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Chapter-Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plant (Bot) MCQ

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The ploidy of testa and tegmen is repectively:

MCQ (a) n, n (b) 2n, 2n (Ans) (c) 2n, n (d) 2, 2n
1. Sexual reproduction includes 13. In the monocotyledonous seeds, the endosperm is separated from the
(a) Involvement of two parents (b) Fusion of male and female gametes embryo by a distinct layer known as
(c) Both of these (Ans) (d) None of these (a) Testa (b) Aleurone layer (Ans) (c) Tegmen (d) Scutellum
2. Seed coat is derived from 14. Anthesis is a phenomenon which refers to
(a) Pericarp (b) Epicarp (a) Reception of pollen by stigma (b) Formation of pollen
(c) Integuments of ovule (Ans) (d) Nucellus (c) Development of anther (d) Opening of flower bud (Ans)
3. Non-Albuminous seed is produced in 15. Common between vegetative reproduction and apomixis is
(a) Pea (Ans) (b) Maize (c) Castor (d) Wheat (a) Both applicable to dicots
4. Gametogenesis refers to the process of (b) Both by pass flowering phase
(a) Fusion of two gametes (c) Both occur around the year
(b) Fusion of two gametangia (d) Both produce progeny identical to parent (Ans)
(c) Formation of two types of gametes (Ans) 16. Seed coat is not thin, membranous in
(d) Formation of male gametes only (a) Coconut (Ans) (b) Ground nut (c) Gram (d) Maize
5. Zygote is formed by the process of 17. The common method of entry of pollen tube towards ovule is
(a) Isogamy(b) Anisogamy (c) Oogamy (d) Syngamy (Ans) (a) Mesogamy (b) Chalazogamy (c) Porogamy (Ans) (d) None
6. Function of filiform apparatus is to 18. Seed formation without fertilization in flowering plants involves the
(a) Guide the entry of pollen tube process of
(b) Recognize the suitable pollen at stigma (a) Sporulation (b) Budding
(c) Stimulate division of generative cell (c) Somatic hybridization (d) Apomixis (Ans)
(d) Produce nectar (Ans) 19. Which of the following is a post-fertilization event in a flowering plants?
7. In which of the following kinds of ovules, the embryo sac is horse-shoe (a) Transfer of pollen grains (b) Embryo development (Ans)
shaped? (c) Formation of flower (d) Formation of pollen grains
(a) Hemitropous ovule (b) Orthotropous ovule 20. In which of the following self pollination is must?
(c) Amphitropous ovule (Ans) (d) Circinotropous ovule (a) Cleistogamous condition (Ans) (b) Chasmogamous condition
8. Ovule is attached to placenta of ovary wall by: (c) Heterostyle (d) Both b and c
(a) Funicle (Ans) (b) Hilum (c) Raphe (d) Chalaza 21. When pollens are transferred from anther of a flower to stigma of another
9. In a flowering plant, the pollen tube first arrives in flower of the same plant, pollination is referred as:-
(a) Egg (b) An antipodal cell (c) A synergid (Ans) (d) Central cell (a) Geitonogamy (Ans) (b) Allogamy (c) Xenogamy (d) Siphonogamy
10. What is the function of germ pore? 22. Natural parthenogenesis occurs in
(a) Emergence of radical (a) Drosophilla (b) Housefly (c) Honey bee (Ans) (d) All of these
(b) Absorption of water for seed germination 23. A dicotyledonous embryo consist of
(c) Initiation of pollen tube (Ans) (a) Radicle only
(d) Release of male gametes (b) Embryonal axis only
11. Double fertilization is the process in the plants that includes (c) Cotyledon only
(a) Syngamy and triple fusion (Ans) (b) Only triple fusion (d) Radicle, embryonal axis and cotyledons (Ans)
(c) Development of antipodal cells (d) None of the above 24. The coconut water and the edible part of coconut are
(a) Endosperm (Ans) (b) Endocarp (c) Mesocarp (d) Embryo
25. The enzyme that can degrade sporopollenin is:- 40. Maturation of male and female sex organ at different times is known as:-
(a) Carbonic anhydrase (b) Acid hydrolase (a) Herkogamy (b) Dichogamy (Ans) (c) Polygamy (d) Apogamy
(c) Alkaline hydrolase (d) None of these (Ans) 41. Name the process of embryo sac formation from cell of nucellus, without
26. More than one and fused pistils are termed as:- undergoing meiosis
(a) Multicarpellary, apocarpous (b) Megacarpellary, syncarpous (a) Polyembryony (b) Incompatibility
(c) Multicarpellary syncarpous (Ans) (d) Megacarpellary, Apocarpous (c) Parthenocarpy (d) Parthenogenesis (Ans)
