Experimental Study On Waste Glass As A Partial Replacing Material in Concrete For Fine Aggregate
Experimental Study On Waste Glass As A Partial Replacing Material in Concrete For Fine Aggregate
Experimental Study On Waste Glass As A Partial Replacing Material in Concrete For Fine Aggregate
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol. 2,
Issue 3, March 2016
Abstract- Concrete industry is one of the consumers of natural resources due to which
sustainability of concrete industry is under threat. In this paper, the issues of economic concern are
addressed by the use of waste glass as partial replacement of fine aggregates in concrete. Fine
aggregates were replaced by waste glass powder as 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% and by weight for M-20
mix. The concrete specimens were tested for compressive strength, splitting tensile strength at the 7 th
and 28th days of age and the results obtained were compared with those of normal concrete. The results
conclude the permissibility of using waste glass powder as partial replacement of fine aggregates up to
30% by weigh for particle size of range 0-1.18mm. In during phase-II, their flexural strength and
durability study is being carried out.
Keywords- Cement (OPC), Fine aggregate, Waste Glass Powder, Coarse aggregate.
I. INTRODUCTION It hardens and attains strength from chemical reaction
with the water known as hydration. The grade 53
In order to make concrete industry sustainable, the use ordinary Portland cement is used for this research
of waste materials in place of natural resources is one work. B. Fine Aggregate
of the best approaches. In India, 0.7% of total urban
Normal dry river sand is used as a fine aggregate, the
waste enervated comprises of glass. UK produces
sand passing through IS 4.75mm sieve with fineness
over three million tons of waste glass annually. Waste
modulus of 3.36 and specific gravity of 2.67 is used
glass is crushed into specified sizes for use as
as a fine aggregate.
aggregate in various applications such as water
filtration, grit plastering, sand cover for sport turf and C. Coarse Aggregate
sand replacement inconcrete. Concrete is most widely Gravel of 20mm size is used as a coarse aggregate
used man made construction material and its demand which have impact value of 36.6% and crushing value
is increasing day by day. The use of river sand as fine of 33.5%. D. Waste Glass
aggregate leads to exploitation of natural resources, Glass is widely used in our lives through
lowering of water table, sinking of bridge piers and manufactured products such as soda lime glass,
erosion of river bed. If fine aggregate is replaced by bottles and glassware. Glass is an ideal material for
waste glass by specific percentage and in specific size recycling. The use of recycled glass helps in energy
range, it will decrease fine aggregate content and saving. The increasing awareness of glass recycling
thereby reducing the ill effects of river dredging and speeds up inspections on the use of waste glass with
thus making concrete manufacturing industry different forms in various fields.
Preparation of Glass Powder
Glass powder is prepared by crushing the waste
II. MATERIAL USED glasses using Los Angeles abrasion testing machine
which is similar to ball mill.
A. Cement
Cement is a binding material that sets and hardens
independently, and can bind other materials together.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Sciencegravity 2.67
and Technology (IJARBEST) 2.65
Vol. 2,
Issue 3, March 2016 Fine modulus 3.36 3.65
Property Value
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol. 2,
Issue 3, March 2016
in (%) 10% 3 3
Waste Glass powder Compaction factor 20%
30% 33 33
0% 0.83
A. Compressive Strength Test Determination of
10% 0.85 compressive strength of the concrete is an important
parameter. For each, set nine standard cubes were
20% 0.88 casted to determine 7th and 28th days compressive
strength after curing and also nine number of control
30% 0.82 cubes are casted to know the original strength of the
concrete. The cube size is 150X150X150mm as per
Table V- Compaction factor test on fresh concrete the IS 10262 –1982 the 7th and 28th days
compressive strength value are given the Table VII.
In the project work, the mix proportion for Strength
Table VII - 7th & 28th days Compressive Strength
of concrete of M20 grade are carried out according to
IS:10262-1982. The detailed mix design is presented Value
in the appendix. The mix proportion obtained and the Waste
quantity of materials required for one cubic meter of glass Cube Compressive strength
concrete is presented in Table V. powder in (N/mm2)
Table V- Mix Proportion of Waste Glass Powder (%)
7 days 28days
Quantity of 0% 14.66 30.33
Materials / m Mix
Materials 3 10% 15.87 31.33
of Proportion
Concrete 20% 15.32 31.00
Cement 383.2 Kg/m3 1 30% 14.3 29.66
Fine Aggregate
654 Kg/m3 1.71 B. Split Tensile Strength Test
(waste glass)
20 mm It is very difficult to directly measure the tensile
Coarse 1162 Kg/m3 3.1 strength of concrete; therefore the splitting tensile
aggregate test, an indirect method, was adopted. To determine
the split tensile strength the cylinders were cast. The
Water 191.6 Litres -
size of the cylinder is 150mm of diameter and 300mm
W/C Ratio 0.5 0.5 of length. The cylinder are cured properly and tested
on 7th and 28th day. Control concrete cylinder
specimen is also cured and tested as per IS
V. TESTING OF SPECIMENS specification. Combinations of test results are
Totally 24 cubes and 24 cylinders were prepared for compared with control concrete specimens.
the 7th & 28th day testing with 0%, 10%, 20%&30%
constant replacement of fine aggregate by Waste
glass powder
Table VI – Specimens where,
Waste glass No.of Cubes No.of
powder Cylinders P is the maximum load on the cylinder (N)
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol. 2,
Issue 3, March 2016
Waste glass Tensile strength in (N/mm2) 14.66 15.87 15.32 14.3 7 days
powder in (%) 15
7 days 28 days 10 28 days
0% 1.85 2.30 5
10% 2.23 2.52 0% 10% 20% 30%
Waste glass in (%)
20% 2.54 3.21
Fig.2- Variation of Compressive Strength of cubes
30% 2.35 3.10
Fig.3 - Variation of Tensile Strength of Cylinders
VI. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS From the above findings, the following conclusions
The results and discussions about the various tests are may be made out of the study:
as follows, While using waste glass as fine aggregate
replacement, 7th days and 28th days
compressive strength is found to marginally
increase up to 10% replacement level.
While using waste glass as fine aggregate
replacement, 7th days and 28th days Tensile
strength is found to marginally increase up to
3.5 3.21 3.1 20% replacement level.
2.52 2.54 3.3% increment in the compressive strength
Tensile strength (N/mm2)
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol. 2,
Issue 3, March 2016
International Journal of Advanced Research in Biology Engineering Science and Technology (IJARBEST) Vol. 2,
Issue 3, March 2016