IAS Mains Physics 2005
IAS Mains Physics 2005
IAS Mains Physics 2005
PHYSICS - 200.5
Time Allowed: TI1ree Hours Maximum Marks: 300
Candidates should attempt questioJJ Nos. 1 a1rd 5 which are
compulsory, and auy three of the reinainiug questions sele ··
at ieast one questioJJ from eacl• Section.
Assume suitable data if consi4ered necessary and ゥョセ ᄋ@ e
· same.clearly. . · . · 」[セ ᄋ GMQ@
All questions carry equal marks. .
. SECFION-A · r>.. +
1.. Answer any three of the followirig :r セ@ セ@ x 20 = 60
(a) How are linear and angular セイ・ャ。エ、@ to each
other ? Considering a syst ss point; ·under the
influence of forces deriv potentials only, prove
that the generalised omentum is conserved.
Establish further t angular momentu,m of the
above system セ@ conserved if the potential . is
centrally sym ・セ@
(b) Show th ss- energy relationship in relativistic
kiuema: lead to the equation ·
. ....._\ · • Ez .'... czpz + m2c4 .
Expl ain the ュ・。ョゥ N セゥャイ@ o ve and nega tive crys tals
with one exam ple kind . 20
ON- B .
5. 3 X 2{}= 60
(-+ )
cjllr =
J p(r ')
-+ -+ dr'
Ir - r'l
is a solution of the Poisson equa tion
-+ - ·
V 2 cjl(r) =-4 np( r).
(b) Show that the electric and magnetic field vectors,
セ@ セ@ . .
E and B, in plane electroma$1letic waves are セオエ。ャケ@
perpendicular in a plane normal to the direction of
·. . . セ@ Mセ@
Cp - Cv =- -)
1. .
= rc2c3
wit h (3 = - ·- to den ve · law, Rayleigh-Jeans
· k BT:
.law and Stef an-B el 20
8. .{a}--Sta! ting from エィセ@ ssio n .
1. Answer any three of_the follm-ving : • 20 x 3 = ·60
(a) (i) Write the commutation r a · for the position
variable x and .the components Px' Pr' moM
and Pz· Explain エィセj|HLN。ャ@ significance of these
relations. '"'
(ii) Calculate the ie wavelength of an electron
moving キゥセ@ etic energy of 1 MeV. 10 + 10
(b) (i) How Z[ヲA イ ゥセ@ ッ 」セイ@in the multiplet arising from
2p 2 d 2p . 2 ·
5 112 transitions
3/ 12 an 112 セ@ of alkali
セ@ M セx@
..... '¥ (x y. z) =(3_) sin nx sin sin nz
セNL@ ' I "L . L L .L
· Calculate the average values of Px and Px2 in the
region 0 < x·< L. · , 10 + 10
· · r>..
5. Answ;ie at¥.1 of the following : ··
(a) (i) · エゥセ@ Weizacker mass formula and explain the
....._セ@ 1cance of various terms. · ·
the amount of セ p 0 ョ・」ウ セ[ウ イケ@ to provide
セMLᄋ@ a source of a-particles of strength 5 mC1• The half-
life of !!0 Po is 138 d. 15 + 5
. .
. (b) (i) State the quantum numbers iコセ@ Y and &for the'uds.
quarks and ctntiquarks. What combinatio n of these
leads to the formation of (a) proton and (b) .
- Mセエ@
lattice. · セス@
(c) (i) Draw the logic circuit for the following
expression : Y ""' A + B + C
! sv
.0 ----
Define a and セ@ parameters of a transistor. A
germanium transistor with f3 = 45 is b4Ised as
shown above. Calcitlate the value of Rb. 12 + 8
(d) (i) Discuss briefly the concept of effective mass in
ウ・ュゥ」ッョ、セエイ@ and explain the significance of
negative effective mass.
(ii) In isolated atoms, the electrons have discrete and
definite energies but in solids they have bands a
energies: Explain why.
(iii)A proton, deuteron and a.-particle 。」・セ@
through the same potential difference, on te g
a region .of uniform magnetic field 。ーセ@ セ@
<; .
al : I
: e :tzn nuclei. · 30 + 20 + 10
ᄋセ@ ....
7. a· at are the basic interactions in nature ? Give one
example for .each. Compare their relative strengths
and ranges. .. ·
. (ii) What are .
the conservation laws for r
electromagnetic and weak interactions ?
(iii) Distinguish between particle and anti-particle. How
was positron discovered ? .
(b) Discuss the motion of an electron in one-dimensional
periodic potential and show that .it leads to formati<n'l
of bands of allowed and forbidden states in the eloctron
energy spectrum. How are the insulators, semi-
conductors and conductors discr4t\inated on the basis
of band structu.re ? 30 + 30
8. (a) Define (i) input bias current, (ii) input offset current
(iii) input.offset voltage, (iv) output offset voltage, ·
power supply rejection ratio and (vi) slew rate t
セᄋ@ c
· cuss the functioning of the above ッウ、ャ。セイ@ circuit.