Light Lesson 1

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LIGHT – Lesson 1

Class VIII ,UNIT III , Second Semester

• We ‘see’ a lot of things around us on a daily basis. But how are we
able to do so? You might answer saying it is because of our eyes. Isn’t
it? And you aren’t wrong. But is it just the eyes? What about the
light? Light bounced back from the things around us and enabled us
to see things . This phenomenon is known as ‘Reflection of Light’.
• What is Reflection of Light?
• When a ray of light falls on any object (polished, smooth, shiny ,
rough or unpolished), light from that object bounces back those rays
of light to our eyes and enables us to look at the world around us, and
this is known as “Reflection of Light”.
This phenomenon is what enables us to look at the world around us .
Types of Reflection

Smooth Rough surface

surface like like a table
plane mirror


Types of Reflection:
There are two types of reflection :
a. Regular reflection:
Regular reflection is the reflection of rays of light such that a parallel
beam of light is reflected back as a parallel beam of light . This type of
reflection causes the formation of an image. In such a type of
reflection, the rays of light are reflected from a smooth and polished
surface such as a plane mirror.
b. Diffused/ Irregular Reflection:
• Diffused/Irregular reflection is the reflection of rays of light such that
a parallel beam of light is reflected back as a non-parallel beam of
light. This type of reflection does not form an image.
• In such a type of reflection, rays of light hit a rough and unpolished
surface and are reflected back such that the reflected rays scatter in
all directions.
• Hence, irregular reflection is also known as scattering .
An image is formed when two or more reflected
rays meet or appear to meet .
Types of image-
1. Real image - A real image is formed when two or more reflected
rays actually meet.

2. Virtual image – A virtual image is formed when two or

more reflected rays appear to meet.
Difference between real and virtual image

Real image Virtual image

• A real image is formed due to • A virtual image is that image which is
actual intersection of reflected or formed when the light rays coming from
an object do not actually meet, but
refracted rays. appear to meet when produced
• A real image can be obtained on backwards.
the screen. • These images cannot be obtained on the
• The real image is always inverted. • The virtual image is always erect.
• The common example of real • The common example of virtual image is
image is the image formed on the the image formed in the mirror when we
cinema screen. stand in front of that mirror.
Laws of Reflection of Light state that :
a. The angle of incidence is always equal to the angle of reflection.

b. The incident ray, the normal at the point of incidence and the
reflected ray, all lie in the same plane.
A plane mirror is a mirror with a flat reflecting
Uses of Plane Mirror :
1. They are used as looking glass.
2. They are used in solar cookers.
3. They are also used periscope.
4. They are also used to make kaleidoscope.
5. They are used to create an illusion of space.
Image formation of point object in a plane
Image formation of a finite object in a plane
Characteristics of image formed by a plane
• Revise the lesson.
• To be done in hard copy or P.C.
Q.1 Fill in the blanks :
iii. Real images are formed _____on the screen.
iv. A plane mirror is a mirror with a ___________ reflecting surface.
To be done in portfolio
Q.9 State the laws of reflection of light.
Q.17 If the incident ray is normal to the reflected ray, then find the
angle of incidence and angle of reflection.
Q.18 If the angle of incidence is 70°, then find the angle of reflection.

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