Foreign Affairs November December 2021 Issue
Foreign Affairs November December 2021 Issue
Foreign Affairs November December 2021 Issue
november/december 2021 • volume 100 • number 6 •
Cold Wars
the divided world
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Dogar Brothers
November/December 2021
Alice Hill on the need Ye Liu on sexism and Sarah Chayes on
for climate adaptation. demographics in China. Afghanistaní s U.S.-
style corruption.
November/December 2021
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The International Order Isn’t Ready for the Climate Crisis 166
The Case for a New Planetary Politics
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Volume 1, Number 1 • September 1922
November/December 2021
November/December 2021 · Volume 100, Number 6
Published by the Council on Foreign Relations
DANIEL KURTZ-PHELAN Editor, Peter G. Peterson Chair
KATE BRANNEN Deputy Editor
LAUREL JAROMBEK Engagement Editor
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Foreign Affairs is a member of the Alliance for Audited Media and the Association of Magazine Media.
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FIONA HILL is a leading expert on modern Russia. After
receiving a Ph.D. in history from Harvard, Hill served as an
intelligence officer for Russia and Eurasia on the National
Intelligence Council in the George W. Bush and Obama
administrations and as deputy assistant to the president and
senior director for European and Russian affairs on the
National Security Council in the Trump administration.
Now a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, she argues
in “The Kremlin’s Strange Victory” (page 36) that Vladimir
Putin is capitalizing on corruption, inequality, and political
divisions in the United States to accelerate American decline.
n September, in his first address to archives to reveal how and why Washing-
the UN General Assembly as presi- ton’s relationship with Moscow so rapidly
dent, Joe Biden pledged that the regressed after the dissolution of the
United States was not “seeking a new Soviet Union. Hill, reflecting on her
cold war or a world divided into rigid experience as both a longtime Russia
blocs.” That pledge was echoed, in watcher and the senior Russia official on
different words, by Biden’s Chinese Donald Trump’s National Security
counterpart, Xi Jinping, and reinforced Council, shows how effectively and
by warnings from a slew of other leaders advantageously the Kremlin has exploited
about the grim consequences of a world American dysfunction—above all during
split into warring camps. Yet rather than the administration in which she served.
offering reassurance, this chorus served Finally, John Mearsheimer contends
mostly to highlight just how dismal the that sharpening U.S.-Chinese competi-
geopolitical reality has become, with tion is just the latest act in what he has
suspicion and acrimony threatening to called “the tragedy of great-power
sink trust and cooperation even in the politics.” The mystery, he argues, is not
face of shared existential challenges. why the relationship between Washing-
Is it too late? Has a new cold war ton and Beijing has so dramatically
already begun? Despite some clear deteriorated but why Americans ever
differences between the U.S.-Soviet thought a different outcome was possi-
contest then and the U.S.-Chinese ble; now, in his view, a darker, less
contest now, Hal Brands and John Lewis delusional worldview offers the best
Gaddis argue that the time has come to chance of averting disaster.
carefully study the lessons of the former In the decades since the onset of what
in order to prevent catastrophe in the we may someday come to call the First
latter. “The greatest unfought war of Cold War, historians and policymakers
our time,” they write, can “enhance resil- have endlessly studied its opening moves
ience in a Sino-American rivalry whose and argued over what, if anything, could
future, hot or cold, remains unclear.” have been done differently. To invoke the
In their respective essays, M. E. Cold War parallel is not to endorse it as
Sarotte and Fiona Hill explore the lost either desirable or inevitable. Instead, it
opportunities and dashed hopes of the should serve as a reminder: that now is
Cold War’s aftermath: how a moment of the time to bring scrutiny, care, and
both American triumph and new global wisdom to the opening moves of this new
possibility gave way to competition and competition, before it truly is too late.
disarray. Sarotte digs deep into the —Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, Editor
Now is the time to bring
scrutiny, care, and
wisdom to the opening
moves of this new
competition, before it
truly is too late.
Return to Table of Contents
s the world entering a new cold tinue to pass, the law of gravity will still
war? Our answer is yes and no. Yes apply, and none of us will outlive our
if we mean a protracted interna- physiological term limits. Are similarly
tional rivalry, for cold wars in this sense reliable knowns shaping the emerging
are as old as history itself. Some became cold war? If so, what unknowns lurk
hot, some didn’t: no law guarantees within them? Thucydides had such
either outcome. No if we mean the Cold predictabilities and surprises in mind
War, which we capitalize because it when he cautioned, 24 centuries ago,
originated and popularized the term. that the future would resemble the past
That struggle took place at a particular but not in all respects reflect it—even as
time (from 1945–47 to 1989–91), among he also argued that the greatest single
particular adversaries (the United war of his time revealed timeless truths
States, the Soviet Union, and their about all wars to come.
respective allies), and over particular Our purpose here, then, is to show
issues (post–World War II power how the greatest unfought war of our
balances, ideological clashes, arms time—the Soviet-American Cold
races). None of those issues looms as War—as well as other prior struggles,
large now, and where parallels do might expand experience and enhance
exist—growing bipolarity, intensifying resilience in a Sino-American rivalry
polemics, sharpening distinctions whose future, hot or cold, remains
between autocracies and democracies— unclear. That history provides a frame-
the context is quite different. work within which to survive uncer-
tainty, and possibly even thrive within
HAL BRANDS is Henry A. Kissinger Distin-
guished Professor of Global Affairs at Johns
it, whatever the rest of the twenty-first
Hopkins University and a Senior Fellow at the century throws our way.
American Enterprise Institute. He is the author
of The Twilight Struggle: What the Cold War
Teaches Us About Great-Power Rivalry Today.
Our first known is geography, which
JOHN LEWIS GADDIS is Robert A. Lovett
Professor of Military and Naval History at Yale continental drift will in time alter, but
University and the author of On Grand Strategy. not in our time. China will remain
November/December 2021 11
Hal Brands and John Lewis Gaddis
12 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The New Cold War
still thrive. But the relationship be- pressing minorities in ways defunct
tween geography and governance is Russian and Chinese emperors might
clear enough to be our second known. have applauded. Most significant, he
Continents—North America ex- has sought to secure these reversals by
cepted—tend to nurture authoritarians: abolishing his own term limits.
where geography fails to fix boundaries, Hence our second unknown: Why is
harsh hands claim the right and duty to Xi undoing the reforms, while abandon-
do so, whether as protection from ing the diplomatic subtlety, that allowed
external dangers or to preserve internal China’s rise in the first place? Perhaps
order. Liberty, in these situations, is he fears the risks of his own retirement,
decreed from the top down, not evolved even though these mount with each
from the bottom up. But that holds such rival he imprisons or purges. Perhaps he
regimes responsible for what happens. has realized that innovation requires but
They can’t, as democracies regularly do, may also inspire spontaneity within his
spread the blame. Autocracies that fall country. Perhaps he worries that in-
short—such as the Soviet Union—risk creasingly hostile international rivals
hollowing themselves out from within. won’t allow him unlimited time to
China’s post–Cold War leaders, achieve his aims. Perhaps he sees the
having compulsively studied the Soviet prevailing concept of world order itself
example, sought to avoid repeating it by as at odds with a mandate from Heaven,
transforming Marxism into consumer Marx, or Mao.
capitalism without at the same time Or it could be that Xi envisions a
allowing democracy. They thereby world order with authoritarianism at its
flipped what they saw as Soviet Presi- core and with China at its center.
dent Mikhail Gorbachev’s greatest Technology, he may expect, will make
error: permitting democracy without human consciousness as transparent as
ensuring prosperity. This latest “rectifi- satellites made the earth’s surface during
cation of names”—the ancient Chinese the Cold War. China, he may assume,
procedure of conforming names to will never alienate its foreign friends.
shifting realities—seemed until recently Expectations within China, he may
to have succeeded. The Chinese leader suppose, will never find reasons not to
Deng Xiaoping’s post-Mao pro-market rise. And Xi, as he ages, will gain in the
reforms solidified support for the wisdom, energy, and attentiveness to
regime and made China a model for detail that only he, as supreme leader,
much of the rest of the world. Xi, on can trust himself to provide.
taking power, was widely expected to But if Xi really believes all of this,
continue along that path. then he’s already losing sight of the gaps
But he hasn’t. Instead, Xi is cutting between promises and performance that
off access to the outside world, defying have long been Catch-22s for authoritar-
international legal norms, and encourag- ian regimes. For if, like Gorbachev’s
ing “Wolf Warrior” diplomacy, none of predecessors did, you ignore such
which seems calculated to win or retain fissures, they’ll only worsen. But if, like
allies. At home, he is enforcing ortho- Gorbachev himself, you acknowledge
doxy, whitewashing history, and op- them, you’ll undermine the claim to
November/December 2021 13
Hal Brands and John Lewis Gaddis
14 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Except that we have, in the Cold War,
an intervening known to draw on: how
that conflict transformed itself into a
“long peace.” The first half of the
twentieth century offered no support
for the idea that great-power rivalries
could be resolved peacefully. “A future
war with Soviet Russia,” the American
diplomat Joseph Grew predicted in
1945, “is as certain as anything in the
world can be certain.” What allowed the
Cold War superpowers to escape that
prospect, and how relevant are those
circumstances today?
One answer is that history itself
during those years became prophecy.
Given what most leaders had experi-
enced in a second world war, few
anywhere were eager to risk a third. It
helped also that those in Washington
and Moscow, if for different reasons,
saw time as an ally: the Americans From The Wall Street Journal:
because the strategy of containment “The Publisher as Storyteller”:
relied on time to thwart Soviet ambi- “He takes us on a personal journey...
tions, Stalin because he expected time brimming with inside stories from the
to produce fratricidal capitalist wars world of journalism, letters and politics...
that would ensure proletarian revolu- There is no doubt, either that he’s an
tionary triumphs. Once Stalin’s succes- astute man of books —even a moral one.”
—Tunku Varadarajan
sors realized the extent of his miscalcu-
lations, it was too late to reverse their
effects. The Soviet Union spent the rest From Paul Volcker in his
of the Cold War failing to catch up. memoir: Keeping At It:
But what if determinations to avoid “To Peter Osnos. It’s all your fault”
the next war fade with the memories of
the last one? That’s how some historians Go to
have explained World War I: a century for links to interviews on NPR’s
had passed without a European great Morning Edition, PBS Newshour and
war. Does it matter that three-quarters C-Span’s Q-A and more.
of a century now separate American and
Chinese leaders from the great wars of
their predecessors? Americans have had
some combat experience in the “lim- [email protected]
ited” and “low-intensity” conflicts in
November/December 2021 15
Hal Brands and John Lewis Gaddis
which they have been involved—with Kennedy had been planning. The
decidedly mixed results—but the United States has lived ever since with
Chinese, except for their brief invasion its own adjacent anomaly: a communist
of Vietnam in 1979, haven’t fought any island in the middle of its self
significant wars for more than half a proclaimed Caribbean sea of influence.
century. That may be why Xi, with his It’s even less plausible today that the
“heads bashed bloody” rhetoric, seems United States would use nuclear weap-
to celebrate bellicosity: he may not ons to defend Taiwan, for that island is
know what its costs can be. more important to Beijing than Cuba
A second way in which historians or Berlin ever was to Moscow. Yet that
have explained the “long peace” is that implausibility could lead Xi to believe
nuclear weapons suppressed optimism that he can invade Taiwan without
about how wars might end. There’s no risking a U.S. nuclear response. China’s
way to know for sure what deterrence in growing cyber- and antisatellite capa-
the Cold War deterred: that’s a history bilities may also encourage him, for
that didn’t happen. But this in itself they bring back possibilities of surprise
suggests a balanced lack of resolve, for attacks that the Cold War’s reconnais-
whatever Soviet Premier Nikita Khru sance revolution seemed, for decades,
shchev and U.S. President John F. to have diminished.
Kennedy may have said publicly, neither But then what? What would Xi do
wanted to die for Berlin. Instead, they with Taiwan if he captured it? The
accepted a walled city inside a parti- island is not Hong Kong, an easily
tioned country in the middle of a di- controlled city. Nor is it Crimea, with a
vided continent. No grand design could largely acquiescent population. Nor are
have produced such an oddity, and yet it other big islands in the region—Japan,
held up until the Cold War evolved its the Philippines, Indonesia, Australia,
own peaceful, if equally unexpected, end. and New Zealand—teetering dominoes.
None of this could have happened Nor would the United States, with its
without nuclear capabilities, for only unmatched power-projection capabili-
they could put lives on the line simulta- ties, be likely to “sit idly by,” as the
neously in Washington and Moscow. Chinese might put it: “ambiguity”
So what about Washington and means keeping options open, not ruling
Beijing? Even with recent enhance- out any response at all.
ments, the Chinese deploy less than ten One such response might be to
percent of the number of nuclear exploit the overstretch that comes from
weapons the United States and Russia China’s forcefully expanding its perim-
retain, and that number is only 15 eters, the self-created problem that once
percent of what the two superpowers plagued Moscow. Suppressing the
had at the height of the Cold War. “Prague Spring” was simple enough for
Does this matter? We doubt it, given the Soviet Union in 1968, until military
what Khrushchev achieved in 1962: morale plummeted when the Czechs
despite a nine-to-one disadvantage in made it clear to their occupiers that
nuclear weapons, he deterred the post– they didn’t feel “liberated.” The
Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba that Brezhnev Doctrine—the commitment
16 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The New Cold War
to act similarly wherever else “social- we have a strong, healthy United States,
ism” might be at risk—alarmed more Europe, Soviet Union, China, Japan,
than it reassured the leaders of other each balancing the other.”
such states, notably Mao, who secretly
began planning his 1971 “opening” to VARIETIES OF SURPRISE
Washington. By the time the Soviet Our final known is the inescapability of
Union invoked the doctrine again, in surprises. International systems are
Afghanistan in 1979, it had few allies anarchic, theorists tell us, in that no
left anywhere and none on whose component within them is fully in
reliability it could count. control. Strategy may reduce uncer-
Xi’s threats to Taiwan could have a tainty but will never eliminate it:
similar effect in states surrounding humans are fallible, and artificial
China, which may in turn look for their intelligences will surely be also. There
own “openings” to Washington. Extrav- are, though, patterns of competition
agant Chinese claims in the South across time and space. It may be pos-
China Sea have already increased sible to derive from these—especially
anxieties in that region: witness Austra- from the Soviet-American Cold War—
lia’s unexpected alignment with the categories of surprises likely to occur in
Americans and the British on nuclear the Sino-American cold war.
submarines, as well as India’s expanded Existential surprises are shifts in the
cooperation with Indo-Pacific allies. arenas within which great powers
Central Asians may not indefinitely compete, for which neither is respon-
ignore repressions of Tibetans and sible but that endanger them both. U.S.
Uyghurs. Debt traps, environmental President Ronald Reagan had this in
degradation, and onerous repayment mind when he surprised Gorbachev at
terms are souring recipients on the bri’s their first meeting, in 1985, with the
benefits. And Russia, the original source claim that a Martian invasion would
of early-twentieth-century concerns force the United States and the Soviet
about the “heartland,” could now find Union to settle their differences over-
itself surrounded by Chinese “rimlands” night: Weren’t nuclear weapons at least
in Asia, eastern and southeastern as dangerous? Martians haven’t yet
Europe, and even the Arctic. arrived, but we do face two new existen-
All of which raises the possibility that tial threats: the accelerating rate of
American unipolarity may end not with climate change and the almost overnight
a precarious Sino-American bipolarity outbreak, in 2020, of a global pandemic.
but with a multipolarity that restrains Neither is unprecedented. Climates
Beijing by making assertiveness self- have always fluctuated, which is why it
defeating. Metternich and Bismarck used to be possible to walk from Siberia
would have approved. So would a crafty to Alaska. Thucydides described the
American Cold Warrior who, following plague that struck Athens in 430 bc.
their example, hoped to deploy a similar What is new is the extent to which
strategy. “I think it will be a safer world globalization has accelerated these
and a better world,” President Richard phenomena, raising the question of
Nixon told Time magazine in 1972, “if whether geopolitical rivals can collab-
November/December 2021 17
Hal Brands and John Lewis Gaddis
oratively address the deep histories that plishing this on its own with Russian
are increasingly altering their own. President Vladimir Putin, who has long
The Soviet-American Cold War complained about U.S. “containment” of
showed that cooperation to avoid Russia. Chinese “containment,” from the
catastrophe need not be explicit: no Kremlin’s perspective, may ultimately
treaty specified that nuclear weapons, become the greater danger.
after 1945, would not again be used in One other form of intentional
war. Instead, existential dangers pro- surprise comes from supposed subordi-
duced tacit cooperation where negoti- nates who turn out not to be. Neither
ated formalities almost surely would Washington nor Moscow wanted the
have failed. Climate change may present offshore island crises of 1954–55 and
similar opportunities in the Sino- 1958: Chiang Kai-shek, in Taipei, and
American cold war, even if covid-19 has Mao, in Beijing, made them happen.
so far spurred only Chinese abrasiveness. The communist leader Walter Ul-
The point should be to keep landing bricht’s warnings of an imminent East
sites for Martian equivalents open—not German collapse forced Khrushchev to
to welcome existential problems but to provoke the Berlin crises of 1958–59
explore whether collaborative outcomes and 1961. Smaller powers pursuing
can result from them. their own agendas derailed Soviet-
Intentional surprises originate in American détente in the 1970s: Egypt
efforts by single competitors to startle, by attacking Israel in 1973; Cuba by
confuse, or dismay their adversaries. intervening in Africa in 1975–77; and
Surprise attacks, as on Pearl Harbor, fit Hafizullah Amin in Afghanistan, whose
this category, and intelligence failures reported contacts with U.S. officials
can never be ruled out. The Cold War’s triggered a self-defeating Soviet inva-
greatest surprises, however, arose from sion in 1979. None of this, though, was
reversals of polarity, of which Mao was a unprecedented: Thucydides showed
master. When he leaned east, in 1949–50, Corinth and Corcyra doing something
he blindsided the Truman administra- similar to the Spartans and the Athe-
tion and opened the way for the nians 24 centuries earlier.
Korean War and a communist offensive The potential for tails wagging dogs
in Asia. When he leaned west, in in the Sino-American cold war is
1970–71, he made the United States an already evident: rising tensions in the
ally while rendering the Soviet Union Taiwan Strait have resulted as much
vulnerable on two fronts, a disadvantage from changes in Taiwanese politics in
from which it never recovered. recent years as from deliberate decisions
That’s why an American “opening” to in Washington or Beijing. And while
Moscow might someday turn it against China is trying, through the bri, to
Beijing. The original Sino-Soviet split create a system that maximizes its power,
took two decades to develop, with the it may end up building, through its
Eisenhower administration seeking to relationships with insecure and unstable
speed the process by driving Mao into a regimes, just the sort of inverse depen-
mutually repulsive relationship with dency that vexed the Cold War super-
Khrushchev. Xi’s bri may be accom- powers. That can be a formula for volatil-
18 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The New Cold War
November/December 2021 19
Hal Brands and John Lewis Gaddis
rope, did the United States insist on effect” on external enemies. To defend
ideological uniformity among its friends. its external interests, then, “the United
The objective instead was to make States need only measure up to its own
diversity a weapon against a rival bent best traditions and prove itself worthy
on suppressing it: to use the resistance of preservation as a great nation.”
to uniformity embedded within distinc- Easily said, not easily done, and
tive histories, cultures, and faiths as a therein lies the ultimate test for the
barrier against the homogenizing United States in its contest with China:
ambitions of would-be hegemons. the patient management of internal
A third asset, although it didn’t threats to our democracy, as well as
always seem so at the time, was the tolerance of the moral and geopolitical
American election cycle. Quadrennial contradictions through which global
stress tests for containment unnerved its diversity can most feasibly be defended.
architects, upset sympathetic pundits, The study of history is the best compass
and alarmed overseas allies, but they we have in navigating this future—even
were at least safeguards against ossifica- if it turns out to be not what we’d
tion. No long-term strategy can succeed expected and not in most respects what
if it allows aspirations to outrun its we’ve experienced before.∂
capabilities or capabilities to corrupt its
aspirations. How, though, do strategists
develop the self-awareness—and the
self-confidence—to acknowledge that
their strategies are not working? Elec-
tions are, for sure, blunt instruments.
They are better, though, than having no
means of reconsideration apart from the
demise of aged autocrats, the timing of
whose departure from this world is not
given to their followers to know.
There are thus, in the United States,
no exclusively foreign affairs. Because
Americans proclaim their ideals so
explicitly, they illustrate departures
from them all the more vividly. Domes-
tic failures such as economic inequality,
racial segregation, sexual discrimination,
environmental degradation, and top-
level extraconstitutional excesses all go
on display for the world to see. As
Kennan pointed out in the most quoted
article ever published in these pages,
“Exhibitions of indecision, disunity and
internal disintegration within this
country” can “have an exhilarating
20 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
n December 15, 1991, U.S. command and control? As he counseled
Secretary of State James Baker his boss, President George H. W. Bush,
arrived in Moscow amid a disintegrating empire with “30,000
political chaos to meet with Russian nuclear weapons presents an incredible
leader Boris Yeltsin, who was at the time danger to the American people—and
busy wresting power from his nemesis, they know it and will hold us account-
Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev. able if we don’t respond.”
Yeltsin had recently made a shocking Baker’s goal for his December 1991
announcement that he and the leaders of journey was thus to ascertain who, after
Belarus and Ukraine were dismantling the Soviet Union’s dissolution, would
the Soviet Union. Their motive was to retain the power to authorize a nuclear
render Gorbachev impotent by trans- launch and how that fateful order might
forming him from the head of a massive be delivered. Soon after arriving, he cut
country into the president of nothing. to the chase: Would Yeltsin tell him?
In the short run, it was a brilliant Remarkably, the Russian president
move, and within ten days, it had did. Yeltsin’s openness to Baker was
succeeded completely. Gorbachev partly a gambit to win U.S. help in his
resigned, and the Soviet Union col- struggle with Gorbachev and partly an
lapsed. The long-term consequences, attempt to secure financial aid. But it was
however, were harder to grasp. also a sign that he wanted a fresh start in
Even before Yeltsin’s gambit, Baker Moscow’s relations with the West, one
had begun worrying about whether the characterized by openness and trust.
desire of some Soviet republics to become Yeltsin and Baker soon began working in
independent might yield bloodshed. On tandem to ensure that only one nuclear
successor state—Russia—would ulti-
M. E. SAROTTE is Marie-Josée and Henry R.
Kravis Distinguished Professor at the Johns mately emerge from the Soviet collapse.
Hopkins School of Advanced International This collaboration survived Bush’s
Studies and the author of the forthcoming book 1992 election loss. Yeltsin continued the
Not One Inch: America, Russia, and the Making
of Post–Cold War Stalemate (Yale University effort with President Bill Clinton, U.S.
Press, 2021), from which this essay is adapted. Secretaries of Defense Les Aspin and
22 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
M. E. Sarotte
William Perry, and Strobe Talbott, the Yeltsin era and on cooperative
Clinton’s top Russia adviser, among ventures with Washington. Although
others, to ensure that former Soviet there were notable episodes reprising the
atomic weapons in Belarus, Kazakhstan, spirit of the early 1990s—expressions of
and above all Ukraine were either sympathy after the September 11, 2001,
destroyed or relocated to Russian soil. terrorist attacks and a nuclear accord in
During a 1997 summit, Yeltsin even 2010—the basic trend line was negative.
asked Clinton whether they could cease The relationship reached frightening
having nuclear triggers continually at new lows during Russia’s 2008 conflict
hand: “What if we were to give up with Georgia and its 2014 invasion of
having to have our finger next to the Ukraine, and it has sunk even further
button all the time?” Clinton responded, since 2016, owing to the revelation of
“Well, if we do the right thing in the Russia’s cyberattacks on U.S. businesses,
next four years, maybe we won’t have to institutions, and elections.
think as much about this problem.” Why did relations between Washing-
By the end of the 1990s, however, that ton and Moscow deteriorate so badly?
trust had largely vanished. Vladimir History is rarely monocausal, and the
Putin, Yeltsin’s handpicked successor, decay was the cumulative product of
divulged little in grudging 1999 conversa- U.S. and Russian policies and politics
tions with Clinton and Talbott. Instead of over time. But it is hard to escape the
sharing Russia’s launch protocols, Putin fact that one particular U.S. policy
skillfully played up his perceived need for added to the burdens on Russia’s fragile
a harder Kremlin line by describing the young democracy when it was most in
grim consequences of reduced Russian need of friends: the way that Washing-
power: in former Soviet regions, he said, ton expanded nato.
terrorists now played soccer with decapi- Expansion itself was a justifiable
tated heads of hostages. response to the geopolitics of the 1990s.
As Putin later remarked, “By Nato had already been enlarged a
launching the sovereignty parade”—his number of times. Given that former
term for the independence movements Soviet bloc states were now clamoring to
of Soviet republics in 1990–91—“Rus- join the alliance, it was neither unprec-
sia itself aided in the collapse of the edented nor unreasonable to let them in.
Soviet Union,” the outcome that had What was unwise was expanding the
opened the door to such gruesome alliance in a way that took little account
lawlessness. In his view, Moscow of the geopolitical reality. The closer
should have dug in, both within the nato moved its infrastructure—foreign
union and abroad, instead of standing bases, troops, and, above all, nuclear
aside while former Soviet bloc states weapons—to Moscow, the higher the
jumped ship to join the West. “We political cost to the newly cooperative
would have avoided a lot of problems if relationship with Russia. Some U.S.
the Soviets had not made such a hasty policymakers understood this problem
exit from Eastern Europe,” he said. at the time and proposed expanding in
Once firmly in power, Putin began contingent phases to minimize the
backtracking on the democratization of damage. That promising alternative
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bases or the deployment of foreign Bosnia, that “the big babies in Mos-
forces on its territory in peacetime and cow,” although “a real head case,” had
had ruled out nuclear weapons either on immense “capacity for doing harm.”
its land or in its ports. All of this was
done to keep long-term frictions with CROSSING THE LINE
Moscow manageable. That approach Understanding the collapse in U.S.-
could have been a model for central and Russian relations requires returning to a
eastern European states and the Baltics, time when things were going right:
since they, too, occupy a region close to the 1990s. The devil, in this case, really is
but not controlled by Russia. Some in the details—specifically, in three
policymakers understood this dynamic choices that Washington made about
at the time and supported the creation nato expansion, one under Bush and
of a framework under which new allies two under Clinton, each of which
might gain contingent memberships in cumulatively foreclosed other options
phases through the so-called Partner- for European security.
ship for Peace (PfP), an organization The first choice came early. By
launched in 1994 to allow non-nato November 24, 1989, just two weeks after
European and post-Soviet states to the Berlin Wall’s unexpected fall, Bush
affiliate themselves with the alliance. was already sensing the magnitude of
But American hubris, combined with more changes yet to come. As protesters
tragic decisions by Yeltsin—most nota- toppled one government after another
bly, to shed the blood of his opponents in central and eastern Europe, it seemed
in Moscow in 1993 and in Chechnya in clear to him that new leaders in that
1994—provided ammunition to those region would abandon the Warsaw Pact,
arguing that Washington did not need the involuntary military alliance with
phased enlargement to manage Russia. the Soviet Union. But what then?
Instead, they maintained, the United According to U.S. records, Bush put
States needed to pursue the policy of the issue to the British prime minister,
containment beyond the Cold War. Margaret Thatcher: “What if [the] East
By the mid-1990s, “not one inch”—a European countries want to leave [the]
phrase originally intended to signal Warsaw Pact. Nato must stay.”
that nato’s jurisdiction would not Thatcher replied with her startling
move one inch eastward—had gained preferred option: she was in favor of
the opposite meaning: that no territory “keeping . . . the Warsaw Pact.” Accord-
should be off-limits to full-membership ing to British records, she saw the pact
enlargement and that there should be as an essential “fig leaf for Gorbachev”
no binding limitations on infrastruc- amid the humiliation of the Soviet
ture of any sort. And this happened collapse. She also “discouraged [Bush]
just as Yeltsin was succumbing to from coming out publicly at this stage
illness and Putin was rising through in support of independence for the
the ranks in Russia. But U.S. leaders Baltic Republics,” since now was not the
persisted, despite knowing, as Talbott time to question European borders.
put it in an internal U.S. memo on the Bush, however, was unconvinced. He
alliance’s role in quelling violence in “expressed concern about seeming to
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28 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Read the latest macroeconomic research and analysis from the IMF
M. E. Sarotte
idea largely conceived of by General even opened its door to Russia as well,
John Shalikashvili, the Polish-born which would eventually join the part-
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, nership. Clinton later noted to nato
and his advisers. It resembled the Secretary-General Javier Solana that
Scandinavian strategy—but writ large. PfP “has proven to be a bigger deal
PfP’s connection to nato member- than we had expected—with more
ship was intentionally left vague, but countries, and more substantive coop-
the idea was roughly that would-be eration. It has grown into something
nato members could, through military- significant in its own right.”
to-military contacts, training, and Opponents of PfP within the Clin-
operations, put themselves on a path to ton administration complained that by
full membership and the Article 5 making central and eastern European
guarantee. This strategy offered a countries wait to gain the full Article 5
compromise sufficiently acceptable to guarantee, the partnership gave Mos-
key players—even Poland, which cow a de facto veto over when, where,
wanted full membership and did not and how nato would expand. They
like the idea of having to spend time in argued instead for extending the alli-
the waiting room, but understood that ance as soon as possible to deserving
it had to follow Washington’s lead. new democracies. And in late 1994,
PfP also had the benefit of not Yeltsin gave PfP critics ammunition by
immediately redrawing a line across approving what he reportedly thought
Europe between states with Article 5 would be a high-precision police action
protection and those without. Instead, a to counter separatists in the Chechnya
host of countries in disparate locations region. Instead, he started what became
could join the partnership and then a brutal, protracted, and bloody conflict.
progress at their own pace. This meant Central and eastern European states
that PfP could incorporate post-Soviet seized on the bloodshed to argue that they
states—including, crucially, Ukraine— might be next if Washington and nato
even if they were unlikely to become did not protect them with Article 5. A
nato allies. As Clinton put it to the new term arose internally in the Clinton
visiting German chancellor, Kohl, on administration: “neo-containment.” Such
January 31, 1994: “Ukraine is the linch- thinking, along with the relationships that
pin of the whole idea.” The president Polish President Lech Walesa and Czech
added that it would be catastrophic “if President Vaclav Havel established with
Ukraine collapses, because of Russian Clinton, increasingly made an impact on
influence or because of militant nation- the American president.
alists within Ukraine.” Clinton contin- So, too, did domestic political
ued: “One reason why all the former pressures. In the November 1994 U.S.
Warsaw Pact states were willing to midterm elections, the Republican Party
support [PfP] was because they under- took the Senate and the House. Voters
stood” that it could provide space for had endorsed nato enlargement as part
Ukraine in a way that nato could not. of the Republicans’ winning platform,
The genius of PfP was that it bal- the “Contract with America.” Clinton
anced these competing interests and wanted to win a second term in 1996,
30 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Containment Beyond the Cold War
and the midterm results factored into form of nato expansion that Moscow
his decision to abandon the option of would find far more threatening.
expanding nato through an individual- Perry held on but later regretted that
ized, gradual process involving PfP. He he “didn’t fight more effectively for the
shifted instead to a one-size-fits-all delay of the nato decision.” As he
enlargement with full guarantees from wrote in 2015, “The descent down the
the start. Reflecting this strategy, nato slippery slope began, I believe, with the
issued a public communiqué in Decem- premature nato expansion,” and the
ber 1994 stating outright: “We expect “downsides of early nato membership
and would welcome nato enlargement for Eastern European nations were even
that would reach to democratic states to worse than I had feared.” As an unfor-
our East.” Yeltsin, conscious of these tunate corollary, the Russians immedi-
words’ significance, was enraged. ately concluded that PfP had been a
Privately, the State Department ruse, even though it had not.
sent the U.S. Mission to nato a text
“which the U.S. believes should COST PER INCH
emerge from the alliance’s internal The significance of Clinton’s shift
deliberations on enlargement.” The would become apparent over time. On
text declared that “security must be his first European trip as president, in
equal for all allies” and that “there will January 1994, Clinton had asked nato
be no second-tier security guaran- leaders, “Why should we now draw a
tees”—shorthand for contingent new line through Europe just a little
memberships or infrastructure limits. further east?” That would leave a
With that, although it continued to “democratic Ukraine” sitting on the
exist, PfP was marginalized. wrong side. The partnership was the
Clinton’s shift almost caused his best answer, because it opened a door
secretary of defense to resign. In but also gave the United States and its
Perry’s view, the progress on arms nato allies “the time to reach out to
control in the early 1990s had been Russia and to these other nations of the
nothing short of astounding. A nuclear former Soviet Union, which have been
superpower had fallen apart, and only almost ignored through this entire
one nuclear-armed country had debate.” Once PfP was abandoned, a
emerged from its ruins. Other post- new dividing line became inevitable.
Soviet successor states were joining the Having jettisoned PfP’s method of
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. No allowing a wide array of countries to join
weapons had detonated. There were as loose affiliates, the Clinton adminis-
new agreements on safeguards and tration now needed to decide how many
transparency about the number and countries to add as full nato members.
location of warheads. These were The math seemed simple: the more
matters of existential importance, on countries, the greater the damage to
which the United States and Russia had relations with Russia. But that decep-
made historic progress, and now PfP’s tively simple calculation hid a deeper
opponents were, in his view, throwing a complication. Given Moscow’s sensitivi-
spanner into the works by pursuing a ties, expansion to former Soviet repub-
November/December 2021 31
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lics, such as the Baltics and Ukraine, or stop at the former Soviet border.
to countries with particular features, Washington brushed aside quiet expres-
such as bases that hosted foreign forces sions of concern from Scandinavian
and nuclear weapons, would yield a leaders, who noted the desirability of
much higher cost per inch. sticking with more contingent solutions
This raised two questions: To de- for their neighborhood.
crease the cost per inch, should full- Coming on top of the alliance’s
membership enlargement avoid moving March 1999 military intervention in
beyond what Moscow considered to be Kosovo—which Russia fiercely op-
a sensitive line, namely the former posed—this turned 1999 into an inflec-
border of the Soviet Union? And should tion point for U.S.-Russian relations.
new members have any binding restric- Moscow’s decision to again escalate the
tions on what could happen on their brutal combat in Chechnya later that
territory, echoing the Scandinavian year added to the sense that the post–
accommodations and the East German Cold War moment of cooperation was
nuclear prohibition? collapsing. An ailing Yeltsin reacted with
To both questions, the Clinton team’s bitterness to U.S. criticism of the
answer was a hard no. As early as June renewed violence in Chechnya, com-
1995, Talbott had already begun point- plaining to journalists that “Clinton
edly telling Baltic leaders that the first permitted himself to put pressure on
countries to enter nato as new members Russia” because he had forgotten “for a
would certainly not be the last. By June minute, for a second, for half a minute,
1997, he could be blunter. The Clinton forgotten that Russia has a full arsenal of
administration “will not regard the nuclear weapons.” And in Istanbul on
process of nato enlargement as finished November 19, 1999, on the margin of an
or successful unless or until the aspira- Organization for Security and Coopera-
tions of the Baltic states have been tion in Europe summit, Yeltsin’s verbal
fulfilled.” He was so consistent in this attacks on Clinton were so extreme that
view that his staff christened it “the Talbott, as he recalled in his memoirs,
Talbott principle.” The manner of decided that Yeltsin had become “un-
enlargement was set: it should proceed hinged.” According to the U.S. transcript
without regard for the cost per inch—the of a brief private conversation between
opposite of the Scandinavian strategy. Clinton and Yeltsin, the Russian leader
In April 1999, at nato’s 50th anni- made sweeping demands. “Just give
versary summit in Washington, D.C., Europe to Russia,” Yeltsin said, because
the alliance publicly welcomed the “the U.S. is not in Europe. Europe
interest of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithu- should be the business of Europeans.”
ania (along with six more countries) in Clinton tried to deflect the tirade, but
full membership. The United States Yeltsin kept pressing, adding, “Give
could insist, correctly, that it had never Europe to itself. Europe never felt as
recognized the Soviet Union’s 1940 close to Russia as it does now.” Clinton
occupation of the Baltics. But that did replied, “I don’t think the Europeans
not change the significance of the move: would like this very much.” Abruptly,
full-membership expansion would not Yeltsin stood up and announced, “Bill, the
32 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Containment Beyond the Cold War
meeting is up. . . . This meeting has gone relieved to have no obligations for the
on too long.” Clinton would not let his first time in decades, and told his driver
Russian counterpart go, however, without to take him to his family. En route, his
asking who would win the upcoming limousine’s phone rang. It was the
Russian election in 2000. A departing president of the United States. Yeltsin
Yeltsin replied curtly, “Putin, of course.” told Clinton to call back at 5 pm, even
The two presidents had patched up though the American president was
relations after spats before, but now preparing to host hundreds of guests at
Clinton was out of time. The meeting the White House that day for a lavish
in Istanbul would be his last with millennial celebration.
Yeltsin as president. Returning home to Meanwhile, the new leader of Russia
Moscow, Yeltsin decided to exit the made Clinton wait a further 26 hours
political scene. Serious heart disease, before making contact. On January 1,
alcoholism, and fear of prosecution had 2000, Putin finally found nine minutes
worn the Russian president down. for a call. Clinton tried to put a good
Yeltsin had already decided that Putin face on the abrupt transition, saying, “I
was his preferred successor, because he think you are off to a very good start.”
believed that the younger man would, in
the words of the Russia expert Stephen DASHED HOPES
Kotkin, protect his interests, “and maybe It soon became apparent that Putin’s
those of Russia as well.” On December 14, rise, in terms of Moscow’s relations with
1999, according to his memoirs, Yeltsin Washington, was more an end than a
confided to Putin that, on the last day of start. The peak of U.S.-Russian coopera-
the year, he would make the younger tion was now in the past, not least as
man acting president. measured in arms control. Letting a
As promised, on New Year’s Eve, decades-long trend lapse, Washington
Yeltsin shocked his nation with the and Moscow failed to conclude any
broadcast of a brief, prerecorded major new accords in the Clinton era.
resignation speech. The president’s Instead, nuclear targeting of U.S.
stiff, weak delivery of his scripted and European cities resumed under a
words intensified the atmosphere of Russian leader who, in December 1999,
melancholy. Seated against the back- had started a reign that would be
drop of an indifferently decorated measured in decades. For U.S. relations
Christmas tree, he asked Russians for with Russia, these events signaled, if
“forgiveness.” He apologized, saying not a return to Cold War conditions
that “many of our shared dreams didn’t precluding all cooperation, then cer-
come true” and that “what we thought tainly the onset of a killing frost.
would be easy turned out to be pain- Of course, for central and eastern
fully difficult.” Putin would subse- Europeans who had suffered decades of
quently uphold his end of the bargain brutality, war, and suppression, enter-
by, in one of his first official acts, ing nato on the cusp of the twenty-
granting Yeltsin immunity. first century was the fulfillment of a
Yeltsin left the Kremlin around 1 pm dream of partnership with the West.
Moscow time, feeling immensely Yet the sense of celebration was muted.
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34 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Containment Beyond the Cold War
worth. Some, such as the historian process, can undermine even a reason-
Stephen Wertheim, do so in general able strategy—as the withdrawal from
terms, arguing that Washington should Afghanistan has shown. Even worse,
no longer “continue to fetishize military mistakes can yield cumulative damage
alliances” as if they were sacred obliga- and scar tissue when a strategy’s imple-
tions. Other critics have more specific mentation is measured in years rather
complaints, particularly regarding the than months. Success in long-term
recent chaotic withdrawal of Western strategic competition requires getting
forces from Afghanistan. Even Armin the details right.∂
Laschet, at the time the candidate for
German chancellor from the right-of-
center Christian Democratic Union (a
party normally strongly supportive of
the Atlantic alliance), condemned the
withdrawal as “the biggest debacle that
nato has suffered since its founding.”
European allies lamented what they saw
as an unconscionable lack of advance
consultation, which eviscerated early
hopes of a new, Biden-inspired golden
age for the alliance.
Pundits should think twice about
writing off nato, however, or letting
the chaos in Kabul derail post-Trump
attempts at repairing transatlantic
relations. European concerns are valid,
and there is clearly a need for a vigor-
ous debate over what went wrong in
Afghanistan. But critics need to think
about how a call to downgrade or
dismantle the alliance will land in a
time of turmoil. The Trump years, the
covid-19 pandemic, and Biden’s Afghan
pullout have all damaged the structure
of transatlantic relations. When a house
is on fire, it is not time to start renova-
tions—no matter how badly they were
needed before the fire started.
There is also a larger takeaway from
this history of nato expansion, one
relevant not just to U.S. relations with
Russia but also to ties with China and
other competitors. A flawed execution,
both in terms of timing and in terms of
November/December 2021 35
Return to Table of Contents
onald Trump wanted his July issues on the agenda for the first time.
2018 meeting in Helsinki with When Trump was winging it, he
his Russian counterpart, Vladi- could be persuaded of all kinds of
mir Putin, to evoke memories of the things. If a foreign visitor or caller was
momentous encounters that took place in one of his favored strongmen, Trump
the 1980s between U.S. President Ronald would always give the strongman’s views
Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail and version of events the benefit of the
Gorbachev. Those arms control summits doubt over those of his own advisers.
had yielded the kind of iconic imagery During a cabinet meeting with a visiting
that Trump loved: strong, serious men Hungarian delegation in May 2019, for
meeting in distant places to hash out the example, Trump cut off acting U.S.
great issues of the day. What better way, Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan,
in Trump’s view, to showcase his prowess who was trying to make a point about a
at the art of the deal? critical European security issue. In front
That was the kind of show Trump of everyone, Trump told Shanahan that
wanted to put on in Helsinki. What the autocratic Hungarian prime minis-
emerged instead was an altogether ter, Viktor Orban, had already explained
different sort of spectacle. it all to him when they had met in the
By the time of the meeting, I had Oval Office moments earlier—and that
spent just over a year serving in the Orban knew the issue better than
Trump administration as deputy Shanahan did, anyway. In Trump’s mind,
assistant to the president and senior the Hungarian strongman simply had
director for European and Russian more authority than the American
affairs on the National Security Coun- officials who worked for Trump himself.
The other leader was his equal, and his
FIONA HILL is Robert Bosch Senior Fellow at
the Center on the United States and Europe staff members were not. For Trump, all
in the Foreign Policy Program at the Brookings pertinent information trickled down
Institution and the author of There Is Nothing for from him, not up to him. This tendency
You Here: Finding Opportunity in the Twenty-
first Century (Mariner Books, 2021), from which of Trump’s was lamentable when it
this essay is adapted. played out behind closed doors, but it
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Fiona Hill
was inexcusable (and indeed impossible pressed Trump: “Would you now, with
to explain or justify) when it spilled out the whole world watching, tell President
into public view—which is precisely Putin—would you denounce what
what happened during the now legen happened in 2016 and would you warn
darily disastrous press conference after him to never do it again?”
Trump’s meeting with Putin in Helsinki. Trump balked. He really didn’t want
Before the press conference, Trump to answer. The only way that Trump
was pleased with how things had gone in could view Russia’s broad-based attack
his one-on-one meeting with Putin. The on the U.S. democratic system was
optics in Finland’s presidential palace through the lens of his own ego and
were to Trump’s liking. The two men image. In my interactions with Trump
had agreed to get U.S.-Russian arms and his closest staff in the White House,
control negotiations going again and to it had become clear to me that endors-
convene meetings between their coun- ing the conclusions of the U.S. intelli-
tries’ respective national security coun- gence agencies would be tantamount to
cils. Trump was keen to show that he and admitting that Trump had not won the
Putin could have a productive, normal 2016 election. The questions got right to
relationship, partly to dispel the prevail- the heart of his insecurities. If Trump
ing notion that there was something said, “Yes, the Russians interfered on
perverse about his ties to the Russian my behalf,” then he might as well have
president. Trump was eager to brush said outright, “I am illegitimate.”
away allegations that he had conspired So as he often did in such situations,
with the Kremlin in its interference in Trump tried to divert attention elsewhere.
the 2016 U.S. presidential election or He went off on a tangent about a convo-
that the Russians had somehow compro- luted conspiracy theory involving Ukraine
mised him—matters that at the time of and the emails of his 2016 opponent,
the meeting, Special Counsel Robert Hillary Clinton, and then produced a
Mueller was actively investigating. muddled, rambling answer to Lemire’s
Things went wrong as soon as the question, the crux of which was this:
press conference began. Trump expected
My people came to me. . . . They
public praise for meeting with Putin and
said they think it’s Russia. I have
tackling the nuclear threat. But the U.S. President Putin; he just said it’s not
journalists in attendance were not Russia. I will say this. I don’t see any
interested in arms control. They wanted reason why it would be. . . . But I
to know about the one-on-one meeting have confidence in both parties. . . . I
and what Putin might have said or not have great confidence in my intelli-
said regarding 2016 and election inter- gence people, but I will tell you that
ference. Jonathan Lemire of the Associ- President Putin was extremely strong
ated Press asked Trump whether he and powerful in his denial today.
believed Putin, who had repeatedly
denied that his country had done The outcome of the Helsinki press
anything to meddle in the election, or conference was entirely predictable,
the U.S. intelligence agencies, which which was why I and others had coun-
had concluded the opposite. Lemire seled against holding it at all. But it was
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40 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Master of
International Affairs (MIA) Program.
Be the change.
Fiona Hill
42 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Kremlin’s Strange Victory
the respective powers of the legislature backs of the thousands of little lies that
and the president in competing drafts Trump uttered nearly every time he
of a new constitution. Yeltsin moved to spoke and that were then nurtured
dissolve parliament after it refused to within the dense ecosystem of Trumpist
confirm his choice for prime minister. media outlets. This was yet one more
His vice president and the Speaker of way in which, under Trump, the United
the parliament, in response, sought to States came to resemble Russia, where
impeach him. In the end, Yeltsin Putin has long solidified his grip on
invoked “extraordinary powers” and power by manipulating the Russian
called out the Russian army to shell the media, fueling nationalist grievances,
parliament building, thus settling the and peddling conspiracy theories.
argument with brute force.
The next coup was a legal one and I ALONE
came in 2020, when Putin wanted to Trump put the United States on a path
amend Yeltsin’s version of the constitu- to autocracy, all the while promising to
tion to beef up his presidential pow- “make America great again.” Likewise,
ers—and, more important, to remove Putin took Russia back toward the
the existing term limits so that he could authoritarianism of the Soviet Union
potentially stay on as president until under the guise of strengthening the
2036. As a proxy to propose the neces- state and restoring the country’s global
sary constitutional amendments, Putin position. This striking convergence
tapped Valentina Tereshkova, a loyal casts U.S.-Russian relations and the exi-
supporter in parliament and, as a gencies of Washington’s approach to
cosmonaut and the first woman to travel Moscow in a new light.
to outer space, an iconic figure in Historically, U.S. policies toward
Russian society. Putin’s means were Russia have been premised on the idea
subtler than Yeltsin’s in 1993, but his that the two countries’ paths and expec-
methods were no less effective. tations diverged at the end of the Cold
It would have been impossible for War. In the immediate aftermath of the
any close observer of recent Russian collapse of the Soviet Union, Western
history to not recall those episodes on analysts had initially thought that Russia
January 6, when a mob whipped up by might embrace some of the international
Trump and his allies—who had spent institutional arrangements that Wash-
weeks claiming that the 2020 election ington and its allies had long champi-
had been stolen from him—stormed the oned. That, of course, did not happen.
U.S. Capitol and tried to stop the And under Putin, U.S.-Russian relations
formal certification of the election have become more frazzled and fraught
results. The attack on the Capitol was than at any point in the 1990s.
the culmination of four years of con- There is something confounding
spiracies and lies that Trump and his about the ongoing confrontation be-
allies had fed to his supporters on social tween the two countries, which seems
media platforms, in speeches, and on like an artifact from another era.
television. The “Big Lie” that Trump During the Cold War, the stakes of the
had won the election was built on the conflict were undeniable. The Soviet
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44 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
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Putin also blurs the line between charismatic, patriotic, and defiant. He
domestic and foreign policy to distract poses a threat to Putin not only owing
the Russian population from the to their differences but also because of a
distortions and deficiencies of his rule. few key similarities: like Putin, Navalny
On the one hand, he stresses how is a populist who heads a movement
decadent and dissolute the United rather than a party, and he has not been
States has become and how ill suited its averse to playing on nationalist senti-
leaders are to teach anyone a lesson on ments to appeal to the same Russian
how to run a country. On the other voters who form Putin’s base. Navalny
hand, he stresses that the United States has survived an audacious assassination
still poses a military threat and that it attempt and has humiliated Putin on
aims to bring Russia to its knees. numerous occasions. By skillfully using
Putin’s constant refrain is that the digital media and slick video skills to
contest between Russia and the United highlight the excesses of the Russian
States is a perpetual Darwinian struggle leader’s kleptocratic system, Navalny
and that without his leadership, Russia has gotten under Putin’s skin. He has
will not survive. Without Putin, there is forced the Kremlin to pay attention to
no Russia. He does not want things to him. This is why Navalny is in jail and
get completely out of hand and lead to why Putin has moved swiftly to roll up
war. But he also does not want the his movement, forestalling any chance
standoff to fade away or get resolved. that Navalny might compete for the
As the sole true champion of his coun- presidency in 2024.
try and his people, he can never be seen
to stand down or compromise when it THE TASK AT HAND
comes to the Americans. The current U.S.-Russian relationship
Similarly, Putin must intimidate, no longer mirrors the Cold War chal-
marginalize, defuse, or defeat any lenge, even if some geopolitical con-
opposition to his rule. Anyone who tours and antagonisms persist. The old
might stand in his way must be crushed. U.S. foreign policy approach of balanc-
In this sense, the jailed Russian opposi- ing deterrence with limited engagement
tion leader Alexei Navalny and Clinton is ill suited to the present task of
fall into the same category. In Putin’s dealing with Putin’s insecurities. And
view, if Clinton had become U.S. after Trump’s disastrous performance at
president, she would have continued to Helsinki, it is also clear that the arms
hound him and hold him to task, just as control summitry that took the edge off
she did when she served as secretary of the acute phase of the Cold War and
state in the Obama administration, by nuclear confrontation can provide little
promoting democracy and civil society guidance for how to anchor the future
to root out corruption in Russia. relationship. The primary problem for
Of course, Navalny is far more the Biden administration in dealing
dangerous to Putin than Clinton would with Russia is rooted in the domestic
have been. Navalny is a Russian, not a politics of the United States and Russia
foreigner. He is a next-generation rather than their foreign policies. The
alternative to Putin: young, handsome, two countries have been heading in the
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Return to Table of Contents
t was a momentous choice. Three abroad, China grew more repressive and
decades ago, the Cold War ended, and ambitious as it rose. Instead of fostering
the United States had won. It was harmony between Beijing and Washing-
now the sole great power on the planet. ton, engagement failed to forestall a
Scanning the horizon for threats, U.S. rivalry and hastened the end of the
policymakers seemed to have little cause so-called unipolar moment. Today,
for concern—and especially not about China and the United States are locked
China, a weak and impoverished country in what can only be called a new cold
that had been aligned with the United war—an intense security competition
States against the Soviet Union for over a that touches on every dimension of
decade. But there were some ominous their relationship. This rivalry will test
signs: China had nearly five times as U.S. policymakers more than the
many people as the United States, and its original Cold War did, as China is likely
leaders had embraced economic reform. to be a more powerful competitor than
Population size and wealth are the main the Soviet Union was in its prime. And
building blocks of military power, so this cold war is more likely to turn hot.
there was a serious possibility that China None of this should be surprising.
might become dramatically stronger in China is acting exactly as realism would
the decades to come. Since a mightier predict. Who can blame Chinese
China would surely challenge the U.S. leaders for seeking to dominate Asia
position in Asia and possibly beyond, the and become the most powerful state on
logical choice for the United States was the planet? Certainly not the United
clear: slow China’s rise. States, which pursued a similar agenda,
Instead, it encouraged it. Beguiled rising to become a hegemon in its own
by misguided theories about liberalism’s region and eventually the most secure
and influential country in the world.
JOHN J. MEARSHEIMER is R. Wendell And today, the United States is also
Harrison Distinguished Service Professor of acting just as realist logic would predict.
Political Science at the University of Chicago
and the author of The Great Delusion: Liberal Long opposed to the emergence of
Dreams and International Realities. other regional hegemons, it sees China’s
48 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
John J. Mearsheimer
ambitions as a direct threat and is was a nightmare. Not only would it mean
determined to check the country’s the end of unipolarity; a wealthy China
continued rise. The inescapable out- would surely also build a formidable
come is competition and conflict. Such military, as populous and rich countries
is the tragedy of great-power politics. invariably convert their economic power
What was avoidable, however, was the into military power. And China would
speed and extent of China’s extraordi- almost certainly use that military to
nary rise. Had U.S. policymakers during pursue hegemony in Asia and project
the unipolar moment thought in terms power into other regions of the world.
of balance-of-power politics, they would Once it did, the United States would
have tried to slow Chinese growth and have no choice but to contain, if not try
maximize the power gap between to roll back, Chinese power, spurring a
Beijing and Washington. But once dangerous security competition.
China grew wealthy, a U.S.-Chinese Why are great powers doomed to
cold war was inevitable. Engagement compete? For starters, there is no
may have been the worst strategic higher authority to adjudicate disputes
blunder any country has made in recent among states or protect them when
history: there is no comparable example threatened. Furthermore, no state can
of a great power actively fostering the ever be certain that a rival—especially
rise of a peer competitor. And it is now one with abundant military power—will
too late to do much about it. not attack it. Competitors’ intentions
are hard to divine. Countries figure out
REALISM 101 that the best way to survive in an
Soon after the Sino-Soviet split of the anarchic world is to be the most power-
1960s, American leaders—wisely—worked ful actor of all, which in practice means
to integrate China into the Western order being a hegemon in one’s own region
and help it grow economically, reasoning and making sure no other great powers
that a more powerful China would be dominate their regions.
better able to help contain the Soviet This realist logic has informed U.S.
Union. But then the Cold War ended, foreign policy since the very beginning.
raising a question: How should U.S. Early presidents and their successors
policymakers deal with China now that it worked assiduously to make the United
was no longer needed to check Moscow? States the most powerful country in the
The country had a per capita gdp that Western Hemisphere. After achieving
was one-75th the size of the United regional hegemony around the start of
States’. But given China’s population the twentieth century, the country
advantage, if its economy grew rapidly in played a key role in preventing four
the decades ahead, it could eclipse the great powers from dominating either
United States in sheer economic might. Asia or Europe: it helped defeat impe-
Simply put, the consequences of an rial Germany in World War I and both
increasingly wealthy China for the global imperial Japan and Nazi Germany in
balance of power were enormous. World War II and contained the Soviet
From a realist perspective, the pros- Union during the Cold War. The
pect of China as an economic colossus United States feared these potential
50 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Inevitable Rivalry
hegemons not only because they might harbored extensive revisionist goals in
grow powerful enough to roam into the East Asia. Chinese policymakers have
Western Hemisphere but also because consistently stated their desire to
that would make it harder for Washing- reintegrate Taiwan, take back the
ton to project power globally. Diaoyu Islands (known in Japan as the
China is acting according to this Senkaku Islands) from Japan, and
same realist logic, in effect imitating the control most of the South China Sea—
United States. It wants to be the most all aims destined to be fiercely resisted
powerful state in its backyard and, by China’s neighbors, not to mention
eventually, in the world. It wants to the United States. China has always had
build a blue-water navy to protect its revisionist goals; the mistake was
access to Persian Gulf oil. It wants to allowing it to become powerful enough
become the leading producer of ad- to act on them.
vanced technologies. It wants to create
an international order that is more THE ROAD NOT TAKEN
favorable to its interests. A powerful Had U.S. policymakers accepted the
China would be foolish to pass up the logic of realism, there was a straightfor-
opportunity to pursue these goals. ward set of policies they could have
Most Americans do not recognize pursued to slow economic growth in
that Beijing and Washington are follow- China and maintain the wealth gap
ing the same playbook, because they between it and the United States. In the
believe the United States is a noble early 1990s, the Chinese economy was
democracy that acts differently from woefully underdeveloped, and its future
authoritarian and ruthless countries such growth depended heavily on access to
as China. But that is not how interna- American markets, technology, and capi-
tional politics works. All great powers, tal. An economic and political Goliath
be they democracies or not, have little at the time, the United States was in an
choice but to compete for power in what ideal position to hinder China’s rise.
is at root a zero-sum game. This impera- Beginning in 1980, U.S. presidents
tive motivated both superpowers during had granted China “most favored nation”
the Cold War. It motivates China today status, a designation that gave the coun-
and would motivate its leaders even if it try the best possible trade terms with the
were a democracy. And it motivates United States. That favoritism should
American leaders, too, making them have ended with the Cold War, and in its
determined to contain China. place, U.S. leaders should have negoti-
Even if one rejects this realist ated a new bilateral trade agreement that
account, which emphasizes the struc- imposed harsher terms on China. They
tural forces driving great-power compe- should have done so even if the agree-
tition, U.S. leaders still should have ment was also less favorable to the United
recognized that turning China, of all States; given the small size of the Chi-
countries, into a great power was a nese economy, it would have taken a far
recipe for trouble. After all, it had long bigger hit than the U.S. economy.
sought to settle its border dispute with Instead, U.S. presidents unwisely kept
India on terms favorable to itself and granting China most-favored-nation
November/December 2021 51
John J. Mearsheimer
status annually. In 2000, the error was trade, Washington could have enlisted
compounded by making that status such allies as Japan and Taiwan, remind-
permanent, markedly reducing Washing- ing them that a powerful China would
ton’s leverage over Beijing. The next year, pose an existential threat to them.
the United States blundered again by Given its market reforms and latent
allowing China to join the World Trade power potential, China would still have
Organization (wto). With global markets risen despite these policies. But it
now open, Chinese businesses expanded, would have become a great power at a
their products became more competitive, much later date. And when it did, it
and China grew more powerful. would still have been significantly
Beyond limiting China’s access to the weaker than the United States and
international trading system, the United therefore not in a position to seek
States should have strictly controlled the regional hegemony.
export of sophisticated U.S. technologies. Because relative, rather than abso-
Export controls would have been espe- lute, power is what ultimately matters in
cially effective in the 1990s and the early international politics, realist logic
years of the next decade, when Chinese suggests that U.S. policymakers should
companies were mainly copying Western have coupled efforts to slow China’s
technology, not innovating on their own; economic growth with a campaign to
denying China access to advanced maintain—if not increase—their coun-
technologies in areas such as aerospace try’s lead over China. The U.S. govern-
and electronics would almost certainly ment could have invested heavily in
have slowed its economic development. research and development, funding the
But Washington let technology flow type of relentless innovation required to
with few limits, allowing China to preserve American mastery over cutting-
challenge U.S. dominance in the critical edge technologies. It could have actively
realm of innovation. U.S. policymakers discouraged manufacturers from moving
also made the mistake of lowering overseas, in order to bolster the United
barriers to direct U.S. investment in States’ manufacturing base and protect
China, which was tiny in 1990 but its economy from vulnerable global
mushroomed over the next three decades. supply chains. But none of these
If the United States had played hard- prudent measures were adopted.
ball on trade and investment, China
would surely have turned to other DELUSIONAL THINKING
countries for help. But there were limits Given the liberal triumphalism that
to what it was able to do in the 1990s. pervaded the Washington establish-
Not only did the United States produce ment in the 1990s, there was little
the bulk of the world’s most sophisti- chance that realist thinking would
cated technologies, but it also had inform U.S. foreign policy. Instead,
several levers—including sanctions and U.S. policymakers assumed that global
security guarantees—that it could have peace and prosperity would be maxi-
used to persuade other countries to take mized by spreading democracy, promot-
a harder line on China. As part of an ing an open international economy, and
effort to constrain China’s role in global strengthening international institu-
52 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
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potential customers. Trade groups such would simply be a less capable country.
as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the The prospect that it would become
Business Roundtable, and the National more powerful and no less authoritar-
Association of Manufacturers undertook ian did not appear to enter their
what Thomas Donohue, the Chamber of calculations. Besides, they believed that
Commerce’s president at the time, called realpolitik was old thinking.
a “nonstop lobbying blitz” to help China Some engagers now maintain that the
get into the wto. Leading lights in the United States hedged its bets, pursuing
media also embraced engagement, containment side by side with engage-
including the editorial boards of The ment in case a friendship with China did
Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, not flourish. “Just to be safe, . . . we
and The Washington Post. The columnist created an insurance policy in case this
Thomas Friedman spoke for many when bet failed,” Joseph Nye, who served in
he wrote, “Over time, China’s leaders the Pentagon during the Clinton admin-
simply can’t control and monitor their istration, wrote in these pages in 2018.
bursting free markets, or prevent little This claim is at odds with the frequent
people from getting cheated and then refrain from U.S. policymakers that they
rioting against the government, without were not containing China. In 1997, for
the other institutions that must go with example, Clinton described his policy as
free markets—from an effective [securi- “not containment and conflict” but
ties and exchange commission] to a free “cooperation.” But even if U.S. policy-
and responsible press backed by the rule makers were quietly containing China,
of law.” Engagement was equally popular engagement undermined their efforts,
in academia. Few China experts or because that policy ultimately shifted the
international relations scholars ques- global balance of power in China’s favor.
tioned the wisdom of helping Beijing Creating a peer competitor is hardly
grow more powerful. And perhaps the consistent with containment.
best indicator of the foreign policy
establishment’s overwhelming commit- A FAILED EXPERIMENT
ment to engagement is that both Zbig- Nobody can say that engagement wasn’t
niew Brzezinski and Henry Kissinger— given ample opportunity to work, nor
respectively, the most prominent can anyone argue that China emerged
Democratic and Republican Cold War as a threat because the United States
hawks—supported the strategy. was not accommodating enough. As the
Defenders of engagement argue that years went on, it became clear that
their policy allowed for the possibility engagement was a failure. China’s
of failure. Clinton admitted in 2000, economy experienced unprecedented
“We don’t know where it’s going,” and economic growth, but the country did
George W. Bush said the same year, not turn into a liberal democracy or a
“There are no guarantees.” Doubts like responsible stakeholder. To the con-
these were rare, however. More impor- trary, Chinese leaders view liberal
tant, none of the engagers foresaw the values as a threat to their country’s
implications of failure. If China re- stability, and as rulers of rising powers
fused to democratize, they believed, it normally do, they are pursuing an
54 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
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The first point of contrast between contrast, last fought a war in 1979
the two conflicts concerns capabilities. (against Vietnam) and in the ensuing
China is already closer to the United decades became an economic juggernaut.
States in terms of latent power than the There was another drag on Soviet
Soviet Union ever was. At the height of capabilities that is largely absent in
its power, in the mid-1970s, the Soviet China’s case: troublesome allies.
Union had a small advantage in popula- Throughout the Cold War, the Soviet
tion (less than 1.2 to 1) and, using gnp Union maintained a huge military
as a rough indicator of wealth, was presence in Eastern Europe and was
almost 60 percent as wealthy as the deeply involved in the politics of almost
United States. In contrast, China now every country in that region. It had to
has four times as many people as the contend with insurrections in East
United States and is about 70 percent as Germany, Poland, Hungary, and
wealthy. If China’s economy continues Czechoslovakia. Albania, Romania, and
growing at an impressive rate of around Yugoslavia routinely challenged Mos-
five percent annually, it will eventually cow’s economic and security policies.
have more latent power than the United The Soviets also had their hands full
States. It has been projected that by with China, which switched sides
2050, China will have a population midway through the Cold War. These
advantage of approximately 3.7 to 1. If allies were an albatross around Mos-
China has half of the United States’ per cow’s neck that distracted Soviet leaders
capita gdp in 2050—roughly where from their principal adversary: the
South Korea is today—it will be 1.8 United States. Contemporary China has
times as wealthy as the United States. few allies and, except when it comes to
And if it does better and reaches three- North Korea, is far less tied to its
fifths of U.S. per capita gdp by then— friends than the Soviets were to theirs.
roughly where Japan is today—it will be In short, Beijing has greater flexibility
2.3 times as wealthy as the United to cause trouble abroad.
States. With all that latent power, What about ideological motivations?
Beijing could build a military that is Like the Soviet Union was, China is led
much more powerful than the United by a nominally communist government.
States’, which would be contesting But just as Americans during the Cold
China’s from 6,000 miles away. War were wrong to view Moscow as
Not only was the Soviet Union primarily a communist threat, deter-
poorer than the United States; during mined to spread its malign ideology
the height of the Cold War, it was also around the globe, it would be a mistake
still recovering from the horrific devasta- to portray China as an ideological
tion wreaked by Nazi Germany. In menace today. Soviet foreign policy was
World War II, the country lost 24 influenced only on the margins by
million citizens, not to mention more communist thinking; Joseph Stalin was
than 70,000 towns and villages, 32,000 a hardcore realist, as were his successors.
industrial enterprises, and 40,000 miles Communism matters even less in
of railroad track. It was in no position to contemporary China, which is best
fight the United States. China, in understood as an authoritarian state that
56 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
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58 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
Taiwan and the Fight for Democracy The Myth of Russian Decline
he extravagant lurches of the U.S. intervention in Afghani-
stan—from a $1 trillion surge to total withdrawal, culminat-
ing in the reestablishment of a Taliban government 20 years
after the 9/11 attacks—must rank among the most surreal and disturb-
ing episodes in modern foreign policy. At the heart of the tragedy was
an obsession with universal plans and extensive resources, which sty-
mied the modest but meaningful progress that could have been
achieved with far fewer troops and at a lower cost. Yet this failure to
chart a middle path between ruinous overinvestment and complete
neglect says less about what was possible in Afghanistan than it does
about the fantasies of those who intervened there.
The age of intervention began in Bosnia in 1995 and accelerated
with the missions in Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Over this period,
the United States and its allies developed a vision of themselves as
turnaround CEOs: they had the strategy and resources to fix things,
collect their bonuses, and get out as soon as possible. The symbol of
the age was the American general up at 4 AM to run eight miles be-
fore mending the failed state.
Had the same U.S. and European officials been seeking to improve
the lives of people in a poor ex-coal town in eastern Kentucky or to
work with Native American tribes in South Dakota, they might have
RORY STEWART is a Senior Fellow at the Jackson Institute for Global Affairs at Yale
University and a co-author, with Gerald Knaus, of Can Intervention Work? He is former
British Secretary of State for International Development, served as a coalition official in
Iraq, and ran a development organization in Afghanistan.
60 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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62 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Last Days of Intervention
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Rory Stewart
Karzai—whose families had run the province in the 1980s and early
1990s and who used their newfound power to reignite a decades-long
civil war over land and drugs. (Helmand was then producing 90 per-
cent of Afghanistan’s opium and much of the heroin that found its way
to Europe.) Regularly robbed and tortured by these commanders, Af-
ghans in some parts of the province became nostalgic for the Taliban.
Many commentators blamed these setbacks on the light footprint,
arguing that the United States had been distracted by Iraq, had failed
to plan properly, and had not deployed enough resources or troops.
Un officials, counternarcotics agents, journalists, and human rights
and anticorruption campaigners all called for the toppling of the war-
lords. Academics warned that the lack of good governance would
alienate the local population and undermine the credibility of the Af-
ghan government. Practically everyone assumed that there was a real-
istic plan to fix governance in Afghanistan—and that the missing
ingredients were more resources and international troops. As one
2003 rand report on nation building argued: “The United States and
its allies have put 25 times more money and 50 times more troops, on
a per capita basis, into post-conflict Kosovo than into post-conflict
Afghanistan. This higher level of input accounts in significant meas
ure for the higher level of output measured in terms of democratic
institutions and economic growth.”
These ideas led nato to launch what was in effect a second, heavier
intervention: a regime-change operation aimed this time not at the
Taliban but at the power structures that had been established by the
coalition’s ally Karzai. By 2005, nato “provincial reconstruction teams”
had sprouted up across the country, the un had begun to disarm and
demobilize the warlords and their militias, and the number of nato
troops had begun to climb. General John Abizaid, the head of U.S.
Central Command, predicted that 2005 would be “the decisive year.”
By 2006, the most powerful warlords had been stripped of their
posts in Helmand, and the United Kingdom had deployed thousands
of troops to the province. Their aim was not to fight the Taliban, per-
ceived at the time as a weak force. Rather, the troops focused on im-
proving governance and justice and on stamping out corruption and
drugs. This plan, dubbed “the comprehensive approach,” demanded
an ever-heavier international footprint. Few seemed to doubt its fea-
sibility. The commander of the nato-led operation, British General
David Richards, insisted that the mission was “doable if we get the
64 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
“[A] much-needed, eagerly awaited book ... “[The book] offers a compelling analysis of “A tremendous set of insights from an
Bravo, Professor Rubenstein, for speaking current U.S. political travails and looks to exceptional group of scholars,
truth, however inconvenient it may be a brighter future by spelling out a roadmap presented in short pieces that are digestible
for world leaders.” for citizen activists and public servants.” in one sitting. A wonderful chronicling of
—Laurie Garrett, Pulitzer Prize–winning —Theda Skocpol, coeditor of an extraordinary year.”
writer and author of Betrayal of Trust Upending American Politics —Shamus Khan, coauthor of
Sexual Citizens:
Sex, Power, and Assault on Campus
“An empirically rich and diverse analysis.” “Coleman’s multidisciplinary approach “Sophisticated and compelling.”
—Bernhard Blumenau, author of yields fresh insights and reasons for hope. —Michele Dunne, Carnegie Endowment
The United Nations and Terrorism Policymakers and community activists will for International Peace
want to take note.”
—Publishers Weekly
66 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Last Days of Intervention
shrilly confident. And because these plans remained obsessed with fix-
ing the Taliban-dominated areas of southern Afghanistan, they diverted
investment from the stable, welcoming areas of central and northern
Afghanistan, where significant development progress was still possible.
Many of these optimistic plans contained barely concealed prophe-
cies of failure. McChrystal, for example, maintained that no amount of
U.S. military power could stabilize Afghanistan “as long as pervasive
corruption and preying upon the people continue to characterize gov-
ernance.” Obama himself acknowledged that such misconduct was un-
likely to change—but he nonetheless authorized a slightly pared-down
version of McChrystal’s request for almost 40,000 additional troops.
While the United States continued to refine its plans, the Taliban
implemented their own vision for how to establish security, gover-
nance, and the rule of law. They called it sharia, and they sold it not
from a military fort but from within tribal structures, appealing to
rural habits and using Islamic references, in Pashto. And the more
military power the interveners deployed against them, the more they
could present themselves as leading a jihad for Afghanistan and Islam
against a foreign military occupation.
To the Americans and their allies, it seemed impossible that the
U.S. military, with its fleets of gunships and cyberwarfare capabilities,
its cutting-edge plans for counterinsurgency and state building, and
its billions of dollars in aid and investment, could be held off by a
medieval group that lived in mud huts, carried guns designed in the
1940s, and rode ponies. The interveners continued to believe that the
international community could succeed in nation building anywhere
in the world, provided that it had the right plan and enough resources.
November/December 2021 67
Rory Stewart
be drawn into the long history of ethnic strife in the Balkans and so
approached the conflict with immense caution. When the United
States belatedly mounted a military intervention, it was focused on
air operations to bomb the Bosnian Serb artillery around Sarajevo.
The ground fighting was conducted by the Sarajevo-based Bosnia au-
thority and by Croatian soldiers, who received their training from
U.S. contractors. When international troops were deployed after the
Dayton peace accords, they spent most of their time on their bases.
More U.S. soldiers were injured playing sports than in action.
The Office of the High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina
had much less power than its equivalent would be given in Kosovo
and could not order military or police officers to enforce its decrees.
The Dayton agreement handed 49 percent of the country’s territory
to the Bosnian Serb aggressors and enshrined their power in areas
that they had ethnically cleansed. The cautious international presence
also initially left the Croatian and Serbian paramilitaries, special po-
lice forces, and intelligence services in place and did not disarm them.
Instead of doing the equivalent of “de-Baathifying,” as Bremer did in
Iraq, or toppling the warlords, as U.S. and coalition forces did later in
southern Afghanistan, the high representative for Bosnia and Herze-
govina was required to work with the war criminals. The party of the
Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic, who was responsible for the
massacre in Srebrenica, was allowed to participate in elections (and
won the first postwar one, in 1996).
Bosnia was ultimately transformed not by foreign hands but by
messy and often unexpected local solutions that were supported by
international diplomacy. The first breakthrough came when Bosnian
Serb President Biljana Plavsic split from her mentor, the war crimi-
nal Karadzic, and then requested international support. Plavsic was
herself a war criminal who had described Bosnian Muslims as “ge-
netically deformed material.” But the international forces worked
with her to disarm the special police forces, Bosnian Serb units that
acted as de facto militias. Later, the death of Croatian President
Franjo Tudjman and the toppling of Serbian President Slobodan
Milosevic fatally weakened their proxies in Bosnia. Neither of these
events was part of a planned strategy by the international commu-
nity, but both helped what had initially been a tiny and apparently
toothless war crimes tribunal in The Hague expand its operations,
leading eventually to the capture and prosecution not only of
68 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
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70 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
The Last Days of Intervention
wildfire. Health and life expectancy improved. There was less vio-
lence than at any point in the previous 40 years, and no insurgency
remotely comparable to what had exploded in Iraq. Perhaps most en-
couraging of all was that although millions of people had fled in the
wake of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq, millions of Afghan refugees
were choosing to return home during this period.
What would have happened if the United States and nato had
tried to retain a light footprint and a restrained approach beyond
2005? What if they had deployed fewer troops, invested in generous
development aid, and resisted fighting the drug trade, toppling war-
lords, and pursuing a counterinsurgency campaign against the Tali-
ban? The answer would have depended to a great extent on the
initiatives of local actors and the competition among them, the devel-
opments in neighboring countries, and luck—just as the outcome in
Bosnia did. In many parts of Afghanistan, there would have been pov-
erty, a lack of democratic representation, and strongman rule. In re-
gions controlled by drug lords and racked by Pashtun infighting and
Pakistani meddling, there probably would have been continued hor-
ror, especially if U.S. special operations forces and their proxies had
continued to hunt for terrorists. But across much of the country, from
Bamiyan to Panjshir, there could have been continued improvements
in health, education, and employment—particularly if an overambi-
tious surge had not diverted development funds away from these re-
gions and to the insurgency areas. And for millions of people in Herat
and Kabul, this progress could have been combined with an increas-
ingly open and democratic civil society.
Most important, however, many of the problems caused by the
heavier international presence and the surge would have been avoided.
Well meaning though they were, the attempts to depose local war-
lords in the name of good governance created power vacuums in some
of the most ungovernable regions of the country, alienated and under-
mined the elected government, and drove the warlords and their mi-
litias to ally with the Taliban. The counternarcotics campaigns
alienated many others who lost their livelihoods.
The United States did attempt to return to a lighter footprint in
2014, but by then, immense damage had been done. The surge had
formed an Afghan army that was entirely reliant on expensive U.S.
aircraft and technology, created a new group of gangster capitalists fed
from foreign military contracts, and supercharged corruption. Military
November/December 2021 71
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The Last Days of Intervention
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Return to Table of Contents
he story of Taiwan is one of resilience—of a country uphold-
ing democratic, progressive values while facing a constant
challenge to its existence. Our success is a testament to what
a determined practitioner of democracy, characterized by good gover-
nance and transparency, can achieve.
Yet the story of Taiwan is not only about the maintenance of our
own democratic way of life. It is also about the strength and sense of
responsibility Taiwan brings to efforts to safeguard the stability of the
region and the world. Through hard work and courage, the 23.5 mil-
lion people of Taiwan have succeeded in making a place for them-
selves in the international community.
Emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic, authoritarian regimes are
more convinced than ever that their model of governance is better
adapted than democracy to the requirements of the twenty-first cen-
tury. This has fueled a contest of ideologies, and Taiwan lies at the
intersection of contending systems. Vibrantly democratic and West-
ern, yet influenced by a Chinese civilization and shaped by Asian tra-
ditions, Taiwan, by virtue of both its very existence and its continued
prosperity, represents at once an affront to the narrative and an im-
pediment to the regional ambitions of the Chinese Communist Party.
Taiwan’s refusal to give up, its persistent embrace of democracy,
and its commitment to act as a responsible stakeholder (even when its
exclusion from international institutions has made that difficult) are
74 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Taiwan and the Fight for Democracy
now spurring the rest of the world to reassess its value as a liberal
democracy on the frontlines of a new clash of ideologies. As countries
increasingly recognize the threat that the Chinese Communist Party
poses, they should understand the value of working with Taiwan. And
they should remember that if Taiwan were to fall, the consequences
would be catastrophic for regional peace and the democratic alliance
system. It would signal that in today’s global contest of values, au-
thoritarianism has the upper hand over democracy.
The course of the Indo-Pacific, the world’s fastest-growing region, will
in many ways shape the course of the twenty-first century. Its emergence
offers myriad opportunities (in everything from trade and manufactur-
ing to research and education) but also brings new tensions and systemic
contradictions that, if not handled wisely, could have devastating effects
on international security and the global economy. Chief among the driv-
ers of these tensions is the rise of more assertive and self-assured au-
thoritarianism, which is challenging the liberal democratic order that has
defined international relations since the end of World War II.
Beijing has never abandoned its ambitions toward Taiwan. But af-
ter years of double-digit investment in the Chinese military, and ex-
pansionist behavior across the Taiwan Strait and in surrounding
maritime areas, Beijing is replacing its commitment to a peaceful
resolution with an increasingly aggressive posture. Since 2020, Peo-
ple’s Liberation Army aircraft and vessels have markedly increased
their activity in the Taiwan Strait, with almost daily intrusions into
Taiwan’s southern air defense identification zone, as well as occasional
crossings of the tacit median line between the island and the Chinese
mainland (which runs along the middle of the strait, from the north-
east near Japan’s outlying islands to the southwest near Hong Kong).
Despite these worrying developments, the people of Taiwan have
made clear to the entire world that democracy is nonnegotiable. Amid
almost daily intrusions by the People’s Liberation Army, our position
on cross-strait relations remains constant: Taiwan will not bend to
pressure, but nor will it turn adventurist, even when it accumulates
support from the international community. In other words, the main-
tenance of regional security will remain a significant part of Taiwan’s
overall government policy. Yet we will also continue to express our
openness to dialogue with Beijing, as the current administration has
November/December 2021 75
Tsai Ing-wen
76 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Taiwan and the Fight for Democracy
standing both the delicate balance of power in the region and the need
for support, the Taiwanese know that practical collaboration is often
better than being loud or adventurous and that a willingness to lend a
hand is better than trying to provoke or impose a system on others.
While the people of Taiwan have not always achieved consensus,
over time, a collective identity has emerged. Through our interactions
with the rest of the world, we have absorbed values that we have made
our own, merging them with local traditions to create a liberal, pro-
gressive order and a new sense of what it means to be Taiwanese.
November/December 2021 77
Tsai Ing-wen
78 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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80 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Taiwan and the Fight for Democracy
World Health Organization, which has left Taiwan little choice but to
develop its own methods of cooperating and communicating with in-
ternational partners. Being left out of the United Nations and other
multilateral institutions has encouraged resilience and spurred novel
approaches to dealing with challenges and crises of all kinds.
Despite being kept out in the cold, Taiwan has strived to adhere to
international protocols, such as the UN Framework Convention on Cli-
mate Change, amending its domestic
laws and seeking its own formulas for
meeting increasingly complex chal- The people of Taiwan have
lenges. Taiwan is also working proac- made clear to the entire
tively with its partners on the
development of its region. In 2016, we world that democracy is
launched the New Southbound Policy, nonnegotiable.
which facilitates regional prosperity
through trade and investment partner-
ships, educational and people-to-people exchanges, and technological
and medical cooperation with countries in South and Southeast Asia, as
well as Australia and New Zealand. Taiwan is also making investments
in these partners through its business community, simultaneously fos-
tering secure supply chains and regional development.
Indeed, with its high-tech leadership and educated and globalized
workforce, Taiwan is well positioned to help create secure global sup-
ply chains in sectors such as semiconductors, biotechnology, and re-
newable energy—all areas where international cooperation is needed
now more than ever. Our semiconductor industry is especially signifi-
cant: a “silicon shield” that allows Taiwan to protect itself and others
from aggressive attempts by authoritarian regimes to disrupt global
supply chains. We are working to further strengthen our role in secur-
ing global supply chains with a new regional high-end production hub
initiative, which will solidify our position in the global supply chain.
Besides making computer chips, Taiwan is active in high-precision
manufacturing, artificial intelligence, 5G applications, renewable en-
ergy, biotechnology, and more, helping create more diverse and global
supply chains that can withstand disruption, human or otherwise.
Taiwan derives additional soft power from expertise and capabilities
in a variety of other fields, including education, public health, medi-
cine, and natural-disaster prevention. And these are fields in which our
experts and institutions are taking on a growing regional role. Our
November/December 2021 81
Tsai Ing-wen
Sitting on the frontlines of the global contest between the liberal
democratic order and the authoritarian alternative, Taiwan also has an
important part to play in strengthening global democracy. In 2003,
we established the region’s first nongovernmental organization de-
voted to democracy assistance and advocacy, the Taiwan Foundation
for Democracy. Following the models set by the United States’ Na-
tional Endowment for Democracy and the United Kingdom’s West-
minster Foundation for Democracy, the tfd provides funding for
other nongovernmental organizations, international and domestic,
that advocate democratic development and human rights. It also
works to promote public participation in governance through mecha-
nisms such as participatory budgeting and to encourage youth en-
gagement through initiatives such as the annual Asia Young Leaders
for Democracy program. In 2019, the tfd organized its inaugural re-
gional forum on religious freedom, and my government appointed its
first ambassador-at-large for religious freedom.
Taiwan’s strong record on democracy, gender equality, and press and
religious freedom has also made it a home for a growing number of
global nongovernmental organizations, which have faced an increas-
ingly difficult environment in Asia. Organizations including Reporters
Without Borders, the National Democratic Institute, the International
Republican Institute, the European Values Center for Security Policy,
and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom have set up re-
gional offices in Taiwan. From Taiwan, they are able to continue their
important work in the region without the constant threats of surveil-
lance, harassment, and interruptions by authorities. We have also made
82 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Taiwan and the Fight for Democracy
November/December 2021 83
Tsai Ing-wen
tors, will continue to fuel the global economy. And Taiwan’s ability to
balance ties to various countries while defending its democratic way
of life will continue to inspire others in the region.
We have never shied away from challenges. Although the world
faces an arduous journey ahead, this presents Taiwan with opportuni-
ties not seen before. It should increasingly be regarded as part of the
solution, particularly as democratic countries seek to find the right
balance between the need to engage and trade with authoritarian
countries and the need to defend the values and democratic ideals that
define their societies. Long left out in the cold, Taiwan is ready to be
a global force for good, with a role on the international stage that is
commensurate with its abilities.∂
84 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
onald Trump was supposed to be an aberration—a U.S. pres-
ident whose foreign policy marked a sharp but temporary
break from an internationalism that had defined seven dec-
ades of U.S. interactions with the world. He saw little value in alli-
ances and spurned multilateral institutions. He eagerly withdrew
from existing international agreements, such as the Paris climate ac-
cord and the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, and backed away from new ones,
such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). He coddled autocrats and
trained his ire on the United States’ democratic partners.
At first glance, the foreign policy of U.S. President Joe Biden could
hardly be more different. He professes to value the United States’ tra-
ditional allies in Europe and Asia, celebrates multilateralism, and hails
his administration’s commitment to a “rules-based international order.”
He treats climate change as a serious threat and arms control as an es-
sential tool. He sees the fight of our time as one between democracy
and autocracy, pledging to convene what he is calling the Summit for
Democracy to reestablish U.S. leadership in the democratic cause.
“America is back,” he proclaimed shortly after taking office.
But the differences, meaningful as they are, obscure a deeper truth:
there is far more continuity between the foreign policy of the current
president and that of the former president than is typically recog-
nized. Critical elements of this continuity arose even before Trump’s
presidency, during the administration of Barack Obama, suggesting a
longer-term development—a paradigm shift in the United States’ ap-
proach to the world. Beneath the apparent volatility, the outlines of a
post–post–Cold War U.S. foreign policy are emerging.
RICHARD HAASS is President of the Council on Foreign Relations and the author of The
World: A Brief Introduction.
November/December 2021 85
Richard Haass
The old foreign policy paradigm grew out of World War II and
the Cold War, founded on the recognition that U.S. national secu-
rity depended on more than just looking out for the country’s own
narrowly defined concerns. Protecting and advancing U.S. inter-
ests, both domestic and international, required helping shepherd
into existence and then sustaining an international system that,
however imperfect, would buttress U.S. security and prosperity
over the long term. Despite missteps (above all, the misguided at-
tempt to reunify the Korean Peninsula by force and the war in Viet-
nam), the results largely validated these assumptions. The United
States avoided a great-power war with the Soviet Union but still
ended the Cold War on immensely favorable terms; U.S. gdp has
increased eightfold in real terms and more than 90-fold in nominal
terms since the end of World War II.
The new paradigm dismisses the core tenet of that approach: that
the United States has a vital stake in a broader global system, one that
at times demands undertaking difficult military interventions or put-
ting aside immediate national preferences in favor of principles and
arrangements that bring long-term benefits. The new consensus re-
flects not an across-the-board isolationism—after all, a hawkish ap-
proach to China is hardly isolationist—but rather the rejection of that
internationalism. Today, notwithstanding Biden’s pledge “to help lead
the world toward a more peaceful, prosperous future for all people,”
the reality is that Americans want the benefits of international order
without doing the hard work of building and maintaining it.
The hold of this emerging nationalist approach to the world is
clear, accounting for the continuity across administrations as differ-
ent as those of Obama, Trump, and Biden. Whether it can produce a
foreign policy that advances American security, prosperity, and val-
ues is another matter entirely.
As with any paradigm shift, the one taking place now is possible only
because of the failures—both real and perceived—of much of what
came in the years before. The Cold War ended 30 years ago, and the
United States emerged from that four-decade struggle with a degree
of primacy that had few, if any, historical precedents. U.S. power was
immense in both absolute and relative terms. It may have been an
exaggeration to hail a “unipolar moment,” but not by much.
86 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Age of America First
Contrasts and continuities: Trump and Biden debating in Cleveland, September 2020
Historians who look back on these three decades will be rightly
critical of a lot that the United States did, and did not do, with its
position. There were some important accomplishments: the reunifica-
tion of Germany within NATO, the disciplined handling of the 1990–91
Gulf War, the U.S.-led military and diplomatic effort to help end the
war and slaughter in the former Yugoslavia, the fashioning of new
trade agreements, the millions of lives saved thanks to the President’s
Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, known as PEPFAR.
But these achievements must be weighed against American failures,
both of commission and omission. Washington managed little in the
way of relationship and institution building, lacking the creativity and
ambition that characterized U.S. foreign policy in the wake of World
War II. It wasn’t considered much of a stretch when Dean Acheson, who
November/December 2021 87
Richard Haass
The first and most prominent element of continuity between Trump
and Biden is the centrality of great-power rivalry—above all, with
China. Indeed, U.S. policy toward China has hardly changed since
Biden became president: as Matthew Pottinger, a senior official on the
National Security Council during the Trump administration who was
the lead architect of that administration’s approach to China, rightly
noted in these pages, “The Biden administration has largely maintained
its predecessor’s policy.” Biden himself has spoken of “extreme compe-
tition” with China, and his coordinator for Indo-Pacific affairs has pro-
claimed that “the period that was broadly described as engagement has
come to an end.” This new posture reflects the pervasive disillusion-
ment in the American foreign policy establishment with the results of
efforts to integrate China into the world economy and the broader in-
ternational system, along with heightened concern about how Beijing is
using its growing strength abroad and engaging in repression at home.
88 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Age of America First
November/December 2021 89
Richard Haass
Accompanying this focus on great powers is a shared embrace of Amer-
ican nationalism. The Trump administration eagerly adopted the slo-
gan and idea of “America first,” despite the label’s origins in a strand of
isolationism tinged with sympathy for Nazi Germany. The Biden ad-
ministration is less overt in its nationalism, but its mantra of “a foreign
policy for the middle class” reflects some similar inclinations.
“America first” tendencies also characterized the Biden adminis-
tration’s initial response to covid-19. U.S. exports of vaccines were
limited and delayed even as domestic supply far exceeded demand,
and there has been only a modest effort to expand manufacturing ca-
pacity to allow for greater exports. This domestic focus was short-
sighted, as highly contagious variants were able to emerge in other
parts of the world before coming to do immense damage in the United
States. It also forfeited an opportunity to cultivate goodwill interna-
tionally by demonstrating the superiority of American technology
and generosity in the face of Chinese and Russian vaccine diplomacy.
U.S. trade policy has been shaped by similar forces, demonstrating
further continuity between Trump and Biden. The latter has avoided
the hyperbole of the former, who savaged all trade pacts except for the
ones his own administration had negotiated. (No matter that the
Trump administration’s agreements were mostly updated versions of
90 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
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92 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Age of America First
November/December 2021 93
Richard Haass
administration may well face the same choices its predecessor did,
with Iran advancing its nuclear and missile capabilities and its influ-
ence throughout the region. Even if Iran once again accepts time-
limited constraints on its nuclear activities, the United States will still
have to decide how to respond to other Iranian provocations.
Even on those issues on which Biden’s rhetoric starkly differs from
Trump’s, the policy shifts have been more modest than might have been
expected. Consider the two presidents’ views on the role of values in
foreign policy. Trump was a transactional leader who often seemed to
consider democracy a hindrance and tried to establish close personal
relationships with many of the world’s dictators. He lavished praise on
Putin and exchanged “love letters” with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un.
He spoke highly of China’s Xi Jinping, Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdo-
gan, and Hungary’s Viktor Orban, while denigrating the leaders of
democratic allies, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French
President Emmanuel Macron, and Canadian Prime Minister Justin
Trudeau. He even levied tariffs on Canada and the European Union.
Biden, by contrast, has declared that the United States is in “a
contest with autocrats,” announced plans to hold his Summit for
Democracy, and pledged to prioritize relations with countries that
share American values. Yet such commitments, however sincere,
have hardly made human rights and democracy promotion a more
prominent part of U.S. foreign policy. Well-warranted expressions
of outrage have not led to significant changes in behavior by others;
the targets of such outrage are generally willing and able to absorb
U.S. criticism and increasingly even U.S. sanctions, thanks to the
growth of alternative sources of support. Myanmar in the wake of a
military coup is a textbook example: the United States sanctioned
members of the regime, but Chinese largess and diplomatic sup-
port have helped the military weather the sanctions. Washington
has offered only a minimal response to incidents such as the Cuban
government’s brutal reaction to protests last summer or the assas-
sination of Haiti’s president. Whatever concerns Washington may
have about Saudi human rights violations, it’s unlikely that those
concerns would prevent cooperation with Riyadh on Iran, Yemen,
or Israel if, for example, Saudi Arabia’s leaders showed an interest
in joining the Abraham Accords.
94 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Age of America First
November/December 2021 95
Richard Haass
96 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Age of America First
Whatever the failings of this new paradigm, there is no going back;
history does not offer do-overs. Nor should Washington return to a
foreign policy that, for much of three decades, largely failed both in
what it did and in what it did not do.
The starting point for a new internationalism should be a clear
recognition that although foreign policy begins at home, it cannot end
there. The United States, regardless of its diminished influence and
deep domestic divisions, faces a world with both traditional geopo-
litical threats and new challenges tied to globalization. An American
president must seek to fix what ails the United States without neglect-
ing what happens abroad. Greater disarray in the world will make the
task to “build back better”—or whatever slogan is chosen for domestic
renewal—much more difficult, if not impossible. Biden has acknowl-
edged the “fundamental truth of the 21st century . . . that our own
success is bound up with others succeeding as well”; the question is
whether he can craft and carry out a foreign policy that reflects it.
The United States also cannot succeed alone. It must work with oth-
ers, through both formal and informal means, to set international
November/December 2021 97
Richard Haass
98 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
or two centuries, American leaders have quarreled about how
high to place support for democracy on the list of U.S. foreign
policy priorities. The Biden administration’s recent tragedy-
marred withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan reinforced the view
of skeptics from across the domestic political spectrum that actively
promoting democracy overseas is naive and less likely to advance the
country’s core interests than to embroil it in no-win quagmires. They
point as well to a steady decline in global freedom over the past 15
years as evidence that emphasizing democratic values is out of touch
with prevailing trends and therefore a losing strategy, one that actu-
ally detracts from the country’s international standing. With the
United States confronted by partisan divisions at home and fierce
adversaries abroad, these critics assert that U.S. leaders can no longer
afford to indulge in Lincolnesque fantasies about democracy as the
last best hope on earth. They must instead shift their focus inward
and accept the world as it is.
This thesis, although in keeping with the emotions of the hour, is
shortsighted and wrong. It would be a grave error for the United States
to waver in its commitment to democracy. Historically, the republic’s
claim on the global imagination has been inseparable from its identity—
however imperfectly embodied—as a champion of human freedom,
which remains a universal aspiration. The more disturbing events of the
MADELEINE K. ALBRIGHT is Chair of Albright Stonebridge Group. She served as U.S.
Ambassador to the United Nations from 1993 to 1997 and as U.S. Secretary of State from
1997 to 2001.
November/December 2021 99
Madeleine K. Albright
twenty-first century, for all their complications, have dented, but not
destroyed, what remains a unique foreign policy asset. Nothing would
be more foolish than to toss away this comparative advantage or to flee
the global stage entirely due to past disappointments and self-doubt.
The United States still has immense resources it can deploy for
purposes that serve both its immediate needs and its enduring ideals.
Should the country conclude otherwise, however, and decide to absent
itself from the democratic struggle, it would disappoint its friends, aid
its enemies, magnify future risks to its citizens, impede human prog-
ress, and compromise its ability to lead on any issue. What is more,
American leaders would be sounding the call for retreat at precisely
the moment an opportunity has arisen to spark a democratic resur-
gence. Contrary to the conventional wisdom, the momentum is not
with the enemies of democracy. It’s true that in recent years, some
authoritarians have grown stronger. But in many cases, they are now
failing to deliver, including in countries where people increasingly ex-
pect accountable leadership even in the absence of democratic rule.
This is a key point that few observers have yet grasped. Democracy is
not a dying cause; in fact, it is poised for a comeback.
100 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Coming Democratic Revival
For all these reasons, a democratic comeback is possible. But should
one begin, it will meet resistance. Although some authoritarians are
self-obsessed amateurs, many are skilled at shaping public percep-
tions and checkmating potential opponents. Their ranks are split be-
tween those who insist that they are democrats—albeit “illiberal”
ones—and those who openly scoff at even the most basic democratic
norms. All of them assert that in a dangerous and amoral world, lead-
ers must be able to act decisively to impose order, repel threats, and
foster national greatness. In recent years, authoritarians have provided
cover for one another through their influence in multilateral bodies
and by insisting that governments not be criticized by outsiders for
doing whatever they wish within their countries’ borders. National
sovereignty, they assert, is a sufficient defense against any allegation.
Dictators also have the advantage of intimidation. Few are above us-
ing force to harass political rivals and disrupt protests. Their goal in so
doing is less to change minds than to convince women and men yearn-
ing for freedom to surrender that aspiration. Sometimes, this works.
But people should not abandon hope. There was a period late in the
Cold War when it was fashionable to conclude that Soviet-style govern-
ments would last forever because of their willingness to quash dissent
before it could take hold. That proposition was used to justify U.S.
support for anticommunist dictators on the grounds that if only des-
102 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
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104 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Coming Democratic Revival
Another reason to be optimistic is that U.S. President Joe Biden is
better positioned than any American president in 20 years to argue on
behalf of democracy. George W. Bush saw himself as a champion of
freedom, but he wrapped that mission so thoroughly around his inva-
sion of Iraq that denigrators equated his stance with violent American
overreach. Wary of the association, Barack Obama was less outspoken
than he might have been in advocating democratic ideals. Trump, of
course, had the most antidemocratic instincts of any president. Hav-
ing replaced him, Biden faces an international pro-freedom constitu-
ency that has learned to be skeptical about the steadiness of U.S.
leadership but is also anxious for Washington to regain its voice on
matters of liberty and human rights.
In his inaugural address, Biden characterized his election as a vic-
tory not of a candidate or a cause but of democracy itself. He has since
stressed the benefits of political freedom; condemned specific acts of
repression in such places as Cuba, Ethiopia, Hong Kong, and Myan-
mar; and invited democratic leaders to an important and timely sum-
mit. The challenge he must address next is how to build on this start.
One good way to begin would be to draw a clear line separating past
U.S. military interventions from U.S. support for democracy. The dis-
tinction is important because many observers at home and abroad still
confuse the two. The U.S. mission in Afghanistan, launched toward the
end of 2001, was prompted by the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The invasion
of Iraq 16 months later was triggered by faulty intelligence concerning
that country’s weapons programs. Both were military operations. In
neither instance was the buttressing of democracy a primary motivat-
ing factor, and neither experience should discourage the United States
from pursuing future civilian initiatives on democracy’s behalf.
There are, after all, numerous examples of successful nonmilitary
American engagement in support of freedom. These include the Mar-
106 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Coming Democratic Revival
shall Plan, the Point Four Program, Radio Free Europe, the Alliance for
Progress, the Peace Corps, and overseas technical assistance on topics as
varied as public health and digital access. Projects such as these create,
at modest expense, a reservoir of respect that can serve the United
States well in times of crisis. Washington should invest far more in
them than it does, because that is how
democracy is best promoted—with an
outstretched hand, not a pointed gun. Democracy is not a dying
The Biden administration should cause; in fact, it is poised
also defend the American example for a comeback.
while acknowledging that U.S. de-
mocracy, although the world’s oldest,
remains a work in progress. Numerous commentators point to the
bitterness surrounding recent U.S. elections to suggest that the coun-
try’s democracy is unraveling and therefore no longer a suitable
model for others. Such claims are exaggerated. Despite widespread
fears and false allegations, the 2020 balloting was free of both sig-
nificant locally engineered fraud and disruptions traceable to foreign
disinformation campaigns. The high voter turnout was a sign of ro-
bust democratic health, as were the actions of courts and state offi-
cials to uphold the results. As for the storming of the U.S. Capitol on
January 6, less than one-fourth of Trump voters approved of the tac-
tics that the protesters employed, and a recent effort to organize a
follow-up demonstration fizzled. The debates currently underway
regarding election standards and early and mail-in voting mostly in-
volve issues that were not even under consideration a decade or two
ago. The important question now is not whether the country has
made progress toward more liberal electoral norms but whether those
gains can be preserved and enhanced. A positive answer—delivered
via legislative debate and, if necessary, the judicial branch—will only
strengthen the country’s democratic system. U.S. leaders should
speak about American democracy with humility, but dictators over-
seas who claim that the United States’ long experiment with freedom
is nearing its end will be proved wrong.
Even while working to set the record straight about U.S. democ-
racy, Biden should launch a multipart strategy aimed at sparking a
renewal of faith overseas in the power of collaboration among free
governments, workers, enlightened corporations, and civil society. His
core message, exemplified by his planned Summit for Democracy,
should be that democratic leaders must support one another and use
their combined influence to bolster civil discourse, due process, fair
elections, and the essential freedoms of speech, worship, and the press.
For this strategy to attract followers, the United States must show
the way by integrating its commitment to democracy into all aspects
of its foreign policy. In national se-
curity decision-making, when other
Biden is better positioned interests appear to conflict, the ben-
than any American efit of the doubt should be given
whenever possible to the backers of
president in 20 years to political openness and the rule of
argue on behalf of law. In bilateral diplomacy, consid-
democracy. erations of human rights should be
at the top of the agenda, instead of
an afterthought. The most coura-
geous democratic leaders, whether of countries large or small, should
be acknowledged, supported, and invited to the White House.
Through the UN and regional bodies, the United States should strive
to hold countries accountable to the principles proclaimed in multi-
lateral declarations and charters.
Biden and his team should also stress the economic advantages of
democracy. In the late 1990s, when I was serving as U.S. secretary of
state, I assured people everywhere that democracy would enable them
not only to vote without fear but also to better provide for their fam-
ilies. What I said was reinforced by what audiences saw. Aside from
the oil-rich Arab states, most prosperous nations were free. The rea-
son was plain: open societies were more likely to generate good jobs
by encouraging new ideas and innovative thinking. In the time since,
China’s domestic rise and subsequent increase in foreign commercial
engagement have, to some minds, undercut this thesis. Consider,
however, that even today, the per person income in the authoritarian
People’s Republic is around one-third of that in democratic Taiwan.
Since ancient times, authoritarian leaders have masqueraded as
modernizers, building great works that invariably double as advertise-
ments for themselves. Current examples of such leaders include
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and Saudi Crown Prince
Mohammed bin Salman. Although there is obvious merit in looking
forward, there are flaws in the notion that a single all-powerful leader
is best for driving progress. In Egypt, Sisi has allowed the military to
108 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
The Coming Democratic Revival
sink its teeth into virtually every part of the economy, thereby inhibit-
ing opportunities for the private sector. Saudi Arabia remains overly
dependent on oil revenue and continues to spend vast sums on vanity
projects. Meanwhile, in Turkey, the “economic miracle” touted by Er-
dogan has given way to rising poverty, joblessness, currency devalua-
tion, and debt. The troubles intensified after 2016, when Erdogan
assumed emergency powers.
110 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Coming Democratic Revival
fter rioters stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, some of
the United States’ most powerful institutions sprang into ac-
tion to punish the leaders of the failed insurrection. But they
weren’t the ones you might expect. Facebook and Twitter suspended
the accounts of President Donald Trump for posts praising the riot-
ers. Amazon, Apple, and Google effectively banished Parler, an alter-
native to Twitter that Trump’s supporters had used to encourage and
coordinate the attack, by blocking its access to Web-hosting services
and app stores. Major financial service apps, such as PayPal and
Stripe, stopped processing payments for the Trump campaign and
for accounts that had funded travel expenses to Washington, D.C.,
for Trump’s supporters.
The speed of these technology companies’ reactions stands in stark
contrast to the feeble response from the United States’ governing in-
stitutions. Congress still has not censured Trump for his role in the
storming of the Capitol. Its efforts to establish a bipartisan, 9/11-style
commission failed amid Republican opposition. Law enforcement
agencies have been able to arrest some individual rioters—but in many
cases only by tracking clues they left on social media about their
participation in the fiasco.
States have been the primary actors in global affairs for nearly 400
years. That is starting to change, as a handful of large technology
companies rival them for geopolitical influence. The aftermath of the
January 6 riot serves as the latest proof that Amazon, Apple, Face-
book, Google, and Twitter are no longer merely large companies; they
have taken control of aspects of society, the economy, and national
112 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
The Technopolar Moment
security that were long the exclusive preserve of the state. The same
goes for Chinese technology companies, such as Alibaba, ByteDance,
and Tencent. Nonstate actors are increasingly shaping geopolitics,
with technology companies in the lead. And although Europe wants
to play, its companies do not have the size or geopolitical influence to
compete with their American and Chinese counterparts.
Most of the analysis of U.S.-Chinese technological competition,
however, is stuck in a statist paradigm. It depicts technology companies
as foot soldiers in a conflict between hostile countries. But technology
companies are not mere tools in the hands of governments. None of
their actions in the immediate aftermath of the Capitol insurrection,
for instance, came at the behest of the government or law enforcement.
These were private decisions made by for-profit companies exercising
power over code, servers, and regulations under their control. These
companies are increasingly shaping the global environment in which
governments operate. They have huge influence over the technologies
and services that will drive the next industrial revolution, determine
how countries project economic and military power, shape the future of
work, and redefine social contracts.
It is time to start thinking of the biggest technology companies as
similar to states. These companies exercise a form of sovereignty over
a rapidly expanding realm that extends beyond the reach of regula-
tors: digital space. They bring resources to geopolitical competition
but face constraints on their power to act. They maintain foreign rela-
tions and answer to constituencies, including shareholders, employ-
ees, users, and advertisers.
Political scientists rely on a wide array of terms to classify govern-
ments: there are “democracies,” “autocracies,” and “hybrid regimes,”
which combine elements of both. But they have no such tools for
understanding Big Tech. It’s time they started developing them, for
not all technology companies operate in the same way. Even though
technology companies, like countries, resist neat classifications, there
are three broad forces that are driving their geopolitical postures and
worldviews: globalism, nationalism, and techno-utopianism.
These categories illuminate the choices facing the biggest technol-
ogy firms as they work to shape global affairs. Will we live in a world
where the Internet is increasingly fragmented and technology compa-
nies serve the interests and goals of the states in which they reside, or
will Big Tech decisively wrest control of digital space from govern-
114 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Technopolar Moment
spectrum of both the digital and the real-world products that are re-
quired to run a modern society. Although private companies have
long played a role in delivering basic needs, from medicine to energy,
today’s rapidly digitizing economy depends on a more complex array
of goods, services, and information flows. Currently, just four compa-
nies—Alibaba, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft—meet the bulk of
the world’s demand for cloud services, the essential computing infra-
structure that has kept people working and children learning during
the covid-19 pandemic. The future competitiveness of traditional in-
dustries will depend on how effectively they seize new opportunities
created by 5G networks, ai, and massive Internet-of-Things deploy-
ments. Internet companies and financial service providers already de-
pend heavily on the infrastructure provided by these cloud leaders.
Soon, growing numbers of cars, assembly lines, and cities will, too.
Along with owning the world’s leading search engine and its most
popular smartphone operating system, Google’s parent company, Al-
phabet, dabbles in health care, drug development, and autonomous ve-
hicles. Amazon’s sprawling e-commerce and logistics network furnishes
millions of people with basic consumer goods. In China, Alibaba and
Tencent dominate payment systems, social media, video streaming,
e-commerce, and logistics. They also invest in projects important to the
Chinese government, such as the Digital Silk Road, which aims to bring
to emerging markets the undersea cables, telecommunications net-
works, cloud capabilities, and apps needed to run a digital society.
Private-sector technology firms are also providing national security,
a role that has traditionally been reserved for governments and the
defense contractors they hire. When Russian hackers breached U.S.
government agencies and private companies last year, it was Micro-
soft, not the National Security Agency or U.S. Cyber Command, that
first discovered and cut off the intruders. Of course, private companies
have long supported national security objectives. Before the biggest
banks became “too big to fail,” that phrase was applied to the U.S.
defense company Lockheed Corporation (now Lockheed Martin) dur-
ing the Cold War. But Lockheed just made the fighter jets and missiles
for the U.S. government. It didn’t operate the air force or police the
skies. The biggest technology companies are building the backbone of
the digital world and policing that world at the same time.
Big Tech’s eclipse of the nation-state is not inevitable. Governments
are taking steps to tame an unruly digital sphere: whether it is China’s
recent moves targeting Alibaba and Ant Group, which derailed what
would have been one of the world’s biggest-ever initial public offerings;
the eu’s attempts to regulate personal data, ai, and the large technology
companies that it defines as digital “gatekeepers”; the numerous anti-
trust bills introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives; or India’s
ongoing pressure on foreign social media companies—the technology
industry is facing a political and regulatory backlash on multiple fronts.
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The Technopolar Moment
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The Technopolar Moment
promote direct global trade. But the party reined him in after he gave
a speech in October 2020 criticizing its financial regulators for stifling
innovation. Beijing now has Ma and Alibaba on a much tighter leash,
a cautionary tale for any would-be techno-utopians in China who
might consider challenging the state.
Even so, China depends on the digital infrastructure provided by
the likes of Ma to boost productivity and living standards—and thus
ensure the ccp’s long-term survival. China’s authoritarianism enables
it to be more forceful in its regulation of digital space and the compa-
nies that build and maintain it, but Beijing ultimately faces the same
tradeoffs as Washington and Brussels. If it tightens its grip too much,
it risks harming the country itself by smothering innovation.
to hold their own against those of the two major powers. As the EU’s push
for digital sovereignty sputters and the U.S.-Chinese cold war makes
national security in the technology space a dominant priority, Europe’s
technology sector has little choice but to follow Washington’s agenda.
As the United States and China decouple, companies that can re-
cast themselves as national champions are rewarded. Washington and
Beijing both funnel resources to technology firms to align them with
their national goals. The increasingly fragmented nature of the Inter-
net, meanwhile, makes operating on
a truly global scale increasingly diffi-
Governments and cult: when data, software, or ad-
technology companies are vanced semiconductor technology
poised to compete for can’t move across borders because of
legal and policy barriers or when
influence. computers or phones made by U.S.
and Chinese companies can’t talk to
one another, it raises costs and regulatory risks for companies.
Amazon and Microsoft might not find it hard to adapt to this new
order, as they are already responding to growing pressure to support
national security imperatives. Both companies already compete to
provide cloud services to the U.S. government and intelligence agen-
cies. But Apple and Google could find working with the U.S. govern-
ment more uncomfortable; the former has balked at government
requests to crack encrypted smartphones, and the latter pulled out of
a project with the Pentagon on image recognition. Facebook might
have the hardest time navigating a landscape that favored national
champions if it is seen as providing a platform for foreign disinforma-
tion without also offering useful assets for the government, such as
cloud computing or military AI applications.
This would be a more geopolitically volatile world, with a greater risk
of strategic and technological bifurcation. Taiwan would be a major con-
cern, as U.S. and Chinese companies continue to rely on the Taiwan
Semiconductor Manufacturing Company as a major supplier of
cutting-edge chips. Washington is already moving to cut off leading
Chinese technology firms from Taiwan and TSMC, fueling impressions
in Beijing that Taiwan is being dragged further into the U.S. orbit. Al-
though it remains unlikely that China would choose to invade Taiwan
over semiconductors alone—the potential for a military conflict with
the United States that escalates beyond Taiwan would be too great, and
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The Technopolar Moment
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The Technopolar Moment
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Return to Table of Contents
America’s Crypto
Protecting Security Without
Crushing Innovation
Justin Muzinich
his is the year that digital currencies went mainstream. In the
span of just three months last spring, China tested its first-
ever digital currency in some of its largest cities, hackers
breached a major U.S. oil pipeline and successfully demanded a ran-
som of more than $4 million in Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies surged to a
record combined market capitalization of over $2 trillion, and Jerome
Powell, the chair of the U.S. Federal Reserve, warned that cryptocur-
rencies are “highly volatile” and “may carry potential risks to . . . users
and to the broader financial system.”
What for years many in Washington had dismissed as a pet project
of techies and West Coast libertarians suddenly became one of the
most important, if least understood, policy issues on the agenda of the
Biden administration. Digital currencies are driving tremendous in-
novation that has the potential to make whole economic sectors more
efficient. But they also pose various national security and financial
threats and could even diminish U.S. influence abroad.
One reason that digital currencies are so potentially transformative
is that their software design often reflects a particular policy view—
that government should have less control over money. Early adopters
routinely imbued their use of digital currencies with political and
philosophical meaning. And even if many people buying Bitcoin to-
day are just looking to make a profit, the values embedded in the code
still come with every purchase. Reduced government control of money
JUSTIN MUZINICH is a Distinguished Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He
previously served as Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury.
130 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
America’s Crypto Conundrum
Tales from the crypto: at a cryptocurrency mine in Gondo, Switzerland, May 2018
rencies are just digital extensions of regular currencies—except they
can make central banks look more like retail banks. Depending on
their design, sovereign digital currencies can even enable ordinary
depositors to have accounts directly with central banks and can poten-
tially increase, rather than decrease, government control of money.
Private-sector digital currencies, by contrast, generally rely on de-
centralized blockchain technology to settle accounts between users.
These currencies include cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ether,
which fluctuate in value relative to the U.S. dollar, and a subset of
cryptocurrencies called “stablecoins,” such as USD Coin, commonly
VA L E N T I N F L A U R A U D / K E Y S T O N E / R E U T E R S
132 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
America’s Crypto Conundrum
ogy will have to adapt. But cryptocurrencies don’t just promise to dis-
place private-sector incumbents. They can undermine some essential
government functions valued on both sides of the aisle—and therein
lies the risk that a limited public policy framework should address.
such as Diem, are for the most part neither volatile nor taxable at the
time of use. They are stable, as their name suggests, because they are
tied to the value of a fiat currency—for example, always being worth
$1. For this reason, there are no gains to be taxed when stablecoins are
used in transactions, nor is there a price risk for merchants who de-
nominate their goods and services in a stablecoin.
Over the last year, the total value of stablecoins has grown from
about $10 billion to over $100 billion. And the fact that large platforms
such as Facebook are behind these currencies makes them even more
likely to achieve widespread use as a medium of exchange. This would
not necessarily pose a risk to the Fed’s ability to set monetary policy, as
long as stablecoin platforms deposit a fixed dollar amount in a reserve
account for every stablecoin that is in circulation. But if a stablecoin
were to achieve widespread use and then change its reserve require-
ment from, say, $1 per coin to ten cents, the money supply could in-
crease meaningfully. Such a decision would be made not by the Fed but
by whatever group is permitted to alter the stablecoin’s protocol—a
private governing association or some proportion of coin holders, for
example. Not only would that take important monetary policy deci-
sions out of the hands of the government, but it could potentially allow
foreign powers to gain influence over the U.S. money supply, for in-
stance, by acquiring a majority of that particular stablecoin.
Such possibilities remain remote, but in a world where it is difficult
to predict how technology will develop, policymakers should take pro-
active measures to prevent private-sector digital currencies from erod-
ing the Fed’s control over monetary policy. In particular, they should
step up the enforcement of tax rules, including those requiring the
payment of capital gains tax on cryptocurrency transactions, so that
non-stablecoins remain more attractive as an asset than as a medium of
exchange. Congress’s effort to include properly tailored cryptocurrency
tax reporting language in recent legislation is a good step in this direc-
tion. Policymakers should also require that stablecoins always maintain
a fixed reserve ratio, so that they will not impede the Fed’s ability to set
monetary policy even if they achieve widespread use.
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America’s Crypto Conundrum
through exchanges that are broadly accessible to the public, but the
regulatory regime around them is unclear. One source of confusion is
whether cryptocurrencies are securities, which fall under the jurisdic-
tion of the Securities and Exchange Commission (sec), or commodi-
ties, which are the purview of the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC). Lawyers differ on this question, and there is
considerable uncertainty within the industry over which regulatory
regime, if any, applies to which currency. A $2 trillion market needs
more clarity than this.
Even if a cryptocurrency were to fall clearly in the CFTC’s juris-
diction, a second set of ambiguities would remain. The CFTC can
regulate futures markets for cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, but it
has more limited powers—just the ability to punish fraud and ma-
nipulation—when it comes to cash markets. The same exchange
might facilitate trading in both futures and cash markets for Bit-
coin, for instance, but the CFTC would have regulatory authority
only over the former. Absent federal regulatory authority, cash mar-
kets could be subject to different regulations in all 50 states, which
would be both confusing to consumers and bad for American com-
petitiveness; entrepreneurs will do less business in the United
States if they have to comply with 50 different legal regimes there
but only a single regime in other countries.
Federal regulators may be able to find creative ways to assert juris-
diction, depending on the nuances of individual digital currencies.
But since cash markets for digital currencies can slide through a gap
in regulatory coverage between the SEC and the CFTC, Congress needs
to ensure that someone has clear regulatory authority. Congress need
not be heavy-handed; setting price controls to stop speculation is not
the government’s job. But Congress should act quickly.
Beyond jurisdictional questions, cryptocurrencies also raise finan-
cial stability concerns. For example, few rules govern reserve or li-
quidity management for stablecoins. As a result, coin holders may
have trouble exchanging their coins for dollars, and they may assume
more risk than they realize. The popular stablecoin Tether, for in-
stance, initially claimed that its coins were backed by dollars but later
disclosed that it had invested its reserves in a variety of risky assets,
to the surprise of many coin holders.
As long as these currencies are not widely held, such risks will be
borne solely by individual coin holders. But if the collateral underlying
Perhaps the most immediate risk posed by cryptocurrencies stems
from the anonymity they allow. The United States does not permit
large numbers of dollars to move both anonymously and electroni-
cally. It requires that banks and money transfer businesses, such as
Western Union, collect identifying information and perform some
due diligence for high-risk transactions. Suspicious transfers and
those over $10,000 must be reported to the Financial Crimes En-
forcement Network, the bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treas-
ury devoted to fighting illicit finance. These regulations haven’t put
financial criminals out of business, but they have created many ob-
stacles for them. Suitcases of cash are cumbersome and risky, and
electronic payments are difficult to anonymize.
Unlike bank accounts, most digital currency ledgers do not require
any identifying information beyond a cryptographic key. This makes
illicit activity much easier, even though anonymous flows can be
tracked on a blockchain ledger that occasionally facilitates recovery
from criminals. The majority of digital currency transactions—
roughly between 60 and 99 percent, depending on how one meas-
ures—are for legal purposes, but the appeal of cryptocurrencies for
criminals is obvious: virtually all ransomware attacks, including the
one earlier this year on a U.S. oil pipeline, demand payment in digital
currency, and money launderers, terrorists, drug traffickers, and tax
evaders also make use of the technology.
U.S. banking laws allow the government to require identifying in-
formation for some digital currency accounts, but only at financial in-
stitutions, such as the currency exchange platform Coinbase, that are
already taking steps to be good corporate citizens. The government has
less clear authority to require the identification of users who hold their
currency directly—on a thumb drive, for instance, or in some other form
of “unhosted” digital wallet. Some private companies are developing
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America’s Crypto Conundrum
The final category of risks posed by digital currencies is geopolitical.
Spurred by the growth of private digital currencies and the problem
of slow and expensive payments, a majority of the world’s major cen-
tral banks are considering launching sovereign digital currencies, also
known as “central bank digital currencies.” Against this backdrop, the
United States must consider the risks to the international role of the
dollar if it does not launch its own digital dollar.
This danger is often framed too narrowly as a worry that China’s
digital yuan could threaten the dollar’s reserve status. Beijing has
made no secret about its desire to increase the share of international
payments in yuan at the expense of the dollar. Mu Changchun, the
digital currency chief at China’s central bank, has spoken publicly
about China’s desire to reduce “dollarization” in the international
economy. And the Chinese Communist Party certainly values the
138 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
America’s Crypto Conundrum
data and surveillance capabilities the digital yuan will give the au-
thoritarian state. Considered alongside its vast infrastructure invest-
ment project, known as the Belt and Road Initiative, China’s ambition
to use the digital yuan to project economic power seems clear.
Yet the United States must weigh Beijing’s ambitions against its
capabilities. China faces a host of structural disadvantages, including
a managed exchange rate and a lack of economic transparency, that
will make it difficult for its sovereign digital currency to threaten the
dollar’s reserve status anytime soon. Some will embrace the digital
yuan, and others may be induced or forced to use it as a condition of
doing business with China—something for which Washington must
be prepared to hold Beijing to account. But wary of capital controls
and weaker property rights in China, most people will likely think
long and hard before ditching the dollar for the digital yuan at a scale
that would threaten the dollar’s reserve status. Put another way, the
real world factors that have historically constrained China’s fiat cur-
rency will also constrain its digital currency.
A more significant but largely overlooked risk of the digital yuan is
that it could help Beijing facilitate sanctions evasion. One way the
United States stops weapons sales to North Korea, for instance, is by
imposing secondary sanctions that prevent Americans from doing
business not just with the North Korean military but also with any
foreign entity that transacts with the North Korean military. Because
no bank can afford to lose access to the U.S. financial system, virtually
none will facilitate payments for Pyongyang’s military purchases. The
digital yuan could provide North Korea with a way around the bank-
ing system. If a foreign company that does no business in the United
States wants to sell to a North Korean military entity, both parties
could open accounts with the Chinese central bank, and money could
flow between them via the central bank without touching any com-
mercial banks, avoiding the bite of U.S. sanctions. Launching a digital
dollar would do little to address this threat.
Although the United States must be clear-eyed about the risks posed
by the digital yuan, in particular that it could undermine U.S. sanc-
tions, the threat to the dollar-based international system is much
broader than China. International payments are notoriously slow and
expensive. They flow through a patchwork of different national sys-
tems, touching multiple commercial banks in a process that adds cost
and time. A new system built with a global economy in mind could
140 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
America’s Crypto Conundrum
for decades provided stability for the United States and its allies,
Washington will need to adjust to—and shape—the global shift to-
ward central bank digital currencies.
If digital currencies continue to gain traction, the debate over how to
regulate them will only get louder. It will not be easy for Washington
to find a middle path. Because digital currencies touch so many policy
areas, they cut across the normal decision-making silos of the U.S.
government, creating more potential for bureaucratic sticking points
and risking an uncoordinated, patchwork approach. Within the execu-
tive branch, various agencies have a stake in the issue, including the
Treasury Department, the SEC, the CFTC, the Federal Reserve, the
Justice Department, and the State Department. In Congress, several
different committees have an interest in digital currencies, including
those on banking, finance, agriculture, and foreign relations.
To forge an interagency path forward, the Biden administration
should regularly convene a high-level group akin to the President’s Work-
ing Group on Financial Markets, which includes the treasury secretary,
the Fed chair, the SEC chair, and the CFTC chair, but add the attorney
general and the secretary of state or their deputies. Congress could also
set up a bipartisan task force to seek consensus across committees.
Most Americans want their government to be able to respond to
economic downturns, to prevent broad financial instability, and to fight
terrorism and other types of crime. But most also wish to benefit from
the innovative potential of new technologies such as digital currencies.
Both these things can be achieved only with common-sense guard-
rails—and, ultimately, through a digital dollar or a properly regulated
private-sector alternative. Decisions about the government’s control of
money must be shaped not just by software developers but by elected
representatives who are accountable to the American people.∂
The Myth of
Russian Decline
Why Moscow Will Be a Persistent Power
Michael Kofman and
Andrea Kendall-Taylor
he Biden administration came into office with a clear and
unambiguous foreign policy priority: countering a rising
China. The administration’s public statements, its early na-
tional security planning documents, and its initial diplomatic forays
have all suggested that pushing back against Beijing’s growing global
influence will be Washington’s national security focus, alongside
transnational threats such as climate change and the COVID-19 pan-
demic. The question of how to deal with Russia, by contrast, has taken
a back seat, returning to the fore only when Russian troops amassed
on Ukraine’s border in April. That crisis served as a reminder of the
danger of looking past Moscow—yet by July, President Joe Biden was
back to declaring that Russia was “sitting on top of an economy that
has nuclear weapons and oil wells and nothing else.”
Biden is not the first American leader to think along these lines.
Ever since the end of the Cold War, American politicians have peri-
odically suggested that Russia’s days as a true global power are num-
bered. In 2014, John McCain, a Republican senator from Arizona,
called Russia a “gas station masquerading as a country.” That same
year, U.S. President Barack Obama dismissed Russia as a mere “re-
gional power.” Not long thereafter, Russia successfully intervened in
the Syrian war, interfered in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and
MICHAEL KOFMAN is Director of the Russia Studies Program at CNA and a Senior Fellow
at the Center for a New American Security.
142 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
The Myth of Russian Decline
inserted itself into the political crisis in Venezuela and the civil war in
Libya. And yet, the perception of Russia as a paper tiger persists.
The problem is that the case for Russian decline is overstated.
Much of the evidence for it, such as Russia’s shrinking population
and its resource-dependent economy, is not as consequential for the
Kremlin as many in Washington assume. Nor should the United
States expect that Russia will automatically abandon its course of
confrontation once President Vladimir Putin leaves office. Putin’s
foreign policy enjoys widespread support among the country’s ruling
elite, and his legacy will include a thicket of unresolved disputes,
chief among them that over the annexation of Crimea. Any disagree-
ments with the United States are here to stay.
Put simply, Washington cannot afford to fixate on China while
hoping to simply wait Russia out. Rather than viewing Russia as a
declining power, U.S. leaders should see it as a persistent one—and
have a frank conversation about the country’s true capabilities and
vulnerabilities. Rethinking American assumptions about Russian
power would allow policymakers to address what will be a period of
prolonged confrontation with a capable adversary.
Expectations of Russian decline contain important truths. The coun-
try’s economy is stagnant, with few sources of value other than the
extraction and export of natural resources. The entire system is rife
with corruption and dominated by inefficient state-owned or state-
controlled enterprises, and international sanctions limit access to cap-
ital and technology. Russia struggles to develop, retain, and attract
talent; the state chronically underfunds scientific research; and bu-
reaucratic mismanagement hinders technological innovation. As a re-
sult, Russia lags considerably behind the United States and China in
most metrics of scientific and technological development. Military
spending has largely plateaued in the last four years, and the popula-
tion is forecast to decline by ten million people by 2050.
With such a dismal outlook, it is natural to assume that Russia’s
capacity for disruption and hostility on the international stage will
soon diminish, too—that the Kremlin will simply run out of resources
for its aggressive foreign policy. But those data points miss the broader
picture. They highlight Russia’s weaknesses and downplay its
strengths. Russia may be “a downshifter country,” as Herman Gref,
disposable incomes are ten percent lower today than they were in 2013,
wiping out nearly a decade of growth. But macroeconomic indicators
are stable enough to allow Moscow to project power well into the fu-
ture. After Russia’s annexation of Crimea and occupation of eastern
Ukraine in 2014, international sanctions and falling oil prices caused its
economy to tumble. In the years since, however, the government has
144 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
The Myth of Russian Decline
reined in its spending and adapted to lower oil prices, creating budget
surpluses and a growing war chest. The latest estimates, as of August
2021, put the value of Russia’s National Wealth Fund at about $185 bil-
lion and its foreign currency reserves at $615 billion—hardly a picture
of destitution. A new policy of import substitution, devised in response
to international sanctions, has breathed new life into the agricultural
sector, whose exports now rake in more than $30 billion annually. The
Kremlin has also reoriented trade away from the West and toward
China, currently its number one trading partner. Trade with China is
expected to exceed $200 billion by 2024, twice what it was in 2013.
What of Russia’s dependence on extractive industries? Oil and gas
sales continue to account for about 30–40 percent of the government’s
budget, meaning that a future shift away from fossil fuels will sting. But
it is unclear how near that future really is. And Russia produces energy
at such a low price that other exporting countries are likely to get
squeezed well before it sees its budget crimped. In addition, Russia is
the main energy supplier to the European Union, whose dependency
has only grown over the past decade: the eu gets 41 percent of its natu-
ral gas, 27 percent of its oil, and 47 percent of its solid fossil fuels from
Russia. The problem Moscow faces is that its resources are not infinite.
Russia’s oil production will peak in the coming decade—some think it
may have done so already—meaning that the country’s capacity to ex-
port easily extractable (and thus cheap) oil will hit a ceiling.
Meanwhile, although Russia lags behind the United States in techno-
logical innovation, it still ranks among the top ten worldwide in research-
and-development spending. In the case of artificial intelligence, it may
not even matter whether the country is a leader or a follower: given the
many applications and the commercial utility of this technology, Mos-
cow will likely realize some second-mover advantages while letting the
United States and China take on the costs and risks of pioneering its
development. Moreover, Russia has a struggling but viable technology
sector and has developed its own analogs to Facebook, Google, and other
popular online platforms, all of which are fairly successful within Russia.
Above all, Russia will remain a military force to be reckoned with.
Military power has historically been a Russian strength, compensating
for the country’s relatively undiversified economy, technological back-
wardness, and lack of political dynamism. It is in part why Russia man-
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148 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Myth of Russian Decline
Washington must move past the myth that Russia is a beleaguered or
cornered state, lashing out in recognition of its own demise. In truth,
there is little evidence that Russia’s leaders see their country in this way—
on the contrary, they consider Russia to be the center of power in its own
region and an assertive player globally. Events such as the bungled U.S.
withdrawal from Afghanistan only reinforce Moscow’s perception that it
is rather the United States that is in decline. Ignoring that view will cre-
ate false expectations for Russia’s behavior, leaving the United States and
its allies poorly positioned to anticipate Russian actions.
The Biden administration has taken steps in the right direction.
Among them is its focus on fostering democratic resilience. By ele-
150 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Myth of Russian Decline
152 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
he ignominious end to the U.S. war in Afghanistan dramati-
cally underscored the complexity and volatility of the broader
Middle East. Americans may try to console themselves that at
last they can turn their backs on this troubled region since the United
States is now energy self-sufficient and thus much less dependent on
Middle Eastern oil. Washington has learned the hard way not to at-
tempt to remake the region in the United States’ image. And if Amer-
ican leaders are tempted to make war there again, they are likely to find
little public support.
Nevertheless, pivoting away from the broader Middle East is easier
said than done. If Iran continues to advance its nuclear program to the
threshold of developing a weapon, it could trigger an arms race or a
preemptive Israeli strike that would drag the United States back into
another Middle Eastern war. The region remains important because of
its geostrategic centrality, located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia.
Israel and Washington’s Arab allies depend on the United States for
their security. Failing states such as Syria and Yemen remain a poten-
tial breeding ground for terrorists who can strike the United States
and its allies. And although the United States no longer depends on
the free flow of oil from the Gulf, a prolonged interruption there could
send the global economy into a tailspin. Like it or not, the United
States needs to devise a post-Afghanistan strategy for promoting or-
der in the Middle East even as it shifts its focus to other priorities.
In crafting that strategy, there is a precedent that can serve as a use-
ful template. It comes from the experience of Washington’s preemi-
MARTIN INDYK is a Distinguished Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and the
author of Master of the Game: Henry Kissinger and the Art of Middle East Diplomacy (Knopf,
2021), from which this essay is adapted.
the world stage. And yet during this period of American malaise, in
the midst of the Cold War, Kissinger’s diplomacy managed to sideline
the Soviet Union and lay the foundations for an American-led peace
process that effectively ended the conflict between the Arab states and
Israel, even though it failed to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
One of the most important lessons from the Kissinger era is that an
equilibrium in the regional balance of power is insufficient for main-
taining a stable order. To legitimize that order, Washington needs to
find ways to encourage its allies and partners to address the region’s
154 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Order Before Peace
156 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Order Before Peace
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Order Before Peace
160 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Order Before Peace
For Kissinger, the first instance of aiming too low came in July 1972,
when Sadat suddenly announced the expulsion of 20,000 Soviet military
advisers from Egypt. That was something Kissinger had called for two
years earlier. But when it happened, Kissinger felt no need to respond.
Sadat was disappointed. Five days before he announced the expul-
sion, he had sent a message to Kissinger expressing his desire to dis-
patch a special envoy to Washington. It would take seven months for
Kissinger to arrange a meeting with Hafez Ismail, Sadat’s national
security adviser. Ismail’s presentation captured Kissinger’s interest.
The Egyptian envoy explained that his country was ready to move
quickly, ahead of the other Arab states, and would even countenance
an Israeli security presence remaining in Sinai provided that Israel
recognized Egyptian sovereignty in the area.
Yet when Kissinger briefed Rabin, who was then Meir’s ambassa-
dor in Washington, the Israeli dismissed Ismail’s offer as “nothing
new.” Meir also rejected it, and Kissinger quietly dropped the idea.
Ismail met Kissinger again in May but came away from the meeting
believing that only a crisis would change Kissinger’s calculus. Four
months later, Sadat launched the Yom Kippur War.
Whether a more active response from Kissinger would have headed
off the war is unknowable. What is clear is that he underreached because
of his mistaken confidence in the stability of the equilibrium that he had
established. He had overlooked in practice something he had recognized
in theory: the stability of any international system depended “on the
degree to which its components feel secure and the extent to which they
agree on the ‘justice’ and ‘fairness’ of existing arrangements.” That is
why, after the war, he resolved to address the justice deficit by launching
direct negotiations to produce Israeli withdrawals from Arab territory.
Justice for the Palestinians, however, was not on Kissinger’s agenda,
because they were represented by the plo, which was then an irreden-
tist nonstate actor deploying terrorist tactics in an effort to overthrow
the Hashemite Kingdom in Jordan and replace the Jewish state. He
preferred to leave the Palestinian problem to Israel and Jordan. In this
case, his caution led him to miss an opportunity that arose in 1974 to
promote Jordan’s role in addressing Palestinian claims. That was the
last moment when the Palestinian problem might have been tackled
in a state-to-state negotiation between Israel and Jordan.
At the time, Jordan had a special relationship with the West Bank
Palestinians, who were its citizens. Thanks in part to the British, the
162 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Order Before Peace
tle attention to the way less powerful states and even nonstate actors
could disrupt his hard-won order if the system he helped coax into
place could not provide them with at least a modicum of justice.
164 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Order Before Peace
The International
Order Isn’t Ready for
the Climate Crisis
The Case for a New Planetary Politics
Stewart M. Patrick
he planet is in the throes of an environmental emergency.
Humanity’s continued addiction to fossil fuels and its vora-
cious appetite for natural resources have led to runaway cli-
mate change, degraded vital ecosystems, and ushered in the slow death
of the world’s oceans. Earth’s biosphere is breaking down. Our depre-
dation of the planet has jeopardized our own survival.
Given these risks, it is shocking that the multilateral system has
failed to respond more forcefully and has instead merely tinkered at
the margins. Although the United States and the European Union
have adopted measures to slow the pace of global warming—by set-
ting more aggressive greenhouse gas reduction targets, for example—
nothing guarantees that they will adhere to those pledges, and such
steps do little to encourage decarbonization in China, India, and other
major emitters. These efforts also fail to address other facets of the
looming catastrophe, not least collapsing biodiversity.
The natural world obeys no sovereign boundaries, and neither does
the worsening ecological crisis. It is time to take bold steps to over-
come the disconnect between an international system divided into 195
independent countries, each operating according to its own impera-
tives, and a global calamity that cannot be resolved in a piecemeal
fashion. It is time to govern the world as if the earth mattered. What
the world needs is a paradigm shift in U.S. foreign policy and inter-
national relations—a shift that is rooted in ecological realism and that
STEWART M. PATRICK is James H. Binger Senior Fellow in Global Governance at the
Council on Foreign Relations.
166 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
The International Order Isn’t Ready for the Climate Crisis
168 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The International Order Isn’t Ready for the Climate Crisis
We did start the fire: fighting the Caldor blaze, Grizzly Flats, California, August 2021
budget that is still overwhelmingly oriented toward countering tradi-
tional geopolitical and military threats. It must simultaneously col-
laborate with foreign partners on a multilateral response to slow and
reverse environmental collapse.
Brazilian leader blasted his French counterpart and charged him with
treating Brazil as if it were “a colony or a no man’s land.”
Two rival conceptions of sovereignty underpinned this clash. Ac-
cording to Bolsonaro, Brazil has an absolute right to develop the Am-
azon as it sees fit. “Our sovereignty is nonnegotiable,” his spokesperson
declared. Macron retorted that all of humanity has a stake in the rain-
forest’s survival. The world is a stakeholder, not a bystander, and can-
not remain silent as Brazil despoils this indispensable carbon sink,
irreplaceable oxygen source, and precious repository of plant and ani-
mal life. The core debate, as Richard Haass, the president of the
Council on Foreign Relations, has pointed out, is whether Brazil
should be considered the rainforest’s “owner” or merely its “custo-
dian.” More leaders and societies must come to accept Macron’s view
and reject that of Bolsonaro. Territorial sovereignty should not constitute
a blank check to plunder collective resources.
170 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The International Order Isn’t Ready for the Climate Crisis
allow others to monitor and verify their compliance, and face sanc-
tions and other penalties should they violate this commitment.
Protecting this expanded commons will require putting a price on
nature. For too long, humans have readily invested in produced capital
(buildings, roads, machines, software) and human capital (education,
health care) while running down the natural capital that sustains life
and provides the foundation for all
prosperity. We have taken the natural
world for granted and assumed that The natural world obeys no
technological innovation and market sovereign boundaries, and
incentives would free us from the re-
source constraints of a finite planet. neither does the worsening
Such attitudes are no longer tenable. ecological crisis.
According to the UN Environment
Program, the planet’s total stock of
natural capital has declined by 40 percent on a per capita basis since
1992. Reversing this trend will require reworking the current under-
standing of wealth to include the value of the world’s natural assets
and the myriad benefits they provide. In January 2020, the World
Economic Forum estimated that over half of global output—$44 tril-
lion per year—is highly or moderately dependent on benefits from
nature that are increasingly in jeopardy. Another study, published in
2014, has placed the total annual value of the planet’s ecosystem ser-
vices—water filtration, nutrient cycling, pollination, carbon seques-
tration, and so on—at between $125 trillion and $145 trillion.
Most environmentalists, however, resist placing a monetary value on
nature, citing its intrinsic worth. But failing to do so encourages firms
and individuals to take ecosystem services for granted and to exploit
them to exhaustion. The result is market failure in the form of environ-
mental costs borne not by the participants in any specific exchange but
by society as a whole (what economists call “negative externalities”).
A related problem is the fact that GDP, the conventional measure of
wealth and progress, does not account for natural capital, making it a
poor indicator of well-being and long-term productive capacity. The
international community must work to develop metrics that can ac-
count for environmental assets. Approximately 89 countries, includ-
ing all the members of the EU, have released natural capital accounts
to keep track of such assets and to promote transparency regarding
their use. The United States should do the same.
172 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The International Order Isn’t Ready for the Climate Crisis
and the Natural Resources Defense Council, can help hold companies
accountable by exposing hollow commitments and raising the specter
of consumer boycotts and other forms of civic activism to persuade
them that harming nature is a threat to their bottom lines.
The harm is usually suffered by the local inhabitants rather than by the
companies or consumers. The World Bank and other donors can pro-
vide technical assistance to give governments in developing countries
an accurate picture of the full costs of
such environmental degradation so
The global ecological that they can begin to hold corporate
emergency is the greatest perpetrators to account and force
them to shoulder the burden of these
collective-action challenge costs. Finally, the United States and
we have ever faced. other rich countries can encourage
nature-friendly development by de-
voting a greater share of bilateral and
multilateral aid to global conservation efforts and, more generally, con-
ditioning their assistance on sustainable environmental policies—
much as the U.S. Millennium Challenge Corporation makes access to
its financial resources contingent on good governance.
Simultaneously, countries should strengthen the international legal
framework for biodiversity conservation, particularly the Convention
on Biological Diversity. Although that treaty has failed to slow the loss
of ecosystems and species, some hope is on the horizon. In late 2020,
Costa Rica and France established an intergovernmental group known
as the High Ambition Coalition for Nature and People, which seeks to
permanently protect 30 percent of the planet’s terrestrial and marine
surface by 2030. Scores of governments have since committed to the
so-called 30x30 target, which is slated for approval at the CBD’s confer-
ence in the spring of 2022. The Biden administration has already em-
braced 30x30 as a domestic goal; there is no reason why it should not
join the global campaign. It should also end the United States’ outlier
status as the only country in the world that has refused to ratify the
CBD by submitting it to the U.S. Senate for its advice and consent.
The Biden administration should also work to engineer the success-
ful conclusion of a UN high seas biodiversity convention, which is cur-
rently in the final stages of negotiation. The agreement would establish
a framework to conserve and sustainably manage the living marine
resources and ecosystems lying beyond national jurisdictions—a vast
global commons that accounts for 43 percent of the planet’s surface.
The high seas are a remarkable source of biodiversity and protect hu-
manity from the worst effects of climate change by absorbing enor-
mous amounts of heat and carbon dioxide. But their health is declining
174 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
The International Order Isn’t Ready for the Climate Crisis
176 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
fter taking office in the depths government, low-tax economy that
of the Great Depression, U.S. Friedman and others imagined and
President Franklin Roosevelt brought into being is finally slipping from
quickly upended the relationship power. Not only is the American public
between the government and the questioning old beliefs—that markets
economy. With the New Deal, Wash- are best when they are free and govern-
ington took the unprecedented step of ments are best when they are small—
creating new industries and millions of but experts from across the political
jobs. This spending rescued countless spectrum are also increasingly admit-
Americans from poverty and ultimately ting that these assumptions have proved
fueled the remarkable postwar eco- false. COVID-19 has put into sharp relief
nomic boom. By the 1980s, however, a something the economic data have long
new bipartisan consensus had taken suggested: a laissez-faire system pro-
hold, one that saw small government duces rising inequality rather than
and low taxes as the key to economic shared prosperity. With these deeply
prosperity. In 1941, Roosevelt declared held convictions under assault, leaders
that every American deserved “freedom have a crucial opportunity to design a
from want” and that it was the govern- more equitable economy.
ment’s responsibility to lead the way.
But by 1996, President Bill Clinton was GREAT MEN
promising that “the era of big govern- Wapshott begins his book in the mid-
ment is over.” What changed? 1960s, with the story of the Newsweek
Nicholas Wapshott’s new book, editor Osborn Elliott’s quest for new
Samuelson Friedman, tells that story— columnists who could outshine the
the victory of 1980s free-market liber- magazine’s stodgy rival, Henry Luce’s
tarianism over the midcentury welfare Time. Perhaps great economists com-
state—as a battle between two eco- menting on the news of the day would
nomic titans, Paul Samuelson and appeal to his younger audience.
FELICIA WONG is President and CEO of the Elliott felt lucky to secure Samuel-
Roosevelt Institute. son, the greatest theoretical economist
178 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Market Prophets
of his time. He was also the author of a market system could regulate itself
what has become the best-selling without external intervention. Fried-
economics textbook of all time, first man believed that his unfettered
published in 1948 and titled simply version of capitalism, free from nearly
Economics. Samuelson, who had been all forms of government interference,
made a full professor at the Massachu- was synonymous with both economic
setts Institute of Technology at the age and political freedom. Samuelson, by
of 32, needed neither the headache nor contrast, maintained until the end of
the income that writing a magazine his life that “there can be no solution
column could bring, but he was seduced without government.”
by the idea of reaching Newsweek’s 14 Samuelson Friedman subscribes to the
million weekly readers. Elliott also tried great man theory (gender intentional)
to sign up Friedman, a conservative of intellectual history. In Wapshott’s
libertarian at the University of Chicago narrative, the two economists represent
who was an outsider to the Keynesian- almost the entirety of the debate
ism that dominated midcentury eco- between Keynesianism, a shorthand for
nomic thinking in the United States. active government management of the
Friedman initially refused Elliott, economy through fiscal policy, and
saying he was too busy. But Friedman’s libertarian-inflected monetarism, by
wife, Rose, pressed the case. “The task which central banks and the money
of explaining the relationship between supply take center stage. The intellec-
political freedom, for example, and a tual networks to which Samuelson and
free-market economy . . . has not been Friedman belonged get short shrift.
performed very well,” she wrote in a This is a fundamental omission. Fried-
1976 article for The Oriental Economist. man, for instance, was a founder, along
(Wapshott’s storytelling could have used with Friedrich Hayek, Ludwig von
more from Rose Friedman. A distin- Mises, Karl Popper, and others, of the
guished economist in her own right and Mont Pelerin Society—an influential
a co-author of much of Milton Fried- group that originally developed and
man’s work, she was responsible for propagated the idea of neoliberalism.
turning a collection of speeches into her Such networks provide vital intellec-
husband’s most influential popular text, tual, social, and political support to
Capitalism and Freedom.) their members, helping their ideas gain
Samuelson and Friedman joined acceptance and legitimacy. Wapshott
Newsweek in 1966 and wrote for the pays a little more attention to the power
magazine until the early 1980s. of select academic institutions—such as
Throughout their tenure, both thinkers mit, the University of Chicago, and the
covered the central economic debates of University of Virginia—that educated
the time, including the appropriate generations of students, both Keynes-
level of taxation and the role of the ians and neoliberals. But these institu-
Federal Reserve. As Wapshott docu- tions still take a back seat to Samuelson
ments, however, the two fundamentally and Friedman themselves.
disagreed over central elements of The larger problem is that Wapshott
economic theory—specifically, whether fails to give readers a sense of the times.
The 1960s and 1970s were turbulent: version of economics proved to be the
the Vietnam War, the sexual revolution, most compelling. According to that
and the civil rights movement upended version, the right political, moral, and
the United States’ old social, racial, and economic answer was wherever supply
economic orders. Although these met demand. The theory’s moneta
changes were often liberating, the rism—the policy of using the money
accompanying chaos led many middle- supply to influence the whole economy
class white Americans, including instead of relying on complicated legisla-
suburban housewives in the Sunbelt tive decisions around taxing and spend-
and business leaders in the South, to ing—was similarly elegant and apolitical.
reject Samuelson’s vision of federal Friedman’s economic and political
government intervention in favor of arguments were one and the same.
Friedman’s simple and well-ordered Freedom meant limited government.
system of free enterprise. This was the triumph of neoliberalism.
Much of the anxiety stemming from
the changes crystallized in 1964, when STAGFLATION NATION
the Republican presidential candidate The duel between Samuelson and
Barry Goldwater ran on an anticommu- Friedman was perhaps most pointed
nist, economically conservative plat- and pivotal when it came to questions
form, opposing both the welfare state about inflation: what caused it and how
and the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Goldwa- governments could tame it. The infla-
ter cast federal civil rights laws as yet tion of the 1970s remains a cautionary
another instance of unjust state interfer- tale that still animates American poli-
ence in private affairs and, in so doing, tics. The conventional wisdom holds
directly linked Friedman’s small- that the inability of Keynesianism to
government ideas to white southern explain so-called stagflation, a period of
opposition to desegregation. By the end paradoxically low growth and high infla-
of the 1960s, the civil rights movement tion, was the major reason for Samuel-
itself had also begun to explicitly link son’s fall and Friedman’s rise. Stagfla-
race and economics, but in the opposite tion presented a puzzle to which
direction. Martin Luther King, Jr., Keynesians had no answer. Inflation,
proclaimed in 1967 that “the problems which averaged about seven percent
of racial injustice and economic injus- annually throughout the decade, was
tice cannot be solved without a radical not supposed to be possible if unem-
redistribution of political and economic ployment was high and growth sluggish.
power.” The economic fight had become Friedman’s characteristically simple
an explicitly racial one. answer to the problem was for the
The 1960s and 1970s thus pitted Federal Reserve to arrange “a 3 to 5
Samuelson’s New Deal–era vision of percent increase in the stock of money.”
government against Friedman’s business-, Otherwise, too much money would
profit-, and shareholder-focused world- chase after too few goods, causing
view during an era of intense social prices to rise even more.
upheaval. For many white Americans, Wapshott’s narrative is strongest
Friedman’s supposedly politics-free here, revealing just how complicated
180 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
and long running the inflation debates
of the 1970s were. Over many years,
Samuelson and Friedman argued about
whether stagflation was caused by
persistently high wages propped up by
union contracts, the costs of the ongo-
ing Vietnam War, or shocks to the
global supply of oil. Even today, the
causes of the inflation of the 1970s
remain the subject of fierce debate.
The solution that Samuelson eventu-
ally proposed was to raise taxes and
maintain high levels of public spending—
remarkable for contemporary economists
accustomed to thinking of increased
interest rates as the only inflation cure.
Friedman, for his part, continued to
advocate a combination of lower public
spending and careful control over the
money supply. By the early 1980s,
Samuelson’s argument for greater spend-
ing had lost. Sharply higher interest rates
and a focus on inflation rather than
employment became the order of the day. After the End of History
Ronald Reagan won the presidency, Conversations
onversations with
having built his political career on a Francis Fukuyama
Friedman-inspired promise to cut taxes Edited by Mathilde Fasting
and a false, racially coded campaign With Francis Fukuyama
against so-called welfare queens—a Intimate access to the mind of Francis Fukuyama
stereotype of Black single mothers raking and his reflections on world politics, his life and
in government checks. Once in office, he career, and the evolution of his thought
cut taxes on the wealthy (while raising “An engaging intellectual journey in which Fukuyama
them for working people) and fought reflects on the global crises and transformations that
against trade unions—famously firing have unfolded in the three decades since his famous
essay on ‘the end of history.’ ” —Foreign Affairs
striking air traffic controllers. The
postwar Keynesian welfare state was “Students of geopolitics and world history will
dead, at least in the United States. find Fukuyama’s thoughts both provocative and
Although the economy was in deep inspiring.”—Kirkus Reviews
rate hikes in the fall of 1979 contains Now, more than a decade after the
some of the book’s most powerful crisis, something very new is emerging
insights. Friedman, who called Volcker’s at the highest levels of government:
20 percent rate increase “monetarism Brian Deese, the director of the Biden
lite,” had long advocated steady and administration’s National Economic
algorithmically determined changes in Council, has made it clear that the
the money supply, with no discretion current government’s covid-19 eco-
left to the Federal Reserve chair or other nomic recovery plan is “quite different”
political actors. But simple theories, from previous ones. The American
where simplicity itself is the virtue and Rescue Plan, the stimulus package
the appeal, are rarely easy to implement. passed by Congress in March, priori-
Even the highest of economic priests tizes providing funds directly to
bitterly disagree, constrained by their unemployed Americans and struggling
own prior assumptions. states and cities. Austerity, that watch-
word of decades past, is finished.
FRIEDMAN’S LAST DAYS President Joe Biden himself has argued
Americans can learn much from the for a new economic paradigm. “We
1970s. Although it is easy to reduce to a can’t go back to the old, failed think-
simple clash of economic titans the ing,” he proclaimed in July.
rupture that broke Keynesianism and This new paradigm is notably more
brought Reaganomics to power, that complicated than Friedman’s monetarism.
change took more than a decade. The Most mainstream economists, in fact, now
transformation was rooted not in reject the latter for its relentless focus on
individual personalities but in how the amount of money in circulation.
economic theories filter through com- Instead, the emerging framework is about
plex political realities. encouraging the federal government to
Today’s economic paradigm shift has play various roles meant to promote the
also taken place over time, having health of the U.S. economy and society.
begun long before the emergence of Public institutions, its advocates argue,
covid-19, as Wapshott documents. should make and enforce strict rules to
Understanding the current upheaval prevent corporate monopolies, invest in
means examining the policy failures green energy, and spend much more on
that led to the 2008 financial crisis and such public goods as health care, child-
the subsequent recession. Americans’ care, and education. Government
veneration of private capital faltered should also deliberately seek to close
with the collapse of the financial giants racial gaps in wages, wealth, housing,
Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers. Eve education, health, and other areas.
ryday people quickly came to believe Parts of this new vision are already
that these institutions no longer had coming to life. The $4 trillion allocated
their best interests at heart. According for the cares Act and the American
to Gallup polling, public confidence in Rescue Plan—both immediate re-
the banking system dropped from 53 sponses to the pandemic—includes an
percent in 2004 to 22 percent in 2009 unprecedented amount of government
and has never recovered. support for low-income and working-
182 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Market Prophets
class Americans, parents with young international tax evasion or the lack of
children, and small and medium-sized pandemic preparedness, rather than
businesses. Although the relief is merely lower trade barriers for multina-
temporary, it kept the worst effects of tional corporations. More working-class
the recent economic downturn at bay in Americans might finally have access to
ways that were unthinkable only a few economic security rather than living
years ago. Federal rescue funds have paycheck to paycheck. Washington
also driven wage increases, and—absent could incentivize a transition to a
new covid-19-related shutdowns—the low-carbon economy in time to stave off
current recovery is on pace to be five the worst effects of climate change. And
times as fast as the recovery from the perhaps most important, the United
Great Recession: two years, not ten. States might become a country whose
But although the pandemic may be idea of freedom is not primarily based
the final nail in Friedmanomics’s coffin, a on market transactions but instead built
durable world of higher taxes and govern- on the promise of a more egalitarian
ment management of the economy—one and democratic future.∂
that Samuelson might have recognized
and even embraced—has yet to fully
emerge. Whether this new paradigm
takes root the way Keynesianism did in
the 1940s and Friedmanesque market
fundamentalism did in the 1980s will
depend on many factors. “The culture
wars”—a go-to euphemism for the
backlash against racial and gender equal-
ity—could pull the United States away
from acting on truly inclusive policies.
A small but powerful group of climate-
denying politicians might continue to
bury their heads in the sand about the
immediate need to cut carbon emis-
sions. The government’s talent pipeline
and institutional resilience might not be
sufficient to implement the ambitious
programs currently under consideration.
The government itself might be unable
to regain the trust of Americans who,
for a host of reasons, may be suspicious
and distrustful of federal action.
But if U.S. leaders persevere, this
model will open up vast new social and
political possibilities. International
economic cooperation might aspire to
solve genuine public problems, such as
n July, two of South Africa’s largest unaffordable for most people, the
cities—Johannesburg and Durban— turmoil reflected the stark inequality
descended into civil unrest and mass that has long divided the country, and it
looting. In the deadliest week of politi- laid bare the economic precariousness
cal turmoil since the end of apartheid in that characterizes most people’s lives.
1994, 337 people were killed, and mil- People took what they could as quickly
lions of dollars’ worth of infrastructure as they could, sometimes trampling
and property was destroyed. others in the process. But they did not
For almost five days, I worried about act out spontaneously: a faction of the
my family as I watched television and ruling African National Congress
social media footage of people breaking (ANC)—mainly supporters of the jailed
into shops and raiding them for food former president Jacob Zuma—appears
and other basic items. I live in Austra- to have instigated the unrest in a bid to
lia, but my relatives are split between destabilize the government. The attempt
the areas hardest hit by the unrest. at insurrection failed. Instead of a
Even in places that were unaffected by revolution, the week turned into a
the violence, panic buying caused food large-scale grab for goods. There were
shortages, and news of the looting set no marches or demands, no manifestoes,
off class anxieties. When you live in a and no calls for the president to step
society as unequal as South Africa, the down or the ruling party to vacate office.
sense that the country might explode at It was easy to see these events as a
any minute is always palpable. metaphor for the rampant corruption
In the midst of the chaos, a short that has come to define South African
video of a tiny boy, aged eight or nine, politics. The country’s democracy is not
rail thin, and wearing faded clothes, on the brink of failure, as some West-
SISONKE MSIMANG is the author of The ern commentators have opined. South
Resurrection of Winnie Mandela. Africa has regular free and fair elec-
184 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
How Apartheid Endures
daughter. But Mandela calmed the to argue that economic policies in South
nation, urging restless Black youths not Africa were “created to serve the inter-
to retaliate against white people. After ests of those with the bargaining power
the tumult of the 1980s, when the to create new rules”—who, since the end
apartheid government kidnapped and of apartheid, have been a new and tiny
murdered activists and segregated Black multiracial elite. In other words, Fried-
communities exploded in violence, man shows that the country’s economic
neither the anc nor the white National institutions are primarily “the product of
Party, led by President F. W. de Klerk, who holds power; they may survive even
had an appetite for continued bloodshed. if they are inefficient, as long as they
The anc was focused on the transition: serve the interests of power holders.”
on writing a constitution, extending the
franchise to all citizens, and holding free ENDURING ECONOMIC ELITES
and fair elections. And so the political Friedman spends considerable time
settlement its leaders negotiated with examining how elites have guided
de Klerk’s government prioritized South Africa’s economic trajectory. In
moving on—which at the time seemed the 1990s, he recounts, the white
like a prerequisite for peace. political elite maintained its grip on the
But in Ramose’s view, the decision to economy even as it lost political power
wipe the slate clean conflicted with the by accommodating a small number of
tenets of African philosophy and, in new Black businesspeople. Predictably,
particular, with the notion of molato ga o these new Black economic elites were
bole, a Sotho proverb that holds that closely aligned with the anc. And when
debts do not expire with the passage of the anc passed new affirmative action
time and can be resolved only through laws mandating that all large financial
redress and restoration. Another leading transactions include partnerships with
South African academic, Joel Modiri, has Black-owned firms, its leaders stood
described South Africa’s post-apartheid ready to benefit, being the only Black
constitution as “a form of reiterative people with whom white elites had had
violence in the sense that the fundamen- previous professional interactions.
tal injustice of the old order was pre- Among the biggest beneficiaries was
served in the making of the new order.” Cyril Ramaphosa, who acted as the
Friedman rejects these views, which anc’s chief negotiator during the
root the current crisis in legal strictures, transition to democracy, led the team
arguing that the fault lies neither with that drafted the new constitution, and
the constitution nor with the negotia- now serves as South Africa’s president.
tions that produced it. Instead, he Ramaphosa worked closely with mem-
contends that the old order has lived on bers of the old white guard in the early
because of “path dependence”—a 1990s and was able to convert his
phenomenon famously described by the political networks into lucrative finan-
economic historian Douglass North as cial relationships within a few years of
“the powerful influence of the past on entering the private sector in 1996.
the present and future.” Throughout his Forbes has estimated that by 2015, his
book, Friedman draws on North’s ideas net worth had soared to $450 million.
186 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
How Apartheid Endures
Desperate times: fleeing tear gas at a protest in Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2021
being found guilty of abusing his position dependence as an inevitable and seem-
at the company to pursue private inter- ingly unwitting process, the outcome of
ests. More than two centuries later, the the march of history rather than of
mining magnate Cecil Rhodes was forced deliberate contestation. Yet there was
to resign as prime minister of the Cape nothing accidental about the economic
Colony over allegations that he gave a approach taken by the ANC. Beginning
government catering contract to a friend. with Mandela’s release in 1990, the
188 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
How Apartheid Endures
majority of South Africans often end up riches are shared more evenly among
as “spectators to bitter ideological battles its poorest citizens.
about them which never include them.” Under the present circumstances,
Poor South Africans fare even worse there is reason for skepticism about how
in the country’s economic battles. such an arrangement might be negoti-
Friedman shows how whereas the ated: the economic insiders have so
middle class and the elite have a stake much power, and the outsiders (most of
in the economy, the lower classes—and them poor and Black) have so little.
especially the unemployed—are ex- Still, cynicism has no place in South
cluded from the formal economy Africa’s future; its people simply cannot
altogether. Over the last few decades, afford it. Friedman’s call for a new
the share of people living below the economic pact might feel distant, but
$2-per-day poverty line has remained for the excluded majority, it is a tanta-
stubbornly high, and inequality has lizing possibility.∂
increased: South Africa is only slightly
more racially integrated than it was
before the end of apartheid, and it is
even more economically unequal.
In the early 1900s, W. E. B. Du Bois
argued that the problem of the twenti-
eth century would be the color line. He
was right, of course: in South Africa, as
in so many other parts of the world,
race was the predominant justification
for the oppression of Black people.
More than a century later, South
Africans have begun to understand that
while the color line still matters, the
poverty line has become more salient as
the country has been dominated by a new
multiracial group of economic insiders.
As the Trinidadian writer C. L. R. James,
whom Friedman aptly quotes near the
end of his book, put it in 1938, “To
neglect the racial factor as incidental is
an error only slightly less grave than to
make it fundamental.”
The way forward, in Friedman’s
view, is to look backward: South
Africans must once again sit across the
table from one another to negotiate a
new deal—not a political deal, as they
negotiated in the 1990s, but an eco-
nomic one, to ensure the country’s
mericans lie on their résumés, the most cited legal scholar in the
in their dating profiles, in country—takes up in Liars.
campaign ads, in their mem- The book is both succinct and
oirs, and, perhaps most of all, on social far-ranging. In a brisk nearly 200 pages,
media. Thanks to the First Amend- Sunstein looks at lies through the lenses
ment, they can mostly do so with of ethics, political theory, and constitu-
impunity—or, at any rate, without tional doctrine. In attributing the
fearing that the government will current informational crisis to a prolif-
punish them for it. In most contexts, eration of lies, however, the book largely
the First Amendment prohibits the overlooks the role that governments, the
government from restricting speech media, and technology companies are
because of its message. It makes it playing as agents and amplifiers of
difficult for public figures to win misinformation. Sunstein’s account lets
defamation suits. It precludes the the most powerful actors off the hook.
government from criminalizing false-
hoods that don’t cause serious harm. As REGULATING SPEECH
a result, Americans enjoy broad free- Sunstein argues that the United States
dom to say things that aren’t true. should regulate lies more aggressively
From one perspective, this freedom is than it does, even as he acknowledges
a wonderful thing, or at least a necessary that in most contexts, it is better to allow
byproduct of the United States’ founda- false speech to be corrected in the
JAMEEL JAFFER is Executive Director of the marketplace of ideas. It is usually better
Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia to trust the marketplace, he says, because
University and former Director of the Center for even a government operating in good
Democracy at the American Civil Liberties
Union. He is a member of the Aspen Institute’s faith will not always be able to separate
Commission on Information Disorder. truth from fiction and because some
190 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Liars in High Places
governments will use the authority to been doctored. The government should
police speech to suppress dissent instead. be able to respond to this kind of
(The “fake news” laws being adopted falsity—if not by prohibiting certain
around the world, including in Brazil, kinds of speech, then at least by label-
Hungary, and Russia, are a reminder that ing the lies as such or by requiring
this threat is real.) There is also a risk social media platforms to do so.
that falsehoods that are suppressed— First Amendment doctrine, Sunstein
rather than confronted head-on—will argues, too narrowly limits the govern-
fester and become more dangerous. ment’s ability to tackle harmful false-
But these arguments are not always hoods. One of the cases he takes aim at
convincing, Sunstein says. Some false- is New York Times v. Sullivan, from 1964,
hoods threaten serious harms that are in which the Supreme Court held that a
not likely to be corrected organically in public official who sues a critic for
public discourse. With respect to these defamation must demonstrate that the
falsehoods, policymakers must consider critic knew his or her statement was
regulatory responses. The U.S. Consti- false or acted with “reckless disregard of
tution is not always an obstacle to whether it was false or not.” Many
regulatory intervention, Sunstein reporters, editors, and media lawyers
observes. The First Amendment per- regard the decision in this case as
mits defamation suits, although it does synonymous with press freedom, but
place some limits on them. It allows the Sunstein is not so enthusiastic. In an age
government to ban false advertising. It in which anyone can disseminate misin-
doesn’t preclude the government from formation across the world with the click
prosecuting someone for committing of a button, he says, the case “looks
perjury or impersonating a government increasingly anachronistic.” It makes it
officer. In all these spheres, the First too difficult to hold people accountable
Amendment allows the government to for lies that do real damage, he argues.
punish people who lie. He also takes issue with the Su-
The First Amendment should be preme Court’s more recent decision in
understood to permit the regulation of United States v. Alvarez. That case, from
lies in other spheres, too, Sunstein says. 2012, invalidated the 2005 Stolen Valor
For example, the government should be Act, a federal statute that criminalized
able to regulate misinformation that lies about receiving military decora-
threatens public health. It should be tions or medals. (The defendant in the
able to regulate doctored videos, even if case was an inveterate liar who had
they aren’t defamatory. These kinds of falsely claimed to have been awarded
lies, Sunstein writes, cause serious the Congressional Medal of Honor.)
harms that cannot always be prevented The Court’s decision was based in large
or remedied by responsive speech. part on the concern that imposing
People may rely on false claims about penalties for false speech might chill
public health before the claims can be true speech, a concern Sunstein shares
exposed as false. A video may change to an extent. But he thinks that the
the public’s perception of a public Court’s decision in United States v.
figure even if it is later shown to have Alvarez was wrong, “even preposterous.”
He questions whether any socially useful government. Lies about other public
speech was really chilled by the Stolen figures—musicians, actors, and athletes,
Valor Act. In the name of defending the for example—can ruin people’s lives.
truth, he suggests, the Court merely “Many people are now being subjected
ceded more ground to falsehoods. to ‘cancellation’ on the basis of lies,”
Sunstein says, although he does not
AN AGE OF DECEPTION offer specific examples. His concern
Sunstein says Americans are living in extends beyond defamatory statements.
“an age of deception,” an era in which He argues that false statements falling
lies have become ubiquitous. He is short of libel are harming individuals
especially concerned about what he sees and society. He does not supply evi-
as the proliferation of defamatory lies dence that lying is more common today
about public officials, public institu- than it used to be. Still, he writes, “the
tions, and public figures. He mentions problem is serious and pervasive, and it
the “sustained attacks” on Hillary seems to be mounting.”
Clinton in the lead-up to the 2016 Sunstein is especially concerned
presidential election, unjustified attacks about all of this because social media
on the integrity of the media, and news allows liars to disseminate their lies
stories that carried “false statements more quickly and broadly. But he is
about Taylor Swift, Christian Bale, and principally worried about the liars, not
Julia Roberts.” Lies about public offi- the social media companies, and in fact
cials and institutions undermine faith in he casts the companies more as heroes
192 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
than as villains. “To their credit, some
of them are doing a great deal already”
to combat misinformation, he says, and
“their creativity offers a host of lessons
for public officials.” (Sunstein discloses
upfront that he has been a consultant to
Facebook, including on some of the
issues discussed in the book.) The
companies, in his view, are doing
“excellent work”—even if they should
Give the gift
do more, such as fact-check political
ads, strengthen their prohibitions
of the insight.
against misinformation relating to
public health, and suppress a broader
range of doctored videos.
Sunstein has a similarly rosy view of
the government’s relationship to lies.
He does briefly mention that U.S.
President Donald Trump pushed
misinformation about the 2020 presi-
dential election. But the lies of govern-
ment officials are mostly beyond the
scope of his inquiry. There’s no men-
tion here, for example, of the false
claims—all made by senior government
officials at one point or another—that
Iraq was hiding weapons of mass
destruction, that Muslims in New
Jersey cheered the 9/11 attacks, that the
CIA did not use torture, that drone
strikes have not resulted in civilian
casualties, or that wearing masks won’t
help against COVID-19. Sunstein says
he’s especially focused on falsehoods
that undermine the democratic process,
but it is difficult to understand why a
tabloid’s lies about a celebrity imperil
democracy, whereas the official lies that
misled the country into war do not.
Social media companies, too, bear a
great deal more responsibility for the
age of deception than Sunstein ac-
knowledges. Their ranking algorithms
can privilege sensational or extreme
speech and channel users into echo Sunstein criticizes, it is disturbingly easy
chambers where conspiracy theories for powerful people to use defamation
flourish. Their decisions about which lawsuits, or the threat of them, to
kinds of interactions to allow on their suppress important stories. Devin
platforms can have similar effects. And Nunes, a Republican member of Con-
their policies relating to ad targeting gress from California, has filed a slew of
can determine how broadly misinforma- lawsuits against journalists and ordinary
tion spreads and whether the misinfor- citizens who have criticized, mocked, or
mation can be corrected by others. reported on him, even suing the anony-
Social media companies—like govern- mous users behind two obviously satirical
ments—undoubtedly have important Twitter accounts, @DevinNunesMom
roles to play in addressing the problem and @DevinCow. And the Hollywood
of misinformation. But Sunstein is mogul Harvey Weinstein was able to use
wrong to conceive of them only as the threat of defamation litigation to
firefighters and not also as arsonists. stave off, for years, the news reports that
justifiably ended his career.
LIAR, LIAR, DEMOCRACY ON FIRE Sunstein isn’t oblivious to these
Still, Sunstein’s policy proposals are concerns. At one point, he suggests
worth considering. His prescriptions capping damage awards to mitigate the
concerning content moderation are chilling effect of defamation suits. But
modest but reasonable. His analysis of his analysis focuses on the costs of the
the Supreme Court’s case law relating to current doctrinal framework and mostly
false speech usefully pulls apart the skips over the benefits. It leaves the
various factors that courts should weigh impression that Sunstein has not fully
in deciding whether regulating misinfor- accounted for the possibility—the
mation in any given context would be certainty, some would say—that making
consistent with the First Amendment. it easier for public figures to sue critics
(The factors include the speaker’s intent, for false speech would make it easier for
the magnitude of the harm that could them to suppress true speech, as well.
result from the false speech, and how At its best, Sunstein’s book offers a
soon that harm would occur.) He is host of useful ideas about how First
plainly right that loosening current Amendment doctrine and content
doctrinal standards would create space for moderation policies might be adjusted to
regulation—including of false speech that encourage governments and technology
does not rise to the level of defamation. companies to address lies. But Sunstein
But he largely glosses over the ways gives the most powerful actors a free
in which new regulations could be pass. A more convincing account of the
abused. Even today, under a speech- age of deception, and a more compelling
protective doctrinal framework, state policy agenda, would place less emphasis
legislatures are fighting supposed on the mendaciousness of ordinary
misinformation by, for example, restrict- citizens and more on the governments
ing public schools’ ability to teach that spread falsehoods—and on the
students about systemic racism. And media organizations and technology
despite the Supreme Court cases that companies that amplify them.∂
194 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
Return to Table of Contents
n 1866, the U.S. Supreme Court major disputes over subpoenas from
handed down its landmark decision Congress and a Manhattan district
in Ex parte Milligan, which barred attorney for his financial records. But
the federal government from trying any objective accounting of the power of
civilians in ad hoc military tribunals the executive branch would have to
when civilian courts were available. concede that President Joe Biden had
Writing for the majority, Justice David more constitutional authority on his
Davis spent several pages explaining first day in office than President Barack
the dangers of an unchecked executive. Obama had on his last.
