Assessment of Energy Consumption in Existing Buildings

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The document discusses assessing energy consumption in existing buildings and using the TM54 process to develop energy management procedures. A case study was conducted on a university workshop building.

The Performance Gap refers to the discrepancy between predicted and actual building energy use. TM54 is a process developed by CIBSE to improve energy estimates at the design stage and can also be used to develop energy management procedures for existing buildings.

Design energy use was compared to actual usage and benchmarks. Annual energy consumption data from Display Energy Certificates and bills was analyzed over several years.

Accepted Manuscript

Title: Assessment of Energy Consumption in Existing


Authors: Laurence Brady, Mawada Abdellatif

PII: S0378-7788(17)30754-5
Reference: ENB 7632

To appear in: ENB

Received date: 2-3-2017

Revised date: 15-5-2017
Accepted date: 20-5-2017

Please cite this article as: Laurence Brady, Mawada Abdellatif,

Assessment of Energy Consumption in Existing Buildings, Energy and

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Assessment of Energy Consumption in Existing Buildings

Laurence Brady and 2Mawada Abdellatif

1Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Department of the Built Environment, Liverpool John

Moores University, Peter Jost Enterprise Centre, Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 3AF, UK

of Engineering and Technology, Low Carbon Eco-Innovatory Project, Liverpool John
Moores University, Peter Jost Enterprise Centre, Byrom Street, Liverpool, L3 3AF, UK

Corresponding author: Mawada Abdellatif, [email protected]

There has been general recognition within the construction industry that there is a discrepancy
between the amount of energy that buildings actually use and what designers considered that they
should use. This phenomenon is termed “The Performance Gap” and is normally associated with
new buildings. However, existing and older buildings contribute a greater amount of operational
carbon. In response to the Performance Gap, CIBSE have developed the TM54 process which is
aimed at improving energy estimates at design stage. This paper considers how the TM54 process
can also be used to develop energy management procedures for existing buildings. The paper
describes an exercise carried out for a university workshop building in which design energy use
has been compared with the actual building energy use and standard benchmarks. Moreover, a
sensitivity assessment has been carried out using different scenarios based on operation hours of
building/ equipment, boiler efficiency and impact of climate change. The analysis of these results
showed high uncertainty in estimates of energy consumption. If carbon challenges are to be met
then improved energy management techniques will require a more systematic approach so that
facilities managers can identify energy streams and pinpoint problems, particularly where they
have assumed responsibility for existing buildings which often have a legacy of poorly metered fuel

Keyword: Benchmarks, DSM, Energy consumption, TM54, uncertainties

1. Introduction

The energy used in buildings in the UK is significant. Non-domestic buildings account for
approximately 35% of UK greenhouse emissions (Gummer et al., 2013). The scale of these
emissions represents a considerable amount of energy use which has consequent associated
national costs. It is therefore a matter of concern that, in many cases construction

professionals do not presently have the data or tools to accurately predict at design stage,
how much energy a building will use. The gap between predicted and actual building energy
use has come to be known as “the performance gap”. The factors which contribute to this gap
range from briefing and design issues through to problems relating to installation,
commissioning and data feedback.

The skills, knowledge and improved management systems needed to eliminate the
performance gap can enable construction professionals to hand over buildings which will, not
only perform as they were designed, but they can also set the conditions for the building users
to operate and maintain building so that they can be managed to provide optimum
performance. The “Soft-Landings” initiative (Bunn and Way, 2014) encourages construction
teams to provide an after-care service which can deal with some of the post-occupancy
problems which may not have been apparent at building handover stage. However, eventually
the operation and management of the occupied building will become the responsibility of
facilities managers.

The life cycle energy used by a building during its operational phase is between 80% and 90%
of its total life cycle energy (Churcher, 2013). Therefore management of energy use during
this period can have a critical influence on building carbon emissions. The process of
managing energy in buildings can vary in complexity from simply ensuring that utility bills are
accurate to operating a system which monitors and controls the various energy using services.
CIBSE (Warburton et al., 2009) recommend that monitoring and targeting of energy use can
control energy use by “monitoring consumption and comparing it against historical data and
benchmarks”. CIBSE publish benchmarks for a range of building types and are easily
accessible, whereas valid historical data requires to have been compiled and catalogued.

In response to the problem of the performance gap, CIBSE have developed TM54 (Cheshire
et al., 2013a) which is a technical manual which provides guidance for the estimation of
building operational use at design stage. The TM54 method recognises the value of dynamic
software, which can simulate heating and cooling loads. It also proposes the use of more long
hand type methods for the assessment of those loads which can be heavily influenced by
occupant behaviour. It is recommended that energy assessors determine how and when
buildings will be operated. This may be achieved by a combination of access to logged data
and from interviews with building users.

Two approaches to the application of the TM54 process can be seen in how it has been used
for forecasting energy use for a new air ambulance operational base (Rankin, 2015) and how
British Land (Webster, 2015) have made use of the process for evaluating operational energy

use in completed buildings. In the case of East Anglian Air Ambulance, it was considered that
the improved confidence in energy modelling enabled the client to make informed decisions
as the design progressed and avoided the “natural” tendency for designers to be over-
optimistic. Nevertheless, it was still necessary to explore different scenarios with a range of
forecasts which will need to be compared to actual performance data when it becomes
available. For the British Land project, the energy performance of a recently completed
building in the City of London was examined. In this case the TM54 process was applied using
actual occupancy data. It was found that TM 54 provided “robust performance benchmarks
and targets, as well as feedback to design teams on the impact of their design”. But, this
examination also recognised that, in order for modelling to be meaningful, it needed to be
“revisited through the design process and into the operational phase of the building”.

The importance and relevance of energy use within university buildings has been recognised
by initiatives such as Carbon Buzz, Display Energy Certification and other statutory
requirements. With regard to educational buildings, not only does this raised awareness
enhance the motivation of researchers, but it also has practical implications for estate and
business managers. The aims of reducing emissions and associated fuel costs require an
appreciation educational building energy use in order that solutions can be developed. Fahi
and Srinivasan (2015) have explored how modelling/simulation and statistics could be applied
to identify the characteristics of particular buildings in order to evaluate building performance
and the effectiveness of energy saving measures. Although this report concluded that energy
and financial savings were feasible, it differs from the TM54 process in that more of the
analysis was based on dynamic modelling. Another approach in analysing building energy
was the basis of an examination by Soares et al (2015) whereby an audit of electricity, gas
and water usage at was combined with a web-based survey aimed at “engaging the entire
academic community “in order top also investigate behaviour patterns. Behaviour effects on
energy use are also part of the TM54 process, though the methods for its assessment suggest
that audited data is combined with face-to- face stakeholder interviews. Also Laurence, (2015);
Robinson et al., (2015); Blight and Coley, (2013); Menezes et al., (2012); Bordass et al.,
(2001) were used CIBSETM54 for assessing energy prediction and the performance gap, in
order to raise important questions about decisions made at the design stages that impact on
energy performance over a building’s lifespan.

Although the TM54 document has been prepared for use by designers, this paper considers
how the methods set out in TM54 can assist in the energy management of operational
buildings for situations where no valid historical information is available, or where data exists
but is simply annual gas and electricity totals. The reasoning behind this approach is that the

TM54 method identifies energy use and allocates it against the various energy streams for
buildings. The paper also considered different scenarios to address the uncertainties as a
result of building operation and global warming and system efficiently. This paper showed that
whilst energy estimates were judged to be improved, it was still considered necessary for
engineers to apply judgement and to use these forecasts as a reliable basis on which to
improve designs. Where it can be said that the TM54 process clearly adds value to the current
case study in identifying energy streams and thereby contributing to an enhanced system of
energy accounting.

2. Case Study

An energy survey using the TM54 process was carried out for a university block which
comprises engineering workshops and office/study areas. The single storey portal frame
structure is located within a campus area and comprises 4 workshops with an adjacent two
storey office/study area. The workshops houses specialist equipment for particular student
investigations. There are also, within this facility, typical engineering workshop machine tools
including lathes, milling machines, power saws and pillar drills. The office/study area locates
most of the office equipment –PC’s, printers, photocopiers, though PC’s are also available in
the workshop areas. There are no canteen facilities, although a small kitchen space within the
office area includes a sink, toaster, microwave and kettle. The building is illuminated by
fluorescent lighting and internal environmental conditions are maintained by unit heaters in
the workshops with some radiators in office areas. The electrical installation includes small
power for socket outlet circuits and some laboratory equipment. There is also three phase
power available for larger machine tools and test equipment. The office area is air-conditioned
by split system units which also have a heat pump capacity.

3. Methodology

Investigating the energy use for this workshop involved four processes:
 Survey, This involved compiling a schedule of electrical and mechanical equipment,
and (importantly) obtaining on times of occupation and equipment usage (survey
information in appendix A, B)
 TM54 assessment
 Dynamic simulation modelling of building heating and cooling characteristics
Long hand calculations for all equipment including operational schedules. This is
where site survey information on usage times is critical
 Comparison with historic energy bills

 Comparison with bench mark data (actually part of TM54 assessment)
 Sensitivity analysis to address the uncertainty with the energy consumption

3.1 Survey
A visual survey was carried out to observe building layout, condition of the building structure,
servicing strategy and size and location of power-using equipment (Appendix A, B). It was
also necessary to establish the floor areas. For an energy survey it is important that the
building floor areas used in the calculations reflect the areas of the building for which energy
is expended by the building services plant.

Additionally, within the survey informal interviews were held with building users in order to
assess hours of building occupancy and frequency of equipment use. This information is
required for the estimation of electrical energy use by equipment which operates according to
user demand rather responding to weather or time schedules. This data is also an important
input into the DSM for which it can help to make load and scheduling templates as realistic as
possible, as well as enabling the software to factor equipment heat gains into environmental
analysis of internal conditions. Unlike the complicated, dynamic nature of heat transfer
between fabric and space, energy use associated with occupant behaviour would be a
relatively straightforward calculation, if user behavioural characteristics were less difficult to
quantify. With regard to small power, Menezes et al (2014) have developed models which
can be used to estimate small power usage. The techniques developed by Menezes recognise
the limitations of simple benchmarks and incorporate behavioural aspects and the variable
power inputs of different types of office equipment. The TM54 process incorporates this
approach. However, the levels of occupancy and hours of equipment operation can have a
significant effect and, if this data has not been automatically logged, then the knowledge and
experience of building users must be explored. Energy used to charge mobile devices is
another unmonitored area, which perhaps warrants some further research. In this context,
however occupant interviews inferred that its effect on overall energy use for these facilities
would be negligible.

Laboratory equipment energy use estimates are also dependent user behaviour. In this
particular situation, some of the equipment is old and much of the equipment is more of a
“one-of” nature than a mass produced product so no bench marks exist. This is further
complicated because, in the recent past academic operational factors took priority over any
need to monitor or measure energy use. An estimation of energy use for this equipment has
required an investigation into individual item power specifications combined with operational
hours of use information. Power requirements are accessible from machine nameplates etc.
but time periods are dependent on the judgement and memory of laboratory staff.

The energy workshops are considered to be public buildings and, as such require a Display
Energy Certificate (DEC), which for this size of building must be renewed annually. DEC’s are
based on annual energy use and therefore provide a historical record of energy use. Though
this is very useful, the DEC’s only record annual electrical and fossil fuel totals. These are not
broken into sub-headings so although they can indicate general overall trends they are less
helpful in pin-pointing specific energy using areas.

