Young Professionals: Program at The World Bank Program Overview
Young Professionals: Program at The World Bank Program Overview
Young Professionals: Program at The World Bank Program Overview
the Bank. The Program gave me the
opportunity to work in different parts
career in the World Bank. It is a unique opportunity for young people
of the Bank before I found what I
really wanted to do and where I could
who have both a passion for international development and the poten-
contribute the most. On a personal
level, the friendships I forged with tial to become future global leaders. The Program is designed for highly quali-
my fellow YPs have stood the test of
time. It's like having a family within fied and motivated individuals skilled in areas relevant to the World Bank's op-
the Bank!"
- Priya Basu, Indian, Manager, Innovative erations such as, economics, finance, education, public health, social sciences,
engineering, urban planning, and natural resource management. In order to be
"The excitement of project work
and seeing firsthand how they can competitive for this highly selective program, candidates need to demonstrate a
benefit people's lives started with my
experience in the Young Professionals commitment to development, proven academic success, professional achieve-
Program and is still continuing,
ment, and leadership capability. We value diversity in our workplace, and en-
- Keiko Miwa, Japanese, Country courage qualified men and women, including those with disabilities, with diverse
Manager, Laos
professional, academic and cultural backgrounds to apply. Since its inception,
"The Young Professionals Program
has given me the opportunity to work the YP Program has hired over 1,500 people who now range from new recruits to
on global environmental partnerships
at the interface of development and managing directors and vice presidents. It is a unique opportunity to experience
environmental protection."
development and gain exposure to the World Bank's operations and policies.
- Benoit Bosquet, Belgian, Lead Carbon
Finance Specialist