Slot Recovery
Slot Recovery
Slot Recovery
Borais .
Weatherford ( handling EQ , MSC ,fishing equipment )
Medico ( cold cutter &nut splitter & high torque wrench ).
Gesco (welding –hammering ).
XLS equipment .
Fugro ( ROV ).
Borais equipment
It can be cut :-
internally using
weatherford multi string
external cut using
Borais Guillotine pipe saw .
How does MSC work ??!!
Cutting 9 5/8 casing
8 ¼ ‘’ OD cutter dressed with 5.63 ‘’ knifes ( maximum
knife sweep 12 inch )
8 stabilizer .
Drill pipe to surface .
Indication for cutting : pressure and torque drop .
Back mill 2 ft window to enable cutting 13 3/8 casing .
9 5 /8 cutting and window milling is done after 4 runs
with 8 ‘’ OD with 5.63 knifes for M120-255 well .
How to secure 24 conductor and 13 3/8
Apply over pull on 13 3/8 casing by Braden head running tool connected to
150 klbs . braden head
Securing 24 conductor
8 ¼ ‘’ OD cutter dressed with8.5‘’ knifes ( maximum nife
sweep 16 inch )
8 3/8 stabilizer .
Drill pipe to surface .
RIH and confirm cut depth by pressure drop from 840 psi
to 30 psi !@ 116 GPM .
Safety pin
1. pull multistring casing above rotary table
Pull the cut off above rotary Cut 4 ¼ hole with dual pin
table drill
3 4 5
Install 4 1/8 transporting Cut the cut off with guillotine Install lifting bar to the next
pipe saw , and lay it down joint and repeat these steps
Laying down cut off
Cut off NO Length( ft ) Weight (ton)
1 7 1.5
2 30 8
3 25 6.5
4 25 6.5
5 25 6
Pictures of cut off joints
How to determine angle between rig
heading and point of eccentricity
After Before
DCS with stinger before and after welding
After Before
Upper & middle DCS joints lower DCS joint
24 X38.48 ft
24 x 13.2 FT joint
24 X 77 ft DCS
5 X 3 stinger
Adjust DCS high side to 50 degree azimuth and sting in
9 5/8 stub .
Pull DCS above rotary table , paint stinger with white
color for better ROV vision , draw scribe line to high
side of DCS , extend this scribe line to all joints
Scribe line to
last DP
50 degree with
true north
DCS rested on 13 3/8 stub, 2 ft of stinger
inside 9 5/8 and 1 ft above it , slack off
string weight on it and secure it at
production deck by welding .
Securing DSC by welding it to production
deck and cut it 1 ft above it
welding DCS TO
AND cutting IT above
production deck
Pull the cut off , rig down XLS 24 handling equipment
and rig up XLS 20 inch handling equipment .
RIH with 20 conductor till it is out of DCS , launch ROV
to check conductor direction when it is out of DCS .
20 conductor slided to 90 degree azimuth . Tried to
orient it back to 50 degree azimuth with no success
weld DCS to 20 conductor at production deck , cut
welding between DCS and production deck , secure
DCS with wires to pistons below rig floor , rotate DCS
while ROV is checking 20 conductor heading till have it
at 40 to 60 degree .
slack off all conductor weight and secure DCS by
welding to production deck .
20 conductor slided to the right to 90
degree azimuth
20 conductor
Welding 24 DCS to 20 conductor and
securing them by slings to secondary
tension system below rig floor
Pictures from ROV as
the final position of 20
conductor to DCS