Revue D'intelligence Artificielle: Received: 1 October 2021 Accepted: 21 October 2021

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Revue d'Intelligence Artificielle

Vol. 35, No. 5, October, 2021, pp. 409-415

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Deep Neural Network Model for Identification of Predictive Variables and Evaluation of
Student’s Academic Performance
Kandula Neha1*, Jahangeer Sidiq1, Majid Zaman2
Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Lovely Professional University, Punjab 144402, India
Directorate of IT & SS, University of Kashmir, Srinagar 190006, India

Corresponding Author Email: [email protected] ABSTRACT

Received: 1 October 2021 An important concern for students at all levels, from universities to colleges to junior high
Accepted: 21 October 2021 and high school, is predicting academic achievement and individual performance. Class
tests, homework, lab exams, general tests, and final exams all have an impact on a student's
Keywords: academic success or failure. Students' progress can be assessed by looking at their grades
predictive variables, deep neural networks, in core subjects and electives. The majority of research, on the other hand, says that a
internal type variables, external type student's achievement is best measured by graduation. Researchers set out to develop
variables, performance evaluation mathematical models that may be utilized to forecast student academic performance
evaluations based on internal and external type predictive indicators. Multiple predictive
variables are taken into account for the assessment of student performance while modelling
an efficient template for student performance assessment. The proposed model uses Deep
Neural Network (DNN) in the process of considering the predictive variables and
evaluating student performance using the variables. The proposed model is compared with
the traditional models and the results represent that the proposed model accuracy levels are
high contrasted to existing models.

1. INTRODUCTION predict students' success in a single problem formulation [9].

Complex interactions can be analysed with the use of
Predicting student performance is a critical area of study for machine learning, which is used in applied science [10]. It is
educational institutions such as schools and universities, as it capable of self-learning without being explicitly programmed.
enables the development of effective procedures among other While the ANN model has a long history in computer science
things that increase academic achievement and avoid dropout and data science, it is growing more popular and is finding new
[1]. Automation plays a large role in many common student applications [11]. By using ANN, it is now possible to analyse
activities that deal with large amounts of data gathered from large amounts of data that are impossible to simplify using
software programmes for technology-enhanced teaching. As a normal statistical methods. If the dependent and independent
result, careful examination and processing of this data may variables have non-linear relationships, then indirect non-
provide important details regarding students' comprehension linear connections can be found. The ANN has grown in
and relationship to academic assignments [2]. popularity and has demonstrated great efficiency in pattern
Before and throughout the semesters, educational identification, categorization [12], forecasting, and prediction
administrators and policymakers [3] must design and validate in healthcare, climate and weather, financial markets, and
a prediction model for measuring students' academic other fields [13].
performance in order to put in place pedagogical and However, educational research has only used a small
instructional strategies. A deep neural network model is used amount of ANN. As modular networks become more
in this study to build and analyse the complicated nonlinear complicated, it becomes more difficult to provide a reasonable
interaction between cognitive and psychological aspects explanation for them, as well as the models' tendency to fail
affecting the academic performance of graduate students [4]. and the length of time it takes to train them. An area of
In evaluating college students, academic achievement is the expertise for both commonly used statistics and ANN
most important criterion. It is the key criterion by which evaluation is compromised in this study in order to overcome
universities evaluate and choose students and monitor the restrictions by deploying deep neural networks [14]. The
quality of teaching [5]. Most institutions are having a hard time analyses of the education data will be done using traditional
attracting new students due to more competitive educational statistical methods, variables and statistical data will be used
practises [6]. Students' academic performance must be for ANN training, validation and testing in order to develop an
evaluated in order to encourage growth [7] and improve higher ANN model with appropriate configuration settings which can
education quality. Numerous factors, including the student's predict and classify the performance of the students accurately
socioeconomic background [8] and previous academic [15].
accomplishment, may have an impact on their academic The student information acquired from the numerous
performance, complicating the picture. There has been sources is used for simple query selection, but due to the
surprisingly little study into using statistics to analyse and intricate and noisy structure of datasets, a considerable

quantity of data is not yet employed [16]. Researchers at (private/public) are all in question as academic predictors.
Educational Development Plan (EDP) have concentrated The majority of mainstream research relies heavily on
substantially on student educational data to reveal relevant academic success to predict outcomes Unlike university
information such as predictions of student performance [17]. students, potential employees only have their academic
In order to reliably estimate student performance using past records to go on. To keep things from going in the other
data, this requires the development and deployment of direction, it's important to look at how demographic factors
advanced computational intelligence techniques in the field of affect academic performance [26]. The study's goal is to apply
Education Data Mining (EDM). Several studies analysed the machine learning to predict student performance [27].
improvement of the formative assessment of historical data Complex data relations are analysed via machine learning.
using EDM approaches [18]. Even if machine learning isn't pre-programmed, it can
ML classifiers have been used to predict whether students nevertheless learn on its own. An increasing number of
will pass or fail binary exams [19]. However, predicting businesses are turning to artificial neural networks (ANNs) for
whether a student will pass or fail does not provide us a clearer help with data processing [28]. As a result, it is capable of
picture of their academic performance. Another key technical analysing large datasets and identifying relationships between
flaw is their failure to evaluate both internal and external variables. In order to develop a neural network that can
factors when evaluating the total influence of predictor factors accurately predict student performance, this study [29] is being
on student data [20]. As a result, conventional classifiers aren't conducted. To improve the accuracy of the predictive device,
very good at predicting kids' academic success based on the system was trained and evaluated using data from
historical data [21]. Several applications, such as rumor- previously graduated students.
spotting, extremist membership detection [22] and others, Deep learning is a subset of artificial intelligence's larger
benefit from an updated function selection technique enabled field of study. By experimenting with multiple models, deep
by a deeper neural network model [23]. learning attempts to understand the complexities of various
In recent research, it has been found that the quality of types of acquired data and to choose the most appropriate
undergraduate students is low because of flaws in the present model for that data. This is done to make things easy for the
admissions method and an expanding imbalance between the general public to understand and make use of. Computing
number of individuals applying for admission and the overall algorithms are employed to solve problems, but deep learning
acceptance available [24]. Many obstacles have been placed in is a distinct branch of computer science. It is possible for the
the path of educational policymakers and administrators. At system or computer to analyse incoming data, build training
order to improve education and learning in universities and sets, and produce output within a specified range using
colleges, it is required to evaluate and implement pedagogical statistical estimation throughout the deep learning process.
and educational methods. A technique for early evaluation and Performance evaluation is a critical component of a
analysis of student academic success is required to achieve the student's professional and personal growth. Students' strengths
aforementioned goal, and children in each group must be and talents are highlighted in performance evaluations. They
better served as a result. Therefore, before students reach can use this to enhance their strengths and identify
university level, a probabilistic model for estimating their opportunities for improvement. Teachers can use performance
early academic achievement must be developed and performed. evaluation to assist students reach their goals, and vice versa.
The predictability of student intellectual advancement has Teachers that have the ability to analyse their students'
been explained in different ways. The following are: performance can focus their efforts on the areas that need it,
provide guidance and advise to their pupils, and recognise and
➢ Academic performance forecast data may be used for reward their efforts.
segmental students, supported, adjusted and provided
appropriate learning resources.
➢ The results of the forecast may be used for forming 2. LITERATURE SURVEY
student clusters. The lecturer or instructor can utilize this
clustering method to locate educational content suitable for For a number of reasons, the prediction of educational
every group of students. outcomes has long been considered a crucial area for research
➢ The predictive academic performance of students in many academic disciplines. First, predictive models can
helps higher learning institutions handle academic challenges assist the instructor in predicting academic performance of
and improve the efficiency, competence and reliability of the students and subsequently with preventive action. A verified
teaching method. predictive model allows a teacher to identify risky students
➢ The modelling of learners is a beneficial tool for academically. For example, if a model predicts that a student
teachers and students alike. This can assist detect and enhance will get a final exam score below 50, he or she is at risk from
the deficiencies of youngsters. It helps to differentiate between academia. The student could first be interviewed and then
fast and slow learners. his/her class performance is observed. This helps the instructor
➢ Results of the academic performance projection can to understand the learning talents and issues of the student.
be used to determine policies that prevent further loss of Based on the opinion of the instructor, more educational
resources for non-productive students, who are not willing to interventions on the student can be implemented.
do well in college at an early stage of academic research. Vairachilai and Vamshidharreddy [1] gave a comparison of
a number of classification algorithms, including the decision
The intellectual ability of children is influenced by a variety tree, the Support Vector Machine (SVM), and Nave Bayes.
of factors, particularly throughout the high school years. The Researchers Li et al. [3] exploited the Internet to predict
model, which estimates student academic performance, relies student performance. This year, project courses and network
heavily on prior knowledge and previous student achievement logs used online learning records. Predicting student success
[25]. Gender, parent employment/literacy, and school type in a class has been done using a Deep Network. They have