The United States, he said, “has no In their powerful and succinct
right to expect that it will always have monograph Phantoms of a Beleaguered
wise and humane rulers, sincerely Republic, the political scientists Stephen
attached to the principles of the Skowronek, John Dearborn, and Des-
Constitution.” Instead, “wicked men, mond King evaluate the long-standing
ambitious of power, with hatred of tension between two competing theo-
liberty and contempt of law, may fill ries of executive power—one that
the place once occupied by Washington locates power in the person of the
and Lincoln.” That is why the United president and another that finds it in
States has a written constitution, he the administrative state—and argue that
concluded, and independent judges to this tug of war has itself historically
served as a check on presidential
STEPHEN I. VLADECK is Charles Alan Wright
Chair in Federal Courts at the University of prerogatives. That vital tension, how-
Texas School of Law. ever, is disappearing quickly, and not
196 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Imperial Presidency’s Enablers
Check and balance? Trump and Amy Coney Barrett in Washington, D.C., October 2020
and thoroughly supervised not only by authority, however, conservatives in the
individual agency heads but also by the 1970s and 1980s were embracing a rival
White House. But the larger the federal interpretation of the constitutional sepa-
bureaucracy grew and the more responsi- ration of powers known as the unitary
bilities it took on, the more complex and executive theory. This theory found
opaque its hierarchy turned, the more fertile ground up and down Pennsylva-
insulated from electoral accountability its nia Avenue, particularly as Republican
officials became, and the more indepen- presidents were in office for 20 of the 24
dence from the Oval Office it gained—in years between 1969 and 1993, and it had
some cases simply by circumstance and in powerful advocates in two executive-
others because Congress expressly pro- branch lawyers appointed to the Su-
vided for such independence. What might preme Court by Republican presidents
be called, meant nonpejoratively, “the during this time, William Rehnquist
deep state” reflects the desire of a grow- and Antonin Scalia. The Constitution
ing expert administrative apparatus—and, says that “the executive Power shall be
at various points, Congress—to shield vested in a President of the United
more of the government’s decision- States,” and the theory’s central idea is
making authority from shifting partisan that, as Scalia once put it, “this does not
winds and from personal patronage and mean some of the executive power, but
the incompetence that accompanies it. all of the executive power.” In other
While the federal bureaucracy was words, executive power lies with the
accreting independent administrative president and the president alone.
198 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
ing Oversight Board, which was created
in the aftermath of the Enron and
WorldCom accounting scandals to
oversee the audits of public companies.
A provision that protected members of
the board from removal except for good
New Insight From
cause, the Court argued, interfered with the Council on
the president’s constitutional authority,
because, unlike in Morrison, these officers Foreign Relations
could be removed only by other execu-
tive officers whose removal also required
good cause, meaning that the president’s
capacity to dismiss them was further
limited. The Court explained this ruling
by arguing that one level of indepen-
dence is constitutional but two, as in the
case of the PCAOB, is not.
But the brakes have truly come off
with the confirmation of the Court’s two
newest justices. Brett Kavanaugh pro-
vided the fifth and decisive vote in the
June 2020 ruling in Seila Law v. Con-
sumer Financial Protection Bureau, which
held that inferior officers otherwise
covered by Morrison are not protected
from removal without cause if they are
the singular head of an independent
agency, versus one of a number of
commissioners in charge of an agency. In
the abstract, the argument appeared
plausible: the president should be able to From Kissinger’s shuttle diplomacy,
hire and fire agency heads at will. But if to the global reach of the #MeToo
the whole point of independent agencies movement, to adapting to climate
is their independence, the ruling took a change, the experts at the Council
on Foreign Relations examine how
healthy bite out of Congress’s power to
critical issues influence events
provide for such independence.
around the globe.
Earlier this year, Amy Coney Barrett
cast the decisive vote in United States v.
Arthrex, which handed proponents of
executive power an even more significant
victory by dramatically narrowing the
circumstances in which executive officers
are considered “inferior” and are thus
insulated from direct presidential con-
trol. At issue in Arthrex were the 200 or straints and of executive officers who
so patent judges within the U.S. Patent refused to do his bidding. What had
and Trademark Office who hear chal- been a primarily judicial and academic
lenges to the validity of patents granted movement, cloaked in dense legal jargon
by the federal government. With Clar- and technicalities, quickly became a
ence Thomas joining the three Demo- public spectacle, as Trump sought to
cratic appointees in dissent, the 5-4 bend the executive branch to his will.
majority held that even these minor Trump and his supporters, the authors
executive-branch adjudicators are in fact write, “pitted the chief executive against
“principal” officers under the Constitu- the executive branch, and they deployed
tion because their decisions are not the Constitution to dislodge anything
supervised by an executive-branch officer. within the president’s domain that
In one fell swoop, the Court significantly limited his authority or conditioned
winnowed the ranks of bureaucrats responsiveness to his directives.” The
protected from presidential removal by president portrayed the deep state as
Morrison and substantially increased the part of an antidemocratic conspiracy,
president’s direct control over adminis- and when the state pushed back—by
trative judges within the executive leaking damaging information to Con-
branch—a class of officials whose inde- gress and the press, publishing anony-
pendence is central to their job. mous op-eds excoriating the president,
And Arthrex is no outlier. The clear and filing whistleblower complaints, for
takeaway from a handful of recent instance—the result was, well, a spec-
decisions is that the Supreme Court is tacle. The authors drive the point home
now as committed to the idea of the in a particularly incisive passage:
unitary executive as it has been at any
The president’s insistence that he
point in its history. This development
alone held the executive power of the
would be significant at any point in time, American state drew out these forms
but it is especially glaring given that it of resistance. Tit for tat, he and the
transpired during Trump’s presidency. officers of the executive branch
Trump would have already loomed turned the Deep State conspiracy
large in this Court-sponsored expansion into something of a self-fulfilling
of presidential prerogative simply by prophecy. . . . [The resistance]
virtue of having appointed Kavanaugh turned on the value of depth, on the
and Barrett (and Neil Gorsuch, who has wisdom of stripping administration
also supported this drive). But what of its own integrity and operating the
Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic does executive branch as a strong arm of
so effectively is to demonstrate the presidential will. The clear-eyed
opportunity presented by Trump, who choice is not between the Deep State
and the unitary executive. It is
made no secret of his desire to amass
whether we value what depth has to
presidential power, for longtime propo- offer or not.
nents of the unitary executive. These
supporters of presidential authority The merits of the two sides of this
eagerly got onboard with Trump’s efforts debate aside, the authors’ point is that
to rid himself of administrative con- for those who supported Trump’s expan-
200 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
The Imperial Presidency’s Enablers
sion of the power of the chief executive, the president will have much more
the unitary executive theory “is, if power going forward. Trump may doubt
nothing else, an elaboration of newfound that the Court was on his side because it
skepticism of the value of depth.” Propo- didn’t hand him the 2020 election, but it
nents of the theory are unconvinced by was, and is, very much on the side of the
expertise, mistrustful of nonpartisanship, presidency as an institution.
and suspicious of everything that cannot As the authors note, the unitary
be directly controlled by the chief executive theory “is a license to presi-
executive. Fully applied, the theory dents to vent their instinctive hostility
therefore eliminates one of the critical to depth, and we should expect that
checks that exist to prevent presidents future presidents will use it as such.”
from pushing the envelope too far. With Indeed, Biden already has. Shortly after
the administrative state rendered an arm the Supreme Court’s decision in June in
of the Oval Office, and other checks on Collins v. Yellen, which reinforced the
presidential power, such as the courts 2020 ruling in Seila Law, Biden fired
and Congress, also not stepping up to the Trump-appointed commissioner of
the plate, the president ends up being the Social Security Administration
accountable to virtually no one. without cause—even though the person
in that position is protected from
BOTH SIDES NOW removal except in the event of neglect
Skowronek, Dearborn, and King don’t of duty or malfeasance in office. By way
ignore the Supreme Court’s role in of explanation, the Justice Department’s
adjudicating on executive and adminis- Office of Legal Counsel, which is
trative power, but they don’t feature it in headed by progressives who, before
the way that it merits, either. Trump is joining the Biden administration, had
hardly the first president to push been longtime academic critics of the
idiosyncratic theories of executive unitary executive, released a memo
power. President George W. Bush, for arguing that the protection from being
instance, embraced what some scholars removed without cause was no longer
dubbed “the commander-in-chief constitutional after Seila Law and
override”—the idea that any statutory Collins. Apparently, if the unitary
limits on the president’s national secu- executive truly is ascendant, even
rity powers were unconstitutional to the Democrats want to reap the benefits.
degree that they interfered with the That is the trap against which
president’s ill-defined authority as, in Phantoms of a Beleaguered Republic
the Constitution’s words, “Commander- ultimately rails. Embracing the unitary
in-Chief of the Army and Navy of the executive at the expense of the remain-
United States.” The Supreme Court of ing checks within the executive branch
that era implicitly rejected this theory in “beckons us toward a strong state,
one especially high-profile dispute over hierarchically controlled by the presi-
the use of military commissions to try dent.” The authors explain that defend-
Guantánamo detainees. Today’s Su- ers of expansive presidential power reas-
preme Court, by contrast, has reconfig- sure the wary “that this is how it was
ured constitutional authority such that meant to be, that the framers envisioned
a plebiscitary democracy in which every officers from the Oval Office. As one of
incumbent cuts deep, each truly an the Court’s most influential justices,
administration unto himself.” But as Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr., once said,
Davis warned 155 years ago in Ex parte the key is to accept that “certainty
Milligan, surveying a polarized political generally is illusion, and repose is not
landscape strewn with the wreckage of the destiny of man.” In other words, the
the Civil War, therein lies the problem. hard line of the unitary executive
The question then becomes how to theory, comforting as it may be to those
restore the balance that characterized who seek certainty in knowing where
both the executive branch and the federal power lies, does not make it the
separation of powers throughout the wiser choice: rather, the United States is
century after Davis’s ruling. It seems better off with tension between the
unlikely that Congress will reassert Oval Office and its bureaucracy.
itself, whether because one party is Trump laid bare the risks of the
reluctant to check the power of its own unitary executive, wielding expansive
president or because legislation that presidential power for personal gain
does try to bolster existing checks will with relative impunity. The Supreme
be vetoed by presidents who have no Court has so far reacted as if what
incentive to give away their own power. happened was because of who Trump
With the separation of parties taking was and is, not because of the powers of
the place of the separation of powers, the office that he held—powers that
interbranch checks on presidential exist and that he was able to benefit
power have increasingly fallen away— from thanks in part to the Court itself.
leaving only intrabranch checks. It is The United States may simply have to
also hard to be optimistic, given the hope that the Court will respond
polarized state of U.S. politics, that differently in the future, in defense of
voters will simply eliminate the problem checks on presidential authority, if the
by electing presidents who decline to country elects another Trump, because
expand their own authority. That is why, the alternative—a president unbounded
by the end of Phantoms of a Beleaguered by either external or internal checks—
Republic, the Court appears equal parts would be worse.∂
culpable for the current state of affairs
and the best hope for reform—not
changes of the like currently being
floated by progressives, who want to add
seats to the Supreme Court, take away
its power to decide certain cases, and so
on, but reform that maintains a healthy
balance between the chief executive and
the administrative state, such as treating
fewer officials as “principal” officers,
who must be subject to the president’s
absolute control, and expanding Con-
gress’s power to insulate “inferior”
202 f o r e i g n a f fa i r s
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n this masterful exercise in “intel- story of the rise and fall of systems of
lectual decluttering,” James cuts law across the civilizations, empires, and
through the tangled terminological societies of the ancient and modern
and conceptual jungle of modern world. The kings of ancient Mesopota-
globalist discourse. All the major ideas mia wrapped their laws in grand state-
make an appearance: capitalism, social- ments of social justice and the dictates of
ism, democracy, populism, nationalism, the gods. Chinese emperors claimed that
technocracy, and so on. The book takes the laws on which their authority rested
the form of a glossary: each of those were manifestations of the order of the
concepts gets its own chapter, organized cosmos. The world religions promul-
around fascinating discussions of the gated laws that were guides for living
origins and meanings of the words used and a pathway to the afterlife, entangling
to describe them. Many of the terms church and state and setting the stage for
have gone through a sort of conceptual struggles in medieval Europe to build
life cycle: emerging and gaining cur- secular systems of law. The age of
rency in a particular historical moment, Western empire brought with it ambi-
often during a global crisis or a rapid tious efforts by European states to
transformation in the world economy; organize and legitimate their imperial
being deployed in discursive battles conquests in a system of international
between advocates and critics; and over law. Pirie shows that laws protect against
time slowly losing their precise mean- the abuse of power but also serve as
ing as more and more connotations and instruments of social control. Laws can
ideological usages undermine the be used as both swords and shields in the
original idea. The book can also be read struggle for power and order. Pirie
as a history of the modern global argues that if the history of law has a
system, in which the terms stand in as common theme, it is that laws are not
markers for upheavals, innovations, and simply rules: they have a more overarch-
transformations in markets and politics. ing function in providing societies with
Particularly revealing chapters on the shared identities and moral visions.
terms “neoliberalism” and “globaliza-
Making the World Safe for Dictatorship Women’s International Thought: Towards a
Oxford University Press, 2021, 264 pp. EDITED BY PATRICIA OWENS,
All states engage in public diplomacy to HUTCHINGS, AND SARAH C.
burnish their images abroad. But DUNSTAN . Cambridge University
today’s authoritarian states, operating in Press, 2021, 600 pp.
a global system that has elevated norms
of democracy and human rights, have In most histories of the academic field of
extra incentives to engage in image international relations, very few women
promotion. As Dukalskis shows in this make an appearance. The “greats” in the
intriguing book, authoritarian states scholarly canon are overwhelmingly
protect and enhance their legitimacy Anglo-American men. In this ground-
and standing with a range of practices, breaking book, a distinguished group of
from standard advertising campaigns to scholars engages in what the historian
high-risk extraterritorial operations to Glenda Sluga calls “recovery history,”
apprehend and silence critics. Regimes reconstructing the forgotten and margin-
such as Kazakhstan’s routinely employ alized ideas of 18 female thinkers, includ-
Western public relations firms in ing several African American women,
campaigns to promote the country’s who played formative roles in defining
achievements. Russia engages in more and launching the field beginning in the
systematic efforts to censor, obscure, late nineteenth century. The goal of the
and refute unfavorable information, book is not to simply add women to
using its infamous Internet “troll farms” the traditional story of international rela-
to distract and discredit critics. China tions scholarship but to expand and
has sought to persuade foreign elites to complicate the theories and debates
view the state favorably through junkets within the field, bringing questions such
for journalists and policymakers, and its as gender, race, and empire into the
state-owned media outlets offer positive mainstream. The editors note that the
accounts of the Chinese regime. North first use of the term “international
Korea, Russia, and Saudi Arabia have thought” can be traced to Florence
all reportedly assassinated dissidents Melian Stawell’s 1929 book, The Growth
living abroad. Dukalskis argues that the of International Thought, a work that has
best way to counter authoritarian received hardly any scholarly attention.
propaganda is to promote transparency, One chapter of the volume considers the
protect information flows, and stand up contributions of Eslanda Robeson, a
for democratic values. Black activist and intellectual whose
internationalist thought focused on the
struggles of women for participation in
world politics. There are also chapters on
the revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg and
the philosopher Simone Weil, who
concentrated on problems of class and
colonialism. Another chapter provides an
204 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
century, and they are now charting a lthough the practice of econom-
path to a postliberal future. To illumi- ics is widely criticized, too many
nate the origins of this century’s post- critics oversimplify what econo-
liberal wave, Rose profiles major intellec- mists do or fail to appreciate how the
tual figures of the radical right discipline is changing. With her back-
prominent in the last century. The ground in government, consulting, and
German historian Oswald Spengler academia, Coyle offers a better-informed
developed an account of world history as critique. Economists, she shows, under-
a series of cultural struggles rooted in stand the limitations of their models; a
unbridgeable divides of blood, soil, growing amount of their research is
language, and tradition. Alain de Benoist devoted to analyzing big data as opposed
was a prophet of the French far right in to abstract theory; and they increasingly
his heyday, developing a theory of “folk interact with those in other disciplines.
democracy” in which all peoples had the Too often, however, economists forget
right to protect their customs, cultures, that they are part of the system they are
and ethnic identities from the effects of analyzing and that their work can affect
liberalism. Francis Parker Yockey was the its operation—as, for example, academic
preeminent American theorist of author- work on finance has affected the organi-
itarianism, envisioning an alliance zation of financial markets, and not
between a postliberal America and a always for the better. Economists also
post-Soviet Russia. To these thinkers, ignore the tendency for their findings to
206 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
kets became major exporters, they turn of the twenty-first century, many
developed an interest in maintaining of the themes he sounds are strikingly
and even strengthening the rules-based contemporary: tension between Iran
system. For its part, the United States, and Saudi Arabia, dysfunction in
possessing a limited social safety net, Venezuela, and the need for oil-producing
resorted to import restrictions to and oil-consuming countries to think
protect workers and turned away from about the coming transition to a
the WTO when it ruled against Washing- global economy that no longer relies
ton. Importantly, emerging markets on fossil fuels.
developed the legal capacity—the
cadres of attorneys and negotiators with
trade law expertise—needed to use Military, Scientific, and
global trade rules and procedures to Technological
their advantage. Shaffer argues for
reinvigorating the WTO as a primary
interface between the United States and
Lawrence D. Freedman
China but also for revising WTO rules to
provide more space for Beijing to
pursue state capitalism and for Wash- Bitskrieg: The New Challenge of
ington to intervene to protect workers Cyberwarfare
from import shocks. BY JOHN ARQUILLA. Polity, 2021,
240 pp.
The Rise and Fall of OPEC in the
Twentieth Century rquilla was one of the first
BY GIULIANO GARAVINI. Oxford analysts to appreciate how
University Press, 2019, 448 pp. digital technologies were
transforming the nature of conflict, and
Garavini’s rich history starts with the he remains one of the most perceptive.
emergence of petroleum-producing His latest book pulls together the
countries in the 1920s and covers the strands of his three decades of studying
establishment of the Organization of this issue. A constant theme is frustra-
Petroleum Exporting Countries in the tion at the failure of policymakers to
1960s, the oil shocks of the 1970s, and adjust their thinking, despite his own
OPEC’s declining ability to control efforts to advise and inform them. It
prices in the 1980s and 1990s. Garavini, took too long for them to appreciate the
a diplomatic historian, focuses on the vulnerability of computer networks to
interaction of so-called petrostates with crooks and hostile political actors.
the U.S. government, with their oil Companies and governments placed too
companies, and with one another. He much emphasis on firewalls and antivi-
details OPEC’s internal machinations rus software when encryption and cloud
using the minutes of the organization’s computing offered better defenses. In
conferences, a primary source not addition, because military planners
available to previous investigators. were reluctant to abandon the legacy
Although Garavini’s account ends at the systems of industrial age warfare, such
as tanks, they failed to notice the cally brilliant in ways that human
potential of tactics involving numerous commanders could never match—but AI
small units, in constant communication will never be a true strategist.
with one another, overwhelming targets
in swarms—a form of warfare that Three Dangerous Men: Russia, China,
Arquilla dubs “bitskrieg.” One distinc- Iran, and the Rise of Irregular Warfare
tive feature of his approach is his belief BY SETH JONES. Norton, 2021,
in arms control agreements to ensure 288 pp.
that civilians and critical infrastructure
are spared harmful attacks. Sadly, Jones takes an unusual and helpful
despite some occasional high-level approach to the security challenges facing
interest, there have been no serious the United States by exploring how three
negotiations on that issue among the men shaped the strategies of some of the
major powers. country’s most troublesome rivals. They
are General Valery Gerasimov, chief of
I, Warbot: The Dawn of Artificially Russia’s general staff; the late Iranian
Intelligent Conflict major general Qasem Soleimani, who was
BY KENNETH PAYNE. Oxford blown up on U.S. President Donald
University Press, 2021, 336 pp. Trump’s order in early 2020; and General
Zhang Youxia, vice chair of China’s
Payne has produced an engaging and Central Military Commission. Using
accessible guide to the development of Russian, Farsi, and Mandarin materials,
artificial intelligence (AI) as applied to Jones shows how they all turned to
war. He shows how an initial push irregular forms of warfare, including
stalled in the 1970s; what made the information campaigns on social media,
difference later was the remarkable as well as espionage and special opera-
increase in computing power, the tions, to weaken the United States. All
amount of data being generated on the three assumed a constant struggle with
Internet, and the way engineers came to the West. Whereas Soleimani had a
appreciate how machines can learn. certain swagger, Gerasimov and Zhang
Warbots are AI-enabled platforms that appear as somewhat two-dimensional
can make their own decisions: in prin- characters: competent, professional, and
ciple, they can identify targets, as well as loyal to their countries’ presidents. Jones
maneuver and fire, independently. From does not quite make clear whether or how
Payne’s analysis, three main conclusions these men created policy, as opposed to
emerge. First, profound ethical issues just articulating and implementing it.
arise once machines can decide which Still, he shows how menacing and
humans to kill, but the technology is disruptive their efforts can be and
now too varied and too far advanced to proposes ways to fight back. He is less
be banned. Second, AI favors the offense, convincing in arguing that these efforts
owing mainly to the ability of AI-enabled are more important than building up
weapons to swarm. Third, and perhaps conventional forces, at least for China
most important, if AI receives a lot of and Russia.
data and a narrow goal, it will be tacti-
208 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
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Recent Books
Spies, Lies, and Algorithms: The History work stoppages, sit-ins, hunger strikes,
and Future of American Intelligence and boycotts. Chenoweth believes that
BY AMY B. ZEGART. Princeton when it comes to inspiring social change,
University Press, 2022, 416 pp. such means are both more ethical and
more effective than violence. When
The inspiration for Zegart’s guide to the nonviolent activists topple a regime, for
U.S. intelligence community and the example, what follows is usually more
challenges it faces appears to have been stable and inclusive than the aftermath of
her discovery that Americans are poorly a violent insurrection. She uses an
informed about how the community impressive range of examples to address
works—and what they think they know some of the more obvious objections to
has been heavily influenced by civil resistance as a method: that
intelligence-themed pop culture nonviolence is equivalent to passivity, that
(“spytainment”). To correct the such movements can be easily suppressed
misperceptions this has produced, she with violence, that they often contain
uses a wealth of examples from the annals violent elements, and that they work only
of spycraft, from Washington’s failure to against democratic governments.
anticipate China’s entry into the Korean Chenoweth sees civil resistance as a form
War to its successful search for Osama of pressure building up from below
bin Laden. The digital revolution is against illegitimate and unjust practices
changing the practice of intelligence as and regimes. She identifies a close link
information becomes more plentiful and between the tactics of civil resistance and
accessible but also more manipulable. progressive political change, implying that
This raises for Zegart a number of those who use these methods are
interesting questions, such as whether invariably in the right. But as she
artificial intelligence can correct some of acknowledges, sectarian and regressive
the cognitive biases that lead to analytic movements can also employ civil
failures and how analysts can verify the resistance, and they frequently do.
authenticity of information when the
Internet makes fakery so easy. She also
discusses the importance of nonstate
actors, including technology giants such
as Google and even private individuals
tracking illicit nuclear activities.
210 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
ith an impeccably sourced, market. Facebook’s sheer size, its huge
highly readable volume cash reserves, its aggressive legal, public
based on interviews with relations, and lobbying teams, and
hundreds of current and former Face- regulators’ lack of understanding of
book employees, investors, and advisers, what happens “behind the platform”
as well as more than 100 lawmakers, have so far prevented effective action to
regulators, academics, and consumer rein in the company’s damaging impacts
advocates, and on access to previously on personal privacy and the integrity of
undisclosed documents from inside the democratic societies. The authors aren’t
company, two New York Times reporters hopeful this will come soon, but this
have produced an important addition to book could help.
the voluminous literature on Facebook
that should be read widely by policy- Power and Liberty: Constitutionalism
makers and the public alike. The title in the American Revolution
comes from a 2016 memo to Facebook BY GORDON S. WOOD. Oxford
employees in which an executive in the University Press, 2021, 240 pp.
CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s inner circle
explains: “The ugly truth is that we Many historians view Wood as the
believe in connecting people so deeply greatest living scholar of the American
that anything that allows us to connect Revolution. This book distills the core
more people more often is de facto insights of a long career into a single small
good.” If someone uses the platform for volume that grabs the reader’s interest
evil, the memo says, that’s unfortunate, from the first page and never lets go. He
but “still, we connect people.” What this explores the debates that shaped the
has meant in practice is that Facebook United States’ future governance, the
has prioritized revenue growth above all invention of the radical concept of
else. The company’s conversion of users popular sovereignty, and the forming of
into unwitting sales agents by tracking the country’s founding documents.
their shopping activity off the site, Lacking a common ancestry, Wood writes,
Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. “Americans have had to create their sense
presidential election partly through use of nationhood out of the[se] documents.”
of the site, Facebook’s development of The book covers power, liberty, concepts
algorithms that privilege fake news and of representation and rights, slavery, and
212 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
standing his patented grin and down- Richard Nixon. The latter two ate, drank,
home style, he was often cold and hard to and relaxed together, “rarely if ever talked
know. The intensely focused, hard- politics, . . . and often spent large chunks
working engineer and the deeply faithful of time in silence”—but Rebozo proved
born-again Christian coexisted, some- there was nothing he wouldn’t do for
times uneasily. Although devoted to doing Nixon. John F. Kennedy had already
right in the job of president, he lacked the shared a close friendship with the British
warmth and ease in communicating that diplomat David Ormsby-Gore for 25
would have made him a successful leader. years when he momentously called on
He was, writes Alter, an “all-business Ormsby-Gore to help figure out what to
president who seemed sometimes to do at the peak of the Cuban missile crisis.
prefer humanity to human beings.”
It is hard to believe that there is any Not One Inch: America, Russia, and the
aspect of the American presidency that Making of Post–Cold War Stalemate
hasn’t been fully explored, from first BY M. E. SAROT TE. Yale University
ladies to first pets. Ginsberg noticed that Press, 2021, 568 pp.
there was one obvious, potentially
powerful set of actors who had largely distinguished historian of transat-
been ignored: presidents’ closest friends. lantic relations revisits Western
These are the men and women who can relations with Russia during the
relieve the loneliness a president lives 1990s. This critical decade set the tone for
with, help him think through what to do geopolitics in the post–Cold War period,
about a major problem, and say things to above all though the expansion of NATO.
him that no one else can. The resulting Sarotte weaves together the most engag-
book is an entertaining, sometimes ing and carefully documented account of
thought-provoking read. It opens with this period in East-West diplomacy
the well-known, highly political 50-year currently available. She deepens the
friendship between Thomas Jefferson and conventional wisdom among most
James Madison, during which they historians, namely that in the late 1980s
exchanged around 1,250 letters. There is and early 1990s, many Western leaders
Abraham Lincoln’s friendship with gave informal assurances that NATO would
Joshua Speed, who may have saved not expand—not just to the territory of
Lincoln’s life from severe depression and the former East Germany but also across
probably did save his career. At another central and eastern Europe. Since Mos-
extreme are those friends whose main cow failed to secure any formal guarantee,
role was to listen: Daisy Suckley to however, Western leaders later went
Franklin Roosevelt and Bebe Rebozo to ahead anyway, downplaying or denying
any contradiction. She argues more specu- things done, diplomats must often
latively that this perceived betrayal was a mislead or mistreat the public and, often,
major factor in the subsequent collapse of their political masters; many will surely
democracy in Russia and the further find it troubling that he hails Talleyrand
deterioration of relations between the and Kissinger as models. At the same
West and Russia under President Vladi- time, Cooper portrays most foreign-pol-
mir Putin. But most of the book’s evi- icy making as little more than a desperate,
dence actually leans in the opposite often futile effort to navigate in the face
direction and suggests that U.S. Presi- of deep uncertainty, “black swan” events,
dents George H. W. Bush and Bill and unintended consequences. And he
Clinton and their top diplomats slowed traces a centuries-long spread of liberal
NATO expansion to try to stabilize the values, democratic institutions, multilat-
government of Russian President Boris eral cooperation, and the use of diplomacy
Yeltsin in the short term and held off as instead of military force—preconditions
long as he still looked viable. It was only for the peaceful and prosperous world one
when Yeltsin’s fall became imminent, and finds within the EU. These three conclu-
a hardening of East-West relations started sions remain in considerable, and perhaps
to seem inevitable, that the United States irreconcilable, tension with one another.
moved to expand the alliance.
European Language Matters: English in Its
The Ambassadors: Thinking About European Context
Diplomacy From Machiavelli to BY PETER TRUDGILL. Cambridge
Modern Times University Press, 2021, 275 pp.
& Nicolson, 2021, 563 pp. Because of the global reach of first the
United Kingdom and later the United
For many years, Cooper, a British diplo- States, the world language today is
mat, was the European Union’s unofficial imperfect English, spoken by well over a
foreign policy guru, and from 2002 to billion people. The majority learn it as a
2010, he served as the union’s director second language—and according to some
general for external and politico-military (generally British) native speakers, other
affairs. EU insiders see him as a tough and (generally American) native speakers do
thoughtful analyst. This sweeping reflec- not speak it properly. Meanwhile, English
tion on 500 years of transatlantic state- has become the de facto European
craft focuses on a small number of language, although among the EU mem-
individuals who, in his view, combined ber states, only two embrace it as one of
sophisticated thinking with effective their official languages: Ireland and
diplomatic action: Machiavelli, Talley- Malta. One could not wish for a more
rand, Konrad Adenauer, Jean Monnet, qualified guide to the resulting chaos than
Dean Acheson, George Kennan, and Trudgill, a linguist who writes a popular
Henry Kissinger. Cooper draws three column for The New European. He revels
main conclusions. The first is that diplo- in English’s massive and diverse vocabu-
matic success requires extreme inconsis- lary, with its finely shaded differentiations
tency and immorality. To get important among near synonyms, a result of histori-
214 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
cal interactions with other languages and because their system has always worked,
dialects. He delights in each tidbit of or does their system work because they
knowledge: the word “metaphor,” for are more trusting? If the latter, why? In
example, has a figurative meaning in the end, it is unclear what foreigners can
English but is found on delivery trucks in learn from Norway’s success.
Athens that “transfer things from place to
place.” Trudgill rues the way that many The Greeks: A Global History
English words lose their power and BY RODERICK BEATON. Basic Books,
precision when employed indiscrimi- 2021, 608 pp.
nately, as with the superlative “awe-
some.” For anyone, native speaker or not, When people think of Greece, they
this book offers a pleasurable and hu- generally think of the present-day nation-
morous voyage of discovery. state, which they imagine as roughly
conterminous with a narrowly bounded
The Norwegian Exception? Norway’s ancient society that had Athens and a few
Liberal Democracy Since 1814 neighboring cities at its center. In this
BY MATHILDE FASTING AND magisterial yet readable introduction to
OYSTEIN SORENSEN. Hurst, 2021, Greek history—one of the best of its
280 pp. kind, whether for academic or popular
audiences—Beaton reveals the far more
Norwegians enjoy a well-functioning complicated reality. Greece has always
liberal democracy, a productive free- been a broadly settled civilization: Greeks
market economy, stable social relations, have long lived in parts of present-day
and—even more so than other Scandina- Bulgaria, Cyprus, Italy, Russia, Turkey,
vian countries—a generous and popular and countries of the Middle East. In 1830,
social welfare state. In global rankings of modern Greece gained its independence
equality, gender balance, happiness, life not via a popular ethnic revolution: most
expectancy, and the rule of law, Norway of its inhabitants spoke Albanian, and
invariably appears near the top. In this three times as many Greeks lived outside
book, two historians seek to explain why the country’s borders as did inside.
the country is so successful. They enthu- Instead, Greek independence resulted
siastically recount the country’s history, from the work of warlords, outside
yet they fail to answer the question. powers, and generic Orthodox Christian
Much of Norway’s edge seems to reflect opposition to Ottoman rule. The new
dumb luck: the country benefits from state had to impose a sanitized version of
abundant energy resources, peaceful the Greek language and a sense of na-
neighbors, and a strong sense of national tional identity within its territory. Many
identity. Elsewhere, however, these of contemporary Greece’s problems with
things have led to conflict and collapse. its neighbors are rooted in past wars
The magic ingredient, the authors argue, waged by the Greeks to assert that
is trust: Norwegians trust one another identity; others spring from its status as a
and trust their government, which can small country subject to many indignities,
thus effectively promote the common only one of which is its financial tutelage
good. Yet are they trusting simply under the European Union.
Powers and Thrones: A New History of the 370,00 indigenous people (compared with
Middle Ages an estimated five million prior to Euro-
BY DAN JONES. Viking, 2021, 656 pp. pean conquest in the sixteenth century)
belonging to nearly 200 tribes, Salgado,
Jones is best known for writing popular accompanied by anthropologists and
histories and producing television series such linguists, spent weeks on end with each of
as Secrets of Great British Castles and Britain’s a dozen remote communities. The
Bloodiest Dynasty; perhaps unsurprisingly, his hospitable tribes, scattered in tiny com-
history of Europe between the fall of Rome munities, subsist in bucolic harmony with
and the Protestant Reformation is neither an abundant, generous natural world yet
deep nor authoritative. But it certainly is are dwarfed by the natural immensity of
entertaining. In an old-school manner, Jones the rainforest. The voluminous book’s
weaves together brief biographical sketches brief texts add informative context, but
of colorful people, from Attila the Hun to Salgado mainly allows the captivating
Martin Luther, with engaging yarns about black-and-white photos to speak for
the critical events in which they took part. themselves. The rainforest’s startling
He nods to historiographic fashion just long beauty and majesty are overwhelming;
enough to inquire about the impact of amazing aerial photography captures
climate change and to ask why European breathtaking cloud formations that offer
countries rose to global preeminence in this an ever-changing visual spectacle. But the
period. But in the end, his question-begging greatest contribution of Amazônia is its
answer is simply that they had grown intimate, sensitive portraits of everyday
stronger and richer, and he tells that tale life among the indigenous tribes: their
without much criticism of its more brutal warm family ties, their hunting and
aspects. Still, the resulting account of the fishing skills, their dazzling facial and
Middle Ages is as engaging a read as any. body paintings, and their ritual dances.
Salgado neither patronizes nor sensa-
tionalizes. He honors his subjects by
Western Hemisphere capturing both their communal and their
individual selves: avoiding a flaw found
Richard Feinberg in some documentary work depicting
indigenous people, he accompanies every
photograph of a person with the subject’s
full name.
BY SEBASTIÃO SALGADO . Taschen, Civilizations: A Novel
BY SAM TAYLOR. Farrar, Straus and
algado, a famed Paris-based Brazil- Giroux, 2021, 320 pp.
ian documentary photographer,
takes his camera deep into the Binet playfully imagines a counterfactual
Amazon rainforest. To tackle this vast history in which the Aztecs and the
territory, larger than the European Union Incas conquer western Europe. His
and inhabited, Salgado estimates, by some entertaining style blends biting satire of
216 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
offered a safe haven from European almaceda criticizes the conven-
barbarisms, the conservative Roman tional understanding of Rus-
Catholic societies of the region were sian energy power that reduces
hardly free from anti-Semitism. Still, it to a mere state-held weapon used
Lomnitz’s well-networked, intelligent, by Moscow against the former Soviet
and hard-working family survived and states. Her own analysis is focused on
even prospered. Yet they remained value chains—the separate paths
haunted by the unspeakable traumas of taken by Russian natural gas, oil, and
the Holocaust, even as parents sought coal from their production in Siberia,
to shield their children from truths too through Ukraine, and to consumers in
218 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
the European Union. In the countries his brother on the result of his super-
through which they pass, these value secret mission to the Soviet ambassador,
chains deeply permeate politics and Anatoly Dobrynin; and peek into the
business. For some important players, room next door, where the president’s
their country’s energy dependence on young lover is sleeping. Plohky also
Russia may turn out to be an opportu- shares Soviet soldiers’ recollections of
nity rather than a constraint. unbearable heat, poisonous plants,
Ukraine’s major energy oligarchs are a and worm-infested food during their
striking example. Dmytro Firtash, time in Cuba and relates the anxiety
Ihor Kolomoisky, and Rinat Akhmetov of the Soviet envoy Anastas Mikoyan
were able to build tremendous for- as he failed to placate the Cuban
tunes by extracting rents in the leader Fidel Castro, who was furious
natural gas, oil, and coal sectors, at what he saw as Khruschev’s be-
respectively, and turn their wealth trayal. Plokhy focuses on the many
into political power. Meanwhile, mistakes made by both major and
Ukraine’s industrial capacity contin- minor participants during the crisis.
ued to decline, and its role as a transit In his answer to the perennial ques-
country weakened. All three oligarchs tion of who blinked first, he empha-
remain powerful today, even as Russia sizes that both sides were operating in
has moved to drastically reduce “a dark room of deception and mutual
Ukraine’s transit role by launching the suspicion,” so “when one side blinked,
Nord Stream project, which will it took the other side more than a day
bypass Ukraine and bring Russian gas to realize what had happened.”
directly to Germany through a pipe-
line under the Baltic Sea. A Full-Value Ruble: The Promise of
Prosperity in the Postwar Soviet Union
Nuclear Folly: A History of the Cuban BY KRISTY IRONSIDE. Harvard
Missile Crisis University Press, 2021, 320 pp.
BY SERHII PLOKHY. Norton, 2021,
464 pp. In her study of Soviet economic policies
from the late 1940s to the mid-1960s,
Plokhy discovered a few previously Ironside contests the view that money
unknown documents relating to the had limited value in the Soviet system.
Cuban missile crisis, and although his She demonstrates that Soviet postwar
research does not essentially change governments were very concerned with
the story, his outstanding talent for increasing the ruble’s purchasing power
weaving a narrative from myriad as a means to economic growth and
sources makes his new book hard to eventual abundance. This goal, however,
put down. Readers witness tense remained unfulfilled. By examining
debates in the White House as Presi- political leaders’ beliefs, economic
dent John F. Kennedy’s aides reject experts’ debates, and citizens’ com-
his idea of a compromise with the plaints to the authorities, Ironside
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev; shows how a variety of economic
listen in as Robert Kennedy reports to policies introduced in the decades after
World War II repeatedly led to the is playing out in the post-Soviet world,
accumulation of unspendable money in however, remains largely unexplored.
the hands of the people. The Soviet Radnitz applies political science
leader Joseph Stalin slashed consumer methods to an extensive comparative
prices, but amid an acute food shortage, study of the political use of conspiracy
there was little for people to buy. His theories in post-Soviet states (excluding
successor, Nikita Khrushchev, opted the Baltics). He points out that the
instead to raise pensions and the wages resort to “conspiracism” cannot be fully
of low-paid workers and to eliminate explained by either historical patterns or
certain taxes, but that led to wage the character of the political regime.
overspending—and without a rise in Incumbent politicians’ propensity for
productivity, the demand for goods still making conspiracy claims changes over
exceeded the supply. The resulting time and may rise in response to political
surplus of cash further undermined the developments. Drawing on a database of
ruble. The government tried various conspiracy claims originating in post-
means, such as compulsory mass- Soviet countries from 1995 to 2014,
subscription bonds, lotteries, and savings Radnitz identifies the immediate circum-
deposits, to absorb the excess cash, but stances—domestic political competition
these instruments steadily increased the or destabilizing events such as terrorist
government’s debt to its own citizens— attacks, protests, riots, or assassina-
which remained unpaid through the end tions—that tend to motivate leaders to
of the Soviet Union in 1991. rely on the rhetoric of conspiracism. Of
the countries examined, the increasingly
Revealing Schemes: The Politics of authoritarian Russia stands out for its
Conspiracy in Russia and the Post-Soviet volume of conspiracy claims, mostly
Region involving American or Western interven-
BY SCOT T RADNITZ . Oxford tions, many of them centered on the
University Press, 2021, 264 pp. disruptive events in Ukraine during the
2004–5 Orange Revolution and the
Russia Today and Conspiracy Theories: 2013–14 Euromaidan protests. Ukraine
People, Power, and Politics on RT itself, with its competitive and turbulent
BY ILYA YABLOKOV AND PRECIOUS politics, is second to Russia in the overall
N. CHAT TERJE-DOODY. Routledge, volume of conspiracy claims. Using
2021, 116 pp. surveys and focus groups, Radnitz
concludes that even among people who
In democracies and autocracies alike, are generally receptive to conspiracy
declining trust in politics and politicians theories, the essential cynicism of those
has allowed conspiracy theories to move theories tends to deepen public suspicion
from the margins of society to the center of the very officials who endorse them.
of politics. The study of this phenomenon Yablokov and Chatterje-Doody limit
is a growing field, but so far, it focuses their study to one purveyor of conspiracy
mostly on Western countries—the United theories: the English-language service of
States, in particular, provides a striking the Russian state-owned television
example of what is happening. The way it network RT. They trace its transformation
220 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
from a source for stories about Russia to describes the regime’s attempts, across
an aggressive “ministry of information the reigns of several kings, to both
defense” waging war on Western main- collect and suppress documentation
stream media, with conspiracy theories as about the country’s past. But the book
its primary weapon. The authors describe is about more than archives. Ever since
RT’s methods based on an episode-by- the Saudi royal family faced damaging
episode examination of several RT shows, criticism for its cooperation with
including one hosted by Jesse Ventura, a non-Muslim powers in the 1990–91
retired wrestler and former governor of Gulf War, the monarchy has systemati-
Minnesota with a long track record as a cally pivoted away from reliance on the
conspiracy theorist. RT generally refrains Wahhabi religious establishment, which
from producing its own outlandish allega- had been its staunchest ally, and has
tions and opts instead for planting doubts constructed a secular nationalist narra-
about mainstream reports and interpreta- tive placing itself at the center of the
tions, whether by unashamedly taking one story. Doing so, Bsheer reveals, has
side or by participating in the “booming involved a variety of revisionist steps,
conspiracy culture in the United States.” from trying to obliterate evidence of
The authors acknowledge, however, that the lively and varied political debates of
when it comes to RT’s attempts to counter the late Ottoman era to seizing prop-
grave allegations of Russia’s wrongdoings, erty and destroying old neighborhoods
such as the government’s involvement in in order to transform Mecca and
the poisoning of the Russian opposition Medina from pilgrimage sites into
leader Alexei Navalny, the channel’s tourist destinations. Much of the work
tactics are not necessarily effective with of this “historic preservation”—consoli-
foreign audiences. dating national archives, creating
national museums, developing the
historic birthplace of the Saud family,
Middle East north of Riyadh, as a heritage site—was
overseen by the current king, Salman,
Lisa Anderson during his decades as the governor of
Riyadh, and it has been embraced and
accelerated under the current crown
prince, Mohammed bin Salman.
Archive Wars: The Politics of History in
Saudi Arabia You Can Crush the Flowers: A Visual
BY ROSIE BSHEER. Stanford Memoir of the Egyptian Revolution
University Press, 2020, 416 pp. BY BAHIA SHEHAB . Gingko Library,
2021, 144 pp.
his book is an intelligent,
subtle, and learned treatment of By her own account, Shehab, one of the
the efforts by the Saudi Arabian Arab world’s most inventive graphic
monarchy to construct and disseminate artists, was not a political rebel until the
a historical narrative that will legitimize Egyptian uprising of 2011. A Lebanese
its rule. Bsheer precisely and elegantly Egyptian, she’d spent most of her life in
222 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
The Last Shah: America, Iran, and the Women Rising: In and Beyond the Arab
Fall of the Pahlavi Dynasty Spring
Press, 2021, 336 pp. MOUNIRA M. CHARRAD. New York
University Press, 2020, 432 pp.
With this addition to an already
crowded field of books on the question Women in the Middle East and North
“Who lost Iran?” Takeyh sets out to Africa are typically portrayed as victims—
provide a sober, fair-minded assess- of patriarchy and poverty, war and vio-
ment, enabled by perspectives afforded lence, Orientalism and imperialism. This
by both the passage of time and increas- book suggests, very convincingly, that they
ingly accessible archives. There is little are victimized just as much by the anti-
surprising in his version of this still quated platitudes, stereotypes, and
sorry story: the shah was an indecisive distortions with which they are portrayed.
autocrat; his American enablers were In a collection of 40 short pieces by
often distracted and ill informed; most scholars and activists, the editors showcase
of the monarchy’s officials were politi- a stunning variety of domains in which
cally naive, and many were simply women are operating on their own behalf
corrupt sycophants. Takeyh has a soft and in the service of others. Graffiti
spot for the old aristocracy, arguing artists, journalists, filmmakers, teachers,
that, however elitist it may have been, it bloggers, government ministers, commu-
had a far more sensitive finger on the nity organizers, and political activists are
pulse of the countryside than the debating constitutional reform in Tunisia,
clueless technocrats who implemented advocating feminism in Islam in Syria,
the shah’s U.S.-sponsored programs of supporting independence in southern
land reform and educational develop- Yemen, developing gender studies in
ment. Whether the landed nobility Morocco, calling for restorative justice in
would have been able to understand and Libya, demanding an end to sexual
respond to frustrations among peasants harassment in Egypt, advancing gay rights
and students—complaints that the in Lebanon. Although the seeds of this
revolutionary Islamists exploited activism were planted as early as the 1920s,
effectively—remains an open question. Stephan and Charrad argue compellingly
What is striking, however, is the num- that the Arab uprisings of 2010–11 em-
ber of senior figures in the regime who, boldened a generation of women who are
rather than stand their ground, simply now more active, more visible, and more
decamped to Europe or the United influential in the politics and social life of
States as Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomei- the region than ever before. Despite all
ni’s revolution gathered steam, aban- appearances, the editors suggest, there has
doning not just the shah but also the been a subtle democratization of politics,
country they had enabled him to rule. as bottom-up pressure is forcing greater
accountability on often reluctant regimes.
The Arab Spring left important traces,
visible today in the growing prominence
and authority of women.
hese deeply informed books permanent bases in many places abroad,
challenge the view that China’s the Chinese military prioritizes challenges
growing economic influence closer to home, such as Taiwan. If China
around the world will inevitably lead to were nonetheless to try to expand its
Chinese political and military domina- military footprint globally as its interests
tion. Markey demonstrates that in Iran, and capabilities increase, these books
Kazakhstan, and Pakistan, China seeks show that the process would not be easy.
energy resources, more secure transport
routes, and deference to its repression Kashmir at the Crossroads: Inside a
of the Uyghurs. But Beijing shows little Twenty-First-Century Conflict
interest in intervening in other coun- BY SUMANTRA BOSE. Yale University
tries’ domestic problems or in solving Press, 2021, 352 pp.
its partner states’ conflicts with their
neighbors. To be sure, the Chinese Over three-quarters of a century, the
presence reduces U.S. influence and contested territory of Kashmir has been the
buttresses authoritarian regimes with locus of four wars between India and
diplomatic support and new surveil- Pakistan, frequent firing and shelling
lance technology. But the partner incidents across the so-called Line of
governments themselves—and neigh- Control, Pakistani-sponsored terrorist
boring regional powers, such as India, incursions into the Indian-occupied sector
Russia, and Saudi Arabia—are keen to called Jammu and Kashmir, conflict
set limits on Chinese influence. So between the Muslim majority and the
China’s rising presence in continental Hindu minority, a protracted insurgency in
Eurasia is unlikely to lead to anything Jammu and Kashmir and an abusive Indian
resembling hegemony. counterinsurgency, and, to the east, clashes
Ghiselli focuses on the Middle East between Chinese and Indian forces over the
and North Africa, where Chinese state- Chinese-occupied sector called Aksai Chin.
owned enterprises have invested heavily More recently, Pakistani security agencies
224 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
have disrupted peace talks by dispatching
terrorist proxies to attack Indian interests,
and Jammu and Kashmir has been swept by
renewed waves of resistance; and in 2019,
the Hindu nationalist government of Indian
Prime Minister Narendra Modi imposed
direct central government control over the
sector in what is bound to be a futile
attempt to crush all opposition. Meanwhile,
China increased its military pressure in
Aksai Chin. Bose traces these events in
intimate detail. His analysis suggests that
peace is more remote than ever.
anticommunist prisoners and Chinese the state made war”—in this case,
Nationalist agents. Chang’s exceptionally however, with the help of organizational
vivid prisoner’s-eye account, based on techniques, weapons, and training from
camp archives and interviews with a powerful neighbor.
ex-POWs, leads him to condemn the key
U.S. policymakers, including President The Political Economy of the Abe
Harry Truman and Secretary of State Government and Abenomics Reforms
Dean Acheson, for their “arrogance, EDITED BY TAKEO HOSHI AND
ignorance, and negligence.” PHILLIP Y. LIPSCY. Cambridge
University Press, 2021, 500 pp.
The Road to Dien Bien Phu: A History of
the First War for Vietnam The 25 expert contributors to this
BY CHRISTOPHER GOSCHA. book analyze how Shinzo Abe
Princeton University Press, 2022, managed not only to stay in office for
568 pp. eight years, from 2012 to 2020—the
longest term of any Japanese prime
Goscha’s zestfully granular history of the minister—but to carry out a series of
Vietminh war against the French, which major institutional reforms and
lasted from 1946 to 1954, challenges the stimulate the economy. Having learned
myth that Ho Chi Minh’s forces bested the lessons of his failed first term as
the professional French army simply prime minister (2006–7), Abe actively
because they were fighting for national managed public opinion, used
liberation. He focuses on a less under- strategically timed elections to
stood and more practical factor: Ho’s discipline factions in his ruling party,
creation of a party-controlled governing and increased staffing in the Cabinet
apparatus with the capacity to recruit, Secretariat and the prime minister’s
finance, arm, coordinate, and deploy office to control the bureaucracy. His
armed forces. Even from its early days economic policies, known as
as what Goscha calls an “archipelago “Abenomics,” accelerated existing
state,” Ho’s regime administered a programs to promote innovation,
network of territories, drafted soldiers, upgrade working conditions, boost
kept records, conducted police work, female workforce participation, and
issued currency, taxed commerce, and reduce the power of the national
carried on international trade. With association of agricultural cooperatives
Chinese support, Ho then expanded his over farmers’ business decisions,
organizational machine into a Leninist- among other gains. But several
style “wartime state,” able to field the chapters puzzle over why monetary
well-equipped conventional army that easing and fiscal stimulus under Abe
besieged and overran the French garri- drove smaller-than-desired increases in
son at Dien Bien Phu. The Vietminh inflation and economic growth. Many
was a modern Asian example of the late chapters are technical, but the book’s
sociologist Charles Tilly’s insight, drawn core leader-centered analysis gains
from the history of early modern credibility from the fact that Abe’s
Europe, that “war made the state, and successor, Yoshihide Suga, had the
226 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
tried to deny or destroy the international ress has written an excellent
human rights regime, but it has worked history of Germany’s colony
to shape the regime in its favor, usually in German South West Africa, a
ways that weaken it. Inboden’s revealing place that eventually gained indepen-
behind-the-scenes case studies show how dence as the country of Namibia in 1990.
China’s human rights diplomacy has The book looks at the story through the
become increasingly sophisticated. When prism of diamonds, the colony’s main
the UN Convention Against Torture was source of revenue and exports. This is a
drafted, in the early 1980s, China was smart choice, as it allows Press to range
relatively passive. But during negotia- widely, from the day-to-day activities in
tions over the convention’s optional the diamond fields, to business intrigue
protocol, in the 1990s, it worked (along in Berlin, to the shady politics of the
with the United States and others) to international diamond trade in Antwerp,
weaken the ability of an independent Johannesburg, and London. German
anti-torture subcommittee to inspect South West Africa was founded in the
places of detention in signatory states. In 1880s to further the imperial ambitions
the following decade, when the UN’s new of German Chancellor Otto von Bis-
Human Rights Council was writing its marck, and Press’s account shows that
rules of operation, China worked with the colony well deserved its reputation
others to block proposals that would have for brutal violence. His careful economic
made the council more effective, such as a history makes clear the importance of
human rights good-behavior requirement diamonds to the survival of the colony
for states to join the council. The book’s and to Germany’s economic reach at the
third case study tracks China’s use of the time, as South West African diamonds
compliance-monitoring committee of the came to dominate the huge retail market
International Labor Organization as a for gems in the United States. As in
venue to trade favors with like-minded almost every colony, this natural resource
regimes that want to avoid scrutiny. With wealth mostly benefited the imperial
well-staffed missions in Geneva and New rulers back home, especially a small
York, China is a player wherever human number of German banks and business-
rights norms are shaped and applied. men. The colony’s infrastructure re-
mained rudimentary, most of the small
German settler population lived in
poverty, and the indigenous African The War That Doesn’t Say Its Name: The
labor force toiled to mine alluvial dia- Unending Conflict in the Congo
monds under horrendous conditions. BY JASON K. STEARNS. Princeton
University Press, 2021, 328 pp.
Insurgency and War in Nigeria:
Regional Fracture and the Fight In 2003, an internationally brokered
Against Boko Haram peace deal formally ended the murder-
BY AKALI OMENI. I.B. Tauris, 2020, ous Second Congo War and created a
288 pp. transitional national government in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo. But
Most academic studies of Boko Haram the fighting never stopped. Stearns’s
have focused on the Islamist militant book seeks to explain why, despite major
group’s sociological roots and religious UN peacekeeping missions and substan-
antecedents. Aside from two short tial foreign aid, the last two decades
chapters on the organization’s formative have been marked by regular outbreaks
years and its turn to violence, Omeni’s of violence in the eastern and northeast-
highly original study focuses instead on ern regions of the country. Stearns
trying to explain the group’s success details the emergence of warlords with
over the last few decades as a fighting ambiguous motivations, the repeated
force. He analyzes its ability to benefit interventions by Rwanda and Uganda,
from the rugged environment in which and the role of the incompetent and
it operates, in northeastern Nigeria, on rapacious national army. An old Congo
the borders with Cameroon, Chad, and hand who appears to have interviewed
Niger. He then turns to its military all the key players, Stearns does not
tactics. Many analyses of the group offer a linear history of the conflict,
emphasize its use of seemingly indis- instead moving back and forth across
criminate violence against civilians, the two decades to develop his argu-
including kidnappings and suicide ments. But he makes a convincing case
bombings. Omeni argues, however, that that the violence has been sustained by a
Boko Haram has sometimes operated as “military bourgeoisie” that benefits from
a more traditional insurgency and has instability by plundering natural re-
exhibited both organizational resilience sources and foreign aid. The govern-
and a good deal of strategic savvy in its ment has made things worse by shelling
choice of targets and its ability to out “fighting bonuses” to military
surprise the Nigerian army with chang- personnel that dwarf their peacetime
ing tactics. The book also includes a salaries. The violence has created a small
useful discussion of the group’s relation- but influential ruling class that has little
ship with the Islamic State (also known motivation to end the bloodshed.
as ISIS), which ultimately led Boko
Haram to fragment into two rival
factions in 2016. Unfortunately, the
book does not discuss the implications
of the recent death of Abubakar Shekau,
who had led the organization since 2009.
228 F O R E I G N A F FA I R S
Recent Books
Empire of Rubber: Firestone’s Scramble for The Wealth of Refugees: How Displaced
Land and Power in Liberia People Can Build Economies
2021, 336 pp. University Press, 2021, 448 pp.
In 1926, the fledgling Firestone Tire and Today, there are more than 25 million
Rubber Company was looking for a way people who have left their countries of
to reduce its dependence on British origin because of some combination of
suppliers from Southeast Asia, as it tried economic, environmental, and political
to keep up with an explosion in the crises. Such refugees often feature in
American appetite for car tires. That is Western media as a burden on the rich
how the company came to invest in a countries of the developed world. In
rubber plantation in Liberia. Over time, fact, the overwhelming majority remain
and with help from accommodating in the region of their homeland, as
governments in the United States and Betts makes clear in this informative
Liberia, the company came to dominate account of contemporary refugee policy.
the country’s economy and policymaking The three East African countries that
to a remarkable extent. Mitman peppers provide the main case studies for the
this history with a wealth of fascinating book—Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda—
details and interesting characters. Most alone account for some three million
readers will be surprised to learn, for refugees today. Betts’s central argument
instance, that one of the early boosters of is that even in low-income hosting
the venture was the American civil rights countries, the right mix of policies can
leader W. E. B. Du Bois, who would ensure that refugees not merely survive
soon regret having believed that Fire- in misery but can instead thrive and
stone could hasten the emergence of an generate wealth for themselves, their
independent African bourgeoisie. communities, and the host country. In
Instead, as Mitman demonstrates, particular, his analysis suggests that
Firestone and its supporters in the U.S. providing refugees with civil and
government brought to relations with economic rights, allowing them to work,
Liberia the attitudes and practices of Jim and integrating them more completely
Crow—even long after World War II. A in the receiving communities can lead
long succession of Liberian heads of to much better outcomes.∂
state were willing to play along not least
because, with the help of Firestone, they
invested in very profitable rubber
plantations of their own.
Foreign Affairs (ISSN 00157120), November/December 2021, Volume 100, Number 6. Published six times annually (January, March,
May, July, September, November) at 58 East 68th Street, New York, NY 10065. Print subscriptions: U.S., $54.95; Canada, $66.95;
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