Impact of Using Non-Rebreathing Mask in Patients With Respiratory Failure
Impact of Using Non-Rebreathing Mask in Patients With Respiratory Failure
Impact of Using Non-Rebreathing Mask in Patients With Respiratory Failure
Please note that this article has not completed peer review.
Chao-Jui Li, Yan-Ren Lin, Chien-Chih Chen, Xin-Hong Lin, Po-Chun Chuang
Chao-Jui Li
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Kaohsiung Branch
Yan-Ren Lin
Changhua Christian Medical Foundation Changhua Christian Hospital
Chien-Chih Chen
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Kaohsiung Branch
Xin-Hong Lin
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital Kaohsiung Branch
Po-Chun Chuang
Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
[email protected] Author
Subject Areas
Liberal oxygen therapy might increase the mortality rate of patients. Non-rebreathing mask (NRM) is a high-flow,
non-invasive oxygen device that can provide oxygen concentration up to 95%. This study aimed to determine
the impact of using NRM in patients with respiratory failure.
This retrospective cohort study was conducted in four medical institutions in Taiwan. Data were extracted from
the Chang Gung Research Database between January 2010 and December 2016. The association between
mortality and NRM use in patients with respiratory failure in the emergency department was analysed. Before
receiving ventilator support, patients were divided into the NRM treatment and no NRM treatment groups. A 1:4
propensity score matching was conducted. Regarding the duration of NRM use, treatments were grouped as 0
hour, 0–1 hour, 1–2 hours, and > 2 hours.
A total of 18749 patients were included, with 1074 using NRM. After the 1:4 propensity score matching, 1028
patients using NRM and 4112 patients not using NRM were analysed. The 72-hour and 30-day mortality rates
were 14.8%, 14.1%, 10.4%, and 11.3% and 29.1%, 28.5%, 27.5%, and 35.5% in the 0 hour, 0–1 hour, 1–2 hour,
and > 2 hour treatment groups, respectively. Patients with respiratory failure due to pulmonary disease using
NRM (> 2 hours) for a prolonged period had a higher mortality rate than patients not using NRM (OR: 1.4, 95%
CI: 1.06–1.74).
Prolonged use of NRM (> 2 hours) in patients with respiratory failure due to pulmonary disease possibly results in
an increased mortality rate.
Supplemental oxygen is a common therapy in clinical practice. Physicians started to use oxygen to treat patients
since the nineteenth century.1 Considering that supplemental oxygen had no adverse clinical effects, several
clinicians used oxygen liberally in patients even without hypoxaemia.2–4 However, several studies have
indicated that liberal oxygen therapy is not safe considering the deleterious effects of hyperoxia such as
increased levels of inflammatory cytokines and reactive oxygen species,5,6 reduced cardiac output, and
pulmonary vessel constriction.3,7 A recent systematic review and meta-analysis study reported that liberal
oxygen therapy increases the risk of mortality.8
High-concentration oxygen therapy is commonly used in critically ill patients.9,10 Non-rebreathing mask (NRM)
is a relatively high-flow and non-invasive oxygen device that can provide oxygen concentration up to 95% under
a continuous oxygen flow of 10–15 L/minute.11 NRM is usually used to preoxygenate patients before induction
and intubation12–14 and is not used as a long-term oxygen therapy because it might result in carbon dioxide
retention and nasal and oral mucosa irritation.3
In emergency departments (EDs), patients experiencing shortness of breath are often treated with high-
concentration oxygen.15 Emergency physicians (EPs) usually preoxygenate these patients with NRM before
induction and intubation to increase the duration of safe apnoea.16,17 However, excess supplemental oxygen
could increase the mortality rate in critically ill patients because of oxygen toxicity.18,19 The advantages and
disadvantages of NRM in patients with respiratory failure are still unclear. Therefore, this study aimed to analyse
the association between NRM use before intubation and mortality in patients with respiratory failure.
Study setting
The data were obtained from the largest healthcare system in Taiwan, the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, which
receives approximately 10–12% of the National Health Insurance budget according to government statistics. The
Chang Gung Research Database (CGRD) is a multi-institutional and original medical record-based research
database.20 In this study, the data from Keelung, Linkou, Chiayi, and Kaohsiung branches located from northern
to southern Taiwan were used.
Study participants
All patients aged older than 17 years who visited the ED for non-traumatic disease and who experienced
respiratory failure with ventilator support between January 2010 and December 2016 were included in the study.
Patients who experienced out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) or had do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order were
excluded. Patients were divided into the NRM group and the non-NRM group.
Data of patients’ demographics and comorbidities were extracted from the CGRD database. Patients were
divided into three diagnostic groups according to the causes of respiratory failure including pulmonary disease,
cardiovascular disease, and other metabolic diseases. Diagnoses were grouped according to the diagnostic
codes from the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth and Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification. According
to the duration of NRM use, patients using NRM were further grouped into the following treatment groups: 0
hour, 0–1 hour, 1–2 hours, and > 2 hours. Death in hospital within 30 days was defined as in-hospital mortality.
