Diap Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Diap Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Diap Disability Inclusion Action Plan
Acknowledgements © 2017 All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the
Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be
reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
We acknowledge the Gadigal of the Eora Nation as the electronic or mechanical, photocopying, recording or
traditional owners of this land. We recognise and respect otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher and
their culture, resilience and contributions of past and copyright owner.
present Aboriginal people in this region.
Principles • Equity:
increasing opportunities for the
We believe the following principles most disadvantaged members of
reflect our leadership role in promoting our community. We recognise and
human rights, social equity and anti- respond to the many forms and
discrimination: factors that affect people’s quality of
life through services, programs and
• Recognition of Indigenous policy delivery.
Respecting the Cameraygal & • Community participation:
Wallamedegal as the traditional Recognising the importance of
owners of this land. We support meaningful engagement with the
the Indigenous Community’s right community on decisions that impact
to self-determination and their on- people’s lives. We will encourage
going cultural and spiritual values active involvement in democratic
and connections. processes to create policies
and programs that contribute to
• Cultural diversity: community well-being.
Valuing a multicultural society
and celebrating the traditions, • Social inclusion:
practices, language and lifestyles Creating the conditions for people to
that our diverse cultures bring to our enjoy life and have the opportunity
community. We work for community to interact though work, play,
harmony through respect, friends and family. We will provide
understanding and inclusion. programs, services and resources to
support learning, working, engaging
and participating in our community.
proportion of people requiring ASSISTANCE IN 2016 REQUIRING
assistance by LGA, compared with
Greater Sydney and Australia. People
requiring assistance generally have a
13,999 844
Hunter’s Hill
severe or profound disability. When Municipality 6.0%
you factor in people with a disability
who do not require assistance with
core activities, carers and family
36,501 1,120
Lane Cove
members of people with disability, the Council Area 3.1%
number of people in the community
who would benefit from a more
inclusive and accessible community is
119,544 5,341
significantly higher.
City of Ryde 4.5%
Sydney 4.9%
23,401,892 1,202,945
Australia 5.1%
2016 2021
3,200 13,897
Hunter’s Hill
Municipality 22.2% 24.6%
5,200 33,233
Lane Cove
Council Area 13.8% 15.7%
20,300 108,712
City of Ryde 14.7% 15.1%
SOURCE: Department of Planning and Environment, 2016 New South Wales State and Local Government Area
Population and Household Projections, and Implied Dwelling Requirements
• Over a third (35.1%) of women and over one-quarter (28.1%) of men surveyed (15
years and over) had avoided social situations because of their disability.
• One in five people with disability either could not use (15%) or had difficulty (6%)
using any form of public transport. Reasons for lack of access included physical
issues (steps, seating) as well as mental concerns (fear and anxiety).
• The percentage of unemployed people with disability actively seeking work is 10%;
twice that for people without disability 5%.
• The majority of people with disability (over 80%) that need help with everyday tasks
use informal support systems such as partners, parents and children. Formal services
and support providers are also used by just over half (52%) of people with disability.
(f) Accessibility
Creating an inclusive
Facilitating inclusion to
Providing local
Service provider A workshop was facilitated for local service providers to discuss 40 people from 31
roundtable opportunities for and barriers to inclusion. organisations
184 respondents
An online and paper survey which incorporated multiple choice and • Hunter’s Hill 14 staff
Staff survey
open-ended questions was made available to Council staff. • Lane Cove 51 staff
• Ryde 119 staff
Direct and individual One-on-one conversations were offered to community members Two face-to-face meetings
responses and many provided feedback directly via email. and six emails
The following table provides a high-level summary of the themes that emerged from consultation with staff, service providers and the
community. Consultation findings are documented in more detailed in our Consultation Outcomes Report.
