What Is The SAP Business Connector (S AP BC) ?

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What is the SAP Business Connector (SAP BC)?

SAP customers can now use the SAP Business Connector to interface SAP and non-SAP
software. The SAP BC leverages the power and flexibility of XML to seamlessly
integrate their key business processes with those of their customers, partners and
suppliers for enhanced efficiency and improved cost-effectiveness.

The Business Connector is SAP's open interface for communication over the Internet.
The SAP BC communicates through Remote Function Calls (RFC) with the R/3 System
and it converts the RFC format alternatively into XML or HTML. HTTP/HTTPS is used
as a log for communication with the outside.

The SAP BC can receive both synchronous calls (BAPI calls) and asynchronous calls
(RFC) and can forward them to a pre-specified target. Inbound calls are supported as
well. Furthermore, it is possible to convert IDOCs into structured XML documents. The
SAP BC contains certain mapping and target determination services. Additional
processing can be easily integrated in the form of JAVA modules.
SAP Business Connector Configuration

Note: If you have not installed the SAP Business Connector, refer to the Installation
section for instructions. Please remember to apply OSS Note 0313597.

After the SAP Business Connector is installed, do the following:

SAP Business Connector Logon

1. Start the SAP BC. Go to your command prompt and type <Name of directory
where the server directories were installed>server.bat -log none -debug 9
(e.g. c:\sapbc\server\>server.bat -log none –debug 9)
In this example, \sapbc\server\ is the <Name of the directory where the server
directories were installed>.

2. Press the Enter key to start and initialize your SAP BC.

3. Launch the System Administrator Browser. If you are accessing the SAP BC from the
same workstation as you installed the SAP BC type http://<localhost>:5555,
otherwise type the IP address of the machine which hosts your SAP BC.
(e.g. http://

4. If successful, the user id and password prompt appears:

use Administrator as the (ID) and manage as the (password).
5. Scroll down the left side of the Administrator GUI, then select SAP icon (located
under the Adapters section).
Create a SAP Server/Test Connection to SAP Server

1. Choose the SAP Servers Tag and select the Add SAP Server icon.
2. Complete the Add New SAP Server form.

Name An alias for the SAP Server you are using

SAP Router String Only needed if there exists a firewall between
the SAP server and the SBC
User The System Administrator's user name
Password The System Administrator's user password
Client The 3 digit SAP client number
Language The SAP language code
Application Server The IP address of host name of the SAP
System Number The SAP system (0-99)
3. Select Save.
4. Select Test Connection.
• If the SAP Business Connector Server successfully connects to the specified SAP
Server, it displays connection information.

• If an error message is received, select the tabbed page SAP Servers and verify
your server configuration information.

Create an RFC Listener on the SAP Business Connector Server

1. Select SAP from the navigational panel (If it is not already selected).

2. Select tab page SAP Servers (If it is not already selected).

Note: In the list of configured SAP servers, in the Listeners row, the number of
configured RFC listeners is shown as a link.

3. Select the link in the Listeners row.

Select Add Listener.
4. Enter UPSB2B for Program ID. Verify that all other information is correct.
5. Select Save.
If you have a Firewall, you must adjust these setting to allow inbound/outbound
transactions for URL http://saptools.ups.com.

If you have a Proxy Server, you must define these from the Main Menu under Settings.
Configure SAP R/3 to connect to the SAP Business Connector

Note: The SAP Business Connector must be installed before configuration. Refer to the
Installation section for instructions on how to download the SAP Business Connector.
The SAP BC Installation instructions can also be downloaded from SAP’s Website.

To setup the RFC destination in SAP R/3 4.6 Express Ship Interface (XSI), do the

1. Enter transaction code sm59 in transaction code box.

2. Select Create.
3. Enter the following information into the listed fields:

RFC destination: UPSB2B

Connection Type: T
Description: SAP Business Connector connecting to UPS

4. Select Save.
5. Select Registration - UPSB2B.

If the SAP System is running on multiple machines, complete steps 6-9, otherwise
proceed to step 10.

6. From the Destination Drop-down menu, select Gateway options .

7. In the Gateway host field, enter the IP Address of the machine running the R/3
Application Server. e.g.

8. In the Gateway service field, enter sapgw <r3 system number> e.g. sapgw00

9. Select O.K.
10. Select Test Connection.
RFC - Connection Test appears with a response message. This list contains five
Data Requirements
A service agent (Vendor) UPS_CARR should be configured in the SAP R/3 system.
1. Enter transaction /nFK01
2. In the Create Vendor screen enter information for the following items:
Company Code
Account Group
3. In the Create Vendor – Address screen enter the following and press <Enter>.
Search Term UPS
Street/House Number
Configure the UPS Enterprise Solutions for SAP R/3 4.6 (XSI)

1. Enter /nvtrc in the transaction code box from any screen within SAP R/3.
2. Select the menu option Express Delivery Company and then Create Express
Delivery Company.
3. In the Choose New Express Carrier dialog box, enter the following information:

Express Delivery Company: UPS

Service Agent- Domestic: UPS_CARR
Check for All Shipping Points

4. Select checkbox to close dialog box.

5. On the Express Delivery Company (XSI) Cockpit, enter the following information:

Exp. deliv. company UPS

Field above RFC destination United Parcel Service
Account w/ ExpDlvCo. 6 Digit UPS Account number (e.g. 123456)
RFC destination UPSB2B

6. Press <Enter>.
7. In the Data Provider tab, click on the Load List of Express Delivery Companies
button to see a list of SAP certified carriers. If UPS is listed, double click on it.

If UPS in not listed, enter the following information in the Data Provider tab:

• ExternalExpDlvCo: UPS
• Target URL for Bus. Connector: Please refer to your UPS Welcome Letter
• XML flag (0=SAP, 1=Values): 0
• Search criteria name: UPS

8. Click on the Exp. Dlv cmpny control tab.

9. In the Exp. dlv cmpny control tab, enter the following information:

• Check Set tracking status manually

• Max. no parcels - multi- track: 25
• Track RFC destination UPSB2B
• Max quantity of track obj: 25
• Timeout/Tracking Object: 5
• Check Save tracking item

10. Click on the Save icon to save the carrier configuration.

Note: To exit out of transaction /nvtrc, enter transaction /nS0000.

Download Master and Setup Data

Once the carrier has been created and saved, perform the following to download the
master and setup data. This will complete the carrier configuration and the carrier will be
ready for activation.

1. Enter transaction /nvtrc and select carrier UPS (by entering carrier UPS and pressing
the enter key). If you have visited this transaction before, in your current login session
then the transaction will automatically take you into the carrier you were working
with previously.

2. Select the toolbar icon Non-SAP System. After RFC calls have been made to UPS
only the tabs supported by UPS should be visible. The following tabs in the tab strip
should be visible:

• Express Delivery Company Control

• Data Provider
• Meta-Data
• Service Codes
• Tracking Status
3. Click on Load all master data icon to load all the setup, master and meta data from
UPS. Verify the successful execution of the upload by checking the contents of the 5

Note: When you download master data, the following information is downloaded:
- Tracking data available in days
- Max. no. parcels - muti-track
Service Codes
Tracking Status

Click on the SAVE icon to save the carrier master and setup data.
Activating the Carrier

Once the master setup and meta-data has been successfully downloaded, the carrier needs
to be activated. Also, the carrier needs to be activated on all the shipping points.

1. Check the Active checkbox in the Express Delivery Company Control tab to
activate the carrier.

2. Click on the Activate all Shipping Points button on the bottom of the screen to
activate all shipping points.
To access online documentation from www.ups.com/sap, select Goto from the menu
options, Internet pages, and then select a web page.

The following web pages/documentation can be accessed:

http://www.ups.com - Homepage (general)

http://www.ups.com/sap - Homepage (customer’s view)
Service Code documentation
Parcel tracking documentation
R/3 documentation

Homepage (general)

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