Unified Power Quality Conditioner in A Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
Unified Power Quality Conditioner in A Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
Unified Power Quality Conditioner in A Grid Connected Photovoltaic System
2, 2006
Summary: This paper presents a system that provides photovoltaic generation as well as the Key words:
functions of a unified power quality conditioner. The system can be controlled for current control systems,
harmonics and reactive power compensation simultaneously by using a converter operating as converters,
active shunt filter. The other converter is used as active series filter and it compensates voltage energy conversion,
harmonics or voltage sags and swells. Using only an inverter in photovoltaic energy conversion photovoltaic power
process, the system presents increased efficiency when compared to the conventional systems. systems,
The synchronous reference frame method is used to control the three-phase converters. power quality,
Simulation results demonstrate the good performance of the proposed configuration. Experimental solar energy
results corresponding to the operation of the series filter as voltage sag compensator are
Marcelo C. Cavalcanti et al.: Unified Power Quality Conditioner in a Grid Connected Photovoltaic System #'
For instance, they can realize active series and shunt filters
combined to compensate simultaneously load current and
harmonics of the supplied voltage.
P =V ⋅I (1)
dP ≅ I + DI ⋅ V
P PV array output power.
V PV array output voltage.
Fig. 2. Characteristic diagram of the solar array
I PV array output current.
DI Increment of the PV array output current.
DV Increment of the PV array output current.
In the method, (2) is used as the index of the maximum
power point tracking operation (Fig. 2), where S is the solar
irradiation. When dP/dV<0, decreasing the reference voltage
forces dP/dV to approach zero; when dP/dV>0, increasing
the reference voltage forces dP/dV to approach zero; when
dP/dV=0, reference voltage does not need any change [1].
A voltage sag is simulated between 0.02 and 0.12s and the
reference voltage generated by the MPPT algorithm has small
oscillation around the ideal voltage at the beginning and the
end of the short circuit (Fig. 3). The PV array voltage stays
near to the ideal voltage that is around 121V. Even during the
voltage sag, the MPPT algorithm presents very good results
with at least 99% of the PV maximum output power.
Fig. 3. MPPT controller: solar array output voltage 4. CURRENT BASED COMPENSATION
vkn = vSk − Lc (4)
On the dc side:
iCd, iCq D-axis and q-axis converter currents,
dV = idc = 1 T ⋅ i + T ⋅ i + T ⋅ i
C C a Ca b Cb c Cc
) (9) i C0 zero-sequence converter current,
w supply angular frequency.
The complete model of the system (Fig. 4) in the abc referential Taking into account the absence of the zero-sequence
is shown in (10) [8]: components in the currents in a three-wire system, the
simplified transformation matrix can be used:
iCd cos ( wt − p / 6 ) sin wt iCa
0 0 −
LC = 2 ⋅ (12)
− sin ( wt − p / 6 ) cos wt iCb
i iCa vS1
d i = db 1 iCq
0 0 − ⋅ i + v (10)
dt Cb LC Cb LC S 2
V V The model in the dq frame is as in (13) [8]:
2 d a + db d a + 2 db
C 0
0 w −
where: LC
iCd i v
iCa, iCb, iCc three-phase converter 1 currents, d i = − w d q Cd 1 Sd
− ⋅ i +
dt Cq LC Cq LC Sq (13)
LC inductance of the transformer, 0 v
da, db, dc three-phase switching state functions, V V 0
d dq
C capacitance of the dc link, d 0
vSa, vSb, vSc three-phase supply voltages. C C
In (10), the steady state fundamental components are
sinusoidal. To reduce control complexity, the dq frame in (11)
rotating at the supply frequency can be used. With this frame,
dd, dq D-axis and q-axis switching state functions,
the positive-sequence components at fundamental frequency
vSd, vSq D-axis and q-axis supply voltages.
become constant [8]:
Marcelo C. Cavalcanti et al.: Unified Power Quality Conditioner in a Grid Connected Photovoltaic System $
The current equations in the model (13) can be written as: where:
ud D-axis output of the current PI compensator.
diCd uq Q-axis output of the current PI compensator.
