J"I.Jt es. Withtne mushroom st in the water,
MU5-1'(00M5 sniptf"':, ,,,/tho :,O:rof scissorsand c eon tf"':·nsides.
• I'. Cl;"'S :;, OZ/iS~ 3: LONG·& ~.:.I'll Re'T'O\'eme mush-oomsandstrain the sockingt.quid·nto o
'( ::::. "' 'IISEO !.NJ Olt' '11!0 smo bowl.Se: oside.
• ·~ TE.:s~oo'II s.,n - j_d t~ rice. sol-., oil intoo sc:-xepo1,ood the
• I i'5lES"'00~ 0.1\'E O L mus"l·oomsoo<ing,,..'Ot er ond the chb:en :i-o:h (s:oc<),
• n :::u=s:20 F. O!,'~~~ \1~ :::-1 Cll:EN men s:ir to mix. 3ring too ooil,odd t ~ mushrooms,and
sito·n :sro:::i::. "'! .&! n COO( l.nti mos;:o: tf"':woter hc:s~e'1 o~·oed, ooo.rt
• 4 !)PH!G US 5Pf!~5 ·11; MM!J 5 .T'W'lut
es.Md the so!mo.'1 O"r.Q osporogws.reduceto aN
hem, ond coo<for o'"'Other►10 minu:es O'o'er lowheot.
covered,unt tN rice :Sfulfycool:eo.-ur:1o!!t"\e ,-,eatand
let stand fo·cnother 5 minutes un::ilthe solTon is cooked
mroug"i. SeNe imrr<:diotelywthWf souce, ifdeS:red.

i ME IS "1 'IIUT:S
COO(l'll:;3.. M!: 15 "1 'IIUTES HAKKA RIC E PUDDIN G
S!'WES: 4

• I i'5L!S"'00~ \iE3fi.!5L! 0 l. - Greose4 heatproofbovlswithoilooo (ee:l them "Yl.'Otm

"'LUS :xr;,, : o ~ G'(P.S '113 in o steome1.
• •,,cu= t!: ox ·1~~ 3: i\ CE ~.ou~ • Mixthe riceAourcndsalt :r.o largebov.L .lO separate
• ·~ TE.:s~oo'II s.,n heotproof00\\ combineii O:.?(4 floz/120ml) coldtMJ:er
• j f:5L!S"'00NS J~.EO S-l~IV~ withlii a.;os (12'I oz/350ml) boilingwcte-·,then immedicr .ely
• j 5-i'l~OTS, :::- o ==:J pourit intome f.ournxtw e.Stirw'thcncoci:ks toD..end.
• I :::-1 'll!SE S!US!G!, cn~,::•=o - joor the cnixture·"l:othe pte:ia:KI ricebovls,ti ligntly,::ren
• 2 r.-:5~:s=oo"ls
s:,vt:i ca.-ereoch jO'NIwitha!um:Oumfoil::osedit. Steom,ca.-ered;
TU\N "'5. C-IOPPEO :orlStTWYwies.
• ·~ lE'5~oo'II .. 3 - T SOYs:..u:::E • Meonwh~.sock thedrieds"limpilo bow of coldwote1fa
• I f::!.S"'OON Gi't!"IIUlrO SUG''( 5 minutesuntilsoftened.)fa:'.'\, then cr'.op.
• i 0Zi50 G CH VE5. :::u· i'\l;o - -iEatm: oilin o wokor lorgeskht (frying:io.n),odd the
• 'll:::-1,'l•C"1 lE"IGi - S shallots,end stir•fryO\'ef medirn nee;: forl-2 mi"l•Jtes
• G"'OUNJ \,-1 .E "'PPE'( , TO ·! .S.E browned.Stir·nth e so.ssoge, pres:e.l\-ed
men ooothe 'Sl:lfSOUCe ooosugor,o"'.Ctoss we . Adothe
- Co·efultyrerr,:uem: :o,o.,lsofricepudding:rom W
Ovoe me tootw"lgEOJdlyomongsteach Dow.. Servehot.


' .

. 549
i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'11:;3. iffit'.H&
Pi\!P!i\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUES
COO(l'll:;3.. M! I~._. NUHS HON G KON G
E'.:!!=!;jf 551 FRIED RIC E

• I ::..i\'1:0T. .J :::EJ - 3ringo sTIOIIsouceoo'l o: water too boii,oda tne corro~

• 3', O: 'ICO ::3.:::OO(!J H'M, 01:::EO o"'.dbo.nch :o·2 m:nutes. Oro·,no"'.dr'"':!e ...nde1cold
• 'l.Cl. " ti o:,-s~;j: ~'tOZE"I Pf!S ,·.Trons:ertoo OO'NI,
rl.f'V'kng then oo:Ithe
• i f:;3.GS,5! !if'I o,cl peas.
• 3 ::u=s(1 5i oz,.5~~ 3 COOKED • Mixthe eggsv.~:'ltne coo<edr'ce in o crgebowl.
lONG·G "'V •-1il;IC!, "' NSD, lUM"'S - ;e,o;: the oil in o V.'O! or lorg=skht (fryingoon) ove1
5i\OKE', u=, ! '110:l":. '11!0 medium-'ligh "'eat, odd tt"<:onion, and stir-fryfor
• I f!5L!S"'00~ \if;jfi.!5L! 0 l 5-7 minu:esunti softeneo.Addt"'e s:vimp (prawns)o,cl
• •, 0'III0N. :l CEJ stJ-fry forobou;:2 minutes un:iljust coo<ed.Put·.\ me
• S oz,-ISC 3 S-El~!J UNCOOKED r'ce-a.nd-eg_g.nixtv-e,solt, and 1:etc.n_p o.ndstir-fryto·
S-l't \1"' tPft'W'IIS) .JE\'! ~D !NO ~ minu:esun~ the eggs oocls"'.lrimpare eoo<ed.Add
0 CEO m e ho~ o"'.dvege:colesana toss t~ougnlyfor
• I TE!$"00N S!.~J 2 .nn.ites. Tro"'Sferto ind'viduobowlso· a serv' ola:o:-,
• :s·:.o.:s=ooNs<E;c-t..= menseNe.

l\!G.ON: YU~'II:. 'II 'fEfii ~ ffi

P:\!P:.:\:.·I0N T WE: iO M 'IIU"ES
S!'WES: 2

• 3'~ OZilCO ~ ='(ES-I ~:..Na.:. TheGo-roonIS"'·,:nownos t-r.eafe-::1 beef

MUS-l'tOOMS O't ~ OZ,'10 ~ 011;,!J. mush·oom,graNSin the fo•ertsof Yun~. Avcilooleonly
't NS!J T-1.0ROU;;- ~y inJulyonc!Augws;:,
they are :llizeobyloca.s.l:;,,mg~
• ·~ u:.s=oo'II s.,n Gonbo,5.(ipsteos1o,c:12.
• I rps=ooN :..t·=U=tPOSE
=t:. 'II =tou11; • Useo smo kn'feto scrapethe mushroomsclean o:dir.i.
• I :;;G Teorthe mushrooms;ntot.,·.l sti~ pv;:in:oa 'Xlh o:-r.d
• 1:s cu=s tu oz, 5SO~ :oo<::J ruo thoroughly with ~ teas::,oonso t, then rinse.
lO~G·G =:.. ~ 't,::, = NSD, LUM=S - Ada tne flourto the mushrooms,rubthoroug"''Y,o"'.CJ rinse
51\0KE"I u~. :.'110:i=: '11!0 to removeO"'Yremainingimpur'ties.Sa-.:~eze d-y to remove
• 2r.:5~:s=oo"ls
o~ O"'!(excess•.-.ot
- :t"ocethemushroomsin o c0110o& Xl'i or :,omboosteome·
over o ootof ooilingwater. Steam, covered,for 5 minutes
untilcookeo truo,;gh.Se: aside.
- 3eatthe egg\\"t ~tr,·..e·emo·.,·-..glriteosooon salt in a arge
then add the rice and mixthoroug"')'.
- ;eo1:tt"<:oi in owokor 10·9=s<illet(fryingoon) a,-e·
medium-hig'lheat.Ao:!the riceand stir-fry3-4m·.,.,ies
untilthe ricegroinssepa·oteand the egg is COO(ed.
Addt-r.e:T1,;;;roomsonostir-:-yro:iidlyfor30 seconds,
or urdfrogram (oo"'.Otov e"COO( ). Transfertooser-hg :iote.


. ,,1
i\!G ON: -ION~ <O'II:; ifi ~r l\ ffi
P:\!P!.:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUi:S.
=LuS I -!Ol.i:\ SO.!( 'IIG ilY! BAK ED PO RK C H O PS
COO(l'II:;. '1! }0 Iii 'IIUiES
it:!! =:.~f 553

, 1 t:5L:s=oo.,.. =1us t:.'POO'II s:..Li - Co:-r~ 1Cl.!:I {8; oz/250 m) v.'Oterw'th1tc:iespoon sch
• 1 50'11!· "I =o;;< LO 'II C-IOPS. :.sour ino lcrge ::cNI.Adotf'..e:io-'<cnoosend rod<:°'1 hour.
'.-l'IIC-1,'1•<:Y i-1 CK - 3ringa SOiXeoo~of \\'Ote1too xia.odd the peas, onc:I
• 1 J:SL!S"OONS :\O ZE"I :p5 b.a-..chfa 1minute.)rain and set aside.
• 1 f:;os, L G-ITLY 3f!."E'II - :lreheat tf'..eo-.oento 3;oo=1180°C/fus Ma:( l..
, I'. c1,;=s ·c~ oz ·11s o) 51\:.=.o:~u,.,ss - -o mol:em: sruce,coTYI: ollm: ;,-,greci~:sand~ o..o
• 1:Scu=s ·u OZ, }SO :3: COO(EJ (£ f oz/120rri) wate1 ino bowl.mixwe and set aside.
lONG·G "! .:"I il;IC!, " NSD, lUM : S - Jroin o-r.orinsetf'..e:io-'<cnoosunde1coo runningwoteJ,
51\0KE"I u~. ! '110:l": '11!0 m:" pendry·,,/th :ie oe· towe-_s. &ushthe porkcho:,s,,.."th
• I CU" :a : l OZ:'15:J YL me DEOten E99Sand dip them in:o &..ejJ'eoacrumbs.
VE~Ei!.6.t O. - Con-ci-,e the rice,iiteo::,ooo SQ;t, and ·emoin·"'-9beoten
• ·, O'IIION. t - 'lllY s11::o E99Sino lcrgeOO'NI.
, 2 ro,., :ro:s. cno==EJ - ;eot the oil·.lo wokor skillet(fryingoon) over.T.edium •
hig:'lheat. ood the porkchoos,ondsh(W,...fryfor4 minutes
=011;·n: s.:ucE on eocnsideun:i goldenbrownoncl;.mcOO<ed through.
• 5 ·:.s .:s=ooNs <E;c - 1,;= Remate the porkCf".o:,s and set os·cie.
, 1 r:sus:oo~ :31\:..Nu.:.rEJ SU:3!~ - :.OJ"out mostd m e oa,eov'"'-9I tablespoon.nme w0<.
• 2 "PSPO ONSCO~NSJ!~C-1 Hect the oiloverTedium-high,-,eat, oo:Itne rice, and s::ir-
::OR'll =LOUR) :-:y"or2-} minu:esuntilwe, coated in oil.¾t the fried rice
• \ fE!.)"00'11 5.'li in:oo );_ich own (cosse10e) and olocethe oor',:chopsontoo.
- Giveme WO< o ,,..ip ev.~h o po:,e·tows- odd 1tcoespoon oil.
o"lOstir-frythe on·onove· medum heat for 5 rTWYwi esontil
softe-r.ed.Ado tf'..e:,eos,toma:oes,a.."'.dtri:sauce, tne"tbring
too :,o1~ hig"tneot.=burthe sauceoverthe porkCf".o:,s
o"lOrice.Trons:ertotne aten ond COO( f0<'20mn.i es, or
un:i sightlybrov,mono cookedthrough.


. SS3
i\!G ON: -I ON~ <0'11~ ~ ~ [~i$t"f~ f5ffi
P:\!P!itqON T VE: 10 Ml'IUTES, " .US
COO(l'II~. M! I~._. NUHS
i!:!1 =:.3f 555

• 3 ::u=s(1 5i oz,.5~~ 3 COOKED - ~inseme rice undercolo runvig ,..,atertowosh owoy

lONG·G "'V •-111;1:::: me starch and to break uponylumps, tne'1d-oin.
• ; OZ ·n~:; G'!.OU'\10 (V ~CD) SEP - Combine the morinoa-: .ogredien:sin o crgeOO'NI, odd
• •,"'OO'II SH" l>'P =:.s•t (minced) :ieef, ood marinate for 5 minutes.
m e g·ounc:I
• I f:!S"OON Git!'IUl.,-o suG:'!, • Combinethe shr'cro :10steand s,.;gorin o smo! bowl.
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ st:ri;'lI tobespoon •...-ot
er to thin a,..i, and se: osic!e.
• I f:SlES"OO~ C-10""'!0 3 '113E'!. - ;e<ntne \\'Ok.oro.rgeskte: f-ying pen}over
• •~TE.'5"00'11 S.'ll medit.r-r: -~h ~at. odd tl": ginger,ono stit-fryfor1 ;rw'lut -e
• ., s::::..l ON IP'\ 'IIG 0'110'II:. until frog·ant.Addthe gro..nd~: ono shrim:,-sugor :,oste
:::- o==-:o o,cl s:it-fryrop·dly'r.xonotherminute. Fi~. odd the rice
o,cl sot, then toss thorougnlyfororotcer 5 mir,,..-tes un:il
=01t ·n: 1,1:.11;"l!Of me bee-fiscookeoono me riceis heated through.Sfr in
• I f:!S"OON l GW SOY s.:ucE me scaJ°-on(springo ..~) o"'.dnons:er to serving:,o-,...:s
• I TPS"OON COit•gJ:'!,C - toseNe.
:::oR'll =LOUR)
• •, fE!.5"00'113'!.'NU.!f:Q SU3 H
• " NCH o: G'!.OU'll:l 'Ii-I ·t "UPE'!.


P:\!P!.:\qON i ME 10 y; NUTH,
=Lu5 I -! Ol.i:\ SO.!( 'IIG ilY! SPARERIBS WIT H
COO(l'II:;; i M! I -I OU:\ ~cM '\lu -H

• ~ cu=- :sOZilSC :;;, G.Ui NOUS 'I;,:::, o heotoroofoow, comb·~ tf": rice •.-."-th
- .ri 2 cups
'I; NS!J (l6fl oz/4i5 ml}oo ~ wote·ono set os:de:o. 1hour.
• I ::USE i\!O 5E!.'\I Cl.=-J, y;:.,s- D R.nseundercold run"'1"9waterand dro·n.
',\' i-1 :. :o '!;f( - Meom,-:hile, .no 10· tr>':Deancurd,
• 1 :::.OVESU.'1'.IC, cn:=>=o garlic,scoton (springo-r~), Wf souce-,w·r-E, wg:ir, sch,
•I >c:~1,.
0"'1 :>nNO O'IIION) and 2 toolesooonswater o.nclrrix
:::- o =-:-:o. PLUS Ext=-:. TO (;!'!;'\I 5-1 we .Add tt"<:spereribsondmor'"'.Ote for 15mir,,..-tes.
, 1 r:sus=oo~ L :;;nr soy s:..u:::: - ;em the oil·n owo( r.xa-9=skilet (fryingpan) a.•e·
• I iPS"OON 'I; C! W ~E medit.r-nhea-.,odd the spore1ibso.ncl:norinade,o-r.o
• •, fE!.5"00'11 :l'!;!NU.!f:0 SU:l H COO( forooou. I ,Mut e. Stirin the rice.

, 1TE:.s=-ooNs:..r - _ineo co opsible:,ot-oroomboosteamerw~h o S"'%t

• •~iE!.5"00'11 CO'tNSP~:-1 fo'9.Pourtr>':s:,oreribs-ond•r·cemixture
::0:\'11 : LOU:\) onto the foil,me'l set ove1a pot of bo"'"'J9 wote·. S:ecm,
• 11QZ,,300 G PO'\K S"!'\f'\ ,35, CUT covered,for UinoursV""titf": rice and s:,oreribsare COO(e0.
'IITO sy;:._~ :::- UN(S. i\ NSE:l, !"ID (Addmorewotert-otceoot if n~ed .)
O't: 'll!J - Garnishwimcho:oed scallionona trons:ertoo servingplo:e.
• I f:.5L!S=oo-.. VE3Ef!.5L! 0 l


I . I
II .. :'
• I r:·1· I•

., l I
I• ,
' ...I !'


,'° 1 I



. '
) .,
\ I ,, I I
' .,
• I

n::o RIC£'I( I l!tt'A"-OSl-,lt 1tP FASH
. ,ss
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH,
± tt m*ffi
:,LUS 1C M 'IIU"fi S,C,!(1'11~ i YE STI R- FRIED
COO(l'II~. '1! 30 'fl 'IIUiES
i!:!! =:.:;f 55"

• I :::u= ·- 0Zi100 G: ~LUi NOUS " CE, - Soo.(the g..'f"'O.S rice in >cuos (2Sfloz/750 ;r.) bo cg
'I NS!J wa:e·:or20 m·"'-ies. R:n:P- t.nder cold runn·cgwoter o"'.d
• 2 l!5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E 0 ruo gen"""Jy to ·emate tce stcrcn from the surfaced t't"<:
• 3 O'I EJ 5_:.c( 'l'IUS-iltOOWS r'ce. R:nseagain, drc·l'\,c,cl mixwe •1,-=th 1tablesPOOn oi.
• 1 l!5L!S"00NS :l\,EO S-i\lY" - Meomo ..hile,,ovttne mushroom in o oo..,., coverwi-,.n cold
• I:::-; 'll!SE wa:e·, and rook for<l'! least 20 TW'lvt ~ or u"':ilso:tened.
• I:::-; 'll!SE JUCK L VE'I,1,,0:: Re'T'O\'e me mush-ooms,squeez-:dry,and discordt~
• 3', O: 'ICO ~ :::-; 'IIESECUR!O 5:.:0"I stems.CU'!into thi;'lslices. .-.o.not~r smalloow, SOO(
• I l!5l:S"'00"1 l ~Hi SOYs:..u:::: me died snrimpin coldv.'Oterfor 5 minutes.O·c:no.ncl
• •~iE!S"OO'II S.'li cut in:o smc pieces.S:rointhe m...-snroom and S".d'imp
• I f:!.S"'OON Gi't!"IIUlrO SUG!'( sockingwater forlo:e· use.
• I sc:..L 0'11 :sP=-NG O'IIION), - j_d t~ sa-...soges cno o..Jeclbocon in:o c largesa-xepo'l
:::- 0""!0, PLUS EXF! iO o:.,'I S-i c"'.dcod enougnwcr.ertoco-.•e·::nemcomplet!?'y.3ri"'-9to
c boilover :-.igh"'eat and clench for 1 minu:e. 0-ain. When
coo enoug:1to handle,sliceana set aside.
- Combinethe soy sauce, salt, c"'.dsugar i;'la s,;o!I oow o"'.d
mixwe .
- ;e<nme remoi"'1"9ltooes:ioonoi inowokor i0r9esktet
(fryingoc'l) over meo _m ~at. odd tl"':rousoges, cured
bocon, mushrco:-r.s, and snrimp,ono stit-fry for1 minu:e
until frag·ant. Remoo.<e fromthe WO< onclset aside on o
pate ..r.ti neeoed.
- ~eneattce oi i;'ltl"':WO.( and stir-:-:ythe g\rtinowsrice
over medium-low~at. tu·n:ng the rice constanty•...-=th
o SOO':\,lo (fu"lslice).Grcc..oflypou· in the TP,.snroom
c"'.dshr'To soo<ingwater, 2 tablesPOOns at o time, t.ntil
me rice hcsabsorbed the quid and ·s ::noroug"\'coolt.=cl
mroug'\, c:o.rt 20 m·.,.,,tes.Adotne ing-edien:sfr~tne
pate ond the sauce, and s:ir-fry'r,x another 2-} minuies
until•...ellmix!KI witn the r'ce.
- S::;r·'1tne sec 'J:on(spr'cg o"·on) ano uons:er too serving
OONI, &-:"lgc·n:snwi-.nthe ex-.10 sca!!ionana se-ve.


S"IR. tRJtO GcU1 \OwS R.!Ct
i\!G ON: J !'"\l:";SU t~-fil~ ffi
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiES,
=LuS I -!Ol.i:\ SO.!( 'IIG ilY! YA NGZH O U
COO(l'll:;3.. M! I -IOU:\
S!i\V!S: i·l FRIED RIC E
E'.:D=!:"jf 559

• I:. CliPS ·;, OViS~ :;: LONO·O "! 'II Thisd:S'ldotes tf"':lo:e s:xthcen:,-,,.ry•.,.~n
it v.-cs
'I::::." 'IISEO !.NJ Olt' '11!0 :s:E oeoted Shu,o topgovervr,e"'t oFciol during
NO.E EmperorYong's·eig'l in tt"<:SuiOjnosty.-P.,..,dishwas
• j .!5 L!S =>OQNS VE:";!t:5lE 01. or'gino!lycalled"Golden \lugget ~ice"beco!JSeeoch rice
• 3', O: 'ICO :;3.UNCOOKEJ SH" l>'P g·dnwos envelo:iedingoiclenegg yo<.
'°lt,1.W'IIS).S- E.L!J ''110 J!V! ND
• .! EO:";S.SE=''l.'iEJ - Combinethe r'ce,ii tablespoonoil.and 2 cins (16fioz/
• I iE !S"OON )!.~i t.7Sml) ,...mer in oso-..xepo'lonosti. once.Slingtoo boil.
• •, GU!'lli,T't 5''15!CUE " 0 ~( tne'l reduceto r.:,Nheot,and cook.,co-.•e·ed, forooovt
• ( ".!.,0! lO.!J, O,:::EO 15-20minutes, <Yun~me riceis tender.{A.terno:ive)y,
• I SC'.L 0"11 SP" NO O'IIION), use o rice COO(eJ .)
- 3ringo sc:-xepo.nof ...,otertoo 00 overnighneat, odo
me shriT:i (prow~}.end blo~h for2 m·"'.ies. )rein end
set oSA:le.
- Combine2 eggW"'tes,4 egg yolks,and ii teaspoon solt
in o s 'TJO,I'XI"' eno be-a;: toget cer.
- Slowlypour tt"<:eggs into the rice e"'.d,us·"".9 cnopstick.s,
stir u"til eochgre·n o:r'ceis cooted 'n egg.
- ;ea;: me remoi.,:ng2 tooles::100ns oi in o ...,0( or lorg,=
sk1-:t f-ying pan) overmedium-hig'lhea-.,odd the rice,
o"'.ds:if. fryun:ileoc.ngroinof riceis coveredwimo . l.rn
o!! ti-': neotond st··.fry foro"'Other2 mir,,..-tes u~il the
eggs ore COO(!:'O. Addtf"':snrimp,OO!becue~rk. o"'.d
½-teospoo'lsch, o.ndtoss :or o"'Other2-3 minu:es.St:r
in ti-':c "'.0:-oedscallion(s:lringonion)oncltro"'Sfe·to
o ~ -vingbowlo· plate o ".clserve.

Al:e:notive)y,3 cups (1b 2 oz/500 g) of doy-olarice
con oe useo. iinse the r'cewitn•...oter towosh ov.,ayt~
starch end to breok.upeny ..mps,men d-oi...,, S<:pstep1
o: tt"<:recipe.


f· ~...
[J ''

f ,
; < ·.l


-- '
;< '1

> •I

i\!G ON: -ION~ <O'II:; ~ ~ ~ ffi
P:\!P:.:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH
COO(l'II:;. M!: 15 'fl 'IIUiES HON EYMOON
S!'WES: !.

• I f.0'11!.ESS. S( N.ESS C-1 (l(f~ Also(nowncs "yv'l-yongrice.;'"m e honeymoon(ce is

51' :u · NTO · - ...-SB =s top~ •,,/tho tongy red souce overone hoJ cJt -r.edisnand
• llt iP.S"OONS CO'tNSt:.:i;:-1 o crea-nywnitero..-ceon ::neo:ner,form·-r_g
the sho:,e
::0:\'11 : LOU:\) ot tt"<:yin-yang sp-00. t :So~en se~ enm e encl
• S oz,- ISC 3 S-El~!J UNCOOKED otowedJ'ing banquet in -long Kong.
S-l't,y;" tPR'W'IIS), J!\'!,'IIE:l
• 2 t:5L!S"00NS "E .:.s - Combinethe chb:en s-Jips.'f, teosoooncor"'.Sterch
• l ·:.s .!S"OONS VE~!t:5L! 0 (cornflour}, ond 1toblesooon'"'C'ter in o bowland mix.
• ·, O'IIION. t - 'lllY s11::o - 3ringo sc:-xepa.nof ...,otertoo bo1.,cad the shr'cro
• 1 E:;os. s: :.if'II (prow~}.end blo~h for2 m·....;rtes.)rein.
• !.C U"S(l 53,Q!,'i:J:JG COO<E:l - 3ringo so.xepan of ...,otertoo bot cad i:he peas.
lO~G·G ":.. ~ 't,C!, " NSD, LUM"S o,cl bonch :or1minuie.Aoin.
5:\0KE"-1u~. :.'110:l":. '11!0 - -lea;:1to:lespoo'1oil·n ov.'Ok.O! lorges~t (' :,on)
• 2 t:.5L!S"00NS (!TC-IU" overmedium-h'gnheo;:,add the chickenstrips.end st··.fry
• I r:::..s"OON G:\!"IIUlrE:l suo:.=t :orabout 1minute,then cdd the Ot'~. and stir-::-yfor
• •~TE.'5"00'11 S.'li 1minute,or untilsoft. Trens:erthe -nixtute too olo:e.
• sc:."11· ' CU":!·· : L OZIICC M~ M ~I( • Cea..'1me wok.endheat 1tobespoon oilc,w mediu-r:•
• " NCH o: G'tOU'IIJ 'Ii-I "E "EPPE't h'gn heat Adom e shrim?ono stir-fry foroboU'i1minute.
Add tt"<:peas,toss together,then transfe· too plate.
- -lea;:me remoi"':rig1too =1:,oonoi ino wok.evermedium-
h'gn heat. Adome eggs a.r,c:Is:ir-fry fo· 1m·....;rte unt ho f
coxed.Aod the r'ce ono stir-fry foronot-r.erminute,or
until mixedtoget'N· ono fu'fycoxed. -ransfe· m e mixture
too sno!lowse.rv'-r_goo..,.
- j.d t~ (etchupend sco"'tlcu:i (7 Aoz/200 ml) water
into o c..eonwo(and oringtoo ooil.Adom e sugo•,
~ teaspoon salt, o"'.dthe cookedc"''cks-n o"'.do"'·on
too ooi. Mbc~teospoo.'1cornsto..rc"lwith
1toble:ooon...,ote-·,odotnis mixtwe tot-r.ech'cl:en,
o,cl s:it-fryforobout 30secondsto thickenthe souce.
Tro"'Sfe·to me coverone hoJof the ffeo r'ce.
- :IOI.J them J( and scant ~ cu:. (3iifi oz/100 :nl) water
into o c..eonwo(and oringtoo ooil.Adom e remoi";og
~ teaspoon salt, white~pper, ond tt"<: snrimpand peas,
men re:,-,..;ntoo ooi. Mbcme remoi"';.,-,g nteos::,oon
,ornsto.r,h'"ith 1t~~lts::wn·11ct e1c"'9s:irthis ~ e
into thewo(. &-iogtoo xia, s:irring.torabout 30seCOt"'.ds
to i:hiC(ensauce. =burthe -nixtute overthe other no!:of
me :-ied rice.Serve.


;@.~ mf.!i~ ffi •u:; ON: -IO'I:;
10N T WE ICM 'llu·n " .US
CH I CK EN A N D PIN EAPPLE 15 Ml'\IUTES ,-,:=t 'll~i NG . \1!
:::OO( l'\I:;. \1! 1~ v "iVES
FRIED RIC E S!i\V!S: 2·l

- -ronsfe r the (ce too bowl.stir in the beaten egg,o,cl • s::: u =s o .. si oz·so~o: cooKEo
set c:s'o-eun:il -reeded. lO'IIG·Git! 'II '!;,CE, " NSE:l, lU\1 " S
cer oov.•I.
- .n a.."'Ot combinethe chi((en, sugar,corns:o·ch 51t01::E'IIU", !"IIJ .:i:o: N!O
{cor"'flour),oocl1teaspoon soyrouce. Season,,.."thol?ttle • I :::;G S!'lE',
soltand motOO:-:15minutes. • S 50'11E~ESS. S(l'I.ESS C-I ICKEN
- ;ea;: me oil;,. ov.-okor arge sk1-:t f-yingpo,), odd the i-1 G-IS . .J CEJ
9inger, ona stir •: )' cNe·medium•"'·gh ~t for 1 minute • •~if£S"00'11 3'1;.'NU. !f!O SU:5! "
un:ilfrogront. Addme cnic..<en and Chinesebroccol, then • I f!! .5" 00~ CC'!;'ISf:\C -
st··.fryfor 2-} minutes untilthe chb::en is cooked.Adel ::::oR'l= LOUit)
tN' oe pep:,er, pineo::,oleCf"..nks. rice,o"'.dremo·.n:ng • i l:.'S"OO'IIS 1. G-li SOYS!.UCE
1teospoo:'TI 'Sl:l'fso;xe. S':irv.,e ono :~ for 3-4minutesu.nt • 2 f:UES"OONS v :::;E.!6.E 0
ti-': eggis cook eamroug"I.Adcl the sco!!iO<"'s (s~ing onions) • IE !.5" 00~ :::- o ==::o :5 'll:5E'I;
and toss. T·onsferthe rice ::oo servingolarter and se-ve. • i OZISO G C- ,ES! BOCC0 .1 SEWS
o ;; :s=n!:;us Sf!l(S, i-1 'I.Y ).ICED
t-lYE: • •~ it!O SE. L '"E""!'I; S!EOEJ £'110
for o mo·e t·oo'itionolopjYOOth,t.seo fte1"l pineo:,o e. 0 CEO
Usingo soorp (n·fe-,hollaNo..i t ~ oine-oppe no!:and • I :3·0Vi2S·G) (!'I" N! P" LE
leavethe shellintact :CX'tne se-vingbowl.Remo'.'ett"<: C-IUN(S . .J "! ,ED
"eyes"of the p·--eo:,ple,i:hencutout o"lOd:Scordtr>':co·e. • i SC£.L O'IIS (5"'1;1"11
3 ON O'IS),
Ct.n::ne pi-r.eo:,ple
in~ochun<S, poce ·.\ o oowlwi:h 1cup
(8; oz/250 ml) wa:-e·ond~teospoo.'lsch, o.nclSOC.( for
1 minui~. Drain,then ood the o-'neoppe.cs ·nstructed
obo'.'e.When reodyto serve, uons:er the rice into the
pineop:,e sne-.

. S6
i\!G ON: -ION~ <0'11:l ~ 1rini ~ H 'c&
P:\!Pl:\qON T VE: 10 Ml'IUTES, " .US
2~ \I NU TES1,1!.,:\ N.'il"II~ T WE RIC E W ITH CHIC KEN A ND
COO(l'll:l. '1! }0 W 'IIUTES
i!:!! =l.~f 50}

• I oz,~~c~ C-1 0:E"f " E::::s.

CUT - Combinethe chiLJ:en:feces, 'il:lf sc:-xe,and gingerjuice
'IITO I'~•~· NCH.!• 2·CW "ECES in o 'Xii< o-r.omarina:e in the ·efrige1oto· !or20 mi"•.rtes.
so·•E•l'II: Mix·otne co<nstc-cn(cornflour}.
• I ElS"OON l GW SOYS.l.UCE - ;em 1tc~spooo oil ·n o"''Ok.otlorges<fet (fry'.ng :,on)
• I T:5L!S"'OO"I :l 'll~E\JU :::E over med'ium-h'gnhem, add the chicken,and stir•:)' for
• I T.!.5L!S"'00~ :::C:\'IISP\C - o»..i 2-3 mini.rtes untilb--aN"..ed.Trons:ertoo :.ate.
::::0:\'11: LOU:\) - ;e<n tne remoi"'1"91too es:ioonoi in o c..eonwokover
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.9 ..E 0 medi1.rnhea-.,odd the garlic, one!st··.fry :o. 1m·"'.ie U-"ti
• 0 CLOVES~:\LC, C- O""!J :.ogront.Ado tne rice and st··.fry for o.notf"er30seconds.
• \CU"' :s OZ..15~ G) 1..0NG·G"l. N - -ronsfer the r'ce mixt1.retoo D.r.choven (cosse1ole}.Adc:I
\ ::::. " 'IISEO l.NJ O't.!. '11!0 o sco"'t 1cu-o(Thf oz/225m} ,.,.'Ot er and coo<,uncove·ed,
• 1 C-11'\ CUT over hig'1hem :o. 32 .T'W'lvt es u"til most cf the water hos
0 l.GQ'lll.._LY NTO ''I• "ICH.'l·CM· been oosorbed.
T-1 CK S.IC ES - ~i ·n the sousogesond c"'cken, tne:1too wi':hthe scallions
• 1 SC.!.ll 0"115(S"'t ."11:lON O'IIS), (springon'Ot"S} and ginger.Coverthe ~ich a,•eno,cl cook
C- 0"'"!0 over lo>,.•heat :o. 20mi"•.rtesuntilthe chicl:e"tonorice ore
• I T.!.5lES"'00~ S-1\E:l:l!J :l 'll~E\ COO(ed th-ougn.
• J·l::: :..NHO (CO\ .!.NJ!\ ST!VS, • Combinethe sauce in9-"ed;irts·o o smellro:xepo'l
TO 3H'II S - (OPT Q'lll.._, o"'.db--i09 too bo'"'over medium-hig'1hem. Sewethe
sauce olon~de tf"ericecossetole.GorniShw't"t cion:.-o
:o, ·n: s.:ucE (coriander) stems, if using.
• I T.!.5lES"'00~ 0!. " K SOYS.'UCE
• 3 ·:.o.:s=ooNS..13- T SOYs:u::::
• I T.!.5lES"'00~ :::-1 C(!'II S\OT -
:stO:::< pi.o: 9~l
• ''I fE.!.)"00'113\l.NU.!J:Q SU3 H
• ''I fE.!.)"00'11 SES.l.Wf0


. S6:S
i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'11:j. Yi r~tll ~
lo.I'. Hffi
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: 5 v "llJES, PLUS
1~ v "iVES \1!:\ N.!i "113T "1E RIC E WI TH PO RK A N D SALT ED
COO(l'll:j.. '1! n
\1 NUTE$

• 5 0!1 ISC 3 " 01\( .E 'IIOE'UO "II S.ICEO - ,no baNl,corr.oinethe po·(, sayso.xe, 'f, teosooon
• I J:5l:S"'00"1 l :;nr SOYS!.u:::: g·onuloteosugo·,tN' cor"'Storch(cornf.o.u),o"'.d
• I J:!S"'OON G:\H,IUl-'-E:l suG:'!, 2 table::ooonswater o"'.dT.a.rinotefor10minutes.
• I f:5L!S"'00~ :::CR"IISJ:" - Stirin1tooles::,oono .
::::oR"ll=LOUR) - ~it~ rice intoo )utch oven (coswole ).Add 1C\..P
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.S~E 0 (8 floz/250 ml) wote!,b--i09 too bo'"'overnighheat,
• \CU"' :sOZ..I5~ G) 1..0NG·G"'-' N o,cl cook, uncovered,f0t ~4 minutesun:il TOStof tr>':
'I.::::."' "IISEO!.NJ 0'1.-' "11!0 wo:e· hosDee''lobsor:iec.
• I:. OZ l~ G CH N!S! S!..LJEO= S-1 - A.,ang e the po·( s,..ces on the ;ice, tf"'?'lor·o.ngethe sol:ed
'I.NS!J -'"11:lOR.-''IID -ishon top of me po-'<.-op v.ith tne ginger,remo.i'ling
• \ OZ..I0 :j. . !SQUT \•I'll::-! ']•CV• ~teospooo sugoc,ondremo·~ 1toole:::,oono . Co-.•er,
lfNGT - P ::E S-1'!.D:l!O ~ 'll~E't reduceto low heat, and COO< :<Y OXll..i10-15minutes U""t
me riceono por<a.rec00<edthrough.
- ~emow the so ted f"..s'lonopor<too plate to seNe
seooroteJy, with m e riceolongs'oe.

i\!G.ON: -ION3 <O'II:;.

P:\!P!.:\-'.,ON T VE: 10 Ml"\IUTES," .US
~~"'f ~~ Hffi
1~ v "iVES \1!.:\ N.!i "113T "1E EGG A N D BEEF
C00<1'11:j.. '1!_ i5 "1 'IIUT:S

• '.'Olin~:; G'!.OU'IO (,-, "ICD) 5EP - Combinethe Cee:,say o.r,c:1oyste· sauces.sugar,end

• I f:5lES"'00~ l :;nr SOYs:..u::::: l. too lo·ge bowland T10rinot e :or
• ·~ PS.ES"':)0"11 0YSTE'!.s:..ucE 10mrut es.
• ·, u:s"OO'll 3'1.-'NU.!J:Q SU3 H - Mo the S'A<ee: potato s:arc'l ono mixwell.then cad the
• I J:5l:S"'00"1 S'IIEET " Ol~TO s--':\CH oiland mixogo·...,, Us·,r,g
your ~nds. formtf"'?~: mixture
0 "' CO'!.NS--':\CH tCO"''ll=.ou "' into o lo·se roundootty.
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GET!.S~E 0 - j.oce the rice 'no Jutch oven(cosse·oe}, ode 3 cups
• j :::u"S {I.!. OZ,-.dCC3: 1.0NO·O"'! "I" (25Aoz/750 ml)woter,a.ncl:,ringtoo ooilaw hi~heO'!.
'I.;:, ,."ll>fD ANJ c •v '1:0 Coo<,~ove·ed, for>.! TW'lvt es unt mostof the wote·
• I ::;.G hos be,e'lobs<Ybed.
- j.oce the Teet oottyon top of me rice,cover,reduceto
=Q'!, i-1! S'hf:T SOYs:u:::: low"'eat, and coo<for'lvtes t.ntittri: meot is :,rooerly
• I J:5l:S"'00"1 0!"';1( SOYS.-'UCE COO(ed th-ougn.
• I J:5l:S"'00"1 :::-1,C(!'I S'!.OT- • Uncovera:-r.dcrock.tee eg_gonto the .reot :>atty.Cc,.,e-,
:stO:::< pi.o: 9~l t1..rnoff tne heat, o,cl s:and forano:sw 3-5 ~ut es.
• •~iE£S"00'113'!.-'NU.!J:Q SU3 H • Meom,-:hil e, to mokEme sauce,com:,;neing-edien:sino
• ·, u:s"OO'II SES-'"1EO l smo souce:,onaw mediu-nhem o-r.ostJ U""til tee wg:ir
is a sso\.ed.Spri.'c(lethe sauce on toj of the ootty ono rice


~ ;t s ?.
! ~ H'r& ~!G 0'1: - O'II~ fCONG
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 i VE: 20 Iii 'IIUTES
SE'Wfi, l·~

- lfl a oo..,comoinethe bock beans, cnile,no!:t ~ gorrc, • 1 ·:. .6.ES?OONS :E'l;"1E'lliEO SL.'CK
the sugo·, soysa-..xe,and 1toble::ooono.... Set os3de. SE!"IIS.:, "IISEO! NJ ::-1::,:,:,fO
- US:ngo shoJJo<ni:e,CU'! offono discordt -reneo:Iof ::ne~ . • I i\!O :: -1,~E. SEEJEO! ND ::-1::,:,:,!0
Spri-de wi'tnl teo:sooonsoltono tne COt"nsto·ch (corn"IOUI"
) • ~ C.O'iES G!i\.lC. cno=>=o
o,cl rubo!::tr>':mucusfromthe skin. R.inSP- t.nder cold • 1 •f!SPO O'II GH'IIUL!.TEO SUG.'i\
r1.rv1in9 d·C:n.Cot tN' ee in no!: e-r.gtr,
,.-.ote-·O"'.O ·...:se , i ·:. .o.ES?OONS l :;nr sors:u:::
o ongthe~. t"cencut each o·eceinto 2 leng:hs.Cutt-r.e • 1 -:..6.ES?OONS \iECET!.f,lf O.
ee into n-~nc ✓l -cm-th'ck. slices onclmwi-.n the bock • i 'i lS 5·0Z1GCC·~ :'!;ES-l'o\'.
!f:" H~
beo"lsouce. • I'~ ;E l SPOONSS'Ll
- ;ea;: me remo·vig 1tooles:::,oon o ino 0-..ic.nO'le'l • 1 ·!o .Es=o oN CO"'IIS-!i\CH
(cosseroe ) a.-e·mediu~ heot, cod the remo'fW'lgno!:of :::0:\'11: LOU'!;)
the cnoppedgorrc, rice,and ti-': remoin'"".9 >i teosooon • l)i CU?S (11 OZ,300 G) ~O'II:;.•:;:\ ! 'II
sot, and stir•:)' for1-2m·..._-tesun:ilftogro"t. 'I;,::!.:, NSD ! NJ O\: N!O
- Aoo2 cups (16f oz/4i5 ml) v.'Oter,br'-r.g::oo xiii, and,uncovered,'0(' 15-20mrut es, or until mostof the =o\ - - E$.!U::E
wa:er hos be-e'lobsOl'bed.=-.acethe eel ootoo oft-re rice, • l PS~ESPOO'IIS L GW SOYS'UCE
cover,o.r,c:Icook.everCJN hem !or 12minu:es. • I -!o .::s =o oN Q !\ I( SOYSAUCE
- Combinethe sauceingred;irts ·o o smo!Iso.xepo'lond , i ·!o .::s =o oN c - ::<E'II a'l;o·n
~iogtoobo overmedium-hi9:1he0!.=burt"\eso.xea.•e· :sro::< p:.o:90l
the (ce ono servehtil= D.r.cheven. f!:..s:ooN :;i\:."llu.:JE:i su:; :\
f!:..s:ooN s::s:. vE or~

$ ~ ~ til\'r& :,!G 0'11:Xl'IIJ ! >;;G

:,";!"H!J 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IIU-ES.
RIC E AND LA MB : lUS JC y; Nu ·n so :. (1'113T "1E

• Sea( the rice'no OO'YI:of cod\\cter for20 minutes.O-o·n • i' ::u=s tll OZ, lOO G l0'113·~'t l ,IN :, CE
o,clsetosicle. • i -!5 .Es=o oN VE~Ei!.6.E 0
- ;ea;: me oil;,. o Du-tenoven{casserole) ever medium-hig'l • ~ ozno G G "IG !ll !.,60Ui \· "IC -
heat, add the 9·ngero.nd9=1rlk,ono stir-fryfor 1.nn.rte 2•Cfo'•~!NOi1: ;;fJ Sl ;;,:i
u"til frog'ont. Sfr inthe ombond fry for2-3 ~lit es unt • i ClOV !S :;:.:,;~1::, C-IO?"fO
lra,.~o.Adc:I the onionsonclcor·ot. teen stir inthe wi'ce, • · 1 O!,l:J:J:; SON!L!SS pva J co
whitepepper, s0.;t,o-r.osoysa-..xe.Mix,...elland remo11 e '11
-0 •~·l'IIC- l•CV CUSES the D.rtchoven. • i O'IIIO"IS. C-IO??EO
- Aoothe r'ce ono 2 (16; oz/475 ml)water, tl"enbri-r.g • I CH\OT. J CO
to o boi over nigh""'=ct. Re:vn the amb and vege:obles r::,us:oo'II
=t,::E ·-11·"IE
to the Dutchoven,reduceto lov,.•heat, o,cl cook,covered, f!!..s:oo~
3'1;0U'IIO 'l,H E '"f":'!\
:o. o:o..i 30 .TW'lutes, or u-rtiltee .ombond riceore COO(eO • I'~ -El SPOONSS' Ll
Mix·.\ me scotons (spr"-r_g
throug.'-.,. on·o°'iS}
and clJ'TW'I. , ; ·psPO ONS ~ :; - r sors:u:::
SeNein tf..eD.r.cheven. • i S::.!L~IONS :S'"'!;."IG 0'110'IIS

. S6S
i\!G ON: -I ON:; <0'11~ ~ ;ttit· ~~ Ha&
Pi\!P!i\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH
COO(l'II~. '1! 25 "11'\IUT::S RIC E A N D SPAR ERIB S
S!'WES: 2
i!:!!=.r.:;fso; IN A CA SSERO LE

• j f:5L!S"00NS =-n,1,n•rED a~.:.::< • Combinethe boc< beons,1 tcoles:ioonchop:iedgo-le,

5El.'IIS,"' '•,l)EO :.NJ ::-10""!0 soysc:-xe,sugar,and 1toblesooonoi in o orge oo..,
• 0 CLOVES~:\LC, C- O""!J mix\\<e .
• i f:5L!S"00NS •. :;-ir SOYs.r.ucE - ,no ~~rate bowl, mixtt"<:
sooreribswitn l. too es:,oons
• I f:!S"OON Gi\l.'IUl ..r.·o SuG:'\ wo:e·,stir ·n the corns:arcn (cornflour},and tio into the
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E O l OO'NI of :.oc.<::>ear6.
• I .5 S CZ ~:JC:; " 01\( S"H!" as. - ;e<n tne remoi"'1"91 too es:ioon oi ino Outen O\<e'l
CUT 1•ro5 E·S !f:, ECfi (CO$S erole), odd the ·emoininggor"c,and stir•::')'a.•e·
• I f:5L!S"'00"1 COl\'IISJ:'\C - medi1.rnhem :o. 1TW'lvt e ...ntil:-ogron:.S:i ·'ltil: drained
:::oR'll =LOUI\) r"ceono me sch. =bu·in 1cu-o(8 fioz/250 m} water, oring
• \CU"' :sOZ..15:J G) 1..0NG·G"l. N too boil,onoreduceto lov,.•heat. Simmer,t.flCO\'ered,
'I::::." 'IISEO :.NJ O't.r. '11!0 :<Y 32 mimrcies ..r.ti most of thewo:~· hos DE-en absorbec.
• ·~ TE.'S"OO'II s ..r.n Add tf"':sooreribsand oleo: oeons,·educeto laN ri:ot. one!
• s::.r.~l O'IIS :s"" 'II:; O"IIONS, .!NJ COO(, ca.•e·eo,:o. 20 TW'lvt es, o· un:ilthe"ce
S~ICEO'\E:l CH L!, TO :;:.i\'IIIS - o·e cook.eelt:voogh.
:0=110"-.:.J - Combinethe sauceing·ed:ents·oo s-nollsoxepon and
b--i09too 00 overnighheat. Fb-...r the sauceovertf"':
=o, ·n: s.:ucE spo·erJOS ana serves:raig"'t fromthe )utch oven.Garnish
, s ·:a .:s=ooNs.. ~- r sovs,r.u:::: witn scallions(spdogOt"''Ons) ono slicedch es, if using.
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 Ol.~I( SOY s.r.ucE
• I f:5l:S"'00"1 C-1,C(!'II S'tOT-
:sro::<pi.o: 9:Jl
• ·~ lE£5"00'11 :;'(.r.Nu.:r::o SU3 H
• ., fE!S"OO'II SE5!"1f O l


'., .

' ' ,'
• \ ' ·:t 'r'I I

. S6
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG § ~~
P,\!P!i\qON T VE: 5 v "llJES, PLUS
2~ v NU TES )-!'10 1'11:; T WE PLA IN
COO( l'II~ TM!: I -!OlJ,\ ~5 \1 NUTE$
,,l!(fS: .!.'~ ::u=s (]L ~1 Oi: I ~17E\ 1 CON GEE

• \cw= s ~oz ·15~G 1.0NG·G~! N - Combineoltn e in9-"ed ;irts ·o o Dovdoncl e: stand for
'I::: . = 'IISEO !.NJ Olt' '11!0 20 minut-es.
• ·, fE!)~OO"I )!lJ , =...
us EXF! ILcu~ (112floz/H l'iers) wote1·.,too a.rg-=soucepo.n
- j_...-t
TOT!)fE o,cl IY-1'19
too 00 over high heot.Add tee rice ond ~ing
, ·~ Ps.n~oo'II v:o:r!3lf 01~ to o"'OtherDOil.vduce too s·mmer,uncovered,f0t
i me rice is b--o<e'lda,;n endpodC:ge
G,;.hours1...nt • <e.
(Sfroccosionotyto preventit fr~ sfckilg tott"<:oottom.}
- Covero,cl e: stand for~-IS minuies.
- Congeecan be ~-..•eacs :S, s.eoso-r.ed wi:h sot. or os O'l
occo:-roon·crentto meat. fish.or veg-=:obeC!-Snes.

i\!G .ON: 3U.!..NGJONG 1:~~~ fa ~~~

P,\!P!i\:· 10N T VE: IS \1 NUTH.
lll \1 Nu ·t) M! = 'II: · 'II~ TIV ! CON GEE W ITH
COO( l'II~. '1! lO W 'IIUTES

• ll OZ, lOO G UNS, ~TEO J!Cf f ) -1 - ,no baNI, corr.oine the -ish, sot, sugar,and •1,tite pep:,er
= ,E1Y cno:o=o o"'.dmarinate for 30m·"'.ies. J,oo the cornstarch
• I E !.S"OON $!.L. " lUS fXJlt.r. (cornflour}and mixtho-ougnlyintoo fishoos:e.
TOT!)fE - 3ringti-': coi,g=etoo Xliin osooceponove· hi9:1he0'!.
• ·~ 7f!SPO:J'I G\!'II UL! TEO SUG'i\ Useyo.,1 -..andstoscoopo the fa'l paste o"'.d
• \ 7f!SPO:J'I G~OUNJ W-1 TE =.::o=H squeeze i. ::nroug'ltne holeforT~Obytne tf'..mband M ex
• I i'5 L!S"DO~ CC,\'IISf!'IC - '1¥·• ma(ing o STICH fu"l be... Drop the r.$'l be in:o the
:::o,\'11: LOU,\ ) congee.Repeat with the ·emoiningfish :,oste.-urn o!! ti-':
• 1 :.lU!'I . · .:S " l ' 'II CO"IG!E f !SOVE I heo;:,cover,endlet sto-r.o:or 5 minutes.
• •, -1:: 0 ~E-TUCE. SH'HJJEO - 3oilthe congee :o. another 5 minutes un::Ithe 'ish bo_s
a·e cook.eelt:voogh. ti-':n ~osonwitn extrasot. Stir in the
lettuce, odle in:o xr,..s, end ~-ve ·'Tlmedio:-e)'.


g;_;f{m~ •u:; ON: -IO'I:; (Q'II:;
"',\!"'!~:.·I0N T WE 5 v NUES, "'LUS
C H ICK EN l:J \1 NUTES MH N! - 'II:; i.YE
:::OO(l'\I:; i.VE n ._.

- Combinethe chb:en, gingerjuice,soysooce,sc.t. o".d • I .5 5 oz;~:J:J:; SON!L!SS, SlC"IL!SS

s-.:gorin o lo·ge bowland marinate fo· 30 minu:es. ::-11:::(!'11.:::uT '1110\•I'~· "ICH
Stir·n the corns:arc'l {co-1" flour)and vegeto ole oil. 2 • 4•:::1,1"'ECES
- :iringtne coi,geetoo Xii in o i0r9esouceoonover:ligh • i f:5L!S"00NS G "IG!'t JU CE
heat. St·· in t"\e ch'd:.en,t'N:lturn r?t~ neat,co'.'e!, • 1 T!3lfS"00NS 1.IG·il SOYs:.ucE
and let sta"'.d!or 10,,w·11Jtes. • IT:: !5"00"1 s:..L.. " .US EX.flt.!
- ~etum tne congeetoo ooil.then teox e to ow ,-,eat, and TQT!SfE
cood0t 5 minutes. or U!'t tN! c·•cl:en isc00<ed through. • I i::!.5"00~ :;,'t!'\IU ..:fD su:;:=t
Tokethe pan o!! tf"':neat, drizzleover tN' s.esomeoa,and , 1 r:sus:-ooN CC'!;'\IST:'!;c-
mix·n the ertuce. Seo:so.'lwitne.x-Jos0cttotc:ste,t~'l :coR'\l =Lou1t)
transl!:··to individualservi~ OO'Nls and serve. , 11:aus:-00~ vE:3EP5L! o t
• i ~u:..N·. !5 :-l.:. '\I CO~G!E
• I r:::.5:-00"-I S!S!.Vf OI~
• •~H!:J CES:::-;; .E - TUCE, Sr'F!JJEO

~ 'f ·ij ~
1'11 1U3,0N: 3U.!NGJO"IG
=,'{! =.:.1t:.· ,0N • M! IC v "iUiES,
CONG EE WIT H DRI ED BOK :-lUS .!. HOU.'\5 1,1:._,'{N.'fl'\l;j . \1!
COO(l'\13. \1! 1 HOUR SC \1 NU7ES

- ~ub} t-ees-:,oons salt ol over tt"<:sooreribsand marinate • !: ·psP OONS ).!LT

in the .'=:ige•atO( for £ "'CJIW'S.Rins.e
off the sot, then droh. • ll OZl!OO G F'O'!;< 5:-:.'!;f:- 35,
- Meonv,.'hil ~. cut off ono d:Scordthe ·oot secfo'1 o:t ~ dried CUT NTO SM!..~~:- ECES
bok croy end SOC.(;,. colclwa:-e·fo· 1hoo·. R.:.ns.e. d·C:n,and • i OZl50 G 0,'{ EJ 301: C - OY
cut into ~inch/2 -cm e-igths. • \ cu= :s·~ oz,uc;; ~o'\l;;•o'!;: '\I
- Combinethe rice, tne remcining'f, teospeoo salt, o"'.dthe '!; C!, :- NSD !NJ O'!;: N!O
oil ·.lo set aside for 20 ,,w·11Jtes. • I r:sus:-ooN VE3EJ!.5L! 0 l
- j....rt tt"':soo·erbs in:oo s:ockoo:,odd 12~CU-:)S {100; oz/
} l'iers) wcter. :iringtoo Xii eve· hig:1he<r,,,·educe to
mediumneat, ono simmerfor20 minutes.Skimtne frotn
end scu--nc!!tee ndoce-, if n~ed .Adclthe rice o"'.d:ioi
over nighneat for15/'ninut-es.
- S::r·.\ me bok c.noyonds'mme1fo· 1hoo·.
• Covettne pet, turn o!!the hem, o"'.dlet s:ond foe10m·.,.,ies
~fore serv'ng.

. 569
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~ ;~ liJH
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH,
=LuS I -!Ol.i:\ SO.!( 'IIG i lY! LAI W A N-S TYLE
COO( l'll:l. M! I~ v NUHS
it:!! =.=.:;f571

• 3', O: 'ICO:;; 011;,!0 SQUIJ SQ!(!J - 3ringa .orgesouc.eoonof waterto a oad the
'11'll 'lfil; ~'I:) Qi\! ND squ·oono sch. SimT..erfor2 m·"l_ies,teen dro·.lo-r.or'"':!e.
• •~iE!S"OO'II S.'li Cut,.,tostr'~ ono set micle.
, 'l.Cl." :2 o:,-s~:;:,.f! 'IIUiS - :mthe soT e oo~witn•,,.cterand oringtoo ooil.Acdi:he
• I t:5 L:s=oo ... VE3Ei!5L! 0 l. po·( ·M ;ngredientsone!coo<r.:,w mediu"l"' •"l·gh"'eOt
=LuS !Xi~ ., =o : .JEP·=~y NG :<Y '-5 minu-ces. ~emove the :,os',: rindand rook ·n a br.:,NI
, ',\O! ·5 G ,..,UNG 3!''11 'iE~WiCEL.. o:cod wo:e· forot ':CS'! l noor,croin,and me'l cut intostrips.
• 11QZ,,300 G 'II - TE =15- : ll ETS, - j_d t~ ,oeonutsintOOWO( o· deeo SOUC!?OO'lono OC!O
i-1 '11 ..Y S.ICEO enoug'l oilto cove·.Jeep-:-ythe oeo.nutsoverTedi...m• ow
• i :.lU!"II•• !S " l."'11 CONG!E heO!for 32 minu:est.nt crunchy.U<.-e o slotted sooonto
=.:.:;f carefullyremovethe peo"lutsand drain on :,aper towe.s.
• ~ OZ/iO G:;; '11:lE~ !SOUT Set o:sideto coo.
l· NCHil .S•Cl,';•L!NG·n P !:! ), - ~e-"'eOtthe o remoi"l:ng·'l ::nev.-ok.and gentlyodd tf.e
S-!~EOJ!J ver~ e!li,o lt tle ot a time, o,cl oeep-fryr.:,,•e·lowheO!
• I sc:. L 0'11 :SP" NG O'IIIONS,. (about 30!1":/150~C) :<Y 30 secondsU"'til goldenand
S-!ll;EOJ!J TOSE'WE puffeaup. Orc:nO.'l po:,e· tr.:,,..els set aside.
• Combineol beef ingredien:s cno l. tobespoons '"'cter
=o~ l-1! =:n< ,. 'IIJ: in a 'XI,.. . Addtr>':fried\'ermicelr and mixwe I ':1'f~.
• ~CUP ,n OZIICO :;;: ,.OR( \ l'IIJS • Mixthe fa'lwitn 1to:.espoo'loil.
• 1SLCES:l'll:lE\ - 3ringtf.e co-r.g=etoo Xii in a orge souceoon,oad the
• I sc:. L 0'11 SP" NG O'IIION), beef ~r e, squid,:ol,: rind. o"'.dg·...ger,onclseosonwitn
:u1 l'll·o I ~· '11:-1 ~-cv L!NGi - S solt.S:irfor o:outl mil"',,.ieuntcOO<edt"l·o;.;gh. l.oole
• •~TE.!S"OO'II S.'li me mixture·"ltoeoch bowl.-op with me fr'ed,oeonu::sone
shreddedsco on (spri"9on·o'l). Se-ve.
=o~ ·n: :::E=
• S oz,- ISC 3 :l\OU'IIJ (W '11:EJ) 5!F
• I TE!S,.OON S!.~J
• I f::!S,.OON Gi't!"IIUl rEJ SUG!~
• •~iE!S"OO'II G~OU'IIJ 'II - iE "!P"H


i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ±:iHBnH t-~
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: 5 v "llJi:S, PLUS
lll \1 NU"f) M! "' 'II! " 'II~ TIVE CONG EE
COO(l'II~ - M!: I~ v NU TES

• I l5 5 OZiCOOG :'!.00 .E~S. S( '11'11!:l, • Combinethe :.og"g@·juice, soysauce, sugo·, and
;,NS!J. !ND ::uT >.r~05,TE·S1ZE" EC!S whi:e pepper in o bowl.Useyourhards to comb'eewe
• I ·:s .ES" OO"I G 'IIGE" JU::! o"'.dmarinate in tee •e:ige·ato·bt 30mi~utes.
• j ·:.s .ES" oo,s - :;-u )Of $!,UCE - ADdtne cor"\Storch(co:nflour},teen stir ·o&...\'@g,=:ob eo .
• I Tf!.S"OON Glt_!,Nu~:·tosu;;!'!, - 3ringtr,..,coi,g=etoo Xii in o orge souceoon,stir h tr,..,
• •, TE!S"OON ;j\QUND W-1 T: "!""E" :.ogmixtv-e.end tf"'?"ltun off ::nehem. Co-.•e· oc0 let
• I "£5 .!) " 00N CC'!.'115-!".C
- stand for5 minu:-esunti me frog legsore cooked thro;,;gh.
;cO:\VlOU'!.; - 3ringtr,..,coi,g=eto anouw boi overnighneat and sf·
• I ·:s .!S " OON \'EGET!.5lEO ~ in tN' ettuce.
• i :.ll.!,T T !) "'1.: 'II ::O'IIGE! "! .;j! 503, - Mo the sesame oil,sec:ronwi-..n sot to taste. and ~-..•e
, ·~ -1:! .0 ;oM.! ,t 1::os;.:n1,;c: in O SQUjt\..i~:'\0( .odiv'duolDOW::S.
• I Tf!.S"OON S!)!M! 0 l
• S.!.ll. TO·£.ST:

i\!G.ON: ;jU.!..NGJONG ~ ftl it ~ ~

P:\!P!:\!"ION T WE: 5 W 'IIUT:S.
COO(l'II~ - '1! lO W 'IIUTES

• iii OZ/.dCGORD SK "'J!C( TUN' OR D-'edsk:jjock.tuna is often t.sea in Chinoone Jaoo'l as

50'11 i! =L.!..l(ES o Aovoringagent :o. soups. ,n foct, 't ::So(eying·ed)rt
, '.i.CU" :i\ -0!1CC:; "'f! 'IIUTS in tr,..,c ossicseasoning,m:SO.
• i :.lU!"II " - !) " l."'11 CONG!E
:>::;f sc,: - ~inse::nedr'ed s.(ipjoC(tune, then SOC( it in 'Xii< of
• S oz,-ISC 3 ;j\OU'll:l (W '11::EJ) PO'\K wor:nv.-o:erfor15;rW·11Jt es. )ro·.l ::net,-,..ooand CU'! it
• •~TE!)"OO'II ~ :;- r SOYS:..UCE into l-inch/2.5-cm-square oieces.
• •~TE!)"OO'II CO'!.NSf!":C-1 - 3ringo so.xepan of ...,ctertoo bot cad i:he and
;::OR'll =LOUR) peonu::s,and :io for10minu:-es.0-c:ntl-..e ::,-,..noono
• 2 5c:1,. O"iS is=·:~.;.ON ;;rn), - 3ringtN' C0"'.9=e too Xii in o sa-..xepo.n. add the tuna one
peo"'l..rts,end W"t· ....-eto boil foroootne· 30 minu:es.
• Meom,-:hil e, .nobowl.corro·neme pol,:,soy sauce, onc:I
cornstarch (cor~fa...r)o"'.dmarinate for 15minutes.
- S::i the po·( :nto tf"'?cocgee.then tv-n o!! tf"'?neat,
cover,o"'.de: stand for10minutes un:::Ithe po·( ::Sceo<ed
mroug"'i.Seasonwi-.nsot to taste,then i0d1ethe congee
into SC)(Jj ru-eenso:-individuolOO'Nls. Go·n:snwi-.nchop:,ed
o ..~s) .


ffl ft ~ 6$~ =:o O'I: :::-;:.oz-iou
=:i;::~H!f 0'11 • ~E: 10 w 'IIUES. =tus
COOK ~G i ME 5 Vl"iVES
A ND PO RK SE'Wfi !.

- j....rt tr>':mushroomsin o OO'NI,

ccve1wi':h cold wot er, onc:I , l .J., D a~.:.::< vus - itoovs
sock forot leost 20 m·..._-tes.o· untilso¾ened.=wmovethe • i\ CU.. 5 t1i OZ,150 o:
::oo<E:l R CE
mushrooms,squee-z.:dry,o.nddsco,:I the stems. Cot in:o • ~ oz:tso :;j. "'Pit . OR SV!ll OYSTE'1;$,
thins!ic~. 5-IUC<EJ !'110 .J.,! N!O
- Meom111hil ~. rook t "\e rice in o bowlof hot water forobou'i • I'~ ·t!S.,00 '115COR'll$f:'l;C -
5 m·..._-tes, then a..roinand set c:s'oe. :::oR'll =LOUit)
- ~ubt ~ oysters witn 1teaspoon cornstarch {cor"'f.oor) • l () G ..OUNJ l"11'11C!J) " Oit(
and pb: °'-i any ::ogT.entso: sne . ~insewe unaer cod • I~ ·t!SPO ON$ 5.!Lf
run..·cg woter. B-i."'.g o souce:,onof wcr.ertoo bcil,,add the • i -! ,5.ESPOON$ VEG!f !5 lf or~
cys:,n, and olonchfor 30 seconcs.O~CJI set aside.
o.r,c:I • ~ ozno GORD =.OU'IIJ! .. =.ES"i
- lfl o oo.., comoinethe po·(, the re-noiningii teospoon CUT N-o ·~•l'\IC"i '1.S·CM ::u aES
CO<nsto-ch, and 'f, teosooon salt. t-'orinate:or15mi""I.J'tes. • !. ~ CU"S 'I\ " •,e-s1L E'I; ::-1,:(!'11
- ;ea;: me oil;,. o nons:ic..< skl!et (fry'-r.g~n), odd t~ drie,:I 5:tOi - :s10::K, "! .GE n:
Aounaer,one po-..fryover .recr..m -r.eotfor 1-2minutes • I ·:s .!S "O ON C- O""'EJ C- NESE
un:ilcrispy.Se:aside. C!.E.,Y Cit C .!'lli'l:O :::01t !'IIOF
- :iringtne chicke'l broth (s:ock) too ooil·o o -orge • i ·psPO ON$ C-IOP"EO "'l;ESE'l;V!O
soucepo.n.Adotri: porko"'.dmus-,•ooms,reduceto TU.,'11"
medium-low"'eC't.stir,and s'.mme1for 2 mh.rtes untilthe • " '\1: -1 c=~'l;OU'IIO'II - H =::""fit
porkis cooked through.Add the rice o".d ~ too xii .
- j....rt in the oysters,Otine<...e celery,ptese-vedturnb, O"'.O
remoin·-..g1teo:ooon rolt. Soi :o. 1.nn.rte and then odd
tr>':flound~r.Stirin tr>':'1..-nit e oe-:-oer just oefore se--ving.

1::~ "F-~~ "!G 0'11::ll.!'1:;0o'\I:;

.... !"H!f 0'1 - 1,';f:5 y; Nu ·ts , " .US
CONG EE 15 Ml'\IUTESS0.&Kl'll:;3.i.VE
COOK "IG i "1E: IC y; NU.ES

- Combinethe :-ee:v.-'t"l 3 tooles::100ns cold,...merino bowl • II O!,l~~:; S!E= ·t 'IIOHlOl'I \'E ~Y

end sock.for 15minutes. 11 N~Ys.1ctc.
ORo,ouN:i lfl 1
, then mix .nthe garlicand
- j01..r out the e.xceSS'-''Oter SE! '
COl"nstc-ch (corn"IOUI"
). • l CLOVES(;!'l;L C, C- O""'EJ
- :iringtri: co-r.geetoo Xii in o .orgesouceoonover • i ·:s .ES"O ON C0.,'115-!itCH
heot, oad -:hebeef, end COO<for 1-2 minutes untilcook..=d :::OR'll =LOUit)
th.tough. ~so :lwith sch to ::osteone loa.,-:in:o ::nese--ving • i QU!'lli i ES p,._! "I CONG!E
bowls.Sprir.(lewi':hthe wh?tepepperand dri?U overthe ".:.:;:: 5:;3
sesoT':o il. • ~ i!.!5"00'11 G'l;OU'IIJ 'I-I- iE =::P"E'I;
• 1 •f!SPO O'I SfS:y;:: 0 l
• S'li, TO f!STE

. 573
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~ ~~ ~~
P:\!P!i\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH,
=LuS i -10\.i\S 5· !.NJ "iO . \1! CON G EE W ITH PO RK A N D
COO(l'll;j. . M!: 15 'fl 'IIUiES

• 5 0!1 ISC 3 ~E!'II "0'(1(, SL CEJ - Combine the pork end solt in o 'X/h ono motOO:-: in the
• I f:5L!S"00"1 S!.l refr'~-otor forot leost2 hoo.tS .
• • " OO'II CO\NSP's::: -1 'ttotl"': oow. Mix;nthe
- ~inse me por',:,dro·'.\,o"'.d·e:,-,,.rn
:::Oi\'11: LOUi\) co:nstorch (cor"four) o,cl o .
• • " OO'II \'!O!f!5lf O~ - 3ringtr>':coi,g=e too Xii in o soocepon. then turn offthe
• 1 :.lU!'II •• !S =1, 'II CO"IG!E hea;:.Seoo·ate the po·,:s ces ono graduallyd-optf"'?,._in:o
Sc3: me pan. Co..,e· o,cl let stand for Klminu:esunti the poi<
• 1 '"''(ES!'\:vEJ .JUC( E~GS, C - O"" !J is cookedthro;,;gh.)o "'Otstir.
• 1 SC :1l o~s (S" \.'11;3.ON o•g), - S~ ·'ltne prese-vedo..xkeggs and .oclle i-rtoo souptu•een
C- 0 "" !0, TO 0.'i\'11 S- or indivkluobowls.Gor-8:'lwith sco...ions(spr'~ o"'·ons).

l\!G.ON: :;u.:..NoJONG
?i\!?~.F{! " ,ON T WE: 5 W1'11Ui!S.
C00<1'11:;; T.M!, I -! OUi\ ~CM 'IU " ES
• ~cu =- 5 OZilSC :;;, W-
--- -------- ---- ---
PT 5!1\1' ES Thissv.·ee: congee can :,e served at oreok.fostor o:so s ".eek.
• I :u= ·- OZiiOO O :lLUT NOUS ~ CE h od0c'fo"1 to i:s nouis....:ng~operties, i. o..sosoothes 0"1
• IS.ICE~ N~! ., upset stomach.
• i J:5L:'S " 00NS l!.OCK SUG~i\
Cl!.US·iEJ - Soc.(the wheat :,er-½sin o bowlof coidv.-o:e· for 8 "'O'...JS.
- Saa( the rice in o separat e OO'YI:o1 wat er f0t l. hours.
0-ain ooth.
- .ri o lorg,= epo'.\ comm tN' ginger, rice-,w'"l:at
berr"es, and Kliio..os (£¼p"nts/2.5 'ters) wote· cno br"-r.g
to o boil.Cook.. unca1e·ed, over medium'"l:ct for
10mrut es. ~educe to ,ov.•--eat,CC'Wf, onc:Icook 1r.x
o"'Other 1hour 20 m·n.itass1..ntiporridg,= - likeand t':'"'.der.
- M o the rock.sugar and stir un:J d:Ssol\<eo . Se-ve ·"


~ ~ ffi llf Yi [,!;-~ "!G 0'1: :5l.~'l:";OO'\I:;
"";!"H!f 0'11T "1E: 15 \I NUTH,
CON G EE W ITH PO RK " lUS I -101,;,~SO.&Kl'II~ i.VE
COOK ~GT WE: IC \1 NU "fi

- Soc.(the :ioo:kiver in o bowlof cold ,.-.cter for about 1hOO", • ii O!,l:J:J:; " C"I( 1.IV!" 2-3 t·Tes o.ndoccosiono!fypressi'lgthe • i O::SC:; 3 'I:;! " ( !5Q UT
livergent'yto forceout the olood. Aoin, tf"'?'lcutthe :,ork l· NC-1."i.5·:::M·.E'll~i -l :- ECE;
liver.nto 1& . ·nchJS-TVT1
-t"·ck slices.Combinethe hoer o,cl S-1\E:l:l! O
half tne ginger in o oo,,and mix. • II O!,l~~ ~ 'IIH E = SH f L.E7S
• Sprindethe f".s'lv.ithtnesalt O"O set oS:de:o. 10T,J"I.Jtes. r:::..s=-ooN s:..u =-~us EX.Pl!
• ~insethe "ishand pend-y'1,-'thpo:,er taNels o".dthen thin~ TOT!SfE
s:ice. Combinethe fu:'\.the ·emoiningginger,...,.,"tepep:,er, • :- '\1: -1 c=~\OU'\10'11 - TE =-::=-=-e
and oil ifl o bowlo.nd/'M well. • I -!fdS=>Q QN VE~Ei!.fd O L
• :iringtri: co-r.geetoo Xii in o .orgesouceoonover • i QU!'IIT TES p,._! N :::ONG!E
heat. St·· in t"ceoork liverand fish,cover &-:'lturn off me =-.:.~::5:;3
heat, o,cl let stand for 4 minutes un:iltne liverand fishore • i OU'\1:-1 C L.!,i\O :co =-! NDE\.i
coo<eclthrough. :::-10=-=-::o,TO G!,N S-1
• .ad e into ind'vicluobowlso.r,c:Igarnish'"'°'thcf..ooped
cilantro (coriander).

,J, *~ =-::o 0'11: i'\INE\ "10NG0l !

:-:-:::-H:.f 0'\I i.YE: 20 'fl 'IIUiES

SE'Wfi !.

TI"isancient cere-olgroin ~s bee.nused in ~neost Otino , Ii cu=>n oz 'I00 G) rox·! l '1'11.L::r

me S.nong
end'-iongo..-osi"'.Ce Dynasty·.\l,6002C. l.l • S.'ll o :- SU:l!\, TO -!S~E
fact, ChOW'mon Meo ona tne RedArmy weredependem on
milletcs sws:e"'.Clnce whilefightingthe (oomin:ong end tt"<:
I. is g..;rtenfre-:ono hig'l in ,orotein.

- ~insethem e: o,cl soc<ho cowlof co,dwote· for

15minutes. Oro·n.
- :iring8½-cw:)S {68 flozfl lite-s}wo:e· too ooilin o lorg.,=
soucepo.n.Ado tri: millet,a.ndcook. uncovered,over
medium-hign heo! for o:o..i 30 ~lit es.-urn o!! tt"<:neat,
caw, ono stand~ Klminu:es un~ po-ridge• il:e.
- =-
1ovorwi-,.nsoi o· sugo·.

. 575
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~~'il !lffe.j
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES
S!'WES: 4

, 1 .as oz;oooors-; SE.LY - ~inseme fishoe11y·n coldwater o,cl removett"<:oloo:

• i! t OZ .dCG G NG!:\ t !SOUT memb"aneon tr>':fles"'i. R.inSP-
and cut .nto i'.-inch/1
2 • NC-i•'O•CW·~E'll~J-; "E CE, mio: chun<s.:race·.\ a"'?'.ladome gin~·cna oil.
S-ill;EOJ!J - 3ringtt"':co-r.g=etoo Xii in o orge souceoon,men season
• I f!5 L!S"'00~ \if;jfi.!5L! 0 l witnthe sclt onc:Iodd the fu:1belly.Stir, tt"<:ntum o!!t-r.e
• 1 :.lU!"II". !S " l ' 'II CO"IG!E hem, cover,end let steno br 10~vtes . =?.eturn t-r.econgee
"'!:;Esc,: to a boiland remove:.o:-nme hem onceme fishS coo<ecl
• I TPS"'OON S!.f mroug"'i. Lodle,.,to a SOLO tureen or in:o individualOO'Nls
• I SC!. L 0"11 SP"' NG O'IIION), o,cl garnish.....-'th
the chop:,eoscc!lion(springOt"'lOn).

i\!G ON: i.! 'J1!.N Ei~HM ~ ®

P:\!P!:\!" ION T WE: iS v "IUTES
S!'WES: 4
i!:D"'·'GE Sii NOO DL ES

• ITOW!TO - Sco:ett"<:base ot tt"<:tomato. BC"".9 o smallsouceponot

• l$i!'t.!"1 1S! wo:e· too ooil.oddtne toenoto.end heot fo, 1-2minutes.
• 'H "f! .SPOO"I S C- U'"I IT.rnedmelytransfer too jOWIof ice water.Whent-r.e
toma:oiscoolenougnto "'.Gndle, :,ee cwoytt"':s.(in.
• I f!5 L!S"'00~ \if;jfi.!5L! 0 l 0-,0j, then set aside.
• I i: !S"'OON S.ICEO :l '113H - j.oce the star anise ace Si&,.;on,oejoercor"'Sin:o
• I f!Sl:5"'00"1 R;EOJ ST1lL!O a soice009.
:l:\! 'II S.!UCE - ;e<ntne \\'Ok.atcrgeskte: f-ying pan} over
• I f!QlES"'OO~ 5E!'II "!STE medium-'ligh "'eat, odd tt"<:ginger, cnd sft -fryfor1 minut-e
• I ~5 i QZ,.500 G 5EF S-i!"\11( until frcg·ant.Addthe ·eeldist eo g·OJIsauce, :>eo'1 po.ste,
• I f!5 L!S"'00"1 S-i!.OXl'II~ ''lo',E o"'.dbeef s-..onkcndsf·.fry for o.notf"'?r 2- 3 :TW'lvt
es, just
• I f!QlES"'OO~ O! "'t: SOYS.'UCE untilthe :,ee:·s b"aN"'.ed.'n tne VI; ·ne o"lOenoug'l
• ·~ i!S.ES"':)0'11 1.,:;-;1 SOY s,r.ucE wo:e· to co-.•e-· tne beef.Increase to hignheo! onclj!jng
• •~TE.!S"OO'II S.'li to a boil, tt"':'1reduc-eto,
• I f:! ,S"'OON OR!~Ul l-"fJ SUO!'t c.noppedtoTcto. Stir,cover,end Simmer for 30 mh.rt:es
• ; Olin~:; .:l"'.EOW- E!T "IIOOJ~Es untilthe :,ee:·s t-e~·. Adome soysa..ces,so.t. end s-..gor .
• S CU"S 125 r. oz;;so Ml) - OT SEU - Jsco·di:he g·· o"'.CJ
spicebog cno use a poi·of tongs
a=to·n:sroc i:. "'!.&! n to removethe :,eefs"'.Clnk. fromme scuce.CI.J'! the beef ·.,to
• 1 SC! ll O"IIS (S"'t .'11~ ON O'IIS), mio: :iece--~ tne'1reh.rn it to the sc:-xe.
C- 0 "'"! 0, TO 0.'1''11 S- - Meonv,.'hile, oringo .orgesouceoonof v.-o:-e· too ooil,then
• C •.!,T'tO :c c :\ !'IIOE"' ·o G!'tN s-; cod the nooo.,es.Coo<oc<eedingto tt"<:ooo:cge directions,
:::>"'TIO._!_ or urd1=e,cler.)re·!'\,then divide the "OOdles 0"1"'0!"9
servi-..gOO'Nls. le the :ieefand oro:n ewe·ti!: noodes
o"'.dgarnish.....-'thseal O"'S{~oringonions) cilo.,tro
(coriander), if us·ng.


i\!G ON: sn:..NG-1!
P:\!P~:\qON i ME 10 y; NUTH,
.t :eitit ·ij ®
=Lu5 I -!Ol.i:\ v: •(;'ll!i NG i "1E SHA NG HA I PO RK CH O P
COO(l'll:j.. M! I~ v NUHS
it:!1 =:3f 579

, J ,.O";(LOl'IC-IOPS - Use o .reot malletor the ~LJ: of o heavy<nifeto

• I :u =- =t 0Zi1S~ VL) repea:-edtypoundthe :o·( cho~ to tena~iz,e.Com:)M
vE:;Ei!-6.t O. me po!<and T10rinoo -eing·ecren:sin o 'XI,. o"lOmcrioo:-e
• !. G,.!E"I 50( CriOY in tk, refrigerator:Ot I hoor.
, 11oz,,300 o nnn s-1:'11:;n, - ;ea;: ::nevegetaoleoil·no wok.orors=s(illet {frying
NOODL!S pon) to 3!.Q0f/170°C, or un':ilo cuoe of oreod orowns·"
, \ ·E!9'0 0'II s,~1 !.5seconds.Gently c,,.erthe :io:k.choosin:o the oi and
• ·, u:s=-oo'II sEs.:,-,E o l deeo-fry"or>.!. .TW'lvt es U"'t goldenOf'O'N'l one cook.eel
, 1 :u:-s :ia F. oz;sso"1ll - 01 =-: •uc Useo slortedsooonto carefvllyremovet -..echo~
5'\o·n :s10:i-. =-~ .o: n; the oiland drainon :,o~r towe_s,Set o:s'~.
, 1 r:sus:-oo~ :-10:-=-:o sc ~-L~ON - 3ringo i0r9esouceoonof watertoo ooila.•e·h'gn heO'!
:s=-'\.'13 ON 0'11 iO :j!\"I 5-1 o-..dbanch ::nebok.cnoyfor 3 minu:-es.OrCJI.
- 3ringanother arge souce:,onof watertoo xii. then odd
=o'\ ·n: y;_::\ ~:ot me<eed:ngtot~ OOLJ:oge directionsuntil
• I f:5L!S,..00"1 5-1~.0Xl'\l:j. ''lo',E pt tender.0-ain,then div'<!-e among servng 'X/h.S.
• I f:51:S,..00"1 :-10:-=-:o :l:\1 C - j_d t~ ookcnoyo"ltoo oft~ noodles,seasonootnwi-,.n
• 1 iE.'S,.OONS .10-li SOYs~ucE me salt o,cl sesame oil,tt"':"1lode ove1the po.·(orotn
, 1 r::~s,.ooN G:\!'1U1ro suo:'\ (stock}.S~ink.,eoverthe scallion{s~ingonion).Ser\'etk,
, ·~ u:s:-oo'II G\OU'IJ w - ,TE =-:P,.B po·( chop se:,oro:e'yon o :.ate or sliceend piece on to:. of
tne nooG..eS.

i\!G ON: -ION3 (Q'll:j. ~ ~/:'i' IL®

P:\!P~:\:·10N i ML IS "1 'IIUi:S
S!'WES: !.

• 1 cu=-s :i~ =1 OL !.~5 y;d v:o: ·:s .E o L - ;e<nmevegetoole oil·n a wok.oroeepsoucepcnto

• IC e,:, iON!S!·S·YL:: wo, TO~ until o cu:,e of :.recd ~c,,.·nsin1:-i
300CF/150CC,or mi.,utes.
"''- P=-:::i;s :u · ,..,.;o ~-1....:-1. Ge~tlylowe1i;\ tl"':wonton '"'-np:.ers, in botU":s.and
2-cv s;;u~"',f> deeo-fry"or1-2minutes...ntilcrisoy.Use o s ot:-eospoo'1
• n :u:-s :20 F. CI,·~~~ \';L C-1Clr:EN to removethe won:onsquares fromthe o and drcinon
5'\o·n .o: n:
:sTO:i-. =-~ paoe· tCIMIS.
• \cu~ :s OZ..15~ G) Si"'l,'N - 3ringtf"': chickenbroth (s:ock.}too xii ·"lo medium
MUS-1'\00MS, B M',';!O !'IJ ri!LVEO souce:,on.odd tf"': mushroomsand solt, and oringtoo boa.
• I if!S,.OON S!~J - j_d ·n the crab mea-.,re:,-,..rn
too :ioa,o-..dS:::r·.\ ::ne
, );CU "' :s OI,'ISC 3: c=-~s "1f!i sesame oiland ,,.,,~e pep:ier.
• \ .f!Si" OO'II sts:0,1:: 0 L - ~it~ ch'i\•esinto o tt.reen. =>o..irthe chiLJ:en
DrO""J'I wi':h
, ·~ u:s:-oo'II G\OU'IJ w - ,TE =-:P,.E't ::necrab meat ever the chives.
• I OZi.dCG YELLOWC- IVES.CUT NTO - Se.rvet-..esow-owi-,.n
thewonto.'1squo·es0.'1me sid~-ests
\· 'IIC-l.'2•<v LENG.H S con ood them to tt"<:oroth just :,efo:eeoting.


60,4--25~~4 16
tt• •=~:is
E Ill
AffT 'l,lll"trlO ■
v ...;lJ
,,..1.•,., ... ..
ll-ll! U : -,::-:-:=
. S79
i\!G ON: -ION3 <O'II:; ~ iili ~ ;li ®
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH
S!'WES: 2

• J .:,G! i:JV£TQ - Sco:et't"<:base ot t't"<: o smallroucepon ot

tomato. B<'"'-9
• 1 f:;os, SE "H!i: Q wa:e·=:ooooil.odd ti!: toTJOto,one!heot fo· l--2minutes.
• 2 t:5L!S"00NS ".US I ·p sPOO'I IT.rnedmelytransfe1 too jOWI of icewoter.Whentee
VE~Eil6.t O. tomo:o is coolenou9Mo "'.Cl'ldle, :,ee away&-: s.(in.Chop,
• •~TE.!S"OO'II S.'li men set cside.
• S oz,-ISC 3 :l~.EO EGG NOOJL!S - 3eat tt"':egg,.,..,'tesino oo..,un-1'oomy .Ado1teospoon
• 1 :u"S I\() r. OZ-.!iS M~ :-1 :<:N oil,¾teosPOOn sc.t, ooclthe egg yolksand oeot cgoin u"til
s,o·n :sTO:K. "! .G! n fuft,yj-e,deo.
, ',\Q!:5 G G "IG!, !SOI.Ji•~· NCH1 - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof ...,otertoo ooilaw h·gn hem.
l·CW·L!NGi-1 "ECE J, S-1\!0DD Add tf"':noodleso"'.dcookcccoro_r,gto the :,oo:oge
• •~iE£S"00'11 3,!NU.!f:Q 5U3 H d'•ectioountiltender. )rein and pl.rt into o bowl.
- 3ring&-: chickenbroth (s:ock.}too :,oil·oo sa..cepo'\.
men loo e it overt ce noodles.
- ;ea;: 1tobespoo'1oilin o wok.orasgeslu!..etf-ying poi)
overme-d'ium-h·gn hem, cdd the ginger,and stir-t-yfor
2 mrut es untilftag-ont. Putintn e tomato.s.:gor,and
remo·;:ng);.teospoo, sol. O"OstJ -fry:o·cbo.rt =wmovefromthewok.onciset o:s'e: on o plate.
- Wipe the wo<w'thpope·ta.-.eland neat&-: remoini"'-9
1table:POOno'"' overmedium-hig"lhem.j a...t ·'1tne ~e,
eggs and tu-n me hem o!! ·mmediote'y.ScrambleU-"'til t ce
eggs ae just cookedM s.igh:lyrunny.=inoly, stir inthe
tomo:o mixtureand SXIOS'I on toj ot t't"<: noodles.Serve

i\!G ON: 'lll~~X•! $ ~-n:®

P:\!P!:\qON i WE:5 W 'IIUi:S
C00<1'11:; - M!: I~._. NUHS NOO DLE SOUP
S!'WES: 2

• S oz,-ISC 3 JUO'ltH!~i NOOJL!S - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof ...,otertoo oad the

• I iP.S"OON VE~E.!6 .E O l nooo.,es.CookOC<O(ding to tt"<:000:oge directionsu"til
o 3 s:.,L~IONS 1 :sP:\NG O'IIIONS). :ur t•·. )ro·.l O"Oset aside.
'IITO1· NCHiS•:y; 1.!'13i-lS - ;ea;: mevegetoole oil·n the SOTO: ro ...cepe-..'1
• I f:!S"OON l GW SOY S.!UCE hem a.."'.ds:ir-frytne sco 'OOS (springon·o"\S}
• •~iE!S"OO'II S.'li Pourin 2 cups (16'I oz/475 ml)'-''Oter,bri"9 too X>il.and
• \ .f!)i'' 00'1 SfS:M:: 0 l ood the soyso.xe, so.t. sesame oil.and "'½-lite pe-joe,r.
• :, NCH o ~ G,ou'IIJ W-1 .E "EPPB. Stit me murto., into the soup,seooroteme sliceswith
• ll QZ,,300 G 60"-ElESS MUiTON 0\ o cf..oostick,onotil:'1 ado me noodes. Smme1for o:o..i
l'W5, T-1 "UY s~1::o 2 mrut es untilthe .,,,,..iton:Scoo<edi:hrougn. Tro"'Sfe·to
individiJOIOO'Nls and serveimTedotely.


"!G 0'1: - O'II~ fCONG
"";!~H!f 0'11 i VE: S \1 "IUTES,
V EGETARIA N " lUS ill \1 Nu ·n SQ!(l'\I~ T "1E

- Putthe mush·ooms in o 'X/h COier ,...~h coa'.-.ater, and • ~ J~ ED :,t.,:::K \1USH'1:00\1S

soo<:o. ot eon 20 minu:es,or u-nt softened. Remo-.<e tN' r:::..s=ooN::;R:.'lu.:JE:isu::;:\
mus-,•ooms,squeezed-y, one!discorotne stems. Re:,-,,.rn the • I "f! SPOO'll 1. o-n S.OYs:..ucE
mus.,·ooms to the OO'Nl,odatne s-..go·onosoyso.xe, and • } OZ/100 GORD \\ -If!." ~OODL!S
morina:e for ot least S mi.,utes until needed. •n OZ/100 ::3.! SS.OIUEJ VE:lf "!O l!S
o lo·g:'Ot!?r
- Bi.-r.g too boii, then odd t--e ;:::!R\ OTS, L:::: y G'1;!E"IS, OR
nooa.,es.Coo<accordingto toe packaged:reci:ions..r.til sRo::::::ot·. c - o==::J •.no::~wt·

pt tender. 0-oin, teen div'c!-:omOt"'-9servk9 'Xlh.S. szE =ECES'Otertoo xri overhig'1heat,
- Bi.-r.g • } CliPS (15 ~ ~ OZ1'.'S~ "1L VE:lf "!O ..!
cad the ves-=:oolesone COO( l.ntiJtenoe·.{Carrotsw· - :sro:::K.=:..oEn
a longer blo:-ichi"9time mon eofyg-ee"'S.))rain , ~ rus~oo'II 5,.1.u, EXF!
the vege:aoles and pl.rt ·otne nood e ~wls. ror:su
- Pv:et tne vegetoole :iioh (s:oo:) ~ o soucepo.n.Aoothe
musnrooms o"'.d:iringtoo ooilover hign --eot. ~educe to
medA.mneat, and cook tor 5 mh.rtes. Adeltr>':salt, odjus!
·ng to taste, then Ioelethe jrot:"\into tne oo...
the seosO<""' .s
encltojwith t~ mush·ooms.Se-ve.

oo =::o0'11: s -1:.'1~ - :
=:i;:::-Hq 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IIU"ES

- Com~ tr': ch'd:.en,salt, o"'.dwh'ie bO'NI • 1 50'11E~ESS,S(l'lllESS :::-1C(!N

o "'.Cl
mixv.,e • i-1 G-IS, ClJT 1,ro 3 "E•S1ZE=.E::::s
- Bi.-r.g
o lo·g:!:'rtoo boii, then odd t~ r:::..s=ooNs:..u EX.Pl!
nooa.,es.Coo<occo:dingto tne packaged:reci:ions..r.til 101:su
pt tender. 0-oin and se: aside. • :- '11:-1 c=~=!.OU'\10'11- TE :-:::-:-zR
- Br'-r.g
me u;'cken :,roth{stock) and 1Cl.!j (8f oz/250 -nl) =tus EXT't' TO J!S"E
wo:er ::oo ooil·.\ o souceponove· hig'1hem.Add tt"': • ) OZilOQO c~t:i s- :'iOH.'
cnit(!:':lond COO(for 3 minutes un:ilthe cnit(en :SCOO(ed "IOOOl:S
throug'\. Add ti-': noodlesto the soup, reduceto~• heat, • ; cu=s o~ ~. oz ~,s
"1ll c - :::<E'II
o"'.dcook for ono:ner m· 5'\0T - :sro:::K.
- Seosonw't cl extra sot
:,e:,oe-· , then adle tri:
nooo.-es:nto o .orgeserving'X/h .

. 56
i\!G ON: -ION:; <O'II:;;
P:\!P!F{qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES
5!'\\'ES: 4
i!:!!=.r.:;f58} DUC K IN SOU P

• ; OZ ·n~:; .J~ ED 't CE \'! "''-1 CL.L - 3ringo i0r9esouceoonof watertoo ooilooclodd the
• 3 ::u=s125 F. 0::150 Ml) C-1,C(!'II verTlke!li.Cover,turn offthe ~t. and et stono !o·
sito·n :sro::i::.=!.O! n 10.nn.rtes U-"'tisoftened.Usingc.noosticks, sf· tne
• ·~u.:.s=oo'IIs..r.n ver~ e!lito pre-.-e"'tit fromstb:ing, men d·dn.
• I f:5L!5"'00"1 VE3Ef!5L! 0 l - ~it~ ch'd:.enoroth (stock},salt, ood 2cu-os(16floz/
• I ::~ov::l> 'U c. S.ICEO !75 ml) ,...merino orge souceoonand bringtoo boil.
• 5 0!1 ISC 3 "'tHE'!.\'EJ "1USTHJ Add tt"<:vermicelt returntoo boil.ono men uons:er
:li\!E'IIS 'tl'IISEO. "''!; MM!J. !>;;D everyt"'~ to a souptv-een.
::- 0"'"!0 - ;ea;: ::nevegetooleoil·no wok.orors-=s(illet {frying
• I l!.D CH l!, SE!OD !'110: •u~v pon) overnighheot, cad the gai:ic,and s:ir-fry1 .rw'lvt e
S~ICEO :c~r Q'II!. untilgolden.Adotne mus:ordgreensand chile,i: us:og,
• ·~ SM!.l
.JUCK. 1,1:.r.· o,cl s:it-fryfor1minute.Stirin tr>':roostduck.andsauce
S·ill;EOJ!J ingtecl~"'ts,odd 4 tobespoons water,O"'.o b--i09 too bo....
• I TPS"OON COR'gJ:'tC - - Mixthe corns:orcn(corn~•} wi-,.n 1ta':. =1:ioonwo:e·
:::oR'll =LOUi\) in o s"l')Cl!I
'X/h ono stir mis mixtwe in:othe wo<.:iring
too boil,sfrriog, for 30secoi,dstotnic..<eni:he sauce,
=01t ·n: s.:ucE men pour eve· tN' vermice
• i if.l.S"OONS .. 10-n S.OYs.:.ucE
• I r::.:.s=ooN Gi\!'IUlrD SUG£'t
• I f:!S"OON S!SHIE or~

i\!G ON -ION3 <0'11~ tn,l( ;li ®
?i\!?~.F{!·,oN i ML 10 \1 NUTH
S!i\VES: 2

• 0·3 U'IICOO(!O S-lll;,\1"' '"'\.! 'o\''IIS). - 0..-tt-r.eS"' ·mp (~owns) lengthwisealong::nebock.R.o

S-IE.lEO !.NJ OEVEN!O wimii t,eo;::,oon sot, then rinse tt10roug"'~and croin.
• \ iE!S"OO'II S.'li "'.US EXF! - :iringo .,orgesouceoonof water too cad the
TOl!STE nooo,es.Cookocco·dingto tf"':I ooo:oge d:rectionsu-rtil
• ,}'~o:11ao ~ C:t :o fOO ~OOC~f5 just tender. Aoin.
• 1 CU"S {le, F. OZ ·4;5 M~J :::-1,C(!N - Meom,-:hile, out tne chicke:1broth {stock}in o saucepan
"'~.o: n: o,cl IY-1'19
too 00 .Addt~ noodleso-r.dreturntoo bot.
• 1\ OZ ,;5 0 Y!.lOW :::-1 V!S. CllT ~TO Tro-rsfe·trie noodes to serv'-r.g'X/h..S.
2· NCH.•S·::1o11.E'113i-lS - :iringtN' bro:h too boi oo:Ithe shr'To, chives,o:-r.d
remo·;:ng);,teospoo:1sol--,one!boilfor1-2 .n.n.rtes u--rti
me shrixj o·e fu!lycookeo.Seo:ronwimex-.10 sa;t to torte.
Pourthe sh~rnpand orotn ove· tt"<:noodleshtne bowls


. S83
i\!G ON: -I ON3 <0'11~ ti ~ *~~ ff®
Pi\!P!i\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH
S!'WES: !.
E'.:D =-!(): 535 A N D C HI N ESE BACON

• 3·!. f"ES - 1,1!- SUT!(! MUS-l'l.00"15 • Use o oompcloth tocleon tr>':mushroomsand &en tea·
• ~ OZ/iO G :: - 'IIHE CU";!J 5!CQN ::nemi-rtostrips.
• '.'Olin~:; Yl·'IOOJ~H - j.oce the ~con·" o co oos:_Ole pot o· bomooosteomer
• I f!SL:s=-oo~ \if;jfi.!5L! 0 l overo ootof ooilingwater. Steam, covered,for
, •,cuP !.f ~OZlllOWl)C-IC(!N 5 minutes. )ro·0, then slicetne bacon into thins:rips.
sito·n :sro::i::."! .O! n - 3ringo .orgesouceoon of watertoo oad the
• I f!5L!s=-oo~ M!i)Uf!(f nooa.,es.lJs·"".9 chops:ick.s,stir o".dseparate the nooa.,es,
MUS-1'\00M =-owoF m en d·oin inmedio:e-)'ond rinseunae· cod running•.-.ot er.
• I r:sus=-oo...OYST!" S!UCE - ;ea;: ::neoil ;,. o V.'Ok.or sklet (fry'~ :,on) ove· medium-
• •,"OO'II J.ti\( SOY$!UC! h'gn heat. ood the oocon, ono sti.-•: )' for 1 m:nute.Add
me mush·oomsono me cnic..<en bro:h (s-.ock.},
tf.en br'"'-9
too boilond reduceto O'Nneot.
- Mo the mush·oompc..,aerend oys:e·eno soysouces.
·n the "OOdles,
- j_...-t then s:Ir ~-rtly for 1-2
me sauce thick.ens ooclmost of it ~s been compe:e'y
o~·oeo by the nooa.,es.Ser\'e.

i\!G ON: -ION:; <0'11~ 'f ff®

?i\!?!._F{:.·,oN i ML 10 \1 NUiES
S!'W!S: i·l

• 1:.Cli?S :;, OZ/iSC:; Sl"!.'11 - fusing :.esh strowmush·ooms, bri-r.go largesouce~n

MUS-1'\00MS) 't 'IIS!O :.>;;D - :.._yEJ o1 water too bo overnigh neot,odo tne mushrooms,o-r.d
• 9 OZiiSC:; Yl·'IOOJ ..ES bonch fo, 1minuie. Aoin and rinse unaer cod running
• I f!5L!S=ooNS OYSTEi\s:..ucE wa:e·.Setaside.
• I f:.5L!s:-oo ... VE3Ef!5L! 0 l - :mthe soT e po'1witn pentyo 1 v.'Oterend bri-r.g::oo xiii.
• i C.OYH Q.!UC, G't!.f:Q Add tf.e noodles,t.singcho:,stiLJ:sto cir ooclsepo·ate
• I n:..s:-ooN S-!l.QXl'II~ ·-11·NE mem, and cook for 1miri"'ie.)ro·ncno put the ~es
• S oz,- ISC 3 C-1 \'!S. ::u· i'\ITO on o serv'
2~· NCi:'O·Cr,, ~f'10ii> - Mixo.1the sauce ing·eci)rts ·.lo rno!I 'XI,..
• ·, JE:.s:-oo'II SES!~f O l - ;e<ntne vegetoole oil ·no wok.ororge Hillet (fryingoon}
over mediumneat, ado tne go· c, o,cl cir . fryfor1 minute
=o'\ ·n: s.:ucE until frcg·o.nt.Addthe s:rcw mush·oomso-r.owine,then
• I f:.5l:S:-oo ... l ;';HT SOYs:..u::: stJ . fryforono:ner m·.,_-te.Addtl-esauce. oringtoo ooil,
• I J::.s:-ooN Ql'\I( SOYs:.u::E o"'.dthen s:Ir ·" me noodes o.ndchi\<eS. Reoxe to O'Nheo;:
, ·~ u,s:-oo'II :;'\:.Nu.:.r:o su:;H foe~ minu:es,or unt tne nooa.,es
o,cl s:ir con-:inuously
• I :u:- :a
: L OZ..-25~v. C-1 (,::f', hove o~·oeo mas! o1 &e liquio. (),izzle'ntn e sesoTe oil.
.o: n
5'\o·n :sTO::i::. :.ate. and s.erve.
uons:er to the serv'-r_g


Y NOOO.ts ·1,• 'H M..'SHltOC..-SA.\OCHJ'.tst !!ACO~
. ,as
i\!G ON: SE Jl'll:l H000
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: 10 Ml'IUTES, " .US
COO(l'll:l. M!: 15 'fl 'IIUTES

• !. 01\ E:l a_.:.:('l'IUS- :\001-15 - ~it~ mushrooms.rl o bowl.co11er wr'.n coldwa:e·, o,cl
• .,CU "' ~ OZilO :;;: J" ED 3L!.CI:: soak to· <l'! eos: 20 m:nu::es,or U-"'tisoftened.Remo\<e
=u'l:";US me mush·ooms,squeezedry,and disca.rome stems.
• i OZ ·50 G "O'tK .E 'IIOE'\lOl'II Cutthe m...-s:vooms ,.,tos ces o"'41=eo· tne blockfung.;s
• S oz,-ISC 3 JUO'ltH!!T NOOJL!S into ne -s'.20:oieces.~: :oth aside.
• 2 J:5L!S"00NS \'!GEP.5~E O l - Meonv,.'hile, com:M'lecl tN' rnori"OOe ingre~"'ts and
• •~CUCUW0i!'t Sl CEJ 1toble:ooon...,ate· in o s~l 'Xlh .Adelthe :io:k.ond
• I '\IP!:::! 55.:.:;E l!' : S-l'tDJ! O marina:e for15minu:es.
• ·, c:=ti\OT, s~1:::EO - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof ...,atertoo cad the
• i :::u"S {le, F. OZ ·4;5 M~J :-::,;;( nooo,es.Cookocco·dingto tf"':ooo:oge d:rectionsu"'til
s,o·n :sro:::1::. "! .G! n; just tender.0-oin,then div'<!-e among se!'ing 'X/h.S.
• •~TE!S"OO'II S.'li - ;e<ntnevegetoole oil·no wok.ororgeHillet {fryingoon}
• I J!5l:S"'00"1 l :;nr SOYS!.u:::: overmediumneat.Adelthe :,ork, musYooms,cuc;..m~1.
• I J!5L!S"'00'f :::OR'IISJ:'\C-< bock 'i.r:gus,\lo::,ocobboge,o.ndcor·ot and stir-:-y
::::0:\'11: LOU:\) :<Y2-3 minu:-:s. Pourinthe :,or',: croth {stock.}, I cup
• ., fE!S"OO'II SES.!'flf O l (8 floz/250 ml) wcte!,the salt, ond Sctf sauce and COO(
• I !GG. ~1:;-;J .Y 5!!.TE"I :o. 3 .!'W'lut
es, o· un:ilthe :,o/( S cook...=cl
- Mixthe corns:orcn(com'lour}wr'.n 3tcoles:oons wa:-:·
=o, H:: ":n< v:, ~::,: in o s-noll'X/h ancistir mis mixtwe in:othe v.o<.3ring
• •, fE!S"OO'II ~,:;- TSOY$! .U:::E too boil,st'•ring,for 30 seco"'.dsto ::nic..<enthe sauce.
• •~ff!S"OO'II CO't"ISJ!~:::-1 0-izzle·.ltn e sesoTe oil.
::::0:\'11: LOU:\) - Aime in the beaten egg ono use cnopstick.sto st·•,making
• \ .f!SPO O'II G't!'IIUL!TEO SUG!i\ strandsof egg.Pourt"\e meat and gravyc,,-e·me noodes,
men seNe.

i\!G ON: -ION:"; (0'11:l

P:\!P!.,'t:·,oN TI-IE: 5 'fll'IIUT:S
COO(l'll:l. M!: 15 'fl 'IIUTES BRA ISED NOODL ES
S!i\VES: 4

• 11OZ·!O" 0 c~ r- :oo
f;) 'II - 3ringo sc:-xepa.nof ...,otertoo bo11 men cod the noodles.
NOODL!S Coo<occo:dingto tne packagedreci:ions..r.tiljun te-,cler.
• 2 J!SL!S"OONS \'!GEJ!5~E 0 0-ain, rinse unaer coci ruY'ling'hat e·, o"lOset os.A:le.
• •~OZilO G :;1'11:;E't !5QUT - ;ea;: ::nevegetaoleoil·no wok.ororges(illet {fryingoon}
1· NCHii,S•C\1•L!NG~H P :::), overmed'ium-h'gnheO'!,add the gi'lger,and stir.!-yfor
S-1'\EOJ!J 1-2 minu:-:sunt fragrant. ""..itinthe s"'·inp -oeand stir-:-y
• j J!SL!S"OONS sn~..,,,~OE :<Y 30seconds.Adome cnic..<en bro:h (s-.ock.}and oringto
• I :U"' :a
: L OZ:'25~ v. C-1 (,:f', o boil.Stir·n the oystersouce o,cl noon,esand mix'hell.
a,o·n :sro:::1::. "! .G! n - ~educeto CJN hem O"O stJ -fryfor2-3 m·"'.ies U'"'til t"\e
• i J:5L!S"00NS OVS":'HS!UCE b-'othhos :,eencom:,-ete-'yobsor:,ed by the nooo,-es.
• i sc:ll 0"115 (s ==t.'l:l ON 0'115), - Sprir.J:le
·otn e sco't.ons(springon'Ot"S} and dri?U overthe
S-1'\EOJ!J sesameoil.Stir'MIi, transfe· too se-vingplate, o"'.dserve.
• I J:!S"'OON S!S!\lf or~


~Yi ffl ® "!G 0'1: S-1! '1~ - £
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: lS v NUTH,
NOOD LE SOU P " lUS 30 "11'\IUT::SC-1 L.. '11~ i.VE

COOK ~G i ME l5 'fl 'IIUiES


- ~emovec;("{Oinro"":s fromi:he; e:. 0, o :.ate ineclwi':h • i '1·.5 !.SO·G CC'W N! (YE.LOW

po:ier taNt?ls,comb·~ t ~ filletsand~ teosooon soltone C\Q!lr:flt) = )r'i. C~f!.N!0, f ~E-EO,
wraparound more:iooer tO\\<estoco'.'er.R.efrigera:efor ! '10 •if.!0 ! 'IJ SO"IH ~!S! 'WEJ
30 -n·nut es to firm ..ntne fish. • i "E!9'0 0'\I s:~i
- Meom111hil~. ·no smo s.(ile: (fryingoo,), heat m e mus:ord • l OI,'100 G P~!S!";VfJ VUS"!~J
9reens over ov,.•~ot to te'TlO\'emost of me moinr·e. Tol:e :l~!E'\IS. iil;:M\1!0. ~ NSD, :~o
off the ~t, out in o 'X/h o,cl mix int~ sugar. Se:aside. :--10:-:-::0
- ;em me 10·9=saucepan eve· hig:1he<r,.,odd the • i "E!)i''O O'\I o:-:~uL!.iEO )UG.!~
9inger, reservedfish ~od o"'.dxines, 'W·ne,end 2 cups • I "f!)PO O'\I \'!G!PS~E O L
(16 fioz/475 ml) x,iling,end bri-r_g ::oo ooil.~uce o .,OZ1S O ONG!\ ::soul • -...:--1,
to medium-lowheat and siT:Te· for 10-15minutesun:il l·CW·lENGi --1:- E:!., 5~1:!0
tr>':DtO""J'I b..rns wh'te. • i "E!)PO O'\I s--1:ox ~G ',\' N!
- S:rointN' oroth ono d:Scordtl"':ginger,-ishheod, one • i o:.-sc~ f.!VSQO s - oon. CUT
bones. jo..s the b-otn boc..< ·~to tee oon, ado tri: mustard 1-... "s-~
·o l--1 =-s
9reens ono bomooos"'.OOts, and br'"'-9too boil.Reduce • 'I O!,l:J:J ~ =\E S--!SH'"IG-i!
to mediumheat ona simmerfor10minutesurd the -iO\'Ors "IOOOl:S
ho'le ming eeland tN' snoots ore te"'.der. • I "!fi.fS~o oN G "IG!ll JU CE
- Meom111hil~ . oringo i0r9eso.sceponof wo:e· too ooil.t"cen • :- '\1: --1c = ~'\0U~0'II - iE =-:::-:-z~
odo tne nood es. Cook.everm~m "'eat onti1just tender.
Orc:n. Set oside.
- U.i t"'e fmets~to bi:e•sizechun<so-r.op.rt:intoo 'Xii<.
Adelthe g' ngerjuiceand ""''tlitepep;,erono mixwe .
- j....rt ti-': nood es in me soup, ti-':n oda tne fishn!ets onc:I
remoin·-..g>$teospoo'1sol.. B-i."'.g too ~ii, reduce to CJN
heat, o"' for obou;:3 minu:es, or u-nt tri: fish i.s
coo<edi:hrough.O'vic:le the noodles~twee'1 t,o,,..s, lade
ever the SOl.!j , o"'.dserve.

. S87
i\!G ON: C-1.!.,
QZ-IOU t'.!iWt~
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: 10 Ml'IUTES, " .US
1~ v "iVES \1!:\ N.!i '\I~ T "1E CHAR KWAY
COO(l'II~. M! I~ v NUTES
E'.:!!=!~f sa~

• 5 oz,-ISC 3 " OR< •E'IIOBlO 'I. S.ICEO - Combinethe pork,ii teospoo'1sol-.,tt"':wh'ie pepper,
• I TE!S"OON S! .• T cornstarch (cor-.f-a...r),
and 1toole1:,oonwoterin o 'X/h
• " NCH o: G'!.OU'\l:l 'Ii-I .E "UPE'!. o,cl marina:e for 10m·.,.,ies.
• I Tf!S"OON COR'ISJ:'!.C - - Meom,-:hile, out tne rice noodleshto o oo.., .Separate
:::oR'l =LOUR) me strands of tri: rice noodleso"'.ds:i ·" me soysc:-xe.
• I .5 45~ G ='!,ES-I" CE '100:l.ES Set o:sx:le.
• i f:5L!5"00NS •. ~-IT SOYS!UCE - ADd1teospoon oiltot "\e marinatedoorkend mixwell.
• :s·!a .:s=ooNS " .USI TE!S"OO'II - ;ea;: 1tobespoo'1oil in o wokor arge slu!.etf-yingpoi)
VE~EJ!.5.t O l over medium-h'gnhem, add the garlic,and stir•:)' for
• I C..OV! ~>'!.l C, C - 0""!) 1minute u"til frogront.Addthe :io:k, inoeo:s.eto nigh
• I C-1 'l!SE S!US!G!, CUT .J !GQ~!l~Y hem, ooclstir-fryf()('1 ~ut e ./,.Ddthe sousogeand
'IITO·~·:'IC-l:5•"1"1·T-I CK 5.ICES shr'To (p-aw~} end st··.fry fo· a:o..i 2 m:nutes...ntil
• 15 OVISO ~ UNCOOKEDSH" "1P o tri: ing·ecrentso·e fu!lycook.ed. Trons:ertoo plate.
'"'t! W'IIS). S- E..L!J !'110 :l!V! ND - ;e<n 1tobespooo oil in o c..ecnwok.over medium,-,eat,
• i S-i'llOTS, S.. ICEO cod the she ots, ch e. and CU1ry powder,and stir,:-y c,,-e·
• I l!.D CH l!, SE!OD !'110 SH'HJJEO low "'eot for1 m:nute un:i :.ogron:.
• •~J!S.ES":)0'\I CU"'!.YPOW:l!:\ • S:ir·o ¾cup (2 flaz/50 ml) \\'Oterooclincrease to :-.igh
• I E!.S"OON G:\!'IUlrD SUG!'!, hem.Ado tne rice noodes.sugar, and remoin'"".9
• I !~G >$teospoo'1sch o.r,c:Itoss to mix'"'ell.
• I CU"S :s OZ/150 ~. S!! .N 5"1!.0UTS - j_.,;s
n me noodlestotl"': sidesof the wok. leov',r,go.n
• I f!5lE5"'00~ C'!.,SPY~!'!,l C t"'.'GE openi"'-9in tt"<:cen:e·.Adotne remoi"''1"91 toole1:ioonoil,
195:, TO 5t '1:VE men era(,( the egg into i!. Stir:or2-3 minu:es un:i the
egg ·s COO(ed o.nd,M(ecl•..,"thtt"':ric-:noodes.
- Mo the beo'1sprouts, :,ork, sousoge-,ono shrim:i.Mixwe
menuons: er too servi"'-9 pate, topw'tntne cris-:1y90:tic,



• S89
i\!G ON: s;:::-1u:.'1 t~t~®
P:\!P!:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiES
COO(l'II~. M! I~._. NUHS DA N DA N
S!'WES: 2
i!:!! =:~f S~I NOOD LES

• 2 f:5L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E 0 DanDonnoodes is o CiOSSk Skhucn dish.\\+.ichis prepared

.!5 .ESPOO'IIS S c - u:"I '"''U S!i\\'!0
• !. withpor<or oee:and o spicysouce modewi-.nchilio and
MUSt:'\O :;\EE'IIS. iil;,y;y;fO, :\ NS!J, p·,.nm05'!Skhuan recipes,odjun
!'110 :::-i o ="PE
O m e soicir.esswithtne omoum of oiland ~:oercor"\Sused.
• S oz,- ISC 3 ~'\OU'IIJ (W '11:::EJ)O!F
o;; "'0'\K - ;eot 1tooles:.oon\-ege:oble oil·" o wokor lo·9=s <i!let
• S ·E:. SPOO'IIS l ~Hi SOYs:u:::: (frying:.on)0ter medi.m-nigh,-,eat, ood the mus:ord
• ; OZ ·n~:; .J~ ED 't CE 'IIOOOlES g·eens,o"'4sft .: -y for 32 ~i es untUrog•ant.Se:oside.
• 1 t:5L!S"00NS SES.'Mf P!.SiE, WIXEJ - Co:-roinetri: oeef or oorkond 1teaspoonSCI'/ sauce in o
W i-1 i ·! .5.ESPOONS 'll!Tflt OO'NI.;eot the remoin'"9l toole1xo."1vegeto':.e oi in
• 1 f:5L!S"00NS S,C-!U!.N PP"'E't OI~ ode-onWO< overm~ -nigh"'eOt.odd the groonc:1
• !. .!5 .ESPOO'IIS :::-1 ~ O,~ meo:, o"lOsfr .fryfor 32 mirutes untilcookedthrough.
, •,cuP !.F ~OZiliOWl) - o·c - :::<E'II - Mea.ny-.•n;e, bri."'.9
o largesouce:,onof water too ooil.then
sito·n :slO:::i::.
"'! .O! n ooo me noodles.Coo<ocro-o..ngto the pocl-Dge d'•ectio":S
, 'I.Cl. .. :1 0!:5~ ~: =e: 'lluiS. iO.!.SiEO untilj;.st tender.)rein, &en divice among serving:O'h.S.
!'110 C'<:USH!O - fticle the SESOTe ooste, ore-servedmustc·d g-eens,meo"',.,
• I sc:.L 0'11 5p:, NO O'IIION), remoin'-r.g 2 te-ospoonssoyso-...ce,and the Skhuo.nono cl-
:::- 0.."! 0 oils:,e:,,.eenthe nooa.,e DOW:s. loclleoverthe ho-.crick.en
IYoth(~.ock),then top w'th the crusneapKJnu:sand

~ ==~--- - --- =
i\!G ON: -ION~ (0'11~
Pi\!P!.:\:·,oN i ML 10 y; NUTES
S!'\V!S: i·l

• S oz,- ISC 3 JUD EGG NOOJL!S - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof water too ood the
• 1 50'11!.ES.5. S( N~ESS: -1 CKE', e noodlesaccordingto the pock.03e
5:\!!S7$ d'•ectio-rsun:iljust tender,separatingthe "OOdles \\~:'l
• I TPS;-OON W-1 TEs:s:y;: SEDS cnopstkk.s.0-C.:n,rinse, o-r.orefr'ge·ate unt cooed.
• 2 if.'FOONS s;>H•I: 0 I. - .ri the some sa-..xepo.n,add 4~c_os (3! f ozll '"ier) water
, 1 sv:tl :::ucuw5Eit. s-1\!00D o,cl lY"'9too 00 .Addt~ ch'cl:enand ·eturn too boi.
• I sv:t~:::::=t=to· S-l'tEJJ!O Co.,.e·,turn the heot off,and et s:ond for tO~ut es unt
COO(ed. Cut tri: chkk.en into str'os o-r.orefrigerate.
=01t ·n: s.:ucE - -co:stthe sesame seeds in o s "TJO,I :,on aw mediu-nhem
• S ·:o .:s=ooNS -10 SN VUCE o"'.dsho<eoccosionofyfor 3-5 .n'.nu::es, or V"'tigolden
. s ·:o .:s =ooNS SES!Nf "'!STE IYow'"I. Setaside.
• I J,!5L!S=ooNS ~·~ - T SOY$!UC! - -o mok.etf.eso..ce,com:,;neo!Itl'e ingredien:s and
• I J!5L!S=ooNS OYSTEi\s:.ucE 3 tc:.espoo":Scoo wo:erend mix..,.el.
• I J!5L!S=ooNS 5l.,:::( 01\ O!L):y; C - Combinethe noodleswith me sesame oil,odd t "'e
· o"'.dcorrot.and top \\~n tne snredoeacnic..<en.
• iii J!5L!S=ooNS ~'t''IIUP.TEO SU0.'1' - jo..r the souce overthe -r.oodle--~spri.'c(lec,;vr me sesoTe
seecs,ona serve.


. S9
i\!G ON: X NJ :'IIG fl! ~ -=t-
P,\!P!itqON T WE: l~ v NUES,
=LuS I -! Ol.i,\ "~ 00 ' 1'11:';• \1! HA N D - PU LLED
COO(l'II~. M!: 15 W 'IIUTES

• I 5·0Zi'ISC·~ .Eu o= .:1,13, S.ICEO - -o make tt"<:nond-pu ea noodes. corr.oinethe -iooro"lO

• •, fE:)"00'11 ~,:; - T SOYS! .UCE salt ·.lo .orge 'XI,..Groduclyoour in 5 to:.espoo-rsV.'Orm
• I T:5L:s=oo ... VE3Ei!5L! 0 l, =LuS wa:e·, itt e ':If &ttle, o.nd/'M U-"'tifullycombined-do not
EXF! =o:t ~'(!!) ~G oodd mewaterotonce. Theoooghs-.oukl:,e o&ttle<¼y
• I s~1cE 3 N:;: :, toi:he oooch.1:t~ dough is toowet,add mo·e flour.
• I ON 0'11. S.1CEO - 3ringtN' doug"ltogetherand (neod on o lig.'-.tY-ioo·eo
• I TOW£JO, CUT N;o :::-1uN<S sufoce for oXIUt1m·.,.,ie ..r.t tr,..,s...rface:Ssmoo:n oncl
• •~TE!5"00'11 S.'li me texture sxiogy. Shooe tr,..,doug:1irr.oo smoo:n be..
• •, fE:)"00'113'(!NU.!f:0 5U3 H o-..dre:,-,..rn
totne baNI.Coverw'th o disn tov.-eone proo:
• I !GG. 3E.' TEN in o ...,a.rm:.oce fo· 20 /T'linu::es
• •~TE!5"00'11 CO'INSP~:-1 - -0.(e OU! the dougn onc:I(neod forooout 1m·.,.,ie (being
::O,\'ll =LOU,\) careful not to oveJ•(nead, v.+iichwillmol:eit more difficult
to n:i,., "the nooa..esinto stronos}and snope 't ·nto o oo!I.
=01t T-1! -1 !'IIO·"UllEJ NOODL!S: Returnto the bow1,, cover'N'-thoclean O-S'1 tO'Ml,onoproof
• n; cu "s :s oznso :;, :.,11:E=lou1t :<Y another 20 ~lit es.
o~ :lvPU,\"OS: "l! 'll:1 =1ou1t. - -ronsfe1the dougn to an oi eels..irfoce.Cut the dough
=LuS !Xiit,! =N!EJ!O into 4 pieceso.ndro Ieach p·ece intoo 24-:0ch/60-cm
• •~TE!5"00'11 S.'li logsnope.Oileach :.'ece,then return tr>'l!"!lto the :.ov.-1.,
cover,o,cl e: stone!foro"'Other20 mfl""i.,ies. 'P-..e
dough con
be ·efrigera-.ed1..nttready for use.
- When ·eody to :nol:Etl"': noooes. toke o ,pieceo:dou91,
ro it into o ,ong,thins-.1ono{about the d'ometer of o
cnopstick),oncigen:lystretchi:o o·m's lengtn.SetoSA:le
o-..drepea;:wi-.nthe remoin'-..g:.'eces of<. wont
to wot',:qub::lyto ens-...r e on ~te"l tn:c..<ne1s of "'OOdles.
- 3ringo .orgesouc.eoonof ...,ctertoo ooila.•e·h'gnhea;:.
La.-.ereoch noode Jrtotl"': oon, st·e:c-.:ngit os i. goes·-...
Usecho:,stiC(Sto d:;:,e-.,:ethe "'OOdles in the wote·. (CO(
:<Y '-5 minu- ces..r.tiljun te,cle·, t "cen rinse unoer cod
running'"'ote·. 0-ain we o"'.dd'vic:le the noodlesbetween
me se;vingba,..s.
- Combinethe lo.moand SO'fsauce ·" o oov.•1 o.r,c:Imarinate
:<Y 5 minutes.
- ;e<n tne V.'Ok0tcrge skte: (f-yingpen}over
mediu--r: -~h ~at. odd tl"':ginger,ono stit-fryfor1 .!'W'lut -e
untilfro9•ffl.Addth~O"'?ng"9 S':r•fryforonother
5-6 minu:es un:i softeneo.Add tt"<:i0mbond st··.fry for
2 mrut es untilcooked.
- S~ ·'1tne tomato, salt, sugar, o.r,c:1 ii o.p (4 Aoz/120ml)
wa:e· O"O b--i'lgtoo boil.Slow'yoourthe egg in:o thewO(
• Mixthe corns:orcn (eotn"lour}wi-.nii toblesooonwater in
o smallDO\\~o,cl s:ir this mix:ure intott"<:WO(. 3r'-..gtoo
bo1.,stJring, fo· 30 seconds toth'ckesnthe sauce, then oour
over tN' noodleso-..dserve.


§! i,\~(a) ~:o 0'1: S-1! '1~ - £
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 i VE: 20 Iii 'IIUTES
SE'~Vfi: 2

- US:ngo shcrp <ni:e,cl.J'i offend discordt -reneoclof me • i 'i lS i·0!:5:J:J•:;: f'tHri'll'iE't E::.
ee. Cutth~ eel o:,e'1da,o;ntl"':e.,tire ength of its body ~P .5" 00'11 CO''\S! s.:._r
o"'.d·emo-.-etf"':soine.Spr'c(le'"'"thtN' coarse salt o-r.o • 1 ·:.o .Es =o oN CO"'IIS-!i\CH
cornstarch {cor.,fb..r)o,cl NO o!!the m..cusfromt~ Hin. :coi\'\l : LOU't)
R:nseunder cola run'¥1gwaterend dro·n. )ry\\ith po:,e· f:!..S"OON S!..LJ!"1cut the eel ·.,to2 • ii-:nch/S,.-1.5-cm p·eces. , i ·:. .o.ESPOONS l :;nr sors:.uc:
- :iringo i0r9e souceoon of , e· too ooil.Turnoff me • i ·t:.SPO O'\I G"''IIUL!..iEO SUG.!i\
heat. then odd t-reeeland stir ropid'yfor o:out 10seCOt"'.ds. • i ·:.o .Es =o oN PLUS i ·t:.s" OON
kr.medbtelyremovethe ee :.o,-,tri:v.'Oter,usi'lg o slorted vE:;E·:. .o.E O L
spoo1,then ·illse undercold run-.:ngwote·ono d·CJI. , 1 ·:.o .:s =o oN c - o"=EJ P0'\1:
• Combinethe sot. roysooce, and wgor in o small00\lr,•I and ::.1a:. .c1:
mix '.-.ell into o SOi..Ce. Set aside. o ,OZ1S O O NG!'t i:. :.our i· '\IC-I •
- ;ea;: 1t!?Ospoon vegetoole oil:now0< o· lorg,=s<illet l·CW·lENGT -1 "EC! :, S-11\!00D
f-ying ,oo,) ever heat. add the :,orkfotbock, • I ·psPO O'\I s-1:.ox "IG w N!
o".ds::ir-fry for1-2minutesontil oispY.U<...e o slott-easpoon • i CU" I! oz,. ICC:; 5!.:.~ S"'t OUTS
to d::scordi-re crispypo.·(. • ~ lE'S"OO'II G'\OU'\IJ W- ,TE "!P"H
- AJJd>$toblesooonvegetoie 0·1to thewO! o.ndri:at over • i ClOV!S :;:.~~IC, C-IOP"EO
h·gn "\eOt.Adomegi¥·ono e-eono Stt-fryropicfyfor • i ·:.o .:s =o oN SES'"IE o L
1mi""I.J'te. Sprinde 'ntn eV1; ·ne,ood the sauce, o,cl toss'()(' • . I O!. l:J:J :; :'tE S-1 O't O't !J
O"'Other1mh.rt:e un~ilthe ee p·ecesare COO(ed throug...,. S-1!"11:;- :. NOODl!S
- AJJdthe been spro.rtsand s:ir-fry:orano:ner m·"'.ie V"'ti
so¾ene-:1 ond stcgnttycn.nchy . St·· int-re ,.,.,,~
e :,ep:,e·ono
trons:er to a servi~ pate.
- A.-range the ee on tN' olo:e ono ado ::nec.noopedgarlici;'l
the ce"'ter.
- Wipethe ,,.O<deon\\~:l paoer tov,.•esand odd tt"<:
rema·.n:ng'f, tablesooonvegetc:.-: oilanc:11 to:.-:spoon
se<..ome oil. P~t over medtrT',-,eat ...ntilhot, then
pou,me hen c;' overthe chop:ieo go·ic.
- Meom111hil~ . oringo i0rge :lOt of wote· too ooiland cook
the nooo.-esoccord·....g to the pockoged·-ections...ntil
te"'.der.)iv-idetne nooa.,-:soetwee'l me servingbo·,..sand
seNeaongsic:lethe s:it-friedeel.

. S9
i\!G ON: : uJ :.'I ~~ t'.J;* ift
P:\!P!.:\qON i ME IS Iii 'IIUES.
:,LUS 1C M 'IIU"fi sc,:.(I'11::;i YE FUJIAN- STYLE
COO( l'II:;;. '1! 2:J \1 NUHS
E'.:!!=!;jf 5~5

• !.01\ E:l a_:.:( 1'1US

- :\001olS • j_d t~ mushrooms;,.o bowl.co11er wi-',.n
coldwa:e·, o"'.d
• 1 J:.5L!S"00NS :l't ,EO S-1\ IY " soak to· o;: eos: 20 m:nu::es,or U"'tisoftened.Remo\<e tN'
• ; OZ ·2:J~:; X ~ !HU O't :..NY TYPEo: mu~...-ooms, squeezed-y, ond disca.,:Itne stems. Cut .nto
0'1; EJ 11;
1::: VB1olICEL~I minstrbs .
• I cu =-s OZ/150 :;;, :::. .N S"'!;OUTS • Meonv,.'hil e, SOC.( the driedshrw-llo ·"I >$cu:.(£ floz/120ml)
• !.·:.o .ESPOO'IIS \if;jfl.!5L! Oil cod ...,ate·:o·obo..rt10m·"'.ies. S:rC.:n the soo<ing•1,oter
• 1 E:lGS, 6! :.if'II into o OONIond reser\<e.
• I ... l ;jHT SOY 5:.,u:::: • j_d t ~ vermke in:o o lorge souce:ionono odo enough
• •~TE.!5"00'11 S.'li wa:e· ::ocr.:tw h completely.3ri"9 too boilover,-,eot
• I f::!.S"OON G:\!'I Ul rE:l SUG!.'1; o,cl iT:Tediotelyturno!! ti-': neat. Stondfor 10miMes.
, 1 r:.aus=oo~ aL .1.,c<o~ a:..s.,M Ic Usecho:,stio:sto d:s:11n:e theverm·ce then oroinond
V NE;j:.'{ r'"':!e under cold l'l..nning wo:er.)rohono set os3de.
• 3 s-1:..lo~. SL CE:l • 3ringo sc:-xepo.nof ...,otertoo 00 over nighneat, odo
• I :5·0Zi'ISC•;j "0'1;1( 6! L..Y. S.ICEO me bean sorou:s, o,cl banch '~ 30seconds.~emove
• I f:.6 L!S=oo ... COl\'IISJ:.'!;C- o,cl d·oin.Set oside.
·:::oR'll=LOUI\ ) • ;ea;: 1toolespoo."1 oil;,.o ""0< or<i!let{fry'-..g:,on)
• n oz,-csOCH VES. :::u · NTO overmediumneat, oda tne eggs, ona spreadout in:o
l I· NCH 4<'-1 .. f'll;ji-lS o thin ayer.Coo<'~ 1-2-n·nutesuntil COO.(e,d throug"I.
• 1 J:.5L!S"00NS C" PY :l!.\ l C ReTOVe, cool.o.nclcl.J'!i"'toth·.l str'os.
=:.;jf 105; • Combinethe soy sauce, salt, sugar, vinegar,and reserved
shr'To soo<ing'"'cter in o smo! bowlto mol:eo so.xe.
• ;eai 2toblespoonsoi in a ,...o<,odd theverm·ce , ono stir-
:"Yr.:,w mediumneat for 3-4 minu:es1..nttlig.'-ttYorownecl.
Tro"'Sfe·too olo:e. Heat t~ •emMing 1toblesooonoi o"'.d
stir-fry&...sno!lo:sfor 1-2 minutesuntilftog·ont.Adclthe
po·.( ::iefy,o.rieclshr'To, o.nclmusnroomsondcook:o.
2 mini.ft es, or un:ilcookedt., ·ougn.
• Mixthe corns:orcn(com'lour}wi-'.n2 tablespoons...,ater
in o s"l')Cl!I
'X/h ona stir mis mixtwe in:othe ,...o<. 3ring
too boil, st··ring,forobol.J'!30secondstot.,·cken tN'
sauce.Adelthe s'.'\Nnpso-..xe, stir in the chives,bean
sprouts,and eggs,o"lOtop'N'th the \<e-mic e!fi.- rons:er
too se-vingplote o"'.CJ scatter ove· tne cn-:,ygarlic.


. S95
i\!G ON: SE Jl'II~ i'f ~ lfil
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: 10 Ml'IUTES, " .US
1~ v "iVES \1!:\ N.!f "II~ T "1E NOO DL ES W ITH SPICY
COO( l'II~"' M! I~ v NUHS
E'.:!i=!~f S~"

• '.'OZl2~~:; 1,_
f!NPQ'!,l( . CUT NTO - Combinethe pork,1teaspoon lightsoysauce,t-r.ewgor,
T-i'IIST" "S 1teos:,ooncornstarch (co·nfa...r), and 1tooles:::,oon ,...mer
• i lE.'S"OONS .. IG·IT SOYS!UCE in o :io'N I, mix we and T10rinot e :<Y 10~lit es. ~ix ·n
• •, fE!S"OO'll 3'!.!NU ..!J:0 SU3 H 1tobles:ooonci.
• I f:5 L!S"'00"1 " lU S I lE.'S"OON - ;ea;: me remoi.,:ng2 tooles::100ns oi in o ""0< or lorg,=
CO:\'IIST!'!.C-1 :co'!.N " LOU'!. sk1-:t f-ying pan) over medium-hig'1hea-.,odd the garlic,
• l "'!5 ..!S"'OONS VE~!f:5L! 0 o ,cl s:it•fryfor1 minute untilfrog-o..t. kd the po·,::,
• 3 CLOVES ;j!'!, L C. C-10""!0 p·ese.rvedmustard g.-eens,-ref:s'no"'.dchilisc:-xes,,::etcnup,
• I J:5l:S"'00"1 C-10""!0 S C- U!"I o"'.dremo·.n:ng1teaspoon lig.'-ttroy sauce. St··.fryfor
"':\! S!'!.VE::l "1USJ!'!.J 31\!E'IIS, o"'Other2-3 ~lit es u"til the oork is cookedth-ougn.Add
l" V"1E:l. =tl"IIS!O !.NJ CH0'"' 0 EJ m e salt o,cl ii C\,;O (L floz/120ml) water, bri"9 too boil,
• i f:5 L!S"00NS -IO IS "I S!.UCE o"'.dthen s::Ir·" tne do·,::Self sauce.
• I J:5l:S"'00"1 C-1 d S!UCE - .rio small oowl,mixthe ·eTJdning1tobespooncomto·ch
• I f!5 L!S"'00~ KETC-IU"' witn 2 tcoles:::,oons wcte· ono stir this mtu- ·e ·nto m e wok..
• •~TE.!S"OO'II S.'li Bringtoo :oi, s:irring,:or 30 secondstoth'ck.en t-r.esooce.
• ., TE!S"OO'II J!:\( SOY S! .UCE - Meonv,,.hil e, oringo .orgesouceoon of v.-o:-e· too ooil,then
• I .5 S CZ ~~C ~ :l" EDW- E!i cod the nooa.,es.Coo<occoedingto tt"<:ooo:oge directions
NOODL!S untiljust te"'.Cl-e·.)roi l'\ me'1uons: er too erg=bowl<Y
, 'l. CUCU"15!'t SH"! ODEO L 'ndivi:luol servingoowls.Fb...reve· ti!: brownsc:-,..ce, top
wi-..nthe shredded cucumber,and serve.

i\!G.ON: -!!{p ~;ll!W®

P:\!P!:\!"' ION T "1E: 5 "1 'IIUT:S
COO( l'II~"' M!: 15 "1 'IIUTES NOO DL ES W ITH

• IY.P5 ..ESPOONVE~E"'!6 ..E 0 - ;e<n 1teaspoon oil·o o sauceponoo.•ermed'um-:ligh"":Ct,

• I:. OZ l~ G "011;1( f!iO! .CK, CUT "ITO cod the po·,::fotooo:, and ,oo-..fry for4-5
"'fA·S Z! " !CfS criso.=wmovethe crispyoorkono d·C:n0'1po~· ta.-.els.
• !. S-1! ..LO-s , Ql.! 'rHE:l !"ID L ~HllY - ADlli:heshe ots and garlicto the pano,cl pen-fryover
C'!.US-IEJ mediumheai :<Y 2 minut-esI.Inti slightlyorown.--ansfer
• !.C LOVES :l!'!.L C, C- O""!J garlico too oow. :>'sco·ome go·.oc
::neshe ot
• 11QZ,,300 G f'!.ESn EG~ 'IIOODlfS o"'.dsho ots.
• I J!5l:S"'00"1 L ~HT SOY S!.UC! - 3ringo .orgesouceoon of .,.oter too ooil.cod the fresn
• I f!5lES"'00~ ~ S-1s,r.uc: nooa.,es,o"lOcoo,:: for 30seconos.0-oin onc:Imixwi':h
m e remo'niog1to~spoono .O..oin,thendiv'-o-eomong
- Spti.c(leoo.-e·
tne 'il:lf sc:-xe,fisnsauce, o-r.ogarlic-s-r.cllot
oil.Mixwe- ono toj with me en'C1'fpor<.Se-..•eimmed·cte!y.



i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'11~ '11t'.!l~m.~
P:\!P~:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUT:S

• ll oz ~JO G ..-~nnEG3 '1100:l.ES O't - 3ringo i0r9esouceoon of water too ooil.cod the fresn
- OZ 'iOO G 01!;EJ EG3 '1100:l.ES nooo.,es.oc0 COO( for 30 secones. (I:'-Y'l9
dried "'OOdles,
, :s-!o.:s~ooNsvE3!J:5L! or. COO( accord·~ to the pockogedirectio"'S 1..ntipt tender.)
0-oin onc:Imixwith1tobespoo~oil.
- ;e<n tne remoi"'1"92 taoles:~ns oi in o orge nOt"'Stb:
sk1et f-ying pan), cad the noodle-~d:S:ributingtf..e-n
evenly,andpo"-fty for 3-4minutesc,.•e· mediumhem until
goa-e:'lbra1tn.Donot stir-.<*P the s<illetmovng o tne
t::me to ensure even coo~~. :lip the rood es a.-e·ono COO(
:o. onother 3-4 mi"•..rtes
un:i xa,.-...

i\!G .ON: -ION3 <O'II~

P:\!P~:\!· 10N T WE: 5 W 'IIUT:S
'1l* fft~
COO( l'II~. '1! 25 W1'11Ui:S PAN- FRIED RIC E

• ; OZ ·2JJ:; .J ~ ED 't CE \' !~\1 CE.L Thisrecioeis o bosis for rriO"'{Of

the stir-friedri:s"'essuch
, :s-!o.:s~ooNsvE3!J:5L! or. cs Scrom:.eo Eggsand Shn.,To 0ter Vermicel.. {ooge 603).
It is never seNed on its own.

- 3ringo i0r9esouceoon of water too ooilo.ndodd the

verTlke!li.Cover, turn offthe "'€Ct.and et stone !o·
10mrut es. Uncover, then use chops:ic..<sto stir o,cl
seoorote the vermice to preventsticking.)re· !'\,men
st:ri;\ I tobespoon oil.
- ;em me remoi":ng2 tooles:~ns oi in o orge no-rstb::
sU et (f-yingpan) over mediumneat,odo me verm·ce ,
o,cl pen-fry ~r 3-4minutes untilSghtb-ownand crisj'f.
Dono: s:J - (eeptce s<i!letmovingal me ::::me to ensure
even cooking.:liptf..enoodes ct1ero"'.dcook forono:ne·
~ ~lit es unt brown.


t"F"® "'!G O'I: ~uJ ! 'II
=>";!=>H!f 0'11 i,VE: 5 \1 "IUTES


- :iringo SO\..cepanof '"otertoo boil, cad the shr'mp • Ii U'\l:OO(!J S-i't 1,1=> l?~ ! W"-IS;.
{orowns), onc:Iolonch for 2 minutes until the>fo·e oink S-1!.lEO ! NJ OE\'E ,EO
one!coo<edthroug...,.0-dn o.ndset aside. • I!. Oi: .dC~:l T-1 'II .J'> ED !GO
- Meom111hil~ . oringo i0r9eso.sceponof wo:e· too ooil.t"cen "IOOOtES
odo tne nood es. Cookoccordiogto the :,oc..<oge d'•ectio-rs, • I CU"' (]: 12 OZ:'ICO:;;: 5E ~N S'"=tou·s
un::I; t-ender.Oroin,t ~n divi::leomo-r.gserv' • i H!'tJ·5O L!O Eo:;;s, -i! L\'!J
- US:ngthe some lorg,=sa..cepon,oring \\'Otertoo 00 over • ~ ~ CU"'S .}4 ~L OZii l H't) S-l't \1 "'
hig:1 heat. Addt ~ oeon and olonchfot 30 seconds. s=tor- :sro::fC, "!..GE n
Orc:no"'.ddivide amongtee serv' oov.::s. • ~ PS~ES"OO'IIS F S-i 5.'UCE
- j....rt tN' m,impond eggs i-rtothe 'Xlh.S.
- ;em me broth (stoo:) in o soocepo~ cod the -ish sauce,
end br'"".9~o o boil.lcdle me broth .ntothe :O'h.S ono se-ve

- --------- ~= - --=
~~*f f) "!G 0'1: ·! .·~·:.'I
"";!"H!f 0'1 T "1E: 10 M 'IU7ES


- Combinethe chb:en ~oth (stoo:), sot. ono 1cup • i CU"' (8 ~. OZi'iSC y;~ ::-; C(:'N
(8 ~ oz/250 ITT)wa:e· in o 'X/h. St·•we- o"lOset o;.;de. sitor- :sro::fC,"!..GE n:
• j.oce the tuno in o 'X/h ona use o forkto lreo< it u-o. • I 7f!SPOO'I 5:~T
• ;e,m 1tobespoonoil ·nowokor S<illet(fryhgpon) c,.•e· • i :~·oz 110-~ c:..N·u.,.:. o=t: 'l!J
me-d'ium-low "'eCt and odd t "\e Deatenegg.Tit tt"<:s,d!letso • } i!.S ~ESPOO'IS 'iE~E -!5 .E O l
that tN' egg evenfyco-.•e-sti!: s-..rfoce,mo.(ingon ome et. • I EGG. 5E! .E'I
Cookfor 1-2minuteson eocn side ...ntilgolo~. Rema.•eone • I CH\QT, S·HEJJEO
s:ice the egg in:o thin stronos. • 5 OZ..-150:j.X N Z ·IU C't :..NY 0~ EJ
• ;e,m me remo·~ 2 toblesooonsoi in tr,..,some wokover '( c: vn,,-,;cu~ :s:E NOTE
me-d'iumneat end st·· in t"\e sv eo::leclcarrot o.ndthe tune.
Stir- fry:o. 1m·"'.ie.
• j01..r ·o me cric<en~oth mixtureond oringtoo ooil.then
ado tne ~rm·ce o,cl s:ir. Reduceto low "'eat and coo<,
st·-r;ngcontinuously,!orooout 3-4 minutes,or un:i o o:
tN' sauce :Sobsor:,eel bytri: \'e ·micelli.

ToMooXinl},.., rice\'e:mice does not ·eqi.f"r:oresoo<irg.
1:;_mg other varietiesof ricevermicelli.bri."'.9o lo·g-=
soucepo.nof water too bo ono odo ::neverm·ceIi.Cover,
turn offt"'-e,-,eat, and let sto,cl 'r.x10 minu:es.u~over,
tt°":'luse Ci."'Oost'ck.s
to stir end se:,oro:ethe ve-rnkellito . )rein, tne'l stir in 1toblesooonoil.

. S99
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG t~ 5F~ ~ t'.!1
P:\!P!:\qON T ML 10 y; NUTH,
COO(l'II~. '1! }0 'fl 'IIUTES
it:!! =::;f 601

• 3 O'I EJ O_!C( 'l'IUS-iltOOWS • j_d t~ mushrooms;,.o bowl.co11er

coldwa:e·, o"'.d
• 11OZ,,300 G L!"-r =-o;;<, SL1::::o soak to· <l'! eos: 20 m:nu::es,or U"'tisoftened. Remo\<etN'
• I f:!.s=-ooN L GW SOI' S.!UCE mu~...-ooms, squeezed-y,ond disca.,:Itne stems. Strainthe
• ·~ TE.:s:oo'II G'IOU'IIJ w - ,TE ::p:fll mus-.·oomwater into o cup ona set aside.
, 5 ·:o .:s=ooNs vE:;:t:5L! or~ • Meonv,.'hile,;,. o me port roy sauce, whi:e
• i!t :::u:s :s
OZilSO :5, S!! .N 5:'( 0UTS pep:ier,ono 1tobespoon wgetoole oilond rnori-..otefor
• 5 0!1 ISC 3 YE.LOW :::-;1vn, cur NTO 10mrut es.
1 • NCH 4.:;:y; 1..E'll:;HS • 3ringo oo: o:water too bo overnigh neot,odo ::nebe-on
• I r:ot:s=oo ... OYST::: S!UCE spro.rts,and olonchfor 10-15seco"'G. 0-oin and rinse
, ·~ TE!s:oo'II :;"1:Nu.!f:D su:; H unoe· cod running•1,ot e·. Set oside.
• I f!5L:s=oo~ :::CR'IISJ:'IC - • ;eai me remoi"'1"92 ta.oles:~ns oi in o ,...0<or lo-geHL:t
::::oR'll =LOUR) (frying:io.n),ad:I tne po"<and s:ir-fry :o. 2 'TW'lvt es over
• ·, JE!s:oo'II sEs.:1-1Eo l h'gn heot V""ticoo<eclthrough.Adelthe '.Tl.l:VOOms and
• I ~1.,:,r n :,! "lj• :'( EJ EG:;'1100:l~ES yelO'Nchives,ond toss thorougnly.
:!:;f s~,: · ~i ·n the oyster soxe, sugar, and 4 toblesPOOns ·eserved
mus...-oomwater. Br'-r.g too bo . MiX::neco·
(cornflour}witn 2 tab espoons•1,at e· in o smol oo,.ond
stir this ~lixt•.re ·nto me,...0<.3ri"9 too boil,st'rriog,for
30secondsto thb::en the sauce.
• Mo the beo'1sprouts o-..dsesame oii,stir,ano put 0.'1too
ot t't"<:
pon-:-'eo egg noodlesto serve.

::o 0'11: - O 'II~ KONG B2;ll3±. t'.!1

:::::H!T 0"11TYE: SY NUHS
SE'WES: !.

• 12 OZ>}SO ::3.~:i;:s- EGGNOOJ~ES ~ &-;ng

o lo·ge sauc'::>anof wcr.ertoo boi odd tl"':fresh
• !. P5~f5:00'iS 'if.i~ "A6.f O I. noodles,ond COO< :or 30seconds.)ra·'1 o-r.omixwith
• I "!O l!S=ooN L G-i" SOYS!UCE 1ta:.-espooooil.
• I~ "! .6.ES?OONS 0! : ( SOY S!U:::: ~ Com:,;netne 'Sl:l'fso.xes, oyster sauce, and sugar'n a small
• i ·:a ~::s=ooN OYSiH S!u:::: bowland :nixwell to mo.(eo sa-..xe. Set aside.
l:'S:00"1 :51\!"IIU~!TEJ SU~!\ ~ 1-irot2 tooles::,oonsoil ·no wokor or9=s<illet{fryfngoon},
0"1 0'11. S-i\EJJ!O odd tl"':onion,and st··.fryO'Y!:'r.,·gn~t unt softeneo.
• I~ :::u:s tS O!,ISO G 5f!"II S'"'IOU"S Putin tt"<:oeon sxo..isond ch· ,•s,-~tne'1seosonwr'.nthe
• 1\ OZ..!S G C-i \'!S, CUT 1'11 "0 :.~tne,...o< a"'.dsetosic:le.
salt. R1::no-,•e
n· .'\1:::-;.~•:::Y L!NGi-iS ~ Add tN' re-noining1tobespoo'1oil to the ,...o<, odd the
• ''I i:!.S:oo"I S!.LJ noodleso"'.dspecialSCI'/ sauce, o"'.dS::r- fry foronotne·
, i · .:o.Es=ooNs :::-; c<:N o~o·n 2 minu:es.kld the chio::e:'lbroth (stock)cno ~n soioutS,
(S·oc <, =:. :5Eoo:i end st··•fryfor o.notr"':rminute...ntiJwe mixed.Serve.


i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG r¾'i~l ~ ,f l'il lfil
P,\!P!il;qON i ML 10 y; NUTH
COO( l'll:;3.i M! j -IOU~S ~cM '\lu·n NOODL ES WITH
S!'WES: 4

• I I .5 S·O!;~O~<;: "0'!.K K'\IUC(lE - Use o (ni:e toscro:,e t-re oork k,_-,r,xk.,eCi.eO'lono rinse
• ·~ O!ilO ::3.::3.'11:lE'!. :.sou·\· 'II::-;, una~· cod ru-;ning• e·. Putthe :,ork(nucldeinto o .orge
2•CV•L!NUi - " .ECE), Sl ::EJ souce:,onand odd e"'OC9h water to covercompletely.Bring
• I f::!S"OON S CHU.!N PE"'"E~CO'!.NS too boilover nigh "'eat and olonchfor 5 minutes. D-oin
• 1 ::usn uo a::'11::u,o o ,cl r· "\Seuoc:le1 cold runni~ wo:er. OIOp into cl-unksand
• I f!5l:S"00"1 R;EO5E !'I CUID JUICE set oS:de.
• 2 f:5 L!S"00NS \'!GEi!S~E O ~ - :mthe soTe -orgeso;xepo~\\ithwo:e1 onc:I~ing too
• 2 f:S L!S"OONS S- :ox NG 'N 'II! !Jo'I.Adclthe oork k.."uck..e , 4 g·"'.ge.slices.and t-re Sichuo'l
• I f:!S"OON Qi\,:: SOY:,:u::E pep:iercornso.ncloringtN' ,...-ot er to o.notr"':·boilover ~h
• •~TE.!5"00'11 S.'ll hea;:.~educeto CJN hem o"'.dsimT..erfor2 hours.o· urrt,
• I f::!S"OON Gi't!'IU l rE:l SUG!'!, w•.de·.)ro· n o".d("";!ethe :ieces tho:oughfyuna~· cod
• ; OZ ·n~:; .J~ ED :::;G NOODL!S running...,cter.
t ~ teo been CU'°d,
- j_...-t :,eoncure jdce, o.ncl4 toblesooons
wa:e· into o food,orocessoror bena~·. B.eno::omok.eo
sauce,uons:ertoo 'XI.,.. o".dset aside.
- ;e<ntne \\'Ok.or o.rgeskte: (f-yingpen} over
medit.r-r: •~h ~ct. odd tr"':remoini-r_g g·-r_ge· slices,and
stir-fryfor1 minu:e un:ilftogro-rt.:,ut int~ oork kn.xk.,e
p·eces.,.,..·~.-e-doeoncurd sauce.and 'Sl:l'fso.xe onc:Is:ir-
:"Yfor 1 minu:-e.Fb...r·'l enoughwater to covert~ oork
k.nuc..<l e oc0 bringtoo bo . Seo:so.'lwitn the sah sugo.r
reduceto mediu~laNheot. and s·mmer,uncove-e-d.for
ISminuiesun:ilthe sauce mic..<ens.
- Meonv,.'hil e, oringo .orgesouceoonof v.-o:-e· too ooil,then
cod the nooo.,es.Coo<occo·dingto tr"':ooo:oge d:rections
untiljust te,cw. )roil'\ tne'l d'vic:le OTl01'19 servingbowls.
Add tr"':porkkn.ales piecesto each 'XI.,.. , d·izzleove· tr,e


~ IB"F-
~ ~ ~of "!G 0'1: :5l.!'l:";OO'\I:;
"";!~H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M -..iu·E s.
COOK ~GT WE: IC \1 Nu ·n
WIT H BEEF SE'Wfi, }·~

.. Combinethe :,e,e: v.~:1£ toblesooons,.-.ater in o bowl • 5 OZ..-150:j. SE!' : .:.'Iii:: 5iE ! (, Sl :::EJ
end sock for 10TW'lvt es. ~-ou. me excesswc:er, t~'l • 1 ·:.o .Es=ooN CO"'IIS-!i\CH
mix·n 1teospoo.'lco·nsto·ch{cor-r:ioor) . ::::OR'll=LOUit)
.. Meom111hil ~. out tne ricenoodes ,.,too 'Xlh. ~:,cnote • i LS !.'.:C :j. :'t! S-i 'tCE 'IIOODlES
nood1eso"'4stir ·otne 'Sl:l'fSO.Xe. • I -p SP00'\11.. G-ii SOYs:..ucE
- ;ea;: 1tob espoonvege:oble o in ov.'O!or lo·ge ski e: • l PS~E5POO'IIS vE;;E·:.o .E O l
{fryrq ~n} over h·gn-r.eot. oddt-re ginger,and fry 'r.x • ~OZ'20GG"-iG!~ ::. :.out
1 minu:e un:il f•ogro-rt.Acdi:hecnoysum and stir-::y l· 'IIC- ii.S•:::v•tENOi - = :::E,.
1-2 minutes un::I; tender.Seoson,,,/th the sa_;t,toss. S.ICEO
and t~'lhonsfer too plate. • II O!,l~~ ~ C-iOYSUM. KE:" NG
- Wipethe ,,.O<,,..~h po:,e· ta...-els,teen neat tt"<:remaining 0'11.Yi-i! ·t 'IIOE" "H- !6 Qlli
2tobes:oonsvegetobleoi over :-.igh""'=Ct.Acdthe:ieef d· '11:-i!S ,'lO•CV :'{QM i - E iO"
and st··.fry for2-} mh.rt:e--~ just U-"'tihalfdone.Acd the i!!..S,.OON S!..LJ
cys:e· sauce and£ tooles::100ns wote!, tt°":'lbr'~ too boi. • i ·:. .6.ESPOONS OYSTEitS ! UCE
- lfl o small baNI. mix t-rete:noining 2teospoons corns:orch • i -f!SPO O'II SfS,1.1,1:: 0 l
v.~:'l 2to:. espoonswcr.erand sti· th:s mixture·.,tot-re wok.
B-i."'.gtoo boil,stirring,for~ secondsto thb::en the sauce.
- ~etumtn e-cnoysum totne wok.ood the noodles,and stir-
fry overhigh ,-,eatfor1 minu:e.Adclthe sesame oil.stir, oncl
tronsfe•·too ~-ving plate.

;t g; ~n
=:m r11
* "!G 0'11: - Q'll:j. KO'IIO
""!"H!.f 0'11i "1E: 15 V NUTES
COOK '110i ME 5 v 'lllJi!S
SE'WE5 !.

- :iringo .or9esouceoonof wote· too ooil.cod the snrim:i • II O!,l~~ ~ SH!llE:l U'IICOO(!O
{prawns),onc:Iolonchfor 1 minuies.0-oin and se: osic!e. S-i't 1,1: t'"'t! W'IIS), :JEvE 'IIEJ
- 3eo1:tt"<:e99 ,.,...,'tes ino smc,' OO'NI
onti loamy,odd • ~ :;;;;s. S!P!.~:.-E o
1teospoo'.'loil,the s0.;t,o.nclthe egg yolks.end tt°":"tbeet • 2 ·:. .6.ESPOONS " .USI lE!.5"00'11
090'..n.MixJ'Ithe shriT:i. ,,,;.;~· .:.,6.fO I.
- ;em 2tobespoonsoi in o wo<<Y largesUe: f-ying pen) i!!..S,.OON S!..LJ
ever nighneat. (The oi needs to be not !?"0..9htocoo<the • i QU!..NJ,iY ::.'ll•==t D-" CE
1=93s wi-.nthe heot turned off.) lur"toffthe ~ct and oour VE't"1,:!L~ {"!G! 508
inthe egg mixture.
• US:ngo spctl..o ('.1shske), fod the eggsove1o~to
ti--?TiSelves ·o me \\'Okf<Yabout 1 minute--~ lo;-e·bylayer,
os o lo;-e·is formedontt"<:s-..irfoce.AM.,ays fo aNtne some f the o hos cooledO:,v,m be:o·e
tt"':eggs o ·e cooked,pv;:the wokbockever CIN heat to
.,.rt tt"':vermice on o serv'~ :.ate, t-ren odd trie prawn
- :1--
end egg rnixtuse on top. ~-..•eimmed·ate!y.

. 601
i\!G ON: sn:..No-1:. ~~ r~f,!;-
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: 10 Ml'IUTH, " .US
15 "11'\IUTESv:. •t'll£f NG i M! GL U TIN O US RIC E C A KES W ITH
COO( l'II::;. M! I~ v NUHS
i!:!!=:.::;f 605

• S oz,- ISC 3 " OR<. SL CEJ - Combinethe pork,soysc:-,..ce, wgor, and 2 tablesooons
• ·, fE!.S"OO'II ~,;j - i SOYs:..u::E wa:e·ino 'Xii< one mo:il'IO:-e for15minu:es.Stirinthe
• ·~ JE!.S"OO'II ;j't!Nu . :.r::o SU;j H co:nstorch(cor"tour) o,cl cod ii tablesPOOn VE-3 etobe oi.
• •~ff!S"OO'II CO'\NSP~::-1 - ;e<ntne remoi"'1"92 ta.oles:~ns oi in o ""0< or large
:::OR'll =LOUR) sk1-:t f-ying pan) overmediumneat,odo me scdlion,
• 2 ·:.s L!S"OONS VE3!i£5lE OI~ o"'.ds:it-fryfor1-2 ;rw'lut-est.ntitSOTT.
T-o":Sfe·too ,olo:,e.
• I 3E J 'IIG SC'l~IO~ o ~ S sc.:.1~10NS i:hebee~ paste to mew0<and s:ir oo.•er
- A/JJll medium-:ligh
:s~'\ .'ll;j ON O'IISL ::uT O !,GQ"-.!..LY heo;:,then inthe x,rk o-r.ocontin.e to sti. •: )' for
• I i!S L!s=ooNS 3E.'N 2 .nn.ites untiljust coo<eclthroug""·Add2 tob espoo-,s
• ll oz,soo G G.U i ~ous ; ,: E :::..lC:S. wo:e· o"lOme glutinousrice co<eso".CJ stir-fry~r ano:ner
't NS!) !.NJ Clli "-.TO\·l'll::-1:S•\1\1 1-2 minu:-esunt tne \\'Oterhos been oororbecl.S:ir·o
s~1:::s o"'Other2 tablespoons....,oter and the sot and stir•:)' u"til
• •~JE.!S"OO'II S.'li me riceCO.(!:'S ore so~eneo.St:ri;'ltr'I:sec '005 (soring
• ·~ JE:.S"OO'II SES.!"1f O ~ on·O"S } and sesoTe oi, then tro"Sfe·too olo:e and serve.

i\!G.ON: -101'\13<O'II::;
Pi\!P!.:\:.· ,oN i ML 10 \1 NUTES
~ ~"f f~~ t'.!l* ift
COO( l'II::;. '1! 25 "11'\IUT:S V ERM IC ELL I W ITH B EEF A N D
S!i\VES: 2

• 9 0Zi15C:; J'\ ,EO 't ,:: E \' E~\1 CE~L - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof ....,otertoo ooilo.ndodd the
• I TPS"OON s:..r ver ~ e!liand sa;t. Cover, tum o!!t ce neat, ono let sto ,cl
• 4 ·:.o .ESPOO'IIS \iE3fi.!5L! Oil :<Y 10~lit es to soften the ve-·micel!i.Usingcnopsticks ,
• I \0 CH l ! , CHO'"'"EJ st:rthevermke!lito preventit fromstio:ing.D-ain,then
• 1 ::.OVES U.'1'. IC, cn:'""'0 st:ri;'lI tobespoon vegetoole oil.
• I f!.5lES"'00~ =E't"1E'lli:0 5L .!.,Cl( • Combinethe chile,go·ic. block.beons,and wgor in o small
5El"IIS , " '\ISEO !,NJ ::c:.:i,s: LY OO'NI and mix''"ell. H:ct 2 tobespoons vegetobe oi in o
wok.or .orgeskl!et (fryingpoi ) over medium,-,eat, cod the
• ·~1,;:.s"OO'i ~=tfNu~:..r:o su~:., verT!ke!li,and ,oon.:-yfor3-4mh.rt:esun:ils!ig"tlycn':ff,
• S oz,- ISC 3 3EEF=t :."11( S":'f:.(, CUT Po aw o"lOCOO( foronotne· £_5 ~lit es u"til Drown.
l'IITO T-1 'II 5·:'{ PS Re'T'O\'e tnevermicelr too olo:-eand set o:s'~.
• S'~ OZ ICO::; '"'tES!'t\'!J "1UST:.;o - Mo 1to:.espoo'lvegetable oi totl":wok one sfu-fry
:l:\!E'IIS ·9; MM!). i\ NSEJ, !.NO me bock ~n mixture fo· 1 ;rw'l.rt e t.ntitfrog.ran:.
:: - o ~"! O - .ncreose to ~h ~at. stir inthe :,eef, cod the munrd
• 1 f:.5 L!S"00NS ., ;j-li SOYs:.u::E g·eens,soy sauce,o-r.d>iclJD(L floz/120ml) wote·, tne'l
• I f£5 L!S"'00~ ::CR'IISf:.;C - IY-1'19too bo" and COO( for1-2 ~uw, or U""titt"<::,eef
:::oR'll =LOUR) is just coo<eclthroug...,,
• I f:!S"'OON s:s:.v: or~ • Mixthe corns:arcn (corn~•} wi-,.n 2 tablespoons....,oter ·,
o smo!l00\\ ~ o,cl s:ir this mix:ure intott"<:WO.(. 3r'"".9
bo1.,st:tring, fo· 30 secondsto th'ck.Esn the sauce.Add tl":
ver~ e!li,toss, and drizie in the se<..ome oil.Se--ve.


. oos
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~,f.1"F-
P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH,
COO(l'II~. M! I~._. NUHS
it:!! =.=.:;f60'.'

• ; Olin~:; s:E= =p"lj( STE!(, S.ICEO • Combinethe bee: v.-'t'1£toole1:100ns water·" o bowlo.r,c:I
• 2 lE'S"OONSCO'\"ISi!~C-1 sock to· 10minu:es.Fb.r!out the excesswoter, tf"':'1mix
:co:\"11: LOU:\) in 1teo:s:,ooncorns:orcn (cornflour}and 'f, toolesooon
, :s·.:.o.:s=ooNs vE:;:t:5L! or~ vege:oble o. .
• I ~O.'!.S~G ~'!;ES-I" CE "1100:l.ES • Meonv,.'hile, ,ovttne rice noodlesi-rtoo oo..,. Usi-r.g
• i t:5L!S"00NS •. :;-11 SOYs.:.ucE c.nopstkks,seoorote me strands cJthe -roodleso"'.d
• i t:5L!S"00NS :n. ME•rED a~.:.::( stir in~ too es:,oonsoy sauce.
5E!"IIS," '!SEO !.NJ C-10""!0 • Combinethe boc< beans, garlic,and c.,·-: ·no OO'NI.
• j C.OVES U.'1'.IC, cn:=>=o MiX'"ltil: s-..gorondiita-':.esxion~etoole oil.
• I '1;0 CH l! - ;e<ntne remoi"'1"92 ta.ole1:100ns \'egeto:.-: oil ·oowokor
• I f::!.S"OON G:\!"IIUlrO SUG£'1; lo·ge s.,:ie: (fryingoon} over med'um heO'!,odd tt"<:olock
• I :;ll;EE'IIS!.l "UPB . SEEJEO !"IIJ beo'1mixtu·e,and sti·.!-y for 1 .T'W'lvt e t.nti: :.agron:. j..d in
CUT :'11•0 CHU'\11::S ::nebee-fand s:ir-fry:o. another 2-} minutes, 4-..nti: ho f
• I f::!.S"OON s:s.=.vf 0 dOc""e.kd the :iell oeoper, tt"<:remaining Ir, to~Spoo."S
soysooce,onc:IStooles::,oonswa:er o,cl lY"'9 too 00.
• Mixthe ·ema.ifling1teos::,ooncornstorchvlth 2 toblespoo-rs
wo:e· in o smol oo.., and st·· tnis mixtureintott"<:wok.
Bringtoo :oi, s:irring.:or }0 secondstoth'd:.en t-r.esooce.
- j..d ·n the rice noodlesono sfu-fryover"'eat for
2 .nn.ites untilthe -roodlesore ~te-:1 througn o"'.d
we mixed.
• S:ir·otn e sesoT~ oil.tronsfe· too se-vingola:e, o,cl se.rve.


. 607
i\!G ON: -ION;; <O'II;;
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUES
X o ¥1fl-I~ t, Wi*ll
S!'WES: 4
i!:!! =:.;;f 600 CHILI SA UC E

• 2 f!5L!S"00NS \'!GET!S~E O ~ - ;e<ntnevegetoole oil·no wok.ororgeHillet {fryingoon}

• 1 ::.OVES U.'1'.IC, cn~,::•=o overmedium-h'gnhem, add the garlic,and stir•:)'
• 1 J:5L!S"00NS :: -1 s:.ucE (SUC-1 1minuteu-rtilfrogro.nt.PI.Jt·" me CC'souce O"O stJ . fry
:.sxos:..ucE; :<Y onother -n·mrce.Aoci me ricerollsooclsesame o.i.
• I ~a.·45~ G ~'!;ES-I"'CE '!;OL~S.CUf increaseto hig'l heo:, and s:ir-fry:<Y another 1-2minutes
'IITO n· NCH:'4•CV L!No ·ns until'.-.ellmixeo. Tra.nsfe·too serv'.ngola:o:-,go·n:sn wi-.n
, 1r:::..s=-ooNs:s:.v: o. don:ro (corio"lC! e·), if t.sing,and\'eas ~EG.('ost<Y os
• C .!,T'l;O :::cl\ !'IIOE" ·o G!'!;N S-1 port ot dim s..m .

i\!G ON: ::-1.1.,oz-iou l~1H~liii

P:\!P!:\!"ION i ML IS W 'IIUT:S
C00<1'11;;. M! 15 W 'IIUTES C HA OZ HOU- STYLE
S!'!;V!S: S-4

• I .5 1 OZ, 500 G ~"!S - E3G 'IOOJ.ES - 3ringo .orgesouceoonof water too ooil.ood the fresn
• I f!5L!S"00~ S!.i nooa.,esand so}t, onc:Icook.for 30seCOtds.Aoin and mix
• 4 "!EdSP OO'IIS VE3Ef!5L! Oil wi-,.n1tc:.espoo.'"':!eI..J'lder
cold n.nni-r.gwa:e·, dra.n,
• 1 E;;G YOl (S, S!!"f'II o"'.dnons:er the "'.OOdles too oow .Add eggyo ksond stir.
• 1 OZ ·SO G YEl~ow C- IVH, CUT NTO - ;eai l tobespooooil inowok.or ctgeskii..e:te:-yingpo~)
\· '11::-1.r1•<v L:No ·n s overmedium-h·gn hem, add the chives,and sti·•:-y for
• 2 T:5L!S"00NS "'! 0 V 'llf;j H 1minuteu-r:ilso:tened.=wmovefromthe wok.then
TO SE\•tE set oSA:le.
• 1 f!5L!S"00NS ;;'1;.!'IIUL!"EO SUG''I; - ;eai me remoi"'1"92 ta.ole-s:~nsoi in o s<illetove1
TO SE\'t'E medi1.rnheo-.,odd the "OOdles, s~ring to coot tf..:-n
in tf..:oil.o.nds~ead out eventy·.ltn e s.(ile:.
- j.oce o sim ar-S:ze,f.ct-bcse soxepan o:water ootoo
ot t't"<:
noodlesto :i•essda,;n tt"<:noodlesos t'Y:yfry.
- ~educeto ow hem O"O :)' the -r.oodesfor 4-Sm:nutes
untilone S:deis 50ielen~ann. ~eT'O\'e tri: po'1of,·,
m en 'I':. me noodes overo,cl oad the ;en of wo:eron top.
Coo<'or o"'Other4-5 minutesun:ilgoden brown.
- - ro.nsfe1the nooo.-estoo serving,ola:eandscotte· v.ith me
yelO'Nchives. Ser\•ev.ithtnevinE90rand s-,.;gor, ~:,oro:e'y,
on tf"':side.




<.,: .
• ...
RIC£ ~ll ..S W "H C .I SA.uct

• 609
i\!G ON: sn:..NG-1!
P:\!P~:\qON T VE: 5 v "llJES, PLUS
.t:i ra~
5 \I "IUTES MH N.!i '11:;3. . \1! STIR- FRI ED SHANGHAI
COO(l'll:;3.. M! 15 'fl 'IIUTES
E'.:!!=!~f 01·

• 3•, O: 'ICO :;!'I =-:'I<. S~ICEO • Combinethe pork,ii tooles::,oonlgnt 'il:lfsc:-xe,

• 1 J:5L!s=-ooNS ~1~-IT SOYS!UCE >$teospoo'1 sugo·,tri: co·nstc·ch (cor"fo..r),o.r,c:I
, 1 r::~s=-ooN Gi't!'IUtro suo:'I >$toolesooon\'egetoblec;t ino 'X>'"' • Mixwe- cno motOO:-:
• I TPs=-ooN COR'IIST:'IC - :<Y 5 minutes.
:::oR'll =LOlJR) - Meonv,.'hile, oringo .orgesouceoonof v.-o:-:·too ooil,then
• 2 -!5 L!S " OONS VE~::r:su 01~ cod the nooa.,es.Coo<oc«Ydingto tt"<:ooo:oge directions,
• ll oz,300 G s- :'ll~ri' 'IOOJ.ES untiltender.0-oin ooclrinse undercolo running...,ate·.
• 3 "I! "'! C: 55!~E 1,.f!VES. SH'HJJEO - 3ringo sc:-xepo.nof ...,otertoo 00 overnighneat.Addthe
• •, PS.ES~OO'\I .J.'1'( SOYs:uc: Nopocoobog,=and blo-r.chfor2 ,!'W'lvt es u-nt t!?nder.Jroin.
, 1 r::~.s=-ooN s:s!vf o - ;e<ntne remoi"'1"92 to.oles~ns oi in o ...,O< or lorg,=
sUet f-ying pan) overmediumneat,odo m e por<,
o"'.ds:it-fryfor2 :TW'lvtes u-nt coo<edt"'·ocgh. :iln in
me d·OJIKInooo.-esondstir.!-yfor 2 minutes.Addtce
Nopocooboge,remo'.riiog 'f, teosooonwgor, •emo·~
Jr,tob espoons&gmsoysooce,ooclthe cork soysOi..ce.
Stit.!-yfor 2 minutesun:iwe Icomb'""i'CI. St·· inthe
sesame oil.transfer too servingplate, and serve.



• 611
l\!G.ON: T .! NJ "I
IS \1 Nu ·n
TYE: 5 Y "iUT!S, ?LUS
50!(1'113 :'110
!. -101,;i\S S.J:"iD '11:li.YE C ARA M ELIZE D
COO(l'll:l. M! I~ Y NUTE$
E'.:!!=!;jf 017

• 1 CU"$ ·y OZ:250 :;;: W!.L'lllJTS, - Soc.(the we ".is;,. o bowlof V.'Orm ,...mer for15minu::es.
SH!L ...EJ 0-oin,teen co:-ro·ne::newo!nutso"'.dsugar ·'.lo de-on
• CEN!'tOUS I CU"' (9 OZ/250 G) OO'NI. o,cl n'ixing2-3times.
Stc,cl :<Y l. nours,stirr'"".9
;j\:'IIUL!HO SUG!I\ JCkOU! thewol""I.J'ts
- :>- ooclS"la.(er?the exce1ssugor.
, 3 cu"s :2s =. o:11sc M~) Oiscorotri: s-,.;gor.
\iE3EJ.!5L:: 0 l - ;eai me v.'Ok. or O*P soocepo'lto 350,:,:/ISIYC.
• SES,,1.M!S!EOS. TO G:'tN S-1 or urd o cuoe of creoclb"ow"'\S in 30 secO<"OS. Cc:enJy
{O"'l Q'\I!_, ood the woh.rts and oeei;: ~ U"" tilt ceyOJecaramel·"
coor. Use o s ot:-eospoontotronsfe· ::newo!nutstoo
co.anderto drain,tr>':'1 spreadouton:o o lorg-= troy
to cool.
• Spti."!..(le
wi:hsesame seeo:s,i: using,o"'.dserve.

i\!G ON: SE Jl'll:l ~~;,;)

?i\!?!F{qON T ME 10 \1 NUTES,
" .US :f lf :sr O - OU'tS $0'1(1'\IG T ME SMOK ED PLUM
COO( l'll :l. M!: I -IOUi\ 10 "11'\IUTES
S!'tVES: !. SOU P

• !. S\10)(E0 " .U\15 - ~it~ olumsoocldotes, 'f ~-~. ·o o mediumbowl.odd

S\1Q)(E0 :)!if$
• !. :OPT Q'II!~ 2 cups (16'I oz/'-75 Tai)cod water,and sock forot leost
, 15 J" ED -t:w·no'tN :"'"lf 6 nours.orefe•oolyowrnignt.
• I sv:t~ l ::oi\ CE i\OOT • Use scissorsto sn·? me plumsand dotes open. :iut tne-n
• I r:slES"'OO~ O't !) QS,-,!'IIT-!US in o stain ess s:ee s:ock.POtorcloypot (see Note),aong
:.._own.s :0 "· 10N'll wi-..n the soaking};quidand 8½cu~ {68f oz/2 liters) wo:er.
• ICU":- OZ/100 :;;: S\ O'hN su3::i,, Add tl"':driednow-..norn opp e and licorice to the pot
"'LUS ex·i\.' TO · .:s ·E - 3ringtr>':water too :oil a.-e·hig'l he-a:,·educeto
mediumhe<r,., onc:Isi~~·, cove1ed,f0t 1 ~ . Spr'"'.tle
in tf"':Osn:m::nus-ia....ers,if using,st:r o fe,,,:::::me--~
the ri:at off.Coverand let s't for 5 minu:es.
- Aoin tt"<:t.quidthrougho Me-meshs·eve(strainer) "'to
o p~cher(jug),stir inthe sugor, o,cl oojust tne s....-ee:ness
to taste. ( e"'OCgh sugar to offset the sourcess
o: tl"':plumsout no: so m~chtnot h mo:s:<S it.) Otill ,,.e!I
be:o·e serv'

con reoct violentfyv.4th acid.-oovo·o O"'!fris<,
o c..oy:,ot or s:oinlesssteel souc.eoon.
we reco:-r.menc:I

• • 617
i\!G ON: J !'"\l:";SU tt 'ft ~ ~
P:\!P!:\qoN T WE: iO M 'llu ·n
COO(l'II~. '1! l HOU'l;S

• ·~ cu= .n OZilOO ~I :;~uT NOUS rice in o oo,,of coldwater :0( 1""CJIW•

- Soc.(the g ..i·'"'Clli.S
'I; ::::. " 'IISEO 0-ain.
• I\ l0,.500 G LOTUS 1:00TS, 1:NSEO • O.i off the 2e"'.dso: eoch lot,-,;sroo:, so that eochcut :iece
• j f!SL!S"OONS ::::-usn:o 'l;OCK is ooout Ui'ncl-es/4 cm ~ oncl·eserve.
SUG!:\ • Usingcho~tb:s, c eon tt"<:c-ianne.sinsidethe otus ·oots
• i f:5L!S"00NS OS'-1.'NT - US Su~:\ o"'.dr'"':!e them tho-ocghly·n wcte·. Reploceone end of
eoc.nlotus root os o coverand fixthem it .n?OCe•.-.."th
toothoic..<s (cockto sfcks). :iut Sp00("'fuls
of t"\e rice ·..,to
me lo:,-,,.sroo: so that they are about 80 :,ercentfull.Cover
me o:ner endof the lotus roots\\-'t~tri: otr"':·cut-off
p·ecesand fix'n poce wi:htoot.,o·c..<s.
- - ronsferthe sh.7feolo:us roo:s too nonmetallicpm, toca.-e· me!br'-..gtoo boi.
Reo..xeto .red· ..m- CJN "'eat end Y"nmer, covered,
:0( 2 hours.

the rock.sugor tot"\e ootona simmerforonotl"<:·

- A/JJll
30minutes.Addthe Osmo.nt"',;ss-..gorend coo( o-.•erlow
heo! for 15-20minutes unt you ~ e o synn. ReTlO\'eme
lo:us roo:s ona set aside to coo. ~emovethetoothoic..<s,
men cut tr"':lotus roots into ~--nch/5-T.m slices.Transfer
too se-vingplate. Pourthe Osma..nt",;ss-...gor syru:iover
me lon.s roo:s ona se-ve.

i\!G ON: !N-tU ~ ;tH ~

P:\!P!.:\:·,oN i ME 10 \1 NUTES
S!i\VES: !.

• : OZiln O ,o; K 5U0,'~ - ;ea;: scant 1cu :i {7 Aoz/200 ml) wo:er ;,. o nonci: <
, !. s1o1:.~
i!.'l;O ~oors::sour souce:,onover rr.ed'umhem. Adatne roo: sugar ond stir
l OZ '3J:; V-:-1 '"E!L!J !'110 CUT untildissolved.Adame taro o"'.dhO<"'EY, br'"".9too boilover
lfNGT - 'I, SE N - :] h'gn heot, and S<imany fro:h o:: tt"":s...rfoce.
• I f!SL!S,,.00"1 - O'IIE't - ~educeto CJN hea-.,cover,o.nds·cr~· fo·obo.rt 1hour
untilthe sa-..xe".OS tn:c...:ened
too syrup.S:i occo:s'ono!ly
to irevem it from ~rning.
- -ronsfer the taro to 'nclivic.xJI:O'h.S, poUJove· tt"<:syrup,

~ ;t ~/illi m 'lf;j ON: !>;riU
"'!\!"'! I\! " ION T M! IC v "llJTES
K IW I FRUIT IN :::OO(l'\I~ i.VE 5 Ml'\IUTES

- Makeo n-~nc ✓l -cm hoe atone end of eoch <iwi.

- j....rt tN' da:es ·nto o food~ocessor o"'.d~ocess into • 3 S.U;j~~EJ O~TES.:- iTEO
o :,oste, then stu!! it in~othe hoes·.\ me k:·,.:s. • I :::u =-:a : 1 0Zii5~ YL
- ;em me oil .no \\'Okor O*P soocepo'lto 2654 F/13()QC. \if;jfi.!5L! 0 l
Gen:ly~-e· ti-': ki•Nis ond deep-:')' for 1miMe. Use • !."!6 .ESF'OO'IIS:l~!'IU.:JEJ su::;:\
o s ot:-eospoo'1to core.fu!ly ·emO'leti!: k:Msfromthe • I f:5L:'S:-00N - O'IIEY
oil ond orain on :,aper towe-_s, , 1 r:sL::s:-oo~ :::o~•gr:\c-
- :iringii CUJ (£ f oz/120ml) water too Xii ino soocepon ::::o'!;N• toU'!;
ever nighneat, til:'1 stit in tN' gro~•Joteds,.;gorand honey. • I f:5L:s:-ooN OSM!'I -H US SU~ H
Come·~ tf....cor"'Storch (cornflour) wi:h 2 toblesooons
\\'Oter in o smo bowland stir t:is mix:ure into the
saucepan. :iringtoo ooil,s:irring,'or 30 secondsU""ti
tN' syrupthickens.
- Coenthe deeo-fried <iv..·is in tl"':noneyedsc:-xe,then
sorin<.eover the Osmantf,.-.,;s sugo·. j....rt tr>':1::iwiin
:,o-,..sona se-ve.
6 'nclivic.x::JI

m*HW ~::o0'11:S-1! '1~ - :

~~::~H!J 0'11i.YE: 20 'fl 'IIUiES

- Combiner.!C\..P(4 floz/120 ml) \\'Oterwim i:he -ioor Cl;~ ,l OZ '100 G) :lLUT 'IIOUS
in o oo.., end k.."'eOOinto o dougn. '!; ::::: ~.ou ~
• U.i t~ dough in:o smo pieces.S:uffthe oates witn , i cu;,s tu oz.,~cc::;_1JUJus: o :·ES
tt,...oieces o:doug ....
. '!; '115:'0 ! 'IJ P "EJ
- =-.acethe stut:ed dotes .rl o co: opsible:lOt or bamboo • l i!S~ESPOO'IIS C'!;US- D ;;o:::<
steamera,.,e1o pm of ooilingwo:-e•.S:-ecm,covered, SU&''!;
for 20 mintJtes. • I •e:sPO O'II G NG!~ JU CE
· Meonv,.'hil~ ,coTYle me sugo·,g'~· jwce,o.ncliicup
{4 ; oz/00 ml) \\'Oterin o smo soucnon and cook over
lov,.•heat fo- 10-15minuies un:il o mic..<syn;ofor~. =?.o.
tf,..,do:es ·n the syru:io"'.duons:er to serv'
:-ate. Serve.

• ., .
l\!G.ON: 3E Jl'\l:l
Pi\!P!.F{!., ON i ME 15 'fl '\IUi!S. ~ Ii ~
=LuS 3 -!OURS SQ!( NG !'\10
l -iou=s c - L~ '\I:"; r ~E SPLIT PEA
COO(l'\l:l i M! I -!OUi\ ~CM '\IU"ES
E'.:D=!:"jf 621

• rn::u;,s :11 OZ:~CO :;;: 0'1; !JYEL~o·,, - Soc.(the ofeo spl't :,ecs ino lo·ge bowlof cold...,oterfor
SPLiPf!S, 8 nours.)re·..,.
• i S-i!E " S .f!F G!L.!f '\I '.!QQUi - j.oce the peas 'no i0r9esaucepan.cod!¼ cups (3Lfloz/
l OZiO :;;: l li:e·) water,o"'.d~iog too boi overnighheat. Red.rce
• \'EG!f:3LE Oil. ~oi\ o=!'Sl'\I:"; to medtnl hea;:o-..dsimTe· for 4>60 minu:esunt tri:
• l>Cl. = :~ OZ 'liO ~ o=,..!'\IUl!"fO peas ore verysoft. Aoin, transferthe :,eostoo :.e,de·,
Sl,,G:=t o,dbenai:oo pur~.
• = NCH o ~ s:~t - Soc.(the eaf gela:inJ'Io smalloov.~of tepidv.'Oterfor
• F{!S=a:'\'\,ES. 10 S!i\VE :o=r1Q"-.!l) 10.nn.rtes, to roften.
- Greaseon 8-inch/20-cmsquo·eoon '1,°'thoil.
- joss tne peas i:hrougla fines:.'O·ne·{SJ:l'o' e} ·nto a clean
souce:,on.t-r.enodd tf"':s-,.;gorend salt. Gen:}yCOO.(
overme-d'ium neat, stirringco"'Stontly,for 10-15minu:es
i:oremoveOfY'{'T'.OStur e.-he mixtu-e:Sreodyw--enit is
starchyh ~te"'l:.y and dings o:-:-:o i:he r1noe· spatula
-u-n me hem o!!.
(fishs ce) i: lifte-:1.
- Aoin tt"<:eaf gelatin,squee,zelightly,t-r.enodd it totne
pen. Stirto rr@lt and d:stri6'.-teevenly.
- j o..J the peas ;ntothe oreooredoon. j loce a s--eetcf
postk wrap (cling-film) 0:1 too o...-..d
sufoce. Set oside to coolto roomtemperature,tne"lcnill
in tr>':re.frigerot0t
:Ot ct eas. ! hours.-o se·,..e,loosen the
edges wi-,.n invertt-r.eoudd·cgo.,too cleo.nwor<
o k_-.'fe,
sufoce, and CU'! i.,tooieces.Trons:ertoo serving:.ate and
decoratewi-.n·osooerries,i: using.

i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'11~ W~ti!
P:\!Pl:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH
=LuS J:J y; NUTH SQ!( "113:'110 CO CON UT
lS.Olli? - OU'tSCHl~"ll~iYE
COO(l'II~. '1!_ 5 Ml'IUiES PU DDIN G
S!i\VES: 8
~ =.,3E OB

• 0 S- E!iS L:: ~ O!L!i N : :soul e puoo ng ::Ssimile·to 00\'Crcis,bu;:•,,ltho.rt

Thisje fy-:.,;::
oz..15ol me E-39 yolks,and ,,..·nippedegg whi:esore used in piece o:
, •,cuP !.F ~OZillOWL)Md( whip:,edueom. A ·e ctivelyhig:1 quant:tyot 9elo:in is t. sed
• ·, CUP !. r ~ OZi no Wl) :::oCO"llu· to g've ::nedessert o sliceo:.e tex:ure.
• 2E~G\\-I HS - lir,eo 2-cuj (16-Aoz/475--ml)mod with plos:ic,,..~c;,
• ~E'II o,o~s OF L!YQ'II JUICE (cl:.,gf;lm).Setosxle.
, ·~ cu= 12 oz;so G) su =-:H 'IIE - Sookm: !:'Ofgelcr....n ·'lo smol bowlof tepid,...mer for
::::STE:\) SU3l.:\ o:iout 10minuiestosdten.
- Poor ti-': milk.ntoo smallsoxeoon and :ring to a.most•
00 "-9poi-rta.-e·medium-lowheot. Whenit :>e9'"S
to bu:.:.e-,removeme pon fromthe heat. Squeezethe
softened ge..otins~:s gentlyto re-ra,•eexcesswo:e·,
me'loda tf.em tot"\e :,on.S-:irgen-:tyto melt ti-':ge ctin.
Addt"\e coco"'.i mw::to the po.noc0 st··ogo·...,,
- T-o"'S:erthe rrixtu- e too large 'Xiii and oloceit awe 00',.
ot ice to cha it, stirringfromtime to tirnsiunti ti-': mixture jelty- <econsistencyonostcis to set at the edges
(bu! is -r_ot-,,;to solidmoss). t sco.Jd be thio:, ye:stil
rU!""'Yenough forthe me1ingueto be :oaed ·nto it. 1:otony
P°'"t the mixtu-e:,ecomestoo sotd,.'-''Ormit througn in the
m·crowoveforo fewseconds.Set aside.
- Comm t "\e egg whites oc0 o fe-Nd-oosof lemon juice
in o 0:'ge00\t,~o-r.dbemwithon electric~er onti tfi-..e
egg,,...,'tesstor:i to :om soft peoks.G·oduo!lycdclthe
sugo·ond oeot ...ntiJtN' me·;,.gueis g ossyond nods soft
pecksago· n.
- G'veme coconut mixtureo finolstir to 00$enit, then
corefu!lyfooin the .T..ering: .~ in o fewodcli:bf'6.Fb....r
mixtureinto the preoored.TOOone refrigerateforct least
6 noursto set.
- Covert"\e TOdwim o olo:e and ir,,•ei to ·eleose ti-': o-rtothe pate. Cu;:i;: in~oo..oesond serve.

l\!G.ON: -lf 'll!'I
?i\!?~.i'{:·,oN TYE: 10 Ml'\IUTES," .US
5 Y "IUTES SJ!'\101'11:l. \1!
tt -==
COO(l'll:l. '1! 25 "11'11Ui!S RIC H EGG C USTARD
S!'WES: 4

• !. EG:lS. SE":=t.'TE:l - 3eat ti-': egg yru:soocl2 E-39

,.,...,'tes in o sTIOII'X/h un:il
• I TPS"OON :Oi\'IIST:=tc - benoed. Savethe ·emoiningeggwhites for~- recipe.
(CO=!.N ' .OU=t; - Combinethe cornstarch (co·nflour}witn 1tab espoon
• 'l.Cl. " t2 o:,-oc:;;:;j"\.!'IIUL!.TEO wa:e·in o smol oo..,. for S mi~•.rtes,
Set c:s"a-e o· un:ilthe
St..,G:=t starch settle--~tne:'lpou"Out tne wa:e· to leavewet starch.
• •, i!S.ES"OO'II QSY !"IT - US SUG! '\ - =>o..irthe g-onuloteds.:gor .ntoo STICH soocepo~ cod c
• 5 ·:o l!S.,OONS ~.:i\J scant ii cu-:>(3ii fioz/100ml)v.'Oter,o:-r.d:,ringtoo :,oi!,
Reo.xeto a simmerand coo<~r ISminuies,or un:ilthe
sugot is comp e:e'ydi5solm. Set os"a-eto COOcomoletely.
- Mo the syru:>,Osmo~thuss,.;gor,ono,..,etstarch to me
OONI of eggsend mixwe I,
- ;e<n qo:.-espoons lard ·o cwok or ,:irgeskillet(frying
pen) over ,ov,:heo!(c:o..i24~ =/l~ooocc,dy(sugor]
=:nermometer}. Md the mixtureand~ owooden s:,oon to
st:r it aw very lowheat fo· 2-3 mi~•.rtes. Groductyodd the
remc'niog1to:.-espoon crd, stir~ con-:inuously, end COO(
:<Y 5-6 minu- .es ..r.ti ti-':cus:ard th'cl:ensc,cl coo:s tt"<:
bock o:t~ s::,oon,Ser\<ehot in 'ndi...;ducbowls.

"EG O'II: c - ::.oz-iou

"=tf"P ,.~T0"11TIY!: n "11'\IUi!S. i! ~~
.,LUS i'.CM 'IIU.ES sc,:(1'1:l n1D
lC \1 Nu ·t S ST!'\101'11:l. \1! SU GAR ED
COOK "iG T ME 45 Y "illi!S

• I :U"' l OZ/120 G, :=1,:s-1 - Soc.(the chestnuts ·o c r,o,,.~of hotwoter for20 minu:es

:-1:ST'IIUTS. S-l!L~EO to removethe ·;ne· sk:....,,
• 2 Cl."S (IC ;L OZ ·475 M~J - ;ea;: me oil;,. c wok.oro-=e-psc:-xepo'lto300CF/15()QC,
\iE3fi.!5L:: 0 l or urd c cuce of creoclb"ow"'\S in Iiimil""i,.ies.
Ada tne
• ; OZ ·n~:; " U'-1" (1'1 '"E!L!J ~.NJ p.irr:okincna dee-o-fryfor LS mrut es U""tigoldenorc,..,n,
:uT "ITO n· "ICH:l·CM :i CE Useo slorteds:,oon tocarefdyremove the v...mpkin
. ; oz,,~~;;P~O. "ff ~fD !'IC ;,r the oiland drain on :,aper towe_s,Deep-frythe taro,
NTO ti· '11:-1,'l•CM J CE potctoe--~ona : ·esh for4-S minutes,tt"<:
S'>•:e-e: :'l
• 2 SWEET?OT.!TOES :::.our i O!! combineinc bowlwith;.:cuo (2 oz/50 g) sugar and -e:
200 G.,. ?EE.D £ND :u· ,ro stand for 30 minuies.
l\·:'11:-l, lNC,., 0 CE - j_d 2 cu~ {16Aoz/475 ;r.) woter ·.lo .orgesaucepan,
• n,:U"S tll OZ:~CO :l :l\!"IUL:fEO men cad the g·rugo nu:s one remoini-r_g sugar. 3ring
St..,G:=t to c boilover nigh ~ct. reduceto CIN ~at, ona simmer
• I :u"S :':' OZi'iCO ~ s-1::~~EO :<Y 30 minu:es unt tne v.'Oteris reduced bynolf.
:l '11<30 NtJTS, CO'!;ESl\!MO\'!J - Mo c tri: de-=:> -friecli-r_g.rede~ts
to the sc:-xepo'lone
• \ cu~ :soz..15~
o) w! ·t=t simmerfor10minutes un:ilthe la-..icl"'.OS=:nio:enedinto
:-1:St'IIUTS c syru:>.0-ain thev.'Oterct'..estnuts,st·· irr.othe pot, ono
simmerforaboU'!1 m:nute. Serve.

~ ~~ ~:o 0'1: :5l.~'l:";OO'\I:;
~:i;::~H!f 0'11 T "1E: l S v NUTH

- Combinethe water chestnut foor·,..~h 1CIJj {8 toz/ • I~ :::u "S :o OZ, ii5 :5, '/1!if't
250 ITT)wo:er in o lo·gebowl.mix well,and se: as·~. :::·iESi'IIUT =LOU:'t
- .n a.."'Otcer
large 00-' 1, ood the sesame poste, wgor, and • ~ P a.~Es:-oo'IIS U'IISWE::EN:'O 5L!C t:
soi and ::ieatto oose"ltil: sesoTo:ooste.G·OOuofyo"'.d S!S!~f "! SE tS:'E '1107E
ve-yslowly,0002 cins (16 fioz/47Sml) water to the c1,;:- ,l OZ '100 G) :5,'t! .!'
se<..ome po:ste,o litt-: ot o ti~.e. beo:ing•.-.ell
to rema.-eany SUO''t
IU'Tos.You neeo to :o·m 0'1 emulsionand once the Tlixture • "'11:::-1 C; S.'ll
becomes a sou:,-~.(e cons':stency,~drolly odd ti-': rest , vE~t·.:s ..:: o L =o=t ~'tf! .Si'll:5
o:t~water. • ·o,r.sfD Sf),1.\1:' S:'EOS, TO :i:co~:.-E
- S::rthe .ro:tu-·eand strCJIthroug.'-lo fine-me1"st -oiner :oPro'II:~
(sie-ve) to rema.•eany lt.rTos,usingo sooonto ore1sdown
on tr>':miicure. Corr.oinethe cnestnU! rrixtuteoncisesame
better ood :,ect to formo s~h barter.
- Grease on s-·nc.n/20-cm squo·e oo~ :,on•.-."-th
o"'.d:I.aceo .'l o ste-om·-..g
rack inov.'O!.Be'~ thewa:e·
too boi over rr~ -nigh heat, men use o lade to odd
>ic.o (l. fl oz/120ml) sesame better to the :ion. Cover
o"'.ds:-eo.rnewe·hig'1hem !or S m·"'.ies.Add another
la,·ero' sesame :>Otterand steam fororotcer 6 minutes.
Re:iectogoin un:ilyouho-.•ei~ lc-,.ers.It should:eel Nm
to the ::o,,;ch.
- Corefu!lyremovethe the steo..Te·onoset aside
to coolcompe:e'y. Use'fCI.Jlfngers to gently oosenthe
edges of tne CC.(e fromtee oon and ·nvertontoo serving
pate. Cot in:o squaresto serve.Deco-atewithtoasted
se<..omes~s , if des"·ed.

ThisreC:oeuses blocksesoTe ooste, ,...-;ichcan be found
otAsiongrocerystores,butyoocan mo<eyoura ...~
by p-oce1si"'-9toasted olock.s.esomeseKlsho food
p--ocesro·until 't formso po:ste.

• 625
i\!GON: -1.=.
<1:.:. 'ft 1:~~~
P:\!P:.:\qON i ME 10 y; NUiES
COO(l'll:l. M! I -IOU:\ PEA NUT
S!'WES: !.
i!:!!=:~f 02i MO CHI

• •~CU"' (i OZ ·5:JG :\!.W Pf!'IIUiS, - -oost the :,eanuts ino smo penover lov,.•hea! f0t
S-IE.lEO 6-7 :i-.:rnrt
es...ntilfrogran:.Tro"Sfe·to a pate to cool.
• !. ·:.o .ESPOO'IIS W-1 E s:s.:.y;: SEEJS 1'1ti!: some pon. toon the se1omeseedsove1;r.ed'um
• !. ·:.o .ESPOO'IIS 51\0W'II SUG!i\ heo! o,cl shO.(eoccosioi,o!lyf0t~5 minu-ces, or untilgolden
• •,CUP 3', OZilCO :l) :llUT 'IIOUS"' CE Putthe ., .nto o food:,rocessorand :,rocessuntil
;.,_Ol." ;cely 91'U"'.O. Tro"'Sfertoo oow. ~eoeot,,,lth tt"':s.esome
seeos.Com:,;netne t'.-.ogroonc:1 mixtv-es,odd tt"<:s,.;gor,
o,cl mix,...ell.Setaside.
- :,_d t~ rice fb..r ·" o lorgeoow,.grodl.JC._lyodd ii cup
(~ floz/120ml) wa:e·,and (neoo un:ilo doognis formed.
To<e 01.;to :ieceotdoug'l {about~•ninth) ooclo-oce
it ·oo collaos'blepot o:-bo'Tlooosteomeroo.•er o pot o:
ooitngwote1.Steom,co-.•e·eo, :o. 30 minu:esunt sfck.y
- Combinethe s:-eomeddougnwi-.nthe remoiining dough
in ti-...DO\•:I
onc:I(neod •.-.
- Umg your nonds,rolloot bo..sof aoovt ~ inc.n/2cm
in dioTe:e· o"'.dp.rt them on o heotoroot:,ate. T•ansfer
toi:he co 10psibeootor :,omboosteomerand steam over
o po: o: boili-r_gwc:er,covered,for 30 TW'lvt es.
- ~emowa.r,c:Icoolu-.ntit tri: mocniis cool e"'0..'9hto none!e.
Ro the steomed mod-'in ti-...grou"'.dpeonut.-ano-sesome
mixtu·eunti fu'fycoo:ed.Serve.

i\!G ON: ~U.!..NGX,

P:\!P:..:\:·,oN i ME 10 y; NUTES
ti 'ft Pi~ Bi
C00(1'11:l. '1!_ 5 Ml'IUiES WATER C H ESTN UT SOU P
S!'\VES: !.