achieved 72% percent accuracy rate. Researchers Wei et al. [4] 3. PROPOSED MODEL
proposed interactive online pools to improve student
performance prediction, as well as taking into account the An advanced and difficult method for modelling nonlinear
interaction between student qualities. First drag and drop and functions, which is how most real world systems are
first attempt were introduced as new features. To do this they characterised, is ANN. An ANN's input, hidden and output
used a multi-layer perceptron to predict the performance of layers consist of three layers of neuron layouts. This layer is
students who were attending classes. used to collect feature sets and activation variables, which are
Using the ensemble model to improve student graduation then used to create numerical information [30]. The input data
prediction was the focus of a study by Lagman et al. [6]. is sent to the hidden layer by the linked neurons. There, input
Identifying students who are highly unlikely to have a degree neurons are weighted and added together, and the output layer
is the goal. These children can be identified in places that are uses an activation function to get the final result. During the
lacking in resources, allowing them to receive the care they learning process, the weights of both neurons and connections
need. In the best case scenario, a precision of 77 percent might can be adjusted. If the activation function level is exceeded,
be obtained on average. Using Moodle data for higher the summed neurons will experience a mathematical change at
education, Quinn et al. [7] evaluated the academic the output layer.
performance prediction of students. According to their "Epoch" is the name given in ANN to the number of times
research, students' academic progress might be predicted the connection weights are updated by the training functions
based on data from the Moodle Learning Management System during the process of feeding input data or variables and
(LMS). completing with output data. Weights are combined with fake
Using huge data in teaching was the subject of a research neuron inputs in this layer. The resulting weights are then
suggested by Sin et al. [8]. A wide range of learning analysis delivered to the output layer through an activation function.
methods rely on big data, including prediction and Linguistic functions such as the sigmoid and hyperbolic
visualisation, risk detection and evaluation of student ability tangent functions are some of the more common ones. As part
levels and training recommendations systems. Other methods of training, a maximum epoch value or number of validation
include grouping students and fostering collaboration between tests are performed.
many other students. Predictive analytic features are Students' academic success is affected by a variety of
emphasised in this study as well as the performance, behaviour circumstances, according to study such as demographics and
and skill prediction of students. Using academic data Polyzou extra-curricular activities, as well as environmental and
et al. [10] research aims to create collaborative filters for biological factors.
predicting students' achievement. The results of the One of the most significant and hardest responsibilities for
experiments reveal that the technique is more effective than educational institutions is predicting student performance.
the standard support vector machine classifier. This is especially true for e-learning environments at the
A technique based on low-speed matrix factorization and university level. As long as the demographics of the students
distributed linear models was proposed by Thai-nghe et al. [11] and their performance on particular activities are assessed,
for evaluating a student's performance based on their previous solid training may be provided with the data for a machine-
academic grade data. For around 10 years, the University of supervised learning method. More accurate models can be
Minnesota's academic student cases have been included in the created by integrating other data, such as total grade point,
dataset. The proposed method improves grade prediction grades in other courses, and scores on a variety of different
accuracy. Using a recommendation algorithm to extract assessments. A closer look at the prediction results may reveal
educational data is a new method. The technique was created a relationship between different features, therefore it's best to
primarily to predict student success in a matrix factorization look at a few extras in this regard.
learning environment. In order to validate the recommendation Based on their first semester courses, the students'
system, it must be compared to other cutting-edge regression performance is initially predicted. Finding patterns between
models, including linear and logistic regression. Adding a student grades from past classes may help us forecast a
recommendation engine to the proposed system is another way student's performance. Students, assignments, and grades were
to enhance the system. represented by large sparse matrices in small universities or
A machine-based learning strategy combining two cutting- classes with few students. According to the outcomes of this
edge classifications, namely the decision tree and Nave Bayes, investigation, the accuracy of predictions was lower than
was suggested when constructing a categorization system for predicted. There was a need for more information from the
students proposed by Hussain et al. [13]. The data came from students or assignments. Planning educational interventions
a variety of colleges. When it came to predicting grades, aimed at improving student learning outcomes and preserving
"father occupation" was noted among other factors. government resources, as well as educators' time and effort,
Researchers found that decision tab classification was more requires a high level of precision. When combined with
accurate than Nave Bayes classification. There are many tools classification algorithms, the use of pre-processing techniques
and technologies that can be employed in education to improve improves predictive power.
learning and teaching. According to Sekeroglu et al. [18], there A student's behaviour and other pertinent factors can be
is a link between big data and education. On the basis of Spark used to predict their final performance related to learning
and Hadoop, a sophisticated recommendation system is results. According to a weekly ranking system, students'
constructed in order to find links between undergraduate chances of being classified as high, medium, or low
academic activities. Techniques for unattended machine performers were determined. As an alternative to using course-
training, such as association rule mining are considered and dependent formulas to evaluate performance, historical data
analysed. appears to be more useful. Deep Learning discipline has
successfully used clustering techniques with good outcomes.
According to their performance, recursive clustering, for