LC = Lc ⋅ w ⋅ iCq − V ⋅ d d + vSd (14) The voltage equation in the model (13) can be written as:
Fig. 5. Control of the proposed system: PV generation / current harmonic and reactive power compensations
Marcelo C. Cavalcanti et al.: Unified Power Quality Conditioner in a Grid Connected Photovoltaic System $!
v0 N 2 = 1 (vaN 2 + vbN 2 + vcN 2 ) (25)
d a 2 2 −1 −1 Ta 2
= 1 ⋅ −
db 2 3 1 2 −1 Tb 2 (26)
dc 2 −1 −1 2 Tc 2
0 da 2
0 1 0 − L V
i fa 1
fa db 2
L f i fb − L f V
0 0
d i fb = ⋅ +
dt v 1 (28)
0a − C 0 0 0 v0 a 1 iLa
v0b C
v0b f
0 − 1 0 0 1 i
Cf C Lb
ifa, ifb, ifc three-phase converter 2 currents,
Lf inductance of the filter,
da2, db2, dc2 three-phase switching state functions,
Fig. 11. Converter 2 connected to the grid Cf capacitance of the filter,
v0a, v0b, v0c three-phase filter output voltages.
In (28), the steady state fundamental components are
sinusoidal. To reduce control complexity, the dq frame rotating
the voltage is different of the desired voltage, it supplies the
at the supply frequency can be used. Taking into account
necessary voltage to compensate the voltage error. It can be
the absence of the zero-sequence components in a three-
used to compensate voltage harmonics at the point of
wire system, the model in the dq frame is as in (29):
common coupling or voltage sags, keeping the load voltage
around its rated value.
In this paper, it is presented the voltage sag compensation
0 dd 2
control. Its use is more justified when many sensitive loads w 1 0 − L V
are connected to the same feeder [10]. i
i fd dq2
Under balanced operating conditions, it is possible to 1 fd
L f i fq − L V
0 0
express the inverter phase output voltages in terms of the d i fq = ⋅ + f
inverter output voltages with respect to the negative dc bus: dt v0 d 1
− 0 0 w v0 d 1 i (29)
v0 q C f v Ld
vk 0 = vkN 2 − v0 N 2 k = a,b,c (23) 0q f
0 − 1 −w 0 1 i
Cf C Lq
Each phase voltage can be written as: f
di fk where:
vk 0 = vK 0 − L f (24)
dt dd2, dq2 D-axis and q-axis switching state functions.
v0d, v0q D-axis and q-axis filter output voltages.
In a three-phase, three wire load:
The current equations in the model (29) can be written as: The voltage equations in the model (29) can be written as:
di fd dv0d
Lf = L f ⋅ w ⋅ i fq + v0 d − V ⋅ d d 2 (30) Cf = −i fd + C f ⋅ w ⋅ v0q + iLd (36)
dt dt
di fq dv0 q
Lf = − L f ⋅ w ⋅ i fd + v0 q − V ⋅ d q 2 (31) Cf = −i fq − C f ⋅ w ⋅ v0 d + iLq (37)
dt dt
i fdr = iLd + C f ⋅ w ⋅ v0q − uvd 2 (38)
ud 2 = L f ⋅ w ⋅ i fq + v0d − V ⋅ d d 2 (32)
Marcelo C. Cavalcanti et al.: Unified Power Quality Conditioner in a Grid Connected Photovoltaic System $#
Vq Q-axis grid voltage,
VDVR,d D-axis DVR reference voltage,
VDVR,q Q-axis DVR reference voltage,
VS supply voltage vector,
q supply voltage vector angle,
q* load reference voltage vector angle.
To determine which the value of reference angle q*, instead
of filtering the angle q that is supplied by the PLL, it should
be filtered the value of w*. The output of this filter passes by
an integer, supplying the reference angle.
The controller can compensate voltage sags effectively
Fig 13. Reference axes system during a voltage sag as shown in Figure 14. Figure 14 shows the phase 1 voltage
for the supply and the load. Phases 2 and 3 also present
effective compensation, keeping the rated voltage in the load.
The prototype of the DVR is composed of a capacitor set
(dc link), an inverter, an output filter and a series transformer.