Liveable communities
“At the moment, I am not aware of any “Exercise is very important to maintain “Design all structures in the public domain
local parks or playgrounds I can go mobility and wellbeing. There are very few so that they are inclusive. Think about
to independently mainly because of gyms with equipment that are accessible how people use things, gather, move from
combination of no footpaths plus tricky for wheelchairs” place to place, how places are and can be
road crossings.” • There is a need to provide and used and ensure all people can access all
• A key barrier to accessing places promote on-demand transport parts of them.”
and events is the lack of adequate options and better designed transport • Events and activities hosted and
footpaths, ramps and transport infrastructure including parking supported by Councils are a key
provisions • Consider opportunities to encourage service which should consider
• Participants identified specific roads, support people with disability to the needs of all members of the
places and parks which could be participate in events, activities and to community
improved through more consideration use Council facilities • Access to and better placement of
of the needs of people with disability public transport facilities is a major
• Accessibility and designing for all
• Key concern is the provision of public abilities should be viewed as general issue
infrastructure including signage and practice not an extra • Making Hunters Hill Council building
unisex, accessible toilets more accessible should be a priority
• Look at how council can encourage
• Creating an accessible physical community organisations to be more • Transport and facilities planning for
environment through good design accessible. improved accessibility present both
and planning is a benefit to all short and long-term opportunities for
community members improved accessibility in Ryde
• Councils to encourage community
interaction – need to consider people
with disability early and not as an
• Housing affordability, particularly
housing close to services and
support is a critical issue for people
with disability
Meaningful employment
“Having work is so important for self- “Local government procurement There is significant room for improvement
respect, self-worth and valuing one self.” processes could create an employment in Council practices and procedures to
• Want Council to be a leader in hiring opportunity through engaging contractors recruit and retain people with disability
people with disability that employ people with disabilities” • Council should set targets for a
• Encourage and promote local • Need understanding from employers greater number of work experience
businesses to do the same and employees that disability can be placements within council
• There is a lack of knowledge and mental as well as physical • It should also advocate for local
support for employing people with • Council should provide greater businesses to do the same
disability representation that they are an all-
inclusive all-abilities employer
• Consider incentives for businesses to
hire people with disability
“Information must be readily available “Support smaller organisations to stay “Need systems in place to communicate
and easy to access. I find it hard myself viable as they are key members of appropriately and make people with
to find any local services and support the community and support broader disability feel comfortable”
that suit my son.” engagement” • It is important that people with
• People with disability need more • There is a need for more accessible disability are involved in Council
formats and avenues to access and improved communication and decision-making
information and forms engagement processes • Improve information sharing and
• Would like a single place or person • Early intervention and support provides services delivery for diverse needs of
to assist in providing information on more benefits people with disability
services and support • Council important in coordinating • Update council websites to better
• There are additional language local disability support services and reflect the community – providing
barriers to people from diverse providing information on government various formats of information
cultural backgrounds in accessing the policies
information and support they need
Regional Strategies
ID Identification number
The actions listed in the DIAP are not designed to be prescriptive – they should be
flexible to change as technologies and ideas about best practice develop.
1b Advocate for a new award category for ECONOMIC Short Ryde Business New award
excellence in disability inclusion for the Ryde DEVELOPMENT Forum established
Local Business Awards
1c Create a regional recognition system to identify ECONOMIC Long Disability service Recognition
businesses that are accessible and welcoming DEVELOPMENT, providers, program
to people with disability. INFORMATION Businesses established
> Eg. Identifying Stickers SYSTEMS
> Eg. New App
1d Promote the lived experience of disability COMMUNICATIONS Short Disability service Community
through a regular (quarterly) profile in Council’s providers (to profiles
key communication materials identify potential developed and
candidates) published
1e Provide positive updates of successful COMMUNICATIONS, Short Disability service Post examples
implementation of DIAP actions (as well as SOCIAL providers (to source and update
other examples of positive inclusion) on DEVELOPMENT examples) every quarter
Council’s public communication channels
(Include both Council and community
1g Review and update events held for International SOCIAL Short Disability service Increased
Day of People with Disability to better reflect DEVELOPMENT providers (to generate number of
the diversity of experience and age of people ideas for events and events held/
with disability delivery partnerships) participation
2a Deliver a targeted community education SOCIAL Medium Local schools, Campaign
campaign on appropriate language and DEVELOPMENT disability service established and
respectful behaviours towards people providers, FACS delivered
with disability for Schools, Businesses and
2b Include information regarding accessibility and SOCIAL Short Local Community Community
inclusion to the community when dealing with DEVELOPMENT groups and informed
Council through the hire of venues and facilities organisations
or grant applications.
2c Offer workshops to local businesses on ECONOMIC Short - Local Community Workshop held
inclusion, accessibility and the rights of people DEVELOPMENT Medium groups and
with disability organisations
3a Create and distribute a social inclusion ECONOMIC Short Businesses Checklist
checklist for businesses to facilitate greater DEVELOPMENT prepared and
inclusion of people with disability disseminated
3b Facilitate the provision of disability support VENUES, Short Local community Provision of
services and activities by community COMMUNITY groups services
organisations through discounted venue hire SERVICES
fees and council's properties
3c Update Council’s Event Planning Guide to EVENTS Short Guide updated
encourage organisations to be inclusive as well
as accessible, for example, offering flexible
pricing that considers the needs of people with
3g Source, plan and formally invite performers EVENTS Short Local performing Participation
with disability to participate and showcase their arts groups and of people with
talent at high profile community events such as schools disability
Australia Day, Youth Week, Granny Smith Festival
3h Work with organisations to identify opportunities SOCIAL Medium Organisations Number of
to support innovative and inclusive activities for DEVELOPMENT - Long (including those not inclusive
people with disability such as: currently servicing initiatives
> New inclusion grant category that facilitates the area)
new technologies for digital inclusion
3i Promote events that are accessible and COMMUNICATIONS Short New category
inclusive for people with disability established
on Council's
3k Engage with local inter-agencies to create SOCIAL Medium Inter-agency Shared
sustainable programs and ongoing participation DEVELOPMENT partners resources and
pathways for people with disability, such opportunities
as identify opportunities for cross-facilities/
resource use
3i Review and facilitate provision of sport and SPORT AND Medium NSW Health, NSW Regional
recreation programs for people with disability RECREATION - Long Office of Sport recreation
(Central Region), review
disability service
4a Encourage people with disability and their COMMUNICATIONS Short Disability service Inclusive
families to attend Council events through AND EVENTS providers information
inclusive communications and provision of included in event
accessible events. material
4d Provide an exclusive day and free entry for RALC, Medium Number of
people with disability at major Council facilities VENUES special event
(e.g. at the Aquatic Centre, libraries, gallery or days for people
other facilities) with disability
4e Encourage organisations that run facilities in SOCIAL Medium Local major facility Number of
the LGA to provide an exclusive day and free DEVELOPMENT owners special event
entry for people with disability. days for people
with disability
5b Provide disability awareness and inclusion HR - LEARNING & Short Disability peak Training program
training to all Council staff including human DEVELOPMENT bodies, specialist established
rights and anti-discrimination legislation. training organisation
> Prioritise training and education to frontline
staff about the inclusion people with disability
> Require training to be repeated every four
> Training program could include opportunities
for learning experiences for Council staff
5c Ensure that all relevant staff have knowledge of COMMUNITY Short Relevant
accessibility features of venues and buildings. SERVICES Staff have
1b Conduct Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan ENVIRONMENT Short - Priority actions
(PAMP) to ensure inclusion Medium outlined
1d Prioritising footpath, road and upgrade and ASSETS Short - Audit outlines
repair of bus routes within asset budget Medium priority actions
1f Investigate opportunities to provide, accessible SOCIAL Medium Disability service Regional
and demand-driven transport options through DEVELOPMENT - Long providers on-demand
increased access to community transport for transport study
individuals with mental/intellectual and physical commissioned and
disability recommendations
1g Playing a more active role in supporting SOCIAL Medium Disability service Financial and
community transport organisations that service DEVELOPMENT - Long providers in-kind support
the area, such as through grants, subsidised through grants
parking, or advertising for volunteers and advertising
1h Incorporate requirements within the DCP for ASSETS Medium Disability service Review and
accessible parking that go beyond compliance. - Long providers update accessible
Parking strategies to better consider the parking
requirements for width and height of modified requirements
vehicles and vans
1k Work with Transport NSW to make major TRAFFIC Needs Transport NSW Improvement
transport infrastructure in Ryde LGA more basis program initiated
accessible and disability friendly with ramps and
lifts, bus interchanges improved signage
1l Work with organisations such as Royal Rehab to TRAFFIC, Needs Royal Rehab Discussions held
improve access and facilities surrounding their SOCIAL basis with Royal Rehab
2 Ensure Council’s events, open spaces and leisure and sporting facilities are accessible and inclusive
2a Ensure amenities and infrastructure support EVENTS Short - Disability service Increased
people with disability attending is included in Medium providers participation in
planning for Council events. Council events
2b Review the design of parks and playgrounds SPORT AND Medium Review
to propose that they cater to a range of RECREATION - Long undertaken and
age groups and allow for multi-generational revisions made to
enjoyment. parks program
2c Audit and review disability access and SPORT AND Medium Audit undertaken
infrastructure requirements in parks, leisure RECREATION - Long and priorities
and recreational facilities renewal and upgrade funded
3a Create an audit register and reporting to identify ASSETS Short Assets register
and record level of accessibility and disability updated
inclusion for use in program and project
3b Develop an Access Protocol and Checklist that OPEN SPACE Short- Disability service Checklist
provides guidance on standards of accessibility PLANNING Medium providers developed
for public domain and infrastructure works that
reflect Universal Design Principles and best
practice not just existing Standards (Access to
Premises – Buildings)
3c Audit and deliver program of upgrades and BUILDINGS Medium Audit undertaken
renewals to Council’s portfolio of building assets - Long and improvement
to enhance accessibility and inclusion program
3d Review the progress of bus shelter contract ASSETS Medium Assets work
renewal. Annual program of accessibility program revised
upgrades and renewal for the public domain to and upgraded
support implementation of adaptable lighting
to deliver above compliance bus stops in
accordance with the Disability Standards for
Accessible Public Transport 2002
3e Establish audit program to assess signage for BUILDINGS, Short Audit in facilities
Council facilities on both existing and new VENUES upgrade schedule
3f Upgrade and renew the provision of public BUILDINGS, Medium Shopping centres Infrastructure
accessible toilets in key facilities and PROPERTY - Long program revised
recreational spaces such as aquatic centres, and priorities
main shopping centres and regional parks funded
4a Prepare a self-assessment checklist for local ECONOMIC Medium Local chamber of Checklist
businesses to encourage them to meet DEVELOPMENT commerce (consult developed and
accessibility needs with /test and disseminated
4b Investigate incentives to encourage local ECONOMIC Medium Local chamber of Number of
businesses and venues to upgrade their DEVELOPMENT - Long commerce businesses
premises to improve accessibility upgraded
4c Give detailed guidance to the Disability STRATEGIC Medium DCP Part 9.2
Discrimination Act and AS 1428 (all parts) within PLANNING
the DCP
4d Work with the Australian Electoral Commission BUILDINGS, Medium Australian Electoral All voting venues
to ensure that all Council venues used for local, PROPERTY, Commission are accessible
state and federal government elections are GOVERNANCE
4e Work with major shopping centres to support STRATEGIC Medium Centre and Discussions
improved inclusion and accessibility. PLANNING business owners undertaken
5a Review and revise the Ryde Affordable SOCIAL Medium NSW Federation Affordable
Housing Policy to ensure identification and DEVELOPMENT, of Housing Housing Policy
implementation of strategies to support CITY PLANNING Associations reviewed and
affordable and adaptable housing for people updated
with disability.
5b Identify any specific needs such as affordable SOCIAL NSW Dept of Affordable
rental for people with disabilities within DEVELOPMENT, Planning & Housing Policy
affordable housing program STRATEGIC Environment reviewed and
PLANNING Urban updated
Institute of Australia
5d Work with state government and the building Medium NSW Dept of Discussions held
industry to deliver training, education and - Long Planning & with government
incentives for developers and builders to Environment, and development
facilitate development of housing that is Master Builders industry
adaptable and affordable for people with Association,
disability Tafe NSW
1b Promote Council's EEO policy and code of HR, Short Disability Policy promoted
conduct internally and externally COMMUNICATIONS employment
agencies, local
chamber of
1c Promote representation of people with disability COMMUNICATIONS Medium Disability service Profiles created
in the Council workforce to the public and providers and published
external organisations
1d Identify and implement services and systems HR Short Disability peak Services
that support people with disability being bodies (consult) and systems
retained within the workforce incorporated
1e Review and revise position descriptions and HR Short Disability peak Employment
recruitment to be more welcoming and inclusive bodies (consult) procurement
of disability for example encouraging people reviewed and
with disability to apply and indicating support is updated
available to undertake the job
1f Develop and promote flexible working HR, Short Disability peak Flexible
arrangements and in-house support to COMMUNICATIONS bodies (consult) working policy
recruit and retain people with disability in the established and
workforce promoted
1g Proactively work with disability employment HR Short Disability Discussions held
agencies to seek suitable candidates for new employment with disability
jobs and work experience placements within agencies employment
Council agencies
1h Promote work experience and traineeship HR Short Local schools, Inclusive
opportunities for people with disability through disability employment
local schools and service providers employment opportunities
agencies and promoted
service providers
1i Offer training to Managers and staff to identify HR - LEARNING & Short Disability peak Training made
and help new or existing staff who may have DEVELOPMENT bodies, specialist available
physical, mental health or behavioural issues training organisation
2a Encourage major local shopping centres to offer ECONOMIC Long Centre owners Pop-up shop
a certain percentage of spaces at reduced rents DEVELOPMENT fronts offered
for social enterprises that employ people with
disability at standard wages
2b Host a regional employment forum with not ECONOMIC Medium Disability Forum held/
for profit organisations and local businesses to DEVELOPMENT employment participation
support transitioning people with disability into agencies, service
the workforce providers and
local chamber of
2c Promote our Diversity Social Inclusion Checklist ECONOMIC Short - Disability pack Checklist
for organisations to employ people with DEVELOPMENT Medium bodies and distributed
disability. employment
agencies (consult)
2d Investigate incentives and supports for SOCIAL Medium Disability peak Incentive
organisations willing to employ people with DEVELOPMENT bodies (consult) program
disability and to adapt workplaces to become COMMUNITY established
more accessible e.g. look at inclusion grants for SERVICES
small businesses
2e Create an Ambassador work program that SOCIAL Medium Disability peak Regional
promotes positive role models and shares DEVELOPMENT bodies Ambassador
successes of employing people with disability program
2f Facilitate peer training and community COMMUNITY Medium Disability peak Peer and mentor
mentoring through Council’s volunteering SERVICES bodies (consult) support program
program to support people with disability in the established
2g Educate employers on the opportunities and SOCIAL Medium Local chamber of Social Enterprise
benefits in employing people with disability DEVELOPMENT commerce training provided
including through the provision of Social Enterprise
training for local organisations and businesses
3a Work in partnership with a disability employment COMMUNITY Medium Disability Increase in
agency to recruit and refer people with disability SERVICES employment volunteer
to volunteer with community organisations agencies and participation
local community
3b Provide information for people with disability on COMMUNITY Short Disability Information
how to volunteer and access work experience SERVICES employment provided and
agencies disseminated
3c Partner with TAFE NSW to encourage people SOCIAL Medium TAFE NSW Discussions with
with disability to access courses including local DEVELOPMENT TAFE
access to
out-of-area courses
3d Facilitate partnerships between schools, local SOCIAL Medium Local schools, Regional
businesses and education institutions to create DEVELOPMENT - Long business chambers, inclusive
outcome based pathways to employment for tertiary education education and
