Analysis About The "Istambay" Phenomenon of The Philippines

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➢ The istambay phenomenon in the country has been increasing due to lack of employment
opportunities. This has caused income insecurity among families, which translates to other
forms of insecurities relating to food, health and housing tenure. To have a well-rounded
approach in this issue, the government commissioned you to provide an analysis regarding
this issue. As an expert in public administration, you are also task to propose a solution
based on your analysis.

Analysis about the “istambay” phenomenon of the Philippines

This analysis explores the life experiences of a particular group of young people in the
Philippines known as the “istambay” Filipino term derived from the English phrase ―on standby. This
analysis examines the concept of istambay and the dynamics of inactivity in the lives of Filipino youth.
It illustrates that the istambay phenomenon is more than a personal trouble (problematic istambay). It
is a public issue (istambay problematique). Research findings reveal that istambay phenomenon is a
manifestation of the interrelated problems in the educational system and the labor market of the
Philippines. However, istambays are also found to express disconnection from the state because of
the government‘s inability to provide employment for them, resulting in their quest for employment
abroad (overseas) as an alternative. Youth inactivity, although moderated by a familial-faith dynamic,
highlights how complex forms of inequalities in the Philippines marginalize the istambays from gaining
legitimate active status in Philippine society.

A. The Philippine Education and Employment Situation

- One of the important context to consider in understanding the istambay phenomenon in
the Philippines is the system of education and employment in the country. This section
describes the structure of formal education in the Philippines as well as provides an
overview of the labor situation of Filipino youth. Over the years, both the education and
employment conditions in the country have been marred by problems, which contributed
to the precarious state of inactivity of some Filipino youth.

B. Employment Situation
- Youth unemployment is perhaps one of the most serious social problems in the
Philippines. In 2003, the Philippine National Statistics Office (NSO) released a
compilation of statistics about Filipino youth, entitled, The Filipino Youth: A Statistical
Profile (Ericta, 2003). One of the highlights of this paper is the state of employment that
reflects the apparent difficulties of Filipino youth in entering the labor market.

Table 1 indicates that from 2000 to 2002, the employment rate of youth fluctuated
between 79% and 81%. These rates, according to NSO estimates, were considerably
lower than the employment rates for all ages which stood at 90.2% in 2002. The working
youth accounted for 20% of the total number of employed persons. On the other hand,
1.48 million or nearly half (47.2 percent) of the 3.13 million unemployed persons in the
country in 2002 were youth. This indicates that there were no ready jobs for the new
(young) entrants to the labour force (Ericta, 2003: 4-6).

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