• 2 OZ;)OO ,o;i;.5U0,'~ - 3ring3 cups (25; ozfiSOml) wote1too :,oil;,.o lor9=

• I CU"S '11 OZ1~CC 3 '/1!.iE'\ souce:,on,odd ti-...toc.<sugor,and stir to dissolve.
: - EST'IIUTS.PE:.EJ. "' NSD. !>;;D - ~it~•.-.aterchestr- .ntothe :,on,retlJ"'"ltooboil,
:o.&'\s:.rc-io=no o"'.ds:i ·.ltri: Osmon:nussugar.
• i J:5L!S"00NS 051,';'Nl - US SU~•\ - Mixthe woter chestnut fo..r\\-'t'13 tobespoons water
• I l=5L!S"'00"1 -~:TE" CH!STNUT in o S"TJO,I'XI,. ono stit mis mixti..Jein:othe sow:,,Bi.-r.g
=~Ol. " me mixturetoo bot men i:okethe penoff tne heat
o,cl nons:er ·..,to'ndividuose-vingOO\•>'ls. Serve•.-.orm.


• 627
i\!G ON: -ION~ <0'11~ ti~H ii ~ ~
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: l~ v NUES
COO(l'II~. '1! 25 W1'11Ui:S COCONU T A ND

=o " T- E voc -1 a.,n:, - Mo the g\rtinOJSrice fb..r too d-ywokor larges<iHet

, SC!"II· 1cu" :o~
oznao G.1 (frying001) end st··.fryover aN ~t for o :e,,.•minu:es
~~I.IT 'IIOUS " CE f~OU't until it sme_.sstighdytoos:eo. Re'T'O\'e me po'l :.~tne
• 2 J:5L!5"00NS ,1cE =1ou1t heo! onclset aside to coolcom~:e'y.
• 1:. oz, lO G w-ip · sr:,:::-1 • Meonv,,.hile, mixtoge:ne·o tl"':ingrec!'en:sbt the mo&·
• \ CU"' (2 ovso G) :51t'Nu.:r::o better ·o o neotptoofoow. GrcduollyoddK cup (6 "Ioz/
51.iG:=t 175rri) ,,,.mer unt tne mix:urehos o oouro~ consis:e:-icy,
• ·~CU"' (2 =1 OZ10C "1.. J co:::oNu
· li<e N:avy(dou:.e} cream.Addu-oto£ teaspoons more
"L( wcr.e·,if necessary,to th:nout.
- j.oce the ~•I. unco-.-e ·ed, on o s:ecming re(( in owo<
=o " T-!E f l._1'11~ ot boi!i"9'"'mer,co-,-e·, and steom over .,·gn~t for
• ICU"' '11 OZil00 o:
,E:i ::JZl;() 20 minutes.
3E.'N P!STE. 01v1:i:o !"ljJ <i;OL..EJ - ~emowthe oo.., fromtl"':V.'O! and OEOttl"':mo&:
NTO f fH !N \·OV2C·~ 3! ..LS, vigorouslyfor1minute w'th o woodens:,oonor NOber
C-1 l ..EO spatula {fisnslice}to increasethe elosticityondchewiness.
Coo tl"':mocni u-rtilstillworm ovt tocichoole.
·of N 5-1: - -ocsse -r.oe tne mocnis,piece me coo<edglutinousrice
• •~CU" :3•~ OZ.'ICO ~I ~lUT 'IIOUS " CE "IOU", shredded(oesiccotEO ) cocOl"'l.rt.end sco-rt'f, cup
=1ou=t (3iifioz/100 :nl) water insepo·ate:,o·,,...s. Removetl"':
, 1 cu"' .doz no 0:1 :i,,:o s -1,0:i: o cniHe,:1 ·eel{odzu<i):,eoifi! the re:ige1T.or.
JES CC!JlO; COCONUT =o, - Ast your honosw'tntne cOO<ed flourondtc<e o
CO!J ~G o: t't"<:
wcm COO(ed ooogh(coout t~oz/35g).Poce o
do.mpclean disn towe-overthe •ema.t'ling cookeodoogn
to 1reven:it froma.ryi-r_g OU'!. :la:te "ltil: pieceof mochi
dougn·o me centerw'th you·th..mbond groduolystretcn
::nedoognoutwordto creo:e o noleforthe f":ng. Piece
o reel:'"Je0'1~ into the -r.oe.DJs: yo.nho.nds(esoedo'fy
thum:.s}wimo litte morecookedflourond ousn
me dougnu3.-.ordaro.-ndthe filingto cove· it. P"nchtt"<:
doogntogetl"':·firm~at the too to secl ifl the; -r.g.Ro
::nemochi:,etv.•ee,you · po cr..stofor'.'llo oo!I.
- Jp the T'Ocf.• in ti-...oov.A
of ,..,atera..ic..<ly,
entire sur!oceis TO·steced.Lift it oi..i w'th o forkond
imTedotelyrollthe :,o!I·" ::necoconut- the ,,,.mer helps
me ,or;:om.rt
':'J the m-x.hi
too plate.
- ~eoeatt~ orocessto make 15-rochisin total onclserve.
The textureisot its ~st on the doyo: mo<ing,c¾erwhicn
::nemochiswil beginto norden.

;5-~;li !ID "!G 0'1: !H!J !NG
"";!~H!f 0'11 i VE: !O y; Nu-n.
GLUTI NOU S RIC E BALLS W ITH " lUS I -101,;~ CH l 1'\I~ ~.NJ
10 Vl"iVES 'tESi ~G - y;f
SE'Wfi !.

- -omol:e tr.: fil!:ng,

toast the sesomes~s ·'lo smo oon • cu => l li OZ'IOOG)GLUT i"IOUS\CE
over T~'u,._ neat o.r,c:Ishok.eoccosiono!lyfor F.,.Ql,R
or until fragrant. Se:aside to cool. • ~ Cl;=> .i OZ ·5:J G 5~0WI\ SU3~ ,.
- Mixme sesame se,edswiththe ~onubted sugar into o • i -~.5.ESPOONS 3 N3! =>JUICE
bende1 or food pcocessorone!grind·-too powde·.Tra.."Sfer
me mixti.r-etoo OO'YI:and tTixin the lord. ~!efrige·ate bt- =o\ - - E ~ .l ~G
o :o.rt 1noor un~ the rt'...gis -irm. • i'~ i.!5L!S=>OONS 3l.!CfC S!SAWE
- JVic:lein:o 20pordonsand ·o eoch ·.,too boll.j.oce on o S!EJS
OOking sheet a.."Orefrigerateuntilreadyto use. • l PS.ES=>QQ'IIS G=>~NU~.'iEJ SU:j !\
- j..,..i thegl~ rice "lour intoo large OO'NI,
gro:luollyood • i -~.5.ESPOONS ~.!'(J
>icup (4 A oz/120m~ »""'-9'-''Oter,and ti withcho:icicks
until!\o<y.Kneootl'..enxru ·e·-too ooogn (at th:S»-t.
::nedoughwilloooeas to be quitea.ry).RestforlOTr·.,,.rte--~
tne'l knead ..r.tilit is soft onclsmoot'"I.Acdo if
necessoryto ocrie-.-ethe coaect texture.Thedougl snouid
be soft 0-.."'-0dry,O"O not stick::othe hands. Ov;dethe doog.'-l
into 20portions.
- -okeo po-tion of dough. to it intoo bo!l'nyour o:ilms,
tne'1make o ~.,tin the cente·cf m.i oo!lwithyo.,s::n..m:o.
Puto sesame bo!l'-rtothe dent and foo tfi-..e oo.rgnover
me sesame bol to en~e it COt"'l;:.o::e!y. oo,;gn
~ess tfi-..e
togetherC"! tr,..,top to~ in tne filling.~ol it into o smootn
bd'. Repeat ,,,/th the re~ ooueflond fi:tng. Seta.side.
- ;eot 2 cups (16fioz/t..j5m) wo:er ;,. o sruce:,on, cod m.i
b"a,;nsugarendgingerjuice, end :.ringtoo ooi to mo~
o gingerte-o.S~ todisso.\-ethe s-~r. =burthe tea ·.,to
(.. OO'h..$.
- :iring6J.cups (2r. ?lr1ts/1.Sliters),,.ate· too boilno
lo·gesouce:ian.Usingo slotted;Ay aner me
g\rtinousrice :ia...s,inbotc.nes.·.,tothewot e·cnd re:urn to
o oo~.Stirto ensure tl'..ericebollsdo not cick to the bottom.
CookforaD01.;t4-5 ITW'lut the rice :cils float
es, or U!'1til
to me surfoce.Removethem,,..ftho siottedsxion, divide
e~ly omo-r_g tfi-..e
:owls,and serve.

• 629
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG if §$~
P:\!P!:\qoN T WE: iO M 'llu ·n
=LuS .! -!OURS SETT'II~ . \1! FRI ED M ILK
COO(l'II~. '1! }0 W 'IIUTES
it:!! =::;f 6}1

• \'EG!f:3lE Oil. =oRG~!'Sl'II:; !'110 Acrisoycocting is ('!f toth::s tasty, me-t-in•you·•Ta..i'1

OE!P·f~Yl~~ des~i. h's best to servee-oc.n botch ·mmediotely,men
• i :u"S I\() f. OZ-.!iS M~ M ~I( :~ the ·emoiningcus:ords os ·eooired. f left to s't. t 'Y:Y
• •,CUP (i OZIS~ 0 CO"NSJ!'tC - will go soggy.
':OR'll =LOUR)
• JE:;G\\-1 HS - Greaseo 4 ,.-6-inch/10i.-15-cmbelongoon.
• .!L~•=-U"" OSE tPL!l'II) =LOU.'\ =o : - Tomok.ethe custard, oeot together nC\..P(4 fl oz/120ml)
OUST 'II:; m <with the corn~.a.rch{co·nflour)·.\ o mixingOO'NI 1..nti
• ·,cu = .n ov100 :;: :;,:.,.u.!J:O ::necornstarch S dissolved.Ad:Ithe egg v,miteso.ndOEOt
su:;: : " llJS EX.:\' TO)"" N(lE ogoinunt smootn.
- Poor m e remaining1:-i cu-os(12fl oz/350 ml) m .(,.,too
=01t ·n: :.!rB: medi1.rnsouce:,on,ado ::nes-..go·,oc0 bringtoo ooilove1
• I:. CliPS :s:OZilSC:; !tL-=l;R"OS! medit.r-r:• aN neat. Whent ".e milk.~ins to e, oour
" t.: 'II =tou, o third of it overt~ eggmixtu·eand oeot W"'tinucm'y.
• •,CUP (i OZIS~ 0 CO"NSJ!'tC - Gtoduolypou,h&-: remoin·"'-9 m .( and con:inue to :ieot.
::oR'll =LOUR) - Returntf"':cus:ord ~ etotne po'.lonobr'-r.gtoo 00
• •~iE!S"OO'II S.'li over medium-low~ct. s·mme· :0<'2- 3 minutes. beo:ing
• i lE.'S"OONS S!( NG "OWJE:\ contirrwous!y, unti tne mixturethi(.(e"\Sand dings to
• I :u " :a =t OZiiS~ VL co~o C't o \\'OOdenspoo...,,.mmedio:e'y sco:,e me mixture·~to
) "!'t (L NJ 'N!JE" :5 ,EEJ!O me p·epo.reobo<ingpoi, 1nss o Sl"IE'€: of plasticw-oo
(oogihi} on the surface.and smooth down.Let cool
o,cl re:~·ate, covered.forot least 4 hOU""S.
- Next,mo.(ethe botter.Comli.ri: tf"':flour,~to·ch.
salt, o.ndook:-r.g:,ov.,:leri'.lo .orge 'XI,..r..-01:e o""e!Iin the
ce~ter, tne'1pour·otne water, o &tu en o tirre,ono beet
too pourooleconsSte"!Cy (you TIO'f00t neeo o tri: water).
- Useo butter <nifeto ge"':ly\oo~'.lit owcyfro"Otri: bo<:ng
peno,cl ·.,vert m e po~ onto o uonwork sunJce. Cut the
C\·oin e·gnt 2x1-·nch/sx 2.5-an pieces.:,laceabout
l. too =1:,oons!\ou·for dust:ng J'I o sno!low'X/h.
- Por enoug'.loilJ'ltoowo.( o· deeo souceoo'.lto ;1 no
mo·e tnon o th·-o. ;em to 350CF/180°C, or unt o cu-oe
at b-eod braN"\Sin 30 seconds. TQ.(e4 rusto,:ls and dust
::nemhtri: Aourand tf"':nin the :>otter.Cootevenly,Ii~,one!<;tth'; ';aX,';S$ cripoff. {If t"'e ocr,t';r®";S not<l(;i
o!.!,odd o lrttle mo·e woter to mQ.(eit o lttl e thinner.)
6:rtly lower i-.::othe hot c;' end deeo-fryfor2-3 mrut es
until !i;h: goo~..,.tJs·-..g o slotted sooon.tu-n me c;;sto·os
:.eq1..rentlytoensure even c00<ingand preventtf..:"Ofro:-n
stkking to the oottom of the•.,.'O.(. Cc._-efu!ly
removet ".e
C\·osfrom tt"<:oiland crcin on :,aper tov,.•e_s, Repecn
witn the remo·ningcur.ards. Spr'"'.tlewr'.nsugarwhilehot.
gen~lytoss,and ser\<e.

i\!G ON: C-1.!.,
QZ-IOU ?,~~~ ~
P:\!P!:\qON i ML IS Iii 'IIUES

• \cu =-:~Ql,' 100 G) :3'UNUL!TEO • =>

o..ir1cup (8fl oz/250 ml) \\'Oterin:o o sTIOII
soxepon end
SUG!:\ cod 3tc:.espoo":Ssugo·.Br·-..g too bo end ado ::ne9in<90
• I ::u"' tS Ql,'150 0:1 3 '111:00NUTS nuts. ~etu-ntoo'1reduceto lowheat, o"'
S-IE.lEO, H! LVEO !>;;O ::O:\!S :<Y 10~lit es IJ!'t tr,..,s.:gordissolvesto ma(e o syn.o.
'U MOV!J Tur:1offthe "'eat and se: osic!e.
• I ~a S oz,~~c3 Pl!.O, PEE. EJ !"ID • Use o chops:ic.<to clean the cho'.mHof the otus -oot,
E'IIOSFVWEJ men thorougrlyrins.eonc:l er cold runn·"",..ce into
, '.,\CU"' tS : l OZilSC ~~) !,i..i~h/1-cm-thb: oieces.Putme taro on o lo.-ge heo:oroo:
VE~EP.5.t O ~ pate, out too sing'e ~ • o.ndtrons:ertoo
co lopsibeoot or :,omboosteoTe·over o :,ot of 00 -r.g
wo:e·.Steom,covered,for 1~- {Ao:I mo:ewoter to the
pot "f neKled.) Core'i.Aytransferthe taro too lo·ge bowl
o"'.dmcnhi-rtoopo:ste•...,.,~est ho:.
• ;ea;: 5 tobespoons oilin o nons:io: :,on aw mediu-n
hem, odd the taro pos:e ono reT10ining sugo·,o,cl mix
we . G,ao..x,lly add (12floz/350 rel) wcr.,, and
lo too =1:,oons oil.sti·, oce mc::'1tne taro po.steuntil
smoo:h.Adome remo·niogltoble::ooonci o"'.Ci stir we I.
• Mixnolfof the g.l"lkgo -rutsintotf..eto.-opaste o,cl dis:1
out ·.,tos,;o!I :>O'h.S. Scotterthe remo·vig g'nkgo".lts

i\!G.ON: J !"113SU
P:\!P!:\!" ION i VE: 10 Ml'IUiES, " .US
l -iou=-sSC•!(l'II~ . M! LOTUS SEED
COO( l'II~ i M! I -IOU:\ ~CM '\IU"ES

• i4 .J ~ ED ,...QiUS S!DS • SoQ.( the oied lo:usse-:a:sino be,.., of coldwater :orOXll..-t

• i4 ~l!.ES-l 1..0'13!'11. '"E!L!O !NJ lo nours,or u-rtilsoh.

smn.:i • 3ring£¼cups(34 Aoz/1lt e1)wotertoo Xliin o orge

• I iPS"'OON VE~E-:..5.E O l souce:,on.Aod the lo:usse-:as,reduceto lov,.•heat. and
• i f!S L!S"OONS 3lt.!'11Ut!"EO SUG''\ simmer, coo.-ered , for 30 minutes.Strainthe lotuswater
• \ OZiiO ~ '\OC( SU:3H into o bc,NIand reser\<efor .ot!:'ruse.
• I f!Sl:5"'00"1 OSM!'ll"HUS SU3 H • nserto otus seecl'~to eoch ongo...,,
• ;ea;: m e oil;no saucepan,odd tf..: gro.,_..oteds-...gor,one
stirC>\-e· lowhem :<Y 2 minutes until melted end caramel
in coo:.Adclthe ·eseNedotuswo:e· o"lOIY-ir'lg too !Joil.
• S:i ·'1tne"'.d,xk. sugar and s·mmerfor
o ».. i 1hou-·,covereo,untilthe tquiclS syru-"3Y.Sf· inthe
Osmonthussugor,then tro"\Sfe·to iodivo..ol:>owlso,cl
servewi:hthe S'f"-P0'1me side.

~i!L'.? .,!G 0'1: :5l.~'l:";OO'\I:;
.. '1;!.. H!f 0'11• \1E: 5 \1 Nu · n, ... us
M U N G BEA N l -IOU .,S S.0£(1'\I:; . \1!
SOU P SE'Wfi !.

dessert SOUD is serveaboth ot home ooclofter Cl. ., 'l O!·'liC:; YU'\I:; S!.'NS
meals at Otine<...erestouron:s. Conto--ese peo:.-: liketo cad • s.._!) -j o=~E\1ON JU CEO'!. ',\'-I TE
on nero called com-ron rue to the dsn, :r..i \\-'t'l its st-ong V Nf;j!'!,
aroma o".d o birt er note, it's o d'visfw ·"'g'edi ent that , ..... 'l O!,'liC:; S'!.0'11~ su:;~..
pwole eith<:·loveor hate. f you'olike to use it. odd 0~ TO t:)t::
~ oz/10 got tne las: 30 minu:es of cooking.

- j....rt ti-': mung beans·nolo·gebowl.fill wi:h cold ,.-.ate·,

and sock for ct least £ "'O..JS.
- )rein tN' oeons, men p.rt ~ o large souce~n ,...,4th
6¼cups (50fl oz/1.5 liters) cold ,...-at
e· o"lOo soloshof
lemon juic,e(this ne os to reto·ntn e brignt9re-e'lC00t of
tN' mung be-ans).3r'-r.gtoo boii, tr,n reduce tN' neat and
e ted, over meci . m --eatfor1nour4..nti:
Y"nmer, 4...nCO'.' ::ne
bK!nsare softececl.Add ti-...sugar totost e and ser\'e ho-.
or cold.

~ ;,y-~m " :'0 0'11: 5E.J "IG

"" ! "H :f 0'11 T "1E: 10 M '\IU" ES
SBYES:.!:·3 {,,H(fS 2 " :'11(!(:'5)

- Combine th e eggs and Aourin a med'um oo.., and mix • i EG~S, S!! " f'II
\\'e . Gtoclucly:,o;..r'n >iclJ'j(£ fl oz/120 ml) coldwater • ~CU" ,l oz,,~G ! l· " U'!;?OSE
end sf• to ma'.:<e a rott er. " l.: 'II ~LOU'!;
- ; ea;:o'l 8- inc.n/20•un no"Stio:Hillet (frying:,on) aw ' l cu;,s (iS ~ ~ OZ1'.'SO"1l)
lowheot OIOd:irusn\\"t'lo t'.-ttl e o... _ad e in haJ ::ne bett er, VE~E" !.5.E O L
ti.tingme po'ltO spread ti-': barter e-.• e"''Yon the bottom, Cl. " :s
OZ/ISC ~ '!;fJ t!JZU<
end coo<aw low "":Ct for2-3 mirutes on eoch side un:il 5E!"ll " !)if
coo<eclthrough. Tro"Sf er too :.ate and mob o s.econd • ;, '11::-iOF):.L ·
po-r.cokeuS:ngall ~i 1 taoles::,oonof tne remoin·"'.9:,otter.
- S1reooho f the red (cdzuki) be-onooste onto o ooncob,
fold ti-': ecges tctNCi:I t"\e cente· to for~ o sq,;ore,then
fold in nolf royou "'.OW o rectong:;....or s"'.Ope. Seolthe edges
\\"t'l some o: tN' reT.C:ningbotte· oc0 gen:ly :.ress to
corrolete th e seol. =woeotwith ::ne remoin·....g :,onca.(e.
- ; ea;:me oil .no wok.or O* P so.x epo'l to 3LOOF/1700C,
oru.nt ocub e of xeod brc,..,nsin45s.econds.Gent}yO'Mr
in the :,, o~ ot o tirr.e,and d~ ?•fry for2 TW'lvt es
. Use tongs to co·ie;.,fy remove t ~
un::Ig:ode-'l b--o·,.....,

po,coke from the ci o"'.dd·dn on pcoe· ta.-.els.S'"ce me
e st{ os o ".clserve.
po-r.cokesinto C:,.•nc ,/J -cm-Y-.i::l

i\!G ON: 5riU'IIOE
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: l~ v NUES
S!'WES: 8
i!:!! =::;f OH HOL ES

• i T:5 L!S"00NS ~:=to Ci\ UNS,1.~EO - Met the i0rd .no skte: e-ying po"l) ona set osx:leto coo.
3-UTTE" - Si:t tri: Aour, boltingoowder,ono bo<ingsoda (:ico-bonote
• i\ CU"5 '11 OZll~C :;: :. L-" U:\"05! o: soda) o~to o po:stryboo.rdor c...EGn wor<sufoce. t-'ok.e
" ~: N) F...OU't o \\'e in the center o,cl cad the sugor, egg, lo·d, and
• •, fE:)"00'11 f.!( l'I :; " OW:l! " l. too es:ioonscod wcte·. Usingyr:,..r hands, gently br""".9
• •, fE:)"00'11 f.!( l'I :; 50:l.' me~- ta.-.arome center oft~ oooro ono pushdown
5 C :=t50"'1~ TEo: SOJ.: to ~r ~ o dough. Us"ngo scrooe·, gentlyfoldthe ooogh
, 3/,CU"' :sO!;l.dC:; G"!"IIU ~.'TEJ :<Y l.-5 mimrces,~essdown wi:hyou"ho,cls-oo not <neocl
5uG:\ me doogn o:herv.-':se glutnwill fo·m o"'.dthe r'gnt text,-,,.;e
• I !GG . 3E.' TEN won't :,e och~'.'eo.
• 0 i!6.E5P00'15 ft -I TE5!S!~f 5!EJS - O..i t"ce dough into str·os o,cl then ,.,tos-noll :lece-- ~ eocn
. a·~Cl;"'S ~a:. Olii l TE=ts: we'.ghingobout;.:oz/7 9. Ro eocn p·ece ·nto o smelldough
VE3Ef:5L:: 0 l OOII,,aompen tN' oo!ls,.-.,'thoht. -: water, and rollthem in
me sesameseeds.~ eoc'ldoug'l bo._ ogdn, usingyour
-i¥-s to presst ~ sesame seK!s-i·rrfy .nto the OOugh.
- ;e,otthe oil'n o wok.or deeo souc.eoonto 30YF/ISIYC,
or u-~tilo c.oe o: lreoo lro""•nsi;'lJr,.n'.nu:!:'S
. j....rt tne
dougn :,o..s, in :iotd-les.ootoo sokle-·stro·
<YO brge
slottea sooonand corefuiyb.-.erthe bollsinto me not o .
Reducethe hea;:to26S'Cf/130°C ono d~i;fry for2 minutes,
sti.-r·"9occosbno!lywithchops±ks.o: unt tl-..e ho-.,e
openeaup. Increase the ~ to 3QW=/15()<1(, and COO(
:or1 m.nvte, or untilg:.~'l brown.Useo s ot:...ds:ioonto
coren..ftre'TlO\'e tl-..em d-oinO'loo:,ertov.-els.=w:,eo;:
withtl-..e·emoin·"9 dough oo!G.
- -hey CO'l be servedimmediote'y or sto-ed in an oirti3.ffl jar
where::ney·,.. keep for 2-} doys.

i\!G ON: !N-tU ;§ ~t& ttH=

Pi\!P! .i'{:· ,oN T WE: 5 W1'11Ui:S
S:'Wf$: 4

• 5 oz..IS~ G ~OC( suo:'t , :=tus-1:0 - Combinethe rock.s-...90r, honey,and 1Acu-o(5 f oz/150ml)

• 2 J:5 L:'S"00NS -ION!Y wor:nwo:er in o bowland stir ;,..ntithe sugo· is dsso'-.•eo.
• I EGG 'o\'-1,TE - 3eat tN' egg,,...,'te one poo-·h ::nroug'lo stra:ne· (5:e'.'e)
• i CU"S :v OZ!250 ~: '\\'l.L'llll TS to 'i ie-•me fooTI.Stirme E-39 ,.....,'te
into the sugar synn.
• l ·:s .!S"'OONS (~Ol :'II~ W NE - 3ringo scent 1CUj (i floz/200 ml) ...,ctertoo Doil.n
o soucepo.n.S:i ·.ltri: syru:iono retu-n too boil.J,./Jdthe
walnutsand ·eturn too oo·.Sti. in tf"':(oo"ongwine,t "cen
uons:er the into£ s-noll:a.-..sand se-..•e.

i\!G ON: J !'"\l:";SU
P:\!P~:\qON T WE: l~ v NUES
x::at\~ r.;;r¾i111~
COO(l'II~. '1! n \1 NUTES W ENSI TO FU
S!'WES: 4

·o: u
• 9 OZiiSC :; S ..11:EN - j.oce the to'u on o cutting boctd, then naiveit.CU!eoch
, 1..a, oz..sooo =uwP11:.,..
=u..Eo. p·ece e-r.gtt,
·...:se~to 3 equo piecesfo·o to:d of 6 ,oieces.
S!EO!J. :"lo :u1 NTO 5 TE·S,i:! - j_d some v.'Oteron 1:lece of ::ofl.o"'.dthintys.,ice. Gen:}y
p·essw'tntf,..,bodyof tr>':(n·fe on~ e,d oft"cerov.•
so the sliceslieon t"ceirsides.Sprink.,e v.'Oteron the tofu
slicesand cut them ·.,tot"W'I,-..oir -lil:Est·o.ncls.=vt tN' tofl.
strands .nto o crge OO'NI of coldwa:er o,cl use cnopstick.s
to gentlyd:S:,e--se them. Repeaiwi-.nthe remo'.riing tofu
p·eces.Use c.nopst:Ck.s to Ii~ the to'u stro"'.dso"'.dgently
d·op them ·.,to 4 ind'vicluose,-vingbowls.Set c:s'~.
- j.oce the :iumplon·o o cola0s:i'blepot or :,omboosteomer
overo ootof ooilingwater.Steom,covered,for 15m·.,.,ies.
ReTOVe::nepu-rxin one!o!la11tocoo IY½ify.
- j_d t ~ ,oump<in:nto o :, e"'.de r or food,orocessor,
oad 3cups (25fioz/i50 m} woter,and bend in:o
o thickpree.
- -ro.nsfer the pu·ee too lo-gesc:-xepo'lonobringtoo
bo" overnighheot. lhe o lo·ge sPOOn tos<im off the :oam the sufoce dt~ SOOD.Ada tne roo::sugar onc:I
st:r :o. 5 TW'lvt es untilthe wgor -..osd:Ssolved. Tro"'Sfer
tne soup into ti!: ~:,ora:e servingoov.::s.
- Jsperse tf,..,strandsgentlywithcnopstick.sand ~-ve
hot o:-cod.

tt 'ft ~ ~~ "!G 0'1: !H!J ! NG
"'1;!,.H!f 0'11 i VE: lO y; Nu -n .
C H ESTNU T SOU P WIT H " lUS ill \1 Nu ·n SQ! (l'\I~ T "1E
COOK ~G i ME lll ._.NUHS

- f usi-r.9:-e-shchestnuts, ·e'T'O\'eme oute· husk of the , 1~:::u=s:s oz 1soo, ~,:s-1

t ce ~hes-ti"'
c.nestnuts.j_...-t .~s ;,.o baNI,o,~ob~ ,.,.~er ::-1HT'IIUTS o, I CU" '.d OZ11iO G)
es. :iee o- tN' s:<in. Dke
to cover, o c0 sock ·o· 20 '.'l'W'lvt ::::.'ll'H:l CH!STNUTS. .J"! N!O
the cnestnu:s into ii-inch/1-cm o.,;bes. • j "!!SPO ONS OS\1!.,N" - US suo:..~
- :iringo SO\..cepanof water to the Xii onclodd the • 5 PS.HPOO'IIS :li\!'IU~:fD su~:\
c.nestnuts.~!:'Cl-Ce the "'eOtto CJN ono COO( for • I ·:o .::s =c oN LOTUS\OCT Cit ',\ l}Eit
~emoveand a:o·n. : ·iEST'IIUT=LOUit
- ;em 2 cups (17floz/475m ) water in o soocepo~ • l:l.S"OC~ 0'( EJ osw:'lli ·IUS
o"'.dx;ng too :,oi!.Add tN' chestn.rtsond s,.;gors, ; .,_QWf ";S, TO :lH"I Sri
then simTer forabout 3 minu:es.
- Combinethe otus ·oot flouroocl2 tablespoons'"oter
ino OO'YI:.Groduo!lyocldtt"<:m~re toi:he soupond
s:i to :.e~. JVidethe sou-:,bet' baNlsond
garnishw'th drie-:1 to.-.ers.

~i'i t~~ ~ "!0 0'11:!H!J ! NG

"";!"H!f 0'11 - \1E: ~cM -..iu-ES, " ~US
HA S MA WIT H LOTU S SEEDS 8 -IOU"S SQ : (1'\l:l - \1!
COOK ~GT "1E: I -IOU"; 5 Ml'\IUiES

- Cove1the hos TIO ·o 1 o.;os (16'I oz/475 Tai)'-''Oterand • ~ czno GORD -1~.SMl
soo<:o. o:o1..i8, or 4.n:hhe has'TlOloO<l"<ebo..s • CU" - OZ 15 G) 0'( EJ lCTUS 5!E05
o: cotton. Witho ooir of tweezers,carefuly Xk OU'i o,cl • i ·:o .Es=c oN G "IG!'( JU CE
discordonygrit. • 3-lOJUJUSE O.&i!S (.:so u· oz
- Meonv,.'hil~ . CO\-e· tri: dried otus seeds ·"l,.,.-a.rm
wote1o.r,c:I 15 :l). P HEJ
soo<:o. o:o1..i1hou·. 0-dn, then oic..< out and disco·d the • i\ OZ1~~ :l , oc1::
heo-t of the seeds. R::nsetne seeds.
- j,.,..i the ~TIO into o soucepo'lond odd 2cups (16'I oz/
l.]5 ml) woter and tee gingerjuice. 3ring::oo :,oilc,;-e·hig"l
heat ::,anc.n:or 5 TW'lvt es. )ro·...,.
• Combinethe ~mo. lotus seeds,da:es,ono rou: sugar .n
o sea,oble ceotproofOO'NI and odd 1cups (16t oz/
l-75ml) woter. Seal.then oloce tN' oowl·.lo col oos:_Ole
pot or bomboo steamer ove1o po: of ooifingwo:-e·. S:-eo.m,
covered,for1 "'O'...J. (Adomorewa:-e·to ::nepo: if neE<!-:o.}
- -ronsfer to 4 bowlsonc:Iserve.

i\!O ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~ ~foe'!
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUT:S.
COO(l'II~. M! 15 W 'IIUiES
S!i\VES: 4 SOU P
E'.:!i=!:;f OB

• G!N!i\OUS •, CU"' Oi:/120 G) t~ gh.runous(ce in o orge 'Xii< oo:14¼cu-os(3! f oz/
- j_...-t
:;.lJT 'IIOUS "' CE, 'tl'IIS!O l li:-e·)coo water, soo.dor 1 nour.
• i!t ::u=s :i;s
0!!250 ~: SPC( S!S.!WE - ~it~ oloo:sesame seeds ·.,too sU!et (fryingpen) end
SEEJS toast ever aN neat for~5 mil"",,..ies u.,:ilftogro~. 3e
• O"'!'IIUL!-EO SUO!'t TO ·! s •E carefulnot to ourntee seeds""?{W ~co:T'= oirter.
- - ronsferthe toosted s.esoT.eseeds,g utiro.:s rice,onc:Iits
socking,,,.mer too olenc:le1 o:-food iroceSSO( o"'.dbeno
untilsTOOt-... l.k:eo -iee•mesns:roiner(sieve) to s:roJI
::neconten:s intoo',r,g o lo·g-=sooontooress
da,;n and ext·oct ~t of me juice fromthe se-:a:s.
- =>CMthe se<..ome ,-Xe ·.,too c.n:eseclo:h(rr~ ..,) . ""=O
OO'NI, transferthe sou:. too souce~'.l o-..db--i09
tt"":-.. to
o Sl:IN boi overmedi.m "":C't.Stircontinuously, odd tt"<:
sugot to toSte,then serve.

i\!O ON: SE Jl'II~ t~~E ~

Pi\!P!.:\!.,ON J:J \1 NUTES, "'.US
COO(l'II:;: i5 ._.NVES
E'.:!i :'!0! 019

• I\ ::u=s :r"OI,'iCO ~: S -l! L~EJ - SoQ.( the we .,, o bowlof \\'Orm,,,.mer for15minutes.
''°'!.NUTS 0-oin.
• ·~ CU"' (2 oz;soO) lONO·O "'! l"I 'l;,C: - .ri o se:>0ratebowl,sock tri: rice·n wcte1for 15.T'W"':'S

• 'I.Cl. "' :i 0!:5:J :;: JUJl.5! J!.ES, 0-oin and se: aside.
'tl'IIS!O .!NJ :- TiEO - 3ringo s-nollsouceoo'lo:water too boi over:ligh'""=Ct,
• I cu=--· - OZiiOO o: :;:\!"llJl!f:0 for15minu:es.Re'TlO\'e
cod the dotes, o.r,c:Isi:Ti:-ro:· the p'ts
$\iOI-,. OR10 i! >1: o-..dskino-..dd'.scorot~-n; then rr.o:sn::ne-iesn.
- Combinethewo ;,,rice, oncljuju:ieda:es ·no bender,
cad o scant 1a..o (7 t oz/200 ml},,,.mer, onc:I:.-e,cli-rtoo
walnutooste. -·onsfer too souce:,on,odd tee wgor o.nd
2 cups (16; oz#75 :nl) v.-o:-e·,
oringtoo ooilct1erh'gn
hea;:,~educeto CIN hem,S::rringconstc~tly,
:CX'5 minutes untilthe OOVOc'S ore blended.ServewarTi .

i\!G ON: ! N-t U ~ '? ~ ",;W
P:\!P!:\qON T VE: 5 v "llJES, PLUS
5 v "IUTES Si!'\101'\I~ . \1! GREEN TEA AND WATER
COO(l'II~. '1! 5 Ml'\IUTES

, s ·!a ~:s=ooNs~'(E:'I T:! .P,YH - Puttheteo eo'o'es.ntooOO'YI: o,cloodlcuj{Stoz/250

• 2 J:5L!S"00NS CO'\NSPR::-1 ml}notv.'Ot!?r. s:eepfor ooovt 5 TW"IA
Covero:-r.d es.
'::OR'l =LOlJR) - Por OIJ'! ti!: tea end reser\<etl"':tea eoves.Pot::ne
• 2 Cl."S ·c =L oz,.!-S M~ leaveswth oo~r towe..sto absorb
VE~EP.5.t O ~ Mix•n 2 teaspoonscor"\Storch(corn"lour).
• IC '11~.TEll:-1ESTNlJTS. PH~D :'110 - Heat tN' oil·.lo WO( o· deeo souceoonto ~°F/1SO°C,
::uT l'l ·o l-1 N ST:\ "'S or urd o cuce of creoclb"O'h""\S in Iiimil'"'i,..ies.
Adatne tea
• l ·!a .:s =ooNS::OM!Ci O'IIE"S' leavesoocld:ep-:-yfor0X11..-t 30seconds.Useo slotteo
IC "IG) SU3 H spoonto carefullyteT'O\'eme tea -:ovesfrom::neoil
imTedotely (otherwisetii=p•·• bu·"I) O"O d·oin0'1
paoe· ta...els.
- lnosTIOll~•I.combine &...waterchertn,..iswitni:he
remo·vig 4 ::eospoo-r..s co·nsto·ch.Reheo;:the oiland
deeo•frythe water chest" .is for 2-} minutesuntilthey ore
lig't orown.ncolor,men removeand dro·n.
- Arror,ge me tee leavesintt"<:cen:e-·of o servi~ pate onc:I
dust wi:hconfectioners'(king) s-...gor.Scotte· tt"":water
cnestnu:so·ounc:I the eo'o<eS.Mixtne tea leaveso-ldwcter
cnestnu:sjust Deforese-ving.

Thisd:$'lusest~ s:iroutsof ~ng gr~"lteo fr~tne
mOU"to'.ns ofAnhui..oi,gjingteo fromZhejio"'-9
g·een teas con oe used cs ,,.el.

i\!GON:YU~'ll!'II H ~ ",;W
~ -=t-
P:\!P!:\qON T ME 10 \1 NUTES,
COO(l'II~. '1! 2:J \1 NUTE$
s:=w:s:i·l SEED DESSERT

• ~ ozno G - O'IIEYlO::usT S!EOS - R:n:P- tl"':noneyocun se-:a:sincoldwater,then soak

• j SNOW =u'\l~US f:aou · j OVS:J ~ in ii cup {4 t oz/l20 ml) water for8 nours.
• : JUJUOE:i:r:s. '( NS!J, pro. !>;;D - Co-.-e· tne snov.•'i.rngus·" ho:water and rook.forobolJ'!
::ur :'l·o ~ E:::s }0 minutes.R:n:P- t~ S"'ONfu-r.g:_s ono trim off the firm
• i OZISO G =;0::1: SUG!:\ ~ ct the bose. TEGt the 'i.rngus·~tos,;o!I :feces.
- Bring} a..os (2Sfloz/750 ml) wo:e· too boil'no ,:irge:IO't.
Add tt"<:juju~ dates, snaNfungus,ona rOC(wgor,·educe
to IO'N -r.eot,and cook.:o. 15m·"'-ies.
- Add ti!: honey ocus;:seeo:stogetherw'th the SOO(ing
wo:e·, cringtoo coiloverh'gn":'1 reduc~to lov.•
heo;:,o.nds··:o. 5 .nn.rtes. Serve.

g.ett* 'tE~ 0'11:GU,1.'11~OO'11~
"=tp·:'(.!J 0'11 l \1E n.., 'lllJES,
AL MON D TEA W ITH PLU S~ -1ou~sSQ!(l'\I~ T "1E

Amond te-ois o misnomerforthis disn since apricot • I'. :::u~s :vOI,'iSC ~ SWEET~~~ COT
ore 1JSed,no: o cTlOJ'lds.ts nome is defvedfrom lr:Ei\~:U
tN' fact trot tN' flavoro: oprico: keme sis si:n"or to that • :S::oow- 7fi
cf olmondsond tt"<:name is eo:s'er to teTeT.oe·. It isolso • i OI,'SO G ,\O:::< )UG''I :::~U)ri!O
cc...eao tee· tnon o SOUj beco;;s.eit is so thi!"
is o vers..onof me recipe,•...-;ichinc..-,
...des rice-,mo<ingit
ol:ogether t.,·c1terso it con ~ooerly:,e co eel o sooo.

- ~insethe o~ot <e·ne-_s undercold run.,:ngv.cter.

Orc:n,then SOC.(·.\ o bowlof cod wote· :o. £ "'O<.JS.
- 3eottt"<:e99 ,.,...,'tes in o large OO'NI
until "luffy.
- )rain tr>':opr'cot out tne:n into o olenc:le1
or food ~ocesSOI.Add1o..o (8 floz/250 :nl) v.'Ot!?r o"'.d
processtoo smoothooste.
- Aado"'Other} C\,;OS (~.S"Ioz/750 ml) wa:er to&... blender
and blend for2 m·.,.,ies ..r.til smooth. Line o strcine· (s:@'.'
v.-'t,CC"':eseclo:n (mus,.,) ono piece i;: ove·o .orge 'Xlh.
FbJrthe ker--elmi!kin:otne st·oinero,cl use o spoonto
press down on the kernel:,,.rip,ettrocting os much milkcs
posS:ble.Set aside.
- ~!:t~m e, kernel~otothe :.e~· .oour ino scant
ii cup {3r.f oz/100ml},.-.ater and olenclfor2 minutes.
Strainthrough t,oth ogoinond combir,ewi':h
tt"":re;:erveokernelmilk. Set c:s"oe.Discordt--e (e·ne-pu :..
- ;ea;: me ap-ico: <e·ne-mil<in o oot ever meci .m --eat
end br""".9 ~oo boil.Adelthe ·ock sugo·,menve.ryslow,y
st·· in the Deoten egg\<eho: or coo.
l\!G.ON: -101'.13<0~3.
?i\!?!..F{!",ON TYE: 15 \1 NUTES. "'.US 1:?i~tt Bi
1s 1o1
Nu ·n sT:~01~3. • M!
C00(1~3.. M! 15 'fl ~UTES tv1
i!:!1 =:3f 0,0 A N D SAGO DESSERT

• \ :u= 0 0 !, 50 G) s:..oo - ADlli:hesago and~ C\'I oz/300 Tai) wa:e· too

• !. 1' ?E Y!NGOES. ?H.EJ. STOM smo sauce:, :,ringtoo xii. ~educeto o,,-:hea;:
\E\10VEO, !.NJ CUT ,ro CHU"'(S o"'.dcook for 10m·"'.ies. Cover,,:,-,,.rn
off the hem,
, s::.~r :u =-:1· =10-z•1cc1o1l stand for15minutes.
CO:ONUT \1 L< - ~insem e sago under cold runningwater to get rid of any
"!6 .ESPOO~S fV!PQ\.!fEJ
• !. 'l'l,~K. starch. PI.Jtthe sogo in:o o lorg,=oowl.odd enoughcold
=-~us EX.T",.:.TO st=-vt wo:e· to ca.•e,·it, ond ·efngerote.
• \CU "' 12ovso G) 3:'{!Nu.:r::o - ,no food processor,corr.oine~'O-thi·os of the~- t~
suG:\ mi!k,onoe\'O:ioroted mi!ko"'.dp--ocessun:ilthe
• 5 "'OYElQ OR? ~I( G\:"'f<'tU,T mixtu·e S smootn.T·ansfe·too oow o"'.d·e:i:Je-·ote.
SE3ME"'TS - Mx tr>':sugar wi-.n£ tablespoonshot '"'cter in o smol
saucepanooostira1er ON heat~,orurd
syrupt.Se:osi::leto eo01.
- jeel o::tf"':rnembro~ fromthe pome-oor ,oinkgrooefrui.
segments and snred (or se:,ora:e tt"<:fle-s:'linto c.nunks}.
- ~emowthe sogofr~tne refrigera:oro,cl d·oin.Acd
me sago, pomelo,o.r,c:Isugar sy-uoto the mango J..ree
o,cl gently mix.DM:lein:o se:iorote OO'Nls, drizi.e wlh
evo:10tcr.edmilk,too with the ·ese-ved T10ngo, and serve.

i\!G ON: SHU~OE §l M~~a

?:\!?!F{!" ION i ME 10 \1 NUTES
C00< 1~3.. M!: I~ Y NUTES tv11
S!'WES: !.

• 0 E33 'llri TES - 3eat tr>':egg W"les in o IJo,.., urd smooth ond oour
• 1•, cu=-s :14 ~L OZ. .dCO\1~ \1 L( mroug'l o fine-mesh st-a·~- {s'Eve}.ntoo oow.
• 5 "PSP O:J~S 31\!"IU L:f:Q SU3 H - Mo the mi< and sugo.rto the 'XI" ono st:r u"'til
me sugo· hos dissolvedcomp e:e'(.
- JVidethe mixi:ure be:,,,.een4 hea:oroot bowlso,cl se-ol
witn a\.iminumfoilor rricrov,.-ove
•sofe :.ostic .,,Top
. Pieceme bowls·" o co oos:_Ole
pot or :,omboo
steoT~·over o :,ot of 00 "'.gwater. Reducetoo gentle
simmer,ono steam, ca.-e·ed,:o. 10m:nutes. or V"'t tf"':·a is set. Se-ve.

• • 64>
i\!G ON: :;u.!..NCDONG ~ ~:r.E
P:\!P!:\qON T WE: 5 W 'IIUT:S.
=LuS I:) \1 NUTH s:r 'II~ . M! TOFU
COO(l'II~. '1! 5 Ml'IIUTES
i!:!! =::;E 045

• •, fE!S"OO'II 3Y"SUV POWJE'\ - -o make tf"':serti,•.gsolution,Com~e tne gy~..m :o'.,.'Oer,

= 51\0SUV c:~c UV su.=:r:, cornstarch (cor-.fa...r),and 4 toblesooonsteoiclwater in o
S!E 'IIOTE la·ge bowland mixwe untildssd-,•ed.Set aside.
• 2 lE'S=OONSCO'\NSJ!~::-1 - ;e<ntne o 10:'gesouce:,onoo.•erlowheO'!U""til
:::OR'll =LOUR) h ·eoches 185(:/85°<::. (The tem:11ratu·e::Simpoic"'t to
, ,·~cu=s154 =t oz•1 ~ ·t'\ ensure the puo::lingwillS-e!.) Removet ~ oon from tr>':
UNSW!ETENEO SOY\1 L( :sEE NOH hem ·""""®t ely.
• S'\O'l1N SU3!:\ O'\ SYi\U"' TO S!i\V! - S~ the setti "'9soh.cion._;,: t -r.esc:-,..cepa.n
12·clehes/30 cm
a:ove tne setting solvfon, then »..r the -r.otSCI'/ m~...(
me OO'NI. The~ocess shouldonlyto~ >.!
use a lorg,=s:ioon~ rub.:,e·spo:ulo (fu:l slice)to moke
a'l "o" motion in the IJo,.., to he pd:str"~ie the setting
solt.r.:onevenfy.Co-.-e·tne bowlw'th o larg,=olo:e or olostk
wraj (ongfi!m}and et stand forot least 10mrut es.
- -he soy milkshou!aset too rgm,•.-.oobly~t ency.
CG·en.Jyscooothe ~ing in~o:o.-...sand ser\'ev.-orm
or coo witn the suga· or syn.pon top.

Gypsumpowderis ovruobleat Chineseherbalsnops o· o;:
It is essential that yoouse unsw~tenea soy.,, k.t~ ·s aodit'ves ono emulsifiers.

i\!G ON: :;u.!..NGJONG H~ ;1>

Pi\!P!.:\!.,ON T WE: 5 Wl'IIUT:S.
COO(l'II~. '1!_ !50UT i - OU'\S

• o:N:,ous1::u= p oi.-,o"ol R!D caw witn p enty

- j_d t ~ reo (odz-•.(i) oeans into o 00'....t,
!JZU( 5E!"IIS ot cod water, and sock.for4
• i D'\ !J -: "iG!i\ NE "!E LS - SoC.(the ofe-::itongeri-r.eoeels in coldwaterfor 10minutes
• 3•~OZilOO ~ '\OC( SU:3! " O'\ TO to so~en, then a.rain.Usinga .(n·fe-,scrooe to removet-r.e
PSTE p'1:h.0.,. into smo_e· p·eces.
• fV!"OR!.llO \1 L( O'\ V!N L~: ::: - Aoin tf"':oeons, put them J'ltoo la·g,=sa-.,..cepo'lwitn
::'\f!V l:) S!:\\'E 8'.iio.;os (68 floz/2 liters) wo:-e·,and bri"'-9to a boil.Aod
me tangerine :,eel. vduce to mediumheat ona simmer
:o. about 2, 1.t"!Cov ered. Stirfrequent\' ::ooreven: tne
beo"'Sfrom stic~-r,gto the bottom of tne po..,,
- ADOthe suga· totoste. _ode ·..,to00\lr,•ls a,cl seNewith
evo::,ora-.ed milkor \'Qn,o ice cream.

i\!G ON: -ION~ <O'II::; ~ iffi *$T
P:\!P!.:\qON T VE: 10 Ml'IUTES, " .US
IS \1 NU.ES ST!.'110'II::; . M! BAK ED TAPIOC A
COO(l'II::;. M!: I -IOU:\

• •,::u,. -~OZli00 G) LOTUSSEED"!Si: AC,,:nesetv.:•st on o ttoditiono &itishdesser.:- this

c~ i\!O !.,OZU!CI 5!!.'11 :-:.s·E versionis e evotedwim o lows se,edor ·eo
, ·, cu,. .5 oz,ao G.1:i,v ·::- cc: oecn Wig to mol:eo \,-1orm·"".9
(odz-,...(i) dessei.
• SUH!" =Q\3~f:S l"IG
• _ine0"18•inchnO.cmsqlJa!ebo<ingoon \\-'t'1plosticwrop
' 0 " T- ECUST!~J ::~f:.v (oogihi} . Soreodthe otus seed :oste evenly across tt"<:
, •,cuP !.F ~OZillOWl)Md( bottom, eovingo lt:-incn/2-cm boraer. :i1oceono:her sheet
• 3 ·:.o .:s:>OQNS ::usr:,o " O'NOE~ o: plos:icwrao on to:, o"'.d1ress C!O'h"l gentlyto ma.(e on
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS CO\NSf!..,\:-1 even ciyer. Tro"\Sfe·&...wrC?oed:oste too lo·ge plate and
(CO\N ' .OU\.i cnill in the refr'~-ctor.
• ·~cu,.12 oz;soG) ::;,,:.Nu.:r:o • Meomo ..hile,oringo .orgesouceoon of ,...-o:-e· too ooilover
suo:, h'gn heot Ado::netopiocoa.."'.d Xii eve· hig'1hem :o.
• I ::U,. :a' L OZ:'25:J v. COCONUT 10-15minu:-esonti tne pe-oriS ore translucent with traces
"L( oton t.nc00.(€dwhr.ecenter. Turnoffthe "":Ct,CO'.'e',o,cl
, 1 ·:.s L:s = ooNs 1, ozno ::;) let stand fo· 10minu:-es.Thetop·oco mould oe tronspo·ent,
U'IIS!..LifJ SUTTE~ but it :Sok.oyif SOt"Te \\½-liteoits stil re-noins·~e they will
• l EGGS be cooked further·o m e oven.
• Aoin tf"':tao-«o usingo stro·--er{s'~te} and rinse,,.e!I
una~· cod ru-;ning,,..ate· to wash off the starch. ii"Se V""t
m e topiocois coo. Set os'oe.
• :,.aceon 0°.-e-"1 rock in the center of the ovenandpreneot
me oven tol.00°FnOO:c.tGo:s Mo·.(6. Grease ::nebo<ing
pon o"'.dset oside.
• -o make tt"<:cus:ord creom, corr.oine them <,custard
pcNC!er, cor"Storch(corn-ioo-),o-r.osugo· in o .rec ..m
souce:,onand mix'N'-tho-uooerspctu!o {fishsl'ce) un:i
smoo:h.Adom e coconut m"'kondbutter. Se: m e po~ over
mediumhem o ".Clslowlyheat tne mixture.<eep stirr·"".9fot
o:o-..i 5-7minutes un':ilthiC.(e(leo.Add t--e droi-r.edtooioco
o "'.cls:i con:::Ouously fo· o -r_other2 minu:-esu-nf•tri:
mixtu·ecomes O'M:tf f"Omm e surface ot tne po'\.
• ~emovethe pen from the "\eOtand :,ect in on egg,
ensuringi. is fi..lly·ncorooroteo ono me mixtureis sTOOt"·
•,rththe ·ermfriinge~.1:--; :-nixture sh01.11d be
g ossyond smooth.
• Sireociho f o: tr>':tc:ioco mixtureinto the p·eparecipen.
To<e the otus seed f.1w-ig o..i of the -s-frigerotor
, 1..rr....~op
h, and :.oce 't over the top·oco,.,e·witn the
remo·vig top·oco mixture o:-r.d smooth oot tl-etop '"'"tho
p·eceof :.osticwrop. Bo.(e :<Y 30-35minU6 .es U!'ti golden
!Yow~ono o tOO""J'lpb: ~ erted .nto tt"<:
ce~ter comes OU'! cleon. f the top S no: godn enough,
cnong.ethe oven setting to bro ono bra,;n it for5 m:nut-es
untilgolden. =wmove :.o,., me ovenand -:t
the :i-oocling
coo :or 15.TW'lvt
es ::iefo•eserv'

ti~ffll:t i:Fl'-! "'! 0 0'1: - O'II~ fCONG
"'";!"'H!f 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IU - ES
SE'~Vfi: S
C OCONU T tv11

- j te-""Wtthe ovento 3!~:/1700C/6as ~rk 3it !~~E llli\G!; EG~S

• 5 EX.B.! 1,_
- 3eottt"<:e99s withthe sugar ·o o -orgeoo,..tne'l mix • i CU"' (7 CZilOO G 0"'!.NU~.:.HJ
inthe evcooroteomi (. Addtne glu:inousrice fiour, suo:,
in ootches, s:irri-r_ggen:lyin o~ direcdon wi:h o lo ·ge CU"' '.d ~l oz.-120 ...~, f'i!PQ'(.:·EJ
spoon u-rtilcom:.etely :lenaeo. Grodi.roly
stir Ml.I.
in the cocorut milk.. • SC £'\Ii l't CU"S (1:J oz ·;ao:5)
- Greaseon 8 ,c 4-·nc'l (20 • 10-cm) oof :ian. Une i.'1,"ih ~LU1 'IIOUS \,CE ~LOU'!;, S 'TEO
o :lece o: po·chmen: (00.(ing)ooper.:lourin tN' oa:w • I\ CU"'S :10 F. OZll~~ v.) COCONUT
and bo<efor 20 minutes.Reducetne tem:11ratureto Ml.I.
3000F/15Q(IC!Gos Mor<2 o"'.dOO(e~r ono:ner • a u rE\ , FO'\ :li\!,!S NG
£0-45 minute--~or ...ntilgoan one coxeo ::nroug'l.
- ~emove the :i-oocling fro,-,me oven and et cool.Ptel
owoytne po·chment po:,e·, slice, end ~-ve.

":'G 0'11: - O'll:l KO"IG

't' ii: tlt/9'. "";!"H!J 0'11T "1E: 10 M 'IIU-ES
" lUS 30 "11'\IUT::S~\EEZ NG TM!
SW EET TART PASTRY v:(fS H 0!:~50 G OOU:l -1

TI"isbask pastry oo;,;ghis simile·too sweet oie (¢1 e • i CU" (8 oz..ns :;;: U'IIS.'ll:0
.wc:ree), but Q-.ine;:eDOk.ers often ·ncorporote sk.-nmed 5lJrE\. :J ";QQ\I TEMn'l!JU\E
mi!kpcNC!~r to t-r.eirdoug'l to· a mi!k:ertos:e. I. is difficui CU" :;:·~o:,-oc:;;:CONF:'C- ION!i\S'
to mo<eo smo!erquantityof the dougn,:,..i it freezeswell ICl'IIG SU:l !"
end any re-:noining doug'l con :ie rese-vedfor later use. • ~ TUS"OO'II S.'li
- US:ngon electic oeoter,creo-ntil: butter,sugar,and sot • ,CU " 12 OVSO :l) S( "1"1EJ VllK
togetherfor ~4 minutesuntil smoo:nonc:Icreamy.Ado " O'IIOE'\ (C"'l 0'11!
ti-': eggand skimmedm"'k00\",'Clet, if the butw • nc1,; =s :11OZ, liO ~ ! Lv?U "" OS!
mix:ureo""CI:,eat u.nt emulS)fiecl. " l ! 'II ~LOU'\
- USP- o l\.bbers:io:,-,.o (f",n s--ice)to :ie-..di;\til: Aour·n
3 seoorat~ oodifons. 3=s-..reto scroo-eup the fb..r at t-r.e
bottom of t-r.eOOY1:.
- (neod t-r.edougho fewti:T.essot cat it co:-restoge:ner
smootnly. Oivioe the cbugh ·nto l. eauol x,rfons. :i.ess
downon eocn p·ece of doughso ::ncni;: :o·ms o disk.end
tigntfy\\'l'Opeoch of them .n:iostic"''l'op(clingffm).0-..11
inthe freezer for 30 minutes,men ro. out me dougn:or
immediateuse.Al:e·notVe'y,doo:ie-wro:ieoch in plos'::c
wrap to freeze. Touse,::nowthe :.oze'ldoug'l o-r.omen
l;ghtly lmecd.

i\!G ON: -ION~ <0'11~
P:\!P!:\qoN T WE: iO M '\lu·n
COO(l'II~. '1!_ n \1 NUTES EGG TARTS
S!i\VES: 6
~ =.,~E OH

•n f!5L!S=>OQNS 3'\.:'IIUPiEO SUG!:\ These·conictorts o·e de,-..cendonts

of tri: B-rtishcus:oro
• ·~ u:s:oo'II CUSi! :,:l :,OW:l!:\ tort, exceottnot tne Hong(o,-,,gve-sion·s smo erand
o;;\ ·psPO O'I co:'lls·:Rcn much ess creamy.-he C\..ste·d:o·.-.aerpreven:sme fi!!i"9
:::OR'll =LOUR) ove"tlOLcg.f )OU do "'Otnavecustard oowder,use
• i :3.000<~u:t,it' EGGS.:,.US 1 EG~ cornstarch(cor-.fa...r)ins:!:00.
• ,:u :- 12 =t O: ··5 WL) W,~K - Conine me sugo·eno >/~o..o (5 floz/150ml}•1,oter·"
• ·~ QU!.NJ ry SWE:T ·:.~r ::.,snr 1, b--i09
o smallsc:-,..cepo too bcil,,end st·· unti ::nesugo·
is fullydissolved.(rt ·s crucialthen the sugat is rri:;ied
so that the custard hos o s'T'OOth sneen cfter :iokilg.)
ReT'O\'e me po'1'-om tf"':neat end let t-..esyrupcoo
to room tem:ierature.
- Mixthe C\..ste·dr')'Mer \,-:'tn1toble::oooncooledsyrupino
lo·ge 00\\'Ionti1o ooste :Sformed.{A."'llfe~oo.•e· syrupcon
be ·eservedfor fut,-,,.;e use.)Addt ""':eggsono ::neextra
~. and oeot 9ent}yuni smootn.S:ir'n tne milk..
- Posst"\e cus:cro mroug'lo fine-Ti::shstroirw (S:e,<e} .nto
0 00\\'Ito ·eTC\'e ony uncl:Ssol\'eO poiicles. sunOJYff•oth
• Thisquontityof fillingcon :ie us.eelto mo<esixlorg.e3_.nch/
7.S.cmtorts or tv,,,el\,e smallUi-inch/4-cm tarts. Tomo<e
::nelo·¥· tarts, divx:leme dougninto s:)(1¼-oz/35-9
poiior6. :or the smo ertort, d'vic:le the dough·.,to twelve
- Ugh:}y(ne-odo :,o..:ionof doogno :ev.•tiTessot"'.:O't
i;: :iecomesplio:.e. ~ollo..rtthe oetwee" 2sri:e:s
o' plos:icwrao (c.ogi ~) too circlemen is coout ~ inch/
1cm lo·ge· tnan t-..ecups ·nyoo-po'\. wi:ho 'h ';oc-i/2mm
mio:ness..(T¼t.,·mer the doogn,t-..ecrisp'ert""':tei.)
ReT'O\'e me topsri:et of po:stic•...,~opa.nd ~ ert me doug"
onto o tart pen. j ressthe oo;,;gh.nto tf.e side,-:,, removethe
po:sticwrap,&-:'1trimthe top w'th o <ni:e.j ressoo me
sidesgentlyso me dougnextendss ght}yooove the nm
o: tf..; pgn,RepeQt fort~ remg·"Wl9 tort$,then,h inthe
refr'~-otor forot least 30 "IVMes.
- P·eheO!the ove'1to £25¢:n2fYC./Gos Mork7. :lositionon the O'Ner thh:Iof the ove...,, Pieceo heavy
00.(ingsheet 0.'1tne pre,-,eat.
- Re"OO\'e me linedtei oo"S fromti!: refrigeta:or.Stirtf"':
C\..ste·d,men po..r it into eoc:1to1:po:1untilit almost
reocnestr,.?toj, Bokefor 10~lit es, or u'tlilgoldenand
me po.strys:crts to set.
- Reo.xe the teToerotue to 350::1180~/Go:sMai,: 4. ~
:o. another 5-7 minu-ces V""titf"': fillingis s!ig~tlywo:.oly
in tf"':cen:e·.• et tf"':tois coo for<l'! least 15m·.,_-tes
be:o·e serving.

i\!G ON: -ION:3 <0'11~
P:\!Pl:\qON T ML IS Iii 'IIUi:S.
:-~us lO M 1'\IUTESi\!ST NG TIY f CO CON UT
COO(l'II~. M! 15·10 \1 NUTH
i!:!! =:;jf 651

• ·~ QUl.NT .-Y 5Wf:T .l 'U =-l.SB,Y Astoplei;\tbng <o-r.gOO.(eries,tne1ededoustcis

:-.1..0:O.d1) hovec coconu;:; .r,gO.(intoo ftcng·pone.-rod'itionolly,
• C.'ND !) l~L!-CE CH!'(:- ES.-!l~\'EJ. i:oma(e i:he; "'.9•:fJt th:sis·a powder:SusE<:I
TO OEco ;;..=.TE(OPT Q'II!~'yoptionol.

: o :- T-!E F L~l'II~ - ~i oilthe fitng .ogredien:sirr.oo lorg,=OO\•d

and m, ...el
, 1 ::u =- .doz 1:Jc 3 o:\ o s- :-: ooo m:de for 30 ~ut es.
(JES CClHO: COCONUT - j.oce on O'l!:''lrock.inthe center of the oven.Prehea;:
• 1 ·l ,6~:s =>ooNS (h OZ>l:J G) me ovento 375¢:/1'90°C/Gas ~rk 5.
U'IISl.Lif) 6UiiE'I. YfliEJ - -his a.xircityo: fi!!i"9 con 0€ usE<:I i:oma(e six lo·ge 3•inch/
• 2 E:305 7.S.cmtorts or tv,,,el\-esmo!IUi-inch/4-cm tarts. Tomo<e
• 4 .l6 .E5P00'115 Mid( me lo·g,:·tarts, div:deme dougninto s:)(1¼-oz/35-9
, 1:.1::s=-ooNs :l< NG =ow:i:, poiior6. :or the smo er tort, d'vic:le the dough·.,to twelve
, 1 TP.s=-ooNs ::us-l:\J Pow:i:, !,i..oz/15-9oortiO<"'.s.
{O"'T Q'\ll_, - .ightly l."'.eOd
o oortionof ooogho fewtimesrot!'IOt
, ·~ cu=- 2 ·psp oo'\15 :t\ oz1 i;: :,ecomesplio:.e. ~ollo.rt the oetw~'l 2sn:e:s
~:JG o:-~'\IU.:fD Su~:'( o: plos:icwrao (c:.ogi~) too circlemen is coout ~ inch/
I cm lo·ge· tnan t-r.ecups ·nyoo-po'\. wi:ho 'h ';oc-i/2mm
mio:ness. (T¼t.,·mer the doogn,t-r.ecrisp·ert~ tci.)
ReT'O\'eme topsn:et of po:stic'.,.~opo.nd ~ ert me doug'l
onto o tctt pen. j ressthe oo.;gh into tt"<:side--~ removethe
po:sticwrap,&-:'ltrimthe top w'th o <ni:e.j ressoo me
sidesgentlyso me dougnextendss ghdy ooovethe nm
o: tl"":pen. Repeatfor the remo·;:ngtorts, then ch inthe
refr'S'=-ctorforot least 30 "l"aOJt es.
- Spoonthe coconut fi;lingin:o me linedoons ...ntiJtn:y
o·e th·ee--o;.;orters'iJ . Poce o smol pieceof po:stic
wtOj (ongfi!m}overthe fi-ng 'n eocntctt o"'.dxess
da,;n genttyto soreodthe fiiling£-,•e riy inthe pastry co~.
ReT'O\'eme plosticw-oo,:,;ok.ecrossnotchrnor<socro5s
me too, and topwi:h o cond"ed(g,oce)cherry "'CJf,'fusing.
- 3okefor15-20~ut es (oependng ontn e sizeotyour to-t
pons) un-::ilthe pastry is o goden IYa..,nand &-: coconut
; lf'9isse:. Serve,.,.'O.!m or ct ·oo,-,t eT:,e·otv-e.

,j• •
'. . .. ' ,.
"''f:tt .


;t :Ii-:, :

' '
, .

CO:Ct.U1 "AH:S

i\!GON: ! Wf'tC!, C-11'\l!SE '§f=W
P:\!P!:\qoN T WE: iO M '\lu· n
COO(l'II~. '1! 25·}0 Wl'IIUTES
W!(f$:2"C001::,!$ COOKI ES
E'.:D=!~f 65}

• G!N!i\OUS 3 cu~s ;u OZ, }50 G) A nigh ta:kl of eoveningogen: g'\'es tl"':coo<es on airy,
!~L-"Uil;POSE " ~' 'II: ~LOUR; a.rdi.s1..sec, but 'f yo..cannot
open cruT o. Troa,;'fo"'.CLly,
• i Tf.'S"OONS S!( NG "OWJE:\ ge: hoo ot it or ovo·o it !orID:tory·eCSO<"\S, substitute
• •, fE!)~OO'II f.!(l'I~ )OJ.' it wr'.rioho f quantityof but:e·ond o nol:quo"'tityof
,5 C !:\SON! ·t O; SQO!.l vege:oble shoiening. r-,.,.eext·o egg white se-vesto "'Od
, 1 cu ~ ::- oz,-200 ~ ~:'tJ m e dougn toget--er,otcerwisem e texture of m e COO(ies
• \ cu~ :5 OZ:ISC :;: G't!"IIUL!·o willDe too cn.mbly.
• \ •psPO :J'I S!~T - -o make tl"':dough, mixtogether the tow, 00.(ingpowder,
• 2 Tf.'S"OONS !lV0'\10 :x·:\!.Ci o,cl OO(ingsocio{oico,,bonot e o: soda) in o large DO'\t.~.
• i E:50$, i S!P!.:\!iEO - ~i t--e i0rd,s-..go·,sol-'.,
onc:Io.mond extract in o se:iora:e
• !5QUT 2-' !.L~ONJS, l :5HilY lo·ge bowland IJSe on electric mixe· to mixfor4-S minutes
TQ!.s·to (O'"l 0'1!.L untiloole o"'.dfuffy.
- MO the wholeegg plus1eggwhite o,cl beet ogoinunti
m e mixture~s emulsi'1ed.=old in the mixtv-e ·n
::nre-:or four oddi:ions.
- (neod the OOughgently o fe.•,:ticresto oringit together.
Wrap it ·n :.ast·cv-.1op{cli"'-gfi!m),
refr'~-otor, and ch foro;: le-est30 minu:es.
- j te--eatthe a.•ento ~oJ =t~Gos Mor<6. l.irl: 3 la·ge
OO(ingsheets witn :iorchme.,t(ookir.g)pcoe·.
- -0.(e 1tobespoooof dough and rollit :ietv,:e-:n your po ms
to !or'.'llo tound bo! t~'1 poce this 0.'1O,
sheet. =wpeotwitn the remo·;:ng, arrangingtf"':
bo..s evenlyon the :.-e-pareobo<ingsn~:s, s:iocingthem
ot eon U$inc.nes/4cm aoort. Aatten eoc.n:,all·~too dru
::ncnis aoprOUl"IO:eo/ 2iiinches./6cm wia,:and >$incn/
- Combinethe remoiiningegg~ witn 1teaspoonwot erand
mix v.ell. us:ng o pastry bfus1, g oze eoch dougn C:roe'1,-'th
me E-39 ,.,.-c::-..
. Poce mond on e-oc.ndru, if'lg,and
p·ess oo ...~ gerr--Jy.
- 3okefor10minutes,me-'1reduce tf.e heat to 350°=/tSOOC/
Gos t-'ork£ o.nclooke foro"'Other15-20minutes un:il
me ,wc:ie$g·egolden:-rownM xikedthr01.1gn (orthe
COO(ies willnot be crisp).
- ~emove from the 0\'€'10"'4set aside to coo. Se-ve
imT~dotelyor s:ore in on oirti;h: contC:Oer:or up
to 3 days.


l\!G.ON: -ION3 <0'113.
Pi\!P!,i'{!·,oN T WE: ;o M 'IIU.ES t~~t@t
" .US 10 M l'IUTES /\!ST NG TIV E
C00(1'113.. '1! 10 W 'IIUTES WAL NU T COO KI ES
E'.:!i".l..G! 055

, ·~cu= ·!. ozm~ o) avn:,. i\OOM - =>re-"'eatthe O'.'ento 350'F/l&re/Gos Mor<l..

.E \1"!"!i U "! - 3eat tN' ovtterond s-.:gorstoge:neru-rtilsTOOt.... .Add
• ·~cu=12oz;soG) :li\!Nu.:r:o 2 toblesooonsegg ono mixun-1'u'ty o e"'.ded.
suG:=t - Si~ tne flour,bo<ingsoda (oico·oono:e of socio),boki-rg
• ·~CU"' 12oz;soG) 51\0'o\''11SUG.'1' pcNC!er, and salt in:o a large OO'YI:.Si~ ogo·n. Aodto the
• I !GG. 3E.' TEN wet,i~ botcl-<:s.and mix·nto a doug"'I.St·· in the
• s:::.l.,
. 2 ::ti") :a 0!,'2iS G) :.l· IYO(en,.,.'Olnuts. Tro"'Sfe·tne doug'ltoo bokir.gsheet,
" U't?OSE ".! N) =.Ol. " sho:,e ·nto a disk,ond let rest fot 30minutes.
• ·, fE:)"00'11 f.!(1'13 SOJ.' - JVidethe into 32poiions. Ro eoc.npo-fun i-rto
3 C :\50"'1! TEo=SOJ.! a be in youroo!msond flarten s,..gntly·.,to a small round
• I f!!.S"OON Q!( 'IIG " O'IIOE't COO(ie. -op each circle, if oesired,with o ~ce of broken
• " NCH o= S"'~i walnutand transfer too Daking sheet.
• •,CU "' Y~ OZ10SG) S-IE~l:O - Mixthe ·ema.i'ling~en !?93with ho :.espoo.'lwa: e·
'"':.NUTS, a,o<:N. " LU) :x·i\.' to mo.(eon egg wash. 3rush tf"':to~ of the cookies.
·o OECO">TE (O"'i Q'II!. - 3okefor18minu:ES.Reduceme oventemperotl..reto
3~S¢:/160°C/Gos ~a·( 3 ono bQ.(eforonotne· 13minutes
until oak.eelth•
- ~emowfrom the a.-e'lo-r.aset aside to coo.. Se--ve
im-redotely0t s:ore in on oirtigMcontainer:or up
to 3days.

i\!G ON: -ION3 <0'113. Z-E

~ @t
Pi\!P!,i'{!· ,oN T WE: ;o M '\IU.E S
COO( l'\13.. '1!_ 21 Ml'IU .E S PEA NUT C RISP COO KI ES

• I :::U" .d oz no G:1:::!.)(f =LOUI\ - =>re-"'eatthe a.•ento 3~:/ISO~s ~a-'<2.

• ·~ •psP O:J'\13!.IC NG POWJEI\ - Si:t tne Aour,bo<ingoov.-de!, o-..dsugar i-rtoo lo.:geooYoA.
• 1 1:::U" 0, OZ,!.O G :::ON'ECT O'll! "S ' - ,n a se:>0ratebowl, mixtf.eoeonut butter wlh ti-':oil. odd
C '11:l, SUG''t me salt o,cl the si~ed fb..r mixture,ondbend un:ilthe
• ,,:::u"(2 oz;~sG:1"'P.NUT SUTT!" doogn is sTOOt'.l ono will-rot stick to yo.,sf"-r.gers. Ovide
• !. ·! ,~.UFOO'II> ::Oi\'1 01. med~ i-rto32:iort·o"S.
, 1;. ·psP O:J'II s:~t - ~oilo portiono:doug:1into o be.. in )'O'-f ".Clnds, tne'l
• 10 "f! NUTS, S- El~EJ :'IIQ-1:.\'EJ. "latten it into o smo round cook:e.=>lace hol:o oeanut
· o OECO~>i! on to:>.Re:ieatw'ih t -re•ema.i'lingdoug..,,portio"'S.
• I !GG. 3E.' TEN - Mo 1-2 teosooonswater ::otil: ~en !?93and :nix
to mo.(eon egg wash. 3rush tf"':to:>o: each coo<iewith
me E-39 WOS"l to a bo<:ngS"'eet.Bo<efor
20-22minutes,or un:i goloen.
- ~emowfrom the a.-e'loc0 set aside ::ocoo. Se--ve
imTedotelyor s:ore in on oirti;h: contC:Oer:or up
to 3 days.

u H
Y. 6S9

Com~ing withinventive 01e1entotio:"\s,

tex:ures ono "lo'JOJ'S
&:eci.r:iveQ-ef ChonYon-a( :Stt"<:firstCh·"'esecnef to
receiveth·ee t-'khelinstc-s for nisi"':ricotelydes·gneomenu
oo! Sec:ro"l'slung K;.-r.g
a;: =- ~ ....
. One of tne most celebrated
cnefs inOtino,Chef To<is Dest(na,;n for .ntroo.xi-r.9
Western·~r e-d'ie nts ;.-rtoCh·

"";!"H!i 0'1 T \1E: 10 Iii 'IIUTES. " lUS ~ m:k 'f ~~

10 Iii 'IIUTES v :'( 'll !i NG TM!
COO!C ~G i ,.,E: IC \1 Nu ·n " DA XIA N" BLA CK GARLI C
Sf";Vfi: 2

, 1c·~
0:,,100 o 50'IIE~ns.
s<1,uss - Combinethe chiLJ:en , 1oooles::,oonlgnt 'il:l'fsc:-xe,
C-1 Clr:E"I ClJT NTO S E·S ZE C-I UNfCS cornstarch(cor-.f-a...r), and 4 tablesooonswoter i;\O oow
• I i.!SL::s=ooNS •. 3 - i SOYS!UCE o,cl marina:e for 10 m·.,.,ies.
• I iPS"OON CO:\•gr:,c - - ;e<ntne \\'Ok.or crge skte: (f-yingpan}
(CO=tN• .ou=t; overmedium-h'gnhem, add the chicken,and coo<:or
• I f£5L!s=oo~ \if;jfi. !5 L! 0 l 3_£minu:es,or 4..ntit coxed throug...,, Trons:ertoo ,:.ate.
• i C.OY'ES Q.!:'t.lC, SL CD - ,n t~ soT e wok,odo the go·lic,shc.Jo:s,onion,d--'ed
• 1 SH'llOTS, S~ICEO chies, o"'<Ired and soute eve·"''igh heat
• •, O'IIION. SL CEJ :o. 1minu:ea U-"'til fragrant ~ ;,.me bloLJ: garlic, block
• 1 D'\ !J C-1,~ES.Clli ~TO';• "IC- / beo"\S,ooclc:iick.en, tnen cdd t~ remoin'ng 'f,,oon
l·CM SEGYE',H l'ght wy sauce, oar< wy sauce, anci sugar o,cl st·1-fry
• I l!.E:l CLUSTB "!""H . F N!lY untilthoroug.,tycom:i.."'ee. Addthe ·emo ·v,g cornstarch,
C-I OP?EO then st·r ·n t..,.ecilantro (co--'-o-..d
er). Transfertoo serving
• I cz;25 G SP.CK G''\L C C-10""!0 pat e encl serve.
• I f:SlES"OO~ ~E'l;"1E'lli:0 SL.!.,CI(
3E' NS, :\ NSEJ : "ID C-t OPPEO
• 1r:~.s=-ooN
• •, fE:)"00'113,!NU-!f:0 5U3 H
• i 51!.<S C ~.:Nr, o (CO" : ,JE , ,,


~ iiliM::1t- "'tP: 't_!.i 0'11 - \-IE 2:J v "iVES,
PLUS}~ v NUTES SQ!)( "IG :'110
TO tv1ATO 0 - OU'tS CH l~l'\I~ - \1!
1,1!.,l(fS:IC ::u=-

oreooration of this :.oncmonge nos ~'O perts: the

-P.....e F:~ iH! · o._. £10 " U:l:l N:;:
ono ::neto:. is o fresh rro..sse .
bose iso tomato :i-oocling • U fE!)"OO'IIS SW!Ei 5!) 1~S!EOS
• .d·S iQM!~OES
- =orthe tomato pudding,com~ t -reDOsil seeds o"'.d • \ :::u=:s O!,ISO G :; ,,!>,;L,~£1:0
eno;,;gh•.-.oter to coverthem and sock for 30 minutes, SU3 !~
tt°":"tst·C:n. • I i!S.E5"00'115 G! t.!· 'II " OWOH
- Scoretne base ot tne tomatoes. 3ringo s-nollsouceoo'l • •:::u= (2 oz·-so S'1tEET\\-1 ""! D
of wo:e· too ooil.odd tt"<:tomatoes, and ""'=Ctfor 1:=p 'II~
1-2 TW'lvt ~s.'ytronsfert oobc.., of ice • Ml'lli ~E!\ ' ES. iO G!~'ll 5-1
v.'Oter.Whe'1cool enougn to -r.anc:lle, :,eel G'h'O"fthe s<in.
- j....rt tr>':to..-notoes·o o 0lenc:le1
, cdd o scom2 cu~ F:~ iH! 3t!'l:::'-'!"IG!:
{15 'I oz/450 ml} wcter, ond oure-e.Comli-rethe g·anulo:...d • 2 i!S.E5"00'115 G~!.NU~.'EJ su:;H
s-.:gorand 9elcr....n :,·,
odd tf"':mixtureto the benaer, i!5 L!POON GEL!. 'II " O'NOE"
and mix well. • I Cl;P:ar.OZJ '2SO"' L ...,~K
- -ronsfer the mixtwe too souce~n and bring too boil. • l i!3lE5"00'115 S\\!E - n -1 ""E D
lmmedkrtefytum off the "\eOtand set aside to COOi. {twill 1c=P 'II~
coo more ·opid'yif :.oced in...,ater).
- AIJllme s-"'eet,.,..,·:-OE<:!
toopingto mol:eo :,oste.i'Ons:er
31'oz/1 IO9 of the ~ -etoo :,on,stir in o heaping
tooles::,oonof ::ne bosi SP-eds , and mixtho-ocghly.
Re:~-ote the mixtureat o temperotuse ranging
~twee'l 32-40'F/0-4'Cfor1hour, or unti set.
- =orthe :.ancmonge, co~.o·ne me sugo·onci tne gelo:in
powder·'lo smallsa-..xepo..., J'I them <
. Groo..:ollyoour
end br'-r.g-:o o boilover .Tee! ..m-nigh heat, stirring
COl"'tinuoos'y. =?emo'.'e fro~tne heot, o r.:,11tococi,o"l0
tt°":'lodo-:neS'heetwhipped to:.oingto makeo po:ste.
- O~e the tomato bo$e~s $et, odd Jj;,oz/36 g of
bloncrriot'9= on toponc:1 men -eturn the mixti.reto tfi-..e
refrigera:o,onc:Ichillfor 3 hou-s.
- )ecorote witn m·~t !:O'Ve:Sono serve.

?,'t!?!.,'{!.,QN T WE: .dC\1 NUTES ~ ~-r~~
COO(l'\I~. M!, IJ v NUTES

• '.,,cu= ·i\ oz,-ac 3: s::. =•'t!,S '\IG - Tomok.ethe sMmp (~O'>•:n)fi.iog, out tne snrimj in-.o
;.,_Ol." o bowlo.nd;nix wi:h the corns:arc'1{cO'r'flour).iinse u"'.Cl~·
• 30 ta· NC- ViO CM; S"''t:'\IG 'tOll cod '\..Jlningv.'Oter, then drain one!set o:s'~.
- Heat £ tob espoonsvegetab e oilin o WO( or largestillet
• 3 cu=s 125 F. OZ."150 Ml) \'EG!J:3lE (fryingoo~) over ~m -high heot, oad the garlic,onc:I
0 l. =o " .JEE" ==t
Y NG COO( for 30 seconcs, or ;,..nti:.ogro"t. Tu-.rn off ti!: heat one
set oSA:le to cool.
=o=t T-1! Sr-l'tlV., "'t! W'\I: F L. '\I~·
1 - Useoo:ier taNelsto :lOt drytne snrimj, thenuons:er t--em
• I .a S OZ,~JC 3 U'\ICOO<EJ s- ~ Mi" too bowl.Mo the sch, whi:e pepper,and 1tablesooon
"''t'W'ISj. ?H.D !ND OEVf N!O vege:able o one mixwe!I':If "'.Clnd.Ao:I the sugar, c.nic(en
• ,!·f:s= oo'\IS CO,'t'\l)J!'tC - stock.pcNC!er, sesome oil.:,, one!ti-...gor"cand
:co,'t'\l ; LOU,'tl. EXF! F:'t mix,...ell.Set oSA:le.
o~us - '\IG - Tomok.ethevegetoole; -r.g, combi.ri:allthe ;ngredients
• 'l.Cl. ., tn OZi!S \1~, V:'G!i!S.E Oil togetcer ·n e OO'NI and mix,.,.ell.
• i5 C.OVES 0!~.IC :!S.Olll 2li OZI - Ina STICH jO'Yr,'I.combine ti-...s.elf. ·c:'.:si'lg
fo..r onc:Ia scant
ac ~:. c - o==::J >kup (3~Hoz/100ml}wo:e·and mixi"too :10Ste. Se:osicle.
• n; f!!S"OO"IS S!.T - Tomok.ethe sp--;ngto Is, :I.acea wrooperon a c..ean
• \ fE!S"OO'\I 3't0U'\10 '11- TE "!""l ,'t worksufoce o,cl cdc:I2tablesooons of shrimj 'I
• !. ·f:s= oo'\IS G~!.NU •.'i!J SU3 H ones·o~./,.Dd21=eo:sooons of \'eg=tob-efillingalong tne
• I J!!S"OON c - 1C(E'\ISTOC( =ow:i:: .. some edge-, tf"':'1roll1.pthe wroope1o.r,c:Ifoe in tf"':eoges.
• •, fE!S"OO'\I SES.!Wf O l the open ecigewithme Aourpos:-etoseo. Repeot
, 1, o: c; =o.,< =!·a .,c<. F N!LY witn the remo·ningwrop:ie-sand fi!!ing.
C- 0 .,"! 0 - Heat ti-...vegetob e oilin o WO( or deep soocepo~to
~o•:1t70'C,o· un:ilo o..oe o: oreod :,ro,,-msin 45 seconcs.
=o=t ·n: VfG!J!S.E : .l "iG Ge"tlylowe1the spr'~ rolls,in oa:ches, intothe "'Otoil
• 10·~O!,lOO G C-11'\lfSE5:,oCCOL o,cl deep-fry~- 3 mirutes, ~·...gchops:ic<Stotur:1tne"ll
o;; CHOY S.U\1,: 'IE.Y CHO""'EJ o· the --eatto l50':/180'C.or ...nti1o cu-:ieof
• •1ifE:s ..oo" s:.1 lreoo b--O'N"'S in 30 secones. Oeeo-fryforo 1 minute,until
• r, if!S"'O ONS SIJG! 't goo~"- Usea slottea spoonto removethe spring i,l.s from
• ·~ fE!)"OO'\I C-1CKE~ s·on " OWOE.. me ho-.o end drain o~ po:ier ta1.els.Serveimmedio:-e)'.
• I J!5L!S=ooNS \'EG!J:3lE 01.
• 12·1..dC.OV:'S 0!~.IC, C-IOP?EO



Chinese-Am~ricon chef ThomesOlen was :orn and roiseo

·n \le,\'Yos',:.
After attending cu!i~schoo i, he s:,ent o
number of years ot [email protected]:'l Moclison ~r< :,efore opening nis
first restourcnt. H:sworken Ti..:ome :ocuseson offer'~ an
·ngredien:-dtiven contemx,rory ~ico'l menu that
sro ...-cosesh:Sclassiccu,.ino-ytroi.,'1"19
and Asian t.obri"9'ng.
s·~eo:,en·~. Thomosondthe res:ouro"'t"'.OW con::;rluedto
receive:,•as@ fromco-..suTersand mediao!i~.

,Hl ;,;1
H §!ii-i1@ = F{!=.!i'{!. ,QN i ME l:J Vl"iVES
::00( 1'11 ;3.i VE ,::5M1-..iu
·t s


- ;em me 10·9= saucepan eve· me-d'iumheat, odd • I T.!fds:oo'II C! .NQ~! :!Pf S! EO; 01.
the g·"'.9e·o"lOgor1ic,ona stir :<Y 2 minuies un:ilf-ogrom. • j r::,us:ooNS G No::,. S.ICEO
Ado ti!: onions,carrots, celery, scot--ons (spri-r_g on·o°'iS
}, • i·3 :~ovn o:, L c . CI\USH!O
o"'.dchile a"'.ds::Ir-fryfor 6-7 m·.._-tes.o· untilso¾ene-:1. • •~CU"' .J C!.J 0'10'115
Ado tne tomato ooste and stir for 30 seCOt"'.ds, then • ·~ CU"'S l CD c:,i\o·s
i;\tf"':'le ono COO( for2 mi.,•.Jtesun:i reduced. • •, CUPS l CD CE~B .Y
- :,a...rthe chi((en bro:h (s:ock) in:otil: po'.lono br'-r.g • ·~cu = c - o ::: .J S: ! .L O'IS
to o boi over nigh ,-,eat, tt"<: :'lreduceto lov,.•rieotano :s:: 'I~ O"-. ONS
simrr.erfor 15minutes./,.Ddthe soy sauce and vinegar. • I:, : o•s nE : -; . E, SP.. i
- .no smallbaNI. co:-roine tne co·nstarc'\ {coo-flour) , 1f!!s=-oo ... T01o1!·0 :: s· t
wi-.nlf,,table::ooonswater o"'.dS:::rthis :n,ixt,-,.Je in:othe , •,:1.. = !. ~.oz:uovt sn : ox'll~W'II!
pen. :iring too ooil,s:irring.'0(' about 30seCOt"'.cs to • !. CU"'S ( 32 f. oz 'YSO v.) c - ,C<E'II
thiLJ: e'\tn e soup.Stro·l'\,d:Scordtr>':\'@g,=:obes , ooclreturn s,or - :sroc 1::,
the b--othto the :,on. • i r:3us:ooNS 1.IG-iT SOYS!UCE
- Aoothe bamboo snootsand mushroo-m.Slow'ydrizi.-: ·n • 1r:eL:s:oo"i ~,:i w 'I: ,,N~~p .

the beo:e-rieggand t. SP-choostkksto stir, ma(ing strands , 1 r:3us:00N :c,..,sr :,c -

0: egg. :co:\'l: Lou , J
- Sot the f:s.:'lfi!letsandpv;:them ·.lo col oos:_
Ole pot or • \CU "' S!J.1500 S-iOOTS. 0 CEO
bo.mboosteamer over o pot o: boilingwo:er. B-i."'.g too • I :u : :2 OZ/00 :;;: E'IO!C
bcil,,then -educe too Simmer o.ndge"'tlyst'?Om,CO\'e·eo, MUS-i\ OOMS. iil; ,\1\1 :'0
:0( ~8 minutes unti COO(ed throug'\. Seasonwi-.nsot. , 1 :::;o a::qp,
- .ad e the SC)(Jj into 1 sho!a11DO"-"s, top each ,,..ftho fu:'l • j :o·OZii7~· G: ~::o S'l!~:ei\ ~ l~ ETS
; -::, o.ndgarnish w~h ciiontro(coriander). Serve. • ·~cu =c ,~: ,no :col\ : 'lloE,:
l E.!..
\' !S. TO o:,'I S-
• s : .r TO PSTE

'/ 661
?,'{!?!,,'{!·,oN T WE: ;o M 'IIU·ES.
" ~US11 -tOl,I\S MH N!T "IG . "1!
S!'\VES: !.

=Q'{ T-1! S.IJTiHMI.K :-11C(!N: - Ina i0rgemixingoov,,•1. COt'Toineme butte·mi!k,Stirocho,

• !.CU"'S !J~ F~ QZ,,Y50 "1L) on·o.'lpcNC!er,garlicpa,.de·, g·,r,gerpaNC!er, soi
5lJT7B"1,._I( o"'.dmixv.ell.Md the chickenthig"'Send refrigerate
• •~TE!S"OO'II S,'\ '{!C - : :<Y 12nours.
• ·~ 7f!SPO:J'II O"IION POWJE'\ - Tomok.ethe "OS'l!:"fsa ..ce, combi~ all the 'ngredents , m
• ·~ 7f!SPO:J'II G!~.IC POWOE'\ we , o.nclset aside.
• \ ·t! .SPO:J'II G NG!'\ POWJE'\ - Tomok.ethe tour mtu ·e, corr.oineo tne ing·ecl'entsh
• \ ·t! .SPO:J'II S!~T. PLUS !X.,'{! o large OOY1:o,cl s:ir tom.
TQT!SJE - Heat tN' oil·.lo WO( o· deeo souceoonto 340°=/170:C,
• 3 OONE.ESS.Sl::l'lllfSS :-t,C(!'II or un:1o cuoe of oreadb--ow"'S in 45 seconds.Obtil:
T-1G-IS, CUT ,ro I· NCH•; 5,:1,1 cnic~'l inme fOJ"miirtur e end toss to coot.Ge.,tlyall!?·
:u5ES me cnic..<en,in ootcnes,in:o me ho-.oil.o"lOdeeo-fry
:o. 2 TW"IA es.Useo slottedspoo.'lor .resh strainer (sieve}
to removeme crr·c~'lond dro·'lon owire rock..Set aside
=o'\ T-1! -tO'll!t' S!.U:! :<Y 2 minutes.
• ·, CUP !. F ~ OZi no "11) - O'IIE't - Re~t the o. to 3LOOF/li~ men gentlylov,.,e·tne
• 1 lE'S"OONS 1.IG-tt S.OYVUCE c.nic..<e'l
ono re-fryforano:ner 2 minute--~ untilthe chi(.(en
• I f!!.S"OON SAW5'l O!L!( is cookedthro;,;gh.Season•,.."th salt to taste.
• \ ·t! .SPO:J'II: 'll!LY :-tO""EO :j!.,'{~,C - T-o"\Sfe·tne chicke'ltoo sel"ing:.ate and ser\<e\,-:'tn
me honeysa-.,..ce O.'lme side.
=o~ T-1! =LOUR "11XTU~!
• !.CU"'S or~ OZ..500 ~. !.L~·PU~"OSE
" t.! 'II =1ou'\
• 1 cu ~s :a OZ!i15 G) :OR'IISJ:'\:-t
::0,'\'11: LOU,'\)
• \ ·t! .SPO:J'II G!~.IC POWOE'\
• \ 7!! SPO:J'II 'II - 7E ~EPPB.
• ·~ 7f!SPO:J'II =1'11!S!.Lf

t ~IP,i~ 'r& "\P: 't~i 0'11. ~E 2:J v "iVES,
PLUS 12 - OU\S CH L~1'11~. M!
SE\\'ES: i

- :iring o SO\..cepanof '"oterto ooil.ooc:Ithe rice, and ooilfor • i CU" S ;" .! OZ .!CCG 1..0~G·G"! ~

6 minuies ever nighneot, sti.tingoccosiono'fy. Strdn the R CE. 't l'IS!D

(ce o-r.ocoo htil= refrigeratorfor 12hours. • .! -!5 .ESPOONS :n.aO L! 't''"ESEEJ )
- ;em 1tobespoonoil ·no wok.ororges~t (fryingpo~) OL
ove· lov,.•heO!.Addtr>':ginger and coo<'o:-o:o..i 2 minutes • I r:slfS"OO'II = 'IIE~YCHO"'"EJ
u-rtilfros--ant.Addthe sh~"''tooe:,oers, beec.nmusvooms, G 'IIG!ll
garlicd-1V es, scallions(springOt"''Ons ), o,cl d--'edshrimp, • ; S-1 S-1 iO "!""E ,\S , Sl CD
Sou:e over nigh neat for2 minuies un:ilthe \<egetobl es • •~CU"' :1O!,l:J G O!EC-1
o·etenc:ler. WUS-lltOOWS.S!P'R-'TEJ
- Aoothe shr'cro (p-'C'h""\S}and COO<for 2-3 T,J"!Aasst.n:1 • •, CUPS l CEJ G'' L C C-1,VES. ClJT
p·"'.f::.T·onsfe1the mixtu·etoo 'Xlh ono set aside. '11
1 10 ,-,'IIC-1 l•\1\1 SEGVE',TS
- ;em 1tob espoon oil·no smo s.,:ie: (fryingpo~) ever • S SC'lllONS (S"',\ ~G O'IIIONS)
h'gn -r.eot.odd t-r.eeggs, and scrombe for2- 3 :n'nutes. s~1::o
or un':il ; done. us:ngo spotu!o {fish srce},xeo.( u-o • i l:.'5"00'115 .J "' EDSH"' ._.,.
the suombed eggsinto smcl p·ecesond t-o"\Sfe·tne-n • 5 UNCOOKEDSn"' ._.,. "''t£'hNS:,
to the OO'NI of vegetablesoncishrimj. S-IE~L:'0. OEVE'l:'0, :'110
- .no o.eo'lwok,cookt~ ChineSP- sausager,;,.-e·mediu-n aunE, •~,::J
heat (no~ fo·oil os tne sausagewi re,de· os 't cooks) • i :::;os . O!!E'I
:o:-1-2minutes un:ilcrispy.--onsferthe souso;-=to the • i C-1''1:'SE )!US!G!S, S~ICEO
oo..,of ;rgredients, leov'-r.gthe rendered:at ·n the :,on. • i l:.'5"00'115 1..1
G-li S.OY$!.UCE
- AJJdthe remo·vig 2 toblesooonsoi to thewO!. Heat~ • i l:.'5"00'115 f S-1 S'UCE
h·gn "\eOt.odd t"\e rice, anciStt-frycontinuoos'y un:ilcl • i E.'5"00'115 $!\13!. OE.EC
the r'ce is coo:-eawitnoiland wc·mea tnroug:'\.lrea<ing • 5:_ - TO i!STE
1Jjany lo-ge !u-m os wi-.nthe spotu!o.
- j....rt in the reservedoowlof icg.recrents, soysauce, fish
sauce,o"lOsamooloe.-ek., mixwe then sec.sonwithsc.t to
taste and :nix we I.Tra.."'Sfe· ::oo serving:.ate and\'e.

'-' I •••

Th., Fongfo-nity"0$ been ot the forefrontof Otine<...e

in San f·ancisco since openingtiouse of \ki"'.(ingin 1088.
Thispo:iuor ·es:ouront.treasured forits classic,hoT.e-
style dishes,"'.OSo'.loro~t fo -ow;ng
of locols,touris:s,city
no:obes, o.ndce e,:,rities.Kothy9rew1.p~ ::ne kitc.neno:
1-iouseof ~O"'.(ingand hos eT~-ged from her renowned
o..J'!Jry familyas c.nefono co-ownero: :ong, o ~e
restowon: ·.\ Son Francisco,wh·ch sne opened witn her
:ather ~ter :ong .n2011.

:-'tf:-:.~:.r 0~ JIVE: Sy; NUTH g f!f;-==X:Yi


• l P.,'tCE S'\'\'EE- :-oPTO. '"E!L!O .!NJ - P·eheo! the ove'l to 375.:,:/1'9~/Gos t-'ark.5.
CUT i'\l~O I •i'IIC-l:2.5·CW CU5ES - Pu!tl'..esweetoototo on o :)O(ingshe-::,cad ii tablespoonoil
• 2 ·:.o .ESPOO'IIS EXF!•V i\G NOL V!"momon,ond toss tocomoll. Seoso.'lv.-'-.n salt
Ol end oe-:i:ierorr.dspreedo..i the swe-::pototo in o silg,e r:;1-er.
• 2 ·t:. s:-ooNS :HOUND C N'IIHIQ'II Bo.(e fo.-15-20 minutes,or unti softeneo.
• l Cl.:-S (I LS 2 OZiSCO :l) BOCCOl1 comb·"'=t""=oroccoliand ii to:iespoo'l oil
- t-',eo.rr,.nle,
=.oi\::n in o orge 'X>'h season wr'.nsot oocloe-:ioer,and toss.
• l !3·CZ:2H<f SIC"l.::ss$!.MON - Ptis'ltt"<:S'heetpotcr.oto one sioe of me bo<ingsnee:, ood
= llET cu- NiO h'•K-1 CUS:'S me b--occ.oto the o:ner side,and arro-r.gein o sing.-:'>o'jer.
• 2 -:..o.HPOO'IIS =to:.s·E:i U'fr'llEO Sol:e:o·onotherKl- 15m·~•.rtes,o· un:iltender.
=P.NU7S - Tomok.ethe sauce, comli""=all the ·"19redi ents ·no smo
• i-1 N.Ys. co sc:.~l O'IIS :s=-=t
'II~ OO'NI and mix•.-.ell.
0'110'H: TO :j!'!,"I S-1 - Heat 1tablesooon oil·'lo V.'O! or lo·ge ski e: (fryingoon}
• 5HT !'iC ;;~,OV'iC eL.:-;< =-;=-=-,;~ over hig'l heQ6_,then ad:I the so "10fl o:-r.d:,on-frytor
3-5 ~ut esunti brO'Nnedoo o s;des. Tro"'Sfer t-r.esc.mon
=o=t·n: s.:ucE too plate one!set os"de.
CU,. 'l =1 OZ.'12~ v. L G-1· SOY - Add ti!: sauce tot-re oon and sinmer for 2-L.T'W'lut ':""~
S!.UCE untilth·cl:ened.~educeto mediumri:ot. ado tri: salmon,
, -~~~oz,no"'L w-in b--occo, 'X>tatoandco0<:o. 3 .T'W'lut es, turn·~
V "IE~:'!, gerdy to coot.
• i ·:.o .ES?OON ,:.~!.'if SY/\U~ - T-o"'Sfe·tne mixturetoo servingplate o'ldtopwitn
• I 7f:SPOO'I G "IG!R peo~•.rtso.ndsco!!io"'S(s:iringonions).
:j:'!.L c
i:!..$:>00"1 C - 1d ~l.'l(fS
s~ qc-1!


:~~ ll/lll
Ul!tTT=t5'r& ==::=H!f 0'1 i.YE: S \1 "IUiES
COOK "IG i ME av "llJTES


~ ~t 1te0::,oon o in o nO<"'Stic.(Hillet (frying?Jn) r:Ne· • i ·!a .Es=ooNc:,o~' (=!=es::o:

h·gn -r.eotAdome eggs scram:.-: un:iwe I cone. o;;s.::r,a::'11
Tro-rsfe·too bowlo.r,c:Iset aside. • S E:5:55,3PiE .,.
~ ~t 1te0::,oono in the soTe s.(il!etover medium-hig:'l • i ·:a .Es=o oN YE.lOW CU'!;:;,y
~er, and go~. and s:ir
heat. cdd the cur-y 00\",'Cler, ,.0'1,0E\
:o. 30-£5 s:econcst.ntitfrog.-ont Adotl"':s.,·in o (p-G'...~} , 1·:o .:s=ooN o=~.tEo:;1":;n.
o,cl s::ir-fry for1 minuie.Stir in tr>':oeos, rice, -ettuce, • i ·t!)F'O O'\I CHO'"'"D &.!Ft.IC
-ishrouce, so19.,
and sugar. :u = :2oz ,.oo:;_,:-;o==fo
Mo:we. 50 L:'0 S·H,1\1=>(P ,.! -.\''g
~ Drizzleint -reteTJOining 1teosooon oa,reo.xe to Tedi....m- - ~cu= :,ov~oo =-t:s o\SOY
h·gn -r.eot.and stin..ntiw e mixeo.Addt-reeggo,cl 5E!~S
Srirocho or ch paste, if using,ono stir. • ; :::u=-s '11'~OZ, DOG) :::OOKE:l
~ T-ons:erto o serving :.ate and ser\<e. W-1 TE=-CE
, 1 cu= u ox:ac :;;: sn;;EJJED
\Ql,1!i•H 0\ ICE5E'!.:l unu:::E
• i sc.:.L~IONS :s"''!.."IG 0'110"1)
• i "f!)i''0 0'11 = S- )!.UCE
• =-'11:::-1c=S.'li
• =-'11:::-1c = :l'!.:>.IUL!iEO SUG!~
• I 7f!SPOO'II S\,\:.:::-1! OR C - l
=.,s·t 10=-·,oN.:.LJ

~~ ±~ ~ ~;;::~H!f 0'11 i,VE: 8 \1 NU7fi



- Com~ tr': oo:cr.oesonc:Ithe sot in o large OO'YI: , ; =Lou'!.'< =-01 :10::s 1su:::-1 :..s
o"'.dtoss.Add e"'OC9h watertocO'lero"'.dset aside '!.USSEiS, "'E:'L:'J !,NJ CUT ,ro
:o. 5 TW'lvt es, then a.rein. iiN)H~)
- ~t the oil in o wokor largeHillet (fryingpen) over hig:'l • I 7f!SPOO'II s:.i
heat. cdc:Ithe :,otatoes, and s:ir-fry U""til
t~ potatoes • i ·:.s .ES"'OON c:,o~' ( =-!~zs::o :
o·e coated·" oil.Pu;:htil= remoin·-..g icgrecrentso"'.d o ~ SOY5!:'II OI~
1toblesooon,.,.oter, me'1COO( for 5 mini.rte--~stirring • ~ PS ~Es~oo'IIS ',\' -I 7E V N !G:'!,
cont J'luous!yto p·e-te"'tthe :,otatoes from sfck:.-r.g
to the • i "!!SPO ONS :l'!.!NU.:f:J SU:lH
pen onclo-.·e·cooloog. • i "f! .)POO'II CH L "'!)if O'!. S.'M5:~
- T-ons:erthe mix:uretoo serV.ngolo:e, seoronwi-.neir.10 • i "f! .)POO'II CH L =p(:S
cnifioi ;;o::oste, and gorniSh\\"t'1 blocksesoTe s.eeds, • I 7f!)POO'II CH L Oil. ~.. us EX.J\:
if using. 101:sn
• 3l !C t: S!SAWE SE!JS, 10 Gl'!.N S-1

I ••,

A: lo Ch·--e,troditionol=renchi:echnio..esore ooired'1,°'thtt"<:
:iest in9-"ed;irts uncle· me di·ectioo of culi"".Clry
Goree0'1 o"'.dseasonedexecutive chef <o-r_g KnoiMeng.
Me-r.g, o s·ngo:,orenative,nos more them20 years experience
at son-~of Asia'smost oc,c;oimedOlinese ·es:ouronts.

Pi\!P!i\qON T WE: 15 Iii 'IIUTES

COO( l'II~. '1 ! _ "0 Iii 'IIUTES ~ ;t~'©
S! 'WES: I

• I :s·OZ:'ISC•;j: Sf! 5:55 " ,..t !T, - j te-~at on O\'!:''lto 3500F

SIC~ 0'11 - -omoke the g oze, pl.rt ellthe ngrm-.ts, except the honey,
, s ·:a .::s=ooNs.,::;- r sovs,r.u::: o,cl 2~c..rn (22fl oz/700 ml) wate· in o orge souceoon.
• I f:5l:5"00"1 =o·!· o Sf!'\CH Pcce over o do..ole :,o~er end s·cr.mer for 25-30 :n·nutes,
• I EGG \\ -! ,TE or 4..ntit
to coot o spoo..,.Mdthe honeyond
• l'~ .!6 .ESF'OO'IIS vE:3Ef!5L! Oil the ~ct .Set aside.
• 9 OZiiS~ 0 O!E:-1 YUS- i\QOYS. - Combinethe seo :,ass o"'.dsoysauce end moi."'.Ote :o.
.i\ MMEJ !.'10 Sf "!\:f: O 8 minu:es. Tronsferthe f°:s'l::oon ovenproofdish,s<in
• I SPE! " .: s;,,.P,..1.,GUS.
CUT .J !GQ~: ..LY side OO'h"\, o,cl :>O(efot 7 ~ es. Btusno min ,ayerof
NTO t,;• '\1: -1,S·CM .E'll~T -15 me g oze ono bo<eforonotne· 5 minutes, ontil COO(i:'O
• •"OO'II =z: 5 ::nroug..,.
, s: .r !NJ ~ E""!:" - .ri the meantime, heo;:the ho-r.eyond'Sl:lfg oze overow
heo!. Mixthe :,otcto starch and 1tobespooo wo:e·,then
"0 " T- E -I O~EY ! '110SOY;jt!.ZE: cod this mixtu-e to tr,..,sauce to thb:en.
• SC ! 'l · l CU"S :a ". OZioac "1.. J - 3ringo s-nollsouceoo'l o:woter too boi over Tedi....m -
u,.,L,.i - Tsors:u;:
"",t1o1 h·sn heot. Adome eggW"''te o:-r.d 3tcbespoo"'Svegetoole
• G!N!i\OUS 2 CUPS 07 ; .,_OZl500 VL) oiland pooch. Stroi~ men return the egg to tne po'\
JP(( S.OYS!UCE season wi':hsa't and oeope!, o,cl soi.rte:~ 1minute,..r.ti
• CE N!'\OUS 2 CUPS (IT "· oz ·sooVL) soft and tender. T-ons:ertoo serv' :.ate.
\1!GG SE!SO'II 'II~ - ;ea;: ~ tooles::,oonvegetob e oi in o s T,ollsklet (frying
, ,.,,r:sus =-ooNssfs: "'::o L pon) over medium-hig'l heo-.,add the c:;:,orog:_s, pees.
, );CU .. :a oz 80 ~) O'tSE .. s~ucE o,cl mu~...-ooms, and cook for 2 minu:es. Seoson\,-:'tnsoh
• 1 CU"S I\ !. O!,.dCC ~: G .....~'lut!·o o,dpep:ier.
suo:tt - j.oce the sea ooss O'ltoo of me eggwhi:e end s-..rrouno
• 1 TE~S"OO'IS CH Cll:E'IISTOC( POWJ!'{ me -ish,,..-'thtf"':vege:obles. Aime over the ho-r.eyone
• I\ cu ..s t) .!.'~.'.dl~ "'L GOOJ·au~. L TY soyg,oze o.ndserved immediately.(The ·emMing gloze
CitG.'N C -I ON!Y con oe sto·ed in the ·efr'ge·ato· forUjtO 30days.)


~~ "'tP! 't_!i 0'11 ilY!: l:J 'fl 'IIUiES,
PLUS to -iou;;s \I!'( 'll!i NG T WE
PICK LED N APA CABBAGE '-1.'KES: 2\ .5.·U (0

- Combinethe cob.~ge o.nd11' (lrh oz/500 g) s0ct in • I :i\•,..5,'l.3·KG: N' "! c:55:0:,
o orge 'XI"- and let sto,cl ~r 2 ~s, or until soft tender. F M\1EOTO l·INC-1:i.S·CM·~O'II:;
Rinse the sa'ted cob.:iogeu~· cod ~ing \\'Oterto P !CES
removethe soi and crisptt"": co:.ooge. )ro·'1 in o colono~· . sc:,r 1 (l;PS (IB OZ1510 0:1
and set c:s·de. lCOSH!/\ SALT
- lfl o blender,cOT.o·nem e corrO"'., chile,garlic.,re-noining • 1 . :=-:;t C!'t't0' 5. CO
£ teosPOOns sa't. s,.:gor,ricevinegar,ono :ermen-.edbean • l·.d .O"IG l\!O c -11~E s~1CEO
cu-·dand ::,•oce1sun:i o pos:-eis :o·med. • 1:J CLOVESG!'tL C
- Combinethe co~ge ooclthe :,oste, m well.and • 'I• CU" f-''~ OZ, il:J G: G~!'IIUl.!fE:l
mo'inote in the refrigerator~ m least 24 hou"5. s.u:;
• SC.!"il I CUP ·, : L OZiiCO Ml) I\ C!
V N!G!'t
• 5 OZ/1-':J G F"E,'tYE,r::O SE!.'11cu~:i

'f ff Pi~ fa "'I\!"'! I\! · 10N T ME, 10 y; NU7fi

::00(1'11;3. T 1,';! :S - ou=ts 15 Iii 'IIUTES



- -omo<e th<:dresS~. "'eottheoiin osa-..xepo'.lover • S OZ 'lt:J G S"'!..N SH y;_:.::(!'l;E . ~ l.!TS,

med'um•~h ,-,eat,odd tne sno!lo:se"lOg·~e·, e,cl fry S('ll·ON. ! NDCUT ~TOO "ECE S
:o. 1-2minut~~ or ;,.nti lig.,tlyseoreo.Addt~ re-noining • iii iE'S"OONS .13 - i SOYS!..UCE
and 4:;;,,ts o..os (3! floz/1Iner) wa:-e·ono br'-r.gto • n; f!£S"00NSS~:.ox "IGW NE
e boil.Rech.see to medium- r.:,11neat and simmer fot 3 nours, • :SCU"'S (1:5FLOli'.'50 lill) \'E:3!·:..s.! 01.
or un:ilthio:e~d. Strain ood store in the ·e:rige·ato-. • OP !CES "C( .D '11!.f'! :::..53:.,G!
• Combinethe moc<e·el, lightsoysa-..xe,e"'.O''-.f'I= end :sn :.;ov::
mo.rino:efor 30m·.,_-tes.)rein, tne'.lpot dry.
- ;ea;me oil .no \\'Okor O*P so.xepo'l to 215e-:11oooc, =o'!; ·n: WO(EJ SOYO,'!;!SSl~G
gently lov,.,e·tne macl:e·el.and dee:,.fry fo, 3-5m·.,.,-tes, • !: - .:.5 .ES"'OONS \if;jfi. !5 L! OIL
or un':ilcooked t"'·ougn a."'.ds:ill .OOSt.Use e s...otted • •, SM!. .l SH!LLOT, Sl ::EJ
spoo'.lto removethe :noc..<erel a.r,c:Itre-rsfe· to :,aper • 2 oz,·~~ o o No:,;:.;01,,r .}·1"11;- 1
tov,.-eto droif'\. ·s ·CM·lE"IGi - " .ECE:,Sl ::EJ
- -oss 'll'th ) toblesooonssm0<e-osc,ydressing,plate • I 51'1:..L SC :..L.ION tS"'I; '11;3.ON O'II:
wi-.n :rick...eo
N:ipocaobog.e,and serve. • G!N!,'l;OUS 1 CU"'S 0- ~- OZISOO 1'/L
MIUV sors:..ucE
• 10 oz, .!:S:J 3 , oc1:: SUG!.i\
, n; ::u =s ;10'~ oz, 300 ~
3,'1;!>,;L,.£i!0 SU;j H
, .,. CU"' :sF. oz:1so 3'. V! LfOS!
• •,. CU"':s OZ,'ISC \';L) -1u:..o.!.,O
.0,:"IG YE~lOW) 'I;,::! W N!
• 1·l 5:.y 1.!£\'fS
• :SST£\!.NS!
• I: N'lll.1'10'11s·,:(
?,'\!?!.,'{: · ,oN i ML 15 'fl 'IIUi!S ~ ~ "!=-
C00<1'11:;. M!, I~ v NUTES

• I P\·O!ii2~·~: O!F i!'IIJ:''\.O N - CoTtlne me beef, :itov.•n:""JeO"tposte, suga·, a.."'.d

:::ul 1'1170I\· '11::: -1, l•CV ::USES starch ino smo bowland mori~e ·o m e refrigeratoronti1
• I f:5l:S"00'f 5i\0W'II 3E.'N ?!SJE readyto use.
• 1 lE.'S"OONS G'{:NUPiEO SUG!i\ - Tomok.ethe :.oo: :,e:.:,e·9!ou,comoine oltn e
• I i!!S"OON "Oi:fO Si:'l.:::-1 ingtecl~~tsj-i o bowl.t'M, ono set o:sx:le.
• n, ·!3 LES=oo'IIS \iE;";t·:o ~:: 0 l - Heat ti-...vegetob e oilin o '-''OJ::or la.'ge S<illet(frying:,on)
• ·~ ,'{!0 3E~L "!""fit S!EJ:'O !'110 overmed'ium-h·gnhem, add the :,e pep:,ers,and COO( for
:::ul i'\l~O I \·1'11:::-1,l•CV SQU:'{fS 1-2 minu:-esu.nt softened.Transfertoo pate o.nclset aside.
• \ Y:'L~O'I, 5E.l ?E'"'"E't S!D!O ~'110 - In tne some wok.heo! the butter ove· medium-h·gnheat.
:::u1 1'11701\•1'11:::-1.1-cv s~u :=tfS cod the beef,and sea· for2 ~lit es on e-oc.n sidev.nt"
• I\ f:5L:'S=ooNS :1 Ol.'25 G) 5UiiE't !ra,,,,-,eciono mediumrare.Tro-rsfe·too olo:-e.
• 1·1 :::~OVESo:,~ C, Sl ::::J - l;'lodean '.-.0!, odd tN' gor, on·o-rsono sou:-e
• •~SM!.L 'tfJ O'IIIOS. :::u· NTO overmed'ium-h·gnhem for 1mil'"'i, u.nt frog.rant.Addt"ce
n.· NC- ·l•CV S.Ql,!,ES le-e(sonc:I:.oc..<:,ep:,e·oncisou:-eforano--.nerlmil'"'i,
• 3::: "Olli'! 0'1 0'115. "EEL!O. CUT i'\I - Add ti!: ~ef tenderloinand )5 taoles::.oonglazeand
- :t=, :'110 ~:Yf'tS SE"'=t:·t:i increaseto hig'l he-a:,then odd the :,e:.oe--sono sout-efor
• MEEK. :::ur NTO ·n ~ SH "S 1-2 minu:-es.--ansfer too se--ving plate o,cl sprir.J:lea,-e·
• ., fE:)"00'11 CQ!'tS! 3l'CI:: '"E""!" me hb::orywalnuts.
, ',\O!, l ~ 1. :'11:'II - IC(O'\Y ',\!.NUTS
=o=t i-1! 5l.::::1:: '"E""!'\ G.~z:: The extra g oze con :,e stored ·n the -efrigerctorforUj to
, 3¼CUPS fr F. oz,-aoo v~, v::;:; looy,.
s::soN ~c;
• I :::u=-:a =t OZ:'15~ \IL
WORCESi!i\Sri iU s:u:::!
• 3', ·! .5.ES?OO'IS :::-11:::(!'11STOC(
• !. CU?S Uh .5.·1 (3: (!Tc - u =-
• a:::u =-s :1a·, ovs20 o) :;.,,Nu~:r::o



C!:'":b--ated Sho.ngho·~: -o.,y _uv.'Osbo·n o"'.d·ased

·n Sho"'.ghoi , and go·""eoex~1ience ·o seve1olnigh-end<...e res:ourorr.sbefore ris-iog to ·.,ternotiono fame
,..,"thfulOW,fu1088,and =u1 015.;.. 1015wosincludedon the
2013ancl2014"Asia's 50Bes: Res:ouro.,ts"t:sts::,onsoreoby
San Pe--~ =ino. ,,,.
..,'=Fut088was occloimedos one of Food
& Wine V':OO's"Bes: 50 =wstc:-..ra.nts in Otino" in 2010a.eel
20fl.As tri: Chef Cons- ..ltant o;: t-'ondo·il'Iar·en~ol :luclon
S".0!'19hoi's YongYlTing,Che: _u se-..•es oument·cJiangNon
its ne'ghbor' cg xovince--~ t.ongsuand Zherang.

@ ~ §§i!l "'i\!"'!i\q QN T WE 15 v "IUTES, PLUS

25 Iii 'IIUTESv: •v-i ~T NG i M!
Stv1OKED POtv1FRET WI TH :::OO<l'II~ i.VE 25 'fl 'IIUiES
S!'W!S: 2·l

- .no lorS'='oowl.canine I½tooles::,oonslig.,tSCI'/ souce, • S f!5 L:'S"00NS ~,~ - T SOYs:..u: E

o"'.drice wine,then odd tee fisno"'.dT.a.rinot e :or • 11/,J:3lfS " OO'IISnu : o !Q
2Smir,,..ies. :s -P..OX "IG YE.lOW) '( ::: W N!
- ;em 1tob espoonvege:oble o. inO'-''OJ: or lo·ge ski e: • I 11-·,i-oz,so~-G) \\ -10.E " OV''(El ,
(:-ying,oo,) ever" heat. Addt ~ ginger, C~f!'ll!J . ' .ll ETEO! 'IIJ ClJT 1'11
sco!lions(spring o ..~s), o"'.dd-½ocrc es and sovte for T-1 CK S~ICES
30 secondsuntil :·ogrom.Add2cu~ (16 floz/475ml) • S CU" S t25 • . OZ>'i.dC "1l "~US
wo:er o,cl lY-1'19
too boil, i:henoo:Ithe -r.o::{o sauce,sugo•, 1 l!S~ES"OO'II V!GEi!S~E O ~

li5tobespoons ,gh:soysa-.,..ce , dork soysauce,rice,,,.· --e-

, , ·~oz,-10 ::3,:l l'll:lB :sour \·:'11: -1
o"'.dsesame oiland Simmer for20 m·.._-tes.S:roinand 2•Cfl•~!NOi1 ";;f J Sl ;;,:i
set aside. . s sc : woNS ($ " !\ "IG 0"10NS)
- ;em me vegetableoi ino wokor deep saucepani:o • i J'( ::o: -1 ~::s
350'f/l&l'C,or u"'tilo cu~ of breoo bra,o;ns;,.30 seconds. • 1, cu .. :i\ ovao ~ 1 - o s ~ s:..ucE
ed fisn· ::ne oil,a.."'.d
gentlylov.-e·tne s.,,c fryfor 3 /'ninutes • /oCl;P :,, ovao G) G~!NU~!J: J
on eoc" S:de untilgolden :,rov,ma.."'.d cool:...=cl
throogn.Use SUO!'(
o S!Ottedspoon to core'i.Ayt·ons-fer the -ishfromti-...oil • I J:3lES"00'11 o :.~( SOI' s.: ucE
to the souce. Cootthe fu:l in, then t·ons-fertoo • i t::.'S"OO'IIS SfS,1.1,1:0 l
d:S"· • i :,:.y l ! ! VfS
• lSJ:'(!.NS:'

' / 671
?,'\!?!..,'{:.· ,oN i ML 15 'fl 'IIUi!S. ~ ~l~ ~ 'ii H ~ Jiil'c&
" ~USI HOIJit S0!.(1'113 i '/'IE
COO(l'II~ i M! I -1:IU'\ 25 \1 Nu · n RIC E W ITH SOY- BRAISE D PO RK
S!'\V!S: i·l

• I :1c:t•Ol.'~CC·~I S( '11·0'11" 0,'{( - Bringo souceoo"Io:woter too boil,odotne por<be fy,

5El~Y o,cl 00 :~ 3 ~ es. )roi~ me"Icoo o,cl cut in:o ten
• I f:5L!S"'00"1 VE3Ef!5L! 0 l l-oz/30-9 sc--ores.
• I \10/\!l \1USH'1;00\1 - l;'lo rno!I ~•I. comb:n: tt"':morel .rJJnroomsa.."'.d
• I f!.5L!S"'00~ \iE3fi.!5L! 0 l enoug'l hot to cover-one!sock for 1hOU"'
, ·1~0! ·5 G G ~o:, :.301,.,r·~· NCH·
l•C'fl•L!NGi-1 " ECEJ," H~E:l !"ID - ,-.,eo.rr,.nle, ~t the o ino wokor large slotet f-ying po.n)
:: - 0 "" !0 over lowheat, ocd the pork-one! ginger,ono stir -:)' for
, 1 r:.sL!S"'OO~ - 1..:.0 :.o :s-1:..ox '113 2-3 m·.,utes ..r.tilt~ mecrtis tigtn.Adcitne ricewine,
YE.lOW 1t ::: W N! yelr.:,11:,eo~ soysouce. dor<soy sauce. bro:h (s:ock},sugar,
• 2 J:.5L!S "'00NS YEllOW 5!£'11 SOY o"'.do generous2 cu~ (17; oz/500 ml}'1,oter and s·.mmer
s:..u::E over lov,.•heat :~ 1how.
• i iE.'S "'OONS .J.:. SOYS:..U::E - COt'Trine m e rice onci2Atobespoot"'S \\'Oter ino heo:proof
• I ::U"' :a =l 0Zi25:I v. Vf!.i SiOCt: OO'Nl,co-.• er ..minumfoil.andpiece ino collo~=--=
"':.:;f oc-91: pot o· bomoooste-omer over o po: o: ooiling\\'Oter. S:-eo.m,
• \CU " :s OZ:ISC ~: G't.l'IIUP . E:l covered,for 15m·.,.,ies ..r.tilcoo<e-:::1tnroug"I.
SUG!..,'{ - Add tne morel m...-s:voom, t"\eobol~. ooclthe :.oo:
• ·~CU"' (2 OZ,'00 G LO'll~·~ll;!. 'II ,,::E o:scuce to the po-'<bellyTixture ono stew foronotr'
• 1 =,Es-1 :.s,~O'IIE S-IE.lEO !.ND 5 .T'W'lut -es. Como·~ t"\eootatostorch o"'.d1teaspoon
' NS!.J wo:e· o"lOstir this ~lixt•.re ·nto&...WO<. 3ringtoo boil.
• I if!.S"'OON 5PC( nu =r.E s:.u::E stJring,:o. -obo.rt30seconosto tnic.< e"Ime sauce.
• I i!!S "'OON "'OJ:.TO s1:.,::-1 Poc e O."I tri: steamed rice, scotte·;ngo :ew $Mrs of
, 1 : ,:s-1 eu::t: r,u= =L:. st :::.:i bock uuffle on too, o,cl seNe.



.nV':00, ~flov.-e·'"'
is <nownos o t-od:-t·o-..ol
famousfo:-~ ~u:y and e ego:-ice.n 1~75,Gilbert_au
o--utncs o ~mbl e oesireto seNegood
Canto~se fooo to ::nepeople·'.lAust-o o. Gilbert'
s:ondara:sfor bo:n "l;.nsef one h;sstaff allowedCa."lto-rese
cuisineto :,ene:ro:ethe toug'"IAus:ro!ion :ood mcl,:et.
u timote!yestoblishingo Chineseres:ourontthot woud r'vol
the doTW'IOnt :urope-oncu=s·~s.Ucde· ::nehelmof e.ioec utive
chefAntrony _ui,t -rerestaurant con:inuesto be o respected
culinary oes:ina:ion .

'"' ,.,""
. ~ .l::z..
~ ~?~ fl'!il "\p·:'(._!J 0'11 T VE: I~ Iii 'IIUTES
COO( NG i YE: 10 Ml'IIUiES


- .no ba.., comoine the crab meat, shriTo (pea-,•,'~), • lit OZllO~ G U'l:00(:'0 S-ill; ,"1"
potato tow, salt, and w"l'tepepperand mixtho·Ol.'9hly t?~ ! W'IIS), S- H~EJ . .JEV! ND, :.,J
u"til sTl001::10no -ir-n.Addt-re to'u, scallion(springorion), F N!lY : -;O"'?EO
o"'.dsesame oiland mix,.,.ell. • I fE!.S"'OO'II " OJ!.JQ ' LOU\
- _ightlyccct eoch Chinese soup s::,oon,,,/th veg.e:obleo... • ~ E !.5" 00"1 s:.u
Usethe s:ioonsto scoopthe tofu -nixtwe ono put the • " 'II: -; o• o~ou,J ·"'·nr:: '"E""!"
Spoot"S in o co -opsibeOO'YI:or oomooos:eomer ove·o oot • 2 :.n•0!1HO·G: f;j;j. ·o•u. Ml.S-iEJ
o: boircg,..,oter.S:-eam,covered,forobou;:l-- 5 minu:e--~ • I s::::..~10N tS"'I; 'll;j. 0'10'II:,
u-rtiltee s-vimpore coxeo tnrough. ~eT'O\'ethe po.rce.s C- O""E J
:,om eocn spoon,usingo toothp· loosen i: necessary. TE!.S"OON SES! "1E O l
- ;em ~tc oles::,oonvegetobe o in o S<illet (fryingpen) • :s :u " ·~oz ·no o: :::0011:EOI( 'll;j.
ove· medium-h·gnheat. cdclthe steamed to'i.iporce.s, Clt'i) M:: :.·
o"'.dfryfor ooovt 2 m:nuteSior u--rtigoldenorown.- ,ons:er • ii 1t.:.:" i\oo• ;:1 "1:St sou= 5"00N5
too se-ving plate. f!5L:'S"OON Vf;jf ·:.5 .f O L. " .US
- lfl o smellsoucepon,com~e tne chick.e:'l brOO'I(stock}, EXT"! r:=1;:::O.&i'13
soysa-..xe,and oi u-rtiljus: bo -r.g.Fbl..rthe sauceover
the tofu and serveimmediote}y . r:=1;rn:: s:..ucE:
• ;i:u "' :2OZ/00 Ml) :::- 1C(!'15 '1;0J -i
:sro:1C, ""'&::n
• 1 PS.ES"OO'IIS Lo -;· SOYs.:.ucE
• » TE:.s=ooN VEGEi!.S.E O L

-'! 673
P,'t!P!..,'{:.·,oN T WE: JS v "IUiES
COO(l'\I~. M!, I~ v NUTE$

• '.' Olin~ :; S!C"IL:'SS. iO'll:'L:'SS - Bringo souceoo'1o:woter too boil,odotne bokcroy,and

:: - ,:(!'II S'tPST C,'t T-110-1,W 'IIC!J bonch fo·2-3 minutes. )ro·0, i:hensetosic:le.
• '1itE:.s"OO'II s:.~T - Ina foodorocessor,com:,;netne chicken, salt, :iotato
• l'J,T!.f)lfS=oo'IIS "Oi!·o ~.OU " -ioo·,egg white,o"'.dg.r, o.nclrM well for 1 :TW'lut e.
" LUS !XT't,' : o :, S'tUS-1 '\I:'; Add 21.teos:::,oons wo:e·ono mixfor 1mi.,•.rte.=?.epeot the
• 't E:';~ 'IIH E irocess 3 times.
• •, fE!.S"OO'll 31'\l:';E" JlJIC:' - Useo lo"'-9spoonor SOO':T,,.JO(f".s'1 slice)to :,ringt~
• 1 J:5L:'S"00NS: 'IIE~YC-IOPPEO mixtu·eto the centerof the mix:irg'Xlh ono mixfor
w:.fE " C-l! Si'IIU7S o"'OtherS minutes.Addt~wo:e· cnes:nu:soncistir
• 12 SW SS :! 'tO'IIN WUS-1'!.00MS untilcom:,;ned,J'Yidethe ~r e into 12oort'o<''S.
:.sowr2· '11:-1:s•CM J :.~EE'tl , - Useo spoonto createo cavhyin eoc.n:T1,;;;room.
S7E~S 'tE\ilOVEO the insic!,: of the mus"'OOTG v.ithpota:o flour,
• 't i!S.ES":)0'11 \'!G!J!. O L men ~,ff eoch -r,,;snroomwi':hthe chiLJ:!?'1 mixture
• 3 501:: C-IOY, OUE't L!!YES untilo smooth mound·s :om-ed.
'tEMOV:'J. TO o:.'tN S-1 - Heat tl-eoil·.lo .orgesdlet (frying:,on) aw mediu-n
heO!.Adotne mushrooms., in ootcnes if ~cesso-y, s':\.,fflng
=o, ·n: s.:ucE side00,..,,,,
Co-.•e· o"'.dCOO( for4 m·.,.,ies,..r.tilDrowned
, •,cuP !.F ~OZillOWl)C-1,C(:'N o"'.djust cookeo::nroug.... . l..rn ovet,cct1er,
aito·n :s10::1::. ":..o: n o"'Other3 mh.rt:es,u"til tee ch'cl:n is cookeo::nro..ghand
• I f!.5lES"00~ - :; - •QU!..LTYOYS.E't m e mush·oomsore s.,.gntfysofte"":O.
s:..u::E - CO'To-'ne o ti-': sauce ingredients ino smd OO'NI and
• ·~ 7f!. SPO:J'II J! 't( SOYs:..ucE ood this .nixtu'e to tl-ewok.Gentlytoss t ~ musnrooms
• •1,·E:.spo o'11 "0i!70 ~.ou~ o"'.dcook1..ntime sauce is bu:.olingone tnic.(e"'eO .
• •~iE£S"00'11 SES.!Wf O ~ - T-o"\Sfe·tne mushroomstoo servingolo:e and decOl'cte
, ~•i!S.ES"OO'II s~ :.ox"IG w N:' wi-..nthe bo( choy.Fbl....rct1e·me souceand se-ve

~~l ~ "'tP: 't_!i 0'11 ilY!: 15 \1 NU. ES
PLUS }~ v NUTES\Fl!. ~E't!i NG
ROAST SQU AB W ITH !'110} -I OU:\S 1,1:.~ N.!f 'II~ . \1!
COO( NG T WE: lO \1 Nu · n

- Ttim off the head ono feet from eoch squab. • .don oz,soo·GJsau:ss. :::.PN::J
- Com~ tr':sdt-ond sugo· inosmd t,o,,. .Ge-rtly • 2·~c1,;:-5 'iC =L OZ/000 "1l) :-o :-·
rU'j tn e mixture a.•er m e squo~ insides onc:I ou1:sic:le, • 2 Ps.n:-oo~s s.,u
o"'.d·e:-:ge·otefor 30 minutes. • .dr:;us:-ooNs o\: NUL!.TEDsuo~~
- Come·~ t{~ sq-..--obsond the :iort in o lorS'='
oov.~o"'.d • 1 lE£5:-oo~ ~ :; - r SOYs:..u:::E
morina:e for 3 hours,turningt ~ sc,,..obsover l-2 times.
- Reserve ½-cu- o (~ floz/120ml} of :>Ort.Tro"'Sfertl"':sq-..--ob
o"'.dthe remo·vig oort into o lo·g-= po: o-r.oCOO( over
med'um heO!:0( 15 minutes, tur:,,iogthe squoosevery
2-3 mrut es to p·eve.,t the skinfr~ stickilgto the :iottom
o: ti!: po..,.RemO\'etne squabs, tf"'?'lCOO( the sauce until
thio: o.ndsyrupt. Set -oside.
- Com~ tr': roy sauce o,c:12teospoo:"S'-''Oterend rub
the mixtur,e over the squo~.
- Inthe meantirre, ,orehemO'l oven to £75'Fn4/J'C/Gos
t-'ork9. =-.ocethe sa.;obs, ~easts·&, up. on o bokir.g
sheet and ,oost for 7~ m·.,.,ies. l,,.rnove1,cdd no!:
the sauce cno ti!: remoin· (2fl oz/50 :nl) port.
then f·o eve· tN' squabs. breast-sideO:,v,m, and roost
:CX'a"'.OtherS minutes.or unt golden Drownand coo<ed
throug'\. ~eTlO\'e the squa~ fromthe O','!:''l a"lOset as;de
to cool.
- Ween coo enoug'lto ho"'.dle,rut eoch squab in no!:,CIJ'!
eocn ~f ;.,to 3-4 :l:eees.ana place on a serving:.otter.
Spoonover the ·emMing souce and ser\<e.

