YSI 2900 Series Manual

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YSI 2900 Series

Biochemistry Analyzers

Operations and Maintenance Manual
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................. 1-1
Description .............................................................................................................................. 1-1
User Features ......................................................................................................................... 1-1
Models .................................................................................................................................... 1-1
2900 Series General Specifications ....................................................................................... 1-2
2960 Online Monitor Specifications ........................................................................................ 1-2
1.5.1 Monitor ............................................................................................................................. 1-2
1.5.2 Analog/Control ................................................................................................................. 1-3
2. Safety............................................................................................................................................ 2-1
Important Safety Instructions .................................................................................................. 2-1
Explanation of Symbols .......................................................................................................... 2-2
3. Getting Started ............................................................................................................................ 3-1
Unpacking ............................................................................................................................... 3-1
Warranty Card ........................................................................................................................ 3-2
What You Need ...................................................................................................................... 3-2
Major Components ................................................................................................................. 3-2
4. Basic Setup .................................................................................................................................. 4-1
Install Bottle Racks ................................................................................................................. 4-1
4.1.1 Right Side ......................................................................................................................... 4-1
4.1.2 Left Side (2950 models only) ........................................................................................... 4-2
Connect Printer ....................................................................................................................... 4-3
Connect AC Power ................................................................................................................. 4-3
Connect Online Monitor .......................................................................................................... 4-5
Align Sipper ............................................................................................................................ 4-5
Prepare and Install Buffer Solutions ....................................................................................... 4-8
4.6.1 Prepare Buffer .................................................................................................................. 4-8
4.6.2 Install Buffer Solution(s) ................................................................................................... 4-8
Install Calibrator Solution(s) ................................................................................................... 4-9
Prime the Fluid System .......................................................................................................... 4-9
Install Membranes and ISEs................................................................................................. 4-10
4.9.1 Enzyme Membranes ...................................................................................................... 4-10
4.9.2 Ion Selective Electrodes................................................................................................. 4-11
Configure Instrument Chemistries ........................................................................................ 4-13
4.10.1 Assign Chemistries to Probes ........................................................................................ 4-13
4.10.2 Assign Reagents ............................................................................................................ 4-16
Check Probe Currents .......................................................................................................... 4-18
4.11.1 Biosensor Probes ........................................................................................................... 4-18
4.11.2 ISE Probes ..................................................................................................................... 4-19
Enable 21 CFR Part 11 Mode .............................................................................................. 4-19
5. Running the Instrument.............................................................................................................. 5-1
Perform Daily Operational Checks ......................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.1 Enzyme Membrane Integrity Test .................................................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Linearity Test.................................................................................................................... 5-3
5.1.3 Results ............................................................................................................................. 5-3
Sample Preparation ................................................................................................................ 5-5
Run Batch ............................................................................................................................... 5-5
5.3.1 Create Batches ................................................................................................................ 5-5
5.3.2 Load Samples .................................................................................................................. 5-7
5.3.3 Start .................................................................................................................................. 5-9
5.3.4 Status ............................................................................................................................... 5-9
Run Stat ................................................................................................................................ 5-10
Results .................................................................................................................................. 5-12
6. Online Monitor and Control........................................................................................................ 6-1
2960 Installation...................................................................................................................... 6-1
Align Sipper ............................................................................................................................ 6-4
Sample Interface..................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.3.1 Sterilization ....................................................................................................................... 6-6
Electrical Interface .................................................................................................................. 6-6
6.4.1 Analog Outputs ................................................................................................................ 6-6
6.4.2 Pump Control Outputs...................................................................................................... 6-7
6.4.3 Auxiliary Connector / Signal List ...................................................................................... 6-7
Monitor Setup ......................................................................................................................... 6-7
6.5.1 Name ................................................................................................................................ 6-8
6.5.2 Flow Rate and Purge Time .............................................................................................. 6-9
6.5.3 Antiseptic .......................................................................................................................... 6-9
6.5.4 Filtrate Pump .................................................................................................................. 6-10
6.5.5 Module ........................................................................................................................... 6-10
Start Monitor ......................................................................................................................... 6-15
6.6.1 Manual Sample during Monitor Session ........................................................................ 6-16
Stop Monitor ......................................................................................................................... 6-17
Control Setup ........................................................................................................................ 6-17
6.8.1 Control Type ................................................................................................................... 6-17
Print Monitor Configuration ................................................................................................... 6-26
7. Advanced Functions ................................................................................................................... 7-1
Settings ................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.1.1 System ............................................................................................................................. 7-1
7.1.2 Fluid Detection (Bottles) ................................................................................................... 7-3
7.1.3 Display.............................................................................................................................. 7-4
7.1.4 Calibration Settings .......................................................................................................... 7-6
7.1.5 21 CFR Part 11 ................................................................................................................ 7-8
7.1.6 Date/Time ....................................................................................................................... 7-13
Service .................................................................................................................................. 7-14
7.2.1 Sipper ............................................................................................................................. 7-15
7.2.2 Pumps ............................................................................................................................ 7-17
7.2.3 Modules .......................................................................................................................... 7-18
7.2.4 Stirbar ............................................................................................................................. 7-20
7.2.5 Monitor ........................................................................................................................... 7-21
Data ...................................................................................................................................... 7-22
7.3.1 Plate ............................................................................................................................... 7-22
7.3.2 Monitor ........................................................................................................................... 7-24
7.3.3 Calibration ...................................................................................................................... 7-26
Help ...................................................................................................................................... 7-27
7.4.1 About .............................................................................................................................. 7-27
7.4.2 Software ......................................................................................................................... 7-27
7.4.3 FAQ ................................................................................................................................ 7-29
7.4.4 Training .......................................................................................................................... 7-30
Connectivity .......................................................................................................................... 7-30
7.5.1 Ethernet Port .................................................................................................................. 7-30
7.5.2 RS232 Port ..................................................................................................................... 7-32

8. Chemistry Setup.......................................................................................................................... 8-1
Sample Volume ...................................................................................................................... 8-1
Measurement Parameter Information ..................................................................................... 8-1
8.2.1 Choline ............................................................................................................................. 8-2
Ethanol ............................................................................................................................. 8-3
8.2.2 8-3
8.2.3 Galactose ......................................................................................................................... 8-4
8.2.4 D-Glucose (Dextrose) ...................................................................................................... 8-5
8.2.5 L-Glutamate (L-Glutamic Acid) ........................................................................................ 8-6
8.2.6 L-Glutamine ...................................................................................................................... 8-7
8.2.7 Glycerol ............................................................................................................................ 8-8
8.2.8 Hydrogen Peroxide .......................................................................................................... 8-9
8.2.9 L-Lactate ........................................................................................................................ 8-10
8.2.10 Lactose ........................................................................................................................... 8-11
8.2.11 Methanol ........................................................................................................................ 8-12
8.2.12 Sucrose .......................................................................................................................... 8-13
8.2.13 Xylose............................................................................................................................. 8-14
8.2.14 Simultaneous Ammonium and Potassium ..................................................................... 8-15
8.2.15 Simultaneous Glucose and L-Lactate ............................................................................ 8-16
8.2.16 Simultaneous Glucose and Sucrose .............................................................................. 8-17
8.2.17 Simultaneous Glucose and Xylose ................................................................................ 8-18
8.2.18 Simultaneous L-Glutamate and L-Glutamine ................................................................. 8-19
9. Operational Checks and Maintenance ...................................................................................... 9-1
Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Decontaminating......................................................................... 9-1
9.1.1 Touch Panel ..................................................................................................................... 9-1
9.1.2 Decontamination Procedures ........................................................................................... 9-1
Daily Maintenance .................................................................................................................. 9-1
9.2.1 Empty the Waste Bottle(s) ............................................................................................... 9-1
9.2.2 Check the Calibrator Bottle(s) .......................................................................................... 9-1
9.2.3 Check the Buffer Bottle(s) ................................................................................................ 9-2
9.2.4 Check for Leaks ............................................................................................................... 9-2
9.2.5 Clean up Spills ................................................................................................................. 9-2
9.2.6 Daily Operational Checks................................................................................................. 9-2
Monthly Maintenance ............................................................................................................. 9-2
9.3.1 Calibration Pumping System Maintenance ...................................................................... 9-2
9.3.2 Buffer Pumping System Maintenance.............................................................................. 9-2
9.3.3 Bottle Cap Cleaning ......................................................................................................... 9-3
9.3.4 Sample Module Cleaning ................................................................................................. 9-3
Preventive Maintenance – 6 months or 1000 Hours .............................................................. 9-3
9.4.1 Sample Module Cleaning ................................................................................................. 9-3
9.4.2 Waste Module Cleaning ................................................................................................... 9-4
9.4.3 Enzyme Probe Cleaning .................................................................................................. 9-5
9.4.4 ISE Cleaning .................................................................................................................... 9-5
9.4.5 Sipper Pump Seal Replacement ...................................................................................... 9-5
9.4.6 Bottle Tubing .................................................................................................................... 9-7
9.4.7 Pump Tubing Replacement ............................................................................................. 9-9
9.4.8 Install Waste Modules .................................................................................................... 9-13
9.4.9 Waste Tubing ................................................................................................................. 9-13
9.4.10 Install Sample Modules .................................................................................................. 9-14
9.4.11 Sipper Replacement....................................................................................................... 9-14
9.4.12 Calibrate Sipper ............................................................................................................. 9-15
9.4.13 Install Bottles .................................................................................................................. 9-15
9.4.14 Install Membranes and ISEs .......................................................................................... 9-15
9.4.15 Prime Fluid System ........................................................................................................ 9-15
Fuse Replacement ............................................................................................................... 9-16

9.5.1 Fuse Requirements ........................................................................................................ 9-16
2960 Maintenance ................................................................................................................ 9-16
9.6.1 Tubing Replacement ...................................................................................................... 9-16
9.6.2 Monitor Sample Cup ...................................................................................................... 9-18
10. Storage ....................................................................................................................................... 10-1
Instrument Storage ............................................................................................................... 10-1
Enzyme Membrane Storage ................................................................................................. 10-1
ISE Storage .......................................................................................................................... 10-1
10.3.1 Reference ISE ................................................................................................................ 10-1
10.3.2 Ammonium/Potassium ISE ............................................................................................ 10-1
Instrument Handling/Transport ............................................................................................. 10-1
11. Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................ 11-1
Printout Information .............................................................................................................. 11-2
11.1.1 Enzyme Sensors ............................................................................................................ 11-2
11.1.2 Ion Selective Electrodes................................................................................................. 11-4
Troubleshooting Chart .......................................................................................................... 11-7
11.2.1 2960 Online Monitor ..................................................................................................... 11-11
12. Principles of Operation............................................................................................................. 12-1
Enzyme Sensor Technology................................................................................................. 12-1
Ion Selective Electrode ......................................................................................................... 12-2
Measurement Methodology .................................................................................................. 12-2
Baseline Stability .................................................................................................................. 12-3
Calibration............................................................................................................................. 12-3
Linearity ................................................................................................................................ 12-3
Temperature Compensation ................................................................................................. 12-4
Level Sensing ....................................................................................................................... 12-4
13. Warranty and Repair ................................................................................................................. 13-1
Limitation of Warranty ........................................................................................................... 13-1
13.1.1 Shipping Instructions ...................................................................................................... 13-1
13.1.2 Cleaning Instructions...................................................................................................... 13-2
YSI Factory Authorized Service Centers .............................................................................. 13-2
14. Notices ....................................................................................................................................... 14-1
Declaration of Conformity ..................................................................................................... 14-1
Radio and Television Interference Notice ............................................................................ 14-2
15. Appendix A – Software Flowchart ........................................................................................... 15-1
16. Appendix B – Concentration Unit Conversion ....................................................................... 16-1
Linearity Test. Concentration Unit Conversion ..................................................................... 16-2
FCN Membrane Integrity Test. Concentration Unit Conversion ........................................... 16-3
17. Appendix C - Line Power Cord and Plug Wiring .................................................................... 17-1
18. Appendix D - Reagents and Accessories ............................................................................... 18-1

1. Introduction
The 2900 Series Biochemistry Analyzer is a laboratory instrument intended for use in research, food-processing and
bioprocessing applications. THE 2900 Series IS NOT FOR HUMAN MEDICAL DIAGNOSTIC USE OR FOR HUMAN
The 2900 Series can be set up to measure up to 6 different analytes in a sample. The total number of analytes depends
on the number of sample modules installed (up to two analytes per module) and the number of different buffers required
(up to three buffers). Available analytes are listed below.
 Ammonium  Potassium
 D-Glucose (Dextrose)  Hydrogen Peroxide 1
 L-Lactate  Sucrose
 L-Glutamate  Ethanol
 L-Glutamine  Methanol
 Glycerol  Galactose1
 Xylose  Lactose
 Choline

Additional analytes are currently under development. For a current listing, please contact YSI Life Sciences Technical
Support (937 767-2769 or 800 659-8895 extension 2) or visit the YSI Life Sciences web site at www.ysi.com/lifesciences.

User Features
Slim modular design Easily expand analytes or chemistries
Multiple units use much less bench space
Proprietary enzyme electrode Fast, accurate, and analyte-specific results
Uses biological separation technology No hazardous chromatography solvents to dispose of
Icon-driven user interface with touchscreen Easy to learn
Data download options Save data on a USB drive, send it over the network,
or access it in a searchable database anytime
Onboard training videos Minimizes operator learning curve
21 CFR Part 11 Regulatory compliance

• 2900D 2900 Biochemistry Analyzer with 1 biosensor module
• 2900M 2900 Online Monitor & Control System
• 2950D-0 2950 Biochemistry Analyzer with 1 biosensor module
• 2950D-1 2950 Biochemistry Analyzer with 2 biosensor modules
• 2950D-2 2950 Biochemistry Analyzer with 3 biosensor modules
• 2950D-3 2950 Biochemistry Analyzer with 2 biosensor modules and 1 ISE module
• 2950D-4 2950 Biochemistry Analyzer with 1 biosensor module and 1 ISE module
• 2940 4-Channel Online Monitor System
• 2960 1-Channel Online Monitor and Control Accessory
• 2980 8-Channel Online Monitor System

1 YSI does not currently offer calibration standards for this analyte.
2900 Series General Specifications
Sample size ................................................. Adjustable from 10 to 50 microliters (aspirated volume), per module

Response time ............................................ Enzyme Sensors

• Sample results in 60 seconds (average) for one module
• 100 seconds for 2 modules
• 135 seconds for 3 modules
• Complete sample-to-sample cycle in less than 3 minutes
(May vary with analyte and sample matrix.)

Ion Selective Electrodes (ISE)

• Sample results in 150 seconds (average) for 2 modules
• 195 seconds for 3 modules
• Complete sample-to-sample cycle in less than 5 minutes
(May vary with analyte and sample matrix)

Output signals:
Serial .......................................................... USB and RS232
Power requirement 100–240 VAC ±10%
50–60 Hz ±5%
42 Watts nominal

Working environment:
Ambient temperature ................................ 15–35°C
Relative humidity ...................................... 10–75% (non-condensing)

Regulatory compliance.................................. ETL, CE, RoHS

61010-1 compliance:
• Pollution degree 2
• Installation category 2
• Altitude 2000m
• Atmosphere 75 KPa to 106 KPa
• Indoor use only

Instrument dimensions ................................ 2950: 25.5" wide x 20.5" deep x 15.75" high (65 cm x 52.1 cm x 40 cm)
2900: 12" wide x 20.5" deep x 15.75" high (30.5 cm x 52.1 cm x 40 cm)

Instrument weight ........................................ 2950: 46 pounds (20.9 kilograms)

2900: 30.5 pounds (13.9 kilograms)

2960 Online Monitor Specifications

1.5.1 Monitor
Monitor Cup ............................................... 0.75 x 0.75 x 0.88 inches
Pump Head ................................................ 2.0 x 2.2 x 0.85 inches
Sample Inlet Tubing ...................................... Silicone, 0.08 OD x 0.02 ID (inches)
Volume ....................................................... 5.1 microliters/inch
Inlet Channel Pump Tubing........................... PharMed, 0.13 OD x 0.035 ID (inches)
Valve Tubing ................................................. 0.03 ID (inches)
Wasteline Tubing .......................................... Silicone, 0.16 OD x 0.10 ID (inches)
Nominal Flow Rate (inlet line) ....................... 100–2500 microliters/minute (± 8% @ ± 6 PSI)
1.5.2 Analog/Control
Full Scale Voltage ......................................... Selectable: +10.00 VDC or +5.00 VDC
Full Scale Concentration ............................... User selectable
Resolution ..................................................... 1:65,536 or 0.0015% FS,
0.153 mv on +10.00 VFS,
0.076 mv on +5.00 VFS
Maximum Gain Error ..................................... ±12 LSB
Linearity ......................................................... ±1 LSB
Minimum analog output Load Impedance ..... 2K Ohms
Logic output drive .......................................... 0 and 5 VDC nominal at 10 milliamps
Logic Input levels .......................................... < 0.8 VDC = logic 0,
...................................................................... > 2.0 VDC = logic 1

2. Safety
Important Safety Instructions
DO NOT PLUG THE INSTRUMENT IN AT THIS TIME. You should apply power only when directed to do so in the setup

1. Use ONLY the line power cord supplied with the instrument. When directed to, connect the plug to a matching three-
pronged wall receptacle.
2. Use ONLY fuses of the type supplied. Replacement power cords and fuses can be obtained from YSI, or your Dealer
3. Do NOT use an extension cord without protective grounding.
4. Do NOT remove rear cover. There are no user serviceable parts inside.
5. Repairs are to be performed only by trained and approved personnel.
6. This instrument must be connected to a protectively grounded (earthed) outlet.
7. The following notice is provided in compliance with IEC1010 Part 1 1990.
See Appendix for mains plug wiring and fusing instructions.
8. If the equipment is used in a manner not specified by YSI, the protection provided by the equipment may be impaired.

WARNING: For RS232 or USB connection, equipment should be EN/CSA/UL 61010 or EN/CSA/UL 60950
approved only.
9. The mains (power) switch is for functional purposes ONLY. To disconnect the instrument from the mains supply,
unplug the mains power cord from the back of the instrument.

10. Personal protective equipment (PPE) recommended—protective gloves and safety goggles or glasses.

Explanation of Symbols
Warning indicates that misuse of the instrument could result in
WARNING death or serious injury to a person.
Un avertissement indique qu'une mauvaise utilisation de l'instrument
AVERTISSEMENT peut entraîner la mort ou une blessure grave chez une personne.

Caution, consult accompanying documents. Caution indicates

CAUTION that misuse of the instrument could result in mild or serious injury
to a person and/or damage to equipment.
Attention, consulter la documentation jointe. Cette mise en garde
ATTENTION indique qu'une mauvaise utilisation de l'instrument peut entraîner une
blessure légère ou grave chez une personne et/ou un endommagement
du matériel.
Biological Risks
Risques biologiques

Chemical Irritant
Irritant chimique

Authorized Representative in the European Union
Représentant agréé dans l'Union européenne
Catalog number
REF 2776
Numéro de référence
Lot number
Numéro de lot

Date of manufacture
Date de fabrication

Use by Date
Date limite d'utilisation

Temperature Limitation
Limite de température

3. Getting Started
When you unpack your new 2900 Series for the first time, check the packing list to make sure you have received
everything listed. Note that reagents for the 2900 Series are not packaged in the same carton as the instrument. If there is
anything missing or damaged, call the dealer from whom you purchased the 2900 Series. If you do not know which of our
authorized dealers sold the system to you, call YSI Life Sciences Customer Service at 800 659-8895 or 937 767-7241,
and we'll be happy to help you.

1. After removing the instrument from the shipping box, tilt the display to the full upright position.

Figure 3-1

2. Grasp the hand hold in the right side cover of the instrument and pull up and out to remove the cover.
NOTE: Leave the cover off the instrument until you have aligned the sipper and installed the membranes as
described in the following sections.
3. Carefully cut the tie strap holding the sipper.

Remove tie strap

Figure 3-2

Warranty Card
Please complete the Warranty Card or register your purchase online at www.ysi.com/customer-support/warranty-card.
This will record your purchase of this instrument in our computer system. Once your purchase is recorded, you will receive
prompt, efficient service in the event any part of your 2900 Series should ever need repair.

What You Need

Several things are needed in order to analyze samples using the 2900 Series. The following list shows the basic items
• 2900 Series Instrument (with AC Power Cord)
• Bottle Racks with Reagent Level Sensing (YSI 2936, 2938
• YSI Buffer(s)
• YSI Calibrator Standard(s)
• YSI Linearity Standard(s)
• YSI Membrane(s)
• YSI ISE probes (2950D-3 and 2950D-4 models only)
• YSI 2960 Online Monitor (optional)
• YSI 2901 Printer (optional)

Major Components

USB Port
Touch Panel


Station 2

Station 1
Bottle Rack

Figure 3-3

Display Graphical color LCD covered by a touch screen

USB ports The USB ports allow a flash drive to be connected to the 2900
Series to download sample results or upgrade the instrument’s
software. A USB port is located on the right side of the display. An
additional USB port is located on the rear of the instrument. The rear
port is used to connect the 2960 Online Monitor to the 2900 Series.
Sipper Can be raised, lowered, rotated, and moved horizontally to its
various positions.
The positions are: Calibrator Wells, Sample Module, Stations 1 and
2, and Monitor Sample Cup.
The Sipper senses fluid level to control immersion depth and detect
Station 1 Plate and rack holder accepts most standard plates/racks for batch
sampling of up to 96 samples.
Station 2 Test tube holder for manual sampling.

Buffer Pumps Draw buffer from the buffer bottles, pump it through the Valves,
(not shown) Sipper Pump and the Sipper, and flush the Sample Module.
Calibrator Pumps Draw the appropriate standard solution from the Calibrator Bottles
(not shown) and fill the Calibrator Wells.

Sipper Pump

Sample Module

Waste Bottle

Buffer Bottle

Calibrator Bottles

Figure 3-4

Sipper pump It retracts its piston to draw standard from the Calibrator Wells or
sample from the sample stations.
It extends its piston to dispense standard or sample into the sample

Sample modules They are made of clear acrylic plastic. Sensor probes are screwed
into either side of the module.
In biosensor modules, the immobilized enzyme membranes are
mounted on O-rings which act as fluid seals.
In ISE modules, an O-ring is positioned inside a sleeve on the end of
the electrode.
A reference or auxiliary electrode is housed in the temperature probe
and positioned at the back of the Sample module.

Stir Bars They are plastic encapsulated magnets. They are activated by
(not shown) motors housed below the sample modules. They provide thorough
mixing inside the sample modules.
Buffer, Waste and Are conveniently located for maintenance.
Calibrator Bottles Fluid levels are monitored by sensors.
Operation is automatically halted when the Buffer or Calibrator
Bottles are empty, or when the Waste bottles are full.

Fuse Receptacle USB Port

Power Switch

RS232 Port

Rear Panel Ethernet Port

Figure 3-5

Power Switch The main power switch is an on/off rocker switch (0-off and I-on)
located on the back of the instrument
Fuse Holder The fuse holder houses the power line fuse and opens up for fuse

Power Receptacle One end of the power cord (supplied) plugs into this receptacle,
while the other end plugs into a properly grounded electrical outlet.
The instrument will automatically adjust the voltage as needed.
Ethernet Port It allows connection to a network or router via an RJ45 Ethernet port.

RS232 Serial Port The RS232 connection is a standard DB9F connector. It is used to
interface with the YSI 2901 Printer, YSI 2940 or 2980 Multi-Channel
Online Monitor, YSI 2920 OPC Data Manager, or a remote host.

4. Basic Setup
The following list describes the basic steps necessary for sampling with the 2900 Series.
1. Install Bottle Racks
2. Connect Printer (optional)
3. Connect AC Power
4. Connect 2960 Online Monitor, 2940 4-Channel Online Monitor, or 2980 8-Channel Online Monitor (optional)
5. Align Sipper
6. Prepare and Install Buffer solution(s)
7. Install Calibrator Solution(s)
8. Prime the Fluid System
9. Install Membrane(s) and ISEs
10. Configure Instrument Chemistries
11. Check Probe Currents

Install Bottle Racks

4.1.1 Right Side
1. Install the YSI 2938 Bottle Rack with Reagent Level Sensing onto the right side of the instrument by sliding the
slots in the tray over the pins on the side of the instrument.

2. Then remove the packing material holding the tubing to the right side of the instrument.
3. Next, connect bottle tubing and cables
a. Insert the large diameter waste tube into the hole in waste bottle 1.
b. Connect one end of a short cable to the threaded fitting on the waste bottle 1 cap and connect the other
end to the Waste 1 (top) fitting on the instrument.
c. Connect the tubing marked “B1” and one end of a short cable to the fittings on the buffer bottle 1 cap and
connect the other end of the cable to the Buffer 1 (2nd) fitting on the instrument.
d. Connect the tubing marked “C1B” and one end of a long cable to the fittings on the second calibrator
bottle cap and connect the other end of the cable to the CAL 1B (3rd) fitting on the instrument.
e. Connect the tubing marked “C1A” and one end of a long cable to the fittings on the first calibrator bottle
cap and connect the other end of the cable to the CAL 1A (bottom) fitting on the instrument.

Waste 1

Buffer 1 Waste Bottle

Buffer Bottle 1


Calibrator Bottle

Calibrator Bottle

Figure 4-1
4.1.2 Left Side (2950 models only)
2. Install the YSI 2936 Bottle Rack with Reagent Level Sensing onto the left side of the instrument by sliding the
slots in the tray over the pins on the side of the instrument.
3. Then remove the packing material holding the tubing to the left side of the instrument.
4. Next, connect bottle tubing and cables
a. Insert the large diameter waste tubing into the holes in waste bottles 2 and 3.
b. Connect one end of a long cable to the threaded fitting on the waste bottle 2 cap and connect the other
end to the W2 (top left) fitting on the instrument.
c. Connect one end of a long cable to the threaded fitting on the waste bottle 3 cap and connect the other
end to the W3 (top right) fitting on the instrument.
d. Connect the tubing marked “B2” and one end of a long cable to the fittings on the buffer 2 bottle cap and
connect the other end of the cable to the B2 (2nd from top on left) fitting on the instrument.
e. Connect the tubing marked “B3” and one end of a long cable to the fittings on the buffer 3 bottle cap and
connect the other end of the cable to the B3 (2nd from top on right) fitting on the instrument.
f. Connect the tubing marked “C2A” and one end of a short cable to the fittings on the calibrator 2A bottle
cap and connect the other end of the cable to the 2A (bottom left) fitting on the instrument.
g. Connect the tubing marked “C2B” and one end of a short cable to the fittings on the calibrator 2B bottle
cap and connect the other end of the cable to the 2B (3rd from top on left) fitting on the instrument.
h. Connect the tubing marked “C3A” and one end of a short cable to the fittings on the calibrator 3A bottle
cap and connect the other end of the cable to the 3A (bottom right) fitting on the instrument.
i. Connect the tubing marked “C3B” and one end of a short cable to the fittings on the calibrator 3B bottle
cap and connect the other end of the cable to the 3B (3rd from top on right) fitting on the instrument.

Buffer Bottle 2
Calibrator Bottle

Calibrator Bottle

Waste Bottle 2
Buffer Bottle 3

Waste Bottle 3
Figure 4-2

Connect Printer
Connect the optional YSI 2901 Printer to the 2900 Series Biochemistry Analyzer using the data cable provided. The small
RJ12 connector plugs into the bottom of the printer and the large DB9 connector plugs into the RS232 port on the back of
the analyzer. Refer to the instruction sheet included with the printer for details of printer operation.

Connect AC Power
1. Plug the power cord (included with the 2900 Series Analyzer) into the power receptacle on the back of the
instrument, then into a properly grounded electrical outlet provided with a 15 or 20 Amp circuit breaker. The
instrument will automatically adjust the voltage as needed.
If you are located outside the United States, see Appendix for Line Power Cord and Plug Wiring.

WARNING: Keep your hands clear of the sipper while the instrument is in operation.
2. Turn the instrument on with the main power switch on the rear panel. After about 30 seconds, the Initializing
window should appear.

3. The first time the instrument is powered up, the software license window will appear. Touch [X] to prevent the
license screen from appearing each time the instrument is turned on.

4. Since the top cover of the instrument is removed, the message below will appear.

5. Touch  to confirm, then touch the Service icon.

6. Touch the Interlocks [On] button and change it to [Off] to disable the safety interlock, and then press  to confirm.

Connect Online Monitor

If you will be using the 2960 Online Monitor, see Section 6.1 for instructions on how to connect it.
If you will be using the 2940 or 2980 Multi-Channel Online Monitor, refer to the YSI Multi-Channel Online Monitor
Operations and Maintenance Manual for instructions on how to connect it.

Align Sipper
It is very important that the sipper be accurately adjusted.

WARNING: Keep your hands clear of the sipper while the instrument is in operation.
1. From the Sipper tab of the Service screen, touch [Home].

2. Once the sipper has moved to the home position, touch [Module 1].

3. The Select Location screen will appear. Select [Module 1]. The sipper will move to sample module 1 and should
be centered above the cone shaped opening in the top of the module.
If the sipper does not move, make sure the packing material was removed.
4. If the sipper is not centered, touch [Position] and use the arrow buttons to center the sipper.

5. Make certain the Sipper is centered, then touch  at the bottom right of the adjustment window.

Sipper Adjustment Position

Figure 4-3

6. Touch  to save the position and close the confirmation window.

7. To test the alignment of the sipper, Touch [Inject] to lower the sipper, then touch [Retract] to raise the sipper back
up. If necessary, touch [Position] and repeat the adjustment.

8. Once the sipper enters the sample module without hitting the cone, touch [Depth] to set the sipper depth. The
Select Location screen will appear.

9. Select [Module 1]. The tip of the sipper should be right at the top of the module. Use the arrow buttons to lower or
raise the sipper until the tip of the sipper is even with the top of the module.
10. Then touch  at the bottom right of the adjustment window.

11. Touch  to save the depth and close the confirmation window.
12. Check the sipper alignment at the Cal 1A, Cal 1B and Drain 1 locations and adjust the position if necessary.
13. Once you have aligned the sipper and properly set the depth, sipper alignment for Module 1 is complete. Touch
[X] at the top left of the screen to return to the main display.

Repeat this procedure for any additional modules installed on your 2950 analyzer.

After you have aligned the sipper with all installed modules, touch the Interlock button and change it back to [On]
to enable the safety interlocks.

Prepare and Install Buffer Solutions

Caution: To prevent possible damage due to an electrostatic discharge, do NOT touch the metal
tips of the connectors located at the ends of the bottle leads. Handle only the insulated section of
the connectors.
Prepare the system buffers and fill the buffer bottles as indicated on the display.

4.6.1 Prepare Buffer From powder concentrate:
1. Place about 500 mL of reagent water (distilled or deionized) into a 1000 mL flask or other clean container.
2. Add two packages of powder buffer concentrate and stir.
3. Add more reagent water until the total volume of solution is between 900 and 1000 mL.
4. Stir as necessary until the buffer chemicals have completely dissolved. From liquid concentrate:

Mix the content of the bottle of liquid buffer concentrate with enough reagent water (distilled or deionized) to make
1000 mL.

4.6.2 Install Buffer Solution(s)

1. Unscrew and remove the lid from one of the buffer bottles.
IMPORTANT: When adding fresh buffer to the Buffer Supply Bottles, make every effort to avoid contamination of the
lid and level sensor assemblies.
2. Pour the prepared buffer into the buffer bottle.
3. Install the bottle in the rack as indicated on the display.
4. Replace the bottle lid.

Install Calibrator Solution(s)

Caution: To prevent possible damage due to an electrostatic discharge, do NOT touch the metal
tips of the connectors located at the ends of the bottle leads. Handle only the insulated section of
the connectors.

1. Unscrew and remove the lid from the empty calibrator bottle (Cal1A–Cal3B as indicated).
IMPORTANT: make every effort to avoid contamination of the lid and level sensor assemblies.
2. Mark the date of installation on the label of the new bottle of YSI calibrator solution.
3. Place the new bottle of calibrator in the bottle rack as indicated on the display.
4. Screw the lid and level sensor assembly onto it.
5. Repeat this process for any additional calibrator bottles (Cal1A–Cal3B as indicated).

Prime the Fluid System

Please note that it may take from several minutes to more than an hour to initially stabilize the probes when setting up for
the first time.
To prime the fluid system:
1. From the Service screen, touch the [Pumps] tab.

2. Touch the button under B1 Pump to turn it on.
3. The instrument will prime the B1 buffer solution.
4. Once buffer flows from the end of the sipper, touch the button under B1 Pump to stop the pump.
5. Repeat this procedure to prime all other buffer bottles and calibrator bottles you have installed.

Prime all installed calibrator bottles daily to remove air bubbles from the tubing.

Install Membranes and ISEs

4.9.1 Enzyme Membranes
Each biosensor probe installed in your instrument is fitted with a protective "shipping membrane" which must be removed
and replaced with a new membrane. Make sure you install the correct membrane for each chemistry you are
Enzyme membranes are color-coded for each type of chemistry. It is important that you install the specific membrane as
indicated on each probe (A or B).

Probe B

Probe A

Probe A is always on the left when looking in from the side of the instrument
Figure 4-4

To install a membrane:
1. Make sure the top cover(s) are removed from the instrument.
2. Next, unscrew the appropriate enzyme probe retainer and gently pull the probe out of the module.
3. Remove the existing O-ring membrane assembly from the end of the enzyme probe. A lint free tissue or toothpick
or pipet tip may be needed to unseat the old membrane. Be careful not to scratch the enzyme probe face.
4. Examine the enzyme probe surface and remove any pieces of membrane that remained.
5. Open a cavity of the plastic membrane holder.
6. Rinse the membrane inside with a few drops of salt solution (YSI 2392).
7. Place one drop of salt solution on the enzyme probe face.
8. Using the plastic membrane holder, press the O-ring membrane assembly gently onto the probe face.

Figure 4-5
9. Wipe excess salt solution from the probe body.
10. Install a stir bar in the module.
11. Then return the enzyme probe to the module.
12. Finger tighten the probe retainer so that the O-ring seals the probe in place. Do not overtighten.
13. Return the membrane holder to the foil pouch and refrigerate it.
14. Note the expiration date on the membrane package
15. Repeat this procedure for the remaining enzyme probes.
You may want to maintain an instrument log book in which dates and lot numbers of reagents are recorded, along with
information from daily operational checks and other relevant information.

4.9.2 Ion Selective Electrodes

The 2900 Series is shipped without the Ion Selective Electrodes installed in module 3. To install an ISE:
1. First remove the packaging material and the cap from the ISE (save the cap for later use).
2. Slide a black probe retainer over each ISE cable (threaded end first).
3. Slide a white probe sleeve (notched end out) over the end of each ISE. Note that the sleeve may already be


Figure 4-6

Figure 4-7

4. Place an O-ring into the end of each sleeve, pushing the O-ring gently so that it is secured by the sleeve.

Figure 4-8

5. Install the reference electrode by screwing the probe retainer into the module (finger tighten only; do not

Reference Electrode

Ammonium ISE

Potassium ISE

Figure 4-9
6. Install a stir bar in the module.
7. Secure the ammonium and potassium ISEs in place by screwing the probe retainers into the module (finger
tighten only; do not overtighten).
8. Connect the ISE cables to the matching connectors located at the rear of the instrument.




Figure 4-10
9. Install the top covers on the instrument.

Configure Instrument Chemistries
Before operating the 2900 Series, you must set the instrument parameters.

4.10.1 Assign Chemistries to Probes

1. From the main display, touch .

2. From the [Module 1] tab, touch the Probe A membrane button.

3. Select the chemistry you want to measure.

4. The Probe A Membrane button will now show the chemistry you have selected. The screen also indicates which
reagents should be installed.

5. To run a second chemistry in module 1, touch the Probe B membrane button. Only chemistries that can be run
simultaneously with your selected chemistry will be displayed.

6. Select the chemistry you want to measure. The Probe B Membrane button will now show the chemistry you have
NOTE: The default Sample Volume and Endpoint for the chemistries are also displayed. Use the default settings unless
a particular application instruction specifies another value (see Section 8 Chemistry Setup for details).

7. Once you have selected one or two chemistries for the first module, proceed to the next installed module on your
instrument, and repeat the procedure.

NOTE: Changing chemistry assignments will change the calibrator values back to the default settings.

If your instrument has an ISE module:

1. From the [Module 3] tab, touch the Probe A membrane button and select Ammonium.

2. The Probe A Membrane button will now show the chemistry you have selected.
Potassium will automatically be selected for Probe B.


4.10.2 Assign Reagents

Once you have selected all the chemistries you want to measure, touch the [Next] button. The Assign Reagents screen
will be displayed.

Reagents needed are listed on the left of the screen. Bottle positions are listed on the right. Each reagent must be
assigned to a bottle position. Buffers
1. Touch the [B1] button to display the Select Buffer screen.

2. Pick your appropriate buffer and it will be assigned to the B1 button.
Note that the selected buffer is now marked out in the list of reagents needed.

3. For additional buffer assignment, please repeat process. Calibrators
1. Touch the [Cal 1A] button. The Select Calibrator screen appears.

2. Pick the appropriate calibrator.

3. Select additional bottles until all reagents on the left side of the screen have been assigned and marked out, then
press [OK].

Check Probe Currents

4.11.1 Biosensor Probes
1. From the [Modules] tab of the Service screen, touch the [Flush] button under Module 1 to flush the selected
sample module with buffer.

Enzyme Probe ISE Voltages

Flush Module 1 Flush ISE Module 3

2. Observe the probe current values (baseline). They must be below 6 nA and stable.
3. Check to see if they are decreasing in value.
4. Check the sample module; it should be full of buffer.
5. If necessary, touch the [Flush] Button to flush the sample module again.
6. Flush any additional modules by touching the [Flush] button under the Module.
Please note that when the instrument is first powered up, it may take several hours for the baseline currents to drop below
6 nA.

4.11.2 ISE Probes

1. Touch the [Flush] button under Module 3 to flush the selected sample module with ISE buffer.
Note that the instrument will purge buffer to waste if the incorrect buffer is in the line.
2. Observe the ISE voltage values. They should be between -40 and 60mV and stable.
3. Check the module; it should be full of buffer.
4. If necessary, touch the [Flush] button to flush the sample module again.
Please note that when the instrument is first powered up, it may take an hour for the voltages to stabilize.
Once biosensor probe currents and ISE voltages are acceptable, touch the [X] button at the top left of the screen to exit to
the main display.

Enable 21 CFR Part 11 Mode

If you will be using the optional 21CFR Part 11 compliance features, enable 21 CFR Part 11 Mode (see Section 7.1.5 21
CFR Part 11 for details).

5. Running the Instrument
Perform Daily Operational Checks
To ensure that your 2900 Series is operating properly, perform the Membrane Integrity and Linearity checks on a daily
basis before running samples.

5.1.1 Enzyme Membrane Integrity Test

Use YSI 2363 Potassium Ferrocyanide (FCN) Standard to determine if your enzyme membranes are structurally intact.
1. Pour small amount of FCN standard (1000 mg/dL) in a test tube or multi-well plate

2. Press the Run icon to process it as a sample.

3. From the Run Batch tab, touch [New]

4. Choose from the selection of supported racks and plates.

5. We highly recommend renaming the rack/plate “Daily Checks” by touching its ID to indicate that it contains your
daily check batches.
6. After selecting your plate/rack, touch the [Edit] button
7. Touch the location of each sample for the first batch. Selected locations will be blue.

8. Touch the [Batch] button.
9. Select only the chemistries that require the FCN test.

10. To change the Batch Name from the default value of TestBatch- #, touch the [TestBatch- #] button. The keypad
window will appear.

11. Type your new batch name and touch [DONE].

12. Touch  to save the batch.

5.1.2 Linearity Test

13. Pour small amount of linearity standard in a test tube or multi-well plate.
14. Touch additional sample locations to create new batch for the linearity tests.
15. For the daily linearity checks, select only the chemistry that corresponds to the linearity standard in that sample

16. Touch  to save the batch.

17. Create additional batches for each linearity solution.
18. Touch [Close] when all batches are created.
19. Load the plate/rack in the sampling station 1.
20. Touch [Start] to run the FCN and the linearity standards as samples.
The analyzer will calibrate as required and run the batches.

5.1.3 Results
21. Touch the Results tab
22. Select a sample location.

Select a

23. Touch a chemistry to show details

Select to show

24. Listed in table 6-1 below are the recommended FCN limits.
a. Values less or equal to FCN limits indicate integral membranes
b. Values greater than FCN limits indicate membrane structural failure
c. If readings are high, recalibrate and repeat all the steps above to confirm.
d. If the reading is still out of tolerance, refer to the Troubleshooting Section.
Chemistry Membrane Calibration Standard FCN Limit 2
Choline 2771 2772 0.02 g/L
Ethanol 2786 2790 (2.00 g/L) 0.05 g/L
Glucose 2365 2776 or 2747 0.05 g/L
L-Glutamate 2754 2755 0.06 g/L
L-Glutamine 2735 2736 0.06 g/L
L-Lactate 2329 2776 0.03 g/L
Methanol 2725 2726 (1.00 g/L) 0.05 g/L
Sucrose 2703 2780 0.10 g/L
Xylose 2761 2767 0.05 g/L
Table 6-1

2 If you are using units other than g/L for the FCN test, refer to 161
Appendix B – Concentration Unit Conversion for conversion values.
25. See the list of acceptable values in table 6-2 below to interpret linearity readings.
a. Values that are ± 5% of specified tolerance limits indicate good membranes.
b. Values that are out of tolerance indicate an aging enzyme membrane.
c. If readings are out of tolerance limits, recalibrate and repeat all the steps above to confirm.
d. If the reading is still out of tolerance, refer to the Troubleshooting Section.
Acceptable Range (g/L)
Chemistry Calibration Std Linearity Std
Ammonium 3 2972 (0.50 g/L) 7179 (0.10 g/L) 0.095 to 0.105
Choline 2772 (0.175 g/L) 2773 (0.450 g/L) 0.43 to 0.47
Ethanol 2790 (2.00 g/L) 2790 (3.20 g/L) 3.04 to 3.36
Glucose 2776 (2.50 g/L) 1531 (9.00 g/L) 8.55 to 9.45
L-Glutamate 2755 (0.73 g/L) 2756 (1.46 g/L) 1.39 to 1.53
L-Glutamine 2736 (0.73 g/L) 2737 (1.17 g/L) 1.11 to 1.23
Glycerol 7141 (25.00 g/L) 7142 (40.00 g/L) 38.0 to 42.0
L-Lactate 2776 (0.50 g/L) 1530 (2.67 g/L) 2.54 to 2.80
Lactose 2783 (5.00 g/L) 2784 (25.00 g/L) 23.75 to 26.25
Methanol 2726 (1.00 g/L) 2726 (2.50 g/L) 2.38 to 2.63
Potassium 2971 (1.00 g/L) 7179 (0.20 g/L) 0.190 to 0.210
Sucrose 2780 (5.00 g/L) 2778 (25.00 g/L) 23.75 to 26.25
Xylose 2767 (20 g/L) 2768 (30 g/L) 25.5 to 34.5

Table 6-2

Sample Preparation
A variety of sample types can be analyzed with the 2900 Series. Generally, the only sample preparation that may be
required is dilution of the sample to bring the substrate concentration within the linear range of the instrument. (see
Section 8 Chemistry Setup for the working range of each chemistry).
Neither color nor turbidity interferes with measurements.
Small particles do not affect the reaction in the sample module that houses the probes, but samples with particles large
enough to clog the sipper should be avoided.

Run Batch
5.3.1 Create Batches
1. From the Run Batch tab of the Run screen, select a sample rack/plate and create batches for your samples.

3 Range for single linearity check. Refer to 8.2.15 Simultaneous Ammonium and Potassium for sample to sample precision.

2. Touch [New] and choose from the selection of supported racks and plates. Alternatively, use the arrows to scroll
through the saved racks and plates until you find the type that you are using.
3. You may rename the rack/plate by touching its ID.
4. After selecting your plate or rack, touch the [Edit] button.
5. Touch the location of each sample for the first batch (selected locations are blue).
6. Touch [Batch].
7. Select the chemistries to run in this batch.
8. Enter any optional parameters, such as Batch Name (separate name for this batch), Dilution Factor, Units, Multi-
Sample (multiples of each sample location in this batch), or Repeats (multiples of the entire batch).
Please note that the instrument does not automatically dilute samples.

9. If you diluted your samples:

a. Touch the Dilution Factor [1] button.
b. Enter your dilution factor then touch [OK].
10. To change the number of sample replicates:
a. Touch the Multi-Sample [1] button.
b. Enter the number of times each sample in the batch should be run, then touch [OK].

11. To repeat the entire batch:

a. Touch the Repeats [0] button
b. Enter the number of times the entire batch should be repeated.
12. Touch  to save the batch.

13. You may also create one or more batches for samples. Alternatively, you may create a separate rack for sample
14. Touch [Close] when all batches are created.
15. To save your plate configurations to a flash drive, touch [Export].

16. Select the plates you want to export, and then touch [Export].
17. Previously exported plates can be imported later using the [Import] button.

5.3.2 Load Samples R24 and P6-P96 Racks/Plates
1. Open the front door of the instrument

2. Insert the plate/rack (end marked A1 first) into the instrument. Slide the front edge of the plate/rack in until it

Figure 5-1

3. Gently lower the rear of the plate/rack and push it down into position.

Figure 5-2 R4 or R8 Tube Racks

1. Open the front door of the instrument.

2. Insert the R4 or R8 tube rack into the cavity just inside the front door.

R8 Tube Rack

Figure 5-3

3. Insert your sample tubes into the tube rack you installed.

Figure 5-4
5.3.3 Start

Touch to run the current batches.

The 2900 Series will calibrate as required and run the batches.

5.3.4 Status
1. Touch the Status tab.
2. Then select a module to view its status.

Select module
to view status
Virtual Printer

3. The virtual printer window displays details of previous samples and calibrations.
4. Use the arrow buttons to scroll the printer window.

Run Stat
A Stat sample at Station 2 runs without stopping a plate analysis or monitor session that is in progress.
NOTE: The Sipper is not designed to pierce septa.
1. Touch the Run Stat tab
2. Place the Stat sample in Station 2:
a. Insert your sample tube into the tube holder (Station 2) from below the spring clip
b. Slide it up all the way until it rests below the notch at the top.
The test tube holder accepts tubes sizes up to 16x100mm.
Any container other than this should be sampled manually by holding the sample at Station 2.
For a Syringe sample, wait until you are prompted to present the sample.

Figure 5-5

3. Touch [Configure Stat] to setup a Stat sample or [Configure Syringe] to setup a Syringe sample. For a Syringe
sample, the analyzer will wait and allow time for the user to carefully immerse the tip of the sipper into the sample.

4. Select the chemistries and units for the sample.

5. Touch  to return to the Run Stat screen. The type of sample you configured will be highlighted.

6. Touch to run the highlighted (Stat or Syringe) sample at Station 2.

If a Station 1 batch or monitor sample is in progress, the Stat sample will run as soon as the required module(s) is

7. If you configured a Syringe sample, present the sample to the sipper then touch  to run the sample.

8. The Stat sample results are displayed on the Run Stat tab.

Stat sample

1. Touch the Results tab.
2. Then select a sample position to display the results.

Select a

3. Select a chemistry to display details.

Select to show

6. Online Monitor and Control
The YSI 2960 Online Monitor and Control System allows “on-line” monitoring and control of sterile systems over long
periods of time without contamination. It also provides an alternative means of interfacing the 2900 Series with external
measurement/control systems.
The 2960 may draw sample from a process stream, bioreactor or other suitable source and deliver sample to the
analyzer. The system can operate unattended for days or weeks, provided sufficient reagent supply is considered.
The sample volume required for each analysis varies somewhat depending on the distance, flow rate and fluid interface
used, however, typically 1.5 milliliters is sufficient to purge the 2960 sample cup and deliver fresh sample.
The 2960 preserves sterility by filling the end of the sampling line with an antiseptic after every sample.


YSI 2900M Online Monitoring and Control System

Figure 6-1

The analog output of the 2960 provides a voltage signal which is proportional to the concentration of the analyte. The
2960 provides this voltage output for up to two chemistries, two "handshake" signals, and a system status signal. In
addition, the user has the ability to adjust full scale analog output for each chemistry.
The 2960 also provides three discrete signal outputs (TTL logic level) to control external pumps which can be used to
replenish nutrients or optimize byproduct concentrations.

2960 Installation
1. Connect the small end of the supplied USB cable to the mini USB socket on the back of the 2960.
2. Connect the large end of the USB cable to the USB socket on the back of the 2900 Series.

