Manual 65S Eng.V4
Manual 65S Eng.V4
Manual 65S Eng.V4
Why it works page 3
Certified tests page 4
Fields of applications page 5
Advantages on traditional systems page 6
Positioning AKKAUJET page 8
Models available page 10
Components Section page 16
Options available page 29
Why it works
The machine ejects through the nozzles tiny
water drops which colliding with the dust Washout
particles capture the dust and per effect of
gravity fall to the ground. Sweepout
Prova 1
Prova 2
Prova 3
Prova 4
control agencies.
4° C.
whole area.
Models Available
Water Tank
Coming Soon...
A-JET65S to be anchored to ground
1. Blower 65 made in resin complete with electric motor-vent group, flow straighteners, high efficiency
vent, electric protection IP55, power 11,5kW 50Hz/230/400V, n.3 crowns in stainless steel with 156
nozzles in stainless steel 5 +10 +15 gpm (52+52+52)
2. Steel frame with canopy, set for the mounting of hydraulic power pack, water pump, water filter,
electric power panel, complete with forklift and lifting points
3. Hydraulic blower Inclination-Rotation system composed by hydraulic cylinder inclination -15°+55°,
hydraulic reducer with hydraulic motor rotation 0°-360°
4. Radio command for the complete control of the machine up to 100 meters,
2 radio frequencies (control of 2 units), machine control unit
5. Electric-Hydraulic Control Unit for the rising-rotation system, hydraulic
pump, hydraulic valves, electric valves rise-rotation, hydraulic hoses
6. Stainless steel water filter and filter cartridge, water passage diameter
2”, filtration power 100 micron, filter discharge valve, 2 crown lines
discharge 3 way valves, n.2 pressure manometers scale 0-60 bar, n.3 electric
2 way valves for crown on-off, n.1 pressure reducer, max pressure 25 bar
Electric fan control circuit, anti-freeze crown pre heating system, light
warning system “Machine ON”, 3~EEC Socket 400V, phase inverter
8. Blower support made in steel, max hight 0,4 meter
9. 2 coats of anti-rust layer, n.1 coat of polyurethane paint (blu)
10. Length mm, width mm, total hight
A-JET65S on levelling jacks
1. Blower 65 made in resin complete with electric motor-vent group, flow straighteners, high efficiency
vent, electric protection IP55, power 11,5kW 50Hz/230/400V, n.3 crowns in stainless steel with 156
nozzles in stainless steel 5 +10 +15 gpm (52+52+52)
2. Steel frame with canopy, set for the mounting of hydraulic power pack, water pump, water filter,
electric power panel, complete with forklift and lifting points
3. Hydraulic blower Inclination-Rotation system composed by hydraulic cylinder inclination -15°+55°,
hydraulic reducer with hydraulic motor rotation 0°-360°
4. Radio command for the complete control of the machine up to 100 meters, 2 radio frequencies (control
of 2 units), machine control unit
5. Electric-Hydraulic Control Unit for the rising-rotation system, hydraulic pump, hydraulic valves, electric
valves rise-rotation, hydraulic hoses
6. Stainless steel water filter and filter cartridge, water passage diameter 2”,
filtration power 100 micron, filter discharge valve, 2 crown lines discharge
3 way valves, n.2 pressure manometers scale 0-60 bar, n.3 electric 2 way
valves for crown on-off, n.1 pressure reducer, max pressure 25 bar
Electric fan control circuit, anti-freeze crown pre heating system, light
warning system “Machine ON”, 3~EEC Socket 400V, phase inverter
8. Blower support made in steel, max hight 0,4 meter
9. 3 manual levelling jacks
10. 2 coats of anti-rust layer, n.1 coat of polyurethane paint (blu)
A-JET65S on trailer
1. Blower 65 made in resin complete with electric motor-vent group, flow straighteners, high efficiency
vent, electric protection IP55, power 11,5kW 50Hz/230/400V, n.3 crowns in stainless steel with 156
nozzles in stainless steel 5 +10 +15 gpm (52+52+52)
2. Steel frame with canopy, set for the mounting of hydraulic power pack, water pump, water filter,
electric power panel, complete with forklift and lifting points
3. Hydraulic blower Inclination-Rotation system composed by hydraulic cylinder inclination -15°+55°,
hydraulic reducer with hydraulic motor rotation 0°-360°
4. Radio command for the complete control of the machine up to 100 meters, 2 radio frequencies (control
of 2 units), machine control unit
5. Electric-Hydraulic Control Unit for the rising-rotation system, hydraulic pump, hydraulic valves, electric
valves rise-rotation, hydraulic hoses
6. Stainless steel water filter and filter cartridge, water passage diameter 2”, filtration power 100 micron,
filter discharge valve, 2 crown lines discharge 3 way valves, n.2 pressure manometers
scale 0-60 bar, n.3 electric 2 way valves for crown on-off, n.1 pressure
reducer, max. pressure 25 bar
Electric fan control circuit, anti-freeze crown pre heating system, light
warning system “Machine ON”, 3~EEC Socket 400V, phase inverter
8. Blower support made in steel, max hight 0,4 meter
9. 3 wheel trailer with folding axles and tow-bar, for job site use only,
2 manual levelling jacks
10. 2 coats of anti-rust layer, n.1 coat of polyurethane paint (blu)
A-JET65S with rising boom on trailer
1. Blower 65 made in resin complete with electric motor-vent group, flow straighteners, high efficiency
vent, electric protection IP55, power 11,5kW 50Hz/230/400V, n.3 crowns in stainless steel with 156
nozzles in stainless steel 5 +10 +15 gpm (52+52+52)
2. Steel frame with canopy, set for the mounting of hydraulic power pack, water pump, water filter,
electric power panel, complete with forklift and lifting points
3. Hydraulic blower Inclination-Rotation system composed by hydraulic cylinder inclination -15°+55°,
hydraulic reducer with hydraulic motor rotation 0°-360°
4. Radio command for the complete control of the machine up to 100 meters, 2 radio frequencies
(control of 2 units), machine control unit
5. Electric-Hydraulic Control Unit for the rising-rotation system,
hydraulic pump, hydraulic valves, electric valves rise-rotation,
hydraulic hoses
6. Stainless steel water filter and filter cartridge, water passage diameter
2”, filtration power 100 micron, filter discharge valve, 2 crown lines
discharge 3 way valves, n.2 pressure manometers scale 0-60 bar, n.3
electric 2 way valves for crown on-off, n.1 pressure reducer, max
pressure 25 bar
Electric fan control circuit, anti-freeze crown pre heating system,
light warning system “Machine ON”, 3~EEC Socket 400V, phase inverter
8. Rising blower boom made in steel, max hight 2,3 meter, controlled by
hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic safety valve
9. 3 wheel trailer with folding axles and tow-bar, for job site use only, 2
manual levelling jacks
10. 2 coats of anti-rust layer, n.1 coat of polyurethane paint (blu)
A-JET65S boom – generator - trailer
1. Blower 65 made in resin complete with electric motor-vent group, flow straighteners, high efficiency
vent, electric protection IP55, power 11,5kW 50Hz/230/400V, n.3 crowns in stainless steel with 156
nozzles in stainless steel 5 +10 +15 gpm (52+52+52)
2. Steel frame with canopy, set for the mounting of hydraulic power pack, water pump, water filter,
electric power panel, complete with forklift and lifting points
3. Generator with 3 cyl. air cooled Diesel engine, power 31kW at 1500rpm, silenced, noise level
95LWA(70dB(A) -7m) autonomy 11,5h, sincro generator, ammeter, voltmeter, CE 3 phase socket,
malfunctioning alarms and low fuel level
4. Hydraulic blower Inclination-Rotation system composed by hydraulic cylinder inclination -15°+55°,
hydraulic reducer, hydraulic rotation motor 0°-360°
5. Radio command for controlling of the machine up to 100 meters, 2 radio frequencies (control of 2 units)
6. Electric-Hydraulic Control Unit for the rising-rotation system, hydraulic
pump, hydraulic valves, electric valves rise-rotation, hydraulic hoses
7. Stainless steel water filter and filter cartridge, water passage
diameter 2”, filtration power 100 micron, filter discharge valve, 2
crown lines discharge 3 way valves, n.2 pressure manometers scale
0-60 bar, n.3 electric 2 way valves for crown on-off, n.1 pressure
reducer, max. pressure 25 bar
Electric fan control circuit, anti-freeze crown pre heating system,
light warning system “Machine ON”, 3~EEC Socket 400V, phase inverter
9. Rising blower boom made in steel, max. hight 2,3 meter, controlled by
hydraulic cylinder and hydraulic safety valve
10. 3 wheel trailer with folding axles and tow-bar, for job site use only,
2 manual levelling jacks
11. 2 coats of anti-rust layer, n.1 coat of polyurethane paint (blu)
Component Section
156 nozzles 3gph at 6bar = 16.5 l/min: 990 l/h
156 nozzles 3gph at 10bar = 22.5 l/min: 1350 l/h
156 nozzles 5gph at 6bar = 27 l/min: 1620 l/h
156 nozzles 5gph at 10bar = 36 l/min: 2160 l/h
156 nozzles10gph at 6bar = 39 l/min: 3510 l/h
156 nozzles10gph at 10bar = 72 l/min: 4320 l/h
156 nozzles15gph at 6bar = 85,5 l/min: 5130 l/h
156 nozzles15gph at 10bar = 109 l/min: 6540 l/h
Blower Rotation and Rising
The jet covered area is the sum of the following
The angle of the air-water mix launch
The water pressure output of the nozzles
The rotation motion of the blower
The tank holds a total volume of 43350 litres and mounts flow
separators inside to permit on-site transport at speeds up to
40 km/h.
Concrete base – Electric cables
Operating parameters: