SGS External Audit 25-07-16

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Issue 21

Audit Report for D & D Rail Ltd

Visit Number 1 Early Recertification Audit

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Issue 21

Management System Certification

Audit Summary Report
Organisation: D & D Rail Ltd
Address: Time House
Time Square
SS14 1DJ
Standard(s): ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Accreditation Body(s) UKAS
System Certification
Representative: Deborah Cox
Site(s) audited: As above. Date(s) of audit(s): 25th & 26th July 2016

EAC Code: 28 Nace Code: 45 Technical 28.1

Area Code:
Effective No. of 22 No. of Shifts: 1
Lead auditor: Mike Swanson Additional team member(s): n/a
Additional None
Attendees and
This report is confidential and distribution is limited to the audit team, client representative and the SGS

1. Audit objectives
The objectives of this audit were:
To determine conformity of the management system, or parts of it with audit criteria and its:
- ability to ensure applicable statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements are met,
- effectiveness to ensure the client can reasonably expect to achieve specified objectives
and to identify as applicable areas for potential improvement

2. Scope of certification
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Construction and maintenance: new and refurbishment projects, excluding
Management System clause 8.3 Design and Development

Has this scope been amended as a result of this audit? Yes No

This is a multi-site audit and an Appendix listing all relevant sites and/or remote Yes No
locations has been established (attached) and agreed with the client
For integrated audits, confirm the current level of the client’s IMS integration: N/A Basic High

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Issue 21

3. Current audit findings and conclusions

The audit team conducted a process-based audit focusing on significant aspects/risks/objectives required
by the standard(s). A sampling process was used, based on the information available at the time of the
audit. The audit methods used were interviews, observation of activities and review of documentation and
The structure of the audit was in accordance with the audit plan included as an annex to this summary

The audit team concludes that the organisation has has not established and maintained its
management system in line with the requirements of the standard and demonstrated the ability of the
system to systematically achieve agreed requirements for products or services within the scope and the
organisation’s policy and objectives.

Number of nonconformities identified: 0 Major 0 Minor

Therefore the audit team recommends that, based on the results of this audit and the system’s
demonstrated state of development and maturity, management system certification be:
Granted / Continued / Withheld / Suspended until satisfactory corrective action is completed.

4. Previous Audit Results

The results of the last audit of this system have been reviewed, in particular to assure appropriate correction
and corrective action has been implemented to address any nonconformity identified. This review has
concluded that:
Any nonconformity identified during previous audits has been corrected and the corrective action
continues to be effective. (Refer to Section 6 for details)
The management system has not adequately addressed nonconformity identified during previous audit
activities and the specific issue has been re-defined in the nonconformity section of this report.

5. Audit Findings
The audit team conducted a process-based audit focusing on significant aspects/risks/objectives. The audit
methods used were interviews, observation of activities and review of documentation and records.

The management system documentation demonstrated conformity with the requirements Yes No
of the audit standard and provided sufficient structure to support implementation and
maintenance of the management system.
The organisation has demonstrated effective implementation and maintenance / Yes No
improvement of its management system and is capable of achieving its policy objectives.
as well as and the intended results of the respective management system(s).

The organisation has demonstrated the establishment and tracking of appropriate key Yes No
performance objectives and targets and monitored progress towards their achievement.

The internal audit program has been fully implemented and demonstrates effectiveness Yes No
as a tool for maintaining and improving the management system.

The management review process demonstrated capability to ensure the continuing Yes No
suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the management system.

Throughout the audit process, the management system demonstrated overall Yes No
conformance with the requirements of the audit standard.

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6. Significant Audit Trails Followed

The specific processes, activities and functions reviewed are detailed in the Audit Planning Matrix and the Audit
Plan. In performing the audit, various audit trails and linkages were developed, including the following primary
audit trails, followed throughout:

 Relating to Previous Audit Results: (additional text required against italic font)

All observations, opportunities for improvement and

Yes No None raised
nonconformities reviewed and suitably addressed:

1. Please reference the QP number and issue on the audits taking place. Completed.
2. It would be worth reviewing the inputs and outputs required by the 2015 standard in readiness
for the subsequent management review in March 2016. Completed,
3. Please review the open NCRs with regards to risk to the business. Completed.

All 3 above audit findings from the previous surveillance visit have been closed, with objective evidence

 Relating to this Audit: (additional text required against italic font)

Stage 1 documentation study using the required checklist UK.TC9001 issue 1.

