Task 1: Posting A Malicious Message To Display An Alert Window
Task 1: Posting A Malicious Message To Display An Alert Window
Task 1: Posting A Malicious Message To Display An Alert Window
The following web site is the vulnerable Elgg site accessible at www.xsslabelgg.com inside the
virtual machine. This will be our targeted website throughout the lab.
As previously done in the CSRF lab, we have explored the way legit HTTP requests needs to be
constructed and also have worked around with Firefox developer tools.
Considering Samy as the attacker throughout the lab and we are acting on behalf of Samy.
Here we first write the following JavaScript code into the ‘about me’ field of Samy. As soon as
we save these changes, the profile displays a pop up with a word XSS, the one we write in the
alert. This is because, as soon as the web page loads after saving the changes, the JavaScript code
is executed. The following screenshot shows the code:
Next, in order to see that we can successfully perform this simple XSS attack, we log into
Alice’s account and go on the Members tab and click on Samy’s profile. As soon as the page
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loads, we see the Alert pop up again and we can also see that About me field is actually empty,
wherein we had stored the JavaScript code. The following shows this:
This proves that Alice was a victim to the XSS attack due to the injected JavaScript code by
Samy on his own profile, and also shows the way the browser does not show the JavaScript code
but in fact executes it.
Now, we change the previous code as the following in Samy’s profile and again as soon as we
save the change, we see the Elgg = some value as an alert, displaying the cookie of the current
session i.e. of Samy.
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Now, in order to see the attack in play, we log into Alice’s account and go to Samy’s profile:
We see that Alice’s cookie value is being displayed and About me field of Samy is actually
empty. This proves that the JavaScript code was executed, and Alice was a victim of the XSS
attack done by us. But here, only Alice is able to see the alert and hence the cookie. Attacker
cannot see this cookie.
We first start a listening TCP connection in the terminal using the nc -l 5555 -v command. -l is
for listening and -v for verbose. The netcat command allows the TCP server to start listening on
Port 5555. Now, in order to get the cookie of the victim to the attacker, we write the following JS
code in the attacker’s (Samy) about me:
As soon as we save the changes, since the webpage is loaded again, the JavaScript code is
executed, and we see Samy’s HTTP request and cookie on the terminal:
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Now, we log into Alice’s profile and go to Samy’s profile to see if we can get her cookie.
We see that as soon as we visit Samy’s profile from Alice’s account we get the above data in our
terminal indicating Alice’s cookie. Hence, we have successfully obtained the victim’s cookie.
We were able to see the cookie value of Alice because the injected JS code came from Elgg and
the HTTP request came from Elgg as well. Therefore, the same origin policy, the
countermeasure in CSRF attacks cannot act as a countermeasure to XSS attacks.
In order to create a request that will add Samy as a friend in Alice’s account, we need to find the
way ‘add friend’ request works. So, we assume that we have created a fake account named
Charlie and we first log in into Charlie’s account so that we can add Samy as Charlie’s friend
and see the request parameters that are used to add a friend. After logging into Charlie’s account,
we search for Samy and click on the add friend button. While doing this, we look for the HTTP
request in the web developer tools and see:
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Since it’s a GET request, the URL has the parameters and we see that friend has a value of 47.
It also has some other parameters in the request, that can be clearly seen in the Params tab:
These are the countermeasures implemented, and we will see how we can get them from the
JavaScript variables of the website.
So, we know that since Charlie tried to add Samy as a friend, a request was made with the friend
value as 47, which must be of Samy. In order to confirm this, we can also use the following
method of checking for the source code of the website using the inspect element feature:
We see that the page owner’s guid is mentioned as 47 and we definitely know that the page
owner is Samy here. We also see the token and ts values here. So now that we know the GUID of
Samy and the way the add friend request works, we can create a request using the JavaScript
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code to add Samy as a friend to anyone who visits his profile. It will have the same request as
that of adding Samy to Charlie’s account with changes in cookies and tokens of the victim. This
web page should basically send a GET request with the following request URL:
This link will be sent using the JS code that constructs the URL using JavaScript variables and
this JS code will be triggered whenever some visits Samy’s profile. We have added the code in
the About me field of Samy’s profile:
window.onload = function () {
var Ajax=null;
var ts="&__elgg_ts="+elgg.security.token.__elgg_ts; 1
var token="&__elgg_token="+elgg.security.token.__elgg_token; 2
//Construct the HTTP request to add Samy as a friend.
