In recent years ,we see exponential growth of social media such as
Face book, Twitter and You tube has revolutionized communication and content
publishing, but is also increasingly exploited for the propagation of Hate,
Offensive and Profane speeches. The anonymity and mobility afforded by such
media has made the breeding and spread of hate speeches eventually leading to
hate crime effortless in a virtual landscape beyond the realms of traditional law
Hate: if statement contain hate words which disparages a person or a group on the
basis of some characteristic such as race, colour, gender, nationality, religion, or
other characteristics.
1) Data Extraction: In this step we extracted data from datasets to data frames
2) Data Cleaning: In this step we take the required data in required format from
data frames by following processes
4) Label Encoding: In this step we label the statements in given data so that we
labels which are only used in machine learning
Chapter2: Is about how we came to known about the flow of work by referring
different documents.