10 - Barrington-Brown - Air Cored vs. Rod Magnetorquer
10 - Barrington-Brown - Air Cored vs. Rod Magnetorquer
10 - Barrington-Brown - Air Cored vs. Rod Magnetorquer
Advantages: Disadvantages:
Suitable for:
•Initial De tumbling due to the low power consumption and very low power availability during the phase
•Reaction Wheel (if any) unloading
•Two axes control of momentum stabilized satellites (Momentum wheel)
But also............
•Three axis control when low power and volume is available on board the spacecraft
•High efficiency manoeuvres
Attitude Manoeuvres
Necessary Dipole Moment to perform a 90deg manoeuvre @400km vs requested time
in the best case i.e. Earth’s magnetic field perpendicular to the rotation axis
•0.2 Am2 Dipole Moment Magnetic Torquer is a good compromise to have good agility for 1U, 2U and 3U cubesat
•Magnetic Torquer with dipole moment <0.06Am2 are not suitable for attitude maneuvers
Necessary Dipole Moment to perform the detumbling @ 400km vs requested time
•0.2 Am2 Dipole Moment Magnetic Torquer is a good compromise to have perform detumbling in a reasonable time
•Magnetic Torquer with dipole moment <0.06Am2 increase drastically the detumbling time and the risk to run out of power
Air core vs Metal core Torquer
To reach the same dipole moment with air core magnetic actuator you need to:
The air core magnetic torquer are convenient in terms of mass only if very low required dipole moment <0.06Am2
Power consumption comparison
Magnetic Torquer power consumption ratio (air core/metal core) for a given Dipole Moment for different torquer mass
Maximum metal core torquer length 7cm
Maximum air core torquer diameter 9cm
The metal core torquer is always more efficient wrt the air core one
for a given Dipole moment and a maximum mass
Satellite Services Torquer