CEN/TC 250/SC 9: N560 Garigliano Prohitech
CEN/TC 250/SC 9: N560 Garigliano Prohitech
CEN/TC 250/SC 9: N560 Garigliano Prohitech
CEN/TC 250/SC 9
Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures
ABSTRACT: Starting from the experience of the retrofitting of old suspension bridges in France by means of
aluminium structures, a similar solution has been proposed and used in the structural restoration of the “Real
Ferdinando” bridge on the Garigliano river near Naples, which was the first suspension bridge built in Italy in
1832. The historical background, the structural restoration criteria, as well as the design and the execution of
this bridge are described in this paper.
a) b)
Figure 7. a. Detail of the pins connecting the iron elements of
a) the two suspension chains. b. The capital of the pier in “Egyp-
tian style”.
Landolfo, R., Mazzolani, F. M. & Mele, E. 1989. Riesame dei
a) b) c) ponti sospesi di Montemerle e di Groslèe: confronto fra acciaio
Figure 12 a. The masonry piers after consolidation and restora- e alluminio. Proc. of the XII C.T.A. Conference, Capri, Octo-
tion; b. The new suspension steel chains below the sphinx; c. ber.
The original “pendulum” device designed by Luigi Giura. Mazzolani, F. M. 1990. Il restauro strutturale del ponte “Real
Ferdinando” sul Garigliano. Costruzioni Metalliche 2.
The construction of the bridge has been done by re- Mazzolani, F. M. 1995. Aluminium Alloy Structures, E&FN
specting in general the design data. Only one sub- SPON, Chapman & Hall, 2nd edition.
Mazzolani, F. M. 1998. L’alluminio ed il restauro strutturale
stantial structural variation has been done during the dei ponti sospesi: il “Real Ferdinando” sul Garigliano. Restau-
execution phase: the suspension cables have been ro 146, October-December.
substituted from spiroidal wires to plate steel ele- Mazzolani, F. M. 2001. The use of aluminium in the restoration
ments similar to the shape of the original chain (Fig- of the “Real Ferdinando” bridge on the Garigliano river.
ure 12 a and b). Therefore, now the suspension sys- Festschrift zu Ehren Von Prof. Dr. Ing. Günther Valtinat.
tem looks exactly as in the old bridge with two Herausgegeben von Jürgen Priebe und Ulrike Eberwien,
couple of chains made of steel, each composed by Druck: General Anzeiger, Rhauderfehn.
four plate elements pinned at the ends. Mazzolani, F. M. 2006. Aluminium Structures in Refurbish-
Such choice seems to be very questionable from the ment: the case of the “Real Ferdinando” bridge on the
conceptual point of view, because this structural el- Garigliano river. Structural Engineering International 16 (4):
352 – 355.
ement has been rebuilt following typology and shape Mazzolani, F. M. & Mele, E. 1997. Use of aluminium alloy in
related to the past technology, but using modern retrofitting ancient suspension bridges. Proc. of the Int. Con-
technology and material, in total disagreement with ference on Composite Structures, Innsbruck, September.
the basic principles of the modern restoration theory.
Another weak point of the execution consists on the
fact that, contrary to the initial decision, the alumini-
um surface of the deck structures has been painted
with a rust-coloured coating, which hides the alu-
minium and makes the surface looking as the origi-
nal old iron. This produces a twofold falsity: artifi-
cial aging and unuseful corrosion protection, both
simulating a corroded surface. The same procedure
has been used also for the steel elements of the
bridge, i.e. chains and suspension ties. Despite these
licenses, the basic structural choice to have an alu-