Komunikacija Između Mikrokontrolera. Uart, Spi, I2C AD I DA Konverzija
Komunikacija Između Mikrokontrolera. Uart, Spi, I2C AD I DA Konverzija
Komunikacija Između Mikrokontrolera. Uart, Spi, I2C AD I DA Konverzija
2. Serijska komunikacija
SPI, https://www.fpga4fun.com/SPI2.html
I2C https://www.fpga4fun.com/I2C.html
Napomena: Serijska komunikacija preko TX/RX pinova koristi TTL naponski nivo (5V or
3.3V depending on the board). Ne smije se spajati direktno na RS232, koji rade na +/- 12V i
mogu oštetiti ploču. U tom slučaju koristiti UART/RS232, UART/USB ili UART/RS485
Serial interface
A serial interface is a simple way to connect an FPGA to a PC. We just need a transmitter and
receiver module.
Async transmitter
It creates a signal "TxD" by serializing the data to transmit.
Async receiver
It takes a signal "RxD" from outside the FPGA and "de-serializes" it for easy use inside the FPGA.
DB-9 connector
You probably already saw this connector on the back of your PC.
Data is commonly sent by chunks of 8 bits (we call that a byte) and is "serialized": the LSB (data
bit 0) is sent first, then bit 1, ... and the MSB (bit 7) last.
Asynchronous communication
This interface uses an asynchronous protocol. That means that no clock signal is transmitted along
the data. The receiver has to have a way to "time" itself to the incoming data bits.
1. Both side of the cable agree in advance on the communication parameters (speed,
format...). That's done manually before communication starts.
2. The transmitter sends "idle" (="1") when and as long as the line is idle.
3. The transmitter sends "start" (="0") before each byte transmitted, so that the receiver can
figure out that a byte is coming.
4. The 8 bits of the byte data are sent.
5. The transmitter sends "stop" (="1") after each byte.
The speed is specified in baud, i.e. how many bits-per-seconds can be sent. For example, 1000
bauds would mean 1000 bits-per-seconds, or that each bit lasts one millisecond.
Common implementations of the RS-232 interface (like the one used in PCs) don't allow just any
speed to be used. If you want to use 123456 bauds, you're out of luck. You have to settle to some
"standard" speed. Common values are:
1200 bauds.
9600 bauds.
38400 bauds.
115200 bauds (usually the fastest you can go).
At 115200 bauds, each bit lasts (1/115200) = 8.7µs. If you transmit 8-bits data, that lasts 8 x
8.7µs = 69µs. But each byte requires an extra start and stop bit, so you actually need 10 x 8.7µs
= 87µs. That translates to a maximum speed of 11.5KBytes per second.
At 115200 bauds, some PCs with buggy chips require a "long" stop bit (1.5 or 2 bits long...) which
make the maximum speed drop to around 10.5KBytes per second.
Physical layer
A short Asynchronous Communication page
An Introduction to RS232 Serial Communications
Voltage Waveshapes, part of this huge Serial HOWTO
Baud generator
Here we want to use the serial link at maximum speed, i.e. 115200 bauds (slower speeds would
also be easy to generate). FPGAs usually run at MHz speeds, well above 115200Hz (RS-232 is
pretty slow by today's standards). We need to find a way to generate (from the FPGA clock) a
"tick" as close as possible to 115200 times a second.
Traditionally, RS-232 chips use a 1.8432MHz clock, because that makes generating the
standard baud frequencies very easy... 1.8432MHz divided by 16 gives 115200Hz.
// and a tick signal that is asserted once every 16 clocks (so 115200 times a second)
wire BaudTick = (BaudDivCnt==15);
That was easy. But what do you do if instead of 1.8432MHz, you have a 2MHz clock? To generate
115200Hz from a 2MHz clock, we need to divide the clock by "17.361111111..." Not exactly a
round number. The solution is to divide sometimes by 17, sometimes by 18, making sure the ratio
stays "17.361111111". That's actually easy to do.
acc %= 2000000;
That prints the "*" in the exact ratio, once every "17.361111111..." loops on average.
To obtain the same thing efficiently in an FPGA, we rely on the fact that the serial interface can
tolerate a few % of error in the baud frequency generator.
It is desirable that the 2000000 be a power of two. Obviously 2000000 is not. So we change
the ratio... Instead of "2000000/115200", let's use "1024/59" = 17.356. That's very close to our
ideal ratio, and makes an efficient FPGA implementation: we use a 10-bit accumulator
incremented by 59, with a tick marked everytime the accumulator overflows.
wire BaudTick = acc[10]; // so that the 11th bit is the accumulator carry-out
Using our 2MHz clock, "BaudTick" is asserted 115234 times a second, a 0.03% error from the ideal
The previous design was using a 10 bits accumulator, but as the clock frequency increases, more
bits are required.
Here's a design with a 25MHz clock and a 16 bits accumulator. The design is parameterized,
so easy to customize.
One last implementation issue: the "BaudGeneratorInc" calculation is wrong, due to the fact
that Verilog uses 32 bits intermediate results, and the calculation exceeds that. Change the
line as follow for a workaround.
This line has also the added advantage to round the result instead of truncating.
Now that we have a precise enough Baud generator, we can go ahead with the RS-232 transmitter
and receiver modules.
RS-232 transmitter
We are building an "async transmitter" with fixed parameters: 8 data bits, 2 stop bits, no-parity.
The transmitter takes an 8-bits data inside the FPGA and serializes it (starting when the
"TxD_start" signal is asserted).
The "busy" signal is asserted while a transmission occurs (the "TxD_start" signal is ignored
during that time).
To go through the start bit, the 8 data bits, and the stop bits, a state machine seems
// the state machine starts when "TxD_start" is asserted, but advances when "BaudTick" is
asserted (115200 times a second)
always @(posedge clk)
4'b0000: if(TxD_start) state <= 4'b0100;
4'b0100: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b1000; // start
4'b1000: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b1001; // bit 0
4'b1001: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b1010; // bit 1
4'b1010: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b1011; // bit 2
4'b1011: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b1100; // bit 3
4'b1100: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b1101; // bit 4
4'b1101: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b1110; // bit 5
4'b1110: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b1111; // bit 6
4'b1111: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b0001; // bit 7
4'b0001: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b0010; // stop1
4'b0010: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b0000; // stop2
default: if(BaudTick) state <= 4'b0000;
always @(state[2:0])
0: muxbit <= TxD_data[0];
1: muxbit <= TxD_data[1];
2: muxbit <= TxD_data[2];
3: muxbit <= TxD_data[3];
4: muxbit <= TxD_data[4];
5: muxbit <= TxD_data[5];
6: muxbit <= TxD_data[6];
7: muxbit <= TxD_data[7];
Note that "data" is valid only when "data_ready" is asserted. The rest of the time, don't use it as
new data may come that shuffles it.
An asynchronous receiver has to somehow get in-sync with the incoming signal (it normally doesn't
have access to the clock used by the transmitter).
To determine when a new data byte is coming, we look for the "start" bit by oversampling
the signal at a multiple of the baud rate frequency.
Once the "start" bit is detected, we sample the line at the known baud rate to acquire the
data bits.
Receivers typically oversample the incoming signal at 16 times the baud rate. We use 8 times
here... For 115200 bauds, that gives a sampling rate of 921600Hz.
Let's assume that we have a "Baud8Tick" signal available, asserted 921600 times a second.
The design
First, the incoming "RxD" signal has no relationship with our clock.
We use two D flip-flops to oversample it, and synchronize it to our clock domain.
We filter the data, so that short spikes on the RxD line aren't mistaken with start bits.
A state machine allows us to go through each bit received, once a "start" is detected.
More details on Asynchronous Communication
This design allows controlling a few FPGA pins from your PC (through your PC's serial port).
1. It create 8 outputs on the FPGA (port named "GPout"). GPout is updated by any character
that the FPGA receives.
2. Also 8 inputs on the FPGA (port named "GPin"). GPin is transmitted every time the FPGA
receives a character.
The GP outputs can be used to control anything remotely from your PC, might be LEDs or a coffee
module serialGPIO(
input clk,
input RxD,
output TxD,
wire RxD_data_ready;
wire [7:0] RxD_data;
async_receiver RX(.clk(clk), .RxD(RxD), .RxD_data_ready(RxD_data_ready),
always @(posedge clk) if(RxD_data_ready) GPout <= RxD_data;
Remember to grab the async_receiver and async_transmitter modules here, and to update the
clock frequency values inside.
Verilog Implementation:
Verilog Receiver (uart_rx.v):
// This file contains the UART Receiver. This receiver is able to
// receive 8 bits of serial data, one start bit, one stop bit,
// and no parity bit. When receive is complete o_rx_dv will be
// driven high for one clock cycle.
// Set Parameter CLKS_PER_BIT as follows:
// CLKS_PER_BIT = (Frequency of i_Clock)/(Frequency of UART)
// Example: 10 MHz Clock, 115200 baud UART
// (10000000)/(115200) = 87
module uart_rx
#(parameter CLKS_PER_BIT)
input i_Clock,
input i_Rx_Serial,
output o_Rx_DV,
output [7:0] o_Rx_Byte
case (r_SM_Main)
s_IDLE :
r_Rx_DV <= 1'b0;
r_Clock_Count <= 0;
r_Bit_Index <= 0;
default :
r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE;
endmodule // uart_rx
// This file contains the UART Transmitter. This transmitter is able
// to transmit 8 bits of serial data, one start bit, one stop bit,
// and no parity bit. When transmit is complete o_Tx_done will be
// driven high for one clock cycle.
// Set Parameter CLKS_PER_BIT as follows:
// CLKS_PER_BIT = (Frequency of i_Clock)/(Frequency of UART)
// Example: 10 MHz Clock, 115200 baud UART
// (10000000)/(115200) = 87
module uart_tx
#(parameter CLKS_PER_BIT)
input i_Clock,
input i_Tx_DV,
input [7:0] i_Tx_Byte,
output o_Tx_Active,
output reg o_Tx_Serial,
output o_Tx_Done
case (r_SM_Main)
s_IDLE :
o_Tx_Serial <= 1'b1; // Drive Line High for Idle
r_Tx_Done <= 1'b0;
r_Clock_Count <= 0;
r_Bit_Index <= 0;
if (i_Tx_DV == 1'b1)
r_Tx_Active <= 1'b1;
r_Tx_Data <= i_Tx_Byte;
r_SM_Main <= s_TX_START_BIT;
r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE;
end // case: s_IDLE
default :
r_SM_Main <= s_IDLE;
`include "uart_tx.v"
`include "uart_rx.v"
reg r_Clock = 0;
reg r_Tx_DV = 0;
wire w_Tx_Done;
reg [7:0] r_Tx_Byte = 0;
reg r_Rx_Serial = 1;
wire [7:0] w_Rx_Byte;
#(c_CLOCK_PERIOD_NS/2) r_Clock <= !r_Clock;
// Main Testing: