Westinghouse PWR Dominant design-MIT-Carlos Barrientos
Westinghouse PWR Dominant design-MIT-Carlos Barrientos
Westinghouse PWR Dominant design-MIT-Carlos Barrientos
Carlos J. Barrientos
at the
June 2002
Signature of Author: .
Technology and Policy Program, Engineering Systems Division
May 24,2002
Certified by;.r ~ .
John S. Carroll
Professor of Behavioral and Policy Sciences
MIT Sloan School of Management
Thesis Supervisor
Accepted by: .
Daniel Hastings
Professor of Aeronautics and Engineering Systems
Director, Technology and Policy Program
Chairman, Committee for Graduate Students
Westinghouse PWR: the rise and fall of a dominant design in the electric power industry
Carlos J. Barrientos
Submitted to the Engineering Systems Division on May 24, 2002
in Partial Fulfillment of the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in
Technology and Policy
In the early 1950s the electric power industry was shaken by the introduction of a new type of energy
source that pledged to be the most cost-efficient way of producing electricity. Counting on the promise of
huge profits -attributed to large economies of scale- governments and utilities rushed to develop and
construct nuclear power plants. From 1952 to 1985, four hundred units were built all across the
industrialized world, from the United States to the Soviet Union and from Sweden to Taiwan. Nuclear
powt;r accounted for the most impressive capacity build-up in 100 years of electricity history.
As was the case with most of the strategic technologies developed in the 20th century, the first nuclear
prototypes were developed in the United States, with the sponsorship of the federal government. The
funding ended up mainly in R&D expenditures administered by the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).
As a result of such a strong commitment to nuclear, the United States quickly became the technological
leader in the world. Such leadership meant not only building most of the nuclear power plants in its
territory -125 out of 480- but establishing industry standards in many areas: from design, licensing and
construction to commercial operation, and decommissioning.
This research explores one of the most substantial legacies of the U.S. nuclear power undertaking: the
PWR reactor developed by Westinghouse. The research examines the story of the PWR from its origins in
the drawing rooms of the Bettis Laboratories in the 1950s to its rapid adoption in the 1960s as the
dominant design in the industry. The main goal of the research is describing the dynamics of the process,
building at the same time a workable framework of analysis.
The fITst part of the research digs down into plants' data. Using a large database of reactors' records, the
dominant design hypothesis is tested thoroughly. The analysis confirms that the early design proposed by
Westinghouse quickly became the standard of the industry. Nearly two-thirds of all reactors built in the
world have their roots in the early Westinghouse design.
The reasons for the emergence of such a dominant design are numerous: (a) the influence of military
nuclear programs, such as the nuclear submarine; (b) the monopoly of the AEC regarding nuclear secrecy,
technology transfer and industry partnership; (c) the role of the cold war as a driving force in nuclear and
space policy; and (d) the obscure alliance between Westinghouse and GE regarding competition on
electrical components, notably the large steam-turbines used in nuclear power plants.
The emergence and consolidation of a dominant design in any industry has many consequences. In
nuclear power, some of the relevant issues are standardization, learning effects, economies of scale, and
regulation. All these issues are important to study not only in the United States context. The international
consequences are vast on nuclear power programs and policies of countries such as Japan and France.
Since most dominant designs have a rise and a fall, the research includes an analysis of why in the mid-
1980s the Westinghouse PWR collapsed, along with the entire nuclear power industry. The thesis is that
incumbent frrms that have successful dominant designs in the market, very often fail to be aware of subtle
-but disrupting- shifts in customer needs. Westinghouse was busy building large and complex units in
order to increase efficiency and profits, while customer needs were moving in a radically different
direction, towards less investment risk.
In gratitude
When I graduated with the degree of nuclear engineer, I thought that in order to understand my profession
I needed to gain mastery in the intricacies of complex subjects such as nuclear physics, reactor theory,
fluid mechanics, thermal transfer, etc. After some years I realized that in order to fulfill my goal of
understanding nuclear engineering more profoundly I needed to move in other direction. I needed to
understand nuclear technology in its human dimension, as the outcome of the effort of a particular group
of people, who directed an enormous amount of work and capital pursuing an elusive and controversial
My quest for insight inspired me to visit Hiroshima, Japan in 1997 and more recently Los Alamos, New
Mexico. But more importantly, it motivated me to write this thesis which is, above all, a tenacious
attempt to understand the complex issues surrounding the birth and growth of nuclear power in the United
States and abroad. It also fulfills the requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Technology and
Policy but, to be honest, that has been only a secondary objective.
I am particularly indebted to Professor John S. Carroll, who took the risk of supervising a young man's
way into MIT; to Sydney Miller for her support, encouragement and patience during a process that
became especially difficult in the last mile; to Dean Isaac Colbert and Sarah Gallop for their willingness
to help. In addition to these mentors, Professors Neil Todreas, Richard Lester, Ernest Moniz and Andrew
Kadak helped throughout the research with valuable comments and feedback. MIT has been for me the
fountain of knowledge and human generosity.
I am similarly indebted to Rotary Foundation for sponsoring my studies and for providing me the
opportunity to develop a lasting friendship with many Rotarians of the Boston area. Rotary's
ambassadorial scholarship has increased the value of my studies enormously and has helped me to go
through the turbulent waters of graduate school. In particular I want to mention Karen and EJ Swaim-
Babin, Chris and Dianne Fraser, and Alberto and Zareen Araoz. I also want to thank Yu-Ling Hsu for
helping me with the typing of several long and tortuous fragments of the text. Her support and her
unhesitating faith on my ability to finish the thesis have been an inspiration to me.
I owe the most to my family in Argentina -my parents Carlos and Martha- for my absence from home
during very difficult times. I dedicate my thesis to them.
Carlos J. Barrientos
Cambridge, May 24th 2002
market. On the other hand the study has a policy goal which is to identify the public and private policies
that both favored the emergence of the PWR as an industry standard, and eventually caused its demise a
few decades later.
Studying the development of nuclear
power plants is an interesting exercise
for many reasons. First, nuclear power is 1989
a very complex technology that has an
enormous economic impact nowadays.
That by itself makes it an important
subject of study. But the analysis of
nuclear power reveals that the industry
has followed an observable technology
cycle characterized by a rapid
penetration of the market and in a like
manner, a rapid phase out. Analogously
to Kuhn's pioneering work on the
structure of scientific revolutions,
nuclear technology has described the
characteristic pace of technological
progress. It advanced slowly at first, Figure I. 1.Nuclear power development from 1952 to 1989
then accelerated, and then inevitably
declined (Kuhn, 1962).
In the particular case of nuclear power, the processes of acceleration and decline were embedded in the
designs that populated the marketplace. The thesis of this study is that those processes were shaped by the
fact that an industry standard -or dominant design- emerged at some point in the story (Utterback, 1994).
Even though the scope of the study is over 481 units, the study has a particular focus on the 282 PWR and
BWR reactors, for reasons that will become clear in later chapters. The rest of the nuclear power plants -
. 199 units- were units of other designs: AGR, PHWR, LWGR, etc. In addition, there is an unintentional
focus on U.S. plants for two reasons: it is the nation where the PWR concept was originally developed
and where more PWR units were built.
Figure 1.2. NPPs that starled operation before 1989, divided by country and design.
hi order to draw valid conclusions, a specific database was built with data assembled from different
sources, especially from industry handbooks of the late 1980s (Cruickshank, 1989). This database was
developed in SPSS format and is composed of 481 cases and 51 variables. SPSS is a standard statistics
software that e~pedites the management of data and allows multiple operations.
It is important to note that the research scope is commercial nuclear power plants that started operation
before 1989, both units that are still functioning and those that have been shutdown. The following
reactors are excluded from the study:
1. Nuclear power plants that started operation after 1989, including units that are currently under
construction and those with works temporarily halted or cancelled.
2. Nuclear reactors that are not intended for electricity generation, namely (a) research reactors, (b)
radioisotope production reactors, and (c) plutonium production reactors.
3. Nuclear reactors developed for propulsion. In particular, (a) reactors for space propulsion, and (b)
reactors for naval propulsion such as the ones installed in submarines and aircraft carriers. As will be
shown in subsequent chapters, these reactors had a significant role in the emergence of the PWR as a
dominant design and that connection will be explored in detail. However these reactors are not the
primary focus of the research.
Since the main thesis of this study is that a dominant design in the nuclear power industry emerged in the
1960s, the first part of the study is devoted to a historical recount of the PWR' s origins and a thorough
analysis of its progress in the technology and market dimensions. After establishing with reasonable
confidence that a dominant design effectively emerged in this industry, the final part of the study is aimed
to develop a feasible explanation of the PWR progress: from early development and market acceptance, to
its final demise. The goal is to develop a workable framework that serves to explain both the reasons and
the consequences of the emergence of a dominant design. In order to achieve these objectives
systematically, the material is distributed in the following chapters:
starts with a model of the order/construction process, which describes the role of utilities, architect-
engineers, civil constructors, reactor vendors and secondary suppliers. The way these firms interacted had
a profound significance on the consolidation of the Westinghouse PWR design. In addition, the chapter
focuses on the performance of the PWR design internationally. The data on France, Japan, Belgium,
Germany, Sweden, Spain, Taiwan and Korea seem to show that these countries overwhelmingly accepted
the Westinghouse and GE designs as the industry standards.
7. The demise of the dominant design
An analysis of the PWR's collapse in the mid-1980s suggests that incumbent fmns that have successful
dominant designs in the market, such as Westinghouse and its PWR design, very often fail to be aware of
subtle -but disrupting- shifts on the demand side. While Westinghouse was busy building large and
complex units in order to increase efficiency and profits the customer needs were moving in a radically
different direction, towards power units that had less inherent risk (as large capital investments). The
chapter shows that there was a fundamental change of mindset among industry participants and
consumers from the late 1950s to the early 1980s.
B. The 1990s and beyond: lessons from the Westinghouse PWR case
A rapid fast-forward through the 1990s explores the achievement of the long-awaited positive
externalities of a dominant design. It shows how the performance of nuclear power plants has increased
notably, through a combination of industry consolidation, specialization, cumulative learning effects, and
economies of scale. The chapter finishes with a summary of the Westinghouse PWR case and a
framework for understanding the issues from the point of view of public policy and management of
technology. Some of the issues discussed are: (a) dominant designs and their role on innovation and
industrial performance; (b) pros and cons of standardization; (c) factors that promote the emergence of
dominant designs; (d) dominant designs triggered by suppliers; and (e) dominant designs vs. customer
Chapter 1
The chapter starts with the foundation in 1946 of a civilian nuclear power program managed by the AEC
and the complex relationship between military and civilian objectives in the dawn of the nuclear age.
Then it explains the early years of the partnership between ABC and the industry for building nuclear
reactors. In particular, the chapter discerns the role of Westinghouse as main contractor of key military
projects and ABC's decision of selecting it for supplying the power system for the 1st nuclear submarine.
The chapter includes a thorough analysis of the environment at the time, namely: (a) the rush to finish the
projects ahead of schedule and (b) the conflicting interests of stakeholders such as Congress, ABC, the
military, and Westinghouse
nuclear deterrent, (b) the need to avoid the proliferation of nuclear technology abroad, and (c) the need to
create an organizational structure capable of managing nuclear weapons.
On the other hand, there were non-military goals that concerned to average citizens. Among them the
need to (a) enhance scientific progress and disseminate it within the community, (b) benefit from the
peaceful applications of nuclear technology, and (c) capture the value created by the new technology.
Both types of objectives -military and civilian- were equally legitimate. The United States was emerging
from a long war and national security had a prime place in the domestic agenda, but it was also important
to reap the benefits of the new technology. The immense investment in the Manhattan project had
unveiled a new source of energy and it was a: legitimate claim to capture the economic benefits of the
innovation. It is important to note, however, that military and civilian objectives were generally at odds.
National security objectives would demand a tight control of the technology, while economic growth
objectives would demand opening the technology to free enterprise (Sweet, 1998).
Figure 1.1 summarizes the main stakeholders involved in the development of nuclear technology. The
U.S. Congress was a fundamental stakeholder with the main objective of enacting sensible legislation to
both regulate and promote nuclear energy. In addition Congress had the intent to be a watchdog of the
1. The early origins of the PWR design
Federal Government on nuclear issues, as it was perceived that the new technology had unprecedented
importance for the nation.
For the White House, nuclear technology was seen as an important tool for enhancing the myth of
presidential leadership and probably the single most important weapon of influence on foreign policy
issues. In addition, and especially during
the Eisenhower adnlinistration, nuclear was ...................................................................
. . .
: : :
: : :
seen as a burden to the resolute intent of the i : :
~ Labs ~
the Department of Defense (DoD)- were
stakeholders viewing the nuclear era in I Universities I : .. : .
terms of military applications. There was a j ~&D. ~ I:;.. White House " I::~ 1.::inePt•.Of, W,ar !":~
1. The early origins of the PWR design
1. The early origins of the PWR design
that instead of creating an ABC that
Senate ~ I ! Representatives
would be an island within the Federal
Government, the 1946 Atomic Act
transferred the control of the new
technology to a rather larger subsystem
I JCAE Military
MLC was an advisory arm on issues related to military programs. It was comprised of representatives of
the Departments of War and Navy (later Dept. of Defense). Finally, GAC was an advisory committee on
technical and scientific issues, comprised of nine members of relevant prestige appointed by the
President. Top-notch scientists held positions here, among them Fermi, Oppenheimer and Seaborg.
