Porosity Development in Activated Carbons Obtained From
Porosity Development in Activated Carbons Obtained From
Porosity Development in Activated Carbons Obtained From
Date pits, a low-cost agricultural by-product, was tested as a precursor for the production of porous carbons in a
chemical scheme using phosphoric acid. The raw material was impregnated with increasing concentrations of H3 PO4
(30–70 vol.%) followed by pyrolysis at 300, 500 or 700 °C. Texture characteristics of the products were determined by
adsorption of N2 at 77 K, as well as iodine, phenol, and methylene blue values. Carbons obtained at 300 °C were very
poorly porous, although with anomalously high capacity for the uptake of probe molecules from solution. This was
attributed to the contribution of unsaturated chemical bonds initiated in the partially decomposed material. Carbons
obtained at 500 and 700 °C are good to excellent adsorbents and attain best developed porosity at 700 °C, contrary to
the earlier well-established temperature of 500 °C recommended for treatment of agricultural precursors. Thermo-
gravimetric/differential thermogravimetric tracings of the H3 PO4 -impregnated date pits indicated a delayed-decom-
position effect shifted to higher temperature as compared to the raw material. Phosphoric acid is suggested to inflict
physical and chemical modifications on the botanical structure by penetration, particle swelling, partial dissolution of
the biomass, bond cleavage and reformation of new polymeric structures resistant to thermal decomposition. In ad-
dition, raw date pits are proposed to be composed of a low-porosity and compact cellular structure that needs higher
acid concentrations and/or temperatures to attain the optimum effect normally reached at lower temperature in case of
other feedstocks of botanical origin. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
1387-1811/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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106 B.S. Girgis, A.-N.A. El-Hendawy / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 52 (2002) 105–117
well as the methods and conditions employed for heat treatment step and is achieved at lower
carbon synthesis, determine the final pore size temperatures (400–500 °C), higher yields are ob-
distribution and the adsorption properties of the tained and most of the phosphoric acid can be
AC [2,3]. recovered after the process is completed. Thus, it
ACs can be produced from virtually any car- is a material-, energy- and time-saving scheme for
bonaceous precursor, both naturally occurring the production of ACs. Its use as an activating
and synthetic. Process economics normally dictate agent is now more favored over ZnCl2 , not only
the selection of readily available, low-cost feed- because of the simplicity of the extraction process
stocks. Common examples of commercial carbon after carbonization and impregnant recovery (only
feedstocks are materials of botanical origin (e.g. water is required), but also on account of the de-
wood, coconut shells, and fruit stones) and de- cline of the ZnCl2 process due to problems of
graded or coalified plant matter (e.g. peat, lignite environmental contamination with zinc com-
and all ranks of coal). A list of the most common pounds [23].
raw materials, as given by Bansal et al. [4], reads as In earlier investigations, we dealt with activa-
follows: wood, 35%, coal, 28%, lignite, 14%, co- tion using H3 PO4 for the production of good ad-
conut shells, 10%, peat, 10% and others, 3%. Pre- sorbing carbons derived from various agricultural
cursors from fresh biomass origin offer the most by-products (sugar cane bagases [24], apricot stone
economical source because they are copious re- shells [25], rice hulls [26], corn cobs [27,28], cotton
newable supplies, with low mineral content and stalks [29], olive mill wastes [30], and peanut hulls
appreciable hardness, and of low cost. The lit- [31]). Date pits represent an equally abundant by-
erature pertaining to the use of agricultural product generated from food processing and jam
by-products (lignocellulosics) is very extensive, production industries. In Egypt, date palms exceed
however, coconut shells are still receiving renewed eight million trees which generate a considerable
attention [5,6], next we meet: almond shells, peach amount of low-cost, non-valuable waste material.
stones, apricot stones, plum stones, cherry stones Our previous experience with the above-mentioned
and nutshells (such as hazelnuts, walnuts, cashew plant wastes urged the present investigation, as
and macadamia nuts) [7–17]. In comparison, date date pits are hard, high-density low-ash fruit
pits received much less consideration as a source kernels. These qualities recommend them for the
material for the preparation of AC [18–21]. production of granular ACs suitable for fixed-bed
The methods of activation commonly employed purification systems, as well as in regeneration
can broadly be divided into two main types: schemes. In earlier studies date pits were essen-
thermal (or physical) activation and chemical tially subjected to thermal activation in two-step
activation. Thermal activation involves primary [18–21] or in one-step steam pyrolysis [32] proce-
carbonization (below 700 °C) followed by con- dures, which urged their treatment in the well-
trolled gasification under the action of oxidizing established chemical activation with H3 PO4 .
