Consumer Behavior Project
Consumer Behavior Project
Consumer Behavior Project
Submitted to Submitted by
Dr. Mallela Jyothsna Kandregula Leela Krishna
Date of submission:20/12/2021
It is our pleasure to acknowledge and express our gratitude to all those who helped
us throughout the successful completion of this project.
With gratitude,
K Leela Krishna
E-commerce is the platform which is an online service for buying and selling over the internet.
E-commerce is a technology that refers to the mobile commerce, electronic funds transfer, online
E-commerce is like online shopping for the consumers where we can find various products
E-commerce allows customers to buy a product from anywhere which overcomes geographical
There are different types of marketers to conduct business through e-commerce fully Online. In
this business the product is sold and bought online there is no offline selling and buying and also
some are both online and offline which we can buy from online platforms or else from the retail
E-commerce is fully based on the supply chain management which the product is to deliver to
the customer.
1. Business to Business(B2B)
2. Business to Customer(B2C)
3. Consumer to Consumer(C2C)
4. Consumer to Business(C2B)
5. Business to Administration(B2A)
6. Consumer to Administration(C2A)
Business to Business(B2B):
The business to business model involves the trade between two or more firms. The channels of
the trade include the wholesalers and the producers who are dealing with retailers.
Business to Customer(B2C):
The Business to Customer model of business deals with the retail aspects of e-commerce. The
selling of goods to the customers through online. The mode of buying to customers is easy which
Consumer to Consumer(C2C):
The Consumer to Consumer model is like the consumers can sell their products to the other
Consumer to Business(C2B):
The Consumer to Business model is the consumer has an opportunity to sell their products to the
Business to Administration(B2A):
The Business to Administration model deals between companies and the public administration. It
Consumer to Administration(C2A):
The Consumer to Administration platform for the consumers is like requesting information or
As e-commerce takes an important role in online shopping, electronic funds transfer, online bus
tickets, movie tickets, supply chain management, Internet marketing, electronic data interchange.
In the Covid-19 pandemic the e-commerce has a significant impact during the lockdown period.
As the delivery of product to the consumer has been stopped in this lockdown. Purchasing of the
essential products are increased in the online platforms. Effectiveness of the online platforms and
● To understand the e-commerce platforms how they handled this covid-19 pandemic.
● Technologies that are adopted by the ecommerce platforms in this covid-19 pandemic.
● E-commerce platforms play a vital role in purchasing FMCG products in this pandemic.
In today’s business, E-commerce is playing a vital role where the products and services are
selling and buying through the online where it comes directly to our home. E-commerce is
changing the retail industry worldwide. As we can find the various products in the online
platforms the products are like smartphones, groceries, clothing.. Etc. E-commerce platforms are
tied with FMCG companies to increase availability of the products through the online services.
The terms e-commerce and e-business are often used interchangeably which refers to the online
platforms. FMCG companies and online retail platforms have been adopting various strategies to
attract the consumers to purchase products online. To promote the products offering discounts
In this pandemic, E-commerce has improved their supply chain management and logistics. And
facilitates the connectivity between the companies and their consumers. FMCG companies like
ITC, HUL, colgate and Dabur have been tied with the startups in selling their products. And the
e-commerce companies are also adopting the FMCG products to attract the consumers.
E-commerce is based on the applications, technological issues and support and implementation,
E-commerce platforms for FMCG products are like B2C which the product directly delivers to
E-commerce platforms can be accessible through smartphones, laptops, tabs and computers
E-commerce platforms operate in four market segments including B2B, B2C, C2C, and C2B.
Source of data:
1. Primary data
2. Secondary data
Survey Method:
We made a questionnaire in google form with 14 questions about the preference of the
of students, self employed, corporate, government employee via google form collect responses.
Number of female respondents(59.6%) are more than the male candidates which is 40.4%.
Interpretation: From the above representation we can see the most of the respondents are belongs
to the students(78.4%) category, some are self employed(11.8%), corporate(7.8%), Government
Interpretation:From the above chart we can see that most of the respondents chose the neutral
answer that the frequently purchased essential of FMCG goods before COVID-19 pandemic in
online platforms.
Interpretation:In this Covid-19 pandemic to buy essential most of the consumer preferred the
online platforms these FMCG goods are frequently bought from the e-commerce platforms
Interpretation:From the above chart we can conclude that the most of the consumers have been
purchased in online platforms for their convenience(63.5%) and for the better discount is about
30.8% chosen.
Interpretation:In this covid-19 pandemic, online buying increased as most of the consumers
preferred to stay home as it was lockdown period.
Interpretation:From the above chart we can conclude that most of the people were satisfied with
the online FMCG goods rather than buying in the retail shops.
Interpretation:From the above chart most of the people agreed for the e-commerce industry is
going to replace traditional offline shopping for FMCG goods
Interpretation:Most of the respondents agreed that e-commerce platforms in FMCG are playing a
vital role during the covid pandemic.
Interpretation:From the above chart we can see that the before and after analysis of the essential
spending with respect to the pandemic.
Interpretation: From the above chart we can see that the consideration of the FMCG products in
the post lockdown period.
● We found that most of the consumers prefer the FMCG online platforms for the essential
in this pandemic.
● In this pandemic, E-commerce platforms play a vital role for the FMCG essential goods
as the lockdown.
● We found that online platforms are more satisfying than the retail platforms.
● We found that the e-commerce platforms are replacing the traditional retail stores in the
FMCG sector.
● We found that the consumer and e-commerce platforms are adapting to the new
● E-commerce platforms should focus on adapting to the new technologies and create user
● E-commerce in the FMCG sector should have been rearranging their logistics and supply
● FMCG companies should adopt new distribution channels and overcome the challenges.
● Major FMCG companies should partner with local delivery companies and online
● E-commerce should establish more and more products to the platforms to attract the
● E-commerce platforms should improve the technologies and avoid technical errors in the
This literature review presents some limitations. First, the number of responses is not so high and
it is difficult to keep up to date.As a result, we have been forced to select responses in a reduced
time span, potentially missing some studies. Some questionnaire responses lack accuracy. The
study has been conducted over all age groups which increased mixed responses. Some people are
In this pandemic, We can conclude that most of the consumers prefer online platforms for the
FMCG essential products and also online purchasing of FMCG essential goods increased in the
pandemic with the lockdown effect. Most consumers are also satisfied with buying essential
goods on online platforms rather than buying on retail stores. E-commerce platforms play a vital
role around the global wide. Ecommerce platforms provide consumers with a variety of products
from the convenience and safety of the consumers. E-commerce helps in the safety of the
1. Kumar, P., and Agarwal, N., (2021). E-commerce: a catalyst of marketing especially
2. Shreya Joshi, Nidhi Barucha. E-Business of FMCG Companies. E - Commerce for Future
& Trends.
5. Dr. Saraswati C “The impact of FMCG goods during a pandemic" retrieved on October
19, 2020.