Elgg - Ubuntu Installation Procedure
Elgg - Ubuntu Installation Procedure
Elgg - Ubuntu Installation Procedure
3. Install php and other required modules using the following command :
5. Apache rewrite module should be enabled for elgg to work, use the following command :
9. Extract the files and rename the folder name to “elgg”, now move the “elgg” folder to
/var/www/ folder.
10. Elgg needs a special folder to store uploaded files including profile icons and photos, so
create a folder named “data” in the “/var/www/” folder, using the following command :
11. Give the permissions for the “elgg” and “data” folders using the following commands :
find the following line “$CONFIG->dbname” and enter the database name created in
find the following line “$CONFIG->dbhost” and enter hostname.(If installing in local
machine, enter “localhost”)
find the following line “$CONFIG->dbprefix” and enter the prefix for the tables to be
15. Rename the “htaccess_dist” file to “.htaccess” in the following folder “/var/ww/elgg/”.
16. Edit the “.htaccess” file from the “/var/www/elgg/” folder an find the lines “#RewriteBase /”
and change it as “RewriteBase /elgg/”.
17. Now restart the apache server.
18. Once all steps are performed, enter the site address in the web browser
(Ex. http:/localhost/elgg).
19. Elgg will take you through the rest of the installation process from there. The first account
that you create at the end of the installation process will be an administrator account.