Current Status and Potential of Conservation Biological Control For Agriculture in The Developing World
Current Status and Potential of Conservation Biological Control For Agriculture in The Developing World
Current Status and Potential of Conservation Biological Control For Agriculture in The Developing World
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Article history: Conservation biological control (CBC), often described as the field of biological control with the greatest
Received 9 July 2012 potential for use in developing world agriculture, has received only marginal, scattered research attention
Accepted 28 November 2012 outside Western Europe or North America. As a consequence, pesticide overuse remains rampant in many
Available online 10 December 2012
cropping systems, while in others, a complete lack of safe, affordable and effective pest control options
leaves farmers vulnerable in face of herbivore attack. In this study, we describe the current status of
Keywords: CBC research in a wide variety of agro-production systems outside North America, Australia, New
Conservation biological control
Zealand, Japan and Western Europe. We summarize information on (1) a variety of CBC themes related
Natural enemies
to natural enemy biology and ecology, (2) factors that either disrupt or enhance natural enemy efficacy,
Developing world and (3) field evaluation of CBC schemes. A total of 390 CBC-related literature records from 53 different
Poverty crops were considered. Most records were from China, Brazil, or Cuba, while no CBC references were
Food security found from several developing countries. CBC research primarily focused on habitat management, with
71 records on general habitat manipulation and 80 records on the effects of inter-or cover-crops on nat-
ural enemy abundance or efficacy. The effects of deliberate modification of disturbance regimes, through
alterations in pesticide use or tillage, on natural enemies were well-characterized in many cropping sys-
tems. For each of the CBC themes, research progress was assessed and opportunities were identified to
translate current findings into practical solutions. On a crop level, most research was targeted at rice,
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Km 17, Recta Cali-Palmira, Apartado Aéreo 6713, Cali, Colombia. Fax: +57 2 4450073.
E-mail address: [email protected] (K.A.G. Wyckhuys).
1049-9644/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
K.A.G. Wyckhuys et al. / Biological Control 65 (2013) 152–167 153
maize and cotton. No CBC records were found for key staple crops such as yams, taro, sago or breadfruit;
fruits such as papaya, pineapple and avocado; or forage crops. Also, millet, lentils, barley and plantain, all
crops grown mainly in the developing world, received limited CBC research attention. CBC research has
been done on myriad arthropod pests, including species with high levels of insecticide resistance such as
Chilo suppressalis (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) and Helicoverpa armigera (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). However,
almost 70% of pests with high incidence of insecticide resistance have been overlooked. Lastly, we con-
trast country-specific CBC research advances with the national level of insecticide use and importation,
and identify lucrative opportunities for countries to save funds through targeted research investment.
Based upon our delineation of the current status of CBC, we indicate potential for well-orchestrated regio-
nal research projects to pursue higher levels of CBC integration into current pest management schemes.
This work constitutes a first step in drawing a roadmap for developing-world research that provides local
farmers with safe, low-cost means to control damaging insect pests, safeguard harvests and secure their
Ó 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
used by natural enemies, control secondary enemies, or manipu- 2. Assessment of the effect of non-prey foods on natural enemy
late host plant (or habitat) attributes to the benefit of natural ene- fitness
mies (Rabb et al., 1976; van den Bosch and Telford, 1964). Initial
literature reviews show that CBC research has been carried out in The importance of consumption of plant-based foods by natural
all of the above areas in the developing world, but to date this enemies was first reported by Thorpe and Caudle (1938), who re-
information has not been compiled. ported nectar consumption by parasitoids of the pine shoot moth
Here we review CBC advances in regions outside of North Amer- Rhyacionia buoliana. Gradually, researchers have come to acknowl-
ica, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Western Europe. We de- edge that non-prey foods such as nectar, honeydew or pollen influ-
scribe its current status in a wide variety of agro-production ence many life processes critical to the success of parasitoids and
systems, by drawing on less accessible literature and work pub- predators alike (Wackers et al., 2005; Lundgren, 2009). These plant
lished in languages other than English, which is less widely known. compounds may supplement prey diets or act as alternative foods
The resulting information is organized along the following themes that sustain natural enemies under sub-optimal conditions. For
(see Fig. 1): (1) elucidation of the role of non-prey foods in sustain- many natural enemies, a diversity of plant-based foods can in-
ing natural enemies; (2) use of artificial food sprays; (3) on-farm crease many fitness parameters and consequent biological control
habitat manipulation; (4) deliberate modification of disturbance efficacy.
regimes, with emphasis on tillage and pesticide use; (5) identifica- A total of 39 records were found in which a comparative assess-
tion of alternative host or prey items; (6) characterization of the ef- ment was made of natural enemy performance on different plant-
fect of plant varietal traits on natural enemy performance and based food resources, with the oldest record being work on winter
survival; and (7) examples of actual use of CBC at the farm or land- moth Operophtera brumata parasitoids in Uzbekistan (Appendix 1;
scape level. Eremenko, 1971). The majority of studies (n = 16) did not specify
In this exercise, we limited ourselves to records related to the cropping system, while systems that received relatively more
arthropod natural enemies, and to their effect in controlling field attention were cassava (5), maize (3), and crucifer vegetables (2).
populations of agricultural pests. No records were included on nat- Most records were found for China (9), but Colombia (4) and Egypt
ural enemy efficacy and life history (when fed prey items), as these (4) were also well represented. A total of 9 studies dealt with brac-
do not exclusively support CBC. Although this review is intended to onid wasps, nine with phytoseiid mites and four with earwigs (For-
be as complete as possible, we acknowledge that some valuable re- ficulidae). The following food sources were tested: mixed flower
search may have escaped our attention. Despite its potential limi- honey (16), pollen (14), synthetic mono-or polysaccharides (8), flo-
tations, this review should help identify opportunities to promote ral nectar (7), honeydew (5), and fungal spores (2). One record de-
pest management in the developing world, while providing a basis scribed the role of other plant-based foods such as maize grains,
for a more intensive cross pollination of CBC research globally. fruit juice or wetted raisins. Parameters that were computed for
Fig. 1. Focal themes of the manuscript, as identified within different sections of an existing conceptual framework for conservation biological control research (see Naranjo,
K.A.G. Wyckhuys et al. / Biological Control 65 (2013) 152–167 155
the different food sources were longevity/survival (24), fecundity aphid parasitoids have been frequently investigated. A large
or reproductive output (11), overall development (8), body nutri- literature exists on the interactions between ants and extra-floral
ent levels (4), parasitism (3), and egg load or maturation (2). Only nectaries in natural habitats of the tropics (e.g., O’Dowd, 1979;
single records were found for resource consumption level and Cuautle and Rico-Gray, 2003). However, this wealth of information,
duration of the oviposition period. poorly known outside ecology circles, waits to be used for the de-
With exception of the work on cassava phytoseiids in Benin, sign of crop diversification schemes that enhance natural control.
Brazil and Colombia (e.g., Gnanvossou et al., 2005; Onzo et al., As a promising development, research in China and Turkey has
2005), no evidence was found of sustained research on natural en- started to assess the effect of wildflower nectar on the life history
emy nutritional ecology in a particular cropping system. However, of Trichogramma spp., undoubtedly one of the most widely used
the consumption of pollen by earwigs in cereal crops has been re- groups of wasps in pest control (Tuncbilek et al., 2010; Guo
searched on separate occasions in Latin America and Africa (e.g., et al., 2011).
Boukary et al., 1997; Sueldo de Escano and Virla, 2009). Possibly,
this work was guided by the high abundance and conspicuousness 3. Elucidation of associations with alternative hosts, food and
of these predators in several crops and initial US-based research on prey items
pollen-dependence in the earwig Doru taeniatum (Jones et al.,
1988). Lastly, a multi-country initiative is currently assessing the Earliest records on the importance of alternative hosts for nat-
role of plant-based food sources for natural enemies of several ural enemies were by Hardy (1938). Since then, research has been
key rice pests in Southeast Asia (Gurr et al., 2011, 2012). conducted on identifying alternative hosts, prey and food items in
Pollen and carbohydrates are steadily gaining recognition as key many cropping systems (e.g., Agusti et al., 2003; Isaacs et al., 2009).
food sources for natural enemies. Aside from maize pollen, the rel- In our literature revision, we encountered a total of 51 references
ative nutritional value of pollen from several other crop and non- identifying such resources (Appendix 2). A total of 20 studies iden-
crop plants has been determined (e.g., Pu et al., 1991). While honey tified alternative hosts or host plants, while other resources such as
has been widely researched as a high-quality food source, isolated non-prey food (10), alternative prey (4) or refuges (3) received less
initiatives from Chile, China, Turkey, Philippines, and Uzbekistan attention. In a total of 12 studies, a broad community of parasitoids
have also assessed the role of floral nectar. A broad set of flowering was studied, while other natural enemy guilds that received major
plants, such as soybean, Daucus carota, Brassica parachinensis, Vicia attention were Coccinellidae (8), Braconidae (5) or pirate bugs (4).
angustifolia or wildflowers (e.g., Solidago altissima, Erigeron annuus) In most cases, researchers studied natural enemy associations with
were found to enhance key life history parameters of various plants present in natural habitats, such as common weeds, shrubs
parasitoids. Nevertheless, aside from exploratory work in South or (fruit) trees.
America on the importance of nectar composition and floral In many studies, high natural enemy abundance was considered
architecture (Chalcoff et al., 2006), much remains to be done to indicative of trophic linkages to a given plant species, but relative
properly select plant species for habitat diversification schemes importance of such linkages was rarely assessed (but see
that benefit natural enemies (e.g., Patt et al., 1997; Wackers, Soroushmehr et al., 2008). No studies were encountered in which
2004; Fiedler and Landis, 2007). As is well documented in Europe, nectar consumption on a given plant species was proven, e.g.,
New Zealand or North America, floral resources not only improve through use of biochemical assays (e.g., Wyckhuys et al., 2008).
fitness of natural enemies but may also benefit the pest (Baggen Only one record was found where pollen grain analysis was used
et al., 1999; Lavandero et al., 2006; Wackers et al., 2007). to identify plant associations for a given natural enemy (Medeiros
This has also been recognized in the developing world. In et al., 2010). A more in-depth elucidation of the nature of those
Brazil, buckwheat Fagopyrum esculentum nectar was consumed trophic linkages or refuge provision with certain plants could help
by the parasitoid Mirax sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) but was define appropriate conservation practices.
equally exploited by the coffee leaf miner, Leucoptera coffeella In a similar way, advances have been made in the identification
(Lepidoptera: Lyonetiidae) (Rosado, 2007). Along the same lines, of alternative host items, with sometimes unexpected results such
floral nectar supplied for the benefit of natural enemies favored as the identification of native trees as alternative hosts for parasit-
the wheat armyworm, Pseudaletia sequax (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) oids of the cowpea pod borer Maruca vitrata (Tamo et al., 2002).
(Marchioro and Foerster, 2012). These studies not only pinpoint plants necessary to sustain certain
The effect of extra-floral nectar, an omnipresent food in several natural enemies, but also plants that provide the pest with refuges
cropping systems (Lundgren, 2009; Nicolson et al., 2010), has only from natural enemy action (e.g., Morrill and Almazan, 1990). One
recently been assessed for phytoseiids, lacewings, and whitefly critical drawback in many of the studies is the lack of identification
parasitoids in Benin, Brazil, and Colombia, respectively. Although of temporal patterns in natural enemy abundance on such alterna-
some baseline work has been done on cassava extra-floral nectar tive host (or food source). Long-term studies from Israel, for exam-
(e.g., Toko et al., 1994), the nutritional value of this resource from ple, show that it is essential to understand when alternative host
other crops such as pulses has not been determined. A sound plants such as Rhamnus sp. shrubs are important to predatory
appreciation of its role may be essential to manipulate resident anthocorids (Shaltiel and Coll, 2004). Similar limitations have been
natural enemy populations, or help design pest-suppressive poly- identified for studies on alternative host items. Although the iden-
cultures. Overall, insights into the natural enemy’s food require- tification of alternative food or host resources constitutes a neces-
ments appear to have been primarily used to fine-tune their sary first step in the research process, long-term focused studies
(laboratory) mass rearing instead of improving their efficacy under are needed to help guide the definition of CBC schemes and their
field conditions (Chen et al., 2010). A rare exception is the exem- proper incorporation in cropping systems.
plary way in which insights in earwig nutritional ecology have With exception of some Cuban and African studies (e.g.,
helped define habitat manipulation schemes in East Africa Schulthess et al., 2001; Cherry et al., 2003; Kahuthia-Gathu et al.,
(Boukary et al., 1997; Koji et al., 2007). In the vast majority of 2008), many initiatives remain isolated and miss follow-up re-
cropping systems, however; laboratory assays wait to be trans- search. For example, Beingolea (1959) elegantly explored plant
ferred to semi-field trials and management recommendations. associations of several key predators and parasitoids in Peruvian
Natural enemy groups such Araneae, Carabidae, Formicidae, cotton agro-ecosystems, and stressed the importance of taking into
Syrphidae or predaceous heteropterans have not received any account those ecological relationships to define sustainable pest
attention, while other groups such as Coccinellidae, Tachinidae or management programs. Fifty-three years after this publication,
156 K.A.G. Wyckhuys et al. / Biological Control 65 (2013) 152–167
however, no evidence was found of changes in management prac- as supplemental food in Israeli avocado orchards increased natural
tices that derived from this study. In contrast, an identification of enemy abundance and pest control (Maoz et al., 2009). Other
alternative host plants for the African gall midge Orseolia oryzae promising low-cost approaches to boost predator abundance and
led to an evaluation of habitat manipulation schemes, and serves action include the deployment of powdered fish bones, as de-
as an example that different approaches are possible (Nwilene scribed from work in Uganda (Sekamatte et al., 2001b, 2002).
et al., 2008). Also, separate research initiatives could easily guide Based upon this experience, an evaluation of similar low-cost
studies in other parts of the developing world. For example, find- protein baits to increase abundance and foraging of other
ings from Mexico or Brazil that native fruit trees help conserve ground-foraging ant predators such as Solenopsis geminata,
fruit fly parasitoids (Figueroa de la Rosa et al., 1998; Carvalho Wasmannia auropunctata or Pheidole spp. may carry particular
et al., 2010) should constitute a basis for biological control of promise. Often, literature references mention the use of artificial
native fruit flies in Thailand and Malaysia, amongst others (see food supplementation as farmer innovations (e.g., Van Mele and
Chinajariyawong et al., 2000). Cuc, 2000; Bentley, 2006), but do not document its effects as result
of scientific experimentation. The only exception may be the
4. Determination of the role of artificial food supplements validation of sugar-sprays and the burying of dead animals, as a
farmer innovation, in Honduran and Ugandan small-scale maize
The potential of artificial food sprays to increase abundance and fields (Canas and O’Neil, 1998; Sekamatte et al., 2001b). A more
impact of natural enemies has been recognized for over 40 years formal evaluation of some of these practices could validate artifi-
(Wade et al., 2008). In our literature revision, a total of 19 refer- cial food supplementation in various other cropping systems
ences evaluated the effect of artificial food supplements on natural (e.g., Mensah, 1996; Cook et al., 2007; Hazarika et al., 2009).
enemy abundance and efficacy, with the oldest record being the
mention of yeast sprays to enhance aphid predation by Chrysopa 5. Effects of structural habitat manipulation on resident natural
sp. (Appendix 3; Trujillo and Altieri, 1990). Even earlier, sugar enemies
sprays were briefly mentioned for use in Indian pulse crops (Iswer-
an & Sen, 1972). Records were found for a range of crops, with The agricultural crop itself undoubtedly has the largest direct
maize (3) and citrus (2) having received the most attention. Crops effect on natural enemy abundance and efficacy. However, it was
included principally vegetables and fruits, such as tomato, almond, not until the 1950s that European researchers recognized that
peppermint or cocoa. In seven cases, target pests were not speci- the ecological infrastructure of agricultural habitats could be
fied, while homopterans such as aphids, whitefly or membracids manipulated for the benefit of these natural enemies and biological
were the focal pests of six studies. Ants were studied in a total of control (Gyorfi, 1951). Since then, research has come to show that
12 studies, while other groups included Chrysopidae (3), Coccinel- habitat management and plant diversification schemes, such as
lidae (2), Vespidae (1), Tachinidae (1), Syrphidae (1), Trichogram- intercropping or the establishment of flowering plants, can greatly
matidae (1), Phytoseiid mites (1) or Anthocoridae (1). A diverse enhance natural enemy abundance (Letourneau et al., 2011). How-
range of food supplements were described, covering both carbohy- ever, recent research shows that the efficacy of those schemes is
drate (i.e., sucrose solution, molasses, honey) and protein sources still tied to landscape complexity (Woltz et al., 2012). While the
(i.e., pollen, protein hydrolysate, milk, powdered fish, intestines). science of habitat manipulation only became popular in the
All studies with lacewings evaluated the role of yeast or pro- 1990s (Landis et al., 2000), it has advanced considerably during
tein + sugar mixtures. The main effects of the artificial food provi- the past decade, with ecological engineering taking shape as a sep-
sion were increased abundance or sustained ant colony presence arate discipline dedicated to its promotion (Gurr et al., 2004). This
(9) and reduced tending of homopterans (3). When describing has resulted in myriad promising technologies such as the use of
the effect of sugar sprays on ant-hemipteran interactions, no men- shelter habitats, beetle banks (McLeod et al., 2004) and wildflower
tion was made of increased predation (but see Carabali-Banguero strips (Lavandero et al., 2005; Pfiffner et al., 2009), with some of
et al., in press). those approaches increasing pest control in specific cropping
Although sugar sprays have been shown to boost efficacy of systems.
Trichogramma spp. under field conditions (Yu and Byers, 1994), In the developing world, habitat manipulation could easily be
their use was only recently reported from Pakistan (Ahmad et al., incorporated in local agro-production systems, already being an
2011). Similarly, even though food sprays greatly benefit Coleop- integral feature of Chinese agriculture (Olkowski and Zhang,
tera (Wade et al., 2008), no research has specifically focused on this 1998) and having been widely adopted under the form of polycul-
group. One possible reason for this lack of attention could be con- tures in African and Central American traditional agriculture alike
cern over the viability of costly broadcast sprays of sucrose solu- (Morales and Perfecto, 2000; Kfir et al., 2002; Greathead, 2003).
tions, especially for small-scale farmers. Nevertheless, sugar-rich Early on, possibilities were discussed to manipulate agricultural
industry waste products such as molasses could be a valuable habitats to increase natural enemy abundance in Ugandan coffee
alternative to refined sugar (see Perfecto and Castiñeiras, 1998; plantations (Taylor, 1945). Our literature revision found a total of
Choate and Drummond, 2011) and make this more affordable. That 71 records of habitat manipulation (HM), and an additional 80
sugar sprays have potential even for small-scale farmers is exem- studies specifically on the effect of inter- and cover-cropping
plified by Colombian research, showing that sugar sprays can be (ICC) on natural enemy abundance or efficacy (Appendix 4). Crop-
combined with selective insecticides to increase whitefly biological ping systems that received most attention were coffee (9), rice (7),
control in cash crops such as tomato (Hernandez et al., maize and citrus (7), apple, cocoa and wheat (5) and beans (4). For
unpublished). inter- and cover-cropping, great attention was paid to maize (11),
In addition to external applications of sugar, two records were cotton (11), apple (5), sweetpotato, bean, tomato and sorghum (4)
found of farmers’ intentional infestation of their crop with (non- as focal crops. In most cases, target pests were not specified for HM
pestiferous) hemipterans, as sources of sugar-rich honeydew for (44), and ICC (30). In cases where the target pest was mentioned,
the predatory ants Dolichoderus bituberculatus Mayr and D. thoraci- aphids (5), thrips (3) and corn earworm (3) were common in HM
cus Smith (Graham, 1991; Ho and Khoo, 1997). Through such pest studies, while aphids (14), sweet potato weevil (5) and corn ear-
introductions, farmers secure a continuous availability of carbohy- worm (5) received great attention for ICC. The effect of habitat
drates and a resulting high activity and intensive foraging by pred- manipulation was assessed on several natural enemies, such as
atory ants in cocoa orchards. Lastly, broadcasting of maize pollen ants (17), coccinellids (10), spiders (10), hoverflies (6), lacewings
K.A.G. Wyckhuys et al. / Biological Control 65 (2013) 152–167 157
Table 1
Plant species and associated natural enemy guilds, commonly studied as companion plants in inter- and cover-cropping schemes in the developing world.
Plant family Genus Species Common # Focal crop Focal natural enemies
name Records
Aliaceae Allium ampeloprasum Leek 1 Vegetables NS
sativum Garlic 1 Chinese cabbage Th, Ly
cepa Onion 1 Vegetables NS
Apiaceae Coriandrum sativum Coriander 4 Tomato, chickpea, safflower Ar, Ch, Co, Fr, Ic
Galinsoga parviflora Gallant 1 Tomato Ar, Co, Fr
Pimpinella anisum Anise 1 Vegetables NS
Arecaceae Cocos nucifera Coconut 1 Cocoa Fr
Asteraceae Ageratum conyzoides Billy-goat 1 Citrus Ph
houstonianum Bluemink 1 Pear Co, Ph, Ch
Carthamus tinctorius Safflower 1 Cotton Ch
Lactuca sativa Lettuce 1 Chinese cabbage Th, Ly
Tagetes patula French 1 Pear Co, Ph, Ch
Brassicaceae Brassica campestris Rape 3 Apple, cotton, wheat NS
oleraceae Green 1 Chinese cabbage Th, Ly
Commelinaceae Commelina diffusa Climbing 1 Coffee Fr, Br, Ic
Zebrina pendula Wandering 1 Coffee Fr, Br, Ic
Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita pepo Squash 2 Maize Ch, Fr
Trichosanthes cucumerina Snake 1 Tea Ar
Euphorbiaceae Manihot esculenta Cassava 1 Maize Sc
Fabaceae Arachis hypogaea Peanut 3 Sorghum, maize Ar, Fr, Tr
pintoi Pinto 1 Tea Ar, Ca
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba Cluster 1 Cotton Ar, Co
Desmodium sp. Tick clover 1 Maize Ar
Glycine max Soybean 4 Maize, sweetpotato Ar, Fr, Sc
Medicago sativa Alfalfa 5 Apple, cotton An, Ar, Ca, Ch, Co, Na, Ge, Ch, Br,
St, Sy
Melilotus albus Honey 1 Apple Ch, Ph
Neonotonia wightii Perennial 1 Citrus Ph
Phaseolus vulgaris Kidney 6 Cereals, maize, sorghum, sugarcane Br, Ch, Eu, Fr, Ic, Ph, Ta, Tr
Pisum sativum Pea 2 Grape, wheat Co, Ve, Fr, Br
Trifolium fragiferum Strawberry 1 Apple, Ca, St, Co, Na, Ge, An, Ch, Ar, Br
repens White 1 Apple Ch, Co, Sy
Vigna radiata Mungbean 3 Cowpea, maize, sorghum An, Ar, Fo, Tr
unguiculata Cowpea 3 Cotton, maize, sorghum Ar, Br, Co, Ic, Sc
Lamiaceae Lagopsis supina NA 1 Apple NS
Melissa officinalis Lemon 1 Vegetables NS
Mentha haplocalyx Mint 1 Pear Ch, Co, Ph
x piperita Peppermint 1 Vegetables NS
Ocimum basilicum Basil 2 Pear Co, Ph, Ch
Salvia officinale Sage 1 Vegetables NS
Satureja hortensis Summer 1 Pear Co, Ph, Ch
Malvaceae Gossypium hirsutum Cotton 1 Pigeonpea Sc
Hibiscus sabdariffa Roselle 1 Tomato Br, Ic
Myricaceae Myrica rubra Waxberry 1 Tea Ar
Poaceae Avena strigosa Black oat 1 Grape Ve, Fr, Co
Brachiaria decumbens Suriname 1 Banana, plantain Ar, Ci, Fr, Fo
Festuca arundinaceae Fescue 1 Apple Ca, St, Co, Na, Ge, An, Ch, Ar, Br
Lolium perenne Perennial 1 Apple Ch, Co, Sy
Melinis minutiflora Molasses 1 Maize Br
Pennisetum glaucum Pearl millet 3 Cereals, cowpea, pigeonpea Br, Eu, Ic, Ta, Tr
purpureum Napier 1 Maize Ar
Table 1 (continued)
Plant family Genus Species Common # Focal crop Focal natural enemies
name Records
Sorghum bicolor Sorghum 6 Blackgram, cereals, cowpea, cotton, pigeonpea An, Ar, Br, Eu, Ic, Fo, Ta, Tr
Triticum aestivum Wheat 1 Cotton Co, Ar
Zea mays Maize 16 Beans, cabbage, cereals, cowpea, cotton, groundnut, An, Ar, Br, Ca, Co, Ch, Eu, Fo, Fr, Ic,
pigeonpea, potato, soybean, sweetpotato, tomato Ly, Ma, Sc, St, Sy, Ta, Tr, Ge
Rutaceae Citrus sinensis Orange 1 Tea Ar
Theaceae Camellia sinensis Tea 1 Citrus Br, Hy
NS : non-specified.
An: Anthocoridae; Ar: Araneae (spiders, unspecified); Br: Braconidae ; Ca : Carabidae ; Ch : Chrysopidae ; Ci : Chilopoda (centipedes, unspecified) ; Co : Coccinellidae ; Eu :
Eulophidae ; Fo : Forficulidae ; Fr : Formicidae ; Ge: Geocordiae; Ic : Ichneumonidae ; Ly : Lycosidae ; Ma : Mantidae ; Na: Nabidae; Ph : Phytoseiidae ; Sc : Scelionidae ; Sy :
Syrphidae ; St : Staphylinidae ; Ta : Tachinidae ; Th : Theridiidae ; Tr : Trichogrammatidae ; Ve : Vespidae.
and phytoseiids (3), for HM. For ICC, natural enemies that received growers recognize that pest problems are lower in weedy fields
most attention were spiders (20), coccinellids (17), ants (12), (Van Mele and van Lenteren, 2002), which could point towards
anthocorids (8) and lacewings (7). effective HM schemes. In other cases, early research has been
Several HM tactics were tested, with the most common being translated into HM practices and widely adopted, as is the case
the use of herbaceous strips in the field plot (21), tolerance of for the use of Ageratum conyzoides cover crops in 135,000 ha of
weeds (13), judicious selection of border plants (11), and the estab- Chinese citrus orchards or the broad adoption of sunflower strips
lishment of shade trees (7). Flower strips or weed borders were in Cuban small-scale agriculture (Liang and Huang, 1994; Vázquez
evaluated, using a total of 21 different plant species belonging to et al., 2007). Similarly, an exhaustive evaluation of the role of flow-
6 families. Members of Poaceae (6), Brassicaceae (5) and Fabaceae ering plants in attracting natural enemies has been translated in
(4) were widely used. In four studies, existing weeds were toler- HM tactics for Tajik cotton and vegetable production (Saidov and
ated in some sections of the field plot, instead of intentionally Landis, 2008; Saidov et al., 2011).
establishing new plants in separate strips. In two studies from In- Although considerable effort has gone into the evaluation of
dia, Sri Lanka and Malaysia, researchers assessed the effect of prac- habitat manipulation schemes, little or no attention has been paid
tices such as partial weeding on the beneficial arthropod fauna to consolidating a mechanistic basis for this research. Instead of
(Rickson and Rickson, 1998; Rekha et al., 2009). Tolerance of some simply adding diversity to agro-production systems or evaluating
weed cover could be a labor-saving approach to help conserve nat- the effect of (a small set of) common crops or N-suppliers on the
ural enemies (Norris and Kogan, 2000), and merits more intensive resident natural enemy community, it may be preferable to a priori
research as a tailor-made HM tactic for small-scale farmers. Lastly, identify the ‘right kind’ of diversity (Landis et al., 2000; Gurr, 2009),
six studies on the provision of artificial shelter and nesting re- or pursue the promotion of healthy ecosystems (J. Lundgren, per-
sources introduce (possibly) effective, simple and low-cost prac- sonal communication). With applied ecological research identified
tices to conserve predatory ants or mites. However, if those as a necessary step to develop pest-suppressive crop diversification
tactics actually contribute to pest control waits to be evaluated schemes in the Western hemisphere (Barbosa et al., 2009; Letour-
in many of above cases. In ICC schemes, an equally broad diversity neau et al., 2011), such work is urgently needed in the developing
of plant species was evaluated either as cover crops or intercrops world. By linking new mechanistic modeling work (e.g., Tixier
(Table 1). A total of 54 different plant species were tested, with var- et al., 2011; Vinatier et al., 2012) to recent advances in natural
ious species belonging to Fabaceae (14) or Poaceae (10). A great enemy ecology (e.g., Wackers, 2004; Fiedler and Landis, 2007;
number of records were found for maize (16), sorghum (6) and al- Tompkins et al., 2010), such habitat manipulation schemes could
falfa (5) as companion plans. For Poaceae, the effect of different be within close reach for certain (perennial) systems in the tropics.
plant species was primarily quantified on Araneae (5), Coccinelli-
dae (5), Forficulidae, Formicidae or Chrysopidae (3). For Fabaceae,
the effect of several species was assessed on Araneae (8), Coccinel- 6. Deliberate manipulation of disturbance regimes
lidae (6) and Formicidae (4). In the bulk of ICC studies, researchers
evaluated the effect of a given practice on natural enemy abun- Several types of disturbance, such as tillage or weed manage-
dance (43) and to lesser extent on pest pressure (21). No records ment, can have far-reaching effects on the detritus food web and
were found in which the underlying drivers for increased natural consequently on the resident natural enemy community (Wardle,
enemy abundance were determined. Although limited research 1995). Also, while insecticide use directly impacts natural enemies,
has been conducted on proper management of cover- or intercrops, relatively little research has been conducted in the Western hemi-
findings from Chinese apple (Du and Yan, 1994), Chinese cotton sphere to make chemical control compatible with (natural) biolog-
(Zhang et al., 2000), Chinese chestnut (Lu et al., 2008) and Guade- ical control (Naranjo and Ellsworth, 2009). In our literature
loupian citrus orchards (Mailloux et al., 2010) indicate this to be a revision, a total of 77 references were found that describe the effect
fertile field for future research. However, in many of those systems, of disturbances (e.g., pesticide use, tillage, fertilizer application) on
with exception of Chinese apple orchards, little evidence exists of arthropod natural enemies (Appendix 5). Research was commonly
widespread adoption of those cover crop management schemes. conducted in major crops such as rice (13), cotton (12), coffee (10)
In certain systems, clear potential exists for follow-up research or soybean-corn rotations (5). A total of 25 accounts were from
on HM or ICC tactics. For example, the effect of grass borders on (semi-)perennial systems, while all other references were on
natural enemies waits to be determined in Latin American bean short-term crops. Many references evaluated the effect on ants
production (Altieri, 1981). In Central America, in-field abundance (12), spiders (8), coccinellids (4) and ground beetles (5). A range
of earwigs is directly related to grass cover in neighboring fields, of disturbance factors were taken into account, with most research
but little attention has been paid to its related potential as HM focusing on insecticide use frequency or timing (22), use of organic
tactic (Wyckhuys and O’Neil, 2007b). Lastly, Vietnamese citrus fertilizer or soil amendments (8) and alteration in tillage regimes
K.A.G. Wyckhuys et al. / Biological Control 65 (2013) 152–167 159
(8). Other accounts dealt with practices such as pruning (3), collec- (Appendix 6). Crops that received most attention were pigeon
tion of fallen fruits (2), hand weeding (1), modification of fallow re- pea (6), cotton (4) and cassava (4), with a third of studies from In-
gimes (1), overhead irrigation (1), and the use of insectivorous dia. The effect of crop germplasm was assessed on a diverse range
farm animals such as ducks (1). Insecticide use alterations were of natural enemy groups, with Phytoseiidae (4), Coccinellidae (3)
mostly evaluated on natural enemy abundance (15), but rarely and Trichogrammatidae (3) commonly studied. Crop attributes
on pest pressure (2) or natural enemy efficacy (3). Organic fertilizer that received most importance were leaf pubescence or trichome
use was commonly evaluated on natural enemy abundance (8), but density (8), pest resistance (4) and varietal-dependent production
only once on predation levels and pest pressure. Similarly, altera- of volatiles (3).
tions in tillage regimes were mostly evaluated on abundance (5) In some crops, such as cassava, leaf trichomes have been shown
and not on pest pressure. This is surprising, as tillage is frequently to facilitate establishment and presence of certain predators while
mentioned in folk knowledge as an efficient way to reduce pests. trapping alternate foods such as pollen (Zundel et al., 2009). As
For example, among the Tzeltal Maya in present-day Mexico, land multiple natural enemies readily feed upon cassava extra-floral
preparation is widely seen as a way to expose Phyllophaga sp. nectar (Bakker and Klein, 1992; Bruce-Oliver et al., 1996), the po-
white grubs to predation by a variety of natural enemies (Gomez tential for CBC by selecting cassava varieties with enhanced nectar
et al., 2000). This shows that much research waits to be conducted, secretion or pubescence has been repeatedly identified (Salick,
and that an exclusive focus on natural enemy abundance may ob- 1983). This characteristic however, in addition to leaf pubescence,
scure (possibly) stronger effects of certain disturbance factors on has yet to be taken into account in breeding programs (A. Bellotti,
biological control efficacy. personal communication). Along the same lines, several research-
Fertilizer use and the addition of organic matter generate bot- ers have identified the considerable potential of breeding crops
tom-up forces that conserve resident natural enemies in many that resist specific pests and simultaneously encourage their
cropping systems, with tangible increases of foliage-foraging pre- antagonists (e.g., Sharma and Yadav, 1993; Lou and Cheng, 2003).
dators such as spiders in Asian rice (Settle et al., 1996), aphid pre- Host plant resistance does not necessarily interfere with natural
dators in African bean (Karungi et al., 2006) or earwigs in Brazilian enemy fitness, mobility or host searching ability (Tandon, 2001)
maize (Galvao et al., 2001). Similarly, crop residue retention led to and moderate levels of resistance could easily boost natural enemy
a 7- and 15-fold increase in the respective abundance of predatory abundance and efficacy (Kartohardjono and Heinrichs, 1984;
ants and springtails in Brazilian common bean (Pereira et al., Shannag and Obeidat, 2008).
2010). In several systems, pest outbreaks proved less likely upon With insecticide- and herbicide-resistant crops steadily
addition of organic matter, but its effect on natural enemies was adopted in many developing countries, the assessment of their
not assessed (Neuenschwander et al., 1990). Given the (relatively) impact on biological control could prove a fertile field of research
steep and increasing costs of chemical fertilizers for small-scale (Romeis et al., 2006; Lundgren et al., 2009). Herbicide-tolerant
farmers, there is a need to assess effects of organic fertilizers, man- crops can lead to substantial losses of in-field vegetational diver-
ure or crop residue retention schemes on biological control. This sity and thus (possibly) interfere with biological control. On the
work is particularly relevant in light of the rising use of unsustain- other hand, Bt-transgenic varieties can reduce insecticide use and
able practices in various developing world nations, such as straw give natural enemies a chance (e.g., Lu et al., 2012). While our
burning in Indian rice–wheat systems (Gupta et al., 2004). study focused on CBC studies related to conventional germplasm,
Along the same lines, research has shown that rational insecti- we also found work that dealt with the effect of transgenic crops
cide use can bring about dramatic increases in natural enemy lev- on resident natural enemies in Indian Bt chickpea (Romeis et al.,
els. Such practices led to natural enemy increases of 300% in 2004), Brazilian Bt cotton (Faria et al., 2006), amongst others. The
Chinese cotton fields (Xing et al., 1991), or parasitism levels up bulk of these studies provide guidelines for pre-release risk
to 97% in Indian tea plots (Hazarika et al., 2001). In South Africa, assessment of transgenics. However, in most developing countries,
native parasitoids exerted sufficient control of the invasive potato laboratory and field trials wait to be conducted that assess compat-
tuber moth, even when farmers refrained from insecticides (Kfir, ibility of transgenic crops and natural enemies (Lovei et al., 2009).
2003). In the meantime, several commonly-used herbicides and Although transgenic crops can help promote natural biological
fungicides greatly affect natural enemies, either by causing direct control in conventional agriculture in certain countries, they are
mortality (Chen et al., 1999) or through changes in habitat struc- not suitable for organic production systems.
ture, composition or health (Pereira et al., 2007). Consequently, a Above findings show that germplasm research could pave the
reduction of pesticide use in certain crops can boost the contribu- road towards more pest-suppressive cropping systems. Neverthe-
tion of biological control and thus become a valuable pest manage- less, few breeding programs in the tropics have carried out sus-
ment approach for resource-poor farmers (e.g., Greathead and tained research on CBC promotion through judicious selection of
Girling, 1981). Classic experiments in Asian rice systems (Kenmore crop germplasm. In the meantime, CBC researchers in the develop-
et al., 1984; Settle et al., 1996) or Peruvian cotton (Beingolea, 1959) ing world may need to consider including transgenic crops in their
helped create broad awareness on the side-effects of pesticide agendas.
over-use and highlighted the potential of biological control. Recent
renewed pest outbreaks in several of those systems signal that the 8. CBC at the landscape level
time may be ripe to revisit those historic works and use them to re-
orient deficient pest management schemes. In the broader agricultural landscape, the presence of more sta-
ble and heterogeneous (non-crop) habitats such as forests, hedge-
7. Germplasm effects on natural enemy performance rows, fallows or meadows is thought essential to CBC services
(Tscharntke et al., 2008). They provide important resources for nat-
Agricultural crops, as highly suitable host plants of arthropod ural enemies such as refuge sites, alternative prey, pollen and nec-
pests, may equally affect natural enemies through multi-trophic tar (e.g., Landis et al., 2000; Cronin and Reeve, 2005; Bianchi et al.,
interactions (Bottrell et al., 1998). In the Western hemisphere, 2006). In the Western hemisphere, the importance of landscape-
researchers have come to acknowledge that a sound appreciation level contributions to biological control was first reviewed half a
of plant–pest–natural enemy evolution can help develop CBC century ago (van Emden, 1965). In our literature revision, a total
schemes. In our literature search, we found a total of 27 studies of 29 records were found that describe landscape-level effects
that describe crop-mediated influences on natural enemies on biological control (Appendix 7). Amongst those, ten studies
160 K.A.G. Wyckhuys et al. / Biological Control 65 (2013) 152–167
describe rice agro-ecosystems, while less attention has gone to cot- vegetables, eight pulses, six cereals, three tuber/root crops and a
ton (3) and another eight crops. Natural enemy guilds that received small set of cash or forage crops. Research effort greatly differed
most attention were spiders (5) and Trichogrammatidae (3). In the between crop species and crop types. The greatest number of stud-
broader agricultural landscape, the effect of surrounding crop ies was recorded from rice (36), cotton (35), maize (30), coffee (21),
fields (8), landscape complexity and diversity (7) and the presence citrus (14) and beans (13). The number of records per crop species
or (relative) cover of natural habitats (9) was assessed. was highest for cereals (14.33 ± 6.31; mean ± SE) and lowest for
Despite comparatively little research attention, several promis- fruits (4.75 ± 1.48) and vegetables (2.80 ± 0.94). Although most
ing findings have been reported. In SE Asia, asynchronous rice fruit crops were only covered in one or two publications, citrus, ap-
planting over large areas allowed natural enemies to build up ple and coffee were the focus of more than ten studies each. Similar
(Way and Heong, 1994; Ives and Settle, 1997). In China, high abun- patterns were found for vegetables, but research effort was more
dance and efficacy of Trichogramma spp. on certain vegetables or equally distributed between crop species for pulses. CBC research
(early-season) sweet potato crops has been used to diversify in some important staple crops proved very limited or entirely
grain-cropping landscapes (Wang et al., 1988; Zhou et al., 1997). missing (Fig. 2). For example, only one record was found for bana-
Also, landscape mosaics composed of rice and horticultural crops na/plantain production systems, lentils, barley or millet. This is
benefited from high natural enemy abundance and increased pest particularly worrisome, as crops such as millet or banana/plantain
suppression (Zhang et al., 2011). In those systems, biological con- are grown on 35.1 and 10 million hectares, respectively, and are
trol can be enhanced either through overall increase of landscape key staples in many parts of the tropics. Also, comparatively little
diversity (e.g., Gardiner et al., 2009), or through the provision of research effort has been dedicated to CBC in potato (3), groundnut
habitats that benefit one or more key natural enemies, such as (2) or fava bean (2). For other important staple crops such as yams,
Trichogramma spp. Along the same lines, a mosaic of natural habi- taro, sago or breadfruit, we found no references at all. Possibly, the
tats at differing stages of succession supports a diverse natural en- limited research effort to some root or tuber crops could be due to
emy community in Central American small-scale maize production the cryptic nature of (many of) its pests, and associated natural
(Wyckhuys and O’Neil, 2007b). It is suspected that shifting agricul- enemies. CBC research could take forward pest management in
ture inadvertently preserves the diversity of habitats and biological several of those crops, while crop species that already received cer-
control services within those systems. Despite these promising tain coverage could benefit from sustained research built upon a
findings, much remains to be investigated in this field. More so, meticulous review of actual advances.
in certain regions, such as Africa, virtually nothing is known about Perennial fruit orchards are optimum habitats to promote con-
the effect of landscape structure on biological control (Neuensch- servation biological control (e.g., Brown, 1999; Landis et al., 2000;
wander et al., 2003). Simon et al., 2010). Nevertheless, it is rather unfortunate to note an
absence of sustained research in perennial fruits, with the number
9. General tendencies in developing world CBC research of CBC references for major fruits such as mango (2), avocado (1),
papaya (0) or pineapple (0) being strikingly low. For minor fruits,
Our literature review reported a wide range of CBC-related the situation is even more critical, with no records found for most
studies from the developing world, on a total of 53 different crops. In many fruit cropping systems, the current lack of research
focal crops. Research was reported from 16 different fruits, ten attention is reflected in an ever more acute proliferation of
Fig. 2. Number of CBC records per crop, in relation to its 2010 global acreage (log10) and the share of its production outside the European Union and North America. Crop
production data were obtained from FAO Stat ( Selected crops are identified in the figure, while we did not include crops for which no CBC records were
found or that did not have reliable global production data.Size of the circles represents the number of CBC records for a given crop.
K.A.G. Wyckhuys et al. / Biological Control 65 (2013) 152–167 161
Table 2
Number of CBC records for a given pest species, as contrasted with its respective number of worldwide records of insecticide resistance. Insecticide resistance records were
obtained through the Arthropod Pesticide Resistance Database (, and are solely reported for agricultural arthropod pests that are important in the
developing world. We included the 30 pest species with highest incidence of insecticide resistance.
Fig. 4. Number of CBC records from developing countries, in relation to country-specific annual insecticide imports (A) or annual insecticide consumption levels (B).
Insecticide use data were obtained for the year 2005, from FAO Stat ( For many developing countries, no reliable information was available on
insecticide consumption or import.
identification of non-prey food sources for (omnivorous) natural may be the rising level of mechanization, intensification and sim-
enemies. During 1985–90, only two of 19 studies assessed aspects plification of present-day cropping systems. Although pest severity
related to natural enemy nutrition. Since 2010 onwards, a total of and related insecticide use in Chinese cotton-wheat intercrops is
12 (out of 49) studies described plant-based food sources of certain far lower than in monoculture crops (Lu, personal communication),
natural enemies. Possibly, this latter tendency can generate much- these systems are gradually disappearing. Amounting to >50% of
needed baseline data to take CBC forward in many cropping Chinese cotton acreage at the turn of the century, its proportion
systems. has recently dropped to under 15% (Mao, 2010). In Indian rice–
Time-held and novel research approaches alike wait to be em- wheat cropping systems, field borders have long been valued as a
ployed to elucidate ecological particularities of natural enemies refuge habitat for a broad diversity of natural enemies (Jaipal
in many cropping systems. Ecological experiments, such as addi- et al., 2002). With increasing mechanization in major wheat-grow-
tion/exclusion trials, combined with molecular gut content analy- ing regions (e.g., Punjab), straw burning has risen dramatically in
sis or biochemical assays could help assess the real potential for the past decade and its impact on biological control is thought to
conservation biological control. Only in a few cases, researchers be devastating (e.g., Gupta et al., 2004). Lastly, global cassava pro-
have moved beyond initial natural enemy surveys, and used exclu- duction is rapidly shifting towards large-scale monocultures with
sion trials, palynology, gut content analysis or feeding studies to little place for on-farm biodiversity. Dropping natural enemy num-
assess the role of certain natural enemies or identify plant-natural bers, the appearance of novel pests and more severe outbreaks of
enemy associations (see Santos-Neto et al., 2010; Jaramillo et al., existing pests all point to considerable deficiencies in those pro-
2010; Medeiros et al., 2010; Duyck et al., 2011; Narvaez et al., duction systems (Bellotti et al., 2012).
2012). Such approaches carry considerable potential to help iden- Under these scenarios, CBC may be promoted by capitalizing
tify resident natural enemies of a variety of (cryptic) pests, deter- on human ingenuity, deployed for centuries to solve agricultural
mine their nutritional requirements and generate much-needed challenges (Kiers et al., 2008). In many parts of the developing
information to guide habitat modification schemes or artificial world, small-scale farmers have acquired an intimate knowledge
food sprays. of (part of) the local pest and natural enemy community (Bentley
Looking at historic patterns in CBC research, we note a particu- and Rodriguez, 2001; Wyckhuys and O’Neil, 2007a but see Abate
lar emphasis on two domains: survey and identification of (poten- et al., 2000). Based upon this knowledge, many farmers use sim-
tially) important natural enemies and on-farm evaluation of ple, on-farm experiments to gradually adapt management prac-
possible CBC schemes (see Naranjo, 2001). In many developing tices to local farming systems (Scoones and Thompson, 1994;
countries, a wealth of information has been generated through di- Sumberg and Okali, 1997). Farmer inventions for pest manage-
rect observation or (descriptive) population censuses of natural ment have been documented from all over the globe, with records
enemies. Observations were primarily carried out in agricultural as old as written history (Kiritani and Nakasuji, 1977; Peng,
crops, and a very small share in natural or non-crop areas. In cer- 1983). Even though farmer inventions have been derided as a re-
tain systems, natural enemy surveys have spanned several years sult of inaccurate folk science, a multitude of valuable pest man-
(Sharma and Agarwal, 2007). In others, natural enemies have only agement practices can be documented. For example, Chinese
recently been identified (Rao, 2005), or still wait to be described citrus farmers relied on observation to understand key aspects
(e.g., Baskaran et al., 1999). Surprisingly, there is a critical lack of of weaver ant ecology and devise tactics to improve their efficacy
natural enemy surveys in certain major staple crops or for key in pest control. Many of these inventions have survived the test of
pests, such as whitefly or Phyllophaga white grubs (e.g., Legg time, and have been adopted by generations of farmers world-
et al., 2003; Bellotti et al., 2012). Only recently, the predator com- wide. A systematic documentation of such local CBC innovations
plex of cassava whitefly has been characterized (Lundgren et al., and their possible insertion into modern-day farming could carry
unpublished) and promising research venues have been identified tremendous potential (see Morales and Perfecto, 2000; Wyckhuys
for cassava whitefly CBC (Ewesi, 2011). For many other crops or and O’Neil, 2007a; van Mele, 2008). Such approach fits seamlessly
pests, sensible CBC practices can only be defined once insights have within emerging interests for traditional knowledge and practices
been gained on the identity, abundance and action of resident nat- to help guide ecological engineering processes (Martin et al.,
ural enemy community. 2010).
On the other hand, researchers have gone to great lengths
studying effects of disturbance schemes (20% historic records)
and evaluating habitat manipulation approaches (38%). For habitat 10. Conclusions
manipulation, companion plants have traditionally been selected
based upon their N-fixing capacity or status as food or cash crop, As a practice that is neither self-perpetuating (i.e., as classical
mostly with little insights into their benefits for resident natural biological control) nor benefits from political support or financial
enemies. Through time, only a handful of studies have conducted backing through vested industry interests, the future of CBC has of-
the necessary, sequential set of experiments to successfully devel- ten been termed as bleak (Ehler, 1998). However, our documenta-
op CBC or habitat manipulation schemes. Poster-child examples of tion of 390 CBC-related literature records from 53 different nations
such long term studies to boost natural enemy efficacy or abun- and >50 crops shows exactly the opposite. Active research in this
dance are the work on African stemborers (Ndemah et al., 2001; field is being conducted, and critical insights in natural enemy
Kfir et al., 2002), West African cassava mites and mealybugs (e.g., ecology and CBC effectiveness are slowly but gradually being gen-
Onzo et al., 2005), Mexican fruit fly parasitoids (Aluja, 1994), SE erated. Given that past work has mainly been conducted in isola-
Asian rice pests (Matteson, 2000), and the recent revival of weaver tion and long-term, sustained research on a given cropping
ant research (van Mele, 2008). Amongst in-field evaluations of CBC system is still very much a rarity, we identify vast potential for
tactics, we found few records where the extent of target pest sup- well-orchestrated regional CBC projects that make strategic use
pression was assessed. By missing this pest angle, these studies of historic data, carry out additional research and wisely employ
also have little relevance to pest management (see Jonsson et al., (local) knowledge to pursue higher levels of CBC integration into
2008; Furlong and Zalucki, 2010). current pest management schemes. Now more than ever, CBC in
Although we note numerous promising tendencies in CBC re- the developing world is at a crossroads. In times of far-reaching
search in the developing world, its future may be threatened by budget cuts in international agricultural research, scientists have
agricultural development in several regions. First and foremost become increasingly concerned of focusing on ‘‘trendy’’ issues,
164 K.A.G. Wyckhuys et al. / Biological Control 65 (2013) 152–167
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Appendix 1. Documentation of non-prey food sources for natural enemies
Country Target crop / pest Natural enemy Type of food source Effect Reference
Argentina Maize / fall Doru lineare (Derm.: Maize pollen, milky maize grains, armyworm Feeding preference for eggs, Sueldo de Escano
armyworm Forficulidae) eggs development on pollen & Virla, 2009
Benin Cassava / cassava Amblyseius idaeus, Pollen of Zea mays, Leucaena leucocephala, Maize pollen and cassava nectar Gnanvossou et al.,
green mite Typhlodromalus manihoti, Ricinus communis, cassava extra-floral nectar enhance mite development 2005
Typhlodromalus aripo (Acari:
Cassava / cassava Euseius fustis (Acari: Pollen of maize, castor bean and cassava, Maize plus castor bean pollen Bruce-Oliver et al.,
green mite, cotton red Phytoseiidae) cassava extra-floral nectar, mealybug increased survival and reproduction 1996; Onzo et al.,
mite honeydew 2005
