Raihan Fuadi Tugas 3 Bhs Inggris
Raihan Fuadi Tugas 3 Bhs Inggris
Raihan Fuadi Tugas 3 Bhs Inggris
IV. Make a simple dialogue about asking and giving direction with a situation described as follow:
Situations 1: Budi wants to go to soekarno airport but he does not know where it is, then
he asks a man who is standing beside him. The name of the man is Budanto. Budianto
tells him to take the mayasari bus number
Situation 2 : Sinta is seeking the nearest supermarket but she does not know, then she asks old
woman drinking ice cream next to her. The old man tells that the nearest supermarke is
located on jalan Borobudur. The Supermarket is opposite the hospital.
Answers to Question No 1:
Answer to Question No 2:
Answer to Question No 3:
Hobi favorit saya adalah membaca. Saya menikmati membaca buku ketika saya bebas.
Guru mengajari saya membaca kata-kata sulit. Saya senang ketika saya membaca
sebuah cerita dengan akhir yang bahagia. Saya sangat senang ketika saya membaca
cerita detektif. Saya senang membaca karena saya suka menjelajahi dunia imajinatif
penulis favorit saya, JKRowling yang menulis “Harry Potter” . Ternyata banyak sekali
manfaat dari membaca. Membaca bisa membuat saya rileks dan tenang. Saya juga bisa
belajar item kosakata baru. Kemudian saya bisa lebih meningkatkan bahasa Inggris saya.
Apalagi bisa memberi saya imajinasi yang tak terbatas, sehingga saya bisa menulis buku
di masa depan. Saya juga bisa mempelajari budaya dan adat istiadat yang berbeda dari
negara lain di dunia. Saya membaca setidaknya satu jam setiap hari
Answer to Question No 4:
Situations 1: Budi wants to go to soekarno airport but he does not know where it is,
he asks a man who is standing beside him. The name of the man is
Budanto. Budianto tells him to take the mayasari bus number
Situation 2 : Sinta is seeking the nearest supermarket but she does not know, then she
asks to a woman who was sitting on a bench nearby. The woman's name is Rizkia.
rizkia gave directions to go to the right.