3.2TM54 assessment
The TM54 process involves the application of dynamic simulation software (DSM) combined
with longhand/spreadsheet assessments of the loads which are more affected by occupant
behaviour. The logic behind this approach is that the mathematical power behind a DSM is
appropriate for the dynamic and constantly changing building heating and cooling loads,
whereas other loads are more accurately assessed by examination of how they are used. In
this case, for example the laboratory machine tools do not use power in response to weather
or temperature but their operational energy tends be more associated with usage.
Figure 1 summarises the methodology for evaluating energy use, including a summary of the
activities required at each step.

Calculation outside the DSM:

Step 1: Establishing Floor Areas:
Treated floor area is used as the basis for the energy calculations in this methodology. The
logic of this approach is that it includes only the areas of the building that are serviced by plant
and equipment. Treated floor area for the case study has been taken as 95% of total gross
area as recommended by CIBSE Guide F (2012) that gives a total Treated floor are of

Step 2: Estimating Operating Hours and Occupancy Factors

All the information regarding hours of plant & equipment operation has been directly collected
from the Facilities Management Team, through structured interviews. The building opens 12
hours a day between 7am-7pm with different occupancy levels and plant operation periods
(see Appendix A).
Step 3: Evaluating Interior lighting energy. The following equation applies to the calculation of
annual load.

Annual energy use (KW.h/year) = energy use for illumination (w1)+ parasitic energy (wp) (1)

𝑤1=∑{(𝑃𝑛 𝑋𝐹𝑐)𝑋(𝑡𝑑𝑋𝐹0𝑋𝐹𝑑)+(𝑡𝑛𝑋𝐹𝑂 )}⁄1000 (2)

𝑊𝑝 = ∑(𝑊𝑃𝐶 + 𝑊𝑒𝑚 ) (3)

Pn = Total Installed Power in the Room (W)
Fc = Constant Illuminance Factor (taken 1 as no constant Illuminance control)
Fo = Occupancy Dependency Factor (taken 0.9 automatic control>60% of connected load)
Fd = Daylight Dependency Factor (taken as 0.9 photocell dimming with daylight sensing)
td = Daylight time usage hours (h) (8 hrs @ 5 days a week over 48 weeks)
Wpc = Parasitic Control Annual Energy Consumption (5KW.h/m2)
Wem = Parasitic Emergency Annual Energy Consumption (1kW.h/m2)

Step 4: Evaluating energy use for Lift

There is only one lift in the building. This has been installed for disabled persons’ access. It is not used
frequently. Annual energy use is obtained from the method quoted in CIBSE Guide D which originated
from BS ISO/DIS 25745-1 (BSI, 2012).
𝐸𝐿 = (𝑆𝑃𝑡ℎ ⁄4)+𝐸𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑑𝑏𝑦 (4)
EL is the energy used by a single lift in one year (KW.h)
S is the number of starts made per year
P is the rating of the drive motor (kW)
th is the time to travel between the main entrance floor and the highest served floor from the instant
the door has closed until the instant it starts to open (hrs)
Estandby is the standby energy used by a single lift in one year (KW.h)

Step 5: Evaluating energy use for small power. This includes office equipment and other small
power requirements for catering (microwave, toaster, kettle, coffee/vend, hand-drier and

Modern small power equipment operates at working power and “sleep” condition. Annual
energy use is determined from an assessment of power conditions and operating time.
𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝐾𝑊. ℎ) =
𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑑𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑋 𝑎𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙
𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠 𝑋 ( )+
ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
(𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑋 (8760 − ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛)) (5)

Details of power consumption and hours of operation for the equipment are presented in

Step 6: This building does not have catering facilities other than items listed under small power
in step 5.

Step 7: Energy used by server rooms is determined from the product of power and operational
𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝐾𝑊. ℎ)
= 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑜𝑜𝑚𝑠 𝑋 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑋 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑜 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑑
𝑋 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (6)

Step 8: Other equipment for this installation includes the machinery and equipment used in
the workshops and laboratories. For this building some of the equipment is unique and may
be considered to be non-typical for educational applications. The product of power and
operational hours is used but specific operating periods are related to research and
experimental use which has been difficult to quantify (equipment details: appendix A)

Step 9: Annual energy use to provide domestic hot water is found from the product of annual
mass flow of water use and energy required to raise its temperature from 50C (cold feed water)
to 650C (storage temperature). Annual domestic hot water usage has been obtained from
CIBSE Guide G.

𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 (𝐾𝑔) =

𝑙 𝐾𝑔
𝑑𝑎𝑖𝑙𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛 ( ) 𝑋 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 ( ) 𝑋 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑝𝑝𝑖𝑒𝑑 𝑑𝑎𝑦𝑠 (7)
𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑜𝑛 𝑙

𝐴𝑛𝑛𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑒𝑛𝑒𝑟𝑔𝑦 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 (𝐾𝑊. ℎ⁄𝑦𝑒𝑎𝑟 ) =

𝑚𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 (𝐾𝑔)𝑋𝑡𝑒𝑚𝑝𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑑𝑖𝑓𝑓𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 (𝐾)𝑋 𝑠𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐 ℎ𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑐𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 ( . 𝐾)⁄3600 (8)

3.3 Dynamic simulation modelling (DSM)

DSM has been used to estimate the energy use for space heating, cooling fans and pumps
using National Calculation Methodology templates replaced with bespoke profiles for
individual plant, equipment, operating hours, lighting, small power etc.

The DSM that has been carried in this study using Integrated Environmental Solutions, Virtual
Environment (IES-VE) software. IES-VE has been used by many studies in building
information modelling and energy analysis eg. Stundon et al., (2015); Workie, (2015). Azhar
et al. (2009) conducted an evaluation study in which they compared the capabilities,
advantages, and disadvantages of three Building Energy Management (BEM) tools (Ecotect,
Green Building Studio, and IES VE). They concluded that IES VE was the strongest of the
three BEM tools based on its range of analysis options. Stadel et al. (2011) showed how
certain BIM platforms (e.g., Revit) can be used in connection with IES VE for performing
lifecycle analysis in order to estimate the environmental impact (in terms of lifecycle energy

consumption and greenhouse gas emissions) of building materials from the cradle to grave

The main data required for thermal model are geometry of the building (Figure 2), construction
dimensions, thermal, and solar shading information. The latter includes location and weather
data of the studied site. Once a geometrical model had been created in the IES VE, the next
step is to apply properties to the model that specify the materials that are used in the
construction, the sources of internal heat gains, and the methods by which rooms are heated,
cooled, and ventilated.

Construction data including materials and fabric heights, lengths and widths are entered into
the software as templates which automatically calculates the data necessary for determining
dynamic heat losses and gains to the space. Simultaneously, the templates also include
internal heat gain data which is combined with solar gain loads which are determined from
geometric and building orientation information. Construction information enables the software
to factor the damping influence of the fabric into the dynamic effect of solar gains. Heat losses,
gains, space temperatures, annual loads and other factors are available from the software

It should be noted that dynamic simulation modelling, despite its powerful mathematical
capability is considered to have some inherent simplifications are identified in CIBSE manual
TM54 (Cheshire et al., 2013b):
 Simplified approach for the heat flow through the ground floor slab with an assumed
ground temperature
 Assumption that U values are static, when they are actually dynamic and change with
temperature and other climatic conditions
 The use of standard weather sets based on historic weather data, which will be
different from the conditions in any given year that the building is operating.

The use of dynamic simulation modelling (DSM), like all design methods relies on accurate
data upon which to determine outputs. Capable designers should be sufficiently competent to
input reasonably representative design values for temperature, insulation, air change rates,
internal heat gains etc. They should be experienced enough appreciate the levels of accuracy
this kind of input data will generate, knowing that actual designs need to be practical given
that actual building services engineering systems will not be operating under laboratory

However, DSM’s also require input data regarding occupancy, hours of operation and
schedules for particular usage of office machinery. For current case study although plant
operational times are programmed into the building management system, controls can bring
plant on line during non-occupancy periods. This occurs where outside temperature conditions
could create frost damage internally, or else to reduce the energy needed to bring internal
conditions to comfort levels during morning start-up. This facility has been incorporated into
the simulation model. The operating temperature for different zones in the case study has
been presented in Appendix B and overnight temperature is maintained at lower temperature
of 100C and if the room temperature dropped below this the heating will operate.

These factors can have significant effects on calculated annual loadings, particularly if
excessive margins are applied. Despite its critical nature, unlike some other forms of data, this
information is not easily available from databases or design guides. To obtain an
understanding of how, when, and for how long the building and associated plant will operate,
designers need to interrogate clients, building users and their agents. This is not a
straightforward task. For new buildings there is an element of predicting the future. Although
for existing buildings occupants and facilities managers can be helpful, it is unlikely that
compiling historical data on building use has had a high priority. Ideally this kind of could be
logged automatically by means of a building management system.

4. Results& Discussions
The initial result of TM54 estimate for different energy uses is presented in Table1. The effect
of energy use by other equipment is, in this case significant but may not be typical and other
equipment of the Lab and workshop, small power and lighting consumes significant amount
of energy while other uses showed relatively low consumption.

4.1 Display Energy Certificates and Benchmarks

Comparing the initial TM54 energy estimates with the annual mechanical and electrical energy
use (reported in Display Energy Certificates) indicates a gap in both cases between the
estimate and the energy use recorded on DEC’s (Figure 3),
 Electrical energy use rang between + 274% to +175% of estimated value
 Gas energy use range between +214% to +147% of estimated value
Min et al (2016) note that the phrase “performance gap” is normally applied to the difference
between design and actual energy use for new buildings and that that it is unclear how this
phenomenon is described for existing buildings but suggest that “FM gap” may be a more
appropriate term.

Recorded electricity use shows a reduction in the period since DEC’s were introduced.
However, gas usage has not demonstrated a definite trend either way but varies from year to
year. Further investigation into these figures revealed that energy for this building has not
been individually metered. The workshops are located within a campus set-up and space-
heating, primary heating for domestic hot water and electrical energy are generated centrally.
Low pressure hot water is generated in a boiler house some distance from the workshop and
electrical energy is obtained from the campus high voltage ring main. For both energy sources
metering occurs upstream and therefore figures for annual energy use (DEC’s) in the
workshop must therefore be calculated or inferred. The Carbon Trust (2012) consider that
“insufficient means of measuring and managing” energy in operational buildings is one of the
reasons why building performance falls short of design intent. However the Carbon Trust also
identifies other likely causes. These include poor commissioning and the inability of facilities
managers to operate the building optimally. There is a logical relationship between inadequate
commissioning at handover and limitations to what facilities managers can achieve post

Perhaps the major finding from investigating electrical and gas use at the engineering
workshops was that monitoring of where and how much energy is used for this building has
historically had a low priority in this organisation. This is illustrated by the metering strategy,
or lack of it. But it should not be forgotten that the primary function of this facility is to contribute
to student education and research. It is important that this is primary organisational function is
recognised because this is the driving force that identifies the major responsibilities of the
teaching and support staff, including the facilities managers. This management strategy may
be related to why the energy supplies to this building are not metered, though it is more likely
that those responsible for managing energy presently were not involved at the design stage
for this building. Given the prevalence of existing buildings over new, many FM’s must cope
with a legacy of problems that were created when designer and constructors operated in an
era when there was much less awareness of environmental issues and statutory regulations
set lower standards for energy performance.

However, if TM54 values are compared with published benchmarks, the situation is somewhat
different. The graph below (Figure 4) illustrates how the TM54 estimate compares with
benchmarks from three CIBSE publications.

In all three cases, the TM54 figure exceeds the benchmark figure. The TM54 estimate is based
on more specific building and occupancy information in comparison to the benchmark data
which must use, by definition, typical values. Although this process should benefit from this

more closely related data, incorrect information about occupancy levels and equipment
operation schedules can have substantial effects on both software and long-hand calculations.

4.2 Sensitivity analysis

In order to provide some context in which to frame the energy estimate uncertainties related
to the case study different possible scenarios have been considered. These uncertainties have
been assessed individually based on:
a. Change in operational hours and impact on total energy consumption (Figure 5)
b. Change in operational hours for the lift, small power, machinery and building working hours
(Figure 6)
c. A one hour shutdown during the daytime for heating, cooling, small power and machinery
(Figure, 6)
d. Application of weather data based on predicted climate change effects. (Figure, 6)
e. Boiler efficiency (Figure, 6)

If the results of the calculations (before scenarios are applied) are considered to be optimistic,
then it is informative to examine the results from a low end scenario. Similarly, where the case
study figure is pessimistic, a high end scenario offers perspective. For the case study, high-
end and low-end scenarios were calculated by manipulating the variables listed in the previous
Figure 5 illustrates the effect of different building operational hours on gas and electricity use.
A low end scenario would reduce the consumption by only 2% and 47% for gas and electricity
while the higher estimate sees energy consumption by increase by 3% and 24%. The impact
of varying operational hours on the range of different energy uses within the building is also
illustrated in terms of high and low scenarios in Figure 6.

A sensitivity analysis for the case study building is graphically demonstrated in Figure 7. This
chart shows the varying proportions of building energy streams under different scenarios.
It can be seen from the diagram that some of the proposed parameters have significant effects
on calculated energy use. For example a 4% change in boiler efficiency make a very small
difference in overall energy use (only 4% reduction), whereas reducing the operating hours
(during day time) by one hour per day provides an 10% reduction. The relationship between
the varied operational factors and their effect on energy use suggests some guidance in
comparing future energy use predictions. These are:
o The importance of reviewing the assumptions with the prospective operators
o The importance of only presenting the results alongside the assumptions that used to
generate the results.

o The value of carrying out an evaluation of estimated energy use in order to identify
where to focus attention

Furthermore, the potential impact of weather conditions on the estimate can be tested. For the
case study building the DMS was run with CIBSE future weather data (UKP02) scenarios for
2020 High Greenhouse emissions scenarios (CIBSE, 2009) in order to explore how increase
temperatures will affect energy use. For the case study, there was 8% reduction in the heating
energy use and 6% increase in cooling energy use.

5. Conclusions

An ideal method for managing energy in buildings would begin at feasibility stage and would
be a critical element in planning for design, installation and operation. Metering and logging
would feature heavily and data quality parameters would be focussed on ensuring that the
information gathered was accurate, up to date, representative and of practical value. This
method would be incorporated into a management system in which data was assessed which,
where necessary initiated appropriate action. For a great many buildings, particularly older
constructions this is not the case and facilities managers must determine and infer energy
performance from imperfect information.
This paper has considered how the energy performance of an existing building could be
analysed using the typical data sources which are available to facilities managers. These data
sources tend to be utility meter readings, DEC’s, and a schedule of operational hours. In this
case the meter readings, and consequently the DEC’s, must have been based on estimates
since neither electricity nor gas for this building was directly metered. The paper recognises
the difficulties facing many facilities managers who carry operational energy responsibility for
design decisions they had no part in, and whose day-to-day priorities often place energy
considerations below other business requirements. In this scenario, the availability of utility
bills etc. tend to be a blunt instruments in that they do not provide sufficiently specific

The TM54 process has been developed by CIBSE as a design method which can help to
eliminate or reduce the gaps between actual and predicted building energy use. This paper
proposes that by applying the TM54 process to an existing building improved operational
energy management can be achieved. For the case study building energy estimates were
compared with utility bill information and benchmarks. These comparisons have exposed
discrepancies which indicate that the present level of data is not satisfactorily accurate.
However, energy use has been broken down under individual areas of use which means that
instead of judging building performance against overall annual gas and electricity totals,

energy can be monitored more specifically. It is not proposed that this technique can be
developed in one session, but that its application over several heating and cooling seasons
can enable initial approximations to be fine-tuned. By monitoring the energy used by lights,
small power, lifts, heating etc. targets can be produced which, when compared with actual
energy use will indicate how that particular energy stream is performing. It can also signal
where faults have developed and when servicing is required.

By linking a design method to a system of post occupancy energy analysis, this paper sets
out a strategy for developing an effective energy management system which may be
particularly useful for existing buildings in which metering and measurement apparatus is not
present. The case study building featured in the report is an extreme example of this kind of
situation in that neither gas nor electricity supplies were metered. It is unlikely that the
suggested strategy will yield immediate benefits but if it is applied over a suitable period valid
and results can be obtained.


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Figure 1: Methodology for evaluating energy used in the design using TM54 estimate (Cheshire et al.,

Figure 2: IES-VE model

Electricity Gas
TM54 estimate

Advisory Rep.-2014










0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Energy consumption (KWh/m2)

Figure 3: Annual energy consumption data from DEC’s

Annual energy consumption (KWh)








TM54 estimate CIBSE Guide F-Typical CIBSE Guide F-Good CIBSE TM46
practice practice

Gas Electricity

Figure 4: Annual energy consumption in the building compared to standards benchmarks, CIBSE TM
46 (Field et al., 2008) and CIBSE Guide F (Wright et al., 2013)

235 300

Annual Consumption (KW.h/m2)

High end
Annual consumption (kwh/m2)

High end 250


200 Likely

225 Likely

220 Low end Low end


215 50
Gas Electricity

Figure 5: TM54 estimate for Gas and electricity due to change in the operation hours

Figure 6: Impact of change in building operation hours on different consumptions using TM54 (error
bar shows high end, low end)


Annual consumption (KW.h/m2)

Heating and hotwater (gas)

Other equipmet
Small power

100 Server
Fans, pumps, control

TM54 Estimate 2020 weather data 7am-7pm operation Improve boiler
(1 less hour per day) efficiency

Figure 7: Comparison between different operation conditions in the building using TM54

Table 1: Annual Energy Use Estimate (TM 54)

Service Fossil (kWh) Electricity (kWh) Total (kWh)

Lighting 28,650.19
Lifts 144.35
Small power 45,796.83
Server rooms 17,607.60
Domestic hot water 7,761.60
Other equipment 236, 934.81
Space heating 350,630.2
Space cooling 3352.9
Fans, pumps, controls and auxiliary 4358.8
358,391.80 335,409.88 629, 520.6

Appendix A: Building operation hours and total power for different equipment and services for the
actual estimate

Operation time Total Power (Watt)

Light 8 hrs daylight time usage and 4hrs non- daylight 7889
time usage )@ 48 weeks* 5days
Small power:
Computers 8hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days with sleep mode hrs 150 for number of 37
Screens 8hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days with sleep mode hrs 45 for a number of 37
Printer 3hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days with sleep mode hrs 320
Photocopier 3hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days with sleep mode hrs 1100
Scanner 3hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days with sleep mode hrs 1100
Coffee/vend 3hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days with sleep mode hrs 120 for a number of 2
Fridge 24 hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days with sleep mode hrs 350 a number of 2
Microwave 3hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days with sleep mode hrs 800 a number of 2

Other Equipment

Fume Cupboards 3hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days 1500

Workshop 1 machineries 3hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days 64325.56
Workshop 2,3 3hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days 94927.04
machineries machineries
Lab1 3 hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days 49961.6
Lab2 3 hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days 54957.76
Special teach 3 hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days 61827.48
Toaster 2 hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days 1.5
Kettle 3.5 hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days 1.5
Hand dryer-Toilets 3.5 hrs@ 48 weeks* 5days 1.5
Server Rooms 3 servers for 365 days@24hrs 1000
Lift 6 times per month@ 48 weeks* 5days 344
Hot water 8 litres per person for 63 occupants -
@48 weeks* 5days
Space heating 7pm-7pm (Oct-April) -
Space cooling 7pm-7pm (June-August) -
Occupancy 63 person distributed at different density

Appendix B:

Location Operative Temperature

Circulation area 200C
Food preparation area 200C
Workshops 190C
Labs 190C
Offices 200C
Toilets 200C


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