Mark Scheme: © Ocr 2021. You May Photocopy This Page. 1 of 11 Created in Exambuilder
Mark Scheme: © Ocr 2021. You May Photocopy This Page. 1 of 11 Created in Exambuilder
Mark Scheme: © Ocr 2021. You May Photocopy This Page. 1 of 11 Created in Exambuilder
Total 2
Total 3
b – Clock speed 1
– Cache Size
– Number of cores (1 per max 1)
Total 4
Total 6
5 i Input Green Light Red Light 2 (AO3.3) Accept T for a tick. Penalise if blank table
elements have content.
1 ✓
2 ✓ Examiner’s Comments
3 ✓
Most candidates achieved the first mark on
4 ✓
this question. The second mark was lost by
5 ✓ those who ticked ‘red light’ for an input of
6 ✓ 5.
7 ✓
8 ✓
9 ✓
iii - Takes in a value from user. 3 (AO Do not credit structured English
- If value is 5 or less it shows green 3.2) Example
- Otherwise it shows Red
value = input("Enter a Value")
(1 Mark per -, max 3) if value <=5 then
Examiner’s Comments
0 marks
No attempt to answer the question or
response is not worthy of credit.
Total 20
Total 4
AO3.3: Evaluation
Examiner’s Comment
Candidates were assessed on the quality
of their extended response in this question.
Most candidates could cite some methods
for improving performance but not all
managed to then appropriately apply these
to the question. Many candidates did
recommend one or more measures
although some cases needed to include
justification. This resulted in some very
good responses and marks awarded
spanning the range of marks available.
Total 9
Onboard Graphics…
…Built in circuitry for graphics processing.
Total 4
9 Takes in two numbers (1). 4 For 4 marks – 1 mark for each correct step
Compare the numbers (1). in process.
If first number is biggest outputs first
number (1). Example:
If second number is biggest outputs the
second number (1).
Total 4