SAP Revenue Accounting and Reporting

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SAP Revenue Accounting and

W W W. M A R L A B S . C O M

1. Abstract 1

2. SAP Revenue Accounting And Reporting 2

3. Affected Sector 2
4. Introduction to SAP RAR 2

SAP Revenue Accounting and Reporting help 3

The new standard introduces a 5 step model 3
Available methods 3
The SAP Revenue Accounting and Reporting application provides 4

5. Benefits of the solution 4

The solution supports four ways to fulfill performance obligations 4
General Ledger Accounting 5
Accounts Receivables 5
Transparent reporting and disclosure 6
Basic Prechecks during Conversion of system for SAP SD-RR 6
6. Conclusion 12
To recognise revenues either as event or based on time, SAP developed SD Revenue Recognition (SD
RR) functionality in 2005. Many SAP Customers have been using the same since then and it has been
a stable component.
As soon as the new regulations from IFRS15 came along, SAP introduced the new functionality SAP
Revenue Accounting and Reporting (SAP RAR). The purpose of SAP RAR is to handle the new IFRS15
regulations announced on 28 May 2014 with an effective date of 1 January 2018 in countries that
adhere to both US GAAP and IFRS. This SAP RAR is available as an add-on and can be implement-
ed in SAP ECC 6.0 with enhancement package 5 or SAP S/4HANA. For integration with SD, we
require software component SAP SALES INTEGR SAP RAR 1.0

SAP ECC based SD Revenue Recognition (Application component SD-BIL-RR) will not be available
within SAP S/4HANA. Instead of this functionality, the newly available SAP Revenue Accounting and
Reporting functionality should be used. This new functionality supports the new revenue accounting
standard as outlined in IFRS15 and adapted by local GAAPs. The migration to the new solution is
required to comply with IFRS15, even if no Conversion to SAP S/4HANA is performed.

SAP Revenue Accounting And
Problem Statement

Revenue is recognized for every SD order

item according to its pricing conditions

SD revenue recognition does not offer an

allocation of the transfer price

SD Revenue Recognitions cannot manage

different accounting principles (no Parallel

With New GL, SD Revenue recognition

Despite these limitations and the
always posts to ledger group blank, that is, to
recommendations from SAP that customers
all ledger at the same time and with the same
transition to RAR, some companies managed to
get by with SD Revenue Recognition for initial
No Multiple Element Arrangements: SD implementation of the new standards.
Revenue Recognition does not support
Unfortunately, those companies are now facing
allocation of transaction price, one of the
another big hurdle in near future because SD
fundamental steps for ASC 606 and IFRS 15.
Revenue Recognition will no longer be supported
Revenue is always recognized separately for
as the SAP technology environment moves ahead
every SD order item according to its specific
to S/4HANA. Current estimates indicate that SD
pricing conditions.
Revenue Recognition will become dead-ended by
Parallel Accounting: SD Revenue Recognition the end of 2025.
cannot manage different accounting
principles, with makes it difficult to leverage Affected Sector
automation and increases the effort needed
The new standard is designed to be industry
for reconciliation by accounting teams.
neutral, but some industries are more affected
Cost Recognition: Cost of Goods Sold than others due to the complexity of their contracts
(COGS) is not reconciled with revenue particularly the media,professional services,
recognized. SD can only recognize cost at the telecommunications, high tech/IT, healthcare,
time of PGI or billing, depending on set-up of engineering, construction and automotive
the pricing scheme in D. industries. Their contracts typically include
multiple-element arrangements involving
SD RevRec with regard to meeting the new requirements appropriate revenue allocation, mass volume
requiring rule-based revenue recognition, or
accrued revenues from long term projects and
shipments. The new standard has less impact on
businesses with straightforward, invoice-driven
revenue recognition.
No multiple Parallel Cost Disclosure and
elements accounting recognition reporting
Introduction to SAP RAR
Disclosures and Reporting: Traditional SD SAP S/4HANA’s Revenue Accounting and
Revenue Recognition is not capable of Reporting (RAR) replaces SAP ECC SD Revenue
meeting the new disclosure requirements for Recognition. This is due to new accounting
ASC 606 and IFRS 15. standards released jointly by
the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) Integrates with financials and multiple logistics
and the International Accounting Standards Board systems (SAP and non-SAP systems)
(IASB). The new guideline is also in IFRS 15.
Decouples the revenue recognition process to
SAP ECC’s SD Revenue Recognition is based on sustain flexibility and increase efficiency
Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
(US-GAAP), International Accounting Standards Decreases TCO through a rules framework
(IAS)/Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). that allows flexible and highly automated
Therefore, it provides the option of recognizing processes
revenue based on an event (like Goods issue,
Supports an end-to-end audit trail through
proof of delivery) or over a period (based on
transparent revenue recognition processing
specific set of dates) apart from the standard way
of realizing revenue on billing. The new standard introduces a 5 step model.
The IFRS 15/ASC 606 guidelines are intended to Identify the contract
increase financial statement comparability across
companies and industries and to provide clarity Separate performance obligations
about the nature, amount, timing and uncertainty
of contract revenue. The standard primarily affects Determine transaction price
the timing of revenue recognition: Revenue is
recognized when a company satisfies a Allocate transaction price
performance obligation by transferring a promised
Recognize revenue
good or service to a customer, and the customer
obtains control of it.
Delivery/goods Billing/ Accounts Ledger
Adaptive reuse layer Revenue accounting issued service invoicing
distribution usage receivable
and accounting
ERP FIN generation contract
Mapping CRM
RAI POB Performance obligation(POB) 1
SAP billing and
CRM Performance obligation(POB) x revenue
RAI (POB): Right of return innovation Multi
storage Order/ management Ledger
BRIM/O2C (POB): Right of right Contract
RA process Data components Step 1
Revenue accounting Stream Step 5
management Provisioning Step 2 Step 3 Step 4
Business Accruals Information
rules management life cycle Non SAP
SAP Non SAP analysis
party systems
Non SAP 3rd
General Result party systems
BRF plus CO-PA ledger analysis Fair Analytical Management
PARTY values execution reporting

Figure 2. SAP Revenue Accounting and Reporting Solution addresses

five-step legal requirements.
SAP Revenue Accounting and
Reporting help Revenue Accounting and Reporting (RAR) in SAP
S/4HANA accounts for fundamental changes with
The SAP RAR application is designed to meet the IFRS 15. Moreover, it also meets the requirements
IFRS 15/ASC 606 guidelines, including new of parallel accounting and cost recognition.
disclosures about contract balances and
multiple-element arrangements. The application’s Available methods
advanced capabilities automate and simplify
compliance and adhere to multiple GAAP Evolving the customer experience is at the core of
standards. rapid and deep digitization. It is critical for the
lending institutions to base their technological
Complies with new IFRS/U.S.-GAAP standard, developments on personalizing customer digital
“Revenue from Contracts with Customers” journeys through fast, automated, and intelligent
workflows. To be able to achieve this, the
Covers advanced revenue recognition institutions will need to have an agile approach
scenarios, such as multi-element towards building an open hybrid cloud platform

and leveraging the technologies of automation, AI,
ML, blockchain, and API platforms.
Benefits of the solution
Companies who will require to report their
Revenue recognition at the point of billing revenue under IFRS 15 guidelines will have the
(standard method) following benefits if they use SAP RAR application:
Time-related revenue recognition (the The advanced capabilities of the solution will
revenues are realized between specific set ensure that it aligns with IFRS 15 (AASB 15).
dates) It covers advance revenue recognition
scenarios, such as multi-element
Service-related revenue recognition (the arrangements.
revenues are realized on the basis of a specific
It integrates with SAP and non-SAP systems.
event. Credit/Debit memo request with
reference to preceding document SAP RAR Simplifies and Automates

Service based revenue recognition; billing documents

related (only for IS-M solution) Invoices

Here’s all the Transaction layer activity
Bills as it’s funneled into SAP Revenue

The SAP Revenue Accounting and Reporting (RAR)

application is composed of two components. One Journal entries
SAP RAR then automatically
makes all the journel entries as

of the components connects to the operational per the new regulations for me.

processes (the integration component) and

provides the information to another component
(the Adapter Reuse Layer and the Revenue It is non-disruptive to operational systems.
Accounting engine) that determines and calculates It simplifies & automates revenue accounting.
the revenue that will be recognized and posted to
the general ledger and other modules. The solution supports four ways to fulfill
performance obligations:
The SAP Revenue Accounting and Reporting
application provides: Event-based. A performance obligation can
be fulfilled with a GI or other event by setting
incorporation of CRM Services in revenue and defining the type of event
Time-based. A performance obligation can
improved cost object account assignment, be fulfilled over a period of time by specifying
a start date in combination with either the
incorporation with cost object control, length of time or an end date. The fulfillment
can be distributed evenly within the duration
enhanced contract organization,
or in the last accounting period of the duration
improved capacities to contract
Percentage-of-completion. In this scenario,
revenue is recognized according to the
Contract transformation, percentage of the project that has been
completed. Performance obligations are
Creation of performance commitments from marked fulfilled by entering progress and
invoices, and specifying the percentage

improved work-list capabilities. Manual. This standard delivered fulfillment

type allows flexibility to manually update
progress at either a contract- or
performance-obligation level.

General Ledger Accounting
S/4 HANA Simplifications Business Benefits KPIs for Business Care

Handle orders, invoices and events from

multiple SAP and non-SAP systems while
gaining flexibility by decoupling revenue
recognition rules from order entry and
billing systems.

Improved compliance with automation of

GAAP, IFRS, IFRS15 accounting and
reporting requirements.

Flow Diagram- Transaction Layer to RAR

External or ECC to RAR - General Process Flow

External Or ECC Event

Contract Contract
entered changed

Interface File
Contract Prepared in External
Created System
Update to
RAR Transfer Accounts
Process Routine

Revenue Accounting Stream


Revenue POB’s RAR Contract RAR

Accounting Determined Ready for further Posting Run
Contract and applied processing

Accounts Receivables
S/4 HANA Simplifications Business Benefits KPIs for Business Care

SAP Revenue Accounting Improved GAAP ( Generally Accepted 15% reduction in

and Reporting (RAR) Accounting Principles) compliance as SAP accounts receivable
mandatory as revenue RAR supports new IFRS15/ ASC 606 for management costs
accounting solution revenue recognition.
10% reduction in
Fiori Analytical and No reconciliation issues between the customer master
KPI based reports general ledger and Margin Analysis. data management
for receivables Revenue is recognized at the time of costs with
monitoring. invoicing and cost of goods sold when the centralized business
delivery is made. If there is a time gap partners.
between delivery and invoicing, costs may
be visible in Margin Analysis for which no
revenue has yet been posted.

Cost of goods sold (COGS) postings are

captured at the time of the goods issue
from the warehouse. New functions are
available to split the COGS posting to
multiple accounts in accordance with the
relative weight of the assigned cost

Event-based Revenue Recognition posts need to evaluate whether a migration to SAP
revenues and cost adjustments for sales orders Revenue Accounting and Reporting is possible for
in real-time when goods issue is posted for your business before you decide to convert to SAP
sale from stock, using Parallel Ledger S/4HANA.
functionality and US GAAP functionality.
Revenue is calculated based on quantity, and In the preparation phase of the S/4HANA
costs are matched with revenues. conversion project, the Simplification item check
report can be used to identify those simplification
Event-Based Revenue Recognition analyzes items that are relevant for the customer and to
recognition values for service contracts with determine the steps to be performed in the system
customers. Service contract revenue are to start and maintain consistent conversion. We
recognized periodically based on the have to refer SAP note 2227824 for Conversion
referenced billing plan, using group ledger pre-checks related to RR.
IFRS and US GAAP functionality

With S/4 HANA 1909, automated operational

processes (subscription based scenarios,
without cost) are fully supported by Fiori UI.

Key Considerations

ERP SD Revenue Recognition is not

available in S/4 Hana. Evaluation is to be
done by customer before conversion to
S/4 HANA if migration to SAP RAR is
Additionally, you can verify if SD RR has been in
feasible in Business.
use by examining the table entries VBREVK. If no
Prior to conversion to S/4 HANA, all open entries exist, conversion can proceed.
sales orders and contracts processes by
SD Revenue Recognition need to be
migrated to SAP RAR.

Transparent reporting and

disclosure If yes, checks if entries in table VBREVE with
VBREVE-REVFIX = ‘M’ exist, meaning that the sales
SAP RAR can significantly benefit companies most
documents are already migrated.
affected by the new revenue standard
organizations with scenarios involving
multiple-element arrangements or differences in
realization time. Yet even companies that rely on
invoices to recognize revenue may want to use RAR
for seamless, transparent reporting and disclosure.
One of the solution’s key advantages is the ability
to handle parallel accounting, allowing posts to
different ledgers or accounts based on different
methods of calculation. This feature can help any
If no entries exist, it is assumed that there are SD
company avoid manual or offline effort. RR relevant sales documents to be migrated and
therefore the S/4HANA conversion is blocked.
Basic Prechecks during
Conversion of system for SAP If entries exist with above combination, it means
that migration has been partially or might be fully
SD-RR performed. In this case, a check occurs to
determine whether there are remaining open
If SD based Revenue Recognition is in use, you sales documents that are still SD RR relevant.
Table VBKD: Refer below SAP Notes 508305, 940784 and

During the operational load it is necessary to select

the FI documents for all VBREVE lines that were
already posted. This selection only works for
documents that use the new reference logic. Hence,
SD documents created before the change cannot
be migrated.

Technically, the check sees whether there are entries

in VBKD with VBKD-RRREL that are not blank and
that corresponding entries in table VBUP with
VBUP-RRSTA are not equal to ‘C’. If the check is
positive, the S/4HANA conversion is blocked.
• Also Refer SAP Note 2591055.

Pre-requisite for migration

Consistency Check of SD Revenue Recognition

Data is the pre-requisite. This is to ensure all
source data is correct and consistent before we
transfer to the new capability by the migration
If there are open SD documents that need not be
migrated, there is an option for the Simplification Transaction Code VF47 will help to verify
item check to skip the above described checks in inconsistency in Revenue Tables. VF47 is a tool that
order to avoid blocking S/4HANA conversion enables us to identify many different inconsistency
process types within SD RR data.
If customer is in ECC 6 and EHP lower than 5?

The system must first be upgraded to a release

higher than or equal to 6.05. RAR can then be
implemented, and migration from SD RR will then
be performed. Then SAP S/4HAN made possible.

Also verify below points to identify challenges or out

of scope of this activity. Below are a few examples of
out of scope. Refer Guide / SAP Help for full list
Not all potential error codes have an impact on
Verify with customer if any customer-specific migration to SAP RAR. See the above example E17
events were implemented in SD RR, the related error code has impact.
sales documents cannot be migrated
adequately. If there are revenue lines in table VBREVE with
status ‘C’ but no content in the field
IS-Media specific processes (revenue VBREVE-SAMMG, an error is raised too. This
recognition category M) cannot be migrated at scenario may occur in the past when customers
all. tried to fix documents with an E16 error on their
own by using the update feature of transaction
During operational load, VF47 is called for every
sales document item with the following parameters

This can be achieved by running the transaction


This need not be executed if the sales documents

A second check is performed using the Read are updated in real-time in SD RR
Revenue Lines in FI flag instead of Read Revenue
Lines in SD.

Attention : The Read Revenue Lines in FI option

does not provide reliable results if FI
summarization is active for postings from SD RR

The same restriction applies if the relevant FI In this case, there must be no entries in the table
documents from SD RR have already been VBREVC.

If error patterns are detected, either via the

operational load or using VF47 in advance, open
OSS messages with SAP.

Don’t use the update functionality of VF47 to fix

certain inconsistencies, unless it is approved by an
SAP RR expert. Please refer below SAP Note: All sales documents, for which entries in VBREVC
exist, are not picked up by the operational load.

Use transaction VF44 (Revenue Recognition: Post

Update Sales documents with VF42 Revenue) to recognise all open revenue lines
Before we perform migration, we should make
sure that all revenue lines in the table VBREVE have
their final values.

Select below options and execute

This is to recognize all revenues up to the transfer


Setup of SAP Revenue Accounting & Reporting:


First, revenue accounting and reporting

processes must all be set up for SD-RR

The configuration IMG can be found under:

FARR_IMG Assign Company Codes to Accounting

Maintain a transfer date on the second level

The transfer date must always be the last

day of a period

The operational load only selects the posted

revenue lines that are assigned to periods lower
Or follow the menu path below:
than or equal to the period of the transfer date.