Data analysis
For continuous variables, age was summarised as means ± standard deviations. The distributions of categorical
data were presented as numbers and percentages. Student’s t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and chi-
square test were used.
Propensity score was calculated using logistic regression. Variables of age, sex, and co-morbidities (including
myocardial infarction, heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, cerebrovascular accident, chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, peptic ulcer disease, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, malignancy,
and bedridden status) and main diagnoses were used to estimate the probability of receiving NRM before
intubation. Main diagnoses, which were divided into other metabolic diseases, diseases of the circulatory
system, and diseases of the respiratory system, were diseases considered to cause respiratory failure in a single
episode. Propensity score matching (PSM) was performed using NCSS version 12.0.4 (NCSS statistical software,
LLC, Kaysville, Utah, USA). The greedy method was used to create a 1:4 matched study groups with a 0.25
standard deviation width. The caliper half-width was 0.17579, and the average match Mahalanobis distance was
To determine the associations between the variables and NRM use, survival analysis using the Kaplan-Meier
estimator and Cox regression was performed. The effects were estimated using adjusted odds ratios (aORs) and
the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Results were considered statistically significant for a two-
tailed test at P < 0.05. In addition to PSM, the IBM Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for Windows version
22.0 (released 2013, IBM Corp., Armonk, NY) was used for statistical analyses.
After excluding patients with OHCA and DNR order, 18749 patients who developed respiratory failure in ED were
enrolled. Among them, 1074 patients had used NRM (Fig. 1). After a 1:4 PSM, the age, sex, and distribution of co-
morbidities between 1028 patients using NRM and 4112 patients not using NRM were similar. Tables 1 and 2
present the demographic characteristics of patients before and after PSM matching.
Table 1
Clinical characteristics of patients experienced respiratory failure
n = 17675 n = 1074
Main diagnosis
Cardiovascular disease 4843 (27.4) 153 (14.2)
Table 2
Clinical characteristics of patients experienced respiratory failure after 1:4 propensity score matching
n = 4112 n = 1028
Main diagnosis
Cardiovascular disease 609 (14.8) 153 (14.9)
Figure 2 shows the 72-hour and 30-day mortality rates in patients using and not using NRM. Before PSM
matching, patients not using NRM had a higher 72-hour mortality rate than those using NRM, but after PSM
matching, there were no significant differences in 72-hour mortality rates between patients using NRM and
patients not using NRM (Fig. 2a and 2b). The 30-day mortality rate was relatively higher in patients using NRM >
2 hours than in patients belonging to the remaining three treatment groups (i.e. 0 hour, 0–1 hour, 1–2 hours
treatment groups) both before and after PSM matching. However, there was no significant difference in the 30-
day mortality rate between patients using NRM and patients not using NRM (Fig. 2c and 2d).
Figure 3 shows the survival curve of patients not using NRM and patients using NRM for different durations. After
performing a stratified analysis according to the cause of respiratory failure, patients with pulmonary disease
and using NRM for more than 2 hours had a higher mortality rate than patients with pulmonary disease but
without using NRM (p-value: 0.016) (Fig. 3b). There was no association between mortality and NRM use in
patients with respiratory failure due to cardiovascular disease and other metabolic diseases.
Figure 4 shows the result of Cox regression analysis. Patients with respiratory failure due to pulmonary disease
and who use NRM > 2 hours had a higher mortality rate than patients not using NRM (OR, 1.4; 95% CI, 1.06–
1.74) (Fig. 4b).
A recent systematic review and meta-analysis showed that liberal oxygen therapy increases the mortality rate of
patients and does not improve other important patient clinical outcomes.8 The study used different oxygen
delivery devices including nasal prongs, face masks, and invasive mechanical ventilators. Different from a
previous study, our study used a high-flow and non-invasive oxygen device, NRM, before providing ventilator
support. In EDs, EPs usually preoxygenate patients with NRM before induction and intubation to increase the
duration of safe apnoea.16,17 EPs also use non-invasive but high-flow oxygen therapy in elderly patients
considering the provision of hospice care rather than intensive resuscitation; however, this requires further
communication and discussion among healthcare professionals.21–23 In Taiwan, NRM is commonly used. Several
patients hesitate to receive intubation considering the possibility of delayed weaning and tracheostomy,
subsequently delaying the provision of ventilator therapy. Considering that excess supplemental oxygen causes
oxygen toxicity in critically ill patients18, we determined whether NRM use in patients with respiratory failure
could increase their mortality rate.
According to a previous study, the 30-day mortality rate in patients with respiratory failure ranged from 29.7–
41.7%.24 In this study, the mortality rates were 30.0% and 30.4% in patients using NRM and patients not using
NRM, respectively, a result consistent with the results of the previous studies. However, according to clinical
practice, patients using NRM as an alternative oxygen treatment are considered less critical than patients using
ventilator support immediately. We found that the 72-hour mortality rate in patients using NRM was 4.5% lower
than the mortality rate of patients not using NRM. This suggests that the initial conditions of patients using NRM
were less critical than the initial conditions of patients not using NRM. Therefore, this study performed PSM and
analysed the influence of NRM according to its duration of use. Patients using NRM for a prolonged period had a
higher mortality rate than patients using NRM for a limited time. This is possibly attributed to the high oxygen
toxicity as a result of high-concentration oxygen therapy reported in a previous study.18
Although liberal oxygen therapy has not been recommended considering that it results in an increased mortality
rate, it is still unclear which groups of patients are evidently affected with the increase in mortality rate following
liberal oxygen therapy. The recent systemic review enrolled patients with sepsis, critical illness, stroke, trauma,
myocardial infarction, or cardiac arrest and patients undergoing emergency surgery.8 While liberal oxygen
therapy might increase patients’ mortality rate, there was no association between liberal oxygen treatment and
mortality in patients with sepsis, stroke, trauma, and myocardial infarction. In our study, after performing a
stratified analysis, the influence of NRM use on mortality was observed only in patients with respiratory failure
due to pulmonary disease. This result is relatively consistent with the results of a systemic review, although
there was no clear definition of critically ill patients in the systemic review article. Clinically, high-concentration
oxygen therapy was not recommended in patients with asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as it
might result in carbon dioxide retention and acidosis.25–27 Several studies have also reported that prolonged
breathing with a significantly high fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) (FIO2 ≥ 0.9) uniformly causes severe
hyperoxic acute lung injury, and when the FIO is not reduced, death may occur.28 Hence, patients with
pulmonary disease who prolonged use NRM have higher mortality rates than patients with pulmonary disease
who are not using NRM.
This study has some limitations. First, the diagnoses that cause respiratory failure were divided into only three
groups, namely, pulmonary disease, cardiovascular disease, and other metabolic diseases. However, these
diseases are significantly different regardless of being in the same group. For example, respiratory failure caused
by pneumonia and chronic pulmonary disease have different mechanisms, but are all grouped as pulmonary
disease, possibly influencing the result of the study. Second, the four study settings belonged to the same
medical system; this may limit the implications of the conclusions. Finally, considering the retrospective design
of this study, there might be some confounding factors that were not measured in this analysis that could
influence the outcome of the study. For example, ventilator setting is associated with mortality.29 High-
concentration oxygen ventilation and prolonged use of ventilator, which were not well controlled in the study,
could also cause lung damage.30,31 In this study, data regarding ventilator setting were unavailable; hence, the
confounding effects of ventilator were not controlled. Thus, further prospective studies are required to determine
the association between NRM use and patient mortality.
Prolonged use (> 2 hours) of NRM before ventilator treatment in patients with respiratory failure due to
pulmonary disease might increase patients’ mortality rate.
Geolocation information
The study area included four medical institutions at Keelung, Linkou, Chiayi, and Kaohsiung branches located
from northern to southern Taiwan.
Not applicable.
This retrospective study was approved by the Chang Gung Medical Foundation Institutional Review Board (IRB)
(IRB No.: 202000073B0). All patients’ data were anonymised.
Competing interests
None to be declared.
Authors’ contributions
Po-Chun Chuang concepted and designed the study Chao-Jui Li, Yan-Ren Lin, and Chien-Chih Chen analyzed and
interpreted the data. Chao-Jui Li, Xin-Hong Lin, and Po-Chun Chuang wrote the manuscript. Chao-Jui Li revised
the manuscript. The authors read and approved the final
We thank Hsin-Yi Chien, Chih-Yun Lin, and the Biostatistics Center, Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital for
their statistics work.
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Figure 1
Flowchart of enrolment and status of patients. The 1:4 propensity score matching by gender, age, myocardial
infarction, heart failure, peripheral arterial disease, cerebrovascular accident, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, peptic ulcer disease, liver cirrhosis, diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, malignancy, bedridden
status, and main diagnosis. Abbreviation: out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA), do not resuscitate (DNR), non-
rebreathing mask (NRM).
Figure 2
Before 1:4 propensity score matching, a) 72-hour mortality at different time of using the non-rebreathing mask,
and b) 30-day mortality at different time of using the non-rebreathing mask; after 1:4 propensity score
matching, c) 72-hour mortality at different time of using the non-rebreathing mask, and d) 30-day mortality at
different time of using the non-rebreathing mask. propensity score matching. In pulmonary disease, the
Figure 3
After 1:4 propensity score matching, survival curve of patients with different NRM treatment durations and
without NRM treatment in a) all disease, b) pulmonary disease, c) cardiovascular disease, and d) other metabolic
problem. Patients with pulmonary disease and using NRM for more than 2 hours had a higher mortality rate than
patients with pulmonary disease but without using NRM (p-value: 0.016) (Fig. 3b).
Figure 4
After 1:4 propensity score matching, the hazard ratios between 30-day mortality and time of using the non-
rebreathing mask in a) all disease, b) pulmonary disease, c) cardiovascular disease, and d) other metabolic