I .,,

Che:~ok Kit <eu"9-the execu1:ive

che:of me ho:e 's
Vchelin-starreclSho,g Poloce-::roi~ in troditiO"'.ol
Co~tonesec•.::s·n: en o ya..ngoge,o.r,c:I"'.OSp·epo.reomeals
:o. tN' K;.-r.g
t-'onom;r.edVIof Morocco,tee ore{~~t of
R1JSs·o,the :ocrre·ono eurrent pr'-re ministers ot S-ngopo·e,
one many o:he1 ~ominent d·gnttoies. ;e "'.OS received
o number of culinaryoccolodes,'cleluo.ngthe Gold~edo
Av11ordin0,'1"1ese o.r:s·~ from ti-': Rs-sto!J"'ont
o:s·ngopo·ein 2001and2004,tt"<:Goo t-'edolA·.-.ord 'ntn e
food 1-btelAsia2008 T oeriolO.O!lenge,and numerous
o:ne· recognifons over tN! yeo-s.

P:\!P!:\qON i ML 10 y; NUTH lH RBiM~ r~tJ;~fM~a

COO(l'II:;. '1! 5 Ml'IIUTES

• 5 !GO w- ·t s • Combinethe egg ""''tlites, cream, ono seasoning.ogredien:s

• ·,::u = .:s;L OZ,'ISC M~) l :;nr in o 'XI,. .., mixwe set aside .
:sNG.E, Ci\!!\1 t~ croo meet·.\ o smo!I oov.:,.cdo enough hot water
• j....-t
• .!·:.o .HPOO•g !_:.)K!..N IC~G to coverit, and sti•. Oro·n,then odd the croj meai to the
:=t:e \1!.'T ..,'
egg ,...,
• 2 Cl.~S (IC ;L OZ '!.TS M~) • ;ea;: ::nevegetaole oil ·no wokor o-:eproucepo.n::o350~=1
'if.inA6.t O~ 100:C,or un:1 o cuoe of oreoclorow"'Sin 30seco"'.C5.Add
• ·~o::::~:;;o;.1cEVH,MICEl~ me verTice Iiand o-:ei;::y 'or 10seCOtds,ontil crispY .
• I!) 5L! ~~ow:: ~ ·o Gl'tN 5-1 Tro"'Sfe·too s.erv'ngola:e.
• f'tlSE!. TO :;H'II SH o thi·o o: tf°":eggwh't-:Tlixture into the wot and
• j....-t
• Sl :::J 5L:.:( t:i;u:r.E. 10 S:'i\VE stJ -fryfor1-2 ,1W es. t.nttCOO!ed.
·11Jt :llocetf°":eggwhite
mixtu·eon top of tri: vermice .Add holfof the -emo·v,g
: o'\ "H! SE!SQ'lll'\I~: egg ,.,..Me mixtu·e into ti-':wok.stir-fry:<Y 1-2minutes un:il
• h TP.POON S.!Ll COO!ed, and oloce on top of the ve:micel!i.=w~ witn tne
• ·~ 7f!SPO:J'\I CH CKE... Sto::i:: ,.o,,,on. remo·;:ng eggwhi:e .rixtu e.
• \ "f!SP O:J'\I CH Cl:E'II S'\OT- :sto::i::) - Gor~"t withedib e end frisl?e,men servew'th sked
• \ PS.Es~oo'II ::o=tNSP's:::-1 bock uuffle.
• :s"!O .:s~ooNS W~TER


~ tt:tt9bf "\P: 't~i 0'11 ilY!: 15 \1 NU. ES



- lfl osmallbaNI. corr.oine me oyster o,cl cornstarch , 1 :M::~ c:, onr:: ~ s-1u:<D
(cornflour}. , 1 r:sus:-ooN cc""sr:'!;;: -
- :iring o rnoll srucepan o:woter too bot ado ::ne oys:er, ::0R"= Lou1t)
o"'.dXIOC .... for 1m·..._-te.Use o s otteclspoo.'Horemove • I .t · ru;:::l f:=
the oyster o,cl cto·o on oo:,er ta,..els. , i cu ~s :10 =t OZ.405 ,.._
- -o mo<eth<:dry batter, combineol the"'ts ·'l 1'~r:::s~oo'IIS VE~E-! .5.E O L
;nix we I.
o small 00\\'I a.."'.d • ·,i,Q!."~ G CR s~v \ ,CE
- lfl orotcer small oowl,.COt"Toin e2 tcoles::,oonsd-y :>Otter
, • ·~ Tf:s~oo'II \1 NCEO G!it .. lC
1t-eo:s:ioonvege:ob e o.i.o,cl Uitoolesooonswote·.Stir • ·~ u:s~oo'II s- : t~o r
to T.O.(e o wet batter. • S- it:'ODD S:!.l O'IIS :s~~ °"3
- Coenthe oyster i'ltt°": drybotte·, tf"endip in the wet 0'110'IIS). TO 3~:-;N S-1
better, ord then :,oo: cgoin .nthe d-y Darter.l½-ot2 C\,;pS • fO 5.E =tOW !'!;S, · o G!.,'!;'11
(16'I oz/475 Tai)oil ·o o \\'O( or deeosouceoon to '!>tor,.:
17()QC. or until o cu~ o: bread bra,o;ns;,.l-5s.econds.Ado =o, ·n: :i::tv5:nE1t
the oyster o,cl oeep-fry:or2-3 minutes,or ..r.tilit turns • l\ -! .5.ES?OO'IIS : .... :-u'!;:-osE
go~'l b"O'A"'l. lhe o slorted s:,oon to te-TlO','
e tne oys:e· :-l.: 'II =tQU '!;
o"'.dd-oin on ~oer tO\\<e-S. , 1 r:::s:-oo.,. 5:1( 1'11
~ :-owoH
- .n the some wo<,odd the crispyrice one deeo-fry , ·, tt:s~oo'II 3!< N3 soJ.:
:CX'o:o..i 1 mi-ti.rte,<Y untilgokle.n:110-.,.·n
o,cl crispy.=-.ace \ ·:a .Es:-ooN :O ,'!;'IISi.!'!;CH
the lettuce lea: on o pate, men p oce the crispyrice on ::O,'!;°"=LOU'!;)
top. Set oside.
- AJJdthe remo·vig ~ teosooon vegeto::--:0·1 totf"': WO( =o, · - : SPSO'll''\13:
ove· medium-h·gnheat and soute the garlicono sho!lot • 4 ·t! Si"OO'IISS'IIE::T !>,;Q SOU'!;
:o. 30s.econdsu.nt frog·on:.Add tf"':seoson·-..g s: .u:E
teen t~ oysterand sti·we!Iunt.. cocted.
i-r_gre<ie~ts, • IT:: : s:-00"1 :-o'!;t
- =-.acethe oyster on the lettuce CIJ'j o,cl garnish'N'-th , \ ·p, s?OON en :t:E'II sro:< :-owo F
the SCOl,.ions o"

'I 677
?,'\!?!.,'{! · ,oN i ML 15 'fl 'IIUi!S #E@tit·~
COO(l'II~ i.M! I -IOU,'{~CM 'IIU7ES

• ii OZ/000 G SHICO S?:=tf :, 65 - Bringo ctge souce:,onof water too Xii o,cl cod the
• n, · .:o.ES " OON L 0-1· SOYs:.ucE spo·e ribs.~uce to medium•low "'eOto.nds·cr.mer:or
• I f:!S"OON C- 1C<E'IISTOC( " OW)!~ 1hou·. 0-Cinone!let coo.
• I J,!5L!s=ooNS CO'\NSi!:,C-1 - \Vhe'lcoolenougnto -r.coclle, cut m e ribs ·nto '-6 pieces.
:cOR'll =LOUR) Seo:sontnespo·e ribswi':hthe soysa ..ce, ch·ci:ens:oc..<
• 2 Cl.~S (IC ;L OZ ·475 M~J pcNC!er, andcor-rstorch(corn'ioor).
VE~Ei!6.t O. - Heat ti--:oil 'no WO( or lo·g-=s.,:illet(fryingpan) oo.•er
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS J.! :,! 'll!SE :,.UM '11 '\IE
1 medium-'ligh "'eat, odd tt"<:soo·e ribs,and ckiep-::yfat
• l!J5L!M!:,.E 3_£minu:es1..n:igo a~'l brov,m.l.k:eo slotteds :,con to
removeand drainon poper towe-_s. RemO'leo!It ce oi
=o=t ·n: s.:ucE :·omme,'110(.
• s =.,:S!'WEJ •uo " .UWS - Heat ti--:'"'O( O'.'ermedi\sm-'ligh "'eat, odd tt"<:ribs.the
• 3·!. S!.i!O 0'1; EJ ?LU"1S sauce ing·ed·ents,o.ndenoogn water ::ocove·tri: ribs.
• 3·!. SC.!L~IONS :S"'l;l"IG 0'1 O'IIS; Bringtoo :,o1, ·educeto med'v-r:- t:IN heat. one!Simmer,
• 0 CLOVES:l!'\L C covered,for Uinours..r.ti ti--:ribsare teno~·.Adcitne
• ·~ 0:::.,10 ~ ~ 'll~E\ :sou·\· 'IIC-t,' Jo:ianese:. um wine.
2•CV•L!NUT - " .ECE - T-o-rsfe·ti!: ribson o se-vingplate. S:rointhe sruce,a.rime
• i S"i'llOTS. S~ICEO over ti--:ribs.and gor:is'lwith edibe maple. SeNe.
• ISi!'t.!"11$!
• i SOUit " LI.IMS
• i 5:YL!.'YES
• \ ·t!SPO O'I :,.UM " OWOF
• I f::!.S"OON c - ,C<E'IISiOC( =ow:i:: ~
• i OZ ·SS ~ '!;OC< St..,G:=t
• 2';.i:5L!S " 00'11S-" CE W''I!



Chef TongC~ r♦, s:or::eoh:Sco·eer'licenrie,...'C:S

disca.•e·ed..ct the cg=of 18,in Singopo·ewhileo-.•e-seeing
tee (~c-rensot tr>':iitz.Ccrton. In2001.-°"'9 mo'.'S-O to
_onaonto becom: heod chef ot HoUosonand ·s o..rre-rtly
t-r.eexeo.i've heod che: fo· K:iUoson,,and ;(K
restouro-rtsMn1.0t"'iOOn,wh'ch ore renownedfor seivng h'gn·
e"'.dtesting :-re"'IJSthat celebra:-etl"':diversi:yof ChineSP-
cy-ev¥ngand moder"'Zngt·od'ifonol •eC:oes.

=:'{!=.,:'{!' ,ON i ME l:J Vl"iVES,

~n i /ff =tus u -!OURS MH N!f,'11;3. . \1!
::00( 1'11 ;3.i ,Vf _n \I NUTES

- ~t the chi((en ~oth (stou:) 'no large soocepo'lover • i. :::u=s:w~. cz,-oo~v. c-1O:E~
med'um-~h ,-,eatontiworT.ed through. Remo'.'e from s=tor- :sro:::fC.
=:..oE n;
the heO'!,cdd :io:n wines,and set aside to cool. • ·,CUP( !. F ~ oz;uo Ml) S-i!,QX NG
- Pot the c.nit.(endrplth pope· ta.-.els,then ou. ::nem w N!
ino OO'YI:.Add ti-...soltond ginge· juiceo,cl marinate ,r PSL::s=ooNs<·-1o·.:.w 'II!
:o· 2 hours. • 0 OONE.ESS.F'tEE·'t'"IG! C-110:EN
- Piece o -:g on o :ieceof plasticw-oo (c.,ing;,i), S~'l lf;jS
side oo,.·!\ onc:I·o it tightly.Reoeotwith me remoi";og • ii- n:.s=ooNs ::::..srE=t
cni((e:'llegs. ·E:.9'0 0'\ISs:.u
• !.
- Piecetne legs witnthe po:sticwro:iin o collops:.e bowl , 1 r:sus=ooN ;;1'11
;;n.Ju :::::
or boT:,oosteome1 c,;-e·ooot of bo ngwater. Steo'.T\, • C1~:.,n.o ::::oR !.'IIOE~J. 10 o:=tNS-1
covered,for 15"l"aO.Jt es oocl e: cool.
- W~n coo enoug:'lto ho,dle, removet "\e olostic wro:i
o"'.dtro"'Sfertoo oo..,. Pourove1the cni((en oro:n and
- S.icethe cnic..<en, then tro"'Sfe·too seMng :.ate and
garnish wth ci!O('t'O(corionaer}.

'I 679
?i\!?!..F{:·,oN T WE: l:J ._.Nlii!S ~ tVf' "F-~
~ ~ t111
COO(l'I~ T.M! I -IOU:'{ lC M -..iu·t s

• s·~LS-'15 <G '11.'~YL,SriO~T-" 55. - Ina oowl,com:,;netne snort -Osa,cl potato s:orc:1
OBON!O .:'IJ CUT •'I -tl.VfS a"'.dgentlycoctthe ::,ee:.
• 1 J:5L:'S"00NS " OT!.TQ s-:,cn - Spraythevegetc:.e oilto COO'! the wokor .orgeski:e:
• \'EG!J:UE Oil S"i\!..Y, " 01' " 'tf "IG (fryingoa~) and heat over mediumneat.Adelthe :,eef
• 3 CLO...ES ;j!.\L C a,cl pen-grillfor2 mi'"'I.J'tes,
golden.- rons:erthe
• ·~ 0:::.,10 ~ ~ 'l~E't :sou·\· 'IC-t, beef too pate.
2•CV•L!NUT - "ECE - Oeon tt"<:'-''OJ::and s:.toy morevegeto:.e oil.Sou1:e
• 1 w:.L s::..l10NS :s=-1{NG m e gar c,ginge·, ana sCOliions (spr'~ o,·•ons)ever
0'1 O'IS; C-tOP?lO medit.r-r:•~h ~at for1minuteuntilfrogra~t.
• 3•~OZ:'ICO ~JP:NESE y:.v 0~ - Tomokethe sauce, come·~ all the ·-..gredi entsond
"UW?IC ~- CUT NTO CHU'lt::S :..NJ 8'.iio.;os (~ fi oz/2 liters)wo:e· in o large souce:,on
=.:N•f 't.ED :c=-r o'I:. .. a,c:IIY"'9toobo.
• I f.!5L!S=ooNsJ:sv ·NEE' f!.VfS - Add ti!: snort ios to me souce:,ono.ncl:,oilfor
• ·~ CU" (2:, ox:s:J G) O'tOW'I SUG!it 1hou·- 1¼"'.OJ".rs,covered,u-nt softo.r,c:ltenc:ler
• \CU"' .n OI,'100 G COO(!O-" C! Useo slorteds:,oontot·onsfer t"\e oe-efto a plate
a,cl let coo. Cut into smaller:.·ec~~if desireo.
=01t ·n: s.:ucE - Soi the rema·vig sc:-xe·.ltil: souceponfor 30minut~~
, s ·:o .::s=ooNs SOYs:..ucE until teoxed to 1¼cu~ (Kl fi oz/iSO ml) . St·oin,then
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS (!T:-tu= return to tne soucepon.Aodthe b*f and :.tingtoo :,oil.
• 4 •t:)" 00'1) 't,C:' V 'lf:j H stJring co~ti~•..IOl.lS'y.Addtl"':Ja:>anE1e yam, if 1..SJ'lg.
• I ox:25 ~ 'tOC( SU:j!.\ - Lineo WO( with o la·g,eoieceof alt.r'TW'lum foil.then odd
, 1 ·:o .::s=ooNs 1 TE.:s=-oo" m e suga·, steomed rice, and tee leaves, and oloceo ·oo:
)-t.l.,QXl'l3 'lll'lf over tr>':mix:ure,ma.(ingsure that it ooesn't touch. ;ea!
• I 5L.'C( c.:~:i:.wo1o1 ?OJ over loY,•. rr,ea .m ~at 4..ntiti. begi"'Sto smoke,then :.oce
• 2 f:5L!S"00NS "! OY!.:s · 't CE ::nerbs on the ·ock.eo-.-er, reduce to loY,•neat to preven:
too much SJTO(e, a,cl sm0<efor10mil"",,..ies.Serve.


tl ~~t:i:~~ta "\P:'t~i 0'11i.M! 2:J v "IUiES, P.. US
~CM 'IIU7fi W!\l'll~i,"IG . \1E
SE\\'ES: ~

~ Toma(e the sauce,combineolthe ingred:e-.tsand • 0 3•~·0ZilOO·G.1 ''11'lJ S! .! :! SS

lricu:.{~ t oz/120 .rJ) v.-ote·ino benae·, then tra.."'Sfe· F L~Ea. S( 'II 0'11
too souce·::,on and :,ringtoo :,oil.Set aside. • lit OZll0~ G ZUCCH N (COU'tG!iiEJ.
~ Putthe -ish, zuccr.ini(courgette), :iumpkin. ginger,po:cto 1•,noj• NC-1."5•01 S F ~s
s:orc/'\egg,.,...,'te,and the sa;t in a lo·gebowl.mix well, • lit OZll0~ G " UV ~( 'II CUT l'IITO
o"'.d.r,o.rinote :or 30 T,J"I.Jt
es. Ado2tc:.espoo-rs oil. 2· NC-1."S•CMSB. ~s
~ ~t 1te0:.:,oono" in o skii.P-t{fryingpen) over medium- • :S oz I~ G G NCE't : :.s o1,.,1\· NCH·
h·gn "\eOt.then odd tt"<:fisn,sU"-sidedown,and :,on-fry 2•CV•L!'ll3i - = !CE). CUT NiO
:o·2 minu:es on eoch s·ae neorfycoxed throogn.Set 2· NC-1."S•CMSB. ~s
os'cie.T·onsferthe f".s'ltoo olo:e tnedwi-,.n :,apertO\\<es • 2 fE.!S~oo'IIS =oi!i O St:'tC -
toaroin. EGG'li- .TE.5!.!iEN
~ Inthe same pon, "'eCt 1teaspoonc;' over medi.m --ect. n:.s=ooN s :..1 =1us ::u't:.
oad me gar,..c,and soute for 30 secondsor un:il:-ogron:. iOi!SE
Ado ti!: fish and oon-fry :o. 1,!'W'lvte, tf"enado tne • 2 PS.Es~oo'IIS " lUS i n:.s=ooNS
veg,=:oble--ond-g··mixture.Acjusttt"<:semooiog v::o::PS.E 01~
to taste.
~ T-ons:erto o serving :.ate and ser\<ev.-'t'ltri: fishsc:-xe. r:=t i-1! =,s-1 s:..uc:
• 2·...1:.aL!S"OO'IIS 5.!LS.!MIC 1~u:r.E
V N!G!'t
• 2 PS.Es~oo'IIS L 0-1· SOY s:.ucE
• 2 lE!S"OONS G\..!"11Ul!7E:) SUG!'t
• 1 lE!S"OO'II S- .:.ox NG Wl'II!
• \ if!S?OON ,o:;o SE!.SQ'\11"\l;j
rps=ooN s:.iu o s.:.ucE
rps=ooN o:.'tK SOYs.:.ucE
• :::- o~=:o::: ~! '11-,'to (CO't !,NJE.'t)

'-' I •••

.lJanuory2010,Boo:;e· opene-:1 i1sdoorsand ·T.meaiate'y

gained the pn ic's atten':00\\~:l its i., "'O\'Otiveta(e on
moo~·nV"ll se cuisine. 0-,..,f Joev\btonobe's oeotr.•e
O?oroochto Asian ingredien:s, incorpo-af~ closS:c=re~h
wi:h Jopo--esetechn·cr-, br'-r.gso richo-r.osubtle ta,.;ch to
~ hisdisnes.H:sstyle hosgor-rerednimo to:t.,ful ocoland
·.,ternotiono following.

P:\!P!:\qON T WE: iO M 'IIU7ES

=LuS i'.C M 'IIU7ESSJ:NDl'II~ i ME
COO( l'II~ .. '1! h·h - OU'!.S LION'S HEAD M EATBALL S
,,l!(f$ : 10

• ·,\OZ ·5 G : ::.our i· NC-1.')•CW· - =>re"\eO'! me own to 380:F/ICS°C/Gos ~or< 5.

l fNGT- P !CE 3 'll;jf'\, PE: ..EJ - .no ole"'.de· , processthe g·cgerand 15toblesooonwater
• 4 "!6 ..ESPOO'IIS S·P .OXl'II~ ''lo',E to mo<eo paste. Transfer::oo smal bowlo.r,c:Iset o~.
• i CU"S :9 oz,-;so~: ".US - =>ut me Shooxing wineone!n:. tob eSrO"' s comstorch
l r::,us=oo'\IS CO"'IIST!'\CH (corn'lour)in:oo large00\t,~. Aodtl'..e:o-'<.sco!lions{sprir.g
' COR'll=LOUR) onions),eggv."l',onc:Isesomeoil.::renseoso."
•n LS-'\ ( :j :HOUND " 0 " ( eu·r with,.,."l'-
.e :ieppe1ond '.'l"WX\\<ell
un:itl- ..emiXv.Je'sg-...mmy .
:s-10L,.J! " !i) QUT l:J'Jo ::r (Ate·notively,usea stand mer withthe pooo.eottochme-rt
• I 3-UNCHSC!.L~IONS :S"" N3 ono mix on T..edium s~ fo: 2minu:es.} Wth aomo hands.
0'1 O'IIS: " •u~vC- O""! J shape tl-..e .rixture into ten 3-«hfl.5 -cm-~:e· ool's.
• i E3G w- "ES. a:::n'II - =>
o..irenoughco"lOo{fC?eseed)oil ·.,too wok.ordeeo
• i f:5 L!5"00NS "'tE \1 UW .,~ - T souce:ianuntilit is l-inch/2.5-cmdeeo onclheo! to
SOY S! UCE 3~5°F/170°C, or ...ntilo cube o: oreocl:J!O'h"":S;r.45seco."'.ds.
• 2 "!! SPOONS TC,! SJEJ S:'S ! Vf OI~, - =>ut 2 cups (Qoz/250g} corrn:orchin o s".Ol'low ooM,Wn
" LUSEX"-"·' TO · .: s·t odd o rnectbollone!coot gene·ou s>y. Woeo!w'th the
• :·~cu=s 15.! "l oz 11..H't , ::., .. o~:. re~ rneatool's.Ge-rtlylower tne T.eotoo..s. in,
'(.:"E SE!.): 0 l in:othe hot oil one!sho!low-'ryfor4-5 -r.:nu:es,.untilg:,lden
• 11,,:.,0 NI- =r ~ros:.,o,;,
cur o!Iover.Use os.<1rteos_:ioo 'ltocor e!ully,emove::t'..e
C'tOSSW S:: l'I TO h'l:: -1 !.·CW " ECES !romthe o1orr.ddrailon pope·tov,,,els.
• S'~ Cl;"S ~ .! " ~ Olii l iE'tS : C-1 O:E~ - =>ut 3ki;-ersot cabbage on the bottom o:a large )utch O\'E-'l
s=to·n:sto::K.=:..o: n: (cosserole), then placethe rnectbo!lson too of the cob.:ioge.
• G'tOUNJ \".-! ·t =.:=PE't. TO ·:. .S7E poO:e-:1 togethe1snugly.Co-.-er w'th another 3 loyerscf
cooooge,tl'..enooo e~ch icke'l oroth (st!X.() to co'ller
me ~oolls and cooboge.Coler ooo placein the ovenfor
2-3nours,or unti the internoli:e-r.:ieroture of me Teo:oolls
reaches110°=nsoe .Remove:rom O','@n 0-.."'.0let sto-r.o,
ca.-erecl.:or20 mi' the rnectbd'.sin oo"'iswitho
Ii.tie bro:h and cabbage.


*~~~ ~ ~ ~ "'tP:'t_!i 0'11 - \1E 2:J v "iVES,
PLUS i J''fS \1! .Cf't !.i NG T VE

- Tomo.(ethe p·eservedmusto·o greens,come·~ tee s0ct • 2 OZ/60 G PQ:>I(~o"I CUT ,ro

o,cl sugor ino OO'YI:.j.oce o loye· ot tt"<: sat mixture ino T-11'11 SH ,.S
10:'ge sterilizedjo·, pl.rt o layerof gr~"\Son top, and then • I tE:.)"00'115 1.10-IT SOY 5.'UCE
cad o.not.,-erlayerof salt Conti."-!: tr,..,loyer'-r_g
p-ocess • 2 TE!.)"OONS 0\.!'1U l !7E:) SuG :.'(
ore used.
u-rtil all the \<eg,=tooles • 2'~ J::,r.S"OONS TO.'SiEO SES.'MEO L
- Piece o 'Mig"'t on the mustard gr~"'S, cover,and set aside . .., OZ..5;; J'( ED WOOJ f!.,. : u~GUS
i;\O cool. dry :.oce to macerate fo·2 cays. • 2 OZ/60 G n::s- o:M500, )~ICED
- Ino ~ ,..comlf ~ tee oork loin,1teosooon roy sauce, • I PS.ESPOO'II: 'll!~Y C-10,."fO
>iteos:ioonsugar, end 1teosooon sesoTe oil. o: ' L C
- Bongo smo! souceponof·.-.otertoo xii,cddth e wood • 9 cz;2so G G.u · 'IIOUS'( CE C!.,l(!S
ear fungus.,ono tne'l reduce to medium heat ono simmer • l¾ CU"S ( U : lO Z-":l~ v~, CH Cl:E"I
:o. 5 TW'lvtes.T·o.ns-fe·too oowlof icewoter o"'.ds:roin. 51\07H :STOC)(, :>!3! 9C
- Bongo souce~n of V1.'0ter too ooil.odd t-reoomboo • 2 i!S.ES,.00'115 C!'IIO . :. ,,,.ESEEJ )
shoots, ard :.oncn 'o:-2 m·.,.,ies. )rain o,chetosic:le. OL
- Ino wokor largeHillet (fry'~ pon) over medium-hiefl
heat. cdd the :,orkloinand soute for 2- 3 minutes, U""t F:'\ i-1! '"''(ES!'\ V!J "1U5f:.'(0
just cooked. Trons:ert~ oork too olo:-:and s.e:os·o-:. G:>!f"IS:
- P~t the conoo (ro::,ese-:d ) oil ·no wok.overmed'v-r:- • l i!3lf5,.00'115 S ! . T
h·gn -r.eot,odd t-r.egarlic,and fry :o·obo.rt 1minute • 2 i!S.ES,.00'115 G:\!.NU~.'i!J SU3 H
or U""tilfrog•ont.St·· in the fungus,bom:oo s"'.OOts , end • 5 .5!2li (G "1US"!:\ J G:\!E"IS, '( 'IISEO
3 to:.espoo"\Smus:ard greensand cook :<Y 5 seCOtdsuntil !.'110"'!; MM!J
warTeo tnrough.
- Md the ;ic e cokes, t-r.eteTJOining 2 te-ospoonswgor, F:'\ TH! )!..LJEO "U:\'11,. OYElET
>iteos:ioonsoy sauce, [,i teosooonssesome oii,,o,cl • l E3.3S'1 broth (stock). Coo( 0.'1 hign heo;:for 10minutes • ll TE:.) " 00'115 1.10-IT SOY 5.'UCE
u-rtilt-r.eorotn is -educedby -ro..f. PI.Jt·" me po·( onc:Icook • :, 'IIC-1 OF G:\.'NU . !.f! J su;; H
:<Y 2- 3 minu:es, un:ilthe sauce is thit.( e"'.Or...:9h
to coot the • ,. 'IIC-1 o : s:.u
bock o:o s:ioon. T'O"\Sfe·too s.erV.ngDO\t.~. • 1t i!S.ES,.00'115 UN) !..lEO f,UTTH
- Tomo(e the sol:eo ru.rnipome et, comb:n: tN' eggs, • I PS.ESPOO'II CHCPPE:l S! ~J!O
soyso-..xe,wgor, and solt in o sm~ OO'NI and mix,.,.ell. TU\"I,.
- Melttne butte· in o "'OS'l •stit.( pon over m~m -lov,. •heo;:.
Once tt"<:butter ajns to :,..oble,odd ti-': eggmixtv-e
o-..dthe salted turni:i.Shake the :,onvigorOJSlyin o citcuor
motionto mgkessurethe eggsore~enly,;:oo
omelet snould De o ittle oit run":'('n tne mida.,e.)
- Remo\<eth-<: oon from tt"<:neotond let sl for1 minute, tne:'l
gently ro ti!: ome et :ntotf"': oowlof rice CO(!=. Serve.

I •.,
, \
\ • G

,, -
I y

,, '1

'f E

, ' I


\\ R


~- \

I ~
4: E
••• GLOSS - !'!.Y
. -- A
~ ...... _.__
. --
:> - :- __..

- --
---- ----

--- .....

! 5.! LONE (BAO YU. ~l \ hose u"'·"',yy

e: spr'--gytextu·e and o oe co:e
- hisspeces of mo,.,;.,:v.os trod'tionaltythe ?tEServe that ·equ ·•esltt e odd:iiona.season·"9·
of royc..ty.t hos s·"'IC
e become o popoor, o!be:t
expensive, festive t ·eot, found in fresh. dried,o< conned 6-MBOO si--oo-s (Z.'1U SUN, it ~ .l
form at soeciol:S:: s:ores and fisnrnongers.Witho Delicatewith earthy no:esond o cru-r.chytexture
crunchy,sq..iic:1 e textu-·e,tf,e fles'lis oe ca:e and
-lik. tft.:seedibe s"'OO'ts ore o'ten coded to s:·r-fries,
J..itery,re-eos'"'9o YTiilo·s-...eetl"ess toseo sec! o~. brc'sed dishes.soloos.o-r.dsoups. fren
Amo"'9its o-:he1 .recrcino pro:iei·es, ooolone :S snoots,reTO\·e tf.e nuS(So-r.dbe sure to blo-r.chfor2-3
thoug"'t to benefit t"'e tT'lmun e syste-n. minutes to re.moveorr,toxins.Seasonalsnoots such
as wi.,ter00TOOOshoots and s~ing snootsore h'gnly
! NGELIC. - R001 (DANG OU/, ~ '8 ) pt'zed for tf.ei• tenoer"'ess:,.,i may :)e diFcult to-i-r.d.
ent end slightlyoitter in f.ovor,this "'er~I olont Con-.edand vocuu-n-:,oc.<ed\'Or'e:~s ore ovoilo:)e·n
•de-ycooswred cs o ·emedy for ·nc:ligesfon,
is ,_... ond se ect s.oermo·,:ets and Asianfoodstores.
~ooc:Ioe-icie.ncy,among ot "!er oilmen:s.It is largely
grann in tf,~ furn._ P-ovinceof noih•.vest Chino.o-r.d 6E,-N p,.5-E (Ml:..N C,'il. 3: ~ )
con oe sourced in soeciok a"O "'eoth stores. Also <nownos )'UO" !,~i cni {ai~ or rno yuon
chi (i'iJi ~ ). beon pos:e is o :,opulo•concli~e"'t
!"'( ,CO• KERNELS (XfNG ttEN ~~· in so.ltf,e· n O,·ne-.,.ecoo,:ing.3eon pos:e is the
:hese seeds •.c\' e lo-r.gbeen consumedmo cu·e
1 by-:-roc:luct o: soysauce-once wy sa-x e "'OS:,een
fot coughsand colds.Apricot.(et"els come·'l t'A'O extracted from fermented sof-,ecns,the re.mainsore
varieties,S'"*t and oitter, end ore used in troclr'Anol tne beon poste.Avoilobe o: most Asian food stores.
Ol;nese cook,;ngat o ·atioof 4:l. :helftter kernels con tnis dark.bra..,, pc:ste enos fovorobe salty,sweet,
:,e to.icwhe-n ~e:,ored ·-..correctly;therefore,O"' y the and bitter "'Otesto meat- o"'Oseafood-basedsti·-ffes
sweet voriety ·s used .nthe boo<. and stews.

!'('{ QWltOO- (CHI GU, ;l ~ ~ 6E-N SP=tou-s (Y: CAI. ;; ~

~eoue "\tlyconsu~ed a: Ch·.,ese\JewYecr,this Bean sorou::sore modef•o.-nsproutingbeans, most
seosono roo: srr.:,o ize:sprosper'tyand bleSS:ogs !or co.-nmonlytne9ree~"1-cop:ied mung beo"\S.
o mo e offsoiring occoro..ngto Co-.tonesetrodi:ion. t
·esembles o gor...c J..lbonc:Ico"tbe s:·r-fried,oro:Sed, BEIJ ING SC - LLION
0( slicedin:o c.nips(crisps). f o·ran!OO't is uno'o'oilo:)e, (DA CONG, ;'I: ~ OR JING CONG, ~~
it -ray oe subst'tutedwith pota:oes (sim er s:orcny Sometimeslace eelas -ok.yo~egi or Welshscallion,tn:s
te:,ct,n). ""oter chestnuts, or jicoTO. popuor andve-sot e~etob le:·om "'Oi"'er"tChic0
iso C'."OSSoe™1ee "to eek.ondosco on (sprin9on·o"t,
8! JIU (SAJ JIU. 5'2 \ e'ther of ,,..-nicn
con :,e used oson olte:notr,•e.It con be
-his <indof d:sti eelS:)'rit- wtich l'tero!lyt·on~ es to eaten row,st··.ffed. o.•prepo·ed w'th
"'w.,'ie o coho --- hos bee"tbrewed:o<ce-:uries using
anc·en: techn· of :ermenting so•gnumand ot "'er 51--Elt MELON (KU GU!., 'f (i
<indsof g·o·.n. t cons:itutes o large oe·cento:g=of Usedos food or ;nedic'-.e, b'tte· meon (o<bi:te·
Ovlo's spirits rnorke: o"'CIif 1..novoilobe, \'Odk.o-na.,::
es goura) is o popior As:On:,od vegetobe ,.-.ftho U""e'le:\
o decent kroobly,o-..dr'oged sufcce. 3itter Te Oc'l moy corr.cin
o!k.oloid wostonces such os qu·'Vle and mo·odic>e,
8!.MSOO '"UNGUS (Z,'-iU SHENG ~ !:'\ wnic."t causes ·ntoe-o-..ce h some people.Reduce
-his fungus~.snuuitio.;sand prizedfo, medicinaluse in its bi:te :riess and tOIOCitybf ~r :iotng or soc <ing·n
WIO. A.soco ed "me bo:onicolchicken, me fu".g;,,s soit-...oter foru:i ::o10minutes.

••• GlOSS !ft Y

SLACK c ..:.-=;,o
,:,MOM (CAO GUO, ~ ~ ) Cetuce are norvestedonce the.itst!:'msreocho cen:00
Ad:S:ont•elo:\•e of g..-e-e"t
co·oomom,this "'-arming le"'gth,mok:"'9tf'e eaves olc:I.
coo;:e, o-r.dless suited
spice :Sdrieclow1 O"tOO!?"t fireend!)0$SE-Sses o o.s:;nct forcoo«:ing.Theycan be :ound inAs'a_"foods:ores or
smokycamphor aromo. Wae!yusedocrossOiino, ~ock. s-...os"titvtedw'th ceery.
cordomo,-. CO"te""'Once me flavord meat o.ncl'ish,
:cl it should :,e used spoi.'19-
)' to ovo·d OVE'h .,elming o - .:.ozHOU PLUMP-STE (MEI o:.o J/J,NG. H?.. '# )
othe• disnes. Mooe from plums,it is simile•to O'w!TI
sauce :i1..iw'th
o TO 'e ·.,te'\Seplum flavor.:t\.m sauce con :ieused
BL!..CK MOSS (fJ CJf. ~;i; \ QSOSJ.!~'tu:e.
Alsok.r,o..,nos "fo: croy,"th:S:o:te··o is ho-..-ested
·:l tf.e GooiDe~i ord tne Girghoi :l"cteou , d-y ~k. C - !..OZ- OU S-LlED MUST!RD GREENS
TOSS looks ce ~ock.flossand is freouen--Jy used in (C'1AOZ n OU Xl,:,N CAI. ;l;J ,'fn=t ~J
CantoneseCOO(ing. Thisro-e end ex;,ensive iroo•..ct CO"t Choofro.. is o c..=tyin,.,ince of south-
:iesourcedo,n;,r,: or in sekictAsio"tru:ietm0.'.".<ets. l:-,-: east Cn;no, o regionfamed for i:s preservedveg:tobles.
TOSS should :iesooced priorto coocing.'tiono!lyricno-idw~h o str0."9,:iep:,e'Ytaste,
tf-ese mustard g·eens ore s:o·ed ;nbri,."' '=and
BL!..CK VINEG .:.It {seeVlnego-s) CO"\'e"'tiondfy eatenos on oopefzer or with C0"'9~
for oreodost. NJmedxion coihChine~. Teo"·"9
BOK Ct-OY (SAi CAI. ~ -;la;) "sotedvegeto~." t"'eyore ovo"ooleCOMed or
3o.< choy, or ook.choy,is o type o:cob.:,oge...,itn vocuum-poe.<ed.
smoo:n..do4<-g•eenlea,1esonc:Io wiite stem. w-.e
it con be foo-ndfre:h in rros: supe·TIOrl:e:s, i': is olso C - LES (lA JIAO. ~i i
a.-oiloblecs a driedve.t{o..'l co eeleoi s<m(]:;.!!), ,.-.h·cn Chino:Sone of me worlc:I' s lorges"tchile producers,
fo CINS o trodi:'on of ~•e~-vingto eMOncef.0\'0r.l:-,e cuiivo:ing .TGn)'\'Ori eties,,.-.;ichcon ~e dried,cnoooed,
er'-eel~ ·.-esshould:iesoc cedforco hour~ so unti1 crushed,and powcle1ed. Sta'seyecniles,o fo·;'OC''tein
so't, then rinsedand drainedbeforeu~. Gree'\ bok. Chinesecoo.i:ing , ore smo!Ltapered, end ova ®'-: ·n
choy (xioo tong eoi, ,i, ~ ~ ,, .<nowndso OS Shocgnoi red or green.rr,ey're 'ierysoonly oneor two o·e "'eeded
::ioccroy or Sho-r.gnoig wns , is d':stinguishedby'ts to giveo d'n some.<ic.<. 1:yo. prefe· less "'eo: in
9-"eenstem. f bet. C."l':lfisunavoilo~ . co:ooge :Son o ·eci:,e,o mildercnileCO'loe used.
C - lll 6E,-N P,-S-E(DOU BAN JIANG, 2 ffi ';f }
8R!.N DOUGH (O.OFU, ;-i;ti. } Chfi be¢_" ooste 's o oontryessen~ especo),, wnen
l'lis Y'Or9hoispecio'.ty:Smode from fermentedand it c~stoS ic.~cuis·., e. Fo·.a(brood)oeonsO'
s:eoTed 9~1:endou9:1ondsold in blOCJ:s. Soongyand soybeansore fe-n-entedw'th dies tocrEC'teo richly
tofu- .(e ·<
. it ...,illo~..o-bsaxes and flavors flavoredbos'sfors:··.fr>es,so.:;,s,
ord marinades,
frcm otf..:ri--gredients. or cs o cor-.d'n-entwi'-.nrice.

BROWN SUG ..:.ft (."1ONG TANG, i!~ ) C - lll OIL (LA YOU. ~;a \
l'lis t•od:iiono s•.Ne-:te"'er
, k.,"'a,;nos red s-..gor·'\Chino, f"-..:S 1, red chili- :nfusedvegeto~ o1con be o.rizzled
is o by in9--e-die"t ·:l sweeta"O soursauces cs we cs overffed rice.noodles,and so eds or used os o d'oping
oes~rts.1-:oon be subs:':tu:edwhi':egronulo:edsugo·- sauce.S:or anise.cin"'.CITIOl"I, Sicf,.-..on
coo.i:·<lodyski et {fryingoon) un- it tu't"Stoco~. boyleaves moybe odoeclto deepen the 'io-ror.Sic..., ,.ron
'-" oi {ho.t,gyou,U;e), k.,_ ..a,;n o.soos osn oil,is tf'e
BROWN SUG-lt 5,.. It (.~/JN rANO, !i:'~ \ s·chuontoke on cnilioila"Oboosts o richsedime"t
os brownsugarcond-t,tf.ese oressedbo"S,n c.•••
of Sic."'<.ren es, gar:!.:,a"O star anise.Whether used
o·e mode from unrefinedsugarcon and end o d~p, cs o doping sooceforwantonsor os o cootf"'9for
complexflovo·to mo"'!(Chine~ swe-=:end savory stir-friedvegetobles,tf--:tinglingnotes of Skhuo'lch~
o~hes.r-..:s r.n tf--:sim10.'."·
is not to be confused..... odd extra "'eo:.
oolongporn s-..gor,whicnoredi.::e·en:.
C - INESE 6:ltOCCOLI (JIE LJN, ?r %)
CELlUCE (WOJU, ;; s ) Chinesexoccolialso,,,nosgoi 101, iso eafy
knowncs "'ospo·ogus lettuce," "stem lettuce,"
Va-OJSly vegetob-ew'th thic'.<stOJ:send o smell"'·of tiny
~ "celery ettuce, .. mis olon: is primarilyc...tivo:ed for neoos not unln:
flo-"ser e brocco . It can be substm..ied
its sto <.,wnichcon oeused fresh·" saladsor s:ir-fr'-=s. w'th ropinior orocW.

CHINESE C ELHY ( T.J,N G Q IN ,- ~ ~ ) CHO Y SUM (CJ / X f N . ;$;.{•}
:he too, "lo O'Nstemsend feathery !:O\'esofthis pant A eo!y~e:oble,"'" cs flo-.,.,eiog
cony o more ·"!tense oro-rofc favor tf-.onWestern choyw-n con :,e lightlyboiled,steamed, stir-fried,O'
varieties.tis o'ten ~ in sooos end stir-fries.but used in soups. It con ~e reploced'"'°'thChinesebroccoi.
Wle'Se ce e--ycon also :,e eaten rawos o p·a-..on: wh·ch "'OS '1rre· stems.
cee-y con
so oc:I·"'9redientor o garnish. f unovu'°loble,
:,e t.sed cs a subs:'tute. COCONU- MIL JC( "! ,.,.,.;1, ei t,",)
-he t~ m "cocon!J!:"
is to date :,oc;< totne
C- NESE CH VES {J/U CA.I. fl~ ) 16th-centu-ySpo"'.Snte·m coco, Teo.ntng"'to grin"
Wle'Se chives,also <nowncs go·.JCchives,ore (splitCOCO"'.is resembes"IWl9 faces). ~puor o.ncl
cho·oc:e·ize,dbyflot. tender, and cork.leaves.foe-ycon "'utr'tious,'t odds creom·,.,essto cur.cesond SOU?S.
:,e fine.'ycho:-oed cs o se-osoning..
gcrnisn,or dum:ii.rig CannedCOCO(',,..i e in wo,nnork.ets O'YOiloo
f::tng.and tf'"'ei•
Ao\'OtTel O'NS
o.ring coo<ing. o'."CI.As:On
food s:ores.
¾"',eiog chives(;~ coi l'>i.:o,~ ~ ~ J- ::.nestems o.nd
~ossomsof the SOT@ plo"lt~re t.sedto odd o cruncny CONGEE (Z,'-iOU, ~ ,
textu·e and ,gor ckyno:e to stir-:·--es. Versa:ileo-r.dnou•:.S"l<I19, C0"'-9=e ·so rice oorridge
servedos o clcss·cWle'Se oreok.:c:st and os comfort
CHINESE CURED 5,:._CQ N (l J_.~OU , !~~ , food througro.rt tf.eday.Whilesome :,eoolepre:er
Curing:So trod'ifonol method of orese_rw,gTeet it ~oin, :t ismo·eof::enp-e-po·edw't:los·mple
~ in the sou:hern xirt o:Chinowhere s:ock o"'CIenho~ed w'th meat , fish.and vegetoole
o.ndfa i. eso,ecic.
the weot~· is V1.'0rm and numid.TomakeOr.:O ese occompon·cre.,ts.Shoi-g•oin, long•g·oin,A--borio,
cured :,aeon. po.·,:oe ly (01 ct times'"'°'thsnoulder)is a"O even orownrice con be used.
se-osonedwith soyso-xe, b-ownsugor,and sXes sucn
cs C::V10mon , end ::.neno··-a.ried.t comes ovoilo~e CURED DUC K (l J Y4, ~~! )
:10thsmokedand t.nsmoked. A ·a-wduCKeg is sal:ed o"'Oseasoned wi:h s:ices end
ricewine,then n..ngtos a ...ydry ~- me s-..n. tis
CHINESE CURED,:.oE oense ·'l texture o.nd:,.ringson ·.,tensey co~entrcted
(L A CnJNG, §r;~ ) ouck !\oYOr o.ndde cote oromo to O"'t'(dish. A common
Avast orroyof sous~s ·s soldotChi.,ese mo·,:ets, way of oreoori"'-9 tne to steam 't w·th rice.
some avo anle :.esh, otf,e-scu-eeltoo -..crd,s-wiveled
textu·e.ID-dried sousogesore k.."'O'•••''l in Con:onese CURED FIS!- (L A YU, ~ ~ )
cs "lop c..."1@°"'9"'
o• '\,'OxsO"".soges ,...o referenceto Cu·edfa'l:S s..gntlysc'.tedfishthat hos bee-'loir-fried
their s-rooth outer textute.Someore rrodewi'-.n5-.•er ii the shade. rn:s :Snot the some cs so-:edfisn.whic.'l
(s~ Driedt,versoo.sage, page602), whileothers o·e is for saltierand fairlydry.
se-osonedwith,salt, sugar, and -osewine.
Oncecoxed, the Te ted fat bri"'.gsOtic.'l s-"',ee:ness o ..:.cE (l/ NG YU -~OU. ~ ~ 11$)
to s:ir-frieso"'Off ed-·ice d:s"les.-hey con c..:sobe ne meat from uis fw.J,, alsok...,o-,..n os "'mud
s:ea.medwit"nrice. corp,"con oe mjnced,seasoned,and 'O ed in:o po:ties,
or ground·.,too xrtter :ordee-p-friedvege:obles.While
CHI NESEOLIVE VEGE-.:.BLE the &sh :Ssweet o-id tender, i: is densew+-.n bones so
(G.:N L AN CA I. ,ll@. ~ ) it is o'te.npulverized-othe· thon se·ved whoe.A oooulor
:his ocolGuo.ngdongdelicacyis o p·ese·ve, wh·ch oocedishinc...des)oce with Do:kon·ods'l tooge 158).
eadedmus:ordgr~"'S, ofiws1 oi, and
sot. Use i: to "lovorfried riceand d:s~s such os Q,:._1KON R-DISH (W O BO, ~ ,. )
Shr"mowi'-.n Ow-te-se Cf·\'eVege:obles(page181). Alsok.rc1,nos Chine-seturnipor lo bo<, mis mild-
f.mored rodisnhos o longwhi:e ·oot o-r.dfost-gf'0' ...."'-9
CHINESE S.!.l"ED FISH (X l .:.N YU. ~ ~ ) leaves.I: feoti.respcominentfyin o,· ..ese di~s sucn
:here iso ong troo'tion ·'lV'W'lesecu:s·-.eof cs -ur~·:,Puddingtooge~) . ofovori:~otd'.msum.
so ti"'9 and dry'V'lgos o preservationTethod to
-ronog,es-..rplus s-...pp:-esof fre1'l ~sh. 0--"-ed
'1s'l was o,:.R K SOY s ..:..ucE l~eeSoyso-xe )
troo'tiono!lyk.."'O""'n cs "poor mo.n's:ood,,. because
o smo fovo-ful scroo wen: o longway to enho~e 01s·1 LLED GR.!..IN s ..:..ucE {JIU z ..:.o.~~-
•iced'snes. 11ooirs,...e wim fried ··ce, noodes, or :l..<:1eelgroinsouce :Stf.ece·eol oy - 0100.x: fromthe
ground {minced) :,ork.for steamed potties. o~: otion orocess.~ d:sti eelgroinsouce (1-,ong

690 GLoss.:.R v
rco. tt.t r .s modeo: the dregso: red~st ricetfter DRIED FLOUNDER (s~ )ried fis.n)
o~: ofcn, ,...,.,e .,,-hi:ed':stilledgroinsouce (be; roo,
a tfj"is moo~•emno"'tso:g,.iinous nee.3o:n DRIED 1-.:.w (OAN SHAN zn:i ~ 1.:JjJ \
varietiesate frequentlyusedos morinooes,esoedollyin -his sma. :m growson tft.e Chinesehow·..norn
ond is
the cocs:olregionsof Fufnn, Zhejiang.onclJiangsuos the sizeof o c.-o:,oppe.Sou•end s-",eet·cl!\o·ror,'t ca.n
we cs in Taiwan. dried,oncl~ to mo(e refte::Vlgtonics
:,e co"'Clied,
sucn os Yl"O.(ed PIJmSoup (:,age 616).
DRIED ,:.,NCl-OVIES (s~ )t>=Cffisn)
DRIED LONG -N (Si=e.ongon)
DRIED 8L!CK ~UNGUS ( nf. ! .'-fU E."t.,~ * ~ )
Alsow ... n os "cb..d eor" or '"woodeo.-," tru n..iri:OwS DRIED LOTUS SEEDS (G:JN U.J.N ZI, ~~~)
woodlandfungusis oooecl'.1'fOw-ieseheroolists:°''ts -he she led o"'CIci---ecl
seeds from th:S"'-kle')'cultivo:ed
circuotion•ooosting~ooerties. Untkethe ::.nkkend freshwaterolont a.reo oopulo·"11,.."'9h s-...eet po:str'es-
coorse'""''t@-boC( woodear fwlgus,ofed oloc.<!ungus cs .ctus Seedwitn lo"'gOn(ooge 632)-
is so~ and tenoer, mokrg i: o xipulor ·~eden: in 0."0congee.Red (odr...,:i):,ecn o"'CIotusseed soup is
solodsand b--0::Sedo._"'CI
steamed d:Shes,Wr-Erei: ::ends servedto new'yv.,eo:s;
trocl'tiona.lly the otter ·-r_gredient
I: is usuo!lysolddried end
to O:)S(lrbtheseoso"'·"'-9. the b·-tho: monych,
sy-roolizi."'9 . .otus seeds con
·equiresPte~socking. :,e found conned,chi ed. Of d.ceclinAsionfoodstores.

:heC-,·.,ese"'.Gme :o. dr'ed oloC(musnrooms:S (see Mu"9bee,)
dong g,.i, whicn rreo"\S"win:e· mushrooms:"D----ed
sh-rto<errus.~ooms tho: grow in t"'e nortn (:it ~ DRIED SE-FOOD (11M Vl!l, l;ti; \
~eo.,:into fb,.ery r"'es o.e totn: in:e""!ecold end )fed shr'-ro, a.rieclscallops(o· co"'ooy),dr'ecloctopus.
ere confae-ed to oe tr-Ebest. We recom-re"ldsocking 0."dofed oysterso-e used to deepen flo'IO"S in souos,
ofed mush·ooms in codwa:er for eo:st20 '!Vlutes s:·r-fries,0."0s:ews.-here is :,orticu-lor ae-roncl for
:,e:o·euse. sucn ing;ecren:s in the :estr.-e-,.JM ..o to Ch·"'eseNew
Year::irinydriedoyste"Sore o popuor oe cocy
DRIED BOK C - OY (seeBe»:
ency) S'fTooliLf'ggood 'ortune. Theysnouldbe sock.eel
:he Ch·"'@Se :,elievethot eating certo·" :ooos,including DRIED sc,:.uoPS (SEE 0'( ED SE!""OOD)
ofed ~sh, on ousoicior.;s doys suc.'los the O,ine,-.,.e ~ew
Yearbri"'_gs tne"l'lluC(.Aied o'."IChoies (d:."9 .;c,.9 yu DRIED S- "tlM:o (Xf:J .'-fl. ir,~ )
sen, l ~l!!! J impoi o conce"'trctedso ty !\oYOr to Avo·able iclon orray o: snopes,colors, oncls·zes,a.riecl
fu'l broths (s:ocks) or stir-fries,sucn os Stir-fr'ecl~-_,: shrin-oere ofte'.lused for their sweetand U"',,;$..OI
.,,i:hAncnovies(pcge 352). Theyore h·gn in ca,cium umomi-eV10ncedIIO'YOr. See )ried seafood.
and fo..ncl;n :,oc,ce:sin Asianfoodstores. )ried
fo..ncler (dadiyu, 1'..,4;-~ J ·so~ensa.tedoncldried DRIED T!.NGER.INE PEEL (C."1EN Pl, ~~ )
to "'Ords:rips (nownos '1·ewood."'It "loversthe :,:oth
-his cr--edpee o' o oortic-....or to""ge·inefrom
(stock) for Ho."9<ong-sty!eWO"tonso..o ord con Guongoongnos :,een :,:izedoso cut:""Ory°-e"'t
:,e steamed, w'th ginger,roy,sco!lion(s~ng onion), Ted'cind tonic for nund-edsof
and ·ice .,,in~. f unovu1able1 other dried f'..n suc."tos o·omo:·c oee hos to oe aged forot leost t~·eeyeors
ofed sole,cod. or noddockse-veos decen: subs:itutes. :,e:o·et.s.e.Thefovo• beco.-resmo:ein:ense.,,i:hoge
=-snmaN ('f"J du, ~ ti:) o.•{huo/100, ~ J.t.,e dried 0."0the oloer it is,the .,·gtierthe cost.
~odder of o fish,·s rich·n co logenoncloro:e·na.nd
o delicacyin Chinesec•.:S:ne. L'ttle in t"'e '"ay o: taste, DRIED W0Lf8f'('( ES (OOUQI, i iH! )
it :-rovioestextu·e whileSOO.(ing up tf-e wrround·"'9 Also(nownos gojio· lyce--,,_.m:,er·--es,t "'@Sesuper

favors of o dish. )ry, ruobe.ry,encltranslucent.'t ·s 0

fn.its ore 9-'0'Nnin northwesternOw-lofromt"'e
ovoilaolecs o 'let pieceor hollowtl..bingend mus: \lingxio·eg·ontoXinjiang.Pocked.,,i:hantioxidants
:,e SOO(ed ,;,..nti.. te"'.Ge·beforeuse.Altnought"'eyore o'."CI
they "'OVe0"'9 :,een recogn•zedfor tf-e•·
:,oth productSof t "'eso.mefish,yu d..: genera ly "Efers Tecl'cino pro:,ert·esa.ncla.reodoeclto herbo
to cheep fisn -raN, whereasNO Fcois moree.xpensive 0."0d::s"'es.
~c.<e:s o' dried frui:con oe fou-d in most
and o better•quo 'ty item. superma.rkets.heol-.ns:ores. o-r.dAs'a.n :oodstores.

k< li\'e' sausage :Smoae ,...,'th duu; 1'.'e' end po.r<, (WU XIANG FEN ;i.-,.tft
TOrinoteclV1."t"lsol-,.,s-..gor,and ...,·...e, stuffed in :his x,pular, ve-sat· e o..cfwidelyovc'1obesoice
o sausage cosing. o..cfthe.nofed unae· tr><:• ~-=~com~ion of oe-jpetcorns, sto· O"M,
·oosted in O:l oven.Wr:hits .,·ghfat conte"'t.mO.S: cloves, CUTl'.n,
and c.;nnoTOrH·so, esw ..tio.
textu·e. end S-'o\<eet,
smoky tos:e tnis sousoge :S eo-enti~o WIESe k.'tc."'
·-r.g.r en and creates the bosis
o popoor odc:li:iontocloy•POtricedishes end con for -rorinodesand d-y rubs for ·oost meo:s. rne,y
be s:ecmed to occompany p cin rice. :\;ex
o..:so con be :iurc.""Os
eclfrom orge su:ie·mor<etsend
lver sousoge :Smos: commonty:ound dried end Asio'l :ood s:ore:s.
\'OCIJ'..Jn · OOC!ed.
FLOWERING CHIVES (See(h · ..esechiws)
EEL (.'-fUJ..',/O SHAN. ~ \
~ice & dee o_so,:na,;ncs Asio, S-'o\'Ompeel. :Son FOXT.-IL MILLE- {XJJO Ml, •J•,1d
elongated fisn thot is 1..rr. •,.'ie-dywhen :,..rc."'Clsedw.,oe, Millet. o stop e food'N'tho 0"'9h:Storyof cultVotion
so tend to oe sokls'Cnned, gutted. a"O oebo:-ie d. ·~ch·"Q..comprisessevere \Clriet'esof gross-beor'"9
:he mea: isd e-.cote o"'.dlean; its e taste lends sma seeds. The.,.., .,s,:s of tnese seeds o·e reTO><de
itse-f :ierfectfy~oricher flovo--s. Wh e the :,oo,: th·eshi-r.gto prooxe o gh.rten-free,eosly•
,...-th fres.,,..cteree , Seofoodv\btch,
features reci'-:ies dgestible a.ternotive to other g.roins.rlgh ·n m·,.,ero..s
o sustoioobl~seo:ood odvisorylist,recomme..cfs sucn os ironand mog"'esium,mi e: is xi leclin\\'Oter
thot consumersO'YOid eoti-r.g::.nemdue tos'.gni'1con: to createo simpe, nvtr:tiousporr'o.gesue., os ~i!let
~essure:son the eel :,ooula:ions. Co"'gee(:,oge 575). Fbc.:<oges of mi e: con oe found
·~ heol-.ns:ore:send seect s..oermor<ets.
EGG -oFU (YU ZI TOU."J, ~~~ ~
:99 to!u is a !\o\'Onl ton. .To:::l
e w'th oeoten eggs S:i:l )
thot ere mix.eelwim dosri, POuredinto molds,end -iig"'tysymbol'c.nOiineSP- cu't:1.reos o mork o:
then s:eomed. jJ'OSoerity,good luu;, or oro:ec:ion, frog meet
is oe:stdeej •friedor·, s:·r. fr'es and rice ccsseroes.
fE~MENTEO SL,;CK 5E,:.t-.S (DOU CHI. 2 ~ \ :he skin be ·emovecla.e to potent'ol toxicit~s.
=-erTented ~ex beo"'Sore ~ex sof.,ecns, whicnha11e Seosco!lo~ or cnie<encon be used os su~titutes.
:,eensoo.,:ed,steamed, fe·mented, salted, and d-ied. t
is o :,oouloringrec!'en:for codingo so ty, eor..nydeoth FUZZY MELON (JIE ou.;, =i'f'i\
to s:=Ws,steomed d::s"'es,ond sUr-frie:sin southern =brtof the some fomityoswi"'termeo.n,tne fuzzy
Ovlo. -hey co~ o_sooe grOU""O too ~s:si or -rosned Telon resem~eso zuccnini(courgette) withspo-se
wi:h garlic. "'.cirontn e s,:in,whicnshouldbe :ieeled off befo·e
using.It is s-,•fft end con je used in st··.ffes. bro:Sed
FIS- BELLY (YU NAN, ~~ I ds"'es, and so..os.
Grosscorj is o fresn-...oter fisn !'lct",<e
to the o·eos
a o.ngthe YO&ngtz e end Pee· Riversi~ so.rtf,,en (h'"'CI. G!N6- FUNGJS (GAN 5A JUN, ~2 ,ij+
.nCo"'tO"' ese c..·s;ne,.tne 'ish oely is steomedwi-..n :his ·are fungus·s·~tr,e sandy so s unaer pine
ginger and O"ionso..cftopped ,...-th SCI( sauce. 1:cotp trees .nthe Yunnanjr ovince rJ so.rtf,•,, est Chi~ . Also
is not reodityovo:·1ob e, oerch or xiss con ser\<eos <nownos tr><: dried oee:mushroom,r:IY"9s o CN:'N'f
o subst'tute. textu·e and oungent, woody"IC\'Or todishe:ss-..c.,os
=-t'-edR:cewi::.nGonbo (page550).Us'ngo smo k.."'fe,
flS t- M :..
w (see0-'edfis,j cleonthe gonbofung:..sto rid it of dirt o..cfp'ckout
flS l- MAW PUFFS (SnJ BJ.O YU DU. ~ ~ii )
, mowpu-ffso.•eTAJd:fromaeeo-ffed &, mow. G!:ltLIC SP~OUlS (SU4N TJ! -f ~
l'lesefaNering, gree, stems o:the garlico..on:ore
flS l- S.-UCE (YU W. ~t( l ofte'l slicedo..cfso,..ieed,(w'th tne to.;gher oose
AAomber-coored condiment :ermented d:sco·ded).foe,yj•ovideon aromotic oddi:ion to
fa 'l end bt' "'-efishsorxe shoo d be used spoingly for s:ir-fr'es,coTolement;ng I ,ejoe!S
its :-.mgentsme o..cfi"'tenseAo-10!. It is TOJe often gi'lger. f unovoilo~e "la.veringchives ~r \'e os
used in sou:heost As'oncuisinebut willoccoSiOno!ly an o ternct'-.•e.
TO~ O'lop=ieo·oncein Or.:Oeserecipes.