gases at high temperature (up to 1100 °C) [4]. In The present study describes the preparation
chemical activation the precursor is mixed with and porosity evaluation of ACs from date pits at
a chemical restricting the formation of tars (e.g. increasing concentrations of H3 PO4 and/or heat
ZnCl2 , H3 PO4 , etc.), after kneading carbonized treatment temperatures (HTTs). It aims at dem-
and washed to produce the final AC. The chemical onstrating the potential of utilizing this precursor,
incorporated into the interior of the precursor and the development of its porosity as a function
particles reacts with the thermal decomposition of varying conditions of treatment, by analysis
products reducing the evolution of volatiles and of the N2 adsorption isotherms at 77 K applying
inhibits the shrinkage of the particles. In this way, various procedures. Additional information is ob-
the conversion of the precursor to carbon is high, tained from adsorption experiments of various
and once the chemical is eliminated after the heat probe molecules from aqueous solution. Descrip-
treatment, a large internal porosity is formed [22]. tion of the impact of the activation process on
Phosphoric acid activation only involves a single porosity development is displayed, based on cur-
B.S. Girgis, A.-N.A. El-Hendawy / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 52 (2002) 105–117 107
rent literature, and in light of the texture para- 2.2. Characterization of the porosity
meters obtained. This contribution is intended to
complement previous studies in a program dedi- This was carried out by determining the ad-
cated to the development of ACs from locally sorption isotherms of N2 at 77 K by the help of a
available low-cost agricultural by-products. Such vacuum apparatus of the conventional type. Some
a process would serve a double purpose. First, it adsorption data were obtained by an automatic
converts undesirable, surplus agricultural waste, of recording apparatus of the type ASAP 2010 (a
which millions of tons are produced annually, to product of Micromeritics, Inc.) which showed es-
useful value-added adsorbents. Second, the pro- sentially similar results. The tested carbons were
duced ACs find increasing applications in water out-gassed under vacuum at 200 °C for 2 h prior to
treatment, and other fields. This would contribute starting the measurements. Adsorption data were
to solving many current-day environmental pol- analyzed by applying the BET equation, the as -
lution problems. method [33] and the DR-plot [34]. Thus, the ad-
sorption data (Va , cm3 g1 ) were plotted against
the as -values reported by Selles-Perez and Martin-
2. Materials and methods Martinez [35] for the N2 adsorption on a
non-porous carbon material. The linear section
2.1. Activated carbons connecting to the origin corresponds to the specific
surface area (Sta ), and the linear relation at and
Washed-clean whole date pits were dried in an beyond as P 1:0 describes the non-microporous
air oven at 80 °C for 48 h, which proved effective surface area (Sna ) whereas its intercept with the Va -
to facilitate subsequent crushing and grinding. axis gives the micropore volume (V0a ). Plots for the
Sixty grams of the crushed pits (0.5–2.0 mm in DR equation are in the form ln na (na , mmol g1 )
size) were mixed with 100 cm3 of prediluted H3 PO4 vs. ½A=b2 , where A ¼ RT ln P 0 =P and b ¼ 0:35,
(85 wt.%) to varying concentrations in the range such that the intercept of the rectilinear relation-
30–70 vol.%. The slurry was left overnight at room ship measures the micropore volume (V0DR mmol
temperature, then transferred to a stainless steel g1 ) and the slope equals ð1=E0 Þ [36].
reactor (diameter of 40 mm and length of 60 cm) In addition, the mesopore volume (Vmeso ) was
with narrow ports of 10 mm diameter at both obtained from the volume of nitrogen, as liquid,
ends. Exhaust gases and liquid condensates are adsorbed for each sample between P =P 0 ¼ 0:1
vented through these openings. The reactor is ad- and 0.95, as suggested earlier [37].
mitted into an electric tube furnace and heated at
a slow rate (5 K min1 ), to allow free evolution 2.3. Adsorption from solution
of volatiles, up to the hold temperatures 300, 500,
or 700 °C. Soaking at each final temperature was The iodine and phenol numbers were deter-
conducted for 2 h. The cooled mass was subjected mined by using the single bottle point uptake from
to thorough washing with hot water until the 0.02 M iodine solution, or 100 mg l1 solution
washings were neutral in effect, then dried at 110 of phenol, respectively. Adsorption isotherms for
°C for 24 h, and finally kept in tightly closed methylene blue (MB), from aqueous solution, were
bottles. Carbon yield ranged from 38% to 43%. determined by contacting fixed amounts of the
Fifteen samples were thus obtained and given predried powdered carbon sample (200 mg) with
notations including two numerals; the first denotes 100 cm3 of the dye solution of varying initial
the HTT (3 ¼ 300°, 5 ¼ 500° and 7 ¼ 700 °C) and concentrations. The stoppered bottles were agi-
the second number indicates the acid concentra- tated for 24 h, at room temperature, and the fil-
tion (3–7 denotes 30–70 vol.%). A carbon sample tered solution was measured for the residual color
55, thus, represents the product obtained by heat at k ¼ 664 nm by the help of a UV/VIS recording
treating the precursor at 500 °C and preimpreg- spectrophotometer produced by Shimadzu (2401
nated with 50 vol.% H3 PO4 . PC).
108 B.S. Girgis, A.-N.A. El-Hendawy / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 52 (2002) 105–117
3. Results
Table 2
Texture characteristics of ACs obtained at 300 °C in the pres-
ence of varying H3 PO4 concentrations
Parameter 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
C33 C34 C35 C36 C37
SBET (m2 g1 ) 28 33 68 71 86
Vp (cm3 g1 ) 0.034 0.017 0.056 0.082 0.040
Vmeso (cm3 g1 ) 0.024 0.005 0.013 0.057 0.009
Sta (m2 g1 ) 28 28 72 68 79
Sna (m2 g1 ) 12 5 6 – 5
Smic 16 23 66 68 –
V0a (cm3 g1 ) 0.005 0.011 0.028 – 0.033
V0DR (cm3 g1 ) 0.017 0.015 0.031 0.030 0.038
E0 (kJ mol1 ) 7.0 8.5 11.2 8.5 9.5
S KDR (m2 g1 ) 49 42 86 83 106
Xp 0.72 0.96 1.20 1.44 1.68
Table 3
Texture characteristics of ACs obtained at 500 °C in the pres-
ence of varying H3 PO4 concentrations
Parameter 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%
C53 C54 C55 C56 C57
2 1
SBET (m g ) 546 498 556 647 635
Fig. 4. DR-linear plots for the N2 /77 K isotherms for ACs. Vp (cm3 g1 ) 0.304 0.321 0.296 0.437 0.459
Vmeso (cm3 g1 ) 0.030 0.188 0.086 0.222 0.221
Sta (m2 g1 ) 549 484 547 629 627
Sna (m2 g1 ) 80 174 83 238 197
with the points located at the lower as -values, and Smic 469 370 464 391 430
a negative deviation appears. This kind of devia- V0a (cm3 g1 ) 0.199 0.131 0.227 0.187 0.212
tion was described as due to the presence of a V0DR (cm3 g1 ) 0.243 0.229 0.248 0.288 0.266
primary and secondary micropore filling mecha- E0 (kJ mol1 ) 11.4 9.1 10.8 7.6 13.1
S KDR (m2 g1 ) 679 642 695 808 747
nism [39].
B.S. Girgis, A.-N.A. El-Hendawy / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 52 (2002) 105–117 111
of 0.55 ml g1 . With many earlier studies this efficient at 500 °C. However, the intensive action in
temperature was mostly associated with an ap- generating porosity at 500 °C is not correspond-
parent reduction in porosity which was ascribed to ingly related with the increase of the amount of
the breakdown of the microporous structure re- impregnant. An optimum value of 1 Xp ¼ 1:44
sulting in an evolution of wider porosity charac- seems to be sufficient for a maximum effect, which
terized by lower internal surface area. The present is somewhat higher than that observed before with
precursor, however, exhibits a generation of po- other precursors [24,25,27,30]. Additional acid is
rosity essentially in the micropore range at 700 °C. not benificial, as it does not lead to further action
It may be suggested that the abnormal response and probably forms an insulating layer (or skin),
of date pits towards activation with H3 PO4 can be covering the particles, thus reducing the activation
attributed to its special compact botanical struc- process and the contact with the surrounding at-
ture. The relatively loose cellular structure of mosphere [45].
several lignocellulosic materials, exhibiting low For carbons obtained at 700 °C, an increased
particle density and high inherent porosity, impregnation ratio seems to generate more poro-
facilitates better contact and penetration of the sity. An optimum effect of acid occurs at Xp ¼
impregnant. Such action leads to considerable 1:20 which yields the best adsorbing carbon with
physical and chemical structural modifications SBET ¼ 945 m2 g1 and Vp ¼ 0:545 cm3 g1 . Intro-
which is accordingly reflected by the properties of duction of more acid into the particles degrades
the carbons developed at relatively lower temper- the porosity, which might be explained as above:
atures. This specific nature of date pits would the surplus dehydrated acid forms an insulating
explain their inertness at 300 °C, as well as the layer that limits the action of the activant
extended activating action of H3 PO4 up to 700 °C, considerably and reduces the formation of area-
rather than up to 500 °C . It is worth mentioning responsible micropores as observed in the con-
that simple carbonization of date pits at 500 and siderable decay in Smic as well as V0a values
700 °C produced chars of negligible porosity (Table 4).
(SBET < 20 m2 g1 , Vp < 0:01 cm3 g1 ) [32] which
demonstrates the important effect of H3 PO4 in 3.3. Adsorption capacity from aqueous solutions
porosity generation.
3.3.1. Iodine and phenol numbers
3.2.3. Influence of the H3 PO4 concentration on It has been established that the iodine number
porosity development (in mg g1 ) gives an estimate of the surface area (in
To demonstrate the effect of the amount of acid m2 g1 ) [8], and it measures the porosity for pores
introduced into the particles after impregnant de- with dimensions P 1.0 nm. Here, a difference be-
hydration, the so-called ‘‘degree of impregnation’’ tween the iodine number and SBET is observed for
is calculated. It expresses the weight of acid re- ACs obtained from date pits at and beyond 500 °C
tained per gram of raw precursor and is denoted (Table 5). A lower adsorption of iodine can be
by Xp [23]. As this ratio is increased it will intensify ascribed to the presence of pores narrower than 1.0
the action of the acid in two ways: (a) by in- nm, which largely makes up most of the structure
creasing the aggressive physico-chemical effect on of these carbons. For carbons pyrolyzed at 500 °C
the raw lignocellulosic material and (b) upon the accessible ratio of surface is generally high
dehydration, inside and between the original bo- (0.85 up to 1.00), whereas carbons produced at
tanical cellular structure, the acid creates much 700 °C exhibit a much lower capacity indicating
porosity that is prevented from contraction or considerable ultra-microporosity (ratio of SI =
collapse. Subsequent leaching by exhaustive SNa ¼ 0:47–0.67). These carbons contain mostly
washing will evacuate and free this internal po- micropores with a small contribution of mesopo-
rosity and leave behind an extensive porosity. rosity. This is confirmed by the various texture
The impregnation ratios applied (Xp ¼ 0:72– parameters (Table 4). In particular, sample 76
1.68) are hardly effective at 300 °C, but more clearly shows a high SI =SNa ratio of 0.85 and contains
B.S. Girgis, A.-N.A. El-Hendawy / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 52 (2002) 105–117 113
Table 5
Iodine and phenol numbers for the tested ACs
Sample notation pH Iodine no. SI =SNa Phenol no. SPh SPh =SNa
(mg/g) (mg g1 ) (m2 g1 )
33 6.23 183 (5.9) 59 165 (5.32)
34 6.1 193 (8.0) 75 210 (8.75)
35 5.9 203 (2.9) 64 179 (2.56)
36 5.63 213 (3.4) 44 123 (1.98)
37 5.23 228 (2.7) 64 179 (2.1)
53 5.48 508 0.925 132 370 0.673
54 5.48 518 1.00 146 409 0.807
55 5.23 518 0.921 132 370 0.657
56 5.01 523 0.977 127 355 0.663
57 4.02 528 0.853 118 330 0.553
73 4.71 366 0.472 120 336 0.434
74 4.68 477 0.675 110 308 0.435
75 4.4 508 0.537 166 465 0.492
76 4.18 457 0.856 151 423 0.792
77 4.01 345 0.616 162 453 0.809
considerable mesoporosity (Sn and Vmeso ) with low porosity characteristics which determine the de-
V0a . gree of accessibility of these molecules. The degree
An anomalous behavior is observed for the 300 of coverage for these carbons ranges from 43% to
°C products with very poor porosity which show a 81%. The determined values are comparable to
high capacity for iodine. Thus, they take up 183– those for many commercial carbons and appear
228 mg g1 which correspond to 2.7 up to 8.0 times even higher even than those of some products
the N2 -surface areas. These values might suggest [49–51].
a non-adsorptive process, and are probably as-
sociated with an addition reaction of iodine to 3.3.2. Adsorption of methylene blue
available double bonds in the partially pyro- MB is one of the most widely recognized probe
lyzed lignocellulosic material. This process would molecules for assessing the removal capacity of a
contribute largely to the consumption of high specific carbon for moderate-size pollutant mole-
amounts of iodine, and such a phenomenon was cules ( P 1.5 nm). Fig. 5 illustrates the adsorption
currently observed with other plant precursors isotherms of MB on the carbons under consider-
(e.g. peanut hulls [31]). ation, which are of the type L (Langmuir) tending
It is worthwhile mentioning that these specific to a plateau parallel to the Ce -axis. Both the
carbon products also exhibit a high capacity for Langmuir and Freundlich equations were appli-
the removal of phenol from aqueous solutions (44– cable and showed satisfactory straight lines
75 mg g1 ) (Table 5). Considering that the area through the whole concentration range. Table 6
covered by an adsorbed phenol molecule in a flat summarizes the adsorption parameters derived
orientation equals 0.52 nm2 [48], anomalously high from both adsorption models. Adopting the well-
surface areas are evaluated which correspond to established value of 1.20 nm2 covered by a flat
degrees of coverage similar to the iodine values adsorbed MB molecule [52], the estimated mono-
(2.0 up to 8.8). Such values cannot be accounted layer capacities (qm ) were converted into surface
for by simple physical adsorption by the poorly areas accessible to MB (SMB ).
porous adsorbents. It confirms, furthermore, the Again, the 300 °C carbons seem to adsorb such
above observation with regard to the chemical amounts of MB that appear to measure much
nature of the surface of these carbon adsorbents. higher surface areas. However, this trend may be
On the other hand, removal of phenol by the explained if MB is imagined to be adsorbed in
ACs obtained at 500 and 700 °C is related to their a compact state in micelles with an aggregate
114 B.S. Girgis, A.-N.A. El-Hendawy / Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 52 (2002) 105–117
4. Discussion
Table 6
Adsorption characteristics of MB by the various ACs
Sample Langmuir equation Freundlich equation SMB (m2 g1 ) SMB =SNa
Xm (mg g1 ) KL KF n
33 30.3 0.033 2.5 2.3 (73) 2.61
34 34.6 0.028 4.0 2.8 (83) 2.96
35 39.3 0.025 10.0 4.3 (94) 1.30
36 41.4 0.016 12.6 5.4 (99) 1.57
37 57.0 0.025 12.5 4.0 (168) 2.23
53 83.8 0.024 19.9 3.8 200 0.36
54 125.0 0.026 22.4 3.4 299 0.62
55 160.4 0.018 39.4 5.0 383 0.70
56 142.0 0.047 44.7 4.6 340 0.54
57 133.0 0.025 39.8 5.4 317 0.50
In the pyrolysis stage, the introduced acid development. An acid concentration of 50–60
dehydrates gradually with continuation of the vol.% represents the critical value (corresponding
chemical changes involving crosslinking, water to Xp of 1.2–1.44) in case of date pits, which is not
elimination and polymerization. The dehydrated different from previous lignocellulosic materials.
impregnant here reduces tar and volatiles forma- Only a higher thermal treatment temperature of
tion, inhibits shrinkage and collapse of the parti- 700 °C, instead of 500 °C, is required to attain
cles, and develops an extensive pore structure, with high and comparable surface areas (around 1000
a consequential increase in the carbon yield. Po- m2 g1 ). Still a low total pore volume is generated
rosity development in this stage is ascribed to the at this temperature (viz. 0.545 cm3 g1 , as com-
phosphoric oxides formed at the carbonization pared to 0.60–1.10 cm3 g1 for other precursors).
temperatures, which act as local oxidizing agents This indicates the role of the precursor in de-
performing controlled gasification [45]. This pro- termining the porosity characteristics developed
cess actually requires the presence of very limited under action of the H3 PO4 activation scheme. AC
supply of air. It may be speculated that higher acid obtained from date pits at 700 °C is essentially
concentrations, or higher impregnation ratios (Xp ), microporous which results in a high surface area
would enhance porosity development. However, product but with a low contribution of micropores
in previous reports [24,25,30,31,53], it was dem- to the pore volume (cf. Tables 2–4).
onstrated that higher acid concentrations (or Xp Finally, the third step in the preparation of AC,
values) were not accompanied by a respective im- that is the washing and acid recovery, plays a
provement in porosity. Rather, a loss in surface very important role of porosity evolution. After
area and pore volume was noticed, which may carbonization, most of the activant is still in the
be attributed to the formation of a layer of particle and intense washing to eliminate it pro-
polyphosphate (a skin) over the developing pore duces the porosity. It was found by Molina-Sabio
structure protecting it from an excessive gasifica- et al. [7] that there is a good agreement between the
tion [46]. High amounts of dehydrated, precipi- volume of micropores and the volume occupied by
tated phosphorus oxides will consequently inhibit the acid phase existing at the carbonization tem-
further burn-off of carbon and prevent activant perature. The entrapped polyphosphates in the
attack and volatiles release, thus reducing porosity final product will thus depend on its availability to
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