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MENTAL ABILITY TEST(MARATHD) NMMS-VIII-M1 NATIONAL MBANS CUM MERIT SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME EXAMINATION 2019-20 wera onfite ater wew froortardl forage ara what 2044-70 ceNtrecopesaaene | | [| [| [ SEATNO, area arr | L L QUESTION BOOKLE1 wert MENTAL ABILITY TEST afer aaa aravit CLASS VIIL/ gat cat MEDIUM : MARATHI ( ®atét ) WITH ENGLISH VERSION [Date : 08th December, 2019] [fant : o¢ fedex, 20%e] [Time ; 10:30 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.] [8% : 20:30 A.M. @ 22:00 P.M.] Maximum Marks : 80 TEN IT: Ge Total Pages : 36 WaT TR: BGINSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Read the following instructions carefully before you answer the questions. 1 . Do not write anything except Center Code, Answers are to be bubbled only on the separate carbonless answer-sheet provided to you, After examination detach the carbonless copy from original OMR & keep carbonless copy with you till the declaration of result Please write your Center Code & Seat No. very clearly (only one digit in one block) on question paper. Before writing your seat no, ascertained it with Hall ticket. Please see that no block is left blank or unfilled, Example - CENTER CODE 2]; 1}o]2 SEAT NO M/3|3 |9]2]/0 Please ensure that you have received Mental Ability Test answer sheet. Total number of questions are 90 for this paper. All questions carry one mark each All questions are compulsory. For each questions there are.four options given in question paper. Check for the correct answer and bubble correct option from four circles given in answer sheet by Black/Blue pen. Please do not write any answers on question Papers. Start answering from first question one after the other till last question, IE you do not know the answer to any question, do not spend much time on it and pass on to the next one. Time permitting you can come back to the questions which vou have left in the first instance and try them again. Utilize the alloted time for solving the questions in best possible way. The rough Work is to be done in the box given under each page. Seat No. and rough work anywhere in this booklet. NMMS-MAT- 1] vit[ MrWieneitarst yar Trarita, west da diearin a anda woe seahorse Fe widen frererria cae war aes dard, & TR ec adaie safer ned ania weriften qegesren fetea fated feat were’ fee. (wan stadia wre ote aN) ae SRA aie fafevarpat art aaa are. ‘sarecmet:— CENTRE CODE #4 Whar] 2 | a [> 3 SEAT NO. BT HUH IM | 212 18) zfof ee folraprl ess 2 Geren sat aiefawrraet atfga san arity (Mental Ability Test) 4a saa fro at at ait are. % We farqeet
4 Answer Figure qd) Question Figure @ 24 FF 9 * 2 vost a Answer Figure a) le ln} x to wt Is qd) (2) (3) (4) Q. 8 to 10 Directions :- In the following questions a specific group of numbers is given from the given alternatives find out the right number which matches the given group. 8. 132, 473, 594 (1) 147 (2) 342 (3) 253 (4) 584 9. 721, 636, 749 (i) 311 (2) 836 (3) $47 (4) 668 10. 32-80, 26-65, 42-105 () 14-33 (2), 18-45 3) 10-35 (4) 16-42 SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 6 NMMS-MAT-19 VI] ML6 Fe aE eo af 9 > 8 4 iat Bi i SK op FA sx a+ 4) +o lot Is ay (2) 3) (4) Wr 8 a 10 Gan— gat: Wie wea Feria cH faiyme ne fren oat. feden vatadite: ue wala er on mete aesch ot air uate farm. 8. 132, 473, 594 (1) 147 (2) 342 (3) 253 (4) 584 9. 721, 636, 749 dy 3i1 (2) 836 (3) 547 (4) 668 10. 32-80, 26-65, 42-105 (ly 14-33 (2) 18-45 G) 1045 A) lod? aay MRTOTATSY Ww A NMMS MA‘-19[ VII[ MI | :Q. If to 13 Directions : Find the odd figure. qd) (2) (3) (4) -NNNS lo a (2) (3) (4) 13, a) Q) QB) @ Q 14 to 17 Directions : Write which letter in the given sequence replaces the question mark. 14. AZ, CX, FU? () R (2) KP (3) JQ (4) RS 15. CT, HP, ML, PH,? (1) DW (2) TD QG) VE (4) WD 16. MNO, KPQ, IRS, GTU,? (1) EVU (2) EVW (3) FUT (4) DwWx 17. AYC, DVF, GSI,? (1) JPL (2) KOM (3) QKO (4) LPY ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK . NMMS-MAT-19] VII] MIWT 11 813 Ber ferns aapait sitosea, AB TP ) Q) id) »QINISIK . z fo” mM © a) “) XT] [7PX) AK Bm ICN) Ke mM @ 3) “w We 14 4017 Geat— wa Ser set Ata? 14. AZ, CX, FU? () IR (2) KP (3) JQ 15. CT, HP, ML, PH,? (ly DW (2) TD (3) VE 16. MNO, KPQ, IRS, GTU,? (1) EVU (2) EVW (3) FUT 17. AYC, DVF, GSI,? () JPL. (2) KOM @) QKO (4) WD (4) DWX 4) LPL ree wArararst wat NMMS-MAT-19] VIII] MIQ. 18 and 19 Directions :- The following figure is foldéd form a cube. Observe the figure and answer the following questions, A wlo]ol= 18, Which letter will be in front of letter A () D (2) @ ne QB 19. Which of the following letter will not be adjacent to E ? aA QB 3) ¢ (4) F @ D Q. 20 to 23 Directions : Write which number in the given sequence replaces the question mark. 20. 32, 38, 42, 44,7 (1) 48 (2) 6 24. 6, 7, 16, 51,? () 153 (25204 22. 2, 6, 14, 30,? (1) 46 (2)162 23. 31, 35, 43, 50,? (1) 38 (Qyor (3) 50 (3) 208 (3) 44 (3) 55 (4) 52 (4) 156 (4) 64 (4) 60 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK NMMS-MAT-19 Vit} M1wer 18 3 19 Yen wes ele erect sr armen Sere Hes St HF mare ures wate sat feet mlolole 18. A SATE BTA ae Ake? () D (2c 19, ERR saesat aor sae ao are? aya (2) B wet 20 423 Gan eR eefeard ont sto he ade? 20. 32, 38, 42, 44,2 (1) 48 (2) 46 21. 6, 7, 16, S1,? (a) 153 (2) 204 22. 2, 6, 14, 30,2 a) 46 (2) 62 23, 31, 35, 43, 50,7 a) 58 (2) 57 GB) B yrs @ é (3) §0,- (3) 208: (3) 442 (3) 551° (4) F @D (4) 52 (4) 156 (4) 64 (4) 60 oar amend wat NMMS-MAT-19] VIIT} MiQ. 24 and 25 Directions :- Observe the following figure and! answer the following questions by choosing the correct alterantive given below. 24. Find the number of squares in the figure. () 16 (2) 14 (3) 12 (4) 10 25. Find the number of rectangles which are not squares. () 10 (2) 12 @) 14 (4) 16 Q. 26 to 28 Direetions :- In the following Venn diagram, square represents painter, circle represents singer, triangle respresents the artists those who play instruments and rectangle represents gents artists. Answer the following questions. 