Attached as a separate document.

Critical audit findings:

None identified.

Non-critical audit findings:

None identified.

Therefore the stage 2 transition audit against the requirements of ISO9001:2015 continued consecutively.

Level of Integration? n/a 9001 only. N/A Basic High
Key/Significant Organisational changes? (e.g key personnel, client activities,
Yes No
management system)
Key/Significant System changes? Yes No
Sample reviewed:
Head count is the same at 22.
No change to scope of certification required.
All core processes remain the same, although the whole documented quality management system has been
reviewed and amended where required in line with the requirements of ISO9001:2015.
The organisation remain in offices in Basildon with direct connectivity to the London underground stations
specifically where the vast major of their business remains.
As expected therefore the vast majority of the works are carried out overnight.
As observed, the morning meetings continue religiously, which reviews the handover from the previous nights
activities. These are comprehensive meetings with fully documented records supporting the discussions, and
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more lately include photographic evidence of works completed, concerns, and problem areas, as discussed, a
picture says a thousand words and really helps the office handover meeting understand the current position on

Context of the Organisation:

Has the organisation determined internal and external issues relevant to its
Yes No
purposes and strategic direction?
Has the organisation determined who its interested parties are? Yes No
Has the organisation understood the relevant needs and expectations of these
Yes No
interested parties?
Has the organisation determined the boundaries and applicability and the
Yes No
management system in order to establish its scope?
Has the organisation established, implemented and maintained and continually
Yes No
improved its management system?
Evidence / or Comment in preparation for transition:

27th May 2016 Transition preparedness meeting with the MD and QM.
Including the impact on the business and documentation requirements.
Company HSQE Objectives.
Management review 29th March 2016 now includes a summary of the context and review if internal and
external issues.
Business risk & opportunities register dated 27/5/16
A business plan is in place, and outlines the context in which the organisation has laid out it’s work flow and
documented QMS.
Strategic direction emanates from the business plan.
The interested parties are established and listed, and reviewed at management review.
These are listed in the attached checklist.

Management Review:
Undertaken at defined intervals? Yes No
Date of last review: 29th March 2016
Attended by Senior Management? Yes No
All required inputs/outputs? Yes No
Now includes a summary of the context and review if internal and external issues.
Good detail within the newly compiled agenda, fully compliant to 9.3
Full set of minutes seen.
Business Continuity plan in place 4/1/16

Internal Audits:
Programme/schedule in place, audits conducted on time? Yes No
Reported satisfactorily, containing objective evidence and showing impartiality? Yes No
Actions identified, suitably addressed within defined timescale? Yes No
Sample reviewed:
Auditors are Graham Hill senior projects manager and Deborah Cox as QM and senior office manager.
Full independence seen.
5/7/16 HSPPD Auditee Graham. Report number 459 and against procedure QP11.
1 observation identified close out 31st August.
8/7/16 Purchasing and Procurement auditee Samantha against procedure QP04 report number 458
No audit findings.
10/6/16 Training Auditee Samantha. Report nummer 457 against procedure QP14.

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Major NCR raised reference unavailable first aid certificatation.

10/6/16 H & S Graham Hill auditee – Report number 456 against procedure QP16
No audit findings.
Two main internal auditors, both trained, and allows for independent auditing.
Schedule of planned audits in place

External communications/Customer feedback (incl. comments/suggestions):

Received from customer, interested parties? Yes No
Reported, reviewed and investigated? Yes No
Actions identified, suitably addressed and communicated within defined
Yes No
Sample reviewed:

Specific contacts and communication lines are established and detailed within each project.
Detailing the initial contacts and any secondary contacts & method of contact.
Evidence of minimal complaints over the years is testament to the robust lines of communication with the
clients, established to gain concerns in either direction before they become a proble.
Reviewed project at Liverpool Street Station which demonstrates these communication links.

Customer satisfaction process (9001):

Received from customer? Yes No
Results reviewed, used for continual improvement of the effectiveness of the
Yes No
Sample reviewed:
Questionnaire just about to be refreshed and is normally sent on completion of projects.
Reported back at management review.
Brixton underground 14/9/15 all good feedback
Tube lines 2014 – Good feedback
Red Sixty – 20/5/16 all good.

Measurable objectives, control objectives, annex A clearly defined? Yes No
Established at relevant functions and levels? (9001) Yes No
Programme/Action Plan established and adhered to? (14001/18001/50001) n/a Yes No
Sample reviewed:

Updated as of beginning of July 2016

Remain largely the same:
Within the management review process, defined and reviewed.
Complete 100% of planned quality audits.
90% tool box talks within 5 days, & 100% within 1 month.
Zero lost time accidents
Zero reportable accidents
Minimum 4 site inspections per month
Achieve targets of HSE inspections.
HSE issues raised per inspection:
- Category A: 0.03 target – Achieved 0.12 Below target *
- Category B: 0.50 target – Achieved 0.20 on target
- Category C: 0.25 target – Achieved 0.08 on target
Recycling 95% currently 95.65%

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Demonstrated awareness of all applicable legal and other requirements? Yes No
Arrangements in place to monitor amendments to legal and other requirements? Yes No
Sample of recent changes reviewed:
FORS, CIRASS, RISQS (Same as Linkup), FIRAS, iCATS, CHAS, safecontractor
Deborah keeps a close eye on any changes to statutory and legislative requirements.

Incidents, complaints, correction and corrective action (dependent on standard):

Identified, investigated, actioned, reported in accordance with requirements? Yes No
Actions identified and addressed? Yes No
Sample reviewed:
None since 2010 in terms of formal complaints.
Internal NCRs
No 55 12/7/16 Major now closed.
No 53 10/6/16 Training Major now closed.
No 52 31/5/16 Purchase orders Major now closed.
No apparent adverse trend here.

Preventive action:
Identified, actioned, reported in accordance with requirements? Yes No
Actions identified and addressed? Yes No
Sample reviewed:
Risk aspects:
RAMS prepared and signed off by the site HSQ&E.
Risk assessment carried out at estimation stage using Tender pricing document, ensuring the organisatio isn’t
exposed to undue risk financially.
Method statements seen:
Balham station 13/7/16, reviewed accepted & signed off HSQ&E safety advisor stamped up as accepted

Aspects/Hazards/Risks (Not Required for ISO9001):

All Aspects/Reasonably Foreseeable Hazards identified? Yes No
All Aspects/Consequential Risks evaluated? Yes No
Appropriate control measures applied? Yes No
Suitable monitoring in place? Yes No
Review undertaken at defined intervals? Yes No
Sample reviewed: N/A

Certification claims and use of marks:

Are certification claims accurate and in accordance with SGS
N/A Yes No
Is the use of certification logo and marks effectively controlled? N/A Yes No
Sample reviewed:
As discussed as soon as the certificate is issued against ISO9001:2015, the organisation should review where
and how the logo is displayed to ensure compliance to the SGS & UKAS guidelines.

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Operational Audit Trails:

Additional requirements identified from the audit plan:

Storage and care of assets and customer property is defined within the method statements.
Example of a method statement
Balham Station – storage 5.17 of TFL-161 method statement.
At Basildon site any client assets or property is physically segregated and label identified to the works / station
Returning power tooling is placed in the damaged spares – quarantine area to be physically checked and
tested prior it going back into stores area on the mezzanine floor and booked back into the Plant register as
now available.
Checked 2 x 9” grinders S/No 073 and 020
Transfer notation seen for 020 to go back into stock
073 already showing as in stock, but actually in repair at time of audit.

Warehouse, at time of audit.

Mark was cleaning and checking a Kango which was returned from site and taken on hire.
All items traceable to a Plant register or hire documentation.
Reviewed the warehouse areas.
All correctly segregated and identified for the clear use and placement of products, tooling, and parts.
Housekeeping as ever was excellent.

Project reviewed Example:
Liverpool Street Station
Elevator renewal. Project was to break out the footings for the new elevator as would be standing at a different
degree angle to the existing one.
Request for service was within the existing financial framework agreement.
Potentially up against 5 other contractors within the framework.
Initial details documented using the Tender Tracker.
Detailing contacts agreed and method of communication.
Outline scope of works.
London Underground tender document pack.
Initial risk assessment in terms of risk to D & D is undertaken by Paul and Graham and a project of this value
is notified to David (MD) at the outset.
At this stage the Pricing Document is built up over a lengthy period, in this case up to 3 weeks of work to
complete the 15K line document.
Very complex, and includes an “Adjudication” by the MD when looking at commercial margins etc.

Previously reviewed the Greenford site correspondence: 17/8/15

Times sheets
Daily site report
Photo Register.
Material & Plant request sheet completed correctly and fully legible.
Sign in/out sheet.
All completed correctly and legible.
No evidence of repeat errors with regards to the previous findings.

PAT testing & Calibration:

Required competences identified for the JD. Subsequently trained staff continue to carry out 3 monthly checks
of all equipment from site and internal.
Competence and training certification seen for Mark Ross and Bob Gregory.
Test equipment (PAT tester) remains within calibration cycle 5356 due 25/3/17
Schedule up to date for retesting for all equipment.

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7. Nonconformities – None identified

8. General Observations & Opportunities for Improvement

1. The Internal NCR form QF06, would benefit from clearly recorded “Root
Cause” analysis.
2. Similarly, the Complaints form QF22 would benefit from clearly recorded
“Root Cause” analysis.
3. Clause 4.1 refers - External Issues well established and listed – Consider also
any environmental and Neighbourly issues.
4. 6.3 Planning of changes to the QMS - Although there is a reference within
QP03 4.1.4, this paragraph needs to reference QP01 4.11
5. Please ensure plant sent for repair is taken off the available stock on the plant
register. Example: Grinder 073 was in repair bay at time of audit, but showing
as available on the plant register.

No corrective action requests have been identified at this audit of either Major or Minor status, therefore
certification renewal and transition to ISO9001:2015 is recommended.

My thanks to Deborah, David and all at D & D for the help and hospitality during the audit.

9. Opening and Closing Meeting Attendance Record

Name Position Opening Closing
Deborah Cox Senior Office Manager Yes Yes
David Farrow MD Yes Yes

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Issue 21

Audit Plan (Current Visit)

Organisation: D & D Rail Ltd
Address: Time House
Time Square
SS14 1DJ
Visit Number: V1R and Transition Actual Visit Date(s): 25th & 26th July
Visit Due by Date: 14/08/2016 For auditor information only
Lead Auditor: Mike Swanson
Team Member(s): n/a
Additional None
Attendees and
Standard(s): ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certification
Audit Language: English
Audit Scope: ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Construction and maintenance: new and
System Certification refurbishment projects, excluding clause
8.3 Design and Development
Audit Objectives: To determine conformity of the management system, or parts of it with audit criteria and its:
- ability to ensure applicable statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements are met,
- effectiveness to ensure the client can reasonably expect to achieve specified objectives, and
- to identify as applicable areas for potential improvement.

Date Time Auditor Organisational and Functional Units/ Processes and Key Contact
25/7/16 9.00 MJS Opening meeting Deborah Cox
Documentation study against ISO9001:2015
Stage 1 report
Feedback from stage 1 DC & David Farrow
1.00 Lunch
1.30 Review of Business plan, Risk management, DC & DF
Context, interested parties.
Strategic plan “
Resource management DC
4.30 End day 1
26/7/16 9.00 MJS Project review - Estimating Paul Pullen.
Site h/s audits “
11.30 Warehouse & Plant control Mark
12.00 Complaints / feedback management DC
Internal audit & Management review “
Data analysis and performance management “
2.30 PAT & Calibration of tools Mark
3.00 Business & Disaster Planning DC
3.30 Prepare report -
4.30 Closing meeting DC & DF

Notes to Client:
 Times are approximate and will be confirmed at the opening meeting prior to commencement of the audit.
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 SGS auditors reserve the right to change or add to the elements listed before or during the audit depending on the results of on-site
 A private place for preparation, review and conferencing is requested for the auditor’s use.
 Please provide a light working lunch on-site each audit day.
 Your contract with SGS is an integral part of this audit plan and details confidentiality arrangements, audit scope, information on follow
up activities and any special reporting requirements.

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Issue 21

Audit Plan (Next Visit)

Organisation: D & D Rail Ltd
Address: Time House
Time Square
SS14 1DJ
Visit Number: 2 Agreed Visit Date(s): 14th July 2017
Visit Due by Date: 14/08/2017 For auditor information only
Lead Auditor: Mike Swanson
Team Member(s): n/a
Additional None
Attendees and
Standard(s): ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Certification
Audit Language: English
Audit Scope: ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Construction and maintenance: new and
System Certification refurbishment projects, excluding clause
8.3 Design and Development
Audit Objectives: To determine conformity of the management system, or parts of it with audit criteria and its:
- ability to ensure applicable statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements are met,
- effectiveness to ensure the client can reasonably expect to achieve specified objectives, and
- to identify as applicable areas for potential improvement.

