EST I - Literacy I

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EST I – Literacy Test I

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Duration: 35 minutes
44 Multiple Choice Questions

- Place your answer on the answer sheet. Mark only one answer for each of the
multiple choice questions.
- Avoid guessing. Your answers should reflect your overall understanding of the
subject matter.

April 2021
Directions: Read each passage and answer the questions. First skim through the passage to gain the
general idea of topic, style, tone, and structure. Then, re-read the passage a second time, closely, and
answer the questions found next to the passage as you read. Some questions ask you how the passage
might be changed to improve the expression of ideas. Other questions ask you how the passage might be
altered to correct errors in grammar, usage, and punctuation. One or more graphics accompany some
passages. You will be required to consider these graphics as you answer questions about editing the
There are three types of questions. In the first type, a part of the passage is underlined. The second
type is based on a certain part of the passage. The third type is based on the entire passage.
Read each passage. Then, choose the answer so that it is consistent with the conventions of standard
written English. One of the answer choices for many questions is “NO CHANGE.” Choosing this answer
means that you believe the best answer is to make no change in the passage.

Questions 1-11 are based on the following passage 1.A. NO CHANGE

and supplementary material. B. both
C. solely
Banking is not a profession dedicated [1] D. mutually
indisputably to entering an endless series of figures in
ledgers and processing or analysing balance sheets.
B. Therefore,
Primarily, banking is a profession that deals with people
C. However,
and their problems. [2] Instead, [3] banking is a
D. Although
profession not only for those who have a flair for people
but also for those with a flair for figures.
B. banking is a profession not only for those
who have a flair for people, but also for
those with a flair for figures.
C. banking is a profession not only for those
who have a flair for people, but it is also
for those with a flair for figures.
D. banking is not only a profession for those
who have a flair for people but for those
with a flair for figures.

April 2021
Banking provides a broad spectrum of work to allow [4] 4.A. NO CHANGE
a primitive banker to switch careers without changing a B. an adult
industries. The employment options in banking are C. an incipient
abundant and various. The major areas of work are the D. an original
servicing of internal customers, domestic customer
banking, and special functions such as administration,
B. personnel
[5] personality and computers. All of them need
C. personal
employees with sufficient educational background,
D. persons
intelligence, clear thinking, human understanding, and
B. A bank manager who is responsible for a
branch of business, and usually
[6] A bank manager who is responsible for a branch
C. A bank manager, who is responsible for a
of business usually begins his career as a loan officer
branch of business and usually
and acquires skills and experience while progressing
D. A bank manager who is responsible for a
through several jobs. Bank loan officers make initial
branch of business and usually
contacts with new customers, [7] accepting their loan
applications, and assist them on how to fill out loan 7.A. NO CHANGE
requests. B. accepts their loan
C. to accept their loan
[8] (1) An analyst’s duties are to assess each loan D. accept their loan
applicant's financial position and advise the bank's 8. Which sentence serves as a topic sentence for
management on the loan prospects. (2) A loan workout this paragraph?
specialist is an experienced and skilled specialist who is A. Sentence 1 because it describes the duty
supposed to investigate each problem loan, inquire into of an analyst in detail.
the causes of bad loans, and find solutions to recovering B. Sentence 2 because it describes the duty
the bank's funds. (3) A credit analyst and a loan workout of a loan workout specialist and the
specialist are professionals determining the business of paragraph mostly deals with bank loans.
lending. (4) Both a credit analyst and a loan workout C. Sentence 3 because it includes both jobs
specialist must have a solid background in accounting, to which the surrounding sentences refer.
financial statement analysis, law, and economics. D. Sentence 4 because it includes necessary
skills for both banking jobs.

