CHAPTER 1: Productivity Measurement and Improvement: Learning Objectives
CHAPTER 1: Productivity Measurement and Improvement: Learning Objectives
CHAPTER 1: Productivity Measurement and Improvement: Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives
Productivity growth is the increase in productivity from one period to the next
relative to the productivity in the preceding period. Thus,
Productivity Measurement
Multifactor Productivity
Calculations of multifactor productivity measure inputs and outputs using a common
unit of measurement, such as cost. For instance, the measure might use cost of inputs
and units of the output.
All these factors are potential sources of productivity, and it is generally up to the
manager to see that they are fully exploited.
Copiers Calculators
E-mail Software
Use of the Internet can lower costs of a wide range of transactions, thereby
increasing productivity. It is likely that this effect will continue to increase
productivity in the foreseeable future.
Layoffs often affect productivity. The effect can be positive and negative.
Initially, productivity may increase after a layoff, because the workload
remains the same but fewer workers do the work—although they have to
work harder and longer to do it. However, as time goes by, the remaining
workers may experience an increased risk of burnout, and they may fear
additional job cuts. The most capable workers may decide to leave.
Design of the workspace can impact productivity. For example, having tools
and other work items within easy reach can positively impact productivity.
Productivity Improvement
2. Look at the system as a whole in deciding which operations are most critical. It is
overall productivity that is important. Managers need to reflect on the value of
potential productivity improvements before approving improvement efforts. The issue
is effectiveness. There are several aspects of this. One is to make sure the result will
be something customers want.
3. Develop methods for achieving productivity improvements, such as soliciting ideas
from workers (perhaps organizing teams of workers, engineers, and managers),
studying how other firms have increased productivity, and reexamining the way work
is done.
Learning Objectives
• Operation charts
• Process charts
• Activity charts
• Flow diagrams
2. Inspection operations
Process Charts
The chart consists of a vertical list of activities using symbols to represent operations,
inspections, moves, delays and storage and other activities.
Principal types of process charts
The flow process chart in industrial engineering is a graphical and symbolic representation
of the processing activities performed on the work piece.
A listing of the activities of one or more subjects (e.g., workers, machines) plotted
against a time scale to indicate graphically how much time is spent on each activity.
It is an illustration that shows the contributions of the right and left hands of a worker and
the balance of the workload between the right and left hands
Useful in analyzing the work performed by one person at one specific workstation. As the
name implies, the chart follows the motion of the left and right hands of one operator
Each hand’s activities are broken into work elements and plotted side by side on a time
Man-machine chart
The worker and machine process chart (Man-machine chart) is used to study, analyze, and
improve one workstation at a time.
The chart shows the exact time relationship between the working cycle of the person and
operating cycle of the machine.
This chart indicates activities in which two or more workers performing together as a
Can be used to analyze the operations of different stations in the the same chart.
Objective: To better coordinate the activities and balance the workload among the
Flow Diagrams
A flow diagram is essentially a flow process chart drawn to:
It depicts the probable movement of materials in the floor plant. The movement is
represented by a line in the plant drawing.
Basic Motions
Effective therbligs directly advance the progress of the work. They can frequently
be shortened, but typically cannot be completely eliminated
Ineffective therbligs do not advance the progress of the work and should be
eliminated by applying the principles of motion economy.
Basic building blocks of virtually all manual work performed at a single location.
Motion of empty hand to or from object; time
depends on distance moved; usually preceded by Re-
Delay Orienting objecl during work, usually preceded by
Move and followed by Release (as opposed to during
fcir Prepositic›n).
Avoidable Delay AD Operator solely responsible for idle dme, e.g.. coughing.
Hold H One hand supports abject while other does useful wark..
The Two-Hand Process Chart
It shows all movements and delays made by the right and left hands, and the
relationships between them.
The purpose of the two hand process chart is to identify inefficient motion
patterns and observe violations of the principles of motion economy.
Principles concerning the economy of movements which have been developed from
direct experimentation and form a good basis for the development of improved
methods at the workplace.
4. Hand and body motions should be confined to the lowest classification with
which it is possible to perform the work satisfactorily.
Understanding the classifications of motions plays a major role in using this
fundamental law of motion economy appropriately in methods studies. The
classifications are as follows:
a) Finger motions are made by moving the finger or fingers while the
remainder of the arm is kept stationary
b) Finger and wrist motions are made while the forearm and upper arm are
stationary and are referred to as second-class motions.
Repetitive work involving force with the arms extended can induce
injury and the workstation should be designed so that the elbows can
be kept at 90° while work is being done.
e) Fifth-class motions include body motions such as of the trunk, which are
the most time-consuming and should generally be avoided.
7. Ballistic movement are faster, easier and more accurate than restricted or
controlled movements.
1. There should be a definite and fixed place for all tools and materials.
2. Tools, materials and controls should be located close to the point of use.
In every motion, a distance is involved. The greater the distance, the larger the
muscular effort, control, and time. It is therefore important to minimize distances.
3. Gravity feed bins and containers should be used to deliver material close to the point of use.
5. Materials and tools should be located to permit the best sequence of motions.
8. The height of the work place and the chair should be preferably arranged so that alternate sitting and standing
at work are easily possible.
9. A chair of the type and height to permit good posture should be provided for every worker.
1. The hands should be relieved of all work that can be done more advantageously by a jig, a fixture, or a foot-operated
5. Levers, hand wheels, and other controls should be located in such positions that the operator can manipulate them with the
least change in body position and with the greatest speed and ease
Engr. Jayson M. Lacerna
To know how to use operation analysis to improve the method by asking what.
Methods analysts use operation analysis to study all productive and non-productive elements of an operation, to increase
productivity per unit of time, and to reduce unit costs while maintaining or improving quality.
The question why immediately suggests other questions, including how, who, where, and when. Thus, analysts might ask,
4. When should the operation be performed to yield the least amount of material handling?
the purpose of the operation
the design of the parts
tolerances and specifications
the materials to be used
the sequences of the manufacturing processes
setup and tooling
Materials handling
the layout of the operations
work design
Based on experience, as much as 25 percent of the operations being performed can be eliminated if sufficient
study is given to the design and process.
Designs can be changed, and if improvement is the result and the activity of the
job is significant, then the change should be made.
To improve the design, analysts should keep in mind the following pointers for
lower-cost designs on each component and each subassembly:
Reduce the number of parts by simplifying the design.
Reduce the number of operations and the length of travel in manufacturing by
joining the parts better and by making the machining and assembly easier.
Tolerances serve the maximum deviation from the nominal value that will still allow
proper function.
Concerns tolerances and specifications that relate to the quality of the product, that is,
its ability to satisfy given needs.
Methods analysts should be well versed in the details of cost and should be fully aware
of what unnecessarily close tolerances and/or rejects can do to the selling price.
Developing quality products in a manner that actually reduces costs is a major rule of
the approach to quality instituted by Taguchi (1986). This approach involves combining
engineering and statistical methods to achieve improvements in cost and quality by
optimizing product design and manufacturing methods. This step corresponds to
reducing the muda of inappropriate processing.
Analysts should also take into consideration the ideal inspection procedure.
Inspection is a verification of quantity, quality, dimensions, and performance. Such
inspections can usually be performed by a variety of techniques: spot inspection, lot-by-
lot inspection, or 100 percent inspection.
Choosing the correct material may be difficult because of the great variety available, so it is often more practical to
incorporate a better and more economical material into an existing design.
Methods analysts should consider the following possibilities for the direct and indirect materials utilized in a
Standardizing materials.
Finding the best vendor from the standpoint of price and vendor stocking.
(3) labor,
Material handling includes motion, time, place, quantity, and space
First, material handling must ensure that parts, raw materials, inprocess
materials, finished products, and supplies are moved periodically from
location to location.
Second, as each operation requires materials and supplies at a particular
time, material handling ensures that no production process or customer is
hampered by either the early or late arrival of materials.
Third, material handling must ensure that materials are delivered to the
correct place
Fourth, material handling must ensure that materials are delivered at each
location without damage and in the proper quantity.
Finally, material handling must consider storage space, both temporary
and dormant.
The following five points should be considered for reducing the time spent in handling material:
The principal objective of effective plant layout is to develop a production system that
permits the manufacture of the desired number of products with the desired quality at the
least cost.
Physical layout is an important element of an entire production system that embraces
operation cards, inventory control, material handling, scheduling, routing, and dispatching.
All these elements must be care handling, scheduling, routing, and dispatching. All these
elements must be carefully integrated to fulfil the stated objective.
In general, all plant layouts represent one or a combination of two basic layouts: product or
straight-line layouts and process or functional layouts.
Product or straight-line layout - the machinery is located such that the flow from one
operation to the next is minimized for any product class.
Process layout is the grouping of similar facilities. Thus, all turret lathes would be grouped in
one section, department, or building.
The principles and guidelines are basically the use of human body in where you identify the muscle speed according to time duration, the
arrangement and conditions of the working place and the design of the tools and equipment.
Analyst should carefully analyze the movement of LH- RH process, working place, movements, posture, eye fixations, finger motions and
the position to avoid ineffective therbligs.
Originated with the Toyota Motor Corporation as a means of eliminating waste in the aftermath of the 1973 oil embargo. It
followed the footsteps of the Taylor system of scientific management but in much broader approach, targeting not only
manufacturing costs, but also sales, administrative, and capital costs.
It is also called Lean Production
It is a set of tools and methodologies that aims for the continuous elimination of all waste in the production process.
Originated with the Toyota Motor Corporation as a means of eliminating waste in the aftermath of the 1973 oil embargo. It
followed the footsteps of the Taylor system of scientific management but in much broader approach, targeting not only
manufacturing costs, but also sales, administrative, and capital costs.
It is also called Lean Production
It is a set of tools and methodologies that aims for the continuous elimination of all waste in the production process.
Muda (waste)
Muda is the Japanese word for waste and includes non value adding activities that prevent flow and lead to longer lead
We consider all activities as non-value adding, that a customer would not be willing to pay for if he would have the chance
to decide.
As Mnemonic device, the first letters of the eight wastes form the acronym DOWNTIME.
sort (seiri)- removing all unnecessary items from the workplace and leaving only the bare essentials
set in order (seiton) - arranges needed items so that they are easy to find and use.
standardize (seiketsu) -serves to maintain the order and consistent approach to housekeeping and the methods
In fact, most companies require certification before analyst are permitted to establish standard time using
Work factor, Methods Time Measurement(MTM-1 and MTM-2) or
Methods-Time Measurement (Maynard, Stegemerten, and Schwab, 1948) gives time values for the fundamental motions of reach, move, turn, grasp, position,
disengage, and release.
“A procedure which analyzes any manual operation or method into the basic motions required to perform it, and assigns to each motion a pre-determined time
standard which is determined by the nature of the motion and the conditions under which it is made.”
Unit of Measure
MTM 1 - Reach
Turn and Apply Pressure
Position and Release
Disengage and Eye Travel/Focus
Body, Leg and foot motion
Simultaneous Motion
MTM Procedure
First, the analyst summarizes all left-hand and right-hand motions required to perform the job
Then the rated times in TMU for each motion are determined from the methods– time data tables
To determine the time required for a normal performance of the task, the non limiting motion
values are either circled or deleted, as only the limiting motions will be summarized, provided
that it is “easy” to perform the two motions simultaneously.
The tabulated values do not include any allowance for personal delays, fatigue, or unavoidable
delays. When analysts use these values to establish time standards, they must add appropriate
allowances to the summary of the synthetic basic motion times. Proponents of MTM-1 state that
no fatigue allowance is needed in the vast majority of applications, because the MTM-1 values
are based on a work rate that can be sustained at steady state for the working life of a healthy