example, assigns students to certain courses based on their outputs that represent the change in the values of input
performance. Each of these groups receives a specific set of variables is calculated as:
programmes and remarks based on their membership. This
approach is used to transition students from lower-level groups
to higher-level groups. Although this is the case, each student

Output = IVL Ni V  min( L) N 
has their own distinct qualities that must be considered. A
student's specialisation might be established based on a The change in the variables values are identified and then
specific evaluation of their performance. Based on a system of the hidden layers are now considered for analysis of the
personalised prediction, particular criteria including performance in a single semester. The objective function can
fundamental courses, prerequisites, and course levels were be given for analysing the minimum range of the performance
analysed for computer speciality courses. level of a student that is calculated as:
Artificial neural networks were used to forecast student
achievement. As an illustration, consider a synthetic neural OF ( F ( x, y)) =  max( Output(V ) + max( IVL ) − IR(i, j )2 + 
network, which contains many neurons as well as hidden and L
output layers. It is possible to anticipate how well a model will
perform if you utilise weights. Because of the interdependence The input, hidden, and output layers are all added together
between the weights and the network structure, this is a time- to form auto regression R. The transfer function's output is
consuming procedure. The network includes two phases: used as an input by the neuron in the layer above. The
learning and prediction. Learning is an ongoing process. The representation is produced in each neuron as:
weights are re-adjusted to a desired result during the learning
process. After that, if the criterion isn't met, the process is R Ni =
cycled through again. Termination criteria include acceptable anhmax( AM ) + min( AT ) + max( IM ) + max( PM ) + min( LM ) +
mean squares or the number of evolutions required to obtain a  max( TPM ) 
 
certain goal value, depending on the application. After training,  1  + min( BL) + min( TSL)
an ANN is put to the test and validated. Unknown samples are  1 
 
utilised for testing and validation as part of the ANN's training. max( GDM )
Several variables in semester-wise are used to analyse
student data in the research proposal, with assignments, Average Prediction Accuracy (APA) indicates, on average,
attendance, internals (lab performance), seminars (technical how well the model predicts the final exam scores of students
presentations), and group discussions), and external factors in the dynamics course. The average prediction accuracy for
(behaviour) such as talkative skills and talkative abilities all the final exam scores was calculated as:
being taken into account.
1 N Ri − Ai − Lij
VS[]  {AM, AT, IM,PM,LM,SM,TPM,GDM, BL,TSL} APA = 1 − . 100 % + 
V i =1 OFij
where, AM is the Assignment marks, AT is the Attendance
Level, IM is the Internal marks, PM is the project marks, LM where, N is the total number of students considered for
is the lab marks, SM is the Seminar marks, TPM is technical assessment, Ri is the predicted final exam score of the ith
presentation marks, GDM is the group discussion marks, BM student in the class (i = 1, n) and Ai is the actual final exam
is the behaviour level and TSL is the talkative skills level. The
score of the ith student. The higher the average prediction
external and internal variables are combined in the process of
accuracy, the better the model.
semester wise student assessment.
The student performance is calculated using the SoftMax
The input variables are collected during pre-admission for a
function as:
new student and previous semester results for existing student
using feature sets and feeds it to the hidden layer. A vector
max( APA) Ni + max( R)
output values are produced using the weighted sum of its input  (x i ) =
variable elements Level L and Improvement Range IR. 12
k =1 Vi

