Practical Manual: 1) To Find The Resistance of A Galvanometer by Half Deflection Method
Practical Manual: 1) To Find The Resistance of A Galvanometer by Half Deflection Method
Practical Manual: 1) To Find The Resistance of A Galvanometer by Half Deflection Method
1) Make connections as shown in fig. (a) and determine galvanometer resistance by
half deflection method. [see expt. No. 2]
2) To find figure of merit, determine emf of a cell.
3) Make connections as shown in fig. (b), and adjust resistance from resistance box
for large scale deflection, and complete the table 2.
4) Fill the lines below the table 2, and calculate wire length for shunt.
5) For verification, take calculated length of wire, and make connection as in fig. (c).
6) Complete the table 3, by adjusting the resistance from rheostat for maximum
deflection in the galvanometer to read the desired reading (0.1 A) in the ammeter.
1. The cell used should have a constant emf.
2. The wire used for shunt should be of convenient length.
3. Large scale deflection should be used for checking conversion of
Exp: Conversion into voltmeter.
Galvanometer reading
No. of Deflection P.D. in volts Voltmeter Difference
obs. (2/n) reading
small div. volts volts volts
2 15 1.0 1.0 0
Experiment No. 3:
Conversion of galvanometer into voltmeter reading up to 3 volts.
Galvanometer, voltmeter, high resistance box, fractional resistance box,
two keys, connecting wires.
Theoretical Base:
To convert a galvanometer into voltmeter reading up to V volts, we have
to introduce a resistance R in series with it coil, so that when a potential
difference of V volts is applied to its terminals full scale deflection current (I g )
passes through it. In the figure, according to Ohm’s law,
Ig = V or Rx = V G
Rx + G Ig
An equivalent resistance is placed in series with the galvanometer coil and the
readings checked with a standard voltmeter.
1) Determine the galvanometer resistance G by half deflection method and figure of
merit as done in the last experiment.
2) Find the current for full-scale deflection Ig = nk.
3) Fill up the lines above the table and find the value of external resistance.
4) Make connections as shown in the fig. (c).
5) Fill up the table for verification.
1. Suitable resistances should be removed from the resistance box to produce
large deflections in both the instruments.
2. Red marked terminal of voltmeter is always positive, it should be connected
to the positive of the battery.
3. The emf of the battery should be greater than the conversion range of the
Expt: Photo-cell.
Distance of Deflection of
No. of lamp from galvanometer ( I 1 / d2 )
obs. photo-cell (A) 1/d2 / d2
d (cm)
1 80 25 156.25 x 10-6 39.06x10-4
Photo-electric cell, sensitive galvanometer, battery, rheostat, key, electric
Theoretical Base:
Photocell is a device for converting light energy into electrical energy. It
consists of an anode and a photosensitive cathode, from which photoelectrons
are emitted when light falls on it. According to inverse square law, ‘the
intensity of light from a point source varies inversely as the square of the
distance from the source, i.e., I 1 / d2 . So a graph between photoelectric
current or deflection ( ) and 1 / d2 will be a straight line.
1) Arrange the apparatus as shown in the figure. Here all the components are in
series. The bulb should be selected and fixed in such a way that its point light
falls on the photo-electric cell.
2) Put on the lamp. Adjust the suitable deflection in the galvanometer.
3) Note the deflection, in the galvanometer (or micro-ammeter) and the
corresponding distance, d of the photo-cell from the lamp. Change the distance d
in regular steps and note the deflection in the galvanometer.
4) Draw a graph between 1 / d 2 verses . It will be a straight line. .
1. The voltage of the bulb must remain constant.
2. A point source of light should be used.
3. Start the experiment from maximum distance and decrease to minimum.
Expt: Neon flash lamp.
Neon lamp, DC power supply (250V), capacitor (0.2F), known resistances
(1,2,3,4,5 M), unknown high resistances, and stop watch.
Theoretical Base:
When a capacitor is charged through a resistor by a DC voltage, the charge increases
with time according to the equation,
V = Vo (1 – et/RC ) or Vo – V = Vo et/RC
or Vo = et/RC or t = RC log e
Vo - V Vo - V
If t1 be the time for the capacitor to charge up to V1 volts, and t2 time for V2 volts, then the
above equation gives,
t = RC log Vo and t = RC log Vo
1 e 2 e
Vo - V1 Vo - V2
The flashing period T is given by,
T = t - t = RC ( log Vo - loge Vo )
1 2 e
Vo - V1 Vo - V2
or T = RC ( loge Vo V2 ) [log a – logb = log a / b ]
Vo - V1
1) Make connections according to the circuit diagram.
2) Switch on the power supply and record the average time of 20 flashes.
3) Complete the first table with known resistances by finding flashing period.
4) Insert given unknown resistance X and find time period for the flashes as before.
5) Plot a graph between T & R as shown in the fig.
6) From the graph read the value of resistance against the flashing period T.
This value of resistance is equal to the unknown resistance X.
7) Complete the second table by filling unknown resistances from the graph.
1. Voltage supplied from the D.C. source should exceed the striking voltage.
2. The power supply should supply constant voltage.
3. Resistances should be of order of mega ohms to get measurable time pe