Special SD processes: Proof of delivery (PoD)

or incoming invoice are used, the
corresponding entries must be maintained in

Activation of the required Revenue

Accounting Item classes and generation of
the interfaces
Setup the accounting principles and
maintain the company code related settings
Creation of contract categories and POB
(Performance Obligation) types, including
the related number ranges
Activation of Inflight Checks:
Maintenance of the BRF+ application for
the SAP RAR processes Inflight checks were introduced to detect
inconsistencies as early as possible before any
Create the accounts, then setup account contracts or POBs are stored in the database.
determination for RAR-specific P&L and
balance sheet accounts Please make sure that the checks provided by BAdI
FARR_EXTENDED_CHECK are not de-activated or
Use of migration packages is not mandatory for manipulated. Refer SAP Notes 2476987 and
SD RR migration. 2567106.
Transfer Date
Transfer date will be maintained in below path:
Migration tools

The main tool that is used to migrate SD RR

data to SAP RAR is the operational load
program. Transaction FARRIC_OL

The affected company code is customized for

General Functionality
initial load, meaning that the status Migration
Operational Load is used to start the must be assigned to the relevant company codes
migration process

This program creates fulfillment RAIs and

invoice RAIs based on the selected sales
documents order Items

It refers to the already recognized revenues

As soon as the SD data is transformed into

RAIs and legacy data, the revenue Selection
recognition category is removed from the
Based on the entered selection parameters,
sales document item and all revenue lines
the root documents are selected. The root
are set to Inactive
document is the document that is found on
Prerequisites the highest level of the document flow.

The operational load only works as expected For SD RR-relevant sales documents, the
based on configuration item status in table VBUP is checked. If the
revenue determination status (VBUP-RRSTA)
is C, it skips.

Only if the document date is older than or

equal to the migration transfer date, the
documents are selected by the operational

Processing Parameters

There is a unique ID to identify the run. This

ID is generated automatically.

Refer Transaction SLG1 for logs

Processing Type

Apart from the type Load that creates the

Integration Component for Revenue Accounting is RAIs and the legacy data, the program can
activated also be executed using the Reset type. Reset
means that the Revenue Accounting
relevance is removed from the
corresponding item and the revenue lines in
the table VBREVE are activated again.
Therefore, the program recovers the state in
SD that existed before the last operational
load, but only if the same selection criteria is

Expert Mode

If the selected options of the transaction

FARRIC_OL are not sufficient, the extended
version can be used with transaction

Revenue Correction Report

This report is necessary if in SD RR, between

the transfer date and the date of the
operational load, VF44 postings and/or SD
RR relevant billing documents were created.

You can use either the transaction


Execute the revenue correction report as the

last step of migration once the RAI
consistency in inbound processing has
already been verified. Refer SAP OSS Note

Revenue Accounting Data Validation

To ensure quality and consistency for SAP

RAR contracts and POBs created by the
migration process, the transactions
FARR_CONTR_MON can be used.

The settings for SAP RAR must be maintained before migration starts. It is recommended that your system
should be on the latest support package/feature package level in order not to miss out on the most important
OSS notes respectively and to avoid additional effort during implementation of the OSS notes. Refer to the
latest SAP help or OSS notes when starting this project.

It’s important to account for gains and losses occurring from the forex market. There are two major
methodologies for processing these fluctuations the fixed exchange rate method and the actual exchange rate
method. Beginning with SAP RAR 1.3, you are able to utilize either method for measuring your revenue.

With the instructions above, those running SAP RAR will be able to accurately count the money a business
makes or loses with both methods.

This tool is used for sizing instances. Instructions on how to use Release Notes for 1.2: See SAP Not.e 2305407.
the tool are provided at its website. Upgrade Guide to EHP 6.0

Revenue Recognition 1.2 Release Notes These preliminary notes SAP Help for Rev Rec 2.0
are handy for new customers. The release notes list all
prerequisites and features. SAP User Group There are over seven hundred users in the
current revenue recognition group, creating a very useful forum.
Revenue Recognition 1.2 Admin Guide This guide provides
complete info about installing the add-on tool and its

Senior Analyst, Marlabs Inc.
Hemamalini E is Certified in SAP S/4 Consultant Management
Accounting, Simple Finance, Treasury, having 8 years of professional

Strong expertise in problem solving, decision making and translating

business requirements into business solutions utilizing process
improvements as well as ERP solutions. Excellent communication skills,
leadership qualities, systematic approach and ability to work effectively
in fast paced environment. Good knowledge in Implementation and
provided production support.

Ability to interface with others in a motivational manner and motivate

others in process development and utilization. Good business
communication and interpersonal skills.

Marlabs Inc.
(Global Headquarters)
One Corporate Place South, 3rd Floor
Piscataway, NJ - 08854-6116
Tel: +1 (732) 694 1000 Fax: +1 (732) 465 0100
Email: [email protected]

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