var sendurl="http://www.xsslabelgg.com/action/friends/add?friend=47"+ts+token
//Create and send Ajax request to add friend
Ajax=new XMLHttpRequest();
As soon as we save the changes, the JS code is run and executed. As a result of that, Samy is
added as a friend to his own account. In order to demonstrate the attack, we log into Alice and
search for Samy’s profile and load it. We do not click the Add friend button and click on
Activity instead and then see the following:
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We see that Samy has been successfully added as a friend to Alice’s account. Hence, we were
successful in adding Samy as Alice’s friend without Alice’s intention using XSS attack. The
code is using AJAX so that everything happens in the background and there is no indication to
the victim of the attack.
Question 1: Explain the purpose of Lines 1 and 2, why are they are needed?
In order to send a valid HTTP request, we need to have the secret token and timestamp value of
the website attached to the request, or else the request will not be considered legitimate or will
probably be considered as an untrusted cross-site request and hence will throw out an error with
our attack being unsuccessful. These desired values are stored in JavaScript variables and using
the lines 1 and 2, we are retrieving them from the JS variables and storing in the AJAX variables
that are used to construct the GET URL.
Question 2: If the Elgg application only provide the Editor mode for the "About Me" field,
i.e., you cannot switch to the Text mode; can you still launch a successful attack?
If that were the case, then we will not be able to launch the attack anymore because this mode
encodes any special characters in the input. So, the < is replaced by < and hence every special
character will be encoded. Since, for a JS code we need to have <script> & </script> and various
other tags, each one of them will be encoded into data and hence it will no more be a code to be
Editor Mode: Text Mode:
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Now to edit the victim’s profile, we need to first see the way in which edit profile works on the
website. To do that, we log into Samy’s account and click on Edit Account button. We edit the
brief description field and then click submit. While doing that, we look at the content of the
HTTP request using the web developer options and see the following:
We see that it is a post request and the content length is that of 476. On looking at Params tab:
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We see that the description parameter is present with the string we entered. The access level for
every field is 2, indicating its publicly visible. Also, the guid value is initialized with that of
Samy’s GUID, as previously found. So, from here, we know that in order to edit the victim’s
profile, we will need their GUID, secret token and timestamp, the string we want to write to be
stored in the desired field, and the access level for this parameter must be set to 2 in order to be
publicly visible.
So, in order to construct such a POST request using JS in Samy’s profile, we enter the following
code in his about me section of the profile:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = function(){
var userName=elgg.session.user.name;
var guid="&guid="+elgg.session.user.guid;
var ts="&__elgg_ts="+elgg.security.token.__elgg_ts;
var token="&__elgg_token="+elgg.security.token.__elgg_token;
var desc = "&description=Samy is my hero" + " &accesslevel[description]=2"
var name="&name="+userName
var sendurl="http://www.xsslabelgg.com/action/profile/edit";
var content=token+ts+name+desc+guid;
var samyGuid=47
var Ajax=null;
Ajax=new XMLHttpRequest();
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This code will edit any user’s profile who visit Samy’s profile. It obtains the token, timestamp,
username and id from the JavaScript variables that are stored for each user session. The
description and the access level are the same for everyone and hence can be mentioned directly
in the code. We then construct a POST request to the URL:
with the mentioned content as parameters.
We then log into Alice’s account and go to Samy’s profile and see the following on switching
back to Alice’s profile:
This proves that the attack was successful, and Alice’s profile was edited without her consent.
Question 3: Why do we need Line 1? Remove this line and repeat your attack. Report and
your observation.
We need Line 1 so that Samy does not attack himself and we can attack other users. The JS code
obtains the current session’s values and stores a string named “Samy is my hero” in the about me
section. Now, since we have the JS code in about me section, and if we did not have that line, as
soon as the changes are saved, the JS code is executed and this JS code will enter “Samy is my
hero” in the About me field of the current session i.e. Samy. This will basically replace the JS
code with the string, and hence there won’t be any JS code to be executed whenever anyone
visits Samy’s profile. We can see this:
As soon as we save the changes, we see that ‘Samy is my hero’ is placed in the About me field.
As mentioned before, since we do not do the check, the about me with JS code is replaced with
the string that is supposed to be stored in other infected victims. So, now when anyone else visits
Samy’s profile, since there is no JS code anymore, there won’t be any XSS attack.
Now in addition to the attack earlier, we need to make the code copy itself so that our attack can
be self- propagating. To do this, we will be using the quine approach that has the output of a
program as the program itself.
var name="&name="+userName
var sendurl="http://www.xsslabelgg.com/action/profile/edit";
var content=token+ts+name+desc+guid;
var samyGuid=47
var Ajax=null;
Ajax=new XMLHttpRequest();
Ajax.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
After saving the changes, we log into Boby’s profile and visit Samy’s profile and on returning
back to Boby’s profile, we see the following:
On looking into the about me field of Boby’s profile, we see the same code as in Samy’s profile:
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Now, we check if someone else can get affected on visiting Boby’s profile. We log into Charlie’s
account and visit Boby’s profile and on coming back to Charlie’s account we see the following:
This shows that Charlie was affected and his about me changed to what we had set in Samy’s JS
code, but we never visited Samy’s profile. This is because we visited Boby’s profile that contains
the same code as that of Samy’s, because his profile was infected when he visited Samy’s
profile. This proves that the attack is self-propagating. We see the about me of Charlie:
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In this code, we could get rid of if(elgg.session.user.guid!=samyGuid) line and still the attack
would be successful because now when Samy will save the code, it will get impacted and also
save “Samy is my hero” along with the code in its About me field. The only impact of that line
now is that Samy himself will never become a victim of the XSS attack.
Task 7: Countermeasures
We know that Boby and Charlie were the victims of the XSS attack placed by Samy. First, we
activate HTMLawed plugin, which is a countermeasure to the XSS attack incorporated by elgg
website. The following shows that we have activated it:
We log into Charlie’s account, one of the victims and see the following:
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We see that the plugin has displayed the entire code, and this is no more executed. This is
because the plugin has converted this code into data. On logging into Alice’s account and
visiting Charlie’s account now, we see that Alice is no more impacted. Hence, this
countermeasure to XSS attack is successful. Before and After visiting Charlie’s account:
Now, we again log into Charlie’s account and see a similar output as that with only HTMLawed
countermeasure on. This is because HTMLawed sanitized the HTML web page against XSS
attack, and htmlspecialchars() just encoded the data. Here, since there were no special HTML
characters, the result was similar in both the cases. These two countermeasures basically made
sure that the code inputted by the user is read as data by the browser and not code, hence
preventing XSS attack. Now, in order to demonstrate the difference between the two
countermeasures, we perform a different type of XSS attack.
1. We enter the following into Boby’s brief description field (because it is plain text and not
rich text {in order to see the effect of htmlspecialchars()}):
2. As soon as we save this change, we see that Boby’s profile creates an alert:
3. Now, we log into Alice’s account and go on the profile page of Boby. We see that the
alert pops up, hence proving that the given code ran.
4. Now, we enable the HTMLawed plugin from the admin account again, and then log into
Alice’s account and go to Boby’s profile to see if the alert still pops up:
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We see that the alert still pops up and hence the code still runs. This proves that the
HTMLawed plugin countermeasure did not work anymore.
5. Now, we enable the htmlspecialchars() countermeasure just as before and perform the
same activity. We first log into Boby’s account and see the following:
There is no alert anymore but in fact the code that we entered is displayed on the profile. We log
into Alice’s account and go to Boby’s profile to see if the alert pops up:
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We see that Alice has the same view as what Boby had of his own profile. The code is no more
executed, and it is treated as text. This proves that the htmlspecialchars() encodes the HTML
input from the user, avoiding any XSS attack.
Entered Input:
After saving and clicking on edit profile again, we see our entered data is converted into:
Display of the profile’s web page, indicating the code is treated as string: