SUM3D Basic Manual - Kevin
SUM3D Basic Manual - Kevin
SUM3D Basic Manual - Kevin
Basic Training
SUM3D Workflow
NEW JOB (.CAM) Import .STL Import Stock (Nesting)
Workflow Wizard
(Primary Toolbar)
Imported Strategy
+ +
Display Toolbar
Toggle Display of Curves (on/off)
Toggle Display of Toolpaths (on/off)
Toggle Display of Rapids (on/off)
Redraw (Re-Render)
Zoom & Panning Tools
Shaded Tool (Simulation)
Show Tool
Pre-Set Views
XZ Back View
YZ Left View
XY Bottom View
Lower Information Bar
New Job Creation When you are working in the Medium Level
Import .STL file of Interface or lower (Light, Low) – The
software will automatically guide you through
Select / Create Stock the required 4 steps in order to complete the
Create Program milling process.
Move / Rotate Items
Selection Toolbar
This toolbar will appear whenever you are performing an operation
that requires you to select one or more items.
(IE: Moving Objects / Removing Objects)
End Selection
Note: By default, todays date & time will auto-populate the File Name
Field – You can use this or replace it with your own desired name. This
option can be toggled in the Default Settings.
Import .STL file
This step is where you select the files that you want to mill. It is
New Job important to choose the correct type of restoration that you are
Import .STL importing so the software applies the correct cutting strategies
during the milling process. You can also click on the Estimated
Height button to get the height information of the file selected fot
more suitable nesting.
Optimized Height
Select or Create Stock / Blank
New Job This is the step where you can import the stock (blank) to be
Import .STL milled. You have the option to select from a previously used
stock or create a new one. When creating a new Zirconia Blank,
Select / Create Blank you would need to set your Shrinkage/Expansion Factor
according to the information printed on the stock. In the 2014
version of SUM3d, you can now assign a Lot Code to your blanks
for traceability.
Start Calculation for Machining
This step starts the calculation process of the configured tool-paths. If your strategy has
any options, this menu will pop up now to prompt user interaction.
New Job
You will also see a Tools Table Reminder window to help the user verify that tools are
Import .STL loaded into the correct tool slots of the machine.
Select / Create Blank On some machines, you can have the option to automatically send the run to the Mill’s
controller software. This starts the machining process after the first Roughing Toolpath
is calculated. If you choose no to this option, you must wait until the calculation is
Start Calculation complete prior to manually uploading the job through the CNC Software.
If you are using the mono-strategy, you will also have access to tool life information.
This can be based on the tool’s cutting time or distance traveled during cutting.
Demo of Main Steps
Importing Stock from a Picture
• You can also import stock from a Bitmap or
JPEG Image (.BMP, .JPG)
– This can be useful in the case whrein your stock
file was lost / deleted or if you have partially used
stock that was milled using a different CAM.
Importing Stock From a Picture
• Image Pre-requisites:
– Ensure that the photo of your stock has a wide contrast
between the colors disc and the background.
• (IE: Zirconia Disc on a black backdrop)
– Avoid glossy surfaces
– It may be necessary to use Windows Paint to white out any
areas that have text printed on the disc as this can confuse
the CAM recognition of the machined surfaces as well. You
can also use the circle tool to enhance part borders.
– Crop the Image to the immediate area around the disc.
Unnecessary data in the photo makes it harder to identify
the partially machined stock.
Importing Stock From a Picture
• Import Process
– Start a new CAM File and skip the .STL Import Step to
proceed directly to the Import Stock Step. When you have
this window open: you’ll notice that you can see the
additional file extensions available for import. Simply
navigate to the location of your .BMP or .JPG file and
select it and click Open to proceed.
Importing Stock From a Picture
• Import Process
– Because the image does not contain any information
about the disc, you will be prompted with the window
asking for details about the disc.
• Fill this out with the appropriate Thickness, Enlargement
Factor, Stock Name, etc.
Importing Stock From a Picture
• Import Process
– We will now find that the stock has been imported properly and we can now
save it for future use.
– If you need to make additional changes such as the disc’s relative orientation
in the holder, you can do so with Rotation of the blank tool located in the
secondary toolbar.
• Using the + and – keys on your keyboard you can rotate the disc clockwise or counter-
Optional Steps - Move / Rotate Parts
New Job • This command allows the user to manually re-position
restorations by use of the mouse. You can move this in
Import .STL the X, Y axes and also rotate the item.
Select / Create Blank
Start Calculation • After activating this button, select the part to move, right-
click on your mouse (The cursor will turn into a hand), and
Move / Rotate Parts by holding the left mouse button drag the selected part to
the destination point. Alternatively, you can click on the
desired destination point and the part will move to the
mouse. It is possible to rotate the part by using the “+”
and “-” keys.
• Holding Shift with the + and – keys will perform a 180
degree rotation.
• You can also use the Page Up and Page Down keys on your
keyboard to move the restoration up or down in the Z
• To confirm your move, right-click and select “OK” in the
displayed confirmation window.
Optional Steps - Add Support Pins
New Job This command allows the user to manually place support pins between the
part and the stock. You can also perform part-to-part connectors which can
save space when milling.
Import .STL
When this button is used, you can choose to use Circular or Rectangular
Select / Create Blank shaped support pins.
• You can control the specific dimensions of the connector.
Start Calculation
Simply clicking on the restoration will place your support pins perpendicular
Move / Rotate Parts to the part. The software will automatically connect this to the outer edge
of the part border.
Add Support Pins If there are intersecting borders between two parts, the software will
connect the two items. This option can be toggled on and off in the Default
Optional Steps - Remove Items
New Job • This command is used to erase a part of the
Import .STL items' surfaces (teeth, connectors…). It is
possible to delete the parts one by one or by
Select / Create Blank
multiple selection.
Start Calculation
Move / Rotate Parts • Once the part has been selected, right-click on
the mouse to confirm the deletion. The
Add Support Pins
selection window will return in case you want
Remove Items to select more items for deletion.
NO – BLUE – No Trimming
YES – GREEN – Complete Reduction
Partially – RED – Partial Reduction
Create Stabilizer
This commands automatically creates a
sintering stabilizer for large Zirconia arches
(more than 4 elements). Just click on the
bridge for which you want to create the
stabilizer after selecting this button. This
will allow the part to sit upright in the
sintering oven while making sure the
shrinkage is applied in a uniform manner.
Note: Not all sintering ovens may be able to
accommodate these bridge supports. In
these cases it would be best to utilize the
Vertical Support Pins instead.
Modify Offset / Part Border Values
This command allows the user to manually
specify thickness of the Offset / Part Border of
the part. The larger the value, the more space
will be hollowed out around the part when
roughing. This will ensure that the tool has
Offset: 3 Offset: 5 adequate clearance for milling operations
around the part. As a rule of thumb, this value
should be set to a minimum of the smallest
diameter of the tool you’re using for roughing
+ 50%. So if you’re using a 2mm tool to rough,
you would want a part border of at least 3mm
Accurate Positioning
This tool allows for full control over
orientation and position of
restorations using angular or linear
Modify Shrinkage / Enlargement Factor
This command allows the user to change the shrinkage
factor. This overrides any Enlargement Factor that may
have been originally specified on the stock.
This feature can be useful for:
• Correcting the Shrinkage Rate if it was incorrectly
entered when the stock was initially created.
• Creating temporary teeth in PMMA and then
creating the same restoration in Zirconia.
Automatically Detect Prep Line
This command allows the user to creates 2 curves to segment
off the margin / prep line and ensure that these areas are
properly identified during the milling process.
Once the feature has been selected, enter the thickness of the
margin (as designed in the CAD), click on any point inside the
prep area and the 2 curves will be generated.
After having executed the command and selecting the object, pressing
the right-click on the mouse, a selection list box appears to select the
desired object type.
This will change the object type for the item which will determine how
the Strategy treats the restoration.
NOTE: The curves that were created may be different because the item
was imported incorrectly. Changing the item type will not correct this
issue – in these rare cases, the object will need to be removed and re-
imported under the correct object type.
Rotation of the Blank
This function allows you to rotate the disc within a fixure.
This could be particularly useful if a fixture clamps onto stock on
a side that still has material, yet you potentially cannot mill the
item because of it’s angled insertion direction causing a collision
with the fixture: You can simply rotate the stock to give the
machine extra clearance and ensure that the physical disc /
stock will match the same orientation in the mill.
To rotate the disc, select the icon and subsequently execute the
rotation using the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ keys on the keyboard.
Delete Curves
This option allows the operator to delete a part border that is showing present in
the software but may not have necessarily been machined out.
This can sometimes occur when an operator calculates a run but does not actually mill the run.
(Because the software automatically saves the partially used stock at the time of calculation)
This command allows the operator to select an
imported object and display all of the relevant
information related to it – this includes the Angle
deviation from the original, Part Height in the stock,
Object Type Selected during import step, Angular
Rotation for A & B Axes to be able to mill the item.
Optional Module
This command allows the user to
manually import the fixture of the
machine that holds the stock.
Default Settings – Margins
Default Margin Thickness
• This value should
match the margin
thickness that you have
designed in the CAD
Software. This does not
change the thickness of
the actual design.
Default Settings – Support Pins
In this setting tab we can
specify multiple optional
parameters for our Default
Support Pins based on
different Material Type and
Object Type. This allows us
to be flexible for each
different material demand.