April 2021
Managers of the accounting and operations division 9.A. NO CHANGE
control and direct one of the leading business areas B. There
concerned with financial planning through the C. Theirs
interpretation and use of financial data for one thing. D. They’re
They are in charge of processing checks and clearing on
10. Which sentence best concludes this
behalf of their customers. The lowest link of the paragraph?
division, a teller, is a bank employee who accepts A. A teller’s primary duty is to find out and
deposits, cashes checks, and performs other banking state the true financial position of the
services for the public. [9] Their duties also include bank by examining books and records.
sorting and filing deposit receipts and withdrawal B. Financial data is handled by managers of
slips. [10] the accounting and operations division of
Auditing and control personnel in a bank's which tellers are the lowest rung on the
accounting and audit department are well trained ladder
specialists. Their proficiency and expertise are C. The accounting and operations division
unquestionable. As professional accountants they have a has roles of various levels to progress to
legal right of access to records and accounts. such as becoming a bank teller.
Candidates for such senior posts have to acquire a D. Tellers produce a forecast of future
variety of managerial experience, and those who show performance and provide ways and
outstanding potential are likely to reach senior executive methods of improving bank efficiency.
level before they are 40. [11] 11. Which sentence best concludes this
A. A career progression does not reflect age
but rather depends on individual ability
and previous experience.
B. Trust department specialists, investment
specialists, foreign exchange traders, and
personnel managers exist as part of a
senior executive team.
C. Once the basic training has been
completed, career development becomes
more challenging for the individual.
D. Candidates for senior posts must be
above 40 and show outstanding potential,
desire, and strong character.
April 2021
Questions 12-22 are based on the following passage. 12.A. NO CHANGE
B. there
Why People Troll
C. they’re
D. theirs
“Fail at life. Tough luck for you!” Comments like
this one, found in an article about how women perceive 13.A. NO CHANGE
themselves, are prevalent today across the internet, B. to
whether [12] their on social media or a news website. C. and
Such behavior can range from profanity and name- D. both
calling [13] or personal attacks, or hate speech. A recent 14.A. NO CHANGE
Pew Internet survey [14] found that four out of 10 B. finds
people online have been harassed online, with far more C. founded
having witnessed such behavior. Trolling has become so D. finding
[15] general that several websites have even resorted to
15. Which word best expresses the intended
completely removing comments. meaning?
[16] People who like to troll are likely to show signs
B. scattered
of sadism. One reason for this is that the internet has a
C. spread
tendency to make people anonymous which motivates
D. rampant
trolls to treat people online as less than human.
16. At this point, the writer is considering adding
the following sentence.
“Trolls are generally perceived as vociferous
sociopathic individuals.”
Should the writer make this addition here?

A. Yes, because the sentence that follows

support it.

B. Yes, because it is giving reasons why the

internet causes trolling behavior.
C. No, because it is a repetition of the same
idea in the following sentence.
D. No, because it is a general statement
about trolling.

April 2021
Some studies even showed that trolls have predisposing 17.A. NO CHANGE
personal and biological traits, such as sadism and [17] a B. a proclivity for seeking
propensity for seek excessive stimulation. [18] C. a liking to seek
However, one study found that people with no biological D. an inclination in seeking
predisposition can be influenced to troll under the right
circumstances in an online community. By analyzing 16
B. Moreover,
million comments made on a news website and
C. Similarly,
conducting an online controlled experiment, [19] two
D. Consequently,
key factors that can lead ordinary people to troll were
B. two key factors, that can lead ordinary
Six hundred sixty-seven participants were recruited
people to troll, were identified.
through an online crowdsourcing platform and asked to
C. two key factors that can lead ordinary
first take a quiz, then read an article and engage in
people to troll were identified.
discussion. Every participant saw the same article, but
D. two key factors that can lead ordinary
some were given a discussion that had started with
people to troll, were identified..
comments by trolls, whereas others saw neutral
comments instead. Here, trolling was defined using 20.A. NO CHANGE
standard community categories—for example, name- B. were put
calling, profanity, racism, or harassment. C. have been put
The first factor that seems to influence trolling is a D. put
person’s mood. In the experiment, people [20] had been 21. The author is thinking of adding a sentence at
put into negative moods were much more likely to start this point for additional support. Which
sentence works best?
trolling. It was also discovered that trolling ebbs and
flows with the time of day and day of the week, in sync
with natural human mood patterns. [21] B. Trolling is most frequent late at night, and
least frequent in the morning.

C. Trolling also can differ in severity, from

swearing to targeted bullying, which
necessitates different responses.

D. Trolling can end up becoming the norm in

communities if left unchecked.

April 2021
Moreover, a negative mood appeared to persist 22.A. NO CHANGE
beyond the events that brought about those feelings. B. compared to a troll comment.
Suppose that a person participates in a discussion where C. compared to the context of the discussion.
other people wrote troll comments. If that person goes D. compared to a discussion that starts with a
on to participate in an unrelated discussion, he or she is troll comment.
more likely to troll in that discussion too.
The second factor is the context of a discussion. If a
discussion begins with a troll comment, then it is twice
as likely to be trolled by other participants later on, [22]
compared to a discussion that does not start with a troll
comment. In fact, these troll comments can add up. The
more troll comments in a discussion, the more likely that
future participants will also troll the discussion.
Altogether, these results show how the initial comments
in a discussion set a strong, lasting precedent for later

April 2021
Questions 23-33 are based on the following 23.A. NO CHANGE
passage. B. established
Invasive Species C. establishment
D. establish
In order to develop predictive theories, invasion
biologists have made several attempts to explain
B. Scientists found only a few theories after
why certain species have been successful in [23]
critically reviewing them for predictive
establishing locations. [24] After critically
reviewing these theories, scientists found only a
C. Finding a small number of them to be of any
few of them to contain any predictive value. They
predictive value, scientists critically
identified three levels of characteristics: species-
reviewed a diverse number of these theories.
level characteristics, e.g. body size, reproductive
D. Scientists have critically reviewed these
rate, geographic range, and [25] habitat breadth,
theories and found only a few to have
location-level characteristics, e.g. climate,
predictive value.
structure and composition of the native habitat,
and latitude; event-level characteristics, e.g.
B. habitat breadth location-level characteristics,
number of individuals released, and date of
e.g. climate, structure and composition of the
native habitat, and latitude;
Event-level characteristics are much more
C. habitat breadth; location-level
important than [26] species and location. By far
characteristics, e.g. climate, structure and
the most important characteristic appears to be the
composition of the native habitat, and
number of introductions of a species and the
number of individuals released. This single factor
D. habitat breadth: location-level
explains much of the variation in the presence of
characteristics, e.g. climate, structure and
non-native species.
composition of the native habitat, and

B. species and location-level characteristics.
C. species and location of characteristic.
D. species-level and location-level.

April 2021
One of the few species-level characteristics that 27.A. NO CHANGE
appears to have explanatory power is the climate B. breathe
and habitat [27] breadth of the species. Another C. breathing
relevant characteristic is behavioral flexibility: the D. breath
ability of the species to adapt to new food
resources or ecological conditions. Generalist,
B. be
widespread species have a better chance of being
C. became
introduced and [28] become established.
D. becoming

29. Which statement best interprets the graph?

A. Of the 1170 species which are non-native to
the Netherlands, land animals, land plants,
arthropods and fungi represent the largest
groups, while only small numbers of
nematodes and aquatic plants are non-native.

B. Aquatic species, land plants, arthropods and

fungi represent the largest groups, while only
small numbers of nematodes and land
animals are non-native.

C. Aquatic species represent the largest group,

while only small numbers of fungi and land
animals are non-native.

D. Aquatic species, land plants, arthropods and

fungi represent the largest groups.

April 2021
The Netherlands has always had excellent water 30. Which wording is most consistent with the
paragraph as a whole?
connections to the European hinterland: mainly the
rivers Rhine and Meuse. These rivers create a
B. entrance
permanent [30] acceptance of water species,
C. influx
occasionally including non-native species. Another
D. arrival
important pathway for non-native species is
aquaculture. Lots of water plants and animals are 31.A. NO CHANGE
imported for use in Dutch aquaria and ponds. In B. has increased
addition, fish species are introduced for angling. C. is increasing
The number of non-native freshwater species [31] D. had increased
have increased strongly over the past decades. 32. Which statement best interprets the graph?
Many macroinvertebrates, fish and water plants A. For macroinvertebrates the main donor
have been introduced by human activity, mainly areas are North America and the Ponto-
the trade of plants and fish for use in ponds, the Caspian area.
release of fish species for angling purposes, the B. Important donor areas for fish are North
construction of the Main-Donau canal, and the America, the Ponto-Caspian area, and Asia.
discharge of ballast water. C. Most water plants have their origin in North
After the opening of the Rhine-Main Danube and South America.
waterway, the southern corridor became the D. Most water plants have their origin in Asia
principal corridor for the spread of non-native and Europe.
macroinvertebrates to the River Rhine.

April 2021
Up to now, the dispersal of only a few non-native 33. The author wants to replace the underlined
sentence with one of the following.
species was related to the Southwestern and
Which sentence works best?
Mediterranean corridors. Another important
pathway for macroinvertebrates is the import from
B. The majority of species originate from
North America.
temperate areas, and this is well
Some non-native species of fish have been
present in the Netherlands for a long time. [33]
C. The construction of the Main-Donau canal
Macroinvertebrates and water plants are much less
has caused a major increase in the number
than non-native fish species which make up 30%.
of non-native macroinvertebrate and fish
After 1990, again a fair amount of non-native fish
species was introduced, mainly as a result of trade
D. These species are still intentionally being
in pond fish.
released for amateur fishing.
As for water plants, the main pathway (75% of
which are non-native species) is escape from
gardens, ponds or aquaria. Although most non-
native water plants do not cause any problems,
some species proliferate.

April 2021
Questions 34-44 are based on the following 34.A. NO CHANGE
passage. B. AARON. While Leonel Moura argues that
since his “Artbots” generate pictures from
Can Artificial Intelligence Make Art without emergent properties,
Artists? C. AARON; while Leonel Moura argues that
since his “Artbots” generate pictures from
The question of whether machines can make art
emergent properties,
provokes very different answers from pioneers in
D. AARON: while Leonel Moura argues that
the field. Harold Cohen refuses to ascribe creativity
since his “Artbots” generate pictures from
to his art-making robot [34] AARON, while Leonel
emergent properties
Moura argues that since his “Artbots” generate
pictures from emergent properties that could not 35.A. NO CHANGE
have been predicted by their creator, “they have at B. elucidation
least some degree of creativity.” Although the C. impasse
question of whether machines can be artists seems D. headway
to fall squarely on our definition of the latter, a
solution to this philosophical [35] tenet may
B. Harold Cohen collaborated with a computer
ironically lie in redirecting the question away from
program dubbed AARON for 50 years and
the artist and toward the viewer.
with a refined code to produce drawings and
[36] For 50 years, Harold Cohen collaborated paintings which interested him and a large
with a computer program he dubbed AARON. public.
Gradually, he refined its code to produce drawings. C. During his 50-year collaboration with a
Later, he created paintings which grabbed his computer program he dubbed AARON,
interest and that of a large public. Harold Cohen gradually refined its code to
produce drawings, and later paintings, of
increasing interest to Cohen and to a large
D. For 50 years, and with the help of a computer
program dubbed AARON, Harold Cohen
produced drawings and paintings which he
produced using refined programming code
that interested him and a large public.

April 2021
Over the years, Cohen also redefined [37] its own 37.A. NO CHANGE
role, which shifted from a programmer, who sets B. his
rules for AARON, to follow to a co-producer, who C. their
serves as colorist for AARON’s designs. Along D. our
with his own experience as an artist, five decades of
working with a computational machine to produce
B. to judge. Whether
art made Cohen especially qualified [38] to judge,
C. to judge; whether
whether an artificial intelligence can be considered
D. to judge whether
an artist in its own right. Despite admitting the
critical role AARON has played in his life as an
B. willing to grant
artist, Cohen seemed [39] reluctant to grant his
C. impassioned about granting
robotic partner the status of an artist to the extent
D. exuberant about granting
that he disqualifies a number of [40] procedure
aspect of artistry that can be modeled in computer 40.A. NO CHANGE
code. Instead of talking about AARON as an B. procedures aspect
individual artist, Cohen speaks about this C. procedural aspects
collaboration in terms that highlight the personal D. procedural aspect
nature of this human-machine relationship; 41. The author would like to express that Cohen does
Cohen characterizes the artistic potential of not believe that computers have free will and the
ability to be creative.
machines not in their intrinsic artistry but in their
Which choice best conveys this?
special collaborations with humans, as in his own
relationship with AARON. [41] He considers the
B. The time will come when machines could
attempt to model human creativity on a computer a
make art independent of human agency and
vain effort and throws a wet blanket on the
computers will be able to model human
possibility of machine made art.
C. There is a possibility that art will be born of
an autonomous machine and their creative
ability is inevitable.
D. He dislikes the word “creative” and considers
robots’ attempts to model human creativity
acts of aesthetic free will.

April 2021
Artist Leonel Moura, by comparison, is a newer 42.A. NO CHANGE
recruit to the machine-human boundary. Moura B. produces
began experimenting with artificial intelligence and C. is producing
robotic art in the late 1990s, and since the 2000s D. has produced
[42] produced mobile robots that make drawings
43. The author wants to show that Moura’s artwork
based on color density. These robots’ dynamic is is a result of a group of robots. Which word is
most effective?
collective rather than individual. Moura releases a
[43] collection of them onto a plastic canvas, each
B. swarm
armed with ink of a different color and a color
C. company
sensor that helps its on-board software decide when
D. gathering
to mark the PVC surface. The result is a
multicolored drawing emerging from hundreds of 44.A. NO CHANGE
such individual [44] strokes for Moura. Whether his B. strokes, for Moura, whether
art is made with or without machines is C. strokes: for Moura, whether
unimportant, so long as it is accepted by the art D. strokes. For Moura, whether
world’s gatekeepers.

April 2021

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