Final Report
Final Report
Final Report
About us 6
Executive summary 7
Current situation 8
Market analysis
Market need 10
Tables of Content Market trend
Brand positioning
Market competitor 16
Market segmentation and target 18
Marketing strategy
Marketing mix 20
Marketing communication strategy 21
Action plan 26
About us Executive
Baemin - a Korean company spe-
cializing in Food delivery service is
looking for opportunities to expand the
market shares in Vietnam. The main
category of Baemin are already dom-
With the mission, BAEMIN
comes to Vietnam “Helping inated by current players in the Viet-
people eat delicious, nam market.
anytime, anywhere” with
Is a food delivery app. just a few simple steps per- As Tet is coming, Baemin will collab-
Baemin supports users to formed on BAEMIN appli- orate with Binz and Chau Bui to public
order food and drinks such cation: Choose food, choose a Music Video, which we believe that
as office rice, bread, snacks, the nearest store and order, it will be on Top Trending and launch
milk tea, etc. dishes Favorites are delivered a new edition Tet menu with attractive
quickly at an extremely rea- promotion. Therefore, Baemin can in-
sonable price, it has attracted creased the market shares through this
Baemin is currently the
many customers to download campaign.
leading food delivery appli-
cation in the Korean market, applications and experience
marketing situation
BAEMIN enter into Vietnam since 18 districts in the city, and provides
June 2019 with their Ho Chi Minh earning opportunities to thousands
City service has maintained an elec- of local riders and merchants in its
tric pace. partner networks. Recently, the app
Now, after one year, Baeminis the has extended its service to Hanoi.
Customers in the age of 18 - 22, who
mostly is university students. Therefore,
Market Trend
their needs are ordering food with cheap-
The food order and delivery service in The young generation enjoys the fast
er price with width variety products. In
Vietnam is increasing rapidly, the trend is pace of life and is willing to pay more
the results, they often compare the cost of
even more increased since these services for these online services. The busy of-
food, restaurants, and food delivery app.
go technique. This creates the new market ficers are also willing to use online app
for ordering and delivering food through instead of going to the restaurant. The
apps on smartphones. Vietnam has a high reasons for this are smartphone is getting
Customer in the age 23-29, who are
proportion of people who use the Internet more and more popular, and the young
adults, have job and stable income.
and the culture of eating outside has ap- prefer paying through the digital wallet
Because of their busy lifestyles, they
peared for a long time. According to the to cash. Therefore, according to Kantar
want to save time from cooking, they
market research company: Kantar World- Worldpanel, the market shares of the on-
prefer prepared meals immediate-
panel, the number of people who use line ordering and delivering food is get-
ly. In the result, they often go out to
apps for ordering food is getting more, ting expand in the near future. According
eat or order food to workplace/home
from 1-2 times/month to 1-2 times/week. to the report by GCOMM, the frequency
of using app for ordering food in Viet-
nam is high, which is a potential market
for BAEMIN in Vietnam. Although this
More than once a day 5%
takes account for a small rate, it starts
Everday 10%
to form a habit of using app for ordering
5-6 times a week 13%
and delivering food in young generation.
3-4 times a week 25%
Once a month 4%
34% 33%
25% 25% 23% 23% Now
Delivery app Dedicated app of the SNS Telephone
Trấn Thành, Châu Bùi - Cannot pin your location correctly, so have to
- Easily identified (unique dress code compared manually input your location
Direct competitors Indirect competitors
Now GrabFood
Online food ordering app in 16 GrabFood is a fast food delivery ser-
Provinces and Cities nationwide & vice that has just launched an experi-
Delivery even just 1 dish ence version by Grab. Customers can
choose the delivery location or choose
their favorite food
Market segment
Market segment
Geography: urban
areas in Ho Chi Minh
city, Ha Noi city
Market segment
Behavioral: Target Audience: 23-29 office
Reason to buy: busy, discount, travel workers who are busy with heavy
workload, young customer, no time
time saving
to cook but still want flavoured
Benefits sought: convenient, cheap
food, consider about price, catch
Usage rate: 1-2 times/week up with the trend and care about
Loyalty: low their appearance.
Occasion of using the product: lunch,
Genders: male and female
Brand Personality: Friendly,
Aged:18-22, 23-29 Youthful, Humor
Education: graduated
Lifestyle: healthy, fast-paced living,
Occupation: university student,
part-time worker, full time office
Personality: energetic, active
Attitude: realism
Income: low ( 1,000,000-
2,499,999) middle income:
(4,500,000 - 7,499,999 VNĐ)
Family size: single, in a relation-
ship, young marriage
Generation: Gen Y, Z
Marketing 1. Product:
Service: food delivery
Create new product: “ Tet đỡ
4. Promotion:
- Advertising:
OOH (surround office buildings, roundabout, bus banner, bill-
mean” edition Menu in Baemin
Digital (online banner, Facebook, Instagram post, Youtube ads)
15.000 VND for the first 3km, Direct marketing: alert new vouchers
Baemin combined with Karik in the “em be’’ MV to show the youthfulness
of the service as well as bringing Baemin’s image to a new trend that is more
So lately, office workers are tending to order food to take place through
food delivery apps on smartphones.
Why we choose them: this cam-
of the year and remind office workers to
Phase 1: Pre-launch take care about themselves. So, we want
to collaborate with influencers and KOLs
15/12/2020 - 3/1/2021 who have a busy lifestyle but are still
Objective: to become the “Top of mind” when people talk about the food de- common in the public with their healthy
livery app lifestyle
Giang oi:
Baemin created 2 short clips posted on Facebook Fanpage, Youtube, Google, Pop-
a famous vlogger who
up ads:
is well-known about her healthy lifestyle
A 5s clip which emphasize the feeling heavy workloads of office workers and at
the end of the clip raise the question “Đói quá đến khi nào mới được đi ăn - So hungry but how
and busy with her job. We choose Giang Hana Giang Anh: a famous in-
oi to emphasize that no matter how busy fluencer about such aspects: nutrition,
about deadlines”
you are, you’re still healthy and take care fitness. We choose Hana Giang Anh to
A 5s clip which is about an office worker runs deadlines aggressively. Time has
to your health. emphasize the image of healthy lifestyle.
been passing, but he has still not done and spent time taking care of himself. At the end
of the clip, he shouts: “Tết này mean quá” Minh Tú: an international model
Content: Create PR articles about the topic “So hungry but how about deadlines” by coop- and influencer, who is the image of
erating with influencers ( Giang oi, Minh Tú, Hana Giang Anh) , online newspaper beauty and fitness.
(kenh14, zing) With the ambition of becoming the
“Top of mind” brand when people discuss
food delivery app, Baemin believes that
Minh Tú can spread the message which
Baemin want to deliver to our customers
and successfully raise discussion about
the topic: “ Tết mean quá” and “Đói quá
đến khi nào mới được đi ăn - So hungry
but how about deadlines” and make the
campaign message more reliable.
Launch & Operate: have to run deadlines to reach their KPIs even though they have to work extra
hours, BinZ as an office worker has no exception. He has to work overtime and
Engagement has no time to enjoy a meal. Even though he works so hard, boss Chau Bui still
gives him more tasks. The plot twist is at the moment BinZ cannot suffer the heavy
workload with a growling stomach, he shouts: “TẾT ĐM” with the surprising of
people arounds, and the music begins. Through the MV, the image of Baemin will
appear and at the end of the clip, Chau Bui asked: “ So what is Tết ĐM ?” and
BinZ comes with a message: “Tết Đỡ Mean với Baemin”
Menu: “ Tết đỡ mean” edition Menu which specializes in Vietnamese healthy food in-
cludes: Lunch, Snack and Dinner
Time: At specific time (11h-13h), (14h - 15h) (18h-20h) of the day, customer will
open gift from Baemin ( gift: voucher code)
Special billboard: At Hang Xanh, Dien Bien Phu roundabout which can change content in special
time: 11h - 13h, 14h -15h, 18h - 20h
Phase 2 Sự kết hợp của Châu Bùi, Binz trong MV lần này hi vọng sẽ mang lại một hương vị mới lạ cho
cuộc sống của bạn trong những ngày cuối năm tất bật.
Youtube Hãy để Baemin được chăm sóc bạn với MV: “Tết đỡ mean” và menu đồ ăn healthy lần đầu tiên
được ra mắt mang tên “Tết đỡ mean”.
Thoải mái bận rộn cho một mùa tết đỡ “mean” vì đã có Baemin.
description Chúc các bạn có những ngày làm việc hiệu quả..
We hope the collaboration between Chau Bui and BinZ will bring the new taste to your busy
daily life at the end of the year.
Baemin will take care of you with MV: “Tết đỡ mean” and healthy food menu is first intro-
duced named “Tết đỡ mean”.
Thanks to Baemin, you just feel free to continue your work for the “less mean” Tet holiday.
Hope you have great and productive days..
Phase 2
Binz và Châu Bùi làm gì trong MV này?
Đón xem câu trả lời trong mv chính thức được phát hành vào: ../... nhé.