Mini USB


Rear panel of 2960 Online Monitor

Figure 6-2

3. Install the correct AC plug for your location onto the 2960 power supply, then plug the power supply into an AC
power outlet.
4. Connect the cable from the power supply to the power socket on the back of the 2960.
5. Using a 3/32” Allen hex wrench, remove the screw from the right rear of the 2900 Series deck as shown below.
Discard the screw.


Figure 6-3

6. Using a 9/64” Allen hex wrench and the long hex screw provided with the 2960, install the Monitor Sample Cup on
the 2900 Series deck (see Figure 6-4 below).


Figure 6-4

7. Connect the small sample tubing from the left side of the 2960 Online Monitor to the bottom of the Monitor Cup
you just installed inside the 2900 Series.

To bottom of
Monitor Cup

To side of
Monitor Cup To a waste

Figure 6-5

8. Connect the larger diameter waste tubing from the fitting on the left side of the 2960 Online Monitor to the waste
fitting on the side of the Monitor Sample Cup inside the 2900 Series.

2960 Large Waste Tubing
(left side) 2960 Sample Cup

Mounting screw location

(9/64 inch hex screw)

2960 Small Sample Tubing Connector

Figure 6-6
9. Run the larger diameter waste tubing from the fitting on the right side of the 2960 Online Monitor to an appropriate
waste container.

Align Sipper
1. From the Service menu, touch the Location button. The Select Location screen will appear.

Touch Online

2. Select [Online Monitor]. The sipper will move to the Monitor Sample Cup and should be centered above the funnel
shaped opening in the top of the cup.
3. If the sipper is not centered, touch [Position] and use the arrow buttons to center the sipper.
4. Make certain the Sipper is centered, then touch  at the bottom right of the adjustment window.
5. Touch [Depth] and select [Online Monitor] to set the sipper depth.

Touch Online

6. Use the Up and Down Arrow buttons to adjust the sipper so the tip is flush with the top of the Monitor Sample
7. Touch  at the bottom right of the adjustment window to save the depth setting.

Sample Interface
When configured appropriately the 2960 automatically samples a bioreactor, process stream, or other suitable sample
source. Since color, turbidity, optical density and many other physical factors do not affect the YSI enzyme biosensor,
filtration and/or dilution may not be necessary and the 2960 may draw the sample directly. If cell loss is a concern, or if
high cell density is expected, a filtration device (e.g., tangential flow filter) which separates broth and cells may be
installed between the sample source and the 2960.
Using the additional tubing included with the 2960, connect the tubing from the outer slot of the 2960 valve to your sample
source—bioreactor, process stream, etc. Keep the tubing as short as possible to minimize purge time.

From Antiseptic
(Inner valve slot)

From Sample
(Outer Valve Slot)

Figure 6-7

If you are using an antiseptic, connect the tubing from the inner slot of the 2960 valve to your antiseptic container. Typical
solutions might include 1% sodium hydroxide,70% ethanol, 70% IPA or 0.25% hypochlorite in reagent water. Even if you
are not using an antiseptic solution, the solenoid valve still switches to the antiseptic position and air or fluid is pumped
through the antiseptic line during sample aspiration. The antiseptic line must be kept free from obstructions. A dry 0.2
micron filter may be connected to the antiseptic line to prevent contamination in the air from entering the line.

6.3.1 Sterilization
If your application requires aseptic monitoring, all tubing and connectors should be sterilized (autoclaved) prior to use. The
tubing, connectors and pump head should be assembled, the open ends of the tubing should be clamped off (two clamps
are provided) and the entire assembly (tubing with pump head) should be sterilized along with the bioreactor.
If the tubing is connected to the bioreactor after sterilization, a sterile connection must be made.
After sterilization the pump should be remounted onto the 2960 (see Section 9.6 2960 Maintenance for details). The
antiseptic cycle must be enabled and the antiseptic solution must be primed immediately after the tubing is reconnected.

Electrical Interface
6.4.1 Analog Outputs
The 2960 interface provides additional signals to aid in synchronizing the reading of the analog outputs. In addition to the
two analog outputs, three logical signals are provided. These "handshake signals" are nominally +5 volts for a logic 1 and
ground (0 volts) for a logic 0. The "READY" signals are output from the 2960 and are set to a logic 1 when the analog
output signal for that channel has been updated. This signal indicates to the host system that the analog voltage is "new"
and that it represents the most recent reading of the analyte concentration. The host system (the external system to which
the 2960 is connected) then can send a logic 0 to the "ACK" input of the 2960. This "ACK" (acknowledge) signal response
from the host resets the READY line of the 2960 to its low state before the next sample is ready.
Figure 6-8 below shows the typical signal pattern that would occur during two sample update cycles. The READY signals
will reset themselves immediately prior to updating the analog output if not reset externally via the ACK\ signal input.

Analog Output



Figure 6-8

6.4.2 Pump Control Outputs

Three discrete outputs are provided on the 2960 which are intended to control external pumps. The means of control is on
or off only, no intermediate states are supported. The three outputs are labeled Feed Pump A, Feed Pump B, and Filtrate
Pump. All of these outputs are electrically identical and are designed as control signals only, i.e. they are incapable of
driving any pumps directly. These signals must be buffered externally in a manner appropriate to the nature of the pumps
being used. These output signals transition between +5 volts and 0 volts nominally. The logic of each, i.e. whether 5 volts
turns on or off the external device, is selectable (See 6.5 Monitor Setup).

6.4.3 Auxiliary Connector / Signal List

On the back of the 2960 is the 15 pin "D" type connector where the signals emanate. The following table relates the
signals with the connector pin positions and cable wire colors.

2960 Signal Pin# Wire color

Ground 1 Black/White
Ground 2 Orange/Black
Ground 3 Blue/Black
Ground 4 Red/White
Ground 5 Black
Channel B Ready 6 White
Channel A Pump Control 7 Green/White
SysErr 8 Blue/White
Channel A Analog Output 9 Green/Black
Channel B Analog Output 10 Green
Channel B Pump Control 11 Red/Black
Filtrate Pump Control 12 Red
+12V Power Out 13 Blue
Ack\ 14 White/Black
Channel A Ready 15 Orange
Chassis Ground None Shield

Monitor Setup
1. From the Run menu, touch the [Monitor] tab.
2. Touch the [Configure] button

3. When configuring the monitor for the first time, touch the [Edit] button to edit the default monitor configuration. To
add additional configurations in the future, touch [New] to create a new configuration.

6.5.1 Name
4. Touch the [Name] button and enter a name for this configuration.

6.5.2 Flow Rate and Purge Time
The flow rate and purge time settings must be such that a sufficient volume of sample is pumped during each cycle to
completely purge the Monitor sample cup and system tubing. This is especially important when an antiseptic is used since
the antiseptic may damage the enzyme membrane if aspirated by the sipper.
The table below shows the flow rates and minimum time needed to purge the tubing lines from the solenoid valve to the
Monitor sample cup. These values are based upon a 6-fold volume turnover. Additional time may be necessary to purge
the line from the sample source to the solenoid valve. The volume of the supplied sample tubing is 5.1uL per inch.

Flow Rate Purge Time Flow Rate Purge Time

uL/min Seconds uL/min Seconds
100 900 1400 65
200 450 1500 60
300 300 1600 57
400 225 1700 53
500 180 1800 50
600 150 1900 48
700 129 2000 45
800 113 2100 43
900 101 2200 41
1000 90 2300 39
1100 82 2400 38
1200 75 2500 36
1300 69
Table 7-1

5. Touch the [Purge Time] button and enter the required purge time.

If you are using a filter on your sample line, make sure your Flow Rate does not exceed the maximum rated flow rate of
your filter. If necessary, touch the [Flow Rate] button and enter the correct flow rate.

6.5.3 Antiseptic
If you are not using an antiseptic solution:
6. Touch the [Antiseptic Cycle] button.

7. Touch the [On] button and change it to [Off] if you are not using and antiseptic solution.

8. Touch [Save] to save your change and return to the Edit Configuration screen.

6.5.4 Filtrate Pump

The filtrate pump control output from the 2960 is provided to control a user-supplied external pump for pumping the
sample from its point of origin to the 2960. The timing of this signal is the same as the purge pump of the 2960. This
option is normally not used since the 2960 pump can transport most samples to the Monitor sample cup. If an external
filtrate pump is used, the flow rate must be maintained at or above 580uL/minute in order to guarantee that the sipper
does not aspirate air during the sampling process.
The default filtrate pump output is Active High (+5V). Touch the [Filtrate Pump Active High] button to change it to Active
Low if your pump requires an Active Low signal (0V) to turn on.

6.5.5 Module
Set up a Module for the chemistries you want to monitor/control.
9. Touch the Module 1 [Edit] button.

6-10 PreCal
10. Touch the PreCal [Off] button and change it to [On] to initiate an autocalibration at a predetermined interval before
each monitor sample.
11. Touch the PreCal time interval button [00:10:00] and enter the time in minutes before the monitor sample when an
autocalibration will be initiated.

When in the monitoring mode and when the 2900 Series is stabilized in terms of calibration drift, you may elect to disable
autocalibrations related to time and number of samples and use the PreCal option only. Interval
12. Touch the Interval [00:30:00] button and enter the time interval between your monitor samples for Module 1. Chemistry and Units
13. Touch the Probe A [Edit] button.

14. Touch the Chemistry [None] button and select the chemistry you are monitoring.
15. Touch the Units [g/L] button and select the units for this chemistry. Analog Output
16. Touch the DAC [None] button to enable the analog output for this probe.

17. Select the Analog output for this probe.

18. The Analog output can be set to 5 Volts or 10 Volts full scale. Touch the DAC [5V] button to change the Voltage to

19. Touch the [10.00g/L] button to set the sample value that corresponds to the full scale Voltage. Control Type
20. See Section 6.8 Control Setup for setting up the control function.
21. Touch [Save] to save your Probe A changes and return to the Edit Chamber 1 screen.

Select Probe

22. To monitor an additional chemistry, touch the Probe B [Edit] button.

23. Enter the Chemistry and Units for Probe B. Analog output and Control can also be set for Probe B.

24. Touch [Save] to save your Probe B changes and return to the Edit Chamber 1 screen.
25. Touch [Save] to save your Chamber 1 changes and return to the Edit Configuration screen.

26. Touch [Save] to save your Configuration and return to the Select Configuration screen.

27. Touch [Select] to choose the selected configuration and return to the Monitor screen.

Start Monitor

1. Once you have setup and selected your monitor session, touch .
2. Enter a name for this specific run, then touch [DONE].

3. The monitor session will start.

The instrument will calibrate the required probe(s) if necessary, or if Precal is enabled, then run the first monitor sample.

Once the sample has run, it will be displayed on the graph:




Zoom buttons
Use zoom and reset to adjust the graph size.
Touch the Units “g/L” to change the displayed monitor units.

6.6.1 Manual Sample during Monitor Session

A plate/rack or Stat sample may be run during a monitor session provided there is sufficient time between monitor
If you want to manually initiate a monitor sample (without waiting for the Next Sample Time to arrive)
1. Touch the [Start Manual Sample] button.

2. Select the Chamber that you want to start.

This will initiate a monitor sample and reset the time until the next sample.

Stop Monitor

To stop the current monitor session, touch .

Control Setup
The 2960 offer two types of control, Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control or Threshold. PID control attempts to
maintain the sample source at a user defined set point by adding an amount of feed stock proportional to the error.
Threshold simply triggers an alarm or feed pump when the measured sample value passes a user defined value.
The control algorithm incorporated into the 2960 is a variant of the PID algorithm used in many process controllers.
Because of the many factors which can affect control it is difficult, if not impossible, to accommodate all circumstances in
a single form of the PID control algorithm. Certain assumptions apply to the application of this control scheme of which the
user should be aware. Deviations from these assumed conditions will result in degraded regulation.
1. Regulation is begun (enabled) when the analyte concentration is within ±10% of the set point.
2. The sampling interval is regular. That is, the period between samples (corrections) is constant. Random
calibration timing will degrade regulation performance if it affects sample timing.
3. Higher rates-of-change of the analyte are coupled with shorter sampling intervals to the maximum extent possible.
4. Maximum control pump on-time is kept less than the sampling interval.
NOTE: A sample performed at station 1 or 2 will not initiate regulation or affect analog output.

6.8.1 Control Type

1. From the Run menu [Monitor] tab, touch the [Configure] button.

2. Touch [New] to create a new monitor configuration, or select an existing configuration and touch [Edit].

3. Touch the Module 1 [Edit] button.

4. Touch the [Edit] button for the probe you want to control.

5. Touch the Control Type [None] button.

6. Select the type of control for this channel, [PID] or [Threshold], and follow the corresponding instructions in the
section below. PID
For proportional control, select [PID] as the Control Type.

Touch the Setpoint [10.00g/L] button and enter the concentration at which the analyte will be regulated.

Error Direction
[Under] means that the user wishes to regulate to the set point in an environment where the analyte is being consumed
and as such tends to fall under the set point. In this circumstance the control algorithm will attempt to regulate by making
additions of correction feed stock (which contains the analyte) to the controlled volume.
[Over] error direction assumes that the correction applied by the controller will have the effect of diluting or removing
analyte to perform regulation. When [Over] is selected, enter the TPU manually.
Example: In the case of a fermentation where glucose is the controlled analyte the user should select [Under] error
direction since the organisms in the fermentation will consume glucose, thereby forcing the controller to add glucose via
feed stock additions.
Auto-Activation automatically starts control once the sample value is within a certain percentage of the setpoint to
minimize over/under correction. Using the default value, control will not start until the monitored sample value is within 5%
of the setpoint. To change this value, touch the Auto-Activation [5.00%] button and enter the new value.
When using Auto-Activation, make sure the monitored sample value is moving towards the setpoint value. If the monitored
sample value is moving further away from the setpoint value, control will need to be started manually.
Time-Per-Unit error reflects the amount of time that the correction pump must run to correct for an error in concentration
equal to the unit of measure (e.g. g/L, mg/L, etc.).
Touch the [TPU] button. Select [Automatic] to allow the 2960 to calculate the TPU or [Manual] to enter the TPU manually.
If your Error Direction is [Under], calculate the TPU manually.

Automatic TPU Calculation

Touch the Average Reactor Volume [10.00] button and enter the average volume of your reactor.

Touch the Delivery Rate [10.00L/min] button and enter the flow rate of your feed pump.

Touch the Maximum Rate of Change [10.00g/L/min] button and enter the maximum rate of change expected during the
monitor session (maximum rate of consumption of the measured analyte during the run).

Touch the Feed Concentration [0.00g/L] button and enter the concentration of your feedstock solution. The minimum
value required is displayed in the [Min Feed Stock:] box.

Manual TPU Calculation

Touch [Manual] to enter the TPU manually. Manual allows you to enter the TPU value that you calculated yourself.

Touch the TPU [10.00 sec/g/L] button and enter your manually calculated TPU value.

Touch [Save] to save changes and return to the Edit Probe screen.

Feed Pump line

Touch the Feed Pump Line [None] button and select the 2960 feed pump output line that your external feed pump is
connected to.

The default feed pump output is Active High (+5V). Touch the Feed Pump Line [High] button to change it to [Low] if your
feed pump requires an Active Low signal (0V) to turn on.

Touch [Save] to save changes and return to the Edit Chamber 1 screen.

Touch [Save] to save changes and return to the Edit Configuration screen.

Touch [Save] to save changes and return to the Select Configuration screen.

Touch [Select] to choose the selected Configuration and return to the Monitor screen. Threshold
For simple threshold alarm, select [Threshold] as the Control Type.

Touch the Setpoint [10.00g/L] button and enter the threshold value.

Set the Error Direction to trigger when the measured analyte value goes [Under] the threshold or [Over] the threshold.
Touch the Feed Pump Line [None] button and select the 2960 output line that your external alarm/pump is connected to.
The default output is Active High (+5V). Touch the Feed Pump Line [High] button to change it to [Low] if your alarm/pump
requires an Active Low signal (0V) to turn on.
Touch [Save] to save changes and return to the Edit Chamber 1 screen.
Touch [Save] to save changes and return to the Edit Configuration screen.
Touch [Save] to save changes and return to the Select Configuration screen.
Touch [Select] to choose the selected Configuration and return to the Monitor screen.

Print Monitor Configuration

Print Monitor

Touch the Print Monitor Configuration button to print the current monitor configuration. The configuration can then be
reviewed on the YSI 2901 Printer or from the Status tab:


Config Name: GLUCOSE CON

Antiseptic Cycle:
Purge Time: 00:01:00
Flow Rate: 2000 uL/min
Filtrate Pump Active
Level: High

>Chamber 1
PreCal: 00:05:00
Sample Interval:
>Probe 1A
Chemistry: Glucose
Unit: g/L
DAC: None
Control Type: PID
Setpoint: 1.00 g/L
Auto Activation: 5%
TPU: 48.00
Error Direction:
Feed Pump: None
>Probe 1B: disabled

>Chamber 2: disabled

>Chamber 3: disabled

7. Advanced Functions

Touch [Settings] to display the global settings screen as shown below. Settings include System, Display, and Scheduler.
NOTE: If 21 CFR Part 11 mode is enabled, only an Administrator can access Settings.

7.1.1 System
Touch the [System] tab (if not already selected). The System tab is used to select the type of sample and calibration
reports, enable sipper fluid detection, configure the RS232 port, and print the configuration.

Touch Detailed Report Details

To change the Sample or Calibration Reports, touch the button below it to cycle through the selections—Detailed, Brief, or

7-1 Communication Port
Set the Communications Port to [Printer] when using the optional YSI 2901 Printer.
Set the Communications Port to [Remote Commands] when using the optional 2940 or 2980 Multi-Channel Online
Monitor or the 2920 OPC Data Manager.
The RS232 Communications Port can also be used to connect the 2900 Series to a remote host. Set the Communications
Port to [Remote Commands] to enable the remote host to send commands to the 2900 Series. Print Configuration
Touch the [Print Configuration] button to send the current instrument configuration to the printer. Sipper options
Touch the Sensitivity [High] button and change it to [Low] for samples with high conductivity.

Touch the Fluid Detector [On] button and change it to [Off] to completely disable sipper fluid detection at all locations,
including the calibrator wells.

Touch the Dynamic Fluid Depth [On] button and change it to [Off] to disable sipper fluid detection and use fixed depth at
sample stations.

Touch the “When no fluid detected” button and select the sample fluid detection mode you prefer:
[Error] Produce an error when no sample is detected (no sample result).
[Warn] Use fixed depth when no sample is detected (report a sample result).

7.1.2 Fluid Detection (Bottles)

From the Settings screen, touch the [Fluid Detection] tab.

To change bottle Fluid Detection, touch the button for the bottle you wish to change. If the 2938 or 2936 Bottle Trays with
Reagent Level Sensing are not installed, turn off the bottle sensors. NOTE: When bottle sensors are off, check bottle
fluid levels regularly to prevent waste fluid from backing up into sample modules.

7.1.3 Display
From the Settings screen, touch the [Display] tab.

Touch the [Screensaver] button.

Touch the number of Minutes button next to “Start after.” Enter the number of minutes that the instrument should remain
idle before enabling the screensaver, then touch [OK].
If 21 CFR Part 11 Mode is enabled, the screensaver locks the screen and a User name and Pin are required to unlock the
screen (see 7.1.5 21 CFR Part 11). The maximum setting for number of minutes with 21 CFR Part 11 Mode enabled is 60.
Note that once the Screensaver is active and analyzer has been idle for 4 hours, the analyzer will dispense calibrator into
each module, then flush with buffer, once every 4 hours to exercise the membranes.

Adjust the display brightness or sound volume by touching [+] or [–].


To change the displayed language, touch the current language button.

Select your language from the available choices. Touch Screen Calibration
The touch screen is calibrated at the factory and should not require user calibration.


Touch the [Calibrate Display] button to enter touch screen calibration.

Using a stylus, touch and hold the center of the red flashing that appears at each corner of the display until
After you have held the in all four corners, the touch panel is calibrated.
Touch screen calibration can also be initiated by touching anywhere on the Initialization screen while the instrument is
powering up. Clock Format

Touch the Clock Format button.

Touch the Hour Format button and select [12-hour] or [24-hour] clock format.
Touch the Date Format button and select [DD/MM/YYYY] or [MM/DD/YYYY] date format.
Touch the [Save] button to save your changes.

7.1.4 Calibration Settings

From the Settings screen, touch the [Calibration] tab.

Touch the [Calibration] button for a module to display the Calibration settings for that module.

Enzyme Probe Calibration ISE Calibration

The default Auto-calibration settings are shown above. You may alter any of these parameters to suit your application,
however, you may compromise precision and/or accuracy when doing so. YSI’s stated specifications are based on the
default settings. These selections are provided as part of the overall concept of the 2900 Series flexibility.
To change the value of a Calibration parameter, simply touch the value to open the numeric keypad. Enter the new value,
then touch [OK].
To disable the number of Samples parameter, touch the [ON] button and change it to [OFF].
NOTE: When the analyzer is NOT in the Configure or Service screen, it will continue to calibrate at the time interval
entered until the Screensaver is active AND it has been idle for 4 hours. The analyzer will then stop calibrating and simply
dispense calibrator into each module, then flush with buffer, once every 4 hours to exercise the membranes.
Touch [Save] to save your changes.
The 2900 Series can be set to automatically calibrate at a specific time of day, such as the start of each workday.

Touch the Scheduled calibration [OFF] button and change it to [ON]. Touch any days to select them. Days of the week
that the scheduler is enabled are green.

Touch the Hour button:

Enter the Hour each day that the instrument should calibrate in 24 hour format (0–23), then touch [OK].
Touch the Minute button [00] and enter the Minutes. Touch [OK].
After you have finished making your changes, touch the [X] button to return to the main display.

7.1.5 21 CFR Part 11

FDA 21 CFR Part 11, Electronic Records; Electronic Signatures, was established by the FDA to define the requirements
for submitting documentation in electronic form and the criteria for approved electronic signatures. Since YSI 2900 Series
analyzers generate electronic records, these systems must facilitate compliance with 21 CFR Part 11.
YSI 2900 Series analyzers feature the following functions to provide 21 CFR 11 compliance:
• Audit & event trails
• Secure user sign-on
• User level permissions
• Administrative configuration tools
From the Settings screen, touch the [21 CFR Part 11] tab.

To enable 21 CFR Part 11 mode, touch the [Enable 21 CFR Part 11 Mode] button.

Touch the  to enable 21 CFR Part 11 mode.

Enter a Name, User ID, and PIN to create at least one Admin account. Note that the PIN must be at least 8 characters.
Touch [Save].

7-9 Manage Users
Create User
Touch the [Create User] button to create additional accounts as required.

Leave the Admin box blank if you are creating a standard user. Touch the Admin box to mark it  ONLY if you are
creating a new Administrator.
Note that standard users cannot access the Settings menu, Configure menu, the Sipper or Stirbar tabs under the Service
menu, or the Software tab under the Help menu (as shown below).

Edit User
To edit an existing user, select the user.

Touch the [Edit User] button.

Change the Name, PIN, Active, or Admin fields as required. To disable a user, remove the X from the Active box.
After you have finished making your changes, touch [Save]. Touch the [X] button to return to the 21 CFR Part 11 screen. View Audit Trail and Event Log
Audit Trail
Touch the [View History] button to display the audit trail.

Use the scroll buttons to view events in the audit trail.

Event Log
Touch the [Event Log] tab to display the event log.

Use the scroll buttons to view events in the log.
Plug a flash drive into the 2900 Series’ USB port, then touch the [Export] button to send the Audit Trail and Event Log to
the flash drive.
A folder named YSI\BiochemistryAnalyzer\21 CFR Part 11\ (followed by the Machine ID) will be created on the flash drive.
When you have finished exporting, touch the [X] button to return to the 21 CFR Part 11 screen.

7.1.6 Date/Time


To set the date/time, touch the time button on the main screen.

NOTE: If 21 CFR Part 11 mode is enabled, only an Administrator can change the date/time.


Touch the current date on the calendar to select it.

Touch the Hour button and enter the current hour in 24 hour format (0–23), then touch [OK].
Touch the Minute button and enter the current minute, then touch [OK].
When you have finished entering the date and time, touch [OK] to return to the main display.



Touch [Service] to display the Service menu.

7.2.1 Sipper
See Section 4.5 Align Sipper for details on aligning the sipper with each sample module.
Always [Home] the sipper before performing alignment.
If necessary, the sipper can also be aligned with Station 2, the different types of racks/plates used at Station 1, and the
calibrator wells.
NOTE: If 21 CFR Part 11 mode is enabled, only an Administrator can access the Sipper tab. Interlock
Touch the Interlock button and change the status to [Off] to disable the interlock switches on the front door and side panel
when aligning the sipper.

WARNING: Keep your hands clear of the sipper while the instrument is in operation.
Always turn the Interlock back [On] before operating the instrument!


To align the sipper at other locations, touch the button under Location.

Touch the button for your location, [Station 2] for example.

Touch the [Position] button and use the arrow buttons to align the sipper with the selected location.

Touch  at the bottom right of the adjustment window, then touch [YES] to save the position.

Touch [Inject] to lower the sipper and test the alignment, then touch [Retract] to raise the sipper back up. If necessary,
touch [Position] and repeat the adjustment. Depth
Touch [Depth] and select the location. The sipper will move to the selected location.

Sample Modules: use the up and down arrows to set the tip of the sipper even with the top of the Module. Refer to
Section 4.5 Align Sipper for details.
Sample Locations: use the up and down arrows to set the maximum depth the sipper will travel at that sample location.
Note that your sample fluid level must be above the maximum depth setting.

Touch  at the bottom right of the adjustment window, then touch  to confirm saving the position.

7.2.2 Pumps
From the Service menu, touch the [Pumps] tab.

7-17 Sipper Pump
Touch the [Home] button to Home the sipper pump plunger. The pump plunger will extend fully, then retract slightly.
Touch the [Aspirate] button. The pump plunger will retract about half way as it does when it aspirates a sample. Note that
the actual distance depends on the sample size setting.
Touch the [Dispense] button. The pump plunger will extend about half way as it does when it dispenses a sample into the
sample module.
When you have finished testing the sipper pump, touch the [X] button to return to the main display. Buffer Pumps
Touch the [ON] button under a buffer pump. The selected buffer pump will run. Touch the [OFF] button to stop the pump.
When you have finished testing the buffer pumps, touch the [X] button to return to the main display. Calibrator Pumps
Touch the [ON] button under a Cal Pump. The selected calibrator pump will run. Touch the [OFF] button under the same
pump to stop it.
NOTE: Prime all installed calibrator bottles daily to remove air bubbles from the tubing and deliver fresh
calibrator to the cal wells!
When you have finished priming the fluid pumps, touch the [X] button to return to the Main display.

7.2.3 Modules
From the Service menu, touch the [Modules] tab.

The Modules tab displays the status of the probes, probe current for each enzyme probe, voltage for each ISE, and the
temperature. The probe current is expressed in nA (nanoamperes, 10-9 amperes), a very low level of electrical current. Flush
Touch the [Flush] button under Module 1 to flush the sample module with buffer. Observe the probe current values
(baseline). If they are above 6 nA, check to see if they are decreasing in value. Check the sample module; it should be full
of buffer. If necessary, touch the [Flush] key to flush the sample module again. Note that when the instrument is first
powered up, it may take several hours for the baseline currents to drop below 6 nA.
Touch the [Flush] button under Module 3 to flush the sample module with ISE buffer. Note that the instrument will purge
buffer to waste if the incorrect buffer is in the line.
Observe the ISE voltage values. They should be between -40 and 60mV and stable. When the instrument is first powered
up, it may take an hour for the voltages to stabilize.
7-18 Calibrate
The 2900 Series will automatically calibrate before running a sample batch. You may initiate manual calibration from the
[Modules] tab of the Service screen by touching the [Calibrate] button under each Module.

Calibrate Module 1

Calibration status is displayed on the screen.

The instrument attempts to calibrate each active probe up to 5 times before aborting calibration. If calibration fails, see 11

7.2.4 Stirbar
From the Service menu, touch the [Stirbar] tab.

NOTE: If 21 CFR Part 11 mode is enabled, only an Administrator can access the Stirbar tab.

The StirbBar screen is used to adjust the speed of the stir bar.
Note: The sample module must be full of buffer when adjusting stir speed. To fill the module with buffer, see 7.2.3
Touch the [Off] button under Stirbar1 to change it to [On]. Verify the stir bar is rotating smoothly, but not jumping.

Stir Increase

indicator Decrease

If the stir bar is jumping, use the Down Arrow Button to decrease the stir speed until the stir bar is spinning smoothly.
NOTE: Set the stir speed as high as possible without causing the stir bar to jump!
Touch the [On] button under the same stir bar to change it to [off]. The stir bar will stop.
Touch the [Off] button again. Verify the stir bar is spinning smoothly and not jumping. If necessary, reduce the stir speed
until the stir bar is not jumping.
Touch the [On] button under the same stir bar to stop the stir bar.
For the 2950, repeat this process for the remaining modules (Stirbar2 and Stirbar3).
After you have adjusted the stir speed for all modules, touch the [X] button to return to the Main display.

7.2.5 Monitor
From the Service menu, touch the [Monitor] tab.

Test Outputs
Touch the DAC A or DAC B [0.00V] button to test the analog output by setting the output to 0, 5 or 10VDC.
Touch the Ready, Feed Pump, Filtrate Pump, or SysErr [Off] button and change it to [On] to test the corresponding output.
Flow Rate
Touch the Flow Rate [2000 µL/min] button to enter a different flow rate for Service mode only.
Prime Monitor Pump
If you are using an antiseptic solution, touch the Pump [Off] button and change it to [On] to prime the antiseptic solution.
The pump will turn off automatically.
Touch the Valve [Antiseptic] button to change the state of the valve and change it to [Sample].
Touch the Pump [Off] button and change it to [On] to prime the monitor sample line. The pump will turn off automatically.
NOTE: After sterilization, the antiseptic solution must be primed immediately after the tubing is reconnected.

From the Main display, touch [Data].

7.3.1 Plate
Historical plates of sample data are displayed under the Plate tab. Touch the scroll buttons to page through plates.
Touch a specific plate to highlight it, then touch [View] to display the sample data for the selected plate.

Sample data for the first sample in the batch (A1) is displayed.

Touch any other sample location to display the sample data. Touch the sample result to show details.
Select sample
Select to show

Touch [Close] to return to the Data screen.

Plate Name Filter
Touch the Name button and enter a plate name to filter the data.

Only plates that contain that name will be displayed.

Check the box for each plate that you would like to export to a flash drive. To select all plates within the selected date
range, check the box at the top.


Plug a flash drive into the 2900 Series’ USB port, then touch the [Export] button to send the selected sample results from
memory to the flash drive.
When you have finished exporting data, touch the [X] button to return to the Main screen.
A folder named YSI\BiochemistryAnalyzer will be created on the flash drive. Sample data files are copied to the Data
subfolder. The data file name will contain the instrument’s Machine ID along with the date and time.
Example Sample Data File:

Cross Net Plateau Temp Adj (nA)

Net Plateau Temp Adj (nA)

Plateau Slope (nA/min)

Cross Net Plateau (nA)
Local Completion Time

Initial Baseline (nA)

Final Baseline (nA)

Net Plateau (nA)

Temperature (C)
Sample Size (µl)

Plateau (nA)
Endpoint (s)
Batch Name
Plate Name

Probe Id
Well Id


9/10/2019 9:25 R8-0 TestBatch-2 R8_A02 Fructose 1A 24.3426 g/L 45 25 0.0179 111.713 1.7462 111.6951 111.8945 0.0166 0.0167 32.9441 27.16
9/10/2019 9:29 R8-0 TestBatch-1 R8_B01 Fructose 1A 66.503 g/L 45 25 1.4373 306.4251 5.9046 304.9878 305.7901 0.4009 0.404 84.2369 27.13
6/13/2019 9:16 Station2 MANUAL Station2 Glucose 2A 2.7406 g/L 30 25 2.6168 19.4779 2.7886 16.8611 16.9442 2.0996 24.85
6/13/2019 9:16 Station2 MANUAL Station2 Lactate 2B 2015.662 mg/L 30 25 0.2625 89.8054 1.8639 89.5428 89.5555 9.2697 24.79
6/12/2019 9:12 P96-1 REACTOR 12 P96_A01 Glutamate 3A 1.4392 g/L 30 20 0.5216 31.3612 0.8917 30.8396 31.1207 0.2681 24.55
6/12/2019 9:12 P96-1 REACTOR 12 P96_A01 Glutamaine 3B 0.1087 g/L 30 20 2.2705 32.3041 2.2708 30.0336 30.3804 30.83.4 31.121 -0.0221 24.55

7.3.2 Monitor
Touch the Monitor tab to display the list of monitor sessions.

Select a monitor session, then touch [View] to display the graph for the selected monitor session.

Touch [View Data Points] to view the actual data.

Touch [Close] to return to the Data screen.
Name Filter
Touch the Name button and enter a monitor session name to filter the data.

Only sessions that contain that name will be displayed.

Check the box for each session that you would like to export to a flash drive. To select all sessions within the selected
date range, check the box at the top.

Plug a flash drive into the 2900 Series’ USB port, then touch the [Export] button to send the selected sessions from
memory to the flash drive.
When you have finished exporting data, touch the [X] button to return to the Main screen.
A folder named YSI\BiochemistryAnalyzer will be created on the flash drive. Sample data files are copied to the Data
subfolder. The data file name will contain the instrument’s Machine ID along with the date and time.

7.3.3 Calibration
Touch the Calibration tab.

Plug a flash drive into the 2900 Series’ USB port. Select a date range, then press the [Export] button to send calibration
data to the flash drive.
When you have finished exporting data, touch the [X] button to return to the Main screen.
A folder named YSI\BiochemistryAnalyzer will be created on the flash drive. Calibration data files are copied to the Data
subfolder. The data file name will contain the instrument’s Machine ID along with the date and time.
Example Calibration File:

Plateau Slope (nA/min)
Cross Net Plateau (nA)
Local Completion Time

Initial Baseline (nA)

Final Baseline (nA)

Net Plateau (nA)

Temperature (C)
Sample Size (µl)

Plateau (nA)
Endpoint (s)
Probe Id

12/12/2019 13:11 Glucose 1A 2.5 g/L 30 25 2.9905 14.9612 3.0258 11.9707 NaN 0.1442 21.92 (No previous calibration-Probe1A)
12/12/2019 13:11 Lactate 1B 0.5 g/L 30 25 3.2762 29.3721 3.3032 26.0959 NaN -0.1724 21.92 (No previous calibration-Probe1B)
12/12/2019 13:13 Glucose 1A 2.5 g/L 30 25 0.9606 15.992 1.1777 15.0314 NaN 0.3379 27.01 (Cal Shift-Probe1A)
12/12/2019 13:13 Lactate 1B 0.5 g/L 30 25 2.2744 30.9102 2.5932 28.6358 NaN 0.1664 27.01 (Cal Shift-Probe1B)
12/12/2019 13:15 Glucose 1A 2.5 g/L 30 25 0.9971 15.6327 1.175 14.6356 NaN 0.6005 26.84
12/12/2019 13:15 Lactate 1B 0.5 g/L 30 25 2.241 30.2067 2.5655 27.9657 NaN 1.0046 26.84
12/12/2019 13:08 Glutamate 2A 5 mmol/L 30 20 4.2451 20.1511 4.2504 15.906 14.9872 0.5142 21.96
12/12/2019 13:11 Glutamine 2B 5 mmol/L 30 20 3.7581 20.7332 3.7445 16.9762 NaN 0.0315 21.96
12/14/2019 16:42 Ascorbic Acid 1B 1 g/L 45 25 2.2676 23.8498 1.6895 21.5822 11.0659 4.9728 27.99 (No previous calibration-Probe1B)
12/14/2019 16:45 Ascorbic Acid 1B 1 g/L 45 25 1.5976 23.3035 1.6564 21.7059 11.0883 2.54 27.77
12/14/2019 16:48 Fructose 1A 10 g/L 45 25 0.4497 82.6217 0.9934 82.172 NaN 12.0484 27.62 (No previous calibration-Probe1A)
12/14/2019 16:52 Fructose 1A 10 g/L 45 25 0.7571 82.8973 1.4755 82.1402 NaN 13.2981 27.57

Touch the [Help] icon to display the Help selections as shown below.

7.4.1 About
Touch the [About] tab to display the About screen. This screen provides information about the instrument ID and serial
number, the current software (App) version, hardware, and IP address. Machine ID
The default Machine ID is the instrument serial number. Touch the Machine ID button to enter a custom ID for this
instrument. Enter the new ID and touch [Done].
NOTE: The Machine ID is used as the file name for data files.

7.4.2 Software
The 2900 Series software can be updated via a flash drive inserted into the USB port. See the YSI web site at
www.ysi.com for available updates. Install the update as shown in section below.
From the Help menu, touch the [Software] tab to display the Software screen.

NOTE: If 21 CFR Part 11 mode is enabled, only an Administrator can access the Software tab.

7-27 Export Configuration
Insert a flash drive and wait for the Flash Drive Inserted light to change to green.

Press [Export Config] to save the current instrument configuration to the flash drive.
NOTE: The configuration file can be imported at a later date to restore the instrument configuration. Backup
Press [Backup] to backup the current instrument setup, database, log files, and 21 CFR 11 audit files to the flash drive. Restore
Press [Restore] to restore a previous backup file for this analyzer from a flash drive. Default
To default all instrument settings, except 21 CFR Part 11, to the factory values, touch [Reset to Defaults].
NOTE: After resetting the instrument to default settings, the sipper must be realigned with ALL locations to
prevent sipper damage.

7-28 Clear Database
NOTES: Make sure all sample data, calibration data and audit logs have been exported before clearing the
The Clear Database function is not available when 21 CFR Part 11 Mode is enabled.
Clearing the database deletes all 21 CFR Part 11 administrators and users!
Press [Clear Database] to clear all saved sample and calibration data. Clearing old data from the database will reduce the
amount of time required to export and save sample data. Update Software
From the Help screen, Software tab, insert the flash drive containing the software update in the instruments’ USB port.
After the Flash Drive Inserted light changes to green, touch the [Launch Updater] button.
The 2900 Series Updater will be displayed.

Touch the [Update Firmware] button to install the new firmware.

Touch the [Update Application] button to install the new software.
When the Installation is complete, the analyzer will reboot. Remove the flash drive.
NOTE: Updating the software will clear all sample data. After updating the software, the sipper must be aligned
with all positions.
The [Select Model] button is only used to change the model after performing a hardware upgrade (adding an additional

7.4.3 FAQ
From the Help menu, touch the [FAQ] tab to display frequently asked questions and answers.

7.4.4 Training
From the Help menu, touch the [Training] tab.

Connect headphones or speakers to the instruments audio port on the right side of the display.
Touch the button of the training video you wish to view.
While the video is playing, you may touch the screen to stop the video and return to the Training screen.

7.5.1 Ethernet Port
Connect one or more 2900 Series instruments to a LAN or router via the RJ45 Ethernet port.
LAN (Shared Network Connection)
Connect one or more 2900 Series instruments to a LAN via the RJ45 Ethernet port.

Router (Private Network Connection)

Connect one or more 2900 Series instruments to a router (DHCP server) via the RJ45 Ethernet port.

Accessing Stored Data
Access the data stored in a 2900 Series connected to a LAN or router via ftp. See 7.4.1 About to view the instrument’s
current IP address.

If you are unable to connect via ftp, make sure the “Passive ftp” option is not checked under Advanced Internet Options
on your computer:

Sample and calibration data files are stored in the Samples folder of the 2900 Series. The file names are:
BioSample_Machine ID.csv
BioCalibration_Machine ID.csv
ISESample_Machine ID.csv
ISECalibration_Machine ID.csv

7.5.2 RS232 Port

The RS232 serial port supports the YSI 2901 Printer, YSI 2940 or 2980 Multi-Channel Online Monitor, YSI 2920 OPC
Data Manager, or remote commands.
Connect the YSI 2920 OPC Data Manager to export data to an OPC-enabled SCADA, bioprocess management system or
data historian.
Connect the optional YSI 2901 Printer to the RS232 port for a hard copy of calibration and sample reports.
Remote Commands
For details of available remote command functions, please contact YSI Technical Support.

8. Chemistry Setup
In this section, you will learn about each standard chemistry setup for single chemistry configurations and then dual
chemistry configurations per module.
In order to configure your instrument to measure a particular chemistry analyte, you need to:
• Approximate the analyte concentration or range of concentrations to be measured.
• Decide if you must dilute your sample, and, if required, determine an appropriate dilution factor and diluent.
• Decide what calibration value(s) is appropriate for the range of concentrations under study.
• If possible, account for any interferences to your reading. Methods to do these corrections are described below.
Once you make the above determinations, you can decide whether one of the standard setups described below will be
appropriate or whether you will need to customize your setup.

Sample Volume
The sample volume range is 10 to 50 µL. However, this is a nominal volume. The instrument does not depend on an
accurate absolute value, but rather reproducible aspirations. This allows the calibrator probe signal to be stored in
memory and provide a reference value used to internally calculate sample readings.
NOTE: Do not change the ISE sample size from the default value of 25uL.

Measurement Parameter Information

For most standard applications, specifications and recommended parameter settings are outlined below under each

8.2.1 Choline
This is a direct reading of Choline in solution at the enzyme sensor. The enzyme Choline Oxidase is immobilized in the
enzyme membrane.
Choline + 2O2 Chol Oxidase 2H2O2 + Betaine

System Buffer YSI 2357 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std YSI 2772 • If sample dilution is required, use reagent water or 2357
Linearity Std YSI 2773
Membrane YSI 2771 • Although the YSI 2772 Choline calibrator solution is prepared
using choline bitartrate, the concentration is expressed as
Membrane mg/L of choline cation. If you prefer to express the sample as
Color a salt of choline, you must enter an “adjusted” calibration value
Detection when configuring your instrument measurement parameters.
5–450 mg/L
Range For example, to express results as a choline hydroxide value,
Calibration program the calibrator value as 204 mg/L when using the YSI
175 mg/L 2772 Choline Standard calibrator solution. Your results will now
reflect the concentration of choline hydroxide in the sample.
Linearity Check Assumptions and calculations are as follows:
450 mg/L
choline hydroxide FW = 121.2
Sample Size 25 µL
free choline FW = 104.2
End Point 45 sec
(121.1 ÷ 104.2) x 175 mg/L = 203.55 = 204 mg/L (rounded up)
2% or 4 mg/L,
Precision Equivalent values for other choline salts may be calculated in
whichever is
(CV,n=10) a similar manner.
Potential Interferences.
±2% or 4 mg/L,
whichever is Tests with equimolar concentrations of various vitamins, and
greater other ingredients of nutritionals, showed little or no
Linearity (5 to Cal Point) interference. On a scale where Choline = 100%, those
±5% substances that produced more than 0.5% response were
(Above Cal Point to Riboflavin (1.1%), Pyridoxine (1.5%), Ascorbic Acid (0.8%),
Range Max) and Thiamine (1.3%). Vanillin, an artificial flavor ingredient,
may produce interference levels exceeding 10% (mole/mole),
Typical Working
7 days and should be tested separately for your individual
formulations if known to be present.

Note: See Appendix B – Concentration

Unit Conversion if concentration unit
conversion is required.

8.2.2 Ethanol
This is a direct reading of Ethanol in solution at the enzyme sensor. The enzyme Alcohol Oxidase is immobilized in the
enzyme membrane.
Ethanol + O2 Alcohol Oxidase H2O2 + Acetaldehyde

Special Considerations:
System Buffer YSI 1579 • The linear range of ethanol is quite limited. If you are
concerned about linearity, monitor the upper range of
Calibrator Std YSI 2790
concentration on a regular basis. You may benefit by
Linearity Std YSI 2790 preparing and using a calibrator with an ethanol
concentration close to your sample concentration.
Membrane YSI 2786
Membrane Color Green
• If you prepare your own ethanol calibrator, prepare a
Calibrator Station 2 solution with ionic strength. Level sensing depends on a
Location (Tube holder) conductive solution. A 0.1% K2EDTA solution as a diluent
Detection Range 0.04–3.20 g/L acts as both a conductive solution and a preservative.
Normal saline solution (0.9%) is also an acceptable
Calibration diluent.
2.00 g/L
Linearity Check
3.20 g/L • Your sample should be methanol-free. Methanol can
be a significant interference, since it is a good substrate
Sample Size 15 µL for Alcohol Oxidase. Propanol and butanol are very weak
substrates of Alcohol Oxidase and usually do not present
End Point 45 sec
an interference problem.
2% or 0.02 g/L,
whichever is
greater • Controlling evaporation of ethanol from both sample and
calibrator is important. The use of some type of test tube
±2% or 0.02 g/L, cover (eg., prepunctured film) will help. Frequently
whichever is replacing the calibrator solution with fresh solution will
greater also minimize the effects of evaporation on measurement
Linearity (0.04 to Cal Point)
(Above Cal Point to
Range Max)
• If the ionic strength of your samples is too low for the
Typical Working sipper to detect the fluid, turn off sipper fluid detection
5 days
Life and use fixed depth.
Note: See Appendix B – Concentration
Unit Conversion if concentration unit
conversion is required.

8.2.3 Galactose
This is a direct reading of galactose in solution at the enzyme sensor. The enzyme Galactose oxidase is immobilized in
the enzyme membrane.

Galactose + O2 Gal Oxidase H2O2 + Galactose Dialdehyde Derivative

System Buffer YSI 2705 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std n/a 4 • If sample dilution is required, use reagent water.
Linearity Std n/a • Always use fresh YSI 2705 Buffer in an opaque buffer
bottle, such as the YSI 2935 when installing a new
Membrane YSI 2702 Membrane. Do not expose the 2705 Buffer to light any
Membrane White more than necessary before it is installed in the 2935
Color Bottle.
Detection ~0.1–25 g/L • The sample should be lactose-free. Lactose, glycerol,
Range and other galactosides such as raffinose and stachyose
are substrates for galactose oxidase. They may interfere
Calibration ~2 g/L by producing artificially high galactose readings.
Point (recommended)

Sample Size 25 µL
• The enzyme membrane integrity test involving the use of
End Point 30 sec YSI 2363 Potassium Ferrocyanide solution is not
Typical Working ~10 days informative since ferrocyanide exists in the 2705 system
Life buffer.

Note: See Appendix B – Concentration • YSI believes that you will be able to measure this analyte
Unit Conversion if concentration unit for many applications in the range specified. However,
conversion is required. YSI makes no claims with respect to precision or
linearity. User will need to prepare the calibrator and
linearity standards for your application as YSI does not
currently offer galactose standard solutions.

4 YSI does not currently offer galactose calibrator standard solutions.

8.2.4 D-Glucose (Dextrose)
This is a direct reading of glucose in solution at the enzyme sensor. The enzyme glucose oxidase is immobilized in the
enzyme membrane.
Glucose + O2 Glu Oxidase H2O2 + D-Glucono-δ-Lactone

System Buffer YSI 2357 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std YSI 2776 • If sample dilution is required, use reagent water.
Linearity Std YSI 1531
Membrane YSI 2365 • If a solution must be prepared from solid glucose, use
the following diluent and allow about 15 minutes
Membrane before measuring the sample. This is required for
Dark red
Color glucose, which must equilibrate alpha and beta
0.05–9.0 g/L anomers (mutarotational equilibrium). If your reading
at 13, 15 & 25 µL is lower than expected, you may need to wait slightly
sample size longer for equilibration.

0.05–18.0 g/L Diluent: 40 g/L NaH2PO4

Range at 10 µL sample size 10 g/L Na2HPO4
(1.80 g/L Cal Point)
Reagent water
Both heat and the presence of phosphate accelerate
0.05–25.0 g/L mutarotational equilibration.
at 10 µL sample size
(2.50g/L Cal Point)

Calibration 1.80 g/L • For applications requiring linearity performance to

Point 25.0 g/L, YSI 2777 (25.0 g/L glucose, 2.50 g/L lactate)
2.50 g/L
may be used as a linearity standard provided the
Linearity Check calibrator is YSI 2776 (2.50 g/L glucose, 0.50 g/L
9.0 g/L
Point lactate) and the sample size is 10 µL.
Sample Size 25 µL
End Point 30 sec • For applications requiring linearity performance to
18.0 g/L, YSI 2748 (18.0 g/L glucose, 1.78 g/L lactate)
Precision 2% or 0.02 g/L, may be used as a linearity standard provided the
(CV,n=10) whichever is greater sample size is 10 µL.
±2% or 0.02 g/L,
whichever is greater
(0.05 to Cal Point)
(Above Cal Point to
Range Max)

Typical Working
21 days

Note: See Appendix B – Concentration Unit

Conversion if concentration unit conversion
is required.

8.2.5 L-Glutamate (L-Glutamic Acid)
This is a direct reading of L-glutamate in solution at the enzyme sensor. The enzyme L-Glutamate Oxidase is immobilized
in the YSI Glutamate Membrane.

L-Glutamate + O2 Glut Oxidase H2O2 + α-Ketoglutarate + NH3

System Buffer YSI 2357 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std YSI 2755 • If sample dilution is required, use reagent water.
Linearity Std YSI 2756
• If you want to measure MSG (monosodium glutamate,
Membrane YSI 2754 monohydrate) and express the results as mmol/L of
Membrane Yellow MSG, the calibration parameters listed above are all
Color appropriate. If you want to express results as a w/v
measurement, such as mg/L MSG, then correction for
Detection 15–1460 mg/L the sodium and water components is necessary.
Calibration 731 mg/L To express results as an MSG value, change the glutamate
Point units to a w/v expression, and enter one of the following: 936
Linearity Check 1462 mg/L mg/L, 0.936 g/L, or 0.094 %. Use YSI 2755 Calibrator
Point Standard (5.00 mmol/L Glutamate) to calibrate the
instrument. Sample results will then reflect MSG
Sample Size 25 µL concentration.
End Point 30 sec
Potential Interferences
Precision 2% or 8 mg/L,
(CV,n=10) whichever is
Tests with equimolar concentrations of other amino acids and
related substances showed little or no interference. On a
Linearity ±2% or 8 mg/L, scale where Glutamate = 100%, those substances that
whichever is produced more than 0.5% response were L-Aspartate (0.7),
greater L-Tyrosine (1.4), L-Histidine (0.7), and L-Glutamine (1.1).
(15 to Cal Point) Glutamate cannot be ruled out as a contaminant in the
Glutamine solution.
(Above Cal Point to
Range Max)

Typical Working 7 days


Note: See Appendix B – Concentration

Unit Conversion if concentration unit
conversion is required.

8.2.6 L-Glutamine
This is a direct reading of glutamine in solution at the enzyme sensor. Two enzymes are co-immobilized in the YSI
Glutamine Membrane: Glutaminase and Glutamate Oxidase. Through this chain of reactions the amount of hydrogen
peroxide liberated is directly proportional to the amount of glutamine.
L-Glutamine Glutaminase L-Glutamate + NH3

L-Glutamate + O2 Glut Oxidase H2O2 + α-Ketoglutarate + NH3

System Buffer YSI 2357 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std YSI 2736 • If sample dilution is required, use reagent water.
Linearity Std YSI 2737
• The sample must be glutamate-free, or at least contain
Membrane YSI 2735 levels low enough not to interfere with the glutamine
Membrane Magenta reading. Since the glutamine membrane contains
Color glutamate oxidase, glutamate will produce a probe
signal. See 8.2.19 Simultaneous L-Glutamate and L-
Detection 30–1169 mg/L Glutamine to measure glutamate and glutamine
Range simultaneously.
Calibration 731 mg/L • Specs shown are for simultaneous measurement of
Point glutamine and glutamate.
Linearity Check 1169 mg/L
Sample Size 20 µL
End Point 30 sec
Precision 4% or 15 mg/L,
(CV,n=10) whichever is
Linearity ±4% or 15 mg/L,
whichever is
(30 to Cal Point)

(Above Cal Point to
Range Max)

Typical Working 5 days


Note: See Appendix B – Concentration

Unit Conversion if concentration unit
conversion is required.

8.2.7 Glycerol
This is a direct reading of glycerol in solution at the enzyme sensor. The enzyme Galactose oxidase is immobilized in the
enzyme membrane.

Glycerol + O2 Gal Oxidase H2O2 + Glycerol Aldehyde Derivative

System Buffer YSI 2705 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std YSI 7141 • If sample dilution is required, use reagent water.
Linearity Std YSI 7142
• The sample should be lactose-free. Lactose and other
Membrane YSI 7140 galactosides such as galactose, raffinose and stachyose
Membrane Magenta are substrates for galactose oxidase. They may interfere
Color by producing artificially high glycerol readings.
Detection 0.75–40.0 g/L
Range • The enzyme membrane integrity test involving the use of
YSI 2363 Potassium Ferrocyanide solution is not
Calibration 25.0 g/L informative since ferrocyanide exists in the 2705 system
Point buffer.
Linearity Check 40.0 g/L
Point • Always use fresh YSI 2705 Buffer in an opaque buffer
Sample Size 10 µL bottle, such as the YSI 2935, when installing a new YSI
7140 Glycerol Membrane. Do not expose the 2705 Buffer
End Point 30 sec to light any more than necessary before it is installed in
the 2935 Bottle.
Precision 3% or 0.03 g/L,
(CV,n=10) whichever is
greater • For maximum performance on the first day the glycerol
membrane is installed, calibrate before every sample.
Linearity ±3% or 0.03 g/L,
whichever is
greater • If membrane sensitivity drops below 5nA, increase
(0.75 to Cal Point) sample size as required.

±5% or 0.75 g/L,

• Reduce loss in membrane sensitivity over time by
whichever is
calibrating glycerol membranes every 2 to 4 hours while
(Above Cal Point to
the instrument is idle.
Range Max)

Typical Working 10 days • Decontaminate the 2935 Buffer bottle and cap at least
Life monthly with an authorized cleaning solution (see
Section 9.1).

Note: See Appendix B – Concentration

Unit Conversion if concentration unit
conversion is required.

8.2.8 Hydrogen Peroxide
This is a direct electrochemical reading of hydrogen peroxide at the enzyme probe. A structure similar in appearance to
an enzyme membrane is used at the probe surface. This membrane contains immobilized nonenzymatic protein to
produce diffusion properties similar to those exhibited by YSI Enzyme Membranes.
The electrochemical reaction, which is common to all YSI Enzyme Sensors, is the following:
H 2O 2 Platinum anode 2H+ + O2 + 2e-

System Buffer YSI 2357 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std n/a 5 • Since hydrogen peroxide is typically used to calibrate the
YSI Blank Membrane, the enzyme catalase is a concern.
Linearity Std n/a5 Catalase destroys hydrogen peroxide. Buffer
Membrane YSI 2701 pretreatment may be required.
Membrane Yellow
Color • If you suspect an electrochemical interference (as
opposed to an enzymatic interference), you may want to
Detection 3–300 mg/L use one channel to qualitatively monitor for an
Range interference effect.
Calibration ~30 mg/L
Point (recommended)
• Typical electrochemical interferences include phenols,
Sample Size 25 µL mercaptans, hydroxylamine, hydrazine and analines. If
you suspect a particular substance, you may want to
End Point 30 sec configure one of your probes with a blank membrane and
calibrate it as described above under Hydrogen
Typical Working ~21 days
Peroxide. Then run your sample and check for activity at
the Blank Membrane. It is not quantitative, but may
provide useful information about your sample.
Note: See Appendix B – Concentration
Unit Conversion if concentration unit • YSI believes that you will be able to measure this analyte
conversion is required. for many applications in the range specified. However,
YSI makes no claims with respect to precision or
linearity. User will need to prepare the calibrator and
linearity standards for your application as YSI does not
currently offer hydrogen peroxide standard solutions.

5 YSI does not currently offer hydrogen peroxide standards.

8.2.9 L-Lactate
This is a direct reading of L-Lactate (L-Lactic Acid) in solution at the enzyme sensor. The enzyme L-Lactate Oxidase is
immobilized in the enzyme membrane.

L-Lactate + O2 L-Lac Oxidase H2O2 + Pyruvate

System Buffer YSI 2357 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std YSI 2776 • If sample dilution is required, use reagent water.
Linearity Std YSI 1530
• D-Lactate is not a substrate for L-Lactate Oxidase.
Membrane YSI 2329 Therefore, the 2900 Series cannot directly measure
Membrane Gray D-Lactate. If you have a known racemic mixture of
Color lactates, the L-Lactate value multiplied by 2 should give
you the total lactate value.
Detection 0.05–2.70 g/L
Calibration 0.5 g/L
Linearity Check 2.67 g/L
Sample Size 25 µL
End Point 30 sec
Precision 2% or 0.03 g/L,
(CV,n=10) whichever is
Linearity ±2% or 0.03 g/L,
whichever is
(0.05 to Cal Point)

(Above Cal Point to
Range Max)

Typical Working 14 days


Note: See Appendix B – Concentration

Unit Conversion if concentration unit
conversion is required.

8.2.10 Lactose
This is a direct reading of lactose in solution at the enzyme sensor. The enzyme Galactose oxidase is immobilized in
the enzyme membrane.
Lactose + O2 Gal Oxidase H2O2 + Galactose Dialdehyde Derivative

System Buffer YSI 2705 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std YSI 2783 • If sample dilution is required, use reagent water.
Linearity Std YSI 2784 • Always use fresh YSI 2705 Buffer in an opaque buffer
bottle, such as the YSI 2935 when installing a new
Membrane YSI 2702 Membrane. Do not expose the 2705 Buffer to light any
Membrane White more than necessary before it is installed in the 2935
Color Bottle.
Detection 0.05–25 g/L • The sample should be galactose-free. Galactose,
Range glycerol, and other galactosides such as raffinose and
stachyose are substrates for galactose oxidase. They
Calibration 5.0 g/L may interfere by producing artificially high lactose
Point readings.
Linearity Check 25.0 g/L
Point • The enzyme membrane integrity test involving the use of
Sample Size 25 µL YSI 2363 Potassium Ferrocyanide solution is not
informative since ferrocyanide exists in the 2705 system
End Point 30 sec buffer.
Precision 2% or 0.02 g/L,
(CV,n=10) whichever is
Linearity ±2% or 0.02 g/L,
whichever is
(0.05 to Cal Point)

(Above Cal Point to
Range Max)

Typical Working 10 days


Note: See Appendix B – Concentration

Unit Conversion if concentration unit
conversion is required.

8.2.11 Methanol
This is a direct reading of Methanol in solution at the enzyme sensor. The enzyme Alcohol Oxidase is immobilized in the
enzyme membrane.
Methanol + O2 Alcohol Oxidase H2O2 + Formaldehyde

System Buffer YSI 1579 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std YSI 2726 • The linear range of methanol is quite limited. If you are
Solution A concerned about linearity, monitor the upper range of
concentration on a regular basis. You may benefit by
Linearity Std YSI 2726 preparing and using a calibrator with a methanol
Solution B concentration close to your sample concentration.
Membrane YSI 2725
Membrane Black • If you prepare your own methanol calibrator, prepare a
Color solution with ionic strength. Level sensing at the Tube
Holder depends on a conductive solution. A 0.1%
Calibrator Station 2 K2EDTA solution as a diluent acts as both a conductive
Location Tube Holder solution and a preservative. Normal saline solution
Detection 0.1–2.50 g/L (0.9%) is also an acceptable diluent.
Calibration 1.00 g/L • Your sample should be ethanol-free. Ethanol can be a
Point significant interference, since it is a good substrate for
Alcohol Oxidase. Propanol and butanol are very weak
Linearity Check 2.50 g/L substrates of Alcohol Oxidase and usually do not present
Point an interference problem.
Sample Size 15 µL
30 sec • Controlling evaporation of methanol from both sample
End Point
and calibrator is important. The use of some type of test
Precision 2% or 0.02 g/L, tube cover (eg., prepunctured film) will help. Frequently
(CV,n=10) whichever is replacing the calibrator solution with fresh solution will
greater also minimize the effects of evaporation on measurement
Linearity ±2% or 0.02 g/L,
whichever is
(0.1 to Cal Point)

(Above Cal Point to
Range Max)

Typical Working 5 days


Note: See Appendix B – Concentration

Unit Conversion if concentration unit
conversion is required.

8.2.12 Sucrose
This is a direct reading of Sucrose in solution at the enzyme sensor. Three enzymes are co-immobilized in the YSI
Sucrose Membrane: Invertase, Mutarotase, and Glucose Oxidase. Through this chain of reactions the moles of hydrogen
peroxide liberated is directly proportional to the moles of sucrose.
Sucrose + H2O Invertase α-D-Glucose + (Fructose)

α-D-Glucose Mutarotase β-D-Glucose

β-D-Glucose + O2 Glu Oxidase H2O2 + D-Glucono-δ-Lactone

System Buffer YSI 2357 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std YSI 2780 • If sample dilution is required, use reagent water or YSI
Linearity Std YSI 2778
Membrane YSI 2703 • The sample must be glucose-free, or at least contain
Membrane Blue levels low enough not to interfere with the sucrose
Color reading. Since the sucrose membrane contains glucose
oxidase, glucose will produce a probe signal.
Detection 0.1–25.0 g/L
Range • See 8.2.17 Simultaneous Glucose and Sucrose for
sucrose specifications when measuring glucose and
Calibration 5.0 g/L sucrose simultaneously.
Linearity Check 25.0 g/L
Sample Size 25 µL
End Point 30 sec
Precision 2% or 0.02 g/L,
(CV,n=10) whichever is
Linearity ±2% or 0.02 g/L,
whichever is
(0.1 to Cal Point)

(Above Cal Point to
Range Max)

Typical Working 10 days


Note: See Appendix B – Concentration

Unit Conversion if concentration unit
conversion is required.

8.2.13 Xylose
This is a direct reading of xylose in solution at the enzyme sensor. The enzyme pyranose oxidase is immobilized in the
enzyme membrane.

D-Xylose + O2 Pyranose Oxidase H2O2 + D-xylosone

System Buffer YSI 2357 Special Considerations:

Calibrator Std YSI 2767 • If sample dilution is required, use reagent water or YSI
Linearity Std YSI 2768
• The sample must be glucose-free, or at least contain
Membrane YSI 2761 levels low enough not to interfere with the xylose
Membrane Orange reading, since glucose will react with pyranose oxidase.
Color • See 8.2.18 Simultaneous Glucose and Xylose for xylose
Detection 0.5–30.0 g/L specifications when measuring glucose and xylose
Range simultaneously.
Calibration 20.0 g/L
Point Response to Related Sugars:
Linearity Check 30.0 g/L The relative magnitude of interference of related sugars is
Point listed below. Note that relative responses may vary with both
Sample Size 13 µL sample matrix and membrane lot.

End Point 45 sec

Precision 2% or 0.5 g/L, Pyranose Oxidase substrates (relative response, based on
(CV,n=10) whichever is equal concentrations):
greater Xylose = 1.0
Linearity ±10% Glucose = 0.8
(0.5 to Range Max)
Galactose = 0.6
Typical Working 10 days
Life Cellobiose = 0.02
Mannose = < 0.002

Note: See Appendix B – Concentration Arabinose = 0.01

Unit Conversion if concentration unit Fructose = < 0.002
conversion is required.

8.2.14 Simultaneous Ammonium and Potassium
This is a direct reading of Ammonium and Potassium in solution at the ISE.

A Probe B Probe Special Considerations:

Ammonium Potassium • Sodium may be an interferent to the measurement of
ammonium with some samples. The interference is
YSI 2970 relatively small on a weight/weight basis (<1%). The
2900 Series does not automatically compensate for the
Calibrator presence of sodium. In order to check the potential
Std YSI 2972 YSI 2971 sodium interference, YSI provides 7173 NaCl Check
Solution (4 g/L Na+). Presented as a sample, the effect
Linearity of sodium on the ammonium sensor (and to a lesser
Std YSI 7173 and YSI 7179
extent on the potassium sensor) can be determined. If
ISE Probe you determine this sodium presence is a significant
YSI 2974 YSI 2975
factor in your measurement, you may use the result of
Reference the 7173 measurement to correct ammonium readings.
Probe YSI 2976
• Do NOT change the ISE module sample size from the
Sample default value of 25uL.
Size 25 µL

Detection 10–500 20–1000

Range mg/L mg/L
Calibration 1000
Point 500 mg/L
Point 100 mg/L 200 mg/L

End Point 30 sec

5% or 10 5% or 20
Precision mg/L, mg/L,
(CV,n=10) whichever whichever
is greater is greater
Linearity ±5%
Working 90 days

Note: See Appendix B – Concentration

Unit Conversion if concentration unit
conversion is required.

8.2.15 Simultaneous Glucose and L-Lactate
Refer to the sections above on Glucose and L-Lactate for theoretical and special considerations. Then follow the
instructions below to set up your instrument for simultaneous determination.

A Probe B Probe
Chemistry Glucose L-Lactate
System Buffer YSI 2357
Calibrator Std YSI 2776
Linearity Std YSI 1531 YSI 1530
Membrane YSI 2365 YSI 2329
Sample Size 25 µL
Unit of Conc. g/L
Cal Value 2.50 0.50
End Point 30 sec

Note: See Appendix B – Concentration Unit Conversion if concentration unit conversion is required

8.2.16 Simultaneous Glucose and Sucrose
Refer to the sections above on Glucose and Sucrose for theoretical and special considerations. Then follow the
instructions below to set up your instrument for simultaneous determination.

A Probe B Probe Since the Sucrose Membrane (2703) utilizes a chain of

Chemistry Sucrose Glucose enzyme reactions and the final reaction is a “glucose
System YSI 2357 measurement”, free glucose in a sample will be measured at
Buffer the Sucrose Sensor. By using the information at the Glucose
Sensor, this free glucose is automatically subtracted in the
Calibrator YSI 2780 YSI 2776 instrument software.
Sucrose Specifications:
Linearity Std YSI 2778 YSI 1531
When simultaneously measuring glucose and sucrose, the
Membrane YSI 2703 YSI 2365 sucrose precision and linearity are as follows:
Sample Size 25 µL Precision (CV,n=10): 4% or 0.04 g/L, whichever is greater
Unit of g/L Linearity: ±5%
Special Considerations:
Cal Value 5.00 2.50
• When measuring glucose and sucrose, the glucose and
End Point 30 sec sucrose sensors must be located in the same module.
• The combined total of glucose + sucrose cannot exceed
25 g/L. The glucose concentration cannot exceed 10 g/L
Note: See Appendix B – Concentration if the combined total is near 25 g/L, since a glucose
Unit Conversion if concentration unit concentration that high combined with 15 g/L sucrose will
conversion is required. saturate the Sucrose probe. If either of these conditions
occur, you should dilute your sample to bring it into a
reasonable range.
• The ability to select sample size (10 to 50 µL) may help
you optimize your system, especially if very high or very
low concentrations of one or the other of these
substrates is a problem. The optimal probe current for a
calibrator is about 10 nA. See 4.11 Check Probe
Currents, to learn more about measuring your probe
• If the glucose concentration in your sample exceeds the
sucrose concentration, the subtraction of a large glucose
“signal” from a smaller sucrose “signal” may result in
significant errors in the sucrose reading. An alternative
method involves using two different, and appropriate
dilutions of the sample to first measure free glucose,
then treat one sample with invertase and analyze for
glucose liberated from the sucrose. Contact YSI
Technical Support or your dealer representative for an
application note explaining this approach in detail.

8.2.17 Simultaneous Glucose and Xylose
Refer to the previous sections on Glucose and Xylose for theoretical and special considerations, then follow the
instructions below to set up your instrument for simultaneous determination.

A Probe B Probe Since the xylose membrane also responds to glucose, the xylose
Chemistry Glucose Xylose measurement is based on an algorithm that simultaneously
System YSI 2357 measures both xylose and glucose. The algorithm utilized takes
Buffer into account the responsiveness of the xylose membrane to
glucose and the slight response of the glucose membrane to
Calibrator YSI 2776 YSI 2767 xylose.
Special Considerations:
Linearity Std YSI 1531 YSI 2768
(or 2356) • When measuring glucose and xylose, the glucose and
Membrane YSI 2365 YSI 2761 xylose sensors must be located in the same module.

Sample Size 13 µL • As with most analytical methods there is a concentration

range that provides optimal accuracy and precision. The
Unit of g/L YSI xylose and glucose methods are specified
Conc. independently for performance; however these two
Cal Value 2.50 20.0 analytes frequently occur together.

End Point 45 sec Glucose and Xylose Specifications:

When simultaneously measuring glucose and xylose, the glucose
and xylose precision and linearity are as follows:
Note: See Appendix B – Concentration
Unit Conversion if concentration unit Precision (CV,n=10): 2% or 0.1 g/L, whichever is greater
conversion is required. Linearity: ±5% or 0.5 g/L, whichever is greater

8.2.18 Simultaneous L-Glutamate and L-Glutamine
Refer to the previous sections on L-Glutamate and L-Glutamine for theoretical and special considerations, then follow the
instructions below to set up your instrument for simultaneous determination.

A Probe B Probe
Since the Glutamine Membrane (2735) utilizes a chain of
Chemistry Glutamine Glutamate enzyme reactions and the final reaction is a “glutamate
System YSI 2357 measurement”, free glutamate in a sample will be measured
Buffer at the Glutamine Sensor. By using the information at the
Calibrator YSI 2736 YSI 2755 Glutamate Sensor, this free glutamate is automatically
Std subtracted in the instrument’s software. The algorithm looks
basically like this:
Linearity YSI 2737 YSI 2756
Std (“Total Glutamate” - “Free Glutamate”) = Glutamine

Membrane YSI 2735 YSI 2754 Total Glutamate is the combined glutamine and glutamate
probe signal. Free Glutamate is the glutamate not derived
Sample 20 µL from Glutamine reaction.
Special Considerations:
Unit of mmol/L
Conc. • The ability to select sample size (10 to 50 µL) may help you
optimize your system, especially if very high or very low
Cal Value 5.00 5.00 concentrations of one or the other of these substrates is a
End Point 30 sec problem. The optimal probe current for a calibrator is about
10 nA.
• When measuring glutamate and glutamine, the glutamate
Note: See Appendix B – Concentration and glutamine sensors must be located in the same module.
Unit Conversion if concentration unit
conversion is required.

9. Operational Checks and Maintenance
Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Decontaminating
Proper precautionary lab practices should be followed when handling biological hazards.
Authorized cleaning and disinfecting agents include:
• Sodium hypochlorite, 0.5% free available chlorine
• Isopropanol, 70%
• Ethanol, 70%
• NaOH, 0.5N
CAUTION: Do not use cleaning solutions on ISE probes (they will be damaged).
Authorized rinsing agents include:
• Deionized (DI) Water
• Distilled Water
• Purified Water
• Water For Injection (WFI)—must be cooled

9.1.1 Touch Panel

Clean the touch panel with glass cleaner or isopropanol. Do not use sodium hypochlorite (bleach).

9.1.2 Decontamination Procedures

Wipe the instrument case with mild soap and water, do not immerse. If necessary, isopropanol may be used.
Remove and discard all tubing. New tubing is provided in the preventive maintenance kit. Empty the waste bottle and
wash with authorized disinfecting agent. Remove sample module, Sipper Tube, Test Tube Holders/racks and probes
according to instructions.
Thoroughly clean with authorized disinfecting agent, then rinse with authorized rinsing agent (see Section 9.1). Remove
probes and discard enzyme membranes. Clean enzyme probes with isopropanol only, rinse with authorized rinsing agent
(see Section 9.1). Do not clean ISE probes unless you plan to replace them. Clean up all spills, then reassemble.

Daily Maintenance
9.2.1 Empty the Waste Bottle(s)
Carefully pull the waste tube out of the hole in each waste bottle. Unscrew the lid from the waste bottle then lift the waste
bottle out of the bottle tray.
If the 2900 Series is used for medical research or biological testing, dispose of the waste bottle contents in a manner
suitable for biohazardous waste. The YSI reagents used in the 2900 Series are non-toxic and, unless otherwise specified,
consist of a phosphate salt buffer with small amounts of preservatives. Refer to reagent bottle labels and Material Safety
Data Sheets for more information.
Rinse and dry only the bottom of the waste bottle cap. Ensure the SMA connector is dry. If the SMA connector gets wet,
dry thoroughly with a lint-free tissue. For best results, let air dry for 2 hours.
Slide the waste bottle back into the bottle tray and screw the lid back onto the bottle. Insert the waste tube into the hole in
the bottle.

9.2.2 Check the Calibrator Bottle(s)

If the fluid level is low or the bottle has been in the instrument longer than the working life (as stated on the bottle), install
a new bottle of calibrator solution.

After installation, [Prime] the Calibrator. If you are calibrating from a test tube, evaporation is a major concern. Calibrating
with calibrator that has experienced any significant evaporation will cause inaccurate test results. Consider changing
calibrator daily, or more often, if required.

9.2.3 Check the Buffer Bottle(s)

Replace the buffer if the bottle is low or the buffer has been in the instrument longer than 1 week. Clean the buffer bottle
and cap with an authorized cleaning solution (see Section 9.1), then rinse well with authorized rinsing agent (see Section
9.1) before installing fresh buffer. You may find it convenient to make more than one liter of buffer at a time, in order to
have it on hand to replenish the buffer bottle. Prepare the buffer in a clean bottle with cap and store any excess at room
After a buffer change, [Prime] the buffer system. Buffer should be exiting the Sipper inside the sample module and
overflowing to waste. You may need to initiate a second or third run of the buffer pump to complete the priming process.

9.2.4 Check for Leaks

Examine the instrument for leaks. These are caused either by loose connections or worn tubing.

9.2.5 Clean up Spills

Spills should be cleaned up promptly to prevent biohazard build-up and corrosion. Clean any spills of biological material
from the sample area.

9.2.6 Daily Operational Checks

To verify proper instrument performance, perform the daily operational checks described in Section 5.1.1 Enzyme
Membrane Integrity Test and 5.1.2 Linearity Test.

Monthly Maintenance
9.3.1 Calibration Pumping System Maintenance
Perform this procedure at least once a month to minimize the possibility of contamination. Depending on application and
use, more frequent cleaning may be required. The most convenient time to perform this maintenance is before installation
of a new bottle of calibration standard.
Prepare about 100 mL of one of the authorized cleaning solutions (see Section 9.1) and place this solution in a clean
calibrator bottle. Install the bottle in the calibrator bottle position(s) you use.
From the Service screen, Pumps tab, touch [Off] to turn on the pump for the calibrator bottle position to flush the cleaning
solution through the pump tubing and calibrator well and to the waste bottle. After 3 minutes, touch [On] to turn the pump
off. Wait 7 minutes.
Remove and discard the authorized cleaning solution, then rinse the bottle thoroughly with authorized rinsing agent (see
Section 9.1). Next, add authorized rinsing agent to the bottle, reinstall the Cal bottle inside the bottle tray.
From the Service screen, Pumps tab, touch [Off] to prime the calibrator for 3 to 5 minutes to rinse the tubing and cal well.
After 3 to 5 minutes, touch [On] to turn the pump off.
Remove the Cal Cap Assembly. From the Service screen, Pumps tab, touch [Off] to flush the line with air. After 1 minute,
touch [On] to turn the pump off. Wipe the cal cap and steel tubes with a clean laboratory tissue.
Install a new bottle of calibration standard and mark the installation date on the bottle.
From the Service screen, Pumps tab, touch [Off] to prime the fresh calibrator through the tubing and cal well. After 2
minutes, touch [On] to turn the pump off.
Repeat this entire procedure for any additional calibrator bottle positions that you use.

9.3.2 Buffer Pumping System Maintenance

Perform this procedure at least once a month to minimize the possibility of contamination. Depending on application and
use, more frequent cleaning may be required. The most convenient time to perform this maintenance is before installation
of a new bottle of buffer.
Prepare about 300 mL of one of the authorized cleaning solutions (see Section 9.1) and place this solution in a clean
buffer bottle. Install the bottle in the buffer bottle position(s) you use.
From the Service screen, Pumps tab, touch [Off] to turn on the pump for the buffer bottle position to flush the cleaning
solution through the pump tubing and to the waste bottle. After 3 minutes, touch [On] to turn the pump off. Wait 7 minutes.
Remove and discard the authorized cleaning solution, then rinse the bottle thoroughly with authorized rinsing agent (see
Section 9.1). Next, add authorized rinsing agent to the bottle, reinstall the Buffer bottle inside the bottle tray.
From the Service screen, Pumps tab, touch [Off] to prime the buffer pump for 3 to 5 minutes to rinse the tubing. After 3 to
5 minutes, touch [On] to turn the pump off.
Empty the buffer bottle.
Remove the Bufferl Cap Assembly. From the Service screen, Pumps tab, touch [Off] to flush the line with air. After 1
minute, touch [On] to turn the pump off. Wipe the buffer cap and steel tubes with a clean laboratory tissue.
Fill the buffer bottle with fresh buffer.
From the Service screen, Pumps tab, touch [Off] to prime the fresh buffer through the tubing and sipper. After 2 minutes,
touch [On] to turn the pump off.
Repeat this entire procedure for any additional buffer bottle positions that you use.

9.3.3 Bottle Cap Cleaning

Clean the buffer and calibrator bottle caps using one of the authorized cleaning solutions (see Section 9.1). Rinse with
authorized rinsing agent and dry the bottle caps. Dry the SMA connector thoroughly with a lint-free tissue. For best
results, let air dry for 2 hours.

9.3.4 Sample Module Cleaning

For applications requiring more frequent cleaning of the sample module, including stir bar and O-rings, clean as described
in Section 9.4.1 Sample Module Cleaning below.

Preventive Maintenance – 6 months or 1000 Hours

Before performing maintenance on the 2900 Series, ALWAYS turn the instrument off and unplug the power cord from the
wall outlet.
Perform the maintenance procedures in this section every 6 months or 1000 hours sample ready, whichever occurs first.
Depending on application and use, more frequent maintenance may be required.

The YSI Preventive Maintenance Kit contains all supplies necessary. For the 2900D, use the 2988 PM Kit. For the
2950D, use the 2989 PM Kit.

9.4.1 Sample Module Cleaning

It is necessary to periodically clean the sample modules.
From the Service screen, [Sipper] tab, touch the button under Location. Select [Station 1-P96] to move the sipper to away
from the sample module.
Grasp the hand hold in the right side cover of the instrument and pull up and out to remove the cover.
Lift the cover off the left side of the instrument.
Unscrew the three thumbnuts on top of each sample module.

Enzyme Probe

Enzyme Probe

Sample module

Figure 9-1
Unscrew and remove the enzyme/ISE probes and the temperature probe from each sample module. Place the ISEs and
reference electrodes in 2970 Buffer solution to prevent them from drying out.

Reference Electrode

Temperature Probe

Ammonium ISE

Potassium ISE

Figure 9-2

Remove the sample modules. Remove and discard the small magnetic stir bar inside each module. Immerse the modules
in the authorized disinfecting agent (see Section 9.1) for a maximum of 10 minutes. If soiling or residue is visible, the
module may be immersed in a water filled room temperature sonification bath for a maximum of 10 minutes. After
cleaning, rinse the modules for 3 to 5 minutes with authorized rinsing agent (see Section 9.1). Wipe dry with a lint-free

9.4.2 Waste Module Cleaning

Unscrew the three hex screws from the top of waste module 1. Disconnect the calibrator and waste tubing and remove
the waste modules from the base plate.

Allen Screws

Waste Module

Figure 9-3

Immerse the waste modules in authorized disinfecting agent (see Section 9.1). After cleaning, rinse the modules for 3 to 5
minutes with authorized rinsing agent (see Section 9.1). Wipe dry with a lint-free tissue.
Remove the O-rings from the base plate. Clean up any salt deposits or fluid on the base plate. Be sure that the base plate
and all other parts are dry.

9.4.3 Enzyme Probe Cleaning

With normal use, enzyme sensors may become fouled and cease to operate normally. A fouled sensor’s output current
will decrease and calibration may become unstable. Follow the steps below to clean the probes. Sensor Maintenance
It is necessary to maintenance the enzyme sensors when the PM kit is installed and periodically as needed.
1. Remove the enzyme Membrane and hold the probe with the electrodes facing up.
2. Wad a small portion of a lint free tissue and wet it with 70% isopropyl alcohol.
3. Using your thumb, press the alcohol soaked wad against the probe’s surface and rotate the probe back and forth.
4. Rinse the probe with authorized rinsing agent (see Section 9.1).
5. Install a new membrane on the probe (see Section 4.9.1), then install the probe in the sample module.

9.4.4 ISE Cleaning

Under normal use, it is not necessary to clean the ISE probes. However, if the probes become fouled or contaminated by
the sample composition, they may be cleaned as follows:
1. Soak the ISE with distilled or deionized water for 30 minutes.
2. Recondition the ISE by soaking it in YSI 2970 buffer solution for 4 hours.

9.4.5 Sipper Pump Seal Replacement

Replace the Sipper Pump seals every 6 months. Heavy usage may warrant more frequent replacement.
Disconnect the tubing from the Sipper Pump. Remove the two hex screws from the Sipper Pump head and remove it from
the instrument wall (see Figure 9-4).

Sipper pump head
Figure 9-4

Pull the white pump base from the clear pump housing. Immerse the clear pump housing in authorized disinfecting agent
(see Section 9.1). After cleaning, rinse the pump housing for 5 minutes with authorized rinsing agent (see Section 9.1).
Wipe dry with a lint-free tissue. Make sure the metal pipes where the tubing connects are not blocked or restricted.
Replace the O-ring seals as shown in Figure 9-5. New seals are supplied in the Preventive Maintenance Kit. Be sure to
reinstall the black spacer between the two small red O-rings.




Sipper pump seal replacement

Figure 9-5

Reassemble the pump, position the plunger as shown in Figure 9-6 and install it back on the instrument.

Sipper pump plunger position

Figure 9-6

WARNING: When re-installing the pump head assembly, the plunger MUST
extend at least 1/2″ from the base of the pump (see Figure 9-6). This will
assure proper alignment between the pump head and the drive hub.
9.4.6 Bottle Tubing
Disconnect the tubing and unscrew the cable connectors from the buffer, waste and calibrator bottles on each side of the
Lift the bottle tray on the right side of the instrument up and remove it. Remove the bottles from the tray(s) and clean the
bottles and caps with the appropriate disinfecting agent (see 9.1 Cleaning, Disinfecting, and Decontaminating).
Remove the two hex screws holding the pump cover on each side of the instrument. Lift the covers up and remove them.

Hex Screws

Pump Cover
(right side)

Figure 9-7

Sipper Pump

Buffer Pump 1

C1B Pump

Pumps – Right side C1A Pump

Figure 9-8 RED

C2A Pump

Buffer Pump 2
C2B Pump
Buffer Pump 3

C3A Pump
Pumps – Left side
Figure 9-9 RED

9.4.7 Pump Tubing Replacement
Tubing life depends on instrument usage. The buffer and calibrator pump tubing should be replaced at least every 6
months or 1000 hours sample ready.
NOTE: The buffer pump tubing and calibrator pump tubing each require a different type of grease. It is important to apply
the correct grease to each type of tubing. Buffer Valve Tubing (2950 only)
Remove the old tubing from the valves by grasping each tube on both sides of the valve and pulling it straight out. To
ensure correct operation and prevent premature tubing failure, install the new valve tubing as follows:
1. Connect the end of the clear section of buffer valve tubing to the inner port of the sipper
2. Insert the short section of valve tubing close to the first Y (near the clear section) into the
inner channel of the bottom valve. Hold the tubing on both sides of the valve and push it
straight into the valve channel until it snaps in. Try not to stretch the tubing.
3. From the Service screen Pumps tab, touch the [OFF] button under Bottom Valve to turn
ON the Bottom Valve.
4. With the bottom valve ON, insert the long section of valve tubing close to the first Y (near
the clear section) into the outer channel of the bottom valve. Hold the tubing on both
sides of the valve and push it straight into the valve channel until it snaps in.
5. From the Service screen Pumps tab, touch the [ON] button under Bottom Valve to turn
OFF the Bottom Valve.
6. Insert the one section of valve tubing close to the second Y into the inner channel of the top valve. Hold the tubing
on both sides of the valve and push it straight into the valve channel until it snaps in.
7. From the Service screen Pumps tab, touch the [OFF] button under Top Valve to turn ON the Top Valve.
8. Insert the other section of valve tubing close to the second Y into the outer channel of the top valve. Hold the
tubing on both sides of the valve and push it straight into the valve channel until it snaps in.
9. From the Service screen Pumps tab, touch the [ON] button under Top Valve to turn OFF the Top Valve.
10. Verify that all valve tubing is inserted fully into the channels of both valves.

2950D-0 2950D-0
2950D-1 2950D-1
2950D-2 2950D-2
2950D-3 to B3 Pump 2950D-3 to B2 Pump
2950D-4 to B2 Pump 2950D-4 to B3 Pump

To B1 Pump

To Sipper Pump Buffer Pump Tubing

Pull out firmly on the top edge of each pump head cover (left edge of Buffer Pump 2 and 3). The pump head cover should
snap off. See Figure 9-10 and Figure 9-11 below.

Figure 9-10

Figure 9-11

Remove the pump tubing from each pump.

Install Buffer Tubing

Apply plenty of buffer grease (included with the new buffer pump tubing) to the new buffer pump tubing. Apply the grease
to the large diameter section of each tubing. Do not apply calibrator pump grease to the buffer pump tubing.
Insert the new pump tubing around the pump roller assembly and into each buffer pump. Make sure the small white fitting
with the small diameter tubing is on the left side of pump 1 (bottom for pumps 2 and 3).
Place a blue pump head cover onto each buffer pump and press until it snaps into place.
For Buffer Pumps 2 and 3, insert the small diameter tubing through the holes in the manifold. Connect the end of the small
diameter tubing to the buffer valves as described below.
Connect Buffer Tubing
Connect the small diameter tubing from Buffer Pump 1 to the inner channel of the bottom valve.
Thread the small diameter tubing from Buffer Pump 2 (Buffer Pump 3 for 2950D-4 only) through the inner channel of the
three tubing holders and connect it to the inner channel of the top valve.
Thread the small diameter tubing from Buffer Pump 3 (Buffer Pump 2 for 2950D-4 only) through the outer channel of the
three tubing holders and connect it to the outer channel of the top valve.
Connect the larger diameter tubing from the top of buffer pumps 2 and 3 to the top fitting of each manifold.
Connect Buffer bottle tubing marked B2 and B3 to the matching fittings on the opposite side of the manifolds. Calibrator Pump Tubing
Note that the tubing for C1A is slightly longer than C1B.
Apply plenty of calibrator grease (included with the new calibrator pump tubing) to the longer section of new calibrator
pump tubing. Do not apply this calibrator pump grease to the buffer pump tubing.
Insert the new pump tubing around the pump roller assembly and into calibrator pump C1A. Make sure the short section
of tubing is on the left side of the pump. The tubing attached to this fitting connects to the left fitting on waste module 1.
Place a red pump head cover onto the cal pump and press until it snaps into place.
Apply plenty of grease (included with the new pump tubing) to the shorter section of new calibrator pump tubing.
Insert the new pump tubing around the pump roller assembly and into calibrator pump C1B. Make sure the short section
of tubing is on the left side of the pump. The tubing attached this fitting connects to the right fitting on waste module 1.
Place a red pump head cover onto the cal pump and press until it snaps into place.
C1A C1B B1

Apply plenty of grease (included with the new pump tubing) to the longer section of new calibrator pump tubing.
Insert the new pump tubing around the pump roller assembly and into calibrator pump C2A. Make sure the short section
of tubing is on the left side of the pump. The tubing attached this fitting connects to the left fitting on waste module 2.
Place a red pump head cover onto the cal pump and press until it snaps into place.
Connect the tubing from the right side of the pump to the second fitting from the top of the top manifold.
Connect Cal bottle tubing marked C2A to the matching fitting on the opposite side of the manifold.

C2B B2 C2A C2B

B3 C3A C3B

Figure 9-12

Apply plenty of grease (included with the new pump tubing) to the shorter section of new calibrator pump tubing.
Insert the new pump tubing around the pump roller assembly and into calibrator pump C2B. Make sure the short section
of tubing is on the left side of the pump. The tubing attached this fitting connects to the right fitting on waste module 2.
Place a red pump head cover onto the cal pump and press until it snaps into place.
Connect the tubing from the right side of the pump to the bottom fitting of the top manifold.

Connect Cal bottle tubing marked C2B to the matching fitting on the opposite side of the manifold.
Apply plenty of grease (included with the new pump tubing) to the longer section of new calibrator pump tubing.
Insert the new pump tubing around the pump roller assembly and into calibrator pump C3A. Make sure the short section
of tubing is on the left side of the pump. The tubing attached this fitting connects to the left fitting on waste module 3.
Place a red pump head cover onto the cal pump and press until it snaps into place.
Connect the tubing from the right side of the pump to the second fitting from the top of the bottom manifold.
Connect Cal bottle tubing marked C3A to the matching fitting on the opposite side of the manifold.
Apply plenty of grease (included with the new pump tubing) to the shorter section of new calibrator pump tubing.
Insert the new pump tubing around the pump roller assembly and into calibrator pump C3B. Make sure the short section
of tubing is on the left side of the pump. The tubing attached this fitting connects to the right fitting on waste module 3.
Place a red pump head cover onto the cal pump and press until it snaps into place.
Connect the tubing from the right side of the pump to the bottom fitting of the bottom manifold.
Connect Cal bottle tubing marked C3B to the matching fitting on the opposite side of the manifold.

9.4.8 Install Waste Modules

After cleaning, flush the waste modules with copious amounts of authorized rinsing agent (see Section 9.1) to remove any
traces of the disinfecting agent. Install new O-rings in the base plate under each waste module. Reinstall waste module 1
using the three hex screws previously removed. Slide waste modules 2 and 3 over the threaded rods. Connect the ends
of the new calibrator tubing to the fittings on the side of each waste module. Connect CA to the left fitting and CB to the
right fitting of each module.

Connect waste
tubing 1 to fitting



Calibrator and Waste Tubing (Module 1)

Figure 9-13

9.4.9 Waste Tubing

Slide the new waste tubing onto the large fitting on the side of each waste module.

Connect waste
tubing 2 to fittings
Connect waste
tubing 3 to fittings

Calibrator and Waste Tubing (Modules 2 and 3)

Figure 9-14
9.4.10 Install Sample Modules
After cleaning, flush the sample modules with copious amounts of warm water, then rinse with authorized rinsing agent
(see Section 9.1) to remove any traces of the disinfecting agent. Install the sample modules. Remember to install the stir
bar and the module seal O-ring. Secure the sample modules using the three thumb nuts. Install new O-rings on the
temperature probes, then install the temperature probes into each sample module.
Be sure to clean the enzyme probes before installing them in the sample module.

9.4.11 Sipper Replacement

Caution: Touch a bare metal chassis screw before handling the sipper tube
to prevent possible damage due to an electrostatic discharge.
The Sipper can be damaged if it is not properly aligned or if its alignment is disturbed. Inspect the Sipper for straightness
and condition of the Teflon jacket separating the two stainless steel tubes. If the Teflon jacket is torn, replacement of the
Sipper is required. Follow the steps below to replace the Sipper.
From the Service screen, Sipper tab, move the sipper to Location [Station 1-P96] to allow access to the sipper.

Screw Cover

Remove the screw holding the sipper arm cover, then raise the cover up and slide it out of the sipper arm. Disconnect the
tubing from the sipper.

Unscrew the sipper cone, slide it down and remove it from the sipper. Loosen the two needle mount screws two turns,
then remove the sipper by sliding it straight out of the mounts.

Carefully insert the long thin end of the new sipper and slide it into the mounts. Slide the sipper cone up the sipper and
screw it into the sipper arm. Be sure the sipper is centered in both mounts. Tighten the mount screws gently until they
contact the sipper, then tighten an additional ¼ turn (do not over tighten). Connect new tubing from the Preventive
Maintenance Kit to the new sipper. Install the sipper arm cover and secure using the hex screw (do not over tighten).
Route the new sipper tubing behind the sipper assembly and connect the other end to the front connector of the sipper

9.4.12 Calibrate Sipper

Align the Sipper with the sample modules as described in 4.5 Align Sipper.

9.4.13 Install Bottles

Temporarily place the bottle trays next to the instrument and install the bottles. Connect the tubing and cables to the
bottles. Be sure to install new reagents in the clean bottles.

9.4.14 Install Membranes and ISEs

Install new membranes and ISEs as prescribed.

9.4.15 Prime Fluid System

Prime the buffer and calibration systems. After checking for any leaks, reinstall the pump covers on both sides of the
instrument and slide the bottle trays into position.
Calibrate the instrument and run the daily checks to confirm operation.

Fuse Replacement
It may be necessary to replace the fuse in the back of the 2900 Series. New fuses may be purchased from YSI or
obtained from many local electrical component suppliers. Be sure to obtain the correct fuse rating as indicated below.

CAUTION: UNPLUG THE INSTRUMENT FROM THE MAINS SUPPLY, then unplug the other end of the power cord
from the back of the instrument.
Using your fingers, grasp the right edge of the fuse holder and slide it out until it stops, then rotate it to the right to expose
the fuse. Only the upper compartment of the fuse holder is used. Carefully slide the fuse out of the fuse holder.

Fuse Holder Pull here to slide out

fuse holder

Figure 9-15
9.5.1 Fuse Requirements
Fuse Type: 100–240VAC Operation
2.0 Amp (YSI #571238)
Slow-blow (T Type), 250 volt, 5mm x 20mm
Slide a new fuse into the upper compartment of the fuse holder. Rotate the fuse holder until it is straight, then push it back
into the instrument.
With the power switch in the off (O) position, plug the power cord into the instrument and then into the power mains. Refer
to Section 1 Basic Setup to confirm correct power up response.

2960 Maintenance
9.6.1 Tubing Replacement
Replacement of pump tubings, sample and waste line tubings and solenoid valve tubings is application-dependent. The
recommended replacement is 350 hours for the silicone waste tubing and 3 months for all other tubings, including the
PharMed® pump tubing, solenoid valve tubing, antiseptic tubing and sample source tubing. The 2990 Preventive
Maintenance Kit provides a complete set of tubings for the 2960.
If you elect to clean tubings, see Section 9.1 for a list of authorized cleaning solutions. Be certain you flush well with
authorized rinsing agent (see Section 9.1) before putting the 2960 back into use. Pump Tubing Replacement
Before changing pump tubing, first study the tubing connections carefully. The peristaltic pump body is dual channel and
the roller assembly rotates counterclockwise. The inlets for both sample and waste lines are on the right as you face the
mounted pump body. The sample lines and sample pump tubings are nearer the 2960 case. The waste line is closest to
you. The pump waste tubing contains a retainer (plastic washer) on the inlet (right) side of the pump. The sample pump
tubing contains a retainer (plastic washer) and a plastic tab attached on the inlet (right) side. Refer to Figure 9-16 below
for diagrammatic details.
To change pump tubing, remove the two thumb screws securing the pump assembly to the 2960 and remove the pump.
Next, lower the pump body to a working surface, remove the two O-rings holding the pump together and separate the two
halves of the pump body. Then remove the roller assembly, noting the slot in one end of the center shaft of the assembly.
This slot must engage with the pump motor shaft on the 2960. Be certain to orient the "slot end" correctly on reassembly.
Remove the old tubing, removing tubing retainers as required. The 2990 Preventive Maintenance Kit contains new
retainers and fittings. Clean the inside of the pump housings as needed. A small amount of lubricant helps to control noise
("squeaks") when the pump rollers are turning. Appropriate lubricant is provided in the maintenance kit. Using a tissue or
swab, lightly coat the inside of the pump body chambers and rollers with lubricant before installing tubing.
Install the new pump tubing as shown in the figure below.

When installing new pump tubing, first thread the waste line tubing through one chamber of the pump body. Install the
roller assembly (slot in center shaft oriented up) into the pump body chamber. It will help to twist the roller assembly as
you install it to more easily capture the tubing in between the rollers and chamber wall. Once in place, install the retainer
and adjust the lengths of tubing on each side, locating the retainer on the inlet side of the pump chamber. You should
have about 3 inches on the inlet (right) side.
Next install a retainer washer on the sample line and insert the tubing through the outer pump chamber such that the
plastic retainer tab and washer will be located on the right when mounted.
Reassemble the 2 pump housings insuring they mate flush. Rotate the halves so that the mounting holes are aligned.
Secure the two pump housings together with the O-rings.
Finally, resecure the pump body assembly to the 2960 using the two thumb screws.
Reconnect the tubing as shown in Figure 9-16 below.

Figure 9-16

Repower the instrument, if necessary. From the Service menu, Monitor tab, check pump function for proper flow direction.
Also listen for any unusual sounds that suggest strain on the pump motor. This may indicate binding or twisting of the
newly installed tubing. Solenoid Valve Tubing Replacement
Before changing solenoid valve tubing first study the tubing placement carefully. The sample flows through the outer slot
of the solenoid valve and the antiseptic flows through the inner slot (closest to the 2960 case). The sample and antiseptic
lines are connected together with a Y-shaped fitting on the outlet side of the solenoid valve.
To change solenoid valve tubing, grasp the tubing at each end close to the valve and pull it up out of the slot.
To install the solenoid valve tubing, refer to the instructions below.
NOTE: The following procedure should be followed when installing the solenoid tubing to ensure correct valve
operation and prevent premature tubing failure.
1. From the Service menu, Monitor tab, touch the Opened Valve [Antiseptic] button and change it to [Sample] to
energize the solenoid.

2. Install the Sample Tubing in the outer solenoid valve slot. Make sure that the tubing lies completely at the bottom of
the slot. Do not stretch the tubing.

3. Touch the Opened Valve [Sample] button and change it to [Antiseptic] to de-energize the solenoid.

4. Install the Anti-septic Tubing in the inner solenoid valve slot. Make sure that the tubing lies completely at the bottom of
the slot. Do not stretch the tubing.

NOTE: If the tubing is stretched, the walls may become too thin for the valve to operate properly.

9.6.2 Monitor Sample Cup

There are two approaches to cleaning the Monitor sample cup.
• You may use the monitor pump to draw cleaning solution through the system. See Section 9.1 for a list of
authorized cleaning solutions. To clean the "funnel" near the tip of the cup, use a swab or direct a stream of
cleaning agent at the area while the pump is running. Remember, waste must be actively removed from the cup.
Gravity alone will not insure draining of the cup.

• Alternatively, you may remove the cup and clean it. Note: Do not attempt to remove the stainless steel inlet tube
from the cup. Remember to realign the sipper with the cup before initiating another monitor run.
The cup body is machined from acetyl copolymer (tradename, Celcon). The outlet fitting is polypropylene. Cleaning the
cup with boiling water and/or steam sterilization will not harm the cup parts.

10. Storage
During normal use, the 2900 Series should be left with the power on at all times. It should also have an adequate supply
of buffer for any installed Membranes or ISEs. This will keep the enzyme probes polarized and ready for use and prevent
the reference ISE from drying out.

Instrument Storage
If the 2900 Series is not going to be used for 2 weeks or longer, remove the buffer and calibrator solutions from the bottles
and replace them with authorized rinsing agent (see Section 9.1). Flush the rinsing agent through the system thoroughly,
empty the bottles, reinstall them in the instrument and prime the system with air. After all the fluid has been pumped from
the system, drain the sample modules by temporarily removing one probe. Reinstall the enzyme probes and store the
instrument with the membranes in place.
Store the instrument in an environment from 15–35°C, 10–75% humidity (non-condensing).

Enzyme Membrane Storage

Extra membranes should be refrigerated until use. Once installed, Membranes should remain in the appropriate buffer
solution and not allowed to dry out.

ISE Storage
10.3.1 Reference ISE
Do not allow the reference ISE to dry out. Always store it wet (in ISE buffer solution).

10.3.2 Ammonium/Potassium ISE

For storage of 5 days or less, store the ammonium and potassium ISEs wet (in ISE buffer solution). For storage greater
than 5 days, store the ammonium and potassium ISEs dry and in a dark enclosure.

Instrument Handling/Transport
Before transporting, drain all fluids as described above and secure the sipper assembly.
Transporting the instrument may require two people.

11. Troubleshooting
This section provides a systematic approach to establishing the cause of an instrument malfunction. Before taking any
corrective action, be certain you have collected as much pertinent information as possible.
To establish probable cause, you should:
• Review any error/warning messages displayed. They should indicate any problems.
• Review the reports for trends in data and errors. Use the detailed format to obtain as much information as
possible. An explanation of the report data is covered in this section.
• Check reagent and Membrane installation dates. Compare the elapsed time to the recommended time.
• Look and listen for problems (fluid leaks, salt build-ups, air bubbles in the sample module, loose connections,
noisy components, etc.).
• Review Section 7.2, to learn more about how you can test individual components of the 2900 Series.
• Use the troubleshooting chart in this section to assist you in identifying the problem, then use the chart to guide
you to a corrective action.
If the problem cannot be resolved, contact YSI Technical Support. When communicating with service personnel, please
indicate the serial number of the instrument. If writing or transmitting an email or FAX for assistance, please include a
thorough description of the problem and copies of printouts, if possible.

Printout Information
For troubleshooting, or even daily log information, the "detail" report format is preferable. The Detail Report provides a
complete description of the sensors for a calibration or sample. Information for all the sensors, as well as the temperature
probe, is included.

11.1.1 Enzyme Sensors

Listed below are example printouts and explanations of the Detail format information for enzyme sensors.

Sample Report (Detail) Calibration Report (Detail)

======================= =======================
Sample Results Report Cal Report [1]
======================= =======================
Batch: Test Batch-1 Cal Shift
1A:Glucose 2.50 g/L
Analyte P96_A01 IB nA 1.79
----------------------- NPL nA 17.63
1A:Glucose 4.82 g/L FB nA 1.51
IB nA 2.11 PL Slope nA/m 0.42
NPL nA 32.65 IB Shift -0.65%
PL Slope nA/m 0.69 NPL Shift 3.64%
Temp (C) 25.9 Temp (C) 25.9
----------------------- -----------------------
Volume (uL) 25 1B:Lactate 0.50 g/L
Dilution Factor x1 IB nA 0.88
Fri 9/9/2020 10:59:37 NPL nA 9.81
YSI 2950 – 20F000025 FB nA 0.76
======================= PL Slope nA/m 0.42
IB Shift -1.95%
NPL Shift 1.64%
======================= Temp (C) 25.9
Sample Results Report -----------------------
======================= End Point (sec) 30
Batch: Test Batch-1 Volume (uL) 25
Analyte: P96_A01 Fri 9/9/2020 10:59:37
----------------------- YSI 2950 – 20F000025
1B:Lactate 1.82 g/L =======================
IB nA 2.11
NPL nA 32.65
PL Slope nA/m 0.69
Temp (C) 25.9
Volume (uL) 25
Dilution Factor x1
Fri 9/9/2020 10:59:37
YSI 2950 – 20F000025

Sample Report (Brief) Calibration Report (Brief)

======================= =======================
Sample Results Report Cal Report[2]
======================= =======================
Batch: Test Batch-1 1A:Glucose 2.50 g/L
Analyte: P96_A01 IB nA 3.24
----------------------- NPL nA 17.63
1A:Glucose 4.82 g/L NPL Shift -0.64%
Fri 9/9/2020 10:59:37 1B:Lactate 0.50 g/L
======================= IB nA 2.28
NPL nA 11.81
NPL Shift 0.47%
======================= -----------------------
Sample Results Report Fri 9/9/2020 10:59:37
======================= =======================
Batch: Test Batch-1
Analyte: P96_A01
1B:Lactate 1.82 g/L
Fri 9/9/2020 10:59:37

IB nA (Initial Baseline Current). The initial baseline current is monitored before a sample or calibration. The IB current
must be stable and below 6 nA.
NPL nA (Net Plateau Current). This is the peak current minus the baseline current. The minimum acceptable plateau
current is 5 nA. The maximum plateau current allowed is 100 nA for calibrations and 625 nA for samples.
xNPL nA (cross Net Plateau Current). Net plateau current of the other sensor in the module. For chemistry combinations
that are automatically compensated for interference.
FB nA (Final Baseline Current). The final baseline current is printed for calibrations and samples. The baseline current is
monitored during the buffer flush and compared to the initial baseline current.
IB shift (Baseline Shift). The final and initial baselines are compared and reported as percent shift. A negative baseline
shift is not uncommon with newly-installed Membranes. High concentration samples may yield positive baseline shifts. An
excessive positive shift can be an indicator of the presence of an interfering substance. The message 'Final baseline error'
is printed when the instrument cannot adequately flush the sample module.
PL Slope (Slope of the plateau). The slope is reported in nanoamps per minute. A newly installed membrane may have
an elevated plateau slope. An excessive slope can be an indicator of the presence of an interfering substance.
End Point is the time from dispensing the sample into the sample module until the instrument reads the probe signal. The
default value for most chemistry setups is 30 seconds. The value that you have selected in Setup is displayed in the
report. Note: This is not through-put time, but rather best thought of as "reaction" time or "probe signal development" time.
NPL shift (Calibration Shift). A calibration result is compared to the previous calibration result and the percent shift is
reported. The default setting is 2%. That is, if the shift is greater than 2%, the instrument performs another calibration.
Note that the 2900 Series attempts to calibrate each sensor up to 5 times before aborting calibration for that sensor. You
may select Cal shift values that better suit your application. Excessive calibration shifts may be caused by faulty
membranes, newly installed membranes or air in the sample module.
Temperature (Sample module Temperature). The sample module temperature is measured during a calibration and a
sample. The results of a sample are temperature corrected. The 2900 Series works at sample module temperatures
between 15° and 35°C. The instrument only measures and displays temperatures between 10° and 50°C.

11.1.2 Ion Selective Electrodes
Listed below are example printouts and explanations of the information for ISE sensors.

Calibration Report (Brief) Calibration Report (Detail)

==Calibration Report== ==Calibration Report==

Probe3A Probe3A
500 mg/L NH4+ 2972 500 mg/L NH4+ 2972
NH4+ K+ NH4+ K+
----- ----- ----- -----
Avg: 24.32 1.46 IB(mV): 28.01 26.97
Std Dv: 0.03 0.17 NPL(mV): 24.31 1.43

IB(mV): 28.09 27.03

Probe3B NPL(mV): 24.36 1.65
1000 mg/L K+ 2971
NH4+ K+ IB(mV): 28.10 27.06
----- ----- NPL(mV): 24.30 1.31
Avg: 6.12 37.43
Std Dv: 0.17 0.02 Avg: 24.32 1.46
Std Dv: 0.03 0.17
->Coef: 0.19 0.02 End Point 30 sec
->Slp: 57.18 60.05 Sample size 25 uL
--------------- Temperature 21.50 C
Tue 10/25/2020 11:08:32
========================== Probe3B
1000 mg/L K+ 2971
NH4+ K+
----- -----
IB(mV): 28.40 26.98
NPL(mV): 6.97 37.42

IB(mV): 28.50 26.97

NPL(mV): 6.31 37.45

IB(mV): 28.63 27.02

NPL(mV): 6.09 37.42

Avg: 6.12 37.43

Std Dv: 0.17 0.02

End Point 30 sec

Sample size 25 uL
Temperature 21.50 C
->Coef: 0.19 0.02
->Slp: 57.18 60.05
Tue 10/25/2020 11:08:32
YSI 2950 – 20J000024

Sample Report (Brief) Sample Report (Detail)
Sample Results Report ========================
======================== Sample Results Report
Batch: TestBatch-1 ========================
Analyte: P96_B02 Batch: P96-1
------------------------ Analyte: P96_B02
3A: Ammonium 106 mg/L ------------------------
Wed 10/04/2020 1:31:09 3A: Ammonium 105 mg/L
======================== IB mV 20.62
NPL mV 8.23
xNPL mV 1.23
======================== PL Slope mV/m 0.23
Sample Results Report Temp (C) 25.33
======================== Volume (uL) 25
Batch: TestBatch-1 Dilution Factor x1
Analyte: P96_B02 Wed 10/04/2020 1:31:09
------------------------ YSI 2950D – 20J000024
3B: Potassium 193 mg/L ========================
Wed 10/04/2020 1:31:09
Sample Results Report
Batch: P96-1
Analyte: P96_B02
3B:Potassium 196 mg/L
IB mV 25.83
NPL mV 13.25
xNPL mV 2.23
PL Slope mV/m 0.13
Temp (C) 25.33
Volume (uL) 25
Dilution Factor x1
Wed 10/04/2020 1:31:09
YSI 2950 – 20J000024

IB mV (Initial Baseline Voltage). The initial baseline voltage is monitored before a sample or calibration. The IB voltage
must be stable and between -40 and 60 mV.
NPL mV (Net Plateau Voltage). This is the peak voltage minus the baseline voltage.
xNPL nA (cross Net Plateau Current). Net plateau current of the other sensor in the module.
PL Slope (Plateau Slope). The slope is reported in mV per minute. An excessive slope can be an indicator of ISE
Avg (Average). The average PL voltage for the calibration sequence (last 3 cycles of each calibrator).
Std Dv (Standard Deviation). The standard deviation of the PL voltage for the calibration sequence (last 3 cycles of each
calibrator). Must be less than 0.2.
->Coef (Selectivity Coefficient). The response of the ISE to one calibrator vs. the other calibrator. Calculated during the
last 3 cycles of each calibrator. Must be greater than zero and less than 0.3 for ammonium; greater than zero and less
than 0.1 for potassium. Depending on the application, the 2950 may operate with an ammonium coefficient as high as
0.40, provided it passes the daily checks in section 5.1. However, it is the user’s responsibility to determine if operation is
acceptable for their specific application.
->Slp (Slope). The response of the ISE in mV per decade over the range of calibrator solutions. Must be greater than 52

End Point is the time from dispensing the sample into the sensor module until the instrument reads the probe signal. The
value for ISEs is 30 seconds.
Temperature (Sensor module Temperature). The sensor module temperature is measured during a calibration and a
sample. The 2900 Series works at sensor module temperatures between 15° and 35°C. The instrument only measures
and displays temperatures between 10° and 50°C.
As the 2900 Series is calibrating the ISEs, it prints out information for each sensor as shown below. Calibrations are
repeated until the standard deviation of both sensors is less than 0.20 (or the Change Ratio is less than or equal to 1.2%)
for each calibration solution.

Calibration Attempt Number


Plateau Voltage (mV)

3B 1 33.38
3A 1 04.11 Standard Deviation
3B 2 34.45
Calibrator B 3A 2 05.13
3B 3 34.60 0.09 0.44 Change Ratio (%)
3A 3 05.08 0.99 0.71
3B 4 34.70 0.18 3.04
3A 4 05.04 0.12 0.52
3A 1 22.91
3B 1 01.45
3A 2 21.91
3V 2 01.96
Calibrator A 3A 3 21.94 0.02 1.6
3B 3 01.35 0.26 1.8
3A 4 22.85 0.05 4.7
3B 4 02.00 0.22 1.6
3A 5 22.89 0.05 2.1
3B 5 02.10 0.18 0.5

Troubleshooting Chart
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Pinched, leaking or disconnected tube.
ACTION: Fix or replace tubing.
SECTION: 9.4.7 Pump Tubing Replacement
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sipper misaligned.
ACTION: Check Sipper alignment.
SECTION: 4.5 Align Sipper
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sipper pump not operating properly.
ACTION: Replace sipper pump seals.
SECTION: 9.4.4 ISE Cleaning
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Stir bar not in sample module.
ACTION: Install stir bar.
SECTION: 9.4.1 Sample Module Cleaning
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Stir speed too fast or too slow.
ACTION: Adjust stir speed.
SECTION: 7.2.4 Stirbar
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Newly installed enzyme Membrane.
ACTION: Enter probe diagnostics and check probe currents.
SECTION: 7.2.3 Modules
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Newly installed probe.
ACTION: Enter probe diagnostics and check probe currents.
SECTION: 7.2.3 Modules
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Power disruption.
ACTION: Enter probe diagnostics and check probe currents.
SECTION: 7.2.3 Modules
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Failing enzyme membrane.
ACTION: Perform daily operational checks and replace membrane
if necessary.
SECTION: 5.1 Perform Daily Operational Checks, 4.8 Prime the Fluid System

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Enzyme Probe surface fouled.

ACTION: Clean probe surface.
SECTION: 9.4.3 Enzyme Probe Cleaning
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Auxiliary electrode fouled.
ACTION: Clean Auxiliary electrode surface (temperature probe) with isopropyl alcohol.

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sample may contain an interfering substance.

ACTION: Attempt to confirm interference.


POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sipper misaligned.
ACTION: Check Sipper alignment.
SECTION: 4.5 Align Sipper
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Stir bar not in sample module.
ACTION: Disassemble sample module and reinstall stir bar.
SECTION: 9.4.1 Sample Module Cleaning

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Newly installed enzyme Membrane.
ACTION: Enter probe service and check probe currents.
SECTION: 7.2.3 Modules
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Newly installed probe.
ACTION: Enter probe service and check probe currents.
SECTION: 7.2.3 Modules
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Calibrator solution out of spec: contaminated or installed for more than 30 days.
ACTION: Install new calibrator.
SECTION: 4.7 Install Calibrator Solution(s)
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Failing enzyme Membrane.
ACTION: Enter probe service and check probe currents. Replace Membrane(s) if
SECTION: 5.1 Perform Daily Operational Checks, 4.8 Prime the Fluid System
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Probe surface fouled.
ACTION: Clean probe surface.
SECTION: 9.4.3 Enzyme Probe Cleaning
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Auxiliary electrode fouled.
ACTION: Clean Auxiliary electrode surface (temperature probe) with isopropyl alcohol.

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sample concentration too high, resulting in high probe current (nA).
ACTION: Dilute sample or adjust sample size down and repeat.
SECTION: 8.1 Sample Volume


POSSIBLE CAUSE: Stir speed too fast or too slow.
ACTION: Adjust stir speed.
SECTION: 7.2.4 Stirbar
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Newly installed enzyme Membrane.
ACTION: Enter probe diagnostics and check probe currents.
SECTION: 7.2.3 Modules
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Newly installed probe.
ACTION: Enter probe diagnostics and check probe currents.
SECTION: 7.2.3 Modules
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Failing enzyme membrane.
ACTION: Replace membrane.
SECTION: 5.1 Perform Daily Operational Checks, 4.8 Prime the Fluid System

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Enzyme Probe surface fouled.

ACTION: Clean probe surface.
SECTION: 9.4.3 Enzyme Probe Cleaning
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Auxiliary electrode fouled.
ACTION: Clean Auxiliary electrode surface (temperature probe) with isopropyl alcohol.


POSSIBLE CAUSE: Low buffer or calibrator level.
ACTION: Check bottle status at bottom of Sample screen. Refill the appropriate bottle.
SECTION: 4.6 Prepare and Install Buffer Solution, 4.7 Install Calibrator Solution(s)
POSSIBLE CAUSE: High waste level.
ACTION: Empty waste bottle.
SECTION: 9.2.1 Empty the Waste Bottle
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Bubbles in buffer or calibrator bottle tubing.
ACTION: Prime bottle.
SECTION: 4.8 Prime the Fluid System


POSSIBLE CAUSE: Air bubbles in calibrator tubing.
ACTION: Prime calibrator bottles.
SECTION: 4.8 Prime the Fluid System
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Pinched, leaking or disconnected tube.
ACTION: Fix or replace tubing.
SECTION: 9.4.7 Pump Tubing Replacement
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sipper misaligned.
ACTION: Check Sipper alignment.
SECTION: 4.5 Align Sipper
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Stir bar not in sample module.
ACTION: Install stir bar.
SECTION: 9.4.1 Sample Module Cleaning
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Stir speed too fast or too slow.
ACTION: Adjust stir speed.
SECTION: 7.2.4 Stirbar
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Newly installed enzyme membrane.
ACTION: Enter probe diagnostics and check probe currents.
SECTION: 7.2.3 Modules
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Newly installed probe.
ACTION: Enter probe diagnostics and check probe currents.
SECTION: 7.2.3 Modules
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Calibrator solution out of spec: contaminated or installed for more than 30 days.
ACTION: Install new calibrator.
SECTION: 4.7 Install Calibrator Solution(s)
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Net calibration current (PL current) below 5 nA.
ACTION: Replace enzyme Membrane and check calibrator solution.
SECTION: 4.8 Prime the Fluid System

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Failing enzyme membrane.

ACTION: Perform daily operational checks and replace membrane(s) if necessary.
SECTION: 5.1 Perform Daily Operational Checks, 4.8 Prime the Fluid System
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Probe surface fouled.
ACTION: Clean probe surface.
SECTION: 9.4.3 Enzyme Probe Cleaning
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Auxiliary electrode fouled.
ACTION: Clean Auxiliary electrode surface (temperature probe) with isopropyl alcohol.

SYMPTOM: ERROR: No Fluid Detected

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Low sample level.
ACTION: Increase sample level in test tube.
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sipper Depth set too high at sample station.
ACTION: Adjust sipper depth.
SECTION: 4.5 Align Sipper

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Calibrator bottle not primed.
ACTION: Prime calibrator bottle.
SECTION: 4.8 Prime the Fluid System
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Low calibrator solution.
ACTION: Install new calibrator.
SECTION: 4.7 Install Calibrator Solution(s)
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Pinched, blocked, leaking or disconnected tube.
ACTION: Fix or install new tubing.
SECTION: 9.4.7 Pump Tubing Replacement
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Calibrator pump not operating properly.
ACTION: Check pump and tubing.
SECTION: Calibrator Pumps
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Fluid not conductive.
ACTION: Use saline as diluent.
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sipper tip fouled.
ACTION: Clean tip of sipper with isopropyl alcohol and a lint-free tissue.
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sipper mounting screws loose.
ACTION: Check sipper mounting screws and tighten gently if required.
SECTION: 9.4.11 Sipper Replacement


POSSIBLE CAUSE: Damaged or old membrane.
ACTION: Replace membrane.
SECTION: 4.8 Prime the Fluid System

SYMPTOM: Fail Linearity Test

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Probe assignment incorrect.
ACTION: Make correct assignment.
SECTION: 4.10.1 Assign Chemistries to Probes
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Calibrator bottle assignment incorrect.
ACTION: Make correct assignment.
SECTION: 4.10.2 Assign Reagents
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Damaged or old Membrane.
ACTION: Replace membrane.
SECTION: 4.8 Prime the Fluid System
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Calibrator bottle(s) not primed sufficiently.
ACTION: Prime each calibrator bottle for 60 seconds.
SECTION: 4.8 Prime the Fluid System
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Contaminated or old calibration or linearity standard.
ACTION: Repeat test with new standards.
SECTION: 5.1 Perform Daily Operational Checks

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Assigned concentration range beyond practical limits.

ACTION: Redefine measurement parameters. Remake standards.
SECTION: 8 Chemistry Setup

SYMPTOM: ERROR: Motor Failure

POSSIBLE CAUSE: One of the motors is jammed.
ACTION: Enter motor service and cycle the suspected motor.
SECTION: 7.2 Service
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Worn sipper pump seals.
ACTION: Replace seals.
SECTION: 9.4.5 Sipper Pump Seal Replacement

SYMPTOM: ERROR: Temperature

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Ambient temperature too cold or hot.
ACTION: Operate at ambient temperatures between 15 and 35°C.

SYMPTOM: Printer Does Not Advance

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Paper or roll jammed.
ACTION: Remove paper cover and clear obstruction. If printer still does not advance, turn
printer off for 30 seconds, then back on.

SYMPTOM: Sipper Does Not Enter Sample module

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sipper misaligned.
ACTION: Align sipper.
SECTION: 4.5 Align Sipper

11.2.1 2960 Online Monitor

SYMPTOM: Sipper Does Not Enter Monitor Cup

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sipper misaligned.
ACTION: Align sipper.
SECTION: 6.2 Align Sipper

SYMPTOM: 2900Series Does Not Recognize the Monitor

POSSIBLE CAUSE: USB cable or 2960 power cable not connected.
ACTION: Check 2960 cable connections.
SECTION: 6.1 2960 Installation

SYMPTOM: 2960 Pump is running, but no sample flowing

POSSIBLE CAUSE: Obstruction in the sample tubing or cup.
ACTION: Remove the sample tube connected to the Monitor Cup inlet port while the pump
is running. If fluid flows, the obstruction is in the cup or the waste line. If fluid
does not flow, try "massaging" the tubing to try relieving the blockage. If
unsuccessful, begin disconnecting tubing and forcing air or fluid through with a
syringe until you locate the blockage.

SYMPTOM: Bubbles appear at the top of the Monitor Cup when the Monitor Pump runs
POSSIBLE CAUSE: 2960 pump tubing is not installed properly and fluid in the waste line is trying to
flow backwards.
ACTION: Check 2960 pump tubing installation.
SECTION: 9.6.1 Tubing Replacement, Pump Tubing Replacement

SYMPTOM: Monitor sample results appear to be lower than expected and excess air is
observed in the 2900 Series sample chamber.
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Sipper depth is not set properly at Monitor Cup.
ACTION: Set sipper depth at Monitor Cup.
SECTION: 6.2 Align Sipper

SYMPTOM: Fluid leaking from the 2960 Pump
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Pump tubing has failed.
ACTION: Replace 2960 pump tubing.
SECTION: 9.6.1 Tubing Replacement, Pump Tubing Replacement

SYMPTOM: Sipper aspirates antiseptic instead of sample (sample results read

approximately zero)
POSSIBLE CAUSE: Tubing routed incorrectly in 2960 solenoid valve.
ACTION: Check 2960 valve tubing installation.
SECTION: 9.6.1Tubing Replacement, Solenoid Valve Tubing Replacement

12. Principles of Operation
Enzyme Sensor Technology
The enzyme sensor technology of the 2900 Series is based on the principles conceived by Dr. Leland Clark, formerly of
Children’s Hospital Foundation, Cincinnati, Ohio. The immobilized enzyme membrane was invented by YSI and is
covered by U.S. Patent 4,073,713. This sensor technology has been used successfully since 1975.

Sensor Probe and Enzyme Membrane

Figure 12-1

Each enzyme probe is fitted with a three-layer membrane containing immobilized enzyme in the middle layer. Figure 12-1
shows an exploded view of the membrane and its relationship to the face of the probe.
The face of the probe, covered by the membrane, is situated in a buffer-filled sample module into which a sample is
injected. Some of the substrate diffuses through the membrane. When it contacts the immobilized oxidase enzyme, it is
rapidly oxidized, producing hydrogen peroxide. See Reaction 1, using glucose as an example.
The hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is, in turn, oxidized at the platinum anode, producing electrons (Reaction 2). A dynamic
equilibrium is achieved when the rate of H2O2 production and the rate at which H2O2 leaves the immobilized enzyme layer
are constant and is indicated by a steady state response (Figure 12-2). The electron flow is linearly proportional to the
steady state H2O2 concentration and, therefore, to the concentration of the substrate.

REACTION 1 (glucose): β-D-glucose + O2 GOx Glucono-δ-lactone + H2O2

REACTION 2: H2O2 Pt anode 2H+ + O2 + 2e-

The platinum electrode is held at an anodic potential and is capable of oxidizing many substances other than H2O2. To
prevent these reducing agents from contributing to sensor current, the membrane contains an inner layer consisting of a
very thin film of cellulose acetate. This film readily passes H2O2 but excludes chemical compounds with molecular weights
above approximately 200.
The cellulose acetate film also protects the platinum surface from proteins, detergents, and other substances that could
foul it. However, the cellulose acetate film can be penetrated by such compounds as hydrogen sulfide, low molecular
weight reducing compounds, mercaptans, hydroxylamines, hydrazines, phenols and anilines.

Ion Selective Electrode
An ion selective electrode (ISE) is designed to measure the concentration of an ion in a dilute solution. A membrane
situated on the face of the ISE determines the selectivity of the ISE. The membrane is composed of a matrix of PVC, a
layer of ionophore (a chemical which binds or surrounds the target chemical), and another matrix of PVC. In the 2950
system, this membrane is permanently connected to a disposable electrode which resides in the module module. Sample
is injected through the sipper into the module and is diluted at a ratio of approximately 1 part sample to 27 parts buffer.
Upon exposure of the intact ISE to the sample and buffer, ions pass through the membrane and are trapped by the
ionophore. When equilibrium between the membrane and the external solution is reached, the potential across the
membrane is compared to the potential measured by a reference electrode submerged in the same solution. The
potential, measured in millivolts (mV), is then converted to a concentration through a series of algorithms including the
modified Nicolski equation (a derivative of the Nernst equation). The relationship between the potential detected and the
concentration of a solution is not linear, but rather semi-logarithmic. The slope of the semi-log plot of the modified Nicolski
equation is approximately 57 mV per decade concentration.

An ammonium or potassium ISE is designed to measure the ammonium ion concentration [NH4+] or the potassium ion
concentration [K+] in solution. However, as is the case with most ISEs, other ions similar in shape, size, or charge may
also pass through the membrane and interfere with the measurement. In the case of ammonium and potassium, an
ammonium sensor will respond to ammonium, but will also respond to a lesser extent to potassium. Likewise, a potassium
sensor will also respond to ammonium to a certain extent. To correct for these interferences, during a calibration, the
instrument exposes the ammonium sensor to potassium and vice versa to collect data on the level of interference of each
ion with each sensor. The selectivity coefficient (SC) represents the extent to which an ion interferes with a sensor. Taking
into account the selectivity coefficients, the instrument software then applies the Nicolski equation to determine the
response of each sensor to the ion of interest.

Measurement Methodology
The 2900 Series employs a steady state measurement methodology. A typical enzyme sensor response is shown in
Figure 12-1.

Typical Enzyme Sensor Response

Figure 12-2

When sample or calibration standard is dispensed into the sample module, it is diluted into 600 microliters of buffer. The
enzyme sensor response increases and plateaus. After several seconds, the sample module is flushed with buffer and the
sensor response decreases.
The net response is the difference between the plateau current (iplat) and the initial baseline current (iib). Typical net
responses for the 2900 Series are between 10 and 25 nA (nanoamps) for YSI calibration solutions.
Baseline Stability
The 2900 Series monitors the probe baseline activity and stability. If an unstable baseline is detected, the instrument will
continue to flush the sample module with buffer. When a stable baseline is established, an automatic calibration is
After every calibration and sample, the final baseline value (ifb) is compared to the initial baseline value (iib) during the
flush cycle. If a significant shift is detected, the sample module continues to be flushed with buffer. As soon as the
baseline recovers, buffer flushing ceases and the instrument performs its next command. There is a limit of about 3
minutes, at which time the instrument displays a baseline error message.

To maintain a sample ready status, the 2900 Series self-calibrates. Calibrating establishes the sensors’ response to a
known concentration of substrate.
The enzyme sensors calibration response must be above 5 nA. A response below this value will result in an error (low PL
The 2900 Series self-calibrates enzyme sensors every 5 samples or 30 minutes. However, default calibration parameters
can be altered to tighten or loosen calibration specifications. A manual calibration can be initiated from the [Run],
[Calibrate] tab.
A STABLE CALIBRATION IS IMPORTANT. The instrument re-establishes a calibration reference point after every
calibration. If a difference of more than 2% between the present and previous net calibration values occurs, the instrument
repeats calibration. The sensors’ net value for a calibration (PL) is displayed and printed. An unstable calibration is
displayed and printed as a "PL shift". While establishing a stable calibration, the 2900 Series will run 5 calibrations before
aborting calibration for a sensor. The flexible parameter selection allows the user to disable this error mode.
In summary, by the default enzyme sensor calibration settings, recalibration will occur after every 5 samples or 30
minutes, after a calibration shift of 2% or greater, or after a sample module temperature drift of more than 1°C. After 5
attempts without successfully calibrating, the instrument aborts calibration for that sensor.

As discussed earlier, an enzyme sensor consists of an electrode and an enzyme membrane. As a membrane ages, its
response becomes non-linear (shown in Figure 12-2).

Aging Enzyme Membrane Response

Figure 12-3

Under optimal conditions the enzyme sensor response depends on diffusion limitation of the substrate. When the
substrate can diffuse at a greater rate than the enzyme can turnover product, enzyme kinetics defines the response and
nonlinearity is a symptom. This occurs as an enzyme membrane ages.
It is necessary to periodically check sensor linearity. YSI offers linearity standards for all of the recommended calibration

Temperature Compensation
The sensitivity of the sensors, in the 2900 Series, varies with temperature changes. The sample module contains a
temperature probe that monitors the fluid temperature. The sample results are temperature corrected for the difference in
temperature between the sample and the calibration.

Level Sensing
The 2900 Series employs level sensing on the Sipper and, optionally, in the waste, calibrator and buffer bottles.
The Sipper level sensor detects the sample surface and then travels into the sample about 3 millimeters (1/8 inch). This
controlled immersion depth permits the use of sample tubes/plates that are filled to different heights without significant
carry-over between samples.
The Sipper and Arm Assembly should never be touched while the unit is in operation.
The calibrator and supply bottles are monitored for low levels and the waste bottle is monitored for high level.

13. Warranty and Repair
YSI 2900 Series Biochemistry Analyzers are warranted for one year from date of purchase by the end user against
defects in materials and workmanship, exclusive of batteries. Within the warranty period, YSI will repair or replace, at its
sole discretion, free of charge, any product that YSI determines to be covered by this warranty.

Limitation of Warranty
This Warranty does not apply to any YSI product damage or failure caused by
(i) failure to install, operate or use the product in accordance with YSI’s written instructions,
(ii) abuse or misuse of the product,
(iii) failure to maintain the product in accordance with YSI’s written instructions or standard industry procedure,
(iv) any improper repairs to the product,
(v) use by you of defective or improper components or parts in servicing or repairing the product, or
(vi) modification of the product in any way not expressly authorized by YSI.

To exercise this warranty, write or call your local YSI representative, or contact YSI Customer Service in Yellow Springs,
Ohio. Send the product and proof of purchase, transportation prepaid, to the Authorized Service Center selected by YSI.
Repair or replacement will be made and the product returned, transportation prepaid. Repaired or replaced products are
warranted for the balance of the original warranty period, or at least 90 days from date of repair or replacement.
13.1.1 Shipping Instructions
1. Clean and decontaminate items to insure the safety of the handler.
2. Complete and include the Cleaning Certificate.
3. Place the product in a plastic bag to keep out dirt and packing material.
4. Use a large carton, preferably the original, and surround the product completely with packing material.
5. Insure for the replacement value of the product.

Cleaning Certificate
Organization _____________________________________
Department _______________________________________
City _______________ State ______ Zip _______________
Country __________________ Phone __________________
Model No. of Device ______ Lot Number ________________
Contaminant (if known) ______________________________
Cleaning Agent(s) used _____________________________
Radioactive Decontamination Certified?
(Answer only if there has been radioactive exposure)
___ Yes ___ No
Cleaning Certified By _______________________________
Name Date

13.1.2 Cleaning Instructions
NOTE: Before they can be serviced, equipment exposed to biological, radioactive, or toxic materials must be cleaned and
disinfected. Biological contamination is presumed for any instrument, probe, or other device that has been used with body
fluids or tissues, microorganisms or with wastewater. Radioactive contamination is presumed for any instrument, probe or
other device that has been used near any radioactive source.
If an instrument, probe, or other part is returned or presented for service without a Cleaning Certificate, and if in our
opinion it represents a potential biological or radioactive hazard, our service personnel reserve the right to withhold
service until appropriate cleaning, decontamination, and certification have been completed. We will contact the sender for
instructions as to the disposition of the equipment. Disposition costs will be the responsibility of the sender.
When service is required, either at the user's facility or at YSI, the following steps must be taken to insure the safety of our
service personnel.
1. In a manner appropriate to each device, decontaminate all exposed surfaces, including any containers. See Section
9.1for a list of authorized cleaning agents. Instruments used with wastewater may be disinfected with 0.5% Lysol if
this is more convenient to the user. Autoclavable products may be autoclaved.
2. The user shall take normal precautions to prevent radioactive contamination and must use appropriate
decontamination procedures should exposure occur.
3. If exposure has occurred, the customer must certify that decontamination has been accomplished and that no
radioactivity is detectable by survey equipment.
4. Any product being returned to the YSI Repair Center should be packed securely to prevent damage.
5. Cleaning must be completed and certified on any product before returning it to YSI.

YSI Factory Authorized Service Centers

United States Europe
YSI Incorporated YSI Life Sciences
Repair Center Xylem
1725 Brannum Lane Longfield Road
Yellow Springs, OH 45387 Tunbridge Wells
Phone: 937 767-7241 Kent TN2 3EY
Fax: 937 767-9353 UK
Phone: 44 1892 500400
Rochelle Scientific Fax: 44 1892 543115
1966 Tice Valley Blvd., #430
Walnut Creek, CA 94595 Asia
Phone: 877 527-8494
Smartec Scientific Corp.
Fax: 707 307-7130
7F-6, No.12, Lane 609
Sec 5, Chung-Hsing Road
RJM Sales
San Chung
454 Park Avenue
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Phone: 800 752-9055
Phone: 886 2 2999-5767
Fax 908 322-2160
Fax: 886 2 2999-5759
Giangarlo Scientific
162 Steuben St. Canada
Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Mandel Scientific
Phone: 412 922-8850 2 Admiral Place
Fax: 412 922-9047 Guelph, ON U1G 4N4
Phone: 888-883-3636
Fax: 519-763-2005

14. Notices
Declaration of Conformity

YSI Incorporated
1725 Brannum Lane, Yellow Springs, OH
45387 Tel +1.937.767.7241 Fax

Declaration of Conformity

Manufacturer: YSI Incorporated

1725 Brannum
Yellow Springs, OH 45387 USA

Product Name: YSI Model 2900 Series Biochemistry Analyzer

Model Number(s): YSI 2900D, YSI 2950D-x

Directives: EMC Directive 2014/30/EU

Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU RoHS
Directive 2011/65/EU
FCC 47 CFR Part 15-2011
Canada ICES-003:2004

Harmonized Standards: EN 61326-1:2013

EN 61326-2-3:2013
EN 61000-3-2:2006+A1:2009+A2:2009
EN 61000-3-3:2013
EN 61010-1:2010 3rd Edition

YSI Incorporated declares that the instrument specified above conforms to the essential requirements of
the Directives and Standards specified above when installed and operated in accordance with
specifications as set forth by YSI. This product has been tested to the requirements of CAN/CSA-C22.2
No. 61010-1, third edition, or a later version of the same standard, incorporating the same level of testing

Gregory Popp
Quality Manager
[email protected]
Radio and Television Interference Notice
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used properly, may cause interference
to radio and television reception. There is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
equipment does cause interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
• Reorient the receiving antenna
• Relocate the computer with respect to the receiver
• Move the computer away from the receiver
• Plug the computer into a different outlet so that the computer and receiver are on different branch circuits.
If necessary, the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions.
The user may find the following booklet, prepared by the Federal Communications Commission, helpful: "How to Identify
and Resolve Radio-TV Interference Problems." This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC 20402, Stock No. 0004-000-00345-4.

15. Appendix A – Software Flowchart
The software flow chart for the 2900 Series is shown below. The main screen has six icons that control all instrument
functions (shown at the top of the flowchart).

Main Menu

Configure Run Data Settings Service Help

1 Run Batch Plate System Sipper About

Chemistry Rack ID View Reports Position Software

Endpoint Date Sipper Depth FAQ

Volume Filter Fluid Det Interlocks Training

Reagents Export Display Pumps

Probes Units Monitor Screensaver Modules

2 Chemistries View Brightness Flush

Bottles Status Date Sound Calibrate

Module Filter Stirbar

Printout Export Calibration Monitor

Results Calibration Module

Run Stat Date Sceduled

Export 21 CFR 11


Monitor History

16. Appendix B – Concentration Unit Conversion
In the 2900 Series Configure menu, you have the option to assign units of concentration. There are default values set
based on calibration solutions offered by YSI. Below is a table of unit conversions for these calibration solutions and other
concentrations of interest.
mg/L % mw
Chemistry g/L (ppm) mg/dL (w/v) mmol/L (g/mole)
Choline 0.18 175 18 0.018 1.68 (104)
Glucose (Dextrose) 1.80 1800 180 0.18 10.00 (180)
Glucose (Dextrose) 2.50 2500 250 0.25 13.89 (180)
Ethanol 2.00 2000 200 0.20 43.48 (46)
Galactose 6 2.50 2500 250 0.25 13.89 (180)
L-Glutamate 0.73 731 73 0.073 5.00 (146)
L-Glutamine 0.73 731 73 0.073 5.00 (146)
Glycerol 25.0 25000 2500 2.50 271.5 (92)
L-Lactate 0.45 450 45 0.045 5.00 (89)
Lactose 5.00 5000 500 0.50 14.62 (342)
Methanol 1.00 1000 100 0.10 31.25 (32)
Peroxide6 0.60 600 60 0.06 17.65 (34)
Sucrose 5.00 5000 500 0.50 14.62 (342)
Xylose 20.0 20000 2000 2.00 133.3 (150)
Ammonium 0.50 500 50 0.05 27.8 (18)
Potassium 1.00 1000 100 0.10 25.6 (39.1)

If you are using a standard of a value not listed in the preceding table, refer to the example conversions below to help
calculate your unit of choice.
Example Conversions
Beginning with 2.50 g/L glucose, convert this to mg\L, then % and finally to mmol/L:
1. Multiply by unit conversion(s)
2. Cancel units common in “numerator” and “denominator”
3. Multiply numbers
? mg/L = 2.50 g/L
= (2.50 g/L)(1000 mg/g) = (2.50)(1000) mg/L = 2500 mg/L

? % (w/v) = 2.50 g/L

= (2.50 g/L)(0.1 L/dL) = (2.50)(0.1) g/dL = 0.250 g/dL
= 0.250 % (Note: g/dL is g/100ml or percent)

? mmol/L = 2.50 g/L

= (2.50 g/L)(1 mole/180 g)(1000 mmole/mole)
= (2.50)(1/180)(1000) mmole/L = 13.89 mmol/L

6 Denotes that YSI does not currently offer this standard value.
Linearity Test. Concentration Unit Conversion
mg/L % mw
Chemistry g/L (ppm) mg/dL (w/v) mmol/L (g/mole)
0.47 473 47 0.047 4.54
Choline 0.45 450 45 0.045 4.32 (104)
0.43 427 43 0.043 4.10
9.45 9,450 945 0.945 52.5
Glucose (Dextrose) 9.00 9,000 900 0.900 50.0 (180)
8.55 8,550 855 0.855 47.5
3.36 3,360 336 0.34 73.1
Ethanol 3.20 3,200 320 0.32 69.6 (46)
3.04 3,040 304 0.30 66.1
1.54 1,535 154 0.154 9.5
L-Glutamate 1.46 1,462 146 0.146 10.0 (146)
1.39 1,389 139 0.139 10.5
1.23 1,228 123 0.123 8.40
L-Glutamine 1.17 1,169 117 0.117 8.00 (146)
1.11 1,111 111 0.111 7.60
2.80 2,806 281 0.281 31.5
L-Lactate 2.67 2,672 267 0.267 30.0 (89)
2.54 2,539 254 0.254 28.5
26.25 26,250 2625 2.63 76.8
Lactose 25.00 25,000 2500 2.50 73.1 (342)
23.75 23,750 2375 2.38 69.4
42.0 42,000 4200 4.20 456.0
Glycerol 40.0 40,000 4000 4.00 434.3 (92)
38.0 38,000 3800 3.80 412.6
2.63 2625 263 0.263 82.0
Methanol 2.50 2500 250 0.250 78.1 (32)
2.38 2375 238 0.238 74.2
26.25 26,250 2625 2.63 76.8
Sucrose 25.00 25,000 2500 2.50 73.1 (342)
23.75 23,750 2375 2.38 69.4
33.00 33,000 3300 3.30 220.0
Xylose 30.00 30,000 3000 3.00 200.0 (150)
27.00 27,000 2700 2.70 180.0
0.095 95 9.5 0.0095 5.28
Ammonium 7 0.100 100 10.0 0.0100 5.56 (18)
0.105 105 10.5 0.0105 5.83
0.190 190 19 0.0190 4.86
Potassium7 0.200 200 20 0.0200 5.12 (39.1)
0.210 210 21 0.0210 5.37

NOTE: The linearity concentration ranges for each chemistry are shown (top to bottom) as upper limit, theoretical, and
lower limit for each of five concentration units.

7 Range for single linearity check. Refer to 8.2.15 Simultaneous Ammonium and Potassium for sample to sample precision.
FCN Membrane Integrity Test. Concentration Unit Conversion
mg/L % mw
Chemistry g/L (ppm) mg/dL (w/v) mmol/L (g/mole)
Choline 0.02 15 2 0.02 0.14 (104)
Glucose (Dextrose) 0.05 50 5 0.01 0.28 (180)
Ethanol 0.05 50 5 0.01 1.09 (46)
L-Glutamate 0.06 58 5.8 0.01 0.40 (146)
L-Glutamine 0.06 58 5.8 0.01 0.40 (146)
L-Lactate 0.03 30 3 0.01 0.34 (89)
Lactose - - - - - (342)
Galactose - - - - - (180)
Glycerol - - - - - (92)
Methanol 0.05 50 5 0.01 1.56 (32)
Sucrose 0.10 100 10 0.01 0.29 (342)
Xylose 0.05 50 5 0.01 0.33 (150)

NOTE: Use the values from the preceding tables only when calibrating with the appropriate YSI calibrator solution
Choline (2772), Glucose (2776 or 2747), Ethanol (2790), Sucrose (2780), L-Glutamate (2755), L-Glutamine (2736),
Methanol (2726), Xylose (2767) and L-Lactate (2776).

17. Appendix C - Line Power Cord and Plug Wiring

United Kingdom

United States


18. Appendix D - Reagents and Accessories
YSI Number Description Comments
1579 Carbonate Buffer For use with Ethanol or Methanol membranes
2357 Buffer Kit (8 packs of Buffer Concentrate) For use with Glucose, L-Lactate, Sucrose, L-
Glutamate and L-Glutamine membranes.
2705 Lactose Buffer For use with 2702 Galactose Oxidase Membranes
and 7140 Glycerol Membranes
2970 Ammonium Buffer For use with Ammonium/Potassium electrodes
2392 NaCl Solution
2329 Lactate Membrane Kit
2365 Glucose Membrane Kit
2702 Galactose Oxidase Membrane Kit For lactose or galactose
2703 Sucrose Membrane Kit
2725 Methanol Membrane Kit
2735 Glutamine Membrane Kit
2754 Glutamate Membrane Kit
2761 Xylose Membrane Kit
2786 Ethanol Membrane Kit
7140 Glycerol Membrane Kit
2974 Ammonium ISE
2975 Potassium ISE
2976 Reference Electrode
2736 Glutamine Standard (5.0 mmol/L) Calibrator
2755 Glutamate Standard (5.0 mmol/L) Calibrator
2767 Xylose Standard (20.0 g/L) Calibrator
2780 Sucrose Standard (5.00 g/L) Calibrator
2726 Methanol Standards Kit Calibrator & Linearity Check
(1.00 g/L, 2.50 g/L)
2790 Ethanol Standards Kit Calibrator & Linearity Check
(2.00 g/L, 3.20 g/L)
1531 Glucose Standard (9.0 g/L)
2356 Glucose Standard (500 mg/dL)
2368 Glucose Standard (25 mmol/L)
1530 L-Lactate Standard (2.67 g/L)
2747 Dual Standard (1.80 g/L Glucose, 0.45 g/L Calibrator

YSI Number Description Comments
2748 Dual Standard (18.0 g/L Glucose, 1.78 g/L
2776 Dual Standard (2.50 g/L Glucose, 0.50 g/L Calibrator
2777 Dual Standard (25.0 g/L Glucose, 2.50 g/L
2737 Glutamine Standard (8.0 mmol/L)
2756 Glutamate Standard (10.0 mmol/L)
2768 Xylose Standard (30.0 g/L)
2778 Sucrose Standard (25.0 g/L)
2971 Potassium Standard (1000 mg/L) Calibrator
2972 Ammonium Standard (500 mg/L) Calibrator
7141 Glycerol Standard (25.0 g/L) Calibrator
7142 Glycerol Standard (40.0 g/L)
2363 Potassium Ferrocyanide Membrane integrity check
2751 Printer Paper 5 rolls
2901 Printer Includes power supply and data cable
2920 OPC Data Manager Module
2925 OPC Server Software
2938 Bottle Rack, Single Module, Right Side Includes bottles with caps and fluid detection cables
2935 Buffer Bottle, Opaque For 2705 Buffer
2936 Bottle Rack, Two Modules, Left Side Includes bottles with caps and fluid detection cables
2940 4-Channel Online Monitor System
2941 R24 Capped Vial Tray 24 position
2942 P96 Flat Bottom 96 Well Plates Case of 100
2943 P96 Round Bottom 96 Well Plates Case of 100
2944 X-Pierce Films
2945 R24 12mm Glass Vial Tray
2947 R8 12mm Test Tube Rack
2948 R4 16mm Test Tube Rack
2960 Online Monitor & Control Accessory
2980 8-Channel Online Monitor System
2988 Preventive Maintenance Kit, 2900 Tubing, Sipper, and O-rings for 6 month
2990 Preventive Maintenance Kit, 2960 Tubing and O-rings for 6 month maintenance of
2960 Online Monitor

YSI Number Description Comments
2989 Preventive Maintenance Kit, 2950 Tubing, Sipper, and O-rings for 6 month

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For more information on how Xylem can help you, go to www.xylem.com

YSI Incorporated
1725 Brannum Lane
Yellow Springs, OH 45387 USA
Tel +1.937.767.7241
Fax +1.937.767.8058
YSI is a trademark of Xylem Inc. or one of its subsidiaries.
© 2020 Xylem, Inc. A527626L May 2020

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