27. The ovarian cavity is called as: 42. Nucellus forms which of the following part of fruit?
(a) Locule (Ans) (b) Theca (c) Carpous (d) None of these (a) Seed coat (b) Perisperm (Ans) (c) Seed (d) Raphe
28. The nectar is produced in the flowers , which are pollinated by:- 43. Tapetum layer around pollen sac is meant for
(a) Wind (b) Water (c) Man (d) Insects (Ans) (a) Dehiscence (b) Protection (c) Nutrition (Ans) (d) None
29. Which type of pollen grains are found in insect pollinated flowers? 44. In anther meiosis occurs in
(a) Hygroscopic (b) Light and sticky (Ans) (a) Tapetal cells (b) Endothelial cells
(c) Light and Rough (d) Heavy and colored (c) Pollen mother cells (Ans) (d) Stomium cell
30. The cells of the chalazal end of the embryo sac are called:- 45. Filiform apparatus is a characteristic features of
(a) Antipodals (Ans) (b) Synergids (c) Polar nucleus (d) None (a) Suspensor (b) Egg (c) Synergid (Ans) (d) Zygote
31. Coconut has:- 46. In angiosperms, free nuclear division occurs during
(a) Nuclear endosperm (b) Cellular endosperm (a) Gamete formation (b) Endosperm formation
(c) Both of these (Ans) (d) None of these (c) Embryo sac formation (d) Both (b) and (c) (Ans)
32. Straight ovules are called 47. Apomixis in plant means, development of a plant
(a) Anatropous (b) Campylotropous (a) By fusion of gametes (b) Without fusion of gametes (Ans)
(d) Orthotropous (Ans) (d) Hemitropous (c) From stem cutting (d) From foot cutting
33. An organic substance that can with stand environmental extremes and 48. Total number of nuclei involved in double fertilization in angiosperms are
cannot be degraded by any enzyme is (a) Two (b) Four (c) Five (Ans) (d) Six
(a) Cuticle (b) Sporopollenin (Ans) (c) Lignin (d) Cellulose 49. Ovule integument gets transformed into
34. Megaspores are produced from megaspore mother cells after:- (a) Seed (b) Fruit wall (c) Seed coat (Ans) (d) Cotyledons
(a) Formation of thick walls (b) Differentiation 50. From which cells of embryo plumule is produced?
(c) Meiotic division (Ans) (d) Mitotic divisions (a) Pro embyo (b) Hypophysis
35. The embyo sac is (c) Apical octant (Ans) (d) Microphlar octant
(a) 7 celled, 8 nucleated (Ans) (b) 8 celled, 7 nucleated
(c) 7 celled, 7 nucleated (d) 8 celled, 8 nucleated
36. Embryo axis above the cotyledon is called as:- ALL THE BEST
(a) Epicotyl (Ans) (b) Hypocotyl (c) Funicle (d) Raphe
37. Which of the following show triploid nature in flowering plants?
(a) Megaspore (b) Microspore (c) Embryo (d) Endosperm (Ans)
38. Allogamy is best favoured by
(a) Dichogamy (Ans) (b) Dicliny
(c) Cleistogamy (d) Homogamy
39. True fruit is formed from __________.
(a) Peduncle (b) Ovary (Ans) (c) Thalamus (d) Calyx
CHAPTER – HUMAN REPPRODUCTION (ZOO) 16. Sertoli cells are regulated by the pituitary hormone know as
(a) GH (b) Prolactin (c) LH (d) FSH
1. Hermaphrodite means:-
17. The embryo at 16 celled stage is known as
(a) separate sex (b) united sex organ (c) unisexual (d) None of these
(a) Morula (b) gastrula (c) blastula (d) blastomere
2. Proliferation of endometrum (slogged off/rid off) of uterus is controlled by:-
18. fertilization of sperms and ova takes place in
(a) Relaxin (b) Progesterone (c) Oestrogen (d) Oxytocin
(a) ampula of oviduct (b) Isthmus (c) Fimbriae (d) None of these
3. Male sex hormone is called__________.
19. Which of the following controls the function of sertoli cells?
(a) Oestrogen (b) Progesterone (c) Relaxin (d) Testosterone
(a) FSH (b) estrogen (c) ACTH (d) Testosterone
4. Female sex hormone is called _________.
20. Secondary/ Accessory sexual character in female is due to
(a) Oestrogen (b) Relaxin (c) Growth hormone (d) Testosterone
(a) Estrogen(b) androgen (c) Testosterone (d) Prostate gland
5. Pair of testes connected to abdominal cavity by
21. Which of the following is used to confirm implantation of embryo?
(a) Gubernaculum (b) Inguinal canal (c) Spermatic cord (d) Both a and b
(a) Gastrula (b) blastula (c) Trophoblast (d) Inner cell mass
6. Each testis are connected to scrotum sac with
22. Secretion of which hormone necessary for disintegration of corpus luteum.
(a) Spermatic cord (b) Gubernaculum (c) Inguinal canal (d) Vas deference
(a) H.G.H (b) Progesterone (c) Testosterone (d) F.S.H
7. Male sex hormone is secreted by
23. Human egg is
(a) Sertoli cell (b) Leydig cell (c) Sustentacular cell (d) Both ‘a’ and ‘c’
(a) Centrolecitahal (b) alecithal (c) Telolecithal (d) Megalecithal
8. Ovaries are attached to uterus by
24. Haploid egg is fertilized by sperm at which stage?
(a) Spermatic cord (b) Mesovarium (c) Gubernaculum (d) Inguinal cord
(a) Primary oocyte (b) Tertiary oocyte
9. Other name of cowper’s gland is
(c) Spermatids (d) Secondary oocyte
(a) Prostate gland (b) Seminal vesicles
25. Spermatids are transformed into spermatozoa by
(c) Bulbourethral gland (d) None of these
(a) Spermatogenesis (b) Spermiogenesis
10. Inside the tertiary follicle a fluid filled cavity is present, called as
(c) Spermateleosis (d) Both b and c
(a) Follicular antrum (b) Membrana granulosa
26. Which of the following embryonic membranes structure is excretory in function?
(c) Tunica albuginea (d) Corona radiata
(a) Ammion (b) Allantois (c) yolk sac (d) Chorion
11. In mammals, failure of testis to descend in to the scrotum is known as
27. 1st polar body is formed at which stage of oogenesis?
(a) Castration (b) Criptorchidism
(a) 1st meiosis (b) 2nd mitosis (c) 1st mitosis (d) 2nd meiosis
(c) Impotency (d) None of the above
28. In the male reproductive system, sperms are concentrated in the
12. Seminiferous tubules occur in
(a) Rete testis (b) epididymis (c) Vas deferens (d) seminal vesicle
(a) Kidney (b) Liver (c) Ovary (d) Testis
29. Menstruation is triggered by an abrupt decline in the amount of
13. Binary fission occurs in
(a) estrogen (b) Progesterone (c) (d) L.H
(a) Paramecium (b) Amoeba (c) a and b (d) None of these
30. Abdominal testis are found in
14. Young girl at puberty begin to develop breasts; this is an example of
(a) Elephant (b) Monkey (c) Cat (d) Dog
(a) Metamorphosis (b) Sexual growth
31. In the absence of acrosome, the sperm
(c) Artificial selection (d) appearance of primitive character
(a) cannot swin (b) cannot penetrate the egg
15. Acrosone of sperms is/are modified.
(c) cannot get food (d) cannot get energy
(a) Lysosome (b) E.R (c) Golgi complex (d) Mitochondria
32. The part of fallopian tube closest to the ovary is
(a) Isthmus (b) Infundibulum (c) Cervix (d) ampulla
33. The skin covering the glans penis is called 47. Oestrous cycle is characteristic of
(a) Corpus spongiosum (b) Corpora carvernosa (a) mammal (b) mammalian
(c) Epididymis (d) Prepuce (c) Human female (d) mammalian females other than primates
34. The central vascular tissue of mammalian ovary is called 48. Penetration of sperm in to ovum during fertilization is assisted by
(a) Medulla (b) Stroma (c) Theca interna (d) Zona pellucid (a) Centrosome (b) Mitochondria (c) Acrosome (d) None of these
35. Rete testes open to 49. Which part of ovary in mammals is acts as an endocrine gland after ovulation?
(a) Bidder’s canal (b) Vasa efferentia (a) Stroma (b) germinal epithelium
(c) Urethra (d) Cauda epididymis (c) Graafian follicle (d) Vitelline Membrane
36. Middle part of mammalian epididymis is 50. Menopause occurs in females at the age of
(a) Caput (b) Corpus (c) Cauda (c) None of these (a) 55 – 60 years (b) 50 – 55 years
37. Outer covering of ovary is (c) 14 – 18 years (d) 45 – 50 years
(a) Tunica albuginea (b) germinal epithelium
(c) Stroma (d) Theca externa
38. Inner lining of ovary is
(a) Tunica albuginea (b) germinal epithelium
(c) Stroma (d) Theca interna
39. The outer lining of graafian follicle is
(a) Tunica albuginea (b) germinal epithelium
(c) Theca externa (d) Theca interna
40. The inner lining of graafian follicle is
(a) Tunica albuginea (b) germinal epithelium
(c) Theca externa (d) Theca interna
41. Main function of corpus luteum
(a) Facilitate ovulation (b) Release progesterone
(c) Release estrogen (d) develop secondary sex character
42. Clitoris in female mammal is
(a) Homologous to penis of male (b) Analogous to penis of male
(c) Non – functional (d) Overgrown structure
43. In female genitalia a structure is homologous to penis of male is known as
(a) Labia majora (b) Labia minora (c) Clitoris (d) Hymen
44. The starting of menstruation in girls is
(a) Menopause (b) Menarche (c) Puberty (d) Impotency
45. In human menstrual cycle ovulation is generally occur in
(a) 1st day (b) 7th day (c) 14 day (d) 28th day
46. The second phase of menstrual cycle.
(a) Luteal phase (b) Secretary phase
(c) Proliferative phase (d) None

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