Workstationst Mark V Feature Egd: Instruction Guide
Workstationst Mark V Feature Egd: Instruction Guide
Workstationst Mark V Feature Egd: Instruction Guide
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Doc # Title
GEI-100829 WorkstationST Mark V Feature GSM Server
GEH-6700 ToolboxST* User Guide for Mark Controls Platform
GEH-6759 WorkstationST Mark V Feature System Guide
DA Data Access
OPC A standard for data exchange in the industrial environment
• Taking high-speed EGD pages and transmitting the data to a Mark V controller to act
as the Mark V inputs
• Taking high-speed Mark V data and exposing it on EGD pages
• Rescaling Mark V values (16 bit integers) with the goal of seamless communication
across all controller types (Mark V, Mark VI, Mark VIe) and simulation software
1.1 Design
The following figure shows the flow of EGD between the Mark V controller and Mark
VI/VIe controller.
Mark V Client
From OPC EGD ( Mark VI,
Page(s) Mark VIe,
Config Software)
EGD Page(s)
• [EGD n] The first line of every EGD page defined in the data file must be [EGD n],
where n is the Exchange ID of the page, between 1 and 32.
• @PERIOD The amount of time in between requests to the Mark V controller for the
user-defined signals in the data file. This parameter is in Mark V CPU ticks, which is
32 ticks per second. For example, to request data from the Mark V controller at 2 Hz,
the period must be 16.
• @SIGNATURE The signature is used to keep track of changes in the format of an
EGD page. The format is: M.m, or, MajorRevision.MinorRevision, where the major
revision is incremented for changes that render the page non-backwards compatible,
such as truncation of data. The minor revision is incremented for backwards
compatible modifications, such as adding more points to the end of the list.
• @PRODUCERID The producer ID is the IP address of the device producing the
EGD page. In the case of ToEGD, the producer ID should be the IP address assigned
to the External Device created in the ToolboxST application.
• @DESTINATION The industry standard IP addressing specifies the 192.168.x.y
range as being a collection of Class-C addresses. This means that the subnet
broadcast mask should be, and the broadcast address on the PDH
would be
Point Information
This section of the data file lists each point and their respective fields for processing.
• EGD Location The byte or bit location of the point. Bit-packed logics are supported
(Byte.bit). The location of the point must coincide with the point data type. For
example, a REAL is 4 bytes, and must increment the max location by 4. Logic
signals, or BOOLs, are a bit, and must increment the max location by 0.1.
• Data Type The EGD data type of the point. For the beta, only BOOLs and REALs
are supported.
• Point Name The name of the point to retrieve from the Mark V controller. This
name must correspond with a signal in the Mark V controller.
• EGD Point Name The optional point name to be displayed on the EGD page. If
supplied, the EGD point name is used when exporting the EGD configuration.
Otherwise, it assumes the name of the EGD signal and is the same as the Mark V
controller signal.
• Engineering Units The engineering units string for scaling (optional for logic
signals). Both the English and Metric unit tables are checked for a corresponding set
of engineering units. If a match is found, the value is scaled according to that set. The
engineering units must be surrounded by quotes.
• Gain The optional gain used for scaling the EGD value to a different set of
engineering units or target value prior to sending it on EGD.
• Offset The optional offset used for scaling the EGD value to a different set of
engineering units or target value, prior to sending it on EGD.
• Desired Engineering Units The optional desired engineering units. If this is not
specified, the Mark V feature uses the current operating units (English or Metric) to
scale the value for EGD. If engineering units are supplied, both the English and
Metric unit tables are checked for a corresponding set of engineering units. If a match
is found, the value is scaled according to that set. The desired engineering units must
be surround by quotes.
• [List n] The first line of every list defined in the data file must be [List n], where n is
the list number between 1 and 32.
• @PERIOD The amount of time in between writes of the signals to the Mark V
controller in milliseconds. For example, to send a list once per second, set the period
to 1000.
• @SENDALL This parameter is not fully implemented for the beta. The value should
stay at 0, meaning that all signals will be sent for every message
• @PREFIX The name of the device that produced the signals in the list. This
parameter is used to retrieve the signals from the OPC DA server. By default, the
prefix is the name of the unit (denoted by @PREFIX = “”). The prefix must include
the separator (a period) between the prefix and the point name. For example, if the
prefix is, SIM1, the parameter must be @PREFIX = “SIM1.”.
• Point Name The name of the point found in the OPC DA server.
• Mark V Name The name of the point found in the Mark V controller. If the name is
the same as the name found in the OPC DA server, use an asterisk.
• Engineering Units The engineering units string for scaling (optional for logic
signals). Both the English and Metric unit tables are checked for a corresponding set
of engineering units. If a match is found, the value is scaled according to that set. The
engineering units must be surrounded by quotes.
• Gain The optional gain used for scaling the OPC DA value to a different set of
engineering units or, target value, prior to sending it to the Mark V controller.
• Offset The optional offset used for scaling the OPC DA value to a different set of
engineering units or, target value, prior to sending it to the Mark V controller.
• Desired Engineering Units The optional desired engineering units. If this is not
specified, the Mark V feature uses the current operating units (English or Metric) to
scale the value. If engineering units are supplied, both the English and Metric unit
tables are checked for a corresponding set of engineering units. If a match is found,
the value is scaled according to that set. The desired engineering units must be
surround by quotes.
3. Locate and double-click the appropriate .LOG file to display the file..
Note The period in ToEGD.dat is based on CPU ticks in the Mark V controller.
Therefore, if the period in ToEGD.dat is set to 32, that would be once per second, or 1000
ms. In the ToolboxST application, the period is in milliseconds and must be configured as
9. From the toolbar, click the Build icon to build the device.
10. From the Component Editor Tree View, right-click Referenced Devices, click
Select Devices, and from the Select Devices dialog box, select the device to
consume the Mark V controller EGD data and click OK.
11. From the toolbar, click the Build icon to build the device.
12. From the toolbar, click the Download icon to download the device.
13. From the toolbar, click the Save icon to save the configuration.