1. The early origins of the PWR design
executing teams worked together through consecutive projects and objectives, with a very low attrition
rate and a high degree of stability and collective learning.
1. The early origins of the PWR design
The coexistence of two different nuclear programs -military and civilian- under the same umbrella
introduced a number of challenges, opportunities and difficulties. Given those boundary conditions, one
can picture the development goals of the first ABC's management team in two broad categories:
• Military projects: (a) Nuclear weapons, with the goal of creating a sufficiently credible nuclear
deterrent in terms of number of nuclear weapons and long distance strike capability. (b) Nuclear naval
propulsion, with the goal of developing operative nuclear-powered naval units with high fuel
autonomy and long-distance nuclear strike capability.
• Civilian projects: (a) Research reactors, with the goal of benefiting from nuclear applications, (b)
Nuclear power plants, with the goal of affordable and large scale commercial production of
In summary, the four key product lines necessary to accomplish the goals pledged by the ABC were: (a)
nuclear weapons, (b) research reactors, (c) nuclear submarines and (d) nuclear power plants.
It does not mean that these were the only product-lines in ABC's plans but these four were the critical
trails. In addition, there were some key enabling technologies in the sense that without them it would not
be possible to carry out the projects. These enabling technologies were: (a) uranium enrichment, or
industrial-scale production of U235 for supplying power plants and weapons, (b) reprocessing, aimed at
producing weapons-grade Pu239, (c) front end technologies, such as uranium mining and manufacturing
of nuclear fuel, and finally (d) back en technologies such as the management of spent nuclear fuel and
radioactive materials.
Figure 1.4 summarizes ABC's four critical product lines in a sketch consisting of an S-curve. The latter is
a typical way to graph the relationship between effort put into developing a technology and the results one
gets back for the investment. For most products and processes, when the results are plotted, what usually
appears is a curve with an S-shape.
The reasoning behind this empirical
result can be explained as follows. In the Nuclear Power Plant "
very early stage of the technology, as
funds are poured into R&D, the
technical progress is very slow. When
the necessary cumulative resources and
learning are put in place the curve enters Research Reacto
in a second stage where huge advances
are obtained with relatively small effort ..
Finally, in the last stage of the curve, it -"""""""AtomicBomb
becomes more and more difficult to
make technical progress regardless of
how much money is spent in R&D. In
other words, there is always a limit on
Figure 1.4. Development roadmap in terms of products
the development of a product or process and cumulative R&D effort needed to develop them
using a technology (Foster, 1986).
S-curves are generally outlined for a single product or process. But in the particular case of early nuclear
technology one can extend the reasoning and think of a single and "broad" S-curve. This simplification is
possible because all the projects: (a) were managed under the same organizational umbrella, (b) using the
same people, and (c) building up collective learning from a pool of common shared innovations.
Unlike most of the conventional R&D effort nowadays, the key innovations in nuclear technology under
ABC sponsorship made extensive use of the state-of-the-art technology developed in prior phases of the
program. For instance, the theory of reactor physics was developed during the Manhattan project and was
useful when designing the first research reactors. The mow-how obtained in fuel manufacturing and the
1. The early origins of the PWR design
operation of research reactors was then used in designing the first naval reactors. Such swift technology
transfer has few comparable cases in modem technology.
The resultant intricate path of civilian and military products and their multiple interrelations is shown
schematically in Figure 1.5. As it is shown, civilian and military product lines coexisted within the same
umbrella and no single product could have been developed without the cumulative know-how, R&D
investment, and learning effects due to previous products.
Figure 1.5. Conceptual roadmap of military and civilian nuclear projects pursued
by the AEC, and their complex interrelations .
1. The early origins of the PWR design
were also interested mainly in dual-purpose reactors. For instance, early British efforts focused on
developing dual-purpose reactors to meet the needs of the UK Atomic Energy Agency. In 1953, the UK-
ABA announced the future construction of a 60Mwe gas-cooled dual-purpose reactor in Calder Hall
(Patterson, 1985).
The point is that the first civilian projects of the ABC, namely constructing nuclear reactors, enrichment
facilities and nuclear fuel factories, had indeed a military objective: producing fissile materials for nuclear
Having enough warheads was a necessary but not sufficient condition in order to have effective
deterrence capacity. There was also a need for having long distance strike capability. This was initially
achieved by long still-air range aircraft such as the B-52 but the ultimate devices in this segment were: (a)
intercontinental ballistic missiles -ICBM- and (b) nuclear-powered submarines equipped with short-range
missiles. Hence the interest of the ABC in cooperating actively with the development of the ICBM and
funding the nuclear submarine project (Suid, 1990).
Although some minor work had taken place previously, it was the detonation of the Soviet A-bomb in
August 1949 which precipitated the genesis of the submarine project. As a first step, a contract was
awarded to Westinghouse for constructing a prototype reactor, the Mark I, which became the laboratory
for testing the design concepts used in the submarine. It is interesting to point out that Westinghouse was
selected as a contractor in this crucial project not because of a competitive bid but because its main
competitors -GE, Allis-Chalmers, Gulf- were already involved in other projects. In particular GE was
working on a breeder reactor and a military reactor in Hanford, Washington (Beaver, 1990).
In summary, as it is shown in Figure 1.6, the development of military products had the ultimate goal of
attaining a credible long-range nuclear strike capability. Under this objeCtive, the nuclear submarine
project was a crucial step. Not only it condensed the state-of-the-art in nuclear reactor utilization, it also
set up the basis for future nuclear power plants. Westinghouse was awarded this important project
because its competitors had their hands full with other ABC contracts. As it will be shown afterwards, this
turned out to be a fortunate outcome for Westinghouse.
Figure 1.6. Military nuclear products and processes and the cumulative R&D effort
needed to develop these products
1. The early origins of the PWR design
....... !\
Figure 1.7. Civilian nuclear products and processes and the cumulative R&D effort
needed to develop these products
1. The early origins of the PWR design
Although in the long run the private nuclear industry indeed emerged in the United States, in the early
years 1945-1960, the so called ABC-industry partnership was basically a process to assign contracts to a
selected club of contractors. Moreover, since the technology was in a fluid phase and it was not clear
which reactor design would be the best, the AEC managed a portfolio of projects at the same time and
assigned arbitrarily these projects to different contractors.
ABC had a policy of maintaining product diversity. Some contractors would bid for a certain project that
looked interesting from a strategic point of view, but given the huge technical uncertainty of most of these
projects, one can argue that the process of assigning contracts was essentially a random process.
The nuclear submarine project illustrates the point for two top contractors: General Electric and
Westinghouse. General Electric had been awarded the project to develop a sodium-cooled reactor whereas
Westinghouse had been awarded the project for developing a water-cooled reactor. Both firms developed
land-based prototype reactors that started operation in the early 1950s. In the case of Westinghouse the
prototype reactor Mark I started operation in 1950 at the Idaho Testing Station. Four years later, in 1954,
a modified version of this reactor was installed in the Navy's first nuclear submarine, the Nautilus, which
was a highly successful vessel (Del Sesto, 1979).
General Electric on the other hand, developed a land-based prototype reactor, which started operation in
1955 at the Idaho site. Later, General Electric modified the design to fit the Navy's second nuclear
submarine, the Seawolf, which put to sea in 1957. But because of the danger of leaks and the violent
reaction of sodium with water, the Seawolf was removed from service the following year (Del Sesto,
With the Nautilus, Westinghouse not only developed the basic design concept that became the standard of
all nuclear submarines of the US Navy in the next four decades, it also set up the basis for the design that
would eventually become the first nuclear power plant. On the other hand, the Seawolf not only was a
faulty design concept for a submarine but also resulted in an inferior technological bid for future nuclear
power plants. Sodium-cooled reactors were abandoned a few decades later everywhere else in the world.
It is important to note that in 1949, when both prototypes were on the drawing boards, neither looked to
be superior and therefore the decision of which model was better was not really obvious. Indeed
Westinghouse was selected as a contractor in this particular project because General Electric was working
on a breeder reactor and a military reactor in Hanford, WA and ABC authorities thought that the firm
would not be capable to manage the development of yet another reactor (Beaver, 1990).
In addition to the above-mentioned reactors, the ABC developed a number of different projects under the
scope of the Reactor Development Program of 1948 and the Power Reactor Demonstration Program of
1955. For instance:
• Experimental breeder reactor developed by Argonne Laboratory. This reactor produced the world's
first electric power generated from a nuclear reaction in December 20, 1951.
• Material Testing Reactor (MTR) developed in 1950 Argonne and Oak Ridge Laboratories .
• Experimental Boiling Water Reactor (EBWR), developed at Argonne, and completed in 1957 .
• Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE) developed in Santa Susana, Santa California in 1957 .
• Homogeneus Reactor Experiment (HRE 2) developed by the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which
was abandoned in 1957.
2. The rise of the PWR in the marketplace
Chapter 2.
Following the successful development of a nuclear submarine, Westinghouse started the construction of the
first PWR nuclear power plant at Shippingport using a design based on the submarine reactor. This reactor
and project manager -Admiral Hyman Rickover- shaped the nature of the Westinghouse PWR and ultimately
of the US nuclear power program. The chapter continues with a recounting of the PWR's subsequent
progress on the technology and market dimensions. It shows how the design quickly became the most sold
nuclear power plant in the world, capturing almost two-thirds of the market. The objective of the chapter is to
show that if a dominant design effectively emerged in the industry the dominant design was the
Westinghouse PWR.
2. The rise of the PWR in the marketplace
After the successful experience of Mark I and Nautilus, the ABC made the decision of extend the PWR
design to a commercial nuclear power plant. For a while the Eisenhower administration doubted building
government-sponsored nuclear civilian reactors. But two external events prompted the decision to move
ahead with the project. One was the start of a soviet demonstration nuclear plant at Obninsk in 1954. The
other was the advanced design status of a gas-cooled reactor in the UK -Calder Hall- which eventually went
critical in 1956.
The decision to support the PWR project demonstrated the urgent need to enhance American prestige and
counter Soviet and British advances in nuclear power. However, the ABC wanted to include an industrial
partner in order to avoid criticism from conservative foes. Luckily for ABC, Duquesne Light of Pittsburgh
agreed to participate in the project, Duquesne agreed to invest money building the electric generating section
of the plant, while the ABC funded the R&D and the capital costs of the reactor itself (Beaver, 1999).
The selection of a PWR design and Westinghouse as prime contractor of the power plant had two strategic
benefits. First, the ABC wanted to have a plant operating as soon as possible and Westinghouse and its Bettis
Laboratory already had a workable prototype (Mark 1) and a successful submarine (Nautilus) based on the
PWR concept. Second, the team that had worked under Rickover's direction had a record of achiev~ments.
Therefore it was a sound decision to hand a complex project over to one of the best nuclear engineering
teams available in the U.S.
The construction of the first nuclear power plant in the United States began in April 1955 in Shippingport,
PA. Since the ABC wanted the plant in operation by 1957, the construction process was virtually a "mission
2. The rise of the PWR in the marketplace
in a hurry". The rush to complete the plant does reinforce the fact that Shippingport was more a political
project than a commercial endeavor (Beaver 1999).
Plant construction began under the rigid direction of Rickover and Naval Reactors. Westinghouse was the
prime contractor, while Stone and Webster acted as architect-engineer. Dravo was the construction company.
The turbine generator was provided by Westinghouse even though a number of technical difficulties arose
during the design, Rickover and his "three-hat" organization were able to finish the project in three years
which is a remarkable achievement. The plant was officially inaugurated in May 1958. It worked properly
for 25 years.
2. The rise of the PWR in the marketplace
power is given not only in terms of economic scale but also in view of other strategic issues such as energy
self-reliance, economic independence and sovereignty.
2. The rise of the PWR in the marketplace
As Figure 2.3 shows, these early designs lead to ten basic types of nuclear power plants that were eventually
constructed later. Obviously there were hundreds of other designs, but these ten were the only ones that made
it into the marketplace. Surprisingly these basic designs correspond to just three key decisions. The first is
the fuel itself, which can be an oxide compound of natural or enriched uranium (in which the concentration
of the fissile U235 isotope is increased from its natural 0.7% to about 3%). The second component is the
moderator, whose function is to slow down the neutrons from the fission process so that they are suitable to
sustain the chain reaction. In practice the options are graphite, ordinary water and heavy water. The third
major component is the coolant, where the options are helium, carbon dioxide, and ordinary/heavy water.
Figure 2.3. Diagram of the designs that made into the market (1958-1989)
2. The rise of the PWR in the marketplace
2. The rise of the PWR in the marketplace
Concre'e Pressurised water reactor IPWR )
Figure 2.7. Schemes of some of the most common world nuclear reactors
2. The rise of the PWR in the marketplace
Table 2. 1. Progress of NPPs that started commercial operation between 1950 and 1989 in number of
units and additional total electricity output (in MWe). Worldwide data.
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3. The dominant design
Chapter 3.
This chapter first describes the Westinghouse PWR design in detail, focusing on its distinctiveness from
other designs. A large amount of data is provided, with the proposition that all the main design parameters of
the reactor, such as pressures, temperatures, and mass flows, converged to the same numbers. The dominant
design quickly emerged as the industry standard not only in the U.S. but also in France, Japan, Belgium and
the rest of the western countries.
System 11"-
and transports the energy from one
~ Cold Fluid ~
system to the other. It captures the heat
produced by the nuclear reaction and
through a complex energy conversion Figure 3. 1 Conceptual division between nuclear and
process it converts heat into work and conventional systems in a nuclear power plant
into electricity. Table 3. 1. Characteristics of the PWR and other designs
The main component of the Fuel Coolant Moderator
conventional system of a nuclear power
U02 in zircaloy Light water H20 at Light water
plant is a turbine/generator, but there are PWR clad, enriched at 160 bar (boiling not H2O
other minor conventional equipment 3.0% U235 allowed)
such as feed pumps, heat exchangers, U02 in zircaloy Light water H20 at Light water
and condensers. BWR clad, enriched at 75 bar (boiling is H2O
3.0% U235 allowed)
Since the steam or gas flowing into the U02 in zircaloy Heavy water 020 Heavy water
conventional system is not significantly PHWR clad, not enriched at 90 bar (boiling 020
(0.7% U235) not allowed)
contaminated with radiation, nuclear
U metal in a Carbon Dioxide Graphite
power plants use commercial off-the- magnesium alloy CO2 at '20 bar
shelf parts manufactured by standard Magnox
clad, not enriched
vendors. These vendors market their (0.7% U235)
products to both nuclear and fossil U02 in stainless Carbon Dioxide Graphite
fueled power plants. AGR steel clad, enriched CO2 at 40 bar
at 2.5% U235
Unlike the conventional system, the nuclear heat supply system is unique to each type of reactor design. The
main differences arise on the selection of the materials used to produce the nuclear fission reaction inside the
re8:ctor. As Table 3.1 shows, there are three major reactor components where the choice of a material has to
be made. The first is the fuel itself, which can be an oxide compound of natural or enriched uranium (in
3. The dominant design
which the concentration of the fissile U235 isotope is increased from its natural 0.7% to about 3%). The
second component is the moderator, whose function is to slow down the neutrons from the fission process so
that they are suitable to sustain the chain reaction. In practice the options are graphite, ordinary water and
heavy water. The third major component is the coolant, where the options are helium, carbon dioxide, and
ordinary/heavy water.
As Table 3.1 shows, it is the permutation of the available options that gives rise to the variety of nuclear
designs that populate the nuclear power fleets of countries like the US, France, Japan, Canada and the UK.
The PWR uses a unique selection of these materials.
maintains the primary pressure constant
at 160 bar. At this pressure water
remains always liquid since its
Control rod. COnll .....
saturation temperature is well above cooling
3. The dominant design
element of a system, which performs a particular function, (c) key components are the most important parts
that comprise a subsystem, and (d) main variables are the critical physical properties of a given subsystem
and/or component.
For example, one can define the conventional system as the part of the nuclear power plant whose function is
to take steam coming from the nuclear heat supply system in order to extract electricity. The steam
subsystem can be defined as the part of the conventional system that has the function of processing the steam
coming from the reactor and converting part of its energy into work. In this case the key components are the
turbine, the condenser and the secondary pumps, while the main subsystem variables are the steam pressure
and the coolant mass flow.
Table 3.2 and Figure 3.3 summarize the PWR architecture taking these considerations into account. The
selection of key components and main variables is not arbitrary. It is based on the premise that the selected
items and variables are the crucial elements of the design concept. Less important components -valves, tanks,
process subsystems- are not taken into account, as they are irrelevant for the analysis. The same holds for
physical variables which are intrinsically dependent on others (e.g. the saturation temperature is an intrinsic
function of fluid pressure).
It is important to note that a particular subsystem can be exposed to either architectural or component
changes. An architectural modification would be, for instance, if instead of using only one turbine the
designer decides to use four smaller turbines. On the other hand, the changes can be at the component level if,
for example, instead of using traditional rotating pumps the designer introduces piston-type pumps. Finally
any subsystem as a whole can undergo incremental innovations without changing the basic architecture or
the core components leading to the enhancement of a certain performance variable, for instance higher
thermal cycle efficiency.
3. The dominant design
3. The dominant design
products. Moreover, variables like the gross power of the turbine or the steam pressure must also stay
It is important to note that architectural stability is a necessary but not a sufficient reason for a particular
product to become a dominant design because it does not take into account the market, which mayor may
not adopt the product. It is just a strong indication of the emergence of a dominant design. A firm will freeze
the design and focus its energy in achieving economies of scale, only when the firm senses that it has a
product sufficiently attractive in the marketplace. Otherwise it will continue to experiment with alternative
the most critical thermal variables in the c.
a 100
plant, that affect the process of extracting o 50 100 150 200
heat from the reactor and converting it into
Cumulative number of PWR reactors
work. These variables are pressures,
temperatures and heat rates. Figure 3.4. Evolution of primary pressure in PWR units
that started commercial operation in the western world
Since the first PWR started commercial
operation in 1957, the primary pressure
varied significantly in the early designs, until ~
it attained a convergence pressure of around C-E
158 Kg/cm2• The latter is arguably the most
critical design parameter in the PWR design
and achieved a remarkable consensus as can
be seen in Figure 3.4. The major PWR
vendors converged on a figure that has been .. / ,/
maintained in PWR reactors even today . .,
, '. WEST
It is important to note that the data presented /
in Figure 3.4 correspond to worldwide data -
except the Soviet Union. Therefore it can be 1/1
concluded that 158 kg/cm2 was the gold
standard of all PWR reactors built either in 100
52 54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70
the United States or abroad.
Construction permission (year)
Figure 3.5 provides a closer look at the same Figure 3.5. Same as 3.4 but for early PWR units as a
data but as a function of the year that the function of the year construction permit was issued
construction permit was issued. In the late
3. The dominant design
a r:f1
l 5~Pr6.ll!1l 0
u B
0,!! l"J 00 CllJ
Given the fact that the three mam PWR 300. : " I Temperature I
manufacturers were independent finns 1 o~oco
competing for market share, their agreement is a 00 j orJil0 0 ttJ ~o~
effectively emerged in the 1960s. The data also 280. 0 lJl r5b j j
o DO' : CD
3. The dominant design
occurred just by adding cooling loops. This 0
IV 1000
was a way to reduce the need for further a. 800 ~
.s:: 60 IV
R&D costs. .... 600
.S a.
In summary, it can be affirmed that a ~ 40 IV
':; 400 t»
dominant PWR design appeared in the late .c ~caIV
1960s. It had four primary pumps rated at ~ 20
200 ~
19,000 ton/hr, operated at a pressure of 158 ::J
0 0
kg/cm2, with coolant temperatures of 320°C
55-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89
and 290°C.
Period (years)
Regarding power rate -thermal power and
electricity output- the units advanced Figure 3.10 Average electricpower rating (MWe) of PWR
constantly to a target rating that changed plants (worldwide) that went on line prior to 1989
3. The dominant design
To strengthen the point, it is interesting to note .c
en :(:1
3. The dominant design
Architectural stability is a necessary condition for a particular set of engineering choices to become a
dominant design. Once a dominant design is established, progress takes the shape of improvements in the
components within the boundaries of a stable architecture. The core engineering choices of a dominant
design are not revisited every time a new product comes out from the factory because firms cannot waste
valuable resources in re-inventing the wheel. In fact the dominant design often emerges in response to the
opportunity given by stable architectures to obtain economies of scale and/or to take advantages from
externalities (Abernathy, 1978).
The same holds for the PWR. From 1957 to 1989 the core concepts of the design have not changed and the
design engineers focused on improving the performance of stable architectures. The parameters that
summarize the balance of the plant, such as pressures, temperatures, mass flows, all attained a consensus
value. Some innovations have occurred in the component side, for instance, design improvements in pumps,
control rods, nuclear instrumentation and steam generators. However the basic PWR architecture and its core
concepts did not change, which is a finding that strongly supports the dominant design hypothesis.
3. The dominant design
systematic and repetitive engineering tasks. The organizations in charge of building reactors changed from
small, cohesive and creative groups- such as Bettis Labs - toward a more hierarchical organization with
defmed tasks and procedures. Engineers became more focused on improving the performance of the design
or at least what was considered performance of a nuclear power plant at that time, namely: (a) increasing the
efficiency of the thermal cycle, (b) building larger units and (c) increasing the number of redundant safety
A relevant point is whether the change from product innovation to process innovation was made at the right
time. fu other words, could a better design have emerged if the industry spent more time in a fluid phase? But
as was explained in chapter 1, there was a government-sponsored "rush" to move forward in the learning
curve and attain a truly "operational" U.S. nuclear power capacity.
Abernathy and Utterback's framework also predicts substantial changes in the industry arising from the
emergence of a dominant design, but these changes are discussed in Chapter 6. Some of these issues are: (a)
competition from new entrants building PWR reactors, (b) organizational control through proj ect and task
groups, and (c) vulnerability of industry leaders.
Chapter 4.
This chapter focuses on the development of the BWR design, i.e. the GE approach to the civilian nuclear
power plant and the main competitor to the Westinghouse PWR. The chapter starts with a thorough
description of the design and the differences and similarities with the PWR. The BWR also stabilized in
certain values and this will be shown following the same criteria explained in the previous chapter. Using
appropriate data, this chapter also shows that the main connection between the designs proposed by GE
and Westinghouse was through the use of similar suppliers and components. In particular both designs
have essentially the same steam turbine. This finding is used to argue that one of the main reasons why
the Westinghouse PWR design stabilized so quickly was because of the standardization of one of the
main component of nuclear power plants: the steam-electric turbine ..
4. The BWR and the hidden link with the PWR
The BWR made a commercial leap when it became the first reactor sold on a purely competitive basis
and without government support. This reactor, Dresden-I, achieved a self-sustaining nuclear reaction at
Morris, IL, in October 1959. Under the ownership of Commonwealth Edison, Dresden 1 operated
commercially at a rating of 200MWe until its programmed shutdown in 1978. The reactor heat supply
was designed and constructed by General Electric as well as its turbine generator. Bechtel was the other
participant in the project in the double role of constructor and architect-engineer.
44 out of 47 BWR nuclear plants built in Table 4.1. Main characteristics of the PWR and BWR
the United States before 1989 followed
the same formula of the Dresden 1 Fuel Coolant Moderator
reactor. Namely, GE as manufacturer of UOz in zirca/oy Ught water HzO at .Ught water
the reactor heat supply system and the PVVR dad, enriched at 160 bar (boiling not HzO
turbine generator and a major engineering 3.Cf/o U235 allowed)
firm, such as Bechtel, Stone & Webster, UOz in zircaloy Ught water HzO at
or Sargent & Lundy, taking the central BVVR dad, enriched at 75 bar (boiling is
3.Cf/o U235 aI/owed)
role of architect-engineer and constructor.
In the same way as a PWR, the heat
source of BWR reactor is referred as the
nuclear heat supply system while the rest
of the plant is often lrnown as the
conventional system. As Table 4.1 shows, St.am IInl
that boiling is allowed to occur in the
BWR and the steam produced in the
reactor pressure vessel directly drives the
Conttol rod. COnd." ....
turbine generator with no intermediate cOOling
steam generators in the pathway.
Since the steam flowing into the
conventional system comes directly from
the reactor in a once-through cycle, the
BWR turbine generator is slightly more
complex in order to avoid contamination
with radiation. Excluding these minor
differences, turbine generators of BWR
and PWR reactors are fundamentally the
same. Both operate at a pressure of about Tu,OInl
70-75 bar.
Unlike the PWR design, the BWR reactor
has only one cooling subsystem (see Concl.n ..
Figure 4.2 for comparison). First, in the .attt
4. The BWR and the hidden link with the PWR
heated enough to convert to steam. The later is possible because the water inside the reactor is at a
pressure of about 70-75 bar, its saturation temperature is 280°C and therefore boiling can occur.
Steam separators in the upper part of the reactor remove water from the steam. The steam then passes
directly to the turbine and turns shafts that are mechanically connected to the electricity generator. The
redundant steam from the turbine condenses into water, which is then pumped again into the reactor.
The condenser is the ultimate heat sink. Here the heat that was not converted into work is cooled by heat
exchange with cold water pumped through the condenser. As a cold sink the condenser uses water
extracted from the sea, river, or a water reservoir. Another choice is the atmosphere and the device for
heat rejection is a cooling tower.
One can go one step further, defining the BWR architecture in terms of system, subsystem, components
and main design variables. Using the following definitions: (a) system is an independent part that can be
treated as a whole, (b) subsystem is an element of a system, which performs a particular function, (c) key
components are the most important parts that comprise a subsystem, and (d) main variables are the critical
physical properties of a given subsystem.
Table 4.2 summarizes the BWR architecture taking these considerations into account. The selection of
key components and main variables is based on the idea that the selected components and variables are
the crucial elements of the design concept.
4. The BWR and the hidden link with the PWR
circulation pumps and the subsystem for water purification are less significant items and do not determine
the boundaries of the BWR design. The same holds for physical variables which are intrinsically
dependent on others.
Q) a "
",,'II': ~w':m"".~..: W
,S ""a
maintained between two consecutive Q)
4. The BWR and the hidden link with the PWR
(the Soviet Union did not develop the en GE " exits the
~ / business
BWR concept to an operational level) Q)
::J I~
Figure 4.5 provides a closer look at the
same data but as a function of the year the
70 ~
, I
1960s there was a delay of about five E
years between construction permit a. I
issuance and commercial operation. As it I
54 56 58 60 62 64 66 68 70
the consensus, because the other BWR
builder -Allis Chalmers- abandoned the Construction permission (year)
1 1
General Electric to discourage changes.
The other was that GE secured license
agreements with the Japanese 0 0 00 0: 0 0 0 0 0
(5 OaJrIUJ
manufacturers to build BWRs and market aa a 000 aCUJ rDDcD en c an::c 0 am a D~a Da a:E!J t~hDDaDaJ
4. The B WR and the hidden link with the PWR
20 OOCo D a
can argue that GE decided to pursue Irn wB9o~o
in order to achieve economies of scale 'Ci)
and learning effects. Namely the same Q)
E 0
competencies developed by rn
6 OA
A 0
o 00
At. A A
competitors supposedly not interrelated. ~ 400 A A
In theory both designs should have a.. fn. 60
followed different paths. But as Figure
200 ~ A
4.8 shows, this was not the case. Both t5
design concepts agreed on similarvalues 0 A P
for reactor power ratings.It is important a3 0
Z -200 B
to note that the reactor power ratings 0 100 200 300
increased as a function of time, as
nuclear power plants increased size in Cumulative number of PWR and BWR units
order to achieve economies of scale.But
at any given time, the BWR units and Figure 4.8 Power ratings of PWR (P) and BWR (B)
the PWR units that started commercial reactor units that started commercial operation before
operation had similar ratings. 1989 in the western world.
Particularly in the 1970s, the consensus
4. The BWR and the hidden link with the PWR
the plant because turbine/generators most of :c
~ 6. ~
BcaDD 0
(b) the cost of developing and optimizing a II) 60 6. nO ~ IJ
II) 0"16° CIa 8
larger unit was far beyond the expectations to Q)
a a
a. []
obtain profit from economies of scale. This C) (J
f'j .. ~ u
.. agRnaAS
u8 . i:I []
4. The BWR and the hidden link with the PWR
Chapter 5
This chapter is basically about antitrust. It starts with a summary of several cases of price fixing where
Westinghouse and GE were involved. The emphasis is on the notorious case in the early 1960s involving
large turbines, which led to the imprisonment of several corporate executives. Since the subject of the
thesis is not primarily antitrust, the stress is purely historical and within the context of nuclear power
plants. The question that the chapter raises is whether price-fixing strategies employed by Westinghouse
and GE in large electric components molded the rise of the PWR as a dominant design in the market.
Nearly 60% of all the new capacity installed in the United States in the period between 1948 and 1962
was captured by General Electric. Its sales almost doubled the sales of its immediate competitor,
Westinghouse. Thanks to its favorable position in the market, General Electric had also been the price
leader, with its two main competitors usually matching GE's book prices.
5. The relationship between Westinghouse and General Electric
General Electric was also the leading R&D investor in the segment, reinvesting nearly 15% of its
revenues on developing product and process innovations. As a result, General Electric had not only been
the market leader in terms of sales but also in terms of technology. It had historically been the pioneer in
the introduction of innovations that led to the remarkable increase of energy conversion efficiencies of
large turbine generators.
Westinghouse was also a diversified manufacturer of capital goods -among them large turbine generators-
and was a corporation as big and as profitable as General Electric. By the late 1950s, Westinghouse held a
solid second place in sales with an average market share of 300/0.But in the particular market of large
turbine generators Westinghouse was widely perceived as a market follower, with most of its marketing
and technology strategies designed to match GE's leadership. The main focus of Westinghouse was in
standardizing units, in order to benefit from economies of scale, reduce costs and -in the long run- being
able to challenge the price leadership of General Electric.
Allis-Chalmers was the third competitor on large turbine generators in the United States, although its
market share was quite small. It could not match the prices of the two incumbents and had not been able
to sell enough units to benefit from economies of scale as its competitors did. In addition, Allis-Chalmers
had not invested enough in R&D and therefore its products were becoming obsolete. Unable to
differentiate itself in terms of quality or price, the firm finally decided to exit this market in 1962 after
decades of marginal results.
Finally, two European firms, Brown Boveri and Parsons, had attempted to break into the U.S. market but
were quickly neutralized by sharp price cuts from both GE and Westinghouse. In addition, they lobbied in
Washington for tariffs, arguing that the entry of these firms in the domestic market was considered a
threat to energy independence. The two incumbents effectively barred potential foreign competition by
raising entry barriers, using pricing and lobbying strategies.
Figure 5.2. A large turbine generator (1,000 MWe unit). (1) the turbine converts heat into mechanical work,
(2) the generator converts work into electricity, and (3) the generator alterix maintains the electric field.
Although manufacturers have made a strong effort to standardize the product, most of the times engineers
need to customize each unit to a particular specification. As a result, the engineering and marketing costs
to adapt a product to the buyer are relevant (on the order of 10% of the total cost of an order).
5. The relationship between Westinghouse and General Electric
As a heavy capital-intensive good, most of the costs are direct costs due to parts and labor. The overhead
costs are small compared to other manufactured capital goods, accounting for less than 25% of total cost
(USGPO, 1981).
The main performance parameter of a large turbine generator is the thermal efficiency. The latter is
defined as the ratio of electricity output to total energy input. In the 1930s the standard thermal efficiency
of turbine generators was around 20%, but a number of innovations introduced in the 1940s boosted this
parameter to 35%.
However, improving the efficiency had a technological limit -which turned out to be 35%- and by the
turn of the decade manufacturers had to pursue another way to increase value to their customers and to
differentiate themselves from competition. This was by offering larger and more complex units, which
reduced operating costs and also decreased the investment cost (in dollars per installed electric kilowatt).
Utilities grasped the opportunity for
increasing profits and began to buy larger Electricity Simple design
and larger units. In the early 1950s the Cost
largest turbine generator available was ($/kWh)
200 MW e while in the early 1960s units
had been introduced with ratings well Complex design
above 500 MWe. By the end of the 1960s,
the standard large turbine generator
offered to utilities was around 1000 MW e,
a trend that was magnified by the massive
introduction of nuclear power plants. The
latter is a case of strong economies of Size (MWe)
scale. As Figure 5.3 shows, when
economies of scale are manifested, larger, Figure 5.3. A typical price-size curve in the large turbine
more complex designs exhibit a different generator market
price-size curve from smaller, simpler
designs (Shy, 1998).
Turbine generators' buyers -generally large private-owned utilities- benefited from economies of scale
because, by buying and operating a large turbine generator, the total cost per unit of output was reduced,
even though the product became more complex. This makes sense for any large utility, as smaller and
simpler units are competitive only in the niche market of small grids (e.g. remote isolated areas).
In addition to economies of scale -which
allow the buyers to obtain more profits- a Cost per
large turbine generator is a product with unit sold
intrinsic learning effects. This means that ($/MWe)
as the manufacturer produces more of a
product, the unit cost of production
reduces at a decreasing rate. This
phenomenon is frequently described with
a learning curve -as shown in Figure 5.4-
namely a plot of the cost of producing a
unit versus the organizational experience. Cumulative number 0
Learning curves have been documented in a number of organizations in both the manufacturing and
service sectors, and the yardstick for comparison has been the progress ratio. According to its definition,
5. The relationship between Westinghouse and General Electric
each doubling of cumulative output leads to a reduction in unit cost to a percentage of its fonner value.
This percentage is the progress ratio. Thus, an 80% progress ratio means that each doubling of cumulative
output leads to a 20% reduction in unit cost (Argote~ 1990).
According to the literature, the learning curve of large turbine generators exhibited a progress ratio of
90% (Porter, 1986). The latter means that each doubling of cumulative output led to a 10% reduction in
unit cost. The result is comparable to learning curves in other manufacturing sectors of large capital goods,
for instance, commercial aircraft and merchant ships (Ghemawat, 1985).
ill summary, the buyers- utilities- had an incentive to buy large complex turbine generators instead of
small units, and the manufacturers had a strong incentive to increase sales volume in order to benefit from
learning effects.
was a process that took around two and a half years. 11% \ :/ 1%
The long delivery times were due first to a six-
month negotiation time. Then it was the engineering
and construction time of a year to eighteen months.
The rest of the delivery time reflected the
manufacturer's order backlog. With these long
government~. ::::::::
utilities .
delays, the turbine generator was the bottleneck in
constructing a new power plant and accordingly
utilities' managers spent a lot of effort in trying to
speed up the entire buying process. The buying
process itself differed according to the market Figure 5.6. Market segmentation in the early
segment. 1960s
For Government-owned utilities as well as Municipal authorities, the process generally took the form of a
standard public procurement process, namely: specifications, sealed bids, and purchase decisions based
on a competitive basis. Private-owned utilities had a rather more complicated and dubious process.
Whenever a utility had an interest in buying a new asset, it would ask the manufacturers to submit price
quotes. Then a long negotiation process followed which generally took place under incomplete
information on both sides. Manufacturers did not know each other bids, and utilities did not know the real
manufacturer's costs. Even after an order was placed, the mystery about the final price was not revealed.
Given the high price tags of large turbine generators, final negotiations were generally conducted by top-
executives and involved a long process of proposals and counterproposals where the main negotiation
point was price. Degrees of quality, post-sale service, and delivery times were similar among competitors
and played a minor role in the negotiations. The clear differentiating factor was price (Gilbert, 1996).
5. The relationship between Westinghouse and General Electric
The investigation lead to one of the most notable antitrust cases in the United States. Prosecutors argued
that Westinghouse, General Electric and other minor electrical equipment manufacturers were engaged in
price-fixing practices. They claimed that top executives were engaged in a willful price-fIXing conspiracy,
which is a crime contrary to the spirit of the Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890, which forbade price-fixing
arrangements as a horizontal restraint upon free trade.
As a result of the investigation, four grand juries were ultimately convened and subpoenaed a large
number of persons, some of whom cooperated with the prosecutors revealing the modus operandi of the
association. As a result, 20 indictments were issued involving at least 45 executives. Given the weight of
the evidence against these individuals, most of them pled guilty, avoiding in this way the social cost of a
public trial.
Millions of dollars in fines and treble damages were charged against the individuals and corporations
involved in the scandal but, most importantly, several executives were sentenced to brief jail terms. Seven
executives from General Electric and Westinghouse, four of them vice-presidents of these two companies,
ended the day "handcuffed in pairs" and conducted to the Montgomery County Jail in Norristown,
Pennsylvania. As an illustration of the magnitude of the scandal surrounding the case, during their term in
prison, none of the seven men "had visitors during the Wednesday and Saturday periods reserved for
visiting; all indicated a desire not to be seen by their families or friends" (Geis, 1996)
5. The relationship between Westinghouse and General Electric
can not agree on a price-range within which they will compete, or on a common list or book price.
Thirdly, competitors can not divide markets by territory or by customers.
Prosecutors found that Westinghouse and General Electric had effectively set a book price for large
turbine generators. Figure 5.7 shows the time behavior of book prices and actual order prices for large
turbine generators (Civil Action, Ohio Elec. vs. GE 1965). Salesmen from both firms would visit utility
executives and offer prices according to a jointly accorded price. Whenever it was necessary, both firms
would modify the book price to cooperatively drive prices up or down.
Having a book-price however is not the only condition to trigger antitrust penalties. There are three
necessary conditions that need to be put in place: agreement, monitoring and enforcement. The agreement
was largely demonstrated in court by the existence of a price-book, and was not the main issue.
The main issue in court was whether there were monitoring and enforcement provisions in order to make
the price-fixing scheme work. The latter was the core of the conspiracy charges. In other words, the
question was if there was an established organization, which made price-fixing arrangements, monitored
these arrangements and enforced penalties to cheaters.
The outcome of the process, with executives pleading guilty and serving terms in jail and corporations
paying million-dollar settlements, overwhelmingly demonstrates that indeed there was a conspiracy.
When most of General Electric and Westinghouse executives were sentenced to jail, a newspaper reporter
described them with a certain degree of sarcasm as "middle-class men in Ivy League suits- typical
business men in appearance, men who would never be taken for lawbreakers" (Geis, 1996).
On the same line of thought, Edwin H. Sutherland coined the phrase "white collar crime" for defining a
crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation.
Consequently the definition excludes many crimes of the upper class -murders, abuse cases- that are not
committed in the workplace, and also excludes wealthy members of the underworld, since they are not
persons of respectability and high social status. Hence, the sophisticated offenses that white collar crime
encompasses are things like restraint of trade, deceptive advertising, and patent infringement. (Sutherland,
Sutherland points out two important characteristics of white-collar crime. First, most of the offenders are
not really aware of the seriousness of their acts. For most of them, the borderline between duty and crime
is blurred by a corporate culture where incentives are tilted towards productivity, sales performance, and
profit margins. In the case of large turbine generators, a high-ranking executive categorically denied the
illegality of his behavior. "We did not fix prices" he said, "all we did was recover costs" (Geis, 1996).
The second characteristic of white-collar crime is the recurrence of crimes. In the period between 1930
and 1955, General Electric and Westinghouse had prompted a number of decisions in courts regarding
restraint of trade -13 decisions for GE and 10 for Westinghouse. Despite this record of indictments both
firms continued to practice price-fixing, and have probably continued to do so after 1965 (Sutherland,
1996 and Fuller, 1962). Westinghouse in particular had a similar experience regarding the uranium
business (Joskow, 1976).
5. The relationship between Westinghouse and General Electric
1. Response to destructive competition. Very often cooperative arrangements arise after a prolonged
destructive competition between firms on the grounds of price. This generally occur with
homogeneous products such as oil (OPEC), copper (CIPEC) or diamonds (DeBeers). In the case of
turbine generators the product is not homogeneous but the buyers -utilities- were remarkably engaged
in price bargaining. Product performance, post-sale service and delivery times were similar across all
2. Inelastic demand. Price-fixing schemes can only be applied in markets with inelastic demand,
namely, where the product demand is not significantly reduced by price increases. Since large turbine
generators were key components of power plants and utilities had to necessarily buy these assets, they
ended up paying the asked price.
3. High entry barriers. Price-fixing arrangements work perfectly when there are barriers to entry. As it
has been shown in previous sections, the large turbine generator market had huge barriers to entry.
These were due to the heavy capital investment that is required up front in order to being able to
manufacture any unit, along with the R&D costs necessary to be technologically competitive. In
addition, there are strong learning effects arising from cumulative output that favor the incumbents
versus the newcomers.
4. Weak legal impediments. Historically antitrust laws have been difficult to enforce because (a)
conspiracies are difficult to prove and (b) the all-embracing statutory language of the laws is not
applied. For instance, in 1911 by the Supreme Court introduced the "rule of reason" ruling that
despite the all-embracing statutory language, the Sherman Act reached only those trade restraints
which are unreasonable. In other words, courts weigh the anti-competitive consequences of a
challenged practice against the business justification, leaving most offenders unaccountable.
5. The relationship between Westinghouse and General Electric
BWR units:
1955 Dresden 1, IL 200MWe Commonwealth Edison Opel'. Jut-60
1957 Pathfinder, SD 59MWe Northern States Power Opel'. Jul-66
1958 Humboldt Bay 3, CA 63MWe Pacific Gas and Electric Opel'. Aug-63
1958 Elk River, MN 18MWe River Coop. Power Opel'. Jul-64
1959 Big Rock Point, MI 69MWe Consumers Power Co. Opel'. Nov-65
1960 Puerto Rico Bonus 72MWe P.Rico Water Authority Opel'. Aug-64
1962 La Crosse, WI 51 MWe Dailyland Power Opel'. Nov-69
1963 Nine Mile Point I,NY 615MWe Niagara Mohawk Power Opel'. Dec-69
1963 Oyster Creek,NJ 650MWe General Public Utilities Opel'. Dec-69
PWR units:
1953 Shippingport, PA 60MWe Duquesne Opel'. Dec-57
1955 Indian Point 1, NY 257 MWe Consolidated Edison Opel'. Jan-63
1956 Yankee-Rowe, MA 175MWe Yanquee Atomic Co. ' Opel'. Jul-61
1957 Saxton, PA 4MWe Saxton Nuclear Exp. Opel'. Jut-59
1959 Carolinas, SC 17 MWe Carolinas Nucl. Power Opel'. Dec-63
1963 Haddam Neck, CT 582 MTiVe Connect. Yankee Power Opel'. Jan-68
1963 San Onofrel,CA 436MWe Southern Cal. Edison Opel'. Jan-68
All these plants were acquired by privately-owned utilities with some support from the AEC. Most were
turnkey projects where the reactor system and the turbine generator were offered together as a bundle. To
show the manufacturers that were involved, Table 5.1 provides data on vendors of turbine generators
versus vendors of the reactor systems, in these 16 power plants.
Table 5.1. PWR (3) and BWR (#) units ordered from 1952 to 1963
Turbine generator manufacturers versus reactor manufacturers
•.. ~....~.~:
~.;~~ ###### H ~
;););););) 5
:*QjIiI:-:iE::l::::'2::ii::::; 3 6 7 16
As Table 5.1 shows, GE and Westinghouse benefited evenly in terms of sales during this period, with
Allis-Chalmers falling behind. Allis-Chalmers not only built turbine generators; it also built three of the
first nuclear reactor systems in the United States. The self-evident question is therefore whether the
duopoly exerted by GE and Westinghouse indirectly prompted the exit of a potentially harmful
competitor like Allis-Chalmers.
The evidence is just circumstantial. There is evidence that GE and Westinghouse were involved in price-
fixing in the large turbine generator sector in general, but there is no direct evidence that these practices
were used in the particular case of nuclear power plants -regarding reactor systems, turbines or a bundle
of both products. Chances are however that many of these deals were indeed non-competitive.
The modality of turnkey projects that prevailed during these early contracts offered an excellent
opportunity for tying together the reactor system and the turbine. The same manufacturer would build
5. The relationship between Westinghouse and General Electric
both the reactor system and the turbine generator. As Table 5.1 shows, this was the favored option for
Westinghouse (5 cases) and General Electric (6 cases). The danger of this practice is when incumbents
use horizontal and vertical restraints of trade to keep a competitor out of the game. Although the evidence
is not conclusive, this looks to be the case with regards to Allis-Chalmers.
The cooperative arrangement between GE and Westinghouse seemed to be a win-win deal. Both were
able to exploit their technical competencies in manufacturing large turbine reactors and at the same time
gaining cumulative experience in building reactor systems. Economies of scale, economies of scope and
learning effects all seemed to be in favor of the two incumbents.
It is true that both firms had different designs, General Electric developed BWR reactors while
Westinghouse developed PWR reactors. But as it was shown in previous chapters, both designs are light
water reactors and their designs are very similar and complementary. It is clear then that any non-
competitive practice that existed in the sector helped both the BWR and the PWR designs, at least in the
short run -obviously to the detriment of other designs such as gas cooled reactors. In the long run one of
the two "rewarded" designs would eventually prevail as the favorite of the buyers. It turned out to be the
PWR but it could have been the BWR. The market made its choice in this matter, although with only two
options on the table.
The question is why the buyers preferred the PWR over the BWR if both products had similar
performance and similar economic benefits? The most probable answers come from two areas. First,
operators were not comfortable by the fact that in the BWR design water contamination spreads all over
the plant, including the turbine generator. For them the PWR had the advantage of clearly separating the
plant in two different systems -conventional and nuclear. The second reason is related with the supplier
base. The PWR design had a broader suppliers base in the U.S. market -Westinghouse, Babcock &
Wilcox, Combustion Engineering- while the BWR was manufactured -with high vertical integration- by
General Electric only. In the minds of the operator managers, a broader supplier base meant less
investment risk (Kadak, 2002).
Chapter 6
Given the relevance of collusion and price fixing in the power industry, this chapter has an analysis of
manufacturers and their involvement in the design and construction of nuclear power plants. The analysis
starts with a model of the order/construction process, which describes the role of utilities, architect-
engineers, civil constructors, reactor vendors and secondary suppliers. The way these firms interacted had
a profound significance on the consolidation of the Westinghouse PWR design. In addition, the chapter
focuses on the performance of the PWR design internationally. The data on France, Japan, Belgium,
Germany, Sweden, Spain, Taiwan and Korea seem to show that these countries overwhelmingly accepted
the Westinghouse and GE designs as the industry standards.
Nuclear Power Plants are complex electricity-generating assets that bring together a nuclear heat source -
the reactor- with a conventional system -turbine generator- that converts heat into work and into
electricity .
The main component of a nuclear power plant is the reactor itself. This is a very complex machine and its
design requires the competence of a number of sophisticated technologies such as neutron physics,
thermal-hydraulics, radiation shielding, reactor dynamics, radioprotection, etc. Most of these technologies
were still under development in the late 1950s and therefore only a handful of firms with extensive R&D
capabilities could handle the development of nuclear reactors.
The conventional system, on the other hand, is just an extension of an existing product line, the large
steam-driven turbine generators. This electricity equipment was part of most of the fossil-fueled power
plants in the United States (about 80% of the U.S. power supply in the early 1960s). Thus, there were
\huge economies of scope and scale, which the incumbent vendors of large turbine generators could
benefit from. For a manufacturer of large turbine generators, nuclear power plants were only a new
market segment with similar needs. There was little need for additional R&D effort as adapting the
turbine generator utilized in a coal-fired plant to a nuclear power plant was relatively straightforward.
In summary, in the early 1960s nuclear power plants were simple product substitutes addressing an
existing market for electricity-generating assets. The new product was half based on a revolutionary
innovation -the nuclear reactor- and half was a conventional machine that enabled the conversion of
thermal energy to electricity.
Nuclear power plants broke into the electricity-generating market when electricity operators were looking
for units of larger power ratings. Unable to boost profit margins by means of increasing efficiencies' of the
steam thermal cycle, as they had done in the 1940s and 1950s, electricity operators envisioned a future
where power plant ratings would be in the thousands of megawatts rather than in the hundreds. The vision
of higher profits by means of economies of scale was shared by U.S. utilities and by other electricity
operators in the rest of the world, like Electricite de France or Tokyo Electric Power. Rapidly, reactor
vendors focused on enhancing the power output of nuclear power plants.
6. The manufacturers game
nuclear power plants and advocated 50.0 150.0 250.0 350.0 450.0 550.0 650.0 750.0 850.0
6. The manufacturers game
schematically shown in Figure 6.2 as a trade-off between almost exclusive promotion in 1952, to almost
exclusive nuclear regulation in 1974. There is a trade-off because it is obviously impossible to have high
regulation and high promotion at the same time and under the same government agency. In part due to
public concerns, the ABC, which had the double role of promoting and regulating the nuclear industry,
tilted towards the side of safety. This change of policy was accentuated in 1974 when Congress dissolved
the ABC and created the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) with the sole responsibility of enforcing
safety standards.
Similar safety and environmental controversies prompted the introduction of changes to existing safety
systems. For instance, in the early 1970s, there was a huge controversy over the emergency core cooling
system (ECCS) that ended up in tougher regulatory standards.
One of the peculiarities of power plants is that reactors were built with an unusual degree of variability
and diversity regarding civil works and piping. From a "macro" point of view units of the same design
concept were equal. But at a more detailed level they were very different. Essentially every reactor was
custom-designed and custom-built. The degree of standardization was minimal (USGPO, 1981).
The required safety level of a nuclear plant is
orders of magnitude higher than the safety
required in conventional power plant designs. !ill Other
This fact caused a significant increase in the _JAPAN
complexity of the licensing process. For 25.00 o FRANCE
instance, after Three Mile Island, nuclear
power plants were the only electricity-
generating assets that required a probabilistic
safety analysis (PSA) in order to be granted a 15.00
construction permit. The PSA is a
sophisticated methodology that allows the 10.00
-- --- ---
The complexity of safety systems and the
environmental concern experienced in the
late 1960s and 1970s led to longer licensing
process times. The ABC (and later the NRC)
of units
ended up allocating more human resources ordered
per reactor application. It is important to note
that this is an abnormal feature because
normally the licensing process becomes more
efficient relative to the cumulative number of
operating units.
To make it more difficult, the early 1970s
Figure 6.4.Effect of compounding on licensing delays
were the years when the orders of new power
6. The manufacturers game
plants peaked. As shown in Figure 6.3, in 1973, thirty-five units were in operation in the United States
and utilities ordered the exceptional number of 41 new nuclear power plants.
Figure 6.4 illustrates schematically the compounded processes of (a) increasing the complexity of safety
features and licensing applications and (b) the number of applications per year. The result is obviously an
increase in the average length of the licensing process.
The natural buyers for nuclear power plants were private and government owned electricity operators.
As Figure 5.6 shows, in the United States 75% of the electricity capacity was owned by private utilities,
13% by the federal government and 11% by municipal authorities. In addition to the above-mentioned
natural buyers, there were new entrants willing to participate in the nuclear undertaking. An example was
Yankee Atomic Power, which was an organization created explicitly for the construction and operation of
a nuclear power plant built in 1960 in Rowe, MA. Yankee Power was owned by a consortium of New
England utilities.
Figure 6.5 has a geographic distribution of nuclear power sites. As can be seen, there was little
consolidation in the industry and several utilities -all across the country - embarked on nuclear power
projects. Some of them were not aware of the difficulties and complexities inherent in building and
operating a nuclear power plant.
As a former chief executive of Yankee
Atomic Power recalls, "lured by the
prospect of higher profits, operators
underestimated the complexity of
undertaking a project with a myriad of
participants and managing a highly
complex plant" (Kadak, 2002).
In the first years of the AEC, from 1946 to
1954, it was very difficult to get private
utilities committed to participate in nuclear
power. Some of the issues that discouraged
these firms were (a) the compulsory
government ownership of any nuclear
reactor, (b) the risk of unlimited product ... Ucenstd 10 Dperlle
liability in the event of a reactor accident, Note: There Ire
DO commerclalruclors In Alaska or lIawllI.
(c) the mandatory government ownership of Figure 6.5. Nuclear power sites in the U.S. by 1989
the fuel elements utilized by any reactor,
and (d) the uncertainty inherent to a new technology.
Most of these barriers were lifted in the period between 1954 and 1963. The Amendment of the Atomic
Act passed in 1954 paved the way for a new relationship between the AEC and the industry. It allowed
private ownership of nuclear reactors under AEC licensing and provided for near-normal patent rights.
The government maintained ownership of special nuclear materials -such as Plutonium- but was allowed
to lease these materials to the industry.
Regarding the question of liability in the case of an accident, in 1955 the AEC established a group from
the insurance industry to study the problem of insurance coverage for peaceful uses of atomic power. This
and other studies were the fundamental roots of the Price-Anderson Act passed in 1957. The Act required
licensees of nuclear power plants to furnish financial protection to cover public liability claims up to an
amount specified by the AEC, and provided government indemnity in the amount of $500 million for
6. The manufacturers game
each nuclear incident over and above the amount of financial protection required. The Act further
specified that the maximum coverage available from private sources was $60 million (Dawson, 1976).
In addition to removing all barriers for commercial participation, the ABC developed a program of
subsidies for nuclear power plants. The program designed to foster industry participation in nuclear power
as named as Reactor Development Program (RDP). The pioneer deal in this respect was Shippingport, the
first PWR developed in the United States and which started commercial operation in late 1957. The
participant utility -Duquesne Light- offered to furnish the site in Pennsylvania, build and maintain the
electrical generating section of the plant, contribute $5 million to the construction of the reactor and
purchase the steam produced by the reactor for the equivalent of 8 mills per kilowatt hour. For its part, the
ABC agreed to finance 90 percent of the reactor costs, build the reactor plant, and assume legal liability
for the plant. The ABC would own the reactor and the nuclear fuel while Duquesne owned the
conventional part of the plant.
A contract like the one signed by Duquesne, was really a sweet deal. The Shippingport plant ended up
costing $55 million and produced electricity for 25 years until its programmed shutdown in 1982.
Duquesne invested only $5 million in the nuclear heat source and about $10 million in the conventional
electricity-generating unit. In the case of Yankee Atomic Power, the contract signed in 1956 included a
commitment from the ABC to fund up to $5 million in R&D in support of the project. The ABC also
agreed to waive its normal charge for use of special nuclear materials to fuel the reactor, a figure
approximately $3 million. The total cost of the plant was $34 million (Dawson 1976).
Similar cases of AEC subsidies paved the way for private participation of the industry. With time these
subsidies vanished and by early 1970s, the full capital cost of nuclear power plants was absorbed by
private utilities. But by this time the industry had sufficient R&D investment and collective learning to fly
by itself.
It is important to note that the subsidies provided by the ABC were the "carrot" to attract private utilities
into the nuclear power business. There was a "stick" that would be present in the minds of utility
managers which was the concern about government-owned-and-operated nuclear power plants. Much of
the concern stemmed from the Atomic Act of 1946, which allowed only the government to own nuclear
materials. Given the fact that the government-owned Tennessee Valley Authority had nearly 13% of the
power supply in the United States in the late 1950s, it is clearly that the US government could become a
formidable competitor if utilities did not rush to build nuclear plants themselves.
The process of designing and constructing a nuclear power plant was not performed by only one firm.
Generally the process involved the participation of a number of different companies. As it is shown
conceptually in Figure 6.6, each of the major participants in the process of designing and constructing a
nuclear power had a particular role within the project organization:
1. The nuclear heat supply system vendor designed and built the NHSS.
2. The architect-engineer firm was in charge of the balance of plant.
3. A main construction company was in charge of civil works.
4. A supplier of the turbine generator.
5. A supplier of large nuclear components (reactor pressure vessel and reactor internals)
6. The manufacturers game
The balance of the plant consisted of all the equipment, in addition to the nuclear heat supply system and
turbine generator, which is necessary to produce electricity from a nuclear power plant. In other words,
the Architect-Engineer had the responsibility to match the requirements of the NHSS with the
requirements of the turbine generator and assure that the nuclear power plant would work as an integrated
system rather than a mere collection of disconnected pieces.
The architect-engineer had the most critical
role in the design and construction of a
nuclear power plant for two reasons. First it Contingency
was economically relevant as almost 80
percent of the budget of the plant
corresponded to the balance of plant. The Professional
second reason was a safety-related
preeminence, as 90 percent of the necessary 13%
paperwork required by the NRC to license
the plant was the responsibility of the
architect-engineer. Given the complexity of
the licensing process it is clear that a
smooth passage through NRC scrutiny
depended overwhelmingly on the technical Construction
competency of the architect-engineer. Materials &
One of the top functions of an architect- responsibility
engineer was to recruit the suppliers of the 27%
two key components of the plant: the NHSS
and the turbine/generator. In general there Figure 6.7. 1,000 MWe overnight construction cost
were only a handful of options in this bhreakuP. (flnot. including finan?ial costs, escalation
.... c a/iges In atlOn and tax deductIons)
respect, as It WIll be explamed In subsequent '
sections. Very often it occurred that the electric utility had already an agreement with some of the
suppliers. This weakened the position of the Architect-Engineer firm as chief project contractor.
In particular, in the United States the incumbent suppliers of the NHSS and the turbine/generator were the
same companies -General Electric and Westinghouse- and became the controlling part of the project. The
6. The manufacturers game
construction company was generally hired by the Architect-Engineer and its function was relatively minor
regarding the control of the project. In summary, the firms with higher power within the project -
additionally to the electric utilities- were the architect-engineer and the suppliers of the NHSS and the
turbine generator. Their relative share in the total costs of a typical project is summarized in Figure 6.7.
As it is shown in figure 6.7, the relative economic weight of the nuclear system vendor was small
compared with the magnitude of responsibility on th~ side of the architect-engineer.
Civil Constructor
34 2
8 4
2 13
37 8 7 2 8 14 6 8
Figure 6.8 Cross tabulation of civil constructors and architect-engineers
6. The manufacturers game
Firms participating in the design and construction of nuclear power plants selected different strategies for
capturing value in the business. These strategies were based on several tradeoffs, which can be
summarized in the following categories: (a) economies of scope, (b) diversification, (c) market power, (d)
vertical integration, and (e) cumulative learning.
7 11 16 8 2
9 32 3 4 18
2 27 58 19 8 6 19
0 20 40 60 80 100
Market Share (0/0)
Figure 6.9 shows how C-E and B& W dominated the market of reactor
pressure vessels in terms of (a) units sold and (b) market share increase
The first dimension, economies of scope, refers to benefits arising from cumulative output in parallel
industries. For example, when Honda introduced its first car in the early 1970s, the company benefited
from the economies of scope arising from the previous cumulative output of motorcycles. Although cars
and motorcycles are different products, there have similar manufacturing and development processes.
The ability to expand horizontally to create new products leads to an increasing diversification of the
firm. Sometimes the diversification of product portfolios goes too far and the organization becomes
unmanageable, the brand unrecognizable and the profits shrink. Therefore there is an optimum balance
between these two competing forces. Honda seems to be doing fine with motorcycles, cars, and SUVs and
does not look very eager to jump into the market for large trucks.
Babcock & Wilcox and Combustion Engineering benefited from economies of scope because these two
firms were the incumbent producers of large equipment for applications in fossil-fueled power plants,
such as heat exchangers, pressure vessels and high temperature circuits. It is not a surprise, therefore, that
these two firms became the incumbent manufacturers of reactor pressure vessels, steam generators, and
reactor internals. They used the experience accumulated in conventional power plants to enhance its
performance in the nuclear market.
6. The manufacturers game
Figure 6.9 shows that the market share of these two firms in producing these items increased over time.
Although successful in using economies of scope to build key reactor components, B&W and C-E had
limited experience in designing complete nuclear power plants. Consequently and after an early
successful introduction, these companies were unable to erode Westinghouse's dominance as PWR
vendors. Previously, in the market of turbine generators, these two firms had tried to compete with GE
and Westinghouse. But it was clear -even before the 1950s- that it was an attempt doomed to failure.
4 2 71 1 2 3 68
'0 20 40 60 80 100
Market Share
In summary, B&W and C-E entered into the nuclear business benefiting from economies of scale, but this
effect was insufficient to make them solid NHSS vendors. As large diversified firms General Electric and
Westinghouse also benefited from economies of scale when they became NHSS manufacturers. Both had
already marketed a huge production of large turbine generators and had developed entire conventional
power plants. Their experience in R&D of complex power assets was already significant. Hence, both
firms were able to manage the process of building nuclear power plants. As a result, their market share in
the segment of nuclear systems increased over time as it is shown in Figure 6.10, as the same time as they
increased their predominance in turbine-generators.
The third dimension, market power, refers to the total market share that a firm can have in a given market
or segment of the market. For instance Microsoft has enormous market power in operating systems, while
Intel excels in computing processors.
Both of these firms have high market power due to their large market shares. They can obtain higher
profits by commanding output and price in the segment. However, Microsoft and Intel have been able to
obtain high market power, in part because they are focused firms and address a market of little vertical
integration. Neither of them tried to approach the computer business with high vertical integration as
Digital did in the 1980s.
6. The manufacturers game .
When firms compete for market power, the tradeoffs are (a) whether to concentrate efforts in a particular
segment in order to gain market share or to diversify, and (b) whether to attack a particular segment of the
industry or try to be an integrator. In the nuclear power business, GE approached the nuclear power
business with high degree if vertical integration. In a given project GE developed the reactor system, the
turbine generator, the pressure vessel, etc. Whereas Westinghouse focused its efforts only in the critical
areas of reactor systems and turbine generators. Regarding pressure vessels, for instance, it gave up the
market to Combustion Engineering and Babcock and Wilcox.
To summarize, the following are the market share ratios in the different segments of reactor construction:
The market power in this industry was heavily concentrated in the hands of two players, General Electric
and Westinghouse. Only in the small segment of pressure vessels was their predominance overshadowed
by other participants. The most severe case of concentration was in the turbine generator segment. With
such concentration,
6. The manufacturers game
6. The manufacturers game
Chapter 7
This chapter explores the reasons why the Westinghouse PWR collapsed in the mid-1980s. Data suggests
that incumbent firms that have successful dominant designs in the market, such as Westinghouse and its
PWR design, very often fail to be aware of subtle -but disrupting- shifts on the demand side. While
Westinghouse was busy building large and complex units in order to increase efficiency and profits the
customer needs were moving in a radically different direction, towards power units that had less inherent risk
(as large capital investments). The chapter shows that there was a fundamental change of mindset among
industry participants and consumers from the late 1950s to the early 1980s.
Regulatory complexity. Many people argue that the increasing intricacy of the regulatory process,
particularly in the United States, discouraged electrical utilities from ordering new nuclear plants. The
licensing process had become so cumbersome that most private firms had decided to dodge these difficulties
by relying completely on other electricity-generating assets, such as coal-fired plants and gas combined
cycles, which have a very good economic performance and less regulatory paperwork. It is important to note,
however, that after the collapse of demand in the 1980s, the NRC made a substantial effort to speed up the
regulatory process and conducted a profound turnover of its licensing standards. One can argue that
nowadays there would be few regulatory obstacles to the licensing of a new nuclear power plant but
nevertheless there is no demand upsurge. This might be showing that regulatory complexity is not by itself
the sole reason for nuclear power decline.
Competition from other energy sources. It might be that nuclear power was abandoned because it could
not compete with other fossil-fueled electricity sources such as coal and gas. Although competition seems to
have been a compelling reason for the nuclear power demise, there are a number of facts that show that this
by itself was not the only reason. First, although it is true that nuclear power has not been competitive during
some periods of time, its competitiveness has been highly dependent on the prevailing prices of fossil fuels,
which have been highly unstable oyer time. According to DOE releases, the 2001 nuclear power bus-bar
costs were lower than the costs of average gas-fueled plants, but this by itself has not prompted a bandwagon
of orders from the electrical utility sector. The truth is that the decision to buy large electricity-generating
assets obeys an elaborate tradeoff that is more profound than simple short-term energy prices. This tradeoff
involves: (a) volatility of energy costs in the long run, (b) reliance on imported energy sources, and (c) the
underlying financial risk of electricity-generating assets.
It is true that real overnight costs of nuclear
power plants increased notably in the period
when demand soared -between 1965 and
1975- as is shown in Figure 8.2. An ~ 4000
overnight cost is the cost that manufacturers N
ask to an electrical utility for delivering the 0>
generating-asset. It is called "overnight" cost I 3000
because it is settled as if the manufacturers CD
could deliver the product overnight -not in
five years. As shown, the unit cost of nuclear
..... 2000
installed capacity in the United States
increased from about $600/kWe in 1966 to o
$3,000/kWe in 1980. A prevailing higher !:::
overnight cost had definitely an impact in ::>
U.S. nuclear power competitiveness but its «
role seems to be coupled with other factors. 0:: o
For instance, it could be the case that the 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80
increase on the overnight price tag of nuclear
power assets was simply a demand vs. supply Year of start of construction
response to market pressure. The only
Figure 7.2 Real overnight costs of nuclear power
conclusion at hand from Figure 7.2 is that plants built in the United States (1982 U.S. dollars).
there were diseconomies of scale in the
construction cost.
In summary, there is empirical evidence that the profound decline of reactor orders was somehow influenced
by safety concerns, adverse public opinion, regulatory intricacy, and lower costs of alternative energy
sources. But none of these reasons is sufficiently strong to explain thoroughly the demise of nuclear power. It
seems that these issues are small parts of a broader picture that has not yet been fully understood. The next
sections are an attempt to do so.
7. The demise of the dominant design
C ,
Q ,
Co I>
1964 1974 (expected) 1974 (real)
7. The demise of the dominant design
illustrate this point, Figure 7.4
g> 1000 1975
summarizes the achievement of ;;
higher ratings as a function of ca
'- 800
cumulative R&D effort. The Q)
~..~. ,J ~1965
gets back for the investment.
~ ............ ~. --
.. .. ..-
7. The demise of the dominant design
Given the expectations regarding the benefits of economies of scale inherent in large power generating
assets, one can imagine that in 1974 most directors at Westinghouse and the ABC would have been very
pleased looking at Figures 7.1 and Figure 7.4. What these two figures were telling was that the demand of
new power plants was robust -especially PWRs- and that the prevailing power ratings of units was exactly
what electrical utilities were expecting. In other words, there was a greedy market for PWRs and
Westinghouse had achieved the long awaited goal of power plants in the 1,300 MW e range. Westinghouse
was clearly listening to its customers and had a strong product to address their needs.
However, listening to market
demand and customer needs
was exactly the wrong thing
to do in 1974. The right
signals to listen were the
," ~ ... -J?197
required to construct plants . c
Originally in the early 1960s, ~o 8
when utilities jumped into ~...
.. .
1965 ~./
the nuclear bandwagon, they enc 6
o •• __ """1:r:- - - - - -Expected
expected construction times ~-fF' • -- ../
in the order of 5 years with ~ 4 ~~ ... +
en "yr •
ns ~'
slight increases due to ; 2
increasing complexity. In
other words, using the same o
x-axis of Figure 7.4, namely o 20000 40000 60000 80000
cumulative R&D effort, a
flat curve was expected. But Cummulative R&D investment ($millions)
as Figure 7.5 clearly shows
this was not the case. Figure 7.5. Curve of average construction times as a function of
Construction times actually cumulative R&D effort (same as Fig 7.4). Data valid for U.S. nuclear
increased and peaked in power plants and prototypes that started operation before 1975.
1975 at around 12 years.
The first nuclear power plant in the
United States, Shippingport, was built in .... Countries
three years, and in days to come it was USA
predicted that normal construction times
of larger units would take on average 15
five years. But this prediction totally
.. . .......................... D
States. Just to provide an example, it e. .. •
. .. ~
.&1'" ...... o•
0 ~.D
()IO. ......
II 0 0*11,
.. ..
c: 1tI 0- oe.o _
California (1968-85) . 5 ..• &(lIiI "'000 00
.Q DI D 1lIP- II ..... .. cxm 0 GER
U:J ;"
.... ~ 0
Figure 7.6 contains a plot
construction time versus net electrical
. * FR
7. The demise of the dominant design
seemingly logical statement. First, the same graph shows that there are many countries -like Germany and
France- that were able to build complex plants of 1,300 MWe in five years. Second, beneath the role of
higher power ratings there are other issues that are highly correlated, like year of construction. Whereas all
small plants were built in the early 1960s, most of the large complex units were constructed in the 1980s
when the regulatory and industrial environment was different. Hence it is difficult to separate the effects of
size from other issues.
In summary, whereas the manufacturers of nuclear reactor systems were gratified by the fact that they had a
seemingly strong market demand and value proposition for buyers, construction times were skyrocketing and
that was very dangerous for the future of the industry.
= 100Cl>Io
[1+ x +2 y]n + 100MI
[1+ y(L 2-1)] + 10 -6 ~[
HuF; 1 +
y{L -1)]
\. J \. I \. I
(:af'i/~/('/J.IiI Fixec/O&'" COS/.f Fill'! cos /_ jo.ui!
The description of the various input parameters and their typical values are given as following:
Natural Gas Coal Nuclear
Overnight cost of the plant 10 ($/kW) 1,000 2,000 2,500
Capacity factor during operation CF 0.92 0.90 0.90
After tax cost of capital x (%/yr) 9 9 9
Inflation/escalation rate y (%/yr) 4 4 4
Plant construction time B (yrs) 3 4 6
Plant operation lifetime L (yrs) 30 30 30
O&M cost in 1st year of operation M1 ($/kW) 30 60 120
Plant thermodynamic efficiency 11 0.33
Plant heat rate HR (BTU/kWh) 7,000 9,800
Fossil fuel cost F1 (cents/million BTU) 600 150
Nuclear fuel cost of 1st core F2 ($/kgU) 1,800
Nuclear fuel burnup Bu (kWd/kgU) 40,000
7. The demise of the dominant design
Substituting the input data in the above-presented formulas one can obtain the total cost of electricity (in
cents/kWh) of the three alternatives, and one can compare with a lifetime-Ievelized bus bar cost. This is the
cost that any electrical utility would need to pay over the entire lifetime of the plant in order to break even.
Numerical results are presented in
Figure 7.7. They show that the main cost
• Capital cost III Fixed O&M cost 0 Fuel cost
component of electricity generated by
nuclear means is the capital cost, which
accounts for 70% of the total cost. Point Nuclear
number one is therefore that the capital
cost is the fundamental parameter in the Coal
competitiveness of nuclear power plants.
Point number two is the relative
Natural gas . .......
importance of the construction time B in
the cost of capital. In other words, the
cost of capital changes significantly o 5 10 15
from B=6 yrs and B=12 yrs. To test this Cost component (cents/kWh)
dependence, one can readily use the
model presented above changing the
parameter B while maintaining the rest
of the variables constant. The results are 18 18
shown in Figure 7.8. By duplicating the 16
construction time from 6 to 12 years the
total cost increases 33%.
12 ....... - -- total cost -- -- 16
In summary, from 1965 to 1975, 10 capital cost 10
construction times of nuclear power 8 8
plants increased abnormally, from an 6 6
average of 6 years to an average of 12 4 O&M cost 4
years. This rise in construction times
2 :-:=~. -=:-:=~.
-=- -=- -= fuel cost . =. -=- 2-=~.:~.. -=~.=~.
increased the capital costs of nuclear
power plants by nearly one-third of the
o 6 8 10 12
original "overnight" capital cost. Since
Construction time (yrs)
70% of the cost of electricity generated
by a nuclear power plant is due to the up
front capital cost, these delays increased Figure 7.8 Cost increase due to longer construction times
in a nuclear power plant
the underlying cost of these assets by at
least 30%. Such an abrupt increase in
cost simply could not be afforded by electrical utilities.
The original promise of economies of scale could not be fulfilled. Instead of having lower unit costs (in
$/kWh) the electricity producers were having higher unit costs. Utilities virtually had to manage large
complex and challenging generating assets to have input costs that were .above market value. It was not a
sound investment at all, i.e. economies of scale affected O&M and fuel costs which were the smaller portion
of total costs.
7. The demise of the dominant design
i iiI I ii Ii i
reactors and Japan with 45 reactors are
two of the strongest advocates of nuclear
energy in the world.
As Figure 7.9 shows, the average times 1964-67 1968-71 1972-75 1976-79 1980-83
1964-67 1968-71 1972.75 1976-79 1980-83
required for construction skyrocketed
only in the United States, for projects
starting around 1965. The rest of the 8.5 8.5 8.5
countries had minor increases or managed
iiIi I iill
to reduce their construction times. In 4.0
Japan, reactors built in 1980-83 were built
in 5 years. In France construction times
were slightly higher, between 6 and 7 1968-71 1972-75 1976-79 1980-83 1964-67 1968-71 1972-75 1976-79 1980-83
The conclusion is therefore that whatever
caused the slowdown of construction
Figure 7.9 A verage construction times in selected
times was inherent to the U.S. nuclear
countries versus the year when the project was half-done
industry only.
There are a number of hypothesis as to why nuclear power plant construction in the United States took such
long times. The fITst is the intricacy of the regulatory process, which introduced innumerable delays to
projects. As it was mentioned in previous chapters, the U.S. nuclear regulatory body had a hard time
processing the burst of reactor orders that occurred between 1965 and 1974 (see Figure 7.1). The second
hypothesis is that the long construction times were caused by the large number of participants in the
construction process and their relative inexperience in building power plants. As it was mentioned in chapter
6, the main participants on the design & construction process were: (a) the electrical utility, (b) the architect-
engineer, (c) the reactor system vendor, (d) the turbine generator manufacturer and (e) the construction
In'the United States, there were 60 utilities operating 115 nuclear power plants, 15 architect- engineers and a
similar number of construction firms, 4 reactor system vendors and 2 turbine generator manufacturers. The
possible permutations of that many players are utterly immense. It is similarly huge the complexity of the
construction process and the organizational challenge of undertaking an extremely technically difficult
project, such as a nuclear power plant, with so many participants on board. Notice that the process is
progressive since as more reactors are built, more participants are attracted, there are more firms involved
and ultimately construction times increase. That would explain why in the beginning (before 1965) reactors
were built in the United States in less than 5 years. At that time there were few firms involved.
Compare this situation with France, which has only 1 utility operating 60 reactors, Electricite de France,
which is also the architect-engineer of plants. There is 1 reactor vendor, Framatome, and 1 turbine generator
manufacturer, Alshom. Obviously the degree of organizational complexity is much lower in France than it is
in the United States.
7. The demise of the dominant design
participants then one can expect that the whole Intemals engineer --- Constructor
licensing process would be difficult and long. vendor
After all it would be in the NRC' s best interest
~ /
Reactor Turbine
to detect potential sources of problems arising vendor -- Vendor
from messy organizational structures.
However, the first hypothesis is really difficult
to prove. It is not easy to show that reactors
r' core
with longer construction times faced more
regulatory difficulties than reactors that were
built faster. For these reasons, we shall focus Figure 7.10 Critical interactions during the design
only on testing the second hypothesis, i.e. firm and construction of a nuclear power plant
To test the influence of the number of firms on total construction times, using a statistical analysis tool
(SPSS), some "diversity" parameters have to be defined. These parameters evaluate diversity by pairs, and
refer to the most critical interactions that are expected to occur during the design & construction process.
These interactions are summarized in Figure 7.10.
AExCIV: Architect-engineer and civil constructor (=0 if are the same, .=2 otherwise)
RSxTUR: Reactor system vendor and turbine vendor (=0 if are the same, =2 otherwise)
UTlxAE: Utility and architect-engineer (=0 if are the same, =2 otherwise)
UTlxCIV: Utility and civil constructor (=0 if are the same, =2 otherwise)
RSxRPV: Reactor system vendor and RPV vendor (=0 if are the same, =2 otherwise)
TURxSTR: Turbine vendor and steam riser vendor (=0 if are the same, =2 otherwise)
TURxAE: Turbine vendor and architect engineer (=0 if are the same, =2 otherwise)
RSxAE: Reactor system vendor and architect-engineer (=0 if are the same, =2 otherwise)
RSxCORE: Reactor system vendor and 1 core vendor (=0 if are the same, =2 otherwise)
RSxINTER: Reactor system vendor and RPV internals (=0 if are the same, =2 otherwise)
DIVERSE: Average of all previous variables (=0 lowest diversity, =2 highest)
The correlation matrix between these parameters is shown in Table 7.2 for worldwide data corresponding to
279 reactors built before 1989 (189 of them PWRs). For clarity, the main results involving the correlation
between diversity parameters and construction length are summarized below, organized by country:
0:: W 0::
0:: > I- 0:: w w
> ::> a.. en w o I- en
C3 0:: () Z 0::
x ~ X ~ ~ X X w
w en en ::> en en en >
« 0:: 0:: I- 0:: 0:: 0:: is
USA .081 ..029 -.295* -.229* .080 .131 .052 .8 -.077 -.154* -.031*
JAPAN -.548* -.165* .8 8 .128 -.206* -.242* -.223* -.056 -.205* -.337*
SWEDEN -.123 -.070 -.031 -.186* .119 .026 .093 .078 -.258* -.163* -.666*
BELGIUM -.117 -.083 -.038 -.170* .093 .011 .087 .072 -.248* -.155* -.842*
ALL -.119 -.086 -.040 -.171* .098 .007 .085 .071 -.236* -.147* -.163*
* Correlation is significant at the O.05 level (1-tailed). a cannot compute a result because one of the two parameters is constant
7. The demise of the dominant design
First, let us focus on the United States. The results show that there is no statistically significant correlation
between DIVERSE (which accounts for overall diversity) and the construction length of the projects. This
might be indicating that the number of firms by itself does not make a project messy. It is the way the
participants orchestrate themselves that makes a project a big success or a failure. One can argue that Japan
had a very organized and well-managed system for delivering nuclear power plants on schedule, while the
United States had a less efficient system; not because there were many players on board but because they
were badly organized.
However, the results show some parameters that are statistically significant and are negatively correlated
with construction times. The first, UTIXCIV, accounts for the relationship between the construction firm and
the electrical utility. Projects where the constructor was the utility had substantially shorter construction
times. This finding might be indicating that one of the bottlenecks of the construction process was in the
construction firm and how it interacted with its two immediate partners: the architect-engineer and the
electrical utility. The other parameters that are negatively correlated are RSXCORE and RSXINTER. These
parameters account for the relation between the reactor system vendor and two of its main suppliers: the 1st
core supplier and the core intemals manufacturer. Since the correlation is negative with construction length it
means that projects where the reactor vendor was also the supplier had substantially shorter construction
times. This finding might be showing that in the U.S. most delays in the construction process were
introduced by late deliveries of these components, which are in the critical path of the construction of the
reactor. For instance, without a timely delivery of the reactor internals, a number of extremely time-
consuming tasks can not be done on time.
Let us focus now Japan, Sweden and Belgium. Note that, as it was mentioned before, these nations managed
to have lower construction costs and -arguably- a more organized construction and delivery process. The
matrix correlation shows a statistically significant correlation between construction time and most of the
diversity variables -including DIVERSE. Again, since the correlation is negative with construction length it
means that projects where there were many participants involved had substantially longer construction times.
In the particular case of Japan, for instance, there is a strongly negative correlation between construction
length and AEXCN, which means that projects where the architect-engineer and the civil constructor were
the same company, had shorter construction times. The same conclusion holds for RSXTUR, TURXAE and
TURXSTR, namely, when the turbine generator manufacturer was also the reactor vendor, the architect-
engineer and the steam-rising supplier, then the project was more likely to finish on time.