Date Time Auditor Area / Department / Process / Function Key Contact

14/7/17 9.00 MJS Opening meeting Deborah Cox &
David Farrow.
Data analysis and performance management
Management review
Review of interested parties and Int/Ext issues.
Review of business risks/BCP
Internal audit & Corrective action
Process risk & Preventive action
Complaints / feedback management
Goods receiving
Request for product from site
Tools & Product return from site
Service Delivery
PAT & Calibration of tools
Auditor review
Prepare report
4.00 Closing meeting
Notes to Client:
 Times are approximate and will be confirmed at the opening meeting prior to commencement of the audit.
 SGS auditors reserve the right to change or add to the elements listed before or during the audit depending on the results of on-site
 A private place for preparation, review and conferencing is requested for the auditor’s use.
 Please provide a light working lunch on-site each audit day.
 Your contract with SGS is an integral part of this audit plan and details confidentiality arrangements, audit scope, information on follow
up activities and any special reporting requirements.

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Audit Planning Matrix

Visits: V1R V2 V3 V1R V2 V3 V1R

Dates: 25&26/7/ 14/7/17 -/7/18 -/6/18 -/7/19 -/7/20 -/6/21
Process / Function OBJECTIVES Auditor(s):
QS, Document & Amendment Log, Distribution, X O O O O O
data/record Control Archive
Management X O O O O O O
Context review
Interested parties
Policy review
Planning to achieve Operational performance
Objectives Business results
4 5 6
Leadership/Communi Customer satisfaction
cation Improvement targets
Roles &
Risk analysis and
Change control
Performance X O O O O O O
Analysis &
Management review Audit plan
Customer satisfaction analysis 9 10
Improvement plans
Corrective action
Internal audit

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Audit Planning Matrix

Product/service X O O O O O O
requirements Tender/Enquiry’s, Contract
Sales/Contract specification 8.2
Review Samples
Change management
Document & Drawing X O O O O O O
Specifications, CAD Drawings 8.3
Planning, Machine set up, run X O O O O O O
Service provision 8
times, quality control.
Purchasing/Supplier X O O O O O O
control, Goods- Verification of Suppliers
in/inspection Goods-in Inspection
8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7
HSPPD Certificate of conformance
Non-conforming Identification & traceability
Resource X O O O O O O
People - Training Work environment
records Personnel 7
Competence/knowled qualification/awareness
ge Performance reviews

General Notes:
In column 1, list the departments, processes, activities or other functional units, as defined by the organisation. These should be the same departments and/or processes identified on the audit plan.
In column 2, list the primary or critical aspects, objectives and/or KPIs applicable to the department, process or activity.
In column 3, list all the elements of the applicable standard that relate to each activity or process defined in column 1 (each element of the standard must be listed at least once).
For planned visits, indicate with an “O” in the box for each process to be covered. For each completed visit, mark “X” in the box for each department or process covered
If nonconformities are identified, note the number of minors and/or majors identified in each department or process.
For integrated contracts please record level of the integration of the client’s IMS in the ‘General notes’ section.

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Client Name: D & D Rail Ltd Contract#: GB/SE 06910

Location(s): Basildon

Section A: To Be Completed At Pre-Renewal Visit

The Pre-Renewal visit shall include an in-depth review of the client’s certification history to identify
whether there are any special considerations which need to be taken into account for the Renewal visit.
The review should include any changes to the organization and system, prior audit reports and
nonconformities over the certification cycle, complaints or serious incidents and any other pertinent
information. This form may be used to note or comment on significant factors relating to the execution
of subsequent visits (eg: this client is a satellite operation of a multi-site organization; Management
Review, Internal Audits, Corrective and Preventive Action controlled from a different site; seasonal
work, large degree of automation, etc.).

Management System:
The organization has made significant changes to its management system or small refinements?
Small Refinements Significant Changes
Upper Management are actively involved in the operation of the Quality System
Management Active Management not active

Internal Audit Program:

Internal Responses to Corrective Actions raised result in System Improvement
System Improvement seen ‘Symptoms’ fixed only
Internal Audits in Year Three identify improvements as opposed to showing system compliance only
Results used to improve system Audits concentrate on compliance only

Corrective and Preventive Action Program

Response to Corrective Actions raised concentrates on Root Cause rather than superficial fixes
Root Causes Identified (ltd) ‘Symptoms’ fixed only
No history or evidence that issues identified through corrective action reappear
Action prevents recurrence Items reappear

Evaluate possible future changes to the organization

Change in Scope adding Design or diversification of existing products or services
No scope change likely Change in scope projected
Addition of Sites, number of employees or shifts
No change to sites / employees / shifts Sites / employees / shifts will change
Consideration of Automotive / Aerospace / Technology variants (QS/TE/AS)
No technology variants likely Technology variants likely

Registration History
The number of corrective actions raised by SGS over the registration period decreases
SGS Corrective Actions decrease SGS Corrective Actions constant or increase
Do major corrective actions (if any) appear in Year One only?
No Majors, or in Y1 only Major Corrective Actions in Y2 and/or Y3
Integrated Audits Only – Confirm the current level of integration: N/A Basic High
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Based on the above categories,
the client’s Management System is: Well Developed Satisfactory

Other information relevant to the planning and execution of the Renewal visit:

Number of 22 Number 1 Number 1

Employees: of Shifts: of Sites:

Other notes or comments relating to the planning and execution of the Renewal visit:

Pre-Renewal review completed by (Name): Mike Swanson Date: 26/1/16

Section B: To Be Completed Before Renewal Visit

As part of the Renewal visit planning process, the Lead Auditor (or Team Leader) shall refer to the
information in Section A (above) to identify whether there are any special considerations which need to be
taken into account for the Renewal visit. Information details shall be confirmed with the client before
preparing the Audit Plan for the Renewal visit.

Renewal planning review completed Information details confirmed with client

Number of user complaints received by SGS: __0___

Other additional notes or comments relating to the planning and execution of the Renewal visit:

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Renewal planning review completed by (Name): Mike Swanson Date:25th July 2016

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Contract Data Information Return Form

Certificate Details:

Auditor Name: Mike Swanson Date 26/07/2016 13:00:00

Additional Team n/a
I confirm that the audit team have completed the relevant Technical Area
Qualification Form(s) for the Technical Area Code(s) listed on the page 2 Yes No
of this report.
Please note the details given below will appear on the certificate issued to the client.
I have confirmed the below with client and any changes have been made to this data.
NB. This section will be blank if this is for an Initial visit and should be completed by the auditor in full (with
the exception of the Certificate Number).

Certificate Standard Accreditation # of employees Full Site Address

Number Body at this site

GB97/8743. ISO9001:2015 UKAS 22 Time House, Time Square,

00 Basildon, Essex, SS14 1DJ, GB

Yes No

Has the level of integration changed since the last audit? n/a 9001 only

Has the scope changed since the last audit?

I confirm that I have verified the EAC/NACE/TAC shown on page 2 of this report to be correct
and accurately reflect the client’s scope of certification.

It was necessary for me to change the EAC/NACE/TAC on page 2 of this report

It was necessary for me to change the number of employees on page 2 of this report

It was necessary for me to change the company name on Page 2 of this report

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Administration Details:
 This Must be Confirmed
Client email address confirmed as [email protected]

FUA Required? (If yes, give units and date) Yes Date: No
Additional comments New certificate required for
ISO9001:2015 – Now on annual

No of Duplicate No of Van No of Van Stickers

Certificates Stickers (Colour on Clear)
(Colour on

Client Details:
 Only record contact detail changes below, otherwise leave blank

Telephone No
Fax No
Contact Name
Invoicing Address

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Expenses Form

Auditor Name: Mike Swanson Date 26/07/2016

I confirm the invoicing address has been confirmed with the client

Miles at current rate 84 £46.20

Air £

Rail £

Taxi £

Hotel & Subsistence £

Parking £4.00

Car £

Toll £

Incidental Expenses £


Purchase order number (If applicable)

Days to invoice client (Minimum of 2 hours for Major CAR close out) 2 days

For completion by Contractors:

Number of days for payment

LTD Co. ONLY – Your SGS Purchase Order Number for this visit

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The electronic report format is compiled using the following documents:

Document Issue Description

GS0304 19 Stage 2 Report
GS0307 6 Audit Plan
GS0305 5 Audit Planning Matrix
GS0301 9 Certification History Review
UK CRF 30 6 UK Contract Data Information Return Form
UK CRF 29 7 Expenses Form

NB. Please do not delete this page

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