.., GLOSS !R Y
GINGER :JIANG, ~ > of empe1ors.-P..e fat encoS:ngthe fo!lop·ontubes
-iig.,fyve-sot e and pon.·cuorlycommo"tin Chi.,ese of tneAsioticgrcss frog is d·'eclend solc:l:r.p·ec.esor
cuisine, ging_-e·con oe peeled, sliced,grc:ed, co"'Clied, fo.(es.Once recons:'tu"ted,they ex;,anc:Iand oecome
and oo-""•dered-.'ts fieryflo·rorooirsv,.,e v,."th beef, semi-tronspore~ . wi' glutinouste~e and dS.inct
:,ork, o"'CIseofood. f ·esh ginge· r-,.·c
e, •1rck"tcon smell. t can :,e stir·ed in:o swee: soupss.uchos Hosmo
:,e used cso meat te"'Clerizer, is requ··ed :o< cei M ...,r.n
_otusSeeds o-r.dLjube Dotes tooge 637).
-rorinodeso-..dsauces. Toprepo·e t•,::sat "'Orne, o :,eeled ump of ginge· o"'CIs:ro·ntn e ~ OISIN s.:..uCf \,"'fJ! X/JN J,'JNG. ~ ~ ¥ }
, oloCJ::,
end P,J"'ge",.::S
popuor cond'n-e"'t ::S
GINKGO NU1S (BAI GUO, '§: ,!I;) To::le witn :ermented soybeans,go-tic.c -.i_ end s-...90·.
-hese pistoch·o-sho:,edseeos. exuoct ed fromt"'e Wde'lyO'YOilo~,e in sw.iermorke::sondAsion 'ood sto·es, of t"'e ginkgotree, are troditiono!lyu:ilizedin use to marinate gri eelmeats o: to serveos o simple
Wle'Se ~-col .rec.icine fortheir ont'oxiclo"'to.ncl a..opingsauce-its s-...eet, smokytos:e makesi: o sto~,e
o.nti-og·-r.g pro:,er::ies
. r-.e "-is "'O'\.'e
o :s•1;eet, chestnut of soutnornV"iriesecook:"'9,
taste ~i snoulc:Inot be ea:e'.lrow.-P.. ey o-e ·eod_;ty
O'YOilaole, pee ed o-r.dVOCW'Tl • xic.<ed,at Asian ~ ONEY LOCus· SEED (XUE UAN ZI, 3":l~ )
speOJltyfood s:ores.Adult:sore adv'..sed"'Otto :his egu'Te tree, "'Ot'\•etoCh'"'O,con be d:S:ingu:S.,ed
consume rrore thon eig"t nuts a car, exceeding ':If the cluste-:softhorns tnot sprout from ·ts trun<and
this a,..on:ity ris<Spaisoning. xoncnes. Thex p from the seed ~igh: g·een,
s-.tong)' s-...eet, criso,and s-..cculent-o·e 1.,~ in SOIJOS,
GLU-INOU5 RICE (NUO Ml, ~ .,__ J congee.,desseis, o "'Clos a arink.
Also,:nownos sticky,sweet. or pearl rice, th::Sgro·'l
is noted forf1:sshort kernelsord "9h storcn cont!?nt. JELLYFIS- (,"'f~I Z.'1E, ~g)
t co"tbe s:e-o.medor sti·.:·@din savoryd:S.,es,ovt it Certo·<lediblespe~s of je-1yfishore enja,<edcs o
is often used in desserts ...,i:h·ed lodru,:i) :EO'l paste., aelicocy.rnejeflyf"~'.l
is Xk.,ed or cu·ed in so.t and
and sesame. Glutinousrice frur (sometimes sold dried,<fter whichit reo-Jir
es recons:itutionorior
coiledsweet rice fo..r) con oe used to ma.(e desseis to consumption. Theuoper oom: oreo, ra-.nertl'IQn
such cs glutinousrice cokes o"'CI~nut ,_,oc....,· is conven:ionofy used;,. COO.(i-r.g
the te"', o"'CI
(poge626). commo"'i.'y j'epcted os a cokl so.od at oona,.-ets.
Corw.tme -:sore advisedto see<out the ofed
GLu- NOUS RICE c.-KES (NJJN GJ.O. ;IS.~ } c'.ternotivefromAs:Onfood s:ores.
~ice ::Sgrou"'CIUj end kneodedinto stiff whi:e rolls
that con be p.!"Chosedin or'edor frozenfo:m. t .:. (SHA GE. ~ ~ I
J1c .:..t,,1,
con oe mooe in:o savorydisnes s-.x:'.lcs Gllru"IOus Jicomo soreoc:1 to Chinofromits ncr..ive t,.'exicoVO
~iceCokeswitn Porkend Beij"'9 Scallions(~ 604), trade •outes.Wth o crisp. ,.-..,'t
e hsh and swfft.
:i1..i:tis mo·,ecommonlyused to prepareo festi\V: s:orc."ytaste, 't CO'lbe eate n raNo: pc:red witn rreat
aessert :orChi"'ese NE'NYea• when i: sym:iozes or fish.Wc:erchestnuts o: JeiJSo.e"l'lort'chokescon
j!QSOE'''ty. :,e ~ OS SIJ:)5tfu..ies.

GLU-INOU5 RICE WINE (NUOMIJ'/U, ~~ ) JINHU,- H.:..M :JIN n U.~ n UO iUI. £ ~ id :!)
Also,:nownos :ermented stickyr'ce wine,gutir'o..s rice -his specialty-..o:s been ~oduced for more mono
...,ineco"tbe traced bock to It is \ Vf'Y thousand yearso.ncl::SnoTed o~er its city of orig·cl in
thic.J::and milkywnite in color. Zhejion9.Salted end cwed :o<morethan three yeors1
Jin'¾.O"IO!TI isd eej red and tTlport:son·.,tense'lyrich
~!. IRY FIG (WU Z,"'il MJ.O TAO. ;i ~ ~ ;t , f.ovorto brothslstocks),stews, and o pinch,
C'le hairyfig.facm hirto, is o"te-.-erg;eenshrubo< smo!I it Toy oe subst'tuted ,,,-1'th Smitnfied
tree ·" so.-them c,, "O, So.rtheostAsia, o.nclIna~ end
the root of tf"'eS"1Jj::S1.,"'S ec!'en:forc,,..ese JUJUBE O,-lES ( n ONG ZAO, tf~ '
ed oson ·-r.g.r
.,erbo medcine. ~ored likecoconut,it CO'loe added Se,,.·ero huno.•edvcfeties of j1Jj1J:ie dotes e.xis:.
to soups•1r-thcnidteno: pork.. i ::SO'leswntio compo"e"t totroditiono Ch·.,ese
Ted'ci.,e- ·e'le•edfo, its s-""•eet
worm orooerties.
~ ..:..SM,-(XU! Gt GAO, ~ ~ ;J') :hey con be consu'Ted f-esh, cooked,co.ndied.
-his ·are and exoe~ \• e ingred'e.,t ( cc.led =bcket:so:tl'>edr'ed hft can :,e found in se ect Asian
·•osr·limo)from nortn:ost Cnino•.-.osonce tf,e prese,•e food stores.

K,:..LIMEIUS INOIC- (MA LAN TOU. ?,~*' Asionfood sto-es.Lotusroot flour (ou fen, i, », )
:his f0'1•eri~ pant of the Asteroceoefomity,wnic..."l con oe used os o s:orcnythiLJ:ener:o. recipessucn
··•.cluaesaoisies and s-..nfl0'A.•e;s,
is foundon ., cs Chestnut Soup w'th Osmonthus:lowe·
slopes,TTWrsides, roodsides, ond urr..sedfo·mlond. (peg, 626).
ts eo•,-esand stems a.reof::n combined,,,/th tofu
·"lo s:mplea"'CIeosy-::o-mob salad {page 50). LUFF - (SI GU!,, !! il \
t CO'lbe subs:iti..iedwitna~...gulo ( (nown ong ed lu~o, 0, ·neseO(ro,end lu'¾J
squosi. this o,:,g,ridgedvegetob e :Ssimile·to, o"'CI
K.:.ou ...NG- WINE (GAO UANG JIU, "!i~ con oe subst'tuteclw'th o z~cchin·{cou·gette). I::soc(
"'Clt'veto Zh·g-
:his s:rong s:oiri-., .. h sovtf.eostCrino, u:i flo'IOJS
very we .
is mode from ancient d:stilr'"'9tecnniquesus·"9
fern-e.,tedsorg......m.Also (nownmsorghum•..,·oe or Me'lTOSE (MM"'..; TANG ~;;ta \
o_obed ,..~jium )rogon," it :Soscleorcs v.'<l':e·.,,ith tlol::ose:So ger:T'W"toted ,,,-heat,
on o coholco"'tent often e.xceeding)S percent.-o··,.-an s:orc...1,
o"'.dcone sugar. foic.<,goden ·"lcoot, o"'.dless
isolso o mojor ~oduce· of tM soiri:. swee: tho'l regulo•syrl,jj,it is often used in condy-
TAJJ:ing or os o glozefor oorbec-..1:dmea::s.
LEMONGR!..SS (XIANG .••O,O, ~ ~)
Whilethe S-'11.<ee:, emony sce"'t is more ossocio:ed M,-lsu-AKE MUSHROOM (SONG !lONG. tt ~ '
cur( es, lemong-ossis also used ·n Oiino '4o:iveof Ch·"O,TOtwto<emunrooms o·e ,orge,firm
when ooiredw·th c"'·cken,oork.or seafood.Top· ,iu.:;rooms tho: sp-o...ifromthe ·cots of p·..,et~s.
the s:emore generallyCOO(ed'""'O e, s ,ced,or g· :rieyimxirt o powa,A woody'iOYOr and ore best
too po:ste.P,e woodysto!k·s to.;ghertho'l sea. ions xexired in sue.'\owoy os to ore.:er\<e t+••
(spr""9o."'·ons) end of::e'ld:SCordedoriorto se-ving. sp·cyoromo.Portooe o or sniita,:emJJS"''oomscon :,e
=resh e-rongross ::S.,,ioely O\'Oilo:i..eyea·rou"'.d,:r..i used m olterno:'ves.Matwto<e T,..-s;room~'<!er
em0.'"'-9fOSSpcNC!eror emon zest coo be used formof the d-ied
(::ong ,ong feri, ~ ~ tit ) is the g.,
os s-..ostitu:es. -rus'Woom,oddi"'-9eorth·.,essto ~iced:S..,es,,,..,·e
enho.nci"'9mi'd-fovo·ed fishand chicke...,,
LICOR.ICE ROOT (G,~,N C .i.o, ~ ;!! )
-his ofed root, resembt""gfuous t'Ai3s,is ,..,·de y used MIRIN (seeRkewine)
·'l (h·.,ese h~rbc. medicineto tonifythe spleen,acl
·"'Cligestio1, relieveheoi :r..rn,and cleanse the body MOt-..< FRUIT (WO HAN GUO, ~ :l; ,!i;)
of tOUls.It is also used os o na:urol sweetener·n ::eo -roditionollygrown·cl o foresteoo"'.dmou"'to·ro..s
che-1,edin dried form,or benoed w'th·herbsto ·eg·O'lo: southernChino,mis s-,,.•e,e: 't is used
"'Clfmon·ze t "'eir effects. ·'l dry 'o.-mos o sweetener.

MUNG 8f,:,N (lV OOU, !l ~ )

-hese tiny,g-ee'lbeens feo':\.re,..,·oe 'y hChi"'ese
LONGe'.f\ (LONG y::.N, )< (~ \ cuisineo"'CIhove been cultVoted:or 3,000yeors.
_ongoi. whicntronslotes ::o"dragon'seye"J'I :rieycon oe boiledin soupsor too xiste for
Ow-tese,:So frui:.,,i:ho pde, ye ,o-,,.~nshellond o.Jmplingsend ca,:e-;, Theircrisp,whi:e shoots odd bite
wh?te,tro"'S\scent flesn.Thisheol:hysnoLJ:servesos to·o.isond sti•.:·--es(see Beo'lsprouts).Dred
o sk:."lrevitalizerand comes oYOilo~efresn,con..,ed, ,,.Jng:>eo'.l sheets (sori fe.-.pi, =f~ ~ ) come cs th;n,
~eserved in syrup,je!lied1 or os o teo. t is tronslucent drieds"'eets in o pacltoge.rneydo"'Ot
ovoilaolein o ofed :o.-m.whicncon oe used to favor ·equ··e in ooiling\\'Oterunti1
sweet aessert soupsor SOVOtY disnes s-.x:l cs 5hr"To so't and jellylib. r;-.eS"'eetscon also be rr.odei.,to W-o'I: Sc-..ce (~ e 186). tronspa.rentve-mkelli,:nownos g cssor ce opho"'e
"' e.-.!:i, rit~ . wnilethe starch con o_sooe
Lo-us R.001 (LIAN OU ·a::1 je @clin desserts.
_otusgrows in pondsand marshesw'th large nEGtt•
shaoe leaves held bylong stems o:o\'e m e water. NOODLES (MIAN, ~ OR UN,~)
White thic<,. a.ncl·
w'th rnonychav,e_s'.nside, tne O,eo:i, ..,,Jtr'tious,o"'CIr""
·cots a.rec...--,_,nc..."'y,
tasty, o"'CIon imx,rtant ing·ec!'ent the test of fTe:o 4,000-yeo·-od seoledOO'NI wos
·'lvegetofon foods. f fres:1lo:us root is "'ot ova oole, ed in north,..,·est
U'""eo-tf, Oiino ·n 2005,end globe.
ofed or ca.Med lotus root CO"lbe Jl se ected o-roilo~"'ityat:es:s to the Conti"_-e d po:,..ori:yof tnis

xint.rystaple. Theyco~ be spun rice,wheat, PIC KLED GINGER (SU .!.N J IANG. ~ ~ >
T..J'l9:,eon, or sweet :,ototofo..r, 'N'thor 'N'thou: Ginger:Stf,,ItlySJCedand oreservedino p·c1ttng:,rine
eggs, end re "'9=fro,-.goldenyelCIN to t·o.ns,ucen: of sol-.,sugor.o.ndwhitevinegar (see •eC:oeon ooge
wh?te.\V-ietherfres:'lordried, cs r~oons o.•in 296) and fres:\,younggi'lgerwor<Sport·culo-fywell..n
thin vermice- st 'O "'Os,ti"ereare .,
of vor"e:·es Ow-Iesecuisine,·t :Sused oso :,elate u~r. ·n so ad
of (h·.,ese nooa.esos eoc.nreg·o.'1hos 'ts fovo-'tewoy o· withp-ese·ved
o'·essings,sauces,and mor'-o:::les.
of makingtf-.e-n. c.rckE-39.

Oi:t,:..NGE O..:.YLILY L'iU!.NG HUA CA I. 1f..~ ;;;,

)oyl es are delicate, trum:ie:-snoped.ed :,e Aowers (XUf LI .'iONG. "S~ )
that ere best consuTed on the ooyt"'e{ve :,een =btf.e·omustards ore genero!ly~~O,"'edw'tn spices,
Xked. When "':Qr\<es:ed are ,:nr:11,n
o"'Od·--ed,i:he-y xeserved ·n :,rine,and ser\<edcs o i:ongyp·ciu.,wi'-.n
cs golden~es.Some oeooleo·e allergic::odof" ~s tf-egree-rswere
so't's :,est oo'Yto ea: o"le tty, at first, cso orecou- tightlypockedin earthen :,otsand sea eelto quio:en
tiono-yrreo:sire. fern-entotOS'I,
o p--ocesssti practicedin many ruro
of me pre-.,.er\•ed
a·eo:s.Fbc.:<ets g·eens con oe sourced
OSM .-W - J..J ·" seect Afan food s:ores.
-his :,ooulorflo-"•e• , native fromChinoto So..i"'eos:
Asia. is lu·10,•n fot its r'ch. )()ng-linger'"9
.... "lo.-olaroma PIC KLED VEGEY.:.BLES (P!.O C!. f. ;i! ». '
and is often consumedar~ri g:.:; nvo, =f~~- :,·eservctio.'1tecnniqueso.•eentrenc.n:dinChinese
cson nerool tea or i"ldesserts.OsTGntf..;:s sugo· culino-y-.story, withmanys·crolerecipess:illconduc-
(gui hue rc.""9, ~~?!J ::Smoa,eoyco.To·ningtf,e ted ct "'Orne.In some regio"'.S,
frogro"'t)<eowflo-"<e-s'.-.-1:hsugor. "'.O\'ebeen fosnionedfot the solepurposeof orese!V"9
fresh produceto grea:est e!:ec:.s~ced\-ege:obes-
o ys-ER s,:.ucE (."1.:.o vou . ;%;E) suc.ncs carrots.celery, rod:snes,end cucum:iers-ore
-his thic.J::.
browncondimentis pox.or in Ccnto."ese commo"'i.'y Xk..edincom~Jons of orine,wgor.
:.o,._oystersthot nave:,een
cuisineo"'CI'.To:::le wh?tevinego·, g·"'g=·,end spicess.uchos star anise
simTe·ed un:i the reducedj,ices caramelizeand are o'."CISien-onoeope-1co·rG.Also, eoch orovince"'OS
se-osonedwith other condiments.Sweetand so.tyw·th - Skhucn xese.l\'este"ldi:obe
its regio.""Oltrocrtions
eort"'YU"'de-iones,th:Ssaxe i.soften d·izzledO\'e! sp·cier.whileCC"to..,ese !) ere vinegaryand sweet.
s:eamed leo!ygreens,dousedoverstir•:·--es,
or cs o oose for mor'"'Odes.
and rice
PIC KLED W IM s ..:..ucE (UO LU.
to reddistiieelg.,00sauce,
pf.:.(1- - l(fRNELS (r.;o .~EN, :!!~ :idled winesauce (alsokrownos pickleso-xe) :So
ker"lels,or :,eachseeds,ore believedto oromote fO'YOrite
:leoc.'1 co~.,t to odd to ptecoo<ed;ngreo-en:s
!'le-ytos:e o"'CIoo,: :,:e okro."Cls,
:,ooc:IdrcuiCT..OS'I. a pork,:nuo:les.There-.:JJt
sucn as duo:·s toog:_-e is
wh·chco~ also ce used cs o subs:iti..-te. )ried <e·ne_s o coldoopetizerwitho .,·.,tof wineflavor.
con oe :ou-..:iat As:onwoe·morkets.
PIXI-N Cl- L 5E-N "-S-E
1'rr '
PE.:..NU1S (HU .!. Sl"it-"IG. ( 0 JX.1JN OOU BAN JIANG. ~ ~.Q fG ';f )
~owpeanuts ere unp--ocessed and coo be :,o·ledcs -his rich.reddish-bra,;nC." bean pos:e is ncti\<e
o snack.oraieep-fr"edtogor"''.:5'1
d:Sh. to the Pix:on•eg·o.'1ins·chuo...,.V" es, fovo (b-ood)
, so t 1 and flourore :ermen:edforO\'eroyeor1
PIC KLED C- ILES (.0 40 JIAO , ;i!?-:7' fo•gi'lgon ·.,tense oo:steincomporobleto o--.ner beo'l
0- es ore -i--st'11.-0Shecland aried completelybefore :ostes. It d:ssof-,•esin orotrGlstock.s),en~ichessauces.
J...itinginto o sterilejor toge:ne·w'th so·ces (star sp·cesup mor'".Cdesfor meot end fish.It con
o.n:seSkhuan pep:,erco'f"s.etc.) end sterirzedwateJ. :,eservedcso s·Tole co"'Climen:.
One or ::wo::oblesooonsof bc'jiu :Sodaed,then ·t :S
se-oledand .;.fttofermen: !orot leost o "'ee,:too!low. PORK "",:.15-CK !ff ! l.'-W !~OU. iS~ e!I)
green chileso·e often se·\'ed cs o cond·rrent
:, =brkfotbockis cut in:o smd p·ecesthat do not Te t
to occompo"'Yriceor noodled:S.,es.Someof the '"l:at whencookedend mus p-even:sme dishfromoe'.ng
is wodued o..ring tf-e oio:lingprocess,reolocedby g;eo:sy.t con o.:sobe ;.."'Seelto praide o smooth::ex:ure
o mid >"'-<eetness and me CIN co.01.:ermen:otioncods to the meat whencooking.
o tox '.l of sour"'@Ss that enhancesthe "lovor.

PORK ~LOSS (/\OU SONG, 11$~} ) :c:kets. P..eysnc,.;d
be socked'or on ex:endedperiod
=brk.~ss~lso,, ,m os rousong.mea: wool.end o:time unti sof--,::.nenthoro"3hly~"'Sed beforeuse.
Teet foss-is o d.cedpork.p--oductw'th o gh: o-r.d ""heir:,o,/IMul~ enho._cees Tea: di~s ondto!u.
tdfyte.xrure simile•rocootSP-cotto..'lcandy (condy Sichuonptese-..<ed rrr.;stordg,.-eens(yocoi, ,;;i; ) ore
foss). :here ore two commo"t::ypeso: por<-ioss: shreddedterde· stems o:the mustardg..wns,whichore
:,or( s,.ms o.ncl:,orktu. xeservt'd,....ith so.t o-rdother spices.Choopedintosmd'
~s, it is o.'"'eo: the main·~ edientsof the fo-roos
PRESERVED SL.:..CK OLIVES (l JN J,'J.O, @.'.! ) An Don~les (peg= SW}and often used in sti•-¼ied
\'tne·eos r-,ed'te-ro-reono ,•es are commonlyo.ressed \<egeteb es or in oou:,..e. :,oced por<di~s.
fo· tf-eir o, it ::Sthe nuts end fruitof U'I= U'lineseolive
tho: ore more ~ner c1'yconsumed. lor~ and elongated PRESERVED PINE.!PPLE Pe'SlE
·~ s.."Ooe and tapered erds, tft.:00-esere firstsock....:.::! (FENG LI JIANG, lt::!;2'lf )
·" hot water U"'tilso't, then "'C\·edend ortted o-rd j·eseNed p·"'eajO@poste is mode by slo-.,."Y COOJ:ing
-no.rinot ed .;?i so.t. fresh OOE-Oople, sugo·,and emo"tju·ce un: tnic.<e"ed,
then coolirg the mixture·no jor. -P....::S sticq , golden
PRESERVED DUCK EOG( ~ DAN, f£'%1 jom is oTTn prexired ot hoTe D".ltco"tbe pu·chosed
Alsoreferred toos thouso"C-)-eo·-od eggs,"

·" snoosse-..ngTaiwanesefoods.
'"cen:ury eggs;'' or ,.millenniumeggs,"this de ~oq
cotes xicx to the r-,:.og)ynosty. T·oclr'Anolty, the PRESERVED TURNIPS (CAI ~u. ~~ \
eggs '...ere pffcldedin orineo.ncl:,..riedi;'lcoos, c.."'0-k, (nown osoos salted tur•• jor j•ese-..·ed roo_:;1,, Delon
and cloy !or monymo-: hs, o t-roughtime-saving ·odsnes a.•ecvt, sol:ed,ond driedfor preseva:on . Both
tech·•ques have si'lce :,een noned. - he yo(S o:qu'-e crisoyand sdty, it is o :O'>'Orite ingredie"'t o-nos-gthe
o strling do·( green coor, rip~ed witn concentric -iolo:o,O-.Oozhou, Furcn. Taiwanese,and no.1herne1s . l:et-e cross-sec:'>on of o treetrun<,whie the t con oe used in s:· r-friesand ome e:s or oct os o
wh?tesore O'Toe· o-id gelatinous.- he :iungentodor sovorygarnishfor congee.
is o comb'."'Otiono: s-~furand ommor'ioand the
eggs are O"tacquired tos:e. Theyco"tbe servedos O"t PUNING BE - N p:.s-E
oopefzer "'~" pickledgingeror wi-.ncongee c~ uNING DOU JIANG 'f"'!"~V
for b·eok.fost. - hissof-,eon p-oduct emerged from Pl.Jn·"'9 ·ntne
Ooozhou regionin Guongcong.TheX1Steis often
PRESERVED KOHLR..!6 1 (DA TOU c.:,1, "*~) used ,,,/th seafood O' as o d.j (SP-e:ish ~ice, pagem).
(oh ·ooiis o type o:vege:oble, o~tinguished':If its
squct green or p.J'P@ou!bord shoo:s. Prese-..•ed RED (e'DZUKI) 6Ee'.NS (."'10NG DOU t: ~ >
<orilraoi(also <no--..,-mos setted <orirobiJis ovoilo:,..e ~<ee: o"'CInutty. th:Ssmall red (odr,..,;:i) :,ecn is
slicedor shredded and ~eserved ·" bri-re. ·-..ct.genousto Or.i'loand ::Softe"t used ·;'ldesseis
SuenOS Red3e-onSo:Jj (poge 6"). ~ed :>eo'l po:ste
PRESERVED LEMONS (dou 1-"io,u~-,),sometimestefer·ed toes onl:o,is
(XJJN NING MENG, ,~i'fei o do·( ·ed, sv.-ee:been pc:steovoilo:)@ ootn mc:s.,ed
Whoe emons are oreseNedin jors,...,'th sot, then sto-ed o"Osmooth.
fo.,several mon:ns unti tf,eydorl:e'.ltoa de,ej bre¼'n
c001. - he-(may be odoedto c~ . fis"\and oo....try RED BE.- N CURD (NJN ~U, ~1.
o~hes or se.r.:ed os o,,,/th cnoopedcrue, garlic, 0.rt in:o cu:,eso"Osod in jors, ·eel:>eo'lcurd::S
o"Oginger. xocxed :rom the c-,.•a.edrr(.( of soybeansferme-ted
ii a solutionof ricewine,salt, a'O redyeo:st(,ce. The
PRESERVED MUSl ,!R D GREENS fermento:OS'I processsoftensme curd. reeosingon
j·ese~ :-r:..s:ordgreenscan be ser\<edman inte-rse-umo:n·AoVO' populor·;'lstir-friesand n-.-..-s.
C?oe:lzer,us.edos on ·cg;eclient. O' servt'd·'lconge-e Avoilo:,..e·"tAsionfoodstores,tM oroc:luct is O'l
.-eryrego.."tnos its own.N:ipocabbage is often essentia.odd'tionto c..-.icl:e'l and :,or( o~hes, and
used in northernChinoa-.din me SOU-.1\tf,eyuse co.~ o: breokfost.
is dso eo:e'.l,....l"'.n
the mustard plont krcNrlcs je coi, whichissligh:}y
:fuer and peooe-yin taste. S-r_oox'_-r.g orese-..<ed RED OISllLLED GR..- IN S - UCE
,m:ordgreens (Shooiiing~iscncc;•, gf~ g,~ J (se-eDis: led g·ain sooce)
c_-e:,ervosivein the cuisineof S"'lOOXing , o city in the
eastern provinceo:!con :,e fou"Odriedin RED VINEG !R (SP-e Vinegors)

••• GLOSS !R Y
REO RICE (."'fONG GU Ml, !H5 J1-) SAL.ED PORK (XIAN .~OU, ii!~ )
UsedinChillOforovero tl'IOusond )'ea.ts in medi~ne Sol:edpo·,:is pork.mer.hos beo:"tsol:edrepeoteay
;ice (o_sokna,o;ncs ·eelrice} ::Sricet1"0t
·eel)-eG:St a.-e·a oefod of time o-r-dthen ~din a shody,coo
"'OS been 'er rrented,...,"th
o type a:)'eOStond odds xice (u~ e oo-1<, wh',chis s-wn• or oven-dried).
o v:iront red colortoo d'.s"'I.Somecommercic Sol:edpo·,:is soft and pi"'<and ~so salty,meaty
sup:ioeTe"'ts "'O'\.'e·n .,·gh e'le-S fovor tcOtcan be used to Ao'/Ot r'ced:Shessuch os
of me toxindrinin and we recomme-r-d cherryjuice Sho~i :lor<and Vegetable SL!).
Of C!onberry juice os occep:oblesubs:itutes.
s.:.rED RUT ..:.6-G,- (D~ TOU CAI, 1'*~
RICE WINE (Ml JIU, ~ ) Also<nownos p'ck..ed rutobogo..this :-reserved
Atgr..ob ly,th~ second-mos:poo;.;orconOOle-rtofter \vtge:obe is flo'IO•ed w't~ fi'le•spicepo-""•der ord comes
soysouce.rice ,...,·-.
e ·s used to tenc:le1ize rreots, aroilo:io-:whoe. cubed.·edoed,or minced.
TOrinoteseafood. and im:,an -iovorto food.S"'OO xing tis ext·emely saltya-rdshoud be 'il'&'d beforeuse.
,..,ine(s.~ jiu, fa~ )~ e of t-re ode-st ty:ies
of ,....·..,e
·n Cnino- is o quo T'{ ricew·ne :>Ot n SAL.ED TOON SH001S
consumedas o drin<o-r-dodded to TOrinoaes,ro..os, (Y.~N YAN XIANG C"1UN, z,!;?-!,~
and s:uffing.Prooxed in the Snoox;."'9 reg·o"tsince :he (h'-rese toon,or toono si' o leafy :ion:
the 'iftn ce-rtury, it is enjoyed for·ts fragrant scent. to pois of ~rn
"'.Ot'-.-e and easternChino.Growing
Mirin(-ir.e:., );lF.J :SoJapanese rice ,...,·..,e ,..,i:ho to 40 hches/100 cm in ne'ght, the pont is e.x:ens",1 e'y
a11erCLCO"'O o-r.dh'gne• sugo· conten: tho"tsob. cultVo:ed !or its aromatic, :,ep:,e-ys"'OOts .-OO"t
shoots con oe purchosedfrozen o· sol:ed.,olthoug"
ROCK SUG.!R (BING iANG. ~ ~ otter vo·--etysnoulc:Ioe rinsedond soa.,:edto •ema.-e
- hese rou:s o: crystal zed po -n, beet.O! cone sug0t excesssot oefo•euse. Toonshoots pair wellwitntofu
OJegolden°" tronspo•e-rt·n o:iooeoronce and odd o"'Osesame oi or·" sUr-fries,eggdishes.a-rdp'
sweetnessto mo·.nodes,soups,teos, a-rdcongee.
- heyo·e·o!lyg·orwnc:I O! d:Ssolved pr'orto use SE- CUCUMBE~S (."1~1 SntN, ~e )
and ovoilob~·" pocbts or ooxesotAsio"tfoodstores. :his sp~s of ec..-r .Iloderm, a familyincludi"-9 starfish
Gro"'•Jotedsugar con be used oson olte-r•oti\'e. o"'Osea urc-.;.,-.s,
hos a thick,e ongoted bodyand soiky
tentacles.Its popularChinesenoTe, meaning"g·"\S eng
s.:..uED DRIED PLUMS (,'iUA MEI. if):; ) of tne sea.."oenotes its use cs o tooicto nourisht"'e
:> o·e oicked wne"tripe.tne"twoshed,dried, :lOOCI, c eonse the k.klney, and promotege~·ol we!l-
TOrinoted·"'lowgor so .iio "'I.r-,_::s process::Srepeated :,eing.D..--e to its mildtc:ste,sea cuc-...mber oosorbsthe
severe ti-re:s~ii t"'e olum $dried out soft ord sweet richer fovo-s of lroths and ste'1t""S ,
Saltedd·--edplu'TlSoreo delic:_'o.;s snockout me/ con we!l,..,i:h3e'jingsec 'Ons,cob.:,oge , S"'°'to,:e
a.:sobe xe:ioredicldishessucn cs T•ot:e-sw"thSolte-d n.r.:vooms, a.nd :,ork.)ried o· :-e-.: 'lvcf eties con
),;ed Purns (pa5" l72). :,e purcnosedontr-reand in select Asia~ food sto-es,
a'thougn expecto ·•gn :ioric e tog.
s.:..uED DUCK EGG (XIAN D~N. ~ 1!1
:he h:S:oricpractice o: prese-vingduckeggs in SESe'ME OIL {Z,"'f.!MJN YOU. ;2 5;;8 )
,;estoth::Sdoy.w'tn mo-ryvo·'-otions Oler 5,000 )-ectS ago, me Chi"'ese burnedthis cacs
on tne trocli:ionolmethod.rne hig~fot con:e"'tand o lig-rtsource.Today,th:Snigh\'..-e-sctie cais o pontry-
v'bro-rtcolo· of oxk E-39 yo ks means too: ::..ney o·e s:ople, widelyO'IOilob e in superma.r,:ets a-rdspecio!is:
xir.:icu orlyprizedcs an o:iooetizer or ,..,i:hSOW:)S, food seeds,i:
s:ir-fries,ard congee.rnese eggs can be found x.ngs o rich,nutty 'IO'YOr to fisnand Teot morino::les
vocwm•OOC(ed or in :,oxesinAS:On foodstores. sauces.d·esS:ngs.and dipsand co~ be (r-izz,.ed over
o host o: rice and noodled::s"'es.
s.:..uED PLUMS (ME/ ZI, N~ )
:he po:,. or O,inesesolted plums(~t to be SESe'ME "-S-E {Z,"'f.1.1.p
JIANG, 2 !1; '# )
con'usedw'th driedsa.ted p urns)ore "'Oti\•eto Wnile tohin' is po?.;lor.n'T",.JCh
Guongdongorovince.- he :'lits naveo complex Middle :os:er~ cu~·.,e mo"'i'fOw-Iese recipeso_soco
favor t1"0tis simuioneouslys•11eet. so..r,and sa.:ty for o formof sesame seeds
,..,i:ho tangy hint of !e•me-rtotionand ore used os o·e groundand blended,,,/th 0·1a.nclseasoning. to
co ing:-eC-e-rt·n plumsauces. createo r'ch paste used forcoo:ing noodles,S'teomed
\vtge:obes 0' gr eel meats.

SESe'ME SEEDS {Zl"i.! .,,p ;2 11;1 the·r rro..i:)-"<.JmPing
, tongue-ting ng oite, s·chuo.n
:he t'"'f, Aotseeds o:this o, seed crooodd o gentle :,ep:,e·cornsco" be< g -oundform.
crunchw"lenscottered O\'erd:Sheso· comoined,...,'th (Grindi"'-9 them ·<lo oestleo"'CImoiar ·eleose:s
soysouce,gor"c ond gi'lger.Yellow , -ed.and block. o strongerburst of floYOr tho'l tne pre-powdered
varieties are olsoovoilo~e.-r-eymo<eo po:i<.ror \-e-s·o...,.
) Grou"'CI
Sic."l_on oe~oer,o lt.""f·--grec:re"lt;,.
·--gredientfor oessem suc.'1os _ougntng)onu:s r',•e-sp·cepaNC!er, impo._isworm:hto meet, fish,and
(poge63'). tofu dishes.

S - - Ct-! S !.UCE {SH.; C,'-i: JIANG !:Y~ ")f) SICHu,:. .N PRESERVED MUS--Ro GREENS
:his richco-.d;me.nt , po:i<.rorJ'ICo"lto"lesec-..·s:ne, is (see :lre,-.,.erved
mus:ordgree"'G }
widelyused os o rr,orinoo,e forgrilledrreots a"O rroy
:,e obeled ~rbe,:,_-esauce in some food s:ores.Abend SOYBE.!.N CRISPS ( OOU SU, .Q g'; )
of soybeanoil, gor,..c, s"'O!lo:s. chiles,and aried shr"To, Soy':,eo"t cfsos o·e modefromthe a.-egsof soybeo"S
it is highin oroteinands gh:Jy s:,jcy.Snocho souce used to makesoymi!k,wnic.'1 hovebeen roostedto
wor(swellin Tecty stir-friessue.'\ cs 3eef ·n ShaCho ·emo-..emost of the TO<Sture a-id men· 'l
Sauce (page 405). o, un:'Icrispy.Its ec'.::Uless
and distinc:soy flo·ror
occ:Io levelof coTole:ityontotf-.eflavoro: meat ocd
S - - JJ.!.NG ( S."1AJ f,J,NG, ~ ~ ) seafooddishes.See recioeon :,age52.
Also,:nownos go..ongCi,, k.e"lCur, o.•
aromo:icginger, the g"'Orledroots ore cultVoted St-..! ILS {W O, ?:l)
~mor 1y·" sovt~·nV";ro. Ginger-Ii@ ·<ltoste tlorine con :,e foundinAsionmor(ets w'th fresh
o.ncltexture tney cod tong to sti~-frie-sand pos:es. seafood.t--'eotyo"'CI'lovon,I. they ore ~eststir-fr'ed
Shojiongcan ~e used oso rr,orinoo,e for meats, ind'os, wi-.nsp·cesondwine.Mostof them ore exoorted'·om
and ·'1brirl:'s.S"'OjClng oo-""'<ler
l:ho jicr,g fer ,, ;'}'~ Vietnamo"'CIcon oe sourcedfro,-,se ected Viet"'Clme'Se
te) is sometimes(nownos "sand ginge•."Sin or to food s:ores.
:,·edginger but mo·e pungen:,it is co.-nmonly
used os o'.lop:iono ingrecren:h five-spiceoo-""'<ler. SOYSf! .N SPROU l S (.'i U:NG DO U v: ~;;, \
WnilemJJ"9beo"tsproutso·e gen:·o!lyused .r.ore
S - -OXING PRESERVED MUSl ;oRD GREENS widely,soybeansoroutsore o refio~eolt!?rno:ive o.nd
(see :lre,-.,.er\<ed
mus:ordgree"'S} richin ~ote·n o.ndvitom·~. longer t~ mwng~eon
sp-outs,they ho•,-edist:rictiveyellowgroinsand o
s - -OXING WINE (see R.:ce w·ne ) crunchy, nvttytexture-oe-fec: :o. stir-frie:sondsalads.

S - RIMP P! .SlE {X IA Jl :NG, i:-11 ) SOY S!UCE ( CH I YOU, ~;6 )

.n sou-.neostChinoand ot~· So..i.,eos:Aron :his condiTent of :e·me"ltedsoybeans,salt, water,
coun:rie:s{co ed be OCO"l in Moaysioand lndo,:-,esio
), a"'OxirleyOtW"'ect flourodds ·"Sta-rtde~h of flavor
fine)' g·o.rd shrimo(p-owns) was t·od'ifono!lysol:ed to soYOry dishes.Llgh:soysaxe {:.'",e,19cnou, Z !~
and ferre"lted u"Ge·tn: s-....n.
:his so ty, pu-r_g-="lt
is comT-Only 1.i
~ inO,inese COO(ing os o general
enhancess:J -fries, soups,and ricedishes. f.cvoreVtOnce-.Sof0eonsare mixedw·th flour,sot
a"'Owate·, :e-·me-rted,a-id bc.,:edU"'derhot sun ino
S - RIMP ROE (XI : Z I, i"Ho ) closedcontainer:Of about oneyecr.Sotywi:h o uiin,
:his classicsec:ro;;ng
consistsof (~own) eggs wateryconsis:ecey,it :Sostope of d'os, d·essings,and
ofedto o powder-lib co"'.:S:Stency. ~e vib--a.ntred Tminooes.)or< soy sauce (.'coehou,~fa ) is TOcle
·oe impoi an intenseU'T'Clmi to egg -roodles.
flovo.• from lgnt 'Sl:lfsauce,,,,1:h
t "leocld'tionof corare .,
~oncned leo'y greens,and tofu.Asimpe ;0."9 Kong -no.,:ing
i: s-,"11ee:
o"'CIoork.- ideolforo rich,dee:,e·
o_n po·rsB·c·sedNoodles"'-'t" SnrimpRoe(page 586). f.cvorand coo· inste"'-'5.

SICHU,:.t-. Ct-I L O IL {See C-iili oil } s-:.R -t-. SE ( 54 J IAO . J\ -$ I

Wde 'ycu'tivoted.nso..iherno,·"Q.mis rust-brown
S ICHU! .N PEPPERCO=!;N S {."1LJ: JIAO . ~ \ (red fn/t :Sodom·nant·"gfmn: inr',•e-spice:,aNC!er.
\lo: octuo!lyo :,e~oe·cor"tbu: ·ct "'ero aried, ·eel· t im:,o.rtso worm,OMeed!\oVOt to s._a..,•coclted
~o-nn berry o pr'cklyspec·esof ash t·ee, this ocd is gene·o'tyrerro\'edbeforeserving.Staro-.:Se
"9hly distinctiveand \'e--Scti
e seasoningis common workswe .nmeat and xiultrydishesand con :,eodded
·" ::.nesoicycuisinerJ westernO,ino. Enjoyedfor to moi."'AJdes,gazes, and slow-cOOJ:edsoupsend stews.

••• Gl OSS!R Y
s-'!;-W MU:SJ-'!;OOMS (c,:,o GU, ~ ~ ~ - .:.ito (YU rou. ~ * )
:hese STOii g.royis'1- xa,o;nmushroom ore :his trop·cololcnt, cul:ivatedfor 'ts edibles:orcny
<no-•,,mos "poodystrow m_snrooms":,ecousethey o·e ·oots, So stope :nAs"o.Creomy...,-h'ie',•ith o .,_ity
cultivotedO..."ltoe ricestraw U$ed·n :,ocldy'ields.- ender f.ovor,it shouldalwaysbe coxed to O'YOid ooten:'-o!ly
and ...,itho m1d -iO\'Or, they a.reofte"t combined'1,"th "'.G!mVeffects wne"tcons-...mecl ·aw.To·oroo: o::,oeors
tofu or s:ir-fried ...,i:hstripsof beef. f oca:ed in Asion frea-..~"'tly'<lstews a'."Ooessertsor ;ncokesen;oyedat
food s:ores. meyore mos: <e'yto be found dried ~NYeor.
Of conned.
- -RO 1>-S-E (YU NI. ~ :,~ ,
SUG.!ftEO Q,-lES (Ml ZJ.Q, ~ ~ } -o·o poste is o po:iuor oe·VO:ived the ·oot. Steamed,
~esh juj..;bedates o·e SOO(edin o wgor solutionto :iu·eed,and flo·rored...,i:hsugar onc:Ivegetcoleor
oosorbthe swee:tnessondtne'l d.ced.It is most ofte'l oil.·t C0'lbe oreooredot home o.•foU""O
U$edos 0"ting·ed·ent ·" soups. ·" se-ectAs'onfood s:ores.

SWEEl po-e-.TO LE - VES (f,:,N S,"'iU Yt. U it l -1,:..NJlt-. "''(ESERVED C.!66-GE

Ge~·o!lyovo oole duing the sumn-e· months, (DONO CAI, 'f ~ }
these mildand tender greens ore o'ten fo:sn-fried o· "'nenorthem :-rovinceof-ionjin is ·ena,o;ned for i::s
s:eamed to p.-eservethe:t "IJ..rtr'ents.
We •ecommend ·•gnlydevelo:iedmet -.oc1sof \'egeto:-e ow.,.ervo:ion.
to s:ir-frytn-eleavesw'th go~ and say sauceor oyster -o moJ:e this xese ·..,e,o ocolvcr'e:yof cobboge.,:nown
sauce,J..i they can be servedO\'et riceor mixed fo· its thin o.nclsle"'Gereo•,-es
, is sh·edded, .nxed ,,,/th
·.,toso..os. garlica'."Osalt, and compressed·""''NO·e
jars. It is used in stlJ'r"gSond gornisnesfo, be-::ond f:sh
SWEfl po-, 5-,..RCH (fJN S,"'iUU N, ~ t'I) dshes as we os in coogeeso-..dbroths (stocks).
:his f'.ri: powderfrom the s:orc."to:denydrated swe-e:
:iototoes is used os o t'lickeningogen:in so..os.-he -1,:..NM1,:,NJI-NG (Tl4N .\f/AN Jl.!,NG, ft,!l';I' )
ofed potc:oes ore cl.so9/'0lwnc:Ito produceg uten-free Modefrom fermen:ed -iOY,t'-onmio.,jio"'g is oopulo·
fo...s used Jl maJ:ingsteoTed buns or nooa.-es(see ·" se-,•erol-egionsof Grine. The:,olcncebetween
Swee:pototovermice below).Yamfo...s, o s;milo· swee::nessand solt:ness\'Or'esf-om regionto region,
~oduct. is avo cole in some sto-e-s,and cor"'Stcrcn :io.rt~ ·s generoltyoth'ck and smootn paste simier to
(com'lour),tapioca, o.•o-ra,.-oot ore possibe .,~-~sauce.Use tio~mon;,ongos o base fors:ir-fries
substm..ies. O' as o d·:-to occotroony Pekingox<. t con be found
·" t,-,.osor poC.(etsJ'IAsionfoods:ores.
TIAO, tr =-t-1§ ) -oFU (DOU FU, ~ \?, )
Witho s'milor tex:ure ::omung been vermice these JliS,..,"(j
, -._:g~pco:e.'.n
ingrrnrlt is o s:o:,..e in
"'OOdle:sore groywhen dried J..i tum ttonsluce"'t e o-d essen:'-oltovegetorio'ldie::s.To
Oinese cu'.:s'.,
cfte· cOOJ:ing.Aso poo;.;or.nKo•eo'la...·sine,tnese xeporeto'u.soymu :om sockedw,-bear-sis s-.roined
r.ns:ir-friedmeat and
g..ien-fre-: nood es ~ir '.-.el..... a-..dcurd_edin :-oo:s.Vcrio:O"'S o."tthissimpleotoced-..Je
\<eg.etobesa.nclcon also :,e ,;.sedin o so oc:ITlixedwitn of toh. products:su:en,soft.
accoun: for::n:
garlico-..dcnilioi. If unovoicole, mi.rg :ieo'lverm·ce i ·egulcr, extro-firm,o-..dsXed, a d whichdiffe·in
con oe used oso su~tirute. oens..'tyord"lava.f cm tofu iso safece: !ors:'"-fries,os
the'( nod tl"eirshape, Wr-Ereos ~ cote su:en tofu w
$Wffl P~ESfWED lVRNIPS eoS,,,breakin dsheswcn os o clcss·ct-1020Tok l:,og=
(T!!,N lU 030. ft ~ I- 512).Tofu...,illo~en coro.-bthe Mtawrdirg'lovo-sof
Simior to x-eservedtur.,·os {poge 696), th:Ss•,..eeter SO"°"fbrothsa-.dstir-ff es and carriesg"'9='r,soysauce.
\'e •{ o.'lis es s so ty. a-..dchileporticulorlywell.Slicedinto oocl:sor cuoes,
t CO'.l be stuffedand oeeo-ffed fO' ex:·o cispiness.
- .:.p1oc,.. s--RCH (MU SHU FEN. * Jl t-1" '
-o:-iocostorcn comes fro.-ntned.cedroot of me ·oFu PUFFS (DOU fU eu. ~ 9-:t-'
cossovopant, o res...ent crop "Oti\•eto 8'0:Ziland ·n tne refrigeratedsec:ionof Asianfood stores,
grann thro1.19hout Asia.Thiss gnt}yswe-:t, glvte' the-.,.eouffscome·" mo~yshaoesond S:ze-s. r-,~
fo...scon th'oekensou~, sauces, o"'CId·~. -P..e sto·ch Mction S:.milcrly to con~onol to!u, spong.;nguo
isolso C'>'Oila:--e
in s-ro!I :iea.s, ,,..-nicn
con oe used·~ f.ovorsonc:Isticq meat juices in ste-1,-s.
Theycan be
oesserts s-...m as 3ok.ed - C?iocoPl.iod:ng( :,age646). :iurc"'OSedfresno· dr'ed and reconst'tuted.

·oFU SHEE-s (l' U " I. ><?:.;g
) cnes-.n.isc-e commonlyfo.-nclconned insupermork.e:s
Whensoy mi!kis 00 eel.o delicates:<inmoterio,..zes o-r.dAsionfoodsto·es.Arourceof po:oss'trnonc:1 f'oe-,
0-:-1tne s-
..rfoce,whic.ncon oe extractedand driEOto the'( ore o .,_-tri:OJS odclitio"t
tostir-fr~s. solods,and
formyellowsheets. Thesetofu sheets ate ohe"lusEO steomedris"'es. lYed wote· C." estnuts con befine.'y
·" mo<ingdim s...m.To!us~ts con also be a.riEO too g;ou"'-0to ~oduce wo:erc.nes-.n.ifb...r(mo ti fen.,?,
crispto oecomecriSPf::cfosfcks or sheets (fu .i:iiu, ~ ,~ ). o ,.-...'-te one!g._ie"t;
-free powderusedtothiCJ:en
tt'l.also <nownos been CIJ"dsheets or yuoo.-hey CO"l soupso-..dstewsa os o ootte· foraeeo-frying.
:,e foundin Asianfoodstores.
'N ! -H SHIELD (CHUN CJ ii». \
·oFu 'NR ,-=s (BAI Y!, s n> :his oo-...a-.k nero, os t"'e,...mer tty,"loots
Monylo)-ersof ::ofuskir.sore ~essEOtogetf,e·to form ontne s-..rfoceand is ...,ioelyd"str ed .nAsiaand
o triiCK tofu S(inwhichis often used os o ,.-.-
oooer to \lorth Af'M·ico.Trod'tiono!y.its edibe -:0•,• esore ~
TO~ meo: ro..s or tied ·.,to (nots in o soup ike ·" ste-...'S. While ock.ingo o~tinctive taste,
yondu xion (poge 113).Fbc<etsof tnese a.tiedska its r'ch gree"thues v"'suo,ly enho~ e d:S.,es.
aopeor inAsionfoodstores, o"'Othewrops S""O.;d :,e
soo<edto soften :,e:o·ethey a.reused. 'N.! .T~ SPIN -CH (WtN CAI, :I'~ )
(nown o.:soos"morningg rry" or oo--gchoi, the--.,.e
·ueHOSE (Y! X.f.J,NG n UA, ~ ~«) Ti d, sweet-flavoredg·eens "'.O\'e ho CJN stems,whic.n
,nO,·no, tuberose is co eel"nig"'tfrog-antjade" "lo'ter cooking.See
·emoin re-o:\•elycrunchyE-\'e
:iecousei: b ooma: n·gnt and its fiord seen: is Weter Spinochw·th S-.rimp~te (poge 4~ ).
ex:rocted for :ie-fumery. t nos tolls~ed stem "'-'t"
t\.oulo· bloomsondc..-eom-coored 'laNers. 'N HE.:. - GLU-EN (MIAN JIN, ~;::,
Also <nownos g ute.n :,o!ls,whee: g\rte.nis mode
VIMG !RS (CU, 2: ':If Tlixingflourwitnwa:e· o-r.dsol:,then stirr'--g
Whitevinegcr{boi rni cv, a ~~ :Socoorlessw,ego, contt'luouslyunt o and gum-ny:,o!Iis formed.
...,ithhighocid:iy.gving it o "lo•,'O'that is moresimi,or to t con be deep-friedos puffst:e~ii.J or fe:rre.,ted
·egulorvinE90r . It can be usedto roundout rich,meaty o"'Os:ea.medos oro"ldou91,o popuor ·--gredient in
s:eMor os av'-r_dg;ette.BloCJ:v'"'egor (ne· cu, ~~ ) is Sho-r_gnoinese COOJ:ing l~ 3ron dou91,poge 680).
-nooefromf.ermented.c,ce ~ other groins.Thewoody, Wneotglu:e"lis avo cole inco"'Sand moyoe fo.-nc:I
smokyC.".C'OOer rJ thiscondimentmCl(eS it o po:,.!'~ ·"l se-ectAfan -rorl:...'"ls.
o..:,:l--gsax e and o welco,,-eooo~iion::orice, noodles,
TAJ:. ·"Odes,a ..,J stir. ff½s.R'chwithme- ~ow::ones.obd 'N HE.:. - s-.:.R.CH (XIAO MAI DIAN FEN. ,J•?t ~ ~ \
vinego•:So..sooruru: os o nedth toni:. Zrenjio"'gvinegar Wneotsto·ch is common~usecl"'-'t~riceone!glutinous
(Zhel'yoongc,_,;"tia_~ is o popular::ype of ~k .;-.egor rice "IOIJ"'S
to mo<eo vorietyof o..mpling•.-.-opper.
"Ctiveto th~ cityof Zhenjio :-g.It isoften comoinedvlth
sugor·"l braisedn-eo: one!fis'lto :rev-deo swe-e:onc:I 'N HITE·Be'CK WOOD E!ft FUNGUS
sour"lc-,'01. In stj~.fres, ~ is thoi...ght to orese.rve nutfents (BAI BEi MU U t '.5°"'~
~ 1; )
o-..doddcri~ss. Bolsomicvinego.rmay oe I.Ee<! os o :his "'utr'iiouswoooonc:Ifungus·s louoed:o. its
substi:,-,,.iefo..anytypeof :,..ock vioego·.Redvineqo!l® circ.. oton -ooost·--gp--ooei~sonc:I ironcompo"'e"'t.
1-:«,g me cu, ~tt:~~ -also (1'10""'-'n os Zhejiangvioegor, Wnile mis furgus ~ngs lttle htne woyo' flavor,its
uses fermentedricewiththe oddi:.00of foodcoo.•to crispy text\;.temo<esit o populorocld'tionto so..psord
it o red color. s:ews.Usuolrysolddried,'t requiresp--e-•WO.(ingo-..d
con oe fou"'CI h Asio"tfood s-to·es.
'N ! -f'( 6-MBOO {JIJ.O EJ J, ~~
Weter :cmboo, o.soco ed n...,ild ricestem," is o typical 'NHI-E DISTILLED Glte'IN Se'UCE
Wle'Se vegetoble shooedI <enocO'Noomxio shoo:s. (see JSti!ledgroin$OOCe)
-o oreporethe water bomxio ste,-,s,removetf-e M e·
shellsanc:Iuse ovege:oole pee-:· to sho•,-eowoytf-e WILD Y- MS (.'1UAI SnJ ..\f, ~ \l\
green Hin unt i you reocht"'e,.-.,.'te "lesh. n e Oiinesevo.cetyo:these stc-chy,edibe tube-s nos
o toug~ browns,:ina"O whitefles'land con ce used ·"l
:.-n C - Es-Nu·s (MA Tl, p " ) trodi:onolhe1bol.Tecliell.' to treat conc:l
'ia:\•e to Am, this oquoticveg::oble grows·"morshes to me stomoch, $:>%.n,and (idneys.Theycon be 00 eel,
a"O is no: octuollyo ches-.nut
,d espitethe ·esem~e ffeel,or meshedond addedto soups, a'O
·" Su and coor. S gntfysweet and crisoy,wote·'( ore ovc:.oo-:freshor in :,owderedform.

700 GLOSS !ft Y

Alsokr,o..,nos V1.'0X9ourd,
this o·¥, m&l-tostf-r_g
frui: <no,..,"lolsoos ho::bed chives,ye aNchiws oreovc"ooe
g;owson the vineo"'.dhos o firm,whitehsh tha: 01J1."'9
::..r,eSJJ'T:Terand o·e cultivatedunderCO\'ets to
so'tens when COO(~s~!ly ·n so.nsond s:ews. ochi!:'•'e leo,1es.
t"'eir ds-...OC-..i\•e ,.-.·•ch retain tt-eir ye!lo-<11.•
~Tent witf.outtur.,·-._g gr~..,. Their:.agronce is .nili
wor.i-oN WR;-PPERS (."1UN TUN Pl, mttli') o-..dsw~etcomparedto go· '"ck.y Chinesechives.
Wonton,.-.-oppers, or skjns,o·e mode .,,ithto..r and
woter a"O u:sedtowroj worr.onsand dumpli~s. Yl·NOODLES (YI .'-f/JN, ffi§\
:here ore ::V.'O d'fferen: ::ypesof s.,:insave· able i,'l A type of fat ContoneSP- egg noodlemode : ·o,-.wheat
Asio'lmo·.<ets:Cont~se wrop:ie-sorethin and more fou·, ho'le :,een deeo-ftiedtocreotaeo tgpoen
suited for d:Shessuch os Skhuon-St) e v\bntons in vd )<e!low colorand cnE'"'f,soongytexture.Thenoodes can
0 (page 64) whileShongooinese.,,Taoperso·e th'ck. :,e » ..ed. sti·-fried,or used ·~SOU?Sor salads.
o.ncl:,es: used ·'l rec::oes:nc!_dingFbrk.and Vegetob e
Wontons(:o; e 59). YUNNe'.N H..-M (YUNNAN n·uo TUI, iillLkU.)
~ovince of Yunnanis h·gntyregaided for
-he we-stae·n
Xlt-. ZI- U ~ICE VERMICELLI its nod'tiona. metnoc:1 of d-y-cuing :,ork.,.-.:thsalt.
{XINUW .\fl cm, Jlff:o"<:Jfl} ~obust flo·.-ors
mo.,:et -.:Shem o s·Tole ye: defic:_O.. s
-hese th·~ t ronslucent,w.oc:1-dried noodes a,e a stop e c;,oetizer whe'l eaten on 'ts O'"'"'\ but its so i:iness
·~ me northern Tciwcnesecity of Hsinc."_. Mode from d.50po·-s we .,,i:h.,,·..,terTe oo in so,,..ossucn as rot~ · tnon mung oeon storcn, they ore OobMeot end Win:::·MelonSo..o (po;,=110).r-.~
soo<ed,a.rained,and tossed ·'l stfr-frie:s.,,ithth· ..1y "'-Gm is roo~ed oeforetM to teT.ove excesssalt, o.nd
slicedpo·,:, shiitokemushrOOIT'l$.
carrot, ands-wimp. :ro<.du:toor ordons
~ Ver~ elli.,,i:h Tuna (page SW). con oe used oson olter"'.Ot'•.-e.

XO Cl- L s;..ucE {XO LA J1..:.o JIANG. lCOH-ill'K) ZHEJle'NG VINEG ...~ (see V--egors)
\lo Ted o'ter,...,highest 9rodi"9in Cog"'Oc,th:S
.,·gh-quo":-tyco--dimentorig'"'O'tes Hong Kong ZHENJle'.NG VINEG,-::t (see
o.nclooes not octua.'tycon:oinonycog"'Ocor,o.
.nsteod,it is a mix:ureof dr'ed wofood,. ZHUHOU Se'UCE (Z."1U HOU JIANG, tt~ft)
"'er~, and spices.A regulo· C."1isauce mat be Also<nownos cnu ""O.; sauce,mis combinctiooof
substfu.ied Dvt itw no: -"'-C\'e the some umomi flavor. soy':,eo.ns, garlic,ginger,se-.,omepaste, o--dsp·ce:sis
·o~ for bro:s·"'9meats o--dvegetooes.Beo'.lsauce
YAK eu--Eft ( SU YOU, fi.~1 is o ·eosonaolesubst:tute.
-his coiry produc: is o speo::Jltyof-ibe:. fi,,e mi!
the yo~is c..""!Jrned
to jJ'oduceo ;ich ourter w'th o .,·gh
fat CO."tent:,closerto C."eeSP-
in ae~'ty .Ya,:ovtter tea
iso :iooulorport of the -iima.oyo~ d'e:.