 Ni 
Vi =    IRij Li  + max( Variables) The mean square error of the proposed model is performed
 i =1  as:

Here θ is considered as the activation function in the process

( )2 + 
1 N j Ni
of performance assessment, Ni is the total number of student MSE =    ij − APAij
Vi L j j =1 i =1
variables to the jth neuron and IRi is the output value from the
previous layer of ith neuron. The activation function (θ) of
hyperbolic tangent is used to transfer the value of weighted
sum of inputs variables to the output layer based on the 4. RESULTS
variable values in every semester. The resultant activated layer
assessment for the next input variable level IVL is performed In this research work dataset is considered from the link
analysis/data. This dataset has several factors like assignment,
( )
IVLj =  V j +  attendance, internals, project, laboratory performance,
seminar, technical presentations and group discussions and
where, δ is the threshold limit of the variables considered. The external factors like behaviour and talkative skills which have

an impact on the overall success of the student. Furthermore, pursue their pedagogical approach better, but still deal with the
a standard programming tool python is used for generating a issue of dropouts, poor students and jobless students. The pre
prototype based on the data set that has been chosen. This data admission assessment is very much helpful in assessing the
collection is further broken down into two components Test students and the accuracy levels of the proposed and
Data-Set and Training Data-Set. In order to accurately predict traditional models are shown in Figure 2.
student performance, the suggested model takes both internal Model Evaluation in semester wise is a vital aspect of the
and external factors into account. Student Performance process of model creation. This helps to determine the optimal
Analysis System (SPAS) Model is compared to the proposed model for our data and how well the model chosen will
Deep Neural Network for Evaluating Student Performance function in the future. In the data science it is not acceptable
Assessments. Variables such as Pre Admission Assessment to evaluate predictive accuracy with the training data because
Accuracy Levels, Semester-Wise Improvement in Student it can easily develop overoptimistic and over fitted models.
Performance, Student Grade Improvement Level and Student The semester wise improvement in students is considered that
Performance Assessment Levels are compared between the shows the improvement of the proposed model. The semester
new model and the old one to see which one performs better wise improvement levels of the proposed and traditional
overall. Figure 1 depicts the characteristics that were taken models are represented in Figure 3.
into account in both the new and old models, depending on Due to the sheer amount of input in academic databases, it
which one you prefer. For correct assessment of pupils' has become harder to forecast students' success. There is also
performance, the variables are responsible. now no consideration of the lack of a set framework to
Performance-based evaluations have in common the ability evaluate and measure student achievement. The students have
to precisely measure one or more course criteria, which is their to improve the grade in their academics for improving the
defining feature. As well as being open and time-bound, performance. The student grade improvement levels of the
they're also honest, process/product-oriented, and complex. proposed and existing models are represented in Figure 4.
Class tests, homework, lab exams, general tests, and final
exams all have an impact on a student's academic success or

Figure 3. Semester wise improvement in student


Figure 1. Variables considered

Figure 4. Student grade improvement level

Figure 2. Pre admission assessment accuracy levels

Performance analysis of learning-based results is a system

that seeks excellence at many levels and dimensions in the
benefit of students. This technology has been built to examine
and solely predict the performance of the student before pre
admission by considering the previous academic track. The
framework presented evaluates the demographic, study-
related and psychological features of students to obtain all
possible information from students, instructors and parents.
The number of higher education universities/institutions has
increased during the last decade. They generate a huge number
of graduates every year. Universities and institutions can Figure 5. Student performance assessment levels

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