Science545 2851

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the initiation of the gametophyte generation in Pteridophyta

thermometry. He experimented with an air-thermometer, in

case. An important step in this direction was taken in 1896,

surrounding country, which produces timber, lime, cotton,

Epirus and Macedonia by Demetrius the son of Antigonus. He

much-discussed bull Laudabiliter is, however, not genuine.

unscrupulous of Peter's servants; but terrorized though he

Liverpool, F.O. Cont. papers. Congress Paris, Castlereagh, 22.

the same zones are repeated over a considerable area. The

B.V.M. The Blessed Virgin Mary.

(2) Expedition against the Jowaki Afridis of the Bori villages in

man with another instinct--that of sociability. When men are

chiefly of Jurassic and Triassic beds, but it is the Trias

Karl Rembert, Die Wiedertaufer in Herzogtum Julich

natural processes, so far as we can apprehend them at all, into

Himyaritic, which is the most archaic member of the Semitic

already mentioned he published papers on the ship-worm, the

which AEthelstan and his brother Edmund were completely

slips were thrown down promiscuously on a white cloth. whence

are the remains of the medieval settlement of Polystylon.

is a handsome building and contains the tomb of Floris

(3) df = k1dn1 + k2dn2.

process. The desirable effects produced by alcohol on

valley was Banks, while Fremont threatened him from West

whence expeditions were made for the capture of the giant

-9 deg. 0.0 0.0 0.0 +0.070

was printed at Rome in Tamil character in 1798. An edition

the fictitious pressmark of Luneberge, to avoid suspicion),

is agreeably versified and relatively pure in its latinity.

suggestion, that the Persians should not again invade Greece,

is separated from the stalk-cell, so that unless it be

the courts of equity will. This is so in Alabama (Brady v.

that there was a distinct class of the public land which was

importance. In November of the same year Simpson announced

vane meant that the boat, and not the wind, had altered its

bureau of construction after consultation with the bureau of

sultanates had been seized by Portugal, Mozambique being

Surveys, &c. (Washington, 1879); Charles Rau, The Palenque

khinjak, Arbor-vitae, juniper, with species of Astragalus,

was rather won as a statesman in the closing years of his

These ranges contain remarkable rock formations, towers,

bearing white hairs, the other parts remaining apparently

Carolina, 314%; in five counties of South Carolina, 134%; in

that period was introduced by Jethro Tull, a gentleman of

Above 300 '' 18,787 3.61 18,084 3.54

2. On the 24th of April 1748 a congress assembled at

them are employed in the telegraph service across the Arabian

V. Wilcox, Farm Animals (New York, 1907). (W. Fr.; R. Tr.)

to a Nabataean prince, who murdered him and sent his head to

II. CHLOROPHYCEAE.--This group includes those algae in which

analyses. Confirmation was given by E. Frankland in 1883,

paid a large rent (Cic. de leg. Agr. i. 7. 21). Appian's

carried. One hundred rounds of the Martini-Henry ammunition

1887 he also edited for the United States Bureau of Education

of Kent during the lifetime of his father AEthelwulf, and

important station. No written document relating to Alcester

potent influence on the course of the Reformation. When the

derived from isoquinoline are known. The purely chemical

extend, their freedom of self-government, based on charters

should be diminished. Education should be on broader, more

by peculiarities of temperament and incompatibility with

treaty of Prenzlau in 1472 he brought Pomerania also under his

Natural Soda.--This is the term applied to certain

reader in a pretty combination of kindly realism and reticent

The emperor Vespasian attempted to reclaim for the state small

few minutes suffice; at the end, many hours are required.

to wear cloaks when they go abroad, but especially on Sundays.

duty, which is chargeable on the measure or weight of


advertisements are relegated to a position and a scope, in

1473, is now very rare. The college of St Clement at Bologna

Turkish empire with Russia. This mission was succeeded by many

ordinand's head with the words, "Take the amice, which symbolizes

Aegium to discuss the league's policy and elect the federal

synonymous with Tychism (tuchu, chance), a term used by

completely destroyed by earthquake in 1856. A new town

4), having accidentally seen Artemis (Diana) on Mount Cithaeron

in Protestant Popery; or the Convocation (1718), an attack

L. Laelius, Legio, Lex, Libens, Liber, Libra, Locus, Lollius,

with precipitous sides, and these early citadels became in many

Persian army encamped on the plains to the east. To cut

horizontally to the left in front of the aorta and vena

Arnawai valley to the north; along this water-divide it extends

of the most remarkable, as he is one of the most picturesque,

peninsula of Gallipoli. The greater part of ths trough is

by Schulthess, was edited by J. C. Orelli, Zurich, 1824; and

Siberia, in the Maritime Province. The gulf extends from Cape

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