Experiment No.: 05 Objective: To Check The Linearity of Ufd and Determine The Location

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: 05




Nondestructive testing aims at testing/evaluating materials without impairing their service

ability. Obvious examples are the use of X-ray (transmission) and ultrasonic (reflection and/or
transmission) detection of cracks and voids within opaque bodies. Ultrasound is an ideal tool in
this regard because of the following reasons:

The acoustic impedance (v) of cracks is significantly different from that of the host material. Due
to impedance mismatch they strongly reflect ultrasonic waves (even extremely thin cracks are
very strong reflectors).

It is possible to generate short pulses (frequency 2-6 MHz) and narrow beams of ultrasound with
the help of piezoelectric transducers (PZT type).The reflected waves from echoes can be
received by the same transducer and detected. In flaw detection it is resolution rather than range
that is required and thus high frequencies are used.

Consider a specimen with two parallel plane surfaces with a probe mounted on one surface.
Suppose that the probe is connected via an amplifier, to the y-plates of an oscilloscope and that
the time-base of the oscilloscope is triggered at the moment when the probe launches a short
ultrasonic pulse in to the specimen. If the specimen contains no flaw, the pattern should appear
on the screen; the peak marked A corresponds to the original pulse while C corresponds to the
pulse reflected from the bottom of the specimen.

In order that the trace on the screen does not die away and to obtain a steady trace, the pulse will
have to be repeated at a rate greater than about 20Hz. However, the repetition rate must not be
too rapid, because it is desirable that the echo (or echoes) from any given pulse should be
received before the next pulse is emitted by the transducer.

The situation illustrated in the figure is rather an over simplification for in practice the echo C
will be followed by a train of further echoes corresponding to successive double transits of the
specimens thickness due to multiple reflections from top and bottom ends of the specimen. The
amplitude of these echoes will decay exponentially.

Let us suppose now that the specimen contains a flaw in the path of the beam. The will give
additional reflected pulse B which will be recorded on the screen between pulse A an C.

The whole specimen can be examined for further flaws by moving the probe all over the top
surface of the specimen and observing the echo pattern on the oscilloscope. From the trace on
CRO the location of defects (at depth d) in relation to the thickness of the test object can be
found by comparing time elapsed between return of reflected wave from flaw (t) and the bottom


1. In flaw detection it is necessary to maintain good acoustic contact between the probe and
the specimen. This is achieved by ensuring that the surface of the specimen is clean and
by maintaining a film of oil between the probe and the specimen; in addition to providing
good acoustic coupling, the film of liquid also act as a lubricant.
2. The location of a discontinuity can be easily determined with the help of echo, provided
previously a specific measuring range or, the testing range, has been displayed as
possible on the CRT screen.
3. The ultrasonic flaw detector 6255A generates short initiating pulses at regular intervals of
time. This output serves dual function: It first triggers the transmitter causing a larger part
of energy to excite the transducer at its natural frequency by virtue of its piezo-electric
properties. Secondly triggers the sweep circuit causing a spot on the CRT screen to move
from left to right with constant speed.
4. For a single transducer mode of operation, the transducer coaxial cable is connected to
connector marked T-R/T and the mode switch should be set at T-R. In this position, the
transducer not only gets exited by the electrical signal from the transmitter also converts
the reflected mechanical vibrations from the object. The surface of the object on which
the transducer is to be placed for inspection must not cause significant attenuation of the
sound waves transmitted from the transducer. Hence there should be a good acoustic
coupling between the probe face and test place surface. This achieved by smearing the
top surface of the test object with a high viscosity oil/ liquid.
5. A linearity check of the UFD should be made before proceeding with the testing. For this
purpose a flawless, 8 step standard steel samples is taken. Each step corresponds to 1 cm;
hence the last step is of 8 cm. A transducer is placed on the step block. The back (echo)
peak from the 8 cm step should be adjusted to coincide with 8 cm position of CRT
graticule. For this we make adjustments with the help of Mat. Cal coarse and Fine
control. Now 8 cm of graticule corresponds to 8 cm of the step bloack. Hence the
corresponding steps should record the back echo at 7 cm, 6 cm, 5 cm, 4 cm, 3 cm, 2 cm
and 1 cm respectively. The positions of back peak for all steps should be noted and
compared with the expected positions. Next an aluminum block is taken, which has
certain known flaws in it. The back echo is adjusted such that it coincides the 10th cm
position on the graticule. The flaws will give rise to additional echoes in between the two
pulses i.e. starting peak at zero and back peak at 10th cm. Noting the echoes the
corresponding location (depth) of flaws can be noted. This can be verified against the
actual location (depth) of flaw can be noted. Tabulate the actual location Vs observed
location for each one flaw.

6. Now we are ready to try our hand at locating unknown flaws in a commercial
steel/aluminium sample. Here too the starting and back (echo) peak are aligned with 0th
and 10th cm location on graticule. We scan the surface of specimen with the probe and
see if there is any flaw peak. To ensure that no flaw is missed the appropriate Gain and
Attenuator is selected. The location of flaws so observed is noted as done in the earlier
aluminium block. Record the location (depth) of flaws observed and calculate the
percentage error.

Linearity (steel steps):

8cm steel= ______cm on screen

1cm steel= ______cm on screen

S. No. Actual(cm) Observed

Flaw detection (For Al):

Scale: 20cm Al= ______cm on screen

1cm Al= ______cm on screen

S. No. Actual depth of Observed depth on Calculate depth % error

defect screen at defect
Complete your report by answering the following questions:

1. 20 KHz is the minimum frequency for ultrasonic. Is there any upper limit for frequency
of ultrasonic?
2. We are using 2 MHz transducer. What would be the benefit of using a transducer of
higher frequency?
3. What would happen if no coupling fluid is used? Are all coupling fluids equally
4. Under what conditions a normal probe is ineffective in locating flaws. What would be an
effective alternative in locating flaws?
5. Name other methods of finding flaws in opaque materials. State their principle(s) of
operation briefly.

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