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IAS Mains Physics 2005

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PHYSICS - 200.5
Time Allowed: TI1ree Hours Maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt questioJJ Nos. 1 a1rd 5 which are
compulsory, and auy three of the reinainiug questions sele ··
at ieast one questioJJ from eacl• Section.
Assume suitable data if consi4ered necessary and ゥョセ ᄋ@ e
· same.clearly. . · . · 」[セ ᄋ GMQ@
All questions carry equal marks. .
. SECFION-A · r>.. +
1.. Answer any three of the followirig :r セ@ セ@ x 20 = 60
(a) How are linear and angular セイ・ャ。エ、@ to each
other ? Considering a syst ss point; ·under the
influence of forces deriv potentials only, prove
that the generalised omentum is conserved.
Establish further t angular momentu,m of the
above system セ@ conserved if the potential . is
centrally sym ・セ@
(b) Show th ss- energy relationship in relativistic
kiuema: lead to the equation ·
. ....._\ · • Ez .'... czpz + m2c4 .

· · セe@ is the total energy of the particle of rest mass

c is the velocity of light in free space.

c) Expla:iJ.1. how Einstein's A and B coefficients are related
to the phenomena of spontaneous and stimulated
emission of radiation, respeetively. Derive the relation
between A and B. Establish that at very high frequency
around X-ray wavelength regime, lasers cannot be made
as easily as at low frequencies, e.g. far infra-red regime.
(d) Drawing a neat diagram, discuss how. light cravelc;
. through an optical fibre. Show that the numerical
aperture of a commercial ly available optical fibre is
around 0·25. Explain its physical significance.
2. (a) Considering the scattering of a-particles by the atomic
nuclei, find out the Rutherford scattering cross-section.
Explain the physical significanc e of the fi


where L0 is the pro

light in free SPclCP..if#t
What will be of a spherical ball while moving
under ,.,,,....,,_ lllllt911me ? 20
(b) For a sinusoidal wave of wavelength . A.
セャヲッQエM negative x direction through a string
show that the nodes are located at
'A, 3/../ 2, .. :. while the kinetic energy / unit
at the antinodes is given by
E = t pA 2 m2 cos2 cot
where, p, A and co, are the mass densityI unit length,
amplitude of transverse 'displaceme nt atld angular
frequency of the wave, respectively. 20
(c) What do you understand by paraxial rays? Show that
the effect of translation of a paraxial ray while travelling
. .
alon g a bom ogen eous med ium is repr esen ted by a 2x 2
matr ix if the ray is initia lly defin ed by a 2 x 1 matrix.
4. (a) Why does one get thre e-di men sion al ima ge in
holo grap hy ? Expl ain with appr opri ate figur es hos can
one cons truct and read a holo gram . . · · 20
(b) Wha t is· the esse ntial diffe renc e betw een inter feren ce
and diffr actio n of ligh t? How can you ·e
Frau nhof er difracti.on in the labo rato ry? ·n e
conc ept of Frau nhof er diffr actio n at a si セ@ find
out the intensi.ty distr ibuti on prod uce slits of
equa l w:idth. · 20
(c) Why does one see two imag e ーッセLpイエ。@ single obje ct
poin t whil e view ed thro ugh 、セ Z イケウエ。ャ@ ? Wha t is
U1is prop erty of the c1ystal ·s ? Wha t is an optic
axis of a crvs tal ? ·

Expl ain the ュ・。ョゥ N セゥャイ@ o ve and nega tive crys tals
with one exam ple kind . 20
ON- B .
5. 3 X 2{}= 60

(-+ )
cjllr =
J p(r ')
-+ -+ dr'

Ir - r'l
is a solution of the Poisson equa tion
-+ - ·
V 2 cjl(r) =-4 np( r).
(b) Show that the electric and magnetic field vectors,
セ@ セ@ . .
E and B, in plane electroma$1letic waves are セオエ。ャケ@
perpendicular in a plane normal to the direction of
·. . . セ@ Mセ@

propagation. How are phases of E and B related to

each other?
(c) Discuss the differences in the assumptions und
Einste.in and Debye theories of speCific heat
schematic plots of Cv versus reduced tern r
these therories and elucidate the diffe erein.
Elaborate the .triea.ning of the ulaw of セMウーッョ、ゥァ@
r>.. •
states" for these plots.
(d) Consider the expression · CJ

Cp - Cv =- -)

and give · the values of T when

CP = C..• for evaluate Cp - C.. for a vander
Waals gas te that its value is larger for any
real gas to an ideal gas.
6. · (a) Consi er and straight current ca.rrying wires
pla afallel to each other a certain distance apart.
and expression for the force per unit 'length
rienced by these wires. Discuss that the attractive
. pulsive) nature of this force is related to the directions
""'&of flow of currents in the two wires. 30
) Derive approximate expressions for the potential and
the radial as well as the azimuthal components of the
· _·field due to and electric dipole at points far away from
it. Also derive expression and hence describe the effect
of a unifrom electric field on a dipole which can rotate
freely. · · 30
7. (a) Wri te dow n the mac rosc opi cfo rm of the Max wel l's
equ atio ns in any is<?tropic .(bu t inh om oge neo us)
med ium ·and defi ne the sym bols app eari ng therein.
Con ver t the se ・アオ。エセッョウ@ jn the integral form s to
high ligh t the law s rep rese nted by these equ atio ns. 25
(b) Des crib e. phy sica l significance of the d,jpplacement
curr ent considering the exa mpl e of eurr ent flow · ugh
a cap a.c itor . · · -15
(c) Use the Pla nck formula for .t he 「セ。」ォッ、@
· . nz .· ro3 CJ
u(ro , T)

1. .
= rc2c3

wit h (3 = - ·- to den ve · law, Rayleigh-Jeans
· k BT:
.law and Stef an-B el 20
8. .{a}--Sta! ting from エィセ@ ssio n .

·N = セ@ エ[セヲ@ w}le re < n, o. IS the セカ・イ。ァ@

f tJarticles in the klh quantum stat e, de.rive an
for the 。カ・イァセ@ ョオセ「・イ@ ·of part icle s in the
·. state ofa n idea l Bose gas·. 15
イjゥᄏNセ@ ·· e the abo ve expression to eiaborate the con cep t of
セG・@ ·Bose_;_ Ein stei n con den sati ()ri and disc uss tha t .the
phe nomeno n exp lairi s qua litat ivel y the pro pert ies in
the low:-tem per atur e pha se .o f liqu id M セh・N@ 25
(c) Sho w that the chemical pote ntja l of a &ystem is an
inte nsiv e qua ntit y and is a fun ctio n of tem per atur e and
pre ssu re only . · 20
PAPER - II - 2005
Time Allowed : Three Hours ·Maximum Marks: 300

Ca11didates should attempt questions 1 and .5 which are

」ッ ューオャウッイケセ@ and any THREE of the · remaitzing questions .
selecting at least one question from each Section.

1. Answer any three of_the follm-ving : • 20 x 3 = ·60
(a) (i) Write the commutation r a · for the position
variable x and .the components Px' Pr' moM
and Pz· Explain エィセj|HLN。ャ@ significance of these
relations. '"'
(ii) Calculate the ie wavelength of an electron
moving キゥセ@ etic energy of 1 MeV. 10 + 10
(b) (i) How Z[ヲA イ ゥセ@ ッ 」セイ@in the multiplet arising from
2p 2 d 2p . 2 ·
5 112 transitions
3/ 12 an 112 セ@ of alkali

......_セ@ wavefunction of a particle confined in a cube of

セML@ >lume. U is.given by

セ@ M セx@
..... '¥ (x y. z) =(3_) sin nx sin sin nz
セNL@ ' I "L . L L .L
· Calculate the average values of Px and Px2 in the
region 0 < x·< L. · , 10 + 10

(c) (i) Explain the molecular phenomenon of spontaneous

emission between two electronic stat<:>s .o f the same
multiplicity and differentiate it form that of different
multiplicity. ·
(ii) The constants B a·nd V0 for a KCl molecule have
values 1·43 x 10-5 eV 8-4 x 1012 s-1 respectively.
Determit1e the number of rotational levels between
the vibrational levels v. = 0 and v = 1: 10 + 10
(d) (i) The ground state wavefunction of a linear s·
harmonic oscillator is

'1/ = A exp ( セ N@ a'2x')

Calculate the constant A and セァ ・@ values of

ェZセク@ セZョ。エ@ fl>(JV

0 セBGT@ .
(ii) How can the pur セᄋウー・」エイオュ@ of 1:12 molecule
be observed ? I e ond length of H 2 molecule is
. ?·07417 nm セ@ ·ould be the ウーセ」ゥョァ@ of lines in .
1ts sp ?V · · · 10 + 10 .
2. (a) Cons.i debe rticle of mass m. ゥセ@ an ゥョヲセ・@ one
· 、セッエ ・ ョエゥ。ャ@ well of width a. The particle is
ヲッセ@ t1te state given by

ᄋ セ@ '1/(x) = 」{ウゥョセ@ KセMウゥョ@ 2

(i) Calculate.c. . . a · a.
. (ii) If a measurer;nent of energy is ュ。、セL ᄋ@ what· 。イセ@ the
possible results and what are the probabilities for
eath one of them ? · ·
· (b) Discuss Wl<B approximation and apply ttre same to
determine .the transition probability for leakage through
a potential barrier. · · 30 + 30
. 3. (a) Set up the time-indep endent Schrodinge r equation for
. ' . Ze'
an electron moving in Coulomb field, V(r) = 4 7t e r ,
· · 0

in polar coordinates . Solve the radial equation to get

the energy eigen values. . ·

· (b) Describe Stern-Gerla ch experimen t and discus 'ts

irnplica tions.

4. (a). Differentiates between Rayleigh and r。ュョセ@ gs.

· Why is Raman scattering 」ッョウゥ、・gセ@ be a
breakthrou gh in .molecular ウー・」エイ。セ@ セ。エ@ are the
advantages of using laser light in rセウ・」エイッーケ@ ?

(b) Obtain.an ・クーイセゥッョ@

for IJ:tvn-r otation energy
levels of a diatomic molec · ven electronic state.
The wave numbers h vibrational tr£msitions
occuring in HF, H n ·II molecules are 4141·3
em:-\ 2988·9 」セMエ@ 2309·5 cm-1 respective ly. ·.
Compare エィ・セイ@ stants of these エィイセ・@ molecules.
. •' セK@

· · r>..
5. Answ;ie at¥.1 of the following : ··
(a) (i) · エゥセ@ Weizacker mass formula and explain the
....._セ@ 1cance of various terms. · ·
the amount of セ p 0 ョ・」ウ セ[ウ イケ@ to provide
セMLᄋ@ a source of a-particles of strength 5 mC1• The half-
life of !!0 Po is 138 d. 15 + 5
. .
. (b) (i) State the quantum numbers iコセ@ Y and &for the'uds.
quarks and ctntiquarks. What combinatio n of these
leads to the formation of (a) proton and (b) .

- Mセエ@

An In As semiconductor sample is cut in the form

of a small bar of size 1·0 em x 1·0 em x 2·0 ntm. Its
lengthwise resistance is 1·25 0. A Hall field of
1·7 VIm develops when a current of 0·12 A is
passed Jengthwise and a magnetic field of 0·05 T is
applied normal to its length as shown above.
· Calculate the carrier density.

lattice. · セス@
(c) (i) Draw the logic circuit for the following
expression : Y ""' A + B + C

! sv

.0 ----
Define a and セ@ parameters of a transistor. A
germanium transistor with f3 = 45 is b4Ised as
shown above. Calcitlate the value of Rb. 12 + 8
(d) (i) Discuss briefly the concept of effective mass in
ウ・ュゥ」ッョ、セエイ@ and explain the significance of
negative effective mass.
(ii) In isolated atoms, the electrons have discrete and
definite energies but in solids they have bands a
energies: Explain why.
(iii)A proton, deuteron and a.-particle 。」・セ@
through the same potential difference, on te g
a region .of uniform magnetic field 。ーセ@ セ@
<; .
al : I

to their plane of motion, move in 」ゥイセッ「エウN@

Compare the radii of the orbits 、セNエ@ by them.
6. · (a) Describe how parity violati セ・クーイゥュョエ。ャケ@
· detected in 60C0 {3-decay. as the observed
asymmetry in the di-;tr' 'on of emitted electrons
(b) (i). Differentiate n K-capture and inverse f3-
(ii) Explain· mtemal conversion and how it •
differs decay.

: e :tzn nuclei. · 30 + 20 + 10
ᄋセ@ ....
7. a· at are the basic interactions in nature ? Give one
example for .each. Compare their relative strengths
and ranges. .. ·
. (ii) What are .
the conservation laws for r
electromagnetic and weak interactions ?
(iii) Distinguish between particle and anti-particle. How
was positron discovered ? .
(b) Discuss the motion of an electron in one-dimensional
periodic potential and show that .it leads to formati<n'l
of bands of allowed and forbidden states in the eloctron
energy spectrum. How are the insulators, semi-
conductors and conductors discr4t\inated on the basis
of band structu.re ? 30 + 30
8. (a) Define (i) input bias current, (ii) input offset current
(iii) input.offset voltage, (iv) output offset voltage, ·

power supply rejection ratio and (vi) slew rate t

セᄋ@ c
· cuss the functioning of the above ッウ、ャ。セイ@ circuit.

and the expression for the frequency assuming that エィセ@

· resistances of the inductors セイ・@ negligible. 30 + 30

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