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OrangeHRM FRS New

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1. Admin - User Management (Amrit).....................................................................................................

Add Users................................................................................................................................................4
Filter User................................................................................................................................................7
Edit User..................................................................................................................................................8
Delete users...........................................................................................................................................10
How to delete an incorrect Item from a List?...................................................................................10
User List configuration...........................................................................................................................11
Create User Roles..................................................................................................................................12
Add User Role...................................................................................................................................15
Assigning User Roles..............................................................................................................................17
2. Admin – Jobs (Amrit).........................................................................................................................19
Add Job Title..........................................................................................................................................19
Add Salary Components........................................................................................................................20
Add Pay Grades.....................................................................................................................................22
Add Employment Status........................................................................................................................24
Add Job Categories................................................................................................................................26
Work Shifts............................................................................................................................................28
Add Work Shifts............................................................................................................................29
Selecting Time...............................................................................................................................30
3. Admin– Organization (Vishnu)...........................................................................................................31
Add General Information.......................................................................................................................31
Add Locations........................................................................................................................................32
Filter Locations.................................................................................................................................35
Add Sub Unit..........................................................................................................................................37
Edit a Sub Unit.....................................................................................................................................39
How to Add a Cost Center.....................................................................................................................41
EEO Reports...........................................................................................................................................44
4. Admin– Qualification (Vishnu)..........................................................................................................47
5. Admin – Nationalities .......................................................................................................................53
6. Admin – Announcements ()...............................................................................................................54
How to Publish News.............................................................................................................................54
Publish News.........................................................................................................................................55
How to Publish Documents...................................................................................................................56
Document Categories............................................................................................................................59
Filter Document Category.................................................................................................................60
7. PIM – Configurations (Meenakshi)....................................................................................................60
Enable Optional Fields...........................................................................................................................60
Add Custom Fields.................................................................................................................................62
Filter Custom Field Sections...................................................................................................................66
Add Reporting Methods........................................................................................................................67
Add Employee Wizard...........................................................................................................................69
Add Termination Reasons......................................................................................................................71
Add Document Templates.....................................................................................................................73
8. PIM - Employee List (Meenakshi)......................................................................................................75
Employee List........................................................................................................................................75
Add an Employee...................................................................................................................................77
Add Employee.......................................................................................................................................78
View/Edit Employee Profile...................................................................................................................81
Terminate Employee.............................................................................................................................82
Bulk Update Employees.........................................................................................................................85
Selecting Employees.........................................................................................................................85
Selecting Fields to update.................................................................................................................86
Edit Inline..........................................................................................................................................87
Bulk Update (Batch Update).............................................................................................................88
9. Reports..............................................................................................................................................89
Custom Reports.....................................................................................................................................89
Display Chart.....................................................................................................................................93
Bar Chart.........................................................................................................................................95
Pie Chart..........................................................................................................................................96
10. Leave ()..........................................................................................................................................97
Apply Leave...........................................................................................................................................97
Partial Days.......................................................................................................................................99
Leave Nominee...............................................................................................................................100
My Leave.............................................................................................................................................101
Manage Leave Entitlements...........................................................................................................106
Search Entitlements........................................................................................................................107
Add Entitlements............................................................................................................................109
11. Leave – Report.............................................................................................................................111
Leave Usage Report.............................................................................................................................111
Generate a report for the leave type..............................................................................................112
Generate a report for the employees.............................................................................................114
12. Leave – List ()...............................................................................................................................115
Assign Leave........................................................................................................................................120
Leave calendar.....................................................................................................................................122
Configure Leave Calendar...............................................................................................................122
Search/Filter Leave Calendar:.......................................................................................................123
Bulk Assign Leave.................................................................................................................................124
13. Time ()..........................................................................................................................................126
Time Sheets.........................................................................................................................................126
Fill Time Sheets...............................................................................................................................126
Edit Timesheets...............................................................................................................................129
Export to CSV - Timesheets.............................................................................................................131
Punch In and Out Records...............................................................................................................134
My Records.....................................................................................................................................135
Employee Records...........................................................................................................................136
Export to CSV - Timesheets.............................................................................................................137
Attendance Data upload.................................................................................................................140
Activity Info.........................................................................................................................................142
Add Customers................................................................................................................................142
Projects and Activities.....................................................................................................................143
Add Project Members.....................................................................................................................146
Common Activities..........................................................................................................................148
14. Training ()....................................................................................................................................149
Add a Course...................................................................................................................................149
Add Training Sessions.....................................................................................................................151
Participation Session Report...........................................................................................................156
Training Session Report..................................................................................................................159
15. Onboarding ()...............................................................................................................................163
Add Tasks.............................................................................................................................................163
Search and Edit Tasks..........................................................................................................................165
Edit the tasks...................................................................................................................................167
Add Events...........................................................................................................................................169

1. Admin - User Management

Add Users

A company may have a system to include details of all the employees but that system may
not be able to assign a specific user profile to an employee which allows the user to perform
certain functions within that system. It is highly important for a company to enter all the
data of their employees and at the same time, it is important for a company to assign
specific users among their employees so that those employees can understand what they
are supposed to do within that particular system. For example, The supervisor cam is
categorized as a specific user within the system that has privileges to certain functions than
an employee. Similarly, OrangeHRM is also fully capable of efficiently allocating user profiles
for each employee. 

Once the employees are added to the system, the admin user needs to create a user
account for each employee. In order to that, the employee should be available as an
employee in the PIM module. Alternatively, the user can create a user account when adding
an employee in the PIM module.

The user can also assign a specific user role to an employee that has the capability to
perform certain functions within the system which other employees are not capable of.
Refer the following to get an idea about user roles: 

Create User Roles

Assigning User Roles

Setup custom User role

To access this feature go to:   Admin-> User Management-> Users. The ‘Users’ is screen is
displayed as follows. 

Step 1 – Click the ‘Add; button which is towards the right-hand corner of the ‘Users’ screen.
The ‘Add User’ screen appears as follows.
Step 2 – Complete the following fields of the screen.

Field Description

Employee Name Name of the employee

Username (50) Desired Username. It should be unique.

ESS Role Select one of the available ESS Roles from the dropdown

Supervisor Role Select one of the available Supervisor Roles from the dropdown.

Select one of the available Admin Roles from the dropdown either as:
Admin Role
Global Admin, Global Salary Admin, Regional HR admin and many more. 

The user can select the status as:.

• Enabled
• Disabled

The status has to be set Enabled in order for the new user to login.

Password (8-64) The user can enter the desired password. However, the password should
consist of  upper and lower case characters, symbols and numbers

Re-type password to avoid errors.
Password (8-64)

Step 3 – Click ‘Save.’ The newly created user is shown in the ‘Users’ List. 

Filter User

If an organization contains a large number of employees, the Admin user can easily find the
desired user(s) by using the Filter function.

Step 1 – Click the    button on the top right corner of the screen. The ‘Filter Users’
screen is displayed as follows

Step 2 - Fill the following filtering criteria. 

Filter Description

Username Search by the username

Employee Search by employee name. The system will auto-suggest the matching
Name names with Employee IDs as the user starts to type..

ESS Role Search by available ESS roles*

Admin Role Search by available Admin roles*

Search by available Supervisor roles*

Status Search by the user’s status (Enabled/Disabled)

Location  Search by the location.

Step 3 – Click the 'Search’ button. Use the available fields to narrow your search or to filter
the result. 

Edit User

The user can also edit the created ‘Users’ by clicking     button which is towards the right
-hand side of the created ‘Users’. The ‘Edit Users’ screen is displayed as follows. 

Step 1 - Complete the following fields of the above screen.

Filter Description

Username The user can edit the username. It should be unique.

The user can’t edit the Employee name.

ESS Role The user can edit the ESS Role by selecting from the dropdown.

The user can edit the Admin Role by selecting from the dropdown The user
Admin Role can edit the Admin Role as: .Global Admin, Global Salary Admin, Regional HR
admin and many more.

The user can edit the ESS Role by selecting from the dropdown.

Status The user can edit  the user’s status as Enabled / Disabled

Location  The user can edit the location. 

Delete users

The user can delete the created users by clicking      Refer the following to get an idea
about deleting an item:

How to delete an incorrect Item from a List?

If the user needs to delete an item that you or your colleague has added to OrangeHRM or
if user feels like this item is not needed and to remove it from the item list, user needs to
navigate to the particular screen which needs to delete the items and then follow the steps
mentioned below.

Step 1  -  Select the item(s) which you want to delete by clicking on one or more

Ex: Navigate to Holidays screen by Leave-> Configure->Holidays. If user wants to delete all
the items at once, click on the  icon and then click on the "Select All" option from the
dropdown. You can undo the action by clicking on the same  icon and then selecting
the "Deselect All" option from the dropdown.

Step 2 -  Once you're done selecting the item(s) which you want to delete, you can go
ahead and click on the  icon and then you should have a dropdown like the one shown

Step 3  -  You can then click on the "Delete Selected" option from the dropdown. When you
click on it, the system will prompt you a warning message like the one below if the item(s)
which you are deleting is linked with another process in the system.
If you believe that it wouldn't affect other processes, then you can go ahead and click on the
"YES, DELETE" button and the item(s) will be deleted from OrangeHRM.

 User List configuration

The user can configure the ‘Users’ list by clicking     and selecting  ‘Configure option. The
‘Users List Configuration’ screen is displayed as follows. 

After marking the desired configurations through checkboxes, the user can click ‘Save’. This
configures the ‘Users’ list screen according to the way the user desires it to be.

 When an admin trying to create a user account for an employee who is terminated or rehire
an employee to the organization by adding the previously used username from the
"Username" field, it shows as "User already exists". As the reason is, the status is set as
"Enabled" by default. As the account is in disabled status, to change that select "Disabled"
from status field and filter. 

Create User Roles

OrangeHRM allows the capability to create user roles with allowing different access levels
for the system. There are three pre-defined user roles available in orangeHRM as follows

 Global / Default Admin: has access to all the modules in the system and can
view/access all employees information within the system working in different
locations/regions of the organization (Regional access configuration is only available in
OrangeHRM Enterprise)
 Default ESS: where the user has access only to his/her information.
 Default Supervisor: where the user has access to his/her particulars and his/her
subordinates’ particulars 

By Default, the accessibility privileges are already configured for the Default Supervisor and
Default ESS roles

  Default user role - Supervisor


Default user role - ESS

If the user needs to change the data group permission, only Global Admins are able to
change the data group permission of "Default ESS" and "Default Supervisor" roles. The
workflow permissions are not editable for the default user roles.

 In addition to these user roles, it is possible to create custom user roles.

The User Roles section allows for the Global Admin to create custom user roles with
configurable privileges and rights to access and manage employee data across the various
modules (Admin, Advanced Traning, Asset,Discipline, Leave, On-boarding, Performance,PIM,
Recruitment, Report Catalog, Succession &Development,Time, Travel and Expense) manage
the workflows of various processes in the organization, and assign these User Roles to
specific regions.

The Default ESS, Default Supervisor, and Global Admin user role types, privileges can not be
changed. In order for a user role to have custom privileges, a new custom ESS, Supervisor or
Admin user role must be created via the Add User Role page.  
To view the User Role list, go to Admin > User Management > User Roles from the Main
Menu. Then the User Roles page will appear.

Add User Role

Custom user roles are created based on the default user roles available. To add a custom
user role;

Step 1 – Click on the ‘Add’ button in the user roles page. Then the Add User Role screen will
Step 2 – Select the type of user role you want to create. (Admin, ESS, Supervisor)

Fill the options in the form depending on your selection.

Step 3 – Complete the following fields.

Field Description

User Role name Desired same for the new user role

Add Employee Allows user to add employees to the system

Allows user to delete employees from the

Delete Employee
Terminate employee Allows to terminate employees

Select the workflow management options

the user should be privileged to. Workflow
management refers to the admin privileges
Workflow Management related to actions in the system. Ex: usually
the supervisor has to approve a leave request.
But an admin user with privileged to ‘Leave
workflow’ can approve the request as well.   

Step 4 – Select Data Group Permissions. Click each category to expand. You can decide the
level of permission. In the screenshot above, the user role is configured so that the user can
only view in the Asset Tracker. The user will not be able to Add, Delete or Edit data in the

 Step 5 – Click ‘Save.’

Assigning User Roles

If a company has multiple departments with custom user roles for each department, such as
Regional HR Admin, Time Manager, Recruitment Manager, Asset Manager, Global Salary
Admin, etc.  when creating the roles it is possible to assign the user roles. 

Refer the following articles to learn about how to create user roles or to filter the user from
the list to find the user to assign a role for.

Go to  Admin -> Users from the Main Menu. 

Step 1 - Click the Edit button.  Then the Edit User screen appears as follows.

Step 2 – Change the relevant user role to the one you created. Click "Save". Then the
Modify Region screen appears as follows.

Step 3 – By default ‘All Regions’ are selected. If you want to restrict to a Region, de-select
‘All Regions’ then click on the "Select Region" text box below and select region.

Step 4 – A list of regions is shown. The user can select a single region or multiple.
Step 5 – Click ‘Save’.

2. Admin - Jobs
Add Job Title

This feature allows the user to define the Job Titles the company has with relevant
information including a job specification document. OrangeHRM is capable of maintaining
all the job titles the organization has in a separate section where you can easily access.  

To see the List, Select Admin-> Job-> Job Titles 

Step 1 – Click ‘Add’  button in the Job Titles page. The add user role screen will appear.
Step 2 – Complete the following fields.

Field Description

Job Title – 100 char Name of the Job Title

Job Description – 400 char Details of the Job

Job Specification – 5 MB Attach the job specification document

Note – 400 char Add any notes you want

 Step 3 – Click ‘Save’

Step 4 -  To edit already created 'Job Title', click the edit icon. 

Add Salary Components

This feature allows the user to create the salary components for their employees as per the
company standards. Salary is an agreed payment received by an employee from the
employer at regular intervals in exchange for work. It is important to understand the
different components in salary and how the salary breakdown is set. This facilitates the
admin to maintains the salary components in a separate section 

To view the salary components list, go to Admin > Job > Salary Components from the
Main Menu. Then the Salary Components screen will appear.  
Step 1 – Click on the ‘Add’ button. Then the Add Salary Component Screen will appear.

Step 2 – Complete the following Fields of the screen.

Field Description

Component Name The name of the Component

Type Choose from the options:

 Earning
 Deduction

Choose from the options:

Add to  Total Payable

 Cost to Company

Choose from the options:

Value Type  Amount

 Percentage

Step 3 – Click Save. The new component will appear in the list.

Add Pay Grades

The pay grade is a feature that an organization determines the amount of pay an employee
receives. Each position within an organization has a specific pay grade and new employees
are compensated depending on their education and experience and keeping into account
the responsibility, seniority, position, etc, the salaries are considered. 

OrangeHRM facilitate the admin user to set the Pay grades for the employees through the
Admin module. 

 Go to Admin -> Job -> Pay Grades 

Step 1 – Click the ‘Add’ button. The add Pay Grades screen appears as follows.

Step 2 – Enter a Name for the Pay Grade and click ‘ Save’. The new pay grade get appears in
the list.

Step 3 – Click the ‘Edit’  Button relevant to the new pay grade you created. The Edit Pay
Grade Screen displays as follows. 

Step 4 – Click ‘Assign Currency’. The Add Currency Screen will appear.
Step 5 – Complete the following fields on the screen.

Field Description

Currency The currency type of salary 

Minimum Salary Minimum salary for the pay grade

Maximum Salary The maximum salary for the pay grade.

Step 6 – Click ‘Save’.

It is possible to add more multiple currencies if the salaries are paid in different currencies
for different countries. Repeat steps 4-6.

Add Employment Status

Employment status is the status of a worker in a company on the basis of the contract of
work or duration of work to be done. When an employer hires someone it is up to them to
assign their new hire with employment status. Employees may have different rights
depending on their employment status. 

Employment status defines the rights and responsibilities that an employee has to work, and
therefore determines what is required from the employer.
As the way, people's work has been evolving with increased flexibility and greater options
and so have the types of employment status. However,  

Go to Admin -> Job -> Employment Status  

Step 1 – Click the ‘Add’ button on the top right-hand corner of the screen. The Add
Employment Status Screen appears as follows. 

Step 2 – Enter a name for the Employment Status and click ‘Save’. The new status is shown
in the list. 
Add Job Categories

If there is a requirement where a company needs to determine their pay grades and benefits
of its employees, it is possible to track under the PIM Job category section. Orangehrm
understands this need and helps to facilitate this requirement by allowing the user to
categorize their employees under different job categories.

Go to Admin -> Job -> Job Categories

Step 1 – Click the ‘Add’ button. This enables the ‘Add Job Category’ screen to appear.
Step 2 – Enter a name for the Employment Status and click ‘Save’. Then the new status
appears on the list.

Furthermore, the user has the ability to edit the ‘Job categories’. The image below illustrates
the steps to edit ‘job categories’

Step 1 – Click the edit button which is next to the created job category. Then the ‘Edit Job
Category’ Screen is displayed as follows


Step 2 – Enter the desired name for the Employment Status and click ‘Save’. Then the edited
job category is shown on the list.

Work Shifts

As for some organizations, they have different work shifts for different employees based on
their service in the organization. Work shifts can be configured to make use of, or provide
service across, all 24 hours of the clock each day of the week (often abbreviated as 24/7).
The practice typically sees the day divided into shifts, set periods of time during which
different groups of workers perform their duties.

The user can define work shifts for an individual or a group of employees.

Go Admin->Job-> Work Shifts

Add Work Shifts

Step 1 – Click ‘Add’ button. The Add Work Shift Screen will appear.

Step 2 – complete the following fields on the screen.

Field Description
Work Shift Name of the Work Shift

From Starting Time

To Finish Time

This field shows the duration os the work

Hours Per Day 

Step 3 – Click ‘Save.’ The new shift will appear in the list.

Selecting Time

Step 1 - To select the time, Click the   icon. The clock screen appears as shown below. 

Step 2 - Drag and drop the blue circle to the hour number or simply click on the hour
number you need.
Step 3 - Drag and drop the blue circle to the minute number you need or simply click on
the minute you need.

 Note – Click between numbers to select the exact minute.

3. Admin– Organization
Add General Information

The basic details of the company can be entered on this screen. Adding any information
which may be useful for employees to refer to is advisable so that the organization related
general information is up-to-date in one place.

To begin, select Admin > Organization > General Information from the Main Menu. The
General Information Screen will appear.
Complete the form with details of your organization and Click the ‘Save’ button.

Add Locations

For some companies, it is a major conflict to know how many employees are working in
different locations of an organization.  This situation is highly relevant to multinational
companies. When an organization has employees in many locations, with this feature, it
simply allows the admin user to add locations and track how many employees are in each

Under Locations, the user can add the details of the sites and branches of the company.
Also, it is possible to track the number of employees working at a particular location once
employees are tagged to the locations when building up the PIM Module.

Go to Admin -> Organization -> Locations 

Once the locations are added, it is shown in the system as follows.

Step 1 – Click the ‘Add’ button. The Add Locations screen appears as follows.

Step 2 – Complete the following fields on the screen.

Field Description

Name Name of the Organization

Country The country where the office is located

Time Zone Time zone of the location

State/Province State/Province if any

City City where the office is located

Zip/Postal Code Zip or Postal Code of the location

Phone Phone number

Fax Fax Number

Address Physical Address

If the employees of the location should be

EEO Enabled
considered for the EEO Reports (the US only)

Step 3 – Click ‘Save.’ Then the new location appears on the list.

Filter Locations

The user is capable of searching for the previously created locations through the ‘filter’

Step 1 – Click the    button on the top right corner of the screen. The Filter Screen
appears as follows.

Step 2 – Complete the following fields on the screen.

Field Description
Location Name Name of the location which the user is searching for

City The city where the office is located

Country The country at which the office is located

Step 3 – Click ‘Search’. The desired result appears on the list.

The user can also edit the existing location.

Step 4 – Click the     button next to the created location. Afterwards ‘Edit Location’ screen
is displayed as follows.

Step 5 – Complete the following fields on the screen.

Field Description
Name Name of the location

Country The country at which the office is located

Time Zone Time zone of the location

State/Province State/Province if any

City City where the office is located

Zip/Postal Code Zip or Postal Code of the location

Phone Phone number

Fax Fax Number

Address Physical Address

If the employees of the location should be considered for the EEO

EEO Enabled
Reports (the US only)

Step 3 – Click ‘Save.’ The edited location is shown on the list.

Add Sub Unit

This feature allows the admin to define the hierarchy of the company by defining subunits.
Since the parent company is already defined in the ‘General Information’, it would
automatically appear in the ‘Company Structure’ screen. For each Sub Unit, it shows the
employee number for that specific department in brackets and the total including the
employees of sub-departments under that.

Go to Admin -> Organization -> Structure 

Refer the following article to learn more about General Information 

Step 1 – Click the ‘Edit’ button in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2 – Click the ‘More’  button relevant to the department you want the new sub-unit
should be added.

Step 3 – Click ‘Add.’ The Add Sub Unit Screen appears.

Step 4 – complete the following fields on the screen.

Field Description

Unit ID Unit ID of the Department (If any)

Name Name of the Department

Head of Unit Name of the Department Head

Description A detailed description of the department

Include the Cost Center as defined in the

Cost Center

Step 5 – Click ‘Save.’ The new department will appear in the structure.

Step 6 – Click the ‘Done’ button in the top right corner of the screen.

Edit a Sub Unit


Step 1 – Click the ‘Edit’ button in the top right corner of the screen.

Step 2 – Click the   button relevant to the department you want to be edited.

Step 3 – Then click on "Show Details" from the dropdown. Then a pop-up box will show up
enabling you to make the changes you need.
Step 4 – Once you're done making the changes, click on "SAVE" and the pop-up box will be
closed. When you're done making all of the changes, click on the "DONE" button to save all
of the changes to the subunits.

How to Add a Cost Center

A cost center is a department within a business to which costs can be allocated. A cost
center indirectly contributes to a company’s profit through operational efficiency, customer
service, or increasing product value.  Cost Center is another way to categorize employees.
OrangeHRM’s feature to add cost centers helps the user to add cost centers very easily with
minimum data entry. 

The user can generate reports based on Cost Centers. The user can attach a cost center to
an employee, Sub Unit or a Project.

The user needs to enable this option before adding cost centers. Only admin users can enter
a cost center (s)

Refer the following link to learn how to add the General Information. 

Add General Information

Step 1 – Select the ‘Cost Center Enabled’ checkbox and click ‘SAVE’ from the "General
Information" section. 

Go to Admin > Organization > Cost Centers. ‘Cost Centers’ screen is displayed follows.

Step 3- Click the ‘Add’  button which is towards the right-hand corner of the ‘Cost  Centers’’
screen. The ‘Add Cost Centre’screen is displayed as follows.

Step 4 – The user can enter a ‘Cost Center ID’ number,  a ‘Name’ and a Description and
Click ‘Save’.Entering ‘Cost Center ID’ number and a ‘Name’ is compulsory, else the system
will not allow the user to save. 
The user can also edit the previously created cost center by clicking  button, which is
towards the left-hand side of the previously created cost center.  The ‘Edit Cost Center’
screen is displayed as follows. 

After changing the ‘Cost Centre ID’, or the ‘Name’ or the ‘Description’ the user can click

Note :

 If the user wants to delete a  cost center (s) then he/she can mark the checkbox
towards the left-hand side of the created cost center and click   button. Upon
clicking this button the following mini screen is triggered.

The user can select which of the above options they should go ahead with. 

 Upon clicking ‘Select All’ the following mini screen is triggered.

The user can select any of the above options they should go ahead with.

EEO Reports

The EEO Report is a compliance survey mandated by Federal Statute and Regulations in the
United States of America. Usage of the feature is mainly for U.S. based organizations. It
intends to avoid employment discrimination in terms of demographics, through federal
prohibitions enforced by EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission). The survey
requires company employment data to be categorized by race/ethnicity, gender and job

From 2017, the report required to include the total Part-Time and Full-Time employees
based on the pay bands as well as the aggregate hours worked based on the pay bands.
While EEO reports can be enabled in the system as described below the required
demographic data and pay data is maintained in the PIM sections.

Step 1 – Select Admin > Organization > General Information. The General Information

Screen will appear
Step 2 – Click the ‘EEO Enabled’ Checkbox and Click Save.

Step 3 – Select Admin > Organization > Locations. The Locations screen will appear. You
can see if a location is EEO enabled or not.

Step 4 – You can enable EEO reports for each location when you are adding the location. Or
else you can enable it later by clicking the edit icon for the location. (Refer to the figure
Once you have all the data required for EEO reports, you can generate the report you need
to file.

Step 1 – Select Admin > Organization > Process EEO Filling from the Main Menu. Process
EEO Filling Screen will appear.
Step 2 – Fill the form with required data and Click the Generate EEO Filling Button. A CSV
file will be generated and downloaded.

4. Admin– Qualification

This feature allows you to define all information with regard to employees’ qualifications.
The sub-menu consists of:

 Skills
 Education
 Licenses
 Languages
 Membership

The user can define various sets of skills that can be later used on the PIM Module. To
begin, go to Admin -> Qualifications -> Skills

Step 1 – Click on the ‘Add’ button in the top right corner of the screen. Then the "Add Skills"
screen displays as below.

Step 2 – Give a name (100 char) and add a description (250 char) on the screen.

Step 3 – Click ‘Save’. 

Step 4 -  Click on the pencil icon  next to it to edit a particular skill type.


The user can define various types of educational qualifications which can be later used in
the PIM Module. To begin, go to Admin-> Qualifications-> Education 

Step 1 – Click on the ‘Add’ button in the top right corner of the screen. Then the "Add
Education" screen displays as below.

Step 2 – Enter the Level of Education.

Step 3 – Click on the ‘Save’ button. 

Step 4 -  Click on the pencil icon  next to it to edit a particular education type.

The user can define various types of licenses that can be later used in the PIM Module. To
begin, go to Admin-> Qualifications-> Licenses 

Step 1 – Click on the ‘Add’  button in the top right corner of the screen. Then the "Add
Licenses" screen displays as below. 

Step 2 – Enter the name of the License.

Step 3 – Click ‘Save’. 

Step 4 -  Click on the pencil icon  next to it to edit a particular license type. 

The user can define different types of languages that employees in your company speak,
that can be used in the PIM Module later. To begin, go to Admin-> Qualifications->

Step 1 – Click on the ‘Add’ button in the top right corner of the screen. Then the "Add
Language" screen displays as below. 

Step 2 – Enter the name of the Language.

Step 3 – Click ‘Save’. 

Step 4 -  Click on the pencil icon  next to it to edit a particular language type.

This feature allows the HR Admin to define different membership details of the employees
which can be used in the PIM Module later. To begin, go to Admin-> Qualifications->

Step 1 – Click on the ‘Add’

button in the top right
corner of the screen. Then
the "Add Membership"
screen displays as below. 

Step 2 – Enter the name of the Membership.

Step 3 – Click ‘Save’.

Step 4 -  Click on the pencil icon  next to it to edit a particular membership type.

5. Admin - Nationalities

This feature allows the HR Admin to define the different nationalities that present in the
company which can later be used in the PIM Module. Various nationalities are already pre-
To begin, go to Admin-> Nationalities 

Step 1 – Click on the ‘Add’ button in the top right corner of the screen. The "Add
Nationality" screen displays as below.

Step 2 – Enter the name of the Nationality.

Step 3 – Click ‘Save’. 

Step 4 -  Click on the pencil icon  next to it to edit a particular nationality. 

6. Admin – Announcements
How to Publish News

This feature allows the user to publish news articles and share information with any
employee in the company. All news articles are published to News Widget in the Dashboard.
The user can publish New articles for the entire company for selected employees or by
employee's user role, employee locations, employee status, job titles and subunits.

If the user wants to publish a campaign/event/awareness program etc. for employee's, can
add the information of the event and attached the flyers (if any) and published. Following
are the steps to publish a News article.

Go to  Admin-> Announcements-> News

The admin user can configure the fields in the list. Click the icon on the top left-hand corner
of the list and then click Configure. The configuration screen will appear. By selecting Apply
for all employees checkbox, the configuration can be applied to all employees

Publish News

Step 1 – Click ‘Add’   button. The Add News Screen will appear.
Step 2 – Add the Topic name and the Description.

Step 3 -  Select the “Request Acknowledgement” checkbox if you would like the employees
to acknowledge reading the News Item. 

Step 4 – Click Next.

Step 5 – Select the Published date.

Step 6 – Select “Publish to all User Roles” if you want to publish to all employees. You have
the option of restricting News based on User roles, Individual employee, Location,
Employment Status, Job Titles or Sub Units. If any of these options are selected, the News
will be published to employees that satisfy the selected restrictions.

Step 7 – Click ‘Save’ if you do not want to publish it yet or want to keep it as a draft. Click
‘Publish’ to publish right away.

Once the news article is published user can view the published news under "More". Refer
the following article to view published news articles.  

How to Publish Documents

This feature allows the user to publish documents and share information with any employee
in the company. The user can publish documents for the entire company for selected
employees or by employee's user role, employee locations, employee status, job titles and

If the user wants to publish a campaign/event/awareness program etc. for employee's, can
add the information of the event and attached the flyers (if any) and published. All
documents articles are published to Document Widget in the Dashboard. Following are the
steps to publish a document. 
Go to  Admin-> Announcements-> Document

Refer below article to see how to create Document Categories 

Step 1 – Click the ‘Add’   button in the document list Screen. The Add Document Screen will

Step 2 – Add the Topic name, Category and the Description.

Step 3 -  Select the “Request Acknowledgement” checkbox if you would like the employees
to acknowledge reading the Document. 

Step 4 – Click Next.

Step 5 – Select the Published date.

Step 6 – Select “Publish to all User Roles” if you want to publish to all employees. You have
the option of restricting Document based on User roles, Individual employee, Location,
Employment Status, Job Titles or Sub Units. If any of these options are selected, the
Document will be published to employees that satisfy the selected restrictions.

Step 7 – Click ‘Save’ if you do not want to publish it yet or want to keep it as a draft. Click
‘Publish’ to publish right away.

Step 8 – Click the ‘Attachment’  button relevant to the document you created in the
Document List.
Step 9 – Click ‘Select File’ button to attach the file.

Step 10 – Add a description (optional) and click ‘Save.’

Once the document is published user can view the published document under "More". Refer
the following article to view published documents.  

Document Categories
This feature allows the user to categories and maintains all the documents under the
"Document Category" section. So if the user needs to check the documents related to the
specific category when creating a document or news it is easy for the user to track and filter
document/news based on the categories. 

Go to  Admin-> Announcements-> Document Categories 


Step 1 – Click the ‘Add’ button. The Add Category Screen appears as below.

Step 2 – Enter a Name and click ’Save.’

 Filter Document Category 

Step 1 – Click the filter icon to narrow 

7. PIM – Configurations
Enable Optional Fields

This feature allows an admin user to add optional fields to the PIM tabs in the profiles of

Optional Fields include country-specific information, dependent related information, and

personal detail information.

To configure the Optional Fields settings, select PIM > Configuration > Optional
Fields. The Optional Fields screen will appear:
Step 1 – Select the optional field(s) you want to enable by clicking the check-boxes
contained in each Optional Field section.

Optional Field Sections Description

If selected, the Nickname, Military Service and Smoker fields

Show Deprecated Fields will be enabled in the ‘Personal Details' PIM tab in the
employee's profile.

If selected, the 'US Tax Exemption' menu will be enabled as

a tab under the 'More' tab.
Show US Tax Exemption
The 'US Tax Exemption' menu tab will only appear for
employees located in the United States.

If selected, the SIN field will be enabled in the ‘Personal

Details' PIM tab in the employee's profile.
Show SIN field in Personal
The SIN field will be displayed as "SIN Number" in the
'Personal Details' tab.

Show the Main ID in Personal If selected, the Main ID field will be enabled in the ‘Personal
Details Details tab’ in the employee's profile.

The Main ID field can be renamed based on the employee's

respective country.

For example, the Main ID can be thought of as a

government or tax ID. In the United States, this ID is the
Social Security Number (SSN).

The renamed field will be displayed in the 'Personal Details'


If selected, the ‘Nationality’ field will be enabled in the

Show Nationality of
‘Dependents' tab, under the 'More' tab, in the employee's

 Step 2 – Click Save. The optional fields that have been enabled will be visible in employee

Add Custom Fields

A company wants to gather as many details as possible when an employee joins the
organization.  A company wants this information for many reasons, few of the many basic
reasons could be to  : 

 Establish contact information necessary for the company.

 Gather bank details to remit salaries.

and etc. Apart from the mentioned reasons, the company may want some additional details
such as blood type, marriage date and etc. The company may want this data for various
reasons. The biggest concern for a company can be gathering unique data such as the
mentioned data type. This is mainly because, a company's existing system may not have the
capability to gather data other than the basic data, such as Name, Gender, Age, Experience
and etc. With the help of OrangeHRM, a company can now create custom fields and gather
unique data. 

This feature allows the admin to customize and add fields to all the screens of the PIM
Module that may be specific and relevant to the company. To add a custom field first,  the
user needs to create a section. By creating a section, multiple custom fields can come under
a single section.

Go to PIM -> Configuration -> Custom Fields.  


 Step 1 - Click the ‘Add’   button (placed towards the right-hand corner) in the 'Custom
Field Sections' screen. Upon clicking the button  'Add Custom Field Section Screen will


Step 2  –  Complete the following fields.

              Field                                 Description

            Heading Title for the new section.

The tab in which the heading should be linked to. The user
can link the heading to the following options from the
dropdown :

             Screen  Contact Details

 Dependents 
 Emergency Contacts


Step 3 – Click ‘Save.’ Upon clicking the button the new section is added to the list.

Step 4 – Click the  button which is next to a section in order to edit the section or the
custom fields inside that section. Upon clicking the following screen is enabled. 
Step 5 - If the user requires to edit the section then the user is only capable of editing the '
Heading' for the section. Once when the edit is made the user can click ' Save'.

Step 6 - By clicking the   and  arrows the user can sort the order of the custom fields
to be displayed under personal information of the employee in the PIM module. 

Step 7 - If the user requires to edit a 'Custom Field' then click the  button. Upon clicking
the button the following screen is shown.

Step 7 – Complete the following fields.

Field Description

Field name Name of the new field

Type Type of the field can be selected as Text, Dropdown, Number, etc

Upon defining the 'Type' the user has to define the options for the
Select Options
chosen 'Type'.

Required Make the field mandatory by clicking this checkbox.

The user can make the field available for all employees or for a specific
Upon enabling this checkbox fields such as: 'Parent Field' and 'Parent
Field Value' are made visible to the user. The user can set nested fields
Conditional Field
by setting a parent field. The availability of the child field will be
dependent on the value of the parent field.

Step 8 – Click  'Save' after making the relevant changes.

Filter Custom Field Sections

Step 1 - Click   button which is available in the  'Custom Field Sections'. Upon clicking
the button the following screen is enabled. 

 Step 2- The user can search a 'Screen' (Screen is equivalent to a tab in the PIM, such as:
Contact Details tab)  from the dropdown 

Step 3- Click 'Search'.

Add Reporting Methods

In an organization, it is always important for an employee to be aware of the reporting

hierarchy. It is the organization’s duty to make the employee aware of their respective
reporting hierarchy at the very early stages of their employee lifecycle. By getting to know
the reporting hierarchy, employees can get a proper understanding as to whom they should
report directly and indirectly and at what circumstances they should report indirectly to their
respective points of contact. For example, an employee has been instructed to report
directly to his / her supervisor and to report to his / her respective head of department if
required. OrangeHRM’s feature to add reporting methods helps an employee to clearly
understand their reporting hierarchy. Thus helping to avoid confusion. 

The admin user can define the reporting methods. The admin user can define the reporting
methods as   “Direct” and “Indirect”. These reporting methods are already pre-defined in the

To access this feature go to PIM-> Configuration-> Reporting Methods. 

Step 1 - Click the ‘Add’  button which is towards the right-hand corner of the ‘Reporting
Methods’ screen. This triggers the ‘ Add Reporting Method’ screen. The ‘ Add Reporting
Method’ screen is displayed as follows.

Step 2 – Give a name for the reporting method and Click ‘Save’.

The user can also edit the created reporting methods by clicking     button which is
towards the right-hand side of the created reporting method. The ‘Edit Reporting Method’
screen is displayed as follows. 

After changing the name of the reporting method the user can click ‘SAVE’.

Important points to remember :

 If the user wants to delete a  reporting method (s) then he/she can mark the
checkbox towards the left-hand side of the created reporting method and click   
button. Upon clicking this button the following mini screen is triggered.

The user can select which of the above options they should go ahead with.

 Upon clicking ‘Select All’ the following mini screen is triggered

The user can select which of the above options they should go ahead with. 

Add Employee Wizard

This feature eases the employee creation by directing the HR Admin only to the relevant
and mandatory fields required. The HR admin can configure the system to enable the
wizard. Wizard can be configured for a set of predefined fields to be visible. HR Admin can
also set the compulsory fields from the visible fields.

To Configure first go to PIM > Configuration > Add Employee Wizard. Configure Add
Employee Wizard screen will appear.

Step 1 – Click ‘Enable Add Employee Wizard’ To activate the feature. Click Save.

Step 2 –As shown in the below figure, for each section select the fields that should be
included in the wizard and make mandatory. Both Default fields and custom fields will be
available to select. Custom Tabs also will be listed separately with its custom fields.
Step 3 – Click Save.

Add Termination Reasons

Termination is another important aspect of HR. However, a company cannot terminate an

employee just because they want to. If they do so, employees can take legal action against
them. Hence, ruining the reputation of the company. Therefore, it is very important for a
company to terminate employees for the right reasons.

Termination should be a smooth process where the employee is properly is explained the
reason for his / her termination without having any conflict. OrangeHRM’s feature of
‘Termination Reasons’ ensure that employees are been terminated for the right reasons
hence helping the employer and the employee come to a  mutual understanding regarding
the termination reason. This feature allows the HR Admin to define various termination
reasons that are used by the company. 

To add a termination reason go to : PIM ->Configuration ->Termination Reasons. 

Step 1 -Click the ‘Add’  button which is towards the right-hand corner of the ‘Termination
Reasons’ screen. This triggers the ‘Add Termination Reasons ’screen to appear. The  ‘Add
Termination Reasons ’ screen is displayed as follows.

Step 2 – Give a name for the Termination reason and Click ‘SAVE’.

The user can also edit the previously created termination by clicking   button which is
towards the left-hand side of the created reporting method. The ‘Edit Termination Reason’
screen is displayed as follows.

After changing the name of the termination reason the user can click ‘SAVE’.

Important points to remember :

 If the user wants to delete a  termination reason (s) then he/she can mark the
checkbox towards the left-hand side of the created termination reason and click  
button. Upon clicking this button the following mini screen is triggered.

The user can select which of the above options they should go ahead with. 

 Upon clicking ‘Select All’ the following mini screen is triggered.

The user can select which of the above options they should go ahead with.  

Add Document Templates

The Document Template Manager is a tool that manages the document templates
efficiently in an organization. The Admin can create document templates by defining the
PIM section, paper size, margins, tokens, and supporting images. When those templates are
created, both Admin (on behalf of employees) and ESS users can view them as pdf
documents that are designed to individually address each employee.

In order to view the PIM document template list Select PIM >Configuration>Document

Templates from the Main Menu.

Step 1 - Click ‘Add’   button in the Document Template Screen. The Add Document
Template Screen will appear.
Step 2 – Complete the following fields and sections.

Field Description

Name Name of the Document template

Link to Section The document can be linked to any of the four sections below.

•                     Personal Details

•                     Contact Details

•                     Job
•                     Salary

Description Description of the template

Add the body of the template. Use the WYSIWYG editor to style and
Text Area
format the document.

Token is the data fields in the employee profile. Place the cursor in the
Tokens text area where you want the token placed and select the token from
the drop-down list.

Image Click the ‘Image’ button to add an image to the document.

Paper size Set the paper size. (A4, A3, Etc..)

If you leave these 4 fields blank, the margins will be set at 10mm. you
can override them by specifying values to the fields.

 Step 3 – Click ‘Save.’ You can see the new template in the Tab you have specified.

8. PIM - Employee List

Employee List

The employee list shows all the employees entered and imported into the PIM. You can
view/edit details of a particular employee by clicking on the employee’s name, Display
Image or ID. To view the employee list, select PIM > Employee List from the Main Menu.
The Employee List Screen will appear. 

It is possible to sort employee data in alphabetical order by clicking column headers. 

Use the search option located on the top right side of the screen. When you start typing, the
system will suggest the matching names along with Employee IDs.

To Filter the employee list after the first time;

Step 1 – Click the Filter button on the top right corner of the screen. The Filter Employees by
Screen will appear.
There are few options to use as filtering criteria. You can combine multiple filters.

Filter Description

Employee Name Filter by employee name

ID Filter by Employee ID

Employment Status Filter by Employment Status

Gives a list of employees who are

Supervisor name
subordinates of the selected.

Job Title Filter by the job Title

Sub Unit Filter by the Department

Include Search current or past employees. Or both.

Location Filter by the location they work

Filter by the cost center assigned to the

Cost Center

Save the above filter selection as the default

Make Filter Default search every time the user accesses the
employee list.

 When selecting the “Reset” within the Filter, the search section results in resetting the
search filters and list to the default view.

Step 2 - Click the‘Search’ button. The list will be populated according to the filter you

Add an Employee

This is a feature that allows the user to add employees to the system without much hassle.
Upon adding the employee admin user can create login details (username and password) to
that particular employee at the same time.

 Adding employees to the system can be done via the OrangeHRM PIM module. It is
possible to maintain employee details such as personal details, contact details, immigration
details, work week, emergency contacts, social media details and etc when adding employee
details to the system.
 Refer the following article  to learn more about the add employee wizard and to view and
edit employee profile.:

Go to PIM-> Employee List. 

Step 1 -Click the ‘Add’ button in the Employee List Screen. The Add Employee Screen is
displayed as follows.

Step 2 – Complete the following fields.

 Field Description

First Name First Name of the Employee.

Middle Name Middle Name of the Employee.

Last Name Last Name of the Employee.

Employee ID is generated automatically. The user can change

Employee ID
the Employee ID if required.

Employee profile picture A photo of the employee can be attached.

Location The location employee works at.

The user has the option of creating the login details for the
Create Login Details

Step 3  –  If the ‘Create Login Details’ option is selected, additional fields get displayed as

Step 4 – Complete the following fields.

Field Description
Username Username for the employee.
Status Enable or disable the user account.
Password Enter a strong password.
Confirm Password Re-enter the password.
Default ESS selected. Change if the user needs a
ESS Role
custom ESS Role.
Default Supervisor selected. Change if the user needs
Supervisor Role
a custom Supervisor Role.
Admin Role (Optional) The user has the option of selecting the admin
privileges. As an example:  Global Admin, Regional
HR Admin, Asset Manager, Recruitment Manager,
Time Manager and Global Salary Admin as
configured in the system. Else, the user has the option
of keeping the Admin Role blank if no Admin
privileges are given to the user. 

Step 5 – Click 'Save'.  

Step 6 – If the user has enabled the Add Employee Wizard, then the user is guided to add
more information as shown below based on the wizard configuration.

Click 'Next' to go to the next screen of the Wizard.

View/Edit Employee Profile

The employee profile holds all the information about the employee. Other modules pull
information from the PIM module. It is very important to have an employee profile as
complete as possible for a smooth operation.

To go to an employee's profile, you need to navigate to PIM > Employee List and then you
can search for the employee's name from the search bar.

If you can't remember the employee's name but remember information such as the Sub
Unit he/she is working in, you can use the filter option in the Employee List. Once you have
found the employee you can click the name, ID or the display image of an employee to go
to their profile.
You can change to another employee's profile without going back to the Employee List.
Click the Change Employee button and type the name of the employee you want to change

You can click the employee display image to change the display image.

The profile is categorized and divided into several tabs. Click the name of the tab you want
to view. Job and Salary tabs apart from Personal details are visible. Click ‘More’ to view other
tab names.


You can add attachments for all tabs. You can see them under the attachment section of
each tab. Attachments up to 1MB in size can be uploaded. Contact the OrangeHRM
Managed Services team to increase the file size limit.

Step 1 – Click the ‘Add’ button in the attachment section.

Step 2 – Click the ‘Attach’ button.

Step 3 – Select the file you want to upload and click ‘Open.’

Step 4 – Add a description if needed in the comment section and click ‘Upload.’ 

Terminate Employee

A company may hire employees in abundance but simultaneously a company needs to have
a proper and simple termination process in order to ensure a  smoother and faster
termination process and to ensure that employees are terminated for the right reasons.

Terminations can happen due to many reasons such as : 

 Contract Not Renewed
 Deceased
 Resigned
 Resigned- company requested
 Retired

 The “Terminate employee” feature of OrangeHRM encompasses all the above-mentioned

criterions hence easing the termination process for the employers.    

Go to PIM-> Employee List

Step 1- The user needs to select the employee which they are planning to terminate from
the Employee List. Then, navigate to the ‘Job’ Tab of the employee profile, click the 
‘Terminate Employee’ button. The Terminate Employment Screen appears as below. 

Step 2 –  Select a ‘Reason’. The termination reasons have been pre-defined under PIM>
Configuration> Termination Reasons. Add the termination date. Add the ‘Note’ (optional).
Mark the ‘Adjust Leave Entitlements’ checkbox (optional)

Step 3 – Click ‘Confirm.’ Then the employee is removed from the current employee list.
If the user has marked ‘Adjust Leave Entitlements’ checkbox and upon clicking the ‘confirm’
button the ‘Adjust Leave Entitlements’ appears per terminated employee’s leave type and
leave balance.


Leave type This field shows the available leave type for that particular.

Entitlement This field shows the entitled days for the leave.

This field allows adjusting the entitled days. Ex: If an employee has 12
Adjust To days of entitlements for a particular leave type admin user can adjust
the entitlements when terminating the employee

Step 4 -  Fill the ‘Adjust To’ field and click ‘Save'

If the termination date is a future date, then the system does not do any changes to
the profile. The employee has access to the system until the terminated date is
reached. On the day of the termination, the system terminates the employee and
disable the employee user account.
Bulk Update Employees

The Bulk Update feature provides the functionality for updating employee information and
data, such as location, job title, and direct supervisors, through a bulk update. For example,
if a supervisor with multiple subordinates is replaced by a new supervisor, the bulk update
feature can be used to update and assign the subordinates of the old supervisor to the new
supervisor with one quick and easy attempt.

To begin, select PIM > Bulk Update from the Main Menu. The Bulk Update screen will

Selecting Employees

Before executing a bulk update, the employees that need to be updated must be selected.
Employees and employee groups can be selected via the ‘Select Employees Having’ section
of the Bulk Update screen.

Filter Description

Employee Name Employees can be selected individually. 

Multiple employees can be selected.

Employment Status Employees can be selected based on their Employment Status.

Supervisor Name Employees can be selected based on their supervisor's name.

Job Title Employees can be selected based on their Job Title.

Sub Unit Employees can be selected based on their Sub Unit (department).

Employees can be selected based on if they are a current

employee, past employee, or current and past employee.

Location Employees can be selected based on their location.

Work Shift Employees can be selected based on their work shift.

Employees can be selected based on if they joined before, after, or

during a specified date range. If one of these options is selected, a
date field will be displayed so a date range can be specified.
Joined Date
Employees can also be selected based on all or undefined joined
Selecting Fields to update

There are six fields that can be updated in bulk. They are:

 Work Shift
 Location
 Job Title
 Sub Unit
 Joined Date
 Direct Supervisor

One or multiple of the fields listed above can be selected for the bulk update.

With the 6.5 Release, the system will enable custom fields(Other
Job Details)
to filter employees and/or to be bulk updated as well.

Custom fields that are defined using following types are only
as filter fields 
(i) Dropdown
(ii) Date
(iii) Checkboxes as Multi-select
(iv) Radio buttons as Dropdown
(v) Country as Dropdown

Edit Inline

The edit inline option allows for better control of the bulk updates that can be made to

Step 1 – Select the employees that need to be updated.

Step 2 – Select the fields that need to be updated.

Step 3 – Click the "EDIT INLINE" Button. The Edit Inline section of the Bulk Update page will

Step 4 – The Edit Inline section will display a drop-down for each field that has been
selected in the Select Fields to Update section. To specify the new value that fields should
be updated to, simply select the new value from each respective "Change to:" drop-down
that appears in the Edit Inline section and click the "UPDATE" button.

Specific field values can be updated for individual or multiple employees. Values can be
updated individually for each respective employee. This functionality makes it to where
individual fields can be updated to new values for specified employees; rather than
updating information for all employees all at once.

Step 5 – Once the "UPDATE" button has been clicked, a Select Effective Date and
Event confirmation pop-up will appear. In the pop-up, select an event from the "Job Event"
drop-down and select the date in which the update will be effective. The pop-up will display
the number of records that will be updated if the update is executed. To continue and
execute the bulk update, simply click the "YES, UPDATE" button. Otherwise, click "NO,

Bulk Update (Batch Update)

Rather than performing bulk updates individually or one-by-one, bulk updates can be
performed as a batch or all at once.

Step 1 – Select the employees that need to be updated.

Step 2 – Select the fields that need to be updated.

Step 3 – Click the "UPDATE AS A BATCH" button. The Bulk Update section of the Bulk
Update page will appear.

Step 4 – The Bulk Update section will display a drop-down for each field that has been
selected in the Select Fields to Update section. To specify the new value that fields should
be updated to, simply select the new value from each respective drop-down that appears in
the Bulk Update section and clicks the "UPDATE" button.

Step 5 – Once the "UPDATE" button has been clicked, a Select Effective Date and
Event confirmation pop-up will appear. In the pop-up, select an event from the "Job Event"
drop-down and select the date in which the update will be effective. The pop-up will display
the number of records that will be updated if the update is executed. To continue and
execute the bulk update, simply click the "YES, UPDATE" button. Otherwise, click "NO,

9. Reports
Custom Reports

The PIM Reports is a robust reporting method that enables users to generate reporting
based on all fields in the PIM module as well as a set of commonly used canned reports.
This feature helps to retrieve information such as Employee Turnover - Hiring Report,
Employee Turnover - Termination Report, HeadCount Report (Per Location), HeadCount
Report (Per Sub Unit), License Expiry Report etc.

This feature allows admins to create custom reports and select fields in the PIM module that
needs to be displayed on the report. The user can generate detailed and precise PIM reports
by adding relevant fields and give relevant criteria to run the report. 

Go to PIM -> Reports, to view the available Reports.

Step 1 - Click the 'Add'   button on the top right corner of the screen. Then, Add
Reports Screen will appear.
Step 2 – Give a name for the report and click on the "Next" button.

Step 3 – Through "Selection Criteria", you can define which records to be included in the
report by defining the criteria by selecting the fields. Click the "Additional Selection Criteria"
if you want to select additional fields that aren't listed on the screen.

Step 4 – Select default tabs and custom field sections from the drop-down. The fields
available in the chosen section will be listed (includes custom fields). Then select the
necessary fields to define the selection criteria. Once selected click the "Save" button.

Note - Out of custom fields, only the types listed below are available as selection criteria.
 Date
 Drop Down
 Checkbox
 Number
 Country
 Radio Button

Step 5 – Repeat steps 3 and 4 until you have all the fields you want, selected.

Step 6 – Use the selected fields to set up the selection criteria you want. Some fields like
"Sub Unit" allow multiple values. Once done, click on the "Save" button.

Step 7 – Click the "Add Display Field Group" button, to add any fields to display.

Step 8 – From the drop-down list, select a PIM tab. The fields of the tab selected will
Step 9 – Select which fields you want to show on the report.

Step 10 – Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you have all the fields you want to be selected.

Step 11 – Click on the "Save" button to save the report.

Note: The salary components can be added as separate columns in the report. The

following screen displays the salary component selection criteria.

The report will display the salary components as columns and all the Deductions will follow
the  Earnings.

It is possible to filter and view employees who are supposed to be terminated in the future
by PIM report by adding the future dates for the 'From' and 'To' dates. 

The following screen displays job component selection criteria.  


You can select "Current employees Only" from the 'Include' filter and add a termination date
range from the "Termination date" filter. Upon doing so, the report shows the employees
who are supposed to be terminated in the future between the selected termination date

Display Chart

The “Show Chart” icon is visible once the user creates the PIM report. The icon,   is
displayed in the top right corner. Once the user selects the show chart option, the system
displays the options for the user to select the chart type and proceed with creating the chart
by providing the chart settings to create the desired chart type.

Step 1: Upon clicking the "Show Chart" icon, system displays the following window to set
the chart settings.
Field Description

Chart Type Select the chart type Ex: Bar chart, Pie Chart 

Group By  This the value that you have to select as the X-axis

Aggregate This the value that you have to select as the Y -axis

If the user selects a numeric field as the aggregate value the available options are
Aggregate Type "count". If the user selects a non-numerc field as the aggregate value the
available options are "Count", "sum", "average"  

Show Summary Table  Enable/disable summary table 

Hide Detailed Data Enable/disable Detailed data information

Bar Chart

Pie Chart
10. Leave
Apply Leave

Applying for leave is common throughout all the organizations in the industry. Employees
apply for leave due to many reasons, such as 

  sick leave, 
 casual leave, 
 annual leave, 
 maternity leave, 
 paternity leave etc 

Applying for leave is not an issue, the issue arises when employees fail to notify their
supervisor properly, notify the supervisor of the chosen nominees and notifying the
nominees as well.  OrangeHRM has addressed all these issues through the ‘Apply Leave’

All users (except for the Admin unless he is an employee) can apply for leave using this

Go to Leave->Apply and the ‘Apply Leave’ screen appears.

Step 1 – Complete the following fields in the given order.

Field Description

Select from the list. It will only show the leave types the
Leave Type
employee is eligible for.

The user can select the date(s) there are applying leave for.
If it is one day, both dates should be the same.
If leave rules allow it, the user can apply for a half-day or a
specific time.

Comment Add a comment. (Optional)

The user can add up to 3 nominees and add a comment

for each nominee.

Attachments The user can add attachments up to 5mb.

Partial Days

In the duration field, the user can choose a half-day, then the system will ask the user to
select the morning or the evening half.

If the user is trying to apply for multiple days, then he/she can apply for all days to be
partial days as per their need. The user can select the leave to be in the morning or evening
half. The user can apply for half days on the starting day, end day or both days.

If the user selects the specify time, then the system prompted to select the start and end
time as displays below.

Step 2 - Afterwards, the user can add a comment in the comment section and if there are
any attachments to be attached, simply click the "Attachment" icon and upload the file for
your leave request. 

Step 3– Click Apply. The Supervisor and the Nominees receive the notifications. To
subscribe for this email notification please refer to the email subscriptions 
Leave Nominee

The user can assign nominees on behalf of themselves to undertake their responsibilities
during their absence

Leave Nominee is an optional feature that is to be activated by leave type. Contact

OrangeHRM to enable this feature.
My Leave

Leave Management includes all ways in which employees apply for time away from work
and managers use it to accept or deny leave based on company policies. It is important to
have a reliable leave management system for any organization. Many studies have shown a
negative impact on employee performance by poor leave management practices. It can also
have an enormous impact on the morale of employees and subsequently on the results
of their projects. OrangeHRM ‘leave list’ feature is a comprehensive leave list that allows the
user to identify whether the employee is complying with the eligibility criterions of the leave
type defined by the company and also it allows the identity whether the employee is in
accordance with his / her leave balance.  

The leave list is available to the Admin and ESS – Supervisors. It shows all leave requests by
the employees.

 Global Admin: can see and manage leave application for all employees based in all
the locations/regions of the organization.
 Regional Admin: can see and manage leave application for all employees based in
all the assigned locations/regions of the organization.
 ESS-Supervisor: can see and manage the leave application of his/her subordinates.
 ESS-Employee: has no access to this feature.  In order for them to see leaves list of
their own, they have to go to ‘My Leave’ section. (Section 8.6).

To view the leave list, select Leave ->Leave List. Leave List Screen is displayed as follows.
The admin can configure the fields to show in the list and can apply the configurations to all
users in the system. Click     the icon on the top left-hand corner of the list. The
configuration screen is displayed as follows. The list can have up to 8 fields.
The user can filter the leave list based on filtering criteria explained below. The ‘Leave List’

 Step 1 – Fill the following filtering criteria.

Field Description

From/To Find requests between specified dates.

Employee Leave requests for a specified employee.

Sub Unit Leave requests based on departments.

Location Leave requests based on Locations.

Leave Type Leave requests based on the leave type.

Cost Center Requests based on employee cost centre.

Include past The user has the option to mark this checkbox  and get results which
employees include information relating to past employees

The user can configure the status either as: ‘All’, ‘Cancelled’, ‘Pending
Show leave
Approval’, ‘Scheduled’, ‘Taken’ and as ‘Rejected’ as well. The user can
with status
choose all of these statuses or choose a set of these statuses. 

 Step 2 – Click ‘Search’.

Step 3 – The user can export the list to a CSV file. Select ‘Export Summary’ or ‘Export Detail’

By clicking on “Export Summary to CSV”, the following information is captured in a CSV

 Start Date
 End Date
 Applied on
 Employee ID
 Employee Name (Full Name)
 Leave Type
 Number of Days
 Status
 Comments
 Cost Center

Furthermore, the admin user has access to the ‘Nominee’, ‘Details’, ‘ Comments’ by clicking
on these icons. Also, the admin user has the ability to download information relating to the
employee's leave by clicking the ‘download’ icon. All these icons are available towards the
left-hand corner of the leave list. The image below shows these icons.

By clicking      icon the admin user will be able to edit the notes written by the
nominees. The ‘Nominees’ screen is displayed as follows.
By clicking on  the icon the admin user will be able to view the ‘Details’ in regards to the
leave. Also, if the employee has included any attachments then those attachments will be
shown as well. Also, the admin user can select the ‘Action’ which they are intending to take
via the pre-defined options in the dropdown and click ‘Save’. The ‘Leave Request Details’’
screen is displayed as follows.

By clicking on the   icon the admin user will be able to view or edit the ‘Comments’
mentioned by the employee and then click ‘Save’. The ‘Leave Request Comments’’ screen is
displayed as follows.

Manage Leave Entitlements

A company allocates a certain amount of leave entitlements when an employee joins the
organization. It is very important for an employee to use and manage their leave
entitlements appropriately. Overuse of leave entitlements can result in no pay and etc. The
most common error conducted by an employee is that they tend to misuse the allocated
leave entitlements for a specific leave type for an entirely different purpose. For example, an
employee may use the entitlements available in sick leave for his/ her personal work than
using it for the intended purpose.

Generally, these types of incidents are very common.  This is where OrangeHRM's feature of
'Leave Entitlement'  comes into play. This feature enables the HR Admin and other users
with admin rights to add, edit and view 'Leave Entitlements' for each leave type for all

To access this feature go to Leave -> Entitlements ->Entitlement List.  'Leave

Entitlements' screen is displayed as follows.  
Search Entitlements

Step 1 – Fill the following search criteria's 

Field Description

Search based on the employee name. This field is 'auto-

suggestion' enabled.

Search based on the pre-defined leave types mentioned in

Leave type
the drop-down. 

Step 2 – Click 'SEARCH'.  Upon clicking this button the list will be shown below in the
mentioned search fields. 

Field Description 

Leave Type Shows the leave type that the entitlements were added on

Entitlement Type Shows the type of entitlement

Credited On Shows the entitlement credited date 

Valid From Shows the valid period 

Valid To Shows the valid period 

Expired Shows the expired date

Days Shows the number of added days for the leave type

 When adding entitlements for the employee for the same leave type, a separate record is
shown for each and every time a new record is added.

Add Entitlements

The user can navigate to the 'Add Leave Entitlement' screen' either by selecting Leave->
Entitlements-> Add Entitlement or click the 'Add' button in the Entitlement List Screen.
The 'Add Leave Entitlement' is displayed as follows.

Step 1 – The user can filter out the employee(s) and add entitlements to the preferred
employees by using the following criteria.

Field Description

Name of the employee (If the user is adding entitlements to

a single employee ).
Leave Type The user can add entitlements to the preferred leave type.

Firstly, the user needs to enable the checkbox relating to

this field. Upon enabling this field two additional criteria are
made visible. The following are the criteria's :

      Location - the user can choose the location from

the dropdown.
Add to multiple employees

 Subunit- the user can choose the Subunit from the


The user can decide on what leave period the user should
Leave Period
add entitlements to.

The user can decide the preferred number of days he/she

Entitlement (Days)
wants to add for an entitlement.

Comment The user can add a comment.

Step 2 – Click  'SAVE' after defining the above criterions.   Upon clicking  'SAVE'  the
'Updating Entitlement' screen is displayed. This screen shows the affected employees and it
shows the  'Old Entitlement' and the 'New Entitlement' after the change.

Step 3 – Click 'CONFIRM'. 

Edit Entitlements
Step 1 - After the list has been generated, the user can choose the desired row from the
generated list and click the  Icon. 

Step 2 - The user can only edit the "Entitlements (Days)"  and the 'Comment'    field with the
preferred value and click 'SAVE'

11. Leave – Report

Leave Usage Report

A company by default provides a set of leave types along with entitlements for each
employee. Although the company provides these privileges, they fail to properly monitor
how these leave privileges are been utilized by employees.  A company faces such situations
mainly because they do not have a proper mechanism/system in place. As a result, a
company may not be able to make the best use of their employees to achieve productivity
and efficiency gains. 

With the help of OrangeHRM, a company can now track the usage relating to the leave type
and the leave usage in regards to an employee. This can be done by generating a report for
either of the above conditions. 

Go to Leave ->Reports -> Leave Usage. Upon following this path the following screen is
Generate a report for the leave type

Step 1 –  From the 'Generate For' field choose  'Leave Type' from the dropdown.  The
following areas are made visible after choosing 'Leave Type'.

Step 2 - Complete the following fields to create a report according to the user's

           Field                                       Description

The leave type the report should be generated for. For example
Leave Type
Annual leave, Sick Leave and etc. 

Job Title Based on job titles

Location Based on location

Sub Unit Based on departments

Include past Click this checkbox to include employees in the report who has left
Employees the company. 

Eligible employee only Based on the pre-defined eligible employees. 

Step 3 – Click 'View' to generate the report on the screen. Click 'Export to CSV' to download
the report as a CSV file.

Optional: Once when the report is generated on the 'Leave Entitlements and Usage Report"
screen the user can move between the 'Previous Period', 'Current Period' and the 'Next

Period'to check the usage for each period by clicking      button . Please
refer to the image below to get a better understanding. 
Generate a report for the employees

Step 1 – From the 'Generate For' field choose  'Employee' from the dropdown.  The
following area is made visible after choosing 'Employee'.

Step 2 –  The user can select the employee which they want the report to be generated for
in the 'Employee Name' field.

Step 3 – Click 'View' to generate the report on the screen. Click 'Export to CSV' to download
the report as a CSV file.

Optional: Once when the report is generated on the 'Leave Entitlements and Usage Report"
screen the user can move between the 'Previous Period', 'Current Period' and the 'Next

Period'to check the usage for each period by clicking      button . Please
refer to the image below to get a better understanding. 
12. Leave – List
Leave Management includes all ways in which employees apply for time away from work
and managers use it to accept or deny leave based on company policies. It is important to
have a reliable leave management system for any organization. Many studies have shown a
negative impact on employee performance by poor leave management practices. It can also
have an enormous impact on the morale of employees and subsequently on the results
of their projects. OrangeHRM ‘leave list’ feature is a comprehensive leave list that allows the
user to identify whether the employee is complying with the eligibility criterions of the leave
type defined by the company and also it allows the identity whether the employee is in
accordance with his / her leave balance.  

The leave list is available to the Admin and ESS – Supervisors. It shows all leave requests by
the employees.

 Global Admin: can see and manage leave application for all employees based in all
the locations/regions of the organization.
 Regional Admin: can see and manage leave application for all employees based in
all the assigned locations/regions of the organization.
 ESS-Supervisor: can see and manage the leave application of his/her subordinates.
 ESS-Employee: has no access to this feature.  In order for them to see leaves list of
their own, they have to go to ‘My Leave’ section. (Section 8.6).
To view the leave list, select Leave ->Leave List. Leave List Screen is displayed as follows.

The admin can configure the fields to show in the list and can apply the configurations to all
users in the system. Click     the icon on the top left-hand corner of the list. The
configuration screen is displayed as follows. The list can have up to 8 fields.
The user can filter the leave list based on filtering criteria explained below. The ‘Leave List’

 Step 1 – Fill the following filtering criteria.

Field Description

From/To Find requests between specified dates.

Employee Leave requests for a specified employee.

Sub Unit Leave requests based on departments.

Location Leave requests based on Locations.

Leave Type Leave requests based on the leave type.

Cost Center Requests based on employee cost centre.

Include past The user has the option to mark this checkbox  and get results which
employees include information relating to past employees

The user can configure the status either as: ‘All’, ‘Cancelled’, ‘Pending
Show leave
Approval’, ‘Scheduled’, ‘Taken’ and as ‘Rejected’ as well. The user can
with status
choose all of these statuses or choose a set of these statuses. 

 Step 2 – Click ‘Search’.

Step 3 – The user can export the list to a CSV file. Select ‘Export Summary’ or ‘Export Detail’

By clicking on “Export Summary to CSV”, the following information is captured in a CSV

 Start Date
 End Date
 Applied on
 Employee ID
 Employee Name (Full Name)
 Leave Type
 Number of Days
 Status
 Comments
 Cost Center

Furthermore, the admin user has access to the ‘Nominee’, ‘Details’, ‘ Comments’ by clicking
on these icons. Also, the admin user has the ability to download information relating to the
employee's leave by clicking the ‘download’ icon. All these icons are available towards the
left-hand corner of the leave list. The image below shows these icons.

By clicking      icon the admin user will be able to edit the notes written by the
nominees. The ‘Nominees’ screen is displayed as follows.
By clicking on  the icon the admin user will be able to view the ‘Details’ in regards to the
leave. Also, if the employee has included any attachments then those attachments will be
shown as well. Also, the admin user can select the ‘Action’ which they are intending to take
via the pre-defined options in the dropdown and click ‘Save’. The ‘Leave Request Details’’
screen is displayed as follows.

By clicking on the   icon the admin user will be able to view or edit the ‘Comments’
mentioned by the employee and then click ‘Save’. The ‘Leave Request Comments’’ screen is
displayed as follows.
Assign Leave

This feature is only available to an HR Admin (Global and Regional) and ESS-Supervisor. To
assign leave, select Leave>Assign Leave and the Assign Leave Screen will appear.

 GlobalAdmin: can assign leave for all employees based in all the locations/regions
of the organization.
 Regional Admin: can assign leave for all employees based in specific
locations/regions of the organization. *
 ESS-Supervisor: can assign leave for his/her subordinates.
 ESS-Employee: has no access to this feature.
Step 1 – Complete the following fields in the given order.

Field Description

The name of the employee to which the leave should be


Select from the list. It will only show the leave types the
Leave Type
employee is eligible for.

Select the Date(s) the leave should be assigned for. If it is

one day, both dates should be the same.

Comment Add a comment. (Optional)

Duration Full day, Half day or Specify the duration

You can add up to 3 nominees and add a comment for


Step 2 – Click Assign. An email will be sent to the employee informing of the action. If
Nominees are added, they will receive a notification as well.
Leave calendar

Most of the time, one person will need to follow several different calendars to keep track of
everything going on in a team. When planning your team activities on a calendar, you
probably think of a month ahead of time.

But sometimes it pays to zoom out and see the bigger picture. Other times, you should
focus on a single week or even day. To cater these OrangeHRM provides a "Leave Calendar",
where you can view all the leave requests in one single calendar.

Administrators, ESS-Employees, and ESS-Supervisors all have access to the leave calendar.
To view the leave calendar, select Leave -> Leave Calendar and the Leave Calendar screen
is shown.

Refer the following article to learn how the leave calendar configuration works. 

Configure Leave Calendar 

User Role Privileges

 Global Admin: can view the monthly leave calendar of all employees based in all
locations/regions of the organization.
 Regional Admin: can view the monthly leave calendar of all employees based on all
the assigned locations/regions of the organization.
 ESS-Supervisor: can view his personal weekly, monthly and yearly leave calendar
and of his/her subordinates.
 ESS-Employee: can view his personal monthly leave calendar. Also, the system
allows showing leave requests from other employees in the same sub-unit.

When applying for leave, an employee can check the availability of other peers in their
division so that leave overlaps with other employees can be avoided. This calendar helps
avoid multiple leave requests on the same day in the same department.

Search/Filter Leave Calendar:

Admin or Supervisors can filter or search the leave calendar using the below criteria which
are located at the top of the leave calendar. Select your criteria and click View.
Search Criteria Description

Search the calendar for a specific employee. Multiple

Employee name
employees can be selected at once.

Search based on the department. Multiple subunits can be


Select the year and month the leave calendar should


Search based on leave types. You can select multiple leave

Leave Type

Search based on Leave status. You can select multiple leave

Leave Status

Employment status Search based on employment status

Location Search based on location

Include past employees Select to include terminated employees

Save the above filter selection as the default search every

Make Filter Default
time the user accesses the employee list.

 When selecting the “Reset” within the Filter, the search section results in resetting the
search filters and list to the default view.

Bulk Assign Leave

Assigning Leave for the employees within an organization are considered to be natural.
Because of various reasons, employees can take leave. Nonetheless, there are situations
where workers are unable to apply for a leave-in advance because of an emergency or
sometimes a director can decide to assign leave to a number of employees for a job well
done. For example, in a particular region, a certain group of workers is unable to apply for
leave through the process as they are affected by floods. A company's managers or HR
professionals can face the problem of not being able to assign leaves in bulk to their
workers, mainly because of the inability of the existing system With OrangeHRM’s feature of
‘Bulk Assign’ managers / HR professionals are now are able to filter and assign leave in bulk
for a certain set of employees. 

This feature is only available to an HR Admin (Global and Regional) and ESS-Supervisor. To
assign leave in bulk, select  Leave -> Bulk Assign. 
Step 1 – Complete the following fields.

Field Description

The user can select the desired leave type from the dropdown. The
Leave Type
user has the option of choosing from the pre-defined leave types.

Select the date(s) the leave should be assigned for. If the leave is
From/To assigned for one day, then the dates for both ‘From’ and ‘To’
should be the same.

Comment Add a comment. (Optional)

Location/Subunit Select employees based on the location

Subunit Select employees based on the department(s)

Additional Employees The user can add other employees that don't fall under the
to include selected group.

Step 2 – Click ‘Assign’ after defining the above fields. A confirmation screen appears with
the affected employee list and status. ‘Bulk Assign Leave’ screen described as follows.
13. Time
Time Sheets
Fill Time Sheets

Employees of an organization should be mindful that timesheets are not only created with
the intention of tracking their work but also it is a tool that they could use to measure and
track their performance levels. Also, it allows employees to align themselves in achieving
their goals, objectives and KPI’s. With OrangeHRM’s feature to fill features, employees can
now measure and compare their performance levels against projects and also they can track
how much time they have spent on each activity of a project. This feature functions in
different ways depending on the user type. The Admins and Supervisors are able to view the
Timesheets of employees and in addition, they can enter his/her timesheet details. However,
a normal ESS user can only enter his/ her timesheet details.

Note: Timesheets can be displayed based on Weekly or Bi-Weekly. By default, the timesheet

is configured to weekly. However, it can be configured to Bi-Weekly from the back end. 

Go to  Select Time > Timesheets > My Timesheets. ‘My Timesheets’  screen is displayed as




User can view the previous timesheets by selecting the timesheet from the timesheet
Step 1 Fill the following fields when creating a timesheet.

Field                                                    Description

Project The user can choose an already created project from the drop-down 

The user can choose an already created activity relating to the project from the drop-
Activity down. The user can choose from: Meeting, Presentation, Discussion, Company Get
together and many more.

The specified time periods the user has worked on an activity relating to a particular
From / To

Duration The duration is automatically calculated once when the time periods have been defined.

 Step 2 The user can use the following functions to make when creating a timesheet. The
table below describes those functions.

 Function                                        Description

This function allows the user to add a list of projects which he/she
  completed for a particular day. 

The user can add a comment relating to the project which he/she

The user can use this feature to copy an activity if the user feels that
he/she has done the same activity more than once for a particular

  The user can remove a previously created activity. 

  The user can create a timesheet based on a previously defined
timeline (weekly /bi-weekly)

  The user can create a timesheet for a week or bi-weekly.

Step 3   After creating the timesheet click ‘Submit’ to submit the timesheet or click ‘Save’ to
save the timesheet. 

Edit Timesheets

The user can also edit their timesheets even after submitting or saving their timesheets.

Step 1 - By default, the ‘My Timesheets’ screen shows the timesheet for the current week.
Click ‘Edit’ to fill the timesheet. The edit behavior of the timesheet is shown below.

Function Description

This function allows the user to add one or more projects and activities for
a particular day.

REMOVE ROWS The user can remove a previously created row/rows.

Upon clicking this function the user can simply select the desired week
which they want to copy from and copy to the current week.

*COPY ACTIVITIES - The ‘Copy Activities from Timesheet’ screen is shown upon clicking 

Click ‘Copy’ after selecting the relevant timesheet from the drop-down.

Note  -  This improves employee efficiency in data entry when the people work on long term
projects and activities.

Click ‘SAVE’’after making all the necessary changes via the mentioned functions.

Important points for the edit behavior:

 Under the ‘ Project Name’ title only the active projects and related activities will be
available in the drop-down to select. 
 Alternatively, the user can select a common activity that stands alone without a
project, to log time. Logged time would be tracked under the common activity but not
under any project.
 The user can also select a project of his / her preference, in front of the common
activity. Then that time would be logged to the project selected under the common
activity selected.
 When entering the time spent on each activity under each day in hours. 90 minutes
should be entered as 1.5. 
 To remove a row, select it by clicking the checkbox to the left of the row and click

Refer to the following article regarding common activities: How to Add Common activities

General important points to remember when creating timesheets :

 The user cannot create timesheets for future weeks.

 On the top, right next to the status of the timesheet is shown
 The following days are marked in grey: Non-working days such as Holidays,
Weekends and the absent days of the employee are marked in grey. 
 To remove a row, select it by clicking the checkbox to the left of the row and click
Delete row.
 Notifications can be set and subscribed for Approval, Rejection, and Submission of
Timesheets. Reminder notifications for those actions can also be set and subscribed.

Export to CSV - Timesheets

As project-based work has become more common, timesheets aren’t just used to calculate
payroll. Project or client based timesheets are more detailed records showing the amount of
time spent on each project or client, which means they can be used for billing purposes and
to help with project management. These types of timesheets are also useful for HR
Professionals to analyse the activities being carried out and the amount of time taken which
could help with workforce planning.

OrangeHRM’s ‘Export to CSV’  feature helps both HR professionals and project managers to
generate reports based on the selection criteria’s which they have defined. This, in turn, is
beneficial to both HR professionals and project managers in many ways: 

 Track project costs 

 Estimate future costs
 Measuring unproductive time
 Understanding an employee’s workload

And etc. 

Once when the user has filled timesheets, supervisors and admins depending on the access
level can export consolidated reports as CSV files.

Step 1 – Select Time ->Time Sheets ->Export to CSV . The ‘Export to CSV’ screen is
displayed as follows.
Step 2 – The user can use the filtering criteria to configure the report to the way they want
it. Fill the following filtering criteria.

Filter Description

Employee Based on the employee

Timesheets of the chosen supervisor’s subordinates. The user can

choose previously created supervisors from the drop-down.  

Based on the employment status of the employees,  for an

Employment example: Full-Time Contract, Part - Time Contract, Freelance,
status Full- Time Permanent and etc. All these options are available in
the dropdown.

Subunit Based on the timesheets of the selected department.

Customer Based on the timesheets of the selected customer.

Project Based on the timesheets of the selected project.

Activity Based on the timesheets of the selected activity.

The user can specify the time period which they want to generate
the report for.

The user has the option to generate the report based on the
Include timesheets of current employees or current and past employees
or past employees. These options are available in the dropdown. 

The user can mark the checkbox relating to the status of the
Timesheet Status timesheets as Saved, Submitted, Approved, Rejected and Not-
Filled from the dropdown.

The user can select which fields to display in the report apart
from the above-mentioned fields. The user can select:

 Job title
Additional Fields
 Employment Status
to display
 Joined Date
 Location
 Supervisor

The user can group the timesheets based on the fields

mentioned under ‘Group by’. The user can choose from the
following fields mentioned under ‘First Level’ :

 Employee
 Project
 Activity
Group by*  Sub Unit
 Customer
 Timesheet Start Date
 Timesheet Status
The user can choose which functionalities they require in their
report. The user has the option to choose the following fields :

Other  Include Filter Criteria in the CSV

 Include Non-Project Time
 Include Break Time

*Group by-  Upon clicking either of the mentioned fields 2 additional fields appear. The
image below shows the  2 additional fields.

Furthermore, upon clicking either of the mentioned fields under ‘First Level’,  fields relating
to the ‘Second Level’ is been activated. The ‘Second Level” fields are displayed as follows.

Step 4 – Click ‘Export to CSV after all the above fields have been configured.  

Punch In and Out Records

This feature allows capturing the number of hours an employee spends working for the
company. This feature is only available to the ESS – Supervisor and ESS User. Select Time >
Attendance > Punch In/Out.
If the HR Admin has configured the attendance settings, the “Time” for both punch in/out
could be changed otherwise the system will automatically capture the “system time”.

My Records

This feature is available to both ESS-Employee and ESS-Supervisor. Once you have punched
in and punched out, the details of your personal attendance record will be shown under “My

Step 1 – Select Time>Attendance>Punch In/Out.

Step 2 – Select the date you want the records to be displayed. The attendance record for
the selected day will be displayed.

Step 3 – If the user has the privilege to edit/delete, the edit button will appear. Click the
button to edit the record.
Step 4 – Edit the punch in/out times and/or comments.

Step 5 – Click the Save button.

Employee Records

This feature is available to both ESS-Supervisor (can view his/her subordinate’s attendance
records) and HR Admin (can view all employee’s attendance records).

Step 1 – Select Time>Attendance>Employee Records. The Employee Attendance Records

screen will appear.

Step 2 – Select the employee and the date you want to view the records of.

If you leave the employee name blank, all the employee records for the day will bdisplayed. 

he admin can select what privileges the employees and supervisors will have on the punch
in/out and attendance. Select Time>Attendance>Configurations. The Attendance
Configurations Screen will appear. This screen allows you to disable/enable the following

1. Make the time field editable/non-editable when punching in and out.

2. Make the attendance records editable/non-editable by employees.
3. Make the attendance records of subordinates editable/non-editable by supervisors.
4. IP Based Restriction – The web/Mobile punch in/out can be configured to accept
connections from a set IP range. You can add multiple IP ranges.

Export to CSV - Timesheets

As project-based work has become more common, timesheets aren’t just used to calculate
payroll. Project or client based timesheets are more detailed records showing the amount of
time spent on each project or client, which means they can be used for billing purposes and
to help with project management. These types of timesheets are also useful for HR
Professionals to analyse the activities being carried out and the amount of time taken which
could help with workforce planning.

OrangeHRM’s ‘Export to CSV’  feature helps both HR professionals and project managers to
generate reports based on the selection criteria’s which they have defined. This, in turn, is
beneficial to both HR professionals and project managers in many ways: 

 Track project costs 

 Estimate future costs
 Measuring unproductive time
 Understanding an employee’s workload

And etc. 

Once when the user has filled timesheets, supervisors and admins depending on the access
level can export consolidated reports as CSV files.

Step 1 – Select Time ->Time Sheets ->Export to CSV . The ‘Export to CSV’ screen is
displayed as follows.

Step 2 – The user can use the filtering criteria to configure the report to the way they want
it. Fill the following filtering criteria.
Filter Description

Employee Based on the employee

Timesheets of the chosen supervisor’s subordinates. The user

Supervisor can choose previously created supervisors from the drop-

Based on the employment status of the employees,  for an

example: Full-Time Contract, Part - Time Contract, Freelance,
Employment status
Full- Time Permanent and etc. All these options are available
in the dropdown.

Subunit Based on the timesheets of the selected department.

Customer Based on the timesheets of the selected customer.

Project Based on the timesheets of the selected project.

Activity Based on the timesheets of the selected activity.

The user can specify the time period which they want to
generate the report for.

The user has the option to generate the report based on the
timesheets of current employees or current and past
employees or past employees. These options are available in
the dropdown. 

The user can mark the checkbox relating to the status of the
Timesheet Status timesheets as Saved, Submitted, Approved, Rejected and Not-
Filled from the dropdown.

The user can select which fields to display in the report apart
from the above-mentioned fields. The user can select:

 Job title
Additional Fields to
 Employment Status
 Joined Date
 Location
 Supervisor

Group by* The user can group the timesheets based on the fields
mentioned under ‘Group by’. The user can choose from the
following fields mentioned under ‘First Level’ :
 Employee
 Project
 Activity
 Sub Unit
 Customer
 Timesheet Start Date
 Timesheet Status

The user can choose which functionalities they require in their

report. The user has the option to choose the following fields :

Other  Include Filter Criteria in the CSV

 Include Non-Project Time
 Include Break Time

*Group by-  Upon clicking either of the mentioned fields 2 additional fields appear. The
image below shows the  2 additional fields.

Furthermore, upon clicking either of the mentioned fields under ‘First Level’,  fields relating
to the ‘Second Level’ is been activated. The ‘Second Level” fields are displayed as follows.

Step 4 – Click ‘Export to CSV after all the above fields have been configured.  
Attendance Data upload

A company may have a fully functional system to track down and record everything thing related
to a company and its employees. However, it may face difficulties in uploading data relating to
attendance. On most occasions, companies might not be able to upload all the data relating to a
specific period at once through their systems. For example, a system may not allow the user to
upload a week's attendance date at once instead the system only allows the user to upload date
one by one for each day of the week.

With OrangeHRM an HR professional need not worry about such things as the system can easily
upload attendance data without any trouble at all. This feature allows HR Admins to upload
attendance data into the OrangeHRM system. Also, the user can upload the attendance data via a
biometric device as well. However, the file format needs to be a CSV (a sample is available to
download), having the following naming scheme: attendance_ymd.csv'. Eg:

 To access this feature go to: Time>Attendance>Data upload. The 'Attendance Data Upload'

screen is displayed.

 Step 1: Click 'Download' (The button next to 'Sample CSV File') option mentioned in the above
screen. By doing so, the user can enter the attendance date according to the required format. 

Step 2: Click the 'Select File' button. Upon clicking this button the following window is

Step 3: Select the desired CSV file from the above window and click 'Open'.

Step 4: Click 'Upload' once when the preferred CSV file has been chosen.

Note: The file processing task needs to be set once a day/week. Please contact support to set up
the frequency. Also, the system is only capable of uploading a CSV file which has a file size of
Activity Info
Add Customers

A planned set of interrelated tasks to be executed over a fixed period and within certain cost
and other limitations. Projects can be of two types:

 A company initiated projects For example, a marketing project to raise awareness

regarding a product via social media.
 A project provided by a customer. For example, a client requests to construct a
house within 1 year.

Irrespective of the type of project, a company needs to make the optimum use of available
resources to meet the discussed outcome within a defined timeline. However, the most
common issue for a company is to add customers to a system with the relevant and correct
information. With the help of OrangeHRM, a company can now easily add customers with
relevant and correct information. The user can enter details of the customers that can be
used to define projects and project activities.

Go to Time -> Activity Info -> Customers. Upon following this path' Customers' screen
can be activated. 

Step 1 - Click ‘Add’  button in the above screen. Upon clicking this button 'Add Customer'
screen is been triggered. 

 Step 2 – Complete the following fields to add a customer. 

        Field                                 Description

Name  Name of the customer.

Customer Cost  Allocate a cost centre for the customer.


Description A brief description.

 Step 3 – Click 'Save' button. Upon clicking this button a customer is added to the list of
customers in the 'Customers' screen. 

Projects and Activities

The administrators are able to define the projects that they are handling in the system
managed by the company. To add a project, select Time> Project Info>Projects.

The Project Screen appears as below.

Step 1 - Click ‘Add’   button in the Screen. The Add Project Screen will appear.

Step 2 – Complete the following fields.

Field Description

Name Name of the project

There are two options available as "Private" and "public". 

Visibility  Public - are selectable for all employees

 Private - are selectable only for project members

Select New customer/Add new

Select an existing client or add a new one.

Customer name Select the client if it’s an existing one. Else add the name of the new cli

Customer Description Applicable only if it’s a new client

Project Cost Center Include the Cost center as defined Add Cost Center Article. 

Once added, the employee will be able to change project related

Project Admin

Mark the Project Active or not. 

If a user is added as a project admin, they also can change the project

Description Describe the project.

Step 3 – Click Save. An activities section will appear below the project information.

Step 4 – You can add activities to the project one by one or copy from an existing project.
To add one by one, click the Add button. Add project activity screen will appear.

Step 5 – Give a name and click save.

Step 6 – To copy activities from another project, click Copy from.

Step 7 – Select the project you want to copy from. A list of activities for the selected project
will appear.

  Step 8 – Select/Deselect the act ivies you want to add and click Copy. 

 Add Project Members

Upon saving the project info, the system shows another tab to add the project members. 

Step 1 - Go to "Members" tab, click "Add Project Members"

Step 4 - Click Save
Common Activities

Common activities are activities that are not assigned to any project. These are created
regardless of a project and can standalone unlike earlier activities created under a
project. When filling time sheets, it is optional to select a project for the common activities.
To add common Activities;

Step 1 - Select Time>Activity Info>Common Activities. The common  Activities Screen will

Step 2 - Click the Add button.

Step 3 - Give a name to the activity and click Save.

14. Training 
Add a Course

Courses are the training that a company provides for its employees. A company can create
different training courses for different departments, for example, a company can conduct
sales training for their sales staff to improve / further enhance their negotiation skills. These
training courses can either be provided by the internal staff or by an external trainer.

A company may create a list of training courses for its employees. However , the concern for
companies is that, the information relating to the course may be scattered in company
emails or in bills (if the company is hiring external trainers  or the cost of conducting the
training internally) OrangeHRM’s ‘Add Course’ functionality helps to create a course while
centralizing all the information under that specific course name. 

The user can view the list of courses by selecting Training ->Courses. The ‘Course List’
Screen is displayed as follows.

Step 1 - Click the ‘Add’ button in the screen (which is on the left-hand corner of the screen)
The “Add Course” screen is displayed as follows.

Step 2 – Fill the following fields.

Field Description

Title Name of the  Course

Coordinator Name of the employee who is in charge of the course

Sub Unit The department the course is created for.

Version numbers of the course

Currency/Cost Currency and the cost of the course

The name of the external company which conducts the course. If the
Company training course is conducted within the company then the user can
enter their own company name. 

Duration Duration of the course.

Description Details of the course.

Step 3 – Click ‘Save’ after completing the above fields. Once created, the course will be
included in the ‘Course List”

The user is also capable of filtering previously created courses.

Step 1- Click the     button on the top right corner of the screen. The ‘Filter courses’
screen is displayed as follows.

Step 2 – Fill the available fields to narrow down the search and get the desired result(s). 

Field Description

Title Search by the title of the course

Version Search based on the version of the course

Coordinator Search by the course coordinator

Sub Unit Search by the department

There can be external companies that provide training. Therefore the user
must search by the name of the external company

Include Archived courses will not be shown in the result unless the ‘Include
Archived Archived’ checkbox is selected 

Step 3 – Click ‘Search’ once when the relevant fields have been filled. The result(s) is shown
based on the fields the user has filled. 
Furthermore, the user can edit the previously created courses as well by going to the
‘Course List’ and clicking the ‘Title’ name of the course. Then the ‘Course Details’ screen is
shown. Afterward, the user can make the necessary amendments. 
Add Training Sessions

Training is an important aspect of the HR world. Many are under the impression that
training is only important to new recruits and junior level staff,  but it is not the case.
Training is important for senior staff as well. This is mainly because the technology is
evolving at a rapid pace, and as a result, jobs are been redesigned, processes have been
changed and systems are changed. Therefore employees need to be trained in order to
adapt to these changes. Hence helping them to develop new skills and enhance their
existing skills.

In regards to training, the most common issue is that companies do not have a  proper
mechanism other than email to identify the participants, identify the proper ratings
provided by the participants and the trainer, and to identify the mode of delivery.
OrangeHRM's training session’ has all these facilities and has many more useful features as
well. All these facilities provided by this feature helps to develop an analysis and come to a
conclusion as to what sort of training the employees actually require. 

Sessions are scheduled to conduct the training courses. To get to know more about courses
use the following materials:

Add a Course 

Filter/Search Course List 

How to create and manage Courses and Sessions, Confirm Attendance, & Leave Feedback 

To access this feature go to Training ->Sessions. 

Step 1 - Click the ‘Add’ (towards the right-hand corner of the screen)  button in the Screen.
The ‘Session Details’ screen is displayed as follows. 

Step 2 – Fill the following fields.

Field Description

Name Name of the session.

Course Select the previously created a course/courses from the drop-down.  

Start date The day the session is going to start.

End date The day the session is going to end.

Delivery location The location of the session

Delivery methods The user can choose the delivery method from the drop-down. The drop-
down has the following options;

· Classroom
· Self-Study

· Web-ex (Web conferencing)

The user can choose the status from the drop-down. The drop-down has
the following options : 

· Pending Approval

· Scheduled

· Completed

Description The user can include a description of the training session.

Step 3 –Click ‘Save’ after filing the above fields.

Step 4 – An attachment button will appear in the top right-hand corner for the created

session (this session is available in the ‘Session List’ ) Click    button to attach documents
for the session.

 Step 5  – Click the ‘Trainers’ tab which is next to the ‘Session Details’ tab.
Step 6 - Click the ‘Add’ (towards the right-hand corner of the screen)  button in the Screen.
The ‘Add Trainers’’ screen is displayed as follows.

Step 7 – Add the Trainer's name and click ‘Add. The user can add multiple trainers but this
screen is only capable of adding one trainer each time. Therefore the ‘Add button’ in the
‘Trainer’ tab will have to be clicked several times based on the number of trainers the user

Step 8 - Then move to the ‘Participants’ tab which is next to the ‘Trainers tab’. The
‘Participants’ screen is displayed as follows.
Step 9 - Click the ‘Add’ (towards the right-hand corner of the screen)  button in the Screen.
The ‘Add Participants’’ screen is displayed as follows.

Step 10 – The user can add participants individually by typing their names. Once done, click

Step 11 – Alternatively, the user can add multiple participants. Mark  ‘Add Multiple
Participants’ checkbox. Upon marking this checkbox ‘Location’ and ‘Sub Unit’ drop-down’
fields are made shown in the ‘Add Participants’ screen. 
Step 12 – The user has the option to select an answer from the drop-down for both the
fields or one field to narrow down the selection. Afterward, click ‘Add.’ The selected
participants are shown in the ‘Participants’ screen. 

Participation Session Report

Training is an important stage of an employee life cycle. Mainly because it helps them to
gather knowledge regarding their work. Also, it helps employees to develop new skills or
further enhance their existing skills. Hence, making them fully moulded all-rounders.
However, employees should attend these training courses and sessions to achieve the
above result. Most Employees may tend to avoid training courses and sessions due to tight
work schedules and heavy workload. Also, employees may tend to avoid giving feedback for
these sessions. Therefore,  a company faces the issue of getting employees to involve in
these training sessions and courses, and also, the other concern which a company faces is
getting feedback for training sessions and courses from employees. 

OrangeHRM’s feature to generate reports for participants helps companies to address all
the above-mentioned concerns. This feature helps to generate reports based on the ratings
provided by the  participants, the participation status, the name of the course and session
and many other criteria’s as well Furthermore, this, in turn, will allow the company to
conduct an analysis from a participant's point of view 

To access this feature go to : Training ->Reports ->Participating Sessions. The

‘Participating Session Information’  screen is displayed as follows.

To filter the results;

Step 1 – Click the    button. As a result, the available filters are displayed as follows.
Step 2 – Fill the available fields to narrow down the search and get the desired result(s). 

                Filter Description

Based on the Participant's name. The user can select multiple employees

Participant Name
who  participated for training course or session 

If the employee had participated or not.

Session Name Based on the name of the session.

Session Start
Based on a period of time the session started.

Session End Date Based on a period of time the session ended.

Session Delivery Based on how the session was conducted, whether through classroom,
Method self-study or WebEx (these options are mentioned in the drop-down).
Session Delivery
Based on where the session was held

Based on the session status Whether it's Cancelled, Approved, Pending

Session Status
Approval or Scheduled (these options are mentioned in the drop-down)

Session Created
Based on who created the session. The user can choose multiple users.

Session Created
Based on the date the session was created.

Based on the name of the course. The user can choose a ‘Course Title’
Course Title from the previously created course titles. Also, the user can choose
multiple course titles.

Course Version Based on the version of the course

Course Based on the coordinator of the course. The user can choose multiple
Coordinator course coordinators. 

Course Company Based on the company that conducted the course.

Based on the department the course was created for. The user can
choose multiple departments.

Course Cost Based on the cost of the course.

Currency Based on the currency of the cost

Based on the status of the course. The user can choose either ‘Active or
Course Status
‘Archived’ from the drop-down.

Course Created Based on the employee who created the course. Only admin users can
by create courses

Course Created
Based on the date the course was created.

Step 3 – Click ‘Generate’ after completing the above fields. The report is  generated and
displayed within the 'Participating Session Information' screen itself.
Step 4- To download the report, click the     . Then the user is able to download
the report as a PDF or as a CSV file. 

Training Session Report

Many companies provide their new recruits and senior staff with various types of training.
Organizations have on-and off-the-job training to new recruits with the intention of
providing an overview of their respective job titles and duties as well as making them aware
of what is required of them. Many reputable companies tend to hire external trainers for
courses on skill development, courses on information sharing and much more with HR
serving as the coordinators for these courses. 

In order to make the evaluation much more accurate, a company needs to get input from
the trainers as well, and on that basis, a company can come to a proper conclusion on the
training course. With the function of OrangeHRM to produce documents for training
sessions, an organization has the ability to conduct an effective review through which a solid
conclusion can be drawn.

Go to  Training ->Reports ->Training Session. The ‘Training Session Information’ screen is

displayed as follows.
To filter the results;

Step 1 – Click the   button. As a result, the available filters are displayed as follows.
 Step 2 – Fill the available fields to narrow down the search and get the desired result(s). 

Filter Description

Trainer’s Name Based on the Trainer’s name. The user can select multiple employees.

Trained status If the employee is trained or not.

Session Name Based on the name of the session.

Session Start
Based on a period of time the session started.

Session End Date Based on a period of time the session ended.

Session Delivery Based on how the session was conducted, whether through classroom,
Method self-study or WebEx (these options are mentioned in the drop-down).

Session Delivery Based on where the session was held.


Based on the session status Whether it's Cancelled, Approved, Pending

Session Status
Approval or Scheduled (these options are mentioned in the drop-down).

Session Created
Based on who created the session. The user can choose multiple users.

Session Created
Based on the date the session was created.

Based on the name of the course. The user can choose a ‘Course Title’
Course Title from the previously created course titles. Also, the user can choose
multiple course titles.

Course Version Based on the version of the course

Course Based on the coordinator of the course. The user can choose multiple
Coordinator course coordinators. 

Course Company Based on the company that conducted the course.

Based on the department the course was created for. The user can
choose multiple departments.

Course Cost Based on the cost of the course.

Currency Based on the currency of the cost

Based on the status of the course. The user can choose either ‘Active or
Course Status
‘Archived’ from the drop-down.

Course Created Based on the employee who created the course. Only the admin users
by can create courses

Course Created
Based on the date the course was created.

Step 3 – Click ‘Generate’ after completing the above fields. The report is  generated and
Step 4- To download the report, click the     . Then the user is able to download
the report as a PDF or as a CSV file.

15. Onboarding 
Add Tasks

A company has a certain set of activities to perform once when they onboard a set of
employees.  A company cannot rush these set of activities instead they need to perform
these activities very methodically. 

Training and induction programs are considered as a part of onboarding activities but they
are not the only activities that need to be conducted. For example, generally, a company
allocates laptops/ desktops to their newly recruited junior executives, provides access to
systems, introduces fellow employees and etc. With OrangeHRM, HR professionals can now
easily add tasks relating to onboarding. This action can be performed by an admin. Before
the user begins to manage the onboarding process, the user needs to set up different tasks
associated with the process.

Go to Onboarding ->Task Types.  By following the mentioned path the 'Task Types' screen
is displayed. 

Step 1 - Click the ‘Add’ (which is towards the right-hand corner )button on the screen. The
'Task Type Details' screen appears.

Step 2 – Complete the following fields.

Field Description

Name Name of the task

Notified before If the task is incomplete, how long before the due date a
reminder should be sent. It can be based on days or weeks.

Default Owner The person who is responsible for the task. Leave the field blank
to make the participant (New employee the owner), This field is
autosuggestion enabled. Hence, the employees are suggested
from the dropdown as the user starts to type. 

Also Notify Email The remainder can be sent to a specific email address 

Description Describe the task

Step 3 – Click ‘Save' and repeat the process to add more tasks.

Search and Edit Tasks

The process of onboarding an employee can be a hectic task for the HR department and the
relevant department which the new employee will join, as the HR department and that
particular department need to coordinate and work closely to ensure that the onboarding
process goes smoothly. On most occasions, the HR department and that particular
department which the employee is joining to will collectively assign individuals from both
the parties to undertake certain tasks relating to the onboarding process so that work is
evenly distributed.

On most occasions, the issue arises when both the above parties cannot remember what
tasks are important since they have created a lot of tasks relating to the onboarding
process. Also, for certain tasks, more activities need to be added therefore those tasks
require to be amended. With OrangeHRM, both the parties can now search for important
tasks and edit the required tasks from the created task lists. 

In the task list, the user can see all the tasks generated by creating events with an overview.

To access this feature go to:  On-boarding -> Employee Tasks. Upon following this path
the 'Employee Tasks Information" screen is displayed. 

Step 1 – Click the      on the top right-hand corner of the screen.  The 'Filter Employee
Tasks Information'  is displayed.

Step 2 – Use the available fields to narrow down the search or to filter the result. 

        Fields                                  Description
Task Name Search by the task name.

Owner Subunit Search by the task owner's department.

Event Location Search based on the location.

The user can choose the task status as  : Complete or Incomplete
Task Status
from the dropdown. The user can search based on the answer.

Participant Search based on the pre-defined participant of the event.

Task owner Search by the task owner.

Search based on the predefined event mentioned in the


Event owner Search based on the owner of the event. 

Due Date Search based on the deadline. 

The user can search  based on the following options: 

 Only Archived
 With Archived 
 Without Archived

Step 3 – Click ‘Search’ once the selection criteria have been defined.  Upon clicking 'Search'
the preferred results appear.

Edit the tasks

Task owners and Admin users can make changes to the tasks assigned to them.

Step 1 – Click on the task name from the list. The 'Edit Employee Task Information' screen
Step 2- Click   button.  The user can only edit the relevant fields after clicking
this field.

Step 3 - Complete the following fields in order to edit.

        Fields                                  Description

The user can choose the event from the pre-defined options
mentioned in the dropdown.
 Participant The user can change the previous participant. 

Task owner The user can change the previous task owner.

Name The user can edit the previous name of the event. 

Description The user can edit the previous description.

Also Notify Email The user can edit the previously provided email address.

Due Date The user can edit the previously mentioned due date.

Effective Date The user can edit the previously mentioned effective date.

 The user can change the priority to either of the following

options : 

 High
 Medium
 Low

The user can define a date to inform him /her prior to the
Notified Before
completion date. The user can edit the previously mentioned date.

Step 4 – Once when all the fields have been defined click the ‘Save’ button. 

Step 5 – Afterwards, click 'Complete' button.

Add Events

The event is a collection of related tasks to facilitate the Onboarding of a new employee or

a group of new employees. Select On-boarding>Events from the Main Menu to see the list
of tasks available.

Step 1 - Click ‘Add’ button in the Screen. The Add Event Screen will appear.

Step 2 – Complete the following fields.

Field Description

Name Name of the Event

Location Location of the Event (Office location of the new employee)

Due Date The date before all the tasks needs to be completed

Participants New Employee(s) Can add multiple employees.

Owners The employee in charge of the event. It can add multiple


Step 3 – Click ‘Save.’ The ‘Save’ button will be replaced with two new buttons; ‘Edit’ and

Step 4 – Click ‘Edit’ If you want to change any value and click ‘Save.’

Step 5 – Click ‘Activate’ to initiate the event. You can do this another time if you wish.

Step 6 from the pop-up dialog box, select the tasks you want to add to this event.

Step 7 –  Click ‘Generate Tasks.’

Step 8  – Click ‘Yes, Generate’ from the confirmation dialog box.

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