It is also included a three-phase resistive load. The
experimental tests have been realized with 380V (line-to-line
voltage). The control system consists of a microcomputer
with interfaces dedicated to measure the electrical variables
and to command the converters switches.
To verify the performance of the DVR system, the following
parameters are selected for experimental implementation.
1. Input filter: 1.8mH, 10A
2. Rectifier and inverter: 6 switch + diode (1200V, 50A)
3. Dc-link capacitance: 4.7mF, 900V
4. Output filter: 5mH and 40mF
5. Series transformer: 3 single-phase (220V:220V)
The controller can compensate voltage sags effectively
Fig. 14. Phase a voltages during the simulation
as shown in Figure 15. Figure 15 shows the three-phase
voltages for the system.
by using a low pass filter in the output signals of the PLL.
This filter has a slow dynamic, in such a way that the difference
between the reference signal and the grid signal is the voltage 6. PWM TECHNIQUES
value that should be injected by the DVR to compensate the
sag: Space vector modulation (SVM) is nowadays the PWM
technique most used to control inverters. SVM is based on
(40) the concept of approximating a rotating reference voltage
DVd = Vd* − Vd space vector with those realizable on a three-phase inverter.
An optimal pulse-width-modulation is obtained on a
DVq = Vq* − Vq
voltage second average basis if only four switching states
adjacent to the reference vector are used (SVPWM). In this
From Figure 13:
case each phase is switched in sequence by switching only
one inverter leg at each transition from one state to the next
( )
VDVR ,d = Vd* − VS cos q − q* one. One possibility to reduce the number of switching is to
use the two-phase modulation in which only two phases are
VDVR ,q = Vq* − VS sin ( q − q )* modulated while the third phase is clamped to the positive
(DPWMMAX) or negative (DPWMMIN) dc rail [11]. Since
clamping implies in no switching losses, this technique
Knowing that Vq* should be zero, (40) is simplified for: reduces losses in each modulation interval.
SVM techniques can also be implemented by using digital
VDVR,d = Vd* − VS cos q − q* ) scalar PWM. In this approach, non-sinusoidal modulating
waveforms are introduced in a simple way. In digital scalar
(42) PWM the split and distribution of the zero space vectors
VDVR,q = −VS sin q − q* ) duration V0(t01) and V7(t02), inside the sampling interval,
can be represented by the apportioning factor m = t01 / (t01 +
where: t02) [12]. When 0 < m < 1 the modulation is known as
V d* D-axis load reference voltage, continuous modulation. The case m=0.5 is equivalent to
V q* Q-axis load reference voltage, SVPWM. When m = 0 (DPWMMAX) or m = 1 (DPWMMIN)
Vd D-axis grid voltage, the modulation is known as discontinuous modulation.
( )
tk = v*k + 1 / 2 ⋅ TS (43)
A. PV Generation System
Fig. 15. Three-phase voltages during the experiment
The PV generation system is composed of a PV array, a dc
link and a dcac converter. In the dc side it is installed a
capacitor set.
In the configurations used in this paper, the PV array is Three possibilities of parallel connections have been
always composed of 7 panels in series in such a way that the tested to evaluate cost in according to generated PV power.
ideal dc link voltage is around 120V. When a PV generation It has been used PV arrays of 7 panels in series (700W), 14
system is connected to the grid, it is important to have the dc panels (1,400W) and 28 panels (2,800W).
link voltage higher than a single panel (17V) to allow the good The dc link is composed of a capacitor of 300mF for all
performance of the control. The grid has a phase rms voltage situations. Therefore the cost of this part of the system is kept
of 220V, which means that a transformer is used. A turn ratio of constant. Also the cost of the dc capacitor is very low when
10:1 has been used to connect the system to grid. compared to the PV array (Table 1). All prices are in US$.
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Table 1. Cost of the PV System without Voltage Sag Compensation. 11.4%. Increasing the PV array power, the cost of the extra
components becomes less significant for the system. For the
PV array power PV array of 1,400W, the additional cost is 6.5% while for the
PV array of 2,800W the additional cost is only 1.1%.
700W 1400W 2800W
PV array 3,594 7,188 14,376
Dc capacitor 22 22 22
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