Question Paper Set-1: R 001 R 001 W 17 W 17 M 11 M 11 R M W

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Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar

B Tech (Instrumentation and Control Engineering)

ICPC – 202, Electrical Machines
End Semester Examination, July 2020
Duration: 90 Minutes Max. Marks: 30 Date: 20th July 2020
Marks Distribution & Mapping of Questions with Course Outcomes (COs)
Question Number 1 2 3 4 5
Marks 6 6 6 6 6
CO No. 1 2 3 2 3
Learning Level 2 3 2 3 2


1. Attempt all the questions.
2. Write the answers in hard copy (on A4 or any other sheet available) using blue/black
pen with their sign on top and bottom of each page. Also put page numbers on upper
right corner of each page of the answer booklet.
3. The time allowed for writing examination is 90 minutes. Extra 20 minutes are
allowed for scanning and sending the answer booklet.
4. Follow the instructions regarding submission of answer booklet as issued by
examination section.
5. In place of ‘R’, substitute your last three digit of register number (for example if
your no is 18126001 use R=001), for ‘W’ substitute your date of birth (for
example if your date of birth is 17-11-2000 (date-month-year) then take W=17)
and for ‘M’ substitute your Month of birth (for example 17-11-2000 (date-
month-year) then take M=11)
6. The value of R, M, and W should be written on the first page along with the
other necessary details as mandated by the institute. Any malpractice in these
values will be viewed seriously and lead to ‘Unfair Means Case’ as per Institute
7. Students must fill the google form (Section-1 alone) sent along with this question
paper upon completion of exam. The section-1 of the google form will contain very
few details and used as an attendance sheet for your examination. The filling of other
sections (answers) in google form are optional.
8. Students must submit the original answer booklet as and when students are joining the

Answer all the following questions (5 x 6 =30 marks)

1) The single phase induction motor circuit shown below is used in the ceiling fan of your hostel
room. Assume the value of capacitance C1 and C2 as R+M nF.
1.1) What will be the value of starting capacitor and running capacitor in nano Farads? (1 mark)

1.2) Assuming L1=W mH L2=W mH, With the supply voltage of 230+M V, calculate the current
(in A) from the source during running condition. (2 mark)

1.3) Assume the motor is already running and the capacitor C1 burns due to some external reasons.
Choose whether the motor will continue to run or it will come to rest position? (1 mark)
a) Motor will run b) Motor will come to rest position

1.4) Now you have turned off the supply and start debugging the circuit. Your CR comes to your
rescue by replacing C1 with the old working capacitor taken from another hostel room, but still the
motor is not running but it makes a noise now! To solve this issue, our ML guys suggested CR
(through google meet) to rotate the blades (additional torque) so that it will start running. Even after
rotating in a particular direction by CR, the motor is not starting. One more suggestion came to
rotate the blades in a opposite direction, but CR is not ready to listen (as always!) and told he will
rotate in the same direction only and asks you to modify the circuit such that the motor starts
running. Eventhough changing CR is an better option, what modifications can be done in the
electric circuit to start the motor and explain the reason for not starting when he provided the
additional torque in a particular direction? (2 mark)

2) From the development diagram shown below, find the different characteristics of the machine

2.1) Choose the type of winding (1 mark)

a) Progressive wave winding b) Reterogessive wave winding c) Progressive lap winding b)
Reterogessive lap winding

2.2) Find the number of conductors and number of poles in the machine (1 mark)

2.3) Calculate the front pitch and back pitch corresponding to the given development diagram (2

2.4) What will be voltage generated (in V) in the machine when driven at (1000+R+M) rpm
assuming the flux per pole to be M mWb (milli weber) (2 mark)
3) A DC shunt motor is uded to drive a Constant Torque mechanical load. ICE students are
interested in understanding the effects on armature current and motor speed while making certain
changes on the electrical side. Assume that the rated voltage, rated current (armature and field
current) gives the rated torque and speed. Express armature current and speed in per unit when the
following changes are made on the electrical side
3.1) Field current reduced to give half flux
3.2) Armature supply voltage is halved
3.3) Both armature voltage and field flux are halved

Students can select the answer for both armature current (3 x 1= 3 mark) and speed (3 x 1= 3
mark) from the following set (reptitation of answers are allowed)
a) 0.5 b) 1 c) 2 d) 4 e) None of the above f) Data insufficient g) God only knows!.

4.1) A 8-pole, 660+R+M V, 100 kW three phase induction motor is manufactured in India (Made in
India) and exported to US for their industrial applications. Calculate the full load torque (in N-m)
and maximum torque (in N-m) if the full load slip is 0.05 and slip at maximum torque is 0.3 (2

4.2) A similar 100 kW, 8-pole, 660+R+M V three phase induction motor is now designed and
manufactured for industries operating in India. If the motor is running at 700+M rpm in the
direction same as that of field. Calculate rotor current frequency and find the mode of operation. (2

4.3) A 4-pole dc motor is lap-wound with 400 conductors. The pole shoe is 20 cm long and average
flux density over one-pole-pitch is 0.4 T, the armature diameter being 30 cm. Find the torque and
gross mechanical power developed when the motor is drawing 20+W A and running at 1500+R+M
rpm (2 marks)

5) A 220 V DC machine supplies 20+M A at 200+R+M V as a generator. The armature resistance is

0.2 ohm. If the machine is now operated as a motor at same terminal voltage and current but with
the flux increased by R%, calculate
5.1) The emf developed when it acts as a motor (in V) (2 marks)
5.2) The emf developed when it acts as a generator (in V) (2 marks)
5.3) The ratio of generator speed to motor speed (2 marks)

*************************** Better Luck Next Time ****************************

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