people with disability – align courses to industry providers employment
employment need network
3e Work with the Department of Education to SOCIAL Long Department of Increase in local
identify and address the gap in servicing the DEVELOPMENT Education education options
education needs for children with disability in for children with
the local area disability
Focus Area 4 : Improving access to services through better
systems and processes
1b Create a newsletter which provides regular COMMUNICATIONS Medium Disability service Regional
information on activities and services for people providers (distribute) disability
with disability in the local area newsletter
1e Review staff training for handling customers with CUSTOMER Short Specialist training Training provided
special needs at call centre SERVICE organisation
1f Ensure there are direct links and a portal on COMMUNICATIONS Medium Disability service Portal
Council’s website to identify available services providers established
for people with disability
1g Review the Community Information Directory to LIBRARIES Short Disability service Community
support comprehensive listing of services for providers directory
people with disability reviewed
1h Create a local website / Facebook page COMMUNICATIONS Medium Disability service Social website/
promoting what is happening in the Ryde local providers, Facebook
area, including inclusive businesses, events and community established
services available, and news from Council organisations
and groups and
local chamber of
1i Collect information and data to develop a digital LIS Medium Mobility map
and physical mobility map to display information – Long prepared
on inclusive and accessible Council facilities
such as parks & playgrounds, sports grounds,
community buildings, toilet blocks and parking
1j Create a regional mobility app / or tap into an LIS Long App developed
existing platform] to provide information on INFORMATION or modified
accessible services, places and activities SERVICES
1k Share information and collaborate with informal COMMUNITY Short Disability service Informal
networks in the community, including disability SERVICES providers, local networks
support providers, schools and NDIS Local Area schools, NDIS Local identified and
Coordinators Area Coordinators used
2b Develop a checklist and training for staff for COMMUNITY Medium Checklist
community engagement to be accessible and ENGAGEMENT and training
inclusive undertaken
2g Encourage people with disability to apply for SOCIAL Short Disability service Increased
membership on all Council Committees through DEVELOPMENT / providers (to number of
proactive language and indication of support GOVERNANCE promote initiative) people with
disability on
3a Consider a specific Community Disability Liaison SOCIAL Medium Officer position
officer role in Council, as a nominated contact DEVELOPMENT funded
to provide information and support to service
3b Train council customer officers on how to assist HUMAN Short Training provided
people with disability and to know where to RESOURCES on information
access information on disability services. LEARNING & resources
3c Ensure frontline staff are trained in identifying HUMAN Short Training provided
and assisting customers with physical or RESOURCES on information
behavioural issues LEARNING & resources
3d Provide a request process to allow people with WHS Short Request process
disability to seek adjustments and modifications BUILDINGS provided
to Council offices
3g Investigate the provision of a one stop shop for LIBRARIES Medium Investigation
information and Council customer services in a - Long completed
central and accessible location
4 Develop a culture of inclusion in how Council operates and services the community
4a Establish as a KPI a requirement for Council CORPORATE Short Inclusion KPIs
managers to incorporate inclusion and REPORTING developed
accessibility in the development of projects and
4b Require early master planning of town centres STRATEGIC Short Early planning
and major sites to require Social Impact PLANNING includes
Assessment that addresses all urban renewal reference to
and rezoning projects inclusion
4e Review and promote assisted Waste Collection WASTE Short Assisted Waste
Service for people with disability living Services
independently promoted
We will work together, with partners and with our community to implement actions. We
will ensure Council is responsive and representative and the communities we serve are
welcoming and inclusive.
Significant work has been undertaken to produce our DIAP and get to where we are.
Implementation of our actions is the next crucial step. Writing down who is responsible
and timeframes for actions allows Council to allocate funding and resources to meet
our commitments. Actions in the DIAP form part of Councils’ Integrated Planning and
Reporting process, our annual and four-yearly reporting process. This means strategies
and actions for inclusion will be incorporated into the Community Strategic Plan 2030,
Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Resourcing Strategy.
Football4All program