Eapp M2
Eapp M2
Eapp M2
A. Instructions: Below are some essential words that you need to understand to fully appreciate
the lesson. Scan the soft copy of your module for these words. Then, spell the word by filling in
the spaces with the missing letters. The given definitions may serve as your clue.
5. T _ E _ I _ - The most important message that the entire written article tries to prove.
B. Instructions: What do you find easy about academic writing? What is difficult about it? Below
are some ways on how you should use the basic elements of composition to produce good
academic papers. Rank them by putting numbers from 1 to 7, 1 as the easiest and 5 as the
most challenging (Just copy the text on your work area to number them). Also, briefly answer
the given questions.
___ Assert the purpose of the subject matter to specific professional audience.
What kind of writing tasks do you think you will encounter in this subject?
WW (32 PTS)
Instructions: Look closely at the discussion of the six common academic texts. At which part
of the texts will you find the details in Column A? Explain your answer.
PT (15 PTS)
To make the structure of academic texts tangible to you, you need to get a sample hard
copy of each. You need not get the very long samples. SHORT ONES WILL DO. The
samples you will choose will demonstrate your understanding of structures and contents of
academic texts. (15 points)
1. Print, cut out, photocopy, or copy a sample of each of the six academic texts.
3. Your first page will be your title page. Make sure to follow the format for the title page
using font type Arial, size 14.
4. Include Table of Contents (TOC) page complete with the headings and their page
6. Arrange the samples as specified in the TOC. Make sure to write the page numbers at
the top right corner of each page.
Timeliness- 3 pts
Correctness- 3 pts
Completeness- 3 pts
Comprehension- 3 pts
Instructions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is not. Write your answers
in a separate sheet of paper.
WW (60PTS)
Instructions: Read carefully the following texts. Underline/ highlight the key ideas and
phrases in the text. Write a summary of one to two sentences of the selection using as many of
the main idea words as possible. Write your summary in another sheet of paper.
Imagine you only have Php30.00 for each text and that each word you use is worth one
peso. Let’s see how much money you will save at the end of this task!
· Length- 4 pts
· Accuracy- 4 pts
· Paraphrasing- 4 pts
· Focus- 4 pts
PT (20PTS)
Instructions: Choose your favorite book or movie and write a summary of its plot. Make sure
to follow the format below. Write your summary in a separate sheet of paper. Your summary will
be rated using the criteria above.
● Times New Roman, 12
● 1.5 Spacing
● 1” margin on all sides
Instructions: Each set contains one topic, one thesis statement, and two supporting
sentences. Label each item as T for the topic, TH for the thesis statement, and S for supporting
Set A.
____A. People listen to audiobooks while doing other tasks, such as commuting or
____B. Audiobooks are more convenient than printed books for several reasons
____D. Audiobooks.
Set B.
____A. A radiologic technology degree allows a person to work in medical settings where x-
rays, CT scans, MRIs, sonograms and other diagnostic imaging is needed.
____B. There are many career opportunities for those in the medical sciences.
____C. A person who obtains a degree in phlebotomy is able to work as a clinical laboratory
Set C.
____B. Time management is essential when juggling deadlines and other opportunities.
____C. Notetaking provides a student with the opportunity to review information later.
____D. Strong study skills are needed if you want to be successful in college.
Set D.
____A. Shingles
____D. Painful skin rash and blisters often follow the burning pain.
Set E.
____C. Dogs
____E. A puppy should be trained not to bite or “mouth” people, especially children.
WW (20PTS)
Thesis Statement
It is faster.
Thesis Statement:
Thesis Statement:
Topic Sentence:
Green makes you feel that the food you eat is healthy and safe.
Topic Sentence:
C. Instruction: Write three supporting details (major details) for each topic sentence.
Supporting Detail
Supporting Detail 2:
Supporting Detail
PT (20PTS)
Instructions: Read the following thesis statements. Identify each as weak or strong. For those
that are weak, list the reasons why. Then revise the weak statements so that they conform to
the requirements of a strong thesis.
1. While cell phones provide freedom and mobility, they can also become a leash, compelling
users to answer them anywhere and at any time.
3. In this essay, I will give you a lot of reasons why marijuana should not be legalized in the
4. Because many children’s toys have potential safety hazards that could lead to injury, it is
clear that not all children’s toys are safe.
5. My experience with young children has taught me that I want to be a disciplinary parent
because I believe that a child without discipline can be a parent’s worst nightmare.