Brazil Coffee / various Chrysoperla externa (Neur.: Mixed flower honey, pollen of pigeon pea, Access to pollen and honey increased Venzon et al., 2006
Chrysopidae) sunhemp or castor bean reproductive success and
Various Chrysoperla externa (Neur.: Buckwheat floral nectar, castor bean Nectar increased survival, pollen Rosado, 2007
Chrysopidae) extrafloral nectar and sunn hemp pollen increased survival but not fecundity
Various / Fall Telenomus remus (Hym.: Mixed flower honey, glucose, fructose and Honey and single sugar solutions Meirelles et al.,
armyworm Scelionidae) sucrose improved parasitism 2009
Cameroon Maize, sorghum / Diaperasticus erythrocephala Maize pollen Permits rapid development Aroga, 2003
maize stalk borer (Derm. : Forficulidae)
Chile Pine trees / Pine bud Orgilus obscurator (Hym.: Mixed flower honey, flowers of Conium Improved longevity Ide & Lanfranco,
moth Braconidae) maculatum and Daucus carota 2001
China Coconut / coconut Tetrastichus brontispae (Hym.: Mixed flower honey, sucrose and glucose Increased longevity, parasitism and Chen et al., 2010
hispid Eulophidae) solutions fecundity
Maize / Asian corn Macrocentris linearis (Hym.: Corn pollen dissolved in water Increased longevity Lu & Yang, 1995
borer Braconidae)
Unspecified Amblyseius makuwa (Acari: Pollen of 14 plant species Improved development and Pu et al., 1991
Phytoseiidae) reproduction for pollen from
Cucumis sativus, Jasminum sumbad,
Lantana camara
Various Meteorus pulchricornis (Hym.: Varying concentration of sucrose-glucose- Greatest longevity on 30% solution Wu et al., 2008
Braconidae) fructose mixture
Various / leafminer Diglyphus isaea (Hym.: Host feeding, mixed honey solution Greater levels of body nutrients on Zhang et al., 2011
Eulophidae) honey
Rice / rice brown Anagyrus nilaparvatae (Hym.: Mixed flower honey, corn pollen, soybean Honey, pollen and nectar increased Zheng et al., 2003
planthopper Mymaridae) floral nectar, planthopper honeydew longevity
Rice / rice leaffolder Apanteles cypris (Hym.: Mixed flower honey Increased longevity Cheng, 1984
Cotton / cotton Microplitis mediator (Hym.: Sucrose, glucose, fructose, mannose, Differing effects on longevity, Luo et al., 2010
bollworm Braconidae) galactose fecundity and nutrient reserves
Various / Trichogrammatoidea Mixed flower honey, flowers of Brassica Honey and floral nectar increased Guo et al., 2011
Lepidopteran pests bactrae(Hym.: parachinensis longevity
Colombia Guava / Tephritid Diachasmimorpha longicaudata Fruit juice, mixed flower honey, pollen Greater longevity, egg load and body Narvaez et al., 2012
fruit flies (Hym.: Braconidae); Aganaspis nutrient levels on honey and mixed
pelleranoi (Hym.: Figitidae) diets
Bean / whitefly Amitus fuscipennis (Hym.: Extra-floral nectar of several weed species Increased longevity Hernandez et al.,
Platygasteridae) 2009
Cassava / cassava Typhlodromalus limonicus Extrafloral nectar Nectar sustains predator populations, Bakker & Klein,
green mite (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and increases reproduction 1992; Toko et al.,
Egypt Mango / spider mite Typhlodromus mangiferus, Mango powdery mildew, Oidium mangiferae Sustains reproduction in absence of Abou-Awad et al.,
Typhlodromips swirskii (Acari: prey 2011
Strawberry, Neosieulus barkeri (Acari: Fungi associated with the host plants: Increased survival and development, Momen &
cucumber, eggplant / Phytoseiidae) Aspergillus niger, Alternaria solani, some sustained oviposition Abdelkhader, 2010
spider mite Penicillium digitatum, P. italicum
Various / whitefly Encarsia bimaculata (Hym.: Glucose, fructose, trehalose, trehalulose Increased longevity Mandour et al.,
Aphelinidae) compared to melizitose and honeydew 2007
Various Amblyseius zaheri, Euseius Ricinus communis and Helianthus annuus Depending upon mite species and Momen, 2004
yousefi, Amblyseius lindquisti, pollen grains pollen type, different effects on
Typhlodromus balanites, longevity, fecundity and
Typhlodromus sennarensis, development
Amblyseius cabonus (Acari:
Honduras Maize / various Doru taeniatum (Derm.: Plant pollen, lepidopteran eggs Most rapid development under Jones et al., 1988
Forficulidae) combined or animal diets
India Pigeonpea / coreid Gryon clavigrallae (Hym.: Mixed flower honey With access to honey, adults live 28- Shanower et al.,
bugs Scelionidae) 96 days, versus 6 days for water-fed 1999
Iran Various / Black bean Lysiphlebus fabarum (Hym.: Honey, aphid honeydew Greatest longevity on honey Matin et al., 2009
aphid Aphidiidae)
Malaysia Cabbage / Tetrastichus sokolowskii (Hym. Mixed flower honey, 10% sucrose solution Higher longevity, compared to water Ooi, 1988b
Diamondback moth Eulophidae)
Niger Millet / various Forficula senegalensis (Derm. : Pollen from different plant species Heavy reliance on pollen from millet Boukary et al.,
Forficulidae) anthers 1997
Pakistan Various / lepidopteran Trichogramma chilonis (Hym.: Honey, glucose, fructose, sucrose Greatest longevity and parasitism on Saljoqi & Khajjak,
pests Trichogrammatidae) glucose, fructose and sucrose 2007
Philippines Cabbage / Diadegma semiclausum (Hym.: Floral nectar of Zantedeschia albomaculata, Increased longevity Amend &
diamondback moth Ichneumonidae) Galinsoga parvjflora Basedow, 1997
Turkey Citrus / woolly Cales noacki (Hym.: Sugarwater, honey, whitefly honeydew Greatest longevity with sugarwater Sakin & Ulusoy,
whitefly Aphelinidae) 2009
Unspecified Apanteles galleriae (Hym.: Comb without honey, honey solution at 5°%; Greatest longevity with 30% solution Uckan & Ergin,
Braconidae) 30%, 10% 2003
Unspecified Bracon hebetor (Hym.: Mixed flower honey Increased body nutrient levels Gunduz et al., 2010
Various / lepidopteran Trichogramma turkestanica Nectar of different wildflowers, honey, grape Improved longevity and fecundity Tuncbilek et al.,
pests (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) molasses, wetted raisins, beet molasses 2010
Uzbekistan Various / winter moth Apanteles congestus, Sugar solution, nectar of winter cress, carrot Improved longevity and egg Eremenko, 1971
Microplitis spectabilis (Hym.: or onion maturation
Braconidae), Amblyteles
panzeri (Hym.:
Ichneumonidae), Tachinidae
Venezuela Various / Fall Eiphosoma vitticolle (Hym.: Mixed flower honey, maize pollen Increase in oviposition period, Giraldo-Vanegas &
armyworm Ichneumonidae) augmented fecundity with access to Garcia, 1995
Appendix 2. Identification of alternative host plants, naturally occurring food items or alternative prey items for natural enemies
Country Natural enemy Alternative host plant, prey item Effect Reference
Benin Parasitoids of cowpea pod borer Native tree Pterocarpus santalinoides Increased parasitism Tamo et al., 2002
Predators and parasitoids of Helicoverpa armigera Sorghum, maize Increased abundance Cherry et al., 2003
Scelionid egg parasitoids Wild grasses Increased parasitism Schulthess et al.,
2001 ; Ndemah et
al., 2001, 2003 ;
Overholt et al., 2003
Brazil Orius sp. (Heteroptera : Anthocoridae) Broad list of weeds and cultivated plants Observed foraging, benefit from refuge, Silveira et al., 2003
pollen or prey
Hippodamia convergens (Col.: Coccinelidae), Asteraceae (H. convergens) and Poaceae (C. Pollen grains attached to insect body Medeiros et al.,
Chrysoperla externa (Neuroptera : Chrysopidae) externa) 2010
Coccinellid beetles Dill, in comparison with coriander and sweet High abundance Lixa et al., 2010
Lynx spiders Wild plants with glandular trichomes Observed association Vasconcellos-Neto
et al., 2007
Doru luteipes (Derm.: Forficulidae), Nephila clavipes Crotalaria juncea Observed association Tavares et al., 2011
(Aran.: Nephilidae), Orius insidiosus (Het.:
Anthocoridae), Pheidole sp., Solenopsis sp. (Hym.:
Ants, parasitoids and predators of the coffee Inga sp. trees Association with extra-floral nectaries Rezende, 2010
Parasitoids of Anastrepha obliqua (Dipt.: Hog plum (Spondias sp.) High rate of attack of fruitfly Carvalho et al.,
Tephritidae) 2010
China Trichogramma ostriniae (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) Sweet potato High levels of parasitism Zhou et al., 1997a
Cuba Cycloneda sanguinea (Col. : Coccinellidae), social Wildflowers and flowers of Morinda citrifolia Observed foraging Matienzo et al.,
wasps 2007; 2011
Coffee leafminer parasitoids Flowers of Zebrina pendula, Commelina diffusa Provision of refuge and pollen Simon, 1999
Orius insidiosus (Het.: Anthocoridae) Wildflower Bidens pilosa Observed foraging Veitia, 2008
Lacewings, coccinellids, earwigs, parasitoids, Sunflower Higher population levels Rijo et al., 1999
predatory stinkbugs
Aphid predators such as Cycloneda sanguinea (Col.: Parthenium hysterophorus Population sustained on aphids Veitia, 2008
Parasitoid complex of fall armyworm Several weeds Population reservoir Vazquez, 2009
Several predators Leguminous tree Gliricidia sepium Population reservoir, pollen feeding Vazquez, 2011
Several guilds and species, including Vespidae Weeds, e.g. Parthenium hysterophorus Source of pollen and nectar Fernandez et al.,
El Salvador Paratheresia claripalpis (Dipt.: Tachinidae) Broad leaf weeds Serve as reservoir Argueta &
Hernandez, 2009
Greece Macrolophus caliginosus (Het.: Miridae) Wildflower Dittrichia viscosa Higher population levels Perdikis et al., 2007
Aphidius colemanii, Ephedrus persicae (Hym.: Wild shrubs Vitex agnus castus, Euphoribia Serve as reservoirs Kavallieratos et al.,
Braconidae) characais 2008
Aphidius matricariae, Lysephlebus fabarum (Hym: Wild shrubs Ditricchia viscosa, Rubus Maintain local populations Kavallieratos et al.,
Braconidae) ulmifolius 2002
India Parasitoids of Spodoptera litura Castor bean, as compared to tobacco Higher parasitism Chari, 1985; Rao et
al., 1990
Coccinellid predators of green peach aphid Weed Gynandropsis pentaphylla High abundance Sitaramaiah et al.,
Indonesia Dolichoderus bituberculatus (Hym. : Formicidae) Colonies of the mealybug Planococcus Rapid establishment of ant colonies Graham, 1991
Iran Scymnus syriacus (Col. : Coccinellidae) Spirea sp., compared to Citrus sinensis Shorter development, higher fecundity, Soroushmehr et al.,
(infested with Aphis spiraecola) higher survival 2008
Israel Anthocoris nemoralis (Heteroptera : Anthocoridae) Rhamnus, Laurus, Pistacia trees Greater reproduction, early population Shaltiel & Coll,
build-up 2004
Kenya, West Stem borer parasitoids Wild grasses, Sudan grass Greater efficacy, differing development Khan et al ., 1997 ;
Africa time Ndemah et al.,
2003 ; Setamou et
al., 2005
Cotesia plutellae (Hym.: Braconidae), Diadegma Wild crucifers (Erucastrum arabicum, Differing development time, weight Kahuthia-Gatu et
semiclausum (Hym.: Ichneumonidae) Raphanus raphanistrum, Rorippa micrantha, al., 2008
Rorippa nudiuscula, Brassica juncea)
Mexico Thirty ant species, some of which key predators 102 plant species, Leguminosae being the most Temporal fluctuations in dependence Rico-Gray, 1993
Parasitoids of Anastrepha sp. fruit flies Mesoamerican native fruit trees, belonging to Serve as reservoir Aluja et al., 2003 ;
Melastomataceae, Annonaceae, Apocynaceae, Figueroa de la Rosa
etc. et al., 1998
Insect predators birds in coffee plantation Epiphytes Serve as reservoir Cruz-Angon &
Greenberg 2005
Trichogrammatidae sp. parasitoids of pink bollworm Onobrychis vicrifolia (Fabacea) Serve as reservoir Loya Ramírez et al.,
Whitefly parasitoids: Eretmocerus spp., Encarsia Several wild associated plants Serve as reservoir Bravo Luna et al.,
spp. 2003.
Pakistan Coccinella septempunctata (Col.: Coccinellidae) Cotton mealybug host plants, such as cotton, Greater fitness Sana-Ullah et al.,
lantana, itsit and shoeflower 2011
Philippines Parasitoids of rice bug Alternative hosts such as goosegrass, jungle Lower parasitism than on rice Morrill & Almazan,
rice 1990
Russia Tachinid flies Flowering weeds, belonging to Apiaceae, Observed foraging Rogochaya, 1971
Asteraceae and Cruciferae
South Africa Euseius rubicolus, Neosieulus californicus, Weeds on orchard floor Predator and herbivore records on De Villiers &
Typhlodromus sp. (Acari: Phytoseiidae) different plants Pringle, 2010
Tajikistan, Braconid wasps Wildflowers Ferula assa-foetida, F. Observed foraging Saidov et al., 2007
Turkmenistan badrakema, Senecio subdentatus, Lepidium
draba, Anethum graveolens
Broad range of natural enemies Native flowering plants Observed foraging Saidov & Landis,
Tanzania Parasitoids of Helicoverpa armigera, predatory ants Sorghum, cleome, sunflower Great attractivity to parasitoid, Nyambo, 1986; Van
increased ant foraging on sunflower den Berg et al.,
Turkey Parasitoids of Helicoverpa armigera Several crops, such as tomato Up to 10 times higher parasitism levels Koclu &
Karsavauran, 1998
Appendix 3. Use of (artificial) food supplements to increase natural enemy efficacy or abundance
Country Target crop / pest Natural enemy Type of food source Effect Reference
Brazil Unspecified Polybia occidentalis (Hym.: Vespidae) Sugar solution in artificial Increased foraging Hrncir et al., 2007
carbohydrate feeders
Colombia Tomato / whitefly Various Sucrose sprays combined with Increased abundance of natural enemies Hernandez et al.,
IGR unpublished
Various / pineapple Solenopsis geminata (Hym.: Formicidae) Access to vials with sucrose Reduced homopteran tending Carabali et al.,
mealybug solution unpublished
Cuba Sweet potato / sweet potato Pheidole megacephala (Hym.: Formicidae) Sugarcane molasses, table Conservation and augmentation of Perfecto &
weevil leftovers predatory ants Castineiras, 1998
El Salvador Maize / various Solenopsis geminata (Hym.: Formicidae) Table leftovers, maize bread Conservation of predatory ants Bentley, 2006
Honduras Maize / Fall armyworm Solenopsis geminata (Hym. : Formicidae), Sugarwater Increased abundance, reduced Canas & O’Neil,
Lespesia archippivora (Dipt. : Tachinidae), armyworm infestation 1998
coccinellid beetles
India Pulses / unspecified Unspecified Sugar sprays Unspecified Iswaran & Sen,
Israel Almond & peppermint / Tapinoma erraticum (Hym.: Formicidae) Artificial sugar source Reduced homopteran tending Martinez et al.,
cotton aphid 2011
Avocado / persea mite Euseius scutalis (Acari: Phytoseiidae) Maize pollen Increased predator populations, Maoz et al., 2009
enhanced mite control
Mexico Various / aphids Chrysopa sp. (Neur.: Chrysopidae) Yeast application Increased aphid predation Trujillo &Altieri,
Citrus / brown citrus aphid Chrysopidae, Coccinellidae, Syrphidae Powder milk and sugar Attracts and retains predators López Arroyo,
Wolf Apple / membracids Camponotus crassus (Hym.: Formicidae) Mixed flower honey Reduced homopteran tending Rico-Gray &
Morais, 2006
Malaysia Cocoa / unspecified Dolichoderus thoracicus (Hym.: Blood clams, fish Increased colony establishment Ho & Khoo, 1997
Mahogany / shoot borer Oecophylla smaragdina (Hym.: Live mealworms, fish, honey, Sustain existing and relocated colonies Lim, 2007
Formicidae) sucrose-solution
Pakistan Cotton / unspecified Chrysoperla carnea (Neur.: Chrysopidae), Protein hydrolysate and sugar Higher abundance of C. carnea and T. Ahmad et al., 2011
Trichogramma chilonis (Hym. : chilonis under combined sprays, higher
Trichogrammatidae), Orius sp. (Het. : Orius sp. under sugar treatments
Uganda Maize / unspecified Pheidolesp.,Lepisiota sp. (Hym.: Protein baits, such as powdered Increased ant nesting, reduced termite Sekamatte et al.,
Formicidae) fish damage and increased maize yield 2001b, 2002
Vietnam Citrus / unspecified Oecophylla smaragdina (Hym.: Fish, chicken intestines Maintenance of ant colonies Van Mele & Cuc,
Formicidae) 2000
Sapodilla / unspecified Dolichoderus thoracicus (Hym.: Sugar solution applied to plant Increased distribution, colony Van Mele & Cuc,
Formicidae) residues maintenance during dry season 2001
Appendix 4. Effects of (structural) habitat manipulation, including inter- and cover-cropping practices, on natural enemy abundance and efficacy
Country Target crop / pest Natural enemy Habitat manipulation Effect Reference
Argentina Potato / unspecified Harmonia axyridis (Col.: Weed strips Increased abundance Martinoia &
Coccinellidae) Carmona, 2011
Wheat / unspecified Syrrphidae, Coccinellidae Strips of flowering Brassica Increased abundance Bertolaccini et
campestris, weed strips al., 2008
Soybean / unspecified Generalist predators Weed strips Increased abundance Weyland &
Zaccagnini, 2008
Brazil Onion / onion thrips Parasitoids and predators Strips of marigold Increased abundance, possible pest Silveira et al.,
control 2009
Onion / onion thrips Toxomerus spp. (Dipt. : Syrphidae) Border plants of buckwheat, fodder No difference Goncalves &
radish, carrot, maize, rocket, weeds Sousa, 2003
Cacao / various Parasitoid wasps Richness and density of (shade) tree Increased diversity Sperber et al.,
species 2004
Central Asia – Apple / various Parasitoids in genera Microdus, Areas with nectariferous plants Increased parasitism Vorotynseva,
unspecified Ascogaster, Pimpla 1975
China Apple / various Metaseiulus occidentalis (Acari: Leaf and grass debris on orchard floor Increased overwinter survival Deng et al., 1988
Apple / wooly apple aphid Aphelinus mali (Hym.: Aphelinidae) Artificial shelter: dry grass attached to Increased overwinter survival Zhou et al., 2010
tree trunk
Apple / various Orius sauteri (Het.: Anthocoridae) Tolerance of weeds, esp. Lamiaceae Increased abundance, pest control Yu et al., 1998
Citrus / various Oecophylla smaragdina (Hym.: Strips of bamboo between trees Increased foraging Huang & Yang,
Formicidae) 1987
Various / grasshoppers Rosy starling (Sturnus roseus) Rock piles, shrubs Increased abundance, lower Olkowski &
grasshopper numbers Zhang, 1998
Wheat, maize / unspecified Ground-dwelling spiders Strips of Amorpha fructose, Vetiveria Increased abundance and diversity Wu et al., 2009
zizanoides, Eulaliopsis binate and within strips
Medicago sativa
Colombia Coffee / unspecified Predatory ants Shaded coffee Greater species diversity, possible Gallego-Ropero
effect on pest pressure et al., 2009
Coffee / unspecified Predatory ants Addition of leaf litter, bamboo twigs Increased nesting opportunities, Armbrecht et al.,
higher abundance 2006
Costa Rica Oil palm / various Various ‘Islands’ and strips of selected weed (Expected) conservation of natural Mexzon &
species enemies Chinchilla, 1998
Coffee / various Predatory ants Shade and conservation of leaf litter Increased species diversity Perfecto &
Cuba Various Cycloneda sanuinea, Chilocorus cacti Coconut or guava in field borders Increased abundance Matienzo, 2007
(Col.: Coccinellidae), Chrysopa poeyi
(Neur.: Chrysopidae)
Various Various Tolerance of flowering weeds, e.g., Increased abundance Vazquez et al.,
Amaranthus sp., Parthenium 2008
hysterophorus, Argemone mexicana,
Bidens pilosa
Bean / unspecified Various predators and parasitoids Establishment of maize strips Increased abundance Matienzo, 2005
Eggplant / unspecified Various predators and parasitoids Establishment of maize strips Increased abundance Matienzo et al.,
Cucumber / unspecified Cycloneda sanguinea (Col.: Tolerance of weeds, esp. Portulaca Increased abundance Matienzo, 2005
Coccinellidae), Lysiphlebus oleraceae
testaceipes (Hym.: Aphidiidae),
Polistes cubensis (Hym.: Vespidae),
Cabbage / mustard aphid Diaretiella rapae (Hym.: Braconidae) Mustard strips Increased parasitism Mujica et al.,
Coffee / coffee berry borer Tetramorium bicarinatum (Hym.: Shading with Gliricida sepium, Musa Increased diversity and activity Vazquez et al.,
Formicidae) spp., Theobroma cacao 2009
Sweet potato / sweet potato Pheidole megacephala (Hym.: Temporary nests with banana stems and Increased abundance Perfecto &
weevil Formicidae) rolled leaves Castineiras, 1994
Ecuador Coffee / unspecified Spiders Orchard abandonment Increased abundance Richter et al.,
Egypt Sugar beet, cotton / Coccinellid and staphylinid beetles Bermuda grass strips Increased abundance Msebah & El-
unspecified Husseini, 2009
El Salvador Sugar cane/sugarcane borer Paratheresia claripalpis (Dipt. : Broad leaf weed rows Increased abundance Argueta &
Tachinidae) Hernandez 2009
Ethiopia Bean / African bollworm Tachinidae, predatory wasps Tolerance of weeds Increased abundance Abate, 1991
Ghana Cocoa / unspecified Predatory ants Shaded plots Increased diversity Bigger, 1981
Guatemala Maize / various Various Conservation trees Increased abundance Morales &
Perfecto 2000
India Rice-wheat / various Spiders, ants, earwigs, coccinellid Grasses and weeds on bunds Increased abundance, colonization Jaipal et al., 2002
Chickpea / corn earworm Campoletis chloridae (Hym.: Coriander strips at field border Increased parasitism Pimbert &
Ichneumonidae) Srivastava, 1989
Rice, Cowpea / unspecified Coccinellid beetles Partial weeding, compared to complete Increased abundance Rekha et al.,
weeding 2009
Ivory Coast Rice / various Predatory ants Tolerance of weeds Increased abundance, no effect on Afun et al., 2000
pest pressure
Kenya Maize / stemborer Earwigs, spiders Strips of Guinea grass Increased abundance Koji et al., 2007
Kenya Maize, bean / various Predatory wasps, spiders, coccinellid Nine different types of hedgerows Increased abundance for certain Girma et al.,
beetles guilds 2000
Malaysia Maize / Asiatic corn borer Trichogramma papilionis (Hym.: Tolerance of weeds in field plots Increase in parasitism of egg Sulaiman et al.,
Trichogrammatidae) masses 2004
Rice / tungro virus vectors Various Weedy bunds without tungro hosts Increased abundance Bottenberg et al.,
Cocoa / various Dolichoderus thoracicus, D. Deployment polyethylene bags with Colony maintenance Chong & Fee,
bituberculatus (Hym.: Formicidae) leaf litter, leaf bundles, rolls of 1989; Graham,
cardboard 1991; Hosang et
al., 2010
Mexico Citrus / brown citrus aphid Chrysopidae, Coccinellidae, Establishment of wild sunflower, Increased predator population López Arroyo,
Syrphidae grasses, white flowers 2009b
Maize / fall armyworm Ground beetles, parasitoids Tolerance of weeds Increased beetle abundance, lower Penagos et al.,
parasitism, lower pest pressure 2003
Beans / bean pod weevil, Various Increased plant diversity Increased abundance López Arroyo et
Mexican bean beetle al., 1992
Cotton / pink bollworm Trichogrammatidae Strips of Onobrychis viciifolia Increased abundance Loya Ramírez et
(Fabacea) al 2003.
Coffee/ lepidopteran larvaes Insectivorous birds Shade trees Increased predation Perfecto et al,
Coffee / unspecified Predatory ants Shaded plots Increased diversity Philpott et al.,
Coffee/ unspecified Predatory ants Artificial bamboo nests Increased diversity Philpott & Foster
Niger Okra / fruit worm Spiders Pigeonpea borders Increased abundance, possibly Ratnadass, 2010
greater predation
Nigeria Cowpea / cowpea aphid Predatory coccinellids and syrphid Tolerance of weeds Increased abundance, less aphid Ofuya, 1989
larvae colonization
Rice / African gall midge Platygaster diplosisae (Hym.: Paspalum scrobiculatum strips at field Increased parasitoid abundance Nwilene et al.,
Platygastridae), Aprostocetus edge 2008
procerae (Hym.: Eulophidae)
Pakistan Wheat / unspecified Orb web spiders Brassica napus in field borders Increased in-field abundance Butt & Sherawat,
Peru Cotton / various Various Mowing regimes of vegetation in field (Expected) conservation of natural Beingolea, 1959
borders and drainage canals, enemies
maintenance of habitat diversity
Philippines Rice / various Spiders Weeds on rice bunds Source of colonization Sigsgaard, 2000
Rice / various Web-building and hunting spiders Grazing of weedy rice bunds Lower abundance Barrion, 1999
Russia Cabbage / various Different natural enemies Flower strips every 50-60 m Increased fecundity Mikhalsev, 1994
Onion / unspecified Predatory thrips Early-blooming plants such as hyssop, (Expected) increased abundance Saidov et al.,
celery and spring rape 2007
Unspecified / fruit moth, Ageniaspis sp. (Hym.: Encyrtidae), Strips of dill, buckwheat and Phacelia Increased parasitoid efficacy Saidov et al.,
black pine leaf scale Aphytis sp. (Hym.: Aphelinidae) sp. 2007
Cabbage / cabbage moth Ernestia sp. (Dipt.: Tachinidae) Strips of flowering carrot, dill and Attraction of parasitoids, increased Saidov et al.,
onion moth parasitism 2007
Unspecified Trichogramma spp. (Hym.: (Unspecified) nectarious plants Increase in biological control Voronin, 1982
Trichogrammatidae) efficacy
South Africa Citrus / phytophagous mites Amblyseius tutsi (Acari: Phytoseiidae) Eucalyptus trees in crop border Increased abundance Grout & Stephen,
and thrips 1995
South Korea Apple / unspecified Neoseiulus makuwa, N. womersleyi Artificial ground shelters, e.g., urethane Increased overwinter survival Kawashima &
(Acari: Phytoseiidae) foam, nets Jung, 2010
Sri Lanka, India, Cashew / unspecified Predatory ants Partial cleaning of groundcover and Increased abundance and diversity Rickson &
Malaysia understory vegetation Rickson, 1998
Tajikistan Wheat, barley / Sunn pest Microphanurus vassilievi, M. Apiaceae in field borders Increased parasitoid abundance Rubtsov, 1944
semistriatus (Hym.: Scelionidae)
Turkey Tomato / unspecified Ground beetles, spiders, ants Tolerance of weeds Increased abundance Yardim &
Edwards, 2002
Ukraine Pea / various Different species of natural enemies Phacelia sp. within pea plots Increased natural enemy abundance Galunko &
Dyadechko, 1971
Vietnam Sapodilla / various Dolichoderus thoracicus (Hym.: Banana plants in crop border Increased nesting Van Mele & Cuc,
Formicidae) 2001
Citrus / various Natural enemies Tolerance of weeds Increased abundance, superior pest Van Mele, 1998
Citrus / various Oecophylla smaragdina (Hym.: Connecting or disconnecting trees Increased foraging range, lower Van Mele & Cuc,
Formicidae) competition 2000
Fruits / various Oecophylla smaragdina (Hym.: Conservation of non-crop trees such as Superior nesting Van Mele & van
Formicidae) Spondias dulcis, Mangifera indica, Lenteren, 2002
Eucalyptus tereticornis, Ceiba
Intercropping or strategic use of cover crops
Argentina Apple / unspecified Predaceous beetles, parasitoids, Alfalfa-fescue, strawberry clover as Increased abundance and diversity Fernandez et al.,
predator bugs, lacewings cover crops 2008
Benin Cowpea / legume pod borer Trichogrammatiodea eldaneae Intercropping with sorghum, millet, Increased persistence, eventually Tamo et al., 2002
(Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) maize efficacy
Brazil Coffee / coffee leaf-miner Predatorsand parasitoids of Intercropping with perennial peanut, Increased predation in unshaded, Amaral et al.,
Leucoptera coffeella sunn hemp and lucerne (in shaded and and lower predation in shaded 2010
unshaded systems) system
Tomato / silverleaf whitefly Various Intercropping with cilantro Increased abundance and diversity Togni, 2009
Tomato / tomato pinworm Spiders, coccinellids, ants Intercropping with coriander and Increased abundance, lower pest Medeiros et al.,
Gallant soldier pressure 2009
Soybean / unspecified Dermaptera Intercropping with corn Increased abundance Cividanes, 2002
Vineyards / unspecified Various Black oat and pea as cover crops Increased abundance and diversity Fadini et al.,
Soybean / various Geocoris sp. (Het.: Geocoridae), Intercropping with maize Increased abundance, some pests Cividanes &
Orius sp. (Het.: Anthocoridae), more severe Barbosa, 2001
Braconid and Scelionid wasps
Cameroon Maize / maize stalk borer Telenomus sp. (Hym.: Scelionidae) Intercropping with legumes or cassava Increased parasitism, up to two-fold Chabi-Olaye et
al., 2005
China Apple / unspecified Chrysopa sinica (Neur.: Melilotus albus as cover crop Increased abundance Yan & Duan,
Chrysopidae), Amblyseius 1988
pseudolongispinosus (Acari :
Apple / unspecified Unspecified Lagopsis supina and Medicago sativa, Stabilized natural enemy Yan et al., 1997
compared to Brassica campestris as communities
cover crops
Apple / European red mite Orius sauteri (Het.: Anthocoridae) Medicago sativa as cover crop Increased abundance Du & Yan, 1994
Apple / Various Chrysopa sinica (Neur.: Lolium perenne, Trifolium repens and Earlier appearance, greater overall Zhao et al., 2011
Chrysopidae), Coccinella Medicago sativa as cover crop species richness
septempunctata (Col.: Coccinellidae),
Episyrphus balteatus (Dipt.:
Chinese cabbage / Arthropod predators Intercropping with green cabbage, Increased abundance and diversity Cai et al., 2007,
unspecified garlic, lettuce 2010
Citrus / various Predatory mites Intercropping with Ageratum Increased abundance Zhou et al., 1994;
conyzoides Olkowski &
Zhang, 1998
Pear / various Coccinella septempunctata, Aromatic plants as cover crops: Increased abundance, improved Song et al., 2010,
Phytoseiulus persimilis, Chrysoperla Satureja hortensis, Ageratum niche overlap with pests, pest 2011
sinica houstonianum, Tagetes patula, Mentha suppression
haplocalyx and basil
Sorghum, maize / Trichogramma ostriniae (Hym. : Intercropping with mungbean, kidney Higher parasitism Zhou et al.,
lepidopteran pests Trichogrammatidae) bean, spring peanut 1997a, b
Tea / green leafhopper Spiders Intercropping with citrus, waxberry and Increased abundance, reduction in Ye et al., 2010
snake gourd pest pressure
Cotton / cotton aphid Several natural enemies, including Intercropping with winter wheat Increased abundance by 70%, Zhao et al., 1987:
coccinellids and spiders earlier population build-up, lower Wang et al.,
pest pressure 1993; Xia, 1997 ;
Men et al., 2004 ;
Ma et al., 2006,
Cotton / various Spiders, coccinellids, anthocorids and Intercropping with corn Increased abundance by 61-115%, Wu et al., 1991
lacewings superior pest control
Cotton / cotton aphid Spiders, ladybirds, lacewings Intercropping with alfalfa Increased species abundance, Chen et al., 2007
diversity, effective aphid control
Cotton / unspecified Various Intercropping with rape and sorghum Increased abundance by 25-50% Zhao et al., 1991
Cotton / cotton aphid Lacewings Intercropping with safflower Increased abundance Li, 1987
Wheat / cereal aphid Coccinellid beetles, aphid parasitoids Intercropping with peas Increased abundance, reduced pest Zhou et al., 2009
Wheat / cereal aphid Unspecified Intercropping with oilseed rape Increased diversity, possible Wang et al., 2010
superior pest control
Cuba Cabbage / mustard aphid Diaeretiella rapae (Hym.: Intercropping with maize Increased parasitism Mujica et al.,
Braconidae) 2009
Cabbage / various Parasitoids Intercropping with maize Increased diversity and parasitism Vazquez, 1999;
Vazquez et al.,
Coffee / coffee leafminer Predatory ants, parasitoids Commelina diffusa (evt. with Zebrina Increased abundance Vazquez, 2001;
pendula) as cover crops Simon, 1999
Sweetpotato / sweetpotato Predatory ants Intercropping with maize Increased abundance Pérez &
weevil Vazquez, 2001;
Vazquez et al.,
2005, 2008
Vegetables / various Various predators and parasitoids Polycultures Reservoirs and increase diversity Vazquez et al.,
and abundance 2010 ; Alfonso et
al., 2010
Potato and beans / thrips Predators Intercropping with maize Reservoir and increased abundance Vazquez, 1999
Tomato and beans / Various Intercropping with maize Reservoir and increased abundance Vazquez &
whitefly Lopez, 2000
Ethiopia Bean / corn earworm Tachinidae Intercropping with maize Increased abundance Abate, 1991
Georgia Citrus / citrus aphid Aphidophagous parasitoids Intercropping with tea Increased abundance, pest Hazarika et al.,
suppression 2001
Guadeloupe Citrus / various Phytoseiid mites Neonotonia wightii as a cover crop High abundance and sustained Mailloux et al.,
diversity year-round 2010
Guatemala Tomato / whitefly Parasitoids Intercropping with roselle and corn Higher diversity Smith et al., 2001
India Blackgram / unspecified Predatory spiders Intercropping with sorghum Increased abundance Rao, 2008
Chickpea / corn earworm Campoletis chlorideae (Hym.: Intercropping with coriander Increased abundance Pawar et al.,
Ichneumonidae) 1999
Cotton / unspecified Arthropod predators, spiders and Intercropping with clusterbean or Increased abundance Rao, 2008
coccinellids cowpea
Sorghum / unspecified Parasitoids Intercropping with cowpea Increased parasitism Rao, 2008
Tea / unspecified Carabid beetles, spiders Arachis pintoi as cover crop Increased abundance, reduced pest Hazarika et al.,
pressure 2009
Maize / unspecified Predatory spiders and spiderlings Intercropping with groundnut Increased abundance Rao, 2008
Pigeonpea / corn earworm Trichogramma spp. (Hym.: Intercropping with cereals such as Increased activity Pawar et al.,
Trichogrammatidae), coccinellids, (short cycle) sorghum, maize or pearl 1999; Rao, 2008
anthocorids, spiders millet
Pigeonpea / coreid pod bug Gryon sp. (Hym. : Scelionidae) Intercropping with cotton Lower parasitism Rao, 2008
Safflower / corn earworm, Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Intercropping with coriander Increased abundance Hanumantharaya
safflower aphid Chrysopidae), coccinellids et al., 2008
Indonesia Sweetpotato / sweetpotato Spiders Intercropping with corn, soybean, corn Increased abundance, reduced Yaku, 1992
weevil + soybean infestation levels
Kenya Cereals / stemborer Parasitoids Intercropping of maize, sorghum, millet Increased diversity Songa et al.,
and beans 2007
Maize / stemborer Spiders Intercropping with Desmodium plus Increased in-field abundance Midega et al.,
Napier grasses 2008
Maize / stemborer Cotesia sesamiae (Hym.: Braconidae) Intercropping with Melinis minutiflora Increased parasitism Khan et al., 1997
Malaysia Cocoa / cocoa mirid Dolichoderus thoracicus, Oeophylla Intercropping with coconut palm Increased nesting Way & Khoo,
smaragdina (Hym. : Formicidae) 1991
Martinique Banana, plantain / banana Spiders, ants, centipedes, earwigs Bracchiaria decumbens as cover crop (Possible) increase in abundance, Duyck et al.,
weevil improved pest suppression 2011
Mexico Maize / various Various Intercropped trees Increased abundance Carmona, 2006
Maize / various Various Polyculture (corn, beans, squash) Increased abundance Altieri & Trujillo
Maize / aphids Chrysopa sp. (Neur.: Chrysopidae) Polyculture (corn, beans, squash) Increased abundance Trujillo & Altieri
Nicaragua Maize / Fall armyworm, Predatory ants Polyculture (corn-beans) Lower herbivory Perfecto &
corn leafhopper Sediles 1992
Nigeria Cowpea / various Orius sp. (Het.: Anthocoridae) Intercropping with maize Reduced abundance, depending Matteson, 1982
upon location
Peru Bean / various Paratriphleps sp. (Het.: Intercropping with maize (and weeds) No effect Gianoli et al.,
Anthocordiae), coccinellids, spiders 2006
Philippines Coconut / slug caterpillar Various Cover crops or leguminous intercrops Increased abundance PCA, 2003
Russia Vegetable crops / various Different natural enemies Intercropping with peppermint, sage, Increased abundance Nagirnyaka &
lemon balm, basil, anise, onion and leek Krasavina, 2005
Uganda, DRC Cowpea / various Orius sp. (Het.: Anthocoridae), Intercropping with greengram or Lowest abundance in cowpea - Nampala et al.,
spiders and earwigs sorghum sorghum 1999
Cowpea / various Arthropod predators Intercropping with greengram Higher predator abundance, higher Munyuli et al.,
yield, lower pest pressure 2007
Groundnut / various Arthropod predators Intercropping with maize Higher predator abundance, higher Munyuli et al.,
yields, lower pest pressure 2008
Maize / Termite Predatory ants (e.g., Myrmicaria, Intercropping with soybean, groundnut, Increased nesting Sekamatte et al.,
Lepisiota spp.) bean 2003
South Africa Sugarcane / African stalk Ants, predatory mites Intercropping with beans Stable population levels Beje, 2011
Zanzibar Coconut / various Oecophylla longinoda (Hym.: Interplanting, increased plant diversity Increased abundance Way, 1954
Appendix 5. Manipulation of disturbance regimes and their benefits for the resident natural enemy fauna
Country Target crop / pest Natural enemy Disturbance scheme Effect Reference
Argentina Wheat / unspecified Coccinellids No till Unspecified Lopez et al., 2008
Various Carabidae No till Unspecified Carmona et al., 2004
Brazil Soybean-corn / unspecified Carabidae, Staphylinidae, ants, No till Increased diversity, increased Martins et al., 2009;
spiders abundance of ants, carabids and Cividanes, 2002
Cycloneda sanguinea (Col.: No till Increased abundance Cividanes & Yamamoto,
Coccinellidae), Doru sp..(Derm.: 2002; Cividanes &
Forficulidae), Eulophid wasps, Barbosa, 2001; Fernandes
carabids et al., 2009
Common bean / various Predatory ants No till and crop residue retention Increased abundance Pereira et al., 2010
Solenopsis sp. (Hym.: Formicidae), Use of herbicides Sharp reduction abundance Pereira et al., 2007
syrphids, Staphylinid beetles
Maize Doru taeniatum (Derm.: Use of organic fertilizer instead of 2-5 times higher abundance Galvao et al., 2001
Forficulidae) mineral
Hog plum, guava / Parasitoids Routine removal of fallen fruits Reduced abundance Aguiar-Menezes &
Tephritid fruitfly Menezes, 2002
Benin Cassava / cassava mealybug Parasitoids Frequent insecticide use Lower abundance, increased Neuenschwander et al.,
pest pressure 1987
China Apple / herbivorous mites Orius sauteri (Het.: Anthocoridae) Altered mowing regime of Medicago Increased abundance Du & Yan, 1995
sativa cover crop
Cotton / various Coccinellids, chrysopids, syrphids Timely mowing of alfalfa intercrop or Increased abundance on target Zhang et al., 2000
cover crop crop
Predators Use of Bt sprays vs chemically defined Up to 300% increased Xing et al., 1991
insecticides abundance
Cotton-Barley / unspecified Parasitoids and predators Early removal of harvest residues Reduction in abundance Zhang et al., 1990
Chestnut / spruce spider Amblyseius castaneae (Acari: Altered mowing of Lolium perenne Increased abundance Lu et al., 2008
mite Phytoseiidae) cover crops
Rice / whitebacked Predators and parasitoids Addition of organic matter Increased abundance esp. of Jiang & Cheng, 2004;
planthopper, rice brown spiders and parasitoids Zhong et al., 2005b
Rice / various Various Avoidance of calendar-based Increased abundance Zhong et al., 2005a;
insecticide sprays, use of ducks for pest Zhang et al., 2009
Predaceous spiders Appropriate timing of insecticide use Sustained presence in cropping Jiang et al., 2002
Generalist predators Application nitrogen fertilizer Decreased abundance, lowered Ly et al., 2006a,b
(sentinel) prey removal
Tea / unspecified Carabid beetles Nitrogen application Increased abundance and Chen et al., 2009
richness of detritivores and
associated predators
Colombia Snap bean / whitefly Parasitoids Reduction insecticide use Increased abundance Manzano et al., 2003
Cuba Coffee / Unspecified Tetramorium bicarinatum, Addition of organic matter Sustained abundance Vazquez et al., 2009
Solenopsis geminata (Hym.:
Sweet potato / sweet potato Pheidole megacephala (Hym.: Reduction insecticide use Conservation of ant colonies Perfecto & Castineiras,
weevil Formicidae) 1994
El Salvador Sugar cane / sugarcane Paratheresia claripalpis (Dipt. : Reduction insecticide use Increased abundance Argueta & Hernandez,
borer Tachinidae) 2009
Guatemala Corn / Various Various Organic fertilizer Increased abundance Morales et al., 2001
India Eggplant / fruit and shoot Trathala flavoorbitalis (Hym.: Reduction or suspension of insecticide Increased abundance Alam et al., 2003
borer Ichneumonidae) use
Groundnut / lepidopteran Spiders, carabids and coccinellids Reduction insecticide application Increased abundance, reduced Rao, 2005
pests frequency pest pressure
Wheat / unspecified Natural enemies Shaving or burning of rice stubble Lower abundance Jaipal et al., 2002
Sorghum / stemborer Natural enemies Short cropping cycle, frequent Reduced abundance and action Nwanze & Mueller, 1989
Tea / various Egg parasitoids Reduction insecticide use Egg parasitism up to 97% Hazarika et al., 2001
Indonesia Cacao / various Spiders Reduction insecticide use Increased abundance Stenchly, 2010
Rice / Unspecified Generalist predators Addition of organic matter Increased abundance Settle et al., 1996
Ivory Coast Rice / Various Predatory ground spiders Hand weeding, compared to herbicide Increased spider abundance Afun et al., 1995
Kenya Coffee / coffee leafminer Hymenopteran parasitoids Refraining from pruning Higher levels of parasitism Wanjala, 1978
Predatory ants Addition of organic matter Lowered predation Crowe, 1964
Coffee / coffee berry borer Prorops nasuta (Hym.: Bethylidae) Removal of fallen berries Lowered abundance and Baker, 1999; Oduor &
performance Simons, 2003; Jaramillo
et al., 2009
Coffee / giant coffee looper Various Use of pyrethrum at a knock-down, and Increased efficacy Wheatley, 1963
DDT painted on tree trunk
Malawi, Coffee berry / Antestia bug, Parasitoids Pruning Increased efficacy Taylor, 1945; Oduor &
Kenya, white stem borer Simons, 2003; Jaramillo
Uganda et al., 2009
Mexico Cotton / tarnished plant bug Eulophidae, Braconidae, Elimination of pesticide that most Increased abundance Pulido-Herrera et al.,
Ichneumonidae, Chalcididae affect the parasitoids 1998
Coffee / various Spiders Organic management Higher diversity Pinkus-Rendón et al.,
Predatory ants Pruning of coffee shade-trees Decreased diversity Philpott 2005
Fruits / Tephritid fruit fly Solenopsis geminata (Hym.: Overall disturbance Increased abundance Aluja et al., 2005
Mango / Trips Various Reduced pesticide use Increased abundance Rocha & Infante 2009
Oranges / citrus snow scale Arrhenophagus chionaspidis Appropriate timing of insecticide use Increased abundance Coronado-Blanco et al
(Hym.: Encyrtidae) 1998
Various / white grubs Various predators Land preparation Exposure to natural enemies Gomez et al., 2000
Nicaragua Maize / various Various Non till Increased abundance Amador et al., 1994
Pakistan Wheat / unspecified Spiders, staphylinid and coccinellid No till Increased abundance of hunting Butt & Sherawat, 2011
beetles spiders and predatory beetles,
high species richness
Cotton / various Arthropod predators Reduction insecticide spray frequency Increased abundance Hafeez et al., 2006;
Solangi et al., 2008
Peru Cotton / various Various Careful selection of timing and type of Conserve natural enemies Beingolea, 1959
insecticide use
Potato / Andean potato Carabid beetles Modification of tillage regimes (Possibly) increased abundance Yabar et al., 2006
Philippines Cotton / Asian corn borer Generalist predators and egg Modification of planting time No differences in abundance Litsinger et al., 2007
Rice / various Various Adoption of short fallow period More stable populations Way & Heong, 1994
Various Refraining from early-season Increased abundance Kenmore et al., 1984;
insecticide use Way & Heong, 1994;
Settle et al., 1996
Rice / rice leaf folder Various Nitrogen application Increased abundance De Kraker et al., 2000
South Africa Potato / potato tuber moth Indigenous parasitoids Increasing use of insecticides Reduced efficacy Kfir, 2003
Cotton / cotton bollworm Mirids, anthocorids, spiders Minimization insecticide use Increased abundance, superior Van Hamburg & Guest,
pest attack 1997
Sri Lanka Cashew nut / various Predatory ants Reduction of insecticide use Increased abundance Rickson & Rickson, 1998
Sudan, Israel, Cotton / cotton aphid, Various Rational use of insecticides Increased abundance, superior Abou-Elhagag, 1998;
Egypt whitefly pest control Abdelrahman & Munir,
1989; Devine et al., 1998
Thailand Rice / various Various Calendar-based insecticide sprays Reduced abundance Jahn, 1992
Uganda Common bean / black bean Various parasitoids and predators Use of organic fertilizer Increased abundance Karungi et al., 2005
aphid, legume pod borer
Maize / termites Predatory ants, Lepisiota sp., Use of maize stover as organic Increased abundance, lower pest Sekamatte et al, 2001a
Myrmicaria sp. fertilizer pressure
Vietnam Sapodilla / various Dolichoderus thoracicus (Hym.: Use of water bailing instead of Stable population levels Van Mele & Cuc, 2001
Formicidae) overhead irrigation
Citrus / various Oecophylla smaragdina (Hym.: Reduction insecticide use Conservation ant populations Van Mele & Cuc, 2000
Appendix 6. Influence of crop germplasm on mobility, host searching behavior and fitness of natural enemies
Country Target crop Natural enemy Germplasm attribute Effect Reference
Benin Cassava / cassava green mite Typhlodromalus aripo (Acari: Pubescence Facilitate establishment, increase Zundel et al., 2009
Phytoseiidae) abundance
Cassava / various Predatory mites Extra-floral nectar Sustains populations and increases Bakker & Klein,
reproduction 1992; Bruce-Oliver et
al., 1996
Pigeonpea / coreid pod bug Ooencyrtus utetheisae (Hym.: Unspecified No parasitism on pigeonpea plants Dryer, 1994
Encyrtidae) within cowpea field
Brazil Cotton / cotton aphid Chrysoperla externa (Neur.: Pubescence Reduced longevity Santos et al., 2003
China Wheat / Grain aphid Aphidius sp. (Hym.: Braconidae) Unspecified Parasitism higher on resistant Cai et al., 2009
Rice / brown planthopper Anagrus nilaparvatae (Hym.: Texture and siliceous cell density of Host size and parasitoid fitness Lou & Cheng, 1996
Mymaridae) leaves
Rice / brown planthopper Cytorhinus lividipennis (Het. : Plant volatiles, other attributes Differing attraction, variable egg Lou & Cheng, 2003
Miridae) predation
Congo Cassava / cassava mealybug Exochomus flaviventris (Col.: Mealybug resistance Reduced pre-imaginal mortality, Le Ru & Mitsipa,
Coccinellidae) oviposition time and fecundity 2002
India Cotton / cotton aphid Various Phloem nutritional composition Sugar composition of honeydew Lawo et al., 2009
Cotton / cotton bollworm Chrysopa scelestes (Neur.: Trichome density Lower egg and larval predation rate Ramnath &
Chrysopidae) Uthamasamy, 1992
Trichogramma chilonis (Hym.: H. armigera resistance Increased efficacy Annadurai et al., 1992
Lentil / bean aphid Coccinellids Unspecified Great variability in suitability for Sharma & Yadav,
natural enemies 1993
Chickpea / corn earworm Trichogramma spp. (Hym.: Glandular hairs, exudates Interference with parasitoid activity Bhatnagar, 1981
Pigeonpea / corn earworm Trichogramma chilonis (Hym.: Glandular trichomes, exudates Reduce searching efficacy Sithanantham et al.,
Trichogrammatidae) 1982; Pawar et al.,
Orius tantillus (Het.: Anthocoridae) Plant chemistry and architecture Lower efficacy on pigeonpea vs Sigsgaard & Esbjerg,
sorghum 1997
Paratrechina longicornis (Hym.: Long trichomes, sticky exudates Lower egg predation on buds and Romeis et al., 1995
Formicidae) pods vs leaves
Pigeonpea / bean aphid Trioxys indicus (Hym.: Aphidiidae) Foliar pubescence Lower searching efficacy Kumar et al., 1983
Jordan Faba bean / bean aphid Coccinella septempunctata (Col.: Aphid resistance Partial resistance benefited Shannag & Obeidat,
Coccinellidae) biological control, greater fertility 2006, 2008
on susceptible lines
Mexico Maize / fall armyworm Cotesia marginiventris (Hym.: Herbivore-induced volatiles Differing degree of attraction Hoballah et al., 2002
Nigeria Cowpea / cowpea aphid Coccinellids Unspecified Higher abundance on aphid Ofuya, 1995
susceptible varieties
Pakistan Pumpkin, cucumber / Predatory mites Hairiness, hair length, leaf area, Abundance Afzal & Hamid, 2007
unspecified surface waxes
Philippines Rice / brown planthopper Cyrtorhinus lividipennis (Het.: Volatiles from different rice Differential attraction Rapusas et al., 1995
Miridae) genotypes
Rice / brown planthopper Various predators, Lycosid spiders Planthopper resistance Moderate resistance benefited Karothardjono &
biological control Heinrichs, 1984
Tanzania Pigeonpea / coreid pod bug Gryon fulviventre (Hym.: Unspecified Lower egg parasitism on Phaseolus Materu, 1971
Scelionidae) beans vs pingeonpea or lablab bean
Country Target crop / pest Natural enemy Landscape level component Effect Reference
Argentina Wheat Spiders Herbaceous field margins Increased colonization Armendano &
Gonzalez, 2011
Brazil Eucalyptus / Microhymenopterans Native cerrado vegetation Higher wasp abundance near native Silva et al., 2010
unspecified vegetation
Trichogramma maxacalii (Hym.: Forest fragments Increased abundance, superior Murta et al., 2008
Trichogrammatidae) parasitism
Maize / fall Social wasps Forest fragments Higher abundance Sousa et al., 2011
Chile Alfalfa / unspecified Coccinellid beetles Surrounding habitats, tall vegetation near Earlier arrival in crop Grez et al., 2010
crop field
China Various Trichogramma spp. (Hym.: Landscape diversity, natural forest edges, Conservation of parasitic wasps Olkowski & Zhang,
Trichogrammatidae) tree and shelterbelt systems 1998
Rice / planthopper, Anagyrus nilaparvatae (Hym.: Non-crop habitats Provide alternative hosts, boost Zheng et al., 2003
rice leafroller Encyrtidae) abundance
Arthropod predators Diverse landscapes, with white melon, Increased abundance Liu et al., 1999;
cabbage, tea orchards, soybean and grassy Zhang et al., 2011a
Apple / various Orius sauteri (Het.: Anthocoridae) Presence of alfalfa fields, corn and Increased abundance Yu et al., 1998
vegetable plots
Cotton / Trichogramma spp. (Hym.: Presence of vegetable gardens (with Stable populations Wang et al., 1988
lepidopteran pests Trichogrammatidae) inoculative releases)
Cotton / cotton Coccinellid beetles, lacewings, Regional adoption of Bt cotton Increased abundance, improved pest Lu et al.,
aphid spiders suppression unpublished
Cuba Various Various Reduction share monocultures, increased Increased abundance and diversity Vazquez, 2007
number of farms
Ecuador Unspecified Arthropod predators Increasing agricultural transformation and Lower diversity Tscharntke et al.,
intensification 2008
Honduras Maize / fall Doru taeniatum (Dermaptera: Grassy habitats (earwigs), late successional Increased abundance Wyckhuys &
armyworm Forficulidae), spiders, carabid beetles habitats O’Neil, 2007b
Indonesia Unspecified Telenomus remus (Hym.: Landscape complexity Increased parasitism Buchori et al., 2008
Rice / various Arthropod predators Larger fields, landscape simplification Delayed colonization Settle et al., 1996
Iran Cotton / various Dipteran parasitoids, predators Surrounding grasslands Differing abundance and activity Ghahari et al., 2008
Israel Wheat / unspecified Several spider families Semi-desert habitats in the agro-landscape Increased activity-density Pluess et al., 2008
Kenya Crucifers / Plutella Diadegma spp., Apanteles spp. Presence of wild crucifers Increased parasitoid abundance and Kahuthia-Gatu et
xylostella (Hym.: Braconidae),, Brachymeria diversity, recolonization sites for al., 2009
sp. (Hym.: Chalcidae), Oomyzus parasitoids
sokolowski (Hym. Eulophidae)
Mexico Various Ichneumonoidea Higher diversity in surrounding vegetation Increased abundance Chay-Hernandez et
al., 2006
Philippines Rice / various Various Asynchronous rice planting over large areas Conservation of natural enemies Way & Heong,
1994; Ives & Settle,
1997; Matteson,
Rice / various Wolf- and web-building spiders Establishment of vegetable fields, fruit or Increased abundance Barrion, 1999;
timber trees Drechsler & Settele,
2001; Gurr, 2009
Ukraine Grape / grape leaf Unspecified Proximity to forest plantations Increased parasitism levels Saidov et al., 2007
Various Olive / olive fly Pnigalio agraules (Hym. : Habitat connectivity Increased abundance Boccaccio &
Eulophidae), Eupelmus urozonus Petacchi, 2009
(Hym.: Chalcidae), Eurytoma martelli
(Hym.: Eurytomidae)
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