Slot Recovery

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Slot recovery operation summary

 Cutting multistring casing (9 5/8 & 13 3/8 & 24 ) .

 Retrieving the cut off joints .

 Preparing DCS for running .

 Adjust DCS high side to 50 degree azimuth and sting in

9 5/8 stub and Sting in with 20 conductor in DCS .
Equipment on rig for service company

 Borais .
 Weatherford ( handling EQ , MSC ,fishing equipment )
 Medico ( cold cutter &nut splitter & high torque wrench ).
 Gesco (welding –hammering ).
 XLS equipment .
 Fugro ( ROV ).
Borais equipment

Control panel Guillotine pipe saw Dual pin drill

Hydraulic hoses DCS Power unit

13 3/8 Weatherford handling EQ
Side door elevator Spider elevator Multistring cutter ( MSC)

Slips & safety clamp Power tong


Power unit hammer type S-90

XLS Equipment
Side door elevator Bull tongue Bowl ( false rotary table )

Slips & safety clamp Drive sub Rotary centralizer

Fugro ROV
Cutting multistring casing
(9 5/8 & 13 3/8 & 24 ) .
How to cut multi string casing

 It can be cut :-
 internally using
weatherford multi string
 external cut using
Borais Guillotine pipe saw .
How does MSC work ??!!
Cutting 9 5/8 casing

 8 ¼ ‘’ OD cutter dressed with 5.63 ‘’ knifes ( maximum
knife sweep 12 inch )
 8 stabilizer .
 Drill pipe to surface .
 Indication for cutting : pressure and torque drop .
 Back mill 2 ft window to enable cutting 13 3/8 casing .
 9 5 /8 cutting and window milling is done after 4 runs
with 8 ‘’ OD with 5.63 knifes for M120-255 well .
How to secure 24 conductor and 13 3/8

 Install braden head running tool , connect it to braden

head and space out to have stick up above rig floor ,
apply 150 klb O/P and set it in slips .
 Weld wedges to braden head and 24 conductor .
 Connect slings by shackles from conductor to pistons
below rig floor (secondary tension system )
Securing 13 3/8 casing with

Apply over pull on 13 3/8 casing by Braden head running tool connected to
150 klbs . braden head
Securing 24 conductor

Secure 24 conductor with two Weld wedges in 24 conductor to

slings to piston below rig floor braden head
Cutting 13 3/8

 8 ¼ ‘’ OD cutter dressed with8.5‘’ knifes ( maximum nife
sweep 16 inch )
 8 3/8 stabilizer .
 Drill pipe to surface .
 RIH and confirm cut depth by pressure drop from 840 psi
to 30 psi !@ 116 GPM .

 Back mill 2 ft , 13 3/8 was cut by first run

 After pooh with MSC try to pull 13 3/8 with weatherford
spider elevator to 200 over pull , pipe not free .
Cutting 24 conductor

 RIH with 8 ¼ “ MSC dressed with 18 ½ knives

( maximum knife sweep 30’’).
 While attempting to rotate the string it became stall out
 RIH with 8 ¼ MSC dressed with 16 ‘’ knives to smooth
13 3/8 window .
 RIH with MSC dressed with 18 ½ knives (maximum
knife sweep 29’’).
 ROV is launched and observed that a window is cut in
24 conductor due to multi string casing eccentricity .
 RIH again with MSC dressed with 20.13 knives with 41 ‘’
maximum sweep , ROV confirmed that 24 conductor is
totally cut .
Pictures of the condition of the 24” CP cutting while using 18.5”
Length of Knives (29” OD Sweep). ROV measured cut point 8 ft
from seabed. As seen , string is eccentric so a window is cut .
Window heading 120-160
Picture from ROV after retrieving the cut off . As observed 9 5/8
plugged with marine growth and cement , string is eccentric with
heading 140 – 160 .
Retrieving the cut off joints
pull multi string cut off 5 ft above production deck and apply 40
klb tension on slings connected to conductor by secondary
tension system ,cut 7x7 window in string with torch welding and
jack hammer and install 4 1/8 safety pin to secure string

Safety pin
1. pull multistring casing above rotary table

2. cut two 4 ¼ holes in the multi string casing using dual

pin cutter .
3. install transporting bar 4 1/8 to secure the multistring
casing and to be used for lifting .
4. cut the multi string casing using guillotine pipe saw and
lay down the cut off joint
5. install lifting bar and pull the multistring casing 30 ft
(depends on expected weight of cut off and safe
working load of slings used to lay it down ) above rotary
table and repeat these steps for the rest cut off joints .
1 2

Pull the cut off above rotary Cut 4 ¼ hole with dual pin
table drill

3 4 5

Install 4 1/8 transporting Cut the cut off with guillotine Install lifting bar to the next
pipe saw , and lay it down joint and repeat these steps
Laying down cut off
Cut off NO Length( ft ) Weight (ton)

1 7 1.5

2 30 8

3 25 6.5

4 25 6.5

5 25 6
Pictures of cut off joints
How to determine angle between rig
heading and point of eccentricity

 Rig heading is transferred Rig heading

to rig floor and then to
platform using laser
before cutting multistring
casing .
 Make scribe line to all cut
off joints till the last cut off
 At the top of last cut off ,
draw scribe line and
determine point of Eccentricity point
eccentricity and distance
between them .
 Angle = (distance/ 2 *¶ * R) * 360
 Eccentricity heading found
to be 180
Preparing DCS for running
DCS ( deflecting conductor sleeve )

 DCS comes to rig as 3 joints with total length 77 ft , one

of these joints is welded at main deck , other is welded at
rig floor
 DCS consists three joints :
 bottom part 19.40 ( with 4 ft skirt )
 middle joint 20 ft
 upper joint 37.8 ft
 DCS can be run with stinger or skirt
DCS with skirt before and after welding


After Before
DCS with stinger before and after welding


After Before
Upper & middle DCS joints lower DCS joint

3 ft X 5 inch stinger 4 ft X 30 inch skirt

Weld pad eyes middle joint for lifting Weld top joint to 24 joint with PDL

DCS After welding Weld bottom joint to middle one

 It is better to run DCS with skirt as It is easier to swallow
24 stub with 30 skirt than stinging in 9 5/8 casing with 5
stinger .
From ROV and last cut off joint , the multistring casing
is eccentric so it is difficult to sting in with 5 stinger
cellar deck clamp was 24 inch only so it is difficult to run
DCS with skirt too .
To remove cellar clamp , as it is overboard , we need
rope access crew or to build scaffolding . It will waste
time and there is no weather window , so decision made
to try to run DCS with stinger .
Eccentricity of multi string casing from
ROV and last cut off joint
How to adjust position of stinger before
welding it on bottom of DCS
 Borais engineer extends rig
heading (94 ) scribe line to the
last cut off , from the bottom of
the last cut off joint , measure
the distance between scribe line
and center of eccentricity
 On the bottom of the DCS draw
line representing high side of
DCS , this line represent 50
degree from north ( required
tool face for DCS as per
program ) , move 44 degree
from this line to determine rig
heading (94 ) , after determining
94 degree line , transfer the
same measurements on the
bottom of the last cut off to the
bottom of DCS ( all this
measurements and drawings is
done by BORAIS engineer ) .
Stinger position Rig heading

DCS high side

Wait 12 hrs for
inspection Weld DCS at rig floor

Perform magnetic particle

inspection ( MPI ) Cut excess part
final DCS BHA
5 7/8 DP
6 5/8 REG X 5 7/8 VX 57

24 XLF X 6 5/8 REG x-OVER

24 X38.48 ft

24 x 13.2 FT joint

24 X 77 ft DCS

5 X 3 stinger
Adjust DCS high side to 50 degree azimuth and sting in
9 5/8 stub .
Pull DCS above rotary table , paint stinger with white
color for better ROV vision , draw scribe line to high
side of DCS , extend this scribe line to all joints

Scribe line to
last DP

50 degree with
true north

Draw scribe line to DCS high Extend scribe line to

side all DCS joints
Try to sting in with 5 inch stinger several times
till it is stabbed in 9 5/8 but DCS rested on 13 3/8
cut off , DD oriented tool face to 50 at rig floor
after ROV survey DSC tool face confirmed to be

DSC high side @


DCS rested on 13 3/8 stub, 2 ft of stinger
inside 9 5/8 and 1 ft above it , slack off
string weight on it and secure it at
production deck by welding .
Securing DSC by welding it to production
deck and cut it 1 ft above it

welding DCS TO
AND cutting IT above
production deck
 Pull the cut off , rig down XLS 24 handling equipment
and rig up XLS 20 inch handling equipment .
 RIH with 20 conductor till it is out of DCS , launch ROV
to check conductor direction when it is out of DCS .
 20 conductor slided to 90 degree azimuth . Tried to
orient it back to 50 degree azimuth with no success
 weld DCS to 20 conductor at production deck , cut
welding between DCS and production deck , secure
DCS with wires to pistons below rig floor , rotate DCS
while ROV is checking 20 conductor heading till have it
at 40 to 60 degree .
slack off all conductor weight and secure DCS by
welding to production deck .
20 conductor slided to the right to 90
degree azimuth
20 conductor

Platform leg bracing

Welding 24 DCS to 20 conductor and
securing them by slings to secondary
tension system below rig floor
Pictures from ROV as
the final position of 20
conductor to DCS

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