Kellog Attachment

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THE M. W. KELLOGG COMPANY CIVIL-MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. 5431 ‘SPECIFICATIONS AND PIPING MECHANICAL DIVISION DESIGN MANUAL — PIPING MECHANICAL Page 1 DESIGN OF PIPE ATTACHMENTS DESIGN OO 1, All attachments to the pipe shell, such as trunnions, clips, lugs, etc., shall be designed so that the pipe shell bending and pressure stresses as outlined in the following paragraphs do not exceed the total allowable. |. The BENDING STRESS, Sg , ina cylindrical shell is a function of pipe size, pipe thickness, and the induced load per linear inch along the edge of the attachment. It may be evaluated by the following formula: Syo= unsfiyR as where: Sg = bending stress in pipe shell, psi.' f = load induced by attachment, lbs per linear inch along the edge of the attachment. R_ = outside radius of pipe shell, inches. t = corroded thickness of pipe shell plus the thickness of reinforcing pad (when pad is required), inches. 3, The PRESSURE STRESS, Sp , ina cylindrical shell is a function of pipe size, pipe thickness, internal pressure, and type of loading being con= sidered, For loads producing maximum stress in the shell in the longi- tudinal direction (see Table A, Page 5), the pressure stress is equal to: So For loads producing maximum stress in the shell in the circumferential direction (see TABLE A), the pressure stress is equal to: mt where: P = internal pressure at design condition under consideration, psi. 4, The TOTAL ALLOWABLE STRESS, S, is the sum of the BENDING STRESS and PRESSURE STRESS. For the various possible combinations of normal and short time loading conditions, the applicable total allowable stress is given in TABLE B, see Page 6. 5431 Page 2 of 9 o., ‘THE M. W. KELLOGG COMPANY ‘CIVIL~MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS AND PIPING MECHANICAL DIVISION DESIGN MANUAL — PIPING MECHANICAL Generally it is desirable to determine the maximum allowable load on the shell, for a given pipe diameter, thickness, and total allowable stress, and design the attachment so that this load will not be exceeded. The maximum allowable load on the shell may be determined as follows: where: fm = maximum allowable load, lbs. per linear inch. Sp = total allowable bending stress, psi. G -Sp) For convenience, the maximum allowable load may be determined by use of the ALLOWABLE LOAD CHART. The actual load induced by the clip, lug, trunnion, and etc., Ibs. per linear inch, shall be calculatedd as described in paragraphs 7 thru 12 and according to the formullas of TABLE A, see Page 5. For circular'attachments such as pipe trunnions producing bending in the pipe shell, formulas (1), (2), and (3) given in FIGURES VI, VI and VIII (see Page 8), are applicable and shall be used to determine the induced load per linear inch, For lug attachments and structural attachments producing bending in the pipe shell, formulas given in FIGURES II] and IV are applicable and shall be used to determine the induced load per linear inch. The load as applied to the shell and reinforcing pad is linear. The size of the weld does not affect the magnitude of the load. For a clip attach- ment as shown in FIGURE I a single line load on the shell is all that should be considered. Where two weld attachments about 4" or more apart as shown in FIGURE II are used then two load lines should be eon~ sidered. one load line 7 two load lines 4 FIGURE [ FIGURE IT THE M. W. KELLOGG COMPANY CIVIL—~MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT ‘SPECIFICATIONS AND PIPING MECHANICAL DIVISION oe DESIGN MANUAL — PIPING MECHANICAL lan. 1975, Page 3 of 9 10. The general equation for calculating the linear load on the shell is: f= MC/I or M/Z = moment on attachment, in. lbs. = linear moment of inertia, in*. = linear section modulus, in? . = distance from the center of gravity of attachment to extreme fiber, in. where: M z Zz Cc 11, Two basic sections, FIGURES III and IV have been selected from which the linear moment of inertia and section modulus of any compound shape may be determined: er r= b73 FIGURE Ut 12. An example illustrating the application of FIGURES Ill and IV to de~ termine the linear moment of inertia and section modulus of a compound shape is as follows: GIVEN: SOLUTION: a. Locate the center of gravity of the shape. This is equal to the sum of the moments of each line about the x; -x; axis divided by the total length of each line. THE M. W. KELLOGG COMPANY CIVIL~MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. SPECIFICATIONS AND PIPING MECHANICAL DIVISION DESIGN MANUAL — PIPING MECHANICAL ey = (bL + L72)/(b + L) = (5x10 + 107/2)/(5 + 10) = 6.67" b. cp = 10 - 6.67 = 3.33" c. Applying the formulas for FIGURES III and IV to de-~ termine the linear moment of inertia about the axis xox: 1 = 3.337734 6.679/ + 5(3.33)? = 166.7 in’. |. The linear section modulus is then equal to: Z = I/cy = 166. 7/6. 