France is not included in the correlation matrix because most of the parameters were constant. In other
words, all the French reactors were built using exactly the same formula -as was pointed out- and therefore it
is impossible to make a correlation. However it is important to note that France has a good record of timely
construction as it is shown below:
Number Average Number Average
of BWRs Construction of PWRs Construction
built time (yrs) built time (yrs)
JAPAN 19 5.9 16 4.7
SWITZ. 2 7.0 3 4.7
FRANCE 48 6.5
GERMANY 7 8.1 13 6.5
KOREA 8 6.9
SWEDEN 9 5.4 3 7.3
SPAIN 2 7.5 7 8.6
USA 47 7.7 82 8.7
It is important to note that there is no significant difference between the PWR and other competitive designs
regarding construction delays. The problems associated with mismanagement of nuclear power projects in
the United States affected both BWR and PWR projects.
7. The demise of the dominant design
Table 7.1. Summary of AEG's Research and Development costs from 1948 to 1974
7. The demise of the dominant design
Table 7.2 Correlation matrix between diversity parameters. Data valid for 279 reactors, 189 of them
PWR, built worldwide before 1989
'~' •••. "''''-'''~"' ,~,";.": •.',.,;,.;.;,, •• .,;,..;.~ .. .:..." ~ .. ~u,,~~ ",.~,;.;;;~::;~ ~;.:.;..:;~;;.;'; ";::::~~;;::::~"Z,
:~ ~~~xr.rn:~] :tiri~1\7;f~i :~:~ ;~ ~~1.~;Wi1 ~% g~}~~
'Alxcw:.':". ;:::.:.- J.OOO .J17 -.141' .144 .005 .056 ...1ij. ...123' .199'l .274 .174~ ...119
.. .. . " - -'
-.. ........... 01':><'
.117 1.000 -.161 ...004 ...381' •778 .259' .289' .209' .127 .641Ji
........... ... -
':'':' ':''''"'':'-~.,;,-~'''''.':-'':'.;..
.144' ...004 .251 J.OOO ...091 .006 ...103' .175 .J9(1' .268 -.171
.056 .778' -.341' .006 ...27/f' J.OOO .115' .070 .19~ .1Jl' .573 JJ07
...18.1' .259' ...186 ...101' ....124' .115' 1.000 .855 -.331 ...198' .146 JJ85
............ -
RSXCffiE:::::::::: ~
..""'_ .._-" .. .199' .2fJ9' ...
444' •J75 ...247' .J95' -.311 ...311' JJJOO .653' ...058 -.236
-'_\..I,Oo~' _"_"'I_'<JoUoo.-'"
......... ,-_ .. _~.....-;.o ... ......, .......... ~
.274' ...491 .J9(1' ...Jl1' .1J2' ...198' ...194' .65P 1.000 .049
~XlNrER ~=:..::_
DIVERiEr::,::'::::'.~ -
-, ;..,: -..... .174 .14~ .168' .131 •571' .346 .198' ...058 .019 1.000 ...019
.~~"': " .... _''''''':''':''~ '':' ~ .~~
~!1i:t.~~(~!!.)~~):;..: _
...119 ...m6 ...010 ...171 .098 .007 .m5 .071 ...147 ...049 1.000
This chapter is a rapid fast-forward through the 1990s. It explores the achievement of the long-awaited
positive externalities of a dominant design. It shows how the performance of nuclear power plants has
increased notably, through a combination of industry consolidation, specialization, cumulative learning
effects, and economies of scale. The chapter finishes with a summary of the Westinghouse PWR case and
a framework for understanding the issues from the point of view of public policy and management of
technology .
The process of consolidation within the nuclear power industry occurred primarily through two parallel
processes: (a) mergers and acquisitions between electrical utilities, and (b) purchases of nuclear power
plants. The first process -mergers and acquisitions between different firms- increased momentum
between 1998 and 2001 and the outcome is summarized below (including Figure 8.2):
The process of mergers and acquisitions between nuclear power operators is not an isolated story. It has
occurred at the same time energy markets in general have been restructured. Vertically integrated utilities
have been broken up. A new-generation industry has sprung up with new players and business dynamics.
In the nuclear arena, mergers and acquisitions led to multiple plants among fewer owners. Most
companies that own nuclear plants have nuclear as their core business. The emerging nuclear operating
companies are focused on the management and oversight of their operating plants with increased
economies of scales and resource sharing among a larger plant base. In brief, nuclear consolidation seems
to occur in conjunction with specialization.
In particular, Exelon Corporation is
building a case for nuclear power. Table 8.1. Between 1998 and 2001, fifteen U.S. nuclear power
Exelon currently represents nearly plants were acquired by other electrical utilities.
one-fifth of the U.S. nuclear power • In 1998-99, 4 reactors sold for $404 million.
capacity, with 17 reactors at 10 sites. • In 2000101, 9 reactors sold for $3. 7.billion
Exelon's strategy seemingly is to be
ready with a plan when nuclear
projects become viable, and in the
13x819 $100m
meantime enj oy the benefits of
market power and economies of 8x650 $10m
scale. For instance, since Exelon 26x933 $182m
spends about $600 million a year on
Pilgrim 1 11x655 $112m
uranium fuel its buying power is
significantly higher than other Indian Point 3 15x965 $967m
FitzPatrick 14x816
smaller buyers. As a result, better
Nine Mile Point 1 2J
deals can be brokered and fuel cost
reductions can be achieved. Savings 10x986;12x98E $602m
are also realized by spreading O&M 14x870: $1305m
and overhead costs across the 25x1154
company, and using the same
contractors during refueling outages
8. The 1990s and beyond: lessons from the Westinghouse PWR case
and maintenance activities. Thus while the industry average down time for refueling is about 32 days,
Exelon units were down an average of 22 during 2000. The same year, Exelon's nuclear plants had a
capacity factor of 93.8 percent compared to an industry average of 89.6.
Regarding the second process leading to nuclear power consolidation, i.e. the purchasing of electricity-
generating assets, it is important to note that a few years ago nuclear power plants were seen as expensive
liabilities. But today their perceived value has increased. As shown in Table 8.1, facilities designed for
shutdown have been recently sold to the highest bidder. Three Mile Island 1, the sister unit to Three Mile
Island 2, the reactor that had an accident in 1979, started the path when it was sold in 1998 for $100
million. The sale of Clinton 1 followed course when the reactor was purchased form Illinois Power Co.
for $182 million. The latter cost illinois Power $4.2 billion to build.
The early purchases of nuclear plants -between 1998 and 1999- were cheap compared to more recent
prices of nuclear electricity-generating assets. The reason why these early sales were less expensive is
because some companies were looking to lean their assets in order to be competitive -in a deregulated
environment- and nuclear power was not their core business. Companies that were actively looking to be
in the nuclear business benefited from this situation and bought assets at bargain prices, i.e. Exelon,
Entergy, NumCo. Once market forces started to act, competition increased and assets began to be sold for
higher prices. Hence, when in 2000 Entergy bought Indian Point 3 and Fitz-Patrick nuclear plants from
New York Power Authority, it had to pay $967 million. Again, the surge of sales in the northeast reflects
the relatively pace of deregulation in states like New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Pennsylvania.
To illustrate the point of
increasing bidding prices,
Figure 8.3 provides a summary
of purchases versus the -
underlying value of the
~ 1,000
electricity-generating asset. The Q)
later is plotted in the x-axis and o
accounts for the product of C. 600 1998/99
useful life times the electricity c:
gener~ting capacity. This in E
theory is the maximum amount .~ 200
of energy (in kilowatt-hour) that c-
a nuclear operator can extract o
from an asset. One can consider
10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000
this number as something "in
theory" because the NRC is Useful Life (rv1W x year)
granting operational extensions
that can extend the useful life 10 Figure 8.3. Between 1998 and 2001, the acquisition price of nuclear
years and even 20 years in some power plants increased significantly.
particular cases. However these • In 1998/99, $400million for 10,000 megawatt-year.
extensions are analyzed on a • In 2000/01, $150million for 10,000 megawatt-year.
case-by-case basis and cannot
be taken for granted.
Additional nuclear plants are expected to be up for sale in the next years as more utilities divest their
electricity-generating assets in response to restructuring initiatives in several states that remain heavily
B. The 1990s and beyond: lessons from the Westinghouse PWR case
I-- -
0_ -
-:--r Average
Figure 8.6 shows another plant t-- t-- I-- t-- ..:... I-- .:.. - - - > Median
performance parameter, the refueling 20 l- I- l- I- - t-- - .....:. ~
outage time, which is intimately related to t-- t-- I-- I-- ....:., I- ~ - -
capacity factor. Every 18 months, more or o I I I I I
plants was not constrained to parameters :2 ::
uo 77
that are intimately related with higher Uo
profits. Figure 8.7 shows that the o
o IJO' 0.46
industrial safety accident rate also
decreased substantially during the last two
decades. This indicates better
80 84 88 90 92
~J 94 96 98 99 2000
management and more experienced
crews. Figure B.7. Reduction of the rate of accidents due to
industrialreasons (not necessarily nuclear-related incidents)
8. The 1990s and beyond: lessons from the Westinghouse PWR case
8. The 1990s and beyond: lessons from the Westinghouse PWR case
8. The 1990s and beyond: lessons from the Westinghouse PWR case
8. The 1990s and beyond: lessons from the Westinghouse PWR case
construction firms. Westinghouse adopted this strategy probably because it was the familiar way. As was
shown in Chapter 5, Westinghouse had a history of selling large turbine generators for conventional
power plants. In this segment of the market Westinghouse had been a pure player, with no involvement in
other areas of the plant. Therefore, when the first nuclear power plants started to be built, the extension of
this role of pure supplier was natural. However, to dodge the complexities of the construction process and
to act as if the demand was infinite had a downside: long construction times that jeopardized the
competitiveness of nuclear power plants.
The PWR is probably one of the few dominant designs that emerged because of the role of suppliers, in
this case the supplier of the reactor system - Westinghouse- and the supplier of the turbine generator -also
Westinghouse. As it was shown in Chapter 5, tying these two components together is probably on the
borderline of antitrust infringement. Indeed there was an antitrust case against GE and Westinghouse
regarding large turbine generators. One can argue that this non-competitive strategy was a win-win deal
for both firms that hurt other designs, such as gas-cooled reactors, but by itself it does not explain the
early success of the PWR.
General Electric took the same strategic approach as Westinghouse but it was less successful probably for
three reasons: (a) utility managers did not like to have water coming from the reactor inside the turbine
generator and therefore preferred the PWR over the BWR, (b) the supplier base that Westinghouse was
able to assemble was broader, and (c) from the outset Westinghouse issued licenses to firms developing
the PWR, thus there were a number of manufacturers of PWR technology such as Framatome, Mitsubishi,
Babcock& Wilcox and Combustion-Engineering.
Westinghouse also made the mistake of listening excessively to its customers, the electrical utilities,
which were asking for larger power plants. As it was shown in Chapter 7, in the 1960s and 1970s the
single most important performance parameter for electrical utilities was scale. The larger the unit the
better, as it was assumed that larger sizes implied lower electricity costs (in dollars per kilowatt-hour).
Reactor vendors worked hard to achieve the goal of higher power ratings and were quite successful in the
effort, building power plants with power ratings on the order of 1,300 MWe. However, listening to market
demand and customer needs was exactly the wrong thing to do. The right signals to listen were the
increasingly long times required to construct plants.
Originally in the early 1960s, when utilities jumped into the nuclear bandwagon, they expected
construction times in the order of 5 years with slight increases due to increasing complexity. The first
nuclear power plant in the United States, Shippingport, was built in three years, and in days to come it
was predicted that normal construction times of larger units would take on average five years. But this
prediction totally underestimated the complexity of nuclear plant construction in the United States. Just to
provide an example, it took 17 years to build the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant in California.
Average construction times increased and peaked in 1975 at around 12 years.
Chapter 7 argues that the long construction times were caused by the large number of participants in the
construction process and their relative inexperience in building power plants. In the United States, there
were 60 utilities operating 115 nuclear power plants, 15 architect- engineers and a similar number of
construction firms, 4 reactor system vendors and 2 turbine generator manufacturers. The possible
permutations of that many players are utterly immense. It is similarly huge the complexity of the
construction process and the organizational challenge of undertaking an extremely technically difficult
project, such as a nuclear power plant, with so many participants on board.
Compare this situation with France, which has only 1 utility operating 60 reactors, Electricite de France,
which is also the architect-engineer of plants. There is 1 reactor vendor, Framatome, and 1 turbine
generator manufacturer, Alshom. Obviously the degree of organizational complexity is much lower in
France than it is in the United States.
8. The 1990s and beyond: lessons from the Westinghouse PWR case
The rise in construction times increased the capital costs of nuclear power plants by nearly one-third of
the original "overnight" capital cost. Since 70% of the cost of electricity generated by a nuclear power
plant is due to the up front capital cost, these delays increased the underlying cost of these assets by at
least 30%. Such an abrupt increase in cost simply could not be afforded by electrical utilities. Hence, the
original promise of economies of scale could not be fulfilled. Instead of having lower unit costs (in
$/kWh) the electricity producers were having higher unit costs. Utilities virtually had to manage large
complex and challenging generating assets to have input costs that were above market value. It was not a
sound investment at all, i.e. economies of scale affected O&M and fuel costs which were the smaller
portion of total costs (see Figure 8.11).
The fact of the matter is the first priority
of an electrical utility is to have a low • Capital cost Il Fixed O&M cost 0 Fuel cost
8. The 1990s and beyond: lessons from the Westinghouse PWR case
largely nuclear-specialized utility would have been the best choice. The example of EdF in France is
worthwhile to mention here. EdF managed to build 60 nuclear power plants with construction times on
the order of 6 years (half the time most U.S. utilities spent building plants back in the 1970s).
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