26. Which letter represents only gents artists who are good in painting, singing and playing instruments ? a) B Q)H G)G I SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK NMMS-MAT-19] VII] MI24, tad for sree fda wer erate wet ont vata fast (1) srpdidtes strait sen far? Q) 16 (2) 14 (3) 12 (4) 10 25, dea qadea arith sen ferdi? () 10 (2) 12 (3) 14 (4) 16 wet 26 % 28 qa arte oneeia dee a Reena Pree ome. age tora freee ant. fran a amoreatn frie ona apr a yestar fee ae. eter werd] sat fore. loa 7 ea 26, faawen, Te 3 aaa fie’ Hen See see Tee Fie se aaa sea? (dy B Q)H 3) G ad wea errat waT NMMS-MAT-19] VIII] MI27. Which letter represents only gents artists who are good'in painting and singing but not good in playing instruments ? Mi Q2)G G3) B (4) D 28. Which leter indicates only gents artists who are good only in painting ? Ms @ 3) B (4) Q. 29 and 30 Directions :- Which of the following figures represents the following elements ? 29. Students, Women, Players aO)e (3) (Q) od >Oe »@Q) «HB Q. 31 and 32 Directions :- Three different positions of a cube are shown in the figure. Observe the figure and answer the following questions. 5 30. Gents, lawyer, reader 1 w 4 0 Gi 31. In the fig. (ii) which number is there at the base face of the cube ? agi (2)2 (3) 5 (4) 6 ‘SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK a NMMS-MAT-19 | VIII] M127. FRE a aR atta, SHE area afta, SA GeN eT ARTA eae ATA? aot (YG G) B (4) D 28. war faxawen Ad sa yea wien star
% (Dio 2 Qa “Wd 66. 234 St Sia > ay ast a 1 (4) 100 67. 31 32 W032 wow Qe a) 144 (4) 108 Q. 68 to 71 Directions Find the odd term, 68. (1) KD 2) RL «@) MT (4) OH 6% (1) TC (2) OD (3) FL (4) PE 70. (1) PLUS (2) ONE (4) UNO 71. (1) RMS (2) ND& 43) VEO (4) VAHL Q. 72 to 75 Directions := In the following, questions each letter is coded with the digt's from 0 to 9, If YE x ME Choose the correct alternative for the following questions 72. Find the value of E. a2 Qa we PACE FOR ROL 2% —_ NwMS MAT 19 [vin] |wet 64 3 67 qam- wie wala iter vera Gea veil war dae ait waa Hay fea a then vei ont ah oade aie weafaered ari ara wai frac: 6.37: 220 42? (1) 24 (2) 12 (3) 09 (4) 20 65.720: 44 2 2 526 (1) 36 (2) 22 (3) 37 (4) 72 66. 234: 81: Sid :? (1) 91 (2) 81 (3) 121 (4) 100 67. 31: 520: 72:9 qa) 7 (2) 142 (3) 144 (4) 108 wr 68 971 Gem— fara we vie. 68. (1) KD (2) RL (3) MT (4) OH 69. (1) TC 2) OD 3) Pl (4) PE 70. (1) PLUS (2) ONE (3), NAME (4) UNO 71. (1) RMS (2) ND8 (3) VFI9 (4) VHI4 WA 72 975 Feat- ae wie wee war 0 do aaa dee sade aT YEx ME =TIT @ Yaa weaadt ari wis Far, 72. Ea fed fed srde? (ly 2 (2)3 G)7 (4) 9 Rea STATS We NMMS-MAT-19] VU] ML 2773. 74. 75. Find the value of Y. ay 0 (2) 2 B) Sey 4) 6 Find the value of T. a) 6 (2)7 (3) 8. a9 Find the value of E+ M+T+ Y a) 20 2) 21 (3) 35 ay 49 Q. 76 and 77 Directions :- In the following examples one number in cach row is in bracket, 76. 77. Numbers outside the bratket have some specifié relation with the number inside the bracket. Find the relatiSh ‘and replace the question mark from the alternatives given below : 23(108)29 17(63)19 31(2)37 (1) 68 (2) 63 (3) 57 (4) 40 63(78)24 33(47)41 13(2)65 a) 87 (2) 78 (3) 69 (4) 43 Q. 78 and 79 Directions :- Raju starts moving towards North-East and walks 7 km. Then 78. he turns to South-West and walks 8 km. Now he turns to North-West and walks 3 bir After taking right turn at this point he walks | km and stops. Then answer the followine questions. To which direction he is from the origin ? (1) North-East (2) South-West (3) South-East (4) North-West FOR ROUGH WORK — NMMS-MAT-19| VII] M173. Yt firma fart order? a) o (2) 2 (3) 5 (4) 6 74, TS fra fedt orate? (ad) 6 (2)7 (3) 8 4) 9 78. E+M+T+Y
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