67 = 25 in?. ‘The load per inch will be the moment about axis x-x divided by the linear section modulus. a a z For moments producing bending in the shell in the circumferential di- rectfon, and for direct axial force, a factor of 1.5 is applied to the load. This application is shown in TABLE A, see Page 5. For loads caused by thermalexpansion an exception is made in that the 1,5 factor is not applied when determining stresses due to circumferen- tial bending moments. A summary of the factors to be applied to f for different load combinations is given in TABLE A, see Page 5. ‘The stresses due to the attachment load on the shell are considered as In as muchas such stresses decrease or a negligable value within a short distance from their origin, except for designs involving thermaleffects, the allowable stress value maybe increased by 100% at such localized placed on the Shell. Allowable stresses for different combinations of loading are shown in TABLE B, see Page 6. MATERIAL OF ATTACHMENTS: Attachments made of the same ma- terial as the pipe are usually suitable but often more adequate than necessary. When the attachment material is carbon steel the cost is not too significant. However, when alloy materials are used as struc~ tural attachments, the cost is increased approximately eight times. ‘Therefore, the use ofalloy attachments must be limited to where metal temperatures are above 1100°F. Only in cases where the carbon steel attachment proves to be uneco- nomicalor structurally unsound willalloybe permitted as a substitute. Such cases must be brought to the attention of the Mechanical Section for evaluation and approval. THE M. W. KELLOGG COMPANY CIVIL—MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS AND PIPING MECHANICAL DIVISION S431 DESIGN MANUAL ~ PIPING MECHANICAL Page 5 of 9 TABLE C, see Page 7, indicates the temperature limits of the various piping materials and the attachment material suitable for the various temperature conditions. [FABE A] Loans For catcuLaTING LocaLtzzD BENDING STRESSES f, = load due to longitudinal bending, Ibs per linear inch, fc = load due to circumferential bending, Ibs per linear inch. if, = load due to direct force, Ibs per linear inch, fy = load due to resultant of moments in longitudinal and circumferential directions, Ibs per linear inch. = Mtiene f, = load producing maximum stress in the shell in the longitudinal direc- tion, lbs per linear inch. f, = load producing maximum stress in the shell in the circumferential direction, Ibs per linear inch. NOTES: (1) Thermal loads may be either plus or minus, but shall be added to other loads numerically, disregarding sign, ‘to give maxi-| mum absolute value. (2) The resultant load shall not be usedif f, is equal to or greater than 3fcor fc is equal to or greater than 2f,. In this case the stresses due to longitudinal bending and circumferential bending shall be considered separately, the maximum value controlling, THE M. W. KELLOGG COMPANY 5431 CIVIL=MECHANIGAL DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS AND PIPING MECHANICAL DIVISION Page 6 of 9 DESIGN MANUAL — PIPING MECHANICAL TABLE B TOTAL ALLOWABLE STRESSES NORMAL SHORT TIME ciel 3 DESIGN g|s/a wg) 8 CONDITIONS > ele lela |slalz B\8 14 S)5/8 Biola Bole S18 a A a a D Mj) a)o Ele 1 Bow 1a NORMAL OPERATING oO jo]0 ro v SHORT TIME OPERATING SHORT TIME OPERATING WITH THERMAL 1.66 (Sq+S¢) TEST —35C Sq = basic allowable stress at design metal temperature, psi. Sc = basic allowable stress at atmospheric temperature, psi. NOTES: 1. THE TOTAL ALLOWABLE STRESS SHALL NOT EXCEED 30,000 PSI. NOT THE LOAD, BUT CONSIDERED FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF Sq. INTERNAL’ PRESSURE (INTERNAL LOAD) « THE M. W. KELLOGG COMPANY CIVIL—-MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS AND PIPING MECHANICAL DIVISION DESIGN MANUAL — PIPING MECHANICAL TEMPERATURE LIMITS (°F) CARBON STEEL =20° to 1100° (1) (5) CARBON-MOLY mo -20° to 1100° CARBON STEEL (1) (5) mo -20 to 1100° CARBON STEEL 2¢r -1lmo ~20 to450 | CARBON STEEL | _ayis) _—_| 451° to1500° | SAME AS PIPE | (1) (2) (8) (8) NOTES: (1) Applicable to attachments which are welded to the pipe. (2) Carbon steel may be used up to 1100° if not welded to the pipe. (3) Carbon steel may be used above 450° if approved by piping Mechanical. (4) In cases where carbon steel cannot be used economically, alloy steel may be substituted, if approved by the Mechani- cal Section. (8) Circular attachments (trunnions) shall be used for tempera- tures above 750°. ALLOY MATERIAL - Nominal analysis and ASTM specifications, (seamless| NOMINAL [meme] GRADE OR ANALYSIS —__ “SYMBOL ‘CARBON-MOLY oor-kemo 1%er- ie ere 18%er-8%ni ‘THE M. W. KELLOGG COMPANY 5432 CIVIL “MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS AND PIPING MECHANICAL DIVISION Page 8 of 9 DESIGN MANUAL ~ PIPING MECHANICAL M= longitudinal bending moment *F xL, in lbs. 2 MRM RM OLR oa HS as FIGURE VI STA LOADING DUE TO GIRGUUFERENTIAL BENDING Mc = efreusferential bending wonent =F x1, in lbs. 2 nYRM., VRM Psa tae OTT “Came +2 Sp t% Fiours vit. M* 53555 P= direct extal force, Ibs. | s LnYR P VRP © "an see 8.1862 ot FIGURE VITT R = outside radius of pipe shell, inches. r = outside radius of trunnion, inches. F = force on trunnion inducing longitudinal or circumferential bending on pipe shell, Ibs. L= moment arm of force F, inches. t = thickness of pipe or pipe plus pad inches. M= moment, inch-pounds. THE M. W. KELLOGG COMPANY CIVIL—-MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT ‘SPECIFICATIONS AND PIPING MECHANICAL DIVISION DESIGN MANUAL — PIPING MECHANICAL Page 9 of 9 5431 CYLINDRICAL PIPE ATTACHMENTS = Wit INTERNAL phesutt Circumferential Bending roles 2 «= cs s 175; et toe (enh ED NOMENCLATURE hs “Ws Axial Load Applied (Ibs.) AxtexEoed M = Moment Applic % = Rad, of Trunnion in.) fe y { = Load per inch P « Internal Pressure-Operating (PSI) se 7s f VRE t = Corroded Thk. including reinf. pad (in. ) (pep TRE +28 Ls as (2" min.) S = Bending Stress (PSI)

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