:JeU'"~-,. ~I0,11:11":
:5!.0'4!$01!3 co,..;,..o :»U:i IO:l"od ··e:1 tO'"g::" ~ :iee ~:·1-try5~3
OX1io1".e::,,o,-:+-~Ced~~ 2lC C·uc·o..,cor::i ·n~pl.59 beefOl"dXI "( TTteOl:io~ }?9
c+-cu,. o-wlox, :iieco::..:.e
·oe231 "i~"I "':~ Ci" '"e"A ce.e') OC":Ibc::-riOOO ~c :iroi:-,
Voot~ 152. '5}!::i ";!$CS
·iu :~~:I"" :t, Wr•b"o~d x,r~ boeIJ,
OtoO!"'I' e•:I TT) "e TU"!IOOT::..072 "a~-,l"td$f ed91:,;-,, SOI.Ctl.!5 beef ·-.c~ · ::i·o:i- !.::lC. .dCi
"i~"IO'"d ~,I ,.. :e ~ 'Cl beef ·-.c e:it ::i·o:-.GO
:,~oTiedOXl(l!'e::, i'}:l, ill ~!'de• .. ·tt, TTU~l>rooTT~ O'"d :iomboo "teg,1°SC1Ql"1"!9~i.
O."ftOl'OCOQl(~051. OSl Voot~IU -, O)~:et ~uce }?3
9'i-(90 "'IUUWit"Ibo'Tiboo $1>,:o:~!.1,! beef ·-.:.-"!Cl cl>o ~ .!05
o.mol'O:eow1:"'t~;i •'" :e-. C.!I
:'4::- ov :s 0)"'9booC',-C1.e"tJro, r1 beefje)'SS
cke:>•f• edOl'(f',o,tt-?) .1J0,0"'9 p0'"1(5::- · :.-:i~a5
d· ed091 -nu~... oo-r, so.ceo1·e· c· ~~, -~!Q-1 ~"I-,"' :I> g·,.g::-O'"d = iol"s]'tO
£.l"eo--:1 -nu~-.-OO"r1$ 0.":I f:c-r,000 :.-"!00:~!.~ beef~..,-.., ,. :I>;.;...:i.e do:es }~::'
:'4:;u:::: ilOOT t& :x, •i( te y,. :I> d· ed :iomboo:.-"'IOOt$}89 beef te~:le'io<"!, -.·u)r, ,.'OhuU,::iOP(
duc~wio:-.or,;-e ico·:,c,t lC.! JOS :xi ·I( .. tt>_.·,.eso
· ~:e !.: 9 i:ei:i:,.e· g,:ia on
::..,tm:io,.d •'O::ier·~ -,.,,.,-~ ~11ce·~ ::i·~e!',ed mu$:ord s➔eie,.~ ,,._.,
f:c-r,000 beef"' '.I>:::i-.,..~e !:rxco • GO ~7
:,~oTied~-:iedg:,o:.elCO voou.!95 beef ...·'.t, i:<<>e:I ,.., .e~~
:.l"+-0.:: ·e 15 ·e:I ~l"O)i:e1w:t., l>o:& :»U" ~::i OM beef ...·'.t, sp·C)so.:e .!.Ol
:i·oi,:ed me-:i-::..
J'.'o ~teedo:ioio,..e~a2 b·o·,;ed '~l
:=-"~:s ~teed :i X< mu~~·oom$ .!.';'O t--o·,;ed beef :ir,:,:etw':-. ·e d,. '".e~5
d·t.:•u,. ci-+c~, ». SJ t--o·,;ed beef;. oco~~e ·~ e ,:CO
:=-=t COT <E~,E.S~S3 ~teed OTb ·,. ~-~;io•.!') b·o·,;ed r::OSOl"d:.e'"d:i"!.!.1~• .dll
OTtO<"dt~ •'tl>eg9,o,-ii;e',;C,!° $!-o-,d0<""9:>Ot~ J.!S Cr-'".e:;.eteef:.e'"ci::--oi-. Wi
xit< ..:r o::ticot u-1,e::..!91 Sc,uo'"•7.•r-c, ::i·o~duoc 298 COl",.:~ =i 5::-3
Xlt( kll'!yO-wl o»·icot u•ie ::,o,.:i IJI Sc<-9~00-~:·,..e;:.., :.01.p 10::- do"! de-. "!OOQ.e~ 590. ;n
:,~,.e:lgoot .!ll"rledpo ·k :ie y •·tt, ~:e:I pc,r~!o~ eg9o"!d bet-' ·~c~o-c, '.:.o'
Q:'Om:i•·: Tteo:to::.. 7. f•f-:ed :>Ot(k"di-e-i~!o} f- ed rc«"t :-.,I oO}
:~>;;O'll\001' 058 7.J"•hed :iot( ;el"i:-t•o·,. !.!} f- ed ric:e" ti>'ol"d :.--.•TT::ti:o:,~
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!)~H!:;us :o!u ·.., tro•.,. ~~ ~ Lo;,.o-, -m eCO"!lJee 57J. 5:'1
:«1. .!;.! ,e;ie•:it e~ o-e· ·,er-ri~ !o-5 po:ot) :io'"C0.(t .... ., teef !.5,o
·ia- w~-.~ "TO"tOl'OO::..:,o·o~ 5'8.~S: bo'Tiboo ~teGT.e'$ .!.I fee l"ood.e-.;w':-. ::iet'ior-d :ix~ b.eo,-,
:.eoloi;'.-O"!d OZXlt:>gi.::..125,]]S: bo'Tiboo ~t·o't".e•~.!-0 oc;
:.01.ce oCb.
:usp::; 1~::s.::..e=, bo.",11:c",I C"!ic:(e"!54!: ~teed :lei"! "'~~ jcoTT3 .!.C!,
bo:'!:~uec:-,d;::-. •~$ '::' ~:eorTled !:.eefwit-, -o•·r p•e-.,e•-,e:I
bo't~ue :ior~ !? !. PS cotco;ie }~}

bo~· c lom::..TT31'1"0~d;- 9:ir ic :..:111~
5:~L:'Y '""'!'IE
~:.t ·fr .ed :,e,eidC!,
kw:il" • ~ rco:le510, 577
:of1..5~ bo't:ITTU"Wf.. :r bock :JeU'" :oua: }~ :eu •~-ri«e:l'llog-,1.=' C&l
a.:,·-.. oa-, 5:5 1L .,.e·mic:e ,. ~r =' or-d :ite~,.,,.ed
:«1. 509 ct>ic.:e'" ,.·:r :;.e~T.e oi' ':Z:lf :.01.ce, TTU~tor:lg~el"SO~
boud91.:·r~ ·ioe :iu:l1f1'91,..:t-,coc:v,ut OC":l••l"eli~ '11-e~ ..e.(e ::ieid ~ 122.Ui
'Tt·i.ct,!., -nu~$,. :I> bof i:lo fief-.30.:,:i,..eZ~
bo.:ed :x, •i( C"!O!l~o,e · ·ic:e 552.555 •'TT::i.. ·:f, bock :iei:p.e-ol"d xi~·
:.---. -~a 5E J l'4G SC.l.L~ IO"IS oaa
bo.:ed :e)ioco :iudC: '"9 ~ 5'5 l S!:'05 5::;"'9 S(O -O<"~W lt"t
bo..71"9!5 :o-ria:o:er-·,e~ cie~t..,u:$ .!.51
boo"!Ced Te'"~ :5,! t-eo.., poste 008 91.1:"IOIJSt',::: (Oc(e~wi:-. :>Ot(~r-d ~-"'9
5'M500 =uN3U5o&5
•oo-r,~ o"ld boTboo fi.:-.;iu~!Q-}
5E~'\I S?\OUTSo88
='"'c:-, :iro:-.,co
= -o,.~o,.!:~cs
OrTlti:e~ .!."~
5'M500 5-I.OOT5 :iSS =' ;-, sl>oct>o :.-:i~ !.~5 po-k ...·'.t, 5eT"'9 ~o -0<"~ 511,:5,!S
Sogo"'9VO"t toh. 51.! cl>ic.:e'" ~o:lwit"I,. ::;::i·o,,..i.,:;55 :;.eocucuTT::ie~wit., f.eT"l ~ iofss
XITT:IOO~"OOt$•"!("! • oi .!,)3 cl>ic.:e'" ,.-,':"'t :ie:ii:et ~u~ 55 a,
XITT:IOO~"OOt$W :~ ~-.• TT:)~ .:ve esg foo '(1.1!"9519 fief"]= iofssw':"'tc:-="!\I~ .!.Bl
::i·o~ XITT:ioo VOOt$ ,,;s --.:xi:1~••~,et SH 5 ·r: R~E~0'-45 :iSa
::i·o~cir.°'.e"I IOI --.:x,d ~ •·•., ~p.ecio~l ~ oO~
::i·o~e,.::,c:,. :t> W)"ltOl'~JC!. ~f •f-:ed "!OOde~,. :I> p0'"1(01"0:l.e:II" e-·:te · me.o"! ~?W t"l ::t."le:ii:pe
::i·o~"i~., • :~ :»U::ilCO ~01.:soOC.t:::ll ~1.ce't.!
::i·o~:«1. ~-eie:~sos ,e ·mice w':-. e93s 5}5 b":te · me.o"! ... ti> bock :Je:11"po~•::,s,:

702 NDEX
:,"::e• TeO!' w":"'t...:ITT.::co ~j l:•:i-'ie:ld11cl;wt"\wor-:o-,::,l:l.! x·x"/01.•'.-:·,e:i ·O:,:.ed-Z:.-,P
:,"::e•Teor w-:"'t::,:,~d e9;i~O l:•:i-'ie:lli::,r,:,et,-'~ Cl i\"'OTS
~u.tle:11:h-tl':"TTeO<" US l:•:i-'ie:IIi~ wit-, ::,o,,i?iOC
5.~ClC 5!~'45e>S2 l:•:i-'ie:I9-011i:e110·ltO cl>ic:(el",. i-9::,'i- w ie ::,:,uc;-i,
~1 ·e"Ti1.l"Gwit-, I:«~ :,eo-, ,:,a1.ceIJO f:t3-'ie:I.OTT..),::at.] ~ ct,:p, t:iro ·c< .!:IS
:,"::e• TeO!' w-:"'t:,o::,c !:ell"!:>0::,:e.!.So! f:t3-'ie:I.OTT..) At!> ':Ofl. 4!,0 moc~c:1:ibme:i· .::~5
cc:-r;be yo.-e · :dulSI l:•:i-'ie:Il"ood~ w-:"'t::,.-,tmp1:,c,:,&::, ~I.XIIpo•i; !50. lSl
co:-p w":"'t:,x,c bee-.:; lb! l:•:i-'ie:Ii:er<~'::,] po:otOOl'd(O:-'O: m11::,."'t !.Si
·-, l:ioc~ :,eo-, ,:,a1.ce·» l:•:i-'ie:Iq1.o· 1•1 fee or-d OT1bc=·oe »5
c► cu'" '":>«kl:e11,.=a2.25S l:•:i-'ie:Iteo 'Ttell:'co ::,3'5 'o'e;iet:il:e :iio:"'I;,J
c 11ms·-, l:,oc~ :,eo-, ,:,a1.ce112.211 l:•:i-'ie:Ito::,o-,d :el'CO"'t, 10. t, Tj X,..~ · s~· .e c►ic~.., l:IC
o;o~ic:~ 1~
cr:iC ii"::,P-C'.':,. 1:,:1...e:I i"1·e·ee·sc '\IUn
Jo..:o~ :>o::<90:-·,c:,:-,·::<e"! OoO l:•:i-'ie:Itch. 5::5 cl>ic:(el"...ti> co~ ,e"" l'll:::,r".,0.158
ee -, :,f:10( be,::-, ~1.ce l/3 l:•:i-'ie:Itch. ::,~et::,505 co::,,;e·oe :o,.~cl>o,~-,: ,c
ee •ti>~-, i'.'3
::, l:•:i-'ie:l)i•l"ood~~ c:.·.=s-1
-IU'"O"! •::,':),e po•.; :ie y V9 l:r:,i,;--.;i15 b-o",;edo:i":fi~ IOI
il,/)'31'9•7."( e 'Ttell:'co-'iJJO ·e:I l:r:,i,;--.;ilO 156
c:11:-,:."'t;.:,o::,c l:e11-.::,:,uc;-i,
to:.t~ -,:,,oc;~beQ-,,:,a,.ce2C8.1C~ !:•:ii"eo1.1,II" l(~CFU c:11: -~-, •·•-, ge:-·c l:l
'Tie» toh. f5 :>:..'\I JOUG -1: c:11: -~-,;. -:,·ck~::,:,ur; IJl
o,s:;:etswrt-, :i x~bee-,::, t23 51\! :J ::,:e11medfi::,."'t;.0:1.~ e11v~ 155
XII("': ► o-.c~·e-; JS] ··TT::ior :oc:et 191
::,.~ o:ru - o•et o-wlpip:ie ·s U.!
•01:,1(,OTT::,"!:,f:)C~ beQ-, ::, Jli l:•e:il;lee-:!1 C!L! ~Y
·ia- C:":I::,po·et ti,::, ,. oco::,::,e·,:;e »-0, S67 5,\0::COl f-cg ~w't-, ::,l"ow:ie:is c:-dn e·)· na
::,:ifTtO"'tful> ~eod ••'.!>l:od;:,e:,l'::,0.-.:1 cr:ibme:ito-,,e • l:rooc~, .::.!C C!LiUC! o,S;,
:,re-..e,.,,>ed:,o:l( ol ,e::,14) <,.",I =- oo ~mo- w-:"'t:,·occor o» ce:1.ce ,:.a110.!)
~tl.tle:11:h-tl':" TTeO<" US f:,:,-,.-,sugo:-C39 Ce-,t·o cuil; ·e 19
boci;co •doTo-Tt oo;, l:ro-•-. sugcr l:o:-039 Cl>a~Y:i,.kdC~l
5.~ClC FU'4GUS 5,..dd ►"s: ,,e,;e:o:-·ol" cut:;·e 29 C:--31":er ·o-..eL!»
e e w :i- :1...:1e
o::,pe-09-1ol'd :«1. .::;.! Cl>aot/>01.XII"•'· ed fi::,."'t Ill
Sogo~~o, toh. SI.! Cl>aot/>01.-:,1.'Ti poste 059
:,OC)( nJ-,s,.~o-wl c·o-,t ·o~o:I !o5 •C Ct>aot1>01. ;ca
•7.·r e --.:iode::,
:,·o~:,e-,:-,1,bl C1>ao11>01. •7.·r e XIT Ire-:1a
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(0«1. ,.·:r :uxk r,_-,g,.::,35 2CI C-IEST'4Ul :~cu,
.1.0-f.1"9X1 ° ( lTI
XII( "!!10:-C ::,o...ce3.!.!
S!-o-,do..;i po-~ !.!l
· Fed :,o,-~ ( :ll'e;,::,hl
~!:•· Fed t::if...Ol'O Xl"I( 5·5
er~ Spo_-.:::,...,
To.::<e·e. p·u.ed N:ipo
c:it~ge. O'"d ::,TO(ed~d ·e-;::,il"g

;:,-,•~~eo:1TTeot:ioa ~t
--.»:1~ •·•-, po•i;o-,d g-O"f)·:,&::,
::,:e11medse-.e"Tieco..e C15
oe;-,9 ~11 o~ ..·tr c"!e~tl'II:::,4S"
cl-e-.t~,.~,::,o,.:,,.:I> o::,."Tieit-,11s

~oss;~9 :iici..eO'\l:,pocn:,~(»;, cl>ic:(el",.: ► c~e-.t~1.--:::,178.
comso,.d:i x~m~::,,::,o,.::ilCo :iici..ed'o'e;iet:il:e::,.!;, ~9:ired ti:..:,--:::,Ol.!
5.~ClC P! == p, Xl"icor-dco:i~ -ne11:'co-'iJ~O wie:i• 9 ·11•e-,,. :r c~,e::,:.-<..--:::,
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5.~ClC P! "= E=t::OR'\IS Xl"I( ,. :t>go· ":;:,·,:,.--:~15' lSS :.l"eo--;ic-,·ic:,:e..,
c-.·e::,e =" te"!detoil" J97 xrt sfc.,e·s ':'O.n :.I";.._ ~,,_:•r-i,
5.~ClC SfS:'1! =: s ·t :outeedco:iboge .!l:l 'co"lg'co"lgcl>ic:(el"So!
::,~oT~ ::,e~Te (ll(e o-15
boci; ~~TTe ::,,:,ur;ola.OP
5.~ClC i~.u~=.t
~11,. •7."fe ""or-:o-,::,-..,·ed o· ~. 6S
7. :•hi ,d Y":il"g:-.:,--.:,ode::,
:o!11ro i-,c-,ic.,e-. :,ro:1- 521
dil ,,
b·,e · me.o.., Klll?W:t..,:i·,e:ii;pe ::,o...ce

boci;c-,ic ..e"tOl'dTIIIS.,.OOfTKlll?119
e9,1 toh. wi:-.:, X< :T'\/f-e ~~ SJ] ,e;iet:il: e::,,. :I> ~d :>e:11"
curd .::~o b-o",;edt"lic.<e"!...ti> TT1J$l>r-:iorn
fr~-, TT1;0-wl eggw ► C.e wit-, e-:10me11: 'f011'"9<0:i~o-.e1 0:1.::,e11•.::1~ 267
Ol"o:iock t·1..--!eCi-b «1t0T e :ed,.'O°'l\l~)').di7 cl>ic:(el"·:~- iss
bo-.:~rgl5 ::::.:,.:,. cl>ic:(el"e--:1oboo·e coze-11 e ]Bl
co·;--.;i15 :,..,.. ·~t'( e :i·o.::,ed-ne11:::,370 cl>ic:(el"e--:1g°"lge'CCl$~·t e 270
50< :: -10YO!l9 :,·0:,:.edC:11':I i.59 cl>ic:(el"C:":If~::ip:i,e Ve:! tee» ·
co--gee wit-, dt ,ed XI~cl>o-rO'"d :i·O:,:.ed-~.., .. tr~., 1cc cl>ic:(el"C:":lpc<"~ ·,,e•co::,::,e
··1:,,_5o9 co•r; be'~ ove- :oh. 15) cl>ic:(el"Wt-,90
~l" •'t ed cl>iocel"::,:1. "re-dm11~·oc,m::, co•pw : ► :,o::,c l:eoc~ IC.! cl>ic:(el"Ve:! 1icewit"ldt :eooc:«l'Us 5.!0
,.. ti>O'(Ste' ~~ b.~.! corp w :i- ~..eet Ol"d ::ou1:;,ouc;-i, ')C cl>ic:(el"·..,o s:e:iTTco::,::,e ·o e al]
XII( o-d :iokc-,:,y :.o<.3118 C·11c·o..,cor:i·.-,:,oupl.59 cl>ic:(el"·..,O'"O"tlm:i"ic:=2~
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S!-o-,s ►o- » ·( t"!Opr-oo:I e ::ou::i573. O'"d tof1. ::ou:i109
.:.,::,-, cl>ic:(el"·.., :,:,..; .eoi Z.!l
s~:i .:.,::,-,
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b-0°::,ed'coTl»o ::,!>o«::,
b·o·,;ed beef .!ll

b·o·,;ed beef :it'-'i(et w-:"'t·ed ,. re .!CS

i-,c-, • ~11ce 17C.171
.:.,::,-,., · eoO.::,:·~9 ·0:,. = '»
.:.,::,-,"t S"'tt: O'"d ::,o,,ir ~IIC:t 109
cl>ic:(el"·..,t :ll"TT
cl>ic:(el"..,.. ·l'e155
·o,f :il'gii'l

~~ i:5i
b-o",;edbeef ,. oco::,::,e·o e .::co At!> •.::'TTCe" l.50
.:.,::,-, cl>ic:(el"$0.odW":"'t:Je:11" :;:,·cc..--:::,.
b·o·,;ed 0:11:iISQ g ·ozco ·po-,d :di. ::,.:,11r; ·ct cl>ic:(el"$0.odW':"'t'!.~
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t-·o·,;ed c"!e· -,...:oo•~ :>0•~Jss 7.1.."t~:: ·"c:11•:i iol cl>ic:(el",~ iol",Ol'O::,."!(I 0: (O'Ze"O-l'
b-o",;edt"lic.<e, ••tr TT1J:l>roorni:.». 187 'l,e~t ou- · '.-:¥..e~-, IS] na

c+-cu~ ::,:,up;..,o cc~<oe 112 ::;::,·-.:,c-,)(>e-.!.Si C1 :'ll!SE S! .U)!:;:: o¢'J
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":c,11,i' ;_55
w "3ettew it"I:>e~pe•~01.ce55
2o2, 261
w -.3$ ;., :ieol" :;,ouc;-i,
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w :+- :,o::,c po:,~ mus+-roo~
::--:ee-r,edcl>ie<el",. :I>::,:ii:-,· ::-:i~
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cl>ic:<el" i-, ,:,:..,.;eoi t!}
Cr ~e~ so.::,.:igeo~d ~hfmp ft ed fee

ii:ir.<o·a p..:ld'"'9 SLo

fee,. :t>ct>>e<e,ol"o~~s e ii" o
t5i JC"if0"'9 ·::-:~e ci-·c..el" i:Bn CO~$etOe502, S6J
c+-cu~ w :t- co:.-ie... r<.~::-2.SS,153 :: -1,c< ::'IIo~u,r :o:-o ..,'.1t,cuted-neo:~ .!9J. ;!>f
c+-cu~ w~-. c+-e ::,:,-<.t~i73. l!) ~eet ol"d ::,o,.· -..::-.--.
l!.9 :e:-op ..d:!"'9 !.;,l
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::-1;.E O l ~o

c+-cu~ w~-. ~~t, TT:!,..24S t:'l''l'p·4t.ed w:il":01"~00, 61
c+-cu~ W~"' /Cll"TIO ;,~ ~TT::ioos+-o:i~ ,c:-,-•o· :QS C-11\'ES
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c+-cu~ w :+-·ed beoc"lo.;.·d~ lo! :.,~.,~em,-~ cf-'E~ ·»
c+-·cu~ w:t- ::-~T e o·. ':Cf ~:ie.ol"d
~-e-o. · ~·::,c1- cu~ 200. 20.,~
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c+-cu~ w~-. ::-"IOWof11~91,1ihl O"Tlbcl>op,:;ol'd(f-'~ .!l .! .:in .-.»:le wit"! ~~e,·o ':.t:lf $0.Ce 00~
c+-cu~ w :t- ~..eet TUt:ird9·eel"::-2SO
c+-cu~ w~-. :1.:ie·o-A 2~
c+-cu~ w~"I WQ..1"1.~::-2ot:
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::-1 ~1 s:::, =,s·t ~;,
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corvil'O$C<.:l IC:l deep-'1 ed cot::i Ii~ ~teed ·ed $t'O:i.i;et157
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n.r.s deep-;ted ee O? ::e•-ed fi~t,i-eod llO
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o..:x "'~I" O"tlJeic:oroot l~. 105 ict- iesg~t:ird~: !. Ved ·ic~w t"! si"' T) ::io:.-:e55'!:
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" .1"99"OWo.--:1fl"ellixr,-e
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·d : ,._•o.•• :.-t)e•e•Tee·5? !. S~S
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N,,..~,..gduex500 :eo ~~ 5}1. 533 =wl>C<. 'l('.►.ee TTeot::ioe }'C, ~!
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e , ·O,:.edduoc 293 ,e ·mic.e w~.., e93~ 555
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•h~Oduc:~ ]QC, 5Ci
'!0,.9:t-C<.freo • ::e ssa, 55-:,
:.eeo.,:.o5",Lif:l OUC!C EG;;S ,,.
roe:.-:po-~ .. ·1t, 9111:ere-.:1'( Tte :,-,

';e ·m>U ·w~~·:,'-.~?:.?.i. e::i11'~me"!t!C- 1

OUCt: t:10"-EYS
po •i(o!"d wo-:e~r= ~11p 95 •f
3~'is: =u'i3U56?2
OUC( ~ \'!~ ~;,i :.-:·1•freog:il"bo fi.:-.311:.-
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:.-:·1-f•ttduc:~ 5CC, 5Ci fe-TTe·ted :ix~ beo.~ ~ee 3. ::: ( 3!: 'i5
:.-:·1•f•~9t.1:1"0U -~ ::.o. 55: : SH bo~·clom$ TT:ir"-oted,. 9:11ic
0U"1PL NG W'!:P" f'1;S (01"~ W~"tXII( ',et O"!d-:e.,'"t5::-5 ~::,e;·c
pot :.-tic:..e-:.-ro.ii :,·O~d •..:.--,
:ie y lb! bo ·bewe pc,·~!?!., 5~5
Oi.:ct- o,i,-, .!.O C01"9eewi':"tfi~f,«° ~ 570 co:'"'1-..,••~.., 90:-·c l:l
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Ii~ :,·o:..,;,· ;o,.ga:•:.-t)e di.cd9l

70 6 NDEX
~1' •4fed ~---'.TT:,-..,:.011ceDC gxY.e ,~7. l'e$ ii' ~oV~:iuc:e!00 -;! 5v:on
Xlt( -, go:- c ~o..ce l"-' go:ee lC0 i-'O~TOOl'OC► (;u,• :»U:1 9-!
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xito:o po"IOOu- ,.,:t- =' , eo ;ji\!f'4 3! ! .N5:.ee5U:'4;j :;;,EE'I dc:e.o!7
·0101cbTT~ •:t>o;o · it=;n 3! !"IS ieod "1'11,1$:0'd • :I" Tll.~"'00Tt$ "°5
~31,1•ee:Iee •;o g•ee'"t ~OOl'd •·:i•~· Cl'e~tri.: i:-e-.M•t ~ -!e c-e·0..:~l'e 2"
~teOT,ed~,:_~:,$ • : ► 93t it 120, ii] ~l\!E'4 'h\!S5! -!e •o-,0..:~l'e i."
$f• · Fed :ieo voou 5C2 "a~-,;.,dsf ed91:,;-, SOI.Ce145 ~if-, ~111.ce~Vl
G:,L C 5,"'\0UTSo-92 ;ji\!Y "1Ull!i -! O~E'f
c► ·cu-'"w:t- :,00(~:,o:-muit-rooms 9 ·~m1,1 e:w':'"t eTT:il'CI Ct- eGI' $ell bo~$ • :I" 1-oie-,-o.--:1
;:-5; 9 ·~ m11 e: w':'"t :,•e-.,e•-,e:I ::TtO<"~ i.:50 :.ovs:i~ua
0."101,..:t-,C..,-,e~ece e-y ""1 ;ji\QU ;,P. Oo::il.0<.· rt)I e ~•~...ed ct>ie:(e-,;3?
Xlt( • :I" g~t it ~:>fO\lt~15', SSS :,·O,:.eds·oi.:,e- to'~ f· ed c-,·::,cer .,.'.1t,~e•e•o T$o's.
Cie•e·o -~•$cl'titu-l' t>0, 167 9 '01.:>e"• :I" :,o::,c TTU~l>ro0T$O"!d l>O<" e v IX!-'
G "IG!'t 091 ~II O<"~llS ',;--,. f·11rt;. -.:il'e,-eo' ~:,uc,e 010
~i"ii ► rw~..,9--3e10-,d~o O<"~m ~eo.Tted goi.i:,e · 152, Ill $:eomed l>o.'Tio.--:1,.,.·,.:er -ne O"!
:,·o~ O.'Ti0.!28.-'ff :j,.o,"19do"19 rui:. -:e·1-22 'lal"d-•c,e~ ~a
:,·o~quo' !II ~..,91(cui:a ·~ 29 :e:-o -..,l>O<"e..sed ~·a
c► cu-• o"ld g·,.ge- 03~$e...,e J;o :;..::~ c-,·::,ce-,t.!5 Yul'1"0.'"t ~m -, ~i- e 1·ed~111.cell2
c► oedcr:ib...,':""t9"3e1:.ou«:2C7 ~t"1011 ru":.:,.e ;:a -! O~E'f l0CU5i 5!D ~~l
ce>d p0 ' 1( .~ l') ~Y "'SU\1 1-'o·~ , ocu• ~~de~~ ·: b!C
c•:iow':..,9~se1o"ld~o C-~2Cb :oi11p..dd'-,9 tu ~5 ~• e 1ed OT.:, , •3
~:,-Ved OTbwit-, ,:,ai.ce "2l ~• e 1·ed o:u '00:$ ;I' $we~ 0$TtO.-.t"!1,1$
due~ wi:"I ~::ttt'99 "!lJero"ld p·•eo::,:i ~
i'.9~.n -
e93i:-ol': w~.., ·oczt Xlt( l-'S
• 1-
- .o "31' t"li-::<e~1ic:elSO,S~. ~J
~• e 1ed soi.Ce lO
~• e vToo.., Fed · e=, SoC
xit< ~"!11t<-e• :I>d3\-se$l~.!. xi •i( $l>o.--~ o"ld f-01) ~ SOI.Ip11" -lo--;i l'..or9C11'fie i'.9--lC
Xlt< • :t- c,-~9i-9e- l4 - o·-.:il'e-..e c-,-c,:e"lwit"I oxo'"l\lt T · , 2.Q -lo--;il'..orgfred·iteSSO. 55i
Xlt< • :t- ::;:,1:r99·-.3e· l .U. - : :i;y : ,~5091 -lo--;i l' e o. ·r,· fred·ice w':"I
$:l11"ee:ld11ulW - .o<.(0Q. T') 'l'<yQS V•'T:,~i
$:l11"ee:Ip0'< ·,e' 153 - oc.<o fee i;<.0:l"';i So!:8 -lo--;i l' e e39 :o•:s o!.3. ~9
Yo•g:►-~•- t:iili. ~od 512 - oc.<o $:e-.. ed XI '( lBO ~:or-dS01.1r oT.:,.::i.o
G "IG!'t JU CE - .oc.<0•7.'( ~ 7.·r fr, !.~.! ~:o•d SOI.I':,oto:o: ► ·eo:I~ 00?
ct"~l es Ii o."TiO .!.'.!. - .oc.<o•7.'f ~ :oh. c:11~,o.e St" ~: or-d SOI.Ir~11p 96. ~~
fo.·· t:i .ed $t,r"1p 190, j.;>• - :',I -;~~oi N:irk---;i 0~~
g:,o: •:I" :0•'Tiiol"~01"9"'5 :,::er -ne O"!• :t- -.3TT.!.)C, "°j -!1.:>e rui:.'t-e 29
Xlt( te"lde•,o·,. w':'"t r•«• o•d ~1,11 cl>itu-• $:U•e d w~""t91\if-.:ii1.J$tee 2U -11.-.31'rui:.,. e 2l
:.011ce1'! ct>itu-• w : ► c-.;. e$e !-nTt 2"0. 2C -!1.-.31'•$:~.ieP:, ' I( f:e ~ li~
~e'Tt'•droedO'(~:e~;. ~:iuc:e2'3 ct>eo wt', "n
g·i-se· o•d >"l"eg<T trot:e•$ Fa>i-'oT TTU:l>roo1n.ord
G "IJCGO Nu-s ~~l pep:>e-$i:i.5 • I
9 •c,g.:,"1111$ •'tt, boT..»OVoo~"~ cr:ic me:it o"'Ow'-,t::- TTec,- ~:iii.Ip'10
9 •u;:, -,,.u o-d ~m lll cr~ct,ic:.e..,:,,ure..e. 200 $:e,.-ed .:>e'-0)~:,o•e ··:i,; w:t- ml!•.e::e
:0 ·0~$•e11,,t"t9 "li.g:Iri.:$CU2 cr~po-1; ·o~lo8 pi.m•reO'.'S
:• :leOl"09 - ._go~~ m .lo- cl>iocel' • : ► cocori.: i:82
~ese•ooe. "'·:i- "'ed:ieol' c:11•:I "'o .lo ·o.-.;i f:o':~ •e:I $l>rrT1p528
GLUi!"-1 d e,el)-fred~:i;-.:,c-, "Si • J
·= Xlt( •·:t- 9-.-: e• o"ld futr)' 0:,Uf: ~•)O ed -ioie-, -.OTT!31 J !"'! 'l!Sf PLU\1 'Nl'I!
TeOI' l9J duex w:► T11.~--- ·00Tt$0.-.:1t>eTt;n $:e,.-ed .:>e'<O~:,o•e ··:i,; w :► mll•.e::e
w ►e<r. 9 1.-:e,,..w t"IC-~t"I\IU "81 ~OYO beo."<S .,.·1t, i-'OT !.16, "9~ i;l11TTw·,e~73
GLUT "IOU5 1" ,CE0~l 9'!-(90-.uu or-d ~m lll F ify·--:110
~1.~9il.1f-.OU$ !Ce :J11e6''"9" ti> .,3~TT:Io•dc:iic:i.e'"t ~~ ~ J!~lY:,5Ho93
cocoi--.-: 'Tl.<b!~ -10!'9 <e,-.;iFed ric:e 55C, SSJ je yfiv o"ld c11CUTT.:,e · ~od ,a
9-.ti-cw; · ,o~ ~ ~w,t-, :ioc~~..OT e -n11$ ...00'Ti :0.--:1...cite~ "09 J°:11',P.O. ~l'e 18
ti 'rgo29 ~I' •'· ed =:it:;o.-$ ll~ J":IT'S;<"c:111::
ie 29
9"-tl"cw; · ~ c0.(e-,;0~l ~~TT:) ed "9;! ,o,-,:e-,;,o,: ► ~--••TT:)511 J°31'9( •~1"f-c, due:~ 291
9"-:1"01.~•ic:,etoU",;.. ·:-, pc,r~o.--:1~ji-g · d•e:l toii. w~► ("!.Cl.e"!O"ld~TT
::>!'TT Jc:1,1 ! .0H
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9-.ti-cw; · C~w-,e $l ~•-'.TT:)O!' :ocet 191 Sl-1.-deTied~o:ld/u
GQ !- ~•-'.TT:)pc:(e-,; i,5.) J""190.~:,o•e-':is JJO. Jl7
g:,o: o -d t::ili. o:e..wc e "!'.' Sc,uo• -7.•f-c,:,·o~duoc 298 J'l -i U! - :1,1~~l
g:,o: -..,o (11::M:' 4!1 ~eo.Tted Do (O!' ro:l-'il>• :I" d •'e:I ::eeo~-:1,1
g:,o: •:t- :Cl•"Tiioi-·oi-9"·5 ~cb:isi'.l .!. Jii :>0t~lc-J
~te,.e:lgoot .!.ll ~eo.Tted i-'OT o"ld w --~- TeOI' JUJU5E J_tf!SC9l
goe.e• 'Ttec:'co _.,aJ ~--:l•Cl'e',;"63 beef~..,-, • :I> ji. ·i...:,i, do:e$ l~7
goe.e• ') ' e'N•~ •~5 7.e ...e:I e,·c~- O"!dCOi"!15' b otl; c:, ic:l.e'"tOl'O 'TIii$--ooTT ~? 119
goe.e• :· ·eo d wit"! toT>o:c~ 15'!: 7.J"•hed90~.:>:i h.-,91.~.!.::'9 ct>ie:(el' • :i"-;t,)To i'.0-3
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Go-,gco:, t:,f,. Sil>cc.•~t'f,c, :,·o~"i~-, l7i 1-'o~TO" ti> -:,tu; ~eed~ c•d j..juf:e
Go-,gco:i •~!') e $l>r"Tlp·r cf-' ~:e 189 Ytil'•o-, t>o.Tt·-, l>o-:ete:I ~o..ce ll2 00\~0-t'
GOOSE f-0.-.:1
- i:1. e:I rooo..e. 592 1-,o
·~, OCUt ~eedde~~ ·: b!C

70 7
r.iu~ do-:e,:;::-:1."teowrt-, 91Ufr,:i11ifoee ·-, o:~ .<ell,e~155
::,-:,ee-r,ed-Z:,-, TO~Q:"o•d :ie::,te Ll
flo,.r:,·~ ::,o:e,::-r,ed
f(e ,._-: ► ::,•••TT:I5U ~U'4G 5E!~ SH!f "S
:,·9 :o· ,,i: ► w-,·~,x~ ,,,x,deo•~ '(Oll'"9COO!)Qgl, 0:1.1 ell' -'l~ cl>ic:<el"~odw~-. .!.~
l0TU5 ROOTS C-CI.!: T'- "!!Jbeo:"t ~llf; ~3
o•g'::-:0: Ol"d:,eo-,1,1:~cc..:,lli -,.:,-,e-
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o:1.1H00t •·~-, po•~ .!59
boeo.~;-, f·os·o~:
(1- '"-"~ ~et:>e OT~ ~llf;
CloT~Wit"! •'e'T Ce i12

o:1.1Hoot o•d ~)O:'e··t~ ';l.. liS CIO:Io•d T<.:";! tee"l ~eM'tice

•< Xll"•' · ed Ot\l~ toot :>e::·e~-'Sc CO~$'el0-.<en1
IC.'L ME~,1509.!: o,i:i..eo o:1.1Hoot~ 52 r:eer;·;t :eo:cil,. bo s .., ,:,01.-ee5·J
(Q..T,e•i:;ol"d:cfu ,:,0odSO. Si Xl'ic t.e y,. :It cn...:;ie:I 1i:e lli d- ed~~e•swr:ii;peo,. XI ' ( 219
=u ~9 Xl'i( t.e y .. :It lot11in:ot 335 lo· .. o..,•::,t) e CO"!gee57J. 571
(oofl. ,. : ► ::uxk h."!lJi.::-35 XI ..(, btu ·oo:, c:--::ld•:eooc:o:iui ~'Tl-· dted or,•e ·$il" ~::e l:i3
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01.g-, ":I ,:jc,-._t "I0.'1'$0S!. 615 XII"•' · ed m:i-.::otr !!:,-, 100 ~-·T::i, •::,tllfoedTTU~l>roon-$ 13.2
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l:'"10~5 M!~3EJ0Ul ::-ee5'40'11 =t!S l:occ,- SS! S65
9 · ,ey-ri1. ~ ..,t"I oe"TIO!''.SI TT31"So.P:,TTeo, Ol"d ::,:,goi:,e-...::,.e•:
C.Q, 61:l ~eo,soOll; .!J 5L:C(
g·ey 'Tl!. ~ ..,;t""t:i~,ei-,ed eTO~ TT3po:~ .. 512.SIJ "1U5-l'!.00"1$: Si'!..r.w
c() TT:lr°'"oti-9 l:, "1US-llt00"1$
o•u,eoo•g·~ :1otte- 157 TT3$ ►,ed :of11::-:e,. 5;1 T<..:;~e,:;~-..xi~ lilC
L:ruc: M!iSUP (! MU5· B;OOM5 ()').!. ~U)J! '!.O )l:"15
e•t~ INIO:H ,. : ► d· edO)~e•~ 120. 2,1 'f •"!OO¢e~,._.:+-
m11~·=~ OC":I::r·"!e~e coi•/"!O ~:i IC3
Xlt( ~t\;tt IN'e)~ 151 eo:o-.55'. ses ~u· roN
L C:Oc
~ Ct !\C~T C~J TTeot ti,":le ·'te-lC il:
m11tt0!' r'.::i.~
Gide' c:·ic..e-.2.!.5 TTeot:>ee •'tit 9'11:"!OIIHi:e llC. JJi m11tt0!'~12C
o.rto· oe=·cel:Tj M ,< r,oo:j_,e ~:i ,. :r, m11::o,- !,50
::-To-<edp1.1m:.01.pOIO fled m· • cu::,t:i•::lsCl 0, 63i ~ti..,_ Xlf< JSO.Jii
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·o-,'$heodT-eo~,:;324 325.oai -ri· <cuito•::I ,,.-t..,e39w1t·1~:,(2
L'-te":l •::,:~,e~:,•:,occ:; lH :o-r,o:o:er-·,e:,ot •N
ot::-:e1,.. ::i.o::< toeo• ::-:i~iCS, 1-::)9 TT ~ (0-9e>e 575 '4o.•f"" lJC
LONG.'N o''U, TT:X--;ilC :ofu be.!$ 51.!
'4' l"g-,t.11'1
0:1.,:;~ w -l.., o!i TTX< c·o:i TTeot -'::-5 '4'1"gxioo.·~~e1-5
LOTUS .:.,,,.::5 M«<'"'9073-8 -.ooc..rii~Xll"Cll(e IC8
,e► cu• ,. o-t\l~ eQ'fl.!.l Mc,-g:,·oc-. :•~ · )c11b.·elJ '4000l!5 o') !.-5
J':x"X1· (l90 TT)"!i.f•11itO~ b·o·~d rco:1'1";-Wit""t
~kmr; roe55.c
Xlt( ,. •o:i:ie:I ·-, ~~ .'1'0-•'e'i5;) MON< =,5-1 b·o·~d, ·'"o:id ~:3!
•ia, WIOO!)edii" 0 0:1.1$e:if $!.I ::,·,.eetol'd ~• ~ 149 ci-o:i:i-c,,. - ::,t,,t 1'000.,e',; t05

70 8 NDEX
c+-o• 1(-,.vy:eow SU. S69 d •"e:l~':ote-s ...-..-i~ -.., )Ot( 2'~ P"P~ "$W~-idt ed ~··T:, .!S9
c+- ,eo--.:,od e~Atl>ct,·::,cel'S;::: ettua- w·o:,s • ti>\'h~dO)~~et~ 110 po-k •·tt, c:, ·icot (e·•-e s lCJ
631' 00-, l'ocd~SCO. S~! O"fS:etpo~ ..e 121 po:ot:>e~ esg:iiol'tS oc•:I:iei:i:,e-,,_
froeo--.:,ode:. ,.·tt, bet-f ~l O-fS:e1·:, s. io .!.!5
~ --,x,d ~ s;2
..:il"e--31.1 O"fS:e~w t"t :ib::< teo~.s.221 fee l"ood.e-.;w~-. ~~ or-d :ix~ b,eo-,
~ e ~11p w~-i(O'"l.·i-oSS: ·>::e,. ~I"O-($~e ·$o"/d i:o·~ ~ oCb. oc;
~-n--.:lted o-r,•e·$ ·., ~ i:i3 ~t1"e0:»1<'. "!·T~"IIOOTS-!.rl
--.:,ode ~11p w~-. T<.--:~o-. SSC
~ e ~11p w~-. ~-,r'mp Sa-2 s.:·1•froed:,·g•s :01"9\ll'!So
~e ~..p w~-itOTOtOOl"dewsSS::: •p s.v.e::-:o"ld ~· ~1xre10:C»o,167
~ e~ ...tloee sn po.·• f· edc,i:i.e"I st\/f>ed T~"!IOOTS- yo11l'9ce::,,05-" o-,e· lo:11s.e:if C9
--.:,ode~"' tlo po-kol'og ·o-,y SS.0 wit-io-.~ e• ~c1.ce~;e, =t"; :: -1
~ e~ ...ti. po-k c."l.::<eOC2 po.·• f· ed ~ 3 l'co:1 ~ s;s b-c",;ed i:e•C"t102
~ e~ ...ti. ~o o: oi 59~ po.·• f· ed fhl>ii' w ·e -~.,_ :i·::,ced :ieo~.s.wit-.~~L5C
--.:,ode~"' ti. ~ti:, ~- = OCC poc•• f•·ed O:U •co: Xltt~ !3) :,ic(-e,:Jc-, i,$ 095
--.:,ode~"' ti.~-<":, . .)"Ow"!~1.ce S90, ;97 poc·• f· ed TO"!dO:--,fi~ IOC :iic<-ed9 -,get 01S
Xll' •'t ed e99 "IOOC.e'. 503 poc•• f• ed T,ec:.X, .S-!!9 :i·::,ced o:u ·co:~52
,a N»:I ~ wit-, teef o"ld bock :ie:il' po.·• f· ed ··too•fht- "lS :i·::,ced '4exi o:il:co3e OC9
~11ce ~Cb. 6Cl poc·• f· ed -~ ·,etTtice .soa :iic<-ed::i;i"~:·otte · JS7
$1-o-,g+-o·c+-Cu• --.:,ode ::,:,up~1 poc·• f· ed ~l"fmp ;I' ~::e 2CO :,ic(-ed )O: ►.e•:i rru~to•:I c9S
$1-o-,g+-o·» ·( c~p N»:I e ::ou::iS73. po_-,:ou.s.Sl :i·::,ced ·0:1,:.,e~ ·-, :.o-.·~::e 50
S~) poc•:ou.s.s.:1."fedw~-. ·ed e,ee-,:>as.:e ~3 :iic<-ed$0\·.)e:ll'S-.!9
"'!"'! Y~ :iidted~e::>.e Ol'O~.xre··:, co~~o.e J:!3
~t:•· Fe:I ~e-. ,.-:+-'Xl"<o•d ~:II' cl>icu• w : ► Xl!)Q'fO278 :,ic(-ed •-es'l':Q;)'l'S-.!9.~9S
~:,rouu OCO.60i po-:·.:,fc ~cc..:,~l = .CKLD \'!GEP.S~fi
~t:•· Fed Y'>:il',;-.:, -. es OIC,6ii "'! SHY cl>ic:(e!'·..,o• o-om:it,C =2"-8
fa-,.oc··rt•.e teef--.:,od e~ Si 0. SJJ ~eet to·~ powyo!.r 1-'o:O"!d~· :,rr:i '12)
~ege•or"O"!l'OOCl.e~CC..) S:l" =p S-!001) s.v.e::-:o"ld~·fis.-.:ie 171
'f • IIOOO.e'. w:t- Ttl.$.""CO""TlS-OC•:I
l"e'~ d •"e:I ~ o,~ ...-ti>q..o- egg:,115 :i·::,ced ... l'e $0..Ceo~s
)0(0!'~. 5-3S ~ t•hed :ie:i sl>co:~501 :i·::,c •;i lO
llb~ ►eo~•e·• c11°f"!ell =f! .C- KE"N!~S.095 = G!0'-4
llb~ ►-e•I' C11°f,e 1!-S "nllS-.,.OO°T1$W:I"
~:IC"\U't"eS-.!"Jl ~ked ::i;ie:,I' J1C
llb~t- ,.e~•e·• oi"fie JS =f! .NUT 5lil"E~, s.:·1-froeo:,·geo-.l\O
::;:,"cyc-·c~-, ,.-': ► Sk:-iuo• ~):>e ·cor-,s :i,;i•~ec:-S-;l'C"I-,:,a1.eeS.!
:1·3°$·eo· twit-.~
= G'S J: ~
•O =tl .Nu·s
OCTOPUS ='cf"u ·-,c-, ·~11ceSS p·g·s to· wr:-.wi-·•e)Oel;woodieo:-s Ji':"
c► cu• fr'l'd • ::e• ti>d' ed«t)3US- S!o =',.~1>::;:,i:-.·S-011te.!.ll p·g's t:i o"ld i:eoc"!\11~11p rr
• ~ W:+-Cl.•ed T,ec: O"!d C0'"9'l"'w~-. ti. -w, c:•:I i:eo•-..i:; Sil = G'S iONGU!
:.eo-f-oo:IS--10 0:,"'9co:,c-,·c ..e-.17:l. r1 s.:·1•froed,:g's :01"9\ll'!So
0:,"'9co:, tc:h. SIi = G ·s T'lOT"E"S
XII(,.-: ►:,·~~r.'e'd ,:.ii',.e-;c:•:I d•~ 0)"'9c«l•S":).e~ ► •T:,;.c ► =160 d'11~(el' ti'tlt:e~ lio
~-,tmpJ20 =-,11t c··~pcook~OS! g·•ge- o•d >"l'ege:-ttot: e•s l:3
~eo :11eoT boc~o-1·~ ="!11trrx:-:·010.62:' p·cc.ed pg s t·o::er lSi
c.:: ="!!,It$·.., .-·-,::,;o
· s.oua, 53 :r:rtte-s w·:1-~:i~ed Jil
ome-e: w~-. :,·e-~· .,e:I t1,1r-,Q~
o•dc-· ·,e~ :ii)sto"o"ld~"'l\lt~?il7 = 'I! NUTS
510 xi •ic ,.·:t, er· ~::e JSl Do·c•g )O:: e•ed s!>r"TtpS:S
O'IIONS $1-<.:•:leTll:'l'd~:id.!i:JJ. = 'I!' ==~:
due~ w ~t-o · ,-o-,s 19S ~<eeTtedcl>ie<el',. :I> ::;:,C',·~:,~ cl>ic:(e!'oc•:Ifie:,p.).e Ve:! ice» ·
o ~~ 'l:SE J.L'tL LY 09S Q..-ti("' : ► ::.:,••l'ggi-~ • ,::•:I i:°"!eOp).e
c+-cu•w~-io ·o.•;iedoy
,25'!: "'E~ S'"
Xl'-"d Xlt< c.~ps.o-.e1 ·ice 552. SSl
~ -i0!'9<e-"'3•$~.e c11r·yf ·e :I 1i:e • ti> W•e'!': O"!d~· ~~ ·etb:c »o,167
c►~~•-..t ~p w~-i<Y.TO"!t/>1.s.
"i:r•e• ~ •T :,~7 : 'I!' ==~: JU CE
~}, .11.,..0-,gpo •i( 171 boeef·-.~-w, ct>os.oua, .!OS
-.Ol'e,'let)0:1,.s."OOts-, SA'l''l'~ o~o~:-.u~ xi •i( ,.·:t, peosol"dcor-, SC2 =·,:al' er•- bee-. )OS-:e095
~ia 'Xlt:ito o•dco ·ro: -nee..--.
.!.87 :if:!..,C0"'9ee »8
~-··rr::iwit-, i:ece 191 :ilurr ~:,o•e··t,,.Jo!.,::•:ITTU~~roGTS- :J., :ikirr~ ,;ee$ !_ •t c ' .UMS:SOU ',

wc:e•c:--="'l\lt ~?W t"t<Y.TT:ll''."!11S-

w9e:- 020 =r==::~
s :sE.L PLUl.1S
OXT!1~ cc1. 'flo ...e- o-d :iei:pe•~ U.2 =o,.,E.O
:i·o.s.eooxto · ·., c eo· b-o:t- .!.ll cl>icu• o.•:I oboo-ie= ·c-e131 mo~g:,. :ion-eo. or-d $0!JOd=e-: o!.i.
oirto· c=ee.!. 11 cl>icu• s.oo:lwit"Tteo• ::;:,·c,...i.,:;SS t -:5
oys•e· m11~·»rrs ...·tt, ~ce:I ~ t !co! cl>icu•,. :t- cos.·::-..,1'1.~$]$3.2~ =o,.,HET
OYSE ~ s:uc::o95 cl>icu• w :t- ~•··rr::i 169 ci-0:1:'"0<.
•m e ,cmh• 128
~~ .. ~i-C-.i- -e~ b-octo· "-Cb.f.Cl C>:ITT~•tl>i-'oT TTU~l>r:,orr~.Ol'd po-r,l1e: w~-icri:.:r,-bo-· l'.S-
ldO. 14]
~~ "!O-.':ote-~uel~S P"P:>e-,,.i:i.5 ~t1"e0 :xirrfr::-: Id!
~t"QW T~"!l"OOTS--., O"(S:et= .!.),~ ee ;. :,o::,c teo• ~:,~ 1~3 ~ked )Omh,t w't-, $A~ : ':Z:lf ~11ce
OYSJ::";S ,e,;9:i:II':$ i-, o fio;iro..,t ,:,a1.eeUJ:, 071
ce-~~ wit"T~':ole!SOl'd 'XI"< S7l Oe·e-e. · ~·Hi- cu• 200. 207 W)i.•S-"Ti«e:Ipc-rnf·e• ISi
~)•f• edO)~e'Ol'OCt":;:,y ti:e ••tt, 9;.<90 -.uuwit-, b¢-r,co:, ~l>CO:$ !.?.! =o~<
:>Ott•·l'e ~7i (oo!11...·tr boc~ fi. • 3,.,,_as :!'1--.. ~s.~·,e :i·O~d meo:s J70
clee:>•f•edO)~~et~ 21] -n11S-.,.OO"T1$ w:t- ~ i:ei:pe•$ !co o:-omo:: -nec:bo $ l(d

70 9
X11.edx,r~ct,~$0\o e' ·ic=, 552.5Sl xi •i( or-d ..v. e~•= ~? 95 ~-·T)Ol'd(o.C11mte1 IS<!:
Xlt:Je-:U » •i( l9.! J;>S Xl'I( te "f :-, ~- ::-:io.ic=, !❖S ~··T:,•·tt,~·c-:,·~:,e!?L
~i"i o~d x,n meo:bo. $ 190 Xl'I( te Y :-,ti;.e· ::,ttpe-.- !-3!. ~••T:>WOl':01" :»UpiO!
Se~rg::.eo -:,..,$,. : ► c ►~:1"<."':::- LSl » •i( te y ,. :t, 0:.,0-NIOQI110 51-o.-de rt·•. f-y La,!:
:,·o~c,r."'.1,:.-, IOI xi •i( te y ,. :t, er ,:Pf .. '0.~1.1::;l» s.&1.:11'•::-~-"'N0!':01"~;- ·ell oi:o-'.~S
:,·o~c►e•j'·too·ed po·~ >:ll xi •i( te y,. :t, 1i:e 31i ~,teo~ $:ir«.U .. '.tt, g'OUl'd xi •i( .!.~;
:i·o~g ·~ · :e l.!:J » ·I( te Y ,. :t, d· ed :)(lmbco ::,--.x,t::, :sao 00$:.C:!Oe39"
,:pcr e•::0$0l'dd · e:I t11r..,·:1
:,·o~·e:I rr e:i•:)0 ,s li'S xi •i( te y ,. :t, ~t11i n:ot 335 spcr e•::0$·no ::,,,e JO}
co:-p w~-.:i x,c b,ee-,s lb! xi •i( te y ,.:t, m11~•004,u :sea spcr e•::0$-..,teo l»
(IT."1$"!,. :t- o;o·it ·73 Xl'I( te y,. :t, p=e:ico:iboge 3!-' spcr e•::0$• tt, 90.:ir,oo.::,·>:ieSS.!
C--:10.t"\011 •::-"':v
e po-r,fr e: IJ3 Xl'I( te y ,. :t, re:! teo~ co.rd lli'. ::,po.·etb:cwrt, -ell 0:::-~iell go .I" soua:
c►o· 1(-,.vy :eow SU. S69 xi •i( te y,. :t, re:! dist- e:I g-oi- ::,:io.ic=, m
c► cu~ :,·o:t, CO m spcr e•::0$...·tt, so.~e:I d•ed :><..'Tl::-33:5
co~ e wit-, dt ed »~ ct,o-, o~d Xl'I( te y ,. :t, :cr:i }13 ::,~eomedf!e<.:-.:le · :Ji
$:)(l•e··t,,.so-9 Xl'I( tr:,t-, 91 ::,~eomedpo-~ :ie , w't-, ,:.o•~ :>Of~ Jc,O
co~ e wit-, ~,:,teaol'd xi · < S::'l xi •icdo.m~f-igiO"f ::-~eomedi:o•.; .. '.t-, d•ed ~::i11·:1 la
CO'"'gee wit-, :,or~ o"ld ~-e$e...,e:I do.,:~ xi •i( i-t90rrc ,:.oo.ce:SU ::,~eomedpo-~ •·t-, ~•e~ved w- •:it: li:I
~,1$5::'.! Xl'I( jo... ::,w~-, :lluT ::,:,o.ic=, 310 ::-~eomedpo-~ •·t-, ::,o:•e:I ~3::-!ll
ct:.:ii· xi ·k l:e y lCS Xl'I( jo...::,w~-. $"!1·m~po$•e li'.3 ::,~eomedpo-~ •·t-, ::,o:•e:I Ii::,-.321
er~,· XI"( C!"!Ut<>e l~ xi •i( l;-,uc;c,e.. ·tt, co.e-. 17.! ::-~eomedi:o•1;.. '.t-, ::,h·"Ti? ~$:e l'.3
c,~;. xi ·k tOl$ lC3 Xl'I( -":tl.:ie w·oi:,:;l5i'. ::,~eomed1:idi:;t,bo .-.!.39
~)•f· ed11,,01":o~ ~c.o; Xl'I( ,e · ::,o,..-, 118 ::-~e,.e:J.:,e-,CO$:)(l'e -;:!$w ·:► mo~e~
Jo-igl)O XII'( J.SJ. ,!.31 xi •ic01Tee• SlC pl11TT w'ie ~73
d · ell o-r,•e ..~ ,.-oi:,:>e:li-t :,or~ 119 o"ld t,Ory ~ ~? 11.!:
xi •ic ::,t,o:-.~ ::-~itcy· e=, Ce.(e$ .. ·tt, ~·e:e...,.e:I TTUt:i-d
due~w :t- o-, ·o~ i'.95 xi •i( te"ldetoil' w :t- cilo"lt-O!.t6. ~ !!'tt ~Ol'dXl '( Ca.3
due~ w~-. :i~ei...ed m11$:o•d1-e<Tt::-lCl Xl'I( te"ldetoil' w ·:► ::,-•ee•Ol'O ::,:,u1 -froeog ·ee l' bee~ 5:JC
e93 10 $ BO. Oi ~:ieJ.!3 ::,~it•fred -.:,ode$ .. '.tt, po ·~ol'd :>eo"!': ii' ~o-r-c~:,e .!5] L 52 xi •i( ,.:t, O."!::-,:n, e$ 152 ::,~<01.1:$c,O:J.601': w~-. ·ocet Xlt( l4o X!'I(,. :t, o::,.· ait u-t·e::-l91 ::,~'.t
·froed :~•9::-:o--311el»
"a$/.TT:!"''Ol'OCOr"!~'-? IC2 Xl'I( "':t, 6=,~"!9~ J; !. ::,~it•fred xi ·< te"ldeu~:r J.!3
=o.j>o~•~t'fe ., e• -r,,U S9.!. !)S xi •ic,. :t, Ge-"19::-co.·o~ ll l l.!.3 •fred S!-o-ig ►o- -.-»:I e::,
::-~i1 ~•o.~fl
=u"IO\I ~"l ee Toe<r.:>:1 ::,J.!.l. 5<11 xi •ic,. :t, cP ~:,e 153 ::,~it•fred :o4o.o.--:1po·~ SIS
9"-frCU ' ,t,e(e.(e'. •••-, po•~ol'd 6e /r,g Xl'I( ,. :t, Cr ,.e-..eeeu J'.:'i'..!73 "ted C ·11c;:il'0:11:ilol
~ io"ls cO!..~OS xi •it ,. :t, ct,:pf s·.l",;e· 5'12 j..ju:ie-do:e-. 33
g:,ide"! TTeot::>:I.-.Sl » •i( ,. :t, d-•e:I t\ll"' )$01'd ::,UTT:10:1" 327 ::,~o."fiet) '):>'..,e'$!./S
g ·ee l' teo~.-. ~.., :>:11:>e-co. e po·~ 50:J. SOI xi •i(,. :t, ie ·me"!•ed :Je:11'c11•:Ili:i W•e'!': O"!dsi:<.:,· $?O'e t0$ »Cl, 167
-l11dod11mp ·-.,!$M
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Xl'I(,. :t,
» ·I( ,. :t,
go °' S9
:;) ' C<."':~15' lSS
~·e;!.~-. • tt, p ·~l'd T~IO'd9teel'::,

-lou.o •$t)'e $ti· fr,.!.~ !. xi •i( ,. :t, m11::-:o:-:I ::,Q..CeB.! :ofudo.-r,i:,·-ig$b-2

-illl(i;o•$t\ e to:fu-CO$:.C: 'Oe 51.! Xl'I(,. :t, peG$Ol'dCor"! SCl :ofu 'O ;. c► cu~ :,·o:t, 511
"'!QtOl'O ::,:,ur:»U:i 90. o• Xl'I( ,. :t, p •e-.,efye:I TTU$!0-d15,, :o.rl' :i ~..6:1--3 79
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e•~$ llO, ll:'
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J':x"XI '( 190 ~ ·T :,}i'.0 Wu'-::,s:·, e ::,.:,:it~:i::, l92
~:id me:i•bc~ lZL. 52S. 0-5'
>Cl!''::, Xl'I(,. :t, ~..OTe =:1::-l':'Q yol'o..•:il's,:,.:,ill
:ir,g•::,s:·,e 'Tleo:bo _o;JJO xi •ic,. :t, ~i:ed so: l.!.2 Z-.u~--3"'"- tofo. 520, Sil
o:o.::-·oo: 0:-.:1::,po.·etb :»U:i Ila!. iiS xi •i(,. :t, :;) ·il'99i-9 e· J o!.! :,or~ fo:c«l( 60:5
o:o.::-·oo: .,.1;t, po-k LB9 Xl'I(" tt, _.·,.e,;o • ~:,e !!.9 X,f~ "b:;$ 095-c3
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«:;:::.~ :t ·ct-·ro'$ ! •-,,,iiCa.~re S111•63fd'.:-~·,1i"ICw.oe Ji:,-,1,1 ::-,··e:Ieit:(. St,e-.,,Sc:.e~ce0"'0 fecfor-oogv"w-4 i'.OCO
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(1"-e•. Me~yl". ~11· W)'\.O"! I.• ,a ~ ~ -;!,: ("f$t0!)' of Fol', Yi~ur ...-ue::-,u:,ood"o-,,:.-,i(o i::Or-.'" .a!<~ ~fSM~
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Ci-""· Me~yl" . ·5-,·-rgVol. l- S" '51:li-;z a !Y' C-,uCQ"',!,r,e,iC09
1- Sj.h,Co-ri~c·o P·i%l0:18. Fol', Yi~ur-, ...-ue::-,u:,ood"o-,.. e :iu i:iol'.. S'..:'- ;i ::;:.1; ►~
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a--:~,_Lo-wlc,-19?J. t:JCO
CiW.:et, M':,T"i;."l:,o'.$:::.,.~ Le!lp!O"',:r,-~ 1-:::,} ',..,..,._,.(t:,,,e-.. ~ y, Fo-.3. ~:icl Sre'9hci S:ree: food: it M-.•.,:t•ee! Wet
cemiiOIO,,'jj.,"'),'~1">0!'.'lOr:·eM..:ir:e• ·o.l'tTT' t::i·::i. l'tt3:l!w·N•· :,e:-,:,U~3~.toT:t:J·5,;J5:e-;~el':3 ..,,__--.31'S"O- ..c~·l'o-
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o.,-.~ =ue:-eo s..:.-:.,:m coo.:~•,_v·ct,e ~e::ir. Lo,,t:JCI. i"'c-{Tl"O"'ff-Oo.bedo-1.19~.
o.,-.~_ =ue:-eo l11e".e10o1.1t.O-.u,y0\i..,~Cco.ttoo.:. E:iur')r"e~~ SmOC<"~ Ftet:e•Cl;J.foot!in Cr.tic; CCl.t:JTCI 11rd,-.i::o.·>:a' ~-:iu·,y
~,:,-6:i-,.2:JO,). ::,cP·e~~.SocoW:o-.."9n.
F3r-e-.Jome~ eo~o-'. r,•eGIX>:lftcl.0-,o':..u:-,-,c,..e.te.; Sul',J",0:i(o-09crd Zt>oo.J:OiTT,... "'Z"IO!'ggtO <..eo'"'"~-.u3• ;;.~!-
~·ur..vct"O<"c1 urdC~W\e,-,CO<":«:z,..,e-;
~ ..'01".ts =og-o-,e :l: £(,: :ci-rosi-e-.:1ol'9C1..·-.oryC1. tutej )"'31')"; ~Ji.:.-,u
v3CTt· o~ n·s. C-,uCQ"',!,f,e 1991.
Go-.3,Scz.-.35tSe i;:Tt<T> Sco:t J. r~ c~ i:1.~fe10out>:inCoc,..:.:>Ol' X-oo.=o-,... Z1<,:,-93uo ::oe"'9'el'cd"o-,'";;.: :!~ :: ~ ;:icfo-.3ry
!¢'1'~cr•5oou,l0"1 cfC-..-e-..eC001t-,..9:.z"'ICll'9S'·:i )" C-.u:io~,,__-e 19n
i"bl>r.!Tt·~. Tfe Ctob."9 oiC.•:•c. rme •.. fe5oob,.19~. X..e Joc~e~ --s..:.• lue~..,uo•~ ai$~ ..Sref ),:cu~~O-,cf
ii:, TT31'1", Ti"o"Trce0.Tfe u:;:-dof:he "i,e ~rs.:: C1.tur-cM·~-y1 '.ege•31'0"t)!.·~I- i:i-0-.391.0 St-el';:~Ci"1..:>:11'.$~e. l9&!
ofCr.:ne-;eC~uTT:i3 Ul'i,,e•~~"re-4 i:'O~. Yo:i,-lorf0--.3• •zt-el'<y:i-.gk:i1'9:ucor ~_;;,: ;,_'<!: . ! ,.~•e-.t:c
ii:iT. l(e~&iiu,:il'g_c-."9•-le. EAl:,or-,1\5 C,·,h:,:~ CuU-c,- ::01'fuc:cr)~~]- 5-.ol'oo,-.3i:~e Ji:.-.uc-,u!)e"',!,,e,1~1.
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ii:i-.g, J~e. •G,:,-, co ''°'"'
:iu• tU ::ei; (~e .. " -=of Jiol',;x <.e:.u• .,:~,. C-...:ior,:.·.ei'.0\0.
C1.';<~eJ"!.-...Ci"...:>:1l'~e ·m. You-.9.:Sro::e& "c ~crcbo,..,, ! o-,. r.-ea~t'> of c I.Q(. s.·mol'
l-.0''991,t !i:; tt -3;l$~
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!CozC Cui::,.e :.rec6:i~j. SO:i-1.0 Wei'¥ ci-~l'~e. IWL Z-.:i-os.=crri·-.g •rrg:n.. ~ :i aaa:co ~:>O!'cf -iuc-e·
• ~foel'g.Ye-.3.C/\i.-.uSG·em S'>a!!"<e -.tb:,'/w,. .....,yfme~. "= -=J - ...:ie <.ejiC!, 1983
cemii012,-11:1~,·~ -.-.:,..:cr·l"O:,-gtec: ·"----.3Te-.t"T11,2:Ji2_ Z-.o-.g,Yi.,h.. "'Z"IO!',;gu:ifoi-.o .. ;., :,i~ ,:; :ci-re-~ a..o::he-1
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j-lo~d:ioo~of Sic~..o..,Cl'ei':;j.Sic~<.0-, <ei.~ J~-...C-.u:,oc"',!,ie Z-.0"'991.0"l'-os•ei50°<.qU:II'~-.... "'Z"IO!',;gu:ido bo:,;equor!.-.u
iOIO c-,u:io~,,__-e.. ;;.: :! G?H ~~:: Jrqcb:ie:foofci-·re-~
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::OOlr9:.c-..-o !_-.:y-::opetlo ?l..:i·.:c~·l'9ii:Ju,;e.iO:JC.
of Sic~..o..,C:ooir,g:. Sic~..o..,(eu.e fa-.u c-,uto."',!,ie.i0:J9 Z-.0"'991.0"e"'S'e,x;e-.u· "Z-,:,"'99-0:::ie•,-·o:i jdo,C:--rf T~
L. zi-tnv.1, "Z-»1'99-.:1T:O"'ee,c-:131'" ;;.: ~ ~ ::~ 1c-..-e-..e :i~a::;; ;t :ececfo,otci-·l'e-~cooc.r9rec1<r·que-;: y,..,,__...,
'IDOC.e~ JC~O!'O)-J. )°'31'.iX:e-.ce oc-.:1 ·~ t,r-ooc;-,=-r=..199l TcrGCi-1..x,l'~e. 2CCb.
L. zi-tnv.1. ·z-.o-.99-0:::ie-.3w ·roc-:13-,• ;;.~ :r t: a~ :: ~


• &r.tershoo'<!oh,,,aysbe unsol:ed. • Som., recipes:OClude rowor ve-ylightlyeoo<edeggs.

• Eggs-,veg.,tobles.end fruitsC'."e ossumedto be lo·ge -rieseshould:ieO'YO~ poiic-...orly ':If me elderly ,
{UK:med'.<..•m) s·ze, un essothe ...-.::Se
soeci'1ed. ·..fonts,p·egno.,twomen,comole-o..ce.,ts, o-..donyo..,e
• Mi! o!wcys.,,-holelfu!l.fot),U"' essotl-,erwise 'Ni-.non :mooire-:::1 immu.,esys:em.
soec.'fied. • Somerecipescon:oinpo:e.,tiollyhorTlfu. ingre-::lie.,ts
• GorKc,o-.•esoteoSW'T"ed to :ie c!ge;uset'i•oif whennot p·epored:roperlyo:CO."'Sumed ·'lexcess-
oresmo!I. sucn os red yeast rice,gin<gonu:s, end oorico:
• Afreshcrab 'sa ...oyssoltwo:e·cro:i,unlessothe...-.:Se <ernels.Theses "'OUd be avoidedxarticulo·'y byme
specified. elcle .rfy,·.,:a-ts, p·egno.,t\\'OIT'>e1, COl"\'Clle<..ce.,ts,
• We stronglyrecomme"'CI usingo cookrg me:rro.-re:er anyone'Ni-.n on impoire-:::1
foroccu•ate tempe•atures.Totes: whethe1youroeeo- • GMgo".is con be »sonous whe"tse-..<ed :ri lorge
frf "'-9oilis ho.:enc,;
, odd o cu:ieof sto.elnod. f cr..onti:--es~ults shoo'<!consumeno -i-o·ethon eig"'t
in 30seconds,the te-ri:ierotureis 350-3i5.:-:- :ierday.
it orO-"'-'i6
(180-19WC), about ,-3.,t for most frying.:Xerciseo • Both·cr:ier'oand cro::riccreosuresoreused in tM
high e'leld caution,.,."'en fo a1r·"9 rec:oes·"'\'Olving XO<. :-o aNone set o: meos.1.rements throughoU"'.,
any POtentio"fhoza1Xlusoctrity, indictr,gme use .,ot o,os t"eyore "Ot ·.,te"C.".Cn9!:0ble.
of ·•g' end ooe"l flames. In ~rticulo•, • AllspoonTo:o:s1.reme.nts c_-eleve. 1teos,:,oon= 5 m,;
wnendeep-fry'.og,cod ti"-:foodcarefulfy::oO'YOid 1toolespoon= 15ml.Austro!io"t stondordtabesooons
so..omog,w!:Gi longsle!:'.<eS. o.nclneve-1leave::!'I= a.re20 mi, soA.,-strolion -eodeJSore od-1:sed to use }
pon unattended. teo::x,o."'Sin pieceof 1taoespoon when Teosuring
• Cookingand ~epc-otion times ore for91.Poonce only, smo quon:.'ties.
cs inclvd-..iolovensvery.If 1.i"S·"-9o fon (con\-ec.tion) • ',V-.,ennoquontityis specified,:o<exo.Toeof o.:s..
own, :o3owthe momlocture1'sdirec:.Of'6concer"'·"'-9 so :s, end r-Etis used fo< finishingo_:s "es,quo-rtities
owntem:,eroti.res. ere cbcre:ioooryond"lexible.

PH' ,J0'4 "" !% ~ M ED P'I '4i!O >.j::-; "14
R!:5E'4" 'S 'l1H''tF We wo ..d like totek.e thisoppoiunity to tf.onk.Modo-n
: ..L $! 1'4iS S " 1'!Ei JYuon;..n~iE~h fo· recommendingus to Phdao'l
L0'400N ~ I 9P! :.l·ess, giv"-9us tne oorottunitytO\\Qf(on tru oook..We
'M?<etothank.Mr. W.O. ..ei ~ ~~fl;~ end
PH' J0'4 "" !SS :'II:: Ms.Cesilio..ei f:,Qt:;Js,~ :or theirossistonce ·<lreseorc..'l
OS S.E::CK!"~ Si'CE::i cs well os Mrs. E.oine'-10_?.~~.:$~ end '-ir. ;e -vy
N!W YC'tK, NY ICCl2 Ov-.,11!Jl:.5"
Mfi= ~ '1:)1tneir con:rOutionsto m e )esserts
cnop:er. W-thovttf-eir "'elp.we co..d no: ho'le Te: our
PH' J0'4.::0M oeod!ines. We wood lib to ~ "'CINOUt ooprecio:00to
the e.,tire Pho·oo.'l team, for provid.~ us,.-."th
F =cs;
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Jo Murrey,EreSmth. -·oce-ySmith,.
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: C "' ::t "!LQ:5U! 'tE:O'tO : o " "HS 50011; <o:e Wonwimolru,:: forthe'~con:rO'..-tionsto the book..
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