Causes of Problems in Learning English As A Second Language As Perceived by Higher Secondary Students
Causes of Problems in Learning English As A Second Language As Perceived by Higher Secondary Students
Causes of Problems in Learning English As A Second Language As Perceived by Higher Secondary Students
expertise in methods and techniques of language place. It is not a foreign language to us; it is a second
teaching should be of a reasonably high standard language. Knowledge of English is necessary if one wants
(Verghese, 2009). to come up in life. Besides being a link and library language
Review in India, it is major window of the modern world. This is all the
more true where the advanced countries have opened
The major findings of the reviewed studies were: i) teachers
their doors for recruiting technically qualified persons. Only
experienced great difficulty in making students understand
those who have a command over the English language is
English (Jayashree, 1989); ii) there was significant
given a job.
relationship between the problems faced by the students in
pronunciation, learning grammar, knowledge of sentence In this context, causes of problems of higher secondary
pattern, habit of hearing news, rectification of homework, students in learning English is an important area for study as
memorization without understanding, remedial teaching it would help the pupils identify the problems which will
and different variables regarding sex, locality and type of hinder their learning in English and also make them learn
management (Singaravelu, 2001), and iii) Structural English with ease and comfort.
differences between English and Malay have also been Objectives
identified as another problem faced by the students in The objectives of the current study are:
learning English. Environment that is not conducive to
·To identify the leading cause for problems in learning
language learning further adds to the problem (Jalaluddin
English as a second language.
et al., 2009).
·To find out the significant difference, if any, in the
Significance of the Study
causes of problems in learning English with regard to
English is being treated as a world language because of its sex, locality of school, optional subject, habit of
vast presence all over the world. At this juncture, learning reading English newspaper and habit of listening to
English gains currency. Majority of Indian students, English news.
particularly from rural place considers this seven-letter word
as a magical and a mystical word. The moment they hear
This research aims at studying various causes for the
something in English they start feel discomfort. Twelve years
problems in learning a second language. Hence this study
of school study do not make students mastery over English.
involved data collection through survey method.
While they are in schools English is not taught properly. As
majority of the students are hailed from rural areas, bilingual Population and Sample
method is adopted in language classes. This method helps The population was the students of +1 in the State Board
only to slow learners to some extent. Moreover, this act Schools in Thoothukudi district, Tamil Nadu. From the
reduces the real learning process as a whole. To learn population, 400 students comprised of 207 boys and 193
English requires constant practice and patience. The kind girls were selected as sample, following stratified random
of feeling that prevails among students is that it is not sampling technique. The selected sample was from rural
possible to achieve fluency or mastery over English and urban areas of Thoothukudi district.
language. This kind of tendency prevents students from Tool Used
learning English. Most of the students study English from the
The authors constructed a questionnaire on causes of
examination point of view, so they are not able to produce
problems in learning English as a second language. After
even a single sentence without grammatical error.
constructing the questionnaire, it was consulted with
Furthermore adequate practice is not given to students to
experts in teacher education for establishing content
learn a language. Exposure too is far less to them. The
validity. Based on their suggestions few questions were
investigator has tried to analyse several problems in
modified to avoid ambiguity. Thus content validity was
learning English because for Indians, English has a special
established. The questionnaire was administered to 120
district. The responded questionnaires were collected and EnvironmentRural 241 70.15 9.023 1.824 0.069
Urban 159 71.94 10.339
scored with the help of a scoring key. By using the item Rural 241 73.64 10.068
Attitude 3.487 0.001**
whole analysis, the total scores obtained by each student Urban 159 77.20 9.890
Teacher’s Rural 241 75.17 10.888 2.759 0.006**
were correlated with the total score for each item. The Competence Urban 159 78.32 11.636
** Significant at 0.01 level
correlation was calculated using the Pearson product Table 3. Difference in Perception about Causes of Problems in
moment correlation formula. The items with validity indices Learning ESLwith regard to Locality of School
of 0.20 and above were selected for the final draft. Finally, Dimension Optional No. Mean SD t value P value
co-efficient of reliability was estimated using the
Science 217 72.01 9.739
Spearman-Prophecy formula. The co-efficient of reliability Environment 2.621 0.009**
Arts 183 69.50 9.323
calculated for SeWi's scale on causes of problems in Attitude Science 217 76.35 8.919 2.797 0.005**
Arts 183 73.52 11.248
learning was 0.3.
Teacher’s Science 217 77.14 11.371 1.388 0.166
Statistics Used Competence Arts 183 75.57 11.149
** Significant at 0.01 level
The collected data were analyzed using mean, standard Table 4. Difference in Perception about Causes of Problems in
deviation, Pearson product moment correlation, t-test, Learning ESL with regard to Optional Subject
cause for the problems in learning English as perceived by English Between 2718.766 3 906.255
Newspaper Attitude Within 38278.024 396 96.662 9.376 0.000**
+1 students while comparing it with the other two
Teacher’s Between 3471.497 3 1157.166
dimensions namely Attitude and Teacher's Competence. Competence Within 47323.943 396 119.505 9.683 0.000**
Habit of Reading Subset for alpha = 0.05 students who never read the English newspaper
English newspaper 1 2 3 perceived more problems in learning ESL than those
Never 24 69.42 who read occasionally and frequently. Also, the
Occasionally 291 74.66 students who read the newspaper occasionally and
Daily 47 74.68
Frequently 38 82.13
daily perceived more problems than those who read
Sig. 1.000 .991 1.000 the English newspaper frequently.
Table 5 (b). Post Hoc test for the Dimension 'Attitude' with
·There is significant difference in perceiving 'Attitude',
regard to Habit of Reading English Newspaper
Habit of Reading Subset for alpha = 0.05
'Environment' and 'Teacher's Competence' as the
English newspaper 1 2 3 cause of problems in learning ESL with regard to the
Never 24 69.33
habit of listening English news (Table 6, 6a, 6b and 6c).
Daily 47 73.66 73.66
Occasionally 291 76.53 ·For the dimensions 'Environment', 'Attitude' and
Frequently 38 83.50
Sig. .067 .224 1.000 Variable Dimension Source of Sum of df Mean of F P value
Variance Squares Squares
Table 5 (c). Post Hoc test for the Dimension 'Teacher's
Between 3323.552 3 1107.851
Competence' with regard to Habit of Reading English Newspaper
Habit of Environment Within 33606.608 396 84.865 13.054 0.000**
Listening Between 2543.710 3 847.903 8.732 0.000**
learning ESL with regard to sex. to English Attitude
Within 38453.080 396 97.104
·There is no significant difference in perceiving Teacher’s Between 2453.693 3 817.898 6.700 0.000**
Competence Within 48341.747 396 122.075
'Environment' as the cause of problems in learning ESL
** Significant at 0.01 level
with regard to locale of school.
Table 6. Difference in Perception about Causes of Problems in
·The pupils, whose school is in rural area, perceived Learning ESL with regard to the Habit of Listening to English News
more, the 'Attitude' and 'Teacher's Competence' as the Habit of Listening Subset for alpha = 0.05
cause of problems in learning ESL than urban pupils. English news 1 2 3
·The students, who have taken Arts as their optional Never 14 61.36
Occasionally 305 70.32
subject, perceived more, the 'Environment' and Daily 61 72.62
'Attitude' as the cause of problems in learning ESL than Frequently 20 80.30
Sig. 1.000 .348 1.000
Science students.
Table 6 (a). Post Hoc test for the Dimension 'Environment' with
·There is no significant difference in perceiving regard to Habit of Listening to English News
'Teacher's Competence' as the cause of problems in Subset for alpha = 0.05
Habit of Listening
learning ESL with regard to optional subject. N
English news 1 2 3
·For the dimension 'Teacher's Competence', the Table 6 (c). Post Hoc test for the Dimension 'Teacher's
Competence' with regard to Habit of Listening to English News
'Teacher's Competence', the students who never listen environment. They should motivate students for
English news perceived more problems in learning ESL participative learning. They should also strengthen the
than those who listen news occasionally, daily and communication skills of the students by making them to
frequently. Also, the students who listen the news raise their doubts in English. While taking classes, the
occasionally and daily perceived more problems than teacher should pay individual attention. They should
the students who listen English news frequently. stimulate the interest of the pupils to read English
Recommendations newspapers and magazines.
The government should often conduct in-service training to Children are more successful when their parents are
train the teachers to use English language in classrooms. involved in their education. Parents have to create
They should try to bring reforms in the pattern of conducive atmosphere to learn English. Their role is to
examination. Separate marks could also be allotted to test encourage their children to communicate in English even
the spoken language of the students. An attempt should at home. They should provide English newspapers, journals
also be made to give rewards to the rural students for those and magazines to enrich the reading skill of their children.
who performed well in English examination. Government They may also encourage them to listen to English news
should facilitate all schools with language laboratory. The and to watch English programmes.
Government may encourage the management to The mind of the students should always be ready to learn.
develop the aural and oral skills of the students. They should read English newspapers, journals, novels, etc.,
The educational officers should arrange guidance and as per the advice of their parents and teachers. They
orientation programmes in English. They may encourage should also develop their habit of listening to English news
the management of the schools to conduct reading test in and referring dictionary. They should not study English from
English. Often they have to supervise the way of providing an exam point of view. If they study English from an exam
English education in schools. By the way of supervision, they point of view, they may not able to write on their own. The
can give suggestions for improvement in the curriculum. conversation with their parents, teachers and peers should
They have to motivate the teachers to imbibe the culture of always be in English. To learn English, opportunities have to
referring dictionary among the students. be utilised by them effectively and efficiently.
teaching and learning English as a second language [7]. Singaravelu G. (2001). “A Study of the problems of
among the high school students”. In Buch, M.B. (Ed.), Fifth students of higher secondary classes in learning English as
Survey of Educational Research (1988 – 1992), 2, 752, New a second language in Thiruvarur District”. Indian
Delhi: NCERT. Educational Abstracts, 6(2), 22.
[6]. Narayanan, R & et al. (2008). “Some factors affecting [8]. Verghese, Paul C. (2009). Teaching English as a second
English learning at tertiary level”. Iranian Journal of language (9th ed.). New Delhi Sterling Publishers.
Language Studies, 2(4), 485 – 512.
K. Selvi is a pre-doctorate scholar in English, and post graduate in English, has served as English teacher at +2 levels for four years.
Owing to her interest in English language education, she wants to contribute to ELT by dint of presentations and publications.